Lewiston-Auburn’s Weekly Newspaper! TWIN CITYTIMES © Twin City TIMES, Inc. 2017 (207) 795-5017 •
[email protected] • 33 Dunn St., Auburn, ME 04210 FREE • Vol. XVI, No. 41 Your Hometown Newspaper Since 1999 January 19, 2017 • FREE Norway Savings donates $10,000 Governor LePage and First Lady to Community Concepts have weight-loss surgery at CMMC Norway Savings “We are excited to for home ownership. The “I really feel like I’m getting my life back.” —First Lady Ann LePage Bank recently presented partner with Community agency’s support contin- a $10,000 donation to Concepts in their efforts ues post-purchase with Community Concepts to to support and educate counseling to ensure that help Maine families access Maine families preparing the home owner success- home ownership and stay for home ownership” said fully manages the respon- in their homes. With the Janice deLima, CRA Of- sibilities and opportunities funds, Community Con- ficer of Norway Savings that come with owning a cepts will provide one- Bank. home. on-one financial coun- Community Con- These free and confi - seling to families seeking cepts’ counseling sessions dential programs have been a home of their own and provide budgeting tips as built to support and help to those who are facing well as credit and fi nanc- low- to moderate-income financial difficulties as ing solutions to help pre- families through tough home owners. pare prospective buyer s times. Governor Paul R. LePage, First Lady Ann LePage and Dr. Jamie Loggins share a laugh in the kitchen of the historic Blaine House, the Governor’s residence.