TIDE OF MIGRATION TO THE FAR WEST RECEDING— TUP: GROWTH OF Q^vtyhvsiJu^^ -Co\ vtf SMALL TOWNS. Washington, Feb. B.—The Director of the Census has made a statement in regard to the increase of population of places of less than 4.000 inhabitants A Record-Breaking River, Spring Styles in east ana west of the Mississippi and the counties which have decreased In population. percentage of increase in the States Glimpses The of people First Week in . cast of the Mississippi River was 18.7 between 1S&0 Costumes. and 9W and 19.2 between 1890 and 1900. In the same Nothing like it in the history of the area the increase in urban population, meaning Here is an early showing of spring thereby all places of more than 4.000 inhabitants, store. More customers, more pleasant per only styles in suits of was i>3.l cent between IS-SO and \u25a0'>. and tailor-made Spring comments, of 37.2 per cent Both of these of Merchandise. more expressions delighted between M and MO. and Cheviot, dresses of Etamine, Point statements could not be true unless the popula- surprise at the varieties, the quantities, tion of places having less than 1,091 Inhabitants d'Esprit and Organdie, skirts of Crepe All store had been grown more rapidly In the last ten years over the new Spring things are crowding in. You'll the beauties of the silks. Everybody than in the preceding decade. Such is the fact. de Chine, and . Between ISSsO and IS9O the 'population east of the forget the snowdrifts, madame r as you see the shimmer and color pleased with the soft, clear light of the Mississippi and excluding places of more than 1.000 They are exclusive in style, perfect in \u25a0. rotunda— worthy home for such royally increased O per cent, but ..... 1890 and 1900 tit and finish, with that smart, up-to-date plays and cunning weaves graceful draping of 5.7 per cent. and these and. rich stuffs. To throw further light on this Increased pros- touch that distinguishes our styles from perity of the Email towns In the last ten yean, \u25a0 Silks and and All-Wools and Stuffs from over sea. The department is always up to the study has been made by th.- Census Office of those the ordinary ready-to-wear suits and minute staples and counties which actually decreased in population at with novelties. There changes skirts shown around Then there are parterres of Millinery loveliness and costuming hints either decade, after making allowance for town. are always special silk attractions there, in county boundaries. Counties of this class are TAILOR-MADE SUIT of black and blue Cheviot, predominantly agricultural, and usually have lost new blouse effect collar and cuffs trimmed with stitched and bits of brightness and novelty all around. Come and look, whether we say so or not. To-day we through migration to more favored localities the t;iffcta, skirt has three bands of stitched , new of tell of natural increase of their population by excess shape, entire suit lined with fine quality silk, (fOC whether you care to buy or not* four: births over deaths. Between ISSO and ISM the coun- with drop skirt, at *pZ,O PRINTED METEOR r\\(< >\\K. 45 inches wide, ties east of the Mississippi which lost population very imported. price SUIT, double-breasted effect, stitched the finest quality ti>ttal p CA AC t-xtended over an area of 151,"02 square miles, or CHEVIOT $7.50. at !....:...:. \u25a0£4-y3 nearly great New-England. tafjeta girdle and inside cuff, lined with taffeta. CIV . as as New-York and effect, Pennsylvania. This was about one-sixth (17.7 per skirt on percalinc, flounce for vpIO A very brae collection METEOR FACOXXE. 45- cent) of the total area east of the Mississippi indies wide, elegant quality; extraordinary CA~] TAILOR-MADE SUIT of Lymansville Cheviot, First View of Imported value ". River. Between IS9O and UM the counties east of double-breasted, tight fitting, always Rood style, has at v4*/«^ the Mississippi River which lost population extend- collar and fancy cuff effect, coat silk- CIC IMPORTED PRINTED ed over an area of :«'.:".s square miles. This is only lined, skirt on pcrcaline »pIJ , both plain and £| CA . Cf -}Z about one-tenth <1(i.6 per cent) of the total area east and CREPE DE CHINE DRESSES, exquisite Silk& Wool Novelties for Spring. faconne. at $1./O of the Mississippi* The figures show that in this in 4>1.0U pan of the country an area almost equal to that every detail and with every (CA CA C/CA CA PERSIAN NOVELTIES, in printed warp ef- of New-England lost population between ISSO and newest idea 4>oy.OU-»pOy.DU There's a beauty show tor sure the Dress Goods Department, fects, very finest qualities, ' 1830. hut gained between lyyi and l!»00. in rear CO"7C$l.jJ an.!