A Smörgåsbord of Typos: Exploring International Keyboard Layout

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A Smörgåsbord of Typos: Exploring International Keyboard Layout 2019 IEEE Security and Privacy Workshops (SPW) bLǑa<·c$Ra0 R8 iwURc- 2uUIRaCN< BNj3aNjCRNI F3w$Ra0 HwRnj iwURc\njjCN< pC,jRa H3 TR,@j. iRL pN ;R3j@3L. rRnj3a DRRc3N CL3,A/CcjaCM3j. Fm H3nq3N kzzS H3nq3N. #3I<CnL &7B`biMK2XHbiMK2'!+bXFmH2mp2MX#2 $cja,jġiwURc\njjCN< Cc j@3 LIC,CRnc Ua,jC,3 R8 a3<Ccj3aCN< mb 2N<ICc@ V[r2`ivW G3w$Ra0 IwRnjY ?Rs3q3a. aRnN0 j@3 0RLCNc j@j a3cnIj 8aRL jwURc L03 s@3N nc3ac jaw jR qCcCj sRaI0 Rj@3a G3w$Ra0 IwRnjc a3 ,RLLRNIw nc30 c s3II- j@3c3 URUnIa 0RLCNcY Ta3qCRnc sRaGc @q3 RNIw ,RNcC03a30 j@3 a3aaN<3 b+BB I3jj3ac Vcn,@ c j@3 x2`iv Ra [r2`ix mb 2N<ICc@ G3w$Ra0 IwRnj. $nj R8 ,Rnac3 Rj@3a IwRnjc a3 sC03Iw nc30 aRnN0 j@3 sRaI0Y BN j@Cc UU3a. s3 nN,Rq3a @Rs IwRnjc nc30 CN 3Y<Y 7aN,3 N0 ;3aLNw a3cU3,jCq3IwW Ra csU jwURc\njj3ac a3 IcR ja<3jCN< ,RLLnNCjC3c j@j nc3 j@3c3 Rj@3a UnN,jnjCRN cwL$RIc 8Ra ,RLLRNIw nc30 ,,3Nj30 ,@a,j3ac IwRnjc $w 3uLCNCN< jwUR 0RLCNc RN NRNAmb 2N<ICc@ G3w$Ra0c V3Y<Y ³ RN bUNCc@ Ra § RN b,N0CNqCN G3w$Ra0cWY 8Ra Szz zzz URUnIa 0RLCNcY r3 ~N0 j@j ;3aLN nc3ac a3 j@3 LRcj ja<3j30. sCj@ Rq3a S9 zzz a3<Ccj3a30 jwUR 0RLCNcY +RLA BN j@Cc UU3a. s3 cjn0w @Rs j@3 jwURc\njjCN< U@3NRL3NRN UNC3c cn,@ c 2\nC8u N0 LyRN @q3 0383NcCq3Iw a3<Ccj3a30 @c 3uUN030 jR ja<3j cU3,C~, IN<n<3c N0 ,RLLnNCjC3c. cn,@ 0RLCNc $nj a3 R8j3N CN,RLUI3j3d LRa3Rq3a. Rj@3a LERa 3uUIRCjCN< jwURc L03 RN NRNAmb 2N<ICc@ G3w$Ra0 IwRnjcY ,RLUNC3c C<NRa3 j@3L IjR<3j@3a N0 IIRs LIC,CRnc ,jRac r3 <3N3aj3 ,N0C0j3 c\njjCN< 0RLCNc ,aRcc Szz zzz URUA jR ,UCjICy3 RN j@3Ca $aN0Y TaGCN< 0RLCNc Ra 0q3ajCcCN< j@3L 8Ra cI3 a3LCNc j@3 LRcj URUnIa LRN3jCyjCRN cjaj3<w nIa 0RLCNc. a3~NCN< Rna c3a,@ jR 0RLCNc j@j s3 ,N LRcj R8 c\njj3ac RN j I3cj :zX R8 a3<Ccj3a30 0RLCNc. $nj s3 IcR a3IC$Iw jjaC$nj3 jR NRNAmb 2N<ICc@ jwURc\njjCN<Y 7Ra j@Rc3 c33 LRa3 @aL8nI Ua,jC,3c. cn,@ c c,L s3$cCj3 j@j cURR8c 0RLCNc j@j a3 a3<Ccj3a30. s3 03j3aLCN3 s@C,@ ,RnNjaC3c j@3w IR,I N3scUU3aY i@Cc UaRq3c j@j 0RLCN c\njj3ac IcR ,RNcC03a ja<3j. s@R RsNc j@3L N0 @Rs j@3w a3 V$Wnc30Y jwURc RN NRNAmb 2N<ICc@ G3w$Ra0c jR $3 qIn$I3. N0 j@j ,RLUNC3c c@RnI0 $3 LRa3 I3aj CN ,ICLCN< j@3c3 0RLCNcY r3 c33 j@j $Rj@ $aN0 RsN3ac N0 0RLCN c\njj3ac a3 BN03u i3aLcġiwURc\njjCN<. r3$ b3,naCjw. /RLCN ML3 sa3 R8 NRNAmb 2N<ICc@ jwURc\njjCN< RUURajnNCjC3cY r@CI3 bwcj3L. BNj3aNjCRNICyjCRN cRL3 ,RLUNC3c sCj@ ja<3j30 0RLCNc @q3 L03 0383NcCq3 a3<CcjajCRNc. nN8RajnNj3Iw j@3w R8j3N LCcc ,3ajCN qaCNjcY BY BϩАЁϱβЛΫАϔϱϩ BN 00CjCRN. f R8 j@3 S4 LRcj ja<3j30 $aN0c @q3 L03 NR /RLCN NL3c a3LCN RN3 R8 j@3 UaRU3ajC3c R8 s3$cCj3 j@j 0383NcCq3 a3<CcjajCRNc s@jcR3q3aY /RLCN c\njj3ac jG3 8nII a3 LRcj qCcC$I3 jR 3N0 nc3ac- j@3w a3 UaRLCN3NjIw 0CcUIw30 0qNj<3 R8 j@3c3 IUc3c. LRcjIw LRN3jCyCN< j@3 jwUR 0RLCNc CN j@3 00a3cc $a R8 $aRsc3ac. c@RsN CN j@3 ICcjCN<c R8 c3a,@ j@aRn<@ 0RLCN UaGCN<. $nj s3 IcR R$c3aq3 LIC,CRnc ,jCqA 3N<CN3 a3cnIjc N0 <3N3aIIw L3NjCRN30 CN LaG3jCN< Lj3aCIY Cjw cn,@ c c,LcY KRa3Rq3a. ,Incj3ac R8 cCj3c a3<Ccj3a30 $w i@3w 8RaL LERa Uaj R8 s3$cCj3ȕc N0. $w 3uj3NcCRN. j@3 cL3 3NjCjw c s3II c UaG30 U<3c j@j a383a3N,3 j@3 $aN0ȕc C03NjCjw. s@C,@ IcR LG3c j@3L UaCL3 ja<3j 8Ra ja<3j30 $aN0c LG3 Cj ,I3a j@j 0RLCN c\njj3ac a3 cU3,C8A LIC,CRnc Ua,jC,3c j@j jaw jR 3Cj@3a ,UCjICy3 RN 0RLCNȕc C,IIw ja<3jCN< NRNAmb 2N<ICc@ G3w$Ra0cY i@Cc ,RN~aLc j@j URUnIaCjw Ra CLU3acRNj3 CjY ,RLUNC3c c@RnI0 Uw jj3NjCRN jR j@Cc GCN0 R8 jwURc\njjCN< iwURc\njjCN< Cc RN3 cn,@ Ua,jC,3. s@3a3 LIC,CRnc ,jRac c s3II. c s3 c33 j@j Cj Cc Ia30w Ua3qI3Nj jR0wY a3<Ccj3a 0RLCNc j@j 3uUIRCj @nLN 3aaRa s@3N 3Nj3aCN< BN cnLLaw. s3 LG3 j@3 8RIIRsCN< ,RNjaC$njCRNc- j@3 m`H R8 URUnIa Vnj@RaCjjCq3W 0RLCNcY 7Ra CNcjN,3. j@3w LC<@j a3<Ccj3a 7+2#QBFX+QKS. s@C,@ Lw $3 a3,@30 $w nNsCjjCN< nc3ac s@3N j@3w LCcjwU3 7+2#QQFX+QK. N0 • r3 cjn0w jwURc\njjCN< j@j ja<3jc NRNAmb 2N<ICc@ G3wA jj3LUj jR LRN3jCy3 Cj CN qaC3jw R8 swc. cn,@ c c@RsCN< $Ra0c N0 j@3 ,RLLnNCjC3c j@j nc3 j@3L. ~N0CN< l4 O:k 0q3ajCc3L3Njc N0 ICNGc jR Ȕa3Ij30ȕ s3$cCj3c j@aRn<@ UaGCN< a3<Ccj3a30 jwUR 0RLCNc j@j LRcjIw ja<3j ;3aLN nc3acY c3aqC,3c )S*. a30Ca3,jCN< jR j@3 nj@RaCjjCq3 0RLCN sCj@ • r3 ~N0 j@j Sl Rnj R8 j@3 S4 LRcj ja<3j30 ,RLUNC3c |ICj3 ICNGc j@j UaRqC03 j@3 c\njj3a sCj@ ,RLLCccCRN RN @q3 a3<Ccj3a30 j I3cj RN3 0RLCN 0383NcCq3Iw. $nj j@j II Una,@c3c )S*Ģ)k*. Ra c3aqCN< LIsa3 ):*. )9*Y RNIw RN3 @c ,Rq3a30 II URj3NjCI jwUR 0RLCNcY Ta3qCRnc sRaGc @q3 cjn0C30 j@3 Ua3qI3N,3 R8 jwURc\njjCN< • r3 ,IccC8w j@3 a3<Ccj3a30 jwUR 0RLCNc. N0 c33 j@j Rq3a jCL3 ):* N0 8Ra Ia<3 c3j R8 URUnIa 0RLCNc )9*. $nj UaGCN< Cc j@3 LRcj URUnIa sw jR LRN3jCy3 j@3L j :zX s@3N 3NnL3ajCN< URj3NjCI jwURc\njjCN< 0RLCNc $c30 RN R8 a3<Ccj3a30 0RLCNcd RNIw kX a3 a3<Ccj3a30 0383NcCq3IwY j@3 UaRuCLCjw R8 G3w$Ra0 G3wc. j@3c3 sRaGc RNIw ,RNcC03a j@3 • r3 03j3,j SSk 0RLCNc j@j I30 jR $I,GICcj30 s3$cCj3c. N0 ~N0 j I3cj SSf LRa3 cCj3c j@j LIC,CRncIw a30Ca3,j Si@Cc 0RLCN Cc 0383NcCq3Iw a3<Ccj3a30 $w 7,3$RRGY jR c,L s3$cCj3Y © 2019, Victor Le Pochat. Under license to IEEE. 187 DOI 10.1109/SPW.2019.00043 BBY #ΞΫϡόЁϱЛϩβ Ξϩβ ϨζАϑϱβЅ #Y /j ,RII3,jCRN Y iwURc\njjCN< LR03I SW F3w$Ra0 IwRnjc- BN Ra03a jR <3N3aj3 ,N0C0j3 jwA BNq3cjC<jCRNc R8 jwURc\njjCN< $nc3 a3\nCa3 LR03I R8 URc\njjCN< 0RLCNc. s3 ~acj R$jCN j@3 c3j R8 G3w$Ra0 IwA s@C,@ 0RLCNc a3 LRcj ICG3Iw jR a3cnIj 8aRL LCcjwUCN<Y Rnjc 03~N30 CN q3acCRN lYl9 R8 j@3 t F3w$Ra0 +RN~<najCRN rN< 3j IY )f* 03~N30 ~q3 GCN0c R8 jwURc- /j$c3 )S:*Y r3 ICLCj Rnac3Iq3c jR j@3 Ȕ$cC,ȕ V038nIjW SW KCccCN<A0Rj jwURc- j@3 0Rj 8RIIRsCN< Ȓsssȓ Cc RLCjj30- G3w$Ra0 IwRnj 8Ra 3,@ CN,In030 ,RnNjaw. 0Cca3<a0CN< LRa3 3Y<Y rrr2tKTH2X+QKY R$c,na3 IwRnjc j@j a3 nNICG3Iw jR $3 ,RLLRNIw nc30 N0 lW +@a,j3aARLCccCRN jwURc- RN3 ,@a,j3a Cc RLCjj30- sRnI0 ICG3Iw CNjaR0n,3 LRa3 ,RIICcCRNc sCj@ $3NC<N 0RLCNcY 3Y<Y 2tKTH2X+QKY r3 3uja,j j@3 LUUCN<c 8aRL U@wcC,I G3wc jR ,@a,j3ac ncCN< kW +@a,j3aAU3aLnjjCRN jwURc- ,RNc3,njCq3 ,@a,j3ac j@3 Uac3a N0 <aLLa R8 j@3 E2v#Q`/ GvQmi 1/BiQ` a3 csUU30- 3Y<Y 2tKTH2X+QKY UUIC,jCRN )S9*. N0 ICcj j@3 0E,3Nj ,@a,j3ac 8Ra 3,@ G3wY :W +@a,j3aAa3UI,3L3Nj jwURc- RN3 ,@a,j3a Cc a3A lW BNUnj 0RLCNc- r3 <3N3aj3 ,N0C0j3 jwURc\njjCN< 0RLCNc 8Ra j@3 Szz zzz LRcj URUnIa 0RLCNc. a3jaC3q30 8aRL UI,30 $w N 0E,3Nj ,@a,j3a RN ȔcjN0a0ȕ VCY3Y mb l 2N<ICc@W G3w$Ra0 IwRnj- 3Y<Y 2txKTH2X+QKY j@3 iaN,R ICcj R8 /3,3L$3a ll. lzS4 Y i@Cc ICcj sc UaRURc30 9W +@a,j3aACNc3ajCRN jwURc- RN3 ,@a,j3a Cc CNc3aj30. $w H3 TR,@j 3j IY )Sf* c a3UI,3L3Nj 8Ra j@3 ,RLLRNIw 3Cj@3a j@3 ,@a,j3a Cjc3I8 V0nUIC,jCRNW Ra N 0E,3Nj nc30 I3u ICcj. c j@Cc ICcj @c $33N c@RsN jR $3 $Rj@ q3aw ,@a,j3a RN ȔcjN0a0ȕ VCY3Y mb 2N<ICc@W G3w$Ra0 IwA qRIjCI3 )Se* N0 qnIN3a$I3 jR Ia<3Ac,I3 LNCUnIjCRN. N0 Rnj- 3Y<Y 2tKTH2X+QK Ra 2txKTH2X+QK a3cU3,jCq3IwY Cc CNcj30 <3N3aj30 $w ,RL$CNCN< 8Rna aNGCN<c Rq3a kz 0wcY kW /RLCN UaRU3ajC3c- iR cc3cc s@3j@3a Rna ,N0C0j3 i@3c3 <3N3aj3 0RLCNc sCj@ /L3anAH3q3Nc@j3CN 0CcA jwURc\njjCN< 0RLCNc a3 a3<Ccj3a30 N0 @Rs j@3w a3 nc30. jN,3 )e*. )4* R8 RN3. CY3Y j@3 CNc3ajCRN. 03I3jCRN. cn$cjCjnjCRN s3 ,RII3,j j@3 8RIIRsCN< 0j c3jc- Ra jaNcURcCjCRN R8 RN3 ,@a,j3ad 8Ra j@3 ,c3 R8 0E,3Nj /Mb a3,Ra0c- r3 a3\n3cj . La N0 aP a3,Ra0c 8Ra $Rj@ G3w$Ra0 ,@a,j3ac. j@3c3 0RLCNc @q3 IcR $33N ,RCN30 c j@3 ,N0C0j3 0RLCNc N0 j@3 nj@RaCjjCq3 0RLCNc j@3w a3 @qCN< 8jA~N<3a 0CcjN,3 R8 RN3 )l*Y i@3c3 a3 j@3 LRcj $c30 RNY r3 ccnL3 ,N0C0j3 0RLCNc jR $3 a3<Ccj3a30 C8 8a3\n3Nj R,,naa3N,3c R8 jwUCN< 3aaRac- 0RLCNc sCj@ LRa3 j@N Nw a3,Ra0 0R3c NRj a3jnaN N Ls.PJAL a3cURNc3. 3u,3Uj RN3 LR0C~,jCRN a3 I3cc ICG3Iw jR R,,na )O* N0 LRa3 UaRN3 8Ra 0RLCNc s@3a3 j@3 iH/ a3jnaNc 038nIj a3,Ra0 8Ra II jR $3 8Ic3 URcCjCq3cY nNa3<Ccj3a30 0RLCNc Vcn,@ c X7K Ra XrbWY r3 ,RNcjan,j Rna cU3,C~, jwURc\njjCN< LR03I ,RNc3aqA r?QBb a3,Ra0c- r3 R$jCN a3<CcjajCRN 0j $w a3jaC3qCN< jCq3Iw- s3 C<NRa3 0RLCNc j@j ,RnI0 @q3 $33N <3N3aj30 N0 UacCN< r?QBb a3,Ra0c sCj@ j@3 `n$w r@RCc IC$aaw )S4*Y j@aRn<@ LRa3 Ȕ,RLLRNȕ N0 Ua3qCRncIw cjn0C30 j3,@NC\n3c.
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