n tt • " - • . -• . • • . • ;••"•'•.: Tax Status of Zoaing Foes Questianed SEE STORY PAGE 2 The Weather Sunny and warm today, fair THEBMH FINAL early tonight with some fog Ked Bank, Freehold later. Fair and warm tomor- row. T l«ong Branch 7 EDITION Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 34 PAGES VOL.95 NO.48 RED BANK, N.J. THURSDAY, AUGUST 31,197? TEN CENTS* News' _ From Summit: Nixon HONOLULU (AP) - Flying red carpet welcome. constant aiaiogue between our tain close cooperative rela- with Nixon "at the earliest from opposite sides of the Pa- When Nixon arrived, he two countries. tions in a variety of. fields for possible opportunity." cific. President-Nixon and stood, in the rain with a lei "We wish to strengthen fur- many years. Nixon greeted the Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tan- drapped around his neck and ther the already solid founda- "Today, we are living in an prime minister at the foot of aka converged on Hawaii yes- told an estimated 5,000 per- tion of friendship and mutual increasing multipolarized his aircraft stairway with a terday for U.S. — Japanese sons who gave him a warm trust between Japan and the world where Japan has come wide smile and a handshake. summit talks which Nixon - ' welcome that he was here to United States and to promote to assume greater responsi- The President and Mrs. Nix- said will produce "good news ' further the United States' even more wide-ranging coop- bilities in the international on walked with Tanaka to the for all the people of the world "very close friendship" with erative relations in the com- community commensurate speakers' podium and they interested to peace." Japan. ing years," Tanaka added. with her increased national stood at attention as cannons Nixon, .who arrived four Tanaka said in his arrival The prime minister said strength." boomed out a salute and a hours before the prime minis- comments that.he hopes the that Japan and the United Tanaka said since he be- band played the national an- ter, returned to Hickam Air talks with Nixon "will mark States, "as partners situated came prime minister it "has thems, of Japan first and then Force Base to give Tanaka a the beginning of a new era of across the Pacific, can main- been my strong wish" to meet of the United states. Tanaka said that "it is most appropriate and significant that the meeting (with Nixon) is taking place here in Hawaii, where peoples of di- NIXON SPEAKS IN RAIN —A Secret Service agent holds an umbrella verse races with diverse tra- over President Nixon as he talks to a crowd that greeted him In the rain ditions and cultures in the Pa- at Hickam Air Force Base in Honolulu yesterday upon his arrival for a cific area have come and summit conference with Prime Minister Kukuei Tanaka of Japan. toiled together under the American flag to build a para- dise in the Pacific." The welcoming ceremony for Tanaka, originally sched- uled for an open area near the City Interference spot where Nixon arrived ear- lier in the day, was moved in- side a hangar because of the^ threat of rain. Nixon told Tanaka it was At Center Barred appropriate that his first offi- FREEHOLD - Superior main in the ceilings of a fire state employed at the school.: cial visit to United States as Court Judge Francis X. stair. The state contends that 8 prime minister is in Hawaii Crahay yesterday temporarily The drug center con- Superior Court ruling, upheld because almost one-third of restrained Long Branch offi- troversy has raged since Ja- • Aug. 8 by the Appellate Divi- the state's population is of cials from interfering with nuary, 1971. when the plans sion, exempted it from local Japanese ancestry. state officials or employes in- were made public before Long ordinances. • i'- volved in the establishment of Branch Mayor Henry R. Cioffi a controversial teen-age drug learned of them. The City It alleges that not only was center there. Council adopted a resolution a summons issued Aug. 24. County Jail Judge Crahay directed the opposing it Feb. 23; 1971. but that two men from -the city officials to show cause The center has been strong- city's Fire Prevention Bureau Sept. 15 why the temporary ly resisted by city residents, a came on Aug. 28 to inspect ad- Prisoners restraint should not be made majority of members of the ditions and renovations being permanent. governing body and the Long made to the building on ' The court, order bars the Branch Division, United Civic Chelsea Ave., which formerly Rampage and Taxpayers Organization housed the Star of the Sea city from, issuing or prose- Academy. . . CAPE MAY COURT cuting summonses in con- (UCTO). SHIP SHAPE — Henry F. Gehlhaus president of the New Point Comfort Beach Co. which owns and op- HOUSE (AP) - A number of nection with work being done The show cause and re- Both UCTO and the city erates concessions along the Keansburg boardwalk said yesterday he will be spending a lot of time in prisoners rampaged through at the state's Narcotic and straining orders were sub- have fought establishment of his ship type office after Oct. 1. Mr. Gehlhaus announced he has sold his boardwalk holdings to Grand Cape May County Jail last Drug Abuse Rehabilitation mitted by Deputy Attorney the drug center in the courts. Cantalupo, a local resident, and Albert Reid of Middletown. See Story, photo page 17. night after a prisoner wres- Center, also known as the General Jonathan Weiner. tled a sheriff's officer and in- Chelsea School. In an accompanying com- Named defendants in the mates managed to open cell It conies in the wake of a plaint, the state alleges that state's complaint are the City blocks. fire code summons issued city officials are "in- of Long Branch, Mayor Cioffi Aug. 24 to the center director. tentionally interfering with, Public Safety Director John Sheriff Beech Fox said in- Matthew Martin, alleging that without legal authority." offi- M. Buffin and Edward H. Wil- Ask Gilman Suit Dismissal mates whose cell block had holes had been allowed to re- liams, fire inspector. cials and employes of the been opened subsequently FREEHOLD - Attorneys Rumson and William E. Rus- complaint is "the non-judicial During the trial, three pa- protected the sheriff'0 officer, for former County Medical sell of Middletown. action of the defendant in the thologists, including Dr. Ed- Sgt. William Peny. Examiner Dr. C. Malcolm B. Papers Filed negligent, malicious and im- win H. Albano. state medical Fox said order was resj6red Gilman will move in Superior Legal papers have also been proper performance of an au- examiner, disputed the cause in about an hour's.time and Court here Sept. 8 for dis- Seek Check for Tonti filed supporting and opposing topsy and not his subsequent of death Dr. Gilman gave, and the only injury was to.Perry, missal of a lawsuit for dam- dismissal of the action. testimony, which merely re- Mr. Rinaldi's body was ex- who suffered a minor scratch ages brought against him by Mr. Rathman contends that confirmed his initial humed for a second autopsy behind the right ear. two men acquitted in a mur- Dr. Gilman is protected from wrongdoing." by Dr. Albano. State police and police from der trial last year. being sued by testimonial im- Mr. Ansell argues that cases Cause of Death Cape May Court House and Swiss Bank Account The suit was filed in July, munity granted to witnesses cited to support Dr. Gilman's Dr. Gilman. who had admit' nearby communities secured NEWARK (AP) — The Jus- torney sought an order com- that Swiss law allows access, 1971. by Joseph J. Vena Jr.. 26 in court proceedings. position differ from this case tedly performed only a partial the outside, of the jail while tice Department is pressing pelling the Continental Illinois to bank records in cases' in- Orchard Ave.,. Holmdel, and Mr. Vena's attorney, Robert because they did not involve autopsy, had given the cause Warden Hiram L. Thompson. for a look at a bank account Trust Co. of Chicago to per- volving certain criminal Anthony G. Burlew. 808 Shore I. Ansell of Asbury Park, con- public officials and were not of death as a brain hemorr- Fox and his men. and two lo- it contends was set up secret- suade counterparts in Italy charges. He said extortion Concourse, Cliffwood Beach, tends that the thrust of the criminal cases. See Gilman, page 2 cal policemen restored order ly in Switzerland by D. Louis and Switzerland to open the and .conspiracy would be who were cleared in March. inside. Tonti. indicted former execu- records. crimes in Switerland, the 1971, of the slaying of Samuel Fox said charges would tive director of the New Jer- The Chicago bank has same as in the United States. ' Rinaldi. Lincroft. Mr. Rinaldi probably be brought against sey Highway Authority. shares in a bank in Milan Lacey said he couldn't un- died July 4. 1970, after an al- three of the prisoners. He A federal judge yesterday ' which owns 51 per cent of the derstand why it was taking so tercation with the two men at gave this account: ordered a Chicago bank to co- Banque de Financement, ac- long for the records to be Track Takes Complex cording to Stern. The U.S. At- made available. He said the the Middletown Swim and About.9:50 p.m. Perry was operate in the case. Tennis Club. returning John Coen, 27, of Tonti and two others were torney's office subpoenaed Al- usual procedure takes about a Philadelphia to his cell block indicted in April by a federal fred Miosi, executive vice month. He directed Chicago Both seek compensatory after an appearance Htr Coen grand jury on extortion-con-, president of international fi- Illinois Trust to cooperate and punitive damages, alleg- Appeal to High Court at Middle Township Municipal spiracy charges relating to nance of Continental Illinois with the U.S. attorney's office ing that Dr. Gilman's "care- Court. road contracts for the author- Trust Co. to assist in per- in expediting the matter. He lessness and negligence" in • WASHINGTON (AP) - The, Perth Amboy attorney Rob- and they are upset that the ity, which operates the Gar- suading the foreign banks to set R hearing date for Sept. 8 to performing only a partial au- ert N. Wilentz, on behalf of usual practice of allowing the As Perry opened the door to cooperate. Miosi is a member U.S. Supreme Court has been the cell block. Coen wheeled den State Parkway. The de- assetrtain whether there topsy and in interpreting.its asked to rule on the con- Monmouth Park Racetrack, local residents to approve the of the board of directors of might be legal grounds for construction of a track was and wrestled with the ser- fendants, were accused of ex- results led to their indictment stitutionality of the New Jer- has filed a suit before the torting more than $200,000 the banks. noncompliance. and trial: court. not followed. geant. Unknown inmates of sey Sports and Exposition Au- the block, located on the sec- from three contractors doing To Cooperate Notice of the motion to dis- thority — the organization Wilentz said the owners of Under New Jersey law. resi- business with the authority. An attorney representing Tonti, 54: Philip May. 51. Monmouth are "very con- dents of a local town are en- ond floor, then sought to as- miss the suit has been filed running the proposed Hacken- sist Coen by handing him a Tonti also was charged with Miosi and Chicago Illinois chief engineer for the author- here by Dr.'Gilman's at- sack Meadowlands stadium cerned" about the future of titled to decide in a public ref- ity, and Giovani Paolini of erendum whether they want a shiv, or homemade knife. filing false income tax returns Trust said the bank would co- torneys, John G. Rathman of and race track complex. New Jersey's five tracks, for 1966 through 1969. He had operate so long as there would Rome, Italy, were charged in which would be expected to privately owned track built Coen allegedly threatened within thetown's borders. Perry. pleaded innocent to the be no violation of Swiss law. a 47-count indictment with nmuaiiiHinininurnDinininnniinuiiiiniiimiuiimiiiiniiuiuiiHiiiiiiiiiuiiitnuiiiiiii suffer a loss of business if the Stern said the Swiss secrecy conspiracy to extort, ex- The Supreme Court is ex- charges and is awaiting trial. state is allowed to build and During the struggle, two in- U.S. Attorney Herbert J. laws governing bank accounts tortion, and with using inter- operate track in the Meadow- pected to announce in October mates, identified as Charles would not subject any of the state facilities to commit bri- lands near the New Jersey whether it will hear the case. Stern contends that money The Inside Story Bozzartti. 19, of Philadelphia paid by contractors was con- banks to prosecution. He said bery and extortion. Turnpike in East Rutherford. Without court delays, the new and David Esnough. 22. of Some Dutch treats for the family Page 22 facility is scheduled to open in cealed in the Banque de Fi- He said the state would run Glen Oak. Pa., let themselves nancement in Geneva. Swit- A gal with a part time garbage detail Page 23 1974. out of the block. World athletes gain on Americans Page 2S the track at an advantage The State Supreme Court, zerland. Giants trim to 48. , Page 27 over the other tracks, retain- has upheld the con- With a key they and Coen Stern contended that his of- Walling Still Active Yanks win, Nets, Phils fall Page 27 ing about three times as much stitutionality of the concept of grabbed, they opened another fice had difficulty in getting of the betting handle as other access to the bank records Bridge Advice .• 25 DAILY REGISTER the facility. cell block on the same floor tracks. This advantage would The state Department of and to two blocks even though U.S. District In Retirement Role Classified »tt PHONE NUMBERS prove a powerful lure to horse Comics 25 Main Office.. 741-M1I Environmental Protection that are located downstairs. .. Court Judge Frederick B. His hair is not as red — or abundant — as It was when he owners, who could be re- conducted hearings recently, Lacey had signed an order in joined the Middletown Police Department, but Raymond T. Contemporary Life.... 22-24 Classified Ads 741-SSM warded with larger purses. 1'erry wrestled free but was Walling, retired township police chief, is as vibrant as ever. Crossword Pmzle 25 Legal Adv... 741-M10 studying the impact of the March seeking to compel Officials of East and South stadium and track on the eco- seized by inmates of the new- Swiss authorities to make Ed Walsh of The Daily Register's Middletown bureau paid Editorial. 6 Display Adv. :....741-M1« ly opened cell block on the a visit to "Red" and his lovely wife^ His story about Mr. Wall- Entertainment 33 Circulation Dept...... 741-3331 Rutherford are expected to logy of the Meadows, but has them available. join the suit. not released its findings. They second floor, who protected "I regret to inform you that ing's activities will appear in tomorrow's editions. Here's to Health 21 Sports Dept 741-M17 him from Coen and the oth- Horoscope 25 Contemporary Life 741-M1I They are reportedly worried are not expected to block the we have been unable to obtain Sylvia Porter's column will be devoted to the subject of Movies ...... 33 Accounts Payable. 741-M1I by prospects of traffic jams track's development. that material," Stern told wine, and its being a classic case of "demand inflation." Obituaries .4 Accounts ReceivaMe..;741-NU Lacey yesterday. The U.S. At- The Enjoyment tabloid, designed to make your weekend Outdoor World... 11 Middletown Bureau 671-225* Kislln's Giant Plastic Beer Mugs from Annlversary Sale enjoyable also will be ready tomorrow, a regular specialty of Sports • 2S-28 Freehold Bureau .4C2-2121 Closed Labor Day, Sept. 4 and Germany only $2.50 at Studio All new fall shoes. Natural- Jersey Corn Exchange Friday's Daily Register, Northern Monmouth County's largest Television ...... 33 Long Branch Bureau...32MMI Sat., Sept. 9. Kislin's. 8 E. Plastique, 171 First Ave., At- izer, Red Bank 9 White St.. Opening September 2, Palmer newspaper and Monmouth County's most interesting -— Front St., Red Bank. (Adv.)' lantic Highlands. (Adv.) Red Bank. (Adv.) Ave., West Keansburg. (Adv.) paper. 2 He Daily Register, Red Bank—MNNfletowH, HJ. Thursday, Augiut Jl, Dowd Asks IRS Ruling Parties Trade On ZoningChallengers ^—--^ nnnrpoor , and HKSUrinfassuringf thpitheir comnn*n- Charges Over HOLMDEL - William F. zoning regulations. plete decay." "The weakening or, abolition Dowd charged today that an Codes Essential organization challenging the of strong zoning laws is in the -Mv personal judgement. interest of no one," Mr. Dowd zoning laws of this community Mr. Dowd said, "is that the is supported by six New York continued. "The plaintiffs in Election Funds this lawsuit would be, much foundations, and he has asked - Holmdel are env WASHINGTON (AP) - Re- McGovewi campaign of the- the Internal Revenue Service better advised to devote their publican charges of "devious kind of violations that are essential. Moreover, if zoning funds and energies to the im- to determine "whether these barriers are struck down to ', cover-ups" have drawn , talked about in this letter." foundations should lose their provement of this state's ur- Democratic claims of "nit- Mankiewicz said, "is some- allow large-scale construction Dan areas so that all citizens tax exemptions." of low and middle-income picking" in the latest round of what like a man caught on the The Republican congres- become attracted to our New- accusations over presidential street after a bank robbery housing, then the flight from arks, Trentons and Jersey sional candidate, meeting with our cities will accelerate. . campaign money-handling un- with the cash in a sack calling Mayor David Cohen here, said Citvs as places to live, work der a new law. in the police to arrest a jay- guaranteeing their doom as that the Suburban Action ghettos open only to the very *na Pla> While Democratic presiden- walker he sees crossing the Institute, plaintiff in a "New tial nominee George S. street. 1 don't think anybody Jersey Superior Court action McGovem's campaign has is fooled by this." filed against this township and "attemped to hold its candi- Dole charged that the the New Jersey communities date out to the public as McGovern campaign received of East Brunswick. Wayne. WORLD CHESS CHAMPIONSHIP above reproach, his organiza- at least $10,00(1 from a Lon- Franklin Lakes, and Liv- tion has in fact resorted to don-based committee called ingston, is financed by six . devious cover-ups in various "Americans for McGovern New York-based foundations. GAME 20 A Draw SPASSKY u ! fund raising activities," GOP Abroad," which has not regis- The foundations are Otti- National Chairman Robert J. tered with the federal elec- nger. Stern, Field. Taconic, • Dole said yesterday. tions office. Mankiewicz said Schumann, and Wallace Elji- Dole called for a probe by there is such a group, it did bar. the General Accounting Office contribute $10,000. "and so far VISITORS FROM ABROAD — British law students Jane Mullaney, left, "If IRS regulations allow • —which the audit agency said as 1 know it has not regis- and Elizabeth Donnelly are escorted through the Monmouth County Court- tax-exempt foundations to fi- H is already under way. "I be- tered." house by William F. Dowd, Republican Congressional candidate. The nance lawsuits which must in lieve there is substantial evi- But. Mankiewicz said, there coeds are studying law in their native Great Britain, and were curious turn be defended by the tax- dence that the McGovern is "some doubt in the law as about American courtroom procedures. Mr. Dowd and the visiting Britons payers, then IRS rules should campaign apparatus has com- to whether foreign com- sat Wough the iury selection process in a civil trial. "The girls were be changed, or these founda- mitted at least seven serious mittees were required to file. amazed at how much time we American spend picking a fury," Mr. Dowd tions should be stripped of violations" of the new politi- We'll clear that up. and that said, "just as I was amazed at the quickness of the British system when I their tax-exempt status." Mr, cal finance law. Dole said in a committee will file very short- visited London courts last fall." Dowd said. letter to GAO. ly." In a letter to IRS director A GAO official said, "We On other matters. Dole said Johnny Walters, Mr. Dowd ' plan to give this the same there are reports that some said that "it offends logic and I type of treatment we gave the McGovern supporters bought Bayshore School District's justice for the taxpayers of • ass 2222 Republicans." tickets at prices of at least New Jersey municipalities to Frank Mankiewicz. $2,000 for a Madison Square be forced to pay for the de- McGovem's national political Garden rally, but the purcha- fense of a lawsuit which, if 9 director, told reporters that sers have not been individ- Class Sizes Are Smaller successful, would bring about GAO already had begun a ually identified. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS clared board member Joseph The board established a 35- changes in their communities • "routine" audit of McGovern Mankiewicz maintained — This school district has de- Julian. "To allow public park- cent fee for children's lunches which they believe to be in- finances before Dole asked for there is "no concealment viated from the national trend ing on the playground," he and a price of three cents for ^mjcai t0 theft interests. FISCHER [WHITE] it. there at all." He said the rally of large class sizes. continued "would just cost a milk, continuing last year's followed an initial filing peri- "Accordingly. I respectfully For Dole "to accuse the Three classes have 30 stu- lot of inconvenience and ag- prices. request that the Internal Rev- od deadline, and "If there dents and the rest average be- gravation. Participation in the national AP wir«*lMto wore such contributions" they enue Service review its regu- low 25 pupils per classroom. "I know it is in the interest school lunch and the special lations. Americans should be NO. 20 IS A DRAW — Diagram shows the position Man Sought could be' included in a later "This is not the trend," said of the general public, but we milk programs was approved. report. made aware of any rules of pieces at the close of,,the 20th game of the George H. Wuesthoff. superin- should not jeopardize the Mr. Wuesthoff and Mrs. Eliza- which allow tax-exempt foun- World Chess Championships in Reykjavik, Ice- For Holdup tendent. "Most class sizes are school yard. What happens af- beth Collins, board secretary, dations to finance such law- land, yesterday. The game ended in a draw, leav- up," he continued, adding. "I ter it is used for traffic?" Mr. were authorized to apply for suits. If such regulations ex- ing challenger Bobby Fischer one point away think we have dealt fairly Julian asked, indicating that the programs for the coming ist, they should be changed. If from the championship. In Eatontown with the teachers." cracks of potholes might de- year. these foundations are violat- EATONTOWN — Police are The smaller class size has velop and be hazardous to ing the law. they should be continuing their search for a resulted in new school desks school children in the future. The board authorized appro- charged accordingly." Negro male who was reported for six classrooms as opposed "We haye~e>erything to lose priating a. maximum of {416 The Suburban Action In- to have held up Paul Michaels to new furniture for five and nothing to gain," said an- for the purchase of darkening stitute contends in its lawsuit Fischer in Draw, Ltd., a men's shoe store at 264 rooms as originally planned. other board member, John J. curtains for two kindergarten that Holmdel and the other Rt. 35. and escaped with $625. Mr. Wuesthoff said he ex- Fox. classrooms. defendant-municipalities dis- Sgt. Robert Fary. who pects no complaints regarding A $200 increase in tuition for A new physical education, criminate against low-income Needs Just 1 Point heads the investigation, says smaller classes, and noted special class pupils was ap- teacher was hired at a salary citizens through restrictive the incident was reported at this coming year's new fig- proved by the board, bringing of $8,200. Robert Rounds of REYKJAVIK. Iceland (AP) the end. the Russian con- ' 11:55 a.m. Tuesday. The sus- ures comply with predictions the total to $2,200. Atlantic Highlands will re- — Bobby Fischer drew the trolled more space on the pect reportedly entered the regarding class size made last Mr. Wuesthoff noted this is place John Moyse whose res- 20th game of his match with board than Fischer and had a store and asked the salesman, March. the first increase for such stu- ignation was accepted by the Boris Spassky yesterday and strong central pawn. Robert Brown, if he could try The Board of Education dents in four or five years. board last night. Early Meat was one point from becoming But the material was even . a pair ol shoes. voted unanimously to deny a This tuition is charged to the first American chess — two pieces and five pawns When Mr. Brown returned request from the borough to other school districts which Miss Betty McCawley was Price Cuts champion of the world. on each side — and Spassky from the back of the store use the school playground for have children attending rehired as the school's Title Fischer was delighted with failed to find a way to break with the shoes, the suspect al- parking during a boat show to classes for the neurqlogically One teacher at a salary of the draw after more than fife into Fischer's defense. legedly threatened him with a be held here three days in Oc- impaired and communication $13,600. She was also approved Predicted hours of play over two days. The American moved his shotgun. No injuries were re- tober. handicapped. Approximately as a tutor for a special class- He walked off grinning. pieces back and forth, await- Sen. Edward M. Kennedy 10 children are expected to be boy one hour a day. five days WASHINGTON (AP) — ported. Not Designed for Use Cattlemen are angry and con- Spassky sat staring glumly at ing developments. Spassky The suspect, whose method "The playground is not de- enrolled in these classes in the a week at a rate of $8 per the board for several minutes strained to find a winning coming school year. hour. sumers skeptical, but govern- of escape is unknown, was de- Sen. signed to have cars on it," de- ment and meat industry offi- after referee Lothar Schmid nuance. *• scribed as being about 6 feet cials say housewives soon will had cleared away the pieces. Finally Fischer, apparently S. having a heavy build, and get a price break at the meat Fisher has 11% points in the believing the position on the •. wearing a tan windbreaker counter. match, one short of the 12V& board had been repeated • Jacket. Say Assessor for Hazlet The Department of Agricul- he needs to take the crown the three limes, beckoned to ref- ture said yesterday prices for Russian has held for three eree Lothar Schmid. Under WASHINGTON - Sen. Ed- cattle at market dipped in Au- years. The American,challe- chess rules, a triple repetition ward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., gust for the first time in four nger can wind it up with a win of the position means a draw will visit Monmouth County Also Works in Westwood months, although there has today or two half-point draws may be claimed, and Fischer Sept. 29, to aid the re-election MIDDLETOWN - John K. building on two consecutive fice in January. been no official indication that today and Sunday. appeared eager to claim it. campaign of Rep. James J. Staley. the township's newly Wednesdays. "The Democrats screamed retail prices have followed Spassky with 8'^ points has Schmid announced the draw' Howard, D-N.J. appointed full-time tax asses- Mr. Carton said he tele- about saving money during suit. to win three and draw one of and said it resulted from the repetition. But later he said Sen. Kennedy will be guest sor at $18,000 a year, is also phoned Westwood and learned their election campaign last The USDA said-cattle prices the maximum of four remain- working as assessor in West- that he could speak to, or year, but after being elected ing games to continue as the final position was still of honor at a reception-dance were down $1.10 per one hun- being discussed when the in the Sea Girt Inn, Wall wood, Frank H. Briggs and make an appointment to see, followed the usual Democrat- dred pounds on the hoof from champion. Peter J. Carton, Republican Mr. Staley the following ic policy of paying a ridicu- The draw came after 54 players just agreed to halve Township, from 5: lid to 9:30 the record high of $34.60 in the point. p.m. candidates for Township Com- Wednesday. lously high starting salary for July. There also are 18 per moves of a Sicilian defense "I am delighted that Sen. mittee, charge. The GOP candidates stated, an out-of-town employe with- cent more cattle being fat- adjourned Tuesday in a posi- "They were only going Kennedy is coming in to help The GOP candidates say "this was a typical example out even checking to deter- tened now than a year ago, tion considered level or around the mulberry bush my re-election campaign and they were told by several resi- of the way our township has mine if he was employed else- which means a bigger supply slightly favoring Spassky. At anyway," he said. I know we will have an over- dents that Mr. Staley was not been operated since the where or planned to give his by fall, it said. flow crowd at the reception- at his desk in the municipal Democratic majority took of- services to our township on a John A. Copeland. chairman dance," Mr. Howard said. full-time basis," Mr. Carton of the National Livestock and Mr. Howard said the Sea and Mr. Briggs charged.. Meat Board in Chicago, said State Tax Reform Girt Inn was selected because Boy, 15, Is Arrested They recalled that last the declining prices at the it is the largest suitable room March the former part-time market level should be passed in the area and said the tick- assessor, John T. Lawley Jr., on at supermarkets in the Tracy E. Whorton ets were being sold on a first In Theft of 3 Cars a Republican who had held coming months. Salvage Effort Set come-first served basis be- MIDDLETOWN — A 15- ters where he was identified the post eight years at an an- But Iowa cattleman Bert cause the Inn can accom- nual salary of $6,000, was not TRENTON (AP) - A spe- the cornerstone of his tax re- Carrier of Week year-old Port Monmouth boy as the suspect who stole two Eason Jr. said here that cat- cial bipartisan committee said form plans. modate only 1200 persons. was apprehended by police additional cars earlier. given an increase and resign- tlemen are "irritated, frustra- yesterday it would conduct an RED BANK — Tracy E. Tickets for the event may ed. ted and upset" over the slump "I feel it would be com- Whorton. 14. of 3 Fox Hedge early yesterday and charged extensive study of classifying pletely self-defeating if the be obtained in person or with three counts of auto The other cars belonged to They said that the following in meat prices. property in hopes of salvaging Drive, Colts Neck, is The Richard Nielson of 4 Willow week, the Township Com- Assembly comes up with a tax through the mail at the How- theft. He told a news conference tax reform in New Jersey this package and conies up with the Daily Register's "Carrier of ard for Congress Headquar- St., Port Monmouth, and mittee appointed Edwin S. that the cattlemen are the the Week." The youngster was spotted year. magic figure of 41 votes," Fay ters. 7(19 K. St.. Belmar. by Patrolman Cortlandt Best Thomas Carrol of 123 Harmo- Stark, an East Keansburg ones absorbing the burden of Starting with only VI cus- ny Ave., East Keansburg. Democrat, to the post. After "I feel optimistic we have a said, "and finds itself running "It is a privilege for me to as he was checking out a sto- the lower wholesale costs and 50-50 chance to come up with into a brick wall in the Sen- tomers, he has more than do everything 1 possibly can The Nielson car was stolen several.weeks of public pro- that consumers would now be doubled his route—having 26 len car in the Thompson Avc. a program that will pass the ate." to help re-elect Congressman area of East Keansburg. at approximately 2 a.m., test that Mr. Stark was not a paying 12.9 cents a pound less assembly," said Assem- satisfied subscribers. Jim Howard to the House of while the Carrol vehicle was certified tax assessor as re- Fay and Assemblyman The patrolman saw a car for beef if the lower farm blyman John J. Fay, D-Mid- Chester Apy of Monmouth Besides delivering his route, Representatives." Sen. Ken- stolen at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday, quired bytlaw. the appoint- speeding down the highway, prices had been passed on. dlesex, co-chairman of the County, the Republican co- he played for the nedy said yesterday. pursued the vehicle and dis- police said. ment was rescinded, the Re- "In part, it's because of committee. "I don't feel Babe Ruth League and was publicans said. chairmen of the tax reform "Congressman Howard has covered it belonged to William government meddling in the nearly as optimistic about the committee, said they would selected an All Star. Other ac- been a hard-working Con- In July, the assessor's post free market system," he said. Senate." tivities include coin collecting, Conery of 6 Center Ave., East meet again in late September gressman who has served all Keansburg. The car had been went to Mr. Staley. a resident He cited government pres- Fay said he thought many or early October to revU1" crockery and swimming. of the people of his district re- stolen from the Conery home Gilnfian Suit of East Paterson. His appoint- sure, a removal of meat im- He plans to enter college, Assemblymen would support statistics on property clas gardless of party affiliation earlier Tuesday night. ment was protested by Com- port quotas by President .Nix- tax reform if it includes a sys- cation. and would like to be a profes- ;ind deserves to be re-elected The teen-ager was arrested Dismissal mittceman Harold H. Foulks, on and attempts to restrict ex- sional track runner. tem of classification when, for The legislature is schedule again," Sen. Kennedy added. and taken to police hcadquar- a Republican, and by Mr. Car- port of cattle hides. example, commercial proper- ton and Mr. Briggs, who to return to Trenton after tti: Is Sought Farm prices overall in Au- ty would be taxed at a higher November election. urged the position be given to gust averaged one per cent. rate than private homes Weather: Sunny, Warm (Continued) a local resident who is a certi- higher than in July, and were Gov. William T. Cahill's tax hage caused by a series of fied tax assessor. The local at an all-time high, the USDA reform package was blocked Accuse Matawai Sunny and warm today. Fargo. N.I)., soaked up tu n- ered the Northeast and warm blows or some kind of ex- applicant, unnamed, would said. in the legislature this year high in the mid to upper Siis. '.hirds of an inch of rain and and muggy conditions dung t° ternal force. have accepted the full-time Wheat was at a six-year Cahill's program called for a Man of Larceny Clear most of tonight with wind gusts over 4(1 miles per the Midwest andSnuthi The other pathologists testi- post at a much lower salary high, averaging $1.51 per uniform statewide property MATAWAN - Louis Nappi. some, fog late tonight and hour lashed a fi'\v places in fied the hemorrhage came than the $1B,W)O given Mr. bushel, nearly 20 cents above tax coupled with a state in- 19, of 971 Woodmere Drive. early tomorrow, then becom- Iho eastern Dakolas. TIDES from a deeper source, and Staley, the GOP candidates July and 23 cents more than a come tax to reduce local prop- C'liffwood Beach, has been ing fair. Low tonight around Sandy Hook two thought that death had alleged. year ago. The wheat market erty taxes and average of 40 charged with larceny of $45H 70. high tomorrow SO to Si. The storm activity over TODAY - High 1:53 p.m. occurred naturally, from a "If this is an example of the has been strained by the sale per cent. from Haley's Texaco, Main Saturday partly cloudy and the middle, and upper Mis- and low S::i7 p.m. ruptured blood vessel. Democrats' much-touted of one-fourth of the U.S. grain St. and Railroad Plaza. mild. Cahill has said it is up to the Police said Nappi is accused sissippi Valley was triggered TOMORROW — High 2:2S The week after the trial. Dr. austerity program with but crop to the Soviet Union. legislature now to propose an High wind and rain the by the clash of moist Gulf air a.m. and 2:5S p.m. and low Albano and Freeholder Direc- three men in office, think Government analysts stand of taking the money from ser- north-central states today as hitting a vigorous cold front alternative program. vice station's cash register S:4II a.m. nnrt!)-.r>l p.m... tor Joseph C. lrwin an- what they would do if they by earlier predictions that Fay said Senate leaders of cooler weather dipped toward lying across the eastern Da- For Red Bank and Humson nounced plans to reorganize had complete control of the grocery prices this year will Monday. He was arrested the nildcontinent. kolas. each party would be asked to Tuesday by Patrolman Arthur bridge, add two hours: Sea the county medical exam- township without Republican be only about 4 per cent high- name members to the sneci-il A tornado was sighted near Showers and (hurulrrsioi'ins Bright, deduct HI minutes; iner's oli'ee and to replace representation to question er than in 1971. That would be Knoeller. White Earth. Minn., 5(1 miles also peppered areas from Ne- committee on tax reform Long Branch, deduct 15 min- Dr. (iilman as tread man. their appointments and mo- more than the 2.4 per cent in- which was formed after the No information was avai- • southwest of Bemidjl. at mid- vada to Montana. utes: Highlands bridge, add 411 He was succeeded last Sept. tives." the Republican candi- crease last year, but less than lable yesterday from police night. Fair and cool weather cov- minutes. 1 by Dr. .Stanley M. Becker. dates said. in some other recent years. The D«Oy ftegWer, BedBanfe~Midffleto«ra, NX Tknrsday, Aagust 31, J972 9 Rumson BoarS By the Associated Press Names Woman Enemy Depots Blasted SAIGON — U.S. Navy pilots destroyed a giant ammunition deport in North Vietnam Wednesday, the-.U.S.. Command re- New Principal ported today. Fliers from the carrier Kitty Hawk said their bombs caused 100 secondary explosions and seven large fires at the Dong Ngan depot 13 miles northeast of Vinh. RUMSON — The Rumson Pilots from the carrier Oriskany hit a major fuel depot a Board of Education named mile West of Vinh, while other Oriskany fliers attacked a stor- Mrs. Mary Lou Bartley of age area 39 miles to the south. The Command said they caused West Orange as principal of five explosions and a huge fire at the fuel depot, and' at the Deane-Porter School to suc- storage area destroyed more than 100 supply crates and dam- ceed Miss Laura Deane who aged another 100. retired last June. A third target was the Can Pha fuel depot 37 miles north- Dr. Carl Carlan, superinten- east of Haiphong. The Command said pilots from the Midway dent, said he believes Mrs. destroyed four supply buildings there and touched off .-a large Bartley, who was selected explosion and a fire. from a field of 131 applicants and 14 interviewees, "Brings the kind of experience and Extortion Try Fails training that will be a great MILWAUKEE - An extdrtionist threatened to bomb Mil- benefit to the Rumson sys- waukee's airport yesterday but failed to collect the $100,000 re- tem." portedly prepared for him. Authorities said he may have been She will receive $17,500 for a scared off by publicity or the plot may hive been a hoax. contract that begins Sept. 1 Acting on a telephone call that resulted in the discovery of and ends June 30, 1973. Mrs. a simulated bomb in an airport locker, authorities reportedly PROPOSED SCHOOL — A model of the proposed $2,190,000 Laird Road elementary school, Colts Neck, Bartley has been unofficially flew the money over a small Michigan town where they were subject of a Board of Education referendum Oct. 3. on the job since Monday. - , to get further instructions, which never came. She says her goal is to assist r "We didn't make any contact and we didn't drop the mon- teachers in providing quality Mrs. Mary Lou Bartley ey," said John Sherman, pilot of the single-engine Cessna that education for Rumson chil- apparently carried the $100,000 in small-denomination bills last dren through personalizing in- sonnel in modular instruction night. Colts Neck Board Unveils struction. The new principal and competency-based teach- The FBI refused to confirm existence of. the money, but offers four ingredients basic er education for the college's agents, armed and wearing parachutes, carried a bank bag to providing a 'humanistic' department of elementary when they stepped out of the plane during a refueling stop at curriculum — being aware of education. Land o' Lakes, Wis. .1 Million School Plan the learner's needs and con- The new principal was past cerns; understanding the By BETTE SPERO pils in 53 classrooms in the room (for the cafeteria), and is no dissention among mem- national president of Gamma Ask Resignation Probe Cedar Drive, Atlantic, and a gym. bers. child's feelings; providing di- Sigma Sigma, a women's na- rect experiences a"s a WASHINGTON — The Justice Department is being asked COLTS NECK — The Board Conover Road schools. The Classrooms will be grouped "There has been a great tional service sorority, and collective capacity of the around "core" areas which deal of interest on the part of springboard to developing past president of the East Or- to consider complaints that a former assistant secretary of ag- of Education will hold a refer- skills and learning content riculture msiy have violated federal law when he resigned his endum Oct. 3 on its proposed, schools, according to the will serve instructional needs. residents at meetings." Mrs. ange Association for- Child- board, is 1,425 or 30 less pupils Demountable interior parti- Amend said. "But they and identifying the child's hood Education. post to accept a job with the Continental Grain Co. $2,190,000 Laird Koad elemen- learning style. The former assistant. Clarence D. Palmby. resigned and tary school. than the current enrollment. tions will be used so spaces seemed very assured once Mrs. Bartley attended went with Continental last June on the eve of a White House Public hearing will be 8:15 Population Tripled can be opened to each other they saw the building design. Mrs. Bartley was the Coor- Mount Saint Dominic Aca- announcement of an agreement under which Russia would buy p.m. Sept. 26 in the Cedar Laird Road would be the for shared teaching situations. The Holmdel situation (where dinator of Testing and Eval- demy in Caldwell, and re- large quantities of U.S. grain. Russia was extended $750 mil- Drive School/ 'third school built here in the Such a plan. Dr. Unger said, the open spaces concept is uation in the East Orange ceived her bachelor's degree lion in credit to make the purchase. Board auditor Robert A. past seven years. Population allows for the traditional self- practiced) really had every- Public Schools and previously in 1961 from Upsala College in Continental Grain is reported to be a major supplier of Hulsart estimated the school, in this 31 square-mile, mainly .contained classrooms as well one (residents) confused." served as Language Arts English and Elementary Edu- wheat for the trade deal. and site costs, would increase rural community has tripled as "open" teaching-learning Mrs. Amend said there Coordinator for that Essex cation. In 1965, she received areas. County district, her master's degree in admin- Palmby had led U.S.-Soviet farm trade talks in Moscow the local tax rate about 21 in the past 10 years, hovering hasn't been any concerted op- cents per each $100 of as- around 6,000, according to position evident among resi- Mrs. Bartley, the recipient istration and supervision from last April. Board statistics. Air Conditioned School dents but several "critical" of a Fulbright grant in 1966 Seton Hall University. . gictiard A. Frank of the Center for Law and Social Policy, sessed evaluation. Except for the gym. the Mr. Hulsart broke down the During those seven years, questions have been posed by spent the year exchange After studying infant educa- described as a consumer group, said in a letter to Agriculture building would be air condi- the Colts Neck Community teaching at the Oliver Gold- tion at the University of Lon- Secretary Earl L. Butz that Palmby may have violated regu- total as .023 cents for a pre- an addition was also built in tioned and partially carpeted. viously approved $240,000 land 1967 to the Cedar Drive School Association. smith School in London, a pri- don, Mrs. Bartley completed lations. Officials have been very Overtaxed Facilities mary school with mixed aged her reading specialist's work purchase and .187 cents for which opened in 1965. Prior to careful to avoid use of the the $2.1 million school. 1965, Atlantic School was the In-a letter last month to the grouping and individualization at Jersey City State College. Abandon Ulster Strike words, "open spaces," in de- board, Ralph F. Allocca, asso- of instruction. Before going to Mrs. Bartley is a matriculated The current tax rate is $2.61 only school in the township.. scribing the school designed BELFAST — About 1.000 Roman "Catholic families have Dr. linger and the board ciation president, asked sev- England, Mrs. Bartley was a doctoral candidate in adminis- per each ?100 of assessed by the North Brunswick archi- teacher at the El.mwood abandoned the rent and tax strike in Londonderry,.Northern evaluation, with $1.28 of that are especially concerned eral questions including why tration at Rutgers University Ireland's second largest city, the Londonderry Development- tectural firm of Eckert and an addition, rather than a new School in East Orange. where she was the recipient of total being for local schools. about the Atlantic facility Gatarz. Commission said today. . Mr. Hulsart based his esti* which was built in 1922. school, couldn't be proposed. A member of the Curricu- a fellowship in the Project in The strike began a year ago aS part of a campaign by Catho- They stress instead that the Yesterday the board sent a lum Council in her former dis- Educational Planning. Mrs. mate on the 1972 assessed Though the rooms, now used building, sans most of the lic civil rights activists to get jobs and housing on a par with evaluation of $95,544,024, and as .classrooms, have not been reply to the Association. trict, the new principal served Bartley is one of nine educa- the province's majority Protestants. traditional corridors and The *oard re-iterated its as editor of the Spotlight and tional planners presently cer- a 20 year maturity for serial officially declared substan- closed-in classrooms, is de- Londonderry has more than 5.000 families living in city bonds computed at a 5.5 per dard, the Board feels their stand that the Cedar Drive other curriculum publications tified in the state. • signed for greater freedom and Conover Road Schools fa- and guides. •housing, and nearly 3,000 of them are in the Irish Republican cent interest rate. educational use is obsolete. and flexibility in education. Mrs. Bartley. a West Or- Army strongholds of Creggan and Bogside. that the British Only An Estimate . Officials contend the class- cilities would become over- Mrs. Bartley has been a ange resident, is the wife of army occupied a month ago. "We're looking for a build- taxed with additions. Also, member of the staff of Upsala Charles Bartley, principal of The auditor emphasized the rooms are too small to com- ing that provides flexibility A commission spokesman said fewer than 1.500 Catholic increase was an estimate, ' fortably accomodate 25 pupils from an administrative stand- College since 1967 and for the the Columbus School in Carte- families are withholding rents now. compared with about 2,500 but we're not committing our- point, the board feels a desir- past year was Program De- ret. The couple has one based on 1972 tax ratables. He each: poorly ventiliated. and selves to the open-school, at the height of the civil disobedience campaign. suggested the ratables would have only marginal storage., ed school maximum should be velopment Specialist for the daughter. Marci, aged thir- cliche," Dr. Unger said. 500 pupils. Teacher Corps Program. Mrs. teen, who is a freshman at be greater by the time any space. The Board also pointed "There is room for con- Soviets May Lose Bases bonds are sold and hence, the out. the moving of adminis- Also in response to the asso- Bartley conducted seminars Marylawn of the Or- vention." ciation, the board stressed pu- for interns and district per- anges. WASHINGTON — The Soviet Union may spon be forced to effect on the tax rate would' trative offices from Cedar "But we want to have the be less. • Drive to Atlantic's "obsolete" pils in Atlantic's upstairs give up its naval bases in Egypt, some intelligence sources opportunity to move with the classrooms "receive the best here say. <•> Plans call for the 16-elass- rooms would free more space times," he added. "We dorii room school to be built on a in the former building for educational program, con- Parole Violation Suspect Relations between the two countries have been rapidly de- want to start with obsoles- sistent with the district's phi- teriorating in recent months and President Anwar Sadat of the 50-acre tract off Laird Road. educational use. For example. cence." The $190,227 site was pur- Dr. Unger said, instrumental losophy and resources." But Caught,Flees,Recaptured United Arab Republic already has told the Russians to with- music is now taught in the Ce- Officials had feared resi- the board cited a Rutgers Uni- draw their air force and army units. chased last December by the dents would dismiss the pro- board. Remaining referendum dar Drive cafeteria. versity study recommenda- HAZLET — An alleged pa- pect was being placed under Sources report a growing belief in Washington's in- gressively designed building tion in 1966 that the space be role violator who escaped arrest he allegedly struck Pa- telligence community that the Russian navy may soon follow funds are to cover legal and Information Campaign because of alleged problems engineering fees. The board has waged an ac- Converted to office use be- once from police early yes- trolman Hawkins. He was suit. encountered in area school cause of classroom defi- terday afternoon was finally subdued by Patrolman Bro- There have been reports of a secret meeting in which Sa- Board members and Dr. tive campaign this summer on districts that have completely behalf of its school proposal. ciences. apprehended by Capt. Holmes derick and taken to police dat told his subordinates the Soviet navy would leave Egypt/ Roy J. linger, school superin- converted their systems to J. Gormerley, acting police headquarters. tendent,' say the new school is Members have attended meet- "open spaces" programs. In addition, the board said Officials here say they know about the meeting but cannot ings at residents' homes, held four of the rooms in question chief. Patrolman Ruehl said the confirm the reports. They say they are inclined to accept an needed to meet' projected en- rollment increases. By 1974. a preliminary hearing, and , Favorable Reaction are under the minimum 700 Brian F. Gray, 27. of 458 S. suspect while being processed earlier statement by Sadat that the Russians could continue to square feet considered ac- Laurel Ave., West Keansburg, escaped at approximately use the naval facilities. officials estimate, the district .sent periodic newsletters to . Dr. Unger said at meetings will be short six classrooms, voters. he attended this summer, ceptable by the New Jersey was charged with assault on a 12:45 p.m. County officials based on standards of 25 pu- "We feel we have a problem State Guide For Planning and police officer, resisting arrest were notified and a fugitive residents generally accepted search plan put into effect. pils per room. selling this building because the school's educational con- Schoolhouse Construction. and escape. He was placed in Hijackers' Score: 0 for 18 the county jail without bail. A search was started at 1 The board also anticipates of the money and the building cepts. Mrs. Virginia Amend, a The remaining two, with 704 WASHINGTON - All 18 attempts this year to hijack an itself which is a different kind •square feet each, are. barely Patrolman Donald Ruehl p.m.. Patrolman Ruehl said. needing an additional six Board member, agreed. It was at this point that Capt. aircraft for ransom have failed. Frederal Aviation Adminis- classrooms to replace upstairs of complex, a new design," Last Spring, in discussions above the acceptance min- said he received a call at ap- tration Administrator John H. Shaffer said today. said Dr. Unger. imum. proximately 11:40 a.m. that Gormerley observed the sus- classrooms in the Atlantic at a public meeting, board pect walking up North Center- In every instance, he said, the persons involved either Elementary School which it The one-story facility, ex- Compact Design the suspect had returned members expressed some di- home after a year stay in Cal- ville Road. have been arrested, killed, or are under the control of a for- expects to convert to office pected to accomodate 400 pu- vergent ideas on the educa- The board also defended the eign government. use. pils, would include besides the school's design, commenting ifornia. A warrant had been He questioned the man who tional specifications prepared out for his arrest from the said his name was Miller and "The recent action by the Algerian government in return- Thus, in the board's opinion, 16 regular classrooms, a kin- and recommended by Dr. that the more compactly de- Ing the $1.5 million in ransom money paid by U.S. airlines in dergarten; library-media cen- signed building, with less win- county parole department for was on his way to visit his it.will actually need 12 class- Unger for the new facility. parole violation. brother. two hijacking incidents must be a severe blow to anyone who rooms by 1974. ter; music and art rooms; dows due to air. conditioning But Mrs. Amend said yes- Patrolmen Thomas Broder- still imagines that air piracy can be a profitable enterprise." The district now encom- special education room; cafe- terday, the unanimous ap- and decreased floor space be- By this time, police said, Shaffer said. torium (combination cafeteria cause of utilization of corri- ick and Lawrence Hawkins the suspect had changed his passes grades Kindergarten proval by the board for the went to the Gray home and clothing. However, Capt. Gor- "There now is vitually no place on earth a hijacker can go through eighth, has 1,455 pu- and auditorium); serving proposal should indicate there dors for instructional pur- with the realic expectation that he will be allowed to keep the poses, would result in a con- found the suspect in the merly recognized the fugitive money he has extorted. struction cost saving of house. Police said as the sus- by the color of his sneakers. "When a person buys a ticket on an airliner with the idea $56,000. of hijacking it for profit." Shaffer said, "he has really bought As for the air conditioning, himself a ticket to prison or to the morgue." Lincroft Man Is Subject the board said it is not a fancy extra. It would cost about Need a new car? $2,000 a year to operate. It Wallace Back in Mansion Of Missing Person Search pointed out one basic consid- MONTGOMERY. Ala. - A partially paralzyed Gov. eration was probable, greater George C. Wallace, saying it's "good to be home again," re- MIDDLETOWN — Police Moon said. He had lived at his community use of the build- W. Front St. address for the turned to the governor's mansion yesterday to resume per- are searching for a 63-year- ing. Another was a state De- old- Lincroft man who has past 12 years. partment of Education re- manent residence. . been missing since he was irv- All hospitals in the area The governor earlier in the day checked out ofethe Spain quirement calling for air con-' volved in an automobile acci- have been checked, but police ditioning if interior spaces, • Be wise, Rehabilitation Center in Birmingham where he haiUheen un- dent in Red Bank July 26. have been unable to come up *••• dergoing physical therapy for leg paralysis resulting fflin an such as those involved in the' ^ with any clues to Mr. Kosh- school's "clustered class-' assassination attempt May 15 in Laurel, Md. Edward A. Koshinsky of insky's whereabouts. When the governor arrived at the mansion, he was gtoeted 1124 W. Front St.. was first re- rooms" concept, are used for, finance through us bv a cheering crowd and members of his family, with U# ex- ported missing Aug. 18 by his Detective Moon said anyone teaching. ception of Mrs. Wallace who. sporting a pair of crutcltes. sister, Mrs, Annabelle Jones who has any information re- The carpeting is planned waited inside. of Boston. garding the missing man mainly for acoustical pur-, Mrs." Wallace fell down while roller skating with her chil- She told police her brother should call the Middletown poses, officials said. They feel, suffers from a severe case of Police Department's detective maintenance costs would not dren Tuesday, cracking a bone in her leg. She said it wasn't be any greater for carpeting serious. diabetes. On Aug. 18 he was to division. have had an appointment at than for tile floors. The board and Dr. Unger the Joplin Diabetes Clinic in 1 Boston. Nab Fugitive have stressed they feel the Mrs. Jones said her brother need for referendum approval ] In Matawan is imminent. never showed up for the ap- Edward A. Koshinsky MAIN OFFICE: pointment. MATAWAN - A man want- "By 1974, if we don't build CHESTNUT ST., RED BANK, N.J. 07701 Most of your wise neighbors do - BRANCH OFFICES: Detective Leonard Moon, proximately 138 pounds. ed by Edison Township police the Laird Road School, we 17* RT. U, MIDDLETOWN, N.J., 07741 10 EAST MAIN ST., FREEHOLD. N.J.. 07721 who, with Detective John Mul- He has short brown hair, for possessing drugs was ar- will have 150 children without •' 17f BROADWAY, LONG BRANCH, N.J.. 07740 vey, is investigating the ease, hazel eyes and a ruddy com- rested yesterday afternoon at classrooms, plus another 150 , NEW CARS FINANCED Established in 1*71 by John H. Cook and Henry Clay said Mr. Koshinsky was last plexion, police say. • his Sutton Drive home. in those to-be-vacated Atlan- j PUBLISHED BY THE RED BANK REOI5TER seen walking away from the Mr. Koshinsky was born in Donald C. Lewis, 21. of tic rooms," Dr. Unger said. Mcnnbtr of the Associated Press-The Associated Press Is entitled ex- AT OUr SPECIAL clusively to the use forrepubucollonor all the local news printed In this accident scene in Red Bank. New Hampshire Nov. 19. 1909. Aberdeen East Apartments "We are not threatening -mwspgptr os well as all AP news dispatches. He was not injured, Detective He worked for Ace Manzo was released in $100 bail for a sessions, but we are LOW BANK RATES Second class postage paid at Red Bank, N.J. 07701 and at oddltlonal Sept. 27 court appearance in trying to demonstrate good moiling offices. Published dally, Monday through Friday. Mall subscrip- Moon said. Construction Co. of Matawan tions payable In advance. The-missing mantis de- as a heavy equipment oper- Edison. management so that the build- 1 Week 1 Month 3 Months 6 Months 1 Year scribed by police as white, of ator until June 6, when he re- The arresting officers were Ing is ready when the need is MO tt.SO S'.SO $18.00 135.00 there," Mrs. Amend con- CENTRAL JERSEY BANK , Horn* Delivery by Carrier .50[Cents a week medium-slight build. 5 feet 9 signed because of his severe Patrolmen George Magnenat Single copy at counter, 10 Cent!. inches tall and weighing ap- diabetic condition. Detective and Richard Wolak. cluded. 4 n»D«Ily Eerier, B«dBai4~Middletow^ NX ItarsdayJABgust:i.l»72 Half Sessions Seen in Keansburg and3;I5p.m. KJBANSBURG— Sixteen approval." if Kindergarten through third seaedukfl for a 11 a.m/to 1 County Obituaries grade will use the Frances p.m. session. Seventh through Ctfcj modular classrooms expected When does the board expect students will report at f to be ready for occupancy the complex to be ready? Place school; fourth through Grades one through three sixth grades will use the ju- will attend classes from 9 for classes'which, will < next week will not be finished "It looks like it will be Oct. noon. in time, Peter L. Graham, 1 if the state approves the site, nior-senior high school after- a.m. to l p.m. noons, and seventh through 12 The first three days stu- The modular cc , als. o Board of Education president, • and we concur with the Includes-a rnultl-purpo'se j]E. Bernard Blum, 59«> Dies; said last night. changes," Mr. Graham re- 'grades will use the junior-se- dents in the fourth through nior high school mornings.. sixth grades will attend room, administrative offices sponded. and auxiliary rooms. "There are some structural Schools will open Sept. 6 on The first three days of classes between 12:15 p.m. change orders that the con- schedule, however the half school kindergarten classes j!Was Ex-Policeman, Official tractor wants the board to ap- sessions the new classrooms for students scheduled for 1 ; MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - Former Keansburg Coun- burg Lions' Club, a member of , prove," Mr. Graham said. will alleviate will remain in morning classes will be held • former Keansburg borough cilman Leonard S. Bellezza the American Waterworks As- "We are reviewing these now -effect until construction is between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. ; manager C. Bernard Slum, described Mr. Blum as a "re- sociation and a member of the and are also awaiting state completed. with afternoon students • %9, died Tuesday at his home. markable man." Association of City Managers. • 284 Haven Drive., Cbeesequake "When it came time for cer- James T. O'Neill, who re- : Tfflage, after a ldng'iUness. tain decisions there were placed Mr. Blum in the man- : He was appointed borough' many times we could not see ager's post, called his prede- LAWN-SEED i manager in 1957 after first ris- eye to eye," Mr. Bellezza Middleto wn Zoners cessor "a fine gentleman." • ing through the police depart- said. "But he was determined "It saddens me to know he : 3ment ranks and attaining the and would put up a very pro- didn't spend much time in the • tank of captain. He retired fessional argument to prove retirement he looked forward : from the manager's post last his point. to," Mr. O'Neill said. Hold Ex-Mayor's Bid "He was a gentle man, very "I wish to express my con- 5 dedicated to his family and MIDDLETOWN - The Zon- who sought to erect a 17-story tially different from the | ?'Bemie was very dedicated dolences to his widow and job. There was nothing flam- family.". ing Board and its attorney are luxury high rise on the 1>£- Busch proposal... : Hi his family and his job," boyant about him. He liked faced with a decision whether acre tract, which is situated Use Seen Same FERTILIZER : '•Keansburg Mayor Many Gra- Besides his widow, Mrs. simple things. Mildred McGuire Blum, the a special use application sub- in an R-0 zone. "I feel it is the same use but ,1 3 JiSm said last night. mitted last night by former just reduced in size." he opln-1 r» ?'The fact that he was both "I think the greatest tribute late official leaves two sons, Mr. Moody's proposal is for (Quality Products) that can be paid him is to say C. Bernard Blum Jr. of Rum- township Mayor Earl Moody a two-story structure which ed. : ^police officer and borough can be legally heard. : inanager attests to his com- he was a professional in his son, and Charles P. Blum of will rise to three stories. Mr. Moody argued that the-I ; :riiunity dedication. I bated to field," Mr. Bellezza added. Ocean Township; a daughter, Mr. Moody seeks the Rentals will be limited to per- only similarity is that he is I " "see him retire. "It's sad to think he suf- Mrs. Veronica Biancardi of board's and Township Com- sons who have reached the also proposing a multi-family ] scon - AGRICO ,': "On behalf of the borough I fered a stroke only two weeks Keansburg; a sister, Mrs. mittee's approval to erect a age of 52 and whose children dwelling. - iVgsb to express heartfelt sym- after retiring last year. He Josephine Sheehan, here; and 52-unit apartment building are not younger than 18. "As a layman I feel the fact : jjifthy to his family," the may- wanted to live out the good five grandchildren. overlooking the Navesink Riv- Lawrence A. Carton 3rd, the size has been reduced and - .or concluded. years. Arrangements are under the er. board attorney, said in his the rentals restricted shows GREENFIELD - AGWAY H 2 Flags throughout the "I wish to extend my sym- direction of the Scott Funeral. Last November the board opinion the proposed use of the application is substan-1 «4»rough will fly at half-staff pathy to his widow, who also Home of Belford. denied a proposal by local the land hasn't changed and tially different," he said. rjiduring a 30-day period of lost her mother this year and contractor Anthony P. Busch, that plans are not substan- After further discussion the] H "mourning. •to his family," Mr. Bellezza former mayor agreed to have -j SALT HAY E'-. Mr. Blum was born in Lon- concluded. Resume Pickup his attorney submit a "justifi-; ~ r'don, and came to the United Active in VFW cation opinion" in time for the | : ^States at a very early age. He Mr. Blum was a past com- Of Scrap Paper Marine Police Nab 3 board's Sept. 18 session. ~ had been a resident of Keans- mander of the Keansburg Vet- HOLMDEL — Curbside In its finding of fact on Mr.il PEAT MOSS " rburg for 40 years prior to erans of Foreign Wars, past pickup of scrap paper will re- Busch's application the board I \ moving here eight months president of the New Point sume at 10 a.m. on Sept. 9. On Clamming Counts stated the building would.* Comfort Fire Co. of Keans- Residents are asked to HIGHLANDS - Three men confiscated by the police; create a traffic hazard; traf- PINE BARK (NUGGETS) Won Silver Star burg, a communicant of St. place securely tied bundles at have been released on their Raymondjrench, 49, and Mi- fic would increase on nearby | : Ann's Catholic Church of ;': He was an Army veteran of curbside before 10 a.m. to own recognizance pending a chael Byrne, 29, all of High- residential streets; a safety » World War II and was the Keansburg, a member of the avoid missed pickups.^ - ~^. hearing in Rumson Municipal lands. hazard would be created, and I ~ 'recipient of the Silver Star for American Legion of Keans- Court on charges of clamming The arrests were made dur- the structure would increase | - :valor. burg, a member of the Keans- The scouts will collect scrap in condemned waters and •tag separate raids by the Ma- population densisty of the sur- RED WOOD BARK paper on the second Saturday clamming after dark. rine Police under the state rounding area. of each month through and in- New Jersey Marine Police Department of Environmental Bid Sent to Planners cluding June. at the Monmouth Beach sta- Protection. The board referred to the j M. Floyd Smith, 83; tion made the arrests Richard D. Goodenough, di- Planning Board an application BUCKWHEAT HULLS Girl Scouts will be on hand Thursday at the junction of rector of the state Division of submitted by Gabriel Molnar j on the second Saturday of the the Shrewsbury and Navesink Marine Services issued a of 3 Swimming River Road. < ^Ex-Fair Haven Clerk month at township hall to col- : 'FAIR HAVEN - M. Floyd Rivers. No date has been set warning of stepped up shell- who seeks to have a portion of can Mechanics. Century lect bottles. Residents are re- fish law enforcement efforts. LIME I Smith, former borough clerk Council 100, Trenton. for the court hearings. a subdivided lot now in an R- quested to remove metal, caps Arrested were Robert Ben- "We must do all possible." 22 zone changed to B-l com- 5 Sere for-37 years, died yes- Surviving are his widow, and rings. z -terday at Ivy House Nursing Mrs. Nellie Taylor Smith; a son, 44. whose boat was also Mr. Goodenough said, "to mercial "as 70 per cent of the J ; 3iome, Middle to wh, after a daughter, Mrs. Brenda R. Fu- minimize the chances of pol- lot is now zoned." SPREADERS s long illness: He was 83. gate, here; two grandchildren f luted clams reaching the com- Residents of the Swimming I s': Mr. Smith, a lifelong resi- and one great-grandchild. mercial market." River Road and Rose St. area , ; .dent of this community, had The Worden Funeral Home. Billy' Foales Leaves Arrested last Friday in wa- objected to the board's grant- J: lived at 875 River Road. Red Bank, is in charge of ar- ters behind the Ventnor Sew- ing of the permit, stating a j CHEMICALS l'~ Mr. Smith attended New rangement^. age Plant, Trenton, were Al- precedent could be estab- ] York Law School. He retired Estate to His Widow lan Cooper Jr., 20,. of English lished. Creek and a l^year old Scull- H'firom the law department'of To Address FREEHOLD — William H. Long Branch be divided into They also cited that heavy I I rthe Title Guaranty and Trust ville youth. Cooper's boat and traffic in the area as it exists | Billy Foales, 71. of 728 Syca- five shares, with one share 28 bags of clams were con- » Co., New York, in 1944 after more Ave., New Shrewsbury, each going to Helen W. Hunt now would be added to. 3 -20 years service there. RO A Group fiscated. Also sent to the planners | HANCE & DAVIS who died Aug. 8. left three- and Alma Carhart, both of \ i In 1944, he took over the FORT MONMOtiTH - Maj. quarters of his estate to his Monmouth Beach; Adeline was the application of Paul A. vAorough clerkship full-time, Gen. Hugh F. Foster, com- widow, Mrs. Genevieve. Fos- Boynton, Oceanport; Linda Dr. Lehman Merker, who seeks to use a I 26 SHREWSBURY AVE. jTaafter having served in the manding general. Electronics ter Foales, in his will pro- West, Long Branch, and Mar- residential structure at 3021 '-post part-time for 26 years.. Command, here, will be guest bated here. jory Williams, Montgomery, Main St., .Belford for a day- 747-0103 RED BANK! speaker at the first dinner Scholarship time child care center. He retired in 1955. During his Mr. Foales. who was an Ala. MON. - FRI. 7 A.M..TO 5 P.M, clerkship tenure, he also meeting of the year to be held owner and trainer of thor- He left the rest of his prop- The center is proposed for | served periodically as secre- by the Central New Jersey oughbred race horses, left the erty to his widow, Mrs. Linda Is Proposed an R-7 zone. OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY tary to the Board of Health Chapter, The Retired Officers remainder of his estate to his A. West, in his will of Nov. 18, There were no objectors | Association at Gibbs Hall on WEST DEAL — Paul Zar of present. and as municipal court clerk. daughter, Mrs. James S. Den- .1970. Red Bank recommended to He was a lifetime member September 14. ham 3rd of Wilmington, Del. Mrs. Agnes Whelan, 72, of 14 The announcement was the Monmouth Jewish Com- of the Christ Methodist His will was dated March 13. Henry Drive, New Monmoutb, munity Council that a scholar- Church. made at the first meeting of 1955. who died July 29, left her the year held by the chapter ship fund be established at Mr. Smith was a past mas- American Telephone and Monmouth College and Brook- ter and a member of George under its new president. Col. In other wills probated by 'Telegraph Co. stock to her SHERWIN-M r: John M. Goodman. dale Community College hon- B- Moxley Lodge 277, Free County Surrogate S. Thomas daughter, Mrs. Warren Gil- oring Dr. Eugene Lehman, and Accepted Masons, here; Other new officers attend- Gagliano: lette of Port Monmouth. and ing were, Col. James L. the recently deceased presi- .the Grand Chaper of Royal her son, John Whelan of River dent emeritus of Monmouth WILLIAMS* Arch Masons, Hiram Chapter Creekman. first vice presi- Miss-Mary C. O'NelL 8i). of Plaza. We're More Thnn A Paint Store ^ dent: CW04 Sidney Robbins. 10 Morford Road. New Mon- College. One, Red Bank, and the Ju- In her will of May '4, 1967, Abraham J. Zager of nior Order of United Ameri- second vice president: Col. mouth, who died Aug. 7. left Mrs. Whelan directed that the James T. Riordani treasurer; her entire estate to her niece, Shrewsbury moved that a res- Rosine Carotenuto. in her will remainder of her estate be di- olution be sent to government LTC Martin I. Freeman Jr.. vided equally among her Mrs. A. M. Crippens secretary. of July 25.-1960. Miss O'Neil officials in Washington con- RED BANK - Mrs. Annie had been a teacher in the three children. Mrs. Casey demning the Soviet Union for Mae Crippens. 86, of 4831 East Highlands public school sys- Pecyna, with whom she lived, emigration restrictions it Man's Death Mrs. Gillette and Mr. Whelan. •176th St., Cleveland. Ohio, tem for more than 50 years places on Jews. HUNTS died Tuesday at the home of before she retired. SALE PRICE8 GOOD TODAY THROUGH MONDAY, SEPT. 4th • her niece, Mrs. Alberta Bel- Under City ldo, 228 Shrewsbury Ave. Walter E. West, Pleasure Bay Apartments. Atlantic v .1- Mrs. Crippen was born in Police Probe Ave.. Long Branch, who died Maryland, a daughter of the LONG BRANCH — Police Aug. 12. directed that his in- LABOR DAY late John and Ida Davis of today continue their in- terest in certain real estate in Red Bank, and had lived here vestigation into the death of a all her life until she moved to man found in an apartment at STOREWIDE SALE Cleveland five years ago. 524 Second Ave. Tuesday Edward A. Hicks She was a former member night. of the Shrewsbury Zion AME According to the police, RED BANK — Edward A. Church of Red Bank and had they were called to the apart- Hicks, 75, of 30. Evergreen been employed in Red Bank ment house to investigate a Ter., died at his home HANDBAGS schools as a custodian for strong smell emanating from Tuesday. INSIDE HAIL HUNT... INSIDE WALL PAINT... INSIDE ENAMEL... many years. an apartment occupied by a Rogers* Lawrence Best™ Rogers* Satin Finish Surviving are a son. Jere- man identified as William Sei- Mr. Hicks was born in Fair JEWELRY UP Latex Wall Paint Latex Well Paint miah Davis of Red Bank; five ler. Haven and had lived in the Upon entering police found area most of Ms life. T Beg. brothers, Isaiah, Raymond 50% 6,99 .and David Davis, all of Red Mr. Seiler dead in bed. The WALIETS ° Bank, Benjamin Davis of Mid- body was in an advanced Surviving are two daugh- OFF state of decomposition. He ters. Mrs. Barbara Oliver of dle town and Daniel Webster •Accent Color* hinder. Davis of Neptune; a sister. was pronounced dead by Dr. Freehold and Mrs. Lorraine Miss Gertrude Davis of Red Nathan Troun of Long Fields of Red Bank; a son, Jo- Bank; several nieces and Branch. Results of an autopsy seph Hicks of Philadelphia. ROOM nephews, seven grandchildren to be performed by the Mon- Pa.; 15 grandchildren. 16 LUGGAGE Check these and 20 great-grandchildren. mouth County Medical Exam- great-grandchildren and three SPECIALS 1 Arrangements are under the - iner's office remained unavai- foster grandchildren. TBC" direction of the F. Leon Har- lable last night. Services ris Funeral Home, Red Bank. Arrangements are under the N. Semljatschenko ' direction of the F. Leon Har- at our store: ris Funeral Home, Red Bank. Card of Thanks OPEN ALL DAY i/No extra change UCICERO — Joseph C. In keeping with RED BANK - Nikolag his expresser d wlsn/wwish, wee aacacKnowlfrgm i with Semljatschenko. 75, of 35 Lo- for tinting I deep appreciation the mo clnd and MONDAY thoughtful visitations, cords, and prayers cust Ave., died yesterday at Mrs. Samuel Daniloff -1 •durlnu his final Illness. We, too, ore since, V Full selection of rely grateful for the generous expressions home. o[.sVjnpathy and understondlntfthat fol- HOWELL - Mrs. Mary quality paints in Mr. Semljatschenko was Daniloff, 86. of Windelcr OUTSIDE HOOSEPAJNT..: several price ranges. LBTEX INSIDE EHAMEl... Tn» LoClcero Fomlly born in Russia, and lived here White and Colors Road, died Tuesday at the ••Take up to 4 months Lawrence Beit™ Death Notices for 21 years. He was a labor- Medlcenter of America. Lake- —• iffn'nTe MaeYa'ae 86, Tor- er, and was a member of St. to pay...several ., _ _ eveland, Ohio, died at 228 wood. charga plans. Shrewsbury Ave.. Red Bonk on August T>, Nicholas Russian Orthodox "™, Beloved mother oTjenmiat Davis ol Red* Bark~ "; sister of fsaloh, David and Church. She was born in Russia and .—Raymonr d Davwlis of Red Bank, Benlamln OovlDavis of MlMlddlelownd , Daniel Webster Surviving are his widow, had lived in New York prior Dovls of No • .-..-. Red Bank. Mrs. Hedwig Bertignolli to coining here 25 years ago. [ 5aturdoy# 1 Funeral Home, 34_, 0 Shrewsbury Ave. Semljatschemko; three sons. •She was a member of the Friends may cal»ll..frorj»l from «o ttoo » Friday eve-. Helmut Semljatschemko; New. ning. InterAwtt White Rldudgo« Cemetery,- Jackson Township Congrega- [ Eotontown. Brunswick; and Bprus and tion of Jehovah's Witnesses. SHERWIN-WILLIAMS HICKS — Edward John Semljatsdiemko, both at-, ween Terrocev. R< Surviving is her husband, j QUALITY PAINTS AT EVERY PRICE Borbara Olivet' home; and a daughter, Miss Samuel Daniloff. • " • - ink. Maria Semljatschemko, here. MSKOADSmOT www lira 137 BROAD ST. The C.H.T. Clayton andl RED BANK The John E. Day Funeral' KDMNHNJ. WOODMMKnnR 741-7183 Home Is in charge of arrange- Spri Funeral Home, Adclphia^ WXTTDSIBNUarS WOOOMMttU 971-2975 ments. is hi charge of arrangements.' . Thursday, Aag«ttt,lfB M '•>*/• ,-i Builder Sues for Subdivision Action FREEHOLD — Seeking a Township Committee has ar- subdivision, and scheduled a month until June 21. ,' approve the proposed devej- Superior Court order directing bitrarily; capriciously and un- public hearing for last Jan. 19, On that date the planners f opment of 20 homes, says Lcy- Freehold Township officials to reasqnably withheld tentative Levitt stated, but the hearing recommended that the Town- • ilt. but the matter has been approve a 20-lot subdivision approval of its proposed 22.78- was continued from month to ship Committee tentatively postponed several times/ on Georgia Road in the Wood- acre subdivision. . gate South development, Lev- Levitt states that it con- itt and Sons Inco yesterday tracted to buy the property filed suit here against the last fall. township. The township Planning PROWN'S Levitt alleges that the Board classified it as a major LABOR )

GOING AWAY LASTCALL , NEW MARLBORO PARK TENANT — Henry Luhrs, left, owner of Marl- TO '•• boro Industrial Park, and Marlboro Mayor Morton Salkind show their pleasure in having Lily-Tulip locate in anew 52,400-square-foot warehouse SCHOOL? in the park. The building Is used as a satellite storage facility for the Lily- Tulip's Holmdel plant. Ray Smith, of Realty Group, said that there is a You'll need... cooperative effort under way between his organization and the Monmouth County Industrial Development Board to make the park a major dis- Laundry Bag 98' tribution and warehousing center tor the county. Shoo Rodcs M...... M.....Z«4T Storage Boxes ...... 2.49 Chest of Drawers —5.98 Folding Plan Bipartisan Fight Clothes Dryer 3.98 Multiple Skirt Hanger ...1.19 Ovw tt» Door On Offshore Drilling Hungers •...•.••...•.•...••••••••TQ Dnu Hangtrs WASHINGTON - Rep. after reports yesterday by tions. She* Bags • Maust ••' Rep. Lester L. Wolff, D-N.Y., 1 COLORFUL James J. Howard, D-N.J., an- He said withholding of the END OF SEASON SALE! Hangm • Storag* nounced today that he will that the Department of Interi- report leads him to believe Bags and Mora meet next week with a bi- or has completed a study of the East Coast drilling plan partisan group of congress- data on oil drilling off the has been approved. PORCH ROLL-UPS men to map plans to fight Kast Coast. Rep. Welff con- Rep. Howard said the inte- The handsome decorator curtains are Ideal (or, leasing of oil drilling rights off tends the department is with- rior Department has con- 2-TON Carrier porch, den or patio. They are available In 3 color* the East Coast. holding release, of the report firmed that a report relating LAST CALl and come complete with cord and pulley. His announcement comes until aftertheNovember elec- to oil drilling rights is being CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING Batch l> Lawn typed. • 3 ft. to 7 ft. wide "They contend, however, • 25 Ft. PreCharged Tubing • Thermostat and Sub Base UMBRELLAS • 6 ft. high VFW to Honor that this is only a preliminary • Fan Relay • 25 F». of Wiring • Base forllnit • NOT ALL SIZES tfratfitofly Airfuttd OFF report that has not reached COMPLETELY INSTALLED ON 20 the top level of the depart- EXISTING WARM AIR HEATING SYSTEM Howard, Cioffi ment," said Mr. Howard. ADJUSTABLE He said the congressional SCHOOL PACKAGES BOOK group — both Republicans and LONG BRANCH - Rep. honored at a dinner to be BOXES of PENCILS HOLDERS James.I. Howard. D-N.J., and sponsored by Brighton Me- Democrats — plans to meet 29; is: 791 Mayor Henry R. Cioffi will be morial Post 2140, Veterans of here next week to continue a bipartisan fighf against any Foreign Wars. 32 BROAD ST. RED BANK CHARGE iti • The event is scheduled for » leasing proposal. Adult School . "This is not a partisan is- p.m. Sept. 9 at the Embassy Est. 1925 Restaurant, here. sue," said Mr. Howard. SCHOOL BAGS* ERASERS Congressman Howard is "There are some Democrats Schedule Set and Republicans who will sup- • THE 1-YEAR GUARANTEE • 5-YEAR WARRANTY ON COMPRESSOR FILLER PAPER e DIVIDERS Free Delivery KEYPORT - The fall term being honored for his achieve- ments in the field of vererans port any such proposal and 0& 'NDABLES DICTIONARIES e BINDERS oAhe Keyport Adult Evening there are some Democrats School will begin the week of legislation and Mayor Cioffi TENSOR LAMPS •MEMO 741-7500 for his meritorious service to and Republicans, including Sept. 25 at Keyport High myself, who will fight any BOOKS •CONSTRUCTION School, according to director the community. James Palumbo Jr., post such proposal forever." NOEL NILSON PA'PER* TYPING PAPER Mario D. Crupi. Mr. Howard is co-sponsor- Courses include Sewing I commander, invites the'public COMPOSITION BOOKS to attend. Entertainment will ing legislation drafted by Rep. - WtATHEMUKEItS TQ MONMOUTH COUNTY SINCE 1M» - and II, tailoring, slipcovers Norman Lent, R-N.Y.. which LUNCH BOXES •SUDE rounCs be by comedian Skippy Lowe 1 LEONARD ST., RED BANK, N.J. 07701 and draperies, ceramics, de- is aimed at blocking any coupage. furniture restoration and the Mello-Tones combo. RULES AND MORE Daily and Saturday 8-5:30 Wed. and Frl. 'til 9 p.m. Tickets are available from granting of leases for drilling and finishing. Typing I and II, ' rights. PHONE: 741-3454 Shorthand 1 and II, Book- Avery W. Grant and William keeping I and II, chess for be- Hullenbaugh. ginners, conversational Ger- man, English for Non-English Speaking People, a theater workshop, parapsychology, 2nd Arrest gourmet cooking, antique- stenciling, small appliance re- In Assault, pairs, social dancing, office practice, astrology for begin- Theft Seen ners,-conversational Spanish, MIDDLETOWN - A second public speaking, Hindu Philos- arrest is expected by police ophy, macrame. Aerospace I today in connection with a and II, judo-karate, conversa- beating and robbery which tional Russian and a high look place in an East Keans- school equivalency program. burg tavern parking lot. New programs are acrylic John Flynn of K7 Carr Ave. and oil painting, watercnlor reported to police he was as- painting, Ceramics II, guitar, saulted, beaten and robbed by theory of music, Spanish II, two men as he was leaving crocheting, bridge. Memory the parking lot early yes- and Concentration and terday. Spectator's Football. The men, he told police.- Again offered will be stole his wallet which contain- Ready-Set-Create, an arts and ed approximately $680. crafts workshop designed for Frederick Brink of 124 mothers with young children Morningside Ave., F,ast and others involved with Keansburg, was apprehended youngsters. in connection with the beating The Recreation Commission and robbery yesterday after- will sponsor a physical educa- noon by Detectives Leonard tion program for women and Moon and John Mulvey. basketball games and instruc- The suspect is being held in tion for men. Middletown police headquar- PRE-SEASON SPECIALS Registration for courses will ters in lieu of $15,000 bail. be conducted Sept. 18-20 from A second arrest is immi- PUT TOGETHER WITH AN 7 to 8 p.m. in the high school. nent, police say. EYE FOR VALUE AND ATASTE FOR FASHION. Sand corduroy suit trimmed with dry cleanable suede. Sizes 36 to 42, including longs. 60.00 Soft spun cotton turtle neck shirts. 6.00 Authentic Tartan pure wool slacks. 20.00 all stein bach Original Loden Coat from Austria, now with full plaid lining and plaid lined hood. 50.00 4)

I stores open After Labor Day, total will be 136.00 s Labor Day Pre-season wardrobe special OO85 j Three other pre-season specials on looks It 10 a.m.-5 p.m. you'll want for fall; I. Herringbone Shetland sportcoat with suede trim matching suede vest and heather knit slacks. special values! Saddle buck shoes. reductions from New button-down shirts and challis ties. regular stocks for one day— Monday, only. Natebons. Watch this Red Bank, N.J./Broad and Front Streets/Open Wednesday and Friday evenings. ' "3H! newspaper for New Brunswick, N.J./338 George Street/Open Thursday evenings. Elizabeth, N.J./91 Broad Street/Open Monday and Thursday evenings. further details White Plains, N.Y./279 Main Street/Open Thursday evenings. Stamford, Conn./Broad and Summer Streets/Open Monday and Thursday evenings Falrfleld, Conn./1583 Post Road/Open Friday evenings. ^REGISTER Rooney Election Questions Hughes to si* item to bold By JACK ANDERSO»!-„*»N, iiMiiiiiMiiMMiiii—miiiiiiiiMiiiimiiiiiiii milteewomamilteewnman on the Roonevy <- —^^k. Hughes t Established in U78-Published fay The Red Bank Register ticket. off- BoUkTnfti»ilB«l*r«JMJl un- ' We also have affidavits tell- der Stans whetthe ran tm Bu- ARTHUR Z. KAMIN The Justice Department WASHINGTON reau of tbe Budget for theiale must soon decide whether to ing how supposedly neutral President and Editor poll inspectors were assigned President Eth^; investigate alleged criminal Works for Stus * .. violations in the election of SCENE by the Rooney machine. Rooney himself, according to Indeed, Stans gave both of Thomas J. Bly, Executive Editor William F. Sandford, Associate Editor Rep. John Rooney, D-N.Y... Iiliiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiitii ••••iiimiiiiituruitiil them promotions. Staats be- who has immense power over testimony, belabored Low- enstein poll workers twice came Stans's deputy director the department because of his and Hughes was promoted to 6 ' Thursday, August 31,1972 " tight hold on its purse strings. they said, it was not done by when he visited a polling them. place. be deputy legislative chief. The cantankerous Rooney ANDERSON Stans also served in the late heads the House Appropria- "There has been a foul-up Broken Levers Thank Heaven They're Into Something Legal' tions subcommittee, which de- somewhere." said James When Lowenstein levers . 1960s on a personal consultant cides how much money the Rooney, a florist. were broken in Puerto Rican for comment. panel for Staats. ., Justice Department can We also have copies of an and black areas where Low- , President Nixon's chief In talking to Staats and spend. Thus, Attorney Gener- official-looking postcard with enstein was strong,,there's money raiser, Maurice Stans, Hughes a week'ago Tuesday, al Richard Kleindienst will "Primary Election Notice" evidence they weren't fixed has accused Democratic-con- Stans said he had -additional, face the dilemma of sub- printed on it. But on the back for long periods. Lowenstein gressmen of pressuring the .information and asked them poenaing the hand that feeds is an advertisement for plans to charge racial dis- General Accounting. Office to • to delay the report to include- him. " Rooney's slate. The bulk rate crimination in his federal suit. rush the release of a con- H.. • •,'-•-.•" . , J .^.U"-., The election case grows out Post Office permit was issued In one Lowenstein area. troversial report charging the - Actually, Stans Jiad.been , of the bitter Democratic pri- not to the Board of Elections, Rep. Paul McCloskey, - R-Ca- Republicans with election law questioned by • After the GAO report hit the ., ence to their sponsor violate sworn that one Spanish-speak- publication of the GAO, audit headline's, Stans charged that, the state courts. But now he is temporarily. • -> • going into federal court with the federal criminal code. ing woman arrived at the it had been.rushed into print allegations against the We have also learned that polls only to find that some- The report had been.ached*; as a result of pressure fronv Rooney machine that would New York Board of Elections one had forged her name on uled for release on theiday; Democratic congressmen. But • make a Tammany Hall want' Commissioner Gumersindo her voting card. President Nixon was renoroi-' Stans'. office wouldn't: nanje <• heeler blush. Martinez, whose job it is to There's no reason to believe nated. Stans apparently didn't any of the Democratic con- For example, Rooney's keep elections fair, boomed• Rooney was personally aware want the'President's triumph gressmen nor provide U9 with ,. • nephew James and James' Rooney from a sound thick a of all that his supporters were spoiled by an embarrassing any details. Staru himself re- wife Beatrice are both shown few days before the primary. doing at the polls. But it will report. Taking advantage of fused to talk to us. <.••••! .-.-•:••• on voting records as voting He assured us this wouldn't be interesting to See what the the friendship of two key GAO Footnote: The GAQ, report, twice. When we reached them interfere with his impartiality Justice Department does officials, Stans personally in- charged the Republicans wi% at their home across the in dealing with' the election. about the allegations. tervened to hold up the re- 11 possible or apparent viola- street from their famous He bad campaigned for Footnote: A finding of lease. tions of the new campaign re- uncle, they insisted they had ) Rooney on his own time, Mar- fradulent election would mean He telephoned Comptroller porting law, involving a total voted only once. If a second tinez explained, because his Rooney must run again. General Elmer. Staats and of $350,000 in campaign contri- vote was cast in their name. wife ran as a com- Rooney could not be reached GAO elections chief Phil butions. McGovern Is No Muskie By MILTON VIORST mnttnunininiimtinnliuiniiiiiiiiiiiiniiiii now?" and George answers, the discussions today were "Sarge, 1 guess we'll have to cordial and constructive. The The question that many: make the, best of it." conversations were along the Democrats are asking this! THE NEW TV Cameras lines you would expect from week is whether George When the two men reached two men, one who has had all McGovern..havtag routed Sen. POLITICS Austin, they already were the honors and offices which Ed Muskie in the campaign inmiiuiiiHiiiiiiiiitiinnnuii iiiiiiiiiinin more than an hour late. With- the Democratic party could for the nomination, is now out stopping to consult Frank give him, and the other who is running Muskie's campaign But Johnson is a vain and Mankiewicz or any of their the standard bearer of the for the presidency. difficult man and. in return other political advisers, they Democratic party today ... . A good argument might be for an ounce of favor, he was went directly to the audito- "President and Mrs. John- made — by Democratic centr- determined to exact a pound rium of the LBJ School of son have met with many dis- ists and proponents of party of humiliation. He consented Public Affairs. Present were VIORST tinguished guests at the LBJ conciliation — that to having McGovern and Sar-, some 50 national newsmen Ranch in the past and they McGovern, if he hopes to win, gent Shriver pay a call at the and perhaps an equal number cern and by his wisdom ... asked me to say that they wel- has no choice but to run Mus- LBJ ranch. But he said they of local newsmen, crowded comed and fully enjoyed the kie's middle-of-the-road cam- must come unaccompanied — behind a bank of TV cameras. "I've never found the Presi- •meeting today." The Republicans' Strategy paign. I am not convinced the" not with aides or the press. McGovern might have ac- dent warmer or more encour- argument is valid. knowledged openly that the aging in his support. He When the statement was I stayed behind in Austin .seemed to be unqualified in The acceptance speeches by President sure. Sen. McGovern and the Democrats But whether it is or not. with the rest of the press con- meeting wasn't everything he over, no one in that audito- ti Nixon and Vice President Agnew had the intend to fan as much discontent as they had hoped for — without in his enthusiastic support and I rium doubted that it was a- ' what is clear from the events tingent, unaware of what was .think his public endorsement same well-tailored, non-surprising tenor of can over such matters as the Vietnam of recent we.eks is that happening at the ranch. But, any way diminishing the sig- put-down. Muskie, so much is going to be an important better at fuzzing over differ- the entire Republican National Convention War and unemployment. Obviously, how- McGovern, who was so good as subsequent events demon- nificance of the fact that it had been held at all. Instead, factor in this forthcoming ences, might have handled it ever, the Republican strategists feel there at being himself, is very strated, it wasn't much. in Miami Beach which they climaxed. clumsy at being Ed Muskie. McGovern and Shriver didn't he tried to bluff it, before an campaign." •more smoothly. But the re-' They launched the campaign of the are levels of discontent which they can tap porters listening to McGovern He is not comfortable at being get a press conference or tele- . audience that was far too so- Johnson's 'Extravagance' Republicans with the theme of building a for which they somehow will not be all things to all people, and it vision footage with the Great phisticated to be taken in. shook their heads and said, "Now, now, George" — and "new American majority" not only of the' blamed by the electorate, even though the ruins his credibility as, the Man. They didn't get a ring- "I do not expect at any time Had this been followed by a candidate of candor. ing endorsement. They got his during this campaign to have knew not only that the candi- party faithful but of those upset by the GOP controls the White House. positive expression from date of candor was trying to To my mind, he illustrated presence, and steak for lunch. a more worthwhile visit with Johnson. McGovern might candidacy of Sen. George McGovem for Take just the question of quotas, on That's all. anyone than we enjoyed today hornswoggle them, but doing- the problem dramatically in somehow have won the day. it badly. the Democrats. which both nominees dwelt at length. Austin last week, on the occa- I can envisage them, rather with President and Mrs. John- Instead, Tom Johnson, a long- Of course, Republicans always have to Quotas (such as in municipal jobs) tra- sion of his visit to former disconsolately riding back to son." McGovern said. time aide of the former presi- In the long run. the meeting recruit beyond their own ranks because ditionally have been the way in which President Johnson. The visit the city in their helicopter. "We asked the President's, dent, read a statement, of with Johnson may prove use- they nave a minority voter registration po- white ethnic groups such as the Irish, the was to symbolize a reconcilia- Sarge, knowing the press is advice in the forthcoming which the most extravagant ful to McGovern —but a tion between the party's old .impatiently awaiting their ar- campaign and he generously sition. This time they have greater con- Italians and the Slavs have shouldered words were: serious weakening of credi- pros.and the forces of the new rival, turns and says. gave it, and we were deeply "Speaking for President bility, for him. could mean fidence than ever that they can saw off their way up the ladder. They still may be politics. "George, what do we do impressed, both by his con- Johnson, I want to say that disaster. huge chunks of the Democratic bloc, plus necessary if certain ethnic groups are to independents. break into fields where their representa- What is interesting about the approach tion is scanty. this time — well exemplified in the The Republicans arc betting this will Lunar Bits from London speeches of both Mr. Nixon and Mr. Ag- be an issue, as even those who might gain new — is that the Republicans are not cas- by quotas reject them for fear that other By ROBERT YOAKUM all be over before Septem- and I should be interested to ber." know whether similar sight- ting the broad net of varied appeals usual- disadvantaged groups will benefit more. A certain airline failed to ANOTHER Item: The letters section of ings were made in other parts ly utilized to capture the diverse American The problem for Democrats will be transfer my briefcase at Bos- The Times of London — al- of the Metropolis. Yours faith- electorate. not only to engender greater confidence, ton on a recent London-to- LOOK ways willing to lend several fully. Peter Chapman." Instead, they are zeroing in on what but also to find ways to swing the debate Hartford flight. When you column inches to odd cam- The Chapman Report read some of the news items I HtiinmaniiiiiuiiiiaimHiiiiiiiiiinniiHHni paigns, causes, and contests' prompted several more com- they feel are "raw nerve" subjects with to issues more to their liking — such as brought back from Britain in — printed a numDer or reports enough Americans to build the majority the Vietnam war. world. (That's what eschato- munications, including a skep- that bag you will see why I logist's do;-they are sooth- from readers. tical one from James Cham- they seek — busing, quotas, Supreme As political strategy to gain the "four 'was as distraught as an astro- sayers who specialize in Item: When Judge Melford bers, who guessed that Mr. naut who had misplaced his Court decisions, law enforcement Even in more years" about which the Republican doomsday forecasting). Stevenson jailed John Cole for YOAKUM Chapman and his acquaint- a time of black impetus, the surge in eth- youthful demonstrators so constantly chan- moon rocks. It is the conviction of PWMI striking his wife with a ham- ances "were (to be as chari- less crowded life in restricted nic pride, the rebellious hair styles and life ted, the "raw nerves" approach may be Item: Two thousand es- officials that doom.is looming, mer he said: "I realize that , table as possible) victims of chatologists are expected at quarters." styles of the young, the Republican nomi- unbeatable. The serious question for but they aren't as pessimistic you found yourself in a do- some form of hallucination, the first European Inter- as one cschatologist in London mestic and emotional situ- Four hundred families with perhaps even the well-known nees stressed the "one America" theme, thoughtful citizens of all political per- national Prophetic Congregs who walks up and down Ox- ation in which you and others children had been interviewed 'mass-hallucination' of folk- .seeking to weld a majority pulled togeth- suasions might be whether winning this in September. fprd Street with a placard were behaving in a way that in a suburb of Cardiff, Wales. lore and ecclesiastical his- er by its fears and dislikes. , The songress, which is spon- that says. "God. is at hand; In families where the man tory. way could make it immeasurably difficult would make the inhabitants of went to the local public house Uusually, it is the "out" party which to govern this diverse, problem-beset na- sored by the Prophetic Wit- the end is near." a monkey house blush." ness Movement International, How near? Well, when once a week, said the church •'Mr. Chapman sounds quite seeks, to stir such disgruntlements. To be tion during those "four more years." Judge for yourself. Here is report, only 20 per cent had sincere in his belief that what in Eastbourne, England, will asked whether he was going the situation that came out in.. try to bring greater precision' domestic problems. In fami- he saw was real, but I must to the congress he said, no, court: lies where the husband went into predicting the end of the there wasn't time. "It could warn him that the whole 1. Cole,'3fi, was unem- to pubs twice or more a week, weight of scientific opinion is Hazlet's Anti-Litter Code ployed. "Slob shoppers, are increasing" was public accommodation must provide' litter the incidence of domestic dis-" against him. Quite plainly., 2 — He had a wife and five cord was higher —• 28 per the subject of a letter from one of our receptacles (to be emptied daily) and that since the sky is not blue, he children,, four of whom still cent. And in teetotal families, cannot have seen a blue sky.. readers which was published Tuesday. patrons who prefer not to use them face lived at home. in which the man never en: The writer has a valid complaint, one fines of up to $500. 3 — Also living at home was tered a pub, 50 per cent of the However, David Worthy- which Hazlet's Board of Health has ac- With so much positive effort being Cole's mistress, a young wom- families reported intramural not only confirmed the Chap- •;• an he had met at the psy- trouble. knowledged by introducing an anti-litter made for a cleaner environment, it is man Report.,but issued a chiatric center where he went warning to fellow Londoners:;. ordinance which will, if enacted, set stiff amazing to see people emptying car ash- regularly lor treatment. 1 can hear husbands all over penalties for those found guilty of messing "Sir;, — Mr. Pfiter^Chapman • trays in supermarket parking lots and per- 4 — Also living a {home was Britain saying, as they go out must take care when studying up any part of the township. forming other equally sloppy acts. a lodger who had been taken for a night of beer with the such, rarities as areas of blue Tnejaw will place reasonable curbs - The ordinance deserves adoption at on by Cole's wife as her lover. boys, "I'd much rather stay sky. Judge Stevenson said that in home with you and the kids, on the distribution of commercial and non- the hearing scheduled Sept. 25. It is the jailing Cole for three years he : "I, too, was observing this dear, especially'since your, phenonenon during its pas- commercial handbills and newspapers, type of law which more and more munici- had passed what he regarded; mother's here, and what with and. it will give homeowners an opportu- palities are finding necessary. The litter- as "a very lenient sentence. sage over South Kensington Brian needing help with his on Aug. 2 when it suddenly ap^ nity to halt distributions they do not de- bugs may be in the.minority, but they He accepted the defense at- homework, but my family's torney's argument that_ "the peared to overtake, a huge sire. , should learn that we don't want them .welfare comes first and the white hot Hying object of conditions under which ~every7 church report said that ; . ." : One section of the law that is most ap- among us. A $500 fine could be a pretty one in that house was living spherical form. This object Fa'deout. emitted considerable radiant propriate is the requirement that places of good lesson. imposed a tremendous strain Item: The Weather in the on Cole."- heat and a strong white light London corner of England which I felt could prove harm- Cole, himself, .summed it up . was awful in June and early ful to unprotected skin ex; The Fair Haven Fair this way: "I think I have gone July, prompting the following posed to it for more tthan a The Fair Haven Fire Department's volunteer fireman uses the loudspeaker too far this time." letter to The Times: Item: The day after John few seconds." -'' annual fair is under way. Before it closes system to locate lost parents because, natu- "Sir, — It may interest your Nothing to fear, wrote Saturday night, many thousands of county Cole was sentenced — and, readers to know that on the rally, the children aren't lost; they're very therefore, too late, unfortuna-' P.H.H. Moore the next day. residents will have visited it to renew ac- morning of the 2nd August "The 'small area of blue sky' much at home. tely, to do him any good — the inst., I saw a small area of quaintances and to enjoy the food, refresh- 1 Christian Economic and So- that Mr. Peter Chapman saw Old-timers do not need to be invited to. blue sky which became visible last Friday over London is ments and games which are in abundance. the happy goings on in Fair Haven these cial Research Foundation re- for a few moments over Spur-, leased a survey showing that known as English Summer. It The fair also is a time when parents nights. They'll be there as a dictate of cus- geon's Tabernacle in that part is a curious meteorological "A regular, once-weekly night of London known as the Ele- grant a retiring hour reprieve for tots who tom! We thought, though, that newcomers out for the father of a family phenomenon; there is, .how- phant and Castle. Several of ever, no cause for alarm asiit just must get on "one more" of the ex- should know there is a warm welcome is an important solvent of the my acquaintances were wit- citing rides. It's the place where a friendly awaiting them at the fair. "Was There Anything Else You Wanted?" inevitable frictions of more or rarely lasts more than a few nesses to this phenomenon minutes." f Says Republicans May Be in for a Big Surprise - -- • 8M Ocean Ave. cost of living, the status of the may-accomplish for the State. ford to send their children ard Is trying to divert atten- = • . ... , Elbertfa. N.J. war, unemployment. If these The records of both major po- overseas. tion from M.C.A.P.'s trip role. Tb the Editor: are hot more or less solved to FROM OUR litical parties reflect the over- 1 as a taxpayer, am literally If it were not for Mr. How- tabor Day again arrives the American public's liking whelming support in the gen- ' up in arms at this inexcusable ard's enlightening us. we the like a bolt from, the blue — there might be a big surprise eral American public for a way Mr. Russell and any oth- public, of this trip some summer is nearly over. For in store for the American READERS safe and secure.. Israel. The ers that may have approved months ago I think most of us many, it really did not seem people, especially the GOP. State of Israel would be welt this type of spending. would have been unaware. to start. The many rainly Edgar N. Dinkelspiel advised to actively discourage In Friday's paper. Mr. Thank You days and high humidity my 'own sons, but for all the young ladies and gentlemen,' the endorsement of any candi- Dowd is stating that Mr. How- Mrs. Barbara Araneo - coupled With a few cold peri- Center's Concerts who participated in the pro- date or party by its American ods thrown in gave the little' gram, and received their re- supporters in our presidential semblance of the usual sum- i The Daily Register has re- wards. campaign. Such steps might mer season. ceived a copy of the following "The exercise at Marlboro also prevent the polarization Feelrich, Most of the resort areas did letter for publication: High School included the ,of itsJong time American sup- rather poorly because of the 450 Little Silver Point Road Pledge Of Allegiance to the porters. weather. Some had to cope Little Silver, N.J. 07739 Flag of our Country; as well During my terms of office' warm, with disorders that made prof- Garden State Arts Center - as the rendition of the Nation- with Z.O.A. a number of its its even less. Garden State Parkway al Anthem by the graduates ' national leaders felt that, be- worry- Be that as It may, fall is . Holmdel, N.J. The "HOMZANTAUS" : as well as the audience. cause of what American Jew- here, both political parties Gentlemen: "I was sadly disappointed to ry had contributed to the es- have settled on their candi- I wish to express my dis- note and to observe that at tablishment of Israel, we free The model for people who dates and the big race for appointment with the very the exercises sponsored by should exercise some in- president is now on in earnest. small number of classical pro- your school district, both of . fluence in directing the politi- The Republicans are the in- grams at the Garden State these two important features cal "course the new. State are easily "bowled over"* cumbents and were lucky to Arts Center this summer. I were lacking. It was parttcti- should take. The leaders of Is- smoothly, resohre most of their am referring to the symphony larly noticeable, as the three rael resented and opposed this differences, while their oppo- concerts similar to those young people, who spoke so attempted interference and nents were plagued by all which are given at Tan- splendidly, lofted highly on did not permit such intrusion. sorts of problems from select- glewood which you apparently our great American heritage, The State of Israel mast not ing a vice president who feel New Jerseyahs would be the freedoms we enjoy, and in any way interfere fat our pol- turned out to have a fewunwilling to support. the equally great future be- itics, for such behavior may skeletons in the closet and It is also disappointing nev- fore all of us. An outward sign well provide harmful con- 1 er to be able to obtain pro- sequences for the State. The Have extra cash in your bank was scratched at a late date. of recognition and apprecia- L Then there were those radi- grams of any of these classi- tion for all that our flag and net result may well be that balance when you need it. Open South of the Krummy Krupp cals who were the initial sup- cal concerts. They are nver this country stands for, should many of us, who have strong- a Cash-O-Matic account with us. porters of the ticket and went published in the newspaper ly supported Israel as a bul- On Wonderful West Front nor are they published in any. ;be one aspect of the training wark of democracy in the out all .over registering and .given to our youngsters. COLONIAL FIRST NATIONAL BANK getting.votes for the Demo- of the advance programs. Not Middle East, a goal which is only that, even if one calls up' ' • "I would like to know if the and has been important to ev- The bank that looks out for you . cratic ticket in the primary. elimination of either or both Advertise in The Register These proved too hot to carry the day of the concert, no one ery American president and in the box office has any idea of these features was by de- our nation, will now totally and were dumped. In addition sign or through oversight. If, there were those old Guard of what the program is other withdraw that support and than the name of the con-by design, I would like an ex- concentrate most of our con- Democrats Like Mayor Daley planation for same; or if by who were snubbed. Seeing all . ductor and the name of the or- cern oh the tremendous do- chestra. 'oversight, reasonable assur- mestic problems facing our this, the GOP has more or less ance that it will not be over- country in this election year. sat back and read various Since concert goers fre- quently have favorite pieces looked hi the future. polls and these show them "May I hear from you in Very truly yours, Haveagreat they would like to hear, I do way aheadl One must never this regard?" • 'Benjamin H. Ashin forget election is more than 60 not think it would be unrea- days away. And while the Re- sonable to publish the pro- •gram in the newspaper or at Israel, Polities MCAPTrip publicans are gloating and K SktoW& beating themselves on their least make it known to the 82 Woodbine Ave. 709 Eighth Street chests, attending numerous box Office several days prior Little Silver, N.J. 07739" Union Peach, N.J. 07735 cocktail parties and banquets, to the concert. In truth, these To the Editor: To the Editor: FOOD STORES programs should be worked American Jews, who now I have been following your \teekend! those so-called disunited Democrats are working night out at least a month in ad- declare their support for the letters to the editor of late and day registering young vance as they are at Tan- reelection of the President so-, and I am shocked at the fa- voters and old. glewood so that concert goers lely because of what his ad- vorable response in regards to can make their plans accord- ministration had done for the! Mr. Russell of M.C.A.P. and It might be well if the GOP ingly. would thumb through the State of Israel are actually the Sending overseas of under- pages of history and go back Sincerely yours, • harming and not helping Is-: privileged children at the cost to the famous Dewey-Truman Leonard S. Danzig, M.D. rael. : of $60,000. I am an American Jew, who - I for one am very aware of election where Thomas E. 1 «-i3 Dewey was way out in front has labored hard and long for people needing help to pay for while Harry Truman was the Wants an Answer the creation, of the .Jewish' shelter, food, medical and underdog, given little or no State, and supported it since. dental bills. There are many 33 Yorktowne Drive I was the first president of the' chance to win. In fact. Life Englishtown, N.J. senior citizens in Monmouth Red Bank Chapter of the Zi- County who are living on a po- magazine even went to press To the Editor: onist Organization of America with Dewey's picture on the Please print this commu- verty level and are not en- and chairman for two United. tittled to food stamps. With front as the winner only to nication and the copy of the Jewish Appeal Drives. ICECREAM find out that- he lost causing letter attached. the soaring food prices and a I believe it is" dangerous and' limited income I cannot un- them to recall many of their I have waited patiently for unwise for the: State of Israel copies. two months for a response derstand why a little of that OVER 20 FLAVORS to permit and condone official j money could not be channeled It is the votes in the ballot . from the Board of Education or unofficial statements or ac-'. box on election day that count for the Manalapan English- in that area. tions, which encourages some • today there are many men • and the Republicans cannot .town Regional School District, American Jews to support or;' 1/2 GAL. afford to relax one minute if with negative results. Ob- endorse any political, candi-i working two jobs to keep a they wish to win. viously they choose to ignore date or party in this country,, home going and many wives • Selecting Gov. Cahill for the this matter. "solely because of the good it; and mothers are out keeping a head of the Nixon campaign I believe it is important that job and home who cannot af- in N:J. may prove to be a the community is made aware grave tactical error. He hasof this lack of concern by the become most unpopular with Board of Education in this New Jersey's taxpayers with matter, and the unresponsive- the dogmatic insistence on an ness of these elected and ap- Treat your home income tax which was re- 99* pointed officials. Ferocious Uon soundly defeated just a few Thank you. "A Krauszer-Wowzer" short weeks ago. In addition, Very truly Yours. to a "Brand New" We Have he has proven to be a very ex- James A. Flanagan travagant governor and June 26,1972 many of his other policies "During the past two weeks FRUIT DRINKS have not improved his voter I was privileged to attend ICE appeal. The one redeeming * ORANGE* GRAPE two graduation exercises in * FRUIT PUNCH factor is the fact that Congress- this area; my middle son man Charles Sandman is * LEMONADE graduating from Marlboro * ICE TEA CUBES working very hard to pick up High School, and my youngest * DIET ICE TEA votes for Nixon and offset son graduating from your Cahill's unpopularity. school district, with com- In addition two or three oth- mencement exercises at Ma- HALF er vital points must be given nalapan High School. 69' very deep consideration. The "I was proud, not only of GALS. Large Bi


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"helping people with lawn problems for over 70 years." PECIAL TOP SOIL PINE BARK PINE BARK ORGANIC Lawn Food WEED FREE MULCH NUGGETS PEAT 20-10-5 CLEANED Large Decorative MIX WITH GRASS SHD RETAINS MMiTUW Rich Black Humus 7 KEEK OUT WEEDS Fleets of Bark COVER GRASS SEED Easy To Use FIU10W ARIAS LONG LASTING Rich Brown Color ANEXCIUINTROOTINSUUTOR REG. REG. c Reg, 99 r 1.19 c 1.49' 2.90 20 IB. 99 50 IB. 99 2 CU. IT. 13Cu.Ft. 501b. 5,000 SQ.FT. MARBLE CHIPS 5-10*5 PEAT MOSS FERTIE 10-6-4 WMUOtCORAJIVE SOLID COMPACUD COW MANURE STORE HOURS: SO'/,w» r* VTMCAHK Hwy. 34 North, Colts Neck OPEN SUNDAYS 9- 5 STONtS fmiuzat BAU OPEN C $177 ('A mile north 0/ Delirious Orchards) 39 MON., WED., THURS., 39 44 1 431-5858 • 747-0465 FRI., SAT. 9 - 6 215016. 84 . 1 5011. 3 4CU.IT. 50 LB. CLOSED TUESDAYS MMWW DAYS


TREMENDOUS SWEEPER SAVINGS* SAVE ON BECKERS SPECIAL SEEDS TRU-TEST Becker's Special Blend No. 1 SHREDDER Joe's and Art's Favorite BAGGER THE MACHINE THAT CHEWS UP THE The lawn seed mixture for the lawn- DEBRIS, COMPOSTS, SHREDS, BAGS, owner with discriminating taste, specially ALL AT ONCE. POWERFUL 5 HP EN- GINE DRIVES 3 AUSTEMPERED STEEL blended for this area. Grows a thick luxu- BLADES. HANDLES BRANCHES UP TO rious lawn with a minimum of care. Out- 1" DIAMETER. LOADED WITH EX- CLUSIVE FEATURES: SAFETY SWITCH standing purity of 98%. Contains Kentucky FOR HOPPER REMOVAL, TOP BRANCH Bluegrass, Pennlawn Fescue, Chewlngs LOADER, HANDLE-CONTROLLED CLOO-BUSTER, DEBRIS-DEFLECTOR Fescue, and Creeping Red Fescue. SAFETYDOOR, EXCLUSIVE DUST BLOW-BY SHIELD. IF YOU ARE NOT SURE ABOUT BUYING, TRY IT ON A RENTAL BASIS. ONLY 5 ONLY $ ********************* •A*******************. BECKER'S * BECKER'S * BECKER'S "t 139' PLAYGROUND SHADYLAWN KWIK KOVER MIXTURE A blend of grasses that Is to A laWn seed mixture blend- MIXTURE LAMBERT A premium blend of shade rough that it Is almost Inde- * ed for moderate to h eavy tolerant grasses. Use this structible. Ideal for hard HEAVY DUTY wea r areas. Produces a * seed for your shaded areas. used play areas. TRAILER SWEEPERS good looking lawn. Lambert's exclusive Fllpo- matlc Trailer Sweeper... $4 59 dump to the rear. Empty the IB. • 65 hamper and adjust brush i 95 1 t u. from the operator's position PARKER ********************* 38"JUNOST481 on the tractor. Heavy duty ********************* construction throughout. HURRICANE ...... ac 31" APOLLO 9T-411 REG. 1SB.9S LEAF BLOWER BECKER'S BECKER'S 26" GEMINI ST-461 REO. 119.95 9 9a 88 The fastest easiest way to BLUE RIBBON clean up leaves and debris INSTANT GREEN REG. 89.95 UAlOO from lawn, sidewalks, con- GROWS A SHOW PLACE LAWN. CONTAINS ONLYP REMIUMTURF GRASSES.OUT- A SELECT BLEND OF QUICK GERMINATING vertible from sideways to GRA88E8. FINE TEXTURED-BLENDS IN LAMBERT straight ahead blowing. STANDING RESISTANCE TO DISEASES AND Large wheels and flip over DROUGHT. WELL WITH BLUEGRASS LAWNS. TITAN handle for easy maneuve- LAWN SWEEPER rability. CB-6950 $ 49 LB. A good quality lawn sweep- LB. 1 er. 20" swath caaters on $ 44 2 rear tor extra maneuverabi- REG. 169.95 lity. Folds for storage with 144 . (********************* wind apron. B369WA « • t PARKER POWER SWEEPER MERION FYLKING • t PERENNIAL $ This self-propelled aweeper, featuring a 2V4-hp B ft S • t REG. 34.95 BLUE GRASS * engine and 25-Inch sweeping width, sweeps 3/4 of an BLUE GRASS •k acre per hour. The specially designed basket needs Certified Blue Tag RYE GRASS 26 * no wind apron; clutch and throttle controls are con- 93% Purity A NEW PREMIUM veniently located on handle; and swivel basket cas- Reg. 1.99 Blue Grass • [ 50 Ib. ters make maneuverability easy. $ $ • c LAMBERT 49 99 $1099 LAWN SWEEPER 1 Ib. * 2 Ib. The Mark 26 Is a 26" sweeper. k ¥ 13 T»******** Designed for moderate use. ¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥•¥*¥»#¥¥¥ Trigger height control 5'/i BU capacity. R-368 *«J* MMMMMM $19 BECKER'S GRASS SEEDS . ARE BLENDED TO BECKER'S SPECIFICATIONS. BLENDED FOR LOCAL SOIL CONDITIONS.

PARKER SCAVENGER PARKERETTE TESTED AND PROVEN. ONLY THE CHOICEST LAWN SWEEPER SEEDS CHOSEN FOR OUR BLENDS... 32 inch sweeping width. Multi-purpose cleaner, for 30 Inches wide. Lumite ALL ARE EXCELLENT VALUES!!! quick, thorough clean-up. basket. Two dual sweep- ^ Easy to handle and ruggedly ing brushes. Adjustable built. for height and hood clearance. 95 "helping people with lawn problems for over 70 years.' M79 95 $ 44


8 bushel capacity. 30 In- ches wide, Rugged con- struction. Heavy-duty canvas basket, Tubular steel frame. Swivel caster wheels. Cast Iron wheels STORE HOURS: and pinions. OPEN SUNDAYS B-5 Hwy. 34 North, Colts Neck OPEN ('A mile north of Delicious Orchards) MON.,WED.,THUR8,, Hitch attaches to any riding mower or garden tractor. 12 FRI..8AT.9-6 $ 9995 bushel heavy duty canvas basket. Easy dump hopper 431-5858*747-0465 CLOSED TUESDAYS empties at pull ot rope, 36 inch sweep. It ThePafly Register, Red Bank—Middleiown, N.J. Thursday, August 31,1972 I Policeman's Job Is More Risky Than Ever Before By JAMES H. RUBIN being aware of community re- One officer died in an ex- cent of the police assaults ner he can't afford to go to a police officer has an effect on sources to deal with those change of .gunfire after he re- while guns and knives were' restaurant to "cool off." society which reaches far TRENTON (AP) - It has problems. sponded to a bank alarm; a each used in 2 'per cent of the Can't Retreat beyond the overt act," the become far more risky to be a "The police must utilize ev- second was killed by a men- attacks. Similarly, poorer families State Police report said. policeman today than ever be- ery skill in a crisis," he tally disturbed outpatient Up In Cities are less likely to have addi- "Such occurrences constitute We are pleased to announce that fore. added. "It requires a great from a mental hospital; the Professor Mark's stress on tional rooms where husbands an immediate threat to the That's the conclusion of a deal of specialized training to third was killed pursuing a rob- particular circumstances in and wife can retreat to avoid well being of the community THOMAS C. PIACENTINO State Police report on crime supplement regular police bery suspect, and the fourth understanding the violence a fight. and a serious breach of the in- training." was ambushed. against police is underscored Consequently, Mark said, ternal security "of the country. in New Jersey, released this is novr associated with our firm as a week. . • The mental patient used a by statistics which show "where there are less options "This deplorable situation "Today, a young man who Mark continued, "Police knife and the other three vic- greater frequency of assaults to resolve quarrels, the police should be a subject of serious Registered Representative considers a career in law en- force can become counter- tims were shot. Since 1966, the ! in larger cities. are becoming more involved." public concern for, in truth, forcement also must consider productive at some point. This report said, all but two of the ; The State Police reported Not all students of the po- an attack on a police officer is in our the very strong possibility of violence may be creating 14 slain officers were killed, that in cities with population lice agree with Mark's ana- an attack on society." being killed or assaulted by a more difficulty in what was a with firearms. over 100,000 the rate of as- lysis. Red Bank Office member of the very same so- difficult situation to begin However, while the use of saults on police last-year was For,, example, former State SCHIFFMAN'S ciety he is sworn to protect," with." i guns was prevalent in the 20.1 per every 100 officers. Institutions Commissioner 30 Linden Place the report asserts. Four Killed murders, most assault did not: In other words, in the big Lloyd R. McCorkle, who will However, there is dis- The State Police report involve firearms. cities one out of every five of- be teaching institutions this Red Bank*N.J. 07701 agreement over whether the showed that four police offi- In 1971, nine out of the 10 as- ficers was assaulted in 1971. fall at John Jay College in Telephone (201) SH1-8800 sharp rise in assaults on- po- cers in New Jersey were saults were by unarmed per- In towns with population be- New York City, sees the situ- lice is due to a general in- killed in the line of duty last sons. Weapons such as clubs. tween 50,000 and 100,000 the ation quite differently. crease in hostility toward po- vear. or bricks were used in 7.per rate- dropped to 14.6 assaults "The reasons for the rise in lice and toward figures of au- per 100 officers. Overall, for assaults on police and correc- thority. municipalities of all sizes, the tions officers," he said, "are largest recreation • According to Prof. Jack A. Democrats Assail rate was 15.1 assaults per 100 the decline in respect for au- vehicle dealer Mark, director of police sci- officers. thority figures and the in- in the east ence at Rutgers University, Mark suggested that the creasing awareness by people the rise in the rate of assaults growth of low-income neigh- that police are less likely to SALES—RENTAL—LEASING aauf- c/Agt Manalapan Rivals borhoods in the big cities may respond with coercive force." FULL LINE SERVICE must be analyzed with regard 110 Wall Street, New York, N. Y. 10005 to particulars before drawing MANALAPAN — The three administrator following his in- account for part or all of the Whatever the explanation, Routes 33 & 34 any broad conclusions. " Democratic Township Com- terviewing of many appli- differential. the police who are on the fir- COLLINGWOOD CIRCLE BOSTON CHICAGO PHILADELPHIA LONDON PARIS CARACAS mittee candidates have cants." , For example, he said, in a FARMINGDALE Cop Assaults ing line are growing more res- * AdditloBil domeitic rod oveneas branches For example, the State Po- charged that a "serious credi- "If a member of the Town- poor family when the husband tive and worried. 922-1222 lice report said that there bility situation is evident in ship Committee is able to per- fights with his wife over din- "The killing or assault of a were 2,250 assaults on munici- the management of township- form these important func-«- pal police officers in 1971, a 7 business affairs." tions," why do we need the ser- per cent increase over 1970 The candidates, James A. vices of a business adminis- THE BIST SELICTION ANYWHERE ANP WE'RE NICER! HOLIDAY HOURS and a 68 per cent increase Flanagan, Stanley Kuschick trator at $19,500 annually?" FRI. 9 AM to 10 PM over 1967, the first year when and Stephen Davis, singled the candidates asked. SAT. 9 AM to 9:30 PM the police began using uni- out the recent hiring of a OPEN ALL DAY LABOR DAY! SUN. 10 AM to 6 PM Mon. LABOR DAY 9 AM to form data. building and plumbing, in- The committee appointed 6 PM Taking into account popu- spector, and the committee's James Collins, GOP candidate 4 BIO DAYS OF SPECIAL DISCOUNT SAVINGS! lation factors and the increase appointment of an acting for township clerk, to fill the in the number of police offi- township clerk. clerk vacancy until the post is cers, the increase is not quite, The candidates said that filled in the November elec that drastic. GOP incumbent Com- tions. The report said that in 1971 mitteeman Kenneth G. Olsen there were 15.1 assaults for stated that he "personally" lo- "Just a few months ago, the every' 100 municipal police of- cated a new building and Republican controlled com ficers. That figure represents- plumbing inspector, who took mittee stated they were mak- a still very substantial jump office Aug. 15. ing an appointment to the va of 40 per cent over 1967. The Democrats also pointed cancy on the committee of an. But Prof. Mark says that out that the "Township Com- individual who was not seek- the public should not conclude mittee has informed the ing public office, in order to from those disturbing statis- people that the posts were remove the post from current political considerations," the ELGELBERT HUMPERDINCK ZUBIN MEHTA tics that "you can interpret filled as the result of recom- Hits from The Hollywood Bowl this as a 40 per cent increase mendations from the business Democrats said. IN TIME in hostility against police." The breakdown of the statis- 58 tics supplied by the state po- LP lice shows that the over- 8 Track or Cassette 478 whelming number of attacks on police .were not in- discriminate. That is, few of the assaulted police were vic- timized while walking a beat or seated in their patrol cars. Interaction The report showed that the bulk of assaults occurred dur- ing what Mark termed "inter- action" between police and the community or criminals. . THE DOORS THE BUTTERFIELD Blues Band IVES SYMPHONY NO 2 THE MUSIC OF COLE POTTER The state police reported WEIRD SCENES GOLDEN BUTTER- BERNARD HERRMAN FRANK CHACKSFIELD that 28 per cent of the assaults in 1971 resulted when the offi- A70 A IB 58 m Lp LP cer responded to a disturb- W 7S *W LP LP 8 Track or Cassette 6 8 Track or Cassette 6 * S Track or Cassette ance call, such as a domestic 8 Track or Cassette 470 dispute or a quarrel in a tav- ern. PANASONIC PRICES REDUCED! Officers attempting to make an arrest accounted for 26 per New from Warner / Reprise I SAVINGS UP TO '50" cent of the police assaults. Another 16 per cent occurred in situations in wtiich a person BOB WEIR/ACE was detected either com- mitting a crime or fleeing the scene. Six per cent of the assaults involved the transporting of prisoners; 5 per cent when the officer was investigating :T SOUNDS suspicious circumstances; only 2 per cent occurred in civil disorders and 3 per cent SE 2030 RE 7670D lncl«les:Ux*slJt<«Raiii Casjidy $3.97 »« $279.97 were attributed to berserk or Playing in lh« Band GreateslStofyEwtTold $79.97 was $129.97 deranged persons. SAVE $40.00. ' . SAVEJ50.00 Mark said that a distinction RANDY NEWMAN THE BEACH BOYS ~w • D must be drawn between situ- PET SOUNDS, *•" SAIL AWAY ations of indiscriminate at- 8 Track or Cassette" 53* tack and others which come BOB WEIR - ACE about "with the additional po- ARLO GUTHRIE lice response to the crime." HOBO'S LULLABY

May Exacerbate RS209 The professor said that in Cassette Recorder some cases, "instead of re- $34.97 «as $44.95 ducing the conflict, the police US 2578 may exacerbate it." AC/DC with Mike $329.97 was ,379.97 The important element to Batteries, Cassette. keep in mind, he said, was the need for the police to have re- MORE VALUE FOR YOUR MONEY sources to cope with such TRADE-IN YOUR OLD MACHINE crises which they are being WORTH $20.00 ON, ANY OF THESE PANASONIC 8 Van Heustn created the Century Collection of ' TRACK CAR PLAYERS called upon to handle with in- shin's for the American male who knows •••••••••••••••••••• creasing frequency. quality, fashion and price. Here is a great For example, Mark said, example ol Van Heusen's know-how and the police officer can reduce craftsmanship. A fashion right shirt styled with 8 TRACK AND the level of violence when he a Baron medium-length collar, distinctive is called to a home in which single button cuffs, 65% Dacron* polyester, an alcoholic or a mentally dis- 35% cotton wilh lull-cut body for maximum CASSETTE TAPES turbed person is involved by comfort. Just $7.00

OuPont reg I m High Interest ELVIS NILSSON MADISON SQUARE GARDEN SON OF SCHMILSSON REG. TO $9.97 and Flexibility We carry Big and Tall man! 8 Trarfc or Cassette 8 Track or Cassette 15'/." -17%" Neck 36" and 37" sleeve - Tall man 18" -18%" Neck - up to 35" sleeve - Big man ON SELECTED CLOSED - Monday, Sept. 4th - Labor Day HOME STEREO ENSEMBLE We Will Be Open Every Evening Except Sat. Till 9 FAMOUS LABELS! Includes: Home Cabinet with Converter "Two «"x9" Speaker Cabinets" P.M. - Next Week - For All Your BACK-TO-SCHOOL NEEDS! With purchase ol 8 Track Car Player. R(t J139.95. ATCO. ATLANTIC. Complela *Hh 2 dual purpose speakers and custom DAVID BOWIE IMUS ELECTRA. MGM. UNITED IN THE MORNING ramowMt Irpe car bracket. - 8 Track or Cassette ARTIST. 8 Track or Cassette Featuring, such top per- 1'" *m " mm BECOROIHG TAPE (or Cassette* S Track formers, as • Doors, Judy Collins. Earth Opera, The Bee Gees. Otis Redding, Wilson Pickett, Aretha fOO FASHIONS Franklin. Floyd Cramer, Scotch 150-1800-7" Reel Roy Orbison, Cowsills and Scotch200.24OD.7"ReeReell Ref.fiH7., Ziyi* SZt many others. e jjff Have Hundreds of G,eat Buys on Record - tapes - Audio equipequipmenm t or 8 TRACK or CASSETTE ccesalnK oberts A • C"n Cases • RecoRecord RMkks • SSpeakersk -Nd Needlel s - Cartridtcs Route 37, MIDDLETOWN PLAZA (Shop-Rite Plaza) Toms River (Next to Shop-Rite) Route 22. Springfield. N.J. HIGHWAY 35, MIDDLETOWN Route 35. Eatontown Route 35. Middletown 671-0505 reserve the right to limit quantities. Not respon ember Signals a Change of ^Nature's Season Ry WILLIAM F. SANDFORD September Is a birder's At the risk of belaboring a difficulty of separating some pability (and they must reach Raritan Bayshore strands, the month, second only to Hay in point which has been touched of the similarly marked spe- that capability before they bay side of Sandy Hook, and Now August's sands are the excitement it generates in upon before in this space, we OUTDOOR cies makes them favorites of migrate) it is just about as big the Navesink and Shrewsbury running out and Labor Day, normal years. (There are an- must note that the term some birders who enjoy the as it's going to get. Young shores and islands. the end of the busy-business nual variations and occasional "shore birds" is easily misun- challenge. Non-birders may hawks, in fact, may be larger season of. summer vacations, exceptions — years in which derstood by non-birders and WORLD look at a flock of a half-dozen than they will be later when is hard upon us. The autumn summer heat lingers and the newcomers to the game. species and assume they are their bone and musculature equinox is still three weeks ' flights are retarded. Then Oc- rare in Monmouth County al- all one. We've even heard as .have become tightly knit. away, but the end of August tober can be expected to pro- Hie tendency is to think of though regular in occurrence explanation of the obvious New birders, as a rule, start and beginning of September duce activity to compensate shore birds as any birds likely in a few coastal sites in size differential: "I thought with the inland, species, is, too, a time of changing for its predecessor's dis- to be found at the shore. To Ocean. The suits also are rare -the big ones were adults and branch out via the waterfowl, seasons, appointments). the ornithologist it is more here and the phalaropes are the little ones the young. sea birds, herons. Those In the Allegheny ridges to We look for the land bird specific! a term of con- for the most part pelagic — That raises another error ready to tackle the mudflat the north of us, foliage color flights to build up as Septem- venience used to separate a found well out to sea — al- fairly common among non- waders will find the field rich fRID AY ONLY was beginning to show in ber progresses, and a tem- grouping of five bird families though on occasion we find birders. It is not generally un- for study now. Look for them small patches last Weekend. perature drop in the third or — the ovster-catchers, the one mingling with other shore derstood it seems, that once a along unpeopled bay and river That color will spread and dee- fourth week may bring the plovers and turnstones, the birds on a beach or mudflat). bird — of just about any spe- beacbes. Favorite local shore pen in the weeks ahead as the greatest numerical invasion of. sandpipers, the stilts, and the Most of the plover-sand- cies — reaches full flight ca- bird gathering places are TOP ROUND or predominantly southern winds the entire year. There is an- phalaropes. We use it to refer piper group actually are of summer swing more fre- other blrding front, however, primarily to the two largest of shore-oriented, although quently to the northwest, where the season is peaking those families, the plovers many of them may be found speeding and swelling the right now, .That's on the and the sandpipers. Inland in fields, and at pond TOP SIRLOIN southbound flocks of warblers beaches and flats where the (The one eastern species of edges; One, the .woodcock, is a and thrushes. shore birds gather. the oyster-catcher family is woodland bird. Since early July, shore birds of a score of species have been drifting down off north- He $ees Sucha Thing ern breeding grounds to as- SINCE 1926 ROASTS semble on our mud and gravel beaches. Among those assem- blages now are sanderlings Msa GoodForest Fire and least and semipalmated WILL BE CLOSED EDMONTON, Alta. (AP) - came more elaborate, Dr. but not to the extent of allow- sandpipers, black-bellied and There js'sttch a thing as a Lewis says, more fuel was ing nature to "pursue its rath- semipalmated plovers and good forest fire. allowed to accumulate with er extravagant ways" so that ruddy turnstones, whimbrels, SATURDAY, SEPT. That's the contention of Dr. the result that fires now are fires burn unchecked. dunlins, lesser and greater WAREHOUSE PRICED H. T. Lewis, a former U.S. extremeley hot, setting bigger Fire prevention must be yellowlegs, dowltchers and AND forestry official who now trees on fire and doing' more done within the- context of knots. The birder scans the Quantity rights reserved. teaches at the University of . damage. man and his environment, he flocks for less common .spe- Not responsible lor typographical arrors. Alberta. "We've^ created a Smokey says. When natural forest cies — golden plover, western Most fires In the past start- the Bear syndrome." Dr. fires started long ago, there and stilt sandpipers, the god- MONDAY, SEPT. 4th ed from lightning flashes and Lewis commented, saying were few human settlements wits, white-rumped and burned a buildup of dead that it has become difficult to worry about saving. Baird's sandpipers. He may grass, branchesand trees. Dr. for, society.' and particularly Fire is still used in Cana- find a real rarity — a ruff, a IABOR DAY WEEKEND Lewis says. Occurring on a forestry officials, to accept dian forests for cleanup work buff-breasted or curlew sand- regular basis, this prevented' .his philosophy toward forest to prevent accidental fires, piper. an accumulation of dead wood protection. , but efforts are made to use it As a group, the shore birds SHREWSBURY FAIR HAVEN or grass and kept/top many G. P. Thomas, director gen- in a controlled way. Fire con- offer a test of the field bird- 741-6300 747-1030 young trees front competing eral of the Canadian Forestry trol and suppression are still a er's power of observation. The with established ones. Service, says there's a germ key to healthy forests, he as- - As forest fire protection be- of truth in the Lewis theory. serts. Norwegian Library Gets STARTING LAYKWT^ TODAV Lo Pinto Research Data JIMT SUPERMART thru MONDAY LONG BRANCH — A biblio- since being awarded the mas- world wide engineering en- SEPT..** graphy on soil mechanics and ter of science degree from deavor founded to honor the foundation engineering com- Newark College of Engineer- late Dr. Samuel Terzeghi, OPEN piled by Victor J. Lo Pinto, ing in 1955. who fathered the science in engineering consultant of Long The Terzeghi Library is a 1925. LABOR DAY Branch, has been placed in 4 \ 10 A. M. • 6 P.M.. the Terzeghi Library of the Norwegian Geotechnical In- Free Eye Exams Set at Hospital stitute at Oslo, Norway. NEPTUNE - Free eye ex- from 1-3 p.m. The purpose is The worjt consists of more aminations will be offered to PLAY KING BONUS COUPON - PLAY KING BONUS COUPON PLAY KINO BONUS COUPON than 3,000 index cards, each of to detect evidence of any eye r > anyone over 35 years of age at disease — or of any general which lists a paper, magazine Jersey Shore Medical Center TALKING • Roar thru article, book or other item on disease reflected in the eyes dare-devil stunts on Friday. Sept. 15. — which should have treat- the subject from the year BARBIE DOLL • RemoveaUe GAME The brief exams will be ment or follow-up by a physi- • Soy* 6 different 1727. riders • Pick the right hole- held in the hospital clinic cian. teen agt phrases Mr. Lo Pinto began the • Assorted models poke the right marble- • Lifelike bendablo work as a reference for his Keep alt the marbles legs, r.al eye- own use in 1934, two years af- PloyKlrig R*0- !•»» that cam* down. Attend Institute lashes RHufnbwi ter receiving his engineering Discount Price 99* • The ployer with the HOBOKEN — Three mem- They arc Mary Lou Renzp. PlayKIng Reg. Law degree from Manhattan Col- Motorcycles moat marbles wins, bers of Monmouth Regional William J. Sheehan and Cath- Discount Prtce $5.88 lege. He is a practicing pro- High School's guidance de- erine Dilione. Participants, PlayKIng Reg. Law fessional engineer and has partment participated in a studied factors which affect- SAVE '2.94 Discount Price $4.9 specialized in soil mechanics College Admission Institute at successful student transitions SAVE '1.01 00 \ and foundation engineering from high school to college. SAVE *2.00 x'" Stevens Institute, here. w /rfl coupon only* Lfirrf With coupon only. Limit I coi 1 per customer. Coupon With coupon only. Limit 1 per good thru Mon. Sept. 4th Coupon good thru Man. Sept 4th. •customer. Coupon good thru/Aon. .Sept. 4th. t

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DRESS CORDUROY FLARES MURRAY AMERICAN MADE JAMY FISHER-PRICE TO 3Q WAIST 9°° 20" BOYS' or GIRLS* 40x40 DELUXE PLAYPEN CONVERTIBLE BICYCLE PLAY • Fu" c"1"' ••» '"' . Folds flat (or storog. HI-rise handlebars e Serai-pneumatic tlras added strength or „„., 31 WAIST UP '. 1 3°° Coaster Brake « Safeiy.,Aid training wheels* FAMILY e> Foam pad, nylon mesh ALL BACK-TO-SCHOOL CLOTHING [ PlayKIng Reg. Low HOUSE • • • ™»«—- ^ PlayKIng Reg. Low [ Discount Price S3O7 | Discount Price $24.971 NEEDS FOR BOYS AND YOUNG MEN ft Hours of fun far *v»ry littU Boy end Girl SAVE '2.89 SAVE '5.00 og«s 2—8. Every child SAVE '5.00 Joy** to play ho us*. 197 PI ay king Reg.. Low' DlicountPrfc* $11.77 Open Wednesday and Friday Eves Till 9 P.M. CHARGE YOUR | PURCHASE.. | PLAYKKG J •ON., MS., HO, 1 SAT. 10 AH. k 9 Ml. OISCOUIXJT SUPEHMART lautnnKlllaqgg TWItim. 10rU..fc»9:3«r.M. SUNDAY 11 AJi. 4*5 r.K. MEN'S end BOYS' OUTFITTERS SINCE 1846 ROUTE 35 OPPOSITE MIDDLETOWN SHOPPING CENTER MIDDLETOWN 671-9880 19 Broad Street Red Bank Nor Responsible fcr typographical arrors. Prices good thru MM., 5e»h 41b • ' 12 'IT« D«Ih/Register, Red Bank-Mlddlet»WB N.J.Tkttrsday, August SI, l»72 ? WEDHESDAY-THURS0A1 FRIDAY - SATURDAY 9 AM TIL 9:30 PMm tUY NOW PAY LATER CHARGE IT!


GETTING READY - Joseph DeOrio, director of the Shore Area YAACA Nursery School in Long Branch, right, and Victor Muller prepare for Sept. 11 opening of school by helping install three new classrooms/par- ents' lounge, new lighting and equipment. Accredited by the state and of- iorai fering varied programs and qualified teachers, the school will include a full day program from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. for those parents and chil- dren who want it. Hakefurter Is Developed As a Challenge to Hot Dog ONE COAT LATEX ONE COAT LATEX GLOSS TRIM ONE COAT LATEX ONE COAT LATEX . RIO GRANDE, Brazil (AP) original frankfurter got its local and foreign firms to in- INTERIOR — It looks and tastes like a name. vest in fishing. It also has tak- HOUSE PAINT HOUSE PAINT SEMI-GLOSS hot dog, but it's a hakefurter Despite a 4,600-mile coast- en out ads in newspapers and INTERIOR PAINT WALL PAINT — made from a silver-colored line this country has scarcely on billboards encouraging 100; • SOFT LUSTER • WHITE AND COLORS • FLAT WHITE AND 20 COLORS developed its fishing industry. million Brazilians to eat more • WHITE AND 20 COLORS fish that swims in the South • ALL OUTSIDE TRIM • FOR CEILINGS AND WALLS Atlantic and elsewhere. The government recently be-" fish instead of the usual rice, • OUTSIDE WHITE & COLORS • FOR WALLS AND ALL TRIM gan offering tax breaks to get. beans and meat. A fish processing firm in REG. LOW PRICE ft' this port near Brazil's south- REG. LOW PRICE 1^95 REG. LOW PRICE 1 ern tip plans to come out with a REG. LOW PRICE £* SECOND GALLON ONLY... frozen hot dog compounded SECOND GALLON ONLY... $2 SECOND GALLON ONLY... $> from hake. It has more food SECOND GALLON ONLY .. W value but 35 per cent fewer calories than hot dogs made ABufBuyai 195 of beef. The company. Leal REG Santos Pescados. claims. 17.90 15.90 ifiMSJ "This is a Brazilian in- KMT vention — as far as we know. FRIDAY ONLY! It has never been tried any- where else," said Alfredo FRUIT CREST Huch, an executive of the cor- poration that controls Leal lish Aqufl-f! Santos. "We're convinced ORANGE there's a big market for fish sausage." MARMALADE The firm is awaiting gov- ernment clearance to put the AND lish Aqud-W hakefurter on sale in Sao Paulo, the nation's biggest frti* city. Brazilians gobble great . GRAPE JELLY .quantities of regulation hot P Acrylic Latex dogs. If they accept the new , CAUFOKNIA \ one the company will turn its ' 41b. REDWOOD sights abroad — aiming first at. West Germany, where the JAR PI Three Patrolmen ONE COAT FINISH ONE COAT LATEX Complete Course WAREHOUSE PRICED ONE COAT ENAMEL ONE COAT WHITE Quantity rights reserved. CONCRETE SPANISH REDWOOD FINISH SEA GIRT — Three county Not responsible lor typographical errors. WATERPROOFING patrolmen have completed the FLOOR PAINT TEXTURED WHITE • LATEX OR RICH OIL Criminal Investigation for • CEMENT WALL PAINT Municipal Police Officers • PATIO OR GARAGE FLOORS / • PAINTS & TEXTURES WE ALWAYS LOWER • REDWOOD FURNITURE, SIDING course given by the state po- • EASY ROLLER APPLICATION • DRY PROOF ETC. lice here. THE PRICE, BUT • COLORS • WALLS & CEILINGS They are Patrolmen Robert NEVER THE QUALITY. REG. LOW PRICE 4\ M. Clayton of Red Bank, Rob- REG. LOW. PRICE M' REG. LOW PRICE ^P ert A. Desmond of Manalapan REG. LOW PRICE 4" and Anthony L. Paduano of Neptune. R0mS3Ss36kF/P0fiT SECOND GALLON ONLY SECOND GALLON ONLY... * OND SECOND GALLON ONLY... *A SECOND GALLON ONLY ... *2 REG. 95 15.901 9.90*

THE SUIT 4x7 HONEYTONE PANEL THAT'S PERFECT LATEX BlACK XOr >:•• »l FOR BUSINESS BLACKTOP GROOVED RUSTIC COLOR HA AI ...AND AFTER DRIVEWAY SEALER PAST DRYING 4.75 VALUE PANEL BUSINESS Apply en dimp or dry lurficu — Cl«in OFF up with w*l«r. GEORGIA-PACIFIC This new knit is a herringbone Total *a« REG REAL WOOD r.ic. •* o» Sold In weave makes a great business 1 Gal Can. 3.95 SPECIAL PURCHASE! suit with a conservative shirt Soli) !« 2 Gal. Cans 1 Gal Can» Gal. 4x8 CHERWOOD PRE-FINISHEDGRAINED and tie.

For after hours, sharpen it up a First Quality 12x12 Vinyl Asbestos PANELS WOOD PANELS Jttsf Panal little. lAMTICq FLOOR TILE GROOVED WOODTONES 4x8Canterbury ...3.95 We have a suit department full • Quarry • Sandstone • Malaga of business suits . .. and after • Decorator Design*. Val. 4.95 4x8 Winferfern ...3.95 business suits. x%: A PANEL 4x8Sahara ...... 3.95 Come on in ... and look em -_ _ Regular YOUR. VALUE 7.95 over. S&3 -V* CHOIGEI INDOOR/OUTDOOR CARPETING OPIN WtDNtSDAY I fftlDAY 'Til 9 DO IT YOURSELF... INDOOR-OUTDOOR CARPETING DECORATOR COLORS RUSTPROOF A1UMINUM PEGBOARD FIRST QUAUTY DOOR & WINDOW Idol (or Hem* «r O'fin, 26X96 FIBERGLASS AWNINGS E.iily Mounlid. 24" wld. In PATIO COVERS. while or f r**n Install"tnyvht'n. . Burnt Or.no. • Snanlih and whlia. Gold • Hoalhtr • Bin* Graan • Moorith Rao) 3 FOOT Slori iala that the American peopte are' •••^••••••••^••••^•••••••••••••••••••^•••••••••••••••••••••iHHi :r believing this propaganda." "I think it's a four-letter Capt. Spencer Wilkinson. 27 function in Anglo-Saxon. of Arlington, Va., a F4 fast NEW 1973 PATTERNS! "We are not and we have JaneFoBcU forward air controller KfSSfl not struck dikes. We have not the dike charges because it's brushed off the criticism: and are not targeted to hit far from true. I've never seen "We know they're not being dams, dikes or other flood" a dike targeted and I've never hit. I just kind of laugh, be- control systems." seen one hit." cause I know it isn't true." Maj." 'Gary "L Ald'eh, 37, of Alden flew a raid on an Maj. Stephen Levine, 36, of Grants Pass, Ore., an F4 army, barracks Sunday and New York, is a B52 pilot at Phantom pilot with 300 com- one on a storage area near: Utapao. He offered a view bat missions including 100 Hanoi Monday. He said there that seems widely shared by over North Vietnam, put it was no need to bomb the dikes the pilots: "If we deliberately this way: — "there's enough water set out to bomb the dikes "I'm very irritated about around there at the moment there wouldn't be any left." INYLCANVA Expect All-White Schools 'REGULAR FIRST QUALITY To Level Off in Attendance ROLLS* By The Associated Press slowing. School officials point- telephone calls a week from BOOK PRICE 4.35Siii£.ROLL ed out that the estimated en- white parents who withdrew • Attendance in private all- rollment of 500,000 pupils in their kids last year and put FOR white schools in the South — private schools in 11 Southern them in Johnny-come-lately • BUY CHOICE SECONDS!! which mushroomed to a states during the past season private schools," said Boberd 500,000 enrollment this past represented .only. slightly Hilldrup of the Richmond, THE school year — will continue to more than 5 per cent of all Va., city school system's pub- rise this fall, but school offi- white pupils. lic information office. 2 "OILS FOR cials believe the trend is level- — In states such as Virginia "We believe there will be. ing off. . and Mississippi, where whites some returnees this season PRICE Record numbers of parents virtually abandoned public but whether it will exceed the onra PATiaws sucunr in Florida, South Carolina and schools in some areas several normal outgo, we just don't Win SAW 2 RMt 1 SAVKS! Texas will put their children years ago, officials say there know," Hilldrup added. OF in private schools this fall, but is a slight trend toward re- OatalsLaddig even sqrn_e officials in turning to public schools. State departments of educa- those states lieiieve the rate is "We've been getting 10 to 15 tion often do not keep count of - the growth of private schools and information about them Is often fragmentary. OUTDOOR/INDOOR Hilldrup said school officials believe the segregation aca- demies — the most rapidly de- CARPETING veloping private schools of the DECORATOR COLORS past few years — "are in a) Burnt Orsng« • He*th«r • Moorish Red 3 FOOT t • Spanish Gold • Blue Great! * Avocado etc. trouble", in the Richmond EASY TO INSTALL STAIN RESISTANT FIBERS WIDTHS SO. YD. 4 n. WIDTH u» io. rr. area. "The parents know in their hearts it's an inferior educa- INDOOR-OUTDOOR GREEN tion." Hilldrup said. "You see your child being taught in ARTIFICIAL TURF CRASS CARPET some church basement by some grandmother, and you SOLD AS IS BELOW OUR REGULAR COST \l OPEN LABOR DAY start wondering. Also, times • True fcreen grass color >99 are a little tight." • Non skid waffle foam backed in-door-outdoor grass-like fibers SQ.VO. In Florida, 58 more private • 6 fr. width* 9.95 VMX J MON., SEPT. 4,11 to 4 schools sprouted in the 1971-72 school season in areas where busing is a big issue. How- ever, neither the state educa- rmstrong SPECIAL PURCHASE Bwilt-to-lcHt tion department nor the Flor- IN STOCK! sturdy ste«l ida Council of Independent Tonka toys Schools could give an esti- New 1973 Selection mate of anticipated enroll- Beautifully Decorated VINYL INLAIDS ment for the coming school. Patterns & Colors REG. 5.49< to 7.95 year. Dfuvi ~ aja i "- ^ To Choose Both said, however, that Bur»* Of«nQ« # BfOWn, eic. *3/8 PLAIN 66* New they expected small increas- BIG SHAG *' SHEET DECORATOR es. COLORS 31077 "It's easy to see that many C & DESIGNS r *SONATO 79 SHEET parents are taking their chil- savo r. S3.77 to $4.37—eh dren out of public schools be- Stump jumper, alley ga- cause they are unhappy with WIDTHS ^^^B SQYD SHEET 1.49 |I.99;2 tor, dune buggy, dump or court-ordered busing." said pick-up. Lifetime tires. Education Commissioner Non-toxic truck enamel. Floyd Christian. Christian said he and other state education officials have Tremendous Selection Floor Tiles!! been making frequent at- • tempts to persuade parents to keep children in the public school systems. 'AMTICO "Every time we talk to groups of parents," he said, "we tell them how Important it is for their children not to be shifted around. Some pri- vate schools do not meet the FIRST QUALITY FIRST OUAUIY FIRST QUALITY FIRST QUALITY 13X12 SflF STICK standards of public schools, VINYL ASBESTOS VINYL ASBESTOS VINYL ASBESTOS FiftiT ouAtnr SHAG WrMng tablets and later when the pupils, at- T2"X12" TILES Trash can off 12"X12" 12"X12" 11X12 SEIF-JTICK tempt to reenter the public CARPET TILES RIO. Me durable plastic or envelopes school system, we find they FLOOR TILE FLOOR TILE Cuihloned Back, Eccntll« NEW CARKT New Malaga Pa Hern.. FLOOR TILE Decorator Solid Colors. COLORS may be a grade or more be- New Sandttonc patten* Decorator colors. New wood grain pattern. Cushioned Back. Decorator .colors. REG. 33c hind in actual classwork." 2-88* Rolls Up to Texas REG. IBe REG. 20c I REG. 19c In Texas, a check of private Strong, qultt If dropped. R»- DtKoratad tablarta of 40 shcata, schools shows applications Till I 111 •TILE slsti cracking. Snug-lit lid. 2 6"x8". Pack of 20 matching and enrollments have boomed handles. 18-gallon capacity. •nvelopM. Pattals, 4 d«tign». at religious and military schools since court-ordered In- tegration plans hit metropoli- tan areas two years ago. 60 WATT FIRST QUALITY Only the private Catholic LIGHT ' SELF ADHESIVE I schools in the Diocese of Dal- BULBS VINYL COVERING First Quality TOILET Bright and Lonr; lasting NEW PAnEONS. While Vinyl SEAT las have not gained, because Sticks on contact. WINDOW they refused to contribute to SHADES I the busing backlash and froze 4roR*1l Plain Typ* their enrollments two years 23"-37'/4" ago.

! . v . Modern compact Mississippi public school Stretch crew officials say approximately HAZLET NORTH BRUfisWICK EAST BRUNSWICK WATCHUNG SOMERVILLE electric alarm socks for men 64,000 pupils attended nonpub- MIRACLE MALI, ROUTE 1>, BRUNSWICK SHOPPINO CENTER (Naur I* f. J. Kamalla) (Ntir "laan « R..bucli Ca.")' lic schools, including church- ROUTE 35 * POOLS AVI. I. BRUNSWICK, N. I. related schools, during the ILUI STAt SHOrPINO CENTER IOMIISET SHOPPINO CENTER MIUTOWN RD. 1 ROUTE 1, H. I. (Naat ID luw's Ih.ilra) 1971-72 school year. OPEN fVERY EVENING OPEN EVERY EVENING ROUTE n ROUTE 31 and 304V '2.44 pr. Both the education depart- Smartly itylvd with •atylo- Orion* ocryllc-and-nylon. S- ment and the Mississippi Pri- road dial, thattorproof Uni. ply rafoforotd hwl and too. vate School Association said Sw«»p MKond hand. Whit* caw. AMCrtad color*. Fit 10 to 13. the coming school year will be about the same — with i slight trend tor a return to; public education.' 14 He Daily Register, Red Bank-Middtetown, N.J. Thursday, Angust 31, UfB Cosmetics Makers Capitalize on Health Foods Popularity extrdct better than a synthrtr NEW YORK (AP) - The fresheners, apricot facial in the division." They account other skin care products. tract in its Gemtoess group of lyunsaturated safflower oil practice. poptuarity of health foods has masques, peach talcum pow- for one-third of the volume of Sales of another dairy-based face products! Revlon has a and sesame seed. The market- Caswell-Massey, a New ic. prompted cosmetics' manufac- ders, and carrot bubble baths. the division's skin care prod- product using egg extract masque based on honey. hig director predicts the line York pharmacy that has been "Weu, if yon can eat it, it turers to incorporate natural "We're essentially dealing ucts, a major -share, and are jumped 17 per cent last year Azuree, a Lauder division will do "several hundred thou- making food-based cosmetics certainly can't hurt yonr substances in some of their with food products," said one moving so well two more although the item has been which last fall introduced a sand dollars worth of busi- for more than a century and a skin." he said. "But there are products on the theory that if manufacturer. "The only dif- items will be added next around for more than two dec- hair care line based on herbs ness" within the first three half, is famous for its skin so many things added that they're good enough to put in ference is that the essences of month, he said. ades. and natural protein, reports months. care items incorporating juice I'm not sure the whole thing the mouth they're good the fruits and vegetables are Nonfat milk, also in dried Other foods that were the these products now account No manufacturer will admit from organically grown cu- could be called palatable." enough to put on the face. extracted and then treated so :form. is a major ingredient in major ingredients of many for 25 per cent of total sales. to using synthetic fruit or cumbers. Milton Taylor, the The question of edibility they can have a two-year a skin care line introduced homemade beauty prepara- New Line Planned vegetable oils in cosmetics firm's president said the apparently doesn't discourage Many of these new products slight acidity of the juice have proved profitable if not shelf life like other cosmet- last fall by Estee Lauder, Inc. tions years ago are making Helena Rubenstein will billed as ones based on fresh the firm's customers. The ics." A company official said the their first appearance on the bring out a line this fall that foods. But some accuse un- makes a soothing lotion for pharmacy reports sales more palatable, a check of manu- y the skin but hesitated when facturers shows. Revlon has introduced a line line's sales are growing % k assembly line. Max Factor is includes body rubs and scrubs identified lower-priced com- than tripled last year to top $2 petitors Of indulging in the asked what makes the natural Most manufacturers link the of skin care products based on per cent faster than, the firm's, avocado and lemon, ex- made out of such things as po- million. growth of food-based cosmet- skim milk and a spokes- ics to youthful consumers who woman says the milk "is just are fed up with synthetics. like the kind you get from a They claim their products are dairy. You could drink it, if made from simple, unadulte- you wanted, before the other rated substances that are stuff was added." pure enough to be eaten if it Skim Milk Goes Big were not for the addition of Like most manufacturers, preservatives' that allow the Revlon declines to provide ' items to remain on the shelf sales figures on individual without spoiling. product lines. But Stanley Labels on cosmetics count- Kohlenberg, vice president of ers often read like those on the Ultima division, said the supermarket shelves. There skim milk products brought are tangerine soaps, cucum- out two years ago are "prob- ber bath oils, grapefruit skin ably the hottest single group Brookdale to Offer Real Estate Courses LINCROFT — Two real es- tate courses will be offered at Brookdale Community Col- lege this fall. The college has recently been approved by the New Jersey Seal Estate Com- mission, for conducting' courses in real estate for salesmen. "Real Estate Principles and Practices," a comprehensive study of the basics of real come in property, provides a practical • . knowledge of real estate, ben- eficial for homeowners and tenants, as well as for ex- perienced- salespersons and in- •vestorsi .Passing the final for your course examination and hav- ing the sponsorship of a state licensed real estate broker, qualifies the student to sit for the state's Real Estate Sales- man's Examination. William Jackson Students can attend classes •Tuesday nights, 7 to 10 p.rn.. as: appraisal processes and from Sept. 12 to Dec. 12; or utility; material and cost esti- Saturday mornings, 9:30 a.m. mates; depreciation; income to 12:30 p.m. from Sept 16 to estimates and expenses; in- Dec. 16. terest rates and capital- "Real Estate Appraisal" is ization; market approach; re- designed for mortgage bro- habilitation; correlation of the kers, bankers and persons em- value estimates. ployed in real estate sales and Classes will be held Wednes- allied fields. The course is day nights from 7 to 10 p.m. being presented by Rutgers Sept 20 to Dec. 13. University and will be con- William Jackson, an insur- ducted at the community col- ance broker, licensed, real es- •lege. Instruction win provide tate agent and instructor for an introduction to the essen- the New Jersey State Board tial concepts of property valu- of Realtors, will teach both copy ation and their application courses. He has taught for 'and will include -such topics many years at Rutgers Uni- versity on all aspects of real estate. Mr. Jackson is presi- Library Plans dent of William Jackson Asso- ciates. Inc., New Brunswick, Sale in Matawan a firm engaged in real estate, .MATAWAN — A book sate insurance,1 appraisals and in- " Is planned at the public li- come tax services. brary Oct 27 and 28 for the Tuition for each course is benefit of the library's special our equipment fund. The sale is planned by. Friends of the Matawan Pub- NEW PACKAGING IDEA lic Library. . • Residents are asked to do- NEW YORK (AP) - Pact : nate hardcover books, paper- agers are turning to flexible 1973 Sacks, magazines and techni- materials to reduce the rela- cal books as. well as phono- tively high cost of packaging graph and sheet music to this small food portions needed to sale. tap low income, mass markets. Book may be delivered to A significant innovation is the library during regular li- the use of films, foils, lami- brary boors. Pick-up for large nates and overwrapping to com- donations may be made by bat high beat, humidity and in- r calling committee chairmen sects, and thus prolong shelf Bailey Gift Mart Catalog '/Mrs. Christine Lamborn or life, according to the Bureau of Mrs. Hazel Grossmann. International Commerce. ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES: New 1973. Just off the press. It's FREE! Sunbeam, General Electric, Mlrro, Salton, West Bend, Norelco, Remington, Hitachi, It's dazzling. It's yours. Our 230 page Osterlzer, Panasonic, Farberware, Corning distributor gift catalog, packed with color photos, descriptions, and Bailey Gift FRIDAY ONLY! Mart's low distributor prices on all fa- OTTOM ROUND 0 mous brand merchandise. Just come in WATCHES, CLOCKS: Waltham, Benrus, Spartus, Hallmark, Kohlnoor, Phlnney to our, showroom and pick one up. Walker, Accutron, Clinton CROSS RIB Browse. Our catalog is fun reading. Use it as a handy reference for price shop- • LUGGAGE BONELESS ping. You'll find our quality the highest, American Tourlster, Samsonite, Inverhlll and ... our prices are the lowest in town. • SPORTS EQUIPMENT, FINE LEATHERS • GIFTWARE

WAREHOUSE PRICED Quantity rights reserved. Not responsible tor typographical errors. BAILEY GIFT MART 176 WEST FRONT ST. RED BANK PHONE 842-3676 OPEN DAILY & SATURDAY 9:30-5 FBI. 'TIL 9 P.M. Forgery and You The Daily Register, Bed Bufc-MttnTetewa, NJ. Ttandiy, By 8YLV1X PORTER between, the printed dollar Hold Kellogg sign and the amount of the latest disclosures about check — followed by the word By ROGER E. SPEAR trading a* a nominal the ease with which the arria- YOUR MONEY'S "Cents." you would be as- timated M72 earnings of f L« tfeur eroolt Clifford Irving tounded to know to what ex- Q — About 18 months ago I Successful a share. Several negative (ac- fprged itiv nandwritmg ot WORTH tent checks can be altered by bought 300 shares of Kellogg tors are behind the less than Howard: Hughes defy credu- Co. (NYSE) as a start toward enthusiastic investor apprais- •iiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii! experts if you fail to obey Investing lity. Even more difficult to ' these basic precautions. ink. -Don't ever erase or cross a retirement portfolio. So far al. For one thing toe Federal fallow is how simple he formally separated or di- — And some simple hints: out anything on a check, for it has achieved nothing. I i Trade Commission has been found It to fool the hand- vorced. while it's entirely legal to even if you initial the change, don't expect miracles but critical of the industry's mar- market. Writing specialists of Notify Bank write a check in pencil, it's the bank will not honor an al- would like gradual apprecia- vestors have been reluctant to keting practices which the Kellogg has moved positi- McGraw-Hill and the district — Notify your bank at once obviously dangerous, since tered check. Knowing this, tion over the next 12 years. accord Kellogg a P/E mul- FTC claims prevents healthy vely to counteract the long- attorneys of both the U.S. and if you lose even a single check anyone could erase the never accept or cash an altered Should I continue to hold? — Uple consistent with its out- competition. Secondly, the range effects of the above. New York. — not to mention your entire amount and substitute a larger check yourself: it could easily S.A. standing growth record. In FDA has grave doubts as to Acquisition of Salada Foods one. Write all your checks in , A — In recent years, in- 'act. currently, shares are the advisability df mineral and Fearn International i-'They were the worst forg- checkbook. When you tear out be a forgery. and vitamin additives in eries ever made by man or checks to carry in your purse broadened Kellogg's product cereals. Conversely, nutri- base, provided a solid position Beast," confesses Irving in • or wallet, not how many you tionists charge that cereals fWhat Really Happened," have torn out and be sure that in institutional feeding and ex- are in,many cases empty ca- panded the company's mar- " ow being excerpted in the is how many you actually use. lories, devoid of nutriments adi s Home Journal and — Since forgers frequently keting area. Shares possess t and loaded with sugar. A third strong defensive qualities, joon to be published by Grove will steal checks from the but vital consideration is the ress. Had the publishing back of your checkbook to conservative appreciation slowdown in the birthrate. prospects and a record of in- rm's executives merely com- postpone detection — possibly Children, the most voracious tpared a sample of the genuine for quite some, time if the creasing dividend payments. cereal ensters, have not in- Hold. Sflughes handwriing with what checks are being forged for creased in number for several Irving had done, "the ball small, amounts and your years, indicating a limited Q -1 have $20,000 to Invest ?|ame would have ended right checkbook is balanced by. growth rate for the cereal in trust for my son with in- fiere." The revelations go on someone else r— flip through come coming to me for life. I jijnd on — each page making your whole checkbook now need regular income and ;*IcGraw-Hill look sillier. arid then as an added pre- Bamberger's safety of principal. Would you ?•': "But if an amateur could caution. suggest possible 20-year min- iJget away with this much, — Notify your bank if you imum term investments? — 'what if a professional forger fail to receive your bank Promotes R,S. ' ;had been on the job — and statement within a few days A — Your best choice is two what if it was my signature of the usual time. Richard Hart good quality bonds. General that was being iforged?" I — Reconcile your bank Mills 8%s of 1995. rated A sells EATONTOWN - Richard to yield 8.1 per cent currently i though to myself as I scanned statement promptly each Hart, group manager in Mon- ! the tale. "I have cash in the month and glance at each re- and slightly less to maturity. mouth Shopping Center, has A second A-rated debt issue. bank, some of may blank turned check for evidence of been. appointed merchandise checks could be stolen. What any tampering or forgery. Maine Yankee Atomic 9.10s of manager, 2002, yields 8.3 per cent By should I be doing now to pro- You will know — although an- Mr. Hart joined Bamber- ject myself? What should I do other person might not. purchasing 9M of each bond ger's in 1971 as a group man- you will receive approximate- if something does go wrong?" — Should you discover any ager in the Monmouth store. The Protection evidence of this sort, report it ly $400 quarterly in interest in- Prior to that he was a buyer' come. Having posed the problem to the bank immediately. and manager for the Fair in to myself, I. have, as usual, Banks normally are insured Asbury Park. Before that,' he transferred it to you. To pro- against losses such as this. was employed by the New tect yourself against check Jersey Bell Telephone Com- forgeries — which would be as Standard Signature pany in Freehold. NURSING HOME' .Vital to your welfare as any — Once you have decided on • 14-Hw Cor* a standard signature, don't al- Mr. Hart received an AA Hheft Irving tried on McGraw- degree from Monmouth Col- 'Hill — follow these rules: ter the way you sign your checks — for instance by ad- lege where he majored in NAVESMKHOUS — Avoid by all means the Rtgistw Staff Photo ding or subtracting a middle business. 40Rrnrii*Aw.,IMtak sweeping illegible "execu- RENOVATION COMPLETED — This is the new conference room in the basement of the offices of the Mr. and Mrs. Hart and their tive" signature or a hand- initial or name. Red Bank Area Chamber of Commerce. The renovation was completed Aug. 15 by the Patock Con- — Don't leave spaces be- two children reside in Nep- printed signature. These are struction Co., with cost shared by the chamber and the Red Bank Retail Trade Board. The 12-foot con- tune. , much easier to forge than a tween the dollar sign and the ference table and 18 chairs were provided at cost by Ebsco Industries of New Shrewsbury. Wall-to-wall .clear, freely-written two- amount of the check you are carpeting was Installed by Howard Leon of Leon's Cleaners. Looking over new room are Paul Morton, ;tiame signature with con- writing or between the left, executive director of chamber, and W. Alex McClendon, chamber president. New room will hold 'Hected letters. amount you spell out in he its first meeting Sept. 7 when the Retail Trade Board.meets. . — If you have this sort of middle line and the word "dol- ' {signature — and millions of lars" at the end of that line. If you do leave such spaces, Radio /hack you do — make a conscious though, be sure you draw effort now to correct it whene- Earn-Learn Students THE WORLD'S LARGEST HI-FI ver you sign checks. The time lines across them. 'JtjWill take you will be well — Fill out the middle line AND STEREO STORE CHAIN ijvorth it. ending with the world "dol- Find Jobs Paying Off These are some of our famous tralemarte lars" in this format: "Five j- — Destroy all old checks if In times when a dollar' Radio Shack* Allied* /and when you change your and 50/100 or "One hundred shop that handles hard and fifty and no/100." If you really doesn't buy as much cover and paperback. RMlistie* Knfght-kM* 'name, your address or your as it used to, and that in- They divide the royalties ^account number. Do the same write a check for less than $1, Archw* P-Box* be sure to put a decimal point cludes financing an educa- among contributors and "With all checks if you become tion, many college students have already published MleranU* Minimus* have become part-time eight volumes and are be- SctenwFair™ OptamM* businessmen and women in ing asked to publish more. order to earn money for jMalcolm Goodridge academic expenses. Sandwich selling Here's how a few of these Working 70 hours a week Tkm «m Son* Of Ow Prated* ingenious entrepreneurs are selling sandwiches is Tony fes Named Sales VP working to defray college' Frazio, Jr.'s way of earning expenses, according to the money for his education at XnifjttKiU :* NEW. YORK - Malcolm .Mr. Goodridge will be re- Sti UUMC sponsible for maintaining and American Association of the University of Wisconsin- SGoodridge of Fair Haven, State Colleges and Univer- Stout. A freshman major- Hi-fis iN.J., has been named sales expanding the acceptance of sities (AASCU). Ing in hotel and restaurant AuttSpMktn jA'ice president-hotels for the the American Express Money It's a family affair at Sac- management, Tony calls ^American Express Card Divi- Card in hotels in the United Alan Conn ramento State College (Cal- his establishment "Sub-Way Eugene A. Fitzpatrick i'.'sion. States. if.) where Terry and Martin Submarine Shop." He now SMART REASONS FOR SHOPPING AT ALUEO RADIO SHACK *? He was regional vice presi- Joins Agency Black have established "Re- has seven part-time em- Agency Award dent of American Express Re- RUMSON — Alan Conn has cycle Records." They .sell ployees and sells 1,200 sand- NefMwfsf HoHaggnagi NOCHM jPru Promotes servations, Inc., a wholly surplus records (new, used wiches a week. •mkapfcakal IIWCMnM. joined Ellen S. Hazelton. or clearance sale leftovers) To Fitzpatrick uaMa-ntfeMfttMvr w»h»»«ptMfcr)M owned subsidiary of American Prior to joining Mrs. Hazel- Rumson Man Express Company which op- either for cash or trade-ins. On the job HOLMDEL -y Eugene A. | RUMSON - Chet Ham- ton Mr. Cohn was vice presi- In addition, Terry, re- The student-established. Fitzpatrick of Hazlet has re- erates Space Bank Reserva- dent of General Steel & Sup- imann of 25 Oakes Rd., has tions. cently returned from Viet- Job Clearing House at ceived awards from Walker jibeen promoted to assistant ply of Perth Amboy, and had nam, leased a ten room Plattsburgh State Univer- and Walker Insurers for the CHAPEL HILL SHOPPING CENTER fiax accountant in the tax de- worked in the metals recycl- house in Sacramento, com- sity College (N.y.) lists most multiple listings.and HIGHWAY 35 MIDDLETOWN He is a member of the New ing business for many years pletely renovated the dwell- more than 300 students who most closed sales in 1971. partment of Prudential Insur- York University Club, the ing and moved in nine ten- fance Co., Newark. in positions all over the world, are qualified and willing to Mr. Fitzpatrick, a member Vh Miles North of Sales Executive Club of New, both before and after service ant students. do tasks from babysitting to • Mr. Hammann joined Pru- * • • of the staff of the Walker and 741-6382 ' Red Bank York. Rumson Country Club during the World War II. truck driving. Walker office here, has sold dential in 1971 immediately af- and serves as vice president' A new publishing com- Open Dally and Saturday 10 A.M. to 6 P.M. •


WAREHOUSEPRICED AlRPORT LIMOUSINE SERVICE — Peter Schwarze, president of Inter- Quantity rights reserved. state Airport Limousine, Wall Township, signs a lease for reservation counter and facilities in New Jersey and New York Port Authority air- Not responsible I01 typogiaphicil errors ports. Looking on from left to right are Joseph Vanacore, general man- ager of Port Authority airports; Jess Vela, executive vice president of In- terstate, and Donald Lee, senior property officer of Port Authority. The WE ALWAYS LOWER limousine service has become the first to provide regularly scheduled THE PRICE, BUT ; •The Easy Ufer transportation between Monmouth and Ocean Counties and Newark and Send name and address to: New York airports. It serves Teterboro Airport, AAonmouth County Air- NEVER THE QUALITY../' Carstatrs.P.0. Box347 port, Carteret, Woodbridge, Keyport, Matawan, Hazlet, Middletown, Red New York, N.Y. 10046 Bank, Ft. Monmouth, Eatontown, Long Branch, Asbury Park, Lakewood, 5 Toms River, Point Pleasant, Brick Township, and New York piers. It Is by the state Public Utility Commission. ALSO AVAILABLE IN HALF GALLONS' IS Ttarsday(AogKtJl,l»72_ Supervisory •{ > ATLANTIC "tOUISIANNA" Institute Set ORANGE Hospital FRIED CHICKEN/ SAUCE BED BANK-An eight-ses- •SOUP MRS. sion, two boms per week Su- • FRENCH FRIES pervisory Institute will be UPERAMA • COLESLAW VTZ conducted in Nenberger Lec- • BEVERAGE SAT. ture Hall, Riverview Hospital, starting Sept 20. Two courses wDl be offered. A basic coarse, "Principles of Supervisory Management," CHILDREN'S for potential, new and un- trained supervisors will be LUNCH held from 4 to 6 pan. "Super- visory Management Tech- KITS niques," an advanced- course for experienced supervisors by THERMOS and those with growth poten- With'/* PINT BOTTLE tial, will be conducted from I CHOICE OF S:30 to 8:30 p.m. In addition to hospital per- • PEANUTS •HOT sonnel, Monffiouth County in- i • PARTRIDGE dustrial, commercial and non- • ROAD RUNNER • $MOOPY profit organizations seeking to I • PLAY BALL* BIG IM provide management training for their supervisory person- nel may register. CoL James REG. J. Hughes, institute leader! Training Services, Inc.. Ruth' SHOP TO-DAY MONDAY SHOP TO-DAY $ erford.is in charge of regis- tration. thru 9 A.M. t0 6 p.M. thru Topics in the basic course MONDAY MONDAY Include: supervisory func- tions. responsibiliUes «nd au- thority; planning-and con- trolling; understanding em- GOOSENECK ploye behavior and motiva- 3'A GALLON tion; communications; em-. I FLUORESCENT plqyee orientation and train- SPECIAL! ing; employee relations; probr TANK SPRAY lem-bandlmg; and leadership DESK LAMP tod self-development REG. 6.95 KG.$12.«9 WHITE PLASTIC DIF- d>Mf/ The advanced course is a IN FLEXIBLE BAR CAR TOP CARRIER coordinated series of seminar- CHROME FINISHED ARM ALL STEEL • S SUCTION REG. 5.99 workshops on setting super- .ALL METAL CONSTRUC- SALE! CUPS •4MYLOH STRAPS visory goals for optimum re- TION - CHOKE OF COL- AND GUTTER HOOKS.» -«8" OR8 COMPLETE WITH HEAVY LASHING STRAPS. raits; budgeting and cost con- BULB NEW TWO STAGE SAFETY LOCK trol, methods improvement 5 BRASS NOZZLE ADJUSTABLE and cost reduction, controlling FROM FINE MIST TO COARSE accuracy and quality, em- FLUORESCENT SPRAY. TRIGGER HANDLE FOR ploye performance appraisal, HARD TO REACH PLACES. evaluation and assessment, safeguarding employee health UNDER the SHELF and safety, and motivating and DESK LAMP REG. $1.69 employees for improved per PERENNIAL fonnance. RYE GRASS WHITE PLASTIC DIFFUSER SALE! Middletowii REG. $4.99 15 WATT BULB INCLUDED SEED BASKET Schools To 3 IDEAL FOR MANY PLACES INTHE HOME CAR TOP CARRIER Open Sept. 7 j by 51b. $127 REG. 8.99 "fRAIKI" FURNACE FILTERS BAG MIDDLETOWN-The ALL STEEL • ATTACHES SIZES FOR 1 WITH 4 SUCTION CUPS 4 township's 17 schools will 16x20 GUTTER HOOKS AND 4 open Sept 7 for all students. 16x25 OQc • FAST GROWING STRAPS. SIZE 97" LONG -37" WIDE- 20x20 • FREE OF GRABGRASS 5" HIGH Teachers win hold their ori- 20x25 ^M Jf, REG.59' • GROWS YEAR AFTER YEAR entation day Tuesday at 9 | 6 ajn. Veteran teachers will re- port to their schools and new teachers will report to the Ad- j ministration Building. COMBINATION WE ARE GIVING AWAY "FABUUTE" Hndergartners win report Wednesday to their respective PADLOCK GOLD LABEL schools for orientation. Morn- THE FINEST ing session pupils will attend PADLOCK scboojl between 9 and 10 a.m. RUSTLESS DYE 3 FREEZERS LATEX HOUSE and afternoon session stu- CAST CASE $| 19 dents will attend between TOUGH STEEL REG. $6.99 PAINT 10:30 and 11:30 a.m. for ori- _ SHACKLE REG. 1.79 CHOCK FULL of FOOD entation. 3000 COMBINATIONS - 48 POINT DIAL New junior high school sev- TO THE LUCKY WINNER $449 enth graders will alsoliold an NO OBLIGATION TO ENTER orientation day Wednesday.. YOU MAY REGISTER AS -.GALLON PREMIUM QUALITY GUARANTEED4 FOR: EXTERIOR They are to report to their re- MANY TIMES AS YOU COME FINAL spective schools at 8:30 a.m. BED PILLOWS WOOD OR MASONRY SURFACES. TO THE STORE. DRAWING ALL 1972 NEW COLORS - RESISTS BLISTERING PEEL- AH ACRYLIC FIBER FRIED UK I U l\(, U II.I. lib. llb.l.D ING, FADING, DISCOLORATION - RESISTS CHALKING FRESH, SOFT MONDAY - DRIES TO A DURABLE FINISH Builders Group AND COMFORTABLE Dance Slated SUPREMELY • MON. LABOR DAY SEPT. 4th CLOUD-UGHT AT 4 PM -—-r\ 9x12' PLASTIC POINT PLEASANT | DUST AND MOTH )l>l lid SCI III I I Id HI at 4 P.M. BEACH — The New Jersey j PROOF Shore Builders Association i'Hb:sy.\ 1 10 it is. DROP CLOTH wiU have its 23rd annual din- SUPERAMA & FOOD CITY ner dance, "Ban in the Fall," EMPLOYEES AND THEIR FAMILIES Saturday, Nov. 11 at 7 p.m. in •KFURNITURETHROWCOVERS OR MINORS ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FLORAL PRINTS AND the Beacon Manor Hotel. SOLID SHADES HEAVV WEIGHT COTTONS • NY- Performers will include LONS - BLENDS. ALL Sammy Eaye and his orches- WASHABLE. FRINGED IN tra, "Nipsy" Russell and COORDINATING COLORS AIRWAY ATTACHE CASE johnny Ford. ^m p Guests of honor will be Rep. BlACK K|NG Sffl and Mrs. James J. Howard (JMN.J.) and association pres- ident and Mrs. Alfred S. Fei- RAYON beL ACETATE Blaze R. Ionno, here, is chairman of the ball com- PINCH mittee, assisted by Alvin S. INJECTED MOULDED VINYL PLEATED LACEY "TAILORED COMPLETE WITH PORTFOLIO Brown of Lakewood, Joseph DRAPES AND REMOVABLE WRITING Majorie of Brick Township CURTAIN PANELS" TRAY - STRONG DURABLE and Frank Sally of Freehold- LOCKS. FULLY LINED. Appoint Seniors 63" 48" Wide - 63" - 81" Lengths LENGTH ON SALE IN OUR JEWELRY & LUGGAGE DEPT. To Committees PANELS$ 00 J OCEANPORT — Thomas 84" $Q99 2 FOR 18" GYM BAG SPECIAL! Ross, president of the Senior 3 Citizens of Oceanport, ap- LENGTH On. 100% WOVEN pointed the following com- BRIGHT OMBRE RAYON- mittee chairmen at a recent STRIPE. WASHABLE meeting: Elinora Rosch, NO-IRON 10/3 FINGER PLEATS NO-STRETCH REG. $2.99 cards; Esther Kiviat, trans- TO THE PAIR COMES IN- portation, and Daniel Vitiello, SNOWY WHITE legislative and representative •.' CHOICE OF to the Monmouth County Fed- ASSORTED COLORS. eration of Senior Citizens. "FAMOUS BRANDS" Members will attend the Trenton State Fair Sept. 14 ATLANTIC MEN'S & WOMEN'S 17 JEWEL and a trip to Smithville is • GRUEN*WALTHAM UNO • PAULPEUGEOT Values From planned for Sept. 27 with a • VULCAN'HELBROS $29.95 to 44.95 bus leaving the Community • BRUEN by HAMILTON Center at 9 a jn. • CALENDARS m • DAY DATES The next meeting of the • SKIN DIVERS $ 1 O 89 group will be Sept. 20 in the SHREWSBURY AVE. at RT. 35 • NEW SHREWSBURY • AUTOMATICS Community Center at 7 p.m., • NUR8E8 STORE HOURS MON. thru SAT, 9 A.M. to 10 P.M. SUNDAY'S 9 AM. to 6 P.M. WATER-SHOCK RESISTANT 18 preceded by a covered dish supper at & Ref Bwfc-MMdletown, N. J. Thnrsday, Angus* «, 1972 17 All of England Is a Especially Devon, Cornwall STATE "A Garden .is a Iovesome legend says is King Arthur's miracle of the CrSt Stream castle. Broken walls of an- By The Associated Press tbtag-Godwot! can bring the tropics even Is "Rose plot, cient building jtone, weath- "Fringed pool, ered black bjfyears of sea The land grew inot* -4MB "Fem'dgro*-- wind and spangled with gray- and we remained In sight of Elizabeth Candidates Indicted "The veriest school green lichen are-set in carpets the sea as we pushed on ELIZABETH — The mayoral election campaign here has "Of Peace; and yet the fool of incomparable British-grass through Zetmor, SL Just and taken on a new look with the indictment of two of the three "Contends that God Is mrt- which blanket even the high- Seanen to Lands End, a'wIM candidates by a Union County Grand Jury. "Not God! In gardens! when est tors. And far below the sea place of moon dotted witl» .The indictments, announced yesterday, name Republican the eve is cool? bolls white and angry around yellow gone. Jagged ficheatf Matthew H.« Nilsen and independent Michael De Martino in "Nay, but I have a sign: needles of black rock that rock and spotless, while galls. separate allegations. "Tls very sore God wafts guard an impregnable shore. Ships inched along several ' j Nilsen, a county freeholder, was indicted on charges rang- In mine." We walked back chastened miles offshore, waned off the ing from atrocious assault and battery to extortion and use of — Edward Brown, and quiet to our car. If Tinta- sharp reefs by lighthouses force to obtain repayment of a loan. 1830-1897. gel was not King Arthur's perched on craggy islands up- !; De Martino. a city councilman, was charged with bribery, On a bronze plaque In the stronghold, it should have thrust through a foaming sea. conspiracy andmiseonduct in office, in connection with a 196S churchayrd of St. Just in been. Marge and I looked west incident. • Roseland, Cornwall The roads grew narrower as and pondered;'the tossing wa- l Both are running against Mayor Thomas Dunn, a Demo- By BOB BRAMLEV we pressed on through Cam- ters we watched were part crat, in theNoVember election,!':: : ! elford toward Wadebridge and and parcel of the rollers which ' Nilsen, according to the indictment, was charged with two AU England is a garden, but Padstow. Hamlets with at that moment beat upon our counts of armed threats, two coUnts of assault with an offen- when God walks in it, He strange Cornish names ap- own New Jersey shore. sive weapon, a gun. one count of atrocious assault and battery. must surely spend a .goodly peared on road signs. Crows The day waned. We turned 1 and two counts of extortion.': time in Devon and Cornwall, an Wra, for instance, and east again toward Padstow, the two southwestern counties Praze an Beeble. Near where we dined on plaice and Hist Mansion Burns of the British island warmed Gweek, a footpath beckoned; gammon (British for flounder 1 it led to Goonpiper. ; WESTFIELD — A fire of unknown origin early yesterday nearly subtropical by the ca- and ham) in a steak house burned down the John E. List mansion, scene of mass murder ress of the Gulf Stream. The roads grew still narro- overlooking the superb har- last November. Warmed, that is, when a wer; hemmed in by lofty hed- bor. 1 The rambling three-story. 19-room house had been empty near gale from the southwest ROGEITH — Country cottage Irt St. Issey, Wadebrldge, Cornwall, Is gerows they were often only Back in the warmth of since early last December after police discovered the bodies is not whipping a hard, chilly named "Rogeith" after Roger and Keith, sons of George and Bunty wide enough for a headon col- Rogeith, we talked into the there of List's wife, Helen, 4B: their three children, Frederick, rain' in from the North Atlan- Sear I es, "Bed and Breakfast" hosts to Bob Bramley, manager of The lision. Lay-bys were provided night over Cornish splits and 13, Patricia, 16, and John, 15. and List's mother, Mrs. Alma tic. The wind and rain drove Register's Middletown Bureau, and wife Marge. Bramleys lived four days at intervals so cars bound in cheese with George and Bunty List. 84. Police estimated they had been dead about a month wife Marge and me southward at Rogefth. opposite directions could pass. and Derek and Carole. when found. They had been shot to death, police said. from the Bristol Channel We drove stealthily, wary of a Command Pest confrontation. List was missing and is still being sought. He was indicted coast as we left Somerset. We After a luncheon of de- craggy foreshore on the open harbor is once more a proper Rogeith was our command and charged with the murders. sought the comparative shel- licious Cheddar cheese, crack- ocean. A vast tide rushes sheet of water. Weary, we sought a Bed and post the following two days • The cause of the fire was still under investigation, late ter of the rolling hills of cen- ers and lemon barley water, twice daily to and fro through In Bude we bought sausage Breakfast. Halfway, between and nights; from it.we made Wednesday. Fire Chief Norman Ruerup said, "The house was tral Devon, checkerboarded we toured on over the central a rocky inlet; at low water rolls and beef pasties at three Wadebrldge and Padstow we sorties to our tangerine beetle empty so you have to think in terms of someone setting the by hedgerows and polka-dot- Devon hills to Okehampton, more than a mile of sheltered pence each for lunch and ate found Rogeith, a fairy tale to nearly all the points of In- fire. Our search at this point indicates that it started in the ted by fluffy sheep like cotton where we put up in a "bed harbor is drained like a giant them on the windswept head- cottage in the village of St Is- terest in Cornwall. We visited center of the home. The basement was not fire damaged. We balls on green velvet and breakfast" [home and land. Over'us soared immacu- sey owned by our second set Truro and explored its staid bathtub, with only a slender cathedral, a tranquil island have no evidence at this point but a complete investigation Undeterred by the wind and treated ourselves to a lamb stream left among dozens of late gulls, wheeling serenely on of 1972 English friends, will be conducted." rain, hardy Britons on holiday chop dinner. * motionless wings; far below George and Bunty (Mary) close-hemmed by a bustling, boats which lie stranded, still modern downtown business set their teakettles boiling on tied to their exposed moorings us a boy and bis sister cap- Searle. portable stoves near their section. We marveled at giant Windy, Clear on the fast-drying sands. tained model sailboats in a Named for Sons Woman Takes Bench Post cars parked in lay-bys along . The following day dawned landlocked tidal pool. rhododendron hi the fragrant NEWARK — Mrs. Sonia Morgan has become New Jersey's the narrow rural roads. On windy but clear. We turned Six hours later the tide has Rogeith, named for the Trellssick Gardens of the Na- first woman county court judge. the verges burgeoned Eng- our tangerine beetle north to- rushed in again, rolling over Cornish Coast Searles' two grown sons, Ro- tional Trust a few miles south Mrs. Morgan was sworn in yesterday as a judge of crimi-. land's king-size wildflowers, ward Bude on the rocky the rocky foreshore to fill the Down the rugged Cornish ger and Keith, is actually a of Truro. nal matters in the Essex County Court. Ironically. Essex vivid color patches against coast of Cornwall. Bude clings vast basin. The reclining coast we drove, stopping at small farm. George, a welder We crossed the estuary to County also has New Jersey's only other female judge at the the countryside's grassy to a high, grassy headland Tintagel to climb the crags by trade, commutes to his job St. Mawes on King Harry's boats right themselves, their by motorbike, but he finds county level, Frances Cocchia. who recently was appointed an green. which frowns down over a moorings disappear and the that bear the ruins of what ferry — "a dear thing run by" time to raise flowers and pull chains," Marge wrote in Essex County Juvenile Court judge. vegetables on an acre behind James R. Giuliano, Essex County Superior Court assign- her journal. St. Mawes is a the cottage in the summer place of white stone villas ment judge, presided at the ceremony. months. Mrs. Morgan is a graduate of New York University Law overlooking a serene and* School and is a member of, the editorial board of the New Jer- Bunty adds to the family in- spacious harbor alive with sey Law Journal. come by putting up tourists — sailboats, motor launches, and promptly spends her prof- rowboats, catamarans and News Prints Last Edition its lavishing on her guests charter vessels busily plying NEWARK — The Evening News of Newark, which for gargantuan breakfasts of the smooth water in all direc- baked beans, eggs, sausage tions. most of its nearly 89 years was considered the newspaper of and bam and high teas of De- record in New Jersey and turned out reporters who brought At St. Just hi Roseland wa vonshire splits and Cornish found what must be the most ' the paper international fame as well, puts out its final editions cream. today. beautiful little church in all On Tuesday, the paper's closing was announced by its When you stay with George England. The village is only a ownership since 1970, Media General Inc.. based in Richmond. and Bunty Searle at Rogeith. few houses lost in tall trees on Va. you do not merely rent a a steep hillside beside a tidal "The problems that compel the Evening News to make room, you join a family. We creek which leads to the sea. this decision are solely financial." the paper said in a front shared the top floor of the The tittle grey stone church, page story. warm little cottage with Ca- built in 1261, snuggles hi the The Newark News was bom Sept. 1.1S83 in the back room role and Derek Ball, a young bottom of a bowl of flowers, of a small building at 844 Broad St. A one-cylinder, gasoline- couple from Ruislip. outside gravestones and lofty trees at driven press cranked out the first edition of four pages. London, on holiday in their the creek side. From the ancient Standard saloon. Bas- churchyard gate, paths lead Founder-publisher Wallace Mcllvaine Scudder..a 30-year- king in George and Bunty's old lawyer, employed two reporters and an editor. His editor among the flowers, heavy- hospitality, we stayed four scented in the still air. Graves also carried the title of chief reporter because he so often had nights; the Balls stayed three. to double in that capacity. are at different levels as the In 1968, two years before Seudder's grandsons. Richard B. You waken at Rogeitb to paths wind down to the creek and Edward W., sold the paper, the News employed 254 edito- Bunty's call of "Here's your bank, where rises the ancient rial employes in its commodious quarters at 215 Market St. tea!" She leaves it on the church tower, weathered gray and at regional offices around the-state. • enameled sill of a deep little and lichened so as to seem a window at the head of the living part of the flora that See Closing Cost Kickbacks stairs. It's strong and sweet; embraces it it winds you up for the new Ancient Holiness PRINCETON — A private consumer oriented group day. The church doors stand charged yesterday that attorneys in New Jersey make it a Baked Bean Breakfast open; inside is the hush of an- practice to "kickback" part of their legal fees on home clos- We awoke thus our first cient holiness. And by the ings to mortgage lenders. morning at Rogeith. Half an open doors in the velvety The Center for the Analysis of Public Issues charged in its hour later, braced by Bunty's grass verge is a granite block August newsletter that some lawyers routinely return $2 or lUtlsttr Staff Pfiota' baked bean breakfast, we set MEET THE NEW OWNERS, SON — Henry F. Gehlhaus II reaches from a frozen custard concession overlaid with a bronze plaque. more of every $3 in fees to mortgage companies which engage off down the coast toward It is on this plaque one reads them on a repeating basis. on the Keansburg boardwalk to greet Albert Reid of AAiddletown. Mr. Reid and Grand Cantalupo, left, Lands End, the westernmost have purchased the boardwalk and all its concessions from Henry F. Gehlhaus, who was on hand for the lines of Thomas Edward In its report the Center asserted that "for mpst consumers Up of the English island that Brown: "A garden is a love- the closing ritual is the most costly half hour of their lives." the formal introductions. points a gnarled, rocky finger some thing — God wot!.. "Tis The report said that only three states. New York-Pennsyl- across the Atlantic at the New very sure God walks in vania and Delaware rank higher in the average cost to the World. En route to Newquay mine." (pronounced "Newky") we hoinebuyer of securing the title to his home. We suppered in Padstow The center reported that the average title-related costs in gasped at dozens of hardy English kids wading and with Derek and Carole on Ha- New Jersey amounted to 2.02 per cent of the total home pur- Boardwalk Holdings Sold waiian curried beef, ham- chase, or, for example, f 606 on a $30,001) home. swimming in the chilly waters of the inlet at St. Mawgan. On burgers and chips, watching In some parts of the state the title-related cost percentage By ED WALSH owners," Mr. Gehlhaus con- continued. "They have to cul- one of our major attractions immaculate gulls stalk rises still higher, the Center said, notably Essex County where to the area." the dunes, intrepid sunbathers tinued. "They know this busi- tivate their customers and gleaned whatever warmth proudly on the harbor's stone the 2.36 per cent rate raises title costs to $708 on a $30,000 KEANSBURG - "There ness and the people who work you have to share in their "Major rides" are also bulkhead. home. promised for the 1973 season. they could from a sun still comes a time in everyone's here. That's what is needed." problems and establish a pale and wintry. Our last day in Cornwall en- Hie when they must decide The complex is immense, close relationship with them." "When we say major rides ded with a special treat ar- Hearings Set After Brawl their future course. I have de- stretching almost a mile and "I think Henry Gehlhaus it takes in such a broad area The shore road, never more ranged by George, who came : PLAINFIELD — Disciplinary hearings are being sched- cided to sell my boardwalk including parking lots leased can best be described as a fa- it would be hard to say what than two lanes wide, grew home early from work to take uled here for six city Workers suspended without pay in the holdings and.pursue real es- to the borough. ther to all of us down here on we will be providing," Mr. narrower as we drove south- us to a secret place where the wake of a brawl at a local gas station Tuesday afternoon. tate development," Henry F. At least 100 amusements the boardwalk," Mr. Canta- Cantalupo said. "We know we westward. Bounded by ever Searles family picnics and j Statements filed by the workers,with police indicate the Gehlhaus announced yes- can be found on a boardwalk lupo said. "He was always will be bringing in more rides higher hedgerows, the ribbon gathers blackberries. Near 'men were returning to the public works garage when they terday. stroll with plenty of rides for right there to share your prob- but right now we aren't sure of pavement wound through the river's edge is a granite pulled into the A & G Shell station to get change of a dollar so Since 1906, when the late "children of all ages'." lems, whether they be finan- what they will be." hills velvety with green grass quarry, long abandoned, 'one of the men could buy cigarettes from a machine. William A. Gehlhaus first Food is plentiful and "good cial or because of illness." Did Palisades Amusement cropped by flocks of grazing which now contains a deep, , l An argument erupted after the owner of the gas station. grog" with live entertainment Park ever seek to acquire the sheep. Now and again, as if quiet pool around which grow came "up from Atlantic High- The Gehlhaus family name not to slight an old friend, the John DeCristasaro. refused to make change, and a fight fol- lands" to,see what the place has attracted thousands of is also synonymous with boat boardwalk? This has been a the berry bushes. lowed. • visitors from Memorial Day question talked about over the road angled out over a grassy had to offer in the way of de- transportation irt the area. rise to show us the sea, A quarter mile walk leads DeCristasaro and an employe: at the filing station were velopment, the boardwalk has to Labor Day. Steamship Line past 10 years. to the river bank, scene of treated at Muhlenburg Hospital for facial and eye injuries, "Not Palisades manage- whipped by the southwest been in itft> Gehlhaus family. "In fact," Mr. Gehlhaus "Boats were the real means wind, splashing angrily George's summer boating; which they claim to have sustained when hit by shovels. Three "Two years ago on my sis- reminisced, "my sister (Mrs. of transportation back in the ment," Mr. Gehlhaus an- along it are tucked the hidden '• •of the city workers also were treated for injuries; and 6ne was swered. "I once had a conver- among the rocks at the fore- ter's advice I started to think Lillian Holobinko) sold the* early 190OV Mr. Gehlhaus shore. country houses of families kept overnight for observation. >:. about selling this portion of first frozen custard on the said. "My father started the sation with a ride operator whose members prefer not to The suspended employes had been hired under a federally our holdings." Mr. Gehlhaus boardwalk in 1928 and still first steamship line between from Palisades Park, but it On the bluffs overlooking be found. The river and its funded $250,000 gutter-repaving program intended to provide said. "It wasn't an easy deci- continues to operate a stand." here and New York in 1909 was only a conversation. We the ocean we saw trees surrounds are very private; it jobs and training for the city's unemployed. sion to make as I wanted to Mrs. Holobinko is also vice and we remained in it until never sat down and discussed stunted and distorted by the was an honor to be taken make sure those who were in- president of the New Point 1963." a possible sale, nor was I ever prevailing southwesterly there. Ex-Officials Indicted terested in buying the com- Comfort Beach Co., of which The remnant of a storm-bat- approached by any member winds; their sparse foliage ' NEW BRUNSWICK : Former Woodbridge Mayor Walter plex would work at it. Mr. Gehlhaus is president. tered pier on the westerly end of the park management." followed the bent of their Bunty topped off our day Zirpolo and former Municipal Council President Robert Jacks "I think the new owners will Told Merchants of the boardwalk is the land- And so on Oct. 1 when the trunks, pointing uniformly with a delicious supper of have been arrested on charges of conspiracy .to bribe an offi- do just that," he added. Mr. Gehlhaus gathered all mark where the ships bring- new year starts on the board- northeast toward Britain's co- poached eggs "on toast, tea cial of Monroe Township while allegedly trying to obtain a zon- The new owners Mr. Gehl- ing happy vacationers once walk the name Gehlhaus will zier interior. and peaches' with clotted the boardwalk merchants to- cream. ' ing change. haus speaks of are Grand gether earlier this week to an- tied up. be among the missing for the '... Seven Wives' Zirpolo and Jacks are both awaiting retrials involving bri- Cantalupo, a local resident first time in 66 years. We left St: Issey and the nounce his decision. A ljirge pool on the opposite ThrouglyBedruth we drove, Searles on a brilliant Satur- bery charges related to the construction of the Colonial Pipe- who has operated amusement "You could hear a pin side of the Beachway from Well, not exactly missing. and Camborne, and Hayle, . line Inc. facilities in Woodbridge in 1964. They were convicted concessions on the boardwalk day morning, bound for drop," he said. "They, didn't the boardwalk was also pur- Mr. Gehlhaus has agreed to and through Carbis Bay to St. Plymouth, in Devon, from on the charges but won hew trials. 28 years; and Albert Reid of. know what I was going to say. chased by the new partners, stay on as a consultant. Ives ("As 1 was going to St. The two men were arrested Tuesday by the Middlesex Middletown, who has owned where George and Bunty — "I thanked them all. Some who will trade under the "As ifiu'ch as we.think we Ives, I met a man with seven and some years before, the County prosecutor's detectives. Also arrested was Nicholas and leased an amusement of their families have been name of Keansburg Amuse- know about this operation we wives . . ."). In St. Ives, Kehayas, the Monroe Township planner. complex known as "Big Pilgrims — origbkuy came. with me for three generations ment Park Inc. couldn't envision ourselves crowded even in May with sea With us we took the'warm The three were charged with conspiring to bribe Monroe Hearted Al's" for the past .13 and I credit this to the.suc- "This pool is the largest of going into it without" Mr. Gehl- and sun seekers, we saw the years. memory,of a gracious British Council President John Klink to obtain a zoning change that cess of this area. its kind in. the state." Mr. haus' knowledge on a stand- posh hotels and the palmettos family; behind us we left a would have permitted the construction of a 600-unit apartment "These men won't "tie just "You have to keep the same Reid said. "We hope to install by basis." Mr. Reid con- which make the resort an Old considerable chunk of Ameri- complex In the Middlesex County community. superintendents or absentee tenants year after year," he new equipment and make it cluded. World West Palm Beach. The can heart m iuf4\ j


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OPEN DAILY 9:30 A.M.'Tit 10 P.M. SUNDAY* 9 A.M. TIL 6 P.M. MIDDLETOWN Rf. 35 •FOR SALES ALLOWED BYLAW 31 Tbe Dirty Register, Bed BMk-Middfetown, N. J. Thursday, August 31, 1973 Rutgers Art Instructor Has Garbage Problem 'Solution of the digestion of all the in- cubism, expressionism and be calls "Yorker." ThUj is NEWAB.K - An ex- Village Voice" and his book, dadaism." meant to replace the New perimental artist at the But- "A Primer of Happenings & .... it has developed from formation that was happen- this, Hansen said, is a mixed- ing, gathering and mixing in One of his most recent con- York metropolitan complete gers-Newark College of Arts Time/Space Art" is a histori- tributions to the art form was with one huge structure, a and Sciences has come up cal text considered invaluable media, environmental art pop- the sixties." ularized by his contempo- Master of Collage to appear as a moving art monstrous needle skyscraper, With what, to the layman at by students of new art forms. piece at the eighth annual mounted on legs based on ' least,.appears to be a breath-. Hansen recalled that his raries, such as Yoko Ono, A master of collage and as- Claes Oldenburg, George semblage and widely known Avant Garde Festival in the Staten Island, Brooklyn, Yon- fairing conception of art work with happenings was New York Armory. There, kers, and Keamy, N.J. "Artt" says art instructor greatly influenced by com- BrecUt and Simone Morris. for his Hershey candy wrap- The genre is the outcome of per portraits, Hansen said in dressed'in a white-painted Environmental in nature, Al Hansen, "is any form of poser John Cage's class in "mot" suit reminiscent of the his giant structure would re- high performance in any hu- electronic music at the New these artists' concept of aes- further explanation that the thetics, philosophy, education happening experimentation forties, Hansen roamed the' cycle the garbage production man undertaking." And, with- School for Social Research. balcony of the armory with a of the 20 million people living out quite saying so, Hansen il- He and other painters, and communication, Hansen was "setting out to do things •said. without any idea of what the battery-operated megaphone in the greater New York area. lustrates his point by his own writers, sculptors and com- singing be-bop. His building materials for posers in the class discussed A reporter wondered if Han- results would be." ' varied activities.-Also Hansen The'Yorker' "Yorker" would consist of implies that proper appli- and evolved an art philoso- sen could explain a little fur- • Hansen added that he was ther. "We were seeking a way convinced that even though Interesting, but nothing •compressed, processed g'ar- cation of such an approach to phy he said was based loosely 'bage blocks. on the principles of Zen to survive the 'grey fifties,'" the happening is sometimes compared with the mind- art can solve most of the "Imagine the -economy," problems of New York City. Buddhism and existentialism Hansen said. "In the period ridiculed as neo-dadaist and boggling creation Hansen is The various interests of following World War II, com- anti-artist, it is actually a working on at the moment. Hansen said. "Costs would be A graduate of Pratt In- puters replaced humans as" a bona fide 20th century art It is nothing less than a 20- close to zero and we've dis- stitute and former com- these artists were coordinated and developed into what was form of energy. This was in form which "speaks equally foot high scale model of a posed of ..our garbage collec- mercial artist for advertising turn followed by a celebration of the aesthetics of futurism, 1,729.75-mile-high assemblage ting problems." . ag.i^ies, Hansen since the then a new art form'— the mid-fifties has evolved into a creator of "happenings," ar- ART TALK — Experimental art! t Al Harisen, chitectural communications and ''energy events." In addi- right, Is bemused as he listciia •« fv>RW Beatle John Lennon. Hansen, who opened a neo-dada ex- tion to being an experimental hibit of his works, in mid-August In Bochum, Ger- artist Hansen also is a maga- many, Is a lecturer In art of the Newark College zine columnist and author. of Arts and Sciences of Rutgers University. His art criticism and re- \l lave appeared in the r i i/ii». "Earth" and "The Cowboy Is Far 3ALE TODAY THRU SATURDAY From Forgotten verything tore ,v By HAL BOYLE in a big wind," or "track a bear.throngh running water or if IDLES CITY, MONT. (AP) bees in a blizzard." — lbs cowboy is known as a But withering scorn awaited NURSERY DEPARTMENT FALL GRAND OPENING LABOR DAY SPECIALS range rider here in "the big- the hapless unhandy cowhand gest little cow town on earth," whom no one wanted to part- yd he Is far from a vanished ner with. He wasn't "fit to One Gallon Container Toxus-Yews figure. i shoot at when yuh want to un-: He may ride to work in a Ioad'yore gun." He was '.'as pickup truck or, on occasion, useless as putting a milk buck- . Crowing Plants a helicopter. Instead of $30 to 'et under a bull." as "useless Evergreens 910 a month and food, he may as barking at a knot hole," or Red Berried Holly, Variegated Top quality nursery grown 7 to 9 year now draw $300 or more, plus as "useless as salting the Aucuba, Firstborn, Hollies, Junipers, old plants baited In earth full bushy bis cookies and a place to ocean." Black Pine plus a largo varietal selec- 10 to 15 Inch grade plants. Upright ding his bedroll. tion. Yew, Spreading Yew, Vase Shape But be. is still at home on Just as of yore, a range ri- James Hudanlch der at the end of a weary day Yew, Globe Shape Yew plus eight the back of a horse, the work additional evergreen selections. All , can be every bit as dangerous in the saddle today feels so' Home Sales as tt was in the frontier past, weak he "can't lick his upper balled in earth, burlap wrapped. and his shop talk is as colorful lip" and "so puny he has to as that of any American occu- leanagaSnst.aposttospa." Of- Top Million pation. ten he stiff is as "homeless as MIDDLETOWN — James Some of the range rider's a poker chip" and gets "so Hudamch of Holmdel, a sales YOUR CHOICE picturesque terms have been drunk he can't hit the ground associate with Lee Crawford collected hi "Cowboy Slang," with his hat in three tries." Realty, has placed under con- by Edgar R. Potter, Montana. But tbe cowboy also still is tract more than $1 million in historian. It is a language a free man hi an imprisoned sales this year. 99 marked by variety, vivid ex- tune, "wears his pants pock- '' He joined "the firm last Sep- pletives, and exaggerated ets high off the ground," and tember. He previously was EACH comparisons. generally feels "half again employed by Chevron Oil higher than a bull buffalo." 1 Corp. and the Nuclear Prod-' For example, the range ri- and that "it would take a der had at least 40 different ucts Division of Minnesota steeplejack to look him hi the Mining and Manufacturing landscape Specials words to characterize his eye." Top Quality Selected horse. He called It everything Co. from "bangtail." "boneyard," Taxus "broomtaU," "Gotchear." Mature "Gut twister" and "Knot- head," to "Usin" horse" and Evergreens "V'-ingtail." Full bushy quality plants, balled in Evergreens .tnd to him a horse could be earth, nursery fresh Upright Yew 12- any of 38 different colors. 15", Spreading Yew 12-15", Vase Balled in Earth They included Albino, Blood' Shape Yew 12-15" Globe Shape Yew Upright Yew 15-18", Spreading Yew Bay. Blue Roan,,Flea-bitten" 12-15", Dark Green Arborvitae 24- Grey, Coyote Dunn. Skew- 15-18", Pyramidal Arborvitae 3-4', bald, Strawberry Roan and 30", Juniper Hetzi 15.-18", Green or White Pine 18-24" plus 5 additional Zebra Dunn. Gold False Cypress 24-30". varietal selections. Saloon keepers called the stuff they pushed across the bars to cowboys whisky. What YOUR CHOICE YOUR CHOICE the cowboys called it, how-, ever, was "bug juice," "gut warmer," "nose paint," "Red eye," "rotgut," "scamper 49 juice," "snake poison or "ton- sa varnish." EACH When flaring tempers ended in flaming guns, the victim wasn't simply killed. Someone "made wolf meat out of him," "put a window hi his skull," 'Tiling up his hide," "curled 5 Gallon Container Grown him up," or "dabbled in his gore." At the very least he LOTTERY NUMBER! Select Specimen Plants "bit the dust" or someone \t Euonymus-Gold or Silver or Green, Firethorn-4 feet "Wowed out his lamp." ^ full of orange berries, Juniper Bar Harbor or Tarns, A range rider's vocabulary Hollies, welLbemed; plus many more. b: was up to the task of describ- ing excellence in his craft. A EACH ffhand adept at finding lost 8" jies could, it was said by t admirers, "find a fly in a PUBLIC AUCTION SALE pie," "hunt a whisper Home sold. Headin for Florida. Clean sweep sale of Green Up Lazy Summer Lawns A lawn feeding now will grow vigorous turf which will condition and iouple Sponsors HOUSEHOLD GOODS - FURNISHINGS - prepare your lawn for the winter months ahead. ;/ TOOLS - EQUIPMENT Entire contents of the Indian Boy six room house and contents of all buildings. {COLTS NECK - Mr. and Glorion Deluxe 'Glorion 'Glorion *Glorion B|rs. Arthur Seeman of E. 10:00 A.M. SATURDAY - SEPT. 2nd. 'Glorion * archrhont Drive are sponsor- Grass Food 50% Organic ; a nine-year old American at Weed 'N Feed Insect and Lawn Weed i boy of the Sioux Tribe. 5 WINHAR PLACE, PORTAUPECK (Oceanport) N.J. Kills 101 different weeds Including jrough Save the Children At the north end and just west of the Pleasure Bay Rated No. 1 10-6-4 all broadloafs. Fertilizes at the same Bridge. "Buy A Bag Of Beautiful Lawn" Has 3 rich organic! to Improve your time with an organic premium lawn Bug Killer Killer deration. For the homo owner who will only food that's just right. lawn ond grow better grass. Extra Save your lawn from turf destroying Kill all your weeds with our famous The sponsorship will pro- fertilize ones in ihe fall. Guaranteed ingredients keep moisture In soil, Insects. Destroys earwigs, chinch Electric Range (Westinghouse), Upright Freezer (Philco), W weed killer. de funds for clothing and not to bum. J. develops deeper roots. bugs, onts, cutworms, sod web- hool supplies, and also be Refrigerator (GE), Wall and Floor Cabinets, Six Fishing Bag Covers 5,000 Sq.Fr. worms and other Insects. Poles and Reels, 14' Float with 12" Boom, China Closet, Bag Feeds iled to help members of the Bag Covers 5,000 Sq.Fr. Bag Covers 5,500 Sq.Ft. Bcig Treats 5,000 Sq.Ft. tlibe accomplish self-help Lounging Chairs, Settee, Occasional Tables, Floor and 5,000 Sq.Ft. .. Table Lamps Riding Mower 7 HP 32" (Bonanza), Crystal pfojects of their own chqos- Giant Bag Feeds iig. . ' '•-• : Cabinet, Fireplace, Mirrors, Exerciser, Vanity, Dryer (Hotpoint), Washer (Hotpoint), Coffee Table, Pair Strata 10,000 Sq.Ft. .. fSave the Children Feder- Loungers, Books, Coffee Table, Desk and Chair. Tele- 99 ation's address is Norwalk, vision Colored 21" (Motorola), Bar and Bar Chairs, Col- CJmn. 06852. lection of Records. Rugs (Room and Scatter Sizes) 15,000 Sq.ft. 3 Chinaware, Glassware — Kitchenwarer Commode, Dres- AVAILABLE IN ALL TWO GUYS STORES Drunk Driving sers, Bureaus, Beds, Old Crocks, Contour Chairs, Night (barge Is Made Tables, Dressing Table, Marine Radio and Direction Finder, Hand Tools, Garden Tools, Loud Speaking Merion Mix Lawn Sod "Instant LmrfuEfK flu I FREEHOLD'TOWNSHIP - equipment including Amplifier and Speakers. Boat truce McCall, 23, of 11 Wil- Chains, Pony Saddle, Winches, Curtains, Drapes, Qualify Grown By Turf Experts 1 Hams Ave., Freehold, was re- Linens (Bed and Table) and many numerous items. leased in his own recogniz- Come prepared to remove your purchases as the house FREE CURB DELIVERY Per i ice after being arrested and must be vacated. The offerings may ve viewed oh date On 3,000 Sq.Ft. or more to cus- ( larged with drunken driving. of sale from 9:00 A.M. tomer's homo. 5 Sq. Ft. Piece Patrolman Charles Rogers i iys that as McCall drove i oth on East Freehold Road, By Order of: Wafiom Reichey. 1 > almost ran off the left side' MIDDLETOWN, ROUTE 35 ( the road twice. B. G. Coots ft Associates. OPEN DAILY The Incident happened at Auctioneers ft Appraisers. . 9:30 A.M..TH 10 P.M. B35 aju. yesterday. A court 45 W.Bv«r toad, Hum*,, NJ. (2011-842-4033 •SUNDAY 10 A.M. 'Til 6 p.m. dppearance is tentatively S* No. 2081. scheduled for Sept 14. H» Dally Besister, EwlBaik-JUiUBetowi, NJ- A Doctor Gets the Needles on ncture By IRWIN J. POLK, M.D. doll," he said proudly. "I'm my palms, my sinus trouble scious in my treatment room acupuncture in relieving pain. from the time of the Romans, taking a course in acu- will get better. Can you do with golden wires in his There is no evidence in the healing waters until today. My nurse looked at me mis- puncture. Cari you help me HERE'S TO that for me? It's all here in palms, or his chest or his West that acupuncture cures Food fads have come and chievously. "N6xt you're to with it?" the book." head. I said that to Mr. Lee. diseases. gone and come again. The see Mr. Lee in Room 2." I don't know much about I noticed that the book was "that's the trouble with you Yet people flocked by the sauna is still with us. and I entered the room behind acupuncture and said so. HEALTH in Chinese, so I asked, "Sup- Western physicians; you're hundreds to the Acupuncture Serutan, and chiropractic, the patients' chairs and saw Then Mr. Lee handed me a pose something goes wrong never willing to try anything Center of New York before it and high doses'of vitamin C, tyro figures there, Mr. Lee while I'm doing this? What do new." was quickly closed by the and copper bracelets. There's book?- no end to what people will do and another in the chair next into the skin at special points I do then — especially if you No Evidence state government because it "This book tells all about, while trying to find an easy Dally Register, 1« to .him. The second figure to balance the flow of the life- pass out and can't read the I've known Chang San Lee was not fulfilling the laws the way to do it," he said. way to stay well. 8t,Re«Bamk,NJ^«77IL turned out to be a doll about forces and cure the disease. next instruction -to me from for many years. He's an elec- about medical treatment. "According to the book, the Even our National Institutes 1 gave the doll and book four feet tall, standing on its body organs are divided into It's really very simple. the Chinese acupuncture man-, trical engineer, trained in NEARBY BURGIABV pedestal on the chafr. The doll A Sinus Problem ual." Hong Kong and Harvard and of Health have shown interest back to Mr. Lee. There's still two groups. Diseases are in acupuncture. They recently not enough known about acu- ISTANBUL (AP) - was a nude human figure with caused by imbalance between "Now. doctor, here's where "Well," said Mr. Lee. "no considered by many to,be a are tome red faces at AtMMI dots running up and down the you come in. I have had a reason for you to worry about genius in his field. Why should announced a commitment to puncture in the west for me to the groups. Life energy flows study the use of acupuncture police headqaarten. • entire body. The dots were sinus problem for some years that." he go overboard about an un- risk anyone's health with it. recently entered, aa.ofncel from organ to organ along the for anesthesia and for reliev- connected by a series of lines. lines -drawn on^he doll. If the now and I'm sure acu- There's plenty of reason for known aspect of medicine? So But I kept the golden needles next door to the I asked Mr. Lee what the doll patient is sick, that is because puncture will help. According me to worry about that.' If far as is known, there is no ing pain. — just in case. bonding and syate was about. his life forces are not flowing to the book, if you put these there's anything I don't need, way that Western medicine Health fads come and go. Dr. Palk will be happy t* looted 148 office* accordiag "That's my acupuncture properly.' We apply needles .gold needles into this place on it's a patient lying uncon- can explain the success of There have been health spas auwer qweatteas M medical me a newspaper-s Accident Policy that ;s pays you $510.00 a month A


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•9 This and 6 other outstanding co •3 •510.00 a month 4 :S are yours in this new "Golden Anniversary n in hospital benefit % '3 (TMs policy makes history, with exciting new benefits for you!) policy offered as a reader service of b n\ Why tWi tana* hospital benefit of who take ont this insurance will also a $510.06 a morrtht have other policies or Medicare, know- lrTF, Hoepit&l costs are sky-rocketing. They ing that they can always use the are several times as much as they extra cash. . were only a few yean ago Many I authorities say the $100.00 a day hos- Can paoplo under Modlanro get this pital room may soon be here: You may Insuranco? already have some type of hospital in- They not only can but it would be surance. But would it pay your entire very wise for them to do so. There I. Pays you $900.00 surgical operation bonofir bill? Whether it would or not-tbia axe no age limits. And the policy bene- policy will pay benefits direct to you fits can be an important money extra 2* Pays you $30.00 ambulance benefit and provide additional cash to-you to since Medicare benefits were not de- use as you wish. $510.00 a month can signed to pay all the bills. 3» Pays an X-ray benefit be a mighty big cushion. This policy is "nowspaper-spon- What Is the most valuable benefit soredi" What does that moan? 4* Pays $8,000.00 freeway death benefit, •f this policy? It means the newspaper offers this other accidental death benefits If the hospital benefit were the only insurance as a service to its readers. coverage offered, the policy would be The newspaper has watched the acci- 5. Pays dismemberment benefits a bargain at $1.00. But there are other dent toll grow at an alarming rate. It equally valuable benefits for minor, has also seen hospital and medical 6* In minor accidents, pays you $6.00 each doctor visit serious; and fatal accidents as shown bills reach astronomical heights. And for 5 -visits; pays ambulance and X-ray benefit on the policy outline in this adver- it has arranged to do something to tisement. help its readers meet these problems. This policy is written by National Do pooplo actually collect tho free- Casualty Company, which is licensed way death benefit of $3,000.00 to by the insurance department of your $1,000.00* state and the insurance departments of Certainly. In recent months five such all of the other 49 states. It is the only or $1150 for the full yearW payments were made in California policy sponsored by this newspaper. alone. Hundreds of newspapers fna n coast to Freeway coverage—Is it limited to coast sponsor some type of reader in- V- California? surance—but this policy is unique and Hurry I Use this coupon No. The policy covers tollroads as well pays a much higher range of benefits than others. POLICY PAYS FOR ACCIDENTAL DEATH UP TO $10,000.00 to order your policy as freeways anywhere in the world. How about auto accident! on other What Is tho Surgical Operation At home. Auto, truck, Bus, taxi. Freeway, " Railroad highways? Benefit? work/ farm machine subway, lollroad, passenger To: Resident Agent, They are covered in the $1,600.00 to There is an additional 'payment play, or wrecks; streetcar airplane car National Casualty Co., care of: $2,400.00 group. towards the cost of setting fractures, school . •* pedestrian wrecks wrecks wrecks The Daily Register dislocations, etc. These benefits are Aro airplane passengers covered? US Chestnut St. Yes. Persons riding as fare-paying plainly listed in the policy which will $500.00 $1,500.00 $3,000.00 $5,000.00 $10,000.00 passengers on regular flights are cov- be issued and mailed to you within increasing 1% each month for 60 months, to Red Bank, NJ. 07701 about 15 days after your application ered for the same amounts as persons Amount (3 $3 per person for 3 rnos. or riding on freeways—$5,000.00 to is received and accepted. $800.00 $2,400.00 $4,800.00 $8,000.00 $10,000.00 Can I collect moro than once? enclosed $ , — • sil.60 per person for foil year S8.000.00. Above benefits reduced one-Half after age 65. You can. Many readers do. As long as Double dismemberment pays same as death. Make check* payable to National Genuity Company Toll mo something about Nation- your premium ia paid on time and Single dismemberment pays half as much as death. Policies become effective «n.U» 1st day of the month fol- al Casualty Company. your'policy remains in force, you are lowing receipt and acceptance of this application, and &» They are the underwriters of this po- protected for accidents at home, at not cover persons who have lost both hands or feet, or eight licy as well as of your newspaper's work, on the street or highway, at POLICY PAYS FOR NON-FATAL ACCIDENTS of both eyes. usual reader policy. National Casualty play, at school, etc. Company is licensed in every state, it $510.00 PER MONTH HOSPITAL BENEFIT payable at $17.00 NAMEOFAPPUCANTSr has been in business since 1904, and I have other policies, Including Blue has paid more than $430,000,000.00 in Cross. Can I also collect under this per day for 90 days (increasing in 5 years to 150 days) $2,550.00 Btfeef policy? ttrih. claims. It is rated "A PLUS" in Best's (PtUt lint NUM—MlUIt IiMtWtMl HUM) Mfc.0V.tt. Insurance Reports. Yes. This policy pays in addition to AMBULANCE BENEFIT, to and from hospital $30.00 tatter Aro all payments to the pollcyholder your other insurance. The person who X-RAY EXPENSE BENEFIT in doctor's office or hospital $12.00 knows the value of insurance and has (Mai Jim Nun—WUU laittol—UM Haw) Mfc.Dtj.Yr. In cath? SURGICAL OPERATION BENEFIT-Specified amounts for already purchased other policies, will fittest ' They certainly are.. The money is be the first to realize the value of this fractures, dislocations, skin grafts, etc., . there for you to use as you please. coverage. (Prtml tint This is one reason why this policy ia •o worthwhile. It comes up with siz- My father who lives with us recently POLICY PAYS FOR MINOR ACCIDENTS AS MUCH AS $70.00 outer celebrated his 90th birthday. Can ho •Ms. able extra cash when you need money (PrinnraHa M«,Otr.Tr. be Insured? most. What's more, the money is tax- MEDICAL EXPENSES-Up to $6 for treatment, 5 visits Brtttf He certainly can. He will be covered $30.00 free because it is insurance. bt run KM—UUO. MU-IM KM) I have other Insurance—why should for the same big benefits as a man 19 AMBULANCE BENEFIT * $30.00 I bother with this? years of age, except that the death X-RAY EXPENSE BENEFIT $10.00 Because when someone is hurt there and dismemberment benefits are re- ...... Dat» is never quite enough money to take duced after age 65. UM U care of all the expenses. Every little My youngest child was born last EXCEPTIONS: Does not cover in a mine; warfare; auto races; airplanes, except as City...... ^^ bit counts. And while the premium of month. Can ho bo Insured? a fare-paying passenger on scheduled flight; hernia however incurred; carbon mon- this policy is small, you collect much Yes. This policy was designed so that oxide poisoning; sickness, except those specified, and confinement in a U.S. Veteran* Subuvfotfcm Axxeesseat—Gkeefc OM Below more than a little bit-especially for the entire family can be protected and Administration hospital. O The Diily Register is now delivered to me. serious accidents. Moat of the people- many of our readers will do just that. RENEWABLE at the option of the Company. D Please start delivery of The Daily Register imnudl» The above is only a partial description of the terms and nrovisions of National' ttely. I agree to pay the regular sur*eription price. Casualty Company of Detroit policy form HM 6419 V. 22 Tfce Dai; Register, Bed Bank—MlddletowH, NJ. Tbnrsday, August 31,1972 Dutch Treats Are Weekly Family .;, By MARGOT SMITH equivalent of high school education in' Holland about a cup of water to get desired gravy con- was taken in a "household school" where all sistency. Return meatballs to pan and cook for ' ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS - A Dutch treat the home arts, plus kindergarten teaching, •half an hour over low heat. fatbe Coert Englesman home at 106 East Gar- were taught. Serve with steamed floury potatoes (Cali- fleKt Ave. is big, fat hamburger shaped meat- . "Yes, the Dutch have their fancy gourmet fornia new potatoes or" Idahos), red cabbage palls in .rich brown mushroom gravy that also and side dish of apple sauce. '* wets down floury boiled potatoes. Homemade, , foods/' she commented, "But what I'm show- red cabbage, spicy but not too tart or strong, ing you is Tegular people food." It's weekly For hors d'oeuvre, serve in gravy with goes with applesauce on tie side. •fare at the Englesmans'. but Kitty also uses tooth picks and slices of Italian bread to catch this menu for company when men are ex- the drips. Ftar dessert: Moist battery cake with apri- pected. 'They like plain food better then fussy cot filling. little pretty sandwiches, I make those when BED CABBAGE the woman's club ladies come." Kitty says. ! 'Jc< While all this was being simultaneously as- 1 dark three-pound head red cabbage • She belongs to the Little Silver Woman's Club. sembled in Kitty Englesman's kitchen, along 2 tart apples 1 large onion, sliced with Swedish cookies, she was making tea for Important for this menu, Kitty stresses, is me and dictating instructions for Fresh Vege- 4 tablespoons white vinegar the right kind of potatoes. None of the ordinary 3 teaspoons sugar table Soup with meatballs. "We have that. too. supermarket type for her. they must be Idaho when there's company," she said, "but for' 1 tablespoon salt .r or California new ones boiled, drained and % teaspoon pepper tonight, it's too much." steamed a moment in the pot- T&ey cost more, .2 bay leaves the Englesman boys, Norman,9, and Rob- but they're nice and floury. a:good texture," % teaspoon allspice ert; 13, "wafted in and out, making appropriate; she says. Kitty also insists on the best possible 1/2 teaspoon nutmeg - comments like "Oh boy!" when they found out meat. 7 whole cloves what Mother was up to. Dad called from the You may think you know how to make 14 teaspoon cinnamon office to check in. "Because of you," Mrs. meatballs. Everybody does, but I've rarely % cup shredded suet Englesman told me, "he gets his favorite ' tasted one as good as Kitty's. The recipe has' Remove outer leaves of-cabbage and core tonight." many applications. The big ones for dinner, and cut in »i-inch shreds. Place in "pressure The Englesmans are Dutch. After two. smaller ones for hors d'oeuvre and the tiniest cooker or large pot. Peel, core, slice and add to. garnish a soup made with all kinds of fresh years of marriage, they arrived here from apples. Add sliced onion and remaining in- vegetables, but no tomatoes. Rotterdam "With $50 and a suitcase full of en- gredients. Toss well. gineering books and our clothes," she said. DUTCH MEATBALLS If using pressure cooker, add one cup wa-. Coert's training has been put to use in building ter. In standard pot, add water to half the up his own general contracting business and in 2 pounds^ lean ground meat, half pork, half beef. v depth. Cover and cook until done. (Follow your a short time, the Englesmans will build their legg pressure cooker manual for timing.) — May be dream house on top of a Middletown hill. 8 Holland Rusks frozen. Kitty Englesman is a good cook for two rea- % cup milk son's: Because she loves it, and because her 1-% teaspoons salt GROENTESOEP MET BALLETJES '4 teaspoon pepper ************ *Akkk**ick**ickirk*****i ' i/4 teaspoon nutmeg (Fresh vegetable soup with meat balls) , 14 stick butter (% pound) (less, if desired) 3 cups diced fresh vegetables (leek, carrot, % stick margarine (% pound) (less If desired) beans, peas, parsley, celery, cauliflower, but * PUBLIGK * NOTICE *i 1 tomato • no tomatoes) 1/2 package Knorr's mushroom soup mix 3 tablespoons butter 1 to 2 tablespoons chopped shallot. scaUion or 5 cups water At No Charge To You • onion l package Knorr chicken noodle soup mix 1 can (6 ounce) mushrooms, or fresh mush- 1 chicken bouillon cube rooms 14 teaspoon mace Offer Our % cup red cooking wine % teaspoon nutmeg about 1 cup water 14 teaspoon pepper Decorating Service With your hands, break up rusks Into celery salt crumbs into bowl containing meat. Add milk, dash of Maggi (optional) salt, pepper and nutmeg and mix well with Lightly saute vegetables in hot butter. Add Please Come In For Am hands. water and bring to boil. Add spices, soup mix, Form into 10 patties the size and shape of bouillon cube and meat balls. Stir and cook 15 Appointment large, fat hamburgers. For hors d'oeuvre, minutes or until meatballs are done. form into %-incta balls. For vegetable soup (see recipe below) form into very small balls Note: Meatballs are made according to Custom Collected Early previous recipe, with beef alone, no pork. Use (balls may be all beef.) American Furniture half the meatball recipe for this recipe of soup. Melt butter and margarine in skillet or CORNELIUS electric fry pan (set at 350 degrees.) BOTERKOEK * Brown meatballs. Remove from pan. Makes two nine-inch cakes one plain, one EnlUHick. filled) $ ON ROUTE 34 4U-177F. Cut tomato in small pieces and add to pan. i£ pound butter Open Duty 10 to 5 - FrL 10 to 9 Add mushrooms (drained) and onions and 2 cups flour % cup sugar - • A**************'**************** saute. Add wine and soup mix. Stir and add DUTCH TREAT — Mrs. Kitty Englesman of Atlantic Highlands, makes an % can apricot cake, and pastry filling (Solo) unforgettable meatball with many uses. Norman, 9, watches with growing per cake, or thinly sliced apples or raisins or appetite. almond paste (see note) - milk them into flat sections that will cover the top iv, pound Philadelphia cream cheese Clear-the-Beach ground nuts (optional) of the cake. Smooth out, blending seams. '2 to 3 tablespoons water raspberry and/ or apricot jam or preserves Combine butter, flour and sugar and mix Dribble a bit of milk on top of both cakes, well with hands. Divide dough in half. Pat one (not jelly) rotating pan to distribute milk everfly for. Combine flour, butter, cream cheese and portion into bottom of nine-inch pie plate, glazed finish. Score tops (in one direction only) evenly.' water with hands as for pie dough. Knead until with tines of fork. Sprinkle with ground nuts if dough conies away from bowl and forms a SALE! Divide second half of dough in half again. desired. ball. Store in refrigerator o"ernight. Fat one part into second pie plate. Spread with Bake at 400 degrees for 25 minutes, until % can of filling. Divide remaining dough into Triis recipe makes a large batch of cookies. light golden brown. " four parts and one by one. in your hands, pat You may wish to freeze half the dough for use Cut into small wedges and serve slightly another time. warm. Preheat oven to 425 degrees. SUPERSHOE... Note: To make almond paste filling, com- Roll dough out fast to a thickness of about the power behind bine eight ounce package commercial almond VH inch. Cut into two-inch squares or diamonds. paste' with one small egg or half a large egg Spoftn a dab of preserves on each and bring SHOE-TOWN and the grated rind of one lemon. Mix well and corners together diagonally, pressing seams to You 'II never forgive yourself if you don H let stand overnight. This will make too much form a neat package. Place on cookie sheet r promises ••• for this recipe. Remainder may be used in oth- that has been sprinkled with water. throw on a cover-up and come scoop-up er pastry. Note: Dough quickly softens and becomes difficult to manage. You may roJJ a portion at a SWEDISH COOKIES an armload of Famous Designer fashions as we time, leaving the remainder in the refrigerator 2-i£ cups flour until you're ready for it. '/4 pound sweet butter Bake for 15 minutes or until just golden. Sisterhood Clear-the-Deck JEWELERS of all remaining summer stock from both Littmaifs Sponsors our Passaic and Red Bank stores, today, Story Hours MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - tomorrow and Sat. at price slashes up to The Sisterhood of Temple Beth Ahm, the Conservative Jewish congregation of the Bayshore area, again will TVeatyour sponsor a story hour program for pre-school youngsters 3-5. / / and T sweetheart Story hours will be con- ducted at 10 a.m. on Sundays / / more • like a dog... preceding various holidays and festivals. The first ses- sion, with a Rosh Hashanah DRESSES and Yom Kippur theme, will with this divine be Sept. 17, and the second, dealing with the Sukkot and KNIT DRESSES • SPORT DRESSES DESIGNER-INSPIRED SHOES... dog tag! Simhat Torah festivals, will thai FEE! as great as they took be Oct. 1. Tops & Bottoms • Shirts & Skirts The program, which also You'll know what real comfort Is You'll love the casual moccasin styl- will feature crafts, Israeli the minute you try them onl Soft, ing with distinctive ornament detailing songs and dances, and re- Blazers & Pants smooth leather, tricot lining arid Inspired by a famous European de- flexible soles combine to make signer. Navy, black, brown, red. freshments, will be presented these shoes a pleasure to wear Ladles sizes 5-10. Medium. in the nflrsery rooms of the Swim Suits & Corar-Ups alldaylongl This sale ends Saturday temple, located at 550 Lloyd Hurry to SHOE-TOWN and see Road. the thousands of new fall shoes Special Selling Area in Wechsler 's 2nd Fl LOFT! ... all at SHOE-TOWN's famous Mrs. Rita Broder is educa- low prices tion vice president of the sis- terhood. You can't afford to stay on the beach every minute this MOCCASIN STYLES FOR You'll be close to his heart always weekend and miss out on this sensational savings bonanza! GIRLS, TOOI 8'/2-4. $7.99. as he wears this handsome sterling Sizes for juniors, misses, half sizes, but many are one silver dog tag with its 24-inch endless Rosarians and few of a kind. Some slightly mussed from handling or display. ^B k Drmion gt In. >•:«» vorp. neck chain. We'll also stamp in his name'and address, or any message you To Meet AHOIMOWN desire.(Pleas,e allow one week HOLMDEL - St. Ben- for the lettering) edict's Rosary Altar Society MIDDLETOWN EATONTOWN $15.00 will meet Sept. 11 at 8:15 p.m. Rl. 35 Across From Middletown Between Pathrnark & Rickels Following recitation of the ro- . Shopping Center At. 36 Eatohtown Circle Also a vailable in striking 14K gold. sary in the chu^jh, there will *LAKEWOOD 'TOMS RIVER be a demonstration in the Lakewood Shopping Plaza Op«n i Mttman'i Flcil-Cfiirn Account. Wt icctpt moil m>jor charge carft. school all-purpose room of Kennedy Blvd. and Rl. 9 Rt.37 65 Broad Street Manalapan Mall MonmOulh Shop-Rite Plaza how to make beaded flowers •BRICKTOWN SEAGIRT Bed Bank RI. g Freehold Shopping Center Open Wednesday Open Monday Thru and do other needlework. RED BANK, Broad al Harding. Daily 'til 5:30. Phone 747-4600 Brick Plaza Sea Girt Mall Mon Sa| Shopping Center Sea Girt Ave. anrjm. 35 and Friday 9 30 To 900 Friday Till 9:30 p.m. Refreshments will be Wechslefs charges, BankAmericard and Master Charts accepted. 'OPeH SUNDAY 10 A.M. TO S P.M. ; 1 in 9:00 p.m. __ ' • Saturday 10-6 . served. if Likes Collect!n Ik Dally Kegl^r, Bed B*tt-MIMlet«w«,NJ.Tter«lay,AagB»tJl, 1172 Ki By DORIS POWELL She puts on the charm, tive young.woman puts her thought she did it because women's lib?" to "I'd sure The Trenton Times dresses in the latest career curls in pigtails and dons "she likes to tomboy around." like to see you collecting the. fashions, and reports daily to dungarees to become what No, ru, says Miss Rogers — garbage all the time." MOUNT HOLLY (AP) _ a nice, sophisticated job in the she terms a garbage "per- at least not completely so. To answer the queries, she During the week, Carolyn Ro- consumer credit department son." "I really like collecting gar- says no, she isn't big on wom- gers is as near the ster- at South Jersey Bank in Penn- Profitable and Exciting bage." she says. "When en's lib, and she prefers to eotyped "young working girl" sauken. Tossing around garbage you're out there you're on the spend the majority of her as any 21-year-old can be. But on Saturday, the attrac- cans isn't exactly her idea of go and that's what 1 like." working days pushing pencils a full-time occupation, but she She has gotten a lot of com- and punch keys at the bank. finds it an exciting and profit- ments from customer rang- The strenuous stuff she lim- able way to pass the time. ing from "Hey, you big on its to the weekends. "It's a good way to stay in shape," she says. "It's really great exercise." Only occasionally does she PTA Council yield to man as the stronger sex. There are times, she ad- mits, when the contents of a refuse container are just too Workshop Set heavy for her. She handles the situation "by just calling one MIDDLETOWN - The Elected as convention dele- of the guys to help out." Board of Managers of the gates and alternates were,- Monmouth County Council of Mrs. Martin Burne of Wall One of "the guys" is her Parents and Teachers will Township, Mrs. Francis boyfriend, Al Young. conduct a workshop for PTA Burke of Holmdel, Mrs. Harry What docs he think o{ his officers and chairmen Fornorotto of Wanamassa. betrothed being on the refuse Wednesday, Sept. 20, at 7:15 Mrs. George King of High- route? p.m. in Harmony School. Mrs. lands and Mrs. Vincent La- "He thinks it's funny," says Jack Goldberg of Hazlet is maho of Union Beach. Miss Rogers. "But he made it chairman. GARBAGE GAL — Finding the part time job of collecting garbage a good clear he wouldn't like me to Mrs. John DeWolf of Farm- way to stay in shape is Carolyn Rogers, a bank employe in Pennsauken. do it all the time." Mrs. Goldberg also is coun- ingdale is the council's new Aunt Helps ty chairman of the New Jer- program chairman. Kaffeeklatsch However, she isn't the only sey Congress of Parents and woman with the garbage Teachers building fund and The word shrift comes from Set by PTA The Willows truck fleet, owned by her will be responsible for the sale the Old English "shrive," MATAWAN - The Ravine grandfather, Fred Smith. of handicrafts at the state meaning a remission of sins Drive School PTA will spon- Once in a while, if someone convention Oct. 16-18 in Atlan- pronounced by a priest in the sor a Kindergarten Kaf- Rest Home doesn't show up for work, her tic City. Persons wishing to sacrament of penance, accord- feeklatsch Sept. 11 at 8 p.m. aunt will fill in as driver. donate items for the sale, pro- ing to Webster's dictionary. Parents of kindergarten chil- After Miss Rogers recently ceeds of which will be used to The phrase "short shrift" dren are invited to visit their Cozy Home Atmosphere FIVE-DAY JOB — Carolyn Rogers, at work in renovate the state office in means "a brief respite from bonk at Pennsauken. She spends her Saturdays as finished spending her whole death." However, today, we use child's teacher in the class- bank vacation on the routes, Trenton, should contact Mrs. room and observe the mate- Family Style Meals a 'garbage person.' Goldberg. it as meaning short, or summa- her grandfather said he ry treatment. rials and facilities available. Robert Hardie, principal, Transportation To will be there to meet the par- Church & Shopping Children Search Out ents. 'New Hose for Black Women Refreshments will be Famed Works of Art served in the cafeteria. MILDRED M.SCOTT By C.G. McDANIEL "We try to stress aesthetics Guard against steam when KH-mcao* Associated Press Writer as opposed to art history," Miss you are melting semisweet Raasch said. PHONE 222-4916 CHICAGO (AP) — "Good chocolate because steam The facilities for children are causes the chocolate to stiffen. 73DUDUYST. LONG BRANCH luck, Detectives!" And with as elaborate and well planned that, they're off — not look- on a small scale as the Art ing for the 10 most wanted Institute's galleries and other criminals, but for works of art. facilities for everyone. It's all part Of a game called Tree trunks rise up through "I Spy," designed to introduce benches in the court around NogehJf children to art and aesthetics at which the little museum is the Art Institute of Chicago. built. In the center is a fountain The game is one of the activi- built around a sculpture of ani- ties of the Art Institute's Junior mals, and there is a gift counter OMEOtANK Museum, a section set aside for' with games and toys and art 24 BROAD STRUT youngsters within the main books for children. museum. A picnic room is decorated Lois Raasch, supervisor of with antique wooden carousel children's education, says the' horses at one end, and the walls WOOL, IT'S GOT LIFE. Junior Museum's purpose is "to feature changing exhibits of give an introduction to look- children's art from foreign BY KORET OF CALIFORNIA ing." countries as well as the United BEAUTIFUL YOU. IN BEAUTIFUL HUNTINGTON PURE WOOLS AND LIVELY States. WOOLBLEND PLAIDS. KOBET OF CALIFORNIA" CREATES COORDINATED A library with low shelves WOOL AND WOOLBLtND WARDROBES FOR WOMEN WHO APPRECIATE has reading pits with a table in Club the center. The children sit CLASSIC SOPHISTICATION^LUXURIOUS SOLID COLORINGS IN ' around the carpeted edge to PURE WOQl. THE HABERDASHERY AND THE TARTAN PLAID LOOKS read. HER OWN THIN© — The black consumer is coming into her own as more OF 85% WOOL- 15°o NYLON THE MORE WOO1, THE RICHFR Slates Children playing the "I Spy" manufacturers are becoming tuned in to the idea that black women have THE BLEND. TURN ON TO KORET OF CALIFORNIA'S game sit in a small auditorium special needs. There is a line of pantyhose designed with special colors WOOLS AND FEEL THE BEAUTY OF LIFE. to hear a tape and see slides to for black skin tones and for the special shapes of black women. For in- Events give them hints. The audi- stance, ankles tend.to be slimmer and the rise/ the distance from the MIDDLETOWN - Mrs. torium also serves for movies crotch to the top of the waist, is greater. In most cases thighs are heavier. Marshall T. McDowell will and lectures. The survey was commissioned by Flori Roberts, Inc., Neptune, whose host tonight's Get-Acquainted In the main gallery for chil- pantyhose, a selection of which is shown here, are knitted with these pro- Party of the River Plaza dren, there is a revolving world portions in mind. Woman's Club here in her globe, six feet in diameter, home. 938 Middletown-Un- which features miniature pho- croft Road, at 8:15 p.m. tographs of the featured art The club will resume activi- works pinned on the countries ' ties Sept. 16 when the annual where they originated. FOR A SCHOLAR-SHIP SHAPE ROOM . fall luncheon honoring the The "I Spy" game takes chil- club presidents will take place dren not only through the Junior at 1 p.m. in the Molly Museum but introduces them to Inn, Red Bank. Mrs. Charles the main galleries as well. W. Shnms, Freehold, retiring There are five segments to vice president, Fifth District, the game, each about a differ- Bulletin boards and funky signs, New Jersey State Federation ent art medium, such as paint- Desk pads and desk lamps, of Women's Clubs, will be ing or sculpture. The children Waste baskets and directors chairs, guest speaker. The new vice answer written questions which require them to find objects and Address books and bookends, president, Mrs. John Schwe- Wall mirrors and standing mirrors, ser, also of Freehold, will be detect major features about honored guest. Mrs. Roy them. Valet Kits to carry your toothbrush to the John. Thorpe, River Plaza, is in About 125,000 children from a charge of arrangements. five-state area visit the Junior Museum on tours each year, and many others come alone or Come to J AMI AN where it's at. Garden Club with parents. Having a place of their own Event Set gives the children a feeling of LITTLE SILVER - The security, Miss Raasch said, and Little Silver Garden Club will makes them feel that they have gifts 244 Norwood Ave. a place to come back to. It also open its fall season with a lamps daily 10 to 5:30 luncheon Sept. 7 at noon in the reduces the number of children DEAL in the main galleries, where Colts Neck Inn. home accessories Wed. eve. 7 to 9 It has been announced that adults might be disturbed by Mrs. Arthur HuKon, a Nation- large groups of them, she said. al Council accredited judge and editor of Newsleaf, will conduct a four-session work- shop in the basic mechanics It's Our and interpretive design of flower arranging. The first ANNUAL class will be Oct. 19. PARKING LOT SALE Garden club officers include Mrs. John S. Ryan, president; Mrs. Louis Vanni, first vice FRIDAY SEPTEMBER 1st "FRIDAYAND SATURDAY" president; Mrs. Joseph Free- man, second vice president; REG. TO $8 PR. KITCHEN Mrs. Harold Komar, record- REG. $20 to $150 BATH BEDROOM ing secretary; Mrs. John J. BEDSPREADS CAFE CURTAINS • ARTIFICIAL PLANTS & FLOWERS Balkan, corresponding secre- $ • SELECTED GREEN PLANTS tary, and Mrs. Edwin C. Cor- 2.00Pr • GRECIAN STATUES son.Ir., treasurer. Reg. to 25.00 Pr. Rag. to 4.00 DropiriM to Match »5pr. VAIANOS...... 50.. • GLASSWARE Newcomers • CANDLES REG. T010.00 PAIR-36" Luncheon Set Many on. of • LAMPS DRAPERIES a kind Pr. LITTLE SILVER - Mrs. 1.00 Anthony Terra, 15 Alwin Ter.. REG. T015.00 YARD is accepting reservations for or S tor the get-acquainted luncheon, FABRIC SAMPLES 1.00 50*, meeting Sept. 12 of the New- comer's Club of Kumson, Fair HONEY BEE Haven, Little Silver and 468 BROAD ST. Shrewsbury. SHREWSBURY FLOWERS New residents of these CASH ONLY towns are invited to the event NO CHARGES 464 Broad St. which will be in the Old Or- ALL SALES FINAL Shrewsbury - 741-4020 chard Inn, Eatontown. Cock- Reliable Since 1927 Charge Your Purchase — Take 3 Months tails will be served at noon In Case of Rain, Open Six Days A Week and luncheon is at 1 p.m. 8:30 A.M.-5:30 P.M. To Pay At No Additional Cost! WOOL Baby sitting service is avail- the sale will be held inside our store. able. 24 ?*e Daily Register, Red Bank—Middletown, N.J. Thursday, August 31,1972 August Calling the Signals Brides Dear Ann Landers: You be ! Is an upcoming wedding Hirschbaum-Morris the judge. Our son insists that driving you bananas? Ann MATAWAN TOWNSHIP - baum, sister of the bride- he not be denied the right to Landers' comprehensive In Temple Shalom here Sun- groom, also attended the "be himself" — his father Ann Landers booklet, "The Bride's Guide," day Miss Melody D. Morris bride. says, "You must learn to I gives you the facts from thj and Jeffrey H. Hirschbaum Robert Ganor was best man compromise if you're'going to initial announcement to She? were married during a cere- and the ushers were David live in the real world." Who is daughter is marrying a boy Dear Ann Landers: I am last bill and who should pay it. mony conducted by Rabbi ' Schecter and William Ness. right? we do not knovv very well. His nearly in a state of shock. For To receive your copy, write4ow Henry M. Weiner. There was Mrs. Hirschbaum was grad- John walked the streets for. family lives in* another city. years I thought I had a pretty Ann Landers; in care of this? | a reception in the Shore Ca- uated from Middletown Town- three solid weeks looking for The mother of the groom sent good speaking voice." In fact I newspaper, enclosing a long.., sino, Atlantic Highlands. ship, High School and attended a job. He is 20, has decided us the guest list yesterday. had even considered going self-addressed, stamped, en- , The bride is the daughter of Monmouth College, West not to go back to college (says We were surprised to see the .into radio. The other day, for velope and 35c in coin. Mr. and Mrs. F. Robert Mor- Long Branch,-and the Univer- Mrs. Russell Mlnton Jr. it's a waste of time) and is a name of a young cousin who is"" ^the first time, I heard my ris, 251 Nut Swamp Road, sity of South Florida, Tampa. (The former Denise Campion) quiet boy with strong prin- an epileptic. We don't want to voice played back on a tape Mrs. Jeffrey Hirschbaum River Plaza. Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Hirschbaum, who also (The former Melody Morris) ciples. John and his father spoil the wedding by exposing recorder. It was a harrowing Spencer Hirschbaum of Far attended the University of have always seen things from our guests to the unpleasant experience. My voice is shrill Rockaway, N.Y. are the South Florida, is a graduate Minton- a different point of view. I am experience of witnessing a fit. and unpleasant — at least it bridegroom's parents. of Far Rockaway High sure John is not as radical as What can we do except tell seemed so to me. Now I won- Miss Linda White was maid School. Campion his father thinks he is, nor is the woman we don't want to der if I sound that way to oth- of honor and Mrs. Mark An- The couple will reside in his father as conservative as take the chance — On The ers. Do you think I am exag- drus and Miss Laurie Hirsch- Flushing, N.Y. • WEST LONG BRANCH — John seems to believe. Spot gerating all this in my mind? St. Jerome Catholic Church Please answer. — Rusty Pipes Tonight a friend of ours Dear On: Almost all epilep- wag the setting here Saturday called to let us know that and Assaulted Eardrums Baum-Masterson for the marriage of Mise De- tics respond to drugs which Dear Rusty and Assaulted: John had been in to see him control seizures. (Please don't ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS man for his brother. The ush- nise Jean Campion and Rus- about a job. Our friend told Almost everyone is shocked • — Miss Joan Ann Masterson, ers were Wayne Schnoor, sell Paul Minton Jr. The Rev. say "fits".) The cousin should when he hears his own voice John that since he would be be invited. To exclude him daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rob-' Myrlyn E. Baum Jr., the John Polyak officiated at the meeting the public he would played back. When I first ert Masterson, 13 East Ave., bridegroom's brother, Ber- ceremony. There was a recep- would be an unspeakable act heard my voice on my daily have to trim his hair some- of cruelty. was married here Saturday in nard McArdle, his brother-in- tion in the Squires Pub. what and get rid of his beard. NBC radio show I' cringed at I'VE BEEN TO St. Agnes Catholic Church to law, and Matthew Waldron, John promptly let him know the hard, midwestern twang, Wayne S. Baum. There was a cousin of the bride. The parents of the couple Dear Ann Landers: Re- but I stopped fretting about it are Mr. and Mrs. John Camp- that he did not want the job if cently a column of yours reception in the Colony Inn; Mrs. Baum was graduated it meant submerging his per- after several listeners wrote TON TERE.. | Union Beach. from Henry Hudson Regional ion, 15 Hilltop Road, here, created quite an argument. I to say it was distinctive and and Mr. and Mrs. Minton, 29 sonality and be something he refer to the one where you- The bridegroom is the son School and Monmouth County wasn't. they liked it. No one can be of Mr. Myrlyn E. Baum Sr., 4 Vocational Nursing School. Spring St., Red Bank. said it was in poor taste to totally objective about him- John St., West Keansburg, She is employed at Riverview A full-blown argument fol-' print on an invitation to an an- self. Forget it. HAVEYOU?l and the late Mrs. Baum. Hospital, Red Bank. The bride was attended by lowed between father and son niversary partj^ "no gifts Miss Laura Larson was Mr. Baum, an alumnus of Mrs. Gene Iadanza, matron of and, as is the case with most please." honor, Miss Carol Minton, the arguments, "no one convinced A penetrating wood seal may maid of honor. Also attending Middletown Township High A couple of women said you be used to finish wooden salad TonTere Hairstylists > the bride were Miss Nancy School, is employed by Mid- bridegroom's sister, Miss Ann anyone of anything. We would had a lot of nerve to say yes Fackner and Mrs. Eileen Si- appreciate it if you would let bowls. But be sure to use a good 439 Broad St. ShrtwsbAy Baum, sister of the bride- land Glass Co., Cliffwood, and or no on such a personal mat- quality seal so that it will hold ringo. us know how you feel about ter. Frankly, I think when 741-5600 > Mrs. Wayifc S. Baum groom, Miss Mary Anne Gut- attends Brookdale Community this. Could John have accept- up under the use of salt, vinegar lieber, Mrs. Kevin Monahan College, Lincroft. He was a people ask for your opinion and water. (The former and Miss Patricia Masterson, member of the U.S. Army Re- John Howard was best man ed the boss' terms without you have the right to tell them Joan Masterson) and the ushers were John "selling out to the Estab- what you think. • a sister. serve. Mr. and Mrs. Baum lishment?" — For And Clifford Baum was best will reside in Keyport. Campion, brother of the bride, And now here's another y LET US -Is and John and David Minton, Against question along the same line: the bridegroom's brothers. Pear F and A: When a 1 received a wedding in- CUSTOM RE-UPHOLSTER Quackenbush-Montanye young man goes looking for a vitation last week and to it YOUR FURNITURE IN THE MOST ECONOMICAL ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS roe St., Middletown. Parents Robert- Boyce was best man Mrs. Minton was graduated job he should accept the fact was attached a little card that and PROFESSIONAL WAY POSSIBLE — The marriage of Miss Jo of the bridegroom are Donald and ushers were Douglas La- from Shore Regional High that he is not going to make said, "the bride is doing their SAVE £#10/ onou riet< ^selectlon °.' uPholsl8ry|ab- Quackenbush, Valley Drive, School and attended Marjorie the rules or call the signals. apartment in Italian Provin- rlcs and vinyl In stock. All work done on Ann Montanye, to Alan C. mont, cousin of the bride; premises. Quackenbush, took place Sat- Navesink, and Mrs. Charlotte Karl Kramer, brother-in-law Webster Junior College, The burden of proof is on him cial. This might be helpful to UPTOJU/O Washington, D.C. She is em- know." urday here in the Central Goode, 93 First Ave. Atlantic of the bridegroom, William — not the employer. An em- "DISTINCTIVE ' Baptist Church, the Rev. Har- Highlands, with whom the Connett and Nicholas Mus- ployed by the New Jersey Bell ployer who does not want a Do you consider such a mes- DEBRA DECORATORS WORKMANSHIP" ry W. Kraft, officiating. A bridegroom resided. tacchia. Telephone Co., Shrewsbury. young man with long hair and sage to be in good taste? Yes or no. — Just Asking. 33 MONMOUTH STREET 747-4421 RED BANK lawn reception was at the The bride, daughter also of The bride, a graduate of a beard will not look favor- Open Friday W 9 PM.- Tak» up to 24 month* to pay home of the bride's mother, the late Richard H. Montanye Middletown Township High The bridegroom, a graduate* ably on a fellow who says Dear Just: No, I do not. Mrs. Rose E. Bennett, 20 Mon- Sr., was given in marriage by School, is employed at the of Red Bank Catholic High "take it or leave it." her brother, Richard H. Mon- Monmouth County National School, attends Monmouth I realize there are laws When a recipe calls for firm- tanye Jr., at home. Bank, Little Silver. The bride- College and is employed by against discrimination, but ATLANTIC ly packed brown sugar, spoon Miss Linda Norman was groom, who attended the Central Jersey Bank and there are no laws against re- the sugar into the measure, a maid of honor and brides- same high school, is employed Trust Co., Long Branch. fusing to hire an applicant little at a time, packing it down maids were the Misses Bonnie by Kramer Plumbing and with a negative personality — firmly with the back of a spoon. McDowell, Elizabeth O'Brien. Heating. Middletown. The After a wedding trip to Nas- and this is why John and oth- When turned out,, the sugar Karen Melina and Debbie couple will reside in Leon- sau, Mr. and Mrs. Minton will ers like him lose out. . • should stand up in a mold. Persico. ardo. Dear Ann Landers: Our SUPTRAMA reside in Ocean Township. The Dolsons Mark Tface&C 60th Anniversary SHREWSBURY AVE. AT ROUTE 35 KEYPORT - Mr. and Mrs. ston, Wickatunk; Mrs. Stanley and Mrs. Robert Simon. Pe- NEW SHREWSBURY Valda 0. Dolson, 115 Francis Cherry, Hollywood, Fla.; Mr. quannock, and Miss Joan Wei- St., were honored at a dinner and Mrs. John A. Pote, Key- stead, Sparta. party Saturday here in Ye port; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Or- Cottage Inn on the occasion of msbee, Penn Argyl, Pa. Mr. Sunday there was an open their 60th wedding anniver- and Mrs. Earl V. Dolson, who house for 52 guests at the Dol- sary. The couple were mar- live in Lancaster, Calif., sent son residence. i ried in Morganville Aug. 25, their best wishes by tele- FABRICS Among the flowers and 1912. Mr. Dolson is the former phone. Grandsons William greetings were phone, calls owner of Hubert's Market, Preston, Gary Pote and John from the couple's grand- here. They have 15 grand- A. Pote Jr., Hopcwell. with daughter, Mrs. Edward Oh- FROM THE WORLDS FINEST MILLS children and 17 great-grand- his wife, attended the dinner, man. Greeley, Colo., and Mr. children. witti other guests: Mr. and Dolson's brother, John Dolson Among those attending Mrs. Ralph Babrisky, Mor,y of Long Island. were five of six of the couple's ganville; Mr. and Mrs. David For the young & the young ot heart children and their spouses: Calafato, Ocean; Mr. and Mf. and Mrs. Lyman Morris Mrs. David Frey and son John and Mr. and Mrs. Rhea Pre- Keany, Corning. N.Y.; Mr.

BOOTERY AND CHUDREN'S WEAR FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONLY bugler 10:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. BACK TO SCHOOL SPECIAL THUR. - FRI. - SAT. - SUN. Mr. and Mrs. Valda O. Dolson FINAL SUMMER POLYESTER JACQUARD DOUBLE KNITS CLEARANCE 2 & 3 Tone Combinations REG. 5.98 DRESSES • SUITS • GOWNS • SLACKS CORDUROY REG. 198 BIAZERS • JEANS • TENNIS DRESSES 45" Wide Flalfold Prints & Solids all top names at drastic •Hi! reductions of... My name LOOP KNITS REG. 2.98 is 54" Wide New Fail Colors Mommy. 50 JERSEY PRINTS VALUE 1.98 putting 45" Wide Flatfold Great Looking Prints 75% it together SWEATER KNITS REG 3 98 O49 I'm married to Daddy, And I'm a very busy person. I have a your way ^" Wide Co-OrdinatIng Prints & Solids Mm YDJ 3-year old who goes to play-school, but that's only for 3 Arthur's hours a day. And a 6 year old who goes to regular school Busier Brown's broad and Boy Scouts and about 100 other things and guess who o/ Sea Bright toe look is bound lo does the chauffering. (And I also have another one as they brighten your ACRYLIC KNITS REG. 2 1 69j say, in production.) Well, at least I have two lovely baby sit- 2A Peninsula Ave. 842-0088 daughter's day. The 9 8 ters, one terrific pediatrician, and a clothing store that has Sea Bright, N.J. . 10-5 Daily quality shoemanship ^60" Wide Ideal for Back to School I YD.l everything a child could possibly need including something I and our export fit are wish I had more of-PATIENCE and UNDERSTANDING Friday till 8 sure to make you happy, loo. AND SALES ON ALL TYPE P.S... DON'T FORGET THE BIG > SEWING MACHINES. 12"- 13" GJUl WHILf ISLAST BQJHC FINAL CLEARANCE Prictd accosting to j/r» m and Children's Wear Infant! To Size 14 HOP FRIDAY NIOHTTILLS P.M. w UrruSllVERSHOPPINGCENTIR "for people who know the difference' at CY & ART'S jalliy Apparel from Head to Toe. 45 BROAD ST., RED BANK 741-0078 A THe Daily Raster, Red Baiik-Mlddletown. N.J. Thursday, Aagnst 31,1972 Crossword Puzzle ACROSS 4 31 Notorious 56 TV fan 1S(o« ^ Hun 60 ReKsh Guinness 6H»iry . 35 Expiate- 61 Elicit 21 Amphora I DONE GIVE TfiTER 10 Arm bone 36 Macaroni guffaws 23 Adieu HIS MEDICINE AN1 14 Genealogi- 38 British 63 Mutual 25 Lukewarm I PLUMB FERSOT cal strain pilots. defense pact 27 Musical "Call Me -" TO SHAKE IT UP 15 "There's 39Upt6- 64 Agave nothing 40 UtteA 65 Dead duck 28 When the like -" (!, affectidly 66 Instant Dolomite* 16 Authentic 41 MoslerfK study are 17Twixtand judge session 29 Memonnda between 42 Pub drink 67 Crooked 30 Cookttove 18-loss 43 Poke 68 - nous 32 Modern 19 Rubberneck 44 Video part 69 Shrill bark Persian 20 Indigenous 45 Occult DOWN 33 Burdened 22 Confidential 47 Cherish 1 Scheme 34 Ignited 24 Jargon 49 - test 2 So. Amer. 37 Retriever's 26 Read 51 Lachrymal capital guide Hi and Lois metrically . exudation 3 Distinct 40 Paste 27 Diplomat 52 Diamond part 41 Money 43 Dent M3U SURE ARE PROBABLY J! Solution to Vttterday'< Poult 4 Profession- BRI6HT INSULTED ••aa HaaQQ aaaa al field 44 Siamese SUNBEAM/ HIM aaaa QUUUU aaaa 5 Exclusive 46 Bull's-eye aaaa QQHHH anaa right grant 48 Harsh aaaaauaauaauuu 50 Evil spirit S aaaa aua 6 Wedding S aaaaaaaaaQ aaaauaaa promise 52 Bayonet 'IM NOT S'PRISEO; IF I GOUU) IMW •••»• anaaa aaa 7 Better 53 Sickly aaaa DDDUQ aaua than never 54 Shortly FORWARD TD TUB FIRST Q\Y Of SCHOOL, IT WtllD &H£ Finn nnnran oacion 8 Gather 55 Pigmy 9 Move .57 Merchandise Children's Letter 10 Pressing 58 And others' 11 Shakespeare abbr monarch 59 Frolic 12Fascist 62 To be.Sp 8/31/72 n2 4 |i I 8 9 MIDITT]IT I4~ IT I OFTEN KEEP WHEM I SET TIRED OF OLD CHINESE PROVERB: "HE WHO CALL PICTURES OF MV ' SEEING ONE IN THIS FRAME BOSS TELLER OF UNTRUTH MAV SOON W 22 CO-WORKERS AROUND! J, REPLACE IT WITH BE. UNEMPLOYED" "BUT mOOW'^ \-\OW THE IT ••• GIVES THE ANOTHER.! rr. BABV!,* -=W^LEMEFTAW. j 26 APARTMENT A UVED-IN HHHt?n i w | THE NOTES, 3Tril1 l AND GO!; a 28 JJT I I I 30 33 3T 36 • L38F 35 •I 37 1 U 39 ' HP' •MMB 044*1 w - 45 47 J46 | I H 1 48] 1 HHHPn I I^o"r" •• • H 53 54 55 57 58 59 52 • 60 U 63 The Wizard of Id ••61 •I 66 64 ^•65 HI 67 •n 'vV L HP Your Horoscope, Birthday THURSDAY,, AUGUST 31 — better of you — you keep your ers; by so doing, you will also friendship for you may well Born today, you are by nature better nature in the fore- guarantee your own well- be tested today. Don't be sur- a sympathetic person who, ground and refuse to be vin- being. Remember: happiness prised should the results not whether man or woman, has dictive or vengeful. begins at home! meet expectations. very high protective instincts Although you are not notice- SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23- TAURUS (April 21-May 21) toward other people, and par- ably impractical, you do not Dec. 22) — Take the artistic — Discover answers in your ticularly toward children, the always choose the most direct approach to the performance own way. Take the views of VabLiii elderly, the weak, and the or simplest way to accomplish of ordinary chores. You can others and weigh them — but sick. Needless to say, you will things. The long way around make this a special day for don't depend too much on be drawn toward social work, often proved a fascinating you and yours. . having a dream come true. the medical profession, coun- route for you, and one which CAPRICORN (Dec. 23-Jan GEMINI (May 22-June 21) YOU ARB WITH seling of all kinds. Indeed, you you will choose to take if time 20) — Avail yourself of what- — The idealistic approach TABB0V6! will be so concerned about is not of the essence. On the ever consolation is at hand. may cause you dis- doing what you can to lessen other hand, when speed is es- There is no reason for you to appointment in the long run — • the ills of mankind, and so sential to success, you are carry a mood of depression but you can know much joy in conscientious, that you may fully capable of reaching the any furtner'-than you already the meantime. Priorities are have to be persuaded to take heart of a problem in short or- have. yours to decide. proper remuneration for your Frlday, September 1 AQUARIUS (Jan. 21-Feb. CANCER (June 22-July 23) time and effort. VIRGO (Aug. 24-Sept. 23) — 19) — Put your mind to work — Test the degree of your Your loving and sympa- Use your imagination. You on the problem at hand. You mettle today; you may dis- thetic nature endears you to could easily transform the can work out a feasible solu- cover that there is more spirit all who have any dealings mundane into the extra spe- tion if you will combine past and backbone than you sus- with you whatever, for wheth- cial if you apply your creative experience with intuition. pected. Consider your good er those dealings are personal fancy to what you see or hear. PISCES (Feb. 20-March 21) fortune. '--'' Andy Capp or professional, social or busi- LIBRA (Sept. 24-Oct. 23) — — Self-criticism will get you LEO (July 24-Aug. 23) — An ness you approach them open- Though you may have to nowhere. Spend your time impractical move this morn- ly, honestly, and, above all, share another's sorrow this learning how to improve your ing could cause you consid- with real affection toward all morning, you should be able craft rather than tearing erable concern this afternoon. involved. Even when others to share his joy this after- down the results of your la- Become aware of debts owed are trying to get the better of noon. Give yourself a chance. bors. others — debts of a spiritual you — indeed, even when oth- SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) ARIES (March 22-April 20) nature. ers have already gotten the — See to the welfare of oth- — The measure of another's Sheinwold's Bridge Advice By ALFRED SHEINWOLD with the ace of spades and spades). West must cover written by Alfred SheinwoM is. lead another club to make with the jack of spades. available. Get your copy by » As a sort of professional ki- dummy ruff with the queen of Declarer is forced to win in sending 50 cents to Red Bank bitzer I don't mind admitting spades: West's jack of spades dummy with the queen. He Register, Box 3318, Grand W*4wH*-#»fNfc»«*«**« that a good kibitzer has 20-20 would become the setting cannot run the diamonds be- Central Station, hindsight and makes very few trick. cause West would take the set- N.Y. 10017.) aBIondie errors in bidding or play. Sou|h could still make the tfhg trick with the eight of West dealer nuuu BUMSTEAD, WHO'S "( GEE, TMIS IS A NUTTY That's why it's so pleasant to contract, the tournament bul- spades. If South draws the East-West vulnerable DAGWOVD PLACE TO WORK.' YOU'RE FIRED' THAT? I WAS WB.OMS, catch the daily bulletin of the letin, observed, by running last trump, he is in his own NORTH I'M FED UP WITM YOUR AMD TO PROVE IT national bridge tournament in three top diamonds and dis-hand and can never return to Q74 2 STUPIP INCOMPETENCE THAT'S I'M GIVIMG YOU carding the king of clubs. THE NEW A RAISE AND an error. See if you can spot it the dummy. South must even- K2 GIRL I HIRED PROMOTION! in the discussion of today's Even if East ruffed the third tually give up the five of FOR, THE - o AKQ843 CASHIER'S hand. diamond with the ace of hearts to East. • 3 DEPARTMENT West opened the six df-Hspades, South would be able DAILY QUESTION WEST EAST hearts, and East captured the to ruff the next club in his As dealer, you hold: S-A 3 • J 86 4k A3 king with the ace. At one own hand and would then be H-A 10 9 8 7 D-J 5 C-J 8 6 5. & 6 3 C? A10 9 8 7 able to draw trumps by finess- What do you say? O 1076 O iS table East returned the jack 4 AQ1097 + J865 of clubs, holding the second ing through Wek for the jack. • Answer: Pass. You might Alert Defender open the bidding if the two SOUTH trick. East continued with a K1O95 low club, forcing dummy to Perfectly true if West hap- jacks were in suits headed by pens to be painted onto his C QI54 ruff with the deuce of spades. the ace, but a pair of lonely 6 92 Declarer led dummy's four chair. But if West is alive and jakes are not really worth very K42 of spades, East played low, alert he can defeat the con-much for the purpose of open- West North East South and South won with the king. tract. When South leads the ing the bidding. Don't strain Pass 1 O 1 V 14 HE Was BK6AKIN , TOf«B PIMOW9 16 Now South couldn't afford to ten or nine of spades (after to open a borderline hand Pass 3 * Pass 4 4> lead the ten of spades for a fi- ruffing the third club in his when you must rely on such All Pass AtOUXAUC/HATM nesse because East would win own hand with the five of values. Opening lead-9 6



HAS A BOy LIKE I OUTSIDE THE U The Daily Better, Red Baak-Middletowii, N.J. TTiursday, August SI, 1972 World Athletes Gain on Americans MUNICH (AP) - A driving It was a strong comeback Benning. Ga.. marking the for Uncle Sam at the swim- final leg by (5-year-old Shirley for the husky Aussie girl, rac- first time the U.S. had won ming pool where a curly-hair- Babshoff gave .the United ing in a yellow cap, and a bit- more than one medal in this ed Russian, Vladimir. Vasin, States a victory in the wom- ter disappointment for the European specialty. ended a 60-year American do- en's 400-meter freestyle relay, American girls, who failed to The United States', plucky, mination of the men's but for one day. at least, the place. young basketball team came springboard diving event and rest of the world caught up Held in check for the first from seven points back in the the Yanks were able to sal- with America's swimming time under the psychedelic final half for a Sl-54 victory vage on a single gold medal in stars yesterday in the Olym- glass roof of the swimming over Brazil that preserved a four championship races. pic Games. • ; hall, the Americans, favored That one was made possible A tall, bi'oad-shpuldered again to grab the largest har- itiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinniiiiHiiiiiniuiiiniN! only by a brilliant last-lap ef- vest of medals in these Tolal fort on the part of a 15-year- Swede, Gunnar Larsson, beat United Main n Tim McKee, a 19-year-old t;ames, had to look elsewhere Eoil Germany IS old California schoolgirl, University of Florida fresh- for glory. soviet, union Shirley Babshoff, which gave the Americans a close world man, by two one-thousandths They found it on the shoot- Poland ing range, w&ere John Writer, Swtdwi record-shattering victory* in of a second in winning the Hungary men's 400-meter individual a 27-year-old Lieutenant in the Italy the women's 400-meter free- Bulgaria style relay. medley. Army reserve from Clarendon North Kcrta WWut t OO«rmany — A stocky Japanese. Nobu- HilJs. III., won the small bore Franca — It was in basketball that the Ramonfa — taka Taguchi. set a world rifle shooting competition Austria — Americans received their sev- from three positions with a Iran — erest scare of these five-day- record in taking the men's Holland - 100-meter breaststroke and world record 1,166 points of a iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini old Games, which come fully sensational 15-year-old Shane possible 1,2000. alive today with the start of Gould of Australia scored a The silver medal in the 36-year perfect record in the the blue ribbon track and brilliant triumph in the wom- event went to Lanny Bas- Olympic Games. field. en's 400-meter freestyle, clip- sham,1 a 25-year-old Army After 31 championship Paced by the (i-foot-8 Mar- ping more than two seconds Captain from Comanche, events, the United States had cos Badalla and the aggessive off her world record. Tex., now stationed at Ft. a total of 22 medals — seven 6-5 Maciel Ubiratan Pereira, gold, nine silver and six who led them to. the Pan- bronze. The East Germans American title a year ago, the were closest challengers with Brazilians fought tho favored a total of 15, five gold, follow- Americans to a 26-26 standstill ed by the Soviet Union, with at the half and then moved in 11, five of them gold. front midway in the final peri- Besides the diving, a Rus- od. sian, Mukharbi Kirshinov, The United States scored^ won the gold in lightweight four victories in freestyle weightlifting but the Soviet wrestling, including another Union found Itself shut out in triumph by 400-pound Chris the men's individual all- Taylor of Dowagiac. Mich., VICTORY SMILES-Members of the U.S. 400-meter freestyle relay team around gymnastics, in which keeping alive hopes of at least awarded gold medals yesterday at the Munich Olympic Games. Let to 4 Sawao Kato led a 1-2-3 Japa- two gold medals. Shirley , Fo I nese sweep and in men's tadi- Monte, Calif.; Jennifer Kemp, Clncinivtl; , Wayne, Pa.; and In the modern pentathlon. tain Valley, Calif. vldual foil fencing, won by a Chuck Richard. 27, of San An- Yeilerdoy'i Olympic Mtdol Winntri Polish lawyer, Witold Woyda. tonio. Tex., swam the fastest U.S. women's team, Shirley Pegs — the butterfly and world record of 1:05.13 in the Swimming Soviet Wins 300 meters in pentahlon his- started her leg two meters be- — but faded as a semifinals, lowered the mark Men's loo-rrieler tjreojtoke — i, Nobu- Russia's Ludmila Tourisheya. in winning the lM-meter toko Taguchi, Japan. 2, . tory, leading America to vic- hind Kornelia Ender of the three-man race developed Sunnyvale, Calif. 3, , Cu- a brunette with' the looks of tory in the fourth of the five among Larsson, McKee and men's breaststroko in I:fl4.!)4. pbrtino, Calif. East German team, which in Men's 400-meler Individual medley — movie star Elizabeth Taylor, military tests. the semifinals had tied the Andras Hargitay of Hungary. Tom Bruce, 20, of Sunnyvale. 1, Gunnar Larsson, Sweden. 2, riin McKee. Newtown Square. Pa. 3. Andros won the women's all-around Soviets Roll world record of 3:58.11. On the final freestyle leg. Calif., was second in 1:05.43 Horgilay, Hungary. Women's 400-meter freestyle — 1, title in gymnastics, with East However, the Russians, led The California girl exploded the three streaked down the and John Hencken. IK. of San- Shane Gould, Australia. 2, Novella Colli- garts, Holy. 3, Gudrun Weantr, East Germany's Karin Janz second by Boris Onieschenko, contin- •with a burst in the final 20 me- pool almost as one and then in ta Clara, Calif., third in Germany. and Tamara Lazkotich ol strong final bursts, Larsson Women's 4x100 freestyle relay — 1. ued to lead over-all in both in- ters and touched the edge of Unnitcd Stales Sondro Neilson. 61 Russia third. Cathy Rigby, dividual and team standings and McKee touched almost si- The women's freestyle was Monte, Calif.; Jennifer Kemp, Cincin- the pool in 3:55.19, world nati; Jane Borkmon, Wayne, Pa.; the 4-foot-ll blonde from Long and are favored for the gold. record time. The East Ger- multaneously. all Miss Gould. She4leaped to Shirley Babshofl, Mountain Valley, Ca- lif.;. 2, East Germany. 3, West Ger- Beach Calif, was the best U.S. ' America's al- mans registered 3:55.5 and the The computer, attuned to the front from! he ""start and many. finisher, placing 10th. ready winner of three gold steadily increased her advan- Canoeing West Germans were third in clock in hundredths of a sec- Women's single kayak slalom — t, Angelica Batimann, a 20- medals and shooting for sev- ond, called it a dead heat at tage with long, powerful Angellka Bahmann, East Germany. 2. 3:57.92. Glsela Grothauj.'West Germany. 3>- year-old East German medic- en, easily qualified for the fi- Sandra Neilson, Mi. of El 4:31.98, an Olympic record. strokes. Maodolena Wunderllch, West Germany, ' , daleno Wunderllch, West Germany. al student from Leipzig, won nal in the men's 100-meter Monte. Calif., ujisct winner But the electronic gadget was She won in the world record Men's Canadian slalom 2-man — 1, Walter Hofmannand Rolf-Dieter the Kayak women's singles in butterfly. He goes for the gold over Miss Gould in tho wom- called upon for a closer ana- time of 4:19.04, bettering one Amend.East Germany. 2, Hans Otto Thursday night in that event Schumacher and wllhelm Boues. West the man-made rapids off the en's 100 meters, swam the lysis. It then showed Larsson of tho many marks she had Germany. 3, J.ean-Louis and Jean- Lech River, while the East as well as in the 800-meter tho winner in 4:31.981, with set in her fantastic young ca- Claude Olry, France. first leg for the Americans, Shaollng German team of Walter Hof- freestyle relay. He continues followed by Jenny Kemp, 17, McKee second in 1:31.983- It reer. Novella Calligaris of Small Bore Rllle — 1. John Writer. his bid in the.100 freestyle Clarendon Hills. III. 2. Lanny Bosstiom, mann and Rolf Dieter Amend of Cincinnati, Jane Barkman, was the first time the elec- Italy was second in 4:22.44 Ft. Benning, Ga. 3. Werner Llppoldt. Sunday and climaxes it with East Germany. took the Canadian pairs. No 21. of Wayne, Pa., and Miss tronic timer hail been asked and Gudrrun Wegner of East Diving the 400-meter medley relay Men's Sprlngboord — I. Vladimir Va- Americans figured. Babashoff. to go to such an extreme in Germany third in 4:23.11. sin, Russia. 5, Franco Cngnotto, Holy. 3* Monday. Craig Lincoln, Hopkins. Minn. The canoeing events were The men's 400-meter med- the Olympics. On the range, Writer, .shoot- Fencing AP Wlr«photo Hargitay won the bronze ing from prone, standing and Men's Foil — I, Wifold Woydo, Po- witnessed by Chancellor Willy Miss Babashoff. from Foun- ley produced the most ex- land. 2, leone Kamutl, Hungary. 3. AMERICAN FALLS —John Peterson, left, of Brandt of West Germany Av- tain Valley. Calif., was the citing finish. medal for Hungary. Steve kneeling positions, beat both Christian Noel. France. Gymnastics Comstock, Wis., struggles with Soviet opponent ery Brundage and Lord Kill- standout of the U.S. swim- • Strong-Start Furniss, 19, of Santa Ana. Ca- the Olympic record of 1.1M Men's All Around individual — t. Sawao Kato . Japan. 2, Eizo Kenmoilu, Levon Tedioshev during their Olympic freestyle anin of Ireland, the old and ming team Wednesday night., Gary Hall. 21. of Garden lif., finished fourth in 4:35.44 set by fellow American Lones Japan. 3, Aklnor! Kakayamo, Japan. Women's individual — I. Liudmlla wrestling competition in Munich, yesterday. new presidents of the Inter- although McKee barely Grove. Calif., the world and Hall, 21. was a dis- Wiger, and the world mark of Tourischeva, Russia. 2, Korin Jam, appointing fifth in 4:37.38. 1,165, set up by Russia's Oleg East Germany. 3, Tamara Lozakovltth, Tediashev remained in full control, defeating the national Olympic Committee. missed a gold medal. record holder, got off to a Russia. American. However, it was a bad day Swimming anchor for the strong start in the first two Taguchi, who had set the Lapkin in 1969. - Welghtllfllna. Lightweight — I. Mukharbi Kirshinov. Russia. 2, Mladen Koutchev, Bulgaria. iiiiiiiiiinHiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiHniiiiiiiiiiiniminrinmiiimuuiiiiiiiiiiiiHimnniiHuuHnnmimiiuimiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiniiiimniiiuii 3. Zbiegniew Kacimarek, Poland. 5. Africa Olympics Has Lessons Suspended By IAAF MUNICH (AP) -"South Af- For the Common Man rica escaped expulsion from the international Amateur By GEORGE SHEEHAN liiiiiHiintniimiiiiinimniinniiniTniitiiiimiinHiiminnnniiiiiiiiiiininiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiini Athletic Federation yesterday but was suspended from all "Mankind," wrote Pierre Teilhard de Chardin," is braced Innocent Bystander international competition for together in an effort to discover. And what does it seek to dis- two more years. cover if not ultimately to super, or at least to ultrahominise it- niiiiiinininnninniiiiniiiniiimniiiniiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimi An IAAF spokesman said self." Hominise is a Teilhardian word for a human prolonged And this is not merely subjective improvement. Not sim- the decision was taken by an beyond itself in a better organized, more adult form. ply a case of "feeling good" or having a "zest for living" or pos- estimated vote of 180-110 at Now this is pretty heavy going for this child of Life, Psy- sessing "loads of energy". This is physical change measurable the IAAK congress. chology Today and Sports Illustrated but I suspect he's right. by stopwatch and tape. Measured by Olympic standards of ox- The Marquis of Exeter, In fact the Olympics tells me he's right. Man, says the Munich ygen capacity and muscle strength and muscle skills. And president told members South Olympics, is born to be a winner. He is born to be super or at brought about by methods we have been taught by Olympians Africa had clearly made a least ultra-hominised. And Mark Spitz and Shane Gould and going back to 1896 when the discus was won with a toss of 95 start towards multiracial Ludmilla Tourisheva and Olga Kobrut and any number of oth- feet 7 and % inches. track and field events.. ers whose talents and smiles I have seen on channel 7 this past The present Olympic record in the discus is 212 feet 6 and But the IAAK spokesman week convince me it's so. „ % inches held by Al Oerter, the four time Olympic champion. said: "South African dele- Let those pessimists about man's future look to the Olym- Oerter's mark is a reflection of the improvements in tech- gates were unable to give any pics. Let those who think humanity is slipping backwards con- nique, training, muscle development, diet and general regimen guarantee of multiracial template the ultimate becoming commonplace and new that Olympians have developed over the years. The meet is in championships inside South records, new ulti mates, new dizzying heights of performance effect, a huge international fair of human husbandry (although Africa. This was svhat the occurring every four years. And let those who despair of this no such subject exists) where the best of everything that has IAAF had asked for. generation watch this 1972 harvest of Americans and Japanese been discovered in the field of human development and human "Many members thought and Russians and Germans and Brazilians and Kenyans'who potential is put to the crucial test. South Africa should bo ex- are on their way to becoming household heroes not nationally Here we can learn under the accelerated and compressed pelled from membership alto- but internationally. circumstances of all-out highest level athletic competition gether this time. But the Pres- And we anj, as Teilhard wrote, braced to discover. The what works and what doesn't. About diet for instance. Dr. AP Wircpholo ident pointed out that the Olympic imperative of Citius, Altius, Fortius (swifter, higher, Willis Gortner, the head of the Human Nutrition Research Di- South African members had vision of the U.S. Dept. Of Agriculture said recently, "We can HISTORIC SWIM — U.S. modern pentathlon team member Chuck Rich- stronger) has become part of the lives o^ these competitors. ard, 27, of San Antonio, Texas, swims the fastest 300-meters in pentathlon promised lo do their best with They have preserved in their heart and mind a passion for tell a farmer more about feeding his livestock than about feed- multiracial nieets, and they ing his family". At the rate we are learning, said Gortner, it history yesterday in Munich as his squad took first in one of the five mili- growth. They seek not so much to enjoy more or to know more tary tests.,He was timed in 3:21.7. luicl made some progress.' '' but to be more. And it is this being, this becoming that we see could be well past the year 2100 before we filled in the gaps. "The congress felt it would on the satellite TV, an electronic evidence of a passion for I'll make book against that. Diets beyond the wildest fancy be unfair to expel them since growth of another kind just as the architecture and construc- of Tibetan tribesman, Amazon Indians and Australian abori- they had made a genuine tion of the Munich site are further proof of the enormous gines are commonplace among athletes. If the Olympics tells .start." energies resident in the human spirit. us anything it will be what diets and vitamins and minerals Punchlines Take Beating The IAAK imposed a two- Have an Effect make the best runners and jumpers and bike riders. And the best commuters and plumbers and short-order cooks. year suspension on South Af- All this should have an effect. Should raise our sights to viea at Stockholm iin 1!)7I). The our own possibilities. Should make us see that the Olympic Daily Slate At Olympic Press Confabs And surely the coach who dictates the day's activity to the decision then was to review year is not just for Olympic stars, but for all of us. Not just for the situation here. the gold medalists or the 7,000 lhat made it lo the Olympic Vil- Olympic marathon winner had much to tell us about arranging MUNICH (AP) - Olympic- Vasin stayed awake through What Vasin said about his lage, or even the pool of 400 million from which they were our own daily schedule. Not to mention what we can learn press conferences are a ling- it all and rattled off an an- Victory — at least what the Denis Mclldowie, a member drawn but for all men who try to fulfill themselves. from the gymnasts and weight lifters, equestrians and oars- uistic nightmare—especially swer, snickering as lie fin- of the executive of the South English-translating girl said African National Olympic Swifter, higher, stronger applies, of course, to the tearful men, fencers and volleyballers, wrestlers and swimmers. In waiting for those Russian ished. he said— was: fact each of the 21 sports included on the Olympic program punchlines. Committee said: "It was dis- yet joyous medalists on the victory stand but also and equally Two Russian-speaking re- "For a long time the Ameri- appointing, but I feel the ex- to the out-of-shape short-of-breath physically, if not chrono- can make a contribution to our training or skills, to our seek- Vladimir Vasin, a handsome porters snickered along. can clivers were the best m ing to be more, to become what we are. .Moscow economics student, clusion of Rhodesia from the logically, middle-aged TV viewer. The Olympic ideal is ad- A cute Olympic hostess the world. We have coiiie lo Olympics has set us back in dressed to everyone. In an article in Soviet Life Victor Kupria- Teilhard's Omega point (where we will reach perfection) had just won the springboard Whipped out the answer in the conclusion that they lire nov ask? tne question "To train champions or to make people is as remote* and inaccessible as the Grail and human hus- diving gold medal to break a our efforts to regain our place thirdhaml Knglish and the ap- not gods and we can compete in international sport. healthy? His answer: The Russians arc doing both. Their Mos- bandry, as an active medical discipline, has still not entered (ill-year U.S. domination of the propriate news lion rids with them." cow Research Institute of Physical Culture goes into the scien- the consciousness of the medical establishment but the Olym- i-venl. laughed it up over Vasin ".We still plan to go alieiid Italy's Franco Cagnotlo with our international multi- tific problems in sport (including why the Russians are still pians pursue their tasks indifferent to these problems. While Late last night. Vladnnr saying, "With diving and took tiie silver medal and the under the world highs in 26 of the 35 fields being studied) but most of us wait, the worst of us immobilized and the best in- met the press. school. 1 have no time for an- racial sports festival in Pre- best the United Stales could toria next year. We hope that are also promoting universal participatipn in sports usually from decisive, athletes continue to push back the limits of man's ca- A question about Vasin's other occupation such as mar- do was Craig Lincoln's rally early childhood. pabilities. age. occupation and marital riage.". will show the world that we for the bronze. are making progress." Those, of us who have long since left our childhood should No wonder Pope Paul said that the sight of these strong, status was asked by an Kng- The French interpretation Healthy and agile youths had reawakened in him "The hope of lish-.speaking newsman. Once the five-language ses- Mclldowie has been inviting not lose faith. "Wait until next year" is no hollow threat in die came next and the writers sion with Vasin had ended, national spurts bodies to send field Of physical fitness or athletic endeavour. Twelve months a new world based on fraternity and order" and that he had It was repealed by a man in from Paris reacted. found in spoil "an encouragement to. the fullness of man, a blue coat in- German — two American reporters dash- athletes to the festival. can transform a lounge lizard into a physiological marvel. Finally, the Italian fellow ed out to look for Lincoln. He Three hundred and sixty five days can convert a basket case which makes him seek a perfection which goes beyond that A then, a handsome chap speak- South Africa maintains its which is merely physical". ing French, a mustachioed got the fifth laugh out.of a was said to be detained at the Olympic committee although from booze, butts and baked goods into an endurance phe- punchline that wasn't all lhat tests \vhic;h decide if an ath- nomenon. Ultra-hominise was the word he was looking for. man in Italian and, finally, a the IOC withdrew recognition fellow in Itussian. tunny when it was original. lete has been doped. two years ago. The Daily Register, Bed BaHk-MMdletowB, MX Ttaredayi August 31,1*72 2? Giants Trim to 48; May Call Two Back ByJONNIFALK Coach. Alex Webster in- The Giants have until 4 p.m., the Giants put Jim Kanicki, t> Morrison, ol course, has we have nobody on the squad ing for his job with Jack Biz-:\ dicated that waivers on Odom today to make up their minds the, injured defensive tackle, played running back, receiver who can even kick an extra zo, who had a good day last; WEST LONG BRANCH - and Richardson may be .with- about players on 48-hour wai- and Tommy Mozisek, rookie and defensive back for the Gi- point." week against the Patriots,* running back, back on the ac- ants. "It's hard to choose between" The New York.Giants placed drawn if they are claimed by vers. They could be with- Webster also reported that three players on 48-hour wai- other National Football drawn. tive roster. Both have been on them," Webster remarked.- the binnacle list since the First Small played defensive back Coleman Zeno, the oft-injured "Rizzo has a lot to learn, and vers and an additional three League teams. "We may want and wide receiver in college wide receiver, had been on injured waivers yesterday; to taxi them," Webster said. Those on injured waivers week of camp and don't figure Rocky has been looking better . must stay off the roster for to play this season at all. but had been working here ex- placed on injured waivers and in practice." The move gets the Giant Odom has versatility, al- two weeks and can also be clusively as a receiver.,, He withdrawn when he was roster down to 48 men, one un- ways a plus in Webster's diag- claimed. If the Giants were to They replace Scott Eaton will move to Jeft cornerback claimed. der the limit for this period oi and Randy Johnson and pre- as a backup* to Pete Athas. Webster figured the Eagles nosis on any player. "He's a withdraw more than one play- would be a good test for the the training season. • good athlete," the coach said. er, they would be over the ros- sumably would be waived in- "We feel that he is quite an Rocky on Spot The three vvaived are defen- athlete," Webster said. "He's Giants as they have a good of- He can play defensive back, ter limit and would have to jured again if the Giants need Saturday's game looms as a sive tackle Jay Anderson, de- roster space. still behind as a receiver and fensive line and a tough run- wide receiver and is a left- cut again. big one for Rocky Thompson, ning game. fensive back John Odom and footed kicker." He got little with Otto Brown and Charlie running back Fritz Seyferth, Webster said yesterday that The Giants solved the traf- Crist hurt, we fan use him." last year's top draft choice. opportunity to display any of fic jam at receiver by moving Injured quarterback Randy all seldom-used rookies.' the Giants hfcve claimed sev- The Giants are apparently Rocky has carried only twice this talent in the four games eral players who have been two of them to other positions. in four games but is due to get Johnson is working out with Placed on injured waivers played to date. - the team. Webster has had were rookie running back Ed- waived by other teams. If Veteran handyman Joe scouring the waiver lists for a at least a half of work behind they wind up with any of Morrison shifts back to full- kicker. "Petu Gogolak is in a Hon Johnson in Saturday's difficulty keeping Johnson die Richardson, veteran Richardson's size (6-4, 240) from throwing the ball at guard Steve Alexakos and vet- and speed have long fasci- these, it could further com- back, and Kldridge Smalf, slump." Webster explained, game against the Eagles at plicate the roster situation. first round draft choice, be- "and we want to protect our- Princeton. practice, the one thing his eran defensive back Freddie nated Webster. The rookie .shoulder separation prevents. Joe Morrison Summers. currently has a hip pointer. In another puzzling move. comes a defensive back,. selves. If Gogolak got hurt. Thompson is evidently battl-

I 1 f 1I F 1 p T Ir 1 niiuimiiliMinjMitMiiniiiiimiiiiiiiii miiiiiiiii limit NIIIIIIIIIII mini iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiuiuiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiii IIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIItllfllJlllllllllfllllllMltllllHIHIPMHIIIllPlimiMmiH""'i""l»lf "' """ ««« " ""' ' "'" "" """"""'"'"'""™- ^-— ^"—"-""' 3-Run Rally Sparky Tops Mark, Saves 29th Game Downs Mets the game with a seven-hitter. NKW YORK (AP) - Hub talking. And Manager Karl Records are made to be bro- baseball history to reach the Weaver wasn't asking. Despite losing, the Orioles 3,000-mark. (iardner continued his out- ken, but for the time being standing work as a spot start- Their silence wasn't golden stayed tied for first place in Pittsburgh's Roberto Cle- "I don'| worr,y about er and also singled home the for the Baltimore Orioles last the " East mente and Cincinnati's Pete records," he said. "All my life game's first run while pitch- night. with Detroit because the Ti- Rose will have to settle for I just play the game the best I ing the to •He didn't tell me that tiis gers also lost a 4-1 decision to ties. can. 1 didn't even-know I was a li-1 American League base- arm had tightened up and 1the California Angels. Clemente singled twice in close to Wagner. The people ball victory over the Texas didn't think of asking him," The Oakland A's improved fthe Pirates' 11-0 romp over who keep the statistics.never Hangers last night with said Weaver'after his pitcher their margin in the West to ' San Diego last night and tied tell me anything." record-tying help from Sparky came back after a rain delay v/i games. They beat the- Honus Wagner's club mark' of The Mets took a 2-1 lead on Lyle in the eighth. and was hit hard while losing Cleveland Indians 2-0 while 2,970 career hits. Dave Marshall's seventh-in- Gardner,' who has been hit a 7-1 decision to the Minnesota . the. second-place Chicago Rose.managed one single in ning homer but the Reds ral- hard in relief work, held the Twins. White Sox lost to the Boston the Reds' 4-2 triumph over the lied for three in their half on Hangers to seven singles in "Sure, his arm tightened Red Sox 4-2. New York Mets and matched singles by Tony Perez, Denis T'/i innings and lowered his up," said Weaver. "The dif- The New York Yankees Vada Pinson's Cincinnati Menke and Hal McRae and in eight ference was like night and trimmed the Texas Hangers 3- record of 1,881.hits. Joe Hague's two-run double. starting assignments to 1.21. day. But if he didn't have any- 1 and the Kansas City Royals .Elsewhere in the National Philadelphia's 21-game win- Lyle came on following thing left, he certainly didn't turned back to the Milwaukee Lague, Houston downed ner Steve Carlton held Hous- Rich Billings' one-out single in tell me'about it. Why should I Brewers 6-2 in yesterday's Philadelphia 5-3, the Chicago ton hitless until Tommy the eighth and notched his pull him out?;1 other American League Cubs edged Los Angeles 9-8 on Helms' fifth-inning single 29th save, tying the club Dobson looked like two dif- games. Jim Hickman's llth-inning touched off a • two-nin rally. record shared by Linily ferent against the Andy Messersmith stopped home run, San Francisco Helms scored on Larry How- McDaniel and Luis Arroyo. Twins — pitching shutout ball Detroit on three hits and Vada nipped St. Louis 3-2 and Mon- ard's double and Howard tal- He was helped with Callison before the 34-minute rain Pinson knocked in two runs to treal shaded Atlanta 3-2. lied on Roger Metzger's in- reached into the rightfield delay interrupted the seventh power California over the Ti- field chopper. Bob Watson sin- Clemente's second hit of the AP Wlrepaoto seats to rob Tim Grieve of a inning, and then getting gers. Messersmith struck out game, a seventh-inning single gled another run across in the NIMBLE ORIOLE — Twins second baseman Rod Carew slides under the game-tying two-run homer for whacked as the home team nine batters as he posted the off San Diego's Fred Norman. sixth before Carlton left for a nimble Baltimore Orioles Mark Belanger lost a bit late and Is doubled up the final out in the eighth. scored all its runs. fifth straight complete game left him 30 hits short of be- pinch hitter. In last night's game. Belanger completed the DP on Steve Braun. Umpire Gardner singled off Texas "Dobson looked like he was by a member of the Angel coming the llth player in Chicago's Hickman socked Is Jim Henechlck giving the call. starter Jim Panther with two still throwing good after the staff — a club record. his game-winning homer on a Tina (I) N«wYor* 3 0 0 Baltimore 67 57 .540 — Pittsburgh. 77 46 .62.4266 — out the horses the Atlantic Harmon 2b 5 1 2 The gritty youngster from 57 .540 - Chicago". .'..'...... '..•.. 67 57 .540 10Vi Bowass 2 0 0 Ctaenocf O llth game, twice going to Detroit. Looks, Doyle 2D 1 0 0Wynnrf O Boston 58 ,535 2 New York «3 58 .521 S3 City meet could not have been LMoy lb Palos Verdes, Calif., ob- deuce before taking the game New York 5v .5M 2 St. Louis 60 63 .4!) 17 Koegel3b 1 0 0 4 0 0 66 .m •> completed, he said. Hutton ph 1 0 1Watson If 4 0 '2 viously was very nervous Cleveland Montreal 5? 6S #67 19V, Rader 3b 3 1 from the Wimbledon cham- Milwaukee... 7S .390 I8V; Philadelphia 44 7«*^361 iVh Money 3b 4 0 0 West The agreement settled a Luznskl If Helms 2b 4 1 when he took the court for the pion with an overhead smash. West Howard c 3 0 Oakland i 73 SI .589 — Montonz dill Chicago /) 52 .577 IV, Cinclnnoll 78 46 '.til ~ dispute over who would pay Llslb 4 0 3Reuss p 2 1 first match of the 12-day tour- ' Martin took the set in the Houston 71 54 .561 7V2 Freed rf 4 0 0JRayp 0 0 Minnesota 41 60 .504 lO'/j the $40,000 for the stabling of nament at the West Side Ten- next game, although Smith Konsos City 60 62 .452 12 Los Angeles: 65 SI .533 12 Selma p California 56 67 .455 I6V3 Atlanta ' 57 69 .452 22 the horses, the spokesman Balemon c nis Club. Texas 49 7J .395 24 son Francisco 56 70 .444 23 Reynlds pr 0 0 took him to deuce. The teen- San Diego.. 46 79 .371 32 Carllonp 2 0 Yesterday's Results said. Tight and intense, he was ager took the^ advantage and Boston 4, Chicago 2 Yiiterday'i Remits Johnson ph 1 0 0 New York 3, T«xa» 1 Chicago V. Los Anacles 8,11 Innings • The horsemen's group did pawing the mainicured turf won it wheff a soft lob by Kansas City 6, Milwaukee 2 Pittsburgh 11, San Oicgoo Total 38 3 12 Total 29 5 5 Minnesota 7, Baltimore 1 Montreal 3, Atlanta 2 not release details of the like an Impatient thorough- Smith drifted over the base- Calllornla 4, Detroit 1 Philadelphia 00C0M 0101 M020x -35 Cincinnati 4, New YorK 2 agreement, but sources said nousron vvu i_. -- bred as Smith put him away line as Martin delightedly Oakland 2, Cleveland 0 Houston 5, Philadelphia 3 E — Metzger, Doyle, Cedeno. Today's Game* San Francisco 3, St. Louis 2 the horsemen would meet the DP-Houiton i. LOB-Phlladelphla 9. without scoring a point in the waved the ball on. Texas (Hand 10J) at New York (Peter- Houston 5. 2B —Howard, Lls. son 13-13)* 2 p.m. Today's Games payment this year under an HR—Harmon <1) SB—Wynn, CMsno first game, broke his service Smith, stunned and sur- Kansas City (Jackson 10) al Milwaukee Los Angeles (Osteen 14-9) al Chicago (Lockwood (-10), 8:30 p.m. (Reuschel 6-6), 2 p.m. . , agreement that state racing Detroit (Coleman 14-11) at California Philadelphia (Twllchell 3-6) al Houston officials would push for state (Ryan 14-12), 11 p.m. (Dicrker 13-7), 8:30 p.m. construction of a training cen- IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIICIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIICIIIIIIHIIMIIIIIII .ter where the'horses would be housed at state expense in fu- ture years. Santelle Sets Low Lustre Latex House Paint Tournament ABC Sports One coat for Weekend LITTLE SILVER — The long-term annual Santelle Tennis Tour- END-OF-SEASON nament will hold its finals in beauty and five events beginning at 10 SPECIALS a.m. Monday. protection Lyn Abjjot "find' Bob Weston .will myet at 10 a.m. for the • meirs 45 and over crown. • Iflse on wood, brick, while top, seeded Don Biede- Assorted Golf Clubs concrete, metal—even' nger ajid Rich Ludwig meet when surfaces are damp. the defending champs Jim Vabes to '30" Moreland and Phil Schuman • Brushes easily, dries dust- and bug-free in in the doubles finale at 11:30 (salesman samples) minutes. a.m. Bill Birkenmeier and Mari- • Resists blistering, fumes, alkali and mildew lyn Rosenthal will try to hold —colors are fade proof. onto their crown in the mix- • Tools clean in soapy water. ed doubles title match when Vi Price they play Ken Denby and Hel- en Avchen at 1 p.m. LABOR DAY SPECIAL! Herb Kaufman, top seeded in the men's singles, will take on the winner of tomorrow's Balls by Plymouth Benjamin Jim Moreland-Lee Morton' battle. Morton Is the defend- i $ 50 ing champ. The final Is set for Moore 2:30 p.m. 4 /doz GALLON Birkenmeier will be seeking A II PAINT 14 W. Front St. another crown when he playE Rigliltr StaK Photo 741-1101 Al Lowenstein for the men's NIPPED AT RIRST —Lou DeGeorge. of the Brothers Lounge is out at D & n COMPANY Red Bank 35 and over title. Birkenmeier first base as Orchid Lounge's Ben Batley takes the throw In time. Orchid 31 Church Street Little Silver is the defending champ. The Lounge defeated the Brothers Lounge, 4-2, for the Red Bank Softball 741-0600 match is to be held at 4 p.m. League crown last night, 28 t-.i Bsuik— Miuuitiowu, ts.j. iBirrsaay, ABgHSt 31, -Breaking Super Bowl Easily Captures Hambletonian DU QUOIN, 111. (AP) - Su- cause "we needed another in Lexington, Ky., from a con- the greatest horse of all time." per Bowl, sold1 to Hanover trotting stallion." signment of the Stoner Creek Bowl went to the front of the Dancer confirmed that Su- Shoe Farm in Pennsylvania Simpson said Star's Pride is stud near Paris, Ky. field of seven and never was per Bowl was sold for $1 mil- for $1 million, won the Ham- now 26 years old. The great The victory yesterday was headed. The filly was third lion before the first heat and bletonian yesterday in stallion has sired eight Ham- Super Bowl's eighth in a row most of the way while' Flush said, "I'm not sorry now that straight'heats of 1:57 2-5 and bletonian winners including this year and the 14th in 18 trotted second until the we've won it that I made the 1:56- 2-5 — a world record Super Bowl, starts. stretch. sale." combined time of 3:53 4-5. Super Bowl's second heat of He earned $59,545, boosting Delmonica Hanover bid Dancer. 45. won the 1968 It was the fastest two heats 1:56 2-5 was the fastest in the his winnings for 1972 to coming down the stretch Hambletonian with Nevele ever trotted in any age brack- 47-year history of the premier $220,024 and his two-year total while the others fell back and Pride and also drove him to ' et. stakes for 3-year-old trotters. to $384,022. Super Bowl had another easy, the combined world record at Takes Second The previous record was 1:56 Delmonica Hanover, driven victory. Indianapolis. The filly Delmonica Hano- 4-5 by Ayres in 1964. Ayres by Del Miller, Was facing In setting his record of 1:56' In the second heat, behind ver finished second both was driven at that time by colts, for the first time this 2-5 he blazed through the Super Bowl and Delmonica times, three lengths behind af- John Simpson. year in trying to become the quarters-at :29 2-5, :59 and Hanover, in order, were ter challenging in the stretch The previous world record first filly to win the Ham- 1:28. Flush, The Black Streak, only to have Stanley Dancer on combined heats was 3:54 bletonian since 1966. In the . Dancet^ said, "He could Spartan Hanover, Star's Chip drive Super Bowl to com- set at Indianapolis in 1967 by first heat she led at the quar- have gone faster today. He and Axystar. paratively easy victories wilh- Nevele Pride with miles of ter pole but Super Bowl took was well within himself." Houghton put Spartan Hano- out using.the whip. 1:57 2-5 and 1:56 3-5. the lead after half a mile and Dancer said he had no in-ver into second after a quar- Between heats, The Associ- Super Bowl is owned by keptit, coming in on the rail tention of trying for a record ter of a mile and pulled up to ated Press learned from John Dancer's wife, Rachel, and easily. "but when Billy Haughton Super Bowl virtually neck to Simpson, president of Hano- the Rose Hill Breeding Farm Going through the quarters made his charge I had to let neck. It was then that Dancer ver Shoe Farms in Pennsylva- of New Egypt, N.J. Dancer in the first heat. Super Bowl my horse go." He said Super let his colt go and Spartan nia, that Super Bowl had been bought him as a yearling for was :28.4, :59, 1:29 and.. .1:57 Bowl "is the greatest horse Hanover dropped back to purchased for $1 million be- $20,000 at the Tattersalls Sale In the second heat. Super I've ever driven and may be third and then fourth.

AP Wlrepfioto WINS HAMBLETONIAN — Super Bowl seta new Hambletonian record in winning the race in two straight heats yesterday. The record time was 1:56.2. Super Bowl won the first heat in 1:57.2. Driver Stanley Dancer is In Qualifier Hits the sulky. Wall's Track enn State: Another WALL TOWNSHIP - At the winner of the first race the end of every rainbow starting last and the last place there is a pot or gold. There finisher moving to the pole will be a rainbow settling in spot — points will be quickly Trenton Oct. 8 and the pot of tabulated and the driver ac- Paterno Masterpiece gold will be filled to the tune cumulating the most points of $45,000 in prize money. will be the man who carries UNIVERSITY PARK. Pa. In-the last six years, Coach One thing is certain. It Of course auto nfcing fans the Wall banner. (AP) — Perm State's 1972 Joe Paterno's State teams won't take long to find out if know that Oct. 8 is the date Al A full series of heat races football team is loaded. So have won 53, lost 11 and tied 1, the experts are right about Gerber, former racing direc- arc also on this Saturday what's new'.' making Paterno the biggest the '72 Nittany Lions. They tor of the Langhorne Pa., night's agenda for the modi- winner among major college open with tough Tennessee at Speedway, has set aside for fied-sportsman vehicles. Ronan Ties coaches with at least five KnoxviUe Sept. 16. The Vols the first Trenton-Race of Limited Sportsman stackers years on the job. The Nittany also are Top Ten timber this Champions, a gruelling 250- will also race in several quali- For Crown Lions have won three major season. State's season could mile event for Modified- fying events and a consolation bowl games in the last.four begin and end at the same Sportsman Stock Car drivers. LONG BRANCH — Steve before 22 cars £o to the post in years, the Orange in 1969 and time. To fill the 55-car field. Mr. a 30-lap feature. French won his 17th game in 1970 and the Cotton last Jan. Tennessee was the only Gerber has held qualifying 18 decisions to lead Jim Ro- 1. team to beat State last sea- events at auto racing plants nan Associates to a 12-3 vic- Those who'should know in- son, administering a 34-11 hu- up and down the eastern Track Club tory over Topp's Colts in the sist that this year's edition of miliation Dec. 4. The State seaboard. This Saturday night Long Branch Sunday Morning Paterno's monsters are a players returning talk about the qualifier conies to Wall Scores in Meet Firemen's Softball League. Register Staff phots cinch to repeat as Eastern this year's rematch as if it Stadium, but a driver must do LONG BRANCH — Middle- The win assured Ronan's of Champions, contend for No. 1 was a return engagement be- NOTCHES 300 — Clarence Long, left, of Keyport rolled a 300 game in the more than win a race to get a town — Long Branch Boys a tie for first place. in the Top Ten rating, and end tween Custer and the Indians . Airport 516 League at the Brunswick-Airport Plaza Lanes in Hazlet °n coveted guaranteed starting Track Club 'won 23 medals, in- Highlands Marina remained up in one of the major bowls at Little Big Horn. They want Tuesday night. Joseph Sandor, right, team manager congratulates Long spot and the traditional silver cluding 12 first places, in the in second place by winning a come New Year's Day, 1973. revenge and a start toward after his 191-300-178—669 showing. bowl. final track meet of the sum- game by forfeit over the Long " Paterno doesn't deny that the unbeaten season they feel mer season at Long Branch Branch Elks. To make certain that the he has a fine looking squad, capable of accomplishing. man who goes to Trenton Oct. High School. Wagner's outscored Mari's but he says of the glowing "We're going to KnoxviUe 8. is a highly competitive indi- In the four meets held, the Liquors, 13-11, to hold third; preseason exporting, "when with fire in our eyes," says vidual Wall Stadium manage- M-LBTC took a total of 88 Big Al's Sports outlasted Phil people start talking about .lohn Hufnagel, boosted by Pair Leads Am Golf ment has uniquely made the places. Daly Hose Co., 14-13. and Ler- being in the Top Ten, I some- Paterno as a potential All- qualifier a twin 35-lap affair TRACK WINNERS ner's K-'J's downed Atlantic's, BOO — Ron Askew, Shore AC, [13-141; times wonder if they realize American and contender for CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — Mark Pfeil of Crenshaw said, "I was more excited teeing for the'modified-sportsman Cherokee Moore, M-LU, 115-16); Ken 17-14. Palos Verdes. Calif., and Greg Stuhler of At- off today than I can ever remember before in Burrow. Shore AC, (1718). how good that is." the Heisman Trophy, emble- who contest weekly. 100 - Ron Crlpper, MLB, (13-14); matic of the year's out- lanta shot two-under par B9s to lead a parade a tournament. I felt real tight and couldn't Mork Plfeferle, MLB, (15-16); Clyde niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiNiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiir of lesser known players and share the first Fifty points will be awarded Jenkins, Shore AC, (17-18). standing college player. "It's ease up on the front nine." to the winner of each race Mile walk — Jon Groy, MLB, (13- round lead of the U.S. Amateur Golf Cham- 14); Brod Martin, MLB, (15-16). going to be a revenge match," He was three over par after three-putting with each place thereafter re- 200 - Ptefferle, M-LB, (1S-I6). pionship yesterday. DKcus — Groy. MLB, 0314); Bob Hufnagel says pointedly. the 10th hole. He birdied three of the next four ceiving two points less. Forty Morrell, M-LB, (17-18). They were one stroke ahead of three other Javelin — Gray, M-LB, (13-14); Mor- Should the Lions get by Ten- to get even and paired his way home. The big eight for second, 46 for third rell, M-LB, (17-18). outsiders—Bruce Robertson of San Mateo. Ca- Shotpul — Morrell, MLB, (17-1!). Freehold Toclav nessee, the road is a lot easier lift was al the 200-yard 11th hole where his and on down the line. 2-mlle run - Moore. MLB, (I5-1O; lif.; Dave King of Bethesda, Md.; and Bruce live-iron tee shot slopped eight inches from the Invert Field Bob Kaiser, Shore AC (17-18). although occasionally bumpy. Hollowell of Springfield, Mo. I.mile run - Moore, M-LB, (15-14), cup- After the second 35-lan^ea- Kolser, Shore AC (17-18). Entries Navy, Iowa, promising Il- The five of them were the only players, in 440 — Crlppen, Shore AC, (15-16); linois, Army, pesky Syracuse, It was a disappointing day for many play- ture has been run — it will Kaiser, Shore AC (17-18). 1st — Pace 1 M 1600 Cedar Quest (Butler) 15-1 the field of 150 to break par :)6-35—71 over the ers who figured to make a run for the title. have an inverted field with Fred Minbar (Lohmeyer) 7-2 Grumble (Vllclli) 20-1 tough West Virginia, Mary- 6,811-yard Charlotte Country Club course. The Brown Buddy (Gogliardi) 5-2 8th - Pace 1 M 4000 land, North Carolina State. Vinny Giles of Richmond, Va., three-time run- Township Slalcs Michel Mir (Coord) 3-1 Royal Mar Al (Lohmeyer) 5-2 narrow fairways, thick rough and small greens nerup, shot 73 as did Dale Morey, High Point. Bottle Son (Wogner) 3-1 Eastern Jlme (Schlosser) 3-1 Boston College and Pittsburgh posed problems for many of the leaders re- Golf Tourney Pleasant Ann — Chief pincner, volley volo, Joonle AUTO RACING Nimruds Shoe (Richardson)..,., "4-1 East ished the season at 5-0 with kees called up^seven farm prospects yesterday Chose Me Home (Marine!!)) 5-1 10 — Sioux Grandchampion, Hi Way victories over Middletown who will report in the next few days for the Wide receiver Bob Hayes of the Cowboys Jany Che! (Sapienzo) &-1 Flash, Ida Rodney Swim Club, Hazlet Swim Nan Cherie (Thomas) 8-1 II — Farrior Jug Chief, Mist Scarlet American League stretch drive. summed it up this way: "We're going to miss TRENTON In Time A (Fertel) 'io-l Pat, Hello Yankee Club, Lighthouse Swim Club, Single File (Quartier) 10-1 BEST BET — Dixie Oregon <7lti> The list includes outfielders Charley Roger a great deal. But Craig took us to the Candlewood Swim Club and Spikes, Rusty Torres and Frank Tepedino; Super Bowl, too, and he was hurt when he did Clearwater Swim Club. pitchers George Medich. Larry Gowell and it. He can do it again." QUALIFIER Yesterday's Results Leading Monnmuth to its Kich Hintoft and infietder Rich MeKinnery. winning season were unde- Spikes, from West Haven's Eastern Soviet Yachtmen Lead TWIN 35-lAP MODIFIED STOCKS 1st — Pace I M Purse 1400 T-2:08 4 feated swimmers Joyce .Sto- League divisional champions, will report Modified Sportsman Consolala Joe (Qurtr> 9.20 A.AO 3 do Exacta (2-1) 104.40 driver compiling most • HEAT RAGES 7th — Pace 1 M Purse 2500 T,2:0J.I lowski (7), Stuart Fife (9). Thursday and will be eligible immediately. A KIEL, Germany (AP) — The Soviet Union 1 Poplar Aaron (Smith)... 7.60 5 40 True Eden (Kays) 5.00 3.60 3.00 points between two Covolier Hanover (King Jr) 7^60 Dashing David (Greene) 9.40 4.60 Patty Lyon (9). Russell Wil- player must be removed from the 25-man ros- forged ahead in Olympic yachting yesterday races wilt be guaran- • 101APCONSI • 2nd — Pace 1 M Purse U0O T-2:06 J Lltlle A (Stotford) 3.80 cox (10). Mike Oxley (12), and ter to make room for Spikes. winning three of six races on the Baltic Sea teed a starting posi- Golden Jewell (Sklnr).... 13.60 7 60 4 m • SECOND FEATURE ThurleyH (Olin) 24.20 9 40 Exacta (l-sm.oo Joe Agrifolio (13). near Kiel.' tion in the rich Tren- Whirly Byrd A (Green) 4.00 8th - Puce 1 M Purse 3S00 T-1:M.4 ton race ot cham- Silver Walch (Fillon) 6.20 3.20 3.00 The Russians now are in excellent position REVERSE START Daily Double (3-4) 62.80 Nambool (Green) 6.40 4.00 Monmouth concluded il.s East Germans Sweep pions Oct. 8. 3rd — Pace 1 M Purse 1700 T-2:o? Lord Fltcka (Fillon) 3.40 camping season with camp to win a considerable number of yachting titles ObcJoylul (Frnto) 3.00 2.60 2 60 Bueno Laurcdel IGagnon) 5.60 3.80 Exacla (i-4) 31.00 races. The following age AUGSBURG, West Germany (Al') — Nine next week. Leona Hill (Dancer) 3.60 ?ITt — Pace 1 M Purse 2200 T-2:05.4 30-LAP LIMITED SPORTSMAN STOCK FEATURE Don Carlos (Crvelo) 13.40 8.80 4.20 group winners received swim- crews had to be rescued from a cauldron of Bad luck plagued the United States, whose Exacta (2-1) 20.00 Young Hanover (Fllion). ... 5 40 3 20 4lh — Trol 1 M Purse 30OOT-2:0« l Flor Arl (Consol) 2.80 ming awards. Joyce Stolowski foaming water yesterday as the East Germans Star and Tempest boats were disqualified for Bernard c (Gaglrdl) 17.00 8.40 5 oo (7 and 8 girls): .lohn Oxley (7 completed a clean sweep of golf medals in the starting early and disregarding a call-back. SATURDAY NIGH^^ ~" ™T ™ ^7:3 » ^^ ^0^ ••P.M WH • BV . ^J Clever Julie (Boucher) 6.60 A.fa Exacta (1-4) 79.00 lOlh. - Trot 1 M Purse 2»00 T-2:05.1 and S boys); Paula Hess (9 Meadow Truly (Rathbone) 2.60 Make It Hock (Rthbne)....4.40 3.20 2.60 Olympic canoeing slalom events. After two of seven races, the Soviet Union Exacta (7-5) 177.80 Metro Lobeli IWalhen Jr) 7.00 0.6O and 10 girls); Russell Wilcox The artificial course, built by Germans, led the standings in the St|f boat, Flying ,5th — Pace 1 M Purie 3000 T-J:05.3 Blue Gem (Bulk) 4.40 (!) and 10 boys); Joanne and proved too hazardous for many of the crews in Dutchman and Finn dinghy classes, and its Circle Star Jane (Gagn) . 6.80 4.00 2.80 Exacta (1-1) 41.30 berry Prince (Inokolj... ..\..3.2O 2 60 11th - Pace 1 M Purse 1700 T-J:0l,4 Maureen Wilcox (12-13 girls); the Canadian pairs. Tempest boat was in second place. Star Mercury (Olln) 4.80 Peachy Newport (LCse).. 6.20 4.00 xou I Mary Jo Lauer (11 girls); The United States, headed,the list of the EXQCto (4-1) 30.00 Gay Debbie (Laird) 10.60 4.80 Their frail craft bobbed about as they tried ._ * • • - -* I MM milt — ~ '- - . 74 aw. ^__^ "Forlnfo?moflSrSH " til you've heard us. We'll help moke your it condition. 97l_LTD SQUIRE WAGON— „ .event a tuccetl. Cal.l 747-0062 otter 6 p.m. mlleoge.'Roof rock, factory olr, rodlo, I-OST r-WocK/wmtt mole cat, black stor' andaskforjllolr. 196ICHEVELLE —Nomad station heater, 10-passenger. Originoi owner. Colt KITSON "RASSAS wagon. Custom. Super 6. six-possenger. 542-0383.' ^_ ' bury Ave., Hew V. 741-6200. from BASS PLAYER WANTED — Must hove Lame storage area. $1200. Call on week PONTIAC 1971 VOLKSWAGEN BUS — Nlne-possen- "TtH Motors Inc. •• ' , 1966 TEMPEST — \ isyisa^ajga^r >""• good equipment* tor a rock and roll 395 Brood St. 741-51*0 Red Bank endior otter 7 p.m. weekdays, 264-7694. 1-bST - Reward. Female long haired too- group. 787-65/1. :' 9er. 17.000 mlle^Lli^™™. $2795. Authoriied Dealers, steering ond broke. CHEVROLET Eves, until 9 1971 OLDSMOBILE CUTLASS — Two- Dodge and Dodge trucks _._,_ best offer. Call after 5,741 .{^'^'."Iht.Htndrlelaon P.., Fair ATTENTION! — Gidnf'season football 1970 ChEVELLE —'Blue with white vinyl- _ Eo,«town.«./ ticket holders loin Muller'i Social Club top on3 whlt» vinyl IM»rlor,4-»eed, tot* door, air. Excellent condition. Must sell, 1943 SUNBEAM ALPINE — Hardtop con- S4i iin 19*9 COUGAR — TWL — for bus -going to Yankee Stadium leaving deck, new engine. New Mickey Thompson- moving to city. Coll 787-1311 otter 7 week- verllble. Mechanically sound, opoiTbody automatic^ Power itttrl Muller's Bar i. Grill, 967 Hwy 16, Union tires with mags. Excellent condition. Must doys or anytime on weekends. condition. Best oner over U2S. S4-SI90. KITSON CHEVROLET CO. SI550 lral»M 1972CHEVEILE Parkway. Mlddlelown txll. 291-1419. Beach. For Information call 264-9699. see. Best 6tfer.CoM 717-1643 or 7I7W4. I 1967 LINCOLN — Two-door, vinyl roof, leather upholstery, air conditioning, new 1944 BUICK WILDCAT — Power sti Ing. IMS VOLKSWAGEN I Malibu two-door hardtop, auto- tires. $9957Call 671-1717. brakes, new battery, radiator, twa new In good condition. matic, power steering, radio, vinyl Autos For Sale Au.tos_F_or sale snows. Asking t35O. 291-1454. Coll WH571 onytlme. Autos For Sale 196* KARMANN CHIA — Light blue hard- WASHINGTON'S AUTO SERVICE roof. PONTIAC 1964 SEDAN - FOUR-DOOR, 1964 PONTIAC - LeMora twtntoor ho»d- top. Must Mil. $100. 370 Brood St. 2*4-1123 Keyport top. Power steering, power brake*, oute- . Call 787-1981 V-i™ AUTOMATIC. LOOKS ANp RUNS $ VERY GOOD. 1300. 741-4243. TOP TRApr ALLSWAriC^-jSuoerb motlc, good condition. Coll otter 5, 741- $ 1945 PLYMOUTH SATELLITE — Four- 3611. . • 3195 1969 CHEVELLE... .M395 speed. Runs good. New tires. Call be- 1946 CHRYSLER NEWPORT - Must sell. 1972 JEEP N0W... 2975 tween 4 and 6 p.m. 291 1405. Good condition. Power steering/brakes. JAVELIN — I'TO v-l 304. Exceilentagdi- 2-door sedan, automatic, radio, heater 1B50 Invested. S5S0 or best otfer. 344.7937 Hon. Must sell. I1.4M. Cotlofrer 5:Jp7»41- pick-up, 4-wheel drive-. 5,000 original miles. Was 1970 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA — Vinyl after 5 p.m. .$4125, .S^^I&L^^itcodSS 1971 CHEVROLET root, four-speed, 383, bucket seats, A-l 1969 VOLVO — Stick shift. Low mlleoge. •fK-'J* Newman Springs Rd,, Red Bonk. 1967 KARMANN GHIA — Gr»«n COUP*. condition. $2500. Coll 787-OJPS. Excellent condition. J1595. Coll alter 5 741-091B, Clean Inside ond out.. Good stippe). »»»•• Impala Custom Coupe, Automatic, 1969 VOLKSWAGEN .M575 COll 566-7161. ' ' MERCEDES SENZ SEDAN — 1963. 220S. p.m. 244-0558. 1 power steering, radio, air condi- Cocoa brown, tour-speed, Becker F,M. KROLL MOTORS. INC. ' 1970 OLDSMOBILE OELTA H — Four- 197T MATADOR *2695 2-door coupe, automatic, air conditioned Good condition. 51195 or besj oiler. Call 1963 KARMANN GHIA — Convertible. Q79 Broodway Long Branch tioned, vinyl roof. New $400 engine, working top, etc. Needs J22 3400 door hardtop. Air conditioning, power, VP 4-door sedan, automatic, radio, heater. 18,000 741-0596. 'Body work. 1200. 848-1429. p nyl root. Coll 14 p.m., 74I-W4. original miles. Like new. 1961 CUTLASS 350 — 3-speed, 2 barrel. eiRCLE CHEVROLET OODGE CHARGER RT 1961 — Silver, 44S *2995 1968REBEL.. .'1195 Front ond rear speakers. Dark green with VAN-DODGE SPORTSMAN - 1970. New 325 Maple Ave. % Red Bank magnum. Pewer sleerlno, broke* and wltv silver flake stripes. SUM. 787-2181. radial tires. S230U. Coll 741-3962 mornings 7413130 $ -2-door hardtop, automatic, radio, heater belore.10:30. v dm. Console. Excellent condition, SHOD. 1971 DODGE 3195 1966 CHEVELLE — S-Spted, standard 1963 VOLKSWAGEN SEDAN - Gray. EJ- JEEP SALES ANO SERVICE shift, four good tires* two new snow tires. cellent condition. 1963 MG MIDGET, light Twin Bora Motors, Inc. 1970 VOLKSWAGEN SQUARE-BACK - 1971 CADILLAC Crestwood wagon.'full power, air conditioned., Call after 67 739O544. blue. Excellent condition. Call olter 3 p.m. Factory air. automatic. Cooa condition. Must be seen to be appreciated. Low mileage. 1968 PONTIAC... .Ml 50 :1969 CHEVROLET IMPALA - Four-dodf 741-7010. M£*59 ytlme. Coupe do Ville. Has Bverything.f .hardtop. Automatic, power brakes, power VOLKSWAGEN — 1962. Rebuilt engineinqtne. RED BANK VOLVO VOLKSWAGEN BUG - !M4. Four new 5 steering, factory air. S18O0. Call 767-7391 Flberglas fenders. White oval tiresI.. (425— . Sprfn9> 8 tires, brakes, bottery- covers. Also snowi 1971 FIAT .'1695 $ offer; 6 p.m. . •; ^..,..r^-... Call 757-6(77. 74t5n» a*" ™* on wheels. Reosonoble. Coll 747-0*9). 5995 124 Model, 4-door wagon, automatic, 4,000 origi- 1967 OLDSMOBILE 895 A ASBURY AMERICAN AUTOS 1964 THUNDERBIRD — Needs front seal SCENIC CAR SALES 1W6 CORVETTE — 327 cu. in.. 37$ h.p. nal miles 904 Sunset Ave. Asbury Pork In transmission. Four new tires. Asking Newly painted. Many extras. Telephone 775-2141 UOO or best offer. 495-1247. anytime. Call e7l-5115. ' $ 1967 HARDTOP COUGAR — Power ALU 1972 MG's IN STOCK - And mor CHEVROLET IMPALA I9M — Low mile- 1967MERCURY 87$ 1970 JAGUAR brakes and steering. Aulomotlc console. comlngf Buy now at winter prices. A.R. age. Excellent condition. 1971 CAMARO 1970 AMBASSADOR '2100 COUPE J1495. Cal I ofter 5 p.m. 264-0551. Call M4-IS44 ' Hardtop, automatic, power steer- Air, AM/FM, tinted glass, heated rear Four-door sedan. Full power air conditioned. Window, chrome wire wheels. $3995 firm. 1944 CHEVROLET — Six cylinder, stan- 1964 FORD FALCON - Sin cylinder, two ing, radio, vinyl roof, air condi- dard shift, excellent running condition. SHREWSBURY MOTORS new tires, runs good. <2J0: Inquire of Mid* $ Coll after 6 p.m.. 391-2863. dletown Esso. RTTIS, 74I-W17. • • tioned. MOVING OVERSEAS — Forced to sell Call 787-3721. Shrewsbury Ave. Mijsu Shrewsbury 1970 VOLKSWAGEN .'1650 1967 REBEL . 875 1972 Vega station wagon. In show-room CAPRI 1971 2000 — With automatic, radio. 1962 CHEVROLET IMPALA — Runs 4-door wagon, automatic, radio, heater condition. Two months old. Asking S275O. Low mileage, perfect condition. Call 741- We Buy Used Volkiwooens good. New carburetor, new shocks. Just tuned. S2va C71-40I4. '3495 Fastback, radio, heater Call 741-0721. 0593. - AUTO CREDIT PROBLEMS 1965 CHEVROLET — Impala. Automatic, 1970 FORD XL CONVERTIBLE — Full OR NO CREDIT AT ALL? 1961 PLYMOUTH — Sport Fury, four- V-8. Runs good. V150 firm. Call after 5 power, air conditioning, disc brakes. Call 229-4790 speed, big engine. Special this week. . . 1970 RENAULT .M295 1966 TOYOTA ...J55O 1799. No down payment needed. Town It 787-1736 34,000 miles. J1900, or trade for Ford or mfTTm nu UUTCII MJ •!• se»n* R-10,4-door, automatic, radio, heater Corona, radio, heater Chevrolet Van. 787-1595. Country Oodge. s4-«100. 1971 PINTO "1947" PORSCHE 914 •— Five-speed. Poppy 3290 Hwy IS 264-0191 red. In excellent condition. WOO. Call 741- 1962 CHEVY NOVA II — Convertible, 1966 IMPERIAL — Crown coupe, white Hardtop, radio. automatic, six cylinder. New front end, 1971 98 OLOSMOBILE with black vinyl top. Looded. 44.000 certi- ~nod tires, needs motor work. $40 firm, Luxury sedan. Inspect and moke offer. fied miles. Like new. S995 firm. m74T$. 1972 PONTIAC VENTURA — 350 V-8; fur- .ter 6 p.m. only. IS Meadow-Drive, 7170952 1967 CHEVROLEROLET — Caprice, two-door bo-hydromatlc* factory air, vinyl top andShrewsbury. 741-8728. '1995 1969 COUGAR — Vinyl roof, tinted gloss, hardtop. Loode>aded with everything. 11390. Interior, two-door, deluxe trim. 3000 1966 RAMBLER CLASSIC — Good condl- No down poymenlyment. ..needed. . Town & Cogn- miles. New condition. JJOOO. Weekdays al- air, power brakes ond steering. Call 291. try Dodge, 544-6100. TWIN BORO MOTORS ter 7 or weekends. 842-9498. "•» "»"%,. 229*4,6 SALES & SERVICE 1963 VOLKSWAGEN BUS — With 1965 en- 1942 FORD FALCON — Good body. 42,000 FORD 1961 GALAXIE 500 — Full power, miles. New brakes, tuneup ond fuel pump. WANTED 1971 MONTE CARLO gins. 1958 Bus with sunroof. Must (ell. automatic, air conditioned, tinted glass. |AnMricani Newman Springs Rd. 747-0040 Red Bank Best otter. Call otter 6,741-8597. $1075. 741-0615 otter 6 pjn. ' Party who needs 100% llnondno on a 1967 Automatic, power steering, radio, 1566 DART WAGON — 225 cu. In. Six. MUSTANG. >1D9S. For more Information J971 CHEVY NOVA — One owner. Ex- coll OASIS MOTORS at (Ml) 721.7100. vinyl roof. cellent condition. Factory air. 3,500 miles. oulomatlc transmission, power steering ttiM. (42-1381. WANTED m. iS.OOO mll«j. One owner. S7»J •1«0 DfDSMOBILE — Vista Cruiser nlni- $ Party who needs 100% financing on a ,1969 coll »4e-tM0. .possenger wagon. $3100. 1967 CONVERTIBLE MUSTANG — J1100. CAMARO. Air conditioning, AM/FM ra- Call 741-1144 ofter 6 p.m. . 3195 Good condition. dio. $1795. For more Information call FORD 1967 - Gotoxle 500, 219, automatic, ^^ 264-4749 after 6 OASIS MOTORS at (201) 721-7100. lower steering, excellent condition, J67S. 9-PASSENGER COLONY PARK 19SI . >47-2116. 57,000 original mites. All pood fires, plus mounted snows, air conditioner, oil pow-* Autos For Sale Autos For Sale 1969 VOLKSWAGEN STATION WAGON ,er. clean. Coll offer 5 p.m. 222-2611. • 1971 CHEVROLET — Automatic. Perfect condition. J150O. Coll oner i p.m., 513-4499. CHEVROLET WAGON — 1967 Bel-Air, Malibu two-door hardtop. Auto- FREEHOLD, N.J. VI. Automatic, fodory Mr. power steer- matic, power steering, radio, air i VOLVO YTAtTOSRK III — Leoth- ing, radio. Very good cphditlon. 47,500 conditioned, vinyl roof. miles, weekdays collafteVSp.m. 22M36J. 1112914731. LINCOLN CONTINENTAL - 1961 Mdon, '3095 rour-doorv loaded. On* owner. Executive car. 12050. Moy be seen by oppolntmen MULLER only. Call cooperElectrlc Supply Co torn Mldaletown. 671-S000. 1971 CHEVELLE 1971 MONTE CARLO 1970 JAGUAR XKE — Convertible. SM95. Whtte'btue, v-l, automatic, power I Concourse Wagon. Automatic, 1971 TRIUMPH 1971 FOflD , BAILLY BROS., INC., 19 E. Newmo Ing. olr conditioning. AM-FM radio ' power steering, radio. !-6. Yellow. Liks new. All options. Springs Rd., Red Bank. 7J7-O5M. Hwy 34 Matawan, N J. MURPHY & DAVISON Econollns Super Van, Mag wheel; 3ne owner. 1970 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA — Two-' exceptional car. One owner. door, red with black vinyl top, mag Wanted Automotive wheels. Top condition. Call £9 weekdays, '2995 »2795 '2595 oil day SoC Sun. 264-4924.

1971VO|_VO 1966 CHRVSLER — Good condition. Or* 1971BUICK " owners. Co,, ^^ Estate wagon. Vinyl, 9 passengef, T42A, dark gre^n, low mllsagw CASH PAID automatic, like new. • full power, factory air, low mileage: - IK NEED USED CMS 1970 BARRACUDA — 440 engine. Hurst 1970 CHEVROLET shiner. Looded. Best offer this week takes Townsman Wagon. Automatic, «4295 *2850 WE WILL PAY It. >72-!N6. power steering, radio, air condi- .1971 PLYMOUTH $1993- 1965 MUSTANG 219 — Custom point, side tioned. TOP PRICES exhaust, mags, new tune-up, brakes and Mercedes-Benz Dusler. 12,000 miles. One owner, automatic, six cylinder. * TOM'S FORD alignment. Asking IMP. 671-Tm. 1988 VOLVO $1595 1964 CORVAIR MONZA — Excellent '2395 transportation. $90 firm. Four-door, light blue, one owner, 4-speed, low mileage. Autos For Sale 747-9705 otter 6. Since 1957 '1968 VOLKSWAGEN .91095 PLYMOUTH BARRACUDA — IMS. AutO- matic shift. Low mileage. Good condition. Squareback. Excellent condition, Coll 264-3397. 1966 VOLKSWAGEN - Sedan. 1970 CHEVY II 1968 VOLVO $1195 Must sell. Best offer. New brakes, bat- Supersport 350 V-8. Automatic, 144. Automatic, dark blue, radio, heater.' THESE CARS tery, clutch, muffler. 2644750. power steering, radio. 1967 T-BIRD ,..$1395 1967 VOLKSWAGEN — Fastbock sedan, standard shift. UOO. SALES • SERVICE • PARIS . 40,000 miles, one owner, full power, factory air. AREN'T USED Call S66-303S '2295 1967 CHEVROLET. ,...$1095 1965 VOLKSWAGEN —Convertible. Caprice two-docjr hardtop, one owner, automatic, full power. Great condition. New paint, radio, heater, 1967 VOLKSWAGEN $795 snows.ond tope. 671-Z7W. US Hwy #9 Squareback. Dark blue, nice car. 1967 THUNDERBIRD — Above A-l condi- THEY ARE JUST tion. New tires,* low mlleoge, vinyl roof, 1970 MONTE CARLO 1966 VOLKSWAGEN $1050 olr, power brakes ond steering. 969-0564. Automatic, power steejring, radio, EXPERIENCE. PONTIAC — 1961 Firebird, standard Bug. Green. Excellent condition. transmission, tope deck. $1300 firm. Call vinyl rool, air conditioning. 1966 VOLVO $795 otter 6 p.m. 264-6B54. Waaon. 1966 FORD CUSTOM 500 — Automatic, power steering, radio. $375. '2995 462-5300 1970 VOLVO ...$2095 1972 Plymouth $2477 Coll 741-1492 4-door, 4-speed. One owner, factory air. AM-FM radio. t969 CHEVROLET IMPALA — Convert- Duster, stick, V-8, ible, 24,000 miles, r .1970 VOLVO .$1995 like new. 327automatic I" 4-door, 4-speed, radio, heater. 1970 PLYMOUTH 1967 PONTIAC TEMPEST — Convertible, YEAR END SAVINGS NOW! 1971 SPECIALMERCUR OFY THE WEEK$ 1971 Mercury $3429 3-speed, 52.000 miles. Must tell. 1425 or Duster. Automatic, radio, vinyl Cougar XR-7, 4-speed. Full pow- Monterey wagon, luggage best offer. 264-1034. roof. 3195 970 CHEVROLET IMPALA CUSTOM er. Factory air, stereo. rack, vinyl roof, air condi- COUPE — Turbo-hydroullc, power steer- tioned. ! Ing/ power disc brokes, V-l, radio, vinyl '1895 top. A-l condition. $1975.142-2574. 1971 Lincoln $4687 TWO PORSCHES — 1966,911, $3300. 1M£ 912, $3600. Both In excellent condition. 142- The Continental tour-door sedan. 5592. Loaded with extras. Air Con- OPEL GT 1971 - Red. One owner. 12.000 1970 CHEVROLET RtDBANkVOlVO ditioned. miles. Must sell. $2590.", Caprice four-door hardtop, auto- Coll 741-7631 matic, power steering, radio, vinyl E.Newman Springs Rd. 741-5886 Red Bank 1971 Ford $3349 1966 CHRYSLER 300 — Automatic, power, Best Time steering and brokes. Black vinyl top. rool, air conditioning. Country Sedan wagon, 9 pas- Good condition. Asking $725.671-3*92. senger, air conditioned, lug- 1961 FORD CUSTOM v-» — Automatic. gage rack. New tires. Interior and exterior very oood '2595 condition. 542-7443. To Buy 1970 Chevrolet $2379 1966 CADILLAC — Eldorado convertible. Impala two-door hardtop, air Full power, air, low mileage. Jl^SO. 1970BUICK conditioned, vinyl top. Top 1961 THUNDERBIRD — Four-door, full Skylark two-door hardtop, auto- LEASING... shape. power, air. Excellent condition. Call ofter 6 p.m. 747-5926. matic, power steering, radio, vinyl IS NOW! 1962 CHEVROLET — Six cylinder. 3 roof, air conditioning. The Modern way to Drive a Car! 1970 Plymouth $2167 $ Fury III two-door hardtop, vi- nyl roof, air conditioned. TRAIN CAR — One owner, 1)64 Pontioc 2695 Carolina, four door, full power, air. $250. WE HAVE 1970 Dodge $2290 Coll 741-2561. Challenger two-door hardtop, 1964 CHEVROLET - Impolo. Blue con- 1967JEEPSTER vertible, aeon. Best otter. 1970 CHEVROLET air conditioned, automatic 671-1207 or 1211 Leasing plans tailored to your needs transmission, power steering. VOLKSWAGEN — Unusual 1964. Com- Impala Custom Coupe. Automatic, Convertible. Automatic, power steering, front plete new red point. Chrome and interior power steering, radio, vinyl rool, xcellent. 45,000 miles. Runs like new. wheel drive; full snowplow equipment, 29,000 1970 Chevrolet $2564 guaranteed by Shrewsbury VW Motors air conditioned. • The Finance Lease Impala wagon. Air condi- only Ihree months ago. $595 tlrm. 671-0333 miles. tioned, top condition. 1967 MUSTANG — Convertible, black with ed interior ond white roof. Factory oir. '2595 VACATION • The Net Lease power steering, power root, 3-speed stick, $ 1970 Ford $2349 41275. Coll 142-1121 otter 6 p.m. With either type o( lease plan — Finance or net — a number of Galaxie 500 two-door hard- 1966 CADILLAC - Four-door devme. Full VALUES! top, vinyl top, air condi- power, oir conditioning. Mint condition. 1795 optional LMDLA services are available to increase the con-: 46,000 miles. Asking 51700. Call 739-2222 tioned - clean 1969 CHEVELLE venience of the lease plan. -inytlme. Malibu two-door hardtop. Auto- SPORT VAN - Chevrolet 1967, VS. ASK- matic, power steering, vinyl roof, 1969 Coogor $2247 Ing U00. air conditioned. Two-door hardtop, vinyl roof, Coll 747-2916 air conditioned, wire wheel 1959 CHEVROLET — Impola two-door. $ covers. uns, S5O. Coll 2195 1970 MALIBU '2295 For Further Information 747-9355 1967 CHEVROLET '995 196S CHEVELLE — Four-door, olr, lope. Sport Coupe, air conditioned, automatic, power Please Fill out & mall in 1969 Ponfiac $2197 Clean. Best offer over $1250. Impala Station Wagon. Low mileage. steering, power brakes, radio, tinted glass. LeMans wagon, air condi- Call B42 5562 alter 6 p.m. tioned. Well kept. 1966 GTO NAME •. $600 firm. S10P IN TODAY I Coll 747-1097 otter 6 p.m. I 1969 Ford $1997 ADDRESS: $ Fairlane wagon, air condi- 1972 1971 IMPALA 3195 1970 IMPALA '1995 tioned, fine family car. PHONE: ... 4-door sedan, 8000 miles, automailc, power steer- Convertible. Red. automatic, V-8, vinyl top, wheel CORVETTE ing, power brakes, radio, heater, whitewalls. disc, whitewalls, radio. In like new condition. 11,000 100 USED CARS miles. Looded with many cxtros. O i have previously leased "1969 Toyota $1574 Save now I TO CHOOSE FROM f Crown station wagon. Auto- I • I am currently leasing matic transmission. RASSAS 1968 Buick $2139 PONTIAC 35 WITH 5 1971 CAPRICE '3495 Riviera. Sharp. Air condi- 395 Broad St. 741-5119 Red Bon) AIR CONDITIONING 1971 MAVERICK 1895 tioned. Eves, until 9 Coupe. 6 cylinder, automatic, radio, healer, disc. Sports Sedan. Four dooi* hardtop, vinyl roof, facto- BUICK SKYLARK - 1963. Eight-cylinder ry air, automatic, power steering, radio. Block and white convertible. One owner. A LEASE AT WALL *ower steering, brokes. top. Good condi- I tion. Must be seen. $495. 741-5070 or 741- 1967 PLYMOUTH — Fury III station LINCOLN MERCURY wagon. First 1450 takes It. 1970 MONTE CARLO'2695 S 747-3277 1968 BUICK.... 1995 :iTROEN l»71 - OS 21 Pallas, leather, WE WILL TAKE Factory air, power steering, power brakes, vinyl IS EASY TO ARRANGE olr, Cltromatlc, S3,750, and PEUGEOT Riviera. Air conditioned, bucket seats, console, | 1970.404 wogon, olr, SI.4S0.2M-I233. YOUR TRADE AND root, tinted glass, stereo tape deck, whitewalls, ra- automatic, full power radio, vinyl roof. dio. 961 MUSTANG <-2l» v-lgraen sedon ARRANGE STOP IN TODAY FOR INFORMATION FINANCING 961 BABY BLUE OPEL -Slolioi 11 E I INCIDENTALLY, MOM, ASK ABOUT THE Carole Leasing Corp. p NTIA OTO };£KBreUKP iL . "- "Completel " "y modi A Division of iWJ»5ded!rt J"!L1000 mmil»"L»e »n «n%* of «ith»e cor KITSON rM> MM rm j BACKING WE GIVE THESE CARS " * "

Cail 142-7741427743 LINCOLN CaNtlNENTANtlNENT L MARK III Dealer Leasing WALL SHREWSBURY, NJ. CIRCLE CHEVROLET Association — Blue, vinyl root. HIGHWAY 36 Shrewsbury Am. at Syamora EATONTOWN 542-1126 747-5400 747-5400 More Classified 365 MAPLE AVE. RED BANK on Next Page 39 The Daily Register, Red Bauk-Mlddletown, N.J. Thursday, August 31,1372

Bet quick action and plenty of cash with a Ad in Classified! Call 741-6900 iiniiiiiiiiiiiiu^ Autos for Sale Wanted Automotive Help Wanted Help Wanted Tiger I COMW gplMer, hardware, paneling. Imaginative woodworkers. Trainees also needed. Musr m. SI.SO hour. 229-2864. Lee with Rider J. prescription plan ing pay" with Increases. Apply weekdays, SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS essential. Will ALSO BOOKING PARTIES ' Benefits. Call Northwoad Lumber Co. operations Manager, Manalopan Mai be dependable. Excellent company ben- PAINTER WANTED - Experienced with Luc and dental plan. 462-8680. Mr. Sustictt. Route 9. On coats. Union shop. Storting salary S3 efits and working conditions. Apply EB Che train. Day shift. 8 on hour. Apply Wail Street Fashions, 37 5CO Building, Shrewsbury Ave., Shrews interior ond exterior work. • On the job training ARE YOU UNEMPLOYED BECAUSE Wall St., Red Bonk. Coll 543-3563 offer 6 p.m. Mo to 4:30 Mon. to Help Wanted ASSISTANT MANAGER ~ Some mechan. bury. 741-4389. SIM e Advancement opportunities OF AGE? — Our people are on salary for ART-TIME A.M. — Yeor niund'imploy* Fri. rst month, after that, they earn over $200 leal ability helpful. Salary open. Appl REAL ESTATE PERSONNEL - Residen- WAITRESSES M/W- A/e you tired of Tyc Apery In pen«i Men ihn hi. Male and Female Country Sudser Car Wash. Route 35, Mil lent. Neat appeorance. Janitorial and /eckly on Health and Accident and Hospt- tial salesman, residential saleswoman, the same old thing, but en|oy talking to 'oxing. Must drive. 787-2094. Act tal debits. Call 775-7575. dletown. real estate branch manager. Apply *L- )eople? We have an excellent opportunity Adi LA1RE FARROW AGENCY, iFifiroad or o person who needs a change of pace. EC E P TIO NIS T - T~YP IST~W AiTf !b~ ARTY CHIEF WANTED — Ex- c Pol St., Red Bank. Coll 542-5771, between 3:30 and 9 p.m., fo/ or doctor's, office, three days per week THE LUHRS Co. perienced. Salary commensurate with ex- ncludlng Sat. Write to Box D-185, The WAITRESSES — Year round employment perience. Call 922-9229. HELP^A"NTEb~-~NewVnd used'ear de- further Information. Dlx WATCHMAN M/lrV 3oily Register, Red Bonk. Boundary Rd. (Off Rt. 520) parlrarlmentr . Washing and cleaning cars. Wil Marlboro, N.J. a.m. to 3 p.m. ond 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Also NORSES' AIDES'- Boy shift and .., '~ig to work. Neat, clean appearance COUNTER WAITRESS M/W — 8 to 4, Nin Wllllnu rr-- More Classified it tewl 0ppertmn> fci»f»r« nlng. Call Hilltop Nursing Home for ap isary. five days. Apply In person, between 9:30 Che Hwy 35 264-8000 Keypoft p.m. to 10 p.m. Musi apply in person. No polntment. 671-0177 necessaryServfici e D.iept. Appl, 20y 0I nHw persony 35, ,Keyport Tom's . ForAskd and 11:30, Joyce's Sub Shop, Lincroft, Joi for Jack Stilllngs. next to Post Office. ' on Next Page Nor Port limp open- •hone calls. HOWARD JOHNSON RES' PLUMBfcR5-PIECE~~W0RKiRT^~Eari tnl ing tor person woo to $600 per week according to you 5ini needing supple- AURANT. Hwy 35, Middletown capabilities. Reliable firm. AAonmoulh am mental earnings. Ocean County area. 462-6561 or 367-2765 Apply MEET METAL ^INSTALLER*— For air ondittoning and heat. Experienced only ORGANIST AND DRUMMER JOB OPPORTUNITIES leed apply In person. Conditioned Air As- Must be oble to play all types of musl CLASSIFIED BUSINESS DIRECTORY sociates. 69 Leonardville Rd., Belford. Mus) be over 21. Coll 787-2177. AT JENSEN MARINE *EAL ESTATE SALESPERSON — Ex AMBITIOUS COUPLES — Small I A HANDY GUIDE OF BUSINESS SERVICES TO SUIT YOUR lerlenced. Allaire-Farrow, Middletown of- vestment with high Income potential, 1u e'ee. Member two Multiple Listing Ser- i 1 1 ---.. Call Mr. Schilling 671-2590. wportjljrne. Call 747-2569J5-8 p,m.) MANY NEEDS '.or Rapidly expanding Eas! Coast plant of largest sailboat pro-" ducer in U.S. needs steady, year-round help. Boat ex- Hwy 35 264-8000 Keyport Help Wanted Help Wanted : perience not necessary, we will train: Adding Machines 1 Male and Female Male and Femftte Garage Doors Pearl'and Sol • ASSEMBLERS • PAINTERS Typewriters Bead Restringlng 'hi AOOINC MACHINES - TypTwriferi Electric Operators, Radio Controls. Expertly on bfoldctf nylon. II.SO a strand. Vh told, rtnttel, repaired. Serpico's, ltl Mon Fiberglas Doori, Sales and Service. Sterling clasps from >Sc. REUSSILLES • MECHANICS • CARPENTERS FACTORY mouihst.. Red aorm. 7<7-O4is. PUNCH PRESS OPERATOR Call NEO SICKELS, INC. ill »JI? M Brood St.. Red Bonk. • • FIBERGLAS MOLDERS JOBS Builder Roofing, Paid hospital, medical and denial benefits, paid holidays and DRILL PRESS OPERATOR RALPH A. COLE. Builder - New homo, Odd Jobs Openings in several additions, olterollom and rooli Sidingft Insulation vacations, company insurance and retirement program, bo- of our production Coll 741-MOi LIGHT~HAULING - Ceiiorv'goVogVs OLSON CO. - ROOFING AND SIDING. nuses and overtime. GRINDER - Internal-external deporimmls. Will cleaned up Free esllmotes 741 714V otter 3 Installed and guaranteed for 10 yiors. 773.- be re-quired lo work Clocks and p^nv ^ 0701-741 Ml*. five day*. Mon. lo Must be able to set-up own work Watch Repair INSULATION t SIDING CORP. - Slnct 1 Sun. B o.m.-4 p.m. Painting and Decorating 1*50. Ovtr 14,000 lobi. Free estimates. - Good Incentive pay, Antique clocks, watches, tine lewelry ex 775-8407 or Adam Llnimayer. MI-03W. qflbr short training perlly done. -Don Pons. Jewelers. 799 Rlv AINTINC- Brush and spray Also woll- period. H osp i- er Rd.. Fair Haven 147 6257. papering. Call for free estimate. • Jtl MM StW ROOFING 741-HSD JENSEN MARINE tafizofton, paid ho- Rod Schoellner I4?41«l 'Monmouth Countv'i Live Wire Roofers" BENDIX CORPORATION I idays ond other Specialists — repairs, thlngle work. Division of Bangor Punta Corp. Diamonds PAPER HANGING ROUTE 35 EATONTOWN, NEW JERSEY benefits available. No lob loo small P.O. Box 113, Boundary Rd., Marlboro, N.J. Bought or Restyled FRANK E.WHltlNG 741 l»74 _S»p Covers Between 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 542-2000 Let ut buy the diamonds you don't wear CARL B. JONES -.Painting and wallpa- or let ut rntyle Ihim for you personally. pering. Fully Insured. For tree estimates. CUSTOM MADE SLIP COVERS —"rip- Equal opportunity employer. Hwy 35 2eM800O RtuMIIlM'. it Broad St. dcu o c > r ptrt y l f: (An Equal Opportunity Employer) call'"&-!MM: W7 ^' j : r 'A' ' ' '' j Help Wonted Help Wanted For Sal* THE FABUIY CIRCUS By Bil Keane .TIttniay,AMgut31,im 31 Mole on* Female Male and Female ITEMS YOU HO LONGER Apartments Wanted to Rent HOtfMS For Sate' JAHK — Three-roorn apartment, FOUR OR FIVE-ROOM —.Furnl»h»d WEtT VOnd MAMCH MECHANIC BODVMAN M/W - And helper. Ex- NEED OR USE WILL, . , apartment, KeamtwnrMWMetm perienced. Paid vacation and irlnV b«n- ilrdjoor-gll utilities supplied. $110 per Wimno to PW11451o mf^ i. 7V-UT7O. BUY A MODEL HOUSE TWO-ROOM APARTMENT — Furnished, WO-BEDRROOM APARTMENT — Or Spenpend .Noth.Nothini g ExtrEt a SELL all utilities Included, (ISO month plus . .anteed bby twt o responsible young ^gffi^ ****** security. Also three rooms for 1160 plus mediate occupancy, maximum end Nofhfng Extra •i, pledsont warning conditions ana IU.I.I "-jrlty. 49S-1697 after 4.30. Ooys (66- women. Immediate Included In price oft: central olr, iringe bentfltj. Apply In person. Person Kiwm, double oven^frostfree Ml OTIc*. RIvtryBV Hospital,-between 1 FAST orjwo»lier*verj ocrtjDnjBHs-- a.m. and 4p.m. An equal opportunity em WITH A QUICK ACTION MONMOUTH BEACH — Private cottoge. WE NEEff— Five or sin, 2-3 bedroom DOCKMAN M/W - For small marine all utilities. 10 minutes to Fort Monmouth. cental Homes, furnished or unfurnished Mghtl'no futures, professfonai Would prefer some experience in this type SI90. Call 3J2-445J. , from $85 to $350 per month for incom* nting. No additional expense to move AUTO BODYMAN (M/W) — Full tin* LOW-COST wrsonnel. THE BERG AGENCY, Rt. ) this four-bedroom, Svi-both Colonial. Awly Burdge't earog*, 597 Branch Av« 1 i OIJOhnnyl l1> d 1 DAICY REGISTER THREE-ROOM FURNISHED — Aport- llddletown. 671-1000. y, very spacious. To qualified Duyerv WISllvtT M« !a :!5S * " "" ment. Across from Fort Monmouth hospi- WAITRESSES M/W tal. Complete privacy. 138 Main St. FAMILY HOUSING NEEDED ASSEMBLER — Of electronic cor FAMILY AD Oceanport. SOCIAL SERVICE AGENCY SEEKING PAUL BRAGAR portents, printed circuit board experlem CO -3 UM T 9 SVi ROOMS — $200 a month. One child ENTALS FOR ITS CLIENTELE. IF Realtor 3 LINES-5_DAYS preferred. Supply own utilities. One OU HAVE APARTMr 794 Brood St. ') Shrewsbury. ' -Of «mall meehonlci month security. Sept. 15 occupancy. Call 747-0221 __^ FOR $2.00 787-7067 between 5 and 7 p.m. ore JUST HIGHLANDS — Three-room furnished NEW LISTING! • MECHANIC -BOTTLING LINE apartment, year round, all utilities. ,,_„ MO INSTRUMENT CO. Excellent opportunity for an Individual ix. Available for Merchandise For Sale only. No commission Involved Gorgeous waterfrontl Bulkhead, floating perlenced with high speed bottling equip- Article.mu»t originate from a household Call 291-9466 dock. Central air, A-l ranch only (even 65 chestnut St.. Red Bonk 741-731 ment. Knowledge of world labelers pre- and may. not exceed a sale price of WO.00 KEYPORT Furnished Rooms rears old. Three or four bedrooms, family uiCrlT HELP — Gas station attendant ferred. Salary commermirote with ex- per article. IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY room, formal dining room, extroil Must i-30 to 10, Mon. through Sat. Alto Sun perience and ability, LAIRD & CO., Dis- Price MUST be advertised. Each addition- ROOM FOR RENT — Early American be seen, $117,000. day and. night help. Apply In person, Llttl tillers, Importers, & Custom Bottlers, al line si.oo. No copy changes may bt One-bedroom From $170 furnished. Own entrance ond parking. Qui- SMver Esso. Branch Ave,. Little silver. Laird Rood, Scabeyvllle, N.J. mode and no discounts or returns will be Two-bedroom S220 et and private area of Rumson. Mature Joseph O. mode If ad is canceled before •xplrallon. business person. 842-3007. TRAINEE —Hlg FLOORWAXER-WINOOW CLEANER To Place Your Dolkf Register Private entrances! Eat-in Kitchens! Walk groduote. All benefits, V.A. O. Driver's license. FAMILY AD, CAL.I thlbh.! LARGE ROOM — With both and private: UFr...ed. Evening student's tuition refun Call SM-7011 entrance. Suitable tor adults. 7471041 be- 30 Rldae Rd. Rumson sable. Must hove auto. Apply Beneficla fore 4 p.m. 94• i DOMESTIC HELP — One day per week, HIGHLANDS — Lovely three-bedroom ooms, ocean view, three home-cooked lint condition, LOW mointMonct and Iflw Freehold. ortwo half days. BASKETBALL apartment In hill section. Heat supplied. eals dally, 24 hr. love and attention, faxts. Many txtrot. (31300. SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT 071*25?, after 5 p.m. Immediate occupancy. $260. Fl NLAY 'ou're not lust a name" here. In Asbury feMh»bqiltttb.alLf«v«rl Ifj healthy! AGENCY, 872-0100. Evenings 872-1756. ark call 77S-SOO6, And'/or mechanic. Full.time. Appl BABYSITTER — For two children, 7 a.m. Backbaaca, lingoiwnet, $17.2Qcomplete.- BOB GRIAAM Burdge's Garage. 597 Branch Ave., Lltt to 3 p.m. $40 per week. Eatontown areo. Stfamltss sttel poles, brackets, efc. In ASBURY PARK -DEAL LAKE — Unusuol SEA BRIGHT — Furnished room $30 Silver. Call 3 to «, 5424417. stock. one-bedroom apartment facing lake on week. Private beach. Available Sept. 1 SERVICE STATION ATTENDANTS high floor of a fire-proof building. REALTOR Experienced only. All shifts. Inqulr PERSON - To work days In Marge's Sub $145/month. Call Mr. Slate, 775-7801, 400 Shop. Must be over 18. RED BANK LUMBER Deal Lake Dr., Asbury Pork^ ROOMS — Kitchen privileges. In large Chuck's Sunoco, 1321 Rte. 35, Mlddletown 9COLO WallR Stree TV —t 25" RCARed, Ban newk pictur741-550e tube0. "When does somebody else get to lie on the bag of nine-room house, V/i acrt of ground, ea- 566-8400 No phone colls. Call 291-1242 Have two set,.^ RED BANK — Unfurnished. Two bed- tontown orea. »J5 week, J42-744O. NAVESINK RIVERFRONT SHIPPING DEPT — General help for c EXPERIENCED HELP —To work In . dirty laundry?" rooms, kitchen, living room, both. $190 RED BANK — FurnlihWVoom with own RUMSON — Large three-bedroom Cope oarer manufacturer. Call for.lntervie1 stables, mornings. High school iunlor or per month plus one month's security. Ref- private kitchen. Nice section of town. Cod on well landscaped butkheaded prop- fo-7300. senior. Phone 471-0443. MAGNUS ORGAN - 22 key, 16 chord. 8 erences. Coll to see. 747.4922 between 7 Close to shopping and transportation. Coll erly. Unusual extra*. Owner regretfully LABORATORY TECHNICIAN — Basic bass. US. RCA itereo AM-FM radio, For Sale • Merchandise Wanted and 9 p.m. only. ' ' evenings, between 6 ond 7, for appoint- transferred. t52,3OO. M2-42M. PART-TIME SITTER — Two afternoons knowledge of Physical and/or Biological phonograph console, 6 speaker, J75. Coll ment to Inspect. 244-5176. week, teacher's children. Own tram BLACK ANGUS — Combination ratlsserle BEDROOM SET — White ond gold, full NEW EFFICIENCIES-Furnished. _ HOWEU- TWP. portotlon. Little Silver. 741-6043. Science. Prepare cultures, media and reo- ond oven, utility table and outlet, com-. size bed, chest, etc. block from ocean, Long Branch. Water LARGE ROOM FOR RENT — Prefer nice 'gents. Maintain sensitive and complex scl- BLACK AND WHITE LEATHER COUCH f Irond new custom bull! four^edroom, - plete, $15. Electric-burning logs for flro-l Coll onytlme, 291-3744 and heat supplied. 222-5981 or 229-1637 for gentleman. For Information call, 747-4276 wo-bath bl-level on nicely wooded lot. LPN OR MEDICAL ASSISTANT — Foi entlflc equipment and supplies. High — Matching coffee table, 170. RCA >ter- lace, $5. old phonograph records, 40 fon appointment. • after" 5 p.m. ^^ doctor's office. Full time. For Intervlev School diploma or Its equivalent. At leost eophonlc record player In cabinet, 135. WANTED mmedlate occupancy. U4.9W. call 29MJ74. 2 years ot additional training with empha- Contemporary tnree-pieca sectlonol Used Oriental Rugs CLEAN TWO-BEDROOM APARTMEN. sis on Physical and Biological Sciences. couch, S90. Formica bar, with two leather New bl-level on six acre*, SJ9.900. PARTS COUNTERMAN M/W — Workln Chinese and Persian — $175 mont. Securltyjrequlred. Must sup- REAL ESTATE Excellent salary and fringe benefits. Con- cushioned stools, s.100. Sears Sllvertone BEDS — Two Innersprlng mattresses,1' Also Wall Tapestries ply references. 787-1077. Keonsburg. with Ford tractor and mlscellaneou tact: Personnel Office* Brookdale Com- consoll e colol r TVTV, needds picturpicturure tubetub , $6$655. "with box springs, on metal frames with New six-room ranch, J29.W0. .carts. Pleasant working conditions, ben munity College,7o5 Newman Springs Rd., Glass dining room table with chrome casters* tiS each set; Twin bedspreads, FRIEDMAN GALLERIES 774-3143 RED BANK — Unfurnished one-bedroom, FOR SALE Bits. Good opportunity. Call SjMH Llncrott. 842-1V00. An Equal Opportunity base. $225. Call 842-4718 otter 3 p.m. 1wo red. two gold, S3,so each; maplo drop- CASH FOR OLD TOY TRAINS — Any:third floor, $85 per month. Reply Box M Houses For Sale TTO BUILDERS INC. 431-4110 BABYSITTER — Needed to sit tor tun. Employer. . ^_^ leaf desk with three large drawers, tradi- 'nake or condition or will trade HO, 027, 0 37, The Dally Register, Red Bank. RED BANK — Moving won, Antique desk tional couch with custom cover, 125 each. of wide gouge.- 774-3710. LITTLE SILVER — Three-bedroom Colo- Fridays ond Saturdays. Own tran PRODUCTION — Ground floor manufac- (lady's), $15. Slat-too trunk, $7. small 94o-954t. SEA BRIGHT — Modern two-room fur nial, with spacious attached studio. Ideal portatlon. Oak Hill section of Mlddlelowi turing opportunity. Learn manufacturing chest, five drawers, $12. Odd chairs, ta- PRIVATE COLLECTOR - Will Day top nlshed apartment. Air conditioned, all RARITAN VALLEY for offlce-at-home. IVj baths, fireplace. S7I-4512. - ,, In our product line, through warehouse bles, SI to $10. wicker planter, $12, brass DOORS — Interior, exterior, various dollar for Lionel Trains "0" gauge. Any utilities included. Immediate occupancy, his four-bedroom Colonial Is In mint con- Unusuol decor. Many extras. Mint condi- HOUSEKEEPER — Six-room olr-cond!. stock and assembly openings. Call J. Ma- planter, J5. 741-1855. slies, some antique oak, some glass, $8 oge, any condition. 347-1445. $185 monthly. CY & ART'S 842-0088. dition. Features large family room, play tion. $44,000. 7414212 or 741-MU. tloned house. One In family. Own room son, 548-1186. Equal opportunity employer. room, central olr and mony other extras HIGHBOY $25 — Dresser, mirror, 115. ARTIWE JEWELRY S-"Top caih •paid? RED BANK — Furnished two-bedroom Beautifully landscaped. Asking 144,900. WELL BUILT — 12-room home. Spacious . bath, TV: Coll 842-0559 between 8:30 onePLUMBER OR EXPERIENCED HELP- Vanity, bench, $5. oak desk, $10, swivel EARLY AMERICAN SOFA 4.ES DEUX & DON PONS, 799 River Rd., apartment, alt utilities. One month secu- rooms. Living room, 20x30, hat beamed 10:30 a.m. References required.. • ER — ParMlme. Two evenings plus Sat< chair, $10. 542-2827. Beige print. $10. :Falr Haven. 842-4257 or 74U4337. rity. No pets. Adults preferred. One block The celllno, flreprace. DtnlnQ room alto has BOOKKEEPER — Accounts Receivable urdays. Top dollar. 566-6509 evenings. Call 391-0674 from Broad St. 747-2242. fireplace. Separate two-bedroom guest for Charles Slmkln & Sons, plumbing am SILVERTONE — Sears stereo, B.S.R WONDA-CHAIR — Baby furniture outfit, '* ' JAY'S STORE,'F6O6, HOTEL, apartment with kitchen, dining room, and INSTRUCTOR — For YMCA football cen- turntable, one year old. $99. EQUIPMENT SALES, INC. LONG BRANCH — Male teacher wishes 11x17 living room. Two-car attached ga- heating contractor, Hopelawn, N.J. Sal ter. Saturday mornings. Experienced. Coll Call 741-0627 complete Including crib, $50. Call 291-3196 to share, with another man, modern two- rage. One acre, beautifully landscaped. "— -•—•-! and pension. Apply (I 946-4598 between 9-5. alter 6 p.m. We buy and sell bakery, gilt shop, restau- bedroom apartment. References. 842-4789. Applebrook •>hont owner, 7414041. BEDROOM SET — Fine French Provin- MAN'S TOPCOAT — $15, lady's coat. $18, rant, hotel fixtures and equipment. Red cial, blond. Two living room arm chairs, Bonk, 741-9846. ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Three room' Agency-Realtors AIDDLETOWN — Spanking new luting. LPN — II p.m. to 7 a.m. two nights pei morbletop coflee table. 747-9066 otter 6. plaid locket. $8, women's and lady's and bath, furnished. Private, quiet, ex- !3A Route 34 566-7600 Matowan 'week. Also Nurse's Aide, 7 a.m. to 3 p.n Situations Wanted dresses, $4 each. 741-5737. clusive. High on waterfront. Single o, 10-ROOM RANCH Thre* bedrooms, one bath, large country Call Shrewsbury Manor Nursing Horn KITCHEN SET — Two chairs, almost PETS couple. Immediate. 291-3418. kitchen, living room with fireplace, for- 741-2059 mornings. Female new. Bargain. $25. BOY'S — Blue bicycle, good condition, 3- mal dining room, full finished basement speed, hand brakes, new tires, speedome- THREE-ROOM APARTMENT — Sultabli $38,900 plut two-car garage. Excellent area. GOOD IRONER — In my home. Coll 747-3563 ter. $45.671-3233. AND LIVESTOCK A rustic rambling ranch with four large BABYSITTER — For Mlddletown, Re Will pickup and deliver. > for couple. Unfurnished. All year rental bedrooms, two full baths. 14x2i' living '/Iced to sellln mid-thirties. Call ut Bonk area. Mostly weekends, sleep-ovei OIL PAINTINGS — Framed $15. antique 6AS RANGE SOUND CHESTNUT THOROUGHBRED Coll 10 a.m. to noftn, 787-7639. today. CAMASSA AGENCY, realtor MLS, occasionally. Care of four boys, ages om •- top. room, eat-in kitchen and dining room. In 4 Parker Ave.. Uttle Sliver. 741-43M. year to nine years. Must be dependobli Excellent condition. $35. .MARE — With papers. 8 years old. Hunt- the full basement there Is a den, game- •er. Jumps. Shown successfully winning room, recreation room, laundryroom and and-have own transportation. 842*1502. CHILDREN'S top ribbons. Owner to college. Call 741- ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS — Huge Colo- RIFLE — Winchester Model 70, 338 Win- HIGH CHAIR — $15, hand mower $10, 2382 after 6 p.m. Commercial Rentals darkroom. Situated on a park-JIke nial features five bedrooms, 12x1* formal EXPERIENCED SLIP-COVER CUTTE CARE CENTER . chester Magnum. Lymon 48 peep sight, captain's chair $15, end table $5, winter IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY — S3. per sq, 143'x175' professionally landscaped lot. dining room, cat-In kitchen, \Vt bathSf — On contract basis or as a full time jol Infant care, nursery school, and all day 2'/i-7 power variable scope, reloading dies coat $5.542-2827. GROOMING — Bathing, clipping, small ft. Includes all utilities and services. O laundry room, basement, large expansion Call 363-7859. kindergarten school. 24-hour child care. and cartridges. $185.842-5515. breeds, by experienced groomer. site parking. 222-3001). Mlc, two-car "detached garage. Quick oc- Open oil year. Any age. State approved TRAILER — 14' Yellowstone, perfect con- THE KIRWAN CO, cupancy. 836.900. MELMED REALTY, ROUTE SALESPERSON - For shore' center. 842-5213. PA CABINETS — 2 columns 6-8" In each, dition. Sleeps (. Includes welded hitch, OLDE FAIR HAVEN rs Newman Springs Rd. Red Sank, N.J Realtors, 47I-S650. leading laundry and dry cleaning planl six months old, excellent condition, S150. car mirrors. $990. S46-4717. Some shop space still available at Excellent opportunity for ambitious Indi BABYSITTING Fender Mustang guitar, 2 years old, with Les Deux, 799 River Rd. 741-4337. 842-4350 HANDYMAN'S SPECIAL — 120,000. For victual. Steady position, highest wag In my home for working mother case, $115. 5424B0B. POODLES nformatlon call after 6 p.m. 264-575S' scale In county. No experience necessary RADIO AND TV — Tubes, test equip- NOTHING Royal Standard WANTED LARGE COLONIAL .(Prlnclpolsonly). Free hosollalfiatlon, mfdlcol and t••-- can compare to our Blg-M white alumi- -OCUST — Adlaeent Navetlnk Country cat'. paldvocatTons. Apply Star dec MOTHER OF PRESCHOOLER - Will ment, spore parts, CB antennas, Sam's AKC-reglstered. Six weeks. No shedding. TO RENTORLpAS.E care for your pre-schooler at my home, photofacts, and etc., for sale cheap, out of num combination window, heavy duty, Call 671-1890. Garage with l^r^ overhead doors for rig- MIDDLETOWN :iub. Dock your boat. En|oy3000 sq. If. and Launderers, Myrtle Ave., Lon Beltord. Ages 3-4. Coll 787-3631. business. 264-5208. only 6 for $99. INSTALLED. DOG TRAINING AT YOUR HOME uxurlout living In ettate area, sunken 29' Branch. ging company, storage of equipment. Pre- ftegant five-bedroom home, on Vh acres, living room, ll'o.ooo. 741-7741. MATURE WOMAN — Wishes to core for GARDEN TRACTOR — Seors Surburban, Obedience and problem dog;, oil ages, fer 60' deep with sufficient parking space, SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT — Ful PROWN'S guaranteed results. Call Alan Mlnton, 542- Coll James C. Eaton & Co, between 8 a.m. featuring three full baths plus two poivder KEANSBURG — All brick two-family child In own home. Supervised play. Rum- 12 tip. Four years old, like new, 48" ro- 7440. :rooms, family room wllh fireplace, large time. Apply Fair Haven Sunoco, Rive son area. 741-W46. tary blades. Two month old 36" Parker- 3DININ2 BroaGd ROOSt. M SEReTd — Ban Eight-pieck e741-750 maho0- and 5 p.m. 264JM8..264-0480. .. country kitchen, separate library, 24x54 duplex. Four rooms each apartment. Rd., Fair Haven. weeper, plus spreader. Replacement, gany, 18th Century style. Table, two KITTENS — Free to good home. SlloP OR OFFICE —,Three rooms, Rlvei living room, full basement. All brand new. 0x100 lot. $34,500. Call 7B7-4419, principals WAITRESSES M/W — Also CASHIER WHO GIVES GERMAN A CHANCE? Like 1400, osklna $800. Phone 264-5695. leaves. Call 671-2917 evenings, weekends. Two months old. Part Angora. Rd.. Fair Haven. Village area. $150. 741 597,500. Contact builder direct. 671-5928 only. housework, very clean, honest and re- 495-2185 after 5 p.m. , K References. Apply In person. Martini': liable. Hours 9 to 2, to nice homes only. $3 ATTENTION COLLECTORS 8 7686. Mr. Cozens. days or 642-1059 evenings. FARMS — Homes, Investment Properties, Diner, Hwy 3e, Keansburg. per hr. Coll 842-1403. FILL DIRT Authentic Abe Lincoln and George Wash- . KITTENS NEED HOME —TMee. OFFICE SUITE — Choice Red Bank area, Businesses. Meyer Morrlll, a Church St., RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT — Mai ington engraved prints, framed. Call after 5p.m. In prestige building. Approximately 934V Little Silver. 142-4176. 1 CHILD CARE — By mature woman. In PAUL R. STRYKER, Realtor. Farms oger Trainee position open with Buxton KEEP OFColFl 74M53THE LAW2 otteNr 6— p.m Unles. s you Call 741-4116 7B7-4457 Desirable for any profession. Call 747-3730 Country Restaurant. Excellent opport my home. Please call 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. "More Classified nlties for ambitious persons Interested use the right equipment. Borrow mowers: "CLASSIC" GUITAR — Gut strings, with HORSE STALLS FOR RENT ' ond'farm estates. Stale Highway 34, a lucrative career. Excellent benefits. Foi tillers, sweepers, edgers, pruners — ev- cose. Excellent condition. New $90/now Sleepy Hollow Horse Farm erything you need for professional land- $40. Call 741-9215, after 7 p.m. MTddletown. 741-2382 • OFFICE SPACE Holmdel. Phone 946-4144. on Next Page appointment coll 521-0221. Situations Wanted scaping from All Purpose Rentals. 181 Excellent location, suitable for profes- Newman Springs Rd., Shrewsbury. 741 CONSOLE MAPLE STEREO " IRISH WOLFHOUND PUPS sional use, on mafn'floor luxury nl-rlse. BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERAT Male 0040. Colonial. $75. 52 Asbury Ave.. 7 weeks, AKC. $350. Approximately 530 sq. ft. Centrally al Houses For Sale — Full time. Must be neat and accurate. Atlantic Highlands 291-0724 conditioned. Contact: Mr. Link, phone 741 MONMOUTH BEACH — New custom Only experienced need apply. Coll S42-13O3 GARDENER — With good experience. YARD SALE — Cribs, carriage, high 1732. low-maintenance ranch. 1ft blocks ti lor appointment. Yearly, " ' ' chair, end tables, chairs, boys' bicycles, WATER BED — Fisher stereo, bottles, COCKER SPANIEL PUPPIES — Black ocean. Two bedrooms, two baths, living ASSUMPTIONS SERVICE STATION ATTENDANT - On* children's toys, dishes, glassware, par. clothes, ond more. 12 Blossom Rd.. Rum- and white and red ond white. Reasonable RED BANK — Shops available In new room, dlnlno-kltchen, screened porch, at- toble stereo. Many more Items. 56 Bays- son, 870-2424. 842-1466, weekend. for quality oiler. 229-1494. Victorian Village to be constructed adja- tached oarage. All electric. Landscaped UPTOWN LONG BRANCH - full time days, one part-time evenings cent to THE HOUSE ON MONMOUTH Many extras. Principals only. S43400. Call Apply In person, Britain's Sunoco, Hw Ide Dr., Atlantic Highlands, Aug. 30, 31, COLONIAL COUCH AND WING CHAIR' MINI POODLES — AKC. One black fe- Golden opportunity. Beautllul four 35 and Laurel Ave., Mlddletown. Sept. 1 and Z from 1-5.291-0982. STREET. Occupancy November, 1972. 7224328. FINANCIAL — Double bed and two dressers. Reason- male. One cocoa female. • Days 747-1148. After 6, 842-4815. room ranch - available for Imme- WAITRESS M/W PLAYPEN $10 — Changing table $5. carable. Call 842-4965 after 5 p.m. . 7B7rS448 FAIR HAVEN — Nine room expanded diate occupancy containing living Apply In person, Bow Knot Restaurant, t BusinessOpportunities seat $5, carriage and stroller $30, bassinet LARGE DINING TABLE — Pine. Asking POODLE PUPPIES — AKC, champion RUMSON — Exclusive waterfront offices Cape. Excellent condition. 139,900. prlncl room, eat-in kitchen (ceramic tiled Brood St., Red Bank. PACKAGE LIQUOR STORE — Plus In- $10, baby clothes $10.787-7023. with answering and secretarial servli pals only. B42-I442. come real estate. Illness forces sale. Call $135. Two pine end tobies and one coffee, bloodlines, chocolate miniatures. Three available. 842-4954. walls) with electric range, lull ce- WAITRESS M/W — Experience nece BABY THINGS — Car seat. Infant seat, asking $130. Also, cabinet with wall mir- males. 291-1088. rAUt KROL — For your realtVtat Mr. Ryan, McGowan, Ryan, Realtors, 747- lumping chair, toilet training seat, baby ror, best offer. Call 493-8494. BELFORD — Store or olllce for rent. Call ramic tiled bath, and 2 nice bed- sary. Apply Mlllbrook Diner, Rt. 3 3000 for details. 09,900. FREE — Nine darling puppies. needs. Stephen J. Krol, Realtor, Hwy 35, rooms. This Is a welt built home Mala won. 583-4343. sled" sTroller-carrloge, $1 to S5. Call 741- DE LUXE — Sears push-button washer. weeks old. after 6 p.m. Holmdel, N.J. 671-4616. SELLING — Jewelry and record shop In 6795 before noon or after 7 p.m. Sacrifice at $45. Q 741-1153 and has hot water oil heat, com- HOSTESS M/W — Experienced, ultra Long Branch. For Information call 495- Call 291-0442, keep trying. APPLEBROOK RANCH — Mlddletown. bination aluminum storm and tlve. Apply In person. Perkins Poncak 1970 TRAVEL TRAILER — 14'. Sleeps Call 747-3025 or 842-6252 COLLIE — AKC 3-years, good pet OFFICE SPACE Large living room with fireplace, dining House, Hwy 35, Mlddlelown. four. Good condition. $1250 firm. ANTIQUES AND VERY OLD PERSON- watchdoa for adult family, free to good Private waterfront office available In room, eat-In kitchen, two bedrooms, bath. screen windows and doors SELLING PARTNERSHIP — In the Kler Call 787-2263 AL COLLECTION — Two rockers, twp tiome with adequate space. Summit Cat & rophlc production shop. Will provide Attached garage. Screened porch. Wall-to- throughout, canvas awnings, wall HOSTESS M/W - Experienced. Fu lamp tables, two matching high-back Dog Hospital, Morris Turnpike. Will show felephone and secretarial services. Lo- wall, two air conditioners, well land- time. Apply Mr. Weir, Molly Pitcher In nan Surfboard Ca. Call 170-2424 days, 842- ' SALE EXTERIOR DOORS cated In Rumson on Navesink River. Call to wall carpeting, and built in lire Red Bonk. 1466 or 142-1576 evenings. chairs. Mason canning lars, quarts and 1-4:30 dolly Sun. 11-1. scaped half acre with tool shed. Possible alarm system. Property Is situated, Front doors, back doors $9.95 each. Many, pints, china, silverware, cnlna lam- SCOTTISH TERRIER PUPPIES 747-4880. assumption. Immediate possession SHOP WORKERS NEEDED RESTAURANT styles with minor defects, but excellent pshades. Also Kir by vacuum cleaner, all MATAWAN — New professional otflc 138,500. By owner. 671-0411. in a quiet neighborhood and Is • Experience In welding and burnln; Oak restaurant. Atlantic Highlands. Fully [for home use. See them In our basement attachments, 4' x 6' red braided rug. All In AKC registered. Six weeks old. Call 787- equipped, ready for business. Call 741-1144 I *' Also flush Interior doors $3-9$ each. . excellent condition. Can be seen between 4631. space available Immediately. surrounded with chain link fence light to medium thickness steel. ' One-room office, $120 a month HAZLET — Split level. Three-bedroom. with a 1 car detached garage, all MACHINE ASSEMBLER after 7 p.m. 10 a.m.-l p.m. dally. 8 New Brunswick AKC COLLIES — Puppies and adults. Two-room suite, $210 a month. One block to school. Seven rooms, 11 Must be able to work from blueprln 'RED BANK LUMBER Ave., Matawan. Housebroken. Wormed and shots. Reason- Four-room suite, $415 a month baths. 05,000. Coll otter 2 p.m.. 264-6442. Included in the sale, ONLY and hove own set ot tools. able. 229-593B. REPAIR WORKER 9 Wall Street Red Bank 741-5500 PAINTINGS — From 1930 to 1945. Water VAN'S AGENCY. Realtor MARLBORO COLTS NECK $18,500. Better call fast II you can INSTRUCTION MARANTZ RECEIVER — Four Fairfax colors and oils. Some related sea scenes. J.ABRADOR PUPS — AKC, black, six Strathmore Professional Bldg. and Miles around. Custom Homes, Devel- use a 2 bedroom house and want For single cylinder air cooled engine: speaker cabinets, Garrard changer. After An American artist. 363-6255. weeks, excellent pets or field. Rt. 34, MMatawat n 5664-18- 8 opment resales, farms and Lots. and general trouble shooting of goi LEARN TO BE A TRAVEL AGENT — is/1-5378. fast occupancy and a priceless den size tractors. Must have own s (East Brunswick -Ramoda Inn -N.J. Turn- 67671-9486 or O71-1497. PROFESSIONAL DRYER-CHAIR — With TWO-ROOM OFFICE OTTO AGENCY 462-52B5 mortgage. of tools. pike Exit 9 at Rt. 18) Evening 7-week GIRL'S — Columbia bicycle, flood condi- Turblnator dryer attached, detachable GREAT DANE PUPPIES — AKC, fawn, Broad St., Shrewsbury ' Salary open. Benefits class begins September 12. For further In- tion, $20. 3-speed boy's chopper bicycle, manicure table, $75, shampoo chair, $10, by son of 8lg Kim. Ears cropped anc 747-2004 Houses For Sale Call John Sanatore, 946-9700 formation call Meridian Travel School, excellent condition, $55. Air Rake lawn styling chair, $15, National Cash Register, shots. Priced reasonable. 201-938-2410. 1 BLOCK FROM OCEAN - Why 132 West 43rd St., New York 10036. (212) vacuum, 4 h.p., $100.264-4414. PART-TIME HELP - To work in malnl 947-2361. manually operated, $50. All In good condi- % BRED BLACK GELDING — 15.2, six pay rent when for only $1,900 nance department. Experience preferree AM/FM STEREO — Panasonic. Eight- tion. 544-1707. years. Experienced rider. * Houses for Rent down you can assume existing Apply In person, Arnold-Wolter Nursln track tope. Turntable and head phones. GARAGE SALE — Thurs.. Aug. 31, to MONMOUTH BEACH — Furnished, wa- SPORESS-TWO STORY FHA mortgage and take up (he Home, 422 south Laurel Ave., Hazlet. 781 CERAMICS S185. Call 741-1725. Sept. 2, 9 to 4. 22 Hialeah Ave., Middle- KITTENS ARE WE — Female, affec- terfront, Shrewsbury River, five rooms, town, off Harmony Rd. Furniture, appli- tionate, cuddly. Lltter-tralned, tree. Sev- large studio living room, fireplace, go* mortgage payments on this 4 bed- Children and Adult classes. 842-7016. DUNCAN PHYFE — Dining room set. ances, bike, odds and ends. 787-7010. rage. References. Oct. 1-June 1, $220 per GARAGE DOOR INSTALLER — E Mahogany, Nine pieces. Chrome kitchen en-week Tabby, 13 week Calico. 731-7813. month. Call 229-5494. 3 bedrooms, with extra large living room, 2 bath, well built house with perlenced. Top pay rote. MERCHANDISE set, Formica top. 741-5074 9 a.m. to 12 MOVING — Sofa, two-plecs, $75, two end GERMAN SHEPHERD — AKC. female, room and bay window, formal din- full basement, hot water oil heat, Coll 201-241-1142 noon. tables ond pedestal cocktail table, $75, seven months, beautllul markings, gentle THREE-BEDROOM HOUSE — Living aluminum storm and screen win- For Sale RUPP MINI CYCLE — 1971 Enduro. Ex. two tub chairs, $50 pair. Col I 264-0558. and trained. Sacrifice. $50. 671-4236. room, dining room, kitchen with breakfas ing room, beautiful modern kitch- SALESMAN M/W — Full time. Apply nook, pantry, sun porch, fenced-ln yard. dows and doors, and refrigerator person. Keyport Army & Navy. 14 We: cellent condition. Ridden very little. $200. 19TH CENTURY — Loveseat, matching BEAUTIFUL ENGLISH SETTER PUP en. Must be sold by working Front St.. Keyport. 264-8660. arm chair. Mahogany frame, perfect up- $250 a month, security $250, lease, refer- couple. This home is In superior all included. Present owners must holstery. Best offer. 741-2174. PIES — Eight weeks old, AKC. Reason- ence required. Oct. 1. Write Box R-59, The reluctantly sell because of com- HOUSEKEEPER — Port-lime otlernoons HAMMOND ORGAN able to ooodtiomc. 842-9350. Dally Register, Red Bank. condition, has new siding, genuine School age child. Own transportation. Ref GARAGE SALE plaster walls, new roof, new hot pelling circumstances. THIS erences. Call after 5 p.m., 542-34(1. ol Asbury Pork BONANZA TRAVEL TRAILER 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Frl. and Sat. FREE — "Morris," (cal) needs a good KEANSBURG — Winter rental. Four WONT LAST LONG. Brand new organ with Rhythm NEW DEALERSHIP rooms furnished. Adults preferred. Sept. water circulating oil heal, 220 wir- 42 Victoria PI., Red Bonk. home. All shots, quiet and lovable. Com- 15-June 15. Call after 12 noon. 495-0106. PLEASURE BAY SECTION - Two- REAL ESTATE SALESPERSONl 1973 Models. Call tor discounted FURNITURE — Odds and ends, double pletely trained -indoor or outdoor. 741-2374 ing with circuit breakers, lull base- ' Active olllce -Many customers! ^mmediale delivery. Bench, music anC prices. 229-2211 or 542-6354. $125 to $350 Per Month story, 4 bedroom home com- Two openings -One for residential sale: lessons included. bed. dressers, desk, kitchen set, with high evenings. ment and 2 car detached garage chair. 291-1116. 130 Bay Ave., Highlands, BULLDOG — Mastiff, one year old. Ex- THE BERG AGENCY on lovely landscaped grounds. pletely remodeled 2 years ago. All and one for development selllnol Bot until Aug. 31. cellent watchdog. Female, spayed. Call Rt. 35 Mlddlelown new heating, plumbing, wiring.and golden opportunities to make money I Col KING-SIZE MATTRESS —And In- 741-5185. 671-1000 Other extras are custom canvas Mr. Krefowlcz or Mrs. Camp! at ADAM 775-9300 BOY'S BICYCLE — schwlnn Varsity, 10- walls. Call now to see this well AGENCY, 110 Ave. of Two Rivers. Rui Open dally 'III 9 _. Sat. '1115 nersprlngs, Sealy Posturepedlc, with met- GERMAN SHEPHERD DOG — Needs WIDE SELECTION OF RENTALS — Fur- awnings, refrigerator, and total son. 842-5098. al frame and oiled walnut, with cane specd $55 firm. good home, with papers, tree. Also male ft'shed and "Unfurnished. Irnmedlate occu- wall to wall carpeting throughout. maintained two-story colonial headboard, all for $175. G.E. 17" portable Cell 291-3258 after 6 p.m. Schnauzer. $75, with popers. 495-1293. pancy. , SAMUEL TEICHER AGENCY home selling for under the VA ap- LANDSCAPE/MAINTENANCE WORK PLYWOOD SALE , television, $80. Full-slie walnut headboard ' GRANNY'S COUNTRY STORE Dcoanport Ave., Oceanport. 542-3500. Unbelievably priced at $22,900. Year-round full time position In countr 4x8xVi" white wood plywood, «4.«0 a and 7-drawer chest, like new, $75. 566-1959 Lamps, cast iron reproductions of antique TOY POODLE — AKC. Male, block. Available for qualified Vet, no praisal price. Any qualified vete- club atmosphere. Excellent fringe benefl sheet. A pretty panel, good tor walls, cell-. after 4 p.m. Ironware, freshly dipped Ice cream, plas- Eight weeks old. Championship blood- FAIR HAVEN — Three bedrooms, famll ran can buy this home with no package. Good starting wage. Duties I lines. Coll 842-5763. moneydown. Non-Vet, small Ings, multi-purpose. BESTLINE PRODUCTS — 50% off on all tic children's blow-up chairs. Sale. Sale, room, full basement, nice yard. Two down payment, 30 year mortgage money down for ONLY $22,900 or elude 'landscaping, equipment operation products. Call between 5-7 p.m. Sale. AIREDALE — Female, AKC, six months. I blocks to school. Available Sept. 15. Year else anyone regardless ol age or snow removal. Experience preferred b TJED BANK LUMBER- 12 WHITE ST. RED BANK S35. | lease. Security deposit, reterences. $300. available. CALL TO Inspect and to not necessary. Please call 842-9580 for I 8427168 Call 9464259 after 6 p.m. believe. income can assume present VA lervlew. •"WoiDESKSi Stree, FILESt , tablesRedBonk, chairs" , addin741-550g ma-0, LUMBER — 1200 lineal feet red cherry. DRUMS — Eight-piece set. $150. Mortgage with approximately chines, typewriters, office equipment, etc. 12' lengths, 2" thick. Stick dried five Call after 5 p.m. BEAGLE — Female, one year old trl-col- I ALLAIRE—FARROW DOMESTIC HELP — New home. Mu at bargain prices. New or used. AAC years. $300. Call 747-4931 after 7 p.m. or 707-7127 ored, AKC registered, $125. REALTORS $5,000 down and take over exist- have own transportation. References. Ca! 264-0311' • 5 Corners, Hwy. 35, Mlddletown 67I-2S9C 671-4850 or 944-2500. DESK OUTLET, 1709 Rt. 35, Oakhurst. weekends. BEDS — Four full size, each combination samuel ing mortgage payments. BEDS — Double, solid maple, spindle. of Iron and brass, $50 to $75. KITTENS — Part Siomese/Collco. Lltler- FURNISHED HOUSE — Monmout ATTENTION AERONAUTICAL PER iPMPARE BEFORE YOU BUY,-Solid Excellent condition. Two French Provin- 229-5387 tralned, free to TLC home. Call before 10 Beach. Four bedrooms. Convenient t SONNEL — A8.P license holders. Appll or after 6. 264-3392. cations being token for future positions I vinyl siding doesn't dent like obsolete cial frultwood twin beds. Very good condi- DRAFTING TABLE - $50, two sofa beds, stores and buses. $375 per month. Deposli aeronautics. Apply 9 to 4 p.m., SIGM metal siding. Call for free estimate, D. W. tion. 671-2917 evenings or weekends. $35 each, desk ond chair. $40. ENGLISH CHESTNUT GELDING - Sev- required Short-term lease. Availabli PERSONNEL, 110 Rte 35, Red Bonk. 84: Barr Home Improvements. 842-2053. GARAGE SALE — Furniture, bric-a-brac, . Coll 671-5191 en years old, over 16 hands high. Must sell Sept. 15. Coll 747-3018. or 747-2839 aftei TEICHER 5:30 p.m. 2212. silverware. 300 books, $15. Thurs. and TWO 10-SPEED BICYCLES due to sickness In family. $500. Call 671- Frl., 10 to 4.18 Allen St., Rumson. 3752 alter 7. i SHREWSBURY — Three bedrooms, pos Agency-Realtors 1/ BABYSITTER — In my home. Tuesday $50 each Agency-Realtors GARAGE SALE — Refrigerator, toys, Coll 842-3309. islbly four. $300 plus utilities. Avallabl Independent Listing for live-month-old baby. 8423704 or 222-2274 AKC REGISTERED PUG AT STUD I Oct. 1. Call 747-5113. Call 642-6967 curtains, odds and ends. Frl. only. 10-3 ROYAL SCOTT — 24" girls bike. Threc- ttlBBON WINNER Independent Listing fe'AS CLOTHES DRYER — G.E., one year p.m. 25 Lennox Ave.. Rumson. Call 264-6698 Brokers HELP WANTED — To work behln. old, avocado, like new. Asking S75. 787- speed plus coaster brakes. $25. • LEONARDO — Two-bedroom completely Brokers counter, Monday to Friday. 10 o,m. to 6180. WE BUY AND SELL ANYTHING — Con- • Call 566-2665 MALE IRISH SETTERS — AKC. furnished home. Available Oct. 1 thru Jul' (Exclusive) p.m. Colts Neck General Store. 462-5185.- tents of homes, stores, estates, cellars, at- HARPSICHORD — Baldwin electric, with 11 weeks old. $95. 1. $175 per month. 291-2384. (Exclusive) FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES — .tlcs, China, glassware, antiques, art ob-amplifier. Like new. Asking $900. Call 741- S42-207B 542-3500 BABYSITTER-HOUSEKEEPER—• Welfare and people with credit problems. . eels and all brlc-o-brac. Ruscll's, 25 E. 6098. DALMATIAN - Six months. Miniature 542-3500 School-age children. Own transportation. Instant credit, immediate delivery. Call Front St., 741-1693. Schnauzer, IB months. Females. Wanted to Rent Established 1948 Mon.-Frr, 2:30 to 6 p.m. 12.60 hour. 229 Mr. Grand, 373-6611. DRYER FOR SALE 291-0974 or 291-9443 Established 1948 GRANDFATHER'S CLOCK — Colonial. $75 WANTED — Clean, furnished efficiency 287 Oceanport Avenue AIR CONDITIONER - 6500 BTU. 72", moving moon dial, Westminster 291-4630 287 Oceanport Avenue HEAVY DELIVERY WORK chimes. 291-2116. apartment with heat, water, off street Oceanport Full or part-time. SI .75 hour. Excellent condition. M0. Call 797-1699 af- POOL - 18x4' ~~ REAL ESTATE parking, reasonable, by quiet retired wid- Oceanport Coll 741-0040 ter 6:30 p.m. Healed. Redwood patio and deck. ow. Occupancy 1st or 15th of October. SALE — TV, M0, stereo, $75, dining room Write to Box L-l, The Dally Register, Red MACHINE OPERATOR — Various prln' LITTLE SILVER REPAIR CENTER table, seats six, $40, crib, $15, baby bot- 747-3221 FOR RENT shop equipment. Six months experience Sales & Service tles. $5. baby clothes. Single bed-frame CHRYSLER AIRTEMP — Air condi- New& Used Tractors. Mowers. Bicycles. and dresser* $15. chest, $5. Two 14" Apartments required, sniff work. High school dlplomi slotted rims, chrome, four lugs. $30. 747- tioner, 14,000 BTU, 208 or 220 Volt, Used or equivalent; vocational high school oi 747-0573 741-38M one season, J175. 591-9227. AS) BANK" 'Irade school courses desirable. Excelleni 3359. . • Commercial Rentals salary and fringe benefits. Contact: Per TYPEWRITERS. ADDING machines. All NINE-PANE PICTURE WINDOW — 6'3" • RIVERVIEW TOWERS sonnel Office, Brookdale Community Co makes new or used. Guaranteed Low as DINING ROOM SET — 9-plece Bassett, x 9'6". Storm and screen sash included. 28 Riverside Ave. lege, 765 Newman Springs Rd,, Llncrofl fisTserplco-s. 101 Monmoulh St. Next to Duncan Phyfe. Like new condltlqn. Two awning panes an window. 264-6358. Overlooking the beautiful Navesink River. B48-JW0, An Equal Opportunity Employer theater. 747-0485. 741-0979 Spacious 1-2-3 bedroom apartments. Cen- FOR SALE — Girl's 24" blue Stingray TWO — Matching Castro's, $60. Belt driv- trally air conditioned. 24 hr. doorman, In- PRINTING PRESS — 10x15 Heidelberg President. en window fon, $40. Hotpolnt air condi- door parking, swim pool, marina, TV OFFICE SPACE . COORDINATOR FOR EBRONI letter press. Good condition. May be seen tioner, $45. Love-seat, fold-out Castro, $25. security, terraces. LEARNING CENTER, RED BANK — operating. »1650. 747-3611. 1 747-4062 Prior teaching experience and basic olllce MOVING OUT OF STATE - Snow tires 264-2786. Approximately 2,200 sq. 11. in skills desirable. Ability to work with pub BEHIND THE TIMES ANTIQUES on wheels, 915x15, plus four regulars. NEW l'/i G.P.H. OIL BURNER — With- Efficiencies and professional suite avaEI- Me and to develop rapport with chlldrer 77 Shrewsbury Ave., Red Bonk Gold brocade sofa. B'/V long. 7-pc. gray out boiler. Never used. $100. Used Count- sprinkled building with heat, air and parents Is required.-Call between . Phone 747-5029 walnut bedroom set with Beautyrest mat- erllow wall heater, oos, 68,000 BTU. $75. "'Conlact: Mr. Link (201) 741-1732 291-3468. . conditioning, janitorial service.-Ex- a.m. and 2 p.m., 642.0121. PIANOS —ORGANS '- tress and box spring. A-l condition. One WEST END -<- Special winter rates. One- cellent parking provided cm paved '.Used student Pianos from 175. Unlimited twin bed. Barbecue grtll In cabinet, moto- KITCHEN CABINETS — Natural birch. bedroom furnished efficiencies, new TOP- rentals from J7.S0per .mwth.Warehouse rized, like new. 20 floor fan on stand, Reasonable. Call PER HOUSE, 40O Ocean Blvd., 222-8233. parking lot. Convenient to"all pub- Business Opportunities for KIMBALL.—CONN — WURLITZER dual motor, coffee and end tables. Floor lic transportation. Will alter accord- — YAMAHA - CHICKERING - Over lamp, indirect lighting. Record cabinet. LONG BRANCH — Furnished four-room ISO units In stock.-For oppolntment coll Checkwrlter. Call 671-3187. STEINWAY PIANO — Rosewood, 6'2" apartment, suitable for couple-Hec! cr.d ing 1o tenant's specifications. At- MIDDLETOWN parlor grand. Leaving state, must sell. water supplied. No pets. Call evenings. tractive price. Brokers protected. .462-4730 -FREEHOLD MUSIC CENTER FOUR BUICK — Chrome 14" sport $1650. 747-0699 after 5 and weekends. $160 monthly. 229-1553. Three bedroom, 1 Vz baths, split-level with dining room, big ) "GREATEST wheels. Cost $220. Sell for J60. Call alter 5 game room with built-in bar, and beautiful modern kitch- 1945 FRANKLIN PICK-UP CAMPER — p.m. 787-59S4. STEREO — Mlracord turntable, sym- EFFICIENCY APARTMENT — Oceon i- BREAKTHROUGH Steeps four. Self-contained. S850. Call phonic speakers, amplifier and receivers. and river view, wall-to-woll carpeting. en. Washer and dryer, two refrigerators and three air-con- 747-5806. ^ HOTPOINT REFRIGERATOR - 10 cu Asking $275. Call 671-1497. One month's security. No pets. %]is CALL 747-1100 .*• SINCE THE ^COMPLETE Gi FTAN D CARD" SHOP It., 70 Ib. freezer. Like new. $50. PIANO WITH BENCH monthly. DOWNSEA BEACH MOTEL 150 ditioners stay. 30 days occupancy. Make your appoint- rlxtures, like new, Fornjlca, custom Call 741-8157 after 5 p.m. Good condition. $250. Ocean Ave., Sea Bright. 842-9807. ment now! Listed at $37,500. AUTOMOBILE ITSELF!" made. Four alass Formica gondolas, che- TWO BABY JUMPERS 747-9251 ckout counter with cash drawer, three Convert to walkers. SEA BRIGHT — Furnished apartment KEYPORT $28,500 cord coses, studio cord rack. New, cost Call 2640124 YARD SALE — Furniture, baby equip- $275 month. Private beach. Available No mwi flats or bo laic Ing problems to 14 600 Our price SI,500. Financing avail- ment, cameras, clothing, etc. 35 Thorne ,Sept. 1. 842-9287, Apartments This three bedroom, one story home is located in prime vforry or ihaka your brain. W« haw a AQUARIUMS — 20 gallon and 5 gallon, PI., West Keansburg, 787-5336. Frl., Sat., able. Joy's Store Fixtures, 741-9846. Ijh stood, all accessaries. $30. Call 222- Sept. 1, 7, from 10-6. RED BANK - First floor. Three lovely residential area. Full basement, two car garage, 40 x 100 breakthrough product you limply insert rooms and bath, attractively decorated into tub* or lubelttu tire* which punc- WOOD CHIPS GARAGE SALE — 10 to 6 p.m., Mon., ond furnished. Utilities, parking. Resldcn* extra lot, city sewers, new carpeting in living room and ture-proof i and batancM for lift of tirt. REFRIGERATOR Sept. 4. Glassware, appliances, items loo 11 at, yet near town. Reference. No pets. dining room. Priced rightl Call for appointment. Our product has been tilted on the Phone 741-2919 or 842-0571 Good condition. $35. numerous to mention. 58 Prospect Ave., Adults preferred. 741-8394. REFRIGERATOR — 1972 Hotnolnt, 15 cu. Phone 291-9401 or 29M87I Atlantic Highlands. No early callers, GREEN GROVE moon and earth. Would you like a 1, frost free. Cost new, S325. Will sell for please. LONG BRANCH -WEST END — College MATA WAN — RIVER GARDENS ground-floor opportunity exclusive dli- MAPLE CRIB — Drawer storage. $18, J15O. 493-8017. • child's resting cot, $8, lunlor choir, $7, GARAGE SALE — Frl.-Sot. 10 a.m. to 4 or working girls, kitchen units. $60 per This four bedroom cape sits on approximately V* acre of trfcutorthlp for your area? We will In- solely gale, 15. 842-0546. p.m. French provincial couch. $25. 19 Al- month per person with utilities. Open all vest three dollori to your one if you "BABY FURNITURE — Walnut cno, high year. 222-7786. property with shrubbery. Aluminum storm and screens, chair, dressing toble. Baby.tender, lumpy- TRAVEL TRAILER — 16'. Sleeps five. Bon Ct., New Monmouth. APARTMENTS qualify in your area. All trucks, tlrti, chair, carriage. All tor S100. Phone 542- Sink, stove, dinette. 10X12 screened room. CELLAR SALE — Lais of Items and furnl- STUDIO APARTMENT — Furnished pri- full basement, raised living room, sunken master bed- auto parts, service ttationi, auto deal- 0324 before 12. After S. ' Used once. Owner transferred, sacrifice. lure. Thursday and Friday. vate entrance. Security required. Call 291- room, new carpeting in living room and hall, Asking only t$, garages and farm Implements are 212B. Located River Rd., Folr Haven. 0,000 BTU AIR CONDITIONER — S50. 6' S1600. 671-5191. Call 872-0716 $29,900. . big users. To qualify, you need $5,000 patio door, ISO. ANTIQUE PINE BELLOWS TABLE 1969 SHASTA MOTOR HOME — Fully Efficiency to SI 0,000 investment da pending on Coll 787-3236 oiler 5 p.m. $95. self-contained. Sleeps six. Call 739-1835 af- BRADLEY BEACH — Modern two-bed- size of territory. This Is a guaranteed Call 84244S6 room. Potlo. Air conditioned. Living One-bedroom UNCROFT MEN'S WINTER CAR COATS - $18. ter 6 p.m. 671-4332, 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. room, dining room, kitchen. All utilities. sale secured by Inventory, and is not a Wedding gowns, S25. Tulle, 25 cents a GLASS COLLECTOR — Selling fine HAND CARVED — 1825 sideboard, cherry $270 month. 671-9619 after 5. two-bedroom 4 bedrooms, 2% baths plus formal dining room and 22 franchise fee. for complete details yard, lace, 65 cents and up, a yard. 787- glasses, pressed glass rarities, one sand- drop-leaf table, three chests ot drawers, foot family room. Full basement and two car garage. 'phone (904) 396-5856, Mr. F. William 6782. wich glass plate, cranberry vases and cut dressing toble, TV. Cheap. 842-7083. KEANSBURG — Five rooms, new home. glass. By appointment only. 222-6417. Security, lease, personal references re- Beautifully treed lot on quiet street in Lincroft. Extrasl Jones, or write! KENMORE DRVER - $30. Hotpolnt quired. Adults preferred. $280 plus utili- 99 Greengrove Ave., Key- washer, 175. Colonial couch, S30. Silver- IB" REVERSIBLE FAN — 32' extension ties. 787-0981. port. Managers Office. Owner transferred - Hurry Asking $49,500. tone electric guitar, MS. ladder. Kitchen table. Merchandise Wanted 842-2281 WANTED TO BUY KEANSBURG — $240 per month. New Apartment 34. Call 264- f SUN (HEMICAl* REFINING Used store bread stlcer, also store shelv- three-bedroom apartment, oil electric. 1846. BOY'S DIKE— U", good condition. Ex- FREE — Old brick, kitchenette stove and ing. Call 842-7455. ^__ Available Immediately. Excellent loca- Hwy. 35 Middletown 754 Gulf Lite Tower ,b,kMkn.w woman's bureau. First come takes away. tion. Security required. Call 222-0577 or Call otter 3 p.m. 741-6933. ' *AN JCJHNSON ' ' 843-2434. Jaek(onvlll«.FIa. 32207 BUYS AND BUYS Two blocks east- Rt. 361 rift nujrnmrrapMf/Mf #(•*!. Tutl- FREEZER 16 CU. FT. FRIGIDAIRE - Imperial. From on entire household to a single KEANSBURG - Three-room apartment. /and Middle Rd. 671-3311 —HfgPliigfll - Coolerator 20 cu. ft. chest Frostproof. Excellent condition. Item. Antique furniture, lewelry, silver. $125 monthly. Security required. Imme- Call after 5 p.m.. 291-1192 Call after 4 p.m.. 747-0537. 'Immediate cash. Top dollar. 741,5111. diate occupancy. Call 566-6672. 32 The Dally Register, Red Bank—Middletown, N.J. Thursday, August 31,1972 f Houses For Sale Houses For Sale Houses for Sale RIVERFRONT ESTATE 2-FAM1LY Monmouth..A Page in History TtiU r«msd«rt Colonial sttf« homt with INCOME PROPERTY jrk llk« »r0* « t»lna otterM lor lh« UTTLE SILVER Rrjt tint*. lt|H listed excfialvely wllti this $27,500-Oakhurst offlc* and (fferi tarlv potWHlon. En- Present income 1410 per month. Excellent Majestic Colonial trance tail. W' living roam, 12 for dinner neighborhood. Good condition Interior and dlnlns raonrl 2 years old, eat-In kitchen exterior. Large lot. Assume mortgage ap- with adlelnl ig screened breakfast porch proximately Si 1,800, payment £185 per This 5-year-younc overlookln i the river. 26x23' paneled month, or refinance. "River Roon." 6 bedrooms. (2»r master home is ideal for suite), 4V* berths, 2 covered and tiled deck- Tells of County's Colorful Past ed terraces m ep water dock and sweeping both ranch. Formal dlnini FREEHOLD — Next June Western Monmouth, and in views of tW Shrewsbury River. A superb fast bar. Spacious treed li most desirable loca- family home. 1135,000. Additional land yard. Exelfent condition. J 28, it will be 195 years since' many minds her name is all •available, Coll 741-7686 now. tion, it offers Ijving . Cozens Realtors HOLAADEL room, formal, dining British troops encountered the that survives of the last Revo- : 813 River Rd. $38,900 stubborn resistance of Ameri- lutionary War battle fought in Fair Hoven, N.J. room, 21' family kitch- 1 Delightful three-bedroom ranch. Formal can colonists at the Battle of the north. 741-7*86 dining room, two full baths. Garage. Full en, library wifh fire- finished basement. Beautifully landscaped Monmouth. '• But blurred images will be- tot. Above g/ound pool. Screened pool- place, 20x20 family Multiple Llstlngi. Sena for house. Molly Pitcher became a he- gin to focus again with the cir- modest homes, forms, pd^ room, six bedrooms (3 estates, waterfronts, acre- over 20'), 3'/ baths, roine that day on the plains of culation of "Monmouth. . . A PAUL P. BOVA 2 Page in History", a 40-page il- REALTORS central air condi- Houses For Sale 35 Cherry Tree Farm Rd., Middletown lustrated text which takes the tioning of course. Must SHREWSSHREWSBURB RY CAPCAPE — Excellenxcellent lolocca Realtor 671-2544 tionti . LiLiviLivinin g room, didiniin g area, moderoder n battle as its focal point for an )"Our 54th Year" LIKE LOW TAXES? see. . . call for ap- ktkitchenh . IIncludinluding dishwasherdishwasher.. Three bbed •&«Hwy3S Shrewsbury rooms, two bathbathss ,de denn , carpeting. TTreed d introduction to county history. OCEANPORT $38,500 pointment now. . plot. Just listed at 537,500. FAIR HAV^N — Four-bedroom, two-sto Just listed, this rambling ranch, treed $85,000. Newly published by the ry home on ibver '/» acre land. 15x30 living neighborhood on quiet side street. Three RED BANK — Three-bedroom home. Vh room with foil fireplace, full dining room, bedrooms, l'/j baths. Near schools and baths, living room and dining room with Board of Chosen Freeholders large modetn kitchen. Tile bath, powder .transportationiportal . Taxes only SB46 per year. beamed ceilings. Eat-In kitchen, bas~ room. Recent wall-to-wall carpeting ond ment, garage, wolk to town. $30,000. — themselves named for free drapes in living room and dining room In- Greai:f buy. 538,500. AAcGOWAN, RYAN cluded, 565,000. Principals only. By ap- Realtors holders of land during the Ljlntment. tall 747-2971. until 5 p.m., 741 NEW CONTEMPORARY SGHANCK AGENCY Revolution — the free guide- SJre after 6 (>.i $44,900 book will be distributed begin- BEAUTIFUL — Bl-level Colonial. 2200 sq. (Almost completed, on treed lot, one of a Red Bank Area MLS S Linden PI. REALTOR Red Bank ft... surrounded by. natural beauty on lotkind, no development. A new contempo- 747-0397 Eves. Sun. 747-4088 ning in mid-September to sat- 233'xlBO1. 2'A batns, all large rooms. Oil rary with vertical siding, tour bedrooms, N. Mon. MLS heat, air conditioned. Deal direct with Vh baths, large living room, tormal din- TWO-BEDROOM CO-OPERATIVE isfy the already growing de- builder now: for choice p1 colors. $52,500. ing room, dinette. All windows over- For sale. 671-1279. • looking woods. Paneled family room, two- Shore MLS Call after 6 p.m. 542-0216 mand by students, new resi- car garage. Large redwood deck. Half 234 River Rd., Red Bank BELFORD — Spacious ranch. Sunken llv dents and early celebrants of RED BANK — Bungalow at 31 Central block from river, two blocks from ocean. Ing and dining room, peg-wood floorsi .Ave. Five rboms and bath. Garage with Only $44,900. 747-3000 beautiful fireplace, science kitchen-21xl2, the upcoming national bicen- electric. Ample closet space. 291-1000 or with breakfast nook, cabinets galore, 741-7751. Y ^ PAUL BRAGAR three bedrooms, wood paneling through, tennial. Houses For Sale Realtor LITTLE SfLVER out. 9x25 enclosed porch. Basement, ga M Broad St. Shrewsbury Immaculate three-bedroom rage. Fenced. Sewers. Principals only. In its introduction. Freehol- 747-0221 131,9,9000 . COII787-7799. der Director Joseph C. Irwin rancher, separate dining THIS BEAUTIFUL EXPANDED RANCH HISTORY-MAKING OCCASION — Freeholder Director Joseph C. Irwin . OAK HILL room, eat-In kitchen with — With a panoramic view overlooking tne emphasizes that the book is holds cover drawing of the newest county government publication, "Mon- Brand new four-bedroom cedar shakes G.E. wall-oven and dish- harbor, features three bedrooms, Vh OGANPORT and clapboard home on half acre site. Im- aaths, targe spacious living room with selective, its authors having mouth. . .A Page in History." Admiring the art work are the book's three mense eal-ln kitchen, formal dining room, washer. Wall-to-wall carpet- fireplace, cozy dining room, large kitchen 14x25 family room with fireplace* patio and built-in bar. Can for an appotntmen chosen significant events, per- authors, left to right, William J. Zaorski, Dr. Peter Jay Guthorn and and two-car garage. Pick your own appli- ing, paneled game room now. E.A. ARMSTRONG AGENCY, Real Never bolore listed. Overseas ances, fixtures and colors. $54,900. with built in Bar. An ex- , 555 Prospect Ave., Little Silver. 741 sons, stories and legends to James S. Brown, all members of the Monmouth County Bicentennial Com- Army Officer not returning, avail- The ceptional, value at $37,000. point the way toward detailed mittee. Requests for the free book, published by the Board of Freehol- able torimmedlate occupancy, study which can begin with beautiful 3 bedroom ranch home Lots and Acreage ders, are being accepted by the Department of Promotion, Hall of containlnbextra large living room, NEAAETH & the bibliography. With a few Records, Freehold. full size dining room and large eat- Applebrook NEW LISTING exceptions where descriptions in kltchan with 1 Vi baths. Full Agency-Realtors NICOLETTI 33 half acre plus heavily treed building and drawings have been used, basemerit completeIv wood pan- 950 Hwy 35 671-2300 Middletown AGENCY lots available. Prime Middletown area state and county history, and the use of color tint blocks of laire, is a state park in Howell eled and finished off with separate SHREWSBURY CAPE Realtors $14,000 and up. thetext concentrates on is a trustee of the Monmouth varying intensity. Township with buildings re- laundry rpom, family room, work- Three bedrooms, two full baths, den, new 102 W. Front St. places that can actually be stored to their appearance shop arcia and extra bedroom. kitchen, lovely yard. Wonderful area. Low ACADEMY AGENCY County Historical Association. Its publication was viewed taxes. Just listed. Asking 437,500. Red Bank visited. when it was a thriving iron CENTRAIrLY AIR CONDITIONED. 741-2240 966 Hwy 36, Hazlet, N.J. — Dr. Peter Jay Cuthorn, a by Earl B. Garrison, county Many otljer fine features such as works. ALLAIRE-FARROW 739-2222 The Freeholders, in their surgeon arid author of publica- superintendent of schools, as aluminum front, 1 car garage and Realtor RUMSON WATERFRONT "a recreation of history in a Another essay describes the 'Corner property abounding with 294 Broad St., Red Bank . $52,500 RUMSON — Three acre lot acknowledgements, have tions on medical topics and plum, apple, peach, pear, and oth- Move Into this chorrnlnq Cape. Beautifully 30O feet lakefront thanked the three authors, county history. Among his form that is both factual and North American Phalanx, the 741-3450 landscaped site. Living room with fire- Most beautiful' lot in Rumson er fruit t«|es and shrubs. City Sew- Coll Anytime place, dining room, kitchen, three bed- members'of the county Bicen- published works are "Some colorful." ' famous experiment in com- er in and paid for. A delightful GORGEOUS Call 741-1144 after 7. Town House. Three bedrooms, 2Vz baths. rooms, iwolaths. basement, bulkhead * munal living which flourished home available for the new school AH 2000 sq. ft. In absolutely Immaculate and marine railway. This house must be tennial Committee, for con- Notable New Jersey Maps of "I am sure," he said, "that season (Shore Regional High condition. Includes garage os wellos seen today, Cemetery Lots tributing "their talents, their the Dutch Colonial Period" it will capture the imagination in Colts Neck Township from foundry and private patio areas. Com- LITTLE SILVER TWO CRAVE PLOTS — Shoreland Me- School). An excellent opportunity pletely air conditioned, with music end in- Dream ranch with river rights. Living morial Gardens, Hazlet. S200. Call scholarship, and many hours and ."Historic Monmouth of students for years to come, 1843 to 1855. for anyone regardless of age or tercom systems. Attractive carpeting. room with fireplace, 24' den, three beef- 291-9369 income to assume present VA Don't wait, this won't. Low S40Ts wlfh rooms, two baths, screened porch. Two* of their time." County, A Pictorial Guide", a and it may well inspire them Personalities-populate the 6 family siz of this sole. Mirro family was compiling a Drug Case Referred To Grand Jury dining room* den, two halt-baths plus The Sheriff hereby reserves the right full bath. Attached garage, all situated o to adjourn this sole without further no- list of property that was sto- Vtf X.&W16 WWtfcfc a beautiful large lot with trees. 558,600. tice by publication. LONG BRANCH - Munici- kel of Ocean Ave. of the home, headquarters of PAUL KIERNAN, Sheriff. len. RUSSELL M. BORUS Dated August 3, 1972 pal t)ourt Judge Jacob Rand Mr. Weikel was also found the Brothers, a local youth REALTORS Schechner, Targon and Kramer 600 River Rd., Fair Haven Sgt. William Truex and Pa- referred to the grand jury a guilty of impaired driving and group. Toss on this jacket and go 747-<532 Attys. Aug. .31, Sept. 6, 13,20 $52.0( trolman Terrence Fogarty in- charge of possession of a leg- fined $60 and had his license Sgt. Maccioli's testimony everywhere with confidence. 3'/2 ACRES $42,500 vestigated. NOTICE TO BIDDERS end drug against John K. Wei- revoked for six months. He revealed none of the defend- Knit handsome, cozy, cab- Miniature form has four bedrooms, for- Sealed proposals will be received by was penalized $25 for being an led jacket from the neck down mal dining room, eat-In kitchen, Vh baths, he Board of Education of Middletown ants were in possession of full basement, detached garage. Owner Township, New Jersey until 11:00 a.m. unlicensed driver. including sleeves. Use knitt- anxious. MELMED REALTY, Realtors prevailing time, on September 15, 1972, marijuana as charged. 671-5650. n the office of the Board of Education Frank W. Henson of Grant ing worsted for all-year wear. for New Wiring & Lighting Fixtures for Judge Rand ordered arrest River Plaza School, Middletown Town- St. was found guilty of pos- Pattern 869: directions, sizes WEST KEANSBURG ship, New Jersey. records expunged, ruling that sessing less than .25 grams of 32-46 included. Just completed hew three-bedroom ranch, instructions to Bidders, Form of Pro- the charges should have been attached garage. Oil hot water baseboard posal, General Conditions, Plans and heat. Large all-electric kitchen with self- Specifications and other contract docu- marijuana and fined $50. disorderly persons. j Send 75 cents for each pat- cleaning range. Utility room oft kitchen. ments may be examined at the office of S30,5OO. Call 787-1822 or 787-1576. he Board of Education, Middletown Allan Brann of Oakhurst The three, all IK, were ar- tern — add 25 cents for each Township, N.J. ond one (1) copy thereof may be obtained by each bidder upon was found guilty of impaired rested with seven juveniles pattern for first-class mailing JUST I 1VTFD deposit of the sum of ten (S10.00) dol- driving, paid a $60 fine and Send her off to school with Older home In Shrewsbury that's private, lars, or bid sets may be obtained from who were released to their and special handling. Send to yet close to everything. All of Its five bed- the office of Morrison, Zlmmer, Borlon had his license revoked for six Laura Wheeler, 61 The Red one right up to seven new rooms are large. ]Vi baths, basement & O'Connor. The deposit will be re- parents pending hearings. Separate building lot, too. 149,900. funded to the bidder upon the return of months. He was also assessed Bank Register, Needlecraft dresses! They're all QUICK- he documents in good condition within Walker & Walker, Realtors five (5) days after opening of the bids as $10 for driving without a li- Dept., Box 161, Old Chelsea IE styles with the prettiest Hwy. 35 741-5212 Shrewsbury called for in the Instructions to Bidders. Registration Set WATERFRONT PROPERTY — Located All Contractors Intending to bid the cense in his possession. Station, New York, N.Y. details — contrast accen^, on a dead-end street In excellent area of .ork shall Include prequallficatlon affi- 10011, Print PATTERN NUM- collars, optional pleats. , Oceanport, this three-bedroom, two-bath davit on form provided by the State John H. Thorsen of N. Lo- In Sea Bright home Is In excellent condition and offers a Board of Education, In accordance with cust Ave. paid $2(1 after BER, NAME, ADDRESS, Printed Pattern 9379: NEW magnificent view from its large 18x30 liv- Chapter 105, Laws of 19&2. Forms tor SEA BRIGHT - Thomas ing room-dining room combination. This this purpose are available from the Di- having been found guilty of ZIP. Child's Sizes 2, 4, 6. 8. Size fi lovely home offers many extras too nu- rector of School Building Service, De- Garland, secretary to the Sea merous to mention. Please call today for partment of Education, Trenton, New careless driving and an addi- takes 1% yds. 35-in.; y contr. Inspection. $53,000. E.A. ARMSTRONG Jersey. Bright Board of Education an- NEW 1972 Needlecraft Cata-.. 4 AGENCY, Realtors, 555 Prospect Ave., tional $25 for leaving the Little Silver. 741-4500. Each bid must be accompanied by a nounced that registration of log crammed with the most SEVENTY-FIVE CENTS zertlficate from a surety company siat-1 scene of an accident. fabulous fashions, acces- for each pattern — add 25 FARMS, HOMES, ACREAGE, IN- mg that the surety compony will provide new students in the borough's VESTMENT PROPERTIES h e bdbidd e itho o bond In the fll Judge Rand found Stephen elementary school will be held sories, gifts. Knit, crochet, cents for each pattern for Air MEYER MORRILL, Broker imount of the contract and a certified $6 Church St., Little Silver 842-4876 heck lor ten per cent 00%) of the A. Rosen, here, guilty of al- from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on embroider. Free patterns. Mail and Special Handling. imount of the bid, payable to the Board EAST KEANSBURG — Two houses, five of Education, Middletown Township, lowing an unlicensed driver to Tuesday, Sept. 5. Send 50c. Send to Marian Martin, 420 rooms and tour rooms with one enclosed hJ.J., os a guarantee that in case con- torch. Sewers In. Good condition. 530,000 tract is awarded to the bidder, he will, operate his vehicle and of New Instant Crochet Book The Red Bank Register, Pat- for both. 787-0666 or 872-1614. within eight (8) days thereafter execute Mr. Garland reminded par- uch contract ond satisfactory perform- loaning a drivers license. He ents that new students are re- — step-by-step pictures, pat- tern Dept., 232 West 18th St., S~f AT ELY "S PA isfI SH~1PRO VI NCTAT nce bond. Upon failure to do so, he HOME — Olfers three oversized bed- mall forfeit the deposit as liquidated was fined $25 on each count. quired to bring birth certifi- terns teach today's way. $1.00. New York, N.Y. 10011. Print rooms. I'/J baths. Spacious living room damages and the acceptance of the bid with fireplace, and dining room, both will be contingent upon the fulfillment In the cases of Donna Pa- cates or transfer cards, Mr. Complete [Instant Gift Book NAME, ADDRESS with ZIP, rooms have knotty pine paneling. Large kitchen also has a breakfast nook. This •f this requirement by the bidder. cicco, Chelton Ave., Christine Garland said, for registration — more than 100 gifts. $1.00 SIZE AND STYLE NUM- property Is located close to the Naveslnk No bidder may withdraw his bid for a River. All this for $43,900. E.A. ARM- period of thirty (30) days after the dote Cudney, Pavilion Ave. and at the school office at 4 River Complete Afghan Book — BER. STRONG AGENCY, Realtors, 555 Pros- set for the opening thereof. pect Ave., Little Silver. 741-4500. The successful Bidder will be required Ian Czeslaw, Atlantic Ave., St. $1.00 FREE FASHION OFFER! o furnish a performance bond and a MIDDLETOWN laintenance bond In approved form ond Judge Rand dismissed "16 Jiffy F ugs" Book. 50c Choose one pattern from 150 Three-year-old brick and cedar shake ilh a surety satisfactory to the Board McGOVERN WORKER - Mrs. Lola J. Miller of 3 OLD BUILDING split-level, excellent condition, walking if Education and shall be fn the amount charges that the three were in. Book of 2 Prize Afghans. styles in New Fail-Winter distance N.Y. bus line, featuring three if this contract. Briscoe Ten, Hazlet, has been named Hazlet possession of marijuana Aug. HALIFAX (AP) - The cen- bedrooms, 1 Vj baths, living room, large The Board of Education reserves the tury-old Court House is being 50c Catalog. Send 50c for Catalog. kitchen, recrealion room, laundry room. coordinator for the McGovern campaign. Mrs. 7 Ht the home of Edward Las- Wall-to-wall carpeting throughout. 16' x Ight to reject any ond all bids ond/or to renovated for use by the Nova Quilt Book 1 — 16 patterns. INSTANT SEWING BOOK 20" patio on over Vi acre. Dead-end street, ccept the bid that In Its judgment will Miller is a member of the township's Democratic kowski, 2!) Fourth Ave. S37,900. By owner. Principals only. B43- best for the Interests of the borough. Scotia government's libraries 50c sew today, wear tomorrow, 7342. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD OF Executive Committee, and the local* campaign They had been arrested by Museum stwrlitjr Warns Bettty, iMUe CaronTA maSctp aoaudy aloot a widow searching tor a father for her aon. EVEN NG AP Music Writer architects of Beatlemania. the concert with "The Ballad NEWS (C) m°HOLLYWOOD TELEVISION THEATRE (O now can interest an audience of New York." and also sang 640 "Bread and Puppet Theatre" • COsOO O THE BOBBY BARIN AMUSEMENT CO. (C) NEW YORK - Last Au- But not move or excite it. "Woman Is the Nigger of the- Guests: Florence Henderson, Pat PWIIMB gust, former Beatle George Afterwards one young man World," "Oh Well," "Moth- »*•»•** •1IMIHI. J(J|B O O NEWS (C) Harrison gave his benefit Con- gave his assessment that "In- er." which he said is for all SESAME STREET (C) O NEWS DIGEST (C) parents, not just his own. He 4t24 SPORTSCLUB (C) IS THE TOY THAT GREW UP cert for Bangladesh. Yes- stant Karma." "Come Tor MO _ PETTICOAT JUNCTION (C) "The Perua of PauUne" *, ended with a song made fa- § l terday, it was former Beatle "By th. Book" . ' 10:30 O KID TALK (C) * gether" and "Imagine" were John Lennon's turn to give a good "but John could have mous by a superstar pre- © DICK VANDYKE; 1140 O 0 0 NEWS (C) dating the Beatles, Elvis Pre- "The Guaslihger" \ 0 ONE STEP BEYOND concert for charity. just forgot the rest of them. (D BEAT THE CLOCK (C) "The Front Runner" Lennon's concert probably sley — "Hound Dog." 7*0 0 CANDID CAMERA And if I was talking to Yoko SKL ID PERRY MASON will generate more money, be- I'd say.''Sweetie, you just 0 I LOVE LUCY "The Caae of the Borrowed Brunette" cause it is for facilities for re- - stay off the stage and let your •Lucy and the Dummy" ID SOUL! ICI "Souldety" * tarded persons in New York husband do his thing." 11:30 JB THE CBS LATE MOVIE (C) and the federal government Lennon, wearing a uniform •Take Me To Your Leader" "Sole Survivor" 11970) (tarring VInce Edwards. Richard Baaehart The drama revolves araond th* will match each $1 raised with ID MARK WILSON'S MAGIC CIRCUS (C) diacovery of a World War H B-25" bomher in the -AIR COf\JDITIOPJED IS THE ELECTRIC COMPANY (C) ' Libyan desert 17 yea™ after its disappearance. (R) $3. But musically, the after- 1 7s30 8 ROLLIN ON THE RIVER (CI Q THE TONIGHT SHOW (C) noon concert yesterday, the Oueat: George Kirby Host: Joey Bishop first of two in the same day — ATLANTIC O THE HOLLYWOOD SQUARES

FARMINGDALE t Ptctum pftj'Mt^ " SHORE DRIVE-IN- Money Talks 8:00; 11:30; Sucoorl "WHAT ABOUT JANE" Your Local Sheriff 9:50 •««"».' Town West "PLAy IT AGAIN, Highway Mot ralmtr Avt. FREEHOLD STARTS Mlddl«f«wn 4N-I0tt SAM" SOFT SHELL MALL 1— • AS TlUf GOtS BY *v CRAB DINNER The Godfather 7:00; 10:00 Soup du lour, fruit cup or. MALL 2- Mayffajr tomato Juice, aalad, soft' Hitur, Paik 775 8881 WOODY ALLEN shell crab, trench fries,, Play It Again Snm 7:35; 9:25 dessert ana coffee BRICK TOWN BRICK PLAZA— EATONTOWN ONLY The Godfather 7:00; 10:O0 Eatontown ,_ _STONES MALL CINEMA I- 'Good, Bod and Ugly' /""' Rte. 35'-Middletown One mile north of Red Bank The Candidate 7:15; 9:15 MALL CINEMA 2— " / '.• ••>" " • 741-8344 Play It Again Sam 7:30; 9:40 AmXNKOyieH FDODUmON NORTH OF RED BANK Paramount BDTTERFUB8 ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS ARBFBES * ATLANTIC CINEMA— The Graduahc 7:00; 10:15; C C and COOMtARCIUHS KAREN KELLER Company 8:45 Community KEANSBURG ftpO"t0-« U1 «MI * MATINEE DAILY as * COLONIAL— The Graduate 7:00; 10:351 Lovers and Other Stranger! s:4S n MIDDLETOWN Neptune City TOWN EAST— SK«, Ctnt,,- 774-4377 Sweet Charity Clockwork Orange TOWN WEST- IN THE ROUND * Play It Again Som KEYPORT EXCLUSIVE Featuring STRAND- ENGAGEMENT _Mold In Hollywood 7:15; 9:55; Kltry1* Pleasure Palace *:2S; 11:05 ANGELA FLYNN KNOX ft GINNA HIGGINS HAZLET Circle RICHARD BURTON IS PLAZA- HI. 66 M Asbury rvcirtl. AUG. 31 Junior Banner 7:15; 9:20 Ocun Township TlHtlO BLUEBEARD ST. 33 DRIVE-IN— SEPT.1&2 Its a Mad Mad Mod Wad World 9:30 MATAWAN Lyric FIDDLER CINEMA 34— • Vtlur, P,,k 7/i IO»» on the ROOF CURTAIN 8:30 Conquest of the Planet of the Apes 7:30; 9:20 AIR CONDITIONED PERTH AMBOY COMEBACK AMBOY'S DRIVE-IN— St. James Play if Again son 6:00; 11:27; Love Story 9:42 WJTMANCOtOR - CBWIffiKJUHOVISOH CHARLESTON BLUE EAST BRUNSWICK The Barn Theater TURNPIKE IND0OR- CLOCKWORK Portnoy's Complaint 7:45; ?:» ' 'SWEET CHARITY' — Karen Keller, in the title Town East AVE. OF TWO RIVERS, RUMSON OUTDOOR^- role/ strikes a pensive pose In the musical play PERSONS UNDER 21 ORANGE Money Talks 6:05; 11: 30; I f Its ALL SEATS INFORMATION Tuesday This Must Be BMgulm 9:40 "Sweet Charity" being presented 8:30 p.m. UTtO NOT ADMITTED. m WALTER $3.50 741*8323 . MENLOPAKK tonight, tomorrow and Saturday at The Barn the- FOR COMFORT AND CINEMA- ater. Avenue of Two Rivers, Rurnson. '••I Pioy II Auolr. Som 2,4,4,1, 10:09 34 The Daily Eegbter,"HedBaj!k-Mlddtetowii,N.J.'Itarsday, August 31,1972 2 Hazlet Democratic Candidates Are Incumbents HAZLKT — Of the three Eight nine years. and as owner and operator of > sisted in the organisation of He holds a BS degree in Democratic candidates seek*®" M^ peters was active in restaurants in Pennsylvania the Tennis Club. He is a mem- business management from Ing election in November two organizing the Young Demo- and this state. ber of St. Mary's Church, Seton Hall University and has are incumbents. crats and was a co-founder of Mr. Muni is the immediate Keyport. been employed by Public Ser- Bruce M. Muni seeks reelec- the Lynn Manor Homeowners past president of the Demo- Mr. Barnes has been a resi- vice Electric and Gas Co. tion as township clerk. Walter Association. She served as cratic Club and district leader, dent here 27 years. since 1955, where he is a staff W. Barnes seeks his first chairman for the local heart of District 10. He is the Democratic dis- assistant in the Newark of- ,' elected term as tax collector. fund and currently is active in He is the distrct sales man- trict leader of District 1, has fice. In this position his duties The new candidate, Mrs. Parent Teachers Organization ager for Air India and lives at been active iq, j)rior political include coordination of budg- . Constance C. Peters, active in affairs. 5 Lake Ave. campaigns, is a former eting and cost analysis for township Democratic affairs Mrs. Peters, who lives at 65 . The township clerk candi- Jaycees member and a cub electrical construction. 14 years, seeks a seat on the Fulton Place, attended Wil- date has served as an officer master for Cub Pack 105. Township Committee. * kesTBarre Business College, and active member of the Until his appointment to the . Mr. Barnes attends St.. She is currently vice-chair- where she majored in busi-, Raritan Township Jaycees, as post of tax collector earlier Ann's Catholic Church, man of the Democratic execu- ness administration. She has a division commissioner of this year. Mr. Bames was a Keansburg, where he is an in- tive committee and has been had several years of business basketball and baseball in the. member of the Planning structor in the Christian Con- Constance C. Peters Walter W. Barnes .district leader for District nee as a bookkeeper Yotith Athletic League and as- Board.: . , fraternity Doctrine classes.; Brace M. Muni UNBELIEVABL LABOR

\ 1



$ 95 men DIAG. 149 MEAS.

COWR i Super Brite Picture Tube

Magnificent Walnut > Solid State Grain fintah. 26,000 Sound System FAMOUS MAKE PERSONAL SIZE FAMOUS MAKE Volt Cha»«i» with 30 inch Tranti»torii«d «olid BLACK & slat* »ignol *yitem. • Up Front Con- GAS RANGE Automatic fin* tun- trols WHITE ing. TV P IUIK— ™ TV • Clock & Timer • Window in oven door Fantastically SlirpBritM • Up Front Controls FANTASTICALLY rictar* • 30 Inch Size Sale Priced $229 • Tnn{ SALE PRICED $397 • Tehtuybf littan I ELECTROPHONIC FAMOUS MAKE 10 Co Ft. STEREO CONSOLE REFRIGERATOR-FREEZER h Built-in 8 Track *69 $129 FAMOUS MAKE FAMOUS MAKE Plenty ol food .tor- COMPACT CONVERTIBLE age capacity 3 Full ELECTRIC width slid* out DISHWASHER .helves, Door • Built-in 8 DRYER • 1 level Water shelve*, 1 Bottle Track Player | Diitribution . AM/FM/FM L Perfect for home or apart- • 1 Waihet • 2 Rinset •n food frteiw. ment, on casters for easy • Automatic Detergent Stereo Radio Storage runs on 115 volts DispenMr . Deluxe 4 Speed with heavy or delicate dry • 2 Roll Out Racks Record Changer A perrrianent press cycles . Magnificent Mediterranean Oak Cabinet • A Full 60 $129 inches wide $229 $179


ASBURY ASBURY PARK •RICK TOWN NIPTVNI IN BRICK P1AZA 715 Main St. FREIGHT DAMAGE 716 Route 35 1015 Main St. ROUTE 70 CAmts omr 775-9SI6 77S-97SO 47T.*7»7 HtTIOHAl 776-9733 OPEN SUN. 11-5 MAUDS

HOWItl. ATIAMIC IS TOMSRIVIR-* SHRIWMURT Route 37 & Route 9 1833 Route 35 m IAKCIST Aldrich Rd. INSUPERAMA Route 9 390 671.9S36 Shrewsbury V«e. CHAIH IH 349.9866 mmustr OPEN SUN. UJ