
State's Counties Fail to Meet Local Needs


Cloudy, THEDAILY FINAL Cloudy and cold this after- Red Bank, Freehold noon. Clearing, cold tonight Long Branch EDITION Sunny, milder tomorrow. 7 (See Details, pan ;) Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 121 RED BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1969 40 PAGES 10 CENTS Additional U. S. Indictments

By RICHARD L. STERN be runners and lesser functionaries in the NEWARK (AP) - The first of three alleged lottery operation. federal grand juries investigating crime and One count named Joseph Ippolito, 48, corruption has reported, indicting Simone of South Orange, and Anthony DePasque, "Sam the Plumber" DeCavalcante and 54 41, of Clifton, of "soliciting and receiving other persons in an alleged {20 million information of pending raids from certain gambling ring. law enforcement officials," who were not named. Two other grand juries have yet to be DeCavalcante was accused of supervis- heard from, but some reports are expected ing and controlling the acceptance of wagers soon. One is investigating alleged links be- and bets. But all 55 of the defendants were tween organized crime and some segments charged with violating laws against inter- of the Internal Revenue Service, the other state gambb'ng operations. allegations of official corruption. DeCavalcante was released in $75,000 'Two IRS men have already been in- - bail after arraignment before U. S. District dicted, one on charges of conspiring to Court Judge Lawrence Whipple. approve false entries on federal income The judge set much smaller amounts of tax returns and the other with demanding bail for the other defendants, 11 of whom $3,500 in payoffs to ensure that falsified were still being sought. audits of an electronics equipment firm Four of the 55 also were named on an would be approved by the IRS. The third extortion charge growing out of an alleged inquiry has called Newark Mayor Hugh loan-sharking case. Addonizio and other city officials. They are Charles Majuri, 28, of Linden; The indictments of DeCavalcante, a AUesio Barraso, 63, Bloomfield; Joseph reputed Mafia leader, and the 54 others Calabro, 34, Belleville, and Joseph Caruano, yesterday came a week after U. S. Atty. 38, Roselle Park. They are accused of Cjen. John'N. Mitchell said federal agents threatening one Andrew DeLaportilia to col- were about to crack in New Jersey, "the lect loans. largest gambling syndicate ever broken in Majuri was identified as the son of the country." / Frank Majuri, an alleged lieutenant of It was the second multimillion dollar DeCavalcante. gambling case in Newark this year. Rug- DeCavalcante, who lives in a comfort- gerio, "Ritchie tthe Boot" Boiardo and 18 able home in Princeton, also faces a federal other persons were convicted earlier on charge of conspiring with two Brooklyn, INDICTED BY FEDERAL GRAND JURY -.Samuel state charges involving an alleged $12 mil- N. Y., men to extort money from four gam- Rizzo De Cavalcanfe, above, identified by FBI Direc- lion gambling operation. blers. It was that case which led last sum- tor J. Edgar Hoover as a boss of La Cosa Nostra, wai The 58-year-old DeCavalcante, whose mer to the release of 2,300 pages of the nickname comes from a plumbing business transcripts of what the FBI said were con- one of 55 persons indicted fay a federal grand jury he operates, was the only big name listed versations it recorded. These conversations on various criminal charges stemming from interstate on the federal charges. told of gangland killings and involvement Most of those named were believed to with public officials. gambling activities in New Jersey.

A "HALLMARK" — U. S. Atty. Frederick B. Lacey meets with newsmen on the iteps of the U. S. Court House in Newark yesterday after indictments were an- Addonizio Ouster Suggested nounced for.55 persons in connection with an alleged $20 million-a - year gam- bling ring. He called the case a "hallmark of the Nixon Administration" which JBy JAMES H.RUBIN eral denied that he urged the Amendment when questioned lic official who is called be- showed "how best to eliminate organized crime through federal-local coopera- TRENTON (AP) - State SIC to take such steps. He about the duties of his office. fore the SIC. tion. Among those indicted was reputed'Mafia leader Simone "Sam the Plumber" Atty. Gen. Arthur J. Sills has said he asked for the meeting However, Sills pointed out William Hyland, commis- opened the door to the pos- with the commission merely the, U.S. Supreme Court has sion chairman, said the SIC Da Cavalfcah+e; ^-' ^ IAP Wirephoto) sibility, that the' State Investi- to put the idea "on the ta- raised questions about the planned to discuss Sills' pro- gation Commission can play ble" for possible considera- constitutionality of such ac- posals before taking any ac- an important role in the ous- tion. . tion. tion. ter of Mayor Hugh J. Addon- Addonizio refused last week The attorney general sug- U.S. Atty. Frederick B. La- izio of Newark. to testify before a federal gested that the objections of cey gave Sills a free hand Teachers Say Boards The attorney general called grand jury that is investigat- the Supreme Court could be last week in the Addonizio the SIC to a meeting yester- ing alleged corruption among overcome by calling Addoni- case. Lacey. said any action day to discuss the possibili- Newark city officials. The zio to testify before the State by Sills would not impede the ty. mayor pleaded the Fifth Investigation Commission. federal grand jury probe, Sills suggested that Addoni- Amendment, contending his Cities Difference But- Sills postponed a de- Blocking, Negotiations zio could be subpoenaed by testimony might tend to in- ' Sills said there was a cru- cision' in the matter. He said the comihission in an inves- criminate him. cial difference between a ' there were too many unan- By DORIS KULMAN ' scind gains teachers won in It's widespread ... it comes tigation of alleged corruption Federal Court Judge Rob- grand jury and the SIC. He swered questions that pre- negotiations last year from somewhere... we don't among Newark city officials. ert Shaw has said he would said he considered a grand vented him from acting. :WEST LONG BRANCH - decide on whether Addonizio jury to be a criminal pro- Hayden L. Messner Jr., an know where ..." If the mayor pleaded the The attorney general's There is "a concerted effort" Fifth Amendment and re- is required to talk upon pen- ceeding while the SIC is au- statement Tuesday opened up by some county school boards ' NJEA representative, dis- Spokesmen for both the NJEA and the MCEA were fused to testify he could be alty of contempt charges. thorized only to take civil ac- a new avenue of approach and superintendents to block closed that the Henry Hudson Can Be Ousted tion. teachers today will declare critical of county Superinten- faced with removal from of- that conceivably could lead-to teacher-board contract negoti- Under a state law, a public ations in protest against the negotiations at an impasse dent of Schools Earl B. Gar- fice, Sills suggested. Consequently, Sills said, removal of Addonizio regard- state law mandating the col- and ask the Public Employ- rison. They said that Mr. Gar- Denied Action official can be removed from the Supreme Court's reserva- less of what transpires before lective bargaining, the New ment Relations Commission rison should be neutral in the However, the attorney gen- office for pleading the Fifth tion would not apply to a pub- the grand jury. Jersey and Monmouth Coun- name a mediator. At the same teacher - board negotiations. ty Education associations time, the association will file Instead, they alleged, he has dharged yesterday. three charges of unfair labor publicly attacked the collec- practices against the Henry tive bargaining law and has The teachers will respond allied himself with the boards ;with "concerted action" of Hudson board, he said. Courtroom Was Study in Contrasts Six Impasses and superintendents. their own "if pushed to the Makes Statement .wall," spokesmen for the two Negotiations are at an im- (Editor's Note: The court- as attendants directed them to "Is it Miss or Mrs.?" Whip- ' "Either," she said. "You are here for bail pur- . organizations warned at a passe in six Monmouth Coun- In- a prepared' statement, MCEA president John W. Pat- room was a study in con- the witness' stand. ple asked her. She didn't an- "I'll just call you Shirley," poses only," the judge' began press conference — and they ty school districts "and the trasts as defendants were ar- swer. the judge said with a smile. impasses obviously are se- terson said that he is "dis- One by one, Judge ... but then it was noticed didn't rule out the possibility raigned on federal gambling Lawrence Whipple told them, "Miss or Mrs.?" Whipple An apparently unruffled DeCavalcante's lawyer was ^'of strikes. rious," Mr. Malloy said. The turbed by the number of im- sixth district, Marlboro Town- passes which have occured so charges yesterday. Many as he had the others: persisted. DeCavaleante had come first. not present. i The press conference in the ship, wasn't represented at ' far this year ... some boards were old hands at courtroom "You are here for bail pur- Holiday Inn, here, was called the press conference. •' and superintendents are ap- appearances. There were poses only. I'll have no ob- ,"to keep the public informed" parently showing their dis- those who hadn't been in jections if you post a personal 'John A. Malloy, NJEA field Mr. Malloy cited what he court before. Associated said is a "widespread tactic" pleasure with Public Law 303 recognizance bond of $1,500. representative, said. Officials (the public employes collec- Press Writer Mary Gordon Do you understand? It's sim- of the Matawan Regional, of making the teachers' early tive bargaining law) by de- covered the day-long proceed- freehold Regional, Monmouth proposals ^public, "Throwing ply a guarantee that you'll liberately refusing to enter ings.) appear in court on the as- Begional, Henry Hudson Re- the negotiations into the pub- into • meaningful negotia- gional and Long Branch Edu- lie arenaris evidence of "bad tions . .', By MARY V. GORDON signed date . . ." cation associations —.#11 dis- faith negotiating" by the NEWARK (AP) - The big This was the study in con- school boards. ". .. As local education as- tricts where negotiations are sociations become more aware ones came first, led by re- trasts as defendants were ar- at an impasse — presented "That is designed to incite" of the cynical and recalcitrant puted Mafioso Simone "Sam raigned following indictments their side of the labor-man- a public concerned about ris- attitudes of some school the Plumber" DeCavalcante. of 55 persons by a federal agement hassle, and said ing taxes, Mr. Malloy said, boards, concerted action will Then Alessio Barrasso, grand jury on gambling •boards are attempting to re- "and sabatoge negotiations. be taken ... in some in- Ralph Masciola, Joe Ippolito charges. stances, employe groups may and Joseph Calabro filed into "Do you understand?" the even feel justified in taking the chandeliered chambers of gray-haired judge asked one actions which strain the lim- U.S. District Court to have of the defendants, Perico its of the law ..." Mr. Pat- bail set. Maldonato. The Inside Story terson's statement continued. Bail ranged from an origi- Needs Interpreter "No one wants to consider nal $75,000 for DeCavalcante Art forum open to teenagers only -...... - Page 24 "No speak English," Mal- job action or a strike except — he questioned it as much donato said. He said it again, The Fast Gourmet honors St: Nicholas :.... Page 25 as a last resort," Mr. Patter- too high - to i 10,000- for Knicks lose another close one : Page 32 son said in response to ques- Masciola. An interpreter would be AFL playofl prospectus Page 32 (Sec Teachers, Pg. 2, Col. 6) Others Came called for Maldonato. Chcyney State humbles Monmouth Page 33 Then came Harold Stubbs, Cruise Wear And then the little ones High school coverage Page 33-34 came: Teresa Pubilloncs, a black man who held his hat. Dressy-casual dresses. Claire's, "Do you understand what's Astro Guide M Sports 32-34 8 White St., Red Bank. (Adv.) Rocco Sanitate, Mrs. Magda- Alien-Goldsmith 6 Successful Investing 30 lena Luciano, William Coley. happened?" Whipple asked Amusements *, 27 Television ...26 Open Sunday All Day him. Becker Hardware, 197 Shrews- They filed up the aisles of the B]rt)is i 2 Women's News 24, 25 pil|ared, carpeted courtroom "Do you know why you're Jim Bishop "III 6 Mo* Timetable 2fi bury Ave., cor. Catherine St. here?" ri(| Phone 747-0465. (Adv.) Hnve a "Fircsized" cocktail "Yea," he answered, "they B ge • «"22 DAILY REGISTER came and picked me up. PH NE NUMBERS Humidifiers In an Old World lounge — also Comics inZfjl- ° Doctors recommend this useful fabulous food. Fireside Inn, That's why I'm here." ' Crossword PuraiP e '9 Main Office 741-W10 appliance. Come see our large Hwy 36, Leonardo. (Adv) Spectators laughed and 6 selection. Becker Hardware, 197 even the judge smiled, Editorials Classified Ads _..._.741-6JW 15,000 Christmas Trees TREES AND PROGRESS — The Community YMCA's Christmas trees provide the Herblnck J Home Delivery 741-0010 Shrewsbury Avc., Red Bank. "But you know you have to Looking 'Em Over 32 Phone 747-0465. (Adv.) Your choice, $1 up, Huhn's F come back here in Jan- sotting as John Coloman, superintendent of construction for Patock Construction Mlddletown Bureau 671-2250 St., Belmar (Adv.) Innocent Bystander 34 A Christmas to Remember uary ..." Company, shows tho Rov. Edward B. Chonoy, contor, and Davis J. Lowis, right, Stocmmm k Marke„.„.„ t 3-0 Freehold Bureau .:>|62-2in Give Antiques. Jewelry, china, Bahr's Is beautiful tills Holi- "Oil, I know that," he said, whoro tho structured stool is being installed in tho now Y building. Mr., Cheney Obituaries - ••.— * ^n Branch Bureau 422-0016 glass. Open 11 n.m. to 9 p.m. day Season. Have a look at the returning to the stand. is chairman of tho building committee and Mr. Lowis is tho general sscrotary of Sylvia Porter ..... •- 6 Sports Department 741-M17 Vlscardi Mews, 769 River Rd., floating Christmas Tree. Next was Shirley Mill of tho YMCA. Tho site is on Maple Avenue, Rod Bank. aifiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiMiffiiiHiiiiiEaBiitiiiiiiiistiiiiBj Historic1 Fair Haven. (Adv.) (Adv.) Passaic. -THE DAILY REGISTER. P£D BANrK-MIDDLCTWN, N. J.t WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1969 ABC Ruling Stymies Teachers Say Boards Highlands Renewal Plan HIGHLANDS - After sup- employes nf licensers "should porting a number of pickets in good conscience refrain" Blocking Negotiations with posters whn attacked Ur- from voting on matters — teachers a voice in determin- ban Rciipw.'il Monday nigfct at such as the resolution at is- (Continued) ty School Boards Association a joint mewing nf t'ho Vitan sue — indirectly connected tions, "but if a board pushes puts him in the other camp ing educational needs. Renewal Apwry and the with alcoholic beverage mat- a bargaining unit up against in the minds of some teach- Plan Salary Freeze Planning Board. Mayor ters. the wall, we can't be respon- ers." She said the.board wants to James T. White pulled a sur- Kverj'fine at the council sible for the results." Mr. Garrison couldn't be freeze salaries next year, give prise from his pocket at last meeting was aware that only Gives Response reached for comment last minimum cost of living in- night's Borough Council Mayor White and Councilman Asked what constitutes night. creases the next two years, meeting. Cornelius •'. fiuiney Jr. voted "pushing a bargaining unit According to the state, rescind the association's new- First the mayor asked against I'rhan Renewal last up against the wall," Mr. Mai- county and local associations ly - won right to arbitrate whether a resolution favornK month, supporting citizens loy responded promptly, "per- spokesmen, salaries are a mi- grievances. Statements by the borough's Urban Renewal who voted against it in the sistent, continuous refusal to nor issue in the hang-ups, representatives of the other project adopted at the last November non-binding refer- negotiate." "terms and conditions of em- associations at impasse: ployment" the big issue. But council meeting applies only endum. Two of the other "We can't say we will — Long Branch, (Robert no one discussed the salaries to Phase I of the project. throe councilmen — John F. strike," Mr. Malloy said, "but Irvine, president): board met the teachers seek. Advised that it docs, Mr. liahrs and Herman J. Black MY BUDDY — Eighth grade "buddies'' in the Union Beach Memorial School we won't rule it out as a pos- with association once, walked While sprang his trap. — are liquor license holders; Mr. Messner said the NJEA lutor younger students in a carefully iupervised program. Tuforj inck'da Mari- sibility ..." out when teachers caucused the other councilman, Ernest supports the National Educa- for 10 minutes, board repre- "What about persons hav- anne Kratzna, left, and William Reilly, both 13. (Register Staff Photo) He acknowledged that "con- F. Vaughan, is employed by tion Association's recommen- sented by its attorney, John ing liquor licenses voting on certed action to prevent a a license holder. All three dation of a $10,500 starting Halleran, who said 117 of 131 such a resolution''" he de- school from operating is il- voted for the Urban Ilenewal salary, but isn't pushing it. items sought by teachers non- manded, recalling that there legal" but said, "for a board project. The state organization has ad- negotiable .. .no board coun- arc two licensed establish- not to negotiate in good faith Questioning the validity of vised its local affiliates to ask ter-proposal on salary or any ments in Uie proposed Urban constitutes provocation, I hope Ihe three councilmcn's votes, Union Beach 8th Grade for at least $1,000 above their dollar items.. .teachers want Renewal area. a judge would take that into Mr. White drew the wrath of present minimum salaries he one-hour duty-free lunch pe- While councilmen and the consideration ...." . said. Luke Penta, Urban Renewal riod, more special teachers audience groped for answers, Agency chairman, who said "In our udgment there is Call for Tax hired ... Mr. White pulled his answer the agency has made appli- Pupils Help as Tutors a concerted effort by super- To ease the school tax bur- — Freehold Regional (Jo- from his pocket — a letter cation for Phase I approval intendents and boards to den, the NJEA and MCEA from Joseph M. Keegan, di- seph DeRosa, negotiations and grants based on Borough UNION BEACH - A group of eighth eager response from the eighth graders. block negotiations," Mr. Mal- spokesman called for a broad- rector of Uie state Division of chairman): Robert Murray of Council approval as ex- graders in the Memorial School, here, give Announcement of the program and the loy declared. - based tax and support of a Alcoholic Beverage Control John Metzlcr Associates, pressed in the resolution, up their study period every day to help first call for buddies brought 30 volunteers. state committee's recommen- (ABC). "And you have to go to the board's negotiator, is prob- "We can't stop the proce- younger children learn. However, she is working the program top," Mr. Malloy continued, dations for school district con- lem because he can't sched- In answer lo an inquiry dure now," he warned. The young tutor.s, "buddies" here, do up slowly. There are 10 "buddies" now. solidation and regionalization. ule meetings more frequently from Ihe mayor dated Dec. "Mr. Garrison has .made no Mayor White settled for more than help their young charges with The buddies' enthusiasm carries over secret of that fact he doesn't The organizations also sup- than once every 2 or 3 weeks 5, Mr. Keegan replied in a let- basic phonetics. Each tutor keeps a care- agreement to withhold any fu- beyond the formal tutoring session. One like PL303. He's made numer- port legislation proposed by ... all items proposed by ter dated Dec. 8 that licensees ful notebook, detailing every day's 40-min- ture council action on Urban eighth grader, suspicious his young charge ous statements that it hurts Sen. William T. Hiering, R- teachers rejected . . . bene- or employes of licensees ute lesson and noting how the young stu- Renewal until the ABC letter couldn't tell time, asked if he could make a education and kids and that Ocean, which would end the fits gained last year deleted "generally may not vote on is "clarified" by borough at- dents responded. system of public balloting on any alcoholic beverage mat- cardboard clock as a teaching aid. it will take us a long time . . . teachers not given op- torney Benjamin Cnibcr, Dis- to get over it. . , we want school budgets. portunity to explain their pro- ten." (See Related Story Page 21) Mrs. Pressman believes that one of cussion of the UR project was to remind Mr. Garrison and And someone should set posals. The director added that held over until an adjourned the system's biggest merits is that It helps the boards that PL303 is the standards for school board Mrs. Sylvette Pressman, the learning Mr. Metzler last night said in his opinion, licensees or meeting scheduled Jan. 6. Uie older children develop compassion for law of this state and they members, ''the only govern- disabilities specialist, who set up and super- he had no comment on the have taken an oath to uphold vises Uie "buddy" program, has highest those struggling to learn. ment officials not subject to statement by Mr. Murray. the law. They have to uphold praise for the eighth graders and the work recall," Mr. Messner added, — Monmouth Regional (Mi- Perhaps it has a built-in benefit here the spirit of the law, too." they do. for the classroom teacher, too. Maybe you Matawan Regional teachers chael G. Carlisle, president): Hudson Teachers to Sue instituted job action Nov, 20, "They are very reliable," she says, and can't be "teacher" yourself without devel- Group Disturbed board rejected 31 of 33 pro- good teachers, too. oping compassion for those whose profes- Miss Marie Panos, associa- posals . . .board proposal to The NJEA is "very dis- Mrs. Pressman was delighted at the sion it is. tion president said, abiding change salary guide would Board for Practices turbed about the use of the strictly by their contracts, not mean less money for many county superintendent's supervising before or after teachers.. • board wants to WEST LONG BRANCH -r tions with the board at im- roundtable," Mr. Messner school activities for which eliminate salary guide for The Henry Hudson Regional passe and ask the Public Em- said, picking up the criticism Teachers Association today ployment Relations Commis- they aren't compensated. teachers with master's plus of Mr. Garrison, "local super- Miss Panos said that edu- will file three unfair labor sion to appoint a mediator, Blue Cross Rate Hike intendents are released from 15 and 45 credits, substitute cational quality is "a vital is- practice charges against the Mr. Messner said. their duties to go to Free- doctorate guide but no teach- sue" in negotiations. The dis- regional Board or Education, The unfair labor practice hold and sit with Mr. Garri- ers in system have doctor- trict is the 39th largest in N.J. Hayden L. Messner, a New charges also will be filed with son to discuss ways and pro- ate ... Jersey Education Association PERC. Hearings Begin Today cedures to avoid negotiation." she said, but ranks 448th — Henry Hudson (Vincent representative, said here yes- among 593 on current expense Gorman, negotiations chair- According to Mr. Messner, "The MCEA has pleaded terday. cost per pupil, has one speech man): board challenged one of the three charges al- TRENTON (AP)' - The De- Blue Cross, which last to a suit by AFLCIO to have with Mr. Garrison ... his therapist and one social work- right of department heads to The teachers' group will de- leges that the school superin- partment of Banking and In- spring asked for a 44.3 per the temporary increase office should be neutral clare its contract negotia- tendent, Harold Schaible, at- surance begins today the sec- er for more than 7,000 stu- be association members. • . cent rate hike, was granted a thrown out by the courts. ground," Mr. Patterson add- dents so children wait 7 to 12 tempted to Intimidate depart- ond phase of its hearings into ed, "the fact that he is sec- refused to negotiate until temporary 28.5 increase by His comments about hospi- weeks for an appointment; ment chairman. A related Blue Cross' request for a retary of the Monmouth Coun- PERC ruled, delayed five Banking and Insurance Com- tals followed suggestions by hasn't any guidance counsel- charge alleges the board vio- large Increase with (lie pres- the court that the state should weeks before asking PERC Two Homes missioner Horace J. Bryant ors in the elementary schools, lated a PERC ruling that in entation of a case for the pub- take a closer look at soaring for ruling . . . department last fall. It has since asked spends less than one-half the cases of a unit dispute, boards lie that may go deeply into hospital costs. heads (two on negotiations Robbed In are to continue negotiations the problem of rising hospital for a 35:2 increase on top of One Woman amount of many Monmouth committee) refused to leave that and some state officials At several intervals during without prejudice pending an costs. the hearing, Chief Justice Jo- •districts on instructional ma- association.. .board declared appeal to the commission. T. Girard Wharton, the feel that difference in the terials, yet refuses lo give an impasse - • • Red Bank time periods of the two in- seph Weintraub and several Injured In The third charge alleges the counsel retained to represent justices interrupted lawyers creases could mean subscrib- RED BANK - Two homes board refused to negotiate. the public interest in the hear- to. suggest that the problems ers could end up paying 73 were entered and robbed yes- The board cut off negotia- ings, indicated at a State Su- of Blue Cross and the hos- Car Crash terday, according to Police tions on Nov. 5 because it preme Court hearing yester- per cent more than a year pitals are intertwined Blue SHREWSBURY - One GREAT GIFT IDEAS day that he Is prepared to ago. Chief Leroy McKnlght. disputed the right of depart- Cross has said the same at woman was seriously injured BEAUTIFUL PEWTER CANDLESTICK ment chairman to be mem- present a detailed analysis of Wharton's comments yes- past hearings, in a three-car collision on The House of Mrs. Jennie bers of the teachers' associa- the reason for soaring costs. terday came at a hearing in- Broad St., here, at 1:30 p.m with tjiick white candle $5.00 Mazzaroppi, 84 Herbert St., . Weintraub noted that the tion. It asked a ruling from Blue Cross board was re- yesterday. was entered between 7:30 PERC. Such rulings take Many Other Gifts Beginning at $5.00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. and miss- quired by law to have 51 per According to police, Mrs. about four months, Mr. Mess- cent of its members from hos- Florence DeCarlo of 90 Ma- ing are $1,000 in cash — in- ner said. Elmer Bobst Feted By cluding $10, $20 and $50 bills, pitals and suggested that the ple Ave., Red Bank, a pas The board voiced belief the Commissioner of Banking and Huffman & Boyle 50 silver dollars, approxi- senger in a car driven by her department chairman should Insurance, who regulates Blue mately $300 to $400 in half daughter, Michelle De Carlo, Rt. 35 Circle • Eatontown, N. I. • 542-1010 organize in a separate unit. Nixon at White House Cross rates, might pay more also of the Maple Ave. ad- dollars and diamond ring. The Teachers Association attention to hospital costs as Entry was gained by break- WASHINGTON (AP)-Pres- President Nixon prepared a dress, was taken to River- took the position that de- ident Nixon provided a black champagne toast for his well. view Hospital, Red Bank, by ing a small pane of glass In partment chairman have ev- the back door. tie party with all the trim- iriend. No press or photo "If Blue Cross reflects the the Shrewsbury First Aid ery right to be members. mings of a state dinner for coverage was permitted and hospital increases, you may Squad. She was admitted for G RAMAN'S A basement window was Vincent Gorman, associa- an 85th birthday celebration no guest list was made public. have a bad structural situ- a cervical neck sprain and is VACUUM and APPLIANCE PARTS CO. _ tion negotiations chairman, forced in the home of Mr. last night for his friend Elmer Bobst, a native of Clear ation," Weintraub said. "May- listed in fair condition this 156 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK. N. J. and Mrs. John Newman, 50 ' told a press conference here Bobst, wealthy, retired New Spring, Md., lives in Spring be the commissioner should morning. yesterday that Mr. Schaible, PHONE 747 • 5623 E. Westside Ave. between Jersey drug company execu- Lake, N.J. be able to regulate the hos- Police said the car driven who met with the depart- tive. pital rates." 7:45 a.m. and 4:55 p.m. Re- ment chairman "asked them by Miss De Carlo was struck HOOVER and EUREKA CLEANERS The White House pastry Weintraub indicated during ported missing are a number to leave our association and from the rear by a vehicle KINGSTON TANKS & CANISTERS chef baked a special four- the hearing that the tempo- driven by Everett F. Hut of Christmas gifls. The thief form their own. They refused, Board Filing Warn — PeHibtn - Hand CIMMK tiered, white-iced birthday rary rate increase might be chinson of 320 Asbury Ave., and presented a signed state- cake topped by one eight-inch- or thieves apparently opened justified because it can still Bayville, Berkeley Township. SALES and SERVICE ment to that effect." tall blue candle. The Nixons the gifts and (elected those Date Is Set be changed after the hear- After striking the De Carlo "We Service What We Self There are U department Invited 110 guests to the af- most liked. WEST LONG BRANCH - ings. car, the Hutchinson vehi- chairmen among the associa- fair, a main event of the Nix- ALL PARTS and SERVICE ON PREMISES Secretary of the Board of Ed- He observed at one point cle struck a third.car driven Detective Joseph Marascio tion's 47 members, and two of on's first Christinas holiday in that Blue Cross claims it will the White House. ucation Robert Tarantolo an- by Arlene Depolo of Ston is in charge of both investi- them serve on the negotia- go out of business if the in- Mr. Bobst, former board nounced at the board., meeting ey Hill Rd., Eatontown. No gations. tions committee. crease is voided and asked chairman of Warner-Lambert last night that the deadline one else was injured, accord Thomas Parsonnet, the law- ing to police. Give Your Family ... Pharmaceutical Co., and Nix- for filing for the three Board yer for the AFL-CIO: "What on became friends during the Patrolman Robert Halsey seats which will fall vacant in would we do if they were not issued a summons for care- 1952 presidential campaign. around?" He was one of those who ad- 1970 is Jan. 2. less driving to Mr. Hutchin A LASTING GIFT County Births Parsonnet's argument vised Nixon to move his po- The three-year terms of son. against the temporary rate board members Francis Die- RIVERVIEW Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bor- litical base to New York after hike was limited to one basic trich, Samuel Esposito, and Red Bank hafen (nee Carol Middle- his defeat in the California legal point — that Bryant Culture Cost Down Robert Weston will expire af- Mr, and Mrs. Frederick Os- man), 27 Windsor Court, Nep- gubernational election. should not have been allowed • The dinner in the state din- ter the January board meet- PARIS (AP)-Sen. Edouard ter (nee Elizabeth Thomp- tune, daughter, Monday. to grant the temporary in- Bonnefous, a left-wing Demo- ing room with guests seated ing. All three have already son), 91 Florence Ave., Leo- Mr. and Mrs. John Peter- crease until the hearings are crat, complained during Par at round tables decked with filed for reelection. nardo, son, yesterday. son (nee Georgine Rodriguez), concluded. liamentary debate that red candles and Christmas Drawing for position on the Mr. and Mrs. John Plant 31 Eliot Road, Englishtown, The court, however, Indi- France's cultural budget is pieces, featured filet ballot will be Jan. 3 and the (nee Joan Giles), 1402 Rustic son, Monday. election will be held Feb. 10. cated there might be legal Europe's lowest at .27 per Drive, Ocean Township, mignon and the birthday precedents for such a move, cent and is going down every Mr. and Mrs. Walter Glory The board announced that daughter, yesterday. cake. it reserved decision. year. (nee Pauline Tracy), 29-A The U.S. Army Strolling it has received a second pay- - Mr, and Mrs. Frank Pow- City Line Road, Jackson, Strings was tapped to provide ment of state building aid in ers (nee Winifred Volpc), 34 daughter, Monday. dinner music. the amount of $37,0J4. Elm PI., Red Bank, son, yes- terday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schork (nee Mary Jo LaBel- la), 4 Stella Drive, Keans- Weather: Gradually Clearing burg, son, yesterday. Variable cloudiness this af- Temperatures fell into the Mostly westerly winds, 10-20 ADDITION . FAMILY ROOM JERSEY SHORE MEDICAL ternoon with chance of a few middle and Jowcr 20s along knots today and northwesterly * FINISHI& BATH • ADD-A-LEVEL Neptune scattered flurries in northwest the entire eastern seaboard 10-20 knots tonight. West to • DORMERS • BATHROOM Mr. and Mrs. William Steel followed by clearing this eve- as far south as central Geor- southwest winds 10-15 knots . GARAGES (nee Nancy Simons), 501 "D" ning or tonight. gia. Similarly cold readings tomorrow. Fair this morning, 1 Sportcoatp, , suit,, sweater,, shirt, boots,, courtecourtesyy j St., Belmar, daughter, yes- Continued cold, high today ranged westward Into the clouding up this afternoon, I Natl J Kidl T terday. in 30s and low tonight in 20s. Rockies. and evening, clearing tonight. atelsons J. Kridel. Tree, courtesy nature. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cn- Mostly sunny and not quite so Rain or showers dampened Visibility generally over five CALL NOW TO INSURE mire (nee Rosemary Brog- cold tomorrow. High in up- the Pacific Coast from north- miles. na), 6 Elm Drive, Neptune, per 30s to some low 40s. Fri- ern California through Wash- TIDES COMPLETION BY CHRISTMAS! son, yesterday. day's outlook, fair and sea- ington. Sandy Hook FURNITURE CO. sonable, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gib- Snow flurries dusted the up- TODAY - High 2:42 p.m. Keyport 264-0181 In Long Branch, yesterday's I WEST bons (nee Shirley Taylor), per Great Lakes region and and low 9 p.m. high was 33 and the low was 10345$ Sewall Ave., Asbury portions of interior New En- TOMORROW - High 3:18 Feature*... 2fi. It was U at 6 p.m. The gland. * SCIILOEDER * Park, daughter, yesterday. overnight low and the tem- a.m. and 3:42 p.m. and low Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Cor- perature at 7 this morning Temperatures before dawn 9:48 a.m. and 9:54 p.m. "Daystrom" CONSTRUCTION CO. tolillo (nee Christina Chris- were ID. ranged from 5 above zero at For Red Bank and Rumson liani), 66 Spring St., Edison, Clear and crisp weather Concord, N.H., to 64 at Key bridge, add two hours; Sea EST. 1869 250 Shrewsbury Ave, Red Bank son, yesterday. dominated most of the nation Wcsl, Fla., and Corpus Chris- Bright, deduct 10 minutes; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Keld' loday, hut a new Pacific ti, Tex. A Long Branch, deduct 15 min- PHONE DAY or NITE 741-2139 erling (nee Florence Realer), storm flung rain and snow In- MARINE utes; Highlands bridge, add Open Mon. and Fri. Evenings 'til 9 H Belmar, daughter, Monday. to tlic Northwest. >" Cape May to Block Island: 40 minutes.

t -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK • MIDDLETOWN, N. U WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1969 Top of the News Red Bank's Gale Is Head,

1 ' TRENTON - Joseph M. McCrane, director of the" Gar- ^ den State Racing Association and a leading Republican fund- Of Tri-town School Board raiser, is Gov.-elect William T. Cahill's choice to be the new LITTLE SILVER - The state treasurer, it was disclosed yesterday. regional board of education created by voters in Bed A source close to Cahill said that the new governor Bank, Little Silver and has decided upon MoCrane, a long-time friend and associate, Shrewsbury organized last to fill the powerful and influential post in the cabinet. night and elected Clarence Cahill has scheduled a news conference for tomorrow Gale from Red Bank board president. to announce his choice for attorney general and another Shrewsbury board member cabinet position. But aides to Cahill said that McCrane's ap- Milicent Salm was elected pointment would not be formally announced then. vice president. The new Republican governor) who takes office Jan. When Walter Deiss, a mem- 20, wiU submit cabinet nominations to the Republican-con- ber from Shrewsbury, nom- trolled^ Senate for confirmation. inated. Mr. Gale for, presi- McCrane, 45, was mentioned prominently in the cam- dent, Red Bank member paign in connection with charges by the Democrats that Henry Stevenson said, "I CahiU and business associates were involved in land deals want to go on record as say- in Burlington County. Cahill denied there was any wrong- ing Red Bank is not trying to doing in the purchase of the property. railroad Red Bank through as the leading power on the An aide to Cahill said that McCrane would divest him- board." self of any business holdings that would pose a conflict of Mr. Deiss replied, "We are interest when he became treasurer. This would presumably all regional board members include his position with the Garden State track. The state and not representing our treasurer has direct jurisdiction over the State Racing Com- municipalities." mission which regulates thoroughbred and harness racing In a statement at the end in New Jersey. of the meeting, Uie new board HIGH SCHOOL BOARD — The members of the regional high school board president stated, "I believe Few in IRS Seen in Crime we can act as a board and created by voters in Rod Bank, Little Silver and Shrewsbury, organized last night conduct our business based and elected Clarence Gale, right, president. In the photo, from left, are board ENGLEWOOD CLIFFS - Commissioner of Internal SELF PORTRAIT—This is how cartoonist John Quinby on our individual conscious- members Earl Morris, Milicont Salm, elected vies president; Oliver Bonnet, Wal- Revenue Service Randolph W. Thrower said yesterday he sees himself at work at the drawing board. ness. Our road is to give high ter Deiss, Dr. James W. Parker Jr., Henry Stevenson, Alvin Kearny and county thinks only a few employes were involved in misconduct school students the facilities in the IRS in New Jersey. they deserve." Superintendant of Schools Earl Garrison. In Boca Raton, Fla., last week, U. S. Atty. Gen. John Because the high school N. Mitchell said "massive" indictments would result from budget will be the first major its teachers and there is some precede hiring an architect For the time being until Cartoons hy Quinby business of the new board the permanent board or- a federal grand jury probe of the IRS. An aide said at the question whether the board because "The educational time that Mitchell was referring to New Jersey. The grand and because the new board will be able to allow for program should determine ganizes, the interim members Jury has been investigating possible links between the IRS will have to rely on guidelines teachers salaries without what the building will be like, agreed to call the new board and the Mafia, alleged corruption, in Newark's municipal Really Going Over Red Bank has previously negotiating a salary scale not the building determining The Board of Education of government, and gambling. To date only two former IRS used, current secretary to the and fringe benefits. what the educational program the Regional High School Dis- Red Bank Board of Educa- workers in the state have been indicted as a result of the The happy Lion proclaiming Middletown Township "Num- It will be up to the region- will be." trict Including the School Dis- tion, Salvatore Giovenco was probe. ber One." al board to decide when it He reminded the board tricts of Little Silver, Shrews- ' A life-like caricature of coach Dick Skehan, who started named acting secretary for wishes to begin negotiations "you are a policy making bury and Red Bank. Panther Conspiracy Charged a winning trend at Marlboro High School this fall. the interim board. with the teachers for the com- group" "and cautioned mem- The board set a meeting for A visual predication oi Thanksgiving Day football games. Help Seen Needed ing school year. bers: "You should not get in- Thursday night in Red Bank NEW YORK - Rep. Adam Clayton Powell, D-N.Y., They're all works of John Quinby which have appeared Monmouth County Superin- volved in the nitty gritty of High School to go over the charged yesterday that FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover and tendant of Schools Earl Gar- The permanent board, running the school. Leave the on The Daily Register sports pages in recent weeks. Quinby, which will be elected in Jan- school budget, a second meet- many local police chiefs have joined in a conspiracy to kill rison who suggested the board detail to your employes and ing for January 5 to formally a self-taught cartoonist, is the new member of The Register's uary, will have to hire a members of the Black Panther Party. Powell said at a news news-sports team. appoint Mr. Giovenco said, "I make policy for them." introduce the budget and don't see how you can possi- permanent board secretary conference that he and eight other Negro congressmen will Quinby, 35, was born in Avon and has lived there and All the members of the in- transmit it to the county for bly build a budget without his and superintendent. investigate the deaths of 28 Black Panthers in the last two in Spring Lake for most of his life. A graduate of Mana- terim board said they will run approval and set Jan. 21 for help in the time you have." Secretary Needed in the elections for permanent a public hearing on the bud- ; years. squan High School, he participated in and track, Mr. Gale noted that Red Mr. Garrison told the new board members and all took get. so his attraction to sports cartooning comes naturally. Bank had prepared a separate board members the elected Sex Hearings Near an End petitions to file for the board The Daily Register was IN WHITE HOUSE high school budget in antic- board will need a superinten- election. TRENTON - The legislature's Joint Education Com- However, Quinby's talents also spread to the general ipation of passing the ref-dent immediately after it or- According to state law, named the official paper for mission hoped to complete a series of public hearings on news side. In fact, two of his cartoons are on display in the erendum to create the region- ganizes in February to help three members of the nine- the board for its legal adver- sex education in the public schools today in order to make White House at the request of President Nixon. al district and the budget will prepare educational specifica- man board are elected for tising. recommendations to the legislature early in the 1970 session. One cartoon, "That's My Boy," depicted a beatnik and be ready for review by the tions for the new high school three-year terms, three for Forty-two witnesses testified at the first two hearings Aug. a Red Chinese soldier at moratorium time, and the other, regional board tomorrow. to be built in Little Silver. two-year terms and three for 14 and Sept. 15 and 60 others had indicated a desire to ap- "If You Love It, Show It," was a drawing of a hand holding However, Red Bank has not Mr. Garrison said the edu- one-year terms and, under the pear before the commission, but many of the remaining high the American Flag. completed negotiations with cational specifications must state formula, Little Silver witnesses planned to file written statements rather than ap- Both appeared in The Daily Observer, an Ocean County will elect one ..member for a pear at today's hearing. morning daily newspaper. two-year term and one for a Quinby's artistic philosophy is simple. "To be a car- three-year term; Shrewsbury, Jersey City Housing Plan Set toonist," he says, "you have to enjoy the challenge of the ' Septic System Woes also one three-year and one next subject you must draw, working late and meeting two-year and, Red Bank, one TRENTON - Gov.-elect William T. Cahill announced deadlines. three-year, one two-year and yesterday that Jersey City has been selected as the site for three one-year terms. a national experimental housing program. He said George "1 was once told to be a good staff artist on a news- Health Board Topic After the coming 1970 Romney, U. S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Develop- paper, you had \

Sti»wln0 Ms Dliploy ef N«w Collection if Lodlts' end Gintlimtnl Custom Tailored Oulflll of 1970 Foihlort shop. Alto on dlsploy: Beaded 2 33 4 26 2:35' 2 43 2 45 2:27' 31 2:29- Sweaters. Drum, JPc Knll Suit*. Honubogi, Topcoats, plus Cultom Duly Extra. GAURANTEED SATISFACTION-I SHIRT FREE ON I SUIT! ORDERED—ALL ARE WELCOME TO IEE OPEN DAILY 9:30 A.M.'till 1P.M. W« rattrv* Kit right to' BEFORE NOW tmK qummiii. Not rt- Silk Moliolr Sulll —• Ui.X Hf.OO SUNDAY* 10 A.M. til 8 P.M. •ponublt tor typographical • Wool Sharkskin Suits ?IM Sf.OO 'Cor Sain Allowtd by Law..' tran. Prim «H«ttlv« thru DKron/MohoIr Sulll ' /2-mile chase in January. Ealontown Circle In its report, the Appropri- through three municipalities you'll like WARDS MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER Phont 342-2150 at speeds up to more than 10D miles an hour. Frederick L. Griffith, 19, of 25 First St., Freehold, was ar- rested at 1:05 a.m. by Patrol- "CHRISTMAS GIFT BUYS" man Curt Krieger and charged with attempting to elude a police officer and speeding. Sale of Wm. Rogers BRANCH BROOK DISCOUNT COUPON When Patrolman Krieger tried to stop the car for a mo- • As seen on TV tor vehicle violation, instead of stopping, Griffith sped away, said Police Chief Jo- seph Walker. The chase be- Silverplate gan at the center of Marlboro Village, continued through LIST $6 part of Freehold Township, and ended on Robertsville Road, in Freehold Borough, Holloware • SALE the chief said. Save on Littman's collection of International '-4. Silverplate to make your gift-giving positively Mronm—mm noil: win™ n The youth was released in BY INTERNATIONAL'" BitiaitgiinitflnitillbcioMoni tin) (emr.ltiu perfect, your party-giving kti'li!t.sllln,iiifM«,lh»llsgrI«jl limil tn the custody of his parents SPER COMPANY pending a court hearing Jan. elegantly easy. You may ATLAS TWIN PIKE'S PEAK "HO" 3, before Municipal Court "charge it" if you Judge Earle J. Harrington. wish! HOME RACEWAY SET BRANCH BROOK DISCOUNT COUPON Patrolman John Farrell, . Moles a big 24">S1" layout... take if horn* .. . and police from Freehold Bor- ough, Freehold Township, and 4-PIECE . ', «tr It up • •. and you're iready to rscej • " 1/24 SCA1E & 1/32 SCALE the Monmouth County radio COFFEE SERVICE IOOK AT WHAT YOU GET! ",,.._ _ , room assisted in the chase. 9-Cup Coffee Pot, • 2r.eiK.cor. With Power Paek C HOME RACEWAY SETS Sugar, Creamer • 2 controller. Complete and Tray. forword/revene Ready To Run Injury Suit • Change a lone section 50% OFF • Shimmy and chicane ^JJ J%flfl $24.95 • Straight odd curved frock I II vJ Is Settled COMPUTE • Trestle set I VV MFGR. LIST PRICES • Guardrails I _ I For $6,500 • Power pack I %# REVELL LE MANS FREEHOLD —. Superior GET YOUR TRAIN & ROAD RACE LAYOUTS READY NOW! ti.t $30 $ Court Judge Andrew A Sal- - we stock o complete selection of TRACK • SWITCHES vest has approved a settle- Prica 15 POWER PACKS • CARS • CONTROLLERS • HOUSES • ETC. ment of $6,500 for a Red Bank ATLAS "HO SCALE ACCESSORIES REVELL REBEL 4001 teenager and her mother who SNAP TRACK Straight or Curved < sued for damages after an Any she or radius ...list 25' ....15' BANKED CURVE automobile accident in New Shrewsbury March 12, 1968. JH. FLEXIBLE TRACK list 75' :«' lislJM ; The settlement gives ?4,- Candy Branch Brook 150 3 FT. CORK ROADBED list 50' 35' 460.50 to Mis Earlene Web- Compote SNAP REMOTE CONTROLS left, or Right Fiii* 22 s Height 5',V ster, 18 W. Westside Ave., list SOS eo:2.»» Red Bank, who was injured $5.95 TURNTABLE list $4.95 2.99 REVELL MONZA in the accident, and $2,039.50 PIER SIT list $4.95., 2.99 BANKED CURVE to her mother, Mrs. Jose- GIRDER BRIDGE list $1.50... 99' phine Webster, who incurred FAllER HO HOUSES 10 different models priced from 70' list $65 medical expenses. Binnch Biook HO CARS...Huge Selection from 77'. so It is to be paid by Charles Plin 32 ATLAS "N-GAUGE" ACCESSORIES A. Warrick Jr., 1924 Milton SNAP TRACK ...... list 17' 12' YOUR CHOICE OF ANY ONE OF THESE 3 SETS Ave., Neptune, driver of the J FT, FLEXIBIE TRACK list 69' 49' limit only one set pir luslomer with this coupon on!/. This ilin will b( sold on car in which Miss Webster MANUAL SWITCHES list $2.98 ea. 1.99 o first (oim, lint itrvid basis whili quonliliu In). Don't woill Hurry in Howl was a passenger; by D. L. REMOTE SWITCHES :..List $4.00 ««-2.60 K8-1I17 | Peterson Trust and by Frank- w, N-GAUGE CARS Huge Selection Irom 1.05 lin A. Smith of Buffalo, N.Y., owner and operator, respec- AURORA ROAD RACE ACCESSORIES FLEXIBLE (IYER'S O OC SKI-BOGGAN___4.99' 38"SLE0 J.OJ tively, of the vehicle which »"STRAIGHT TRACK list 60'.... 39' collided with the Warrick car NEW 15" STRAIGHT TRACK list $1.00 69' on Green Grove Road near CONTROLLER List $2.50 1.65 West Park Ave. COUNTRY BRIDGE list $3.00 ...I.95 METAL DOU COACH 5.7 7 Joseph N. Dempsey repre- r CURVED TRACK list 70' 46' sented the Websters, Thomas F. Heaney Jr. represented Mr. Smith and Stephen J. ANOTHER BRANCH BROOK FIRST • N-GAUGE SETS WITH POWER PACK • READY TO RUN Foley represented Mr. War- rick. All of the attorneys ATLAS 4-UNIT N-CAUCE DIESEL FREIGHT are from Asbury Park. Set includes: • Diesel Locomotive Thwart Theft a 2 Freight Cars • Caboose In Red Bank Gravy Set—Capacity 8 01 • Terminal Straight and Curved Track $9.95 • Power pack RED BANK - Prompt po- COMPUTE, HIADV TO RUN $12. lice work responsible for scaring off a would-be thief at Globe Petroleum, 9 Central Wen & Tree Platter—Length IB" LIST $25 4-UNIT N-GAUGE DIESEL FREIGHT Ave., Tuesday night, accord- YOUR CHOICE ing to Police Chief Leroy Me- $9.95 12 RAPIDO SANTA-FE N-GAUGEDIESEL FREIGHT Knight. RAPIDO SANTA-FE 4-UNIT N-GAUCE DIESEL FREIGHT He said police were in the Set includes: area when a call came from • AlcoFA-1 Road Diesel Loco. a neighbor. A young Negro • Tank and Slock Car Cake Stand • Caboose man about five feet ten indies tall, wearing dark clothes Width W, • Re-railer, straight and curved track $9.95 > • Power pack and no hat jumped out a Vegetable Dish COMPLETE, READY TO DUN $12. window and fled on foot as Length 12" police approached, lie said, $9.95 Entry was gained through a side window on a platform Open a leading to the office. Noth- Littman's 320 ROUTE 35 [Flexl-Charje ing apparently was taken. Account Littaifs Delective Joseph' Marascio MIDDLETOWN • 741-8282 is leading the investigation. JEWELERS Approx. 1 Yz miles north of the Navesink Bridge. Loss Compensated 65 BROAD STREET MONMOUTH LONDON (AP) - An ap- RED BANK SHOPPING CENTER MONDAY thru SATURDAY 10 A.M. to 9 P.M. SUNDAY 11 A.M. to 5 P.M. peals court awarded Molly Dimmock, 37, $3,000 damages Open Moil Ihru Sal. Optn Mon. Ihru Sat. tilt 10 p.m. Not responsible for typographical errors. Prices good thru December 20th because she lost her sense of Mil 9 p. m. Some quantities limited and sold on a first co.me, first lerved basis. smell in a car crash and no longer can enjoy the scent of flowers or perfume. FR0H OUR TC Done S»cii A Good Job, We're BEGISTER Takiag You Off This Beat" Dredging . Water Policy Committee<, <•- * TilARQLD KELLY, Publisher Middletown League of Arthur Z. Kamin, Editor "Women Voters 165 Holland Road Thomas J. Bly. Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor •• Middletown, N. J. ^ To ththee ElRtorii. , . f —6 Wednesday, December 17, 1969 We would ai>pi«sijLtc it if you would print the enclosed- letter which our organisation has just sent to the Arffly Corps of Engineers concerning the,|roposed dredging of Compton's Creek.- May we take this opportunity to urge any citizens who feel as we do about this, to write to: Off to a Good Start Department of the Army New York District When voters in Little Silver, Red By. accepting appointments to the Corps of Engineers 26 Federal Plaza Bank and Shrewsbury authorized interim board, these people are as- New York, N. Y. 10007 creation of a regional school, the Tri- suming a task that will be particularly Letters should be received by the Corps of Engineers Town Board of Education came into time-consuming. The timetable for by Dec. 22. ' ' existence, too, even if only "on construction of a school in Little Sil- Thank you very much, Mrs. Thomas Potter, paper." ver gives the board until the spring of Chairman The selection by the county super- 1971 to prepare pians for it. intendent of schools, Earl B. Garrison, By next July, however, the board Gentlemen: of the board's initial nine members is Will have to be in a position to take Because the Middletown Sewerage Authority plans to commendable. They represent staunch over Red Bank High School's building connect the sewerage treatment plant to the'Bayshore area sewer trunk line and ocean outfall proposed under the Mon*< advocates of regionalization and most for its regional students. The admin- mouth County master plan, the league feels that no dredging of them have had school board service istrative decisions this entails will be permit should be issued until the completion dates of both-, which should prove invaluable in the many, indeed, and it undoubtedly Will facilities have been determined. "Should the proposed sewer organization days ahead. mean many more meetings than those trunk line arid ocean outfall be completed prior to the treat-, ment plant, this would eliminate the expense of dredging an; Representatives from Little Silver known as "regularly scheduled." effluent channel. ' will be Curtis Callarvand Oliver Ben- The one woman and eight men who The league is opposed to any unnecessary dredging •of; nett; Red Bank, Clarence Gale, Alvin have accepted this responsibility are THE REPORTER Compton's Creek as a serious disruption of the ecological B. Kearny, Earl Morris, Dr. James W. qualified to do the job. The Tri-Town balance of the estuarine area and Ui6 adjacent tidal wet-' lands.'. . . .•'••• I Parker Jr., and Henry Stevenson, and board is off to a good start, and we Shrewsbury, Walter Deiss and Mrs. We appreciate your consideration. offer it the community's thanks and Annie Doesn't Live Anymore Sincerely yours, J Milicent Salm. best wishes. By JIM BISHOP doo rites to the slaves, and cast spells, Mrs. Emanuel Katell, * • The Caribbean comes up gentle green predicting deaths which occurred precise- President p * to scour the sand on the north side of Ja- ly on time. Annie said that John Palmer 8 Lakeside Ave.' V 1965 Voting Law Should Be Kept maica. The black road runs along the would die, and he did within three years. Locust, N. J. ' * President Nixon's proposed voting This formula brought the act into beach and, on the far side, the hill rises She remarried, and predicted her husband would go mad. rights bill of 1969, nearing final action effect in seven Southern states. The slowly and majestically with sugar cane shimmering in the sun. The third, she claimed, married her Best Education { in the Senate, is more of a political law also provided that any new state On top is the wreckage for her huge estate. The slaves shook their measure than it is an answer to a dem- voting laws were to be cleared with heads and whispered that the first died • •;..'•'••' Shore Regional . \ ,: of Great House. A hun- 1 Education Association • onstrated need. the U.S. attorney general before they dred and sixty years ago, by poison, the second by stabbing, and the third by strangulation. Shore Regional, High .School^. House Democrats charged that the were put into effect so that he could the White Witch lived , West Long Branch, N. JV there,- • At one time, she wrote, "I can keep bill is an attempt to reward the South determine that they were not discrimi- To the Editor: The slaves called her away any spirit by the force of my mind, for supporting Mr. Nixon's presiden- natory. The enclosed letter was sent to Mr. Vincent Kublin, Annie Palmer. Her real Where I am, they can never come. It is president of the Shore Regional Board of Education, on Nov. not of them I am afraid; I despise them tial bid. Many House Republicans — Under the Nixon bill, the literacy name v was Annie May . 26,1969, fallowing the passage of its proposed referendum. in death as I despised them in life! They including New Jersey's governor-elect tests would be suspended for five Paterson Palmer, She • ..••''. ' Sincerely, William T. Cahill — stoutly refused had hair as black as a were weaker than I when alive, and I am • ' ' • Peter Pace ' ' years in all states, including obviously still. stronger than they are now that to support it. BISHOP raven's wing, and eyes '.. • • President " the 12 states outside the South that, like fresh coal. She wore they are dead ..."

Rep. William M. McCulJoch, the have them. a dark velvet ribbon around her throat, •.* . . * ' * On behalf of the Shore Regional Education Association chief GOP spokesman in the House, pinned with a diamond clasp. The mouth BUT SHE.DID not write the name of I would like to congratulate you and the entire .Boari'of While this provision is admirable said the bill seeks to create a remedy was small, and the voice was rich con- her fear. From the time she married Education for the outstanding job: that was done on the ref« where there is no evidence of a wrong, in itself, it is coupled with other provi- tralto. John Palmer until she died was a matter erendum. 1, ' Annie was born in Haiti of an English of 13 years, but her appetite for anger that "it sweeps broadly into areas sions which would dilute the effective- The passage of the bond issue will enable S^ore flexion- ness of the law. For example, the Ad- mother and Irish father. When she was 8, and beatings became insatiable. In men's al to continue one of the finest educational programs in tf* where the need is slight and retreats Annie became the favorite of a voodoo clothing, she rode astride a horse into the state of New Jersey. This is due to. your foresight, \ efforts, from areas where the need is great." ministration bill would also lift the re- high priestess. Her parents encouraged the cane fields and beat one and all. and a sincere desire to provide the students at Shore with quirement for pre-clearance of election The main reason for the intraparty relationship. The high priestess taught A black maid who tried to poison the best possible education available,. ;") •. law changes; it would require the at- Annie a great deal about black magic, argument is that the Administration, Annie was tried, convicted and hanged. For this we thank you very, much, torney general to seek injuctive relief spells, incantations and witches. Annie asked the government of Jamaica backed by House Republican Leader in Southern district courts rather than When' she first saw the flogging of a for her Head. Mrs. Palmer selected an old Gerald R. Ford, is seeking to substi- man who had displeased the High Priest- and rebellious slave to go into Montego in the federal court of the District of tute its relatively weak bill for the ess, Annie became ill. Sick and fascinated. Bay court and walk back with the head Cassius Cl another five years. in hand-polished mahogany and brilliant When that starts, the local workmen, living in this'country for a lifetime. Two years of giving is a with sparkling chandeliers. quit. They will not stay. very small, percentage of this time. INSIDE WASHINGTON Annie married Palmer within a year. Annie was alone in her bedroom when Let's "jet with it," Mows. Mr. Clay has "missed the He saw her as innocence personified, a the silent black feet began their climb one boat." Don't let his "hate preaching" drag you and our helpless creature who pouted. From her night in 1833. They stood in the doorway, country "down the drain" witfrhim. bedroom in the East Wing, she used a and she screamed and spat at them. But ' John F. Sauter Percy's Fancy Footwork brass telescope to watch slaves working • they kept coming until their hands found By ROBERT S. ALLEN company often took casualties to avoid the cane fields. Some of them believed in her snowy throat. and JOHN A. GOLDSMITH casualties to Vietnamese civilians. Obeah Magic, and, at night, when her Then they fell upon her like ants on The Regionalization Vote Appearance of the column account husband slept, she dressed in men's cloth- 'a dying doe. When she was truly dead, Reports of the massacre at My Lai prompted other newsmen to inquire at ing and walked into the basement with a they tossed her body out the window, The 16 McLaren St. need no distasteful embellishment, but Red Bank Percy's office about the Martin-Trigona leather whip, She whipped her favorites,, White Witch was buried in the East Gar- To, the Sen. Charles H. Percy, R-Ill., has man- letter. One wire service was told by a and made them follow her to the beach. den. : .... A .belated^ but none-the-less "sincere, thanks tot your aged to add a nasty little footnote. Percy aide that the matter had been re-' Her lovers were sometimes washed But is she? I'd like to think that Annie The erstwhile boy wonder is now coverage and editorial support during the recent Little S1K ferred to Defense Secretary Melvin Laird ashore in shark chunks, She taught voo- doesn't live here anymore. yer-Red Bank-Shrewsbury Regionalization referendum. So* backing away from a for investigation. Percy had, it developed, publicity gambit de- rial thanks to JaneFodefaro.and P.aul Kerp for Uieifcflb- written a covering letter which asked that YOUR MONEY'S WORTH jective, balanced stories. Their accurate presentation"o/tW signed to make political Laird give "full attention to an investiga- capital out of the revul- facts-,-together with your editorial support outlininfe thftad- tion of" Martin-Trigona's charges. vantagesoftWs plan certainly contributed to our success at sion which greeted the That language did not sound like a My Lai disclosures—and Buying a Christmas Tree the poles.- •• •••• : .•:•• •-, routine referral to the wire service news- ' •• •Sincerely, "•.' > •'•• ••., well he might. men involved, and, reversing a previous There is, however, By SYLVIA PORTER floor as a test of its freshness. If it •• •• • Dick Gale ' ' •• :•' '•. .<:•. decision, they sent out a story about the Now come the seven days when you is fresh, no needles should fall off, (How- no getting away from the letter on one of the nationwide news net-' fact that it was Percy shop in earnest for your Christmas tree, ever, if it is a spruce tree; which tends works. Percy's interest in the matter, and wreaths, greenery, other Christmas flora. not to hold its needles as well as a Scotch"" who fanned the report his quotes, were duly noted. Rumson'sLeaf Burrmg that Maj. Charles S. In this last week before Christmas, you'll pine or balsam, this test may not be Then, apparently, tile senator began to buy an awesome 47 million live trees, an- valid.) Bend a needle to see if it is re- 30 Warden Ave. '"'.••'! ±1 ALLEN Robb was involved in a have second thoughts. ' Rumson, N. J. . ,; ", similar incident. Kobb is the Marine Corps other 3-4 million artificial silent—another test of freshness—and see To the Editor: • • • trees. As an average if the bottom of the stump feels moist husband of Lyndon Johnson's daughter, FATIIER-TO-FATHER - Martin-Tfi- Three^cheers to Mrs. John L. Fitzgerald for her: letter, Lynda. family, you'll spend $5- and sappy. printed Dee. ,2, on leaf burning in Rumson, There1 seems gona's political ambitions were known $10 for your tree, an- Percy's involvement gave, substance (4) Smell the tree. Is its fragrance to be a vast pollution gap in evidence.in Rumson. I'fer- now, and Percy let it be learned that he other ?2-$10 for wreaths, pleasant? and respectabiuty to the report. Now he was beginning to suspect ulterior motives. vently hope that by the next autumnal equinox that our etc., more dollars for (5) When you get the tree home, set town fathers see fit to promulgate the necessary ordinance. is publicly challenging its He made public a letter which he had lights, ornaments, gar- motivation and saying it in a container of water and keep it in Very truly yours, wrilten to his young constituent. lands, the like. If you Mrs. Robert L. Kasten that his role in the busi- "It seems dear to me," said Percy a shady, protected place until you are buy an artifical tree load- ready to set it up for decoration. ness was simply routine. virtuously, "that you are less interested ed with fancy ornaments, The senator's foot- in seeking justice than in achieving some you may spend from $10 (C) When you bring your tree indoors, work has been impres- other purpose." to $100 for the tree alone. cut an inch or two off the bottom, so it sive. It has not, however, Finally the senator got word to a gos- PORTER In short, on just this will last longer and keep it in a pan of convinced some of ,,his sip columnist here that Father Percy (who aspect of Christmas, we'll spend hundreds water or wet sand. Senate colleagues who suffered a personal tragedy years ago in * * * have long felt that the of millions of dollars—and as you might the still-unsolved murder of a daughter) suspect, Christmas tree prices have been (7) IF DOING THIS is not practical, attractive ex-camera ex- had been In touch with Father Johnson for ecutive is overly atten- climbing steadily, have risen 10 per cent get an aerosol container of anti-dessicant COLDSMiXn what was cloyingly described as a in the past two years alone. spray which will dry colorless and will tive to his own public "Father-to-Father" talk. image. Here, therefore, are 10 key hints to protect your tree against drying out too According to the women's page item, lielp you get the best out of your tree in- quickly. This sorry little story began a couple Percy called Johnson to apologize. The sen- of weeks ago when a young man named vestment. Study with care — before you (8) Buy your tree now, while you still ator's office was said to have been in- buy, have a wide selection and can enjoy it Anthony It. Martin-Trigona circularized volved because a letter had been "forward- newsmen and news bureaus here with (1) In advance, figure out precisely to the fullest. ed routinely" to Laird. how tall and fat a tree will fit into the (9) Take every precaution you can to copies of a letter to Percy. In the letter, It was also noted that Percy's surviv- Martin-Trigona said he liad visited the Ma- space you have in mind. Perhaps you prevent a fire. Consider spraying the tree ing daughter Sharon, and her husband, Jay need a full, bush-all-around tree but per- with a fire rclardant solution of nine rine company led by Robb about a year rockefeller, are close personal friends of ago. haps you don't,and would be better off ounces of borax and four ounces of boric "Chuck" and Lynda Robb, with a less costly one. For instance, a tree acid in one gallon of water before you set Martin-Trigona was identified as an * + • which i.s thin on one side might be pref- it up. Avoid candles as decorations and investment and real estate broker from AIDE'S ZEAL - It is argued here- erable for the corner of your room. check your Christmas lights with care to Clianinaign, III., who had been traveling abouts that any blame in the incident • * * make sure there are no worn spots or in Vietnam as a correspondent for the should be assigned to an over/eal'nus Per- (2) LOOK FOR A LABEL giving a cracks on the wires. Don't overload your newspaper, Daily Illnii. Jt later developed cy assistant. It is further suggested that U.S. Department of Agriculture grade, electrical circuits, with electrical Christ- that Ihe young man was also a candidate it is a credit to Percy that he has .not ranging from U.S. Premium to Choice and mas decorations. for the Illinois state legislature. publicly put the blame on his staff. Standard—plus the name of the tree spe- (10) And while you may be too late He told Percy that men in Itobb's unit That just isn't going to wash in the cies. Since this system hasn't really caught for this this year, make a mental note to had been ordered: "If it moves, kill it; if clublike Senate, however. To members of on as yet, you may not find this label, explore your area next year to see if It doesn't burn it." The unsupported alle- (lie club, an aide, ovcrzcalous in pursuit but If you do, it will be a measure of the there's a tree farm nearby where you gation was generally ignored, ljut one col- of a headline ivnrks for a senator who 1 tree's fullness, taper, evenness, color and might choose your tree while is is still "Imagine those Black Panthers with all umnist used it a couple of days later is, himself, overly concerned with his own straightness of its base. growlng-often at less cost than at a retail those guns —. they're not even a ilong with a denial by Kobb, who said his publicity. (3). Bump the tree on the ground or stores. •patriotic organization'!" ikt tomntefaiwq iwxptim. fit , uWt& CMffiltUtfUf CHI/t Aftfe,



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CVOSkiTrip ->• The If anmoutb. County Cath- Santa and the Dumbbell olic Youth Organization will «j LUCRECE BEALE as he turned the pages. He sponsor its second annual ski (Synopsis: The Troll ran off to show the Ghost and trip Feb. 7 at Hickory Ridge the Puppet Princess what be Ski Area, Honesdale, Pa. Ap- changes the reindeer into pigs. had found. plication forms and informa- Hie Ghost set* a trap in the tion are available from Mitt Don't be the last "Here are all kinds of ways Ball Shop and Booby Bobby to catch the Troll," he ex- Ellen Quito, Washington Ave., pushes the Troll into a tub claimed, showing them the Spring Lake, youth executive of liquid rubber.) book. "We can turn him into board member, and Mrs. Chapter 12 a fish or cause his teeth to Russ Lagattuta, secretary. RUSH TO BRADLEES drop out or make him disap- Reservation deadline is Tues- "I've got him!" cried Boo- pear in a cloud of smoke!" day, Dec. 30. by Bobby. Dodging golf balls, But the Ghost shook his At the invitation of the Holy he stumbled to the wall to head and said that it was a Name Federation of Mon- TREES AND ALL THE TRIMMINGS! turn on the light. "He's in very dangerous thing to fool mouth County, the CYO teen the tub of nrtber!" with a witch's magic. executive board presented a But - alas! In the dark, it "But it'g all written here panel discussion, "Catholic was the Ghost that Booby clear as can be," protested Youth Organization — Pro- Booby Bobby. "All w have Bobby had pushed into the e gram Goals," at the Holy to do Is follow directions." Name quarterly meeting. Par- tub and the Troll had fled. The Princess pointed out ticipating were Robert Tur- "Get me out!" bawled Stan- that the book was not sup- chyn, chairman, and Ellen ley, flapping and floundering posed to be read by children. Quinn, Diane Lagattuta, in the thick black goo. The "Do put it back where you Cynthia Kasten and Mary more he struggled the bigger found it," she begged. Peally. and fatter he grew. When the But Booby B«toby went off Princess and Booby Bobby fi- and read some more. When nally got him out he he came to a recipe for can- GOP to Meet scotch pine bounced on 1he floor like a dy that would turn the Troll giant rubber ball. into fruit he could not resist. MARLBORO-The Regular Christmas tree "I will do it all by myself!" Republican Club of Marlboro Meanwhile, the golf ball he exclaimed. "When I catch Township will hold its Decem- machine kept clattering away, the Troll how proud everyone ber meeting at the Andiron, turning out golf balls and will be of me!" BOOBY BOBBY read tha forbidden book. Rt. 79, tonight at 8:30 o'clock. bombarding the three of them. The balls Hooded the room and flowed out the door Deluxe green scotch pine and down the road. tree. Lush, deep branches Terrible Racket with long needles — cov- The terrible racket brought ered with pine cones. Santa and Tweedleknees run- Easy to set up and ning to the shop. Their eyes coompletelm y flame- popped at the sight before proof. A spectacular them. Tweedleknees turned Countdown! sight for all on off the golf ball machine and Christmas morning! bounced the Ghost away to clean him up. Santa took Boo- 4V4* scotch pine by Bobby and the Princess to BRADLEES TOYS, DOLLS, GAMES. tree with 78 his house to bandage their tips. 9.99 cuts and bruises. 7'scotch pine "We were trying to catch tree with 95 the Troll," explained Booby tips. 8.99 Bobby. "We would have, too, 01 hadn't been such a boob!" "Never mind," soothed Santa. "At least you fright- ened him away." But, the next morning they discovered that, while all the commotion went on in the Ball Shops, the Troll had brok- en into the Doll Shop and stol- en the eyes from all the fin- ished dolls. Their eyes were made from a rare and price- Kennel's play-n-show Blazon's aluminum less glass impossible to re- place. Phono Projector buy! no-rust Snow Coast-A-way Things Worse Now things were worse than ever. The Ghost, who still bounced slightly when he walked, said that time was running out and what was Santa to do about the reindeer turned into pigs and the dam- aged toys and the candy that disappeared as soon as the candy fairies made it? Booby Bobby felt dreadful because he had let the Troll escape. He was determined to do something to make up for Motorifie by Ideal his blunder. He wandered off Apollo C&S Module Into the Book Shop and stud- model kit by Revell ied the rows and rows of all motorized cars .,««.«, books ready for Christmas delivery. He wished he hadn't been such a scatterbraln in school. "I might have learned some- thing about how to catch a TroH," he signed. He picked Flameproof foil icicles up a tiny book from under a stool. It was flaming red and 200 strands of decora- had a skull on the front. tive tinsel In each box. Wltch'g Handbook Add sparkle to the tree! 10 Jl "Witch's Handbook," he < read, "This book contains curses, charms, encantations, exorcisms and recipes for magic potions. Keep this book 12" deluxe tricycle by Kenner's Spirograph out of the hands of children." educational and fun l»u.i» He sat down on the floor Murray. 16" is 13.88 and began to read. His eyes Real looking grew big and his head reeled electric fireplace School Trims Tree for Needy MIDDLETOWN - Middle- town Village School is spon- soring its annual Sock and Heavy 3-ply f Iberboard elecV Mitten Tree for the benefit " trie fireplace — reg. 1.991 of needy township families. Assembles In a jiffy, folds The tree is trimmed with new socks, mittens and flat for storage. With bulb. scarves donated by students. Headache by Kohner A special box of these items Trouble chase game O22 is kept in the Public Health thrill gift by Kohner £m™.™ its worth it, in fun! Center in Campbell's Junc- tion for use in (he event of emergencies. Your choice • •• The school's annual Christ- mas program, under the di- gift wrap trio rection of Mrs. Henry Buck- 7i waiter, will be presented Fri- day at 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 299 p.m. 10rollsof3(rpiper.fol|, 10 rolls of 30" gift paper, Aviation Course 3 Jumbo rolls paper-foil. At Adult School -|69 LONG BRANCH - A new ti Choice of 7 roll paperorfoll. class In aviation ground 8" Frame Doll with QOO Matchbox car case school will be started at the movable arms, legs OU«. m I holds 48, compactly -|39 Long Branch Adult School 6 roll foil combo or 6 roll on Monday, Jan, 12, from ALL BRADLEES STORES OPEN UNTIL 11:00 P.M. 28" gift wrap paper. ?av«l * 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. The JO-week program is de- signed for those planning to take the FAA written test for private pilot rating. Stan- Bradlees [S Bradlees [ ley Peru will serve as in< structor. Mr. Peru is a grad- we're out to keep you coming back mWKw we're out to keep you coming back m uate of the Roosevelt Avia- tion School, a USAF veteran, and holds licenses as a flight LAURELTON EATONTOWN instructor, commercial pilot, HAZLET and aircraft mechanic. Bradlees POOIE AVE. HIGHWAY 36 HIBKWAV 70 • SMCKTOWN HIGHWAY 35|»I THE CIRCLE] -THE DAILY fUEGlSTER. RED BANK-MIDDLETOWN, N. J.i WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1969 11 Freneau Section Zoning Sparks New Comment MATAWAN - Controversy subdivisions in the R-100 zone over the future disposition of One Levitt representativi stated the effect of up-grad the borough's Freneau section ing zoning has often been dis- of the big spenders marked the Planning Board's criminatory to low-income meeting here. groups. He said the board The Freneau section con- should act according to th« sists of two residential zones law as presently defined. CHRISTMAS COUNTDOWN, DEC. 18-19-20. (R-75 and R-100) separated Board member Salvatore by a light industrial (L-l) Millazzo expressed concern area. lest upgrading Freneau might CLEARANCE! MEN'S IMPORTED SWEATER? According to correspond- dissuade low-income families ence from Councilman • Elect from settling in Matawan, Donald Day, the borough thus leading to what he called 'can do better than R-100." "snob zoning." Mr. Day feels the area should According to Mr. Milazzo, be re-zoned so that the east- both applications have under- ern R-100 section, bordered gone several alterations since by the N.J. Central Railroad, their initial submission last will be converted to a light April. As present specifica- industrial zone, thus con- tions seem to comply with forming with Freneau's al- existing zoning regulations, ready existing L-l area. The there is no reason, he said, R-75 xone, which extends short of changing the zoning from the borough's western ordinance, that the applica- boundary with Marlboro, tions should not be approved. . mock turtle, or 3-butlon self should be converted to an or fashion collar. 8 colors: R-50 area. However, he emphasized that no action will be taken Mr. Day said that up-grad- until the newly-appointed ing Freneau would being the Zoning Board convenes next borough needed revenues and January. thus help alleviate present According to Mr. Day, he, tax burdens resulting from Mr. Armelino and John Web- recent increases in teachers' ster (another councilman - pay. According to Mr. Day, elect) have been given a County Planning Director "mandate for change" and Charles Pike confirmed that "have every intention of up- Sport shirts larger lot sizes would bring grading zoning (in Freneau) no-iron groomed better ratables. in early 1970." The councilman-elect added that according to the Tri- State Transportation Commis-' sion, "the Freehold branch of 2 Employes the Central Railroad of N.J. should become an important Of Signal Great groupl Body shirts, apaches, commuter line as the popula- button-down buttonless or Ivy, & tion density of our area in- rag. collar. S-M-L-XL in solids, creases." School Gted stripes, plaids, paisleys. For this reason he ob- FT. MONMOUTH - Tw* jected to the situation of a Army Signal School employes, R-100 zone adjacent to a busy both area residents, haw railroad and suggested the been honored in separate cer- area be re-zoned for light emonies. • industry. ( Ever-groomed James Laggan, an instruc- Mr. Day indicated that tor in the Special Subjects Di- Men's casual slacks Mayor-Elect Victor Armelino vision, Department of Com- would reactivate the borough mand Communications, re- industrial commission to at- ceived a salary step increase tract manufacturers to Fre- from Col. Walter G. Eunte, neau. director. Prior to joining civ- At Issue with Mr. Day's il service more than 15 years Kodel polyester-cotton jean or recommendations were repre- ago, he was a member of the yoke-back styles in 4 colors. sentatives of Levitt and Sons, faculty of Wilkes College, Also, flare-leg cotton Inc., Lake Success, N.Y., and Wilkes Barre, Pa., for five corduroys. 29-38. Jefferson Sales Corp.l Willing- years. A graduate of the Uni- boro. Each company has sub- versity of Pennsylvania, he Delight him with mitted applications for major served in the Army during knit imports from World War II in the European Freehold YMCA Sets Theater. Mr. Laggan and his i wife, Clara, live at 25 Steph- Italy and England BUB Trip Saturday enville Blvd., Middletown. They have five children. FREEHOLD — The Free- Jr. boys' knit hold Area YMCA will sponsor Mrs. Ellen McNaughton, a holiday bus trip to the secretary to the director, De- Wear-Dated shirts Franklin Institute in Philadel- partment of Nonresident In- phia on Saturday Dec. 20. struction, received an out- The bus will leave from standing performance citation Freehold at 9:30 a.m. and re- accompanied by a salary step turn by 5:00 p.m. The tripis increase. Her citation notes open to parents and children. her "secretarial expertise and Wide gift choice of superior , Monsanto guaranteed Acrilan Children must be at least in comprehensive knowledge of quality sweaters culled from acrylic with no-care plus, in the first grade to participate. administrative matters . . . fine European markets. Fashion turtle, mockturtle or ringer. A donation of $4.00 is asked courtesy and. sound judg- choice includes wools, even Long sleeves; colors. 4-7. to cover the cost of the trip, ment." A graduate of Middle- shetlands, or acrylics—in admission to the Institute and town Township High School, cardigans or pullovers. Vee, cm beverage for lunch. Lunch she lives at 317 Seventh Ave., and mock turtle necks In bulky will not be provided. Asbury Park. or flat knits, cables, box patterns, racing stripes and fancy knits, All the popular solid colors and zesty color combines, In sizes S-M-L-XL Impressive savings, too. Wear-Dated knit shirts

Instant nvinp! Chirp it at BradlMt with Acrilan acrylic Monsanto one-year our Moniysaver Cart! guannteedl Turtle or mock and master chares! jrtle, ringer & regular type knits. Long sleeves. 8-18

New platinum-plus double-edged blades he's been wanting. He'll appreciate 15 blades, and love smooth swift Executive Or Would- Be? Then Carry On!

Brief-bag, executive style, 3 compartments, Extra Dry expandable bottom. Fold-over tab. 16" 32.95; 18", 34.95. Attache cases: fine Arrid deodorant shrunken cowhide with easy-grip handles, combination locks, convenient dividers. 18.x 13", 5" deep, removable case and "desk", holds clothing, too. 62.95. 18x13", A" deep, (no desk], 44.95. 3" deep, (no desk), 36.95. Flat Knirps telescope umbrella, lifetime guar- antee, flat carry-case, $20. S ounces of spray-on deodorant to give the well-groomed man confidence In busy days. Buy an extra for ALL BRADLEES STORES club lockers. 2 OPEN UNTIL 11:00 P.M. Bradlees [ we're out to keep you coming back m 125 BROAD ST. 747-2557 RED BANK HAILET LAURELTON EATONTOWN Free Gift Wrapping and Monogramming Bradlees POOLE AVE. HIGHWAY 36 HIGHWAY 70 - BRICKTOWN HIGHWAY 3S|AI THE CIRCLE] 12 -THE BA«,Y 8EGISTER, RED BAJJK-MID0LETOWN, N. U WEDNESDAY, DECEMBEB 17,1969

' , f *< HAZLET„ Route 36 and Poole Ave. Open Monday thra Saturday 9 to 9.. Sunday 9 to 6 Quart Mazola FREE :il SAV«t E 1 Com Oil on the purchase of any Easy-to-digest Mazola fries Sun Glory French Fries with this foods light with (9 oz pkg) with this coupon coupon no greasy taste, Coupon sood thru Dec. 20. Limit 1 coupoji per family, TURKEY no oily odor. Coupon good thru Wed., Dec. 24. Limit 1 coupon per family Sparks-up RBR RBR i*iwwfti&ww^ salads, too.

... wt reserve the right to limit quanUUet Change-of-pace breakfast drink! Pineapple- 6 bottle pack A A1

46 ox Grapefruit Drink 1cans Pepsi Cola Qy Start the day with snap. Add a little 10 oz Non-returnable bottles Del Monte juice drink to your life ...each morning. 100 Lipton Spoon a delicious aessert and save! Tea Bags More tea Del Monte * * flavor, pkg. Fruit Cocktail Five colorful fruits in heavy syrup. Apple Juice Serve in your prettiest dessert dishes with a bright topper of Stop & Shop fruit sherbet. 1-Quart Bottles

Soaks out stains while it washes out dirt! Giant Tide Laundry Hormel Spam 3 Ib 1 oz Luncheon Detergent pkg Meat Juicy sandwich Cleans the worst ground-in dirt, the toughest meat. 12 oz can. set-in stains. Yet hard-working Tide is safe for all washable fabrics. Polynesian Punch 6r«p»orFrolt Del Monte Peaches Dozen Donuts Del Monte Whole Kernel Corn Axelrod's Cottage Cheese Daisy Plain Sara Lee Choc. Cake Stop & Shop Medium Pea* A satisfying orSugar 9oz$| All butter Lincoln Breakfast Drinks recipe, lunch with fruit 12 donuts in each pkgs J, C Stop & Shop Potato Chips 3? or gelatin. package. completely B 4 baked. Realemon Lemon Juice lib cup quirt bottlB 39 29 13V2 oz pkg58 Lindsay Select Ripe Olives Stop & Shop Small Peas Yah Yah Bread Gloria Stuffed Olives 29° Sour Cream Butter and non- Stop & Shop Wax Beans fat milk added loaf I 6 Waffles Maxwell House Instant Coffee 1>29 Tuscan to enrich flavor. Stop & Shop Stop & Shop Boiled Onions in. 27° Brand Pop 'em in your Gloria Stuffed Olives One Pint toaster.5 oz pkg 1a]H Carton 25 Danish Pastry Stop & Shop Sliced Carrots Lemon... 12 oz 1 Birds Eye French Fries RaspberryI2 /2 oz JOI. s Kraft American Cheese Mi-He Fuo Fix with tnloni, or mi k 9'"49° Rightguard Deodorant Spray Con . Flaky pastry with 69 7 C C 4$ Off. 1.23 M till! Borden Crescent Dinner Rolls Z 29 tangy fruit. Stop & Shop Squash 2';,29 C M C CrestToothpaste White or Hint 35 Rich's Whip Topping «««<«*39 Sara Lee Croissant Rolls }£49 tt c Birds Eye Glazed Carrots 2y^49e ListerineMouthwash Sun Glory Margarine quirt,r,bprin,, 6^*1 tat l .59 C Stop & Shop Angel Loaf C Sau Sea Shrimp Cocktail 2!>;.'89 Buitonl Usagna vf 5S Modess, Reg. or Super 't S9* Sharp Cheddar Cheese Chocolate Walnut Brownies Red L Whirls or Crowns •£69° wi. Whipped Creme Marigolds .THE DAILY REGISTER, RED-BAM• MiDDLLTOWN, N. J.; WMJNfcbDAY, DECfcMiJER 17,

Bananas Poinsettias !} Glorious Golden 3 flowered Navel Oranges plants for From California • your homo Sweet snack ... Flavor-rich and or for use segments in mini-priced desserts, too. for a "bunch" Ib giving. 15559° of savings! Delicious Apples Large Cauliflower Fresh Cranberries Mum PlantO49 Red or Golden Assorted colors. 6 inch Crisp and juicy for Snow White Head Foiled in red or green. Grand with a tangy For festive sauces, relishes, pot your fruit bowl. 10*59- cheese sauce. fruit breads.

cheer with pricing


Premium i fifc*

'• IUjWIW" Deep Basted Butterball

Mexcluslve vegetable USDA Choice quality oil mixture, deep inside USD A Choice where hand basting Tender and Juicy! A delectable roast to match those Treat your family to really can't reach, bastes the special eating... treat your Ib you've enjoyed in fine restaurants. Oven budget to extra special sav- turkey as it cooks. ings. Serve this scrumptious Matchless flavor and tenderness Rudy maxi-man steak tonight! ... luxury eating at a bargain price! Porterhouse Steak Rib Roast OOc T-Bone Steak (First 3 Ribs)

KbP«H« U.S. Graded 3-3!^ lbs WH5TE Pork Loin Cut from succulent young (Boneless) government inspected Turkeys Chuck Roast porkers. USDA Choice Grade beef for a deliriously ten- Loin Portion*™*55» Oven Ready. Magnificent broad- der pot roast Carefully trimmed of excess fat. breasted birds. Pork Chops % 691 22 to 24 lbs. California Roast ««» 69» Boneless Pork Roast RlbSldi 18to 22 pounds 39c Ib. 10 to 14 pounds 43c Ib.

Taste-tempting foods for busy-day meals. Canned Hams! teak Sale! Caterer's Kitchen Custards 31°* '1 All USDA Choice beef Just Rite Tht maxi-nun have mini-priced these quality hams Just I.. Trimmed for value! Caterer's Kitchen Pizza Subs 3 time for holiday entertaining. Choose your favorite and save! Caterer's Kitchen Cole Slaw » Armour Zip Top Ham 5-4.99 .ondon Broil Steak«*-«:97.£ Swiff s Premium Hostess Ham 4«» $4.68 toneless Chuck Steak 8! Wilson Honey Cured Ham 4.T 5.38 Rath Bar-B-0 Glazed Ham Own O.OO California Steak <«» 7! Swift's Premium Ham 5uV5.48 fib Steak, Short Cut m Unox Imported Ham Unox Imported Ham 2 £ '2.38 -THE DAILY REGISTER, B£D BANK • MIDDLETOWN, N. J.: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1969 u committees and of tiwir toe— New Jersey Education Asso- jeclfon of Use faculty senate conduct of Ite college" vrA 'ttons and consequence* at cution in its hoped-for con- constitution as "dishearten- calls the creation of new ad- Monmoutb College," the tet- tract talks. ing to all faculty members visory committees "a disap- ter continues. "suppKes little College Faculty Unit Hie executive committee who had hoped for genuine pointing solution." hone ofany useful results" WEST LONG BRANCH - describes Dr. Van Note's re- faculty involvement in the "The history of advisory The toy drive for the benefit of the Children's Care Center in Red Bank sponsored by Raps Van Note Rulings the Delta Sigma Theta fraternity at Monmouth Col- WEST LONG BRANCH - lege is now under way. ment in these academic has attained the rank of As- The Faculty Association of problems that confront us in sistant Professor and has Anyone who would like to Monmouth College (FAMCO) such a major way . . ." served three consecutive donate any used or new toys is circulating a letter among The tenure committee re- years in such rank or higher, is asked to call the fraternity the entire faculty objecting to port is due several months shall under normal circum- and the gifts will lie picked recent decisions of college before the others, Mr. Van stances be granted tenure on president William G. Van Note writes. This is because his next appointment." Note to suspend the granting VICTORY MARKET the rate of tenure awards at Under usual circumstances of tenure and reject a pro- Monmouth (82 of 107) from faculty members up for ten- 31 W. FRONT ST., RED BANK TELEPHONE 747-0508, 747-1339 posed faculty senate consti- 1965 to 1969 "suggests that ure would be notified by the tution. we may not be operating with 31st of this month. FRIENDLY PERSONAL SERVICE — TOP QUALITY MEATS and POULTRY Dr. Van Note sent a letter the beliefs of the Department The reply, which is ad- $ to faculty members on Dec. of Higher Education" ex- dressed to the faculty and 8 establishing faculty commit- pressed in a 1368 report that signed by the FAMCO execu- LEAN GROUND BEEF 3 lbs. 11Bf SAUSAGE MEAT tees in various fields of aca- "Tenure should not be con- tive committee, asks demic policy, including ten- sidered primarily a device "whether Dr. Van Note, if he FRESH—BUDDY BOY CUT-UP - SPLIT QUARTERED ure, and suspending the for insuring job security . .." can abrogate one provision of granting of tenure until the but "be awarded only after the Faculty Handbook, can CREME USD A c tenure committee report is the most serious scrutiny of abrogate others, including OF THE GRADE completed and evaluated by the faculty member's quali- those regarding tenured ill Feb. 4. fications." faculty members." SHORE FRYING CHICKENS A. The college president said The FAMCO reply, dated Need Is Shown 29 in that letter that he was es- yesterday, calls the suspen- "The action of Dr. Van BEEF SHORT RIBS . 69f» | BEEF CUBES - Top Chuck Open your 1970 tablishing the committees sion of tenure "the most Note in the matter of tenure "since I cannot accept the alarming action of the presi- demonstrates the helplessness Christmas Club dent in his Dec. 8 letter. .." DELICIOUS OVEN ROAST or POT ROAST 9S recently proposed Faculty of the Monmouth Faculty un- Get this'4 DeccaLP Senate Constitution in revised It categorizes the suspen- less it has a strong faculty Record Album for'P form, and since I feel strongly sion as an "ex post facto ac- association representing it USDA the need for faculty engage- tion by the president . . ." and composing a contract for Btpulll hiured Up to «»,»» kr M.I.C. which "compromises the rights it," it adds. CHOICE of faculty members who ac- FAMCO was formed at be- Ib NURSiNG HOME cepted employment by the ginning of this school year to BONELESS • 24-Hour Car* college under the present negotiate a comprehensive • RN on duty all tlmei handbook" and quoted the CROSS RIB ROAST 99 • Medicare Approved contract with the college ad- Faculty Handbook provision ministration on behalf of its NAVESINK HOUSE TURKEYS - GEESE - DUCKS -CAPONS - SQUAB - RIBS 0'BEEF MtBtir Merit Etitrtf. Fcdinl that a "faculty member who members. Until now faculty Derult Inn»n» Can. «O RIVERSIDE AVE. RED IANK H2-MM members have signed in- LEAK-CENTER CUT I" A CORN-FED-RIB HALF f\fk dividual contracts. Fraternity The group now has 137 Collects Toys members or 62 per cent of CHRISTMAS GIFTS FOR the college faculty and plans WEST LONG BRANCH - to enlist the aid of profes- sional negotiators from the CHUCK STEAK59'PORK LOIN 69' Members of Alpha Phi Ome- BIG and TALL ga, national service fraterni- ty at Monmouth College, have begun their fifth annual toy MEN up to size 60 drive for underprivileged ] children. Timothy K. O'Shca, a soph- omore from Greenwich, Conn., is serving as chair-' SWEATERS T-SHIRTS, fine quality man. The fraternity is collect- f»«.$12 combod cotton 3 for $5 ing the toys through Friday. SHIRTS BOXER SHORTS, Solids, dress and Mr. O'Shea said residents ' sport from 5.99 broadcloth prints, 3 for $5 interested in donating toys SUCKS BOXER SHORTS may contact the college's choice fabrics pcrmnncnt press 3 for 6.50 Student Activities Office and colors from 8.99 weekdays between 10 a.m. BELTS, quality leathers, JACKETS and 3 p.m. He said fraternity many fabrics, neat styles Ittm $3 styles . r/om 22.95 members will pick up the TIES, terrific selection PAJAMAS toys at the convenience of the from $2 permanent donor. press 8.95 ATHLETIC SHIRTS PLUS • ••a complete selection of suits, sportcoats Appeals to Nixon swiss rib cotton.... 3 for $5 and all-weather coats NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP)- A postal clerk has appealed to President Nixon to inter- vene in a battle of the sexes which she says is under way in the local post office. Mrs. Myra Burton, in a let-1 > UT Ui PUT YOU ON OU« MAI1INQ LIST... SIND IN TOM NAMI4 AOOMIt ter containing 70 signatures,' charged that she and other women workers at the city's L- main post office have been Route 35 Asbury Park subjected to "constant har Asbury Park Circle rassment and torment" by su periors who want them to II! US PUI VOU ON OUR MAIIING IIS1 SEND US YOUR NAMt AND ADDRESS wear longer skirts, It's

4 FT. SCOTCH PINE 8.98 6.49

7 FT. SCOTCH PINE 25.98 16.99


ALL REVERE WARE : SPECIALLY PRICED —AT LEAST Let the good times pour! Cott Quality Mixers are perfect blendships for 20*1 holiday gatherings. Pick up a mix of sparkling Cott mixers in 32-oz. no-deposit bottles. ' Refreshing Cott True Fruit flavors, too. When family and friends come over, •; 32 BROAD ST. RED BANK FABULOUS free Delivery Call 741-7500 twist off the Twist'nSeal®caps and have a happy! '; SELECTION OF Open 8 a.m. to « p.m. Dally la Chrlitmoi CHRISTMAS Ksl. 1925 DECORATIONS AND LIGHTS! roiuw's IT'S Wtt'10 BE GOOD FOR THE HOLIDAYS Coll CDiponllon — A Nilioml Induililii Inc. Company -THE DAILY BEGISTER, BED BAN'K-MIDDLETOWN, N. J,: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, \VA n is With Monmouth County Service Personnel

U.S.;:"Aii: |^ Capt. Joel soful'a-of 18 Melrose Ter,, Mid- ; ventory supplies by use of deterrent force of long range nedy College in Nebraska. Airman of the Quarter in his graduate of Red Bank High u, soil of Mr. and assigned to the 4629th Support dletown, was; graduated at electronic data processing bombers and intercontinental Airman Richard M. Swan- unit at Luke AFB, Ariz. Air- Squadron, a unit of the Aero- School, attended Iowa State jrs. Herman Rosfiibaum of Lowry AFB, Cu'.o., from tho machines, is being assigned , ballistic missiles. Airman Cri- son Jr., son of Mrs. Dorothy man Swanson, a supply inven- space Defense Command University before entering the EigHlli Aye./' Asbuiy U.S.. Air Force supply inven- to CarSwell AFB, Tex., for sofulli, a 1967 graduate of E. Swanson, 2167 Middletown- tory specialist, was selected which protects the U.S. Air Force. His father, Rich- ark, has arrived for duty at tory specialist course. duty with the Strategic Air Middletown Township High Lincroft Road, Middletown, for his exemplary conduct against hostile aircraft and ard M. Swanson Sr., lives at jytheville AFB, Ark. Capt. The' airman, trained to in- Command, America's nuclear School, attended John F, Ken- has been namqd Outstanding and duty performance. He is missiles. The airman, a 1965 271 Holland Road, Holmdel. psenbaum, a weather' off j is -assigned to' the 25ti jeather Squadron, a unit o: |e Air Weather Service. H feviously served at Cam fenh Bay AB, Vietnam. Th U.S.D.A. Gov't. Graded Choice Boneless |ptain received his B.S. de •ee in 1966 from Rutgers Uni sity, where he was com issioned through the Ai BOTTOM ROUND OR prce Reserve Officers Train Corps program. lAirman Daniel F. Hinton, |n of Mr. and Mrs. L. M, CROSS-RIB [inton of Rt. 79, Wickatun: . graduated at Shepparc FB, Tex., from the traininL burse fot U.S. Air Force air- |aft .mechanics. Airman pnton is being assigned ti ha AB, Okinawa, with the ROAST st Combat Support Group U.S.D.A. Gov't Graded Choice Boneless unit of the Pacific Air prcesi;The airman is a 1968 TOP ROUND or TOP Foodtown Farm Fresh Produce aduate of Freehold Region- SIRLOIN ROAST Crisp California High 5qhool.- • U.S.D.A. Co/I. GraiW Choke BoneWs |john B. Sims, son of Mrs ** Hormel RUMP ROAST IMJI.A.Gn't.GrafejaioinBaidm ksy Sims, Hoffman, N; C. U.SOA. Gov't Graded Choke Boneless as. promoted to Army ser STEAK SALE! LETTUCE firsfclass while serv- CANNED EYE ROUND ROAST as an "area communica^ HAM Tender Juicy Top Round ROUND $429 ons;dtfef with the 2d Signa LONDON BR0I1 TOP SIRLOIN *mm* roup near Long Binh, Viet Oven Ready 6-S.IB. SHOULDER YOUR 'am. Sgt. i:C. Sims' wife CAPONS CHOICE haron, lives at 170 Lohsea 9 1*7" Hrgrab (or Turkty Stuffing CUBE c California Sweet Tender Bace^Belford; SAUSAGE MEAT r..49 CARROTS 115* i Airman Frank W. Crlsofulli SWIFTS PREMIUM TURKEYS Sweet Florida son of Mr. and Mrs. John Cri- TANGERINES 10 29 Crisp Red Delicious Set Realty BUTTERBALLS APPLES 3 & 49 TOMS TOMS HENS Imported Itafian Salesman c CHESTNUTS 20 to 24 lbs. 47 16 to 20 lbs. 51Ib lOtoUlbs. 57 Courses h LONG BRANCH - Five new classes in preparation for state examinations for real estate salesmen and brokers will be opened in January by the Monmouth Educational OCEAN SPRAY You Save More tiouncil. WHOLE OR JELUED iThereal estate salesman's i'includes a study;of DEL MONTE vperty interests and rights, LA ROSA I^s, leases,; business CRANBERRY tjr sales, municipal DEL MONTE state laws and regula< 53 I FRIMT LASAGNA is, law of agency, license Co) apt and rules and regulations. SAUCE glasses will be held at Long CORN Ml Branch, Monmouth Regional, COCKTAIL Ocean! Township,. - and- Bed Bank jyyo evenings per week from,'?:30 to 9:30 p.m. com- i njencjijg thq week of Jan. 12. ' PauiT. C&hill of the Cahiil # 303 4^89 I Company in Cliffwood Beach 29-oz. will bejinstructor for the Long Brancn program which meets cans Monday and Thursday eve- riingtr..,William, Culp Weart, former1 president of the FOODTOWN Weart - Nemeth Agency of 4 «•* Tu|_ Toward the purchase of my bonus pack of CACHES T I HIS 56 Regular or Super Red Bank, will\ instruct the COCKTAIL class at Monmouth Regional 3 189' tcOl! COUPON High School on Monday and 49' WORTH | Wednesday evenings. ( 30c off oar ngriar fm price. ; Coupon good at any ForMftown SupwmaHk Jack Okun, president of >&49 LMtonajwaduhhraily. 1 Crystal and Okun Realtors, C 30 Coupon eipim Saturtor, DKemlw 20. will conduct the program at p DRR Ocean Township on Wednes- __Chr.stmasDept. Savings- 79 COUPON day and Thursday evenings. gallon «w •» Harold Meistrich, of the Mei- SWEET CIDIR strich Agency, will serve as C FOODTOWN at the instructor for the Red f CA 2Ui. OO 2c Off Label Bank class. hollies W* For the broker's course, 5 AJAX Adam A. Kretowicz of the Adams Agency in New CLEANSER Shrewsbury will serve as in- SAVE 8c structor. The program meets Coupon good at any Fboatown Supermsket* Foodtov-nOldfoshioned limit on* per arJuft family. Monday and Thursday eve- Coupon txpirfti Saturday* DtcwnW 20. nings at Long Branch "begin- ning Jan. 5. FoodloWn or linderiWs Froxen :": . " foidp APPLE PK ^jffia|^ COUPON Further information may be "The Reo) Thino" -,, ; ; •<• obtained from the Monmouth ORANGE FOODTOWN 1 Educational Council, 279 ORANGE JUICE .13 Broadway, Long Branch. TUIC Toward the purchase of any 1UICE £.59' IHIi I m 4c off label 5-lb. bag Plan Stock MINCEP1E SPIUSBURY FLOUR 39' 10c off our regular low price. m Coupon good ot any Foodtown Supermvlcet. LJmJI DM pf r adult family. Exchange 55Tsp c Coupon expire* Saturday, December ZO. 1 10 |^ S«»eca Frozen KRAFT DIPS Bept. Offering ASSTD. COOKUS 3 ** ' li Hawaiian Frozen Grope or Mouthwash FREEHOLD — Joseph J. SoiiRCREAM S.39- Saker, chairman of the board I RED PUNCH of Foodarama Supermarkets, sa >ien Whole In Syrup C SES CHEESE S» LAVORIS Inc. (AMEX) announced that 39 Foodarama has filed a reg- : cop istration statement with the Securities and Exchange KraftNatural Commission with respect to a I SWISS proposed exchange offer to ALKASELIKR shareholders of Big Apple SLICES Coupon good at any foodtown Supermaiket, SACCHARIN Limit one per adult family. Supermarkets Inc. (AMEX). Coupon eipirei Saturday, December 20. Mfcj-Cpn. Under the proposal, Food- ASPIRIN K..67* arama will offer to ex- COUPON change shares of its common DEPT. SAVINGS—, -si Aioon IIKI'I. sivi/vi:..s— . V APORUB stock for 165,825 (or, at its Sihiilhaui . fi.ih 60 70 Medium lor,,, option, up to 200,000) shares HIVERWURST POTATO SALAD SMELTS WEDNESDAY, of Big Apple Common Stock |C at the rate of sixty-seven DECEMBER 17TH Tonsy While or Colored Petit* Alaihan King FOODTOWN OF WASHINGTON TOWNSHIP hundrcdths (.67) of a share AMER. SLICES LOBSTER TAILS CRAB LEGS of Foodarama stock for each $499 „ Sfl69 315 PASCACK JlpAD ' one share of Big Apple Com- 1 Between Washington, Avenue&, Ridge wood • ,, mon Stock, provided that If • where available ' less than 165,825 Big Apple shares are tendered, Fooda- Piicej eflectiv* through Saturday, December ZO. Not rcsponiible (or typogrophical errors. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Member Twin County Grotirj. rama may elect to purchase no shares. Middletown, N. J. TomiBlver, N.J. Neptune, N. J. The offering will be made Joctson, N. X , Rt. 15 t, Mt. Hill Fiiher Blvd. Route 33 ' only by means of n prospec- 7 Brook Plan Frttkold, N. J. tuf promptly following effec- Malawan, N. J. Weil End, Long Branch, N. J; Port Monmonth, N. J. Engllshtown, N. J. Pirk Av«. I Hwy. J| tiveness of the registration 126 Main SI. Wait End Court & Markot Pl.c. Hwy. 36 I Bray Av«, Al Main S\ statement filed with the SKC. Toms River, N. J. SeatBrlght, N. J. Rid Bonk, N. J. Formlngdale, N, J, Blair ic Co., Inc. will act Roul. 37 IliO Octin Av». 64 Ntwman Springs Road 10 Bank Strt.l as dealer manager. THE PM* mi$TFA RED BANK-MIDM.ETOWN, V. U WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, \W

MODEL TP-32A Dual tradk, monaural tape re- eoider. Heal for recording lec- tures or elassei. Single selector knob for rewind, stop and play functions. All accessories in- 12 cluded.


STEP UP FEATURES JiJe-iiA • Push button controls • Variable speed control $1Q95 • Two motors © • Two "C" cells and one avings ever < nine-volt batteries! 19

"HAI KARATE" $137 COLOGNE 4 oz. Size — List Price 2.25 1 n 7-ft. Recreation "YU" 2 pc. GIFT SETS CHRISTMAS • 4 oz.. After Shave 29 • 4 oz. Cologne 15 POOL TABLE • List Price $3.25 $2 • Walnut Veneer LITE Sides MINIATURE • Set 2Vs" Balls (CQ99 • 2-48" Cues LIGHT • Triangle, Chalk HOUSEWARES and Bridge 59 SETS • Vt" Bridge REG. $109.99 Full 7i 2-ft DELUXE 29.88 SCOTCH PINE VALUE! ORCHIDS... ,HE MOONLIGHT Artificial C«i ^ GIFT SET $-28 CONTAINS CONTAIN* mr • ^*** TREE If AFTER BATH COLOGNE and 1 135 Tips — Complete with Stand BUBBLE BATH LIST PRICE 2.50! JUMBO Christmas "PARIS REG 1>4f VALUE! NIGHT" CHAMPAGNE * M1A pp - BUBBLE BATH *•Iy GIFT SET LIST PRICE 2.29 1 STAND 69 GROW A "REMCO" BABY SISTER TOOTH REG. "CORNING DOLL 6.99 j WARE" Litrl* sister complete with pacifier, $366 feeding spoon and magic milk bot- Special 1 He. 14V] inches rail, full jointed, her eyes open and close. Set!


REG. dive FABRICS 9.97 OFF DOMESTIC REALLY to Home-Sewing and VOICE CONTROL LAUNCHES ASTRONAUT BASE MISSILE t'lilliiisinsis LINEN Complete space control cantor and real recording. 499

By "MATTEL" THE LARGEST DISPLAY OF A Thingtnaker Toy Featuring •*. «•* .*! PICADOOS TRIM-A-TREE: STATE "CANNON" DOU&Jt Make plastic BATH TOWEL Picadoos and frames. SETS $09l 9 45 R.P.M. NYLON FLEECE Put them on VELVETEEN •• .GIFT BOXED everything! "CANTONI" For presents, REG. 2 10.97! VELOUR paintings and Chartbusters REG. 3.98 YD. pictures! REG. 1.99 YD. Italian Soil (loecs fabric In ml Imported BOOKSHI lha beautiful $149 fabric. •hadet ond Ideal for 0 greal setocllon "voir party and to choo» from 1Yard Yard 45" wldi. holiday wear. •2 BASKET < . HOLIDAY ..' BALL UPHOLSTERY FABRIC HALF APRONS Just arrived! A beautiful assort- $ LIMIT 3 TO A ment of colon and patterns. 54" $129 COTTONS—OR6AN0Y CUSTOMER wide ... 3- to 10-yard lengths yd 4.89 . . . VALUES TO 3.98 YARD! 1 OFFICIAL SIZE CHRISTMAS ATLANTIC PRINTS „ CHRISTMAS by "INDIAN HfcAD" REG. 2.29 YAUD BAMBOO CARE A once a year fabric offering 49 VALANCE TO 1 for your hobby 1 SHREWSBURY AVE at RT. 35 • NEW SHREWSBURY needs. 54" wide. • Yard MATCH 75c I STORE-HOURS MON. thru SAT. 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. SUNDAYS 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. 1 -1HE DAILY REGISTER, BED BANK-MIDDLETOWN, N. J.: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 17

-.V •S->iJ'..:i'"•-•;. .| v.'!,Vf *'<•"'./{.• iiiiaiiiiyy. ATLANTIC LADIES' and CHILDREN'S acrylic knit GLOVES & MITTENS Warm, colorful, bulky, yarn knits to keep your hands warm during the cold Winter months . . . Your choice of several novelty patterns and col- ors. -3Tr*rTir. i*kiiN(7i^/^LiAnr»7.i^ Y~7^ /^-N ^f

Christmas Gift Values!

FRIDAY and SATURDAY HANDBAG BONANZA NITES TILL 11 ONE EXTRA SHOPPING HOUR NOW thru CHRISTMAS! 2 Leather like vinyl plastics In a Christmas array of winter shades. Single handles, double handles and pouches and more. Choice of many shades.

Reg. Discount Ladies' Quilted TWO-PIECE from a famous maker! LADIES' and TEENS' Price 14.95 PENDANT WATCHES Lined S-t-r-e-r-c-h LADIES' QUILTED GIFT BOXED $O97 PANT SETS ROBES Complete with Chain and Lapel Pin. Wear It Either Way. 9 $500 $ Many styles to choose from . . . richly SPECIAL! rrlmmtd, two large pockets. Fully cut Reg. and washablei. Seliction of colon. Sins Hand $19.95 Solid color slacks, SiM-L. 13 flare leg, elostlciied Engraved • Corduroy! waist . . . stripe • Wool blends top with long sleeves. GOWNS JEWELRY • Single breasted INITIAL JEWEL Ladies' for a Precious Christmas Assorted new IN •"• Double breasted Winter colors. LONG PINS AND Large and small col- Washable ... OR Nylon lars, new Winter col- Sixes 8 to It. WALTZ ors... Sites 8 to 16. Children's and Teens LENGTH Tricot umes 14 KT. GOLD GOWNS AND CROSSES GIRLS' LADIES' $159 Gift boxed. Baby Doll Complete Bonded Bulky with 14KT Reg. PAJAMAS 1 qold chain! 7.47 Flare Acrilac 5 PANTS CARDIGANS Reg. 2.99 Reg. 5.99 $199 MEN'S SWEATERS $099 Highly styled and richly SIZES trimmed. Choice of new SMALL, MEDIUM, 1 high fashion colors. • 100% bonded 3 LARGE 3-gauge acrilan, orlon and novelty pattern Fully cut • Bell Bottoms EXTRA front, full well made URGE! • Solids - Stripes fashioned with Checks and covered buttons, garments from A fine selection of the latest in men': Plaids hand washable, sweater styling. 100% acrylics or 100°/ a famous mfg. • All colors new colon. wool. of lingerie. 14. Sixes S-M-L. t Pullovers with crew neck or Sizes Small V-neck styling • Button front cardigans Medium and • Choice of solid colors and fancies Large. in the season's newest colors! MEN'S HOLIDAY LADIES' and TEENS' MEN'S FLANNEL PAJAMAS DRESS cold weather SIZES A-B-C-D Girls' Holiday Comfortable and warm 100% cotton BOOTS flannel . . . popular piped styling . . . assortment of colorful prints. Cut full SHOES for comfort and lonqer wear. $coo DRESSES BOYS' PERMA-PRESS V PAIR Reg. 9.00 Value Choice of SPORT SHIRTS Oxfords or 100% slip-ons waterproof) With Long Sleeves with soft taasty warm lining for fleece lining Bondeds, dacron and solid comfort. A colorful selection of polyes- to keep warmth cottons, torsos, A-lines, 3 for Long wearing in and the waist lines and many ter and cotton no-Iron sport soles. weather out. SIZES Grain uppers, other styles. shirts. Choose regular or but- 7 to 12 Non-skid sole. ton-down collar styling in solid $COO black only. Sixes 5 to 10. Large choice of the colors plaids, woven checks or season's new colors. stripes. Reg. 1.97. Sixes for SIZES 8 to 18 Men's-Women's-Children's Toddlers' up to a girl's 14. GIFT GIRLS' WINTER SLIPPERS Coat Sale! $199 Below Manufacturers Costs 1PAIR NOW! Reg. 2.98 14 comp. price 20.00 Choose from a STYLES FOR EVERY OCCASION wide selection of the newest • ACRYLIC PILES, MINI RAIL styles in all PILES, CHINCHILLA PILES the newest • ALL WARMLY INTERLINED shades. • SMART NEW STYLES AND Sizes for COLORS all • SIZES 4 to 12 Boys1 Winter $788 ATLANTIC

JACKETS SIZE' S • SKI JACKETS • VINYL JACKETS 8 to 18 • CORDUROY PARKAS A quality assortment of the better jackets all grouped tc~ gather at this one low price. Smart new fall and winter SHREWSBURY AVE. at RT. 35 • NEW SHREWSBURY shades. Value to 9.97. STORE HOURS MON. thru SAT. 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. SUNDAYS 9 A.M. to 6 P.M. 18 -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK - MIDDLETOWJf, N. J.: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, I960 RedBankPhggng Ho foulo I Tables Landfill Site Measure Committeeman David Cohen, uneventful public hearings. HOLMDEL - The Town- and Board of Health in Walter Niles, president of cost of fencing the future One changed the names of Hole on Explosives ship Committee has backed neighboring Hazlet Township the nearly completed 132-bed dump, or even stating with who offered the motion to reject the ordinance after a two streets in Space Acres down — at least temporarily have officially protested the Arnold * Walters Nursing authority how much of the from Satellite Way to Iron- RED BANK - This borough specifically include railroad proposal, predicting potential Home, said his establishment property would be involved, or, 30-minute recess, said the — in its efforts to establish hill Drive and Telstar Drive apparently has lacked firm cars and their contents. Pub- contamination to streams and would never meet state ap- lacking test borings, unable ordinance would be re-intro- lic hearing is set for 8:30 to Edgewood Drive. legal footing to prevent rail- a new landfill site on Middle ground water. proval with a landfill site to say how high the water duced when the township had p.m. Jan. 5. The second established a Road. Faced by a determined The committee also acknowl- 400 feet away. Besides, said table was, the committee de- received written state Board road cars containing high ex- $3.50 dog licensing fee and The borough has been bat- group of residents strongly edged a petition, signed by Mr. Niles, his basement must cided to wait until all the of Health approval. plosives from being tempora- tling for six months with of- a 50-cent registration tag fee opposed to the location, the 126 residents of the immediate be constantly pumped. An- studies now in progress are Two other ordinances were rily stored here. ficials from the Central Rail- area, opposing the ordinance. other potential site on land adopted Monday night after for township canines. _ committee rejected an ordi- complete. This became evident as the road of New Jersey over the Keansburg attorney George owned by Joseph Tetro lo- Borough Council initiated ac- shipment of explosives to the nance that would have E. Ostrov, representing an- cated east of the Bachstadt Earle Naval Ammunition De- property was rejected by the tion to "plug a very large authorized purchase ofc the other 50 homeowners in the pot in Colts Neck Township. 10-acre tract in the town- vicinity, cited potential prob- committee as "too wet." loophole" in its fire preven- The explosives are trans- ship's northeast corner. lems of lowered property Residents also pointed out tion ordinance. ported to the depot in rail cars values, vermin, fires, odors, that Mr. Tetro recently pur- Mayor Daniel O'llern ex- which at times are left in the During a three-hour public and contamination of wells. chased property to the west MOHMOUTH MEATS plained that the existing fire rail yards here unattended. hearing Monday night on the Many residents in the vicinity of, the proposed landfill site. 13 MAIN ST. BRANCH AYE. prevention ordinance which Last month, the borough measure, which would have have wells only 18 or 20 feet At the November meeting of 110 MONMOUTH imposes conditions under filed a complaint against the deep. LITTLE SILVER authorized a $32,500 purchase the Hazlet Board of Health, EATONTOWN which explosives are trans- railroad for leaving 25 cars Over protests of Mayor Mr. Tetro received a three- price, plus an additional $12,- 542-0743 741-5350 ported through the thorough containing explosives unat- William H. Menges, who said month scavenger's license, specifically excluded railroad tended in the rail yard for 500 for various legal and these problems didn't have to renewable in March. cars. several hours. engineering details, the com- exist, and don't at the present The possible high water FRESH TURKEYS - HENS AND TOMS The ordinance, he said, was Accord Reached mittee repeatedly found it- landfill site, Mr. Ostrov said table in the proposed site aimed at shipments by trucks This complaint was later self at a loss to answer spe- he didn't doubt the township's was questioned in detail by Grown Especially for the Holidays. All Sizes. Order Now. withdrawn following a meet- good intentions, but that it and, therefore, there was no cific questions from its residents. Township engineer ing between rail officials and would find its high aims "al- CAPONS-GEESE- ROASTS — FRUIT CAKES authority under which the audience. Richard M. Schultz said the borough could regulate the borough officials at which an most impossible to main- tain." state Board of Health has shipment of explosives by rail. agreement was reached. The public, 60 strong, was given verbal approval to the CHOICE - ALL CUTS The amendment would Under terms of the agree- solidly opposed to the land- site but admitted that no test ment, the railroad said it fill location, which residents borings have yet been taken. would not leave rail cars con- said would firmly establish The state will not grant Life Threats taining explosives for any ap- their area as "the wrong side Latin written approval until results preciable time and then the of the tracks" as far as of borings and a topographic cars would not be left un- municipal services go. map, now 80 per cent \jpm- Convict Man attended. The proposed site, south of Isn't pleted, are received and ap*- FREEHOLD - Marvin Mr. O'Hern said the ordi- Middle Road between Laurel proved. nance amendment would Matthews, 123 Apple St., and Palmer Avenues, and Among several others, New Shrewsbury, yesterday "plug a very large loophole" owned by Keansburg tavern in the borough's fire preven- James Gallagher, Palmer was convicted of threatening owner Carl Bachstadt, was Dead Ave.,^took exception to the the life of his wife, Dorothy, tion ordinance. However, he chosen from four sites under said there still remains the RED BANK - "Latin Is "exhorbitant price" for the and their daughter, Dorothea, consideration by the commit- land that "in its present with a pitchfork at their question of whether the bor- dead" doesn't apply at Red tee since last summer. Bank Catholic High School. condition Bachstadt would be home last Sept. 4. ough has the authority to im- The Township Committee pose controls over the in- Latin students there contin- hard pressed to sell at any Monmouth County District ue to pass the torch of civili- price." The committee has Arbogast & Bastion Court Judge Thomas L. Yac- trastatc shipment of ma- beaLean •- Fresrresnh BONELESS BRISKET terials. zation of ancient Rome every- stated that the $32,000 price carino, who presided over the Bad Checks day in class, in the corridors, fell between two independent • SKINLESS one-day trial, set Jan. 21 for "We have the authority to -and after school in the meet- appraisals made of the prop- CORNED sentencing. Assistant Prose- regulate shipments," he ings of their chapter of the erty. cutor John A. Petillo pre- said, "as long as we don't To Court . GROUND New Jersey Junior Classical Mr. Schulz came under sented the state's case and Impede the movement of the League. BEEF Deputy Public Defender Wil- materials, but how far our further fire from the derisive- • CHUCK liam J. Gearty represented Net Fines Red Bank Catholic's chap- ly good-humored audience authority extends is a con- ter was awarded "Most Out- Matthews. stitutional question." HOLMDEL - Municipal when he said he "assumed C Court Judge Seymour R. standing School," with a cita- the site contained "adequate" • Ib Kleinberg has fined two wom- tion and a plaque presented fill dirt for the landfill and by the league last spring at 69 89 69 When you think about a en for issuing worthless predicted that Middle Road the state convention at Atlan- checks in the amount of $10 would "be totally recon- tic City High School. to the court in payment of structed in a few years, but SWIFT'S CRUISE... motor vehicle fines. On reorganizing this year, not because of the landfill." PREMIUM Assessed were Nancy the group was given the chal- Finding itself unable under BACON 89 think DeWysockie, 99 Green Grove lenge to improve and do more questioning to estimate the Ave., Keyport, $40, and than the previous year's group. Officers elected were Valerie McDowell, 145 Morris BYRNE William Lloyd, consul; Car- the most experienced Ave., Long Branch, $30. . olyn Mroczkowski, siriba, travel agency in Warren Smith, 25 Barker Douglas Abel, proconsul All New Jersey.. .since 1886. Ave., Eatontown, was fined are juniors and Latin HI stu- $50 for being disorderly. dents. Kevin Byron, a sopho- Assessed for careless driv- more, was elected quaestor, OPEN ing were Daniel Keegan, 99 and is taking Latin II. Center Ave., Atlantic High- The officers and their advi- Jos. M. Byrne Co. lands, $20; Sharin Rice, 307 ser, Sister Mary Loretto, an- EVERY Travel Service Second Ave., Asbury Park, cient language chairman at 144 BROAD STREET, and George T. Hicks Jr., New RBC, introduced a program DAY RED BANK, NEW JERSEY York, $15 each, and Thomas of activities. Committees • (201) 741-5080 Stieller, 889 Egret Dr., Toms were set up with chairmen as COMPLETE STORE BUYERS 747-9894 River, $10. follows: Roman History, UNTIL Glenn Ortley; entertainment, Mary Jane Drury; deriva- 187 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD., SHREWSBURY tives, Michael Kelly, and Christmas AT THE A & P SHOPPING CENTER mythology, Patricia Kayscr and Mary Pat Gibbons. \ i "Aquila Romana," the Lat- in Club's annual newspaper, is under the direction of Doug- las Abel, with contributors from all Latin classes. A New Hem Will Be Added In September, Red Bank Catholic became the fust chapter to bestow an honor- Every Day ary membership to the NJJCL. The officers made the presentation to Sister Mary Dorothea, supervisor of secondary schools for the dio- cese of Trenton. NEW STOCK MEN'S Response to support for the MILLIONAIRE continuance of Latin in sec- SWEATERS ondary schools has been re- SPORT JACKETS' 1970 ceived from all walks of life OVER 1,000 by the league. BRAND NEW BRAND NEW Eric Sevareid, news an- and SUITS by alyst for CBS, calls Latin "an DELTON BELL BOTTOM exercise in the development "PURITAN" of exact thinking ... We can- TERRA DRESS SLACKS "MANHATTAN" not get to the point where we CRICKETEER "ROBERT BRUCE" teach nothing but soft sub- By FABIANO CALVERT "MCGREGOR" jects or we shortchange the PETROCELLI young." oo • BULKIES A similar reply came from AUSTIN LEEDS $12 • CARDIGANS Quincey Howe, assistant pro- Only • « fessor of classics at Rutgers, who said, "Latin is a field OFF VALUE $25.00 which most obviously conveys y2 '/2 OFF a sense of cultural tradition The Original CASUAL and literary values." Price Marked By LEVI Original Rep. James J. Howard, D- on each SLAX $400 REG. Retail N.J., said: "The great ideas ALL SIZES *t $11.00 which have confronted man- Garment Price kind over the years are the subjects of that literature called the classics." SAVE 9.07 Lloyd is also the state his- torian for the NJJCL and CAREFREE STRETCH WIG communicates with other schools convcrning the league Earlier this school year he JUST BOUGHT OUT THE ENTIRE STOCK OF 88 addressed the students at Red Bank High School. "NORBIES LINGERIE SHOP" 47th Si, N.Y.C. 12 A quarterly statewide meet- Beg.2I.9S ing will be held at Somervillc High School. Plans are being JUST IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS Natural looking as your own bait and made for the state convention easier to care for. Brush-and-go mod' April 11. The site has yet to 1 acrylic, pte-styled, permanently pre- be determined. The national GIRDLES & LADIES curled. Big selection of shades including convention will be held next BRAS S August in Athens, Ohio. The frosted tones. NJJCL also sponsors a year- FOUNDATIONS SLIPS GOWNS, ly trip to Rome during Eas- By; • SURPRISE • FORTUNA ter vacation. By: THE COUNTRY'S • PLAYTEX One of the school league's MOST FAMOUS MAKERS PAJAMAS projects is a Latin Mass, • HI WAIST • PANTIE which will be held early in & ROBES the new year at St. James Parish. Open BROAD ST. With their record of ac- Every complishments and plans for Nile future projects, Red Bank 'til Catholic's Chapter 85 hopes RED BANK to lead the other 108 stale IF ITS WmWRE LOOMS FOH Christmas chapters forward, "Forward per Latin," the NJJCL's T theme for the year. -THE DAILY BECISTEB. RED BANK • MJDDLETOWN. N. J.i WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1969 19 68 Pet. Hike Asked in Matawan Waste Pickup Fee MATAWAN - If approved constant complaints from res. less the plant was shut down borough tax assessor will go a request from attorney Hen- He explained that the coun- :-iby Borough Council, the new idents. councilmen for their years of changes that were mostly for ccmplqtely. before the county tax board to ry J. Saling to remand a re- cil action would be preferred service to the borough. the good." it contract for garbage collec- Councilman Stanley Yacker Council directed its ire at explain the situation and ask jected subdivision to the tion here will result in a 63 to the submission of a new Each was presented with a Answering the praise, Mr. suggested the borough try to the Municipal Evaluation Co. for an extension. Planning Board. application because ol time. pen set, while Mr. Connor and Hyrne, who resigned last :«per cent increase over the buy water from Madison or of Avon, which has not yet •; current cost of the service. The attorney said the firm Mr. Saling represented Lev- The application was originally foimer mayor Edward E. May, exclaimed, "I'm like a Matawan Township instead of completed revaluation of the claimed numerous resigna- itt and Sons, which is building submitted a year ago. Hyrne were also given gavels. turtle —you can't get any- Last night, council received producing its own while the borough demanded by the tions and a number of tax ap- 106 homes in the Freneau sec- Three Honored dommenting on Mr. Hyrnc's where without sticking your •i-. one bid for the new contract, repairs continue. state by Oct. 1. peals which occupied the time tion. The planners rejected Mayor (Jcorge Connor and neck out." •iirom Roselle-Stavola of Nep- tenure in office, Mr. Ellison Councilman Stephen-Enler- Because it is incomplete, of personnel as reasons for the proposal, but the attor- Councilmen Vernon A. Ellison said the mayor "set the Reorganization for the new viune. The firm now holds a line, chairman of the water the revaluation will not take the delay. The firm was re- ney claimed new maps have and Lawrence Bucco, all leav- course for the town through council will be Thursday, tiiree-year contract which ex- and sewer committee, said the effect as ordered for the 1970 tained in October 1968. been drawn, which would cor- ing the governing body Dec. his leadership and found new Jan. 1, at noon in the Ravine pires in January. The cost idea is sound, but costly un- tax year. Mr. Aikins said the Council reserved decision on rect contested lot sizes. 30, were honored by fellow ways to .serve, making Drive School. |$8ad been ?38,000 per year, for ^twice-weekly collections. ».• For similar service the bid #1his year was $63,994 for one year, $131,989 for a two-year ^.contract and $206,993 for three f years. Other bids submitted j, by the firm ranged from a |*once-year price of $55,989 for : twice-weekly service to 'I high of $185,993 for twice. Y weekly collections. Food j The council reserved deci at ATLANTIC SUPERAMA- p sion until Jan. 6, noting that Shrewsbury Avenue or Route 35 . four companies had picked up NEW SHREWSBURY jst specifications for the contract. WITH Low Prices V" The recurring problem of • OVENi READY >; high iron content in water • JUICY • EASY TO CARVE jSfrom the Middlesex Road wa- • DELICIOUS ( ter plant was again discussed, jv as Borough Attorney Louis R Open Daily 9 to 10 P.M. • Sundays 9 to 6 P.M. Y Aikins announced he has sent ;, a letter to the plant contra^ ighor, A..C. Schulte and Son of The VERY BEST In f Woodbury, demartding action |,r toward solution of the prob- •V, r The plant, operational in ROAST •EyeRouBd-j09 ^ November, 1967, continues to lb.| y produce water with a higher BEEF • Silver Tip iron content than guaranteed. Mr. Aikins said he has asked FIRST CUT 89c Lb. , the company to show cause fy why it should not proceed Extra Leon • Good Eating •^ with corrections to the plant j. or why the borough should #- not and then charge the com SIRLOIN STEAK f pany. • - 5*, Since acceptance, the water Don't Miss this SAVINGS f pjant has progressively de I teriorated in its water purifi Extra Lean K*. coition process, causing dis Coney Island •f coloration of clothing and GROUND FOOT LONG BEEF FRANKS * ' 'A* I BidsTaken SWIFT'S PREMIUM |On Sewage *Xt®toi % Installations f: JWIDDLETOWN - Bids O.I ''< a;-sewage treatment plant to HOT or SWEET •g:..be built in Belford were re- 5 ceived last night by the Italian 22 to jj.Sewerage Authority. 24 LBS. i. . Proposals were received i on contract P, the final con- SAUSAGE \ tract covering the township BUnERBALLS BUTTLRBALLS $;. collection system. Plump Broad Breasted \ The approximate estimate 10 fo 14 lbs. 18 fo 22 lbs. | of building.-the structure will ROASTING CHICKENS TURKEYS I: be $6.5 jnilHon as opposed to or Tasty Delicious S an expected $5 million,1 but 3 bids on the entire system SAUSAGE MEAT 89 |.;came in at approximately |,$26.5 million as opposed to a Swift's Premium CANNED HAM 9 LB. Can 7 2;projected $29 million. I';; Low bidder on general con- FWlll 0t _ /T vTASTY ZIPPER SKIN Sstruction of the treatment . § -plant appears to be D'Annun- f Zio and Affiliates of Scotch S Plains, bidding $5,482,695. £v:l£eane Construction CO. of Hawaiian PUNCH RED DIRECT i Paramus submitted a low bid Caw 'rodace FROM THE \ of $211,100 on structural steel MONTCO LIQUID DISH THAT'S TOPSh Jwork. SOUTH DETERGENT , 3*,$! ^Golden Sweet | : Central Jersey Plumbing 32O •iiiild Heating Co. of Lincroft jp'was low bidder on plumbing Montco • 46-Oz. Can FRUIT WBm?ITALIAN Ar : TOMATO JUICE 25c 5 tyork at $41,533 and on heat- COCKTAIL Potatoes S ;ihg and ventilating with a bid MONTCO SWEET ij Of $87,925. 2 5" Fluoro Electric Co. of New- POTATOES 30-OZ.1 CHESTNUTS/I 'ark bid $782,000 for electri- 23c | cal work. CAN Idaho's BAKING T Solfld FflYOrifesI ^Obstetricians' PMARCAL WHITE FAMILY | NAPKINS 2OO'i RflJjs||es & Stallions; sjMeeting Set rHonfco CSANBERItY Sauce POTATOES J I?" PERTH AMBOY - Ob- PUMPKIN |i stetricians and gynecologists r Sf'-at Perth Amboy General and SNACKS Heinz' 16-OL • father Did Gherkins 41c! or MINCE I John F. Kennedy Community 'MIX MASTER j MONTCO • 28 02. ^hospitals will get together COCKTAIL SODA A A. PIES I tomorrow for a continuing MIX»!2 Pock" FlHtri II *°B U ^.education meeting. This will TREE 8HAKEB NoDtpodl V ^ |'be their second annual joint ^program. The subject will GonfValut CANADA D^T A f i be "The Latest Techniques • CORN SKIS 6 oi. Bucket 35c MIXERS 0° f'in the Surgical Treatment of • DIPPY STUFFED OLIVES 28-«i/No D.(>otltw R MONTCO • 8-OZ. PKG. ^Gynecological Cancer." CANOES DAIRY DEPT. Axelrod'i Part Skim -ASPARAGUS Spears MRS. PAUL'S •: Speaker will be Dr. Thomas • SALTY FAMILY 20-OZ. i; H. Green Jr., of Boston, a SURFERS RICOTTA CHEESE 'BIRDSEYE QUICK THAW ir well-known surgeon and spe- 10 SWEET POTATOES j.cialist in diseases' affecting STRAWBERRIES P |'j "women. Dr. Green is as- Country Fresh |fALF Frti Montco IO-OZ. PKG. ^sociate visiting surgeon at Birdseye COOL WHIP 49c Of. Peas or Corn I Massachusetts General Hos- _, ICECREAM GALLON JJ9 lipital and gynecologist at V i New England Deaconess Hos- ^K^ PERSONALIZED APPETIZER DEPARTMENT . .V DAW Specials . . . VITA or pital, both in Boslon, and BLUE BONNET ib. TASTEE 'chief gynecologist at Pond- BOLOGNA ROAST Pks ville Hospital in Walpolo. MARGARINE SHRIMP 1 Since 1963 lie has also been I-Lb. BEEF assistant clinical professor of ! Delicious COCKTAIL gynecolopy at Harvard Medi- '/4-Lb. PILLSBURY BISCUITS 9c I 3-Reody to S«rve •BUTTERMILK* COUNTRY STYLE cal School. " 4-Ox. JARS ROYAL DAIRY HUTTED IK* I School Holiday GRADE AA SOLID DUI IKIl |b. / JC I Program Slalcd QUALITY TUSCAN EGGNOG Qt. % ATLANTIC HlfiHLANDS - Half (^Tomorrow at 7 p,m. the At- Royal Dairy ORANGE JUICE Gallon glantic Highlands Elementary VALUES! ^School will present'n program ilJP THIS COI I'O.V [entitled "Happy HolldnyB." corrox DAYS MIIIIMIX •%. Almost 101) children are In- avolvcd In the production ftOOD CITY — SUPERAMA - SUPERAMAj fFOOD CITY • SUPERAMA FOOD CITY — SUPERAMA 5 which will cover through nur- ANY PKG. OF Any ANY BREYERS \n ANY PKG. OF ••!! ration, music, mid pantomlno ) Christmas HOWARD \{j ENTENMANN'S Ssomcof the ways liolldnys or SEALTEST IG JOHNSON'S QUALITY CoimaNe Jare celebrated in various GIFT HALF GALLON _ FROZEN mparts of the world. OFF QPf Baked Goods rilBhllBhts Inclmlo n first •W SET OFF ICECREAM OFF PIES gradc pantomlno of Clement PRICES Umlt 1 Ptr Fomlly—Cxplm Dec. 20' limit 1 Ptr Family—£«p!r«t Dtc. 20 Umlt 1 Ptr ramlf?—Eipirtt Die. 20. | Unit 1 Par Fomlly—iupkei DM. 20 Moorc'n poem, "A Visit <3OOD THRU gProm Saint Nli'lioln*," and DEC. 20 pthe sixth grade In a Moxlnin |Ppsada -WE DAILY REGISTEB, BED BANJC>MIDDLETOim,lf. J.J WEDNESOAY, DECEMBEE 17,1969 Herod Extravagantly to (Edttw'i iote: This is the dy theater of Jerusalem, all about' him," writes the Moreover, in the midst of gions, he rebuilt the fortress gulfing shadow of the Homan ttlrd installment ol a six-part ready to both kill Herod and ancient historian of that era, two famines caused by severe Antonia in Jerusalem, named Eagle. Ckrtstmas series describing to die for it. Josephus. "He encompassed drought, he had brought for his one-time Roman ally, "The great mother of har- the wider Greco-Roman en- Those same ubiquitous eyes the whole nation with guards, wheat and corn — 4,000 hom- Mark Antony, with under- lots and of the earth's abom- vironment into which Jesus observed as the scholars from that it might by no means ers (each equal to 3.8 bush- .ground passages connecting it inations," the Book of Revel- was born, and which his mes- the distant cast entered the get from under his power.' els) — from Egypt and orga- .with the new Jewish Teni- ation calls it. sage transformed. It is por- city, hunting a new • born ' Boisterous Revelry nized bakers to process it to , pie. It dominated the civilized trayed through the House of "king". The vigilant sentinels And he masked his oppres- feed the starving. Over his entire domain, earth, its chalky, convey Herod, which at the time also reported it whim 40 de- sion with extravagant build- Chiefly, however, he cat- across the heartland of Abra- stone roads deploying its le- reigned in Judea under Ro- vout men mounted the Tem- Ing projects, savage sports ered to his Roman masters, ham, Jacob, David and the gions across 30 conquered man auspices.) ple wall to tear down the Ro- and perpetual "levees," Ro- erecting costly temples and prophets, he drew an all-en- (See Herod, Pg. 411, Col. 1) By GEORGE W. CORNELL man Eagles. man-style banquets that last- statues to their gods and to AP Religion Writer In each case, mass death ed far into the night with bois Augustus Caesar in numerous The king's "curiosi" - his struck in Judea. It was the terous revelry. outlying cities of his kingdom ~1 pervasive web of spies and habit of a sick, shuddering Although Biblical accounts and in other cities abroad. BOOTS informers that entwined Hie and volcanic King Herod the scarcely mention it, the coun- Draining' rich and poor land — watched as the 10 dag- Great. try at the time of Jesus' birth alike for his royal treasury, ger • carrying assassins sta- "lie was now overrun with had been flooded with pagan he built a temple to Apollo tioned themselves in the ba$- suspicion and hatred against Greco-Roman practices and BOOTS structures — public steam at Rhodes, cloisters in Anti- baths, theaters, fortresses och and established imperial and hippodromes. shrines, baths and customs at Sepphoris on the Sea of Gal- BOOTS The stadiums at Jerusalem, ilee, in Ashkeon, Tyre, Sidon, ONPURCHASEOF ANY FIXTURE Jericho and Caesarea resou in surrounding cities of Per- $5OOR MORE FOR THE MONTH ed whith the drill of troops, ea, in Samaria and along the the'screams of prisoners un- coasts of Judea. OF DECEMBER. LET US HELP TO der torture, or the roar of BOOTS crowds as gladiators battled, At Ceasarea, he raised a MAKE THE SEASON BRIGHT!!! chariots raced and ravenous giant colossus equal to that of beasts leaped on condemned Jupiter in Rome, dedicated to slaves or other victims. Caesar, and also an amphi- theater, and an ingeniously These were the spectacular engineered artificial harbor of works of Herod, who initiated BOOTS rji circular stone breakwaters, celebration of Olympian bordered by a paved wharf games in Judea every fifth, and promenade, remains of year, in honor of Caesar. And which still stand today. alien throngs swarmed the city, along with wrestlers, He built another coliseum #!• CENTER swordsmen, animal trainers, for combat, music and sport B 79 EAST NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD, RED BANK, M J. in Sebaste, northeast of Jer- TS jugglers and dancers. TELEPHONE 741-6400, Barefaced Impiety usalem, a second royal pal- Truly, foreigners were ace and stadium in Jericho, FILL OUT THIS COUPON greatly surprised and delight- and a chain of hilltop for- SHOE tresses, including "Masada" ed at the vastness of expenses Name ,...... „...... _...... „. here exhibited, and the great and "Machaerus" near the dangers that were seen," Dead Sea, and "Herodium" writes Josephus, adding that on a hill shaped like a wom- 443 Broad St. 540 Cookman Ave. Address .... ,.„ an's breasts overlooking Beth- the bloodletting horrMied Red Bank Asbury Park faithful Jews as "barefaced lehem. Town ...... Tel*. No.,. impiety." As headquarters for his le- Ten of them, precursors o the fanatic Sicarri, so namec for the curved blades the; carried under their cloaks and their vows of vengeano against collaborators witl Rome, posted themselves 1 the Jerusalem theater, whei Herod was to attend. But an informer warne* him, and Herod withdrew ti his palace, sending his Gala The bestto on e and all tian guards to swize the cul prits. Confronting him, the; boldly admitted their plan calling it a holy action in de- fense of their faith. "Thou has despoiled the na tlon," they declared, "am km Black Label transgressed its customs am laws of God, which all Jew are obliged to observe, or ti die for them." Herod had the met stretched on the rack unt: they perished. In the mean time, outraged citizens am •bushed the hired spy and slew him in the street, tearing him Jimb from limb. Herod rounded up hundred: of witnesses, torturing them to learn the perpetrators, but without avail. Finally some women, shrieking in agony, blurted out the names. Herod seized and executed them along with their entire fam ilies. About this time, 7 B.C., the birthdate of Jesus despite subsequent miscalculations in forming the calendar, Herod's two sons by his slain wife, Miriamne, Alexander and MEN'SREtiff pH Aristobulus, returned home from their education in Rome, New Trepidations DOUBLE-BREASTED Their presence aroused new trepidations. Tales came to Herod of their wrath at being "forced to live with those who had been their mother's mur- derers, and to be partakers with them." CASHMERE Herod's slippery sister, Sa- lome, and Antipater, a scheming son by another wife fed the fires of suspicion. Gos- sip, accusations and recrim- inations circulated among guards, officials and slaves. Tortures and executions mul- tiplied, for guilty and guilt- less, meted out by a frantfc king. p§i|||||| Like a deadly, spreading vine, the tentacles of conspir- acy and dread crept through Herod's new palace, built high on the western hill of Jerusalem's upper city, with its tall tower of Mariamne near its entrance. It was "full of terror and trouble," writes Josephus. "He could trust nobody." Already afflicted with sun- dry physical maladies and tormented by nightmares that caused him to rave in his extraordinary siole even* sleep, he had sought to smoth- t er his lurking fears in a • ^ wf:ffciaSi;p splurge of exorbitant public construction and largesse. Over a 10-year period, he had rebuilt the Jewish Tem- ple, using 10,000 stonecutters, carpenters, masons and other workmen, and 1,000 wagons to haul stone from ports and quarries, and timber from the north. The magnificent edifice, its alabaster spires, white mar- ble walls and Corinthian col- onnades soaring atop Mount Moriah on the city's eastern side, was virtually complete can buy at the time of Jesus' birth, It KEANSBURG: RT. 36 on MAIN STREET delighted the Jewish popu- ;• AStURY PARK—Rr. 35 at Asbiw ?- f -•, lace. PERTH AMBOY—365 Smith St., West of RR Station 'Atonement' MADISON TOWNSHIP—Rt. 9 Herod's "atonement," the rabbis said, "for having slain (Sortof RoMt 516 b«tw«en Sayr«vill« and Freehold) so many sages of Israel." 11: \ Counties Pa»to Meet Local Needs Editor's note: County govern- me»t Is New Jersey's "In- visible" government. . Many cltliens never come into obvious contact with it. Yet, counties could become vital links in the chain of government needed in the qext decade. In this Task Force '70 re- port, Bernard Izes of the At- lantic City Press surveys toe role and problems of county government In New Jersey.) By BERNARD IZES TRENTON (AP) - New Jersey lacks an effective sys- ''tern of county government to act as a middle level between state and city, dealing with such varied problems as traf- That's because the county fic and mosquitoes. wasn't created to serve a,s a Municipalities cannot ade- local government, and is only quately cope with problems a creature that performs du- ttat don't recognize city lines ties mandated by the state. — such things as sewage, County Paralyzed floods, highway traffic, crim- Take for instance the weak- inals, even mosquitoes. ness of the boards of free- State government often is holders. Boards range from too far removed from the three to nine members. Re- problems to handle them. A cently, Ocean County govern- HOME RULE middle tier is needed. ment was paralyzed because Not Doing Job only one of its. three-man IN NEW JERSEY COUNTY CONTRAST — The old and the new in count/ government are shown board was active. One free- But, says a report of the holder was killed in an air- County and Municipal Gov- in the difference between the old Passaic County Courthouse and the new one. plane crash and a second was ernment Study Commission County government must become the middle tier, which provides the area serv- under indictment. ' headed by state Sen. William ices which municipalities cannot provide, says Sen. William V. Musto, head of V. Musto, D-Hudson, county Under a 1967 law, any coun- a commission studying local government. County government now, he says, is government as now constitut- ty — other than Essex and ed isn't doing the job. meaningless. ' (AP Wirephoto) Hudson — may create the of- fice of fulltime connty ad- New Jersey's hope of ministrator, but only four achieving a system of local threatened by people cutting as items are added to the purchasing program to run j counties — Essex, Hudson, government to handle the in- out because it i is not effec- buying list, the savings will eventually into millions of dol Mercer and Morris — have creasing pressures for ser- tive." soon be more than $500,000. lars. them. vice rests' heavily on a plan Belmonte expects' sav- "Home rule" is the cry Money saved by cities Essex and Hudson counties to revitalize county govern- ings to leap in 1970 when a obviously is available for oth- raised against change. elect a county supervisor for ment.' specification writer is added er municipal needs. Ignore fdea a three-year term as fulltime A strong middle-tier govern- to his staff. He noted that the "Most officials don't take Unfortunately, only 11 coun- chief executive officer of the ment could: county paid $76,a drum for ties in New Jersey have a .time to tell people about home motor oil until it found it county. Other counties have —Create a county-wide bus rule. They are going to go central purchasing office. no real executive officers. could save 46 per cent by In 10 counties supplies are line • and cooperate with ad- bankrupt... where will home , Real Problem using specifications based on bought separately and prob- joining counties in an even rule be then?" wide'r transportation system. technical requirements rather ably at higher unit cost. No The real problem is that the Tremendous - help can be county has little power for —Muster a bigger voice in than brand names. other county has yet achieved given municipalities through self-determination. It is fiscal- getting federal grants for sew- Major Savings the development enjoyed in interlocal cooperation, with- Bergen county. ly inadequate because state- erage and drainage systems, out losing home rule, Musto The joint purchase of pre- mandated duties consume 56 mosquito control, pollution to said. His commission mium gasoline illustrates how More Participate per cent of the budget. And prevention or other area ser- declared, "Greater federal well the program works. The Within the past 21 months, it is structurally inadequate vice projects. and state involvement in lo- current ,net delivered price on participation in Bergen Coun- because 60 per cent of its -Act as a central purchas- cal governmental problems a joint bid for 49 municipali- ty's venture jumped from 8 budget, services and employ- ing agent to save its munici- had,'diminished the role of ties is 13.90 cents per gallon to 55 municipalities, of school es are under control of 47 dif- pal partners untold thousands the' county and municipality. through April 30, 1970. Bel- districts from 0 to 50. The ferent types of independent of dollars. It becomes imperative that monte said some participants number of items went from agencies at the county level. County government today we have good small govern- previously paid as much as 4 to 14. There were 265 such agencies 60 per cent more. floes none of these things. ment as well as good tig gov- Belmonte is now toying with in operation in 1965. "Today, county government In comparison, Margate in ernment." the idea of building up a stock This fragmentation can be Is meaningless," says Musto, Atlantic County pays 15.80 The term used to describe of very expensive equipment ridiculous. HOME RULE — This map by Les Barreaux of the Record of Haclcensaek illus- "but we can give it a role to cooperation between county cents. Its sister community, to be leased to municipalities playl Ventnor, is paying 16.40 cents. In Essex County, there are trates part of New Jersey's municipal government^ problem. Bergen and Mer- and the municipalities is and-school districts. over 200 health agencies and Mutual Help "consolidation by contract." "How to save a penny or cer counties, roughly the same size and both a mixture of urban anS Suburban, This way, individual gov- 400 facilities. Under the pres- This would help municipal "There is nothing in here two a gallon doesn't seem offer the sharp contrast in government — Bergen has 70 municipalities, each ernments would not have to ent system the county cannot and state governments, too, the report about consolidating much at first blush," says buy costly equipment which even coordinate the 10 which with its own city offices and officials, while Mercer has only 13 governing especially cities hard- anything but the functions," Belmonte, "but the combined might be needed only occa- bodies. (AP Wirephoto] pressed to solve problems said Musto. purchases of gasoline in 1969 are within county govern- which often lap beyond their sionally. ment and for which it pays.-* Example Given of participating municipalities borders. and the county were 2.1 mil- However dramatic coopera- The effects of this fragmen- counties with populations bit leadership. They would' The smallest county in New A good example is the pmv "We've stuck an awful lot lion gallons and if all of the is only one area of service tation are painfully evident on over 250,000 have adopted rather control patronage and Jersey has almost 50,000 in- chasing practice in Bergen of mayors out there who can't 70 municipalities participate, that a revitalized county gov- the municipal level. The Mus- some form of council-man- their attitude is "the public habitants *Yet 20 years after do anything about the prob- County. the volume will easily ap- ernment could perform.- A to Commission asked all the ager or council - execu- be damned.'" adoption of the optional mu- lems and they lose their citi- Nine years ago, three mu- proach 3 million gallons." poll of freeholders by the major appointed functional tive structure. But the freeholders them- nicipal charter law, Bergen nicipal purchasing agents, Musto Commission showed officials of 43 municipalities zens," said Paul N. Ylvisak- Critics of New Jersey coun- selves feel locked into the in- county is.the only one to have knowing small communities The municipalities also that 90 per cent feel the coun- to assess the county's per- er, commissioner of the De- ty government call for simi- ertia of the system. The fact sought a charter. Its attempt could not achieve significant save much of the cost of ad- ty should have new power to formance in joint planning, partment of Community Af- lar charters. If this is not that 68 per cent of the coun- was smothered in the Assem- economies with their limited vertising for bids; .and. of pro- cooperate with municipalities. discussion and coordination of fairs. done, they say, county gov- ty employes and 78 per cent bly March 10, 1969. . buying power, asked freehold- cessing them. ^id

By DORIS KULMAN play, a cardboard umbrella of ideas 'or arithmetic chance to reach into the bag UNION BEACH - Take rains short "u's" and a smil- boards: these, Mrs. Press- — no fair peeking! — and one teacher, a few'1 sheets of ing octopus waves legsful of man emphasized "are much describe what the object feels tag board, construction pa- short "o" words. better when the children like to him. The class tries per in bright colors — and An old tire in the class- make them." to guess what's in the bag what have you got? room? Sure. Mrs. Pressman A board used in teaching by putting the clues together. Imaginative — and inex- transforms the tire into a the concept of the number five Delivery System pensive — games that beckon "fishing pond" by filling its had the number itself in glit- center with word^bearing pa- The 'mailman game' is a to learning, that's what you've ter, so the children literally hit in Miss Geri Krochmal's got. per fish, gives the youngsters could get the feel of it, and wooden fishing "poles" with class. Envelopes, one for each Kindergarten through went three - dimensional all letter in the alphabet, are a magnet on the tip, and lets the way, with items important fourth grade teachers here them keep their "catch" — mounted on poster board. The shared ideas, last week at an in the world of the young — children "deliver" pictures to the words they fish out that five muffin cups, five shiny in-service workshop on home- they can read. the envelope marked with made aids and games con- pennies, five pencils. the initial consonant of the ob- ducted by Mrs. Sylvette Stretching It Out Real Way To Add ject the picture depicts. Mrs. Pressman, the learning dis- Children grown wiggly with The arithmetic boards were Betty Mason uses a variation abilities specialist. sitting too long can stretch strong on using familiar ob- on that theme, with pictures their legs and vocabularies by clipped from old workbooks," Phonics Offer Key jects in unfamiliar and de- playing stepping stones. Con- lightful ways. Why not learn file cards, and that joy of Mrs. Pressman believes struction paper "stones," childhood, paste. firmly that children need io add by pasting another dog each representing a word are biscuit on the poster under Mrs. Anne Mohrbutter's training in phonics if they are interspersed through the im- to be successful readers. the watchful eye of the funny class uses word games, too, aginary waters covering the looking clown? with brightly colored charts As her handiwork shows, classroom floor. A good game, she also believes firmly that There also were Mrs. Press- and a catchy jingle to help Mrs. Pressman believes, be- out when the game gets phonics can be fun. cause the child who misses man's "math machine" and What,- child could- resist "spinning computer," devices tough: "takB the T away a "step" doesn't have to feel from fed, put in '1' and you learning the short a sound if dumb — just make-believe of poster board and card- he could do it by pulling pa- board wheels designed to lure have led, take the '1' away soggy because he fell into the from led, put in 'n' and . . ." per warms through holes in a pond. the most reluctant scholar to big, red' cardboard apple, re- addition, subtraction, division A decoding game, replac- citing the words the worms Transferring a story read and multiplication. ing letters with numbers or carry on their backs? aloud by the teacher into a symbols, puts, zip in spelling The teachers demonstrated for Miss Maxine Oterman's What six-year-old wouldn't puppet show is another tech- their favorite homemade third - graders. be tempted to learn the short nique Mrs. Pressman values. "i" sound by reading the It requires close listening, un- games and aids, too. Other teachers who present- words on the paper feathers derstanding and anticipation In the transitional first ed games and aids at the LETTERS FOR LEARNING — Just another empty carton lying around a super- he plucked from the head- of the action of the story and grade, where the children are workshop were Mrs. Jean Ne- market until Mn. Sylvette Pressman, learning disabilities specialist wiHi the piece of the stern, cardboard of each character's role. Pre- developing the perceptual and vin, Mrs. Laurlne Bcrgin, 1 Union Beach ichopls, transformed it. This "post office" zips up learning of Jndian chief? Or the "e" by senting the puppet show to language skills necessary for Mrs. Arlene Nardicllo, Mrs. other classes brings the chil- learning to read, Mrs. Agnes arithmetic and reading skiHs. It does double duty, too — turn it around and it's spinning a ball and calling nut Nellie McCann, Mrs. Dorothy the word that lands on the tip dren rich reward: the ap- Hcbler uses a "mystery bag," Grogan, Mrs. Betty Roborts, a puppet theater. With Mrs. Pressman is William C. DiMaio, superintendent of of the elephant's trunk? In plause of their peers. a paper bag containing a sur- Miss Joyce Formica, and Ger- ichoolt. (Register Staff Photo) Mrs. Pressman's colorful dis- The workshop included tots prise item. Each child gets a ald Silverman. -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK-MIDDLETOWN, N, It WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17,1969 4 Juveniles Charged In WInfer Wonrfer/anrf Vofues Go/ore- A Urniniw fo Theft Series of Price-Minding Finast from'fussy'finast Finast JUI Our Neighbors FAIR HAVEN - Four juveniles, including a nine- yeaif-old hoy, havo been im- plicated by police here in lh«a39e 1 pint 12 oz.bot MARLBORO - The In- Helm Ketchup dustrial Commission met Hint Art Our Everyday Prlc«i... Alcoholic Bcvaragu An Not Salt Priced I In COM ol Typographical Error, Monday night to discuss pro- Alcoholic BevtragQ Commliiion Prices Prevail. posals for the 1970 budget. Mott's Apple Juice Most of the commission's budget Is allocated to adver- tising expenses. The commis- sion is awaiting the results of a cost-efficiency study by its advertising consultant for Holiday Hosfing- Snowfall oi Savings THIS COUPON Af| '• Young, Van Vliet, and War- THE BAKERY WORTH JV ren, as to three different ap- V/ith Savings 1o Match lor All the family Towards the purchaie of my '• proaches to an advertising SHOP 1 Ib. BUTTER campaign for 1970. The dif- AND A $3.00 FURCHAH RBR ferent campaigns will con- sist of varying ratios of trade Limit (1) - Good at Super Finsst 6oori thru Sat, Dic»mber 20th journal ads to newspaper ads. Baked This year's budget is less • than $5,000, which reflects a Before WITH THIS COUPON , ' lack of intensified advertis- ing. The commission is look- Your Eyes HILLS BROS. COFFEE ing for a substantial budget C increase for 1970 to increase •llb.Can49 efforts to attract sorely DEL MONTE AND A «.00 PURCHAH RB needed ratables to Marlboro. Fruit Filled The commission did not de- Uatt (I) - Good at Super Finatt : cide upon a definite budget fieod Din Sal, Decimber 20th proposal last night and is Jelly planning another informal DRINKS work session before the end THIS COUPON 0k mc . of the year to arrive at a WORTH A3 budget proposal. Donuts FOUR Itwardi th« purchott of any Vi ail. Yule Party Set ICE CREAM VARIETIES FRESH in. AND A $3.00 PUHCHMI RBR By Democrats UnttlD-SooditSuperFlnMt Stoil thru Sat., Dtcombir 2Dtb PORT MONMOUTH - The regular Democratic Club of Port Monmouth will hold its French RB Christmas party Friday at THIS COUPON 0kgkC " Bachstadt's Hall, Bray Avc., HELLMANN'S Bread WORTH AV "• East Keansburg, at 8:30 p.m. Teworrii tht purchoi* af any A buffet and refreshments will be served. There will be Foil Lined Finast Bakery Product MAYONNAISE AND A »J.OO PURCHASH games and dancing. Santa Container Claus will be there to distri- Limit (I) • Bood at Suporrinast bute grab bag gifts. Non- 6wd thru Sat, December 20th members arc invited to at- Hwrith I Beauty Aids tend for a small fee. PRICE- m MINDED THIS COUPON A*c Drivers Fined WORTH AV CREST Toward! ih« punhait el $1.00 or m»r* For Speeding HEALTH ft BEAUTY AIDS NEW SHREWSBURY - AND A W.OO PURCHASI Judge Lawrence A. Carton FINAST PENN TOOTHPASTE Limit (I) - Hood at Supor Finast 3rd, fined Michael F. Arace «e»d Ihru Sit, D.c.mber 20th Jr. of Brick Township $25 15.0fflttol and suspended his license for R«.or 30 days for driving at SUGAR ECG Mini 69c miles per hour in a CO m.p.h. zone. ADVERTISED PRICES EFFECTIVE In other traffic cases, THROUGH Florence Osterbrink of Jer- SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, }969. sey City was fined $20 and PRELL had her/ilicense revoked for Wl RESERVE THE RIGHT TO 30 days for speeding al 70 LIQUID SHAMPOO UMIT QUANTITIES. miles per hour in a 60 m.p.h. zone; and Frank J. Mlelc of ' Lindliurst was fined $15 for 12c Off Label 69c NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR TYPOGRAPHICAl doing 69 miles per hour in a ERRORS. ' W m.p.h. zone. -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK-MIDDLETOWN, N. J.r WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1%9 23 Freehold For Holiday Feasting Rule Is It's Finast Meat; First DOUBU SEALED FOR YOUR PROJECTION Altered FREEHOLD — Borough Council has ' unanimously adopted an amended ordi- nance governing certificates 1 of continued occupancy, al- lowing purchasers to move FOR TASTIER TURKEY into dwellings first and re- DUtUQUE C pair them afterward. Sausage Meal «- 49 The measure allows the bor- flKAST ough's code enforcement of- TURKEYS ficer to waive inspection if Stuffing Bread 2 c tl39 OVEN-READY buildings have been inspected within six months before the change of occupancy or if it U.S. GOV'T INSPECTED 19 lbs. is certified that the required & Over. alterations will be completed 10 to 14 lbs. ' 43C within 30 days. The measure also allows purchase of prop- erties for demolition. The council also passed a resolution, tabled from the last meeting, authorizing a BUTTERBALL TURKEYS contract with the Department of Community Affairs for an OAST 19lo 22 lbs. 16 to 18 lbs. 10 to 14 lbs. outright grant of $7,500 to SWIFT'S Italian Style pay for registration and in- spection of multiple family PREMIUM dwellings and hotels in the Ib. Sausage borough. DUP-BASTM 47 55 Hof or Sweef The council voted to retain " former borough attorney iimmsssssissHaBBSss^^ Eichard T. O'Connor as spe- cial counsel to represent the Ib. borough at hearings on Free- 89 hold's fire department ordi- nance being conducted by the New Jersey Division on Civil Finest Cubed Rights at its Newark head- LOINS quarters Thursday, subject Beef Steaks to Mr. O'Connor's acceptance. RIB LOIN Mr. O'Connor, who was bor- 10 Servings ough attorney for Wi years, SIDE SIDE LOIN FROZEN resigned for political reasons € € and was replaced Oct. 8 by fftCLOSED PORT. 11b. Sam Matlin. lb. 1 oz. pkg. PACKAGE 99 Mr. O'Connor represented 45 55 the borough in all its deal- ings with the fire department Jliuwir tanks and the division, which is in- AT YOUR CALL... THE PRIME BUTCHER SHOP (Red Bank Only) vestigating charges of dis- AnnowSacoii crimination in the depart- Just Call...That's All FRESH ment's membership policies. Spending Okayed 842-5296 In other business, the coun- cil: FOR PERSONALIZED SERVICE ... —Authorized the expendi- Any special cuts of meat fussily ture of $3,447 for a radio con- trimlfned and prepared as you like it. Pork Butt 59 sole and $2,955 for a rotary file for the police department CUT TO YOUR SPECIFICATION on a motion by Councilman Tobias H. Mayer, police com- missioner. —Adopted a resolution of- fered by Councilman Harry Mft. DELI HOI/DAY SEAFOOD SAVINGS N. Frank Jr. authorizing a contract with Fox and Bot- tone Inc. of Red Bank to computerize tax records at an VIRGINIA expenditure of $1,250 for the first year and probably half of that in succeeding years. SHRIMP Councilman Walter J. Koz- MEDIUM loski voted against it, without PR0SCU1TT0 F0R ™AT HOLIDAY SNACK % Ib. 59° explaining his vote. WHITE —Adopted resolutions of NO VIE LOX SMOKED SALMON condolences to the families of former councilman Frank E. KRAUSS BOLOGNA >™ GOOD EATING Weeden, who was on the gov- erning body from 1960 to 1965, C HOME STYLE COLE SLAW 23 and of William V. ("Willie") Jumbo King Crab Legs Goldstein, who helped or- ganize the Little League in Monmouth County and later served as a national officer in the Little League. The Holiday Savings First o' fne fresh council expressed gratitude Toward! the purckoi. of any for both men's "dedicated Bakery Depf. on frozen Food Produce Sperfols community service." SMOKED BUTT - Authorized Mrs. Vivian Taylor, borough clerk, to ad- Unit (<)• Good at Super Finist (KdUiro Sat, December 20th APPLE PIES vertise for a clerk-stenograph- er for her office. — Hired Donald R. Bas- tedo, Danny Lee Mooney and Richard Peary as temporary THIS COUPON AA| laborers in the Streets and WORTH XV Roads Department and John Tawardi th* purchoi. .1 a 2 lb. pkg. of W. Dubois and William F. WHITE BREAD Vesilis as laborers in the MIXED HUTS Water and Sewer Depart- IN SKILL - At Praduc. Depf. RBR it SWEET FLORIDA ment. .limit ID-Good at Super Finast " Joodthni Sat, December 20th ST* 5 s1 Alden J loaves ^ I Teen GOP Club PEAS Yule Party Set »lii THIS COUPON A AC RBR FRUIT CAKE MIDDLETOWN-The Mid- WORTH 20 FINAST Sweet Juicy Eating dletown Township Teenage Townrdi th« purchns el 3 Ib. 1 ex. pk0. Finast Republicans (TAR) will hold their first annual Christmas DRIVE DETERGENT Light party Sunday from 2 to 5 10c OH LABEL p.m. in Buck Smith's, Palm- limit (II-Good at Super Finast er Ave., East Keansburg. In- Good thru Sit, December 20th terested non-members are Don't Forget These welcome. The 23-member club, which Holiday Items— assisted the township GOP in EXTRA FANCY RBR Finast Cut Corn i the election campaign, is THIS COUPON Wrapping Paper, R c Delicious Apples S conducting a membership WORTH 10 Cards, Table Pieces, Sara Lee Cake :~-:^l drive. Further infor-matum is Towards lh« purchase of a 5 Ib. bag available from Daniel, chair- !l Bows, Wreaths, etc. Potatoes- £ZZff> 5 man, and Alice Werden, sec- GOLD MEDAL FLOUR Finast Waffles 5 retary. Limit ID-Goodat Super Finast All at Tremendous Aniou Pears TKST Good thru Sat, December 20th PRICE-MINDED DAM SPECIALS Southern Ytwii-**001 Gloeckner SAVINGS? At Montclair SAU-SEA Cranberries <>«**»**" I MONTCLAIR - Middle- um mom town resident is among new COCKTAIL Chestnuts faculty members at Mont- JOIN IHE PRICE-MINDERS clair Slate College, Paul B. Gloeckner, who has been ap- SHRIMP pointed an assistant professor 1 OR CLAM of Spanish and linguistics. Mr. Gloeckner received his 2/lte ^flower J>A»/» master's in Spanish at Penn- sylvania State University. He Tip Top Orange Drink complete apartment of tnrirfnt ad ^te was a Spanish instructor at Rutgers in Newark four years. He is a member of Finast Egg Nog L W to $9c. Mm* Ckokf'J the Modern Language Asso- Pillsbury ., , he ciation, American Association BANK : e ( of Teachers of Spanish and atch* -, I Portuguese, and Phi Sigma 362 BROAD STREET lota, romance language hon- orary society. MAP1E AVE. (Rte. 35) Mr. Gloeckner and his wife, Nydia, live at 107 Statesir J Place with their year-old daughter, Lisa Beth. , \ -TOE DAILY REGISTER, RED BAWK-MIDDLETOWN, N. J.l WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1969 Pre-Holiday Stream of Parties Wi

By MARGUERITE HENDERSON Mrs. Roger Singer, Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ricker, Mr. and Helen Pratt, Neptune; Miss Betty McKnight, West Allen- A social stream of reference flows . . . Mrs. Charles Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Lanahan, Mr. hurst; Mrs. Patricia Antisell, Morganville; Mrs. Sandy Dun- Surging Friday with cocktails at the Shrewsbury home and Mrs. James D. Lindemujh, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grampp, ham, New Shrewsbury; Mrs. Ann Cokelet, Hazlet; Mrs. ol Dorothy and George Blair (marked as a very "warm County Fare Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Baratta, Mr. and Mrs. William Becker, Helen Pote, keyport; Mrs. Herminia Balagurchik, little nest" by Mrs. Blair's extensive collection of eagles — Mr. and Mrs. Harry Blllerbeck, Mr. and Mrs. George Castle- Silver; Miss Alberta Rinaldi, Neptune; Mrs. Agnes Barbara, great and small, indoors and out, in brass, china, stone, man, Mr. and Mrs. C. Douglas Hoyt, Mr. and Mrs. W. Alden Elberon, and Mrs. Charlotte Myers, Ocean Grove. Dr. and Mrs. Allen Kendall, Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Hofmann, etc.) in the company of Marie and Bob Ludewlg, Rumson, Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. Newcomer Style-Setiers and Betty and Sterett Prcvost, New Shrewsbury. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Freyer, Mr. and Mrs. Harry O'Mealia, Frank Leach, Mr. and Mrs. William J. McRoberts, Mr. and Dinner followed at the Old Orchard Country Club where Mr. and Mrs. Alan Avchen, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Franzoni, Mrs. William H. Montgomery Jr., Mr. and Mrs. David C. In Rumson, Fair Haven, Little Silver and Shrewsbary members of the Monmouth Players met for their annual Mrs. Patricia Lefferts, Mrs. Louis S. Gimbel, Mr. and Mrs. Nickel, Mr. and Mrs. Harral Redden and Mr. and Mrs. - newcomers are apparently style-setters! Wearing every- Christmas party. There, the mood was generally Joyful, Philip Worden, Dr. and Mrs. C. C. Combs, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas A. Yorke. thing from cossack pajamas (Mrs. John Koenig, Rumson) but yet a bit baleful — as the floor show staged by Mrs. A. C. Pollack Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lawes Jr., Mr. and to a ribbed-knit bell bottom jumpsuit (Mrs. Richard Druzick, Bob Goodman, Navesink, pronounced in song what the Mrs. Fernand Schlaeppi, Mr. and Mrs. William Laman, Secretaries' Time Out Fair Haven) Newcomer's Club members and their men Dingles' friends have beep saying in person, "Arrivedcrcl, Peter Laman, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur McConnell, Mr. and Mrs. Members of the Monmouth-Ocean Chapter of National joined recently at the Fox Hill Estates home of Mr. and Marti and Vic." Fernand Gerin, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Reed, Mr. and Mrs. Mil- Secretaries Association (International) took time out for a Mrs. Robert Meihls for a taste of holiday cheer. ton Mermelstein and Mr. and Mrs. Bernard White. Mr. and Mrs. Dingle have sold their Little Silver home Christmas party break. Their annual affair was held re- cently at the Rum Runner, Sea Bright, where host Nick Among more than 100 guests were Mr. and Mrs. Rob- and leave Jan. 8 for 2-4 years in Italy, where Vic will manage Christmas Ball for Charity ert Schuermann, (she is club president), Mr. and Mrs. the Rome office of Esso International Services, Inc. Egidio laid out a lavish — dare we say it? — "secretaries' Meanwhile, across the river at the Navesink Country spread." Entertainment (in addition to exchanging gifts James Gibbons (she issued lnviiations) and Mr. and Mrs. Flying off with them is a plane-full of furniture, their Club, the Junior League of Monmouth held its annual Christ- David Wheaton, Fair Haven; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Grinim youngest daughter, Suzi, and probably a pet poodle, Chaun- and singing carols) was provided by the Drama Trio. mas Charity Ball, Member-secretaries and their guests attended. Among (she's club treasurer), Mr, and Mrs. Lee Phillips, Mr. and cey — who is behaving like he wants to walk on the Via Mrs. William Conway and Mr. and Mrs. John Cox, Rumson; Venuto, too! Among those attending were the co-chairmen and their the former were Mrs. Mildred Price, Mrs. Irene Donovan husbands — Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Chapponi, Oak Hill, and and Mrs. Mary Kirby, Red Bank; Mrs. Mary Morrison, and from Little Silver - Mr. and Mrs. Ira Jacobs, Mr. and The Potpourri Zeal Mr. and Mrs. Kar] Bergman, formerly of Oak Hill but now Holmdel; Mrs. Annina Moran, Mrs. Claudia McKeever and Mrs. William Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mulligan, Mr. and Rippling along . . . of Connecticut, and a host oi others who hosted parties be- Miss Eleanor Van Hise, Spring Lake; Mrs. Elsie Belmonte, Mrs. Michael Shah, Mr., and Mrs. Lester Hingle and Mr. The Monmouth Museum Potpourri closed shop Satur- forehand, Including Mr. and Mrs. Warren Beer, Mr. and Neptune City; Miss Ruth Collins, Atlantic Highlands; Mrs. and Mrs. Loren Rabon. ' day with a glory story — over $10,000 grossed (so you . know there are plans for a similar benefit sale pre-Christ- PARTY PLANNERS mas, 1970). And — what's that you say Mrs. James Robin- son? — over 500 luncheons served at your "Alice's Restau- Mrs, R, Donald McCarttr, Holmdel, left; Mrs. John M. Scanlon, Matawan, rant?!" center, and Mrs. William Wrightson 3rd, Lincrofr, chairman of the At least one Potpourri aide took "time out." Mrs. Amory annual Winter Party of the Monmouth County Alumnae of Marymount L Haskell Jr. (who, among other things, concocted the College, complete plans for the .event set for Jan. 23 in creamy onion and mustard salad dressings by pouring mea- sures of this and that into her Tropicana orange juice Jar), Rod's Shadowbrook, Shrewsbury, at 7 p.m. Dinner and dancing will bt went with her husband and Mr. and Mrs. Philip H. Iselln to featured. The public may make reservations by Jan. 19 with the New York Jets-Miami Dolphins game last weekend. It Mrs. James Parent, 39 Circle Drive, Rumson, or Mrs. Joseph Kingdon, was held (shades of Mrs. Haskell's dressings) In the Orange MeSreevy Drive, Manasquan. Proceeds will benefit scholarship fund. Bowl! The Haskells and the Iselins (he a Jets owner) stayed (Register Staff Photo) in Palm Beach but were chauffeured about in Earl Smalley'js (he a Dolphins owner) trailer bus. So, both couples missed the Monmouth County Hunt Club Ball — which was held on Saturday at the Rumson Country Club. A lovely party? Assuredly so, with its black ties, elegant gowns and plenty of hunters' pink coats. Bui never quite the same, according to regulars, as it was when Forum on Art Open the ebullient Amory L. Haskell Sr. the late MFH (master of fox hounds) presided. His lovely widow was there, 'though (wearing the popular concierge coiffure, while looking not at all like the concierge in a pale, jeweled gown) as were the current joint-masters and their mates - Mr. and Mrs. Alfred To Teenagers Only King, Rumson, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Duffy, Moores- town. By ELEANOR MARKO derstandlng it," the young di- fine arts from University of: Others in the throng included Mr. and Mrs. G. Barker RED BANK-A free wheel- rector stated. Florida, has developed cours- Secley, Mr. and Mrs. Mark McClain, Dr. and Mrs. Bob Gil- ing give and take discussion "Each person (in the audi- es in art appreciation used in man, Count and Countess Anatole Buxhoeveden, Mr. and is what Monmouth Museum ence) will get an opportunity a community college in Cen-' Mrs. Richard Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Taylor, Mr. director Milton Bloch is out to to ask a question on his own tral Florida. He has always; and Mrs. George Blair, Mr. and Mrs. William Blair Jr., get. terms," Mr. Bloch added. directed art appreciation Mr. and Mrs. Howland Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Young, He insisted that his main course to young people in Directing an open invita- the south — and now is look- tion to "teen-agers only," Mr. objective is that teen-agers be encouraged to make their ing forward to this first pro- Bloch will moderate the first gram of his Friday night. forum, of what may become opinions known. For instance, CDA Aids a series Friday at 7 p.m. in he stated, "We could talk Refreshments Served LOWEST PRICES the Monmouth Museum Gal- about today's art; what good Cokes and coffee will be Needy lery In The Mall, Monmouth is it; what does it mean and served. The only admission IN MONMOUTH COUNTY and Broad Sts. yesterday's art — does it con-, fee is the regular student , KEANSBURG - Court St, "Personally, I'm convinced tinue to have a message?" charge of 25 cents for- the Ann, Catholic Daughters of FINEST SELECTION OF that young people are very Should this discussion pro- exhibition itself, Mr. Bloch America, will distribute much influenced by today's gram for teen-agers only said. He added'that he would Christmas gift certificates to TROPICAL and MARINE art and have a great capac- "catch on," Mr. Bloch is pre- appreciate a call to his office area needy families. PAMPER HER WITH THE LUXURY in the gallery if possible in ity for enjoying it and un- pared to put it on a regular CDA members, accom- TROPICAL FISH OF. FINE IMPORTED PERFUME order to anticipate the num- basis because, he said, "I be- panied by Santa Claus, visited ; ber of teen-agers expecting to e DISCUS e ARROWANA AND COSMETICS FEATURING , . . lieve teen-agers are interested St. Michael's Home, Hope- attend. e STINGRAY » BLACK GHOST in what artists have to say." well, and presented gifts and Christian Dior Germaine Monteil Point of Departure Perhaps these young peo- toys to the. children. Chair: • SCATS • MONOS Marcel Rochas (Royal Secret) Serving as a point of de- ple will ask some of those men' of the project were • SIAMESE TIGERFISH Gucrlain parture, the museum's cur- questions the over 35 group Misses Greta and Barbara PLUS MANY, MANY MORE Jean Patou (Joy) rent exhibition "Three Cen- might ask if given an oppor- Sheehan. Caron Hermes (Caleche) turies of Art to New Jersey" tunity such as: How we de- The CDA will meet Tues- Monmouth County's Largest Selection Nina Ricci Worth (Je Reviens) staged in the gallery in the cide what is good and bad in day, Jan. 6, in Corrigan Hall. of Aquarium Plants Givenchy Yves St. Laurent lower level of The Mall, will art. And, what are the stan- give dimension to the art ap- dards, if any at all? Chanel Jean a" Albrct preciation program. The ex- TESTIMONIAL DINNER "I'll not back out of even Lanvin (Cosaque & Ecusson) hibit, many of the paintings the tough ones," Mr. Bloch RUMSON-Patrick J. Igoe, gleaned from leading muse- Emilio Pucci Grcs (Cahochard) stated. He hopes that no one ums, shows works of artists 95 Bingham Ave., was guest gets snowed under and will who had worked in New Jer- of honor at a testimonial din- make their opinions known. sey for any reason. The total ner at Lyle's attended by FAIR HAVI40 j represented in the show is 60, family, friends and co-work- LITTLE SILVER Including Andrew Wyeth, Scout Alumnae ers. William Gegner was George Segal, Sahl Swan (all chairman of the dinner com- 754 River Rd \\ Fair Haven j\ living) and artists who have PETS».. SUPPLY made history: Gilbert Stuart, Get-Together mittee. Mr, Igoe has retired 8 PROSPECT PLAZA, LITTLE SILVER Exquisite Free Gift Wrapping \\ \ Charles Willson Peale, Rem- after 45 years of service with 842-2224 Our trained consultants will be happy to you. brandt Feale, John Marin and Is Sunday the Penn-Central Railroad in Open 7 Days — Mon.-Sat. 9-?; Sunday 9-5 Ben Shahn, among Others. the New York Division. Milton Bloch FARMINGDALE ' - The Art Courses Developed first Holiday Get-Together for Mr. Bloch, who received a Girl Scout Alumnae of Mon- degree in design from Pratt mouth Council of Girl Scouts Institute and a master's in will be held .Sunday, from 3 to 5 p.m. in the home of Penny Lattimer, 167 Juniper Drive, Freehold. Miss Latti- mer and Denise Moyle of IT'S A Eatontown initiated plans for the get-together. Those planning to attend Something bewitching and black DATE have been asked to call Mjss Lattimer for reservations. for the big night. Acetate-and- OPEN HOUSE TEA College girls coming home nylon net twinkling with black for the holidays have until RED BANK - The Annual Saturday to make reserva- paillettes. Christmas Tea and Open tions. House of the New Jersey As- sociation for Retarded Chil- Planned primarily as a so- $125 dren, Monmouth County Unit, cial to compare notes, meet will be held at 7:30 p.m. to- old friends and make new morrow in the Activity Cen- friends (The Silver and Gold ter, 30 Hudson Ave. of Girl Scouting), it is antici pated that this group, in the BUSINESS PEOPLE'S age bracket just beyond their LUNCH own Girl Scouting years, also RED BANK - The Busi- Will tome up with some ness People's Luncheon of teresting suggestions, obser- Trinity Episcopal Church will vations and comments on the be held tomorrow In Parish various aspects of scouting Hall, White St., with barbe- today, and possibly some sug- cued beef as the specialty. gestions in particular for Ac- Servings will be 11:30 a.m. tion 70 in ttis area. to 1:30 p.m. Program will include a WH& color slide presentation show- SENIOR CITIZENS Brush-And-Go WIG by Marche ing Monmouth Council activi- LITTLE SILVER - The ties during the past year. 97 BROAD ST., RED BANK It's the dynsl wonder wig that needs no styling, no fussing, no Senior Citizens Group of Lit- Friends-from Council are ex- pected to attend. 741-2921 shaping. The featherweight cap givos it extra comfort, lightness tle Silver will hold its Christ- mas meeting Friday at 12:30 and better fit. Contoured tape-red back. Just wash, drip-dry, Prompted by numerous re- p.m. in the Church Hall of quests and the sincere inter- then brush and go. All natural hair colors and frosted, too. Embury Methodist Church, est of former Girl Scouts to For Men Only! 35.00 49 Church St. keep In touch, this group was organized last Spring. If your wife is already our customer, a gift certificate would truly ' lUinbach'i nilllintry wig talon — ill ifor«i CHRISTMAS FAIR Others active in the organi- delight her. And if she isn't... make her one. She'll love you for itl' EAST KEANSBURG - A zation of the Alumnae Group Christmas Fair will be held include Suzon Ziegler, Inter- Saturday from 10 a.m. to 8 laken; Patricia Bolger nee p.m. in the Bayshoro Com- Lcmmons, Union Beach; munity Church. The event is Cindy Dorl, Keyport; Dor- Open Monday thru Friday 9:30 to 9:00 'til Christmas sponsored by the Youth Fel- othy Conway, Eatontown, Shop Steinbach's, the Christmas Store, till 9 lowships. Luncheon will be and Lisa Emery, Atlantic «erved. Highlands. -THE: DAILY BED BANK-MIDDLEMAN, N. I'. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 190 /Suppe* • ^'-'^KJr ? ' Honors Sf.

By POPPY CANNON It's a lovely Christmastime afld broil slowly 10 to 15 min- and beating together 1 tbsp. SINGAPORE — Although supper anywhere. utes or until meat is browned melted butter, VA tbsp. flour, St. Nicholas has been ban- The Fast SHERRIED SHISHKEBABS and tender. Baste several Vt cup milk. Stir till thick ished from the official list of Cut 1 lb. lean lamb into times. and smooth. Add diced saints, a Turkish lady nowi 1-inch cubes. Combine 6 tbsp. cheese. Season with salt and stationed in this Far Eastern Gourmet CHRISTMASTIDE SUPPER sherry wine with Yt cup olive Cheese Beureks pepper. Pour out on platter city is certain that, as al- oil; 1 tsp. each oregano, to cool. Chill in freezer 10 ways, he will be honored by Sherried Shish Kebabs salt; '4 tsp. pepper, 1 clove Wheat Pilaf minutes. Form into little Christians in her country. "Even in this tropical city, garlic, crushed or minced, "sausages." Enclose in 2-inch "For St. Nicholas," she told Tomato Wedge Salad during Christmas week, we Marinate from 15 minutes to on Romaine squares of thin pie dough to me, "was a Turk born in the will have a St. Nicholas sup- overnight — depending upon make triangles. Deep-fry in little village of Patara—in a Turkish Delight Candy per—probably with slush ke- the tenderness of your meat. Dates and Figs very hot oil (375 deg,) or country which is still 95 per babs that we make here al- Place cubes of lamb on 6 CHEESE BEUREKS - bake in hot oven (400 deg.) cent Muslims and only 5 per ways with sherry. or 8 oil-rubbed skewers. Be- Have ready enough pie pas- till lightly browned. Serve cent other religions." "Sometimes I think the tween the lamb pieces place try for a 2-crust pie. (Use a hot or cold.' Makes about 36. It is not only on Ms birth- lamb we get here may be thickt chunky slices of onion mix!) Roll out very thin. For WHEAT PILAF - Easiest day, Dec. i, but all through goat instead, just as the and squ^W of sweet green filling: combine Vi lb. Feta way: Use a packaged mix. the Christmas season that "beef" we used to get in pepper. On the top, place a or finely cubed Gruyere Sprinkle with toasted pine ON THEIR WAY — Christmas baskets, with toys and other gifts, are on their Christjan families in Turkey Bangkok was often water buf- large mushroom cap. Brush cheese with a heavy white nuts- and chopped parsley. way to neady families in fhe boroughs of Rumson, Sea Bright and Fair Haven, sauce made by combining do honor to tljis gentle soul. falo. What does it matter? with more of the marinade Add plumped raisins if de- served by ths Public Health Nursing Association. Members assisting here are, sired. left to right, Mrs. Louise Davidson, Rumson; Mrs. Dorothy Patterson, Red Bank, TURKISH DELIGHT CAN- and Mrs. John Lenhart, Rumson, chairman of the gift committee. Contributions DY — Here you must make your own but in the States of gifts were received from the local Brownie and Girl Scout troops, Rumson buy it in various Christmasey PTA group and employees of the Bell Telephone Laboratories sent cartons of Thanks for the Traveloguecolors—red, green and yel- new toys and an assortment of dolls with handmade clothes sewn by the wom- low. en employes. (Register Staff Photo)

Dear Ann Landers: May three months earlier? Or evening recently because Hints On I say a word to the potheads should we tell the truth and Lawrence did not call his Just Arrived who keep saying marijuana say the bride was pregnant friend back. He assumed I Dressing is better for you than alco- Ann Landers when she married? — S. F. had called the man's wife. 1wl?"(It's the same as saying Worry Lawrence has been so mad typhoid is better for you than Dear S. Fr: Why must you for three days, he hasn't Your Child at the POTTERY,BARN smallpox.) I just read some- They're too smart to use it say anything? Your real spoken a word. themselves. Just sign me — FREEHOLD - In cold thing-'so funny it blew my friends will offer congratula- We've had this sort of prob- One Trip Warren tions and ask no questions. weather a child needs to be a Carload Shipment from Mexico mind. lem so many times I'm ready dressed warmly, says Mrs. Dear One: Thanks for the The finger-counters, local to brain him. Is there a The Feds caught up with a travelogue. I read you loud yentas, and needle-nosed gos- Sylvia Meehan, county home college kid who plunked down solution? If so, what is it? economist. and clear. sips will talk, regardless. - You Tell Me Toms River's Pottery Barn takes you South of the Border for 30 grand for a half ton of Ignore the clods with their She says: "Using proper pot.. K's hard to believe a Dear Ann Landers: When small minds and their big Dear You: The social ar- clothing adds to comfort dur- the Holiday Season. Now our Barn full of gifts from around college student "could lay his a young couple expects a mouths. You owe them noth- rangements between married ing the fall and winter sea- the world includes authentic handcrafted pottery pieces, hands on that much scratch. baby six or seven months af- ing. couples should be made by son. Contrary to popular be- But he did. The dumb duck ter a large church wedding, the women, not the men. liefs, a person can be cold hand carved onyx, wrought iron candelabras and bird cages, planned to fly.it from Mexico how should the bride's par- Dear Ann Landers: My When a man asks another in the heaviest garments and chests, chairs, tables and scores of other exciting and to San Francisco. ents break the news to rela- head is splitting because my man, "Can you and your wife warm in the lightest ones. unique treasures. We show here just a sampling. Come see How many kids could get tives and friends? husband and I have just had come to dinner" — or what- "Layers of medium weight zonked on a half ton of grass? We are aware of that old the same fight for the fif- ever — he should say, "My clothing create more air our vast selection. How .much profit is there in cliche, "It happens in the teenth time. wife makes the social plans pockets and can be warmer that much alfalfa? Who gets best of families," but all the Lawrence insists that when in our family. Please ask than one heavy garment of rich? Who gets stuck? The same, it's not easy to be a man is asked by a male your wife to call her." the same weight. kid who was caught pushing nonchalant when the problem friend about a social en- gagement-"Can you and your Ann Landers' book, "Truth "Construction and fiber the stuff was no user. When hits home. It hit us a few Is Stranger," a collection of content of the fabric also asked how many joints he weeks ago. wife be our guests at the Country Club Dinner Dance her best columns over the help determine the warmth. smoked 'a day he replied, Should we keep quief and past 14 years is available at The tighter the weave, the "It's to sell, Stupid." next Saturday?" — he is hope the baby is small and supposed to say, "I'll check book stores. It can also be better it keeps cold air out The pushers I know (and I say it was premature? Should with my wife." Then his wife obtained by writing Prentice and body heat in. However, know several) tell me it's we fib a little and say the is supposed to call the man's Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New fabrics need to be slightly strictly business with them. couple was married secretly wife and let her know if they Jersey. Price, $4.95. porous to allow excess body are available. I do not agree. heat out and perspiration to I told Lawrence that the man, Ann Landers will be glad to escape. Have you ever worn since he was asked, should help you with your problems. a vinyl coated fabric which is check with his wife, then he Send them to her in care of non-porous? These can be uiv GIFT LOOKING OR HOPPING— should call his friend and this newspaper, enclosing a bearably warm. But too much tell him yes;or no. self-addressed, stamped enve- porosity allows, the cold winds to penetrate. We missed out on a fancy lope. "For best protection, the outer fabric should be closely Mrs. Kern Elected President woven and the inner linings (of a coat) should give in- Wrought 'ron Hang- sulation such as a quilted, ing Bird Cjg«. 10.95 Of VFWPast Presidents Club plastic foam or acrylic pile MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - be Mrs. Joseph Smith, vice lining. Mrs. Harry Kern was elect- president; Mrs. Ernest Schar, "The collar of a coat or ' the ed president of the Past Presi- secretary, and Mrs. John jacket should fit closely dents Club of the Ladies Williams, treasurer. around the neck to keep wind Auxiliary of the Veterans of Mrs. Frank Mitchell, instal- from blowing in and a scarf Unusual Foreign Wars, Matawan lation chairman, announced inside the collar will give Township. Mrs. Scarborough will be the additional warmth. installing officer Jan, 14 in "Body heat escapes the at With the fchange in the by- The Fireside, Belford. fastest through the head so laws to two-year terms for The Christmas party was in bitter weather, a child presidents, Mrs. Kern, the held Dec. 12 in The Cobble- should wear a hood for in- first president, is returning to stones, with Mrs. George creased protection. office to complete her second Brenon as chairman. "Be careful not to dress year, succeeding Mrs. Ralph "Vietnam Mail Call" is un- your child too warmly be- JEAN Scarborough. der way with Mrs. Irene Mee- cause he can catch a res- Serving with Mrs. Kern han directing the mailing of piratory disease by becom- during the 1968-70 term will Christmas cards to service- ing over-heated and then men in Vietnam. chilled. Most children know The next meeting will be when they are too warm or Husbands Guests Jan. 22 in the Post Home. tq$ cold."' At Club Program EATONTOWN - The Ea- tontown Choraliers, under the direction of Sal Marotta and accompanied on the piano by Mrs, E. H. Urion, sang • Rarities! Christmas music at a meeting Wocdtn Chaiti, of the Woman's Community 36"x32" 84.95 • Gifts! Club of Eatontown, Dec. 4. • Bric-a-brac! Husbands were invited guests at the party, which 28 W. Front St., Red Bank featured a presentation by the 5 Light TabU CanJa- Parking nearby; club's drama department labras. 26" high. 17.9S English Plaza "Fun's Our Game" or "How 747-2853 Well Do You Know Your. Wife?" TIME TO PUT YOUR HOUSE IN A

WE STILL HAVE A NICE SELECTION MULTIPLE WIDTH DRAPERIES Wrought Iron and Wood | Staircan. 44" high. ! AND COAST ALONS ... !t.M I surprise your favorite host with a QUEEN & DUAL BEDSPREADS set of our very .talented "Roller Coasters". Just IN STOCK!! give a wi nd (no batteries to fuss with) Wrought Iron Imparlal set them down and watch them go. They'll stop Chair A NICE GIFT IDEA when you lift the glass, or automatically fnm 49 when they reach the edge. There's four Ayz' pottery THROW PILLOWS wedges to the set, 12.00, in their very 3 eo. own gift box by Royal London. barn OKN EVENINGS'TIL 9 Mall and phone orders filled. UNTIL CHRISTMAS FRANKLIN SIMON of toms river 137-B Broad St. MEN'S 0 SHOP 812 main st. Daily 'til 6, Friday 'til 1 Sunday Mil 5 RED BANK A MONMOUTH SHOPPING CENTER, LI 2-3325 OPEN LATE EVERY NIGHT 'TIL CHRISTMAS -THE DAILY REGISTER, BED BAM.M1DDLET0WN, N. J.i WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, W) Ocean Board Calls Planners Set 70 (Mis School Bonds Bids In Freehold Township OCEAN TOWNSHIP - The construction of the new Way- side School. township Board of Education FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP - tions that it has little time for Duca Realty Co., to di«We-•/>? ruled last night it will accept The board has financed the Raymond C. Sheehan, chair- long range planning, like a 6.69 acres in an R-15 zone, on offers for an authorized continuing school costs man of the Planning Board, master plan, he said. Roaertsville Road, into 1? lotsi); ' $1,830,000 bond issue sale at through temporary financial last night outlined these In other business, the board was classified as a major sub- the Jan. 20 public meeting. arrangements with the Cen- granted both tentative and fi- division, if? A; tra! Jersey Bank and Trust three goals to be accom- The sale, if an offer is ac- Co. plished by the board in 1970: nal approval to Katherine The board rejected the site(.;|Vf cepted, would change the ma- —Introduction of a new sign Schibanoff for a major sub- plan application of, JerseyTO..: turity date of short-term The board, following its ordinance early in the year. division for four lots on 9.95 Freeze Inc., oi) Rt,, 9 at the ,„,.",' temporary funding for the regular meeting last night, —Consideration of ordi- acres on Rt. 9 north of The Freehold Circle, for;an enelo- •''.' met in caucus session to dis- nances permitting the con- Trotters and Pacers Diner. sure for the food serving area cuss further plans for a school struction of townhouses and A site plan application for because it failed to comply 'Riding Hood' expansion program. The ses- housing for senior citizens. a retail outlet with three with the minimum setback]^ y; sions, it was said, may con- stores on 4.21 acres of the requirement of 100 feet. —Updating the master plan. f :i This Saturday tinue before plans are final- Mr. Sheehan said that the same subdivision was also ap- Other applications approved « ized and the panel's recom- RED BANK - The Red last master plan was adopted proved. The site plan was sub- by the board included:' mendations are again pre- in 19M. A new one, which mitted by Martin and David —A small part of a Nestle Bank Parks and Recreation sented to the public. Department announces that would be the result of a two- Metz, Freehold, for Central that will be located in tne the Monmouth Lyric Opera Board action also hired a year study by the planning Jersey Pool and Supply Co.. on Co. Jerseyville Aye. addition workshop will present live, high school science teacher, consultant, is needed to re- Rt. 9 north of, Schibanoff township.. . .. •',,' on stage, Saturday at 11 a.m. two custodians, a pair of flect the rapid growth of the Lane. The new construction —A minor subdivision f by at River Street School, "Little cafeteria workers and 13 sub- township, during the last six will be used for "wholesale G.K.L.N. Inc., owner of Trot- Red Riding Hood." There stitute teachers. years, he said. and retail sales of swimming ters and Pacers Diner, Rt 9, will be no charge for admis- The board passed a resolu- pools and other commercial for two lots on 13 acres; ;A\i sion. CHRISTMAS ASSISTANCE — Six-year-old Lisa Bodtmann, daughter of Mr. and tion asking the Township units." —A change in a lot line di- Folk Concert Mrj. John Bodtmann of Church St., lends * helping hand to Kearwburg Mayor Har- Committee to give the board The board changed the site viding two lots on Homestead The workshop has been Eoad owned by Eton Homes EAST ORANGE-The Folk ry Graham in turning on tfie lights of the borough's official Chriitmai tree. Some the power to waive site plan plan approval for Juniper presenting children's perfor- Music Society of Northern review in some minor appli- Plaza, Rt. 9, requiring tot Inc., also, known as Sandy mances three years, through New Jersey will present a ol fh* several hundred youngsters from four church choirs gather around the tree. cations. the fencing be relocated to an Brook Estates. the county school system, as concert by folksinger Michael (Register Staff Photo by Don Lordi) "Sometimes it costs a per- area on top of the buffer —A minor subdivision by well as for other educational Cooney Sunday at 8 p.m. In son $500 to have a site plan zone to satisfy neighboring Michael and Jean Kozak, and charitable institutions un- Jackson Mill Boad for two ^ the Upsala College Chapel, drawn up for a $200 addition," property owners. The center k der the former name of Mon- Prospect St., here. Mr. Sheehan said. '.'It's ridic- is where the new Mason's De- lots on two.acres. " ""' mouth Opera Festival, Mr. Cooney, who plays the ulous." partment Store is located. The reorganization meeting "Little Red Riding Hood" banjo, 12-string guitar and Also, the board becomes so The application of Dennis of the board was scheduled .7 Million Tab Seen Court Homes, owned by Del for Jan. 6 at 8 p.m. has been put to music by Sey- concertina, appeared in last bogged down with applica- mour Barad. Miss Era Togaoli June's folk festival sponsored will accompany the singers by the Middletown Township at the piano. The production Recreation Commission and will be given in costume with Is expected to perform at the As County Hospital Fee Rail Station Traffic Routing light scenery. event again next year. FREEHOLD - Hospital The freeholders approved tune and Asbury Park. The bills for indigent patients is the county's share of $133,740- contract was awarded to Del- expected to cost Monmouth .50 in a $267,481 project for io-Pello Contracting Co., County about $1.7 million this the Rt. 71 relief route In Nep- Union. Plan Set for Little Silver year, said county Budget Di- FREEHOLD-little Silver not allow one there, the state he said, adding, that he felt rector Theodore J. Naro- the problem was solved.; zanick yesterday. Mayor-elect Thomas Judge also disapproved the other 4* <* Jr. Said that a meeting with plan. The mayor-elect added that Mr. Narozanick, predicted New Reade Theater the county Board of Free- The Little Silver officials the county will pay half the that the Medkaid program, holders yesterday cleared up were under the impression improvement costs for these which begins Jan. 1, will re- a misunderstanding concern- that the county plan would three streets, with the bal- jftcu.mmjlSCENIC DRIVE — ATLANTIC. HIGHLANDS duce costs in the coming ing the county's plan for the ance coming from either the year. Under this program, the divert commuter traffic Slated Near Asbury borough railroad station. through residential areas. In- borough or the property own- county will not have to pay Mr. Judge and Little Sil- stead, the county plans to ers. This has not ,beeo for welfare client's medical NEW YORK - "In about 30 bills. The state and federal push of the button and the ver Council President' An- Improve Silverside Ave., worked out, he said. government will share the days, with some luck, we'll curtains part, the lights dim, thony Bruno' met with the from Oceanport Ave. to Con- The project will be done costs. break ground on the Levitt the sound adjusts and the pro- freeholders yesterday for over Place; the entire length concurrently with the coun- tract just off the Asbury Park about 30 minutes in a closed- of Conover Place, and East- Continuous Dancing grammed film begins. ty improvement project for To meet the additional costs Circle for a new movie the- door session. view Ave., from Conover Branch and Sycamore Aves., 'til 4:00 A.M. for hospital bills for indigents ater," Walter Reade Jr. said The long awaited theater on Place to Oceanport Ave. —the Board of Freeholders the circle, he said "would be "I feel that we have solved he said. yesterday. ' the problem," said Mr. ''This is not,the ideal solu- had appropriated ?1 million The occasion was the open- partially automated with a console computer in the pro- Judge. "We see eye-to-eye tion," said Mr. Judge, "but for this In the annual budget ing of the new Reade Ziegfeld with the freeholders." Miniskirts to Stay —the board yesterday trans- jection room." then again we are not deal- Theater, on 54th St. and Ave- TOKYO (AP) - The mini- FOR ferred $300,000 to the- account. The Mayor-elect said the ing with an ideal situation. nue of The Americas, New The 1,195 seat theater in borough had favored a jug- skirt will still be in next year Mr. Narozanick said that York, site of the old Ziegfeld New York is designed exclu- If we were designing a new NEW YEAR* handle on the railroad prop- — at least in the Japanese these costs last year came to Theater. sively for the presentation of erty or traffic lights and re- town, the ideal solution would Pavilion at Expo '70 in Osaka. $1.7 million and in the year Mr. Reade, president and roadshow, reserved seat film routing of traffic in the sta- be a jughandle." EVE before it was $1.5 million. chairman of the Walter attractions (tickets can be tion area. Mr. Judge said the county The Japan Association-for 291-3511 Freeholder Director Joseph Reade Organization said this purchased In Los Angeles for plan as outlined, yesterday Expo.'70 announced,Mondaj C. Irwin said that this was During the meeting with the Music by is the first fully automated an evening performance in freeholders, , he . continued, will create the same pattern that uniforms for 170 host- one area that was difficult New York through an auto- movie theater in the country county Traffic Engineer Hen- as what the borough wanted. esses at the Japanese Pavil- to have control over. It is and in five years he predicts mated Ticketron box office) ry J. Ney illustrated the itn- Motorists will be able to make "Sal Bertolo" Group an Intangible thing, he said. all of the Reade theaters will for twice a day performances practicality of a jughandle a turn around and won't have ion will have skirts six inches The bulk of the $300,000 will be equipped the same way. A with 10 showings a week. there and said the state would to go on residential streets, above the knee. OPEN DEC. 24th at 12 NOON go to Monmouth Medical Center, Long Branch, and to Closed Christmas Day! Jersey Shore Medical Cen- ter, Neptune, he said. Court Hearing Set OnCop'sSmpemion FREEHOLD - A Long ten report of an incident in Greater Red Bank \ Branch patrolman who was which Long Branch Police Enjoy Your suspended for five days after Sgt. Michael A. Irene charged he was found guilty of "fail- him with being off his post ing to comply with a ser- Nov. 23. Christmas Turkey geant's verbal order" will In Thursday's four-hour have a hearing Jan. 16 in hearing, Patrolman Mistretta JAYCEES Monmouth County Court. Dinner at •. • was found innocent of falling Patrolman Gaetano Mistret- to respond to radio calls from SECOND ANNUAL ta, 183 Castlewall Ave., yes- Sgt. Irene on that same date. terday filed his notice of ap- The CobbleStones! peal at the Monmouth County Patrolman Mistretta applied Courthouse. to the Monmouth County Live — On Stage He was suspended for five Cpurt for a "re-trial of all of days — next Saturday through the issues in this matter." Wednesday — after Bernard The appeal notice lists the M. Hartnett, acting director City of Long Branch and Mr. CHILDREN'S of public safety in Long Hartnett as defendants. Branch, found him guilty Patrolman Mistretta is rep- if" Thursday of disobeying or- resented by Bernard F. Bogli- Christmas Variety Show ders by failing to make a writ- oli of Eatontown. 10th Repertory Year .•if SUNDAY DECEMBER 21 Starts at McCarter 2 complete shows 1 and 3:30 P.M. PRINCETON - With last gory, "The Firebugs," opens JJ week's opening of Shake- Jan. 2, four full productions speare's rollicking comedy, will be playing in repertory at "Much Ado About Nothing," McCarter. Shaw's "Pyg- at the the 10th season of resident malion" will play through professional repertory at Mc- Jan. 17. Let "Pop" Do The Carving •.. and Carter is under way. John Steinbeck's "Of Mice CARLTON THEATRE When Max Frisch's alle- and Men" plays through Feb. You Take Home Whatfs Left 15. "Much Ado About Nothing," RED BANK in repertory through March 6, Radio has magnificent costumes, FAMILY DINING including . . . original music and choreog- featuring raphy, and one of the largest Your Own Whole Stations casts ever assembled on Me- $ Carter's stage. * Al PACITTI • CHICO MANCILU NEWS BKOADCASTS TURKEY oniy 5°T KYW and WCBS are all Guest director Tom Bren- Clown and Magician Strolling Troubador news stations. All others have nan will present "The- Fire- SPECIAL . . . 3.00 for small children. news hourly on the hour ex- bugs," a Brechtian work * DIAMOND PAUL HANSON • BEVERLY KERB cept WABCand WHTG which which might have been direct- broadcast news five minutes ly aimed at the problems our Banjoiit Junior Miss Danct of America before the hour. nation faces today. McCar- Dinners Served 12:00-3:00-6:00 SHORE AREA ter's production will include AM t'M AM IM the rarely performed "Epi- VIITO uio 1M.3 WAnn 05.9 TO RESERVE VRMl 1W.1 WOBM 02.7 logue." VJI.K 1310 SI.3 Call 741-8344 YOUR TURKEY CHILDREN 1.50 NEW YORK AREA WABC 770 95.5 WNCN 1OI.4 WUAI. 995 WNEVV 11M 102.7 No Santa Cluus wens 980 101.1 WNYC S30 03!) The CobbleStones Restaurant wmiA 105.5 WOIt 710 08.17 COOKHOUSE, South Africa ADULTS 2.50 WRIIP 13.10 97.0 WPAT »30 03.1 ROUTE 35 741-8344 MIDDLETOWN WFUV W.7 WPIX 101.9 (AP) - T. B. van der Walt WGLl 1290 WPOW 1330 1 Mile North of Red Bank W11N 1MO WQXU 1500 M3 awakened when he heard WINS 1010 WI1FM 105.1 cries of "Help! I'm stuck!" TICKETS AVAILABLE FROM ANY RED BANK WKOII M.6 WHVK. n KX. 7 wi.ni 1190 107.9 WITM 10.1.5 coming from next door. He WMCA 870 WVNJ 020 100.3 went over and found a would- JAYCEE or CARLTON THEATRE BOX OFFICE WNBC em B7.i WWIII. ieoo PHILADELPHIA be burglar stuck in a chim- WCAU ney. Police rescued the man WKIL mo rit.i winci wo KYW MO 103.1 WPEN 0S0 102.0 and took him to jail. 1000 WIP «0 93.3 -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK • MIDDLETOWN, N. J.: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1069 27 PERTH AMB0Y AMBOYS BRIVE-IN- Cartoon 7:00: Paranolt 1M; U:i3j At the Movies The pbloni Box »:OT. Television Today RED BANK North of Red Bank KEYPORT MENLO PARK CARLTON- Butch CfLsslily & the Sundance Kid MIDDLETOWN STRAND ART- CINEMA- i:00; 7:S0; B:30. I am CurlolM (Vellw) V.IS; »:25. pllver 2:15; 5:30; 8:35. ivCBS-TV I WNEW.TV 0 WOR-TV IB WNDT-TV TOWN- EATONTOWN Ollver 2:00; 8:00. © WNBC-TV O WABCTV 0 WPIX.TV S Indicate! Color COMMUNITY- HAZLET Batlle ol Britain 2:00; 1:00: 9:30. DAYTIME SPECIAL PLAZA- DRIVE-IN- Bntch Cassldy * the Sundance Kid If It's Tuesday TiiH Must Be Bel- 7:15; 9:25. ALTER HEADE THEATRES 1:30 CD BILLY GRAHAM 0 9:00 O MEDICAL CENTER 8 gium 7:00; 11:00; Popl 9:10. Dr. Grah«n'» topic is "Why Young People Rebel." Dr. Gannon goes to the aid of a struggling student FREEHOLD RT. 35 DRIVEIN- nurse who has been accused of mishandling a Tlie Gay Deceiver. 7:00: 10:20; DAYTIME MOVIES MALL- Two Gentlemen Sharing 8:i0. patient. Butch Casstdy & the Sundance Kid 9:00 O "Hot Summer Night" O KRAFT MUSIC HALL 8 7:15; S:25. Steve Lawrence and Eydle Gorme are hosts to Sid ASBUUY PARK 10:00 O "Honeymoon in Bali" Caesar, Sonny and Cher and the Carnival, a rock RED BANK I ASBURY PARK 12:00 O "High Barbaree" group. Take the Money and Run 7:30; 0:30. 4:30 O "Th» High Ccjt of Loving" O THE WEDNESDAY NIGHT MOVIE MAYFAIR- AYFAIR Butch CasBlily 4 the Sundance Kid .ARLTON O "Rampage" "The Busy Body" starring Sid Caesar, Robert 775-6881 Ryan. A comedy of crime syndicate errors. (1D66) 2:00; 7:20; 9:30. 711-9600 EVENING O MILLION DOLLAR MOVIE PARAMOUNT- "Stage Door" starring Katherine Hepburn, Adolphe All the Loving Couples 7:35; 9:35. 6:00 O O NEWS 0 ST. JAMES- HIE. 3i AT MIDOLE RD, MAZLET 26<-143! Menjou. The conflicts and ambitions of a group of Easy Rider 2:00: 7:3(1; !>:S0. 8 LOST IN SPACE Q young would-be actresses in an off-Broadway NEPTUME CITY BUTCH C0SSCDY AND . "Ghosts in Space" theatrical hotel. (1937) NEPTUNE C1TY- O EYEWITNESS NEWS-6:00 REPORT O O BILLY GRAHAM © . Hall Hero 7:05; 10:26; April Fooll THE SUNDANCE KID O GILUGAN'S ISLAND 8 Dr. Graham's topic tonight is 'The Blood." Special 8:*5. SHOPPING CENTER.ftOUTE 9 462'MOO The castaways learn that the Air Force plans to usi guest: Ethel Waters. BRICK TOWN their island as a test site for a deadly new missile. (B NEWS IN PERSPECTIVE 9 BRICK PLAZA- ID BATMAN 9 10:00 0 HAWAII FIVE-0 © Butch Cassldy & the Sundance Kid 7:10; 9:25. (B WHAT'S NEW7 A spoiled Texas heiress pits a beachboy against a SHOPPING CENTER, R0U1E 70 4I7-310J "The Children's West" playboy in a bizarre card game. As the rivals vie TOMS RIVElt . for the attentions of the Texas rose, Steve McGar- 6:30 O FLIPPER 8 DOVER- STARTS TODAY rett and his three man investigating team become Battle o( Britain 2:05; 7:05; 9:25. Flipper attempts to deliver a bag of patching tape a thorn in her plans. which Ranger Ricks desperately needs for repairing O THEN CAME BRONSON © a hole in his seaplane, but several errandi of mercy "The Spitball Kid." Bronson helps a conceited but deter the seagoing Samaritan. Insecure young baseball pitcher get ready for a try- Polk on Radio ROBERT RfDKWD out before a major league scout. O STAR TREK© Show Tonight BUTCH CfiSSlOV AND Inmates take control of a galaxy's asylum in a mad e a> io O'CLOCK NEWS e THE SUNDANCE KID scheme to take control of the universe. NEW YORK — Dr. Irwin J. £B UNIVERSITY OF THE AIR admissions for only SC00 0 THE COURTSHIP OF EDDIE'S FATHER 8 1:00 0 THE ONE A.M. REPORT 8 O Now on sale 9 O TONIGHT'S NEWS © "Mother of the Year." To cheer up Eddie, widower - i Gentlemen at the Carlton Theatre in Red Bank. Tom Corbett decides to participate In a Mother'i 0 THE BEST OF BROADWAY party for the teacher. "Operation Camel" starring Nora Hayden, Louis Nf Sharing Mail Orders Filled Promptly. ID HE SAID, SHE SAID 8 Renard. An adventure drama set in Gaza about a group of Danish soldiers, part of a United Nations' n E N.E.T, FESTIVAL . patrol, who come to the rescue of a beautiful night "Jazz at Tanglewood: Modern Jazz Quartet." A club dancer. (1961) performance, by this well-known jazz group at th« ID THE HONEYMOONERS STARTS TOMORROW 1968 Berkshire Music Festival. 1:10 O THE LATE SHOW BUTCH AND THE KID TAKE OVER NEW JERSEYJlli a EATONTOWN 1:30 0 THE BEVERLY HILLBILLIES 8 "Man Without A Star" starring Kirk Douglas, "ON HER MAJESTY'S Mrs. Drysdale orders her husband to provide a Jeannie Crain. Ranch foreman helps lady owner OMMUNITY SECRET SERVICE" hero's welcome and a job at his bank for her fight neighboring rancher in barbed wire war. "HIGHLY ENTERTWfi nephew Lance, but Jethro accidentally rams his Leaving town, he Is beaten by a new foreman and truck into Lance's convertible and topples the hero then goes over to the other side. (1955) 1 Harry Sallzman Froduclion on his head. 1:15 0 THE GREAT GREAT SHOW O THE DAVID FROST SHOW "Unholy Intruders" starring Philip Dorn, Olga ' 0 ROOM 222 © L ni Tache. Ex-convict moves his family into unoccu- "The Exchange Teacher." Sponsors1 Pete Dixon and pied cloister. (1956) ? Lte are responsible when exchange teacher Dora. 1:23 0 REEL CAMP ' Hughes from Britain proves to be an inspiration to A nightly series of two reel comedy shorts, followed 1 pupils but too progressive to conform to Walt Whit- 2a by the News Headlines. -CINTURY-FOX Presents man rules and regulations. l&MiSftiiSSslBMWiS^^ G THE GAME GAME 8 1:30 0 JOE FRANKLIN SHOW 8 "How Much of A Rebel Are You?" Celebrity guesti: 1:40 (D LATE NEWS FINAL '•• Patricia Hardy, Richard D&wson and B. J. Peaker. 2:30 O NEWS AND WEATHER Weekdays at 2 and 8 p.m. '& S ID FELONY SQUAD © ' 2:55 0 THE LATE LATE SHOW B JTCH Saturday and Sunday ft i A lonely hearts murderer selects his victims Irom "The Miracle" starring Carroll Baker, Roger Moore. 2:30 - 5:30 - 8:30 p.m f computerized dating clubs. A young postulant; torn between love and religion, struggles to find herself. (1959) C )SS(DY 5:15 0GIVE US THIS DAY DTHE SUNDANCE KID PICTURE YT Festival for Bridges OF THE Academy A Walter Reade Theatre CARLTON YEAR!" Awards! EATONTOWN FREEHOLD HAZLET MUSICMAKEIVS _; CYNTHIA LOWRY young matron — Shirley an expedition deep into the A Walter Reade Theatre MUSICMAKER'S NEW YORK (AP) - There Jones — also alone and jungles of New Guinea to FREEHOLD PLAZA was) an inadvertant Lloyd unhappy over the holiday. study primative tribes. EATON TOWN D.I. Bridges festival on network Her son, attending a Television Shows on Move television Tuesday night. boy's school nearby, is "Hee Haw," the country Bridges, a busy free lance in the infirmary and she has Comment style variety hour and the actor, (starred in ABC's just received a letter from first of the mid-season re KEYPORT "Movie ;oMhe Week," play- her husband in London, con- placements, moves into the ing an unshaven, white-haired fessing an infidelity. old Glen Campbell hour to- 264-0452 junfighter. A half hour after Relationship Grows might • or might not night on CBS, while Camp- STRAND ART that 90-minute show started, The relationship of the two agree. Bridges was ex- bell moves on to a Sunday NOW PLAYING iie appeared as a solitary, developed against a winter cellent and Shirley Jones night hour. And then, too, to inxious contemporary man in background — exteriors were handled her role of a hurt, night, there is Tiny Tim's NO ONE UNDER IS ADMITTED VBC's "World Premiere" rejected woman effectively. marriage, amid 10,000 tulips, shot in Atnherst—that some- n feature, "Silent Night, Lonely , times looked like mobile Raymond Burr and Betty on the Johnny Carson show. li concerns a young girl's Night."' Christmas cards. At first it White will team up for the Bridges was in better com- was a most restrained ac- second year in a row to nar- search for identity in the pany and certainly possessed quaintance, and then as they rate NBC's coverage of the Df a better script in the sec- revealed more and more of New Year's Day Rose Pa- course of which she imd show, which has to count their inners selves they in- rade. CBS, in the absence of us adult drama. It had some evitably came together brief- Bess Myerson. from show rummages around in all implicit situations and some ly- business, will turn the com- explicit talk of a kind rarely menting over to June Lock- There were long' talky accepted values: political, seen in made-for-TV pro- hart -» who also took Bess' stretches when there was grams. place in the "Miss America" social,and sexual. some sudsy philosophizing "VIXBIT a» 7:00 and ?:25 He played a husband sum- finals — and Bob Barker. about love and morality. moned to a small New En- Thomas' Special "Goad Morning ot 8:10 & 10:35 Lena's investiga- Some flashbacks and dream gland town just before Christ- sequences didn't seem to add Lowell Thomas, who is mas because there was a tion of foreign much. ' close to celebrating his 40th IS SHE WOMAN... change in the condition of policies, non- his wife, a patient for five Generally, however, it was year as a radio newscaster, OB ANIMAL? Co-Feature years in a mental institution. an intelligent script with a will have a special on NBC- violent resistance, "IF IT'S TUESDAY, THIS There he meets an attractive point of view with which one TV Jan. 29. It is a report on distribution of MUST BE BELGIUM" 'Days of Mourning* Seen Weak wealth, women's STARTS TOMORROW rights;family You want these kids? By WILLIAM GLOVER ily trapped in a moment of years and a gamey group of problems, etc is supple- I give them to you. NEW YORK (AP) - Se- peculiar bereavement. neighbors and unattractive I sign the papers." Since the piece is labled a kin. Another daughter has mour Simckes is a teacher RUBS MEYER'S mented with her quest of college courses in experi- fable and there are fitful, killed herself and the conver- mental writing whose own labored thrusts at both a •nt- sational tangle centers upon for a good sex life, and first: venture into dramatic garde absurdism and Judiac how best to adhere to Tal- VIXEN. mudic code. Comedy con- IN EASTMANCDIOR. there are scenes handled expression, "Seven Days of mysticism, a spectator can trast, such as it is, centers RCSTRICIED TO KDULT AUDIENCES. Mourning," painfully empha- guess the intent was a mock- ing commentary on domestic upon the anal aspects of ex- with frankness but also sizes the distance between istence. theory and success. hypocrisy and the emptiness with witand style." PLUS 2ND BIG HIT The play that oponed Tues- of religious ritual. But'it all Ted Mann, the Circle's ar- day night at off-Broadway's comes out bosh. tistic director through 20 John Simon IKE NEW YORK TIMES noted Circle in the Square The story involves a fero- years, uses the arena stage Theater is an obscure, unfo- cious; mother, an inept bum- with meticulous regard for cused, dubiously idiomatic bier of spouse, their crippled, the audience, a concern that THE EVERGREEN FILM PRESENTED 0Y GROVE PRESS STARS LENA NYMAN. A SANDREWS PRODUCTION DIRECTED BY VILGOT SJOMAN. and otherwise self-indulgent embittered son, a daughter, doesn't help the play's ec- The UlUmtU Film... b/Sm Utftr ADMISSION RESTRICTED TO ADULTS. exercise about a Jewish fam- returned after seven prodigal centric structure at all. -THE DAILY REGISTER, BED BANK • MJDDLETOWN, N. J.: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER it, 1969


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VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON ! i : I I Ifiilifii ii; I I HI HOUSE RKI WITH met CAKE COUNN WITH COUPON Valid thru Saturday Mi Dtctmbtr 27th. i i Vfliwjhrti m, m aoth J 'wf • ;i I c V OFF LABEL 10 OFF LABEL 30e OFF LABEL BLEACH WITH DERMASIL 22oz FOR DISHES JJJ BORAX & 9 Ib. 13 cz. SPRY ,76 LUX LIQUID BRIGHTER^ BOX

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,H*;Ks:I:::.::.|Wtp.;ity,,,;^ :-ip!.e«ttfrM.Avi.: Rgdeeffi Plaid Stamps early : «i •H«cliv« through Saturday, Dtc. 20)h In AAF Srom In Ctntral and Northtrn N«w Jtraty. fMr^i^ ;KJ; -WE •DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK • MIDDLETOUw, ,7. j.. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, Police Communication Study Pact Is Signed FREEHOLD — The county munications study for the Enforcement Planning Agen- Board of Freeholders yester- slate police. cy (SLEPA) for this study. day signed a $9,000 contract Initially, the firm will de- Earlier, the board used $1,- with a Washington, D.C. firm velop various alternative ap- 757 for a study of the narcot- to conduct a 12-week study on proaches to law enforcement ics problem in the county. the present county and munic- coordination in communica- The grant was available ipal police communications tions between County Radio, from the governing board of system and to make recom- KEA-317, and municipal police SLEPA under the Omnibus mendations for improvement. departments. This phase will Crime Control and Safe The study will be conducted take four weeks. The firm will Streets Act of 1968. issue an interim report. by the Kelly Scientific Corp. When the freeholders ac- It will then detail a select- cepted the grant, Freeholder of Washington, D.C, which, ed approach to be developed Director Joseph C. Irwin Freeholder Harry Larrison Jr. that would most efficiently said the study is to improve said, had conducted a corn- meet the continuing communi- communications between cation requirements of the Montnoutii County and the Level of $10 Million county law enforcement com- various municipalities under Reached by Industry munity. This phase is expect- the police radio system. VALUABLE FREEHOLD - Monmouth ed to take six weeks. The study is to show what County's annual industrial The county is using the bal- should be updated and im- growth for the past year was ance of a $10,757 grant it re- proved, he said, and will show at the $10 million level, re- ceived from the State Law the future needs of the county ported Myron Taylor, director radio system. COUPON of Industrial Development. CHANGING CHAIRS — Keansburg Planning Board chairman Eugene Mauro, Meeting Scheduled It was inadvertently report- DOG GROOMING foreground, holds plaque presented to him by borough officials in recognition ed in yesterday's Daily Regis- FREEHOLD — The county of service to the community. Mr. Mauro will step down as board chairman the ter that the figure was $10,000. Board of Freeholders will ALL BREEDS hold their annual organiza- first of the year and become board secretary. Michael Motichka, second left, will The county for the last three Vears has had an annual in- tion meeting on Friday, Jan. Two Groomers BONANZA assume the chairmanship. Also looking on are Councilmen Alphonsus M. McGrath, dustrial growth of $10 mil- 2, at 12 noon in the Hall of 842-2224 Leonard S. Bellena and Mayor Harry Graham. (Register Staff Photo) Records here. AT YOUR lion. EAI Merger A&P! Agreement COSMETICS Announced foods HEALTH AIDS WEST LONG BRANCH — Lloyd F. Christlanson, presi- dent of Electronic Associates Inc. and William D. Hurley, president of Harvard Indus- VITAMINS DISCOUNTS! tries, Inc. yesterday jointly announced an agreement in principle for the combination E & SAVE of the two companies by mer- ger m a transaction to be consumated on a share-tor- share basis of the respective W REG. 1.49 SAVE common stocks. r ONE SIZE It is expected that EAI will 5-BLADE REG. ? FITS ALL he the surviving corporation DISPENSER 79i of the merger; and that Mr. MICRO MESH Hurley, Harvard's president, H.1O will be the president and chief executive officer and Lloyd E. Christi'anson, president of WILKINSON PANTY HOSE AN A&P COUPON EAI, will be chairman of the board of the surviving corpor- THIS ation. BLADES COUPON Towards the WORTH PurchaM of The agreement is subject 50 to the approval of the boards 5's One 8 Ib. Supsr-Right Brand of directors and the stockhold- ers to both companies. * , REG. 3 for 1.00 / CANm>HAM Mr. Christianson also an- *• ~**i\< nounced that EAI has termi- REG. 2.00 SEAMLESS /' i. Oood only in A&P Super Markets nated negotiations of, merger 1 coupon per family. Expires Sat., Dec. 20th with Varian Associates. WELLA REG. 98< NYLON HOSE C Hearing Slated 3 IN A PACK AN A&P COUPON On County Plans CARE DO STRIDEX THIS 4)4 oz. Towards the FREEHOLD — The county COUPON Purchaie of Board of 'Freeholders will WORTH 15 hold a public hearing Thurs- PADS day, Jan. 8, at 2 p.m. at the Vi gallon container Hall of Records here on two 129 county Planning Boafti Res- CRESTMONT ICE CREAM olutions. '•; 1 42's Good only in A&P Super Markets One is the site plan resolu 1 coupon per family. Expires Sat., Dec 20th tion which • establishes pro- 4 cedures, standards,1 and re- . )••••••••• quirements for the approval of site plans with frontage on STATE county roads. This includes REG. 1,05 Regular-Mint AN A&P COUPON commercial, industrial and 7 TRANSISTOR Jfcj apartment complexes that re- THIS CREST Towards th» quire more than five off-street COUPON Purchaia of parking spaces:... WORTH RADIO 3 15 The other is the subdivision resolution which affects lands TOOTHPASTE ^ Complete with ^^^ Two 1 «. pkgs. CAP'N JOHN'S abutting on county roads and ^ Batteries ond Earphones |$ property within 200 feet of £ SEAFOOD DINNERS municipal boundaries. CHRISTMAS GIFT SUGGESTIONSl !EG. 10.00 Good only in A&P Super Markets ' 1 coupon per family. Expires Sat., Dec. 20th Firemen to' Hold AMBUSH SET #165 6°° RAYEXPETITE Children's Party OCEANPORT - The Port- ARPEGE SETS...... * .5 00 AN A&P COUPON au-Peck Chemical Hose Com LITE MIRROR i pany will hold its annual % CHANEL DUSTING POWDER THIS Christmas party for all Port- Towards the au-Peck children up to eight • AND SPRAY SET »» COUPON Purchase of WORTH years of age on Sunday be 10 tween 2 and '4 p.m. at the REG. 1.50 • One 5 Ib. Bag firehouse. Santa Claus will present EVENING IN PARIS SET! SPICE MENS SET, FLORIDA ORANGES gifts as usual. Chairman* of the event this ICOLOGNE & -: Good only in ASP Super Markets DUSTING year is Phil Minton, captain, 'AFTER j 1 coupon per family. Expires Sat., Dec. 20th and he will be assisted by •'1^ POWDER 09 SHAVE Sal Lagrotteria and Robert i & COLOGNE Brummer. ; AN A&P COUPON $ ...... THIS Towards the COUPON P.S. 1 REG.19.95 Purchase of WORTH 10 means Plus Service Any 2 loaves between Asbury Park and Newark SCHiCf ELECTRONIC JANE PARKER BREAD P.S.#I30 LATHER' Good only in A&P Sqper Markets 1 by 1 coupon per family. Expires Sat., Dec. 20th Newarb k PBusek s MAKER - - ,' Serving: UNCBOFT—HOtMDEl Sates prices eflectlvo thru Sot. Dec. 20 MATAWAN—SAYREWOODS 1969. We reserve the right to limit quan- title*. Not respomlble for typcenphleil AN A&P COUPON NEWARK AIRPORT errors. •n routs to Newark friquent service, low forei. Fait trip THIS Towards the NUITN COUPON via /afkway ond Turnpik* Purchas* of MbulopsroloroboullowcoitlO-lrlp WORTH tothmuler ticket. , 10 RUTHERFORD — 62 Park Avenuo OTHER foodl pirn STORE LOCATIONS WAUTt 'KJ1UC SUVICE COORDINATED TtANSPOlr SOMERVILLE - 63 W. Mjin St. ,.,. ...OWN - U No. Pork WE.,.. . , ..Juliet One 9 oi. Jar PLAINFIELD - W E. Front ORANGE - Ml Main SI. NEW YORK CITV — » VI. 31 111 SI. — « W. 45lh St. MBS UNION - 1019 Stoyveiant AVeniM IIACKEN5ACK - Prjctd.rcl'l-Bnmborfior 114 E. Still SI. - 1S1 E. 84th SI. GREEN OLIVES RED BANK - SI Broad SI.1 JERSEY CITY — 51 Journal square FLUSHIUO — 3709 Main Strotl Good only in ASP Super Markets Now thru Chriitmai 1 coupon par family. Expires Sat., Dec. 20th 1 A.M. to 9 P.M. Mon. 58 BROAD STREET. RED BANK, N.J. thru Sat.—Ctowd Sun. * CENTER so -THE DAILY RECISTER, RED BANK • MJDDLETOWN, N. J.i WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17,19(59 N. Y. Stock Market Stock Prices DlD NEW YORK 57 New York " & te t **' «rru gi*$8S-10 34 »'i 34 4S U Mutual J. 76 37 3S','i 34V) - V. Mutual losing column, while only 323 stock average lost 3.1 to 261.9, NEW YORK (AP) - 13, I960, when the average over tight money, a gloomy A-I.C Kolser Al I 17 35'/) 341t 35V. + '. Kan GE 1.40 22 21'/* 2Hi 2\'M - V. The stock market, seized by closed at 772.93. business outlook for at least advanced and 242 issues were not only a new 1969 low but KonPwL I.II 12 19!. 191k 19'i . .. . unchanged. AbhILob 1.10 77 . koly Ind 31 9'i V 9 a rash of tax-loss selling, End of the year tax-loss the first half of 1970, a switch- the lowest mark hit in 6 ACF Ind S.40 20 46'k At 46'i — '1 KofsrrRo M 26!i SB'/] - '* Fund ing of Issues by institutions to Ad Mlilii .20 2J 13 13'i 13-. - >i Krnnioll 2 40 41 -'* 4O'» 40>. — tumbled sharply yesterday, selling was singled out as the Volume totaled 11.88 million years. AP's industrials were Address 1.10 112 64', S3'; -1'- Km Me 150 90',i 91V.-: dress up their portfolios for Yi-4 - '• 1 sending the Dow Jones indus- mostsignificant cause for the shares, up from Monday's Admiral SV 14' 13' Klml'Clk 2 JO 7S . 75 7V. + off 4.4, rails down 2.8, and AelnoUf 1.40 145 3»" 39 Kppprrs 160 15 381-. 38'', Wi — the year, and a lack of stimu- s trial average to its lowest slide. turnover' of 11.1 million AnKt.1 Ilia 370 16 16 1ft Kro.lco 1.70 74 3? 2t<'i 31*1 . AtcanAlu l.io 3J'< 26 Listings lating developments. Most of utilities were off .3. 80 26' Krcsoc SS 40 •JM SI"» J6'k 56' /) level in more than three Newton Zinder of E. F. shares. Alicg Cf> .!4>o IV 11 11' Krogr-r 1.30 2!7 32'. 31'. 31'. — ' Bid Aik Keystone Funds: AUtglud 2.40 4S 38 3? 37 -2' LcorSlej .50 Aberdn 2.28 2.49 Cus Bl 17.9211.71 years. Button & Co. said tax selling, these factors have been The Standard & Poors' 500- 1 60 ll'i 18' i 18'.i — '. AlltjPw 1.32 eo 20 It : LehPCem 60 Adviiri 7.10 7.76 Cus B2 19.20 20.95 Running counter to the ! 35 13 12'i 12'« - ' The Dow average, a ba- plaguing the market for the AlltKSOl 1.20 52! 34'.) 23!23'. i - > Lotr Vol ind 128 6>1 6'. 6V< - 1 Altlllatd 7.11 7.»9 Cus B4 8.14 9.65 which involved weak issues, stock index fell to 89.72, off AlllKfStr 1.4] broad retreat were nine 3» 2? '" 29 4 ': Lcttmn t.filp 33 Sl'.i 21 21 - ' Alutre Cus Kl "7.63 8.33 last month, causing it to plum- Atfls Ctioim 22?". - ' j rometer of blue-chip issues, made the weak stocks even 53 23'. 2!'« LlbOfrd 2.(0 242 40V) 39'1 40 - >! .82 Cus K2 5.2J 5.71 issues which hit new highs for .82. Alcoa 1.60 J US 68 ,i 6? 67 -2 Libb McN L J2 7',. 7*1 7>» — V Alpha Fd 11.(7 12.75 Cus SI 17.63 19.34 lost 10.22 or 1.30 per cent to met nearly 100 points. AMBAC .S< weaker. V IB W ; 17"i - ': Llaa My 2-50 79 32'.. 32V. 321* + V Amcop 5.90 6.45 Cus 52 9.70 10.59 the year at the same time 309 Am Hess .15j 28', 1 + !l The losses churned on a 125 26V) 27'.! Una TV 1.33 136 26'. 25'/i 25"l - ' 4m Bui 3.02 3.17 Cus S3 7.38 8.06 773.83, eclipsing the previous "There was no motivation Sixteen of the Big Board's Am Airlm .80 424 3)'• 3tHl 30'8 - ': Litlnn 1.891 Dvln 10.01 10.(4 Cus S4 5.16 S.64 stocks struck new 1969 bot- AmBrondl 2 ' 852 37'/. 35 36Vi —2". yearly low of 783.53, set last to buy today," he added. broad front, as 1,068 of 1,633 126 37 36'. LockhdA 1.20 216 17=4 I?'.'• 17>k — ': AEx spl 9.77 . Polar 4.14 4.54 toms. 20 most-active issues lost, 3 AmBScst 1.40 52 J6'« it'; LocwsThe .13 5.75 6.2! Knlckb 6.72 7.36- issues traded on the Big Am Can 2.30 153 35'.'. 34'/. 34V. -!i» Grlh Thursday. Yesterday's mark Also cited as factors for the 182 3B>» 3!'. LonebCem 1 7 23',k 23','. 23'i — '. Am Inv 7.32 7.32 Knlck Gt 11.37 12.45 The Associated Press 60- gained, and 1 was unchanged. ACrviug ' *° II 2l»k :r. LoncSGo 1.12 Am Mut 8.77 9.58 Lex Grth 9.70 10.60 Board were pushed into the AmCyon 1.25 372 17'.4 17'/. 17!. - Vi also was the lowest since Oct. decline were investor concern 192 24 2S1k 2SV. ^ ' LonrjISLI 1,30 51 22'. 21'/. 22 - 3t tVmN Glh 2.93 3.20 Lex Invst 9.2610.12 AmLIPw 1.64 2J6 2B'k 2S 28'. — ' Lucky Sir .80 Am Enko la 19 31V) 31V. 31U Am Poc unavall LM Rsch 15.2316.64 57 »'.j I!'. 28<> - ' LuKcn'. Stl 1 9 24 Anchor Group: Liberty SB? 6.44 A Home ) 41} 3 LVO Corp 23'/) 23'/) - 108 641) 63 « 95 Slk I B Canlt 8.7B 9.62 Lite Stk 5.2B 5.77 Am HOip 24 55! 41V. Lvk Yng .300 AmMFdy .M 89 13'/. 12'/. 13 Grwth 12!8 13.46 Lire Inv 7.29 7.97 67 IB 17'. IK. Incms 8.29 9.0! Lino 4.93 5.40 1 AMUCIx 1.40 4» 31 JO * 30'. M-N-0 Fd inv 9.41 10.31 Loomls Soylcs: Am Molars 373 9't 8' MSOClQ 1.23 1.34 CanorJ 40.7140.71 9 AmNalGoi 2 45 z\'t in 31'" . MockeCo .30 20 15'.'. I5V4 151*-V. s,stron 5.80 6.34 caplt 11.1511.15 Am Photo ,12 118 IJ'n 13' 13'. — Macy RH 1 24 31'/. 31'. 311* - V) Houghton: Mul 14.3a 14.38 3 A Smell l.M 405 30'/i 29'/jir. t Ir. MaA Fd 3.71c 55 25V) 24'/l 25 - Fund A 6.05 6.58 Monhtn 7.56 B.27 J Am Sid I 3lVj — t Mogrvox 1.20 227 33?k 32'/) 32!'. - Fund'B 7.67 8.34 Moss Fd 10.6B 11.67 Performing Arts Distress Am TIT l.M 1511 4)'. 49 4»v. - t — ',i Bondstk 4.43 7.03 MldA Mu 8,51 7.11 • i • AncorpNSv 1 8 20V) 20 20V. - V. McDonnD .40 358 2!'. 26V. 27 -l'/i Boston S.t. 7.B6 8.59 Moody Cp 13.80 15.08 1 I, "Foundations are beginning ArchDon 160 20 SI * 51 '/< 51'/. + 'A Mead Corp 1 148 19'/. '.'• Host Fdn 10.5611.55 Moodys 13.34 14.53 By JOHN CUNNIFF line with population rather tion," the report stated, add- ArmcoSI 160 88 J4»l 25'/. 26 -Ik MdvSho 1.30 23 71 70'/) 70'/) Boston 7.99 B.73 Morton Funds: Armour 1.60 42'/. + V, Merck 2o than with growing affluence, ing: to develop the arts' fund-rais- 6 43V, 42><< 107 109 10BV. 10B'. + It Broad St 14.2015.35 Grwlh 9.27 10.16 NEW YORK (AP) - ArmstCk .60 IS) 3.'. 34V. 34V. - Vt 39 27". 26V) 26V) —1 Bullock 14.1715,52 Incom 3.85 4.22 education and, presumably, "A business which finds ing capability and to support AshldOil 1,20 320 24') 24 2< -. V. Mlcrodol .40a 47 32 2H1 21'/) CG Fd 8.15 9.57 Insur 1.90 8.66 A partial solution to the grow- AssdDG 120 244 4514 45 — «t MldSoUIII .94 Bl 21V) 21 21'/. - V, conodn 18.43 19.93 MIF Fd 7.96 8.61 growing interest in the arts. innovative programs. Univer- All Rlchl'd 2 Business that a first customer becomes 664 BO'/i «* -?•* MlnnMM 1.60 142 1I2'4 IM'/J 111'/. — Vi Capomr 7.97 B.73 MIF Glh 5.20 5.97 ing financial distress of the AllosChem 1 sities are becoming, increas- 77 22Vi 31 -l'/i MlnnPLI 1.20 135 19'4 ""' Coplcopltt Inv 4.24.21 4.62 MUu OmOmG5.08 5.52 performing arts may be Spending for admissions to a repeat customer. . .reaches AHos Corp I'll ..„••... Mobil 2.20a 290 45V. 4«. 9.5510.38 Avco Cp 1.20 143 3'/. 20 45V. 4H Capl_.l r.Sh. r 7.05 7.7...... 3 Mi) . Oml_ n music, opera, dance and ingly hospitable to artists.., 141 23 33 - v< Mohasco 1.10 II 281... k VV, 27V;-1V. < cen„..t . _Sti r 11.0912.12 Mul „,.Shr,s 16.93 16.93 achieved by adopting busi- out with special inducements Avnet me .40 5 Mirror and government — local, 112 11 "'•'—,{' Monson 1.60 213 3 371kt 3636',i i 3737VV. — »*ik Chonnlnchl o FundsFd : Mut t Trst 2 45 2 45 drama account for only two- Avon Pd '••° 97 172',i 167 ness methods, one of the na- to attract first-time •custo- BobckW U6 169 -3V. MonlDUt 1.6B 32 28 27 37 -I'i (lalan 11.31 12.36 NEA Mut 10.4410.65 state and federal — is help- 146 34H 23'/l J3W - Vi Won) pw ) JJ 57 25V. 24H 24'k -'/. Com St 1.47 1.83 Not WScc 9.6710 46 thirds as much of the con- mers." BallGE 1.70 52 30 29'/! 2»'/i - /• Mor-Nor .60 tion's largest financial institu- Btot Fcls 1 97 32!'. 32',k 32J/. - V. Grwlh 6.09 4.66 Nat Ind 10.5210.52 sumer budget as in the 1920s, ing. .." Deckmoo .50 74 3? 3B'/l 3B^t +•• Motorola I 67 138 116 136'/. + '.< Incom 7.41 8,10 Nat Invst 8.25 192 tions has concluded. The study concludes that 31 46'i 46'. — Vi MTsioTT 13S 22 21'/. 21 21'. - '.. sped 2.74 2.99 Not Sc-cur Scr: night and raise weekend And the rough and tumble BccchAr .150 ] it said. And much of the "in the professional sector, Bell HOW -66 33 W» 19V. + 'i Not Alrlln .40 162 23!. 21',i 2l i —3Vi chaso Group: Bolari 10.2411.21 Recognizing that "artists prices?" , [\cndlx l.M 126 54'i SJV4 - ". Not Disc 2.20 152 49 48'/) W-k-Vi Fund 11.0612.09 Bond 5.36 5.86 money today goes to amateur the most evident accomplish- business world, where per- 54 3(W 34 —V) Nal Can 73 67 65H 66 — V/i Frnt 96.25100.52 Dlvld 4.09 4.47 may rue the thought," the The popular Assumption is formance is always measured 237 I5P1 HB'i I4B". 4 Vi Shrhd 11,05 12.08 Grwth 8.86 9.68 rather than professional ment is an amazing amount 159 16'/. 16'.'. 16« — H Sped 9.13 9.88 Pt SIR 6.51 7.11 Chase Manhattan Bank sug- that performing arts com- at the box office, is aiding 21 24V) 24'/. 24V< — V. Chemcl groups. of construction. . .but equal 19.07 30.85 Incom S.17 J.65 gests that while the arts have panies are in serious financial 197 18!* 18'/. Wl, -r U Colonial! Slock 7.94 1.49 "Of the 1,385 symphony or- thought has not always been also. In fact, says Chase, 90 231k 22'.i 22'/. 4 M Emily 4.49 4.91 Nat West 7.17 7.M concentrated on performance difficulties because of com- "Corporate contributions and 103 BV. 8 8—1/. Fjnd 10.4711.44 Nel Orlh 9.4610.38 chestras, for example, only given to planning for the at- 1.20 197 3IW 22V. 22V) + Vf N Lead 1.27H 138 25'i 24V) 24?i - U Grwth 4.24 6.B4 Ntuwth 24.3O34.20 quality they have not paid petition from radja«and tele- public relations funds are BoraWor 1.25 4] 2»t 21 23'* - V< Nat Stoil 2.50 90 42'i 41". 41%-?i vent 4.41 7.01 New Wld 13.1014.32 enough attention'to box-office 63 are composed predomi- tractions to fill these cen- BrllUv 1.30 40 7IH 71 n - Vi Nd Ten ,80 51 1211 I2U 121* - 1* Col Grlh VM' ".Jl NY Vent 18.5220.28 vision and becauSfwage and starting to play a key role in k ters." Brvrtiwk .10s 107 »'/• lWi 'J' ~ /' Nalomai .25 295 64',i mt 61V. ~4H Commc 9.38 10.35 Newton 14.1517.45 innovation. nantly of professional musi- Vl + production costs 'have risen BucyER,,rvBr 1 JO 31 1» '«» " 1? N«V POW 1.01 11 39V) 39'.. 39V.-H ComS Bd 5.12 5.57 Noreasr 14.61 14.41 support of the arts." 5 21") 28V. 28?* — % Commonwllh Fds: Ocnaoh cians, as' are perhaps 40 of Moreover, it adds, "for a Buid C. 10 « ISVi I5H JW - Vf Newberry 1 7.43 1.12 sharply, partly because of in- BulnvoW 60 2 37'A 37« ?'*-•' NEngEI 1.48 74 21'I 2(R* 21 - W Cap Fd 9,51 10.39 Omega It suggests that since at- 1 1 the 623 opera companies," it variety of institutional and Buni™ k!!" Rom,!:,.o. j4J 14Vi 13'-* Wi - •'< Nowmnt l.M 113 291* 28U 2B"<-'.'< incom «J*5" 9.56l¥'F»"•" -*d 1155 Hill tendees at performances are flation. 6S 34'/i 34'/) 34V) — '. Nloo MP 1.10 309 mt I5H 15'.i - V. Invest 9.11 9,96 101 Fd 9.24 10.1O said. Burl Ind I.<0 1 other reasons, funds to sus- BurrgnJ .60 190 158yi I54V1 155 —J'. NorlolkWst 6 121 VI, m , 76 — Wi Slock 8.SJ 9.32 One WraS 15.77 15.77 likely to be repeat customers, To an extent, this appears Cal Hnanl ;» IVi 7'/< VI, - ;« Norrlslnit - 15 17!. 17 17 - '/. Cwlth AB 1.17 1.41 O'Nell 15.44 14.43 Commenting upon the tain the operating budgets of CampRL .450 37 16'/* 14 1' - ?> NorAmPhll I 31 54'/) 53 5J'A -lit Cwlth CO 1.M 1.73Oppenh 7.53 8.23 special inducements should be to be true. A study of five 53 34'/. 34'/) 34V> - .. NoAmRock 2 limited audience size at the performing companies have CompSp l.lo 268 24'i 23'i 24 - Vi Comp Al 14.8B 16.31 Pac« Fnd 10.64 11.63 extended to attract first-time CaroPLI l.« 131 31'/* 31V. 31'* + V. NoNGas 2.60 114 42!'. 41'/. 41'/.— '/, Compel 7.95 8.71 Penn Sq 7.43 7.43 symphony orchestras by Mc- performing arts, the report been much harder to come CorrlerCp .60 161 36V) 35 351» -1J* Nor Pac 2,60 41 39 37'/) 371* - '/. Comp Bd 8.29 9.01 Po- Mut -7.64 7.64 customers, "as on the air- Kinsey & Co., a management CarlerW ,40o 45 30V. 30 30 - Vi NoSlaPw 1.60 77 23'* 23 23 - Vi Comp Fd 9.01 9.79 PhHa 14.6916.19 suggested that greater efforts by." Case Jl 10 12V» 1IM 12 ••- Northrop 1 54 3711. 36'i 37 + V, Comstk 4.99 5.45 Pilgrim 9.45 10.33 lines." consulting firm, showed reve- jances CoslleCkJ ,M 40 J1V. 30'/. 31 — Ji NwstAIrl .4! 1333 37'/2i ) 24 272ttH - Vi ConcorConcod 12.712 0 12.7270 PiloPilott 7.42 8.11 must be made to expand the Even with better business Cater fr 1,30 160 39'/. 38»* 31*-J* NwlBanc 1.20 23 33'.'. 32V4 33V< Consol In 11.7512.50 Pto 5t nue from 1963-1964 to 1967- 3 10.3910.19 And, since weekday per- CdoneseCp 2 (4 5l',i S8'/< SJV. - V) Norton 1.50 32 30V. 29'/< 29 i - V. Consu In 4.45 4.86 Plon Ent 7.41 8.17 size of audiences. methods, the report states, it Cenco Ins .10 21 42 41!* AW, - Vi NorlSIm Utf 18 AV/t Am 4714+ H Conl Gth 9.36 9.U Plop. Fnd 13.0713.13.0713.19 formances are far less 1968 rose 44 per cent, but iA is unlikely that the perform- CentSW l.eo 104 40H 39'A 40 • OccldnlPct I '"! I ' 2J? ? ++ II"" CorCorpp LLdd 13.8315.213.8315.233 PlaPlann InInvv 11.1512.111.1512.166 costs jumped 59 per cent and "The 20 million tickets sold are-we have Cerro 1.W& 119 24 23!k 23»k — 14 OhloEdls 1.50 « «V 21'/21'. / 32 -V,V CntCty CaC p 1J.31J3J 14.11410 PricPi e Fundsd : heavily attended than week- cert-letd .» 42 !0V] MVi 19V4-1/4 oklaGE 1.08 1 to performances in 1963-1964, ing arts can be made self- 5 35S ?!* Crn WDIv 6.13 6.70 Grwth 25.4625.46 end offerings, the bank asks: deficits 97 per cent. c«ssnaA .80S 30 23V» 21W 21 i - '/< okloNGs 1.12 ,? ?J CFI Stl ,SOa 151 17 16Vi W»— 1/4 c,n WDal 10.6211.61 N Era 9.49 9.19 it is estimated, were bought sustaining. However, encour- 15 20 W> "'''• •• •,-,;; Olln Corp ,88 20VJ 20VI - U rJcVoh AA 62.9962,99 N Hor 28.18 21.18 "Why not add weekend per- Another reason, the Chase Ches Ohio 4 523 Slrt 49 49 -M omark Ind II 98 21 18 19 IB'/. I8V4-V, Decal Inc 10.7911.79 Pro Fund 10.3O10.3O suggests, is that concert at- by five million individuals, or aging signs appear to be de- just ChiPnsur 2 16» 14 33'A MVt -1 Otis Elcv 2 2.27 13.41 Provdnt 4.35 1.75 formances and-cut those early ChrUCd .«5d tfft il , * ''' Oolawro 12.27 13.41 Provdnt 4.35 1.75 4 per cent of the adult popula- veloping:. 163 10W 10 10, - J* Oulbd Mar 1 5It8 Stm,L M!3 U 2!li + Vi1/ DeltDlal TTr 8.0808 8 8.8883 PuritaPit n 9.5510.19551014 in the week or lower week- tendance has grown only in Chrysler 2 S34B Ml* 3Hk 321i —JVi OwtnsCp 1.40 A 11V, IIV, Wl, - V. Dlvld Shr 3.52 3.86 Putnam Funds: CITFIn 1.60 150 36H 36'A 3H< - '(• Owensllt 1.35 34 62 41 oiVt - Vl Downt F 5.69 6.34 cities Svc 2 569 624 EqulEltt 9549.54 110.43 50 40Vi 39V. 40V* + Jt - „ . Drexcl unavall Gcorg 13.8215.10 the home ClorkEq l.« 9 Si? 31V. 33W-VJ P CIJVEIIH 3.04 0 • R • 5 Drcyl Fd 12.65 13.84 Grth 9.88 10.80 COCOCol 1.32 Incom 7.74 8.46 Invest 7.49 8.19 Colo Pol ''3[ Villa 10.2611.21 8.37 9.04 you've been ColllhRad .80 - - Voyag 4.83 S.28 Cololnlst 1.60 44?* 4W -'15 P«T&T UO Jncom 5.96 6.51 Rep Tech Spi,cl 10.1911.14 Revere 12.5513 83 CBS 1.40b 24'A 24% - V* PonASul .97O ColuGas 1.60 Slock 14,2215.54 Rosenth 7.10 7.75 Comisoiv .40 Municipals Demoralized Wanting. ComwEd 2.20 Comsa1, ConEols 1.80 ConFood l.lo ConNaiG 1.7» ConsPwr l.» market the odd lottery is vir- ConlAlrU .50 By ROGER E. SPEAR not change this tax feature MULLANEY REALTY ContCon 3.10 noticeably. A House proposal tually locked in. Unless a po- Cent CP 2 Q—I am a member of an 8 Tindall Rd., Mlddletown CcnlMot .11 tential buyer can plan to hold to make tax-exempt income (Rebsrti Building) Cont Oil I. 341 »>'. mi 11 '\Z Farm uu 10.9610.96 Sel SpecS 14.1117.61 investment club and am in- Cont Til .72 .... - ''< F d of ?10,000 or mor annually to maturity he had better 75 35 3«2 34»~lJ « Oft" ».«B 14.08 Sh Oeon 18.9218.92 vestigating municipal bonds. Successful e Control Doto 233 118V) IIJVl y 671-5151 m ""•-"• Pniii'pcr i.30 737 23 ltV, 3)W V Fill <-<" 11.1212.15 Side 9.9510.90 partially taxable will prob- look elsewhere for' tax-free Coop«rln 1.40 II 27V. 37 und What amount of capital is re- 29 256 252 252 —6 . PllnoyBw .68 41 41V. iid A&~ u, Fid P 16.4617.95 Sljmo 9.7610.47 income. 10?k - Vi Polaroid .32 J19V. 119* — It ably pass. While this will 73 W* IO'/< Financial Prog: Sigma Tr 9.09 9.93 quired for this form of in- 51V. 50V. Soft + V. PPG Ind 1.40 65 32V< 31", 31',. — U Investing X6 have little effect on most in- 304* — V, ProctGa 2.60 Dynm 6.47 7.08 Smith B 9.70 9.70 175 — • 30V> 32 105'/* 105'/. 105ft - I* vestment? How long must it CPCInll 1.70 22V. iiVi — Vi PubSCol 1.06 47 1SU lift liVi Indust 4.00 flBSwn Inv 8,07 8.72 dividual holders of munici- CroustHInd 1 34V, _ ',. PSvcEG 1.64 243 26V. 25ft 26 tncom 6.1- -2- -6.70Swlnv Gt 7.62 8.24 be invested for tax exemp- CrowCol 1.071 J! Vent 1.38 8.97Sover Inv 12.93 14.15 pals the market remains de- m uu + Vi.. Publkln. d .451 74 V/i m I'/, - ' tion?-?, C, Crown Cork u FltF VO unavall Spectra 9,05 9.92 ?0 3 35 JSv>ttPmb SUP .28 33 20Vi 19'/«. 19>,i - 1 moralized. CrwnZtll l.M lMk H* -Vi PUPS PL 1.76 1.49 9.42 StFrm Gt 5.29 5.29 A—Municipal bonds are is- gains are, however, taxable. CudohyCo 44 jjV* lM 9.8510.79 Stole St 49,00 50.00 CurtluWrt 1 sja3iaa315 11114 17Ki 1BV. 1. ' Fli inS B.61 9,44 Steadman Funds: sued in $1,000 and $5,000 de- As a general rule these bonds Overhanging this market is D-E-F RalstonP .40 5115 27111114 17K27 i 371BVU. t1 v' Fst Mul 9.41 9.56 Am Ind 10.77 11.80 nominations. At this time any are exempt from state and a sizable forward supply of Ronco tnc .92 5317 2«271k4 22017 4 3MV7 i It / Flt Na 7.33 8.01 Flduc 7,01 7.68 31 im nvi V. Roytlicon .60 121 J3V) 3214 32)1 — i lero 43.0247.17 Sclcn 4,39 4.81 interest received on these local tax in the state where expected new issues — es- DonRlvtr lg 21 SK 32 4 ™1 K F'Flo»t SlCoe 7.175 )s stein Roe Fds: Dart Ind .300 137 50 <9 Am - J* RCA I 418 36 35V. 3SU 1+ ( P - • Pl«l Fnjl 6.37 Dal 19,94 19.94 bonds is exempt from fed- issued. It would appear that timated at close to ?1 bil- OaycoCp 1.14 19 24»* 34 24 — '.« Rcadlnq Co 33 1U* Fjl OaylnPL 1.60 75 24'/* 34V* 24V> — *k RelctlCh ,50 56 12V. 12 12 - .. ? ,eral income tax. Capital the final tax reform bill will lion in the next 30 days. 105 40H 3»V« 40>k - V* RopubSII 2.50 129 34'* 34 34 - U Fnd Glh 5.57 6.09 Stock 14,17 14.17 Docr« Co 2 Foundrs 7.6? 8.62 Sup InGt 6,73 7l39 34 11 37Vi 37V* -Ht Revlon I 53 65H tiV, UVi - 1/4 Dealer Inventories of unsold DelMntt 1.10 45 32*k 31 3U*-'/« ReynMel 1.10 Foursq 10.8711.88 SuplnSt 9.46 10.37 DeltoAIr .40 45 32« 31 3Uk ReynMel 1.10 70 i-1 new and older bonds accord- 110 "3 17Vi 17W Wi + V. ReynTot) 2.40 175 45Vi 44V, Franklin Group: Syncr Gt 10.6811.67 1 40 1" 20M 30Vi M'.i + 1J Roon Sol ,85g 240 61 5'« Com St 6.54 7.17 TMR Ap 19,44 21.39 ing to the Blue List totaled v DrlTC 9.71 10.44 Teachrs 9,6410.06 DelSleel O 45 m\ 111 1"1 - V' i HohRohr CCp 8.800 2 33 34 331* BANKAMERICARD 113 19W 18** !B*t — '» RoyCCola .54 61 tl'i 12'/.13 + V Utll 5.93 6.50Techncl 6.13 4.70 Bunk Reorganization around $610 million. Banks, DloSham \M J 15V) 15W 15'/l — V* Royal Dill 3d 194 39' i 39 3914 + V Incom 3.05 2.25 Tcchvst 7.89 7.B9 DlllcnCo .S4b Freodm 8.00 8.74 Technol 7,14 7.78 as a result of their various DKney ,3Ob 46 U4Vi 123 123 Royol Dut wl 4 3»'l 39>,i 391,4 +11/ 70 Wt 15!* I5»t - Vi RyderSys .50 47 in 471k Fd IrMut 10.0210.02 Temp Gt 24.19 24.44 Dlverslnd .36 J pressures, have reversed 25 44 45'/4 45 ,i Sofewoy 1.10 76 25 24'i 2!'. — IkFund Am 9.5310.40 Towr MR 6,47 7.07 DomeMIn .10 Gen Sec 10.0710.07 Tran Cap 7.35 7.99 their customary role as buy- DowChm 3.40 149 6SU 68 681k - U StJoiLd 1.80 29 37Vi 36V. 36',i - V* Plan h Approved Glbrallr 14.1714.17 Trav Eq 9.80 10.71 pressind 1.40 127 24 331* 2311 — Vi JtLSonF 2.40 12 391k 39 39 — >k ers and have been unloading DukePw 1.40 19 W* 28'i 39Vk - Vi StReglsP 1.60 129 351* 34(k 34>k - U Group Sec: Tudor Fd 15,7117.17 duPont 5.35o 191 104'/. 102 102>k —1?* Senders .30 71 24!k 33>* 23^-11* Aero Sc 1.34 9.01 TwnC Gt 4,38 4.68 NEWARK - A plan of re- that date the shareholders municipals from their hold- CuqU l.ee 137 231* 33'* 32'/i - '-4 SoFoInd 1.60 530 231k W] 71V, + Ik Com St 11.8413.94 TwnC Inc 4.43 4.B4 FJI Ad 8.31 9.09 Unit Mut v,9310.85 organization, under which of First National State Bank Dyna Am .40 16 10'i 10 10 — 'i sonFelnl .30 95 32". 30 311k +1!* ings. A recent $75 million EOJlAIr .37p 135 15'/) 15V. 15''. — Vi Schcnley 1.40 14 2l?k 21'/i 2Hk - V4 Grlh Ind 21.34 31.34 Unlld 9.13 9.98 First National State Bancor- will become the shareholders New Jersey bond issue, held EosKodok la 324 76'i 76 74 Schcrlng .80 141 57'.'i 55Vi 57 +1 Gryphn 15.3916.82 United Funcli: EolonYo 1.40 105 42 41'* 41W — Vk SCM Cp .401) 141 221k 22 ~ 33.68 23.68 Accm 6.98 7.63 poration would be established of First National State Ban-, back by its 6 per cent inter- EGt\G .10 66 22 21'/) 21'i - U SCOA Ind ,60 10O \n\ 14 14'.i - 1* Hnmlllon Incom 13.31 14.55 as a bank holding company, corporation. EIPasoNG 1 165 17H 17 17!i — \"i Scott Paper I 87 34U 331* 3Ht - HFI 4.42 4.13 Sclen 7.83 8.55 est ceiluig, was withdrawn s EllroCo 1.20 24 2K* 24 * 26H - ') SbCLInd 2 20 28 341k 33'4 3)'. + 1 Gth 8.82 9.44 UFd Can unavall has been approved by the The bank has announced by that state's treasurer, But AT THESE COOPERATING EmerElec I 155 SW* 571* 57'i + Vi Scarl GD 1.30 591 441* 45 —3!Hanovr 1.36 1.41 Value Line Fd: EndJohn ,l!p 14 20'i 20'. 20', ...... ScarsR 1.20a 213 61'i 67!i 4«',k • Harbor 8.42 9.43 Vol Lin 7.41 8.13 federal comptroller of the that it is intended that Ban- response to tax-exempts car- Esstxlnl 1.20 72 ]4»* 35'/) 35V) — '. Shell Oil 2.40 14.5315.88 Inccm 4,90 5.37 311 43>k H&c Uv currency, it was announced Ethyl Cp 14 ». „•- 141' Ti ll-«U-« Spl Sit 7.07 7.77 corporation operates as a rying 7 per cent rates has 7B 13'/) 23U 23'. — li Shell Tr 1.30a edb Gor 124 EvonsP .60b 119 42W 41',i 41',. — 14 sherwnWm 2 w ' 11 ' Ji i it " »-24 VnccS spl 7.60 8,52 by First National State Bank registered bank holding com- been better with acceptance RED BANK STORES Evershorp 35 26».k 24 2,1 . . . SlcinctlCa 1.20 23V.. 311* 21'k Z lj ""%' I!-?! 13.05 Vandrbt 7.65 B 34 FolrcKC .50 164 I4V4 B2'i 82V. —l'i SlnperCo 2.40 2.B4 3.10Vangd 5.47 5.99 of New Jersey. pany under the federal Bank running about 75 per cent. Fair Hilt .ISg H Mann 15.34 15.91 Var IndP 4.72 5,13 91 14V. , 13'i 14H Smith KF 2 52 Si* !o?* Holding Company Act of 1956. MILLER SHOE COMPANY '. ...Broad StrteT Fonsteel Inc JJ 12'/* 12V) 12Vi - Ik SCarEG 1.19 Hubsmn «,34 6.93 Viking 6.77 7,36 Shareholders of First Na- With rumor}s of further boosts Fodders .40 IS Glh 5.26 5.75 WL Morg 10.06 10,99 15S J2 30U 3Ui + '•', SouColg 1.40 42187 30!k 29'* 29»'i — V In accordance with that in the prime rate of circu- REEDS JEWELERS Broad Strert FedOepiSIr 1 144 V'A 36'. 37 — 1* South Co 1.20 ~ i? ISI inc 4.31 .1.71 WollSt In 11.35 12.40 tional State in October ap- Flltrol 2 213 2V. 24H * 6 33»k 33 33 — 'i SouNGos 1.40 J9 43' j 42',4 ill' ~ 1! Imputi r 8.76 9.5?Wo', sou RV i.ioc 61 43 42'4 1 plan, under which the bank SELDIN'S JEWELERS Brood Street Fllntkote 1 if ,, Inc FdB 6.44 7.28 Whllotlll 14.40 15.74 20 32W 32V) 33V) — '* Soartans 15q 31 21»i 21 1 the Warren County National Flo Pow I.«0 <\ ~ * Indcpnd 9.74 10.61 Wlncn Fd 8. "; .".78 tion's tight money policy, the 210 47V* AiM 47 + '. SpcrryR ,47o 6«7 38H 36V* will become a wholly-owned RED BANK TIRE CO /..Shrewsbury AYMU* F'nPowL! 2 ?!.. ~ ?' Ind Trnd 143 65 «4'1 t* + '• SqiiarcD .80o 171 2J 21'i 12 4] \3M Windsor 8.93 9.74 Bank would also become municipal nlarket will con- FMC Cp I! 31H - ',; Indstry 4.04 6.60 Wlnflcld 5.53 6.0] subsidiary of Bancorpo- Fi9dFolr W 148 23V) 23V. 33\* — 'k St Brand 1.S0 41 5(Hi 49V495) J a wholly-owned subsidiary of SNEAKER SHOP :....Brood Street 45 19(k 18H I",* - Vi Sti* KolUrrwn 3R ll'i ink InsBk Slk 7.02 7.A7 Wise Fd 7.15 781 ration. Under the plan, share- tinue to be distressed. FordMot .340 mk Inv CoA 12.90 14.10 Vandrbt 7.M 8.3* ForMcKl l» 414 40(t 40 40V, - li stOCal 2.8Cb 448 49V, 4S'.49Vi . - (k First National Stale Bancor- DAISY CHARM SHOP ManmoMrh StlWt 23 271k 27»t 27*k — '', Stnillnd 2.30 317 4"i'i 44'i Inv Guld 9.13 9,13 vanod 5.47 598 holders of the bank will ex- Municipals -i?re written for FrtepSul 1.60 45 -1 Inv Indlc 11,6911.69 Var IndP 4.72 u.i poration. FruehCp 170 2JI 21") 30'A 21'1i + '/. stOIIN.l 3.75a 685 62'k 41H61V) - V, change their shares for an YOUR FABRIC SHOP Monmouth, Street 41 40V» 3»'.i 39V4 — V) StdOIIOh 7.70 7"; Inves Bos 11.6712.75 Vlklna 6.77 7.3S varying term's, with maturi- 77 -2", Investors Group: WL Moro 10.04 in.»9 _ . 51 Porkofilno 53 91k 9V. 9*t - 14 equal number of shares of The plan requires the ap- ties of 5, 10,2J and 30 years ECONO CAR OF RED BANK Newman Spring Rend G • H -1 stou"Ch l.no l»7 3V. 3>:i W, . ... IDS ndl 5.11 5.51 WollSt In 11.311?.4O Mut 9.71 10,56 Wash Mu 11.69 12.78 Bancorporation. proval of the shareholders of A & B GULF SERVICE STATION Shrewsbury Avenue 3- StcrlDrug ,75 40 IMi + 'k common. Odd Slots in tax ex- 30 !6V. 55'. 313 41'.i Proa CAC Cp 1,50 ~ , Stevpnl* J7H, - (k 4.98 5.42Wellgtn 11.17 12.21 229 btl II Stock 18.94 20,61 West Ind 7.41 8.14 the bank in Warren County empts are difficult to dis- GAFCorp 40 SludcWorth 1 65 .tO'i 31'. 39'. -2 RED BANK ANIMAL HOSPITAL Newman Springs Road GomSko 130 25 20!i 20',20!. . — ' Select B.7fl *M Whltehll 14.40 15.74 The effective date of the J Sun ON lh 31 4]l'i and of the comptroller of the Council .48 xl 26>4 26'.. 2s i - « j Var Py 7.78 8.40 Wlnco Fd t.K ".'8 pose of even in a good mar- LE VINTAGE ' The Moll SurvyFd ,80o 1»3 71'. , 7 exchange will be Jan. 15. On GenDyriom I 191 26!. 25'261. ) +lll i «-k Inv Resh 4,»6 5.42 Windsor 8.93 9.76 currency and other federal ket. In view otthe Unsetled Cti Lice 2.60 701 771i 7)M S«i 2« I' BAYNTON'S CARPET & TILE West Front Street w.t -K,; 10 ' Istel 21.34 22.00 WlntlelH S.W 6.H1 Gen Fds 3.60 42 8U« 8O',i 111. + V, ""••"•• " U'i 261k • Ivesl H.w W..1I wise Fd 7.15 7.81 regulatory authorities. conditions of today's resale C.1 Mills .18 61 34!. 33'. 33'. —1!> Ivy 8.07 8.07 Worth 2.78 3.03 GOLDIN'S MEN'S SHOP : Brood Street 6.1.Mol 4.30g 741 481. (MV) 46V)-U. T.U-V IFF Declares Cash, J J Hncock 8.21 K.02 G JJUt l.ou 19* 23 . 22!. 23'. + U TompoEl .76 29 22V) 22V. 22'4 + Vk Johnstn 21.13 21.13 TAFSUN'S SHOES Brood Street G rol El I.S2 496 301. 251t 2?!. + \i Tektronix 13 1 Slock Dividends 125 171; 17,. 17'. - \, Tclcdync !'< 68 '. - V. Gc.i lire Ib 351k DECOR HOUSE .-.....! The Moll Genesco 1.60 37 21 271i 27'. - li Tenncco 1.J2 220 21'. 193 itVi in, Af'.a- '. Texaco 1.60 21',:, 21!'.- '-. . 2c. _ n tors of International Flavor: SILVER JEWELERS Brood Street Gillette 1.40 114 4!'/) 47!* 4Hk + Ik Tcxailnst 80 431 20»k 19V. 19'.. - 3k NEW YORK (AP)-Whole- Ccn Alden 117 8 7!> Vi .. . TcxP Ld ,45a 232 IH'J & Fragrances have declare THE BAG TREE, INC The Mall Global Morln 103 19 17* )7>i -IV. Textron M 24 16") 14 16 — sale egg offerings increased. a 2 per cent stock divldem tiodrlcti 1,72 582 301k 29'. 29V) - *i Thlokol 48 143 3S'/i 551* 25?i- THE HORSEY SET, INC ; Tho Mall Goodyear .15 271t - '/, TlmesMIr ,50 133 10',. 10"j 101* - Demand fair yesterday. as well as a quarterly casl GiOCcCo l.iO 231 28'/) 271k 27 - ',. Tlmk RB 1.80 31 W, 39 3»*- BASKIN'S FABRIC FAIR Brood Street GranlleC Sll 104 J/'/, 27 11!* — V. ToddSho 1.20 43 381k 2BV4 !8Vi ... Wholesale selling prices dividend of 12.5 cents per C onilV 1.40 144 12'. 11'. 471) - U TrnWAIr ,50p 1 34',i 34". • • based on exchange and oth- ABBEY MEN'S SHOP Brood Street Gl A1P 1.30 86 47Vj 26 ...... Transmr ,50b 311 23'/) 2)1* 21!, - U share on the common stock o C Nor Ry 3 65 26 25!. 278 25'/. 25'* 2«k - ?t er volume sales. the corporation. The stock d WIGGIE'S, INC Broad Street C West Flnl 72 41'. 3i>t 3 '4 —1 Transltron 42 6'/* 61* 61* - Vi O.iV.iUnit .90 279 33 221t 22'» + V. TrlCont 3.47n 42 31'/. 313* 311k - Ik New York spot quotations vidend, payable at the rate o ELLIS OFFICE SUPPLY Monmouth Street GrcenGnt .94 18 3] 32'. 32'.4 -P.. JJ!W Inc 1 Ill 37 35],4 37 + Vi 8 27! 27V] follow: one share for each 50, wl' G.cyhound I 5 271) - V. TwenCnt ,50p 194 16V, 15',4 H'l — Vi COLONIAL FLOWERS , East Front Street GrummnCp 1 232 16 i 16'. 16'. - ii UAL Inc 1 232 27'/. 27 3A. - !* Standards 60-63. C Oil 1.50 15 25' 25?« 26 — V. UMC Ind 72 52 IVi 1515M MIV, — M be paid Jan. 19 to holders o: MONMOUTH STREET CHEVRON STAT'ON Monmouth Street 990 2)'. 1 G'J.,StoUt .96 28'i 29 /. +1 Un Carbide 2 411 36'-% 36 36". - 1.4 Whites: Fancy large 47 record Dec. 23. Cash will bi 129 21',, 20V) 21 Un Elcc 1.30 17V. + Vk POOR RICHARD'S MEN'S BOUTIQUE ....West Front Street 344 16'; 128 17V. 17 OiWIn .40a "17'." . 17!. - '. UnOIICal 1.60 349 3!'l 34 34 -1 lbs. min. 64-66. Fancy med- paid in lieu of fractional Holllhurl 1.05 115 551k 54 54'/) - ?k Un Poc Co 2 141 IVi 42 43 - V, HAROLD'S RADIO & ELECTRIC Broad Street Harris Int 1 12 741k 73V73',) ) — V, UnlonPocll 2 41 3»'/i 375431V. — Ik ium 41 lbs. average 61-62. shares. The cash dividend o: HcclaMna .70 54 21 271, 11'/. - Vk RED BANK YOUTH CENTER Broad Street 93 3J 32'/i 27V) — V, Unlroyol .70 166 18'.; IB". Fancy smalls 36 lbs. average 12,5 cents per share will be Herein l.20p 33 + Ik UnltAlrc 56 39',k 39V* 39V. - ',* HtwPock .20 23 Wl 101V. 101". -Vi Unit Co .700 13 10V) 1014 10V. - V, 5J-51W. paid Jan. 9 to holders of rec LOVE LANE TUXEDO SHOP, INC West Front Street HoernWal .90 7 24>.« 24V, 24',. + V. Un Fruit 1.40 10 43 41 41 —2 HOi'f Electrn J6 9'. «i 9'i — V. Unit MM 1.30 64 27V, 27 27 - »k Browns: Fancy large 47 ord Dec. 23 and represents ai RAINBOW HARDWARE & SUPPLY Broad Street Hoildylnn .30 164 41'^ 40?t 40!'. — Ik USGypsm 3o 43 n 62V> 65Vi - ". HollySug 1.20 126 21!. 2Hk 2Ut .. US Indust .45 107 25V, 25 35V* + 1* lbs. min. 65. Fancy medium Increase of 25 per cent ovei SURRAY LUGGAGE Broad Street Homcslke .40 110 171k 17 17 — Vi USPIvCh .84 4a ]!«, 3H* 3m _ *k 41 lbs. average unquoted. _tlie previous quarterly rate. H w.'l 1.20 72 141H 147H 147V. - V, US Smell ll> 76 38V, 361* 37 -t« HluschF 1.10 3W 4111 40Vi 41 - Ik IIS Steel 2.40 401 34't, 33"i HPU5XP 1.12 42 3?". 38V. 39',4 +1 UnlvO Pd .10 22V 23Vk 23!* + It TO GET YOUR BANKAMERICARD Hiwmet .70 108 24',i 23'/. . 34 + 4* Uilnhn 1.60 234 52'/. 57 fVt ... innlioPw 1.60 30 30'/. 30Vj 30V) - ',1 vorlan Asso 3S4 27V. 24V) Ideal Basic 1 137 II 10V, 10(t - V. vnnrtn Co .40 30 """ 15". APPLY AT ANY MEMBER MERCHANT III Cent 1.14 27 2I',4 27". 27V. ~1'« vaEIPw 1.12 161 21',* 21V. 21V. - Imp Co Am 120 13',* 12'/) 121* - H INA CV 1.40 213 31 30H 3011, -Hk w-x-v-z or IngerRond 2 37'/, In'ond Stl 3 165 271* wi Ji'/l-V.'WurLorn 1.10 202 7JVi +1 InlfHkSt 1.B0 35 I9!k IW4 Professional 40 26V* 25V. 25'/. - '/, Wos Wot 1 38 IBM 4 JM 358 353'i 353'. -4>,4 WnAIr L ,50p 151 .. 17'/. + '.. ANCHOR YOUR SAVINGS TO . .. IntMorv IM 196 24!* 24V, 24H - V, Wn Bane 1.30 58 401k 391440 - ',* In'Mlntr 25p 163 12'/. 11»/4 \1 , WnUTel 1.40 67 441. 43)k4Jlk — 1. Int Nick 1.30 311 43'/'l 42N 427. - '/• w.« 181 54'/. 54 V. 54". - !. int Pon 1.50 l»4 3W) 3?vJ jUI — il Weyerhsr ,80 78 40r. 40 40 - >. MIDDLETOWN BANKING COMPAIMV Int T%T l.M S327 SV/i 54V, 54(k -n, Wtilrl Cp__l.*O 30 SB!. SB 58Vt - i, Int T*T I 327 i ' 2)!. - :, Iowa Betf 7» 35 3St Hn.llDk Him Olllc. towia ISO 40 46Vi 45'/) 45!'. — 1 Zcnillili 1.40 197 35'.. 3.1'31. ' loluiMan 1.20 201 M 291k m, -I Copyrighted by The Associated Press \1t1 -THE DAILY BEGISTEH. Ml) BANK • MIDDLETOWN. N. J.i WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1969 Mayor Joins Watqr Plant Project Foes HIGHLANDS - Mayor approved by the mayor and site for a treatment plant — objectors now oppose test hotel and tavern at 231 Bay Council denied motions by Council unanimously pointment. Mr. Dempsey's all councilmen, but opposed James T. White and the a site priced at $112,000 in borings in the swampy site, Ave., was found guilty of Freehold attorney Howard W. adopted a resolution author- term begins at once and runs by HOT and others in the Atlantic Highlands near the Highlands Outraged Tax- estimated to cost $24,000. serving alcoholic beverages Kushner, representing the izing a $25 Christmas bonus three years, Mayor White ex- audience. Highlands line. payers (HOT) stood togethen Other protesters warned of to a minor and selling them tavern owners, who sought for all full time borough em- plained. The new assessor re- Provisions Deplored gigantic costs for pilings on for off-premises consumption places Albert Emery, whose last night in opposing an or- Last month objectors scored dismissal of both charges for ployes. Though the ordinance was location of the treatment which the sewage plant, they on a Sunday. The tavern lost term expired earlier this dinance authorizing automa- insufficient evidence, F. Earl Dempsey was con- not up for public hearing, plant on the borough line. say, will Jiave to be built. its license for 15 days on the firmed as borough tax asses- year. Benjamin Gruber, borough tion of the borough water Mrs. Whitney and Mrs. Flan- The regional authority has Tavern Penalized Sunday sale charge and 30 sor by a 3 to 2 vote, Council- Mayor While also appointed plant at a cost of $22,000. nery deplored the provisions agreed to move it back 650 After a hearing by Borough days more on the charge of attorney, handled the case men Vaughan and John F. Herbert Hartsgrove to a va- in the measure for a specific The mayor cast the lone feet into Atlantic Highlands; Council, Victory House, Inc., selling to a minor. for the borough. Bahrs voting against the ap- cancy on the Planning Board. vote against the measure, adopted 4-1 after public hear tag. Mr. White opposes automa- • tion of the water plant until BUTT HALF council has had a chance to LEAN "CITY CUT" FRESH SHANK HALF consider the possibility of selling the utility and turning it into a tax ratable while at c the same time solving the Ib. problem of replacing water HAMS 59f 69 mains up to 60 years old. LANCASTER BRAND BONELESS QUARTERED SLICED PORK LOIN _- Opposes Bonding Cross-Rib Roast i c Pork Chops ib.7o

HOT, represented by chair- LANCASTER BRAND CHUCK - - LANCASTER BRAND A_. man Mrs. Pauline Whitney IC C and vice chairman Mrs. California Roast , 69 RibSteak *.97 Marge Flannery, objects tc LANCASTER HAND (3 LBS. OR MODE) __ FIRESIDE BRAND _ ~ floating a $22,000 bond issui Ground Chuck. ib 75 Sliced Bacon =. .^79

in,a poor bond market to fi LANCASTER BRAND _ft SLICED TO ORDEK IN OUR DEU. DEPTS. . . nance an automation project BUTTER BEST U.S. GOV'T. INSPECTED LANCASTER BRAND Beef Arm Roast n, 79 Turkey Roll ».,49' which admittedly doesn'1 SELF-BASTING, guarantee to solve the bor- GRADE "A" OVEN READY GRADE "A" OVEN-READY oughs rusty water and low GRADE"A" 20-LBS, AND UP 20-LBS. AND UP pressure woes. 20-LBS. AND UP Mrs. Whitney charged that water rate collections would There are two "almost triple" if meters were kept in repair and proper track kept of water accounts. Thus there would sides to every 1 ib. Ib. be no need for automation of 17 TO 20-LBS. 10 TO 16-lBS. 17 TO 20-LBS. IO TO 16-LBS. 17 TO 20-lBS. 10 TO 16-lBS. the plant to save the $12,000 annually. Councilman Ernest C C C C meat purchase ... F. Vaughan, chairman of pub- lic works, says the project Ib. 39 43 Ib. 43 45 49 , 55 SEE-THRU MEAT TRAYS LET YOU SEE BOTH will save. h The four councilmen voted SIDES QF THE MEAT YOU BUY AT ACME MARKETS. for the measure in the belief All Acme Markets carry a complete selection of Boneless Turkey Roasts, Game Hens, Ducks, Turkey ,it would be folly to go through Breasts, Roasting Chickens and Self-Basting Butter Best Turkeys. another summer of rusty water and low pressure. A measure introduced ap- WHY PAY MORE FOR MAYONNAISE? proving a contract between the borough and the Atlantic Highlands - Highlands Re- 32- gional Sewer Authority was Hellmann's jar i New Study CHUNK WHITE TUNA — SAVE 19C ' • Set on Light MARKETS In Red Bank Chicken-Sea Tuna TRENTON - The state De- PINEAPPLE-GRAPEFRUIT—REGULAR OR PINK partment of Transportation u. has agreed to reinvestigate $ the need for a traffic signal at Riverside Ave, and Allen GREEN Place, Bed Bank. STAMPS Christmas In a letter to Jack Bryan, Del Monte Drink 4 1 -.borough, clerk, the depart- ^SAVE 28= — COMPARE' ment said it would reexamine is only a few the need for a traffic control device at the corner, which has been the scene^of many accidents, including a fatali- ty. Del Monte Peas 5 95 S&H books away Robert J. Nolan, supervis- BIRDS EYE FROZEN — SAVE 27C ing engineer of the traffic EXTRA SSH Irt A EXTRA S&H IE AA bureau, wrote Mr. Bryan that STAMPS IUU STAMPS Iff Oft EXTRA S&H the traffic operation section with purchase of two 3g (JU STAMPS with purchou of 3-Ibi. Collectors Set SI.Z9 e=*l<= of the department has been QTPDCA S1*"3 with purchase of any ten Instructed to look into the GROUND reed for traffic control at Tasti Fries RECORDS ii ORANGES BEEF the intersection. LOW PRICES PLUS S&H STAMPS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT'. or Two Ricord Ctrryini Cisn oj^=> «.d»™bi.fc»5oi.,D«.jo.i™. However, he said, "be- cause • of the many such in- COMPARE 1 SAVE AT ACME1 LANCASTER BRAND FROZEN vestigations which are pend- Log Cabin Syrup 2lr 57C Turkey Slices.. ...'&$l 59 FOIL OR PAPER 30-INCH WIDE ing we cannot give you any Christmas Wrap. definite date upon which our AUNT JEMIMA ' LANCASTER BRAND FROZEN • FOIL OR PAPER '30-INCH WID. _ Investigation will be com- Cheeseburgers.... A Pancake Mix. e EXTRAS&H EXTRAS&H EXTRA S&H plete, but we will do what LANCASTER BRAND FROZEN BUTTERED _ Christmas Wrap...... E.98 QUALITY AT A LOW PRICE! STAMPS STAMPS- STAMPS with purchase of we can to expedite it." FANCY QUALITY, Jl,2i VALUE! ._ with purchase of Ideal Flour Beefsteaks Z (our pkgi. Ideal ex with purchase of lix Mr. Nolan said that when two jars Ideal 1-cup casseroles or any WHOIE KERNEL OR SUNSHINE CRACKERS ft Christmas Cards ^69° the investigation is complete ? CAKE two items Golden Harvest lE'AD.FOIL OS «||« DRY ROASTED a report will be prepared and Ideal Cream Corn.... 5-79° Chcez-PleezCrackers.. 3 F^ MIXES OVENWARE submitted to the borough. PIECES AND STEMS M tA IDEAL WHITE _ Metalized Tinsel & Iv NUTS Whole Potatoes...... 8- LARGE SIZE, A5ST. CHRISTMAS COLORS *_ »AC Ideal Mushrooms,..... 4 ™'l Stick-On Bows 25F 98 NATURAL .— COMPARE ACME'S LOW PRICE ' .« Guilty Plea C 9 e GALA GIFT , >aAC. Kraft Swiss Cheese &47 Listerine Antiseptic £r89 Curling Ribbon «79 FROZEN CAKE SUPREME FRESH IN POLY BAGS _ - _ mummmmv, Entered In WITH DECORATED CANDIE HOLDER, 9-IN. FLOCKED • . 19 EXTRAS&H EXTRA S&H Sara Lee Struessel Pullman Bread 0 =« 95 Christmas Candle «... I STAMPS ~ STAMPS with purchase of with purchase of SE with purchase of (wo Checks Case $2.00 or more 2 pkgi. or more Christmas ota Lancaster Brand Frozen Open Mon. & Tues., De<. 22 & 23, 1969, SAY MERRY CHRISTMAS FREEHOLD - John R. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. With a fine gift of food! CHRISTMAS WRAPPING Lally, 210 First Ave., Asbury CONVENIENT or one Lancaster Sliced Park, has pleaded guilty be- Open Wed., Dec. 24, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Acme Gilt Certificates ore available in S10-, CANDIES PA PFD $5., and SI denonnnahoni and may be TURKEY WITH GRAVY S fore Monmouth County Dis- HOLIDAY HOURS: Closed Christmas Day, Dec. 25th, 1969. trict Court Judge Thomas L. redeemed in any Acme Market Yaccarino to two charges of Perfect tor Holiday Entertaining! issuing forged checks, ' "Make a Hit with the Music-Lover on your Christmas'Gilt List! 5M9i5ie9j35fe^^^WOO0WPi)lt3*BS He will be sentenced Feb. G. GOLDEN HARVEST BAKE N' SERVE Lally admitted issuing a COLLECTOR'S SET RECORD ALBUMS EXTRA S&H EXTRA S&H Qf| EXTRA S&H forged check for $91 to the OVENWARE STAMPS STAMPS VV STAMPS with $1 purchaie Lincroft branch of the Keans- with purchase of any o>'<=> with purchase of CHOOSEFROMTHIS DISTINGUISHED SERVICE or more any two 1 -Ib. pkgi. burg - Middletown National VIRGINIA LEE gg Bank last Aug. 21 and anothpr AT SAVINGS UP 50% PLUS AN EXTRA BONUS CHRISTMAS TREE, WREATH, SPRAY or % IDEAL forged check, for $84 to the EACH. ALBUM, A $4.9«8 VVALUE! only OF 100 SSH STAMPS WITH COUPON AT RIGHT! FRUIT m First Merchants National CENTERPIECE S CAKE g| MARGARINE Bank, Asbury Park, the next day. Both checks were the property of Arnold Ansell, 419 LOOK WHAT 39° WILL BUY! Bendermere Ave, Interlakcn. Assistant Prosecutor John GENUINE RUSSET A. Petlllo acted for the state C c and Deputy Public Defender William J. Gearty represent- IIANJOU PEARS 2 „ 39 110 OFF 165° OFF 125° OFF ed Lally. U.5, FANCY CALIFORNIA FRESH purchase of 32-01. btl. BAKING POTATOES C 10 Mclntosh Apples 3 £ 39 Pitted Dates Z7 39° TIDE JOY IARGE LARGE SIZE FANCY Gurkhas' Fund Pushed C C DETERGENT LIQUID Tangelos 12to 39 Brazil Nuts £ 39 SINGAPORE (AP) - The Peltit-abli iSru Sot. Dtt. ?O, 1*49. SNOW WHIIE DROMEDARr Gurkha Welfare Appeal is 1 C campaigning for ?2.5 million Mushrooms ,». 39 Chopped Dales... X 39 to help the toucsh little sol- diers from Nepal who have servnd the British military c for 150 "years. It says that by BEECHNUT GERBER DURKEE CAKE & 20 OFF LABEL 1371 only about fi.OOf)Gurkha s wiUjrenialn in the British ar- COOKIE DECORATIONS my but the number of ex-srr- BABY FOOD BABY FOOD SECRET SPRAY vicemen and their dependents STRAINED, JUNIOR STRAINED JUNIOR CHOCOLATE RED & GREEN SUGAR CRYSTALS will soar to 125,000. FANCIES COCONUT FANCIES DEODORANT NON-PAREILS CINNAMON HEARTS Color TV for Idlers 7-or. Ic can SAN JUAN, P. R. (AP) - blls. 29< 99- Flight color television sets are i\5 being installed at a cost of $3.41)11 in prWic plains far the Idlers, most of them elderly ')enchwarmcrs. WEST LONG BRANCH—Route 36 and Broadway FAIR HAVEN—576 River Road LINCROFT—Newman Springs Road at Hurley Road •THE DAILY REGISTER, BED BANK-MIDDIETOWN, N. J.J WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1969

kicker Jan Stenerud, who has By JStKE RATHET a defensive unit that has been Aaron Brown has taken hold susceptible to another blow while the 5-9,190-pound Gar- • pttMA of Few Parts) overhauled since the Chiefs as Mays' running mate at end that could mean trouble. rett and McVea, a 5-foot - 9, set a pro record for most con- . NEW YORK (AP) - When played in the first Super Bowl and Curly Culp has moved in The back-up quarterback is 180-pounder acquired in a secutive field goals and call Cwch Utnk Strain analyzes tliree years ago. al a tackle spot. Willie Lanicr AFL Playoff Mike Livingston, a sophomore trade with Cincinnati, provide put points on the board any- of considerable talent and lim- his K»ns»s City Chiefs he us- " Job Complete lias become the anchor at the deception operating be- time the Kansas City attack ually talks about his multiple It is the completion of that middle linebacker with Jim Prospectus ited experience who may hind a massive line from the dfease and how he treats it overhaul job that has been Lynch at an outside' post and have more physical attributes multiple formations. bogs down inside the opposi- like his wife, always cloaking largely responsible for pulling Jim Kearney, Emmitt Thom- than Dawson but, naturally The line, led by 6-foot-8,270- tion 50. as and Jim Marsalis moving enough, lacks some of the If there is one rap against ' it in the latest fashions to daz- the Chiefs into the AFL play- ing influence; indeed has had pound Jim Tyrer, somewhat zle the field. offs against the New York in at defensive, backfield play • callingability. the Chiefs it is that their posts. to be because Strain's multi- camouflages Garrett and Mc- game, the multiple offense But the key to the Chiefs' Jets Saturday. The survivor faceted offense lost some of Balanced-Attack Success this season — and lakes on the Oakland • Hous- Marsalis was the last addi- Vea in their initial move- with its complexities, tends to tion, coming out of the draft its shapeliness when quarter- While Dawson is the key in- ments, enabling them to consequently their chances in ton winner in the champion- back Len Dawson suffered a become a problem to handle the American Football ship game Jan. 4. this year and taking his spot dividual figure, the Chiefs spring away for the long-gain- when the club falls behind and slightly torn knee ligament have proven the AFL's most League playoffs en route to Only four defenders arc left in a secondary that intercept- ers. Garrett, in particular, they find it difficult to impro- ed more passes than any oth- early in the season. balanced team with the only tilt Super Bowl — is about as from the starting unit that has proved extremely versa- vise sufficiently from the stu- eye-opening as a kncc-lcngth lost to Green Bay 35-10 in er team on a defensive unit The veteran passer, who so ground attack that has gained died game plan. tile as the only player in the black dress in this day of that first Super Bowl — end that over-all allowed the least ably reflects Stram's offen- more than 2,fjbo yards. That It should be noted, however, multi-colored mini-skirts. Jerry Mays, tackle Buck yardage and the fewest points sive designs, has made it ground force consists of league among the top 10 in rugged Robert Holmes and that the Chiefs aren't often For it isn't the well-drilled Buchanan, linebacker Bobby in the league. back to the line-up, but two both rushing and receiving. forced to operate in that situ- weeks ago sat out the Buffa- little guys Mile Garrett and precislonistsr of' Uie offense Bell and safety Johnny -Rob- Steadying Influence In addition, the Chiefs have ation. They are that strong. inson. The other elements So the ugly-duckling defen- lo game after having the knee Warren McVea. who have been the key, but a consistent scoring threat in Next Oakland the strong-Milled members of have moved into place since. sive unit has been the steady- whacked again, and is always Holmes supplies the power Thieving Knicks Are Prey Aggies Drive Of Hawks in Overtime Toward No. 1 . By HERSCHEL NISSENSON tion work together in Syra- By ASSOCIATED PRESS latest team to catch the The trouble started when ball," explained Coach Richie cuse, N.Y. They wrecked Tlie' thieving with their hands in Detroit ended the Knicks' Guerin of the Hawks. "It Associated Press Sports New Mexico with 25 and 19 £ik, who were being the till, beating them 125-124 winning streak by keeping changes their offense because Writer points, respectively, with ud one of the greatest in overtime last night on the ball away from the man their defense makes their of- Collins getting 21 in the Walt Hazzard's free throw Frazier guarded, thus keep- fense." "It feels good to be playing fcftetball teams even one for No. 1 again ... when you second half as the Aggies week, ago, are suddenly find- with 44 seconds left, It was ing the ball away from "They just spread out raced away from a 33-27 half- ing that a life of crime the third straight defeat for Frazier. know you have a chance," more," Frazier said. "All says Coach Lou Henson of time lead. Willie Long paced dfesnt always pay. the Knicks. Strategy Pays Off the losers with 28 points. i After stealing their way to "We'll just have to forget Cincinnati, Soattle, Phila- the teams are doing it now." New Mexico State. The Agies, beaten by Lew Three other members of a National Basketball Asso- about stealing for a while." delphia and the Hawks fol- However, he and his team- 1 ciation record 18 straight vie- said Walt Frazler, New lowed with similar strategy. Alcindor and UCLA in the The Associated Press Top mates are not about to admit last two NCAA Western play- Twenty also saw action. •tories and then a 26-2 rec- York's young, quick-handed The police should have such that they must steal to sur- ord, the Knicks have, run in- guard who led a ball-hawking success. offs, are currently ranked No. Fourth - ranked Davidson to, a; week of crime preven- defense that spurred the "We've used three guards vive. 3 But they continued their trimmed Richmond 98-77. No. 7 North Carolina held off sjHpn that has cost them four early winning spree. "We'll to handle the ball because "The streak was something drive toward the top spot . Mfeats m five starts. just have to rely on other the Knicks place so much im- that just happened," he ex- yesterday with a 91-73 rout Virginia 80-76 and 12th-ranked • ,7 jThe Atlanta Hawks are the things." portance on stealing the plained. "It's a tough league of New Mexico, their sev- Purdue walloped Dartmouth and you can't keep up some- enth consecutive victory. 82-58. thing like that. The fans just "If we had been in an- Doug Cook with 22 points don't realize those things. other reion the last two and sophomore Brian Adrian Colts Run Other teams have good years, my kids think they with 20 sparked Davidson's players, too. We expected to could have made the final 22nd consecutive triumph Past Brick have some kind of a slump, PARDON ME — Purdue's 6-3 junior guard Larry four," says Henson. over Southern Conference op- but that's all it is." Collins, Lacey Lead position, Mike Maloy added "' LINCROFT - Christian Weatherford seems intent on scoring despite the fact In other games, San Diego Leadin the unbeaten Ag- 17 and Jerry Kroll 14. -Brothers Academy opened its that an unidentified Dartmouth player has the spot overcame a nine-point fourth ies against the outmanned Kenny Foster had 22 for Indoor track season with a staked out. The Boilermakers ouhcored Dartmouth's Lobos were Jimmy Collins Richmond, which dropped out quarter deficit and beat Chi- r3JW romp over Brick Town- Indians last night, 82-58. (AP Wirephoto) and Sam Lacey who spent of contention by going four cago 110-101, Philadelphia the summer doing construe- minutes without a field goal : ship here yesterday. crushed Phoenix 141-119, and after pulling to within 20-17. . Brick was able to take only San Francisco turned back North Carolina trailed Vir- three, third places (by Joe Seattle 125-119. ginia throughout the first half ..Shannon in the 60-yard high before six quick points by Lee 'hurdles, Paul Iremonger in In the American Basketball Indict Frank DePaula Eggleston erased most of a •the 880-yard run, and Wayne Association, Los Angeles seven-point deficit. The Tar Cuthbert in the two mile run) edged Kentucky 102-101, Heels took the lead for good 81 the powerful Colts took Washington blasted Carolina at 52-50 on two free throws by 1 «very,. first In the nine-event 135-114 and Indiana nudged In Fight Fixing Probe Jim Delaney. meet and swept six. Dallas 103-104. Carolina's Charley Scott led all scorers with 23 points, CM 01) — Rrlrli Tup. (3) New York (l!l) Atlanta (lit) NEW YORK (AP) - Light Teddy Brenner, Garden Wytrii hltfi hurdlen — 1. P«ul O I' T OFT ing at least one contract with Purdue ran off 21 straight JUnglun-II* (OKA) :M: 3. Andy Harriott 8 8 21 Hudson 7 7 21 KOppolt . professional boxing. fights. knockout in the first round. SSA-yim run — 1. Mike Htrl 90 2< 12< 51 23 123 ganie high 18. The Boiler- Q9A) 2:10; 1. Ou> Buckow (CIlAi; Atlanta 23 28 27 28 12-1! Named in a perjury indict- Tiger, Benvenuti and the . PLU! Irtmongcr (Brick). He went down three times in makers again played without 1• Two-mi'* run — t. Tim O'Murt New York ...... 31 28 28 30 11-124 ment with him was an ad- latter's manager, Bruno Ama- the injured Rick Mount, who • (DBA) 10:09; 3. Phil Hlnck (CBA); Fouled out—Atlanta, Bridget. New the round. The next morning, 1 Wiynt cuthbtrl (Brlckl. York, Frailer. Total (ouln-Atlanla mitted gambler, James "Jim- duzzi, have appeared before is expected back for the «00-y«n! d««rt — 1. Mike Hum- 26, NBW York 25. A—10,500. the indictment said, DePaula . xsiT (CBA) 1:2J.»; !. Sun Durty my Nap" Napoli, 57, and Jo- the grand jury, which has not ECAC Holiday Festival in '(CBAI; 3, Oeorje R«lhl»v (CBAI. met with Garafola and Napoli ' Hlrh lump — 1. Pml Maditfn seph "Joe Carlo" Calabro, 44, placed any charges against New York beginning Dec, 27. -•HClBAl 61"; 3. Henry Enrltlirecht NBA Standings a reputed hanger-on in the Elsewhere, North Texas "(CBA); S. Rich Purpurt «$BA>. • them. at the Unicorn restaurant on Shot nut — 1. Div« Welter (CBA) EASTERN DIVISION camp of middleweight champ DePaula, 29, was charged State handed Cincinnati its »'3"; J. lUndy Skopai (CBA); I. W Pol. i.n Manhattan's East Side. Bilry FrUtiOBA). New York 27 S .818 Nino Benvenuti of Italy, with perjury and released in first setback 89-71 in the Mis- Bulllmore 20 11 .643 Big Score Milwaukee 19 13 .594 7 IS The grand jury revealed $3,500 bond for arraignment souri Valley Conference open- Philadelphia 17 15 .531 8'.4 As they were leaving, ac- er for both sides. Joe Ham- Church Cage Cincinnati ...... 14 18 .438 12!i testimony that Benvenuti's next month. Napoli and Cala- Boston 11 17 .393 13(4 manager got together with bro posted bonds of $15,000 cording to testimony taken by ilton and Crest Whitaker split Detroit 12 19 .387 14 the grand jury, DePaula was Loop Expands WESTERN DIVISION Napoli shortly before the each in State Supreme Court. 46 points for the winners. Atlanta :o 11 .645 ' — asked if he had any change Jeff Haliburton pumped in San Kranclico 15 15 .500 4!j champion's loss to Dick Tiger Asst. Dist. Atty. Lawrence FREEHOLD - The YMCA Chicago 18 17 .485 5 last May in a non-title fight Goldman described Napoli as for' the hat check girl. 26 points to lead the Bulldogs I.os Angelo ..., 14 17 .452 6 over Nevada-Reno 101-75 and Church Basketball League Phoenix ,...14 19 .424 7 at the Garden. a Cosa Nostra "chieftain of "You're kidding," DePaula San Dlcgo 11 JO .355 9 6-foot-ll Bill Smith scored 21 has been expanded to include Seattle .- 10 22 .313 101i Benvenuti, a 2VJ-1 favorite, organized crime." The defen- was quoted in reply. "I scored Witterdny'R Hesulls suffered a broken bone in his dant described himself as a points and Bob McDaniel 19 teams from Englishtown, FOUL TREATMENT — New York Knicks' guard Walt Atlanta 125, New York 124, OT today, man, all I got is hun- as Syracuse drubbed West- right hand in the first round. legal gambler, who reported 1 Howell Township, Colts Neck San Diego 110. ohlcatto 101 dreds." Frailer 110) goes up for a shot and is fouled by Boston 117, Dotroi 98 The grand jury then in federal tax returns last minster of Pennsylvania 89-51. and Freehold. Philadelphia 111, Phoenix 119 Wichita State opened its Atlanta Hawks' forward Bill Bridges (32) last night. Sin Francisco 125, Seattle lit launched an inquiry into the year a $110,000 income from The grand jury added that Todnj-'n GHmtf gambling. • Missouri Valley campaign There will be two age divi- Atlanta guard Walt Hazzard is at rear. The Hawks Milwaukee at Boston areas of bribery, extortion, the purse in the Foster-De- with an 82-78 triumph over St. sions, junior league ranging San DIc$o at Detroit Besides his purported con- Paula fight was not divided hung anothar loss on tha Knicks, 125-124, in over- Baltimore at Atlanta loan sharking and gambling Louis as 5-9 Greg Carney hit up to 14 years of age and a Cincinnati at Seattle in the ever-turbulent world nections with Amaduzzi, Na- until 24 hours after the res- time. |AP Wirephotol Tomorrow'i Game three of his 2,1 points in the senior circuit ages 15-17. ,AUanta vs. Chicago at Kansu City of big time boxing. poli also was depicted as mak- taurant get-together. final 43 seconds.

What Ever Happened to the Basketball Bum?

By JONNI FALK the YMCA floor a few nights a week, the very unusual because they usually play on goes into his act in the pivot, Four players I met Freddie First-Ward while Christ- CYO others, the JCC on Sunday, and any the same team, and it is no secret that cut around him as he makes like a pre- mas shopping the other day and, of course, other place that put baskets on both ends there is much money bet on this game. historic Goose Tatum. The refs are watch- my first instinct was to get away from him of the floor. Looking 'Em Over The game goes like most of the games ing the ball and the elbowing on the cuts, because any place you see Freddie First- The true basketball bum owned one go in that era. Slim line drives a set shot but when Freddie tries to do his "shuffle" Ward, a cop or floorwalker can't be far be- pair of sneaks, usually liberated from the refs w.ilch are carrying gym bags. fifth row of seats. goes legit, settles down on thp Shore and much a part of our youth. In fact, wo were the ball .instead of bis feel, liy th.> time When Freddio goes out on the JCC Well, Sliip sinks another line drive and marries Mary Flatback. But that Is an- both bums, and our wives Insist we still anybody can figure nut what he Is up to, floor a little later, he sees familiar bodies Moskow's has the lead, with little time re- other story. •re. he Is under the basket for a layup. How lie wearing the gold of Moskow's Tavern, and, maining. But Freddie still wants to know. What The basketball bum could be found on docs It without dribbling is a mys'ery. of course, it is Deadeye and Slim. This Is The ball comes into Freddie, and he happened to the basketball bum? -THE DAILY HEOSTER, R£D PANK • MIDDLETOWN, N. J,: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1969 Cheyney State Humbles Hawks m By CHUCK TR1BLEH0RV would," said Monmouth coach rone to and from the bench Monmouth to within a point, to bring the Hawks from a Register Sports Editor Bill Boylan. "I said at the be- most of the night after he but Filmore (tap) and Charlie 26-23 deficit to a, 31-26 lead ginning of the year that our picked up his third personal Kirkland (driving hook) made WEST DONG BRANCH - they held until Filmore made inexperience could hurt. It did foul in the first half. it, 43-38. Cheyney State basketball • 4t 35-ail. - tonight, but we played a top- Game Plan Works Then Monmouth manufac- coach Tony Coma made it flight team. While Cheyney experienced Coma said his team's tured its last bid. A jumper a point to compliment Mon- "In general, we hustled all a dry spell of more than four game plan was to keep Ba- by Halicki, Art Smith's free mouth College's fans and offi- around," continued Boylan. minutes, Monmouth canned rone and Ed Halicki in check. throw and Henry Moore's bas- cials on their exceptional its 10: on a Howard Nelson "Even though everything _ "We were able to contain Ba- treatment and facilities fol- ket tied the score for the final basket, a tap-in by Halicki, a went against us, we didn't rone with a 'diamond-and- lowing last night's visit here time with 15:28 remaining. jumper by Smith, two foul come apart." one' defense to keep }iim from by the Pennsylvanians. Boyland wasn't alibying in The Hawks' hopes were foul shots by Halicki and getting the ball. We felt short-lived as Cheyney ran off Unfortunately for Mon- referring to the Hawks' per- single free throws by John mouth College, its hospitality we could win with our re- eight consecutive points for a formance. He meant the Scarfo and Moore. extended to the ball game. bounding advantage after our comfortable lead it never re- Kirkland finished as the Cheyney State capitalized on turnovers and his team's 24 sluggish first half." linquished. The closest Mon- game's high scorer with 17 31 turnovers and horrendous for 74 shooting night, 32 per That's just the way it hap- mouth came after that was, points, while Filmore and shooting by the Hawks for an cent of accuracy. pened. Cheyney State held a 53-48, but another string of six Reuben Daniels each had 16 80-66 victory. Veteran John Barone, the slim 39-36 lead at the half be- built the margin back up to and James Wilson 15 in the "I'd have to say that this only returning starter, expe- fore its height, principal- 11 points. winners' balanced attack. whole demonstration of rienced the worst night oHiis ly seven-foot junior Greg Fil- The contest was tied four Halicki's 14 were best for friendliness is the best I've; career, hitting on only one of more, took its toll on the times in the first half at (7,9, Monmouth. Moore had 12 and seen so far anywhere, high 15 shots from the field, and Hawks. 11 and 35). Filmore took Belcher 10, as nine of the 10 school, college or pro. It's just finishing with just six points, Monmouth was outrebound- matters into his own hands players used freely by *Boy- great," said the visitors far below his 25-point aver- by creating the last knot land broke into the scoring ed, 63-47, as Filmore hauled V first-year coach. age with which he entered the down a game high of 24 car- on a rebound basket. He column. ' " .... Coma wasn't referring to contest. oms. Halicki had 14 for the came back with a pair of Cheyney St. (80) | llonmoutfr A layups for a personal OFF r0 ;>^iS:baU game, but Ms-Qonfr Barone went without a losers. string of six straight for Filmore 7 2 It Hallcki. I 2 11 ' - tftents may have made the 1^. bucket -until r only 4:25 re- Cheyney State shot 41 per Wilton J 6 15 Moora 6 2 a 39-35 Cheyney advantage. Morgan 1 0 2 Belcher* 4 2 DRIVING FORCE — John Scarfo of Monmoiitfi Col- ' cals feel a .little better about mained in ' the game and cent from the field on 33 of Daniels 7 2 16 Barone 1 t .: dropping • their second gaitoe brought his club to within nine 80 and a weak 50 per cent Cheyney's biggest lead in Eldrldice 3 0 6 Henncjsy Oil" legs drives in for a layup under the outstretched de- Kirkland 8 1 17 Smith 3 1 T of Uie'season against four vic- points, 68-59, •. (14 of 28) from the foul line. the first half was five points Oreer Oil Nel»on 121 fensive arm of Cheyney State's Rueben Daniels in Tolh 0 0 0 Miler ,, 0 ft 0 tories. Cheyney State is*i, "He was missing, but what Monmouth was 18 of 24 (75 first at 7-2, then 23-18. Gordon 1)1 Clanton 10 * WIB first, half, of last night's gams in West' Long losinglosing only to Kutztaw'n. made.it/worse was that no per cent) on free throws. Monmouth went out front Robinson 0 1. 1 Scarfo 2 4 J Branch. "We did a lot of (things bet- one else was hitting either," Halicki opened the second for the only time when it put 33 14 80 , '3t 18 66 Cherney St. .., ....3»; - - ter than we thought vVre said Boylan, who. shuffled Ba- half with a hook shot to bring together 10 consecutive points Monmouth ...

Big Blue Warriors Sizzle Purple Roses 'Si With Fourth StraightWin i BELMAR - All Jive start- ,. Unbeaten' Manasquan The Spartans' reserves got with 17 points and almost Pat McCann's chBfjges .-.chalked up its fourth consec- ers broke into double figures launched a burst Which gaVe ; into action in the third period. gave his team the victory utive Shore Conference "B" Brown wound up with 16 last night as St. Rose routed them a 22-7 lead going^iflto B' Division with less than a minute in the •Division victory last night, assists for the game, and Mater Dei, 86-71, for its sec- the second quarter. ! game. fripping- Monmouth Regional, Hlatky used his 6-2 frame to ond consecutive victory with- Paul Norr had five p# ;82-65, to take a commanding pull down 14 rebounds. Mazzaerisi put the Jags Bill Carmody had ftrtirpid lead in the circuit. No other Brace Gerrity and Robbie out a defeat. John" Kerwln, Jim Capiello The Spartans shot 47 per ahead, 60-59 with just under 4eam has better than a 1-1 Jacfeon shared scoring hon- The losing Seraphs, who got and John Marzulla added two cent from the floor while the rmarlf this early in the cam- ors for the Falcons with 15. a minute left. The Bishops a 31-point performance, high each to make up the string. harried Bucs could net My Bud Albert added 12. Restaino brought the ball back down for the game, from Dennis 23 per cent. Hlatky led with The winners widened their had 19 for the Warriors. but missed their attempt to Harfuigton, have won .only '• In other "B" action, Ocean 11 of 20. ; margin to 48-31 at halMne Township racked up Red The game was marred by go ahead. one of four decisions. ' numerous whistles as a total Not Quite for Jax and it was 66-51 headingTpto tBank, 78-45; Asbury Park The Purple Roses broke the of 49 fouls, 31 on Manasquan Huskies Coast the final eight minutes of staved off surprising Jackson Jackson Township showed game wide.open with a run of and 18 on Monmouth Re- its stuff against the Blue P^.. . .:'. 1 Township, 63-60, and Matawan Matawan Regional made it 15 consecutive points to-close l? gional, were called. Mon- Bishops before going down to Carmody finished as, st. '"Regional routed winless How- look easy against Howell, as out the first period. The score mouth made 31 of 46 from the defeat for the first time this Rose's high man witP!22 ell, 91-68. was tied at 7-all when coach foul line. season. Mark Burnup led his team points, but Capiello was right Warriors Sizzling behind with 18. Norr and Mjjr- Spartans Press Bucs with 22 points. Bill Hussey .. Manasquan ran off with its The Jaguars fell back by zulla wound up with 13 and 12, Ocean Township used a full gave the winners 17 more, 4 (fourth "B" Division win by eight points at the close of Shore Y' respectively. Kerwjn added Jumping Monmouth Regional. court press and the hot shoot- the opening period, ljut out- John Mohler added 16, and 10 t The Big Blue Warriors ing hand of-Mark Hlatky to scored their opponentstby five Dave Hall canned 14. - - i trample Red'Bank, at-home. points in the second quarter. Loses First Harrington connected -i •were led by Chip Hirst, who Monmouth Rei. Manasqu Ml field goals and nine Jj'ee Jilt-for 30 points, mostly on The win was the first con- Gary Mazzerisi led the losers (65) (81) O * P ASBURY PARK 4 The throws for Mater Dei. T^n- ference Victory for Uie Spar- • r- a F. r •ipne-handers from outside. ? Jackson Twp. Ge'rrlty 4 7 15 Hint 13 4 30 . mates Tom tenahan and^iil tan$. against qnV:loss. They •0). ,. Artur(My )Park Jackson S 5 15 i Kutz 2 0 4 Shore Area YMCA Swim team The Golden Falcons suf- dip HFC •.•fsaaa't 1 4 6 Kestalno 7 5 19 dropped its first meet to Crowe -each canned 11 j»id are 2-i.oveiafc "-, Archer* 3 3' 9 Ncwklr* 8 1 17' Albert :.3 612 Forrest 2 2 S fered their first loss after up- The Bucs are now also 1-1 Dennis ft 5 15 Henderson 4 3 11 Hutting 1 6 8 Burge 2 3 7 strong Somerset Valley, 116- Jim Daly had 10. : v| Zubch'ok 2 5 9 Lyons 4 19 Haaun'd 0 3 3 Sylvester 2 2 S Mater Dei won the junior setting Ocean Township in in the conference, and D'Ang'lll Oil . .qaltltag 3 0 6 HorowlU 2 0 4 Broege 1 0 2 92, here last week. • r tlieir last outing. 1-2 overall, Bartollnl 3 17 Binaco 10 2 Spencer 1 0 2 Bailey 0 varsity game, 51-ft. Mass'rlsl 8 &17 jaokson 3 l -7 02 6i. The Shore Area swirtimers ' Monmoiith took an early 6-5 Ocean scored'the .'first 13 WoodWd 0 2 2 Parker lill 17 31 83 | Moore 0 0 0 captured nine ': first-place Ualer Dfl 171) St. Koie jM> Jead, but that was the only points of the game and wound 0 F P 19 22 80 27 9 63 32 19 »"> awards in the rtSfet. Jim Lenah'&n 4 3 11 Kenrienrin Sj 4 10 .time it led in the tilt. up with a first quarter advan- Jackson Twj. . » 20 19 12-W Monmouth Beg. ...13 18 17 17—65 Warren swam tp flpst place H'rr'ton Jl 0 31 Carrnody Asbury Park _ 17 15 20 11— 78 Matawan 25 M 15 25-91 Bed Bank --4 8 JO 13—49 bounds. Al Kelly won the Si toe third period. half. Howell -.11 11 25 18—68 Ocean _ ._J8 M 90 14-76 freestyle relay. Headquarters Olympians Admirals Drive, Keys for Bells! j Wo Defend Tkt Blggett MMIISII of Titles bill In Monmoylh Counl^:, ASBURY PARK - Two Shore's Devils Olympians, Bill Reilly of r Henry Hudson gave its For the Panthers, Dave with 12 points, while team- Dceanpprt and Dave Roman- home fans another big game Butler added 13 more to the mate John Sprague added 10. sky of Pennsville, will defend to cheer about as the Ad- winning total. 'Division The Raiders were particu- DM titles in the City of Asbury mirals rolled to an easy 72-57 Shore Regional is now 1-1 larly hot in the opening Park's annual Polar Bear win over Central Regional. in the ".C" Division, tied with period. Quinn notched eight of Track Carnival on the board- It was the fourth straight Point Pleasant Boro had to the Panthers, Central Re- his total and Olsen canned walk Sunday, Dec. 28. win for the undefeated Ad- turn on the steam to over- gional, and Keyport for third mirals, defending "C" place. six of his eight in the initial Reilly, who'ran the 3,000- come a tough Shore Regional champs, and the third in the squad which had built up a The jayvee game went to period. The winners had a 21- meter steeplechase at Mexi- conference. co City, will be shooting for 25-19 halftlme lead. Shore, 32-31. Jim Williams led point total in the quarter. Boro with 13 points, while his third straight triumph in The Golden Eagles suffered The Blue Devils were coast- Mike Waldrop's seven led the Joe Walker scored all of his the boardwalk 5,000-meter their first loss after one win. ing along when suddenly the Devils. 12 points in the final quarter race. Romansky,. who; com-,; In other "C" games, Point Panthers caught fire. Mick for the Rams, and led his peted in the Olympic 50-kilo- Pleasant Boro tripped Shore Hart led the winners with 19 Raiders Paste Rams meter walk, aims for a sec- Regional, 74-65; Keyport points, followed by teammate Keyport's solid pasting of team in the period to a six- ond consecutive 10-mile walk routed Southern Regional, 67- Mike Swigon who connected Southern Regional was a re- point advantage over the title here. 44, and Point Pleasant Beach for 17. sult of well-balanced scoring Raiders. beat Wall Township, 58-51. The meet starts at 1 p.m. The Panthers outscored the on the part of the Red The win gave the Raiders a Admiral Threesome and is expected to • attract Devils,. 22-15 in the third Raiders. 1-1 record in "C", while the some of the East's top dis- The story of the Henry period and then 23-15 in the Three men scored 10 points Rams have slumped to an 0-3 tance runners and walkers, Hudson • Central Regional final stanza to make the dif- for the Raiders. Mike Quinn, mark against "C" foes. contest was pretty well Entries are open to all ama- ference. Art Olsen, and John Bolte all wrapped up in Les Hendricks, teur athletes and blanks are Mark Hampton and Kevin canned 10 for the winnors, I'isi! imum Dennis Earley and Carl Whit- available from the meet IN THE NET — Greg Norflee (21) has his hand in Donohoe shared the scoring while Joe Bennett and Keith ley. The threesome combined chairman, Elliott Denman, the basket, but Ocean Township's Charlie Brown (3) lead for the Blue Devils, both Orr each added nine. Closest tiliisiiiiii, for 53 rebounds and 43 points. 28 N. Locust Ave., West Long" is about to get the ball as Ocean crushed Red Bank canning 16. Keenan Knier- Joe Walker led the losers Hendricks had 19 rebounds racing (o Branch. iem followed his mates at 13. Wnll Twp. (SI) I'l. Ilcnch (.Ml 78-45. Norflee's left h.and looks like it is tweaking and led all scorers with 24 U I" V O V V The first three finishers in Southern ltrg. Kfyport Tnsll 1.13 McKennnn 3 0 6 the nose of John Villapiano (141. points; Earley had 17 re- (44) (01) T'lnnnon 8 4 20 Wlialcy 2 5 9 North Jersey each race will earn trophies bounds and 6 points; and O V V O F P Mcltao 3 17 Bpraguo 0 0 0 (Register Staff Photo) Qrnliain 2 15 1 Bclinnck 2 l r> McQlrr 5 7 17 Bhlplty 5 3 1.1 and medals will go to the next Whitley chipped in with KomKoodi Oi- - l - Quinn 5 0 10 Fluli 0 0 0 Oin 8 0 now thru 12 runners and walkers. Team Bcrplco 0 2 2 Bennett 4 l i) Micklo another 17 rebounds and 13 Smith 3 2 8 Olflen 6 0 11) 10 UB1 Metzger 0 2 trophies are also at stake in Homer 10 2 Orr 1 7 9 Schwartz points. 0 0 0 0 2 lan.31 Hammond Hits 52 for Holy Cross Hanea Carler 2 1 5 Hans 10 2 each race. The Admirals ran off a 6-0 Smith Hollo 3 4 11) Damurjrn 0 8 at Liberty Bell the N.J. Association of the Hammond scored 52 points to points to pace Xavier over game with Earley getting the Sprauge 4 2 10 Flynn 10 2 Wall Twp...... 8 14 13 16—51 lead Holy Cross to a 64-57 win U 10 17 14-58 AAU and is being staged in Georgetown, 39-25. first two Duckets. 17 10 41 25 17 07 Pt. Beach . Race Track cooperation with the- Shore over St. Bonaventure in the. Southern tun...... 7 0 8 20—41 Henry Huilnon PHILADELPHIA After spurts by both teams, Keyport _ ....21 IT IS H-«7 Ontrnl Krg. (73) Athletic Club. The events will opening of tho St. Mary's Ath- St. Joseph defeated Seton 1 the Admirals took full charge Shorn Ktt. (6ft) II V I Hall, 42-36, with Pat Melosh n. Iloro (71) (1 V P ll'niirlclu II) 1 21 be held regardless of weather letic Association basketball and led by 10 to 15 points (i K r a F i' MBtlnX .', 2 12 T. 4 10 conditions. season. taking high honors with 20. Dnnohoo 4 I It Bullor 5 3 13 nariReley 1 2 4 Motlciy ii :i r. throughout the second half. M'C'nv'le 2 5 0 Hart 7 ft 1» KflS'M 7 2 10 llcrtmnnil 0 r> (t Tim Dologhan of Seton Hall Kevin Motley piloted the Knlortem 8 3 13 Tllton 0 0 0 Maiuhr (1 2 u Earley 2 2 (1 Chris Patella hit 33 coun- Mianck 0 0 0 Cavallaro 0 2 '-' Hill n II 0 C. Whitley » 1 la John Daniels Tacoma, Wash., won the ters for St. Bonaventure. was high in the game with 26. Admiral offense from the Jcffroy 1 1 10 Warden 0 0 0 Smtlfort 5 1 11 J. Whllloy 0 0 0 Hampton 4 « U Llcbfrlcd 4 tl fl 24 n ^7 Murray (> i> (i 1060 Pacific Coast League Kurt Kreighbaum had 1(1 Dackcourt and hanged in 15 Honan 0 0 0 Swlgcm C .*> 17 luirnck i) Poii12=30 BigEwagcring Clothier I'arher 0 0 0 Northern Division baseball points as. Fordham knocked points. V. ltllty 0 II Only 70 minutes from North Final entry deadline for the Pall 0 0 II 27 20 74 lirlly 0 3 50 Broad St., Red lank pennant while Eugene, Ore., off St. Peters, 48-34. Bob Robbie Keyes led the Wildrop 0 1 1 llnncoch 0 0 Jersey via N.J. Tnpk. to Exit 6 -Penna. Tnpk. to Exit 28 South • CHARGE IT 30- »• « DAYS took honors in the Southern Smith was high for the Petes 1070 ABC tournament in Knox- Eagles with 16 markers,, and II) 27 (13 28 10 72 Shore Reg. with 13.' . ' .....14 21 15 15—ti Crntr.il lirs 10 It 10 17—57 Ptnni. liw ptohibils admission of mincti Division. ville, Tenn. is Feb. 3,1970. Larry Mattox added 12. Pt. Boro _. —13 16 22 2J-74 Henry HutUnn „ IB 15 27 11—72 -THE DAFLY REGISTER, BED BANK-MIDDLETOWN, N. J.i WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 7069 'Pistol Pete' Awaits the 21st Century

insisted on the perfect play; have demanded By GEORGE SHEEIIAN vlch, almost in the 21st century. And if it game. I mean what are you playing for if does enter that millenium it will be because not for the fans?" the most out of a given situation Witness When the athlete-of-thc-year or the Ted Williams who refused to go for a bad athlete-of-thc-decade awards are decided of players like Pistol Pete. That's enough right there for my vote. It is not only his native ability that Innocent This union of performer and audience pitch no matter what the need, compul- there won't be many votes for Pete Mara- sion or circumstances; who steadfastedly vich. But he'll get mine. marks Maravich. It is his creativity and, can provide an experience that occurs only perhaps even more important, his philos- at very special times. When some one per- disdained to hit to left in order to break '•',• Others have more obvious credentials. Bystander the Williams shift. The history of sport is '•TTie goli decade (il not the whole ball of ophy of sport. To see him play is not forming at the top of his powers in Paul merely to see a performer who does things «/ .*" ' / 'mmsmm Weiss' phrase "instantiates man — provid- filled with these individualists who refused wax) belongs to Arnold Palmer - the first to trim - to resort to minor skills and athlete to amalgamate sports and TV. Bill immeasurably well but also to see the crea- no longer interested But how about a !)e- ing a glimpse of what one might be were tor of these movements and patterns. He one to operate at the limit of bodily capa- give less than a virtuoso performance. Russell, , , Vince hind-the-back bounce pass on the move LATTER DAY HUCK FINN Lombardi and many others, you name them, is not merely the dancer but the choreog- occupations. Other athletes tolerate fans. city." At such times it is easy to remember rapher as well. Some revile them. Maravich says, "The that complete comes from the Latin com- But Maravich, a latter day Huck Finn, could epitomize the past decade or year. petere - to come together, to agree, to has sensibilities of a higher order. His view ATHLET1* OK FUTURE And he dispenses these talents accord- through a guy's legs? Worth at least a two- ing lo his concept of sport. "I play my and-a-half with a full twist? Or an belong. of basketball is an all-encompassing one. But Pistol Pete is ray choice because He would raise sport to its true place with he is the athlete of the future. A Tuture style," he says, "for the benefit of the entrechating or six? . It is the mark of the Sixties that sotne team, for the fans, and for myself." "Passing and ball handling and drib- educated yahoos have written to SI com- the arts, literature, music and dance. Where he hinted at in his Sports Illustrated (De- it will do what these other forms of human cember 1) article "I Want To Put On A Basketball has progressed through the bling is my game," he says. And his con- plaining that Maravich does not care about Original Celtics, the one-hand-set shot of tributions include the between-the-legs pass, winning and after all "what really draws expression are expected to do — to show Show." man himself in the perfection of his physical The Maravich "Apologia Pro Vita Sua' Hank Lusctti, Bud Palmer's turn-around the behind-the-neck pass and the around- crowds and measures greatness is winning." 1 jumper, the Big Men (Russell, Wilt the the-body pass which is a full 180' more than WINNING NOT EVERYTHING skills; and this in the brotherhood of his is really a prose poem, an ingenuous hymn fellow and competing athletes, and all this to basketball, the work of an artist in his Stilt, and now Lew Alcindor), the Play- the behind-the-body pass. Add to this a It was this same attitude that caused makers (Bob Cousy and Tricky Dick Mc- hesitation which includes an Dink Stover in the Yale of the early 1908s in community with the participating audi- field. No painter ever expressed his love of ence. . art better; no thinker so revealed his pre- Guire), but has never seen the likes of unbelievable number of moves and you to be "appalled by the deadly seriousness Pete Maravich the player for the Seventies. have a performer who can put an audience of the American spirit which, seizes on Our future demands nothing less. It is occupation with his subject. The simple joy SHOOTING UNIMAGINATIVE a future whose main political (and social, of the jongleur comes through every sen- out of its skull. everything that is competition with the tence. "Shooting in basketball," he says "is The audience is one of Pete's main pre- fanaticism of its race for success." and economic, and philosophic) problem is Basketball ("It's what I've chosen to very unimaginative." The jump and the audience has always been one of the most But winning is obviously a secondary the unification of man. do with my life, it's my thing, a chance push shot have the degree of difficulty of important parts of the game to me. With- consideration. A little child shooting baskets may lead to express mvscll ) is according to Mara a swan dive (or an arabesque) and Ppte is out the fins >ou tan t have a game, any Others, Maravich is not the first, have us.

*>*• Mustangs Galhp Bulldogs Drop To First Triumph KEANSBURG - Marlboro Ion, who had 19 points to ToughieinGSCJ rallied in the second half to lead all the scorers, had nine «nd Keansburg reeling to its In the first half, and Tom ItOSELLE PARK - Rum- in front at the start of the. fourth straight,loss here yes- Puglisi added eight of his son-Fair Haven Regional went fourth period hitting on at, terday, 55-50. total of 16. down to its second straight string of seven points. Then^ The win was the first for The Mustangs outscored the Garden State Conference loss with only 55 seconds remain-^ ing in the game the Bulldog*: the Mustangs after one loss. Titans 17-11 in the third period here yesterday, but not with- 1 Keansburg led, 17-14, at the as Stan Lukoic dominated the out a battle. The Bulldogs took a one-point advantage - end of the first period, and boards for Marlboro. The 6-3 dropped a close one to Roselle on a foul shot by Vetterl. \ 27-23 at the half. Bob Stain- center got six points in the Park, 57-55 without the re- The Panthers quickly griff second quarter and eight in bounding ability of veteran possession, and Pat Agolia,'; the second half to lead the eager Tom Dooley. who led his team in scoring, Mustang comeback. The Bulldogs made the first with 21 points, hit on a lay up, and was fouled in the process," RBCPins With the lead going back move grabbing a 2-0 lead 1 and forth in the final period, but the Panthers fought back The ace Panther eager coni nected on the free throwj Nate Kelly stole the ball to take a first periond lead, Red Bank twice to set up Mustang 14-10. giving his team the two-poinfc goals. advantage which decided thfc RED BANK - Red Bank John Connor kept the Purple contest. •{ Lack of height hurt the Bulldogs in the game by lead- Catholic won the wrestling Titans as Marlboro took con- ing in rebounds, but the loss John Connor led the chapter of the interboro ri- trol of both boards in the sec- of Dooley, who is out for at dogs in scoring with 17 poin valry yesterday by flattening ond half. least three games with a while teammates Vetterl an Red Bank, 29-16. . Lukoic led the Mustang sprained ankle, took its toll. Stan Williams each canned 10* scorers with 16, and John ;The Caseys took the had The Bulldogs made 29 re- • Williams came off the bench; Young added 14. bounds yesterday to 53 in a to hit four-for-four in the sec- when Kevin Dempsey pinned ond half, while Rohan Brooks Mirlboro (M) | Koanatmrf (SO) LION IN WINNER — Bill Garrison (34) of Middle- TOUGH IN A PINCH — Everybody gets into the act game last week with the agile C|arlie Simmons in the open- O F P I 0 KP eager. canned three-for-three in thai Youni 7 0 14 I l"ujll«l ,1 S It town Township gains control of the roundball despite Ing bout, but then after Jim Lukole 7 2 16 | Cirri 1 1 I during a rebound struggle for a-rebound between Rumson-Fair Haven moved second half. \ Kelly 4OI| McDonald 3 1 7 an effort by Lalcewood's Roscoe Richardson (15) Ewin tied Andy Ptak on time .1. Al'x'r < 2 101 Slulnton I 3 1» Middletown Township and Lalcewood players. The back into the lead in the third . The two teams were closei Tomb'lln 0 0 0| Marks I) 0 0 advantage, the Bucs knotted P. Al'x'r OOO! MeWaU'ri OOO last night. The Piners' Otha Johnson (25) and the combatants include George Brown (21), Roscoe period with 3:09 on the clock . in their foul-shooting percent-^ the match when Jim Clews I.smura 204 Corblsltra 1 0 2 Lions' Doug Bloxom 1331 converge on the play. The Richardson (15) and Wayne Jupiter (II) of Lake- when Bob Vetted canned a ages. The Buldogs hit on 15 Rogers 113 two-pointer. The score was of 31 with 11 for 16 in the decisioned Pete Hnilicka. Lions scored a fhrilling 71-70 Shore Conference "A" wood and Bill Garrison of Middletown. 15 5 U II H SO 39-37. second half, while the Pan- Murlhoro II II 17 1,1-85 Division victory. I Register Staff Photo I The Caseys sailed the KHtuburt 17 10 11 13—50 I Register Staff Photos by Don Lordi) The Panthers went back thers canned 13 of 26. jnatch away in the higher Rumson-FII Hostile r»rii (511 G *' I-1 weights as Jack Flannery Vettcrl 3 4 10 | AgDlla s s a Connor 4 9 171 RuSaoach and Jim Walsh recorded pins Sparling a o Bogota Brooks 4 1 Allen ill: and Mike Hill came In with a Crlchlow 3 17 1 Burry u i Wave, Lions, Colonials Share Top Rung Trotier 10 2 Addle !lt~ decision. Willlamn 5 0 19 I Davis 1 1 Long Branch, Middletown John Ue provided Red his Long Branch speedsters lonial comeback with six one-point edge when Davis on Jim Mital's juniper. The 20 15 55 | Township and Freehold share 22 13 57 Bank with its only pin by loose and the result was dis- goals in the final period. stole liie ball from Ken Fliers, behind the short jump- Rumion 10 16 17 12-55, first place in the Shore Con- finishing Chris Kelly in 1:35. astrous for Brick Township, 'A' Division Raritan jumped into a 13-11 Stover. ers and driving layups of Roaelle Park 14 15 II 13-57 ference "A" Division after winless in three outings, all lead in the first quarter as It was the second loss lor It was the second con- Hayes, regained the lead and each registered its second against "A" opponents. Ed Resch dunked a goal just ference win for Freehold and went off the floor with a 31-26 the winless Bucs. consecutive circuit triumph The Green Wave raced to a before the buzzer. The Rock- the second loss for the Schoolboy without a loss yesterday. The Branchers led, 80-36, margin. Mt r«lh — Itfd Bunk (IK) 22-9 first period lead on the ets led by as many as seven Rockets. Pete Fallon, who led the 08—Kevin nfmpwy ittBCt p. Long Branch steamrolled strength of its pressing de- heading into the final period points in the second period, C&arlle Simmons, l :3l 2nd. which saw Brick come alive Hayes Leads Fliers Indians with 18 points, got Standings IM—Jim Ewln (M) t. Andy PUk, Brick Township, 94-65, while fense which caused numerous but Freehold came back to Toms River within two points for a 29-14 margin. Ed Hayes scored 28 points Shore i\. 115- Jim Clewi (RJil d. r«li Middletown surprised Lake- Dragon turnovers and easy close the lead to 31-26 at the at 35-33 at 4:13 of the third "A" Divlilon Hnlllr.hu, (0, to lead Neptune to its win W L . 133—Mlk« Simrlnn (RBCI d. wood, 71-70, on reserve Ralph buckets for the winners. Lisanti had plenty of help half. quarter, but the Fliers then TOt* OriiiKO, 1-1. in the scoring department. over Tcms River. Long Branch (2-O) ;. 2 0 . 130-Mnrk Gutrry (RBt i. Ed Marino's late basket. Free- A scorching 34-point second Mike Love, who had 10 broke the game wide open be- Freehold (2-0i 2 0'' W«l5h, <-O. hold nipped Raritan, 57-56. Jones canned 17, and Williams The Fliers are now M while Middletown (2-1) 2 0 , 1" ....0 1*8—Gurry Mtjjl (RB) d, John River South, 72-58. tossed in 11 apiece. Neptune jumped off to a 16-' Brick Twp. (0-3) .... 0 j... Moor*, 1-5. his game high total of 24 surge which gave Freehold from the floor with Hayes hit- "B" DlvliiuD 157—Jack Flannery (RBC) p. 12 first quarter lead in what Manaaquan (4-0) _ A Bpb Longo, 1 :fM 2nd. Lion Reservist Stars points in the first two stanzas. Davis Saves Colonials the lead for the first time, 43- ting on 13 of 19, The Indians - 0 • started off as a nip and tuck Ocean Twp. (2-1) „ 1 1 16S—Mike Hill (I5BC) d. Chuck Middletown Township had Billy Jones and Tom Williams Dan Davis stole the ball and 42. could manage only 29 per cent Monmouth Reg. (1-1) .,...1 1 Wnalen, 7-(. Jackson Twp. (M) ,,,\ 178-Jlm W«t»li ir.BCl p Ed to fight off a 63-54 third-period combined with Lisanti to dom- sank a layup with 48 seconds Copeland and Love both did battle. Mike Edwards led the as Fallon got only five of 18. 1 Urtdprwood. 1 :S4 3rd. Fliers in the first stanza with Matawan (1-1) 1 1 .. H*y-—Jo)in Lee i 1 the game. Lake" nod (JO) _ MMillctunn (11) Hayes had nine. Central Reg. (1-1) _,,,! 1 • I1' 1* Key port (1-11 _ 1 1 Marino, who saw little ac- IUcti'3'n 7 9 23 Jonea 4 1 0 Southern Reg. <0-3l ... , "0 Green Wave waii Twp. (0-3i ;...;o tion in the first peri°d, came Brown 5 2 12 Brooka 2 3 7 YANKEES PROMOTE NINE Wlalinlck 2 2 6 Bloxom, e 113 OlhPrn In Monmouth County LINCROFT - Christian off the bench and canned his Rosa 0 0 0 Garrison 0 * 22 NEW YORK (AP) - The Christian Brother* Academy 2 Brothers Academy opened Its Sills 1 1 3 Mumlcy 0 0 0 Ttcrl Bank Catholic ..._ 2 only shot of the night. Samlb'rg 2 0 i Marino I 0 2 have add- St. Rose „ 2 wrestling season here last Ad air 3 0 6 Steward 0 1 1 ed nine farm club prospects Marlboro , \ With 25 seconds still re- Johnson 1 0 2 Dillon 0 0 0 • Mater Del „ "1 night by trouncing Long maining to be played, Lake- Jupiter 5 0 10 Rosenllirtl 6 5 17 to their 40-man roster which Croydon Hall ~""'".l Branch, 32-13. Geathers 0 2 2 Kerrigan 0 0 0 Rumion-FH (0-2 In G3C) 0 wood took the ball down, and Levy 0 2 1 will report to Manager Ralph Keaaiburg .0 The Colts copped the first missed. Lion Ed Jones went Houk at Fort Lauderdale, Fla, 26 18 70 28 15 71 next spring. seven weight classes before up and grabbed the rebound, IjllltCWOOtl 23 22 18 7-70 Bobby Banker says, Mlilrilctowr 18 23 13 John Skove broke the ice for and passed off to Keith 13-71 One of the newcomers is "Let your money Brooks who was fouled, l-'recliulil SI) Itnrllnn loll) Larry Gowell of Auburn, Me., the Green Wave with a vic- (i V V 1, b f 1 earn money!" tory at 148. Brother Mark Brooks missed his free throw, Davis 10 1 21 Resell 1 3 5 who last season led the Flor- but the game ended before Love 0 10 O'Kcefe 7 1 15 Skove followed by taking a BllffcLt 1 0 ! Els'nm'nn 4 0 8 ida State League with 16 vic- decision at 157. Lakewood had a chance to do Black 0 0 0 Mason 0 0 0 tories and 217 in anything. Emlerly 1 i) '2 Klynn a < 14 PollacU 0 4 4 Stover 4 1 II 198 innings. He's a 6-foot • 2 Mike Rritlon registered a With about four minutes left Cupcland Ti 9 15 Miller 1 0 2 right handed pitcher. pin win for the Branchers, as Mott 0 0 0 LusK 0 0 0 in the fourth quarter, Bill Bravtlcy 1 1 i Brady 1 1 3 To make room for the new did Mark Bulvanoskl at 123 Garrison put the Lions in for CBA. Jim Murray (106), a 11 57 23 10 5G men the Yankees hive as- front for the first time with a Frcchuli 11 15 17 14-57 signed six players to their Syr- Tom Ilerchakowski (130), foul siiot, but Otto Johnson Raritan 13 18 11 14-58 Jack Dibble (136), John acuse farm team, including came right back and canned Brick Ti v (1151 Long llraru-h (III) third baseman Bobby Cox. Glunco (141), Rocco Marzano u V V (i 1' 1" a two-pointer giving his team acutt 4 8 10 Hampton 5 1 11 (1(58), and Kevin McGoone a 68-67 margin, Herb Itosen- Connolly 4 10 18 Ilniwn 4 3 11 BEGAN IN A race 4 0 8 Jones 7 3 17 (178) won by decisions for the thai grabbed the lead back Ktisynn 5 7 17 Williams S 2 12 LITTLE LEAGUE Colts. with two of his 17 points, but Tally 1 2 4 Ltsantl 9 6 24 Gaul 1 0 2 Evans 3 2 B NEW YORK (AP) - Twen- Long Branch is 0-2 on the Rascoe Richardson put the Meyer 0 0 0] Cofi-r 1 0 2 ty-one players involved in the Ahpl 0 0 0 season. Piners ahead with a shot from Alston 2 1 5 1969 World Scries started in UIP inside. Koildy 0 0 0 fBA 13!) — I«nf nranrli 1131 Little League baseball. Thir- 98—- J-lnl Cflgney [CUA) won by From Uiat point it was the 19 27 65 30 22 !)4 teen of the New York Mets forfeit. Brick Twp I 111 2 I— 65 Welcome 106 Jim MuPTiiv iCBAi d Irefl Marino success story and an- Long Branch 22 31 24 14—04 were Little Leaguers while Aliana, by n>rauH, olher "A" Division feather in Open your savings 115—Frnnk Porter rCHA> drew Toms HI er Sn. i Vei'tn nr eight members of the Balti- wiUl Torn Helly, 22. the Lions' cap. (5H W) more Orioles took part in the account today. 123 -Mark ttulmmt/M (CHAl p. li 1) J«me« Iliinfl. 1:17 Int. Richardson led the game's r v v r 13D T»im llprolinkowslil (OHAi d. lirunRon 3 4' 10 | Ttosrrs 0 2 2 program in their respective Wll Herbert, 51. scoring for the Piners with 23. Fallrni 5 8 IB lluey 0 3 3 home towns. .lM-Jick Dibble |OHA) rl. Jolm Ciirrle 2 1 ,•> Calilrron 0 1 1.1 Urcomana, 80 Harrison was the Lion strong Drum 0 ft 0 I llayt-fi 13 2 29 1(1-J-1"! (Munco (CBA) d Plill man with 22, while Doug Blox- Hawt'nc 1 0 2 Hughes 3 3 9 pnole, 20. McC'll'm I) 1 1 | Edwards .1 3 13 RENT A CAR 118 J . .I Move (Lit) d. Done om added 13. M it nl .1 4 10 | Bullock I) 1 1 n»lh|Th"T, <(l The Lions arc now 2-0 in WAVE AT WAVE — Brick Township's Frank Kasyan 1311 flicks a hand in an ef- Helm 0 2 2 Kerncy 0 0 0 DAY • WEEK • MONTH 157 Jl •'( Skove djli d lyiu We rnc r 1 1 3| 1 0 2 f«ot», 32. Artier 0 0 01 Mi-Bride 0 1 1 Xte -Hi > M»m.ano (CBA) d. the division, wliilc Lakewood fort to stop Long Branch's Billy Jones (43) along the baseline during Shore Con- lVgbTly 3 1 7| Jones 0 0 0 WALL Rolwrt n»v1f«, 3-2. is 1-2 against "A" opposition. LINCOLN-MERCURY 178--Ke.ln " 'J»one lORAl d. ference "A" Division action between the schools yesterday afternoon. The Green IUI Jaciwn, 0-3. Mighty Wave Rolls 8 !2 58 1 8 16 72 Shrewsbury Avtnut at Sycamore Ijvy.-Mlke U./tUin (UJ) p. Jerry Wave slayed the Green Dragons, 94-65. . (Register Staff Photo) Torn* Itlvor So. ...12 14 12 20-511 There's in office new you! *•», 1:M lit. Coach Bob Walsack turned Neptuno ...18 11 11 25-7J 747.5400 -TOE DAFLY BKISTER. BED BAM. MIDDLETOWN, N. J-: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1969 33 ANNOUNCEMENTS LOST AND FOUND LOST AND FOUND AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOE SALE AUTOS FOR SALE MOBILE HOMES > LOST — Lady's yellow gold Bulova HOUSI TRAILKR - I'll2 , thru * LOST AND FOUND LOST - MALE COLLIB - S-year- wrlstwatch. Vicinity of Daily Register MUST SELL 1968 PONTIAC—LeMans hardtop. R»- IMS UUBTANQ - 289 VS roomi. lull bitti. ilM». Will truft »n . old, pedigreed, sable and white, locks building. Red Bank. Sentlmentajl val- dlo, heater, bucket Keats. Oood brakeB, MM or or house. 117-2805. •>: LOST — Tan mate chihuahua. An- Ilka "laflsW- Answers to "Jlp." $100 ue. Call 711-6900 before S p.m., or Joining Service tiro. Hand shift. Clean. 22 miles per swers to "Brutus" or "Old Man."reward. M2-2191. 291-2SI66 after 6 p.m. 1865 PONTIAC — 2+2 convertible gallon. 741-5901. SStlO. Call 787-8494 1968 BUICK - Elect™. Four-door WANTED AUTOMOTIVE 421 Four-speed F & H Motor) Inc. harrttop. All extras. A-l condition. LOST — Lady's brown bag. lost In LOST — One motor vehicle badge. Very Rood shape. Hwy. 35 Eatontown, N. J. LOST — Part Siamese eat. gray Food Circus, Hlddletown, Sat. night. 5 112. Vicinity of Berry St., Red Asking J12.V) $2800. 94SID61 after 7, JUNK CARS ^^ CAR Bank. II found, call 747-2423. M2-11U points, vicinity Thorne School, New Reward. No questions asked. Call 741-6397 PICKED UP Monrnollth. Call (71-3055. 671-5915 after 5 p.m. MUST SELL! — 1963 Olclsmoblle 98 1965 CADILLAC Convertible. Power windows, brakes, 1968 CHEVY NOVA — «'>!». BAIL- 4-door hardtop Sedan DeVllle, vinyl Twinbrook Auto Wrecliing ~t- AUTOS FOR SALE LY BROS., Newman Springs Rd., altering, top, Beat. Automatic, radio, SACRIFICE liralcr, white walls. 2!»1-133,'|. top. Eatontown 542-2235 f'\ AUTOS FOR SALE AUTOS FOR SALE 1967 VOLKSWAGEN - Whito sedan. Red Biinli.. $1895 IJlie new. Wort, 261-7711; home, 787- AUSTIN AMERICA — Two-door, four- CADILLAC 1IHJ3—Sedan De Villc. Gold. WE" DOX'T SELL JUNK 2397. spec:], $1,872. P.O.E. slightly higher $1000 iirm. Tlione Par Keelen's Auto Sales Nor do we buy It, but — "til SALE! with automatic. Also Sprites, Mtdgfts, G71-3489. Hwy. 3G 787-1113 Kcsnsnurg Wa da buy clean, late model cars MOB roadslcrs — GT. A&G MOTORS, •ti AUTOS FOR SALE 7967 BiJICK — LcSalire convertible, •t top dollar. Bee or call WALL Salat of Brand New 1970 Asliury Furk 175-3181. A-l. I\>wi r KLccrlnK, •jn\kcs. Radio, MERCEIIES-BENZ — 250 S four-d ^INCOLN-MERCURY1JI47M00. Chryslers and Plymouth* have Get a better deal healer. Ki-d/whllc top. 787-0J0!. Vinyl trim. Antomalic. Power slcor- JET~CAWTbTrT6uft~WRETGN~^ TSKTVOLKSWAQEN—8.6nj~niilrir"Al7 Ing, brakes and wlndowr. Factory AND SPORTS CARS AT MONMOUTH been so great that we're rondltiimliig. AM/I'M raillo. Whlicwiiil 7T~ONLY~ TA KKs'T'MINUTE—To Kel Four new radUl tirea. Excellent con- ,!OTOnS, LNC., Hwy. 35, Eatontown, REPROCESSED CARS tires Many other extras. $1850. Cull a. better deal at Russell OMstnonlle- loaded with clean trade-ins. from 222-1243. Caillli.ii', 100 Newman Springs Kd., dllliin. f'iili 50l)-22!)9. We must move them out, to Payments To Fit Your Budgol Hetl Dark. 711-0910, NKEI) ^ nOOil USED STATION CARS WANTED — Wo pay top SS WAGON? Sec Mount English Ford you lave hundreds! If Yog Work YOJ Can Drive! SCENIC CAR SALES or clean used cars. Call Mr. Vincent ~m\ BUICK-- New tires. M.000 oiiRlnnl tndny. Red Bank. 711-6000. i4!-5M0, CALL NOW, 741-2433 Hwy. 36 872-0221 Highlands mil™. Excellent condition. &M-8HK) a better dealer! 1966 COUNTRY SQUIRE — Nine after ti ji.ni. 10fW OLI>SMOWLE Cutlass station CASH KOR USED CARS — Trucks, '68 CHRYSLER $2697 "68 Dart G.T. '65 Dart sta. Wgn. passenger station wagon. Full power, wuK'tii, nil] nnwrr, ftlr n,ndltloned, .'orelgn or domestic. Dfian, opposite Excellent condition, $1295. 717-U2-14. KJ2 CORVAIH SPYDEflf^ConVertibie. 10.MO miles. 741-8771 after 7 p.m. Two Guys, Middletown. 671-984*. New Yorker two door hardtop, air THE PLACE TO SAVE IS ... '68 Pontlac G.P. '65 Mercury Mont. ood condition. $275. conditioned, full power equip- '67 Cougar Coupe '65 Rambler 770 ETTA 87Mi»6i PONTIAC -- IMS Ciltallna ronr-dnor mint. '67 Barracuda Cpe '65 Chrysler N'p'rt sednn. Automnllc. Eight-cylinder. Excellent i-ondltiori, Must sell. Ilii) MERCEDES — 280 SL converl- AUTO RENTALS '66 Bulck Skylark '64 Uievy %-ton orfcr. 565-8584. Wliltpwail tires. New studded stinw '66 Bulck LeSabre pickup >!<> with liaidl'i'i. Li!;r i\v v /Vm-Km tires. Power steering. Excellent shape DAILY • WEEKLY • MONTHLY '68 CHEVY $1597 '66 Dodge Charger '63 Olds F-85 1307 PONTIAC Firebird hardtop, six •adlo. Air conditioning. 8000 miles. llest offer ovrr 51,800. Call 2«4-'J21!>. Prices stirt at J6.&0 and up Econo- DoWNES PoNTIAC' '65 Valiant Conv. 'ft Mercury Wgn cylinder stick. 35,000 miles, nark lltOU. Phone 741-66!)!). Car of Red Bank. 210 E. Newman Four door, radio and heater, blue, bucket seats, 51,475, 7tl'J2!i:i. 3prlnu Rd. 747-0173. automatic, power steering, ' LABRIOLA MOTORS CONVERTIBLE SPECIALS flhin. Qaod condition Phone 842- 62 LOWER MAIN STREET MATAWAN 7967 CADiLLJuT^CONVERTillLE - 4813. (Between Hwy. 3S & 3a at the parkway Overpass) Authorized Dodge Dealer Priced to sell. Must sell. Call 067 Ford XL* Save TOM'S FORD 741-O."1G V-8. automatic end power Open eves, til 9 - Wed. til i MURPHY" A DAVISON — Mercedes- '67 PLYMOUTH $1697 CLL ttQO Open Dally'Til 9 P. M. 988 LeMann (2> Special Benz Sales tind Service. Hwy. 0, Free- RENT A CAR a Sat. til 5. 1941 liUICK — Super coupi'. Body and V-8, aulomatlc and power Sport Fur/, two door hardtop, 3O0 ££7 7 Wed. & Sat. 'Til i P. M. interior good. Rebuilt engine Tires and hold. 46:-5300. 200 Hwy. 35 534-1600 Keyport radio and heoter, automatic, Newman Springs Rd. Red Bank Ml Chevelle Sharp OPEL t!)6fi - Hslrlurk, two rioor. ra- brakes new. Lett front fcniler iliMTisucd. Six, automatic power steering, etc. For n,uli:k sale, KM). Call 787-5702. dio tine! heater Hnows, good condl 951 LcMiins Clean tlon. 3ri,00J) miles. Great chrlltmu BOATS AND ACCESSORIES CIRCLE CHEVROLET V-8, automatic and power Bid. S8M. 2ca-17J3. 325 Uaplo Avo. P.cd Bank INBOARD SKIFF — 21' with Intercep- '67 CHEVY $1597 741-3130 RASSAS PONTIAC - V-8, tor Inboard, many extras. Call 542- Bel Afr four door, radio and 395 Broad SI. 741-5180 ned Bank 1974 after 6 p.m. weekdays. 19G8 CORVE1TE CONVERTIBLE — 17,000 miles left on warranty. Excel- Motto automatic, power steer- Eves, until 0 lent condition. Call 566-9407. Ins. 4-fipecrt, post-rear, 327 cu. In. enpine. THE BOATMAN'S SHOP $3,500 or best offer. Call 787-0702, IWI) VOLKSWAriEN — Good tram- lortitlon $200. Call THUNDERBIRD 1955—SPORTS CAR Let us winterize and store your out-- 1970PRICEWEAK! THE FINES! SELECTION — Of new Have retired, must jell. "loard motor. Reasonable rates. Evln- 741 3382 '67 OLDS $1497 and ustMt cars In Mnnmnuth County. Call 899-1018 ude Bales and Service. Over 100 ntr-enndltloned new cars In 062 WILDCAT —'$500. Iliirdlop con- BIIHLEK * BITTER New Jersey's Largest Marine Supply Cutlass four door, radio and stock. BOB WHITE BUICK-OPEL, ertlble, fully automatic, new snows. House. 24 Wharf Ave., Red Bank. 741- ; hwter, automatic, power steering, PLYMOUTH - CHRYSLER Shrewsbury Ave., New Shrewsbury, 142-5587. 3290 Hwy. 38, Hazlol, 264-O1B! 1780. IMMEDIATE 741-5200. MONMOUTH COUNTY'S IMPORT 1983 PONTIAC — Catalln« convert- WANTED - Boat trailer for Sirlit- . '67 MUSTANG $1497 ~Mm PONTOAC CATALINA - Two- "jEADKR—Red Bank Auto Imports ible. Full power. One owner. $500. weight Iff boat. Call after 5 pm. door, vinyl hardto]), alt, Inlly powered. Vutllorized Dealer For Volvo-Trlumph- "47-1332. Two door hardtop, radio and 8424200 days, 741-7783 evenings alter DELIVERY KM radio, whitewtiils, tinted glaas. Renault-BMW, Newman Springs Rd. 5 p.m. 20' TROJAN—Sleeps two. glove, sink, hearer, automatic, power* steering. Automatic transmission. Call after 6 '41-lj?88, Red Bank. itanil-up head, trallfr. 10S6 100 h.p. p.m. Best offer. 56G-!)'Jf)2 MOB 19B7 — Peg lamps. Btebro ex- "i5J6~MU3TANa CONVERTIBLE — ilectrlc start Evlnrude. SS85. Oall 264- '- One owner. Clean, tight, Most options. OVER 40 10S7 FORD OALAXIE .Sol) "-' Two- taust. Stone guards and other ac- 894 alter 0 p.m. '66 TRIUMPH $1397 :es»orlc». Asking 51600. 431-1696. First $1100 drives away. 741-7192. door hardtop. YDIIOW. Whltewalis, ra- 6' OLEN L STILETTO — Ski" boat" TR-4 Roadster, radio and healer, dio, heater. 289 V-8, power steering. etc.;-.'. issTvfJLKSWAGEN — SUtTrootnovir 1986 VOLKSWAf.EN — Bun roof. Quality constructed Imll. Needs t tur- IN STOCK! Low mileage. A-l. J1500. Call 787-2762 mileage, all extrnR, two extra tires. llffht green. Completely overhauled, slaR3lng, dock and Keats [or complete after 5. 11,000. Call 264-0268. engine, brakes, RtaTter. New tires. boat. S72-168O evenings. SI200. 2914730 evenings. Dayi 2D1- '66 FORD ' $997 PORSCHE KITSON CHEVROLET CO. 2000. 1966, 012/5 speed flwy. 36 Batontown Two door hardtop, radio, and Polo red, Konl shocks, Bursch ex- 1968 PONTIAC OTO — Dual Jate BUSINESS NOTICES hsater, automatic, power steering. 5421000 haust. 40,000 miles. Days, Mr. Smith, autnmsjUc. Like new. $2900. 2)4. UOHT HAULING — Clein-up around 147-9200. Evenings, 842-1985, 53,000 1967 BLUE CHEVELLB , — New: 8627 PLYMOUTH'S NEWEST MODEL firm. orakes In August. Pour good tires. factory, attic, basement and garage, '65 VALIANT $ 897 Oood condition. J13M. Call 281-3368,, McCARthy Chevrolet Small buildings torn down and hauled 198SDOPOS WINDOW VAN'— Auto- First Ave., Atlantic Highlands away. Call 482-2383. Station wagon, radio and heater, matic Six cylinder. Will take small :M4 VOLKSWAGEN — Convertible. 291-1101 •tc. SCOTTO AND SONS ^^62-2968 after 8 p.m. Excellent condition. Extras. $900. 811* ALL TYPES OF HOME .IMPROVE-;. 2061 after 7 p.m. IMS CADILLAC - 25,000 mtlcs. Ask "lOB3 RENADLT — Carafeiter~Good Ing $2650. Write Box K-149, The Dally MENTS AND REPAIRS. Additions, j CREDIT TERMS '70 DUSTER condition. Must sell. 965 BUICK SKYLARK-In eScclleht Register, Red Bank. alterations, rtomer*, finished base- * 671-3427 londltlon. 400 cu. In., 3M h.p. englno menta and attics. Residential or com- never racedV with four-barrrl, Hurst 1862 CORVAIR — Tour-door Mon: mercial. Reasonably priced. Free es- ARRANGED! TOWN 4 COUNTRY DODGE jhift, air shocks In rear, good, tlrca.; Standard. »1M. timates and planning. Prompt ler-.' 60 Main St., Mitawan Stereo tape : player and custom ex-' 1063 CORVAIR - Two-door standard, vice. Call 741-3953 or 842*350. , —PERFORMANCE — 866-6100 tras. Must be seen to appreciate. Oall *300. IMS CAKARO - V-8, 3speeil stick. alter 6, ask for Linda, 5424215, 1963 FORD — Four-door hardtop MIDDLETOWN ;• CORNER Can be seen at 24 Franklin Ave., Kroll Motors Inc. S"S.,. Leonardo, or call 872-1368. 1363 BUICK — Two.door hardtop. ZONE MARKING CO. . !79 Broadway Long Branch, N. J. •«nO. Parking IOLB, recreation area, traffic CHEVROLET IMPALA STATION 2M-360O 1665 T-BIRD — Air. Power. $1095, conlrol layout stendl work. Phone 747- '69 CAMARO $2997 WAGON — 1867. Good condition. J1400 1956 PART — Two-door hardtop, one 4506 or 747-1055. 671-2023. All must jo. 741-1177. Z-2G two door hardtop, 4- iwncr. Power steering, radio, wtilte- 1969 DODGE SUPBRBEE — Ytllow "PAINTING AND DECORATING -in- steed, wldl ovol tires, mag 1065 FORD LTD — V-8. Air. Power 'allfl. Prime condition. Call 54U-63M with ^lack vinyl top. New tires. maLterlor and exterior. Roofing and gilt* ' J whMlfc «tc steering. Four-door hardtop. Luxury after 6 p.m. wheels, automatic, power iteerlng. taring. Neat work and reasonable , at 5095. 741-5362. CADTLLAC~1962 — Sedan t>~Vi~lie7 383 high performance e-'Rlnc. Musi price. Frea estimates. 787*1(177. DATSUN Ml power, good condition, will trade- sell. Call before 1 or after 6 p.m, '6? CAMARO $2997 WASHINGTON'S AUTO SERVICE or station wagon, 542-1109. 7U9-0605. HAVING A PARTY? '!' TOR CUBTOM CATERING Rallyfl Sport two door hard' 370 Broad St. 234-1323 Keyport BEST BUICK - OPEL, BUYS 1964 FORD — CUBtom. Two-door. Six topi 350 V-8, automallc, power CALL HERRI-MAKINGS Straub Motors cylinder. Standard. Radio, heator. 7(1-5933 tleerlng, Rallye wheels, wide CREDIT Bwy. 35 Keyport 2SM00O 45,000 miles. Good tire*. $372. 747- ovol tiger paws. AUTOS FOR SALE 2028 after S p.m. 19S4 CHEVY II — Four-door sodin. TREES REMOVED, ARRANGED TO SUIT Jlx-cyllndor automatic. Four new GEM OLDSMOBlLE CUT OR SPLIT UP FOR FIREWOOD tiles, plus snow tires. 25,000 mlle.1.. 110 Main St. Matawan Call 642-3272 or 222-6267 '69 DODGE $3197 Excellent ahape. Original owner. Beat 5M-36OO GT hardtop, Heml engine, A- YOUR BUDGET! ircr over J700. Call 264-9210. JOURNEYMAN CARPENTER speed stick, radio and heater. 1981 OLDSMOBILB - F-85 — Sta I Choose from Monmouth County's OLI door hardtop, radio and construction. We will accept homB W63 OLDSMOB1LE—l-door trailers on trade. We are specialist - a healer, automatic on console, One block from AUTOS FOR SALE 1964 VOLKSWAGEN-Sedan In tire damage rebuilding. Call or '" bucket seats, etc, WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC! u«>' Little Silver R.R. Station MM MERCURY write MANNING ASSOC, 61B Union •' 10&1 FAIRLANE—2 door La., Brlello. 223-6373. in Oceunport Ave. Llltli silver I 1964 RAMBLER CREDIT PROBLEM? 1M4 FORD—Convertible '66 PLYMOUTH $1197 SEE OUR USED CAR AD IN THIS SECTION 842-5353 1965 MONZA—Convertible Satellite two door hardtop, LET US RE-ESTABLISH YOUR CREDIT 1965 MUSTANG—2-door TV SPECIAL $2.50 J» V-8, 4-speed stick «tc. 19K) PA1RLANB—WaRon OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9:30 A little help from you ond 19S5 RAMBLER—Ambassador HOUSE CALLS ONLY . „; SEE OUR HUGE o steady lob Is oil we need. Color slightly higher. TRY US WE NEED ROOM SELECTION OF CALL NOW! it I*M PERMAFIX TV '•* StttftfW WPIym. Fury III '67 Dodge Coronel fas BRAND NEW '69 Dort Conv. 440 Wogoo You Save $$$ Now 671-5583 PERFORMANCE '69 Dort G.T. 'HI Mustong 715 Hwy, 35 ••• • Middletown -,r t CHRISTMAS '6! Plym. Fury III '67 Chrysler N'p'rt. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. CARS!! '6B Dodge Poloro '66 Dort 2-dr. RASSAS PONTIAC FURNITURE MOVING — Attics and '68 Dort 270 Sedan '66 Bulrk Skylark 395 Broad St. 7)1-5180 Red Bank cellars cleaned. Free estimates. Call SPECIALS •6! Chevy Imp. SS '65 Codllloc Conv. Eves, until 9 7(7-3002. •67 Ford 500 '64 Dodge Dorl ASK ABOUT 1959 CHEVROLET — standard shlf. '47 Ford C'try Sq. '63 Olds Hordlop 1 PAINTING AND PAPER HANGING six cylinder, good tlrw. Qxcallen — For free estimates phone THE ALL NEW LABRIOLA MOTORS transportation, $100. 671-9135. 787-5402 1970 CALL NOW Authorized. Dodge Dealer 1968 VOLKSWAOSltf . LIOHT HAULING Open >ves. Ill 9 • Wed. til 6 Sedan. Low mileage Garages and cellars cleaned, SUPERBIRD Sot; till 5. 7413438 Call 7S7-8040. Newman Springs. Rd. Red Bank FOR 1963 VOLKSWAGEN convertible. R«, CARPENTRY — Low winter rate«. ">',{•, dlo, heater. Oool condition. $550. Cal1 Additions, garages, remodeling, new. 264.2337. homes. Bob Martin, 29J-3234. !. MANY OTHERS CREDIT! 196,8 FAIRLANB Squfro wagon - XQH HAULING — Clean yards, Factory' air. Four new tires. RcaBon garages, cellars and move [urnlture. IN STOCK TO 542-2414 able. Call 264-8086. Free estimates. 711-676;.^ CHOOSE FROM! TRUCKS FOR SALE (More Classified Ads '•• On The Next Page) =»t "66 CORVETTE $2695 f 1961 JEEP — 14 ton pickup. Only 16.000 miles with 7' Meyers plon and '65 RAMBLER $ 697 Four-speed. Like new. customers. Call 741-4321. Two door sedan, radio ond AUTO RENTALS heater, aulomotlc, power steering. 1957 INTERNATIONAL'ISO TRUCK- "64 JAGUAR $2695 And snowplow, $1,000. 1946 Jeep and snowplow, $425. 1930 Model "A," W00 '65 RAMBLER $ 697 XKE. Wir» wheels, air condl- Call 2(14-0924. Four door, radio ond heoter, dltloned. Loaded. 1963 CHEVROLET hllt-ton pickup, automatic, power steering. $400 Call 741-8239. ' '64 AUSTIN $1695 f 1968 CHEVROLET - With'4-53 De- '64 CHEVY $ 797 Heoley 3000. Like new. troit diesel engine. IV aluminum Be* Air (our door, radio and Mnrvan body with rear ovfrheari and heater,- automatic. sida doors. ICC bumper. Priced rea- '65 VOLKSWGN $ 795 $ sonable. Call owner. 787-6686. Need an extra car '64 RAMBLER $697 1970 COUGAR Sunroof. One owner. 7 IN STOCK 1968 WILLYS JEEP Complete with snownlow. Original 1500 Station wagon, radio ond heater, DISCOUNTS UP TO $1000 miles. Like new. Can lie seen it 45 au torn otic, etc. '64 VOLKSWGN $ 595 f Park Ave, Shrewsbury, after 5 p.m. Sedan. Radio. INTERNATIONAL lSsliaTbecTwm '64 OLDS $ 697 TWO-DOOR HARDTOP McCARthy Oarwond winch, .IS' sl"Pl hndy, 25,000 '9a' two door hardtop, radio end original miles, $990. 254-2200. heater, automatic, power Scoring. for the week-end? MONMOUTH CHEVROLET MOTORCYCLES your low overhead dealer '64 COMET $597 1068 HONDA 6* CC — *1 ) Suptr Sport two door hardtop, MOTORS, INC. Call radio and heater, automatic, etc, Hwy. 35 Eatontown 291-1101 787-4512 Firs* Ave., Atlantic Highlands '64 OLDS $ 497 MOBILE HOMES '89' station wagon, air condl- 10x55 TRAILER — Sacrifice. Mov tloned, full power. Ing to Florida. Call 7873S19 Rent '63 RAMBLER % 697 Jerry Baratta & Lou Lerner Say.. Station wagon, radio ond heater, MOBILE HOMES one automatic, power steering. from '63 CHEVY $497 SCHIFFMANS Impel a four door, rodip and Standard Coufar » • • PLYMOUTH MAKES IT! CAMPERS & TRAILERS heater, automatic, power steering. TRAILERS - CAMPERS us! MOTOR HOWES AMERICA'S BEST EQUIPPED LUXURY SPORTS CAR M. J.'s largnt dealer, over 100 unlll Maybs you have friends Hying WE SELL IT! on display. : BRAND NEW in for a visit or perhaps som's Norrls Gold Seal. Monitor. Avion. Del/Rey. Volunteer. Swinger. special occasion has creatod ITOYOTA AT A POPULAR PRICE! Wlnnebogo. Giles. Aristocrat. Smckey. a temporary need for an addi- UNBEATABLE PRICES You can see them all at tional car. Whatever the rea- Nobody in Cougar's class can top it for so much standard equip- SCHIFFMAN son, IT'S EASY, FAST and I 1686 at the Colllnawood Circle, Rt. J3 J. 34 ECONOMICAL to rent a car .ment! Hidden headlamps. Hi-back bucket seats. Heater-defroster. UP TO 5-YEARS TO PAY Farmlngdole, N. J. BB-5354. from us. P.O.E. Wall-to-wall carpeting. Sequential rear turn signals. A husky 351 ON ALL WANTED AUTOMOTIVE RENT V-8. Dual concealed headlamps . . . ventless side windows. Color- 'UHIUBP \ IMMEDIATE CHRYSLER PRODUCTS (DJIlYREHTIlf) A :' DELIVERY keyed nylon carpeting. All-vinyl interior. Locking steering column. Winter Is Just vSYSTEM/ Around the Corner ... NEW BRAND NEW 1970 Fully synchronized floor-mounted three-speed gearbox. Rosewood '67 DODGE 68 CHRYSLER ana w« need 100 Uied Can Towi A Country Wagon, Poloro 4 dr., auto., P.5., COUGAR or MONTEGO MX vinyl applique on instrument panel. E78 x 14 belted tires. Dual P.B, Air Cond. Wo will trade or buy out : DUSTER Aulo., P.S. & P.D. Air Cond. From Friday 5 P.M. to body paint stripes. Flow-Thru ventilation. Bright moldings on wheel light — Call or Come in I Monday 9 A.M.— $ openings and deck lid. Stainless steel hub caps. Sound insulation 68 CHRYSLER '66 PONTIAC Grand Prix, air condllloncA TOM'S FORD Convertible, full power. 50 FREE MILES ! 1997 package. PLUS: whitewall tires, deluxe wheel covers, undercoat- Full Power. ASK FOR ED SIGLER Hwy. 35 264-1600 Keyport ing and Simoniz. 63 CONTINENTAL '25.88 '68 PLYMOUTH Four dr. Full power, ONLY Sport SaUellfe, full power. air conditioned. AUTO PAUTS-KEPAIRS 8c Per Mile Over 50 Make Your CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH LONG TERM FINANCING AVAILABLE Rosorvation NOW. \ #YOTA MMC0; 7b0 ROUTE 36 WALL BAYSHORE GUARANTEES HONORED AT AMY AAMCO SHOP NATION WIDE LINCOLN-MERCURY CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH RED BANK — 842-2500 Shrewsbury Avsnue 193 Newman Springs Road FIRST AVENUE ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS at Sycamore 542-5500 SHREWSBURY AVE., at SYCAMORE 747-5400 ASBURY PARK — 774-DBOD 747-5400 291-9200 229-4790 809 Railroad Avanu* (You Furnish Gas) -fHE DAILY REGISTER, BED BANK. M1DDLET0WN, N. J.: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1%9 36 ; FOE SALE INSTRUCTION FOR SALE IMM.OTMIMT HELP WANTED-rEMALE HELP WANTED-MALE HOUMKKPM-tJVB In. Own col- POT BEUJID STOVE - Tint hai HELP WANTED-FEMALE BALART « M PBR HOUR COMPUTER CAREERS 1 tare wltb utilities. In ple«s«m sur- Must b« available Immediately, No been eleetrlttid u floor I«»1P J* " -••»'*• —. rounding*. General houwwork ind. •xperlence heceas«rr. Qood tdvanca- In bmlneil, JnduiUy >nd lOTcrnmmt r«d buri«p mmc >ioo. cm i» KAtD Jtetlrcmtnl Bom*. tear rhlld r"rr. r«ll 8423323 aflrr II p.m. ment. Ouitranteed Increment within •tart with ECPI trtlnint. Day ud round i mrk tlv« ( ays week. It.711 per first month. Call 741-4015. wcnlnii Call ECPI at M2-2I0O or SCOTCH PINES - For Cllrlltinl! leu Urs DavenpojR, Mon. Reference*. Single person preferred. fe&ur. •'ASSISTANT~TEAcilBB~-"For~busy Will ECPI. 28S Monmouth Prnrk Hwr-, trees. *3, up. Tony Monzo. Water St., throuit) rr . 40 Riverside,A.VI , Bed TV BENCH MAN WANTED — El- Wcit Loni Branch. Tinton Falls, 542-3582. ______Sink Nnrserv .rhnol. Musi I"" children. p«rlenrpil onfy. HAROLDS RADIO Hour. i:M lo I 311 Po.lti™ .vallnble A II.ECTRIC BHOP, (9 Broad «!.. BEAUTY CULTURE — Enroll now. NEW NURSING HOME — Dall> Register, lied Hank. A two-piece top makin[ VOI pin* • Rcfinercd n.rector f>( >'ur.*p* price for Jan. ONLY. WS75. Small pong regulation »IZP. In green. fUM ,, PI nmk USED "FARFlSA PORTABLE OROAN Pearl and Wall Red Rank 741-MM • Maul-; — All PLUMBER —Three year" old. A-l. Ne», curt Call Ic.r sp TSiFi H. P JiCooisiiN - tan and r i pnci-cl. Hfioil wfirklng coli ENROLL NOW garden trartor with 36" J. -"• "I 512(10, selling )r $4. )0, 291 -IWtff. CREDIT fflt« rail Flank Veransi-, 741-7217. 38" enow-blnwcr. New »300 "'',••; 'lf~ANrrWHITE~- DEPARTMENT MANAGER AND COLLECTIONS LITTLE SILVER REPAIR CBIfllSK Top wficm anrl bnnrfltn Apply In IBM 747-0573, 741-3KE8 mil .Tl in tmiay's Mai.' colu p-Tinn, HAHITAN OAHAOE, 8. Main SPORTSWEAR AZtcch Peisonnel Bt. Krynorl. 2CUVMI. • Keypunch ?i>n N MKCHANKR' HELPEIl"~APr>iV~~ilf • Computer Programming EXPKR1KNCKD i-i ,:ondltionT_M2:a)69 after j:W »••»- FiirxTAiN I'nrN'TRROim. — » a m. permiii it HOLLO TRANSIT COnr., HAMMOND 175 Urnadway, Keyporl. • Onica Automation WOOD (OAK), ; !,>re- !,, 4 i. m . nvr day*. No Bat. or F'IU. H«ny I'hu 711 {lO.'ifi TllltKi;" MEN~-- ' One ' 'fnr~TfTo~7' Day or evening classes — Free place- WANTED '""•"Transipnrtstlnii (nitdntfclilt plilft, one for 7 lo 3 and ment. MA II is one for :( tit tl •lilft Apply In fn'imin. QRGAN r.l. M 1IKS3 OAS STATION, 1B30 IU. 35, NORTHEAST 1.KP..NKK SIMPS ! RnlrilMal I 2 i WA1TRF.PSEH COI'NTETl OIRIJ< COMPUTER INSTITUTE ' ven Eve" . \\ 'mekenrlsjriT-OJS'.V RBItVICK STATION 1 lit'NKJN' 1IOXITS. 60 English Plaza Red Bank STUDIO rT~KITCHEN SET. — • -- Oni' full Unit: (Inyn, one part-time PTNirFORM pliirnKTAKY FOR pnr-rnll M 747-46(7 w'.'r,n^rE™k wr^f' iron, legs- be expert typist Merflrsl rxpcili" evpnliiKs, Apply In pennn at IiniT- APPROVED FOR VETERANS OF ASBURY PARK Four rhairs.JM- JIBT-9451. «•! ili Rt'il ll Pnrltimr. Hcil TAIN'H stlMiro. Hwy 35 and Lnure! B'>\ W-1O8. The Dally Typing nnd Ml Avp,, Mlildlotown. NEW HAMMOND nplw nnri ^ pin. Til- cTlRiSTMAS WREATHS -•>*«"• i Haul, KXPKKIKNI.KII AlITO MErHMJTc MERCHANDISE extra full. Small Quantity. $10 to, {15- f.7lio CADETTE ORGANS "-. rl.KTIK S,tmr kt,r,\vl- -Top dnlary, all fringe benefits. Must 787-1777. '• _._ TO WOHK - In flnlliiue FOR SALE rripe kri plug Willing lo lenrn WOMAN havi' own IIHIIH anil desire tn U'Jtrii $555 MAGIC^CHEF GAS RANGE -Three ,,,,ih,i... APl.h KHSCII . . 'S exiierlenre nfi-rs»»r.\. Full Inipiiit.f. Opportunity for ndvaniP' Includes bench, delivery, lnstanl-play "ears ol.l, S10. Lite new. Infant crl> Shrewsbury Avr , opposite lg mint. Apply Hi piTnon. liKD HANK r.rii.i III,, .''."-' 7y-U, TI'l'iB" * "'""• TYPEWRITERS. ADDING machines. book (lets you play songs on your own with matlresB and bomperi, $18. Mnnmnuth Ilil., W. Lnni Brari-h AUTO IMPORTS, Newman Springs All makes new or used. Guaranteed. from the start) and 6 weeks of lessons Til Aulomatic Infant swlnir J5. Play P«. : lid , Ueil Hank. "It would be more fun lookin'at Mommy's present Low as $25. Serplco's 101 Monmouth at no charge. COME IN FOR A FREE AKS'.nTKt; on l,.lit^ .., pirn pxrpllpnl nvniP! Whlln or black. Sold gas station. 1843 Rt. 3S, Mlddletown. 671 5«So •wi5~Z~nriflnaily $135, stll tor »50. »i-s. 1.12 Myrtle Are , l-'riK Branch. CM fnr ilPlailh J Hlrplwll, H HELP WANTED-MALE HELP WANTED-MALE stuck with tire' stock. My loss Is your COMPOUNDER ANTIQUE FLAX SPINNING WHEEL gain. Get tliem row st dealer's cost. Worn twice. ^ C^ ^ VoSMETU'lAN — Exprtlrmnl only. W0 Kill! lime -Uillng Jan t. Red Hunk. NUIISKP' AIKKS - ! In 1 pin KXPKRIK.NCKD nil THA1NKK 291-2555 after 6 or weekends. Call 747-4062 2rr~CO~NSOLE TV - Admiral; »35. Our ctni>l'i>f<-« !'""»' "' this »d. Write 3 In 11 p.m '.all HAYVIKW NI'RS WP ncfk an Induntrlmifi Individual TORO SNOW HOUND BLOWERS - Jins ]Mii.\ The li.illy Keglslrr, Reii IN'O HOME for Intnvirw 'Jill-0«40._ flkillpd In the mcaHuriiift RHII mixing Were. $199.95, now J15S.S5. LITTLE Bank, for apjutinlmonl, of ere a ma and lotions. We also (mve COIL HANDLERS HOLLY Fresh cut, heavily berried. Also greens SILVER REPAIR CENTER. 717-0573. COOK nn oiienliiR for a IJJUQHT traliirp, 741-3888. *]7pN's~-- 3 to II. 11 to 7. King James Onnil pay. Berirfli™ Apply Tlrookdl requlrlnn nomeone 'with an aptitude and Scandinavian ornaments and PORTABLE OROAN - With 125 ' Nurilni HoniP. llwy 3H. Ilm.lct. for flKiircv lights, BERNADOTTE FARM, Rt. 537, amplllier. Best offer. Tinton Falls. 542-0317. TYIMSTM WE off IT Rplenrtlil worktnR condi- MACHINE OPERATORS GOING OUT SKCUKTARlKfl tions and 11i)«ral honpflln camblnert PIANOS — ORGANS NATIONAL TWO-DBAWER XA Io4.', a m to 1') with R rongpnlnl atmnnphfire in OUT REGISTER Recently overhauleo. J3W BTBNIXIRAI'IIKRH OF BUSINESS : til [i>m! ptfMi.TtnUnn rMH'rlr-mc nclc CI.KRKH modern atr-cnndHlotiod ulanl, Why not buy a used pian with rlrin, 264.1145. - ' INTERVIEWS All merchandise 50?!. orf except K'^s ful Applv at MONMOl'TII Cd.NVAL guarantee? Our new larger warehouse and repairs. Beginning Monday, Dec. ESCKNT CKNTKIi. !2!l Until Ave If yim lmvp «ny of HIP n dve >kll TWKSDAYR AND TH1JRSHAY5 BRAKE-SHEAR PUNCH PRESS la full ol new and used Pianos and XNDERSON !» am. • 10 B.m. 2 p.m. - 3 p.m. 1. Bayshore Hardware, 40 B- Front unit arc Inlcri'Mt'd In ti-in orrtry B Organs, Players that work, Grand.', "It., Keyport, ilmirnrnli In tlip lunil are why m LANVIN- Spinets, Consoles, Upright* from $25. WINDOW WALLS ., :. Good pay. Good benefits. Immediate openings. To assure your Christmas delivery we TRADE IN BICYCLES FOR CHRIST- •nnie In anil rrglilfrg . W pay Two only In stock. 103"x6'll", rouih CHARLES OF THE RITZ have our own truck and crew, tin- MAS — 57.0(1 allowance on new. LIT- opening. Rrsiilar $30?.(6 each now COMPTOMETER ratpn. N* fee cliariinl. When you worl limited Piano rentals from 97c per TLE SILVER REPAIR CENTER, KT. M HOLMDE!., N,J. for Apply: 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. lyeek. New instrument* at warehouse 747-11573. 741-3888. 8 prices. FREEHOLD KIMBALT, MUSIC """"•RED BANK LUMBER Ace Tomporariet POOL TARLKS - Finns, quality, Full OPERATORS - To learn Mobile Imlufitrljil and Com- CENTER — 12 Throchmorton St., Free- Prnrl anil Wall, Red Bank 741-5500 ESTEY METAL PRODUCTS, INC. thickness Hi" and %") slate. Real pays niKl'l". "i* ninii'" yr»ur hours •Jll Thnnina Avo 717 ;il!)l Slivcwdhur mercial Food CalerlnK business. Man- hold. 462-4730, Open D-fl. 1;3n m tn flavlngi;. $3l»-$T>!)!t. 5C6-7435. TiuiTAR — Fcnilnr JflKiiar. ArripsB TPi'mtnrary work for nplit wri** I RN'B — 3 pm, to l P • pgeilli'iit o|ipnrtunlty for the. right per- Wayside and Shafto Rds. New Shrewsbury amplirlcr. List over SBOO, wlll-:«ell Trrlli Anit'oy Crnlor. ("oiivrnlcnt trnln ANTIQUE POT BELLIED STOVE — II 30 p.m. to 7::t(l a.m., full and part son. Must be congenial, bright and ¥EAUTIFOL~~ Double face Balsam for ^'j-JTi. Call 812-03!i0. - • __ willing to start nt $100 s week. Please, In working condition. Call after 5 lime Apply 229 mill Avo.. Lon p.m., 741-4726. wreaths, prlcrd ~ from ?L'.£0 to SI. "pERSONNEr'AiDES Branch. 2211-4300 for appointment,^ call 671-1280 alter 3 p.m. Also, artificial pieces for the grave STARFIRBQUITAR Fj DENTAL ASSISTANT—Chalr«lri> ex HELP WANTED-MALE DESKS HHi un FILES, tables, chairs, Include bibles with Inscriptions, pil- ccllcnt condition, J105. Pnone 67W1622. rprleni-e. Modern, busy, four-Btil of PORTER HELP WANTED-MALE adding machinesm, , typewritersypewrites, •ffice lows, hearts and crosses with gland, after 4 p.m. ••_ equipment, etc., at bargain prices. OF NEW JERSEY riff. Kxctllcnl nalnrv. Call ntJ-5120 t t t bi i from $2.75 to 56. Grave blankets for FR1GIDAIRE FIIEEZEK — }12S Pflrl-limo finploymcnt, enrly morning Automotive PAtlT-TIMB MAN - Evenings, Over Now or iwcd AAC DB3K OUTLET, $5, $7.50 and $10. For further infor- 0, raldwcll PI. _ Ellialieth, N- I. lirtwrpn II mid 6 ji.m. Rt 38, Oakhurst 631-39&0. CALL WOMEN —Earn '$rrt and up lioi.rn, 7 to 11 a.m. liberal company SERVICE MECHANICS 25. Flour waxing, Janitorial service. mation call Mlnncslnk Farms, 741- 147-J1B1 > .•• *"(i]ltl> FRIDAY fl to 3 n in. - Hufld t)t>nctlt.«. Empioypr dlBcmints. Apply Experienced, noat appearance. Year 4105, located Vk miles north of Red Ing company. Typing, nhorthund SHI Kanrlialim Htrcti-.h wlg round employment. 7B7-2O94. THE GREATEST Bank In roar of Branch Brook Pool 100% HUMAN HAIR WIGS-<2) - m»- your uparp time. MG-fiGGT: MB 1)555, Th« Pprnonncl Of fire fi'.^lO n.m, to Full time position available with Irr i»i'h rlmlr JtrfrrniiiTs tieeded. 5:110 p.m. Selection of window shades in the area. Co. Hwy 35, Ample parking avail- dium brown. Onf, paid $13S, !«11'lor ;ox K-144, Tlio -Dnlly MATURE VVOMAN - Wmilcl HUe ml nmllatc placement for individual 5M, wltn case. One, paid 598, «»II to? reMinie 1" with experience. Ownl utartlng salarj We stock shades up to 72" wide. Brine able dlc-airil wnman as rnmpanlon. Live Sears, Roebuck and Co. SURVEYOR — Experienced Chief of your rollers for greater savings. Prices CM. 787.8238. .,-- j.v ' WWI Hwy 3fl ' MlddHitown plun additional company benefitB. A] Party. Rarltan Valley Engineering- GARAGE SALE - Dally after 9 Call aftpr S:30 In 9 p.m. 787,IH7fi ply to Auto Dcpt. Manager. aa Iowa an $1,4!) on your rollers. •^•AITRKKSl-.S WANTKH - Fm P'riKTAnY IiP«poii»IHIIIly wil Tcchtonlc AfisociatCH Bldg., Rt. 206, a.m. Furniture, clothing, tools, etc, C'hrl>tiniiK l'ny. Kxi'i'i'lrni-ril only "KOUTB BALE3MAM "— For nhore's Somervillc, 201-722-3100, PROWN'S 12 Birch Ave., Hazlct. 'JC1-D630. , leading tnundry nnil dry cleaning (More Classified Ads Ai.ply In i»r.iiin, TOWN A BUKF DIN Browing merrhandlalnK firm, i 32 Broad St. Red Bank 711-7500 plrint. Excelltnt opportunity for am- TWO GUYS x ALLSEW SHOPPES MR, Rl. :i.'i, Mllldlrtown oflli-p nkllla. Will lc«d to pxorutlvi On TUe Next Page) Mtloiui man. Karnlnisfl. $8,00(1 - $in,«00 IU. 35 & Twlnbrook Rtl, Mlddletow. LOADING DOCK WORKERS - Lo- FEIJCING — Surplus — Chain link — Any make vacuum repaired PBIUJA'NKNT" ANJ) TEMPhRABY rlutlpn Tor right Ril Salary cnmmriv 435-0177 mirale with rxperlPiue. Call Mri, a year. Paid vacatloiis, free Blue An ciual opimrtunlly empinyrr cal branch office of Inrge national wood fencing. Erected on your prop- ACE EMPLOYMENT AHENCY CronB nnfl Blue Shi old. Apply Star erty. Discount prices to the home SALES - company In hiring, starting rate MAHOGANY CORNER CABINET — » Tlinmm Avr._7«-3ini_BhHW«bur» Klulirnm. 741-2224. Clcanem, 132 Myrtle Avo. Long 13.05 an hour. All benc-flls. Write tfi owner and builder. Phoni 747-5408. 24 t crably In the Intangible field. Ban Circa 1860. Lighted. Glass shelves. "\VA7TRKSSKRS" —""Bxporicm-Pil. NUlit PART-TIME Branch. _ Box R-167, The Dally Register, Red hour service. 842-4812 after 6 p.m. FOR SALE nnrk. Apply In pornon, TOWN STUDENTS Ings unlimited. MUHI je willing to n li.! nk. 17 nr over A locate within a year. Call 264-73^ SEASONED" "FIREPLACE WOOD~ SEE THE EXCITING - Now Cana- RKIIP 111NER. IU. l!.\ illnillPlnwn. For lumher and building matrrlBl Hay and straw. Also used farm equip- All von need Is *. good telephoni "PORTERS" ~ Full and part-time pc EXPERIENCED BARTENDER - dian made SlUroule Snowmobile at "ii'KMAI.K — For illvorslNpil dntloii |i and hardware store in Hed pnnk ment. 2840924. ANTIQUES AND THINGS voice. Call Mlm Johnson. 741-2599 > sltlons availablo with good salary an Tony's lirstaurant, 3153 Hwy 35, Haz- MONMOUTH MnVV'lR, Hwy 35, Mid- billing and necounlj. payalilr, Exprrl area. A knowledge of building mate- ler fl p.m, nr Sat. full fringe- henoflts. Contact Personne let 261-3777. SNOWMOBILE - SklDoo for 1970. dletown. Call 671-1073. nun ni'iTwnry. Only qlisllilfit nrn\ rlaln would he helpful. Write, giving Office, Rlvervlcw Hospital, 741-2700 world's finest Prices from $G95 Now ftpply. Appolntnii'nt for Intorvlcw, personal THURSDAYS HARMONY FLORAL SHOPPE. S64 PLUMBERS — Experienced. Good 9 a.m. * 10 urn 2 p.m. • 3 p.m. Palmer Ave., East Keansburg. 787- •MTRSES AIDES - 7 to 3:30, 3 to II AI1V-PR oriented gal wlWl RiKid While & Maple Sis. pm. With experience. KMBttY MAN pay Paid vacation, liospltallzation AUTO 0M7. flee skills In fill executive post. Ex anil holidays. 5)20363. LANYIN- Oil NURSING HOME, Hatawan. 580 cellent opportunity wllh growing dlslng firm. Salary commen. "~PORTER-WATCTiMAN CHARLES OF THE RITZ RT. 35 HOLMnEL, N.J. WOMAN — To live In anil take ca surnlo wllh experience. Call Mrs. Fish- StcRily, ^ p.m. to 11 p.m. nhift. Lib- MECHANICS! ol «lck woman. References. Ov, man. 741-2224. eral benefits. Apply In jipraun. TEX\S OIL COMPANY has openlnR tl«n»fort«lloll. C'll 787-1204. VOLKSWAGEN MORTELL COMPANY In Rerl Bank area. No experience Mornings, 9 to 12, Jlust lie certified. necessnry. Age not imnorUnt. Qonrt 144 (Irant St. Perth Ambny WANTS YOU! HELP WANTED-MALE Write lo P.nx F-143, The Dally Reels- character a' "must". We train. Air tcr, Rcil B«nk. oTlTSIDK ~ BALESMAN""^* To~~sell" mull T).P. rUckcrson, Pres. South- *.. ^^"TlELP — Part-time, steari himl.cr anil nuildluK materials to do- TOP PAY FOR west&rn Petroleum Corp., Fort Worth, Christmas velopers and builders In the Middle- Tex. employment, flexible hours. Apply li SKILLED MECHANICS person, Kooiltown, 124 Main St., Ma town-Holmdel area. Some knowledge of bulldlni prortuets necessary. Ap- DISHWASHER - Must be over 16. John Hancock aw«n. plleants should have own i:ar. Salary PLUS Tony's P."«tmirant, 3153 Hwy 35, Has- Mutual Life PLKRK TYPIST — Dlvc-rslfled dU' and commission plui mileage. Write, let. 2M-3777, ties for local stock tirokeraje lit: ftlvlnR resume and qualifications, lo • • PAID VACATIONS Insurance Co. Steno preferred Call 642-1882 netweei Box K-143, The Dally Register, Red RERVICE STATION ATTENDANT — 10 and 4 p.m^ Hank. • • BENEFITS Dayfl. Apply In person at Port Mon- mouth Sunoco, 101 Hwy 36, Announce Ctrtir epporlunN IVBn • - Ststlon t»i»n, preschool EXPERIENCED hnnnprenDr and • t ADVANCEMENT children. Private school. Call helwce tinder-presscr on ladles' dresses. Full in Stlti «nd Sflti W«mgt- 1:30 p.m. and 3 p.m. 747-2536, time, Union shop, nil benefits. H4M OPPORTUNITIES HELP WANTED-Male-Female nt. IDY fllRI. ~Fart - time. Tow Dress, 111 Oakland St. 7*1-0693/ _ • • EXCELLENT WORKIN Thenter, Hwy 35, Mlddletown. Appl PARf-TIME~JANITOR WORK — Day COOK —.For a now Italian restau- St«rtinfl Monthly S«Ur/ up *o person. unil night shlfls. S2.16 per hour. Ap- CONDITIONS rant In Hazlet. Small menu. 261-2700 ply Building 401, Fort Monmoulh. Or or call 541-8700 after 3 p.m. $l,O0ft piJI commiiiloni. Klo HELP WANTED-MALE i-all 512J1274. _ Work on Volkswagens usin KU> or Iriurano •xpiritnct "otiffK — Full time. KitrelTent"wages CLERK special VW tools and equip Shell Oil Co. haa Immediate opening mccsKiy tinct complttt (htory and working conditions. Fringe tone- fits Apply In person at BUTTON- ment and take courses tc for college Krarinatfi with accounting MAINTENANCE ELECTRICIAN WOOD MANOR, Rt. 34, Matawan. background. Llbernl Rtartlng salary and fiild draining' it provided. and employee benefits, Applicants First don electrician lo handle all learn the latest VW repaii Thii ii cn« of ihi moit reward- ALAnM~~SYSTEM INSTALLERS ^ may contact the Employee Relations •lictrlcal repairs, new work. In Men neeili'd with burglar and fire techniques. Dept,, 634-1000, for an Interview ap- ing programi available today. larQft, old factory being cnlarqed and alarm Installation experience. Must pointment. An equal opportunity em- modernlied. Interesting opportunity be willing lo relocate within a year. ployer. If you comidcr yourself to ba tor seK-reliar.1, experi- 284-7375. If you are a skilled me enced man who know! REAL ESTATE SALESMEN — Am- PLEASE EVERYONE ON YOUR CHRISTMAS LIST! a high calibar individual rigard- molars, timers! outo- chanic, there is a career foi bltioua people with pleasant person- mntlc conircls and leu of background you ara in- MATERIAL you in Volkswagen service alities wantcil. Experience not necen. Interlocks, can lay out nary, we will train. Call 284-0668 or SMART SANTAS SHOP HERE. vited to investigate thit oppor- Qn(j troubifuhoM com- 291-1666 for appointment. plex circuits. Pormo- CALL OR WRITE tunity. nent, steady, yiar HANDLER SALES REPRESENTATIVE — To round. MIKE AMORIN, Service contact retail stores for new adver- MMfl Stud Rtuimt to: ENTRY JOB tising promotion. Jersey area. Sal- Manager - 824-2000 ary plus expense. Call Franchise Dl« f. O. lox 170, Rtd lank. N. J. ATCO CERAMICS CORP. rector. 51H-2O-5252. •Holiday Tips \ |f Gifts For Dad General mri varied duties In shipping, [Gifts For The Famil£ et Call 142-3100 HWY. JJ JM-MOO , KEYPORT receiving and publications, COOK — 12 to 8 p.m. Days and sal- ary open, Full clmrge desired. Knowl- HAGINIKOPLIN edge of diet helpful. MR. BARTON. COMPLETE LINE, OF CANDLES, NEW PIONEER CHAIN SAW. Lipht APPLY IN PERSON THE LAMPLIGHTER ANTIQUES [ 842-3400. HOLDERS AND RINGS. weipht. automatic oiler, 16" bar, $149.- Silver, glass, china, furniture. «1A ES SATURDAY INTERVIEWS WICK AND WAX CANDLE SHOP 95. MONMOUTH MOWERS «»' hea monthly. MaUwan CPA firm. Send J910S13 Red Bank • One licail diet. MOTOR INN, Hwy 35, Holradel. 26*- An Equal Opportunity Employer resume to Ilnx H 156. The Dally Reg- Tliroc coi>ka — AM Bhifls. Elizabeth ister, Red Rank. rortcrs. 4S00. Westllclcl exercise lor the wlwlwl,, family Cult for appolnlmcnt. tiiS-0787. "Si-1iooi, BiTs DRTVERS"~WXNTED ^ All stores open 0:00 a.m. to 9 p m. °"»" AveBeBe, , RrlBllRll? 842-321)1 Tile Hazlet Township Board of Edu- Except Saturday, til 5:110 p m. MITM EC1 IXN IcTWANTEb— cation needs a minimum of 1' THE ANTIQUE CENTER <;nml pay. Apply J.M. Flflils All school bus drivers. Experience prcr- \ Gifts For The Home | ADELE STONE DRESS SHOP J17 W. Front St., p., „ t Comer, lit. 35, Hazlct. erable 'Jill not necessary. Prcrer ap- HlBh Fashions - Succblly Priced. "ro'nTKRSWANTKn "- Apply In P« plicant holding Special Rus Driver's 625 2nd, Bradley Beach. 74! mn. DUNK1N' DONUTS, Hwy 3 Lli'riiso. plarllnK rate: S2.T.0 per hour. Call 2S1-5728 tor Interview. FLORA Miilillclon-n. FINE CUSTOM FRAMING Distinctive knitwear, sportswear, cos- CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY "Picture & Frame" Gallery tume jewelry and accessories. Casual REAL ESTATE MAN NEEDED or part-time. C.unter' Beauty salon 44 Monmouth St. Red tun!; 8l2-4X!f and cocktail dresses for holiday plftlnp A YEAR'S SUBSCRIPTION; A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDS! Yoiinp, fnst BrowlOR company need lllddlotown. 61I033B 141 Broad St Red Bank 747-3.157 exprrlcniuMl rral estate sftlpaman 'r EARTHENWARE HOl!SK office miinnppr. OIMMI nppnrtunlly Make someone's holiday a happier homis r>lfin. plus draw tf ncpdod- Cal SITUATIONS WANTEP-Fcmalc one. wllh a gilt from us. THE DAILY REGISTER ' Local, Nallonal. 739-0100, If no unswrr nail 264-8080. A Joyous llnllilny To All! Inlermtlonil Newsj- Accounting General Contractors ^iOM — Wishes to do dlverslfcd 7S5C River Rd. Fair Haven SI2-33BS aporls. Comics, Painting and Decorating typing work, addressing envelopes oi and Spei WE HAVE EVERYTHING FOR YOUIt mailing circular! In her hume. 872 MAIL RECORD KF.KPIST,, tax service.. CAItPKNTnV -• AiMltlnni. p»lltllll«. S. FA1UVELL CREDIT ra.v _ FIREPLACE. Genera! arroununt;. Vr^r r'Mind j.Hlr. oild Jobs I'ftlnlliiB A DecnrattiiK ANDIUON FIREPLACE SHOP AND COLLECTIONS iT^NimsES' AIDE — SNOWMOHILE - Ski-Doo for 1970. Whltehlll Systems, Inr 741-478.: For Frro Ksllmntoa Call S42"160 699 Hwy. :15 6710911 Must have Industrial crtMit cx In (Rre for slrk or elderly- World's finest. Prices from $fiO5. Now IMiKR — Additions Alterations ence and tho ability to nnnlyze nnt person Rfferenc.es. Live-out. Eight (opposite Cooper Electrici at RED BANK AUTO IMPORTS, 119 IVnrl and Bead Rcstrlnglng E Newman Springs Rd. 741-5flS6_ Adding Machinrs-Typowritcrs «l;es Itools and New Homes. revlow flmtndat statpm^nts. Our rilMi hours. Call iftT-xm BUTTON & COMPANY CALL 741-0010 Kxperily on hrniilnl nylon, $1,50 B 1R the bet In tlio field nml plnnn Authentic Colonial furnilure. lamps, IF HE'S LOW IN SPIRITS ;i;io;. r.aipu A cuir. movo Into spacious quarters n« ADDINO MACHINKS — Tyi.ew.-llers Btrnml. SifrlliiB clnspn frnm 7Sc. woman. Call pictures, and el'ls. 173 Hwy. 35, Holm- Callano's People's Liquor Store, 101 sold, renlt-,1, rei.ittrcl Kcnuco's 1IJ1 KKWSSIU,KS' 35 BroRil St., Red NPVV TtrD'iiwIck. by mature Shrewsbury Ave.. Red Bank. CIRCULATION Moving and Storage 291-0658 del, rail 671-0515. Mutimnulh SI , Iteil Ilimk. 717.HIM Bank PO-8000 FEE PAID 717-2214 ANTIQUES INTERNATIONAL W. II. POTTER & SON Diamonds Itought or Itcstylrd "ANDERSON BROS. ~" Plumbing and Heating AZfoch Porsonnol SITUATIONS WANTICD-Male Wheel Horse Snow Blowers "OH WiWilnpl'in s1. Noivirli. N. .T. Antique Jewelry INC, i-1,11 Mill N (; ~-~11 ca tl n u « nd "b »th- European Crystal A Silver 5*7 IIP. Sales A Scrvlo Let UN Imy tlie illninonils vim i!,m'l room foiiHvii-ilnK. Tor. H»ymoll(l Illvil. MMC(-56O(I OROANIST — Young man seeks sit- 722 Ocean Sea Bright 741-0877 Red Hill Rd. 871-0552 Mlrlillelnivn wear or let us ri>My!r tdrin fur VMI PACKING — MOVING uation ns ehurcli orKan!st In Red LOVE LANE TUXEDO SHOP [lerfionally RIMI.'MIICV. :;*i HUM,! Kl CORrtiSAN'S Bank vicinity. Call 747-5105. CREWEL • NEE'lLRfniNT • YARNS STORAGE ( HELP WANTED-Malc-Fcmalc Sales A 8crvlce |^!_Oal(!,iiiii fil Ilr-il Hank 747-27M YARN BARN Tuxcdon-Knll dre.is suits Cutaways General tiinlnictors 161 Lincoln Ave. Elbcron 222-1127(1 FINANCIAL Strollers-Dinner Jackets ANDERSON PLUMBING Co. S3 Front St., 741-3251 Heil llnnk SI'IITTll ANIi KDNK FACTORY JOBS RrKrlALlZIMl 111 nil, r,ill, li«, H'MI- Kepairs — New Work — BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES llmif, ilnrmrrfl nn.| ii.illu' !• to- fell- MEN-WOMEN malrp Pnmipl Bprvlrr l-.ill 741 :i!'M Iicmodcling Good pay loi 40 hours steady work. SUNOCO SERVICE STATION AVAIL- Holiday Dining nr SfJ-(T.l.p,0 A Year-round Inrioon making line c*- ABLE ,T Red Bank area. Dayi. 291- '[Gifts For Boys & Girlsl AHf kji / ALUVn VAM • 'N For Home or Industry ramie tf lo. No experience needed. 9528, nwjhls_29l'll84. "ACME CONSTRUCTION" Mechonlc St. 7-11.(1030 284-10119 or 222-9259 Old factory Isn't fan- niTTiTsALON FOR «AU1 - M1J: cy, but you'll like dletown tret. Abitnln oivntr. H9- Odd Jot)s Alco's friendly peo- THE WINE BARREL COMPANY 8231 ttler «. The most unique dining room lervlng MIKE'S — Little Silver, 741-2428 ple. Paid holidays, Toys, bahy furniture. , Siding AlnsuTation WANTED-OLEANINO STORE—Write, the finest In holiday food. vocation, Insurance, Discount prices i- stating volume, base, rt>nt, etc., to Additions — Alterations — rnRPri clennol up l rcp I) ~INf,'"hooiiSrVlilTn|*J olher benefits. We At The Wlllowbrook LIVECHRISTMAS TREES ' W-2\iD afier 3 ii inMnllprl Bnd KtmrHntfed were an equal op- Box K-145, The Dally Register, lted 740 niver Rd. 741-200(1 Fair Hnvcn BASKETBALL r« 175 070.V M1-O5IO. Hank. No brokers. New Homes portunity employer FOR THE HURRIED BJJOPPEH - Backnoan! wllli rim nm\ net tl4 95 yean belore It bt- Painting and Decorating Faat nervlce, eaMy parkins, full menu suitable for wall mountlriB — for polB We Do The Whole .lob! Sorretarlul Services came fashlonobt*. Sacrltlrlng real going bujlneu. 747- until 1 a.m. At your service [or 30 mounllnB, nrackel »YM. Heavy duty 834, or S42-1SI12. steel lalvnnl/.i-d poln J23 '-'0 Hill Vi I* OAKL H JftNKfl lnUng unrt INSTANT B'"^" years, K I'tiUy h d For Ir»t ATCO CERAMICS CORP. 264-109!) . ..r 222.9259 Bll'fl Tavern & Restaurant RED BANK LUMBER HWY. ft 2S4WOO KEYPORT "mTRLDAsis~B6ok STORE — In F«lr P««rl »nit Wall, Red Bank. 741-8500 Hsven, with blilo stock o( nooks 141 Shrewsbury Ave., Red'-Bink plus Bps.ce for own •Adelines. -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK-MIDDLETOm N. J.s WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1969 37 FOB SALE FOR SALE PETS AND LIVESTOCK APARTMENTS HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE LEGAL NOTICE —BLBCTRIC COTTAR — Bit itrlnn, lft" WATCHDOG WATER METER BATONTOWN — Two-bedroom fur- NOTIOS •way bar, otn pick-up with cut and ITEMS YOU NO LONGER AKC RBOI8TERED AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN , W>lMP«- Ctll 7U-88H.• -Six morjUu old. Call alter « p.m. HEALTH OUARANTBE: nlfhed apartment. UK a month. Call 1 NEED OR USE WILL... S71-3429. 542-4545 after 3 pm. HORSE COUNTRY ORDINANOS ENTITLED, "AN OT .- PUPPY VILLA DINANOE FIXING 9MJOVU AND RADIAL-ARM SAW — 10" — Craft* CHARO.E-A-PUP KEYPORT — Large furnished cm- 115 ncrcs, 62 box stalls. Fenced. Train- RUMSON RANCH COMPENflATK*N OP CERTAIN CLllS AND TRICYCLES -Parts nan, Including aeeeasortei ted >tee! Featuring English Bulldogs, Bt. Bel ctency garden apartment, available 1m ing track. Id room (Jolonlal IHIUPC, A!! BOROUCH OFF1OEKS' AND EM- rtPUrf, Sptscer R, Lutr, 12 SELL stand with three drawere, perfect naj-ds, Bostons, Pugs, Toy Pomeran! mediately, $130. 2640111, in excellent coiullllon. $1-10,000. 20' pine panelefl combination PLOYEES OF THE BOROUGH OF - ISAMAn. STERE, UnioOn Beien— Ooo. 264-8852i condltlo. i condition, %1W. Shop vacuum clean, ans, Great Danes,.Afghans, Irish Bet living room and dining rwm BHREW8BUP.Y, NEW JERSEY", Conlo!* type. AdJIUonsJ speaker. 130, er, with water pick-up, (29. OaU 741 ters, Alaskan Malemutes, Slberlai TWO-BEDROOM APARTMENT — ADOPTED MARCH 12, 1M9. Heat, utilities supplied. Call 40 >crc». 40 box stalls. Fenced. Pool. with (IrR place, three bed- 291-0715 between 5 and 7. 4394 alter 7 p.m. HUBkles, Poodles (all colors am Ranch home, tliree larpe bet!rooms, BE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor sizes). Basnets, Boxers, Toy or Win 8T2-0961 rooms, 'leu, powder room, and Council or the Borounch n\ JTUR COAT — Muskrat. ctood cond" FAST LUCKY YOU - In time for Christ- 30x30 living room. Helps' quarters. ceramic tila kilclien. Asking Fox Terriers, Bcotties, WeBt Hlghlam FIVE ROOMS — And tub batii. 'J75 ?21o,000. Slirewsbury, County of Monmouth, tlon. Hip length, ilM H. 'J30. 74) mas, Must sell brack PeraUn lamb Whites, Yorkshire Terriers, Behnauz and State or New JCEWV. that t! *• WITH A QUICK ACTION size 10-12, remodeled, re-llned, never month. Call 7W era, Black Labradors. Two nercR. I'.rlck nincli, tliree hvtl- ordinance cirtltled. "AS ^ ORDI- .-HANDMADE CHRISTMAS TREE LOW-COST worn. See at Fur Balon, 24 White We buy AKC P.eglitered litters, 787-0971 St., Red Bank, or phone 7470533. rooiiif!, tu'(( baths, large barn. A t>uy A. FRED MAFFEO boMPBNaA'fio:/ OF' CERTAIN BALLS — 3" to 6" llzi. 691 Broa 747-3631 at f80.000. Ht, Shrewsbury. DAILY REGISTER GIRL'S ENQL13H BIKE — 2S". Skis COMMERCIAL RENTALS I'.EALTOn BOROUGH OI-'FIOFiKS AMii EM- GREAT DANES - AKC quality bla. PLOYEES OF THE BOROUGH OF • HOi'S'NER BASS OUITAR — Exec girl's siza B, Ice akajtes, girl's, size 15 acre a beiuillful woodland. Trout 569 River Rd. Fair Haven 4. Easel. 671-8254. and fawns. X-rayed clear. Call 221 SHREWSBURY, NEW JERSEY" lent condition. Plus case. lift). C&1 8607. RED BANK strcatn. Iidtu:)] home, two bed room?. Adopted March 12, 1&68, 1« hereby 1381; FAMILY AD MAHOOAHY TABLE and four chain. Two-car deiariiDd gurage wlili tirrt- 741-9333 mended an follows: Call 8IAME3E KITTENS — Very ipecll Two attractive RIVERFRONT ntf room and bath. Real value at S45.00U. ARTHJLiH I. '•-'•HO--CAR RAOINO BET-00' track, 3 LINES - 5 DAYS with private entrances. Immediately Section 1 shall he amended by the ---loops,' three transformers, six cars, 291-8282 Christmas gi:t« 741-7392. , available. Located on W. Front St. .riillllon r>( tho following Borough i>o- $50. Man's and woman's bowling balls, F0R $ BECTIONAI, FRENCH PROVINCIAL near hospital, shopping, and transjior- MERRY CHRISTMAS sltlon and the compensation to be ,black; H ea. Medium and small Boy —Three piece, ^elge, with covera, AKC GERMAN SHEPHERD PU tatlon, Approximately 400 Bq. it,, $100 TO ALL MINIATURE ESTATE p.-iltl therefor: flcoiit uniforms complete, $5 ea. Largi ? mo. 671-5330. PIES—Large boned, champion llni por month. Approximately 800 fq. ft,, Sanitary Collection Workon* — Sal- Phllco refrigerator, $15. Boys' hocke: Own sire and dam. Deposits accepti $l&0 per month. To Inspect call 7ii ary llange $rj,tSfl.(>0-$6,500.00 'slates, two sin 4, one size 6, ane size JUST ^. now, Call 204-8973. 3691. JOSEPH G. McCUE INC. SHREWSBURY ART1OLB. II. III M. Boy's figure skates, size 6, Available for Merchandise For Bale MACHINERY FOR SALE BUSINESS OFFICE — Storo or shop This Colonial la picturesquely *el All ordinances or partu of onlf- , |6, -7B7-2187. only. Article must originate from a POODLE STANDARD PUPS — A» on busy H. Newman Springs Rd., Realtor iiicen herclofore adopted and In- Outstanding colors, white, cream Shrewsbury. Phono 741-B886 tor detail: among maRsive trees. Four spacious WOOD LATHE—Like new. Craftsman household and may not exceed a lale SPEEDER CRANE — With bucket, brown. Trimmed. Bhota. 741-1117. 30 Ridge lid,, Rumson 842-0444 bedroomii, two batha, dm, alone fire- consistent herewith are hereby re- price of SSO.OO per article. 1800. Oliver Piyloader, SC50. sacrifice. STORE — 2O'x40'. Alao three large place and beamed celling, (jradons pealed. JtS-wlth motor. Can be «c«n at 217 W Call 7B7-8470. ARTICLE III. '..Front Bt., Red Bank, 11-5 p.m. Price MUST b« advertised. Each ad- ENGLISH BETTER — Three yea offices. RettBonablo rent. Available Member Multiple Listing ivltift for jirt.SOO. Owner tranaferrod. ditional lint Sl.00. No copy change! old. Partially trained to hunt. AKl Immediate oi'cu;>ancy. Thin ordinance nhall become effec- July 1st. Apply Berplco'fl, 101 Mon- tive upon Its final yaswige and pub- 'LAFAYETTE fouMrack stereo tapi may be made and no discounts or Registered. J75. Also 10x20' p mouth St. Red Bank, next to Cariton PAUL BRASAR '-recorder. Two microphones and othei returns will be made U ad is can- MERCHANDISE WANTED available S64-OB44. Thsatro. lication According U> law. equipment. Must sell, moving to Italy celed helore expiration. MIGHT BE REALTOR NOTICE »H0 or beat offer. 6666186 alter GERMAN SHEPHERDS — Femal OFFICES — (Private) in larga suite. 794 Broad St. Shrewsbury 717 0221 The foregofng ordinance was Intro- To Plact Your Daily Reoiifir RACOON COAT two-year-old. Two puppies. twi As small as 70 84, ft. Ajl services TOMORROW'S DOG duced and passed on Meat reading ••Ml FAMILY AD, CALL . . . In good condition, for teenager. months. 226-7010. After 7, 842-2744, as desired. Executlv* Center, 1 Main So choose wisely. JIany listings come 872-0100 by the governing body of the Bor- Phone 741-6342 St., Eatontown. 5(2-3281. tlirougli this office. With our combined ougJi of Shrewsbury on Tuesday, De- Quality Aluminum doors ST. BERNARD — Elitht month! oil cember 9, ID6B, and will come up ANTIQUE JEWELRY - Top cash Champion stock. AKC. All inocula OCEANPORT OFFICE PLUS GEN' experience we can help you ctioono A BIT OF NEW ENGLAND , Installed for $44.95. BAROAIN741-690 - Two platfor0m rockers, wisely. Price range $13,000 and up. for flnftl consideration and passage paid. LES DEUX, 7SB River R4., Fair tlons. Wonderlul disposition. Love, KRAL PURPOSE ROOM - Approxi- Clue us in, we're easy to talk to. In Fair Haven. Just »|i Hie street at a meeting to be held on Tues- tapestry. Goo24-Houd conditionr Sarvic. Neea d space, Haven, East. Tues. • Sat 11-5. 741-4337. children. 0T1-5110. mately 750 BQ. ft. Ideal for service from tlie Htramliout dock. Four Itivply day, December 30, 1909 at 8:15 p.m. '•"• FROWN'S $45. Call 741-6716. business. Call 747-2183. hcriroomB, Vh baUiB. All In supirl) WANTED ENGLISH SETTER piTpTres HASSINGER & In the Broad atreel avidItorhim of •MBrosd St. Red Bank T41-76 condlllon, Open porcli plus porte-ctjcll- BhrfiWflbury School at which time LARGE SOFA - 92", «5, table S3, Used Oriental Rugs AKC, 10 weeks old. xcellent breei 10,000 SQ. FT. — Sprinklered brick SLAZEBROOK 'OTJITAR — EpIpnOne, 12-strlng, [oik, corner table, end table, single bed Chinese and Persian building, Hlph ceiling, air comltUmiPd tre. VIPW t>! river. Aaklnn 511,2D0. nd place nil persona will be heard. ; lnE. Inocul-ited. Orange Belton. Horn, r REALTORS 'Perfect condition. Call frame, 55 ea. 741-0326 after 8. Also Wall Tapestries raised. Call 741-9435. offices. Low rental, Leaae. S71-54.>0. RUSSELL M. BORUS JEAN W. FABRY, Clerk 741-6411 FRIEDMAN GALLERIES 774-81(3 105 E. River Rd. Humson Doc. 17 $12.50 POOL TABLE — Standard alse «nd RED HEADED IRISH SETTE: FACTOItV~SPACH — Two 7,OOOMiq" TfiJiPITAI, BED - Three adjust- ANTIQUES — Tiffany Hems, toyi. fur- 842-5880 REALTORS NOTICE equipment, S80. call after 6 p.m. 542- PUPS — AKC. Good with chlldrcl ft. floors, one 3,500 mj. ft. floor. Suit- 600 River Rd. Fair Haven mentl with safety nils, almost new. 2632. niture, china, paintings, statuary, coins, Hold for Christmas. 774-6865, able for light manufacturing. For AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZIMQ Call 2B1-O12J. lighting fixtures. Carved oak dining lease, call 747-1100. RIVER RIGHTS 747-4532 THE ACQUISITION OT PROP- ELECTRIC DRYER - Very good room pieces. Copper Kettle Antiques, ERTY FOR THE CONSTRUCTION THMHB-PIKCB SBCTIONAL - An. SIAMESE — Bluepolnt kittens, 531 Superbly built brick Tudor In Little IMNDY LOCATION condition, (50, Call Oakhurst 531-1839 or 229-0802. small Seal female, declawed, S3! RED BANK— Office suite, approx Walk to all conveniences. Five rooms, OF A MUNICIPAL OARAGE IN Chair, ttCO. Two tables, }35. 671-30B1 Innately 300 *t\. ft, 600 iiq. ft., 2i0Sliver. Boat moorings at end or pri- 1 2 year Blue Queen; stud pervici vate street. All rooms a.rc large and two IB bertroomi. City aewer» and THE BOltOUOH OF 8HREWB- 717-7793 WE BUY U.6. AND FOREIGN - HIMALAYAN exceptional Sealpol aq. ft. 741-BGM. buement. Aaklng $18,001). BURY, COUNTY OF MONMOUTH, HART SKia - «•»". Marker Rollo- Btamps, coins, and cover collections grraclolis. Four bedrooms, (our baths, AND STATE OF NEW JERSEY, mat. bindings, J70. Call 787-8694 days, male. All registered. Domestic It L1NCUOFT — 5001) aq. ft. available buck stairway, rlreplacc In living room and accumulations. Oold coins, sll tens, Jet or Hmoke, '., 671-1611. WALKER & WALKER, AND PROVIDING FOR THE ISSU- except Wedneiday. ver dollara urgently needed. 747-4798. In new cantemporary building. Idea and master bedroom. Wooded, land- ANCE OF $1-1,500,00 BONDS OR HOLLY WIRE HAIR TERRIER - 9 months location for business or professlona scaped. $68,500. Realtors NOTES TO FINANCE THE COST .•Berried branches, fresh cut dally MINI BIKE — Bean, 3!i h.p, Oood WANTED — Boat trailer tor light, uso. Call 747-11*8. condition. Seven months old. 590. old male. Call HWY 35 7*1-5212 SHREWSBURY THEREOF ,•' -< HOLLYBROOK NURSERY weight 16' boat. Call after 5 pm JOHN F. ANDERSON, Child's guitar, (15. Oil M6-486S 747-1332. 842-3647 OFFICE BmTE-RED BANK-75S * SHARK RIVER HILLS — Four-bed- BE IT ORDAINED by the Bor- 48 Mew Monmouth Rd., Mlddletown after 5 p.m. AKC ENHLTSH SPHINOER SPAN ft. In excellent location. Desirable for AGENCY room Cape Cod. Living room, wall-to- outfi Council of the Boroufh or •RUraiOBRATOR - 1M9 Hotpoinl BICYCLE WANTED—10 speed, boy's. IEL PUPPIES - Ready to go o any profession. Call 747-3730 between (Formerly the Low agency) wall carpet, eat - In kitchen, fenced Shrewsbury, In the County of Mon* 17 cti. ft. frost-free. On wheelB. cosl Call 9 and 5. 638 Kim M. Fair Haven yard. 518,900. After S p.m. and wreH- mouth, and State of New Jersey: 741-8204 CnrLstmaa. Reasonably priced. 711 SECTION 1. new 1399- Will sell for S150. ELEC- "THINGS" 80K. KEYPORT — Large orrice. Ample end«, 775-8137. TRIC DRYER. 110/220 volt. Sid New gift Items. Family clothing, new 741-4477 Pursuant to the applicable stat- OLD FURNITURE — Antique!, China parking. O/r Rt, 35, near shopping EVERYTHING YOUR HEART"OE-~ uten of the State of New Jersey "'WASHINO MACHINE, perfect, $50. and slightly used. LAntique Jewelry, glassware, art objects and brlc-a-brac, FREE TO nor>T> HOMES — Lltt center. 763-3900 or. 261-0111. HAZLET 1 '493-8017. bottloa, picture frames and miscel- of ten pups. Ready for ChrlBtmai BIRES — Little Silver location. Cen- there in hereby authorized the ac- Immediate cash lor anything and ev- DREAM NO MORE ter hall ranch. Three large bedrooms, quisition l>y purchase or comlemnfi- igTHDDED SNOW TIRES - Two Gen laneous, Aran Fisherman knit mveat- erything. Kuscil's 25 East Front St. 78T-B553. ero, regular 540, our price $22 to 528.7(1-1633. DISTINGUISHED Owner, transferred to Md.. says re- fireplace In living room. Full size tlon in the manner provided by the .sjrsls., 900x15, Silent Satety Nygen HOME WANTED — Beautiful rom duce price $2400 for. quick Bale at dining room. Bat-In kitchen and ri»n. law of property: THINGS" 389 Hwy. 25, Mlddletown monUi-olil female shepherd conn "•with' rims. Fit Oldsmobile or Caril! 747-0998 COLLECTOR—PAYS TOP CASH KDR lovely 12 year old, two-story Colunlal. Basement plun garage, Half acre BEING known and designated m - -IMJ 7,000 miles, S4S. After 6, 671-5924 OLD TOY TRAINS HADE BEFORE Oood home a "must". Call 741-031: OFFICE yOUR BEDROOMS, 21' living room, with trees. Offered at $33,400. Tele- Block 38, Lol I, as appears on the Ofrtclal Tax Map of Uie Borough of • 'CHRISTMAS SPECIAL" - l5S~Fcn HOLIDAY PARTY TIME — Calls for AND AFTER 1940. 774-3710. BHETI.ANn SHEEP IXKIS — (Mini lull dining room, fireplace, basement, phone today. B.A. ARMSTRONG extras tables, extra chairs, punch Btorrai and screens, jarace, >ew»i, AGENCY, Realtor, BK Prospect Ave., Shrewsbury, County of Monmouth, der Mustang Bass and Bassman am collies) Champion sired AKC puppies. SPACE and State of New Jersey, tor the bowls, phonographs, etc. Borrow your Sable and whlto. Call 671-1813. ASSUME sy.% MORTGAGE. Little Silver. 711-4500. • ellfler, Only used six months. Sacrl party needs from A to Z Rentail Cen- Located In center of Red Bank purpone of constructing: a. municipal flci. JJime your price, 842-5178. ter, 181 Newman Springs Rd., PETS AND LIVESTOCK BOLTO BLACK VELVET — Ango: builnesi district , Only $29,500 UTTLB SILVJDR — Start your New garage, all together with otber pur- tvpe kitten. Five months. Female, Year wllh »n Immediate occupancy poses necessary, Incidental or ap- 1/24 -8CALJI MONOGRAM RACING Shrewsbury. 741-0040. PROFESSIONAL DOG GROOMING — All thesa features provided i BEACH AGENCY, Realtor purtenant thereto: ""SIX'.T- WlUl many extra cars, Pow- By appointment only. AKC poodle Call 747-2815. In a magnificent UireB-^edroom, two- Mi> BEDROOM BET — Walnut, twin bed bath ranch. Immaculate condition • SECTION II. erp'aclu, controllerB. and over and ichnauzer puppies, 671-9021. TOY FOX TERMER PUPPIES • Central Air Conditioning 194 Rt. 33 Mlddletown, N. J. track. $29. 747-5988. and vanity. Kitchen set with four 8B-M28 Kvei: 531-4768 Open T Days professionally landscaped. S6!,M0. Thai the num of $15,600.00, Includ- •wiilte and gold chairs. G.H3. washer. GREAT DANE PUPB — Blue - black. 535 and $50. Chihuahuas 565 mi $7! • Self Service Elevator ELLEN B. HAZBLTON, Rwltor, 13 ing the down payment, hereinafter "JIBALTHY ORCHID PLANTS — JSPhilco refrigerator, three-piece liv- For pet or show. Will hold until Young fox terriers $25. (609) 789-11' • Private Parkins Space COLTS NECK referred to, be and the same la here- • Complete Janitorial Service W, River ltd,, Rumeon, 8<2-3200. -•««& Ohrlitmu Yuli logs, (1.08. Cal ing room net. Motorola swivel TV set, Cbrlstmas, From {100. Terms. 988-0319 43 AORB HORBE FARM — Opportu- SdUTHERN COLOmAL - On 10by appropriated for the purpose as end tables,' lamps. Phono 5BW689. or 774-6011. • Individual Thermostatically nity to combine a home and a nice ntaled in Section I hereof, controlled heat acres. Red Banll area. With Incoml SECTION III. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Income. Beautiful three-bedroom, two- producing collage. Appointment only. SINGLE OAK BOOK-CABB BED, KNIGHT AUDIO GENERATOR — MOBILE DOG GROOMING • Wall-to-Wall Carpeting rath ranch. Swimming pool. 40-stall It In hereby found, determined and complete, In very gool condition, 525. Knight KO 625 VTM meter. 20 gal. WE COMB TO YOU APARTMENTS JW.OOO, 5«-46I»l. declared by tills Council, as follow*: EDEN ACRE 842-4030 barn, hall mile race track. Outtmlld- fish aquarium. 842-2351. Call Tor appointment to Inspect Ings with apartments to rent. If In- THREE-BEDROOM RANCH — On (ai That an appropriation was con- GIRL'S 24" BICYCLE — Schwlnn, TWO CHRISTMAS TREES — Table BMALL MINI CHOCOLATE BROWN RED BANK — FurnlBhed thi terested In exceptional Investmenl aee oversized lot In Bolford. 787-6325. (19, tained In' the budget or budgets of food'condition, bell and double bas- decorations, wrea,ths, electric range, —AKC registered poodle (or stud set. rooms and bath. All utilities in 747-1100 tru« property Bt once, $215,000. 809 Firm. the Borough heretofore adopted un- vice. 566-6834 alter 6 p.m. eluded. Adults only. No pets. 747-5320, der the caption "Down Payment Iteb, 129. Oil after 7, 842-3M0. patchwork quilt. Qeo, Smith, 15 E. STERLING THOMPSON Fund" and/or "Capital Improvement River Bt.,- Red Bank. MONMOUTH BEACH — River & Su 54 Broad Street Red Bank PAIR HAVEN — Custom home just - WORM ONCE — Wash and wear ash PROFESSIONAL POODLE GROOM- And Assoc., Realtor completed. Four bedrooms, 2^ baths, Fund" and that there la now avail- ING — Wa groom to please. Call Club Apartments. Ons and two bed' able In Bald appropriation the sum felonde wig, 515.85. Polaroid Swinger GIVE AN ANTIQUE THIS CHRIST- room apartments In modern build- 4! W. River Rd. Rumsrm dan wllh fireplace, large (oyer. Air with case, $7.50. 842-5058. MAS Silver, glass, crystal, elc. THES42-5J5O. conditioning. 117,000 down. Mortgan of 91,000.00 which sild sum Is here- ings. Alr-condltlaned, science kitchen! 747-0900 available. Call 741-0118. by appropriated as a down payment ANTIQUER, 49 Atlantic Ave., Long POODLES — Grooming, no tranqull- 5153 a month up. Call Resident Man' HOUSES FOR RENT for the purposes described In Section TWm FURNITURE BARGAINS Branch. Izers. Puppies. Stud service. Small ager 222-8309. I hereof. 3 tt,11. OPEN TO 9 dogs boarded. 711-0162 after S p.m. SANTA'S IN RUMSON FENDER JAGUAR SUITER - With 1,2 AND 3-BEDROOM APARTMENTI RED BANK LOTS AND ACREAGE (b) That trie estimated maximum \ VALUES TO NOW sh ?nd Fender surer reverb ampli- GREAT DANE—Female, brlndlc. 114 $26,000 * Itsiij Hollywood heds, from $ 69 —Furnished. Winter rental. Call 774 Charming four-bedroom RIVERFRONT amount of Bondn or Notes to re ls- fier. Excellent condition. 222-T495. years old. Raised with children. Won- 4956. After 5, 774-4856. PHlLi: CharmlnE Colonial totally reitored. MIDDLETOWN — H4a ere lot, $7000. ned by the Borough for Uie afore- I »U6 Studios, scfa-by-day, and residence on W. Front St., Just sec- said purpose described In Section I I , ,«leeper by nlgiit, sleeps two I 88 SEVEN DOORS — Hardware In- derful pet. Sacrifice. S125. 747-3634. GLASSMAN 4 Assoc, Broker. onds from shopping and transportation. All new kltcticn with walnut cabinets, % acre lot, $5000, Will sell aB pack- r 114 new tiled baths, three large ntrt- age or separately, nencrous terms. hereof la SH.5O0.00. J |M0 ttrea-ptece modern living cluded, ?B each. Call after 6 pm, AKC REGISTERED GERMAN SHEP- FREEHOLD — Furnished {Idea.1 In Available Immediately, Only $275 per (c) That the eatlmated maximum room, sofa, high back chair, 671-3429 month. Call 141-3591. rooms, den, full basement. Excellent MULLANEY REALTY, 671-5151. HERD PUPPIES—Shots and wormed. between housing (or transferred per value tor this new listing. amount to be raised from all sources and chair with foam cushions, Call 4 to 8 p.m. Hon. through Frl., 1 tonnel.) Also efficiency. 462-1231. RED BANK—Three-bedroom house by the Borough for the purpnsrs sample $278 Living room, dining room, kitchen AVOID THE RUSH! to 5, Sat and Bun. 787-2055. FURNISHED — Three-room apartmen' stated In Bee tlon X hereof Is $15,- i |3M. bowling guaranteed. 741-0464 or 741-7578. One bedroom. Adulti only. Total RL 35 Mlddletonn That ponding the Insuanre of the r* 70 Night tables, samples $ 39 ball with ba«, J!5. Lionel micro- 671-1000 747-4532 scope, $5. Two Flexible Flyer sledn, OPENINO IN JANUARY - Canine electric: Rt. 36, % block from Hlgl COLTS NECK-HOLMDEL serial bonds authorized In Section IV il 40 Walnut otep-or-cocktail ta- lands Srldse, one block from ocea SKA BRIGHT — Nicely furnished two FAIR HAVEN COLONIAL hereof there la hereby authorised tne 4. bles, as Is, from S 10 fi. Two 6Mjd5 Whitehall tires, S6. College Inc. Third Ave., Long Branch. Wo have ready qualified buyers, so Issuance or bond anticipation notes of 7B7-O776. Register now for our day or night Local, N.Y. buses at door. Call 67 bedrooms, two baths, garage, oil Beautiful street. Excellent schoola, ft DO Maple student desk J 55 5252. heat. All utilities Included. Immedl. for fast efficient service, call J. D. the Borough of Shrewsbury In an an- •S$r-fl Danl»h loiinne, fosm cushion" s 79 dog obedience classes. Also accept- RumHon High School. Four bedroomB, ROCHE, Realtor, Rt. 31, Colts Neck, gregate principal amount of not ex- CLARINET AND CASE — MOing grooming appointments, BTAN RED BANK - spectacular 314-rooi ate occupancy. $225 per month. 94S- 2\is batha, brick patio, full basement {IRWIN'S FINE FURNITURE Call 4299. $11,200, 463-2741, Member Multiple Listing Ser- ceeding SH.6fl0.00, pursuant to the L • 741.2291 LERNER, Professional Dog Trainer, apartment In new luxurious high rise vice. cal Bond Law, constituting Ohapter 2 * CREDIT — FREE DELIVERY 229-7781, or 229-8933. building. Terrace, view, pool, Sauna, LITTLE SILVER — Two-bedroom JOHN F. ANDERSON, of Title 40A of the Revised statute IT Monmouth at. Red' Bank 747-0011 walk to railroad. 24-hour doorman. THREE - BEDROOM HOME - Little STEREO — Walnut console. Good BUCKSKIN GELDING - 7 yein old. house with large fenced-fn back yard Silver and vicinity, Approximately of New Jersey. The form, maturities il PEDIGREE CARRIAGE — CoacB condition. (49. Central air conditioning. «45. Call Possession February 1. Rental $185 AGENCY and other details of said notes shall experienced rider. 741-4716. »3t,000, Write Box R-163, The Dally be determined by subsequent resolu- •j SUB). Like new. (30. W3-9517 ;. 842-3051 per month. S42-4U5. (Formerly the Low agency) Register, Red Bank. 636 River Hd. Fair Haven tion adopted pursuant to law. " % '» 284-0650 HlDE-ArBED 8OFA - With cover. 2U-R00M 'furnished apartments, qi LOVELY RANCH - On acre estate. BECTION VI. BEAGLE PUPPIES — Malt, female. peted, with terrace and ocean view, ._. — 36" white gas range, Call Fireplace, Immaculate condition. 741-4477 LIST WITH CONFIDENCE It Is hereby determined and de- condition. (20. 800x14 tire, (5. Call 747-249S 56S-701S near stores and transportation. Call Walk to station or bus. $375 per Our 14 professional salespeople are clared by this Council as follows: »2. 871-0527. ROCKING HORSE — Largest size 222*233 or 229-3977. month Call 741-7748 evenings, or IS LOCATION ready and able to market your prop- (a i That the bord or notes Issued {9. Child's set of birch table and 8HELTIE PUPPlES — IMlnl-colIlesl WINTER RENTAL — 4« furnished days, 222-8233. erty successfully. pursuant to this ordinance shall bear PAROCHIAL SCHOOL UNI- AKC. Males, females. Wormed. Will IMPORTANT? Trade-Ins — Exchanges Interest at a rate or rates not ex- f Oreen. Regular $9.50, 57.50, captain's chairs, $9, stroller, hird hold for Christmas, 5664520. rooms. $150 plus utilities. Leonardo, FURNISHED TWO-ROOM BUNOA sides, • Insulated, collajwltile *15. 916- 291-2196. LOW — Utilities supplied. J90. 209Excellent three-bed room ranch with Member Multiple Listings Service! ceeding current interest rates. iBrokll sizes. Bam Silberbla.lt Dept. aluminum sitting. Close to buses, WALKER A WALKER, Realtors O) That the period of usefulness (Store. 872-1367. 8806. OOOD HOMES FOUND FOR OLDER Bay Ave., Highlands, after 6 p.m. DOGS — And cash paid for pedigreed EFFICIENCY APARTMENT - J150. Bhops and schools. Perfect for re-Shrewsbury Holmdal of the improvement described In Sec- •«uui TOP DESK — Excellent- con- GIRL'S 8CHWINN BICYCMI - U", Utters. STAN LERNER DOO TRAIN- All utilities. Furnished, Ocean an THREE-BEDROOM RANCH — Rec-tirement. Priced right at $33,400. 741-5212 m-3311 tion I hereof for which the obliga- Idltlon. Can be seen at 217 W. Front pink, 2 years old; excellent condi- ER, 229-7781 or 229-M33. river view. Call 291-2375, reation room, garage. $250. BEACH STERLING THOMPSON tions authorized in this Ordinance are §»t. Red Bank, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. tion. Asking 520. 671-2549, BTUDIO APARTMENT — Carpeted AGENCY, Realtor. 194 Rt. 35, Mld- WE CAN MULTIPLE LIST to he Issued Is 40 years. FREE — Two female pupplei to nT1 dletown. 842-2626. Eves. 531.(768. open And ABSOC, Realtor (c) That the supplemental debt loAB BPAPE HEATER - VIM Warm CITIZEN BAND RADIO SET — Bass furnished. All utilities. Ocean *B W. River Rd, Rumson YOUR HOME right home. Call river view. J130. Call 291-2375. 7 days. .itatement required by Section 40A:2- iMornlnt. 20,000 btu. Excellent condl- and mobile! unit, antenna, (50. Binoc- 787-49M Call today and give details and cash 10 of the Revised Statutes was. pri- iflon. IW. Eves. 741-7011. ulars J5. 741-2291. RED BANK — Three rooms — ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Three- 747-0900 price. STERLING THOMPSON * AS- or to the passage oT this Ordinance AKC REGISTERED CHIHUAHUAS— bedroom Colonial. Unfurnished, Call OOC 747-5600. on first reading, duly made and filed .ETOUT MU8KRAT COAT — Size And Mtnpin puppies. Wormed and bath. Furnished. All utilities excep lUNPAINTED FURNITURE 12, like new. Cost S45O price {50 rai Adults only. No pets. Month' 283-2773. DECK THE HALLS In the Office of Ihe Borough Clerk, ,lnoculated. Oroomlng •- all breeds. Ready lor Chrlatmaj celebration. Im- BUYERS WAITING and said supplemental debt statement jJkJsM ftoolf, chairs, deltas, chests, at row. Call 14 p.m. 741-1271. Boarding Dlstemner certificates re- security.' TV available 747-2242. MIDDLETOWN —n Four-bedroom Sdlioount prices. Cash and carry. maculate thrco-bedroom ranch wllh For homes, estates, {arms, water- shows that the gross debt of Bald 18 KARAT GOLD bangle bracelet qulred. Call 67M862. FURNISHED - Newly decorated split. Recreauon room, basement, ga- screened porch. Basement finished as Borough as defined in Section 40A:2- 'rom Peru, never worn, (50. Call apartment. Nice and clean. Adults rage city newers. Convenient to fronts, business and Industrial proper- RED BANK LUMBER BT. BERNARD PUPPY-AKC. Beau- recreation room. We recommend this ties, orf-atreet parking at the office of 43 or the Revised Statutes Is In- 112-0889. only. No dogs or cats. 747-3163. schools. $300 per month. Call 787-3482 listing at (34,900. creased by this Ordinance In the sum rt «nd Wall, Red Bank 7U-5M0 tiful, loving pel for under your Christ- of $14,500.00, and that the Issuance of DINETTE SET — Formica top ta^le. STEREO — Leather portable, Oood mas tree. Male I months, Oiandslred KBYPORT — Unfurnished otudlc JOSEPH S. McCUE INC. RAY H. STILLMAN the obligation authorized by this Or- four chairs, excellent condition, 510, condition. $29. by" Ch. Titan v, Mallen. Shots, apartment. Remodeled. No pets. WANTED TO RENT dinance will be within all debt lim- Maple hutch, 520. 291-2720. 583 9517 wormed, fully paper trained. Ch. stud Adults. 264-7575, or S88-3104. Realtor REALTOR itations contained In the Local Bond service. 241-3441 after 7 and week- EXPERTS IN GROUP TRANSFER "Our 5Ut Year" Law. LAME TRADITIONAL COUCH - .TLAS 8N0WBLOWBR — 4 h.p., FOUR LAROE ROOMS - And bath 30 Ridge Rd., Rumson 842-0444 Member Multiple Listing end]. MonUi's security. Adults only oi BEFORE CHRISTMAS NEEDED - BECTION VII. With slip covers, Please call after 6 elf propelled, wllh chains. Used A good number of large and small Hwy 35 Shrewsbury 741-8600 p.m. 741-3183. :wlcc. 5125 or best otter. 291-2885. RHODE ISLAND REDS — 50 fresh working couple. Apply 276 Washing Member Multiple Listing That the total amount of the pro- layers and 35 oil bens. Call ' 591- ton St., Keyport, after 8. dwellings. Can afford montlily renuil NOTICE ceeds of tlie obligations authorized fcrtSbARDS AND WET SUITS — MJTIQUED WHITE FINISH - Dress- 9514. $250 and up. It you can help, call us WANT TO MOVE Stranger: "Nice home you have here. by this ordinance which may be ex- «'ll", eight- lbs., SOW" Weber. 7' er, mirror, chest, night table, $55. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS AND today. E.A. HANLON, Realtor, 812- Worth about $211,000, I Imagine." pended (or Interest on such obliga- GrVpk#.and wet suits, tmnll, mrrllum, Unusual brass headboard, double sin FREE — Beautiful part-Persian kit- BATH — Adults only. (4 block from OHO. IN QUICK Owner: "Nope, It's worth every cent tions, engineering, tand Inxpectlon $15, 787-7782. costs, and legal expenses, in such lirje. 872-1201 betaeen 5 and t tens. Will be six weeks old on Dec. shopping center. 741-8881. FOR BUSINESS — Small garage, one Welt, Joolt at this great buy. Colonial, of $35,000. You thinking about juylng 24. 747-3148. ONE THREE ROOM APARTMENT— (our bedrooms. In Strathmore. Owner It?" manner provided In Section 4OA;2-2O or two-bay. Keinsburg.Middletown • moved to North Jersey. Take over Stranger: "No thankB. I'm the new ot the Revised Statute! is not ex- PUPPIES FOR CHRI8TMAS —Peki- Heat and utilities Included. One "V,Red Bank areas. 7B7-1612. jeedlnp 51,000.00. room apartment, heal, utilities In- 6% mortgage. $36,500. tax asBeisor." nese mother, very adorable, (10, Call WE NEED — Five or six, 2-3 bed- Bo list with — SECTION VIII. 717-3126. cluded. Call after 5, 495-0374. room Rental Homes, furnished or un- MARIO DE SALVO JEAN K. IRW1N, Realtor 812-4188 The full faith and credit of the furnished from $85 to $350 per month Real Estate Broker Marine Park Red Bank Borough of Shrewsbury Is hereby for Incoming personnel. THE BBRQ 80 Hazlct Ave.,Hazlet. 261-228S pledged for the payment of the prin- APARTMENTS APARTMENTS AGENCY. Rt. 35, MUdletown. 871-1000. LISTINGS URGENTLY NEEDED IN cipal and Interest on all of the tondi EXPANDED RANCH Atlantic Highlands, Highlands, Le- or notes Issued pursuant to trtis Ordi- RESEARCH ENGINEER - At Fort Two years young, located In the hills onardo and Kaveslnk. BROOK AGEN- nance, and the sum required for Do Classified Ads work? Monmouth desires quiet Isolated ol Holmdel. Five bedrooms, dining OY. Bank Building, AUantlo Hlgb- micft payment shall. In each year house to rent. Write Box N-189, The room, den with fireplace, 3% baths, Ids. 291-1717. while any of said bondi or notes Dally Register, Red Bank. lull basement, two-car garage. Beau- are outstanding be Included In the tlrully landscaped, with trees. Asking annual budget and raised by tax with- 3 ADULTS — Palrvlew section. Sepa- 562.000, LEGAL NOTICE out limitation as to rate or amount rate homo or 1st floor unfurnished upon, all the taxable property within apartment with 2 bedrooms. Box F- WALKER & WALKER, the Borough. HI The Pally Register. Red Bank. NOTICE Realtors 1449 SECTION IX. *' >/ FAMILY MOVINO TO N.J. - Wllh HWY 35' 671-3311 MIDDLETOWN SHKRU'F'ti SALE This Orrjinnnce shall take effect 20 four children, small dog, want 3-4 SUFERIOR COUIIT OF NEW JERSEY days after the first publication there- bedroom, 1U baUl home. Up to S228 RUMSON CHANCERY DIVISION of after final passage pursuant to per month for right house. Refer- SAVE A WIFE MONMOUTH COUNTY law. nces on request, should be avail- And give her tills Gold Medallion home Docket No. F-3^81-63 PUBLIC NOTICE able Jan. 1. Available for showing for ChrlilnuH. Thin well-planned three- «."oadway Mutual Savings and Loan PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given Dec. 28-31. Reply to Box F-142, The bedroom ranch will save her time and Association of. Newark, New Jersey, a that the above ordinance was firmi- Dally Register, Red Bank. work. It's a present that will keep N. J- Corp,, Plaintiff va: Isaac R. ly adopted by the Borough Council jester, ct als., Defendants of the Borough of Shrewsbury tn the r.i ,'.'•'.:. AUSTRALIAN FAMILY - Wishes giving for a HfetlmQ. Asking £33,800. By virtue of a writ of execution In ATLANTIC REAL ESTATE, 229-8080. County of Monmouth, and State of fully furnished four-bedroom home to the above stated action to me directed, New Jersey, on the 9th day of rent for two years. Phone 842-5603, Member IB A shall expose for sale at public ven- ue, at the Court House In the Bor- December, 1066. Ext. 32, between 9 and 5 p.m. BANK — RUMSON AND MILES The Bond Ordinance published here- AROUND — Multiple Listings. Send for JKfi of Freehold, County of Mon- •louth, New Jersey, on Monday the with has been finally passed and the ' , Monmouth Beach, N. J. free catalog of modest homes, farmn, twenty day period, of limitation with- FURNISHED ROOMS palatial Rumaon estates, waterfronts, 5th day of January, 1070, at 2 o'clock, *\M. Prevailing Time. in which a suit, action or proceed- acreage, lots, business opportunities. ing questioning tho validity of sm-li ITU; ' ALPINE MANOR HOTEL RAY STILLMAN, Realtor All the following tract or parcel of ordinance may be commenced a« pro- RIVER & SURF CLUB APARTMENTS and and the premised hereinafter par- vided in the Local Bond Law, has be- HOTEL AND MOTEL ROOMS — Spe- "Our Slfit Vcar" ticularly iicHcrlbed, Hituatcd, lying and We olfer arfroctli/B garden apartments In well-kept grounds containing olal off season rates. Hotel rooms 6*8 Hwy. 35 Shrewsbury 741-a6OO giin to run from the date of the first with maid service, $20 per week. being In tlie municipality of City of publication of this statement. large rooms end each wllh Its own private terrace. Each opartrnent dos Asbury Park In the County of Mon- Motel rooms, $35 per week and up. UVETENT FREE mouth and State of New Jersey: bound- JEAN W. FABRY o science kitchen, tiled bath, master TV antenna, Individually controlled Special rate If paid by month. 1 Borough Clerk Portland lid., Highlands. 872-1773. Waterfront. Two-fa rn I ly IIOIIHC. Each id and described as follows: Dec. 17 M2-M heating ond olr conditioning and two parklnj space! p«r opartment. The apartment five ronmn plus flep;ir.ite BEGINNING at a point In the north- large 4 room apartments are offered from J155 a month. Five room HIGHLANDS — Clean, comfortablo five-room limwe. Bulkhead. 30' duck. erly RUIC line of Monroe Avenue dls- ' (2-badroom) suites sometimes uvalloble, offering a second bathroom room Near bus Urn*. Call nipnrlnn rlKlitH.. S-fJ.500. CROWELL nt therein 429.12 fuel westerly along IIOUSES FOR SALE 872-0360 AGENCY, 188 Urnnd St., 741-4030. ..io name from Its Intersection with at (30! a month. tho westerly flldo line of Prospect Ave- LAHGB ROOM - With ohowcr. First ATLANTIC Ilia IILANDB — Spacious ic and thence running: (li Along tho floor. Private entrance. Call 747-1041. flvo-betlroom home. Water view from ..irtherly aide line of Monroe Avenue, FOR REAL SERVICE <-it •'• 1-4 p.m., 4-B P.m. D40-B441. ipper level. New wiring Hot water icat. 2!)l-lfM (ir 2t)l-:!4:H. S'J:t,tKH). North 74 doKroffl 30 minutes West 51.OS IN REAL ESTATE RIVER & SURF CLUB MARINA FREEHOLD — Private entrance. M; thenre (2) North 15 degrees 30 1 ilnutefl East 10 South 15 degrees 3U Mambar of TffO~FU"iwisHEb~ilOOM9 — Near living room, dining room, kitchen mlmitnH Wont 100 firt tn tho norther- phone service. Although opartmenl tenants and former slip usors heve tun jiml nillrmul slatton. iled Hn:iii. wllh (ll.'ilHVii.Hlicr, '2K halliH, 30" HUHly sldn line of Munroe Avenue at the Red Bank Araa a priority, there will bfl a limited number ol slips available lor Ihe room, on l!i nrrP3 wllh river rlylitH. Call 741-0107 daya. After ti, 747-0613. fivcrsl/.i'tl t\v{i-i-;t,r Kanico. f'onvenlnit MLS coming season, lo trannriortation itid nliopiiInK' L°w TI1K AHOVE il"H(Tl|itlnn has liern Do takers like money? 'Xcftllcnl lfjcatfori fnr trfinspnrtntinri JIO'M. Rt2-174(f, Ir/iwn in nr.t'onlimri' wltli a. nurvcy and ntiopplng. Private cntrniwe, narlt- iiiulc l>y Kdwiinl ''. llcllly and As- otilftlc.'i. rr(tfp«sl'>n;il IfinKini'pni - La ml Ing. Very nlcn, iiulel IIDUHI. 747-J'O». flropliicP. Int. Asking RIVER & SURF CLUB IINVTIJII IIOOM3 — nicnn, comfort- iiii'veyorn, 400 New Hrunsvvick Ave* ',-Ttl* tniwe-r to both queilloin it an emphatic "yei!" Uii>, i'L'rlh Amboy, New jenpy. Ed- The club offers o lorne fresh water pool with a lifeguard In season. A Re lift unable, (lent! em an i>re- TNKft. AND CARTON AQF3NCY varrl (\ Ilcllly. Surveyors, dated July 'orcd, P2 WallRCO Bt, 741-63H2. Cabana building Is available. We also have two private stretches at 2iM-2!ll(t KvonlnKfi. ridd-lRJJ 21, miii. BaflUri like money , , . it'i thi very bale upon which their daily oceanfront beach, again wllh a llfoouard In season. Surf fishing and COLTS~NKCK — Brick, threo-bed- HAU) jiremlRUB am Itnown as 11!17 flstilng from, o |olty ar« on the Club's nrlvole beaches, Club rooms lor ronm ranch located nn completely en- Miinroo Avi*nii«, Aflhury Park, New •clivHiii art ceniorod htlping people from all walki of life REAL ESTATE FOR SALE cloned innrtHnaimd Rcre lot, Two fire Jorafiy and doslttniLtcd hot 2(1 in I!lui-:i both cdults ond teens art available and will bt furnished ond equipped. 51 on Hie iirrscnt trtxiiif; m;ip or tho «nd kasplng our economy on th» move. HOUSES FOR SALE plucei, (lnln)ied bnnoment. [lot wtter A few outsldi members will be accepted. ic/it. Paneled family room. 25'x30" City of Anbury Purk In UIP County (if mlldlnp on iiroporty. Asktn« Jiri.^iX). Monrnotilli and State uf New Jornry. COMFORTABLE !nll 46Z-70:il. AL9O Inp.ludfid Is tine (inn Ratine. Direction!: From Rtd Bank, eosl on Rumion Ave. (Rte. 520) to Ocion IT 18 Intruded l» ili\Hi;rll»e the HILIDI! And Classified Adi work . . . also helping paopU from all r COLONIAL ATIJANTIC ni01ILANDB~^"Tw(P'jP(i Ave., thenci rlglil to Park Road In Monmoulh Bead). preriilai's conveyrd to IHUHC H. Loiter waili of lift . • • bringing buyer and taller loqothor, and fill. rktlnc While with Illaok Btuittors) miH, lull bnisi-mcnt, Ufiracc Unvciv and hllllnn I'. Haundern, widow, by •nllon. $19,500. Fell. I occupancy. Heed rocorcM on Augiwt 21, 1901 tn many naids in our day-to-day txiitonce. Mont atlriicllve larpo doulile lot on Honk 'Mm of Hreiln for Momnomu For Apartment, Marina or Club applications, tae ('ounty, Viw 31. quiet rRHldonLlal nlrecl. 'fliroo licd- "iTov l-il < Y~~irANrfi t "^~o'n~7ic rV~r-*H i n ti~ roonifl, two full tiathn (ono on fl rat >p\ai't-. Imnmculnte condition. The apitroxlnmtp unmunt o( the Jmlg* If you have never used a Want Ad, you're mining one of the- fluon. Family FIZC HtteluTi, large llv- mrnt to lie fnitlftllrd by tuili In tlin RESIDENT MANAGER nt[, dlnlnt room, i>Ui.i hmtuiry rwnii, W.ill: to Kititlon or Imu Ml.OflO. Cull mm of srj,:.'!li together with the cnxts *ail»it of ill "money-making" opportunities available to you. iiiitMiiRnt. NPW iivtrnlzo two-cur il<>- 1-U-ViH ovcniiiBH. Or dayn, 222-fm, of Hil.i nulc. Ficlicd garage, (-ovoretl front porch. ntANaKKKItWll, "(111 JUST'"" OUT" Tho HIiiTlff hfireby rrnerves tlifi rlcht in mod Into occuimncy. Itrnt vnlun In JROVVINfl YOUR HOME? - Call or lo ndjmini Ililn .inlc wllliwit furtlier Apartment #27 •"air Haven at S?if.000, wrili) f«r ApplHironk'n monthly Homes notlco by iiublicntlnii. "You can place a fiit-actlng Clanlfled Ad for a very imall Living mnicfiilr.il. Olffirs pictures, VAX.1l, KIKItNAN, Slierlft "Well, wUt'd tho qirli »t lh» .Inv.itm.nt by dialing 741-6900. HALL BROS., Realtors prices, dannrlptlons. Absolutaly no D/ited: Novftinimr 12, 1 Set Chor Concert . Mayor Repudiates For Tonight RED BANK Thechfrf: music organizations of -Itp Critique in Holmdel Bank High School wiU. offer, their Winter Choral Coneft&j HOLMDEL - Mayor Wil- menl, dearly sliowing. an ex- for a public hearing on the to the public tonight, at.it' liam H. MenRCs lias been of- pansion joint, which the home- whole issue, which he called o'clock in the school gymna- ficially authorized by the owners' group says is specif- "a big deal." sium. '- "•' Township Committee to an- ically prohibited in the 19C7 "You've got a public meet- Participating groups are#e swer a letter from the Holm- subdivision ordinance." In ad- ing right now," said the may- chorus, the Men of Note, ihe' dition, the taxpayers claim or. But by 1 a.m., Uie room- dcl Township Property Own- Choralettes, and the choir, all there is no reinforcing wire ful of people who had earlier ers Association which charged under the direction of.Jlip^- "that perhaps the Holmdel ad- in the sidewalk, even though protested a proposed ordi- 1 ert G. Spencer, vocal musia ministration is oriented more the current law requires the nance establishing a new toward builders than it is to- inlay of welded wire fabric. landfill site, had dwindled to director. , .. ward the Holmdel residents," Mr. Mengcs explained four HTPOA members. The chorus will present a group of seasonal songs and The mayor, reading aloud again that the township has Will Investigate no lega] right to force a build- carols from many nations. the letter at Monday night's Th taxpayer group's de- er who began construction un- e Featured will be the Neopoli-, marathon committee session mand for a livelier forum was der the old ordinance to up- tan "Bagpipe Carol" accom- took strong exception to the never answered by the com- grade to the. newer one, even panied by two flutes. ' '-, charge and pave an immedi- mittee, which did agree how- though h« is strongly encour- Barbershop harmony will be, ate pnini-by-point repudiation ever to investigate the aged to do so and often does. offered by the Men of Note, of the letter, which centered charges and answer the let- Requirement Denied who also will sing a special its criticisms on subdivisions ter in writing. arrangement of "Jingle that began under the I958 sub- To an HTPOA comment FOREIGN STUDENTS — The Monmouth Regional High School chapter of the American Field Service in New that il "suspects most new The committee said the Bells." division ordinance, but wore Shrewsbury hosted all AFS students in the Monmouth-Qcean County area. Students attended classes at MRHS sidewalks in the township are township road department completed under the revised Choralettes will offer |Nut- substandard," and feels that would clear roads of snow in and were guests at a home basketball game. They stayed overnight with members of the community who pro- cracker Suite," "Sleigh Ride" 1907 statute. Hcyward Hills, although it "new streets with the re- vided lodging in their homes. Saturday the student chapter entertained their visitors at a variety show in which and "White Christmas^. Citing "many recent viola- was made clear to the devel- quired six inches of sub-base Lorna Yusof, one of the AFS students attending MRHS, was featured. Above, from the left, back row, Teresa The choir will feature sev- tions of Holmdel Township and six inches of macadam oper that this snow removal would in no way constitute Van Gooy of Belgium; Petor Neumann, Germany; Makolm Arvidson, Australia; John Samiotis, Greece; Victor eral Spanish carols and bthet; subdivision ordinances," the base arc a rarity" led the songs of the Christmas Rea- letter stated that "specifical- mayor to exclaim that "no acceptance of the roads in the Maldonado, Guatemala; Alejandro Lillo, Chile; Francine Vincke, Belgium; Martin Bertenstein, Austria; Nilda subdivision. son. ',„. [j ly, inspections made by var- body requires six inches any Bonii, Paraguay; Regina Vincent!, Brazil, and Luis Ramirez, Paraguay. In foreground are Lorna Yusof, left and ious officials to assure com- more." Committeeman David Co- Marcia Bloome, president of the MRHS chapter. (Register Staff Photo) pliance with township ordi- He asked that the "wit- hen, after reinvestigating the nances do not seem to bo per- nesses of topsoil removal firm of Realty Appraisal Inc., Two Plea forming their intended func- from the Heyward Hill devel- West New York, said he had tion." opment" referred to in the let found no reason for the town- Innocent Attached to the HTPOA let- ter report their discoveries to ship not to go ahead with its ter was a photograph of a re- the committee at the time of contract with the firm to re- g ^e piumijer Looks cently completed sidewalk in Ihe offense, said the township evaluate township property. Takes Grant On the Heyward Hills develop- building inspector has no part- Mr. Friedauer last month LHTLE SILVER - The FREEHOLD - Sp4 ] time assistant as claimed by asked that the committee re- Northeast Monmouth County ick J. Beckham, W.l^; LEGAL -NOTICE the HTPOA, and claimed the consider its contract, citing llegional Sewerage Authority Like Any Businessman Hancock soldier, yesterday "shoddy inspections" referred \(>TU K TO im>m:ics complaints made against the last night formally acknowl- pleaded innocent to charges PIPS FOB THE ritOIMIHKH KITCII to were only a general com- V.S AI.TKRAT1ONS AT I'll 15 CA> company's reappraisal He even pulled a news photog- of causing death by ajjtfljf ment until the homeowners edged a $3,554,040 grant from By JOSEPH DI LEO others were indicted on simi- M>\\OiH)-s\i,j;M HIM, sniom methods in other townships. the Department of the Inter- lar federal charges. rapher from the path of an a 71-year-old OswgNY HOW KM, TOWNSHIP, NKW SVA could furnish a specific ex- * NEWARK (AP) - They Mr. Cohen said he had auto that might have struck man in Monmouth Beach M v I)I;CI:MHI;H ifi, w< ample. ior. call him "Sam the Plumber" DeCavalcante, who earned MOTICE 1« hr-rcliy pivrn Hint SIMIIP talked to officials in Asbury his nickname from his Kenil- him. Beckham's car, afterfixs! prnposnl.i will tie recrlvod hy Hi Theodore Friedauer, chair- Park, Shrewsbury, Red Bank, This brings the authority's and from outward appear- striking a car on Oce P.M. n pledge from the state before tion of Princeton. ber since the early 1940s. His ciates discussed a number of tlto l5Ui day of .January 107(1 fi cal Mcnge.s snow job" and The committee will meet in father, Frank, initiated him fatally injuring Mr. i'Rciti'i work ont.lt In! "PROPOSKO KITH the federal money will be re- Cosa Nostra murders and KN ALTERATIONS AT THE C?A? said he resented the mayor's a special session on Monday, But the U.S. Justice Depart- in the blood ritual of the father, Anthony Reitzf of Os- JlLKWO01>—SAUKM HIM* SC1IOMI that he indicated he was con- "snide remarks." ceived, ment contends Sam, whose wego, N.Y., last Aug.••8.1...,> TOWNSHIP OF HOWISLL, Mf> Dec. 29, for a transfer of shadowy underworld empire, cerned over the method in MOUTH COUNTY", NKW JKIlHKV "There's not a sidewalk in funds, and has set its reorga- The authority accepted real name is Simone Rizzo the FBI says. Ivan Popov, 20, Ptaehurat Bids will lip opciipil publicly nnd ro\ which some victims were dis- fllmiil (is fioon us iirAcUcul Him town that conforms," Mr. nization for 7:30 p.m., Friday, without comment its year end DeCavalcante, is a high priest His rise from Cosa Nostra Drive, Cliffwood iBfeach^ after. of La Costa Nostra who has patched. •Mmnrtto* will bo taken on tlio f< Friedauer stated, and called Jan. 2. auditors report. soldier to a "family" head pleaded innocent to fhjsrges lowing fnntnu'1«: used his plumbing and heat- One part of the FBI tran- Contract No, 1 — General Co was almost meteoric. of carrying a conceals* weap- st motion Work ing business as a front. DeCavalcante was the cen- scripts, printed into 13 vol- on, a straight edge raior, in Contract No, "2 — Phimtilnp Worl umes totaling 2,000 pages, Contrite I N« .1 — Heating & Vcn The federal government tral figure in a dramatic dis- his car July 25 in Uriloji Hinting Worlt says the stocky, mustachioed closure this year that the FBI went this way: Beach. He also denied having Conlrtu'l N". * — Klcetrlrril Wm Marlboro Planning, Zoning Kadi Bidder may, at his oplloi DeCavalcante operates gam- had obtained extensive con- "The conversation drifted heroin in his possession that (nibmU n Coinblncit Wit (or «H trade en a separate Hid Form to bo nn bling and loan-sharking activ- versations involving Cosa to a discussion of the recent same day. •"-'-- vldr.l. The irrclpt iitid opening of bids ities in Middlesex and Union Nostra operations by planting killing of 'Cadillac Charlie' in The two were arraigned be- ru'.'ici-l to tlifl prot/er iiunillirntlnii counties. He also is involved, electronic eavesdropping de- Youngstown, Ohio. All were fore Superior Court Judge the Bidder. In m'vnnliincu wllh 11 Code Set for a Full Review rrcquallfltMttun LAW urn! thi> rcKUl federal authorities contend, in vices in his business office critical of the method used Clarkson S. Fisher. (knw ft" adopted hy Uio Btito Burn MARLBORO - The Plan- hensive review of the town- ning Board, the township gov- ol KdiKivtion, labor racketeering. and elsewhere. and of the fact his 4-year-old Drawing*. Riwltlcntlnns, ]1 ning Hoard last night passed ship's master planning and erning body officially directed DeCavalcante is the reputed Hearings by the State In- son was also killed." Form.'*, Contract and Hotxt for tl the board to go ahead with j>mi»>flpil work iirn nn rile In tlip c a resolution to employ the zoning ordinance. boss of a self-contained Cosa vestigations Commission, The result, according to the (li'OH of Qprsi>rT ment accompanying the sign- Right to Purchase TRENTON (AP) — Trial tablished businessman of the vineyard," Francis said. Ramsey Ave. Sunday night as Dfc. IT 5-»' ing that savings and loan as- —Allow loans on unde- According to Homes repre- judges in New Jersey are un- good revputation with no pri- "We should not open the Mr. Ryan was walking on Ma- NOTICE sociations were designed veloped lots when the bor- sentative Bernard Chodos, der orders from the State Su- or involvement with the law." floodgates and inundate them ple Street. SHERIFF'S SAI.F. preme Court to disclose here- BUPERIOK OOI'HT OF >KW JK1I8E primarily to promote housing rower certifies he expects to lease provisions would award The Supreme Court said with this new burden when . Edward A. Johnson <& 176 CHANCKRV DIVISION tofore confidential pre-sen- Third Ave., Long Branch, re M0NM01 III (OilNTV construction and home owner- live in a home on that lot. the builders the right to pur- that a probation report their expertise could aid us r tence reports to defendants in UocliPl No. F-3171-U ship. But he added that their —Allow larger loans, partic- chase upon subdivision of the given the judge after the con- in regulating and controlling ceived a six-month su$penjed Man son Constmclion Co.. i cori criminal cases. jail sentence and was \flj||d tlon of tho State ot New Jersey, Haiti effectiveness has been ques- ularly for multi-family dwell- remainder of the property. viction alleged that Kunz it." UK VP. A. 1*. llusrii, liu\, H rnriwra Despite warnings of dire $50 after pleading guilty to Uon ol tho Statu of New Jorsry uni tioned recently, and that a ings. He added that subdivision "was the New Jersey 'con- The majority opinion was Tlic State ot New Jersey, liiMnwlanl administrative consequences fighting on a public stSet. thorough review was needed. Hughes proposed that the would ease the tax burden on tact' for a stolen vehicle ring By virtue nf a writ i>[ rxorntUm II by two members of the court, written by Justice Nathan Ja- Mrs. Rose Marie Roche- of the above slated action to me directed study of the problem be un- U.S. Homes, which presently and had been involved with cobs and concurred in by J flhull cxpiisc d>r pule :it public \en In the interim, the gover- dertaken by a joint commis- the highest tribunal in the 10 Park Ave. and Mrs, Joseph due, at the Court Utilise. In tho llor has to pay on the entire tract. state ruled Tuesday that "as several other identified pur- Chief Justice Joseph Wein- ough of Freehold, County of Mominuitti nor said, he was signing Uie sion made up of appointees Harvey Goldberg, Morgan- chases of stolen vehicles." Pedone of 19 Forest Ave. weje New Jersey, on Momlajf, the Mh dn> a matter of rudimentary fair- traub and Justices Haydn fined ?15 and $10 respectively of January, 11*70. nt 1 o'clock, new law which will: from the legislative and exec- ville, who lives adjacent to The Supreme Court noted, prevailing Time. ness" defendants were enti- Proctor, C. Thomas Schettino for allowing their dogs to run FIKST COUNT —Allow mortgage construc- utive branches. the proposed subdivision, "this charge, much more A1J, tiiat triici or parcel ot land and tled to know the charges and Frederick W. Hall. at large. -•., ' premises', hereltufipr parliculariy ! two more homes but ad- Mnnson Const rucUun Cmupiiny h of prison terms and fines af- orously denied by him." FREEHOLD - In a unani- The state, through 'thi Grnr«c Bnrby and Evelyn H. fi(trt»y mitted that nothing specific ter a defendant has been con- mous verdict, a jury yester- his wife, by I> nilmiltvi Ka.f Driver Injured it from U.S. Homes at the gerous precedent that could to Donato last Sept. 2 for the 2.')0 feet nmri' or u^s to a. in.lr.l o the job could go to a former punishment," the Supreme lore Superior Court Jutfei the fii.utlicrly side of. St;iU' lllj;)nva critic of the freeholders, Wil- builders' profit. cause crippling administra- property, located between Francis X. Crahay. )~ i Jtonte 'Mi: tlicnn' (Ri Smith !>:> iteiirec Court said. 3-'( inlniiK's Ei^t ;tlnnn tin' .^OUUHTI In Rt. 9 Crash The board continued hear- 1 liam U. Ware of Ocoanport, tive problems for the courts Rt. 35 and Harmony Road in John Hila of AveneV rep. line of .'•aid Kl.itc Highway l(Hi fei ing on the matter until Dec. rum r or IOJ'S 1 ject to Civil Service examina- yesterday when the station In his dissent, Justice Branch Office tion Co. . . Fcrllictl. Bltiuiti', lyiiiB and beint; In tli. opinions. will result in "convulsive Ti»wnshlp of Mliidlrtmi-n In Dn' County tion. The Civil Service rul- wagon he was driving collided Haneman said the majority of Mniininulli Jitnl ytale u( New J«n< ing is expected within a week Applications Okayed change" and "open the flood- OK'd by State IIK(J1NN1N(S ;U n iKilnl rdi;d Mny 1. IM\ In K.MIK :uftl n the highest in a Civil Ser- from a parking position on ing aspect is that it does so ports will lose their anonymi- ATLANTIC HIGHLANBSXl liPi-di. lit pUKC ."h«. antl fruni :.;ii(| 1> vice examination for the job. The board also approved a ceived state approval yester- pilililiiK j.uml Miiuilt^' tliem-c th Smil! the shoulder into the highway without warning and prior ty and be subject to cross- Police are investigating'tiJe 1 Mr. Ehrei was second on the site-plan application by the Hi dcurcei! l'i iiiiiHjtcr. We -) .ilolii: tin and his truck was struck in consideration." examination by lawyers for day to open a branch office break-in of the Arjay Sports- wi-hlTly line of lamlr of the (;r;intvi list if four qualified appli- Marlboro Township Board of hrrcln 2R'J-)1 ft'.-t in a corner (herein: the rear by Mr. Kircher's car, defendants. at the Marlboro Shopping Cen- men Store, 54 First'sVve Ihcfit't' i2t NMIIII 77 (ICKIITS J.1 mill- cants. Education for a minor subdi- Haneman said the ruling Hie* Wfiii ulriiiK l.uid.-i o( the (trantcc Torment State Police said. meant that "New Jersey "The probation officer wll ter in Marlboro Township. some time Monday ".night! liurfln mid Mir norili.'tly llm- nf liuifi;; Freeholder Director Joseph vision off Fairview Road sub- of Willlitiii Cuhclet Km feel to n p mill- bound. tem in the United States the validity of the factual Chief James Egidio ,saia tlte«"lCtiftt piiniltel with )!i«- (irM nnirsc freeholders will make the po- posed swimming pool's drain- Shadow Lawn's eighth office. Iicrrln ;«)2 !M( feet td n pulnt nn the where no discretion whatso- statements concerning the shotguns, rifles and Jianfl (iimlhtM'ly ulde of Sidle llij:lnv,i.v Uoile sit ion unclassified to keep Trooper Richard Dancisin age system by the county Jilt, theui/e f4i Soulh (i.'i decree- li'l inin- ever is vested in the sentenc- character analysis of defen- It has branches now in Holm- Mr. Khret in the job. Mr. issued a summons to Mr. Planning Board. guns were taken, but nft am- UIJ". Kant nUmg Hie M.nih.'ily nlde nf ing judge on disclosure of dant," Haneman said. "It del, Oakhurst, Middletown, munition. Entry was gained pi.ttc Uife'tmiiy Iloute 3fi IUD [ei-t tmue Irwin had disclosed that Mr. Douglas for failure to yield The hoard approved a site- nr Ii-Nfl tn Hie imint an«l lilacf i»f ]te- the final report." seems apparent that individ- »y breaking a rear window' etnnliJK Pillsbury is studying the mat- while entering a highway, po- plan application by Luhrs Neptune City, Keyport, Ocean The court acted on an ap- uals interviewed who cannot The theft WaS discovered I'nipiTty l-i lonifod on the ;; ter. said. Boat Works for a minor sub- Township, Englishtown and ot Hlnti* IIlBhwHy Itoittft #."!6 cfmnlblltiu peal by Henry Kunz who was be assured of their anonymi- yesterday morning by stor« Mr. Khret was appointed to Mr. Kircher was admitted division off Boundary Road Manalapan. of two IrnclH of iiind wide l»y KIIIC, convicted in a Bergen Coun- ty will refuse to make any _owner Jerry Greenberg ' ' Wi-i.lletowii Tnwniililp, Nt?w Ju-cy tin.' $14,!>00-a-ycar post in to tlie intensive care unit of provided there is no substan- 'I'll'" a])iirfixlniu1u niiioutil of thf ty case of having purchased statement rather than risk a Jii'lKinrnf to lie ruillhfjcit by f-.iUl hair h .June 19fi8 when il was cre- Jersey Shore Medkal Center, tial change in, adjacent ground far nun of r/J,"<8 tnffvtlirr willi tin- a stolen automobile. court appearance." Indian Bird Report CoM,f of Him naif. ated. He also was appointed Neptune. He has\ fractured elevation. DOG GROOMING Tlir- Sheriff Jirrehy rrncrvrh (hi* as director of the county ribs and a chest injury, the The board reserved deci- Sentenced to Prison Justice Francis said the NEW DELHI (AP) - The flFht (" ntljdtirn HIIH «nln wlthmit fur* ALL BREEDS Oi«r mitlc' tiy pnhllcfitlon. sanitary Sewerage Advisory hospital reported. His condi- sion on an application by Kunz was sentenced to 1-2 court was ignoring the wishes Delhi Bird Watching Society J'AI'h KIKHNAS', Blirrlff. Committee the same (lay. tion is listed as fair. • Jesse Dunkin • for a major years in prison by the trial of county judges and "dedi- reported more than 398 spe- jp*tni NOVPIMIMT ;(, jyfly Two Groomer* i 0mMh A MrCHitliy Mr. Ware of 1210 Turf The accident occurred at subdivision at Regina and judge despite pleas by his cated probation officers." cies have been identified In Ally*. ,. . lawyer that Kunz "was an es- They "are the laborers in this part of north India. 842-2224 '. OfC. 10, J7, i'i, 31 $101 (10 tyrive, Occanport, had served C:20 a.m. Tennent Boads. t -THE DAILY REGISTER, BID BANK• M1DDLET0WN, N. I.: WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 39 J Mariner 4Q Defeat! 10 Classified soundly: si. Puzzle 11 Lease 41 Fuss about U Object of little: colloq. ggSEEGISFER By Robert Maltland adulation 43 Musical ACROSS 45 Vex 13-of symbol contention 44 Breakwater lFarm 47 Tall beer glass 21 Promontory 46RliytbDU building 49 Congers 23 Western 48 Small 5 Traitor 51 Equal part Indians village 10 Loquacious 52 Cheat 25 River in 50 Wife of Abraham V 14 African 56 Scanty Hades antelope 60 Windy City 27 Canal Zone 52 Sassy 15 Siouan area town 53 Single Blondio Indian 61 "Tempest" 28 Sheep-like 54 Greek letter 16 Makeover character 29 Doctrine 55 Bog 57 Spanish 17 Indigo plant 63 Roster 30 Fencing painter Children's Letters to God 18 Steam bath 64 Within contests 19 Soon 65 Slice 32 Stone 58 French 20 Deny 66 Yes votes monument summers' 22 Confuse 67 Vegetables 33 Degrade 59 File 24 Confess 68 Newspaper: 34 - Pan 62 Actress 26 Satisfy fully si. 37 Shore Arden 27 Deteriorate 69 Insect Solution to Yesterday'! Posit 31 Depot DOWN employee 1 Leading inron ranraran mnnft 35 States 3HULJ UUUUia UU13LJ 36 British actor man uuuiau uaua subways 2 Whetstone 38 Presidential 3 Heroic in rnraian nranra nickname scale 39 Very small 4 Not prompt 40 Diaphanous 5 Shove Salary Worth 41 Regal decree 6 America, 42 One in Brest for short PLEASE WALK. AHEAD OF 43 Lobster 7 Paint un- Of THECHEMIOM. I USE. ME.! I WANT TO BE SURE YOUR claw skillfully QUHtiU laiillili ,/iJT1* A BABV RABBIT, IN MV 5PECIMAN JAR- DOOR. ISN'T BOOBY-TRAPPED 44 Type of 8 Dancer UUrjULJ U1113U ; MJERICO! MDU BROKE IT5

Andy Capp © King Feature* Sjmdicnte, Inc. 1969. WIVES WHO S4Y.THBR MEN ) &ONT LISTEN ID'EMSrCULO BINGO S VTHET/AIF/ JUSTTRVUSIN'THESWE "ASTRO-GUIDE" By Ceean EXCUSE TWICE W Thursday, D«cemb»r 18 ONE PRESENT-FOR YOU AND YOURS ... Show pa- tience with flighty people under present configura- 11 II II tions. The force of friction, differences of opinion can flame into outsize problems If you don't keep II cool. Your imagination is stimulated and you should be able to locate unusual gifts for those on your u Christmas List. The Day Under Your Sign •• ARIES (Bern March II to LIBRA (Sept. 21 ID Oct. 8) April II) — Walt until the Friend who gets oa your r new year to make chances nerves may come to your you are contemplating. You door without phoning first* could take a lost sooner Don't answer the knocki Bridge Advice than that. SCORPIO (Oct. 21 10 Nov. TAURUS (April 20 to May 21) — Look to your elders 20) — Even though personal for help, but don't expect much from your contempo- By ALFRED SHEINWOLD The Wizard of Id affairs take you away from raries todey. North dealer the jDb, you are stilt career- The purpose of the holdup North-South volnettble oriented. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 to play is to run one opponent PAWN T2> PUSK GEMINI (May 21 to June 31 > Dec. 11) — Unless circum- NORTH stances become different for out of cards in his partner's KIS5 — Don't ask so many ques- you, don't make changes In a> t42 tloni that you wind up los- personal arrangements at long suit. II you later give ing out on an opportunity. thli time. ^ Q94 CANCER (June 12 to July CAPRICORN (Dee. 12 to the lead to the short op- OQ92 II) — Overeagerneu Oottn't Jan. 30) —The elements (or ponent, he will be unable to work to your advantage, but success are abundant but • AKQ3 you can't seem to control you have trouble applying return his partner's suit, and enthusiasm. them to your iltuatlon. WEST EAST LEO (July 22 to Aug. II >— AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 to Feb. you thereby gain time to • QJ1095 4 73 You may get off on the II) — Forget Ihe pur This make your contract. You may wrong foot with your super- day Is Just made for you In $KJ2 08763 ior, but you can make both personal and business have to use a magnifying 0AI7 O 108 amends. areas. «>94 *U065: VIRGO (Aug. 21 to Sept. 2» PISCES (Feb. W to Mar. glass to see how this prin- — Although some consider 50) — Avoid those who pry ciple applies in today's hand. SOUTH your Jokes corny, you'll do and probe for na good rea- a> AK« much to enliven the social son. You don't owe nosy West leads the queen of scene, people • thing. 9A105 CFhM Enterprises, Inc.. 1W9 spades, and South is tempted OK6543 to win the trick at once. There doesn't seem to be any North East Sotilh Wt*. Snuffy Smith Dennis the Menace point in running East out of 14 Fan 10 14 spades, because East is Fast Pan 3 NT All Pas WHAT never going to gain the lead. Qpenlof!etd-4Q ON AIRTH II you use that magnifying \AJUi glass, however, you will see TW1 FLATLANDS \ IM IT? that East is going to win an V the ten of diamonds and ^iHE S€NT ME ft * important trick and that the cannot return a spade. If SURPRISE PACKAGE holdup play is therefore East returns a heart (best absolutely necessary. defense), South steps up with South refuses the first the ace of hearts and leads trick, allowing West to win another diamond. West can it with the queen of spades. take the ace of diamonds and West continues spades, and can cash the king of hearts, South wins with the king. By but then the defense is this time East is out of through. South Is sure to spades, and South has ac- win three diamonds, three complished the purpose of clubs, two spades and one his holdup. heart. The Phantom South must develop the dia- DAILY QUESTION 'THE BODYGUARDS 'THECIKmOROAREO 'THIN THE ENTIRE EMPEROR'S BATTALION monds to make his contract. Partner opens with one RUSHEP AT ME. I WAS -NOT CERTAIN CHAR6ED ME." If he allows West to win two INVINCIBLE. " WHAT WAS GOING diamonds tricks, West will club, and the next player OH- use his first entry to knock passes. You hold: S — 7 3 out the ace of spades and C - J 10 6 5 2. What do you the other entry to run the say? spades. Answer: Pass. You have South solves his problem excellent club support, but by allowing East to win one your hand is far too weak for of the diamond tricks that any response. You have only must be given up to the de- 1 point for the jack, 2 points fense. South begins the dia- for the doubletons and per- monds by leading a low card haps 1 extra point (or length from his hand. West plays in clubs. You might raise to 'IHtelt, IF &NTA gRINaSALLTHE PRESET low, and declarer takes a two clubs if one of your deep finesse with dummy's doubletons were a singleton WHO BWSMLmSSWW nine. or if you had another queen Nubbin East wins this trick with or so. Beetle Bailey RMP AM N fO ACf A 0IT N0KV0U& A« MATTrcs5 6AK5E I AMP IU PROP PovW ion ij|M( OH IT/ / ] lr {'III rJW

Hi and Lois \w IWULDNT Pogo rr WOULD AND IT COULP HAVE ITS I AND IT WOULD LUNCH WHEN I HAVE MV JUST BE SO NICE PULL ITS TAIL HPU/AJOUTlP BE SO NICE LUNCH...AND IT COULD SLEEP TO HAVE A MUCH/ HSSOBCINTO FURRVTDHOLD IN MY BED WITH WE.,. KITTY... TW8N>WANP AND CUDDLE WITH.,. -THE DAILY REGISTER, RED BANK • MIDDLETOWN, N. ^WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 19» 40 Herod-What He Did to Hide His Savagery "Where is lie who has been (Continued) Jo their own young, and only taxes, or exposed to die if thy in Rome owned shares. parapets to reach the Eagle dergo death or whatever pun- many partners in it. So hast provinces and bringing in a Die grim round of rags, unwanted, a frequent practice Throughout the empire, of- emblem mounted above the ishment thou canst inflict thy sister, Salome, who came bom king of tie Jews? For flow of tribute. Ruling Ko- crusts, sweat and the lash. with female babies. In that ficial punishments were bru- double entrance. upon us with pleasure since to me by night and lay with we have seen his star in the me whether I would or not. mans paid no tribute — this As many as 150,0(1!) war era only Judaism rejected in- tal — beheading, burning, the In bright midday, at the we are conscious that we East, and have come to wor- was imposed only on subjects prisoners went on the slavn shall die not for any unright- All men are come to be of. fanticide. rack, cutting off ears and sixth hour, they ripped down ship him." of (he master race, the Im- market at one lime, handled Onerous taxes reduced the noses, stabbing out the eyes, the hated image, forbidden by eous actions but for love of one mind, to make away with perium Mundi of Caesar Au- by professional dealers, poor to destitution, with levies dragging through the streets, their Scriptures, and cut it to our religion." you, so as to get rid of the Haggard, wild-eyed, roar- gustus. slaves could be killed or cas- on births, deaths, property, and harshest of all — cruci- pieces with axes. Word of the Herod, his veined face continual fear they are in - ing commands,, Herod It was a coercive, supprcs- irated without legal order. deeds, purchases, inhcri- fixion — for insurrection deed speedily reached Herod, flushed, a throbbing pain in from you." launched a new wave of ar- Clippies sometimes were of- sive society, of technical and lances, merchandise sales, ex- against the state. and guards brought the 40 the back of his head and ul- Also at that time, spies in- rests, Including 200 officers, fered as sacrifices to the artistic skill, but no heart, no ports, imports, and an imper- Prisoners could rot in their before him, their arms bound. cers tearing at his innards, or- formed Herod of the philoso- associated with bis sons, and j;ods. concern about,,individual cru- ial poll lax, the "tributum" cells, since it was entirely up "Superstitious fools!" He dered the two rabbis burned phers from the east, the Magi, he ordered the Magi brought elty or (lie trampling of the (iirl slaves generally wen; on every householder. to magistrates when cases bellowed. "Darest thou to de- alive, and the rest hanged. • inquiring about the city, before him for interrogation. defenseless poor, who were sold into the highly organized It was such a tax census were brought up for trial.. stroy the ensign of Caesar?" About that time, his house- reckoned much as livestock prostitution business, roolcd thiil-brought Joseph and Mary 1 King Herod, however, omit- "Yes," the two rabbis said. hold crawling with hostilities, for gain or sport in the arena. in the widespread fertility lo licthlehem. ted trials altogether, blaring "What was contrived we con- fears and machinations, Her- H.R. REQUESTS FUNDS More than a third of the 54 riles. The Temple at Aphro- tinder the overall supervi- out his own frenetic verdicts. trived, and what has been per- od came into possession of a million population — a million dite at Corinth had more than sion of an official in liome At the Royal Portico of the formed we performed it, and letter, signed by his son, Alex- FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) It asked Gov. Louie B. 1,0(11) sacred prostitutes, for The Kentucky Railroad Com- Nunn for an extra $45,800 for in Judea — were slaves, cap- called the "Censor," collec- Jerusalem Temple, those 40 these with us have acted with ander. Intended to taunt him, tives of war, who were sold use of paying devotees. tion of taxes were farmed out men led by two honored such courage as becomes It read: mission, sometimes consid- the next year or so to help naked at auction, to toil in Children, even of free men, by bid on five-year contracts Jewish scholars, Judas and men, in dedication to the ma- "You do not need to torture ered acquaint relic of the rule on what it called an iii- nines and building works, could be sold like chattel, often to provincial companies, the Matthias, used ladders 'and jesty of Almighty God. any more persons, for I have past, says it's live and in dire crease in railroad rate adjust with no rights, no claims even under compulsion for debts or publicani, in which the weal- also ropes from the upper "Accordingly, we will un- plotted against thee, and have need of more money. ment requests. Sears open evenings Hil 9:30 until Christmas

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