Registered Office Walkers Corporate Services Limited Walker House 87 Mary Street George Town Grand Cayman KY1-9005 Cayman Islands

Principal Place of Business in the PRC 3rd floor, Tower A, Aimer Plaza Wangjing Development Zone Chaoyang Beijing 100102

Headquarters in the PRC 3rd floor, Tower A, Aimer Plaza Wangjing Development Zone Chaoyang District Beijing 100102, China

Principal Place of Business in 8th Floor Hong Kong Gloucester Tower The Landmark 15 Queen’s Road Central Hong Kong

Joint Company Secretaries Dong WANG Wai Fung NGAI (FCIS, FCS(PE), CPA, ACCA)

Authorised Representatives Thomas H. QUINN 20 South Mayflower Road Lake Forest, Illinois 60045 United States

Kee-Kwan Allen CHAN Room E, 31/F, Blk B Ning Yeung Terrace 78 Bonham Rd. Mid-levels, Hong Kong

Audit Committee Yiming HU (Chairwoman) Lisa M. ONDRULA Xuezheng WANG

Remuneration Committee Thomas H. QUINN (Chairman) Fung Man, Norman WAI Zhenduo YUAN


Cayman Islands Principal Share Walkers Corporate Services Limited Registrar Walker House 87 Mary Street George Town Grand Cayman, KY1-9005 Cayman Islands

Hong Kong Share Registrar Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor Hopewell Centre 183 Queen’s Road East Wanchai Hong Kong

Principal Bankers Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Limited (, Changan Branch) No. 659 Xilin Road Xiangyang District, Jiamusi , China

China Construction Bank Corporation ( Branch) No. 121 North Heping Street Jiguan District, Jixi Heilongjiang, China

Compliance Adviser Guotai Junan Capital Limited 27th Floor, Low Block Grand Millennium Plaza 181 Queen’s Road Central Hong Kong

Company’s Website (information contained in this website does not form part of this Prospectus)
