
Introduction and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

Enhancing your professional effectiveness through software solutions

Pierre Guillou

MINES ParisTech CRI – Centre de recherche informatique

April 7th, 2014

1 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion


2 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

1 Keyboard layout and type learning

2 Screen luminosity

3 LATEX tips

4 Command line hacks

3 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

1874: first QWERTY

http://ergo.human.cornell.edu/ergoprojects/dea4702005/hctwebsite/sholes.html 4 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion


5 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

AZERTY: de facto standard in

6 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

BÉPO, a keyboard layout optimized for French typing

http://bepo.fr/wiki/Accueil 7 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

BÉPO, a keyboard layout optimized for French typing

7 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

BÉPO, a keyboard layout optimized for French typing

7 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

BÉPO, a keyboard layout optimized for French typing


7 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

Learning BÉPO

http://tazzon.free.fr/dactylotest/bepodactyl 8 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

Learning BÉPO

http://tazzon.free.fr/dactylotest 8 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

Screen luminosity

9 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

Blue light effects

"Recognizes that exposure to excessive light at night, including extended use of various electronic media, can disrupt sleep or exacerbate sleep disorders, especially in children and adolescents. This effect can be minimized by using dim red lighting in the nighttime bedroom environment."

American Medical Association, 2012 1

1 http://www.ama-assn.org/resources/doc/csaph/a12-csaph4-lightpollution-summary.pdf 10 / 18 $ redshift -l 48.4:2.7 - 5800:3700 -m vidmode &

Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

Screen color adjustment

f.lux (Windows/OSX/iOS)

11 / 18 $ redshift -l 48.4:2.7 -t 5800:3700 -m vidmode &

Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

Screen color adjustment

11 / 18 $ redshift -l 48.4:2.7 -t 5800:3700 -m vidmode &

Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

Screen color adjustment

redshift (GNU/)

11 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

Screen color adjustment

redshift (GNU/Linux)

$ redshift -l 48.4:2.7 -t 5800:3700 -m vidmode &

11 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

LATEX compilation workflow


How do you compile LATEX documents? a button/keybinding on an IDE pdflatex make

12 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

LATEX compilation workflow

latexmk several compilation passes bibtex makeindex dvips ... “preview continuous

12 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion latexmk configuration

minimal latexmkrc file $pdf_mode="1"; $pdflatex="pdflatex"

associated Makefile LATEX= latexmk FLAGS=-pvc

.PHONY: clean talk

talk: $(LATEX)$(FLAGS) [email protected]

clean: rm-f *~ *.nav*.snm*.vrb $(LATEX)-C

13 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

Bibliography management


firefox add-on vs standalone collections, tags, metadata, pdf bibtex import/export ISBN/DOI lookup sync

14 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

Bibliography management

14 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion zsh, a substitute for Bash

My zsh prompt

15 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion zsh, a substitute for Bash

Pros prompt customization way better completion path expansion spelling correction aliases history command-line edition oh-my-zsh (https://github.com/robbyrussell/oh-my-zsh)

15 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

Coloring the shell output

Put the following in your bashrc less with GNU source_highlight

exportLESSOPEN="|␣/path/to/src-hilite-lesspipe.sh␣%" exportLESS=’␣-R’

ls and grep

alias ls=’ls␣--color=auto’ alias grep=’grep␣--color=auto’

diff and gcc consider using colordiff/colorgcc for LLVM users, clang already produce a colored output https://github.com/vivienm/colorlatex

16 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

Terminal window tiling with terminator

Terminator (GNU/Linux)

17 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

Terminal window tiling with terminator

17 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion


bépo f.lux/redshift latexmk zotero zsh source-highlight colordiff/colorgcc terminator

18 / 18 Introduction Keyboard layout and type learning Screen luminosity LATEX tips Command line hacks Conclusion

Enhancing your professional effectiveness through software solutions

Pierre Guillou

MINES ParisTech CRI – Centre de recherche en informatique

April 7th, 2014

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