Las Vegas Daily Optic, 04-03-1906 the Las Vegas Publishing Co
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University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 4-3-1906 Las Vegas Daily Optic, 04-03-1906 The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eopleP 's Paper Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation The Las Vegas Publishing Co. & The eP ople's Paper. "Las Vegas Daily Optic, 04-03-1906." (1906). lvdo_news/1487 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Las Vegas Daily Optic, 1896-1907 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. i 'r r (A J --.1 - THE- VEGAS t J."'JL,UJ1L , IJ...L L,!ig!iBff VOL. XXVI 1. LAS VEGAfl, NEW MtSIICO, TUESDAY, EVENING, Al'Mli 3, lrKMi NO. 127 . t SECRETARY LOEB , fustment ot the affairs o five clvftla ll V FALLS OFF HORSE. iniir itTr vecas ,A tribes, the rallixad rate bill wan DIMl las v taVen up, Ijong immediately address- Washington, April 3.Wm. lxeh ' UMIIJUIt m Kmm ed the senate, t ,v secretary to the president, was thrown Pun in VieHeuee. -- k horse ' from last, evening while rt9 Washington, AllflL in the bouse hi n - rail!; nq ao unoy unatirn up inn of the Iff Tfll'IJ 9 mi today, Williams,' nilnortty leader, w,v-'-- he, was unable ito b at the Whits ,- i ert mawim brought forth a mf which proposed today. The horse had not been Hue wit to limit the debate-o- n the National H1Tn for several and waa days very quarantine to four hours, with a vote fiTV r ffactiouc, v OF A m to be taken an hotr later. Dalsell, ? RUSSIAN TORREOO faceotlously reimlrked that WUtlama mm assumed to gag ; the house on th OAT STRIKES' RE A,' IF. constitutional Chicijjoites Own great question which Voting onCity with Justice might be given three Llbau. Russia,-- April S. During th Us Vc;rj Orcr.t Dc:rd Ststitn of IxiJ end Opposition CCzz '.TLte V er ship of Street Car a Pcj weeks consideration. The minority ' tilfl of submarine boat here today Ccnrtnwciil Club Dirctcn to Co-cp-to leader Joined heartily In the laugh t;. boat from , which several . 7" Systems. torpedo, Art ter. which followed thin expecttdlytUtiU..: 'officers were ; , sarcastic nayal witnessing the M-t- ' tcr a cT . vV' ;cfUVr in of Lc:n sally. A' struck a ; reef. Those Ki!!4ng 2,500. rt j, were snow aboard rescued, but a 1 r--. '. Socialise Mayor Kay be Elected b tJ torm prevented securing 'savage Shoots lnturtnti, rrrsxnu waUitcRtporu' prom Other, from the torpedo boat, which sank. J. L DcntKuc, Prtsrdent of Ctmpbt'.l Association, Enthusiastic Burglar Inctiu a of Town Get 13 V- Gtiea. 'V Over Conditions of Lis Vejts end Certain of the Resulu Ledvillt Man Wool Trade Satisfactory. 7e; -- Achieved the of Scientific Boston. April l 7 The Tolame of to b by Application s In "wool satis-- ' trading the market h . Methods of Soil Culture. weamer exl6ib V-- v t" j to;ay while the voting factory. v 8an Jose,' Calif, April 8. One of th .hsaUcns fVi r-- ' for the In 'fl municipal ownership was residence of Geo. a tno j . Douglass, wealthy tis anncv'jtci Ut ( progress, retired miner from Colorado, was en- Jjl ; uat an otitlen i 's r r f .No;eandidateg"are being voted for Election tered by a Mr. t Exciting sem-apnuall- burglar, last night in- Las has contracted Interest , Mr, nominated ob the C,"v except? aldermen, but Questions Vegas the' dry Pierce was plit tt Douglass aroused and J ' volved) in their election were held : fanning fever aU right, and President explained that he had Investigated tnn exchanged move orlanted witi tl : 3 At Albuquarc-;- shots with the burglar, nine in all t:;:. ) Important by the voters and J. L. Donahue of. the Campbe l Sys financial standing of the Campbell repaUcsa asj L.' f f every being fired. Mr. Douglasi - wan fatal- c3cnij cl I.- Indication Is that a heavrvote will be .. tem Dry Farming association did ft association .at the Colorado National catbered under tSca ttcxer j "' ly wounded. The Who was tsr. ; J ;t.t g. good deal in the way ot distributing bank and tpnnd It to be excellent. burglar l ' Non-Parti- hit twice, fled to 8anU Clara, tare 1-- The chiet for settle- Two Ticket In the Held the bacillus at the meeting at the The representatives of the two boards dates for cce wia -J C:: question up miles away, where he was tzl i' ment is Commercial club . There captured. at the V whether or not Chicago shall ami Water Woriu tbrsiition last, night. present agreed that the proposition ot ' . In his waa a r5ttaa Cr'Jkv o . i 'proceed to operate the street railways seems to be no longer any doubt as Mr. Donahue should be and pocket diary, givlai tt before. Tta c5tnxzi h ft .,.'.,,..- Main accept)! c;;t!;3 tX t kmc. numbers of various houses in Palo t- eJ-- s and whether $75,000,000 street car cer. to the establishment of a Campbell they expressed the belief that defi- Barber oporn tenia -J ; S 4 Alto and San Francisco and the date U:tO tiflcates shall be Issued for the pur-..- : demonstration farm on a sectbn f nite action could be taken at the next c every voter ca tl tr.:t r on j on which bad R. : chase of the street car land near the to deeded tc of the board. ' they been robbed by present, to panic!;ata er c- -t t J curios- companies. city he meetlnr grant r ' ' " o . - . , - ' - The question of high or low license (Special to'Tli Optic.) the association the The directors extended to Mr. Dona- him. ( . ity.- 'V.v ' f '. by Ias 'veris : 9. for saloons Is on. Albuquerque; N, M.; April 3. While Resided at Leadvillo. ; The was .t also being voted grant board. The directors of (he hue and through him to the Camp- ' rosetini t crier by 5 : ' ' 3. csli i t '2m&(i& at Milwaukee. there la more excitement oyer the Coounerclal club and several mem- bell association an invitation to hold Denver, April George Douglasi' 2on Siararlto Ktero, o In Mil-- city election 'that for many was? resident of Leadvllle, where bo , ' Milwaukee, April 3.Vot?B today bers of the grant board In Joint meet- the convention of the. Campbell as- . rcrJtlicca. Aztc Lucero to hour no serious had interests. bad waukee are today balloting for a com ytars, still up this ing after the public meeting last night sociation here, May 5th, The offer large mining He (deiaorat) waa elc:::l iscretary and have ' a San '3ose Cast?-n- Tdete set of city officials. There are fights occurred, favored the proposition advance! ty was accepted. A half dozen or more cottage at and had been Hzzr ocrat) aettJ . lssuo' tfttets in field. Da- The proposition to bonds p the In T.oe-presldfc- (; three the Mr. Donahue and will take immediate of the fanners of spending .winters .California. as ' 1 Mayy amount leading dry the vid Rose seeks mi the the of 300,00Q for the water ' Aj number of 8. steps to close : negotiations with the nation will be here to deliver address- it fiery speeches xz:i r M. which ii tor democratic ticket and Sherburn works, sorely inadequate Campbell company. It is believed es.'. :; .; mao and It was decided to naca Ct and the wants of the Is the iitiln Elks Install end Initiete. Becker Win. 'A. Arnold respective- ctty, that the Las Vegas grant trustees at Iif bis address last night, Mr. Dona ticket to be placed In the t i, n c ; head the and soclai'"' reason for. the excitement and some ly republican their meeting next Monday will tahe hue spoke as follows, t?t in response zens' ticket. f tickets. Mr. Arnold ia a union print-- of the heaviest tax payers of the city the final steps and, within two weeks, to questions freely asked he covered Antonio Delgado,was nnt. jously an4 as the favorite in the bettln?. are out working against the proposi- V the Campbells will begin work on dry many additional points:' . Las Vegas Elks held, a rousing meet chosen as a caralldate for town mar In tion. There Is favor-in- ? Balloting Kansas City. a large following - . LarV-Vfga-s Jatit absolut v m one of the mile In addition to the in shal, Atoador Ullbarrl having of the warer farming for the territory. posts ing night. Kani;yClty, April 2.Tben the municipal ownership on Wi. Great American Your stallation off- ly refused the Nation when an- -, a A number of Laa citi- Desert. cf the newly eleated rr. ' for muni- works, but are to goodly Vegas ? ' yvVs open?d here today the opposed paying as fcity, Is Your cli- in excess zens at the club last night location a ideal icers, eleven candidates went through proached yeslet;-- ,t"yrnooa cipal election, which is for a complete price greatly of the rtal gathered - to able and Instructive ad- mate is unsurpassed. Your annual the goat riding- stunt, and a past ' X4 , Pablo Jgrac:i: wi was defeated v ;et of c?ty officers, the weather was value of .the plaii.t;. espec'nliy when hear the f Dona- precipitation, to which I will refer lat.