wcm m sbAY, 9crCT It, Average Daily Circulation The Wcdlfitr 81XTX3E3I Manchester Evening Herald i. .» F or’th e Month o f Jane, 1948 8,2.51 FMeeaat oi u, & Wenthee. , . x Member of the Audit Cooler aad leeii humid tonight Missing Girl and Friday morning. 'i^Jboul^ow ii : Bnreen o f CHrcalaHoae i I ^^(nsrcMnUtivt and Mr*. ^3«Qrge Is Back Home eafer— A City of Village Charm ^iKcith wni leava tomorrow for ■im ir home at WhlU X f VOL. LXII.>NO. 243 (ClonaUled AdvertMng oa Page 8 ) ESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, JULY 15,1943 (TEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS: I tuTth They wfll rmnaln un- ^elyn Macri, Reported - . .LV?' - ' Lal)or Day. Away from Home, Says \ ^.Itavnolda Popbff, aon of Mr. and She V^ill Soon Marry. Can -You Give Me ^ne Good H ^ y y Going fo r U. S. Warshijp ■..WllBain •. Popofl of 423 Ly- - I ■ V. ' A Strike Halts X - j atroet, who anllatcd ta the U.S. Allied Units Move Mias Evelyn of Pur­ ‘ C ‘ lairy. left tWa morning for the ta- nell place, who her. mother re- "action center at Hartford. He la I ported missing three \weeks ago Akron’s Bus, t third aon of Mr. and Mra. Pop- I and who for a time waSs SupixisM Reason Why I ShouM Buy A ' to enter the aervlce. Alexander ;ainst^apanese to have gone to visit her^stet In.^ V to In North Afrlod; poealbly Hartford, has returned home. Trolley Lines and Sobert P. Popoff la with The girl went to Milton, to armored dlvlalon at Camp visit Walter Bassette, 21 years of X ■ ree. Ark., aikl waa home on a age and whom she said this m orti-, Coat NOW" , ^ Mubo Area Lines Unexpected Walkout hy u«,agh laat month. Their broth- ing. she to going to marry later In .>to‘-law, Thomas Tomjlnaon la In the month. Baasette, she said, Is Operators ParalyZes ffow Giilnen. now employed In that town and Is to return to Mahchester on July American and Austra­ Mass Transportation K Major Battle Begim r ' Hose Company No. 2 o f the 26. >C Yank Fliers In Ohio Rubber City. ' ICanchester Fire department will The necessary consent for the lian Troops in New ttoioet this evening at headquarters marriage, she aald, will be given ' II .. '/ .• 1 Guinea Tlieater Closing i‘'B t 8 o’clock. Election of offlcera by her mother. Down Japs' Akron, O;, July 15.—(i#)— An un- Jaws of Allied Clam| K^and a report ot the outing oom- In ‘‘for ‘ Decisive Ac­ exp ect^ sfrike by CIO bus and r j aalttee will complete the business street car operators early today Supply i Take Deeper Bite 01 'fo r this session. tion” to Pin Foes Over B to 1 |y o u n e ^ y paralysed'maaa transportation In u«vy. Fight ,B«! Becom e ; Eastefm Sicily Aftei Corporal Technli^n J. Howard B^ck Near Salamaua. this war-lHisy rubber capital for shaping^-.Up on One «•' ^ i Fpi’ipus Battle; Ad^ ‘Harrison arrived today at the REFRIGERATION Enemyf X omps in B om b­ the second.-ttnie in two months, i home of hla parents, Mr. and Mrs. , Allied Headquarters in the depriving thousands of war work- Or Both Flanks of B l S [ S t e r 0 0 0 / 1 1^ Vance by Combim t^amea A. Harrison of 62 Oxfort | ers and Fighters in ^Street. This la his first furlough Southwest Pacific, July 15.— era of uaual meanh o f travel to Allied Advailen, as. ___ | American, CRnadiai ( Since hla entrance 111 the service (/P)— American and 'Australi­ Fortnight Total 211; their jobs. ?sn Koi^mber 7 jaat He la with ^ e YOU CAN GET Ignoring pleas of their leaders Axis Not Smashed Boasts and Stedks And British Force ini an troops in the New Guinea Airmen Still Threat. i Wgnal 'Corpa and was graduated ■ . N in a stormy early morning aeesion, iffrom a training school In Athena, theater, keying their attack approximately 200 unionists . re­ Enough to Halt Stand, j o Be 1 Available to Center Greatest Made.) fc'Oa.. laat month and immediately IT WITH A South Pacific Headquarters, fused to take their street cars and " tomnaferred to Vint Hin Farm Sta- to the continuing all-Amerl- July 16^-(/P)— American - airmen buses from the Akron Transporta­ London, July 15.— (/P)— Civilians and Military Allied. Headquarters, NortftI i^lion, Warrenton. Va. He reports X ^ can drive against Munda 700 outfought the Japanese in combat tion Company carbarns at 4 a. m. Next Few , Months. ij for duty iagaln Monday m ^ ln g. on a ratio of more than 8 to 1 (e. w. t.). London military observers, Africa, July 15>-<A>)— The BecauscY^ Sincerely miles to the east, are closing over the Solomon islands' during Requested Increase Refused aftai reading today’s Allied jaws of an Alliedxclatqp have (Chicago, July 45— ^47 — More A son was bom Monday to .Mr. in on Japanese positions in the period from Juiie 30 through William H. Wright, local CIO add enemy communiques A’Smd Mrs. Louis Sadler of West-1 July 13, a spokesman-for Admiral Transport Workers union presi­ roast beef and steahe wli; be avail­ taken a deeper b i^ oh bast- wood. Maaa. Mra. Sadler la a slater 1 the’ Mubo area "for decisive ac­ tion." Tbia offensive, an­ William F. Halsey, Jr.,- disclosed dent, <said the session was called from the Sicilian fighting able to civilians anti'-(he armed ern Sicily, after a furious r p f Walter Lalley, .of 24 H ^ a r d new to present to the union recommen­ or nounced in a 0|>ecial atatement to­ today. forces over the next few ipontha, t road, who la a linotype operator at [ dations of a War Labor board front,' express^ the opinion battle in which the ^tish Believe NOW, night from Geh. Douglas MacAr- Japanese losses in bombers add P. O. Wilson, secretary of the ..Na­ The Herald. 'fighters thfit fortnight, the first panel pn a wage dispute. The that a major battle might be Eighth Army hurled bgck thur’s. headquarters, was said by panel yesterday refused to approve tional Live Stock Producers .as­ an official apokeaman to be de­ of the Americans’ central Solo- shaping up on one or both .powerful counter-attack by; mone invasion, wero 211. Of a requested increase from the pres­ sociation, 'asaerted today. signed tovtoar the long-contested ent Sfili cents hourly average rate Pinehunt Grocery Mubo eone of. all enemy troops these, /lO l, were ehot- down the flanks of the Allied ^advance But the question wohying cat­ Nazi armprSd forces, head- to 81.25. Thar^ay You Will dfet A and pin Japam w back to th^r opening day of the attack June into the islano. Although , there tle men, Wilson added, was the quarters^-iqi>orta aaid today. The P. C. See, vice president and gen­ En route acrosa the ocean a fighting front, a United States lines around Suhinaua, on the 30. (The American . losses were was no hint that the Allies had prospect beyond that period — great^ advance was scored by not given officially, but from the eral manager of the company, said warship plunges through heavy seas-Avnich sweep the forward deck. , encountered a setback at any whether enough cattle would eastern New Guinea' shoreline 12 the transportation was ‘complete­ be a combined' American, CahadtaS F W S lifIS H miles to the north. point, it was not thought in Lon­ aad British force in the center (Gontlnued oa Page Four) ly tied up" and added ")h4y gave don. that the Axis had yet been, (Conttaned on Page Pwe) Our Boston fish buyer Capture Key StroagjMtnt us po notice, same asjait time.** where a gain of qlx or sevaa Better Fur Coat Aa a preliminary success, the smashed enough to remove the mUes was made in' the Raguai^ called up all in a dither this The carmen steg^ a two-day possibility of the Germans and ' N . A ■ ■ . ' Allied forces .captured-Green hill, VizZini sector On a line parallel ■lomintr...wanted « « / ®if* walkout May IS-^Md 14, In protesV Italiaua making a stiff stand soon ..-one of the key strongpoints in the against the^-WLB’a delay in eoh>- Reds Halt Attacking with the British east coast piialk I der right away...said fish ..A.’ Mubo defense system, following W arsh^p Shells or counter-attacking in strength. Messina Fc Capture Another AlrSeld sideringjtheir wagie demands. Encountering German Armor was as hard to get as nieat continued pressure against Japa­ Plead With Men Led* by. Ueut. (Sen, GAOfga 8.1 Your Money Than nese positions from both ground Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgom- Patton, Jr., the Americans on the I .. .80 we gave It to hhn fast right eeifi union leaders plead- and air, the announcement- said. Jap Position Enemy Everywhere e^ ’s Eighth Army was known to west flank dug into the difficult 1 ...and here is whkt we with the men in the special be encountering German armor All oLWeigBt In addition, an enemy force of meeting to-contlnue. working, hut mountains marking up a gain of] liiiTe to offer yon Thurs­ "medium siZe" has been 'cut off at for the first time as it edged Into about four' miles, capturing an- I that the membership "was tjired of the Catania plain. .The impres- day: Mubo. In Aleui bqing pushed around in our re­ Didodge N-Zi. from OjfA.ir Power Other airfield and taking impoiwj FRESH SCROD You Wm Next Allied patrols were reported en­ aldh here was that General Mont­ tept^ heights.
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