Annual Report 2011

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Annual Report 2011 AnnualReport2011 135 2011 年度报告 AnnualReport 2 0 1 1 年 度 报 告 Directory MessagefromtheChairmanoftheBoard 136 Important Note138 SummaryofFinancialDataandBusiness Data139 Company Profile143 Changesinshare capital144 Top10shareholdersandtheir shareholdings145 Major shareholders146 InformationonDirectors,Supervisors,SeniorExecutivesand Employees147 LongjiangBankOrganization Structure153 IntroductiontoGeneralMeetingof Shareholders154 2011ReportonWorkofBoardofDirectorsofLongjiangBank Corporation155 2011ReportonWorkofBoardofSupervisorsofLongjiangBank Corporation160 FinancialStatementandAudit Report166 MemorabiliaofLongjiangBankin 2011267 ListofLongjiangBank Institutions269 MessagefromtheChairmanoftheBoard Theyear2011isthefirstyearofthe"12thFive-YearPlan"period,alsotheyearduringwhichChina's economyhasachievedastableandhealthydevelopmentinthesevereandcomplexinternationalenvi- 2 0 1 ronment.UnderthecorrectleadershipoftheCPCCentralCommitteeandStateCouncil,thewhole 1 A n n countryisguidedbythescientificdevelopment-topulleffortstogetherandovercomedifficulties, u a l R e andhasachieveagoodstartinthe"12thFive-YearPlan"period.Duringtheyear,theHeilongjiang p o r ProvincialPartyCommitteeandProvincialGovernmentfirmlygraspedthescientificdevelopment t theme,andeffectivelyprotectedandimprovedpeople'slivelihood.Theprovince'seconomicandsocial growthisaccelerated,structureisimproved,qualityisupgradedandpeople'slivelihoodisturningbet- ter. ThisyearisalsoofgreatsignificancetothedevelopmenthistoryoftheLongjiangBank.Withthe meticulousmanagementasthetheme,wehaveenhancedthemanagementlevel,andcontinuedtoad- heretothemarketpositioningwhichisgearedtotheagriculturalindustry,thesmallandmedi- um-sizedenterprises,andthelocaleconomy,activelyprovideconvenient,efficientfinancialservices fortheagriculturalindustry,smallandmicro-enterprisecustomersandthevastmajorityofurbanand ruralresidents.Withjointeffortsoftheemployeesofourbank,wehavecreatedagratifyingdevelop- mentsituationandestablishedafavorableexternalimage. Inthisyear,wecontinuetoworkhardandoperatingresultscontinuedtobesignificantlyim- proved.Thetotalassetshavereached153.02billionyuan,anincreaseof84.1%overthepreviousyear; thebalanceofdepositshavereached93.37billionyuan,anincreaseof40%overthepreviousyear; variousloanshavereached25.68billionyuan,anincreaseof27.4%overthepreviousyear;non-per- formingloansandNPLratebothhaveacontinuousdecline;NPLfallsto0.83%;netprofitwas1.12 billionyuan,anincreaseof196.8%overthepreviousyear.Thenumberofbusinessindicatorshas rankedattheforefrontintheprovince;variousregulatoryindicatorshadcomprehensivelymetthe standards,theassetsizehasincreaseddramaticallyinthecountry'srankingofthemunicipalcommercial banks. Inthisyear,wehavehardenedskills,improvedcorecompetitivenessandcreatedthecoreproduct systemwiththeagriculturalsupplychainfinance-Huinonglian,theIPCsmallandmicro-credit- Longyidai,the"Xiaolongren"communitybankingbusiness,the"Zizhitong"prospectiveinvestment banking,the"Wutognshu"capitalbusiness,the"Huideli"billbusiness,the"Longhuitong"interna- 136 MessagefromtheChairmanoftheBoard tionalbusiness,the"LongeNetwork"onlinebanking;thebranchesbuildinghastakenanewstep forward,thebank'soutletsreached155,andtheconvenientservicenetworkfeaturedwiththe"Xiao- longren"communitybankingbusiness,the"36588"delayservice,andthe24hoursartificialservice hastakenshape;theprovince'ssixruralbanksareallowedtomakepreparationsandthetotalnumber oftheholdingruralbanksreached11. Inthisyear,wehavepulledtogetherourheartsandeffortstovigorouslypromotethebuildingof enterpriseculture,havingconstructedthecorevaluesofcorporateculturefeaturedwith"inclusiveness, assumption,efficiencyandprofessionalism",establishedthevalueguidelinesthatallstaffneedtofollow, andprovidedvaluablespiritualmotivationandastrongculturalsupportforthesustainabledevelop- mentofLongjiangBank. Theyearof2012isacrucialyearfortheLongjiangBanktoconsolidatethebasisforthedevel- opment,improvethemanagementlevelandachievethebusinessbreakthrough.Wewilleffectively enhanceforward-lookingandinitiativeawarenessinthework,andactivelyrespondtochangesinthe externalbusinessenvironment,seektheprogresswhilemaintainingstability,focusonthebetterment intheprogress,improvecorporategovernance,promotestrategiclanding,enhanceriskawarenessand enhancethequalityofdevelopment,improvemanagement,improvetheemploymentmechanismand theincentiveandconstraintmechanism,soastoeffectivelycarryouttheculturalconstructionyear activities,buildthebankimagewithdistinctivefeatures,andconvenientservice,operationalsafety, well-managementandstrivetoachieveintensive,sustainabledevelopment. Theblueprinthasbeendrawn;theshipisreadyforsail.Inthenewyear,LongjiangBankwill activelyseizemarketopportunitiesandcontinuetoenhancethecompetitivedevelopmentcapacity throughbusinessinnovationandserviceimprovement,consolidateandexpandthegoodmomentum ofdevelopment,moveforwardtowardsthevisionoftheworld-classmodernagriculturalindustrial bankalongthecharacteristics,differentiated,community-based,fineandprofessionaldevelopment path.Wearereadytoworkwithcustomersandfriendsfromallwalksoflifehandinhandsoasto createLongjiangBankabetterfuture! ChairmanandSecretaryofthePartyCommitteeofLongjiangBank: 137 ImportantNote ImportantNote: Thisannualreportispreparedinaccordancewiththerelevantrequirementsof"InformationDisclo- 2 0 1 1 sureofCommercialBanks",whichisamaximumdisclosureallowedbytheexistingfinancialsystems A n n u a l andbusinessmanagementsystem.TheBoardofDirectorsofourbankensuresthattheinformation R e p o r containedinthisannualreportdoesnotcontainanyfalserecord,misleadingstatementorsignificant t omissionsofrequireddisclosures,andisresponsiblefortheauthenticity,accuracyandcompletenessof thecontent.Ourbank's2011annualfinancialstatementhasbeenauditedbyDeloitteTouche Tohmatsu,andastandardauditreportcontainingunqualifiedopinionhasbeenissued.Thisannualre- portispreparedinbothEnglishandChineserespectively.Incaseofanydiscrepanciesbetweenthe twoversions,theChineseversionshallprevail. BoardofDirectorsofLongjiangBankCorporation April18,2012 138 SummaryofFinancialDataandBusinessData 1.Resultsofoperations (Unit:RMBthousand) ItemYr2011Yr2010 Increaseordecreaseyoy(%) Operationrevenue 3,238,463 1,663,015 94.73 Operatingprofitbeforeprovisions 1,718,294 822,211 108.98 Operatingprofit 1,460,880 489,431 198.49 Incomebeforetax 1,459,725 487,787 199.25 Netprofit 1,101,430 375,373 193.43 BasicEPS(Yuan) 0.36 0.12 200.00 DilutedEPS(Yuan) 0.36 0.12 200.00 CashflowgeneratedfromoperatingactivitiesNetamount 18,016,889 6,186,960 191.21 Netcashgeneratedfromoperatingactivitiespershare(Yuan) 4.84 2.01 140.80 139 SummaryofFinancialDataandBusinessData 2.Scaleindicator (Unit:RMBthousand) 2 0 1 ItemYr2011Yr2010Increaseordecreaseyoy(%) 1 A n Totalassets 152,155,060 82,864,979 83.62 n u a l Ofwhich:thefinancialassetsandderivativefinancialas- R e p o r setswhichwasmeasuredbasedonitsfairvalueandcate- 16,786,842 5,569,919 201.38 t gorizedthechangeundercurrentprofitorloss Held-to-maturityinvestment 983,561 914,541 7.55 Loansandreceivables 25,576,922 19,627,848 30.31 Available-for-salefinancialassets 4,511,313 2,743,873 64.41 Others 104,296,422 54,008,798 93.11 Totalliabilities 145,894,555 78,844,338 85.04 Ofwhich:thefinancialliabilitiesandderivativefinancial liabilitieswhichwasmeasuredbasedonitsfairvalueand 0 0 0 categorizedthechangeundercurrentprofitorloss Interbankborrowing 28,531,435 11,273,095 153.09 Deposittaking 92,507,548 66,290,432 39.55 Others 24,855,572 1,280,811 1,840.61 Shareholders'equity 6,260,505 4,020,641 55.71 Netassetspershare(Yuan) 1.68 1.31 28.24 Totaldeposits 92,507,548 66,290,432 39.55 Ofwhich:Corporatedeposit 68,559,777 47,309,918 44.92 Retaildeposits 21,158,109 17,101,528 23.72 Totalloans 25,041,050 19,824,082 26.32 Ofwhich:Corporateloans 16,194,022 13,311,740 21.65 Discount 1,004,419 1,173,231 -14.39 Retailloans 7,842,609 5,339,111 46.89 Loanimpairmentprovision 537,779 422,320 27.34 Networthofloansandadvances 24,503,271 19,401,762 26.29 140 SummaryofFinancialDataandBusinessData 3.Qualityindicatorofasset (Unit:RMBthousand) ItemYr2011Yr2010Increaseordecreaseyoy(%) Normalloans 22,867,142 16,833,341 35.84 Special-mentionedloan 1,962,161 2,671,448 -26.55 Non-performingloans 211,746 319,294 -33.68 Ofwhich:secondaryclass 62,648 171,215 -63.41 Doubtful 141,316 131,197 7.71 Classofloss 7,781 16,881 -53.90 Non-performingloanratio(%) 0.85% 1.61% -0.76 Provisioncoverageratio(%) 253.97% 132.27% 121.70 4.Theadequacyindexforcapital (Unit:RMBthousand) ItemYr2011Yr2010Increaseordecreaseyoy(%) Netcapital 6,031,390 3,516,368 71.52 Ofwhich:Netcorecapital 5,946,931 3,553,601 67.35 Supplementarycapital 175,200 0 -- Weightedrisknetassets 50,036,279 28,196,868 77.45 Capitaladequacyratio(%) 12.05 12.47 -0.42 Corecapitaladequacyratio(%) 11.89 12.60 -0.71 5.Changesinshareholders'equityduringthereportingperiod (Unit:RMBthousand) ItemThebeginningofperiodIncreaseordecreaseTheendofperiod Capitalstock 3,080,000 64,000 3,720,000 Capitalsurplus 554,572 498,434 1,053,006 SurplusReserves 38,607 110,143 148,750 Generalprovisions 0 437,000 437,000 Undistributedprofits 347,462 554,287 901,749 Totalshareholders'equity 4,020,641 2,239,864 6,260,505 141 SummaryofFinancialDataandBusinessData 6.Supplementaryfinancialindicatorsasoftheendofreportingperiod (Unit:%) 2 0 1 ItemStandardindicatorsAttheendof2011Attheendof2010 1 A n Liquidityratio:RMB >35% 36.82 57.66 n u a l Foreigncurrency >35% 48.98 176.86 R e p o r Domesticandforeigncurrency >35% 36.84 57.69 t Proportionofdepositsandloans(includingdiscount) <60% 27.07 29.90 Proportionofdepositsandloans(excludingdiscount) <60% 25.98 28.13 Non-performingloanratio
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