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wcm m sbAY, 9crCT It, Average Daily Circulation The Wcdlfitr 81XTX3E3I Manchester Evening Herald i. . .» F or’th e Month o f Jane, 1948 8,2.51 FMeeaat oi u, & Wenthee. , . x Member of the Audit Cooler aad leeii humid tonight Missing Girl and Friday morning. 'i^Jboul^ow ii : Bnreen o f CHrcalaHoae i I ^^(nsrcMnUtivt and Mr*. ^3«Qrge Is Back Home eafer— A City of Village Charm ^iKcith wni leava tomorrow for ■im ir home at WhlU X f VOL. LXII.>NO. 243 (ClonaUled AdvertMng oa Page 8 ) ESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 15,1943 (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS: I tuTth They wfll rmnaln un- ^elyn Macri, Reported - . .LV?' - ' Lal)or Day. Away from Home, Says \ ^.Itavnolda Popbff, aon of Mr. and She V^ill Soon Marry. Can -You Give Me ^ne Good H ^ y y Going fo r U. S. Warshijp ■..WllBain •. Popofl of 423 Ly- - I ■ V. ' A Strike Halts X - j atroet, who anllatcd ta the U.S. Allied Units Move Mias Evelyn of Pur­ ‘ C ‘ lairy. left tWa morning for the ta- nell place, who her. mother re- "action at Hartford. He la I ported missing three \weeks ago Akron’s Bus, t third aon of Mr. and Mra. Pop- I and who for a time waSs SupixisM Reason Why I ShouM Buy A ' to enter the aervlce. Alexander ;ainst^apanese to have gone to visit her^stet In.^ V to In North Afrlod; poealbly Hartford, has returned home. Trolley Lines and Sobert P. Popoff la with The girl went to Milton, to armored dlvlalon at Camp visit Walter Bassette, 21 years of X ■ ree. Ark., aikl waa home on a age and whom she said this m orti-, Coat NOW" , ^ Mubo Area Lines Unexpected Walkout hy u«,agh laat month. Their broth- ing. she to going to marry later In .>to‘-law, Thomas Tomjlnaon la In the month. Baasette, she said, Is Operators Paralyzes ffow Giilnen. now employed In that town and Is to return to Mahchester on July American and Austra­ Mass Transportation K Major Battle Begim r ' Hose Company No. 2 o f the 26. >C Yank Fliers In Ohio Rubber City. . ' ICanchester Fire department will The necessary consent for the lian Troops in New ttoioet this evening at headquarters marriage, she aald, will be given ' II .. '/ .• 1 Guinea Tlieater Closing i‘'B t 8 o’clock. Election of offlcera by her mother. Down Japs' Akron, O;, July 15.—(i#)— An un- Jaws of Allied Clam| K^and a report ot the outing oom- In ‘‘for ‘ Decisive Ac­ exp ect^ sfrike by CIO bus and r j aalttee will complete the business street car operators early today Supply i Take Deeper Bite 01 'fo r this session. tion” to Pin Foes Over B to 1 |y o u n e ^ y paralysed'maaa transportation In u«vy. Fight ,B«! Becom e ; Eastefm Sicily Aftei Corporal Technli^n J. Howard B^ck Near Salamaua. this war-lHisy rubber capital for shaping^-.Up on One «•' ^ i Fpi’ipus Battle; Ad^ ‘Harrison arrived today at the REFRIGERATION Enemyf X omps in B om b­ the second.-ttnie in two months, i home of hla parents, Mr. and Mrs. , Allied Headquarters in the depriving thousands of war work- Or Both Flanks of B l S [ S t e r 0 0 0 / 1 1^ Vance by Combim t^amea A. Harrison of 62 Oxfort | ers and Fighters in ^Street. This la his first furlough Southwest Pacific, July 15.— era of uaual meanh o f travel to Allied Advailen, as. ___ | American, CRnadiai ( Since hla entrance 111 the service (/P)— American and 'Australi­ Fortnight Total 211; their jobs. ?sn Koi^mber 7 jaat He la with ^ e YOU CAN GET Ignoring pleas of their leaders Axis Not Smashed Boasts and Stedks And British Force ini an troops in the New Guinea Airmen Still Threat. i Wgnal 'Corpa and was graduated ■ . N in a stormy early morning aeesion, iffrom a training school In Athena, theater, keying their attack approximately 200 unionists . re­ Enough to Halt Stand, j o Be 1 Available to Center Greatest Made.) fc'Oa.. laat month and immediately IT WITH A South Pacific Headquarters, fused to take their street cars and " tomnaferred to Vint Hin Farm Sta- to the continuing all-Amerl- July 16^-(/P)— American - airmen buses from the Akron Transporta­ London, July 15.— (/P)— Civilians and Military Allied. Headquarters, NortftI i^lion, Warrenton. Va. He reports X ^ can drive against Munda 700 outfought the Japanese in combat tion Company carbarns at 4 a. m. Next Few , Months. ij for duty iagaln Monday m ^ ln g. on a ratio of more than 8 to 1 (e. w. t.). London military observers, Africa, July 15>-)— The BecauscY^ Sincerely miles to the east, are closing over the Solomon islands' during Requested Increase Refused aftai reading today’s Allied jaws of an Alliedxclatqp have (Chicago, July 45— ^47 — More A son was bom Monday to .Mr. in on Japanese positions in the period from Juiie 30 through William H. Wright, local CIO add enemy communiques A’Smd Mrs. Louis Sadler of West-1 July 13, a spokesman-for Admiral Transport Workers union presi­ roast beef and steahe wli; be avail­ taken a deeper b i^ oh bast- wood. Maaa. Mra. Sadler la a slater 1 the’ Mubo area "for decisive ac­ tion." Tbia offensive, an­ William F. Halsey, Jr.,- disclosed dent, ecial atatement to­ today. forces over the next few ipontha, t road, who la a linotype operator at [ dations of a War Labor board front,' express^ the opinion battle in which the ^tish Believe NOW, night from Geh. Douglas MacAr- Japanese losses in bombers add P. O. Wilson, secretary of the ..Na­ The Herald. 'fighters thfit fortnight, the first panel pn a wage dispute. The that a major battle might be Eighth Army hurled bgck thur’s. headquarters, was said by panel yesterday refused to approve tional Live Stock Producers .as­ an official apokeaman to be de­ of the Americans’ central Solo- shaping up on one or both .powerful counter-attack by; mone invasion, wero 211. Of a requested increase from the pres­ sociation, 'asaerted today. signed tovtoar the long-contested ent Sfili cents hourly average rate Pinehunt Grocery Mubo eone of. all enemy troops these, /lO l, were ehot- down the flanks of the Allied ^advance But the question wohying cat­ Nazi armprSd forces, head- to 81.25. Thar^ay You Will dfet A and pin Japam w back to th^r opening day of the attack June into the islano. Although , there tle men, Wilson added, was the quarters^-iqi>orta aaid today. The P. C. See, vice president and gen­ En route acrosa the ocean a fighting front, a United States lines around Suhinaua, on the 30. (The American . losses were was no hint that the Allies had prospect beyond that period — great^ advance was scored by not given officially, but from the eral manager of the company, said warship plunges through heavy seas-Avnich sweep the forward deck. , encountered a setback at any whether enough cattle would eastern New Guinea' shoreline 12 the transportation was ‘complete­ be a combined' American, CahadtaS F W S lifIS H miles to the north. point, it was not thought in Lon­ aad British force in the center (Gontlnued oa Page Four) ly tied up" and added ")h4y gave don. that the Axis had yet been, (Conttaned on Page Pwe) Our Boston fish buyer Capture Key StroagjMtnt us po notice, same asjait time.** where a gain of qlx or sevaa Better Fur Coat Aa a preliminary success, the smashed enough to remove the mUes was made in' the Raguai^ called up all in a dither this The carmen steg^ a two-day possibility of the Germans and ' N . A ■ ■ . ' Allied forces .captured-Green hill, Vizzini sector On a line parallel ■lomintr...wanted « « / ®if* walkout May IS-^Md 14, In protesV Italiaua making a stiff stand soon ..-one of the key strongpoints in the against the^-WLB’a delay in eoh>- Reds Halt Attacking with the British east coast piialk I der right away...said fish ..A.’ Mubo defense system, following W arsh^p Shells or counter-attacking in strength. Messina Fc Capture Another AlrSeld sideringjtheir wagie demands. Encountering German Armor was as hard to get as nieat continued pressure against Japa­ Plead With Men Led* by. Ueut. (Sen, GAOfga 8.1 Your Money Than nese positions from both ground Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgom- Patton, Jr., the Americans on the I .. .80 we gave It to hhn fast right eeifi union leaders plead- and air, the announcement- said. Jap Position Enemy Everywhere e^ ’s Eighth Army was known to west flank dug into the difficult 1 ...and here is whkt we with the men in the special be encountering German armor All oLWeigBt In addition, an enemy force of meeting to-contlnue. working, hut mountains marking up a gain of] liiiTe to offer yon Thurs­ "medium size" has been 'cut off at for the first time as it edged Into about four' miles, capturing an- I that the membership "was tjired of the Catania plain. .The impres- day: Mubo. In Aleui bqing pushed around in our re­ Didodge N-zi. from OjfA.ir Power Other airfield and taking impoiwj FRESH SCROD You Wm Next Allied patrols were reported en­ aldh here was that General Mont­ tept^ heights. ' quests for some consideration.” gomery's force consisted mainly haddock fillets gaged In intermittent clashes With The panel which denied the In­ several. Positions; X / Another Italian general, com- I the Japanese north o f Salua lake, of troops placed under bis com­ manding the 54th Napoli division,-I Staak Cod Fourth SitiTace Attack crease In hourly rates, recommend­ Local Counter - Attacks mand' since' the fighting in North One of War’s Heaviest X which to only seven miles south of ed to the regional WLB that oper­ Job in OPA; surrendered with hto staff south I , . » W h ^ Haddock ' Salamaua, the center of enemy Africa ended, toth many of his of Vizzini. Vizzini to about 25J Oii Kiska in Eight- ators. be given dvertime pay con­ Gaining Momentum. veteran, battle-toughened unite of Blows Dealt; Otlier lit Fresh White Hallbni strength in New Guinea. cessions for all work over 42 miles west and slightly squBT'oll KING ■ACMON—Slieed or The pattern of extermination ^Dky Period; No Reply the desert campaign standing by Airmen Hit Coiiiiniuni- captured Augusta, aiKl^boat GMr| hours weekly. A majority now Raps Agency for whatever Jobs may be com­ now launched by the Allies ^ work 50 hours weekly,’ the com­ Moscow, July 15.— (/P)-:- same distance nortfieaat of Gela. Mubo followed closely that already ^ From Guns of Enemy. pany said. ing up. cations in Sicily. Hurling Itself forward egsinto I __ j UTI bI is»: Marshal Stalin’s powerful"- unfolding before ther Japanese sir- Unexpected as the strike was. The most Cheering news from Vteriier resistance, the Britiah.l foond. basg of Munda, on Ne]^xGeorgia Washington, July 15.—(JP)—^The police said motorists were quick Red Armies have halted, the ‘Legalistic Red Tape’ informed quarters 1^ London was Alli.cd Headquarters in North Eighth Army of Gen. Sir Bernard' then C honisr ChsMib t fis . island in the centraLSolomohs. Navy reported today that an to grasp the situation and began attacking Germans every- that the enemy's Air effort over Africa, July 15—.((P)—The full L. Montgomery drove to the town I Criticized in His Far.i^ Sicily had dwindled-by half since of Bnicoli, four milea north of 58e ' Both had thelr,pfM0 dents in the Amerlean^Jight 'warehjp bombard­ pk^hig up persons waiting at. car weight of the AlUea’ overwhelming campaigns oYJast ^nter to elimi­ stops. ' i where in tije Belgorod sector well Statement; Theo­ the first daya bf the Invasion and the port of Augusta after weather­ PINEHtnWf k e Ats \ nate the en^my from Buna, New ed Japanese defense positions on At a central downtown transfer and have dislodged them that the Axik might sooriT>« forced air power was turned against Mes­ ing a crisis yesterday In which the I kiska Island Wednesday, making rists in Unit Hiu to abandon both the strateglcAliy sina when hundreds of medium and German armored forces mount Ujespits all you. road In Gulne^.'And fr e ^ Guadalcanal. The point police aided in loading c ,n _ fromkpveral positions . with^ Mqhda action/^ at least, had even the. fourth surface attack on the to capacity. vaf&able Catania . and 'Gerblnt air heavy bombers |truck on* of the a powerful counter-attack and ac-'l tho neat site- fieide. eater hope^ for quick succeiis. enemy -has* in an eight-day pe­ l(x:aI^ounter-attacks which Bulletin! war’s heaviest b loW yesterday and tiially reached the harbor at>ono] in not mueh* fesMor. The Japanese defenders of Buna, ^ Military .sources here were puz­ time. . riod. are gaining momentum daily, Washington, Jijly 15—(47—7 the .night before against that Nsvsrtheless, at PM urst who fapro a less formidable Amer­ \ W alkoul Ended zled at the supposed appearance of British Brigade Isolated dispatches from the Russian front Prico Administrator ; Prentiss guardian of the strategic water you always ffnd d pretty ican prolonged the fight Broyvn predicted today that the Hermann Goering division in A British brigade’ in the -Jtfia- | wifh men %nd auppllee sneaked to J^N^?ih^Ta™ fle:*’"' I B edford aald today. The Germans mean­ the Sicilian flghUng. pointing out Jump between Sicily and Italy. tegic harlrar city, under Allied | saiectkNii g y « ‘ ^ "1( On July 14th. during the New Bedford. Mm s . July 15.-- beef-liungry''civilians will re­ them at night on coastal barges. while hdve.^ discontinued their at­ ceive Increased supplies as the that the. original outfit bearing the .Other Allied airmen dealt pun­ •■nat Mt jMt Om sirt yon carly morning, a United states (>P)-The walkout of New Bedford tacks alt(%ether on the other end j name -of the Nazi air marshal Was - (Coqtinued on Page Six) /T h e enemy tried the barge method street car ano bus service opera­ result of a heavy movement ishing blows to enemy communica­ w iiS r jL oSn Hkn A MUIc yesterday in the Munda sector, light -surfacto unit bombarded Jap­ of the Kursk salient, wherevthey.i of livestock to market and wiped out in the Tunisian debacle. tions throughout Sicily, destroying anese positions, in Gertrude cove on tors ended toda'V ftter thousands tried in vain to breach the Orel I . They suggested that the highly- •Mm MoifaT fhls w c^ ., * with dire results. t ' of w.ai workers had been .without ssild the pleasure dilving ban a large number pf vehicles, while Kiska. Enemy guns did hot re­ sector. I publicized -unit had been hastily ifiwraday wa aspect bonc- Bombs Destroy Bargee public trana^rtatlon service for in the east' Will be lifted for Allied fighters put up a tight Our alert Mitchell bombers, one p ly " . Attacks Railway Junction ‘‘A’’ cato holders "as eobn as reconstituted to keep the German laas Pork Chop^ • new har­ Kiska was shelled previously on more than 36 hours. screen over the battiA- area and Thousands and thousands of trkppers, tanners apd fiw^era are in the armed services of ' of several categories of planes now Dlfferencra„..were settled , fol- A t tne. same time the Red Air ! possible.” people from knowing .'it had been knocked' do.wn three of- the small tal af Honeycomb Tripe, July 6, July 9. and July 11. The Forep resumed its night Opera- ‘ lost in Africa. , Flashes! up on hand in considerable strength attacks, were the first by surface lowiDg--arr''extended night con- number of enemy planes they en-. (Late BulleUas ot tba UPl W M ) oHced Ham, Shank halves of tlie United Nations all over the world.x^ G ood 8kihA. *ee scarce and commanding fancy .. spotted two big -enemy ba^es tions.with a fierce attack on the . Washington, July 15—(44—Dy- Violence Undimlnished countered. craft since August. 1942,.^4md7 t«fnce^ reprew^taUves Today’s German communique above Munda in the Blackett of the Office of Defense Transpor­ Orel railway Junction. pAmic, red-haired Lou R. Maxon, A t the same time, torpedo-calx iHam. might presage an juaphlhlbus ss- ” " said the fighting in Sicily contin­ It. win help your point . J. '' prices. The few skilled artisans availahle cannot miklte kD d>e fur coats that will^h®" strait. Their bombs destroyed tation, the Wet Labor Board, the (The German Thursday coifimu- Detroit advertising executive who rying. planes operating over the ^ddle Given Proto Resalta sault designed tS'^cnish the strong niqite said numerous attacks em ued with "undimlnished violence,” WMhington. July 15.—(47—8ae« them. North o f there off Vella Japanese' garrison on Kiska and Amalgamate!/ Association of bounded into Washington several Tyrrhenian sea blew up one enemy I supply, and the general wanted next winter- In view of these facts. W e. have a^pnd>l^ the largest an^,^iiwt counter-attacks; were repuls^tl in with severai AlUed Uni* attacks tanker, set fire to another and left rtta'ry Morgenthau said , today thft'j Get yours at once. Lavella island, Mitchells also ggnk restore the island to American Street and Electric RaUway Em­ months ago full of confidence that meat* supply. If ; yo« X an enemy, cargo boat„. r - ' continued heavy fighting on the. being repulsed. ’Phat it did not go a merchant ship In a sinking con­ Treasury has forwarded the m control. ployes of Am ericavAFL, and the he was just what the Office of Into particulars of^the' fighting Pinehurat.freah fish at least collection of furs in o.iir history for early selling. " ^ . Guadalcanal^ Jhpuieae defend- 'Massachusetts Arbitration Board. Orel and Belgorod sec^ln, b.ut" dition. suits o f an Investigation InvelvtaB ' The supply is Rmited. Time Growing Short - Price Administration needed, was considered significant here. once a week...and whats ^eta-dragg'^ buUthe fight because Elton S. Wilde, president and made no riaim of a ^ Nazi ad- Operating from Sicily the United Mine Worhera nntea 'The time for an American ofj bounced right out today with the The Naxi-controUed .Vichy,; radio and Its president, John L. Lewl% more appropriate on a hot ^ t b e “Tokyo'Bxprees” —fast cruto- tensive against the Japanese base general manager of the Union firm conviction that Houdini him­ It waa announced officially that Your fur coat is an investment that represents a lot of moneyr'^You may have (The communique said that depicted the situation in Sicily as Allied, planes now are-operating to the attorney general '"for sab' day than Cold Cuts and Po­ ' ers and destroyers—slipped in at on Kiska island on the North Pa­ Street .railway, whose employes self couldn't untangle OPA's "extremely serious.” , ' : nigh^^wlth ■ reenforcementa. Two walked out in protest against Weather condltlbna were rapidly fiom bases recently captured by action as to sees fit." In ttopoiiae tato Salad? Ye8,~ovemight, cific is growing short. Responsi­ "legalistic red tape." ■ Quoting Berlin and Rome fe- to a press conference questioli, the' looked forward to it for yeaN,’ You have every right in the^wpnd to expect inherent ble opinion here to' that . if the deteriorati^ and asserted that All that remained on his once the Invasion forces in Sicily. from famine to feast... An Allied headquarters commu­ Treasury secretary said the Inves­ ih i rCOM X (Continiied on Page Two) strategic base-is Ch be recaptured (ContlBued on f t g e Four) Soviet counter-attacks were being busy desk were a Washington (Continued, OB Page two) beauty, intrinsic serviceability atfii enormous salisfactionfrdm you^^ fur coat. You can_ launched with, weaker forces than nique said "very great damage” tigation concerned relationshipa now the government is'ask­ from the enemy this year weather street car token and. a pa'rtly-fiUed six years, ago between Lewie's conditions make it essential that on' provious days. The enemy was bottle of eye-wash. was wrought at Messina, where ing you to eat more, pota- find these at Hale’s now, at pf^icea which next ivinteiJf^my look decideii^Tpwi-- the bombers concentrated on port union and the so-called B .m tiM . operations begin as soon as pos­ repulsed everywhere with heavy A secretary who handed out near Springfield, III. A Jostioe I toes. Selling Code sible. losses^ the communique added, and Maxon’s farewell statement last installations and railway commu­ Sicilian Drive Axis Supplies nications. department official said that tto WITH YOUR WEEK-END An amphibious attack on ffiska, it listed 336 Soviet tanks and 70 night, in which he . criticized'"con­ report was received from the where the Japanese have elaborate planes destroyed by the German fusion, indecision, compromise, American Liberators from' Mid­ ORDER dle Etoat bases also 'Joined in the Treasury June 14 and has toca OLD Given Stores defense installationa, an unfinished Ahead o f Pfein Air Force yesterday.) , miles- of legalistic red tape, and |- undbr “ active study .7 . 1 Include some of these airfield and a force estimated as the presence of theorists in policy­ Jam Railways .bombardment again,, blasting the Battle Iwsto Three Days ferry terminal and railway freight • . • • \ itenis: RECbRDS high as 10,000. men, would be a Pravda said orte'' pf the great making positions,” said .she at­ We Have Neyi^r ShownxA'^reater Variety ^Of Faslupa Fork logicaf follow up to the conquest tached no significance whatever tO’ yards at Messina and continuing Wiped Out By Forest Fire Hemo . .the children love /Moat, be Innied la for mU- Aimed at Discouraging Must Expect Heavy Cas­ .battles on the )3etgc>rod sector was across the strait'to batter military St. John’s, Newfoundland, July : vmige If yoa. want to keep of Attu island, completed a month these mementoes. . Todt Crews Now Beiitj; it in milk, large jar 59c. and a half ago. But whether and fought along A Russian-held high­ objectives at San Giovanni on th e' 15.— ^Trinity settlement, la the pliQiag the new coeo. Excess Buying, A vert­ way. The battle lasted for' three A ft' weeks Of. consultation, Grapefruit Juice, 2 cans when it will be made is a high ualties When Imminent Maxon aaid, |ie "decided, that I Rushed Uk Prepare De­ Italian mainland. Indian toy aren of eastern New- 2 ^ e each poM for old ly - ing Clothes Rationing. days, the paper reported, with the cannot accept the position of gen­ Medium and light bombers car­ found.land, was- wiped ou t‘ by a 29c; 3 points per can. Battle la Fought. (terman’s constantly attempting to fenses for Italians. ofde Ineapeettve. o f gnaiitlty. (Continaed OB Page Fonr) eral managed, of OPA and nave ried out a double-barreled assault forest-fire and a similar fate, I Shurfine Milk, 3 caris 32c push through to the north. After threatened another settlement— 1 NationaUy'AdveMsed .Washington, July 16— ()P)— A also reached the conclusion that I , . you have plenty of ^ Still the Most Favored‘Fiir^ollandi^ Washington, July 15—^ —The only minute progress the Nazis cannot continue to be associated Madrid, July 15—(47—The rail­ (Continued on Page Two) W'areham—today. No loss of life red points (1 point.can) KEMP'S •-wartime code of selling prustices, Sicilian campaign is progrenlng consolidated their positions ' and with .OPA in any capacity.” • ways of southern, France and occurred. Trinity’s populattoa of Taiiious Black and Brown Beauty > . A then,launched attacks to the east vbu.'’ a dozen or'a case of Blend N otthem Back aimed at 'discoqr^ng excess buy-t Deatbs Follow far aheiiyd Of - acheduto, but sharp Demaiided Absolute'- Powers northern Italy have been prac­ 250 was eracuated by motor beato ISSBIalaSt. TCLMSO Ing and thus heading off the ra- and northeast. They were driven Maxon had demanded that he be rushed to the rescue from many , 48' can s.. .you won’t be fighting and heavy caaualtinmuat back everywhere, Pravda aaid, los­ tically monopolized since the in­ 'tioiiihg of clothes, was laid down given almost absolute powers Fishters Raid points along the errast. Latest r^ “ sorry. ‘Jealous’ Row be expected when the imminent ing 30 tanks in the action. over- policy and. personnel, and his vasion of Sicily by the movement 1 •, ' ports from W'areham Stoted that Parson’s .\mmonia. 2-5c bot­ f for tex^le dealers today by War battle comes With strong Axis Eye-witrieases who were in the resignation "as of this date" was of. Axrt mllitaiy supplies toward seven housee. already had been de-. foroto on the island, Undersecre­ Belgorod, area when the offensive tle. • . M T T Q i r P A T PTTRi * V/ XV GO V/ V / ATSXX X K/ > ProducUoil GhiSf Donald M. Nel­ taken to mean that Price Adminis­ southern Italy and Todt organiza- Nazi Railwavs st'royed la that oomiminlty, whera.. U 0 I V X V X tary .of War Patterson reported to­ opened said "in all our experience trator Prentiss Brown refused to about too people live. 1 Toilet .Soaps..; Brooms... son. , Uon workers to the Po valley and '" r. Listed by Coroner' aa day. - .. on many fronts we have never'been agree to a setup that would have Fly~Sw’alters.... Flqof Wax POOFIMC ': . The declaration of 4>^1(V dooma He nid the current .phase ot the German'fire aa .totenaive. as this." left him little more than a figure­ Florence, travellers recenUy re­ 'f o r the duration all “scarnty” ad­ Murder and Suicide; Maintain ^(1 Aerial June TroducGon Drops ...Insecticides , . .’.Paper campaign calls for "consolidsUon head. tuned from that region report. Washington,'July 15—(47—JuBa;] IXLSIDIHC vertising and such remarks by a/id enlargement of our beach- Napkins. ■ ■ Argue Prior to Shots. (Coettnoc«l on Page Pwe) Almost' from the day of his ar­ The Invasion resulted, in Clerman ORensive With At- , producrioD for the Army “ fell eub- s p w w '* “ > » * ( * * store clerks as "You had better hcapcr Length SKUNK sidering the campaign eto Sicily as now Todt construction crews are MINK St r i p e d SHEARED BEAVER The code, was Worked out with •cveral months. being rushed from the Atlantic today, ^ • 1948, Including aircraft, ♦ . representatives of large and email the openihg of a "second frtmt.” Shop at Pinehurst Thura- Police said the ahohUng. which Marine Gunners Set Mark wall” fortlficatlona Into northern One Mosquito plane was report­ to he met, he aaid. CoDar and Poduts > rctailera by Arthur D. Whiteside, occurred last Monday n i^t In a toying "I would rather think of it s • • day, and don’ t forget that DONT STAND FOR iTl as the first step in liberating Eu- lU ly. ' ed to ■ have flown more than 300 the Pepperidge Farm Bread director of WPB’s Office of Ovil- sitting room of Mtos Sidte/s room­ Expect Push to Maiatoad DOiles from its British.base to dam­ Tire Tests Successful ____ $350 ian Requirements. , ing house, followed, a "Jealoua rope.” In Downing 13 Jap Planes New York. July 15—(47--'IbS The travellera aaid thto move age’ a locomotive south ef Straa- you get there makes the .Live In "This to the most Important and argument,’’ beard by other occu­ Great Stop Toward Victory 8 .' Rubber Po„ sanouaced tof best sandwiches. s298 Taxladadad. The invasion and ultimate- con­ apparently was inspired by the bourg, while another shot up two broadest step in individual com­ pants of the house Just prior to German conviction that If the locomotives oh a similar foray. that a highly Bucoceefal y e a n < Vacuum Sealed Canning Comfort With A apeCial purchase laakaa mercial self-regulation ever at the Sound o f tw o pistol shots. quest o f Sicily, he aald, would be a South Pacific Headquartera, ed all’-'but four in a formation, of of ovathrtlc-treaded Gres had ^ Sizes 14 to 42 Tax iBcfcidai, High Fakkiaa great step toward victory "hut it July I'S—(4*)—Marine corpe anti- 16 fighter-escorted enemy bomb- Sicilian offensiye leads the Allies A third pilot reported he had I^diHo fit coffee jars. Coal or Cokd this price poaeible^ Bdow tem'pt^ in this country," White- Found Shot In f2M«f to believe Italy to soft and ripe strafed and damaged three Joco- com'pleted on buses oa tto Fi A Dura^Far side declared In telegrams to mer- won’t be quick or easy. ' Sicily, aii craft gunners protecting Reit- e t. American fighter planea Service Coordinated TraaapnH Pamwax. Jell Tups and Tax laaluded. CeiUag P rte Mtos. Sidley war found shot in after all, is a long way froip Ber­ 'ffo r invaaion their next push will motivea. neat - chants’ organizations. the chest, and . Chandler fatally dova island U s ^ . only 88 rounds knocked down the rest New Jermy. Mileage raa to T* > Sure-Jell. lin and Tokyo." of ammunition to ahqpt down 12 The anti-a.*rcraft battery com­ to straight into tto heart of Mus­ Bald Free Night Enjoyed eomfoct' aad WUI No« Police ^totea toouhded by a bullet through the solini’S mainland. 'There, were no todicatlona of as STJISS per ttre on the weestj The government will not police Turning to,the Pacific phase of Japaneiht bombers and^ne Zero on mander, ^ p t . WiHlam M. Tracy tiow of a four-ssctlto Ufa head. : the global waf, he said that other Reports from Naples concerning large scale bombing operations stores for enforcement. Com­ the afternoon o f July 4, aetting o f Greenwich, Conn., said of the lag dtSercat cempenads sIBS m Coroner A. Magruder MacDonald ateps toward victory were 'being what to bellevod to to a record for Incident: "I had a hard time mak­ Incidents to Qstania Immediately over the continent? however. Bri' pliance to voluntary Sa long sa the ■aid Cbandlaf, married and the prior to the Allied tovaslon of tain, meanwhile, .enjoyed a raU the rkief type being iM a M S iM taken In advances against the economy of fire. ing my toys cease” firing." • InuB tto geverasseafa a «* FIREPtACE COAL plaa works. Whiteside's tele­ father of two children, apparently Japeneae air base at Munda on Sergt. William 8 . Ftmnk, g Ma- (A communique figim Allied Sicily indicated the Importance of free night. 10% Down grams hhitfld at the altematlva— ■l.ot M in Sidley and then him- 'New Oeoigia IMand la the B

' ' V* Thompsonville ^ ond 'HIm June Fifnt World W af one felt "an in­ barriers to the captui^ of Sala- Pierre of- RdekvUI^'two sons, Eu- different parts of the country'’h»m /Mont.), postponing the maua itself and its 'neighboring Home Gardens R o c k v i l l e New Division herent belief that it could not fall where they, live,” Reynolds said; Maxon Quit§ k Rack Messina Feels Band Secured dors Pierre ih the Seabees, and In any mission aHigned to It. W ould Halt of fathers until iJter Ja~ Weddings base of Lae. . Bitter Jungle fight­ Lewis a. Cbapnaaa Clarence Pierre,, in the Marines; 1 here is a great difference, he add;^ .eeler ,)uui sold that he win el Oil Stamps Here ^ ing is expected to follow Mubo's “May God bless you and aid ed. In drafting men for milltw^ Amaze Expert 84S, RoekvOla nine grandchildren, and two broth­ you." mand eQnsideration of the mas Job in C)PA; From fall as Allied forces move in to AU of Weight For Big ers. Given Colors Drain Soon service and In compelling them to immediately after the receM drive the Japanese from their en- Da ‘Thq^fiinaral will be held at the work for another who p r o ^ from In September . Nicolai-Gesing the transaction. .x ave Been Delivered '4renched positions, of Mra. Aliengena and at St. '^ e marriage of Miss Lorraine Amateurs Like Seasoned ‘ '4ck’s church in Monsop, Burial Rainbow Unit Proudly 11 B eing T ried Army Now "Big i^nough”.: Raps Agency Local Atnlele W a s Of Air Power Date Changed Reynolds Opposes Com* E. ^Qesing, daughter of Mr. and Toiiy Obright's Orches­ be in Monson. The committee ck'airman M id'It More Reports fIleA Jdra. F. W. Geslng of Talcottville, bers Suntain Veterans Says Profes­ Garries Old Standard S o l o m o n s ; tra Volunteers for tlit ^ Infttiilliittoii For ttigli Treason p u ls o F y M a n p o w e r is his opinion that the Army, which ly Pmalech-Qver “5 B eef S u pply (Continued from Page One) formerly of Methuen, Mass>. a,nd (Omtlnued from Page One) he estimated at a strength of 7,- Hartford, July J5—(47—i AUied^tsuttdi sor W ilkinson. \ For MeeJ^j]^ /priitrlct Deputy Everett C. As Pledge |s Taken. Lloyd Nicolai, son of Mr. ana Mrs. lent on Expei ic e s . Bmlth and his staff of this city will Legislation Planned. 000,000, now is "big enough." He tlonai (lobbying reports filed Jnite” T h in ly It mlnistrator In .charge of prices, E. H. Nicolai of Barrlngrton, III., New Delhi^^^'J^y 15 — UP) — Party at North End. Will Become America. B-25 MitcheU medium on Enna, hitting that vital com­ go to East Hartford this evening Moscow, July 15.—(^P)—Tass. Mid he looks for a tapering off the secretory of the state’s quit after a row with Maxon, but took place Sunday, July 11, at the Stbrrs, July 15.— Amateur gar­ Comp Gruber,„.Okla., July 16.— leans 5 Gallons In* ■bombers Sustained the Allied' as- munications point in central Sicily Women’s Leag^b f Ver­ to install the officers of Oescent official Soviet news agency, said Washington, July 15—(47—Op­ in selective service requirements, yesterday indicated payments, most of the others .whom he had Talcottville Congregational I Just had to pinch 'myself this Anthony Obright and his orches­ deners who didn’t know^a pea seed particularly for older men add 3750 to J. H. Gardner, Jr., o f l moTnirig to see if it was not Just s0u)t on Japanese installations in yesterday and the previous night Lodge, 1. O. O. F., and Crescent (4>>T-"Have faith lii us-.” ^ ' today that hearings have started position to compulsory manpower id of 50 Gallons. Bigger Soon criticized are still there. church. Palermo Hit Hard Twice tra will donate their services foi those with families, with youths den, by the New Haven another dream," said ^rgeant Mi­ Burrha yesterday, bitUngOoilroad the block dance to be held at De­ from a bean seed when W ar Gar­ non to C ji^er Now on JuVenile Lodge, bojtb of East Hart­ The Rainbow division—ps yeaj;s In the military triai of 11 persons ...... I...,. Haley Also Quits Rev. Thomas Street performed Wellingtons hit Palermo two ford. * legislation under present condi- ^ thrning 18 making up the bulk of Teachers league; 3175 to Arnoni The Detroiter's departure coin­ the ceremony. Gay Slmoncelli sang chael Saverick, of the 26th Bomber yards, 'ba.h'acks and warehouses pot Square tomorrow evening . ac­ dens got ujider way last ^ rin g after it helped smash the German charged with high treason for com­ :1 oil' aUumps were delivered (Contthqedrrom Page One) at Myingy'an and MelktUa, a U. triphammer blows. Tbe first wave J u l y 2 ^ d . ' State Meeting tions was expressed today byj additions and replacements. Thomas and John Q. Tllson. Jr, bj cided with the announced resigna­ “ O Promise Me," and later a duet Squadron, EHeventH Bomber Ordup, cording to Chief .Roy Griswold of'-''' hs've come through like seasoned plicity in alleged atrqelties com­ Controversy over the size of the ey to nearly all of. thoae who Army Air Force communique said f bombers planted heavy loads The annual state meeting of the tide at Champagne--proudly car­ mitted during the German occupa­ Chairman Reynolds (D., N. C.) of the Peninsular and OccidraU tion of Bernard F. Haiey, director with Wilfred Kent " I Love ' You United States A ir Force, to a'Her- the Manchester Fire department, veterans Mys Prof. A. E. Wilkin­ Army is expected to be revived la, applications the early part placed in feed tots throughout tbe «ld reporter today. Saverick Is today. olS^ploBlyes In the i-ailroad yards chalrmn of the North . End Rochelle, July 16— (Special).— American Order, Sons of St. ried its old standard os it pledged tion of Krasnodar in the Cau­ the Senate Military comihittee Steamship Co.; and 325 to.*Winiai com belt to produce the steaks of OPA's Textile, Leather and Truly.” The Junior Cbp)r of the and OsSlding' and scored-,hits near son, University . of Connecticut George, will be in Stamford on who declared the Arm y is grow­ when proponents call fos-'action on L. Beers 'o f New Haven by tT e; ■Wey were brought to the church rendered a beputiful ar­ home on a furlough from his base At much-bombed Myingyan, 55 group. A successful party last Du^-to a change in plans Mrs. Itself in'theM words, to uppold the casus. which will be .wanted this winter Appaml Price dirision, previously the malfi rail' statioiv. The sec­ Sunday, Aug. 15, Grand President ing to a size where its' drain on a resolution by Senator Wheeler Madison (Cemetery Association. rangement df-..."0 Perfect Love.' in the Hawaiian Islands but had miles southwest of Mandalay, fur­ week prompted the committee to vegetable specialist. Prof. Wilkin­ luster and oaditions of the famed The news agency declared in­ lee la^,. evening and Poat- and next year; head of the Economics depart­ ond ««u p>qrrivln g almost before Fronces Burke Redick, ConnecU- Arthur Edwards announced last ciivlian workers ought to halt soon. The church wot - 49«>rated with spent nine months in the Sqlomon ther damage was reported make arrangements for a repeat son has Just returned from a sweep outfit of World War 1. vestigations had established that Iter Orant remained on duty Wilson, commenting on news ment at Stanford university. Ha­ traeks and warehouses, while - at the debris hadaettled, scored hits 'cut Secretary of State will speak night. / Reynolds predicted In an inter­ ley commented simply. that recent garden flowers. Islands attached- to the. above air performance and all of the details around the state accompanied jiy In a solemn, ceremony yesterday Russian • prisoners had been burii- etU '^l ^ero run through thecan- dispatches'from Washington, say­ Melktila, 5 miles south of Mari^ In the railroad yqrds on .an anti- were settled last evening. Tlie at the July meeting of the Ver- view that simnsors of the Austin- congressional action requiring re­ Attendants w^re Mrs.'.William forced The Eleventh was cited for Prof. J. ,A. Manter, who has been the division was reactivated and ed alive, hospital patients massa­ ■Uatieli. machine. This made it ing the OPA was developing a "p l^ its work in the Solomons. He Is dalay, direct hits were scored on airctaft position anitbit a big rail committee hopes to exceed the lion-BIlingtoh League of Women W ANTED — Boy to distribute Wadsworth manpower bill would moval of anyone without business Lawton. Jr., ^ Methuen, sister of photographing Connecticut'^ War its commander. Brig. Gen. Harry cred, and "many , thousands’’ of demand actior on the measure, soon ible tONhave them placed in the to bring about an increase in me) at the home of his parents, Mr. and. eneniy barracks, buildings, rail­ Junction outside the c amount of stamps sold last week Voters on Thursday, July 22pd at Manchester Evening Herald oq citizens suffocated with ■■ carbon rations, said the price-fixing rience from price-fixing pol- the bride, ^ matron of honor; Gardens tor the War .-'Uouncil. 8:16 in the Superior Court room orofltable route within Rockville J. Collins, told the hundreds of after Congress* returns from Its ct the^ different carriere this Mrs. David Saverick. 96 Charter. road sidings' and among storage Among other targets'hitby A l­ and have made improved arrange­ When this survey is cojnrfpleted the veterans of the First World W ar: monoxide "In specially equipped Bay U.S. W ar Bonds oiWng when they, started out on agency "cannot prevent beef sup­ IcjNjobs "would have made my Miss Edlt^Fringle of Boston and sheds, the bulletin said. lied raiders. during the dajKwere ments. Instead of July 19th at previously city limits. AddreM The Herald, 13 summer recess, but he said there resigrihtion inevitable by Aug. if), Miss MOrian Pratt of Palmer as Oak street. War Council expects4o have data "Have faith in us. motor cars” in Krasnodar and the r delivery routes. Every letter, plies from expanding, even if It Mttle Information British-Blenheim bombers Join­ Gerblni, Termini, Lercar-Friddl. Different System announced. Bissell street, Manchester, Conn... would be a strenuous fight to any way. bridemaids. Betty Janet Born of for a greatly irofirbved campaign "As your battle recqrd is a chal­ adjacent territory. squelch it. The bill would . make taken from tSb-oifflce. wanted to. Like all 4he rest of these young ed the steady destruction of enemy Leonforte, 'Vallelunga and Sto Members of the Manchester Fire In 1944. / She wrill have for her subject the Also apply Randall’s, Rockville,' "The claim of the OPA that it Named u\act temporarily in Shawsheen Village, cousin of the Election Law Chofigea mode at lenge to us, so will it be a chal­ Tass said the alleged atrocities both men and women subject to 1 for Fifty C ^Il^ men who are' serving on the battle equipment with an attack on a fano. Additional f^mations sim­ artment are again to take "S!mpl.v amoilngi” is Mr. W il­ were committed by units of the. Is developing a plan to increase Haley's stead W u Leander B. bpiae. was the flower girl. The best Japanese-occupied village . In the ply sought out' "targejd of op­ C h ar« of the stamp brfoths, which, the laat seMlon of^Ae General As­ lenge to whatever enemy we may compulsory civilian service, if that front. Information is hard to get kinson’s comment on the home gar­ meet In combat.*' 17th German Artny under com­ jjpons are someWtmt dlf> supplies is simtily an effort to take Lovell, price executive of the an was Arthur Hoge of Cleve­ Mawlaik area, while R. A. F. Beau- portunity." striking at anything if pbMible, will sell stamps under sembly. This win M'«m open, meet­ became neceaMry! lit Jh S . year and as a^result and none of them will make any dens. Th e^ backyard gardeners Federal Agency ' "W e know that. We expect It. mand of Colonel-General RuOf, the credit for the normill^ expansion In Manufactured Articles, brancl^ land, Ohio. The ushers - Itere, fighters were reported to have de­ they ' could find along tbe epads an entirely?; different, system. This ing to which the public, is invited. "I would have to think a long ■ to call the office^of statement whatever. He admitted hay* sed f^ almost 100 per cent in And we are glad that it is so." Gestapo "and their accomplices" receipts which occursfrom mid- and foniMr economist at ;,Not^- bavld Colling of Los Angeles, stroyed two large steamers, an oil and rail lines. Communicatio'ns week the bobths will handle stamps There, wdll be a meeting df^he ex­ time before I would vote to draft local Ramming Board this he saw plenty of action but brush­ the. pemstence with which they MeMage From MacArthur late In 1942 before the territory workers, to break up families and July until the end of the year." westpm and American iinlyei-s.- Calif., and Glenn Nihart of Bever­ ed it off lightly. barge and other river craft on the always were the prime objectives. -according to 4beir -value instead ecutive committee at 7:30 o'^ock, To/tlose D oors sing. StampsNtnarked for the ly, Mass. - hay marked five unite is good start coming to market, and this tended, is "a draati(^reorganiza- ber df ..^igma Phi. The. bridegroom the dollar stamp. 'This, 'R is be­ fr ’.,m Philadelphia to Rockville 'to ganize the ori^nal division and a.^ telephone message from an old transport, while the Allies lost ties init gardeqS Within walking (3onnec’Ucut Office of War fiiifor'- ) gaUona of oil. Afterthls was movement continues through Nov­ tlon, a strong, cleaiydirection, and attended the University of Illinois lieved, Will relieve the crowded see his wife,, was fined 35 and costs named it the Rainbow because it plained by the office all seeing to pal, Corporal Michael BrozrAvaki, Ja^ Claim Repulse three'planes. distances are uniformly free of of 39 on an ‘mtoxlcation charge in matloij' win close Its doors offi­ ember, befofa frosts kill the grass. a liberal transfusion of common and received his masters degree at of Birch street, but attached to a Heavy and medium ' bombers, conditions under which they, Wejre/^ was made up of troops from 26 satisfied' In all cases the shine Massachusetts Institute of Teclv- weeds and grass, have reasonably the Rockville Cfity Court on Wed­ states. This year, he said, there alao~Tnay horse sense. field artillfiry group, Saverick Of New Landings fighter-bombers' and fighters were disposed of last week. straight rows and for the most cially at 5 p.tfi. today after 13 iber of g^lons as issued labt, be some forced selling of cattle "Only thes^steps," his state nology and is a ihember of Signia 'The whole committee, conont- ^ nesday and was given a thirty days months of operation. Branch In­ • The ilew Rainbow division Will . r was allowed unless there Was' x i. said he could not believe it was sent out from North Africa, Pan- part are well planned. Jail sentence on a breach of peace 'from mid-western feed-lots be­ ment contin>iM, "can rebuild the Brozowski but was convinced and / By The Associated Press . Ing of Frank Nackowskt,^,.f(resi- formation . Officer Wendell' A. draw its troops from all of the : laquest made that the amount After an extended wedding trip The Tokyo radio today broad­ telleria, Malta and Sicily, it was Inspection Tonr charge, suspended, if he would Teague announced toddy. cause of the difficulty involved in morale of the agency, and provide they both obtained a 48-hour pass stated officially. dent of the Manchester Improve­ states and proudly flew the flags down. obtaining com. the leadatahip which the thou­ the couple will reside >lh ~ cast an imperial headquarters an­ ment Association, Walter N. L«-^ ^x Governor Baldwin is said to leave Rockville. Action followed the congres­ of every state In-the union as It and celebrated. /' ' Bases in Allied Hands nmye accepted s number ojf Invlta- According to the police Tnuz- X _5e~coupons are on the right of "The'vbig question," WilSon said, sands pf volunteer workers for thic bridge, Maas. Was Well Known Athlete / nouncement that American imita clerc, Dante P a ga n lx^ d Erling sional action slashing OWl'ritfids stood at attention to hear the I cemflcate. Also shown are the "is wheth^ feeders are going to from Robiana Island attempting Among enemy' air bases In Larsen have workecKnard through - tlon'Sxto participate In inspection kowski came to'Rockville Tuesday which no lohger permitted the op­ formal order recreating it. EAST HARTFORD a g e i^ so desperately need For five years' Sa'verick wo4 one tours anwnged by local commit­ night and weiit to the house where tponij good for 60 gallons. There place enough^^young cattle in their throughout the countr]^ - new landings east of 'Munda on Sicily now in Allied hands are the past w-eek in an effort to eration of regional and branch Young faces, already veterans of .of the bright stare oh the I*olish New Georgia island yesterday were Pachlno, Biscari, Gela-Farello, tees. Mhx.^Wkinson predicts the his wife .Who left him some 14 Telephone 8-3231 FIRST NATIONAL mS s > Other coupons on the left of the fetsl-lot# to give us the beef ‘‘Until these steps are taken and duplicate the ejidellent work of the offices in the domestic branch, Mr. fighting on many fronts, were Americans and-^hasSball repulsed with the loss of more Oela-Porte Olivo, Licato and Sy­ governor isMue for a most »gree- montho-ago, is now living. His ivife Icate that show the number want next year>^d OPA thrOaU >(inUl there is a willingness to sim- Offer Bowles teams. He .fought hard'^ln sports previous effert The music last Teague Mid. The Connecticut plentiful In the ranks of officers than 20 vessels. racuse. Syracuse is a seaplane able surprise. gava-film s apper but when he sug- 1 only. to impose celUngSHM live onimalal Dhfv/nricepuiy/price control and- rationrationing inr^ and those who know belieVe that week waO/^pecially good and a branch was the public, relations or­ and men ^ho made up the, 1,500- '' '■ '—ar aren't going to encourags them in The broadcast, . which was re­ 'harbor. better ppdgram fa promised for to­ One of the dtlBraltles of these RcSted that ^ e returr with him ganization for practically all Fed­ as » r as la consistent with win­ he fights the same way in the big-: -she refused. It was said he weht man skeleton around which the BIGGER wBERER^n that Job.' Federal Post corded by The Associated Press More than 200. Flying Fortress­ morrow evening. Inspection trips. Mg, Wilkinson eral agencies here.' ning the war. there Is nothing ger'battle. said that other American forces says, is that the out to get a drink and later re­ new division Will be built. Irregulars Of Wilson said many cattle com­ more that I can do at OPA. He left the Hawaiian Islands 12 es, Mitchells and Marauders were Compliments Firemen A wire report from Washington The new division silently watch­ i'ighters Raid ing off western ranges normally attempting ' to advance oyerland thrown, against Measlna, thd main want to show off their turned twice to where his wife is yesterday stated that an advisory ' " M o r ^ .at Low Ebb” days ago. spent eight on board /'Herbert B. House, general chair­ living. The police were called about ed as the veterans conducted their go to feed-lots in the corn belt^for against Munda in coordination m try point for Axis supplies from spinach, beet greefis. commtltee of newspaper editors and HEALTHIEICi^y "Months ago an extensive OPA State Director ship and four days coming act'oat man of the stamp drive, will be on midnight and he woa arrested. The "Champagne hour" ceremony at Nazi Railways further fattening, thus inersi with the landing . attempt also the continent, in yesterday’s ^ He finds* that pracUeS all had suggested that a "stream­ youH eovtaNMiHT w ««a vov w r iip wiu «■• sraeae • a change In OPA personnel wa.<) the country. He arrived in Hart-, were beaten back. harid and will have Jack Sanson, ■ gardeners, are-*' pdnnihg surpf_.^ wife is working here and support­ lined” field service would be feasi­ 11:45 p. m. in memory of their Pantie Girdles the beef supply, 'promised.' This (iromisc has not Asked to Be General ford last night about 8:30 and soon vastati'ng daylight attack. They vice chairman to him in de­ dead. The announcement had no con- encountered intense barraffds of products and td^Ahe most part in g herself and according to the ble and helpful in the efficient dis­ "What we should be thinking b^n kept. Today the morale oi after came to Manchester. His livering the stamps to the booths. police, refuses to return to Phila­ MacArthur from his Southwest ABOUT ■HAKFASTS (Oeattaned srooi Page One) about,*’ Wilson said, "Is not the Manager of Project. ‘ flrination from Allied sources. anti-aircraft * fire but ,^'^lowed having reasofisble success. "Too semination ot war information. Mr. the Agency is at low ebb. The wife, who is employed at the Pio­ Mr. House expressed his apprecia­ many potatops'and not enough to- delphia. Judge Laurence M. billon Pacific headquarters declared that Every wewher, whether h « aoto Me beef supply over the- next 2 or 3 throu^ti the curtain of steel to Teague did not know -whether this braokf ost moM « t hema or In a raetm»> aba here and there .which caus- good men are looking for other neer Parachute Company, was un­ tion ^ the firemen who turned in matoM’’ {a-Orout the only criticism heard the case. . recommendation would result in in the Rainbow division of the months, but over the next 12 Jobs. l%e theorists ah<) the Hartford, July 15.-*-(iP)—<3ies. aware of his arrival and when in­ rain explosives bn thdr target, a fine Job of handling the traffic '-nver Posted rant, should begin tha day with buttor. laaifniScant dfmage.” months and more.” M ajoi^B^ttle " . The crews said .-it was difficult Mr. Wijki'nson has to make of the the allocation of fimds to continue braod, coraol, a#||s and bacon (or young lawyers will, of course, ter Bowles, 42-year-old director of formed she was surprised. and big crOvvd that gathered. . Staia’-S War Gardens. He Mys The children who have been the local office on a limited basis. "It’s a lonesome place, Manches­ to observe tbe.results because of 69. bath), froth fruH and mOh. continue until, forced out of the Tonight the Dllworth Cornell that next year there should be* bathing In thCx'Hockanum River /• the Connecticut Office of Price E x p e c t e d S o o n ■ t>ilk*wlng clo ^ s of smoke which The staff here consisted of Mr. fjanes Stream picture, becauas'.most of them are ter is," said Saverick at noon, and Post. 102, American L«gion and more streH on the leafy, green have discovered Trespassing” Teague, Charles B. H. Vaill, assist­ ABOUT LUNCmONS Ri^fls Halt 4ttack Adininiatratlon, today will be of­ I miss a lot of the chaps I used to '. a rose as the-nombsna-Domos exploded. exploded. the Legion Auxllii|ry, will take signs posted In'many places along in better Jobs ^han they coui.i The M if^ella and Marauders and yellow crops and tomatoes. ant, and tWo secretaries. Mr. Vaill Pockod hinchoons for war workore ic^ioss Channel fered the general managership of pal around with. I hope." he con­ over the down town booths along the river property pwra^ by the, If Perfect, Would Be'89c, should Indudo soma frosh fruit, mik England, July 15— obtain in private ilrS.^ followed the tig B-17’s over Mes­ The potato shortage last spring has been appointed director of the Of Nazi Forces the National OPA by Director clude, 'To meet those who have (Coo’ lnoed from Page One) the business section ond'e^*** frightened a great many home M T. Stevens and Sons-bqmpany, WHO HASN’T HAD A odd whonovar possibla, moot or lo t' -Oreat 'formations of Allied Maxon asOerted thaX a "strong sina and landed several strings of Yale News bureau. Mr.Teague said y ' clique” in OPA .believes .the goy- not gone to war before I go back.” North End. These same g r ^ a gardeners into growing potatoes-at George 8. Pierre- x RAISE IN MONTHS tuco should bo inchidod In tho sand"' ass, beUevad to include bomb- Prentfse M. Brown, probably with porta, the radio declared that bMhbs across buildings and bar­ he had n6 ihtmediate plans' other erfiment "ihould' manof acttire and w ill turn out again on Sat^^d^ the expense of crops which . are George S. Pierre. 58, of 7 «^nh-j-than -jH taking a "long-negtected fish­ — wteh; also chooso or ant dbhos. streamed across the English (CoBttanei from Pag- One) complete control, under Brpwn, Of "further infiltration attempts must racks, causing new fires to break evening. iofi street, died Wednesday at the, i with today's Increased coet- You’ll want to take advantage of ael late today in the direction distribute all commodities, the entire OF A operations, ac­ more economical of space. Even ing trip.” Of-Ilv.lng. you . may Snd It 8 RED POINTS PER POUND be checked in order to avoid en­ out. It is expected that ManpHeoter’s home'...... of...... his daughter, Mrs. John X thin marvelous offer. The panty northern France.^ The horizon literally "seemed to said they were "using the war as cording to reports .. emanating j, \lliefl U nits M ove at that, Mr. Wilkinson admits, the — ------dlIBcult to get along on what dangering Axis defensive posi­ A m u lt by Canadians quota. S30.000, will be/eabhed be­ state will Just about meet Its' tmts- Alien Aliengena of 14 Elm street. Is left. If you do. why not girdle has the firm, light control SUGAR CUtED-SUCED ’ Obaarvers reported counting a be on fire," they added. a means of furthering their reform from Washington, and confirmed \.^New Schedule Appoved tfNpllS!(-QIADI A tions in the Catania plain." Tuesday night’s assault of Mes­ fore the deadline, Jqiy 81. Various to quota. Monaon, Mass. He was born in get a peraonal loan ? number of R.A.F. lighters For the second successive day, ideas and will continue to use by Doug'Os J. Bennet, chief infor­ Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgom­ that' you like for your sheer sum­ BACON Against Japanese. sina was carried out by Welling­ other organization#')^! takeover Plant Rutabaga Canada. March 17. 1885, and had HarthwA July 15— new Loana at Aaaanaf are ar­ escorting formation. meanwhile, the Nasi attack stalled honest men In O fA as a front for mation officer of the state OPA. ery’s Eighth Army forces "are de­ tons of the Royal Conadioh . Air ranged privately on your mer dresses and sportswear. Tea- * MIUMRbOK CLUt •IG 21 their efforts. between nqw add the lOot night X Now Is the time to plant Ruta- been a resident Of Rockville for water rat# schedule for the Birm­ own signature. Sensibla MOST FLAVOKS— Frico forCoiHtpli oz m s 'Anti-Aircraft gunfire on the at the northern fnd of the 200- 'Washington sources indicated bouching In masses on the Ca­ Force, units ot which were report­ when theI Anihulance Transporta- about nine years. H e was a loom rose In medium and large sizes. SODAS atinent to the right of Boulogne •"If this group Isn’t curbed,” he -- that Bowies would accept the Job, M iifio Area Lines hOiga turnips for winter storage. ingham WatexCompony of Derby, monthly paymenu. A loan mile Orel-Kursk-Belgorod front tania plain- and have strong artil­ ed for the first tlnie to be operat­ tlon unit „wul close the stomp sal# fixer at the Hockanum Mills. of SlOO eosu sao.ao whan more in the direction of Le said,'"we are going to lose a good j but Mr.. Bennet said today that all YellOw ai*! "ot white turnips are which puts all i)Mridentlal users on along which the Germans launched lery, tank and air support." said ing in the Sicilian campaign. - oh the.Jist day. ..Recommended. Long Island Short- He leaves his wife, Mrs. Clara promptly rapald In 1 a month* ’.VcV STAMP VALU ES rouquet[uet could be seen from the slice of the very ^eedom we are efforts to reach. M^; Biowlcs, who a flat rate insteaff^ one varying ly consecutive Installments their offensive I I days ago. As the (IkmUnued from Page' One) the broadcast recorded by The A Middle East communique salcT neck is the best variety, says Mr. Morse Pierre; three other daugh- Of IIO.OS each bgUsh coast. midnight Soviet communique ex­ fighting for. . I IB on a vacation aboard a rented Associated Press. . “ according to asseasmeht. was ap- Come In, Oiir East Hartford store ■ will he 75' four engined Liberators at­ . Wilkih'Spn. Rutabagas should not ters, Mrs. Marion Grammo of Mon- I proved yesterday by the Public phone or writs. 151 M A R Y O JHoilVlN*iKJ pressed it, the Germans "did not "t CSnTf6t~'sUbaCribe to their | sailing vessel somewhere along The Rome ebntmunique, record­ tacked Messina in three waves, closed Mondays duringxthe sum­ PURE REFINED obvious efforts to -orce radical and ; the Ma.ssachusetts coast, have sections of the revived “ Tokyo Ehc- he plaqted on heavily limed soil. son, MaM., Mrs. Cecile Gates of UtillUes commission, X undertake any attacks” Ih the ed by .The Associated Prem from yesterday dumping more tbah Spinach can be 'planted through dangerous concepts on the public | been In vain. "Neither Mr. Brown press” seeking to aW Munda al­ a broadcast, declared, however, U m i w n a i FINANCE C a mer but will be open until ^.o’clock 1 5 ] T U N A WHITt MEAT r-OlitW 4 1 A xis Supplies Orel-Kursk sector yesterday. 400,000 poimde of high explosives July and August. Leaf lettuce can Ul CARTON 18< (German broadca'eta recorded in 'under the excuse' of war-time ' nor I have been able to make ready have been deraUed in the that AlTied pressure fln^y-was be­ op the smoking city. the s ,t a t £ Friday evenings as usual. Kula gulf,-with a total loss to . be planted until late 'JuIy. Rad­ Stgite Tk«»ter Bnildlnv 4 Rrd Poinit 1 8 ] C H E E S E *MI10 AMEIICAM IB 3 5 London said the Kueaians them- needs." ! contact with him,” Bennet de- ing contained by A'xisr4roops, and -bombers (ailet. to return:' K 2nd riiMir Phone S4S0 Japan of between. 13 and 17 cruis* ishes can be planted until early Jam Railways'4 selves Were attacking near Orel Do Nat Want .\dvlce ' clared, that strong Allied attacks had been They scorec* mahy--''dircct bits, ^ - Lfiecnae No. 321 • era and desetroyers. There were no repulsed. Parachute troops which Septembsr. Endive, both .curly O. R. BrniFWe Mvr. and had broken through the Nasi Maxon said the "slide-rule boys” Maxon Quits Job set off explosions and started fires and broad leaf, may still be nlant- m lines east and noftb of the city by do not want the advice of people The..announcenient came on the further indications in today’s com­ had landed in the Catania plain among oil stores' in, tbe railway (Om tbnad from Page One) munique that the enemy was pre­ were wiped out, the official bul­ ed. Late in August, Egyptian^ "sheer Weight of numbers.” Tbe with experience—"their book- heels of the resignation yesterday yards: Tree onion seta may be planted for' Rnsslsns later were driven back bound, dream-ribbed, . classroom of Lou R. MaxdQ, deputy OPA ad­ pared to try -a third time against letin -reported. The. Im^'rtance of Messina ' ta MILK [2J J0ICE.4tnfES' ------;------X,' BEANS CUtCMW 17- Catania and other'cities depehd- ing manner.” He concluded his After talking to Brown yester­ Munda’s aid. Liberators and Flying mitted Allicr air raids on Palermo only available port^tbrough which 50 killed more than 2,000 of the an ’ Messina, Sicily, and Nkplea on DA1LY-^2:16 - 7:00 -4hS6 i ad on bi-weelfly rail shipments of five-page statement; day and -today, Mr Bennet said Fortresses started new fires on the enemy canJating in reinforce­ |braad from Palermo, and when enemy. AerlaF^engageroenta else­ the mainland. In these raids con­ Saturday Conttnnuu^x where brought the daFir bag of "Only a country as- great as ours l th i^ the adminstrator ' expects to Airdromes at Buka, Kahili and ments and MippUes. State M arine '.hreadabops were fyreed to close as apfiounce offering ot the Job to Ballale. Some could be seen 5Q siderable damage was reported to A t San -Giovanni, the Libera­ CLAPP'S BABY FOODS a result-the bombing,' angry Nazi planes to 158, the Russians could'suridve the bungling and im­ 'r. Bowles at a-special press cm- miles away. buildings, ' . tors sodied hits among ware- YOU MUST FEED Your street demi^tratlone eoon devel­ said. practical dreaming of . OPA that., The Rome bulletin praised the Jap Prisoner STRAINED or .A«ii “ 7 * CEPEAL Hi-coorn 2 rires 2 7 * Jn their .counter-attacks at some The actual opening of the Allies’ houses'and on railway and harbor Breakfa^ oped in. Catania, said the reports. has thrown much of the countrj ferCnce today "I tlQ|J’t kno.w u Nazi Hermann Goering Armqred points In that sector, the Ruesiana he will take it,’’ Mr. .'Bepnet said. Mubo drive was preceded by an insjOUationo. NOW:. Italian milita^ and Fascist par­ small business Into confusion. division and the Tenth Bersaglieri JUNIOR rojt-Vooouri t.h 9< O A T M E A L CC^IO 2 ;ic tl2 5 < were reported-In dispatches to be He revealed that regular Coast unsuccessful attempt by enemy “REUNION IN FRANCE” ty units refiued to interfere in the "OPA must hot fall. 1Vb/Il vit^ regiment of the 107th Itiillan ' Hit Three Eneiny Ships Wasl^'gtpn, July IS-r-ia*) —The pouring more men' and tanks into agency; that affects dlrpdtly the Guard patrols are looking for Mr. dive-bombers yesterday to attack “TIME TO KILL” P L A N T S ^ SUMMER! . dlsturbsnces, these . eources said, Coastal division fOT thier resists 'The' torpedo-carrying Beau- the'' raging battle, ironing out the Bowlea, who is sailing with his AuktrallBn ahd American positions Navy departmrat made-public to­ and the Catania - police finally ll\M of aVeryone in tjur nation. It ance in the past few days. fighters of the R.A.F. which bit day the names dfx264 personnel of /TOILET Sodfx VaUtmt wedges the Germans thrust into raiMttJie made to function and only wife and daughter, Cynthia, bqt in the area. Kittyhawk flghter to $319 tamed to the Allied raids them­ lUlion torpedo planes wqre Mid the Soviets lines at the outset. planes tAckled the Japanese bomb­ three enemy ships in the Tyrrhen­ the United States Navsl service selves as a solution to the prob- a complete housyeleaning will per­ that reports received late this to have sunk four s h i]^ yester­ ian sea also shot up a destroyer Even if you applied fertilizer last spring, the ^ T ISSU E Y esterday’s "engagements morning trdm ..Captain ^ y Walk­ ers and downed three at a cost of held, prisoner of w ahxjjy the RICHMOND Tim lOAr.itAM IGIWO 'Ism. mit thiSN;The/rocord of the past day and damaged a heavy cruiser and a large cargo vessel ' and enemy. MOat arf held by the ‘bfSUght German losses, as tabu er, USCou use KEM. liy it and convince IAS tively supporting the ..- operations clined them. The last offer was captitred, as well as Wau, Morobc ly damaged. ./ Navy, and 8 officers and 228 en­ 2 iGf ntos (Continiied fron Page Oiie) made last April and would have up in the first two or three days of OCTAGON on the ground. and either outlying aetUementa 'The Beauflght^re picked out the listed personnel of the U. S. Ma ^ourself! J* SNOSHEEN given him the opportunity to share the Allied invaaloh, London air largest of three tonlfim sighted rtoe (jorpa'. B ea ^ for Uelng'porch where General MacArthur’s forces previously , token, against any en­ sources estimated today. CAKEROUR OCTAGON , ' ‘ - the -Number 2 position in the or­ emy attemipt at infiltration.. off Moddelzno, Italian. Naval hose This list brings the total con­ 2 0 9 arcL driving toward Salamaua, he ganization, presumably with Max­ With its southeastern fields lest 44.0Z KG- 26< Mason City, Wash.— —Mr. Hitler Relingpishes said that ground activity has been There was no indication, . 'how­ in northern SarcUhio. and planted fined prisoners of war affecting 2 IGI ntot 35- on. The Job would^^'ve given him and Catania and GerbinL sites ot three toipeddaa.tp her side, causing: \ i perooflnel of the Naval oerricee, GRANULATED ■ad Mrs. W. D. Grity looked out confinad principally to sharp patrol ever iihat the “decisive action” re­ other important bases, being ham­ Control of Attack control of the/O PA outside of ferred to in the headquarters the ship to ekplode. wdlooe names have been releoaed WHY MAKES their window before breakfast, London, ■ July 15— (/P) —A ■ for- ^aahea while in tbe air daily raids mered from sea and air, the Ger­ riHAST RfffPAIID •w COlONIAt MO Ore being made upon enemy posi­ Washington - And waa principally statement, means an. Immediate A snioUer tanker was cannonaded for publication to 3869 which rubbed their eyes, and counted 19 .elgn dlplofitatic source reported that o f . administering policlea ' in man Air Force may be ofreed to. [. little—and big—Indians, asleep oh. tions. assault directed at the capture of and w#dhurning fiercely When the breaks dowm as follows: today that Adolf Hitler, after hav­ the field.'He declined because he depend .on mflnland and western BeOufti^lere lefl: The merchant Officers Enlisted Total YOUR GARDEN GROW MUSTARD ^fAl3c I MOLASSES ^^15 ttielr porch. They.arous^ one who ,Superiority over . the Japanese Salamaua itself. island fields shortly, these quar­ ing commanded the early phases did not feel that it offered him "a Pressure on Mubo first was ap­ which fell victim to the tor- U. a Navy . .829 J584 1913 looked Uke he might he the chief. of the latest Genhan offensive in both at sea and In the air in the ters added. KEM prpvides all the essential elemena for healthy South Pacific, Patterson con­ aufficiently clear-cut opportunity plied by Australian jungle patrols o-carrying ..coastal command U .akC orin e He pcinted sleepily to several cars; the Belgorod-Orel sector, had ro- 4 ^ Seed BakeM f StiOfU, -evidently stalled, in front of the tinued, have been -demonstrated to be of service.” shortly after the elimination of the craft was a 7,006^tdn vessel. Corps:---- 104 1851 1956 plant gtowth-amd provides them'in liquid form, the Jinqulshed control of the stalled A t that time, Bowles indicated Hi addition to . this throe enemy U. S. Coast .O iay )iomi|. "Gasoline rationing,” by two 'Victories for U. 8. Naval Japanese from the Papuan penin­ 402'Persons Killed . ON THE SAME SHOW! only form in which plana Con use them. KEM is a attack and had returned'to Berlin forces over Japanese warships in to newspapermen that he “ might sula. south and east Of Salamaua, aircraft downed by fighters main­ Guard 1 0 . 1 be sold. . , for conferences with his military FIN AST the Solomons in the last wepk and have considered'! the full managerT esrly this year. In Raid on Turin taining their aerial cover of Allied perfectly balanced food for all kinds of plant life. Use II. a&ff. ship that would haver given him Shiping beaches > and the battle Bkl TotoU 434 3435 COFFEE by inability of the Taponese to In a seriea of secondary clashes, By The Associated Praai 8869 it for flowers u well as vegetables—for trees, shrubs, 10 -The source,, who could not be "match our fliers and planes." complete control.over adminiatra- these Allied forces succeeded in areas, five others were shot down 'Oonnectiratt BREAD further identified, said bis infor­ The Rome radio, in a broadcast He wavned the week’s news from tive and policy matters. capturing a number of advantage-* recorded by The Associated Pteea, by night fighters operating oyer Thomas, Earl A., corpora), U. 8. lawns and house plants. KEM gives better in u la— k y b o 26- SEVERAL KINDS Blame Your Lazy mation came from inside CSermany. most fighting fronts "should not In Brown's offet in”. April, out positions around the central Sicily and southern Italy.' Marine (jorpa.—mother, Pm . Ed­ He said Hitler had bqen direct­ quoted the Italian communique to­ with less work—for less money. It keeps your garden bri"? complacency ” and suggest­ Bowles said that- the Job "repre­ defense point, but until now ap­ day. 08 M>ing that 402 persons Show Marks of Battering ward Finn, 19 Wall ^ fe «X New RICHMOND i^o 21- DARK BREADS To” 10* ing'the Russian offenalve from the ed tnstead "cautious optimism.’-' sented terrific personal sacrifice,” parently have not bad„ sufficient The foidner' enemy airdromes London. thriving all through the season. Castle Bninzka, near Bydgocese in were killed and 601 injured in FMSM em Liver Bile If - according to Mi;. BennOt. strength to attempt on all-out of­ now in Allied hands oil show marks gATION STAMP NO. 2l GOOD , ’ OOmnPATXON with its hssdaehas, the old Polish corridbr, where he Monday night’B raid on Turin, in THROUGH JULY 2lST. PEANUTS MAM 14« , Maatst duUnsas, half alive fssUns often Future Looks Black Haa.Oood Record fensive. • ' northwestern Italy, by R.A.F. of the battering they received be­ maintained ’ "frontUne” headquar­ Inforthed sources in Washington fore their ocpupatlon. A number just dilute KEM with water I Msult whaa Uver bUe dosi&'t flow trsely A prelude to the big drive now; home-based bombers. unSIMISH0IMMUWU:«>...." Leak Reiiam ed l i EASY TO USE ; SMry San into'your IntasUnas. 8o take ters.' i Passaic, N. J.—(ff)— nie. future said that Bowlas' leaderahip here of wrecked aircraft were found starting, woa the landing of Ameri­ . The Berlin radio quoted Rome ------and apply to the ground Flint'Bruce can show you over 50 dilTerent Or. Hwards* oitva .Tablets to tnauia "^ e sburce added that some ob'^ for coal users here with cellar bas sumped him as an puUtand- can troops at Nassau bay, below along with others which were vir­ 4 MSCUITS # FKG5 ctAorm i-u nco^ T - . ftn tta yet thoroueh bbwal movements. seiHiers believed Hitler’s return to dispatches «s Mylng that the re­ around the plant roots. breakfast and dinette Mts, at almost as many UNEEDA 2 -li« K R i» Y bins Inacceiaible to delivery trucks Ing administrator and Indications Salamaua, oh June 30. an opera­ action of the Turin population to tually undamaged. H ospital H ead , Olive Teblets ere wonder/uf to etir up Berlin, might mean the end of the American bombers* teamed with F R I D A Y 1 prices. Modem, Early American, 18th Cen- Uver bile seersthm end tone up muacu- lodks ss black as tbe coal they were' that his appointment would tion which had the effect of flank- the raid was, "exemplary,” al­ MB CIAOCHI M»-n» - k r tsteetlhal action. PoUow ubel dirve- Gerpian offensive for the 'time be­ may yet be shoveling, A spokes­ be designed to counteract the brltl-^ South African Boltimoros and Bos­ SAT.ESUN. 'tury, and. purely utilitarian designs. 'N e w GRAHAMS NABISCO FKG20* HI-HO 20 ing at least. ink Mubo from the. east < though a large number of public h’t amemfgatu// For ex- tteae. Ud. Md, eOf. on drupitdres.. man for passaio coal dealers, hit clam by labor and administration ' TTUs American force first made tons in a sweep covering central LOW COST blond finishes, traditidhal finishes, gay enam» and private buikUhga ".were d»- Sicily Tuesday night They at­ Middletown. July 15—(4>v—The ■Olpfe; tEe $1.00 gallon sizC mokeS by the manpower ahortage, asked groups of previous difficulties in c(mtact July S with the AuatraT- etroyed. Connecticut State hoapitol board eled finishes. Refectory tables, extension the board of commissioners to re- the OPA admlnietration setup. Ians from Mubo, and on July 10 tacked enemy positions and linoo 30 galtem cS snlution-enough to feed 480 plam ttl The broadcast sold .that the of coRununlcatlons eonfrontthg has renomod Dr. Roy L. Leak su> . and drop-leaf tables^ Some sets have buffets vise a city ordinance to permit Chairman at the board of Ben­ Joined them in some force at Archbishop of Turin and the Duke porlntondent of the institution FRESH LOCAL PRODUCE Americon-hold dumping of coal on sidewalks in ton & Bowlea, Inc., New York ad­ Kitchen cireek on the outskirts of Platoria had visited the injured which" he hoa heo— —- yesterday nude it known that Dr. fuel into their bins themaelvaa- organirt the. state OPA staff as the Jungle. Livin g in State Look has appliod to the State Re­ NATIVE SQUASH «« S* cbatiman of. tha state rationing The earlier captura on May 6 of. Adinit8 Invaders tirement commission for permla* A KEM-FED Twenty per cent of tbe foreign board in February, 1942. He had Bobdubi, only live miles south- lien to reUre, although it was re- Tlii8 Sum m er commerce of the United States is planned (O stay a month as a vol­ wosterly ^ m Salamaua. farther ported that he probably will re. GARDEN Closed Mondays . . . Open Tuesdays Through Saturdays 9 to • NATIVE CABBAGE » 4* handled on New York’s UO miles unteer worker land has been on the tended to isolate Mubo from its Control Seas Air ■ . main os ouperlntendont for tha of docks. , . Job ever since. On May 19> IB42. coastal bases on Huon gulf. , • duration. NA*nVE CELERY the State Price and Rationing or­ Wnce July 3 Allied air power Stockholm, July 15—(/p)-i>Vir- Brooklyn, July 15— (^P)—Ae lofig Tha truotees, meeting in annual ALWAYS THRIVES ganizations were merged and In the norttaesotern New Guinea Jlnlp Gaydo, outboriUUva Fasdat as her Long Island Victory garden leosion, also renamed Prof. George NATIVE BEETS wncws^T- "Bowlas became state director of theater has eoncontrated on bomb­ * ^ to r , attampting to explain bow continues to ideld a plontiful hor- M. Dutcher os eholrman. 2 OPA at a s^ary Of |6,B00. ing and strafing tha supply lines the Allies effected their ludinga in vast of frooh- vegatabloe, Mrs.. 2S( 50c sjoo Bowlea. who Uvea in Essex, ijas between Salamaua and Mubo, Sicily, boa aidmltUd that they con­ Theodore Roosevelt, summering . Draft . AppwU Sejectisd NATIVE CAKROTS 2 IUNOffS^|3-C Men, Womoi! Old at last fh touch kith hit staff herd throwing hundreda of tons of ex- trol the sea and air approoebaa to here, feels perfectly at borne. o la M q n , , ri. ... -i.x. 11 x., ,.d Monday afternoon- at which time ploOiVea on these tenuous links the island. Bwolksb. proas die- Her Oyster Bay gontenar ooea to 'Bristol, July 15 — (47 — Draft 40,50,60! Get Pep be said he expected to be' back through the .jungle. Green hill patches from Room said today.x , it that tha widow of tha Mtb proo- Board' ,C9mirman Frederick W. and t 10' siorr Buy MM - a lODAl! HONEYDEW MELONS July 26 from his cruise, Mr. Bta« and tha praviouidy oi^urad Ob- Other Italian opmmantotara, tha Idont gets froquent ahlpmanta c t Beach announced yeeter^y that FMlYf!ar«Yoinoir,FiilIofVliii net oald.' itrvatleB hm and Wood dlspatchaa eold, aeknowladgad that* pnduoo. he District Board of Appi^ boa KEM ICAl CORPORATION f-CountlAOl 5 5 - ‘ h-CwiW lACH A 5 - island on wars .isotatad stfoog the AlUgg ora pouring m a n nmn Mrs. Roosovtlt. now in bar Etod 'ejected tha appeal from a t>A New Address: 173-183 Asylum, Hartford 'Pliofilm onveloMS for airplane points dominating tha toils. and aqulpmont into Sicily by the yoor. hot reicalvad few eaUerethla doodflcatloa of WUUam F. Brown, SOUTHHN engines provide -better corrosion Now, apparently, the AlUeo, hour and some declared that hew year .00 she mourns the d-oth of iS^yaar.oM chief 'maaeooor and '■ i ■ ■ ■. .' ''' .. ' NEW POTATOES 10a>'39>. ssss^i.issn.'TSSLE^ Opposite Loew’s Theater . Ml IsiMd CRy. N. Y. >iM omtn To*i« TMitu tmit u*. war imi old protectibh than grease and elimi­ grouped in force, ore prepared to landings on tbe west coast of the her son. Kermit, during the s .ring '■hainnon c t the Republican Town Ckapaar of OeQttal VUIago. Coaa. tea vw, ss. nate danger o f plugging vital overwhelm the Mubo gorrisdn and island could bo expected a t . any camped^ in the Pacific North- mguBittaa. * openings thus remove due of the lost major r»mni»n^ wesu ' . ’ X ■ nAMHESmSR EVENING lESTER. OUNN, TWUieOUAT, jrULT 15, 1S49

2,000 workers oversaaa. National such, use of naval forces wouk) be aetually ke had baan born ta Bos­ Manchester t h m elements most, and the 2 Vegetables Headquarters at WashtagtiB turns Stango Waits ton, but could iidt prove It. .GTA'* greatest mUtake has been Impossible. For the great early 1,737 Stttdetits \^t^hip Sheik Solons to Get Strike Halts^ A u t o ^ a t h s Gasoline and Fuel Oil out several hundred trained work­ Tha p^lca board therefore had Its assumption that it could - have lesson of this war was that naval ers each month. It should also be to dismiss him, , staoe poiicemtta ning Herald remembered that, ta addition to their masonable cooperation. The forces had been outmoded by air Now Abundant Board Action there must be American citizens, At University Jap Position : Aviation Plan A kron ’s Bus^ the workers from America, many although he had served in the de­ blame and sham* fo r that mistake power, at least to the extent that At New Supply Is Sore Spot It BUm II StrMt parsoaa in certain foralgn eoim* partment for five years. Uancbastar, Conn. is not altogether upon the OPA; they could not operate within trios arc fiaalatlhr in operating the THOUA8 FBROUSON Sfjuash ■ and Cabbage DismiMed Waterbury Age Bar to Reinstatement it had a right to expect that. range of Snemy / bombers. The Largest Sum m er Clafises In Aleutians Framers ^11 Program Trolley Liii0s clubs, aoiq* aa regular paid kltob- Oonofal U*n»for Fatalities Pa*l Problem Kept Tender sn, (Mtitag room and cleaning ataff, Through a rider attached to a Fonndod Ootobor 1. Ittl Americans would, in this w ar for Bismarck, the Repulse, the totnee Cattle Slaughter M oderately P riced; Use Policem an Not Yet Re­ In History' of State Far • Reaching and maitYok tuU-tlme workera. naturalization bill to cover his survival of everything American, Of Wales were all victims o f air . (Coii^'tlnaed from Page One) (Conttnueo From jPkge One) M o n t ] Best Re;jorl By Repeated Pressure case, Stango soon became an Lrnbltibod «Tor» Bvoning Bxcopf In M eal^.;Advised. OaujMiM Rotpltal instated in Job. ‘ nya and Holidaya Entori^ at power. Their fate was generally Ingtitution. Bill Conceived. Rule Is Relaxed Tha Camp aaO'Boapltd oommlt- American citizen by virtue of hav­ m OSteo at Ifanchoitor Conn, willingly accept something laaa command secret which the bomb- sharing a term^al with non­ S i n c e R d s K e p t . O f Questions AU Along than gmater profits than uauaL taken a'g indication that old-fash­ t*« hopes to obtl^ th« following ing served with the U. S. Army on i Baaond CTaaa MaH Matur. battered outflanked Klska garrison union workers, issued a state­ New Haven, July 15.— Yel­ Waterbury, July 15—(ff)—De­ the Mexican border in 1916. But In all these situations, the cure ioned naval power was done. And Storrs, . July 14— UP)—With-W it$ a may try to figure oiit aa best'it Washington; >Jtay — A ment in yrhlch he said he was Hartfbrd, Jfily i5,^The ten Atlantic Seaboard. articlsa which hav* baan raquestod O*M;BIFrJON BATB8 Bethel, July 15.—UP)—A spokes­ low summer squash and green for use of too military 'organisa­ spite an act' of Congress and an­ then the problem arose that he , fa a roy Mall ...... to steam right up tp^ -kn enemy total enrollment of 1,737 students jd’ah. post-war plan of governrhent-reg- notifying" to e 'r . C. T. /bus com­ automobile fataliUes reb^ed in is certainly not to abolish the ulated and financed aviation ^has cabbage are two products n6w so tions hareabouts. If you can a i^ ly other passed by the Connecticut. coula not then be reinstated be­ _ Henib by Mall ...... J taking Courses sponsored by the The basic elements with which pany to cease using a terminal. Connecticut during June «ras the (Editor’s Note: This second man for the amateur cattlemen cause he was over 40 years old. MbcU Copy . . W ...... » «• OPA. It la cvtainly not to let shore>and stand to*'* delivering been drawn up in Congress for ac-' Order Cause o( -Protpst x abundant. and moderately priced any of them, ploass contact Hfiu >^yorad On# Toar ttOO University of Connecticut, the the American commanders have lowest June total since the Mkitor of two stories on the gasoline ; of this irlcinlty heard with pleasure General Asaembly and signed by A bill passed by tbe 19^^ Gen: prices run as high as they please. shells against it'''seemed one of tion ta fall and the framers 'Transportatton halted at 3 p. nnd fuel oil problem givebv Philip Chensy, dhalrman, 60 For­ ■to work - have been put on the Vehicles Department began k e ^ ; last night that the Food Distribu- that smart dietitians and' meat est slrest, phon* SSll. i^ v , Raymond E. Baldwin, An*' eral Assembly and signed by toe MBMBBR OF ^ the things tW^t would never hap­ summer aessidn is the largest in record, however, and in the ab­ call It the most far-reaching legis­ m„ Tub^ay when members of the some answers on the g o v tra - It is perfectly possible to find tag statistical records in 192V planners are using them exten­ Electric irons toCsly Stapgo still has not bean rs- governor last wtok authorised the . TM.MB A880C1ATB0 the. history of the university. sence of more recent official .in­ lation, ever conceived ta the 40- Union Stir'eet, railway protested Commissioner John T. McCarthy uent’a 'attKpde toward east­ ! tion admlnlstrat^n had relaxed its n i t ^jSabaiatod ' Proi» t» oaelMMo- fiaws in individual OPA mgula* pen again" year-histbry of American aeronau­ sively as "stretchers” . in their Electric fans InstatSd to the W aterWry police board to reinstate Stango. But the ** 5 g * g *** ^«»»**» ** antlt:.ItM >0 tho uao of ropubUca; T hi university isx'giving five formation on the eubject are cur­ against an order, issued by- tbe said today. In fact it was the low- ern nesboardbrs* dentiands for ! regulation.^hlch would have pre- board last night still couldn't act shkii. Oeat net iniiut ikio. on of^li'niFB^diopatrhoi oroditod aiohs, to find prices it has set T M n have been, of course, rently arousinj^ Intense, specula- tics. , Office of Defense-Transportation more generous Mlowances.) daily menus, according to the Lawn mqwera department. / plai.s of study; Ah accelerated est total for any month in Con­ ' vented ihem from slaughtering Ih i FumitiM for Day Rooms and *• *ltoya|da6*odiy. CtaWaatof ,5'to It Of not Wjarwli* cr«dlt»d jn which are not quite bearable for stfay developments undermining summer sesaion of -16 weeks for tioii here. The bill has been drafted In the which would have ['housed the Connecticut Department of Agri­ ^ e odd taitale startM last year ftfht tftsr ihaTiaf, |> thio papor and tlad^4ha Ineal nat»» necticut accident history except I c a t ^ they have been raising for culture. Both items are usually Off lean’ Quarters producers and distributors. BuV engineering students; an accelerat­ House Interstate and Foreign Com­ Union Street sailway aiia^ e 1. February in 1926 v/hen nine per­ ly Jamea Marlow and George- thCir own use. when Stango,'^’to be oft the safe ■bitahtd tiaraln. the validity o f this theory. The Weather Most .important abundant now. Meals planned to Drapa^ curtaing 8. IsMudrMOMptttptniieafet All rl*l>ta of repubMpatton of ed summar session for undergradu­ Possibly the most important of' merce committee, and copies now C, T, bus line a non-union oigaa- sons were killed, and February in ZeUke . ^ “1 had ap idea something like aide,” registered aa ' havtag been l-te } Sayt, rocoau edw. in 'its main principle, which.--''is British Channel, lying under the are circulating ambng-aviation In­ include large servings of . these Athlauc equipment elal dianatrhea baraln a,t» a'*® ate ttudenta: courses' in the Army. these is the weather, which in the ization, ta tbe sAme terminal. 1^25 when ten were killed. gton. July 15—(/P)-^Frctn this .would happen,” said Joseph born In Italy. He asserted that 6***»*^***; control of the cost ofailvlpg' and very vision of Nasi aUr bases, was "stretchers’’ are still satisfactory ' Musioal ihstrumenta iryad. • Student Training Program unit;, Al- utians area is never good and terests for suggestions. The 36-boui walkout inconven­ Commissioner McCarthy added end to eii^of tbe Atlantic sea­ ,E.'Brown of Bethel, "after I read in N E. 4ir- the prevention of inflation, the never completely closed to Allied engineering science management Believe Measure Necessary ienced many war workers, but a ever. If the meat portions ara a Water coolers Fuh/aarvlea cllant of at. this season is steadily going that, according to current ex­ board the ptqblem of gasoline and thW papers this morning that Pres­ Mrs. Parsons to Visit Here dPA is the friend of the Ameri­ war training program; and an in­ Its backers, thinking ’ - of air checks ta New Bedford and near­ little smaller than normal—these rtrtca ^na ______shipping. Even th* suc­ from bad to worse. By October, perience, Connecticut traffic fatali­ fuel oU auppllep.;ha8 become a sore ident ' Rooseyelt, Secretary Mor- Reservations should be made at IM surance sumtifier school. % travel in the nation and along the by Fall River tio mass ab­ gmthau, Wendell WUlkie and a experts are proving. MY FEET ARE ^ PobllahifS ReoraaantatiTaa, Tha can people— ho^''inuch a friend ceeded in ninning that Channel, sleet storms and blizxards will be Ues for 1948 OrtiJ total about 200 spot kept tenderiiy repeated pres once for the luncheon at the Coun­ international skyways, believe senteeism Some workers were as­ hundred and one other prominent Dietitians and nutritionists who ialltia Matfiawa Spielal^Aganey— every housewife, would beginj to The ASTI unit arrived on added 'to the commonplace tog , cases, which woufa be the lowest sure of questions. try Club next Tueeday, to which K I L L I N G M E Raw Torlt. ^ lc a 8 o . Datrott and with fair success, with the Scharn- rata and 100-mile-an-hour winds. their, measure is necessary to keep sisted ta reaching their jobs by people were also raiislng cattle specialize in planning meals that campus June 30. From Jhne 20 un­ tbe United States in step with the year since 1916 whe’fi 194 were War Mobilization D lr^tor James contain well- balanced proportions ail worker!, officers, director! and Caa’t s«t hosi* salek •a««aS X*t \ know b^- her pocketbook 'the horst and, Oneisenau. , til July 12 they were given re­ Presumably any campaign for this extra gasoline allotta*bto given killed. As the present total is 104, F. Byrnes promised ye^rday to idtiiough they are no more farm­ mr eft. G««, wkat a relict— post-war world. them by the local raUontag board. ers than we are.” of the various essentials to healto frienda of the Red Croke are cor­ g: HBMBEjk AUPtt BUREAU OF moment It happened to be abol- fresher courses and on July 12 the year would be planned with a view this predicUon indicates that htne- survey the situation and\ make, dially invited. Mrs. W illiam Bar­ bat taoiarraw It la the oaoM etorr. EoiRrUlMTUlRS And the Royal Navy participat­ to smashing Japanese resistance The bilf'would transform the The group of about 300, includ­ insist on the inclusion of plenty Hare le OooS News For YOU i^ia^. The cure, if there is one first term in basic engineering be­ ty-slx persons now alive will suffer' public his findings and blsN lecK clay Parsons, Jr., administrator of Oet e Jar at the acw PODOL Peat ed repeatedly in thS Egyptian and gan'. The term will last for 12 before th** time. . Civil Aeronaotics authority into ing many prominent commuters to of green, leafy vegetables typified Tba^arald Printing Company, 'igalnst the profit lust noW S’iveep* the “clVU aeronautics commission” Longghoremen Vote violent death from traffic acci­ sions. the , Volunteer, Special Services, Craaai which alvaa aeiek eoallaa Libyan battl^against Rommel. weeks. The army now has 438 Sol­ New York, commented vigorously by fresh, green cabbage. Yellow relief ta thocc baralaa •allaocaa, a|sr me., aaoumaa no. dnanclat raipnnat- Ihe ^t*le of Attn /equlred with a completoly independent dents between now end the close of '■.* The Office of Price Admtalstra' vegetables are 'also on the ap­ North Atlantic Area, will be pres­ “ fbllUy for ty'vgra^bleai itrof* JP" tag this nation supposedly ajt war' But now, '^In the invasion, of diers stationed here. about three weeks, beginning on To Go Back to Work the year. 'tion, which does the pricing and Iqat week whf'n the regulations ll’a srcacclccc aa! ctalalaas. Oat a Alec li tot caS set )«• t'baiknaK tp ad»artlabmantL Ip.- Tha status and sweeping powers for the proved list of these-food experts, ent and . speak on the activities of Jar toSar tor BOc at WelSua Drna Stcitler with fomlgn enemies, lies in popu­ 61B Regular Studeqte May 11. The enemy force there Boston, July 15.—UP)—Boston The teh fatalities during June ratibntag of eastern oil supplies, tnbn seemed to insure long life for ^ K m jyatar Baanlna ffaralJx'. .Sicily; warships have come fully promotion, regulation and investi­ the 240 steers they are raising ta vellow squash being one of thia various chapters ta this area. t:en Ccatcr Pharaiarr, BInrphr Drna lar support of the OPA In its gen­ In the regular' summer session numbered only about 3,000 men gation of American aviation. longshoreman tVho took a “holi­ of this year represented a drop of haa beeh-.^ favorite target for class. A call to the Red Cros^ office at Co., J. 'W. Hale Corp., and all xood back • mto'their" own.' and defenses were not nearly So their spapious “back yards." Sroc atoroa. Thurajay, Jtjly IS eral alms ana principles, and in 619 students are enrolled. The The first Job of the commission day'’ from loading and unloading fifty percent from the twenty re­ critics'.X Number o f Appealliig DlsIiM onto will reserve a ticket. 'The truth, of course, is that, weil.-dS'Veloped as on Kiska. ships because their tooployers de­ But meanwhile here are some of But Bro\yn said that they had toe acceptance by producing and number is larger than usual be­ would be to make a full and com­ corded during that month last There are a number of different Surgical Dreeelnge .^The alternative to an attack this cided to pay them once a week, year. . • the questions yrhisttlng around the not olBciallyxprotested the regula­ OPA “ Bu^gttng” Defined beyond what must be obvious im­ cause many undergraduates ark plete investigation "and to report tion which barred slaughtering for appealing dishes prepared by in­ Thera Was a good attandance in distributing groups of the prind* going to school on a year-round year is to let to* Japanese- suffer to the Congress” with respect to. instead .of Immediately upon the ’The total of all traffic accidents ears of Secretary Ickei’-'Petroleum provements in aftti-aircraft de­ V Administration for War toe-,, gov­ non-slaughterars, - and thus the genious cooks from - either of the Surgical Dressings room Wed­ . The BVerdge consumer le no ex- ple o f stabilization. Once they ac­ basis to enable them to shorten the ravages of another rough Aleu­ “all phases of developnients ta Air completion of each assignment, during June cached a new Ibw for these. Frequent restaurant diners fenses, the warship has had the tians winter with few if any sup­ voted today to go back to work ernment agency charged wlthT'get- change in the FDA's attitude had nesday, slightly increased over last ' part Ui^ economics; He knows cepted, that principle, they would their 'term. Two semestto* of six commerce ■ and air navigation that month, the commissioner not been caused by toc,m. can testify to thia. invaluable and necessary aid of plies reaching. them. They car. be after tbe president of their union tlng oil supplies to where they are I week, and the women worked hard, weeks are being given, the firet which may be anticipated during, pointed out To date, 777 cases Tbe A^cuitural department’s completing approximately 5,000 when the thing he wants Is pro; perhaps^ fin^ possible to bargain one-running from June 21-July 30, bombed repeatedly when weather explained that the difficulty of needed in the United States: the plane in coming back, it is in’ the post-war period.” have been reported to tbe Motor announcement concludes with the 2x2 surgical sponges. L o a f C a k e s Fudso^Le c!^a i ¥ ' curable, and knows w^en It isn’t. and. reason democratically for and the aecond one scheduled from permits, the nearest American air­ Congress Would Provide Cash computing withholdmg taxes Vehicles Department for June, a From, soutbeili states on the RE- warning that consumers should successful contalnation with Al­ eastern seaboard; Oil reserves are Somebody provided a little radio, I8 on the raceivlag and suffer* theli own fail rights, in contrast August 2-Septe.mber 10. In the cur­ base on Amchitka islamd being It is the intention of the- framera made a M4ce*a-week pay day nec­ decrease fo 583 cases," or forty- Five From Stat^ not expect tbe present peak sup­ YOUR LIVING ROOM FURNITURE WITH [— WHfTIMOOl lied airpower \ h a t the - Allied rent term''^90 men and 229 wortien only 63 nautlcisl miles away. A l­ essary. , X" ' h ^ a g built up here so why can’t and all workers listened eagerly to I t v *nd of the shortages which oc* to their pressnV technique of imi­ toat Congress then would provide three percent, from the 1,360 acci­ ply periods of these two vegetii- the presentation, on the Manches­ navies are now having such old are .^nfoiled. Classes are represent- ready they are 'virtually blockaded the cash whereby the expected-to- All thres Boston locals of the .."w e be allowed more gasoline than • • EVAP. O 14,40Z/j I cor; he knows that when there tating the m eth^s and general dents reported during June last Missing in Action 'fa|es to continue for more than a ter Hostess program, of an orchid time effectiveness. But, given ^-^as follows: 184 freshmen; 122 with Amchitka on one side and be-revealed deficiencies and needa International Longshoremen’s As- year. we get now? wiiek or so, but.an abundance o f defiance of John I,. I«wl8. Attu on the Other. 173 nautical to Mrs. Chimmings, as woman of MacDonald*s 6~Point Feature M ILK O are shortages in the markets Md sophomores: ^^2 juniors; 125 of the industry could b* overcome. soctatldn, heard the'''todon presi­ “ However," warned the commiZ- Reserves for Whole. Area potatoes can be expected for the that airpower cooperation, the na­ mi.es to the northwest. x PAW answer is: Those reserves the week.. Mrs. ^ m m in g s is one . ONLY OMC SCO rOlllT. MR CAN ^ thara is plenty out in the storage seniors; and w unclassified stUr The commlMion would have aU'. dent, Joseph P. Ryan \ o f New stoner, “such reducUons can not"^ naxt four or five months. Har- WHICH INCLUDES: val gim baa once more proved an dents. - , To leave the enemy on the is­ York, tell them to follow the ex­ are not being built up for southern Washington, July 15-L(iP)—iii*. of the most faithful Of Surgical ' Canters and the farms, something thority to determtae what are the be taken as posiUve tadicati^'of -ycstlng w . earliest Connecticut Dressings workers, for, .with a few Stripping your fnrnltiire to toe trama As It Should-Db efficient and; invaluable part of In the ESMWT thera .are 620 land, however, would deprive interests of American sky-lanes ample of longshoremen ta Port­ states alone, but are reserves for War department made public to­ [ I f dalliilUly wroj^g. / increased safety. The acdde|ltrrate, plantings of'piptatoes will be start­ others, she has never'missed a sin­ Rebuilding — wttb new springe aafl war. Command of the sea no enrolled These courses 'are not American forces of a valuable and where and how they will op­ land, Me., New York, Philadel­ the whole liaatern area. Observers of tbs coal iptad^Mt- base for offensive thrusts against that is the number of accidmta per day the names of 277 United ed nbxt week vrith well matured, gle nitottag of the group since its filling added He is, not having any brilliant given at the university, but have erate. along with the right “ to phia, Baltimore and Hampton miles driven, tells us "nore, and From some southerners: Great CALL V H . t T A RI f ARP longer la achieved by these naval Japsin, which even now are indi­ pipelines are running through the States soldiers, missing in action. native pdta|oes available by early begtantag'lari September. Even Bblution of hla Own. quite likely to uation. including the mine'owners been established in center* at New make payments to air-camera to Hoa^, .Va., and accept the weekly this U SLiU high.” August. Re-«^ering with homespun - guns alone^ but when it is cated or developing. south now: with one' emptying at The announcement includes casual­ Wednesday, wlUjthe excitement of L'accept the theories of those who who have bee^, wondering if John Britain; New London; and Hart­ enable them to promote the public pay day as 'a war-time necessity. ^ -achieved, through plane and ship ford. Sbortrat RdUte To Japan interests.” Thia applies to both He explained the bookkeeptaig Richmond, 'Va., so why can’t we ties ta the European, Middle East­ being on the radto^rogram , she Reflniahing the woodwork (Moclalm that they know the L, Lewis hadn’t won his complete ern, North African, Pacific, and was with the workerain the morn­ together, it is as Important and The insurance summer school The shortest route to Japan, domestic and international air problems now fsced by the con­ get a better share of gasoline than Saglees-proof constnieiloii 2-4127 'BBSwer and the cure. In every victory, have hitherto paid small whether b y ^ r or sea,, is across transportation. On the uomeatte tracting stevedores. Papers Order^ ; our present rations? Southwest Pacific areas. ing sfiid returned in the'lriternoon vital an asset as it has ever been. ran from June 14-June 25 with a U. S. Army personnel missing ta after the presentation. \ Free Pickup and Delivery p'^paitinaBt of food supply where attention to the provision in the total of 60 enrolled. the North Pacific. Long range side Such pajnnents are scheduled Sadlers Handle C a rg M Again PAW says: Those pipe­ bombers should eventually be able lines are for the benefit of the action in the Ehiropean area: Red ^WhMHUODable conditions exist, Lewis anti-stnke bill which states to be for "experimental purposes’’ A t one time, yesterday, all load­ To Pull In Belts to bomb important bases in the Only, but ta the international field ing and unloading of ckrgp ceased nation as a whole—they help get Connecticut: stthere are those who know why that industries taken over by the enemy homeland directly along they are unlimited, subject only to when the number of longshoremen oil to the east—and are not meant Bieu, Staff Sergt. Joseph D.— Washington, July 15.—UP> — Cross IMR deceiving Goods conditions^^lsre thus, and who government bscauss of strike sit­ Urges Defining this r o i^ from bases in the Aleu- the amounts of funds CongrM* absenting themselves from their for the benefit of any one section. Clement A. Bleu, father, 29 Hall- tlans./'nie best of those bases, po­ Newspapers were ordered by tbe It doesn't make any 'difference ock. New Haven. Upholstery Co. l;[ iBiow ^ cure. They are extreme- uations Shall be returned to their makes available. jobs rose to 1,2()0. BSfore the long­ Connecticut tentially, is Kiska which 'atone of W ar Production board to pull in whetbiTr there are reserve tanks Katuzney, Staff Sergt. John J. Aloies Penaltv Ordered Jjr yvocal in stating so. They private ownsn within sixty days / Parks Essential Additional duties would be to: shoremen reached their declMon 983 MAIN STREET American Indastrial Building all the islands ta the western'AJeu- inquire that civilian airlines op­ today, soldier labor battalions their belts today on use of news­ at Richmond. Reserves are, to be —Mrs. Rose Katuzney, motoer, 58 om oe, 958 Main St— TeL afifil ’nrwk aaith the conviction and after the revival of normal pro­ tians affords a comparatively erating in the International field training at toe Boston Army base print, order only what they con­ drawn upon to fill needs and gaps Arch street, Meriden. '^technical lingo c f experts in their duction. good harbor. The Japanese have'- ejetend tlieto lines still 'further if were called upon to carry forward sume and keep on hand only a 50- wherever they exist. Wilcox, First Lieut. Lawrence Prodiiptinn — Mnnriyy through*__Boston, July 15.—(JP\— Annoimp- Hartford, July 15—(/P)—Three day supply. R.—Mrs. DoroQijrA“ Wilcox, wife, Bam business. I# h a d been'cynically assumed By A. H. 6. used it as a seaplane and subma­ thb^-general-interests of the United the work "Of handling vital war From New England may come Friday,- - 10-4:30;------•“Thursday evening, tag toe first penalty of its kind in resolutions calling upon the War rine base. StateSx*eemed to beBpromoted. by cargoeii. The" Instructions apply to orders the query; Are we going to have 25 Garden street, Ansonia. 7-9; Center church. - Connecticut, the New England It is, thus, the tg g men who in all quarters that the govern­ U. S. Army personnel missing ta Manpower .commission tp define The Japanese haVe been on such extonMon. th case the exten­ . The stevedores declared to* new issued for August delivery and enough fuel oil next winter? Surgical Dressings—Every Wed­ Regional office o f toe- War Produc- know bast what is wrong with the ment, in this case, would not in­ parks as an essential industry, ask­ Kiska since June, 1942, When, their sion was TOt slf-suppo'rttag, the wage system was tatroduc*d to henceforth. ' To which PAW says: There will action ta the Pacific area: Governor Baldwin, now that thr Connecticut: nesday, 10-4:30, American Legion ttan board today issued a consent agg market, the beef men who terpret this section of the law ing the Office of Defense Transpor- great pincers campaign against commission could make up the dif­ facilitate bookkeeping which bad The 50-day tavento^ Umlt was be no less fuel oil than last win­ Hall. order against the Hoffman Wall­ Hartford atmosphere has been tottan to extend bus travel to rec- the North American mainland end­ Matus, Staff Sergt. Joseph V.— know bast what, la wrong with the very strictly, or hasten to. Judg­ ference to the operators. been altered because of new gov­ fixed for the 25 states north of ter for your use. although there Blood Donors—Register now for paper company of 272 Asylum cleared of the successfully patron­ reatlohal areas and requesting the ed disastrously ta the Battle of ernment withholding tax' rei^a- North Carolina and east of Uie maj’ not be more. But special ad­ Mrs. Nellie^ Matus, .mother, 462 beef markft^ the com men who ment that coal production had Would Investigate Aeddents Stanley strftt. New Britain, August 13, cut blank from paper street. Hartford, for violation of XlinX!: aa.1 Up A to include all sport shoes on Midway. Although their hold on Through a director of air safety tions. Roc^y mountains—an area using justments will be made where hondy ' Juive the'solution for'tha com sit* age hungry General Assemblyi. ijs.. Trostel, Sergt. Harold C.—Mrs. or call Mrs. Huggins, 6645, after the Consumers’ Goods .Inventory come back to normal. It was as­ the unrationed list were passed the Island has been ah obstacle to investigate air accidents and draw about SO per cent of the print needed in the case of very small 11 a. in. Limitation Order L-219. SpMb tto.tr doing slightly better for himself. here by -the New England Park Dorothy-M. Trostel. wife, 44 South H iteh-W **'* .TiatlelB, the fish men. who know sumed that the government, in a final • westward movement of up recommendations to promote paper consumed ta tbp entire na­ homes, and very big homes hous­ ' Nurses’ Aides—New day class • 'Ihe board said the company had We had some relatively unkind AAsociation. Fiikermen Undecided First street, Meriden. irbat is wrong with the fish situ* American forces along the Aleu­ sisfety. tion. In the other 22 statea,.- ing a. large number of-people. will start in September. Register received during March. April and fact, woulo yield' to the Lewis ul­ AU three are to be directed to comment to maim on the political tians chain, they undoubtedly have Provide fgr a permsurtht pro­ current 75-day inventory Umlt will From other sections of tbe east at Red Cross office or with Miss May of this year goods for sale to ation. timatum to the effect that the the Boston, regional offices of those invested in much more than On Strike Action be maintained berause they are maympy come this.lxub. A.reAre our lueifuel sup-'Bup^ ^ ^ aspects of hl^x'me-hSrd adherence gram for training civifiah aviation Boston, July'15-rWl—Many New Sampson, 4554. consumers totalling 878,158.03, When they speak for the bene- present “truce” by which the Federal war\agencles. they^ got out in the way of long personnel that w w fd be available considered more remote from the plies for the home actually corns I IsO V C m O rS ^ ta r t to the “honor system” of enforce­ The gVoup. at Its annual meeting range military' liebefita. England fisherm en'w*'* undecided while allowable receipts of such s roiNva ese eewlee fft of the public, they are aU in miners are back at work would to th* nation ta time of war. sources o f supply. K tag. into our area or where are Service Oi'erseas goods should have cost not more ment of the pleasure driving ban. in Hotel Bond Wednesday, elected today as to whether'they should Beginning Aug. I publishers may they? agreement. Tha situations of dia- endure only providing th* gov­ Bombing Attacks Decline Develop and procure air naviga­ go out on strike ta protest, against The American Red Cross, at the than 841.984.61. But that was only nts first ges­ James F. Cpogan of New Haven Ss Since last fall American forces tion facilities,, by cooperation with not accept deUyeiy of Tgfiat paper T o which PAW says: Fuel oil 'Conference Today [treas now obtaining are all tha ernment continued operation ' of ture aftei being on his'own, and toe new wholesale OPA 'ee.iltag request of toe Army and. toc Navy, As a result the W PB’s consent president to \ succeed Martih F. have had an airbase on Adak is­ the various states. in any one month ta eXicess of one- suppliea for home heating are be­ is providing recreation and welfare 'ksault o f “OPA bungling." the mines. it has been followed by develop­ Noonan of OlJt*' o t- prices or conttap* their work'un­ ing built up in New England now order prohibited the company from I M M i X S S S i land, 212 nautical miles away.,Thls JRe'guIate all bUsinras of trans- toird of their quarterly quota, facilities for our armed forces at receiving goods for its alco^f de­ Titay are also united in the ments which have, for th* first ficers are: 'Vice p'realdent, George der present conditions;. ahead of any other eastern sec- •handy sayfi^ Backing up these assumptions and the more recent Arat'hitka nbrtatlon o f persona and - property SbmeiNew Bedford fishermen re­ topaller newspapers who receive New Londem, July 15.— — many places overseas,, and it might partment from July 12 to Mov. 31, m k stm su Uiiie in thi* administration, been E. Sullivan. Hartford; Secretary. base enabled them to botnb to*' by air,, both ii^ inter-state stad for onl> .a fraction of a^carload *^a xtion becausewause TOiacold gainer weather mishits ■ Governors of five New England Bare. Tha cum, in eachT«axe._U has been the fact th8t Secretary of a character to evoke clear pub­ mained ta port ostensibly repairing be said that they form a chain of 1943, and prohibited the^company //s Edward Dillon, East Hartfbrd, smd Japanese' heavily, the aerial «km- eign commerce and also to intra­ m onto'm ay tacreaae their deli'ver- New England first. The other sec-1 .w . n u-v comfort which extends nearly ail iMfMmitou toir [ Jte let the prices of tha in fllv ld ^ Ickes was apparently organiitag lic praise. treasurer, Henry McNulty, Hol­ and painting thOlr vessels and' in­ tions of the east ydU be provided states will gstosr at Lighthouse from receiving conauihers’ goods paign reaching tts peak. di^lAg the state commerce. les to a fuU carload, however. the way around the world. For in­ ter its window shades department iCBBimodlties rise as high as they for long range operation of toe It was possible, for instance, to yoke, Maas. \ sisting they were not on strike. ter. Inn late today for a conference on Mmksnl, ^ mW relatlvely'"good weather'to April, “■We are on the eve of great Others, psrtictaarly ta eastern H. m ! Bltnir, director of WPB's stance, Red Cross 'workers are now until -Aug. 31,^1^3. can. But it is the “bungling,'' not mines. In fact, he even professed praise the Governor's selections Mr. SuI1ivan« ,assistant director And to take ^tieavy toll of Japa­ things ta aeronautics,” several of PrtaUng and I*tibUahlBg division, - Then this question: Now tost toe problems besetting their part i bringing some measure of Ameri­ of recreation of the local., park de­ Connecticut, laid up their craft ta their cure, which they stress. for tbs Judicial Study Commis­ nese ships supplying the garrison. the authors of the bill said. “The said tbe idea was to-pravent pub­ toe U-boat has been badly kicked of toe United '>J3tates ta this sec- I can atmosphere and 'comfort to to be expecting po operate them sion as being selections not de­ partment, was advanced from sec­ protest against the celling price around ta toe Atlantic, why can’t Tha general public sometimea In recenjt. weeks the bombing, .at­ general idea behind this proposed atul announced they would carty lishers from ordering tapre paper' ond summer ot'the war. J boys in the armed forces in Ice­ 1-2-3 fUngs—gat it? PetarBaUandne’s a tong time. signed to fall in with the General retary; The meeting was attended tacks have,^ecltaed ta frequency, military and oil supplies for Eu­ B l u s L B M w d e measure is to get the industry off their battle for a revision to Con- than they actually require.' ' The only governor absent will land, Great Britain, North Africa. famous trade m aflcbaougbt to Ufa tand to accept their verdict with* The prospect that- this will not, Assembly'e own perpetual instinct by 25 representatives of ns to, 4*' due to bad weather, to a tow point on the right foot in the great post­ rope 4tad Africa start out from greim,. ■' '— . - be Robert O. Blood of New Hamp­ Middle East, In'dia, China. Austra­ MANY NEVER “ hsody" way to ordar rinm out Inquiring just what the OPA after all, be the supine and to evads the must pressing domes­ pactments in 17 cities of thk.^ re­ of only 12 raids reported so far war devetopmenta” gulf porta instead of eastern At­ shire, who is unable to attend be­ lia, and in certain islands of the fiRANAMI^OCc tic reform problem facing Con­ gion. \ ■ At Notwlcb, Congressman John lantic ports?'Wouldn't that free timet 1840. PURTTV, BODY, ''bungllBg has been, without -real* shameful Course of the govern­ tola' monto- B. McWilliams agreed to inter­ Baldwin Praises • cause of toe death of bis daugh­ South Pacific. '' CRACKERS necticut. ^ ^ In the 'circumstances the Navy tank care—now c s ^ ’tag^such oil ter. ' At the end of April, 1943, the to­ SUSPECT CAUSE VOR i tslng that the cure Of higher ment is. now to be sharply revised, cede for Connecticut fishermen Those selections were followed has resorted to the use o f wgr- . to toe east—for taking clvUlan oil The conference starts with a tal number of American Red Cross 09C-POUND lOIC prices is going to come out of on statement of policy volun­ \Ships to maintain the pressure on Yank Fliers with OPA Administrator Prentiss Hartford Gardens ^taPl^es to toe' east and thus by the” Ciovernor’s appointments Fonda D^^ies Brown and said he would discuss dinner and closed session tonight. workers who had been sent over­ the public .pocket. teered by the President himself. to tbe new merit aystem posts t^iska defenses. On July 6 an buildsm> reserves fogter ? Tomorrow morning the governors seas fo r . service to the armed OF BACKACHES Aipartoan task, force shelled the tbe fishing situation at New Lon­ antot^. Fastest Route ' This OM Treatment Oftsm SALfifiB^ OPA bungling, precisely ^de­ The President states that the law created by the Legislature. 'These Down Japs Hartford, July ■ 15^—(W—Up- will bold a public meeting which forces stood at 2,071: Of tola num­ appointments were obviously and FatherxCharge bea'Vily.. On July 9 and don on Friday. Once B^e; PAW chirpa: The Brings Happy RaUef TOASTtD IAWt> fined, consists principally bf the " .Gloucestermeq went about their wards o f a mUUm■ I sndsmd a half dol­ will include a brief, radio broad­ ber, 42 were classified as general MACKEKS-2 U lOK is law, and that It will operate. completely appointments of diS- on the 11th single warships shortest, faattot route to Europe work as usual and there was'^^no lars worth of vegstaibles_ itJbli are being cast. administrative workers, a ^ oth­ prkctica of setting A price at He states that the mines will be hard friends of the principle of bombkrded installations there. ” Over 8 to 1 and Africa is ffbnt east coast taimediate stoppage at Boston. produced in 160,000 beckyard■ and id Food, ffiel, transportation aad ers were classified as camp, hos­ ONE POUND BOX 1 5 « sablch egg, beef^ com , fishf men returbed to their owners, and not clvt' service. • ‘ Los AngtiSs. July 15. (JP)— These W r e the first -shellings of community war gardens in thq< porto, not gulf ports': SpsSd is im­ pital or club workers. ALE Kiska slW e Aug.- 7. when a diver- portant, so is t ^ e . In tog courite post-war employipent problems eoi&ud wMteeati do not feel - like sending their later than slxt.jT days aftqr they, In Ue consideration of the Screen^Acto'r Henry Fonda has de­ (Continued from Page. One) State, with every tiny patch are expected to be toe major top­ . Engaged in camp service, which nied "categorically, through ^-hls sionato bpmbardnient there was of a year shipd leaving from toe is similar to the service rendered dieowiw Nln*ttS?* Extract to. S B wares to ,nriarket. That is. the have regained production efficien­ General Assembly leglBlatlon iruurgent Coal food-producing soil making a d ics, and a dumber of Federal of- stiU coming to his deAi, Gov­ yvtfe and through Naval authori­ coordinated, with the, . offensive ratio stated, it was evidsnt/toat east coast couliOinake more rohn$ to the armed forces Inside toe Uni­ K s d - I M *A ® J 2 i?a " te n a e t * OPA’e. ehormbus crime. It hap* tribution to. the war effort that can flcials will be present to partici­ FLAVORS A . RetPto . cy. He states these intentions ernor Baldwin haa given healthx^ ties where he is stationed, that he stroke into the Solomon-islands in they numbered about 25.),.' Strike Collapge* not be measured in doUsrs and trips to Europe than ahlpa leaving ted States, were ■ a total Of 600 the South Pabifle. from gulf coast ports. pate ta tbe discussions. White to be a' crime, oommltted in o f government policy in full demonstration that ha la ta tha father of a daughter born Se\'«ral Hundred Pl^Ma Left ■' Pittsburgh, July 16— The cents. workera, largely field directors and K t i h a ' i ts'i.v v ti tr ' PAW additionally says through OPA'.Wrector Prentiss M. Brown ^^e name and for the welfam of awareness o f. the Lewis threat ttonlng for himaelf, and wt'aa a three weeks ago to Mrs. Barbara Despite their loapeit, tbe Jap­ insurgent coal strike In'' south­ So learned (Sovernor Baldwin, has bem Invited by Gov. Raymond assistant field directors who are Thompson, 25-year-old brunette anese^ still have several hundred western Pennsyl-vanls ccdlapsed a spokesman; stationed with the troops wherever the avaive. American family. part of General'Asaamhfy deals Mayor O’Connor and other guests E. Baldwiih 4t is not yet certain I arseae; . 1 La that the miners would cease work and intentions. Bfoii notably, divorcee. planes available to r combat in tbe today as a Fedsral grand jury On the east coast how oil stocks they may be. They serve as a link If the prices the OPA had hap* SeUing Co^e of the Hartford War Garden com­ whether he wfti be able to attend Ism roe* Z cnea again if the mines should be re­ The denials wrere In -answer to Solomons arpa and therefore are continued an Investigation to de­ mittee during an inspection tour of . are about 31 per cent of normal, between toe soldier and bis family be has now qotfipiaMy can* normal being the 1640-41 period. ' paned to aet in .these various turned to their owners. He em­ celled the famdos “Waterbary Mrs. Thompson's suit asserting able to mAke a ' strong assault termine who was responsible for four of the 18 community garden at home, advise the men on their PM cO lIvcc 4SEt Fonda ia the-father o f tha girl she Givei^ Stores upon oup-'torces closing in on Mun- continuing the walkout which be­ Tank, cars now in service hauling personal problems, iand otherwise 15 into i;«. fields had been higher prices than phasises the fact - that, if Lewis deal” w hl^ his own state chair­ tracts ta the city last night. oil supplies number 107,660, of wwts (roei rear Qel DeseY PUk. man was given credit for aSr- haa nanied Sharon Fonda and de­ \ . . * da airdrome if they are willing gan June 20. Highway Ford© do' whatever is possible for their P iiM t letter ^L^Tat i V had'yet obtained, the-charge- of Hartford girdenefs and gardens which 80,156 are used iq District should seek to defy the return of rangln'g with the fammia firm. manding that he pay 85,000 medi­ to stand the -heavy cost. Two mass meetings, with Unit­ won the commendation of the visl- comfort and welfare. bungling w (^ d disappear, and (Continned from P » g e ' One) No. 1. the eastern seaboard,; either ths mines, the strike, procedure ,f. Summa and^TohlB In the cal expensea, 810,000 attorney fees, ' Our ground forces are officially ed Mine Workers locals-from the torir from the state and city chitff -..^In toe hospital aerviee overseas i n m g the egg, beef, oom and fish men 82,500 court coats and 82.000 ------\ ■ shuttling supplies back and'fprto To Be Cut Soou provisions of the anti-strike law, closing days of tha aasslon. tan supplies by the program uid reported to be making "satisfac­ dozen mines which had remained executives to experts from the there were, at toe end of April, 458 mm m m *eSf 17* monthly support. there oi b r in ^ g in supplies. would be hailing the OPA as a requiring a-30-day notice Such acta,.And pqUeias are re­ thus ‘^Imlnate the. necetoity.^tor tory progress" towards , Munda idle represented, 'voted unanimous­ University Of Connecticut, Ihelud- Red- J^ oss persiMinel working as Fonda, now a Navy quartermas­ ly yesterday and last night to re­ . Twenty-five pipelines, all ta on! ONM M M . 1S ^ .. tar*aightea, efficient organisation. building thar reputation which was stringent regulations." and.there Is no tadicatlbn.that its tag Prof. Albert E. Wllktheon. Dr. way or another helping the flow medical w cM workers, recreation then a secret ballot, would.be ter third class attached to a de­ garrison has been reinforced: sume -'work today. A ll bqt about A. M. Porter and Prof. J. A. Man- Hartford, July 15.-r(e-r-Be- workers, anif secretaries, as well as It is only Wht-h it wants to-pm* so bul^toittered durlhg th* stroyer, 'phoned his wflf# ytotof- The policy declaratipn'v sta of oil to the east, have been com- 'C staSch 2 enee I I * erative. . ■ ■ . sign^f the General Asaembly it- ' Ini a miniature sea battle off 3,500 of the final 10,000 holdouts ter. who are making a -tour of gar­ cause of cuts ta salary accounts medical field dltoctops and asalat- If vent unlimited wartime profiteer­ day from Seattle. Mrs. Fonda, with the flat statement, “ The pelted ta tbie country stach Ptarl 'The President’s stated policy is, Production board has eatablii Batiina mission on the northeast went back yesterday. • dens in the state, filming results Harbor. ^ ' ordered by the General Assembly ant fleld directora. A new; develop­ JUL Y 16 StilCY’i»S ta rclietor ing that the OPA becomes clear­ the former Frances Brokaw, re­ corner of.Vangunu island^ two of 'T have been called down to :for use in 1944 promotional efforts. ment In North Africa Is tlw iaetid- ; snkklnJ eoe roes M ^te.lg :' then, one of r f o i w t i acceptanhe It would still be too much op­ the fact that, there is an adequi__ At the same time oil production and toe Governor’s Advisory Fi­ ported: , Pittsburgh by th* FBI,” Anthony “It’s a grand eight,” said Gover­ latton of Hospital Visitors, who e;i«.Huw>.»e e a e .Z f^ ly and indisputably the “ bungler.” of the Lewis bhaUenga If it im­ timism to say that all Hartford “Henry told me he didn't know supply of. textiles to meet esspii- our LCTT'a '(landing craft for ta Oiatrict No. 1—New York^ nance -committee, “substantiar, tlal dvlUan' heeds;” To assure tanks) interpeptad si Japanese Congelto, president of toe local at nor Bafdwln as the tour ended at Pennsylvania and West Virginia call on American soldiers tempo­ PCCnCltFCCi eecT* Quite obviously, it is. possible plies mere possible trouble than is now such swcetnsss and UghL the girl and had never mat her. layoffs and retlrementa-win adbn If some deata fah to gat by equitable distribution of those sup- landing craft and sank it with the Isabella mine of tbe Welrton the Woodside circle tract-as night .produce oil ta that area—has fallen rarily, in British or French hoe- for the o pA, in over [zealous er­ Ha denied the charges emphatical­ Steel oompany, told th* h»ass whs' falling. "The ganjen* show be o rd eM in toe Highway de- pitala. This has been found-to be ScepiN ISL.iy would be the wish of Secretary Governor's desk,' othara already ly and said the suit was- rldieu- puea, it aak# retailers to cemfonn heavy machine guna, killing ail 50 oft. In the mid-west there has been i^ ih e n t . Commissioner WtUiam 10 A* M. and 2 P. M* ror, to sat prices whlcn am mally occupants. The' LCrra.'ware al­ meeting at Isabella, near Union- great effort oh the )>art o f th* a much appreciated service. Ickes, who is more concerned have gone by, and others probably loua." to tbs following FuleS: a falling off. J. Cox announced laat night. tw id lic ir t e^ae 2 eems 11* too low for a talr return to the will. If bis high acts era strength­ 1. The use of fear of scarcities ready loaded and cairied only town. “The government means gardeners and a determination to While some of this reduction Alao in North Africa, a recent with mining coal thari with get- business. My own Intentions are contribute their Wt to the war ef­ The Slash ot 886,000 ta the per­ innovation Is the establishment of paopla sending things to markeU ening the merit syatam; that ty § - as an appeal in promotion and sell­ their crews. ■ ^ may be due to operators who— sonnel ' ealariaa account requires LttTcHctSM p Sctotott* tling. the problem, once and for to go back to work.” fort." , , a few Rest H on^, operated by the In such caaea a compromise must tern is becoming something o f a ing eff(Mla Shall be eliminated. seeking price increases and not toe layoffs for the duration, he In th« Kiteh«B o i all, of whether ’Lewis is bigger joke for the state employM who Hitler Sees Drive 2. ReferSnee' to quantltiea in getting them—may have given up Air Force, with a Red Cross di­ HOHNGPOGAN S w a c b a p . S e ^ t t * .. and should be reached. said. rectress and workers. The purpose than his government,' the^' ^ u - are already finding that their Jobs production,' except ta tbe case of production, other facton are man­ "The lay*vff* will be made In UOMT B O G N O V C f |! It is equally obvious ^ t what are being “abolished’' under the bona fide clearance sales, shall be Deaths Follow power and equipmeat. But still of the Rest Hotae is to ghre the ble will be Worth while. We shall As Turning Point accordance with the merit sys­ men in the Air Force, a place these prodUeem want is not sta- "efficiency and economy” urge eliminated; . " another factoi, PAW points out, tem act and service rattage will •OMPLtXION defend out democracy mudi bet­ IN THESi TIMES is natural decreasing productivity where they can be' sent for com­ MUxatlon at a reasonable level temporarily stirrlhg the breaato 3. Promotion featuring “ sale” ‘Jealous’ Row be taken into donBidaration. ter abroad if we know that we o f some Baldwin appotateea. prices shall be limited to bona fide In some flelda. plete relaxation when it is felt they n r k e n ’ t o f profit for themselves', but a Moecow,’ July 15.—>Uey needed some new oampalgii sk>- 4. It was "sug:gested" that ad­ At South Ghurch an hourly basis, alraady required rrinteem aghisCsJi!w kraak rather than persuade ' and “this blow must be of decisive im­ the young woman’s rooming houn the field ef welfare service.- At cans# o f mast tarieniag. De I m l t » 1 P o f the government in sill Its de­ gaa with which to wtn natlmial portance—it must be the turning vertising and sales promotion by ta northwest Washington. Ad'vised by toe cut in funds, are Ming ■agotiau with tha OPA,, they Is- newspaper, radio or other media one petat or another in n ( H I, n ( 1 regular prices; taaUtutionsl adver­ NbvbI Gan Come* B«ek ways the baala wlthoat which man, a lieutenant, had slipped followed. \arwsstharastianwbaabedi Sunday evening at the Bbuto u lm eesey Maaesaey fagm - edtker go on outright strike er,, tising; eehservatlon and care of whoee primaly function le to pro- even the cleverest slogan tai the acroM No Man’a Land recently at Chandler originally cam* h*r* wait aaadad mow abo ndsat- Me?b6dlst chu-rb. The loitel' male vide sleeping end eaUng faeilltiee disin, la heen rWe heluilv A M i k I { f .’ ■ ■ dfsaly proclaim that their goods One phase o f Uw •taiUaii Inva­ world oouIO not ' aocompUsh goods; repain service departments; chorus will be heard in two selec­ Sute^ Food Presorvation Go.;ninino« night to aurrender because he was last year from NaahviUa, Tann. ly ihaa'right aiowl ladH dw Hbnor Students for men on leave, as weU es places aad Jtopm. WbaliM# ymeVa I A R toil' :J|^ find their way into blacx sion is turning back m llita^ his­ much. 'The Oovarnor may not convinced the German offensive naUonal and local war efforts. tions under tbe direction o f Fred to a dassn dags, Io m or 5. Added attenUon shall be .de­ Min Sldley was id,enUnod after sUy, aad n a nriQa,ara asust where men may rekd, write, dance, •MrksU. tory. It is tbs pbass which sees realise it, but probably does against Russia would.ffall and. that E . Werner; Mrs David Bennett play games, etc. At the end of dL theryi ihrivn eniCeee- voted to training, chec)cing and the shooting as the 'daughtor of be sttoog aad asout-hcarsed. will be the accompanist. • If the OPA has committed, a that It was tbe stmo^iliere at Germany would be defeated ta two Mrs. Irene Sldley, for many years • Are Announced April there Were 5fi clubs In Great Allied warships standing, off the poll tics more than nsiisl. dnrtag supervising of sales force to elimi­ V Mbcsa’tsfordtbabordaoof, The principal speaker will be Fsr 4S to six months. a social leader in Chicago srtiaro Britota, 34 ta Australia and 15 ta |||B8l. eUnJkctic bungle, then, it is Sicilian shore and rapjsatedly the ^B48 Session which, reached nate the “scarce” appeal by sales­ Pro*eseor R. B. Hamrick of HUl- At your pel Min Sidlsy made hsa-de5ut in • aaaacasssry illaass. So, if Africa, with 778 workera. its assumption that the patriot: cbm^ig to the aid of o'Ur troo]^ tar beyond the state’s owa people; to end special commlssioDs yer Junior Oollege, Hartford. 'VatlcM Bonora Aatoneneu 1928. She alopod In 18U With jM ’n a Mt aadar par, s n Honor Ptudenta at the Manohes-. This total number included 87 e f AmarichBb. whether thky borders and dimnuMi the early for multiple sales; and to learn Dr Hamrick ia a gtoduaU of ter Trada School for the month* ^ t h thair, heavy 'guns. and tell ouatomera methods of con- diarlu Ingram Barnard m , but yout physlrianrightnowsod aubmobUe woricera. whose job It I rCUK IU441 in fish, oom, ggaat or eggs, ascent his national star. '*Vst Virginia Wealeyan, Garrett of May nd June were announced Is to drive , toe buses, knows aa Thsaa warahipa atandtag thara LoadonT July 15—(Al—The Ber­ Mrvtag and taltoig ears of mer- tbM vrara subaaqqant^ dlvovead. . )st n 5U Ms ptascripdoai ”ca' Institute and Yale Uni­ HI MMII UU 'niara was no immikllata anlae today by John Q. Bchmaliak ClubmobUoA on regular routes to 1 1 parauafi* them to accept art within ,SMy range o f enemy., lin radio reponod today that the chandlae sold- ty and a minister o l toe school (Urector. “great croe» of-the Order of Tba deelaratioti vtoa made effee- natiOB availabls orgy M in Sldlagr remote eaam and miUtary instal­ M M I w m l U t r WBftlBM prtnel^a and need of bombers. thodiat dewmiinatteB. They are: Carpentry, R. King: ls tions. A (Aubmebile le ueuqlly nua XU” had been bestowed iwm tfre taunadlatety, sBcept only tor had baan ororhlnc bara aa a The Beethoven Glee Club will aC p ^ t and would in- It is a fair eseumptton that stenographaf. . drafttag, N. Chmielewakl; elec­ equipped with a coffee urii and ’ SPONSORED BY MANCHESTER New London, July 15-^(Jn—Miss J ^ m ier Mihail Antoneacu o f Itu- such sales or promotlona as bad WELDON DRUG CO. save a rehearsal gundap evening trical, R. Arendt. M. Lembert. W. taksaa.tip play baU with the most militory and naval conuneBr Mabel Greene, 65, was found dead Mania on his tocent visit to VaU- been previously scheduled. ’The lat­ '".I ' .1.. doughnut machine, phonograph, Priieeriptloo Phasmaeleta - v St six o’clock' at the South .Meth- Laws, C. Huitgren; machine. R. movies, athletic .equipment, )>ookii • f alabtilsatlon toward the tatera if thsy bad bsen trying to ta her kitchOn late yesterday. M*d- can City. Th6 broadcast; retorded ter musa be comoleted before Aug. idiiii vhiin-h, and every menibei- FOOD PRESERVATION COMMITTEE The United Statea Poatofflce bad g ot M-AlIS STREET TiajSPHONK M81 . Haugh, L. Kaselauskas. F. Kirka. and ms'gaxtnes, all aervicea free of At prisee auhjeto to J |l a f falneaa for aU. BUt it is describe this campaign in ad- teal Ehcaminer 'Charles Kaufman by The Associated Press, described 1, WPB said; ahd must be restrict­ is urged to be preeent at toal •G. Meneggia, J. Smoluk, W. Su- . / ■ ' ^ . ■ - ■ T- - - ■ - I . the order aA '.'the highest decora- a revenue of about 82S,()0<) in 17S9, charge. cluagM. We veto tvs toe ||l| Itkelf which etfainds said, her death was a suicide by ed to mercliandlae ta stock or on (Ime. I kooky, M. SweU. vaiioe. wouM have SMuaied that ess aanhvxiaUon. Uon” of toe VaUcan. . order prior to todav >, while ill 1929 it ^ c e ^ e d 8T00^« . In addition to these more than limit auawtftlaa. )


In Australia Briti«ili Rejpulse Tim ely Romahtic Drama at Circle Ask for Meal F S h ortage •d D ebates AJoituary Today ’» Radio WNBC—I (rerniDn Tanks 1 ^titer Problem For This Are^ Is Ke^jmig Up 1 Eastern Wat nme ■ ■( .I>s^ (Continued from Page One) D r a t h s 4.00—w n c — Backstage W lfs;t WDRC—Mr; Reen; 'WTHT — ■ I. . ■ WDRC—Home Front Reporter; Music. / Governorg from New FX No Relief Seen in''SW e; domination since Monday evening, News; WNBC Blue Frolics. 8 00—W n q r ‘-Bltnd D ate; W M IC .Discussidn by was Isolated .temporarily.--'1)y the 4:15 — w n c — Stella Dsllas; England to Take Up Little Meat, —GharlsS Rugglaa, Mary Astor; R oars Elmer?-^He's Bopk Officials on Ade- furlotia enemy thrusL/but the Jos >h Benson^ WNB(__ Charlie Splvak. WTHT—News: Music; WNBC British oounter-altdcked and Subject at Parley. P o u l t r y . 4;30—w n c — Lorenso : Jones; —News. ' Action Promised Ifi^jairte fire Protection, drove on to Bruc WDRC—Perry Como; WNBC— 8:l5—WNBC—Lum and Abner. •efiantly at Today's Comrorihlque from Gen. Hartford, July 15—(AP—Gover­ T. D ead Vaughn Monroe. 8:30—w n c —W ings of [« water aituatlon In the South Dwight D. KipCnhower's headquar­ nor Raymond E. Baldwin today an­ Hartford, July 16.—:(d^-^lmme- L45— w n c — Young Wldder dimte prospec^ts of relief from cur. WDRC—Death VaUejt^-IDays: iter Fire DUtrict wae dis- ters said the British gained "some nounced- his intention ' of calling WDRC—Ad Liner. News; WTHT— BtuSho Gam- Latest Trade mileii” ye.«)terdfty- and th a t Augus­ upon New England's other chief rent- food ehoitagcp were no bet­ 6;00::i.WTlC — When A GlrlTdar- As Rival Leagues Glas] laat night at a meeting of 'mell; Oeatles toEi^^Alr; WNBC ta wte-'how firmly In Al'*c,d hands. executvies with whom he mtets in Passes Away This Morn* ter today as wholesalers and re­ ries; m^ R C —News; Ad Liner; oommiaaionerk of the South tailers alike confirmed reports of —America’s.Tflwn Meptlng. ir Fire District, the Are Military sources said the battle sTcgion coriference at New Lbhr ihg After |w6iig Illness; 9:00—W nC:^Kraft Music Hall; Rickey Sends Star repreaentatlvea of the water at Augusta hegan^ at dawn when OGm, later-in the day, to take steps diminishing supplies of meat, 5:15—W ncX^PorUa Faces Ufa; to bring more-meat into New Eng­ eggs, butter, fish and poultry. • WTHT—M urt^ liTNBC-^ck Major Bowes; WTHT East Hartford ot the town, George H. Wad- the;German tanks’ hit, the British Funeral on Sa abriel Hsatter. West to Browns and Frederlclt Parker, auper- line and broke through tempprar- land. Inquiry .among leading etfures ii) / Tracy. .Pick ,of Tha^/Leagi&e, In a. letter to Harold Senior of Hartford, West Hartfoi;;! and East 8:80—w n c — JustXjnaln Bill; 5—WTHT—Uncle Sam. Two- Southpaws The Standings ily. But Montgn,mery Immedi­ .jndent of the water department. Joseph ' C, Benson, of 61 Hartford revealed teat butter is WDRC—W ar Gommi 9:30—w n c — Rudy Vallee; Oommiaslonera Robert J. Smith, ately reformed his' lines and by Waterbufy, oiganizer for the Con­ bridg; street, died early this, mi Umiiires Jlonate necticut Indiltitrial Union Council, practically unobtainable today. Blcal Interlude; M emory>Lane; WDRC—Stage Door .Canteen; Bobo Will Not Goj^ Ion Haaaett and Harry noon not only had knocked the '* iM at hlB horns following a I "We’ll have a little this week-end, WNBC—Jack Armetrong'. X WTHT—Harmony Hall; WNBC Tills CjHfnc Also; Need ..'Idge were present. SelMtman Germans back but had taken Bru- an affiliate pfHhe CIO, the gover^ ^;lltne8S. Mr. Bensoh was-a painter Vesterday’e Results !4tandlngs nor declared the present OPiL: hope” was ‘the* ccmcensue V 8:45—w no - Fnmt^Eage FaK , —Spotlight Bands; Sporta. ,»ld Chambers, Harold Reed and coli and Melilll, six miles )o the ^^nd decorator, and had been a By Judaoa Bailay E astern Eastern . Pleiuy' A^d^^to Carry regulations in regard to meat were retailers, who said they ' V rell; WDRC—jCedp the Home 10:00— w n c --- Durtmta-Moore- A. P. Sports Writer Hartford 2*8, Wilkea-Barro 1-8. lid Symington were the repre- southwest, as well. resident of Manchester 'for the ^ F ife s Burning; VFTHT—Super- “ iga^ WDRC—The First Uns; W "falling miserably.”\ / plan to ration It out In half or . Fireworks sUU ars poppihg Binghamton 3, Albany 2 (2nd C>n Purpose of Fund. itatives of the water depart- Shift Biilk 'of Forres “The. full faith and ctedU/^ our past 45 years. ^ ar^ r pouno pieces to streten m: WNpC—AreWe Andrews. — Raymond dapperl; Scranton. ... This concerted assault by ene­ Besides his wife, who before her Among tee BrcMklyn Dodgers and goverhmditL,” he wrote, ^wbuld be tee supply out as far as possible. Evening Rkj’mond Oram Sinng. (postpon* Wilkes-Barre PvThe meeting was called to check my forces In which the ergek Gerr in back of dur^^ratloning stamps marriage was Miss Margkrst Ful­ ' Beef, Hamb and veal are hard 10:16—Wi'HT —: Concert Hour; that loud noise you heard last I Elmira .... By Jack Dwyer what has been done ; by the Miss Mkrcella D. Kelly man armored Hermann Ooerlng ton, he leaves one son, Sherymod -w nc — News; WDRC — Herald Sports Editor as it is In back''of„;6jur moh to get, rollers said, confirming 'News; Oeoiwe Armstsed; WTHT WNBC—^TIkB s Announced. night was Louis Norman (Bobo) /ties (poatponed). I Binghamton ,ter department in the way of division took part Indicated that guarantee that wS^an.get Benson, and one daughter Mrs. the o^iinion qf wholesalers and the 10:30—w n c -EieUo: WDRC — Albany ... Back some six years ago, whan I Miss Marcella D. Kelly, Ameri­ Chester A. Brunner; also, onV —News; WNBC—^Nswe; Henry Newsom exploding as bs diaGonal ihing water for fire purposes; the Italian and German com­ share of whatever is Available ^Office of' Price Administration ■ as , Treasury Star Parade; WNBC H artford things were not so bright, le survey made four years ago can Red Cross staff assistant, manders had shifted the bulk of PhylHs Calvert ^and Robert Donat in a scene from the tlme- sgrandson, Sherwood Benson, Jr.; Taylor. bounced out ot the Brooklyn base­ >N, (N^Ngamer finaa* best plcturt of the "The Y oung Mr. Pitt.” '.starting Friday "I have yoi^'lletter of July 13,” reported ve'iteniay .8:15—w nc — Hiatory in the —^Klng Slatars. I Springfield cially as they are now, the Man* gone over. It vas shown- that whose -safe arriyal in Australia their forces from positions .con­ Sye sisters, Mc^. William Gardner, ball parlor. Anser U tica ...... was announced today. Is a daugh­ St the Circle theater, in the same show, "Dr..Renault’s Secret,” the govemor^wrote.ate. "In which the Dropping Egg Keceiptf “ Headlines; WDRC — 'Trsaaury 10:45—WDRC—Eyes OfNtes Air the town took over the de- fronting the Americans In orderr Connecticut' Ihdustrial Union o(.I^olyoke; M^S^^mrgpret Cran- Egg diatributo^^redlctM teat Forces; WNBC—News. “ (No games Chester 'rwlllght League adopted ter of Mrs, Joseph KcUy,-30 Hem­ with J. Carrol Nalah anc Lynn Roberts. stoh.-'lln. Samuel Smite, and Mrs. Paiade; WTHT — Sports; The lateet repercussions from a plan wherciby players, who might j t 10 years ago 13 1-2 miles block the British path up the east Council--iska that something be teeir recelpta wbukKdfop to new^ Music, WNBC—Sports; News 11:00—w n c —News; WDh^*;^ ths Dodgsrs’ family feud were . a pipe line .lave been laid. A-h lock street, Manchester, She, was coast. ' Suaan Keish, all of Hartford; and Today’s Games , be- injured dur(ng the course of;l graduated ifrom Manchester High dons-shout increasing supplies of lows as a resulLofan OPA roR 8:30—WflC ^ Strictly ^ rts: News; Sporta: News: WTHT—> .ftatement by Branch Rickey, pres- .'48 ■ led for fire purposes, The Goerlng outfit previously meat' for food for war prc^uction Mrs. Mlnhte-Smith, of tntsrtown, back which x;enerally\ cut tno News; WNBC —Uncle Sam .47 the season. coUIOvcxpgct some ai(Ll school and the Teachers College emy wlthdrawsis. Obserters inter­ fenders from the rear. This column also, two broteers, James “and W DRC^ewe; WNBC—Newg. it ot tee club, teat he would E astern The league'offtciStg setup a plM f rp to tbfw ' years ago, a house had received a bdd mauling at workers in Connecticut. wholesaip.pflct of ungraded-^gs 8 j45—W nCN- LowsU Thomas; Speaks. suppe^ Managor Lee Durocher to Wilkes-Barre a t Hartford (7:OOV .38 lUid be bbUt In on. part of the of Connecticut. V'ory' the past 'the hands of the Atnericans. preted this as ah indication thW' hit a German unit at NIscemi, only / ”1 agree with you that the au­ Alexander, botti living in Scotian to aid these player! and It mat ^ th I the Axis might be in the first .a few miles from Cialtaglrone. q^iit.flve cents a uozen. Alteough . WDRC — *1110 World Today; 11:15—W n o —Harkness of Wash­ the Uinlt and an announcenient Scranton at Springfield. .30 and another in /'another, four years .she has been a mem­ Consetjiiehtly, heavier oppositton thorities, who are charged with and several nephews ahd.,nieces. tnsxmll-Dack will not be ceOected .34 instant rea^nse fronVx the oska-'| ber of the, faculty at the Barnard stages ot a determined counter­ \The Americans, meeting m^e Newt;. WNBC-i'Henry King. ington: WDRC—Joan Brooka; that |fewe<)m, the cause eelebre oL Binghamton at Albany. ball public here. As a result e was no. great demand for is expected along the route of the providing for the production and Mr. Benson waA\a member of e^amner prices, dmributf^rS Elmira at Utica. ..32 school. ^ ' attack. rwKstance than.. the British,/lUso Mary’s Episcopal church; Mi T:0(t-w nc — FridoWaring in w n rr—Music; WNBC— The last" week’^-nbellion, had been , eighteen players have been abla-j •er pipes, butH he' work had Eighth. Army, and the latest d«T distribution of meat,. have han­ and tar^ chain sto r^ who for-* Pleaaure Time; WDRC—I Love Music You Want. traded to tee eR,.^Lou1s Brqwfis for .33 m started and wahscarried along For the first time, report# from werVtaking more prisoners,'8,000 heater Lodge, No, 73,N l F^_>8r^A. American 'ore set assistantmce. velopmepts indicated that the Axis dled the problem in such a way merly bought crate^ eggs and ,, A Myetery; WTHT — Fulton 11:80—w n c —Music at War; a pair of sintiquaM .aouthpaws, .30 iLtw It Works ito most of the neW developments. commanders have firmly decided to the fighting areas spoke of the of thr^l 2,000 total falllng-'io them that the , hortage of meat not only M.: Royal Black Preceptmy; 'I^li Detroit at Chicago (night). presence of German 60-ton Tiger graded and assorteo/them will not - Lewis Jr.; WNBC—Those Good WDRC—Eileen Farrell and Fritz Ostermuelier *nd Archie Me American I The plan, briefly, is this: Afiyl Middle Turnpike I^len i pommlt their'main forces In battle In their\pu8h intended north- is a great lnConveni>-ncc to the Cedars; Washington lij^gi^. L. O. receive teem .since producers are (Cleveland a t St. Louis. tanks. Some of these were said to Old Days. Concert Orcheetfa: WTHT- Kaln. Boston at Washington (night). \ w L Pet. , player who.is injured during tM 'l There is a part of the\^^So»ith Says Sold to hold the British and Canadians \vestwara\aiong th^Coast toward people of Connecticut but a definite L.; and the Manchester Roa-Nand expected to do ^ is work them-, Newaom, ne^er a t Ihee for New York ...... >v43 .10 have teien captured both north of Agrlgento. '■ Gun Club. , T:15—w n c —News; WDRC— Soute American Serenada; (Only games scheduled). . .589 [season may apply, through hia club f Chester Pite District that -la below Catania. 35 miles - up the / hazard to health and strength of selvee , am' selK to smaller stores' Harry James; WTHT—Musical WNBC—Jan Savltt’s Orchea. words,, raafed m defiance: “ D etroit ...... ^ 34 Augusta and in the Gela area, every worker. Funeralaefvices will be held, National ,528Jmanager or representatlvA for rat;! lieu by^ the privately owhj^ed coast from Augusta. for an alloWd higher price, in­ G s m s .^ '. tra; News. I (tomt want to play In Washington . !!!4 o .519 ! lief through the insurance fimd, 1 __dMStpr Water Company. O Above Ceiling (The Algiers radio, in a broad­ “The short-sighted regulations Saturday^temoon a t'2:30^o'clock, d u stry rtpm th indicated. Ctelcago a t CHnctnnatl (night). Chicago .. 'Italians More Determined cast heard by The Associated Y;30—W ire — What Do ' You 12:00—W nci—News; Three Suns [a. I won’t play in St. Loulk' .....3.5 36 \ .403 I The m atter is put up to the other these 'sections m on the south Bpfly k^oiind on price policies of the OPA have at Watkins Funeral ' Home. The ro^back, which, went Into and I’m not going to report. New York at Philadelphia SL' Louis Italian divisions, too, were re­ Press, said the Eighth Army had v. James S. Nelli, rgefor of St. Know?:. WDRC—Easy Acts: Trio; WDRC—News; WTHT— ,.35 37 ">486 i managers in the league and teera 1 ' I# of Middle turnpike, west. The ported making a more determined produced less instead of rriore effect Monday, is alr^dy reflected (night). Cleveland . .35 38 .4t9.X ote ia final. split Into two prongs, one continu­ meat. The breakdown In the Mary’s^ Episcopal qhtirch, will of­ WTHT — Concert Album; News. Newsom Sore iw houses built in the section to mlesale piitcher A»l- show of resistance. //negicle Tracks in te^acarcity of><^eggs in chain 12 80—w n c —The Or. It is requested teat wl^had not, dMlt directly with T:45—W n c — Dick Haymes; Gerblnl.) friends refrain, from sending all tee way through this thing. 1 pre.sehto tec case to the othrtf [ lUgh a four inch msdn. gllder-bome troops had carried .r-^iillmantlc, July 15—(AB—The government must act^wiftly and prM ucers. managers. The league officialc BrokK^OPA Rulings. An official announcement said; d)ody of an unidentified man wks decisively to end,^"'" flowers... guess I'll have to quit ahd I. -will W ith the s ta rt of building 70 oil* what the communique called ‘ Batter Distribution quit before repoitfng to St. Louis have nothlhg. to say about thkl ] in 'this section, the oommls- the American Seventh Army, ope found today beside the New Haven “ It,Is my hope'that we shall have Friend# may call at the fune; Civilian allocation of butter is successful operations, and It was column of which was advanpihg I heard about this only yesterday fund except teqt the treasurer Mt.j loneri decided to act. : Hartford. Jbiy Kurt disclosed that units of the French railroad tracks under the CJolum- at the New'angland governors’ home, Friday afternoon and about 30 per cent of normal, said ^Electronics^^^ H Place Browns Hail Georgia Aee, inland from the southwestern bia overhead bridge. ning. afternoon and I offered to huy my the league place^Xh^ money la tha:' It was learned last night that Leopold; wholesaler, today admit- .A.rmy which are now operating in conference in New London tonight Ohe distributor, who predicted that release.from the Brooklyn club, bank and keeps acepunt of w hat' Md'On the secondary’s crosa-e*- shore of^icily toward the.Catapia' The body waS discovered by or tethorrow the administration Of ^ water for domestic purposes is tbs Battle zone are rtoiims, the plain, had captured at (Cast eight tee situation' will get worse. Pro­ but was refused.” ' Newsom Deal has been spent. a be fui-hhriiod by the Manchester atnination in the F^eral court terror-inspiring pig-tailed warrior.s John J. Griffin of Manchester, a e Office of Price Administra­ Mrs. Edward D. L^m duction is tee same, he said,, but In the Elnglish Language Sinkwich Is Benefit T(«le» 1 A > \ .cnemv airdromes. track inspector ,pnd authoritl tion. the Hon. Prentiss Brown. Whether or pot tee boisterous fater Conipdny, A study is being trial charging him wlth>QPA meat who fought sd effectively along the Mrs. Minnie A. Lyrich^idow of tee government is buying huge \ .. I, Bobo goes through with his threat The game' this evemngemng he vtolations that the price ceiling In­ Mediterranean coast In Tunisia. ('apture. 12,000."Prisoners theorized that the man had,xb^en "Both Governor Saltoriatall. the Edward D, Lynch, of 235 Vernon quantities for the armed forces aade oi the situation for the fire Tn the groat .surge outward from struck by a passenger train. remains to be seen. Changing uni­ C O / ^ B S tf/e picked team from tee . rotectioh and it is Hkely that it volved tn a delivery of b e^ to a The Germans are believed to j chairman of the conference, and I street, died at tee GteUn '’Conva­ and lend-Ie'ase. Much of the butter New York. July 15.—(85—F r6m<* Music by (Johnny) Warrington, Sewell Likes Chances Marine Boot league and-the stars Jtrom tee i Hartford customer, Decemb^ 18 TOnsIdcrahVe 1 bridgohonViS"the Allied Armies Papers found on tjie^man bore myself have urged him to come with Marion Masot. and ' Jack forms Is ho novelty to him for' U / / 7 > / >C T 6W 6P,«fid the in- Ts Held Toilav I other supplies in which there is a [ grandchildren, dicted teat tee meat ehettage soon was an instrument for tee teen Jll.; 9—Bing Crosby; 9:80—Joan came here twice and were beatoK > Of the 48 star personalities ap- ership p t the beef delivered, LeO'^ ,'nd city of GerbijM/'^ W ashington tw ice eaifii. Hill the pennant. A tlanta, July 15—(85— Flat- •ariBg in Sol Lester’s "Stsge the coast. ' 'I scarcity, because tee whole idea is funeral will be held a t the may be relieved by a sharp upturn wireless, with later adaption for Davis Show; lO -Garry iioore and Good Record In '48 ''■ “I believe Newsom will be a big once and tied tee Second time. ’Tha pold claiming that he was a party - J An NBC corrte^ndeprt, In a The elite NasTTlernian Goerinc; . P. Hoiloran Funeral Home, 175 ill livestock m arketing. amplifying and other purposes in Jimmy Durante; 10:45—Dillon S. foot Frankie Sinkwich,- the foot­ first game was between pUM^. ,Joer^anteen," now on the screen llvislon ha^dhg In on the.se plains, Dover-Foxcroft. M".. July 1 5 - . Newsom, if he reports, should «• ^ heiVto winning It,” Manager Luke ball fireball, becomes a Marine S U te theater through ll.nit< to a special arrangement to relieve radio report from a'Bj;itiah eniiser Center street, SattAday morning, Some poultry men were of the telephonic communication. Since Meyer on“ Pe1ocatlng Japanese bases on balls. Mertens 2, Hennes­ team s fretm tee Twi (dreuit. the shortage last winter whereby t was'by As.so-iated (/T,-Simple, private funeral scrv- : Americans." help the Browns. He won 20 games I T w o B ilJ In n in ff* SD O il Sewell stqutly avers. "Our hitting "boot" t(¥lay, but Frankie still ad. Artists release, 16 are current- off easLerp Sicily, saM, the British i,es were held here today for Sir,; *'^ " »V at 8:30. and at St. Bridget’s church opinion that the scarcity of feed- teen, .along with its Improvemrtit, forfnr themthtem inIti both IQ^fi1938 andanH 1 1939 0 9 0 ^ ■ sey 3, Turner 1; strike-outs. Tur­ is getting better. With a fine Better Be Good his retailer customers bought live had captui>d, bqth Lbpinti and I’iess“ Coi re.spohdent. Paul Kern at 9 o'clock. Burial will be In St. would result in a greater number tee fame of the radio tube has .CBS, 8-- Mary Astor and others; thinks tee gridiron la his deatmy Art Pqngratz will have a atob- fer plasrlng in Broadway stage hits. in a lii.spntch yesterday from Hftrry Oakes, fabulously wealthy ! ” and in 1040 he won 21 and ln.st Evening for/ Keolsch ner 1, Mertens 3, Hennessey 1: pitcher ItkV^Bqbo in there, we and he’s l(X)king forw ard to a lu­ To taclude these stars in , his plc- cat,tle out of the st,ate and had nearby Carlentthi. _____ eng^inceo' who was. blud-1 it ts, failing miserably, npw in BrUlget's cemetery. The funeral of birds on the market soon. The spread. . > . 8:30—Death Valley Days; 9-: only 5 in leading Detrdit to the hits, off M ertens 12 for 11 runs in should climb fast." himch of players .to pick from to'# : them.brought to Leopold's slaugh­ '(Another bptnbarUrnent of Ca "aboard a Bmlsh chiiser in-.Sat- home will be open, from 7 o’clock situation Is recognized by the Con­ It does such tasks as counting, Major Bo-is’es .Amateurs; 9:30— , A t t h e (Lv^l; Becker crative professional career at tee night and he reallzee that tea la*' tnrs lAsser moved hla company iinta bay." geoned to death in his Nassau, Ba- ^ meat, American Leagjie pennant. 6 1-3 innings; Sexon 4 for 2 runs Bulky Bobo-veas traded by tee w ar’s end. dad erew Eaat for a month’s shoot- terer Ih Connecticut. The govern­ nla from the sea, after ap ptrfiier hamas, home la'st week. "The full faith and cre^t of our this evening to the time of the fu­ necticut Poultry Assbcistlon which detecting telnga other than radio, Stage Door Canteen;_ 10—First His pitching this year has been in 2-3'inning; hit by pitche'r. Brooklyn Dodgers to tee Browns cal had better be good tf ttaegrvraaB ment -In lAarglng ml.sgradlng .al­ shelling the previous dawft;--^,wns Lee reported British warships neral.' • , is making plans for culling out in­ and seeing in television. It is the Line; 10;30—Roundtable, ‘The L e a d s Hit BGrrage. The backfield ace, who galloped to down tee fast team tbit wfli were Shelling the vi!la.ges of Lcn- In a small, flower embanked fun- : government ahotjkJ b e ^ back of the most consistent of .any of the Grehne by Mertens; balk,. Mer- yesterday in return for relief leges that he. actuallv billed hl.s carrled-tiut last nlghU-he^^said, Sod ferior layers from flocks in order heart of the important war device, Neglected Weapon." tens; wdld pitches. Mertens; pasa- and passed his way to All-Ameri­ represent the Eaat Hartford eto* ^Icatharine Cornell, who makes ,ini snd Carletini on* the road to' oral parlor, Rev. Gordon Chilaon 1 rationing stamp^as it la In Dodger hurlers and hiiTx present pitchers. Fr*d Ostermuelier and ca lame with Wallace Butts’ Uni­ her Kceen debut in ’’Stage Door i own dressed beef as live cattle to I an Ijtklian arm orgd-^train wAich Reardon, a friend of the 68-ycar- | back of .our money^fo- guarantee Louis LentI „/'.- to kee'p only tee most efficient radar, and has many other accom­ BLU, 7- Godd pid Days: 7;30— record of nine victories arid four Pagahl's baseball team took pd halla. Hedlund; winning pitch- Archie- Mckaln. He brlhga with cult. , . evade the celling, which applied to pushed 80ulh>.''W Catania, was Catania. . A core of Axis resist­ producers in view -of the growing versity of Georgia Bulldogs, takes The local stars win Joqmaff %b. teeA” ahd Judith. Anderson ance Ttss developed around these old baronet, conducted tee services | that we can get jit fair share of Louis Lent!, . of 178 Parker plishments to its credit, with more The New Eye; 8:30—Town Meet- defeats is one of the best in the step number one last night la ft* . ” *"”*“**y; losing pitcher, him an Impressive record of pine tn "tlires Sisters”; cuts blit not to cattle on the hoof. forced to Artfndri^ by -Kaval' ar­ feed scarcity. ^ excected to come. 1 .g from Santo Barbara. Calif.. Mertens; on Marine discipline at Parris Is­ East Hartford next Weak aa ■Starring villages, Lee. said, but added that, with m.cmbprs of Sir Hairy a fam­ whatever ia-availdble. Street, died at tee Manche.ctcr Me­ National league. Alteough ,the quest of nine straight victories. iimpiree, Mileski - and victories and four losses agafhst land, S. C., 15 pounds over "play­ Bankhead in ’’Skin of The invoices describe' deliveries as., tillery. / ily and only a few close friends "We cannot laise enough meat morial hospital this morning after Fresh vegetables . (xintlnued Because of its spreading field, a "Japanese Exclusion from . West Dodgers need southpaws, Ostep- Kotsch a combined record of one win and turn tee compUm'eat for tea R alph Bellamy in live cattle. '' (‘^ ' was e?i^cteid that Allied new forces of parachute and.glider abundant on all markets and no Jeff Keolsch's Hill Billies were vic­ ing weight.” fit of teat league. Bote gsma* ‘ present. in Connccticut/to supply our needs, short illness. Bom in Italy he better descriptive word was Coast"; 9:30—Vine?nt Lopez Bapd; mueller and McKain, bote vet«r- tims of Three Star’ Hehnessey’.i three setbacks registered for St. the world”; Ray Bol- ^•pid 3mu ever sell and deliVAr_ teobps would’' be hammering the i troops landed north c>f both towns shortages are anticipated. Pota­ 10:30- -Wings 'To Victory. T wqnt to do my . part to get be for aeven Inntnga only. Tbm m gates of Catania during the night i Tuesday night and- a ' ’cleanup of- Sir H a n d ’s bod.v Was brought but as Govegnor I am going to see came to this country 47 years ago^ sought. . Thus came into being . , ans'now relegated to relief ^oles, nice pitching at the Oval and the Louis by the Dodgers' new prop­ Muplter”; Lynn Font- one head of live cattle to Lephar^' back last night to this town where and has resided here for the past toes, too, are plentiful. "electronics” as meaning the MBS. 7:15—’Johnson Family: 8 \ cannot be expected to mateh New- erties. ; this wfur over," declared tee will be plenty of a^co and i__ (Bethold Lenhardt. a butcher).<'W if not actually entering the city, the entire area Is expcctea- short­ to it that ^erything Is done which Rockville team meandered back to of tee best plajmreto this aedr ( Jfted Lunt In ”The Pl- he spent his- childhood. an be done here in Connecticut to ten years. He farmed extensively science of anything applied to tee This Is Our Enemy; 0:30—H ar-r som'.s work. .. F red B lish Sewell . said Don Bamps, presi­ shock-haired Sinkwich. “But Helen Ha>e8 in "Harriet”; any other 'retall dealer IhAW^ dls- he said. His report was dated ly.” tee quiet solitude of the hills won­ football, 1# my first love; I want tee woods wifi : tiike p a rt l^ e ’s dl.spatch said Axis air In- .. A fter tee ,«erv1Ces. thq bod.v.ACaa get enmgl >pirat to assuage our and also conducted a tavern on electrons generated by the, vacuum mony Hall: 11:30 South Ameri- But Rickey felt , that either dering what caused two explosions dent, and William O. DeWltf, vice A lins MacMahon in "Ehre of St. trict?" he . Wap asked. Xchpold re Wednesday evening, takeij^ to the, town- vault m the can Serenade. president and general;' manager, to play as long os I’m. any goexl.” the contest. “ ' plied "No." \ ^ (The Allied bombardment sent tcrference has been noticeably less workers In factories and on farms East Middle Turnpike. He is sur­ tube and its' attendant apparatus. Durocher or Newiierm would have which re.sulted tn a 18-2 shellack­ lUifc”: George Je8sel x.ln ’’Show cemefe'iy. where the-bodies of his and/our children tee nourishment vived by his wife, Mary (Caccia- It apparently has won over to go as the result of tee Insurrec­ •es negotiated the trade in. the east Frankie recently was tapped by With referen^'to the special up a solid wall of flanie and smoke bothersome in the *paat two days Stafford Snrings ing. Mertens. School boy pitcher, the Detroit Lions bf the National Thne"; Gypsy Rose Lte^ln “Star although it still brings forth an parents have lain for.^-^ears. ’’ and nutriment ’.telth they must bue) Lentl, (me. daughter, Mrs. Jo-' "Radionics” as urgeiLby one group. What to expect Friday: NBC, 1 tion of the pidj'ers last Saturday, went along fine until tee first up­ with his full approval. and Garter"; Ethel Merman In 'propositloi^xto relieve the short­ along 20 miles of the isicilian Coast, John O. Netto p. m.—U. S. Marine Band; 3:15- - when Jhey,"t«volted because New­ ^ Sewell expects no trouble from | football league, but he signed age, Mr. .Bmler asked; “Will you he added, ano four and six-inch ear-splitting barrage- from. anti­ have to carry on.” seph Gotta, of Hartford, one sOn. Meanwhile In t ^ new-word heaval struck jn the fifth. *Vonethlng for the Boys”; and Paul of M anchester: five- brothera 47*. Stafford hunt, no one yet seem* . to have Ma Perkins; 6:30—Nan Merriman, som had\been suspended for what Newsom, whose suspension caused with the. Marines .as a raserve Orval Grdve Arisen Whelan and Arleae Francis explajjrliQW this system succeeded- guns were wrenched from .teeir aircraft gpina on frequent occa­ Senior WTote: "The shortage of •Ln fact Mertens was working on. Country Club Prexy Is last fall before hq went mto Wa sions. meat supplies in this state is caue- Frank of Glastonbury, Andrew of devised anything better teJto tele­ Songs. CBS, 9;45 a. ra.—Landt the manager later- termed. "Gcner- the 'Dodgers’ rebellion against iB "Doughglrls.” inJifmging in any more b^f than shore emplacements.) a gift from Hennessey's mates who ManageK.Lco Duf()Cher la8t Satur­ final Bulldog season. Spatters ashore pick targets for | Jfig a aituatipn that threatens to Tacoma. Wash., John of Manches­ Stafford school children will he vision tp describe this latest bto*d- Trio; 4 p, m.-:-Home Fi-ont, Mrs. .al/inaubordination”______J . and . ■ mbre . . booted Rostik around the pates in Now Member of Ace "Stage Door'Canteen” continues,^ you bought- and slaughtered it Americans Advance ter, and Vincent and Michael of esat development. There have, belin,, Jimmy Doolittle; 5:15—Mother and day, he said, Sinky wants to come back to Fooled Me D.V ■t tee State through Saturday^/ i yourself and sold it to the ciistom- The Americans went forward p it British Naval units patrolling endanger the war production effort In eeaeioh -185 days during tee second frame. But Paganl's in Connecticut For many weeks Italy; two siatets, Joan and Antoi­ 1943-44 school year, according to ■ many suggestions, none teat have Dad. BLU. 12:3()—Farm and Home follow pitching instructions. Club; Rand Hot, Also. " "I can’t say., how Newaom will tee Lions. He realizes-tmt even ' er as dres.sed beef?” Leopold, hesl- from tile western hom of the Allied ■’in great strength" along^Sicily's dab, saps stars, went into ■ .tee behave with .thd^.plub because I professional ■ playing years are eastern coast, Lee said,,'' now production workers have been nette also of Italy. He was a mem­ t&s calendar released yesterday by caught on. But here’s one that Program; 2:30—Ladles Be Seated, RIrkev Backs Leo game determined to start aome-* _ ■ 1 ^ntlng several momenta, replied, front through hilly and difficult ber of tee La Fubineae S(x:iety. Ed East; 4—Blue Frolics. MBS. Rickey said, he would not have don’t know the gentleman person­ numbered. ’fhen, he’d like to ^OiitP Sox Hprler Kept UillgtOtiy r’Because 1 had no meat.” It wapwas country to a strategic- area pro- I^ust Fight, "Evacuate - keeping at.their jobs under tee Supt. offlefTooie Earl M Witt. The n ig h t—"Eye-dlo,” iwhlch would thing, but for a time it looked as Fred Blish, Jr.i presldentNjf tee A special town meeting is called handicap' to health of an Inade* The funeral will be held from tee schmiUr'vd]] open for tee fait term be pronounced just test way and 11:30 a. m.—Six (Governors on let Durocher reSign, even if the though Mr. Keolsoh ■ would still M anchester Country club, jcilned ally. I do know he’a'a^fine com­ take up football officiating in a • ’ 1 hronvhtbrought out that the "nlan"“plan” wouliiwould trctlng tee British flank ahd at the Observers here expressed bellet manager had Wanted to, and teat petitor and afine pltcher.'We need serious way.Vbut ho coaching. On Trying and Leeds Involve cattle slsughtercd on the teat tee ’ continuing advance of for Monday nlghtj July 19, at 8 quate diet and . from tee reports VYilllam P. Qulsh Funeral Home, "Bept 7 and will be tn session which would naturally simplify it­ "New England at W ar/ 3:30 p. m, have tfie laat laugh- Then tee same time threatening the en­ Saturday, time to be announced- —WGR Matinee; ' 30- T h em es l-k*’'was right lit disciplining New- the select circle pf "aces" yester­ bote qualities. We want to win - Frankie has. been loafing around ;^Tb Deni|lsey slaughterer's quota.- emy’s rear if he offers battle on bote'tee British ant.'* American o’clock at South Windsor Town tee ’^state' council gets,from Jte for 73 days for tee fall term ending self into "Idio ” as a companion to heavy artillery got busy. It was a day afternoon when he sank hia A. L* on Mound. hall,,'to consider a recommendation later. The funeral home, will "6o Dec. 22. Holidays will include the "radio." I and Variations. , / »aca- ■ ■■ « , "“v Attraction No. 1 is "The of Leagpie pennimt and it was enough the fine' playing/.g(>es to tee Kelleher. Columbia end last sea­ btecing champion, and his wife, 'to, testimony presented before Nisceml already threatening for any rpason and particularly for profudon of beautiful floihl It lootka, junior, as though. the groiirtilskeeper George Moijuln, recrultinjr officer explained.' mmp within^one out ' Caltaglrone, aboOt IS miles west the western jaw. ' New Bedford, -Maas., July 15.:^ tion. . ■ "Hertford, July 15,—(fl7-rCharles the Name Bands,".Ina Ray Hutton to make even the stoutest Dodg­ son,, is coaching tee 21st Ctollbgt Just as he took football, q,-,.. iHast IftSt outmg ffe came__ ^thln one out from.whom he obtained an Inter- Coifiner Thei>dore E, Steiber to-~ While the American column still a reason that can be avoided if in­ (fferings. i 'v West Sides are really going to who has the whole coOzm in tip f ! of a^no-'liruer.’joo (tordon spoll^ of Vizzlnl..^ ' 0P>—Fishing boat captains, owners Frederick L. Ekstrand. son of fr'"', and her famous orchestra, featur­ ers take to a »lck bed. Uterally It Training Detachment baseball wich is taking cunrent even locutory decree of divorce 10 days day ^ State Police Lieut. Harry was at least 30 miles distant from telligent planning , is substituted !V. Thorsfen A. Gustafson, pas­ P. Taft, national director, of tee did, because Rickey was'confined make tee reat of the league hue- shape. team at Colby College here. ' his masterpiece with a double af- The name of tee airdrome cap­ and representatives oflUtetihg Mr.' *nd M>^- lYatdemar EScstranEr ing Stuart Fo^er, baritone, and tla They had a ehortatop last jKride. This includes' Impending •go. Neither Dempsey nor Mrs -T. Tucker, of the Ridgefield bar- tee westerti edge of tee Catania houses;met today to avert a.strike for poor planning. tor of ,EmanuelT^teeran church Of ^ s t street, of the- Anny ’Air ’ Office of War (fommunjty Service, to hia bedroom allday yeatentay Prtdlng tjeen retired tn tured by the Americans was not officiated in tee s1»tra(:e of Rev, Roger EUick, oiib/of tee 'world's night who played like be knew fathei'hood (his wife (a -the former Dempsey attended. racks. given, BBwever, nor were the plain, the general dlrecticHi of its of fishermen which boat owners ”We urge you to use tee influ­ Force Eiillsted R eserv^ his com­ congratulate New England'yes­ greatest trumpeters. Attraction by an attack at indigestion. the ninth, but Grove went on to ------' Wlien 'first questioned, Lieut' ence of your position to demand of Biarl r hter of ttib , Concordia The confusion among the Dodg­ what tee game was ail about. That Adeline WtVtherly. of Royston. names announced of * apy 6f tee teruat implied an Allied pinn alm- said teey feared' because of tee pleted his seconds^ flight' train­ terday for its lowest venereal dia- No. 2 la, In person, M-G-M's lovely O U '. ' ’i ■■ i win: 1-0 . -- Tucker said, Hajj claimed that e< at 'smacking the Oatania de- OPA' ceding price on fish. tee proper .authorities in this cask Lutheran church who iElh Michi­ ing as a Flight.;Qiidet at Sunbucy, ers may make it difficult tor some ahifted May back to telrd and put Thwarted by Knee Injury other -places taken in their ad- ' ease rate in the countryv star of tee sUyer screen. Virginia tee ancient and honorable Mr. Var- Two IHore War Palmer fell from a chair In the ■yance. tee immediate Institution of reme­ gan on his vacation. During the Pa„ and Ig serving aa apprentice fans to concentrate <>n the p^m ant "It’ll be in SeRtember."; he an- i .phV big rtoht* hander made his service Alfred C. Lange. sgM „ He was addreaaing * joint meet­ Weldier, star of 'The Youngest riek on first baae. Seartoii’a "debut nouijced. And-I hope it s «■ league debut last Jttar, but disturbed patients' ward in -tee It was announced that American dial measures. Instructef at tee Springfield sir- Profesaloh.” “Best Foot ForwArd.’f rae'ea again immediately, - but ‘Softly and Tenderly Jesus Is CSut^ left nothing to be desired. It was jit was cut short .in mid season *f; Zones ill Ctalv hospital. The attendant later Amphibious jeeps and amphibious port while w aiting for further as-, ing of tee Aasembly of Municipal and 40 other aroeah picture hits. nevertheleaa tee major leagues admitted, according to the state Ing,” and ‘‘Come to the Garden;” ^ ment.' He graduated as fliight were to resume teeir schedule to­ like a breate of apring, and he did : - ,|ter. he had won four games two-tOn trucks mounting two ma­ Court Judges with members of tee. She pixaents a delightful > acL on finally manage to get the aide out By Hugh Fidlarton, Jr. ^Shorter’ThoOght policeman, that he used force in chine-guns are among new weap­ CfO Withholding •The bearers 'Were William Cus­ t at tee American Interna-- day after a " threedey Intermis­ New York, jluly 16.—(P)—The A Rickey was .laid up yesterday F M ItT* ».»■ tiost six. A.recurrence-df'anbld- New York, - July 15 A (A*) —• ter, Charles Yurkshot, Sidney Car­ Social Protection committee of-the the atage. The dancing Pelletiera sion for tee All-Star show. 'Hiree but for a tline it looked aa teough Last N ight,8 F lghts'V ^ involving tom Ckrtl- prilvcnting Palm'er from retUing ons being* used in the push. tlonal college, Springfield, under and others augment tee big stage with indigestion... .Wonder if he Premier-Benito Mussolini lias de­ a doorknob and finally confessed ter, Eric , Rautenberg, Oerbardt te e CA. pilot training course in Connecticut War Council., , contests were on top in each cir­ he never would. The box a«>re: A. U. handbook prohaMy won’t iiege caused the- Intem iptlon. An clared "t'h?6 more war zones in' Some of tee Italian prisoners Threatened Drive sh()w. And remember, the S tate W est Sides •wallowed some of those stories teat he struck tee ex-puglltst complained that'teey had had num­ RisUu and Robert Kittel. Inter­ January.' x- j ' . . ‘ “ “ This area.” said Taft "haa the cuit. w ith five of tee iilx gam es Hat any new broad jumping ' operation followed and he was aodteem Italy," the Sritish- said H«iVs lafonnatioB Too Will Want 1^ Havs—Furnished theater, Hartford, ti alr-condition- AB R HPQ A about tee Dodgers?.. . ;Or some of ■ By three or ft>nr .times on the head erous casualties caused by running ment was In tee Bast cemetery. Judge Raroid [W. Bruce and De­ beat aysteto of combattifig venereal being slated et night records dstabliahed by sporta writ­ DurocheFs words? .... .Or ■ maybe The Associated Press by doctors it was unlikely heiever today quoting a German -broad- lottaburgh, July 15.—(J5— The puty Judge John .H. Mullen of Jthe disease in tee country ahd it really, ed. It’s always 70 dagrees inside Greene, rf *./,,5 1 0 At Elizabeth. N. J.—John wmild be able to pitch again- ! ^ and body aft^ the patient bad’at­ into teeir own minefields. Local W ar Prlea and Rationing Board, No.’ 112.16 regardleas of tea outside tempera­ 1 8 ers in July, 1948/but from harsjlt hla own pride? • CMt. ! ■ ■' tacked him. ' CIO is withholding- a tereatened Mise Oraee V. McCreaaor Stafford Borough Court attend^ a ia a genuine plaaaure to apeak to Hedlund, c ..'-..5 Brown, 151, New V.ork-' outpoint­ •But all six feet and 105 pounds "The order affects the provinces, Today’s communique - from Oen, ture. ' . r McAuIiffe, e ...0, 0 1 seems teat tee boya have sHoe Palmer, who box.ed pnofgasion- Dwight.^. D. Eisenhower’s head­ drive to scrap tee "Little Steel” meeting yeeterday of tee annual tela group which has done ad­ •ome remarkably long leaps at ed Buddy Farrell 151 l‘-2, New­ of the yoilng and. handsome GrOve of Campania, of which Naples is The offica. m tee local Rationing • Foel OU The funeral of Miss Grace Vic­ . There will ba a midnight chow Hartford Laurelg May. 8h...... 6 0 fi One-Minute Sporta Pag* ark, (0). , - « ally for a number of years and quarters said, contrary to Axis wage formula unless an effective tor!* McCreanor of Springfield, assembly of Municipal court judges vanced work In tee fight against* oonclusions about wtat &anch If Gunder Haegg returns to can be very stubborn. ■ a s 1943, tee capital, and Lucanla," added reports,, that fresh waves of Brit­ isoard'ia lixmtnd In ths Lincoln Period 1 (xnipons in new fuel oil price rollback Spd food subsidy and members of the Social I^tec- aoclsl dlaeaae.” on Friday only. ITiere are late Becker, cf ,-. ..5 1 1 At Woonsocket. R, T:—Tony American League batsmen are the broadcast record,ed by CB.S. - who at one time Was a-contender rations becams valid July 1 but formerly of .tela town, was held stage shows every Saturday and Smite. 2b .... .t.6 1 8 Rickey would say to Gweden’'by plane instead of by, for the lightweight boxing cham­ ish and .American alr-bome and schiMl, opposlts ths post offics. program waj operating by July 15, tion e(>mmittee of tee State War Costa, 132, Woonsocket, outpoint­ fast'^discoyerihg* , ('There Is no modem- Italian tee amount has not yet been an­ yesterday at two o’clock at the He aald that tee nation-wide Sunday a t 10 p. m. Top Wilkes-Barre Salmopsen. If ,.4 2 1 and vice veraa... ,We don't know tanker, he’ll likely make his fare­ ed Snooks Lacey, 126, New Haven pionship, was committed t6. tee parachute troops had carried out Offica hours art as follows: Mon­ its president, Philip Murray, dis­ Holmee Funeral Home, 28 Wnt. to 5:16 p.m.; Wed- 3d, ' \/o r te 10 gitflcms each, on By Th# Associated Press Henneasey. p . .2 2 0 ly eald about reelgning, but any­ New O'rleam,. And he may "try for Played E*-«r>- Gam* j risk another operation. 1 had l»to,^ boot, extending from the Tyr- 1942. Later, he was recommit­ The British * Eighth Anny "ad­ household type and 100 gallons on that Che president of tee Uqited church officiated. li ia only 15 cases per teouaand. Deaths Last Night The Hartford'LaurMa, who up to Turner, p .0 0 0 body -who gave tee matter..* seri­ a mile record at. tMneeton as a vanced some miles’’ toward Cata­ neadayf Thursday and Friclay, 10 States lean exeirlse tee power te i December. There were no Immadl- Hienian sea to the Gulf of Taranto ted on order of . the Newtown pro­ Institutional type thrinigbout tee The bearers were Mark Hanna, Kllin^on Ali-Thna Low Reeiird now have been only respectful in ous aeut tee country but also to tee co- tee Barona'laat night, 2-1 and 8-8. Taya, lb . ;.S were in Philadelphia.... and sure tee fight mob might appreciate it vote. he pitched a no-hitter for Provta*^ bases were now included in Allied Book 2 blue atampe N, P and Q (Tongregatlonai church. Rav. Ed­ Connecticut' Will speak on man- iperatloil of civilian aocial agen- Nen^, Yoric -Mlaa Beverley Slt- The Laurala won the second one Roatln, cf . enough, the public&ed confereiice- Leader Praises captures; Addmonal Gaaoline more If he left Oeatac at home and High sehool of Maywood, HI.. K ;, Paarl Harbor, T. H., JtUy 16— now vaUd and may be used Applications for special gasoline Vacation Gas mund A. Steimla, of Cambrldga, {■Btont practices to save feed.: iiea.” greavea, 80, an actreaa who ap­ the hard .way, to, overcoming a 5 0 Clematu. If .... 3 didn’t take place yesterday- - but •hipped a couple of steers instead Pachlno„ - Blscari, Gela-Farello, m e will be a (Uscuaalon of ceil­ peared for 49 years in plays in leacL Bhould Be a Hot Team Dblcago suburb. He started ante; 19)—Problems of supHy and re- through A ugust 7. ration for tee purpoae of neceseary Maaa., officiated. Other speakers at the meeUng Allen, rf. .. (...2 Rickey came out with a etatement -----New Jersey's' Baltuarol Golf Longview of tee Eaat 'Tiass^j ,8atarceaMn|t for America’s flght- Group for Stand Polite OUvo, Llcata, Syracuse, Ce- Shoes ings and other OPA restrlctlona, I New York, Lemdon, Paris, and The Barona not-only had double Mertens, p . ...,2 .that DurocheV. atlll ia "in." miso, and Ifosxallo, medical treatment must be accom­ Being^pprbved The bearqra were members of neiuded Gov.. Raymond GL Bald- club has added 101 more sheep to Blacksburg, Va. —(85— ' With League In. 1938, played two ^*9 iii Hi# Paolfle have been Book I stamp 18 giMw managsr would ia tee call of the wild—tee ramaln la Ainsrlcan hands, has depended heavily for air sup­ pounds each for'honie canning, statements and applications will to tee plsce where tee vacation is were pleaaed with the turnout of I orchestra which pUyad' at tee Rus­ uiM lre. - X—Smith bunts foul, 8rd strlka. cancelled. up to stay. - Jobe. port in eastern .Sicily, - action committea, who ravanied a sian palace. have to curt the dia«enelon on the 'Wild Brooklyn fans, a measure, of fcnw teoiuist la*ohls< of the X Ooffos be held up until such certifleates to be spenL laat Baturday*a flrat picture in tee J ainghamton douaad Albany’s XX—Becker out Interfarenoa. club and get the skidding Bums ”We are glad tokknow you are No Sigue of Withdrawals Book L etam p 21 became vailid ‘etartling Uicraaae of commitment Chic’ The Rev,.John Fran­ whose-capacity for denunciation ia Detroit — (85— Shelddn Le- New York — • s s t made his SBOQuragtng are obtained - / • Early this morning there was ‘ Pfe, lUcbani O. Jrorde, son of aeriea and thia Saturday thay have j •f women to the atata farm in tee hopaa for making a battla for third Two base bits, Roatln, Bockar, back into tha pennant flght—two opposing particularly mothem who Although the qfficlal communi­ July 1 and will axpirs July 21{ ______many callere at tea Ration Board mada plana for n danoa which tea l cis McOormlck, 8.J„' O, profea- to be had from tee fact t^ t the Jeuoie. who made baaeball's long­ Frankl* Friech was FWtavdajr Ip pamaoniea leave a family at home,” asserted Boldiere who need their can at Ur. ana Mrs.-Jamsa Vogds of 84 «at flacai jraar.' p j^ nipping the Senators. 8-2. Grqena; .throe baaa hits, Baekar: tough jo b s..S o if Branch tat ' P submarine to han- que told cX progress of tee ground stamp 22 valid July 22 to August teeir point of aUUon must show a office many asking to ba allowed Spruce street, has completed his toan age and thatf aldfua may en-J aor of pbiloaophy at.Loyola.univer- Thair scheduled second game was moat flowery term la teeir vocabu­ est terow (428 feet 9H Inches) CahUnate in 1888 bp todst Mlm Mary E. McKeogh. naUonal troops yesterday fdong tee SS-mile stolen bassA Hadlund, Varrick, Durocher but and the move wasn’t lary of praiae la D ur Buma’ What prhlls plajrlng in. tee Oentral much about bie of tho Boot’s aubma- LL . statement from tee mipertor of^iMr to visit their former homes, Ver­ course as an aircraft machinist toy. Tha danea will ba in ted] poatponed because of weather. Durkin: aacrlflcaa. Hannaaaay; auccaaaful, tea directors might .let irman of tee organization's route from Augusta to . Catania, stating teat, the car win be need­ mont and Maine. Up to 2 o’clock Town hall. There will be no ad- u „ „ , queh a dubioua accolade bora -t League, ia a mutual ticket seller Slaughtor. AO Pir paraonasl for valor lal Welfare department, In ahd has been graduated from tea Elmira at Utica, and Scranton do’fble play* Durkin to Smite to Branch'ou( with no more cere- 'bffioial: accounts today .sai KV KWYTHI.Nli HIGHWAY m girl showed not the slighteet con­ ter. Sense and Nonsense cern. And She was right To the^ utter amazement of every- tTact: If she has two hats Sent H E R H E A R T A middle-aged bachelor Who had they got the check, and as they • A man slightly soused tried td' ■. bodyt the bull etopped a few feet home, ask her caeuslly if . she ordered hard-boiled eggs for left the place, one of them ex­ navigate a revolving door. Fin­ hrihand then walked meekly doeanT think the more expenelve 1 A City's Wants (Classified ForVbur Benefit breakfast, noticed this inscription claimed: ally he gavs up and laaned agalnat await .X', one makes her look older. SAH R iM S on onq of the eggs: OiiIbo||er( 'to girl)—Weren’t s I ■ ■ ■ Chapter 12 men have all tbg luck. Penny ?’* FirM Marine—Mike, Ood wUl a nearby lamp pdat ” To whom, it may concern: puntW'that profltsar! you ■yea blurring. Penny roae and “What do.you\mean?" ^ Anothar man came along and Joe—Where' can you find ‘ the Should this meet the eye ofi Second "Nwiae (glancing about walked Into the door. Aa it re­ The bifc\ n u s edw truth these days? . Btumhled over her flrst-ald kiL ' "I was thinking of Powell/’ some man who desires to mar­ is the bull’s Automobiles for Sale 4 Repairing 23 Help Wanted— Mala ^ Wearing Apparel— Furs ‘57 Summer Homes to ae* If the^'eracfi obaerved)—Ha volved, s pretty girl came out ler-ia-taw- • Friend—About hilf way' be­ Announcements The* Red Croea course she’d taken Penny laughed, "ts PoweU es- ry a farmer’s daughter, kindly has already punished them. (Dis­ tween how fast he telle the Judge! Loat and Found 1 In New York would prove'useful, peclally lufcky?" Then: “Gh, you- from* the other aide. The Inebri­ lNTED t o TUNE, repair 'and For Rent 57 communicate with___ ’’ playing an array of sUverwara he The mother o f ^ X "M(^ern his car can go and hoW fast he { WANTED — PASSENGERS to 1935. CHEVROLEl COUPE. $50; WANTED —MAN fO R general FOR. SALE—SEVERAL pairs of EscapePlot. Quickly, she fdund Cleve’s hand- mean because he . Wasn’t fool ate blinked. ITION BOOK No. 2, in 1938 Ford coupe, $110'; 1937 Bulck 'regiilate your piano or player work; outside draft >ge, not In ladies' summer shoes, size 7 1-2 The j)(icheIor made haste to had removed from the table). D runk-It’s a good trick all Daughter" enjoyed thla: tells hlh fri^ds It can go. . ' j _____Kational at Center, Charles East Hartford Center. Leaving FOR RENT—(COTTAGE at Bolton karchief and applied a tourniquet, enough to undertake this trip writ^Xh the girl, offering marriage She—Do you thli^ I shoXdia- sedan, $165; 1937 Chevrp^ ^ piano. Tel. Manchester. 2-0402. war Industry. Arpply ’ State A S 1-2, good condition; also Lake by week or month. Tele­ tight, but I etui don’t see wha’ ^^aye Lathrop. Return to 42 Baat Manchester 7:16 a m. Tel. 6301. theater. C3eve stlired. ’Hianks, Perniy."-. because .he's safe and comfortable apd in a itoort time received this laflatloB tinction In my clotneaf X SiHqr:—My, idea of .a good wife -j coach, $95; 1934 Pl;^mouth coupe. man’s brown sport Jacket, site 38, phone Rockville 1108-3. Mrs. Asb- Is Unfounded Her tsars ajiattered on his face.; at Hudson’s Hope.’’ the guy did with hish other Btar street PIANO TUNING and • repairing. tan riding boots, sige 9D. Tel. note: ' • ' Mary had % Uttla lamb, , clothes. He—Well, I wouldn’t -say dia ■ a woman Who can make good ; WOULD LIKE CHILDREN to $25.- Brunner's, 80 Oakland^reet. Player piano specialty. John Und. . ■ .. ' ' — , “Nothing to worry about," Cleve j “That wasn't what I meant apd caire for, any age, on any shift- O^n evenings 'til 9, except Sat- WANTED-^FTVE ENERGETIC, 8837. \ "Your note came too late. I She clipped the wool to U r Unction, rd say that "diatlnct _ ■ -TWO l?Q BILLS between Cockerham, 28 Bigelow street capa.we' boys for our fruit depart- said. "Bullet just nicked m e,! you know it. He got you.” . am now married, and have ly”'would be a better wort. ' - Call 71 S. hi Am St. or 8885. ' urday. We close at 6, Trl. 5191. Prisoner’s Story 4 lbout that’s all. Nothing like Warsaw.’’ j "I’m no( sure that’a going’ -,to Meat shortage got. her in a jam. Young Wife:--Darllng! Darting! WaYej—My idea of a good bus-^ B.fAutomn and Main street yester- Tel. 4219. m ^t. Pfipulsr Market, Rublnow Wanted to Rent 68 two children." And then fha had ta,aldn it. band Is a^man Whq cab raise the 1 J^ilay. Reward. Call 2-1B78 or 28 ouUding. '■ Wanted—To Buy 58 "Phope that’s so, Cleve." ! make hihi particularly lucky,*' Darling! Judge—Prisoner at the^bar, FOR Sa l e —1943 Ch e v r o l e t Auempt to Be Made, "BiU’s going to be mighty proud dough in thcSipur o^knfad. *AlilMmn street. WANTEI^ TO Ria^T by adulU. 2 Penny told him. "Lpok at all the —The BardNof Ghlo Husband—Yes, my love! What will you have's trial by July 16.—(J*i—An s*- I’ii take no chance on you. May be perhape, "It m i ^ hav>J sational Spanish by teachef Rublnow Building. , WANTED r o REiJlT,4 or 5 roome, tha bandage. That-giiy can wait. "Wrong: there," Cleve grunted. but be that as it may, two Ma­ pianta from' waeda. How do you'll Beward. . 460.00. Call 3333. Auto .AccessSries— peptejl attempt by three ex-poh- rines’ '-were celebrating the return Judge (roaring)—ij^at! Do been." - ^ 7-/5 speaking ^.fluent Spanish. Small WANTED TO BUY-^Jeisey heifer, two adults. Permanent residents. But next time—’’ "It’s I -Who--oh, damn those mds- disttngulah between them? ^Vhlle the farm girl was milk­ y„,K u Tires 5 months or over. Call 2-0971 W hat he’d do next time was. re- of a third from sick, leave by hav­ you mean to say that I would— The sweetest words we know, b>! FOR SALE—1938 BUICK sedan, groups now being formed. Call Telephone Hartford 5-5526 be­ vlcts, ^o aid Eric Rockstroih, 20, 'quitoes! How they can get-througb Gld Suburban Gardener— The ing av.^ow, a vicious bull broke Prisoner (stouUy)—I don’t heck, \ I Situations ,Wanted— between 7 and 8 a. m. of Boston Mass., to eseipe cus­ . fleeted In the hard, purposeful ing dinner in a swanky restaur­ only sure way it to pull ’em out I'm' in the Army- -how’s Announcements t good condition. Would like quick PRE-WAR GRADE 1 Goodyear 67Sb.' tween 4:30 and 6:30. X this close mesh net I’m'* wearing through Rhe, fence and charged mean to say nothing, but I ain’t Are these; Enclosed find check!” | - 1^ ^ ^e^ale .38 tody of a state policeman, who expression on his face. As for' is a puzzle to me- - But as I Wqs ant. Some of their enjoyment If they come up .again, they’rs the grub here?” Bale.' Inquire 99 Homestead. '^tlres, while they last. 6.00, 6.2.5. i s ; I WAN*fa

m the local Penny,- she hoped there’d never saying—’’ ' ' of the meal was dampened when weeds. -X 3.50x16 No dealers. Ellsworth A STE^fOO^PHER with 2 1-2 WANTED—NATIVE peas for can­ be another meeting. Let the Royal ;’’Harttora;vleave Manchester 7 a. IFOR SALE-^1937 Chevrolet sedM, Bondi— Stocki Houses for Sale 72 Federal correcttbnal institution, Penny pushed him gently back. X' Lassow. 262 Oakland street. Tel. yeafs experience would like posl- ning. Call 8608. to Danbury prty (Court, where hs Canadian Mounted Po11(Ce,, track RED RYDEI^ X Gangway m., and return 0:00 p. m. Inquire -Master Delibce, fully equipped, M ortgages 31 She tucked the blankets around BV IARMAN bargain. ApplyxK. Wilson. French . 4538. ^xloh In town.x.JVrite Box M, FOR SALE-TWO FAMILY 12 w^s tOs^ presented on a chargs Stringer down. him. ^..«2 Wetherell. ' / Herald. room duplex house, one side f u Nn y b u s in e s s Road. Bolton. \ Rooms Without Board 59 of b e i^ 's fugitive from a Gror- 'The feeling kept recurring,.that "It’ll keep until tomorrow." OH.' HERE 'A nd Aid e r s w a n t e d for momlnge PRIVATE PARTY WILL l^ D vacant, on east side. No telephone gla chalp gang failed to material­ C O i^ .yTTLE (3PF Auto Repairing- $2,500 on well secured first mort­ this aeries of events culminstlng When Penny awoke, the sun WHITE RUQr-* t.anly. Leaving Manchester at FOR SALE—1930 D,UICK sedan, ATTRACTIVE UGHT housekeep­ calls. Apply 29 (Cottage street ize; here tqday, Lieut. Harry t. In Cleve’s Injury' had been all her was burning dcyich over the nat­ eeAvtR, AND 5(PdAeJ- ' 7:16 for Washington street .sec­ with heater. Inquire ^ 48 Rusaell Painting gage in or near ' -Manchester. Dogs— Birds— Peta 41 Tucker, roiiitcanding officer ' of RED Write Box JJ. H ^ td . ing rooms, everything futnlshed, fault. If only she’d been sensible ural clearing and Wolf was lick­ tion, Hartford Tel. 6412. street. Tel. 5471. \ WANTED—PUPPY for watchdog. (Continuous hot water. Also single Ridgefield State , bolice barracks and listened to Powell’s advice. If ing her face. She’d overslept. RYDER VALVES REFACEL and carbon Resort Property reported. ^ , cleaned >11.95.'Chevrolet. Dodge, Shepherd or Collie preferred. bedroom. Tel, 3105. only she and Cleve were back at They should have been on the [WAWTEP — PASSENGERS to i 94<1, BUKTi SEDAN 4 door>padlo, FfM- Sale 74 Lieutenant Tucker sadd the Bali-d’a Stopping Place at Hud­ •t Hartford mornings at 6 o'clock, heater, driven only 16.00Q dihea, Chrysler 6, Oldsmppile 6, Pack­ Help. W m ted—Femialt 35 Write P. G. Box 107,’■ Buckland, trail long ago.. Fully diressed ex­ Conn. y ■ WANTED— YOUNG LADY to prisoner, who today^ ebmpletSd a son’s H ope.... cept for her, heavy;top boots and i Nqt'iure of return trip. Telephone like nevk,\with our 90 day guar­ ard 6. Plymouth, Pontiac 6. ------^ ^ ______FOR SALE-BOLTOH/l-AKE, 6 Phone 5191, Bninner’s, 80 Oak- WAT^TED-^SOLDIER'S WIFE, to ■ rent room, in home of woman three-moiith sentence at the F. C. Wolf raised his sharp rnuizle mackinaw, she rati over t;o'wake a-0978. antee- Tel.':5^91, Finance Mana\ 'manage a homie, live In, private BOARD^lfOUR PE3T at a reliable whose husband la In the service. room cotU^e wi^/^dinette and I., was being, tJl'ken to the local , (ind looked inquiringly into her feer, Brunner’s; 80 Oakland street > land street. screened In porch, modern con­ Cleve. rwANTED - RIDERS TO East room, attractive salary. Write kehnplf and enjoy your vacation, (Call ,3-0676 between 5 and 7:30. (City Court by SUte Trooper face. Penny fought to restrain her Cue glimpse of his face and Open evenings 'till~9. Box N, Herald. er Spaniel puppies for sslel veniences, 50 foot lake frontage, Adam Beaudry on a warrant. tears. Suddenly Cleve was sitting Hartford. lieavlng Manchester LET US“ PORCELAINIZB" your $3,400. Call Muichegt^ 2-1728 be­ her spirits fell. It was flushed car, it will last months to a .^ c k Frost Kennels, 26 Gardner FOR RENT—NICE LARGE cool charging him with being a fugi­ up and his good arm drew her fcI5 a. m. Return trip uncertain. FOR SALEl—1940 DODQE Con­ 6 WANTEH? —INTELLIGENT girl room, suitable for couple ur 3 tween 1-3 p. m. or"6-8 p. m. x with fever.. year. Also save the paint and street. tive from justice. When the trpop- close. , ) “Now we’re In for it/’ she Phone 4453. vertible, excellent condition. Ap­ to take charge of D17 Cleanlr^ people. Telephone 4607. "We'll make out all right,” he ply at 111 Highland street after make your car like new. Brun- elr started out of the prison. Rock- thought. "What will I do?” ' ner’s, 80 Oakland street, .Man­ stoiitore, steady work, g o o d /^ y . Suburban for Sale 75 Strom acted very, nervous, and soothed her, ’.‘You’ve got what it 8 'p. m. irifty CleanerSi 981 M< Live Stock— Vehicles 42 FOR RENT—VERY (CLEAN Bed­ Cleve had made light of ^is in­ chester-. Tel. 5191. Open evenings told the policeman he had re­ takes to help us pull through.” • jury. li might be weeks before room, for two gentlemen or girt'A' ceived \a letter from three ex-coh- "Ch (Dleve," she said brokenly. T -tr WE ilVE THE HIGHEST prices -until 9. FOR SALE-FRESH CX)W. Will Phone 2-1320. / FOR SALE—COVENTRY LAKE, his arm healed. Then she woke WANTED—By IbcaK IpsUtutlon. new 4 room cottage, electricity, victs, with whom be had made an " I . mean It.” he said- “Things FURNISHED for used cars. We have 50 used capable, expefienoad woman cook. trade for one that will freshen in Cleye. cars at market prices. See us be­ FOR RENT — jQtilet, convenient water, easily winterized, $200 acquaintance, in which they told look tough now. Trouble has been Comfortable namn provided! Re­ ■ Fall, or dry cows. Telephone sort of ganging upon us. But it HiZ\arm was paining horribly, fore you make a decision to sell Auto Repairing— double and ,.*uigle rooms, some down, balance like rent. Bellevue ,hlm that when he was releassfi “What time is R ?" he asked. ROOM^ ply. glvlng/teferences, to Box O, RockvU)e 976-3. G. R.. Rlaley. they would be on hand, to deliver can’t go on forever.” BOOTS AND HER IBUDDIES Now What? or buy. Cole Motors, 4164. . Painting Herald. .ho^8ehoh^^ pnxdleges allowed. Road, off Daly Road. 'Tel. 7379.; "Late.” \ BY EUGAR MAR I IN By Day or Week. FOR SALEl—JERSEY COW. Sec­ Call 6951. him from custody of police, who “But you’re in no condition to travel,*’ Penny pointed out dis­ “Why didn’t you wake ihe? We FORD, CHEVROLET, Plymouth, WA^iJTCD —GIRL FOR steno- ond calf helfef; Just freshened, they learned from some unknown ought to be oh the way.” \ TELEPHONE 4386 Dodge 1936 to 1942 brakes re- eraphit and general office work, $165. Call 2-0294. RENT—FURNISHED room, source, would pick up Rockstrom mally. ^ on Main street, for 2 men or “ Nuts,” Said Cleve. “It’s only a "Not in your condition. You’rt 1 wercHA At* Yon Going Into the Armed Ilned, $9.95. Best Comax lining. -’^pply In ■ person, The Rogers on the fugitive warrant, when he going to stay right here.” NooiSt sviMyt. Servloss Or Moving To Another ■ Phone 5191 now. Leave your c Paper Mfg. Co., Mill and Oakland couple, continuous hot water. Tel. 3-AlarniFireA - was released from the F. (^. -I,, flesh wound. Nothing serious at DOKiTCVJA ? 6803. Lieutenant Tucker said.. all,' 1 tell you. I just won't have "Nonsense," he growled. “We Part of the Country? _____ In the evening and we wlll/de- streets, Manchester. Articles for Sale 45 have Bill to Ithink about. ' You VCMKtfc) 'WAT SELL CS YOUR FURNITURE llver It the next'day. Bpifmer's, Get* Aaalatance the use of that arm for a day or FOR SALE —HERiALD paper At Providence Returning tr the prison, Offlear two.” can’t atop me. Penny. A little Complete. Jones Boys Every­ 80 Oakland street. W ANTED-GIRL OR woman to trifle like this isn’t gojng to hold thing. Has Cash Walthig. help In laundry, ilso man. Apply rbutf, price reasonable. 65 cus­ FOR RENT—Ao OM, private en-1 Beaudry radioed to the state po­ Cleve’S' courage Impressed Pen: :z r trance. (Call 2-0759. up tbe works." He patted his arm, WANTED JONES rURlkiTURE Manchester Laundry, 72 Maple tomers. Call 6S6i after 6 o’clock. lice . barracks and Informed his ny. If he had the faith and Garagea^-^rvice— stsenglh to struggle ahead, cer­ stared at her defiantly. SI OAK ST. TEL 8254 Street. Tel. 8416. FOR RENT—ROOMS FOR mar­ furniture Store and .commanding officer, and Ueuteiv- Male or Female « (orage 10 ant Tucker dispatched six radis. tainly ' she could do her part. It "Dear Lord," said Penny', "why WANTED—GIRLS OR WOMEN EiOctrical Appliances— ried couple or 2 girls. Call at 7 rehouse Destroyed cars to the prison area, loaded would mean she must -earry a are men auch . impossible pa­ Help for Important FOR R E l^ —4000 SQUARE feet with experience aa.^. sewing ma­ Radih 49 Florence street or Tel.'2-1940. with troopers, all armed with riot htlavier shoulder-pack. They must tients?” floqp-lspaca, concrete, suitable for chine operators. Apply Tober Durinsk Blaze Today. guna to escort the prisoner, but get the niedicinea and auppliea To Be ConUnued ‘*It’$ that former juilor, taking his noon-day aie$tal' FOR RENT—r o o m for one or through to Bill somehow. But she War Work storehouse. Will rent Baseball Manufacturing Com­ two girls, kitchen privileges. Tel. the trip to the Danbury (City iiU or pa'rt. Apply 128 Bissell. pany, EUm street. Manchester. FOR SALE—1942 RCA portable Providence. R.^T^July 15—(5>>— (Court provqd uneventful. felt equal to It. radio. Cal’ 7150. * 2-1339 after 6. Wo. Win Also Use Em- WANTED Telephone 4970. A three-alarm flre\6®*lroy*4 ' * Rockstrom told police, Lieut She said, "You’re sure you’re High Living Costs Ronie SIIIE GI.ANt FS BY GALBKAI'I H ATTENTION REAJ>ERS—Due to FOR RENT—NICELY furnished flve-Btory furniture stqre and Tucker said, that he got afraid strong enough. Cleve?" plosrod Persons On a the labor problerh today we are warehouse and swept through the "Absolutely.’’ , New York-;-(^— High living EXPERIENCED/ Household Goods 51 room, fine location, on bus line, when he left the prison with (Of­ Split-Shift Basis. Wanted Autos— . offering an attractive Inducement two upper floors of an adj ficer Beaudry, that if something "We’ll have a good night’s rest," Cost Rags his -happy home. Rags, BOOKKEEPI for those having spare time to gentlemai. preferred. Tel. 6881. Motorcycles U FOR SALE!—ICE BOX In A-1 con­ four-story structure bn the happened he might get killed in Penny said, "then, go on. I’ll have a two-year-old Nubian goat at the VLLEY OOP Oop Sheds Hia Armor / BY ? . T. HAA* sew covers on baseballs and soft dition; also Bissell carpet sweep­ skirts' of the , dbwntown district fracas, or might be blamed by breakfast ready when you awake." Bronx Zoo, spurned the usual. Un X Inquire ’ ’ TOP DOLLAR JONES FROM ball^ at their home. Call or write here early loday. can diet and took to crunching on One with knpi^edge of real er. Call 6906. Boarders Wanted 59-A for the Incident. Gne thing she hadn’t told him— 'UTCADA «0(N’ on UP TO •twev 0ettlesT -lOLfBe headin’ m tm’ Texas will pay you more for your /for details. Tober Baseball Mfg. A passerby who sounded the first a rayon dress, )(’hich happened to /C05H.THM « A estate imd^nsurance work Uve Is Rearrested that Bert Stringer had cleared TmTciTV \WAU-6__ - WE IT.» IM ALI- /MfiONS (J«lECTION.JUNUiS4| V fMaoiNa FVJNNV ViSWTD SET car, any 39-46-41-42 with low Co., Elm street, Manchester. FOR RENT*—FURNISHED room. alarm said he saw smoke In the The fu^H^e was rearrested by out, taking with him the films she be on a portly''matron feeding a STUMBLED RlSHT BACK DONE WITH YOU'VE GIVEN UP, TDTRV INTO A C IT V _W E yE FOR SALE —ELECTRO Master One or’two girls preferred. .Board rear of the furniture store build- Rogmw Paper * prefe^rra, but not e^ntial. mileage. He is aY,Brunner's; 80 MATURE WDMAN wanted to Officer Beaudry, at the prison this was certain belonged to BUI. That lamb In an enclosure opposite TO W HEBt WE CTAtZTED <&uessiNe warrant from ...w e MUATA eO T MIXED. CMONJ ADCHIMEOES/ THINCi _eTQAlSMT MNAy care for 2 children, 2:30 to 12:30. news, important as it was, would Rags’ baliwick. Gfficials blushed, UP IN T H ' £VxQ.K.' Mamifactiiriiig Co. Ref^ences required. Open evenings untll'9 except Call 2-1676. aon,son. Inc., and almost Atat thethe' same | (7«nrei» nolice nfficialB charging I HM/EN'T , ELSE! FROM IT.' No hpukework. Tel. 2-1247. MAHOGANY DININGxpom table Georgia police have to wait. To say anything apologized to the .woman—and (BVCN IT Saturday, 6; Fhone 5191. time, George W. McCIeah, janitor him with escaping of 1942, ion and Oakland Streets Write Box D. Herald ------> ------and 4 chairs $20. Behr, Bros, A TfRACnVE ROGMS— LIGHT now would only make-Cleve. rest­ banished Rags from th'e^^oo. UP­ in the other building, heard an ex­ from a chain gang on'which he- less and excited. He’d want to piano, good condition, $10. 3 mat­ housekeeping or board If desired. plosion which showered glasa from ■M telM HHM tillM i was serving a four-year term ’ for start after Stringer Immediately. Snatches On Bicycle* Ilii-‘nesa Service Offered 13 tresses, good condition all for Central. Latndry privllegea. Rea. a skylight near him as he went to burglary. Rockstrom was later ar­ If You Have $10. Call 2-0219. . sonable. Ideal for couples or sln- Investigate Penny had only been half aware i z : rested In New York fbr Impcrso-- of Bert Stringer’s departure Chicago.—(JPt — Marquette ave­ ASHES AND RUBBISH rer Real Estate To Sell... 'gle girls.. Telephone 3989. Sections of WaU* Fall sting a soldier and wais seiitc.-rc' I PGR SALE—3 PIECE living room Sections of the walls of the' Rob­ Shortly after he shot (Dleve he’d- nue police are looking for a couple Call 3444. We Have Cash Customers! set, studio couch style, 2 months to the local F.'C. I. by the K.* :• fi^ tically gathered up bis effects of young bicycle riding piirse old. Also rug and coffee table. rtments. Flats, inson building fell, one part pierc­ eral court for the southern distrii-t snatchers. Mrs. Noirna Reinhardt :z ! ing tbe roof of s house and nar­ of New Y6rk. and disappeared in the woods. Pen­ and HITCHCOCK, Inc. Telephone 2-1149 between 5 and nements 63 ny, wprklng ovtr Cleve,-4||i|l paid told' police that While she was JONES REALTY 9. rowly missing firemen on an aerial Papers In the case have already' walking along the street two boys OFFICE WILLDMANTIC OFFICE ladder and Ute occupant of the been hpnored by Governor Ra.y- little attepitjon, Her exciW'ment 20 81 Oak Street Tel. 8254 FOR REhrr—^ROOM flat, with and anxiety Tor. Cleve, theV..C press­ * bicycle slowed.their pace as 8T. TE L 8801 824 SLAIN ST. TEL 1935' T’s NOT EXPENSIVE to start house. Because of the dangerous mond E.'Baldwin, and are await­ THE AUSTIN CHAMBEUtS CO. bath; near buz line, in South Man­ condition of the walls, firemen had ing similar signature by the. Geor­ ing need for firs;*t-^d...... had centered^ approache^. her. Then aa a ' home. Our 3 room' - complete chester. Adults on^y.^. Write Box ber' thoughts on Hie immediate passed her. one of the riders lot^ 'M d long /distapes moving. -home outfits start ai $159. Ideal not entered the Robinson- budding gia governor, Lieut Tucker said. ^ reached out,ahd grabbed her purse Betum load /System, furniture, E. Herald. ' \ more than two hours after the Are Presented in Danbury city court job at hand. i: for Summer homes. Albert’s^ 43 Stringer had 'fledV s thief,, a containing $2.50. FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Covaring Up BY MERRILL BLOtidER^ i LAUGH AT THE LANDLORD '^storage. Dig! 6260. , Allyn street, Hartford. broke out. j-before Judge Louis George, Rock- police said the cause had not strom refused to - waive extradi­ ruthless assaUant, ‘^taking the Suburban for Rent ^^66 . films with him. But Penny was OsnT Find Parents i IN A HOME OF YOUR OWN •/INDOW SHADES—VENETIAN been determined and no estimate tion, and his ca$e was continued LOOK-THER bIS a n ABANOONaO LOOK AND \ I f ma kuMbbr.*S*! VCXJkE WOONS. I t w a s Repairing 23 FO R s a l e blinda. Owdng to 'our Very low FOR RENT— FOUR ROOM up^ the d ^ a g e had been made. fti 30 days in compliancer with glad of one thing: she knew now BOWBOAT/ .lT i ‘ ' El' Paso. Tex.—(iP)—The Army /J see WHAT JrM x w w iHe scat WLCAI TMKrv- TMIKTYc- ''lifte r ‘Street. 5-room sin* ' 4-room Duplex wlflr all Im­ overhead, get our special low stairs tenement on Route 85. 4tb state statutes. where- the films were. The, Royal SUfiMERSeO/ NOM8E«,.ancy. • to drive your bar over... To Aid in Produetipii •tlon. ■'All Improvements. .Steam Phone 6191 • 2-0188 or Situated bn South MiJn SL 3ver his aching forehead. >< beat. Completely furnished ' 4485 nay tlAie, day or Once he said, “Why do some ANDOVER, CONN.— , night,-and onr buyer will - ' The above-listed prop«T- of Vital War Work. , ro'omlng hoii«e. ' All moms oc­ ■ 100-Acre/ 'Farm with S- cupied. call. tiea are all offei^ at attrac­ »______room house with,, electric Millwrights, Firemen, lights and pump in siniki tive pdees, And we soHeit TO RENT Barn'with tle-op for 15 cows. your iliqaiiT. Gnards and W e a ^ ^ Manchester Green; Section-^ 30-35 acre* cleared lahd. .Bal­ ^.Uoiy^&uf Wiik ' OUT OUR w a y BY J. R. WILLI OUR BOARDING HOUSE MAJOR BUOruB 5-Room Single uith all Im­ ance woodland and pasture. W One-half- mile frontage on provement*. Rent StlO per, SHE’LL BREAK OUT \ UEANDEB./ all' in / THAT main read. . P. $4,50io. D.' Stuart J. Waslay S H E S A. W ILD 0 4 E, SBC.TWISGS.' ^ s . month. 8 CHENEY N SO DO M 'T t a k e * 8 pAT ON THE SURFACE SiRt kCQMES BACK — neath. ~ 0 fFORf OAMWN eREAKSl B kft W E 'L L B E Pattern No. 8404 is in sises $4. iff NOTHING HAFPCNS S T ' 88, 38, 40, 42, 44, 46, 48 and 80. eoNNFiNG ON yous Sise S$ slip and'pantie set take# TMB«. WE*U, HA/E TO SIGNALS TO GIVE US ABANDON THE lOl>EA A N D 4% yards 85-indl materlaL HER EXACT. LOCATION! For this attractive pattern, send ffiCK YOU UPi IS e v e r y t h in g C L E A R ? 15 cents, phis 1 cent for postage, By Mra. Anne Cabet the Pattsra Murabor to JUtaa | coins, with your liatte, address, Make thla charming little Mt of Oabot (The X v m l^ Barald, lOff { eVERYTHING.su** pattsrn number and sIm to The white dotted dtroity. ol soft piastel Seventh. Avenue, Now York City, llaadieeter Herald, ’Today's Pat- handkercUet Uhen, baUato or cain- ikicloae 1 cent poataga for'each toni Barvlee, 100 Seventh avenue. fook. It's a grand remake pattem, pattern ordered. «, Improved methods ter m e^ai New Yfork,* N. Y. too aa you can aasUy cut it flora tlM new Spring Anne Cabot sad surgiesl stteatiqa as* savfeig toe Now. you dan order a Summer an adult diacarded summar frock. Album is ready (dr mailing. (Xm- Uvea et thousemli et ear woomM. issue ot Fashion, our helpful sew­ EmbreideF the tiny flowers in pink talns S3 pages of spring and sum­ aqd ^ .m ob ile hocpltal earrylag the ing guide imd pattern eatatogl er blue- mer accessories, ways to save tatim 'equipmeat la om rcasoa-tes (Dontatna over 100 new patterns, VERS v/BRS To obUTOf j^ttera and sewing Ih- money on home decoratldn, aids to this improvement. ' M(\«iizM .SfaSifat*, lac. has Infiwmatien joa ear* of cloth­ ! ■trucliens for the Baby Bat ( n t - heipinf tha gwdly'clothea budget : v.$.Tismb OVERH EAD a n d u n d e r f o o t w • MT T-^ PAST. M A ^O R .'-^^'* * ing, hew to make over, how to plan • tarn No. S8M ) sand 10 eoats la in .warttmai.flA. brani naw- AIM aniM hiiw miMtlsal ysM iohai. 2Se par ea^. 'Ceifl, Your Na$M uA JkMnm.tfl I la pafMAlKmMK .t.-. r, JULY 15,1948 Manchester Evening Herald Average Dally Clrcnlajtloii RS:-. For thn Month of Jn Thd Wda^ldr, .FnrSBBBt M q. a Wdatli “ ^ CpI. Charles W. Rlnka, formerly of 190 Union street, was recently Gets State pQst Sankey Heads Engaged to Appeals Board About Town promoted to Technician 4th Grade FOR FI?iE Mamtar Audit at the Armored Force Replace­ Cooler totrigM and Sstorday „. ! ■ •wiian eC motofcyelM whoM ment Training Center, Fort Knox, Hose Co. No. 2 MeetsTonight FOODS B a re q a ^ Otroatetlona moralng. V^HOUne rationing eoupona^run Kentucky. Sergeant Rlnka, a for­ thi« month will have an ap* mer materials clerk, came into the FOSTER’S840 OAKLAND STREET Mtmchmt ^ r ■ ^<4, GIfy of Village Charm PHONE 7386 t nUeatiOB for m ow al mailed them, service in February, ’942. He is a y & e a n being mailed out today. North End Firemen Se­ To Act on Various Re­ member of the Battle Training de­ VOL. L ^ , NO. 244 (CteaaUled Advertlaing oa Pnga U) MANCHESTER, CONlL^FEIDAY, , expire thta month, but moat tachment, designed -to teach lect Officers; Names of quests for Changes in 16 1943 (FOURTEEN PAGES) rRe e c k n is ' I; dg ttam do. Whan the appllca- trainees under- conditions as, close We Will Have a. Good Supply of I t t e la neeleed the peraon is re- to combat as can bis simulated. Others Chosen. Local Zoning Rules; ...... ■ :’i. aMsted to dU It out and return Cooked and Tenderized HAMS ^ ft to the local RaUonlng Board Members of Hose Company No. The Zoning Board of Appeals IFs Not All Mechanized Waflar ^ Jrty ai. _____ Among-those who have com­ N pleted basic training at Camp 2 of the Manchester Fire Depart­ meets tonight at 8 o’clock In the for the Week-EndBy tHe Piece Allied Units ment reelected Fred Sankey fis _ . . >; , -r- The annual Sunday school plo Sampson, Geneva, New York, with foreman at the regular meeting of Municipal building to act upon British Eighth^rih)^ -Art at the Church of the Naaarene rating of Seannan, Second Class, is Several requests fdr changes In or Slice. ' John E. McKenna; formerly of this the company held last evening at ^T'nOl be held Saturday at 1:30 .at headquarters', -Main and Hiliiard the zoning rules. the Oommunlty playgrounds in ^ e town. His wife, Mrs. Rita E. Mc­ Birds Ey# Fillet Red Perch Mubo From Japs; streets. Alexander Jarvla la asking to Mar of the X M .C ^. Kenna is residing in Hartfprd.' Other officers elected were, V. I ' ) ^ K - N be allovved to erect seven houses • ,y".. ' ;■ first assistant foreman, John Mere; Cucumber fw 25 c i ' ' lirs. Gordon Pratt, and infant Miss Ruth Russell' of the State second assistant, foreman, Jfelson er"’w|- on lots in Woodbridge ' nearer to Catania; , daughter. Sandra, left yesterday Food Preservation committee will Quimby; treasurer,, Frank Morda- the rear line than ia now allowed; Large Bing Cherries •rise Defense for Boston, where they will Join give two lecture-demonstrations ski; secretary, John F. Limerick; Walter Davidowicz aska to be al­ Seaman F ntt of the Unit^ States on canning tomorrow in the South Chal^an .of the house committee, Coast Guard who expects to be Methodist church.' The first one Paul Cervinl, auditors, ' Francis lowed to enlarge hia stora at 45 39c lb. 15-lb. box $4.50 stationed there for' an indefinite will be at ten o’clock In the. fore­ Selby and Gilbert Park. Delegate North atreet; Louis Klinkhamer noon and the second a t two o'clock to convention, John F. Limerick. wants to convert a building In the Large Pink Meal Cantaloupes * Union Stand ure period. ''' era in in the afternoon. These canning rear of 131 Summit street into a demonstrations will be in the 2 9 c .each The closing session of the Church iBdward t. Morphy Miss Estelle Thompeo* dwelling; Anna Kripaltes of 42 Guinea Maneuver; j spacious, cool ikitchen - of the Edwards atreet is asking to be al­ Is Delaying Vacation school o f . the North church and there will be no admljp Spectacular .^ir, Vic- j Within 15 Miles of City] Main street churches will be held V Edward J. Murphy, former pres­ Mr., and Mrs. Airtpld C. Thomp­ lowed to convert a building at 42 Fancy Seedless Grdpes lb. 29c tomorrow evening at 7:30 In the sion. It Is hoped housewives ..thMr teachers, and the supervisor, nations of candidates for appoint­ Xoning Board of Appeals, Muni­ lowed to erect a roadside stand; 1 Potatoes, Pie Apples, Celery, By A Hied Leaders man Armored Divhl Mrs. M. L. Vetrano. This school Hospital Motes ment to the varloua state Instlfiu- cipal building at 9. son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur A. Steven Boiko wants to erect a cow Southwest Pacific# July 16.— H gine Plant Lagging 'ims been maintained for seventeen tlons who will be concerned with Saturday, July IT Coleman of Natick, Maaa, ' Miss bam at 296 Hackmatkclc street Iceberg Lettuce, Asparagus, Blue­ (^)-<)utwitting the wily to Refusal to sions and Severelyl oonsecutlve summers and was-first or charged with the dirty of pre.- Outing Orford H ow Co., at Bol­ Thompson is a graduate of . the and he la also asking to be'allow­ Japanese at h)s own jungle . , x, Told by Roosevelt tmd -Satabtiahed by Rev. Frederick C. parlng or dispenaing irtedlclnal ton Lake. ed to keep chickens as is Charles Maul Them; Prison^ AlTeq, now of New Haven. Admitted yesterday—Mrs. Belle Tuesday, July SO Manchester High school, class Of Bezzini of 65 Linmore drive and berries and Raspberries. • game of stealing up from be- Accept \JOli -Offers. Naples RuinC;jil Jackson., Main 'street: Mrs. Vera preparations in such group?.'--T*** Special Services Round Table, 1943. Corporal' Coleman Is now Snvip-Mendin of 230 McKee street. hind, American and Austra­ Chiirchill to Surren­ ers Exceed 20,000?| Orifrin. 23 Carroll »«ad. two other members appointed tp W> Received a Little Canned Corned Beef, Orange this commission are Charles Gus­ Red Cross Headquarters at 10 a.m. stationed with the U. Army Marmalade and Hershey Syrup. lian fighters of Gen. Douglas Kansas City. July 16.— A. der Honorably or Be Admitted today—Miss Anne Mc­ tafson, Jr„ of Hartford, a member followed by luncheon at Country Air Forces In Louisiana.. Kansas City union leader revealed After Allied Allied Headquarters, N(>r Veigh, ISO Pearl street; Miss Flor­ ffliib. ' No date has been feet for the FuU Line of Soaps, Soap Powders, Canned Goods. MacAfthur possessed the Blasted Out Aff W'ar.' Manchester ence Shaw, 35 Edwards atfeet of the present Board of Pharmacy wedding. Canned Juices, Cereals, Cookies, Etc. Mubo gateway to Salamaua today that union construction Africa, July 16.—(fl>)r*i-1niel and Felix Blanc of UnionvlUe, the Wednesday, July SI V Fir* Discharged yesterday—Miss Em­ Surgical',dressings for Red Cross, "today after wiping out 950 aur- workers have been ordered not to hard-punching B xA t i s h*| chief inspector of the Pharmacy COME ON OVER! .' prln^ defenders in a brilliant Washington, July 16.—(iT*) Air Assault New and flied ma Hunt, 151 Maple street. Board. Volunteers always welcoms st accept Jobs through tbe United Eighth Army wag repor__ Ameriesn Legion hall, Leonard CATERIMG New Guinea, maneuver. The States Employm'ent service—and —President Roosevelt arid within 15 miles of Catania in| Discharged today—James Shee- ' The first examination by the street, from 10 a,m: to 4:30 p.m. rupt collapfee of hill positions Homes‘ Available for key, 34 Olctitt drive. nawly created board will be held at •tride which the Japanese. for a contractor asserted erection of .Jtf' - Prime Minister Churchill to- Crushed ntler^-Ss^Same a north'ward surge up th4 Birth today—Twins boy and the Capitol' on Friday morning Annua, MerehanU* Day. OF ALL SORTS ; $ a big Pratt and Whitney aircrefft day gave Italy her choice— tP Immediate Oceupancjr Friday, July M montha barred the way alraig the engine plant has been slowed be­ Sicilian toast today girl, to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Ox- when dandldatea for the ^slUon War Stamp dimee at Tinker hall; Is Obtainable By Yon At Jungle track leading to their Sala­ Who shkl pack animals_i^ere obsolete In war? This proves him wrong, for as U S forces landed surrender honorably, or be Staggering Attack falling upon two German ar* enbom of 14 B3dridge street. • of Pharmacist at the State Hos­ Sunday, August 1 . maua air base, 12 miles to the cause of the order. on Sicily’s shores they took along. Army pack animals. Hera soldiers lead them off landing boats Death today—Louis Lent!, 1J8 pital at Norwich will appear before THE GARDEN War . Manpower Commission through the surf. Masted out of the war. In a Suffered by Messina; mprfed divisions-andT^rel' Alexander Outing, Manchester Improve­ RESTAURANT AND ^ north, waz announced In a com- regtilations require smployers in virtual ultimatum^ the Allied mauling them. Alllqii headquar^ im Parker street the commlssioifti.. ment Association, Backua Grove, Comforting ';.munique which alao recorded d Port blazing Inferno* Births: Correction: A son was GRILL DINE AND DANCE apectacular aii victory. essential industry to -do all. their leaders said the time has tars announced OwT sapture of 12 J Jarvis bom yesterday to Lieut, and Mrs. Buckland. funeral Service hiring through the U. S. Employ­ more towns, aa'/.mericana, B rlt-f «8 Alexander Bt. Maaebester 840 Ma in s t r e e t 45 Jap Planes Shot Down come for the ftalian people John Mairoca, of 19 Clinton street s Modtrotn costs GEORGE SMITH’S MUSIC X ment service. “to decide whether Italians shdll Allied Headquarters in -Hprth isb and Capddtans advance . all PbMMa: instead of a daughter, as report­ Breakfasts Dinners Over Rendova laland in the cen-' Protest Over Policlee Wallace-Joiies Africa, July 16—(JP)— .The great along Uiefr moon-shapqd front J 0«ee 41» aesldsnna m s Loose Grating a Personal attention WITH TONY OBRIGHT AND HIS XYLOPHONE die for Mussolini and Hitler—or ed in yesterday’s nbtes. TALL CEDARS a Modern equipment Luncheons tral Solomons, 45 Japanese planes Berrin D. McEIroy, secretary of P^ds Strike Fresh live for Italy and civilization.’’ ItlUian mainland porf Pf Naples and more than 20,000 priscgio were shot down out of a forma* the Building and Construction wejer in -filled hands when 7’ a Expert direction Parties of AD Sizes Soft, Sweet Music For Yoiir Daneii^ Pleasure! The atatenietrt added; “The lay in smoking ruihs today, crush­ Makes Hazard tion of approxlniately 80 while on Trades council of Kansas City, Fight Rapped; skies ovei Italy Bro dominated by Sir Beroarff I*' -Montgomer;^ vet- ' B I N 6 O, WALTERnui B.R NvLECLCRpm. Accommodated. nearby New Georgia American said the union action was {aken the vafet air armada's of the Unit­ ed under the'sam e staggerinj erans administered another wh MANCMtSTC-MAHCuesTW, ^ Jungle fighter, edged-still closer in protest over policies of the Blows at Germans Allied aeria! 'assault that virti ping, to tbe Hermann Goerinc L-4k Telephone 39Q2 or 5790 Walter's Restolmint ed States and Great Britain,” and Falls Into Gstern and TOMORROW NIGHT to the enemy’s key air base at War Manpower Commission'' of­ Both Rebuiled “Ita’y’a sea coasts are threatened wiped Meaaina' 'f|t>m the -eetl of 15th German armored divhSbi AT PIKEHURST \ ORANGE HALL Formerly l u t e ’s < At Tlie Center) Munda. _ fices In this region.' Elements of Ten Nazi Aoo|,«p^l Ai.«« by the greatest accumulation of Slclly'the previoufe^^ay. Take Nearly 16,000 Prisopels/ Had to* Be Guarded Tba selfaa»>fe tactics the Japa­ The coimcil’s action, he added,! . X British and Allied sea power ever Twenty-four solld-/hdurs of The American Seventh Ar Freah Flah warn hi heavy demand today. We have THE VERY BEST IN CHOICE fo o d s AND LIQUORS nese employed with such bewilder­ meant that no members of the | ^ e'W O ffic e , o f .E c o n o m ic Divisions Sent Reel- A F C a concentrated in the Mediterrane-. bombardment b ^''lh e''^. heaviest of Lieut. Gen, George S. P att,,, put an order in for another fiah ahipment to arrive eaity By Local Police. ing success against the British on constructiqn and building trades - an." bomber form atl^a from'' ■I'lorth Jr., seizing a number of towns (»: Friday morninff. < X' their- advance down the Malay union can take Jobs on any proJ-i— W a r fa r e V *K lcr CrOW- ing Rack; Scattered - r t f ! P r o b l e m s Not Popular'pptaion, '• Africa left^^Na|>le8. fountainhead the westeni sector, aome of them a l k ie o o f b a m ^peninsula upon Singapore —infil­ ect under the Defense Plant Cor-: . . . r*, . ^ of enemy, retnforcelnents and s i ^ Mackerel Sahmm ^ Haddock Filleta An iron graU over a surface '"(Known As f|neen AMce) In Forests and Fields. The president at bis press-radio plies fp<’''Sicily, a blaZin^ Inferno, .of the greatest strategic impor­ water outlet in the middle of Main G. E. WILLIS A SON, INC; tration to the rear—proved! their poration, tjie Army or any other ley tq/ Take Over conference was asked whether tance, had taken nearly 16,000 HaHbat alid Cod. ^ SPIRITUAL MEUIVM undoing at Mubo. essential service operating under Ita arfeeqal all but. demolished and atreet at tbe intersection of Bis-' Seventh Daughter of n Seventh Son BroatLPowerg *pf Faiyc ^era was.any time limit to the of the prisoners. \ sell became looaened at noon to­ On June 3Q, while the - right the WMC rules. Moscow, July 16.—(ia Joint statement 'Isaued down over the Alps from England about tVying Limes or some pure Lemun Juice in cans? David GalUgan there. gan at that point. SteMUUIjLAheae Bombers Hit divisions whittled down the minor > Bulletin! almultaneoualy .at the White Ho ers were confident the Qernuui. Attorney Harold G a r r 11 y OLD For .almost three weeks, Mr. GemfSh- g ati^ ln the BeleBfod New Lqbdbn, July 16—(4’)— to pulverize communlcationa in tank forces woutitJMr dealt with, Op. make ajdrink of Grapefruit Juice, Grape Juice and ANV MAKE — ANY hiODEL foKies, some Iugg;ing heavy guns ^osevelt watched—as he said and in London (at 7 a. m„ c. w. t. ortherh Italy. chanced along and said he could by hand t>ver Jungle paths, moved bulge some ^ miles t^ th'e Federal^ Transportation Co-, the two United Naticma leaders told and that thereafter the enemy, Gingerale. We have Werac’a, Shnrflne and Tea Garden reach the grating. On being chal­ with surprise—Wallace and Jones and rep u ls^ all fresh enemy at­ ordlnit^ Joseph B. Eastman Scourge Enem.v la Sicily W"iuld be obliged .to fight a da>” Grape Juice, " ^ R EC O R D S^ inland along tbe valley of the Bitoi Plants slam each other in print over, the people of Italy that the sole |lum bombers and fighter- lenged tbe Judge bent over, reach­ Most be tamed In for snt- C A L L EAST river toward Mubo’a rear. tacks wh/h continued at a furi­ ^tnld the New England Gover­ hope of Italy’s survival “jies In fensive rearguard action while' ed down into the storm water re? methods of stockpiling strategic ous pac/, dispatches said. nors’ conference her^ 'today bombed, scourged the enemy in conducting a withdrawal from the vnge if yon qrant to keep EAT BEITER AT REYMANDER’^ After Americana and Auatrai- honorable capitulation to the over­ Sicily by'night and day, rqking isiand. PINBHiJRST VEGETABLES Cess and managed to get hold of iilaying the ae«* eacA- ' war materials. ! Tanka Destroyed^ ' private automobile^-Should be whelming power of the military the grating. He soon hauled It to^ Delicious Half Broilers X 8-1990 iana conquered aoutheaatern New ^ North Italy President Cracks Down preserved as a ineans of es­ road and raJI'^mmunicationn and Strong Seaward Support Johnnia Motrli wfll brfaif aa some freshly picked, 2V|0 eneh (Mid tor old ree^- Guinea in mid-January by destnw- Last night, in about the same man tank losses bad''reach- forces of the United Nations. giving tight .overhead protection The Ajtli appeared poweriesa to ' the atreet leyel and It wtm put ed/the enormous tolLof 3,052;' l,- sential' transportation to re­ “If- you continue to tolerate the iH fa ta n of YELLOW CORN. buck in pl^e. ■irda Irreepectlve of quantity: Baked VirRinia Ham ing a Japanese Army of 1^000, . . .— "" X -.1. : Vein that he pronounced "a plague lieve the bproen on public con- to Allied forces fighting in the keep i*' ) Allied fleet in check aa . ntMB Martin Bedier: Beets, Carrots, Cucumbers, Australians had moved jthrough on both your Houses" when rival ^ planes had been 'destroyed; Fascist regime which selves the south and east of thdialand. Six­ it gave stron seaward support to A warning sign was placed o v ^ Peugeot Motor Works in and upwards uf' M,600. men had veyancco-and expressed the evil power of the Nazis, you must Juicy Tender Steaks the Jungle north more than . 150 labor unions were warring-a few belief If could be done by mak­ teen enemy aircraft w ed/estroy- Montgomery’s right -flank and Peppers, Spinach, Beet Greens and Snntmer Squash, the apot until the grate can be KEMP'S France Attacked; Ger­ beer kille captured towns. . in the food line. \ ^ targets in northern Italy. 4-^ToId all adminlsAative offi- additional gaina north of ^Igorod New London, July 16. — (jPi— termined, however, to “destroy the Italian mainland, which literally rhia town on a vital second line B x p ^ workmnaalilp. All work VOyotiWMNT (CoBtinoed on Pags ren) The Peugeot Motor workers pro­ and enclrried a .strong Soviet New Ehigland’s governors received destroyed an area two miles long of ■ cominunleations upon which / Store Honrs Friday and Saturd^ / D U R K E © gnnmntoed. BeaeonaMe Prieea. duce two ton trucks -aid the out­ (ContAued on Page FourVx group. /Itussian counter-attacks assurance today ?fcem Prentiss M. (Oontlaued oa Page Four) and one mile wide. the Axis had been obliged to ’tell No ohUgattoa for aa eattmata. put was second only to that of the wer^.sMd to have weakened.) Brown. j0PA ^adirhlnistrator, that , ------r.------^ ' AmmuHltten' Train Blasted back, changed h«pds aeveral times 9:00 A. M. to 6 :00 P.M. \ “the oil problems of the northeast before " Policy Toward The plant ia reported to tilrn Fish Veterans In a fepeciai communique list having considered attention,’’ even Jontinp ion o. the advance Burton Insulating Co. gf . . . Italian Army in the Meaaina port area. Docks, out be'.ween 6,000 and 8,000 trucks night announcing the counter-of­ aa. an aide to PAW Administrator a/ warehouses and loc»motiVe sheds from Vizziiii would quickly ipenim InchuTJit Qivccn/.mc. 189 OxfUtd SL Hartford a ^ear and. employs 10,000 fensive launched, three days ago, Harold Ickea, reporting in person, th- towns of Militello ano m g>-4»l|' French Upheld still were seen burning furiously oh DIAL4I51 ^ 302 MAIN STREET R'ead Herald Advs. A N I W C i i T O r Montbeliard is located aUbat 10 W aIkA |hore the Russians safd th elr^ swtfl predicted that the kerpaene altua- Generals Hit the neck of. land that stlcka out > m U L Q F P 05T OFFICE ■ nyf FiOCKFROM \TATf ARMORY miles south of Belfoiixtn haateW thrusts north and eaat-^f Orel, tion, critical in the northeast last within three miles of the Italian (Contlpued oa Pags Zl| France, near the jBwiaa iMirder, 200 miles south of -Moscow, had year, would he much better next penihfeuja;, X . > rs. I AJl ^ Empire Appears .anc the German,^4adio said in a IStrike Spreading in r ■ ' , . ----- ^ winter. “You grf the impression that the z : GiaiOIIEHuiiT broadcast rMqrded by The Asso­ P)— Washington,'July 16.—(J>)— The principal aides,, said the entire pe­ (donttniied on Fags Fra) Bulletin! poeitlon of the Treasury July 14: Bern, Switzerland, July 16.—(d>) (Contlniied da Page Fenr) We are now in a position to offer 48-hour ENi^dent Roosevelt, upholding his troleum picture looked bettor biit wur^Lift Driving Ban --''French policy, said today all the Boston, July 16—(J5—While Receipts, 869.594,793.80; expen- when pressed by Gov. Raymond E. —Fascist Editor "Roberto R. FVu’i- Boston,. July 16— —The bas ­ ' French eippire now appears to be fishermen from more than a dltdres, 8233,951,898.26; net bal­ nacci, mB'.''lng the.flrat open attack, service on INLAIP LINOLEU»| INSTALLA- hundred vessels struck In pro­ on Italian military leadership alnca on pleasure drivlag would deda- Working for-fhe common caufee-x Perkins Seen ance, .810,767,792,601.48. (Conttaaed on Pag# fen) itely be lifted,. Pim Mss Browa.. TIONS. Come to MONTGOMERY W^RDS to liberate Frdnce and defeat the test againfet new' OPA flsfa the atari of the war, demanded a Ready to Aid^^ OPA admlnlHtiator said in sia la* 'Axis. .' ■ "■■■„ rioe celllngd and Othera de- change in generals and a shake-up tervlew today. He declined to saj '"T^e president described'as vi- SsUHi what their atUtode in the Fafeciet perty hierarchy last when the nction would be tokea Boarding Homes for f ^ estimate and see our wide ielection . Out of Job should be, the OPA aanobneed night, dispatches from Rome dis­ W ar Effort cioulh..propaganda certiUn criti­ today t h ^ Its ceilings gen- but indicated It would ha “shatfa of patterns* Restaurant and Grill cisms attacking the governiqeiit’fe H^me Front Heroes Itch; closed. >>. mi r - , 1 ^ ly." Brown rontended that thd- baa eniny topreppnted tbe 1942 .Writim, in the .newspaper I policy sin<»!FH^ce fell, saying W summer avemge-—establishing . on. pleasure driving bad “scared a ' FOR BOYS waa very u n f^ , incorrect, and de­ Roose voltes Action Tn Regime Fasciata, the former party New Martinique Govern­ lot of people” but indicated b* bs- a level declared to be more Bodies Fiood fo r Cooties secretary demanded that Italy’s rogatory t o „ a well-ordered plan Reorganizing BE^F Is tkad double the price-averdge Ueved sufficient sating In going back several yqan. best forces be rushed to "Sicily or Says He Will Give would be arcumpUBb^ If motor­ for the five year period 1988- • a.'ong with the moat able.'pre^red AND OIRLS YOU o a a t NHiMnbar The president toliP''-* press-' End for Director. 1941. Assistance to Allies. ists were allowed to use “A” ra­ radio conference he did Washington, July 16— —It’a aS However, th^se aggravating in- and resolute leadiers. tions ns they, saw 0t. a color shad* fo» very ART McKAY AND HIS nOL^ter- pediculoua w^r out at the National i.sects won’t grow and multiply on “It is impossible that the Italian vene with force to take over Waabington, July 18—(jP)— A Bostdp, July-16—(J'l^The New lonq. So don't tak ^ a Inetitute of Health where a hand"- I any diet but human blood, sp Dr. Army has pnly one Messe," (Gen. Fort - de - France, Martinique, Would Re-Establish Relatioas ekanoo on buylnu • Unique and Guadeloupe, >Yeni Board of Economic Warfare Ehigland flahernien’s strike was ful of home front heroes have ' Wright turned his frame into a July 16—(fl*»—Asaurahee waa given Your Help Is Needed |n Giving Caribbean possessions, aa some fkesman said todqy President been energetically scratching for Giovanni Mease) he wrote. “It ia London, July 16— — PoBah 824-828 Main Street TeL5l51 Manchester eoler rou may liot Uka spreading- in scope today, with Ilce-farm. He covered r con­ absurd and extremely dangerous' today by Henri-Etienne Hoppenot,' Prime .MinUtcr Mtaaislaw Mlkela- criUcs of hia policy had urged but Rooe^elt’s action in reorganis­ victory ainbe' last December. new governor of long-troubled late*. ORCHESTRA FOR DANCING wraltod to xyoid bloodshed / and m'bre tha^ 100 veasela tied up tn tainer with cloth,- put in' a pair to measure the choice qf men artd' jezyk declared today It fa **tba- A Youngster A New Home ing thd' BEW into an Office of They’re paaturlng parasita. o# fcootlee and atrabned it to'hi* decisions with the military annual MaKinique, that his administra­ sincere wish .of the new PoUsh. consequences which would uave Economic Warfare undoubtedly Massachuaetta porta r- in protest which is the aclentlflc way of aay-, “ ^ .“ tapped it to bis tion would do everything pqsaible We bave many unfortimate children now In the^sarc of the Wa glra tkla iroa odlo* cut into the ovmUl war picture. ing they're crawling with cootlea. ‘ I a yardatickJ’ governnient tluit relatioas wlAl, ■. ' ' ■ 7 . meana that MUo Perkins, BEW against new QPA wholesale ' flfeh Take Over Feeding Ordeal .Attacks tUaeless Elements to asiiiat the United Nations war Russia be re-efetablisbed and tbaf | State who have lost their home'a tro u g h neglect, lIlneaB o f' harmony larviee. miiiERYnoH Waited Out Sttaatioa director, is out of a Job. Perin^ up in little pill-boxes. effort. — . death or deaeftion of their parents. i They are looking for and ■ ■* 7' /■ f ■ ' . ■ price ceilings.’ . under their shirta or Ztocklnga, Dr. Wright has since gone to Attacking what he described as his regime would not. stand la.tbe' Using the parlance of the baise- ' t This authoriXed spokesman said Centred America, but Mrs. Nolan useless elements in the Fascist Asked if French military- and way of anyone, attempting le set-n they need a good home to live in In order to grow up to be Bring a aamida oi th* IN YODI NOME ball diamond, he said the State merely he did not.,expect such to Weather-beaten fishing veteranfe' they’** keeping a colony of lice Nav’al forces''in this area might good cltixens. aeler—toteol cir.e«|rtaln> walked dshore in droves, duffle alive with their blood—in order to and 15 volunteer, tcientista who hierarchy, Farinacd called for a tie the dispute."' GRILL' M sttla-SM iaar OUn« department and the adminiatra- be doing around BEIW today, add­ bags over their ehoulders and food Itched for action took over the ‘hierarchy of values, a hierarchy Join the. other Allies, Hoppehot • • • 'The State pays weekly board of %»• for each ehUd and in 9 P m I to 1 A. M. learii how said lice can be killed said in an interview that this mat­ addition the total coat of the chlld’.s Gothirtg. medical and dental ■WHERE GOOD FELLOWS GET TOGETHER" —you araurtngln jpeur tenn Pnlni li o tooA Uon waited out the'xltuaUon and ing: auppUes in their hands—In some before they carry diseaae and'death j ^ouf'ho^-a-clay ,feeding ordcaL that knows bow to give the people Asked to Reduce iS’pace bathroom; Wa will nfeml-^em In heeomql got a baae on baUa. -“Mr. Perkins was fired yester­ instances only a few minutes after Some of tbe more sensitive- a little sunshine after ao' much bit­ ter had not yet been discussed, Los .Vngelea. July 16—in —The > care, and'mther Incidentals, and, remember thia, y^i.w ill be «nte!^3^ ter waUn , i • ■ ' ’ It How 'aeema clear, he added. day, and that seems to be all to Johnny DcUighboy.' although he’believed all concerned more than amply rewardad by the Joy a chUd wiU bring to your gladly help you aelaet dud wnedwedr la lit* * their vessels had' bMn iced, pro­ fdikt Track” skinned aoon retired from the sci­ terness.” were anxious to contribute -all they Los Angeles Ttmee inbsnaeed tei* : home. 'Dila is not an adoption, aimply 'home care that avery D»B AND DANCE . that practically the entire French there is to it” ' • visioned and ready’to leave'for the entific front, but about eight men day that retail adveiiteefa f a harmoniaing or oen- aa at h a * and aaanr- ’ Minimum Qutrgc $1.00, ■empire ia working to free Franca Uaeertate oa Ktatgaatloii - "Wa’re on the right track.” waa The InereMsingly gloomy tone of could foi victory. chUd desen.*ea and ahould have, For ,fuH detalla write or phene To the Ultinf TuMS sf Bkaand iiav ilalakla* banka. the comment today of Mrs. Tiioinas and women stayed iri ■ there and the Italian prtM generally waa re­ Foroed ’To Capitulate been asked tq reduce their aoi any of the addresses below. trosting oelo* to mako and beat back her oppresaora. The spokesman said he did not Five trawlers tied-up in Boaton scratched. space by spprexlmateiy If a ■ . YOUR bathroom much iMaA trfai fat nU rthar He aanertod the United slates know Whether ' Peririhs has' sub­ B. Nolan, aoologiirt. who waa pro­ ported to have reaultoiT bi mount­ Admiral Georges Robert, Viphy DON MAC'AND HIS RHYTHM MASTERS harbor and 80 of the ItaUan fleet vided pereonal paature for thou­ Their battle scars are tempor­ ing pessimism and apathy among follower whp acceded to the wishes Seat durlaif the aext tbisa bm ROBERT J, SMITH,.Slate Wellafe CoMmlsslouer, DELK’IOUS FIKIDS — MODEST PRICES! moro boiautifuL has kept aloof from internal poli­ mitted a formal resignation,. but stopped operations. ' ary sores which spot their bodies because of* newsprint paper tics ^in other cdtintrlei^ but that he added there is no room for sands df lice as her part in (he the Italian people. of the -yrtlted Nations and stopped or .Mrs. SEBVIAU B. PACKABD. Deputy ^ ’ 85 Veaaels in Harbor' war effort. "But until we’re sure, wherever they stray on the coo^ Typical ‘Of the attitude of the down from the Martinique pdst a duction restrictloBs, nad that 8 RQAST BEEF out. of thIa baa cpme! a . vicious doubt that the executive director At New Bedford, a. member of itie-cages—usually on tbe arms tailons have bees placed es SUte Ofhee Bldg., Hartford - S i n m m a MUnN-SENOUR OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY considers himaelf out. o( a Job. we don’t like to talk much about press' was the admission- by Cor- week ago, was forded to capitulate, or OUT District Bopervlsors Roagt Lajnb Half BroUera propaganda wbiph be declared the Fishing Advisory board aaid the progreaa of our experiments.’* and legs, but never in the same riere dells Sera that tbe Battle Uoppenot said, following a- “re­ alls' of. wsat sda. ■ncMuawtiir • harmful. The spokesman sgld he inter­ 65 vesaels were in the harbor and apot twice, which eoon presents a for Sicily goes far beyond the ■ • • * •> V;- HABtPGBD— ^ MiMt Roth C. Daaa Vekt Cutlet ' Chow lldin lyied ScRlloiM Mr. Roosevelt sxid the govern­ preted Mr, 'Rooaevelt'ii action as - Since Wars began, lice have car­ volt” qf the Army garrison. FOR FRIDAY: \ Dolm nlyttas Btem 1818. another 68—riiturning from .the ried tyohos and relapsing fever In­ spacing problem. question whether the island could The garriaoq, Hoppenot said, left Russiaa Army Attacks . S tate p a c e BMg. ment’s policy has bsen consistent putting the activiriea formerly in banka—^probably would remain at: to the Dloodsfreama of soldiers, ao Dr. F- J- Brady, acting chief of be held. It could be of “decisive Fort-de-France June IS, gathered Loadoo, July (n BHOnMIPORT-. ] Mra.' Balsa. HarrtegtoB Lobster ^ Soft Shen Crabg since the fall- o f Franca, and pri- the hands of Vice Presidant Wal- their piers imtll aome adjustment Dr> 'H. H. Wright, chief of the In­ the division, said it’s necessary to Importance to the outcome 6f the at .a. poe" on the other aide of the Gormaa sews ageaejr, sal WU VhlHk^ Avaauo iqarily aimed, at keeping the laca under Stabilization Director of the OPA regulatfbn Waa made. feed the lice dally, so the volun­ war for Europe,” the paper said ialanil, and declined to obey the broadcast from BerMa laal)UA I KHdien Opdi Until l i p. m. EWich flMt from falling into A :^ Jamea F. Byrnes and thoM held stitute’s Zoology division, decided jnfeW HAVEN-. Nias Dotethy Baiger Fine WIneo — Liquois and Beer In Maine Btoto iSea and Shore laqt December to seek a atream- teers toke them home during -Ih words which obaervera admiral tbe Bneriaa Anay attaehed i • M Gru.ve Strept •1.0 Ofik Street , Tel. 3894 hands. by Perhins under Leo T. CTOwIey, Fisheries Oommlaaioner Arthur R. lined. aeientUlo delousing system. week-ends. They count the coo- foun(i reminiacent of daclarationa Although Robert aaked for co­ oerataig. te the, ataa Larsen’s Feed Service Steaks, ChQ|M and Lobsters Although Vichy France scuttled newly named director of the OEW: Greenleaf said fishing had dropped ties carefully befdre aqd ' after that came from Franca shortly, operation in several ' radio .ad­ grori n riela it artMtei •HWMKM— Mrs. Margaret C^arroll much of her fleet following the Al- To get him startedi the Army MS Main Ktrvpt 38 DEPOT SQUARE T E t.5405 Neither Perkifia nor "Crowley, 40 per cent and that additional Medical service located one male feeding—for obvipus. reasons- and before her fall, the newapaper dressee the civil populfetion began aratloB. Tba ageacy aaM could be reached for comment. I and two female cooties—but it harried is the hunting when any ■<■' ' - tack OMt wllk- Iteeae m rag e XwoJi ' Crimle^ was out of town; a* Paga Foaeg < .didn't aaj( where. k rt A. W. O. U I 4LfastUii*$ g* rage JTweg (CuaWanad oa Face Two! r