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6 Pupils Back, at 77 M.P.H? Milford, Nov

6 Pupils Back, at 77 M.P.H? Milford, Nov

■'rJ ••• ^ ) ryru,,/f • ■ «*»• - ■•*.'. . > ,3

■-■--pi— Arcnge IMbr Nci P r^ Ran . r«r Hi* #Mfc Bu m - rwriMSl M 0. A _We8dws,.See*' ^ ' 13,041 s s ^ sfocBr Si*p Mti A MMH; M«mk«r af ttw Aariit inIMm* ew-ftay. Hlgk SMSC.',.. . BarMHi of OIrefllothMi . M ttnehe$fr^A City pf Vjtlage Charm

VOL. LXXIX, N6. S4 (ruuitreEN pAGua) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1959 :^(dSMllM AcNorlMafe mm ffag* IS ) pRicH>ivE e iin if union Sought HeE^pectM Red Carpet 6 Pupils Back, At 77 m.p.h? Milford, Nov. » — was arrested for speeding when clocked a t 77 pi^ea ,pe.r Major producers edged the hour yesterday )>y Connecticut drst small shipments of fin­ State Police on the Wilbur ish ^ steel irtto delivery pipe­ Cross Parkway. The six children who werefthoM who contracted poiio thia lines today—two days after Milford poHce aaid Mayor expelled from Manch/ester’s year had had three or more shots an 80-day Taft-Hartley. in­ Joseph Casdin wasn’t too of the vaccine seemed to indicate pleasant about the Incident. public schools for not having a it' was not very effective. junction halted the longest They quoted him as saying polio shot t^ill be permitted to Wells conUnued to send five of strike in s^eel industry his­ that from now on any Connec­ State Backs attend school until a decision his eight children to school. He tory. ticut motorist 'driving as much on their status is reached by wanted ^ formal hearing, he-said, 'Hie early, shipments—gather­ as.one mile per hour aboVe the before the Board of Education. He ing# of what was left behind when limit in Worcester would get *7 ' Town Counsel Philip Bayer, , was told the Board would be glad the ,116-day strike began^meaht the book thrown at him. 4 P o licies Superintendent of Schoola Arthur to hear him, but he must keep his little to customers already hurt by State Pollcemsii Bernard H, lillng said today the ftVe chil­ children out of school until, the 'h "■ . c'- ■ * dren of Donald Wells, 88 MeekvUle shortages.' It still will be weeks Peterson, who bore the brunt , V , f. . '-A regular Board, meeting Nov, 16. before newly ptoduded. steel moves of the miffed mayor’s Ire be­ Rd., and the daughter of a Coven­ Mrs. Wells protested that this • ■ ' ’% *'■’'* ■A :v':'■■■ For Nov. 16 try couple will be permitted to at­ in signifleaht. amounts. ■ cause he made the arrest, said iV . was too long to keep the children Thousands of the half-million Casdin wss doing 77. miles per tend. I ' out of school. Hartford, Nov. 9 (/P}-yCoBr Last week both sets of parents st'rikcrs were .called baCIo to wbrk hour in a 55-mile zone. 'The k.: '..A ming said today the matter had over the .weekend. Thousands necticut's drivers will have who had refused to have their chil­ been turned over to A tty.. Bayer. speed was measured by radar, ' • • A'-.'. ' •' f dren Immunised against polio were more exnected' recalls eariy this he said. _____. 'I* their choice of four new auto­ As soon as a decision is reached weakT^ SteCT firms were reluctanft”" told'by niing to keep their children by him, the Wellses and the Cov­ Casdin had to'part with 824. .- ■■ '<*■ mobile liability insurance nidi- at home. to state flgures—changes occur- bond before he could continue entry couple ■ w ill' hie Informed re Throughout the industry there on what the fine will be. The four pbUciee, to b* wrltterf . The only way to avoid having a Wells said there had been a big by four dlfferenee companies of response to the stories in Satur­ was a gigantic effort to get all fa­ "In other words," he. sai(l, Shot was either to show proof of cilities producing as quicki.v as "you are convicted as soon .as grotipe of companies, differ sign- ihedicBl inadvfsability or reli^ous day's papers. possible. Customers— many closed fleantiy In their provision*. “1 have had calls front all over you are atreated. I would protest. because of steel shortages—press­ have liked to have paid the Ths savings for the safe driver tyella- sent a letter to thjs Board the state.” he .said today; "They ed . for speedy deliveries. vary from 2() per sent to about 90 were mostly from parents." . fine then but was told I would of Education saying he would not Producers could count on only per cent. The premium for ths .have his children immunised, be­ 'Tve even had offers 'of finan­ have to make the long drivs V * driver with a bad record wtti run cial assistance," he added. 80-days of operations. If the la­ back to Milford." ' " f- cause he thought the Sadk vaccine bor dispute is tinsettled when the • r.*7. as high as several hundred'per might be harmful. At any rate, he cent over the basic rates now In said, the fact that 17 per cent of injunction expires Jan. 26, work­ (CoBtbined «a Page Savea) ers could renew the strike. effect. The U.S. Supreme Court figura­ The new safe driver Insaranee tively 'struck the mktch that re- Raid Uncovers ian* were appiWed today tw ktoidied mill furnaces. The court ( ‘,4 •' State Insurance Commissioner Al­ b.y\ an .8-1 vote -Saturd/ay upheld Peronista Plot fred ff. Premo. Chou Wants Nohru th e' injuncUon that had been They sre the first safe driver In­ stayed more than two weeks by surance plans of their type t» be tTnited Steelworkers appeals. InArgentina siithnrized for sale In Connecticut. Last ^ night Secretary of Labor The companies authorized to a ^ James P, Mitchell, in a television policies' are; Sprlngfleld-Mofiarch Confer on Border appearance, (NBC Meet the Press) Tucuhian, Argentina, Nov. Insurance Co., Springfield, Mass.; said it will be tip to Omgreas to 9 (/P)—A raid on an armed Vigilant insurance Co. (Chubb London, Nov. 9 —^Pr,mier Chou^piiws i^at In order to discuss keep the mills operating beyond camp in the mountains, poUce and Son. managers), Short Hills, En-lal of Red China has proposed further the boundary question and Jan. 28 if a labor agreement still N. J.; the Employers Gfioup (Em­ is beyond reach. .sa.v, has uncovered a plojf by - that he and Prime Minister Nehru other questions -in the relations ployers’ Liability Assurance Covp., between the two countries, the followers of Juan D. Peron for Amerifian Em^oyers’ Insurancs of India meet quickly to SetUe prime ministers of the two coun­ fContlnned on Pqge fieven) a Csatro-type guerriUa cam­ Co.. Employers Fire Ineurance Co., their border trouble. In the mean- tries hold talks In the immediate paign to restore the exil^dic- and Halifax Insurance Co.), Bos­ '' time,' said Chou, their armed forces futmm. ton, Msss.;- and Nationwide Gen­ tator to power. eral Insurance Co.. Cohimbus. each skould pUll back 12 >4 miles ‘‘The peoples of our two coun- Three youth's were captured In Fire rages unchecked aboard the tanker Amoco Virginia while It was tied up and aground tHes desire that we act promptly. 284 in Italian tgnl( ferm on the Houston, Tex., atiip ci al. . At this point, Ohio, a.itock 00]lonuMuiy owMd by from disputed frontiers. . I think we should meet their desire .the raid Saturday on the com­ NatlontHdo Muf pletely outfitted, well armed camp rp rtaiT ^'illb '■forvffai’d IfWda bf■ ■ Ine veesel eiusing-A' hug#' mil of smoke to envein ittttf InauntBOO'Oa A note to Nehru, as broadcast and not let those who seek every er. (APPHotofax) About fix Hartford Inzurmncs by Peiping- Radio, said "The chance to disrupt by all means the V illa g e Given 6,000 feet up in the' mountains companies which a rt trying out peoples of our two countries desire great friendship between China and near this trading 665 miles atf* driver plana in other mtmlea tha't we act promptly. Unless a India attain their sinister- objec- northwest, of Buenoe Aires. hava nb immsdiata |dane to aak for goiutJen la found to the .hocdor Stock in B -TTiie^euUMl-aidA .ilmjt. Mr D e a A , 2 5 ^ tuthorlty to. Write aueh peUskH^ dlQiule, ‘‘olathaa which both aides If a site for the proposed meet­ o ru iM .. by .ja the state, aoeoriUng td Fzaniu T do not want to see mey again oc­ ing was mentioned, it was not im­ Ban Marco D’Drrl, Italy, Nov. 9 "Natidiial PerP)—Th8 tanker^ barrels of high test gasoline and $124; lowMt premium' for tmfe - Peiping only ■ last Wednesday along the border of India's North The pilot, William A. Manson, Amoco Virginia, its plates buck­ fuel oil in the vessel’s bunker*. east Agency, ,1.000 miles to the tea stock. :'a block of stock worth drivers, $87, and maxtratim premi­ again accusing Red China of ag- abovit '$1,300. 39, Richmond. Va., and the pawen- led and ripped by fire and ex­ "It spread llkq a prairie fire," um for drivers with bad records, no '.,x gresslon. The reply also answered east, where earlier clashes oc­ Bank of America representatives ger, Mrs. Marvel Michelle, 36, Bar­ plosion yesterday, claimed an said Seaman Joseph R. Daley, 37, limit, based on 50 per (»nt sur- a letter Nehrii sent him Sept. 26. curred, rington, N. J„ were taken to Hart­ Seattle. ”Aa it spread, a- aoHd Chou’s note was delivered yes­ hiked over a twisting mile-long eighth victim t(i^ay when city charga~for-eaeh~^ehargeaM« m a ^ ' The Red Chinese premier said mountain trail—the village’s only ford Hospital, where 'they were fireman D- H. Chandler drowned wall of flamea 100 feet high swept dent. terday to Nehru in Nepv Delhi. • listed in-satisfactory condition. India’s latest note "adopts an at- There was no immediate reaction link with the outside world—to de­ aboard the ship. Twenty five per­ the ship.” Employers’ group—$127, $102 liver the $840,000 worth of stocks Manson and Mrs. Michelle found sons suffered injury. Daley was amohg the loading and $264. - tltude,/.which is extremely harmful from Nehru, who after the note’s a farmhouse after stumbling for to the friendly relations between arrival met until midnight : last j for Victor snd Joseph Satumo of The fire aboard the 12,000-ton crew when the fire broke out. Reno, Nev.-.- ■■ ' ■ - about an hour through the dense tanker threatened the heart of the "During the time I was loading the two countries" and "is in no night with his -cabinet defense' woods, (CoaUntted mm Pago Seven) way helpful to a settlement." committee and the. Army chief of Their parents were natives of nation’s - largest oil refining and there was a strong odor of gas(^ , "The Chinese government ,pro- staff, Lt. Gen. K. 8. Thlmayya; , San Marco d'Urri. Although Victor ‘The plane was on route to petrochemical center for 19 hours line all over the ship, even back tb and Joseph had never eeen the 'vil­ Brainard Field in Hartford from yesterday. ■ ..... the crew’a quarter*,’’ he said. lage. thev wanted to do something Clementon, N. J., when. it came Daley told Detective A. E. Rock­ •‘.'i down. An initial search for the The vessel’s captain, R. R. for it. Their" father, Leopoldo Pie­ Combs, and six of the 40 crew well he reported to a ship officer, No One Trying Harder tro Satumo. left the hamlet In 1878 plane by firemen and police proved “They kept wanting to piuh it Bulletins unsucceesful. members perished. when hewas-almoat 90.-He made a Chandler, 2$, drowned this out," he said, referring to wanting fortune In real estate In Reno be­ Bradley Field, located about 15 to load the ship so it could sail. front tho A f W^on fore dvtng In 1919. miles from Hartford, reported that- morning while ! cooling the ship "They continued tb smell gas. but San Marco d’Urri has khown lit­ with foamite. He apparently they kept on loading and kept rey tle but poverty for years, and ths (Continiied on Page Four) stepped into a hole in a sub­ and kept oij.” OUMBEBS FOUND SAFX gifts of stock suddenly made all merged portion of the ship. More than ■ 300 firemen K atm nda, -Napal, Nlsv. 9 (JB the villagers rich In local terms. Investigators climbed over the came from as far .away as ->-A missing $S*Man Japnnese The Avanzinl" family, which buckled plates in search of clues Charles, La., battled the blaze, A ezpsdltlon $•> UAM-fOot ML raised Leopoldo Saturho after he as to the cause of the fire. Groups blizzard of foamite finally smoth­ C k ^ Sankar In the Hlmnlayaa [ainst was orphaned as a small boy. still News Tidbits probing the destroyed hulk wire ered a main fi’-e in the tanker’s la safe and on fta way bach to lives in the unheated stove farm­ the FBI, Coast Guard, the Amer­ forward bunkers—which had held KntmtoMi, the ferctiM olfiea house where he grew up. The Culled from AP Wires ican Oil Co., and Hess Terminal, 90,000 barrels of’aviation-type gas­ said ti*day. An anaeaneement NOTE: Presidential poiltlca Is^they’rb impressed upon him almost family has five acres of barren where the ship Is tied Up. oline. . said a porter'seat to look for the away to an unprecedented early every moment of his "Hay. farm land and.four cows. The fire ..tirpke.. out less than Small tirea contimieid to flicker cUmiiers, . miesia f Maoe early start; candidates whirl about the It*8 no accident that ueaily Npw the seven Avanzinls have Vermont Democratic leaders four hours ibefOre the American, on the veasel’f superstructure and October, feand tnem-s$ajing M Jaiid. The Aasodated Press, In a everyone ales who la making much $8,400 worth of stock, # nest sgg vote to back. U.S. Sen. John F. Oil Co.’s 12,000-toh tanker was a pier alongside. It cast a ros.v Menung, a village down' this ;sertes of stories, has been looking of a pre-season. stir either is well they could not have built up In Kennedy for the 1960 presidential to sail for Albany', N.Y. moontalni The cjqmdition'piBBK- sver and analyzing this abundant heeled or has well heeled fHendf or yeare of hard work. Last year nomination. . , No Indication seen The flames consumed 135,000 (ContiNiied on Page Seven) ned to leave yaatenlay for Mam* «rop. Here Arthur Edoon, who In fathers. "each share .of Bank of America SENATOR I.ANOER today of break in. strike of about ehebazar, wMek la a X-week 'Ala IS years on the Washington "It takes a lot of money," stock paid a dividend of $1.80. 1,150 union printers which has trek from this edpitaL Hiera Staff has kept a lively, questidn-; Humphrey says. And he reads with For the Avanzlnfs that would have closed all Boston papers but the was no Indloalloa whether the lag egre on pbUUe^uis, makes.his envy the stories about, say, Sep. meant an Income of 315 dollars, Christian Science Monitor. . . . At climbers tuui scaled the peak John F. Kennedy (D-Masa'i travel­ probably enough to take , care of least fpur . pisrsons; wounded and nport on his travels with Men. Langer Dies many others-Injured In latest of Hubert Humphrey. ing in a chartered plane, preceded their meager needs for most of chest jRugs for Men POTTEB’8 o u s t e r A M B D by publicity men beating drums to the year series of political riots in Tijuana, Panama, Nev. 9 0^—An open herald his coming. . The arrival of good luck Ih the Mexico. letter , to Presddent Blaeakowr By ARTHUR ED ^N Humphrey 'las been traveling hard luck village did not make At 73; Noted 'St. George Medal, given by Na­ er by 50 promineat PsnswiaM • Lincoln, Neb., Nov. 9 — Of- with one man, Lt. fSov. Karl Rolva- everybody happy. An aged wom­ tional Catholic Committee on Barber Show Feature tavas 'piapoaed today, tha re­ an and her two sons suspected Scouting, uwarded to hine Catholic fielUIy the temperature was IS ag of Minnesota, on regularly Senate Figure moval of ' the Paaama Caaal Scheduled flights,' which often that "someone wants to make boy scout leaders in Stafe,*'. . . Bus Zone govemojr, WBUam E. Pot­ (iegTeea, but a fiei^ce wlkd kicked fools of us.” They refused to col drivers’ strike leave Minneapoli*- By HAL MeCLURE ♦ t Miss Teesler, whose main means-getting up early or lekving New York, Nov. 9 (8*)—Men, busineas is toupeea-r;or toppera, ter. Tha iettor. piddiahad hose up the snow, mvirled it across the at inappropriate timee. lect their shares. ' Aurellp Gan- Washington, Nov.- 9 (JPi—Sen. St. Paul metropolitan area of mil-, and signed hy eteontoca, tas$i> dlhi, the bank's director fdr Italy, lion, persona without pubHc trans- do you envy those hairy- as they say in the trade—uses •.unprotected airport and inade It One can stumble on the two. of WlUlaip (Wild Bill) Danger (R- real imismed hair for the chest aessmen. lawyers aan other prO' said the. eiock'would be held for. N p); a colorful political mav­ portatioii for first time in 25 years. chested - he-ipen who stalk the seem far colder. them, long'^ri»«fore sunup, strug-- beaches'-*nd pools under, the ruga.' She added: foMioaia people, said POttOri* gllng with luggage in a cold arid them ■ until they changed, their erick both as goyeriior and as Tribal unrest reported spreading The hatless man in the salt and minds. . in Afghanistan'as result of gov­ admirihg stares of the oppo­ ’’They look like the real re*noval wonljl be "decisive to cheerless hotel corridor. senator, is dead at 7!8. thing. We have no complsUnts.” dimlnIsiliBg teasioa amoag the popper overcoat, his high fore­ On this Humphrey Is phtldsophi- Some former residents of- San He spent 45 turbulent years In ernment road construction, forci­ site sex? Tx . Marco were angry that they were ble disarmament of na.ives and.re­ Worry no mbre, Halrf»s Another new item on diaplay Psaamanlan people agatost the head a brilliant pink, r |^ full ca]. "I don't need any personal politics, the last'19.of them in the was a synthetic sun tan lotion goveniment of the eanai Bene." ' valet," he says, "I csA hang up my cent counter-revolutionary crack­ Joe. Toss away ybu* turtle­ speed across the siiow aiid lCe to­ Senate. down which elders say took j 90 neck beach sweater — they’ve guaranteed to make the - wear-. own suit." But he looks aroiiiwl the (ContiniMd sA Page Five) Danger died In his sIm p of CDBAN PIIA>t ARKESTED ward the waiting plane. little feeder plaiie, gamely fighting lives. . Premier Khrushchev says come up With cheat hair'fal- er look aa It he has just re­ heart failure, yesterday .. at his Americans are beginning to ijnder- *les for men, turned froin three weeks at ■ Havana, Nov. M iffl—A Cuban This reporter, skittering along­ its way through harsh -Dakota home;^ Danger had been ' ailing Miami or Palm-Springs. pilot has been arrrested .hi con- weather, and says wistfully: stand the Russians and this is eas­ ] The latest j In chest tapes­ side, managed to ask: » Injured I 38 Bu8 since his wife, Lydia, died of can­ ing the Cold War,.. Fifty Afr­ ; New York barber Eddie Pula­ nection with the' disappearaaea ^ “It is always like this?” "Man, wouldn’t I like to be atjle. tries was unveiled yesterday of Maj. Camllo Ctenfuegoa, cer Aug. '4. -He recently spent icans killed in inter-tribal flghtihg at the opening session of tlj,e ski' said the degree -of phony.' ‘‘Yep.’' said Sen. H ubert. H. to charter thia baby!” • ' “ Hits. Trailer Truck th ree' weeks in a hospital vHth tan is-..regulated by the num­ Cuba’s army commander, unoflt* Humphrey (D-Minn).. As uqual, Here’a''Humphrey’s schedule for in Ruanda-Uriindi Trust Territory national barber, show. This and chd sources anid todny. They pneumonia: Funeral plans were In Estat Central Africa during .'other hair cover and face ber' of Applications of the .rbs- iha was the last man up the -ramp, He was In Iowa to talk to a state incomplete. , metic. ‘’On* coat gives you a - identified him ns Juaa Viernik Hightstown, N. j.'.^ov: 9,(.ff>—A weekend. . . . Democratic National color {hnovations are intrigu- - who files n twin-engine ptoae for arriving seconds before the plane teachera convention. His apeedh Danger steered s safe course Chairman Paul M. Butler- tells llght. tan,” h r said. "Two coats was, in theory at least,, nonphli- bus.Jilied with soldiers Yluiwed the ing the natioit’s barbers. ths Fmnclsco Sugnr Co., part took off,. ' . • ‘ back of a aouthbouiid' trailec trUck through many a . political whirl­ state party organizations to pay a deep tan. .and with ' three tical, and'he-w af paid for It. H#i wind. In 1934 he easily won noUi- 'Who wears chest rugs? coats we'give ybu a whitb, tur- owner of tiie»Klng Ranch, in Cea- ' This scene coldly illustratea oh the New Jersey ■Tumpike"ea|rly up their campaign ^^contribution "Usually, little- scrawny fel­ trai Cugn. The Caban 'Air Foroa What HUmkhray 1» «P against in Wat in North P f^eta for a farni- today. Twenty-nine were injured,, Ination for re-election'' as. gover- quotas or face poorer aecommoda- ban.” . 1.;^ ers union meeting. He was here ip -npr of North Dakota.even though low*,” answers pretty Diana defined to confirm the report,' hla Vforta to convince,Democrats hone of them' seriously. ' r- ’" tionn a t 19*80 convention. ’Peasler,: president - of .a hair' He. sSld the cMmetic is' dif-« ha is their logical choice for the Lincoln for the Nebraska Demo- Most of those aboard were doz­ he''WM uhder a feijerai ihtiictment Sudan expected to get tlm larg- ferent from, the theatrical CRBW FIGHTING SHIP F IM cratiiT Convention dinner. . for cohsiririicy. He' eventually was making firm. ".I never ,ae.h my makeup pop^r vnong wom­ prssidential nomination at their ing, returning to duly Jifter' fur­ eat ahare of an estimated 22 bil­ cUehts why they want]them.- tjsboh. Portugal. NoVi 9 (dV— Los Angeles convention, npxt sum- This was but a minor part of the- loughs 'and weekend passes.' The acquitted>^^ • '? lion cubic metera of water to be en. "YoUr pores are open , and .An. exhausted SS^riian erpw story. * .'Only last^year he won re- • I figure it'a their own bu*i- yim don't sweat," he explained. iper. ■ ' Impact of the crash *iuried many saved annually by construction of lieas;; the Portttguene freighter ktanw, Since he’s (diort on monsy, hs Usually he. breakfasts with. from their seats. - ’ >■ eiection-r-wlthput'^aklhg a sin­ ths Aswan High Daitt. acroM-the 'Pulasu' declines to reveal the. Brsveii cioatimied to tlglit a n re Humphrey supporters, and gives gle rtunppign speecb-r-ii) spite of Th*. preferred shade: .Brown. ;nam*a of hia aun tan clients— baa tb run pretty much on. hia Police said that apparently there Nile River. . .. . Sekbu'Toure, presi­ "The people at the '.barber aboard tbsOr 24M-$«mi ehip. them, kt the drop-(#! a ^napkin, was no pahlc. A num berof the In­ the opposition of his M^rqMte Re­ dent] of yojuiig A f r it^ republic of ['big name*, in the theater and mllea northweot at the M aM ra what sounds like a major political publican organisatioiu Gulnlea, saya he Is surprised by tl(e show ciune to me . And sug­ ' the business world. Ths political climate also can be jured soldiers .urged their cofh- gested we. make up a chest Islands today. TM Blartoa nda- address. During the day he msy panioha to remain oalmi AR of In the Senate,, Longer vbtqd good rn«e relations he found in the But ons stiafied ssdeaman 'lstry. sato aR pasa$|hgntia km^ (rigid and Parent-Teacher TaJks Youth Returns Home; Hospital, 442 merai^a. biimaxi^ W Herold ahd,shaped like a msp of the KA.'VB TEU M B ,/-■ Cub Pack Formed Xh, achool children to enlift p a r-| Naitb-Senlh wilnwxMa Wtoasor eairrespindem El- United States will be opened here - FOB EUWWG school. offleiaU annourMt. Burnhain. teiephone Mitchell next. July 1. Installations at - the Late Mrs. Rice NOMflH .A new cub paek.haa been fprtned !Thia repre.aenis Close to a 100 per Stops Itch—Relieves; Pain ’ Mark Educalaon Week iBy AUMd rSK 76S at the Avery St'. Gra,mmar School, renter, to be called f'reedomland. _ s«* TMk. S.'T. Far the attosisliiar statemsats Hht ."FilW V fo r 5 5 sponsored by the PTA^ Xroup. Wil­ cent record for the whole ichbol. j '_j U..S.A;, will be sonto io correspond ; arit i(m « s*l*s<;» hs» fosnil a ae-s hare aesa#led te he s prablets! H ie laU Mrs. UlUan B. Rice, --UJk.MMten ^ ■■ The choral group' at the school ' The secret ie a ae# healiag sato- Any btldge player win .taU liam -Lronsfd. ..neighbomood ctib with ths part of the country on ! hstiiB* sobstsaik sMth the astaa- who aervod Saxton B. Uttla Free VisUora this waek-WiU be whI'AtQ 7 p.m. Saturday at the^ ehureh w U /f/ : 4?1” commisttioner and former M*o- will aing at the next PTA mroting; tai»e Pray . Jihiag'S'killtV ta ahrink'hanior- etanee ' flia.|>rs** l.-dise«*efy tf that th* time tp ybbt ♦ « Ruaaell A. Brown,,16. returned^ American College of bbatetricians in December! ■ Speakers from- sev which the feature Is modeled. For t rhaida, step itching, and raliava a warld*-fainanr reeaarth isstitata- Ubrary aa Ilbfartan for nearfly 61 come in the Covafitry public hall., / mast cheater and Wapping "School Cub Wood ffilse>s»atch. the imttolfiil’f 'ffiample.. » _ '’wamp-huggy r 14 e|^ Thia anhatance ia saw aeadlahts tO B S ORimBK while you still hXm IL Appa«». while f«stly in asppeeitarv e r d iststest /<(■> Education Week women-intsrsated in activUy.irork J 16Y A veteriTi of European service pack. Meetings will be held tonight j holiday customs st this time. relieriag psja, artnal rednrtiaa andar.Jhe same' PreMeslies H.* bia organisations. Detlarsr won ihe first diamond $sv< Mr; and Mrs. Benjamin Brown Of their feet, muddying the water so New York' in the^ortheast aa*' At yatr drsigiat. Mssvp back -H*ilnc uM wiMad ti^in|9 ab^utfstnimmU aUnd out plainly and During the week parent-teachar for the Vlrat Congregational 9 62 675 Foster St. had been missing in World War H, he Uvea tylth hia lahrinksgei teak plara. ■arw " fer t!Wo*wiielu armWOis. eeem to occupy’ Juat about t ^ Mlsa Gladys Rica, her daugh­ coiiferencas wilt ba bald, J$upt; Churebi will be held at ,8 p,m. ki duniRy with .tht dr*w two wife Margaret and -two sons st 73 Mast shiatiagaf nll-raesus wem gsaratitas. a ter, who haa Uken, over her rounds of" trunips with the ace so tm i for 56 days. Princeton St., Manchester. se tharssgb that csITseere made e»a«.«. A lto . Off. I thUt Hoor say aoma htoa. Uilnga same amount of apace In the room Royal O. Fisher announced over Wednesday at Kingsbury House. The Howell-Cheney Technical X as they would do if .th'ay - wenr mother's duUas, haa received a the weekend. The ooflferenceS take It is planned to Hold future moot- and king,' and then ls4 dummy s B AM4 Raymond Perkins, 16, son of Mr. \a%out4t ^ ^ book. Hammond'a Ubrary World slnglsbm Hub. West won with tos W 6 3 , Behool freshman had succeeded In Basically, my <|uarral la not actually present. the j^Iace of report cards tbr the Ingi In the evening, to aocoinmo- obtaining a’prk jwIUi a Philadel­ >—aaUh'ataraoiihonic reproduction as Yea indeed. ”etereo” la really Atlas, a gift to the library from first marking pariod. date working women as well as aM of clulsl and Cathollc cfclld in Today’s with the king of hearts and re- At last South dsn afford to draw N, Don (gdxota—iBtrauM Studio in Wlllimantic, where it tumsd a ffiamond to force out two rounds of tnimps with ths ceived that the boy was in Phlki- electronic recording was over the At the Cen^B^ool many par­ World.’! Mrs. Anthony Mosssr, in delpliia and police in that cktjf were old ■•AcouaUc*!” system, which Barlin. Phllharmbnle was'completed. A committee ap­ charge of, family pXreht educa-. dummy's last trump. king snd ace. Thia leaver one pointed by Raymond Lyman, mas­ ents have alrtady attended con- trump in dummy so that' IkniUi asked to'look tor him. you may have forgotten. Kempe, Coadoetar, f^Wie^Thoaa who have not tlon, will''present the program. South had already lost three Capitol 0-71M ter of the grange, iwhteh includes tricks and svsntuaUy had to give can ■ eventually ruff hia low club. When be left in September, When you get' a good reproduce comikMad thorn have been asked Rec Meetiag Tohmitow . Brown, said in a note to hia parents Ing system and a good recording For aoma years I hava been ]Phillp H. laham Sf., Mrs. CTlnton u p , another club trick- Down one. The opponents will not get the Ladd and Bquiar Is noyr jUrmake appolntmanU. Coventry Recreation Committee chance to draw a third trUmp, that he Wanted to go out on his together, the raault la really phe­ waiting to replace this compoei- At Coventry Grammar School will conduct a meeting for girls Drew Trampk Too Boon tiop In my library. The recording making plana for the preaenutloif'. and the contract is tkte. own. A disciplinary action by the' nomenal. The ihatruments stand tha taachera will h r available by Intereyted in baaketball at 7 p.m. South's trouhls was that he boy’a father m*>’ ..have prompted V ■ ' • out; there Is a sense of space and had waa mads naarly 30 yaars Wins Wrist W aU*.-^ appointment afteMpons after 2 tomorrow" at Coventry Grammar. drew the trumj^s too soon. This Dally QnestloB ago by Reiner, with Pletagonmy ' '‘the youth to run a-way, his mother graiideur to the music that would Jean Smith, eighth grX u pupil p.m. Those who canilbt.. coipe in School. All girls of high School gave West tfie chance to draw a Partner opens with ons' 4>ade, said Saturday. ■X; K./ seem impossible to achieve in the featured on cello. Piatagoraky re­ at Horace W. Porter Bchool, won the' afternoons mSY coma by ap­ age and over, as well, as mansgera third trump.' and the next player passes. You Appointeeia Nanieid ebnlinea of a living room. corded the work fairly recantly a wrist watch ^xelllhg the most and others intsreated .have been The oorrect play is, to lead a hold: Spades—K 7 6 - ^ H«arta— with Nuench and the Boston Sym­ pointment in the last two qye- Four, appointment have been I do not mean by thla that it is magaalne aubsdripUona in tha nings of this weak. Mra. Eva asked to. attend. Mra. Robert A. club from the dummy at tha sec­ A Q 8 5 2; Dlamonds-^K 6 4; announced by the 'Sojitlf” Windsor louder. Properly handled, it is leas phony, but the fire of his early per­ class cajffpalgn. Just compietsd. Kingsbury and James T. 1-aidlaW Doggart and Mra. William C. ond trick, aUowlng the trumps to Clubs—6. ^ V Boards tf Selectmen; , InteiaM. The very fact that the formance waa gone and the orchea- AbouL $1,400 worth of magaainaa at the Raynoldi School' in.. Mans­ H ot^kisa will be aatfsted by Prin­ wait for a better time. West takes ■ Answer: Bid two hearts'You tedwib A. LasXman of Kelly Rd.. sound is divided among half a tral backing was uneven -and un- told In all, tha class shexe field will make appointments for cipal Francis A. Perrotti. AH three the see of clubs snd leads 'an­ Intend to bid four spades at your I. \ a Dembcia.t,'''haa been reappointed doaan speakers and spread over a aympathstlc. df Which ia expectad to largely fi-, Interviews with the paranU to be are members of the toifn'a recrea­ other diamond. South irins the next tuni, thus showing netj only ' ■ ' .'town roUhsei. for a 2-year term for larger area rssulta in a dimi- Other recordings likewiat f^ad^ nance their spring trip to Na held at Coventry Grammar Schfwl. tion oomniittie. see of diamonds and leads a'hlfih your strength but also something w annual retainer of $1,200, An- huUon at the intensity. Trying to to supplant my old one. Nowv-Kw- York. School SIta Madliag Bed Onb Soonto Meettng //- f club to discard ths losing -diamond about its location. A raise to three >-''60ier Democratjx Chester Allen -of reproduce the amount of sound eyer, I have bought a nqurrecord- Uam Is Haar Saww The Board of Education and the Cub Scout Pack No. 7 will meet from dummy. spadee at yOur first turn would * Hollis Rd., .was named tree war- ^ emanating from 16 aquMe feet of ing of the worki It is the one noted. 'Waltar 'l^ow, lagialatlya,,eqjrr School Building-pommlttae.. will at—7:30, p.m. Nov.—iSL-at-^-the I t is still too early to draw givb leas information^ den,-:alao for- a second' 2-year piano sounding board through a above. Incidentany^ bought it in- ras{>ohdent and i^ltical wrltar for hold a apacial Joint masting at 8 American Legion home on Wall St. trumps. South ahduld try the {Copyright l 389, General fleatnrea term. Compensation for this work ' speaker with Isas than ona square "stereo," by w p i^ you pwy Judge the WtUlmantlc Chronicle, will tomorrow to-discuas aelacUon of a The theme will be "The Old Coun­ OmR wsB rm mm i — ■ » heart finesse first. East wins with Oorp.)' Is. on a fee basis. foot of aiha haa alwaya raaultad that this ia^one sterao^onic ra^- address the Uona Club tonight at sita for tha proposed 700-pupil try Store.” I, Republicans appointed were In a mors Intsnsa sound than the ooMinipthiat I can recommend. 7 o'clock, at their dinner meet­ tuiikir-sanior high school. Cubs will be making houae calla day and Friday from 9 a.m. until Dervelopn>ent Hearing Set Mrs. Earle Herrick will be pres­ suffered a small cut oyer one eye. echool, to which parents object. noon. On other daya he may be ent a t the meeting to help those concluded. The association’s yearly project, Senate Figure The Town Plannin? Commis­ No specific informaUon on what , To Open Office PfUDSXO ASSAl seen by .appointment. The after­ sion has called a public hearing who Wish to continue work on the caused the crash was Immediately Figaro (axcerpta) Msm iI proposed to be the purchasing of noons' will he devoted to making Dr. Bhillip E. Sumner Is pisnv Mn« record players for the school, will (Conthmed tfum Page Ona) tomorrow s t 8 p.m. in tha Com­ Della Robbia wreaths. available. Senssarakepf and Others necessary personal calls to the munity Hall to conaider a ,' aub- Three CoimecUciit men w ere. , nlng to open an office for the.prac­ FOR PRESCRIPTION Vienna PhUharmonlc alao be decided ujpon. The group parishioners, the Rev.,Mr. Heaps Hostesses will be Mrs. Keeney tise of obstetrics snd gynecology haa purchaaed aeveral in the past policy. Anything proposed by Sec-- division map submitted by Euclid Hutchinson and Mrs. August among the Army .men treated and A | ^ 86St6 said. ReiopeU. The plan calla for da- released with Injuriee deacribed as on or about Dec. 1 in Wapping PINE PHARMACY but with the added rooma in uae Appointments may be made retary of Agriculture EWa Taft MUdner. < Center. The west wing of Harold Sehwarkopf alnga Mourt'a trip­ in the sdiool aeveral more are -velopnient of land at the Inter- HoUday Fair Reminder not serious. > DELIVERY ping malodles, trippingly. In fact with the Rev. Mr. Heaps by phon Benson waa almost sure to oring sectio n of Campmeeting and They were:. Ebnile’MoHn, 24, 87 M.. Newberry's building at 1760 aha almost falls flat on her face. needed. ing the parsonage or hia home In Langer's Implacable opposition. Items for the Holiday Fair at Shelburne Rd., Stamford; Robert Ellington Rd., where Dr. Desmond Opens Biialneae Langer was an orator of the old French Rds. with two streets United MethodUt Church on Nov. Rockville, c shown in the layout. Marble, 30 Brown St., Willlman- McCann's.office ia ipbated. is being Leo Cohen, of Johnson Road, go­ The C hurch'^uncil will meet school, 'Who eihphasixed his words 14 should be (delivered to booth remodeled to accomodate 'Dr, OOPartjr Speaker. Slated tlc; and Jerome Jensen, 36| 46 ing into business for.himself after at 8 p.m. Thuraday at the Church ■with -Wlndinlll gestures and much chairnwn u aoon 'as possible. Mrs. Maple St., Plainfield. Sumner's office. ten years’- affiliation with a furni­ Community House, banging ^6n the desk. His trade- Mra. Ruth Lojaim, sUte repre­ Ernest Howard of the needlework Office hours on an appointment ture firm in Wlllimantic held the sentative for Tolland, will q^eak booth has espccitfly requested A potluck supper will be held mai^ 'Was a cigar forever clamped basis have been tentatively sched­ / DR., C. A. CAILLOUETTE Grand Opening of his store, Furni­ a t 6:30 p.m. Saturday Xt the in hls mouth. Ho never ht one. on the "Recruit for ’60” program donors to get the articles to her by Nigeria Dwarf* England uled for Monday and ’Thursday ture Fair, yesterday, with city Church Ck>mmunity House w^th Hia senae of humor could be dis­ of the Republican party at the Thuraday. from 9;.10 to 11:30 a.m. and and town officials participating in the deaconesMs in charge. Mrs. concerting. Once, while Sen. Hom­ buffet dliuier apqnaored by the Flreanen to Shew Films Lagos, Nigeria—Marked for In­ Wednesdays and Friday, from 1 to CHIROPRACTOR the ribbon cutting ceremony. William Menzel will be in charge er Capehart (R-Ind) 'wss making Republican Town Committee at Bolton firemen have arranged a dependence within the British 5 p.m. Dr. Sumner also has sn of­ Friends on hqnd to Cohen of a program. a Senate speech, Langer lounged the Roaemount Thuraday. The q>ecial showing of two If mm Cbmmonwaalth next year, . the fice at 36 Haynes St.. Manchester. P ilU a iR GRAOUATK aa hosts included Mr. and Mrs. FragnMut Society in a chair in front of him. He be­ dinner, Ugged a "GOParty” by sound fllfu for Mgh..-s6booI stu- Federation ot Nigeria is nearly A graduate of . Harvard and Thomas Connelly of Manchester, The Gleaner'a Circle of the gan plucking cigars from Cape- the group, will be. Served ak M ^^eots tomorrow s t 7:80 p.m. st seven times larger than England. Tufts Medical School, Dr. Sumner Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Albert of Coventry Fragment Society, Sec­ hart’s breast poi^et while Cape- p.m. Republican office holdtf^ ths Artfiouse. Parents are also It has a populaUon of 34,000,000 ■en-edhis Intern.ahip and residency "IN PRACTICE 36 YEARS" Medford, Mass., and Mr. and Mrs. ond Congregational Caiureh well hart strove tfi^Jceep his mind on committee membera and th«r welcome to attend. —more than Canada, Australia,' in obstetrics and gyntoo'og>’ at Harold I. Sumberg, Malden, meet at 8 p.m^'tomorrow at tha hisepeech. —^ famliiea, and newcomers to the "nie two films, both in color, are and New Zealand combined. , Hartford Ho.apital. He is a mem ...... ' \ ' ■ ■ -=5 area have been especially urged WnXIMANTIC OFFICE . 1CANCHE8TER OFFICE- Mass. Church Community -House. Devo­ The struggle was .un,qusl. Oape- entitled 'W ater on the' Fire” and her of the staff at Manchester . 8S4 MAIN STREET i f . 119 CENTER 8TIUCET Workshop Meets Tonight tions will be led’by Mrs.. Clarence iiart fsitered, lost tha thrsad and to attend. “Realm of the- Wild." Refreata MemorisI snd Hartford Hospitals Phone HA 8-KOO Phone MI 9-7628 Columbia Workshop will meet Edmondson. Refreshments will be finally Just sat dosm. Bam Threatened ments will be served following the and belonga to the' Hartford tonight Sts o'clock at the home of served with Mrs. E!dward . White Typical Of Langer’s often Kmely Trouble with '■telephones In- the show. - County Medical Society, Connecti­ '■r ■*. Mra. Allan Robinson on JAka Rd. iq charge. pOUttcM stands was one of hia laSL Boltoii Center, .Hebron Rd, area Bulletin Board cut State Medical Society, AmeVi- X. Della Robla wreaths are to. be the Mr. and Mra. Jamea T. Laidlaw Senate votes. He and Sen. WayiM yeeterday forced Mra. Robert Mor- can Medical Assoclatfon, and the topic of thia meeting. Mrs.' Louis Morse (D-Ore) wore the only Sen­ tmfimmn to drive to the firehouae at The Council of Oathplk: Women will conduct ,a Christmaa decora- will meet tonight at 8 o'tfock at ALL COLOR SHOW ______.Soracchl, Mrs. Kenneth L. Fox, Uona Workshop. Each member ia ators to vote against the labor re­ 1 p.nv>'tp report a bam fire. T form bill at the last session. The Mortenaen'a discovered St. Maurice Chivdi hall fOr a pan and Mra. Philip Isnam Sr. will ex­ to bring coat hangers, chicken el disousiiqn on parish needs. “Sign of the Alas Ladd OPEN MONDAY Tkrn SATURDAY—16 A.M. |o 10 P J(. hibit some of their work, talk on wire, evergreens and conea. Another key party 'irote was on smoke coming-from the bam and •■punctuality is t h e the eoiillrtnation of Lewis. L, the building full of smoke. Fire­ The poaid of. Deacons of the Jaaa AHher e • the subject, and demonstrate the All wqmen of the churdh and Oongregatlonal ^ u rc h will meet Gladiator’’ POLITENESS OF - art of gi>Lking thq wreaths. Host­ community are invited. Strauss as secretary ot octnimerce men report a ama|I .area of the Fenner Cheney MlUa earlier in the year. Two Republi­ floor was charred Snd some hay tonight at 7:30 in the pariah room, AsUm Bkbers Hartford Road\ esses are Mrs. Foot and Mrs. Les­ Mrs.. Lawrence Fentiman haa The Board'of Relit^oua Educa­ KINGS’^ ter J. Hutchins! been elected secretary, replacing cans voted agaiitst Strauaa—Lan^ burned. There waa no am Oeeria KtoohsU and Pine St. or and Seii: Margaret Chase Smith clable damage. The caus^>prthe tion and church' school staff will ‘Eima” — •(Xnthor’a Name Below) Mandieater, Conn. Open House Mra. C. A.rthur Bradley, who haa meet tomorrow at 8 pm. * l:»M;ie-M:ai Horace W .. Porter School will moved to Ekifield. of Maine. Strauss's confirmatlbn fire has not t>een detapalhed. x hold open house tomorrow. The was defeated 49-46, SmOTgnsbord RepaiYntlona D uK Punctuality is more than The Fragment Society will Mra. RoUanfi.'Mtfoche, chairman X Manehaator Bvealng H erald FREE PARKING! | public ia .invited to 'visit 'through­ meet at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday a t Langer waa the fourth mcnd>er Wed.: Olaric Gable just politenes.s in our phar­ out the day, and in the early eve­ of Coitgreaa to die within a wariL of the Scfindinavlan smorgasbord Ebitai eorreapoadent, Darla M. "BUT NOT .FOR ME” , the Church Community House. to be served . by the Council of D T to ^ tolspitoae MlteheU S-6646. macy. Almost everythinsr Parcel Pickup to ning. An ^ American Education KofC Breaks Ground The othera ware House members. we supply affects the better Your Gar! Week program hi 2 p.m. will cen­ Siitce Republican' Gov. ' JrAn Cathdhc Women of St. Maurice T^e Catholic Men’s Society haa Church on Nov. 21 from • t6 8 ter around the work the young broken ground for its new knights, Davis of North Dakota Is sure tq health or comfort of our people have been taking up in their appoint, a R^blioaa to sem,the ,p.m., has urged membera to make patTOns. Therefore we make of Columbus horns on Snake Hill their ticket returns now. A dead­ MAIN FKAPIBE a l w a y s StSO EXCEPT SATURDAY - NO T(HX ON BULKELBY OR FOUNDERS BRIDOES classes, . including social studios Rd. The cellar has been dug out raat of Langeria term’s, tfiaKenate every possible effort to lineup of 66 Democrats and 36 line of Nov. 10 baa baeri set ba- Today, more and more H ousew ives'^ going a U -e l^ d r ic . . . becajise eledaric aervanite brighten yoftcr hoK it and music primarily. and forma are ready for pouring cause of tha neceasity to mrder and keep an.v spoken or implied * o u t DAY SKCIAU -A Eighth grade students of Mrs.. of cement foundation. R.epublicana,wiil remain un­ Myrtle Englert. and Mrs. Jean changed. arrange ^or large quantities of EARLY UNTIL promise. and lighten your day. You’ll get inore out of life, and be able to give more time^—to your husband, your St. Jude Council No. 4.313, KofC, food for the varied menu, • ' STATE BIRD Rand and Richard Curland'a fifth will meet at 8 p.m. Wedneaday at Lange^ fbr years was chief of 60c 6 P.M. FOR TUESDAY ONLY gradeta wiU participate'. the Nonpartisan League, a farm The amorgaabord of at least 18 ‘ Rain or shine, our phar-, ghildreri, your community—when you discover the wonderful h eedom of all-electric living. ^ X , Hot Lnndi Menu St. Mary’a Roman Catholic Church rtform movement. He maintained different items of food, will Include FEATURE Hall, to complete plana for a tur- turkey, ’-ham and Swedish mast I NOWondTUlWAY | macy is opened at its spe­ The '.hot lunch menu at Horace that role until 1956 when he bEOke c ific time each morning. W. Porter School for next week it: khy shoot Saturday and Sunday' with the league' because it decided balls as well aa a long list of un For example: Electric cooking is so clean, so cool, so fast and co ivenient—ond ao eompl^ty automatie-^ Monday,. hotdflg on roll, tniiatard at the rear of Tremblay’g super­ to run esndidatea ^It endorsed as usual delicaclea and rellahea, ; Busy'or not we stay open hnd relish, garden salXd and choco­ market on Rt. 31, Th|S''Xffair will Democrats instead of Republicans. Jewelry Sssalon Set late hours /or sickness- w 1 0 t o 1 0 be co-sponsored by the Fourth Mrs. Michael Peace and Mra. that millShs of American homemakers wonder how they.iever cot along ndthout it. You can cldae tha late cake; Tuesday, meat loaf, By coincidence, the founder of keeps no early dosYng r - maahed potato, b u tte re d peas, Assembly KqtC. The Fourth As­ the league, Arthur C. Townley, I^nato Gocconl will be instructors door on washday worrit and headaches with the time-saving, work-saving convenience of an automatie CUT PROM SMALLPORKERS ^ tapioca pudding; Wedneaday, no sembly grou{T will be in charge of was IdlM in an aiitb accident Sat­ fir the seaiion of Bolton - Home­ hours.' Compounding pre­ achoed for a snack dn^the cover­ centive for you to start enjoying all the pleasures tow appliances bring. X.’-- knowingly joined forces during tha 5N YOU NEED S T A 1 U R ^ ings eyery so often. Thbxteeth of Watch For Opening! ^ A fEDiCiNE last few .days and, aa a result, the bush- tailed biters catMd tiny ^ the newDst developments and inventions of the |ajppUance ^ u stey COLORED I I I , " $1.00 telephdna service to almoat 400 holes which also allowad aeepage. BORROW >400 homes was temporarily ^ inter­ . Hobron reports . that the Pick up your^wesenp- - today^-’iuid start lim E Ibettef, electrically, tomorrowl Rolls 1 'X weird anlmal-;weather cbmblnation TISSUE i U rupted in Manchester, caused 'i graater interruption of tion if shopping neaT-QSt’or Uoyd Hobron, manager tf the service j^han i full-fledged storm. let us ■ deliver promtrtly Manchester'office of the Southern witljout extra charge. A *•1 FKNCY, y e l l o w , r i p e IN ONE DAY? 1 New England .Telephone Co.^ te- lt'6 pos8ibla...HFC folks aim to give the fastest loan porta today, however, that serv­ gtiat many people entrust BANANAS ■. Lb: 1 2 c service in.America. Vou’li appreciate .this speed. You'll ice hag been restored to all but us with the responsibility also like the convenience and courtew you get at HFC about to homes in the area by BURNsini: of /illing their prescrip- X telephone wpeir crewe which have BUKBY’S .W i'A B B D C loans up to ’ .. . - I '1 - i I ' ■ ' ! i tihns. May <^e compound worked, until midnight - the lest HOSTESS V V A rC K O 8 Oz. Pk|g. 39c X** lee? ,tf .6100 ceets $20.60 when pfompH» repetd 111 12 eeweeeutive yours? - ■ '• monthly Inatflments of $ 10,06 eeeh. No andersers ara raqui^L., three .nights repairing damage to Last 2 ^ightai THE HARTFORD ELECTRIC LIGHT COMPANY NEW LOW PRICE cablto in many parts of the town, Hqbren explainad that, the sud­ 'MAVI8ITT. ■HOLD FINANCE den drop in temperature. dowb to /CUNTJUMM PUVOR 9UEEN ‘ the near-freexing mark a few days SUced ' ago caused the cables to .con­ M i r s c I '■ X MAIKMIflM SH em w e rJUUCAM tract quickly. As a result, minute Prescription Pharmscy Reg. Size holes appesred iri the protective /dySL- mMiddlaTwrfipikaVNbsl tiering in many places, and later 1901 Main Street L(Mf 1 Site stiasito > ri3n' seqmd in. •Quotation ty Loulx 18th BREAD 2nd FUw ^MNcImN 9-27SD Adding te tbs rspStr erqws* WED.I *WT NOT F tm MB” ( AT 'im MANiwErmi nmuDE of Frknce toeubles ware esMc walking ”TMAT KIND o r WOMAN” ' --ti75$-J824) squlrrols vpbo wersn't eontsat with Copyright iwt$ (10Wt)„ « . '* * ' .1 - v : i^

' • .. \ '• •

MANCHESTER EVENING^BRALD, MANCHESTER, CONN^ MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1959 P A G E n v i . IIANCHiE8TER EVENTNCJ I^RALD; MANCHEtlT«R; (X)»^ MONDAY, NOVEMBER I, 196# ply ayatsm 4hat was to eject tha About Town 284 in Italian 6Uthan Hale FTA ’T- —— ssmg, Police to Quiz < UftcplR School PTA wil) meet ToHoldPoduck aatoUlto Triu tobrihhng th rM ^ tonight at 8 p.moat'tha school. Village Given In Clastonbury asaoi. SonMss ‘Missing’ Child apaea aC fdllOTriag an tym Louis Beaulac, musical Inatnunent' mtoniMi oouraa; Jt M npaetod -W rm ato M of C of G A potlnck wiU b« 1x1^ tamarraw InstiMbtor in elementary achoolA Baby Has t —utti# eiMt « ily about two wsaka. Trill dtacuna his vrork. ; ;3 tock in Bank itirplane Crash rmns aha eM. AaaaratfMi Bvalyia Rudl^ !• horns again, Har nl|ht at Iris by the Nathan Halb Six of tha aavan Dfctooyarara haw As far ^tarjilanthester is chn'-:,fwhich repreaenta 1.6 per cent of the • ------.u . a ■ a** M « '**• ran lawr " ’ ''mlasion to Mamlt " unaecom- FTA in the aehool eaf aUria. Thosa algaSd jMraahuts back toward A Day of Recollection will be cerped, it’a hfien ''progress all the Stale’s effective buying- income. n ie v is i o n signad paraamats baft tw ard (ytontimiod from Page One) way.” acoordlng'4^ the Chamber The 4>er-capita buying income was (^ponltaiued from Page* One)’ pUahad, ' Tample Btorybeak 9, . U attahding tha supper art sakad t» held at the Holy Family Monastery 4;dd flupsTasaa,. 10 Barth, w o of the aataWta* failed in West Hartford Wednesday friun ofjPommerce. $2,134. while the average per fam­ \ 'But. though tha hsadiinu halve Eai^ SIMW (U freW'srt) bring thalr »wh taWawara and to go Into orbit and on# ejected loft out. The Satumo brothers ManSon’^had called Id befote 8 Us« Been Named... All Star DuckpIn'Bewllhg *■ n 9:4S a.m. to 4 p.m. for aiztlv ^Andrew /.nsaldl. flritsrice preei- ily bOying income Hated at 17.381. p.m.. for assistance In locating ■hbalded, that Mg alrplaha. ride First Show, tin erdgrsss) Love and. Marriage. ' > . cutlery. , * its topauia In the wroligjpM^- s]ioclfled thnt shares should fp in manufacturing, the depart­ Big t Theatsr XOm Marta, dufteta)) ot U r •<80 Brsvs. Staillon ... ^ • ;S0 Adrenttirni In Paradlaa .. 8ueapsulaa art aapectad to t., St: James*'parish; John Chat­ River. He said the town's popula­ leading industrial towna in the Sh« wha hom Oct. S at Sharp actriMB about evenU leading up to Rolll* Jacobs’^ Club Hedtes I, 58 It will be possible to order 8 the stocka. marks that-would lead Manshh to D d iv m iM Lartadale Ave., B u Oalif. 6 ,, TV Theater ' 10. aB,*-*) carry aniriutla aloft later In the ty, 33 McCajin Dr., Church of the tion ie 40,200, moving It up (Rte StateL based oh the number of em- Hartford. The crastp-'Ticcurred Her maternal-frmndparanta are her flight Twm Loa Angeles to Bal­ Sports. Ifews a Wsathef -v DuPont. Snow of the Month 3, 13. .chocolates for tlM holidays in the Piero and Slrhesta-,, SchiaflUto. ployeaxManchester has about 85 Memorlal Hcapital. ten Diego, Soclsl Security a Diaeowarac sariea. Assumption; William Martons,-F notch to rank 15th among 169 eeveral min:itee later;''^ ' Just teiephoM your onter fof Har paternal rrandpar- timore. ' ' > . 40 cafeteria. a .couple in their 80s, Journeyed towns in the State and fifth'in IndustriaKPlants employing 4.506 Mr. and Mrs. r j»d ^ e ld . 8fl Rldae St . 1:48 Dougise ICdWards . 10:0O'St*»S Allen Show . (Cl 10, 33, 30 drug need* aiHl ueeiuellt * ngto Police received a report that Anyone . stlH wishing to join the Stephen St., St. Bartholomews; to San Marco d'Urri to complain persons andqMylng 9 salary of 325 ants are Mr. a i« Mra. Philip J. Rich, 1 « Center St. John Del>' _ • . 10:30 Jttn With a Camera - 8, 531 and Vincent Geriovest, 157 N. Jdain Hartford County, liig your Charge Plea a n t­ morning that Rvalyn was missing Huntlry-Brtnliley Bepprt 10. Mike Wallace 18: PTA may do so at thU time. to bank officials that they had TTile represents a 17.8 per cent million annual}^ he said. 7 OOiThle Is AltCe * he Bta trewe ■ n i KANGf St., St.'Bridget's Church. her Shlrirt ftmoe. aon of Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. 1^1, Eyle\11Ia. from her Hollywood home: A New* end Westher . ..fewe. Sporte A Weather ,}!,,,8. Ja been deprived of stock "because increase since 1950, Anegitli.iaid. Ansaldl slsO saidthat from 1950 Personal Notices .,He was bom Oct. 38 at Manchester Memorial HosplUl.^ His couple of hours ibfer she turned Markham .iJi\ ■ Barry BareriU ■ -80! LAJOHHSOH We were jforced to moxe to Genoa, According to' the repo.rt, land to 1958 Manrhest^Increased Its Get, up on a Jet airline. \ She aald she . Barry Barenu .XiX. Feature 40 40; The membership, program and so as hot to starve' to death.” « n:tmb9r of dwelling Uhi^ b y '26.4- matamal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George _ H. Carter, Pedple'a-tmolca • *2 ILU aiarllghl Movie g. Gdpsule Calch area In Manchester Is listeci at'27.5 ImmediatS TTtnrbrldge Rd.. Coventry. Hts paternal grandparehts are Mr.-t decided to . fly East \to talk to iUF.L CU library-'Cimmittees of the Guild ;*r.- cent to end the year with 12,* Moyle, at Seven 15 i Worlive Beet Movlee 'ilK presentation of the stock square miles ' with a population Card of Thanks and Mra. John M. Trail. Storre. ■Mamie Elsenhow'er, figuring the News. Weather 40 \ T ^ Steele Show of ^ i^ L a d y of St. Bartholoniew’s was witnessed by four officials 478 dwelling unite. The nunibpr .of .DeHvery 7 18 Doug Kdwarda 40' ■ Jack Paar Foiled 6th Tiriie PMHTCO. OASOltNF density of 1,462 persons per sj^iiare W* -aiieh’ to thank all of oiir President’s wife might hglp her will meet tomorrow at 8 from the bank's headquarters in taxable motor vepiclee tocccaselkHi hor*. friends Mnd rpiMOvs* for the HunUer-Brinkley 80 11.80 Jack Paar p.m. in the basement of the rec­ mile. Retail ealee of 1958'were list­ RiuMn Todd, son of Mr. and klrs Adolph J. Baron. Ceme­ land- 41 good part In a moVle or a W'est Maee Blkhllghfa 23 13;5(i Newe and Weather San Francisco ’and by Anne Glan- ed at 103,261.000, moving up two 1950-1957 to 16,656 tepre«ntlng A manv aota of klndn-ss and «.vmpathy tery Rd., Vernon. He ra-as bom Oct. 15 at Mt. Sinai Hospital. TV aeHea. Work had beeri.a lit­ ” iquerae^ Parly .1 40 1:00 Late Nswe Varidenberg A ir Force Baaa, 723 MAIN ST. tory, 741 E. Middto Tpke. 44.3 per cent increase. shown t»s In our roront horravcmeni. 30 Masi 80 1:30’ NeWi nfnl, granddaughter of the founder positions since 1957 to rank'14th WM'.e*p«cially thank all Ihos* who s*rt( Hartford. Hla paternal grandmother Is Mrs Josephine teron. tle alow* lately. Richard(lard^Oiamona Calif.; Nov. 9 (4P>—For the alxth of the b an l^ J ^ ed eo Qlannlni, A ll figures.were made available th* nssoilfni floral Irthiilos’and loaned 8EB.*;tTrBDArS TV WEEK FOR COMPLETE U 8TINO in the State. Per capita retail sales Easthampton. Mase. He has two brothers. Geoffrey Myles. 3. But ahe didn't Ad to aee Mantle, tiaie. soniethlng haa gone hay­ . . ■ ■ BANTLY OIL Mrs. Joseph Dimlnico,. 89 El- himself a natfle OLIhls Apennlne were Indicated a t'$1,564. by thV- 'department of trade de­ the Usescit cars. dridge St., waa given a house­ and James Scott. 1. • _/ and Saturday ahe flew hom»r~ wire to the Air Force’# plan to I , iMI' \ \ I . I\l mountain area.. F lre^ ylw greeted The chamber's vice president velopment through the cooperation -,JHrs. 5flch8H fjoirtsnidrr. Pbllre . hinted'-they wanted to 'Triake a flying-catch of a apace warming party by Mrs, Clarence 'df Market Research Coordinator MP)—Hun­ a:00T5ews . The Rohans IvqM married Nov. ford. 11:10 Loti^srry morrow at 2 p.m. In the Youth HdapiUI. Her maternal grandmother la Mrs. Anna Burtchell. dreds 6f friends and relatives paid 1:00 Del Centet 'Hostesses will be Mrs. New York Cltv, and her paternal frandparenta are Mr. add Mra. fllnal respects Saturdsy to Robert Margaret Monahan and Mrs. Gene­ State Aid funds to Manchester and Heman .Walker, Washburn. Maine. She haa a slater, Tamera- t:00 News, . vieve Lockwood, Turnpike Paviug^ $1,809 for other services such as Cummings Vance, editor and pub­ g:15 Wsather. Sporil those performed by the town hlgh- kJ o, 1 > - ' , • ' •' 8:80 Serenade Inyestme Wednesday - Thursday lisher of the New Britain Herald. 8 48 iThree-Stsr Extra Mrs, Gertrude O’Donnell of To Be Repaired" ;ay and police departments. Km-ln Peter, aoivlif Mr. and Mra. Peter Koslowaki, 9 Vil­ They attended funeral aervlces 7 00 Dick Bertel UtChfleld, vice chairman of the at St. Maurice Church. A solemn 7 18 Automotive Report V lage St.. Rock\*llle. . He waa bom Nov. 3 at Rockville City Hos­ 7:46 WeSther..-8poiis Democratic State Committee of "Remedial action” will be taken pital. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. George Hale, requiem Mass ws.s celebrated by 8:00 Supper Serenade Connecticut and chairman of the lYorccslw.,^ Mass., Nov. 9 (IP)— the Rev. John J. .Pitnis, pastor of 8:30 STonlWr ■ _ . ' to correct rippling pavement on The 16-day '-^gtrlke ’ -Teamsters Mllllnocket, Maine, and his paternal grandparenU are Mr. and 8:80 Economic . Bdueatton Werkshop forfeited rights -committee, will be Mrs. Adam KoalotvsW, 38 Windermere Ave., Rockville. He haa SS. Cyril and Methodius Church, 8:85 Lawrence College CSiolr guest speaker at a dinner meeting W. Middle ’Tpke., according to Dep­ against the Table’'T4 lk Pastry Co. \two sisters, Kathy, 3, and LanracLee, 1. Hartford. 10:00 International Bendaiand. of the Manchester. Federation of uty Director of Public Works CThcs- has ended.- ' A detail from the 83rd Artillery 10:10 Intemiexxo For Modems U:00 News ,. ■ Democratic Women tomorrow a t’7 ter Langtry: ■ George H. Mason, couosM' Richard Cart, son of Mr. and Mrs. Emery Braau. 31 West Rd., (Nike) Group accorded VanCe full 11:15 Sport* FtnkI p.m. at Cavey’s Restaurant. Her Langtry said the ’’remedial ac­ company, announced- the Rockville. He was bom Nov. * at Rockville City Hospital. H la - military'honors and provided an 11(80 SUrlight Serenad* ment last night. He said both 13:18 Kewt. Man eft topic will be "Party Organization tion” find Its financing should be maternal grandfather la Lewis Menard. New Bedford. Mata. He honor ward. • and the Woman’s Part in I t ” determined when he meets tomor­ made concessions, but he gave no has two brothers, Robert. 18. and Emery Jr., 5; and a alster, Interment followed Iri Fatrvlew row with State Highway Depart­ details. Annette, 16. Cemetery, Now MeRy Wear Bible studies for women of the ment officials. The present paving, Picket lines had been maintained Vance. 65. died Wednesday at his Buckingham Congregational laid by the Material Services Inc. around-the-clock since 350 whole­ Jason Allan, son of Mr. and Mra. Robert Baum. Echo Dr., home l^e.fe. He had been in fsiling Church, Glastonbury.-.will resume of South Windsor a year ago under sale driver-siflcsmen struck. Vernon. He was bom Oct. 39 at Hartford Hospital. His ma­ health since undergoing surgery FALSE TEETH Table Talk Pastry Co. has de­ A remintler that we're open until 6 P.M. on Mondays, ‘fnesdaya tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. Dr. Philip a State contract, has rippled at ternal grandparenU are Mr. and Mra George Pearl. 8T N. Park for cancer In 19,68. W I«liU «tl.W .rry points from Main St. past Adaips pots in Boston, iMiwrence, New St, Rockville, and hts paternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. and Fridays On those days we offer a full 8 hours of unlnter- . M. Rose-will speak on, “The Per- Eat. Ulk. taugh or tnaat# without mpted aerviow, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Thega hours are especially oo}i- aonslltlea Around St. Paul.” St. on the turnpike. Bedford, Springfleld, Providence, Samuel Baum. 42 Fox Hill Dr.. Rockville. He has a sister, Bar- fear ol Ipaecuretol** taaWi dw ping. Town. Engineer James .Shcckey R.I., and Bridgeport, Norwich and Reporter W,anted venlent for saving or transacting other financial bnsinesa on vonr t . bars Jill, 1. ' ; . .iipptwf' or wobblisg. ■ FABTKBTH - ; ' : said the )!iroject cost J 18,829 In HarJJord, Conn. • • • • • . . ...i-r hoidt Plata* firmer and mor* com- way home from work, or while doing some late afternoon shop­ / ■ * Mr. and Mrs. James McGee, 297 David Alan, Son of Mr. and Mra., H. E Pfalagraf Jr., 268 Columbia. S.G., Nov. 9 (AO—The forubly. Tbli pleaaant powdarhta no ping, Thursteys, nr course, the hours are extended right straight Green Rd., were surprised 'by a gummy, gooey. P»»‘» South St.. Rockville. He was bom Oct. 24 at Hartford Hos­ following want ad appeared in a Ddian't ceuse Gtiisee. Its aikAllYis through to 8 PJM. Mgrichesier Savings and lj>an, 1007 Main SUPER-lllGHT housewarming parly given by 40 pital -Hla .maternal grandparenU are Mr. and Mrs. A. Paulsom birWeekly newspaper here: (non-ACld). ChscU "P'f.it-M®*’* Street, near Maple Street. "Mancheater’s Oldest. Financial ht- friends Saturday evening at their Help wanted—Reporter for faal (denturs brtsth).‘Ost FA8TRRTH st sritutlon.” , ' new home. Mrs. Robert F. Bran- Long Island City. N. Y., and his paternal grandparents are Mr:' any drug counter. and Mrs. H. E. Pfalagraf Sr., Brooklyn. N. T. He has two growing bi-weekly in eaclusive hick and Mra. Winston Smith were brothers. Carl, 14. and Bruce, 7; and three aiatera Susan. 10, auburban area on historic Conga- co-hostesses. OWE SOMEONE A LETTER? Alice, 5. and Nancy. ,7. - ^ ree River. Journalism, graduate preferred. No experience needed: • The WCTU will meet tomorrow Margaret, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph DePietro. 132 will train for the specialized needs at 10:30 a.m. at South Methodist Harlan Rd.^ She was bom Nov.'g at Manchester Memorial Hos­ of the community. Limited Jiving Church. Members are to bring pital. Her maternal grandparenU are’ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph quarters jivailable for single man; thejr 01531 sowing. A j> o LI H c.k Childs. 26 Green Rd.. and her paternal nandmother Is Mra. Stella not murih to work with, very'Ultle luntheoh'ulfl be held fit noon. Mra. iHPietro,'Hartford. She has a hrothar Rudy, 5; compensation, but there la a great Arthur Gibson. Mrs. Clarence Jay- deal of security attached to the cox and Mrs. Albert Holman will Ann Kathleen, daughter of M r and Mrs. Raymond Kingman. job. Send resume to editor of be hostesses. After a'roll call at RFD 2, Vernon. She was bom Nov>,l at' Manchester Memorial "About Face.” ^ 3 p.m., the group will hold, its an Hospital Her maternal grandparenU\are Mr. and Mrs. Robert "About Face" Is published by nual election of officers. E McIntosh, 28. Harvard Rd.. and hbr paternal grandparenU and for the prisoners at the South are Mr. and Mrs. W L. Kingman. 16 Hemlock St. She has three Carolina Penltentlarj’ here. ^ Members of the 8th District brothers, Raj-mond Jr, 5, William Edward,'2, and James Allan, 1. Fire Department, Hose Co. No. 1-, « • * • • COMPLETELY INSULATED will meet tonight at 8 at the fire headquarters. Main and Hilliard Frank Richard, son of Mr. arid 'M fi. Richard Rockenbach, ALUMINUM WATIRPNOOF . Btrch Mt. Rd.. Bolton. He waa bom Nov. 3 Manchester Me­ OPEN DAILY Sts. , morial Hospital. His maternal grandparenU are Mr, and Mrs. A WiNDFROOff INSULATION Joseph D, Bares. Dougleaton, N. Y „ and his paternal grandpar- g AAd. to 9 P.M. Luncheon reservations and reg- enU are Mr. and Mrs. William Rockanbach, East iglip,. N. T. SUNDAY. 8 A.M.-8 P.M. latratinns for a meeting to dis­ cuss "The Changing Fa^e of Con- PINE PHARMACY — nectieutT— -to—be—held ■ • Thursday ■84 CENTER ST. from 10 a.m.. to 2:30 p.m. at the Connecticut Light and Power Co. .Berlin office, must bC made with AH^ iSsf-H ainburg the Service Bureau for Women’s Organizations by tomorrow.

r.WDlKS They Said It Oouidn’t Be Done ^ Yes, after last year's Women’s Days event they said It couldn't be done again. . .They said we could never have,such a terrific sale this jrear as we had last year. . .'^ e y aald that we couldn’t get the values.’ . .They said that we couldn't have such terrifle bargains.-. . They 'said LENOX PHARMACY that we couldn’t get such merchandise as we offered.- . .Yes, they said it couldn't be done. . .BUT, they didn't know the gals at Button’s Just .couldn’t take no for an answer. We went out and we fought and we shopped amf we sharpened our pencils and we came up with the most 199 E. CENTER STv MI9.089A terrifle group of merchandise, the greatest values and the moik. desirable items we l^ave ever had for our annual Women’s Days event and a*** Have this One PriceAi Adv^rtlsBiil we proud to sell them to you. The gals at Burton’s take oyer lock, stock and barrel, and It’s a challenge we love. TV viewing ' ERECTED MOVy We knew what you would want to expect from past experience. ; .We know what we’ve got here for you. Quality has not been sacrificed to bring you these tremendous savlhga is easy today... for thV Winter! A i s o o n Yes, Women’s Days at Burton's Is here again. \ .Starting Wednesday and continuing for Thursday,’^Frtday and Saturday, Nov. 11, 12, 13 and ■ 14, thy. gals at Burton's are bringing you the gol darndest sale we ever had. ^ • \H’s pKilIf m ift, ■m DISCOUNT NO MONEY DOWN JUST HEAT 'N SERVE - PLUMP MEATY So. . .Beginning Wednesday morning, we are expecting every available female in Manchester and outlying sections to-be at Burton’s at- 9 rHgtta 4 o’clock tb scoop up the early door busters, and ,to g*t on the band wagon for the greatest sale ever. Forget the housework. Come and don’t ON m JUW8 BROUOHT TO PLANT ★ 5 YEJIRS TO PAY • • ^ li __ 702 worry about sitters for the kids; bring them along, because we’ve got bargains for them too! ■* . ★ BUY FACTORY DIRECT f PKG 39= inPollcyr As always, there will be "free gifts for the kiddles qnd special bonus gift for you with each purchase of 33.99, or more. Watch the Herald for REGULAR PRICE FOR .. on* poUcy^Ht the barrage of advertising you will see in Uie next 4 days,, ^ • j " • , ...... RUG CUANING 10c SQ. FT. ★ FIRST PAYMENT-MAY for every import^tnauraace This is truly, our greatest Women’s Days ever and even though they said it couldn’t he done. ,WE blD IT! protection;^ flt« . .pJheft. . . Due to new drying room we can give 3-day service on lisbility . and .biore. Make HER! CHAT BY cash and cairy. ' '' sure your new Kome h fully protected. Cpllj us for a SPECIAL EVENTS and GIFTS property inSurknee checkup. ista n c e BELliONT RUG s so's^ham e heating , SNOW WHITE LB toNGD TONIGHT! YES, BAEATER:'raAN EVER! 4 9 ^ Presentation 9[:00 'Wednesday A.M. On6>lQngr,distance call is worth-a whole stack o u r w o v i Nowhere can fhese valuei be equaled! to Mrs. Walter Leclerc, Manchester's CtEANDiG CO. of letters you intend to write. It’s the personal, You. gat prami.iim qtiality worrian of the year, of our special STOCK PLACE Ml 3^0012 JANE PARKER SPECIAL!- ALL WEEK friendly Way to exchange news . , . make plans Mobilheat with RT-98.. . .'the --AI) merchandise is specially purchased . FROM'. DEPOT SQ.. TAKE N. MAIN 8T„ PAST - ‘ ■ p;^ REG.’ 59c ; W.D.A.B. award. * OLENNET LtrMBER-T:2Bd LEFT IS STOCK PLACE moat completely effective fueL- \ offer congratulations. As thoughtful as' it . and priced for this W.D.A.B. event! ; ...riil.idditive in use today. And rlG SPECIAL . Js (juick and easy! Inexpensive, too. / Tape cutting ceremony by' Mrs. Wal­ you get premium lerrirc: Ail- , tomat'ir dellveriee . . . a bal­ - « « * ■; We worked for months - getting thg ter Leclerc, to kick off the opening of anced payment plan and many See how little it coats to call after 6: pick of everything! ; ; —• W.D.A.B. other extras designed to make heme heating rsaUg t

•9 * T-a ' ■ V ’ MANCHEffTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER t , 196S F A G B S E y m MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. No One Trying Harder eight up U) the making mpotutmoata in tbs past Steel miiolmt Jhuul, 28Injutad on* of tho gnaUct nieodM AtoriM fimfiBfSv nnlntAd [ H i f c k u U t e two ysors, and has mafid no rssl Of MANCHESTER i U m r b f E t F r mant .Ms quits prapariy pointsd intehaB Sale Drivers Receive Obituary of aU tUnOt iuid we penriat lit rv> out thait the debt was pyrafiRding effort to aittraei; ndw pspplS Into ingwttii l U W w. ActlBg to It In auch- * way aa to rapidly sad that many states and guvsznmsnt. • -n i* CiiFni^ Veralb trinafom It into faj^lure. Howsysr, llu Democratic enadl- .Oharise C TeasUaaea Yt. oooununities were getting into fi­ 77 Enrolled dats AdilsiL'^t.iAfiaBMfDi ^ tbs m WBB* mDDLB ytlBimBlB Cut In liisiirance Rate H u m p h re y 'esuminmFireman ^ 0*0. nancial swamps. prsasHt mayor" oould snccssd ssrsn oOBmn DtnujNT Bi. I Charles G. Tomhnsoa Jr., Tho Ghnrck Ult CHURCH Joinsd my parsnU In Saturday. Mtsnt people to servo here in J«n Ouzewicz, M, o f 17 North reported. And what it reports la consscrating ma to Christ and In cumulating American dollars for «U S S PURNITUIIi TOPS oempenlae, theee oompeniei Bold 47 yeare until hie retirement in And there ore those moet, im­ He never says ao, but the p^^^ n^mmendAttoAe to the g^^k plateq huckled and bombatffingv Steel was flying ail . Of X44 new voters registered, 77 Rockvills if ws make the iffort St., woa^found guilty this snoming 1952. toir« he iMUnU of an Idoal canal* 11111(6 to rofumad. ^ T - around me" lleley said. "I didn’t' MMlUMlIt Of that It'failed to establlah the facta baptisiing ma In His name. v <— rs-lnvsstlng In Amsricsn business­ and offer some leadership.'' polide* to them on a highly ie- portant .'meetings of oU. In Des TBIi .MftiiinATitn PI____ es, real esUts and the stock mar­ asked to have their naiheS put on fecUv^ and etrictly caeh tfoele, an of driving while intoxicated end Alao surviving are 'hie wife, date soon looks eatonishlngly lilM (g hint whet the recom- seams ripped. ,. know \ifiSihtr it wee from tha ship would back up chargea both MY CHURCH snrichsd my MWRORSJHfitFloeR^ O— trY 'wee fined 81h2 by Judge Jules A. Moines he woe np until 3 a.m. childhood with Romance and the ket (to say nothing at sUisblng the Democratic caucus list, while; InsurAitce department epokeamah' Charlotte Breinerd Tomllnaon; a Hubert H. Humphrey. niradetione might be< Firemen found, the body of Cep- or UierdBCk.” government of Laos and Amer­ Karp. Ouzewicz plesd^ Innocent son in Wethersfield, two other while hie did debating partner ay At this eUge reacUdne Are herdl^•n,ere wee no indicoUon that tain Oxhlsl of Kill Devil Hlli, leeaona of Ufa that have been away huge mulUblllion dollar for­ only 14 were added to the fJOP- Germany CT«iB w aiM) r—»nyA voters are city residents and will WINDOW ond PLATE CLASS o f w a len^hy trial whlcl^ended grandchildren and 3 great-grand­ Fermere, diagrunU^ o v « /lo w Uona, No negoUaUone were •<*«>' fo5#*««wmen were found^ln: their "I don’t think I’ll be sailing sion was authorized. ten and then, when plae I might of folly Congress should continue cates West Germany will have a -p^ciee, the ^pUcent ie required friends to keep Humphrey in p6U- J surrender to foolish and futile to appropriate bUllona more and be eligible to vote in the city elec-' population of 56,000,000 by 1076. , withx Ouzewicz appealing Uwx^- children. ' . prices, have been cWerlng^m. uled. ^ ...... |..|«• for Hum -lov-c wnrktnr conditions in that* niw o<«i s^^ueo w a w M He.HontLi • ••••••••••••••••••• ••S strange ‘ awakenings of love MY like and hate the United States, Ronald O. Kriktoff, SO,: of 214 hear Humphrey talk. ce, Tb be for Hum- over working conditions in ■imrae bafbtw chemicol ex- Attendants quickly turned off BE HOBtbmtb were too timid to report what they cent voter turnout which he. feels premium for the flret term of the arrangements. In this ores Humphrey dwells phr,ey.Xilke u«e guy. But he’k l>««u 1 mills. The union hoe fought arrived There would . F EBEmF « • * •••««.«■ WVWWWWWWWV "jU CHURCH Uught me to chasten not only because they are not get­ the Democrats need to insure vic­ Center St., was fined 88 for failure valves connecting loading tubes StaSlE OsMF •••••• really j found. illcy wlU be the driver'e record to jyant the right way. on the farm problem. But he also IsbilW^a rddlisL 0*1 I’m afraid he propbsol slnce:it wo. an-1 pipelines. and spiritualise my affections. She ting handouts but because our at­ tory in the election, 'rtie- special Ing A fixed period prior to the Gordon CaOdns caiVt overcome IL Doggone ft,T jSeph F. Flrnwgan, dffectyr “ v e ^ e n M ^ r o r w The- Idea that we might wait, sanctified my marriage end bless­ tention seems.to have been fixed on registration session was the final John J. Connolly, 16, of 18 Falr- stresses this contention: Thaj the A 73-year-oId crewman said the Tk« RanM Oomwr, the epplicaUon. ■vlew St., ■ charged with driving Gordon Calkins, 50, of 9 Sunset Republican party has failed to ^ t to win." HU ides of a wifiner: [of the Federal MedisUon Service S^oSS? S d o ^ of WiToU experience forced him to swim for BO PbumIaI rAVpoiidbnity for next time, to have facts ourselves ed my home Europe. . - ■> one before the city election, ex­ Lane, Bolton, died this morning at K StuArt Symlnirton (D-M p),,. j .aid he soon would conU(A _ both j MTon apoMulB* In When my heart was seamed with Part of the reason for this situa­ Springfield-Monorch wiU vary without a license and evading re- dev'elop forceful, imaginative lead* :e tsnke lining the north shore the flfst time in hie life. I BBd Ot^tlMr rBBdSu mattw before we prefer our charges, doeij cept for persons 'Who will become thie p ro cu re alighUy by baaing Mancheater Memorial Ho.spltal af­ ershlp; that as a result we’re lo t/ Humphrey, well aware of thii aides regarding new uSm , yards aw«v Boatewein Rudolph Ozol, West EBT BVBBtBE QBTBM. sorrow, and I thought the sun could tion is that a vast bureaucracy has eligible between now and Nov. 30. oponsiblilty, was transferred to the ter a long illness. not peem to occur to us. been buUt up'which has a'vested the preniitm on the combined Juvenile' court. He was arrested, ingink our advantage in our race with criticism, amlles and hurries on. The__ Injunction epeclfles . that col- Five ^ explosions J ' ; did rock the. S44)> Lebanon, Maine, ae^tyed death by never yhlne again, MY CHURCH The sessions,' being held between WATKINS- dri'vlng reeb)^ of all operatora of He was bom in Lowell, Mass., "I’m reasonably optimistic," he lecttve bargaining must be con- .DinMmny AdTcrtlainc okMiBg. boani The crucial charge made by drew me to the Friend of all the interestfin the-continuation of this Oct. 18 after police say ha drove Russia; that Republicans'are iriore foot tanker docked at the Hess Jumping into the channel end r VoMar—1 p-m. rtMar the town and city elections for the insured vehicle. Jon. 14, 1909. He had lived in Man­ interested in public relations than said, os he started to dash for an- tlnued. swimming the 60 yards to shore. . JS\ Laos, which we accepted and Weary and whispered to me the ra~ pardon me, enterprise, the firrt time this year were r V O U ; from the scene of a minor ac­ cheater for 11 years and in Bolton ‘ Tuesday—1 p ni Mondi E. D. Collins The infoi^matiM given in the ap­ cident In his father's car. / public' service; said that' if the other plane. 'Tt’a a long time to [ Probably ^ 1 C l f m t ‘”c.m"“ ' S j ^ . t ° S "That’s a Io.ig way for a man n r Wednesday—1 p.nL. Tutaday.Tu< backed up and reiterated, was that hope of another morning, eternal promoted by Flaherty. WEST plication ie to be'^ e eoie baaie’ for for the post four years. He was Los Angeles." of my age but a man will do many n r Tharaday—V p m. Wednesday. Wsdnes the sibilation In Laos Involved vlo- and taarless. , ' Attacks Olson Peter F. Gram, 37, of Veraon, employed os parts supervisor for Democrats are to vfUi they must ^ TPomday. the first term. of the policy. The and Mrs. LlUlan C. Stevenson of22 Suct^n woufd C d .m a g ^ «l«ip - h^^^ thtn^ under proesure," Ozorsoid. n r Saturday^l n na r r l^ « u,. Riches to Riigs . In another campaign statement, new plans provide fm; revising file Hartford Mack Soles and Service. CtaaeUM dsadfin l6:!Kj ------a m. M Flaherty, criticized Jila _]^publlcan Funeral Senrica Walker SL, both charged with He was a member of Manchester ment. Brick lln ^ s n towereff more Uuui 300 daysT pOWeatloa •zeepi Mlurdav abned forces of North Viet Nam. CHURCH has believed In mS premium on renewal\dependlng passing a school bus, had their A Moncheetar woman leaniad In 'his early life, Rembrandt, opponent for appointing the same ORMONDT j . WEST, OiraoMt upon the ooitfinuing rechrd at the Grange,, a pas* noble and post sec­ during“ xh'? i S S o w T « ‘fil yesterday 'th at her 72-year-Old i ± j L This crucial charge la the oile and woolngly She has called me noted painter, became very rich people “over opd over again to cooes continued from day to day retary of King Ds'vid Lodge of 148 Ea s t c b n t e r s t . driver or drivers. on the/recommendation of As­ Baby F ouimI in Closet uncle escaped death In the flaming Monday, Noveinber 9 the Uidted Nations fact-finders within the heights of and bu^ up a magnificent art col- various boards and conunissioiia." Asked for comments on tqtey'a Odd Fellows, and a member of '^ISo.t « rSn.vr[w^Gulf Coeet^lty of wreck of a oIJp in Iloueton, Tex., lecUoiK H j later became bank­ Flaherty .charged that Incum­ unteheO 9-7196 sistant Prosecutor Alla nD. Thom­ Frederick G. Barnes encampment 900,000: for hours. pronounced themselves unable to have come the children / approval os It affects by swimming to shore. rupt and was poor the rest of his bent Mayor Herman G. Olson haa as after Judge Karp disqualified East Hartford.' Mrs.. Udije Freimanls, 185 Haw­ Nothing Fails Like Success aubstantlate, despite the fact that, dearer to me than life itself and panics, Ahearn oold that the himself. life. shown a lack of initiative In What A n thaX^aractarhtia of paniea which are experlmenttnl Survivors include his wife, Lor­ ‘ttrhS'tSw St ^ thorne St., said' aha called her before they reached Laos, the gov- m y CHURCH is helping me to The court continued to'Nov. 23 Undemeatli the story of de­ Hsnebester’s Oldest with safe driver plans In^ other etta Denault Calklns;f his mother, uncle, Rudolph Ozol of West Leba­ emment of Laos was continually I train them for all Joyous and clean case of Henry Kielnschmidt, Mrs. John Calkins, DorscuL Mass non, Maine, after the R«d Croee clining farm pH^s—-they are now with Finest Fselllttss- elates "have not yet reached the Lakeview Dr., Coventry, A 4 pound premature baby glrl-tdlscharge ffom the M ^ wsvee oroimd the etoragjj^tanke OT at theiC lowest level, in. some 15 claiming It possessed full proof of to Her Off-Street Parkins A Good Vefer^/ point 'Where they con determine a son, John Calkins of Bolton; two had notified her he was in a chs 1 with driving under sus- daughters, Mrs. James Zohllck and found Saturday inside a suitcase Hospital for the mentally retarded. Houston hospital for treatment of years—then Is a sub-story which the charge. heart. She asks my service and my WITH HOLIDAYS CQMINO Established 1814 It's not easy to bo on'lnkrined voter which, If any, of the plans con be of his license. His bond is the 350.000 furloughed j unlveraaUy adopted." Mis.i Roxanne Ckilkins, both of Bol­ in a locked closet, .is doing well to said police. — .i?i^HTd..i?riM*‘ihSI»o^ minor burns. ■ \ could conceivably be interpreted as This r^ucea the situation in loyalty. She has A right"t'd'ask It! We Have Added To Our StockT 8100. ton | two brothera, Merrill Calkins. She had worked at tile .convaleo- | workers in 1 fuels. The old eesnien wee il^^J;ood theie days. When it comes to ^ueb^n, thi He added, "Connecticut com­ day in an incubator at Mancheater brilliant progreM and auccess as Laos to",one of internal revolution, T will help her , to do fof others Manchester, N. H., and J. Edward cent home since March. A; sjxiee- w r k *^™f*^'**" k The night watch when the fire ■plrts, shSosald, and Jokedd lAout panies have always 'beeh ploneera iturday Cases contrasted to the air of disaster perhaps supplied and perhaps t®*** ■**“ ' m PARTY DRESSES voter Is frequently confronted with decisiont oin in the search for a fp-actlcal in­ iFalkins of'; Darocut, Mass.; and Memorial Hospital. man for the home said the n^ickw^ Maiw *>«»*• outfficluded lesmen Daley: hie -wimming feaL Ha had n e ^ . h«rX.r hut this place In Which I live, I will You’ll be Interested to know that A youth "who drove through two sisters, Mrs. Arthuf White The baby, bom' a month and a good "worker, and never mlAsed ing recalled quickly. Mpny oi E. DlppeL 40, Brooklyn, learned to awlm before, she eeid. and alarm which surrounds the guided from across a border, but help Her keep aflame the torch surance plan to reward the safe several stop signs during a chase half premature, was discovered by wo^rk for Uln... or any other res* rea^dy /oth ers- N.Y., and Edward John Well-,‘ 37, •5anny we have a variety of evening new problems. You ore a good voter on driver. As soOn aa euch a plan is and Mra. Everett White, both of bzol told hie niece he wee e-Ieep Burface fact of the price decline. still technically'’^ Internal, as op-| of a living faith. and cocktail dresses for' both v/ith a police ckr Nov. 1 pleaded DaracuL Moss. a doctor who was summoned to aboard the Amoco Virginia udien posed to a case of aggression, William Henry Boddy, D.D. cation issues IF— / firmly determined, there will not guilty Saturday /to a, charge .of treat a convalescent home em­ Misa Kolinski was token to Man- in the auto' and appllai)ce Indus- noticed the £«t us begin. If we can, by con­ teenagers and older women. be a day's delay in extending its Funeral services will he held at chester-’ Memori^ Hospital for [ tries ontf othefe-^the wait for re-1 D»iey »>« « " t nollcea uie the first explosion occurred in the sidering tfis crest success story which would invol .e ths movement submitted by reckless driving ' and was fined the Holmes Fuqeral Home, 400 ploye for cramps. “ 'Uanv fire on the surface at the channel. early morning darkness.' Groping Rev. Clifford O. Simpeon * iaver ALSO we have gone through Naed benefits to Connecticut motorists." 8100. , \ M anchester police sold Dr. treatment, and then woe Irons-1 calls wHI be a longig one. Many out of hie emoke-filled quarters, he Involved. ; of troops of snother country —you find out how schools aro hnancod j . Commissioner Premo expressed Main St., at a date and time to be tw their Jobe^*He reported: It to Chief Mate Center Congregatioilal Church our stoek and The youth, Ralph G.^rown Jr., announced. Burial 'will be in Buck George A» F. Lundberg Jr. suspect­ ferred to the Mansfield institution I may not get hack George Davie end thenxran toward dropped over the aide and threshed ibis success story builds Itgelf across a' recognized International the hope that the new plana will 20, of 87 Summer St., wfis taken ed ttaiL tlie woman employe Mlsa yesterday. She has no relatives, sc- during, the 8()-day period. through the water to the nearby MARKED DOWN ^ Storm Windows be .^allenge to each motorist land' Cemetery. ‘ I a hatchway to souhd, the alarm. . from a aeries of statlatlca. \ border. — you.liston to all points of viow, pro antjwn into custody by PalroimanXAlbert Friend<< may call at the funeral Genevieve' KoUneki, 31, had Just cording to the convalescent home The steel shortagege{ in fact,----- la Then came the first \exploalon \expiosum shore. — a number of Item o* winter to be s'niore careful driver and spokesman j expected to get Wors^ before uew | . tn th-m " The first sweeping statlstie is It dost not alter ^the peril to HOSPITAL AUXILIARY clpthlng. Come iii's^id get a or Storm Dooii? Scabies who followed B roi^ on home tomorrow from 3 to 6 and " given' birth. The women denied to Mre. FreUnente is tha wife of the OpenForum —you chock tho voting rocords of locaiJstato thus .contribute substajitially to Hartford. Rd., and Elm,' Fomst, to 9 p.m. King David -Lodge, Qdd him she likdi Tollce said. . j - . No charges have, been made ^ g e t i o n ge»s% tolUng. Thatl»"^ " “ >«■*• Rev. Korlie Freimanls, pastor of that the nation's farm Industry, frde Laos. To the.contrary, It may bargain. CALL the auccets ofXIovernor Rlbicoff's against her. Folice .Chief James ^gg|^ mean IdleneM for some Daley said.' even increase it, because this find and Cooper Sts. before stopping Fellows, will conduct a memorial Then the doctor heard a faint I went over the rail between Latvian Lutheran Church. fr m 1950 to 1959, incresasd Its and national candidates on oduccnional highway safety cost^ign.” him.' “ service at the ^funeral home to walling from a closet in the room. ReardOT said Det. Sgt. Joseph Bar- ^jjg fortunate enough Econoiay or Handouts# OPEN—Tues.,'Wed., Thurs. tor is handling an investigation of g„ the payroll thrpugh- salsa to the market from 28 bU- Ing fMMds any armed intervention, and Frit, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. RUSCO issues ■ ' . John H. Morhardt, 17, of 33 Hol­ orrow at 7:15'p.m. The closet was unlocked and the by tha United Nations Itself, and To the Editor, lister St., was fined 836 for reck­ 3-pound, 15%-ounce infant dis­ the case. I nut the —trike. / - llons a year to 32 biulcms of dol­ President Blseidiower, in his re­ Thursday Nights 7 to 0 CH(X)SECHOOS FROM,: R o c k v ille ' x. . "We may talk to the court about'®**' may encourage the “interhai ev o­ —you visit your schools frequently, but erpe- less driving, the result of on auto William Schweitser covered in a closed luitSaae.. The lars a yeari cent talk before the National Pub­ • Ambassadorkmbasaat • Regal it," -aid Reardon. But at the pres- Gregg and Son Buying This fine Increase In production lution'’ in Laos to resume its oMca- lishers Aasociatldn gathering dally during / accident Nov. 9. Morhardt and two illo—Mrs. ■ Bertha Zim child was taken by police to Man­ • Preinier•rehiiei* •Custom Case Bound Over cepjpanlona Were treated for minor chester Memorial Hospital. ent, he said, there seems to be no rp r*ae* was.so efficiently achieved that It tions. ■tressed that wa as a nation, must mermortsSchweltier, 74, widow of reason to go into the ceee. I O W H I l^ K S THE PENNY SAVER A Natlohai.BrandNational.. Product injuries, at Mancheater Memorial William X Schweitzer of Mountain The mother was on probationary took 5,000,000 less people to pro­ That is atill no reason, however, embark on a huge economy drive . 414 BIAIN .S T ^ n s t North of Lincoln School At A Price You Want To Pay on all fronts, from tho local level In Lower Court Hosptfhf.^ter the crash, which St., Rockville, died at her home 6 Bon Ami Warehouse duce the 1959 production then it to abuse the fact-finders or to dis­ . R. G. KimE AMEHCAIIEOUCATW WEEK occurred oh Dakland St. early today following a long ilineos E. Morse Long; a brother, John R ck /Salt Bids credit their process. Even before John Berticelll, 41, of Vernon David N. Carroll, 19, of Meri­ She woe born, in Rockviue, Sept. did the 1950. We did Ih too, with a M l 9 -0 4 6 8 Pi Lang at Manchester; five eU- PoH ce Arrests million leaa farms in operation. the United Nations fact-finders got November 8-74/ 7959/ Circle, was bound over to Tolland den, who was arrested after a 5- 19, 1885, dought^of the lata John ters, Miss Caroline E. J*ang, Mrs. The town hoe determined the Negotiation^ have almost been^cheater area tar ths last 75 yeare, Local Agent For County Superior Court today from car crash on E. Middle Tpke. Nov. and Wllhelmins Zhin Zimmera low bids on a 2-door sedan for the I A great Increase In production, there, American correqiondents in Joseph Wright and Mrs. Elsie - sale of * a ------ware- announced it woe closing the op- BARTLETT-BRAINARD RockvlUe City. Court j>n a charge 1, was fined 86 for reckless driv­ She leaves three gone, William eretlbn bare end putting the build­ Laos 'Were going to the scenes of PRODUCTS CO. Published In Hie Interest Of Public Edn<^tlon By Murphy, all of Manchester, .Mrs. William A. Person, 18, of 122 , . tbe Bon Ami achieved with fewer man-hours, on of indecent oosaulL ing. He pleaded nolo contendere Lester and Russell SohArettzer, all Alice Foley of Hartford and Mrs. Summit St., wo* arrested lost rock salt, the controllers Company's bulld- ings On the mertcet lass land—that In Itself Is a tri- battles the Laotian government AD 8-4475 WELDON DRUG CO./ Judge Francis T O'Loughlin (no contest) to the charge. of Rockville; four daugfatera Mrs. night and was charged with driv- said today. Beside the werebouae, there are Frank Dickinoon and M ^ Joseph Grace Grant of 'Vallejo, Calif. a S2 042 bid '®3S ®fi Hilliard St. um]^ typically in the American had reported only to find there had oold he found probable cause for John A. Jensen, 20, of St. Louis, Funeral aervicea will be hel:^ Ing a car with defective or im- T h e office chose I ______of the about eight other groupe of build­ Mo., forfeited a 815 bond on a beslAUriea, both of Rockville, Mrs * SerriL rf! P«‘®"P*®«''e purcha«er tradition. been no battles in such places, and the bind over. Evidence for the Wednesday at 2 p.m. at the Wat­ proper equipment. He Is due in I from DUIon Sales property, for which Bon Atol was ings withes total at 146,330 equere bindover was presented Oct. 26 charge of driving ah unregistered Feter Rulo of Stoughton, MasSj, and court Saturday. | Manchester for the sedan for use feet at floor -pace available. Consider, also, two other atm- wars reporting the failure of the Mrs. Wdiren Bradway of Stafford kins-West Funeral Home, 142 E. asking 8150,000, 1- Gregg and Son, and O'LiOughlin reserved decision motor vehicle. GGarvey W. Fox, 16. of 31 Edger- by the Police Department, The r ’ Occupying quarters to .tlatics. The . average amount of Laotian government to poasesa tha one sister, Mrs. Howard LeggeX^ Center SL The Rev. Carlton T. - v until today. ' ** Jeffrey L. Trueman, 16, of 33 Daley of the United Methodist ton„ n SL, wee arrested yesterday Chemical Corporation of Spring- " ’ ^ Jw Tolland . farm cash taken In per farm indi­ pimfa of outBlde paitlclpation it Berticelll pleaded innocent to the Server SL,. Was fined 815 for paea- RockvlUe; and 15 grandchildren/ The funeral wlU lie held Wednea Church of Bolton will officiate. and charged With deUverlng liquor field, Maes., wa- named 1® ,*®PPly .gd which manufacturea vidual went up from 81,1^7 to 81,- claimed to possess. Sometimes even charge in which a 12-yesr-old girl ing on the right. to a minor, the remilL police «Kld, | the rock skit at 81,800 with de- ‘ C o /.T U n d “ T o n , 6 Pu^ps Back, was the complaining witness. Anthony Kreipovich, 29, of East day St 3 p.m. at the White Funeral Burial will be in Buckland Ceme­ B70. And the average amount of our beat friends don't tail us ail we tery. Friends -hiay call at the of his giving liquor to a Wfyear- [ livery t®.'®^-.,. _ . ^ for Whole-ole distribufion. The coses of seven local men, Hartford, was fined 86 for Intoxi­ Home, 65 Elm St., Rockville, with In other gooftn-^bidfl, Ctorter cash taken In by the. Individual should have a right to knov^ befots the Rev. Erich O. Pieper, pastor funeral home to'morrow from 2 to old friend. Court date is Nov.' 80. Walter Darcey, assistant ware- arrested and charged with illegal cation. Fox>x 18is ireefree unaerunder ejiuu8100 bond.oona. i Chevrolet of Mancheater quoted I m .n .w r ' at Gresir’a sold No Poiio Shots farm went up from 85,048 to 87,- we make a diplomatic leap. Let's, operation of a bingo gome at the A 86 fine was levied against of Trinity Uitheron Church, offi- 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. next time, be more sure of the VFW Club several weeks ago were Voldemars Gravelja, 58, of 172 clsUng. Burial wUl be in Grove Hill 040. Cemetery. Mrs. Mary Sweeney pS g a s ’S'gs’ (Oontinne^ from Page (Dm ) facts before we put our charges on continued for one week. Hawthorne St., for failure to grant . Now thesextatteticB, if they could Friendis may coll at the funeral Mrs. Mary Curry Sweeney,-1 1 the line, or before we even demand the right of Way. home tomorrow from 7 to 9 p.m and is dde In court next Monday. Earlier he had said\te was per­ be taken by themselves, present An appeal of a 7-day Jail sen­ Sergeant St., Hartford, died Sat­ the happiest kind of picture. An In­ that the facta be inveatigatsd. The fectly capable of piyipg tor the MA'TESmdWives tence was filed by Dennis A. Eng­ .John Arthnr Drayton urday to Hartford. She was the focrsaa,’but th‘ ‘T m ^ ™ ■hots for hla children, that it dustry that can increase its pro­ net result of our aelf-entrapment in lish. 22, of 167 Maple St. Eng widow of Jeremiah Sweeney, RockvlUe—John Arthur Dray­ hkd to pick it up in New Britain. „ „ „ was against , his principal^ to do duction while it. la a ^ decreasing the Laos^ issue has, been to make Attend Banquet lish waa. found guilty of tntoxica- Among her survivors, is a step­ The contPolleris office is - t i l l L ’ ^ f so, since he beUeved th ^ Vaccine tlpn. Bond for appeal was aet at ton, 83, of 10 Davis Ave., Rock­ daughter, Miss Beatrice Sweeney, Public Records i Its man-hours and its number of the (Jommunists happy. ville, died at Manchester Memoriid analyzing 17 bids opened iMt P*?^ ® ' ^ ^ . ® * ' was harmful or at least meffee- 8150. of Manchester. - Wednesday on providing various ^Hdlngs at Bot Ami and plants and while It is also giving a Mancheater MAlTid put aside Hospital early this morning after Warrantee Deeds ' five. ■'/' Harold Wyrus, 48, of 59 Autumn Funeral services will be held at gasoline, oil, and automotive sup- f**® SSf** and Son approxlmato- better return to Its workers is, one their calorie charts Saturday eve­ a brief Illness. Edwpd" J.'HolltO'Emest Rich­ He said however, that einee he ning for a "banquet which they at­ St., wOs' fined 86 for improper the Ahern FuneralHome, 180. liaa ^ g h r “Chttdrwirlw'®annoL, af­ would say, giving an ideal demon- The Would-Be Catalyst hacking, Wyrus pleaded innocent He was bom June 13, 1876 In Farmington Ave., Hartford, to­ ardson,"property on Ludlow Rd. ^ ' I It will also place the firm's en­ tended with their wives at the Wal­ Huddersfield, England, son pf Wil­ ford to send them to a prtv^e stntlon of efficiency and the divi The 1959 Nobel Peace Prize goes I nut Restaurant. to the charge, morrow a t'8:30 a.m., followed by Henry NOTd Elizabeth C. Rosen- tire operation on one fiopr, he Two motorists pleaded innocent liam and Eleanor Hanson Dray­ zweig to ^nthony J. Gryk, trus­ ■old. ' ^ ■chodi where they would not W dimda therefrom. to Philip Noel-Baker of Britain on George Foster, president of the a eoiemn requiem Mass In St. Jo­ required to have the immuniza\ Manchester Philatelic Society,. re­ to chargee lodged against them ton. He arrived in- the United seph's Cathedral Convent Oiapel tee, property: on Hairabeth Dr.' Glastonbury fTrio At the present time. Gregg and It would be a natural part of the basis of his long dedication to | States 47 years ago and lived in {ion. \ lated hla experiences in 40 years of and were acquitted after trials. at.9. Burial will be In St. Brid­ Anthony J\ Gtyk, tmstee, to Ttiiiirs>s1 in r's.«sl, 1 S®" »»» ®P«>'atteg on five levels. such a proceaa that the price of the cause of peace and diaarma- Ciriaco Capobianco of . 32 Oak St. Rockville aihee that time. Inez I. and Mabel L. Olson, prop­ Wells is an engineer at Pratt \ stomp collecting. Donald Kuehl get’s Cemetery, Manchester. i n . gnJ lygVC Onty 18,000 and Whitney, the product could go down, but ment, rather than on the basis of I was moater of ceremonies.- was acquitted of evading reapon' At the time of hla retirement Friends may call at the funeral erty oh Elizabeth^ Dr. square feet of floor spaqe. Grig- sibllity; James J. Varney, 148 N. about 12 years ago, he was super­ . that it could go down, aa. the mass any specific accomplishment, real. Santo Says/Her A ' Top swords for weight loss dur­ home tod^y from 2 to 5 and 7 to Peter J. Vendrilio to Pasquale Three Glastonbury youths were inaUy, the firm had 27,000 square School / St., was acquitted of intendent of the Hockanum Mill. atatlatlca prove, without' de­ °or fancied. And perhaps it is fitting ing the MATES’ first year Were os 9 p.m. • • R. and' Anna G. Vendrilio, prop­ injured Slightly when their car hit'] feet at the Tolland Tkpe. address follows: Beverly Harvey, 33% charges of failure to grant the He was a charter mSmber and the erty on Oakland St. \ About Town creasing profits.' to have the award made, now'and I right of way at a driveway and oldest living member and a post broadside an autoihobile crossing but lost 9,000 due to fire dam- pounds;- i^nold Kuehl, 29; Win Mrs. Pearl Wren Edmund- E. Haley to Frank J. a street to frpnt of them last night, age in September. What, then, la wrong with this then, on such a basis. TTie accom-1 ■low McLoughlin, 21%; Dewey St an intersection. exalted^ rulerof the Rockville and Mary C. Brayne, property on Kenneth N. Bentley, 49, of 153 Lodge of Etks; ■ Mrs. Pearl Wren, 53, dM last V PatrcHtoah Alfred M. Ritter Need More Space Manchester Assembly, Order of picture? plishments of mankind in the di­ Davis, 19; Frank Morchese, 12; Jo­ N. Elm St. Rainbow for Girls, wUl jmee^-to­ taed By Glenney” seph Sullivan, li, and Harvey Highland St., pleaded innocent to He leaves one son, William evening*'after a long Illness at the -r .,.,4 In I '®®*‘ ' ’**'** '® MonchesteT Me- Gregg and Son has a definite Well, the first complaint cornea rection of a stable peace have been I Ward, 5. Morchese and Davis pre­ but was found guilty of a charge Drayton of* Gumee, III.; two home of her daughter,' Mrs. Amerl- « ® ^ ' “ 'y were need for the additlOTal space of- night-at 7:30 in the Mhaonic Tem­ from the consumer, who wouldn't tragically few. What civUization | co Gabriel, 30 Brook St., South John and Antoinette Ponticelli, j i/eated and discharged. fered by the Bon warehouse, ple ..for initiation of cehdffiiitce. sented a skit, and the program/also of assault and battery, the result daughters. Mrs. Charles Henry of property on Irving St. know, unless he read the'statistic, does have In,, the bank la the dedi­ Included a floor show and dancing, of a domestic scuffle. The court West Hartford, and Mrs. Siegfried Windsor. • ' • Driver Ronald J. Bronzi, 19, suf­ and was alao attracted to the Mrs. Howard Chrieteneen of C o-- Martin T. and Martha C. fered a knee injury. Robert Ber­ that farm prices have hit s 15 year cated effort of. what we Dope is I What gal im ’t dreaming of a kitchen she has seen in a favorite, magazine suspended Judgement against Lanz of Hamden; 6 grandchildren She la also survived by her hus­ locaUon because it is beside the ventry and Mrs. Frederick Baker Bentley. and 10 great-grandchildren. band, Ra.vburn Wren, Jefferson Keiderlihg to Dwight p. ^nd Mar­ man, 21, suffered neck bruises and railrofid traclu. Seven large doors of Manchester, both of the newly . low. iTie price he pays for farm an increasing number of Individ-1 A charge of following too close' City, Mo.; a son, William Cox, ion F. Gordon, property oti Doane Stanley Herding Jr., 19, had a face the tracks, Darcey Said, and fornied Mothers’ Chib, will be in products, by the time they get to uals, some prominent, some hum-1 ■; . . with buildt-in laundry and informal dining area big enough for the Funeral services, will, be held at Hospital lNote3 ly, lodged against Carol. Davlnis the White'Fiineral Home, 85 Elm West Hartford, and a granddaugh­ St. ' . ■ whip lash injury to' his lieck. will aid in speeding up the load­ chaise of refreshments.' Mrs. Mil­ him.'have been going up for 15 ble, who keep pushing ahead to­ entire family? A Gregg designed kitchen is the perfect way to say “ Merry 19„ of Candlewood Isle, was nolledi SL Wednesday at 1 p.m., with the ter. Tumblebrpok Estates,' Inc., to Bronzi was arrested after the ing and unloading operations. lard Appleby is president of the years, . . y ward the day when the actual I A DM I T T E D ^ SATURDAY; but she was fined 83 for failure to Rev. Paul J. Bowman, pastor .of Funeral services will be held at Albert J. Anid Mary. W; SL Pierre, accident and was charged with The firm, v^icii-has }ts main Sf- club. ^ ■ - The second thing wrong with makers of policy u d deciSiona mSy Christmas, darUng.” Thomas ' Topping, 30 Server St.; notify the Motor 'Vehicle Depart­ Unioii Congregational (Jhurch, of- the Walter N.ri-eclerc Fiiper al property op Christine Dr. ' failure to grant the right of way. flee in Nashua, N.H., has found Mrs. Elizabeth Bimr, 28 Otia St; ment of a change of ioddress.' Home, 23 Main St, at a time to be Ernest Richardson to nEthel He told Ritter he didn’t oee the Manchester "very suitable” as a The Recreation Department on- 'llils piciurs is that nobody lets our find themselves driven toward the James P. Henderson, 42, of .131 ficlatini;. Burial will be in Grove announced. Kelly, propertjr at Rockledge. car to front of him. It was driven locxtlon, Darcey 'saidr- ond became Mrs. Johanns Lerch, 85 Benton sT‘“ w m ’found ruTlt^ Bill Cemetery at the convenience nouncea Uie cancellatIon~cff' the tmrm producUOu success story recourse the peace idealiata,, have St.; Howard Conn, 54 Tanner St; Charter Oak , KLRE (Construction Co., Inc., to by Mrs; Lena M. Schubert of 69 Interested in the Bon Ami property weekly Family Swim Program She’ll love the warm glow of the birch finish on our Gregg,Cabinets. She’ll of intoxicationn bu^toe c o u r f f l the famUy. There^ are no call­ Jt ^Walna. and Lois L; ^MacArdle, Cooper St. Damage 'was heavy to because it had no desire to leave BtsnC' The farmers-, themselves been trying to sell as a voluntary, | Peter Stanock, 304 - E. Middle ing housss-H W edn^ay beceuae a t the holiday. have ihelr own form of featiier- sane Recourse. Tpke.'; Jqlui McAdom,' 62 Weaver pended Judgment Pit’operty ot Constance Dr. both vehicles police said. town in its search for additional ThS' swim program will be held os delight in our Marlite Plastic Coated Wall Paneling, our Formica ^vered Bailie smith, 22, of 698 E. Mid Jpunerali bsddiiig, in which they want every . Oh the 'occasion of this award, J You^U fin d our popple qu ick to Rd.; James Robbins, 21. N. School Mre. tllary Btescino Artielee of Association Mrs. Martha F. Rawlings of 107 space, Darcey said. scheduled beginning , Wednesday, S t; .CfiiarIes Warren, 1 South Rd., die Tpke., who was arrested ] Oakland St,.,'Was arrested after a Barring unforseen circumstanc­ Nov. 18. acre that ever produced'anything Noel-Baker views the situatioc| work surfaces and our Nu-Wood Constellation ceiling tile. Mrs. Maty Bu'ccino, 68, wife of M.C.C., 'Swimming Assn., 'ind.; Bolton; Mre. Audrh. McCurdy, police .liroke up a milling crowd Mrs. Angeline U. Bourret purchase - and operate swimming crash at Main and Hudson . Sts. es, Gregg and Son will occupy the guahuiteed a continuing Income with some hope. In which we thiqk ] picture your financial situation __.1 . • at the Green Just after midnight. Pasquale Buccino, 172.. Charter WilllmonUo; Mrs. Madeleine Grif- Fpneral services for Mrs. An- pool or pools for use and bene­ Saturday and was charged with new quarters by the first of the Manchester Grange membera. whether it is needed or not. They he is right. ' fin, 289. Avery Bt.; (Charles Ray­ Oct. 17, heard the court nolle Oak St., died yesterday at Man­ .failure to grant'the right of way, year, Darcey said, It is planned to will meet at the Holmea Funeral breach of peace charge lodged chester Memorial Hospital after a j;eline U. BourreL wife" of Leonard fit of its' .members; John Som­ don't-Want their success, and its “I think,” he said,' “ that Im-1 She’s in the kitchen from dawn to yawn so make her work toom attractive mond, IS Ckittage 'St.; Donald Al­ Bourret. Taylor St., .Talcottvllle, mers, Paul Hunt and L«onard police reported. provide office facilities in the east Home, 400 Main SL. tomorrow at ien, South Windsor; Elmer. Hilton, -ic^nst him. Prosecutor John N. brief: illness. Mrs, Rawlto^i .makto a left end of the buildings and eventually 7:30 p.m. to pay final reiMcU to conaequencea. They want subsi- menae progress has been made in ' Lombardo recommended the nolle She was bom in Italy and had were held this morning at the Wood, signers; Leonard Wood; Take a typical trust officer. Like you; he has a home to run, mouths and twice as efficient. See our displays: Browse tHrough our plan books. 76 McKee St.; Mrs. Ruth Vittner, agent. turn.toto Main SL, hit a car driven to erect a (Colonial style front on Gordon Calkina of Bolton, f ’ ' dlsed failure. many.ways, but I think the.great and said Smith, had not created a Uved in Manchester for .43 years. W. P. Quteh Funeral Home. 225 north' On Main by Rohoid J. Erick­ 32 Whitney Rd. Main St., followed by a solemn Marriage Llcencea this pbrtlon of the building. The politicians cooperate with danger at the present moment Is 1 ^ , minds to educate, a car to operate, vacations to plan for, We’ll give you how-to-do-it advice . . , recommend experts for the tech­ . ADMITTED YESTERDAY: disturbance warranting' the Surviving, besides her husband, son, 16, of 27. Alton St.,, according Negotiations for the property The GYO of St. Bridget’s Church their wishes, using tax dollars. the incredibly fatalistic apathy, of Catherine Martens, 9 stepk^u SL; charge. , i' are four sohSTAmeifieo Buccino of requiem Mass at the Sacred Heart Jose Maria j Hernandez of 585 to police. , No one was reported are being handled directly wtween will hold a. business' meeting to­ Consequeqily, he appreciates the financial problems and responsi­ TWO 16-yeor-old youths were Church in Vernon. The'Rev. Ralph Adams St. and Betty Ann Whit­ The net result is that all the people' who say, 'Oh, well, there j nical work. George Stevenson, Glastonbury; Manchester, Michael J. Buccino of Hurt. Damage to Erickson's car Bon A;mi an., group's next social event Nov. 25 • farm industry, an achievement of government will go on talking | James G. Best, 53 Coburn Rd:, and 1st and soloists, | 13. FVom him, for example, you. might learn io your surprise that Farris, 27 Cook St ; MrS; Margaret cino'bf Ft. Lauderdale, Fie.; three is due in: court Saturday. which had operated in the Man- at Waddell School.- which we might, be so proud, is ih about it. and-never do anything.*^ Better hurry so there’ll be lime to complete the work by Christmas. Or, Cspello, Elm HIU Rd.,. Vemon|; David H. Johnson, 55' Hudson St.^ -dauthters, Mre. Anthony DeMaio Burial was to St. Bridget's . Russell (torbln Smith of East effect cancelled out, almost as "If the opinion , of the people I even a very modest estate can benefit by. trust protection, And/ Mrs,' Mary. DellaFero, .16. Cottage initially appeared in^ Town Courr end. Mrs. Patrick Debnore df West Cemetery with committal service Hartford and Evelyn Macintosh' o f .we’ll give you a gift certificate tt> put in her stocking. Oct. I? when local authorltiea by Father, Kelleyl Bearers were 19 Ensign S^.', Community Baptist though it had never occurred: The could (mly be mobilized into*' an] further, that whethejr your estate is large or small, he will be glad St; Robert Smith, - Tunnel Rd„ HuiXord, and Mrs. Wiiliem Blrbwn Vernon; Maynard Lereon, 59 W. recommended, the trano{er' to the Frank Uriano, Joseph Uriano, Church, Nov.' 21. only real net gain we have from of Manchester; two brothers to actiye movement,' I |,betteve to work with you and your attorney to guard against losses and Middle TiAe.; Jonathon Foulkea, Juveulle division. Their'cases were Italy; two eletore, one to Italy and Louis Pontaleo, Ruoseil Muclllo, -James ’ Vincent McCann of the ingfiatry*a miraculous modem ce^Id have diiarmame'qi 4n a week West Hertford; Paul Horsfall, 'continued for three:weeks to await Anthony Lahzono apd John Wit misdirections of your plans.1 Up to S yeard’ to pay with no money down. Mra. Matthew Polange of Bos top; Plainville' find Rita •Margaret offleiehey la the dubious ona .oT —particularly now that Khrush­ f I • '> , West WUllngton; Mrs. BBtelle Ajin the decision. ' 15 grandchildren .and A great- kills. Naven a t 22 N. St. James St., St. 'Beat war charged with breach billions of dollars ivorth of . crops chev haa made an epoch-making | Wicks, .Menow; Henry C ^sty, (grahdcHildren'.' '■’ James' Church, Nov. l4. Such valuable service is but one of many our people have to orfw. Wllllmantie; Mrs. Bhnma Stephens, of Mse'e. Johnson was charged Funeral servicea wUl pa held Welter H. Heurrlnian la sxpsnslys storage, trpm which offer.*’ , aggravated oasault, the re­ So come on in to our nearest office and make yourself known. Find 45 Green Manor Rd.; Douglas HIU, Wednesday ■ at 8:30 a.m. et the Funepsl eervicee for Walter H. they may never emerge to any use. . Perhaps he attributes sin.cerity | l l Byron Rd.7-Donold Plperil28 N. sult of a BB guii inctdenMn which S ' WE ARE OPEM: he Shot A pellet into- the- forehead- W. P. Quish Funeral Home, 225 Harriman; 236 Mountain Road, It was ^most amistske, then, to to I^rushchev, and perhaps that out howl pleasant and satisfying hanking with us can he. . Elm S t; . Wtlliem . Diana, . 2l0 Main' St,,' foltswed - by. a solemn Were'held Saturday afternoon at become efficient in ^the [first, place. Is an error. Butsincere or not, the ,^ 8 0 AM. fill 5:00 P.M.—MONDAY Thru THURSDAY. Spruce S t; Laurie L^ere, 101 of a neighbor’s 13-year-old daugh­ ter. Lombardo said tile incident requiem' Moss at . SL Jomea' the Watkinm-Weat Funeral H(OTe. R U G and P s^pO ^ should haVe arbitrarily Khruahehev offer la a .symbol of '■* 7.80 A.M. till 8:80 P.M.—FRIDAY ' - Porter St.;’Mre. Helen Cfiark, Mil­ Churbh at 9. Burial will be in SL 143 E. Center St. TTia Rev. Clif­ . 7:80 A.M. till NOON-:-SATl|RDAY. ford. was. a freak accident and said fMhi^sh Improved inachinery, Im the fact that statesmen are being j "Your J o h n s o n' appars^tly meant no .James’ Cemetery. ford Q. Simpson of Center Con­ a d m it t e d > TODAY: Duane . Friends may coll at'lhe funeriil gregational Church officiated. Ftnvsd methods, improved seeds, driven nearer and nearer discus­ BroWn^ 86. -Madifion. ‘St,i William harm He thought the gun was UPHOLSTfRV empty, Lioifibardo said. hptoe today from 7-to 9-p.m. and Frederick, Werner woe orgoniaL - nnd sU tfe« other things which have sion of the >aolution that would be j P'Donneir, 14 Winter St 'tomorrow from 2 to 5 ;itod'7 to.9 Burial 'and committal services The ConneoKeilii Bank Guuraniee^- BIRTHS SATURDAY: A daugh­ .The coiurt centlpued-to Nov. 21 feWDUght about this unwanted mira a solution, if the“ peopIe'‘ .of Noel- * the cases, of Rovert J. J. Rowe, 16, pm. ,, were held yeeterday in Pine Grove CLONING els on the land. ter to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mor­ ''j^aker's statement bqgan to co­ AND TRUST COM^dlT jiM fLCLEM i^ rissey, .649 Hartford Rd.; a son of 20 F^rl SL, charged with ' cos- and still ineonclusK'e process of[ metica deportment at the J. W, 80US. RXBIODFF BiqWlTAlJZED Bfiiat ws must Still secomplish is SonvlHo; a daughter to 'Mr. and. paoilng sone; tol Nov. 25 the oeeq M l 3 .S 7 4 7 mixing official policy .wiUi what LUMBER FUEL Mrs. Walter Ferguson, 39 Marshall of Harold L. Chapman, 35, of Bom-' Hole Department' Store, died yes­ Hartford, Nov.‘'9 (fi’)''’~ Mrs. the biuinsss of 94rtsii)ie livl^ with people nilght want if they dared] ; 28 Offices—servini^ 20 Connecticut Communities df^Oepo^n^dbli Rd.; a son to Mr^ and Mrs. Rich­ forth Rd., Rockville,, charged with terday at bte home after a long A. A. BJbiooff eatereil.;the Hert­ GMY LEflGE TURKEY FARM 336 N. MAIN ST. ELUNOTON BRANCH JMm Sgnf SgUificss. so that they,can think they cbiild, really get It, the Moacheeter, Conn. VFett Road, Route 83 ard Keefe, Hebront ^ - driving while intoxicated: end con­ U(nesS. ford Hospital late Satardey ef- Im ansriUsad as benefits'instead of Noel-Bakers of the world aro the] Mitchell 9-52U . TRemont 5-6818 BIRTHS'YKSTBRDAYi: A son tinued frohi dey to day the ceaenf He woe bora in Manchester and ' teraooB ifor general obeeryatlDn. - to Mr. and Mrs. George i Btolaro- had^Qbeen. employed by Hele’e for Oov,, MMeoff, to melrlne this C o r n e r 's OFF ROUTE 94. MARLtOROUGH RO., ybluntstr eatUysts, and wrs aj>-| RYNBKB FBDBBAL OEPOeOT nWORANOB CORFOBATTQH Service/' Mrs. Elizabeth M. Rownctenee o( nek, 129 ML Vernon Ave., Rock­ Scott Dr., Vernon, charged with 84 y a ttO ." Ha w h a fcember a t khowa tod^, eeid that hie" wife' ■ "ffBumcBR m. H w e Is Bm fsrtti problem in sn- plaud this TMb^ttoa of thsir sf- MEMBER FEDERAL KBOOty* M m ot ••(^VAlLIT^— tho best oeohamy df a ir GLASrONfURY. CONN, MEdford 3*4613 A. ville; a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. obtaining money by false pro- Uaneheetar Lodge of Masone. :iwd aet beea faellag m te'pH We CMea jl.'Uir Gniea Btempe fi^Mr aiitstsH. Ws havs achieved fort and 'dSivoUdh, nom /unorm iaain HBiibquABKEBB Miaiy Xleoh, Coventry, x.Burrlvlaff are hie wife, lUrlon .lately.' ' I’

/. u- ' \, ^ '■; . r " •;•■'■ r

. ■ A '■ ]:' ••(:

MANQHlS^TER BVBNIN6 ^ R A L D . IIANCHJSStBR; CONN, MONDAY. NOVEMBER 9. 1959 llANCHI»r^ EVENING m^ALP. (X)NN, MONDAY. NOVEMBER 9. 195> PAGE f 4 0 1 ^ G H T > L . IT'- I — '■— d a i l y CROSSWORD PUJCZLB a ^ G S B U N N Y OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPl«r Building Unit nr«CXjrrcA.«MNS55 H a y e s ^ T Q k K Delnidci-'Melendy , I'S' 11 M*ocfPWff,siirEri AntwET to Provtoot P « d * ' Dally BriieiMMt'Bpaelflf eplANP.THE HEAP Meets Tonight Otiitfige -julea,’ batlerafi W AITK . lEN'T VtEV. SouHi of Bordtr Miaa t>«niM Irena Mdlmdy. ‘TOokr uPWrrH ^ t()as«; Jelly, a t h l e t ic * flSM ITM e,! AVV MKSOK AMOS SAieMABy] daughter of itr . efid Mre, -Nieholae THE IDEA A U eAW Tile Manchester School puilding. HOOPMt^AfSTEe CA<%m»LCOMSlt>HCATiON>J tPalaW Angelo, WlIllame'RArBhiton, and Committee win meet ttmight ,at 3 1 HANS DEClOBO TWAT y<5U ARC T r t t — I’LLDRAVJ < AOIOW UP A COWRACT Bonhaur ponaM Norman Delnieki. imn of o’clock in the Muhieipai BuUdtfl|i HSlfiil* . PitoPeR s e Mt u c m a h t o o v e R s e t .tSMith /• OUARAMTEE- .AntriMB 4Cuat«ni Mr. and Mre. Charles betritek},-111 to make final recommendations on 3 TM f «B y f LORMlfcMT Of IMS HOOPUt T5 O 0 -T SVamldi ^aeSeWFSWasWWi MOBILE. A CAPACIOUS OOUBLt -t>SCK»Sy (rvl6 you A counpT Uiiradiant Doming S t ( Were united in mar­ ihe -program of renevatlons for, CAR THAT MAN f t PARlCED IM THE 60t4MlE .tltoeai^tal • Olrl'f nama riage at Second OongreigefiOiial older elementary.,Schools. ^ 'W e o d e e ,•TWl^lKU^k^ OPAM 6V£/— HAR- . f Mtxieo ■3 BUckbird Church Saturday \ ftemoon?, v ’ Chairman- Harry Howroyd>0aid 'f>2H40CCdtOMdl J^UMPH.^-^TO BE •uppllMfonw • South . TheBlev. Arnold TofeV Of Mcond the committee will pfeparaT?com- l l ^ t t It to XM. American' Oongfeiiatlona; Church jierrermed mendattnna to the Board-m Direr- ■II Biblical Mmo mountama qiir double' ringj cetesrumy. The lore and the Board of Education. A» 1 s s m , U South PaeUo 48Indiaii ’The committee has already -atig- IS B ob t Kl • Rlirvattara horsomaa ,w re h wee decqrfited'with large TA 14 Tho wiMlo IS Nautical term white muma. DbhidHI Hallquiet was Xlgeeted that the i^Ount .wanted by 9. I, lILKdcef 11 Coaitad lORafrlgarator 4«Baating Board of Education for elemen- deriM otj^iat X ^ iilA harmony IS je Colorv^ior 11 Mexican coins ITie bride,: glven *i marriage by , tary echool/renovation 8230,00(1- S3 Former 47Wlrao« ... 1s fop m(jrfi. BY V. T. HA9iMN ITBraailianeotn 30 chock dIRoadaiia. NicHoiaa Angeloi wore a -white A L L E Y OOP llF h ata atieounta Argentina U ffe U dreas ^ t h fitted eleevea, At ''^preliminary meeting ■ in C H A R G E " dictator ^ MTibatan o« YES,THIMGS ARE ABOUT RECKON MXI'U. I I BEEN THINKtN' THKTTIONT /BHUCKE.OOP t llOatharad. 3istiU scoop liOckTine trimtiMd^ with seed Dcthim the committee euggeeted LEAVE MUCH t MONT NKD ANY 31 Croat Laka 34 Dry maaaura 38 Product o( Slfhminiaa cutting eome of the propoeed reno- PRiSCRim ONi HIRE BACK 10 AlORMAL,MOST BE PnClN' H30/ ABOUT TAWN' OFF • auAX pearle, a< . fitted, bodice' SQd full OP TH' RXKE WHO TOOK RAYOL' KINS ClWyAnWTMORIWIV TIME TBET \ ARMY BOR 33 BiouacCity iBrl 3$ AithuAaim Mexico - skirt terthinaling in a train?'She Vationa of ceilings, floors, toilet WUR A VlflT TH'ARMy fN (. THIS j o b ; t 34Bi«rgy 36WriUn( 4dLcave SSSnowaMdclB rooms and lighting. TO W TREES* HAVE COME 38 Heeded wore.a. tfara-herTiband afid flnger- BACK TO THEIR SOON. TRAININS; 37 Tavttna divifton dSIVtals'’ At tha same time, the eommittee MLeak T.. -t. j ^ Up VeiL She carried a easifiWft of proceed increaalna the estimates 3, Mlae, Maw Alice Twichell, 8Hphkeia«>pet's. - S3 Boh C” J r r r (or hfatlng renovations. .' 1 r r r r Essex St.^ nas been graduated suinVan, ;-iEim Hiii rtHAIliMACTm SiZaeh from BlaStam Air Lines flight -The elementary ■chooL.rehova- '^nrofaatioa B N Rd^s;|t(|cotWMBL wais ^ m of tlons are jmrt of a’ ^ million pro­ ir ‘ >\ ■>' > # ' traininir school In Miami, She, Has honorr^rlddsmilSas were Misa IT Diitanca L alr^'dy been assigned to duty as gram of senoot jartiovatlons pro­ moaAssa IT . ff Mary Reggetta, 105 Hemlock 8L, posed hy the-^-mard of Education. mOENTIRSTf ®RA.W ■ ^^T-' I' -i'. a itewardess. and Miss Jknet Cushing, 68 Hem- . UP SOM E IS iQint in Wood The Tert o fft e mdney is being sug- IS Horaa’f gait IT ' Miss TwlcheH was graduated Ipck S t The ntafrMi of hoiior wore •gei|teSccpt ' ■ necticut Aviation" and she was a blue and she carried a caSeade of McLaglen's ^tiaral will hd hekK CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER UMuaieal UL finalist in the Miss Manchester white pompons With pink 'caltna- D i r ^ and-!iB!ANCE *9 1EM >r ms Earwm. tmf t.m. tomorrow. ' , ' ' i ayllabla W contest in 1957 and a finalist in tlons. ^ ,S\ The big, bull-voiced actor died Nov.lb,.7P:M . •4AmaHcan vthe Miss Channel 30 contest. ' Tho bridesmaids "Wore gowns' Saturday of congestive heart (WWral W She is the daughter of Mr. and similar to ai4 1fl(»atron of honor’s .: AiiMfican Lb^Ioii , PRISCILLA’S POP BY'AL VERMEER MEmomli! ''' Mrs. Charles Twichell. ■ 1 .x 1;:^: ^ fallura — ending a long and color­ with light blue Headpieces and ful career which tyaa almost as •' nWiME -‘“J e l l a policy (ah.) —K can-led similar cascades of flow­ Y EP . Y tX J’R e ) (N E R V O U E E W ...M AYBE ' ,r.^. Horan Photo. so 8tr0«t f U T T U ^ N EP 8V O U S •7 Bant adventurous off-screen as on. I'V E N O T W H Y VP ^ R ers. DONALD NORMAN DELNICKI x H e was 72 when he died and NERVOUS,) (SHOULD •8 Oompotent % Iff Charles Genovese, 17 Deming '^acrr i t a l l M Trao 'n.H was a -i^teran of more than 35 Full OOUfM dinner, CREHEARSEO ARE I ®E ■' —'k, . St., was best man. Ushers were Al- gS.fW 'peV |wiao)ar''‘neKeto WTHtOTiad J--- 0 ' will liys si M^iRBinloek S t after and ta employed by the: FSifler years on stlge: insHt sCriWrt aiid . Y O U ? ; Cn e r v o u s t l H « n ^ meb Bulllvaii, Talcott-villeV and Ca- from memlmra oV.aiH^ poet Iff" w . Bachrach Photo, Wedding taldo Ventura, -198 Eldridge St. Npw.Tfl. Brush Co. in Bast Hartford. The modem fihns. Before that he was , M r s . RICHARD PATRICK HAYES a soldier in the Boer War "and home or may b».aM4Med at DOWN , The brida's .mother wore a royal " The bride la a- 19M .graduate of bridegroom attended local schools tho door. - X ^IStutti 9T IB T Manchester. High School, a -grad­ and is employed by Ellsworth, and World War I and was a prlseflght- blue crepe 'sheath, dreas 'With er in Canada. tlaiua... L -I Miss Beverly Joan ' S m 11 h.^traln. Her mantilla lace veil w m White-RegettB satin" cummerbund' apd fhatehing uate .of the Comptometer Corp., Laaaow Oil Co. In Manchester. daughter of Mr. and Mrs., Oval J. arranged in madonna fashion. She Mlsd Marlene Mildred Regetts, jacket The bridegrooTn’s mother 'V Smith, 125 M el" St., \hecame the carried a white prayer book with daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael wore a dusty rose crepe dresa with S H O R T R IB S BY FRANK O’NEAL bride of Richard Patrick Hayes of white rosebuds. nylon lace. Both wore White or­ Manchester at St. B rT d g e t’s Misa Barbara Ann Smith, sis­ W. Regetts, 787 B. Middle Tpke., chid corsages. Ch-urch Saturday. The bridegroom ter of tl^ bride, was maid of hon­ became the. bride of Robert E. A reception .for > 185 guests was dE ar / DeA r sSH/rt DeA r/sl fo*4/ D^a r- is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. or. Mlm Marie Luella Smith, also White,’ East Hartford, Saturday held at the Carden Gro-ye after David V. Ha-yea of Manchester. a sister of the brioe, was brides­ afternoon at ' Emanuel Lutheran the ceremony.- The .bride wore a The Revi^ Dennis Hussey of St. maid. The attendants wore sim­ Church. The brldegtspom is the white sheath dress with red ae- wn Bridget’s' celebrated the nuptial ilar gowns of emerald green vel­ son of Mr. and MW.‘ . Howard cessories and gray coat for her . high Mass. The church was dec­ vet designed with ecoop necklines, White, East Hartford.. travel 'fcoatume. A,fter a. wedding, orated with white pompons. fitted bodice, lantern sleeves >ahd. The Rev. C. Henry Anderson trip in northern states, the couple LO N G S A M BY AI< CAPP and BOB LUBBERS ^ The bride, given in marriage by full skirts accented, with satin performed the double-ring ^.cere­ Tier father, wore a gown of white sashes. Both carried colonial /WAL,HOWy-L BOTipetrr -UM- ^ BRSATBSr JO B EVER PONE rLLFLV mony. Tho church was decorat­ ( KECDULD ^ BEUEVE M WHAT 16 FOR THE HUMAN RACE, IS Aa, HER THERE satin designed with fitted bodice bouquets. ed 'rwlth white pompons. — . .. havcpcwe SKvmneitf TMS'iK* HOMEY. WT FIRSr-WBGOnO M 'e m and long fitted sleevee. R e-em ­ David 'V. Hayes, Coventry, The bride wore a light blue wool ??-V-W W \ ■WUOB ITAINT7HE WETZE. BIT E(P O'-ER-I/HEAN WE , PRIVATE broidered lace with a band of served aa his brother’s- best hian. suit, tan velvet hat wLh. veil and Wc Stock MUSHTFFTEGM \FdieTBi TEXAS M4Vfr SOWS.. AUSr BIT VDRE SWEET OLE PLAN& matdiing satin . decorated the Ushers were Martin Hayes,- Rock­ white orchid coraagip. j '' JHVUCNPaUUK'. TOPO? IMAW BACK TO THE VALLEYTT SIR- ecoop neckline of her gown. Lace ville, aMo a brother of the bride­ Miss Donna Joaij Regetts, sis­ •ORTH OF TV also accented the sides of: the full groom,. Robert Pisch of 'Vemon TM«E—F-4W ter of the bride, whs maid of hon­ HALLMARK V ■kirt which terminated in a-

BliOAD BREASTED . ever Engaged WlHTE B Y J O H N N Y HART Th# «njffigement of MiM Ann» TUUPTREE Russo, Agawam, Ma.s.s., to Rodney TENDER TAS|Y PONTOU BBUEVE IH i WfiLL.I 1—WHY SURE! Sslsmone, son of Mr. and Mrs. BUZZ SAWYER BY RQY"^RANE WHV DO I ALWAYS Wo are selling J)J% cheaper this year than we over did before. M/ETRlARCHALISM f OFCOURSE I DOL OFFEND PEOPLE ? Anthony Salamone, ■ 279 Hilliard .Our turkeys are disease free and are raised In confinement on ^EXNWWIEASONARMIH JIB0ARCTWXU.S, 1 HEY.'..... l.THKMWE. St., is announced Hy her parents, railed, slatted porches. The turkeys, we tell are of our own ***'DESn»yBR'WILIER* HEARS A FAROFF S 60T SOMETHIHfi! —— MY. and Mrs. Thomas Riis.so, breeding, nUsed by us, W t 4o *”*.T **’•’ resale. No" turkey Is SUSEGOUS WOlSE. THAT COULP BC A ! FASTLMHTSOim r Agawam. Mass, froxenkunless so^ specified- l ^ pnitomor. -We also- specialise- In- WHAltORALMOSTAHYTHlNS ------v. I NOISES, BtARINR Miss Russo attended Agawam boned and rolled turkey and p a i^ tee, we pull the tWidons. High School and Is employed by Orowers Outlist, Inc., Springfield. Her fisijcs is a graduate of Man­ HENS 60e lbiOVtii-drMS«d>— 10*18 lbs. chester High School, and is em­ TOMS 50c lb. ov6n-drtts6d-—18 lbs, and up ployed by 'Travelers Insurance Co., Hartford. FRANK M. HARABURPA itlLANES ARE They will be married Saturday, 8-241B WPIRECTEDTO In St. Anthony’s Church, Agawam, ASH SWAMP RD., GLASTONBURY—PHONE INVSSTieA'fE-. Mass. - . ’ EJECT SONOBUOYS, fOMMtPTlCRUSSIAN NUClEARSUB*CAVIAR,'aPT. •sts.’a-Wi-s.** A tior TUEUNDERVlMrER L!'» WMR18 iSOVITCH LEISURELY l « 5 BREAKFAST , LISTBNINS MORTY MEEKLE BY D ICK CAVAI.L RMU CRUglH6’WI9T0lBTt 300FEET IHCERWATER.' OEVICES.. h e ' 4 jn I WONDER WHAT IVEGOT MR. BOOMER CONFERENCE DEPARTMENT MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD TO«ee.tHe CAN'T BE WITH MR. THEY'RE IN? B O ^ - - DH5TURBEO. FORTIWINK6 E ITI« VERY AN D AAR. lAAFORTANT, <5NOOZe.

1 1 Maot and Praduca Pricaa'IMacliva Tuasday and Wadnasday, NavanAar 10 and 11 OVilyl FIRST NATIONAL’S ANNUAL CANNED 600DS SALE! OICK I SALI CONTINUIS THSU SATUSDAY, NOVIMSIS 14th - HUSSVI . j OWAUJ list by NIA Sfivlt*. hw. TA4. R*f. U.l. Pit Off. '' Fanty Golden, Cresm Style . CAPTAIN EASY -V BY LESLIE TURNER '/<“ FINAST Id-OZ A/ no; AWP 5HE HPNEdTLV THINKS SHE WAS | PENNY SAYS; SHE MET 5HANPU HOW COUlP 5HE BE HYPNOTIZED \ NOi IT DOESN'T S w e e t C o r n SAVE 6c CANS WITH PRIENPS THAT I KNOW NOW 5HE DIO A BIT EARLIER 1.. AND 5HE 16. AND NOT RECALL IT LATER.-QR R ISEEMPOMBLE! I M«fl MR. ABERNATHY BY RALSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY IFTHE GIRLIVH O T SK I MM3THIN6 M U fin iB Piw eo capable O' DEEP HYPN06I6! MADE TO aCT s e c r e t INFORMAT(OH/BUT MAYBE YOU saw WA*PENNy>v--- TRkX&'iWlTH HER MINP! THE ONLY TREJUBLE WITH THAT AfiAlNST'HER MORAL PRHOCIPUEST 'SHDULO TALK TO Fsney Radium Size ■ • ,6NIHAA«Mltm EXCUSE M&SfR, WAV I SHARE 6HE OION'T 'KNOW THEORY I6-.1T DOESN’T MAKE HER COUSIN AT WITH ONIONS' ■ICHMONO X ^U . HAVE A THIS BOOTH [VVItH 'rOU? Me..KN0 HA5 NO 5EN5E,EltHEBV , SAVE 20c . ; HAMWJKGEIC. RBcouecnoN of You’ll look just like s page Siiireet P e as J- 0 c - T 9 ‘. V it: EASY! PENUY WITH onions.., out of Esquire when yquT UOUIMTT LEI. Fancy Cut, Green or Wax • n - . clothe^are Sanit^e Dry UCHMOND is ;a o z S F f l L Cleaned. Oug^nltone String Beans j SAVEZOc CANS Serviee'gets outAlI Uie soil 6 . ... even stublioui spots. ^ Red Ripe . - Aifid our 'exclusive UCHMOND 160Z Soft-^’t6 Anish|^we I'^tore Tom otoes SAVE 10c CANS}' the original l!? this' ' T .Tiff. 9>1. u.t, Psi, . fabtie ..’ so Ffiu^g|pthes Fancy Easitrn PsA ' ■, •f' ll-» look, feel and fit like new ‘ FINASt 46-OZ I:'-' JEFF COBB BY PETE HOPFB . . ; resift wrinkling, tool SAVE 9c CANS' T h e s t o r y o p m a r t h a w a y n e BY’ WILSON SCRUGGS Toninto Juice • • r > ’ HOUSE OBTfCTIVEf ■OH, H0).„I TO STOP you FROM Fancy New York Stale TIM, I W0P6 TO iW E A YOUUS^ THAT AFTERWOOW... C'MONiOPtN SEE m GOT LEAVINS WITH 'Call US today. . i' (SOKT i « E TWS AFT6RMOOH. WI - HERE JUST IN THATfTOLIN ■ TIME/ ■ NECKLACE. THAT THE SOKeCL MAgE IS ; BILLY/1 .THINK WE HAVE THAE TO c u u a m s , SAVE J c UKAPA QO ivtestwcKfaotueBisfoa i m ister; ^ ■'^TCLEN)?J V 'lOue MOTHER COMES HOME Celifornia Halves or Sliced FKOMVMDRK. ARE Y0U6AME?, XT* OF.JBfP 29 0Z 7e«e«eeea — FINAST SAVE Sc ca n s LAUNDEBIKS Fancy ^slilornis EHtABLISHED 1913 ' FINAST M A N C H i S i t K L Tfimiato Paste 'SAVE 11c jK 1 0 c‘2.v 7 9 < GRCEN M ANCH FHONE m i S'lSBl MAKY MORI OUTSTANDING VALUES 1 ^ -'■I j. REGULiUR.''!:;^' - DELIVERY SEBVlCliB t V'* ^ ‘ ' r i ^ -


RAytotra, (fJE A )— Jd era td ^h gle *7— r — rise It’s gfitting 80 a duisk doesn’t, have a chancy »ny nti sport Schedule r t B GI m m s b An improved decoy, f>uuut>' G i l b e r t K e t s facttirfid in Raytown, la a ft MtiineaSSa^^S, Boston 116. / . I, ‘foday feet in color .and appearani gyracuMylta; Detroit 167. Csa- and halt yet another feature T D , ^ iiverts High football V*. Ifriatot Philedelphla 164. Cincinnati IM. ^Day at YaultM Stadium,.Nov. 23r tral. 7~— ■ristbl. Menday'e •cMMgM that lures ducks before hunt­ ♦covering a football game In thStcovery by John Ifllchell ei Brie Sun4 at whioh ttm# U a great New' ByEARLYOiST first Sunday of High soccer v* WethersfjelA No Oemc* ScheduM: . er’s blinds. It swims. . antiquated------preae 1 box— which 1 In­. . Widmer’s fumble on the WlBlame rim ''n a y York Giant quarferback will be For B ig Po^rfs 8;I6 — MsmorisI n*Id. , ^ ^ ! 30 paved the way for ;ihe second the nM«*H Hovsmbar-and itywas Toosday’s M M M la ■ With ; electrically created “ We^al'e .hoping ^or » dry cluded unauthorized men,, women, honored . . Jimmy Wllaon, re­ 'TttMday. N'*v. I t New York at Fhlfadclphia. i Wee six-pointer. - I » bsauUfuI morning, the air clear I Nfw York, Nov. 9 (/P)— Sail Francisco’* 49era . are the day nexr ^aturday. We nded children and "cheer leidera” In the tired Post OfBee worker,. left a (X I L Cross (300111*/ .Field Day Boston Vs. Dettoft at St. LoulOr foot motion, dt goes through Winners of tW of six previous snd .-cHap during the family's The much-improyei^^Smoke surprise club of the National Football League and no doubt a dry day to perform at our parson of Wesleyan students, and •cUi^lng at the dOak and aaked if'. — Now Britain iMbehors College, Mlrmespolip-'at St. Loulf. the water witl. all the grace with no markings on tho field due stalls, Wtniama came to life In w a^ly ^1'^ the church of our I remembered the.fellow who-igaa about it. But the moat surprised bunch has to be Baltimore’s choice. . . Nothing waa on the Eaters gained' tfee Foy M®- of a live bird, creating realis­ bast,” Norm Daniels told to the rain, and mud completely the second half; getting a TD In 1 the subject of the article. Lock-., World Champion Colts, who now have dropped two in a row. agenda until mid-aftemoon and I jnorlal Trophy yesterday af- tic ripples thk* can easily be newsmen *in the Wesleyan covering numerals on all players' each o f the periods. The first time hart Rogers. Wall; I do rscsU Rog­ A. 46-v»pd fleld ROsl by Sam t rot comfortable and watched, the MWioon aa they won a hard- backs who were in the game, no the Bphmen got tho pigekin aftep- ers, now an associate professor Baker with 12 aeconda .left save spotted by high-flying ducka. fieldhouse when asked about filma of Notre Dame-Navy football against the Cards. The Giants, Saturday's Important football noticeable Injuries Were noted. intermleelon they went 48 yigrds, of chemistry at Maasachusetts In­ fougl^ battle over the Blue the WaahlnRton Redskin* a 27-24 ' It operates from eight to 10 air on the ground, to.scMiK' Bob game, then Bud Palmer's-interview who haven't allowed a touchdown meeting with Trinity at Hartford. StudAts Take Bestting stitute of Tectwihlogy. Rogers still Devila, 8-8. About SOO fana upset over the chilled champs yes- in two gamea, three times halted, hours on a rechargeable wet Rorke capping tlie dri^-from tho with Qtto Graham, Coast Guard holds the Uhnehaster High track wftnesiied the gnal week of Midget Minutes before the most popular coach, and finally the first half of fertlav, sinkina the Colts two the Cardinals Inside the New York cell battery and is guaranteed college coach In the Connecticut •How about those ihjurtea?” one with a smash the middle. record in-fne broad jump and. while Football Leagu«' half. Miss Mariles with a.groin Injury''and guard rector o f athletica. presented the -, In the Eastera Conference, three Wesleyan has speed to bum, main­ short of the goal line in the iat- offenses were held at bay Until the j (jhris Slderelis ^ 'A r m Injucy. Rockville man with a lifetime pass ing was excellent, ’three .phesssnU/ field goals by Pal Sufnmerall car­ ly In the persori'of wlll-o-the-wlsp ter’s bids to riwh for the points were killed as the hunters enjoyed fourth period when the fSaters j BROWNS *28,* EAGLES 7 — New York', Nov» 9 (/P)— Remem­ . Wesleyan rpHed up two first half to all athletic ev^ents at Rockville ried New' York (8-1) to it* fifth Tony DeMlro and shifty Jimmy after- .the vlsitor'e touchdowns.. the day away from their practice* CdlTIE ftliVE- I After scoring aU. five of, Cleve­ ber when Mexico — with the touchdowpa^and then held on for High, the first man ever to be so straight' victory. It was a 9-3 Job Thomas. " I f we have a dry field,” Both tackles were speotaculap. , . . ^ S n Mahoney announced- he . Right halfback Mike Gilbert be-1 land’s T D s against the (Tbits last inimitable O n . Humberto Mariles deaf llfle against the bulkier in- honored. "Mr. Yost," Canavari ■on the ClhicsLgo Cardinals that re­ Daniels said, "you’ll -see us at our One Moire Chance will again serve as general chair­ came the man of the hour when week, Jlmrny Brow-n counted, the Ys the mainstay — was the vad^m to get their third win of told me, "I* my coach; He never tained the GianU' one-game edge best.. DeMiro and Thomas need Williams had one more chance man for the Kacey Irish-Spoirls he. circled his’own left end and Browns' first two against the scourge' the world In, intema- thA sriason In seven starts. misses a practice or game at Hen- • r » --y. over Cleveland. The Browms (6-2) Eagles on a 20-ysrd run and good footing coimitions td operate as approaching darkness made the Night in March, annually one of scampered 21 yards with the ty­ broke a tie With Philadelphia'for tiooal horse Jumping? Lanky quarterback Jimmy Sam* rv Park;” . . . My aecretary, one ing touchdown. Then’ came the a plunge. That gave him 10 at their best.” Both Wes halfback’s day even more miserable. A re-' of my sons in this case, was busy the high spots on the social cal­ second place ■ by whipping the 'Those day* are gpne, but they was sensational, during the first most Important play of the after­ Td* and 80 points — tops In the' are speedsters. . covered fumble on the Wesleyan. during my absence answering the endar; Eagles, 28-7. may come back again. A t the mo­ 30 minutes in particular. jHls play noon, the points after touchdown. r - ' league and-,he upped hi* No. 1 Wesleyan, and Williams too, had 50 with 4:10 remaining/gave Wil­ telephone and there was a long list H ie Chicago Bears tied Green ment MexlcOj^ which .Proriably has calling was brilliant as well as his Tkiiroday, Gilbert Was again called, on, .and ■ • •■’t' rushingjtqtal ,to_882 ykrd|„v’ith 125_ nothing. J)ut _. a. sea of .moA anJ ball handling and pin-point paw­ liams a lift but Charlis Herman of numbers to call when I arrived \ Bay for third In the Wo*t by 'won ntiore national horse show in­ water to operate oh for their plupked a’ Buice Grinell pass out of Spring-like weather, returned on the same play as he scored the V' ■ " ' ■ > on 29 carries.’ ing. ' I St 250 Burke St. handing the Packers their' fourth ternational jumping titles than Little Three skirmish, Less than the air and Wes had, the ball at touchdown, tallied the extra two 1. . - • .. . I. fti'' Sams at Controls this" fifth day of November straight defeat, 28-17. And Pitts­ * * * any other country, hasn't, scored the WlUiamg 47 and was striving points, giving the. Smokeaters BEARS 28, PACKERS 17—Two 1.000 spectators, all' potential Monday Roy Blanco stopped to get,^the burgh tied Detroit IOtIO on Bobby once. pneumonia cases, watched the bat­ With Sams at the'.controls, Wes­ for a touchdown, reaching thA. .14, home schedules of the Bbatoh Cel­ thqir hard-earned victory. fumbles. by .Pac.kep Paul Hornung I Public Relations h 1 e f Lou Layne’s. tpuchdowm pass in the “ But," »aia Lt. Jaime de la tle that was played in heax^r rain’ leyan won the toss, elected to re­ when time expired. tics and'Boatort Bruins. Each year The Devils have nothing to be Were converted i Into touchdowns i Bampliner of UHartford waa an Queen ReigHs at Midget Football Game final S li minutes. It was the first Garza, one of .Mexico's top young from the start to' finish on the ceive, took the kickoff and parad­ Oddity of the game was thf- he takes in several “ doublehead- ashamed of aa they played ex- deadlock of the season in the NFL.. and a 14-0 first period lead by the office vlBitor. “ W ere going to riders, “ we aren’t discouraged. coldest Saturday afternoon of the ed 68 yards, in seven plays for six fact that not one yard in penaltiea era" In Beantown . Field trials bellent football all afternoon and Pretty Linda Orfitelli, flanked by twins Dorothy and Doloreg ^icci, signed 68 quMn Bears, who put It away on Ed have a better basketball team at Our horses are green and they, will fall football season. 'After .exper­ points after 3:59 had elapsed. were marked otl against Wesleyan. hsVe been passed up since the it looked for awhile as if they of the Midget Footbair.League as the season came to a close yesterday at Mt. N el». Brown’s 38,-yard pass to Harlon Hartford,” he said. “W e .have a RKDBKINS 27, COLTS 24^ require a little more time to train. iencing perfect weS'ther .for the Thomas skirting his right end Williams was penalized but .10 would take the trophy. Hill in the Mcond period. i number of good players among hunting seasoii opened and Joe Brief between game crowning ceremonies highlighted the qiieeh contest. (Heraid Baker's wrlnning field goal against TTien we’ll do all right." first five Saturdays, trie last from the 20 for the TD. & m a ran yards,. 20 of this total coming In White reported his bird dog. Standouts for the Eaters includ­ • • for the two points, which .proved our freshmen claasea” . . . Red Photo by Satemis) ., , . . ' the Colts, set up by Tom Brattx'^ Lt. de la Garza explained that a three in the East have been better the last two 'minutes. Flush, ivaa doing well, five kills ed Woody Clark, Bryon Perry, Gil­ Interception of a Johnny Units*' LIONS 10, STEELER8 10 — to be the margin of ■victory. Lailey, one of the linotype opera­ new system was put into effect in suited for ducks. Tip to football fans. Don’t miss being the latest r’eport . . . Spe­ bert, Dave Marsialo, Bruce B|agle- pass, was his second of the game Layne also kicked a 29-yard tor* In^the Composing Room, pro­ Mexico this year. It's called a na­ While talking with Daniels, Again in the second period, Wes­ the Trinlty-Wesleyan battle. It’ cial delivery worker Bill Greene aon,' John Andreoli and Pet'e’ Par­ -and was held by Eddie LeBaron— field goal and the tying converaion duced ah old edition' of the Hart­ tional selection elimination. Any­ husky lad emerged from Trainer leyan scored. This time, Sams, should be a whale of an offensive of the Post (Jffice staff was a ker. Bright spots In s losing cause the little guy who had' a finger in for the Steelers. A 73-y.ard touch­ ford 'Tlmea, dated 1919, which Bigrts. Box ahore of Coy. Bill McCabe, Brennen and the Skins ahead of th'e ever-ral- goal in the fourth period d ij It for the Mancheater Athletics’, baseball Pocomoonahire Lake Lodges in Olympic track and fleld team. ' walked out of the room, his head ball into pay dirt on a sneak and of special interest with Silk Town- Dan T. Sullivan. Ijin g Colts, completing 16 of 32 the Lions. \ game With the New Departure of Alexander, Maine . . , For a fel­ “ It used to-be that just the mili­ swathed in bandages, with his* then' shot a bullet pass to end ers Bobby Johnson and Dave Golas low who has never seen a horse passes for 208 yarUs and.matching Bristol was carried. Some of the FIOHTER8 6, CRUUER8 6 tary had the, good horses,” said left eye also coverefl.^' * Dave Gordon for the 15th and 16th with Trin and Dom Squatrlto In race, in the flesh, the mailman Seen No Problem hi* season TD-pass total by pitch- Expansion Standing* \ the Cardinal forward wall. Silk Town players were Tommy Lt. de la Garza, “but. nowadays Despite the ’ poor conditions for points with 3:56 consumed. A re- brought word that I was one who The Fire Fighters did th* only .Ing foi* two. He also paught the Eastern Conference '. every.one .Scents to have'them. So Sipples, often called the finest scoring in the first game in the ♦ffisos ds lass Bs yod’6 pby ^ Colt* cold writh a pitdltont to Ed nam ^ correctly the three new ♦th e hoop, but overall the whirl Is W. U T, Pet. the tryout system was devised, local diamond product, Jerry N«vv- York -:.(N E A ) -^An own-^ *a» wliilsf tim riraddri ' Sutton, who then threw 22 yard’s New York ___ . . . . . 6 1 0 .857 member* of the National Jockey* er in the proposed new pCofession- short and for a different muon : ■What about Gen. Mariles? He Fay,' Brock Wllsoh, and Bill Bren­ H.n « r.n,., w ,,». fWf to Joe Walto'n for a fourth period Cleveland . . , ...... 5 2 O' .714 nan... . Paseed up the w o e k ly ai fooU ll Amerlcari League asked’ than in football and basball. Tha touchdown that snapped a 10^10 was said to be feuding with the Philadelphia .. ___ .4 3 0 .571 luncheon of the Sports Writers' Mack (^m er. and Carroll Shilling. Heller’s passing was simply out- a veteran acout to compile a dfaft reason for the brevity of a peo jj tie. Defense Department and hence Washington ...... 3 4 0 .429 Major Ho of .the started at, night at the West Side es, three to Oakman. approaching that of th* National,” are, one of them is replaced ovary | two of the Colts' three at Washing­ “Well,” A id Lt. de la Garza, National sportscasters and aports- W. L. T. Pet. Giants holds up kicking toe in Yankee Stadium dressing Rec and Watkins, despite the ab­ Both defenses were the ruling reads the report, “ everyone of four year*, by s tall kid who steed ton and completed 15 of 35 'fo r who speaks .excellent Epglish, "I Johnson Scores Tw ice for T rin ity writer* awards will be made short­ KELLY San Francisco ...... 6 1 0 ,857 sence ^of it* captain, sponsor and factors for the rest of the after­ these boys would have to be out : in 'college. Fourteen ■ young- ( 284 yards. >He now has 19 scoring room after booting Giants to a 9-3 victory over the haven’t ■ talked to him personally ly and the ballot arrived today Baltimore .... ___ .4 3 0 .571 but I know he’s training a lot of top aplker, Bruce Watkins, vaca­ noon, as neither team was ablej_to signed,” . aters broke in Mfith our eight club* i EXPLORER II passes for the season and has run Cardinals. Summerajl put the ball over the crossbar from My state nominations were A rt -There will, of course, be robust Green Bay ...... 3 4 6 .429 riders and is riding every day him­ tioning in N *w York, the team get any good- offensive attack this season snd I need go no ftjr-j his record 'scoring streak' to 32 37, 49 and 20 yards out. 'Victory kept New Yorkers in McGinley of the Times end B ob ! started. competition from the 12 club* in ther for an illustration than W ilt S far ot law at Chicago Bears ...... 3 4 0 .429 self. I ’ve seen stories in papers