
and Abbreviations

This list includes most of the acronyms and abbreviations that occur throughout this oral history collection. Researchers also may wish to consult International Acronyms, Initialisms & Abbreviations Dictionary (Detroit, Mich.: Gale Research Company, ISSN: 0743-0523) for a more comprehensive listing.

NOTE: An asterisk (*) indicates an office that is a part of the Department of State.


A-100: Basic FSO Training Course

AA: Office of Analysis for Africa*; also Assistant Administrator of

AAA: Agricultural Adjustment Act

AACS: Army Airways Communications System; also Army Air Force Communications

AAFLI: Asian-American Free Labor Institute

AAI: African-American Institute

AALC: African-American Labor Center

AAFSW: Association of American Foreign Women

AAPSO: Afro-Asian Pioneer Solidarity Organization

ABCC: Association of British Chambers of Commerce

ABVV: Algemeen Belgish Vakverbord (Belgian General Federation of Labor)

ACABQ: Advisory Committee on Administrative and Budgetary Questions ()

ACDA: United States and Disarmament Agency

ACP Countries: Refers to the 66 developing countries of Africa, the , and the Pacific

ACW: Algemeen Christelijk Werkersverbond (Christian Labor Movement) -

The | American Memory Frontline : The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training ADB: African Development Bank; also

ADC: Advanced Developing Countries

ADMIN: Administrative Office (at a foreign post)

ADST: Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training

AECB: Arms Export Control Board

AEI: American Enterprise Institute

AEP: Extraordinary and

AF: Bureau of African Affairs*

AFC: Office of Central African Affairs*

AFDB: African Development Bank

AFE: Office of East African Affairs*

AFGE: American Federation of Employees

AFM: American Family Member

AFRN: Air Force Reserve News Service

AFS: American Foreign Service; also American Field School

AFSA: American Foreign Service Association

AGR: Agricultural Office (at a foreign service post)

AGS: Office of German, Austrian, and Swiss Affairs*

AHEPA: American Hellenic Educational Foundation

AID: Agency for International Development

AIFLD: American Institute for Free Labor Development

AIP: Agence Internationale de Press (French International Press Agency)

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training

AIPAC: American-Israeli Political Action Committee

AIRATT: United States Air Attache (at a foreign service post)

ALUSNA: United States Naval Attache or Attache Office (at a foreign service post)

AMACO: American-Arab Oil Company

AMF: Allied Mobile Force; also

ANC: African National Congress

ANZ: Office of and Affairs*

ANZUS PACT: Pacific Security between Australia, New Zealand, and the United States

AO: Office for American Outreach*

APEC: Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation

APRA: American Petroleum Refiners Association; also Alianza Popular Revolucionaria Americana ()

ARA: Bureau of Inter-American Affairs* (originally American Affairs)

ARAMCO: Arabian-American Oil Company

ARMATT: Attache (at a foreign service post)

ARN: , , Affairs*

ARVN: Armée de la République du Viêt-nam (Army of the of , i.e., South Vietnamese Army)

ARP: , , , , , U.A.E., Affairs*

AS: Area Studies

ASEAN: Association of Southeast Asian Nations

AT: Administrative Training

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ATAF: Allied Tactical Air Force

ATT: Office of Agricultural and Textile Trade Affairs*

AUB: of Beirut

AUC: American University of Cairo

AVLOS: Automated Visa Lookout System

AWACS: Airborne Warning and Control System


BALPA: Balance of Payments Program (A United States Government cost-cutting program at foreign service posts)

BBC: British Broadcasting Corporation

BCLTV: Office of Burma, , , and Vietnam Affairs*

BEX: Board of Examiners

BHN: Basic Human Needs

BIOT: British Territory

BIRPI: Bureaux Internationaux pour la Protection de la Propriété Intellectuelle (International Bureau for the Protection of Intellectual Property)

BLA: Office of Bilateral Affairs

BPAO: Branch Public Affairs Office; also Branch Public Affairs Officer (at a foreign service post other than an embassy or mission, i.e., )

BPO: British Post Office

BSP: Belgische Socialistische Partij (Belgian ); also Bayerische Staatspartei (Bavarian State Party)

BTU: British Thermal Unit

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training BTUM: Bustamante Trade Union Movement


C-20: Committee of 20

CA: Bureau of Consular Affairs*; also Career Ambassador

CADA: Cooperative Action for Development in Africa (later CDA)

CAEM: Centro de Altos Estudios Militares (Center of Advanced Military Studies, Peru), also Conseil D'Assistance Économique Mutuelle (Council for Mutual Economic Assistance)

CAN: Office of Canadian Affairs*

CAO: Cultural Affairs Officer; also Cultural Affairs Office (at a foreign service post)

CAMO: Consolidated Administrative Management Organization

CAP: Common Agricultural Policy (of the European Community -- now Union)

CASA: Office of Caucasus and Security Affairs; also Compañia de Aviacio, S.A. (Spanish aircraft manufacturer)

CASOC: California Standard Oil Company

CASP: Compagnie Africaine

CAT: Conventional Arms Transfer

CBMs: Confidence-Building Measures

CCA: Office of Cuban Affairs*; also Cambridge (Mass.) Civic Association

CCAS: Committee of Concerned Asian Scholars

CCC: Civilian Conservation ; also Commodity Credit Corporation

CCD: Conference of the Committee on Disarmament

CCCD: Combating Communicable Childhood Disease (AID program)

CCF: Cooperative Commonwealth Federation (Socialist Party of )

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CCM: Committee for Challenges of Society

CCNAA: Coordination Council for North American Affairs

CCP: Chinese

CCPS: Comprehensive Country Programming System

CDA: Office of Career Development and Assignments*; also Cooperation for Development in Africa

CDC: Center for Disease Control (Atlanta)

CDIE: Center for Development Information and Evaluation

CDO: Career Development Officer

CDU: Christian Democratic Union

CEA: Communist Economic Affairs

CELP: Centro de Estudios Laborales del Peru (Labor Study Center of Peru)

CEMA: Council for Mutual Economic Assistance ( - same as CNIEA or )

CEN: Office of Central European Affairs*; also Office of Central American Affairs*

CENESP: National Center for Special Education (Rio de Janeiro, )

CENTCOM: Central Command (headquartered in Tampa, Florida; responsible for Middle East)

CENTO: Central Treaty Organization

CEPE: Ecuadorian Petroleum Agency

CERDS: Charter of Economic and Duties of States

CERP: Combined Economic Reporting Program

CFC: Combined Federal Campaign

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CFF: Compensatory Financing Facility

CG: General

CGIL: Confederazione Generale Italiana del Lavoro (Italian General Confederation of Labor)

CHAL: Christian Health Association for

CHARGÉ or CHARGÉ D’Affairs: Person in charge of an embassy or mission temporarily (Chargé, a.i. - ad interim); or permanently if below the rank of Ambassador or Minister (Chargé en titre or en pied)

CHINCOM: China Trade Coordinating Committee

CIA: Central Intelligence Agency

CIEC: Conference on International Economic Cooperation

CIES: Council for International Exchange of Scholars

CILSS: Committee Inter-Etats pour la Lutte Contre la Secheresse au Sahel (Interstate Committee for the Fight Against Drought in the Sahel)

CINCCENT: Commander in Chief, Central Command

CINCEUR: Commander in Chief, European Command

CINCPAC: Commander in Chief, Pacific Command

CINCSOUTH: Commander in Chief, Southern Command

CINCSTRIKE: Commander in Chief, Strike Force

CINCUNC: Commander in Chief, United Nations Command

CINCUNK: Commander in Chief, United Nations

CIO: Chief Information Officer; also Congress of Industrial Organization

CIP: Office of International Communications and Information Policy*

CIRRATUM: The and the Caribbean Common Market, collectively

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training referred to as CIRRATUM

CIS: Countermeasures and Information Security


CLASC: Confederación Latino Americana de Sindicalistas Cristianos ( American Federation of Christian Trade Unionists), later CLAT

CLAT: Latin American Federation of Trade Unionists

CLO: Community Liaison Officer (at a foreign service post)

CM: Office of Chinese and Mongolian Affairs*; also Career Minister

CMB: Compagnie Maritime Belge (Belgian Maritime Company)

CMEA: Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (Warsaw Pact - same as CEMA and COMECON)

CNN: Cable News Network

CNO: Comite Nationale Operationelle (National Operational Commission) -

COCOM: Coordinating Committee on Export Controls

COD: Carrier-on-Deck

CODEL: Congressional Delegation (from Washington)

COE: Council of (Strasbourg, )

COM: Commercial Office (at a foreign service post); also Chief of Mission

COMATT: Commercial Attaché (at a foreign service post)

COMECON: Council for Mutual Economic Assistance (Warsaw Pact - same as CEMA and CMEA)

COMINFORM: Information Bureau of Communist Parties and Workers

CONDECA: Consejo de Defensa de Centro America (Central American Defense Council)

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training CONS: Consular Section (at a foreign service post)

CONTRAS: Shortened form of the word “contrarevolucionarios” (counterrevolutionaries), the term that the Sandinista regime in used for the guerrilla forces fighting against them)

CORDS: Civil Operations and Revolutionary Development Support

DIPLAN: An economic advisory agency reporting to the President of

COREPER: Committée des Représentants Permanents (Committee of Permanent Representatives of the Foreign Ministers of Countries)

COS: (CIA) Chief of Station (at a Foreign Service Post)

COSVN: Command Headquarters in South Vietnam; also Central Office of South Vietnam

COW: Committee of the Whole

CP: Command Post

CPA: Commonwealth Parliamentary Association; also Certified Public Accountant

CPAO: Communications Project Action Officer

CPB: Corporation of Public Broadcasting

CPC: Committee on Program and Coordination (United Nations)

CPEC: Connecticut Public Economic Council

CPI: Communist Party of

CPI-M also CPIM: Communist Party of India Marxist

CPO: Communications Program Officer (at a foreign service post); also Community Party Opposition

CPP: Country Program Plan

CPU: Communications Program Unit (at a foreign service post)

CPX: Command Post Exercises

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training

CRED: Center for Research in Economic Development

CROM: Regional Labor Movement of

CRP: China Reporting Program

CRS: Catholic Relief Services; also Compagnie Républicaine de Securité (Republican Security Companies, France); also Congressional Research Service

CSA: Community Services Association

CSB: Central Statistical Board

CSBM's: Confidence and Security Building Measures

CSC: Civil Service Commission

CSCE: Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (now changed to OSCE)

CSDIC: Combined Services Detailed Interrogation Center

CSIR: Council for Industrial and Scientific Research

CSIS: Center for Strategic International Studies (Washington, DC)

CSS: Commodity Stabilization Service

CTAL: Confederacion de Trabajadores de America Latina (Confederation of Latin American Workers)

CTB: Comprehensive Test Ban

CTBT: Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty

CTC: Commission on Transnational Corporations (also CTNC)

CTM: Compagnie de Transports Maritimes (Maritime Transport Company); also Compagnie de Transports Marocaines (Moroccan Transport Company); also Confederacion de Trabajadores Mexicanos (Confederation of Mexican Workers)

CTNC: Commission on Transnational Corporations (also CTC)

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training CTP: Christelijke Volkspartij (Christian People’s Party) - Belgium; also Christliche Volkspartei (Christian People’s Party)

CTB: Venezuelan Labor Confederation

CU: Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs*; also Catholic University (Washington, DC)

CV: Curriculum VITAE

CVP: Christelijke Volkspartij (Christian People’s Party, Belgium); Christlichdemokratische Volkspartei (Christian Democratic People’s Party); also Christliche Volkspartei (Christian People’s Party)

CWA: Communication Workers of America


CYA: Cover-Your-Ass


D Committee: Deputies Committee* (responsible for career ambassadorial selections)

DAC: Development Assistance Committee (of the OECD)

DACOR: Diplomatic and Consular Officers Retired

DAPIT: Development and Application of Intermediate Technology

DAO: Defense Attaché Office (at a foreign service post)

DATT: Defense Attaché (at a foreign service post)

DCM: (at a foreign service post)

DEA: United States Drug Enforcement Agency

DEFATT: Defense Attaché (at a foreign service post)

DFA: Department of Foreign Affairs (of a foreign country)

DFC: Development Finance Company

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training DGB: Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund

DIA: Defense Intelligence Agency

DLF: Development Loan Fund

DMK: Dravida Munnetra Kazhagam (India)

DOD: Department of Defense

DPA: Demokraticheskaia Partia Angoly (Angolan )

DPM: Draft Presidential Memorandum

DRL: Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor*

DRP: Democratic Republican Party (); also Deutsche Rechtspartei (German Party of the Right, Germany)

DRR: Disparity Reduction Rate

DRS: Democratic Republic of

DS: Bureau of Diplomatic Security*


EAP: Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs*

EB: Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs*

EC: European Community (formerly European Communities, successor to EEC); also Office of Economic Analysis*

ECA: Economic Cooperation Administration; also Economic Commission for Africa

ECAFE: Economic Commission for Asia and the Far East (United Nations)

ECDC: Economic Cooperation among Developing Countries

ECE: Economic Commission for Europe (United Nations); also Export Council for Europe

ECON: Economic, Economic Section (of an Embassy); also Economic Cone

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training

ECOSOC: Economic and Social Council of the United States or the OAS

ECOWAS: Economic Community of West African States

ECSC: European Coal and Steel Community

ECU: European Currency Unit

EDI: European Defense Initiative

EEA: Office of East European Assistance*

EEC: European Economic Community (predecessor of EC and EU)

EEMP: Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary

EEOC: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

EEOCR: Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Civil Rights*

EER: Employee Evaluation Report

EEZ: Exclusive Economic Zone

EFTA: European Association

EIS: Export Intelligence Service

ELN: Ejército de Liberación Nacional (National Liberation Army - , , , , Peru); also Ejército de Liberación Nicaraguense (Nicaraguan Liberation Army)

EMCF: European Monetary Cooperation Fund

EMS: European Monetary System

EMU: European Monetary Union

EMUA: European Monetary Unit of Account

ENA: Egyptian and North African Affairs*

EOB: Executive Office Building

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training

EOKA: Ethniki Organosis Kyprion Agoniston; also Ethniki Organosis Kypriakon Agonos (National Organization of Cypriot Fighters)

EP: Office of Economic Policy*

EPA: Environmental Protection Agency

EPB: Economic Planning Board; also Ejercito Popular Boricua (Puerto Rican Popular Army)

EPC: Economic Planning Committee (of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD)

EPG: Eminent Persons Group

EPS: Economic Policy Staff*

EPTA: Expanded Program of Technical Assistance

EPZs: Export Processing Zones

ERA: Office of European Union and Regional Affairs*

ERDF: European Regional Development Fund

ERP: European Recovery Program

ERS: Exchange Rate System (of the European Community)

ESCAP: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (Bangkok)

ESS: Emergency Special Session (United Nations)

ETS: Educational Testing Service

ETUC: European Trade Union Confederation

EU: the European Union

EUA: European Unit of Account

EUC: Office of Analysis for Europe and Canada*

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training EUCOM: European Command

EUR: Bureau of European and Canadian Affairs*

EURATOM: European Atomic Energy Community

EUREK: European-Wide Network for Industrial Research and Development

EVP: Evangelische Volkspartei (Evangelical People’s Party, )

EX: Office of the Executive Director; also Executive Office (at a foreign service post)

EXCOMM: Executive Committee

EXIMBANK: Export-Import Bank


FAA: Federal Aviation Agency

FAAS: Foreign Affairs Administrative Support System (at a foreign service post)

FAM: Foreign Affairs Manual

FAO: Food and Agriculture Organization

FARA: Foreign Affairs Recreation Association

FARC: Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia (Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia)

FAS: Foreign Agricultural Service

FBI: Federal Bureau of Investigation

FBIS: Foreign Broadcast Information Service

FBO: Foreign Buildings Operations*

FBS: -Based Systems

FCIA: Foreign Credit Insurance Association

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training FDP: Freie Demokratische Partei (Free Democratic Party, Germany); also Freisinnig – Demokratische Partei der Schweiz (Radical Democratic Party of Switzerland); also Frente Democrático Popular (Popular Democratic Front, Peru); also Fuerza Democrática Popular (Popular Democratic Force)

FECOM: Fond Européen de Cooperation Monétaire (European Monetary Cooperation Fund or EMCF)

FFP: Food for

FLN: Frente de Liberación Nacional, Front de Liberation National (National Liberation Front)

FLO: Family Liaison Office*

FLMF: Faibundo Mart Liberation Front (Nicaragua/)

FMP: Chief Financial Officer (Comptroller)*

FMS: Foreign Military Sales

FNLA: Frente Nacional de Libertacao de ; also Front National de Liberation de L'Angola (Angolan National Liberation Front)

FOA: Foreign Operations Administrations (economic assistance)

FODAG: Food and Agriculture

FOL: Frente Obrero de Liberacion (Worker’s Liberation Front)

FRETILIN: Revolutionary Front for the Independence of

FRG: Federal Republic of Germany

FS: Foreign Service

FSGB: Foreign Service Grievance Board

FSI: Foreign Service Institute*

FSL: Foreign Service Local (person hired locally by a foreign service post)

FSN: Foreign Service National (a local employee of a foreign service post)

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training FSO: Foreign Service Officer

FSR: Foreign Service Reserve (Officer)

FSS: Foreign Service Staff (Officer)

FSSO: Foreign Service Staff Officer

FTE: Full Time Equivalent (of a fully-funded United States government position)

FTZ: Foreign Trade Zone

FUD: Friends of Urban Development

FYROM: Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia


G-7: Industrial Countries (Canada, France, Germany, , , , United States)

G-8: G-7 plus


GAB: General Agreements to Borrow

GAO: Government Accounting Office

GATT: General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade

GDP: Gross Domestic Product

GDR: German Democratic Republic

GGI: Office of the Geographer and Global Issues*

GLCM: Ground-Launched Cruise Missile

GLOBE: Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment

GLOP: Globalisation Program (a program to insure that United States Foreign Service personnel would serve in several regions of the world)

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GNP: Gross National Product

GPS: Generalized Preference Scheme

GSO: General Services Office or General Services Officer (at a foreign service post)

GSP: General System of Preferences

GTI: Office of , , and Affairs*

GVN: Government of Vietnam

GWU: George Washington University


H: Bureau of Legislative Affairs*

HHS: Department of Health and Human Services

HICOG: Allied High Commission on Germany


IAA: Inter-American Affairs

IADB: Inter American Development Bank; also Inter American Defense Board

IAEA: International Atomic Energy Agency

IAI: Office of Israel and Arab-Israeli Affairs*

IBRD: International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (The )

IC: Office of Intelligence Coordination*

ICA: International Commodity Agreement; also International Cooperation Administration; also United States International Communications Agency (former name of USIA)

ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization

ICAF: Industrial College of the Armed Forces

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training

ICBM: Intercontinental Ballistic Missile

ICEM: International Committee for European Migration

ICIDI: Independent Commission on International Development Issues

ICITAP: International Criminal Investigative Training and Assistance Program

ICJ: International Court of Justice (at )

ICOMOS: International Council of Monuments and Sites

ICNT: Informal Composite Negotiating Text

ICRISAT: International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics - India

ICSC: International Civil Service Commission

IDA: International Development Association

IDB: International Development Bank

IDC: Industrial Development Corporation

IDCA: International Development Cooperation Administration

IDS: International Development Strategy

IDF: International Development Fund

IEA: International Energy Agency

IEE: Institute D'Ecologie Europeenne (European Ecology Institute)

IFAD: International Fund for Agricultural Development

IFC: International Finance Corporation

IFD: Office of International Finance and Development*

IFI: International Financial Institution

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training IGGI: Intergovernmental Group for

IGO: Intergovernmental Organization

IIAA: Imperial Iranian Army Aviation Corps; also Institute of Inter-American Affairs (economic and technical assistance agency)

IIF: Institute for International Finance

IL: Office of Intelligence Liaison*

ILO: International Labor Organization (United Nations)

ILS: Instrument Landing System

IMCO: Inter-Governmental Maritime Consultative Organization (United Nations)

IMET: International Military Education and Training

IMF: International Monetary Fund

IMT: Information Management Training

INF: Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces

INFCE: International Fuel Cycle Evaluation

INL: Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs*

INR: Bureau of Intelligence and Research*

INS: Immigration and Naturalization Service; also Office of India, , , , Affairs*

IO: Bureau of International Organization Affairs*; also Information Officer (at a foreign service post)

IPTF: International Police Task Force

IPU: International Parliamentary Union

IRA: Individual Retirement Account; Irish Republican Army

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training IRB: International Resources Bank

IRC: International Red Cross

IRE: Office of Intelligence Resources*

IRI: Institut des Relations Internationales, Belgium

IRRI: International Rice Research Institute

IRS: Internal Revenue Service

ISA: International Security Agency (at the Pentagon); also International Seabed Authority

ISAC: International Scientific Agricultural Council

ISM: Information Systems Manager

ISTC: Institute for Scientific and Technological Cooperation

ITO: International Trade Organization

ITT: International Telegraph & Telegraph Corporation

ITU: International Telegraphic Union

IV: Immigrant Visa

IVIS: Visa Information Lookout System


JCS: Joint Chiefs of Staff

JCTF: Joint Combined Task Force

JUSMAAG: Joint United States Military Assistance Advisory Group (in a foreign country)

JUSMAG: Joint United States Military Assistance Group (in a foreign country)

JUSMAT: Joint United States Military Advisory Team

JUSPAO: Joint United States Public Affairs Office (Vietnam)

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KAL: Korean Airlines

KAPPI: Kesatuen Aksi Permuda Indonesia (Indonesian Youth and Students Action Front)

KATUSA: South Korean Augmentation to United States Army

KCIA: South Korean Central Intelligence Agency (later, Agency for Planning)

KGB: Komitet Gosudarstvennoy Bezopasnosti (State Security Committee of the USSR)

KIA: Killed in Action

KLM: Koninklijke Luchtvaart Maatschappij (Royal Dutch Airlines)

KRO: Katholieke Radio Omroep (Dutch Catholic Broadcasting Association); also Section of the OGPU ()


L: Office of the Legal Adviser*

LCM: Landing Craft, Mechanised

LDCs: Less Developed Countries

LDP: Liberal Democratic Party (Germany, Japan); also Language Designated Position (at a Foreign Service post)

LEGATT: Legal Attaché (FBI office, at a Foreign Service post)

LICs: Low Income Countries

LIMDIS: Limited Distribution

LLDCs: Least Developed Countries

LLGDS: Landlocked and Geographically Disadvantaged States

LOMé: A series of economic cooperation conventions between Western Europe and former

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training European territories in Africa, the Pacific and the Caribbean

LOS: Law of the Sea

LRDG: Long Range Desert Group

LRTNF: Long-Range Theater Nuclear Forces

LSB: Loyalty Security Board

LSD: Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (drug)

LST: Landing Ship Tank

LSU: Labor Service Unit; also Liberalsoziale Union (Liberal Social Union, Germany)

LTDP: Long Term Defense Program


MAAG: Military Assistance Advisory Group

MAC: Military Assistance Command

MACV: Military Assistance Command Vietnam

MAD: Mutual Assured Destruction

MAFF: Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Fisheries (Japan)

MAP: Military Assistance Program

MAPS: Multiple Aiming Point System

MBFR: Mutual and Balanced Force Reductions

MC: Minister-Counselor

MCA: Monetary Compensatory Amount

MED: Office of Medical Services*

MEDO: Medical Officer

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training

MEMCON: Memorandum of Conversation

MEX: Office of Mexican Affairs*

MFA: Multifiber Agreement; also Ministry of Foreign Affairs

MFN: Most Favored

MFR: Mutual Force Reduction

MIA: Missing in Action

MIC: Middle Income Country

MIG: Russian or Soviet aircraft designed by Artem Ivanovich Mikoyan and M. I. Gurevich

MILATT: Military Attaché (at a Foreign Service post)

MINEX: Commodity stabilization scheme signed in the Lome III Convention in 1984 in reference to the STABEX export stabilization scheme initially signed in the Lome Convention of 1975

MIRV: Multiple Independent Reentry Vehicle

MITI: Ministry of International Trade and Industry (Japan)

MLA: Office of Multilateral Affairs*

MLF: Multilateral Force; also Multilateral Fleet

MMM: Maintenance & Material Management

MNCs: Multinational Corporations

MNEs: Multinational Enterprises

MNR: Milicias Nacionales Revolucionarias (National Revolutionary Militias, ); also Mongolian People’s Republic; also Mouvement National de la Revolution (National Revolutionary Movement, Congo); also Movimiento Nacional Reformista (National Reform Movement, ); also Movimiento Nacional Revolucionario (National Revolutionary Movement, ); also Movimiento Nacionalista Revolucionario (National Revolutionary Movement, Bolivia); also National Resistance.

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training

MOPH: Military Order of the Purple Heart

MP: Military Police; also Minister Plenipotentiary

MPC: Military Payment Certificate (United States military currency); also Maharashtra Prajantra Congress (Muharashtra Progressive Congress, India); also Mosul Petroleum Company; Mysore Power Corporation (India); also Mouvement Progressive Congolais (Progressive Congolese Movement); also Movimiento Popular Cristiano (Popular Christian Movement, Bolivia)

MPLA: Malaysian People’s Liberation Army, Movimento Popular de Liberaçáo dae Angola (Angolan Popular Liberation Movement)

MPP: Mission Program Plan (at a Foreign Service Post)

MPS: Multiple Protective Shelters

MSA: Most Seriously Affected; also Mutual Security Agency (economic assistance)

MTI: Mouvement de Tendance Islamique (Islamic Trend Movement, ); also Military Training Instructor

MTN: Multilateral Trade

MUREFAAMCE: Mutual Reduction of Forces and Armaments and Associated Measures in Central Europe

MX: Mobil Experimental Missile


NACB: Nonaligned Coordinating Bureau

NAFTA: North American Free Trade Area or Agreement

NAM: Nonaligned Movement; also National Association of Manufacturers

NAMI: NATO Military Committee

NASA: National Aeronautical and Space Administration

NATCAP: National Technical Cooperation Assistance Plan

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training

NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization

NAVELEX: Naval Electronic Systems Command

NB: Office of Nordic and Baltic Affairs*

NCE: Office of North Central European Affairs*

NDU: National Defense University

NEA: Bureau of Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs*

NEFA: New European Fighter Aircraft

NEFO: New Emergent Forces

NESA: Office of Analysis for Near and South Asia*

NFATC: National Foreign Affairs Training Center (FSI)

NFP: Party (Japan)

NGO: Nongovernmental Organization

NHK: Nippon Hoso Kyokai (Japan Broadcasting Corporation)

NIAC: National Information & Analysis Center; also Naval Intelligence Automation Center

NIC: Newly Industrialized Country; also National Industrial Council

NICS: National Intelligence Computer System; also NATO Integrated Communications System

NID: National Intelligence Officer

NIE: National Intelligence Estimate

NIEO: New International Economic Order

NIMBY: Not In My Backyard

NIS: National Intelligence Survey; also New Independent States; also Naval Intelligence

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training Service

NIV: Non-Immigrant Visa

NLRB: National Labor Reporting Board

NMR: National Movement for Renewal; also News Media Representative; also Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

NODEX: New Over the Beach Discharge Exercise

NODIS: No Distribution

NORAD: North American Air Defense

NORAID: Irish Northern Aid

NPG: Nuclear Planning Group

NPT: Non-Proliferation Treaty

NRC: Nuclear Regulatory Commission

NRM: National Resistance Movement ()

NROTC: National Reserve Officers Training Corps

NSAM: National Security Action Memorandum

NSC: National Security Council

NSDD: National Security Decision Directive

NSSM: National Security Study Memorandum

NSTO: New Scientific and Technological Order

NTBs: Non-Tarriff Barriers

NTU: New Threat Upgrade

NVA: Nationale Volksarmee (National People’s Army, East Germany); also Vietnam People’s Army (use VPA, North Vietnam)

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training

NWA: National College (Washington, DC)

NWIO: New World Information Order

NWU: National Workers Union


OAPEC: Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries

OAS: Organization of American States

OAU: Organization of African Unity

OBC: Overseas Briefing Center*

OCB: Operations Coordination Board

OCD: Office of Civilian Defense

OCO: Operational Capabilities Objective; also Operational Contracting Officer

OCS: Overseas Citizens Services; also (United States military) Officer Candidate School

ODA: Official Development Assistance

ODC: Overseas Development Council; also Office of Defense Cooperation; also Office Douanier Congolais (Congolese Customs Office)

OEC: Organization for Economic Cooperation; also Organisation Européenne du Charbon (European Coal Organisation)

OECD: Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

OECS: Organization of Eastern Caribbean States

OEEC: Organization for European Economic Cooperation

OES: Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs*

OFAR: Office of Foreign Agricultural Relations

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training

OFD: Office of Foreign Disasters*

OFDA: Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (of USAID)

OFM: Office of Foreign Missions*

OIA: Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs* (under Nelson Rockefeller)

OIC: Organization of the Islamic Conference; also Office of Information and Cultural Affairs*; also Office of International Conferences*; also Officer-in-Charge

OICI: Opportunities in Industrialization Center International

OIG: Office of the Inspector General*

OIR: Office of Intelligence Research*; also Organisation Internationale pour les Réfugiés (International Organisation)

OMA: Orderly Marketing Agreement

OMGUS: Office of Military Government (United States Zone of Occupation [Germany])

OMT: Office of Management Training*

OPA: Office of Price Administration (World War II United States agency)

OPC: Own Produce Consumed

OPEC: Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries

OPIC: Overseas Private Investment Corporation

OPM: Office of Personnel Management*

OPR: Operations

ORIT: Operational Readiness Inspection Test

ORS: Obligated Reserve Section

ORSTOM: French Overseas Scientific and Technical Research Office

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training ORT: Oral Rehydration Therapy; Organization for Rehabilitation and Training

OSARC: Office of Southern African Regional Cooperation (of USAID)

OSCE: Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (successor to CSCE)

OSD: Office of the Secretary of Defense; also Overseas Duty

OSI: Office of Special Investigations

OSR: Optical Scanning Recognition

OSS: Office of Strategic Services


PA: Bureau of Public Affairs and Policy*

PAA: Pan American Airways

PAB: Office of , , Affairs*

PAC: Pan-African Congress

PAHO: Pan American Health Organization

PAO: Public Affairs Office or Officer (at a Foreign Service post)

PASEX: Passing Exercise (with foreign naval and/or air units)

PCAD: Poste de Commandement d'Artilleries Divisionnaire (Artillery Division Command Post)

PCT: Patent Cooperation Treaty

PCV: Volunteer

PD: Presidential Directive

PDF: People’s Defense Force ()

PER: Bureau of Personnel*

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training PFLP: Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine

PFP: Partnership for Peace (NATO)

PIA: Office of Pacific Island Affairs*

PIMBS: Office of Philippine, Indonesia, , , and Singapore Affairs*

PL 480: Public Law 480 ()

PLO: Palestine Liberation Organization

PLPF: Portuguese Front

PM: Bureau of Politico-Military Affairs (also called POL-MIL)*

PNC: People’s National Congress

PNET: Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty


POL: Political Cone; Political Officer or Political Section (also called PolSec)

POLAD: Political Advisor (at a Foreign Service post)

POLISARIO: Popular Front for the Liberation of Saquia el Hamra and Rio del Oro (Western Sahara)

PPBS: Planning, Programming, & Budgeting System

PPC: Parti Populaire Congolais (Congolese Popular Party); also Parti Progressiste Congolais (Congolese Progressive Party); also Partido Popular Catalá (Catalan People’s Party); also Partido Popular Cristiano (Christian Popular Party, Peru, Argentina); also Partido Progresista Cristiano (Progressive Christian Party, ); also Partita Populare Corsu (Corsican Popular Party)

PPG: Policy Planning Group

PPT: Services*

PQLI: Physical Quality of Life Index

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training PRD: Partido de la Revolucion Democrática (Democratic Revolution Party, Mexico)

PRG: People’s Revolutionary Government (Granada); also Program Review Group (of USAID)

PRI: Partido Revolucionario Institucional (Institutional Revolutionary Party)

PRM: Bureau of Population, and Migration; also Presidential Review Memorandum

PSA: Parti Socialiste Africain (African Socialist Party); also Parti Solidaire Africain (Solidarity African Party); also Partido Socialista de Andalusia (Socialist Party of Andalucia, Spain); also Partido Socialista Aponte (Bolivia); also Partido Socialista de Aragón (Socialist Party of Aragon, Spain); also Partido Socialista de Argentina (Argentine Socialist Party); People’s Supreme Assembly; also Port of Singapore Authority; Presidential Support Aircraft; also Public Service Announcement

PTT: Pasokan Pertahanan Tempatan (Local Defense Group, Malaysia); Politikai Tanacskozo Testulet (Political Consultative Commission, Warsaw Pact); also Post, Telegraph and Telephone

PVO: Private Voluntary Organization

PVV: Partij voor Vrijheiden Vooruitgang ( and , Belgium)

PWD: Public Work Department

PX: Post Exchange


RA: Office of Regional Affairs*

RAF: Royal Air Force (United Kingdom)

RAMC: Regional Administrative Management Center (at a Foreign Service post)

RBP: Restrictive Business Practices

RCM: Radar/Radio Countermeasures; also Regional Communications Manager

REA: Office of Analysis for Russia and Eurasia*

REDSO: Regional Economic Development Services Officer

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training

REE: Comité Européen de Recontruction Économique Européenne (European Economic Reconstruction Committee)

REPTO: Reporting Officer

RFC: Reconstruction Finance Corporation

RFE: Radio Free Europe

RIAS: Research Institute for Advanced Studies; also Rundfunk im Amerikanischen Sektor (Radio in the American Sector, Berlin)

RIF: Reduction in Force

RL: Radio

ROCAP: Regional Office for Central America and (AID, located in Guatemala)

ROK: Republic of Korea

RPB: Rassemblement Populaire de (Popular Rally of Burundi); also Republica Populara Bulgara (Bulgarian People’s Republic); also République Populaire du (Benin People’s Republic)

RPE: European Office of Regional Political and Economical Affairs; also Registered Professional Engineer

RPG: Rocket-Propelled Grenade

RPM: Office of Regional, Political and Security Issues*

RPP: Office of Resources, Plans and Policy*

RRA: Refugee Relief Act

RSNT: Revised Single Negotiating Text

RSB: Office of Regional and Security Policy Affairs*

RSO: Regional Security Officer (at a Foreign Service post)

RSS: Rok Stranickeho Skoleni (Party Indoctrination Year, Czechoslovakia)

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training

RUS: Office of Russian Affairs*

RV: Radikale Venstre (Radical , ); Recreational Vehicle; also Rod Valgallianse (Red , )


SA: Bureau of South Asian Affairs*

SACLANT: Supreme Allied Command, Atlantic

SACSA: Special Assistant for Counter-Insurgency and Special Activities

SADCC: Southern African Development Coordination Conference

SADF: South African Defense Forces

SAE: Secretary’s Office on Atomic Energy*

SAF: Sultan’s Armed Forces [Oman]

SAIS: School of Advanced International Studies (of Johns’ Hopkins University)

SALT: Strategic Arms Limitation Talks

SAPRC: Security Assistance Review Committee

SAS: Scandinavian Air System; also School of Area Studies*; also Special Air Service (United Kingdom)

SASP: Southern African Student Program

SAVAK: Sazman-e Ettela'At va Amniyat-e Keshvar (National Intelligence and Security Organization, Iran)

SCA: Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs*; also Service Contract Act; also Service Cryptologic Agency; also Shipping Control Authority; also Southern Communications Area

SCAP: Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers

SCC: Special Coordination Committee

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training SCE: Office of South Central European Affairs*

SCFP: Sri Lanka Freedom Party

SCI: Sensitive Compartmented Intelligence; also Southern Cross International (United Kingdom)

SCNR: Scientific Committee of National Representatives

SDAR: Sahara Democratic Arab Republic

SDI: Strategic Defense Initiative

SDR: Special Drawing Right

SE: Office of Southern European Affairs*

SEATO: South East Asia Treaty Organization

SED: Socialist Unity Party

SEIU: Service Employees' International Union

SERI: Solar Energy Research Institute

SHAEF: Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force

SHAFR: Society of Historians of American Foreign Relations

SHAPE: Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers, Europe

SIG: Senior Interdepartmental Group; also Special Interest Group

SKF: Sosialistiko Kinima Foititon (Student Socialist Movement, Greece)

SLBM: Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missile

SLS: School of Language Studies*

SNCC: Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee

SNIE: Special National Intelligence Estimate

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training SNT: Single Negotiating Text

SOA: Special Operating Agency; also Special Operations Aircraft; also Statement of Agreement; also Strategic Offensive Arms

SOP: Standard Operating Procedure

SOUTHCOM: Southern Command

SPAS: School of Professional and Area Studies (of the Foreign Service Institute)

SPD: Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschland (German Social Democratic Party)

SPU: Signal Processing Unit

SRF: Selected Reserve Force (Naval); also Special Reporting Facility; also Ship Repair Facility

SSA: United States Social Security Administration; also Security Supporting Assistance

SSOD: Special Session on Disarmament

STABEX: Stabilisation des Exports (export stabilization scheme)

STADIS: State Department Distribution Only

START: Strategic Arms Reduction Talks

SUDENE: Superintendencia do Desenvolvimento do Nordeste (Superintendency for Development of the Northeast, Brazil)

SWAPO: South West Africa People’s Organization

SY: Bureau of Security Affairs*


TC: Office of Coordination*

TCA: Technical Cooperation Administration; also Trans-Canada Airlines

TCDC: Technical Cooperation among Developing Countries

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training TCM: Tactical Cruise Missile; also Technical Cooperation Mission

TCN: Third Country National Employee (at a Foreign Service post)

TDA: Agency; also Trade and Development Act

TDF: Transborder Data Flows

TDP: Trade & Development Program

TDY: Temporary Duty

TEC: Teritorijski Evakuacitki Center (Territorial Evacuation Center); also Tanganyika

TGIF: Thank God It’s Friday

TIAA-CREF: Retirement system mainly for educators set up under the Carnegie Corporation

TIC: Time in Class

TNC: Office of Analysis for Terrorism, Narcotics and Crime; also Transnational Corporation

TNF: Theater Nuclear Forces

TPM: Trigger Price Mechanism

TPP: Office of Trade, Policy and Programs*

TRA: Office of Transportation Affairs*

TRW: Tactical Reconnaissance Wing

TTBT: Threshold Test Ban Treaty

TWEP: Terminate With Extreme Prejudice

TWU: Textile Workers Union



The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training UAF: Uganda Air Force

UAR: United Arab Republic

UBI: Office of United Kingdom, Benelux, and Affairs*

UCLA: University of California at Los Angeles

UCR: Unión de Campesinos Revolucionarios (Revolutionary Peasants Union, El Salvador); also Unión Cívica Radical (Radical , Argentina, Colombia); also Unión Cívica Revolucionaria (Revolutionary Civic Union, )

UDI: Unilateral Declaration of Independence; also Unión Democrática Independiente (Independent Democratic Union); also Unión Democrática de Izquierda (Leftist Democratic Union); also Unión Dominicana de Independientes (Dominican Union of Independants)

UGTM: Union Generale des Travailleurs Marocains (Moroccan General Work Union)

UGTT: Union Général Tunisienne du Travail (Tunisian General Work Union)

UN: United Nations

UNCAST: United Nations Conference on the Application of Science and Technology for the Benefit of the Less Developed Areas

UNCLOS: United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea

UNCSTD: United Nations Conference on Science and Technology for Development

UNCTAD: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development

UNDP: United Nations Development Programme

UNECA: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

UNEF: United Nations Emergency Forces

UNEP: United Nations Environment Programme

UNFAO: United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization

UNGA: United Nations General Assembly

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

UNHCR: United Nations for Refugees

UNHRC: United Nations Human Rights Council

UNICEF: United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund

UNIDO: United Nations Industrial Development Organization

UNIFIL: United Nations International Force in Lebanon

UNIP: United National Independence Party ( and )

UNITA: National Union for the Total Independence of Angola

UNITAR: United Nations Institute for Training and Research

UNLA: Ugandan National Liberation Army

UNPICPUNE: United Nations Conference for the Promotion of International Cooperation in the Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy

UNRRA: United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration

UNSC: United Nations Security Council

UNRWA: United Nations Relief and Work Agency for Palestine Refugees in the

UNVIE: Office of the United Nations

UPC: Unit Passport Clerk

USA: United States Army

USACOM: United States Atlantic Command


USAFE: United States Air Forces in Europe

USAID: United States Agency for International Development

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training USAREUR: United States Army, Europe

USCG: United States Coast Guard

USDA: United States Department of Agriculture

USEC: United States Mission to the European Communities (later USEU)

USEU: United States Mission to the European Union (formerly USEC)

USG: United States Government

USIA: United States Information Agency

USIS: United States Information Service (USIA overseas)

USN: United States Navy

USNATO: United States Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization

USNAVEUR: United States Navy, Europe

USOAS: United States Mission to the Organization of American States

USOECD: United States Mission to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development

USOM: United States Operations Mission (economic assistance)

USRO: UNESCO Subregional Office; also United States Regional Office (at a Foreign Service post)

USSR: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

USTR: United States Trade Representative’s Office

USUN: United States Mission to the United Nations

USUNVIE: United States Mission to the Vienna Office of the United Nations


VA: Veterans Administration

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VAT: Value-Added Tax

VER: Voluntary Export Restraints

VJ: Victory in Japan (VJ Day)

VMI: Virginia Military Institute

VO: Visa Office*


VOLAG: Voluntary Agency

VRA: Voluntary Restraint Agreement

VU: Flemish Nationalists Party


W3: Working Party Three

WARC: World Administrative Radio Conference

WASAG: Washington Action Group

WE: Office of Western European Affairs

WEEKA: Weekly Reporting (from Foreign Service posts)

WHO: World Health Organization

WID: Weekly Intelligence Digest

WIPO: World Intellectual Property Organization

WMO: World Meteorological Organization

WPA: Work Progress Administration

WPB: War Production Board

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training WSAG: Washington Special Action Group

WST: Office of Western Slavic and Moldovan Affairs*

WTDR: World Trade Directory Report


WWF: World Wildlife Fund



YFU: Youth for America

YIPSEL: Young People’s Socialist League


ZANU: African National Union

ZAPU: Zimbabwe African People’s Union

ZOA: Zionist Organization of America

The Library of Congress | American Memory Frontline Diplomacy: The Foreign Affairs Oral History Collection of the Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training