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VClX KR NO tami «»Uy< llaaitj throndi Trldw. »•«»><» CUn taw RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1964 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE 1 rla u ^j BuK «Dd It tlHIMW* VtaiBf OfDeM U.S. Mulls New Asia Moves WASHINGTOM (AP) — The Nam, dispatch of more air and It brings to three the force of diplomatic pressures on the The State Department said start of U.S. jet reconnaissance sea power into the area, landing big attack carriers in Far East- Communist powers and the the United States had undertak- flights over Red • threatened of forces in Thailand if the Thai ern waters. . prospect of greater U.S. mili- en the reconnaissance flight in Laos may be only the first of government agrees such help is Officials said they were not tary involvement in the area - response to a request from tha several actions enlarging Amer- necessary, and direct military certain how quickly the con- would cause the Communists to Laos government. ican military operations in intervention in Laos itself. frontation in Southeast Asia stop their offensive campaign A spokesman declared that Southeast Asia, officials said Further steps will be ordered, would reach a showdown stage against the forces of the neu- the information gained from the today. officials said, if the situation if diplomacy fails to find a way tralist Laotian government. flights would be turned over Faced with Communist ad' continues to deteriorate. out of the present crisis. The reconnaissance flights both to the Laotian government vances posing increasingly seri- In another development, not Still Hopeful wetje announced by the State and to the International Control ous threats to Laos and neigh* necessarily connected with the Events could develop quickly, Department Thursday after Pe- Commission, formed by India, boring South Viet Nam, U.S. Laotian crisis, a Navy carrier however, depending on what the king Radio broadcast a report Canada and Poland. The com- policymakers have been consid- squadron has left the Indian Communists decide to do. that Communist Pathet Laos mission has the task of super- ering a wide variety of moves, Ocean and rejoined the main President Johnson and Secre- troops had fired on two U.S. jet vising the international agree- including: body of the U.S. 7th Fleet in the tary of State Dean Rusk were planes flying over the Plaine ment under which Laos was Strikes against North Viet Pacific, it was learned today. described as still hopeful that des Jarres. neutralized in 1962. UN Delegates Begin Border Patrol Study UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (AP) Sonn pressed for a new Geneva The U.S. Ambassador charged —UN delegates today studied the conference to guarantee Cam- that North Vietnamese Com- possibility of the Security Coun- bodia's neutrality and territorial munists, helped by the Chinese cil agreeing on U.S. proposals for integrity, but Stevenson said: Communists, were trying to over- United Nations to sponsor "There is no need for another throw the governments of South ar- patrols along the troubled such conference. A Geneva con- Viet Nam and Laos. TWO Ufr— Amidst the rubble from yesterday's early border between Cambodia and ference on Cambodia could not He said those responsible "have mofning fire «t Riverside Lanes, 31-23 East Front St., South Viet Nam. be expected to produce an agree- Cambodia's representative at the ment any more effective than the set foot upon an exceedingly Red Bank, were bowling pins shown in foreground. Cause; UN, Ambassador Voeunsai Sonn, agreement we already have.'1 dangerous path." He served no- of the blaxe, which destroyed building containing bowl- told a reporter the suggestions The'Vietnamese representative tice that the United States would give help as long as it was asked Ing alleys, luncheonette and cbcktail lounge, h« not for a UN watch on the frontier renewed his government's pro- were "the really important part" posal for director border talks to keep independent peoples of been determined. The alarm was sounded .*t;2|S«.•*. m. of the policy speech that U.S. between Cambodia and South South-east Asia from being "over- Thuriday. Story and other photos on today'sfcfori page Ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson Viet Nam. But Sonn brushed off run by armed aggressors." made to the 11-natlon council that proposal. Soviet Delegate Nikolai T. yesterday. He asked his gov- Stevenson said the United Fedorenko derided Stevenson's ernment for comment. States had no fundamental objec- speech as an exercise in "stu- Moroccan Ambassador Ahmed tion to Cambodia's suggestion pidity." Stevenson responded by Talgi Benhima was in touch with that a UN commission investigate including the Soviet Union in his other council delegates trying to whether the Vietnamese Corn- charges. Soviet policy;, he said, find the basis, for a resolution on munists had used Cambodian "explicitly supports the .,. over-' the dispute. He was reported territory. But he added it would throw of national governments of anxious to return the debate to not meet the problem. . newly Independent states." that specific issue and pull it 'Dangerous Path' back from the broad problem of Stevenson also said that the South-east Asia. " International Control Commis- diplomats was that SUBJECT WAS SOUTHEAST ASIA—Chairman William Fulbright, D-Ark., of the Sen- To Meet Monday sion, suggested by Cambodia as address was good as far as it ate- Foreign Relations Committee, chats-with Secretary of State Dean Rusk before The council meets again Mon- the body to maintain frontier se- went but did not live up to Its a closed door session of the group. Rusk briefed the senators on the crisis in Laos curity,, could not do that effec- billing as "an extremely import- day, and Southeast Asia. .' . ' ' (AP Wirephoto) has charged that tively. - • • ant speech." KEANSBURG '•— The Board of Education iboved» «wo Cambodia fronts last night to solve its classroom shortage problem. South Vietnamese troops, accom- The boara announoedit would meet wWiEafl B. Garrison, panied by U.S. officers, have county superintendent of -schooli June 3 to discuss the com- bees crossing Into Cambodia and .jnunity's high school situation. •-,••• • ••>••••. • • • • killing villagers. Sonn denied to After meeting with Mr. dSarrisonjt'the board will seek a. the council yesterday that Com- meeting with the Henry Hudson Regional Board, of Education munists fighting against the "to dear the air over recent reports in The'Registtr wfcout the South Vietnam** :|ovatnmeflt VIENTIANE, Laos (AP) - Gen. Kong Le, hard- battalions, which originally totaled about 1,600 men. town of Muong Kassy, 25 miles north of Vang Vierig, ito«iibi«yr of the borough entering that regional district.", were using Cambodia as a sanc- pressed commander of the Laotian neutralist army, A government spokesman said two armored which has an airstrip. •'•'•'• -On the question of lack of elementary school space, the tuary. reportedly has been reinforced by 800 troops who battalions dug in on the northwest fringe of the Souvanna has accused North Viet Nam of sup- board will meet, at a date to be announced; with various Stevenson Insisted they were fought through Communist lines to rejoin him south- plain at Muong Kheung had counterattacked the plying troops for the Red offensive. church, municipal, and fire department officials to try to: secure and said, "This is the real reason west of the Plaine des Jarres. Reds. He said fighting was still going on Wednes- Informed sources said U. S. Ambassador Leon- room for1 three classrooms In September. fpr troubles on the Cambodian Military sources said the 800 had been cut off day night. ard Unger and British Charge d'Affaires John Den- On the high school question, board, members made it quite border.". He admitted that an southeast of Kong Le's abandoned command post at Military sources believed Kong Le might try son told Souvanna their governments favor a meet- dear that they have not been involved in any "regional talks American adviser was with the Muong Phanh last weekend when the Pathet Lao to withdraw to Vang Vieng, a highway 50 ing of envoys in Vientiane representing the 14 na- with the Henry Hudson school board." South Vietnamese on one of the launched an offensive that swept the neutralists miles to the southwest. Neutralist premier Souvan- tions which took part in the 1962 Geneva Conference "I think we should ask for a meeting with that' board to three border crossings Cambodia from the strategic plateau 110 miles northeast of na Phouma has expressed fear that Vang Vieng, guaranteeing the neutrality and independence of * discuss the regional possibility and let taxpayers in this com- cited to the council. Pham Khac Vientiane. only 60 miles north of the capital, would be the next Laos. munity. Highlands and Atlantic Highlands know what tiie real Rau of South Viet Nam said his Breaking out of the trap, they made their way target of the Reds. Souvanna then summoned Soviet Ambassador •tory is," Jeremiah,T. Wilson-said. . country's troops had made an to Ba Na, where Kong Le's retreat was last re- Canadian and Indian representatives of "the In-' Sergei' Affanassfev to' find out how the Kremlin ! "We have not asked to join that regional district and they occasional inadvertent crossing ported to have halted about 10 miles south of Muong ternational Control Commission for Laos flew to • stands. • . -nave not asked us," he'sadd.' ' ' : ' • . . in pursuit of their enemies." Phanh'. Vang Vieng yesterday at Souvanna's request. They The Soviet Union Informed Souvanna yesterday Stevenson made three alterna Informants who saw Kong Le yesterday said-he said the town seemed quiet. that it supports a coalition in 'Laos. But it warned The board made it clear that despite the proposed:meeting live suggestions: with the Henry Hudson board, it will condmie to investigate was in good spirits and intended to remain with Commission sources said, however, that neutra- against excluding the Communist Fathet Lao.. The Joint Force his battered forces. There had been speculation that list commanders in Vang Vieng told of seeing two Communists have boycotted the coalition for' more construction of its own junior-senior school. 1. That council ask- Cambodia Douglas Foulks, board vice president,: sajd the recent news he might come to the capital of Vientiane. He was cargo planes believed to be from Communist North than a year, leaving the government in neutralist and South Viet Nam to estab- said to have retreated with only remnants of four Viet Nam in the area. The Communists hold the and rightist hands. articles on regionalization have only served "tot confuse the lish a joint military force to pa people and make it harder for us- when.we-present-a bead' trol fltf frontier and report to ' • issue.'" • •'• .••.'-.• .-...,-' -..- UN SecretaryfGeneral U Thant. He labeled the stories as nothing more than a "reporter's 2. That Urt "force be given UN .• •dream,": .' . • •.•.•: ' r. • • . ... • observers or ,a UN Command. George Preston, another board member, said he "would not 3. Thai it be "# all-ONvtorce." fee pressured' by the stories into anythtcg that would not be in Residents Told of Plans to Keep He said t&s; United ^ States the best interest of students: and taxpayers." - : would contribute part of the cost ' ' . John J. Ryan said the,board resented someone etee trying of a UN force.

Successor to Mount Memorial Home John E. Day 747-0557 A perionollied monument, carved of xltct Bam Granite, con lay mar* riion many words. See our IBARRE display of Barre Guild MonumtnH, backed by the I ("I III P)| FUNERAL HOME A modern, non-sectarian funeral home, with a home- FUNERAL DIRECTORS Industry's strongest monument guarantee 85 Riverside Ave. Red Bank like atmosphere and memorial chupcl, dedicated to the continuation of traditional reputation for distinguished LONG BRANCH M0NIMHT Co., Inc. Wall and Locust, W. Long Branch 222 - O300 C. SIDUN, Mgr. 747-0332 service and quiet dignity. 310 Brood Rid Bank, N. J. BRANCH OFFICE AND DISPLAY Oppoiit* Molly Pitcher Inn MONMOUTH MONUMENT Co. HARRY C. F. JAMES A. ROBERT F. HEADDENS CORNER, MIDDLETOWN 747 • 3810 \ If Us a Requirement oi Protocol, Motel, Hotel )eean Zoning Board Hopes MA) BANK RKGISTHK Friday,. May 22, 10W-3 Restrictions To Shorten Its Meetings Mrs. White Knows How to Curtsy OCEAN TOWNSHIP — Al-imore than his proposed 45-foot By WILLIAM HENDERSON to see if I behave, and how I Mrs. Thelma Parkinson Sharp of May Be Eased hough last night's Zoning Board I front setback and blacktop a 10- RED BANK — If protocol calls perform in the ambassadorship Vineland, president of the state >f Adjustment meeting was an- :ar, parking lot barrier-enclosed for a curtsy when Ambassador- normally considered a man's Civil Service Commission and WEST LONG BRANCH-Coun- other S^-hour marathon hearing •ith a 35-foot driveway from Sun- designate Katharine Elkus White job." Democratic national committee- ;il last night introduced an al- of nine cases, plans are being set Ave. Mr. Francisco's request presents her credentials next Mrs. White explained that most woman, will make the main ad- cohol beverage control ordinance made to shorten future sessions to erect a pole sign was denied. week to King Frederick IX ofwomen in careers know it is dress. amendment to exempt motels and and lengthen members' sleep. Gilbert Schpiro, Gilad Realty hotels with 100 or more rooms Denmark, she'll be ready. difficult for their husbands. "My Mrs. Rocco Bonforte, Long Last night's session would have ). principal, was granted a Jiusband is in semi-retirement," from present plenary retail con- been even longer if one case •ariance to add an office and "I went to dancing school when Branch, is president of the club. sumption license restrictions. I was a young girl and learned she said. __J Sea Bright Councilwotnan Mrs. hadn't been withdrawn and two -arehouse to his United Equip- how to bow, so t will be pre- Just A Recess Cecile Norton, vice chairwoman Public hearing on this amend- others postponed. ment Co., building Rt. 35 and pared when I meet the king," Returning to politics again, she of the Monmouth County Demo- ment will be June 4 at 5 p.m. In Last night's boxscore was one llenhurst Ave., located on an Mrs. White has disclosed. said: "I do not come under the cratic Committee, heads the Borough Hall. recommendation to grant a spe- rregular lot. This variance also [>ermits a side setback of six She was interviewed on a "New Hatch Act forbidding federal em- event. At a special meeting May 12, cial use variance, four variances ployees from participating in Council granted the 100-unit Holi- granted, one denied, two con- inches where 12 feet is required. Jersey Profile" program, shown It will be the last function Mr. Schpiro must also install last night on channel 13. politics. But it would be unfair day Inn, Monmouth Park Hwy. tinued, and another returned for in Mrs. White's honor before she arrier curbs north, south, and "When I meet the king and for me to hold my political and says "Farewell." and Broadway, a plenary retail applicant revision. other positions." consumption license until July 1. Jack Weser, board member, west of his front parking lot with hand him my papers, 1 will then Many other state dignitaries 14-foot driveway opening on be an accredited ambassador," She further remarked: "I'm will be on the dais with Mrs. William Russell, borough attor- laid plans now call for adding a just taking a recess. Never say ney, said motel and hotel liquor second monthly Thursday meet- Allenhurst Ave. and two such the added. White. American and Danish flags driveways to Rt. 35. Many Briefings die, you know." will be the color scheme. licensing had not been covered Ing, limiting cases to five a in the control measure adopted Mr. Schpiro claimed hardship Mrs. White said her many Questioned if she thought the Asked last night the question night, and setting a midnight women here saw in her assign- Oct. 16, 1947. He said the pro- deadline for future meetings. since his firm had leased its briefings in Washington with cab- she must be tired of hearing: present store to an auto supply ment encouragement for them to posed amendment would permit a This experiment begins with a inet heads concerned the struc- "Have you resigned from the irm as of June 1. He said his seek equality, she answered: "I state recognized exception to liq- special meeting June 4 at 8 ture of the State Department, our Highway Authority yet?", she re-uor licensing limitations. irm would retain office space foreign policy, this country's re- am not a leader. I just want to plied: "I'll resign before I leave p.m. do my j* well." Council received a 91-name pe- but must warehouse all its in- lations with the Danes and social for Denmark." Gov. Richard J. On June 1 Council gets the entory. When she reaches her official tition asking Maryland and Del-board's recommendationjo^grant and informal parties which are Hughes will be the first to know -Decision on a request by George residence and the embassy, she aware Aves. be declared through Rohall, Inc., Matawan," a" special a must for any ambassador. about i\ "He'll get the resigna- W. Schueler, West Allenhurst, to COMPUTER ARRIVES — Workmen unload a packing said she' just wants her staffs streets and be better policed. use permit to build a food store Speaking about her political tion," she added. build on an undersized Pinecrest "to carry on as usual." Residents said speeding cars go- on Sunset Ave.'s south side be case containing one of the components for the new IBM career, Mrs. White remarked: On Wednesday, Mrs. White re- Rd. lot was reserved until June Mrs. White took time out from ing to Wall St. endanger their tween a florist and a fabric shop. "My husband has been most un- ceived her final briefing from 4 to allow board inspection o 1401 computer, which will be used in the Central Jersey her packing chores yesterday to children. Council referred the pe- 1 derstanding. Not everyone can President Johnson and Secretary However, Nick Francisco, Ito- he site. Mr. Schueler claimed Bank and Trust Company ! accounting offic* in Freehold. have a career and manage a talk to' this reporter. of State Dean Rusk. tition to committee. ' hall principal, must move 20 feet he's been unable to sell the lot The computer it expected to be in full uss within 60 family at the. same time. To Leave Tuesday She already knows that seven Antonio M. Brescia, Hazlet, was since denial of a similar variance "Women in public life must "I may drive up to Kennedy airfields are under construction given permission by Council to request in 1963. days. make sacrifices, There were Airport in New York Tuesday," on Danish soil under the NATO build on an irregular lot south Hughes Scores Arthur Wright, 241 Pinecres many things I couldn't do. But she said. "My husband leaves program, and that Denmark, de- of Orchard Rd. and east of Golf R., had offered $1,500 for this I did run for the board of free- Monday and will probably go to spite it's small site, has an army St. Mr. Brescia had also thought Racial Barriers adjacent lot, but Mr. Schueler Central Jersey Installs holders. Congress and was named the same airport by air taxi from of 100,000 men and a home guard he was getting sideline variances, wanted $2,000. Other neighbors by Governor .Meyner to the High- Red Bank Airport. He's going to of 25,000. but since his application did not claimed Mr. Schueler's proposal . way Authority." stop off at London for a business The merchant marine is the specifically ask this Council said In Housing would increase drainage problems 1 'Loves Campaigning appointment, and I will meet him largest in the world on a per he would have to seek an addi- and devalue their property. 1401 Computer System tional variance. CAMBRIDGE, Mass. (AP) - The ambassador-designate stat- there. He will board my plane capita basis. She also is aware Hearing on Mr. Schueler's re- that among the many tourists New Jersey Gov. Richard J. FREEHOLD-The Central Jer- business loans, . payrolls, and ed: "I love campaigning. When then for Copenhagen." Anthony Cosentino, 77 Locust Hughes said today racial bar- quest to build at 603 Blanchard who visit Denmark, she'll see Ave., urged council to stop an in- sey Bank and Trust Company ac- Easy Charge will be processed I was mayor of Red Bank, I Mrs. White will leave Kennedy riers in housing must be wiped Pkwy,., West Allenhurst, another by the new system, which fea- familiar faces from New Jersey. tended two-family use of a brick undersized lot, also met neigh- cepted delivery this week of the learned about people, police prob^ ^irpgrt,via a Pan American out before there can be real latest IBM 1401 Computer Sys- tures high speed card punching Hems, roads, and faced many plane at 8 p.m. Tuesday. home opposite his. He said such progress in desegregating borhood opposition. Robert L. use violated the zoning code. He tem, which will completely auto- and reading, magnetic tape input challenges." Asked about reports that she schools. Way, 611 Blanchard Pkwy. and output, high speed printing, alleged past similar use of this summed up objections from six, mate the bank's activities and Mrs. White said they have bor- had been selecting fine paintings Man's Body In a speech prepared for the Jve it the most modern and ef- and arithmetic and logical abil- : ough councils in Copenhagen. which she will hang in her resi- bouse, but said he had not com- when he said, "It's wrong to plained. Council asked the build- ireater Boston Conference On ficient bank automation system ity. "They are like the ones we have dence near Copenhagen, she said: Equal Opportunity, Hughes said grant variances hurting my prop- Is Recovered ing inspector to investigate. erty. I don't see why speculators in Central Jersey. Banking, like business and In- here and my experience gained "They were borrowed from the commissioner of Education dustry, must keep abreast of the as mayor will help me," she various museums in the' U.S." SPRING LAKE (AP) — The Council announced Memorial can come in and buy under- It is the first bank in Mon- in his state has ruled that an mouth County to install the sys- most modern developments in au- predicted,. adding that - she in-She was assisted in the collec- body of Attgelo Muto, 24, one of Day services May 30 at 10:30extreme concentration of Negro sized property this way,." The two Hillside men missing since a.m. at the Community Center board continued this hearing un tem, and follows two years of tomative equipment, if it is to • tends to go to the meetings. tions of the canvases by Mrs. pupils in a public school con render the service and efficiency "Demark has a population of Nancy Kefauver, widow of Senthe. y set out on a fishing trip and council meetings at 5 p.m ;il June 4. planning by bank officials and stitutes a deprivation of equal IBM engineers. required in this highly competi- - 4% million people, and is theEstes Kefauver of Tennessee, who Tuesday," was found floating in in June, July, and August. educational opportunity where In other action, the board: It is being installed in a special- tive world. Our system, which Is size of New Hampshire and Ver-is a special consultant on the the Atlantic Ocean just off this appropriate means can be found Denied Walter W. Egge, Oak- resort's beach Thursday night. ly designed room in the bank's completely transistorized, has mont together. The people are Fine Arts Commission for the to avoid .it, hurst, variances to create two been planned so that it may be : sophisticated and compatible. Co- State Department. Muto's body was identified by undersized lots from an alread; Freehold Accounting Office which Apartments 'But In dealing with school is equipped with a special view- integrated with any later scientif- : penhagen, where the embassy is Asked in the capital city if a cousin several hours after It undersized lot at Arlington and segregation, we must never ing corridor where the public ic improvements in data proc- • located, .has a population of she knew any thing, about the was pulled from the surf by Trenton Aves. forget that the root of this prob- will be able to view it in full essing and other automatic pro- jnfflion," -said Mrs. White. roads in Denmark, Mrs. White police. Study Okayed lem remains racial discrimina- Granted Samuel E. Morrison, ; operation in a few months. Bank cedures as they appear." To Study Danish smiled, and said: "My friends on Muto's fishing companion, 7 Oakwood R., a setback vari RARITAN TOWNSHIP Its tion in housing," the governor personnel are being trained in its the New Jersey Highway Author- Joseph Mangarno, 18, has not ance to add a bathroom am . She also stated: "Danish is a own examination of the garden said. "As long as we fail to operation, which is expected 1 ity gave me a camera so I can been found. storage area to his home. difficult language to learn." apartment question having been move forward towards equa within 60 days. Big Budget Cut In an earlier interview, Mrs. take pictures of Danish highways Their 14-foot outboard motor- housing opportunity, we will Granted Neal F. Karkus, Roseld under way for several months "Installation of the system," said White'confided: "I know a fewand Bend them back." boat, The Gay Mack, was found the Planning Board last nigh continue to be plagued by itsand Franklin Aves., a setback Urged by Byrd . words in Danish, but will con' Party Tomorrow earlier Thursday 1!£ miles tragic consequences. variance to add living and din- Robert B. Barlow, president of authorized a study by its planning the bank, "will result in no reduc WASHINGTON (AP) — Sen. tinue my study of the language Mrs. White and husband Arthur, southeast of Scotland Lightship consultant. He said while the ravages of ing rooms to his home. In Copenhagen. One helpful thing a former director of the War off the entrance to New York Granted Irving Levy of A.P.A. tion in the bank staff because Harry F. Byrd, D-Va., today Herbert H. Smith Associates, racism on the Negro are ob- they will be needed to take care called on President Johnson to is that the Danes speak excellent Stabilization Board, have two Harbor. The boat was half- vious, white Americans mus Realty, Inc., Red Bank, a side- children and six grandchildren. submerged. West Trenton, will conduct line setback to build on an un of our rapidly expanding busi- cut his budget for next year . English." garden apartment feasibility also realize that they are pay- The ambassador-designate will "We hope to have a reunion at The two left from the West dersized lot at 1319 Garven Ave. ness. Replacement of our pres by $6.5 billion and thus produce study. Although "several conver- ing a price. ent equipment with the new sys-the first surplus In five y/ears. receive $22,500 a year In herChristmas time," she stated. Keansburg Marina and were re- "It is a price that is paid not Wanamassa. sation*" have previously been tem will enable us to provide Among other things, he called new^post. "There are other al- Mrs. White tomorrow will have ported missing when they had only In coin—whether measured Returned for revision to Leo- held with the planning firm re- quicker service to our branch of- on the President to drop entirely lowances for maintenance, rep- a reunion with old friends when not returned Wednesday morn in the economic loss of wastec nard M. Becker, 7 Deal Rd., garding the study, the board fices, and customers. While ou the $962 million antipoverty pro- resentation and entertainment,' she Is guest at a luncheon spon- ing. resources or in the tax costs of proposal to subdivide his lot tc could offer no estimates as to bookkeeping and accounting pro- gram on Which Johnson has the said, "but it isn't enough to sored by the Women's Democratic The area la which the men welfare and law enforcement— create one undersized lot when when it will be completed. cedures will continue to be cen- placed great weight. cover all costs." dub of Monmouth County. I had gone to fish was Jilt with but in national pride and actually he was creating two un- The board has said it will con- tralized in our Freehold account- The Virginian said Johnson . Asked IF she would present in will be held at Homestead Gd thunderstorms and winds up to prestige, In community tension dersized lots. tend fjtamine ing of/ice,-,the new computer wil was to be commended for fed- ; Denmark an image for the women and Country Club, Spring Lake 40 knotkt s TJi^ and conflict, in personal guilt Postponed to June 4 a requesi applications, be able to" print a trial balance eral employee cuts, but added back home, Mrs. White an- Heights. There are 300 persons Frank A. Spring and frustration," he said. by Robert Simon, Madison Ave but gave clear indication (tat sheet for each office at the close that the reduction in permanent swered: "The women will look expected at the luncheon, and Lake spotted Muto's body, still The New Jersey governor W. Deal, to build on an under- oo projects would likely be ap- of the day's business, so that it jobs was tiny. in a life preserver, while stroll- said if America Is to have any sized lot, and to June 18 a re- ing the boardwalk. proved until the study is com- quest by Ivan Hry,cenko, Wild- will have each customer's bal- Byrd said,' "The federal pay- pleted. meaning, "every person, every ance readily available at the family must be free to live wood Rd., W. Allenhurst, to bull roll is running at the rate of $18 In March, the township's first on an undersized lot. opening of business the next day, billion a year, and going up," Three Injured joust with an apartment project where their hearts desire and saving_time and telephone calls. WE SAVE YOU their means permit." Allowed withdrawal of Nai while "federal employment is NEW SHREWSBURY — Three ended with the rejection of a Building Co.'s request to bull "All major activities of the still approximately 2.5 million." people were injured In a two-car variance application for a pro- on an undersized lot at Holbroo! bank such as checking accounts, The comments were In a letter BIG MONEY ON collision on Shaifto Rd. near As- posed 84-unlt efficiency apartment St., Oakhurst. savings accounts, mortgages, Byrd sent to the President bury Ave. at 5:40 p.m. yesterday. on Hazlet Ave, near the New Acquit Driver home improvements Police identified the drivers as York and Long Branch Railroad Timothy A. Laubach, 22, of Ber- tracks. Planners called the pro-In Auto Deaths CASCADE-BUSTER CRABBE wick, Pa. and Lillian Berry, 43, posed project detrimental to the because . •. Of 212 Pinebrook Rd., this place. community. FREEHOLD — Eighteen-year- Timothy Laubach, 2-year-old, a Updating of the township's old Roger Kiser of Fort Mon- 1. NO SALESMAN'S COMMISSIONS passenger In the car driven by master plan in 1962 resulted In themouth was acquitted by a county bis fattier, is reported in good consultant's recommendation that court jury Wednesday of causing 2. NO CONCESSIONAIRE'S PROFIT condition in Monmouth Medical apartments be considered as an death by auto in an accident POOLS Center, Long Branch, where he alternative to hoped-for Industrial which took three lives at Wall 3. VOLUME BUSINESS was admitted with a fractured ratables. Township July 20, 1963. OF TOMORROW 4. EASIEST FINANCING leg. In other business, the board: The jury, which heard two days Chosen for Exhibit af Mi* 1964'1965 Released after treatment at the —Is seeking information from of testimony before Judge Elvin same hospital were Mr. Laubach Zoning Officer William Browne R. Simmill, deliberated two hours. NEW YORK WORLD'S FAIR and his wife, Alberta. regarding an amendment to the Killed in the crash, which oc- No summonses were issued zoning ordinance which would pro- curred when the soldier's car INSTALLED AT HOUSE OF GOOD TASTE EXHIBIT hibit parking of commercial ve- pending further investigation by went through a stop street at BY SWIMMING RIVER POOLS OF EATONTOWN. N. J. Patrolman Robert Gant. hicles in residential zones for Route 38 and New Bedford Rd. part of the night or all day. Mr.at about midnight, were George REGIONAL AWARD WINNER 1963 Brown has asked the board to Wefnstock, 39, his daughter, Lynn consider such an amendment. 16, and Irving Chuvin, 41, all of Keansburg The board wants information on Bayonne. They were occupants (Continued) status of enforcement of the cur-of the other vehicle. Keansburg high students have rent ordinance, prohibiting all- Private Riser testified he may been attending classes in Mideigh- t parking, and the number have been distracted in approach- dtetown. of cases -known and complaints ing the highway, on New Bedford Middletown school authorities received. road by blinking lights from a Add A Room No asked the state to terminate the —Received application for a car behind him. sending - receiving relationship minor subdivision from D.L. Bell- The driver of that car, Robert with Keansburg which was done ezza, 142 Carr Ave., for three A. Warren, of 212 Poplar PL You'll be amazed at how economically you can by the state commissioner. tots on Union Ave. near Helen Neptune, who had been seated have an extra room. Our prices are lowest, work* I The possibility of the local La. The application has been in his car with a young gir manship the finest. It won't cost you anything for board Joining in with the Henry referred to the board's subdivi- in a gravel pit off New Bedford a free estimate so call today for estimate on any Hudson regional board in a study sion committee, headed by James Rd. just before the crash, test! type improvement. reportedly has not been too weMJ. McGorty. fled he had followed the soldier's Actual photo of Worla'i Fair Untollatlon by Swlmmlna Rlvtr-Caicad* Pooli of Eatontovm received by regional board mem- car out of the pit and saw the II hers. MEET TOMORROW collision. INSTALLED or DO-IT-YOURSELF That board left it up toth e EATONTOWN — Mrs. Rich- Mr. Warren said Pvt. Kiser FREE ESTIMATE Hlocal board to ask for a study. ard Newman, vice president of increased his speed and drew $ As for the elementary the overseas education fund of away from him just before en- LAND SURVEY lltiantian,, the board wants to meet the League of Women Voters, wil tering the intersection without from 7951« 3995 be guest speaker at the spring stopping. with officials of (he Metiiodist No Money Down • Bonk Financing and GUIDANCE Church, St. Mark's Episcopal luncheon of the Middletown Town- He told the court he had fol- Church; the locad Fire Depart ship league tomorrow at 12:30lowed the soldier's car because 7 Years to Pay CALL 542-1777 ment, Borough Council and the p.m. in Crystal Brook Inn, Rt, Kiser, whom he said he did nol OR WRITE TODAY " owner of the Columbian Civdc 35. know, had aroused his curiosity 10 Year Warranty Put Dial wait* ipace In your attic Your baMmtnl can become, on to good usa. Lei ui convert II all-purpou family room quickly League building, to discuss avail- Mrs. Newman, who has also when he made several turns in and iconomlcally. W« will help served as vice president of thethe pit. Hito extra rooms. II coiti leu you design II ond present frtt able classroom space. ftian you think. Call and lee. estimate. The board wants to see if theLeague of Women Voters of New First Assistant Prosecutor Solo- churches or fire companies have Jersey and foreign policy chair- mon Lautman presented the FIRST PAYMENT AUG. space that could be rented to the man the past four years, will de- state's case. Benjamin Kleinberg board next year. scribe the functions was defense attorney. CAPRI VICTORIA TRINIDAD BIKINI MARTINIQUE MAUBU <50000.I8'X32' 21'xM' 1B-XJ1' 0 29xM' 25'x«4' 2B'XK>' Threo elementary classrooms l'-t 1/1' deep 1'—8 }/)' deep »'-l l/i' deep l'-l 2;}' deep V—V deep I'-l' 2/1' deep UP TO 20 YEARS TO PAY are needed to handle the grow- ing elementary enrollments here. NO MONEY DOWN The board also decided toas k Borough Council for use of the FREE ESTIMATES ON soon to be comploted Community • Dormers • Plumbing • Heating Center, although the governing • Room Additions body already has turned this • Masonry idea down onco before. u n • Roofing-Siding a y • Modern Kitchen Council also has refused to al- • Parch Enclosures • Madam Bathroom BAHAMA and JAMAICA low the board to continue using 1 TAHITI ami BALMORAL DEAUVILLE Garage-Broexeway AMERICANA 18'xM INTER- H'xW M'xll' • two mms in borough hall for ]'—8' doop CONTINENT AL V—1W deep 1'—7V doop classrooms in September. The i'—Vh' deep JO'xW board had been using the spac< d«ep for several years. The governing .body had rca CENTRAL JERSEY BANK MONMOUTH CONSTRUCTION CO. soiuxl that the iiSe of (he room H|GHVVAV^3?' AT.HBDOONJ CORNER, MIDDLETOWN imnmitu »l!Hio«< moil' mm ino«io«« uiamour SWIMMING RIVER-CASCADE POOLS created noise and other prob- IUI mnii - HUMID i IIII««» lonunr - io»r, mm SHady«ldo L5060 PRoipoct 5-1131 lems and pointed out that sanl- niitioio MIIHU ninuMciir uuiminr •..-•.-•.r' 244 HIGHWAY 35 EATONTOWN tnry facilities in the building • 1 Ml. SO. OF MONMOU1H SHOPPING CENTER • OMN ? TO ? IVHRY DAY 'wore Inadequate for the children. SERVICE IS OUR BIGGESTASSET/ Bank's Capita) Account Increased $1,.59.1,673 g do not have the t%- RMJ BANK REGISTER setback. 1-FrvUy, Mjy 22, 19*4 ASBURY PARK — Jos*?* ti'Wial ti,Vil she res 'A the c/yit New Mineral Finds Keep Street Busy Deny Request "Mistakes have beea made," ThutatneM, president of the Newof the bank. NEW YORK (AP) - Excite- age ended the day with a small panies have holdings near enough said board chairman Leonard a variance on grounds of hard- Jersey National Bank and Trust ment about new mineral finds As a result erf the increase in loss of .31 at 819.80. to U.S. Smelting'* to encourage On Setback Morizio, but added that the board ship. boosted some stocks to large Company, today announced that capital funds, Mr. TTiummess Of 1,336 issues traded, gainers hope they might find new mineral could not take any action favoring said, the bank's lending ability gains but the over-aH stock mai> riches as welt. tht comptroller of the currency ket ended mixed yesterday follow- narrowlv outnumbered losers by Dr. Restivo. Looking for a job? See the has been broadly expanded, and 547 to 533. New highs for the year Motorola gained 1'/*. Xerox and Requirement help wanted section of The Reg- has approved the increase in the ing a moderate early rise. He was advised to apply to the the bank's capital funds, includ- totaled 61 and new lows 30. IBM 3% each, Control Data 1%, Zoning Board of Adjustment forister Classified section. The result was an increase in MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - bank's capital account in the ing reserves, now exceed $7,- Gains of 2>/J by Eastman Kodak Pure Oil V/t and Sunshine Min volume to 5.37 million shares from Two (or more) wrongs don't make ^^^^^^^^^^AA^M amount of $1,593,673, which re- 300,000, affording it the highest 1% by American Smelting, 1 bying %• ratio of any bank in Monmouth 4.79 million Wednesday. Du Pont and Union Carbide losi a right, although they might erad- sulted from the sale of an addi- Woolworth and % by Sears, Roe and Ocean Counties. U.S. Smelting, with overnight buck lent support to the averages. 1 each, Ford %, International icate a "hardship." news of a major copper ore Pacific Petroleums, which also Nickel 1 and Reynolds Tobacco This, in essence, is the Planning BLUE WATER ••••••••••••••••••••• discovery in New Mexico, was has announced some resource Board's stand on the 75-foot set- one of the new sensations. It finds, was up % at 13 on 92,200 Prices were irregularly lowe back requirement for residences spurted 10 points in an opening shares. J. Ray McDermott was on the American Stock Exchange. along Rt. 34 here, as set forth MARINE delayed by a swarm of buy fifth most active and up 1% a Volume was 1.45 million share in the zoning ordinance. DINING - DANCING orders, but ended the day with 25%, compared with 1.25 million Dr. Andrew Restivo, a chiro- "a large selection of a net rise of 6'/£ at 125% on turn- Rails backtracked from their Wednesday. practor, appeared before the Every Sat. Night to the Fabulous over of 80,100 shares. market leadership of Wednesday Yesterdays closing stocks: board Wednesday with Zoning Of- new and used boats" Meanwhile, Calumet and Hecla, although some of the carriers still ficer George Hausmann to seek "CHORDOVOXES" which soared 10 points in one dayposted fairly good gains. Santa Int Bui Mch 489 clarification on the board's in- !l« El Int Huv 72V .APPEARING NITELY. on similar news last week, con-Fe was the most active in theAir Pi Int Nick 791 terpretation of the ordinance. Air HeduPro?c 54 Int Paper 32 OCEAN AYE, SEA BRIGHT 8422196—8424KJ91 Hie "SPANISH SERENADER" tinued under profit-taking and group, rising % to 31%. Fracttona Allej Cp 11% Int TelATel 67 He paid a premium price for fell 1% to 2054 in active dealings. losses were taken by many, in Aller Lut 41% I-T-E Ckl Brlc 24% Wllfc his qultar and wonderful Latin muilc * Alleg Pw Johns Man 57% his corner lot at Oxford La. and "WAUY" alth* orqon and plans Another new star was the most eluding New York Central, Penn AUle* Ch Jones A L 74 * Allli Chal Joy Mfg 33 V4 Rt. 34, he told the board,, with active stock, Occidental Petrole- sylvania, Baltimore and Ohio and L 7% Kaiser Al 40U the idea of expanding his office um, which spurted 3% to 33>/s onSouthern Pacific. Am Alrlln 45 H Kennecott 81 KITCHEN OPEN 'TIL 1:30 A.M. * Am Brk Bh 521* Koppers 40VS and practicing facilities within INVESTMENT COURSE for MEN and WOMEN 282,400 shares. Lockheed gained % as it re- Am Can 43V Kresge, 88 37* * Am Cyan 3t Kroner 31 the 25 per cent limitation of the Texas Gulf Sulphur, whose ceived some publicity about its Am M Fdy Leh Pott C 1614 residential zone. The present res- A lecture court* for men and woman * surviving as a contestant witli Am Mot 21V, Leh Val Ind 2S ALPINE MANOR mineral discovery in Ontario, Am Smelt LOK Glaai 55% idence lsjonly 40 feet from the * was the precursor of the current Boeing as a potential designer for Lib McN*L 18H highway, Dr. Restivo said. interested in tfockt and bonds will be the supersonic- airliner. Boeing Am Tel T»l HO 1JH * My 77 just under the famous Twin Lights * market vogue for companies with 33 V4 Lltton Ind 63>; The board acknowledged that conducted by a registered representative. which has been very strong late- Amp Inc 24H Lukeni Stl 69V Highway 36 at Highlands Bridge Highlands natural resource finds of one kind Anaconda Mack Trk 4«H the house is already in violation * ly, slipped iy In profit-taking. 64 PHONE 872-1773 or another, sank 1% to 55% on s Armco BU 7054 Marath Oil of the ordinance, but would not Texas Pacific land rose 1% andArmour SO Martin M 18 276,500 shares as it endured fur- Armn Ck 123% Merck IMVS endorse further expansion that MRS. ANITA STOMBER ther profit-taking. Kerr-McGee Oil l'/4, apparently Ashl OH MOM 37 V Alchlson 31«i Minn MAM 61} would trim the setback' even The Dow Jones industrial aver- on speculation that these com Atl Refln 58 «4 Mo Pac A more. Avco Corp Mont Ward 74% Every Tuesday evening, 4 i»*«ion« Avco Corp 8* Nat Blsc 38% Bibcock W H N Cash Reg 61% Dr. Restivo told the board he Bald Umi 14* Nat Dairy 67} has not practiced in three months commencing May 26, 1964 at 8:30 P.M. Bait * Oh 44% Nat Distill Bayuk CM* 2SH Nat Gyps m and needs additional space within Bell & How nv, Nat Steel 26

Our reservations for the 1964 sum- • A bright welcome to friends, neighbors and customers mer season are almost filled. If you are looking for carefree and

troublefree summer fun, now is the WHY SIZZLE when an improvement loan can Call our nearest office for complete information time to make inquiries at Sea make your home cool and comfortable for sum- regarding Dusk-to-Dawn Area Lighting. mer. You enn quickly get up to $3,500 for Bright's traditionally finest beach screens, air conditioning, insulation, patio, en- club. Why not do it today. closed porch, or other projects. Attractive rates, as long as 60 months to pay in budgeted amounts. Bring in your cost estimate for a prompt O.K. JCP*L JERSEY CENTRAL NEW JERSEY POWER ( LIGHT POWER 1 LIGHT

• • .:::.....•• .r..,™,...,..:,:..,.,..::::-; .;.^,,,t;;;;x::.aiai OFFICE OPEN: Telephone: INVESTOR-OWNED ELECTRIC COMPANIES Weekdays 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 842-0061 AND LOAN ASSOCIATION Weekends 12 noon to 5 p.m. Carl P. Flemming, Mgr. U BHOAD ST. • FltD BANK, N. J. i "II'here You Save Does Muhc. n Dijjurencc! and Mr. and Mrs. Robert p Bechtie, Mr. &olj K£D BANK REGISTER Vriury, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Herrmann, Mr. and Mrs. John tans who were once solidly be- big boost yesterday when results guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph CHagen, Middletown. Crowley, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon hind Rocky, before his divorce of a poll were revealed in Wash- Montgomery, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- Bechtle, 12 Kent Pi. They came As a distributor for Alsco Aluminum Siding, and remarriage caused such a ington. to attend the confirmation of The "Splinters" bowling team ard Maloney and Mr, and Mrs. Prown's is participating in a huga $1,000,000.00 stir in political circles around The survey was made by Lou Robert Wilson. Scott Bechtle Sunday. the nation. Harris, one of the nation's most as entertained before the sweepstakes in which 666 prizes will bo awarded. ;ague bawling banquet Saturday "Let's forget his personal prob- accurate political pollsters. Mr. and Mrs. William G. Suter, Each prize consists of a residential aluminum light by Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm The "Thieves" team were lems," said one top leader. "I've Harris, a favorite with Presi- 114 Riveredge Rd., are home .larkendorf, 24 Parkway PI., Lin guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey re-siding job worth $1,500.00 and the grand heard and seen most of the other dent Kennedy and Mayor Wag- after a combined three-week :roft. Guests included Mr. and G. Miller, 35 Meredith Dr. They prize also includes a trip for two to Acapulco, candidates, and am convinced ner of New York, said his Cali- business and vacation trip to Irs. Edmund Burke, Lincroft, included Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Rocky is the best campaigner and fornia poll showed Rocky re- MacLeod, Colts Neck; Mr. and California and Las Vegas, Nev. Mexico. Here is how you know if you are a knows the most about foreign and ceiving 47 per cent of the vote, winner. Be sure to get this week's issue of Life domestic affairs." itay out of the state's April 21 with Goldwater taking 36 per cent Magazine.' (May 22). Look for the individual The politico, who is close to and 17 per cent undecided. >rimary, and then countermanded former President Eisenhower, ad- Harris' figures show that before is own edict. They ignored the number attached to the Alsco - DuPont adver- mitted that the New York gov- the Oregon primary, Goldwater rimary, anyway. tisement. Detach it and bring it in to Prown's. ernor's surprising victory last Todd wants his 40 delegates to MONMOUTH COUNTY, NEW JERSEY was leading Rocky by a 55 to 45 If your number is on the contest master list, you week in Oregon had a great deal ratio. o to the San Francisco conven- BEAUTIFUL COLONIAL HOME to do with his return to the Rock- People Unconcerned ion July 13 unpledged so as to are a winner. efeller bandwagon. He said he found that few peo- ie in a better position for making SPACIOUS GROUNDS Likes Nixon Too ple are concerned over the di- eals. Reports of Goldwater's strength A lovely, modern colonial home, located In one of the finest residential "And despite the claim by vorce-remarriage angle which had If you would like to know more about this fabu- Arizona Sen. Barry Goldwater slowed down the governor's bid among the delegates in the state communities of Monmouth County. A perfectly designed and well-built pic- ture house. Large living room/ dining room and sun parlor, two large lous new Alsco aluminum siding surfaced with that he already has half of the for the nomination. ary. Some say 12 are for him, rthers claim nine and yesterday's screened porches. Kitchen and servlnfi pantry. Four bedrooms, three baths, DuPont Tedlar* and guaranteed for 30 years, magic number of 655 votes Rocky yesterday continued his 1 rtgures were five and one. dressing room end sun porch. Two servants rooms with large bath. Full needed to nominate a presidential middle of the road campaigning open basement and attic. Attached two-car garage. Oil neat. Beautifully come and see us or phone for our representative candidate, I still think Rocky in California as his rival returned Goldwater has 12 backers run- landscaped with unusual trees and shrubbery* Five minutes from the Red to call on you. ling as delegates in New York's has a good chance of swinging to Washington for important strat- Bank railroad stotlon and the Garden State Parkway. Bus transportation, •DuPont raglstind trade mart MAXPROWN it," he added. egy meetings with his stafl. irimary, which also is on June 2, schools and churches close by. Reasonable laxes and maintenance costs. The Republican leader, who al- Eisenhower's name was ame as the California election. An all-year-round home,'Only ten minutes drive to the ocean. so advises the national GOP com-brought into the California race Washington political experts mittee, thinks highly of former when Rocky issued statements y that whoever loses the Call- INSPECTION BY APPOINTMENT 32 BROAD ST. Vice President Richard M. Nixon charging that Goldwater differed ornia primary is out of the pres- . *nd Pennsylvania Gov. William sharply with the former President dential sweepstakes. A. O. BOX 511, RED BANK RED BANK Scranton, too. and other responsible leaders on Neither Rocky nor Goldwater PROWNS "But Scranton was always too several important issues. jelieves it. busy when we invited him to Rocky concentrated on the sub- speak at fund-raising dinners in urban areas the same as he did New Jersey, and now that he in the Oregon contest. can: accept we are too busy for Friend of Todd him," remarked the staunch par- New Jersey state GOP chair- ty adviser who said he was ex- man Webster B. Todd, who has presstng the sentiments of at least always been a close friend of the 10 other leaders concerning Rockefeller family, would not be Scranton and Rockefeller. adverse to the governor's nomina Before Rocky's marital smash- tion. But several months ago he up, he could have had nearly all warned Rocky and Goldwater to ONTGOAAERY UOL1D& WARD


ALL WOOL OVAL CpRNERSTONECEREMONY- Freehold Regional Board PREMIERE NAUGAHYDE of Education member and building committee chairman Modern way to seat six, sleep two. BRAID RUG Pair of lounges plus plastic-top corner 49 Vincent G. Foy, right, Freehold Township, plants first 5 COLORS AVAILABLE table. Walnut finish woods, five fash- Reg. 59.95 9'xir trowel of cement yesterday on cornerstone of new ion colors. One lounge slides under $2,707,000 Southern Regional High School, Howell table to save space — great in dens. REG. 229.95 Townihop, which will open in September. Looking on is OVAL BRAID RUG board member Howard L. Woodward, Englishtown. Save up to 60% on Tables SAVE UP TO 50% ON CHAIRS AVAILABLE IN 29 5 COLORS 36" ROUND TABLE FRENCH PROVINCIAL Reg. 37.95 9'xir with plastic top that OCCASIONAL CHAIR 00 resists scratches & Reg. 69.95 35 ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE burns. Reg. 29.95. 00 MODERN CLUB CHAIR CONTINUOUS FILAMENT 15 00 NYLON RUG Gold Naugahyde 50 FOAM BACK 34 Reg. 89.90 AIRPORT PLAZA SALEM SQUARE «* ^ 9 COLORS 9'xl2" AA FOR THE LIVING ROOM OR DEN Reg. 49.95 Highway 36 MAPLE STEP TABLE 20 Haslet, N. J. Reg. 39.95 ____^" ASSORTED SIZE AND BED-N-SIDE KIANSBURG Term. MAPLE FINISH SLEEPER FOAM BACK RUGS 00 MANY COLORS COFFEE TABLE Reg. 69.95 49 7 IO'XU1 through 12'xU1 Reg. 19.95 HARVEST TABLE «*^ MODERN WALNUT 30 MODERN CLASSIC SAVE ON TILE NYLON SLEEPER 9-INCH SQUARE CO 4-9828 Reg. 49.95 4" WARD FOAM SEAT 787-0066 Cushion end Nylon Frieze ASPHALT TILE MODERN WALNUT OO 3 COLORS ea 787-9676 ' Turquoise 5 DINING TABLE only Reg. 199.95 Reg. 7c each slightly scratched Free Parking J Parking Reg. 100.00 t 00 9-ltfCH SQUARE NOW EFFECTIVE! ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE 125 VINYL ASBESTOS TILE EXCURSIONS DIRECT TO WORLD'S FAIR Reg. 11c each 8 TEA QART 3 Colors SATURDAYS AND SUNDAYS ONLY 00 2-PC. MODERN BUS LEAVES: with HOT PLATE LIVING ROOM 00 9-INCH SQUARE • Third & Pavilion Ave., Long Branch 9:00 A.M. Reg. 24.95 10 Rea • Leonardo Bus Terminal 9:31 A.M. 115 VINYL TILE • Keansburg Bus Terminal, On Beachway 9;45 A.M. SUITE c 5 Colors • Airport Plaza and Highway 36 9:55 A.M. 7-PIECE DINETTE ea 00 Reg. 15c each 12 BUS ARRIVES: MODERN BRONZE 4-DRAWER CHEST WORLD'S FAIR 11:15 A.M. NAUGAHYDE SEATS 70 MODERN WALNUT 00 Reg. 99.95 BUS RETURNS: SUBURBIA STYLE Reg. 65.00 35 BLACK FROM WORLD'S FAIR 9:00 P.M. FIBRE GLASS WELCOME MATS FARE — Round Trip — Adults $4.00 BREAKFRONT CHINA M Round Trip 00 18"x30 99 — Children $3.00 BAR STOOLS (S YEARS TO 12 YEARS OLD) ASSORTED COLORS 10each Modern Walnut OO Subjoct to change without notice Reg. 15.95 each Patrons ol Saturday and Sunday special may purchaso 125 KITCHEN MATS World's Fair ticket! at discount pric Reg. 210.00 SUBURBIA 49 SAVE UP TO 50% ON MIRRORS BLACK 1 pair ALL ITEMS SUBJECT TO PRIOR SALE 15"xl8" DOOR MIRRORS 00 16x56, 22x68, 20x68 One Group Pine Louver EXTRA HEAVY Reg, up to 27.95 10 SCATTER RUGS 88 NEW YORK*KEANSBURG 11 27Mx48" 24-X36 WALL MIRROR 7.00 WINDOW SHUTTERS sach LONG BRANCH BUS LINE Reg. 7.49 3 787-0066 • 75 Beachway, Keanibyrg • 78T-9476 REDUCED 50% SATISFACTION GUARANTEED • OPEN DAILY TIL 9:30 P. M.-SATURDAY "TIL 6 Ked Register "Gee, That Was A Tough Break" JIM BISHOP: (HI fctMd SC Red Buk, N. J*-W Eut Main St., FreehoU-Rt. SS, RflddUtown Reporter Established 1878 by John H. Cook and Henry Clay Published by The Red Bank Register Incorporated W. HARRY PENNINGTON, President JAMES J. HOGAN, Editor IBJ's World of Danger M. HAROLD KELLY, General Manager ATLANTIC CITY — It is 11:54 p.m. and the Pres- / rbomu J. Bly William F. Sandford and Arthur Z. Kamin Ex*cuUv« Editor Afliocltt* Sldlton ident of the United States has just come out of the Frank W. Harbour, Charles A. Johnston Hotel Shelburne across the street. The crowds are Middletown Bureau Mgr. Freehold Bureau Mjr. held back by ropes. State troopers line both sides of Member, of the Associated Press Michigan Avenue from the boardwalk to Pacific Tit Associated Preu ll entitled cjcluilvely to Iht UM for republlcntion ol ill th» local am prlnud In thlt Btmp&per as well aa all AP newt dlapalchei. Avenue. Secret Service men, bare- Member ol American Newspaper Publishers Association headed, stand in the middle of the street Member Audit Bureau of Circulation looking up at hotels windows. Others The Red Bank Register ailumes no financial responsibilities for typographic*! errors In advertisements,, but are in silhouette on the rooftops. will raprlnt without charie, that part of an advertisement In which the typographical error occurs. Advertlstrs will pleut notllj u» manacement Immediately of any error which may occur. It is impossible to protect our Pres- Tbls newspaper usumes no responsibilities for statements of opinion lo letters from Its readers. . ident. I am in room 102A at the Hotel subscription Prices In Advance u than 3 mos. Per month (1.50 11 months—$18.00 0 months—19.00 Dennis. The room is on the third floor Single copy by mall, 10 cents ail copy at counter, 1 oents • month»i60 1 month*—KM and, as President Johnson waves his FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1964 arms over his head, he is exactly 225 - BISHOP feet away. I can see him without lean- Ing out of the window. He stops to bend into the Dwight Rd. Issue Is Clear crowd, shaking hands with both hands. The Garden State Parkway's Red from the Red Hill Rd. interchange The lights of the marquee over his head are bright He is tan, and he has the alert healthy expression of Hill Rd. interchange controversy and the extension. man who enjoys meeting people. On the curb, his ap- seemingly may be dead —but its So Middletown should be patient pointment secretary, Kenneth O'Donnell, stands with ghost has come back to haunt Mid- and wait for the developers to build arms folded, waiting. Mr. O'Donnell has been through dletown. It will be with us for a long the road—since they will be the ones these scenes with President Kennedy. So have the men time. ivho will profit immediately. To have of the White House Secret Service detail. They grow the township help pay for the proj> gray young, watching strange faces in crowds, try- It is now the Dwight Rd. exten- ing to protect Chiefs of State who complain that the ect is nothing more than a case of sion to the parkway interchange — Secret Service stands between them and the "people." fiscal irresponsibility. and its ridiculously high cost — that We drove into Atlantic City a little after 5 p.m. is making even the most rabid sup- The only township expenditure We passed old Bader Field, a place where little planes- porters of the project wonder how that is justified in this whole plan is take off with restaurant advertisements streaming Middletown and the county could the purchase of rights-of-way on the out behind them. President Johnson was due any ever get into such a mess. nearby Harmyk Farms property. minute. Crowds lined the edge of the airport, and This, clearly, is land that is not under policemen were everywhere. The Chief of Police of; But the words of warning were his city had them on rooftops with guns, even stand- development. there — two years ago—that the Red ing on top of monuments. Of interest also is why the devia- Hill Rd. interchange should not be Helicopters Scour The Sky tion by the Township Committee Army helicopters stoured the blue sky, keeping built. Only a favored few would from the fact that Middletown it clear of strange aircraft Any farmer, squatting in benefit from this road that was not banning Board approval for the Hill- These Days: the marshes between Pleasantiville and the airport, needed. It would be Mohmouth field development was contingent on ALLEN- could have hit the President's aircraft It was big, the road being put in by the de- and it came in low. A shot which could snap a rotor County's taxpayers who would be A Case of Macy's, Cimbel's blade would have been enough. The President is bare veloper — and not by the township. SCOTT saddled with paying the burden to help Governor Richard Hughes raise funds for the This is also in line with a township By JOHN CHAMBERLAIN while the favored few would reap the Democratic Party. The convention will be held her* ordinance. Something is happening in Cuba, all right, but the REPORT this summer, and the only excitement in town is who profits. And then there is a question to be Cuban colonies in the U.S. give three or four versions By ROBERT S. ALLEN will be Mr. Johnson Vice President. of it. This is not because the truth cannot be1 ascer- That was two years ago. Today asked of the county: and PAUL SCOTT The man who worries the most in State Attorney tained. It is because four different mbvemerite; /are WASHINGTON — The Central the predictions not taken from any Whatever happened to the much- Intelligence Agency is .playing an General Arthur Sills. He was a polio victim as a child, •' conducting their operations without reference to each and he wears braces and uses a cane. He is known as crystal balls—but gleaned from of- heralded plan of establishing a coun- Important role in {lie mysterious other. They have their own separate operations of Manuel Ray, chief a lawyer's lawyer. As the man in charge of State ficial records—show that the Red ty road system and talking over ends in view, and they have learned of the anti-Castro Junta Revo- HilldRd. interchange and the Dwight lucionaria Cubana (JURE) — Troopers, he anticipates the worst- and guards against roads that tie into that system? ,, from their" Communist opponents that despite those official denials. it The task is impossible. He sits in a car with his Rd.pconnecting link would rank as The county has said it would there is protection in With White House approval, the attractive miniature, Mina Sills, and studies the. sky IA Is providing Ray with "un- a major blunder, The predictions abandon its practice of, absorbing that do not -tip their separate missions with the frown of a man who expects rain. \o anybody save those immediately vouchered" government funds were right. roads that have no real'beginning or through a third party, described . He knows that he cannot keep the President under concerned. ,( as a wealthy Miami businessman. bullet-proof glass bell; He also knows that all Prek-;' Now Middletown is involved in no real end. Obviously, |jdlitical con- The four major groups that have Also, a number of CIA agents idents, with the exception of Dwight D. Eisenhower, . have been assigned to Ray'a the financing of the $130,000 Dwight siderations are being employed here been infiltrating and pinpricking at fight their protectors. They wave their--own White - = training camps in Venezuela and Rd. project—in what has been called '• I5"the detriment of sound road Chamberlain Cuba in recent weeks are, respectively, Nicaragua. Ray claims to be House detail away from the official car. The Presi- a game of "financial Russian rou- planning. the Manuel or Manolo Ray group, which, if all goes training a guerrilla force of be- dent always makes himself a conspicuous target by tween 500 and 900 to "infiltrate" lette" by Committeemen Edward J. •;>-;-,The Red. Hill Rd. interchange according to schedule, should be established in the the mountainpus^regton:, where standing In his car and waving both arms above his. by the time this column appears Roth and Martin V. Lawlor. iSiscp, already a blight on the of- Cuban mountains Castro operated before, coming head. in print; the Gutierrez Menoyo group; the Into power/-Jtt 1959. "' , The fiscal plan is highly involved KSials who could have stopped the Rayy , until recently a J10,000-a- Ironically, the President gets more protection ffi " Manuel Artime Movement of Revolutionary his home than abroad. In the White House, I have ' with the township paying $55,000, project but chose not to, should not year employee of the Puerto Recovery; and the Student Directorio. The greatest Rtcan government, was once found that I cannot move from one room to another, the New Jersey Highway Authority be compounded any more. suspicions are directed at certain members ,of * someMinister.pf Public; Works in,the or down a corridor, without being stopped by a tall Castro regime and is the most $50,000 and the county $25,000. But The issue, then, is clear for the of the groups by specific individuals in other groups, controt-ersial of Cuban, exile man with good manners. This is where he neetis pro- the township inititally will have to Middletown Committee: though there is a good deal of cross-infiltration in •leaders. " ' "' ' tection the least. James Rowley, Chief of the Secret raises the cost of the entire project. Is its responsibility to the town- the anti-Castro organizations for the obvious reason In his latest anti-Castro opera' Service, was a young grinning fellow with wavy hair that it is Important for each force to know what the tions, Ray is confining himself to We say it should not be the coun- ship's residents, who pay taxes, or declarations that his aim is to when he protected President Harry Truman. ' other fellow is planning. oust or destroy Castro. Beyond A Face Gets Lines ty or Middletown who should pay is it to the New Jersey Highway The cynical prediction in the refugee colonies is that Ray is making no commit- for the Dwight Rd. extension. Le Authority and the developers of Hill- ment. He is carefully avoiding Now he is gray and his face is lined. He parks that three revolutions will be necessary to return Cuba any statement concerning the in the White House driveway and studies the faces the parkway and the developers of field? to real freedom. First, so the story goes, Manolo Ray establishment. of a democratic of visitors even though it is not part of his duty. the Hillfield, housing project on How they vote May 27 on the will oust Castro in the name of "Fidelismo without government in Cuba. Efforts of U.S. military author- Rowley refuses to admit that the assignment is im> Dwight Rd. bear the costs. After all. ordinance authorizing construction o Fidel." Then Manuel Artime will take over from ities to persuade the CIA to "con-possible. If he was here now, standing beside me in- they are the ones who not only the Dwigh{ Rd> extension.will pro Manolo Ray in order to save Cuba from becoming a dition" its aid to Ray on such an side these three bay windows, he would be shocked. neutralist non-capitalist state, a sort of Yugoslavia of understanding have been re- wanted, but are directly benefiting Vide the answer. buffed. Lincoln, Garfield, McKinley, President-elect the Caribbean. The final revolution, according to the Richard Goodwin, 31-year-old Roosevelt, Truman and Kennedy—each faced an as* cynical, or sophisticated, prediction will take place member of the White House staff sassin and we lost four of the six. Now we have a Your Money's Worths, '; when a majority of the Cubans force Artime to recog- who is still on the Peace Corps payroll, is supporting the CIA in man who is beginning to show confidence in his con- nize the Constitution of 1940, which permitted capital- this backstage controversy. Good- duct of American affairs, a man whose personal Idol ist freedom along with a labor union recognition thai win is the inner administration's was Franklin D. Roosevelt, a man who enjoys meet- How Speculation in Stocks Coes in 1964 contact on Ray. . compared favorably with anything of its kind in the ing strangers, looking them in the eye and shaking free world. By SYLVIA PORTER The finances of the Democrat! hands. ..X than in 1961. In the first quarte: Personal or Ideological? National Committee are under- Texas Gulf Sulphur, Curtis Pub. buying on borrowed capital (mar- going an exhaustive scrutiny—on It is not going to be easy. He comes a little closer lishing, Calumet end Hecla, gin buying) is heavy. Volume on of 1961, Standard & Poor's to' Those who would like to go back to the Constitu- to where I stand in a darkened room diagonally over price index skyrocketed 32 pe the personal orders of President Xerox, Chrysler, American Photo- the New York Stock Exchange tion of 1940, which Dictator Batista had suspended Johnson. copy—one after the other, these alone already is way over 500 cent. In contrast, the rise i his head. All the men below could not protect him 1964's first quarter was 12.7 pei contemptuously refer to Manolo Ray's activity as This is the first time this ha! stocks have had wild whirls in million shares, tens of milllonj been done in a number of years. from me. The President walks around to the back of recent months. of shares above the totals re- cent, and in 1963's final quartei "Operation Judas" — meaning that it would leave his big black car and now he is even closer. Someone it was 2.7 per cent. An accounting firm has been Some of thi corded so far in 1963 or 1962. socialist organization of Cuba relatively intact one hired to make a detailed year-to- opens the rear, right-hand door. "instant glam But the evidence is that to- (2) Activity is largely concen independence of Moscow had been re-established in year audit ^of contributions am our" stocks day's speculation is neither as trated in higher priced issues, in I grieve for him because he senses no danger. He Havana. Those who hold this, unflattering idea of expenditures since 1961. are double or excessive nor as widespread as eluding stocks of unquestionabl Party insiders are saying th< Is in no hurry. Sometimes, on television, I study the triple thei jn 1961—the last time gambling high quality—not usually th Manolo Ray's intentions point to his past. Ray was President particularly wants tc face of Mrs. Johnson and I see tension in the nervous lows of 1964. reached unhealthy proportions — playthings of gamblers. The a- once Castro's Minister of Public Works, and he stayed know: and the nature of the speculation erage price of the 20 most activ Others have with Castro after other defectors had quit. They suspect 1. Whether there are still un (Continued on Page 7) • ' • been on which does exist is different. stocks on the "Big Board" in the paid debts from the 1960 cam- "round trip"— Here are measures of speculation past several months has ranged that his differences with Castro are personal, not paign. Since 1961, the committee have soared to prove this. from $40 to $65, against $25 t ideological. has collected more than $5 mi and then sunk (1) While low-priced stocks $35 in 1961. lion, but the President has been THAU'S GOLDWATER IN THEM HILLS! PORTER right back to are being bid up, price advances Issues Dormant The stories prevalent in the Cuban colonies have told certain 1960 expenses have their starting points. Still others have been far more moderate (3) The new issues market- it that the Ray movement has the blessing of the U.S.yet to be paid. He wants to get «re riding the roller coaster— where the worst touting and th State Department, whereas the Manuel Artime Move- at the bottom of that. up and down, up and down. most frenzied gambling tool 2. • How much money has gone The most recent delirium has WHERE IN THE WORLD...? place In 1961—is now virtuall ment of Revolutionary Recovery, which is based on to a polling organization and pub hit the mining stocks. It was set dormant. There are also few In- the Bluefields area of Nicaragua, is looked upon with lie relations firm in which an in off by Texas Gulf's announce dications of dangerous specula- favor by the CIA. Cubans who say they have knowl- fluential member of the Whit ment of a "major discovery" of lion on the American Stock Ex House staff had a considerabl zinc, copper and silver near change and In the over-the-coun edge of what is going on in both the Ray and the interest. Timmins, Ontario. It spread tcr markets—also spheres Artime organizations insist that the attack on the 3. Who would be on detaile quickly to Curtis Publishing, be dreadful abuse in 1961. Price sugar mill at Pilon, on the southeast coast of Cuba, listing of the committee's sa cause Curtis owns timberland on the ASE and in the over-thi aries and expenses, particularlj near Timmins. The delirium i? counter markets rose 5 to 6 pc was staged by Artime without knowledge that he was individuals doing special jobs still spreading, and before the cent on average In the first qua providing a cover for infiltration by other anti-Castro Top among these are Stepher mining boom there were other ter. In the comparable 1961 pe Smith, young brother-in-law o riod, price rises averaged 18 pei organizations. Some anti-Castro Cubans think this sort outbur«ts of frantic speculation of non-co-ordination is a good thing, for if Ray and the late President Kennedy am in individual stocks and group* cent. under him the real boss of th( of stocks. () Borrowing lo buy stocks A considered judgment is that < II* UNHID riAIUnC SYNDICATE and besides, If Ray has to accept the help of Artime, head as far as the committee'.' s heavy and the amount of fls of this May 22 HW-1: Gutierrez Menoyo and the Student Directorio, a post- finances are concerned. Nation; Nil " ' credit being used in the stock Treasurer Richard Maguire, Ion Speculation it mounting, and -Friday, May 22, 1%1 (Continued on Pnge 7) (Contlnued on Page 7), (Continued on Page 7) ^ 1 BANK REGISTER Frl^y, May 22, 1964-7 WM g W bte brtbtad. Also pir.,e» PrwMwt I*** * «*-* I meat tor Attorney Ge»ef«J Rob- nedy. Now he is urgently turn- Jim Bishop Allen-Scoti ert Kennedy among rank-and- araty General Robert Kennedy. one-time Ford president. . . An- Salinger conferred with Bobby Purpose of the tour is to raise drew Hatcher, former assistant and other Kennedyites at the ing to them for much-needed (Continued) ile leaders. electioneering funds. (Continued) "If you don't watch out," unds for the Kennedy Memorial White House press secretary, home of Mrs. Jacqueline Ken- made an unpuMicized visit to little smile as she threads her way through a crowd a close Kennedy lieutenant, has bluntly advised the friend, "Bob- library. This will be the former handled the purse-strings. The by will line up a lot of convention irst Lady's first formal appear- Washington to "pass the hat" for with her husband. She knows. She knows better than President is said to want Clifton delegates and, in effect, force jce since her husband's funeral. his former boss, Pierre Salinger, he that none of it is worth the risk. Carter, his closest political as- you to put him on your ticket. The State Department is ar- seeking the California Demo- sistant, to "move into this cru- That could happen." anging a series of speeches for cratic senatorial nomination. The price of The car starts down the street! The crowd cheers. Hatcher is creditsd as having cial sphere." The President listened in- Utorney General Kennedy when A Secret Service man stands in a second car, looking : goes to Europe next month, conferred with Attorney General 2. Carter is in the process of tently, but said nothing. Hoping Robert Kennedy and close friends up at windows. Four others beside the President's building up a $12 million cam- to draw him out, the friend con- i addition to speaking in West America's favorite of the Kennedys. How much luck car. Two press cars follow. In a moment, Michigan paign chest for the fall election. tinued' «rlin, on the anniversary of his That's what Democratic strate- ite brother's address there, he Hatcher had is unknown, but Avene is empty. The crowd disperses. What about Adlai Stevenson ill also give addresses in Italy, Democratic politicos deem it sig- gists figure is needed for the and Sargent Shriver? Either bourbon is now There was no danger at all. presidential race. Between S3 and he Netherlands and Britain. His nificant that Salinger had to make It was in my nervous would make a good running mate. irincipal topic will be the "rev-this fund appeal at this time. mind... $4 million is expected to be raised They are well known, capable at the end of this month at two lution of youth." The Kennedys played a key role and come from « major state. giant combination $l,000-a-plate Defense Secretary McNunara in Salinger's last-minute entry. What about them?" dinners and JlOO-a-ticket galas is on close terms with only one into the Senate race. Three days New York and Washington. "Well, what about them?" ex- p labor leader-Walter Reuther, beforw he announced, he phoned Chamberlain claimed the President. "A» far Governor "Pat" Brown from (Continued) It is the President's purpose UTL-CIO vice president head of as I can see, they haven't got a he Auto Workers. Union insiders Bobby Kennedy's office saying that Carter be in charge of this delegate between' them." he was considering seeking the Castro government will reflect the contributions of multi-million dollar electioneer- say Reuther would "go along" with McNamara as running mate nomination. A week earlier, every major group. Then, too, any post-Castro Cuban ing fund. POLITICALS — Mrs. Jacque- Good time to taste regime would be dependent on the U.S. for considerable BLANK BULLETS — President line Kennedy will be on hand at Johnson is beginning to make the New York launching, later economic aid, and would have to temper its treatment discreet soundings on a possible of everyone to the right of Castro in order to get that this month, of a nationwide tour its mellow goodness running mate. of papers and other possessions aid. This is being done1 very warily. RELAX! In any event> Castro can hardly be expected to So far the President has con- fined his probings to old and fall tomorrow. The revolt in Cuba, while it is a reality, trusted friends, and always in a Summer's the time to is currently a matter of small infiltrations and quickie carefully casual and off-handed raids organized from Central Amerifca. The U.S., which manner. Illustrative is the fol- relax and enjoy your- lowing revealing incident: patrols the Caribbean and maintains an extensive self . . . Make sure A«+ In the course of 'a leisurely aerial survey, is obviously winking one eye while the White House chat with a long- Hie mon»y you nt«d" to small infiltrations go on. But is it not yet ready to time friend, the President non- let larger attacks be mounted chalantly asked what he had been relax, at Kom« or «way from the fields and hearing about the vice presi- mangrove swamps of Florida. Grig to the h initanrly on hand by dency. The friend replied he N.Y. r saving it where it'll al- ATTEND CONFIRMATION SCC THE Porter Madison Bias NEW SHREWSBURY — Mr. ways be ready for uie (Continued) and Mrs. Charles B. Rapp, Read- ing, Pa., attended the confirma- in times of need. ^market Is higher than in 1961. Complaint Set tion Sunday of two of their grand- QMEGA There's no disputing this possible daughters, Jeanne Rapp, daugh- *ATCH SXHIMT M danger signal. But in recent For Hearing ter of Mr. and Mrs. F. Lawrence THE SWIM WATCH MVKKM months the use of credit has Rapp, 12 Cloverdale Cir., i WHO* TOO COME BACK. UT OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT TODAY! leveled off and the percentage of NEWARK (AP) — The State Linda Jeanne Lewis, daughter of USHEIPCHOMCTHE' margin buying actually has de- Division on Civil Rights will Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lewis, 53 OUtGATOUUKEBOT clined slightly since margin re- hold a public hearing June 17 Meredith Dr. KEANSBURG-MIDDLETOWN quirements were hiked in Novem- on, a Negro's discrimination The girls were confirmed Sun- NATIONAL BANK ber 1963. In 196], borrowing to complaint against a Madison day in Luther Memorial Church REUSS1LLES* buy stocks was on a spectacular larber. by Rev. Daniel Reinheimer. U IROAD ST. XIANSIURC MIDDUTOWN LINCROFT upswing. A confidential meeting Mrs. George Super, Ardmore, RID IANK Ckarck md Corr Avt. Kings Hwy. Uacroft Shopping the greatest name in bourbon Seat Prices Dip Pa., aunt of the girls, spent the here Wednesday failed •"• V- <•> 7»7-O100 •71-2I00 Cnf«r—747-0*00 (6) Trading activity is un- solve the differences usually limited to a comparative- parties, according to a division ly few special issues—is not run- spokesman. ning across-the-board as would "Certain questions of law and be the case in a runaway market. fact were raised which neces- .At times this year the proportion sitated the calling of of trading in the 20 most active hearing as prescribed issues on the NYSE has been 30 New'Jersey law against per cent of total volume. crimination," the spokesman (7) Hie price of a seat on thesaid. NYSE fell $10,000 in the final One question is whether bar- quarter of 1963 and showed no ber shops should be listed under change in the first quarter in GRAND the heading of public accom- 1964. In 1961's first quarter, seat modation in the state's prices jumped $73,000. discrimination Jav/s. There have been outbursts of The complaint was •peculation and the mining stocks by Thomas P. Sellers against IS FOR indicate how frenzied it can be Phillip Gatti of Phil's Barber But so far as least, the attacks Shop. Sellers charged that'Gatti GOODIES are neither general nor out of [efused to cut his hair. A WHOU STORI FULL OPENING hand — which Is reassuring in- The shop is one of five in deed. Madison that refuse to cut ... IS FOR Negroes' hair. Demonstrations ASSORTMENT HIGHLANDS HONOR ROLL by (Drew . University students HIGHLANDS - Joseph R. Bol-outside one of the shops last THI HfSIST IN TOWN ger, administrative principal of week led to the arrest of four the public'school, has announced persons on disorderly conduct ... IS FOR the honor roll for the fourth charges. RECIPES marking period. The barbers contend they Listed were Harold Foley, don't know how to cut Negroes' OUR OWN SMCIA1 ONIS Richard Robertson, Jeannii hair and that their shops should Schupp, Jody Luddy, Mark King, be excluded from the state's IS FOR Steven Perry and Cynthia Zol- statutes on the grounds the linger, first grade. services they perform are DELICIOUS Louis Leeser, Keith Sablak, strictly personal. ONE TASTI WILL TILL YOU" Tommy Masse, Teri Giovia, Ste- Attending the meeting were fan Nelson, Emtlie Johnson and Gatti; his attorney Albert F. ... IS FOR Surette Hrin, second grade. Dalena of Madison; Howard H. EXPERT Meade Robertson, Glen Miller, Kestin, deputy attorney general Wendu Wise, Deborah Wiitfleld, of New Jersey, and several WHICH OUR IAKIRS AM Anna Rossetti and Louise representatives of the Civil ... IS FOR Mierzwa, third grade. Rights Division. PRETTY ... IS FOR Charles Donnelly, Jana Smock, Shirley ' Rugg, Joanne Perry, ntrmisT STORI IN TOWN NEW Georgina Schmidt, Stewart King, SPCA Holds YOU'LL II PUASIP Dorothy Buonacquista and Date ... IS FOR Turner, fourth grade. ACCESSIBLE JoAnn King, Karen Mount, Tay Day Audrey Card, Diane Duncan, i II»HT ON IROAD IT. Ronald Luddy and Debra Herold, Saturday ... IS FOR fifth grade. SERVICE Kathi Ann Wells, Thoma RED BANK - The Momnouth Arata, Charles Rugg, Susan County Society for the Preven- A POLICY WITH US Spriggs, Lorraine Stachle and tion of Cruelty to Animal* will have its annual tag day here to- Lesley Wurtz, sixth grade. ... IS FOR morrow. There's no Trick to Having Ex- The following Red Bank school TODAY tra Cash. You Get it Fast When public will serve as volunteers: THI II You Use The Register Classified. Mechanic St. School — Lucille —Advertisement. PorcelB, Karen Withey, Gail Fos- ter, Dorinda Ricciardelli, Leslie ... IS FOR Crowton, Anthony Ciaglia, Eu- RICH gene Ford, Lorrie Smith, Pawl AJ- T O DA IN THI HIT brecht, Leslie Morris, Denise QUALITY INtRIDIENTS WHY PAY Hopps, Joseph Federko, Brenda Johnson, Craig Newman, Cindy ... IS FOR Pica, Robert Tiedeman, Judy Ry- MORE? der, Ronnie Carter, Rosalie Staf- at 50 Broad St. YOU ford, Jeffrey Dates. A VIRY IMPORTANT Oakland St. School — David PIRSON TO US Gavin, Tommy Williams, Patty Ruffini. Frances Flammla, Jan- ette Wrieht, Maria Ursino, Ar- lene DePietro, Stephanie Smith. Joyce Pharr, Pattv Loversldge, RED BANK SPECIALS TODAY TIL 9 P.M. Karen Esposito, Maria Semliat- 9Chenfco, Glenn Bruton, Tommv Rossi, George McLean, Patti SATURDAY 'TIL 7 P.M. Harris, Fred Balsamo, Anthony Garruto, Linda Peluso, Defcfoie CALL 741-0818 MdCee, Elaine Cell. MIDDLETOWN River Street School — Shlrtey You'll be delighted with the delicious array of fine baked Route 35 and Webster, Margie Johnson, Arden- ia Di-Hard. Belinda Parker, Bruce goods and pastries as well as our complete new concept of GERMAN New Monmouth Rd. Davis, Jim Ennis, Bill Fuget, Bennie Taylor. Barbara Ciam- decoration and display. It's new, new, new in every way. noli, John Setaro, Rick Blasi, New Shrewsbury^ Welton Johnson, BMly Clarke, at Route 35 Carla Gaylord, Ricardo Donato, Come jn during our Grand Opening, relax in our self-service Joe Hundley, Tom Jackson, APPLE CAKE Shrewsbury Ave. James Johnson, Ruth AlbrecM, Koffee Korner. Abruey Bean, Elaine Douglas, Rainey Williams, David Clay. All baking is done in our modern bake shop, right on the premises, assuring you of freshest and finest bakery prod- ucts. Inspection invited. DELICIOUS POUND CAKE FREE COFFEE AND CAKE ALL DAY 75Reg. 85c

Swimsuits are daring or demure in J. Kridel's Corner, lake your choice. STORE HOURS: DAILY 6 A. M. TO 7 P. M.-OPEN SUNDAYS Mty, Mty 22, WA BED BA.XK BECFSTER Record Attendance Senipr High Fellowship At Maytime Tour RED BANK — A total of 783E. C. Corson, Jr., third, and To Present 'Holiday' persons viewed the homes open Mrs. Benjamin A. Crate, honor- Tuesday for the benefit of Marl- able mention. SHREWSBURY — The Senior ties a young man encounters as boro Hospital Auxiliary,. The en- At Wolf Hill Farm, where re- High Fellowship of the Presby- he tries to decide which of two tire proceeds of more than $3,000 freshments were served to the terian Church will present "Holi- sisters he should take as his from the seventh annual May-tourists in the Monmouth Park day," a three-act comedy by bride. It features Judith McEver time Tour of Homes will go to-Jockey Club guest house, mem- Philip Barry, tomorrow,at 8 p.m.and James Devine in the lead ward the auxiliary's patient serv- bers of the New Shrewsbury Gar- and Sunday at 3 p.m. in the roles, supported by Bonnie Go- ice fund. The tour set a record den Club who won ribbons for Church House, Sycamore Ave. vinsky and Peter Brugiere. for attendance. their arrangements were Mrs. The play, which appeared on Others in the cast include Carol The public voted on flower ar- Ralph Leone, first; Mrs. Herbert Broadway in the 1928-29 season, and Steven Kennedy, Richard rangements in each home. Mrs. Swanson, second; Mrs. Millicent is being directed by Allan B. Nevius, Judith Clark, George David Jackson of the Navesink Melchior, third, and Mrs. Arnold Wallace of Chapel Hill and Rev.Ivans, Dave Grim, Lynn Lascaro Garden Club received the largest Schwartz, honorable mention. John R. Collins, pastor of theand Janet Rehm. number of votes. Her prize win- According to Mrs .Stanley But- church. Sets for the play are being ning arrangement of daisies, kus, president, the event was an "Holiday" tells of the difficul- designed and constructed by Gil- strawberries and hosta leaves on 'outstanding success." In fact, bert Rose, assisted by Robert a wooden base was built around a the refreshment committee, she Caddock, Teery Warwick, John hand carved wooden rooster. said, "ran out of food and punch.. Caddock and William Van Brunt. The prize for best in show was We had nothing left of the 3,000 a silver bowl presented by Mr.sandwiches. . .15 minutes before The play is the chief fund rais- dosing time at 9 p.m." ing project of the senior high and Mrs. Donald McClintock, group, and proceeds will be used auxiliary members and owners of the Town & Country shop, Red YOU CAN HAVE THE this year to send a group of senior high members on a tour Bank. The couple has donated a Parade WHOLE LOBSTER TOO of Canada. bowl to the tour flower arrange- AND tkt limit you'vt tvtr ment winner for the past five tasttd, M well en a compltt* years. To Precede cholet of all rti* othtr good Mrs. Jackson's arrangement tfclngi from tht tea! For a it- Elks Unit was part of the decor of the llcloiu, Informal dinner and a keeping room in "The Toll Lincroffr Fair wandarM waning, visit . . . . House," home of Mr. and Mrs. LINCROFT - The parade pre- To Sponsor James Wyer. Other awards for ceding the Lincroft Everett PTA arrangements In the Wyer home Tercentenary Country Fair to- I9BSTER Ham Dinner went to Mrs. John Morresy, sec- morrow will begin at 9:30 a.m. ond; Mrs. George Weiss, third, Children wearing funny hats will RED BANK-^A Virginia baked and Mrs. Willard Harper, honor- assemble at the Acme.parking lot ham dinner „ will be served by able mention, all of the Nave- and led by The Coppertones will SHANTY the Red Bank Lodge, BPO Elks sink Garden Club. proceed to the school for a bat Auxiliary, Sunday from 3 to 6:30 fll CHANNEL DRIVI At "Holly House," home of Mr.contest. Fair hours will be 9:30 p.m. in the lodge house, 40 West POINT PLEASANT IIACH and Mrs, Samuel Sloan, 3d, mem-a.m. to 4 p.m. •_ Front St. Mrs. Dominick Mullaney 1W t-6700 bers of the Rumson Garden Club, is dinner chairman. No reserva- A new feature will be a "Know (Clowdl Mandoyi) "UP AND AWAY," a primer being read here so diligently by first graders at River Plaza School, acts as a reminder won the awards as follows: Mrs. jltions are required. Your Community" exhibit. Par- to teacher Mrs. Mary E. Ayert that toon the will be doing just what the title suggest*. She is retiring after 42 Richard Bryan, first; Mrs. Alfred ticipants include the Lincroft Fire The auxiliary also plans an years of teaching — 41 of them at River Plaza School which opened in 1923. Pupils, left to right, are Maribeth King Jr., second; Mrs. John Rus- Company, First Aid Squad, attendance dinner June 3 at 6:30 sell, Jr., third, and Mrs. PhilipWoman's Club, Jaycees and other Leyerone, Kathy Jean Siegel, Clifford White (grandson of newly-appointed Ambassador to Denmark Mrs. Katha- GRADUATION p.m. in the Rumson Inn and a E. Greene, Jr., honorable men- local service organizations. Shipwreck Dance on Aug. 8. Mrs. rine Elkuc White), Karen BHson, Joseph Herman and Khlir Daye. ' . tion. Refreshment booth . chairmen John Balmer and Mrs. Richard The Atlantic Highlands Garden DRESSES McCabe are danca chairmen. are Mrs. William Himelmin, Beautiful styles for Club provided arrangements in Mrs. Harry Carlson, Mrs. Donald an important day. Auxiliary member* also will at- A Teacher Reminisces the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Herring, Mrs. Lawrence Trlm- tend a luncheon and fashion show Huber. Mrs. Jack Weiles won nell, Mrs. John Herndon and Mrs. See Our ISew Arrivals to be given by the auxiliary of first; Mrs. Howard Leonard, sec-James Vogelson. in the Greater Wildwood Lodge June ond; Mrs. Fred Winston, yellow, Handling the show* will ba 12 in Wildwood. The event will and Mrs. Elnar Jackson, honor- Swimtvear Mrs. Charles Conover, puppet*; be held in conjunction with the able mention. Elmer linger, magic, and Wtyne New Jersey Elks Convention to Happy Years in a Happy School • Fair Haven Garden Club winEhlers, art exhibit. EXPERT ALTERATIONS be held there Juna 11 through 13. By ELEANOR MARKO "Children loved reading more While "yesterday's" teachers birthday Monday. Assisting on the ners in the Philip M. Dinkins' Other committee chairmen ara I residence were Mrs. Charles New auxiliary members are RIVER PLAZA — Crayons, fatin the old days," Mrs. Ayers had to fill in the days with music, dinner committee are Mrs. Fred posters; Mn. Mrs. . James William Oertel, Mrs. Leonard Salateno, Mrs. Wil-pencils and correcting class commented. "However, subject art, and exercise, the classes to- Jack, Sunrise PI., in charge of Jahnlg, first; Charles Kienzle, CLAUDIA'S Humphreys, second; Mrs. Grover publicity; Rqy liam T. Lambertson and Mrsworkbooks. , all a part of the life wise, the children are bettei day receive special guidance by reservations; Mrs. Henry Zoubek, Culshaw, third, and Mrs. Donald Burt and Joseph La Batch,' signs; Garwood E. Wifer. of teacher Mary E. Ayens for equipped today," she added. supplemental teachers especially decorations; Mrs. Jeremy Judge FASHIONS Winpenny, honorable mention. George Smith, construction; Mrs. 42 yean, will have no place in 20 to a Room trained in the fields of music, and Mrs. William Gray, flowers, Robert Peter*, corresponding sec- 129 MARKHAM PLACE At the home of Mr. and Mrs. N«t to LIHit Silver School There's no Trick to Having Ex- her plans for the future. The three "Rs" were taught In art, and physical education. and Mns. Frank -Miller, Mrs. retary; Jack Mulligan, treasurer; Philip Iselin, Little Silver Gar- PHONE 747-«m tra Cart. You Get it Past When the early years to about 20 pupil. James McLaren, Mrs. M. Leon- Mrs. Robert Williams, trading Mrs. Ayers,, who has taught Mrs. Ayers studied music in den Club winners were Mrs. Oli- Opin 9:30 to 5:30; Fri. 'fil 9 You Use The Register Classified. in each schoolroom. The Palmer ard Genova and Miss Quail, stamps; Louis Kelley, - auction in River Plaza School for 41 preparation for her teaching. Her ver Billings, Jr., first, Mrs. —Advertisement. handwriting method also was aides. lection; Richard Harclerode, years, will retire at the end of teacher wag Mrs.' Edmund Ayres Donald Marshall, second;,' Mrs. this semester after spending what taught. no relation)li) , off West Long parade; Milton Mein, field FOR YOUR DINING PLEASURE she terms "Many happy years Today, the two-room school, Branch, who also -retired two events; Mrs.. Paul Benson, tick- in this happy school." now an 18-room facility, includes years ago. ets; Norman Weber, -prize pur- Since reminiscing and retiring a kindergarten. First graders now While television can be on aid chase; Art Luebke, parking, and are synonymous, Mrs. Ayers joins learn arithmetic, literature to teaching, Mrs. Ayers is ot ns. H. L. Mueller, decorations. the group, with aome stories (poems and language and stor- the opinion that "Nothing re- Co-ordinating the event is Syd- about her teaching in Middletown ies), drawing, nature and music, places reading to children," She ney Sampson. Township. physical education, good health feels that many parents do. not do Born and raised in Little Sil- habits and science. Science books enough ot it today to help pre- ver, daughter of the late Joseph recently have been added and pare their preschoolers. ''Some T. and Evelyn White, formerly of are frankly fascinating — to both children have never been read PROM Branch Ave., Mrs. Ayers is thesmall children and adults.. Theto," she said. basic fundamentals of sound, wife of Frederick L. Ayers, who Tha WiUiftiftJ,.Alexanders and light and weather are included was borough clerk for Little Hive Silver'for some 30 yeans. They for study. The materiel isf above their reading level at the start had two generations taught by live at 24 Maple Ave., Little Mrs. Ayers. Silver. of the semester, but the content PARTY Began In 1822 interests the children so much, Mr. Hendricks is chairman of HOW DO YOU SOUND? Mrs. Ayers first taught in 1922that it acts as a challenge to Testimonial Dinner which is malce it a long- following her graduation from their reading ability. being given for Mrs, Ayers Mon- day in The CpbWeStonei,-Rt. 35, "We couldn't admit him because of hit ^olen) English" Montclair Normal School which Whereas, pupils who entered length gown! was a two-yeaf teaching course. first grade in River Plaza in Middletown. Director of Admliitent—Unlvtnitv She 'taught in the Middletown 1923 were taught reading directly Many residents have expressed i . j ' School which was located on from Winston's "Little Red Hen," their desire to honor Mrs. Ayens, "We couldn't hire her because of the way she talks" Kings Hwy. Following a fire that there are four months of prepar- who among many other "little year, the building was repaired ation and study of phonics things" has corresponded with Employment Manager—Company and subsequently has been used (sounds) followed by three prim- the pupils in her classes when You Write The Way You Speak as Borough Hall, Police Depart- er books "Tip," "Tip and Mitthe- y were sick or absent. These ment headquarters and Jibrary.ten," and "The Big Show," be little notes of concern have be- Oral English Analysis ft English Improvement Program The new two-room school in fore pupils are given as comcom- e traditional with Mrs. Ayers River Plaza on Hubbard Ave., parative a level of primer as who throughout the years has was opened in January, 1923. the "Little Red Hen." gone through hundreds of boxes RED BANK SPEECH CENTER Mrs. Edwin H. (Mary) Brasch, Printing Comes First of small notepaper. Mrs. Rita S. Quail, principal of 747-3563 who was teaching in the Leonardo They learn to print — no School, was made teaching prin write. Penmanship begins in sec-the school for 10 years, adds a cipal. Mrs. Ayers taught first and ond grade. note of tribute to Mrs. Ayers' second grades and Mrs. Brasch Many a lunch hour Mrs. Ayeri attributes as a teacher. She said, taught third, fourth and fifth. has given to youngsters whe "Mrs. Ayers is always on time. . (Pupils went to Middletown for have had trouble in' keeping u]in fact she is always a little higher grades). with the dass. bit early." Monday's reception, will v no doubt, be no exception. However, Mrs. Ayers has her husband to thank for this too. WHAT IS IT? He has been driving her to school DAY CAMP for years. . .and calling for her BEST IN SHOW — Mn. David Jackson, right, of the COME IN AND TELL US at the end of the day. . .Just as Navesink Garden Club, is awarded the McOlintock silver he did at the time of this inter- view. bowl by Mrs. Newton Patchen, garden club chairman of Men's OrlglMl Boy WIN A In the "home work" she hasMarlboro Auxiliary's Maytime Tour held Tuesday. Donor damp .. • Cwmtry's assigned herself, Mrs. Ayers has Donald McOlintoek of Town & Country Shop, Red Bank, travel In her plans. Outside of Foremost la faperlmee Free Paint Brush looks on. The prize-winning arrangement (in the fore- A»pnv*d MmiMr that she is looking forward to Ami-Ian Comptaf Au'a her continued activities with the ground) of daisies, strawberries and host* leaves around MARY CARTER PAINTS River Plaza Woman's Club, where a hand-carved wooden rooster, was part of the decor of her long-time friend Mrs. Har- 38th year 5* MAPLE AVE. 741 -8SW RED BANK old Young, « third grade teacher, the old-fashioned keeping room in the James Wyer's BUT ... if you pre- Directly On the will be able to relay the school home, "The Toll House," in Locust. Cool Ocean news. But nothing at this partic- fer a short-length ular point can fill the void she 643 OCEAN AVENUE WEST END will feel so deeply: PTA Fair Tomorrow we have them too... DECORATING? "I will miss the children," she • SPECIALISTS IN SWIMMING INSTRUCTIONS • said. PORT MONMOUTH - Thi row from 11 ajm. to 4 p.m. on in new pastel shades Th« "Swimming Camp" with 1 SALT WATBR POOLS GET OFF TO A GOOD START- The open testimonial dinner Parent-Teacher Association wil the school grounds, Rt. 36. In • New ImtnictlMiel Pool • Olympic Sin Pool • Children's Pool coincides with Mrs. Ayers' 62d holds its annual fair tomor- case. of rain, the fair will Pools CHLORINATED lor AsiurM OERM-PRH Protection and white, many to CALL OR STOP AT ... move to the all-purpose room Private Beach On Premises of the school. choose from at... Baseball— A cake sale, new games and (B&wtThouqht hot dogs and soft drinks are Football—Track and Other SILBERSTEIN'S planned. The event is a, bene- Sports Instructed by fit for the school library. EXPERT COACHES SERVING RED BANK AND VICINITY,! WtUTASUNRISEI YOU COUUm HAVE AND YOU CANT KSCTUPXT PICKED A SETTER PICKA BETTER RUMMAGE SALE • Uniurpaiwd Facilities FOR MORE THAN 44 YEARS /f OWN TO «H rt TIME, DEAR /-> PLACE THAN Junior ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—The • But Program • Itit Staff LEON'S Woman's Democratic Club of At- Anything you need\ In CLEANERS lantic Highlands will hold a Rum- Suptrlor In Evory Roiptet mage Sale Tuesday, Wednesday, draperies. Upholstering, FOR THE FINEST. W« Invlto Companion and Thursday: from 10:30 a.m. to Bazaar or slip covers. Our 1964 4:30 p.m. here at 99 First Ave. Bays and Girls 5 to 12 Years REASONABLE RATES Mrs. Rudolph Kastner is chair 39 BROAD ST., RED BANK Tocnago Group 13 to It Yean samples are now on dis- man of the event. All Doy—S w»«ki Juno 29 lo Aug. 21—(nll-lncluslvo rolt)—1120.00 play. You can depend on S WMk> (mln. •nrollmtnt — ali-lncluilvo rote)—$140.00 You'H enjoy seeing Hie colon In your rug become us for quality at a reason- Nursery Camp 3 ro AVi Years—Special Low Rate brighter then ever — CALL TODAY I SHOPAT-UOME & SAVE ! ! All Age Groups Limited able price. Hot Lunch Available—Transportation Provided Our Decorators are at Your Service Special Low Baach Club Stason Rare for Parents and SLIPCOVERS 7O00 No charge for estimates, of course Comport Daslrlng to Batho Weekends or Dolly 3-Pc. Sofa & 2 Chairs cleanjn Chooit from quality fabric* by Kondell, Write or I'lioiw jor Itmcliuie Scliumnclur, Rlvirdolt, Tomiacco and oth«r 79' lamaut makers. Include! tabrlci Iraatld with John F. Cirtadino, Director-Owner M. SILBERSTEiN •lain militant Scokhgarct* FREE SHOP- Buy Direct AT-HOME SERVICE. No Overhead IS Years Phyilcal Director nt Ailiuiy Park High School Interior Designs Funiture - Draperies • Slipcovers ,.64 WHITE $T.,REDBANK-^747-2B00 ALL WORK CUT BY No Commltilont Tel. 222-M61 -- Visiting Ojjue. Open Daily MIKE GOLDMAN YOU SAVEI 25 MECHANIC ST. 741 - 1762 RED BANK Earnings, Saturdays unit Sundays CALL 747-2919 BED BANK REGISTER Tridty, M*y 22, WA-9 Church HaU Calendar Communion Breakfast HAZLET — The Rosary-Altar Society of St. Benedict's Catholic Spring Activities Include Luncheons, Elections Church will hold its annual Com- munion breakfast Sunday in the 1 SHREWSBURY - Annual Other officers chosen were Mrs. Wd at the Past President's Din-a program of slides taken on her FASHION SHOW of various periods in the past. Jjhoo cafeteria, following 8 a.m. spring luncheon of the Women's George Blair, Shrewsbury, vice er June 3 at 8:30 p.m. in Button- trip to Hawaii. Mrs. Paul Eby was fashion show Mass Association of the Presbyterian president; Mrs. Cora E. Hunter, wood Manor. The dinner committee included chairman. Mrs. Mary Varick of Jersey Church will be held Thursday at Eatontown, treasurer; and Mrs. 4rs. Elliott M. Willitts, Mrs. W.theme of a recent meeting of the City will be guest speaker. Mrs. 12:30 p.m. in Samuel Blair Hall Jack M. Kline, New Shrewsbury, TO INSTALL OFFICERS Lester Whitfield, Mrs. John ANNUAL BREAKFAST Varick, author of "My Yoke Is of the church house. A musical iecretary. RED BANK — Installation of Dietz, Sr. FREEHOLD - Mary Produc- Easy, My Burden Light" and program will be presented by the Honor guests were Rev. and new officers of the Women's Fel- tions of Belford presented a pro-"Not Without Tears," was hon- Red Bank High School Choralettes Mrs. Anselm Broburg, who will lowship of the Red Bank Baptist gram of playlets at the second an-ored as Catholic Woman of the at 2 p.m., under the direction of leave the parish in a few weeks. Church will take place at a meet- nual Communion breakfast of the Year in the United States in Robert Spencer of the high school Mrs. John E. Corcoran, Little ing Monday evening in the Rosary Altar Societies of St. Gab-1961. She was chosen for her staff. Silver, outgoing president, pre- church. riel's Catholic Church, Bradevett, activities as a mother, founder Luncheon chairman is Mrs. Jo-sented Mrs. Broburg a corsage Circle 4 of the fellowship re- and H* mission church, St. John's of the First Saturday Club for Shut-ins, and the initiator of a —seph F. Kieraan, and vice chair- from the group. cently held iu final meeting of in Marlboro. TODAY man Is Mrs. Chester E. Sharp, series of pilgrimages to the shrine Hairstyles were demonstrated the season In the home of Mrs. Rev. Vincent A. Lloyd, pastor, RUMMAGE SALE, Navesink both of Little Silver. Mrs. John by the staff of Mademoiselle Hair John Lawley, Conover La., Mid- addressed the group. The floral of St. Anne deBeaupre in Que- bec. Hook and Ladder Auxiliary, 7 Newbon, Shrewsbury, Is in charge Stylists of Red Bank. Modelling dletown, with a covered dish sup- centerpiece was presented to to 10 p.m., fire house, Mon- of reservations ticket sales. Res for Mr. Nino, Miss Barbara, and per under the chairmanship of Mrs. Charles Weiss as a token Mrs. James Hickey, spiritual mouth Ave., Navesink. ervations deadline Is Monday. Miss Faye were Mrs. Arthur E. Mrs. John Quivey. Mrs. Margaret of esteem. activities chairman, has appoint SPRING VARIETY SHOW, Others on the committee are James and Mrs. Harry LaTowsky King and Mrs. William Graves Chairmen of the breakfast were ed Mrs. Robert Love as chair- Mrs. William Israel, New Shrews- of New Shrewsbury; Mrs. Edwin showed slides of trips to HawaU man of the breakfast. Others benefit for the Navesink Hook Mrs. James Dougherty and Mrs. and Ladder Auxiliary, 8 p.m., bury, and the Mission Belles Cir- Reed, Jr., of Fort Monmouth; and New England. Mr*. Edward Harvey Holland. serving on the committee include cle, table arrangements; Mrs. Mrs. Robert A. Rivenes, Shrews- Schanck, Lincroft, was welcomed Mrs. William DeGeronimo, Mrs. Navesink Library, Monmouth Ave. ^ Richard Nevius, Shrewsbury, bury, and Mrs. Blair. as a new member. NEW MEMBERS William Pennington, Mrs. Michael clean-up; aided by members of Gleason, Mrs. Matthew Heun, PLAY. "Guys and Dolls," New circles wiU be drawn be- KEANSBURG — New mem- Morning Circle No. 2 Study TRINITY OFFICERS fore the June 11 meeting-under Mrs. Tony Laskowski, Mrs. Frank Wagon Wheel Players, 8:40 a.m., bers of the Guild of St Mark's Wagon Wheel Playhouse, Rt. JS Group, clean-up; Mrs. Charles' MATAWAN — Mrs. David Tut-the direction of Mrs. Claude Den' Episcopal Church are Miss Grace Macdonald and Mrs. Daniel Zam- Ficca, West Long Branch, serv- tle, Jr., was elected president ny, circle co-ordinator. orski. Rev. Edwa'rd Blaska will and Chestnut St., Middletown. Saggau and Miss Melody Wentz. TOMORROW ing and waitresses. of the Women of Trinity Church Mn. Harry Albert served as be moderator with Mrs. Robert Mrs.'TJonald Ogden, devotion at a meeting held in the parish JUNE FESTIVAL chairman of a recent rummage Bastan as toastmaster. RUMMAGE SALE, Charity al chairman, will direct a service hall. KEANSBURG — Rosary Altar sale, and Mrs. William G. Low On June 4, the society wll Court 38, Order of the Amaranth,' of dedication for mission sewing Also serving with her will be Society of St. Ann's Catholic was advertising chairman. sponsor a card party to be heli 9 a.m. to 4 pun., Union Hose Fire completed during the past year. Miss Frances Adler, vice presi- Church will hold a Strawberry in the school cafeteria at 8 p.m Company, Shrewsbury Ave., Red dent; Mrs. Stephen Dorko, re- Festival and card party June 4 Supply assignments were sent for the benefit of the Marianiti Bank. ELECTION cording secretary; Mrs. Kenneth at S p.m. in St. Ann's Auditorium. recently to a mission in Puerto Sisters of the Holy Cross whe BIKE RODEO, sponsored by SHREWSBURY — Mrs. Albert Henderson, corresponding secre- Mrs. Carmine Falco is chairman Rico and to the Family Counsel- teach in St. Benedict's School Navesink PTA, 1 to 4 p.m., L. Diano of New Shrewsbury was tary, and Mrs. Ronald Sheldon, and Mrs. Claire Beatty and Mrs, ing Service in Canden. Mrs. John Purcell, vice presi- Navesink School. (Rain date. elected president of the Episcopal treasurer. Richard Ryan are co-chairmen dent, is chairman, assisted by May 24.) Church Women of Christ Church Mrs. Robert Hicks was elected The society will meet again on SOCIETY TO INSTALL Mrs. Donald Ferguson, president RUMMAGE SALE, Navesink .... at the group's annual luncheon chairman of the Christmas Bazar June 11. HAZLET - Mrs. James Hick- Others assisting are Mrs. RobHoo- k and Udder Auxiliary, 10 . meeting in the River House, Rum- to be held In November. ey, newly-elected president of theert Hart, tickets; Mrs. William a.m. to 2 p.m., fire house, Mon- Rosary Altar Society of St. Bene- son. Installation of officers will be WSCS BALLOTING O'Malley and Mrs. Angelo Fara- mouth Ave., Navesink. dict's Catholic Church will be in FAIR HAVEN — Mrs. William gasso, awards; Mrs. Robert Wild, PLAY, "Gtfys and Dolls," H. Scott was elected presiden stalled on June 8 at a meeting ,avors; Mrl. CharlM Taguei dftc. Wagon Wheel Players, Wagon Auxiliary "News of the Woman'* Society of Chris- in the school cafeteria. orations, and Mrs. Frank Mac- Wheel Playhouse, 8:40 p.m., Rt. tain Service, Christ Methodist Others to be Installed are Mrs.donald, refreshments. 35 and Chestnut St., Middletown. Church, at a recent meeting in Victor Rosa, vice president; Mrs. the church. John Glancy, secretary, and Mrs. Angelo Faragasio, treasurer. Other officers are Mrs. Carl If you g«t Poppy Sale Plans Anderson, vice president; Mrs. PRESIDENT RE-ELECTED • STABBING PAINS James E. Harrison, secretary: MATAWAN — Memorial Day child welfare chairman, reported M EATONTOWN - Mrs. Elliott rs . Hardy Ross, treasurer; Mrs. M. Willitts was re-elected presi- Fran Marching for art supplies. poppies will be offered to resi- the distribution of $75 worth of Wallace Mclver, .secretary of SELL-OUT — Looking pleased af Mia success of th*ir dent of the Woman's Society of dents of Matawan by members used clothing to needy families. promotion; Mrs. Clifford W. Cistian Service at a meeting why not see... Grimmer, secretary of mission- of the American Legion Auxiliary project are committee member* in charge of a benefit last week in the Methodist ary education; Mrs. Max Hel- performance by rh» famed Austrian Lipixzanar horses Church, Wyckoff Rd. That little old art supplier... May 26, 29 and 30. Sue For Injury man, secretary of spiritual life, to be given tonight in Madison Square Garden, Naw Also elected were Mrs. A. David Funds from the sale will be and Mrs. Lester Brett, secretary Seeland, vice president; Miss used in the Matawan area for In Game Melee of literature and publications. York City. Proceeds will go to tfie Children's Psychiatric Henrietta Herrmann, recording veterans' rehabilitation and child FREEHOLD - A negligence Also, Mrs. John Hustler, sec- Center, Eatontown. Holding an old print of one of the secretary; Mrs. Henry A. Michen- LOU COOPER welfare. Mrs. Dorothy Rinear is retary of youth work; Mrs. John suit has been filed in Superior famous ttallions are Mrs. Frederick B. Finkenitaedt, left, felder, treasurer; and the follow- 4U SHRiWSIURY AVE. 747-1975 SHRIWSIURY poppy chairman. O. Rowan, secretary of children's ing secretaries: promotion, Mrs. Court here against the city of Locust, vice chairman, and Mrs. Robert S. Eisner, standing At a recent meeting In the Linden and the linden Board o'f work; Mrs. Raymond R. Jannell, Franklin Gifford; missionary ed- post home, Mrs. Clyde Brideau, Education by an Asbury Park secretary-of supply work; Mm, at right, committee member. Behind them it Mrs. Marsh ucation, Mrs. Leslie D. Seely, president, appointed Mrs. May High School boy injured In a Jesse Jackson, secretary of stu- A. Bryan, Rumton, benefit chairman. spiritual life, Mn. W. Lester Gillls, Mrs. Margaret McDonald fight among spectators at an dent work; Mrs. Rowan, study Whitfield, Christian social rela- and Mrs. James H. Martin to Asbury Park-Linden basketball group chairman, and Mrs. Rob- tions, Mns. Fred Bornemann; stu- the nominating committee. Elec- game at Linden Dec. 26, 1962. ert Wyckoff, study group leader. dent work, Mrs. Ronald G. tion will take place in June. Mrs. Th« society will hold a lunch- Sisterhood Cooking Expert Beery; children's work, Mrs, Wil- John'Thaler and Mrs. Gussie Patrick W. Gallagher and his eon meeting June 1 In the church, liam F. Vital, Jr.; youth work, Bell 'are chairmen of the June mother, Mrs. Helen E. Gallagher, To Lecture Miss Barbara Dowen; literature meeting. of 315 Seventeenth Ave;, Belmar, PETITION CONGRESSMAN To Install EATONTOWN - James Beard, and publications, Miss Virginia are suing for injuries received Mrs. Martin, rehabilitation and NEW MONMOUTH — Mrs. Mil- author of "The James Beard Zlngale, and supply work, Mrs. by the former and for the cost ton Ward was in charge of de- Cookbook," will be in Monmouth of medical expenses. They are Motions* New Slate Arthur L. Frailer, Sr. at a recent meeting of Shopping Center tomorrow to The pledge service 'The Sea Youth Fellowship represented by David K. Ansell. the Ladle* Aid Society of the give two free lecture demonstra- According to the .,' complaint, of Giving" was led by Mrs. Wil- Honors Mother Baptist Church. tions in the art of outdoor cook- litts. c. Gallagher.suffered.a broke 1 Members signed petitions fav ing. He will appear at 10:30 a.m. The society will send money RED BANK - Mrs. Chester right leg. The suit charges the orlng the return of prayer an on the mall by Bambergers Mon- Robards, 78 De Normandle Ave., to the Jesse Lee Home in Alaska city failed to provide.adequate Bible retdiBg in the school«,.TB mouth and at 2 p.m. on the mall to help restore the bulldlrtg de- Fair Haven, was named Mother police protectjon and that the petitions will be mailed to Rep. of; the Year by the Senior Yout* front of Montgomery Ward's. Uoyedoy the recent earthquake. Board of Education negligently James A. Auchindoss. James Beard Is one of Ameri- • Fellowship of St. Thomas Episco- supervised the conduct of the pal Church at a spring, tea held ca's leading food authorities. He I crowd. ENTERTAIN COMMITTEE will use recipes at this session recently in the church. The pre- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—Mrs. sentation was made by Mrs. P. T. from a series whloh appears in Jones, 1962 Mother of the Year. Officers* Wives Eimar W. Jackson, Mrs. Robert the book, "The Complete Book of Irving and Mrs. Edwin D. Green Outdoor Cookery" which he wrote Mrs. Robards has been a Sury Give Spring Tea were hostesses at a buffet lunch- with Helen Evans Brown, and day School teacher for approxi- eon recently in Mrs. Jackson's EARLE — A spring tea was Which the New York Times food mately 20 years. She is the moth- home. East, Highland Ave., for given by the Officers Wives Club editors call "Far and away the er of two sons, Donald, who will committee members of the re- be graduated from Miami State ?' «»e NAD, Earle, Wednesday best thing yet on outdoor'cook- cent St. Agnes Rosary Altar So- Ing." University, Ohio, on June 6 and in the officers club on post. At- ciety's luncheon and fashion show. tending were officers and honor- Mr. Beard's appearance at the I for. . . Robert, who will enter Rumson- Mrs. Robert Curtis entertained ary members of officers wives Center is part of the many ac- • Draptrid • SHpeeviri Of RID IANK Fair Haven Regional, High School with vooai selections. tivities planned for the Center's I m the fall. clubs from surrounding posts, • l»dipr»«d« • Blinds Lakehurst, Brooklyn Naval Sta- Outdoor Living Show, "Al fresco 24 IROALt STRUT WSCS DINNER let's go!" which wUl run between • Shid*i • Curtains PAL REGISTRATION tion, Fort Monmouth and Fort Hancock. EATONTOWN — The annual now and June 13. Compl«t» InitilUtlon S»rv!e» RARITAN TOWNSHIP - Reg dinner of the Woman's Society ol SHOP-AT-HOME SERVICE istration for, the recently-formed Mrs. Michael Vrabel was chair- Christian Service of the Method- Police Athletic League will be man, assisted by Mm. Eugene Io- Visitors from Curacao 747-4422 ist Church was held recently in Mrs. Jack Futerfas held at police headquarters, nadi. Mrs. Arthur Coe, president,the Colonnades Restaurant. BELFORD ' — Mr. and Mrs. Middle Rd., tomorrow and Sun-gave the welcome. Mrs. Leslie D. Seely presented SHREWSBURY - The Sister- Dirk Hofman of Main St. had day. The first PAL activity will Some 30 guests attended the hood of Monmouth Reform Tem- as house guests for 10 days Mr. be t course in archery. event. and Mrs. Leo Kullberg and FRATERNITY MEMBERS ple will) install its slate,of of- Pledged to Beta Rho Chapter daughter Ennylony, of Curacao, ficers Monday at a luncheon at of Delta Sigma Phi at Rutgers Netherlands Antilles, and Mrs. ZIP SERVICE State University Is Alfred J. noon in River House Inn, Rum-Ploon Hofman of Rotterdam, Greco, 922 MSckey Ave., Belford, son. • Holland. While here, (hey spent a week- Daily 9 to 5:30; Fri. 'Ill 9 Chairmen of reservations are end In Washington, D. C, and You Can - We Install Hans J. Muhler, Jr., High St Mrs. Aaron Hoffman, New Wickatunk, a student at Newark visited Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. 468 Broad St., Shrewsbury Shrewsbury, and Mrs. Henry Winans in Maryland. Mrs. Winans PHONE 222-3193 College of Engineering, was ad-Greenberg, Shrewsbury. mitted to the national civics en- is the former Lois Anne Hofman. H. KAABE GLASS CO. gineering society Chi Epsikm at Mrs. Jack Futerfas, SS Willow a recent dinner in Friar Tuck Rd., New Shrewsbury, will as- Inn, Cedar Grove. Mr. Muhler sume her duties as president was one of more than 100 un-Monday. Others being seated are WINDSHIELDS! dergraduates at NCE whose ac- Mrs. Edward Goldstein, Shrews- bury, vice president in charge Mf-SS! Broadway. ceptance in 10 national honor so cieties was announced. of fund-raising; Mrs. Max Karl man, vice president in charge of program; Mrs. Jack Kohn, vice president in charge of mem- bership, and Mrs. . Bernard Schwartz, treasurer, all of .New Shrewsbury. N. J. State Approved Also, Mrs. Richard Dahlman, "That All Children your financial secretary, and Mrs. Her- bert Goldwag, corresponding May Learn Through secretary, both of Fair Haven; fast Mrs. Sidney Davis, New Shrews- Creative Experience" bury, recording secretary, and Recommended by Parents Mrs. Seymour Gruber, Middletown OPEN and Loved by Children Mrs. Monroe Deutch and Mrs, minute Albert Goldstein, both of New Since 1931 Shrewsbury, trustees. NURSERY—KINDERGARTEN—GRADE SUNDAY Using the very best educational procedure for efficient learning and growth. 'TIL 1:00 P.M. • Certified Teachers • Doctor Visiting Weekly buying! FREE! • Door to Door • Full or Half Day "The Shift'" from Youthcraft's STORAGE Transportation Sessions ... A VISIT IS A MUST FOK Americana Collection 'TIL SEPT. 1st PARENTS WHO WANT THE VERY BEST! We are proud of our staff of teachers who have been Fashion's newest body "make-up" is with our school for the past 3-10 years and will be skillfully applied to hip, derriere and 741-4255 with us this fall: Mrs. McCormlck, Mrs. Homer, Mrs. Peterson, Mrs. Marshall, Mrs. Colodln and many of tummy to assure a young, natural look. our assistant teachers. r'\ As an active American female, iiiMst on $10.95 ACME your right to be comfortable, vital and CANDIES CARPET AND • Register for the Fall Semester Now! trim. AND TAVERN PASTRIES UPHOLSTERY CLEANERS OAKHURST COUNTRY Matching "Ri?e 'n Stretch" Bra (SHREWSBURY SHOPPING CENTER, HWY. 351 • 28 Years Experience $3.95 Cnmr. See Candies Made in Our Own Kitchen 128 OAKLAND ST. DAY SCHOOL, Inc. with adjustable stretch Mi.i|'« 128 MONMOUTH RD. OAKHURST, N. J. RED BANK Phone S3 M 3OO OPEN A VOGELS CHARGE ACCOUNT TODAY! 10-Frifef, May 22, 1964 RED BANK REGISTER Schedule of Religious Services

PRESBYTERIAN 0NGREGATION BNAI ISRAEL PRESBYTERIAN ST. JAMES CATHOLIC ST. DOROTHEA'S CATHOLIC TRINITY EPISCOPAL TRINITY LUTHERAN BAPTIST Rumson Rumson Red Bank Red Bank Eatontown Red Bank Red Bank Red Bank Late Sabbath services will be- "Unconfused Religion" will be Trinity Sunday will be cele- Sunday Masses will be at 7:30, Trinity Sunday, Holy Euchar- Sunday, "The Festival of the Rev. Lee A. Morris, associate Services Sunday will be at 9:30 rated with Low Masses at 5:45, the sermon topic of Rev. Dr. 45, 10 and 11 a.m. and 12:15 it will be celebrated at 8 a.m. [oly Spirit," Holy Communion pastor, will speak at the 11 a.m. and 11 a.m. Rev. Harvey C. Dou- n tonight at 8:30. Rabbi Gilbert 45, 8, 9:15 and 10:30 in the Charles S. Webster at the 9:15 m. Church school and Holy Euchar- be administered at the 9:20 service Sunday on "The Uncon- ie, Jr. will preach on "Beyond Rosenthal will preach on "Our lurch and 8:30, 9:45, 11 and cious Deterioration of the Soul." "ribulation." and 11 ».m. services Sunday. Daily Masses will be celebrated ist wilt be at 9:15 a.m. Holy ind 11 a.m. services. The newiy- rethren Behind the Iron Cur- :15 in the auditorium. Ait noon The pastor, Rev. Stanley E. Mug- Sunday school will meet at 9:30 At 9: IS and 11 a.m., church : 6:30 and 7:30 a.m. except Satur- Eucharist and sermon by Rev. onfirmed riung people of the in." Cantor Sidney Scharff will ridge, will attend the American and 11 a.m. in nursery through school through eighth grade. Sung Mass will be celebrated. ly when Mass will be offered at anon Charles H. Best will be congregation will participate in hant the liturgy. Candlelighting Japtist Convention in Atlantic senior high. The adult class will At 3:30 p.m., reception of grad- he chants will be sung by the a.m. 11 a.m. All services this week he Holy Communion sacrament me is 7:52 p.m. Special prayers uates of the eighth grade com- en's choir and the congrega- :ity. meet at 9:30 in the church lounge. Confessions will be heard Satur- ill be held in the parish hall. or the first time at the 11 a.m. 11 be recited in behalf of the municants' class, followed by a on. The men of the Holy Name Senior High Fellowship will lys and the eves of Holy Days Alcoholics Anonymous and the service. Sunday school is at 9:20 Church school 'meets at 9:45 persecuted Jewish community in social hour in their honor in xiiety will receive the Holy Eu- meet in the lounge Sunday at 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 to 1-Anon Group will meet at 9 m. i.m. The lay leaders meet for »e Soviet Union. Westminster Hall. ' harist at the 8 o'clock Mass, 30 p.m. m. Monday. Tte calendar for th« week In- grayer in the Clayton Room at 15 p.m., with members of the Sabbath morning services art At 6:30 p.m., the 10th and Uth tihich will be followed by a Com- The sacrament of baptism is the acolytes' group will meet ludes: 30 a.m. The evening service is Youth Fellowship of Atlantic 9:15 for junior congregation, graders will study a course en- nunion breakfast. dministered Sundays at 1 p.m. uesday at 7:30 p.m. Today: ( p.m., Men's Brother- held in the chapel at 7:30, pre- Highlands Presbyterian Church lenior services begin at 10 titled "Barriers to Belief" taught The sacrament of baptism will The Miraculous Medal novena Holy Eucharist will be cele- lood, lather-son picnic in Bod- ceded by the Jr. Hi and Sr. Hi as guests. clock. Michael Post, son of Mr. by Dr. Merton Purvis; Youth administered Sunday at 1:30 conducted Tuesdays at 8 p.m. rated at 8 and 10 a.m. on an Park, Middletown. BYF groups meeting at 6 o'clock Junior High Fellowship will nd Mrs. Bernard Post, will,be Seminar classes. m. At least two days previous, Knights of the Altar meeting Wednesday. The service of heal- Tomorrow: Children's choir in Fellowship Hall and the annex, meet in the auditorium Sunday At 7:30 p.m., 9th grade and irrangements must be made with iturday at the 8 a.m. Mass, ng will be at 8:30 and 10:30 a.m. picnic sponsored by Lutheran respectively. at 7:15 p.m. called to the Torah as a, bar 10-12th grade Fellowships joint me of the priests of the parish Sunday, CYO Communion Sun- The Triangle Club will meet Church Women in Bodman Park. The Concord choir will have Tuesday at 10 a.m. Prayer Fel- itzvah and will be accepted into meeting. iy the parents of the candidates y for all high school students Thursday at 7:30 p.m. for a box Monday: 8 p.m., church coun- party at the borne of Barbara lowship will meet in the lounge; le fold of Israel by Rabbi Rosen- At 8 p.m., the small study or baptism. the 10 a.m. Mass. supper and election of officers/ il meeting in the parish house. Miller, 69 Cloverdale Cir., New at 8 p.m. session will meet in tal. Cantor Scharff will chant group taught by Dr. Webster on At 8 p.m. a holy hour will be Shrewsbury, tomorrow at 10:30 the lounge. £ liturgy. "Great Doctrines of Our Christian onducted in the church for the Friday at 8 p.m. the Couples The Talmud class will have EMMANUEL BAPTIST OLD FIRST CHURCH BIBLE BAPTIST Faith" will meet in the minis- Married couples of the Cana Con- The Women's Fellowship will Club will hold a square dance in i closing exercises Saturday Atlantic Highlands Middletown (A Regular Baptist Church) ter's study. 'erences. meet Monday at 8 p.m. in Mary the auditorium. ening at 8 o'clock. Sidney Kai- Edmund Goerke of the Shrews- Hazlet Worship will be at 10 a.m. Mount Fellowship Hall. New Tonight: 7 p.m., supper meet' Daily Mass will be celebrated tury Society of Friends (Quak- an is chairman. Sunday. The guest speaker wil Rev. D. Ross Brittain will bring ing of the Senior Couples Club it 6:25, 7 and 8 o'clock. ;rs) will be the speaker at the fficers will be installed. PRESBYTERIAN Sunday morning services are In Westminster Hall. x Rev. R. Webb Leonard. he message, "The Time is at The midweek service of Bible The Novena devotion in honor a.m. service Sunday. Rev. Lincroft 9:15. • Monday, Wednesday and Fri- The senior choir will be directed Hand," at the worship service tudy and prayer it Wednesday Mary's Miraculous Medal and :obert Smith of North Rockland The Hebrew High School will >y Mrs. George Hartmann, min- it 11 a.m. The Scripture text will at 7:30 p.m. Sunday school service at 9:30 day: 9 a.m.. Tower HiH Coop- • service of Benediction of the Mnservative Baptist Church, ister of music. Flowers will be t Revelation 22:1-21. ijn. Miss Margaret McMillan, eet for its last session of the trative Nursery School. Iessed Sacrament will be held Stony Point, N.Y., will speak at placed by Mr. and Mr*. James Bible school convenes at 9:45 ield representative of the Chris year with EH Orgel oir Monday Monday: 9:30 a.m., prayer and n Monday at 8 p.m. the 7:30 p.m. service. A prayer REFORMED I. Morford. i.m. • tian Educational Association afternoon at 4:50. The BIT will study group will meet in the Wednesday at 7:45 p.m., the meeting at 7 o'clock precedes New Shrewsbury There will be a nursery for At the worship service at 7 the church school and will speak stall officers at 7:30 p.m. The church parlpr. mgaged couples attending the the evening service. Sunday At the 9:30 and 11 a.m. services 5 mall children during the serv- .m., Pastor Brittain will bring t a luncheon following the 11 ISY will meet at 8 pjn. The Tuesday: 8 p.m., joint meeting re-Cana Conferences will attend school is at 9:45 a.m. Sunday Rev. Isaac C. Rotten- ce. the message, "No Graves in i.ot. service. Rev. William J. oard of education will meet at of the session and board of trus- concluding service and Bene- The ilgrim group of the Pio- berg will preach on "Dreamers Church school has been can- Egypt." The Scripture text will s will preach at 11 a.m. on 30 p.m. tees in the Combs-OeVoe Mem diction of the Blessed Sacrament neer Girls will have an award of God's Kingdom." At the 9:30 celed for this Sunday only. Reg- be Exodu* 14:11. 'Satan's Tricks." The Men's Club will meet Tues- orial Room followed by regular in the church. Rev. Jerome C, ceremony at the church tonight service,- the sacrament of holy ular hours for church and church Cottage Prayer Meeting will The Westminster Youth Fel meeting of the session; 8 p.m., Leary of St. Rose Church, Bel- .t 8 p.m. baptism will be administered. lay at 8 p.m. ' ' Lois Circle of the Women's As- mar, will conduct the service. school will resume next Sunday. Wednesday at 8 p.m. at the lowship will meet Sunday at 7 The pastor's Bible class meets Sunday school meets at this time. The pre-USY will'meet Wednes- sociation will meet in the home Following the worship service, tiome of Mr. and Mrs. Albert E. .m. in Witherspbon Hall. Thursday evening at 8:30, a rlonday at 8 p.m. Sunday at 3 pjn., a service and [ay at 7:30 p.m. of Mrs. David C. Rife, 6 Mountain business meeting will be held. Mahoney, 11 Vermont Ave., Port Bible study class will be held lew series of three classes for The Colonists meet Tuesday at fellowship hour will be held at The post bar and bat mitzvah Ave., Hazlet. Monmouth. Pastor Brittain will Wednesday at 9:30 a.m. in the idults will be conducted by Rev, p.m. in the church. the church for a group of patients asses will have their last ses- in charge. church. Thursday: 10 a.m.-3 p.m., "ac- Villiam C. Anderson on the lit- Midweek prayer service is CENTRAL BAPTIST from Marlboro State Hospital. :ion of the year with RabW tyoi- The Ladies' Aid Society will tivities day" of Women's Asso- irgy. The classes, in Red Bank Wednesday at 8 p.m. Atlantic Highlands The Senior Hi FelowsMp wi snthal on Thursday, at 3:45 and ciation in Combs-DeVoe Memorial Catholic High School hall, Broad REFORMED have a sewing meeting Thursday The Pilgrims meet in the church Sunday school meets at 9:45 meet Sunday at 7 p.m. 50 p.m. The religious commit- Room. it., are open to the public. Middletown at 9:30 a.m. The building com- Thursday at 3:30 p.m. The Sun- i.m. Pastor Harry W. Kraft will The chrudh school staff will ts« will meet at 8 p.m. On Memorial Day the annual Rev. Earl D. Compton will mittee will meet in the church day school and Vacation Bible preach at the 11 a.m. service on meet In White HiH Tesday at utdoor Solemn Requiem Mass preach at the 11 a.m. service at 8 p.m. ^Daily evening services ar» ,»t CHRIST EPISCOPAL School staffs meet at 8 p.m. "The Rescue of Gideon," as he p.m. /ill be held at Mt. Olivet Ceme- Sunday on the topic "The Season 30 p.m. Shrewsbury continues the sermon series on The Junior Hi Fellowship will iry at 9:30 a.m. For Planting." The adult choir With the commemoration of ST. CLEMENT'S EPISCOPAL 'Joshua, God's Soldier." Pastor meet at 7:30 p.m. Friday. HOLMDEL CHURCH Trinity Sunday, the rector has The sacrament of penance will Belford Craft will preach at the 7:30 ill sing under the direction of Sunday school services,are at CHRISTIAN SCIENCE be administered Saturday from Mrs. Herbert B. Sherrane. Sun- Red Bank - , scheduled all services as celebra- On Trinity Sunday, Rev. Ralph >.m. service on "The Confusion JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES :45 a.m. Rev. Andrew A. Burk- I to 6 in the afternoon and 7:30 day school will meet at 9:30 a.m. tions of the Holy Eucharist. The Idwards will read matins at 7:40 >f Tongues." Fair Haven lardt will preach at 11 a.m. on The transforming ana healing first will be at 8 a.m., when the i 9 in the evening. The sacra .m. At. 8 a.m. Holy Eucharist The senior and junior Youth 'Memorial Day." The calendar for the week in- "Science Upholds Bible Truth" effects of knowing man's spiritual worship will be restricted only lent is also administered daily ind sermon. At 9:30 a.m. solemn ?roups will meet Sunday at 7 The Young People's Society Dludes: is the title of the Bible discourse dentity as a child of. God. will to the rites of Communion, with luring the 8 o'clock Mass and >rocession, sung Eucharist and ).m. in the Religious Education will meet Sunday at 7 p.m. in Sunday: 6:30 p.m., Pilgrims, to be delivered by Nick Ofphani- ie emphasized this Sunday. The no sermon and no music. fter Novena service on Monday sermon. Following this service the luilding. Pioneers, and Baptist Youth Fel- des, associate minister, Sunday Fellowship Hall. ubject is "Soul and Body," The vening. church school will meet. > The Dorcas Circle will meet At 9 a.m. will be the complete lowship meetings in the church. at 3 p.m. ealing of the lame man at the Services this week include mat- Tuesday at 8 p.m. in the Educa- service of the day, with the for- Monday: 8 p.m., quarterly At 4:15 the Watchtower study BAY SHORE COMMUNITY temple by Peter will be read ins at 8:45 a.m. and Holy Eu- ional Building. mal procession of crucifer, torch CHURCH OF CHRIST meeting of the Sunday school will be on "What Will 'God's East Keansburg (Acts 3), and also this verse chadst at 9 a.m. Monday, Tues- bearer, youth and adult choirs Red Bank teachens and officers in the home kingdom Come' Mean to You?" rom II Corinthians: (3:18): '.'We servers and clergy opening and day, Wednesday, Thursday and At the 11 a.m. Sunday service, Evangelist C. -J. Kirkpatrlck of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Keoppel. EMBURY METHODIST Regular Bible studies will be all, with open face beholding as closing the worship period. Chi! Saturday*. astor Richard R. Schwarz wil will preach at the 11 a.m. Sun- Wednesday: 7:45 p.m., midweek Little Silver Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the follow- in a glass the glory of the Lord, dren will, remain with their par- The sacrament of penance will preach on "God in Three Per- day service on "Death." Pray- irayer meeting. Rev. Ralph L. Barrett will ing locations: 58 Forman St., re changed into the same image ents and participate • in the par- je administered Saturday from ons, Blessed Trinity." Sunday ers and Scripture readings will (reach at the 9:30 and 11 a.m. Fair Haven; 10 St. Mary's PI., from glory to glory even as by ish Eucharist. Rev, Anselm Bra- to 4:30 p.m. chool is at 9:30. Sunday at 6:30 be by George Sherman, Linda! PRESBYTERIAN services Sunday on the subject led Bank; 114 Sprlngdale Ave., the Spirit of the Lord." burg will preach on "Duties ot Wednesday; 9:30 a.m. Altar ),rn. the newly-formed youth Brown, Roger Kondrup and Ron- Matawan 'The Work: of the Holy Spirit." •Jew Shrewsbury; 69 Lincoln St., Related readings from "Science the Church [ Family to the juild breakfast and meeting, ? group for teeners will meet un- ald Henry. Keith Sherman will Robert Cristadoro will the alrview, and 144 Seventh Ave., and Health with Key to the Scrip- Church." "When We Say 'I Believe in the ier the direction of Rev.-Mr preside at Communion, assisted 30 p.m. church school teach- jastor in the service. Ministry Ulantic Highlands. Trinity', What Do We Mean?" will Schwartz and Miss Kathleen ures" by Mary Baker Eddy will Sunday school will begin after by Gtynn Cope, Albert Emmons, irs will meet. Sunday will be observed. lie the sermon topic of Rev. Ches- At 7:25 on Thursday, the Min- include these lines: "Conscious- a "coffee break" in the parish Jim Lindner and Kenneth No- oward. At 7:30 p.m., the Youth ter A. Galloway at the 9:30 and The pastor's church member- istry School and service meeting ness constructs a better body house following the 9 o'clock serv- land. Bible classes are at U PRESBYTERIAN Fellowship (Soldiers of Christ) 11 a.m. services Sunday. Sunday hip class will meet Sunday at will be held. when faith in matter has been ice. At mis time also, the rector a.m. A film, "It Could Happen Eatontown ill have a service and business ichooi meets at the same hours. p.m. in the church hall. The meeting., onquered. Correct material be- will meet with his adult class. in Your Church," will be shown Sunday services will be at 1 Senior MYF will meet In the ef by spiritual understanding, The annual mother-daughter MONMOUTH REFORM TEMPLE The Men's Club will meet in The 11 a.m. Holy Eucharist will and discussed at the 6:30 Sun- a.m. Church school meets at 9:45 church hall at 7:30 .p.m. and Spirit will form-you,anew"< banquet will be held Monday at Shrewsbury the church hall tonight at 8:30. again have Father Broburg ir day evening service. a.m.' Prospective members; will mee (p, 425). 5:30 p.m. The Nicolo Marionettes Sabbath Eve services will be Monday, the Bible class wil the pulpit. Music for the acconv Wednesday' evening, the Vaca- The calendar for the week in- with the pastor Wednesday at v fill present "Hiawatha." Tickets tonight at 8:30. Members of the resume. paniment of the congregation will ion Bible school staff will see cludes: 8:]5, p.m. in/Unchurch hall. are available from Edith Aitken ( Men's Club will officiate. During Wednesday, Thursday and Fri- be provied by Norman Albert oi inother film. ,, - Sunday: 6 p.m., Youth fellow- The Bible • study 'and prayer and Mrs. Louis Clark. the service prayers will be of- ay from 10 to 4 p.m., the Wom the organ. Midweek services are Thurs- hip meeting and discussion on group will meet Thursday at 1 "School Drop-outs." Open house The pastor will meet with all fered on behalf of the Jews in en's Guild will have a rummage Choir practice will take place day evenings at 7:30. m. in the church. Thursday at 4 p.m. for tht chil- will follow at the home of Mr. those joining the church by con- the Soviet Union. During the oneg sale. dren's choir and at 8:15 p.m, and Mrs. Roland E. Trask, High fession or reaffirmation in the shabbat, the community- relations CROSS OF GLORY LUTHERAN for the adult choir. REFORMATION LUTHERAN St. study Tuesday at 7:45 p.m. committee will sponsor a discus- Matawan-Marlboro - sion on the prayer in the public UNITARIAN On Friday, the rector will cele- West Long Branch Wednesday: 8 p.m., Bible study Church school and first year schools and the proposed Becker Middletown brate Holy Eucharist at 9 a.m Holy Communion will be ad- in the manse. WESTMINSTER catechetical class will meet in Amendment to the Constitution. Rev. Harold R. Dean will ministered at the 9:30 and 11 a.m. Friday: 7:30 pjn., adult mem- PRESBYTERIAN Strathmore School, Sunday at 9 Religious school will meet for preach at the Sunday morning PRESBYTERIAN services Sunday, the festival of bership class. Middletown a.m. Rev. Richard A. Weeden's its final session tomorrow at 9 service on "What is on the Hor- Atlantic Highlands the Holy Trinity. Pastor W. Rob- "The Most Important Ques- sermon at the 10:30 a.m. service a.m. The closing assembly wil. izon for American Society?", a Rev. Richard B. Anderson wil! ert Oswald will preach on "Th( BAPTIST ion" will be the theme for Pas- will be entitled "Shook!" be held at 9:30 a.m., when prizes report of ideas presented by so- preach at the 9:30 and 11 a.m Glory, in Knowing God." Con- Leonardo tor Harlan C. Durfee's sermon and certificates will be awarded. :ial scientists at the recent gen- services Sunday. Church schoo firmation class members will re- Church school meets Sunday,at On Tuesday there will be a Sunday at the 9:15 and 10:45 a.m. Sabbath services will be at 11 eral assembly of the Unitarian- will meet at 9:30' a.m. Senio ceive their first Holy Communion 9:45 a.m, William Roberts, New meeting of the vacation church services. Sunday school meets a.m. During the Torah service, Unlversalist Association. High will meet at 7 p.m. at the 11 o'clock service, and wil Monmouth, will be the speaker also at these times. school. The second training ses- be honored at a reception in Fel at the 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m sion will be held at 8 p.m. a Howard Jachter will be called to The current affairs discussion The Evening Circle will met Family night will be Sunday the bimah as a bar mitzvah. group will meet in the home of Monday at 8 p.m. in the horn lowship Hall following the sen services. the home of'Mrs. Charlene Ma- at 6:15 p.m. in Fellowship House. The Sisterhood will have its Mr. and Mrs. Tharon Randall, of Mrs. Martha Jensen, Eyrie Rd ice. Sunday school meets at 9: The calendar for the week in ;ee, 9 Fountain Ave. in this Because of this special program, Craig PI., New Monmouth, Mon a.m. eludes: installation luncheon Monday a Junior High Fellowship meet the Junior and Senior High Youth day at 8:30 p.m. The Luther League will meet Sunday: 6:15 p.m., Junior an< AME ZION noon in Riverhouse Inn, Rumson Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. The Bible groups will not meet this Sun- The "Introduction to Unitarian- Sunday at 2 p.m. The ehurcli Senior BYF meet. Red Bank Tuesday evening Rabbi Stein- quiet study group meets at 8:30 p.m. day. ism" group will meet in the home council will give a reception U Tuesday: 8:30 p.m., trustees brink will meet with parents of The Afternoon Circle will meet Sunday school meets at 9:45 of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Perry, new members at 8:30 p.m. meet in the parsonage. the children in the fourth grade. at 1 o'clock. ; CALVARY BAPTIST a.m. Rev. Thomas H. Coursey 2 The Terrace, Middletown, Tues- place. The Wednesday Bible Stud; Tuesday at 8 p.m., the churcl Wednesday: 8 p.m., midwee will preach at the 11 a.m. service Red Bank PRESBYTERIAN day at 8:30 p.m. Group will meet at 8 p.m. school staff will meet. prayer and Bible study. on 'The Security of the Church." Rev. B. Robert Lawson, pas- Shrewsbury The Youth Fellowship will ha The Priscilla Circle meel The Eastern Star Lodge annual tor of Emanuel Baptist Church, Rev. John R. Collins will preach a "car wash" from 9 a.m. Thursday at 8:30 p.m. METHODIST services will be Sunday at 7:3 BAPTIST Cleveland, Ohio, will be the speak- at the 9:30 and 11 a.m. services ) p.m. Saturday. Atlantic Highlands p.m. Rev. Mr. Coursey will New Monmouth er at the U a.m. service Sunday. Sunday on "Justice, A Practice ST. THOMAS EPISCOPAL At the 11 a.m. Sunday service, preach. - Bible school meets Sunday a Rev. James Robinson, associate of Love." Elder Clifford L. Heas- 9:30 a.m. Rev. William E. Bi ST. ANN'S CATHOLIC Red Bank Rev. Robert H. Heulitt will preach on "Declaring Our Inten- minister of the Baptist Church, Up, Jr., will assist, the minister. grove will preach at the 10:45 Keansburg ALL SAINTS' EPISCOPAL Services on Trinity Sunday be- tion." Church school meets al Lincoln Gardens, will speak al The Senior High Fellowship will a.m. service on "Follow After Sunday Masses will be at Navesink gin with Holy Eucharist at 9:30 a.m. the youth and young adult's serv- present the second performance That Which Is Good." At the eve- I, 9, 10, 11 and noon. a.m. Sung Eucharist and sermo'i Tuesday at 8 p.m. New Testa- ice at 3:30 p.m. Rev. John H. The schedule of services foi of the Philip Barry play, "Holi- ning service at 7:45, tfae.pastoi Daily Masses will be celebrat at 9:30 a.m. with the Sunda; ment study group will meet ! Goodrum, pastor of Macedoni Trinity Sunday is: 8:30 a.m day" Sunday at 3 p.m. in Blai will speak on "Behold, I Sho at 7 and 8 a.m. except on fin school participating in the Ante the home of Mrs. Walter Kromj Baptist Church, Lakewood, wi Holy Communion; 9:30 a.m., Hoi; Hall. The Fellowship of th You a Mystery." Fridays when hours will be Communion. Sunday school meet preach at the 7:30 p.m. service Communion, church school, and Chinese Presbyterian Church, he read holz, Leonardo. The midweek prayer service . 6:30 and 8 a.m. in the parish hall and the rec Sunday school meets at 9:30 a.m, 11 a.m., morning prayer, sermon New York Crty, will be guests On Holy Days, Masses will at 7:30 p.m. Wednesday. tory. The Altar Guild will mee The calendar for the week in by Rev. Harry R. Sorensen, of the Senior High group for the offered at 6, 7, t. 9, 10 and ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL The Sky Pilots meet at 7 p.m, that can Immediately after the 9:30 serv 11 a.m. service and the perform- Eatontown dudes: Thursday. The young people a.m. and at 7.30 p.m. No chl ice. ance of the play. Tomorrow, an Ember day, Hoi Wednesday: 7 p.m., new mem- STRATHMORE JEWISH dren are permitted at evenii The Brotherhood of St. Andrev so meet at 7 p.m. Eucharist will be celebrated ; bers' class; 8 p.m., midweek CENTER The calendar for the week In freeym Mass. will meet Tuesday evening in th> eludes: 9 a.m. prayer service. , Matawan Township Confessions will be heard Sal church. HOLY COMMUNION Holy Eucharist will be eel Friday: 8 p.m., teachers' meet Final Friday night services foi Monday: 8 p.m. Koinonia Grou urdays, first Thursdays, and Holy Eucharist will be said o: EPISCOPAL from fear the season will be held tonight al meets. the eves of Holy Days, fro: brated Sunday at 8 a.m. Mornin ing. Wednesday at 7 a.m. and o 8:30 in room K-2 of the Strath- Tuesday: 8 p.m., session meets Fair Haven 3:30 to 5 p.m. and from 7:30 prayer and sermon by Rev.' Star Tou may have passed by tbh Thursday, the Feast of Corpu more Elementary School. Don- in the conference room. 8:30 p.m. ley M. Woolley, Jr., and churc CONGREATION Holy Communion will be cell quiet place many, times-bo^ Christ), at 7 a.m. ald Border, president of the board Wednesday: 9:30 a.m., Missior brated Sunday morning at Baptisms will be admlnlstere school at 10 a.m. BETH SHALOM haveneverentereditTethert1 The adult class for confirms of education, will lead the serv- Belles meet in the church house, •very Sunday at 1 p.m. Arrangi Wednesday: 9 a.m. Holy E Red Bank o'clock and at the 9:30 Fami in this peaceful room, read] tion instruction meets Wednesda; ice, The guest speaker will be Thursday: 12:30 p.m.,, Women ments should be made a we charist; 8 p.m., church wome Candlelighting time tonight Service.'Rev. Charles R. La> foryouito read, is a book that at 7:30 p.m. Rev. John Stanley Grauel, who Association annual luncheon i in advance of the baptism. meet in the parish house at 7:54 p.m. rence will preach at 9:30 anc has freed many thousand! Children meet for catechisi was a leader of the ill-fated ship Blair Hall. Rev. Edward A. Corrlgan p.m. Sabbath services tomorrow an at the 11 o'clock service of morn from fear and vorry-haq and instructions Saturday at Exodus. pastor and Rev. Stanley at 9 a.m. for the junior con ing prayer. Church school is given them renewed eouraw p.m. ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL Levandoski and Rev. Frederl ST. GEORGE'S-fcY-THE-RIVER gregation. Rabbi Dov Chechlk wil Tuesday at 8:30 p.m., the Sis- 9:30. and strength to go forward. Highlands' A. Valentino are assistants. EPISCOPAL preach at the 9:30 a.m. senio terhood will hold its final meet- Tuesday evening at 7:30, th It can do ibis for you. ' 1 CHRIST METHODIST Rumson services on "Modern Anti-Semlt ing of the season in the school Holy Eucharist each Sunday a church school teachers will ha The place is the Christian ST. AGNES CATHOLIC Fair Haven There will be a celebration ism: the Plight 'of Our Jewisl all-purpose room. A Jewish 8 a.m. Family Eucharist at II a dinner meeting in Willowbroo Science Reading Boom; the Atlantic Highlands "Aldersgate Renewed" will Holy Communion Sunday at Brethren Behind the Iroi "Hootenanny" will be held a.m. Church school children wi Inn. book, Science and Health Sunday masses are schedul the sermon topic of Rev. Jami a.m. in the chantry. Curtain." featuring Happy Traum and hi! come to this service with their Wednesday morning at 9:30 w with Key to the Scriptures for 6:30, 7:45, 9, 10, and 11 a.m C. Rupert at the 11 a.m. ser Family service and address Sunday school meets at 10 a.m guitar. parents and leave for their class- be the midweek celebration by Mary Baker Eddy. , and noon. ice Sunday. The church scho Rev. Canon George A. Rober Teenagers meet at 7 p.m. es after the Creed except on the Holy Communion, followed I first Sunday of the month when Stop at a Christian Science The sacrament of baptism and the junior high confirmatii shaw at 9:30 a.m. Registration for religious, H FAITH REFORMED discussion In the rector's offic [leading Room soon; read the administered every Sunday at class will meet at 9:30 a.m. Morning prayer and sermon brew and Sunday schools will b Hazlet they will remain for the entire The fourth quarterly confercn Eucharist. BAPTIST Bible and Science and Health p.m. Arrangements are to the rector at 11 a.m. held Monday and Wednesday fror Sunday school meets at 8:30 will be held Sunday at 7:30 p.i Keyport in the quiet, undisturbed at* made at the rectory at least tw 3:30 to 5 p.m. 9:30 and 11 a.m. Rev. Theodon Holy Eucharist each Wednes in the church with Dr. W. Sunday school begins at 9: mosphere provided for you. days previous by one of the pai CHRIST EPISCOPAL C. Muller will preach at the 9:3! day at S a.m., and on holy day: Guffick, district superintendent a.m. Classes in preparation f> Borrow this book, free of ents. Middletown METHODIST and 11 a.m. Trinity Sunday ser as announced. Rev. Harold G the New Brunswick area, presi baptism and church membersh charge. Or buy it for yourself. Daily masses are scheduled f< On Trinity Sunday there w Oakhurst ices on "God in Three Masks.' Holt, vicar. ing. will begin this Sunday »t 9: Library Edition $4. Paper- 7 and 8 a.m. On Saturdays t be Holy Communion at 8 a.i Rev. Dr. John D. Blair w The Pilgrim Youth Fellowshi] The executive committee of t a.m. The morning service is back Edition Ji.95. early mass is said at the convei At 9:30, family service. Morni preach at the 9:30 and 11 a.m and the Senior Youlh Fellow METHODIST Woman's Society of Christis 10:45 a.m. Pastor Eugene for the public. prayer and sermon by Rev. Fred service., Sunday on "What ship will have a cookout Sunda; Navesink Service will meet on Friday Gregory will preach on "Th The sacrament of penance crick McQuade will be at 11 a.m Know About Religion." at 5:30 p.m. Rev. John Fulton will brinj 1 p.m. in the home of Mrs. W Life-Giving Stream." The Yout Christian Science administered on Saturdays frorr The calendar for the week i The board of Christian educa the message at the 9:30 a.m. Sun liarn Scott, 21 Spruce Dr. Fellowship will meet 6 p.m. 4 to 5:30 p.m. and 7:30 to 9 p,m REFORMED eludes: tion meets Wednesday at 8 p.m day worship service. Sundaj and on Monday* at 8:30 p.m. Colts Neck Monday: 8 p.m., trustees' meet school, with classes for all ages, the church. The evening servi READING The Miraculous Medal nove HOLINESS Rev. Samuel La Penta w ins; WSCS executive meeting n meets at 10:45 a.m/A nursei s at 7:3$ "The Middle Man" w ROOM If conducted Mondays at 8 p.m Long Branch CHRISTIAN SCIENCE Is provided at the morning wor- be the sermon topic. preach at 11 a.m. Sunday o: the YMCA Camp Zendcr. •.UJ.M.W Sunday school and junl 'Here I Am, Send Me." Churcl Wednesday: 8 p.m., financ SOCIETY ship service. METHODIST church will meet at 10 a.m. school meets at 9:30 a.m. commission meeting. Atlantic Highlands Chester W. Hendrlcks, Jr., Is FRIENDS MEETING 209 BROAD ST. Morganvllle Scripture- lesson and pray Monday: 8 p.m., church schm Thursday: 6:« p.m., WSC! Church service and Sundaj organist. The Senior Choir re- Shrewsbury Mon. thru Sat. 12-4:30 Sunday worship service Is at service tor the sick will be cor eache™ will meet. annual mother-daughter banque school are at 11 a.m. Wednes hearses Wednesday.at 7:30 p.m. The Religious Society t.m.'Sunday school meets at ducted by Rtv. E, H. Lawrenc Thursday: 7:30 p.m., RCY. in Homestead Restaurant, Occur day's testimony meeting is al The Pastor's Choir rehearses Friends, (Quakers,) meets evei Also Friday Eve. 7:30-9:30 \.m. pastor, Monday at I p.m. will meet, GroVe. 8:15 p.m. Sundays at 6 p.m. Flrstday, (Sunday,) at 11 a.m.

f " f 4 News of Religion «.v Friday, May 22, 1964—II Ffek (JeneraPs DAILY CROSSWORD RED BANK REGISTER LReeords 25. Com- 8. Affirm ttirg pass Has New" Wallpaper plentiful reply point degree «. Bitter vetch 26. Audi- OK Variance Amish in Conflict With Rule 6. Rub out 7. Molds tory Pastor Cost Rapped 11. To disguise g organ By GENE SCHROEDER Eleven Amish fathers of tice of the Peace Alfred Wagner 12. Reimburse 27. Knight's To Construct CAMDEN, Mich. (AP)—The school children are charged ast October, all of the parents FAIR HAVEN —Rev. William DETROIT (AP)— Yes, that's 8. Top 13. An alloy 9. Rational title Amish, a gentle (oik who cling with violating Michigan's com' pleaded innocent and asked for L. Cody of Bermuda, has been correct. Silk wallpaper adorns of copper 28. Es- named pastor of Fisk Chapel by the bathroom of an Army gen- 10. Views to the traditions of centuries pulsory school attendance law, a jury trial, now expected early and zinc 18. Subside corted One House the Rt. Rev. George W. Berber, eral's office. 14. Setting past, have come into iharp con- although the children have at- in June. 19. Cobalt: 32. Bovine WEST LONG BRANCH - The flict with the rules of the mod- tended classes in one-room The conflict revolves around presiding bishop of the First On the other hand, said Maj. 15. DUpatclwd sym. 35. Fists: ern day world in this farming schoolhouses. A.M.E. Episcopal District. Gen. Alden K. Sibley, the of- 16. Woods- 20. Australian al. Zoning Board of Adjustment has the fact that Jerome Dela- men's tools community. In an appearance before Jus Rev. Mr. Cody will assume full flee occupant, the wallpaper animal 36. Mend, 41. Project- recommended that council grant grange, 19, and Ruth Graber, IT. Bag* 21. Linen M*ocks ing 17, have been teaching classes pastoral duties beginning with cost less than tiling originally Antonio M. Prescia, Hazlet, a planned' for the bathroom. 31. Viper vestment: 37. Fencer's end of a in the two schools. Since neither the 11 a.m. service Sunday. 24. Baby'i foil variance to build a single family And the bathroom Is small— Ecd. church went beyond the eighth grade- He succeeds Rev. Thomas E. knitted 22. Varying 38. Part of a, 42. Hastened house on an irregular sized lot. Religious News as is the Amish custom—nei- Hollman, who has been named to "barely adequate" for the 20 ahoei weight: church 44. Cunning: people who use it daily, the 28. Tropical India 40. Military 45. Harem This 30,000 square foot lot, with ther has been certified by the Asbury A.M.E. Church, Wild- 52.83-foot frontage, is south of TRINITY EPISCOPAL ST. JOHN'S EPISCOPAL state. wood. ' general said. tree 23. Creak latter vehicle room Gen. Sibley's office bathroom 10. Brazilian Orchard Rd. and east of Golf Matawan Little Silver thus, In the view of the pros- Rev. Mr. Cody was pastor of 8 lO The schedule of services for and other appurtenances of his palm tree 1 z 5 4 5 ia i St. Zoning there requires 100-foot The schedule of services for ecution, the 52 Amish children Vernon Temple AME Church, 81.2*ngliah Trinity Sunday is: 7:45 a.m., mat- Trinity Sunday \e: t a.m., Holy Army Mobility Command at frontage and a 15,000 square foot are in effect not attending Southampton, East Bermudauermuoa, ban Warren came up for ctty ll ri. lot size. ins and Holy Communion; 9:15 Communion; 8:45 a.m., Sunda] school- at all. from 1M1 until his iUour 33. Blunder assignment congressional review at Wash- Mr. Brescia presented plans a.m., family Eucharist and school for grades six and above; here month. Under his Si. Series 13 The Amish, tillers of the soil this ington. Wednesday showing a west side- church school; II a.m., morning 9:30 a.m., festival Eucharist anc leadership, the parlshoners built of six Y/< prayer and sermon by Rev. Car- who believe In the supremacy Rep. John J. McFall, D-Callf., 88. Sand dune: line setback of only six feet, sermon by Rev. Stuart F. Gast, a $35,000 sanctuary. roll B. Hall; 5:30 p.m., festival Sunday school for kindergarten of the Bible, spurn such mod- raised a question of the gener- Bng. f^ Y/< when 10 feet is required. But evensong. through fifth grade; 11 a.m., rn conveniences as electric Rev. Mr. Cody was graduated al's "exotic taste" In hearing 8».Th» i §So since his application didn't speci- lights and automobile. from Ben Franklin High School, testimony made public Wednes- Morman % % Holy Communion will be cele- morning prayer and sermon. % fy setback variance permission, The^parents-— fearing their Philadelphia, where he won a day. tUto ti 4 the board approved the applica- brated Wednesday at 9 a.m.; Fri< Junior Chamber of Commerce A request for $245,800 for ad 45. Armadillos day at 6:30 a.m.; and Saturday, METHODIST youngsters were being exposed 46. Giraffe- SJ Jo tion as submitted. The sideline to worldly temptations — pur- $4,000 scholarship to attend the ditionai modifications to Sib problem will require another ap- Memorial Day, at 9 a.m. Red Bank University of Pennsylvania. He like chased two one-room schol- ley's headquarters was under animal 3( ii plication. The calendar for the week in- Holy Communion will be cele- was awarded a bachelor's degree consideration. H houses and had them moved 46. Merry- Because Peter Cooper, board cludes: • ••• ; brated Sunday at 8:30 a.m. Rev. by the university in 1955. Three Other headquarters items W, Gordon Lowden will pread onto Amish farms. At times, H secretary, is In Europe, the board Today: 8:30 p.m., Couples' non-Amish certified teachers years later he received a bach- mentioned included a lavatory 4T. Thick V % % Y/< at the 9:30 and 11 a.m. service: %>^ ft 40 41 continued until June 17 its re- Club square' dance. handled the • classes, but none elor of sacred theology degree vanity, walnut paneling, vinyl 48. Poverty- %r is m 4* on "On Becoming a Minister." with honors from the Temple stricken served decision on a April 16 Monday: 8:30 p.m., bazar com- has been available recently. tile, and $2,264 In carpeting to public hearing of a request from mittee meets. Children will be baptized at both University School of Theology, place over the tile. 49. Inquired 44 4* •ervices. Rev. Earl Hampton will One of these was Eva Hakes Mrs. Macy I. Stone. Tuesday: 9 p.m., Alcoholics Philadelphia, where he also won Gen. Sibley, 53, former DOWN assist. The A. Alvin Whiting of Jonesville, who told The As- the Russell Conwell award for 1. Warp- iu> Mrs. Stone wants the board Anonymous meet*. sociated Press she found the Rhodes scholar who holds de- yarns Prayer Chapel will be dedicated the best sermon presentation by grees in theoretical and nuclear to solve a problem created by Wednesday: 9 a.m., polishing at noon. Church: school meet* al Amish children to be about 2. Sheer 46 I Informed my friend. And I re- Greater lied Bank area tonight Kenneth Coleman, Mrs. Edwin 1 • Pass 1 A Pass The church office will be closed ices, Man 17. fused to say another Word until 4 4t All Pass and tomorrow morning. Dahielson, Mrs. M. D. Lambert- all day Friday because of th< Adult class member*, included: Final Session he had paid for my lunch. Opening lead —01 In a joint statement, Rabbi Dov son, deaconesses, and Kenneth Memorial Day holiday. . Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Nugent, Chechik of Congregation Beth Mauger, John Quivey and Charles MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - No reader of this column 25 Gayboy Ct. and Gus Elsele, 58 Rev. John Stanley Grauel, a would be stuck for the lunch tab, Shalom, Red Bank; RabW Gil- LUTHER MEMORIAL Earle, Jr., trustees. Declarer is now in position to bert S. Rosenthal of Congrega- Rutledge Dr., Mlddletown; Mrs Metijodlst minister, will be guest especially with that clue about Lutheran-MlMnirl Synod ruff a heart in dummy with the tion Bnai Israel, Rumson, and Atwood Lindsay, Sr., 369 Pros- Warren D« Brown, WHllam Bar- speaker at the final Friday night the location of sympathy. New Shrewsbury jack of spades. Eight tricks are "Who Rabbi Richard F. Steinbrink of pect Ave. and JMri, John Boyle„.,.-,, rett, Jr., Mrs.Erme WeJte, Fred services of the Strathmore Jew- South can mate., his,, contract "You Can Count On the Un- 123 Rivervlew Ave., both Little Warwick and Dr. Wllttam Hub- home, and South still has dum- Monmouth Reform Temple, ish Center tonight In Strathmore if he throws off properly. There my's queen of spades and his guarantees Shrewsbury said: countable God" is the theme fo Silver; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mc- bard were named to the board of School at 8:30 o'clock. Is no need to rely on West to the Holy Trinity Sunday sermon Kee, 268 Broad St., Mrs. Albert Christian education and Mrs. own ten to win the ninth and "We, the rabbis, of the Greater Mr. . Grauel served seven hold three hearts. tenth tricks. Red BarifcOTea, call upon our fel- by Rev. Daniel Relnheimer. Th L. Poyner, 6 Manor Dr. aand WH Warwick and Donald Thompson monthg M , iMder 0, the IH. Declarer wins the first trick bread?" service begins at. 10:45 ajn low citizens of all faiths to give Ham Thorell, 9 Chopin Ave., all to the board of finance. fated VMW)I "Exodus." The Ex- in dummy with, the king of dia- DAILY QUESTION the Tinton Palls School. Sunda; Red Bank, and Mri, Emily Lynch William -Barrett, Jr., Affair, and the evidence monds and'leads a trump to the You liave opened witn'one1 club, public demonstrations of their dis- A&P does... uncondition- may at tje; Jollcy of the Soviet school and Bible classes meet a and George Lynch,,, IffBk ma*d church schoetauparintend-jpresented "concerning it, became ace,, discovering the bad news and partner bid* one diamond. It G^vernm«jitoynird(i>its citizens 9:30 a.m. -**" Ave. and Mrs. Boro&y W and ent; Vernon Loud, fcwtstant su- focal point for the United Time out for a groan or two and is once more up to you, holding: ally! Jane Parker Bread of the Jewish faith. Pot the past Sunday at « p.m., the Coup! Paul White, 114 Barker Ave., both perlntendent, and Joseph Harri- Nations recommending partition a moment of thought. Spades-Q J 7 2. Hearts-A K Q. is made of the finest ingre- Club meets. Shrewsbury Township. 20 years, there lias been a con- son, recording secretary and col- of Palestine and the eventual Then South cashes two, and Diamonds—A K. Clubs-J 6 4 3. dients, blended and baked certed campaign to destroy Jew- Monday at 8 p.m.,' the board Members of the preparatory lector. establishment of the State of only two of dummy's high hearts. What do you say? ish cultural and religious life in stewardship meets. youth class were: Bernard Aiken, Rev. Stanley E. Mugridge, pas- Israel. He continues with the ace of dia- Answer: Bid two notrump. One by experts. You'll like it... Russia. Dozens; of synagogues The Luther Memorial Womens 48 White St., Shrew^ury; Greg. tor, and Thomas R.. WHion and Mr, Grauel was born In Wor- monds and a trump to-the king. spade would be an* underbid, two or you'll get your money Society meets at 8 p.m.. Tuesday ory and Jan Bergmann, 92 Twin have beei'dojea; the wily seiri- Twin Mrs. John Quivey were elected chester, Mass., of a family of Then he leads the queen of, dia- spades . would imply,.,;,greater back — without question. inary hasall but been shut down; The building committee meeti Brooks Rd.; Mary Lou Fox, 24 to the Red Bank Council of Methodists and In due monds and discards dummy's ace strength in the, two black suits, Wednesday at 8 p.m. course the baklnf of unleavened bread is Foster St.; Joyce Gordon, 81 Pel- Churches. became a pastor of a "sea" of hearts! and three notrump would be a taboo; Jewish education Is illeg- ican Rd.; Henry Halnes, 6 Fran- Elected to the board of man- parish on the coast of Maine. The slight overbid. The jump to two al; the Jewish theater and press ces Ct.; Kathy Samaras, 15 Na- agers of the New Jersey Baptist war, and its first reports of Nazi lotrump best describes the hand. JANE PARKER have pra£t!/$ million citizens Mrs. Reevey Mrs. William Graves, Mrs. Wil- In programs concerned with civil you to the Fuzzy Fan Club. whose oniyv crime i» that they The congregation of the New REEVEYTOWN-The Reevey- liam Barrett, Sr., Miss Doris rights and the Ecumenical Move- You know the poem about Fuz- happen to be Jewish." Shrewsbury Reformed Church town AME Zion Church was filled Balrd, Mrs. Fred Conoyer and ment. zy Wuzzy. It says he wasn't fuz- FINE HOME FURNISHINGS and BROADLOOM will be hosts to a group of pa- to capacity last Sunday when Mrs; Warren Elliott, deaconesses. zy. ' If you don't print this we tients from Marlboro State Hos- Mrs. Norman Reevey, this place, Ellwood D. Powers, Robert J. will know that you make up all pital at a special service in th was honored by the congregation Feidler, Frank Kaepplein, John Neck Broken your letters. Only dumb people Rt. 35 Circle, Eatontown—542-1010 FAT church sanctuary Sunday at 3 for her work on behalf of the Van Kirk, Jr., and Elmer Cot OCEAN TOWNSHIP-Ciarence would write to you, anyhow. p.m. Following the service, re- church and the community. trail, trustees. Anderson, 48, of Asbury Park Fuzzy Wuizies, Toledo, O. OVERWEIGHT freshments will be served in Fel- A floral crown and bouquet of Serving on the board of Chris- Village, is reported in fair condi- Dear Fuzzy Wuzzies: Avallobl* to you without o doctor') pr*- lowship Hall. roses were presented to the guest tian education are Mrs. Thomas tion in Monmouth Medical Center, You said a mouthful. However, •crlptlon, our drug called ODRINEX. 15% OFF TUES. and WED. You must low ugly fat 'or your money of honor, who also received gifts R. Wilson, William Morgan, Mrs. Long Branch, where he was ad- it's a living, more or less. liack. Ns itrtnuout txercUM, laxatives, The annual dinner of the Shore Kenneth Mauger, Mrs. Arnold mitted with a fractured neck ON ALL maslagt or taking el so-colled reduc- and a purse. ing condlei, crackers or cookies, or Area Council of Churches will be A social hour in the church Jensen. On the board of finance after he fell from a ladder while (Confidential to Jonathan Win- chewing gum. ODRINEX 1% a flny tablet held In the - Belmar Bspti: Green, Mrs. painting a house in the Deal HAIR COLORING and easily iwalltwtd. When you fake dining room followed. are Mrs. John ters: Oh, don't worry about it ODRINEX, you still «n|oy your/meals, Church Thursday at 6:30 p.m. Mrs. Reevey has been active Charles Schanck, Mrs. Melvin Park section of the township. —Iota of people have the rather PRESENT THIS ADVERTISEMENT still tat the foods .you like, but you •Imply don't have the urge Mr extra por- n the Council of Churohwomen, King, Mrs. John Alexander, Mns. Mr. Anderson was taken to the common delusion that somebody TO CELEBRATE OUR tions became ODRINEX depresses The spring assembly of th< as well as in local church activ- Alfred Ferry and Elmer Cottrell. hospital by the Oakhunst First is making faces at them.) your apMtttt sad Mcrtaws your desire ror food. Your weigh* must come down, Long Branch Council of Churchei ities. She does special mission Mrs. Howard A. Young and Mrs. Aid Squad. ? lOrii ANNIVERSARY because as your own doctor will tell will be held in Second Baptist ary work for the Bahama Is- Walter L. Day, Jr., are members introducing our new you, when you eat >tu, you weigh lest. DINNER SUNDAY Get rid ofrexuis fat.and llv* longer. Church, Long Branch, on Wednes- lands and is a member of the Of the board Of managers of the BARRY'S UNIT TO MEET MATAWAN TOWNSHIP —The ODRINEX casts tt.00 and: Is sold on day. Baptist Home. OCEAN TOWNSHIP - The JET—5 MINUTE HAIR DRYER thlj GUARANTEE: If not satisfied for Golden Legionnaires of.the-New Jersey Cyclones Junior Drum any reason hist return the package to Jersey Conference of the AME Monmouth-Ocean County Goldwa- and Bugle Corps of Matawan Exclusive in this area your druggist and get your full money Shore area Presbyterian min back. No autstlons asked. ODRINBX Is Zion Church. She also is a mem NEW CHURCH MEMBERS ter for President organization will Township will sponsor a spaghetti •old wlltt this guarantee by; Isters and their wives will meel ber of the auxiliary to the Mon- MIDDLETOWN Sixteen meet at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the dinner Sunday from 1 to 8 p.m. ACCARDI'S BEAUTY SALON next Friday evening In the hom< mouth County Organization for young persons were received by Georgian House, Rt. 35. The pub- in Burlew's Cliffwood Inn, Rt. 35. Llttkt Sllvtr Family Pharmacy of Rev. and Mrs. Robert Bon' 763 RIVER RD. 741-7175 FAIR HAVEN 4tl pretoect Avt. cor. Church St. Social Service. confiramtlon into the fellowship lic is invited to view a film, "The Tickets may be purchased at the Mall Orders Filled ham, West Long Branch. of King of Kings Lutheran Church Goldwater Story." door. METHODIST Sunday. Beiford They were Linda Susan Ban- SHORE HILLS At 9:30 a.m. Sunday school; 11 dos, Linda Christine Buser, Cath- a.m., morning worship; 7 p.m. erine Christine Cox, Linda Ella Typical Examples BEACH & CABANA CLUB 0 Youth Fellowship meeting. Downes, Susan Dorotha Dray, 344 OCEAN AVE. SEA BRIGHT William Olaf Glendlnning, Ron- Of The EIGHT CONFIRMED ald Eric Hinz, Kathleen Anne Hundreds Of LOCKERS WITH NEW SHREWSBURY — Eight Johnson. jroung persons .were confirmed at Michael Albert Kress, John Pat Other Famous OCEAN & POOL BATHING services in the Reformed Church rick Laughlin, Joan Elizabeth Sunday at 9:30 a.m. Lorah, Margaret Evelyn Meisln 69 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. Brand Items They were Lynn Moreau, Pru- ger, Chrlatlne Richmond, Karin OPEN 3 DAYS ONLY I Oil FOUR PEOPLE At Rt. 35, Shrewsbury—ot th. Red lank Lin. Thurs., Fri. 10-9; Saturday 10-6 dy Compton, Laura Greeley, Lee Susanne Rossmann, Ronald Law- (Acrou from Mayfalr Market) Not Advertised FOR INFORMATION Springwaldt, Donna MarU, rence Savarese and James Mi PHONE 842 - 9810 Claude Lillie, Ronnie Springer and chael Vaubel. John Rottenberg. ON SALE SATURDAY ONLY 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. Over 200 to Choose From IS ONLY OVER 1,000 TO CHOOSE FROM WEST DISCOUNT A WORD! LADIES', GIRLS', MEN'S and BOYS' LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S • SKIRTS <» SHIRTS FURNITURE CO. the big savings are at . . . • PANTS <» BATHING SUITS SWEATERS KEYPORT, N. J. DOWNTOWN • BLOUSES <» UNDERWEAR 264-0181 • HATS <• SWEATERS C RED BANK • SOX «» GIRDLES Open Wed. 5O Nat'ly adv. up to $5.95 Open Mon. and Fri. Evening* 'Til 9 P.M. and Fri. Eves. Nat. Adv. Up To $6.95 • RED BANK REGJSTEH Sector, Js/aes H. Lynch, also Iraqi Rites artlcipited, Hovanian Brothers, the de- 'elopers,. said they plan to con- Followed In ribute $500,000 to the township HOME and GARDEN or the construction of schools Development s well as two 18-acre sites for wo schools. Planned also is a MANALAPAN - Mayor Walter iwimming club. Cycak and Committeeman Thom- New Renaissance Home as Kerwin participated this week in the celebration of traditional By VIVIAN BROWN become as popular as his will do this house if you givi rites of Iraq in a ground-break- GRAVELY AP Newsfeatures Writer dress designs. me no interference." ing ceremony for the develop- ment of houses on the property Oleg Cassini's new RenImaginativ- e Mario Arbace, a A man of varied talents, GIVES YOU OUTIM-FROHT friend of Cassini's who conArbac- e is a good impressionist of Yortowne-at-Holiday,,North, off aissance home in New York ceived and executed the Renpainte- r whose real business Rt. 9. DESIGN FOR OUT-IN-FRONT may set a trend that could aissance decorative idea as aimporting. He headed up th Kevork S. Hovanian, president PERFORMANCE hobby, didn't know what he wasMarshall Plan purchasing mis- of the company which plans to getting into. Even before he hassion in Italy. He had a penfeci build 800 houses on the tract, Gravely's movnr in front da- Phone completed the job, he has been background for the Cassini task explained that it was Hanm-Al- Rashid, the first caliph of Bagh- ilgn gives you total mowing besieged by friends who want tohaving attended Italian school! performance — fast, effort!*!! go Renaissance. in monastic setting, and hav dad, who first began such rites 671-1073 mowing of open lawns. "Men like the Middle-Ages ing been reared in a fabulous by pouring wine into the fpunda- earthy look of it and women like family viHa in Sorrento. tions of a castle. The reason, he said, was to "make the soil the romantic atmosphere, es- Besides — he's a frustrated pecially when it is mixed with decorator. fertile and bring the blessings of GRAVELY other furniture," he says. the gods upon his house.", He has decorated homes to; The ground-breaking Wednes- FREEHOLD BRANCH To adapt Renaissance look his wife's friends, Cassini'i day signaled the start of con-U. S. Hwy. », Freehold, N. J. in the home, one needs a fewdress showroom, and Th< struction of the first group of 200 suits of armor, metal shields, Hosteria, a New York restauran 1 Mil. South of VIEW AT EATON CREST — Each building has been designed in an euttierctic colonial houses. For the occasion, Mr. armorial banners, 16th and 17ththat is done in elegant fashior Hovanian used wine from a bottle Fmhold Traffic Circle Century furniture, wood paneling, gardens in Italian Empire wit! motiff at the Eaton Crest Apartments, finished in attractive used brick, with such add- standing four feet high. His sales PHONE 462-0743 stained glass windows and a fewmarWe busts and blue Dell ed touches as coach lamps. Apartments have been awarded the Gold Medallion, sym- other trappings of the past. Robibia. • SALES bolic of luxury, all-electric living. Included at Eaton Crest is electric heating, all electric Throw in a moat if you have one Cassini's house had bee • SERVICE handy. built by the Wells Fargo famUj science kitchen and air conditioning. - PARKWAY NURSERY Arbace devised the armorial 75 years ago with panelin • PARTS insiginia and crests for Cassini, taken from English and Italia -UNCROFI- and some of the other furnishings castles. Spray Can Help Prevent Laurel Spot he couldn't find. "You can't make a mistake i VISIT OUR PLANT MARKET MONMOUTH "When Oleg showed me thRenaissance e decoration or you'i FREEHOLD — During the mid-diseases that get started soon He adds: "If you look at your house, I could think only of end up with something that looks dle of the summer many laurel after leaves form in the spring, plant right now you will probably Large assortment of choice frees and shrubs, ever- I MOWER, INC. bats," he explains. "The panel- like a men's club," Arbaci bushes have a mixture of small, he explains. see some of the spots that in- greens, axaleas, rhododendrons, annuals, geraniums,. ng and fireplace reminded me ofpoints out. HWY. 35. MIDDLETOWN purple spots and dime-size fected the plants last summer. SPECIAL THIS WEEKEND the Middle Ages. So I said, 'I He used 16th and 17th Cenbrow- n spots scattered on the The spores from the 1963 leaves tury English and Italian furnitur leaves, reports County Agent will splash on to the newly HYBRID AZALEAS for the most part in the four Marvin A. Clark. If Bothersome, formed leaves this spring. story house. The massive teste PINK These are the results of fungus New leaves begin to push up RHODODENDRONS bed that Oleg Cassini sleeps i RED just about the time the flowers LARGE $*95 is late 17th Century Spanish 'Grape Cherry' die. That's the time to spray, i Baroque influence. It has a ret Two suits of armor in the SIZE tea. $ 25 according to Dr. Spencer H. Dav- Velvet canopy over enormou living room are very rare, from 4 FOR 2 Cure limited is, Jr.; extension plant disease carved posts. Blue, red and some Maximilian school, he points out. OPEN DAILY TILL 6; SATURDAY TILL 7 specialist at the Rutgers Col- yellow are the traditional Ren- Lampshades on high 16th Cen- FREEHOLD — Soon the mul-lege of Agriculture. Entrance on Half Mile Rd. off Newman Springs Rd. aissance colors. tury Florentine bases are sheep- berry and wild cherry ("grape f Juit tart of Rtd Bank Parkway tnrrance-«xlt 109) "It is impossible to find 12 skins with Latin inscriptions. He cherry") will be in bloom and a "Using one of the ferbam fung- 747-2269 good Renaissance chairs thai draped panels of silk along new crop of fruit will grow. icides, such as Fertriate or Fer- walls, instead of curtains, as match so I designed them. Olc Home owners who have these radow at the rate' of two table- they did in the Renaissance flags would be in tatters so trees in their yar:ds may like spoons to a gallon of water will period. ; aged the banners by spraying their shade but object to their prevent this disease, Dr. Davis them," he says. "You can mix Venetian, Louis messy fruits, says County Agent says. Repeat the application : The banners hang from the XVI and even modern with a Marvin A. Clark. twice at about MWay intervals. balcony dining room wher Renaissance background, and He adds: "Certain sprays have 'To insure an even.better job chairs.are set around a 14-foo use the brightest, most livable been developed to substantially of leaf spot control, add a few Jacobean table. Windows at onecolors without making it look reduce the number'of fruits on drops of spreader-sticker to this wall of the living area filter ligh like a carnival — if you know apple, pear and peach trees, but spray mixture. from stained glass over a 14-foot how," says Arbaice. up to now there is no spray to "On glossy-leaved plants such red velvet sofa created from two eliminate or substantial reduce as laurel, rhododendron, etc., the 7-foot sofas put together, with the crop of mulberries or wild spreader-sticker helps to attach COND/r/ON.... two arms, removed. It faces a cherries. the chemical to the newly formed massive stone fireplace tha Qul) Events "If you don't like mulberries leaves. Arbace plans to remodel using or wild cherries, your only way "You can get spreader-sticker GENERAL authentic Middle-Ages ! stone.Being Planned out is to get rid of the tree." where you buy your fertam." ELECTRIC IMPROVE YOUR LAWN, At Candlewood GARDEN, TREES, SHRUBS LAKEWOOD-Leo Fallon, the newly-appointed recreational di- rector at the Candlewood resi- dential development, says a busy This new G-E Central Air program of activities is planned for children and adults at the Conditioning Unit offers Candlewood Swim and Field Club PAINTS- WALLPAPERS maximum cooling with this year. Oldivh. MATERIALS minimum installation, ft* n The development comprises garden apartments on Kennedy 13 BROAD SI-RED BANK-!KSHH30t> Blvd. and about 500 houses off INEXPENSIVE, TOO/ Rt. 9. The apartments, in all CALL TODAY JfiPfj DETAILS brick buildings, have private en- LAWN trance and rear doors and paved FERTHJZQt walks leading to parking areas. r; •..,••..... They are made up in units with • WHUMI • UIIW U*tt one and two bedrooms. LAWES Mr. Fallon, now principal of the Highland Park School, di- Sycamore Ave. 584 River Rd. rected activities at the Stoney- MUSCLE'S Shrewsbury Fair Haven br'ook Cabana Club, Hillside, for • 100% natural organic three years. He said Candlewood W -on • Simultaneously activates and 741-6300 747-1030 conditions your soil members and their children may • Guaranteed non-burning receive lessons from experts in NEW OWNERS — This House at Phalanx Farms, off Bar and swimming and diving in thePhalanx Rd., Corfs Neck, was recently purchased by Mr. Garden Try MIRACLI OROA-VITE club's large pool and in tennis and Mrs. Howard t. Shippen, formerly o-f Scotch Plains. ROSE FOOD Next fall, a professional coach Center will be brought in to give foot Mr. Shippen is a member OT the technical staff in the Buy now at your local G ball lessons. Swimming tourna telephone studies laboratory at Bell Telephone Labora- ments are planned this summer. den and Hardware Centers tory, Holmdel. The four-bedroom, three-bath New England salt box colonial is styled after the old Jefferd's WHERE Manufactured by There's no Trick to Having Ex- Tavern in York Village, Maine. The old fashioned cottage ORGANIC GROWTH tra Cash. You Get it Fast When sash windows with wide casings, the narrow bavel jidifig, SAVINGS Building or Buying PRODUCTS CO. You Use The Register Classified Farmlngdal*, New Jcney —Advertisement. and large corner boards are characteristic features of GROW! the restored tavern which was built in 1750. The'heavy 5~ £,%^ZA massive door frame with the primitive motif was re- produced with accurate detailing. Early New England and Williamsburg colonial homes are being featured at R E N T A L L Phalanx Farms, a community of custom buift homes on one-acre sites, by Marvin K. Broder, builder. CENTER Japanese Yews Spreaders or uprights 4 for 1 LARGE EGGS MAKE HOMES 2 Dozen, Large, Fresh 79 MOU BlkVmUL AZALEAS MORE LIVABLE all colors 100

Added beauty, charm and style, 4 for ... Jfe cooling comfort and protection 3 00 — that's the Canvas Awning GERANIUMS FOR story for your home. Over win- SEE US NOW! dows, doorways, porches or ^er- • Jackson & Perkins race* Canvas Awnings air-con- Home Loans, are our business! Whether your ditioo your home—protect your • BURR building or buying. STOP IN TODAY ! furnishings, betoken hospital- • MAXWELL, BODMAN ity. For economy and perma- AND RICE nent satisfaction there is no sub- "Prize, Winning Rosen" \Mainstay Federal Savings] stitute for Canvas Awnings. Ask us for estimates. No obligation. before you buy any garden supplies go to . . . GENERAL LJIICOI C'C Watermelon Bar and Loan Association SUPPLY CO., INC. STANDARD IVIU3wLE 3 and Garden Ctr. (Easy to Reach from Any Direction) 36 MONMOUTH STREET Contractor Supplies and Rentals AWNING CO. HWY. 36, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — 291 -0613 • TELEPHONE 741 -0663 615 River Road OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY—LARGE PARKING AREA 1014 HWY. 35 MIDDLETOWN FAIR HAVEN Red Han It, New Jenwy WE HAVE WATERMELONS PHONE 671-1713 ON ICE! Insured Savings - Mortgage Loans 741 - 0696 YES! , • ,. >i Boor ITA wall rwet. I have be*oi FED HANK Rr/il.iTKR Friday, May 22, Y*A-V, VM that an ejy/zy-type water-j Here's the ptr/i s*aiirrt wiH corrtct the Wm is this ANSWER: Brush away ail Joose Answer paint and crumbling cement from the wet section. Jf there are any By ANDY LANG cracks, widen them with a chisel AP Newsfeatures until they are at least one-quarter inch deep. Brush a heavy coat of density and appearance to old- QUESTION: We expect to have sealant into the crack. Mix some line materials. t garbage disposer installed soon. sand with more sealant until a On the House Many large companies are of- Is it necessary to use a grease putty-like consistency is reached, New building materials appear manufacturers, Such coatings fering complete room addition!, trap along with the disposer? hen pack the crack with the mix- on the market with such fre- jre applied to asbestos cement custom built at the factory for ANSWpR: Your installation man ure. As a final step, apply seal- quency these days that it is al- panels for use on curtain and in- assembly on the job to needed will, of course, make all deci- ant (without sand) six inches up most impossible to keep track of terior walls. Storm windows and specifications. The tendency is sions on what can and what can he wall and six inches out along them. doors feature bonded resilient to make it easier for the home not be used with the garbage the floor. icrylic finishes to offset crack- owner to improve his residence disposer. Individual problems One way not to fall too far be- ng, peeling, fading and corrod- by dealing with a single remodel- sometimes must be handled dif- hind in mentally cataloging new ing. ing contractor or by using do- ferently than in ordinary situa- BOAT EXAMS SUNDAY products and different applica- One company is using a plas- it-yourself materials which can tions. In this particular case, a LONG BRANCH — United tions of old ones is by attending be installed quickly and easily. grease trap is not used with a as many public and trade exhi- tic for its aluminum siding. States Coast Guard Auxiliary Another features a finish of col- disposer. In fact, if you already Flotilla 88 will conduct free bitions as possible. We've been have a grease trap in your sink, doing just that in recent months, ored plastic Wended with ceram- PLAN DEMONSTRATION courtesy motorboat examinations the baffle will have to be re- our most recent visit being to ics on a "self-cleaning" siding. MATAWAN — The Laytonlan moved to prevent food waste Sunday between 9 ajn. and 5 the displays of building products The solid polyvinyl chloride sid Club of the Methodist Church will p.m. The examination station at the New York World's Fair. ing of still another manufacturer particles from collecting in the NEW HOME — Mr. and Mrs. Prank B. Sisk of New Shrewsbury recently moved into sponsor a food demonstration trap and clogging the drain sys- will be located at Van Deman's las color all the way through. June 15 in the Sears Roebuck this custom designed two-story horn* on Hotly Tree La. in Rumson. It Is situated on a An especially noticable feature tem. Pleasure Bay Marina at North of many of the attractive room There are weatherseals woven Store in Keyport. The program Long Branch, north of the Plea- one-acre plot and ha $ six bedrooms, Vh batfit. It is-on* of six homes being built by layouts at the various pavilions from tough polyproplene fibers, will be presentey by Mrs. John QUESTION:. There is a wet sure Bay Bridge, near buoy 46. Eugene F. Miltenberger, Jr., Pair Haven Construction Company, Locust. has been the increasing variety epoxy coatings for use over con- Kane, special representative of the Jersey Central Power and ipot in 'one small area of our of uses of laminated plastic. rete and masonry and many basement, at a point where the Once used mostly as a surfacing wrfacirws that add durability. Li«ht for coffee tables, refreshment Be modern with- bars and countertops, this mate- Finishing Touches Spell Charm rial is moving into every room in the house and, in some cases, TRADE-IN MOEN By VIVIAN BROWN homes with conventional white or be as delicious looking as a birth- Little ornamental pools'can add outdoors. One of the displays AP Newsfeature Writer yellow or gray shutters. Window dafce cake painted the just-right a luxury look to simple settings. we saw showed laminated ptas YOUR HOME A year-by-year improvemen boxes of red and white petunias Portugese pink with a white roof. A free-form dug pool may re- tic used on the walls and virtual TMi may be yew teltriea with trailing variegated ivy can An open^vork grick wall used as plan can turn the house that Jad quire nothing more than a dug ly all other surfaces in a boys' to • larger bom* . . • built into a pretty special littl* further enhance this look. a screen for privacy at the 'ter- hole lined with sand into which bedroom, including a two-tiered castle with its own personality. At the seashore an ordinary race has an indefinable charm, the plastic liner is inserted. Put bunk. CALL TODAYI The idea is to seek HUe finish contemporary stucco house can yet may be achieved by the home some lily pads in it, and a few handyman on a weekend. This is Otter types of plastic also are ing touches that spell charm fo flowers set in the rocks around playing Important roles in new WALKER & WALKER NEW MOEN your particular house so that the type of wall that is built by it, and you have achieved a tran- laying bricks one-half brick product developments both from MEMBER 661 IROAD ST. 2061 RTJS OIALCET FOR is set paart from others, addim Law Teacher quil spot. a functional and decorative point MULTIPLE LISTING innovations, apart with the next row of bricks SHRIWSIUftY MIDDLITOWN of view. Acrylic color coatings 741-5212 671-3111 KITCHENS innovations as the budget permit placed over the opening. It will All sorts of fountains, plastic SERVICE and metal, are available within •re being used by a number of I OM handle doc* j You can do it with small it Buys House need a foundation, mortar and sturdy corners. Bricks should be the smallest budget. A fountain work ©• two vestments such as a .bucket that looks too plastic may be two of paint. Or you can go wa painted white. Cinder blocks are In Fair Haven effective used this way also. weathered by various means, in- out with sizable investments ths cluding giving it a greenish metal include statuary and rose, arbor! RED BANK—Richard Wilson, Banks of flowers on the side can George K. Fielding an instructor of law at Monmouth add to the picture book charm. look by rubbing on some paint Plumbing and Hearing A weatherbeaten shingled hom with a doth. Some fountains are AMERICAN LUMBER with just the right shade of blu< College, and Mrs. Wilson, have 14 Cmtor Avt., AH. Hlaklaiidi Clearing trees can be a sizable operated with garden hose at- Hum. 291-0833 green shutters can pale weather* purchased a colonial residence at investment but when this opens NOW ... 2 LUMBER YARDS TO SERVE YOU 30 Riverlawn Dr., Fair Haven. tached to an outdoor . faucet, up the area around a mountain others require pumps. The purchase, negotiated by retreat, a Shangri La enviorment ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS MIDDLETOWN Russell M. Borus of the Russell may be created instead of a little There are old-English, Empire and Italian designs available for West and Lincoln Avenues «f. IS at Htddon's Comer M. Borus Agency, Fair Haven, house set in a boscage. If a Dally "rll S; Saturday "Ml 1 291-2U1 Dally 'HI Sj Saturday 'til 4 ASSOC. was from Mr. and Mrs. Ray H. mountain house high with lots contemporary, traditional and INC. Luebbe; Jr., who have moved to of glass and a big open deck, it country-style homes in lavabos, Rochester, N. Y. may be loaded with plants for bird baths, fountains. Many ZOUBEK brackets and fountains may be This one of nine property sales color. Construction, Industrial Equipment, Supplies reported this week by the Red plugged right into the house wall. Bank Area Multiple Listing Serv- Distinctive beautitiers outdoors DISTRIBUTORS FOR ice. Realty Firm Enjoys include statuary and urns. Tall steam dlirilltd James C. Lovell, associated Record Month in Sales urns laden with colorful pots of JACKSON MFG. CO. with Mercantile Stores Co., Inc., flowers placed on th patio or at BUY HOW WOOD and Mrs. ' Lovell, who have MIDDLETOWN — By selling the entrance of the house can do Wheelbarrows Mixing Boxes wonders for an ordinary little moved to Monmouth County from four million dollars worth of real TURPENTINE Concrete Cents L/P Gas Salamanders Columbia, S. C, purchased a new house with a drab entranceway. estate in April, the Berg Agency But good landscaping is important house on Bellevue Ave., Rum- REG. 1.2S Mortar Pans and Stand* son, built by G. A. Bouchard. established a new sale record for to the beauty of any home and SAVE OVER 99. PER GAL Rolston Waterbury, Re~ d Bank, the third consecutive month. should be thought of as a long- made the arrangements. range program if the proper plan ELECTRIC TOOL DEMTAIC The announcement was made can't be evolved immediately, and GENERATOR KENIAL9 Robert L. Becker, 66 Church by Kenneth Berg, co-owner of the 100% PLMtl St., Fair Haven, an employee of rather than settling for static the New Jersey Bell Telephone seven-office real estate firm. looking shrubs. BRISTLE (2 BIRCH AVE. 747-41S2 LITTLE SILVER Company, and Mrs. Becker, Berg said the four million dol- Statuary can turn a small gar- SPECIAL LOW PRICE bought the former home of Miss lars represents a 43 per cent in- den into a minature Versailles, "}. '. M»•;•••• "'"•-". ••'• , PAINT Sarah Murphy at 146 Hance Rd., crease pver the previous rec- For example a small area of a on famous PITTSBURGH . . .Everyone's wondering now am Fair Haven, through John P. ord sale month. One hundred and tiny Cape Cod style house took BRUSHES builder, Tex, gives all this rah*. Mulvihill of the A. Fred Maffeo seventy used homes and more oh exceptional beauty with stat- Agency. Miss. Murphy has moved than 100 flew homes were sold by uary, flowers and terracing. 4-INCH 9 Dtitfnctlv. colonial d«ilgn gardes to Roselle. -HP pparmwnl* In beautiful Keyport .. . to es- First the owners built a con- REG. 2.10 John Carolilwfixf taws teen V last miaul*! from Hie Garden Stare crete patio, 8 by 20 feet, adjoin- Parkway, churches, stopping and teaching at Cedar Grove and', in ing the living room. Another year T/s-INCH DOES September, will start teaching in TRIM recreation. Spacioui two-room, on* they added an awning above the the Mlddletown school system, Point Rd., Hidden Valley, Lin- er two-bedroom apartmentt packed croft. Arrangements were made patio. And another year a half- REG. 1.50 with outstanding natures for lumirl- and Mrs. Carol!, have moved in- circle rock wall was built to •at living. Lara* bedrooms, cam* by Mrs. Helen A,, Stewart of. the -PM8F to, a residence at 667 River Rd., "TEX" Glazebrook Agency. • > frame a terrace off the patio. In plerely equipped kitchens, and light Fair Haven. Negotiations for the the center of the 20 by 12 foot Amtriai's Fiiest HOUSE PAINT airy living room. Compare all yen sale of the former home of Mrs. want . . . you'll want Green Grave Mr. and Mrs. John Hanson, terrace a small rock garden Gardens. Earl Luicks, who has moved to who have been residing in a cradles a metal bowl in which FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY! DOIT! Atlantic Highlands, were handled house on Salem La., Little Sil- stood a statue of Narcissus. On 3 TUBES by Mrs. Marjorie Ward Koster ver, are the buyers of the former the 2-foot wall was a white bust per month Includes heat, of the Ellen S. Hazelton Agency. home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles of Apollo, tree geraniums set in Caulking Robert Mawby, a retired Army Kasse, 188 F6* Hill Dr., Little massive ceramic containers, and hot water, gas, onsito major now associated with Elec- Silver. Mrs. Marti Locilento of a handsome metal heron. A bor- Compound parking plus swimming pool tronic Measurements Co., Eaton- the Allaire-Farrow Agency was der of varicolored perennial and town, and Mrs. Mawby were the in charge of the negotiations. annual flowers are in easy-care REG. FROM for tenants. buyers of a Cape Cod cottage at Mr. and Mrs. Kasse have moved beds around the rock wall, one 45c ea. M Prince PI., Little Silver. El- to Haddonfield. side nestling into a slope. 598 wood A. Armstrong of the Arm- PER GALLON strong Agency. Philip Delia Pietro, an associ- RED BANK MOWER SERVICE Voei aced only otve coat tor mot* fepoint work CRADLE ate with the Long Branch Monu- Formtrty with Balrd-Dovlun ' whs* yo» eee fanow PtMstwrgb SUN-PROOF House Poirri. rove ment Co., and Mrs. Pietro, have S3 MORFORD PL. ot«. i.5o 98* Rt. 36 Junction. Follow ,Rt. 36 to Flor.nc. Av*. (first Agency. Mr. and Mrs. McCor- • J«tbtn Tractors, Mowtn, Lowe. Equipment MIDDLETOWN YARD ONLY! ttrnt past third light); turn left to Green 6rov. Av*. • Henko Mowers end tiding Mowers mack have moved into a Red • Suburbanite Rider Mowers 5 QT. METAL FURNISHED APARTMENT OPEN DAILY Bank apartment. • Pennsylvania Mowtn, HcMtr Chain Saws IN Joseph F; Bailey, a stock • We rant Jacebwn Lawn Renovators, Mowers, ; AND SUNDAY — Phom 2(4-8200 broker with Paine, Webber, Edgers, Rotorillers. PAINT All KMs of Mowtn, Troctort art Iqolpmwt Ktpalnd aM Strvlcrt ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS BUY Jackson and Curtis, and Mrs. POT Bailey, 844 River Rd., Fair Ha- ven, are the buyers of a house at 168 Kemp 'Ave., Fair Haven, which had been owned by Mr. Redwood SAPOLIN HEADQUARTERS FOR and Mrs. Hugh J. Phillips, who 12"xl8" BUCK have moved to Washington St., OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT Rumson. T. E. Hall, Jr., of Hall Utility Building REG. 7.35 STEPPING I? SWIMMING Brothers, handled the sale. 98 STONES Edward D. Cohen, who is with Colors Slightly More gal. the Bell Telephone Laboratories 5 at Holmdel, and Mrs. Cohen, 35c ea. formerly of Newark, Del., have purchased a new house on East CYPRESS SPLIT CONCRETE POOLS -LEGAL NOTK CURB BLOCKS • CHEMICALS • CHLORINES NOTICK OP SETTLEMENT OP ACCOUNT RAIL FENCING • FILTER PRODUCTS E3STATE OF ENOCH G. HAND. DE- 35c ea. CLEANERS CEASED Notice Is hereby given that the ac- counts of the subscriber-Substituted Ad- ministrator of the estate of said Dc- ceaied wfll be audited and stated by the Surrogate of the County of Mon- SPECIAL mouth and reported for settlement to The Monmouth County Court, Probate Division, the 12th day of June A. D., 1964, at 9:30 a.m., at the County Court lOO-LB. DRULUIYMI House, Monument and Court Streets, Freehold, New Jersey, at which tlmn Application will he made for the al- rwlowanc. e of Commission!) and Counsel GRANULAR 50 Dated April 23n! A. D. IMH. FRANCIS X. CFIAHAY 22 River Avenue, Monmouth Bench, N. J. Substituted Administrator CHLORINE 34 "Hiomjuf L. Yaccarlno, Esq., Counsellor at Law, 527 Bangs Avenue, OUTLASTS Anbury Park. N. J. May 1, 8, 15, 22 $17.60 WHITE We Carry Such Famous Names As CEDAR 3 TO 1 99 NOTIfF, 10 FT. SECTION Take notlco ttint Cosla's Grocery A SOLVE YOUR STORAGE PROBLEMS? BEVELED PENH SALT—HXH.—MODERN POOL PRODUCTS Uqlior Store trading AH Co.ita'n Gro- » 2 RAILS — 1 POST cery A Uqlmr Rtore linji applied to , . . with an attractive Redwood Utility Building. The above PAINTED the Mayor and Couocll of th« Ror- » POST PENTA TREATED 2PICKED UP! OURII of Fled Hunk for a Plenary Retnll pictured building comti pre-oiiembled and hai bttn developed Dlnlrlbullmi P-ll llcpmn for premise* ultuatefl nt 02 W. Hergen PI., Ilecl for simple erection in about an hour's time. (Our new model GENUINE Hank. N. J. MIDDLETOWN Objections, If any, Rliouli] In made hat split doors.) This building can furnlih the needed storage Immrfllalely In writing to John lUyan, space that you have been looking for and add to the beauty Clerk of the IIoroiiRh of Red Bank. VERMONT FLAGSTONE Inlgned i of your lawn. Length: 7', width &', height plate A', pitch 7'. Plllf.IP h. COBTA, Prmldent MIXED COLORS ^1/ • per HU Itlver ltd., GARDEN CENTER Tied Hank. N. J. CHOOSE YOUR OWN! 3V2 Ib. VKVI'OH H. roflTA, Vlce-Prriiittnt ONLY 175.00 82 W. Ilprcen PI., tied Hunk, N. .1. HWY. 35, MIDDLETOWN - 671-1050 Nmilol.AK O. OOBTA, S«c'y-Trei. 5 20 Olilflehl PI., Hours: Mon. - Frl. 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. noil Hank. N. J. 2"x4"x7'8 /8" LUMBER JOANNK C. BEATTV, Ant. Secy WILLIAM H. POTTER & SON Sat. and Sun. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Hlngham Av»., PRE-CUT STUDS — AS IS Rumaon, N. J. Hill Rood and Onrri«n Slant Parkway May IS, n $13.18 PICKED UP 39 •a. PTOO Hy WALT KELLY POGO Ry WALT KELLY














By ED DODD MARK TRAIL By ED DODD MARK TRAIL LISTEN TO ME, NOW, VOUNG MAN, . YES.THE FLOAT TRIP I ASKED ...AND LVNN, MAY 1 SEE NO, AND OET OUT LYNN... I'VE 7CIED YOU STAY IN YOUR BEGINS NEXT WEEK, YOU NOT TO DON'T THE ABTICLE YOU OF HERE... I HATE "TO BE PATIENT ROOM UNTIL YOU AND... HEY, I'VE JUSf COME IN HEBE... WANT WROTE? WITH YOU, BUT I CAN LEARN TO BE HAD A TERRIFIC I DON'T WANT TO TALK WILL NOT TOLERATE CIVIL/ IDEA/ TO SEE YOU... TOW/ DISRESPECT/ Student's Paper Wins Recital Sunday PKD BANK RfcOJSTKR Friday, May 22, 1%4-JJ5 Convicted in Failure p'.oyee, Albert J. Lowrie, 11 Hud- dy Ave., Highlands, received a To Carry Insurance $4,025 award for injuries which Regional Top Award FREEHOLD — A jury before disabled him whle workng for Judge Elvin R. Simmill con NEW SHREWSBURY — Kert cited for the best paper in Re- iricted Nicholas LaCorte, of 150 La Corte Dec. 5, 1959. Hochberg, Monmouth Regional gion 4 (Pennsylvania and New Mr. Lowrie suffered multiple High School sophomore, has beer t. 36, Belford, Wednesday for Jersey) in the Ford Future Sci- failure to carry workmen's com- cuts on his "rights hand while entists awards program sponsored pensation insurance. stirring paint. by the National Science Teachers La Corte, owner of a sign com- La Corte will be sentenced Association and Ford Motor Com June 5. pany. Jany, was indicted after an era- Kent received a $50 bond for his (toper on "The Effects of THERE'S NO CHARGE Morphine and Alcohol on Reten .' FOR SERVICE AT STERLING . tion of Conditioned Responses." The paper was one of the win- But It Makes a Million-Dollar ••there is a ning entries in the Science Sym- Difference in Your Satisfaction! posium at Fort Monmouth ear- dijference lier this year. Kent is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Hochberg, 15 Surrey National Car Rental La. MB Broad St., Red Bank, N. J. 747-40*1 gives S&H Green Stamp* Christopher Nintzel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Nintzel, 69 River- MM Margaret AKord OpM » A.M. !• » P.M. Mon. thru Frl. at no extra corf edge Rd., received a silver » AM. t» 4 P.M. toturdayi When you rent a new plaque, one of 10 regional award RED BANK — Miss Margaret certificates presented on the car or truck! Alford, blind Long Branch organ- tenth grade level. His paper con- ist, will play her original com- cerned the "Combined Effect of Th« Place To So For The Brands You Know High Temperature and Humidity position, Shrewsbury River Suite, on Walker Carsinosarcoma 256 at a recital of pupils of Paul Al- in Wistar Rats." ladin, Front St., Sundy in The BOTANY "500" NATIONAL Honorable mention on the tenth Cobblestones, Rt. 35, Middle- grade level went to David Miller, town. "Clothes oj Distinction" CAR Donald Jennings and Harriet The recital, in the restaurant's JOHN DANIELS' Meeker. banquet room, will begin at 2:30 RENTAL MRHS received a school award p.m. and will be open to the 23 MONMOUTH ST., RED BANK for having a student who re- public. The feature presentation MEN'S and STUDENTS' OLOTHING ceived a first place from among will be the second public per- Telephones: the 8,000 entries throughout the formance of Miss AVord's work. Charge It — 30 - 60 or 90 Day* Red Bonk — 747-078/ nation. Long Branch —229-9408 CHEVROLET SHOVEL WORK — Mayor Herbert E. Werner of Eatontown wield* the Buying or telling? Use the spade at ground it broken for new building of Kitson Chevrolet on Rt. 36 next to the Atbcy Park — 775-0411 Register Classified for quick re- sulti.—Advertisement. motor vehicle inspection station. Looking on, left to right, are John J. Nyilcos, Chevro- "I bank at First Merchants National let zone manager; Charles F. Kitson, and his partner, Joseph R. Holsey. Kitson Chev- rolet has operated in Long Branch for many years. Full sales and service facilities will 'cause tr*« easiest . . • GET A be duplicated in the new Eatontown branch. on* >top taken care of til my

politan area of the Ohio North- Bikini atom bomb tests in 1946 t need*? NEW OIL BURNER! Heads Alumni ern University Alumni Associa- he was awarded the War Depart- "SEND ME GIANTS" tion. FINANCE IT THRU AN HOME ment Commendation for Meri- I'm really O. Howie Hustles, IMPROVEMENT LOAN. RATES Brooks had previously held the torious Civilian Service and later - Regional Unit the Register Classified Ad, not tjtnuj r»k • W* posts of secretary-treasurer and received the Meritorious fcvilian Cyrano de Bergerac — but like ARE LOW — AT THE FRIENDLY | FORT MONMOUTH - Paul J. Buk • MMUI*MI vice president of the alumni club. Service Award Medal. ' Cyrano, no job seems too difficult • North A1H17 ruk Brooks of 370 Arthur Ave., Long He was graduated from Ohio for me. I accomplish amazing • Mr Htm PNMOUTH Branch, a supervisory electronics things every day for folks just • •«!•«•! • Br)«I« NATIONAL | Northern in 1929 with a bachelor There's no Trick to Having Ex- engineer at the U.S.- Army Elec- of science degree in electrical like you. So if you've got a Convtnltnt OHtc«* throughout Manmwtt Cwnfy tronics Command here, has been engineering. tra Cash. You Get it Fast When problem, to solve it fast dial 741- (unit Out,'! B«ct*ul »uk-M Urn •» elected president for the metro- For his participation in the You Use The Register Classified. 0010 and let me tackle it toryou . , Mm»*r F*d«nl D«PMK Jwuroma Corp., Newly Organized! Limited Amount of Memberships Available OFFERS MORE FOR YOUR RECREATION DOLLAR THAN ANY OTHER BEACH CLUB I—Members entrance and exit lanes 2—Ample parking (members) 3—Club office entrance 4—Pool view sun deck 5—Family sized bath houses, cabanas 6—-Solarium deck 7—Pool view sun deck 8—Mammouth salt water pool (chemically free), three diving boards, aqua slide 9—Pre-school age pool 10—Poolside sunning deck 11—Family sized bath houses 12—Cool, relaxing deck 13—Sheltered picnic deck 14—Sunning deck 15—Indoor dance hall (Entertainment facilities) 16—Cafeteria . ; 17-—Adult lounge and sun deck 18—Indoor game room 19—Ocean view sun and shade deck 20"*—Poolside covered snack deck 21—Novelty shop 22—Fully equipped playground, area 23—Pre-school 40'x20' enclosed play area 24—Barbecue pits (For evening family cookouts) 25—Supervised calisthenics area 26—Adult fishing jetty 27—Outdoor picnic area 28—Shuffleboard courts 29—Basketball courts 30—Tennis courts 31—Horseshoe pits 32—Adjacent baseball diamond 33—600-ft. ocean and beachfront 34—Heated showers FEATURED SCHEDULED ACTIVITIES e ADULT GET TOGETHER DANCE - INFORMAL COMPETITIVE WEEKLY SWIM TEAM Featuring - 3 Tunes and A Vibe • COMPETITION • • ADULT BEACH PARTY • WHITE SANDS CHILDREN'S CARNIVAL Adults and Children - Intramurals • JR. MISS WHITE SANDS BEAUTY CONTEST Trophy Awards for Each Age Class • ADULT SHIPWRECK DANCE SHORE AREA Featuring - 3 Tunes and A Vibe " BEACH CLUBS COMPETITION • TEENAGE BEACH PARTY • ANNUAL AQUA SHOW Open to Members Only • JUNIOR AND SENIOR FASHION SHOW • Swimming Coach—John Ciriello • MISS WHITE SANDS BEAUTY CONTEST RED CROSS LIFESAVING CLASSES • SUNDAY NOON TEENAGE DANCES • DAILY TEENAGE JUKE BOX GET TOGETHERS • Open to All EASY TO REACH FROM ALL AREAS' • SUPERVISED RECREATIONAL ACTIVITIES BULLETIN BOARD STOP IN FOR COMPLETE INFORMATION! • ADULT CLOSING DANCE - SEMI-FORMAL • Daily Activities


YOU NEVER MISS ACT NOW! A DAY BECAUSE SEASON STARTS MONDAY MAY, 25 OF BAD WEATHER and Runs thru Sept 15! ] Don't miss part of your summer season because of bad weather, CHECK enjoy swimming every day in all TH kinds of weather .... IN OUR FEATURES'P£ , INDOOR POOt / Olympic Indoor Pool r WORKINGMEN ... Our hours are arranged so you may have complete benefit of our; facilities every day aft*r, / 50'xlOO' Outdoor Pool work. (SALT WATER) / Steam Rooms \ WEEKDAYS WEEKENDS / Kiddie Pool! 10 to 10 10 a.m. to / Large Sun Ileck UK6UARD ON DUTY DURING THESE HOURS (Umbr.llai, UbUi; baach chairs) / Hot Water Showers I: EAT AT OUR SNACK BARS / 2 Snack Bare Enjoy a fine selection of sandwiches, hot / Cocktail Lounge plates and. grill items plus sodas and ice you choose-a beach club this summer, / Playground | cream confections 'at our beachfront 4nd BEFORE we suggest that you come in and / Volley Ball Court indoor snack bars. ... V Olympic Diving Boards compare the TRADE WINDS facilities with ANY other in FEATURING / 775 Foot Beach Front area. Swimming 7 DAYS EACH WEEK, rain or shine (in- \' Parking for 500 Cars ALL ELECTRIC door pool and outdoor pool); 775 foot beach; 2 full-sized c' Competitive Swimming COOKING pools; kiddie pool; 2 snack bars; air conditioned cocktail / Social Program yf Cookours Pcirmilted en lounge plus many other features! Don't settle for second Beach tit Night


PLUS MANY OTHER ACTIVITIES TO BE BEACH CLUB 1305 OCEAN AVE. SEA BRIGHT ANNOUNCED LATER! FOR INFORMATION and RESERVATIONS JOIN NOW and ENJOY A Call 842-3292 FULL SEASON OF FUN! For Quick Results Hom« Delivery Use Our Want Ads BEDBANK ) Independent Daily f 40* Wee"'k Dial 741-0010 A 741.-J MO NI&HT SECTION TWO FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1964 7c PER COPY All in Readiness for Eaton town's Parade, Celebration Tomorrow EATONTOWN - The borough's PI. and proceed, via Broad St. to Prizes will be awarded for best ade to cross Rts. 35 and 71. He On sale during the day's activ- Cbr-tmusical marching unit, best non- ggests that motorists use alter- ities will be a specially published big tercentenary parade will start Lewis St., over High St. and " 1 at if: 30 a.m, tomorrow, instead liss Ave. to South St. halting at musical marching unit and best ate routes between those hours. tercentenary booklet, preparec of II a.m. as originally scheduled, the Eatontown playground. float. An old fashioned chicken bar- by one of the tercentenary sub- committees, setting forth interest- ;$Mne floats, bands, drill teams, The parade will be judged from Route 35 Detour >ecue, hot dogs, and beverages marching units from veterans' The march was planned under ing phases of Eatontown history ' a reviewing stand in front of the 11 be served at the playground organizations, troops of Boy andfire house on Broad St. by Mrs.the direction of Albert F. Carelli, Though the weekend, an an- Mowing the parade. Music, en- ©rl Scouts, Teen Queen Linda Richard H. Tophan of Oceanport, chairman of parades and pag- tique and art show will be oper Leach and her court, and bor- J. Lester Rigby of New Shrews- eants. rtainment, and activities for at the Masonic Hall on Broad St ough dignitaries will be led by bury, John Rasp of Ocean Town- Police Chief William Zadorozny hildren and adults are planned Mayor Herbert E. Werner as ship, Howard Hayden of Long has warned that traffic on Rt. 35 r the afternoon, A square dance Judging of art show entries and grand marshal. Branch and Richard Kraybiil Of will be Interrupted between 11 nd hootenanny will carry the funawarding of prizes to winners Marchers will start at Irving Shrewsbury. a m. and 2 p m. to allow the pa- ver into the evening hours. will take place Sunday. Job Opportunities' ToBeNAACP ic «*„ TZ iKj|' t £ Wt ••££> ^ ANTIQUE ARTIFACTS—Mrs. Walter M^hns, Jr., chairman of the Eatontown ter- RED BANK — Representatives /pists, mechanics and techni- three Monmouth County indus- cians, among others. A question centenary antique and art show to be held tomorrow and Sunday, shows candle ies will discuss "Job Opportun- and answer period will follow. dipper, lamps, and other antique household items to be displayed in Masonic Hall as ies" at a meeting sponsored by All three industries have ex- part of the borough's weekend tercentenary celebration. e Red Bank Area Branch, Na- pressed a desire to employ more ional Association for the Ad- Negroes, the Red Bank NAACP ancement of Colored People, in labor and Industry committee asonic Hall, West Bergen PL said. Antiques and Art Lend Historical war Shrewsbury Ave.,. Sunday at Miss Carolyn Jetter, commit' p.m. ' :ee chairman, said the meeting;Is1 j The meeting was arranged by lesigned primarily for Negro Touch to Tomorrow's Celebration he labor and industry committee high school seniors who do not of the local branch in conjunction expect to go on to college, but EATONTOWN - A display of tique show will be divided into Garfield will be on display. ith the Asbury Park and Long also will provide employment in- New Jersey history and antiques, the'following categories:' kitchen Leonard Farnung, Wyckoff Rd., (ranch chapiters. 'ormation for unemployed older and an art show.will be held to- articles, clothing, farm tools, will show his original wood carv- Representatives of Bell Tele- Negro workers, those who want morrow and Sunday in the Mason- toys, papers of Interest, includ- ings and the winning pictures phone Laboratories, Holmdel; the better jobs, and younger teenag ic Hall as part of the borough's ing maps, photographs, old wills from the Girl Scout show held innesota Mining and Manufac- ers interested in planning for tercentenary celebration. and newspapers. last February also will be on turing Company, Freehold, and heir future. Hie exhibition will be open to- Of interest is a map dated 1851 display. Bendix Corporation, Red Bank Notices of the meeting point morrow: from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. which indicates the names of all The committee assisting Mrs. and from 7 to 9 p.m. Hostesses residents of Eatontown at that Mahns includes Mrs. Harry Row- Division, Eatontown, will speak .ut: : job opportunities for clerks, "This is an excellent opportun- in colonial costumes will be on time and the locations of their land, Mrs. James N. Wolcott, Jr., ty for those who wish them- hand Sunday from 1 to 5 p.m. homes. A gown worn at the grand Mrs. Clarence Meeks, Mrs. Her- selves or their 'children to be Mrs. Walter Mahns, Jr., chair- ball in Shadow Lawn, West bert Schaeffer and Mrs. Leslie able to get a better job. We urge man, announced that the ' an-Long Branch, honoring President D. Seely. Youth Fined all parents to come and bring RUtN — Firemen were Jeep* on the scene until 4 p.m. yesterday. 13 hours their teenagers. We urge all high flr* w« reported at Rivertide lanes, 21-23 Bast Front St., Red Bank Pictured For Obscene school graduates who are work; p ing but who are dissatisfied with f baldi t f tod tfod Th dtty v% are being de Two Band Concerts Today it tea* of balding, part of wtodi cotfopud. The second-sttory \va% are being de- their present jobs to attend. in Phone Call "Anyone who is interested is ' mo)i|hed,today. Fire Chief Robert L. Cadman laid he believe* the fire MIDDLETOWN — James D. welcome. If you are just curious, *ii end -of the building, which faces Union St. Coleman, 18, of IS Southview come anyway and bring a friend West was fined $100 yesterday or a teenager with you. The suc-Start Lincroft's Celebration by Magistrate Richard E. Burk cess of this meeting is up to you. LINCROFT -T Two concerts by A parade will take place1 at the history of the township that after being found guilty of mak- Opportunity knocks, but we must the Fort: Monmouth Army . band 9:30 a.m. tomorrow. It •will begin such a program will be offered, ing an obscene telephone call. open the door." this afternoon will begin fee at the Acme. Shopping Center, according to Milton Klein, presi- The youth was arrested May 5 The meeting will replace thi tercentenary. festivities at Lin- Newman Springs Rd., and pro- dent of the school's Parent-Teach- along with tour juveniles. monthly Red Bank Area Branch croft. School, which, will carry ceed to the school. er Association. . At that time, police; said Cole- meeting. There will be.no.com- over into tomorrow. -..; In the school will be community Mr. Klein said the Tercente- man admitted to making only mittee reports or other business. The band will entertain stu services' displays and commer- nary ramify Day fair is designed, one William Fischer, president of. thedents, teachers and- parents at cial; utility and historical ex- in part, to aquaint residents with mitted Red Bank branch, will preside, } o'clock and again at 2 o'clock. hibits." It will b#ress ystrday morning. in Riverside Lanes and Cocktail The two-story rear section of Ter., received a suspended 15- Options on Post Office Property ding and Manahawkin clams Lounge. day jail term for assaulting hi casino and plenty of applejack the building, little more than a jn Riegeiman of East Bei Fire Chief Robert L. Cadman shaky shell of brick after the wife May 10 in the couple' made in New Jersey with New laid last night that the interior gen PI. .suffered a fractured to< home. Jersey apples. fire, was ruled unsafe by Build- when a brick fell on it, Harry Are Due by July 22, Agent Says of the structure, which was de-ing Inspector S. M". Hoffman. Its Mrs. Margot Cox, 2 Benneti Hughes spoke briefly after the stroyed, did not turn up any clues Sodan of Earl St. cut his ham PI., Port Monmouth, revived RED BANK — George V. Ill- There were 14 firnis bidding for Post Office Department represen- meal, most of his talk in a light second story walls will be de- Walter England of Westside Avi to the cause of the blaze, which molished thia morning. $100 suspended fine for allowing mensee, the Colts Neck real es- :he lease arrangement. The high tatives promised the borough a vein. The governor, however, drew 300 firemen from six mu- picked up a splinter, and James septic tank at her home tc tate broker who worked 2'/$ years bid was for $92,721 yearly rental. choice between a colonial or mod- did take a shot at New Jersey nicipalities in the early morning Chief Cadman said small blazes Plumaker of John St. stepped on overflow. on the property transaction for ern design, but no local boards Republicans and said the state broke out in the ruins several a nail. Construction costs have been hours. Magistrate Burke gave her 30 the. new Red Bank post office, estimated at $355,000. The Free- have had a hand in the decision. needed new taxes to finance days to correct the health code said yesterday that options on all lin representative said the con. The structure will be made of highways, institutions, colleges violation. three properties Involved will be temporary design previously an- cinnamon colored Normandy and transportation. due Jury 22. nounced by the Post Office De- brick with a terra cotta solar Hughes, a Democrat said he Act to Update Zoning Code Before that date, the Freelin partment will be used with little screen in front and cast stone had many "crosses to bear, in- Trio Held Company of Linden will take title or no changes. trim. There will be six large cluding a Republican leg- KEYPORT — The Planning mat" from which a new zoning North side of Front St. to pa\ to the 1.5 acre tract. The Freelin During hearings in Red Bank, planters and a flagpole In front islature," and he said he hoped Board last night set the wheels in measure will be designed. the way for redevelopment of th Company, it was announced this 270 Days to Build In 1965 the political complexion For Jury In of the legislature would change. motion toward updating the bor- He suggested that zoning ordi- area under urban renewal. week, was the successful bidder Besides its 23,666 square feet ol ough's toning ordinance. nances in order to be effective be The pact, ready to be subm for construction of the new 23,666 Restaurant Interior floor space, the new posl The, action came after a re- reviewed, and revised if neces- ted to the governing body, i: Check Case square foot structure on the east office will have a 3,682 square Woman Gets quest by Borough Council that a sary,- every three years. dudes a clause for the condition side of Broad St. 90 feet south of foot platform area and 30,57 MIDDLETOWN — Three Bound Harding Rd. new'zoning measure be prepared Also at the request of the gov-al sale of land to the boroug Brook men waived preliminarj Man Beaten, square feet of outside space for to keep pace with the influx of based on a stipulation that it The post office will move from parking and maneuvering ve- $25,500 Award erning body, planners directed hearings in Municipal Court yes- its present quarters at Broad and garden apartments and a more Mr. Kasler to compile a progress verts to the original owners hicles. FREEHOLD — A jury before terday and were ordered held foi Canal Sts. It will lease the new Suspect Held County Judge Thomas J. Smith recent proposal to construct a report to be discussed at a joint redevelopment work is nc the action of the Grand Jurj The post office being replaced luxury high-rise apartment here. started within three years building from the Freelin Com- FREEHOLD — Pedro Moreno, awarded $25,500 yesterday to Au- session with council in the near on charges of forgery and pos pany, although the Freelin Com is 33 years old, and has but 6,500 In addition, planners had rec-future. signing an agreement. no known address, is being held ra Mabel Wharton, Kcyport, session of stolen goods. pany may subcontract the actual square feet of floor. against the state Highway De- A shade tree ordinance, pn in the county Jail on a charge of ommended to council that Rt, 36 Mr. Kruser reported that agree- The trio had been charged with construction, n spokesman said Construction time for the new partment for property seized pared by the Board of Heall assault and battery against be zoned entirely for commer ment has been reached with wa- stealing traveler's checks from yesterday. building hns been estimated nl from her in widening of Rt. 3d and approved by planners, is George Saninidas, 50, owner of cial use. terfront propert owners on the a stationery store in New Bruns- Mr, Illmensee said the com George's Restaurant, East Main 270 days. in Keyport. Land Use First the hands of the borough atto wick last week. bined value of the construction ney, Mr. Kruser reported. St., who was found beaten in the The verdict was on appeal from Planning Board chairman How- They have been sent to count; site, which includes a portion of cellar of the restaurant at 3 Hank's 'Green Sale' a $19,'.'00 valuation fixed in Jan- Eggs at Bamett The measure provides for t jail pending posting of $15,000 bal ard '• Jeandron and members the Edward M. Kelly trnct, the o'clock this morning. LANCASTER, Pa. (AP) - The uary by a condemnation commis- Frank Walling and Councilman NEW YORK (AP) — A half creation of a Shade Tree Comm each. adjacent nroad St. property of Patrolmen Vytold Urobelis and sion consisting of Richard W. sion and outlines it duties ar They ore Lawrence Barron, 43, Lancaster County Farmers Na- Frederick L. Kruser will review dozen eggs were tossed from a Mrs. Irene Maggi, and a Hud Richard Hibbs found Mr. Sanini- tional Bank, in an effort to com-Stout, .lo.seph Wardell, and John a land use map compiled by the crowd at former Gov. Ross R. powers. of 3 Hamilton St.; Frank Gatto son Ave. property of Charles J das and Mr. Moreno in the cel- bat the coin shortage, is Riving T. l.awley, Jr. municipality's master plan con Bamett of Mississippi as he ar- The board accepted the resi 43, of 403 Tnlmadge Ave., am Seymour, is about $160,000. lar. The restaurant owner had customers a $1 bill for each 98 Till1 properly is situated be- sultant firm, In preparation for rived at City College yesterday to nation of Dr. George A. Roonc; Joseph Krcsefsky, 43, of 111 Mail The Freelin Company wil been beaten alxiul the head will- cents in coins. tween llroad iiiul Main Sts. on St., all nound lirook. 1 drawing a comprehensive zoning deliver a speech against integra- former chairman, "with regrol make tho purchase and retain a I'/j-foot lohy piece of • ,-inch bank says it collected tho north Mile of the highway. code. tion and the civil rights move Announcing ownership. The Post Office l)e-j water pipe, police saul and a letter of gratitude for h |$4.7!)7 in coins the first three day. R.iiph S llfiiscr. Jr. and J. Lnnd Use Map nient. The opening for the l.itt pnrtment will lease the building, Mr. Sanmidns, who lives at 10 of what it calls a "green sale" l-'r.ink Wcigand were attorneys According to Malcolm Kasler, The eggs splattered on the Bavaria, Saturday May 23, Oceai for 20 years with six 5.year op- Mechanic St., here, is reported in this week. for iln- property owner and Dep- project planner for tho firm, the sidewalk near him and none hit According to Mr, .Jeandron, liciAvc., Sea Bright. Serving foreigi tions to renew for an annual rent- fair condition in l-itkm Hospital, It said the promotion has co>! uty Attorney Gen. John F. Can- lnnd use map will be the "for him, has moved to Holmdel, (specialities.—Adv. al of $50,450. Neptune Township. it $95, T"011' (or lnc stale' i RED BAN'K REGISTER Seniors Present 8—Friday, May 22, 1964 FRIDAY MOVIE TIMETABLE Top Weekend RED BANK Play at Matawan ChaitMlS _WCBS-TV Channel 7 . _WABC-T» and a speak-easy finale with the CARLTON— MATAWAN TdWNSHIP — The _WNBC-TV _WOR-TV Tie Bri« BotUe 2:00: 7:00; 9:00. cast. ChijinertL Chanel t . flAT.-The Br«« Bottle 1:00: 4:20senio: r class of Matawan Region- .WMEW-TV _WPD£-TV <:00; 7:60; 11:00. KUBV1XW: Vlv» Channel I Channel 11 Lai Vein 8:40. al High School presented "The 7:30-8:30 — 4 — The Lieuten SUN.—Viva Lai Vna> 5:00; 3:40: TV Programs FRIDAY AFTfRNOOII FRIDAY EVENINO Remarkable Incident at Carson Motiiw.2- ant. "Capp's Lady." (Repeat). 5:<0; T:40; 9:30. <:00 Corners," their class play on Nina Talbot is properly tl:M EATONTOWN — LAST 2 DAYS — When 2—Uv« Ol Lite—Serial 11—Three Stooges three nights in the school audi- Today's top television shows as 'oung Crosby is convincing play- 13—Operation Alphabet DRIVE-IN— cast is a hard-luck gal with a 4—Your First Impression torium. previewed and selected by TVing a heel who picks on a cute heart of gold, she can make any 7—Father Knows Best CM FW. & BAT.—Cartoon Carnival 8:34; Key's staff of experts -who attend :ountry girl. •-News—John Wlngaie J—News—Waller Cronklle Viva Las Vegas 9:35; 1:00; Some script palatable. This one is no 13—En Francois 4—Local News—Pressman, Ryan Came Running 11:15. The three-act play, written by rehearsals, watch screenings, 11:15 5-Mlckey Mouse Club BUN.—Viva Ca« Vegas 8:42; 12:30; exception as she gets her marital Some Came Running 10:27. Kristen Sergei, deals with a and analyze scripts in New York 9:30-10 — 4 - That Was the e—Memory Lane—Joe Franklin 7—Local News—Bill Beutel books out for our hero's first II—Rocky And His Friends 9—Maverick LONG BRANCH "trial" set up by high school stu- and HaHywood. Week That Was. TW-3 regulars 12:33 11—Broken Arrow dents of Carson Corners. They sergeant (James Gregory) until 7—News—Robert Trout 1J—Profile: New Jersey BARONET— led by Elliot Reid, David Frost, her shady past catches up with 13:N f.Ai lilies ol the Field 2:00; 7:00; 10:21;accuse their school janitor of > -Secret! Far Tomorrow 7—News—Ron Cochran "The Great Divide: CivU PhylUs Newman and Pat Engher- . Corny and predictable, but 4—Truth Or Consequences Hud 3:30; 8:30. pushing one of their fellow class- 5—Cartoons— Fred Scott <:55 SAT.—Kiddle Show: 1:30: Lilies ot the Rights and the Bill," is a highly lund, are at it again, taunting Miss Talbot manages to make 4—Weather—Pat Hernon Field 3:80; 7:22; 10:50; Hud 5:3«;mates to his death. rewarding titte*y-titl« analysis 7—Ernie Ford 9:00. and twitting the news of the week the corn grow sweet. 11—Cartoon Carnival 7:00 BUN.—Llllei of the Field 3:(2; 7:14; The parents, at first outraged of the most controversial legis- in their oh-so-innocent, wide-eyed 13—Personal Report J-News—Robert Trout 10:40; Hud 2:00; 6:22; 8:00. 11:4) 4— News—Huntley, Brlnkley by the accusation, soon find PREVUE lation of our time. On'the light- songs and skits. 7:30-8:30 — 7 — Hootenanny. 7—Gulldlng Light-Serial S-Gallant Men FREEHOLD themselves turning against the er side, Beatrice LUlie makes HIM 7—Dlckens-Fenster (Repeat), The best of this hoot 4—News—Ray Scherer II—News—Kevin Kennedy FREEHOLD— janitor. The play comes to South Pacific 7:10; 9:69. TOMORROW the Jack Paar Show a must; Al- 10-11 — 2 - Alfred Hitchcock. from the campus of Fordham 1:00 13—En Francois 7:11 SAT.—Kiddle Show: Abbott 4 Costello dramatic climax as the parents fred Hitchcock's entry is intrigu- Bed of Roses." An intriguing University are the songs from the 3—Leave It To Beaver Meet Captain Kldd 2:00; Master of find themselves deeply involved. 4—Women On The Move II—Local News—John Tlllman the World 3:10; South Pacific 4:U; 9:30 ing fare; Twilight Zone is a good show and a big improvement Phoenix Sisters, The New Christy 5-Cartoons—Ed Ladd 7:15 7:40; 10:20. 11-Weather—Gloria Okon The presentation was a finan- showcase for Gary Crosby, ac- over recent weeks. It's a mur- Minstrels, Will Holt's 'Lemon 7—Film—Delightfully Dangerous—1?4S SUN.—South Pacific 1:40; 4:25; 7:05; • STARTS SUNDAY • tor; and Burke's Lam's repeat —Jane Powell—90 Mln. 7:M ; B:50. cial sell out and the faculty ad- der tale about a young man who Tree," and Rolf Harris' "Tie Me 11—Film—Port of Hell—1955—Dane J—Gr«ot Adventure ASBURY PARK T'mSiiiiimmvimmBm 1 blends homicide and humor. las just married his wealthy Clark-*) Mln. 4—International Showtime ministration had contemplated Kangaroo Down" with his "wob- 1>-Fun at One 7—Great Divide LYRIC— running it for a fourth night but ELVI8PRE8LEY£! Also, TW-3 is on again tonight; »ss' daughter, nicely handled ble board" accompaniment." 1:15 »-Fllnv-The Good Falry-1935— Tom Jonei 7:25: 10:00. and so are Ladies of the Press; and well played by Patrick Margaret Sullavan—90 Mln. BAT. * SUN.—Tom Jones 3:15: 5:00;due to previous commitments 11—Honeymooners—Comedy 7:33; 10:O0. was unable to do so. The pro- 1RETI boxing and baseball. O'Neal and KatJiie Browne. : I—As The World Turns 13—Essential Nehru Interview 8:30-9 30 - 2 - The Defend- 4—Bachelor Father—Comedy MAYFAIR- ceeds from the play will go to- ers. "The Sixth Alarm." A few 5—Film—Colonel EfHnghom's Raid— 1:00 The Brass Bottle 3:00; 7:39: >:39. ward a senior trip to Washing- 7:30-8:30 — 7 — "The Great Di- 10-11 — 4 — Jack Paar Show. 1945—Charles Coburn—M Mln. J—Bronco SAT. & SUN.—The Brul Bottle 2:00; good performances, notably by 9—Film—A Novel Affair—1957— 1:10 4:00; 6:00: 1:00; 10:00. ton, D.C. June MI. vide: Civil Rights and the Bill." Beatrice Lillie, the most talented, E. G. Marshall, Rudy Bond, Her- Ralph Rlchardson-M Mln. I *-Route 64 ST. JAMES- At long last, * title-by-tiUe analy- irrepressible pixie In the world, 4—Bob Hope—Comedy Black Like Me 2:40: 7:10: 9:30. Those actively participating in schel Bernardi, and Mart Huls- 7—Burke's Law SAT. ft SUN.—Black Like Me 2:10: sis of the most controversial leg- ind star of the Broadway musi- wit, manage to hold your inter- 11—Parlons Francois II »:0» 4:00; «:00; 8:00: 10:00. the background were: Carl islation of our time, the Civil cal "High Spirits," makes Jack's 2:0* S—Roaring 20't—Drama Youngman, faculty director; est and attention In this overly 7—Password—Allen Ludden 9—Ladles of the Press COLLINGSWOOD CIRCLE Rights BUI, told with dramatic show a must tonight. Be sure to contrived and obvious tale of •-Let's Make A Deal f:l) SHORE DRIVE-IN- Karen Hensler and Nancy Rydd, simplicity and directness by itswait for her convulsing tales and 1:0) •—Baseball—Met* Cartoons 8:30; Black like He 9:00;student directors; Harvey Ep- arson, false accusation, and par- 13—Community Helpers t:» 1:00; Splendor In the Oraas 10:45. adherents and detractors, through songs like "Picking Up Bits of ental domination. I-Twllloht Zone—Drama •AT. 4 BUN.—Black Like Me 8:30;stein, faculty business manager; vivid films and memory-searing 'aper With My Toes." Earlier 11-News 4-That Wa» The Week That Was 12:48; Splendor In the draw 10:30. John McKenna (faculty), lighting 1:1) /-Price l» Right NEPTUNE CITY with students Robert Hudson and Interviews. For example, you're in, opera star Robert Merrill 8:30-9:00 - 4 - Joey Bishop. 4-News-FI«yd Kalbtr 10:M not likely to forget Mayor ises his tremendous vocal pow- 11—Newt , •-Alfred Hitchcock NEPTUNE CITY— William Campbell. "Mr. Television." (Repeat). Uncle 13—Issue and ttie Challenge 4—Jack Parr Wheeler Dealer* 8:25; Viva Lu Ve(U Thompson's (Jackson, Miss.) re- TS on "Stranger in Paradise" Miltie and Joey, with their com- S—Detectives—Police 7:00; 10:15. Also, Roy Ayala and Spencer action to Title I (voting rights), I—House Party—Ll'nkletter 7—Boxing SAT.—K.B.H. Man 2:00; Stop. Look * and "Hello, Dolly," and his sense bined expert, professional timing, 4—Doctors—Drama IJ-World at Ten Laugb 3:25; Wheeler Dealers 5:10; Hyman, stage maangers; George Title IV (education), and the use of fun on a Candid Camera bit of come up with one hilarious scene. 7—Day In Court—Drama 1l:M 8:40; Viva Las Vena 7:00; 10:20. Becfcman and Terry Hall, make- 11—Seven League Boots S-O. A't Man-Ppllce SUN.—Mall Order Bride 2:10; 5:20; of bi-racdal committees. Neither n siting Allen Funt's devising. Milton gives Joey a little fatherly 1:4) 13-Alaika: New Frontier 8:20; Advance to the Rear 3:40; <:M; up; and Miss Stella Nemshick, 13-Maglc of Words are you likely to forget the con- Color). advise before Joey takes his new 10:4) in charge of usherettes. r.s% >M ciliatory words of Memphis, son home from the hospital, and 7-Make that Spare ' BRADLEY BEACH Tenn.'s police commissioner, nor 10-10:45 — 7 — Boxing. Mid- S-News U-Post-Gome Show PALACE- — SHOWS SATURDAY — the tour it Includes of Berle's 7—News—Lisa Howard . 11:01 Play Is Presented Senators Kuchel and Stands and 1:0* FRI. 4 SAT.—The Best Man 3:60; "Irou Bottk" - 2-4:20-o-8-11 dleweight boxing champ Joey nursery is well worth the half I-To Tell The Truth—Panel I—News— Douglas Edwards their pro and con remarks. Most' Giardello, v*. Juan (Rocky) Ri- 4—Another World 4— News—Frank McGee SUN.—The Best Maa 1:90; 6:28; 7:20; By Drama Students "La V.9ut. •—Newt 1J—Reflections 9:30-10 — 2 — Phil Silvers. (Re- 11-Explore The World 11:11 ALGONQUIN- the high'school drama class re- signtficanoe of the conflict and peat). More life than usual as 13-Muslc Interlude 4—Weather—Tex Antolnt FM. 4 SAT.—Had 2:111; ):30; Lilies cently presented Stephen Vincent the importance of completed ac- 1:11 S-Fllm-Or. Erllck's Magic lullet- ot the Field 4:08; 7:00; 10:30. SATURDAY Harry Grafton goes to Las 1940-Edward G. Roblnson-m Hn. SUN.-UUen ot the Field 2:30| f:00;Benet's play, "The Devil and tion on the. bill. Producer Ste- Vegas, where he's mistaken for J:l) 7—Local News «:30: Hud 4:00; 7:30. Daniel .Webster," in the school phen Flebctanan, formerly of Mtld Saturday night entertain- I—News—Douglas Edwards 11-Weotner-Marllyn Gray ment is dominated by reruns, ex- that great entertainer Phil Sil- POINT PLEASANT auditorium. OBS Reports, gets off to an aus- t-Eda* Of Nloht-S«rlal 4-Local News ' '" ARNOLD- cept for an episode on The De- vers. The best fun comes from •-You Don't Soyl-Ktnntdy Directed by drama instructor, 10th 11(3 WEEK in picious start at ABC tonight. Grafton acting like a big shot, 5-Cartoon Playtime II—Steve Allen—Variety FRI. 4 SAT.—Dr. Strangelove 7:30; fenders, Jackie Gleason's dosing 7—Queen For A Day ll:2» 7:00; 9JOO. Mrs. Thomas Quinn, the play easing his pals in on a free deal. 7—High Road to Adventure J—Film—Adventures of Captain Fa- SUN.—Or. Itranielov* 3:45; 4:49concern; s the trial of a New Eng- 4 ACADEMY AWARDS ;how of the season, and Holly- beon-1951-Errol Flynn-1 Hr. U 6:49; 1:49. 7:55-10:45 - 11 — Baseball. U-Wllllam Tell land farmer wjth the famous ora- — INCLUDINftk* •;••'• New York Yankees vs. Los An- vood Palace starring Victor 11—Books For Our Time Mln. LAURELTON Jorge and Caterina Valente. 9:30-10:30 — 7 — Hollywood 4:00 7— Fllm-Dlplomatlc Courier—19H— tor and statesman Daniel Web- geles Angels, from Yankee Stad- Tyrone Power-1 Hr. SO Mln. DRIVE-IN— "BEST PICTURE" Among the1 reruns, episodes on Palace. Victor Borge is the 2—Secret Storm—Serial FRI. SAT. 4 SUN South Pacific ster, defending his client against ium. 4—Match Game—Gene Raybum 8:30; 1:20; FBI Code Ninety-eight The Lieutenant, Hoptenanny, show's guest host, and his duet 5—Astroboy 4-Johnny Carson—Variety 11:30. Che claims of the devil before a • .? i with guest star Caterina Valente, 7—Trallmatter 11:M jury of national traitors called 8:30-9:30 — 7 — Burke's Law. Joey Bishop and Phil Silvers are •—Funny Company 9—News & Weather >retty good; Recital Hall fea- and Miss Valente's songs and It-Hercules 11:)) from Hell to sit in judgment. "Who Killed Julian Buck?" (Re- 4:11 OF RED BANK tures celloist Leonard Rose, anddances are the highlights of the 4—News—Sander Vanocur J— News Members of the cast included peat). A perfect blend of homi- hour. Other spots include ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS cide and humor. This week's vic- sports fill the airwaves afternoon J—Love That Bobl-Comedy 4-N.w. Ernest Fox as Jabez Stone, the J0M and evening, too. • "Dance Russe" by the Tahon 4—Moke Room For Daddy 1:05 ATLANTIC— farmer who sold bis sou-1 to the tim Is a celebrated but unscrupu- Puppets, the comedy team of S-Hall ol Fun S-Fllm—Good 5onv-194S-Gary Dr. Strangelove 7:00;- 9:00. 1-Chuck McCann Cooper—90 Mln. SAT.—Kiddle Show: 2:00; Or. Stuce- devil; Thomas Parrrsh as Daniel lous author. Standout perform- 13—Bridge With Jean Cox JONES 1:554:45 - U Baseball. GayJord and Holiday, ventrilo- love 7:00; 9:00. Webster; Robert AJtelaitis as ances among the guest suspects quist Clifford Guest, Les Ton- 4-Fllm-Llttle Nellie Kelly—1940— 8UN.—Kiddle Show: 8:00; World ol ; include Ed Begley as an eflfemhv New York Yankees vs. Los An- »-Fllm—Singapore—1947—Fred Anne- Judy Garland-1 Hr. 55 Mln. Henry Orient S:00; 7:00; 9:00. "Scratch" (satan); Jay Ingram Alim ffltNEt •SUSANNAH TOtt ;eles Angels, from Yankee Stadi- nelly's tumbling act, and Dennis Murray—90 Mln. HAZLET as Mary Stone, and David Phil- '•afe publisher, Rita Moreno as an Day and his impressions. 4—Film—A Southern Yankee—1941- 2-N.ws 1:" Mcoholic with psychopathic ten- Red Skelton—90 Mln. 7—Les Crane LOEW'S DRIVE-IN— lips as Judge Hawthorne. 7—FllmThe Young and the Guilty— FW. 4 BAT.—Cartoon 8:30; Gladia- dencies, Terry-Thomas as a witty 1»55—Phvllt Calvert-^90 Mln. 1:10 tors Seven 8:37; Viva Las Vegas Other members of the cast in- 4:30-5 — 5 — Horseracing. The 10:30-11 — 11 - Harness Rac- 9— Film—Return to Treasure Island— 2-Fllm-Unfalthfully Yours-1941- 10:00; The Bat 11:45. and thirsty bartender, and" Karl ing, from Yonkers Raceway. 1954—Tab Hunter—M Mln. Rex Harrison—2 Hn. SUN.—Cartoon-O-Rama 8:30; Viva cluded Vicki Heck, Beverly Boehtn as a serious lame profes- "op Flight Handicap, $50,000 IJ-Once Upon A Oay—children 3:05 Las Vegas 8:51; 12:00: Gladiators Brooks, Patricia! Del Bueno, Les- idded for fillies and mares 3- 4—Sermonette Seven 10:16. sor with vengeance-on. his mind. SUNDAY S-Sandy't Hour—Children 1:10 PLAZA— lie Fink, Rita Guinaraes, Russell years-oid and uo. in a 1VJ mile 11—Superman—Adventure 2-Fllm-Mlldred Pierce—1945-Jack Viva U» Veias 7:00; 10:15; Wheeler Howard,, Jluth Johnson, Beverly Marias* 2:30 - Ivmlrai 7 & 9:30 13-What't New—Children (fM:25 - 9 - Ladies of the race from Aqueduct. 11 a.m.— 2 — Camera Three. Carson—J Hrs. 10 Mln. Dealers 8:29. Mann, linda Martin, Jane Maut- "The Photographer's Eye." New BAT.—Hypnotic Eje 3:00; Cosmic Press. Sargent Shriver, Direc- Man 3:26; Viva Lu VefU 7:00; ner, and Wayne Moody. TONY RANDALL. tor of the Peace Corps and head 54:30 _ 7 — ABCs Wide York City's Museum of Modern 10:20; Wheeler Dealera «ft>; »:30. World of Sports. In addition to Art opens its remodeled and en- Sim.—Advance to the R«ir 3:00; The student director was Vicki of President Johnson's "War on S:0S; 8:15; Mali Order Bride 9:40: HoUands. BORLIVES. Poverty,'' Is. interyiswetf:\ by the 1964 run of the famed Grand larged galleries to the public TVKeyMailbag «aoi »:00. 1 . ••.•••-. Laura Bergquist, Joyce Egginton, Prix of Monaco, and a repeat next Wednesday, and Camera EAST BRUNSWICK showing of the world's champion- Three focuses its eye on' Its , There's no Trick to Having Ex- and Georgiana O'Kane. w By STEVEN H. SCHEUER Welk" going-tor years and "years' _rts» Bottle 7:30; U:00tr; a Cash. You Get it Fast When ship lumberjac' " k" competitio""'•'"'" n photography exhibit and the "thin Question — I'm a, 65jyear-old Battle Hymn »:tt. 'rom Hayward, Wisconsin, the and they drop one of the best SAT. * BUN.—Brus Bottle 3:00; 7:30; You Use The Register Classified. »:25-12:30 - 9 - Baseball. New slioe of time" each picture rep- woman and I have been,a fan of series that they ever had on their 11:00; Battle Hymn 3:43; 9:19. feature of the show is a talk by resents. OUTDOOR—FBI. SAT. * SUN. - -Advertisement. York Mets vs. Houston Colt .45s, Eddie Cantor's for more years network, namely "Channing." Brass Bottle 8:30; 12:00; Battle from Houston. , former president of than I can remember. I used id !••• the St. L* il'Of 11—Foreign Legionnaire 0* Thl I-Sky Klna-Advinturo 1-Once Upon A Oav-Chlldren " Alphabet 1—LOMI* ' " io:M Mummer Semeste? *-Bullwlnk". 1)1 Dona 5—Beachcomber 4-NBC Sports Special 7:10 J—Parlon* Francois S-Sondy's Hour I—Mask, Myth and Dream 10:M 11-Horse Race-Gorden State 7—Christopher Program 7*M 7:41 4-Ne *—Edwm W-Clreus 1—Pott-Game Show—lorber 1 Places In The New* 11:10 '—Christopher Program 7:M J-Sclence Unlimited SATURDAY EVENIN* 7:50 10:10 *-Mr. Wizard reviews I-My Favorite Martian 1—1 Lev* Lucy—Comedy 5-Fllm-The Scar-194»-Paul Htnreld 4*01 7:55 -Walt Disney's World -Word For Word 90 Mln. 4-Recltal Hall Ive Us This Day 7—Empire 7—**rke Is RlgM 1—Wyatt Eorp " France *-Wvo To Reod^Educotion 7—American Bandstand 11-Rocfcy and hi* Friends 19—The City 7—Prelect Know-Education 11—Congressional Report 13—The Comers J—All Join Hand!—Children 11:45 1:0* IJ-Time New for Music I'Ot 5—Film—Feature J—Ed Sullivan r—This Is The Answer J-Coptoln Kangaroo Wta- 4-News ommunlty Dialogue 1—McCoys—Comedy 4—Crusader Rabbit 4—Education Report CM 1—2s Men —Concentration—(... xown* 7—Dovey end Goliath 9—Treasure S-Astroboy 4-Llbrary Lions-Education 7—Lawbreaktr II—Christopher Program .merican Nation 7—Get The Message U-Contlnenta! Miniatures 9—Cheyenne •:M 9—Painter* Art—Discussion ^-Community Dialogue 1:1* Jrlndl 7—Cartoon*-Children 11-Clay Cole II—Cartoon Carnival J-Long view W-Proflle: New Jersey •-News and Weather -Opinion In The Capital 11:« 0:40 4-Lers Talk Business 1:25 7-Arrest and TrW J-Moglc Word* f-News and Weather 7—Fumy Mama 4-Local New* •—Christopher Program rand Jury 0:41 •-Film—Danger It My Business f:M 5—Metropolitan Memo •—Cartoon* . 11-Junlor All-Stare 4-Weather *—Around The Corner 2—Celebrity Game IJ—Experience* In English 1:4* —Light Time 4—Bonama 1—Alvln—Cortooni ' ll-Sport> *-Seo Hunt "* 7—Faith For Today S—South Vietnam S—.New* 1:51 4—Bachelor Father—Comedy •—Bible Answers Jan Scene, U.S.A. 11—Baseball—Yankees 5-Top Cat-Cartoon 11—Evangel Hour—Religion 1—Frontiers of Knowledge f-Pete ond Glodyi—Comedy fiBK§&s.i»- 1:** 7-Death Valley Days J-Art of Film -Jeopardy 1—Sum and Substance tt-Whars In a Word? 4—Bible Story Came »:U 5—Romper Room—Children Anne Jeffrey*-90 Mln. 4—Desllu Playhouse 7:11 I-Boseball-Mets 7—Missing Links 5-Fllm—Helliapoppln—1941—Olson ond •-BaseMII-Mett 4-Let's Talk About God •:N e-GIrl Talk t—Brenner 11:40 1—Ttnnesse Tuxedo Johnson-M Mln. S—Wonderamo—Sonny Fox 7—Gale Storm *-Joe*le Gleason' 7—For Thou Art With Me •—Best of the Post 13—Places In The News •-Film-Here Wi GO Aoaln-19tt- 4-Lleuttnant 9—Film—Feature 11—Open End—David Sussklnd 11:45 II—Living Word-ReHglon Flbber McGee and Molly—« Mln. 11—Festival of the Arts II—Bozo The Clown Dorothy Malone 10:01 1ft*M 7—Hootenonny 1-Wllllam Tell »-«ul<* Drow McGrm l-Muslcal Theatre' 11-The Mark of the Vomplre-1K7— 1—Candid Camera—Klrby .•-Hector Hnlticoto 7-Mon without a Gun John Beal-90 Mln. 4—River Nile 11-Thl* l< The Lift 1:00 Nehru *-Way To Go—Religion S—Under Discussion 9% of Class »-Reptrtolre Workshop l! 7—Brennui, Enemy of Rome—1M4— S—Mighty Mou**"'" JWJehmderi . * 4—Jewish Heritage Gordon Mltchell-1 Hr., 50 Mln. 4—Film—Pepote—1957—90 Mln. •-Joey Bishop-Comedy 7—Sunday Funnies •-Fireball XL-J-Chlldren 7— Rescue I—Drama -World Theatre—Drama 7—iAHakamm-ChlMren 5—Lawman—Western •—Talk Back IO:JS to College II—Rocky and his Friends •-Wanders of th« World *—Film—Fortunes of Captain Blood— 7—Lawrence Welle 1-Whofs My Line U-BU Plcturt M-Foobteps to the Past 10:00 11:00 1 1950-Louls Hayward-90 Mln. RED BANK — Red Bank High 11:M 9:M 2-Lomp Unto My Feet *-Newj— Harry Reasoner S-HIm—Anoels' Allty—1W»-Le* •-^nm-JUntanwd-lMS-Tyront Powtr 4-A Moment With »-IUn Tin TIn-Westem Gorcey—1 Hr. 4-rNewt School announced this week that •-Oennls The Mtnaco 7—our Schools Hove Kept Us Free 11:11 7—Film—Brimstone—1949—Rod Cameron »-Deputy 9—Sen. Case Reports 4-Weather-Frank Field per cent of the class of 1964 90 Mln. POOR MAN'S PHILOSOPHER SSnSSj^ lt-Sfevt Allen 11-Let's Have Fun-Chlldm 11:11 II—En Franc* »-Fllm-The Good Fairy—1935— •:M will be continuing their education Margartt Sultavan-90 Mln. 10:15 I—News-Joe Loughlln ill Silvers 7—Senate News Conference 4-The Saint after graduation. 10:10 11:11 4-Fllm-Chorlle Chan In Rio—1941— 7-Holh 1-Fllm-Customs Aoenl-1950-Wllllom I—Ycncy Derringer Sidney Toler—1 Hr. 13-ailldren Adrift Pity the Poor 2-Look Up and Live WilHs M. Sisson, director of *—.Agriculture U.S.A. Eythe—IS Mln. 7-Beony ond Codl 5—Horse Rao—Aqueduct ft:M 11:N I—Gunsmoke—Western 7—Youth Wants to Know guidance, announced that 159 stu- 9—Kingdom of the Sea S—Congressional Report 5-Wrnt!lna II—Encounter—Religion 11-Court Of Reason 11:00 ents have been accepted at 140 ift'M Movie Star ll:M S—Camera Three 5—Senate Report 7-Car S4, Where Are You 4—Searchlight institutions. •—Fireside Theater 7—Ivanhoe 11:40 It-Harness Raceway S—Film—The Dark Mirror—1944— By HAL BOYLE 9-Polnt ot View Olivia de Havllland-1 Hr., 40 Mln. llM BOYLE 11:30 J—Legislative Hearing 11:45 SCENIC DRIVE ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS 4—Direct Line IJ—Reflections »-Hlm-Pecoaora-lf»-90 Mln. NEW YORK (AP) — If day- had to do was get up and walk 7—Sir Lancelot II.'H 11-NFL Came of fht Week •-Fllm-The Good Falry-1935 1»-Reflecflora dreams came true overnight, 7-Newt across the set, on cue. Margaret Sullavan-ro Mln. 11:01 11:11 half the people In America COMPLETE SEAFOOD DINNERS $2.00 Dumb Bulldog SUNDAY AFTERNOON 7—Film—The Chinese Cat—1944—Sidney would probably wake up tomor- Toler-M Mln. 7-FHm-Gentlenttri Prefer Blonde*— But the bulldog was dumb. 1—Word ot Life 19S3-Marllyn Monroe—Itt Hn. row as movie stars. 11:00 • COCKTAILS • LUNCHEONS Over and over and over, Cary -Newsmakers- -Interview 11:15 For some reason they feel the 4—Career—Education 4-Fllm—The Cat-1951-1 Hrs. 1-mim-That Wonderful Uroe-194*- and Miss Barrymore patiently 7—New York, New York Tyrone Power-1 Hr., as Mm. life of a movie itar is romantic 11:10 • 3 BANQUET ROOMS • 4 BARS went through their lines. Each 11:2S •—Understanding Our World *—Weather and glamorous. »-Newi 12:50 DANCING EVERY SATURDAY NITI time the bulldog messed up the I—N«ws To me it teems Just too op- act. When I left, they had shot J-Foce the Nation' 12:51 4-minv-East Side, 'west Side—194*— posite. I think it would be a big 4-Dialogue 2-Pllm-Tln Pan Alley-IMO-Berfy Bortarp itanwycK-3 Hrt., S Mln. the scene 10 times, and the dog 11:41 Crable-l Hr., SO Mln. fat bore. I'd rather be a banker, II—Code Three 1:00 II-Fllrn-Mohawk-KSt-Scott Brady still hadn't got his part right. I'M —^0 Mln. an undertaker or a successful •-New* and Weather Why they didn't just shoot him J-Fllm—The Killing—1936—Sterling Hay- 2:15 WAGON WHEEL 11:00 burglar. I don't know. den—«5 Mln. 4—Sermonette 5—Senate Report In the popular mind, a movie S-Fllm-Destlnatlon Tokyo-l»4J-Cary 2:45 J-Fllm—Stairway to Heaven—1946— How would you like to .be a Grant—2 Hrs. 2—Film—Romance In the Dark— PLAYHOUSE David Nlven-2 Hrs., 5 Mln. star dwells in an atmosphere of Edmond O'Brien—2 Hrs. million dollar-a-year movie star 1933-Gladys Sworthout-40 Mln. wine and roses and goes through 7—Discovery 64—Children 4:15 CHESTNUT ST., MIDDLETOWN •-New* and Weather and still be at the mercy of a 7-Fllm—The Bacehlor and the Bobby 2—Film—McFaddln's Flats—1935— (off highwey 35) 11:35 the world on a wave of general Soxer—1947—Cary Grant—W Mln. Walter C. Kelly—75 Mln. I-News befuddled bulldog? adulation amid the music of 1:10 1:00 Wherever he goes, the movit 11—Sports MONDAT MOBNINO 741-6073 J-CoslloM-Charles Boyer-74 Hr*. applause. 1:21 <:00 star is- recognized, pointec 11—Baseball—Yankees 1:15 Actually, no matter how as-at, buttonholed and whisperei I—Previews OPEN AUDITIONS 4-Fllm-Molly and M*—194J-Gracle siduously studio underlings cur- 1-30 7— Nevn Flelds-M Mln. about. People regard him a: 4—Catholic Hour «:1I rycomb his vanity, a movie 7—Issues and the Answer! 2-Glve Us this Day Snday. MowJoy, TMtday—May 24, 21, 2* public property. He can't eve: 1:00 S-Monhimt *"' star is less of a god than he is 4—Sermonette 1:00 P. M. AT THI PUYHOUSI go into a store and buy a pair 4—Open Mind <:20 for human panic button. 7-Dlrectlons '44—Rellfllc-n 4—Sermonette of shoelaces without a fanfare 1:11 2—Give Us This Day "A VHY «OOD UND"—Hlttarieal DIWM of MMdUm Am Being a star isn't a freedom. 1-News e:M TREAT YOURSELF TO l-Fllm-Love Me Tonloht-lWJ- of trumpets. I'M 2—Summer Semester THI INCHANTID"—CeiMdv by J*« ftlrodon Maurln Chevalier—1 Hr., 40 MIA. It's a kind of Imprisonment. 4—Evolution of Communism Most movie stars say this J-Fllm-Love Ltlters-1945- Jennifer 7—Protect Know—Education Cowardice of Success Jones—7Yi Hrs. J-Fllm-Vallant Is'The Word for THE COMFORT SHAVE lack of the ordinary anonymltj 7—Page One I-News and Weather The moment an actor be- that shelters most of us is the 9-Flght on 9Jnd Street 4-Todoy comes a star his ordeal be- 1:00 7—Early Bird Cartoons AT POPULAR PRICEI biggest curse of their careers. 4-Montage IV gins. His success brings him Yet if a movie star does gc 5-Fllm-Three Godfothers-1°4t 5—Call To Prayer—Religion no self-confidence. It operates John Wayne—2 Hrs. Top Weekend TV into a store and buys a pair ol 7_Flim—Bam to the Saddle—WM- S—Columbia Seminars r having a the other way. Success tends to shoelaces, and no one recog- Chuck Courtney—10 Mln.' (Continued) make him a coward. He J:I0 2—Captain Kangaroo ore/c nizes him, he dies a thousand 5-Sandy Becker — Children fore/co 4—TV Hour af Stars 7—Courageous Cat—Cartoons irt inTnnl tacutar. Sportscaster Chris thought clawing his way to thedeaths. Is he slipping? 9-Klngdom of the Sea A tap, was hard. But he finds Glamor, romance, excite 1—Billy Bang Bang—Cartoon 'FLIP-TOP' BANQUET? Scbenkel bandies the commen- 9-Edltorlal Page 9:25 tary for the finals in which top women bowlers and days. COMEDY-MYSTERY SUNDAY i—Sports Spectacular 2—My Little Margie-Comedy offwhlskanlNooUierihavlngnwthod S-Follow The Sun 4-Blrthdoy House-Children gjygiTho Comfort Shavol from 36 states and Canada par- Admittedly the take-home pay NEW MONMOUTH — 7—Trollmoster 5—Sandy Becker—Children 11:30 a.m. 7—Film—The Lbdy Says Na-1952— ticipated in a four-day series of of a movie starts some com- Joan Caufleld-ttkMln. •Flip-Top' I* newest modet of world'» comedy-mystery, "A Hauntlnj S:lSl l COBBLESTONES elimination matches. pensation for the emotional We Will Go," starring Laurel and 13-Proflle: New Jersey- largOit-«ollingih«ver.Vrtth»otf-»t»rr> W-Amerlca: Artist's Eye •:1I •nlne rotary UadM of »urgleal (teel RNM 31, MMdhftwa bruises he suffers, but his ca Hardy, will be the feature film 5:M •—Form Report reer woes are many. 2-Amateur Hour . .. easy 'FWp-Top' cleaning. 6:00 — 2 — Twentieth Century. at St. Mary's School Auditorium 4-G. E. College Bowl e-News and Weather IIIIIIHI''- My disillusionment with the Sunday at 2:30 p.m. Other movies 13-ChamplonshTp Debate Try tho othor momDort of th* Cflmlort <» "Beachhead at Anzio." (Re- >:M 7 peat). Few war documentaries life of movie idols came with will be offered the same day SUNDAY EVENINO 2-People't Choice Shevo family; th* 'Floating-Hold my first visit to Hollywood. I S—Topper — Comedy spooddwvor and ttwMonico Confloss have shown the futility and de- Proceeds will be donated to th< »:00 7—Fllm-A Novel Affair—1957— Spotdittavor. gradation of war as well as this went to a set where Cary Grant Athletic Association and thi J—Twentieth Century Ralph Rlchardjon-90 Mln. Ethel Barrymore and a bulldog 4-Meet The Press 11—Jack La Lanne mr. businessman: report on the gallant Allied Mater Dei Booster Club. S-Fllm—Dangerously They Live—1941 M—Time for Science Norta Amirten ntltpt Cflmpwy, (no. were making a film. John Garfleld-2 Hrs. •:J0 Tired of the sameness of luttdwoft m»nui ? soldiers who endued miserable 7—Film—I Was A Male War Bride— IJ—Art et Language 100 East 42nd Street llMng conditions, while hanging It was a long and wordy scene ATTEND CONVENTION 1949-Cary Grant-90 Mln. f:5l • New York, New York 10017 The huitle, bu»ti* and heat of small eaieriM ? I on to a precarious Beachhead at during which all the bulldog 13-Sclence In Action 4-Newi—Bob Wilson Then H'I time you tretated yourself to lunch KEANSBURG - Mrs. Mai Anzio. A welcome note of com- Strauch and Mrs. Annette Morri at the Lincroft Inn . . . Relax in the coo) |edy relief comes from the nowlogue which takes you on a jour- son, both of Keansburg, attendee comfort of our newly expanded, tap room immortal cartoons of BUI Maul- ney down the Nile from its source the New Jersey Civil Service As and have a real meal for a change ... and din, who's on hand to comment to its delta. The photography is sociation convention last weekenc about the muddy disaster that a home-sized cocktail' if you wish. You'll find excellent and affords a many- in Atlantic City with Mrs. Anns was Anzio. Also, there's a nos- faceted view of scenic Africa a wonderful selection of seafood served i* talgic glimpse of Irving Berlin Rasch, Marlboro, and Mrs. Kath the manner for which we are famous. Don't look for anything profound, orine Harris, Freehold. croaking one of his tunes to a but you'll enjoy the scenery, the grateful G.I. audience. OWN 7 DAYS A WEEK fascinating animal life, and the There's no Trick to Having Ex- wondrous historical monuments, tra Cash. You Get it Fast When 6:00 — 4 — Meet the Press. particularly the ones in Egypt. You Use The Register Classified Two leading Democratic Sena- (Cojor). —Advertisement LINCROFT INN torial candidates in (he forth- coming California primary elec- NEWMAN SPRINGS ROAD tion, Pierre SaHnger, and State TOYS • GREETING CARDS • GIFTS Comptroller Alan Cranston, will •'' • 74I-TO5 be interviewed separately by a PARTY GOODS • FLAGS • HOME SAFES panel of newsmen Including War- ren Rogers of the Hearst News- STATIONERY and OFFICE SUPPLIES papers, Tom PettH of NBC News, Richard Wilson of Cowies Pub- ART and DRAFTING MATERIALS lications, and Lawrence E. Spi- SLACK SET vak, live from Bwrbank, Califor- nia. (Cofor). Established 1884 Relax and dine informally 7:00 _ 4 — BUI Dana. "Mas- 741-0001 querade Ball." (Repeat)'. Silly, 17 tread St. RED BANK in our Monmouth Room. but very funny. Jose becomes a mate Cinderella by going to a You'll be glad you did! costume ball and getting his out- fit from a customer called "Far- ley Gotmutter." There's a wild ending because Jose goes as a senorita and resists the amorous advances of his boss. DREAM BAR 7:30 _ 4 — Walt Disney. "The Littlest Outlaw." Part I. ( Re- Open Friday, Saturday and Sunday 542-0800 peat). The opening segment of prtsanh this 1958 opus, offers a fascinat- HWY. 35, EATONTOWN ing, 'quick history of the horse. MUSIC BY ... The balance of the show is de- Opposite Fort Monmouth voted to early portions of a Dis- WE SALUTE YOU I ney feature film "The Littlest FABULOUS Outlaw," the story of a small McDonald's service men take pride boy and the horse he steals. "HILADS" (Color). in serving you. They want to please •Y POPULAR DIMAND you—they want you to come back FLO GLENN 8:00-2 — Ed Sullivan. If you EXTRA ADDED again and again. They're speedy ... haven't 'as yet had an opportun- they're skillful... they're courteous. ity to see MicheJangelo's "Pieta" ATTRACTION NOW AT THE during Its exhibition at the Juit completed a iww motion All of this is part of McDonald's extra World's Fair, Ed will show it to picture with Shirley MacLaiiw. care in serving you the best food in all vou in a filmed segment tonight. Other spots of interest Include INTERNATIONAL the land. Come in any time—bring CLUB EBB TIDE Shlrlev Verrett's "Ave Maria" in the family, too—for an adventure in the Bach-Gounod' arrangement; food 'n fun! French sinRinR star Jean Paul EXOTIC Vij»non and his renditions of RUMSON-SEA BRIGHT BRIDGE "Gigi" and "French Twist"; a DANCING STAR taped segment of the Llpizzancr Stallions of Vienna; Lira Minnel- TWO SHOWS SATURDAY - look tot the golden arches li's songs and dances, Duke F.l- McDonald's NIGHT ONLY NAI BONET FIVE DAYS A WEEK lington and his orchestra, and n WEDNESDAY thru SUNDAY song from The Beatles on tape. Empress Hotel 10:00- 4 - "The River Nile." 32 LAUREL AVE. 787 • 7853 KEANSBURG (Repeat). An Interesting trave- HWY. 35 (Just North of Five Corners) MIDDLETOWN Teanfts Kennel Cluh's 1CBA Wins 8th Match; Show is Slated For Tomorrow yBuccos Defeat Shore OCEANPORT — The Annual All-Breed Dog Show of the Mon- , Undefeated Christi«n Brothers on the Central Jersey League By Hy Cunningham mouth County Kennel Club will •Academy continued its two-year schedule. In a non-league match, be held tomorrow at the Wolf 20- FRiIDAY, M!AY 22,, 1964 ;win streak in the Central Regional ted Bank High defeated Shore Hill Farm for the benefit of the •Tennis , League yesterday by Regional, 3-2, in a match played COMING TO A CLOSE — High School sports in Riverview and Fitkin Hospital ; dipping Rumson-Fte Haven Re- it Marine Park courts, Red Bank. the area had, without a doubt, the busiest spring sched- and Monmouth Medical Center. •gional. 5-0, at Bodman fatrk CBA (8-0) and fourth place The show will start at 10 a.m. : courts, Middletown. \sbury Park (7-3) and Prince- ule ever to hit the pike. We've been around the school with 917 dogs vying for top honor : The match was the tone affair Caseys Edge C.B.A., 3-2; on (8-1) and Red Bank (7-1) sports scene a few years and this one topped them all in their respective breeds. In ill open the playoffs Monday in activity. conjunction with the show, there in semi-final matches. The sites will be an exhibition of retriev- }f those matches will be decided We do not believe there are many sports fans ers which will be hunting up- j Shore jy a coin flip by the coaches who really stop for a moment and realize the land game. John Gardella will Losers: Five Double Plays :oday. sports high schools provide in the area. Mothers, show his champion golden re- fielder's choice,' with Fitzgerald .; Conference YESTERDAY'S RESULTS triever in this exhibition. There RED BANK - Jerry Bucka- alew followed with his single that waiting the dinner table, no doubt realize it even out at third and Hochreiter scor- CBA 5, Rumson • also will be demonstrations by lew's two-out single in the second drove in Lambertson with what Red Bank 3, Shore 2 more than the coaches. Baseball, track, golf, Labrador retrievers and Brittany nning drove in the winning run turned out to be the winning ing. Jerry Horn ended the in- : Standings tennis, plus junior varsity games in most spring and Springer Spaniels. This e* ning by hitting into a double STANDINGS as Red Bank Catholic edged tally. : A DIVISION hibition will be under the direc- play. W Pet sports, had the athletes busier than a politician Christian Brothers Academy, 3-2, The Caseys gathered their other tion of Alfred F. King, and will Donohoe Homer* I STANDINGS , _ 8 1.000 during the campaign for election. When they yesterday. two runs it the first. Buckalew • W L Pet. start at 1:30 p.m. led off with a walk and ad- Princeton . 8 .889 were not competing with opponents, it was prac- Dave Chieco led off the win- Rick Donohoe accounted for Neptune (IMS) :__I0 3 .789 Red Bank 7 .875 There will be two specialty ning surge with a walk. He stole vanced to second when Joe Ho- both CBA runs when he' hit a .Toms River (12-5) 8 4 .667 Vsbury Park 7 .700 tice in the sport the athlete was competing in. clubs, the Borzoi and the Eastern second and remained there when chreiter reached first on a throw- two-run home run to deep right Manasquan (7-7) ,..6 « .500 Freehold • .(00 The main cause of slowdown in activity the first German Short-Haired Pointer Jim Lambertson also walked. ing error by the pitcher. Dave in the sixth inning with Bill Lauf- .Red Bank (8-7) 6 I .500 Lakewood I .429 Club, which will be conducting Gary Carmody hit into a double Fitzgerald followed with a single er, who reached base on a throw- 'Lakewood («-7) 6 7 Ml play which got Chieco at third .unison .333 few weeks of the schedules were rainy days that post- their own show for breed of dogs that-scored Buckalew. Jose Del- ing error by lambertson at third, ; Middletown (6-9) 6 7 .462 .250 poned meets, games and both golf and tennis matches. in conjunction with the over-all and the batter at first, with gado walked to load the bases. aboard. 'Brick Twp. (8-9) S 8 .385 Ong Branch 2 7 .222 show. Lambertson taking sesond. Buck- Jim Thompson then hit into a CBA turned in five double plays : Freehold (54) 5 8 J85 aiddletown When that happened, athletic directors were pulling . B. CathoHc 1 8 .111 The Best-in-Show will be which cut off many Red Bank Long Branch (8-10) 4 7 .364 Veptune 0 7 .000 hair (that is, those that have topping) for days. It was by Henry Stoecker at a] Catholic scoring threats. B DIVISION OBA (S) — Bumion (0) inly this week that schedules started tapering off from ately 5 p.m., while John Ring- • W L Pet. wan Pop Warner Played One Carmody hurled the entire wald and Richard D'Ambrisi will game for the winners to pick up Shore (154) 10 1 .809 Jerry Brown (CBA) def. Ron MtD- an every-day basis for all sports involved. However, onald, 0 2, 6-0. judge the obedience trials. his fourth win against no losses. Keyport (124) 9 2 .818 Bob Barrett (CBA) def. John Xmery, there are still tight schedules and some schools have Matawan (104) ._... 7 5 .58} •5, 6-«. Of 27 Selected an All-American He struck out 10 batters and only Ron Metalna (CBA) def. Dick Rloh, already booked into June days in order to get them off walked one. Jim Miller was the Rumsouon (618(6-10) .6 8 .429 1, 6-1. ~ Henry Hudson (4-11) _J 8 .273 DOOMM the books. Some games will be eliminated completely. Casey Girls HAZLET — The National Pop age to Philadelphia and the New losing pitcher. He worked the Hank Bleminikl and Mlk« Barrett Raritan (3-10) 3 8 .273 :BA> def. Macdonald and Emery, " Going into June is odd for most high schools. Gen Warner Conference has an- York World's Fair the last week first 3 1-3 innings and gave up SOUTH •1, 6-2. nounced, from its headquarters in June. The boys will spend all of the Caseys' runs. He was Dive Brown and Bob GodlMld (CBA) erally, they conclude their schedules the last week of W L Pet. Iff. Rlchl* Pott and K«n Aumack, 6-2, Win Sixth in Philadelphia, the selection of two days touring the historic relieved by Terry Burke, who ; Monraouth (10-2) 9 .818 i-2. May in order for athletes to concentrate on final ex- 14-year-old Glenn Waltsak, 2 shrines of old Philadelphia and pitched one-hit ball the rest of .•Southern (74) 7 .ess Bel Baak (3) — ams. Eventually, with weather playing havoc with Meet in Row Princeton PI., who played with five days visiting the education- the •way. S Central (8-10) 5 Unfit* the 1963 Matawan "Falcons" of al and entertaining exhibits at .417 early April scheduling, schools are going to be forced Red Bank Catholic will play :W«J1 Tirp. (MB) 2 mm Ttotjen (S) d«t. Bob Dtmimt, RANCOCAS VALLEY - The the Jersey, Shore Pop Warner the World's Fair. .182 •J 9-7. St. Peter's of New Brunswick on : Pt Pleasant Bch. (Ml) 2 Kip Mwrlll (RB) del Andf Hon. ML into a June sports scheduling. This is when school ad- Red Bank Catholic High School League to the 1964 National Pop While in Philadelphia and New .182 jiris' track team boosted Its un- the Sayreville High School dia- : OTHERS Bill Kroll (RB) def. P«i Sum 1-1, ministrators howl louder than a first aid horn. Warner All-America Team of York, the boys will live in the blemished record to M by edging mond today in the NJSIAA base- I YESTERDAY'S RESULTS Double* Little Scholars. homes of other Pop Warner boys ball tournament. : Red Bank Catholic J, CBA 2 TeUen MXA Btraei (6) der. Jon SHORT SNORTS — Four area students re- previously undefeated Rancocas under the unique "buddy system" [ulow uid R»y Biuu, M, S-3. Valley, 43-38, yesterday. Pop Warner educational direc- CBA (I) R. B. Cattidllo (3) '•' Asbury Park 12, Long Branch 6 Doug Raynor tad Jon Frederleluon ceived awards last week at Wagner College Athlet- tor Charles F. Troxell said the pioneered by the Pop Warner ab r h , ab r h RB) def. Bill Barnes and Tony Ooicn- Rancocas Valley had won four Laufer.cf 3 10 Buckalew.lf 111 1 1 I: RECORDS mo, 6-2, 6-O. ic Awards dinner in Staten Island, N. Y. Honored youngster was one of 27 boys organization. Official escorts for Lew'dowlki," 3 0 0 Hochrelter,2b 3 10 •• Red Bank Catholic (1M) straight meets before its defea the boys throughout the pilgrim- Donohoe.lb 3 1 1 Fltzgerald.cf 3 0 1 were Miss Linday Schreihofer, daughter of Mr. from all across the nation select T. Burke.3b-p 3 0 0 EXIgado.c 2 0 1 :: CBA (84) 'esterday. in this 13th annual scholastic and age will be members of the United Ennll.2b-3b 2 0 1 ThompK>n,M 100 ; Asbury Park (M) States Marine Corps, J. Burke.If 3 0 0 Horn,rt 300 and Mrs. Leslie W. Schreihofer, 17 Majestic Ave., Red Bank Catholic held a two- athletic competition. Carldeo,rf-2b 3 0 0 Ch!eco,lb vO0 v 0» ; Croydon Hall (2-5) Miller,p 1 O 0 I/mbert*on,U> 110 Lincroft, a cheerleading key. point lead, 37-35, going into the The competition is based on Anyone interested in coaching Delaney.rf 2 0 0 Carmody.p 100 : Mater Del (2-8) Bishops Kcnney.as a 0 0 final event, the 440-yard relay, Pop Warner football this season, f St. Rose (14) Ed Blomquist, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Blom the boys' school grades, extra before clinching the victory with curricular and community activi and residing in Matawan, may 2632 16 3 3 quist of 5 Millbrobk Dr., Middletown, a freshman base first and third place. CBA - -.0 0 0 OM 0-2 ties, and athletic endeavors contact George Bischoff, coach K. B. Catholic 3 10 0 0 0 X—3 ball letter. Four Casey records fell, two throughout the past school year, of the Falcons, 45 New Bruns- HR—Rich Donohoe. Hits oil: Miller 2 In 3V4. T. Burke 1 Rip L.B. to Carolyn Hogan, who ran the and is annually open to the more wick Ave., Matawan, or attend In 3%. Carmody 2 In 7. Struck out: Sports Fred Williamson, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Miller 1, T. Burka 1, Carmody 10. BUCB 5CMyard dash in 6.3 seconds and than 600,000 boys playing Pop a meeting Monday June 1, at on balls: Miller 4. T. Burke 1. Carmod; Williamson of 41 Center Ave., Leonardo, track and was second in the 100-yard sprint Warner Football. 7:30 p.m. at the same address. football keys....Jay Abbes, son of Mr. and Mrs. in 12.2 Other school marks went The All-America team menv Schedule By 12-6 Christian Abbes, 43 North Lake Dr., New Monmouth, to high jumper Pat Thorpe, who bers will take part in the 1964 Pop TODAY sweater for baseball and football. won the high jump at 4 feet, Warner Little Scholars' pilgrim- i BASEBALL inches, and shot putter Maureen Dennis Jascott of Middletown, received a Oakley, who was second on a S A DIVISION ASBURY PARK - Asbury toss of 30 feet, 2 inches. E Neptune at Freehold Park's baseball team erupted for fencing letter at an athletic awards dinner at Seton B. a CstHoUc «—Baacocmi VMley M Season's First i Brick at Red Bank seven runs In the third inning Hall University. Nick Werkman, star S. H. bas- | Toms River at Manaaquan 60-yd dart—1. Carolyn Hogan (RB), beating Long Branch, 12-6, ketball player, who will be guest speaker at the Bucktarlum (RV), 5. McCu«. (RBC). ; Middletown at Lakewood lere yesterday. T1m« 08,3. (ichool record). Mat Show At g B DIVISION 80-yd daah—1. W»t»n (RV), 1. Buck- In the big third, the Bishops Mater Del banquet Tuesday, received the John F. nghara (RV), 3. Rich (RBC). Time t.0. : Henry Hudson at Central 100-yd daih-l. Walion (RV). 2. Ho- quickly loaded the bases when Kennedy Memorial Trophy. Werkman was the ran (ItBC), 3. Parkertoo (RV). Time Asbury Tonight S Keyport at Monmouth itu Serine and Pete Felder 2.0. (Hofan't 12.2. school record). • Matawan at Southern nation's No. 2 scorer last season and No. la year 220-yd daih—1. Parkerton (RV), 2. walked, and George Lippstone got I/ettlerl (RBC) 3, Revlerl (RBC). T 2S.3. ASBURY PARK — The sum I Pt. Pleasant Beach at Shore ago. MO-yd relay-1. RBC (LetUerl, Con- an infield single. Gary Puro got nair. Rich and MeCue). Tim* M.S (tl mer wrestling season, opens in 5 Wall at Raritan another walk to force in Serin Roger Poole, 160 Comanche Dr., Oceanport, was •chool record). • OTHERS Shot put—1. Kellogr (RV), 2. Oakley Convention Hall tonight -with Dr. with the first run. Dave Warlick selected a member of the Drew Rugby Club. Roger (RBO), 3. Ooodnough (RBC). Dlatance JR. B. Catholic vs. St. Peter's then singled to ,bring in, twi 32'S". (Oakley 3C2" school reeorti). Jerry and Luke Graham, the $ (N.B.) (at SayrevlUe) Hlfh lunn^-l.,PAt Thorpe (RBC),' 2., more. Bob Adams got another in- came out for rugby last in the season, and has shown a Kellot (RV), 3. Connalr (RBC). Height World Wide Wrestling Federation ! GOLF 4'7". (ichool record). field hit. Mike Sylvester banged great deal of determination. He won a starting posi- Ba»eBal! throw—1. Rhufy (RV), 2. tag teau champions, putting their ; Jefferson at Asbury Park out the third single of the in- Oakley (RBC), 3. Bamarr (RBC). Du) tion against Columbia. In this game he suffered a nose tance 195'2". belt on the line against Cowboy ; CBA at Peddle (Peddle) ning to drive in two more tallies. Broad Jump—1. Karen Ptak (RBC) : Brick at St. Rose (Spring Meadow) 2., Maraiclo (RBC). I. Oreka (RBC) The last run scored' on Len Ep- injury which benched him. His experience received Distance 1«'2". Bill Watts and Don McClarity S TENNIS stein's single^,", this year will stand him in good stead next season. over the best of three (alls, no : Neptune at Red Bank All told, Asbury Park got 10 I Long Branch at Rumson Norm Bate, Red Bank, was hot when Grove time limit route. hits off five Long Branch hurlers. Mrs. Ostrander ; Lakewood at Princeton The Mortiers, international leve Strollo was, charged with City (Pa.) College copped the West Perm Confer- f GIRLS' TRACK team titllsts, will be opposed by the loss as he went 2'/j innings Leads Beacon > St. Mary's (P.A.) at Red Bank ence track and field championships recently. the Kentuckians, Jake and Luke, and gave up the first five Asbury \ Catholic Grove edged Westminister by four points in the two of the, tallest and heaviest r runs. Felder went all the way for Hill Shooters TRACK active wrestlers. Jake, at 374 the winners to pick up his initial six-school meet Bate won the 440 in 51.8 and • Shore at Mater Dei ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS-Mrs pounds, is 24 pounds heavier than win of the year. was on the winning mile relay team that posted a ; TOMORROW Long Branch (I) Aibury P»m (11 Edward Ostrander won the wom- his mate. The Mortiers aren't • BASEBALL ab r h • ab r 3:29.6 time. en's match play against par tour- exactly midgets. Both are well BildwIrUb 3 10 Uppalone.M t 1 • A DIVISION Tomainl,cf 3 2 1 Hanapole.u 00 Ed Scullion, former Keyport athlete, won five nament conducted at Beacon Hill over six feet tall and there isn't Bova,BB 4 111 Puro,lPlb 32 Country Club yesterday, finishing an ounce of fat over their com- : Shore at Keyport DWy,2b 0 0 0 Antone.lb 00 • Matawan at Monmouth • BtronitorfMt 3 13 Wtrllctct 4 0 straight mile races in varsity competition at Murray one under. bined weight of 565 pounds. This Bklar.ib 4 0 0 Berven,of 00 contest will have a one-hour time ; OTHERS Btrollo,p-ib 3 11 Adami.ab . 33 State, Ky. All of his times have been 4:21s. Last time Mrs. Fred McTigh and Mrs. : Central at Brick Twp. Taylor.r__ f 3.0 1 Kal!lnl,3b 00 limit. R. Wllbert.lb 1 O'O Sjlv««t»r,lt 43 out he was second and was clocked in 4:18 for a schoo Ruth Crawford tied for second j TRACK Oaakln.e 3 0 0 Ewttln.c 4 2 place honors. Both were two un- Sharing the spotlight with the Yile.ii 10 0 Ktaj.c 00 record, breaking his old mark of 4:19. , Central Jersey Group 2 Champloa- J. Wilbert.p 10 0 Berlne.rt 3 1 der par. Mrs. Joel Johnson re- featured events is Ernie "Cat" '. ships, Highland Park Coffer.p 0 0 0 Acker.rt 00 Ned Crossley, Keyport, is pole vaulting for Ladd, who first gained fame in Slmlnefll.p 10 0 OrodberrJb 30 quired 14 putts for the front nine '• Central Jersey Group 3 and Hinlty,p 0 0 0 Soravon.ab 00 Springfield, In Springfield, Mass., and Is the most to win low honors. the sports world as a member : Championships, Asbury Par] F«lder,p 33 of the champion San Diego Car- Mrs. Walter Gillette fired an • TENNIS . 28 6 61 20IIII Improved performer on the gym team...John gers of the AFL. Ladd will be in 86 holes to capture low gross : Neptune at Long Branch Long Branch .0 0 0 1 0 0 4— a special one-fall bout, taking on A«bu*y Park JO 0 7 0 J 3 x—l Pote, }s a half miler for Trenton State... Woody honors. She was also the low 2B-t"e!der, stronitorff, Tnmatnl. HR Klondike Bill, a tough Alaskan. trollo. Sullivan Js running Intermediate hurdles and 440 putter over the entire course Ladd amazes fans with his agili- H1U off: Strollo 3 in 2%, J: Wllbe with 27. Mrs. Austin Cushman < In 2'i, Hlnley 3 In 0, Cotter 3 In yard dash at Brown University. He went to Key- ty, despite a 6-9 frame and 325 I O'Dell Injured Slmlnem 1 In 1H. relder 6 In T. Strucl finished second among low gross out: Strollo 2, J. Wllbert 3, Blnley 0, port and moved over to Raritan Twp..... Bruce pounds. Klondike Bill, who'll shooters with an 88. Mrs. Frank Coffer 2, Slmlnem 3. Felder X BUM make the fans recall Yukon Eric on balli: Strollo 1, J. Wllbirt 0. Hlnle Jackson dropped out of Winston-Salem College Connelly and Mrs, Ray LeStrange 0, Coffer 2, Slmlnem 0, Pelder 3. with is style, also tips the scales But Will Pitch were the top finishers in the low and is now at DuPont plant Keyport is doing at 325. I SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - X FLOYD TO SWEDEN net division. • rays showed yesterday that BUl NEW YORK (AP) - Former well. The curtain raiser will pit the BREAKS UP DOUBLE PLAY - Los Angeles ArK,eit' Beacon Hill will conduct .' O'Dell, San Francisco Giant Pitch heavyweight champion Floy popular Latin, Jose Miquel Perez, twilight mixed Scotch forsome catcher Bob Rodgerj is forced at second bate and slidei ' er, has four upper spine an Patterson plans to fly to Sweden against Duke Miller in a bout nine-hole tournament tonight irrfo Boston shortstop Ed Bressound to start spill in fourth ' neck vertebrae out of place du tomorrow night to complete train limited to 30 minutes. Perez is Decker, Jenson Spark Triumph There will be a buffet suppe to muscle spasms. ing preparations there for h the best of the current crop of inrving of game at Fenway Park yesterday. The relay to afterward. O'Dell has been given a meta fight with Eddie Machen of Red- WEST LONG BRANCH — Paul and the 440-yard run in the Undei Puerto Rican grapplers. He was first wai not in time to retire Tom Satriano of Angell. for several years a member of support to wear at home. Th ding, Calif. The fight is scheduled Decker and Eric Jenson each Division while Jenson took firsl The umpire it Johnny Stevens. Botton won, 9-7. j Injury has reduced his effectlvi for July 5 in Stockholm. scored two wins to pace the place honors in the 75-yard dash the American tag championship ] ness. But Manager Alvin Dari Patterson will train in Ronm Little Silver grammar school and the broad jump on the Ovei 33 Nominated team: {AP Wirephoto! • said it will not prevent O'Del by in southeast Sweden, aboul school track team over West Long Division. from taking his regular turn 350 miles from Stockholm. Th Branch grammar school, 84-45, in Rick Smith was the only doubli For Select 'Cap He's been named as the pos Patterson-Machen bout will b its opening meet of the season winner for the losers. He woi stole starter tomorrow or Sunda; staged in a 55,000-seat arena, recently. the Under Division shot put anc OCEANPORT — Thlrty-thre • against Pittsburgh. with prices ranging from $4 tc Decker won the 75-yard dash 440-yard run. Craig Smith of 3-year-olds were nominated tt " O'Dell, whose last appearance Little Sliver set a new 50-yard Monmouth Park's $15,000 Added SEA-ING IS BELIEVING was In relief in Wednesday's V. dash record with a time of 5.8 Select Handicap to be run on Giant loss to the Philadelphia There's no Trick to Having Ex- Manager is Set seconds. opening day, Friday, June SHOP and COMPARE Phillies, has an 0-1 record. He' tra Cash. You Get it Fast When SUMMARIES General Manager Edward . had four starts and failed ti You Use The Register Classified Under Dlvliloa Brennan and Racing Secretary Compare Qualify—Compare Selection finish. —Advertisement. Down for 30 50-yd duh—1. Fat»n« OA), 2. Kenneth H. Lennox, were pleased Brounard (WLBI. 3, nuddjr (IJS).T«.7. COMPARE PRICE 78-jrd duh-1. Declur (IJS). 2. Y«neie! at the response of horsemen who We have New Jersey's largest selection of top quality (WLB). J. Oroii (LSI. Tlm« ».T. nominated to the first stake Days in Minors 100-yd duh—1. Click , 3. tlUllo (WLB), Tlm« 113. event to be contested during thi Shot pul^-1. Bmllh (WLBI. 2. Dechf SAN FRANCISCO (AP) - (LSI, 3. 01(110 (WLB). DIM«nc» 20'fl" track's 56-day summer meeting. FIBERGLASS—WOOD—ALUMINUM Hl(h Jump—1. Beit (LSI, 2. (tie) Manager Tommy Saffell of the Mule (LSI, Kelemen (WLB), Yeneiel "If the list on nominators and ROW BOATS TO CRUISERS (WLB). Hellht 4'B". the horses thejs named is any Reno Silver Sox, former major ««0-yd run—1. Smith (WLB), 3. Bar criterion of things to come, Mon- league outfielder, was suspend- ton (WLB), S. Clark CL8). Tlm« 1:25 AT PRICES THAT CAN'T BE BEAT Bro&d Jump—1. Brouisard (WLB), 2. mouth Park's stakes events thl ed 30 days and fined $250 by the Barton (WLB), 3. Clark (LS). D 1«T WE NEED YOUR OLD BOAT — TRADE NOW 1 Over Dlvlilon year should surpass our fondes California League president yes 50-yd daih—1. Smith (LSI, 2. Oodhe hopes," Brennan stated. 23' LAHRS— Hardtop, ihtlter cabin iMH. 14' SKI BOAT with 30 hp. Scott motor, (WLBI. 3. Malmon» (LS). Time 8.8. terday for forfeiting a game be- 75-yd darn—1. Jensen (L8), 2. Huh Sprint stars named include Har- btad, )0» hp. qray, fewer Cm A AC* traileri full cover and all $' cause of an argument with an WLB). 3. Crowell (L9). Time 9.2. riet N. Ball's "Big Pete," Clal- than 100 hour*. Top condl- I O #U , 100-yd daih—1. Naion ll.1i, 2. Layton tlon. ___1 accsuorloi—like new. '395 umpire. LSI, 3. To»n (WLB). Time 12.1. borno Farm's "Alphabet," Mrs Shot Put-1. Connolly (IJii, 2. Smltli 15' RUNABOUT—40 hp. Mercury electric CABIN CRUISER IB'—Twa tlasper. full President Eddie Mulligan inv LS), 3. Crowell (L8i, Dlalancn 3I)'O". Marion R. Frankel's "Supers,' IIlBh Jump—1. Oodbee iWLB), 2, Greentree Stable's "Trader,1 •tart, full cover, uphol- SVlOC canvai, 1742 Mercury 45 $QQC posed the penalties on Saffell, Na.ion (LSt, 3. (tlei nethlenon (LH itered teoti, trailer, excel- 479 antl Uleae IWLBI. HeljIU CO". Hobeau Farm's "Bazaar" anc hp. motor and conrroli. 7 #9 who played will) the Pittsburgh H0-yd run—I. Pecker iLfl), 2. Sholoo lent thape. ^ * ** Pirates and several Pacific Coast LSI. 3. Shelby (WLBi. Time 1:13. "True Flight," Joseph M. Roe nroad Jump—I. Jen»on (I/Si. 2. bling's "Black Mountain," and League clubs before becoming a Town (WLB), 3. Cordoro (LB). D lfi'7". NYLON ROPE 'A" 4c PT. — %" 9c FT. — Vi" 15c FT. manager. Clan "A" rtelay won by Little Silver . H. Woods' "Lt. Stevens." Naion, Crowell, Jemon and Smith) Mulligan also fined the Reno ['lm« 1:00. Other owners who have nomi PAINTS — HARDWARE — FIBERGLASS — DISCOUNTS TO 40% HICKOR club $100 for failure to play the nated to the Select are James America'$ Mont Magnificent Bourbon Kc.heduled. game at Fresno MEET TOMORROW ,'. Brady, "H.O.H. Frelinghuysen LOW DOWN PAYMENTS—BANK TERMS Wednesday night. RUMSON - The recreation Jlenelg Stable, J.R. Holsey, Eth- fears light: ' Snffoll hnd been nngcred by a :(iminission-spnnsored track meet I D, Jacobs, Maine Chanca lome plate decision by umpire or sixth, seventh antl eighth Farm, Ogden Phipps, Ada L A&B BOATS N. J. BOATING SUPERMARKET lim (.'orrintjKiii in Tuesday ;rnders of the borough will be Rice, and C.V. Whitney. HIGHWAY 34 Between Keansburg and Atlantic Highlands BILFORD, N. J. night's game. He refused to field old at Rtimson-Fair Haven Re- Post time for the first race 787-5000 OPEN DAILY 9-9; SUNDAY TO S 4 Is leam Wednesday night with gional High School's cinders to- [or Monmouth Park's entire meet- u mu 'M mttt uuusu oo.nu Corrington working as umpire. morrow at 2 p.m. ing this year will be 2:00 p.m. California Relays' Vault Ippolito RED BAXfC BBHSTER Friday. May 22, 1964-21 Competition Starts at 15-6 SURF, FIELD AND STREAM MODESTO, Calif. (AP) - The 'aulters — all of whom have Timely Note* on the Great Outdoors pole vault starts at 15 feet, 6 [eared 1&-9 or better. Meet of- To Be By NELSON BENEDICT inches, the sprint features Bob cials decided the starting height GRANTS ECONOMY Hayes and one of the few menlould be 15-6, believed the high- ever to beat him, and the mile it ever. Looming large oil the offshore horizon is com- has this nation's best. Indoor king Tom O'Hara of Honored mencement of another bluefishing season. Scattered Yet the two-mile could be the hicago Loyola clashes with for- highlight of the 23rd annual Cal- collegiate champion Dyrol schools of small blues already have entered Raritan ifornia Relays tomorrow. iurleson of Oregon in the mile. LONG BRANCH — Former and Sandy Hook Bays. Mackerel were driven out of I'Hara spun a 3:36.6 on the team mates and close associates Bruce Kidd of Canada, Bill party boat chum spreads in recent days anywhere from Baillie of New Zealand and U.S.boards this winter, while Burle- will honor A.V. Ippolito, former star Jim Beatty top the two-o!n recently did 3:57.5 outdoors. Long Branch High School football 10 to 15 miles offshore. oach, at a testimonial dinner. mite field. Kidd rates as favor- Jim Grelle, Gary Weisiger and , . Concurrent with the advent of a long, hot summer lobby Seaman, all sub-four-min-The event will be held Sunday. ite, Baillie is chief challenger with the blues is the possibility of a serious bait short- and Beatty is racing to find out men, will challenge O'Hara une 14, at the Paddock Lounge if he's completely recovered from nd Burletson. Britain's Peter ere at 5 p.m., Charles T. Carroll, age. The signs are too obvious to be ignored. Men- GOOD SAT., MAY 23d ONLY! an injury suffered in an indoor Reeling adds the foreign touch general chairman. haden catch in bay pound traps is off more than 501 meet. The little runner from North md 17-year-old Jim Ryun, Wich-j More that 450 persons, in- ta high school ace who ran 4:06.4 eluding members of football teams per cent Carolina formerly held the world W. T. GRANT CO. — GOOD SAT., MAY 23d ONLY record at the distance. last week, will try his speed ince 1944, when Ippolito started Moreover, mixed in with what bunkers the pounds igainst the veterans. lis career as head grid coach John Pennel, the world record are catching are inordinate numbers of trash fish. Sea 100 COUNT 5-GRAIN 1 Hayes, the Florida A&M flash, A the Green Wave, are expected holder, heads the list of 14 pole ;oes against Darel Newman of o attend. robins have actually outnumbered menhaden is several resno State, Dick Stebbihgs of Carroll said the name of the recent lifts. Pound fishermen are reluctant to cull the ASPIRIN rambling arid Edwin Roberts of principal speaker and the toast- trash from the bunkers; they prefer to peddle their Save 10c extra en a bottle of 100 full 5 grain Hildreth Seeks forth Carolina College in the 100.master would be announced when 9 gross catches for reduction purposes. for prompt pain relief. LIMIT THREE. With this coupon lewman scored an indoor upset the general committee meets Jiis past winter over Hayes, who Tuesday at 8 p.m. at the Pad- Local bait merchants are endeavoring to inventory || First Victory At as a 9.1 pending for a world lock. as many whole bunkers as their freezers will accom- ecord. Committees named thus far in-modate. They're buying fish as fast as they can proc- Old Bridge Oval Al Oerter, who already has clude: broken his world discus record ess them. But after the pound net production peters Tickets, Joseph Tomaine; seat- W. T. GRANT CO. — GOOD SAT., MAY 23d ONLY OLD BRIDGE — The Old this year with a throw of 206-6, out, Belford purse seiners will represent the sole source Bridge Speedway will conduct its entered. Other field event1 ing and decorations Joseph Me- Garvey Jr.; publicity, R. Barry of menhaden supply. COTTON TERRY third night racing stock car bill itandouts set to go are high umper John Thomas and broad Camm, John Cittadino and Bar- Question before the house now is: will the pursers Sunday with Elton Hildreth of umper Ralph Boston. ett Oxley; speakers, John Bon- KITCHEN TOWELS Bridgeton looking for his first1 iello, Frank Anastasia and Fran- bother with bunkers if they can fish more profitably for Save 26c extra gay stripes, checks. Red, tur- 25-lap feature race triumph of :is Juska. porgies? If the net fishermen concentrate on porgies, 3174' quoise, or yellow on white. LIMIT 6 TOWELS. With this coupon the season. Werkman Speaks Also 1932 team members, Sid bunker production will falter and the cost of chum and offe and James Gwathney; 1935 hook bait will rise accordingly. A 2(Vyear auto veteran in ma- Seam George Huhn and Harvey cadam stock car racing circles, At Mater Dei Wardell; team captains, John Sandy Hook Bay pound fisherman Leonard Hildreth sailed his machine into dazzacco and Tom Marinelli; Nelson of Belford recently caught a tagged fluke the third turn railing last week. :nd gifts, John J. Moran. Repairs and necessary adjust- Dinner Tuesday in his trap. The flatfish, which had been tagged W. T. GRANT CO. — GOOD SAT., MAY 23d ONLY ments being completed, the South Ippolito, a stellar end at Long by the State Division of Fish and Game in Raritan NEW MONMOUTH - Mater! Branch and later at Temple Uni- GIANT SIZE 21 OZ. ISIS Jersey speedster is reported Bay in 1961 weighed 3% pounds and was 21 inches ready to notch his initial win. >ei High School's Booster Club /ersity, joined the Long Branch Three new faces have entered! ithletic awards dinner next Tues- High coaching staff in 1942. Two in length. day will honor lettermen from thi /ears later he was named staff HAIR SPRAY the winning lane this year at As winter flounders fade from the picture, fluke Old Bridge. The tight and keen lew school's first varsity teams, lead, serving until last month Save 24c extra. Our own brand. Contains Mater Dei, which will have, its when he> was relieved of his foot- are due to replace them in area estuarial waters. Pros- 64plm tax competition battles that brew lanolin. Holds and conditions the hair. LIMIT each Sunday, night on the half- 'irst senior class next year, field- ball tutoring duties. pects for the fluke season coming up are not bright 2. With this coupon mile oval, tend to illustrate that ed football, basketball, basebal: Tickets for the dinner can beThe flatfish population is at a low ebb, thanks primar- and track teams during the pres- feature race repeaters will be a obtained from any of the comil- y to an intensive around-the-calendar commercial and • premium this season. et school year. mittee members. Gene Bergin, winner of the Guest speaker at the affair, tc recreational fishery. opening day feature race, has held at Buck Smith's, Easl There are some fisheries biologists who will go Keansburg, will be Helms Foun W. T. GRANT CO. — GOOD SAT., MAY 23d ONLY placed second and fifth in his Mays April so far as to say fluke are on the brink of extirpation. last two outings. Richie Massing, dation All-American Nick Werk- who captured the second main man of Seton Hall University They base that pessimistic forecast on studies of catch 15 OZ. INSTANT attraction of the season, has been Werkman set 66 individual rec Hickok Victor records compiled during the past decade. irds wrtile playing basketball foi kept out of the top four finishers NEW YORK (AP) — Willie] Fluke may be in trouble, but striped bass never SPRAY STARCH by speedier merchants. Last Sun- he Pirates. He scored 2,273 points luring his varsity career to rani Mays, winner of the S. Rae Save 16c. Spray and iron. No need to damp- day's victor, Jim Hoffman, was Hickok professional athlete of thehad it better. Or so it would seem in light of current seventh among all-time collegiate en clothes. Our own brand. LIMIT 2 CANS. 23 pressed down to the wire by Bob year award in 1954, is the winner' activities in the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers as Rossell. icorers with three years of var- With this coupon iity play. A preened major a of the April pollen the race for well as other estuarial waters along the coast I Supplying last week's wild rook- the 1964 award. Seton-Hall, Werkman was thi Bass fishing at Highlands Bridge has been extra- ie radng were Tom Green, win- second highest scorer in the na- The San Francisco Giants out- ner of his second 20-lap contest; ordinarily good. Stage of the tide has not seemed to tion this past season, scoring 830 fielder, who has been on a hit- iS Jackie Moschera, who placed sec- points. ing spree since the start of the!make much difference to worm fishermen there in the W. T. GRANT CO. — GOOD SAT., MAY 23d ONLY ond, and Joe Vaughn, the 10-lap National League season, re- beat record holder. A graduate of Trenton Catholii past week. A 32 V2-pounder tops a long list of bass in High School, Werkman has bee:ceived 52 first-place votes and PACK OF 250 EMBOSSED 205 points in the balloting of sports i 15-pounds-plus bracket nailed at the bridge. ACE ALMOST MISSED honored by, the Newark Athleti Club as New Jersey's collegi writers and broadcasters. The Sea Bright Bridge is coming through with notable PHOENIX, Ariz. (AP) — Phoe- athlete of the year and receivei monthly winners are eligible for bass tallies, while smarties drifting worms on the top PAPER NAPKINS professiona! golfer Joanne final selection as pro athlete of Buy 3 packs. Save 18c extra. Large 13xl3W the Metropolitan Basketball Wri are taking. sch.oolies consistently at Oceanic Bridge, tor failed to keep her eye onera Association's Haggerty Aware the year. . .-••-, whlre embossed. LIMIT 3 PACKS. 31 rrr ! ftHf yesterday. as the outstanding flayer in thi Arnold Palmer, winner of the Rurnso'n. Pefe ~PaueisT operator of a Rumson fishing With this coupoi t As a result, she didn't see heiNew York metropolitan area. Masters golf tournament, placed station, says doodlebugs are also paying off in the second in the April voting with hole-in-one. She used a No. S iron The awards dinner, will be th same area. , ' ,on the water-bound 158-yard 11th final endeavor fof the Mater Dei 33 firsts and 178 points. Other WlW.WtU/lWtVW^^^ 'hole at Papago Municipal Golf Boosters this school-year. Ticket: leaders in the voting were Bill Nicky Bellezza afid this reporter journeyed to -iCpurke. For the banquet may be obtained Heinsohn, Boston Celtics basket- Forked River Tuesday morning to participate in that W. T. GRANT CO. — GOOD SAT., MAY 23d ONLY bail star, 92 points; Ken John- by contacting AI Payne, 53 Bay red-hot Barnegat Inlet bass sport. We fished with n berry La., New Monmouth, o: son, Houston Colts no-hit pitch- PACK OF 100 BUI Guy, 274 Main St., Port Mon- er, 55, and jockey Bilf Hartack, Capt. Franklin Wilbert aboard the Cigarette and ended mouth. 23. up syndicating a haul 6f 24 stripers together with two PAPER PLATES other anglers. Save 24c extra on Grants economy pack. 9" Mayors Bowl Barnegat Inlet is positively glutted with strip- diameter — with fluted edge. LIMIT 1 PACK. 74 In Cancer ers. The fish are suckers for live shrimp chum With this coupe* spreads. They bite almost as fast as hooks can Society Benefit be baited with grass shrimp. It's really delightful 'V-Wl^l'.^lWj^l^j'.VW^^^^ angling, especially for the fellow who prefers to MIDDLETOWN — The M W. T. GRANT CO. — GOOD SAT., MAAtY 23ug d ONLvni.Y1 mouth County Chapter of the fish eight and 10-pound spinning gear. American Cancer Society held its . Blowfish have made a shambles out of bait fishing JUMBO SIZE 54" PLASTIC annual Mayors' Trophy tourna- for bass in the surf. The puffers literally took over ment last. Sunday at Harmony Bowl here. the undertow. They also invaded rivers and bays to GARMENT BAG The head pin tourney for thethe delight of bottom fishermen who know a good-eat- Save 25c. Holds 16 garments. Clear plastic. benefit of the Cancer Society 75 ing fish when they see one. Quilted colored top. Steel frame. LIMIT 2. with thi* coupon was won by Committeeman Mar- tin Lawlor, representing Middle Trolling is something of a gamble at the moment, town in Mayor Earl Moody's ab-but a moving lure would appear to be the only means sence. His whining score out ofof coping with bait-pilfering blowfish. Scouting ex- 'l^-'-WlWJt^WjWiWj^^ a possible 360 total was 243. Some of the runners-up were peditions caught a few small bass and some bluefish W. T. GRANT CO. — GOOD SAT MAY ONLY ARE Mayors H. Sherman Russell, on spoons early in the week off Harding Point. COLGATE, CREST OR GLEEM Farmingdale, 225; Frank H. Van In between blowfish attrition, Charles Willis, At- Duzer, Sea Bright, 216; Edward E. Hyrne, Matawan Borough, 194, lantic Highlands, managed to sneak in a 20-pound, six- TOOTHPASTE and Edward C. Wilson, Sr., ounce bass near the inside point of Sandy Hook. He Save 66c on 2 big 6'M ox. family size tubes. Oceanport, 169. weighed the fish in at Julian's Sport Shop, Atlantic 5 Saturday one day only. 21*With this coupo1n We Sell Safe Guaran- JERSEY DERBY Highlands. teed* Tires For As Little GETS PASSIN& GRADE — CHERRY HILL (AP) Calu- Highlands and Atlantic Highlands party boat skip- As Quarterback of the New Yorl met Farm's Ky. Pioneer and pers are back on the ling and whiting circuit after, a Giants' pro football c Powhatan Stable's Chieftain have busy mackerel campaign. Mackerel schools are threej been added to the probable line- W. T. GRANT CO. — GOOD SAT., MAY 23d ONLY ©lynn' Sriffing, former Un up for the $10O,00D-added Jersey hours aboard a 10-knot boat from Scotland Lightship, veriity of Mississippi, All Derby at Garden State Park much too far to travel for vast majority of head boat PLASTIC FOAM American, helps his wif Memorial Day. folk. Ky. Pioneer was first and Nilclci do some cooking Chieftan third In a 1A mile Bottom fishing is showing definite promise on ICE BUCKET Oxford, Mi»s., where he prep race here Tuesday. The Shrewsbury Rocks. Blacks and seabass are on the 1-qt. capacity complete with cover. Keeps ice finishing his studies at -ffi Scoundrel, second to Northern broken grounds. Porgies are commencing to make an cubes longer. LIMIT 2. 2With thi3s coupon Dancer in the Preakness, looms Universrty of Mississippi the Jersey Derby favorite. appearance in the bags, and there is the word that porgy fishing is good to excellent at Cape May, a defin- ite sign of, better days ahead! W. T. GRANT CO. — GOOD SAT., MAY 23d ONLY RENT A CAR or $1 SIZE HEAD AND SHOULDERS TRUCK from HERTZ SHAMPOO Save 33c. Controls dandruff. Lathers richly, UDRIVE . . . Coll leaves hair soft, easy to manage. LIMIT 2 67 PR 5-1515, CA 2-3299, SH T-2121 TUBES. With this coupon

before you buy or build, see . • . W.T.

Bob Kuni — Ed Golden MARINE VIEW LITTLE SILVER MIDDLETOWN HAZLET FREEHOLD SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION Little Silver Mlddletown Shopping Center Shopping Center 8 Airport Plaza 31 E. Main St. MIDDLETOWN "TWO OFFICES TO SERVE YOU" 531 Prospect Avo. 1123 Highway 35 Ilazlct Freehold GENERAL TIRE CO. Rt. 34 and Ave. D, Leonardo MAIN OFFICE Branch-Office MIDDLETOWN First Av«. and TOMS RIVER TOMS RIVER I NEPTUNE CITY PHONE... Highway 36 874 Highway 35 Neptune City COMING TO ASBURY PARK —The Kentuckians, Jake M Main St. Toms River 291 • 9291 (Fivo Cornari) [* Atlantic Highland! Shopping Center Shopping Center «nd Luko, will bo on rho card when wrestling opem its Toms River Routes 9 and 37 KI. 35—3rd Ave. OPEN DAILY 8.6 671 - 2400 291-0100 season at Asbury Park tonight. BENEFIT HEAD PIN TOURNEY WINNER — Martin Lawlor, third from left, winner of the Monmouth County Chapter of the American Cancer Society annual Mayors' trophy tourney, accepts congratulations from Mayor Ed Hyrne, 1 Mafavvari Borough. Mr. Lawlor was representing Mayor Earl Moody of Middletown. Others, left to right, are Ray TAKING HOME TROPHIES - N«il Gittis, center, pwioW of the Shore Firemen , Bowling League, pre*enh_th. 1 Collins, chairman of Bowl Down Cancer in Monmoutfi County; Fred Koch, prize chairman, and Freeholder Marcus President , Trophy to Don Fra.er, of Freehold. Other,,trophy winner., left to right, ar. Edward Unon «f fcton- Daly. The tournament was Sunday at Harmony Bowl. town Blvd., Ocelnport No. I, high series of 672 in his division; William Matthew., Neptune, of Ham.lton No 4, 623 high .eri... and Carl Ardolino, We.t Long Branch N>. 2, 637 high serie. in their respective divisions. Troph.ei Giants in 9-4 Victory Colt Golfers were presented last night at the Paddock, Long Branch, «t the dinner for D. E and F division.. Win 5th in Row Athletics Slate By MIKE RATHET was hitting .311 and Mays was Tim McCarver and Bill White NFL Rejects Idea for All-Star Associated Press Sports Writer batting .488. Since then, William's each tagged two-run homers.and 'Farmers Night' •as been on a 19-game tear, Doug Clemens smacked a bases- For 8-7 Record Move over Willie. Here comes winging at a .458 clip, while loaded triple. With that support, NEPTUNE — Christian Broth- Game in January Against AFL KANSAS CITY (AP) - Chtrtef Billy. flays has hit a more-than-re- Sadecki went all the way, squar- Finley's Athletics made claim to ers Academy's golf team, enjoy- or exhibition contests. Since most Forget it Willie. There goes ipectable .348 but still lost 91 ing his record at 3-3 with his ing a week of victories, boosted NEW YORK (AP) — The Na- adelphia would benefit the Ken- points off his average. -, earns play five, it meant an in- another, first today, ' Farmer* Billy. third straight victory. its record to 8-7' and won its tionat Football League turned nedy fund. : crease from $250 to $500. Under Night. That's how fast the National In the other two games sched- Farrell, bringing his record to fifth match in a row by whipping thumbs down on a bid to play AFL Commissioner Joe Foss League batting lead changed an all-star game with the Amer- jumped at the bid, unsurprising- the new $6 a day scale there will It will be Saturday, June, 20 iled, pitchers stole the spotlight. 6-1, needed Hal Woodeshlck's re- St. Peter's of New Brunswick, no cash payment for exhibi- hands Thursday as Billy Wil- )ick Farrell tied San Francis- lief help in the ninth after Bill , at Jumping Brook Country ican Football League ttnd then ly. The younger league has re- and officials, said it would mark liams of the Chicago Cubs boost- ons. :o's Juan Marichal for the most Virdon and Jerry Lynch opened Club yesterday. moved yesterday to meet its own peatedly challenged the NFL to the first time in baseball his- ed his average to .402 and took a game. The league voted to retain the Victories In the majors by win- with singles. Woodeshick got St. Peter's entered the match players halfway on their request over: the top spot held by San "I think It's a terrific idea," rrent pension plan board, which tory that an evening has been ning; his sixth in Houston's 3-1 Roberto Clemente to hit into a with a 16-2 record. for more money during the train- Francisco's Willie Mays since triunjph over Pittsburgh and doubleplay and struck out Gene ing season. - Foss said, in a telegram to NBC. consists of Rozelle and two men dedicated to the American farm- CBA posted two victories Mon- April 22. : Sandy KouTax struck out 11' in Freese to end the threat. , However, the league turned The AFL owners voted to ac-jtrom outside the sport. The play- day and added single triumphs To be given away as prizes Hitless in 10 -at-bats, Mays the Los Angeles Dodgers' 6-1 down a bid by the players for cept, rs had asked to put a represen- The Colts got all the runs they Tuesday and Wednesday before ill be a Brangus bull, a boar, broke out of his slump by tag- triumph over the New. York representation on the pension NBC has just signed to take tative on the board. needed in the fourth against notching its fifth triumph in a ging; his 15th and 16th homers Wets, , plan committee. over television for the AFL be- The two other board members stallion, 100 Rhode Island Red Vern Law, now 1-4, scoring row yesterday. Coach Brother urrently are Edwin "Ted" Eth- and powering the Giants to a Those. were the moves made ginning in 1965. The five-year hickens, 100 Dominicker chlck- In American League action, twice on singles by Nellie Fox, Michael's linksters seek a per- rington, president of the Amer- 9-4 victory over Philadelphia as the owners of the veteran 14- agreement is worth $36 million Baltimore edged Kansas City Walt Bond and Mike White plus fect week when they travel to ican Stock Exchange, and Clyde ms and one red rooster. that "lifted San Francisco back team league wound up their an- to the league. 7*6, Boston defeated the Los An- an error by Lynch on the last Hightstown today to take on Ped- andeburg, a public relations into first place; Hays' 2-for.r4 nual spring meeting here. After the festivities, the pro- performance left him1--with a ?elek Angels 8-7 and Washing- hit. dle School, The NFL will get a total of Commissioner Pete Rozelle re- $28.2 million from CBS for reg- gram says, there .will be a ball .397 average. • • ; :on walloped Detroit 8-2. The Koufax brought his record to Tom Jackson, No. 1 man, was jected the bid for an all-star ular season games the next two game between the Athletics and hers.,were not scheduled. 4-3 and struck out 10 or more in .Williams, meanwhile, stroked CBA's lowest scorer with a 41 game next January against a years, and $3.6 million for the he Washington Senators. The~*Phlllies and Giants were one game for the 53rd .time in two singles and a double in yesterday, but he managed only team picked from the eight teams next two championship,games. 300 Schoolboys four at-bats during the Cubs tied 4-4 in the fifth when Mays his career. The record" for 10- a halt jpoint. George Norris' 45 of the rival AFL, which begins and Orlando Cepeda took over. strikeout performances is 54, Rozelle said he had offered a MOfllfltd '• SpOftSHMB 10-3 loss to St. louis, finally and Frank Hurley's 44 each s fifth season this fall. Novices Mays,,who homered with one on held jointly by Hube Waddell gathered three points for the Colts solution, to the exhibition game Row in Regatta overcoming a May9 • lead tha The offer had come from an s stood; at 177 points less than a in the first inning, snapped the and Bob Feller. JCpufax was from Lincroft. money question, and all the clubs NlftHT official of the National Broad- had indicated they would go along POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. (AP) month ago. tie with a solo shot and Cepeda touched for,, seven hits' by the CBA (It) —More than 300 schoolboy oars- T put it out pf reach by connecting Mets. • . Tom Jackson ...... : •; 41 CM casting Co. who said the network with it. The commissioner sug- y Williams began Operation after a walk to Willie McCovey. George Norrlg „.. ..45 (3) would donate $500,000 to the Ken- gested, the players get $6 a day men from 39 schools in Tommy Davis went 3-tor-J for Dana- Atgerls* —.*.;..—---.—46 ' (2) the United' States SAT. 8:30 Overhaul on April 29 when he Mays and Cepeda each drove in Prank Hurley ...... 4*. (1) nedy Library fund for exclusive for incidental expenses during the and Canada O the Dodgers while Jim. Gilliam Bteve Ruiniek ...-1..'. 47 (2) g television rights to such a game. nine-week training campaign. This are scheduled to row on the 7 Thrilling Races thrae runs. d Fk Hto&iiih coll- Jim Palmer ...... 43 V1 C COMPLETE, and Frank St. THefm (N.B.) (I) ' Rozelle said the league "has would cover all pliyersas long as Hudson River today and tomorrow 30-lop Feature Richie Allen homered for the lected'' two hits, koufax con- Gary Oross , .—...3ft <2it) they remained with the club. It in the 30th championship' regatta 20-lop Novices Phillies, who were stopped on 8haun Barry «. 48 . (O) no Interest in your publicized pro- K BATTERY SERVICE tributed to his own cause, sin Kevin Barry 48 (1) would come to $378.for each in- of the American Schoolboy Row- II YOU haven't b*M wf to one hit over the last six innings gling in the fifth inning and Mike Ro]ek M (0) posal." M* ttw itock car rocu ytt, H«w—Reawb-IUchor*. Bill Kohlhepp M (1) dividual during ;the .-training per- ing Association. •MM ' II THIS SATURDAY by reliever Bob Bolin. starting, a four-run rally. the NFL chief said-the league : Dick D&vldeon *_ i.:^.i; -.45 had made plans several weeks iodlod.. '--.- .••:. •:'..'• '- ••: .:• • • Two Arlington, Va., j high • DOUGLAS ELECTRIC CO. Williams, battling to become schools,' Washington-Leo aiMS h ^JljiJ&i The •s had asked for a on ttt* ft»*«t Wm Is EAST FRONT STREET the first Cub to win the batting ago that the „„-„...,...... raise Francis.CwHammond, raced a IMnktd iPMdwor In ttwJEMt. RED BANK Tel. 747-0128 title since Phii Cavaretta in ex&Hition game Aug. 23 at Phil- tfWlW a game JIM HOFFMAN, DAVC dead heat In the senior eight- HUL5B, ilLL CHEVALIER, 1945, led a 12-hit attack against oared feature of last year's re- A RICHIE MASSING, DON AUTO INSURANCE Ray Sadeckl, but the Cardinals Major Lead gatta, held at Princeton, N.J. STIVES or» lint o If* tl Assigned Risk Plactd KM start yttNl Mtl Wi Fill S.R. 32 for Riveted had the power. They are co-favorites this year. R Llctnul Crews from Woodrow Wilson Collision Coverage V to N WALL STADIUM^ U-Down Parmh— I mot. fo Pay High of Long Beach, Calif., and • Canceled Pollclts Riploctd Edgewater'High of Orlando, Fla., RT.34, BELMA* REINFELO AGENCY RumsoiiVjVs and several Canadian boats are R (71-uo) MMdktown Opm evtnlnat expected to compete against th By THE ASSOCIATED,PRESS Defeat Raritan to Eastern high school oarsmen A COMING MAY 30th Th* SMaa MM»«rial Day KEYPORT — Paced by Bill American League National League Competition is listed in senio Clcnilt Top nMdifM and INTRODUCTORY W. L. Pet. G.B. W. L. Pet. G.B. and junior singles, senior and C sporhnwn iMre In a till*- Beatty's grand slam home run ipttd dim. (or bh»tr staka, OFFER! in the first inning, the Rumson- Chicago ...... ;_. .16 .640 San Francisco 21 .636 junior, doubles, fours, quadruple adding up to MORE EXCITE- Baltimore 20 .625 J4 Philadelphia .. 19 .613 sculls and. senior and junio E MENT FOR YOUI DONT Fair Haven Regional High School MISS ITI 8'ALUM JV baseball team went on to New York .... 16 .571 2 St. Louis ...... 21 .600 eights. The heats' will be held down Raritan, 10-3, yesterday in Cleveland . 16 .571 2 Milwaukee .... 18 .545 this afternoon and finals tomor- S a game that was stopped at the Minnesota 18 .563 2 Pittsburgh .... 18 .529 row morning. •••••• PRAM .500 Full 15" end of five frames. Detroit 11 .469 5 Cincinnati ...... 16 Freeboard Boston _ 15 .469 5 Los Angeles .. 17% .472 Heavy Guage Jim Farley, drove in three runs .432 Houston 16 .432 Aluminum for the winners with a double with Washington-.... 16 21 .382 g .400 ALCORT _ AND the bases loaded. Al Brighton Los Angeles .. 13 21 Chicago 12 .344 9 New York „.„, 10 .286 12 ESKA AIR-COOLED had a perfect day at bat, col- Kansas City .. 11. 21 3 H.P. OUTBOARD lecting three hits in three trips Thursday's Results Thursday's Results 45 to. the plate while.Ashley Bell Boston 8, Los Angeles 7 San Francisco 9, Philadelphia Only OACI and. John Babcock each, collected Baltimore 7, Kansas City 6 Ally Delivered two hits. Rumson had a total of Washington 8, Detroit 2 Houston 3, Pittsburgh 1 If purchased separately 11 hits. Only two batters failed Only games scheduled St. Louis 10, Chicago 3 Pram—99.50 Motor—119.95 to get a hit. Today's Games Los Angeles 6, New York 1 Only games scheduled Jeff Miller went all the way Los Angeles at New York, N VAN WINKLE Today's Games on the mound for Rumson to get Minnesota at Baltimore, N New York at Houston, N MARINE the win. His record is 3-3. He Detroit at Cleveland, N St. Louis at Milwaukee, N 115 Hwy. 35 Eatontown only gave up two hits. Rumson's Kansas City at Boston, N Philadelphia at Los Angeles, (opp. Bendli) Phone 542.2342 record is M. Washington at Chicago, N Open All Day Sunday N1 Saturday's Games Chicago at Cincinnati, N Washington at Chicago Pittsburgh at San Francisco Detroit at Cleveland N Minnesota at Baltimore Saturday's Gamei MODERNIZE Los Angeles at New York New York at Houston, 2, twi Kansas City at Boston night Chicago at Cincinnati YOUR HOME There's no Trick to Having Ex- •Pittsburgh at San Franciso tra Cash. You Get it Fast When Philadelphia at Los Angeles You Use The Register Classified N —Advertisement. St. Louis at Milwaukee

STALKING GAME IN OUTFIELD — This roaming guinea hen proved more elusive than the ball in the outfield at Candlestick Park yesterday. Above, Philadelphia Phils second baseman Tony Taylor, left, stalks the bird THE BOAT, SKI AND SCOOTER CENTER UNPAINTED FURNITURE while right fielder John Calliton backs him up. Taylor AT REDUCED PRICES pounces, but the hen got away. The bird wai eventually 75 WHITE ST. 741-1124 THE PRICE IS RIGHT! 75 cleared from tht field and play between the Phillies RED BANK, NEW JERSEY • 4-Drawer Colonial Chest 18 and San Francisco Giantt resumed. Giants won, 9-4, to Our experts will add a room or enlarge an area Open Wednesday and Friday Ivenlngi take first place. (AP Wirephoto) for spacious living. For all your home improvement • Bookcases from 575 needs, call 291-9065. Mother's Club DORMERS BEAUTIFUL TWO-COAT To Honor HARBOR LIGHT BEACH CLUB OARAGES PRE-FINISHED PANELING PORCH ENCLOSURES 49 Keyport Athletes BREAKS THE PRICE BARRIER FRff ROOM ADDITIONS 4x8 Sheet 4 MODERN KITCHENS KEYPORT — Keyport High WE ARE NOW ACCEPTING RESERVATIONS BATHROOMS School Mother's Olub plans to ESTIMATES WE HAVE STYROFOAM BLOCKS FOR THE 1964 SEASON MASONRY hold this year's' annual sports HEATING FOR FLOATING DOCKS banquet at the Oaks on Rt. 35, Middletown, May 28. ATTENTION BOATMEN! OPEN SUN. 9 to NOON The club sponsors this banquet Husband, wife & 2 children, additional teenager or child in same $iti f& •• every year to honor the athletes, family $10. Including beach, pool, tennis, dressing facilities, etc. | | ^ CALL DAY or NIGHT 291-9065 band members, twirlers and cheerleaders who have served For Further Information MARINE LUMBER CO. their high school during the year. HARBOR LIGHT Deposit of $25 must accom- •SCHLOEDER• Varsity letters will be awarded CALL BOB OSGOODBY at Complete line ol do-lr-yourwlf materials for horn* and boat pany application. All appli- to Ihose students who have played DAY CAMP Harbor Light Beach Club MAHOGANY, TEAK, OAK and MARINE PLYWOODS CONSTRUCTION CO. on Ihc varsity squads during the June 29 thru August 21 cations sub|ect to approval 1500 Ocean Avenue year. SEA BRIGHT 1139 OCEAN AVE., SEA BRIGHT Phone 842-3355 REGISTRATION NOW by mcmbarshlp commltttt. YEARS TO PAY Opon Dally 8 A.M. to 5:30 P.M., Sat. 8 A,M, to 5 P.M. 142-0232—842-342O "I'vcrvlliin^ ill Ifiinii' liniirtirvntviils" BEING ACCEPTED 747-5394 22—Kriijay, May 22, 1964 Kennedy Urges Students DENNIS THE MENACE By Hank Ketchum RKO BANK BJ/3ISTO Fri-hy, Miy 22, 196-t—2'i \Utility Sets Historical Consider Public Service Posts Sites Tour for Children Py BARRY KRAMER Prayer Amendments of young admirers, many of ASBURV PARK - About 150 known as Monmouth Funwc*. NEWARK (AP) — Atty. Gen. whom wanted his autograph. children of employees of New The bus tour to Morris Coun- Robert Kennedy visited New In his talk to the law students, Foe Renominated Jersey Natural Gas Company will ty will include Georgt Washing- Jersey colleges Wednesday and Kennedy said lawyers seem to make a tour of historical sites ton's Headquarters at Morris By JOHN BECKLER ment. told students what they migh be more concerned with per- in their area Saturday as the town, a museum there, Fort Non- sonal security than with WASHINGTON (AP)—By a 3-1 His district includes a moun- company's part of New Jersey's sense, Jockey Hollow and the do with their futures, while at society's problems. margin Tuesday,, Republican vo- tainous area with strong ties to Tercentenary celebration. Morris Canal. the same time declining to dis- ters in Maryland's Sixth Con- fundamentalist religion, whose Public service is not empha- The tours are being divided in- In Cape May County the group gressional District renominated spokesmen have been among the cuss his own future. sized in law schools and col to three sections of the state with will tour Batsto State Park, Cape Rep. Charles McC. Mathias, Jr., most outspoken in calling for an leges, he said. groups from those areas visiting May County Courthouse and mu- Kennedy urged an audience who had taken a stand that many amendment. But there his edge selected sites in Morris, Mon- seum, Old Brick Church and the of 500 Rutgers and Seton Hal "If this country is going to of his colleagues thought was was 4,609 to 1,812. deal with its tremendous prob- mouth and Cape May Counties. Country Store. law school students here to con political suicide Mathias credits the Judiciary fider careers in public services, lems, it needs the services of, Mathias opposed any amend- Dale B. Otto, company presi- Committee hearings with having FAREWELL BUFFET politics and government. its educated people," Kennedy ments to the Constitution de- dent, who conceived the idea of brought into the national spot- NEW SHREWSBURY - Mr. said. signed to overturn Supreme Court the tour, said, "Many of the Just before his talk, the at- light an issue that had been and Mrs. Frank Connelly, 85 torney genaral turned away In remarks at a news cort decisions against compulsory re- largely taken over by patriotic most important events in Amer- ference, Kennedy said he did not ligious exercises in public ican history took place in New Reeds Rd., were guests of hon- questions about his own plans organisations and opponents of or at a surprise buffet given Sun- saying only: "I have no plans think the 42.7 per cent vote schools. the Supreme Court. Jersey, and, indeed right in our own service areas. Too often we day by Mr. and Mrs. Vincent at the present other than being received by Alabama Gov. His opponent, Brent Bozell, a Having dozens of leading George Wallace in the Maryland minimize or even overlook the D. Roache, Jr., 253 Riveredge attorney general. It's been sug- former speech writer for the late church officials and lawyers primary will have any effect on Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy, R- significance of the events of the Rd. Mr. and Mrs. Connelly are gested by some friends — and testify against an amendment the civil rights bill pending in Wis., and an editor on leave from past, and the important part (hey moving to Wilmington, Del. gome enemies—that I go some made his position easier to sup- where else." the Senate. the conservative magazine Na- played in shaping our country. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. tional Review, had backed an port, he says. The hearing also Therefore, we felt that this ter- Richard Callaghan, Mr. and Mrs. "I wouldn't say it was help- helped clear up what he says is Joseph C. Bechtle, Mr. and Mrs. The brother of the late Pres- ful, . but the civil rights leg- amendment and promised tq "re- centenary year would be the ideal ident has supporters who would turn the Bible to our schools." a great deal of misunderstanding time to give our children an op-James Dunbar, Mr. and Mrs. islation will be passed because on the subject, Paul Knauff, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- like to see him run for vice it's essential," said Kennedy. The issue was a particularly portunity to visit some of the president on a ticket with Pres- sensitive one because Maryland Mathias' view that his sizable sites in our locales where his- liam Suter, Mr. and Mrs, Wayne ident Johnson, and others who Kennedy said he opposed the was one of two states that had majority should help dispel the tory was made." Nichol, Mr. and Mrs. John Ew«Id think he should seek the Dem- Becker amendment, which a Bible-reading statute struck deep concern of many members About 100 of the bus-touring and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arnold, ocratic nomination for the U.S.would make constitutional re- down by the court, and the race of Congress who have not taken children from Monmouth and New Shrewsbury; Dr. and Mrs. Senate from New York. ligious observances in public was closely watched by both a stand on the issue is shared by Ocean Counties will visit the William C. Ellis, Rumson, and schools. He added, however, sides of what has become a na-Rep. Emanuel Celler, D-N. Y., Revolutionary War battle area, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Christensen, Kennedy, who was accompan- that, "I don't speak for the tionwide controversy. chairman of the Judiciary Com Shrewsbury. ied by his wife Ethel, also Old Tennent Church, Molly Pitch- administration." The Johnson It was eyed especially closely mittee. er's Well, the Historical Musuem made a brief stop at Fairieigh administration has taken up no "This should help a great It pays to advertise hi The Red Dickinson University in Tea by Mathias'- colleagues on the in Freehold and Allaire State stand on the proposed amend- The Art House Judiciary Committee, deal," said Celler, who opposes Park, first occupied in 1750 andBank RegJflter.-iAdvertiaenient. neck. ment. which has been holding hearings an amendment. "Things are def- He spoke to students packed on 146 resolutions proposing con- initely looking up. Sober judg- into a university lounge for stitutional prayer amendments. ment is coming into play." five' minutes. But it took him It's Normal Of Learning Witnesses supporting an amend- and his wife about 15 minutes ment have told of the overwhelm- PARISH BALL Monmouth to get from their car to the ing grass roots support for it LINCROFT — Annual Parish lounge through a pressing horde For Hollies By LESLIE J. NASON and warned that any member Ball of St. Leo the Great Cath- Shopping who opposed it was doomed to olic Church Will be held on May ' iONTGOMERY Dt. Nason Professor ol Education defeat at the polls. 29 in the Sea Girt Inn. Ticket Center To Shed Typical was tfie reference last chairman for the Bosary Altar FREEHOLD - It's natural for Dear Dr. Nason: not making any discernible Society is Mrs. Joseph Giger and WARD headway. Do you have any other week by movie actress Susan hollies to drop their leaves at Our son it 17, a junior in high Seaforth to "an ocean of public for recent meeting ests are 'skiing, sailing, tennis Skiing, sailing and tennis are ex- AUTOMATIC their new little trees begin to floor." of the Rosary Altar Society. A shed. and architecture. His one unsat- cellent recreation for a teen- Mathias is • popular two-term talk by Mrs. James T. Lowe fol- isfactory trait is complete lack ager. However, your son appears lowed. Usually holly leaves begin to congressman and was expected TRANSMISSION of interest in his studies. He hasto have let them absorb so much to win, but the decisive nature of On exhibit during the meeting fall just' before the new buds not been spoiled with a car, orof his thinking that the most im- was a tercentenary art exhibit by break early in May. his victory was a .surprise. He many of the other luxury items portant area of his life-achool-is won by 29,585 to 10,943. Yet he students of St. Leo the Great Sometimes bud break and leaf his contemporaries have. crowded out. Planned study ishad been deluged with petitions School. Rev. Arthur J. St. Laur- 432 BROAD ST. fall of newly transplanted hol- the answer, and, for best results, We have recently tried giving carrying 50,000 signatures calling ent, pastor and moderator, spoke lies are" delayed beyond the usu- tha planning must be your son's. for him to support an amend- on modesty in dress for women. SHREWSBURY al time, and this, too, is normal. him responsibility for shaping his However, he obviously needs firm, present and future. This approach friendly insistence from you. In- Hie whole process is explained failed. We are reluctant to again in "Evergreens Lose Ttieir sist that he turn a reasonable By Ceean become supervisors of 85 per cent portion of his thinking and plan- Leaves, Too" a leaflet that you of his active hours. 747-5468 can get free, from Marvin A. ning to his studies. Point out to For Saturday, May 23 Clark, agricultural agent, 20 We realize the virtue of pa- him that if he gives consiclous Court St. ience and encouragement but are effort and attention to each of Present—For Yo« and his courses for a while, interest Yours •.. "Dm m a good day, will be developed in these fields. aMmugh jpar mind it apt to wander. Stick to taski you can Dear Dr. Nason: do ataoat mtntmtinaUr. A My son, age 7>/£, is in the sec- weekend it denoted, ao ond grade. His teacher feels he mke jaw* far a party «r MM has a short attention span. He axrt of tofonri •et4oay*«r at has an average I. Q., but when yam: bout or As bane «f he is left alone to do his as- fijeotk. Oatdoor recreation is signed work he suffers a "mental adfisaUe. block," sits and does nothing, or fails to complete the work. How can I spark his interest? Past... On May 23.1958, the Future . . . Within die not Bin. C.M.P., E. Boston, Mass. two yearn JOB m«y have « fnK- 'Answer: r -.•/-",, awncieaatT wfflwot a _ cod, or a bur dryer You may have given your Bon that aaaaaaaaaa VOar laead a* vn your undivided attention and di- rected his work in detail to the point where he is now dependent upon you for guidance and de- aaged cisions which he should be mak- ing himself. The Day Uwfcr Yam Sign Turn the responsibility over to MMSltenUm+tlUApdm UNA (Stat» *> Ort.») 'him, firmly and kindly: Gain his I*r cSscratty. Ton fcanr. a 5*% a* Boat ntWhob Otfr • ratt* «J0att co-operation in the new regime. aenr profrKor a snear, .Bspontioo. aat fas* ia a raaaiVitat. ^^ Have patience. It will take time TAURUS (April 20 *» May 20) SCORHO ]O>*. 23 fe Nc*. 21) for him to form new work habits. feBsfao Is'not « taa to ktarM <• Tom find *•?* TO* lire and •*•• Dae; 211 Dear Dr. Nason: Don't kt jar Vide art taa inflate*- A nasfcimtlc <* catkwam #m ig. I am a sophomore in • high you xmj km- to cwalo* ftna e at*, norooe nay add ap torumbl e today. school now and since the sum- CANCH (JaaM a . 20 t» M*"ti 20} promises to my parents and my- A critic who mom not}** better T» hup your ht*d above inter, mtmr self but they wear off after a day ttm flat to be «ar/ a nuance tot «C expentivt *«• **» weekend. or when homework time comes. Ct*M, TWhtiii Ml maiur So here I am nearly through the year and still getting C's. I am told by my parents and -LEGAL NOTICE counselors at school that if I LEGAL NOTICE- would study, hard I could get NOTICE straight A's. I study an hour a NOTJCE HONMOUTH COUNTY MONMOUTII COUNTY SUHROUATF.'S COURT night or less. I would appreciate SURROGATE'S COURT Molleu la Creditors to rresent Notice I" Credlton to Frfiienl Claims A«:«lnit Estate any suggestions you could give Cltuni Aialnit Estate ESTATE OP EDWARD M. CRANE. me. KSTATB OF BRIDGET 0'REIU.Y, DECEASED DECEASED Pursuant to ttia order of EDWARD R. H., Klngsbury, Calif. Pursuant to the order of EDWAR! C. BROEGE, Surrogate o! the County O. BROEGE, Surrogate ot the Count; of Honmouui, this day made, on the HALF Answer: of MonmouUi, UilJ day made, on thi application of ths undersigned, Marga- The trick is to plan HOW youapplication of the undcrsirntd, Fetei ret M. Crane, Sole Executrix of the GAL. J. Flanagan, Sole Eiecutor or ths ei estats ot the said Edward M. Crane, are going to study each course. Ute of lh« Hid BrldMt O'BelUy, de- deceased, notice Is hereby aiven to the ceased, notice It hereby riven to tin creditors ot said deceased to present You will find that the plans you creditors of laid deceased to preseni to the eatd Sole Executrix their claims make in detail will be followed to the said Sole Bxecutor their claim under oath within six months from this under oath within six months from date. C GAL. by action. Practice reading for thla date, Dated: April 29th, lost Dated: April 22nd, 1964 MAROAJIET M. CRANB speed and comprehension with PETER J. FLANAGAN Post Office Box 502 CONT. the idea of becoming a fine stu- 600 West 17Sth Street Red Bank, New Jersey, flew York Oily, N. Y. Sole Executrix dent. The printing you used in 8ole Executor Messrs. Pitney, Hardln * Klpp your letter should have been Benjamin Qruber, Esq. "470 Broad Street 103 Bay Avenue Newark J, Hew Jenty, Highlands. N. 3. JR. SUN discarded in the third grade. Attorney Attorney May * Orange Learn to write longhand. This May 1, 8. IS, 23 Kffi.SS S, 19. ,22, 2D |2«.M CUMBERLAND FARMS will help you to improve your NOTICE NOTICE Take notice that Robert 3. Lan- * Grape ' rades. MONMODTH COUNTY trank, JBvatyn Lan/rank. Antoinette (You can get Prof. Nason's HUKROQATE'8 COURT Arnone, Oomenlo 3. Vllla.nl and Jo- FRUIT Notion to Creditors to Preseot aephlne Bcalzo trading as Club 16 has DRESSES * Fruit Punch helpful booklet for Parents, "Help Claims Against E»tate applied lo the Mayor and Council o ESTATE Of JOSEPH 8ALATIN0, the Boroulh of Red Bank lor a Plen- Your Child Succeed in School," DECEABKD ary Jtetall Consumption C-6 license foi DRINK * Lemonade by sending $1 to Help Your Child, Pursuant to the order of EDWARD C. premises iltuated at H S. Bridge Alt BIG NEW GROUP FOR RROEOE, Surrogate of the County ol nue, Red Bank, N.J. Box 1277, General Post Office, Monmouth, this day made, on the ap- Objections, If any, should be made New York City.) plication of the undersigned, Leonard Immediately In wrltlne to John Bryan, Sal&tlno, Bole Executor of the eitoia Clerk of the Borough of Red Bank. FUN-IN-THE-SUN! of the said Joseph Salatlno, deceaned, ISIffnei!) -LEGAL NOTICE notice Is hereby given to the creditor! ROBERT J. LANFUANK and NOTICE of aatd deceased to prenent to the saJd EVELYN liANFP-ANK • MONMOUTH CJOUNTY Bole Executor their claims under oath 157, Branch Avenue, , \ HUKROOATK'8 COURT Tthln fix months from this date. Red Bank. N. J. Notice to Creditor* lo Presrot Dated: April 22nd, IWJi ANTOINETTE ARNONE ('laJtm Again*. Ksttvtr LEONARD 8ALATIN0 8 Mannlna* St., KflTATE OF THOMAS JOSEPH 116 Darker Avenue Mlddlclotvn, K. Ji RITTOM, DECEASED Eatontown, N. J., DOMENIO J. VILLANI BREAD Furauai* to the order of EDWARD Solo Kxfcutor 25 Sanmra Drivp, I. BROBGK, Burroifate of the County eftars. Parsons, Canzona, 8hrewff)iury, N. J. if Monmouth. tiiU day nuulfl, on the Rlalr A Warren JOSEPH P. SOAU'.O 98 ippllcttlon of thft undersigned Barbara 18 Wallace Street 105 Prospect Street, on roc, Administratrix of the estate Red Bank, N. J. Red Bunk, N. J. the «a Id Tliomaa Joseph Tlritton, Attorney May 15, 22 ceoKri, notice li herfihy Riven to May 1, fl, IS, n S26.68 e creditors of laid deceased to ru3*>- nt lo thft mill! Administratrix their 2 'OR 29 I aims under oath within tlx months NOTIOB OF KKJTI.KMFAT NOTICK 5 MONMOUTH ( OIINTV 'flm this date. OF ACCOUNT The Finest Bread Available Dated: May ifttti, HMJ4 ffi/nnnr.ATK'H COURT KHTATK OF IDA LEEK HAND, DK- Notice to Creditor* t. are bare backs and arms. , Ward, lun droii»s Administratrix tor of (tie entfitd of said IlRceu.ifld will I'ursuntit to tii* orrirr nt KDWAIU) p.iflM. McOne A O'Hcrr. In' miififd orul ntntcd by Uw Surrogate . ItHOKOR, Surrogate of the County 00 Hrtrnd Htrppl of thr: County of Moninoutii And ff- f Monmouth, tlila «lny mtij", on (h are a droam-como-true for the bsach and OPEN 7 DAYS—9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Ked HnnH. N. J., portFd for nr-ttlfinr>nt to The Monmouth Itl^lCJitlou of the undPrfllgiiPd, Dorothy Attonityn County C'oui-t, i'robate nivfslon, on Fri- cliullz, floie Kn'Ciitrlx of the rntntp of travel in crisp easy-cars cotton. Bright sum- May 'i'l, 21), June IS, 12 127.00 ilny, llio l'JIh diiy of June A, II., HJfll, le aalii Jnrni'H C Krrgu.ion, i|i'r.t>nnpil, iit H::io o'clock n. m., Ht the County ">tlne fri hf?ri'hy Riven lo thp rrpfilt'im C'mirt MoiiNt', MonvutiPnt unit Court ' rtald ilr>c«iLitfd to ffnent U> the said mer colon in solids, stripes and prints MHICF, Htrpftlii, Frreliotd, New .fern^y, «t wlilrh Tnlts MI>I!CB Mint I>uvl<1fti :>lff Kxorutrlx Ilifir rhilm-i undrr oath I.li|iior. tlmn Ajifilicntlno will hc> n\su\v. for llir Ithln nix morithn from thin dale td.Mf,- ii mll -P of Commlrinlonti ntw( C'ounsoi any tan. 3-15 Junior, 5-11 Jr. potite. irmiM Hhu|i Imi nji|»Urd In 111 May- [r. DutPd: May Oth. l'Hi4 BIHI Council <>f Ihi' IlomiiKh of Red April 'Jird A. 1), VMM. 21) VVnlnut Htrccti 'tftnk fm n 1'trnnry KefnU fM.ifrUmMon VliAXV.lR X. f!KAHAY, «fd Rank. NPW Jrtrnpy 1-1 llreine Mr |i'n>mlnM nltiiAtM «t ?2 Illver Avrnur, Bole Kxfculrlx i!6 Urn,nl fti., (trij llntik. U, J. Mnnrimiitii lfi>nrh, N. J. M.-rn. WiJit, Wi.ir, RED BANK -164 E. NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. FAIR HAVEN - 604 RIVER RD. Ohjcrflnn'. if nny, nfiuiifii he nimtr AitmlniHtnitor Wtrhmiiiin A IWMirii uniisDrllatMy In wrltfiti; to Jirftn Mrynn 'linman 1>, Yuccarlno, Kmj,, Cnutinrilnrs nt [j»w Ckrk of lh» HmniiKh of RM Hunk. Counsellor it IJHW, Al Hron'l Htr'-'i JUNIOR HEADQUARTERS WANAMASSA - 1414 WICKAPECKO DRIVE .127 R«n([!i Avfnil*. JlfA Riir«r>y DAVILWON'S UQUOR, INf*. Aibury Park, N. J. Atlornnyo |M«y IS, 32 fO&o May 1, I, It, 11 171.(0 «y m. 22. 29, Jun* ft AUTOS & TRUCKS AUTOS * TBUOCg 2»—Fridty, M*y 22, 1%4 RED BANK REGISTER ANMOUNCtMENTS LOST 4 FOUND PUBUC Nonr.ES AUTOS 4 TRUCKS LAST 4 FOUND u.1 yntr. tl,<«t. VAJHU Bn AUTOS * TRUCKS AUTOS «• TTtUCKS a* r.rmA St., tMi I"** l»bT — Buck cu wee^lm; pink coUerUfeo's jUJ **riB of nurvtry tchvA tM Wr with two Mil. Vicinity J Prospect gaxUc. f*>%%M c*il ui tor tn pp ^•oS^l& «*^«re^He5urw ILOHUOVTB U.CTIOM Ave., and Rumson Rd., Uttle lunr. ment and application. Transportation FORD STATION WAGON — 1M«, completely reHnl»hete«d. OnW Blue with matching interior, (Three to Choose From) LOST — Prun, Trufwm (com River COMMUNITY — And culluraJ centei I960 PONTIAC - Two-door, autonwtlc. RUI bt»ch. R«we,rd. •pellmtn, tM- TRAILER SPACE AVAILABLE — Maurice Schwartz & Sons S8&. AUTOPORT U.SA., C»U «T3-0M0t equipped wllh hydrqmotlc V-« englnei. automatic trans- will sincerely e.ppreclMe lift ol puu Power .leering. $1,050. Buiu Brei. or uprltht plmo. 7M-MM. Reuonable rain. Circle Trailer Court, Pontlac, 385 Broad St., Red Bank. HI W. Front Bed Bank 747-0787 IBM FOKD RANCH WAOON — Good rootOt nearer, power brakes, missions. Radio, heaters ond Hwy. 35, Ee-tcntown. MSNO620. condition, reuonible. GaJl after 7 power iteerfng, automatic power steering, 741-5180. 1B59 VOLKSWAGEN — I •Mm ond factory air con- 1959 VOLKSWAGEN — Sunroof, new Ml-8324. . AUTOS & TRUCKS AUTOS fc TRUCKS ditioning. Excellent through- AUTOMOTIVE brakes, clutch, «hocW. Motor eicrtleot. 1959 THUNDERBIRD — Two^loor hMd' out! RUSSELL Call 542-9730, _____ top. Reasonable. Call aftw 6:30 p.m. MOTOR SCOOTER - NSU Lambretta. 741-40T4. ______AUTOS & TRUCKS 1958 BU1CK - Riviera estate waBon. Electric .tarter. Fully equipped, Call RUSSELL 1 Oldimobile-Cadillac 9 •59 FORD SALAXIE '60 FALCON Full power, metallic grey wKh roof after 6 p.m. 671-1021, 2-Door Stick Four-Door 1957 PONTIAC STAR CHIEF — New carrier, and third »eat. 50.000 miles. 1960 CHEVROLET — Four-door sedan. (More Classified Adi Oldimobile-Cadillac Company , trarisrnlnfllon. full power, very clean, $695. Call 671-0522. Automatic, power steering. *1.05p- «"; On The Next Page) * 100 Newman Springs Rd \ $645 $595 S375. 264-5143. 1059 PONTIAC — fltsr Chief tour-door sas Bros. PouUac. 3»5 Bread St., Red Company hardtop. Automatic. «995. Baa.a. Broj. sas r 100 Newman 8prln*i Rd., ! Red Bank ' ' I960 PONTIAC — Two-dooTwodoor hardtophardop. Bank. 741-5180. Red Bin* GARWOOD MOTORS GARWOOD MOTORS PulPl l power 1117511,175. Ruui Bros. PontlacPontlac, Pontlac, 395 Broad St., Red Bank. 741-0910 r 395 Broad St. RRed BankBk . 7(1-51807(15180. 741-5180. 741-0910 13 Hwy. 36, Atlantic Highlands I 13 Hwy. 36, Atlantic Highlands AUTOS & TRUCKS AUTOS ft TRUCKS 291-9630 291 -9630 AUTOS & TRUCKS AUTOS & TRUCKS USED IMPORT SPECIALS! ALL PRICES REDUCED •63 FIAT $895 '60 VOLKSWAGEN $995 2-Dr. MO D Conv. Black '60 N.S.U. PRINZ $295 'A3 RENAULT $1195 Grttn Dauphlm Green '59 TR-3 $995 : •61 PEUGEOT *«5 Perfect 403 Sedan Belae '58 VOLVO $795 2-Dr. 544 Sport, On* Owner •61 VOLKSWAGEN $1195 •58 MERCEDES BENZ $1095 TO GO! Sunroof 220S 4-Dr. Sedan Hydrok •61 VOLKSWAGEN $1395 '57 V0LKSWA6EN $695 .. . AND ONLY 7 SELLING DAYS LEFT THIS MONTH! Kormon Ghla Conv. Sedan Black '60 TR-3 $1195 '56 MERCEDES BENZ $1491 OUR SALES QUOTA FOR MAY IS 35. Green 190 SL Coup* Block DON'T MISS THIS FABULOUS OPPORTUNITY TO ... REDBANKAUTOIMPORTS AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR RENAULT—VOLVO—PEUSEOT—TRIUMPH Newman Springs Road Red Bank OPEN EVENINGS—741-5886 CASH IN ON THE YOUR CARE-FREE DRIVING FANTASTIC SAVINGS is ^guaranteed ON with one BRAND NEW • FACTORY FRESH of these QUALITY IMPORTED AUTOMOBILES! '63 AUStlN HEALEY t '61 SUNBEAM ALPINE '64 OLDSMOBILES Deluxe 3000 roadster/ black, red Roadster. White with Neck In- Interior. R * H, whtewolll. Wire terior. Wire wheeH, wtilti wall |F YOU'RE IN THE MARKET FOR A NEW wtieeli. tires. $2695 ; $1495 CAR ... DON'T WAIT! HUSTLE TO '61 AUSTIN HEALEY '55M.6.T.F.

Deluxe 3000 roadtttr. blue., blu*. Roadster,, yock: with, red leather RUSSELL FOR THE BUY OF THE YEAR! Interior. R & H, whlti walli. interior. Wire wheels, elatslc , wire wheels. $1995 $1295 '62 M.G.A. '61 ALFA ROMEO WE'RE OUT TO SET Roadster. White, with red Interior Glulitta Spider WE HAVE A NEW OLDS • ; i j $1495 $1595 TO FIT YOUR TASTE A NEW SALES RECORD CONTINENTAL CARS, INC. Only Quality Imported Automobiles AND YOUR BUDGET! Newman Springs Rd. 747-4500 Red Bank SELECT FROM AND IT'S A PERFECT CHANCE We Don't Sell Price ... SEDANS • CONVERTIBLES HARDTOPS • WAGONS FOR YOU TO SAVE MONEY! WE SELL PRODUCT! OVER 35 RAMBLER SELECT USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM ALL MAKES • ALL MODELS IMMEDIATE WE STILL HAVE A URGE SUPPLY *OF 1963 RAMBLER Convertible, auto., RiH, 5000 mllei, It-mo, guarantee. 1963 FALCON $1795 DELIVERY Club wagon, radio and heater, nlne-pauenjer. WORLD'S FAIR 1962 VOLKSWAGEN $1295 OVER 40 CARS IN STOCK Radio and heater. DISCOUNT TICKETS 1962 RAMBLER $1695 Ambassador 400 four-door, automatic. TO CHOOSE FROM Radio and heater, bucket seati, power (tearing. ADULT TICKET P™. $21 M.35 1962 RAMBLER $1350 Classic,two-door, radio and heater. CHILDREN'S TICKET 68' 1962 CORVAIR $1595 WE WILL OFFER . . . (OR 2 FOR $1.35) Moma coupe, (our speed box, radio and h*ater. 1961 FALCON $995 Four-door sedans radio and heater. 1961 VALIANT $995 TOP TRADE ... THE SHORE'S LARGEST OLDSMOBILE-CADILUC DEALER Floor shift, radio and heater. 1961 TRIUMPH $595 4-door Station Wagon ALLOWANCE I960 CHEVROLET $1050 Bel Air, 4-door automatic, radio and hvater. I960 DODGE $1075 FOR YOUR PRESENT CAR! 4-dr. sedan, automatic, radio and heater. I960 RAMBLER $1050 RUSSELL Pour-door wagon, radio and heater. DON'T WAIT! STOP 1959 RAMBLER $895 OLDSMOBILE-CADILLAC Co. Four-door HT, automatic, radio and heater, PS and PB IN TODAY AND GET 1959 CHEVROLET $975 100 NEWMAN SPRINGS RD. RED BANK Impala. 4-dr. HT, auto., RSH, power steering, power braltei EXTRA SAVINGS! 741-0910 TWIN-BORO RAMBLER OPEN EVENINGS TIL 9 P.M. 131 Newman Springs Rd. Red Bank Open Eves 'til 9 747-0040 Wtt* Ir TRUCKS sViroaa tvnxntoau tiwcu AUTOS * TRUCK! ^OTtf.fM^t^sY, , ^m /mm * BANK OBI DODOS WAOOK - B» u" vm wsmm i*M FALCON — Button wagoo. Stick STANDARD MUT SPECIAL — Thll im\ V AOKN — auuoo w Utt n/TUWTH TWO-JDOOR HAJID- shift, tl.MO. Rauai Bn. Pontlae $» 19(1 PoDtltc CaUllna four-door h»r«oo Pontlae M6 VMM., call TOP — A real sharp out. Buekat IWITSI Frfdty, Mty 22, 1964—23 OH» STOP URVICB •KM St. Re4 Bank. 741-5110. was traded on a new Chrysler Its for- tealt. tower Xeerlng. Drive It todty. t»6» riAT — four-door, excellent con- mer middle-aged owners enjoyed power US* FORD RANCH WAOON — Radio, UW CH«VItOl*T — Homail station Ptrmouth, Valiant, Chrysler. ]ia>«rlal MOBILE HOMES AUTO FINANCING dition, M mU«rt» t tsJIon. Wbltewaiu, MM CHEVROLET BI8CAYKE — Two- steering and power brakes, but wanted hatUtr.._ . ant owner, excellent condition, wagon. Radio and tinier, power Hear- Dealer). one owner. «JTl WW310. • door stdan. hrdromatlc. Excellent to get away from standard thlft. Mop call ln«. automatic trauuraltalon. 717-5151. AUTO INSURANCE shape. Beit offer accepted. Call 741-8636. In and He It for > real bur. io-vm. Maurice Schwartz & Sons MOBILE HOlOa west Con Packatt D««l > MERCURY — station wagon. i Plymouth. Valiant, Chrysler, Imperial It*! PLYMOUTH — Pour-door Vfc U97 PONTIAC four-door hardtop aa It. VfA • 1M> down Four-door hardtop, nine passenger, all PORSCHE — 1M0. 1600 super coupe. Dealer). n (290. Rains Bro«. Pontlae, Mo Broad 111 W. Front Red Bank Ntw * 7-year ftnanetng automatic radio and heater, vvnill- ROEBIN8VUXE power, tinted flail, snow Ures, perfect Red, Mlchelln X. Immiculate. R.OM. walls. H.I76. 747-8549. St., Red Bank. 741-5110. \m V0LK8WA0EN — Sunroof, radio, running condition, roof rack, radio and Call 741-8458. MOBILE HOME SALES, INC. FINLAY-BREUNINSER INC. heater. J1.0M firm. 787-4836. Maurice Schwartz & Soni 1M0 DODGE - Nine pusenger wagon. 1M3 FORD FAIRLAINE - VI. two- clean acod condition. I4M. 741-74M or Rout. 130 Robblntvltla. N. J. 1963 CORVAtR MONZA - Radio, stick. 141 W. Front T47-OJM Full power »1.0M). Rassas Bros. Pontlae. door, radio and heater. Whttewallt, 741-SIOfl: IV 71320 Itt-OlOO Iv.nlnjt 172-MM VOLKSWAGEN 1M3 - Excellent cr/n- Excellent condition. il.NO. AUTOPORT 3»5 Broad St.. Red Bank. 741-5180. automatic. Excellent condition. 747- IBM JAOUAR XK I40MC — Drop dltltm. Transferred, muit Mil, after S. U.S.A., call (72-0600. 1862 T-BIRD hardtop. Full power $1,380. one 1962 VINDALB — M Eipuido. excel- M1-M3}. Rassal Bros. Pontlae. 3B5 Broad St., 1964 FORD head coupe, radio, beater, wire wheels, lent condition. At 20 Shore Haven 1959 FORD — Hardtop sedan. Power, a Red Bank. 741-51S0. Oood 'running condition and food tires. 19M OHEVROLET—Bel Air. four-door new whlKwUl Ures. tuoes, etc. 11,150. Trailer P«rk. Hulet. 1963 VOLKSWAGEN — Two-floor. Very real beauty, $69fi. Rasiai Broa. Pontlae, $150. Call 741-7485. radio, heater, automatic. 1600. 222- Call aner a, (71-3O7(. low mileage. Jl,<65. Ruiu Brot. Pontl- 395 Broad St., Red Bank, 141-5110. Flat aaiei Sarvlct 0(74. (Sl8 BELLA CA8A — Reuonablt. U83 CORVAIR MONZA — Red with e 395 Broad St.. Red Bank. Hl-5180. UWINEWBBB 1B67 MI1CK BPECIA.L — Blue con- 185S MERCURY — Two-door. As Is »6. Colored applltncee. awninc, jrood eoo- black upholstery. Low mileage. Perfect AUSTIN HEALET SPRITE — 1960. Hwy. 35 MJ1020 Batunlown vertible, body and engine excellent. 1958 VAUXHALL SEDAN — As Is »»0.Raasas Bros. Pontlac, 3M Brotd St., dltlon, call M2-34M or Ui-VH. condlUon. 11,795. AUTOPORT U.S.A., Red Barrk. 741-51SO. >853 PONTIAC — Station wagon. Run' Tonneau cover, new brtkei. tSAd. Gall r Nee ew BMt r CtJ1 71T Rusts Bros Pontlae. MS Broad St., call 872-OMO. nlng condition. S75. Call •41-5955. 1»4» BUICK — :lal. Radio and heat- Needs " "»• °"* ' " Red Bank. 741-SlBO. 1961 Mill) DETROITER — Early 741-5657 150. -" 741 IMS after «O8O8W after «. 1852 MERCURY — Excellent running American furniture. Excellent condi- 1B59 OUMMOBILE 98 — White four- 1S59 FIAT — 600. Oood condition. *2S0. p.m. 1M1 PLYMOUTH — Four-door tedan. IBM EDBEL — Clean, extra Urea, new condition tion. Phone M2-J119. door, all deluxe pow«r equipment. 67,- 1868 CADILLAC — Four-door hardtop. Call motor, accessories. As Is, needt work. MS-4812. 1959 CHEVROLET Impala two-door Automatic W2S. Raasai Bros. Pontlae, MOBILE HOME — Fully turntlhtil. WO miles, private party. Reasonable. $1,285. M4-48J9 SM) Broad St.. Red Bank. 741-5180. $100. Call 7S7-4341. 1M3 PONTIAC CONVERT1BIJ: • Days M7-1MS. Evening! MMM1 717-4127. hardtop. Automatic, power SHO. Rataaa Two bedrooms. Full bath. Call M3- 19S1 MERCURY — Two-dew ttdan, Bros. Pontlae, IM Broad St., Red VALIANT STATION WAGON — 1S80.FORD 1M7 er steering, brakes. Black. O17I. 1969 OLDSMOBILB^-^ Four-door hard- TO BBTTUB ESTATE — Real cream Ford-OMUIc. radio, heiter. powtr Bank. 741-5180. 5M-m4. top. Full power, 1930. Kaasaa Brae. puff. 1&58 Cadillac Fleetwood. $1,200. stearlnr, ttx new whittwaU tins, ex- radio, beater, floor shift, 1900. Call 19S9 PEUdEOT — Pour-door, black, attar < p.m. 741-2147. 747-l»21 19(0 VOLKSWAGEN, tedan, new radio. Fontlac. 3» Broad St., Red Buik, Call 222-«000 aik for Mill Moser, or cellent condition. Hurt sell. Beet offer. Mechanically perfect. MM. AUTOPORT BOATS AND ACCESSORIIS 7*1-5180. evenmjs. call 229-2632. 671-0369. on* owner, S39O. IS41 CHEVROLET CLUB COUPB — 1M0 BLUE FALCON — Stick shift, 747-9251. A-l condlUon, fully equlpptd, ftfo. CaU radio, heater. Excellent condlUon. Call U.S.A.. call 872-0500. 741-4M8. WSJ VOUC8WAOKN — Station wagon, 2*4HSJ 1»5« MERCURY four-door ttdaiv At New New New AUTOS & TRUCKS AUTOS & TRUCKS AUTOS * TRUCKS deluxe, .unroof. M.TSO. AUTOPORT 1M0 FORD — 811 eyllndex tour-door 1M3 VOLKSWAGEN—Micro bui. Sun-li 1129. Raatat Bros. Pontlac, IM Broad U.S.A., call 812-0M0. tedan. Automatic 1790. Rassaa Bros. roof and radio. Ideal for large family St., Rid Bank. 7415180. V ALUMINUM BOATS or car pool commuter. 264-8140. • 1998 VOLKSWAGEN SEPAN H7». Pontlae. 3M Broad St., Red Bank. 1MSS CADILLAC — Usht blue, four- 3 H.P. ESKA 741*110. 1IU PONTIAC Catallna tedan. Auto- door. Power tteertnf, tood tlret. Al 30 Crest Dr.. Little Sliver. condlUon. Ont owner. Sacrifice, 842-3066 741-5120 1(01 TEMPEST — Floor shift, fully matic, M2S.. Rataaa Brot, Pontlac, 399 Air ColKd Motors 1K2 CHEVROLET — Two-door »dan. equipped, good Ures, snow tires, f&50. Broad St., Red Bartt. 741-6180. 1»57 BLACK 1MPKRIAL — Four-door Automatic, power uterine;. 11,550. Rat- 741-4SM. VOLKSWAGEN 1058 — Black sedan, tedan, factory air condltlonlnf. excel- FOUR-CYCLE HOMBLITE Ford Dealer^TLUsed Car aaa Bros, pontlae, us Broad SC, Red19(17 CADILLAC tour-door hardtop. radio, good condition. Five new Ures. lent condition, (8M. Phone 043-2307. Low fuel eon»umptlon Bank. 741-5180. Automatic and power (725. Raesas Brot. two or beat offer. 2(4-3314. preferably evenings. VAN WINKLE MARINE Pontlae, 385 Broad St.. Red Bank. USD VOLKSWAGEN — Sunroof, radio. 1M9 TR3 — Exctllent mechanics con- 741-MSO. Mint condition. 1785. AUTOPORT U.S.A. dition plus brand new top, sid. cur* US Hwy. 39 Eatontown, M.J. AUTOS k TRUCKS call 872-0600. tsJns, paint and braket. Ilumson, 142- Open All Day Sunday's 1H6S VOLVO — Model S44. Oood coo- »7» IM3 CORVAIR — Two-door, red, auto- MCCULLOCH OUTBOARD MOTORS — matic, plus acoeatorles, excellent con- 1M9 FORD — Country t«dan, food Salea and strvlce. Alto Mrvlce and "BIG CHANGE" TEADE-fflS condition. Reasonable. Call after I p.m. parta for SOOTT-McCULLOCR, SCOTT- dition,. I1.700. 741-8O4J. ISM FORD CONVERTIBLE — Blue 2S4'2>06. ATWATER. We tervlce and rtpatr all Thousands of new car buyers are making the Bigtfiange to Ford! So right now our lots are crowded, packed, over- '62 OLDSMOBILE and white. Top Mte new. IBM. SM-1854 CHEVROLET — Two-door. At It mikes of outboardt. JACOBS HAXD- flowing with beautiful trade-ins! Many makes and models to choose from! Including our famous Al Used Cars, spe- Dynamic tl Holiday TM7. Between ft p.m. 105. Rtluu Brot. Pontlae, J85 Broad ATTENTION HOT RODDERS: Hurt WAR£ CO.. Berfen PI. and Shrews- St., Red Bank. 741-8180. sacrifice IBM two-door sedan, Ml-V-8, bury Ave.. Red Bank. 7U-MM. cially inspected, reconditioned when necessary, road-tested foryour extra protection. Hurry forwidest choice-today! While with blut vinyl Inte- 19M PONTIAC — Nine passenger wag- mtchanlcaJiy perfect, nertr raced. New rior. Equlpptd with Hydromo- on. Al It S3S0. Raasai Broe. Pontlae, mt FORD STATION WAOON — V-8,paint, tpotlest Interior. Hunt shift, S3' 1S9I ULRICHSIN - 8KIJT. Per- 368 Broad «t.. Bed Bank. 741-5180. country seda.n. 40.000 milts. Body in- •* ; • , *> tic, radio, heater, power Hewart-Warner tach, Traction Masters. fect condition. Bhip-to-ehort radio, many brakes i ond Hearing. One terior and angina txctlltnt, 1360, 747-dual exhaust. J550 qutcU tale. 40 lovett extras. $1»,000. 5M-1I11 9180. owntr,'locally traded. Lite* AUTOS & TRUCKS Ave., Little Silver. CUSTOM BUILT thllUr tkllf 1J6S. new throughout. 1961 CITROKN STATION WAOON — 1BB9 FORD — BUilon wa(on. Radio, '60 FORD Ranch Wagon 2D. 595. '61 FORD Convertible, FOM. 1295. Model ID 19. Clean, economical and automatic. AiWn« 1508. Call good. tl.MO. Call tiler « p.m. TH-W27. 741-12B3 MARINE SUPPLIZS Radio, heater Power Steering RUSSELL '61 RAMBLER 1S69 RAHBUIR — Six cylinder tour- 1B5T CHEVROLET — Six cyllndtr, Krerytblnc for tht Boatman. Ntw Jtr- Oldimobile-Cedillac Four-Door door tuck. New paint, t595. Raataa stick shift, dood condition. Call seya larkttt marine supply home. Brot. Pontlac. 996 Broad St. Rid Bank. 741-82W Svlnrudt Saltt and service '59 CHEVROLET BtlAir 2D. 750. Company 1741-5180. THE BOATMAN'S SHOP '61 FORD Glx. 2D. & 4D. H.T.1295. $795 NOW THAT YOU hive ttudted the 14 Wharf Avt. 741-8780 Rid Bank Power Glide 100 Newman Spring* Rtf. iltSBT SILVER HAWK — One family AX>a. "Huitlt to Rutiell" to Intpict FOM., Powtr Steering Red Bonk car. Extras. Lest than 4B.W0 mllei. Optn Bundayt and Holidays 8 am-1 pm • GARWOOD MOTORS 1 and buy t. top reconditioned Ctdlllac. II Hwy. 36, Atlantic Hio.hl.ndi 1296. Call 842-MB7. Oldsmoblle or other msltt earl W0ODPU6SY — Sailboat. Completely •59 FORD C'try Sod. 4D. S.W. 74L09I0 riberglas Including* deckt. New mast 795. '60 LINCOLN 4D. H.T. 1550. 291-9630 and stainless rliilnr. Ready for till- AUTOS * TRUCKS MOBILE HOMES Ing, Make offer. CaU M2-1M3. FOM Full Power 1«' RUNABOUT — Xxeetltnt condition, BRAND NEW — 19«4. 80x10, two bed around M0. Call '60 FORD Falcon Dolux* S.W. 795. rooms, furnished. |3,M9. 1M4, 12s99, 7474133 •62 FORD Glx. "500" 2D. - 4D. 1650. two bedrooms. $6,300. Many ntw and Rodlo, heater CARRY CRAFT AND SAVAOB BOAT Full Power ultd mobile hornet and travel trailer! TRAILERS — IM West Front St., at attractlvt low prices. Seven-year Keyport. 2»<-O<30. ' llnanclnr, Oresn Acrea Mobile Home '59 FORD C'try Sq. Wagon 850. Salet. V7ett F&rmt Rd., half milt wttt '63 FALCON Sprint Hard Top 1950. of Rt. 8,' Freehold. 4S2-1335. $1095 - cnrUPnu Boston Whaler. Sportt model with ltfhti 1 Cylinder. Perfect BUDDY 19W — NxtO, two bedrooms, Installed. 1M4 TO h p. Jfercury outboard wisher, dryer, excellent condition, sac with remote controls. BOAT. SKI AND '60 MERCURY M'rclair 4D. H.T. 995. rifle* below wholesale. 7«7-««9. SCOOTER CENTER, 79 Whltl St.. Red '63 FORD C'try Sed. S.W. 1950. "THE HOT ONE" GIBRALTAR — (Colonial) 10x99. Two Bank. MOM., Powtr StMrlng yean old. FOM. M217M It' SPEED BOAT, 30 ti.p. Mercury motor. Bteerlnx, controls. nbtr(lat« bot- •61 PLYMOUTH Cut. Wgn. 995. 1964 COMET CALIENTE tom. J300. Call M8-MD9. •61 THUNDERBIRD 1995. AUTOS * TRUCKS YACHT INSURANOB Powr Flight, Power Steerlno Harold Kotoed. IM West Front St., Like New. Block Keyport. M4-M30. '61 FORD Fafootr Deluxe 4D. 995. SB' 1997 DOUBLE PLANKBD TROJAN '63 FORD C'try Squire Wagon 2195. $ CABIN CRUIBKa — Flush deeked cock, FOM pit. Four aletpcr. Completely equipped, FULL reasonably priced. Charles H, Jaeier, / FOM. $ 357 Seeler Ave., Ktantburf. Ml-MU, 2164 PRICE after 7 p.m. evenings. '60 FORD C'try Squire 1050. '63 FORD Glx. "500" XL Conv. 2395. FOM., Power Stearins FOM,, Powtr, Steering '57 FORDS (3) (More Clusifitd Adt 1964 GALAXIE 500 4-DOOR $2595 (hi The Next Page) '59 LINCOLN Capri 4D. H.T. 1095. '64 FORD T'lc F600 174" Ch'ti.2495 '56 CHEVYS (2) Full Power 8-cylind.r Cruiiomatic, radio, heater, power ttaaring, whitewalli. AUTOS ft TRUCKS •61 FORD C'+ry S.W. 1150. '61 LINCOLN Continental 4D. 2695. '59 PLYM. HARDTOP Air Conditioned 1964 FALCON TUDOR $1795 FOM., 6 cylinder •57 BUICK.4-DR, •62 CONTINENTAL Conv. I964FAIRLANE TUDOR $1980 '62 MERCURY MttV Cus. 4D.1195. '57 PONTIAC 4-DR. MOM. , Full Power i 1964 FORD CUSTOM TUDOR $2080 '57 MERCURY WGN. '62 FORD Ranch Wagon 4D. 1250. '63 CONTINENTAL Sed. « Cylinder Air Conditioned 1964 F-600 2-TON CHASSIS, 174" WB $2495 '58 FORD HARDTOP SIMILAR SAVINGS ON 1964 MERCURYS • CONTINENTALS GARWOOD MOTORS II Hwy; 36, Atlantic Hlohltndi Monmouth County's Largest Ford - Lincoln - Mercury Dealer DOWN PAYMENT? YOU NAME IT 291-9610 -ENGLISH AGENCIES |, , lyionir^th Qqunty'f Largest Ford - Lincoln - Mercury Dealer SINCE 1904 Monmouth and Maple Ave. RED BANK BQJB JOSEPH KLEIN ENGLISH AGENCIES I'd Rather Fight Than Lose a Sale! SINCE 1904 Monmouth and Maple Ave, RED BANK Com* tee me at McFaddin WHITE Cadillac - OldimobiU, 251 Broadway at 4th Ave., Long A GOOD BARGAIN when you shop this sign BUICK Branch. Can Alawys Be Found At YOU CAN Double Checked CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE ON OUR BIG check this list of quality USED CAR USED CARS cars at a fair price! '64 BUICK $2795 EXTRA SPECIAL Skylark conv. Fully (quip. SPECIALS '63 CHEVY $1995 '64 KARMAN GHIA$ Menu conv,, Lllc* ntw, '59 FORD $995 4-d . Wagon Coup*. New car guaranttt. Radio, gn ha afar. ' '62 PONTIAC $2195 r Damonstrater tpaclal. Immadiala • f««r-door. Radio, heater, '64 VOLKSWAGEN Roadittr TOM'S with Power Glide. six-cylinder, standard trammission. N«w car guarantee. Radio, heater. Sea Blu:% $825 White walli, iaat belts, undarcoating, many extras. JUST A PARTIAL LISTING • FOLLOW YOUR FRIENDS TO Demonstrator special. Immediate delivery. NEW PRICE $1,850 SALE PRICE 1725 FORD BOB 60 MAIN ST. CIRCLE CHEVROLET CO. SHREWSBURY MOTORS, INC. WHITE BUICK MAT A WAN 325 MAPLE AVE. 741-3130 RED BANK SHREWSBURY AVE. SHREWSBURY AVE. 741-8500 SHREWSBURY SOAP BOX DERBY, SATURDAY, MAY 30TH, TOWER HILL AVENUE Shrowtbury 741 -6200 566-1500 FOR BALE FOB SALE RED BANK REGISTER BOATS AMD ACCESSORIES BUSINESS NOTICES KELP WANTED-MALE HELP WAOTED-4CALE STTVkTVtoU WANTED, Mtk HIGH ICHOOL WODEN* — CMWbK. 26—Friday, May 22, 1964 IK BTOCK - IMMEDIATE DELIVERY tTE WAY CONSTRUCTION CO. — ambitious, nuiur* (no driver's lletut) 19«4 38' Trojan. jlldozer ind operator for hire. Ex- will do odd lobs, lawn work. ; «te. GUARANTEED TO BE AS New 21' Ventor, 129 h.p. Chrysler. 12, lent top toil for idle. Call 671-2492. COMPUTER PRODUCTS INC. Passed Senior and Soy Scout lUwaTiaf BOATS AND ACCESSORIES 993. Music For All Occasion! UMi. Available after 1 p.m. until 16' fiberglass Pearson. 35 h.p. Evinruiie THE SCEPTRES school dotes, weekends and for sum USABLE AS NEW! 16' Thompson with trailer and 25 h.p. Four piece band mer work. Call 74T-OO3P after « p.m. Evinrudp, J475. 11 Bob Watson 8*2-2848 1717 F STREET RUMSON YACHT BASIN 11' Trojan Cruiser, $l.*>7f>. RESPONSIBLE COLLEGE STUDENT •r Trojan Blmini. H.IWI. I) ROOFING — Glitters and lead' — Wishes summer employment. Have FIELD FURNITURE First St. Rumson '? Owens with hardtop. 52.150. t. Free estimates, 10-year guarantee. SOUTH BELMAR traaaporUllon. 291-0001. (201) 842-2300 3' nalbraith «kltf. S1 .SIX). -9742. Fair Haven. V Owens 1391 JJJ.'io. • 3 Piece Hide-a-way Living Room Suite SALES & SERVICE 7' Shelter Cabin, iiu.il controls, 51,295 TIRED OF WAITING? 681-3100 FINANCIAL complete with inner spring mattress Peterson-Viking Boats 17' Owens cruiser. Si.f>')0 For a painter Chrysler Marine LOTS MORK PIUCEI) TO SELL. I>ial 7S7-7314 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Silverton SUiri i'I>ay fiberglass 8rtili)oats from SW) H. Vic Fox — Port Monitionth OPENINGS AVAILABLE FOR EXPERIENCED .WIRING • Modern Charcoal Bedroom Suite Pearce — Simpson Radio •AIR HAVEN YACHT WORKS. INC. ,WN MOWERS — And Haws ahajp- TAVERN FOR BALE — Ideal location, S34 New Sllverton SkUl X (,095 Ft. of DeNormsmle Ave. i and repaired. Free pickup. 291- PERSONNEL IN THE FOLLOWING FIELDS: Hwy 36. Must sell account of illness. • 5 Piece Dinette S61 1963 Peterson Viking US. 500 •air Haven747-3011) 776-5675. Plt'ase call after 6. 3S' Hans Peterson, twin screw, Plus 9x12 rug, tables, lamps, etc. 4' CUSTOM-BUILT SEA MAC — With •D JOBS — Cleaning cellars, attfcfl, Must be familiar with assembly, soldering, fabrication of LARGE ROAD STAND — Trading aa with flying bridge ns.ooo ililltwi-l! trailer. Sncrlilrp, £-'25. Call xds, etc. Hauling and trucking. Rea- family farm market Located on Rt. SI' Motor Sailer, delsel power lia.ooo nable. B&D Trucking. Call 264-7064 Originally $680 .. 20' Skiff. Volvo po"«r S 1.75(1 electronic components and harnesses, and rack wiring 34, Colts Neck. Reasonable rent. Mi- 36' Coast boat, flying bridge X 4.000 i PEN' VAN SWIFT — Needs 4S65. VT Jersey Speed Skiff X 1.100 tfinor repairs. Complete with remote ItPENTER WORK — Alterations. (QUALIFIED FEMALE APPLICANTS GAS STATION for rent. Fully equipped 21' Outboard cruiser, new •ontrols. $S8. 741-58S(i. cms, garages, paneled roomn, screen Privately owned. American Oil. See Take over balance of • Mercury motor S 2.200 2' ROYVBOAT — $50. 3'a h.p. Johnson .rches. Call Ed. Luker, 741-2109. WILL BE CONSIDERED) dally from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. All day 14' Jet Bailboat X i>50 mtboard, 1961. }S5. Saturday and Sunday. 43 Main St., Avon 21' Pleasure craft, outboard S 875 FERIOR — CONCRETE WORK — $274 101 Sailboat, new fully rigged S 250 S42--/2SS liars, sidewalks, patios, all flat work, FULL-TIME, STEADY EMPLOYMENT, LIBERAL EMPLOYEE EYE SPECIALIST — Do to sudden 38' Cabin Cruiser Hull X 5511 22' CANADIAN BUILD — Speed boat. ilafaction guaranteed. Amazing esti- death of Dr. Matthews, fully equipped X 750 ,tP3 - Free! C. Blanton, 741-1433. ENEFITS — including medical and hospital plans, paid >fflce Instrument and supplies, Imme, Pay $3 Weekly 15Vi Flberglaa outboard iValk around cockpit. 135 gray, all ma- Itately available. Phone 741-0888. 16" Outboard, 40 h.p. motor X 650 logany, sacrifice. (575. Call 842-1821. NDSCAPE GARDENING — Shrubs tele leave, life insurance and vacations. 23' Paradise-Like new t 3.S00 1 , evergreens, maintenance and de- INDEPENDENTLY — Owned Texacd May be purchased separately at 26' Skiff X 2.SO0 2 SKI BOAT — 10' BW boat. Racing ;n. free estimate. 787-6866. 2-bay service station for aale or least. 30' Cabin Cruiser X 2,300 .illng pram. All ready for use. Call COMPANY WILt, BE RE-I/OOmNO TO PABUIKODALE, N. J. IN JUNE Located fn Keyport business center. 33' Chris Craft, twin screw, 47-4312 after 4 p.m. 'MPLETE LAWN MAINTENANCE— Inquire at 374 Atlantic St., Keyport flying bridge $11,500 BARGAIN — New cork lite Jackets, $3; ily, weekly, monthly. Free estl- AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITr EMPLOYER FIELD FURNITURE FINANCING ARRANGED 1200' manlla lope, V. P; 5-16", $.15. lies, reasonable rates. 741-0648. RED BANK AREA — Delicatessen and 5-pound N.-ivy am-hors, $5. Fishing rods, Super Market, very high Income, re- QUICK BALE — 15' boat, 12 h.p. Elgin ,3 up. BILL'S, 103 Port Monmoulh Rd., HELP WAMTED-FEMALE HELP WANTED-MALE quires 120,000 investment. Store with Warehouse Dept. outboard motor, both J350. Tyrrell, foot 'ort Monmnulh. EMPLOYMENT adjacent living quarters. Call Mr. of Huddy Ave.. Highlands. Brown, Thompson _ Bartell. Inc. Re- 7-11 East Front Street COMET BAILBOAT HELP WANTED—FEMALE N. C. R. OPERATOR tors. 747-9600. 1659 EVINRUDB 18 h.r, In storage. Must sell MACHINE OPERATORS Keyport, N, J. Four years, fins condition. tlOO. Call Call 747-(k)O3 Ve have an opening In our accouotln MOBILE LUNCH TRUCK — Walk-in. 842-2613. Must sell. Good business. FREE DELIVERY FREE STORAGE KIMMER with steering and cables, BOOKKEEPER ASSISTANT lepartment for a person with experi- We have several permanent openings 222-9214. WANTED — Aluminum boats and ca- >lus 10 h.p. Scott. (100 for both. Call xperlenced with figures, must be able ence In accounts receivable and payable. for young men to qualify as machine Foa- appointment 264-3021, Mr. Paul. Open Thursdays and noes for Rumson boy scouts. Phone 842- 41-111)65. type. Permanent position. Contact Must be good at figures, with good typ- tool operators. Duties Include drilling, BUT IT I 1134 or 842-3593. •- Frelman, Industrial Washing Ma- ing skill. Salary commensurate wlu tapping, riveting, and other machine Top locations. Major Highways 34, 35, Fridays 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Other days 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. IS' OUTBOARD SKIFF — Sturdy flari- ine Corp., 32 Main St. Matawan. experience. Reply giving full details ai shop operations such as sanding, filing, 38, 37. Call FEIST - FfflSIT, Realtors, 1959 THOMPSON — 17'. 35 h.p. Evin- ng boat. In water, no motor, reason- S-4G0O. o qualifications. Write "A.P." Bo; and demurring. Box 701, Xslontown, N. J., S42-4445. rude. Electric start. Fully equipped. able. 842-2348. ill, Red Bank. A-l condition. (1,100. After 6, 741-46:10. ID WANTED — Live In. $200 month- FOR SALE FOR SALE T CAHIN CRUISER — Sleeps four, Call INSPECTOR — Opening In quality con- We require manual dexterity and good i' PRAM — With 3i4 h.p. Evinrude 95 Chris Craft engine. Ready for water. 842-0806 trol laboratory (X manufacturing planl phyalcai condition. Including excellent MORTGAGES motor. Both In very good condition. Call 741-9517. In Freehold area. Must be high acboo! eyesight. High school graduates with HANG? NEWARK Complete price, 175. B<2-«273. LE8W0MAN — To mid from 5-8 graduate and willing to work routing shop training are preferred. BANK RATES to Neptune, no better value thaa our ^OWBOATS — Various sizes, (25 a .. Apply Top Hat Drive-In CleanerB, shifts. Steady, Interesting work with IMMEDIATE CASH flare we tuwc curtain ro_i, window WOLVERINE 15' 3" — Double hulled, >lcce. STALDER'S BOATS, Rt. 35, Red Broadway, Long Branch. _t Jnd. 3rd Uortgijtu ih«4ef, Venetian bllndi. Don't wait BIO-M Aluminum storm window. Buy foam teats, fully equipped, all electric Sank, Inquire at Riverside Motel. good saury and benefit!. Call 452-6600 30 days of on the Job training i> weelu to have your window shades at Prown's. Heavy duty throuihoiK. 1961 45 h.p. Mercury engine. $450. AITRESS — Unusual opportunity %o tor interview. provided under close supervision. New Home Improvement Loans Can't bs beat at 111.95. employees are eligible tor: Debt Consolidation — Lowest BUM made. Brlnf in your meaaureraenU and Call 74,1-6010. .4' SAILFISH SHARK — Fiberglas irmanently join our experienced staff GENERAL HOUSEWORKER — Re- let our window shade experts make hull 85 sq. ft. dacron sail. (250. 10' A benefit from our greatly Inoreaied 2.000 month (14.09 TUNA ROD AND REEL and lying liable woman year-'round care of ranch e Progressive wage Increases 3,000 month §21.07 your fitades while you wait. PROWN'S DINGHY SAILBOAT 75' nylon sail, tlvitles. Ideal working conditions, lome. Plain cooking, three school aged rait. Like new. For Quick sale. 774 iberglas hull. 5175. 222-5813. .y and evening shifts now available. e Profit sharing and pension <,000 month $28.09 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 3878. hlldren. Sleep In, 5H days, S80. MS- • Sick leave plan C000 month (3a.ll PROWN'S FIBERGLAS — Resin, cloth, tape, etc, IE HEARTH. Shrewsbury. Call 717- PORTABLE STEREO HI PI — Phono- BAROAIN PRICED — to sell as is. 56 for appointment. e Paid holidays and vacation PARKER UORTOAOE 33 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7600 graph, 8ylvanla, 179. Call Marprox-lakerfill, sealer 800, 000, 1,000. 141-4343 • 9O 1-2601 MINK CAP— — Hip length. Modern 32' Nau cabin skiff with twin 100 h.p. Also marine finishes, bottom paint, FREEHOLD AREA e Health Insurance plan S7V2939 Gray motors. $t,975. SURANCB SECRETARY — Must Heal estate office seeks two, part o: e Free life Insurance )ur Bonded Personal Representative style, call mornings or evenings, <100. brass screws, bronze nails etc. JACOBS ve experience In policy, rating and [ull time. We will train you. Eicellen Pill Call At Tour Homt At Tour S42-1OS9. •RACTICALLY NEW — Greeting card FAIR HAVEN YACHT WORKS INC. HARDWARE CO., Shrewsbury Ave. and Itlng. Salary open. 229-2142. 1 Ft. of DeNormande Ave. opportunity to earn very large com Five day week, 8 am. to 4:30 p.m. onvenience. No Obligation. :ases. Also two 36" Dlehl attic fans, Bercen PL, Red Bank. 747-3654. ONE HIOH SPEED DIRECT BLOWER >argaln. CY — ART'S, Ocean Ave., Fair Haven 747-3010 iCRETARY — Mature person with missions. Call 671-2727 for intervl— 'lease apply at personnel office. FIRST ANL> SECOND MORTQAO—S — Wettinghouse electric dryer, three 1050 OLD TOWN 16' outboard, 1062 pal experience preferred. Write re- BEACH AGENCY years old. Excellent condition. *75. One a Bright. TAILOR MADE YACHT INSURANCE 10 h.p. all electric Evinrude', fully AVAILABLE - Edwin 8. Stark. Real Do you have the broadest yacht in- ime of qualifications, experience, and OPENINO FOR RELIABLE PERSON— WHEBLOCK SIGNALS INC. Estate and Mortgage Coagultint. 264- lair aluminum with white enamel com- BABY CARRIAGE — Car bed, youth iquippcd. 291-1660. lary desired to "A.Z." Box 511, Red 0420. ilnatloa storm doors, 2' 8"x6* 8",, 175,chair, child's Bed rail, unpalnted vanity •urance at the lowest cost? Marine In accounting department, •omft ex- 273 Branchport Ave. Long Branch Underwriters Agency Is one of the SEAMEN INBOARD-OUTBOARD .nk. perience preferred. Five-day week. Full or best offer. One pair 15 light French -Ith glass top. 741-7588. An Equal Opportunity Employer doors, 2' S"x«' 8" 125. Call 842-0654. largest marine Insurance agencies in SKIFF — 30 h.p. Mercury motor. UNO LADY — For light bookknep- company; benefit*. Wrlu "A.V." Box TON AIR CONDITIONER, two rufl the country with more than 10 years 222-8213. e, pleasant working conditions, knowl- 511, Red Bank. MERCHANDISE BINDER sewing machine, Cord organ, practically new 8x10. Call vsni of specialized service to boat ownern. BRITISH SEA GULL — Outboard, ,4 ge of sewing helpful. Five day week. 'ART-TIMS — Day or night. JACK- tape recorder, food cutter, accordion, "47-4632, At no obligation call or write us today h.p. Used only Yt hour. Bought larger ondaya off and paid vexation. Inquire >OT QOLF, Call FOR _OB alto, sax, .coest of drawers. Other for free quotations. boat. Sacrifice. Call 842-0261 days. day at 184 Broadway, Long Brancb. HELP WANTED-MALE 747-4091. household articles. 787-7083. SOFA—Colonial, quilted fabric Two MARINE UNDERWRITERS AGENCY -. Hlckman, manager. loose pillows. 80" long, 31" high, Graft 1 Dmmmond PI. Red Bank _ CUSTOM HARDTOP-Skiff. 215 Gray, TRAFFIC GUARD — For summer INSTANT MISCEUUUN-OUB HOUSEHOLD FUR- fabric, Patern, Lexington and Concord. 741-2800 10 hours use. (4,300. 30' TWIN SCREW 1ODUCTION WORKERS — Openings OPENING NEW TERRITORY months. Must be responsible. Older window shade service. Just bring your NISHINGS — Call before 10 or after 3. Colors, beige oackground with moss Hard chined cruiser, (2,800. 747-6549. r energetic women to work on pro- man preferred. Call 842-0232 for inter- roller —id chose from - dozens o! th_,e 542-3863. • green and blue. A real buy at S300. PLEASURE CRAFT — 21' overnighter. ctlon line: In manufacturing plant Bales counsellor with opportunity fol ?47-4O»8 after 3:lt p.m. or -esksnoij; !4 H.P. MOTOR — And 9' pram management In alxth largest corpora view. newest types. Sit down In' our show- STAUFFER REDUCING TABLE — Sleeps two. Fully equipped. (975. May Freehold area. Air conditioned plant room and relax awhile or do a llttla be seen at Rumson Yacht Basin. boat, good condition, (100 for both. th excellent working conditions, tlon. Age 30-45, married, collnje pre MEN Reasonable, 671-001B After 5 p.m. 41 Second St., Highlands. terred, should be currently employee" shopping and stop back when your after 5 p.m. SACRIFICE — 1062-22' skiff. Sleeps cady work with good pay and bene- AND shades are ready. Cloth shades (rom YOU CAN s. Must be willing to work rotating •alarled contract. W« will pay 1750 enclose your porch or breezsway with two. 125 h.p. Chrysler Marine. Used 25 H.P. SEA KING OUTBOARD MO- month If you quality. Call daytime 74 C0U_30E STUDENTS 98o to the latest fabrics with decora- one season. (2.700. 747-0809 evenings TOR — Excellent condition. (120. Call iHU. Apply Employment Office, Mln- ?_I-Unu and part-time night Janitorial tor fringe from 92.38. ALTENBURG PIANO HOUSE ALUMINUM Jalouslsd or .awning win- 741-0399. fsota Mining & Manufacturing Co., U4». Evenings 747-0131 or til 8-1024. obs In Mfddletown area. Monday dows. Add a room the Inexpensive way. 12' BOAT — Like new, designed for 5 Willowbrook Rd., Freehold. "An YOUNQ MAN WANTED — Factoi through Friday, 4 or 8 hours a night, Rent A Piano $12 per Month Call us for free estimate. speed. (85. Call riOWBOAT — 12' plywood. Good condi- [ual opportunity employer." work. Steady employment lor right either (or the summer or all year' PROWN'S 842-2670. tion, newly painted; with 1063 5<4 h.p. round. No experience required. Must 32 Broad St. Red Bank 741-7500 KNABE, UASOM-HAM—(N, SOHMER, "Mnrude. Call after 6, 747-0507. man. Call 264-3680. PROWN'S 3 H.P. JOHNSON — Excellent con- FOUR TELEPHONE lave car and be over It. Must bring SYCAMORE GREENS — Every one CABLE-N-LSON. EVERETT 8TECK, AUTO MECHANIC -*• Experienced for- birth or baptism— certificate to Inter- loves! Drive In and browse. Tills week Oookman Ave. * Main Bt, Asbury Pk. 32 Broad \ St. Red Bank 741-7500 dition. Fine for youngster or fishing. [MALL BOATS HAULED GERANIUMS, GERANIUMS — All col- S42-11CT. CALL SALES PEOPLE eign and domestic can. Must have own view. Apply In parson this Saturday specials: Victorian what not, S49.S0; Opsa daily till » Sat till 6:30 tools, good pay. MONMOUTH MOTORS, morning, 8 a.m. to 10 a-m. at the candelstand, 110,SO; pair Meissen vsses, 775-9301 ors. 8PIWAK FLORIST, 99 AvemnTof iperienccd preferred. Two full-time, Eacontcrwn. 542-2414. Two Rivers, Rumson. 842-0874, 16' TERRY SEA SKIFF, 40 h.p. Evin- o part-time. Call Mr. Peters at 747- Harmony Bowl, Rt. 39, Mlddlstown. mahogany gossip bench, 118.50; Havl- rude'; self starter, generator, fully 'NAN — Electric plant 1000 watt, 12 No pohne calls. land limode set, mahogany bedroom NEW FIWERETTE — Remove cblo- 'ART-TIME WRITER — Bayshorf rine, fluorine from water. Only S995. OAS CLOTHES DRYER — Never equipped. Like new. Boat trailer I960. •olt, 20 hours use. (275. area, must have experience, must type, suite, mahogany drop leaf table and used. Norge, Model 1010. |U0. m- Must sell on account of death. Must 741-4558 LLESLADY WANTED — Exporionce MACHINISTS — Experienced, apply In chairs, dinette. Miscellaneous. Rare Eels * Co. 84 Paterson St., New Bruns- need automobile, Late night work, i parson, HLECTRO IMPULSE LABS wick. 846-5388. (452. see to appreciate. Price $1,200, Call .2' PENN YAN SWIFT — All ftber- eferred, full-time only. Apply In per- p m. to 1 a.m. Commuters do not china, glassware, and bric-a-brac. RUB* 86*4-6009. . m to EAST ORANGE MILL END INC., 208 River St., Red Bank. CIL'S, Sycamore Ave., between Branch WESTINOHOUSB LAUNDROMAT — TYPEWRTT-RS. ADDING machines. Ilased, 1059, 35 h.p. Evinrude.. Com- 1OPS, 137-B, Broad St., Red Bank apply. Call 671-2280 9 a.m. to 6 p.m 23' CUSTOM MADE WIDE BEAM — 'lete with trailer. (400. 671-1294. TOUNO MAN — To train as assistant ft Sycamore Ave., Little Bllver.,741-8908. Whits Sewlnff machine^ Brewster spinet All makes new or used. Oua'rantasa TAXICAB DRIVERS—Full time. Musi manager In summer theater. Apply in piano. Call alter 4:30 for appointment Low as rs. Serplco'i, 101 Monmootn Excellent condition. 170 h.p. Interceptor SHIER8 — Full-time, apply in per- be excellent driver over 25. Call Whlti TRASH OR TREASURER—Miscellane- 18' OFF-SHORE THOMPSON — Excel- m Atlantic Theatre, Atlantio Hlgh- person, AtlanUc Theatre, Atlantic High- 842-145S. St Next to theater. 747-04M. Complete accessories. Coast Yacht lent condition. Evinrude 50 h.p. motor. Star Taxi 747-0747 before 3 p.m. lands. ous household Items and furniture, Works, phone owner, 671-3696. (3,750. 20 gallon built-in tank. Navy top, com- .nds ovenlngs only. Saturday, May 23, 10:30 a.m. 34 Pine ARE YOU LOOK-TO FOR AN AC- ADDING MACHINE — Good cndKlon, GARDENER-CARETAKER — In Holm- ••ART-TIMB — Drug cle* wanted for St., Llncroft. CORDION? If so.. .1 have lust the one 25. Admiral portable TV, (40. Can 20' CROSBY — Sailing Cat Boat, won- pletely covered. Extras. (1,200. Call LERT, MATURE WOMAN — To del area. Must be steatty and reliable. between 2-5 p.m. 787-9720. derful family boat, 10' self-bailing cock- M7-4121. 222-23.76 after 6. -horn an Interesting position Is more References required. Call 946-4803 after local drug store. Experience not nec- PIANO — Upright. First *75 talus it for you. It's 120 bass black beauty In Sit, shelter cabin, two bunks. 1959 lportont than salary. College graduate essary. Drivers license required. Write excellent condition. 12 different tone 15'6" PLYWOOD BOtAT — 15 h.p. 6. p.m. 'A.B." Box 511, Red Bank. Call changes, plus four on the bass. It > h.p. Chris Craft engine. Sails Ratsey referred. Must type and like children, 542-2350 r cotton. Good condition. Four life Jackets Evinrude motor. Can be seen at 21 Lo- 'rite "B.Q." Box 511, Red Bank. REAL ESTATE BROKER — License! has a b ullt-Jn speaker to be used RENT A TV cust .St., Highlands. $135. New Jersey Real estate broker tc E WA8HER AND DRYER — TV. with an amplifier. I would like to get fire extinguisher, electric bilge pump MANAGEMENT : and anchor. Boat lust painted, , ready 15' RUNABOUT — Plycralt hull, fiber- 1LE-AN1NO WOMAN — With good ret- manage new office. Phone 842-1180. sofa, tables, reasonable. Call after o. 359 for It but might consider a little 38 < rences. Two days a week. Good pay, S42-3834. less. Please don't call ma unless you xr*t>vv*ia to launch. (1,000. Call 291-2200. glased. 15 h.p. Johnson engine, two :all 946-4755 after 6 p.m. MECHANIC'S HELPER — Lube rack TRAINEES (2) —BCKEEN.— ..B — (1 each, 30x55, sight 30x85 gas tanks, navy top, remote controls, 1 are Interested. 747-M64 after 7 p.m. u v ABSOLUTELY MOST BELL man, apply In person Maurice Bchwarl two 28x85. Four-Hflit door' 28x78^; running MghU and extras. Also Tee Nee OU CAN HELP the famuy budget, & Sons, 141 W. Front St., Red Bank. For national sales company. 21-27 years HAMMOND _• Skiff. Navy top, V-bunks, head, 109 trailer. 1300. 747-0349. hreo or four hours a day will bring old. Must bs neat, wining worker, have two-panel door, 32x80, Q: two-Bansl any. Completely equipped and very iu a profitable Income. Writs Avon CLERK-STOCKMAN — To work six car and phone. 110,000 per year oppor- LAMP SHADE SAVINGS *™._M»80, *J: table top desk IS; buffet good condition. Call 741-4837. roducts Inc.. Manager, Mrs. Margaret days a week. Must be married, at tunity. Call 442-5489 between S and 8 ORGAN STUDIO Set,our new collection of quality choice 110. Screen 30x38; screen 24x55. Bsveral BUSINESS NOTICES ulotta, P. 0. Box UO. Red Bank or least 30 years of age, no experience ~.m. OV ABBURX PARK lamp ihadea. Low, tow prico. That odd chairs, »1 each. 54J-S625. ill 741-4343. required. Salary «80 week. Call 747-4444 lamp with AM fruh lamp shade will W_ BU> AMD _BLL anyuung and AUTOS & TRUCKS iIR CONDITIONING! AND REFRIG- USED INSTRUMENTS rnakt th* whole room look better. MOWERS — Hand, power, riding YPIST-GENERAL SECRETARY - between 9-12 noon.. ERATION — Commercial mechanics, lowrey Holiday Organ . S525 everything. Olvt _• highest prices. WurMzer Spinet Organ 1575 Call William Utt FurnlturiTTne.. HirT rotary, reel, etc. Serviced and repaired. ixperlenced on IBM executive type- ^•round. J. a. MennU Co., Neptune. Sf Mlddletown 741-K_. Opia iv* McCulloch Chain Saws-Sales and serv- Tlter. Also. experienced or willing to JOB OPPORTUNITIES (itJ-3886. ' -' , Hallet * Davis Piano (new) MBS PROWN'S ice. Call 747-3654 free pickup and de- sarn varl-typing. Graphic arts back- Hammond Chard Organ g-s ___4696 nlngs till 9 p.pi. PART-TIME JANITOR — Wanted tor 33 Broad St. Red Bank . 741-7500 '59 CADILLAC livery. JACOBS HARDWARE CO., round desirable. Apply or phone 741- Now available In our FACTOR'! Open Dally Till 9-Seturday Till • p.m. BALDWIN ORQAN — Walnut, model CA8TR0 CONVERTIBUD _ Excellent Shrewsbury Ave., and Bergen PI., Re< 2743. GRAPHIC ARTS CENTER, 82 BRANCH. We will be Interviewing a] COOKUAN AVE. AND MAIN «. 46 hp. Purchased late '62, like new r- In excellent condition. |ioo call 747' 741-9082... Full-tlme night hours. Apply In penop, nets: 6- wall Units, s- bus units. Can 2964 after 7:00 p.m. Company 'LEASANT WORK — Three evenlngi EATONTOWN CIRCLE EBSO, Eaton PLUMBERS.WAMTBD — Experienced be separated. Formica, dlnettt set. five PROWN'S 100 Newman Springs Rd. ENCLOSED PORCHES — Oarages - reckly, no Investments, no delivery, nt town. plects. Call 542-4240. HOTPOINT ELECTRIC STOVE — $50. room additions. Odd lobs, no Job too '"• 94io363. • -'. * International Harvester refrigerator, $50 3J Broad St. Red Bank 7tl-i5ob Red Bank small. CHARLEB HOWEtt CONTRAC- ollectlng. Weekly paycheck. 787-7048. MAN WANTED — To work 4-6 houri lathroom sink. 15. Kitchen double sirft, SOLID CHERRY TABLE — Two and TOR. 747-4273. •OMEN — Turn spare hours into.week. every evening. Apply Btar Cleaner- I SCHOOL AUBBOT — To mow lawn TERMS ARRANGED 05. 846-4946. one coffee - WO or $28 each' 741-0910 • pay chertt. Part-time, no Divest- Launderers, 132 Myrtle Ave., Loni every Saturday. Call Prown's hate thres sasy ways to pay ying chair-gold print, $35. Argus C3 lent. 787-0287. Branch between 5:30-6 p.m. 787-3900. (or storm windows ana doors. Stop to DOORS - SCREENS Camera wltfi flash and case, *rt V-M AUTOS & TRUCKS IEAMSTRESS — Permanent. Expert- ATTENDANT — Year-round position PLUMBERS — Experienced only need we'll show you top quality at lowest Interior, exterior. SI and np, while they need In drapery and upholstery sew- Apply in person, BROOKDALE NURS apply. 586-2239 or 588-5647. Hackman rices and talk over the sasy tsrms. last. MONMOUTH LUMBER CORP. 77 ng. M. SILBERBTEIN, 25 Median!. [NG HOME, 3325 Hwy 35, Haxlet Bros. Aak for Dick or Ronnie. Central Ave., Red Bank. 741-7800. .., Red Bank. 741-1762. PROWN'S EXPERIENCED BOAT YARD ME- CHEMICAL OPERATORS AND b—9KB »15 UP. FILES S13.M up, tables. OMAN — 25-50. To manage lunch CHANIC — On both Inboard and out- TRAINEES —' Good starting wage. 32 Broad St. Red Bank. 741.7500 Chain, adding machines, typewriters, I 1964 SAVE NOW •BIG DISCOUNTS 1964 j ounter In variety -store. Expertenci board, excellent opportunity, all yea; Rotating shifts. High school education TRADE IN your oia rumnure with ao office equipment etc, at bargain prices n' homeatjrle cooking. Will teach oi_ round position. 872-1450. Sandy Hool -preferred. Free hospital, medical, lite down payment and get a new parlor Nsw or used. AAC DESK OUTLET. FACTORY FRESH Down Paymonr PAY PER MONTH! lystem. Good salary, bonus plan, Bay Marina, Highlands. Insurance and other benefits. Apply at or dining room set at sal* prices. Wil- Rie. 85. Oakhurst 531-3990. 741-9479 ' :ompany benefits etc Periodic advance- plant employment office between 10 liam Lett Furniture Inc., Hwy S3, YOUNG MAN — To help make am a.m. and 2 p,m. W.R. Grace and Co. Mlddletown. 741-J21J. opes evenings till CONTENTS OF A LUXURIOUS Deal TO5ERmLTvTN5lf5o_ nents. Apply Nelsner Broa. Inc., Mid' Hatoo Chemical Division, King George homt. Everything must go. Bedrooms, VALIANTS -.#• $41.91 Install canvas awnings. Experience no * p.m. OOUCH •— 7'2" foam rubbe r cushionCUMlonls lletown Shopping Center. necessary, chance for advancemen' Post Rd,, Fords N.J. An equal op- dining room, living room pieces, French Reasonable. Call 291-1157. - 10USEWORK-COOKINO — Bleep 1) THE STANDARD AWNINO CO., 61 portunity employer. CARPET — Representative of N. Y. C, tables, lamps, etc. Beautiful rattan set PLYMOUTHS It AllV S44.24 •r out, full-time or part-time untl River Rd., Fair Haven. Bhowroom. New quality carpet Excel with bar. Can be. seen Wednesday, BALDWIN CONSOLE PIANO — Match- liter dinner, references. 842-1332. ELECTRONIC TECHNICIAN — Must lent prices. Arlene Ross, 542-1579. Thursday, and Friday between 13 and 1 DUMP TRUCK DRIVER — And heavy be able to wire from schematics. Ap- 5, 27 Roseld Ave., Deal. CHRYSLERS HUH * S60.54 SEWINQ MACHINE OPERATORS equipment operators, experienced. Call p]f_'» JP«»O". ELECTRO IMPULSE 13 CU. ST. UPRIGHT — Amana (reel- Experienced or willing to learn. Brldgi 775-1236. LAB8. 208 River 81., Red Bank. er. Excellent condition. 1150. Polaroid CONTENTS of dlsraanteled greenhouse Sports Wear, 247 Bridge Ave., Ri Land Camera, blaok. and whits, ISO. 30x100. Overhead ventilator fittings used MERCHANDISE WANTED 3ank. BOYSI BOYS! BOYS! *OTO MECHANIC — Day or night 542-0009. for hot-water hmlnj. 1,500' 2" pipe. WAGONS ' shift. Flat rate and hourly wage. Clean 787-0133. .'..•:.'' COCKTAIL WAITRESS WANTED A few hours after school and on Satu FROM ATTIC TO CELLAR - China,' new shop. Excellent working conditions UNPAINTED FURNITURE Turn your 1961 CHRYSLER $1795 t 1961 VALIANT $995 \ Call Empress Hotel day. Make $10 to (40 a week. Call M: Latest equipment. Advance quickly. Top 7414012 - ""Plus Into eaaC New Yorker, 4-dr. Hardtop V-200 787-7853 White at 747-5754. wages and benefits. Experienced men The largest unpslnted furniture loft c WHERE ELSE IALESG1RL — Part-time, evenings ani BARBER WANTED — Steady Job. need only apply. Call Frank, BRIOG8 the Jersey Shore. Save 25% for cash can you buy the ben quality window Saturday. Inquire Llttmanfl Jewelers, conditioned modern shop. Good worklni CHEVROLET. 741-1400, «xt. 19 and carry. ROD BANK LUMBER, shadst "Dupont TontlneT" They look Monmouth Shopping Center, Batontown, conditions. Full Information In first let- corner Pearl and Wall Bts., Red Bank. neat, tbey wear a long time. Shades 741-1999 PAINTER WANTBD — Call 284-7787 Open until 5 p.m. everyday and Satur- mads while you wait, Shop by phone. ij 1961 FORD $1395 1961 CHEVROLET $1295 1 ter, all replies held In the strictest con- alter PARTY PLAN PEOPLE fidence. ''A.U.," Box 511, Red Bank day. All Ponderoui pine. Convertible Monza Display a new and exciting line, Gift! 6 p.m. i PROWN'S 'rom around the world. For further in' AUTO MECHANIC PIANOS - Savs J100 or mors off lUt formation call Margaret Mitchell. World price, brand usw 88-nots consols pi- 31 Broad St Red Bank 741-7500 Experienced HELP WANTED-Male • Female anos. 10-year guarantee. Com* see. FIVE-PIECE BEDROOM SET — 31ft Company. 449-11176. Or write 913 T75-1238 CALL OLD FURNITUIUB _ !| 1961 CHEVROLET $1595 1962 CHEVROLET $1695 I tfoodcrest Dr., Spring Lake Heights. cava. Rent option to buy. Tenser's glassware, art objects Convertible WILL TRAIN MAN aa oleaner am MEN OR WOMEN — To work in silk Music Store. 306 Main .St.. Lakewood. 787-1930 Md BABYSITTER — Three days a week, spotter. Must be ambitious, hardwork lmmedlats cash tor anything ""«_»hop as printers or inspectors UPRIGHT PIANO — J150. Good con- BEDROOM SUITE — Love seat, re- and weelrend3 for the summer. Expert Ing and eager to learn. Apply Sta! In Ottkhurst area. Call CA 2-7690. frigerator, barrel back chair and mis- :l 1959 CHRYS. 9-pass. wgn., Duel Air Con. $1295 , •nee with infant necessary. 741-8552, Cleaners & Launderers. 132 Myrtl' dition. Three large desks, reasonable. Ave.. Long Branch between 8:30 MALE AND FEMALEI BUS DRIVERS._„,-—. Ca- M• 542-19J9. cellaneous Items. Will accept reason- MOTHER'S HELPER — Live in. Gen 6 p.m. P dent< able otter. May be seen at 144 Hamil- ral housekeeping, assist with care o: _T-?¥ "fH - Full »nd part-time. BOY'B sport jackets and suit, sirs 16 tonlan Dr., Applebrook Farm, Middle- Mlddletown Township Board _ Educ»- and 18, will accept .reasonable offer. PETS ft UVESroCK NO MONEY DOWN — OP TO 5 YEARS TO PAY :hUdren. Recent references. Dial 741- SERVICE STATION DRIVEWAY salt llOTl. D( 1-1803. town after 6 p.m. and air day Saturday. ,224. man. Experience preferred. Will trail May be seen at 144 KamUtonlan Dr., Applebrook Farm, Mlddletown after 6 ANTIQUE ROSEWOOD—Square grand the right man. Must be married, ove; BEAUTICIAN WANTED — Part-time, spinet, excellent condition. For appoint- 21, willing to work on a regular fu experience preferred. Call p.m. and all day Saturday. ment call 84S-O750. ».-—- AUTOS & TRUCKS time basis. Apply In person SERVICE 741-8190. "" 83 Rt. 35. Eatontown. BARB EMPLOYMENT AOBNCT SEEK NO MORE PILGRIM THREE REFRIGERATORS — Oood as condition, also four burner electric cook- BASSET - AKC registered. Five Qualified Personnel For Quality Orders You've found the best man to make months male, reasonable. Call BAYSHORE ant, nights, Apply In person, OCEA1- 210 Broad Long Branch 222-4747 that PICTURE FRAME. Ing stove. One couch bed, Sib; one bed '59 MERCURY and mattress, |5; kitchen set, S5. Call 542-0885 PORT SHELL STATION, Oceanpoi ACE EMPLOYMENT AGENCY THAT LITTLE OLD FRAME MAKBR CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH Ave., and Main St., Oceanport. T y order CLIPPING AND DA-i-nuH* Hardtop S, '» * "PPllcant our specialty AU breeds. Margie BchmldT *» an- DRAFTSMAN for Patent Drawings. E: 12 Broad St. Red Bank ^4734* LOU COOPER FLOWERING SHRUBS polntment. 787-5686. ""*"• " *P- 1st Aye. ^ j r^;2?,U9;20O- ,.;,;•• .'•;;'/yjlanttcj..H;ghIancls $595 perlenced In mechanical and electron! TEACHERS — One kindergarten, one 483 Shrewsbury Ave. 747-1975 3x«' Welgella flrebuih, duetzia, purple figures On tree lance basis, tor pater JPODLJES - Small mlnlalures,~AKC; elementary, summer day camp. Cal WINCHESTER M94 30-30 calibre, lever mist. 10 for %S, others three tor II GARWOOD MOTORS, attorney. Write details to "B.J." Be for appointment, 671-O897. Dig your own. Call 946-4733. black, brown, silver. Call 111, Red Bank. Or phone 671-1088. action carbine. NEW (50 YOiRK BAR- 264-7886 WAITERS AND WAITRESSES — Part BELL SET, J20. Phone 741-2425. CROBLBY REFRIGERATOR — Oood 13 Hwy. 36, Atlantic Highland! JJf„- H»sset hound needs good time work. CABIN IN THE SKY, Ocean REFRIGERATOR — With defroMsr. running condition. (20. One ping pong 291-9630 AUTOS & TRUCKS Blvd., AtUntlo Highlands. 291-1232 (35. Call table, »10. 787-6732. 7»M°44* months, call after • i!rZ SALES PEOPLE - will train and 842-1833 FEDDERS AIR CONDITIONER — Per- 4^0 COLLIE and Chihuahua pupolsi !f , * '? J.1""*.*' n*P«lenced also CRAFTSMAN — 21", self propelled fect condition. 7000 BTUi. Call before Collie, Chihuahua, Yorkshire Tefrler rotary power mower. Oood condition. 9 a.m. 843-O360. stud service. O-rwmlng ill b?seds EVEN IF YOU HAVE 2 LOANS !!! wanted leading to management. Ask Call 671-2144. Boarding. 87M86J. orseus. aP tme W h M Bd m TRAMPOLINE — Nlaeen. Regulation "' " LOT OF NINE USED aluminum win- slxe. Pit type. Perfect condition. 1200 SECURITY HOSTESS — Female. Over firm. 873'ITIB. 28. Male store detective, must have dow units, four 6x3, five .4x3, norUontal (More Oassifled Adi KS-Vl™'- a" Mrs. Jean Wolfe. J.M. slide windows plus combination storms KENMORB PORTABLE DISHWVASHE. R FIELDS. Hwy. 35, Hailet. Monday after and screens mounted In wood framis — 160. Sheared Racoon fur coat, 130. On The Next Page) AUTOPORT U.S.A. 11 a.m. with fitted Inside trtm. 542-4246. 741-546T. Only Discount King Godfrey , , „. - ON — For established rea estate1 firm. Member of Multiple List- Creoles miracles, your credit Is oood ond LET US ORDER YOUR Ing. Full-time. Liberal commissions. Ex King Godfrey Trusts You 1 perlenced preferred but not necessary. NO CASH NEEDED — CALL I NOW Call A. Frerl Mafteo Agency. 741-0333 NEW 1964 CAR BOOKKEEPER-TYPIST — For CPA office. General ledger, trial balance, CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY payroll tax experience required. Auto- motive experience desirable but not A HANDY -UIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR MANY NEEDSI FROM EUROPE NOW! required. Reply In own hand writing to "B.F." Box 511, rtcd Bank. TRBNTON COMMUTER — Who leaves SEE US AND SAVE Red Bank about 8:30 a.m. to deliver a Lowest Weekly packnte In Trenlon by 8 a.m. T41-1123 Adding Machines — Typewriter! Entertalnrnent Odd Jobs Payments ASK FOR ANY MAKE AND MODEL ADDING MACHINES — Typewriters Ticket* available for latest Broad- way Shows and Major Sports ICvtnts. MASONRY '63 FORD 14.20 SITUATIONS WANTED, Female sold, rented, repaired. Serplco'a 101 176 Monmouth St., Red Bank. Pointing, gardening, carpentry"and Country Squire Wagon Monmouth St., Red Bank 747-0485. clean-upcle . Reasonable rates 747-IB"dM —Full Power -•—-- -•• EXAMPLE -----—- SECRETARY — Mature, competent, '59 Cadillac 9.40 Hood skills and references. Write Appliance Repair Furniture Repaired, Reflnljhed '63 Comet 9.80 '60 CORV. 6.20 "A.N.," nox 511. ned Dank. Painting and Decorating Coupp de Vlllc— Call 747-12— or 842-3293. 25 Ptarl St., 522—Full power Deluxe Srdnri Full power REUARLE WOMAN — Wishes to tak MR. "FIX-IT" - Refrigeration, Re- l> 1 Fully Equipped Volkswagen 1200 $1555 earn of children in her home. Will pair of all appliances rsgardlsss of Red Bank. Prompt ssrvics. h.-L""^ 7 "" " Interior and '62 DODGE 7.20 '59 DODGE 5.80 aim board If desired. Call 7(7-2009. condition. We sell used appliances. Carl Wllms. exterior. No Jobs too Inrrn nr #«« Loncer Sedan— '60 DODGE 6.80 Service charge (3.50. 264-5710. small. Very reasonable, Cafl 747-963? Sedan—Full power [1AUY HllTINO BY MATURE WOMAN CAUL II. JONK8 _ Piintin, , equipped Pully equipped In your home Home Improvementi nd "58 Cadillac 7,80 Volkswagen 1500 $1985 C»^l2»l[)05« decorating. Fully Iniur.d Fo? Irs. '42 OLDS 88 9.80 '60 CHEVY 7.40 Auto Body Repair WORKING MAN'H contractor. Alter- estimate call 7(7-3011. ' Ficc (wood—Air EXrEltlENCEl) siocflETAJtY—Would Hardtop—Full power Conditioned KXPKItT PAINTING and body re- ations, additions, painting, masonry, TOM BLATB - I-alntln, ,nd Decor" llcl Air —rull powi i lkfl work In her Imme. Call small jobs too. Phone avenlngs 5M- atlnn General Contracting: Mllr In- 741-1HO3 pair. Moderate prices. McCarthy 1714. '62 CHEVY 11.20 '58 T-BIRD 7.80 VOLKSWAGEN Chevrolet, Atlantic Highlands, 291-0303 sured. 20 yearn experience Friseatl mate.. 7 to 5 y-mi '" imy . . . over 20 ALL CARS GUARANTEED BY AUTOPORT 1M, six rooms fw. Mno Worlrl Wliln - ^_J_!L_^J_^_"j^«siJ4^W '61 OLDS 88 9.20 :ar s In sloi k yj '>o in ViOO per week. flervlOA. for fre» eitlmaU cull 407- Hardtop—Full power Let us buy the rtlfimonclff you drrn't 9131 or 1«I,)1II, SITUATIONS WANTED, Mate wrtsr or let us rMtyln them for you l raiu '61 PONTIAC 9.45 [>*rftttn*lly. itiMiftalllPi. M Firond Rt. !-J—_!L_t_I_;._.TZ^"ii™_K»i oA oT' "" Catallna hardtop AUTO PHONE 872-0500 • Light himllng ami o'l'l J'>b» Home --Full power ft 'cpoiii nmf body work on all moVps ol Foreign mid Domestic r.ai )lck flrldeman. nu|| Electrical Contractor Tel. Answering Service DISCOUNT Til IKIM MolrmlM Numoff if'tifip irr.r thi~Vfini '61 PLYM. 7.80 RED BANK CENTER ^AI.KHMAN :»> ^i>a.rn old, flv« yntra ItKHIDENTMI. «nrl commVrclal~w'ir- vslpsrnnt. rlironlrftlly iil iinrl difficult 4 dr. Station Wagon SCENIC DR. and RT. 36 HIGHLANDS ixperlpnr.p rt?alr*fl full tlmt errtploy- Ing. tt»w Iniitallitlon or repair nursing carA nxtientii. Rtate Hwy, 14, Full Power 363 Moplo Ave, (Rt.35) Rod Bank •n*nt, f"o nmTj HOME, tu^>, St.UU.1imi Of KJENT/UJ - V%irM tiger !dh**. Out txn ti/jj ,yt t4 4 &]Ut4 immvtX eat VsA tai mite lodwiu); (1M «•• COUNTRY CLUB ana 8 B B B f HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE THE H1GHLAH0IA M/f>W-ETOV/» -- Split :«»el. l'i-ll kei- t.Us i-x-cjpsj.cy. HAUUJCL lt.L 'MlLH fcor «f,uwl. Cii S*l-1MS. vxiTB * Bvrat CLUB rooms, l>h b&ths. Kamlfy room wltli AOJCNClf, Ocemport *>ve.. Qc**.Gtx>n •T•RENCK H POODLE PUPS — Miitfature 10 Qceeui Boulevard Matilda Garden fireplace. U86 monthly. M2-3SM • Iced reasonable. c*ll «-8 p.m., «n- Atlantic Highlands TINTON AVE. Apartments SHREWSBURY OFFICE OFFERINGS PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. WANTED TO RENT BKfOUE — Four months old mil., A Co-Op»rativt) Apartmsrtt Swimming in your own private twim 468 SECOND AVE. Real Estate for 70 years pedigreed, 135. Call club right on the sue . . . only minutes 60 White St Red Bank 741-7200 WE SAVE an overflow of bona fide DANISH CONTEMPORARY 671-11M away from ocean bathing, wh'te sandy prospects looking for two lo four bed Dramatic entrance foyer, large living room, formal dining room, beaches, boating, ashing and Monmouth THREE-ROOM SUMMER. RACING SEASON -and rooms. Call us for fast action to have BJRDDOQ - Pointer female. Two Shopping Center . . . one block from ialousied den, four bedrooms, 3'/2 baths, many brick walls and yean. Bu been ihot over but not YEAR ROUND RENTALS. Ella Wilt- vour Boms rented. THE BERO AOEN within walking distance of axpreis. APARTMENTS shire Agency. Realtors. Op>;n seven CY. Rt 35 MtrMletown 6711000 built-ins. Large basement storage, attached two-car garage. completely tintined. $100 to good home the West Gate of Port Monmouu . . . 220-3399. days. 1480 Ocean Ave., Se* Bright. WANTED -- Storage space in vicinity Beautiful area. Low taxes. Make an appointment today. $46,550. buses to Newark ul New "ork City. •REE HEAT, HOT WATER, AND AIRS42-OOO4. BEAUTIFUL CEDAR BOO HOUBEB- SWIMMING POOL »NDinON£NG. Rentals Irom HOC of Red Bank Airport. About fiOO sq stiM (or in don. KING'S KENNELS. PROM »192. PER MONTH (INCLUD- • ALL—Electric kitchens with OE lonth. *95 to tl75 Per Monln ft. Call 741-0560. EXCELLENT VALUE Rt 35. Oakhui*. 631-1837. ING UTILITIES) FOR 4 ROOMS range with hood. GE refrigerator. OE THE BERG AGENCY PLUS SMALL CASH INVESTMENT. AIR CONDITIONING. Amole ofMtratt Rt. 35 Mlddletown Conveniently located, three twin size bedrooms, fireplace in living BAflSET PUPS A lovable family lighted parking areas. i Rental Agent On Premises FURNISHED ROOMS addition, Irresistible and such lonj Call 222 - 6756 671-1000 room, large heated porch, attached garage, many fine shrubs and ears! Champion blood lines. 449-5561. SUBSTANTIAL 3H-RO0M APARTMENTS ' SUMMER RENTAL — Waterfront, fur- NICELY FURNISHEI>--Rooin. private trees. Reduced $2,000. Call now ! (ONE-BEDROOM) cooking. Ideal for one maintaining an- BEAL POINT SIAMESE KITTENS — TAX SAVINGS (122 MONTH I nished bungalow. Private beach, fish- No papers. CO. ED BANK — 4^4 room, garden apart- ing ajiii swimming. Call 872-1136. other home. Reasonable. 741-S394. RUMSON SPECIAL MODEL APARTMENT OPEN 1-7 P.M. 4'A-ROOM APABTMINT lent, nea* schools and shopping. L'n- RACINQ SEASON OR SUMMER ROOM AND BOARD — For elderly Delightful living room with fireplace, formal dining room, enter- mint irnlsheii. Available June 1. 7*7-0241. lady. Next to bath. Welfare checks ac- THREE LITTLE KITTENS — Free to (TWO BEDROOMS) months. Six-room furnished house. 38 taining kitchen, four large bedrooms, two baths, full basement, rood home. Guaranteed housebroken. E. G. Houston, Realtor IKLFORD — Large bedroom, small Elm St., Red Bank. At home 6-8 p.m.cepted. Also sleeping room. 774-845S. Call 741-9327. H50 MONTH [Itchen, private entrance, furnished, 86 YEAR-ROUND UNFURNISHED Homes Gentleman only. >pen porch, attached two-car garage. Low, low taxes. Let us 100 Summit Avenue, Summit, N. J Railroad Ave. Call 787-6M2. —From $110 to ?250. Available for one Call show it to you immediately. $32,500. BEADLE — Eight montli dd male, CR 3-6464 or 291-0237 FREE HEAT « HOT WATER or more years' lease. WEART- AKC registered, US. Call .TLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Three or NEMETH AGENCY. Realtors, 102 West 291-1565 PLEASANT — Third floor two rooms, Renting Office on Premises. >ur-room apartment. Furnished or un- ROOM — Meal optional, ofl street ROOM TO GROW" light housekeeping, good location. Pri- furnished. All utilities. »M and 1100.Front St.. Red Bank. 741-2240. parking. Call ENGLISH SETTER — Male, one year DIRECTIONS: From Red Bank, Routs Attractive living room, family dining, luncheon kitchen, three vate quiet business person. 741-0761. 35 to Tinton Axe., turn right on Tin-Phone 291-M37. SMALL THREE-ROOM HOUSE — Gas 671-35115 old, bousebroken. chunplonihtp blood heat and electric furnished. Yearly ba- generous bedrooms with space for fourth, two full baths, game line.. FDRB. 542-0278. FIVE-ROOM DUPLEX — Available ton Ave., approximately 1.000 ft. to AZLET — Three rooms, private en- ROOM AND BATH — In private home, Juns 1. For appointment, call Country Club Apartments and Bwlio losed porch and entrance. Middle-aged ils. $85 p«r month. Call 872-0715 nfter 4. near all transport 'tlo'i. room, basement, attached two-car garage, nicely landscaped and 741-4850 Club. -tuple preferred. 264-5655. SIX-ROOM HOUSE — Three bedrooms, 747-0301. arge play area. $21,900. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT RED BANK —.Residential area. Two- LONG BRANCH — Two-bedroom apart- ESPECIALLY NICK 3Vt rooms, unfur- large kitchen, newly redecorated. In- SINGLE — And double rooms. Fur- room apartment, all utilities. Call after ment. $128, heat, hot water supplies. nished, private home, separate eti- quire at 52 John St., Red Bank. nished GRENIER'S GUEST HOUSE. APARTMENTS 4, 747532a IN OLDE SHREWSBURY 229-9673 or 842-0800. rance. Available Aug. 1. 291-1697. AVAILABLE JULY 1 - Responsible 30 Naveslnk Ave., Highlands. 8720360. Beautiful Sycamore Ave.; this fine Colonial home of so much NEW LUXURY LEROY APARTMENTS VERY NICE — 4(4-room apartment 8PB1NOVLEW GARDENS family wanted to rent unfurnished love- SINGLE ROOM3 — Clean ana oomfor- 2*,i rooms, air conditioned, near all available In one of Red Bank's finest .rge two-bedroom apartments, 283 ly Immaculate Cape Cod, two-bedroom tab.e. Reasonable rates. Gentlemen pre- charm has four bedrooms, 3'/3 baths, 24' living room, cheerful dining KING JAMES APARTMENTS transportation, 21 Leroy PI.. Red Bank. managed apartments, M47 per month. iprlng St., Red Bank. 741-5672. house with garage attached and finished ferred. 92 Wallace St 741-9382. room and kitchen, delightful 15' family room, 15' library, 20' side 741-1063 or 747-5966. Bee Superintendent at Si or 152 Manor basement. References and lease re- Atlantic Highlands Dr., Red Bank.. "WO-ROOM unfurnished apartment, quired. Call 747-5872 after IS p.m. ROOM FOR RENT — Lady or couple. porch, basement, attached garage, well landscaped lot with price- X FURNISHED — TV, all utllltlen. J60 lverfront location. Quiet, mature busi. Kitchen privileges, on bus line. CaJI less trees and shrubbery. To inspect this exceptional home, call Z A and 4ii Room* monthly. Ideal for retired people. Call BELFORD — For lease, four-room less p«rson preferred. 741-4138. B B B B after 6 p.m.. 741-8316. Available July 1. 787-9244. apartment; two bedroom*. Crosa rentl- for appointment. Asking $44,900. latlon, baseboard heat. Must be Men HODERN THREE ROOMS AND BATH- RED BA.NK — Five bedrooms, two andROOMS -~ One single room with three FROM $132 INCLUDES. . . GAL — To 'share apartment, who want! to be appreciated. Adults. T8T-001S MI utilities supplied. Call Vt baths, two-car garage. Modernized large windows, cooking If desired. Pri- Heat—Hot Water—Private Pool high class living on a beer po&tetbook. days. 264-2738. throughout. |225 p«r monUi. vate bath. 812-21)86, 39 Lafayette St., MIDDLETOWN OFFICE OFFERINGS Hwy. 3« .281-0770 Atlantic Highlands Cloie to town. 747-1420. WATERFRONT APARTMENTS — Neu Rumson. Mrs. Papa. EATONTOWN — Unfurnished four RED BANK — One-bedroom apart- three-room furnished farden apart- PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. BUTTON PARK APARTMENTS — rooms and hath. Flr»t Door. Heat, hot ment Bridge Ave. Near Railroad sti- meats. Private terraces and TV, Week NOW SEE THIS! , Branch Ave., Red Bank. New 3V4 water, garage. Adults. 542 0410. tlon. One flight up. Adults preferred. tar ami monthly rates. NAUTILUS Multiple Listings REAL ESTATE FOR SALE In Middletown! .. . And see if It can be beat. A new raised Ranch. room apartments newly decorated. Rent $85. Call 741-2123. APARTMENTS. Dial 8424606. Real Estate for 70 years Includes air conditioning heat and cat,PORT MONMOUTH — Furnished apart- 80 White St. Red Bank 741-7200 HOUSES FOR SALE Three bedrooms, dining room and large eat-in kitchen, basement, Inquire Superintendent. 747-2883. ment, private entrance, all utilities FURNISHED — Three-room apartment USD BANK — Branch and Madison Good location. All utilities, of a weex. k., ip*clous one and two-bedroom SHREWSBURY — Sycamore Ave. Un- and unfinished fourth bedroom, and recreation room. Oh yes, and BED BANK — Furnished or unfur- supplied. Adults only. 787-4156. furnished. Six rooms, two baths, large arden apartments. Apply 31 Molly yard. Call 741-1229 or 741-1575. a one-car garage. All for $16,800. Financing? Builder can arrange nUhed. Three rooms and bath. 19 Oak-APARTMENTS—Five and seven rooms, HOLMDEL-KEYPORT AREA ttcher Villas* Court or call Mr. 8yno. A House Full of Value . . for 5% down mortgage. Immediate occupancy. See it now! land St. Couple preferred, no pets. In- Improvements, yard, garage, good Tti-ftllfl. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE for rent. Prlv- quire at 42 Chestnut'St.. after 6. transportation, schools. 787-6012. GREEN GROVE GARDEN te swimming pool. Could be. used as FURNISHED APARTMENT — Very APARTMENT FOR RENT — Couple two apartments. 741-9«86 after 6 p.m. HOME FOR THE COMMUTER nlc« and dean, modern kitchen. All preferred. Call after 6 p.m. $95 UP COMMERCIAL RENTALS COZY FOUR-ROOM COTTAGE — Two HIGHVIEW Yes, ... one with large family. Lovely four bedroom Colonial private. 95 Herbert St, Red Sank. 741-9686. Includes free heat, hot water, cooking largo bedrooms. Country setting. Avail- with IVJ baths, formal dining room, cozy paneled family kitchen gas, air-conditioner, TV &nd phone out- STORE able Immediately. JU5. 747-9345. ESTATES with dishwasher. Mortgage can be assumed with very low monthly lets, 12 cu. ft. refrigerator, parking and BUNGALOW — Furnished three rooms, APARTMENTS APARTMENTS walk-In Btorage facilities, Spacloui Whit* St. — Best location. Re dec- payment of $108. Also FHA low down, and VA mortgage avail- oration completed, amall apace to bath. Adults, no pets. $85 monthly. 276 rooms, large clou eta, walk to thopplng Mechanic St., Red Bank. 741-1274. IN 1UDDLETOWN TOWNSHIP IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY • 1 MINUTES FROM PARKWAY MRtV^ plaza, buses, schools. Bwitn club (or lult your requirements. 747-1100. able. Price: $17,900. tenants only. Direction!: Garden State 'ROFKBSIONAL OFFICE IN RED UNFURNISHED — Immaculate, five- FOUR- and FIVE-BEDROOM Parkway to Exit 117 to Rt. 35-30: East lank Just off Broad SI. Ample pari- room home, with three bedrooms, 1H SECJION 2 UNDER CONSTRUCTION on 36, past 3rd traffic light, lntt on ng 17 Leroy PI. 741-1063. 842-2110. baths, living room, eat-In kitchen, full Florence Ave. Phone 264-I&MJ, basement, $145 a month. Lease re- SPLITS and Bl • LEVELS IFFICB FOR RENT. SHREWSBURY— quired. ELWOOD A. ARMSTRONG WALKER & WALKER, Realtors THREE ROOMS — Furnished. Tiled hnwibury Ave., corner Patterson Ave. AGENCY. Realtor, 555 Prospect Ave., bath, utilities. No pets. 138 Bridie Llr conditioned, furnished or unfin- Little Sliver. 741-4500. FROM $21,500 661 Broad St. 2068 Hwy. 35 and Ave., Red Bank. ished. 747-06(6. 2 RMS. '98 MONTH UNFURNISHED — Immediate occu- RED BANK — McLaren St. Three ROOMS — Equipped for dental pancy. Six-room Colonial, three bed- Many quality features add to the ex- Shrewsbury, N. J, Palmer Ave., Middletown, N. J. (FURNISHED APTS. AVAILABLE) rooms, heat and hot water. (80. Call rfflce. Choice location, Broad St., rooms, two tiled bathB, basement, ga- ceptional value of these homes. There's 284-7947. led Bank, 741-1328, 741-1575. rage, only S1B5 a month. Lease re- easy living In modern kitchens, formal 741 -5212 671-3311 dining rooms, mahogany paneled dens UNFURNISHED APARTMENT — Wtlb quired. ELWOOD A. ARMSTRONG TWO STORKS FOR BENT — 11 S. AGENCY. Realtor. 555 Prospect Ave., with potlo-rama doors and 2-2H ce TWO MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICES — SEND FOR FREE CATALOG 3% RMS. $118 • 4 RMS. $125 •', 5 RMS. $139 river view. Three rooms and bath, Bridge Ave.. Red Bank Each 10x38 ramie tiled baths. for single person. $100 per month, or one 32x36, Suitable for restaurant Little Silver. 741-4500. TRADE OR EXCHANGE YOUR HOME ROL8TON WATBRBUEY. Realtor, 18 or retail sates. Call 741-2133. - HEAT • HOT WATER W. Front St., Red Bank. 747-3500. ON PRIVATE ESTATE — Separate SOME READY FOR 24 HOUR SERVICE — OPEN 7 DAYS OR RENT — For light manufacturing cottage, four rooms, kitchen, bathroom, IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY TWIN GABLES — 3* Riverside Ave., bree different locations, approximately garage, Chapel Hill Rd., one mile AIR CONDITIONING Red Bank on rlvtr. 8H and four ,000, 6,000 and T.OOO tq. ft. 7471100. from Hwy. 35. Yearly lease, responsible INCLUDES: rooms unfurnUbed. five-room otnea. adults only. Phone weekdays New York 10% DOWN 741-2339. IFFICB — State Hwy. 35. Mlddletown. WH 3-6277, weekends, 747-26(3; or eve- HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SAIK • Private, uirrances all apartmentt. j lot to BeU Finance. nings after 6:30, 741-2933. 30-YEAR MORTGAGES IN BEAUTIFUL WEST LONG BRANCH 671-OSTT SWIMMING POOL New 314 room apartments. 1115 per RUMSON — Duplex, down and up. MODELS OPEN SATURDAY AND LITTLE SILVER — Spring St. construction under way! • Dream kllchms, cuilom wood month. Free air conditioner, cooking Five rooms (two bedrooms) 1H baths. BUNDAY NOON TO DUSK AND BY REDDEN AGENCY cabinets. 12 cir. tt. Kllvlnator gas, hot water heat, TV antenna. Am- OFFICE SPACE Hot air oil, COUPLE, NO PETS. Lease, APPOINTMENT Convenient to bus and Red Bank. you'll iwim this summer! ple parking. Town * County Apart- $95 month. DENNIS K. BYRNE, Real- rsfrlosrolor-lreeun. Heat furnished, HI redecorate to suit Tree shaded 89x164 ldt. Attractive Realtors — Iniurors menu. , your requirements. Best location, will tor, 8 W. River Rd., Rumson. 842-1150. Directions: From Red Bank take Hwy. white ranch with paneled living THREE-ROOM — Furnished apartment. sub-dlvlde If necessary. Ses and com-NEPTUNE — Three-bedroom ranch, 35 north to Five Corners, Mlddletown LUXURY • Walk to 3 schools, shopping All utilities, couple only, no pet*. Call pare. 747-1100. and three bedroom split, £31-4843, 5-12- (Prudential Building): right on Tlndall room 12x28, cheerful kitchen, Member of Red Bank bum to Newark and Ntw York 741-2193. 1628. Rd. to Swartzel Dr. (High School); three large bedrooms, bath, OARDEN APARTMENTS right to East Rd., left two blocks to Multiple Listing Service WELL FURNISHED — 3V, rooms, HOUSES FOR RENT FOUR-BEDROOM RESIDENCE — Twomodela. screened breezeway and attached DIRECTIONS: North on Route 35 to clean, laundromat, parking, year-round, baths, living room, dining room, kitch- garage. Partial basement. Black- COUNTRY SETTING-Five min- Route 34. Follow Rt. 36 to Atlantic 197 monthly Includes utilities. IT Col- PWO-BBDROOM RANOH — Quiet en, full basement, unusually nice with Bales Agent: BEACH AGENCY lins St., Keansburg. .787-1532. itreet. Near Red Bank. Available June three acres and brook, two-car garaee. Rt. 35, Mlddletown — 871-2727 top drive. Pleasant surroundings. utes from Red Bank. Attractive St. (3rd traffic tight), then left en . Unfurnished. Adults preferred. J150, $175 per month, lease. Located 10 miles Only $18,000 for a limited time. seven-room home, three bed- Atlantic St. to Keyport Gardens. KEANSBURG — stop looking. See this lall 741-2123. * to Bell Lab or New Brunswick, to Now nicely furnished five room apartment York Bus, short distance to- Matawan SHALL WE START AT $70,000? — rooms, den, family sized kitchen with full dining room. 1125 plus electric. CBAN8BURO — Two bedrooms, railroad station. MEYER MORRILL, Rurason, Locustt or f 17,0007 A number RUMSON — Custom-built Coloni- and dining area. Over-looking _ OPEN DAILY & SUNDAY Immediate occupancy. OH ATB AU Irlveway. City stwers. Near bus line. Broker. 67% South St., Freehold, 482- of choice locations. Phone for area REALTY, Real EstMe, US Carr Ave.. Call 787-4703 after « p.m. Monday to 5927. map, 671-2590 and 291-0900. BNYDHR al residence near ocean and riv-park like grounds, tile bath, base- 251 Atlantic St., Keyport, N. J. NOON TO DARK • PHONE 2(44)1) Keansburg. TS7-5S84. Saturday. < REALTORS. er In excellent condition. Three ment, garage and tool house. Only FAIR HAVEN — Two-bedroom house In convenient location, living room, LINCROFT — Three-bedroom split, large master bedrooms, W $16,900. APARTMENTS APARTMENTS dining room, large kitchen. 5125 month- large recreation and living room. Re baths; also separate maid's bed ly. Lease. McALISTER AGENCY modeled Kitchen with bullt-lns. ',i FAIR HAVEN - Four-bedroom Real Estate. 109 SaM River Rd., Rum acre lot on quiet, dead end street room and bath. Sunny 22^x24 1 son. 8(2-1894. $18,900. 747-0442. living room with fireplace, for Cape Cod. I /, baths, fireplace in KEANSBURO — Duplex. Six large SHREWSBURY—Three-bedroom ranch mal dining room with alcoved living room, dining room, modern rooms, oil heat, newly decorated dining room, living room wlUi fire bar, screened porch 20x21'/£ kitchen, basement, garage. Stones Hancock Street throughout, center of town. Adults pre- place, eat-In kitchen, new wall-to-wal ferred. Rent S100. 787-0971. carpeting, conveniently located, 747-1660 Modern kitchen with disposal, throw from school. $18,500. Keamburg dishwasher, freezer. Two-zoned GARDENERS DELIGHT — Beau- APARTMENTS hot water oil heat. Two-car ga- APARTMENTS rage. On scant acre plot. Mu tiful grounds with perennials, nlcipal sewer. $58,500. flowering shrubs, fruit trees, and ELDORADO vegetable garden. Well construct- AT THE NEW JERSEY SHORE BRANDYWYNE NAVESINK VILLAGE — Old Co-ed ranch with living room (fire- APARTMENTS lonial on scant acre plot, many place), dining room, beautiful beautiful shrubs and trees kitchen. Two twin sized bedrooms, AIR-CONDITIONED at Ground floor contains center bath, two-car garage. $19,900. hall, living room, fireplace, din BRIELLE ing room with fireplace, den, EXCELLENT BUY IN LITTLE One-bedroom electrically (leafed mid- SILVER — Combination living air conditioned apartments convenient bathroom, modern kitchen with A new concept in luxury breakfast area; four bedrooms room-dining room, large modern to all transportation, shopping areas, kitchen, three bedrooms, den, churches and beach. focllltlet. Spa- "apartment es+atef" and two baths on second floor. 1 Basement with steam oil heat. 2 /, baths, two-car garage. Newly clous living room, kitchen-dinette, Ground floor living ! decorated. New carpeting in- Prestige & Perfection both and one bedrooirij EleclMc Two-car barn with potting shed and lot. $32,500. cluded. Surrounded by large rangs end quick recovery electric Full apartments PLUS trees. Reduced to $23,950. water heater In each' •jportment. wood paneled recreation roomi Open for Inspection 9:00 a.m. to RUMSON — Rumson Rd. near i ocean, river and bus. Recreation PRETTY RANCH — In excellent 5:00 p.m. dally and weekends. Lo- Rent includes all utilities, central family neighborhood. Fireplace in cated on Hancock Strwt, oft Main hall with fireplace, living room, living room, formal dining room, Street, Keauburg. fireplace, formal dining room, air-conditioning, attached garage, etc. 15x22 modern kitchen with din- meet on Deal Lake Drive modern kitchen, powder room. ing area, four bedrooms, paneled Open and screened porches on den, l'A baths, basement, extras. Summer and Fall Occupancy ground floor. Five bedrooms, bath on second floor. Maid's ''. acre property. Immaculate con- '125. MO. Old Bridge Rd. at Route 35, Brielle, N. J. room and bath on third floor. tion. $29,900. Advance Rental Information from Basement with laundry. Steam oil For Rental Information heat. On municipal sewer. $33,000 FIELDSTONE FRONT — Hot wa- GE0R6E H. HAULEN8EEK, Inc. . ter heat, plaster walls, picture Telephone: BR 2 • 6544 book house five minutes from Red Exclusive Aginh (201) 449-6696 JOHN L MINUGH Bank. Living room, dining room, kitchen, two bedrooms, bath, den J REALTORS-INSURORS on first floor. Two bedrooms, '/£ Member of Red Bank bath and storage on second floor. Multiple Listing Service Basement, garage. Priced to (ell at $24,000. PRESENTING . . . 35 Rumson Rd. Phone 842-3500 OLDI SHREWSBURY — Older home, 741-9100 •even roomi. IV, biths, large living room with fireplace, lull basement- Many shade trees and beautiful shrubs. Rt. 35, 301 Maple Ave. 10 minutes to school!, •hopping and Corner Bergen PI. KING JAMES APARTMENTS commuting. Low taxei. Asking $27,500. Call for appointment. RObSTO.N WA- RED BANK ' TERBURY, Realtor, W W. Front St.. Red Bank 747-3SO0. Send for brochure. Call or write for a BEST BUY IN NEW SHREWSBURY— complete brochure Spacious three-bedroom spill level, two full baths, extra, large paneled activi- ties room opening onto 30x18 screened MIDDLETOWN — Cape Cod. Tnrs* porch. Full basement, attached garage, bedrooms. 75x100. 113.500. and «xpanslon attic. Many extras in- HAZLET — Three bedrooms. 113,500. clude new wall-to-wall carpet, drapes, WEST KEANSBURO — Two bedrooms. washer and dryer, dishwasher. Aa- (9,500. 10 per cent down. No closing lumable Vi% mortgage. FHA ap- cost. praised. 122,500. 7U-i2O4. UNION BEACH — Neat • coxy two bed- room. Owner anxious to sell. ».000. LITTLE SILVER — Five rooms, bath, (FINANCING HOMES IS OUR BU8I- one car garage. Nice yard. Mod«rn NEB3( kltchtn. Call 711-7000. Alter 5:30 741-EDWIN a. BTARK, 1003 Highway 39 13Z7. Mr«. Oall. at Union Ave., Union Bead). 364-0330. MIDDLETOWN — Owner transferred. Evening appointments Mary Pelkey, Nina montha old, four bedrooms, lull dlnlnr room, eat-In kitchen, 2'/, baths, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS—6ev«n rooms. half iore, 123,400. Call niter B, 671-9832. I'A baths, 100' lot, city sewers. Asking MIDDLETOWN — Barn red split level. 114,000. Down payment for qualified In good condition. Three bedrooms, juyer, M50. THE K1RWAN CO.. Real- large, living room, dining room, beauti- tors. 787-5500. ful recreation room, plus laundry room. ON THE SHREWSBURY RIVER — Leaving dryer and some carpeting. Spacious four-bedroom home over- Huge trees In back; perfect (or climb- looking river and ocean, three baths, ing and privacy. Owner, 671-2307. •team heating system, garage, pleasant Features of distinction include: Exceptionally well-planned room layouts • 118,800. sun deck, patio, enclosed boat house Doorman Service • All apartments with terrace • Carpeted public halls GRACIOUS UVINO can be yours In with slip and hoist on deep water, this nine-room Colonlnl home. Perlect sturdy masonry construction, can be • Equipped kitchens with wood finish cabinets, table-top Caloric range, condition Inside and out, top area, all used as a beautiful year round home for *32.BOO. THOMPSON & BARTELL. or suitable for conversion to apart- and General Electric refrigerator • Wall Oven and Dishwasher in all INC. 747-5600. ments or small hotel. Being orfered at a very low price of J34.000. THOMP- but studio apartments • Garage and on-site parking available • Lavish LINCHOFr — Three-bedroom ranch, SON & BARTELL, INC. T47-560O. -closets • Equipped Laundry Room • House speaker phone system & with treen on dead end street. Fire- place, utility room, two-car garage NEW SHREWSBURY — Colonial. Four telephones in elevator" Landscaped grounds with covered sitting facilities. and lull basement. J22.9OO. Call 747- bedrooms, three baths. Excellent cn- 3'/2 AND. 41/2 ROOMS AVAILABLE JULY 1ST. 4370. dltlon, lalge rooms. »27.500. 717-5380. Th# King Jamn Apartments art tucked away In one of Atlantic Highlands quietest residential areas. A mod- OFFERS) OFFKK8! OFFERS! All of- ARMSTRONG'S WEEKEND SPECIAL fer* considered for this modern four- — Spacious center hall Colonial )tm ONE BEDROOM APT. ern ihopplno center li wittitn walking distance. Buses to New York and Newark stop near the site dally. Roll bedroom. IVi bath iplU level. We must Ive years old In a lovely wooded axea IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY service Is available from the center of town. King James Apartments provide the kind of relaxation that will sell. FHA appraised, good location. ••our bedrooms, 21i tiled baths, 25' liv- Model Apts. Now on View assure you all the luxuries of a truly comfortable home. Ihla In a very big home for $16,990. ing room with fireplace, 16' entertaining THOMPSON 4 BARTELL, INC. 747-dining room, deluxe kitchen with dlah- Open Weekdays: wanher ami built-in range and oven, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. mahogany paneled family room. f'Jll Saturday 4 Sunday: KEYPORT — Six-room older home, all asphalt tile recreation basement. Truly 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. !186 CHECK OUR COMFORTS OF HOME! Improvements, excellent neatlug «y*- a beamy. Yours for only W2.»0() EL- Telephone: 77t>MM OAS a Lucinciry MOUMO ciu. large enclosed' porch, plenty of VOOI) A. AR.MBTRONO AGENCY, • PRIVATE BALCONY OR PATIO • Your own PRIVATE ENTRANCE •.iniipln. 2S4-7K11. Realtor, 558 Prospect Ave.. Little Sil- ver. 741-4500. with an all-weather Thermopane and PARKING SPACE BACH1KICE BALE — Llncroft ranch beautiful wooded ',i acre; full RUMSON — Four bedrooms, (r.rm.11 CENTRALLY AIR CONDITIONED sliding glass door, off each dining • PRIVATE BASEMENT STORAGE Rrown towering tree*, (lowering ihnihs. dining room, den, walking distance t.» vt>rKreens, roaei. Extrat Include finest schools, taxes under INK). Well main- area. provided for each apartment. w.iii-to-wall carpeting, gas clothe* dry- alned. Beautiful grounds. CJ.suo. Early r. pjttra gnu range In fin I fined base* >ccupnncy. JU2-2ot>6 • WALL-TO-WALL BROADLOOM • PRIVATE LAUNDRY . . . with incnt. Direct sale at >16,&SO with Hfl.SOO mortgs-ff* available to qii&llfltrl RCIM.MON — Why f-vil irou-in with i CARPETING in second floor apart- washors and dryers ... in each MiytTH. ('.ill 711-tillt. ' .ini'h of acljei'tlv,... if it i.in'l * goM IV anil an ap[,i... ,.| hirm* uei! VON It ments building. UM.M HOLLOW ilANlTl — Wllh "city II us. We Ir.-I Hi il liiis Ins IT! 'Four • COMPLETE HOT POINT ALL- • PRIVATE LUXURY SWIMMING iewcrii, Thr'-f bedroom a. (omul din- CAR I TOM ri(; r'Kitri. fireplace in dm, full h;mc- room. rllhltiK r--),ini, <|.'i) riittiplctc rt^w ELECTRIC KITCHEN with plenty POOL, complete with all accesso- ncnt. twu-f.iir Kiraco. Asking «U.5ijd. Iwntliig syMAin A ! (-.n.|iH'ni I'rkM NIK K.liWANj.'O.^HNiiinni. 787-MM. ndnr $30."itiiti t ;l,\y,K\\]:t)\ >K AnKNTY of cabinet space. ries . . . KIDDIE POOL . . . BAR- AWU-JUKuuk Whitd hrirk front JU'.iltor, ,\wi,i- -,| ]'••'•(> Kiv.-ri, Rum- • AIR-CONDITIONING by "Fod- BECUE PITS . . . CHILDREN'S r.inrli. two hMrimtru. !)-10 «rr« lot. KKKNTil" I'iloVIM'iAL JtANr|I~-" ders." PLAYGRONUD AREA . . . ADULT • raiifi ii'-'v. la ]•>'.<•>•/ i<-*i*»T-• >n with 3.W AI • !M.KU11^OOK~- "<' hiumhi'K'lh r«"Tti«l- in river • tni h^i'iMf'il V:PW rTf^.Vivt;- • HOT-WATER BASEBOARD HEAT- BROOKSIDE « LOUNGING AREA »oni1 . tw-,-halh -Colonial lUncli with ilnK 1I»I* f"ii' hf'lro'mn, '2', hith *, overlooking Dead Lake ire-( livltiR room, dinlnpf room, cut In iwn.'ir V i.•!!'•'! s%r.i(r^ A.iktnff |fl!t.- ING wifh individual apartmont . . . Just for residents of King • ' t"')i with (|l^nwa«!ifr. Inrgp n 7mt I'ls; (•,;.!', M FiAj;' \* |;.. ,)tor%, •nun 510 Deal Lake Drive, Asbury Park, N. J. iMiii, full iiiipinrrit. plenty iif rlosi i^m |;'i-.| \: ! Kt!r H i\--n 7W-IM2. thermostats. James Apartments. 1 !''lf "'•:•• in.my l.lIK.. (,,.«. J Mt n.i.. : Mi'; ' l.:*\uu; A-r. :o- ^ •''•].•>• 1 JlHHt m-H Hi'l Vll.Vi* )•• M.u'.- WXTKl'l-'I'jiNT'ritfil'kKTY FROM $132 INCLUDES HEAT — HOT WATER — PRIVATE POOL AV K <•['! V I'IINVH.NIKM'K Inn t-o r.i:|f i.'-|ir"--!u-T h,<{ wiier hft.it, fl, -n T- I -Mi ,ii windows. $22,000. MODEL APARTMENT OPEN DAILY 8 A.M. TO 6 P.M. FRI. 'TIL 9 P.M. if;.' 1 s|".'l!l clly pl p HWY. 36 291 -0770 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS '•I w.tik' gewnr... rx,-flleril ncli-,.." ••nrl.v KHA a|i|>rnl»nl hlslier llw (More Classified Ads e of |[ii

CH. APPROVED SPLIT LEVEL - Has everytilng the large youi* THE LOW AGENCY FHA APPROVtxi sr-Lii i- .^^ (five if you wish to convert FAIR HAVEN'S NEWEST PUNNED COMMUNITY" COTTON RIDGE REALTORS (Off Hance Rd Juft North of River Rd.) Nutswamp Rd. Middletown 636 River Road Fair Haven schools. Only $23,500. 741 -4477 NEAR EVERYTHING — The river, »hop., one CUSTOM-BUILT HOMES Member Multiple Listing Service mile to Broad St., Red Bank. One block to FIVE MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM ining room, "eai-m JWIU,.,, — two-"* &***&• RUMSON-NEW LISTING bus for Red Bank and Sea Bright. Three porch. Best neighborhood. ^. New Orleans Colonial—grill work—prestige location—1'/, acres- OR WILL BUILD FROM YOUR PLANS Three baths, in well-planned split river view and river rights—five bedrooms, three baths—large blocks to grade school. Students attend Rum- eves Large living rw», « "Iy equipped tofchen, 22x15 play- closets—beautifully carpeted living room with raised hearth brick I and 5 Bedrooms • 2U to 3Vi Ceramic Tiled Baths fireplace—paneled den—wall-to-wall carpeting throughout—screened son-Fair Haven Regional High School. Free Two-car Garages • Full Basements room, cellar, screened porch, attached garage. $24,500. porch off dining room—picture book kitchen with built-in range Plenty of Closets • Sidewalks SAVE OH - Rejuvenate this ranch yourself Enjoy four bedrooms, and refrigerator—completely air conditioned—new awnings—two- Modern Kitchens Complete with Dishwashers school bus. Trees, trees, trees. twoteCh? recreation room, large lot, attached garage. A bargain car garage—asking $55,000—excellent condition—many extras- call us for appointment. Visit the two models nearing completion. at $18,000. FRENCH PROVINCIAL ' FROM $34,000 Is the charming tradition of Southern France, we have a brand J. LESTER RIGBY ASSOCIATES, INC. new, three bedroom, twoJbath ranch. Owner leaving area, regret- Prices from $29,500 to $43,500 REALTORS fully must sell this custom built beautifully appointed, expensive- ANOTHER KLEINER BROS. CUSTOM-BUILT COMMUNITY ly carpeted, tastefully decorated and altogether lovely home. 504 Shrewsbury Avenue New Shrewibury. N. J. Full, dry cellar. Two-car garage. Fine trees and landscaping. Let 741-7741 us show you the many extra features we have not mentioned. RAY VAN HORN FOR INFORMATION CALL $65,000. 04 River Road Fair Haven, N. J. 747-4385 or 671-3200 MEMBERS OF THE RED BANK AREA A DOLL HOUSE IN RUMSON MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE It your family is small, this is your home. A Colonial Cape Cod, DIRECTIONS: Hwy. 35 south to Naveslnk River Rd.; turn right on Ntveslnk epic and span, with three bedrooms and one bath. Fireplace, full 747-4100 to Nutswamp Rd.: turn right to model homes. basement, plaster walls, excellent school location. Trees. Low HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE taxes. $21,000. RUMSON ROAD RANCH LET'S TALK TRADE LITTLE SILVER RANCH — Lo- New listing-well planned—four bedrooms, three baths on V/, SWEET BRIAR COLTS NECK FARM cated on 100x200 beautifully land- acres—complete privacy in the rear—living room—fireplace- scaped plot, this pretty white JTTLE SILVER-Four-bedroom full dining room—large, modern kitchen with dishwasher and OF HOlMDEL Distinctive homes on ranch has three bedrooms, a fire- wo-story home. Separate dining gas range—attractive, sunny den, 25x13 opening onto sun deck- AUTHENTIC COLONIAL HOMES beautifully wooded acres. place in the living room, full base- many large closets—full, dry basement—two-car attached garage room, detached large three-car ment, breezeway and attached ga- Several on a lovely pond. barn garage. Convenient to rail- —asking $46,500. 'wo-Story • Split Levels • Bi-Levels • Handles • Cape Cods rage. Very conveniently located. road station. Must sell. Reduced rhree and four bedrooms, two-car garages, soience kitchens, by HAROLD E. HARRISON Owner moving out of state, only LUXURIOUS WATERFRONT RANCH to $16,900. $17,700. Brick, beautiful, breathtaking view. In top condition and charm- kmiry rooms, some part brick veneer, fireplaces, acre land- DIRECTIONS: South I '/> mile. ingly decorated. Dock, deep water, bulkheaded. Professionally MIDDLETOWN—Applebrook sec- scaped lots. on Swimming River Road from NEWLYWEDS—Here's a charm- landscaped. Three bedrooms, two baths, wonderful Florida room. tion. Frame and brick three-bed- Lincrofr, west 'A mi. on Route ing four-room home in excellent For quick sale, owner has reduced price to $59,500. HEATED MODELS OPEN AT ALL TIMES room rancher, attached garage, 537 . . right on Lakeside Avo, condition. Ideal for starting your one half acre well landscaped lot. new family or for retired couple. PRICES $24,900 to $29,900 SALES: J. D. ROCHE REALTORS Price $18,500. Nice location. Real buy at $15,900. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Dial 94&-495S SHREWSBURY — Like new two- HENRY A. WEST & SON tedroom Cape Cod with expand- LAWLEY AGENCY RED BANK — Attractive four- .INCROFT — Split level, one car able attic. Convenient to shopping HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Realtor! bedroom Cape Cod in exclusive ;arage attached, large lot wall- PROFESSIONAL BUILDERS and bus line. Offered at $13,900. >-waII carpet. 4%% interest, low area. Dining room, fireplace in OOLT3 NEOK — Charming brick, thre Approved $13,000 FHA mortgage 100 Hwy. 35 Red Bank lonthly payments. Close to St. Directions: Route 34 to Schanclc Road, turn at our sign living room, enclosed porch, base- CHAPEL HILL HOMES bedroom, one year old home. Spacious to qualified buyer. 741-6262 ment, garage, near transporta- eo's, Garden State Parkway. living room, fireplace, full dining room, large patio, 2% acres wooded lot with Member Multiple Listing tion, schools and churches, $24,- Asking $20,000. D 2-2729 OR AD 3-0456 wide running brook, located on qulei WEART-NEMETH 900. ANNOUNCES country road. 937,500, OLMDEL — Gorgeous view, ex- RUM8O1T E8TATH ABBA- — Will OOUTS NECK — Four-year-old, three- RED BANK — Older two-story, •eme privacy large variety of NEAR OOMFUmON OF AGENCY build to suit on ona acre* wooded lot. HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE bedroom ranch, 1% baths, spacious liv- Us* your plans or ours. Visit our new three-bedroom house. Living rees and shrubs, two bedrooms, THREE ing tw>m, fireplace, full dining: room REALTOR two stonr eihlbtt home. **M«0 and ving room, kitchen and large well organized kitchen with buHt-lr up. For Information call 291-2200, after room, dining room, basement, en- DISTINGUISHED NEW dishwasher, family room, sun porch 102 WEST FRONT ST. 9 p.m. M.T. Mn/TENBEBOER, JR. closed porch, garage, $13,200. reened porch. 14'/$ acres. $60,- .UMSON — Spacious l>/4 story with awning window, full cellar with Builder. D0. •arae dwelling, Holy Cross area, game room and bar, two-car garage, REINFELD one acre lot, excellent location, f26,D00, 741-2240 SPLIT LEVEL — Four bedrooms, >ur bedrooms, 2% baths, fire- OFFERS QUALIFIED RANCH MODELS 24-HOUR SERVICE (More Classified Ads two baths, dining room, living [OLMDEL — Brick home located ace, dining room, den, full base- Veterans No Down Payment OOLTS NECK — Beautiful center hal room, basement, garage, nicely seven acres rolling land "well WITH Georgian Colonial In excellent condition, On the Next Page) ent, hot water oil, detached one- Four bedrooms, 2*4 tiled baths, largi Member of Red Bank landscaped, $17,990. landscaped. Asking $50,000. ir garage, ample grounds. Re $73 MONTH e Three Bedroom* living room with fireplace. Also 15xl Multiple Listing Service iced to $27,000. APPROXIMATE • Two Pull Baths sitting room with fireplace. Baseboard WATERFRONT COLONIAL — [OLMDEL — For horses or chil- Frultwood Birch Cabinets In Calorlo hot water heat, full dining room, sepa HOUSES FOR SALE UMSON — Four bedrooms, one Equipped Kitchens rate laundry room. Wonderful view ol Three bedrooms, fireplace in rens' day camp, located on SHREWSBURY BOROUGH ath, fireplace, dining room, full Three Bedrooms • Two-Car Oarage surrounding country aide. 2J4 acre* Three-bedroom' ranch, quiet dead-end wautiful landscaped property, Asking (49,500. Additional acreage ava living room, formal dining room, asement, hot water oil, detached No Down Payment Colonial and Modem Style Designs street, full basement, attractive lot with storical background 30 acres or OI don't miss this deal ol your life. able. fenced' backyard. Small down payment, Desperate 1% baths, basement, garage, ne car garage, sizeable plot, ill divide. $150,000. Three bedrooms, 1H baths, two-car ga- >r take over 4W% mortgage. 74l-8«l lovely quiet area, ideal for fish- ow asking $23,500. rage. Oil hot air heat, on a beautiful PRICED FROM $20,900 L.ARG-E four-bedroom ranch. 15x23 liv MIDDLETOWN, location', close to schools, shopping and Ing room with stone fireplace, 13xlf i\AIR HAVEN — Four bedrooms, two Ing, 125,500. AIR HAVEN — Very livable Four bedrooms, 1H baths. Living [OLMDEL - Professional build- transportation. AVERAGE LOT SIZE %-ACRK dining room, two tiled baths, two-ac« iath9, living room with fireplace, dfn- room, dining room, large recrea- lot with pond, country location, $25,000, ng room, eat-tn kitchen, TV room. g or pleasant home Colonial nodern frame ranch, three bed- tion room, semi finished, tmement, ROLAND PIERSON ooms, tiled bath, full deep base- NON-VETS $310 DOWN Directions: Route 35 to Chapel Hilt F*ull basement. Two-cair garage. 717- attached garage. Lars* corner tyle, immediate possession, low Rd. (at O&als,Restaurant), Chapel Hill GEORGE V. ILLMENSEE 342°. property, urn twenties. xes, three-car garage. Asking nent, hot water baseboard gas $10,500 PULL PRICE Rd. one block to Danemar Dr. and AGENCY red heat, attached one car i model home. . Call 291-1221 :4,500. Realtor HOUSES FOR SALE REALTOR i, brook across rear of pi _..ing $18,500. BUILT BY PIELAET, Inc. Rt.34 Colts Neck STANLEY STILWELL REINFELD 462-3172 • MIDDLETOWN, MATAWAN, HAZLET VICINITY EXCLUSIVES • ii 300 Half Mile Rd., Corner 'AIR HAVEN — Interesting com- . 741-3306 iact frame colonial, three bed- Real Estate Broker MONMOVTH BEACH — Three-bedroom NO DOWN VETS • LOW DOWN NON-VETS Newman Springs Rd. ooms, one bath, sun room, den, Realty Company Insurance MIDDLETOWN — Charming lour-bed- split level overlooking Shrewsbury Riv- (Near Garden State Parkway) ill basement, hot water oil, de- i RT. 35 MIDDLETOWN room colonial split In Kings Village. er, plot 110x130. Docking and ooer olmdel 946-8383 privileges. Owner. 222-1011. Red Bank P. O. 741-7575 >che,d One £ar. garage and tool Beautiful trees-prime area-attached two- WHALE WHALE car garage, paneled den, family room, bed, sufficient grounds. Offered 671-3500 NEED A HOME? KEANSBimo — Lots of living area} 2V, baths. 127,800. SHORT. ON CASH? "SPECIALISTS IN MORTGAGE FINANCING" MEMBER t reduced price of $16,900. NEXT TO HARMONY BOWI< WELL- Ann • IS THE ANSWER, ee this reasonably priced, three-bed* LICENSED REAL ESTATE BROKER OF RED BANK ' room home. Two porches, 1% baths, APPLEBROOK • — ThtM-bedroom older two-story, three-bedroom house, fireplace, garage, on 100x100 corner lot Dally 9 to 0. Saturday and Sunday ranch. Lovely area. Attached two-car all brick and masonry and sound as Pull Price Scenic Drive Exclusive MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE >r!ced H4.900. 10 to 7 garage, screened In porch. $22,900. a house can be. Only asking &3,200. VETS DENNIS K. BYRNE 8NYDKR REALTORS THOMPSON Jb BARTEU, INC., 747- No Down HAZLE3T — Nice six year-old ranch. 671-2590 201-0900 5600. $16,990 COUNTRY OFFERING — Near.shop- REALTOR—INSUROR CHARM AND DIGNITY I An Individual $74 per mo. $9900 ping near transportation, near schools. With full basement, play room, din* KEANSBURO — fS,990. For this two A truly molesHc lo«Uon , Ing room, three bedrooms, paneled West River Rd. Rumson home, custom built, finest construe* bedroom, home In town location. With which overlooks the beautiful Besides It's got three bedrooms and kitchen, patlo.jtnd tool «lud ,M&900. tlon. Spacious living room with fire- HQV&3M0K SALE Four (4) bedrooms. Tint's rlohM den (or fourth bedroom), also modem a full dining room. Enclosed porch, gas Come on In and we'll prove It Atlantic Highlands Yacht Phone 842-1150 place. TV den. Large dining room. heat, vets no d6wn subject to VA ap- kitchen and paneled dinette. How about 1OLMDEL — In the low tax area. Tiled kitchen. Three twin bedrooms, proval. CHATEAU REALTY, Real Es- Four large bedrooms, living room Basin. That Is what you'll baseboard heat and H acre tree shaded our-bedroom ranch with full basement 2% tiled batbs. Basement playroom. tate, 215 Carr Ave.. Keaiaburg. 787-581M with fireplace* dining room, big see when our agent shows lot. But best ot all It's cheap. S12.GOQ. and family room. 2V4-car garage. On MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING Two-car garage. A wonderful home, kitchen and pantry. Two-car ga- you this three-bedroom cus- Don't take our word for it—see it, large lot. Near Bell Labs. {24,(500. priced low! Offers considered. Call SHREWSBURY CAPE COD — Four BERG rage and a 130' deep lot. Where tom-built home on larger than IELFORD — Pour-bedroom ranch. Llv. now! STANLEY K. DOWNS, Realtor. bedfoQme^. two . tiled baths, full tiled Is It located? In Keyport of Vi acre of landscaped VALUE PACKED — Three-bedroom Shrewsbury. 741-1017. ,„ cellar, fenced y&rd, modern kitchen. Offers Qualified course. ground). Terms are excellent ranch. Two years old. Science kitchen SHOREWAY ig room, dining room, modern kltch Pexttct, ^bn^it^Si;; Low. taiM. Owner fully equipped wJUj refrigerator en, Mil basement. Only *18,800. THE MIDDLETOWN — Pour bedrooms,. ex- Including no down for quail-' KIR.WAN CO., Realtors. T87-5500. _ VETS, N$ DOWN Non-Vets (300 Down fled vets. See It Todayl olothci washer, dryer and aluminum R'tt INC. tra large modern kitchen, separate dint] •torm sashes, full basement and ffa- NION BEACH — Contract sale. Five- Ing room. Large living room, iun- NON VET $790 race. 1550 down to qualified, buyer Highway 35 Holmdel oom winter home. WOO down. Im- porch. 1% car garage. Chaln'llnk fence HOUSES FOR SALE Full Price Special 115,250. mediate occupancy. FINLAY Real Es- In backyard. House and grounds In ex- A dream can come true! See this VETS VETS Off Union Ave.) 264-7010 tate Agency, 270 Bay Ave., Highlands cellent condition. $16,500. 787-1740. four-year old ranch today. Large No Down & I I QQfl COUNTRY FARMS AND HOMES MIDDLETOWN — Two zone! baseboard living room and dining area, three heat. Split with basement. Excellent HOMESTEAD PARK bedrooms, garage. $94 per mo. *' • I ''« $15,990 UNUSUAL BUY REEN LAWNS and beautiful shade condition. Many extras. Owner, (23,700. Four (4) bedroom split. A LEWINGER AGENCY rees provide a perfect setting for this At Colts Neck VA approved Three-bedroom. Real Estate-Insurance >wner transferred. Large ranch home, leat 10 year-old Cape Cod. Oarage 671-0097. Only $16,490 at Berg 'family thot offers plenty of Irst class condition, on quiet street In THREE-BEDROOM RANCH—Walk- Ranch. Duplicate this gem of a terrific buy for the growing • SO E. Mala St. Freeholi •ear Red Bank, St. James Parish FORCED TO SELL below cost, split In closet In master bedroom, 2H home! I We-dore youlll This 442-2333 Evenings 462-2371 ew Shrewsbury. Three bedrooms, rec •tu pick-up for school children. J16.POO, level, three bedrooms, 1H baths, ga- elbow room. Eight big rooms 'eatlon room two baths, appliances, baths, living room, formal dining % AORE LOT teauty Is already approved for Including four bedrooms, liv- vall-to-wall carpeting, excellent schools, THOMPSON * BARTBLL, INC. 747- rage and extras. Price $17,990. In room, paneled family room with purOKse by a veteran. Three 6600. Hazlet. 787-6411. ing room, dining room, mod- RUMSON WATERFRONT taking 121,500. M2-3229. fireplace, well owanlzed kitchen VETS NO DOWN bedrooms, living room, modern ern science kitchen, rec Boatman's pardise. Six-year-old ranch with dishwasher,-^ laundry with kitchen, bath, family room and clothes dryer, two-car attached ga- room, l'/i baths and cor bas large living room, dining room, NON VET $IO90 DOWN a large 150' lot. Bring your de- port garage. Three blocks to overlooking river, two nice bedrooms, FOR THE YOUNG EXECUTIVE — HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE rage, full basement, acre lot $29,> Posit for this one. and lovely tile bath, tiled eat-In kltch- 000. Custom-built split level, three huge grade school and N. Y. ex- Entertain and live graciously In this bedrooms, living room, dining room, press buses. •n, large screenedborch on riverside, tour-bedroom, 2V4 bath home, two-car FOUR-BEDROOM RANCH — Two eat-In kitchen, 114 baths, garage. Non-Vets J390 Down attached garage. 125* of new bulkhead- garage. Walk-In closets, cedar closet tiled baths, living room with fire- Ing and spaced to expand house. Nlcelj In basement, large railed patio am Property fenced In. Mortgage can landscaped. 131.500. McAlIster Agency, ROSES! ROSES! ROSES! place, formal dining room, paneled ba assumed. Call today. many other thoughtful extras makei game room, large kitchen with dish- Real Estate. 109 Bast River Rd.. Rum-this home one of the most attractive •on. M2-18W. washer, separate laundry with Only $18,990 at Berg homes In this area. OH, YES! TALL Monmouth Beach. Year 'round seven rooms, garage. Beauti- clothes dryer, two-car attached ga- 264 - 2300 LOTTIE SILVER, PICTURE BOOK STATELY SHADE TREES give this rage, acre lot. $28,790. BETTINO — Red brick Colonial with home that added grandeur. AAklng The Berg Agency 34,600. THOMPSON AND BARTELL, ful landscaping. $12,000 to settle estate. Another Outstanding ulna rooms, five bedrooms, 2Mi baths, INC. Hwy. 35, MJddlotown. 747-5600. bay window In living room, separati Community By Realtor dining room, modem kitchen with nat EAZLET — Three-bedroom ranch, Monthly Ural wood cabinet!, built-ins and eat- kitchen, dishwasher, wall oven, counter Gene Novello "Peisonalteed Service" Payments art LICENSED Ina. Good size den. Attached garage. range. Mural dining area, 1% baths: Exclusive Sales Representative Approximate. On deep halt acre. Priced at S24.O0O. Huge paneled family room. Large liv- 67W000 ., ELWOOD A. ARMBTRONO AGENCY, N. J. Largest Residential REAL ESTATE Realtor, 665 Prospect Ave., Little fill' ing room. Carport, many extras .Call GEORGE V. ILLMENSEE Sub|ect to T«r. 741-43O0. between 9-12 a.m. or evenings. Asklm Real Estate Brokers VA and FHA WHAL S8.850. 284-20)8. IW WILTSHIRE AGENCY Realtor Approval BROKER FOUR-BEDROOM — Three bath split NEW SHREWSBURY — Homey four- Daily 9-9, AGENCV level In one acre. Westward bound bedroom, two-bath ranch on a dead end 462-3172 Saturday-Sunday 10-7 ownaf offers terrific value. Large pan street. Within walking distance o DIRECTIONS: West on Newman RT. 35 at Laurel Ave., HOLMDEL •led family room, living room, dining schools. Living room with paneling and Realtor and Insurer Springs Rd. three miles past Lin* Route 35 Middletown, N. J. room, basement, two-car garage. Below fireplace, largo family room, patios, croft Inn. Turn left on Longbrldge (Next to Lily-Tulip) assessed value. Priced 123,950. A. lalf acre with fenced play yard. Ask- Rd.. ltt miles In. Garden State Parkway FRED MAPFEO, REALTOR, 735 Broad ing $21,500. 542-20&5. Open .9-9 daily, Saturday and Sunday 10-7 St., Shrewsbury. 741.8333. Open 7 Days—Member Multiple Lis+ing Exit 117 JUST REDUCED — Little Silver seven WATERFRONT! WATERFRONT! Oo room, 2^-bath home, cpmpletely re ajeous view of river, completely bulk decorated. Wall-to-wall carpeting. Two 1480 Oc»an Ave. 842-0004 Sea Bright beaded. Large llvlng-dlnlng room. Three car garage, one acre of land will bedrooms, one bath, beautiful kitchen, large shade trees. Walking distance to PLUS an extra apartment contain ltif schools, shopping and commuting. Now living room, bedroom, kitchen and bath. B3.95O. ROLSTON WATERBURY, Real- Low taxes, rlpfflan rights. There Is nc tor, 16 W. Front SL, Red BanX. 747- better waterfront value at 536.OOC 3500. Send for brochure. RUSSELL M. BORUS, Realtors. «* River Rd.. Fair Havea 747-4532. Mem ber Multiple Lining Service . HOUSES FOR SALE See our new Home Computer HILLTOP — Tower HU1 ranch. Threi bedrooms, two baths, sunken living room, dining room, double ilze fire- place, paneled den, eaUn kitchen, MORE LISTINGS SHOWN Out Electronic "Home Computer" screened porch, full basement, beautl BB BB fully landscaped. Extras. 747-0267. SILVER GRAY COLONIAL — Magnlf! LITTLE SILVER CAPE COD — On well landscaped Cannot forget Your Home! Salesmen Can! cent trees shade this lovely hom lot. Living room, dining room, kitchen. Four bed- Uvlng room 12x15' with fireplace. I>e. Dining room. TV room. Latest modern rooms and bath or three bedrooms and den, utility kitchen, dishwasher. Four bedrooms, room and garage. $18,700. List With Applebrook Agency. attic storage and fifth bedroom. Base- ment. Two-car garage. Finest residen- tial area. Exceptional value! 123,900, MORE LISTINGS SOLD LINCROFT SPLIT LEVEL - Living room, dining STANLEV K. DOWNS, Realtor, Shrem room, kitchen, four bedrooms, two baths, game Both Multiple Listing Services bury. 741-1017. Thru The Red Bank Area room, low down payment to qualified buyer. $21,700. Multiple Listing Service HOUSES FOR SALE TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE - Fair Haven colonial Processes 1,000 listings in 60 seconds in good residential area. Low taxes. Living room with fireplace, dining room, modern kitchen with separate breakfast area, den and sun room. Four bedrooms and bath on second floor. One bedroom and bath on third floor. Two-car garage. All for SCOTT FARM $23,900. A COMMUNITY OF EARLY AMERICAN RESIDENCES OLD SHREWSBURY — Living room, dining room, kitchen, pine paneled den. Three bedrooms, two baths, Near shops, school and bus. $26,500.

NICE TO COME HOME TO - Excellent view of river, Fair Haven. Living room with fireplace flanked by bookcases. Dining room, kitchen with bay window. Three bedrooms, two tiled baths. Ga- rage and workshop. $28,500.

LARGE RUMSON RANCH - Living room, dining ' The Virginian room, kitchen, game room, three bedrooms, one bath and two 1/2 baths, large lot. Fine section. $39,- located in rustic Wall Township 500. MONMOVTH COUNTY GEORGIAN COLONIAL — Bcniitiful setting on Lake Lcfferts in Matawan, Large rooms for gracious liv- $21,900 to $26,900 ing. Three fireplaces, den and family room. Large master bedroom with dressing room and three other Directions: Garden State Parkway to Exit bedrooms, three baths and two powder rooms. Two- 97, then first lejt, A llenwood Road. Models car attached garage. Just reduced to $55,000. are located on Allenwood Road between Route 38 and Belmtir Blvd. PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO. Walter Pfeifjcr - Archhect Real Estate for 70 Years ppkbrook Agency •0 While Bt. tte.1 nmik 741.7100 Telephone 681-2420 O9O HIGHWAY NO. 39 MIDDLETOWH. ft. J. •BETTER BUYS BY BOWERS ' 67I8J0O HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOB SALE LEGAL NOTICE RY.D BANK REGISTER Friday, MJY 22, 1964—29 NOTICE ALLAIRE - FARROW AGENCY . notice that Baysbort Coivmblut THE DOWSTRA AGENCY HALL BROS. REALTORS foe, has applied to the Mayor JAL NOTICE Monmouth County's Oldest Real Estate Firm aad Council of Mkldletown Township, REALTORS 813 River Rd. Fair Haven MMdlstown, N. J. for a club license No. BC-2 for premises situated at 741-7686 199 Broad Street, Red Bank—741 • 3450 Highway 38 oft Palmer Ave. East NOTICE OF SALE; Member of Red Bank Area Multiple Listing Service Member of Multiple Listing Service Keansburg, Mlddletown Township, N.J. On Wednesday, June 3. 191(4 at 10:00 Member Multiple Lilting Service OFFICERS AMI will sell at public auction 91 East Front Street Luclen Blbaud—Vice President on behalf of geacost Finance Co. at 741-8700 Red Bank, N. J.BABBLING BROOK, TALL TREES - Four-bedroom Colonial BEST BUY — LITTLE SILVER Thomas D. Jennings— 18 Broad St.. Red Bank; N. J. one Four-bedroom, two-bath, split, just one-year young. Overlooks Sicretary-Treasurer 1958 Chevrolet, 2 Dr. Spt. Cpa., Ser. FOUR-BEDROOM RANCHER about to be built in choice Fair Haven location. 90-day occupancy. Objections, If any, should be made F59T16.W0I for default in • Conditional Spacious living room with fireplace and dining room, ultra Listen to these features: Center hall. 2% tiled baths, pooled den, executive area. Imagine this for only $24,900 ! ! ! Immediately In writing lo Howard Sales Contract made by Sylvia S. Brwi- formal dining room, basement, garage. Your choice of colors, Roberts, Clerk Mlddletown Township, ham. Said car may be seen e« Kea modern kitchen with barbecue, 2'^ baths, full cellar, two- RED BANK FOUR-BEDROOM (Signed) Bank Auto Discount Center, J63 Maple car garage, 1J£ acres with some woods, parochial school etc. Only $21,900. "Can for details today. BAYSHORE COLUMBIAN CMIB B B Ji Two-story — 24x14 living room, separate dining room, 17' kitchen, May 15, 22 *8.T« '" '"Auc tton'eer-W. J. O'NEILL area, only two years old and in top notch condition. The full ceBar, garage, taxes $296. Asking $18,500. Owner leaving price is only $29,900. SECLUDED LITTLE SILVER RANCH — 22' living room with fire- place, separate dining room, three bedrooms, tiled bath. Paneled state. NOTICE and heated Florida room. Lovely trees, attached garage. Offered Take notice that Root Beer end NOTICE STARTER OR RETIREMENT HOME WHITE COLONIAL Checker Club trading as same has ap- Take notice that Sai's Tavern. Inc. Excellent buy for the right family. Tiiis six-year young at $22,500. Early occupancy. Little Silver. Three bedrooms with bath and powder room,, 21' lled to the Mayor and Council of the trading as SH'l Tavern has applied ranch home is both roomy and comfortable, and is situ- £orough of Red Bank for a Club Li- to the Mayor and Council of the Bor- SPACIOUS FOUR-BEDROOM COLONIAL - Two dens, fireplace, living room with fireplace, separate dining room, modern kitchen, cense No. C. B. 4 license for premlse-s ough of Red Bank for,a Plenary Retail ated on a quiet street in Fair Haven near school and breezeway with awning, garage, large storage area 12x20, good situated at 5 Broad St. and portion of Consumption C-H license for premises bus. Cheerful living room, large airy kitchen, dining room dining room, new modern kitchen with dinette, basement, third > Broad St., Red Bank, N. J. situated at 141 Shrewsbury Ave., Red floor guest bedroom, two-car ' garage. Specimen shade trees. trees, convenient but in quiet area, asking $19,900. Objections, if any, should be mad< Bank. N. J. and three bedrooms. Full and dry basement with outside Immediately In writing to John Bryan, OFFICERS entrance. One-car attached garage. Hot water heat . $23,900. ROOMY RANCH Clerk of the Borough ot Red Bank. Salvatore Valtl—President $18,500. Slftned) 141 Shrewsbury Ave.. Red Ban* RUMSON'S HOTTEST LISTING — Older Colonial in "move-in" Little Silver, three bedrooms and recreation room 22x14 (usable as Louise Valtl—Vice President a fourth or in4aw bedroom) bath and powder room, lovely living W. Alex McClendon-Presltlent 111 Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank RUMSON OPPORTUNITY condition. Foyer, large living room with fireplace, dining room, 78 Wist St.. Red Bank. N. J. Domlnlck Valtl—Treasurer modern kitchen, three bedrooms, den. Basement, garage. One ofroom with fireplace, separate dining room, very large modem Robert F. Worden-Vlce President 141 Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bank Four bedrooms, 2y2 baths, plus den, modern kitchen, spa- kitchen, garage, asking $23,500. Kentucky bound owner says sell. «0 E. Front St., Red Bank, N. J Louis Vaitl— Secretary cious dining room and fine living room with fireplace. Rumson's most desirable and convenient locations. Early occu- Harold B. Mlllward-Trrasurer 132 gilverton Ave., Little Sliver All in absolute immaculate condition. Parochial school dis- pancy. Excellent financing available. Asking $23,500. Hurry I 10 Broad St.. Red Bank, N, J. Objections, If sny. should be made Whitney Crowell-Secretary Immediately In writing to John Bryan, trict, close to beach. $27,000. 14 Mechanic St.. Bed Bank, N. J. Clerk ot the Borough ot Red Bank. (Signed) JOSEPH G. McCUE, REALTOR SAL'S TAVERN WILLIAM H. HINTELMANN (FIRM) NOTICE 141 Shrewsbury Ave. 30 RIDGE ROAD, ' RUMSON, N. J. MONMOUTH COUNTY Red Bank, N. J. REALTORS —IN RUMSON SINCE 1905 MIRROriATE'H COURT May 16. 22 HI WM. S. GARRISON AGENCY 842 - 0444 Notice lo Creditors ts final 23 RIDGE ROAD RUMSON Claims Against EsMtel' REALTORS ESTATE OF MICHAEL WILLIAM NOTICE 842-0600 THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR OVER DEMP8EY. DECEASED MONMOUTH COOTTT Pursuant lo the order of EDWARD SURROGATE'S COCBT 741- 0804-22 E. FRONT ST., RED BANK 38 YEARS EXPERIENCE C. BROEOE, Burrogata of the County Neiiee to Credit?™ to Fieseai JUST RIGHT — A fine 10-room two-bath home for a large young of Monmouth. this day made, on ths Claims MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE family featuring a fireplace, a den, a full dining room and aRUMSON. THREE BEDROOMS. ONE BATH, ON BUS LINES, application of the undersigned, Arleen BSTATI M IN NINilB HOOD, D«- ALL SCHOOLS. Most accessible location. Anchor fenced property P. Dempsey, Administratrix with Will CXAASAASD dinette. Beautifully refurbished. Watl-to-wall carpeting, new and Codicil annexed of the esutt of PursuanP t to the order of TOWARD REMODELED FARM HOUSE — Overlooking the Navesink River. combination screen and storm windows. Short walk to excellent insures privacy. Living room, kitchen-dining area, den, low taxes. the said Michael WIHIsm Dsmpsey, dt- C BROEOE, Burrogase ot the Countr Owner liquidating. $19,300. ceased, notice Is hereby given no the of Monmouth, this day made, on the Charming colonial living room with fireplace, 15'xl5' dining roonir, school. Don't miss this one. Asking $23,900. creditors of said deceased to present application ot the undersized, Marion completely modern kitchen, three large bedrooms and pine pan- to the said Administratrix with Will S. Hood, Sole Iieeutrt* of the estate e!ed bathroom. Play house and 15' right-of-way to dock and deep RUMSON CARRIAGE HOUSE - Great potential and in an ex-RUMSON. OUTSTANDING WATERFRONT PLOT. SHREWSBURY and Codicil annexed their claims un- of the said Minnie Hood, deceessd, no- RIVER. Really exceptional. Estate area. Want offers at $27,500. der oath within six months from this tice Is hereby flveo to the creditors ot water. Over two acres of gorgeous property. Asking $38,500. cellent section close to Holy Cross School. View the Atlantic from date. eald dsceased to present lo the said the widow's watch. Gracious and spacious (six bedrooms, living Datsd: April 17th, 1M4 Bole EiecutrU their callmi under oath GRACIOUS VICTORIAN MANOR, - On Rumsos Rd.. close to room 33x29, dining room 23x18). Needs work, but then that's the MONMOUTH HILLS. UNIQUE OUTLOOK OVER BAY. OCEAN, ARLEEN P. DEMPSIY within sU months from this date. DELL! One of Monmouth County's highest elevations and finest 62 Center Avenue schools and transportation. Children can walk or ride bicycles sort of thing you're looking for. Make a date to see it. Asking Leonardo, N. J., Dated: April nfrVfa H00D to beach. On sewer line. Large living room, 15%xl6 dining room, $40,000. communities. Lovely wooded setting. Center hall, living, dining, Administratrix with Will 130 Robinson Place den, game room, kitchen, bedroom and bath. Second floor: four and Codicil annexed. Atrewsbury, N, 1. five bedrooms, 2^ baths, two open porches. Low taxes. Only Herman B. Licks. Esq. Bole E»cutc4x $33,000. bedrooms, two baths. Basement, two-car garage. Charming, rustic M West South Orange Avenue lfesars. Arnone * gages- WILLIAM H. HINTELMANN [(FIRM), two landscaped acres. Reasonable at $35,000. South Orange, N. J., p. o. BOX ao RUMSON — Delightful three-bedroom Cape Cod with central air Attorney Red Bank, N. J, May 1, 8, 10, 23 $39.44 Attorneys _ „ conditioning. Beautifully decorated living room with fireplace, MEMBER MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE MULTIPLE LISTINGS May 1. I, US, 31 O-7« formal dining room, modern kitchen with built-in Hotpoint range with roto-grill. Two full baths, near schools, walking distance to NOTICE HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE Docket No. 14101 shops. Reduced to $22,900. HOUSES FOR SALE LEGAL NOTICE MONMOUTH COUNTY COUBT MONMOUTH COUNTT LAW DIVISION nUHKOOATE'S COCBT IDDLETOWN — "Peaceful Vista' BEACH AGENCY Civil Action Notice to Creditors te> >reee»t ntled In a setting of dogwood trsaa NOTICE NOTICE Claim* Anlast Estate HOUSES FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE REAL ESTATE ind velvety lawn, this two-bedroom In till matter of the application ot nsTATi OF FSRDINAMDMKINOB> 'anoh style home epitomizes comfort. ADORABL—-E— THREE-BEDROOM Cape MONMOUTH COUNTY Franols James Lejda Jr., and Carol UBY RODEWALD, DIMBABBD SHREWSBURY RIVER WATER- ASSOCIATES Che gracious living room and Jalousled Cod.. Living room, dining room, large BURROOATE'S COURT Ann Lejda, his wife, an Infant, by Pursuant to the order of HOWARD FRONT. Three-bedroora older home on porch command a view ol the lovely -•-•kitchen—, —part* cella—'—r * —gas- *•--heat.• Lo'-•t Notice to Creditors to Fressnl her guardlan-ad-lltem Francis James a BROBOB, surrogate ot tne County acre plus. Deep channel. Warm air 127 Oakland St. Red Bank grounds. The kitchen and bath are so99x160. Needs paint Price only 114,- Claims Against Estate Lejda, Jr., for lse.ve to assume the of Monmouth. this day mads, on the heat olMtred. Taxes 9276. A good buy MAGNIFICENT attractively decorated, you'll even crave 400. U7 per month buys all. ESTATE OF JULIA C. MOWRY, DE- names of Frank James Regan and application oi the undersigned, HUa- for a "do-it-yourselfer" at J16.0O0. i 747-3445 tie curtains. There's a back porch for :EASED Carol Ann Regan, respectively, bsth Bacon Rodtweld, Me Xneu- lay dreaming, a storage basement, FOUR-BEDROOM all year-old, large Pursuant to the order at EDWARD Plaintiffs. trlx of the estate ot tne said Ferdi- RIVER PLAZA. Em livmiin tali one Seven Day Service mall garage and baseboard heat. Askkitchen, living room, dlnlmt area, car- . BROEOB, Surrogate ot the County Tabs Notice that on June 12th, 1M4nand Klngelty Rodnrald. deceased, no- WATERFRONT for "Peaceful Vista Listing" at (13,000. port. Top location, Near icbool tice Is hereby given to the creditor! floor home. Dlnmg room. Eat-In kitch- bus, * of Monmouth, this day made, on theat 9:30 o'clock In the forenoon, we, en. Two bedrooms. Recreation room. LITTLE SILVER - (112 Church HIGHLANDS — "Beauty Bargain." One and itores. Only 916,600. Very low down application of the undersignedrslgne , Sidney Francis James Lejda, Jr, and Carol ot said deotasid to prassnt to the Patio. Barbecue. Partial basement. ot the prettiest homes In town Is nowpayment to qualified buyert. \ Kodama and FrancIis K. Kodama, Ann Lsjda, his wife, an Infant, by hersaid Sole Executrix their olalms under TJlillty room. Storage, extras. A well- Street) Two-story older home, !sted for quick sale. This three-bedroom Dxecutors of tbe estate of the said gusfdlan-ad-lltem Francis James Lej- oath within six months from this date. landscaped plot 125x100 completely HOME four bedrooms, large lot in first leauty has IVt baths, ultra modern Julia C. Mowry, deceased, notice is da Jr., shall apply to ths Monmouth Dated: May 18th, UM. fenced. $18,600, :itchen, fireplace In living room, dining BEACH AGENCY lereby given to the creditors of said County Court In tns Borough of Free- ELIZABETH BACON RODIWALD class neighborhood. New ,paint oom, den with bar, oodles of closets, deceased to present to the laid Ex- hold. New Jersey, for a Judgment au- 38 The Trail LITTLE SILVER. Colonial with lour COUPLE OR SMALL and decorations, new heating larbecue pit and patio, oil heat. Ask 1400 Highway 35 Middletown ecutors their claims tinder oath within thorizing us to assume the names Fran- Mlddletown. N. J. second noor bedrooms. Living room 15x FAMILY system. Ride by and check this • "Beauty Bargain Listing" at 118,900 671-2727 six months from this date. cis James Regan and Carol Ann fts< Sole Bxecutrtx 29, fireplace. Dining room. Tiled kltch' Dated: April 28th, 1984 gan, respectively. Messrs. Parsons, Censona* «l. Den, IV, baths. Two-car attached tremendous bargain. Pay off like FINLAY Daily to 8 p.m. Saturday, 8unday to 6 SIDNEY P. KODAMA FRANCIS JAMES LEJDA JR. Ballr A Warren garage. Huge basement. $26,500. Owner forced to sell duo to Hlneu. rent, no legal fees. Licensed Real Estate Broker S3 Sunnybank Drive, CAROL ANN LEJDA 18 Wallace Street Mldem ranch, superbly sited on 150* of REAL ESTATE AGENCY Shrewsbury, N. J. Norman J. Ourrle, Esq. Red Bank, N. J., ewly bulkheaded water-front. On pri Selling Price $15,500 FRANCIS K. KODAMA Attorney for Plaintiffs Attorneys RIVER PLAZA. Pour-bedroom Colonial. ate road with, beautiful ground*, this ELEGANT MANSION — On over two Living room with fireplace. Dining Down Payment $500 ro Bay Avs. Highlands acres. Fully landscaped, formal drive- 307 Orassroers Avenut, 6 E. Front Street, Mar 21. » June S. 11 $3ktl modern home offers the finest, from [2-0100 872-1756 Interlaken, N. J. Keyport, N. 1. room. Basement. Built-in TV. Taxes rchitect's design to finish. Directly way. Orchard. Has everything from S36O. Approximately il0,870 mortgage. Monthly Payment $135. includes butler's pantry to drawing room. Three Executors May 8, 13, 22, 29 S31.29 >• the beautiful Shrewsbury Rlvijr, it mortgage, taxes and insurance. maHLANDS — Large oldar home on bathrooms. Needs some work. Owner Alston Beekman, Jr., Esq. NOTICE iSjoo , boatman's dream. Planned for Uirewsbury Rlvsr. Steam heat by oil.must sell. Full price 117,600. MONHODTH COUNTY y possible comfort, Its spacious ull basement. Riparian rights, 74' 10 Broad Street Remodeled story and a half. Living Red Bank, N. J. NOTICE SURROGATE'S OOCBT ooms are luxury throughout. Two dock. *18,000. I COUNTY OF MONMOUTH Notice to Creditors to rraseal room 13x24. Dining room 13x14. Den ormaster sized bedrooms, two master MTDDLETOWN RANCH — Swimming IRVING WEISGOLD Attorney third bedroom Enclosed porch. Base- pool 2Sx4S, anchor fence, minus acre, May 1, 8, IB. 22 $30.38 STATE OF NEW JERSEY baths, paneled living room, dining LEONARDO — ITirss-bedroom house, Broker Notice/ is hereby given that sealed ESTATE**!?? USAINB B. OROVB, ment. New beating system. Garage. .rea, patio, full equipped automatic [King room 13x10, 12x20 den, three MIS Hwy. • Lakewood 114,950. bedroom*, IVi baths, 14x17 jalousled en living room, dining room, largs kltch- bids will be received by the Board Deceuid :itchen and laundry. Private boat slip. •n, gas hot air heat, garage. Lot MxH. (Between Freehold and Lakewood) NOTICE of Chosen Freeholders of the County Pursuant to the order of EDWARD riced at $60,000. Cost to duplicate closed porch. Real buy 127,000. 383-3080 Evenings 482.8485 LUJCROST BRIOK SPLIT — Acr( 13,700. "Notice la hhereby given that sip- of Monmouth for Furnishing Tires and C. BROBOE, Surrogate ot the County with all the many extras Included Tubes for Monmouth County Equipment ot Monmouth, this day made, on ths LAWRENCE J. SCHILLING lose to 1100,000. Can be seen by ap-landscaped grounds, 11x18 living room, MIDDLETOWN — Hurry, this won't arate seialed prproposal< s will be received 13x11 kitchen, bedrooms 12x15. 11x12 THE by the Board of Education of the for the Highway and Bridge Depart- application u the undan - ed-, Sandr- - a pointment only after 1 p.m. daih last. ThreeJwdroom ranch with at- ments, and opened and read In public 3. drove and The Bank New York. Realtor 'hone (201) 747-4748. J. W. V* 10x11, den 11x15, game room 13x21 tached garage, partially finished base Borough of Atlantic Highlands at 140 1 2M baths, double garage, 129,600. First Avenue, Atlantic Highlands, N. J. in the Freeholders' Meeting Room In Executors ot the estate ot^ th_ e siM 16 Spring St. Red Bank Bllvermere Park, Little Sliver Point BROOK AGENCY ment. Condition excellent. Convenient on June 10th, 1964 at 8:00 P. M. totthe Hall of Records. Main Street, Free- Elaine B. Grove, deceased, notice Is' Road, Uttle Silver. Broker protected. to everything. Priced right at (18,800. supplying the school district of Atlantic hold, N. J., on June 2, 1994 at 1:00hereby aivrsn to the creditors ot said 747-4121 Illustrated brochure available. SCHANCK AGENCY Realtor (Leave the financing to us). Highlands with Ice cream products, p.m. Prevailing Time. deceased to present to the said Exicu- lank Building Atlantic Highlands Specifications and form ot bid, contor, s their claims under oath within Realtor bread products and milk for the school 1 8 Linden PI. Red Bank PAUL P. BOVA, INC.year 1S64-4U). Specifications may be ob-tract and bond for the proposed work six months from this date. WHERE CAN YOU 747-0367 ' 291-1717 allied from the Superintendent of the prepared by H. L«roy Martin, Mon- Dated: May «h. 1864 find a four-bedroom; two-bath eight- EDNA M. NETTER Realtor - Insuror School at ttie 'above address between mouth County Engineer, have been filed SANDRA B. OROVB year old RANCH FOR *22,500? It's on Member Multiple Listing the hours of 8:00 A. M. and 4:00 P. M.,In the office ot Uii Clerk ot the Board Box 44 a well, located good corner lot, 19' REALTOR FORECLOSED Highway 85, Mlddletown Monday through Friday. of Chosen Freeholders, William L. Ul- Mlddletown, New Jersey Jiving room, dining room, ultra mod Repossessed properties In Freehold FREE SPRING LIST Open T Days Phone 871-3544 Proposals Shan be accompanied by a rich, In the Halt of Records aforemen- THE BANK OF NEW TORK 'ARMS—HOMES-INDUSTRIAL 8ITB8 N. 3. 1U year old ranch for sale. 4S Wall Street •ra kitchen, Ml basement, 20' screened HOLMUKL—COLTS NKCK Monmouth County, 'farmx, acreage, bid bond executed by a surety com- tioned, and may be Inspected by pros- porch and two-car garage. Ask about Purchase directly from financial In- pany authorized to do business m thepective bidders during business hours. New York, New Tori! MARLBORO—FREEHOLD ARBAB stitution at cost ... no legal fee . orne and commercial property. Many Executors Jt TODAY. eal good buys, LOTS & ACREAGE State of N. J. or by Bidder's certified Bidders will be furnished with a copy Dutch Lane Rd., RU u Marlboro low down payment. Call MTO. Dept. check for 5% of bid, to be returned of the specifications, by the Clerk, upon atuart A. Young, Jr., Esq. CRQWELL AGENCY. Realtor P.O. Bex *», Fr.thold REdwood 1-4630 Monday-Friday, B-4. LITTLE SILVER — X acre, to successful bidder on presentation of proper notice. T44 Broad Street MERRITT R. LAMSQN, Newark 2, New Jersey WT«lM» Awa.^it Red Bank 741-4030 ties, call. performance bond. Bids must be made on standard pro- 462-4151 < »• FCOWA" imvi Mwlinirmsi stint;' 741-6373. The Board of Education reserves the posed forms In the manner designated Attorney " Opposite stony Pitcher Inn therein and required by the specifi- May I, 15, 22, » f»44 Evening! 462-1670, 636-7491 North Miami. Year round home, fou US West Vain St. Freehold right to reject any or all bids and RED' BANIf. - RUMSON and miles bedrooms, two baths, fireplace. Beautl- COLTS NECK — Beautifully wooded to waive any defect or Informality of cations; must be enclosed In sealed em 462-0440 2.7 acre lot. Trout brook. View of velopes bearing the name and address around. Large, free catalog on re- fully furnished. $3,000 and take ove any bid should It be deemed for thi NOTICE quest. Multiple and open listings. Park MARIE COX AGENCY O.L loan. ELLA WILTSHIRE AGENCY, meadow.- $3,000. Owner. ' 946-4128. best Interest of the Board to do so.of the bidder and name ot the work, In comfort at our. modern office. Realtor, 1480 Ocean Ave., Sea Bright, FAIR HAYEN,COLONIAL All proposals are to be presented on the outside; addressed to the Board MONMOUTH COUNTY COCBT Realtors and Insurers. 98 Commanche S42-O0O4. Rivet; daks ssctkm. Tttfee . bedroomi. FOUR ACRES — Waterfront property, -> the Board of Education at the of Chosen FreehoHeiCOt the County of Law Division . RAY STILLMAN, Realtor Drive. Oce&nport. Member S. M. L, 8. en, modem kitchen *wlth eating are** ideal for boat basin. Keyport area, above stated time and place In sealed Monmouth, New Jersey, and must be Docket Ne. 1411s »17,000, Call 284-34M after I, 204-1678. accompanied by a ' bonding certificate Civil Action ' 'OUr 46th year" 222-1602. - • Mng room, dining, room, lW baths. envelopes, plamly marked "Ice Cream by FAIR HAVEN ? Screened, porch, patio with gaslight Bid Enclosed," 'Bread Bid Enclosed," and a certifiefled check, drawn to the NOTICE OF HBARINO •48 HW7"*»r Shrewsbury 741-8IX CCCC " Top schools, four-bedroom house, twe and barbeque fireplace, many towering RUMSON — Waterfront Excellent rsi or 'Milk Bid Enclosed." order of the Treasurer of the County of IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLI- BRAtW IHEW — SpaciouSpacou s fofour-bedd- CHARMINO CORNER CAPB COD —baths, living room with fireplace, din, shade trees. Near Schools. 741-5864. Identlal building site. On Shrewsbury By order of the Board of Education Monmouth, for not less than Ten Per CATION Or ROSEMARY ANOELA room ColoniaC l in FFaii r HHaven . $29,900$29900. Living room with fireplace, four bed- ' ; room, eat-In kitchen, full basement. River. Having 17 acres. Land Is high ot the Borough of Atlantic Highlands, Cent (10%) of the amount bid. and 8ANTELLE FOR LBAVB TO AaV This gracious home has large living rooms, two baths, screened porch, hot ' room, two-car garage, lovely yard. sloping gentTy towards rlver. Nice Ifonmouth County, New Jersey. ' be delivered at the place and on SUME THE NAME OF ROSEMARY room, formal dining room, largo kitch- water heat, full basement, city sewers. EXCEPTIONAL BUY shade tress. Reasonably .Jcedprlc . Terms (Mrs.) ELIZABETH A. COLLINS the hour above named. The standard ANGELA BYRNES: AND IN TBl en. Family room with fireplace, 214 24,900. A. FRED MAFFEO REALTOR, New Shrewsbury. Four-bedroom, three- arranged. Call for appointment Secretary proposal forms will be furnished upon MATTER OF TH«5 APPLICATION baths, lull basement. Two-car garage 35 Broad Bt., Shrewsbury. 741-9333. SWIMMING POOL — Custom built 16x wth split. Paneled recreation room, OLAZEBROOK AOENCY, Realtor Ave- Board of Education application to the Clerk ot the Board. OF ANOELA CAROL leNTELLE, 32* plus large screened porch, cabanas INDIVIDUALLY, AND ANOELA at side ot house. Large lot. This is a HAZLET Immaculate three-bed- wo-car raran. Immediate occupanoy. nue of Two Riven, Rumson. 842-1700. Atlantlo Highland!, N. J. ThJ right Is reierved to reject any terrlflo buy at this price. RUSSELL M. and bath wJth stall shower. Modem Owner 7414459. May 32 (10.12 or all bids If deemed to the Interest BYRNES, NATURAL OUARDIAN OF BORUS,. Realtors. 600 River Bd., Pair room ranch. Pull basement, extras. ranch home, seven rooms, two baths. ATTRACTIVE BUILDINO PLAT — IK ANOELA CAROL SANTELLZ, FOR »1S,HX>. 2644156. I of the County or Monmouth so to do. Haven. T47-4532. Member Multiple List- Full basement. Game room. House HILL TOP ACRE aores; dry, wooded area. 330* front By order of the Board of Chosen LEAVE TO ASBUME THE NAME ing Service. •. _ UNCROKT — Threfr-bedroom ranch, alone worth the price! Everything in- Colonial Ranch, large living room, Improved road, 300* depth. Assuring NOTICE OF BIDS TO BE RECEIVED Freeholders ot the County ot Men OF ANOBLA CAROL BYRNES. cluded at only $22,000. See today complete privacy. Call evenings. 741- TO WHOM IT MAX CONCERN: quiet street, full basement Including dining room, kltcben with., built In's,. NOTICE Is hereby given that sealed mouth. KEANSBURO — Five-room house am paneled recreation room. 12x20 family STANLEY K. DOWNB, Realtor, Shrews family room with brick fireplace, three 9346. , / •-•• . JOSEPH C. IRWIN, Director Take notlcs that the undersigned will bath! three-room house and bath, twe room with fireplace, oversized garage, bury. 741-1017. bedrooms, two tile baths. Two-car ga- bids will br received by Ihe Mon- apply to the Monmouth County Court ear garage. Both house's on one prop- mouth County Board of Chonn Free- WILLIAM L. ULRICH, Clri patio, tool shed, aluminum roll awnings rage. Listed $27,900. PAUL R. 8TRYK. ONE MILS RED BANK — % mile May 22 on the 12th day of June, 19(4. at nlns erty extending through two streets. Cen Icreen and storms. % aore. $19,000. IT'S FOR THE BIRDS...This , scenl Kit, Realtor, Hwy. 34, Holmdel, M6-4144 entrance OartlVn State. Attractive build- holders at the Meeting of the Board thirty o'clock In the forenoon, at ths trally located. Hot water heat. Livi Call 747-3389, evenings or weekends yard with TREES, fronted by a three- Ing site. Three aores high (round, will of Chosen Freeholders to be held In Court House In tbi Borough of free- In one, rent other. Good Income year- bedroom COMPACT RANCH with full the Board Rooms In the Hall ot Rec- for appointment. • : LINCROFT — Seven aores. Four bed' divide. Evenings 741-9346. hold, New Jersey, for a judgement au- round. 15 Lincoln Court, Keansburg. basement and garage. IMMEDIATE rooms', family room, kitchen, dlnlni ords, Freehold, New Jersey on Tues- thorising them to assume DM names See after 4 p.m., or weekends. Fhpne RUMSON — This three-bedroom, A OCCUPANCY, \ asking H8.880. area, paneled living room. 741-2811, day June 2, 1M4 at 2:00 for the fol- PROPOSAL of Rosemary Anglla Byrnes and An- 78T-O444. bath home has all the makings of a GEORGE WASHINGTON NEVER COMMERCIAL PROPERTY lowing Item: Notice Is hereby given that saaled gela Carol Byrnes, respectively. nice home tor someone. All It needs Is SLEPT Irt this four-bedroom Colonial LINCROFT — May time special for BREAD AND BREAD PRODUCTS bids will be received In the Reception ROSEMARY ANGELA SANTELLJB BELFORD — Five bedrooms, , baths. a Uttle Imagination, a paint brush, andbecause It's only l'A years old. But AND OANNED GOODS AND ANOBLA CAROL BANTELLE real handyman'handymanss speolal. J.." . the discerning home buyer) Wooded HIGHWAY 38 — 170' frontage. Masonry Room ot the OlUce of the Director, you've got It made. Good sized lot, If he could he'd be In a home beauti- location convenient to schools, shopping MISCELLANEOUS OR0CERIE8 Division of Purchase and Property. Raymond B. DeRldder , KIRWAN CO., Realtors, 787-8800. 10x211. Law taxes, Hot water heating fully situated in a natural wooded building furnished (or retail seafood for and Parkway. Custom three-bedroom marttet and take-home cooked dinners. 2nd floor. Room 232-3, State House, Attorney for Applicants UNCROFT — Lovely corner split level. system, priced at J2O.00. GLAZE- area, handy to shopping and commutcommut- inch. Priced FHA evaluation $24,000. Monmouth County Jail, Freehold, Trenton 28, New Jersey, on May 28, 73 Monmouth Street BROOK AQENCY, Realtor. Avenue of ini g ... IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCYOCCUPANCY, Asking $22,000. THE KIRWAN CO., New Jersey Large kitchen and living* room, three all owner. 747-1053. Realtors. 787-5500. 1984 at 2:00 P. M. and will be opened Red Bank, New Jersey taedrooms, recreation room, finished Two Rivers, Rumson. 842-1700. and asking onll y $22,41)0$2241)0, Allenwood Hospital, AHenwood, New and read immediately thereafter, for THOMPSON * BARTELL, Real Estate SPARKUNO LITTLE SILVER — Four- May 8. 15, 22, S SM.M laundry Toom, 1% baths. Many extras. HISTORIC SHREWSBURY Modern Jersey thi following: J18.5OO. Call 741-7364, and Insurance. 566-0400. Rt 34, Mata- bedroom home, redecorated kitchen. John >L. Montgomery Medical ranch home. Colonial fireplace In till wan. Across from Buttonwood Manor. Many extras. Taxes $432; Asking $18,- BUSINESS PROPERTY RAMP, BULKirEAD AND THREE-BEDROOM sun ranch, living living room. Wall-to-wall broadloom In 700. A. FRED MAFFEO REALTOR, 739 Home. Freehold, New Jersey PARKINO AREA NOTICE REAL BARGAIN — In Little Silver. Complete specifications and form ot Tuckahoe Public Shooting "Notice ts hireby given Hist sep- toom with brick wall and fireplace, the living and dining rooms. DfBhwash- Broad Bt., Shrewsbury, 7*1-8333. ASBURT PARK ' QUEST HOUSE — ratio, fenced-in back yard, large lot eir, refrigerator, electric range. Paneled Three bedrooms, 2H baths, modern bid, contract and bond for ths same C Fishing Grounds arate sealed proposals win fee received eat-In kitchen, den, two-car garage. Or JTTLE SILVER — New Colonial four- Season and yearly. Excellent Income are on file with the Clerk of the Board Tuckahor, New Jersey by the Board of Education of the with tall shade trees, attached garage. den. Three twin bedrooms, two tiled 1 from two apartments and nine rentini Excellent location. Call owner 747.2862. baths. Full basement. Attached garage. % acre professionally landscaped cor- bedroom with 216 baths. Separate laun- : In the Hall of Records, Freehold, N«w Bids must be (1) made on Oil stand- Borough ot Atlantle Hljrhlands at 140 ner lot. Extras include carpeting, dry room, one-oar garage, full base- rooms. Prime location and condition. Jersey, and copies may be received byard proposal form, (2) enclosed In theFirst Avenue, Atlantic HTgnlands, N. J. Well landscaped. Must sell! Make an One block ocean. $38,000 firm. Ca prospective bidders upon application, FOUR-BEDROOM RANCH—Two baths, offer! STANLEY K. DOWNS, Realtor, drapes,, washer, dryer, RCA dishwasher. ment. $28,960. Looted on Circle Lane, Slds muff be speolal addressed envelope, (3) accom- on June loth, IBM at 8:00 p.m. for fireplace, patio, garage, landscaped 94 Shrewsbury. 7*1-1017. FHA appraised at $23,000. Owner selling itt SUverwhlte Rd., Little Silver. Call owner. 774-5724. 220 5th Ave. e on standard pro- panied by a certified chick drawn to supplying #4 refinery blended furnace »ore, J21.000. Call owner. 642-1630. direct J22.300. 741-1669. 41-1200. Posal forms In the matter designated the order of the Treasurer of the State oil for the 19S4-M school year. Specifi- SACRIFICE — Lovely four-bedroom MUST SELL—Garden center with six- therein and required by the specifica- JJAKBFRONT — Custom built ranch. of New Jersey, or a bid bond, any olcations may be obtained from the Su- Colonial ranch in estate area of Iin-BELFORD — Brand new three-bed- NICE FIVE ROOM HOME — Tworoom Colonial house. 2 3/10 acret tions ; must rlnbe thenclosee n d In sealed en- which shall be In the amount of &%perintendent of the School at tbe abort Seven rooms, two tiled baths, fire crolt. Appraised at $35,400. Anxious room ranch, kitchen, dinette, living patios. Oil paintings, antiques. Call frontage on two streets. Asking $34,500 X? 8." i>" « «m« and address place. House In A-l condition on bea- ie of the bid, and (4) delivered at theaddren between the hours of COO A.M. to relocate, wHI accept best offer. room, tiled bath, aluminum storm 872-0319. CARL F. ZBLLZRS, Broker, Holmdii <* "!• l\i d"' thdesignatine g the nameabove place on or before the hour and 4:00 P. M-, Monday through Fri- utifully treed plot giving you complete Call owner, 741-3154. IUUIU, tum until. euuiiaiiuiu »ivi *u Ma-4443, call 8-». f .1 ,? °" outside, addressed privacy. Fishing at your back door. wlndo ws, one-car attached garage. Near HIDDLETOWN — Colonial split, three So. the Monmouth County Board of Cho-named as no bid will be accepted after FIVE ROOMS AND-BATH — Brand ledrooms, den, reoraatlon room, 1H the hour specified. Bids not so sub* Proposal* shall ba accompanied by Bee this today. Call 747-3500. Asking bus, school, church. $15,00. Call 741- baths, semi-finished basement, work- ATTENTION BUILDERS — Large trad sen Freeholders and must bs accom- mltted will be considered informal and a bid bond executed by a surety com- 129,800. ROL8TON WATERBURY, Real- new inte-lor and exterior paint Job. 7609. room, stockcade fenced patio barbecue, faolng Rarltan Bay. Suitable for ca-panied by a certified check drawn to pany authorised to do business In ths tor, IS W. Front St., Red Bank. Send Owner recently completed major im- O0ROE0US WATERFRONT LOCA- bana club. Private beach, two bedtri- e order ot the County Treasurer tor will be rejected. The Director reserve! TION — Has four bedrooms, 3li baths, wall-to-wall carpeting. % acre outside tlii right to reject any and all bids Hate of N. J. or by Bidder'idd s certi tor brochure. provements. Located at 101 Linden corner. Asking $10,600. 871-1869. room house. Phone BR 6-3719. not less than ten percent (10%) of fied check for 5* ot bid to be re •1. (near grammar, Junior and senior living room 18x27, dining room, modern the total amount bid, and must be ac-and to award contract In part or bid, to be re- THREE-BEDROOM HOME — Tile bath high schools). Small down payment, kitchen, den,, sun room 2to2», porch, whole If deemed to the best Interests turned too luccesifulcsi t btdstddsr on pre- end kitchen. Gas heat, one block to FARM HOUSE — Four extra large bed- BAST KEANSBURO — Two-stores'and compflnixQ by A coftfflcat& from a of the State to do so. The successful tti f f b d convenient monthly Installments. Phone Full basement, two fireplaces, two-car rooms, two tile baths, tiled kitchen, five-room apartment (occupied). Ooor responsible bonding company that they sentation of performance bond. •hopping center, two block< to schools, 747-0485, between 6 and 6:30 p.m., askgarage. Truly a deluxe home. Asking bidder will be required to furnish sure- The Board of Education reserves the Near Garden State Parkway entrance. fireplace, alrcondltioned. 20 fruit trees, business Investment. Have your owr will provide a bond If the bidder £ ty bond In the full amount of the con- for Mr. Jay. J75.OOO. HUSSELL M. BORUB, Realtors, lovely grounds, 360' frontage on 214business but still collect rent. Ca •Miceesfjful, and be delivered at the right to rejict any or alt bids and to »16,500. Part In VA mortgage If ellgl- 600 River Rd., Fair Haven. 747-4532. 885-0307. -1-— —id the hour above named. tract, of a company authorized to dowaive any defect or Informality of any Die. Call 264-3880. MIDDLETOWN - NEW MONMOUTH- Member Multiple Listing Service. acres. A real buy at 124,000. Call 3«£ business !r. the State of New Jersey. bid should It bs deemed for the best bedoms, larg 7485. • Right if reserved to reject any or Ranch typyp e splitp , three bedrooms, large til bfdi Plans and specifications, form of bid, Interest of the Board ot Education to THREE-BEDROOM RANCH - Brld recreatioti n room, % aceacreacre, , sidewalkssidewalks,, OWNER TRANSFERRED — Bl-level ONE ACRE WITH VIEW If deemed to the Interest of contract and bond for the proposed do so. fireplace, baseboard hot water heat. H8B00 971 ranch, four bedrooms, 214 baths, 2 REAX ESTATE WANTED tho Monmouth County Board of Cho- light traffitffi c streett . Owner. H8.B00. 971. Southern Colonial, central hall, large work are on tils and may be obtained All proposal* »re to be presented to acre of grounds. All electric kitchen, family room, two-car garage, Ne' living room, dining room, kitchen wuh «n Freeholder* to do so. upon application to the Director, Di- the Board ot Education at the above full cellar. 125,000 or make offer. 291 Monmouth. Must sacrifice, $19,960. Ca bullt-fn's, family room with brick fire- HBLLTNO — CONFUSED t By order of the Monmouth County vision of Purchase and Property, Stats stated time and place In sealed en- S830. COOLED BY TALL MAPLES — Up-671-2215. •oard of ChOien Freeholder* * dated older seven-room Olonlal on acre place, four bedrooms, 2^ tile baths. No tie ups, courteous service, expe- House, Trenton 25. New Jersey, on velopes plainly marked "OH Bid En- LITTLE SILVER — Eight year ranch. VAIL HOMES — Four-JOOm co-opera- Two-car garage. Full basement. Listed rienced and compitent Mlei staff JOSEPH C. IRWIN deposit of twenty-five (>29.00) for each closed." plot. Three bedrooms, a new Ule bath, Have clients anxious to bur properlj Director set, this amount to be refunded to the Excellent condition. Delightful living modern 21x15' kitchen, tremendous val- tive bungalow, oil heat, kitchen re- $30,000. PAUL R. STRYKER, Realtor, Attest: William L. Ulrlch By ordir of thi Board ol Educa- room has fireplace, built-in bokcases. ue, only $16,000. ELWOOD A. ARM- decorated, fenced-ln landscaped yard, Hwy. 34, Holmdel. 94S-4H4. priced homes In Red Bank, Rumson, bidder upon return of such documents tion of the Borough of Atlantic High- paneled family room, three bedroma, Shrewsbury, Uttle Bllvsr and surround' Clerk of the Board In good condition within 30 day» after lands, Monmouth County. New Jex> STRONO AGENCY; Realtor, 565 Pros-many extras. $69.50 pays all except HOLMDEL AREA — Three-bedroom Mft M two baths, cheerful kitchen with built pect Ave., Little Silver. 741-4500. heat. Must see. 542-3111. Ing areas. y »13.8O the award of ths contract. sey." In stainless steol oven and range. house with five-room rentable cottage, OPEN SEVEN DATS DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (Tin.) ELIZABETH A. COLLINS, 747-1595. HAZLET — Split-level home, three bed- SEVEN ROOMS — FHA commltmenl and small harn. Asking $17,500. CARL Division of Purchase and Property Secretary roomi, l'A baths, large ' recreation already obtained for fast closing. Mid' ~ ZKLLERB, Broker, 0(0-44(3. , NOTICE RUMSON ~ Three bedrooms, tw CHARLES F. SULLIVAN, Director Board of Education room, porch, near transportation and dletown Township, $300 down. $103 pelLINCROFT — Beautiful split three- Adams Agency COUNTY OF MONMOUTH May 15, 22 I29.1t Atlantlo Highlands, N. J. baths, large living room, fireplace, din- schools, can assume OI mortgage. 264- month. Full price, $13,250. Call ownei .STATE OF NEW JEItMEV May 22 ing room, kitchen, large pallo, paneled bedrooms, fourth bedroom or den, 2H9 HHoward d A NNe w ShrewsburShrab y •10.11 5174. 787-0408. baths, family room, foyer, two-car ga- 741-5095 7741-5481 Notice Is hereby given that sealed rame room, garage, tree shaded lane, bids will ba received by the Board COUNTY Or MONMOUTII $31,600. Owner 642-088!). CUTE FOUR-ROOM DWELLING — FAIR HAVEN — Four bedrooms, ti rage. Near churches, schools, and shop- 24-HOU24 R SEItVICB Mlddletown area, close to high school baths, kitchen with dining area, Ilvlni ping. Asking $28,500. Will accept rea- ol Chosen Freeholders of the County KTATK OF NEW JERSEY NOTICE OAK HILL — Ranch In pretty settln and grammar school. Lot 110x.25, beau- room with fireplace, garage, screenei sonable offer. 747-0051. Do you win. to of Monmouth for Furnishing Lumber Notice In hereby «tven that lealert AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AND of trees with brook, privacy. Llvln for the Bridge Department with an es-bid* will be received by the Board BUPPLEMSNTINO BBCT1OM 5 («> tifully landscaped. Immediate posses- In porch, aluminum, fenced-tn, wel! BEVEN-ROOM COLONIAL IN RED timated amount and sizes as Indicated of Chwien Freeholder! of the County room IBIU, with brick fireplace wall landscaped, walk to church, synagogui n OF AN ORDINANCB KNOWN BY sion. $l(,0O0. Terms. MKYER MOR- BANK — Six years old. Four large SELL PROFITABLY , .Proposal, anil opened and read of Mwmoivth, State of New Jeney, at ITS SHORT FORM TITLK A« "THK Dining room, kitchen with dining area. KILL, Broker. 6714 South St., Freehold. and schools. $17,000. 741-8094. bedrooms, 1^ baths, baseboard heat Utility room. Three bedrooms, mastei 462-5027. In public In the Hall of Records" Main IU place of meeting In the IlaJl of REVISED BUILDINO ZONX ORDI- bedroom 18x14 with Walk-In closet. Tw RED BANK AREA — Ranch, ml FHA appraised $18,800. Asking $18,500. We're a dynamic Real Estate firm ftrtet. Freehold, N. ]., on June 16 Recordd. Main Street, , Freehold, New NANCE OF TRB BOROUOH OF balhs, Pa.ioled family room 24x12. Attl LITTLE SILVER — In lovely Fox Hill. from station, part brick. 100x162. Threi Drive by 28 Muson PI. .Call for ap.alerted to today'• high); competitiv R M I revalll Jersey on June 2, iOU at 2:00 o'clock SHREWSBURY" Adopttd Dtcember storage. Lois of clojet space. tSD.900 Four bedrooms, two full baths, lovely, bedrooms, garage, ahnilc. 747-4702. polntmcnt, 741-2346. market. Our thoroughly trained, ex tSSe." °'"* ' "« p.m., Kojtem Daylight Saving Tim* 7th, 1018 aa amended and nipple- Call 671-1BS6 for Inspection. living room with fireplace, illnlng FLEETWOOD RANCH ,— Large lot, NEW MONMOUTH — Eight-room split parlemced staff of graoloui ioft aell Specifications and form of bid for and publicly opened and read Immedi- menltd and lupplemerUtng Section 11 room, compact kitchen, basement haa patio, paneled kitchen and playroom level In excellent condition, well lo- expirU are prepared to help you. the proposed work, prepared by II ately thereafter, for: of the aald ordinance by the ad- WOODLAND PARK — Capo. Immncu large recreation room and workshop. Llit your property with Leroy Martin, Monmouth Counly fcogi; THE KECON-ffTRUOTION OF POR- dition of a paragraph to b» known late condition, oversized gariiRe, wast- dishwasher, three bedrooms, Hi bath cated for growing family and commut- Cool t>reezewuy, blc two nnr (tnr.'ipc. I1CO0O. 261-6107. ing. "A" residential sone. Three bed- neer and approved by the State High- TIONS OF COUNTY ROADS WITH «• iub-d4vlalon (ft) er, dryer, storms and screens. Askl Anlllng 120.500. McALIBTER AOENCY, rooms, l1^ baths, recreation room, PHILIP J. BOWERS & CO way Commissioner, have been filed In BITUMINOUS CONCRETE nE IT ORDAINED by the Mayor $1J,.7OO, Owner. 284-5M0. ' Real Esitate. 109 Kant River Rd., Kuiri- NEW MONMOUTH — Tlirpe-hedroonr study or playroom, cellar, lot BOxl&fl Real Estate For 70 Years tlio office of the said Engineer at the Specifications and form of bids, con- ami Council ot th« Borough of Bhrewi- LITTLE 8ILVF.Il — Custom built yea . 812-1BIM. apllt level. 1 !''• baths. Excellent nui with plenty of shrubs and trees for 60 White St.. lied Bank 741-7201 Hall of Records aforementioned and oftract ami bond for the proposed work, bury Uiat Sections S (u) and IB of the only $1(1.500. THE KIRWAN CO. suld State Highway Commissioner, prepnrrd by H. Lrroy Martin, County old Colonial. Foyer, 27' living room RUMSON — Large house has four privacy. Aluminum storm windows, above entitled Ordinance bt and th* forma] dining room, science kltchc Realtors, 787-6500. doors and screens. FHA $1,200 down, WE NEED ifOUll HOME Trenton, N. J., nnd may he In- Engineer, have been filed In the of- •arm are hereby amended and »up- bedrooms, two full tmtha, wood paneled spected hy prospective bidders during fice of Howard J. Preiton, County hereby with 0x12 eating urea, separate Inundr don and illnlnK room, nice kitchen, full MNCROIT — Three-bedroom ranch $1M per month. Call 671-2510. Our 12 salespeople have clients wattln; piemented M (Oillowi. : room, den, covered patlc). four bed larKe Hvlnr: room, family sized kltch for your listing. Thev need anche business hours. ' Hoiid HupprvlHor In the Hall of Rec flection 5 (u>. FBNCES. No fence cellar and two car garage. Plus n BIUOADOON VILLAOH: — Three-bed- •pllt levels, two stories; also lnvestmen Hldders will he furnished with a ord«, Frrchoia, N. J., and may b* In-maionry wall over Bis (fl) 'feet In height rooms, 2\rougn and ih&il b« LKONAItnO -- Tlirco bodrnoms, rnl-li T ahruli.i, etc. Anruuile 1'v per cent ( nliiR appointment Mary Pelkey. 7R7-3JH1 • FoniriFfrmiooMH,"(iNr,Y"j2i,6ii1-2H52. ranch. Lot HKlxl.W. Three bedroom merit, stonnn, screens,, ilryery, corn n Fhld f h founty only fill. Call lli>w ! 1 (Mllt'l'IN AdKNI'Y Int. enn assum Ol mortenRet . asldnR anxious to settle In this vicinity. Plrap rho.icn Freeholders of the sealed envelopes bearing the name end All Urrimom-fs or parti thereof In- ItT?MKH)N - Two-ynr-olrl brick tin Itcallnr. Ti ;idrli|«. Tliniiipsiin Ave andliving room, dining mom, larpe Mtcl J17..VKI. 204-infill. call us II your property Is for rent ( Monmouth mid In. address of tho bidder and name of the consistent with the provisions of thl» frame. Colonial (in 1.7 wooded seres. I Hwy. ;ifi. Mldilletown Township. '2!M-1W|II en. two full baths, paneled de sale. I1ROOK AOENCV, Hank Uulldlng d by a Niin.rolliis Affida •it ami worlt. on tho outilde, ariressrd to thnOrdlnnnre are hereby repealed. secluded prentice nrrn nenr exci-lle.i u screened In porch, full basement. Cn ]iTlI>r>I,T0TOWN Two-year-olil bl-lev. Atlnnlln Highlands. 291-1717. H (•(•rlirici cluck for not Irps than 'i> lluard •f ClK en Freeholders of thi This Onilrmnce ihull take effect urwin •chonli and flvi- minutes to bond MIIH)I.KT(IWN V j room split, |tan- T22-H.VI1 for appointment. el. Three bedrooms, two hatlin, paneled ivr Out iiO^t (if the Amount Ui>\ County of Monmouth and must be ac-Its pa^snge and putdlcatlon according Hpartou« living room with flrr.plac elinl n-eiTiitloii room, l'{. Imlha. three rlen game room, modftm '.(Itc.lien. Ask- WK NKKI) — Five or six, 2-3 bcdrooi lirnvlttrd anlrl dieck nff.l not be mnrt companied by a bonding certificate, to tnw. hodrooms, attached Burner, patio. As- NKW~HTmlwUiuiirY Four-bed roo $1!IWK) THE KIRWAN Co.. Real- (hdii $20.fK>0 (M) nor |i>n,i than (kVHl.oo library-sun room, dnlnc room. IIUR sume til imillK»l:i- «»'l SI"''1 I>aj» nil. much, three baths. Iwo-car KardK homes, furnished or unfurnished, fro as provided for In tho specifications, • rvnuia NOTICE modern kltobe.n wltb dining nn;n v, acre. Three years old Occupant tors. 7S7-BSOO. $L20 to $176 per month lor Incomln payithlr- to thr Trpnuurir of the ('oiin- arid a certified check drawn to the or- Th*» forf((r»lng ordinduce waj Intro- glanIO|>OHIII ii s\\ amount of the bid and he delivered at roiinii! of ihe Hormiih of Shrewsbury Hranil new Colonial style wllh exposed ijWEEoi iiiK"NT~iToMB OWNKTIH trirliPil to the mipplnncnrfiry upcririrn closels. Murage nltlr, full dry linsrnien I.eclriKHMs, two liatlis. IIVIIIK room will; room, dining room, full basement wl beam celling and fireplace In family thn place and on thf! hour above nn rurndiiv. May IB. 1WH and will 2H-(:i\r Btdr-rntry K'lniK'1. Coinbliuilli flrrplnne, ilrn, dlnlnB ni'mi. Coml'I'-tely outnide. entrance. Hot water Run her llelnf; trnnsferredT llollss UMI imal tlonn, roplcii or which will ho furtil«lifni itoia Auditorium tranHporlailiiri, nil m'hool/i. Klver rights HIVKIt P1.A7.A Knur Ijedroom, t or .ill hn.ln If itfcnii'fl to (lie IrHi'ic 'Is If deemed tri til* Interr-t ««nepi» fur lionllne, Clinrnilni! rum 1 alnrv Colnr.lnl. T? living room, fori %Vi.!)'M) Ready for Immediate 'leeupan- I Two hedr'ioiTi rnnrh ,.f '!,. Shr.'«*tn,ry Rrh^l, Ohpt Place, homo arllnlliMilly deiwrnli'd. Kln-i'lm owner. Call 711-w. !' of llic County of Mi.nm.mth to >!o !"• ti"jtr'l thereon will bi dow dining room. Iviitesl Klti'hen. Thn Knur bedrooms, patio, run price, tin.7oo. TUB KIHWAN CO Frerholdiri of thf fnnnly of M<. Kre.-ho ienmary Ave., Lfonardo. ,M»y 21 III Vi I "Hundreds of Unadvertised Specials Throughout Both Stores! All Fresh First Quality Merchandise! All Wanted Famous Makes! Sale ends Saturday, May 23!

Junior Swim Suits, Reg. to $15 Famous mak» twim suitt 5 to 151 JR. SPORTSWEAR, Second Floor 49.95 Noritake China Service for Eight 6 patterns — 45-pc. or 50-pc. sets! Dish- wastier, detergent proof! Open stock. CHINA, Second Floor Infants' Cotton Crawlers, Reg. to $3 Assorted styles and fabrics! Sizes medi- um, large, extra-large. INFANTS, Second 2 for O.50 Roor ea. 1.85 7.98 Sleepcraft "Warmweave" Blankets Rayon-acrylic acrilan* blend! Washable, mothproof! 72x90" BLANKETS, Second 2 for Rain or Shine Floor ea. 4.25 7.98 Print "Rose Garden" Blankets COATS Famous Sleepcraft quality. 72x90" size BLANKETS, Second Floor $1 to 1.50 Men's Famous Stretch Socks Long-wearing, smoofhjfitting nylon stretch Basic and high fashion in solids, and fancies! One size fits all. pr. styles ... all from famous MEN'S SHOP, St. Fl. pr. 75c makers! Wide choice of 3.95 Men's Pack of 13 Handkerchiefs fabrics, many with surface Gift pack of 13 fine quality handkerchiefs interest! Wide range of ... all cotton, hand rolled! MEN'S FUR- sizes to fit all figures . . . NISHIN&S, St. Fl. 2.50 misses, petites, juniors, jr. petitesl 8.98 Men's Parka Jackets 100% nylon parkas. Wash 'n wear. White black, navy. S, M, L, XL. 4.50 SEAMLESS STOCKINGS 27.99 Full 5-Pc. Metal Bridge Set COATS, Second Flow Bronze and ivory finish . . . vinyl uphol- stered chairs! HOUSEWARES, Second in Reinforced or Mesh! Hoor 19.95 General Electric Transistor Set Rn* 5x7" transistor radio, batteries, case, earphone . . . complete at $14! HOUSEWARES, Second Roor Hustle in and stock up on lovely seamless nylons! Take your choice of smooth-fitting reinforced, or mesh *tyl»* Little Boys' Cool Knit Shirts . . . in two fashionable shades to go with all your summit Assorted styles and colors, in size* 3 to clothes! Sizes 8V2 to II. : ! 7! LITTLE BOYS SHOP, Second Floor •a. 1.25 3 for 3.50 $4-$6 Misses' Famous Name Slips Nylon tricot, dacron-nylon-cotton blend! Lace, embroidered trim! White 32-38. for LINGERIE, Street Floor ea. 2.60 Infants' Group of Knit Swimiuits Choice of styles and colors, in btit-t»lling knit swimsuitsl M, L, XL. INFANTS, Sec end Floor $6 to $8 Misses' Pant Tops Colorful assortment of unusual pant tops . . . cardigan, clip-on styles! Bright prints! 8 to 16. SPORTWEAR, Street Floor $20 Imported Cashmere Sweaters 100% cashmere cardigan sweater! Fully fashioned; long sleeves! White, black, pastels. 36 to 40. SPORTSWEAR, St. Fl. 11.75 $3-$6 Famous Make Jewelry Necklaces, bracelets, earrings, pins! Per- , feet witti summer fashions! JEWELRY, for Street Hoor/ *Plut tax. ' $5-$100 Fine 14 kt. Gold Jewelry Smoky topaz, pearls and other precious 39.95 HOOVER VACUUM Fast-Sellers at $4 to $6 stones! Pendants, earrings, bracelets, Bermuda and 8.95 to 12.95 charms! JEWELRY, Street Hoor. All plus 1/3 off Close-Out Purchase Price GOWNS, PAJAMAS tax. Jamaica Shorts YOUTHCRAFT GIRDLES $3-$4 Misses' Folding Slippers 2 for 2 for 5.50 Folding leather slippers in assorted styles, Wanted Constellation modell colors! Sizes 5-I01/:; S, M, ML, L, XL. ea. 2.80 Telescoping wand . . . double , 1 Poplins, sailcloths, dacron«-cot- Best-selling styles in spandex® HOSIERY, St. Fl. 1.75 enj mi arnel$8 elastics! Pull-on girdles, aver- Famous brands! Nylon tricot .j stretch hose . . . complete with . *™< Very Special 79.95 Famous Make ond Floor 3.50 Boys' FURIOUS Make 1 $3-$4 Boys" Short-Sleeve Shirrs COTTON SLACKS i MISSES' DRESSES Mattress, Box Spring Cottons ... in a wide range of styles and colors! 6 to 20. BOYS SHOP, Second 13.50 $49 Floor ea. 1.80 2 w 3.50 2 pr. $6 Pre-Teen Assorted Swim Suits pr. 3.25 Dresses for every occasion ... in sea- for both Take your choice of a variety of styles! son's most important fabrics, silhou- Fine innerspring mattross . . . plus Fine two-ply combed cotton in favorite Sizes 8 to 14. PRE-TEENS, Socond Floor ettes! Jacket dresses, costumes, coat stylesl Continental in beige, pewter; matching box spring—$49 complete! Pre-Teen Jamaica Sets sizes 6 to 18. Ivy in beige, .pewter, costumes . . . crepes, arnol" jerseys, Heavy 8-oz. coverings . . . choice of 'l Trimly tailored Jamaica shorts, matching black; 29 to 36 waist. cottons, lace chiffons, dacron® crepesl full, twin size! tops! 8-J4. PRE-TEENS, Socond Floor JL for etP I ea. 3.60 BOYS' SHOP, Second Floor , BETTER DRESSES, Socond Floor BEDDING, Socond Floor Little Boys' Summer Shorts Many stylos and cool fabrics! Sizes 3 to 7. LITTLE BOYS SHOP, Second Floor pr. 1.85 2 ,,,3.50 SHOP ALL DAY TODAY FRIDAY, 9:45 A.M. to 9 P.M.