DISTRIBUTION BANK TODAY Mix, Ugh H the 7*L Fair to- sight, tow H. Tomorrew, fair, 23,725 fctgb 71 to M. Suaday, fair and warm. See weather, peg* 2. I DIAL 741-0010 VClX KR NO tami «»Uy< llaaitj throndi Trldw. »•«»><» CUn taw RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1964 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE 1 rla u ^j BuK «Dd It tlHIMW* VtaiBf OfDeM U.S. Mulls New Asia Moves WASHINGTOM (AP) — The Nam, dispatch of more air and It brings to three the force of diplomatic pressures on the The State Department said start of U.S. jet reconnaissance sea power into the area, landing big attack carriers in Far East- Communist powers and the the United States had undertak- flights over Red • threatened of forces in Thailand if the Thai ern waters. prospect of greater U.S. mili- en the reconnaissance flight in Laos may be only the first of government agrees such help is Officials said they were not tary involvement in the area - response to a request from tha several actions enlarging Amer- necessary, and direct military certain how quickly the con- would cause the Communists to Laos government. ican military operations in intervention in Laos itself. frontation in Southeast Asia stop their offensive campaign A spokesman declared that Southeast Asia, officials said Further steps will be ordered, would reach a showdown stage against the forces of the neu- the information gained from the today. officials said, if the situation if diplomacy fails to find a way tralist Laotian government. flights would be turned over Faced with Communist ad' continues to deteriorate. out of the present crisis. The reconnaissance flights both to the Laotian government vances posing increasingly seri- In another development, not Still Hopeful wetje announced by the State and to the International Control ous threats to Laos and neigh* necessarily connected with the Events could develop quickly, Department Thursday after Pe- Commission, formed by India, boring South Viet Nam, U.S. Laotian crisis, a Navy carrier however, depending on what the king Radio broadcast a report Canada and Poland. The com- policymakers have been consid- squadron has left the Indian Communists decide to do. that Communist Pathet Laos mission has the task of super- ering a wide variety of moves, Ocean and rejoined the main President Johnson and Secre- troops had fired on two U.S. jet vising the international agree- including: body of the U.S. 7th Fleet in the tary of State Dean Rusk were planes flying over the Plaine ment under which Laos was Strikes against North Viet Pacific, it was learned today. described as still hopeful that des Jarres. neutralized in 1962. UN Delegates Begin Border Patrol Study UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (AP) Sonn pressed for a new Geneva The U.S. Ambassador charged —UN delegates today studied the conference to guarantee Cam- that North Vietnamese Com- possibility of the Security Coun- bodia's neutrality and territorial munists, helped by the Chinese cil agreeing on U.S. proposals for integrity, but Stevenson said: Communists, were trying to over- United Nations to sponsor "There is no need for another throw the governments of South ar- patrols along the troubled such conference. A Geneva con- Viet Nam and Laos. TWO Ufr— Amidst the rubble from yesterday's early border between Cambodia and ference on Cambodia could not He said those responsible "have mofning fire «t Riverside Lanes, 31-23 East Front St., South Viet Nam. be expected to produce an agree- Cambodia's representative at the ment any more effective than the set foot upon an exceedingly Red Bank, were bowling pins shown in foreground. Cause; UN, Ambassador Voeunsai Sonn, agreement we already have.'1 dangerous path." He served no- of the blaxe, which destroyed building containing bowl- told a reporter the suggestions The'Vietnamese representative tice that the United States would give help as long as it was asked Ing alleys, luncheonette and cbcktail lounge, h« not for a UN watch on the frontier renewed his government's pro- were "the really important part" posal for director border talks to keep independent peoples of been determined. The alarm was sounded .*t;2|S«.•*. m. of the policy speech that U.S. between Cambodia and South South-east Asia from being "over- Thuriday. Story and other photos on today'sfcfori page Ambassador Adlai E. Stevenson Viet Nam. But Sonn brushed off run by armed aggressors." made to the 11-natlon council that proposal. Soviet Delegate Nikolai T. yesterday. He asked his gov- Stevenson said the United Fedorenko derided Stevenson's ernment for comment. States had no fundamental objec- speech as an exercise in "stu- Moroccan Ambassador Ahmed tion to Cambodia's suggestion pidity." Stevenson responded by Talgi Benhima was in touch with that a UN commission investigate including the Soviet Union in his other council delegates trying to whether the Vietnamese Corn- charges. Soviet policy;, he said, find the basis, for a resolution on munists had used Cambodian "explicitly supports the .,. over-' the dispute. He was reported territory. But he added it would throw of national governments of anxious to return the debate to not meet the problem. newly Independent states." that specific issue and pull it 'Dangerous Path' back from the broad problem of Stevenson also said that the South-east Asia. " International Control Commis- diplomats was that SUBJECT WAS SOUTHEAST ASIA—Chairman William Fulbright, D-Ark., of the Sen- To Meet Monday sion, suggested by Cambodia as address was good as far as it ate- Foreign Relations Committee, chats-with Secretary of State Dean Rusk before The council meets again Mon- the body to maintain frontier se- went but did not live up to Its a closed door session of the group. Rusk briefed the senators on the crisis in Laos curity,, could not do that effec- billing as "an extremely import- day, and Southeast Asia. .' . ' ' (AP Wirephoto) has charged that tively. - • • ant speech." KEANSBURG '•— The Board of Education iboved» «wo Cambodia fronts last night to solve its classroom shortage problem. South Vietnamese troops, accom- The boara announoedit would meet wWiEafl B. Garrison, panied by U.S. officers, have county superintendent of -schooli June 3 to discuss the com- bees crossing Into Cambodia and .jnunity's high school situation. •-,••• • ••>••••. • • • • killing villagers. Sonn denied to After meeting with Mr. dSarrisonjt'the board will seek a. the council yesterday that Com- meeting with the Henry Hudson Regional Board, of Education munists fighting against the "to dear the air over recent reports in The'Registtr wfcout the South Vietnam** :|ovatnmeflt VIENTIANE, Laos (AP) - Gen. Kong Le, hard- battalions, which originally totaled about 1,600 men. town of Muong Kassy, 25 miles north of Vang Vierig, ito«iibi«yr of the borough entering that regional district.", were using Cambodia as a sanc- pressed commander of the Laotian neutralist army, A government spokesman said two armored which has an airstrip. •'•'•'• -On the question of lack of elementary school space, the tuary. reportedly has been reinforced by 800 troops who battalions dug in on the northwest fringe of the Souvanna has accused North Viet Nam of sup- board will meet, at a date to be announced; with various Stevenson Insisted they were fought through Communist lines to rejoin him south- plain at Muong Kheung had counterattacked the plying troops for the Red offensive. church, municipal, and fire department officials to try to: secure and said, "This is the real reason west of the Plaine des Jarres. Reds. He said fighting was still going on Wednes- Informed sources said U. S. Ambassador Leon- room for1 three classrooms In September. fpr troubles on the Cambodian Military sources said the 800 had been cut off day night. ard Unger and British Charge d'Affaires John Den- On the high school question, board, members made it quite border.". He admitted that an southeast of Kong Le's abandoned command post at Military sources believed Kong Le might try son told Souvanna their governments favor a meet- dear that they have not been involved in any "regional talks American adviser was with the Muong Phanh last weekend when the Pathet Lao to withdraw to Vang Vieng, a highway center 50 ing of envoys in Vientiane representing the 14 na- with the Henry Hudson school board." South Vietnamese on one of the launched an offensive that swept the neutralists miles to the southwest. Neutralist premier Souvan- tions which took part in the 1962 Geneva Conference "I think we should ask for a meeting with that' board to three border crossings Cambodia from the strategic plateau 110 miles northeast of na Phouma has expressed fear that Vang Vieng, guaranteeing the neutrality and independence of * discuss the regional possibility and let taxpayers in this com- cited to the council. Pham Khac Vientiane. only 60 miles north of the capital, would be the next Laos. munity. Highlands and Atlantic Highlands know what tiie real Rau of South Viet Nam said his Breaking out of the trap, they made their way target of the Reds. Souvanna then summoned Soviet Ambassador •tory is," Jeremiah,T. Wilson-said. country's troops had made an to Ba Na, where Kong Le's retreat was last re- Canadian and Indian representatives of "the In-' Sergei' Affanassfev to' find out how the Kremlin ! "We have not asked to join that regional district and they occasional inadvertent crossing ported to have halted about 10 miles south of Muong ternational Control Commission for Laos flew to • stands. • . -nave not asked us," he'sadd.' ' ' : ' • . in pursuit of their enemies." Phanh'. Vang Vieng yesterday at Souvanna's request. They The Soviet Union Informed Souvanna yesterday Stevenson made three alterna Informants who saw Kong Le yesterday said-he said the town seemed quiet.
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