6 Pupils Back, at 77 M.P.H? Milford, Nov
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■'rJ ••• ^ ) ryru,,/f • ■ «*»• - ■•*.'. > ,3 ■-■--pi— Arcnge IMbr Nci P r^ Ran . r«r Hi* #Mfc Bu m - rwriMSl M 0. A _We8dws,.See*' <lil!t. SI, ISM ' fW r' tm t itm « • ■ i f«.l> ^ ' 13,041 s s ^ sfocBr Si*p Mti A MMH; M«mk«r af ttw Aariit inIMm* ew-ftay. Hlgk SMSC.',.. BarMHi of OIrefllothMi . M ttnehe$fr^A City pf Vjtlage Charm VOL. LXXIX, N6. S4 (ruuitreEN pAGua) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1959 :^(dSMllM AcNorlMafe mm ffag* IS ) pRicH>ivE e iin if union Sought HeE^pectM Red Carpet 6 Pupils Back, At 77 m.p.h? Milford, Nov. » </Fi — Tbs nmyor of Worcester, Mass., Pittsburgh; Nov, 9 </P>— was arrested for speeding when clocked a t 77 pi^ea ,pe.r Major producers edged the hour yesterday )>y Connecticut drst small shipments of fin State Police on the Wilbur ish ^ steel irtto delivery pipe Cross Parkway. The six children who werefthoM who contracted poiio thia lines today—two days after Milford poHce aaid Mayor expelled from Manch/ester’s year had had three or more shots an 80-day Taft-Hartley. in Joseph Casdin wasn’t too of the vaccine seemed to indicate pleasant about the Incident. public schools for not having a it' was not very effective. junction halted the longest They quoted him as saying polio shot t^ill be permitted to Wells conUnued to send five of strike in s^eel industry his that from now on any Connec State Backs attend school until a decision his eight children to school. He tory. ticut motorist 'driving as much on their status is reached by wanted ^ formal hearing, he-said, 'Hie early, shipments—gather as.one mile per hour aboVe the before the Board of Education. He ing# of what was left behind when limit in Worcester would get *7 ' Town Counsel Philip Bayer, , was told the Board would be glad the ,116-day strike began^meaht the book thrown at him. 4 P o licies Superintendent of Schoola Arthur to hear him, but he must keep his little to customers already hurt by State Pollcemsii Bernard H, lillng said today the ftVe chil children out of school until, the 'h "■ . c'- ■ * dren of Donald Wells, 88 MeekvUle shortages.' It still will be weeks Peterson, who bore the brunt , V , f. '-A regular Board, meeting Nov, 16. before newly ptoduded. steel moves of the miffed mayor’s Ire be Rd., and the daughter of a Coven Mrs. Wells protested that this • ■ ' ’% *'■’'* ■A :v':'■■■ For Nov. 16 try couple will be permitted to at in signifleaht. amounts. ■ cause he made the arrest, said iV . was too long to keep the children Thousands of the half-million Casdin wss doing 77. miles per tend. I ' out of school. Hartford, Nov. 9 (/P}-yCoBr Last week both sets of parents st'rikcrs were .called baCIo to wbrk hour in a 55-mile zone. 'The k.: '..A ming said today the matter had over the .weekend. Thousands necticut's drivers will have who had refused to have their chil been turned over to A tty.. Bayer. speed was measured by radar, ' • • A'-.'. ' •' f dren Immunised against polio were more exnected' recalls eariy this he said. _____. 'I* their choice of four new auto As soon as a decision is reached weakT^ SteCT firms were reluctanft”" told'by niing to keep their children by him, the Wellses and the Cov Casdin had to'part with 824. .- ■■ '<*■ mobile liability insurance nidi- at home. to state flgures—changes occur- bond before he could continue entry couple ■ w ill' hie Informed re<Ltoo fa s t.___^__ ,___ cies after Nov. IS, all of which In torbidding the children to at whether they may continue to send his trip westward. will give reduced premium to. tend the school, ming was carrying their, children to Manchesetr Most big companies began heat Reached 'S t a New York' out the regulaUons of the Board schools. ing ironmaking blast furnaces and hotel, the mayor said he would the aafe driver and a higher of Education which, at its Septeni- 'One of the Wells children at steelm.aking open hearths 24-hours have to post |24 for court premium to the driver with a 'ber meeting, made polio imhiu- tends the high school, one. the after mill gates swung open. Some appearance, and that when ha record of accidents and minor Bintion compulsory. junior high, school, and tl\ree at expected to get iron from blast asked how the bond was fig vehicle violations. The deadline for having the first tend Buckland. furnaces yet today. ured he was told .it is based shot was Oct. 1. > Throughout the industry there on what the fine will be. The four pbUciee, to b* wrltterf . The only way to avoid having a Wells said there had been a big by four dlfferenee companies of response to the stories in Satur was a gigantic effort to get all fa "In other words," he. sai(l, Shot was either to show proof of cilities producing as quicki.v as "you are convicted as soon .as grotipe of companies, differ sign- ihedicBl inadvfsability or reli^ous day's papers. possible. Customers— many closed fleantiy In their provision*. “1 have had calls front all over you are atreated. I would protest. because of steel shortages—press have liked to have paid the Ths savings for the safe driver tyella- sent a letter to thjs Board the state.” he .said today; "They ed . for speedy deliveries. vary from 2() per sent to about 90 were mostly from parents." . fine then but was told I would of Education saying he would not Producers could count on only per cent. The premium for ths .have his children immunised, be 'Tve even had offers 'of finan have to make the long drivs V * driver with a bad record wtti run cial assistance," he added. 80-days of operations. If the la back to Milford." ' " f- cause he thought the Sadk vaccine bor dispute is tinsettled when the • r.*7. as high as several hundred'per might be harmful. At any rate, he cent over the basic rates now In said, the fact that 17 per cent of injunction expires Jan. 26, work (CoBtbined «a Page Savea) ers could renew the strike. effect. The U.S. Supreme Court figura The new safe driver Insaranee tively 'struck the mktch that re- Raid Uncovers ian* were appiWed today tw ktoidied mill furnaces. The court ( ‘,4 •' State Insurance Commissioner Al b.y\ an .8-1 vote -Saturd/ay upheld Peronista Plot fred ff. Premo. Chou Wants Nohru th e' injuncUon that had been They sre the first safe driver In stayed more than two weeks by surance plans of their type t» be tTnited Steelworkers appeals. InArgentina siithnrized for sale In Connecticut. Last ^ night Secretary of Labor The companies authorized to a ^ James P, Mitchell, in a television policies' are; Sprlngfleld-Mofiarch Confer on Border appearance, (NBC Meet the Press) Tucuhian, Argentina, Nov. Insurance Co., Springfield, Mass.; said it will be tip to Omgreas to 9 (/P)—A raid on an armed Vigilant insurance Co. (Chubb London, Nov. 9 —^Pr,mier Chou^piiws i^at In order to discuss keep the mills operating beyond camp in the mountains, poUce and Son. managers), Short Hills, En-lal of Red China has proposed further the boundary question and Jan. 28 if a labor agreement still N. J.; the Employers Gfioup (Em is beyond reach. .sa.v, has uncovered a plojf by - that he and Prime Minister Nehru other questions -in the relations ployers’ Liability Assurance Covp., between the two countries, the followers of Juan D. Peron for Amerifian Em^oyers’ Insurancs of India meet quickly to SetUe prime ministers of the two coun fContlnned on Pqge fieven) a Csatro-type guerriUa cam Co.. Employers Fire Ineurance Co., their border trouble. In the mean- tries hold talks In the immediate paign to restore the exil^dic- and Halifax Insurance Co.), Bos '' time,' said Chou, their armed forces futmm. ton, Msss.;- and Nationwide Gen tator to power. eral Insurance Co.. Cohimbus. each skould pUll back 12 >4 miles ‘‘The peoples of our two coun- Three youth's were captured In Fire rages unchecked aboard the tanker Amoco Virginia while It was tied up and aground tHes desire that we act promptly. 284 in Italian tgnl( ferm on the Houston, Tex., atiip ci al. At this point, Ohio, a.itock 00]lonuMuiy owMd by from disputed frontiers. I think we should meet their desire .the raid Saturday on the com NatlontHdo Muf pletely outfitted, well armed camp rp rtaiT ^'illb '■forvffai’d IfWda bf■ ■ Ine veesel eiusing-A' hug#' mil of smoke to envein ittttf InauntBOO'Oa A note to Nehru, as broadcast and not let those who seek every er. (APPHotofax) About fix Hartford Inzurmncs by Peiping- Radio, said "The chance to disrupt by all means the V illa g e Given 6,000 feet up in the' mountains companies which a rt trying out peoples of our two countries desire great friendship between China and near this trading center 665 miles atf* driver plana in other mtmlea tha't we act promptly. Unless a India attain their sinister- objec- northwest, of Buenoe Aires. hava nb immsdiata |dane to aak for goiutJen la found to the .hocdor Stock in B -TTiie^euUMl-aidA .ilmjt. Mr D e a A , 2 5 ^ tuthorlty to. Write aueh peUskH^ dlQiule, ‘‘olathaa which both aides If a site for the proposed meet o ru iM .