Aged Residents Dead. Randolphjeard From. Slashed!!!!
.16.- BANK, N. J., WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 12, 1904, have not as yet begun their active cam- Rev. J. F. Heilenman. pastor of the paign work. AGED RESIDENTS DEAD. Bradley Beach Methodist church. Mr. SLASHED!!!!: t The Republicans are counting on hav- and Mrs. Brown were preparing to cele- ing a campaign fund of about $30,000. DEATH CLAIMS BENJAMIN W. brate their golden wedding. AMATAWANNEG:-.'.' I. The amount the Democrats will have is VANDERVEER. IN RED •' .»'l BOTH SIDES GETTING READYFOR THE STRUGGLE not yet known, but it is not likely to be ffe Hud Lived at Shrewsbury for THE COSMOSERS LOSE. After Fill in a Hlttthft. •--..." ;,-.-- .;..,*. ON ELECTION 'DAY. above $10,00J) and it may not be more Many Veai-H-ltpath of Mra. Ame- He (ittes On tin , i t >.r I. V < than $fi,000 or $7,500. Two years ago, lie Little, a Ilrnideiit of Eaton, Beaten bu the Belford Nine by the Samuel Smith Cu:-*:••• .'it.. , ? when a senator and sheriff were to be town for iialfu Century. Heore, of S to S. to Jail, The Mepuhlicans Are Far Ahead of the Democrats in the Matter of elected, the Republican campaign fund Benjamin Woodward VanDerveer. of In their last game of the season last William Akin of Ifatawan came ' ? Organization—The Township Majorities on County Clerk in 1899 was $31,000, while the Democratic cam- Shrewsbury died on Thursday of pleu- Saturday the Cosmos baseball team of Red Bank last week and after fiH'T —Some of the Changes in the Vote This Year From Five Years paign fuud was only about $13,000.
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