n tt • " - • . -• . • • . • ;••"•'•.: Tax Status of Zoaing Foes Questianed SEE STORY PAGE 2 The Weather Sunny and warm today, fair THEBMH FINAL early tonight with some fog Ked Bank, Freehold later. Fair and warm tomor- row. T l«ong Branch 7 EDITION Monmouth County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 34 PAGES VOL.95 NO.48 RED BANK, N.J. THURSDAY, AUGUST 31,197? TEN CENTS* News' _ From Summit: Nixon HONOLULU (AP) - Flying red carpet welcome. constant aiaiogue between our tain close cooperative rela- with Nixon "at the earliest from opposite sides of the Pa- When Nixon arrived, he two countries. tions in a variety of. fields for possible opportunity." cific. President-Nixon and stood, in the rain with a lei "We wish to strengthen fur- many years. Nixon greeted the Japanese Prime Minister Kakuei Tan- drapped around his neck and ther the already solid founda- "Today, we are living in an prime minister at the foot of aka converged on Hawaii yes- told an estimated 5,000 per- tion of friendship and mutual increasing multipolarized his aircraft stairway with a terday for U.S. — Japanese sons who gave him a warm trust between Japan and the world where Japan has come wide smile and a handshake. summit talks which Nixon - ' welcome that he was here to United States and to promote to assume greater responsi- The President and Mrs. Nix- said will produce "good news ' further the United States' even more wide-ranging coop- bilities in the international on walked with Tanaka to the for all the people of the world "very close friendship" with erative relations in the com- community commensurate speakers' podium and they interested to peace." Japan. ing years," Tanaka added. with her increased national stood at attention as cannons Nixon, .who arrived four Tanaka said in his arrival The prime minister said strength." boomed out a salute and a hours before the prime minis- comments that.he hopes the that Japan and the United Tanaka said since he be- band played the national an- ter, returned to Hickam Air talks with Nixon "will mark States, "as partners situated came prime minister it "has thems, of Japan first and then Force Base to give Tanaka a the beginning of a new era of across the Pacific, can main- been my strong wish" to meet of the United states. Tanaka said that "it is most appropriate and significant that the meeting (with Nixon) is taking place here in Hawaii, where peoples of di- NIXON SPEAKS IN RAIN —A Secret Service agent holds an umbrella verse races with diverse tra- over President Nixon as he talks to a crowd that greeted him In the rain ditions and cultures in the Pa- at Hickam Air Force Base in Honolulu yesterday upon his arrival for a cific area have come and summit conference with Prime Minister Kukuei Tanaka of Japan. toiled together under the American flag to build a para- dise in the Pacific." The welcoming ceremony for Tanaka, originally sched- uled for an open area near the City Interference spot where Nixon arrived ear- lier in the day, was moved in- side a hangar because of the^ threat of rain. Nixon told Tanaka it was At Center Barred appropriate that his first offi- FREEHOLD - Superior main in the ceilings of a fire state employed at the school.: cial visit to United States as Court Judge Francis X. stair. The state contends that 8 prime minister is in Hawaii Crahay yesterday temporarily The drug center con- Superior Court ruling, upheld because almost one-third of restrained Long Branch offi- troversy has raged since Ja- • Aug. 8 by the Appellate Divi- the state's population is of cials from interfering with nuary, 1971. when the plans sion, exempted it from local Japanese ancestry. state officials or employes in- were made public before Long ordinances. • i'- volved in the establishment of Branch Mayor Henry R. Cioffi a controversial teen-age drug learned of them. The City It alleges that not only was center there. Council adopted a resolution a summons issued Aug. 24. County Jail Judge Crahay directed the opposing it Feb. 23; 1971. but that two men from -the city officials to show cause The center has been strong- city's Fire Prevention Bureau Sept. 15 why the temporary ly resisted by city residents, a came on Aug. 28 to inspect ad- Prisoners restraint should not be made majority of members of the ditions and renovations being permanent. governing body and the Long made to the building on ' The court, order bars the Branch Division, United Civic Chelsea Ave., which formerly Rampage and Taxpayers Organization housed the Star of the Sea city from, issuing or prose- Academy. CAPE MAY COURT cuting summonses in con- (UCTO). SHIP SHAPE — Henry F. Gehlhaus president of the New Point Comfort Beach Co. which owns and op- HOUSE (AP) - A number of nection with work being done The show cause and re- Both UCTO and the city erates concessions along the Keansburg boardwalk said yesterday he will be spending a lot of time in prisoners rampaged through at the state's Narcotic and straining orders were sub- have fought establishment of his ship type office after Oct. 1. Mr. Gehlhaus announced he has sold his boardwalk holdings to Grand Cape May County Jail last Drug Abuse Rehabilitation mitted by Deputy Attorney the drug center in the courts. Cantalupo, a local resident, and Albert Reid of Middletown. See Story, photo page 17. night after a prisoner wres- Center, also known as the General Jonathan Weiner. tled a sheriff's officer and in- Chelsea School. In an accompanying com- Named defendants in the mates managed to open cell It conies in the wake of a plaint, the state alleges that state's complaint are the City blocks. fire code summons issued city officials are "in- of Long Branch, Mayor Cioffi Aug. 24 to the center director. tentionally interfering with, Public Safety Director John Sheriff Beech Fox said in- Matthew Martin, alleging that without legal authority." offi- M. Buffin and Edward H. Wil- Ask Gilman Suit Dismissal mates whose cell block had holes had been allowed to re- liams, fire inspector. cials and employes of the been opened subsequently FREEHOLD - Attorneys Rumson and William E. Rus- complaint is "the non-judicial During the trial, three pa- protected the sheriff'0 officer, for former County Medical sell of Middletown. action of the defendant in the thologists, including Dr. Ed- Sgt. William Peny. Examiner Dr. C. Malcolm B. Papers Filed negligent, malicious and im- win H. Albano. state medical Fox said order was resj6red Gilman will move in Superior Legal papers have also been proper performance of an au- examiner, disputed the cause in about an hour's.time and Court here Sept. 8 for dis- Seek Check for Tonti filed supporting and opposing topsy and not his subsequent of death Dr. Gilman gave, and the only injury was to.Perry, missal of a lawsuit for dam- dismissal of the action. testimony, which merely re- Mr. Rinaldi's body was ex- who suffered a minor scratch ages brought against him by Mr. Rathman contends that confirmed his initial humed for a second autopsy behind the right ear. two men acquitted in a mur- Dr. Gilman is protected from wrongdoing." by Dr. Albano. State police and police from der trial last year. being sued by testimonial im- Mr. Ansell argues that cases Cause of Death Cape May Court House and Swiss Bank Account The suit was filed in July, munity granted to witnesses cited to support Dr. Gilman's Dr. Gilman. who had admit' nearby communities secured NEWARK (AP) — The Jus- torney sought an order com- that Swiss law allows access, 1971. by Joseph J. Vena Jr.. 26 in court proceedings. position differ from this case tedly performed only a partial the outside, of the jail while tice Department is pressing pelling the Continental Illinois to bank records in cases' in- Orchard Ave.,. Holmdel, and Mr. Vena's attorney, Robert because they did not involve autopsy, had given the cause Warden Hiram L. Thompson. for a look at a bank account Trust Co. of Chicago to per- volving certain criminal Anthony G. Burlew. 808 Shore I. Ansell of Asbury Park, con- public officials and were not of death as a brain hemorr- Fox and his men. and two lo- it contends was set up secret- suade counterparts in Italy charges. He said extortion Concourse, Cliffwood Beach, tends that the thrust of the criminal cases. See Gilman, page 2 cal policemen restored order ly in Switzerland by D. Louis and Switzerland to open the and .conspiracy would be who were cleared in March. inside. Tonti. indicted former execu- records. crimes in Switerland, the 1971, of the slaying of Samuel Fox said charges would tive director of the New Jer- The Chicago bank has same as in the United States. ' Rinaldi. Lincroft. Mr. Rinaldi probably be brought against sey Highway Authority. shares in a bank in Milan Lacey said he couldn't un- died July 4. 1970, after an al- three of the prisoners. He A federal judge yesterday ' which owns 51 per cent of the derstand why it was taking so tercation with the two men at gave this account: ordered a Chicago bank to co- Banque de Financement, ac- long for the records to be Track Takes Complex cording to Stern. The U.S. At- made available. He said the the Middletown Swim and About.9:50 p.m. Perry was operate in the case. Tennis Club. returning John Coen, 27, of Tonti and two others were torney's office subpoenaed Al- usual procedure takes about a Philadelphia to his cell block indicted in April by a federal fred Miosi, executive vice month.
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