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(;ramal\tical introduction



LU-NDOX: Printed for the Editor by Theo. May, 138 Tanners Hill. S Copies can be obtained at the (>kfici:.s ok THE BRITISH NORTH BORNEO COMP.WV.

15 Leadenhall Street, EC. and at Sandakan


(Ail lights reservedJ CCKA.tSUU^UM

I CxvV


The whole of the Suh'i portion of this worlv is

•original. It is the result of the labour of my late hrother Audson, who devoted much time to the

study of several native dialects dui'ing the thirteen

years he resided in the Island of 8ulu and various

parts of Malaya. That he attained an unusual

proficiency in the Sulu and Malay languages is well

known, and his voluminous notes in my possession

.are evidence of the careful iiivestigation which he

l)estowed upon the Sulu l)ef(^re placing it against

its English and Mala}' equivalents. All the in-

accuracies and literary imperfections to be met with in these pages are attributable to my short-

comings; however, as I did not undertake the editing

of this volume from choice, but from a sense of

duty, I trust to the indulgence of critics and those

for whose benefit it is intended. The idiomatic

Phrases and Sentences have been constructed to

employ nearly every Sulil word in the vocabulary. 500978 PKEFACE.

The Author's object in adding Malay, to what lie originally designed as a Siild work only, was to ac- celerate the further fusion of two dialects which have so much affinity and which will make the language of North Borneo the English of the farther East. I have to acknowledge my indebtedness to

Marsden's Dictionary of the Malay Language, and to Maxwell's Manual of the Mala}- Language for material and information which have aided me in constructing the Malay part of the Introduction.

Eroni a small Sulu vocabulary,* by my esteemed friend Mr. Thomas Henry Haynes, I have adopted a few nautical terms.


Hurst Villa, ]jrockley. London, S.E.

Septeml)er 19th, lH<):-i.

IvJoTE. —:Mr. Andson Cowie died in Arbroath, Scotland, February 29th, 1888, at the early age of thirty-two.

* The vocabulary referred to was edited by the Honble W. E. Maxwell, C.M.G., and printed by the Straits Branch of the Asiatic Society for circulation amongst its members. CONTENTS

Preface V Orammatical Introduction, etc. The Siilu People it Language IX

Instructions foL' Pronunciation X

Nouns . XIII

Adjectives. . XATII Xuiiierals XX

Pronouns . XXIV Verbs .XXVII Adverbs XL

Prepositions .. XLII

Conjunctions , . XLV

Interjections .. XLVI

Particles . XLVI Orthography XLVI II English-Sulu-Malay' Vocabulary 1 English-Sulu Phrases

Tables, etc. : — Bank and Forms of Address... •2:u Points of the Compass 2(50

Periods of Time •i(Jl

Hours of Prayer ...... 2()-2

Days of the Week ... 2r)8 Months of the Year... CONTENTS.

Fire-arms, Weapons, S:c. •2()4 Names of Gongs 2(57 Currency in Membong •2()S. Currency in Sandakan 2().s- Currency in Jolo •2(5'.' Pearl AYeight 2(')ii Avoirdupois AYeiglit 270

Measure of Capacity (Dry) .. 270 Long or Cloth Measure 271

Names of Various Bananas . 272

Treaty between England and Brunei in English and Malay 27H Malay Poem 2SH INTRODUCTION.

The Siilii language is formed chiefly from Bisaya and Malay. Its similarity to hoth, in grammatical construction, is very marked, yet the distinction colloquially is most remarkable. It is spoken by all the natives of the Siilu and Tawi-Tawi archi- pelagoes, and by a very considerable portion of the inhabitants of Magindano, Palawan, Balabac, Basilan, North Borneo, Darvel Bay and the adjacent Islands, extending southward as far as Cape Kanyongan, including the State of Balongan. These places, at one time, were all tributory to the Chief termed the Sultan of Sulu. They have been described by Burbridge, in his Gardens of the Sun, as "Beauty spots of the Eastern Seas, . . . " blessed the heat and of eternal with glory summer ; " warmed by perpetual sunshine, deluged by copious " and thrilled . . . rains, by electricity ; enormous " conservatories of rare birds and curious animals ; " where man is the Adam of a modern Eden, primi- " tive in habits, and numerically insignificant."

The Sulu nobility all write with a certain amount of facility. Like the Malays, they have adopted the Arabic character with certain modifications. They, however, always employ bm'is or signs to assist them A c «

X INTEODUCTION. in distinguishing their vowels, whereas the Malays

.generally leave them out. The Sulii people are a bold, fearless race, and, up to a very recent date, were most notorious pirates. In tlieir lovely isles they lived compara- tively contented until their ancient enemies the Spaniards gained a footing amongst them. Now all is changed ! Spanish rule is hateful to them and many are leaving the Sulii archipelago for British North Borneo. In time they should make valuable subjects to the Chartered Company, but, whilst taming, they will require ver}^ careful treatment. The primary object of this work is to assist the Europeans of North Borneo in acquiring a know- ledge of Siilu to enable them to converse with the Siiliis in their own dialect rathei' than through the medium of Malay, which, although understood by many, is still a foreign language to them. The advantage to those already conversant witli Malay in having the Malay equivalent of each Siilii word in juxtaposition is obvious. The system of orthography adopted is similar to that employed by Marsden in his Dictionary of the Malay language. INSTRUCTIONS FOR PRONUNCIATION.

Vowels to be Pronounced : —

(7 a in e. old. as jar, father; g., sdh, w'rong ; mas, a like the above but shorter.

i^ as e in prey; e. g., pcla, how much or liow many; viamPla, to ieW.


•e as e in let e. from ; j^., dicn, ; shega, begone.

7 i in as fatigue, marine; e. g., hi, to buy; pitg-bl, to sell.

i as i in ])ig, bid, bit; e. g., tFihig, water; hlblcl,


(7 as o in go; e. g., agdug, a gong; ma-tog, to

sleep, o like the above but shorter.

il as u in blue; e.g., hagfi, new; hutang.

II like the above but shorter.

.11 as u in but, pug, mug; e. g., pug-daiau-i to mend or to repair ; miig-dlliil, give. h as u in gude (Scotch), siiden (German), svir

excessive 7i of (French); e.g., ^/>(Z, ; »/«/?, place

abode; bnkiiii it is not; hf(, yes. It has no equivalent in English. DiPTHONGS.

ai as the vowels in lie; e. g., ^)«i, paddy, lantai,

floor; ,soZ>rt/', essential.

/:iii as the in to ow now, bow ; e.g., kdhaii,

buffalo; .sa6rt», sauce ; adlau, diQ,y.

oi similar to oy in annoy; e. g., hahoi, pig; haloi, a to run mat ; pdgoi, away,

ei as the ie in die or ye in dye; e. g., pandei (M.), clever; pakei (M.), to dress. Consonants.

The consonants h, ch, g, Ji, j, k, I, in, n, ng,p, r,

-s, sJi, t, V, 70, are, with the following exceptions, to be pronounced as they are in English: — ch always to be pronounced like ch in chain, XII INTEODUCTION.

church; e. g., cJnlcJulJx a key; chaka]), ready. The hard sound of ch as in character is repre- — sented by k, as kalachucho, cartridge. / There is no sound equivalent to f in Biihi, and in all words borrowed from Malay the f has been " " into e. fikir into to think ; changed p ; g., jnJiil, " " " " fakir into 'pakll, a medicant; faidah into-

jycddah, advantage. like in g should always be pronounced g gap ;

e. border for g., hegad, ; dagfoug, bamboo water to follow. carrying ; dgad, The sound of g as in sage is represented by j as^ be awake mitg-jdga, to watch or ; 2)anji, flag.

li like the k in Malay is almost mute when it is the final letter of a word but otherwise it is

always strongly aspirated.

A: should be pronounced like k in kick, stick; it m never mute, as it is in Malay, when the final

e. dollars or letter of a word ; g., pcJah, silver,

a/rt to money; A', arrack ; sfiaUilx, %\\oui; mam- to find. aliilx, to pay respect ; hah, or end of a iig whether at the beginning word

has the same sound as ng in sting; e. g., mangi,

wicked; ingan, name; p)Cui-iiujan-an, to ^iy\e; hangun, to rise.

like s in see e. iron s to be pronounced ; g., hclsJ, ; rice bugas, ; diighus, appearance. V is used only once in the Siilu, namelj^ in the

word asJvl, small. In the Malay, v is not used. INTRODUCTION. XIII OF GRAMMAR. The grammar of the Siihi language is very similar to that of the Malay.*


Nouns, both in Malay and Siilii, undergo no change to indicate number, gender, or case. NUMBEE.

Number, when not sufficiently clear in the context, " is denoted By the use of separate words expressive of plurality and singularity"—as, ma-ta iid, msbiiy; some —or numerals. It is also manga, ; by specific sometimes the of the noun expressed by duplication ;

•e. g., bdtu, stone; hdtu-hdtu, stones.

The particle ma as prefixed to adjectives, in the

Siilu, signifies intensity of their power. In some instances when it precedes certain nouns it denotes plurality; e. g., in kuda, the horse; i)i ma JcRra, the horses. Gender.

Differences in the sexes are, with two or three denoted the following words exceptions,— by expressive of the sex : SuLU. Malay.

Usog, male Laki-laki, male Bahai, female Perampuan, female The above should always be applied to persons, but may be applied to animals. The following should be applied to animals only:- Mandangan, male Jantan, male

* All the examples not in italics are Malay. XIV INTKODUCTION

Omagak, female Betina, female

The exceptions are mostly titles, as— Junjong-an, Sultan. Pangl-an, Sultana. Dayang, Lady. Tnan,- Sir or Mr. Cases of Nouns. Both in Sulu and Malay the modifications of the sense, as in English, are expressed by prepositions :- English. Sulu. Malay.

To pa ka, kapada, sema For Ian akan

With ihan denofan At ha di

From dien-ha deri-pada By dien-pa lilih Examples.

Pa hdi, to a house.

Dien ha hdi, from a house.

Ha hdi, at a house.

Ha giiali hdi, out of a house. Ha tds hdi, on top of a house.

Ha siim hdi, beneath a house.

Kan Allah tadla, unto God.

Ihan tdhang sin\ nah'i, with the help of the prophet.. Where the noun is the subject of an action, a pre-

is not e. — position generally required ; g.

Soh-a in hdyu, light the fire.

* " " In the Malay, Tuan under certain conditions can be applied to women, f Sin = of the.


Tigbak kaJiOi, cut the wood. Ma-mela kdhoi, fell the tree. Lesag agong, beat the gong.

The possessive or gentive case, in the Sulii, is expressed as follows : — 1. By placing the possessive adjunct kan before the noun, as—

Kan hat, of the house. Kan Sultan, the Sultan's.

Kan kapal, of the ship. Kan palentah, of the government. 2. By inserting the word sin (of the) between the subject of possession and the possessor, the noun to be last as— denoting the possessor always placed ; Sdia sin saga, brightness of the sun. Ka-atds-an sin had, the height of the hills.

3. Simply by position, the noun, which signifies

the possessor, to come immediately after the subject of * as— possession ; Ata lanang, good belonging to the Chinese. Kura Ddtoh, the Datoh's horse.

The genitive or possessive case, in the Malay, is

expressed in two forms : — 1. By employing the possessive adjunct "punya" after the noun, as—

Sultan piinya, the Sultan's. Eumah punya, of the house. Parentah punya, belonging to the government

Kapal punya, of the ship.

* In the Sulu this method is less frequently employed. XVI. INTEODUCTION.

" the of 2. By position, the word denoting subject denotes the possession always preceding that which " possessor; as— Chaya mata hari, brightness of the sun. Ka-tinggi-an biikit, height of the hills. The use of the Malay "punya" should be employed only when absolutely necessary. For instance, it is more idiomatic to say "kiida Sultan" than "Sultan piinya kiida" (the Sultan's horse). " of nouns is The only changes, to which the form as deri- subject, are those which they undergo vatives." This applies to both dialects. Derivative nouns or substantives are formed from or certain primitive words by prefixing affixing par- suffix are ticles; and frequently both prefix and employed in constructing a derivative noun.

They are formed : — 1. From nouns by prefixing ka and an to the also an as— radical ; and by affixing only, Ka-raja-an, royalty Eaja, King Ka-datoh-an, royal Datoh, Prince

0-an, pillow 0, head Duru-an, wet-nurse Duruh, breast

2. From adjectives by prefixing ka and affixing also a7i as— an ; and by affixing only, Ka-rendah-an, lowness Eendah, low Ka-mati-an, death Mati, dead Manls-an, sweetmeats Manis, sweet

Ka-sipiig-an, nakedness S'lpug, ashamed Ka-taur-an, multitude Taud, many INTRODUCTION. XVII

Sdh-coi, penalty Sdh, wrong

3. (i.) From verbs by prefixing Jca and affixing cin to the radicals, as—

Ka-larl-an, flight Larl, to run Ka-nanti-an, expectation Nanti, to wait

Ka-pagoi-an, flight Pagoi, to run Ka-tagad-an, expectation Tagad, to wait

(ii.) From verbs by prefixing />« (M. "pe") and

-affixing a)i, as— Pe-kirim-an, a messenger Kirim, to send Pe-karja-an, performance Karja, to work

Pa-tug-an, sleeping-place Tdg, to sleep Pa-ma igOh-an, a bath Maigok, to bathe

(iii.) From verbs by prefixing piig (M. "per" or

**pel") and affixing a)i, as—

Pel-ajar-an, a school Ajar to learn Per-mandi-an, a bath MandT, to bathe Pug-hhiang-an, work Hlnang, to work Piig-haijad-an, payment Bayad, to pay (iv.) From verbs by prefixing pen, pern, and peng, which are all adopted from the Malay, as— Pen-chui-I, a thief Churl, to steel Pem-bayar, payment Bayer, to pay Pen-akau, a thief Takau, to steal Pem-hiinoh, a murderer Banoli, to kill Also—

Peng-gah, a spade Gah, to dig Peng-liat-an, sight Liat, to see

Pang-Ua-han, sight KUa, to see

Si-slpah, wicker ball Slpak, to kick II. ADJECTIVES.

Adjectives, both in Siilii and Malay, have no case- forms, no gender-forms, and no number-forms. The changes they midergo in the formation of abstract nomis have already been noticed. In simple con- follow their Substantive struction they generally ;. as—

Hari raya, a festival day.

Kuda putih, a white horse.

Kapal ma-tds, a lofty ship. Tdu mangi, a bad person. Mangi ka-snddli-an* a bad end. " But, when a quality is predicated of a noun, or in other words, when in the corresponding English phrase the verb substantive intervenes, the qualitive is made to precede the noun, although the verb is not necessarily expressed," as— Kechil nhnah saya, my house is small. Baik orang itu, that man is good. Aslv'i ill bdi sin patek, my house is small. Maraiau tdu leu, that man is good.

Ma-putih in kura sin Idja, the horse of the King

is white.

Adjectives may be formed from substantives by " " prefixing the particles niig (Siilu) and ber (Malay) as—

* There are many such exceptions in the Sulu. INTRODUCTION. XIX

Ntig-hid-hid, feathered Bid-hid, feathers Ber-budI, wise BudI, wisdom Comparison of Adjectives.

The comparative degree is formed by means of the words lebih (more) and dieti or die?i-ha^' " " " (M. deri or deripada ") or by either of them

separately. Examples.

Lebih panas deri dahiihi, hotter than formerly.

Lebih manis deri-pada gula, sweeter than sugar.

Balk ini deri itu, this is better than that, lui-lah suchi deri-pada lain, this is cleaner than the other.

Lebih pdso dien tagnali, hotter than formerly.

Maimoh dien-ha sukal, sweeter than sugar. Maraiaii dl dien dun, better here than there.

Lebih viahonet Ini dien-ha ietii, this is more difficult than that.

The superlative degree, in the Sulu, is formed by placing the words tiid (most) ov paJcaraiau (very, ex-

cessively) after the positive. In the Malay, it is

formed (1) by prefixing the intensive particle "ter;"

{'I) by an adverb to which that particle can be pre- " " fixed either s'kali ; (3) by placing the word (en- " " tirely) or amat (exceedingly) after the adjective. Examples.

Ter-bersar, very great.

Ter-lebih tiiah, extremely old.

Putih s'krdi, perfectly white.

* Dien or dien-ha =: deri or deri-pada = than, from. XX INTEODUCTION.

Besar amat, exceedingly big.

Amu uii in viaraiau tucl, this is certainly the best.

In gahok tncl, the worst. Maraian pakaraiau, very good.

Maralau tiid, the best. Ma-tamholi pakaraiau, excessively fat. Positive. Comparative. Superlative. {English) Hot hotter hottest

(Siilii) Paso lehih paso ma-paso tud

(Malay) Pcinas lebih piinas panas s'kali

The ma prefixed to adjectives, in the Siilii, seems to be a contraction of the Sanscrit word maha (great), introduced through the Malay. It tends to intensify the power of those words with which it is employed. The duplication of adjectives increases their qualifying power. III. NUMEEALS.

The numerals in both dialects are very simple.

The cardinal numbers are : — English. INTRODUCTION. XXI

The term which represents ten, in the Sulii, is partly Bisaya and partly Malay; Jiang -=one, and poh is a contraction of "piiloh" (ten). From eleven to nineteen inclusive the nmnerals, in the Malay, are formed by addinc;; bias to the cardinals. It will be observed that they are formed in the

Siilu, by a different arrangement : — Eleven XXII INTKODUCTION.

IdfihcDi* INTKOUUCTION. XXIII — •denoniiiiatioii, proceed with equal ief;"ularity :

100 <(iig-(/dtus or ang-rfitiis sa-rntus

101 (Otg-rdtus-tug-lsa sa-ratiis satii

-til -lid )i 120 ,, ,, g aha sa'ratus dua puloh 200 dua ang-ratus diia ratus

rSOO to ang-ratus tiga ratus 400 npat ang-ratus ainpat ratus 500 I'nna ang-ratus iTnia ratus 1000 ang-lhu sa-ribu 1100 ang-lhu tug ang-ratus sa-sibu sa'ratus 10,000 sa-laksa sa-laksa

•20,000 (lua-Jaksa dua-laksa

100,000 hangpoh-laksa sa-puloh-laksa 1,000,000 ang-rdtus-laksa sa-ratus-laksa Ordinals.

In botli dialects, with one exception, ordinals are

formed by prefixing ka to the numerals as follows : — First ka-lsa pertama Second ka-dua ka-diia

Third - ka-td ka-tiga

Fourth ka-Opa t ka-ampat Fifth ka-hma ka-lima

Tenth ka-hangpoh ka-sa-piiloh

Twelfth ka-hangpoli-tug-dCia. ka-dua-blas Twentieth ka-kauhan ka-diia-puloh Hundredth ka-ang-rdtus ka-sa-ratus Thousandth ka-ang-ihu ka-sa-ribu

The words in (S.), "yang" (M.) placed l)efore

ordinals, etc., are used in the sense of the English definite article; as—"yang pertania," the first; m XXIV INTEODUCTION. ka-chla, the second. Fractional Numbers.

A quarter ang-iltrid sa'siiku A half ang slpak sa'tengah

Three-quarters in coig utud tiga per-ampat

Two-and-a-half ka-tu ang slpah tengah tiga IV. PE0N0UN8.

The pronouns of the First Person are : — English. Sulu. Malay.

(Singular) I, me aku, kii, 'pateh aku, ku, saya (Plural) We, us kdm'i, klta kami, kita " " " Kami and klia," in Borneo, are frequently em- ployed in a singular sense, therefore, the necessity sometimes arises of accentuating the plural. This is " " done, in the Malay, by adding the word Hrang

(people) to "kami" or "kita." In the Siilu it is done by the use of separate words expressive of plurality or by specific numerals but not by the word tdu, which, in other respects, is the equivalent of the " Malay word nrang." Aku is employed both by superiors and inferiors in Hiilu. In the Malay, it is generally employed b}^ superiors in addressing their inferiors or servants. " " Hamba (your slave, or, your servant), in the Malay, is frequently used in place of the pronouns of the First Person.

Pronouns of the Second Person :— English. Sulu. Malay.

(Singular) You, thou ekaii, kau, nio, angkau, kau

(Plural) Ye kamu kamu INTRODUCTION. XXY

" " Tuan and inclii are effectively employed as pronouns of the Second Person. The former is most commonly applied to Europeans and those natives who have made a pilgrimage to Mecca^ whilst tlie latter can be applied to any untitled native who holds a above his fellow-men. position — Pronouns of the Third Person : English. Sulu. Malay.

(Singular) He, she, it sia, >ti(( dia, iya

(Plural) They iiil((, .s//a* dia orang POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS.

In the Siilu personal pronouns are made ta assume the possessive form by prefixing kaii, ka, or " Jtut. In the Malay the word pilnya is added." Singular.

My, mine ka-aku, lani-pCitck saya pilnya Thy, thine ka)i-)tio, ka-niv angkau punya His, hers, its kati-sia, kan-itia dia pdnya Plural.

Ours kan-namu, ka-namu kita pun3^a

Yours - kai-mii kamu piinya Theirs ka-iiila, kan-sila dia urang piinya Personals also signify possession when they follow the word denoting the — object possessed. As sword ; hina hand pedang ku, my ku, my ;

asdwa sin tCiaii, your wife; slmiid nia, his or

her mouth; bill ku, my house; ki/ra )iiu, your

horse ; bdi kan-nia, his or her house.

*Nila and sila are also frequently employed in a


"This class may include not only demonstratives proper, Init also the definite articles, together with relatives and interrogatives, which, in these as in other languages, are for the most part the same words employed in a diiferent sense. They are " — enumerated as follows : 5ULU

. that which, those, who, the.

. that, those, the.

, this, these.

. what, which.

. who, whom, which.

. who, whom, which, what.

. self.

In the Malay, when the personal precedes the reflective pronoun this is changed Ijy prefixing "sin;" as—

]3ia sin-diri, lie himself.

Angkau sin-diri, you yourself. Hamba sin-dTri, I myself.

The demonstrative (adjective) pronouns geneially follow the word to which as— they belong ;

Tdii ten, that man or those men.

Bai nil, this house.

Orang itu, that man or those men.

Emnah ini, this house.

* " " Nen is aiK)ther form of 3'ang.

t /(/// and idiiii are other forms of /en. INTKODUCTION. XXVII v.—VEKBS. " The verb, in the same manner as the noun, may be distinguished into primitive and derivative.

The primitive verb is, in its original significa- tion, either transitive, as"— SuLU. Malay.

SagaiL tangkap ... to catch.

Lohak priknl ... to strike.

Or intransitive, as—

Paiiaio jalan ... to walk.

Tor/ tidor ... to sleep. " The derivative verb is either the primitive determined to a transitive or intransitive sense by the application of particles, or it is a verb constituted by means of those particles from other parts of speech, as nouns, adjectives and adverbs."

The following inseparable particles are signs of

—- the verbs which express action : SuLU. Malay. ma me Duoii mem

»ia)i men mang meng

The above are varieties of the same particle modi- fied to suit the initial letter of the primitive word.

The other Siilu inseparal)]e particles prefixed to

: — verbs are Pa, mug and )ntg.

The transitive suffixes are : — Sl'lu. Malay.

Han, ha, an, a, i kan, T. XXVIII INTRODUCTION

The followinf]^ examples of the appHcation of those

particles will give some idea of the formation of

derivative verbs : — SULU Malay.

Ma-kangi nie-rosak to spoil. Mam-hunoli mem-bimoh to kill. Nug-tamhal meng-utup to shut. Mucj-oirali nien-jamu to treat. Ma ng-amp an meng-ainpun to pardon. Lairag-a nien-chari to search. Niig-bdhl meng-Idup- to bring to life. Mag -hi ah it meng-ikat to bind. Nug-liOhus mena-abis to finish.

Ma-la rak-an niem-benasa-kan ... to destroy. Mavi-hfigad mem-bayer to pa3^ Pa patai-an lue-matl-kan to put to death.

Tagar-an me-nantl-kan to expect.

Held-i me-hela to pull. Jiimlah-a jumlah-i to reckon.

Primitive words beginning with t, s, p, or k either drop or change the initial letter when being modified

or determined into transitive verbs by the applica- tion of the particle man ("men"), or any of its modifications, as— SULU. Primitive. Derivative.

Tahang man-aba n;/ to assist. Savipai man-ampai to cause to arrive

Pcla mam-ela to fell.


Ber-anyut, to float or drift away. Ber-dlam, to keep silence. Ber-sinyilm, to smile. " '' The Siilii equivalents of these particles are iniig " * and iitig," as— SULU.

Miig-anad, to learn.

Miig-tindog, to stand up. Mug-hunoh, to go to war.

Miig-jpdgoi, to run away. Niig-anud, to drift or float away. Nug-diimaliong, to keep silence.

Niig-Jiuviaiani, to smile.

Mtig and niig coalesce with any of the letters of the alphabet. Tenses.

The tenses, where not implied or expressed by " some particular attribution of time," are formed by the aid of the auxiliaries (see paradigms, page xxxvi) and not bj^ any alteration in the form of the verb itself. " The Present implied : hamba llat," aJcu Ti'ita, " I see; mata harl naik," oniita siiga domag, the sun rises. " The Present expressed with precision : dia ada makan s'karang ini," sia ka-maun sin-hii-'ini, he or " she is eating now; pagi ini prau ber-layar," ?m Idyag in sakaian mahainat uii, this morning the vessel sails.

* to transitive verbs. Mug and iiug are also prefixed INTRODUCTION. XXXI

" Tlie Past is expressed by the words telah " " (past), and sudah (done), in the Mala}^; and hakas

(past) and Jidbns (done), in the Sulii. The Future, when not expresssed by some word or phrase to indicate futurity of time, is expressed " " in the Malay by the auxiharies nnui," handak," " " " '' nanti and in the mait buHh," and ; Suki by " " hayaJi," piig-pa,'' and gana-gana." The Passive Participle in the Malay is denoted " by the prefixed inseparable particle ter," the

Siilii equivalent of which is iiiig or iiiig-ka. The particle na also denotes the passive participle in the

Siiki. Malay. Sulu.

Ter-piikul nug-lohak ... struck.

Ter-tulis nug-ka-si'dat ... written.

Ter-pllih nug-ka-pilipih ... chosen. Participle Present. —Present continuity of action " " is often expressed by the words lagi," sambil," Isah, maien, &c., as—

Lfigi dcitang rcltang na Isab ... coming.

Lfigi tidor matog na Isah ... sleeping. Number and Person.

These distinctions do not apply to the Sulu and Mala}' verbs. Moods. " The moods of the verb may be ranked as follows, viz., the imperative, indicative or assertive, conditional and infinitive or indefinite, which admit, for the most part, of being expressed in the present^ XXXII INTKODUCTION. the and the future tenses past — or times." Imperative. To convey a command the simplest form of the verb is used, as — Malay. Sulu. English.

Bri dUiil gi^e. Makan ka-inaun eat.

Diiduk Ungkncl sit down. But, to emphasize an order or command the annexed transitive particles are frequently added to " the verb. The particles or expletives lah," tali or hah are also employed to emphasize a command. Examples. Malay. Sulu.

Lepas-kan anjing eg-i in erok ... let loose the


Piilang-kan mni senda ... return the

gadei pledge.

Marl lah dl na hah ... come here.

Bangun lah hangun tah ... waken, arise. When the pronoun of the second person accom-

the it should follow the — panies imperative, verb ; as Malay. Sulu.

Larl kamu dagan na hah Jcau ... run thou.

Jalan kam'orang panau na kamu ... march ye. " Indicative.— The indicative or assertive mood

partakes of the simple quality of the imperative, particularly in the first and second persons of the present tense," as— Malay. Sulu.

Aku mau mau hayah na aku ... I choose. INTKODUCTION. XXXIII

Haiijl);i jalan pcoiau ita (ihit* ... I walk.

Saya ininta iiriki, aku ... I ask.

Angkau kata long nut ... you say. " But it sometimes assumes both prefixed and annexed transitive and intransitive particles," as—

Hamba ber-kerim siirat Jni, I send this letter.

Saya me-nanti titah tiian, I wait your orders.

Pa-ra dkn in suhd 'ml, I send this letter.

Miig-tiigar-i aJcu ha f/taJt sin filaii, I wait your orders. And, in the third person it admits with greater ease the of those — application particles ; as

Dia ber-j;ilan dahiilu, he walks first. Dia mem-l)asoli tangan nia, he washes his hands. Anjing mem-buru rusa, the dog pursues the deer. Orang itu sudah mem-bjlyar utang nia, that man has paid his debts.

Sla niig-panaii lia una, he walks first. Sla nug-tlmnr-a in Ilnia nia, he washes hands. Ij'ok miig-panluit Rsa, the dog pursues the deer.

Tela laiui bakas nng-hdijad in ilta)ig nia, that man has paid his debts. " In the interrogative form of the indicative the personal is usually made to follow the verb," as— Apa kata kamu, what sayest thou ? Brfipa kurang kamu, how many do you want ? Ka-mana pergi kam'drang, whither are you going?

Uno long mu, what sayest thou? Pela in na knlang kamu, how many do you want? Pakaien na kamu, whither are you going?

In those examples the verb in the Suhi precedes the subject. XXXIV INTEODUCTION.

But they also say : —

Meng-apa kamu lari, why do you run ?

Di-mana angkau dapat itu, where did you get that ?

Malta kail pariol, why do you run? Hadien kau niig-hak lia ie», where did you get that? " In the assertive form the or nominative —agent usually precedes the verb," as Tiikang men-egga rumah, workmen build a house. Orang mem-Ikul baban, men carry burthens.

Ujan jatoh ka-dalam laiit, rain falls into the sea. Kapal ber-layer ka timor, the ship sails to the east- ward,

Tukang nug-haiigiDi hcii, workmen build a house. Tdu na ra habaJiait, men carry burthens.

Ulan na holog palimi dagat, rain falls into the sea. Kapal nug-layag pa tlmol,t\\e ship sails to eastward. " Conditional or Potential.— The rules which govern the assertive apply equally to the conditional or potential form, the word which precedes it in construction, and causes the verb to express a conditional or potential, instead of an assertive or positive sense, not affecting the application of the ' ' as— transitive or intransitive particles ; Malay. English.

Jeka tuan datang. If you come.

Kalau raja me-hirang. If the king forbids. Dapat kami ber-untong. Provided we are suc- cessful.

Sopaya jangan hamba That I may not incur

kena rugi. a loss. INTKODUCTION. XXXV

Agar sopaj'a anak iiia In order that his cliild- men-jcidi alini. ren may become learned. SuLU. English.

Bang tdan maka ratang. If you come.

Bang makaldng inlcija. If the king should for- bid.

Bang kdmi ni'ig-untong Provided we are suc- cessful.

Saguah aiaii aku niig- That I ma}^ not incur

lagl a loss.

Agas anak nija men- In order that his child- jciri alivi ren may become learned. "The Passive Voice is denoted by the particle

' ' di (in the MalajO, preceding the verb. The place of the substantives which express the agent and subject respectively will be understood from the " following examples : — SuLu. English.

Kia lohak-an sin tail I was beaten by men.

ha j)dtek. Kia lohak-an sin ^atek The men were beaten ha tail. by me.

Kia siinog-an sin hfii The house w^as con- ha kayu. sumed by fire. Kia pohong-an sin tau The fire was extin-

ha kciyu. guished by men. Kia tiakau-an sin tau The horse was stolen in kura. by men. Kia tiakau-an in kiida The mens' horse was-

sin tail. stolen. XXXVI INTEODUCTION.

Malay. English.

Hamba di piikul Hrang. I was beaten by men.

Orang di piikul hamba. The men were beaten by me.

Riimah di makan Jlpi. The house was con- smned by fire. Api di padam-kan Orang The fire w^as extin- guished by men. AUXILIARIES.

: — The auxiliary verbs and adverbs are Malay. Sulu. Ada INTEODUCTION. XXXA^II


Malay. SULU.

Bawa-ai] da-aii . that which is


Di l^fnva iiia . j)r? da-an nija, sia .. is, was, etc., d((-a. brought by him, her, or them.

Ter-bawa /iiuj-da . brought. Ambil, Jcawa, take.

ambil (( /.• i( ka . Saya , ka wa hn.. I take.

Meng-anibil iiiiKj-Jiaica, nuDuj- .. . take, to take. cue a

.Slid ah ambil h(ili((s na liciica has or had taken.

iu(. Telab ambil kawa iia , had taken, Handak ambil, mauhayali lioniaica* shall take or ]nau ambil 'pug-pn-kawd about to take, Ambil lali hawa tah take thou.

Biar dia ambil h/al udsiaJtuuiaird.. . let him or her


Handak di am- man hay all l-aira .. he must take,

bil Ilia ;/ a a - or to // , p ng -p intends

kaica nija take,

Peng-ambil-aii pa)ig-aica-an the act of taking.

Di ambil-nia kiawa nya . is, or was, etc., taken by him, her, or them, Ter-ambil uiig-kawa taken.

Siiruli, dak, order.

siii'iili Saya aku dak, dak ku, .. . I order.

Men-yunih mil g -dak . to order.

* Another form of katva. XL INTEODUCTION.

Malay. Sulu.

Telah siiruh na dak na ... ordered.

Mau suruh viau ha yah dak ,.. will order.

Handak suruh piig-pa-dak ,.. shall order.

Siiruh lah dak tah ,.. order thou.

Biar dia siiruh bial na sia dak ... let him order.

Men-yuruh-kan mug-ddk-an ... to issue orders-

Ter-siiruh n ug-ddk-an ... ordered, having been ordered. Di siiruh nia diak nya .. is, or was, etc., ordered by him, her, or them. VI.—ADVEKBS. The Adverbs in most current use are as follows : — Adverbs of Time. Malay. Sulu.

k'Ini hili' S'karang, aiDi ,sin-J)ii-uil . . . now.

Tadi l^aijia . . very lately. Dahiilu nakaiDia . before, formerly. Sa-bantar dai-dai lagi dalioman .. presently. Sa-bantar dai-dai ... presently.

Jiiga, jiia 'isah still. Baliim loa la ... not yet.

Kamadian nl ill -ail ... afterwards. vidi Pagi-pagi ndt-mdindt ... early.

Esok, besok kitisiiiii ... to-morrow. Kalmarin kahdpun ... yesterday. Liisa kiDilsa day after to-morrow.

Tatkala jJa-blla ... when. INTRODUCTION. XI A


Di ha ... at, ill, on.

Ka 7J«. ... towards.

Deri dieii ... from.

These connected or compounded with adverl)s,

S:g., fcn'm many words which are employed as prepositions :— Malay. SULU.

Di-fitas lia-tds on the lop of. Ka-atas pa-tas to the top of. Deri Tit as dlen-lia tas from the top of.

Di-dalam Jia-IitDi, in tlie interior of.

Ka-dalam pa-Jiim to the interior of.

- Deri dalam dloi-Jia liim from the i n

terior of.

Di-blakang ha-IiJvRd at the back of.

Ka-bhikang" pa-Jilxiid to the back of. Deri bhikang dien-ha Jikud from the back of.

Di-sabran<. li a-aiuj-slpak on the farther

side of.

Ka-sabrang pa-aiuj-stpak to the farther

side of.

Deri sa1)rang dicii-Jia a»f/-s7pak fiom the farther

side of.

Di-bfiwah lia-hahah at the bottom of.

Ka-biiwah pa-babah to the bottom of. Deri bawah dicn-luL bdbaJt from the bottom


Di hadap-an Jui Jianip-an in the front of. IN'rUODUCTIOX. XLin


... of. Ka haJlap-an pu Ji'(i\'ip-ti)i to the front

Deri hadao-an c/zr//-//'^ Jiiirdp-aii ... from the front of.

Di-liiar Ji(i-f/ri((Ji ... at the outside of.

Ka-laar jm-r/rKi/i ... to theoutside of.

Deri hiar (licii Int-ijilaJt ... from the outside


The preposition dicii (from) is generally followed

In- the preposition lia (at, in, on), but there are exceptions to this rule, as— hicn (licii na haii .' ... From whence have you come'?" J)i('ii (hill. ... From yonder. The preposition "deri" (fi'om) is likewise followed hy the preposition "pada"' (at, in, on. to), when placed before nouns or verbs, as—

Deri-pada*^ langit, from the sky.

l^eri-pada sebab Itu, fronj that cause. Deri-pada meng-al)is-kan arta nia, from having consumed his property.

Dicii-lur' hhujit, from the sky.

Dien-Jia sehah iduii, fr(jm that cause.

Dteii-lui pn Jiohfis-((it ill alta nija, fi'om having'

consumed his property. " " The preposition ka is, in a similar manner,, frequently followed by "pada;" but pa, its equiva- lent, is not followed l)y lia the equivalent of •' pada."

* " " " " " " Deri or deri-pada," and dicn or dicn-Jia" are speciall}' emplo\ed in forming the comparative degree of adjec-.ives and adxerbs. XLIV INTEODUCTION.

Examples. Ka-pada riimah, to tlie house.

Ka-pada tepi Jiyer, to the water's edge.

Pa hai, to the house.

t lib Pa JiPf/ad if/, t(j the water's edge. Of the other prepositions the following are the — principal : Malay.


Kitlt and tall, in botli dialects, are interrogative

particles that may either follow or be affixed to words in any part of speech that may become the — " subject of a question, as Uljd-tdli, I'fija-kah," is " it tlie king? pntih lidJi, putih-kali,"' is it white? " laiin tall. Itu kah," is it that? Kali is in less

general use than t((h in tlie Suhl, whilst tlie reverse

is the case in the ^Iala3^

Na is an intensive particle and an expletive. It also denotes the past tense.

Di, tlie particle of negation, generally precedes the nominative in a sentence, as—di aim uiaka,

I do not remember di aka )nalca trt))i-tinn, ; paiiaii, I cannot walk. Di, no ; di tiid, never.

Tiid denotes the superlative degree of adjectives and adverbs.

Hi (=---" si ") is a particle that is prefixed to proper names, and sometimes to verbs.

Ma is an inseparable prefix. Its functions have

been noticed under nouns and verbs ; nevertheless,

it may be remarked here, when adjectives follow their substantives ma is generally omitted. It

is never to small. prefixed ddkulali, great ; or, aslvi,

Pieg, a form of the prefix jJiig, is employed together with the affix an in the formation of substantives from verbs. It is also prefixed to verbs.

A)i, as a transitive suffix, seems to be a contraction

of hail. A little care is necessary in distinguishing it from the particle an which is employed in the formation of substantives from verbs, &c. XLA'III INTKODUC'TION.

Kla seems to be a modification of ],((.

Sa {-- se) is an adverbial si^'n. The same effect an as is produced l)y sa followinf;- adjective by addinf,f ly to an adjective in Enf;lish : e.^., htnutJ sa, " se benar," truly from hfnud or l)enar. It will be " " observed that se precedes tlie adjective in the in the Malay. ORTHOGRAPHY. This Introduction would not be complete witliout some notice of the orthographical vagaries of many Srdu words. These vagaries are frequently attribut- able to dialectical differences, which are best

exemplified in those words adopted from the Malay, but in the majority of cases they are due to the love the Siilus have for enplionious expressions. The euphonious changes are effected (1) by the aid

of mutable letters, and (2) by the interpolation of

an additional syllable immediately after the initial

letter or syllable of a word; e.g., Ix is changed

into /, as Jifingof/, hliigor/ ; p into m, as viagoi,

; into pdffol, etc. tinnpan

cldf/-an, du)ndg-a)t. etc. 1), when it comes between

two vowels, is frequently changed into r, as cdoJi,

crok ; taud, ha-taur-aii ; siid, 2)a-siir-a)i.

The beginner, at first, may find these seeming^ inconsistencies somewhat troublesome, but with a

little practice in the language any difficulty in the matter will disappear. AY. C. C. VOCABULARY.


English. SULU. Malay.

A (an, one) Isai, sa, angha, ang, sa, suata,

Isa, liamhok, suatu, satii

Abaft hahrdi, di-hurlt-an di-blakang Abandon h lug it tinggal-kan Abandoned piig-biugit ter-buang Abate (in force) gam-gam turun

,, (in price) tdwal tawar

Abdomen t'lan, ha-mamaio prut, are-are

Abet, to aid and tahang-mandhang tulong- menulong

Abhor hunslii, hinclil iri, binchi Abhorrence ka-hunshi'an ka-binchi-an

Abide (wait) tiigad nanti Abide (dwell) lihlah diam, duduk Ability (power) ha-gaus-an ka-kuasa-an

,, (clever) lia-pandai-an ka-pandei-an Abjure tauhat taubat c ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY,

Able hiisag, hasag, kuat, bulili maka,-jddl men-jadi Ablution pieg-paigoh-an, ka-mandl-an, pieg-pairoh-an ghasil Abode tinghd hidah tampat diam Abominable lialam baram

Abortion Jca-palxpak-an gugur-an . anak About mare kadar Zci/a-Mo. ,, (more or less) lebih-korang

About, round llhdt kollling

Above atas, ha-atas atas, di-atas

Above all (first) tagnali, icai-na-lio pertama Abroad (outside) ha-guak di-liiar Abscess bahu-utut bisol

Abscond iiiagoi, i^agoi lari

Absent wdi,wcii-na,icaladiimdiB,,i''iidid, Absolute viutalak mutalak

Absolutely (fact) hunal-hunal sungoh-sungoh Absolve ampTin-an ampiin-kan

Absorb sup-sup isap Absurd kangog babal Abundance ka-tdud-an, ka-banyak-an, ka-taur-an ka-limpa-an Abundant matdud, tdud, banyak, saklan lampau, sakien Abundantly mug-duang-daang ber-tambah- tambah

Abuse (to rail at) pcninggad maki ENGLISH. ENGLISH. ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY,

Administration, sidat kiidsa surat kwiisa letters of

Admirable maraiaii bargus skali, maka-kug-kug elok Admiral pangllma pangllma Ifiut

Admit (enter) pleg-stld-i bre-masok

„ (allow) hia I blar

Adopt, to (a child) piig-lpad piarah Adopted child anak piig-'ipad anak-angkat Adorn, to p(ig-daiau,darhauan\\\x\^-i

Adrift hldnad, amid aniut, linyut Adulterate (mix) lamud champor Adultery jjnah zinab to ,, , commit mug-jlnah ber-zinah Advantage pdidah, hasll-hasil, faidah, ontong, pus-pus

Adventure (to try) 5oZa

Adversity Advice, to ask Advise, to Advocate, to Adze Afar Affable



Although vilsan maski Alum tawas tawas

Always tap-tap, aharan, s'lalu, hawa santitisa

Am (be) aim ada Amazed Ju'ilan heiran

Amanuensis jTdo-tuUs juro-tulis

Ambassador dak-an, gantl, suruh-an,

utus-an ganti, utus-an Ambush, to lie in homapa, tapok meng-adang Amen dmln amin Amend (mend) pug-daiau-i baik-i Amicable pug-taimanghud ber-sohbat Amid ha-gUong di-dalam

Amidst lia-tingah , ha-gltong di-tengah Amiss sdh sal ah Amongst Jialuni antara Amputate iitdd, utur-an, potong, ma-manggol kiidong Amuck, to mug-amok meng-amuk

Amuck (holy war) mug-sahil prang-sahil

Amulet aj'imat, haj'ivmt azimat Amuse one's-self naim-naim, main-main, nalam-naiam ber-main

Amusement pieg-naim-an per-main-an Anarchy h'do-hdla hiru-hara Ancestors ka-apoh-an, nenek moyang ka-mds-an

Anchor, an bdoji, boji sauh 10 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Anchor, to- pieg-laivig ber-labiih Anchor, to weigh hoj2gJiaI-an,otong-anhongka.v saiih Anchorage, an .11 ENGLISH. SULU MALAY.


Apprise miig-haita, bii-tahu, gdwi-lian khabar-kan Approach, to pa-sTik-an amplr-kan

,, (sidewise) via-tapil, tampil tampil

Apt (fit) sarang pfitut Apt (clever) pandai pandei Aquatic tuh'ig ayer Arab Arab Arab ; Arabian Arabic hhdsa arah bhasa arab Arabia Benua-arab Negri-arab Arable-land nma-an bendang Arduous sukal siikar Are ami ada muda Areca (green) biinga pinang

ft la ,, (ripe) J) pinang Argue (wrangle) pailo-mauiailo ber-bantah

,, (discuss) mug-bechala per-bechara Argument bechala bechara Arise bangnn bangun Arm, fore tataMai-an langan, tangan

Arm (upper part) buktinn * * Armour lamina baju rantei Armpit elok katiak Arm-rings galang galang Arms, side takfis sinjata Arms, fire sanjata snapang Arms, to bear mug-takus pakai sinjata Aromatic ma-lara, mala padas

' Coat of mail. IS ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Around llbut kollling Arrack alak arak

Arrange hatol, 7numFis ator Arrest sagau tanlvap Arrive sampai, abut sampei, tiba Arrow anakjjanah, baivang a,nsik pfmah Arsenic waldngan wariingan

Art (science) "dmu ilmu akal ,, (cunning) akal

Artery, main ugat daJioIah urat nadi iirat darah ,, (a vein) ugat duguh

Articles (goods, alta, kakdna arta, barang- property) barang Artifice akal-an tipu

Artificer tfikcuig, pandai tiikang Artist panda i pandei Artless banal benar bddoh , , (simple) ddpang As blal, sail bagei, sapurti

,, much as b'lha ter-tdud sa-baniak as samut-tiid lakas ,, quickly sa-brapa

possible iang bulih bla raiau balk ,, well as you sa-brilpa can Iang bulih bulom ,, yet, not d'l-pa Ascend gdban, sakcit naik

,, a tree do mag, rdg, dag panjat

,, a river sumdd, Slid mudik diiki ,, a hill tumfikad, iiikad mendaki, 14 ENGLISH. 15 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

• - Attendant ihan .-. kclwan, biidak

Attest pieg-saJcsi bri sahadat ^ Attest (subscribe) nug-hutang sap buboh chap Attire tdmugaii pakai-an Auction mang-hUagl lelong ,.'.

Audience (atcourt) majelis mejelis Auger harlna gurdi Aunt Inali-an. nia'kechil Authentic hunal-hanal benar

Authority kCiasa kwasa Avaricious Iilha kikir Avenge mans balas bhaya

Averse (unwillmg)??ia-7i»A;a 24 tiada maii

Avert (ward off) tangkis, tomangkis tangkis Await tugad, tumugad nanti, tunggu

Awake jagci Away hate nialang

,, (direction) matii sana Awe maka-liallaii ka-takut-an

Awful ajaib, maka-ha~da?i, heibat maka-hOga suanggi Awning (canvas) haima chatri Awning (pahnleaf) kajang kajang Awning, side purdah purdah Awry ka-king irut Axe kdp all kapak

Axe, a native jydtok bellong Axis (nave) hujal pusat

Azui'e walna sail langit biru langit 16 ENGLISH. ENGLISH. 18 ENGLISH. 19 ENGLISH. 20 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Because kahia, sahah, karna, sebab, sahah-kalna karna-sebab,

Becbe-de-mer hat trip ang Beckon lidmal, humhal lambei, bri-isarat

Become m a lici -jCidl, ma n -jCidT jadi, men-jadl

Bed (dais) Jiohoirj-aii tampat tidor Bedstead kantll katll or kantll

Bed-cover slob salimut

Bee jji'ichrilcoi, luisnlcan lebah

Beef fniud sdpl, sapl daging lembu

Befall jcldl kunjung Beetle infiat hnhing kumbang Before (time) iiakainia lebih dahulu Before, to go in una dahulu

,, (a place) lia-lialop-an di-hadap-an lia-hnll ,, the wind aiifjin angin bhikang

,, (in front) ]ia-do)i(j di-miika

Beg (ask) 'pangaioh, vilki minta, pohon

,, alms pangaioh sadakaJi minta sedekah Begin tagnali-i mula-i Beginning tag nail, awal miila, awal Begone sung, pergi, inchit,

scgali, shegah niah Beguile Dian-lpn bujok Behead ona-manggul-d, panchong- pauggol-C) kapfda

Behind Jia-Iikild, Jia-lio, di-bliikang, lia-hidl di-burit-an 21 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Behold (look) hlta hah tengoli la Being (existence) ka-aini-an ka-ada-an

Belch slmiguh, slgi'ib sirdawah, hlahak

Believe (trust) lialap, aiidal, luirap

jieracJiaija, ar/ad perchuya

,, (think) plhir flkir Bell bagting Inching small ketchll ,, , ko)ig-kong ,, Bellows n liambiis-an jj/7 tput-a , popot-CDi

Belly tlan prot

Belonging Jca)i, Jca piinia Beloved jmnlka padiika Below ha-hahah di-bfiwah

Belt, a TxCDidlt, jimpait tfill pinggang Bench hangkoh bangkok Beneath ha-habah di-bawah

Benefit ka-sudah-an, ontong, basil, hasil-hasil, pus-pus laba Benediction saldmat slamat

Bent bengkok, bengkok, kalok bantok

Best ill maralau tiid iang balk sakall Bestow anUgliara anugrah Bet, to taulian, pedis taroh

Betel (piper betel) bfiioh sirih

Betel-leaf dahun buloh drihiin sIrih

Betel-box salapa bakas sIrih


Birth pieg-andk-an ber-anfik-an

Biscuit hang-hang bisquit

Bit, a (piece) ang-utud sa'potong

hcisl sill ,, (of bridle) kakang liigani Bitch erok hahai anjing betlna

Bite, to tdkdh, kiit-kiit, man-utkdt men-gigit the ,, lips, to mang-utom, kehani meng-atam

Bitter ma-palt, pait pait * Blachan haling blachan Black Jtam, ititni hitam

Blacksmith tfikang hdsl, tukang besi

panda i hdsl pandei besI Blacksmith's sasal-an hdsl pe-karja-an craft besi

Blade (of a knife sclah, hiding pisau, or weapon) sakin Blade, edge of a mdta mata Blade-bone kiika ballkat

Blain halm Titilt bisol

Blame, to miig-sah men-ialah Blanket sloh kamli

Blaze laga nirda to ber-niflla ,, , ma-laga Blear-eyed mdta hllas mata nilas

Bleed nCig-dTiriih ber-darah Blemish on the hnlag balalak,

eye, a kalabu

* " " Blachan is a kind of Caviar made of dried shrimps. 24 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Blind htlta but a

Block (pully) tnnun-t'imiui kapl, karl

,, (chock) kalang-an kalang-an Blockhead hahdl bodoh, bingong

Blood dug Till darah of ,, , noble hangsdwan bangsawan Blossom (flower) suvvping bunga

„ (bud) piisud, hfikul kiitum

Blossom, to jiilg-htlktll ber-bunga * Blow, to t'lop, hlop* tiup, humbus

to f t ,, , tiinga-tamRnga mangah Blow-pipe sunipitan sumpitan dart haioang bawang

Blue h'dii biru

it ,, , dark ,, urn ,, itam

,, , light ,, pTiteh ,, puteh

Blunt tamp id, tiimpul, di-mhk kdrang tajam Boar hahoi mandangan babi jantan

,, wild ,, kdtlaii ,, hiitan

Board, a (wood) digpii papan Boat (European) botl but!

,, (dug out) gobang sagor

,, ( outrigged) dapang X prau

,, (large dug- hdngka blduk out)

* To blow with the mouth, or as the wind, f To blow as a porpoise,

\ The dapang is almost universally used by the natives in the Sulu

Archipelago. 25 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY,

Bob up and lilnit tinibul ting-

down, to glani, goyang Body haran, hadan tiiboh, badan Boil, to tognah, tolah rebils

,, rice, to puiigfiiFi, ija)igdlu men-fuiak

<^ lit lit )) > halin bisol, b:lra

Boiling, to be hahal men-dldik

Boisterous hfnias, tainplas tamplas

Bold Dia-lsiig bariinl

Bolster (pillow) o-aii bantal, sfiraga

Bone, a hiikog tulang

Bonnet kopla, tddong koplali

Book silldt siirat

,, (religious) JiJtab kitab Booty lampas-aii rampas-an

Border, a (edge) hPgad, 2>igh tepi, bibir,

hiring pinggir, birih

Borer (auger) jalah Jilna jalah china Bore, to harenahaii gerek

,, the ears, to tngsukan holah ber-tindek Born pieg-anak ber-anak * Borneo Piilo ka-lamantah-an

,, (city) Banal Brunei Borrow, to has, mag-hds, inus pinjam Bosom (pectus) dagJia dada Both ka-dua-diia, ka-dua ka-rua-rua

• The Sulus have no name for the whole of the Island. " Pulo ka-lamantah-an" means Sago Island. 26 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Bottle, a kdcha, Jidsa botol, biili Bottom hull pantat „ (anus) jubol tmnbong

oil ,, (hips) op ponggong

laiit ,. of the sea lia-hahah dagat di-bawah Boush sanga chabang, tarok

Bow (for arrow) pan ah panah, biisor Bow-string liihid panah tiih biisor

Bow (to make hnmaholi, hiihoh tunduk obeisance)

,, the head, to mdndok, dndok la.yah Bowels lingan lingan tJan isi prot

Bowl, a jJinggan,^- hatll mangkok Bowsprit jiingal jonggor Box (blow) son fok guchoh

Box, to n iig-sontok ber-tampar

,, (chest) halolang, hilolang, peti balolang,

haul, tong,p)atl peti, biikas a musical salindo salindo ,, , peti a sirih ,, , salapa salapa

Boy ha fa -ha ta fisog biidak laki

Brace (a couple) angha-pdsang sa-pasang Bracelet gdlang galang, pontok Brackish ma-hdngog,ina-asin]}i\yAVi, masin

Brains utnli iitak, bena

Branch (a bough) sanga chabang, dahan Brand, a sdp chop, chap

,, (mark) tanda tanda

* " " Pinggan in Malay means plate. 27


Bridegroom, a Ijengantui itsog mampililaki Bride' s-maid pandala pengapit Bridge, a taitaian, titl-an jamb at an Bridle, a hakang dras, kang Bright (shining) sala chaia a ,, (clear) ma-saw trang

Brilliant sella iKikaralaiL chriia benar Brimstone mallang balerang

Brindled 2)atikan iram

Brine tiihig Dia-asin fiyer miisin Bring da, doma, da-Jtan bawa

,, (imp.) pa karia-a7i,pakaria , , sini ,, here da-mdn,da-han wiarlbawa

„ up, to ipat, pallara pifira

Brink hPgad tepi, tabing Briny ma-asin masin

Brisk (active) hiskal, hiiskai, rajin, pantas, mikang' chap at

Brittle p)utuk-putiik rapoh Broad Inkhang, laag lebar, luas Broadcloth sakeldt sakelat Broil dang-dang panggang Brooch karosang krosang

Brood (offspring) kdnak-kdnak kanak-kanak

sit ,, (to on eggs) milg-gaham meng-aram

Brook (ditch) gdta pririt anak ,, (stream) anak suhah sungei Broom, a sa-sdpu peniapii Broth sdbaic kiiah 29 ENGLISH. 30 ENGLISH. 31 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Butterfly liuha-kaha kupu-kupii, rama-rama

Buttocks opoh, hiil'i pong-pong gadipong Button, a tamhakii kanching to tamhuhu-han ,, , nieng-anching

Button-hole mata-lamhoh,pakaiD lobang ,,

Buttress (of a tree) dalig Ijanir

Buy hi, ml bill

,, (offer) tawal tilwar

,, (wholesale) tiiglian-an pajak

By ihan, dioi-pa iilih, deri-pada near masuk dekat

to tciiL taroh „ , put tlau, simpan,

By-and-bye clai dai dakoman, sa-buntar lagi, gana-gana, nanti dahulu

Cabal ka-rapCit-aii peng-ubong

Cable (chain) ganddwall hdoji rantei sauh

Cage ko)ig-aii sangkar-an Cajole pamong manlpu mem-biijok Cake, a paniam pengan-an * Cake (Chinese) garati bipang Calabash kdhclsi labu

Calculate nug-klla-k'da ber-kira-klra

Calf unak sciiu anak leinbi'

,, (of the leg) butiig hutitg hitis jantong betis

Calico, brown gcijah helaiL kfiin blachau

Calico, red koko pulcv kain merah * " Chinese, bi phang," 32 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Calico, white kciin puteli Calk hulat-an, gtdam. pakkal

til Call wag, tCifj panggil

it ,, at, to hap singgah Calm Umhuh, linau tenang, tedoh Calumniate mang-ompat niaya Camel outa unta

Camphor Jcapol kapiir

Camphor-tree haliol licipol kayu kapiir

Can (able) ma ha-jarl, man-jad'i bulih, jadi Cancer lastong rastong

Candle la 11 sole hlin

Candlestick la -(hi da kan la n sok kflki dian

Cane (arundo) pcltong buluh

,, (calamus) tcCii rntan

,, , walking tongliud tongkat tabu tebii ,, , sugar tiihu,

Cannon espil marlam

Cannot dl nialia-jCidl, tiada bulih

dl Dian-jddl ta' bulih Canopy krdainhn, luhol, kalambii,

Idngit-Ulngit langit-langit

Canvas (sailcloth) hakana Iclig kain layar

Caoutchouc tcigoJi litaliaii getta llchah Cap (head-dress) kopla kopiah

,, (percussion) k(p, hatil-hatil kep Capacious haijang, ma-Uiag lapang, liias Capacity (talent) akal akal, budi Cape (head-land) taiidok, tandoh tanjong 38 ENGLISH. 34 ENGLISH. 35 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Casting-net la yah jTila

Castor-oil plant tangan tanjan pr»k"i jiirak pnla

Castrated kablli, LttsJ kilsini, kablrl Casuaiina a ran arau

Cat li tit in J kuching Catechist, a maiuKni niamuni to a Catch, sag II, samhut tangkap Catch in the tiniahoJi sambut hand, to

Catch hold of, to Ji'unaput, lajiiitan pegangkan Cattle (cows) set])! siipl, lembii Cattle (animals) haiop ben at an g

Catty (l^j lbs.) latl kati Caulk, to Jdllat-an, gCiJam pakkal Cause sa ha h sebab

Caution, to nituj-liindoh meng-ajar Cave liaiig guah Cavity lungag lobang Cease dnniahong berhinti

Ceiling langit-Jangit, loJiol langit-langit Celebrated mashot ter-nama, mashur

Celerity ina-bilskai, laku-pantas,

))ia-ragan laju

Centre Jia-gitong-tii:l tengah-tengali

Centre (of a hujal piisat


Centipede laihlpaii, aJa'niaii hallpan S6 ENGLISH. 87 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Chat; banter kong-kau banchang, keche-keche

Chattels dita, dta art a

Chatter (talking kaibah bising, chiira, volubly) lltar

Chatter (teeth) galeteh galetek Cheap vioJial nnirah to Cheat, 2'rt;?i/i?/, t'ipn, pieg- tipu, berakal, akal-au, Jpgau kichu

,, ,, (trick) krjih keclioh

Cheek pis)ti pipi Cheerful soiang-affii senang hati

Cheese kesO* kGjii

Chest (of opium) jJclk pak

,, (of tobacco) bakag peti

,, (breast) daglia dad a

,, (box) hilolang peti balolang" Chew, to viamali inaniah a Chew, ((juid) sopaJi sepah Chew, to (the cud) vn'ig-sopah mamah blak

Chicken (indk-inrniok, hn2)is anak-ayam

Chide (correct) coiad ajar Chief tau-dakoIaJi orang-besar Child bataJi, cmak anak Child coiak (firstborn) siilung anak siilong Child (lastborn) buiigsu anak bongsu with burns Child, l)unting (pregnant) * " Spanish, gueso."

4, 38 ENGLISH. 39


Clear, to (a Jcqja* liawan-i t tabas, siang-i


,, (open) ma-Jiawan trang

Cleave (to split) hcIaJi belah Clerk Jxhdil krani

Clever ma -panda I pandei

Cliff, a dala^ tapat

Climb (a tree) rag, dag, domag panjat njllk ,, (a stair) sclkat, saniahat

tiiinukad d;lkl ,, , to (a hill) trtkad,

Clip, to gfnitlng-aii gunting-kan Clitoris tn-trii kalinti,kalintat

Clock Mo^ : jam

Close, to (to slmt) tamhal, tdnihiil tilt up

,, (touching) ina-hq)at rapat

,, (as folds) rapat Closet taniboJi anjong Closet, water bilik in'iln jamban Cloth lidkiina kain

woollen sakcldt sakeliit ,, ,

white Jiulo Ivfiin ,, , 2)iitiJi putih red merah ,, , ,, pula ,,

it u III hllam ,, , black ,, ,,

sail hdhdiia , ,, , laijog , layer

,, a (to hide snlit kfiin chawat

the nudities)

* To clear the ground of Brushwood, long Grass &c.

f To free from Creepers, Weeds &c. " J Spanish, Rcl(;j." 41 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Clothes tdninnr/an, pakiii-an pahai-roi Cloud dwaii awan, mega

Clouds (white indJi dinLfDi, a.so tai hruigin

and fleecy)

Clown tail hahal bedtiwi

Clove (spice) hnn

Cluster, a (,of I'dtifj, l'uU(j, tfnidfiti tindan, sikat


Coagulated ma-t'ir/ ])aku

Coal hnJ'nvj-J>atn, hatii arang-batu,

hil/iiif/ batu-arang

Coarse (in rapau kasar texture)

Coarse (in sCiplali, kusCip kasar, kasap language)

Coast, the I'tpd, lurjacl, bfd dai'at, tepi laut Coat, a bdjd baju Cobble tcunpal nienampal

Cobweb lawai Idwa-Jdwa sai'ang laba- laba

Cock, a manoli usog ayaiu jantan Cock, a jungle lahuijuk riyam utan

Cockscomb ddliiuj balr-ng

,," light (with bfdaiig sfiljong


,, ,, (witliout tcilchi meniabong


Cockroach l^oJc llpas 42 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Cocoa hdkciw kakau

Cocoa-nut nlor/, laliing nlor, kalapa

,, husk hntint sabut

,, shell ]itiiir/itf, ucjdh tempiirong

Coffee (coffee luiivali, ha June a kawah


Coffin laloitfj, kahcDi long, kafan

Coil lip, to nn(i-U)irjaii lingkar

Coincide fill lilt turut

Coition ])irr/~7nt-aii se-tubdh-an

Cold liagkut, liaggut sejuk, dingin

Collide langgal, dogtol lano-gar Colleague ihan kawan Collect tlpuu, napun, pun kumpul Colour irahia warna Colt knra-sdhrd anak kuda

Colunni (pillar) tiang tiang

Comb sildlai sisir, sikat Combine, to pdkat pakat

Come dojitafcoig, maka-di, datang inaka-fi, marl ,, (imperative) marl, di, kari,

Come and go, to nidtuh marl pergi piilang Comet hrddkaii bintang ber- ekor Comfort, to tlhau hibor m Command (of a dlak, titall tit ah

Chief) Commander pangllma pangula 43 EXGLISH. SULU MALAY,

Commerce pieg-dagang-cm p3]--niaga-an Commit (murder) buitoJi l)unoh buat ,, (perpetrate) hlnaitg

l:)cr-dr)sa ,, a crime, to chisa

Common people /((i/at I'ayat

Communicate pieg-bctlta, IjrI-tahu, ma-maita malilm-kan

Companion 'ibrui, ahai kawan, taman

Compare, to siiifjur-cin l_)andin,q"-kan

Compass, pa(h')i/ifi/i padiiman mariner's * ,, points mdta-pach'uKDi mata padnnian Compassion ka -la salt -an kasih-an

Compel, to palxsa, gag all paksa Complain, to inaiig-dru meng-cldu Complete gainip, ma-kato ganap Completion ka-sf(daJt-aii ka-siidab-an Compliments selam-dOa t;lbek

Comply agad, stllat, tugut ilvot, tiirut Compos mentis saiuDiaii, saioi siyuman Compound, (to larnud champor mix)

Comprehend viaka-lu'itl meng-arti

Compress giplt apit

Compute hllang, inlg-Jtong ber-itong Conceal tapok seml)unl Concede tugut turut

+ Concha de nacar^jcz/.s tlpai, tJpai kulit muntiara

See Table. \ MOP. Shell. 44 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Conclude liohus-an abis-kan

Concluded taniDiat piitus-sudah Concertina amhag-amhag ambag Concubine sandil, hagai gundik

Concupiscence lasig, nafsii ka-ingln-an Condemn ving-hu'kum meng-hukum Condiment Uunai, i^Cimdpa lauk, hulam, sambal Conduct, to hiatud antar

a77ib it ,, hy the hand pimpin

Conduct (manner) ka-Idl'ii-a ii ka-laku-an Conduit seUinin tuhig pancluir-an

Conference hesliaJa, hcchdla bechara

Confess (to own) vicoig-alu meng-akii

Confide hdlaj) per-cbaya

Conform tugut, suli'if, a gad tiirut, ikot Confuse hingong kachau

Conjecture a gall, agau sangka Conjuncture ahda katlka Connect miig-sainhong meng-ubong

Conquer (to win) g'unaiig menang, sumauk

Consanguinity tan tal-diiali dus-anak Consci(,)Usness si man gat semangat

Consider, to jukil-j^lkil, isfai fikir, sangka

,, (lit. to V\'eif;lj) tiiiihaiig timbang Constantinople Istainhid, Staiiibul Istambul Constantly maliliinn santiasa Constiuct Junaiig buat, bekin


Creek anak sohah, trusan

Creep, to mananap Crescent hulan langkong

Crew (of a vessel) sakai

Cricket, a ft'igad tilgad Crime 49 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Cry I to shout) Slid la k surak

Cucumber iii((r

Cud SOJXlIl blak

Cud, to chew the miuj-sojjaJi mam ah biak

Cuhivate t/Kiiaiii, iiiug-uma tilnani Cunning dial akal Cup, a sdicaii chav.'an bowl) * ,, (a piii

Cure (to heal) nnrj-obat, Im-ltuli men-iumboh

Curly (as hair) l-filonrj-kitlong kerenting

Current (tide) Jul us, suf/ harus Curse (impreca- s!lf/iia/i, ijtioJi kutok, Ian at tion)

Curse, to iinrf-infoli meng-utok-i Curtailed tipukul pendek Curtains Indduibau, langsci kulambu

Cushion ''-<'// bantal

Custard-apple fiti^ serl-kava

Custom (practice) hadaf, adat, tahiat, ad at, chara

Customs (excise) silliai chukei, bes to Cut, Iioi/cdi, lit lid potong

,, (hack) fifjbas tatak to ,, m two, slpaJi panggal „ oti' iifitd, iifiir-aii meng'rat Cuttle-fish kida-hutan ikan-gorita Cylindrical t'lhoh bulat, Dflras

Cymbals tinting charachak

* A ping^uiig in Malay is a plate. .50 ENGLISH. 51 ENGLISH SULU. MALAY.

* Dead )N((riJi(()tf/ mampus

,, r,ia-U)i(Jo)ifj t man .^k at

„ DialohoDi l marhuni Deadly hlsa bisa

Deaf h'li^u, tilll pukak, tfilr Deal (to traffic) inug-daganj men-i;lga Dear (expensive) malionei mahal

Dearth gutom ka-lapar-an Death ka-niatdi-aii ka-mati-an Debate, to hesJiahc mem-be chara

Debt utantj hutan

Debtor ill ttlija fttanrj lang beriitang

Decant, to viilfj-Jtain salin Decayed haloli bQsuk Decease lindong mangkat

Deceive, to haiaitat, miig-taU, tipu, mem-

mug-ahal, bQjok, semii- mag dapat kan, menipu t-aii Deception Jca-rajm , ka-tali-an,

ka-aJicd-an daya, semu

Deck (of a ship) latitat, dPk tingkat, dek a ,, (of prau) lantai jubong, lantai Decree t'daJi tltah

Deduct dag-dag-i, lioJang-i korang-kan Deep incdiim dalani

* Used when speaking of Unbelievers,

t Used when speaking of personages of Royal Llood.

\ Used when speaking of Sultans only. 52 )H ENGLISH. -54 ENGLISH.


(111 nil chlrit darali Dysentery pierj-utfiiJ/ii (J Dye icahi((-h(i)(, palanrj chelup

Each tlap tjip tlap tiap

Ear tdliujd tehnga

hau(i krabu, subang

,, ,, pendant ((iitiii'/-((ntlnr/ anting-anting Early (in the day) lauit (nJlau, silbF/Jt- pada sianghari, sFibfth-ddhdi dini hari dahnlu ,, (before) kaiiia

P^arnings fangddn Earth Jopa tilnah

Ivarth, the bui/ii, (I nil id bunii, dunia

Earthquake Iliior/Jd(/j((g in lopa gunipah

Earthenware pot aiujlit lopa cpiall tfinah Ease ka-sanniirj-ait ka-senang-an

Easily (easy) Dioliai mudad-mudah, gamp an g East ilinol timor

Eat ka-dtui, Jia-)itauit makan

, , (repast) scoitap santap Eatables ka-auii-cni makan-an

Eaves (of a house iscnrjaii berandah

Ebb-tide hi'Dias, hliij surut Ebony dta-dta kayu arang Echo, an ulangig balas biinyi

Eclipse (sun) llahoJi in stiga garah an in bulaii bulan ,, (moon) ,, ,, Economical lumat he mat 60 ENGLISH. ()1 ENGLISH. (52 ENGLISH. SUIvU. MALAY.

End (of time) altil akhir

End (of the world) Ji uclla u-a li il harl-kiiimat Endeavour, to soJai chub a

Endure sandal, vialwi-kaija- tahan. han, kantdtts derlta

Energetic kasai raj in Enervated Dia-lema leteh, lusii

Engine VI akin a* jentra.pesflwat England Banna Anggalis, Negri Inggris,

Lopa ,, Tan ah Inggris English Tail Anggalis, Orang Inggris Engrave Fikil likir Enigma 2)enalka penarka Enlighten haican-a trang-kan Enough sarang, ganajj, sedang, ganap, jiikop chukop Enquire asiihu ttinia Enraged maga via marah Enraptured berahl

I bandera Ensign (flag) panJ

Enslave hinang-an qyiin, menjadi-kan

Ipiin-an hamba Entangle sagnat meng-usut

Enter, to ^^fid, samiib inasok

Entertain (feast) pieg-oira-Jian men-jamu

Entrails ling an lingan, nntid islprotjtrdiprot turn

Entrance (door) Ifucang pintii

* ' Spanish Maquina." m ENGLISH. SVLV MALAY.

Entreat piUKJdioll, JJllJii polion, niinta

Enumerate Ituiir/ bllan

Envelope, an jjutiis-sftlat saron»' sural Envoy ddk-an surun-an Epilepsy pug-hdhoi-hahoi petam babi Epistle suJat surat Equal sah-sall, sail sama Equal, to sing fid tar a Equip, to paniaj), chakap me-langkap Equipment Ixci-paninjxin ka-langkilp-an Equity silhlh adil

Era (Mabomc- Jiajerat liejerat dan)

Erase hag is kikis, hapus

Erect (set up) pieg-hanriuii men-dirl-kan

Err p leg-sail ber-salab Eruct, to siguh blabak Eruption, skin ugud kiidis

Escape, to pagoi, magoi blri, liiput

Eschar Txiigang salaput

P2scort, to liiatud antar

Espy, to Jie)igo)i, JiPng-coi tintang

Essence (sub- uiiui lijiid stance)

Essential sohai Wfijib Ethiopian Jiahshz habshi

European Tau-piiteJt Orang-puteb

Even (level) datag rata, datar

,, (number) ganap ganap 64 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Evening viahapun patang

Event (affair) palkala perkara Ever tap-tap pernah Every k((-taii-ta)i, Iiiii-IiDi, sagala, skali-an sa kail-an se-ganap

Evil mang-i jail at

Evil-spirit Ewe hlli-hlJl fnnagak birJ-blri-betina Exact dnifina, dnui betul

Exalt, to inain-gdldr-kaii mem-besar-kan

Examine jjalcksa pareksa dftinfihan ,, closely, to pilat Example la nja ira n t el ad an Exceed pakardiaii, tiid lampau Excellent niaydiau-niardiau baik skali Except Inal, hania, nia-Jain-kan me-lain-kan

Excessive lando terlalu Exchange sanihl, snnianibi tiikar Exclaim man-jjahut meng-uchap Excrement tdi tai

Excuse (pardon) ampioi-aii, maaf- meng-ampun, kaii maaf-kan

Exert (one's-self) kasai kasai rajin-kan

Exhausted hidpun, mahdxus letek

Exist (to live) huheh hid op

Exist (to be) cani ad a

Exorcise hiugit saltan biiang setan Expand (dehisce) muskag kumbang ();> ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Expect agan-agaii me-nanti

Expedite pa-segla-Jian segi'u-kan

Expel, to biugit, Julia 11 alau, biiang Expend pcg-bahoija ber-balanja Expense hahi))ja balanja

Experienced blaksa biiisa, niarjlsa Expert pandai pandei Explain DiaDi-haita trang-kan

the sun )hii]i a d Expose (to j umor

Express (squeeze) ;»»/f/J?^^ gipit prah

Expunge Ixcigis hapus Exquisite maraiau paharaiaui^Xok, namat

Extend (the legs) ma-hbig-kaiig kang-kang Extensive liaijang, luag lapang, liias Exterior ha-guah di-luar

Extinguish p'^'^g, pohong padam * * Extremity fighus gintas

fZo/^o^ ,, (extreme point) ujong Eye mata mata

Eye-ball agong-dgong mCita bijl m;ita

Eye-brow A'7/rt i kening Eye-lashes pelok-mata biilu mata Eye-lid takolauh mata kalupak mata

Eye, pupil of the tan-tan mata anak mata

Face haiJtoJi, hailin mfika

Inniaiiils Fade (as leaves) Iciyn, h^yi-i

Eag-end of a cigar, the pilpnd dnhla

* Used when speaking of branches, twigs, and plants. G 66 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Fail (in business) holog, jutoh,

bag-bag in l-oiigsi* -pechahkon^Bi* Faint (swoon) 2'^icg-hahoi-baboi pangsan

,, (fatigued) leDia-hnia lelah, leteli

Fair (handsome) ma-putUi permi, elok

Faith (religion) Iman iman, din

Fall, to holog, hug, legad jTitoh

Fall, to (as leaves) 2^aA;-j9a A; luroh, giigor

,, off, to tanak tanggal False dusta, pTitlng dusta, buhong Family, a angka bell isl rumah Famine ka-gntoni-aii ka-lapar-an Fan kab-kab kipas

Far via toll, hlloh jfuih Fare (passage cluikai tambang, money) sewa

Farewell miu )ia aku, tinggal-lah,

nidy'i na kdnti, salamat-

iiidtoli na kdnii tinggal

Fashion ddat, tabiat fidat, tabiat

Fast (quick) saiiiut, nia-saniut, lekas, pantas.

hnskai, via-buskai, laju, ddgan, nia-rdgan bfmgkat

Fast, to imdsa pufisa

Fasten, to hitikut, hitignt, ikat, iibong, bnku-lian tambat, iilas a ma n-aman ,, (as iiaxon^ g , tamoJigika,t

Fat (corpulent) ma-tanihuk gumok

* " Kongsi "=:co-partnership. 07 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Fat (grease) dagi/Kj, nia-ragiiig lemak Father G8 ENGLISH. SULU, MALAY.

Fence (parry) tdiigJiis tangkis

Fern (edible) 2>'il,'is pilkii

Ferocious taluii giirang

Fester vuirj-iidnali ber-ni'mah

Festival-day lial-Iaijn h.lri-rriya Fetch chlJidii iiu'iyl biiwa

Feted lutloh busok

Fetters ikaiir/-ilaii(/ rantei Feud haiitaJt-an per-bantah-an Fever (calentura) hoiglam damam kura ,, (ague) tiaii(h'if/ Few tioJt'tiuli sedlkit

Fiddle, a hlola blola

Fibre ur/a t ih-at Fickle himhang binibang

Fie are! chih !

Field jjan ta i p.ldang Fiend sditan setan

Fife siding, holup-hoiup suling, bangsl Fifteen hangpoh-tug -Uma lima-blas Fifth in lia-l'ima iang ka-lljua

Fifty Jca-ima-an llma-puloh

Fight (to kill) nug-hfDwJi ber-bunoh ber-kluhl ,, (contest) nufj-Joral

,, (to war) nng- ber-p'rang * „ cocks, to taJihi, h idling sabon'r

Fight,to(ascattle)?»/V///;Hr/_^rt/v,(:?«?/A-rt(:/laga ibarat Figure (of speech) ik/mi', upnvia " " * Bulang is the term to apply when gaffies are used G9 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Figure (f()i']ii) (h/(/bits lupa Filigree Irihdt-rJiaro kanliig-an

File, to lili)/ Idldr

File,to(theteelli) I<((j/i(ts (li'ibring

Fill, to Ifidii Is!

to l^'illip, hitjpi, Jdhtih jintik

liir<( Filly, a (h(

Filter, to tapis

F'iltli (ruljbisli) saf/but sampali

Filtliy HKl-IOIlfp cliumar Fill L((p((i, sik sirip, sisik

Final (last) dhil alvlii)-

Find, to ha-uhdlc, bdk dapat

,, (look for) k((-i)uf-((n, put-aii cliaii

Fine, to (mulct) itri(j-sdJi, ma-sah den da

,, (in texture) htiioh, hrdus

Finger (jnlninal ha hiiia jarl

or t ndluJi ,, {(ore index) jriri tunjak lasoJi ,, (middle) ji'trl tengah

„ (third) j<(Il md/tis jiul mrmis

,, (little) kiiujklng kalingking Finis taiiiDiat tammat

Finish JiObns-an, puas-an, abis-kan,

tiriiHH-ati piitus-kan,

Finished lid bus abis

Fire kdija api Fire (flame) ma-ldga nirda a to tembalc ,, gun, pasang 70 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

to set Fire, on hiitaiirj-CDi lu'tiju pnsang-fipi to be on ,, , si'Diog-coi hangus Fire-arm sanapand

Fire-place ha-

Fire-wood haliol duiir/ol kayu api Fireworks teiiihxk-tenthdk merchuni

First t(it/)iali, vulita, rnia,Y>eYtdina,im\[si-

Ji((-Fiiia-haii,ka-7sa, nniki, jnlong, rural awal

First-born l-a-Diaf/nhoig-coi sulong

,, andthekxst,ther7/r'7/ dJtil f awal dan akliir

Fish ista ikan

„ (dried) ista taJtai ikan kring to catch ,, , hingit, ma-Diiiujit panelling

,, with nets, to ))iurj-Iaija/i men-jala Fish-trap sanghanr^ bubu*

Fish-hook hiiigif kail

Jidiril kail ,, , large besar Fish-spear sapang sarampang Fishing-line liapun trdi panelling

Fishing-net piuliiit piikat

Fish, to (M.O.P. mfig-hajalt, (dredge)

Shells) mug-sap, ma )iu)itong (dive) Fist kinn-L-ii))i ganggam,ten]u Fits saivan, hahoi-hahoi, sawan, pitam,

gila-hahoi gila-babi

t Alpha and omega.

* Made of wicker-work. 71 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Five lima lima Flabby hnn/nt lunak

,, (pendulous) huijog-hiujog kupak

Flag 'piDtiji bandera

Flagstaff tiiruk i)an(jl tiang bandura

Flame vui-hlya ni;lla Flank hvcl lambong

Flash (as lightning) )ii luj-l-'da t ber-kilat

Flask, powder pinitulc puntuk

Flat (smooth) piDiijali plj^-eh

„ (level) da tag, rdtag rata

Flavour Idsa, (nuuii rjisa

Flea, a hutu-edolc kiltii-anjing"

Flee, to 'pilgoi Ifiri

Flexible (soft) Innulc, Iiiniit, lambek. llat,

huijog-huijog lunibut

Fling, to tchjh, 2)a)icluh, linipai', cham-

sia2)ud, Jiiioiibat pak, lontar

hcltu Flint Cipl batu Tipi

Float, to liioifup, Ian top timbul

„ (drift) liiaiiad, pielis, hfinyut Flood dtiinilc ayer-bah

Flood-tide taiib iiyer-prisang Floor huitai lantei

lantai lantei ,, , plank digpi papan

Flour (wheat) tallgil, tillgu tepong

„ (rice) tapong tepong

Flower sionpi/tg biinga

Fluent(in speech) ^ji«;;c7«/ miig-pamong pandei berkata 72 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Flushed (face) ma-pula in haiholc miika merah

Flute pidaiita silling Fly, to Idpad terbang

,, (musca) 'plliiit irdat

,, (larcje fly) laiujan- pikat, langau

Flying-fish hiiiglis, tiJihl ikang terbang Foal aiiak hura anak kiida Foam hukal buhl

Fog (mist) gah nil kabut Foiled (worsted) tlicas tlwas a Fold, aiifj /(//)/.s sa'lapis to ,, , lopl iTpat

,, (enclosure) jjagal Ivandang

Follow, to cigad, hiDujog, iirol, ikot, turut,

fiirul iring, kajar Follower, a ihan kawan

Fond (fondness) hasili-J:asi]i ka-kasih-an Food lia-ann-an makcin-an

cooked III toll -an ,, , imei, nasi* Fool habal, kdngog, babal, budoh,

dopang, hlngong gila, bingong Foolish, to be mng-langog, hasinalmmm budoh Foot slhi kuki

of slkl ,, (sole the) pad tapak kaki

Foot-mai'k Viinpa slid, hclasslJii bakas kaki

Foot-path dan, ran jalan For huf-Ji((lna kerna

Forbid Icing larang


Good for nothing wai guna-guna tiada ber-giina to balk-i ,, , make inig-dniau-i

Goods iita, (dta harta, Ijarang

,, {\ucvchiindhe)d((t/dng-a)i dagcTng-an

Goose clugsa ilngsa

,, (gander) ,, iisng ,, jantan

Gore, to (to butt) man-andoh menjuidok Gorgonia altdl ((h((Ji((I akar albahar

Gormand lagaJi, licdugto glr.goh Gourd, a Idha, Llbu Govern nianr-alentah mem-arentali

Governor guhtniftrul, gubernor

Gown JtHJdhit kabaya Graceless cJieldJia chehlka

Gracious Ica-Idsa-lian kasih, sri

Grade 'pangkat pangkat

Grain (seeds) hlgi-hlgi, hinliUi Ijiji, benih

Grand (great) ddkuIaJi kaya, besiir

Grand-child anaJc-apoJi anak chiichii

Grand-father apull nenek-hlki

Grand-mother apoli-hahni ,, perampiiaii

Grasp, to (in the knni-lxuin-i ganggam hand)

,, (in the Rnns)Jiali(2XHi peluk

Grass (generic) saghut rumput

haill* f ,, pa rang, \ hllang

* " Baili" is a long creeping kind of grass ihich makes excellent

fodder for cattle,

" " " " t rurang or lalang is a long and rank kind of grass. 80 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY,

Grasshopper belrdang Grateful (thank- tilinia-Jian-Iiu iang trima

ful) kasih

Grating (lattice) sdhllc, saislfj kisl-klsi Gratis JidsiJt-JcCtsih sa-kasih-kasih

Grave, a Jill hill kubilr

Gravel pdsil, karsik biitu klikid Gravy sdba u kiiah Graze mng-lxa-ann sag hut mukan rumput

Grease ddgliig lemak

Greasy ma-rag i fig l)er-lemak ddkola h Great , ina-lilgkii besar, gadang Green (colour) gddong hijau

,, (unripe) hfdak milda

Greens sdijol sayor

Green- snake has gddong iilar ijau Greet, to man-dgina bri-tabek Grey loalna iihan-an warna karabau Grey-hair iihan uban Grief ka-susah-an, ka-susan-an, ka-rilka-a)i duka

Grit karsik pasir Grieve ma-sFisaJi me-rasa-i duka

Grind (to whet) mang-dsali meng-asah Grind-stone bdtn-dsdh-an l)ritu-

Groan, to mug-dhilii, kaloh mengrang Groin itah konchi pauh

Groom sals kilra, syce sals kuda, syce Groom's man pandala-iisog pungapit-hlki 81 ENSLISH. SULU. MALAY.

* Grope ma-nanau,mug-sdnaux\ihQi, korek

Ground (earth) loiiah tcinah Grow tahnh, tumabuh tumbuh

Growl (~goI ngarong Gruel mlstang ayer kanji

Guana hlhaiig biawak

Guard (to watch) tunggtl, jaga menunggu.iaga

,, (watchman) jaga-jdga Grang-jaga Guava (fruit) blahas, makopa jambii

Guess, to tukud-tdkud saiigka, agak

Guide (to conduct) h'latiul antar

,, dmhit-an \ pimpin f

,, (conductor) mdlim malim

Guilt Jca-sdh-an, dosa ka-salah-an

Gullet tun-tiui-an, {/««{7-a;ikorong-kungan Gulp (swallow) tuan, tan talan, gugau Gum tdgok getah

Gums nglloh gusi Gun bedil bedil

,, (musket) sanupang snapang

,, (ordnance) esjnl mariam Gunpowder ohat-sandpang ubat-bedil Gush pdjichol panchor Gutta tdgok getah Gutta-percha kdldpld getah merah

Gutta-percha tieengatic I ngatu, balan

Guzzle la-luk-Iuk charuk, irup

* find to clear or hole To by probing ; make a by poking.

lead the t To by hand. I Dich opsis gutta.. H 82 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Habit (custom) Jiadat, adat adat

,, of, in the blaksa blasa

Hack (to chop) tais-tliis tatak

Haggle (to bargin) tdwal-tawal tawar-tawar

Hail, to tag, ulcutg, gCisTid ruwah, saru Hair(of the head)6rJwA; rambut

,, (of the hody)baJuboh bulu, rmna fair- hCdahaii rambut ,, , kuning iihan ,, , grey- uban

,, , fine- hal-hnl f bulut

,, ,to cutoff the /^^/7(7, utiir-an buhoJc ragas

Hair-pin silsuk-ftaiiggol chuchilk-sanggol Hair-less bangkulit botak

Hairy tiig-bid-bal ber-bulu Half sJpak, tingah tengah, sapard

,, (a part) ang-utad sa-potong

Hall (public) bdlai balei

Halt (to limp) tuiigkaJi pinchang, tempang

,, (to stop) duinuhong ber-henti Halve, to (divide) bdhagi dfia bhagi dua to utilr-aii ,, , (cut) pGtong dua to blah ,, , (split) slpak-an dua Hammer, a tiitukol, pemukol,

tnkol piikol besi to ,, , i^uk-piik timpa, pukol Hamper, a avibong karanjang

* To hail with the characteristic Sulu whoop.

t AppHed also to feathers and the hair of animals. 83 ENGLISH. 84 ENGLISH. 85 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY,

Heart (spiritual) lidtdi liati

,. (of wood) esok tras

Heat ha-pdso-aii ka-panas-an

Heave (throw) tclo, lapiul cbampak

,, lip (weigh) hoiigJial-aji,

Heaven sholga, sOrga, soga surga, shorga Heavenly hidddcdi bidadaii

„ beings anak ,, anak ,,

Heavens (sky) Idngit Ian git Heavy ma-hogaf, hogat brat Hedge dd pagar

Heed iiigat, daiau-daiau ingat Heel tlkud-ttkiid tumit

,, (to incline) ma-kuig singit, miring Height ids ka-tinggi-an

Heir tcdris, walls v/aris

Heir-apparent Idja-mura raja-miida Heir-loom jJilsaka pusaka Hell iidlka narka, naraka Helm hdnsan kamildi

Helmsman jdlo iiiddl juro-miidi Help (to assist) tdhang tulong

Hem, to (fell) kckan klem * Hemp-plant Idna t pisang tali Hen (domestic) mauok omdgak ayam betina

Her sia, nia, sila, nila ia, dia, nya

Hers Tcaji sia dia piinia

Here dl, di-ha-lni sini, di-sini

* Musa textilis: Bisaya, "abaka." 8(5 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

* Heretic midtacl * murtadd Hernia mustik burut banclii Hermaphrodite hunt at, pajnia papak,

Herself ~isa-lsa-nya, dia sindiri hardn-nya Hiccup sioklali, siokloh sedil

Hide, to (conceal) tCipOk ,tima;pok ,lihun sembunl-kan

,, {idi\ie^\\e\iei)seloncj,mu(j-haU ber-selindono;

„ (skin) pais kulit High ina-tds tinggi High-spirits gumh'd-an gambira High-water tauh dakolali habis pasang Highway dan dakolali jalan raya Highwayman sliugarol peniamun Hill had biikit

ant- hoki ,, , hauki, pusu Hilt pOhan, tdngkai lilu Hilly ma-hud-hud ber-bukit

Him sia, nia, sila, nila dia, ia, nya Himself haran-nya, dia sindiri

isa-lsa-nya Hinder, to liaicid-an, luncir-an tegah-kan Hinder-part hidJ bilrlt Hip (haunch) pigi pangkal pilha

Hire (of labour) tang dan upah

cJiu sfi i ,, (of a house) ka i, ka sewa His kail ilia dia punya dia sindiri ,, own kan niaJsatsa nya piinya.

Applicable to Mahoraedans only. 87 ENGLISH. 88 ENGLISH. 89 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Hunger liidpdi Lipar

Hunt, to ^jd;Jn^(' burn, bfirah

Hurl teloh limpar, liitar Hurly-burly Julo-Jidlo hiru-birii

Hurricane liunus rlbut, tafan

Husband ebdna luki, swanii

Husk (of paddy) luqja sekam

,, (of cocoanut)Z^r/;?»;^ sabut

I aku, pateJc, kdmi aku,patek,saya

Ice dyel hdtio ayer baku

Idea dgJ, sdmhat akal, sangka

Idiot dopdng, g~da, hdhal budoli, glla Idle (indolent) ma-liuskau malas

lalei ,, (negligent) lalai

Idol (spirit) hdla berilla

If &«'^i/) pcihlla jekalau, kalau Ignite s'lli-a pasang Ignorant dopdng budoli

111 sdkit sakit (sick) mangi-lasa , Ill-bred lodi ma-ingat liadat kOrang bliasa

Illegal (forbidden) hdlam haram

Illicit (trade) Idng-aii larang-an Illness sdkit peniakit Illuminate ma-sawa-lian trang-kan

Image (likeness) p)dtd gambar Imbricated susrin-susRn tindeh

Immediately h'diaun, hUiaiaun s'karang ini Immense ddkolah tiid besiir s'kali 90 ENGLISH. 91 ENGLISH. SULU, MALAY.

Inexperienced hilkfoi h'laJxsa ta" biasa Infant anak-asan anak-kecliil

Inferior Jiola)ig maraiau kurang baik

Infidel hdpil, tan lanat kafir

Inform (instruct) anat/, liindoli ajar halta-i bri tabu ,, (acquaint)

Inheritance j;»5«AT/,j)rt;?/7.7(7/-f/;? pusaka Ink dawat dawat, tinta Inkstand pa-rdicat-an tampat dawat

Inland (interior) ha gi/nhaJi, Jia-O darat, di ulil Innocent wdi dusa tiada salab

Inquire cisuhu, vicDuj-asilbu tanya

Insane g'da gila Insect buk-hok * bubok '*

Inside Ji edit 1)1 dalani

Insincere bukioi banal biikan benar

Insolent ina-ninggad maki, kachak Instant sa-sdat

sa-banter ini ,, (this moment) a ^i^'A'rt ddi-dailni Instead sUbli ganti Instruct mug-liindoh meng-ajar Insufficient wdi gdndp, dl abut ti;lda chukop Insupportable di na ma-sindal ta' tahan

Insure jjoki: popia

Intellect akal, pdlidni, biidl, akal, piiham, biidiman budl,budiman

Intelligence gdivi khabar * This insect is very destructive to the wood and bamboo-work of


Kindred kaiim, tdl-anak dusanak King Laja Eaja

King of Spain Ildri, Ldja Kastela Rjija Spaniol Kiss slum cbium

Kitchln kds'ina, dapoJ-an dapor Kite, a (paper) tdguri alang-alang Kitten aiiak kilting anak kuching

Knee tillI lid lutut Knee-cap piiiggan-pmggau lutut- tail lid tempiirong

Knife lading, la ring pisau, lading

Knife, clasp- hiring ptko

Knob (of a gong) hujal piisat agong

Knock against, to hdntak bantam Knot, a hiiiku, hnkil simpul

Know ingat, maka-ingat tabu

,, (understand) ;;iaA;a-/ia^/, hdti meng-arti

,, (acquainted) jj)a/ja?;i, ka-ingat-an'kai\QA Know, I do not indai antab

Knowledge hCid'i, ilniu budi

Knuckle hiikCi lima buku jari kdlis kris

Labour (work) Jilndng-cui karaja

Lad bdtd-batd-iisog budak, bu^'ang Ladder hdg-ddii tanggab Lade qut, to lelcmas men-imba

Ladle, a gdyong, hunylt,

iigdb tempiirong ENGLISH. 97 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Law JiuJcnni hukum Lawsuit daica, hcclicda dawa, bechiira

La}^ (to place) hUtang taroh, latak Lay-by tiau, tan simpan Lay hold of, to sagau tangkap „ eggs, to mang-eJcIog ber-telor

Lazy ma -hu shall nialas, segan Lead tinggah, tinkah tlniah-hltani

,white(paint) sat piiteh chat piiteh red sat , (paint) pfda chat merah

(for sounding)^9?-(7/;;, from

(to conduct) JuatRd an tar (by to hand) amhit-aii pimpin Leader (chief) pangluda pangulu,ka]oala Leaf ddliTiii duiln

Leak, to na hdd-hud * miris

Leaky to tiris, mIris

,, (as a boat) hCisIot bOchor

Lean (thin) kaiug kiirus

Lean against, to sandig, sunidiidig sandar Leap, to laksfi lompat

Learn dnad bel-ajar the to ,, koran, mang-aji meng-aji Learned aUm alim

Leather ^ja/s kiilit

Leave, to maka-bJn, miaid\ tinggal-kan

,, (permission) tagut, pasaraii idzin, muhon

,, (to sail) tnmidak tolak

' ' * ' ' As from a torn Miaid is grain bag. f used by an inferior to a superior, I 98 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Leavings taali-taah sisa Leach, horse- lintall lintah Leach, land- Hmdtdk achih, pachat

Lecherous lasig, gatal kanji

Lees (sediment) Uclang, dlcal chirit, kruh Leeward ha hdhah hangin di bawah angin

Left (opposed to right) laiva kirl Leg hetis, pdJid, slid paha,kilki,betis Leisure ka-tanam-an ka-senang-an Leisurely Inat-lnut perlahan Lemon-grass sdi sarai Lend hus-an, pug-hiis me-minjam Length hdhd panjang Lengthwise uiiui bujur Lengthen ma-hdhd-kan panjang-kan Leprosy kurO kudal, kusta

,, (white spots on the skin) op dp panau

Less (in size) aslvi dien ha kechilderi-pada

,, (in number) kolang dien ha kijrang deri-pada

Let (suffer) h'la, biah, hial biar

Let go ((/-/, butan-i lepas

Let (hire) snkai sewa

Letter (epistle) salat surat kirim-an

,, (address of Q)aldmat sRiat alamat surat

,, (character) liiiUip huruf

Level ddtdg rilta, datar Liar tdu pating-an pem-buhong

Liberate Pg-i lepas-kan

Licence (apermit)s«;/; blbas chap bibas Ofdi) ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

to d'ildt Lick, jilat, luluiii a Lid, tiltop-aii, tlyong-aii tudong tahllauh M , eye- inatd kaliipak nifita Lie to down, h'Aang, kamOlang baring, linipang

,, on the back, to mdg-daraiah talantansf to ,, , (prone) nng-darauh tifirap a ,, , ijutlng bohong Life nlaioa niawa

Lift, to huhat angkat . one ,, (at end) nagta, tOngke jongkat

Light (opposed to dark) ma-sawct trang, slang

,, , day- suhnh-sfihah-adlau slang

,, (not heavy) ma-gdhan ringan

,, (to ahght) timdpoh angkap a suit ,, (as lamp) piisang Lightning Jalat kilat

Like (alike) sail, h'la sama, bagei

,, (to desire) mug-ien,mau-hayakfii\kQ,, maii

Likeness fipdma, pdntiui, upiima

,, (portrait) p)dta tdiL gambar Likewise Isdh ddhlmcm, piila, juga Limb anggduta anggiita

,, (a haunch) i'^ aha, pa pfihci, pauh

Lime (calx) hdngkit kapiir snail ,, (fruit) inanahut limau nipis

Limpid ina-lrliau jerneh, henii>g Line (cord) Inhid tah

,, (thread) sahan benang Lines of thehand goUs kdris 100 ENGLISH. } J I >


Long since m()gai-7ia sudali hima Long for, to llndang dindam

Look (to see) Ic'ita, homlta lihat, tengok

,, at, to Iiatud, pomaio pandang

,, £ii\n^\vQci\y ,ioinug-lcrong , harong meng-arling

,, at furtively, to //cv?^, liimeng at ,, earnestly, to mcui-didag meng-ali Looking-glass samm chermin milka

Loose (to unhind) (ihar-rui, ohad-an luirei Lord, the Tuhclii Tuban Lose, to Idtca bllana:

,, (by gambling) .s7rt;/.7 galab

,, (incur loss) Ingi rugi

Louse JvRtic kutu

Louse, to crack a Jii mughuk, nghulc-an tindis Love, to ma-ldi ber-abi

Lovely maraiau rughas elok paras Low hdhaJi rendab

,, (in stature) punddk pendek

,, (in price) mohal murab hiuias ,, water aver timpas

,, (below) ha bdhaJi, ha sfiin di b awall

Low, to (as entitle) )}iug-)nd meng-wa Luck sf/kfid nasib, mujur Lucky maraiau siikiid nasib balk Luminous sclia chaia

Lump, a k'lumpiil gompal

Lunatic glla ffJla

Lust lasig, hdwa, ndpsu bawa, nafsu 102 ENGLISH. io;i ENGLISH. 104 ENGLISH. 105 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY,

Meet, to Iciegdahau, hcik-an bertemii,iumpa

,, (proper) 'pdtiit patut

Meeting liiegdahaii-aii ber-temu-an

Jici- td lul-a ii , , (assemblage) ka-rapat-an Meliorate pleg-daiau-l balk-i Melodious ma-Jdb mardii Melon, water- tlmon mandlkl Melt, to ma-dncliol anchor Memory Txa-tnm-tihn-an ka-ingat-an

Mend (repair) pieg-daiau-i balk-i to bubul ,, a net, pimah

Menial (slave) hata, 12^1(11 budak, hamba

Menstrual mug-dug ah, diiguli-aii bulan-biilan

Mention sahnt, nicunjahfit 8ebut,meniebut cherita ,, (relate) haita bllang, Merchandise dagdng-an dagang-an Merchant sauddgdl sudflgar

Merciful ka-ldsa-han sJiyang, kaslhan Merely sdja saja

Meridian tig toll rambang Metaphor pdntun umpama Meteor aniDiusol bintang ka-larat-an

Method (mode) pdli-lidl pri-hal

Mew, to (as a ca,t) niag-lau meng-iau

Middle tengaJi, gltong, id tengah

,, (the waist) hdwdkan pmggang manis Middle-finger jdl mdnis jiirl Middling sdrang sedang

Mid-day tengah-ddlau, Ogtoli tengah hari 106 ENGLISH. 107 ENGLISH. SULU MALAY.


Moonlight ma-sawa in hidan trang biilan biilan Moon (eclipse of) I'tahoh in hcdan garahan Moon-rise suDiuhang in hidan biilan timbul Moonless knp-an in hfdan tidali bulan

Morass sCqni paya

More lehiJt, Is ah lagi, lebih

)cdi na Jsah titida „ , no lagi Moreover sahadan, Jsah na lagl-pun

Morning vmindt, mahinat pjigi nndindt-mdindt ,, , early pagi-pagi

Morrow, to Ix ill-shit 111 esok, besok to hin-shiim, mdindt besok ,, morning, ptigi * * Mortar, a Ifisong lesong

,, (cement) hangkit kapur

Moses (the name) Mnsa Musa

n«Z;Z la Mfisa nabi Miisa ,, (the prophet) Mosque masgid mesjid Mosquito hilam nj^amok

„ (gnat) hamah agas Mosquito-curtain A;»/rt;;i6ait kulambu

Moss III mat lumiit

Most lehih-tiid ter-lebih

Mother inaJi, indong mak, ibu, bonda hahal nenek ,, , grand- apoli perampiian Mother-in-law ogaiig-an mertiia perampuan kulit mutliira ,, -of-pearl-shelljK7i.s tlpai Mould, a tutuang-an tuang-an Mouldy hapu-hapu lapokk * A wooden mortar, for holding paddy whilst being beaten to unhusk it. 109 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Mount, (to ascend)s«?;i«/irt/, (jumahan naik, dciki

,, (climb) rag, dag, dumag panjat

Mountain hud ddholali p,'unoiig

„ (hill) hud 1 )iikit Mountaineer tdu lia hild orang giinong Mouse amhdu aslvl tikus Moustaches pRngot misai, kiimis Mouth Sim lid miilut

Much mn-tdud, via-selug banyak

„ ? how 2')cla ill tdiid brapa bfmyak ma-tdud ha ra ia u ter-lalu M , very jni bfmyak Mucus sillpun mgus Mud plsak lumpur soft ma-huhlo llchak ,, , (mire) j97srtA- piche, Multitude lici-ta iir-cui ka-banyak-an

Mumble, to duh-diih riingut

Murder (to kill) hiinoh bunoh

Musa-textilis hill Fit* pisang tall Muslin kakana kdsa, kdsa kain khasa Must sohai harus, paksa mIsai Mustaches jjiliignt kilrais, Mustard sasdwi sestiwi Must not aiait jangan

Mute di makasahut ora.si^jbisu

Mutiny miig-h'do-Jidla gampar Mutton an ad hlU-hlll daging birl-biri My (mine) ka-akii, kdkil sahj'a piinya Mysterious ajaih, gdlh ghaib * " Bisaya abaka." 110 ENGLISH. Ill ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Necessary, it is hurus, patiit Necessity paksa

Neck Irfig, iPheg leher

,, , hnYing along 77ia-tangkai jinjang of the huka'hu'kR ,, , nape pRgai tengkok

Need (to want) kolang korang Needle jdum jjirum Needless, it is sari na ta'usah Neglect pa-sar-an tinggal Negligent lalai lalei, alpa Neigh, to ihlm, kllilm ber-triak, chfirit Neighbour iban nug-cVdraig Drang sa'kampong Nephew unak-aii anak siidara Nerve (sinew) ugat urat

Negotiate becJidla mng-janjl bechara ber-janji

Nest p Ft gad sarang

,, (of commerce) saian^ sarang biirong

Net, drag- pilkilt pukat

Never well ti'id, di tiul ta' pernah di s'drJ tidah ,, mind viug-uno, na meng-apa Nevertheless dien pa na viaicn welakin, semaja New hdgd bharu New-moon hfdan bag a billan bharu News gdwi khabar New^spaper katds gdwi kartas khabar

Nib (bill) tiika paroh

Nich (notch) savib'ing sumbing Niece anak-an babai anak sanak Nicrht dum mfdam 112 ENGLISH. 113 ENGLISH. 114 ENGLISH. 115 ENGLISPI. 116 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Open, to ukdi bilk a tlhad ,, (untie) meng-urei-kan

,, (asannmbrella)f/7A;«r/ biika, kunibang

,, (as a f[o\\eY)viuskag knmbang

Opinion dgl, sdmhat fikir-an,sangka Opium aplun afyiln marat chandu ,, (prepared) madat, to smoke mug-hanggop marat isap chandu Oppose meng-atu me-lawan Oppress, to mang-an'iaija aniaya-kan Opulent daija-han, langke kaya Or ataica atau Orange snail limau manis Order (command) dak suruh

,, (to commission) ^;7?-»;?, tfigriii pasan

Ordnance espil mariam * Organ, an olgano* organo Oriental t'lmol, shuhangan di-bawah angin Origin asal asal

Ordure tdl, tdhl tai, chlrit

Oriole, golden- tehelaii kiitilang Ornament, to jnlg-daiau hias-kan

Ornaments 2)itg-daian-a)i per-hias-an Orphan jIo,\ ydtJml piatu, yatlm Other dOdin, dOicdiii Iciin Otherwise ma-lain-ka)i ma-lain-kan

Ought sohai patut, hilrus Our ka-atii, ka-amu, k'dtit kita punya.

* " Fatherless. Spanish, organo." \ Motherless. I


Ourselves haran ndiiiic kami sindirl

Out gffah liiar

Outcast ^M/zf/z^^rt, ahu bangsat

Outcry (clamour) Jatnh, hnlccuj gainpar

Outrigger Icdt'ig chadi, rfjblng Outside ha-giiah di-laar

Over (iu position) ^^-f^.s di-atas

,, (excess) lehih lebih

(in degree) i^alcaraiau amat

(across) // a-aitg-s ipa Jc di-sabrang

,, (behind) ha -Ho di-balik

,, (finished) Jiohiis habis

Overcome riaiig, tlwas alah, tiwas to suinanJi ,, , giinang, menang

Overflow Ia sal linipah, lampar Overladen tuguh Scirat amat Overplus Jia-IehiJi-aii ka-lebih-an Overseer mandol mandur

Overset (capsize) rclub jukang Overtake samhat ambat

Over, more- sahaddn, Isab na lagi-pun, sahadan Owe miig-utang ber-utang

Owl lo'k-lok biirong hantu Own (possessive) siii-harcui ampunya

Jicoi ,, (belong to) punya

,, (acknowledge) rtfa.s aku Owner ui tug iang ampunya

Oxen sfqjl lembii wild ,, , llsang sihidang 118 ENGLISH. 119 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Paps (dugs) jiungan durfili mat a susii

Paragraph jydsal per-kara, fasal Paradise firdiis

,, (heaven) S'lrga shorga viaiiok dcwCita ,, , bird of biirong siipan Parasol paijong payong

Parcel jiotRs bimgjvus Pardon aiupFm, ma dp ampun, maaf

to DilJii or ,, , beg ((Dijnni niadjnmnta anipiin

Parrot (green) kangag, lidgap nHrl, angak

,, (white) hiilial kakatila Paroquet Jiobisl kekek

Parsimonious ina-'itoiig klkir

Parry, to tanghis, man-angkis tangkis Part, a ang-utad sa'potong to a ,, , {QjS vo]}e) )JiogfoJt, hogtoh putiis

Partition ka-ha li dg i-aii ka-bhagi-an

a d i n i II ,, (of hm\dm(:(} d g dinding Partnership kongsi kongsi Pass by, to hihai, Inmiihal lalii Passage (channel) taus-an trus-an Passenger tdu tCnnpang, orang numpang, numpdng-aii tilmpang-an

Passion (anger) dilgal, ka-paso-an niclrah, hangat

,, (affection) ma-lol ber-uhl

Passionate via-pdso in lidtdi hati panas Passport sdp b'lhas chan bTb

Past hakas telah, sudali

Patch, to tupak-aii tampal 120 ENGLISH. 121 ENGLISH. 122 ENGLISH. ENGLISH. 124 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Plate (dish) Idi pmggan Play ndlDi, naiam main

Plaything jjug-ncuni-coi bei-inain-an Pleasant ma-taiiam sedap

Please mncj-ijeii bri suka

if Ica-lcla-han iTla ,, , you Plenty ina-tdud, ma-selhg, sakianhanyAk

Pliant (flexible) Ifimif, Iiiuuk lanibek, llat

Plough, to mnci-'arii men-anggjxla * Plough, a a rant tanggala

,, (also dredge) hdjd f baja Plough-share sfihih nayam

Pluck hii-tif, Imva chabut

,, (as fruit) ma-pnt, put-cui pun gut

or draw out to Ji Rhhl t-a ii chabut , , ,

Plug (stopper) hrdat, dahus-an sunibat

Plunder, to (on land) liog-cni ramp as, samun

to sea) ,, , (at iiiaiig-sahisu meng-rompak

Plunge (dive) leroj) selam

,, in, to togpa terjun Pocket, a hasa silku, kandung

Podicem detergere mamaupoh istinja Poem ha-lang-an pantun

Point (extremity) doliol iijong

,, (cape) taiidoli, tandok tanjong

,, (to indicate) tnjn-han tuju-kan

,, (to aim at) kltal-an, tujft tuju uk ,, (of a weapon) 2>^'c// tuntung * " Spanish, arado." f Mug-baja— to dredge for pearl-shell. 125 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Poison lacJnln rachiln Poison (venom) hlsa bisa

Poke, to mang-i'ke, eJce men-inunkil

Pole, a tdroJi, tukii tiang, batang Polecat mdsang musang

Polish, to (brif(liten)srt/«-//rt;i chaia-kan

,, (to make smooth) ^^rt-Zro/o// lichen-kan Polite via-arab adab, supan Pollute inneh-an chumar-kan

Polluted nmelh chumar, nejis Pony knra, kiida kiida kechil Pool liihluh-an kiibang Poor viiskiii meskin

,, (lean) kciiiig kurus Populous ma-lamai ramei

,, (crowded) ma-sumhiil,ma-lau-jiet* punnuh sasat Porcupine landak landak Pork unTid bahoi daging bTibi Porpoise lumha-lumha lumba-lumba Portion (share) hahagi-an bhagl-an Portrait ^jfl^«- gambar Positive (certain) tantd tantu

Possess ipat, tTau simpan, taroli

,, (to have) aun, ttlga ada Possibly kdlO-kdlo kalCi-kiilo

Post, a pangtiid, hag tiang

Posterior ha-likud, lia-lio di-bl;lkang Posteriors hull, tdikud pantatjblakang * Chinese. 126 ENGLISH. 127 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Prefect, a panglima Pregnant biirns bunting, haniil Prepare jninidp, cliahap sedla-kan Prepuce DiuniFtd kulop

Presence Jiarajj-aii, Jiaiuarat adap-an

Present hi Ji'diiii s'kcirang

„ (a gift) hftdi, sampang per-sanibah-an

Presently da i-da i da Icoman sa'buntar Ifigi

Press, to ragan -a 11 tekan

Pretend ill a- illa piira-pura Pretty Diaraiau, hisai bagus, mulek Prevent haw id, Jiawir-au tegah, larang Previous in nakanna lang daulu

Price lidga, 1I alga harga to offer a tawar ,, , tdical, niilg-halga to the ,, , (by lot) filgJuui burong

Prick (to pierce) tiigsuk chuchuk Prickle tfniok-a)i duri

Prickley heat liahas Pride (proud) takahCd sombong

Priest (Christian)7)«(r?ri padri

,, (Mahomedanl^Jrt/i//, liatih, hiral iniilm, khatib Prime cost pnliun pnkok

Prince anak datoli anak raja

,, (heir apparent) /(TyV/ ninra raja miida

Princess ddgang pntll tiian piltrl

Private Jahsla rah si a

' Probably kdlO-kdlo barang kiili Probe, to fke, mang-fke chungkil 128 ENGLISH. 129 ENGLISH. SULU, MALAY.

Proxy (agent) wakll wakll

Puberty hdllg bfilig

h'da t Pudendum niuliebre piiki Puddle (pool) luh-luh-aii kiibang

Pull ut>ig, Rtniig, held tarek, hela

,, out larttt chabut

,, down I ah all ruboh

Pulley timun-tiuuiii kapi, lorah

Pulp fin Fid isl

Pulse (arterial) hadlah nadi

,, (beans) hdtong kachang Pump oinhak-oDihalc boniba Pumpkin hahasl labil merah Puncture tugsuh ch achat Pungent viadara, mala pedas Punish pieg-Jiukuvi-an meng-hukum-kan Punishment huJiuvi hukum

Puppy anak crok anak anjing

Purchase hi, ml (Iiaidah^''') bih

Pure madcDioh brisih

Purple Fnigu ungu Purpose sangdja sangaja Pursue hapas, iirol, turol kejar, usir Pus (matter) ndnah nanah Push tolak, tomOlak tolak, sorong

Put tail, hataiuj taroh, buboh » by tdu, itau, tlaiL taroh, simpan

,, on ma-makai, sdng-an pakai, pasang

To purchase charms or holy books. K 130 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Put out (extmgmBh)2:>ohng-an, poiig padam na-miida ,, out of joint

,, between, to sip-sip sisip latak ,, down, to hatang Putrid haloli biisuk

Python, a has saioa iilar sawah

Quadruped 131 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Kace course lomha-an lo nib a- an

to ,, , viu(j-Iuiiiba ber-loniba

,, (generation) baiir/sa bangsa Radish, a Ichanos lr)l)ak

Baft (of rotan) hnitijtg lantin

,, (of bamboo etc.) aUd rjikit * ,, giahit rakit Rafter kdsaiih kasau

Rag dagmai, ragmai percha Rasfe ma-gama, agama mcirah, amarah

Diolka t inorka f

Ragged (torn) 11 a gisL-gisi robak-rabek

,, (tattered) daginal-ragmai knyak-rabek Rain Tdan hujan to ,, , niug-Cdaii ber-iijan

Rainbow andaliu, haugaii kung palangi Raise (lift) hfiliat angkat

,, (to erect) hanguii bangun

,, (on end) till dog dirl-kan

,, (at one end) jongliat jongkat Rake, a hdjd, has peng-garis to ,, , imig-hdjci, ving-Jcds garis

,, (like amast) so;;(/oy//7 chondong

Ram (male goat) ]:((mhiiig iisog kambing jantan to lantak ,, , inug-darasok

Rambutan (fruit) risafi rambutan

,, (another kind) taiiiusdn maritom

* Wood secured to a bangka (prau).

t Used when speaking of high personages. 132 ENGLISH. 133 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY,

Recently hagn-iaiin bharu tfidi

Reckon (to count) Itoiig bilang

,, (compute) Irda-lclla kira-kira

Recline (lean) sandlg, samandig sandar,lungguli

,, (repose) hoJcnig, liomoJang bfiring, limpang Recognise ittgat,pa]iam,]ialrila kenal, cham

Recollect tinn-tnm Ingat

Record, to inanifdat, Xicnifdat meniiirat Recover (from sickness) JuauU-(tii sumboli Recreation inig-naiam-na ia m-an ka-mam-an

Rectitude l^a-tidir-an {tfdld) ka-luriis-an

Red 21 Ilia, lag merah

Reed (in weaving) iaZ/rt/i _ balera Redeem (from pawn) lulcat tabus, tebus Reduce (lessen) Jidknig-an kdrang-kan Reef (of rocks) tdkut karang Refuse, to haivid, haioir-an anggan

Regent giha-Jia/i sin sultan ganti raja Region hernia dalrab Reign jyug-jKilentah-an pegang parentah Rein (bridle) kahang kakang, dras, ras Reiterate fdang-rdang ber-ulang Reject, to h lug it biiang Relapse (in sickness) hlughat balik sakit

Relate haita bilang, cherlta Related, to be miig-piig-tiingud ber-sanak Relation, a tdu ted anaJc dustlnak

Release, to eg-i, pa-hutun-an lejDas Relief (assistance) tahang tolong 134 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.


Eetain (hold on) hug-hug tahan

,, (keep) itdiL simpan lietaliate haus balas Eetch, to Uo-dulc-an muntah-muntah

Betinue ka-hunyog-an peng-ikut

Retreat sihitg undor Retribute husong tCilah

Retribution lila-hasong-an ka-tulah-an

Return, to iing-hdlelc, hieng, balik-kombali,

viFti, niintli piilang Reveal ha'ita-i bri tahu

Revenge haus-an pem-bahls-an

Revenue lids 11 hasil

Reverse dotuain lain

,, (quite different) doain-doain lian sakali Revive sadar sadar Revolt ddulaka duraka

Revolve heng pusing, kitar Reward tang dan upah Rheumatism sangal sangal Rhinoceros hddak badak Ribs gusuk riisuk Rice hras, hugas bras

,, (in the husk) j^zi pad!

,, (boiled) k'aun-an, Timai nasi, Imei

Rice-flour ta-pong tepong Rice, to sift Diug-ayag tinting

Rich dayahan, kauasa ktiya

Riches ka-kudsa-haii ka-kayci-an 137 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY,

Riddle (sieve) legoli, aijag-an ayak, nylrii

,, (conundrum) ha-tulntd-an tuka-tuki

Kide jiengTii'a tunggang kuda Kidge (of a roof) hlahnnrj-an per-ubong-an a ,, (of bill) 2^u)}tuh poncbak

Eight (truly) huiial-hunal benar-benar

~ ,, (proper) amUna, ma-tud betul, patut

,, (opposed to left) to kanan

,, (straight) tfiUd, hiintul liirus nigging (shrouds) tcunh'daug tambirang Rigid ma-tras, via-tugas kras Rigorous any aya anyaya

Rim (edge) JiPgad, hiruig pinggir, tepi Rind kulit

Ring (finger) sing-sing chin-chin the ,, (for wrist) (7«/(?;;r/ gal an g ear ,, , hchig krabii, siibang Ringleader mas-mas kapala

Ringlet Iiiilung chechintong Ringworm (tetter) hidap kurap Rinse (cleanse) tlniud cliuchi

,, (the mouth) maniai miig-iniig kiimur

,, (dip in water) randam rendam

Riot (uproar) li'do-lialo, hahag hiru-biru Ripe lunog masak half ,, , manglioJ, mungliol mangkol

„ , over liasaiL-an raniim un- ,, , lielau, hidah mantab, milda Rise (ascend) samahat, salcat naik 138 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY

Hise, to (sit up) hangun bangun ber-diri ,, np, to (stand) tinclog, mindog timbul ,, (to the suvia,ce)la)itop Kite (ceremony) liadat ad at Hiver sohah sungei the sanidd ha sohah mildik ,, , np down the laniaras hilir ,, ,

Eriver's mouth slviud sohah kuala, miiara

Eoad (path) dan lilrong, jcilan dan ddhohili a ,, (highway) jalan ray lioar (bellow) sualak terlak Eoast, to ])anggang-an panggang Bob tlakau, takau churl samun ,, and kill, to Uaag-an

,, (plunder) lampas-an rampas Eobber shngarol peniamun

„ (thief) tdu tlakaiL penchuri

liock, a hcitii batu

Eocks (reef) kdlang karang Eocky ma-hdtu ber-biitu Eoe (small deer) kljang kljang

Eoll (as a cask) giling-an gohng

,, (as a mat) lan-an golong

,, (as a ship) linggang lenggang

,, (as the hair) ma-mugos kilndei, sanggul

Eoof atitp atap mulut ,, (of the mouth) dclang-delang Icingit-hlngit Eook iDdk gagak

Eoom (apartment) hllik, tdmhok bilek 139 ENGLISH. SULU MALAY.

Room (space) tuugud tampat

Koomy (spacious) ICtag, liayang lilas, hlpang Roost ma-tog tidor

,, (perch) timapoh anglcap Root gamut, akag akar a sal ,, (origin) puhn, asal Rope UihUl tah Rotten goijah,gaholx, tapoh burok

,, (putrid) lulloil biisok Rough kasap, clagmul kasap Round tlhuk bulat

,, (plump) nug-lapinig bontar

,, about I'thiit koliling to ,, , go vulg-llbiit-Uhiit meng-oliling to Rouse, {\Ya,ken)ha>igu)i-i , jjiikaa bangun-kan Rout (in battle) riaug, diaug meng-alali Row, to (with oars) mitg-ddydng ber-davong

Royal ka-ratoli-an raja ampimia Royalty ka-laja-aii ka-raja-an Rub kds-kiis gusok Rubbish saghut sampah Rudder hdnsan kamudi

Rude (unmannerly) liak, kdlang arah pangkoh

Ruffian tan inang-i Orang jtihat

Rugged kasap kfisap Ruin (to destroy) nug-larak-a)i mem-benasa-kan

,, (to spoil) niig-kangi rOsak

,, (demolish) nug-hlbiih roboh, runtoh

Rule, to palentah parental! 140 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

* * Ruminate mug-sopaJi mam ah biak Eumoiir gawi khabar, brita Eump ogpoli ponggong

Eun ddg-a/i, doinCig-cui larl

,, away, to 2)(igol, indgoi lari

,, agamst dogtol, doJctol sontoh

Emiaway tduinagoi,tau i^cigoi pe-larl Eupture (hernia) must Ik burnt

Eusa (large deer) usa rilsa

Eush (reed) ranteJc rantek, karchut

Eust (rusty) gdJia karat Euthless hung is bmgis

Sabre (sword) ptldang, IcaJiawang pedang

Sack, a (bag) lidrot, hnijot f k.xrong

Sacrifice, to siimbdl I sambilih t Sad sRsaJi duka chita

Sadness l-a-snsali-aii ka-duka-an

Saddle, a pakid sela, pal an a a ,, cloth, Idvqnt, lampik lapis-an Safety saldmat salamat Saffron drdau kunyet Sage (wise) hudhndn budlman

2)aud'(ta (irong budlman

Sago palm sd)ii rumbia, sagii

,, flour Junihla sagii, lumbla

Sail (of a vessel) Idijag layer

* To chew the cud. f Native rice bag.

kill with \ To animals, religious ceremony. 141 ENGLISH. 142 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Sash* said salendang , salendang Satan saltan, sliaitan sheitan Satiate liien-suhali-an mengenniang Satiated 2^nas, tlmus jiiinu, kenniang

Satisfied lias ill Jut tab Lclti 2') puas Saturday adlaii sahtiL liari sabtu

Sauce sahaii kilali

Saucer ta 21 ah piring Savage, a tdii katlan Grang iitan tdloii ,, (ferocious) garan g

Saw (small) gangari gargajl

„ (large) hat-lcat gargajl besar

Say, to Jitlno, 2^(ii)ioiig, long kiita to ,, , (address) mng-sagda ber-sabda

Scab iigud kudis a ,, (of sore) Iciigang kruping, salaput Scabbard, a tagohan sarong pedang Scald lianglus, husogan lechor-kan

Scales (of a fish) ]ioind2)-an,s7slk sisik

,, (for weighing) timbang-an dJlching

Scandal fitnah, onqxit up at, fitnah Scanty hdlang korang Scapula kiiha ballkat Scar bakds pall parut Scarce inahang jarang

,, mahonet ka-bdk-an f siisah dapat Scare (frighten) hleblah-an meng-ajut Scatter sabad hambur, tabor

*Worn over the shoulders. f Literally, diflficult to get. 143 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY,

Scent (perfume) htJisi raksT, aver wangi

Scent (odour) hah a, hau bfiu, biihu Scented 144 ENGLISH. 145 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Seduce (lead astray) sasat men-yasat-kaii

,, (deflower) lusihali, miig-oerg perugal See, to Ixlta llhat

Seed (of plants) hlgl bigi

Seed-time ^j icg-ha In l-a n masa men-jibnr

Seek, to laioag chtiri

Segar dubia cheriit (cheroot)

Seize (catcli) ma-put, ka-pfit tankap, pegang a ,, (as bird of prey) pang-daglt sambar Seldom maliang, najajang jarang

Select, to pell-pell, mug-pepe pllih

Self ha rail, ha dan sindirl, dirl dm-ki\ ,, , my hara)i-liu,lsa-isa-ku him or ,, , her 146 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Sentence (decision) Imhum-an hukum-an

Separate, to hiltas, clielai cherai Sepulchre liahTd kubiir Serpent (snake) lids ular

Servant hatali, IpTin biidak, haniba Serve (wait upon) suapan layani Set, a sasun siisun

Sets, to lay in mitg-sasun ber-siisun Set up (erect) jneg-hangun nien-dlri-kan sun- in mata hari masok ,, , samadliip suga

Settle (adjust) salasai, piitiis selesei, piltus

Seven pi' to tujuh Seventh ka-peto ka-tujuh

Seventy ka-peto-an tiiguh pill oh

Seven-fold peto angka lapis tiijuh lapis viaka kali ,, (seven times) peto tujuh Several ma-taud banyak

Severe (cruel) htlngis, hlngis bingis

Sew, to tdi, tdlii, man-dlii jalt, jjlhit

Shackles (fetters) ikang-ikang kang-kang rantei ,, (chains) hillanggok

Shade selong lindong Shadow lamhong bayang

Shaft (of a weapon) tangkai iilu a tlUsi ulu ,, (of spear)

afisli iilil ,, (of spear)^ato//-a» a iilu ,, (of pritok*)^)^//^-^?^

Shake, to (as a \eQ,f) jag-jag, unsang g'O'ang

* Patok^native axe. 147 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Shake, to (sliog) liihal, klmihal kiber Shalve, to tamjkog, pak-pcik gonchang

,, the head, to U/ir/af-/iiigat Shaky (loose) mug-hdlciil lungar Shall inau-haijali handak Shallow hahau, cJicfck tnhor, dangkal

Sham (to feign) ula-Cda piira-pura

Shame sip it g, ma -sip fig mrdii

Shameless wdi riDi sip 11 g, korang mJHii, mcv-hlas, well cllh tiada taumalii

Shampoo p)ijl, plsul* pTchit*

Shape (form) rughus, dughiis rupa, sikap Share (portion) hahagi-cui bhagl-an half- ,, , ang-slpah saparu to ,, , mng-haliagi bhagi Shark kdJtcoi Ikan Jyii Shark's fins sik kdltaii sisik iyii

Sharp ma-]I alt tajam

,, (cmming) pa)idaL cherdek

Sharpen, to mng-hdlt tfljam-kan

,, (to whet) Diug-dsah meng-cisah

Shave, to hagitng (sTisoli \) chiikur

She sia, Ilia, sila, nila dia, ia, nya Sheath, a fagobaii sarong

Sheathe, to t sFiIog-an, manggdhok taroh dalam sarong

* To pinch the Hmbs; to massage.

I To .shave the eyebrows or temples.

\ To sheathe a sword:^s«.? in iaktis halam tagohaii. 148 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Sheathe, un- larut unus

Shed, a Icamalig pondok Sheep h'dl-h'dl biri-birl

Sheet (covering) sloh sallmut a ,, (of sail) jampang daman Shelf, a paga para

Shell (mollusc) huhu, panagat-an slput, bla a ,, (of cocoa-nut) ogahjiiuigut tempiirong

,, , tortoise- slsik slsik seed ,, , pearl salislp salisip M.O.P. ,, , pais tlpai kiilut mutiara Shelter selong lindong Sherbet salhat sarbat

Shew (point out) liindoli unjuk, tunjuk

Shield taiiiing tcimhi, prTsei

Shift (to change) scdui ganti

_,, (to move) p)iiidah pindah

Shine (shining) selau, sciia gilang, kllau

Shingle (gravel) karsik, pasil batu klikir Ship, a kapal kapal a , ,, hiyag kapal layer a steam- or aso , ,, kdijii kapal api

, (gunboat) „ jdga-jdga kapal p'rang

iTiaii miiat , , to

Jul Jitlas , , to un- was, ponggah master of a nakora ,, , kapitan, kapitan, nakoda na in ,, -wreck bag-hag kapal pechah-an kapal Shirt, a kaviisa kameja

Shiver (shake) ma-milik-pilik gallgl 149 ENGLISH. 150 ENGLISH. 151 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Signify aiDi Ita-hat'i-an nija, ada aiti nya,

au)i Dil/ia nija ada nia'ana nya

Signification ha-mana-han nia'ana Silent, be ddhong, diunahong dlani Silk sdtla siitra

Silly dopang bodoh Silver pelak perak

Similar sall-rnghus sama riipa

,, (no difference) well na hulali tiada bidali

Simpleton hlnggoiig bin gong

Simulation illa -Fi la piira-piira Sin dosa dosa

Sincere hdtd'i banal tulus

Sincerity islas ekblas

Sinew ugat, Tirat urat

Sing, to miig-hat, ja)ijam ma-nlanyi mug-dlndang* ber-dindang*

ber-doa f ,, miig-dr>a\

,, a lullaby, to langan-aii meng-Idong

Single (sole) tiuiggal, isa-lsa tunggal, asa

,, (unmarried) hujang,l siihid% bujang Sink, to iTinud tingglani Sir taan tilan

Sister taimangJuld hahai sudara perampiian

Sister-in-law Ipag hahai ipar perampuan

Sister, elder- kalcah kakak Sit lingkud diiduk

* To sing jocundly. fTo sing from the koran in chorus.

\ Female. § Male. 152 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Sit, to cause to pa-linghar-a duclok-kan ber-sila ,, (cross-legged) ma-mllang to a ,, , (as hen) mang-am meng-aram Six 153 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Slender manahut rampmg, nlpis

Slide (slip) Umigdas, ligdas galinchir Slime (mud) plsah lumpur, lululi Slimy Ian dag lindir

Slippers taompa,tompa sliper

Slippery liiigaJias, laitdog lichin, lindir

Sloth (slow-lori) linham, hiilcang kiikang

Slough (miry ])ool)IuhIuh-a)i kiibang

,, (of a snake) JtllFdiR lamus

Slow (indolent) via-liusliau mjxhls

,, (not prompt) lalai lalei

,, (leisurl}^ innf-liifif, anai-aimi'perlahasn

Small asJvl, manahut kechil

,, -pox pangkut chachar

Smart, to (pain) liapdus pedih

Smash (to atoms) ma-tiiina- hanchor

Smell (odour) hdlia, hdii ban, h'Mui

to ma-mauhu an Jin chlum ,, ,

„ (to scent) ma-nimut sinint chiiim Smelt, to tunau-an leborkan, anchor Smile liumaiain, liomium sinyum Smith tuhang hdsl tukang besi haldioan amas ,, , gold- pandai tukang Smoke aso asap to a misa ,, , (as pipe) lianggop isap, to minom rukuk ,, , (cigarettes) mtig-slgup to minom cherut ,, , (cigars) mug-dCihJa

Smooth lanoh lichin, lindir to llchin-kan ,, , make p)a-Janoli 154 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY,

Smother, to siampong lenias Snake has ular

Snap (break) haleh pat ah

toll ,, (as a rope) hog piitus Snare jalat jarat Snatch dagmit, dagtu-an rabut, sintak Sneeze, to hdJidniim, halian bersin Snivel sihpun, slpmi ingus, lisraa

Snore ntig-singolc, liagong rilban, dun^kor

Snout piansliong llong idong munchong bulrdei ,, (trunk) mayong, halulal

Snow salj II, salju So demik'ian demiklan

til ,, (in that manner) hJ-lia-ien bag! hl-lia-lni ,, (thus) bagini

dm a- ]i a betul ,, , just (ex&ctly) So-and-so Jiuan and

So be it am'tii aniin

Soak (steep) randani rendam

I ,, (absorb) snp-siip, tnpns-an sap Soap sdhi'Di sabun (Port.) Sociable mtg -hag di-hagdi sohbat-ber-sohbat

Socks mejis, tagohan slhi sarong kaki Sodomy miig-juhiil pfdat Soft lunuk, hahlo, huyog lunak, lumbilt

Soil (earth) lop a tan ah to kotor-kan ,, , mug-Inmeli

Soldier sonddh'j soldadu (Sp.)

Sole (only) tunggal tunggal 155 ENGLISH. 156 ENGLISH. 157 ENGLISH. 158 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Spread out, to iklad, lldar-aii ampur, kambang Spring, to ma-ompat, laksit loinpat tiihur-aii milta , , (fountain) hual, ayer

Spring-tide da gat ddkulah pasang besar Sprinkle sdbrdaJc-aii slrani

Spur (of a cock) taluid susoh ayam

,, (gaffle) htllaiig to hondiili ,, , haiidiili, gjirtak Spy, a tail seb peniulu sulii ,, , to seb

Spying-glass tolompong trupong

Squall, a ]l funis badong

Square, a pa-sdgJ opat amp at per-sagi .

Squeeze (press) kioji-ktiiii-i apit, takan hiibut ,, (pinch) gipi-i, chubit, pichit Squint-eyed llbat in vidta mata-juling

Squirrel, a basing tupei

Squirt, to bustak lunchur

Stab, to tigbalc, tlbak tikam Stable, a paged kan dang kiida ,, (for horses) hdl knra rilmah

Staff, a tongknd tongkat

Stag, a fisa itsog rusa jantan Stain, a ka-ketamak-an muting

,, (to colour) ketaniak-cui chalak, parut to latak ,, , (the teeth) pung las, chachat,chr)ring Stairs hdg-ddii tanggah

Stale, to mlhl, ihl ber-kinching

Stalk, a (stem) tangkai, bdtang tangkei, biitang 159 ENGLISH. 160 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Step over, to lakad langkali Steps hag-dan tanggali

Stern (of a vessel) hrdl burit-an

Stew^ (to boil) tolah rebiis Steward handurl^ bandluiri *

Stick (to pierce) tugsuk clinch uk sa sasat ,, {heim^eded) gnat, sangkut

„ (to adhere) pjJcit, mlkit lekat

Still (yet) maien, mayen ]iiga, lagi, pula

,, (calm) JPnau tedoh tiiinunali ,, (motionless) tdnali, kuchiba

Sting (of an insect) Jca-hlsa-haii sangat Stink IGl ENGLISH, SULU. MALAY.

Stop (to cease) dumiihong, daliong ber-heiitl hulat-an ,, up menianipal Stopper hrdat sampal, silmbat Stoik bangau bangu

Storm Juoius ribut, tdfcin to ,, , (assault) langgal langgar Story (a floor) jjcoigkat pangkat lower ,, , angkap ha-habaJi ,, di-bJlwali

,, , upper angkap ha-tas tiufjkat

,, (tradition) hechdlaslnka-vids-anhsbkaysit Stout (corpulent) ma-iamb ilk gumok Straddle, to ma-bingkang kangkang, julang Straight tcdid, buntol lurus, betul

,, (towards) tilju tuju

Strain (to filter) sdh, miig-leliaii tjipis draw ,, (to tight) nug-kansang kinchang-kan Strainer sdh-an tapls-an

Strait (narrow) sigpit, sigpld

,, (channel) taas-an trus-an, salat Stranded sanglad ter-kandas Strange (foreign) dowain, doain asing Stranger (trader) anal: dagang urang-djigang taw dOdiii ,, (foreigner) orang asing tan a ,, (newcomer) bag orang bhilru * singke* singke

Strangle jnkol kujut, chekek Straw (stubble) banglai marang Streaked manas chura-chiira

* Applied to Chinese only M 162 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Stream (liver) sobah sungei

to down I Ulnaras hlhr ,, , go to sad miidek ,, , go up pa

,, (current) Jidus harus

Street (road) dan jiilan Strength ha-gaus-an ka-tagoh-an Stretch hdntang bentang to ,, out the hand, ongsad iinjuk-an

Strike, to lohak, lagiit pukul

,, (t-o hammer) jiiik-puk timpa

,, (with the fist) sontok guchoh

,, (to slap) savipak tampar

,, against, to dogtol injat, sontoh

Strip, to (unhusk) vianilad Jciibak String (cord) Itlhid trdi

to file a ,, , on tilJiog chuchuk

Strong (as the 'wmd)kansang kinchang

,, (vigorous) ma-hasag kuat

,, (muscular) gaus, tagap tagap, tagoh

,, (powerful) kiiasa, kiisog, gaus kuasa, kiiat

,, (vocally) gc(gcih kiiat suara currents ,, (as etc.) tugda drils, kinchang Struggle (contend) mang-dtn, laniiin her-lawan Strumpet ka-blga, inapacliik sundal Strut, to ma-lingkat ber-gambira

Stuff, to miig-darasok* memunnii-isasak*

Stump (of a tree) tunggtd tunggul Stupid kangog kaguh, murong

* To fill by thrusting. 163 ENGLISH. 164 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Summon tdwag, tag panggil Sun vidta saga, suga m;ita hari Sun-diy, to huliad, huhar-i jemur Sun-beam sinag sin saga sinar mataLarl

Sun-rise gimnali in stiga mata harl terbit Sun-set samadliip in suga mata hari nicisok Sunday adlaii all ad harl ah ad roniDujgo hJlrl minggo* Sunder hutas cherai

Sup (to spoon) mng-sfirnli ber-sendok, irup

,, (to eat) Ica-maun mfikan

Superintendent mandol, nalcora kapala, mandor

Superior (greater) lehili ddkolah lebih bestir lebih ,, (higher) matds tine:oi'bti-'

Superlative (signs of) tiid, jx^l^ciriau ter, sakilh Supple Uunit lumbut, lentok Supplicate mllii pohon, minta Support (sustain) tanggong,hiighCig-an tanggong

,, (to prop) tonglias-aii ber-sokong

Suppose (imagine) 0f77, srt;»irt^ sangka Suppurate miig-ndnali ber-nfmah Supreme ddlioIaJi paJiaraiaiL malni besar

Sure tan til tantu

Surety (bail) dtas-an, tanggong-an aku-an Surf via-ahin ombak, galuro

Surface ha-gilaJi, dtas di-luar, atas di-atas ,, (of water) hahau tnhig ayer Surfeited hien-suhdh-an kenniang

* Spanish, "domingo." 165 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Surgeon tahih, tabid diikun, bdmo Surly, to be miuj-dnh-diih leaser, mjlsam Surplus ka-lehlJi-aii ka-lebih-an Surprised liallan heiran

Surround iiulg-Ilbitt meng-apong

Sustain (support) taiiggotg tanggong

Sustenance ka-aun-aii ka-idiip-an Swagger, to ma-Vuigkat ber-kfichak Swallow (the bird) Jd-'id layang-hiyang bCihi* ,, kalanipisaiL* layang

,, (white headed) lingat-liiigat

,, , to if/7;;, taaii talan Swamp, a sapa rawah, paya Swathe, to Icnnpik lampin

Swear at, to j^^'^^^OO'^^^ maki

,, (take an oath) mng-sdpali ber-sumpah Sweat hulas peluh to hulas-an ka-luar ,, , peluh

Sweep, to mug-sap ii{maspas f ) sapu, menitipu

Sweeper (a broom) sa-saprt peniapu Sweepings saghut sampah Sweet maimoli manis

lid ,, scented mam wangi

,, in sound ma-lol mardu

,, -heart tiinang ka-kasih, tiinang Sweetmeats maimoli-an manls-an

Sweet-potatoe pdnggi haguii libi kantane:

* Hirundo esculenta; edible nest swallow. Javanese, "lawit."

f Maspas ^ to dust. 166 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

* Swell, to hfihag, hujol bimgkak

Swift ma-ydrj-an, ina-huslcai pantas, laju Swill (guzzle) la-lalc-lnh charuk, irup Swim, to viiig-langol bernang

,, (to gloat) Uantop, hilltop timbul Swine ha hoi babi

Swollen Jul hag, hunCihag bimgkak

,, (expanded) muskag kumbang

Swoon 2^''"^oiig pangsan Sword pudang pedang Lroad- ,, , Icaliaicang galiwang

Syrup tiihig suhal ayer gala

Table la-mlsa-lian \ meja t to a hcloh Tack, (as ship) _pi^./ to, I ber-pal, belok I

Tail i'lcog ekor

,, (queue) T>unjong thau chang

Take, to Jcaica, ha-cl ambil

Jiatca viatoh ,, away to b;lwa pergi

,, in, to (cheat) h'gau, Iigot kichu, tfpu

,, care Jclta, saioi

,, heed ingat ingat

Talisman (charm) ajiniat azimat

Talk, to (speak) mig-jJdmong ber-kiita

,, in sleep, to man-clainat ngiku " 'Applied to animals. fin Spanish, "la mesa = the table.

JPal^to tack; belok, z=" to steer more to \vind\vard"-hence, the word of command used, in directing the helmsman of a vessel, to bring her round, during the operation of tacking. Ber-pal- pal = to beat to windward.


Talkative matCind hcsluila nu"ilut ganggii Tall ma-lanja)ig panjang ma-tds tinggi

Tame tut at, ha-pacliut jinak Tangle na sagnat mengusut ketok Tap (to knock) kagOl, poh-pok tepok, Tapioca (plant) panggi Icahoi libl kayu Zva/ioi ubi ,, (flour) lamh'iapanggi tepong kayil Tar aiketlan, aketlan mlniak tar Tarnished wCil said ilangchaya-nia

Tardy (slow) ma-hushau, ma-lcdai lambat Target, a sascd-aii sasar-an

,, (buckler) iral-ind prisi, salukong

Taro liaupe kalfidi Tassel, a jamhii jambul

Taste (flavour) an am rasa

Tatters (rags) ragmai, dagmai percha Tax silkai chukei

Tea (infusion) tnhig piaso (pdso) teh, clia

Tea-leaf dfiJtfni tc - daun teh

Tea-pot pate-huan teh-kuan (Ch.)

• Teach, to h'uidoh, imig-gidCi ineng-;"ijar

Teacher gal it gurd

kclliui Teak jdt'i, jcit'b ktiyu jfitl, jati

Tear, to gisl kdyak

Tears luha, tuhig mata ixyev mata to shed ,, , tomcingis, man-angis men-rmgis Tease vidg-kakat, us Ik strkat, usik Teat pungau durdli susu 168 ENGLISH. 1(59 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

There ha ietu, dan di-sitii, di-silna

There ! na ! nah !

Therefore sahab iaun, butJcahia sabab itu

These 1)1 i ini

They ulla, sila, nia, sia dia orang, dia Thick diikmal, ma-ruhnal tabal set ,, (close) via-saghnt, ragnut karap, kadap

Thief, a tciiL takau, shiigarol pen-chiiri Thigh pdhd, pad paha

Thimble sUphh didal, sarong jarl

Thin (not thick) ma-n'ipis nlpis

,, (lean) ma-haiug kiirus

Things (effects) ata, Jca-Jcana, alta arta

,, (baggage) pTitus-pTitas barang-barang

Think 2nkil, jiuigka fikir, sangka Third ka-td ka-tlga Thirsty luhdii, ulidu haiis, dh;iga Thirty kathlan, ka-tulu-an tiga-puloh

This ~i)ii nil

Thorn, a tiinok, poliong diiri, uiiak Thorough tai tnis

Those ien, ietu, iaun itu Thou c'kau angkau, inu Though mJsan, minsan wolo, iiiaski

Thought dgl, andm, jangka, sangka,

ka-]jik'd-aii ka-fiklr-an

Thousand ihii ribu

ang-'ilu sa'ribu

,, , ten sa'Iaksa sa'laksa 170 ENGLISH, SULU. MALAY.

Thread sdhaii, salhan benang

Three to tiga

to ,, quarters ang-ntnd tlga sukii

„ times inaha to tIga kali

Thresh (aspadi) gelh-aii lubor Threshold langhah-aii ambang, chupu

Throat (gullet) tnti-tdii-an. kilngan

,, (windpipe) gioig-fjnug-cai rungkong

,, (exterior) tPfig, IcJieg leher Throb hadhih ber-dabar

Tbrougli laghas, limaghas trds, lantas

Throw trio, lapiid lempar, chanipak

„ (cast) hiiigit, suqnid biiang Thrust (push) toIaJc tdlak, snrong

,, (push in) Intud, sainiid chabur „ (stab) tlghak, tlhak tlkam

,, (insert between) .s/j;-.?/)) sisip

Thuml) halicd, halcid ibu jari

Thunder di'ig-diig giirul], giintur

,, bolt lliiteJt, I it ill hali-lintar Thursday adlau luinils harl khamis Thus hi-ha-Jni baglni Thwart hahag lintang

Thy kail ekaii angkau piinj'a Tbyself kail haraii mu angkau sindirl

Tick (insect) kutd hlhang kutil sapl

Tickle, to gilok-aii gill-kan

Ticklish gilok, gitok gih, gilh

Tide, flood- tauh, siig (Iyer pasang 171 ENGLISH. 172 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Tipsy liclo mabok Tiled 1dap us pan at, pun at

Title gillal, galal galar To lean, ha akan, sema, pada

,, (noting motion) ^:)rt. ka

,, -day acllau Ini hari Ini * ,, -day adlaii iauii* hrirl Ini tadi

,, -night dion Ini malam ini

,, -morrow Jdn-sJii())i esok, besok

,, ,, morning hln-shum mdindt besok pjigi kin-sJtuDi „ ,, evening inaliapun besok petang Toast 173 ENGLISH. 174 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Towards man-TijCi, tfijil men-ii]u

Towel jinq)aiL tdiila

Town hanaa bendar, negri

,, (village) h>ur/-au, lict-hai-an kainpong

Toy ytig-nfuni-CDi - per-mjim-an

Track (a path) dan, ran jalan, liirong

,, (footmark) limpa slkl bakas kaki

Trade (to traffic) mug-dagang ber-nlciga Trader (merchant) saiidagal sudagar

Trail (to drag) giiiiid, guiur-aii lilrit, tarek

Train (retinue) Ica-agar-an, peng-ikot, l:a-hn)iijog-an peng-iring

,, (instruct) an ad ajar

Trample miig-geil-, ha-ge'tk irik, injak

Transcribe, to sdlin, Jul I in, Sill in

Transgress to lilnang sdh ber-dnsa Transgression ka-sdJi~an, dOsa ka-salah-an Translate sdlin hdlidsa sfdin bhasa

Transplant pindah-an pindah-kan

Trap (snare) ja la t jarat lltag hahoi per-ankap-an babi Trash (rubbish) saghut sampali

,, (idle talk) liongkau, hdla-ula sTa-sIa

Travail (child birth) 2')ieg-and'k-an per-anak-an to Travel, ^irn^rn^, manau ber-jfilan Tray (metal) tdlam, suntai^ talam d ,, (wood) liking, hintang \ dulang Tread (to step) niig-tlkang me-langkah * Square. f Round 175 ENGLISH, SULU. MALAY.

Tread upon iniirj-ge'ih, na ha-gelk irek, injak Treason daiihtka duraka

Treasure (mon ey) pela k wan g Treasurer, a baudara bandabara

Treasure-trove gadoiuj s'ui ka-mds-cui

Treat (entertain) j^ieg-oira-Jian men-jamu Treaty kapeturasion* triti (Eng.)

,, (agreement) p)iUj-janj'L-an per-janji-an

Tree kaJuii, bfitang kdliOi piibn, pnko kayii Tremble ma-mld-pul gomitar

Trench gdta parit

Trial (judicial) bccJtdIa, blchala bechara ka-solai-aii ka-cboba-an ,, (experiment) Triangle to pa sdgl tiga sag! Tribe bangsa siiku, larab

,, (race) bangsa Tribulation ka-sukdl-an. ka-sukar-an

Trick, to viug-akal, akdl-an biiat akal Trickle, to mag-to ber-tltek lalei Trifle (to idle) Idla i

- fi la Ti la , , (play tricks) gurau Trim, to (aboat) timhaiig-l timbang-kan sumbu. ,, , (a wick) siigi-liaii gunting hantok Trip (to stumble) hantak Trot, to tiitnk lari susali bati Troubled (in mind) ma-snsali hdtd'i ka-susdh-aii ka-susah-an ,, (afflicted) Trousers sawal saluar

" Spanish, Capitulacion." 176 ENGLISH. 177 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Tumour (a boil) halui ntut blsol, bara

Tumult Irdo-lidla hlril-hara

Turban pis destar, serban

Turbid In bog kruh Turk Taii-Istainhnl Orang-KOm * Turkey Bdiii, Stamhid l\nm Turmeric dnlau kunyit

Turn over, to hc/iff, h'leng brdik to ,, horizontally, ^jf/saZf pusar f to stlhir-aii ,, , (twist) silhid, pintal

,, round, to Ilrjut piising, kitar

,, the head, to Uiuiufji, I'uigit paling to re- ,, , nug-halek, mi)iai, balik kombali.

hleng, mdi pill ang

,, back, to (repel) <;7?a'-« halau

,, out, to (eject) hiugit lia-gmli k'luar-kan to ,, toward, vtug-hdrap meng-adap to ,, from, iniig-taihnr-an piising balik

,, (by turns) iiiig-sdhli-sahH ber-ganti-ganti

Turquoise jydils flnlz

Turtle, a paiokan penyii, katCing

Tusk, boar's taling siyilng, taring

,, , elephant's garing gilding Tutor gidu guru Twelve liangpoh-tug-dacL dua-blas

,, o'clock Icsag hangpoli-tag-dna piikol dua-blas

Twenty hdCdian (ka-rua-an) diia-puloh Twice maka-rua (dna) dila kali

* Ottoman Empire. f As a mill-stone, or whirlpool. N 178 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY,

Twig, a tanglcai ranting Twilight hlgah-ltlguh-mdgalih suwang na dimi malam {nesivly night) mare harapir

„ (dark) tlgidlam galap Twine, to sUhid, jnnsal pintar

I lib id tab ,, (string)

Twinkle (sparkle) j^elau-jjelau gamilang

,, (as the eyes) l-alcqj kechap, kajap Twins kamhal kambar

Twirl giling lingar

Twist pinsal, sahid pintal

Two rCia, diia diia dda dda ratus ,, Imndred aug-gatus dua „ or three diia to tiga mcita rila miita diia ,, -edged Typhoon litlnus ribut, tiifiin a Tyrannical anijdya any ay

Udder durah susu a XJgly mangi rughus, riipajahat, nip Inidoh guhoJc in rughus biirnk,

XJlcer 2^^^^^^^^^^^ P^'^^'' purii,#tdkak

Ultimate (finish) in la-jnlas-an lang ka-putiis-an

aJtil akhir ,, (last) Umbrage sdJcit hdtai sakit hciti Umbrella pdijong payong Unable di vian-jdrl tiada biilih dimaha tiada kiiasa, ,, (powerless) gaus, di ka-lcaya-lian tiada biilih kiiat 179 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Unaccustomed hul-ioi blaJisa tiada blusa

Unarmed 2cdi nl)i fdJii'is tiada sinjata

Unbecoming hulxiiii niaraiaii tiada layik

Unbeliever, an lidpil* tail Jail at kafir*

Uncertain led i pa taut a. ta'tantu

Uncircumcised pilijos, pnrjoug ber-kiilop Uncle a in all -a II bap a sudara

Unctuous iiia-ragiiig ber-lemak

Undaunted vialsug barani

- Under li a ha ha ha h hah, di-bawali , bawali

,, (less than) Jidhiiig dien-pa knrang deri-pada

,, (a house) lia-sinii di-bawali riimali

Undermost in lia-hahali tiid lang dl-bawali s'k

Understanding hiidl, hudlinaii budi Undetermined hiinhaiig bimbang

Undomesticated talon jalang, liar Undress, to IiRJcas buka kain, tanggal Uneasy sitliul, iniisl'il llsali, sualuil

Unemplo^'ed ivairdn luiiaiig-an, tiada ber-ilsah,

wdi run peng-Cisdli-aii tifida karja Unequal salisih selisih

Uneven (odd) gaiisal, gaiigsal ganjil

,, (rugged) lidsap kasap

,, (not level) Uihah hunt lid ta' rata, lakok Unexceptionable sempolna semporna

Unfasten ohdr-an, ilhad hilrei, buka

Unfathomable di inatdnglcad tubir

* One who does not believe in the Mahomedan religion. 180 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Unfit di maha-jcidl tijida layik Unfortunate matigi silJcad nasib t a' bulk

,, (wretched) selcika chehlka

Unfruitful di viiig-hnnrja tiada ber-buali

in Unfurl jag-jag-an I(ilJ((g buka layer Unhappy si'isdJi lultai, susali hati, nug-snsali ter-siisah

Unite (connect) sciDihoiig ber-ubong

,, (combine) pdkat pakat

,, (adhere) mlkit, plkit lekat Unity ka-lsd-an ka-asa-an

Unlawful Ji aid 111 liar run

Unless ma-Jain-kcni, hud me-lain-kan

Unlike dOdin-dOdin tijida sama Unload liaioas ponggah Unluck}^ mangi siikdd malang

Unmarried biljang, silhul biljang, gadls Unnecessary wdi gfnia ta'iisah, tiada harus

it is s'drl na tiada ,, , diviug-tliw, mengapa Unoffending ludi rftii sdh |tiada ber-dosa

Unpleasant maiigi in a nam iang tiada sedap^

Unpolished kdsaj), dagniid kcisar, kasap Unrestrained h'lhas bibas

Unripe lieJait, huJak, mantah, muda,. loala ma-lunog balum masak Unseemly sdbid chabul

Unsheath land, liTihlut-an iinus, cliTibut

Unsuitable di man-jar i ta'jadi

Untie fihad, ohdr-aii biika, hurei 181 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Until ampa liingga, sampei

Unto liioi, ha, pa-ha akan, ka-pada Untrue pntiug bohong dusta ,, (false) dusla

Unusual nulhang jiirang maii Unwilling via-Jiril-au,(U luttrj-ieii tiada Unwise hnJang hud'imaii kurang budi Up (above) atas atas frih-ffih arah ,, to (as high as) dhnf, sampei, salicit nalk „ , togo (ascend) samalcat, to ,, , go (climb) dag, rag, doiiiag panjat to rise ,, , haiiguji bangun to set men-diri ,, , tindog-a * to men-chabut ,, , pull mug-saat*

to stand till ber-diri ,, , dog Upland gimhah, d bukit, piisak Upon lia-tas di-atas Upper, the in Jia-tas iang di-atas Uppermost ill Jia-tas tiid lang di-atas s'kali Upright tindog betul adil ,, (in morals) liakihahaii, tulus, simporna

Uproar l-aloJi, billiag gadoh, gampar Upset rdub, domduh ter-balek ka-atas Upwards j^^a-frts

Urine plcg-llu-aii fiver kindling

,, (to discharge) 7»7/;7, Diug-lhl ber-kinching

Us lilta, Icdiiii, lidmu kit a, kami Usage (custom) ddat, tahiat adat, tabiat

* As weeds, etc. 182 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY,

Use (utility) gnna, Ica-guna-lian giina to viam-ahai ,, , 2xiJi'ai, pakei, memakei

Useful 1)1 tiUja gfoia iang ber-giina Useless wdi run ha-guiia-lian tiada ber-guna

Utterance timgog, tlngiig bunyi Uvula anah dllah anak lldah

Vacant 7ciii III a )i -a II kdsong

Valiant ina-lsiig barani Valley h'lhah lembali

,, (interstice) siliit ka-selcing-an

Value (price) hclga, liaJga liarga to ,, , m'ug-liaJga, tCiwal tawar

Valve (a cover) sauh sail Vampire, a halbal-aii Van, in the ha-rma-lian adap-an

Variety la-gliils indah lopa bagei-bfigei

Various Jca-gl!ils TxCL-glnls-an jinis-jinis Vast ma-Jnag Veal

Vegetables Veil

,, , to Vein Venerate Venereal Venison Venom Venomous 18S ENGLISH. 184 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Yoyage pieg-Idyag-an pel-layar-an

Wade ubog merandau, arong Wage war, to mug-hanoh, -parang ber-p'rang Wager, to (stake) tau-han, indis ber-taroh Wages 185 186 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Way, in this hi-Jta-liil bagmi in that hi-lia-ien ,, , bagitu of hawa-i anniah ,, , get out the slinma-i,

We kdnii, lata, kdtit kami, kita

Weak (feeble) lema-Iema lemah, leteh

„ (silly) dnpaiig budoh Wealth ha-daya-lian ka-kaya-an

Wealthy claija kaya

Weapon takus sinjata Wear, to ina-malai nie-niakai

Wearing apparel tamuncjaii pakai-an Weather (season) musim musini

Weave mug-liahlini tanun, belnt

Web, spider's- laivai Idiva-Idwa sarang laba-laba. Wedding peng-asawa-Jicui kclwin-an

Wedge kdJiol slp-slp-aii baji Wednesday adlau alba hari arba

AVeek, a angka i^eto, tujoh h<~irT, angka rominggo satu niinggo Weep tdngis, viug-tdngis menangis Weevil hok-hok bobok Weigh, to tlmhang timbang

Weights hdtii tliiihdng-aii batu timbang-aii Weighty ma-hogat, hogat brat Welcome uuDig-ahi-alii meng-alu-alu Well (good) maraiaiL bfilk

,, (convalescent) ka-idili-an suniboh

,, (of water) kupong prigi, talaga

,, (in health) Diaraian in anam balk nyaman 187 ENGLISH. 188 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

AVhiskers hoiir/us tali tildong

Whisper, to h i-gong bisik

Whistle, to tagJioi slol

'^ )) ) suliiig Silling

White ma-putili, putUi piltih

Whither 2ic(-Ji'((-ie)i ka-mana

'? Who slo / Ji i-sTo .' siapa?

in lang, yang

Whoever munga-slo-sJo harang siapa

Whole (all) lia-taii, ha-tan-tan sannia

AYhoop gdSHcl, idang tampik, surak

Whore sTinclal,pariLncla SLmdal,pandayang Whose hail -slo siapa piinya

Why? viai .' miig-uno ! nieng-apa? Wick, a suinha, sumhiLlian sumhii

Wicked fill fasik mangi i at,

Wicker-hall sl-slpah, slpali raga AVide (hroad) Inhhang lebar

,, (spacious) Ifiag hias

Widow, a baloJi, bald baloh, balii

Wife asciwa bini, istri

Wild (as animals) ma-adla, talon jalang, liar

,, -cattle iTsang* siladang t Wild-hog hahoi liatian babi iitan Will (shall) mau-haijah, miig-ien maii, handak

,, (pleasure) ka-haijali-an ka-handak

,, (testament) wasdyat wasayat

AVin giniaug, dimang menang

* Bos banteng. f Bos sondaicus. 189 ENGLISH 190 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Won't (will not) dl ahu, dl mug-ien tidali maii

Wood (timber) halidi ktlyu

fire- ,, , halull-dongol kaya-api

Woof (in weaving) silarj pakan Wool hnl-hfd hlU-hdl bulu birl-blrl

Word, a laihtang per-kata-an

Work Jiliidiig-CDi karja to „ , inng-]u)ia)ig ber-kraja in to hdsl ,, iron, ini'ig-sasal ber-kraja besl

Workman _2)rt;»/«/, frilroig tukang World dunid, hiinii dunia

,, to come, the dhhilat, dliirat akbirat

Worm iid iilat

(of the intestines) ludiig chacliing

(of a screw) hull iteh peler itek water- , lidpaiig kapang

-tablet ohat ladiig obat cbricliing wood- hdk-hdk bubok , Worship samhaijang sambayang

AVorth (value) gnna giina

,, (price) Jialga harga AVomid 2)dU liika

AVrap 2iotus-(ui bimgkus-kan

Wrapper, a j^otus-coi bimgkiis-an

Wrath DioIJio, muka morka

,, (of God) Iia-}iniJ:d-a)i sui filJiaii morka allah

Wreck, a liapal na hdg-hdg pechahan kapal Wrestle, to Jninun, gumuii ber-gomul Wretched seldka chelaka I'Jl ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY,

Wrinkled ]d»iii>iiif, l-ilinlt krot

"Wring (as linen) tdhir-cai. pulas Wrist huhn-hnliu tatalildian buku tfmgan

AVrite miig-sitlat, talis tiilis, nienillis

AA'riter julo-tfdis jiiro-tulis

Writing licdancj-an karung-an


(sin, crime) dOsa dusa

Yam (tuber) nhl, panggi ubl

„ (taro) haupe kaladi Yard, court- lialCinuui alaman cla ela ,, (measure) hara, tengah depa, hdJtn tdrolc ,, (of a ship) peru-an, pabuan

(It in takoli , , (member) biitu,

Y^arn (tbread) sdrhan, Mlhaii benang Ya^Yn inang-iyahan men-giiap Ye Jcdmu kamu

Year tdlinn, vulsiui taliun, milsim

Yell, to gdsTid, luig-Jidiba tampik, terlak

Y^esterday ha-hdpun kalmarin before kalmarin daiilu ,, , day talxlsa, tilglsa

Y^et (still) maien, iiiaijcii juga, lagi icala baluin ,, , not

Y'oke (of bullocks) Jcolconrj kok

Y'onder dnii-lia-iaiin, ictu di-sjlna, di-situ

You Pliciu, IcaiL angkaUjkau Young hata-hata, sTihnl muda, anak

Young (of plants) anak anak 192 ENGLISH. SULU. MALAY.

Younger brother manghud adek

Your Jcdiniti, Icanio, kamu punya,

kail Pica It angkau-piinya, lean tnaii* tuan piinya* Youth, a suhid, ha-hata-an ka-muda-an

Zealous matugol riijin Zigzag hikloJt, main-hildoh sikii kkiang Zinc mJtal timah sari

Generally applied to Europeans.




not Do abandon nie on Alan vui aim hlugitcui

the road. di Iia rail.

to Were yon stay at Bang la ti n ug-li ii la h Pandcimi, you would ob- Jul Pandami, maha hak tain great gain from the kail nia-tilud loifo/ir/ dieii

pearl fisheries. ha j^i'g-lxyfi-coi. It is about two o'clock. Mare na Icsag dna.

Where is the owner of Hddeii hi tag hat ,s/;^

this house '? hdi 1)1 i !

is absent. He Waa dl (wala dl) . Is your Master at Hi Til a II iaun ha hell .* borne ?

No he is absent. Wala dun.

The Sultan pardoned HI ampRii sill Saltan. that man foi' the crime Ill fail la II 11, dleii lia ka- he committed. sdh-aii Ilia.

Siiliis are absolutely Ha kill I III Ti ta la k in forbidden to eat pork. Tdu-Sug, hang k^auii hahoL Do you know me.? Ka-ingat-an inii aku.' o 194


I will not have abuse Dl alcu in an -hayalb from you. peningfjar-an iiiu.

- - They went in company MCig duiujaii dilnr/aii to the Hill Tomantangis. na slla pa Bud Toman-

tangis. AVlio w^as your ac- Hi slo in iba» dul complice in stealing the niig-tlalcau in dta indali Chinaman's goods. Lanang. This man is very Ma-paiidai paharaiaa

clever at examining ac- in tan nii nidg-palelisa counts. ha lala-lnla.

Why do you accuse me Maita ntu aJiu panioiuj of being an evil disposed tugJia fan niangi / person ? People wlio are not ac- In tan brilcim hlal'sa customed to chew betel viug-mCunali hTiIO-ldhi nia

(on first trial) may feel IvAo sia. giddy. Go and acquaint him. Baita niatoli Jian ni((.

This mango is not yet In nn'ml an icala-p

May he act instead of Gani sia nitig-hinaiuj talk. dic)i-pa ning-pdnwng. If three more be added Bang ning-daang in to this will make twenty. man-Jari gaiiap IdnJian. The Island of Tnlian is In Bd Tnliaii masiil: pa near Simogan Point. Tandok Sinwgan. I have mai1(! him my Hlndng-an l^n sia analc adopted child. pitg-'ipad. 195 ENGLISH. SULU.

Our vessel (prau) is Hidnful lui in salai-an,

adrift. taJi.

There is no advantage Well na pa'uhih sin

in being employed like ning-risah bi-Jia-1/ii. this.

It hrin gs adversity only. Ma ha bfili sa ngsdJt sdja.

His adze very nearly In hansiur/ nia nian- na

hit his foot. IclPgddn lui slid nia

We espied him from Balcaa Jidini nucj-hita afar. han nia dien-Jia mdiuh.

Bring your buffalo to Pa tapil-a inhdhaa mn,

tlie stairs that I may pa luig-ddn saniahat alca.

mount it.

Behold his affection for Klta haJi in Jia-Iasa-Jta)i

his children. jti(( ha anah nia.

This maiden has been Bahas in hujang inl betrothed to the son of a nug-tniutng ihan sin anah I)atoh. sin DatoJi.

What use is this letter Ba)ig in Sfdtan dl to me if the Sultan does maha hutang sdp nia Jia

not affix his seal (chop) sfdatini, una lain ha aha.

to it.

Wood that does not KdJini di niaha lantoj) float is no use for this icdi ha-gnna-han h(i pug- work. hlnd>ig-an ini. Be not afraid, for I am Aiaa >ia hau ma-hOga,

not a foreigner. hilhiin na hdnii, tdu dOdin.

Yon keep a look out Ehau in ning-jdga ha ahead, I shall aft. dong, aha ha-huli. 196 ENGLISH. SULU.

When your Sultan Ahila* in Junjongan

died, bow old was be? nio malohom, pi'la in

fiviol nia !

I do not know, Sir, for Indai,\ Tuun, sagRaJi

we Suliis are not clever Jca)ni Tdtt-Sog, dl nialca at reckoning our ages. pandai vitig-lfonrj in nniul ndmu.

He lias agreed with Nng-jangl iia sila ka me. a Jill.

Ab ! on also. Arc f el-aii isah Ini. 3'

Ob! you buffoon! to give Ardi! tinggah dawa you a name, even j'our kaii f hang pug-ingan-an shadow would not care ckaii, vilsan lanihung nin to do so. ma-huhau.

Albinos cannot see In Ftgis di vialca hlta during the day time, but hang adlau, sohai diini only at night. dmpa viaka lata. Buy up the whole lot. Tuglicui nalcdmnlia-tdn. All the people of Tdii Pdrang mangi Parang are bad. Inn-Ian. On the top of Panamu Ha-tds Bud Panamu

Hill there is a lake; and ttiga Idnau ; in Jialiini nya in it are piebald crocodiles, tiiga hnaya kdhang. Who will defray the Hi slo in ongsild si)i expen ses ? ha la nja ! The Sulu people have In tan Sdg ha las nug- allied themselves with the hagdi 'than sanial Iddd. sea-rovers.

- * =; — 1 Ahila or fa-bila at the time. f Iiidai do not know. 11)7 ENGLISH. SULU.

Do not go alone. AiaiL lidu Dihg-panait

Isa-'isa mil.

How many are there in Pi'la ill tdiid nio clan ha

3'oiir house? hdi mil .'

I am all alone. A Jilt anrjka tan sdja.

Although he were in Mlsan in Jaglcfi iiia hla like stature yonder hill, viiinr/a hif/Ji-fi sin bud

I should not he afraid of iaiui, (U a Jill ma-bdga kaii

him. )i ia .

I who am the Sultan's AJiii in DdJc-an sin

Ambassador, bring his Silltan, doma marl IcdimiL compliments to you. selam-dda.

Do you know how to MaJia-iiigat Jicni iiiiig- a mend gun? daiaic sin sndpang .'

In mid ocean, they Na hiiigif na nila in threw his body overboard. haran nia, liag'itongtawld What have you done Uno in sdJi mii ! amiss?

When believers and un- Bdng 'islam ihan Icdpil believers fight (fanatical- niig-hiinoli dina na ien ly) that is called 'to sabil.' mng-sahil. Heave up the anchor Bongkal-a in hdogl let and us sail. I II mdgag na I'lta. God's holy war. Prang sahil AUali. We are afraid of incurr- Ma-huga I'd mi pa mol- ing the Datoh's anger. Jia-Jiait i/idaJi Datoh.

During my stay in Sa higai In Jia Sdg, dl Siilu, I did not observe na alcn kom'tta anibong. the anibong palm. 198 ENGLISH. SULU. ,

He lias sprained bis Na piol in hnhn-huhFi ankle. sihinia.

Bring me another one. Dahaii inCii'i Jtaiitbul- dud in.

Why don't you answer Mai-ta Iriu di )ia nnlg- me? asij) ha aim !

If I hau di you do not reply, Bang samamhag ^ shall not be responsible. di aha maha tangoJi* That man has most Tinggah daa-a paha- funny antics. riaa in tda la an. A closet is smaller than In fainboJi aslvl dicn a room. ]ia h'dili.

' What is the name of B'lu'ingan sin tan iaan thatperson? I don't know. Indai sa aha.

What is your name'? Hi sJo ingan niu .'

What do the Sdlils call lj)io in i')ag-tdg-a)i sin this? Tda-Sng ha Ini!

Knock at the door. Tapoh ^ in h(u-ang. If you take awa}' my Bdng haa nag-honiaica arms, you may as well i)i tahits ha, gam hang na take my life. Idu-a in napas ha.

It is forbidden to drink Ma-haldni in lulg-inoni arrak; besides, it inebri- alah ; nialainhan, inaha- ates. Jii'IoJi.

His stick does not reach /;/ tonghad nia di inaha his hat. dlalf lia sdrdh nia.

The vessel has not yet I)i hapal a-aJapa niaha-

arrived. (7^/7/.

* Tangoh = responsible. f Mug-tiipok --- to knock. 199 ENGLISH. SULU.

When the vessel Being siuii-ampal in arrives I will go with her kapal, magad aJca ya to Sandakaii Bay. Lok Sandakan. I am too old to climh Mas na aim dl na alcu

a tree. maka rag ha kaJidi. It is difficult to ascend Malionct pakaraian

the stairs of this house. mug-gahan lia liCigdCui sin

hdi Ini.

^Ye are out of breath Hiapiis na k'lta tuum- climbing this liill. kad Jia had hii. This youth has no Inhata-hata'tni di ina-

shame. slpCtg. Let us go to the other Song na k'lta matoh pa side of the river. ang-slpak sin sdhah. AVhat is the use of your Niig-tlno kau mang- asking me. dsilhi'f ka ukii. I am going to bed as I MatOg na akii hut

am sleepy. kicyroli na aku. They were attacked by Maka langgal na sila at sea. ha land 'than sin tansamal the pirates, , laud.

Heave up the anchor. Otong-an haoji. If you do not attempt Bang kau wa maka it how do you know you solai h'ladicn i>i ka-ingat are imable. niu sin di kau kaya-Jian. I am unwilling to go to Ma-Ju

Tianggi. pa Tiaiiggi.

AVait here until I Tiigad na kau n viilg- return. halek daJi aku. 200 ENGLISH. SULU.

Who is that man? Hi slo in tail iaiin?

Is the Sultan awake'? I)i Saltan jdga huh.'

This awning is too Ma-ha tipoJt tiid in short; it should be length- Jtaiiini liii; (/dm dah hang ened a little. pa hdhd-liaba tloh-tluli. That man is brave; for Malsiig in tdn iann; hut see how awry he wears lata halt nny-JiaJcing in,

Lis head-dress. ^j7s nia.

My axe is sharper than I)i I'apali leu ma-lidlt

Iris. dien-iia Lan itia.

The bag is torn and the Na gist in Jcarot na paddy is running out. liRd-hnd in pdi.

Who is surety for you'? Hi slo in dtas-an mu!

The datching* of that In t iniba ng-an sin. Chinaman weighs very Lanang iann, ina-hugat heavy. titd. If you do not bail the Ma-Junud na lata hdng water out we shall sink. luiu di inilg-Ielemas sin


What is the price of a Pcla in lidga sin tahdlid

' ball of your tabacco "? mu anglxa hCniglcal

In one chest of opium Haliini aiiglca pale there are forty balls. via rat ttiga lia-opat-aii anglia limping.

There are many kinds Matdud ]:a-g'nus-an in of bananas in Sulu. sding ha Sdg.

Tliis flag will not un- In pangi Ini di ma-

furl. jag -jag-

* Chinese scale for weighing. t>01 ENGLISH. SULU.

Many people from the Mug-nida (uira) Ihaa country are to banquet Si'iHaii mataud tan d'leii with the Sultan. ha glmhali.

Go and call a barber. Tairaa-a via foh in

trikang hagiing iiidrl. Let us barter our aims. Mug-sPmhi na hlta


Twenty baskets mother- Kanlian angl-a amhong of-pearl shells, ten baskets tlpai, liangpoh aiigka cotton, and five baskets salinghat lulpolc, 'ihiui of lanzats.* hind sngi'ih huahan*

Klinp;s,f are exceed- InKcdlngJandopalxar- ingly fond of fruit. alanlamannhfaigaJidJifn. People from 'Lnk*' are Tan dien ha Lok hilhiiit, not <2;ood. maraian. hlta matoh Let us f:jo to the market. Song pa pdrian.

There is no market at Wdl ran tdhoh ha Biialo now. Bnalo h'lhaun. Let us bathe in the Malgoh na hlta haJani stream. sohaJi. The Siihis seldom wear Mdhang in Tdn-Sog beads ina-niahai inanih.

Put on your arms for Mtig-tahiis na haii hau they are going. hilt manau na sila. Why do you beat your Maita mn liohahaii

horse so? in hilra nin .'

* Sulu is famed for this fruit. f A people of India.

-^ of sea. It is also the name of a district in Sulu. \ Lok bay the '20'2 ENGLISH. SULU.

They are beating Niig-lesag na slla in musical gongs. ka-lintang-an. Go and wash your DaJc-dak-i matoh, in clothes. liahul tamungan mu. Tliat woman has a Maraiau in rughus sin

beautiful tigure. hahai iaini.

I hail not yet become a Wcfjya aJni ma Islam. Mahomedan.

Fetch me that sarong* DamaniiiJiabiilf iaiDt,

that I may use it as a h'nidng-an leu slob. blanket.

Many people were Ila-tdiid tav miatai Ita

killed abreast of the fort. Ica-liarup-an sin Jxdta. Begone. Song kau. Lapidawan is situated Lapidaican lia-iio sin behind Zambongan. Zcuiiho/igan. It is unmannerly to Mangiliadathcuigmng-

belch while eating. sigCd lia pCig-li'aun-iui.

Don't bo led away by Aiaukau mfig-Cigad sin

what he says. si mud nii(.

Whose house is this? Kan sio in hCii Ini.'

It belongs to us. Ka atii. I feel pleasure in Mug-silJcRl na aku hut having betel leaf. aun na huioh. His betel box was In salapa nia halawan. made of gold.

The fire is blazing. Ma-Idga na in Idiju.

* The "sarong" is the national dress of the Malay,

f The Iiabu! is the national dress of the Sulu. 20H ENGLISH. SULU.

I saw a large snake in Bakas aJni ita lUa Juls tlic middle of the road. dxlkolaJt Jia gltoiig sin ran. He crossed from beyond Balcas sia Ifiniilbai dieii the river. Ita (Uuj'Slpah suhaJt.

Should it be ordered by Bdiir/ddJi-aii Jiidai/aii;/,. the lady, it would even vilsaii siiinud 2)a hang. enter the cavity.

Give me a jar of bis- DihiJ-i nin al:u angka, cuits. j;/7r/«A being-bang. Give him a quarter Dai/ilJtil han s/<( ang- only. fihld sCija. If there be a heavy sea Bang fnga ulioi ddkoIaJi on am afraid I shall be nia-bnga aJm nia-liPJo. sea-sick.

This Physician's medi- Ma-pait in ubat sin cine is very bitter. Tabib ini. The Munari, may use a I)i Mitnari, nuilui ma- spear with two blades. nial'((i bfijah dfia sPlab


Y(ju should prescribe Sobai ubat-an in nuita for the l)lemisli on your sin hhra iiiu but nia- liorse's eye. bul((g. This barong* is blunt Baroiig Ini na tninpnl and will not cut. di tiid nuclei iih\

If that board breaks Being nia-bahdi in digpi you will fall into the river, iaun, nia-holog sa I'au icn Jul lam snbaJi.

A 'sapit' has a bowsprit. In sapit tuga jilngal.

* A short, broad, and thick sword, the edge of which is convex. 204 ENGLISH. SULIT.

My body feels as it Bla nnhiga ma-hma- were languid. lema in barcui hn ini.

Take off the rind and Kaiva-l in jiais-iiija hiit then boil it. ]ii tor/nah-i jxi kdj/u. How can we go not Biardien in lia-toh-a)i having cooked our rice. naniu sin, wahi Jidini

via la pi(fj-pa ngaiu .

Put in a little salt since Kauni tloJt-tioJi asiti the water is boiling. hut niinkal* na in tilbig.

Where were you born ? Hadien Jiaupiig-anaJc ? I was born in Suln. Pug-anak akti ha Sog. Lend us your boat to Biis-i Ixlta sakaian mn go to the shoal. matoli pa liimas-an. I cannot lend it as I Di kn. hi pug-hiis ana

Avish to use it myself. ka-pa)iau-a)i kn.

- Do not borrow it there. A i a u k a a ni u g h li s matoh.

He won't lend it. Di sa klta ien hiis-an.

AVhy don't you lend it Wdi ma akit di hiis-an^ to me?

Go and borrow it from Biis na kau niatoh kan them. nila. Bring them both. Dah-a marl in ka-nla-


The Sultan has three To angka glnls in sdp designs of brands. si)i Sftltan. The Spaniards, call the Piig-tdg-an sin KasteJa

Siiliis, Miiriis. lia Tdu-Sng, Miirns.

* Miukal or biikal - : to be boiling. 205 ENGLISH. SULU.

He says he shall lend it Hh loiiq n'ut hiis-(()i tah to you by-and-bye if 3'ou na kan bcouj kaii iiiaka care to wait. tugad chd-dai.

A 'sapit' has a bowsprit. In sapit tiitja jdinjal.

'Bilolaiif;s' and 'hauls' Bilolaiir/ iban haul Ini are made in China. In nitg-]n)ia)ig lia Soikj-sojuj. in in appearance they differ; Ddain dughus iijja ; the one beinf^ red, the haul ma-bioiiiigr in. other yellow. hiJolang nia-pCda. Behold the laziness of Klta bah in ka-bnskan- of this woman in pound- -(ui si)i babai Ini pa pug- mg paddy. haioli-an pai. di na- Broken beyond repair. Ma -bag -bag vialapA

Parted that it cannot Magtuli di na nia- be re-united. supat.l Dali-i nio Bring me my pistol. man pistol


He has not brought it Wala sia vmg-da nulrl. yet. na Bring it here, I say. Dah-a marl, long ku. Take it away. Pa-ra-a na matoli. Bring that child here. Pakaria in hata-hata ien.

Brino- it at once. Pakaria-an bah ien.

Its breadth was twenty In Ink-bang nija kailhan

fathoms and its length a a)ig rnpa, in hclba nya

little more. kadhan lebih-lebih.

— re-unite, *B idling = ye\\ow. \ Malap — Te^B.ir. J Supat splice. 20G ENGLISH. SULU.

His younger brother In iiuiiitjhnd nia vii-

was killed. atai htinoli.

Brush the table (cloth). Hdpu-a in lamJsahan


This bull is fat. Sdjn mandangan uii lua-tcnnhuJi-.

He has bought twenty Balias sia iia l-a hi bundles of Chinese tobac- l-dfiha/t putus Julii. -co.

He has brought from Na la ra sia wili dien the Kinabatangan Kiver, ha Sr>hah KiitahafaiKjaii, one thousand bundles of aiuj ihu 'Art (jcdung. rat an.

is The City on fire. Na silnor/ in BanFia.

A wicked man has In pai l-n siunog sin burned up my paddy. tan viangi. Here is a field of dry Al-ya-rl (dl) pantai lalang grass which will via-faJiai in parang, burn well. viaraiau in piig-lah-an. It is not I but you Bnhiin akti but ckau whom he abuses. in peninggar-an nia. May I ask what your Una na maien in Ka- business is here? Jilndng-an niii d'l ha ini.' He has bought this Balas sia na ha hi sin pony. hftra Ini. He stabbed the pig Nag tighah sia, ha with a spear. hahoi ihan hajah.

Put the butter by. Taii-an niatuJi in man-

iagel ia. '207 ENGLISH. SULU.

Wait till the afternoon Gana-gana'^ nialutpttti luul we can go to Tianggi. irnDut ii na lUapa Tiaiu/ijL Go and call liim. Taicag-a uuiiuh kun

n la .

I have never called at Wala aim iiiaka liCipit your house. pa hCii mu.

Candles like these are V/al rfin la-sFidah-an worthless as they do not siii lansok hlJialiii biit di give a good light. maJca nia-Jaga.

I cannot. Di aim inala-jad'i. This room is capacious. Ma-haijajuj in hllik Ini. There are two houses Ann dna aiujka bdi ha- beyond that cape. llo sin fanduk iaitn. It is not as much as I Wala -pa abut in gave for it. puhun. There are no capons in WCii ran manoli kah'di Snhi ha Sdg. Convey me to the Hiatud aku pa astdna.

palace. The cart is destroyed Nug-kdngi in layosali, and the wheels are broken, nia-bag-bag in silik-an

njja. Pray, what is the case Uno na niaicn in daica

at issue between you"? Jiin kan nia .' The cat and dog are In kating iban crok

fighting. niiqj-Iorai. I cannot catch his Di aku niaka sagan in horse. kilra nia.

* Gana-^ana — wait. 208 ENGLISH. SULU.

At the fresli water cave Tuhig hang ma-tahang there is a striped tiger. tuga liallmau kcihang. The cable has parted Na mogtoh in gand- and we are adrift. dioal'i, Had* na klta.

It is not yet certain. Wala-pa tantu. This horse is so very 1)1 Iiilra 'ml iiia-hii.'((i fleet that it can overtake pakaraiaii maka li'uvpas deer. usa.

Let us go to the hunt. Song klta viafoJi pa- panhnt-an. What are they chasing ? Una na niaien in liiapus n la

It is not dear but cheap. Mohal sa Ini hilkini

• nia-lionet.

That man is a cheat. Tau panlpii sa ini. Do not go with him. Aiau kail agad kaii nia. He will cheat you. Pieg-akal-an )iia kiliinu. When do you wish to Ka-i'ino kati niau-haijah return to China? niTil pa Song-song.'

This is a clever China- Ma-pa nda i paka ra ia iv man. Lanang ini. Choose those which Peh-a nialoh sin niar-

are good. aian.

When he left, the Ahila ka tolak nia, ira

Capital (Benua) ha I nut pa nia-snnog in Banila. yet been burned.

It is not clean but Biikiin via-IanoJi nia-

dirty. ilnu'Ji.

*Liad- adrift. 20f> ENGLISH. SULU.

He lias not yet come. Walapa sia viaka rataug.

Who were your com- Hi slo in iban in it Ita pauioiis ill the affray? yug-hitnoli-aii ! There is no completion Wai ka-sudaJi-an in to this work. Iiliiang Ini. Bad end. Mangi l-a-sudaJi-an. Convey my compli- Tiniugun selam dOa hu ments to the Sultan. matoli pa Snltan.

If I am not guilty you Bang irai ran ddsa ha. cannot condemn me. di hdnia nialca lialiani lai- aha. Conduct me to the Hiatad-i nio aha. pa boat. sahaian.

Let me lead you by Anibif-an tali kaa hat the hand for the road is ma-hata tad di Jia ran very rugged here. l)ii.

Consider I say. Pikil-pl'kil'a liano.

What are you con- Uno in Jtlnang via dan- structing there? ha ien?

His conversation was Maraiaa 'i)i heshala very pleasant. nia.

This beef is not yet I)i anud sap'i Ini wala- cooked; cook it well. jki ma-latoli ; pa latoh-a


This cord has been In Idhid ini in tagnah made from the hemp of nga Idndt ampa lunang the musa textilis. luhid. Come here. Di na kaa. 210 ENGLISH. SULU.

The women are using Pa-hurah-an in hahai cosmetics for their faces. sill haihok nya.

What is the price of Pcla ill haga sin inanoJc

this fowl? In i .'

Count them for I am Hltoiig-a niatoJi, aiuTina

afraid of deceiving you. ka-hoga-an Jiu ka-rapat-

an 7)111.

He has deceived you. K a- rap at- an nia hdimu.

He is abusing you. Peningg ar-an nia hciiinn.

Don't you deceive me. Aiait inn aku pa-

rapat-i. Her countenance was In haihok nia bla ha like the full moon. miiiiga hnlaii ddmlag. We are second cousins. Pi1g-fungad na klta maka riia.

Not having committed Wala-pa akic maka any crime, why should I dOsa, Tino in ka-hoga-an be afraid? kit.'

The crow flew up on a In icdk vidg-hlpad pa tree. tcls kdhoi.

Don't cry for he will AiaiL kau vulg-taiigis, return by-and-bye. hut hdlck sa ien gana-

gaiia. I do not know how to Di akii maka-ingat cure your desease. mug-Ohat sin sdkit iiiu.

Such is not the custom. Wdi adat hi ha ten. I do not comprehend. Di aku maka saioh. 211 ENGLISH. SULU.

Do not cut that tree. Aiau hau niucj-tlghas ha kcllinl tot.

There is a market ti- a I a it t ii daily Adla d rj a at Membong. par'taii ha Memhottrj. There is not a man Wdl rfin tan malca who dare forbid him. aisiig vtattg-laitr/ lain iiia.

It is it nearly mid-day; Marc a ogtoh ; mitl so, let us go home. na h'lta. All the people were Ahila in Stlltcui ntalo- grieved when the Sultan hoin, ina-sasah in Itatal died. sin tail An tan.

Are 5'ou deaf? Can't you Blstt tah hait .' Di Icato reply? ntaha asip ! l^educt a little. Kolang-hnJanrj-i tloli-


There are spotted deer Ann usa ha Sog nug-ha in Siilu. hiitikan.

There was not a house Wai ita hapin in hCil left by the flood last night, na ra sin diintih I'dbi.

Try your barong on his Solai na hati iit harong bones to see if it will viti icn hang tiiaha become dented. snnthing Ita hiihug ien.

He has f^one. letii (-5 na manati.

Go to the market. Katoh na Ixattpaparian. Depart from thence. Eg na liati dicn dnit.

They have departed. Bakas na sila ntaha 'fii. How deep is the water Biardien in haliini sin in this river? — Up to sdhah ini! — Na dan Ita here. Jni. 212 ENGLISH. SULU.

Get down to the ground Ma-iidg na hau ^'^a and do not come up here lOpa, aiau na liciu Isah again. gomulxoi mdrt.

Wlij^ do yoii desert me? Malta mu ahu hiujitaii !'

When I heard of his Abila aim )iaLa-riingog child's death I was in in aitak nia viiatai ina- despair. siisaJi tiid in liatai Lti. You shall not detain Di l-au maha hawid* me. I am not your slave. Tia ahu. Bdldiii mu aka


So and so is dead; the Na matai iiidali knan ;

Datoh is deceased; the na U)ido)ig indali Datoh ;

Sultan is demised; alas! inahhoiu in Sidtan; alla- they are all dead. Jiauala! viatdi ka-tantan.

It is difficult to get. Ma-honet ka-hdk-an.

What are its dimen- Bladien in laggii inja /' sions'?

This woman is very Bahai uii aslvl tiid. diminutive.

Direct me to that HindoJi-i akii sin viar-

which is good. aiau. Do not teach me that Aiau mu aku JiinduJi-i

which is wrong. sin ma)igi. Point out to me the Pa tudluJi-i aku sin

place where it is. ti'ingitd\ nya. This ship does not In kapallni di na niaha

touch at Labuan hut goes lidpit ha Lahuan niTig-

straight to Sandakan. tdi na pa Sandakan. * ^^ ^^ Hawiil or liawir-aii to detain, f Tungad or tun_^i:d locality; place. 213 ENGLISH. SULU.

This man's disposition Wdl )ia sail sin pal- is unequalled for good- aiigal sin tdu Ini but ness. maraiau.

This boy is very dis- Wdi ran adat sin hata- respectful. hata Ini. What this man says is Dodin-dddin na Isah in different. quite ^:)a?;io;/_^-rt;« tdu Ini. The ship at present is Mdioli )ia in hapal far distant at sea. hlJidun Jia Idnd.

If you speak ill of me I Bdng mu aku pcunong- :shall beat you. an sin niangi lubak-an ta na Jean.

Distribute it among the Ntig-baJiagi hagl lia poor. viiinga tdu, miskin.

The use of this is a toy In Jia-gu)ia-Jian sin ml for the children. piig-panaim-an sin hata- hata.

"What is that you are XJno in ka-lilndng-an doing? viu icn^ Do not do so. Aiau kau nug-hinang


I am very ill. Eun for Ma-sdkit na tiid in the Doctor. haran ku. Ddg-an )ia kaio matoli pa Tahih.

He owes him a little In Titang sia ka)i iiia over two hundred dollars, ien lehili-lehili diln lia dua

ang-gdtus pelak. AVhat present have you Uno in sanipang mio brought for me, Sir? nidn ka aku, Tuan.^ 214 ENGLISH. SULU.

Go and shut the door. Tamhul-a nio viatoJi

ill laicang.

If you will not f^o out Bang lean dl maka ndg of clieii bdi in (down from) my bouse ha lu I, j^a- I will put you out (down). nOg-an tali hau. I dreamt last night that Nug-ka-iiiop na ahu the end of the world had Icadhl na ratib in diinid. come.

Please give me some DiJiil-i mu aJcu lia- milk of a young cocoa- lelah-an tahig hntng t'loli- nut to drink. fioJi hinuni-an lea.

I am drowsy. Let us Kierroli na ahu. sleep. Ma tog Iclta. You beat the drum, I Ehau ill miig-gdndang, will beat the kalintangan, aim ill limcsag ka-lin- and they shall beat the tang-an, sila ten in mang- gongs. agfmg. I do not owe you any- Wdl ran a tang Im thing. hdimu. 1 have not paid the Wala-pa alat malca duty to the Sultan. hdyad sakai lia Sill tan.

AVliere do you dwell? Hadien kan inig-ln'ilalt.'

He asks where you Nilg-dsabri liadicn kaii dwell. hidah.

By -and -bye, say to- Mohai na, miinga kin- morrow. sliiiin. Eat this mango. Ka-aaii na kau sin

tvdni liii.

The sea is deep. Mai inn in dagat. 215 ENGLISH. SULU.

I cannot eat that Dt a Jut ma l-a-aiui mango because it is sour. wCuii liii but ma-pukat. It is nearly low-water, Marc na liunas, song so, let us go to the shoals TxUa maiiagat^' pa Jiiinas- and gather shells. an. If you don't make an Banrj Jean. cU inaha eifort you won't find it. solai cli Jean viaha hal\ What o'clock is it ?—It Lesag pcia ^ —Man' na is about eight o'clock. lesag wdhl. Who is the elder? Hi sJo in magolang ! Where is your elder Hadieii in magolang brother? mu ' I have never been on Wala-pa aim viaka board an English ship. sakat ha kapal sin Anggalis.

Have you not heard Wa' p)a kau maka that the Sultan has gone rtnigog i)i Srdta)i mCig- on board Mr. Cowie's gahan lia-tas kapal sin- vessel? TCian KaivT.^ If you have no employ- Bang wdi run usdli-an nient, come to me to- mu, marl na ka akic ki)t- morrow, and I will employ shinnmainat,pi'ig-tandan' you to make a fence round an ta kau mug-hlnang dd. ka-lihnt-an iiij^ plantation. jamhang-an


1 knew from its sound Ka-ingat-an ku dieii that it was empty. ha tingiig nya tvdi ICian.

*Ma-nagat^io gather shells; pa-nagat-an = mo\\MscdL. Both these

words are derived from dagat, the sea. 216 ENGLISH. SULU.

Work with more energy Kasai-kasai na hanm for it is getting dark. miici-lunang hut dhm na. He is enraged. Ma-gama sa ien. Get under the awning Shd na hah kau paJiim as the sun is so hot. kdjang hut ma-pdso in


Your slave entreats Mlki ampCni in patek. forgiveness. They are all equally Sali-sali na sila ka- foolish. tan-tan ddpang.

Go and erect the posts. Bangiin-a nio na matoh

in hag.

His slave escaped to Niig-pagoi in 'ipu)i nia Tianggi (Jolo). pa Tianggi. AVho is to escort you? Hi sJo in maka hiatud kaimu?

From morning till even- Bicn ha vtahinat j)a ing. mahapun. From to-morrow till Dien ha kinshinn pa the next day. kunisa. Wait till I bathe. Tugad-tugad na kau maigoh pa aku. All these durians are 7/; durian Ini vtangi

"bad. lan-lRn.

That is not exact. Bukun dniR icn. The flavour of this fish Maraiau pakavaiau in is very good. anam sin ista Ini. * No one knows except Wdi n'oitdu tnakaingat lual ckau haran mu. (you) yourself. ;


"Who will bear the HI slo in iiuig-oii(/si(d €xpen se ? ha lanja ! I will expend whatever Aim in piKj-haJanju-aii

3'ou want. sin png-icn-an nni. I am inexperienced. Ma-knlanci (iJni hlahsa.

Extin.c^uish the candle. Pdnq-a in lansoJc.

Her complexion is fair, Ma-pTiteh i)i Jxiiliok her tresses are luxmiant, iiia, nui-habak in hnlidk her waist is slender, her nia, vui-nalmt in hanni- feet are small, and her kan nia, aslVi i)i siki itia, hands are elegant. Who maraian in Jlina )iia. HI can rival such a beauty? slo in niaJia atu ihaii hahai hilialni.

Give me the fag end of DiJiil-i niii aha 2)iipncl j^our cigar, Sir. duhJa mu, Tfian.

Dearnie! ni}^ sirih has Allah! nn tan ah in

' fallen on the road. hnioJi hii dim ha nln.

AVe are all one family. A)if/h(( hdi sa l-rnni mi.

A\n.iat is tlie fare from Pl'la cJnihai dicn dl jJCi' hereto Sandakan? Sandahan .'

The manners of the Dodin adat si)i Tau-

Siilus are different from Sdg dicn Jki Kastela. those of the Spaniards.

That 'dapang' sails very Ma - r d q a n t ft d in fast. ddpancj iann. He is an orphan for he Yatini ilo sa ieii hut has neither father nor u:di rdn inaJt amah nia. mother.

Go in please. Siid na hah pal inn. 218 ENGLISH. SULU.

I saw a large number BaJcas aim na lata of birds feeding on bis ma-tmul manolc-manok padd}'. hamaun lia i^iii ^ii(i- After you bave felled Huhus liciu miig-pela tbat tree, clear away tbe sin l-dJiui iaun, mug-tUi undergrowtb at once. na kau muri-hlpa.

Had I not fenced just Bang hii wapa tang- now be would bave bit kis-i Ji\'n dun, kirgddn me on tbe face witli bis sin hujak nia lia haihok spear. ku. Bring me a candle. Dalia marl Jansok liamhok.

Last nigbt I bad fever K'dbi hcnglaii aim,

(calentura) and to-day adlau iaun tiandiig aku. ague. Wby do you not give Maita kau di donnliil your cbild a few bananas? ha anah viu viunga fioli-

t'loli suing !

Day and nigbt tbey Biim adlau viiig-biola play tbe fiddle like so sila ka-fdn hla intniga many buffoons. tinggah dawa* Tbere are not yet Wa'p)^ gonianap\ enougli to make fifteen. hangpok-tug-ll))ia . If you would only file Bdng kau miig-lagnas your teetb you would look sin ipun viu ien domaiau I a bandsome man. kdu iisog.

Tbis fisb stinks. Na JidloJi in istd Ini.

* == Tinggah rfa?ca/( buffoon. f Gomanap or ga nap ^enough, sufficient.

\ Domaiau or maiaiau dugbits :=hs.nAsome, beautiful. '211) SULU. ENGLISH. ,

My feet are sore so I Ma salx-'it in sll-i Jcii di cannot walk. akti malxa pcDtau.

Fill it full. Li'Kdi-i na unqxi via-

hipoli. I fancy you have not Hati liW^ wapa sdJi-a filtered tbis water as it is in tilhir/ ini ina-lohag na still dirty. Isah. Seek until you find. Lairag-a clnipa J:a- halx-an.

Kindle a fire for I am Bdhe-a matoh in l-Cnju cold. hnt nta-Jtiar/r/uf ^ na dkit. nia He says you are to go Elcau Jta luny first. innna.

^Yll0 is first? Hi slo in Jia nnaJt-aji .'

If the sea is rough we Bclnr/ ma-aJun di kanii

It . cannot dredge (for M . . P . via Jca hfija t shells). Some men can dive a Ann fan viaJca Jcrop% depth of fifteen fathoms. liim luDipoTx-tiig-llnia ang rupa (dupa).

Hoist the flag for they HcJci in pdnji hut na are conquered. rang na sila. The flavour of salt 1)1 dsin dien ha Song-

from China is not to be so)ig di viaka dtil ha compared witli the salt anam .s/;? d.

* or = cold. Hati fill = I fancy or I suppose. f IIhif;giit Iiagf^iit

+ to Miig-baja or hajalt =io dredge; plough.

or ^=a. diver. ij Taii-pan-anap tnii-lang-lc-lerop 220 ENGLISH. SULU.

Do not destroy the Alan mit hiyah-a in iloor of my bouse. lantai sin hcii Im ini.

He floated to the Hi anud sia lui matoh

month of the river. j^a hahah sin snhali.

The vampire can fly as Bcdhal-an liii maka

it has wings. ]r,2?((d but ttiga plJi-jjlk..

Do not be fooling there. Aiau kau ni)(j-langog (h'ni ha Icn.

Follow bis foot-marks. Urol-a in Vunpa sin

slTii nia.

The way is narrow. Ma-sigpit in dan. I found him on the Ka-hak-aii ku sila dan road. ha ran.

He lost his chopper in Na Jawa in iitak nia the forest. lialam kdtian.

I saw a large snake in Bakas akii na ka klta tlie forest near Sandakan. luls dakolah Iialain gohin- gan ma-stikpa Sandakan. "Why did you forget? Maita kaa na iRpa^

Have you no memory? Wdi ttlni-fion-an niii .^

Yes, but I was in Hit, hut in. silsalt in trouble and it slipped my Jiatdi ku di aka maka memory. tuni-tnm.

Its form was like the In rughiis nga h'la appearance of a man. hantok tan This youth is very Maraiau in sFikild sin fortunate. hata-hata Ini. They foundered among Na If/nad na sila ha the islands of Tawi-triwI. ka-popd-an sin Tdwltawl. 221 ENGLISH. SULU.

Follow me. Agad ii

If it is not fresli don't BCdkj hulnni nia-tahaiKj briii.i;- it. alau Dtug-da. On Friday you should Nlkj -samhayaiKj na worship. Ixuniu adlaii Janialiat* It is proper to do so. Ma-tnlid in hi ha ietu.

How far is it from here Pela nulioli dieii dl liu to there? dUn !

There it is in front of Al aun dnn lia liarap- the house. an sin hai.

Wait awhile; I won't Dai-dai daJioman ; hii- be long. T\i(n dali nulgai alcu.

Split up the wood for Tdis-tais in liCiliOi pug- fiiel. dongol ta. The steamer is under 2>d na mutput in- weigh. hapal. This is a good place for Al-ija-rT maraiau lun- a furnace. ang-an dapol-an.

There was not a tree Wai na Tiapin sin left standing by the wind. Iccihoi na rd sin Julnus. That man is a great Ma-Jcansang in tan gambler. iaun nn(g-gip)po.

I cannot shut the gate. Bi aim vialia tanihal in Jaicang. Gather the mangoes Ma-put na matoh nani that have fallen. ma-pak-pal' .

* Jamahat (Friday) is the Mahomedan Sunday. 222 ENGLISH. SULU.

He is very generous to Maraitdi tfid hafdl nia

lire. ka alcii I have not found liim Walapa Ail slla ha jet. hdJi-i.

Get up for it is day- Bate )ia Icau biit adlaio

light. na.

What is your gift to Una ill dlliil-dlliU mu

him '? Jicoi Ilia .'

I love that child very Ma-kasUi alcu tfid ha much. hata-hata ien.

Give me just a little. DiJiil-i mu ahu angka


Go away. Eg-i match.

Let us go. Song na k'lta. AVhy don't you go? Malta Jiciu di nianau/ Come up here. Gdhan na kau marl.

Go down there. Ma-)idg na kait ma toll.

May you be accursed Intok-a )i kau si)i of the Lord. Talian.

Its price is one gold In halga nga hamhok dollar. ddhlCin.

He has not gone yet. Wa'pa sla maka 'fil. Strike the gong as we Lcsag-a in agong hut

are going to sail. inCig-lagag na klta.

All right. Maraiaii na. Go and mend the Fug-daiau-i matoh in sledce. haiigun-hangnn-^ uii.

'A primitive vehicle moved on runners and very useful as a means

of conveyance over swampy or friable soil.


A good for nothing boy. T Vd i (jnna-gn)ict sui lata Ini.

Who governs Suhi at Hi slo ill mamalentali present? hill dun hd Sog ? If the governor order Bang dak-an sin Guhlr- you mnst obey. narol sohai kau agar-an.

Don't throw away the Aiau mu hi iig it-cm iti

seed; give it to me to hlgl nya icn ; diliil-i ahw

plant. In tanam kit. What is your opinion? Biardicii in dgl mu

tall ! If I have no knife how Bdng wdi fitak akic can I cut grass? hiadienakiima-kdsaghut?

Come and have some- Dl na kaiL iniig- thing to eat. kamaun.

Thank you (I accept). Tdlmalian ku.

It is not clean but dirty. Bilkiiii ma-lanoh via- inmli.

This child is very Ma-panda i tiid in hata- clever. hata Ini. I cannot climb that tree. Di akit maka pandai doindg ha kdJtoi iaun. His clock is out of Niig-kdngi in lelos nia;

it strike. di maka order ; does not tiingog.

All his clothes were Na gisi in tdmungaii torn. nia ka-tantan.

It is said that there is Niig-sni-sui* in tdii coal in Sulii. tuga hrding-hdtu ha Sog.

* — it is said. Sui-sui = rumour ; nug-sui-sui 224 ENGLISH. SULU.

Yon use very coarse Ma-sdplali 2)aharaiau language. in pa}}io)ig-an nla ien. Cock fighting is held on Sohal adlau rominggo

Sunday only. anqoa inug-hFilang. Transplant this young Findali-l iiio matoJi in cocoa tree in the shade. (oiak Jidndii Ini 2)a selong. Collect all the rubbish Tlpu)i-a in saghut ha- and burn it. td)i anipa mu sunog-a. If the Sultan's com- Bang di ma-agad na niands are not followed Utah sin Junjongan JiU- it will be the worse for us. sakit-coi na Ji'tta.

Go ai]d let the horse Pa bului-an )ta niatuli loose to graze. in ki'ida Ciinpa niig-ha- aun saghut. This is greater than Ddlwlah Ini dien dim. that.

Bring the grindstone Dalian nio indrJ hdtu- to sharpen my barong. dsdh-an pa lidit-an in harong kit.

This is good soil for Maraian in Idpa Ini the cultivation of paddy, jyiig-hakal-an pdi. Sugar-cane will not In tnhii di tuniubuk ha grow on land like this. lupa hlJiaJni. Call the guard. Tdivag-a in jdga-jdga.

Ho guard! come here. Hua jdga-jdga ! dl na


Do not touch it. Aian niu usihah-i.

Come and cut my hair. Kari vii'ig-utnd in hiihok ku. ENCtLISH. sulu.

Come aiul cut my hair. Utur-iinCinin bilJinl,- kii. horse Malta in Icuda mti iia Why does 3'oiu' limp? fnnf/kaJi .' Yoii will break my anil. Ma-balcJi in liina tali.

He prrasped my hand Ka put-an nia lima Kit ill his. si)i hma nia.

Turn to the left a little JBlcnr/-a nio j^a luii^a so that I may pass. tioIt-tloJi but iRniubai na hdnii.

Where did this happen ? Ka-uno man-jayJ bl-lia-

1)1 i !

This wood is veiy hard. Ma-Iando via-tras in-

lulliul Ini.

This horse is a very I)i liura Ini aroiti mcv fast rmmer. lando tiid doindgan. Make haste and gulp it Pa sanuit bah, tiui-a down. tiid. Make haste or I will Us-iis na bah hau but overtake you. via fibnt-an.

Sdlus do not wear Tau-sog di viaha jurl straw hats. ma-niahal sap'DW.

Try to guess this: a Tuknd-tnkiid kdiniu : tail-less bird pursues a manok tukong Jtuviapas * tail-less bird ? tT(kong ? Have you a little Ann Kdivui viunga (Chinese) tobacco? tloh-tlohhun.^ I have. Ann pa.

He says he has. Aun long nia.

* Tukong = tail-les5. Native conundrum. Q 226 ENGLISH. SULU.

How can one who is Bang tau tilga salcit ill go? hiardeui maka hatoh ? Haul your piuu up on Hula mclrl i)i sakaiaii the beach. mu pa-tcis huliaiujin. I am afraid to go for Ma-buga aku matoh people say it is haunted. hut siii-sui sill tc'ut tiiga

saltan sa ieii.

Don't make a noise for Aiaii kau nuig-latah* I have a headache. dun ha ien but nia sdkit

in a kiL.

Do not walk in the Aiau kau niug-panau heat of the sun. ha ka-paso-tui sfiga. How heavy is it? Biardicn in bdgat nya Last night the pigs Ka-cibl na larak in destroyed the fence. hahoi sin ad.

He is dead. Miatai na sia. Help me. Tdbang-i nio aku. Put it down here. Bdtang dl ha Ini. He is hiding in the Na tapOk na sila halani forest. kdtian.

Let us take shelter Pieg selong na k'lta dl under this tree for a ha-habah sin kdhoi Ini moment. dai-dai.

That hill is very high. Ma-tds tfid in had iann.

He has not hit. iVa' pa kicgddn-i. Stop up the hole to Hrdat-a in I angag btit

keep the water out. di pa sud-an in tubig. Come hither. Ka rl na kau.

* Mus-latah ; = to chatter. 2-27 ENGLISH. SULU.

I have one like that at Aim lea aim I'l-lia-icii our place (at home). lia JituiiuJi.

How much will you Pcla In ptig-hl. tandok

sell these deer horns for? ilsa Inl .'

Let us ^o to the race Song liita pa loiiiha-an course and see the races, kiinlta Jnfa mug-pdso. An hour had not Wa' pa malca Icawcv elapsed. angkajdin.

How now ? B'la d ie n ta h .

How many dollars'? Pcla pPlah .' How much have you Pcla-pcla pa rd mn.- taken away? Why have you not Malta hau walapa gone, to hunt with the maha hatoh mug-panliut others? ha miinga ha-Jhan-an nia.' I am going. Ma tali )ia hdnii. I can do it. Aha in pandai.

He is an idle fellow. Ma-liuskaa in tdu Tni. Taken away by the Tolak sin hdla.

spirits. The Nakib is ill. Mangi las a indali Nakib.

I have no implements. Wdi rfm ka-pdniap-an ku.

Your barong is in the In harong mu aun lia-

house. liini hdi.

It is not in the house. Wdi run pa-liim hdi.

AMiat is the price of Pcld-pr:la in gdndOui your (indian) corn? imi' 228 ENGLISH. SULU.

He found an infant Ka-halc-an nia hamhok dead on the river's bank, hat a -ha fa miatai ha

licgad sdhali.

Inform me of what lie Baita-i nio aJxU sin said. pamong-an nia. He has gone into tlie Na siid na sila pa 0. interior. He has gone into the Matoli na sila pa comitry. gimhah. Why do you not enquire Maita Jiau di asuhfi of him? lian }iia?

Instruct me in j-our Hindoh-a nio aku sin language. haliasa mu. It is not enough. Walapa ganap. I have not received any Walapa aJiU maha intelhgence. riingag sin gawi.

Won't you give me Di lean niig-dihil anak interest for my money? sin pelak ku? I have never been Walapa aku maka round the island of Tawl- llhut po Tam-tawl. tawi.

What is the price of PPla in liaga garing ivory at Sandakan? ha Sandakan ?

Bring us a jar of Del nio k\ltti angka biscuits. p)i^igah, hang-hang.

Java is far from here. Maioli in Idpa Jdica

dicn dl.

Appeal to the judge. Na rd in hechala pa hakim. 229 ENGLISH. SULU.

I am afraid to go alone Ma hdga aha pdiiaw into the jungle. Jtalcoii kdtlan Isa-lsa.

He was here just now. 1)1 sUa JiPii dtln. Is it sharper than a Hadieii ma-lidU 'iban

needle? jdrnii ! Keep this till to morrow. Tdu-an Jin duipa hlii-


They were killed on NiKj-hunoh sUa dun Jia

the*\vay. rdn.

How many kinds of Prla aiigJca glnls i)i deer are there in Sulu? us a ha Sag P I don't know. Di aiciL ma iiigat. Kiss your mother. Sium-l nio ha liiah mu. These kittens are fond Nng-langog titd in analc of gam])oling. I'll ting 'ml aiJi.

Go and kiss the Datoh's Siiini na l-ait niatoh in, hand. lima III Datoli. Lend me your knife. Biis-i nio aJcit in hiring mu.

He won't lend it to me. Di nia sa hdti akw hus-an.

Go and borrow. Bus-i matoli. I don't know, do you? Indai sa kdimu/

Why do you bring a Maita lean mttg-dd spear into my house? hiijak lialiim hdi ku/

Oh ! The dog licks his Arc ! Nug-d'dah in croh hand. pa lima nia.

There are none of these Wdi run mdsliig, mana- large, they are all small. liut in ha-tantan. 230 ENGLISH. SULU.

Light the lamp. SoJi-a hi paUtahan.

The last shall be first. In na Jia-idUi mala una.

The first shall be last. In na-lia-una niaha


"Why do you laugh at Malta inn aJiii pucj- me? JiatdwaJian .'

YouL' buffaloes are all Ma-haiiig in licihau mu lean. J:a-tantan. *

Don't lean against that Aiau niii sandig-an Jia post, it may fall. Jtdg icn, ma-iiyog. I have left my umbrella Balas naha hln in in the house. innjong In Jia hai.

This one won't do for Ini di inan-jcid'i hut it is too long. ma-hahali.

Let it be like that. Pa hla na Jia ioi.

To morrow I will send Kinshimi miig-pard aim

a letter to my friend. sidat pa taimanglidd I'li. Don't be led away by Aiau 'kan mug Iri- that man for he is a liar, hagad hilt tdu prdijig-an sa icn.

Where is the lid of Had icn in tntOp)-an this pot? sin angJit ini! Why did you lie to Mai mn alu p)ug-

me? puting-an .'

I did not tell j'ou a lie. Wala aln miig-puting kdimn.

The pigeon has alighted Timapoli in hand ha- on a teak tree. tds kdJioijdti 231 ENGLISH. SULU.

Bring me a small Da-i aJcit liamhok silaJt lemon. manaliut.

I think they have Pug- JI a 1 1 Jt a n na si la lingered on the wa.y. Jidfi I'll (hill Jul rail. The fort of Singgah- In lilta ha Sliigga- mata is situated near mdta mashk pa Jcota fort Bfikiul. BdliTid.

Of what use is this AsTv'i sa 111 I uiio Jill II small one to me ? Jx a -a Jill .'

I shall only be a short MatoJi ahii dai-dai time away sdja. iTiiiof Look, I say ! K'lta haJi, How fondly this woman Ma-JxasiJi ma-ldl tiid loves her children. hahai Jni Jia anaJc nia.

The bamboos are all Na Jidbiis ill 2)dto)ig destroyed by the pigs. Jciaiin sill ha hoi.

He has an idea that a Aiiul ill dgl nia di bullet won't pierce a coat liiiiaghas In jiinigloJi Jut of mail. Idmlna.

Do you know how to Ma -in gat J: a ii m iig- make a dapang ? hlnang ddjjang?

I am just the one who Ma-ingat sa aJcit Ini. knows.

Twenty males and KduJian in iisog, Jxat- thirty females. Inan in hahai. Not even one of them M'lsan angJca tan di could tell the truth. maJia pdmong sin hunal. He rushed in amongst Nag -dagan na sila the mangroves. Jialani haJcau. 232 ENGLISH. SULU.

Yes, I know. A mil, inaka Ingat ahu. There aie few maiigo- Wdi ma-tCtud manggis steenes in Sulu. ha Sog.

I will pnt a mark upon GlndaJi-aji }^ii hut hang it so that I shall recognise ma-ldica ha-k'da-luDi kit. it again if it be lost. There is nothing here Will drill Jia Jul pug- that I can recline on. lialng-an kit. I have forgotten to Ka-Jiipa-luui kii wa bring matches. iiiaka rd hdgid-hdgid. What is the meaning Uno in indna sin of Slassi'?—I don"t know. Slassi.'—Indai. Hdtiku

I do not think it has wdi ran nidna nija lual a meaning, but is tlie ingan sin po sdja. name of an island only. He has not yet set out Wa'pa sia iiiaka tawap for Mecca. pa Makkali.

I met them in the Bdk-an kit nila dtln ha comitry. giinhaJt.

I do not know how to Di akiL ina-ingat niiig- mend that. daiaiL ha icn.

A ship from China, has Domatang in kapal brought a large quantity dien ha Songsong, iia rd of merchandise to the ma-tdiid dagang-an kan Chinese. Lanang. They foundered in mid Na lilnild na sila lia ocean. gltong taicld. I have brought this Na rd aku in gatas dien millv a long way. ha mdioh. 233 ENGLISH. SULU.

This mina-bii'd is most Ma-Iatah pal((raiaic garrulous. tlo)ir/ nti.

This is mine. Ka-kii sa Int.

His trousers were In sa ica I n la tia It ipoh covered with mud. sin plsal\

Do not make a mistake. Alan lean mng-li'nuDKj

sail .

Mix with a little sugar Lannld-i ihan tloh-ttoJt, to sweeten it. sfikal but maka niaiinoli.

The moat was full of Na liipoli na in gdta the killed. sin tdii niig-brinoJi. What day is this'? Adlau uno ta ini? —Is it Monday? —Isnin ka.^ 1 have no money. Wdi nln pclak k/t. A monkey sat upon a I)i amok nihj-lingkful tree. Jia-tds kdJini. How many months will Pcla-i bulan dnipa sia it be till he returns ? inili vidrl

Probably two months. Mihiga cUiai bdlaii. Many soldiers fell into Ma-tdud sonddlo na the morass. legad halam sdpa. I have been seeking Niig-Idg akii kan nia for him since morning. dien sin inahinat.

What is the price of a Pela in lidga sa pikul picul of pearl shells "? t'lpai? Look out, or you will Saio kan biit ma-hog fall into the mud. kau halam pisak. He was murdered in Biowli-an sin tdu anii the house. ha bdi. 234 ENGLISH. SULU.

Where was he killed ? Hadieniiika-patainia.^

In the house, I said. Halam hdi, long Jiti ita. Bill lia-aliu sa leu. That is 1113^ house.

Nail this plank. Lansang-a in dlgpi ini.

' What is your name ? Hi slo ingcDi mu

What is his title ? Unu in gcllal nia ?

It will not touch you. Dl sa ien niug-uno. What do you want ? Mug-nno tali Ican^

I declare I will strangle PlJioI-an 111 na in h'iig yon. mu. It is needless, never S^drJ na, di na mug-

it is fi n o ; icd i ha 11 na-Jian mind ; of no use. -g nga. There are many nests Ma-tdnd salang tiimfi- (growing) at the Goman- hdli ha Gonianton. ton caves.

I never did. Wala aim fiid nah.

It must be night l:>efore Sobai dinn dinpa niig- they appear. gomnali.

Don't come to-night. Aiau Jcanvidn diim Inl. They are making a Nng-kdloh na sila. noise.

When the wind is from Bdng hangin na iitdla the north the current is ma-tugda na tiid i)i siig. excessively strong. No, I won't. Dl aim mail-bayah. I have brought noth- Mlsan ang selag wala- ing. aha maha rd.

When should it be ? Sobai ha-nno? 235 ENGLISH. SULU.

AVhen should it be?— Sohal Ica-fnio^ —Sohai

It should be now. hlJt'diin.

He was here just now. Al-yd-r'i Ji'cit chin.

He has gone. When? lefir )ia. Ka-nno .' —

—Just now. Bdgri-hdr/fi iaiiii.

If you do not obey the Bfoir/ Jcaii di inaqad lia Sultan's commands you titah sin JiDijongan I'a- Avill be punished. sCihit-cui sa Ian ien. "What is your occupa- U)io in IrnKtiuj-an mn ^ tion ?

This house is occupied. Tilga tan Ita Ixii Ini.

There is the landlord Al aim in tug hCil coming. doinafang na. It grows not on the Di tuniuhnli lia bed land, but only in the sohai Jia gitong taicld. ocean.

That man often comes Tap-tap main rl in here. tdu iaiin.

This woman frequently Abara)t in hahai In I comes here. via La ri.

Onl}-, I am afraid of SagauJt, nia-hdga aim you. l-a)i nio.

One only. Hamholc huJ: sdja.

What is his opinion? Bladien in dgi nia .'

I do not smoke opium. Di ahii vii'ig-marat. Iron or wood will do. Bdsl ataira l-dJidi viaJca

Jan. I did not order him. Walapa aku vialri ddk Jean nia. 236 ENGLISH. SULU.

This is all that is over. A'l-ya-rl in Jehihnia.

Let lis go outside. Song lata niatoh pco


It is better to sit out- Maraian mur/'UngJiiid side than inside. lia-guali dien Jui-lfoii.

What do you owe me ? Uno in pieg-iitang-an

nut lea aku .'

AVhere is the owner of Hadicn in tntj bed.' the liouse '?

How many packages Pela angha potus au)i

£ire there in one case? lialani angina tniigP

How far is it from here Biardien in Itlioh inja to the palace ? dien dl pa astanaP Lend me a little paper. Bi(S-i alit Icatds tloh-


I have forgotten to Ka-lupa-lian lac wa' bring ]uy umbrella. ma-ra in payong.

Leave it there. B'ui-an rfni ha ien.

He has not yet come. Wa' pa sia vialca


We wish to pass. Luninhai na lulml.

I met her on the path Picg-halc lac sila dan to that leads the water. Ita ran pa ffihig. When will yon pay your Ka tlno l-a u nuig-hagad debt? sin Rtang >nn?

In a short time. Bilkfin dali nulgai. Bring me a pen that I Daha na man ijilcalam, may write. viani-iidat na aku.

Be patient. Sahal na kait. 2;-^ 7 ENGLISH. SULU.

Many people fled from Ma-tdtid tun JirKj-paqol the massacre. dicii Iia priij-buitnli-idi. The Siiltau will not Di hi tag Tit sin grant his permission. Jiiiijotgan.

Pick out the gC)od and Pcli-pcli-i sin niayaiait throw away the bad. hur/if-coi sin vtangi. How many pieces of HdlainhaniholchanclalK grey shirting" are there in pvla (ouj bus (jajaclau ? a bale ?

There are one hundred. Ann aug gatus.

The end of the w^harf Na Jiolog in ddliol sin- fell down. pantfdan. has He not yet become Wulapa sia inaJca JulJL a pilgrim. He is on a pilgrimage Mug-hdjl sa ien ^)rt to Mecca. Mal-l-ah.

Your debt to me you Ami nfang mu Jca-dJcn- must pay. snliuf-coi ta na hau.

If a pilot cannot be got Bang wai run malim dl I shall not go. ahii maka katoh.

There are very few pine- Tioli-t'ioh dak in in apples Sulu. ^j/.srt/zr/- ha Sdg.

Why are you afraid of Milg-rino, kaii ma-hdga pirates? saliisn? O dear me. Sir, you Allah, TCian, itrd mu

don't know their wicked- pa ka ingat-i in ngi nia.

II ess.

* " " Nanas is the name for in Malay pineapple ; and pisang Malay =

banana or plan:;ain. 238 ENGLISH. SULU.

They have not planted Wala pa sila vialca

€o£f"ee yet. tdnam kalidwa.

It does not please me. Dl aim )iiug-yen.

Please give this to me. DlliiU mil hall aim 'nil. Many people plunged Ma-tdud tdiL nng-Jcrop into the sea. Jtalaiii dagat.

Do not point your gun Alau via 'pa tuja-a in this way. sandpang ma marl.

I am poor. Misliin sa aku nil.

Be very positive. Pa tantiL-a ttid.

This country is pos- Ill liidali uii tiiga sessed of devils. Saltan.

The posts have not been Walapa maka haiigiui

•erected yet. ill lidg. Hitherto I have not Wapa aku maka k'lta

seen potatoes like these. pdnggl h'lhalnl diiipa


Night and day he does Diim adlau miig-sam-

nothing but pray. hayang sdja.

There is no profit in Wdl untong mug- trading at present. ddgaiig blh'aun. He is coming presently. Mdr'i sa len dal-dal dakomaii.

You need use no simu- A laii kaii mug-ala-ida ;

lation if it is ; for, really hut, bang hdnaJ, tahang- true, I will help you. an ta kaii.

That is not even what Wa'pa dhut In jjuhuii

it cost me. ku.

Let us proceed. Sung na k'lta. 289 ENGLISH. SULU.

The Princess Siminal Ddyang Piltli Siiiilnal has sailed for Tripol. hakas iitig-tolakpa Tdpol.

That is proper. Patut na Isah.

Come under the shelter Song kaii vulrl jxi ka- of this tree. sdong-iDi sin kdhdi uti. AYhat is to be done if Bladicn in ka-dgl bang niaka ra yoii have not brought kau icalapa provisions? lutoli-an ? Pull till it breaks. Hcla dnipa hogtoh. "Who purchased your Hi slo in na ml sin Kris ? inn?

The pony pursues the KTiraniig-hapasliausa^

deer, and the dog the pig. erok nug-turol ha hahoi. What quantity is Bladicii in ka-tdnd-an there? nga?

Do not quarrel or fight. Aiau na kdinit jimg- hantali atawa inng-Iurai.

It is in the other quarter, Icn dun It a ang utild.

I shall not quit this Di aku ni'eg dicn dl

spot if you do not pay hdng kau di niaka hayad your debt. sin utang nin. Any old rag will do. Munga ragmai ragmai

maka jdr'i. You have bitten me. Man-utkut kau ka aku.

A rat climbed up a post. A nibdn nng-dag ha hag. There are no ratans Wdi ran icdi dl-Jia-lni.


If it be eaten raw it is Bang niiig-ka-aun sin nia-hcloh sa ien. intoxicating.^o hclau 240 ENGLISH. SULU.

I cannot reacli it. Di al-ii maka ahRt.

Bead it, I say. Bacha-a, kdno.

I received it from him. Bahas ahu luuj-talma Iroi nia.

Tliey left quite recently. Bdf/fi-hdgu titd ma-eg na sila.

Do yon not recognise Di )mi aim ha-]:~ila-]ian? me ?

They recollected simul- Nnf/-fii7)i-tu»i jta sila taneously. sama-sdma. I prefer to use a Sillu Mauhcujah alcu vuilcai bridle. leakan g Sog.

Help him to carry fresh Tdbang-i nio sila niig- water. sai(k tilbig tdhang. If there is no one to Bdug icdi run gomanti relieve you, you cannot go. Iiui)ni[ di hau malca eg. liemain here until my Doml )ia kail dmpa aku return. viiig-hdlek.

Don't it here let Aiaii r'l bring ; viupa ka ; pa it remain. ran -a II na.

Take away this child. Da ha inaioli in hata-

hata 1)1 i.

Dady, if j'ou sail away, Dd?jang, hdng kau you repudiate me. tdlak hln-i akiiviu talak.

AVliere do you reside ? Hadien kau nug-liidah? Eestore his goods to Hi tlliJi in dta via-ann him. kan nia. Are you not afraid of Di kau ma-hdga kia- retribution following? hiisongan ? 241 ENGLTSTT. SULU.

Think, I say. Plkil bah, l-iuio. He says the very Dddin-dnuin n

reverse. iiamcnKj )ii

My mat is covered Na Jfipoh in biiras In

with rice. sin bi/r/as

Brinf,' the rice and the Dalia marl in Ica-aioi-

dishes. a)i ib<(n ha-lc'atni-an.

The Sultan lost a ring Na laira in sinr/sinr/

in Sandakan. si it Janjongan ha San- dahan.

There is notliin,^- but Niir/-h7lo-JiaIa- sdja uproar in the market. Iialani parian.

It is unripe. Bulal- jyi walapa via-


AYho stole your horse '? Hi slo in tiakaa sin

I- lira mil !

Kobbers are plentiful Ma-taud jyakaraiau

in SfUii the Iia ; but, .great- sJnir/aroI Sdg ; but,

est tliieves of all ai'e i}i sliiigarol thd dma na

Parang people. tan Pdranr/.

The fish leapt on a Mug-lahsii inistd jjatds rock. hdta.

The best leaves for Ajml na maraiau iniig-

making roofs of are sago h'lnang atiip ddlinn sdni. palm leaves. They are making a Nilg-lunang na sila moat round the fort. gdta ha Ubut sin hlta. Eouse up so-and-so, for Bangun-i hi I.tlan but it is day. adiau na.


If it is not round it is Bang hCilciin t'lhulc pa- square. sCiql.

I cannot bear to live Dl akti )iiaJ:a hiig-hug under Spanish rule. ha pdJentah sin Kastela. All the children ran Nag-ddg in hata-hata into their houses. ka-tdn palani hdi sila.

It will not hold more DimaJcalfnoi IchiJt dtln than twenty sacks of ]/(( hdulian lid lidrut pai. paddy. AVhat is the cause of TJno in lia-susali-an your sadness, my lady? inii, ddyang hu! How nnich are you Pela inliitangdanniu.' engaged at? Work for me and I will Hlnang-a halt Jni Im pay you wages. ((In faiigdan-an ta lau. How many pots of salt Fcla angha sukid dsin have you brought? na rd nio .' They are all the same. Sali sa ioi Ica-tantan.

i You should have Suha n ug-da rd son toll . brought a sample. I saw a corpse on the Na Jcita ahu maiat lia sands. huhangin. Let us go to the sand- Song luta pa liinias-an bank to collect shells. niitg-panagat.

These slippers, being Wd i guna - gUna sin

too large, are no use. taompa Ini, dakolaJi na. What does he say? TJno lilno/

I will not have any of Di oka })tau-hayali sin your impudence panio)ig-a)i nio icn. 248 ENGLISH. SULU.

What does he say? Uiio Idiir/ uid .'

bini sin liTihi A scorpion stung Kut-kiit j(()i(/- on the hand. Jung ha IliiKi nid.

Scrutinize it \\e\\ lliat Ni)(/-pah'Jisa niii tinl you may know it again. dinjia Jean nialici lilla-i. I shall throw it into S'uipud kit slla pahuii sea. dag at. The Bajau and Sfilu Dddln in haJiasa Bajait dialects differ. dicn ha baJuisa. Sng.

Carry water fi'oni tlie Sank-i tilhig ddgat. sea.

I shall investigate the Mam-hlisa na aim Jdn- niatter to-morrow. shion.

He has never sent it to Walapa sia niiig-pa rd me. man.

They are separated. Na biitas na sila. The meaning of the In >)idna hi "bog'''

is Ijut niaicn bnhiin word "boy" servant, l2)iin,

but different from servant b'la Ipini Jia Hog, dodi)i.

(slave) in Siilii.

What is the price of Pchi in J/dga siji IcTira your pony?— Six dollars mit 7ni.' —Ka pPto ang

and a half. slpali pPlah.

How often did ycju go ? Maka p?](( had niafoh !

—Seven times. —Malca pcto.

I shall not go. Di akit ))iad -bayah. viatoh.

Should we near the Bang niasfilc pa babait shallows, steer for the sea. tdlak pa hind. 244 ENGLISH. SULT'.

How many picnic; of Pcla 2^il-oI sili l\Tit(i)t sharks' fins did they bring na yd slla dien ha

from Umadal ? U}n(iraJ .'

Are there any sheep in Aim I.dJi hili-hih Jia 8iim?

There are no sheep in ]\'(li nlii hlll-hlli ]i((

Siihi. Si'XJ.

At present there are BUi'auii (tun i)um(j(i two or three. (hla to.

is to Brikioi Jtahlni It not forbidden )/iiif/-

drink sherbet. i/iODt salbaf.

A Spanish ship has Dii)iaf<)iir/ )ia in l^apal

arrived. sill K((fitcl<(.

The steamer is under Na )nutpiit na in luipal weigh. a so.

Look at the shape of Klfa bail in riighus sin

that ship, its stem is lapal iaiin, in ddJiong ni/a

formed like a shark's jaw. hla infuuja slmud hcdtaii.

Who is shooting in the Hi slo in nCig-temhal:

forest ? dun haJitin golangan icn .'

Eain is indispensable Sohai filga Tdan Cimpa before seeds will shoot. hlgi til mil bull.

He is invulnerable, I'anglias sa ien, mlsan

even the shot of a gun p a II g / // sa n dpa ng d i

could not hit him. Iiicgd(ln-an.

Shut the gate. Taiiibal-a in Idicang.

On the other side. Ien diln Jia ang slpaii. It is on that side of the Ai aim dan Jia ang house. lit lid sin hdi. 245 ENGLISH. SULU.

Of what are you to inalve Uno in hlnang-(ui iiiic the sides of youi- house? dlndliuj sill hdl inu .'

Let us all join in a Milff-hat ita k'lta nio

SODg. lea- tan. How much is tliis ?— Pi'Ja - pela in Ini!—

One for a cuarto. Mi

How much is that one PPla-pPhi ill Iminhok icii

' ?— e t - li drill — - there T w n y v e Kaalian tiiij- lima cents. cPn.

Sister, dear, assist me Kakah tdhang-i nioakio to sew this head-dress. ma II -fill i sin jns Ini.

How long does a lien PPla in Idgai sin inanok

«it in hatching her eggs '? ma ng-dm a in pa ma-

- - —Fifteen days. in nsa h .' — Ha ngpoh tug

lima i nun.

He slapped me on the Samp ale nia aku ha cheek. pisni.

What can we do, Sir, Biardiini tali kdmi uti, being slaves only. Ti'ian, Ipuii sdja .^ He had not gone to Wa'jia sia ma-tog. sleep. How slowly you walk. Ma-li tiskau pakaraiaic

kail, inug-paiiau. I was very small at the Aslvl pa akiL ah'da in time of the war in Suhi. ka pug-hunoli lia SOg.

Why do you smile at Maita mil aku piig- me ? humalam ?

Look, he is laughing. Klta na bah, ka-tdwa sia. 246 ENGLISH. SULU.

Take it to the black- Para-a na matoli pa

- smith's to be mended. t ii Ic a n g bdsl a mp a

(lion a tail.

I do not smoke cif:;'ars. Di aku maha niiir/-


Give me a little soap. Dili ill mn alii sahiin


Some were armed and In hn-lhan-an iiiiir/- others were not. taJii(S,i/i la-lbaii-an irala.

How many kinds are Pela aiir/ha gliils sin there? aim.'

Point towards the Trijfi-lian pa fiatCin. South. They have not sown Wa'pa sia mala hdlial their paddy 3'et. in piCii nia. I have been to Spain. Balas aJcii maha IyiIoJi

2)a Ldpa-Kastela. I thought you were a Pll-il-an In Tan- Spaniard. Kastela sa lean ien.

^Yhy do you not speak ? Malta la 11 dl iniig-

pdmong .'

For what purpose do Miig-Taio lam in tig-da

you bring a spear? There hnjali ! Well rini fan

are no evil disposed per- viangl dl lia In I. sons here.

What is the name of Hi slo Ingan sin tnan that gentleman with the iaiui nng-niamakai sdmin

spectacles ? mfita ?

Where is the spot ? Hadlen tiaigiid .' 247 ENGLISH. SULU.

There ! have ! you spilt Na na df!<(// in tahuj. the water.

The spirit of the ocean In gdh'ip iiug-hfilah dwells ill the deep. Iu(-liini taic'id.

This rope has parted. Ma-hoqtoli sin Iilhid

Do you know how to Ini. Ma-ingat liciit niuy-

splice? siipat .'

My <;un is out of order. Ma k a n g i ii a i n sandpanr/ In hii. His house is destroyed. Nd larah na in hai nia

My hand is sprained. Na piol in Jnna Ixii. I liave never seen a Wa'pa akti ma' lilfa

squirrel in Sulu. basing Jia Sdg. They stabbed him in Tigbak na sia nila lui the breast. dagJia nia. The robbers destroyed Na laralc sin shugarol our stables. i)i paged kura ndmii.

I cannot stay long-. Di aku vuika tagad mdgai.

Do not steal; do not Aiauvia-nakau ; aiau

- lie; do not swear; and nia miiting ; aiau via-

- don't kill or murder. ;/ i)igg a d ; a i a a m a mroioJi.

I do not know how to I) i aku nia -in gat steer. mapdt Jta bunsan. How can we ever ascend Biardicn na kdmi 'mi — these steps? Easily, Sir, samakat ha hdg-ddn 'oii? if you climb as I do. —Mohai bah, Tilan, bang kail sdkat bla aku. 248 ENGLISH. SULU.

Turn round the stern. Bicng-i in htlll faJt. Go you aft. Katoh kau pa hiih.

I have been pricked Na tnlisug aku sin with a needle. jMin.

- A stork wades in the In h((nr/(iu Diiaj nhog lake. ludcun hlnau.

The roof was all blown Wdi na ]^api)i sin atiip away by the hurricane. )ia paVul sin luuius. When you walk do not Ah'/ la hau nuDian aian, straddle. via-hingkang in slJci mu. The vessel stranded on Na sdnglad in sakaian a sandbank. ha liiinds-an.

Do not strike me. Aiaii nutaku hlhak-an.

He struck me. Lobak-an nia akii.

That lady struck me on Siampak aku lil the face with her slipper. ddgang icn Jia pisni sin taompa nia.

Do you know how to Ma-ingat kau viiig- twist rope ? pinsal Uihid ? The wind is very strong. Ma-tugda tiid in liangin


It is raining hard. Ma-tiigda in nlcoi. Where is your substi- Hadieii in gomantl tute '? kdimu ^

Suffer it to be so. B'la iia lia i''n.

Make it sufficient. Ganap-i niu bah. They appealed to the Na rd na si la sin Sultan. hechala pa Sultan.

The day is very sultry. Ma-pdso ti(d adlau Ini. 249 ENGLISH. SULU.

Sum np tlie whole. JajnI(iJi-(( lud-K-ftoi-tafi.

lid in I iiialca We have not 3'et reached TT'

the summit. Cihdt pa piintul:.

kit hut Put my coat out to dry, Bnhdr-l in hfijn

as it is wet. ind-hrisa]/.

Tlie sun is about to set. Man' nd scunadlnj) in

A Datoh in Siihi is su- In Da tali ha Snf/ iehih dicn ha perior to a MahavHJa. ddl-ohth Midia-lfija AVhat do you suppose? liladioi in luoiani inn .^ How does it taste? Bladirn in iianant tah ! I am not certain. Walapa akn ina-tantn. AVhere is the surplus ? Hadicn in l-a-Ichih-an

inja !

That is swearinn;. Peiii)i(j(/ar-an sa ien. Bring me a broom. Da ha nio marl in sa- sdpa la ahn.

They are sweethearts. Nn(/-triiia)ir/ na f;il((.

I do not know^ how to I)i ahn. inaha iiigat

swim. mng-Jancjoi.

Put the glass on the BntaiKj in hasa ien pet table. Ja-inlsa-Jian. Do-not take that. Aian l.an nuuj-hawa

Jia ien.

Why do you not plant Maita /,an di nin

h'lpa ini !

He refreshed us with Nn(i-lahntniaal-nttihi(f tea and biscuits. piaso ihan hang-hang. 250 ENGLISH. SULU.

Teach me to speak your Hi ndoh-i n i o (i /. u

sin baJiasa viii. language. 2)67?»o;if7

Teak is good for Maraiau in jfiti miirj- making ribs of boats. hinroif/ giali sin saJcai-an.

I have teeth he has Akii aiin ijiioi sia ivai none. run.

He is goocl-teuiperecl. Maraiau in ixdangai

n ia .

This is better than Maraiau in ini dien-

that. ha ien.

Here is the best of aU. Ai-ija-rl maraiau tiid

Ini dien Jta ka-fCin.

Whose house is this? Kan slo in hai Ini .'

Get away from there. Eg )><( hau dien dun. This is very thick cloth. Ma-rulcmal tud in haliCina Ini.

He is a thief, do not Pa-)iali-au s(( icn, aiau

let him enter. j^a sfir-an. If the cloth is thick the Bang ma rulmaJ in paper is very thin. halcana ma-nlpis fiid in I'atds.

AVhere can we place Hadien ndinuJti hiltang nfnnu our things ? miuiga j^Htus-j^iltris

in I ?

I am thirsty. Ma-uhau al'u. Though it were the Mlsan Junjongan, di Sultan, I would not be alcu ma-hoga.


It is short of a thousand. WaJapa ganap ang ihu. ENGLISH. SULU.

Three men walkeJ to Tr, anjl-<( fan niir/-

tlie rif^'bt, but those ^vll() jxokih p<( id, )u( Idicd in

went to the left weie tda niig-pdiian pa lawn. lost.

Do you hear the thun- Malui nuttjag )ia h((ii in

der? di((/-diir/ ?

It is nearly flood-tide. MdrP na taah.

What tidings have you Una )i<( viaieii in r/diri brought ? )ia rd nio ^

His time has not yet M'alajnx dhnf in (/dnfa come. Ilia.

On what date did he Pcla-i adlaii in fnr/nn promise to come? via dnipa dojiiafant/ ?

Give it to the gentle- Diliil-i kcin tilan. man.

HebasgonetoTianggi. Balias sia ma nan jxi

Tiaiigr/i. He will come to- Hvhai Jiin-sJtinn dinpa morrow. do))i((tanf/.

Giveme a little tobacco. DiJtili )nn al-n tahdha


Let us go together into MiKj-dungan-di'ingan ji<( the country. l-lfa manau pa (linihah. Pull together. Held sdnta-sdnia. Let us go and visit the Sung liita niatoh I'omlta

Sultan's tomb. lata ha luhul Hi)i Malo- hom.

What is the price of PPla lidga sisil iaiDi ^ that tortoise-shell ? •7 \0 ENGLISH. SULU.

They went towards the Nii;/-trijF( sila ma ami couiitiy. i)a (I'nnhah. Bring towels and let us lid-a in jlmpait maujoh

have a bath. iia lilfa.

They followed the Ntiff-turol sUa luiipa tracks of the robbers. sllil >ihi sluujarol. D(j not trample on my Alan )iitc geilc-l in

plants. tiaiiain-aii Ini.

It is rumoured that the Xa /ju(jtoJt in hapitora-

treaty is broken. sion Iftno.

Anew treaty had better Sohai nuig-hlnang pi)(j be framed. janji-an hrc/fi. AVhy do you tremble Maita han nia-vildiud so ? hi-Jia-iiii ?

The rain dropped fr(jm Miuj-to iji nhin dicn ha tlie roof. (itiip.

The water trickled fi'om T/intu in ff/hi;/ dicn lia-

above. ins.

Trim the lj(jat or we Tinihang-i in, salcai-an

shall capsize. taJt hut nia-rauh na litii.

It is perfectly true. Banal sa nia-tiid.

Were I a man I sli(iuld Bang akii itsog tighalc- translix you with a spear, an tali laii sin hujalc. He would say nothing Dlna ifu pfDiiong dddin but the truth. diln lia ka-hundl-an.

Try again. Solai na Isab. Tuck up your trousei's Klnlln-a in sawal inn

lest they be soiled l)y hut di nia-hipoli plsal;. the mud. ENGLISH. SULU.

Try once more. Soldi inalut iiiinsdii


The Sultan fell ill on Adlau sdlasa in SRltaii

Tuesday. vKiin/i I((S((.

Put on tuil)aii. lui ]:iiu. your A^/"ff/-^>7.s — AVhat o'clock is it?— Levari jx'la ! Lesag

Twelve o'clock. hniKipoli-tug-dria.

He deceived me twice. ^ii((l J>'((-rf/(( sil(( m((l,((

nld lid (ilu.

Twist the rope. FinsaJ-a in hlhid. They are twins. Anal' hamhal sa icn. Bring two or three. Iht )ndr7 ntunrja diia tn.

This kris is double- Dria )nutu in hdlis ini. edgrd. He has taken umbrage Main/i Jiafdi niit dim at what I have said. ha pdmona Int.

I'his man is utterly J)i fiid niroi-jdrl fdii ini. unal^le.

It is not as though he Ui'diin Ida ha ninnr/d were unaccustomed. hnl-ini hial.sa.

He is unarmed. Wdi nln taJiiis nia. He is my uncle. Amah-a)i hn sa ien. I shall marry him. Bcoui-Juot l-n sa iot. I do not miderstand. Di alu mala Jiati.

If you are unemployed Bdnq irdi run lilnanrf seek employment. vnt Idr/ laii Jilnanrj-cui. Why are all the trees Maita in lidluii l;(f- in this place unfruitful '? tanta)i lia liidah ini di tuig-hunga^9 •254 ENGLISH. SULU.

Unfasten the rope of Ul)''ir-l ill luhid silt, my pony. liTllUt IcK.

Tbev have not be trim ]]'((!<( -jia sila iiiaha to nnload the cargo. f(i(/ii(i/i-i luiicas ill luaii-aii.

AVby did you not l)i'ing Maitd kau wa niii(j-d

I sball not I'eturn until ])i dim iiiFd Ciiiipa to-morrow. liilisllillll .

It is unusual to do so. MdliniKj iiiig-Jiuiaiig hi-


Tbe water was up to Ill trihiii iaun tah-tiih tbe knees. JKC til Ji lid.

Put it on tbe cbaii'. Britain/ Iia-tds sla.

- "Wbat an uproar tbis is. Niu/ JiCdoJi jia ha ra ia it

sa ini.

Tbat belongs to us. Ka-atii sa ieii.

Of wbat use is it ? Una ill lia - guiia - han

Ill/a .' It is of no use. Wdi nlii ha-guna-haii


Tbis is a most valiant Ma-lstig paJcaraiait tCiUr man. Jiii.

You can value it. E/iaii ill iniuj-ludga.

Tliese ferns are used as Ill ha -gidia -Jian sin vegetables. jxihis liii pfig-sdijol-aii.

I am afraid to venture. Ma-hoga ahii iiiiig-sulai.

Ho ! old man, whither Hiia ! inds,pahaien tali goest thou ? hail ? 255 ENGLISH. SCJ.LT.

There is no vinegar. M'

He answered in a feeble S(niitniil)(((j lui sia asivl voice. aslvl tuiK/of/ iiijd.

Thc'3' have cholera. Sdhil na sila iittdhCc


He lias not paid n]y M'((hi-p(( sia aku wages yet. ongstir-i si/i ((Oiijchot-an


The waggon is upset Na rdiih in larusah on the road. (Uni lia nlii.

1 cannot walk; my feet J^i ti/,-/i nuilid pcDiati ; ache. uia-stiliit s'il,-i hii.

I do not want to go. Di dl.n man- haijah matoh.

AMioni do you want ? Hi sio in pncf-icn-ayi

n io ?

It is very warm to-day. Ma-pfa^o fin] adJaa 'uii. He was here a while Balias sia rl J:aiita. ago.

If a wasp sting you it is Bdiaj lapiniij ioi niaha poisonous. Ji/it-l'/if J,ili/n/i iiia-blsa. Give me a little water Di/iil-i ntn ahii tubig to drink. tloJi-tloJi }>(( ii/oin-a aha.

Is it fresh or salt water? Tai)i(/ ii/a - triixoa/ tali

atatra NKt-fis/n fidi ?

The sea is boisterous Ma-((lii/i adJaii nii. to-day. In this way, not that Blhalni inihiinhlhaietu. way. 256 en:(4Lts[i. sum.

Get out of my way and Shiiniai han liimiihal alni. let me pass. v<( I feel uneasy if I have Ma-snmh ahu hang irai no weapon. rfni t/il-fis kii. He sailed more than a 11 a I- as siu tiiiinhiL- week ago. Icbilt ancjha j^cto. Ixih It is not heavy; it is Buliin mn-hrxjat ;

tiid sa ien. very light. md-gdhati He has almost re- MnyP na sila ka-ulih- covered from his illness, an. Let us walk to the end Paiiau na hlta matoli of the wharf. }ni dohol si)t jmntan. What does he say? Una l-fino? Brinswliatever voLican ])((]i(( marl iniinga iino- viu. get. iii><> ill Ji((-biiL-a)i

I have seen, what-do- Bal'as Jiti k'lta, hi-

— — J:ii you-call-him I have for- laanjii la-hqm-han gotten his name. n(( Im/an nia. When did lie arrive? Ka nno sia sampai /

Where is my ])arong ? Hadieii in harong Ini ? Whether lie permits it r>ang mau-hayahataira or not I will take it. hnl-iin la-an kii.

Wliich is the hest ? Hadien in niaraiau ? Your horse has been KTira mu hakas na * let loose. hiiiloi.

Which one? /// hadien ?

Who is there ? HI slo ien ?

? Whose land is this ? Kan -slo h'>pa Ini

* Bidoi-un or hiuloi-an to loose. 257 SULU. K.vxK. Forms of Address,

JiiiijoiKjdii (sultan) Siit jinijoiu/aii

Srtlt(tit Til (til siilt((u

Datuli (chief) Ddtoli

Lajd (kin<4"> ^'ijc

Selij^ TiKin selip

Maiitili (minister of state) Tridii mantili

Haj'i (pilorim) Tfian Jiajl

Paiiglniia (captain or prefect) Tilan pitnglliiia Lax((iii((ii({ (com. in chief) Lnxamana a Mahal(ij (prince) Mahdldja

Nakib (religious title) Tiuni iiakib

Kafih ,, ,, TiKin katib

Imam ,, ,, Imam

Olaugkaijabagindainohlerasbn) Ohnuj kai/a baglnda Olaiig kaya (headman) Ola)ig kaya Bandari (steward) Bdndari

Makahail (keeper of the Ma ka hail markets) S id fan a Ddyang-ddyang Panglaii Ddyang panglan Piitli (princess) Ddyang patli

Ddyang (lady) Ddyaiig

When an inferior addresses the Sultan, a Ddtoli, or Ldja, Selij-), he speaks of himself QjS pdtek. There is no distinction made by an inferior when address- ing persons of lower rank than these. In addressing the Sultan the Sulus introduce the subject of discourse by the preliminary formula : — 258

Eank and Forms of Address

(Continued) .

Ampun harlhu ampCui ha tapak siki sin Junjongan sinpdtek, pardons, thousands of pardons (be exten- to this slave or viiki ded) your ; amprin in pdtek.

When addressing his Highness directly, they say Junjongan or mi'inga Junjongan, may it be your the Siilu title of Highness ; Junjongan being the Sul- tan. Europeans in addressing the Sultan call him

Sultan this is not a Siilu of Tuan ; way addressing him, but it is most common among foreigners. In speaking of the Sultan, his subjects never use Tuan before his title but say only Sultan or Junjongan, as : the Sultan's astana sin kura sin Junjongan, pony ;

Sultan, the Sultan's palace. The form so common among Malays of addressing persons of rank, and speaking of themselves to superiors in the third person is not so common among Suliis. There is a more independent tone about the people in this respect. AVith the excep- tions already mentioned, aku and its abbreviation ku, I; Kami, we; ekau ox kau, you; and kcimu with

its abbreviation mu are used alike by superiors and inferiors in conversing with each other, but ekau should never be used in addressing the Sultan, although all below him may be addressed in the

: — second person ; e.g.

This (your) servant Mlki ampnn in pcitek ; sues for pardon; where- hut k'fihi aun tdu bakas

I 259

Rank and Forms of Address. (Continued).

fore some one stole the tiakau kfira sin pdtek

pony of this (your) ser- nicirl na jiiuiir/a pdtek

vant last night, and pray maijeii ning-haita na

(your) servant has come Dinnga Jii/ijongan to inform your Highness.

When your Highness Bang )>idka' ill i)i Tuan*

has returned from (your) Silltan dien ha miikkah

pilgrimage to Mecca I matoh iiiayen aku j)a Sdg

intend paying a visit to inug-pa>ig-'ita-'ita.


You cannot resist Di kan maka atii Datoh. Ddtoli.

Had it not been for Bdnghnki(nekau,Tdan,

you, Sir, we should have viiatai na kdmi. died.

Where is your house Had en in bdi mu

'pangllma? panghma .'

There it is hill on that ; laun diin lia-tds bad

•cannot you see it. iaun ; dikdniu maka Ita

* Foreigners only use Tuan in addressing the Sultan. 260 POINTS OF THE COAIPAHH. English. Srr-r. Malay. North rttala utara South sdtdn shltan East tlmol tiinor West hdgaf barat North-east tlviol laud tlinor hiiit

North-west hilaga barat hint

South-east ttiiir/d/a tunggara

South-west hagat ddi/a barat daya In the.Suhi, the following points of tlie compass, are formed from the cardinal points by the inter- of as— jDolation tuminga, N. N.E. Rfdla tmniiiga tiiitol

ftfdla N. N.AV. hdgaf ,, E. N.E. flniol W. N.W. bdgat

'idtdit E. S.E. fniiol ,, W. S.W. bdgat timol S. S.E. sdtdn ,, S. S.W. saYa/i ,, —hagat In the Mah^y they are as follows: N. N.E. iitara sa-mfita timor N. N.W. iitara baiat ladt E. N.E. tiuior sa-mata utara W. N.W. barat sa-niata utara E. S.E. tinior tung^nlra W. S.W. barat sa-uiata slatan

S. S.E. slatan nienunggara

S. S.W. slatan daya '2(J1


I'iXtiLisH. Sri,r. Malay. A day isid ((dhiii satu liari

A week ((/u/k(( pcto, tiijuli liarT, (DKjka roiiiiitggu satu niiuggo A luoiitli is(n hfthiii satu biilan

A year aiujkd tdlifin satu tahuu To-day (idhtn Jul liarT Ini To-moiTow klii-s/iinn. besok

Yesterday ka-hdj^Kii kalmarin before tnk-Jsa kaliUtxrin dahilln ,, , day

,, afternoon k((-h((piin kalmarin patang )n(ih

Three days hence Jia-td tulat

Four days hence lia-npat tuban Five days hence lia-llum jano

This month bilhoi liil biilan Ini

Next month bdlcui hdinhok bulan dtitang domatang Last month hfdan niiatai biilan lahi

Morning mahinat pagi Evening mahapun patang Mid-day tengah adlaii, tengah hari ugtoh A night isai diini satu mfllam To-night dnni 'ini nijllam Ini

Midnight tengaJi di'ini tengah malam An hour cuigkajdm satu jam Moment angka sdat sa'saat 262 26^

Days of the Week. English. ^64 NAMES OF VAKIOUS WEAPONS.

^ Swords.

KaDipilan. Eayan.

Kaliaivattf/. Utah angknn.

Lariiu) jcDitbaiigait tuU. Utah tira.

,, lapolwh.

,, sa-siiaJi.

,, la-lapalI.


TTiUd (straight) samsil.

,, hnnga hung loi.

,, halangkas.

,, ka-'kolang-a)t.

,, dasag.

,, dapau. as. ,, pan

,, sabli-

LanteJi (wavey) handos.

,, panas.

,, ga-gamutsun.

,, liamai.

,, malaiiau.

,, janasuah. buJcu. ,, agau

1 •if)-) NAMES OF VAKIOUS WEAPONS. (Continued).

Short Swords.

Bdroitf/ sdp"^ fuiif/ffal.

,, Ji'(()ll((S.

,, hdpan.

,, hi/l/iJi(()t.

,, ((lir/l-nii.



Bnjak + iurak-mr

sauJi sole hnhunoi.

liahtrjd)) .


hiiiangkdtt. dahuii hnkdii.



dda sanga.

tiuiggal selab. tungkud sin santiUli.

Sap r= Trade-mark. f Bujak = Spear. 266 NAMES OF VARIOUS WEAPONS.

(Continued) .

Guns, Etc. English. SULU.

Flint-cjun Sanapang hdtu dpi Enfield rifle kep

to bilk a

,, carbine dna huka

Fancy flint-gun turakol Remington rifle tucl-tud Double-barrelled gun dm selab Martini-Henry rifle jcot gat

Snider rifle iikah-ukah

Swiss repeater dda balas Winchester rifle pa-junpang

Ramrod • darasok

Cartridge kalachuclio Shot liambul Bullet pungloh Cap batil-batil Cap kep Hammer of a gun punatok Trigger pachikan, pasikan Powder obat

Flint bat It, dpi

The strap saklaian, salaian Pouch aba-aba

To pull the trigger pa-pasik Nipple butu-butu 267 — Guns, Etc. (Continued). Barrel hulu Stock tagaha ha II Sin^ht hijala Bayonet sanglo


AgOng bilaJi.

lusoug. hu-himdil. salbun.




Terms of Friendship. Bagai Agalap Salanga Indali -268

Currency in Membong.*

l-fis- Wfihi ((ji{/-(j(iti(s (800)

Jiiiir/ ...lidDiholc {1) pehih (dollar).

- A iKj r a t H s (100) sen

(cents) ... Jt((i/ibok [1] pehtk (d(jllar). The cash current in Menibong is called by the " " Chinese tan^^' chi (brass cash), and sometimes

b)y the Sulus taiKjsi. Before the intj-oduction of ""tang chi," (brass cash), the currency was iron cash, 10,000 of which were equal to a dollar. The " Chinese name for this kind of money is thi chi," corrupted by the Siilus into krisliimi, the name now applied to brass cash. A distinction is sometimes

made by the addition of t

erally used.

Currency in Sandakan. SULU.

Diia (2) duit ... hamhok {l)sen (one cent).

Ang-gdtiis (100) sen ... hamhok (1) pelak (one

dollar). Malay.

Diia (2) cUdt ...satu (1) sent (one cent).

Sa-rfitus (100) sent . . . satu (1) ringgit (one dollar) .

* In Membong and the Sulu Archipelago, excepting Spanish settlements, the currency is subject to change. !>(')<>

CriiKKNCV IN JoiiO.*

Diez (10) cu:ut()s + ... im (1) real, 12j cents (old currency).

Dos (2) reales ... una (1) peseta, 25 cents (old currency).

Cuatro (4) pesetas ... un (1) peso, one dollar (old currency).

Ocho (8) cuartos ... un (1) real, 10 cents.

Dos (2) reales ... una (1) peseta, 20 cents.

Ciiico (5) pesetas ... un (1) peso, one dollar.

Dos (2) iiiedios pesos ... un (1) peso, one dollar.

Dos (2) pesos ... un (1) doblon de oro, two

iiold dollars.

Pearl Weight.

Haiiqpoh [li]) (otgka clnlchoh- ... (ou/ (1) anias

Hangpoli (10) aiuj ainas ... aitg (1) basing

A chilcliuk is eqiial to 6.24 grains (TrojO- Seven a»ias are generally reckoned equal to the weight of a Spanish dollar, although really a little heavier.

This table is also used in weighing opium and precious products, such as camphor, white bird's nests, &c. * Spanish settlement in Sulu. f 1 cuarto == 1^ cents. 270

AvoiEDUPOis Weight.

16 basing* ... sa kati (l^lbs.)

100 kati ... sapikul (ISS^lbs.)

40 pikul ... sa koyan {b'S'SS^ lbs.)

A basing is equal to 624 grains (Troy).

Measure of Capacity. — (Dry).

Opat (4) angka pinggan ... angka (1) gantang or 3J katies.

HaiigpoJi {li)) aitgkaga)ttang... ang (i) kaga or 'SS^ katies.

To (3) aug kaga ... sa (1) ^j/A-/

These measures vary considerably, the gantang

holding sometimes 2^-, 3, 3t and 4 katies; and the number of pingg an s to a gantang depending on the size of the measure used. 'Reckonmg i\\e pikul o^t

100 katies, in measuring rice, the other measures would equal in katies what has been stated above. There is no standard ga)itang in Sulii. The pinggan. most frequently used is the common Chinese "mangkok." Bice, paddy, coffee and cocoa are bought and sold by this table.

* Basing ^ tahil =: loz. G^drs. 271

Long or Cloth Measiire.

Angka tiidJoli ... breadth of a finger.

Daa angka tndloh ... breadth of two fingers.

To ... ,, ,, breadth of three fingers.

Opat ,, ,, ... breadth of four fingers. Aug pad breadth of the hand.

A fig sdiig ...... the space from the end of the thumb to the end of the

forefinger when the fingers are extended.

u ...... a Aug danga span ; the space from the end of the thumb to the end of

the middle finger when the fingers are exended. LehUi-lehili tiiigahox

sin ... a cubit the tingah tingah ; length of the arm

from the elbow to the tip of middle finger.

Angka ham the length from the tip of the middle finger to the shoul-

der opposite an arm when extended.

... half-fathom Tingah dupa ; the distance be-

tween the tip of the middle

finger and the middle of the

breast when the arm is extended.

Ang dupa ...... a fathom, generally of about 5

ft. ; the distance between

the extremities of both arms when extended. '272

Long or Cloth Measure.


or Angka ])~is angina

. its pt'jFi cloth measured b}' width ;

i.e., by folding over to form a square piece of cloth when cut.

Namks of Various Bananas.

Sdiiig 'i(lb((It

taja n

JlinO(/0)l hata-h((ta tindok (onas timbokan


hat It



la nut*

* Musa textilis.

I Treaty Between


English - Malay


Treaty of Friendship and Commerce Between

Her Majesty and the Sultan of Borneo* : —

(Signed in the EngHsh and Malay Languages, May 27th, 1847).

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, being desirous to encourage commerce between Her Majesty's subjects and the subjects of the independent Princes of the Eastern Seas, and to put an end to piracies which have hitherto obstructed that commerce and His ; Highness Omar Ali Saif Aludin, who sits upon the throne and rules the territories of Borneo, being animated by corresponding dispositions, and being desirous to co-operate in any measure which may be necessary for the attainment of the above mentioned objects, her said Britannic Majesty and the Sultan of Borneo have agreed to record their determination in these respects by a Convention containing the following Articles : —

Article I.

Peace, friendship and good understanding shall from henceforward and for ever subsist between Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland and His Highness Omar Ali Saif Aludin, Sultan of Borneo, and between their respective heirs and successors, and subjects. * Brunei. TREATY BETWEEN ENGLAND & BRUNEI (Malay).

" " TaritI Saliabat ber-sababat dan per-nuiga-an " " antara bawa ddli Queen dengan bawa diili yang-

: — di-per-tiian Sultan Brunei

(Siidali di taroli tanda tangan dalani baliasa dan baliasa Malayu, (djilani negri Brunei) Anggaiis " kapada 27 ban bulan May," tabun "1847.") Bfiwa ada lab bawa diili "Queen" mjab yang niem-ientab-kan ka-raja-an negri "Great Britain" " dan Ireland," ada suka niaii me-luas-kan per-nuiga- " an bawa duli Queen" punya rayat dan rayat-riiyat raja-rfijab yang tifida talok di-laut-laiit sa-blab tlnior, dan akan nieng-bllang-kan pe-rompak yang sudab men-aban-kan per-nlaga-an Itu. Maka b;"iwa diili yang-di-per-tuan Sultan Omar Ali Saif Aludin, yang semayani di-atas takbta ka-rajivna negri Brunei serta sakallan talok rantau-nya, ada sania-sania buka nya • itu niaka sania-sania akan maksud ; iya piin ber- ka-bandak akan nien-dlong dalani sa-barang j;ilan yang ber-patut-an akan nien-dapat-kan bajat yang ter-sebut di-atas itu, maka bawa duli "Queen" dan Sultan Brunei sudab suka mau nien-ulis-kan ka-putus-an maksud nya dalam per-kara per-k{lra drdam suataper-janji-an saperti yang ter-sebut dalam fasal-fasal yang ter-sebut di-bawa ini. Fasal Yang Peetama. Maka liandak lab ada per-damei-an. dan sababat- ber-sahabat, dan mufakat yang bJlik deri sakarang ini sampei sa-lfuna-lania nya antara bawa duli *' " Queen," raja negri Great Britain dan Ireland," dengan bawa duli yang-di-per-tuan Omar Ali Saif Aludin, Sultan negri Brunei, dan antJlra ka-diia nya piin waris-waris dan peng-ganti-ganti, dan rayat-rayat. 276 TREATY—ENGLISH.

Aeticle II.

The subjects of Her Britannic Majesty shall have full liberty to enter into, reside in, trade with, and pass with their merchandise through all parts of the dominions of His Highness the Sultan of Borneo, and they shall enjoy therein all the privileges and advantages with respect to connnerce, or otherwise, which are now, or which may hereafter be granted to the subjects or citizens of the most favoured nation and the of His ; subjects Highness the Sultan of Borneo, shall in like manner be at liberty to enter into, reside in, trade with, and pass- with their merchandise through all parts of Her Britannic Majesty's dominions in Europe and Asia, as freely as the subjects of the most favoured nation, and they shall enjoy in those dominions all the privileges and advantages with respect to commerce or otherwise, which are now or which may hereafter be granted therein to the subjects or citizens of the most favoured nation.

Aeticle III.

British subjects shall be permitted to purchase,, rent, or occupy, or in any other legal way to acquire all kinds of property within the dominions of His the Sultan of Borneo and His Highness ; Highness engages that such British subjects shall, as far as is in his power within his dominions, enjoy full and complete protection and secui'ity for themselves and for any property which they may so acquire in or which have future, they may acquired already ,^ before the date of the present Convention. 277 treaty*—malav.

Fasal Yang Kadua.

Ada piin sakalTan rayat bawa duli "Queen" biilih nien-dcipat sa-puiioh-punoh ka-bibas-an akan iiiasok, dan tinf^f^^al, dan ber-niiiga, dan me-lalu dengan dagfmg- an nya dalani sa-ganap tampat dalani ka-rajTi-an bawa duli yang-di-per-tuan Sultan negri Brunei, niaka iya sakalian bulili nien-dapat sanuiji ka-bibas- an dan ka-untnng-an pada tampat-tanipat itu fasal per-nlaga-an, ataii Iain-lain jalan, yang ada sakilrang, atau yang akan di negrah-kan kapada rayat-rayat iitau orang-nrang negri deripada bangsa yang itii niaka bilwa duli ter-pilih ; rayat yang-di-per-tiian Sultan Brunei, piin bagitu juga bulih men-dapat ka- bibas-an akan niasok, dan tinggal, dan ber-niaga, dan me-lalu-i dengan dagang-an nya drdam sa-ganap tam- pat dfilam ka-raja-an bawa duli "Queen" dalani negri Europa dan Asia, sfuna bi;"isa saperti rayat- rayat deripada bangsa yang pilih-an, niaka iya sakalian biilih nien-diipat diilani ka-raja-an ka-raja-an itu saniua ka-bibas-an dan ka-untong-an fasal per-niaga-an, atau lain jalan yang ada sakarang, atau jang akan di negrah-kan pada tanipat-tampat Itu kapada rayat-rayat orang-nrang negri deripada bangsa yang pilih-an. Fasal Yang Ka-tiga.

Maka rayat di-bawa bandera Anggaris bulih men-dtipat-i idzin akan nieni-bayar, dan sewa, atau pakei, dengan lain jalan yang ber-patut-an akan men-dapat samuci macham barang-barang dalam ka-raja-an bawa diili yang-di-per-tiian Sultan negi Brunei bawa diili ber- ; maka yang-di-per-tiian janjl ada piin sakalian rayat di-bfiwa bandera Anggaris Itu, dengan sa-bulih-bulih nya, di-d;ilam ka- raja-an nya, men-dapat sa-punoh sa-punoh dan ka-cbii- kop ka-chiikop per-tulniig-an dan banter atas dlii- nya sindlrl dan karna sa-bsirang harta atau bcirang- barang yang akan di diipat nya kamadlan haii atau jang siidali ter-lebih dahiilu di diipat nya deri pada inem-buat siirat per-janjl-an Ini. 278 TREATY—ENGLISH.

Article IV.

No article whatever shall be prohibited from beiiif^ imported into or exported from the territories of His the of but the trade Highness Sultan Borneo ; between the dominions of Her Britannic Majesty and the dominions of His Hicjhness shall be- perfectly free, and shall be subject only to the- custom duties which may hereafter be in force in to regard^j-)"- such trade.

Article V.

No duty exceeding one dollar per registered ton shall be levied on British vessels entering the ports- of His Highness the Sultan of Borneo, and this fixed duty of one dollar per ton to be levied on all British vessels shall be in lieu of all other charges or duties whatever. His Highness moreover engages- that British trade and British goods shall be exempt from any internal duties, and also from any injurious regulations which may hereafter, from whatever causes, be adopted in the dominions of the Sultan of Borneo.

Article VI.

His Highness the Sultan of Borneo agrees that no duty whatever shall be levied on the exportation from His Highness' dominions of any article the growth, produce, or manufacture of those dominions.

Article VII.

His Highness the Sultan of Borneo engages tO' permit the ships of war of Her Britannic Majestj',. and those of the East India Company, freelj^ to enter into the ports, rivers and creeks situated within his dominions and to allow such ships to provide them- 27^ treaty—malay.

Fasal Yang Ka-ampat.

Maka tiada biilih sa-barang apa punya macham barang-bfirang di larring-kan akan di bawa masok atau di ka-luar-kan deripada tJilok rantau biiwa diili Sultan Brunei ; maka per-niaga- 5'ang-di-per-tuan " " an antara ka-raja-an ka-raja-an bawa duli Queen dan ka-raja-an ka-rajfi-an bfiwa duli yang-di-per- tiian akan j;idi saniata-saniata biasa dan chiinia sakadar akan kena chukei yang akan di ator-kan fasal per-nniga-an itu. Fasal Yang Ka-lima.

Maka tiada lali chukei deripada satu ringgit " " biilib di pinta dalam satu ton deripada kapal- " kapal Anggaris, yang siidab di rajister," yang masok dalam pa labub-an bawa diili yang-di-per- tiian Sultan Brunei, maka chukei satu ringgit yang " di tantu-kan ini dfllam s.itu ton" yang akan di pinta deripada samua kapal-kapal Anggaris itu ja,di ganti chukei Iain-lain dan bawa diili samua yang ; lagi yang- di-per-tuan ber-janji iya Itu dagang-an Anggaris akan ter-lepas deripada chukei sablah dalam, dan lagi deripada sa-barang undang-undang yang akan kamadlan deripada apa-apa sabab nvM\ di pakei dalam ka-raja-an Sultan Brunei. Fasal Yang Ka-anam.

Maka bawa duli yang-di-per-tuan Sultan Brunei ada ber-janjI iya itu tiada lab akan kena chukei apa- bila handak di antar-kan ka-luar deripada ka-raja- an bawa duli yang-di-per-tuan atau sa-barang apa- apa yang di buat dalam ka-raja-an nya itu. Fasal Yang Ka-Tujoh.

Maka bawa duli yang-di-per-tiian Sultan Brunei ada ber-janji akan mem-bri idzin kapal-kapal prang bawa duli "Queen," dan kapal-kapal "East India Kompani," yang bulih bifisa masok dalam pa labub- an labuh-an, dan sungei-sungei, dan anak-anak sungei '280 TREATY—ENGLISH. selves at a fair and moderate price, with such sup- plies, stores, and provisions as they may from time to time stand in need of.

Article VIII.

If any vessel under the British flag should be wrecked on the coast of the dominions of His Highness the Sultan of Borneo, His Highness •engages to give all the assistance in his power to recover for, and to deliver over to |he owners there- of, all the property which can be saved from such vessels. His Highness further engages to extend to the officers and crew, and to all other persons on board such wrecked vessel, full protection both as io their persons and as to their property.

Article IX.

Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom •of Great Britain and Ireland and the Sultan of Borneo hereby engage to use every means in their power for the suppression of piracy within the seas, straits and rivers subject to their respective control or influence and His Highness the Sultan of Borneo engages not to grant either asylum or protection to or vessels in any persons engaged piratical pursuits ; and in no case will he permit ships, slaves, or merchandise captured by pirates to be introduced into his dominions, or to be exposed therein for sale. And Her Britannic Majesty claims, and His High- ness the Sultan of Borneo concedes to Her Majesty, the right of investing her officers and other duly •constituted authorities with the power of entering at all times with her vessels of war, or other vessels duly empowered, the ports, rivers, and creeks within the dominions of His Highness the Sultan of Borneo, in order to capture all vessels engaged in piracy or 281 TREATY—MALAY.

•di-dalam ka-raja-an nya Itu dan meui-brl-kan kapal- kapal itu akan nien-dapat-kan per-bakal-an bagi derl nya sindln dengan harga yang patut dan niiirah deripada apa-apa barang-barang dan makan- an dan per-bakal-an yang ada ber-guna kapada nya. Fasal Yanct Ka-dilapan.

Kalaii sa-barang kapal yang nie-niakei bandera Anggaris ber-teniu ka-raja-an bawa duli Sultan Brunei, maka bjiwa diili yang-di-per-tiian ber-janji akan niem-bri per-tolong-an dengan sa-biilih-bulih nya akan nien-dapat-kan dan serah-kan kapada yang anipunia kapal Itu sagala bfirang-barang yang biilih dapat ter-lepas deripada kapal-kapal itu. Maka bawa duli yang-di-per-tiian ada lagi ber-janji akan mem-bri sa-punoh-punoh per-tolong-an kapada " " sakalian apsir dan kalfisi, dan sakalian drang Iain-lain yang ada dfdani kapal yang ka-rosak-kan itu, baik kapada tubub nya atau kapada barta nya. Fasal Yang Ka-simbilan. " " Maka bawa diili Queen rajab yang niem- " " rentah-kan ka-rajfl-an iiegri Great Britani dan "Ireland" dan Sultan Brunei ada lab ber-janji dengan sa-bulib-biilih nya liandak meng-hiljing-kan pe-rompak di-dalam laiit-biut, dan selat-selat, dan sungei-sungei yang talok di-bawa ka-diia nya piinya parentab atau kuasa, maka bawa duli yang-di-per- tuan Sultan Brunei ada ber-janji tiada iya akan meni-bri per-lindOng-an atau per-tulong-an kapada •sa-barang drang atau kapal-kapal (prabu-prahu) di biiat dan tiada sa-kali yang karja pe-rompak ; lagi kali akan di bri nya idzin kapal-kapal, dan bamba- hamba atau dagang-an yang di rampas ulih pe- rompak di bawa masok ka-dalam negri nya, atau di biar-kan iya sakalian di jual. Maka bawa duli ^' Queen" ada minta, dan bawa duli yang-di-per- tiian Sultan Brunei ada siika men-urot-kan per- minta-an bawa diili "Queen" akan meng-ada-kan pagawei nya dan Iain-lain orang besar yang dengan 282 TREATY—ENGLISH. slave dealing, and to seize and to reserve for the judgement of the proper authorities, all persons, offending against the two contracting powers in these respects.

Article X.

It being desirable that British subjects should have some port where they may careen and refit their vessels, and where they may deposit such stores and merchandise as shall be necessary for the carrying on of their trade with the dominions of Borneo, His Highness the Sultan hereby confirms the cession already spontaneously made by him in 1845 of the island of Labuan, situated on the north- west coast of Borneo, together with the adjacent islets of Kuraman, Little Kusakan, Great Kusakan,. Da-at and Malan Kasan, and all the straits, islets and seas situated half-way between the fore- mentioned islets and the mainland of Borneo. Like- wise the distance of 10 geographical miles from the Island of Labuan to the westward and northward, and from the nearest point half way between the islet of Malan Kasan and the mainland of Borneo in a line running north till it intersects a line extended from west to east from a point ten miles to the northward of the northern extremity of the of the Island of Labuan, to be possessed in per- petuity and in full sovereignty by Her Britannic Majesty and her successors, and in order to avoid occasions of difference which might otherwise arise, His Highness the Sultan engages not to make any 28a TREATY—MALAY.

siiclah di dengan kufisa akan masok patut nya pilih " " pada segala waktu dengan bawa diili Queen punya kapal-kapal prang atau Iain-lain kapal yang dengan patut nya siidali dapat kuasa dfilam pa labuh-an, dan sungei-sungei, dan anak-anak sungei yang di-dalani ka-raja,-an bawa duli yang-di-per-tuan Sultan Brunei sabab handak men-angkap segiila prahu-praliu yang ada biiat karja nie-ronipak atau akan jiial bill lianiba-iianiba dan nie-ranipas dan tahjm-kan sabab me-nanti-kan hukum-an deripada^ urang besar-besar yang ber-patut-an segala drang- orang yang ada me-lawan ka-diia-dila bangsa punya pei'-janji-an dan kuasa dfdain perkaua ini.

Fasal Yang Ka-sapuloh.

Maka harus lab ada kapada rayat-rayat di-bawa. bandera Anggaris pa labuh-an tanipat iya biilih ber- lindong dan mem-bmk-i kapal-kapal nya dan di- mana iya biilih men-aroh barang-baiang dan dagang- an nya yang ter-guna akan men-jalan-kan per-nljiga- an sabab dfdani ka-xaja-an negri Brunei, maka bilwa diili yang di-per-tiian ada lali man-atap-kan yang ter-lebih dahulu siidah sarah-kan nya dangan siika nya sind^ri pada taliun 1845 akan pulau Labuan itu, duduk nya di sablah tanggara negri Brunei, ber-Sclrna-sania dengan piilan yang kechil-kechil yang ber-hampir-an iya itu Kuranian, dan Usikkan daniit, dan Usikkan besar, piilau Dahat, dan Malang Kasan, dan sakallan salat-salat, dan piilau kechil-kechil dan laiit duduk nya saparoh jalan antara piilau yang ter-sebut di-atas Ini dengan tanah mil" besar Brunei. Lagi piin jjliih nya 10 "jeograpikal deri piilau Labuan ka-sablah biirat dan ka-sablah utara, dan deripada tanjong yang hampir sakfili saparoh jfdan antara piilan Malang Kasan dengan tanah besar Brunei dalam suatu mistar mang-adap ka-utiira ber-temu suatu mistar malintang sampei \yA " " deri darat ka-timor deri suatu tanjong 10 mil ka- sablah utiira di sablah utara lijong piilau Labuan, akan mem-puiiy

Article XI.

Her Britannic Majesty, bein^ greatly desirous •of effecting the total abolition of the trade in slaves, His Highness the Sultan of Borneo, in compliance with Her Majesty's wish, engages to suppress all such traffic on the part of his subjects, and to pro- liibit all persons receiving, within his dominions, or subject to him, from countenancing or holding any in such trade and His further share ; Highness consents that all subjects of His Highness who may be found to be engaged in the slave trade, may, together with their vessels, be dealt with by the •cruisers of Her Britannic Majesty, as if such persons and their vessels had been engaged in a piratical undertaking.

Article XII.

This Treaty shall be ratified, and the ratifications thereof shall be exchanged at Brunei, within twelve months after this date.

This 27th day of May, 1847.

(L.S.) JAMES BKOOKE. (The Seal of the Sultan). 285 TREATi'—MALAY.

mem-egang kuasa -dan parentali iilih bawa duli " " Queen dan pang-ganti nya pang-ganti nya, makar soptiya men-jau-kan per-selisih-an yang akan ber- bangkit dalani lain jjllan, niaka bawa duli yang-di- "per-tuan bei'-jangl tiada iya akan sarali-kan (negri) sa-rilpa itu, biilk sa-buah piilau atau sa-barang tam- pat ka-duduk nya tanali besar dalani sa-barang baliagl-an ka-rajfi-an nya kapada sa-barang lain atau rayat atau urang-drang lain negri, kalau bangsa " tiada dengan kridba-an bfiwa duli Queen." Fasal Yang Ka-sablas. " " Maka btiwa diili Queen ter-lalu lah siika akan meng-liTlang-kan sa-kfdi-kali fasal per-niaga-an ber- diili jilal bill hamba, maka bawa yang-di-per-tuan Sultan Brunei, sabab handak men-urot-kan maksud " bawa diili Queen," maka iya ada ber-janji akan meng-hlblng-kan sakalian per-niaga-an yang bagitu macbam pada sablah pihak rayat nya, dan me-larang- kan sakalian drang-urang yang tinggal dillam ka- raja-an nya atau yang talok kapada nya deripada mem-benar-kan atau mang-ambil apa-apa babagi-an itu dan bawa duli drilam per-niaga-an ; lagi yang-di- per tuan ada siika yang sakalian rayat-rayat bilwa duli yang-di-per-tuan yang ka-dapat-an ber-niaga ber-jual bill liamba-hamba biilili lah ber-sama-sama. nya di sarah-kan kapada kapal dengan praliu-prabu" " prang bawa duli Queen saperti kalau drang- drang bagitu serta prabu-prahu nya siidah di-dapat-i dalam mem-buat karja ine-rompak. Fasal Yang Ka-dua-blas. " " Ada pun Tariti ini akan di tetap-kan dan ka- tetap-an itu akan di tukar-kan di negri Brunei djilam diia bias bulan kamadian deripada hejirat Ini. " 27 hari bulan May," tabun 1847. Tampat chap, Tampat chap, SULTAN. JAMES BROOKE.. 286 TREATY—ENGLISH.

Additional Article.

His Highness the Sultan of Borneo agrees that in all cases when a British subject shall be accused of any crime committed in any part of His High- ness' dominions, the person so accused shall be •exclusively tried and adjudged by the English Consul-General, or other officers duly appointed for and in all that purpose by Her Britannic Majesty ; cases where disputes or differences shall arise between British subjects, or between British sub- jects and the subjects of His Highness, or between British subjects and the subjects of any other foreign power within the dominions of the Sultan of Borneo, Her Britannic Majesty's Consul-General, or other duly appointed officers, shall have power to hear and decide the same without any interference, molesta- tion or hindrance on the part of any authority of Borneo, either before, during, or after the litigation. This 27th day of May, 1847,

(L.S.) JAMES BEOOKE. (The Seal of the Sultan.) 287 treaty—malay.

Tambah-an per Janji-an.

Maka bfiwa diili yang-di-per-tiian Snltan Brunei ada ber-janji iya itn dalam sapjiila per-kara apa-bila sa-dranf,' rayat di-btiwa bandera Anggaris ada kena tudoh deri karna sa-barang ka-sablh-an yang sildah di biiat nya dalam sa-barang tanipat bfiwa diili yang-di-per-tiian punya ka-raja-an maka drang yang kena tudoh itu akan di pareksa dan di liukuni- " " kan ulih Konsil Jenaral Anggris saja atau " " Iain-lain apsir yang di tantu-kan dengan sa- piitut nya karna sabab Itu biilili b.lwa diili "Queen;" maka sakallan per-bechara-an di-nicina per-bantah-an atau per-salisih-an akan ber- bangkit antfira rayat-rayat di-bawa bandera Anggaris dengan rayat-rayat bawa duli yang-di-per-tuan atau antara rayat-rayat di-bawa bandera Anggaris dengan rayat-rayat bangsa asing yang di-dalam ka-raja-an Sultan Brunei maka bawa duli "Queen" punya " " " " Konsil Jenaral atau lam apsir yang sudah di tautii-kan becliara itu dengan sa-patut nya bulih dapat kuasa akan men-angar dan putus-kan bechara itu dengan tiTida biilili di kacbau atau di ganggu atau di larang pada pihak sa-barang ku.isa dalam negri Brunei, baik lebih dabiilu atau tengab-tengali atau kamadian deripada per-cbidera-an Ttu adanya. 27 hfiri bulan "May," tabun 1847.

Tampat chap, Tampat chap, SULTAN. JAMES BKOOKE. 288


li-lahi ! Al-hamdu piiji yang sani, Di turun-kan Allah tdan rabani ;

Berkat Mnbamad Said ir rabani, la-lab makaiii mumin nurani.

Ayiibi! miidab yang ber-bati,

Meng-apa lilpa akan mati? Malak al maut alii me-nanti,

Mang-ambil niawa ber-ganti-gantl.

Ingat ingat tiian samua, Sbair ku ini fikir-kan niawa ;

Sunggob pun niaujud dan nirjawa, Akbir nya kalak ber-cbari niawa.

Sunggob barta ter-bllu niulla, la-lab kala mati lab dia tinggal ;

Amal ibadad sangat setia, Barang di-mana serta lab dia.

Harta nen cbari sidikit bagei, Sakadar makan dan cbukop pakei ; Maut itu sajab kau sampei, Barang ka-mjma segrab lab sampei. * Written on a will belonging to Datoh Maidin.
