10 NEW-YORK DAILY TRIBUNE. MONDAY. APRIL 23. 1900. sV5CfH AVEiV^ 22° O'Neill's. th to 21st S**- ©'Neill's. to 21st S**- Delegates to the Great Mission Council Furnishings for Summer invitation Homes! We extend to you a cordial to call and inspect our Store and its Hammoth Stocks of New Spring Der- We are now ready lor the season of 1900 with the Largest and Best Stock of Summer Furnishings ever gathered by any one house in the City of York. You can your home from cellar to garret with everything necessary to chandise. You will find it one of the most interesting New furnish make it complete, without ste; outside our doors, and at prices, too, that will enable you to do more perhaps than places to visit in New York, and we assure you you will anticipated. be cordially welcomed whether you wish to purchase or not. Light Summer Rugs and Mattings, Filmy Curtains, Light Weight H. O'NEILL CO., & Portieres, Reed and Bamboo Furniture for Indoor and 6th Aye., 20th to 2 1st St. Outdoor Use, Dining Room Furniture, Bedroom Furniture, Hammocks and Outdoor Goods, Awnings, Slip Covers, Kitchen Utensils, Fine China and Glassware, Silverware Dress Goods. and the thousand and one things that go to make the Summer equipment complete. The goods we sell are not the trashy kind, quick to go to pieces, but goods that are strictly reliable and that will give entire satisfaction. We will Decided cheerfully and promptly reductions in fine furnish you with a complete you may imported fabrics, including estimate for anything desire. Write us ; you II rind it worth your while. A few of your Summer needs and their prices: Che 7iiHe s t for Fci7icy and Beds and Bedding Rugs and Mattings. Furniture for Summer We direct special attention to our extensive line of Summer Floor Cover- Summer Chine, Homes. Our Rugs is complete, embracing sizes, Use. Crepe de ings. line of Oriental all the different An immense stock of it. golfing duffer is the one Another sale that willenable you to and none but the newest designs and best effects. The new China and Jap embracing The Eolienne and all that is needful for the country or thorn in the true golfer's flesh. buy your Beds and Bedding at prices Mattings are shown in great variety. A few prices: seaside home. any of you have such far below those you would usually pay — REED PARLOR SUITS. SETTEES. ARMCHAIRS If any Mozambiques. Empire Smyrna Rugs AllWool. AND ROCKERS thorn, ! IN ENDLESS duffer why not send him a elsewhere. Read 9Xt2 ft., 10'..X7'. ft.', 3x12 ft., 3x9 ft., VARIETY. book telling the etiquette— of golf, Special Porch Rockers, the rules of golf the new rules Outfit No. I, 8.75 13.48 9.98 with heavy maple frames and flat arms, finished 3^98 3^35 in red. green or natural wood, at these special for this year, information of all Monday & Tuesday^ It comprises one White Enamel Bed, with one- prices: dear even to the duffer- inch pillars and extended loot, brass vases, one Japanese Rugs. Splint seat and slat hack kinds spring, with hardwood frame, 1.95 , double woven wire Just the thing for summer use, the kind that willgive good satisfaction, at these prices: Splint seat and splint hack ' ?.|Q golfer's heart. 4.6-1710/1 and one good top mattress, with five- ft., ft., Reed sent and «lat back ' ' 9x12 7' xto'2 6x9 ft., ft., ft., .2.45 If you send us his name and in desirable colors, inch border. This whole outfit, worth $12.00, 4x7 3x6 Reed seat and reed back — for 8.75 i95 address and name of his Club Morris Chairs, — 9.25 6.75 4.68 2.45 1.65 with we'll send the don't even $1.00 ' solid oak frames and covered with trass' Smaller sizes at prices inproportion. cloth, Outfit No. 2, White Jute, Blue ask for a stamp. per yard, 14.98 Also Japanese Blue and and White and Green and White Cotton Rugs at equally low prices. 5.50 Perhaps some of you true golf- regular price $1.50. Consists of one White Enamel Bed, with brass and 9.75 ers one, rail, mounts and spindles on head and foot, Couches, would like too. straight or bow foot, one double woven wire China and Jap Mattings at Cheap Prices. made to stand wear, Company. spring, with steel frame, nnd one good 40-lb. hair A most extensive stock ofthe newest designs, all 40-yard rolls, at these prices: the large and very com- Rogers, Pf.f.t & mattress, parts, regular fortable, covered with grass cloth, inone or two all sizes: CHINA MATTINGS 4.69, 5.98, 7.65, 8.45, 10.75. and 11.25 Roll ..-.^ Broadway ear. Warren. Lord&Taylor, value of outfit $1 S.00, for this sale .... 14.98 t*mBroadway, cor. Prinre. We fillorder* JAP. MATTINGS 6.98, 7.98, 8.50. 10.48, and 11.98 Roll Broadway, by in.-til. White Enamel Beds, all sizes 2.98 11.25 32G0 cor. SIM. .Broadway in 2Uth St, White Enamel Cabinet Iron Folding Beds, 2 ', ft., —A Upholstered Divans, x/2x =::= 3 ft., 33 /2 ft.and 4 ft., worth in regular -5 r\ o ]L<£lCC v^UrL3inSwurictiiib denim, $S.oo uace opportunityopportunity. covered with your choice of colora and stock O.VO patterns, for White Iron Folding Cots, with spring We closed out a large line of Nottingham Lace Curtains a couple of days attached, wood, feet, the newest no 2,!^ and 3 -5 Oft ago. They comprise all spring designs ; most of them ecru and 5.98 worth $S.oo Oi"O ivory. We bought them very cheap and we are to going give you a chance to Couches, Double Woven Wire Springs, with steel 'J *y j— save some money by selling them to-day at Wardrobe frames, no wood, worth $5.00 .... £% iZj top spring edge all around, and covered with 1.15, 1.25, , $12.00, CARPETS. 1.48, 1.98 and 2.98 Pair. worth Best &, Co., Liliputian New Spring Styles flattresses. Also a Choice Line of Colored Cross Stripe Curtains 8.98 In all the various grades. Bazaar, 60 & 62 W. HAIR MATTRESSES, made in one or 1.48, Special Sale ! 40-lb. sizes, 2.35 and 2.69 Pair. Extension Tables. two parts, best , all [~ CT Tables, 23rd St., will be closed worth $10.00 O. /«5 Elegant golden oak Extension will BEST BODY BRUSSELS. open 6 feet, 5 heavy fluted legs, top cloaed Roll; Big Specials in Monday, April 23rd, 800 of the Oldest and Most Celebrated Makes First-class MIXED HAIR MATTRESSES, made Three Irish Point Curtains! inches, regular price $$•<>*, on one or two parts, 40x40 from the yard- in A. C. A. ticking, CT These prices hold good for Monday and Tuesday 95C. all sizes, worth $15.00 /•/O only. Ifyou wish to take account of the death of advantage of them you'llhave to buy quick, for they willgo very quickly: 6.75 New Weave Ingrains, Sanitary Long HAIR MATTRESSES, with five- Curtains, • inch border, made in one or two parts, The regular $6.98 at this sale * 4.98 Mr. Albert Best In Brussels effects: novelties never before exhibited. \ A 4 W Curtains, at Dining Chairs. Odd patterns INGRAINS (old weave), to go at uni- warranted full weight, value $20.00 . 1t«tO The regular $7.98 this sale ...... ,.,.., * * 5.98 high-back Chairs, -."»<•. yard. Solid oak Dining with box form price of the The regular $9.50 Curtains, at this sale ...... \ „,.. ] .6.98 seats, regular price $2-7S. SOMETHING NEW! 0U ARY ! Imitation Point Arab Curtains, I Bobbinet Ruffle Curtains. Summer last, 1.89 A AN worth $S.oo and $9.00 pair, while they and Regular $s.s^ grade 1.65 X Floor Mattings, They don't cost much if you buy them right" there's only a few of them, Regular grade China Closets. and few to you far a S«-7S 1.98 A items show how dollar willgo Regular $3.00 grade Golden oak China Closets. > feet 7 inches at O'Neill's Counter: 2.35 wide, SUMMER FURNITURE, _ 5.75 and 6.35 Pair. Regular $4.7s grade 3.25 high and •? feet bent glass side?, strongly MADE FROM AMERICAN GRASS. Dotted and Figured Swiss for cottage |*>1 made and nicely finished. Especially Adapted for Hotels. Cottages and Summer Re.»! draperies, inches wide, yard jtLjX* Curtains, Plain Organdie ArtlpTl<- Very IHm,blp. 36 ... 1 Muslin Curtains. dences; and This Grass product Is not only made up Into Floor Tambour , 30 inches wide, good CT^ in all sizes of dots, fleur de lis and bow knot Extra fine quality, with lace edge and insertions, 13.50 Coverings and Furniture, (consisting of Chairs, Rockers, l- Zv)C quality, yard, I2 2c, and $1.15 $2.90 pair, $1.9^, Settees. &c, for Veranda*. 1 hut als-i into Ham pern. Fancy- 15c. designs, worth to worth pair, fj%» Work Baskets, Market and Waste Taper Baskets. &c. Nottingham Lace, 30 inches wide, for -t addition, Decorating *7/-» Flint's FinePurntture In we call attention to Its use for sash curtains 1 v China Dept. purpose*. The opportunities for use in this manner are / 89c, 1.10, 1.25, 1.35 Pr. 1.39 Pair. practically unlimited, and for Summer decoration It Irish Point Lace Vestibule Panels, * BASEMENT. 1S especially desirable, as the material Is colored In IT SUMMER'S PLAY-GROUND. c-iol. quiet, olive tones. 2.25, 2.50 and 1.1/ A practical demonstration of Its use for wall decoration, Plain Swiss, inches wide, with , Dinner Is it because the co!f links are calling so combined with wood work and color effects, may be Been 40 7-inch ")f| Sets! the of ruffle, insertions, £\r{, ! TWO GREAT BARGAINS. our New Department, yard ! Decorative 2d floor . . Portieres Portieres many persons out-of-doors, or because Fashion In on our lace edges and just discovering 14th Street front. 100-piece Dinner Sets of American Porcelain, 1b how to be comfortable in Ja]inne«e Strnvr Matting's China , for mantel draperies and pillows, A few items that willshow you how far a littlemoney will go weather, to Clifnn and when you decorations, gray color, •warm that the lawn is be the social Our Own Importitlon) Turkish and Japanese patterns, 30 inches pa buy at O'Neill's. We guarantee you cannot duplicate these values anywhere, underglaze floral dove rendezvous? from *."..M> per roll of 40 yard?. wide, yard £s?~Regular price $10.95, We have made hooded peats and canopied OVC* in New York or out of it. tables under whose shade one may sit without SPtctai. fear of sun or sprinkle. Other tables with 7.75 sharpened centre rods to fasten in the ground KHIPP & CO., Covers &Awnings 800 Pairs Imitation Bagdad Portieres. m-piece Dinner Sris, violet decoration and steadiness; rustic-looking seats, SHEPP£RD and insure with STS. colors, SIXTH \\ I"..ISTIIAND MTU They have fiveand six stripes, are all soft and heavily fringed top and bottom gold handles and tracing*, large size soup tureen. arms broadened to form writing or reading $17.00, tables: settles for two, with inclosed cabinets to Made to Order at £2T"Regular value keep work or books safe from wind or weather. 2.59 and 3.69 Pair. si*"*l- Just a sight of our warerooms will widen 600 pairs extra fine BAGDAD CURTAINS, fac simile of the real article, which $10.00 13.50 your summer horizon and a sight of our factory retails for Lowest Prices. to $t2.00; they have six stripes and embrace all the popular colors; they are prices willconvince you it is economy to bottom, hand-made "BUYOFTHE MAKER" Slip Covers, 3 pieces 6.75 lrinyed top and Toilet Sets. Slip Covers, 5 pieces 11.75 4.25 An immense assortment to choose from: scores Slip Covers, 7 pieces 15.75 and 4.69 Pair. ofchoice new patterns. A few items that may Geo. C.Flint Soo pairs DERBY and ARMURE PORTIERES, in all the leading colors, heavily fringed top interest you: Co. Awnings, three sizes, each 2.50, 2.75 /\u25a0% C bottom, $S.oo and Sets, colors, and jL,ZDO worth $0.50 to pair, Fine American Underglaze Toilet ? \u25a043. 45 and 47 WEST 23?ST. at these special prices: " Window Shades at the lowest prices in New 3.25, and 11-piece Sets 3.13 NEAR BROADWAY. The tmboiiiment «f tone and art." York. 3.38 3.89 Pair. PORTIERES, Q-piece Sets 2.23 FACTORY: 154-jANO 156 WIST 400 pairs extra fine ART TAPESTRY handscme fringe top and bottom, all I9?STRECT 33 UNION SQUARE-WEST, desirable colors, it-piece Sets withslight imperfections, beauti- fully decorated, regular price $7.00, Between 10th and 17th Streets. Cut Glassware. 4.69 and 5.35 Special, WESCTHESTER COUNTY. A choice collection embracing all the richest Pair. 4.98 days for the laboring man; that It was the duty of and finest cuttings at exceptionally prices. A fine assortment of the Mercerized Reversible Oriental employment to to low and Derby PORTIERFS all Sets, the State to furnish all willing the popular colors, worth $16.00 to $ao.oo, u-piece English Porcelain Toilet under- work so that they would not lie driven to poverty. glaze decoration, turquoise or purple, formerly Vi:HNiiN. Insanity :md These Arc Special. MOUNT suicide. 7.69, |S.-,0. The committee of ten appointed to have charge Water Rottles, each 8.98 and 9.25 Pair. to 1.48 *p<«^< Of "The Dally Kagle" Fund buya home for the HOME NEWS. to match, widow of Sergeant Douglass met in the Mayor's Tumblers dozen 2.65 6.75 Bowls, inch, office on Saturday night and organized. Mayor 6 each 4.66 5,000 PROMINENT ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS. Cruets, Oriental W. elected chairman, Couch Edwin FfskC was James M. Oil or Vinegar each Qg Covers! c Ford, Tools. Anderson treasurer, and H. C. Fordham secretary. ASTOR—RtMilii-n of Uoston. and Frederick Olive Dishes, with handles, each Reversible, all the leading colors, to 62 inches wide, Garden Chicago. , I.QB "50 worth from $7.50 to you ru«v The amounts paid In and subscribed exceed tl.(«o, L. Goss. of BUCKINGHAM -The Rev. .. $14.00; marked for this sale, A few items to show how the prices and the fund Is growing rapidly. Famswortb Post, Henry Hinrkley, of Boston. ENDICOTT—Richard Fruit Saucers, each oyc Read them: they're interesting: G. A. R.. has also opened a subscription for the Lexington. Ky. widow, I»aiia. of FIFTH AVENUE—C. A host of other values equally attractive. Spades, steel blades '**\u25a0 which Is expect<«U to reach a good figure Motia Vicuna, Chilian Minister at Washington, and 3.69, 3.98, 4.48, 5.69 ... 80c before ItIs closed. \V. Aldrich, and 6.25 Each. Digging Forks In the absence of the family Saturday afternoon Senator Nelson of Hho.lt- Island. A complete assortment of burglars Juan Pedro Ba.ru. of Havana; Nat ('. . Gobelins and Silk Tapestries, in all the new Iron Rakes Jjc forced an entrance to the home of W. T. HOFFMAN— upholstering nnd prices shades for c Ames, a New-York real estate broker, at No. 35C Qoodwln, nnd Anthony N. Brady, of Albany. Refrigerators. decorating, at ranging from $i.2s to $4.4!* yard. Hoes }?c? Summit-aye.. Chester Hill, and looted the house. HOLLAND—Vernon E. Hod^--*. of Washington; t*' Allcash purchases, except sewing machines and bicycles, delivered any 3-piece Sets j£ It believed by the police free to railroad lOc is that the thieves are Ijr K. W. Jenke, of Detroit, and Captain C. V. A full line of the celebrated Leonard Clennable station within 100 miles »1 New York City. Steel Trowels two well dressed negroes who have recently com- A. Dr I). V,,st. '^ mitted burglaries In fashionable parts Tront. V. S. IMPERIAL— .1. Refrigerators and Ice Chests. We invite your Weeding Forks of Mount H. 'the actor), Cohasset, -;<>- V<-r:,.'n Mr. Ames estimates his loss at more than I.B. A.; William Crane of inspection. Pruning Shears J2.0"). O. r-i.m'ls. of Chicago, and Orders by Mail The stolen property consists of diamond MaSI I.ludK«' John For- Receive Prompt Attention. Aitiiti.i ill. r iV Ir.< at lew prices. ringß, brooches, scarf pins, gold watches, heirlooms man, M. I', of Montreal. MANHATTAN—Adju- \u25a0 brio-a-brac, curios and the entire wardrobes of hlm- tant-Oenerai H. C Corbin, U. s. a. MURRAY !:< Ifand Mrs. Ames. HILL The Rev. \>r. Tennis K. Hi.mlln. of Wash- Incton. NKTHKKLANIt James I.Hill, president H. -ia.U cabin passengers t» mala; l>r. J. li. F. Bell, of Philadelphia; Charles B, State Commerce of ]!<«> J Star an.l 11 with ndM tad » Convention shall be held. alarm Bordeaux, April Mi .Bordeaux th* TnnUlH.l Shipping an»J Tr»i.!tnc .Vn.;.an>. MMM op Francis, Troy, and Theodore Hostetter, Archlmwle Qlbraliar, forcement THE TEN HOUR law. of H. of The Fortnightly Shakespeare will April 12 Itullun at th«- Har at 11:30 !im. , Pittsburgr. celebrate its \u25a0.V""" Port Union. April 17 \tlas» imnri Xl Sort* >;«rhi.r. N.-« <-\u25a0 April 1.. •«» twenty-sixth anniversary *arringf Gll.raltar, April - - POUT OF NEW-YORK— APUU, 1900. and the 336th birthday ord •.. SUNDAY. 22. inIs- to .1 T Van Stckl*. The S. •\u25a0\u25a0::>! PI 1can Laacoc met yesterday in ''\u25a0""•' l .UalvMtun, April is Mallory April 19 "d, the anniversary of Shakespeare with a dinner and ap- ARRIVED. Strainer In-quola K«mM». Jacksonville eociety's rooms, Amity Kail, at So. 312 \\>st IS El Mar New Orleann, April 19 Morgan Charleston 3D, with imlse ami paswnger* to WlUiam r la WHAT GOING ON TO-DAY. propriate exercises at the Hotel Majestic bemlrole lacksonvllle, April 21 Clyde •• Fiftj-fourth-M.,at 3:30 o'clock. About seven this even- Steamer TaurSc tßr), Claraw, IJverp<»>l Apr:' with (".yd*AOx April of the Missionary Conference sessions, Carnegie \u25a0• Duotiww, '• Hall ing. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 23. BAdae the White Star Line. oft the Lls;ht*hlp at .sl!s C.rar.il* Turner. Savannah.-. d< *\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0.!• \u25a0!\u25a0 were pr sent. and Central Presbyterian Church. 10 a. in. and 8 P m. -\u25a0>\u25a0 with btkls* ar.«t pvecnswa to the iv«an S< t\\ - ' Art; Norro*. After the nj•- 1iI.;had Ij^en called to order p. m.; meetings in various churches, 2:30 p. m. K.'inlgln I,ulse Bremen, April It n « Uov.l Bt«mtr (Or), NlchoUi Shield* April •;. In St*am«?r Jtfffrson. iHile. Newport News an.l by Columbia »'.: bailaat •\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0' Ss Cto. President John F. Nubei, Secretary Missionary exhibit, No. 333 West Fifty-sizth-st. MARINE INTELLIGENt'E. Trave Gibraltar, April ltl .... \ c. Lloyd to Cump&nj. Arrived at the Har at 33U with m>W an.l Dominion »__ Kdward I'-cmli? Gibraltar, April 11 Mediterranean 1> m. Steamer lu-nerm ti«r. Swain. I'htladrlphia. with mam Society Delmonlco's, \u25a0 •"\u25a0 IMsmsm, delicate of th.- Druggists' I,eaijue, St. George's dinner, 6:r/> p. m. Atho? O.lon. April 18 Panama it It Steamer Bia:nu!am iDutcr.*. Van «ier 7.?, to Wtlilam Pi» 'i» \u25a0'.- .v ' St Api.l rj. pa»>»-i.»»!» ihe Rotterdam il'.rt. Ha.!a».»y. Hull Apr.. 1 an Bvatro >»-\< labor Wellesley College fund U NIATURB ALMA Roralma Kin*. April 111 .>,.,. wltli Badea aivi to n :UuJ Anier- Stean-er Ohio '' brought r.ii questions before the meet- endowment entertainment NAC. Line, «ii.-.;.. >:IS in \u25a0' of >•' * \u2666:« p. c,.t7 — loa ibe Jiar at p 21. to San April had the Union reception. 7 In l> -- »>•«*• ment of the ''\u25a0\u25a0') hour a day law for the drug Presbyterian Hotel Savoy, even- HIGH WATER. Übllact to i!.:.p ''.up.-.-.-.,t. rived ,v iha Har at 150 Sandy Hook. X J. April »:30 p i»—WlnJ ing- OUTGOING STEAMERS. p in. cloudy. > M I:.'('.' >;,\u25a0%. [aland H.-ii <;,•\u25a0• light air: clerks of New-York City. The law provides for .-'.iiiiJ.v Hook 2:11 4 m St il'r). i;».t.. '• aouthwest: Loyola Minstrels, parish hall, Band) 11".,; 11.11 ,-,.,,,\u25a0 htenmer Cutbberi 1 Antweip April with clerks, Union Eighty- P.M. £:2»!Gov. Island 8:01 4\u0084o to * thorttr hours for the Irttg the abolish- fourth-st. and Park-aye., evening. mdas Sanderson Son. Arrived a» the liar at' 11:30 SAILED. DAT. ;\u25a0 1.1. 21it. m«-nt of Fide and back sleeping room* for Academy of Sciences, .-•.•\u25a0»:n^r (Mr* Hull; Wllhetm II the New-York section of an- Vessel. For. Una. Matte close. I.i Touralne (FV). Santelll. l..i\re Aprlt 14 Steamers AfrMi for Kaiser <£*&• clerks, and questions concerning the unitary con- thropology and psychology, No. 32 West Thirty- Verne. aalla with rods*, mT cabin aril .\u25a0\u25a0>.". stefiase paaarnaitri Naples. el- Kaffir ITIn. illri JVrnamt: **»•"* tXCOMINO STEAMERS. r.flinura, La Plata, Lamport A Holt. T:oUam I':m>hui to the , Bristol; ,f rug storM .Mr. said that only first-st., 8:1£ p. m. Talisman. Uartlnlque, Dem*T»ra i'ompairnle Ueaerake Tian.ia'.lnntl<,ue. Arrived ;.t th«- bar \u0084: . Newport News. Uoaton otv . KMaMM dJttons . Thira'me Il:vuam l:U>pn ,'i Comparative .. at a l-i Ne»;HTt News. one '\u25a0! the labor bills presented to the present American Society of Religion, New- TUKSDAY, M. st.-im.r IlollvlniHri. beer, Washington Square, TO I'AY. APRIL i:i>rn:ta» !' with city adaiinis-tration did not tiforce From. lD:0Oam., in.!-.- •.• cabin an«l pii^teiuerit the law for the Tissot paintings at Academy of Design. Excelsior New-Orleans April 10 Mm .-. Helßravla. Hamburg, Haml>-Anier. — imi m I.StU «teria«e to Hender FOREIGN rORTS. ... fit n the t 1;. »liurt.-i . of drug clerks' hours it WOUld IruquoU, Charleston, Bros an Wed at Bai ai have to i:. mas Turnbull Gibraltar, April 4 Clyde 3:00 pm a m t»ufi«-r Hit: consequences. Mandalay Qlbraltar, April Wll*un El Monte New-Orleans Morgan t,,n Riaamer Tbemki (•<\u25a0»« Anderson. »\>lon April with April 22— steamer Ontario ISM Hu6T. 4 Uelvernon, Ilaytl, 8:00 null.* to the T«,. Company. 12 IV:»1. I*»s!««»J. - At 4 o clock ti.fc inet-llnK of the Church and Kabor NEW-YORK CITY. ThiriKYuiiH rhrlatlanaand. April 7. •Cameron 10:00 a m I" i»> m TmdlnK Arrived at th«» Hull fr N-« Tot*. _. -\u25a0 C<»nft-rei;ce Leig-hton Bcand-Am liar at 7:i. M.Kris. Antwerp f.-r Ne»v-York. The of the was the co- w. division of chem- li' 11 1 \m St Paul, Southampton, American ?:o(iam u> ik> v in 17. l»t Juan Hr». *»«•• ;. ; rucao I'onre and San 17. With md»e ami 7 Aprtl 22.— Pax steamer >>vf operation an coalition of church, istry Department Agriculture, Tunri. Uverj April 1\u25a0 r Star 0 Klnnale. .. labor and reform. of the of win speak IS White .- Teutonic, Liverpool, Whit* •»> v m I2;UIm cabin pK»*enifer« to BMaa & _. Mr. Thlmnie. paid that more than t-ixty Mi.Mean Hamburg April n Am Itoulton. l>ullett. Arrtvetl New-York for Uven««»>l. thousand on "Food Adulteration In Its Relation to th.- Elamb Kenxlnftton. Antwerp [led Star 10JOam 12:ix>m at the Bai at .'. p in. April City of \u25a0•\u25a0\u25a0 >°»* In New-York City ant; than three mil- J-iili- Dundee, April I \,, H neca, Tamp N V & Cuba Movllle. Sl— Sailed, steamer people more rip,r . 1:00 pm 8:00 pm Steamer OrUaba, Detms, Camfee he April .V llc to-morrow at R:l.i Llverpo :. April 11 \>ra t'rm Young ttrom Glasgow), N.w-Tcrk. .~. lion and boys «ii over the United Health" p, m. before the Columbian Leylai I'lnHnie. Colon, Panama !•::!>• n m l:onpm PraSjrasw 1 n.--n. women • t» : 13. 10. ami Havana IT. with indue and US p«- Queenntovtn. April 21.".2 .". H:25 a m—Sallihl. steamer w States were out of employment all the time. He Hundred Year'Oijb. at the Hotel Majestic. er Usbon April Insular Neustrla, Maraelllea, Pabre nenrers to E * Co. Arrived Marrjuett- April Comal. Mallorj • James Ward at the. liar at canla McKav (from Liverpool*. New-York. __\u0084. Bald the objects of this organization would be to LondOß, 12 At Tranl QaUeston, 3 .n0 ? m 12:50 am. >iilemnii New Orleans, April is Cromwell Maskf.-lyne, .Snntr.s, Lamport A O.tin Southampton. s i *"F*^ build pood roads throughout the Stat#»; none but The Executive Committee of the State Commerr O • Holt.. am 11-noam Steamer Ma«. Hutchtnson. Areclbo April 11 Pan nlm, Elchel Mremen). X«» _' r Rto Orande Hrunrwlrk, April 80 Silvia. Newfoundland; lied Cross l:»»0pm and land iler Oilill tfrom '.r. MMfW I work on Sunday: eight hour working Convention wtU meet In tao room* of the Liverpool, ll:<>oam ''"in lrt. with md»« to the New-York and Porto Rico April 22— steamer Sparta* Fn*» New- Ivtrula April 14 CunnrJ Antilu. Nassau, Bahama* i:oopra 3.00 am \u25a0.«.': a Gibraltar. IMsscd. i- Company. Arrlvsilat the Bar at 6:10 a m (Br>. Atlanta. Genoa. «tc, for >ow-Yora.