Beth Avraham Yoseph of Toronto Congregation

High Holy Days 5777 | Fall 2016

Mara D’Asra: Rabbi Daniel Korobkin President Melech: Tanen Assistant Rabbi: Rabbi Zev Spitz Executive Director: Mordechai Bookbinder Rabbi Emeritus: Rabbi Baruch Taub Youth Director: Richard Winkler BAYT is an inclusive shul community, committed to the principles of Orthodox , embracing G-d, Torah and while inspiring spiritual growth.

Mission Statement

As a Welcoming Home to all Jews, we are Committed to:

• Nurturing future Jewish generations • Being a caring, sharing and ethical community • Perpetuating Halacha as the basis for Jewish living • Facilitating lifelong Jewish learning • Enabling meaningful prayer imbued with joy • Maintaining a strong connection to and support of the State of Israel

Through our dedication to these principles we strive to positively influence the lives of individual Jews, to be a magnet for Jewish living and learning, a beacon among Orthodox shuls and a respected voice in and for the Jewish community.

2 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016 Insights from the Rav

R’ Yochanan b. Zakai once asked his students to formulate what they felt the most important character trait was (as recorded in Pirkei Avos ch. 2). His two chief disciples differed; R’ Eliezer b. Hyrkanos felt that a “good eye” was the most important trait, whereas R’ Elazar b. Arach professed that having a “good heart” was most important. R’ Yochanan concluded that a good heart includes all positive traits, including having a good eye.

Rabbi Avraham Mordechai Alter, the Imrei Emes, suggested that while a good heart is the most inclusive important trait, a good eye is the prerequisite to a good heart. A good eye means that when I look out upon the world, I see goodness and potential all around me. Once my view of the rest of humanity is positive, I can start working on my own heart and improve from within. Without a positive view of others, there’s no way that my heart can become purified. But once I’m able to be of generous spirit with others, I can truly begin to have the positive outlook needed to repair my own heart and make it great.

Furthermore, these two traits of a good eye and a good heart can be associated with the two High Holidays. Rosh Hashanah is known as the holy day of the righteous Yoseph. The Talmud (TB Rosh Hashanah 10b) identifies it as the day he was freed from prison and rose to greatness. Rosh Hashanah also has a universal component, in that this is the day when we pray for the entire world to recognize Hashem and His monarchy. It is the time to look out upon creation, see the great potential within mankind, and unify everyone and everything through our prayers. Yoseph’s ability to “see” the potential of Egypt, as well as the great potential of his brothers despite the way they treated him, was what made him the righteous man he was.

Yom Kippur, by contrast, is a particularistic holy day. It is a day when the Jews specifically are called to repentance and prayer. It represents a repair of our hearts, a return to Hashem and His service. In this sense, Yom Kippur corresponds to Yehuda, Yoseph’s counterpart, and the “heart” of the other brothers. And, whereas Yehuda ultimately emerged as the leader of all the brothers, it was necessary for Yoseph to precede him in order to prepare Klal Yisrael for greatness.

Similarly, concluded the Imrei Emes, our task on Rosh Hashanah is to have a good eye and think about all the potential that exists for the coming year, and to try and include all of humanity within our prayers and hopes for the future. Yom Kippur is the time to assess how, in the event that the world is not worthy, we as individual Jews can make a difference by improving ourselves and creating tikkun thereby.

As we look out upon 5777 and an uncertain future, let’s try and possess both the good eye of Yoseph and the good heart of Yehuda. For Rosh Hashanah, let’s “see” that we all have so much from Hashem for which to be thankful, and we have so much to which we can look forward. For Yom Kippur, let’s focus on all the work we can do in our personal lives to become better people with better hearts.

Karen and I wish you and your entire family a Kesiva V’Chasima Tovah, a sweet and healthy new year.

Rabbi Daniel Korobkin

3 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016 From the President’s Pen

With over 800 member families we are one of the largest and most vibrant and engaged Orthodox shuls in North America.

An enormous hakarat hatov is owed to our Senior Rabbi, Rabbi Daniel Korobkin for his guidance, vision and leadership and to Karen Korobkin whose warmth, friendship and advice helps so many. Our Assistant Rabbi, Rabbi Zev Spitz, continues to engage the membership and we are all appreciative for what he and Leora Spitz have brought to our shul. Our Rabbinic Assistant, Rabbi Jonathan Ziring enriches our shiurim and minyanim and he and Ora Ziring give to the shul in so many ways. This is a great time to be a BAYT member. We are planning capital improvements to the building. We have multiple daily, Shabbat and chagim minyanim. There are countless shiurim for both men and women. As a kehilla, we are engaged in tikun olam and chessed with the larger community. Our Youth, Adult Education, Sisterhood, Brotherhood and other committees continue to provide increased and innovative programming and events.

Our lay leadership from the Executive to Board to committee co-chairs to committee members to our very many other member volunteers create a unique shul experience that is the product of all our efforts. Please share your ideas for improving our shul experience and please get involved. I can be contacted by email at [email protected], on my cell 416-707-2181 and in person.

Heather and I along with our children Atara & Danny, Ezra, Adina, and Benjamin wish you a ketivah ve- chatimah tovah, a healthy, happy, and successful year.

Melech Tanen

From the Assistant Rabbi

Yankel owned a business that sold materials. Many people would come to buy from Yankel. He had good prices and dealt very honestly with his customers.

One day, a competitor opened a shop just across the road from Yankel. This competitor sold magnificent materials, composed of the most beautiful colors. His prices were very cheap and he sold on credit. Many customers left Yankel and began buying from his competitor.

It did not take long, however, for Yankel’s customers to realize that they had been taken for a ride. The merchandise was of poor quality. The colors faded quickly. While the materials looked very nice from the outside, they were of an extremely inferior quality. To make matters worse, the competitor soon insisted that all bills be paid in full. Unfortunately, Yankel’s customers could not sell the inferior merchandise they had purchased. Yankel’s competitor threatened to have them arrested and imprisoned.

With no other choice, Yankel’s customers returned to Yankel, from whom they had been buying all those years. They apologized profusely to Yankel and then pleaded with him. “We made a terrible mistake and are sorry for having left you. Please provide us with merchandise to sell so that we can pay back your competitor.”

Yankel, who had a generous heart, sold merchandise to all his former customers. And not only did he sell them merchandise; he sold them merchandise on credit. So that they could sell the merchandise and pay his competitor back.

And so it was. The customers bought from Yankel, sold the merchandise and then repaid Yankel’s competitor. When they needed more merchandise, they would come back to Yankel. And Yankel would continue to extend them credit.

4 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016 Continued:

Just imagine for a moment. Imagine if after getting back on their feet, not once, not twice, but multiple times, one of Yankel’s customers began buying once again from the competitor. And imagine if that very same customer came back to Yankel each time asking for more goods and more credit. It is very hard to imagine, almost impossible to imagine, that someone would do such a thing. And it is even harder to imagine that Yankel would continue to help such a person.

Every year, we come to Hakadosh Baruch Hu and admit that we made a mistake. We admit that we went to His competitor, to the Yetzer Hara, who sold us materials that looked so nice from the outside. And we admit that it did not take us very long to realize that these materials were of inferior quality. We come to Hakadosh Baruch Hu in debt, with no way of paying. And in most years, Hakadosh Baruch Hu, in His infinite kindness, once again sells us on credit, giving us another year of health, life and happiness.

As we approach the Yamim Noraim, let us internalize and appreciate all of the credit that Hakadosh Baruch Hu extends to us, year after year after year. And let us commit to use that credit to buy materials that are not only magnificent and beautiful, but also meaningful and everlasting.

Leora & I, along with Esther, Yosef and Sarah wish you a kesivah v’chasimah tovah, a year of health, spiritual growth, happiness and peace.

Rabbi Zev Spitz

From our Executive Director Hi All,

We are about to embark on a very exciting journey. The Board of Governors has approved an architectural firm to help guide us through the process of refurbishing and renovating much of our facility. It’s true, if you look at it, given the amount of use that we have imposed upon it, you wouldn’t know that our building is almost 30 years old. And the amount of use, as you all know, is tremendously extensive.

There will be drawings and consultations; wish lists will be drawn-up and meetings galore. The giddiness and anticipation of potentiality will fill the air with excitement. There is something very magical about the creative process with its gradual unveiling as thoughts, wishes and dreams take shape on paper.

The planning stage alone will probably last at least 6 months and will involve many meetings with various committees, members, staff, other stakeholders and the community. Clearly, the difficult part will be trying to compile a workable, aesthetically pleasing combination of as many ideas as possible into one holistic picture; kind of like a giant puzzle.

When all is said and done, we will then have to make the tough choices: what changes can we afford to do now and what must wait for another day. All this with the aim of creating anew our space for our community to share, celebrate and pray together.

The actual work itself will have to be scheduled to impact our services and simchas in as minimal a way as possible. While we will try to be an minimally invasive as possible, the reality we all know is that there will be disruptions and relocations. Elevators may be alternately be down as they are brought up to modern standards; some programs will have to shift and some minyanim may have to combine or find new homes temporarily - not unlike a family who renovate and redecorate some of the rooms of their own house. Our BAYT too will have to be willing to put up with some temporary discomfort for the greater good.

This is a journey that has been close to 30 years in the making and we are finally about to embark upon it. In truth, it’s one that I’m actually quite looking forward to, and I hope you are too.

Mordechai Bookbinder

5 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016 Wishing our Members & Friends a Happy, Healthy, and Prosperous NEW YEAR 5777

Issy & Yvonne Berman Alan & Luci Zoltak Eldon & Ruth Moses Issy Aron Danny & Joy Zigelman Monty & Eileen Kobrin Bernard & Ethel Green Saul & Naomi Greenberg

From our High Holy Days Chair

On behalf of the High Holy Day we merit to continue to shine in committee, I extend a warm the upcoming year. welcome to the entire BAYT family, and to all our guests I would like to take this who are joining us this year. A opportunity to thank the special welcome to those who myriad of volunteers who have are joining us this year for their contributed their time and first time. expertise over the summer and throughout the High Holy Days. The Yamim Noraim are a time Your dedication to the shul is of reflection and renewal, of greatly appreciated. looking at our past and preparing for our future. We perform a To our BAYT staff - we cannot critique of the past year, at what overstate how grateful we are was and what could have been and use that as for all that you do for us. We appreciate your a yardstick in making our commitments for the diligence in making sure everything runs year to come. We do this both at a personal level smoothly, from dealing with ever-changing and at a community level. needs to ensuring every room is set up just right. You have provided us with all the support we I am continually amazed by the dedication and could hope for. generosity of our BAYT family to the community, from providing dozens of weekly minyanim and On behalf of the Board of Governors and my shiurim to bringing food to the local firehouse, family, I would like to wish everyone a Ketiva from hosting social responsibility seminars to v’Chatima Tova, may we all be blessed with a supporting various programs in Israel. The BAYT year of health, happiness, and success. family truly is “a light unto the nations”, and may

Elie Kochman

6 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016 Fundraising Committee Quarterly Report

It has been a busy year for fundraising at the BAYT! Some of the successful activities that were undertaken this past year include:

• Year 1 of the Capital Fundraising Campaign • Simchas Torah Auction • 5776 Yom Kippur Appeal • High Holidays Kibbudim Auction • Youth Appeal • Shalosh Sudos Sponsorship Program • Adult Education Appeal

Capital Fundraising Campaign

As a result of the generosity of many of our members, there has now been over $1.15 million pledged to the capital campaign. Factoring in the wonderful matching program provided by the Jewish Legacy Charitable Foundation, we have received total pledges towards the campaign of over $2.3 million and to date we have collected over $980,000 of that total amount!

Our original financial goal for the campaign aggressively targeted an amount of $3M, and although we are extremely appreciative for the generosity of those members who have participated so far, we still need many more familiesv to step up and pledge to the campaign in order for us to reach our goal. To date, just over 30% of our member families have contributed to the campaign. Some people may say that is a very low percentage and very unfortunate – I say that it is a huge opportunity and makes me feel confident that if the remaining 70% of our members pledge to the campaign, we can reach our goal.

Calls and/or emails have gone out to virtually all of the member families and although many have not yet responded, I would encourage each family to respond to these requests or reach out to me directly and pledge to the campaign so we can get this over the goal line.

The BAYT is very important to each and every family and we all benefit greatly from this wonderful institution. Our membership dues, while significant, contribute only towards a portion of the annual operating expenses of the Shul – the capital campaign is intended to address our long term building and property requirements and keep our Shul looking beautiful so it is continues to be a desired venue for Simchas, which, along with membership dues, are a critical component of our operating revenues.

I am more than happy to speak to any members about their contribution and/or answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding the campaign or the use of the funds which you are so generously contributing. Please don’t hesitate to call or email me.

Respectfully submitted,

Mitch Silverstein

7 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016 High Holy Days Security BAYT Safety and Security Protocol

• BAYT Safety Team volunteers and facilities security guard or BAYT Executive member. crew, RISK Protection Group security guards Try to remember license plates, descriptions, and York Regional Police work together to etc. ensure your safety. In the Event of a Physical Threat or Attack When Entering and Exiting BAYT • BAYT has procedures in place to call 911 in • Please cooperate with instructions and event of an emergency. requests of Safety Team volunteers, security • York Regional Police has an emergency guards and police. tactical response protocol for BAYT. • Follow instructions of Safety Team • BAYT is private property. All persons and volunteers, facilities crew, security guards or belongings are subject to search upon entry police. into BAYT. Entry may be denied if consent is • Immediately evacuate BAYT. not provided. • Run and take cover. Plan to meet your family • For high holidays, have your admission ticket at an agreed upon secure location away from displayed for entry. the vicinity of BAYT. • Enter and exit ONLY through the Clark • Do not pull a fire alarm in the event of a Avenue West doors or the parking lot doors. threat or attack. • All emergency exits are alarmed and will signal Vaughan Fire Department. In the Event of a Fire Alarm • Avoid congregating in front of BAYT on Clark • Follow posted emergency evacuation Avenue West. procedures. • Please refrain from distracting volunteers, • Children in youth programs will be evacuated employees, security guards and police by youth leaders. When Inside BAYT. • Do not congregate near the entry doors or • Greet unfamiliar guests and offer your the fire lanes. Evacuate to Safe Evacuation assistance. areas along perimeter of the parking lot. • Children should be with their parents, in a • Do not re-enter BAYT until given the all clear minyan or a youth program. by BAYT leadership. • See something, say something. Remain aware of your surroundings. In the Event of a Medical Emergency • Report suspicious persons, bags or parcels to • Notify gabbi or usher. Each minyan has a Safety Team volunteer, facility crew designated physicians and some EMTs. member, security guard or BAYT Executive • Procedures are in place to call and direct member. Do not open unattended bags first responders and access BAYT medical • Firearms are prohibited in BAYT even if equipment. properly licensed. • Stand back. Allow first responders to treat patient. In and Around BAYT • Keep hallways and access points clear. • Report suspicious persons or vehicles to a Safety Team volunteer, facility crew member,

8 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016 Standing & Ad Hoc Committees


Jonathan Hames Adult Education Meir Cohen Budget and Finance Cooki Levy Bulletin and Publications Zvi Woolf Catering Mark Frischman Cemetery Achim Berger Charity Mendel Rubinoff, Alan Steinfeld Chevra Kadisha Laya Witty, Zac Kaye Constitution and By-Law Melech Tanen Executive Mitch Silverstein Fund Raising Elie Kochman High Holiday David Vodianoi House and Maintenance Zev Steinfeld Library Zvi Woolf Membership Alan Steinfeld Nominations Yoel Eis, Orie Niedzviecki Obligations Eddie Jesin, Howard English Religious Sara Silverman, Sarah Dukesz Youth and Youth Education


Jack Feintuch, Avi Deutsch Capital Improvements Zvi Woolf, Ronnie Strauss Catering Liaison Esther Huberman, Laya Witty Compliance Zev Steinfeld Decorum Sharla Lichtman, Jack Lefkowitz Health Morris Maron, Chuck English, Zac Kaye Human Resources Binyomin Weiss Kollel Lisa Berman, Sonya Kaplan Mikveh Chuck English Planned Giving and Dedications Elaine Genesove Programming Heather Tanen, Zahava Shields Community Action Fay Gordon, Jeff Brown Security David Lithwick, Elie Kochman Technology Aaron Greenberg, Ariel Shields Young Adults Dani Goldstein, Tova Segal Young Professionals

9 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016 From the Brotherhood

This past we completed our 20th Annual Siyum, led, once again, by Rabbi Rosenberg. Thank you to Susan and Gabi Friedmann for sponsoring the Sefer presented to all the participants, in memory of Maria Juhasz, a Righteous Gentile, who saved Susan’s mother, Rella Guttman, during the Shoah. Please sign up on line or outside the Simcha suite to participate in next Shavuot’s 21st Annual Siyum.

Please consider joining the 14th Annual Brotherhood Mission to Israel, December 11-19, led by our Rav and Rebbetzin Korobkin. Our Mission visits places and meets distinguished leaders that individuals would be very unlikely to visit or meet on their own. Visits include historical, biblical and archaeological sights, army installations, chesed projects, Chevron and the Galil. Rav and Rebbetzin Taub will join the Mission for Shabbat in Yerushalayim. On Motzei Shabbat we will host a reception for BAYT Olim and our children attending Yeshiva, Seminary, University or Tzahal. You can arrange to have your children in Israel spend Shabbat at the Hotel. For more information, registration and complete itinerary please contact Marcee Rosenzweig: [email protected]

This year the Brotherhood contributed over $60,000 to many BAYT projects including Youth, Teen and University groups. We sponsor five kiddushes each and every Shabbat for Youth and Young Adult Minyanim. We contribute to and organize the Simchat Torah Kiddush, Israeli Families’ Kiddush, the Rabbi Taub Scholar-in-Residence Kiddush, Breakfast Programs and help fund and organize many special-event congregational kiddushes.

In addition, we provide financial support for many events in the shul including Shabbat Itanu, IDWWO and many of our Scholars-In-Residence programs.

The BAYT Brotherhood is also generously supporting broad Shul initiatives. We committed $36,000 to the Shul Capital Campaign and this past year we donated $10,000 to our Youth Department.

And of course, what would the BAYT be without our famous Latke Night. It is truly one of the greatest annual Shul events where over 600 people attend and the Brotherhood is proud to be a sponsor.

Finally, we would like to thank the Rav and Rebbetzin for their inspiring leadership and thank all of our volunteers who give so much of their valuable time to make the Brotherhood extremely successful.

Wishing you all a Happy and Healthy New Year!

Craig Guttmann President BAYT Brotherhood

10 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016 From the Sisterhood FAREWELL AND THANK YOU FOR THE MEMORIES

It’s hard to believe that three years heading Sisterhood has gone by so quickly. We have had the opportunity to meet and work with so many wonderful people in our shul making the experience extremely rewarding while providing lasting memories. Our goal has been to provide programs for a diverse crowd, to engage the women in our shul and also help those in need. Looking back over the past three years we feel we have accomplished these goals.

Our many activities included two Girl’s Night Out events, dance parties and the women’s kiddush which brought together the women of our shul for wonderful social experiences. Programs such as yoga and krav maga offered excercise, while the knitting club gave the opportunity to do a chessed. One of the highlights of our three years was our joint program with Nishmat for the unforgettable Racheli Fraenkel lecture that drew in 900 people from the greater community. Our centrepiece gemach has been up and running for the past three years offering centrepieces for private simchas and shul events. We also offered welcome baskets to newcomers to the neighbourhood.

Our major fundraiser, the Purim Mishloach Manot Campaign raised money for Sisterhood as well as engaged people in a huge endeavour to plan, package and deliver creating a yearly project uniting our kehillah. Thank you to all those who participated!

The funds that were raised through sisterhood were donated back to the shul, to our mikveh, as well as to many programs in our shul including; Youth, Tu B’shvat, Yom Yerushalayim, Shabbat Itanu, the Fire Station visit and JLIC to name a few.

It was wonderful working with an amazing group of women in our shul who worked tirelessly on our chessed committee arranging meals, rides and groceries for those in need.

Finally, we would like to thank all those who helped make the last three years possible, our amazing Sisterhood committee, the shul office staff, Rabbi & Rebbetzin Korobkin for their guidance, Rabbi and Rebbetzin Spitz and all those who participated and helped with all our programs. We could not have done it without you!


Bayla Fortinsky & Heather Tanen

BAYT Administrative Staff Syliva Abbou Ext 128 [email protected] Sheindl Belenky Ext 140 [email protected] Mordechai Bookbinder Ext 122 [email protected] Noel Fernandes Ext 307 [email protected] Leslie Lewis Ext 143 [email protected] Avital Sandler Ext 0 [email protected] Rich Winkler Ext 135 [email protected] Karen Zilberberg Ext 123 [email protected]

11 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016 High Holy Days Schedule 2016 - 5777

SELICHOS Moetzi Shabbos, Sept 25 1:00 AM

SELICHOS SundaySeptember 25 6:15 AM

EREV ROSH HASHANAH Sunday, October 2 Candle Lighting 6:38 PM Mincha / Maariv 6:45 PM

ROSH HASHANAH 1 Monday, October 3 Shacharis 8:00 AM Shofar no earlier than 10:15 AM Afternoon Shofar 4:45 PM Early Mincha 5:00 PM Mincha/Maariv 6:30 PM Candle Lighting after 7:40 PM

ROSH HASHANAH 2 Tuesday, October 4 Shacharis 8:00 AM Shofar 10:15 AM Afternoon Shofar 4:45 PM Mincha 6:30 PM Havdalah after 7:38 PM

EREV SHABBOS Friday, October 7 Candle Lighting 6:29 PM Mincha / Maariv 6:35 PM

SHABBOS SHUVA Saturday, October 8 Shacharis 9:00 AM Shabbos Shuva Drasha 5:15 PM Mincha 6:15 PM Havdalah after 7:31 PM

EREV YOM KIPPUR Tuesday, October 11 Mincha 1 2:00 PM Mincha 2 3:00 PM Mincha 3 6:10 PM Candle Lighting not after 6:22 PM Kol Nidre 6:25 PM

YOM KIPPUR Wed, October 12 Shacharis 9:00 AM Yizkor approximately 11:15 AM Mincha 5:00 PM Ne'ila after 6:10 PM Shofar & Havdalah 7:24 PM


12 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016 EREV SUKKOS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16

Candle Lighting 6:13 PM Mincha / Maariv 6:20 PM


Hashkama Minyan 7:30 AM Shemini Atzeres, Shacharis 9:00 AM Mincha / Maariv 6:10 PM & Simchas Torah Candle Lighting After 7:13 PM October 16 - 25


Hashkama Minyan 7:30 AM Shacharis 9:00 AM Mincha / Maariv 6:10 PM Havdalah 7:14 PM


Shacharis 6:30, 7:30 & 8:30AM Candle Lighting 6:02 PM Mincha / Maariv 6:10 PM


Hashkama Minyan 7:30 AM Shacharis 8:45 AM Yizkor Approx. 10:45 AM Mincha 5:15 PM Candle Lighting After 7:02 PM


Hashkama Minyan 7:00 AM Shacharis 1 8:30 AM Shacharis 2 9:15 AM Please note: times are subject to change Mincha 5:55 PM Havdalah 7:03 PM

13 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016 High Holy Days Childrens’ Programs Once again, BAYT Youth offers a wide range of programming for Children and teens from Pre School to High School. Here is the Fall schedule of programs. Please register at and click on your desired program.



MEGA ARTS & CRAFTS ZONE Children have a chance to get wildly creative in a fun small setting, tackling projects promoting self-expression and letting their imaginations run free. With a wide range of materials, your young artists will come home each week with a one-of-a-kind work of art! 5:00 pm - 5:30 pm: Pre school (JK & SK) 5:45 pm - 6:30 pm: Grades 1 - 3



Mid October until mid May The Bar Mitzvah program will consist of Shabbat This program includes learning Megillat Rut experiences in our Middle School Minyan, public with Rabbi Korobkin, developing a Dvar Torah, speaking sessions, learning hilchos tefillin with a leadership workshop, chesed activities, a Rabbi Korobkin, and various chessed opportu- holocaust awareness program, an art activity, nities. There will also be a special evening out / learning public speaking skills, and simcha social event. The program will culminate with a dancing. The program culminates in a beautiful special celebration for families, where the boys celebration where each Bat Mitzvah gets the will be able to highlight their skills. The program opportunity to present her Dvar Torah. will take place on various Tuesday evenings and select Shabbatot. Schedule to follow shortly.

NESHAMA DANCE - Interactive Dance Party for Nursery, JK & SK 4:30 pm - 5:15 pm


TEEN BASKETBALL TEEN FLOOR 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm HOCKEY 8:15 PM - 9:15 PM

14 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016 BAYT Youth Weekly Programming



Zumba Classes are a fun high-energy dance/fitness party packed with kid-friendly routines and all the music kids love to groove to with their friends.

Parents love Zumba because of the benefits it has on kids; increasing their focus and self-confidence, boosting metabolism and enhancing coordination. Zumba for teens is high energy, fun and every class feels like a party, while getting an awesome workout.

Grades 1 - 3: 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm Grades 5 - 8: 6:15 pm - 7:00 pm Grades 9 & Up: Teen Zumba 7:15 pm - 8:00 pm

FLOOR HOCKEY –weekly Wednesdays October 26th – Mid May Location: Netivot Hatorah

Grades 1-4 will be playing at: Playoffs begin in late March 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm OR 6:45 pm - 7:30 pm Banquet and trophy presentations following playoffs. Grades 5-8 will play at: Registration will open after 7:30 pm - 8:15 pm OR 8:15 pm - 9:00 pm September 25th to non members. Schedule will be sent out mid October.

BOYS BDL - BAYTEEN DINE ‘N’ LEARN – Continuous Wednesdays starting October 26th Time: 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Age: All Teen Boys. Enjoy a different dinner each week. Listen to a 20 minute shiur given by a guest speaker, then learn with a chavrusa for 30 minutes. Don’t have a chavrusa?...We will set it up for you. Weekly sponsorships available.


KANGOO KIDS RABBI B MUSIC PROGRAM Strap on your KANGOO Jumping shoes... Sing, Dance and Move to the music of the the world’s lowest impact shoes. They are incredible RABBI B. Join the fun with safe and easy to use. In this 8 week session, Rabbi-B’s bag of instruments including: the certified KANGOO Instructors will run a egg shakers, maracas, tambourines, spoon different activity each week while wearing cymbals, drums and sooo much more! the KANGOO shoes, including: dodgeball, basketball, games and races, routines, September 15th - December 8th running sessions and more. Open to all PreSchool Children Don’t Miss The Fun. Register today! 3:00 pm - 3:30 pm

Thursdays starting October 27th Ages 6 - 14 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

15 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016 BAYT Youth Weekly Programming

GIRLS BDL - BAYTEEN DINE ‘N’ LEARN – Continuous Wednesdays starting October 26th Time: 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm Age: All Teen Girls. Enjoy a different dinner each week. Listen to a 20 minute shiur given by a guest speaker, then learn with a chavrusa for 30 minutes. Don’t have a chavrusa?...We will set it up for you. Weekly sponsorships available.


3rd floor Programs Middle School Minyan: 9:15 am Jarvis Freedman Library Early drop off: 9:00 am classroom # 7 Teen Minyan & Shiur: Mom & Tots Room: 9:00 am classroom # 5 9:15 am Gruda Beis Medrash (Shabbos program with Michelle Otis 10:30 am) High School Boys Minyan: 9:00 am West Wing Library. NURSERY: 9:45 am classroom # 2 JK / SK: 9:45 am classroom # 3 Shabbos Afternoon Programs: Girls grades 1 - 3: 9:45 am classroom # 1 Bnei Akiva, Bnos, Girl’s Chumash Shiur, Boys grades 1 - 3: 9:45 am classroom # 4 Mishnayos for Boys, Pirchei, Father & Son Learning. Junior Congregation: 10:00am West Wing 2 & 3 NEW PROGRAM…starting soon: Boys seudah shlishit / Learning program – All teen Boys


SUNDAY FUNDAY - Monthly Various Grades each Month. Events include: Bowling, Lazer tag, Petting Zoo, Movies, Sports Events, Legoland...and MORE!

BAYT SCOUTS GIRL GUIDES A World of Adventure Sunday - Bi-weekly Bi-weekly starting mid October starting mid October 2016 Location: 3rd floor classrooms 2 & 3 Location: 3rd floor classrooms For more information contact Rabbi Witty at: [email protected] MONTHLY TEEN EVENTS! Come out with your friends to a monthly outing just for you. These will include sporting events, “Teen night out”, movies, special appearances, trips and MORE..! Watch your email for these exciting programs.

16 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016 17 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016 Adult Programming


The programming committee was active in September with a tour of the McMichael Gallery, a Breakfast with Michael Levitt program and a walking tour of The Ward, one of the first neighborhoods for Jewish immigrants. Here are some of our upcoming programs:


Wednesday October 19 (Chol HaMoed Sukkos) 2 pm Join us on a tour of the breath taking exhibit of Dale Chihuly’s glass sculptures at the ROM

Cost is $33 for Adults, $31 for Seniors and Students, $25 for children 4-14 yrs old, $10 for ROM members. There will be an extra charge if there are not enough signing up to get a group rate. Sign up at Deadline is October 4. Past this date e-mail [email protected] to see if the deadline was extended.


Saturday November 5, 8 pm Sounds of Silent Voices Official Program of Holocaust Education Week

The Sound of Silent Voices is a project that allows student composers the opportunity to musically interpret poems written by children during . After each poem is read by Gershon Willinger, a Holocaust survivor, the Ton Beau String Quartet will perform a moving composition created for that poem. There will also be an address by Rabbi Daniel Korobkin. Dr. Zachary Ebin, artistic director, will introduce each poem and composer. Admission: $20

Sunday November 6, 9:30 am Breakfast with Survivors Save the date for our annual Breakfast with Survivors where survivors in our community tell the stories of their experiences during the Holocaust. You must pre-register for this event.

Saturday Evening, November 19 Wine & Cheese Evening

Saturday Evening, December 3 Performance of the play “Dead End” by the Asplaklaria Theatre Group

18 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016 JLIC

Thank you to all of our university students and young adults who attended our plethora of events and miyanim last year. Perhaps you were one of the 250 people who came out on Shavuos night or maybe you joined us for a shiur after the 8:30 minyan on a Tuesday or Thursday, either way we hope you took advantage of all that we provide for our vast community. We are gearing up for another incredible and exciting year for YAU/OU-JLIC. We encourage all young men and women to join us in the Perlis Hall every Shabbos and Yom tov mornings at 9:15 am for minyan, Kiddush and schmoozing! For more information and to get involved please contact [email protected]; miriam@jliccanada. com or [email protected] (Ariel Shields). Shana Tova to you and your families.

Young Professionals

Thank you to all of the Young Professionals who have attended our extensive events this past year. Some of them include bi-weekly kiddushes, trivia night, mystery meals, and our upcoming sold out BBQ!

Our name “Young Professionals” was carefully chosen to include all adults under 40. Whether you are single, married, have kids, don’t have kids, work, don’t work - we want to see you on a regular basis and provide programming you will enjoy. We regularly post in the bulletin, and also have an active Facebook page that you can join called BAYT Young Professionals. We are always open to sugges- tions and advice, and would love to make your experience at the BAYT a warm and enjoyable one. We can be reached at [email protected]. We would like to wish our community a G’mar Chatima Tova and look forward to welcoming you at our next event!

Tova Segal and Dani Goldstein

Mikveh - Hours of Operation

Maddie Leventhal Mivkeh Centre Fall hours:

Effective October 1, 2016: Sunday through Thursday 7:00pm – 10:00pm

For Shabbat (Friday night) and Yom tov appointments please email [email protected] or call 905-886-7227 for scheduling

On Motzei Shabbat (Saturday night) or Motzei Yom Tov (after Yom tov) the mikveh opens 1 hour and 10 minutes after havdallah until 10pm.

MIKVEH FOR MEN: The Maddie Leventhal Mikveh Centre Special High Holy Day Hours for Men

EREV ROSH HASHANAH SCHEDULE Sunday, October 2 — 29 Elul 5775 Hours: 5:00 AM — 3:00 PM EREV YOM KIPPUR SCHEDULE Tuesday, October 11 — 9 Tishrei 5776 Hours: 5:00 AM — 3:00 PM

Members / Non-members: Adults: $10.00 / $20.00 | Children: $5.00 / $10.00

Please bring your own towels and supplies as they are not provided.

19 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016 More Than Just A Shul

Have you ever had a conversation which led to an “Ah ha!” moment? I had one such conversation a few weeks ago which I’d like to share with you; and hopefully you too will experience the same ah ha moment that I did.

Working on behalf of one of our many committees, we were seeking proposals for some work to be done. I had emailed some of the contenders additional requirements for their proposals, and received an email back from one of them indicating that not only were they not going to provide the additional requirements, but they felt our proposal was being approached in the wrong manner all together.

Now, something you need to know about me is that I try to hold very strongly to a certain principle: email is for information and the phone is for conversation. I thought to myself, “Let me actually speak with them and clear out any possible misunderstanding. Maybe they didn’t really understand what we were asking.”

I called their office and told the receptionist that “Mordechai was calling.” When I got the chap on the phone, I started to once again express what it was we were looking for. Almost immediately he told me “No problem Mordechai, we’d be happy to provide it - we love you guys.” Obviously, this confused me.

Recovering very quickly, I responded with “Oh… ummm... Great. Are you sure, because I didn’t understand that from what you had sent me.”

“Really?” He replied, “I thought we were pretty clear. We really like everything you do. We’ll do the whole job for free.”

“Are you sure?” I asked, “because in your email you said,” at which point I started to read back his email.

“Wait a minute,” he said. “Which Mordechai is this…?”

“Mordechai Bookbinder from the BAYT.”

“Ahhh…. I thought this was Mordechai from (another community organization). We love their work. They do great stuff in the community. We totally get behind them and enjoy supporting them. I’m afraid that for you, I’m going to stand behind my original email and…” He went on to explain why he thought we were wrong in what we were asking for.

It’s not that we were turned down, but something about that conversation didn’t sit right with me and was niggling away in the back of my mind.

I was recounting the incident with a friend the following day. They said to me “Of course Mordechai, that other organization is a great community organization. They do tremendous work with adults and with kids; with the ill with the well - everybody loves them. You, you’re just a Shul.”

20 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016 More Than Just A Shul: continued

and with kids; with the ill with the well - everybody loves them. You, you’re just a Shul.”

That’s when it hit me. I turned to my friend and replied:

“Do you know that every Shabbos, we send kids all over the area to visit shut-ins both kids and adults?

And did you know that each week we send people to visit the elderly at a nursing home?

And did you know that we collect food for a food bank?

And did you know that we provide subsidies to kids who are unable to afford to attend youth programs or sporting events so that they too can partake?

And did you know that we raise money for bomb shelters in Israel and to help in the efforts to reforest after it was devastated by the forest fires ?

And did you know that each year we encourage our members to give blood and hold blood drives?

And did you know that each year we give out over $100,000 to the poor and needy as well as those organizations that support them?

Did you know? Were you aware of that? You may have known it… but it you KNOW it?

You see - we do much of what that other organization does; and in certain ways, even more. We just don’t tell people we do.”

My friend was silent for a few moments; and then turned to me and said “You need to let other people know that you do this. You need to let others know that you’re not just 4 walls with a minyan and kiddush club”

And this has been the response of everyone who I’ve shared this anecdote with. An Ah Ha moment.

And it begs the question: What does it mean to us to relate to a shul that’s not just 4 walls, a davening and a kiddush? How does our frame of reference change as we relate to a shul that’s also a community organization doing community service and chesed work? How do get others to relate to us this way and what will this mean to us?

This has inspired me, and those I’ve spoken to, to rethink about what BAYT is, how it positions itself in the community, and how it relates to the public at large. This will help shape our work going forward.

The next time someone tells you or implies that the BAYT is “just a shul”, I think you can proudly tell much of what we do. BAYT is more than a shul, we are a caring kehilla that reaches out to help others, and works hard to better the Jewish Community as a whole.

Here’s to an amazing year!

Mordechai Bookbinder

21 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016 Our Synagogue Family Mishpacha


BAR MITZVAHS Sean & Julia Guttmann on the bar mitzvah of their son, Menachem Meredith & Jonathan Levy on the bar mitzvah of their son, Elisha Cooki & Barry Levy on the bar mitzvah of their grandson, Elisha Thomas & Gloria Lupas on the bar mitzvah of their grandson, Natanel Eliezer Zevi & Aura Rosenzweig on the bar mitzvah of their son, Max Rosy & Marcee Rosenzweig on the bar mitzvah of their grandson, Max Rabbi Dr. Moshe & Esty Yeres on the bar mitzvah of their grandson, Efrayim Elaine & Alan Fink on the bar mitzvah of their grandson, Benjamin Abraham Issy Aron on the bar mitzvah of his grandson, Meir Fihrer Abe & Miryam Edery on the bar mitzvah of their son, Gavi Warren & Gail Cooper on the bar mitzvah of their grandson, Matisyahu Aaron


Yossi & T.K. Rosenblum on the bat mitzvah of their daughter, Annie Daniel & Heidi Fine on the bat mitzvah of their daughter, Racheli Aliza & Jason Braverman on the bat mitzvah of their daughter, Atara Amir Poliszuk & Ilana Segal on the bat mitzvah of their daughter, Adina Haim & Sara Shor on the bat mitzvah of their daughter, Yael David & Debra Kachani on the bat mitzvah of their daughter, Rina Tomi & Zippy Zwiebel on the bat mitzvah of their daughter, Lea Rich & Elana Winkler on the bat mitzvah of their daughter, Maya Norman & Sheila Winkler on the bat mitzvah of their granddaughter, Maya Ruthie Zaionz on the bat mitzvah of her granddaughter, Maya Gary & Bayla Fortinsky on the bat mitzvah of their daughter, Ayala Joe & Yittie Fortinsky on the bat mitzvah of their granddaughter, Ayala Eric & Judy Marmor on the bat mitzvah of their daughter, Leora

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Michael & Chaya Leah Conforti Noah & Shira Turk Avi & Rivki Levinson BIRTH OF A GRANDSON Daniel & Ariella Orner

Leon & Gina Epstein BIRTH OF A GRANDDAUGHTER Larry & Sue Zeifman Haim & Sara Shor Joel & Sharon Miskin Leon & Gina Epstein Shelly & Lennie Mann Mark & Barbara Glatt George & Judy Pister Mendel & Judy Rubinoff Eileen & Marv Goldstein Yossi & Matty Sherman Lawrence & Adele Levine Joel & Sharon Miskin Rabbi Avraham Aryaih & Laya Witty Lawrence & Adele Levine Bob & Esther Libman Shelly & Sheldon Buchalter Len & Shely Mann Jonah & Elizabeth Turk Eliezer & Adele Wexler Manfred & Rose-Ellen Leventhal Sol & Harriette Fleising Joel & Vivian Hirchberg Elazar & Chana Morel Joel & Molly Morris Cliff & Rebecca Ansel Nathan & Renee Koperwas Binyomin & Malka Weiss Gersh & Bev Kruger Susan Davidovits Dorit Sova-Ansel & Ilan Dishy Alan & Elaine Fink Marcelo & Fran Augenblick Danny & Joy Zigelman Rabbi & Rebbetzin Eisenberger Ronny & Bea Rocklin Allan & Malka Rutman Jonah & Elizabeth Turk Lydia & Chuck English Marl & Barbara Glatt Michael & Miriam Bendel Rabbi & Rebbetzin Eisenberger Rabbi Dr. Shmuel & Simi Spiegel Gershon & Lisa Farber Dr. Larry & Terri Mittelmann Howie & Sorrie Javasky Mark & Linda Saffer John Syrtash Rhonda Syrtash-Brooks BIRTH OF A GREAT Michael & Miriam Bendel GRANDDAUGHTER Sandra Winiarz Sheba & Jochanan Sanders Rose Bravman BIRTH OF A GREAT GRANDSON Miriam Ansel Rose Weiss Rose Bravman BIRTH OF GRANDCHILDREN Meyer & Myra Feldman Rabbi & Karen Korobkin Warren & Gail Cooper Melech & Tzippy Goldman Jeremy & Judi Cohen


23 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016 Our Synagogue Family Mishpacha


Myer & Naomi Slutsky on the engagement of their daughter Shira to Ofir Keren Sandor Deutsch on the engagement of his grandson David Deutsch to Marlee Kohn Mordechai & Chana Schlam on the engagement of their daughter Miriam to David Ventura Dr. Robert & Karyn Goldberger on the engagement of their daughter Adena to Yaron White David & Nina Bernstein on the engagement of their daughter Margalit to Ilan Katz Alan & Rochel Rabinowitz on the engagement of their daughter Adira Muller to Baruch Singer Ervin & Sheryl Weinberger on the engagement of their son Uri to Tali Schondorf Sam & Brenda Herskovitz, Chaim Oliver & Mindy Halper and Susan Oliver & Arthur Menscher on the engagement of their children Aharon Herskovitz to Rachel Oliver Rachelle Wolynetz-Frankel on the engagement of her daughter Tamara to Zachary Silver Marty & Ester Collis on the engagement of their granddaughter Naomi to Meir Erlich Rohn & Leanne Meyerowitz on the engagement of their son Jesse to Rivkah Perl Lesley & Jeffrey Schwartz on the engagement of their son Joseph to Katie Matanky Esther Sipos on the engagement of her grandson Joseph Schwartz to Katie Matanky George & Judy Pister on the engagement of their son Benji to Devora Goldberg Seymour & Diane Berger on the engagement of their son Jonathan to Rachel Shamis


David & Debbie Fischman on the marriage of their daughter Neema to Michael Adler Izzy & Fern Kutnowski on the marriage of their daughter Ronit to Mordechai Rosen Larry & Lori Wolynetz on the marriage of their son Elie to Cara Seltzer Joel & Molly Morris on the marriage of their daughter Miri to Aaron Stoner Haim & Frieda Shiel on the marriage of their grandson Avi Epstein to Elka Krupka Lazer & Shayna Friedman on the marriage of their son Ari to Naomi Friedman Guillaume & Rachel Friedman on the marriage of their grandson, Ari to Naomi Friedman David & Debra Kachani on the marriage of their daughter Deena to Daniel Rubinstein Eddie & Lisa Jesin on the marriage of their son Joel to Laura Rubin Sally & David Berman on the marriage of their daughter Batya to Elan Hahn Allen & Eva Doppelt on the marriage of their son Eric to Rachel Friedman Chaim & Shireen Flatt and Adrian & Sarah Woodrow on the marriage of their children Ariella to Aaron Ronn & Sara Goldberg on the marriage of their son Yonatan to Cara Sklar Mordechai & Chana Schlam on the marriage of their daughter Miriam to David Ventura Avi & Susy Bogler on the marriage of their daughter Tali to Nathan Stall Joel Braverman on the recent marriage of his daughter Sara Abigail to Mitchell Gakman Eddy & Temima Cohen on the marriage of their daughter Shayna to Natan Breslow Dr. Harry & Helen Cohen on the marriage of their granddaughter Shayna to Natan Breslow Jochanan & Sheba Sanders on the marriage of their granddaughter Shayna to Natan Breslow Dorit Sova-Ansell & Ilan Dishy on the marriage of their daughter Ashley to David Finson Allen Ansell on the marriage of his daughter Ashley to David Finson Miriam Ansell on the marriage of her granddaughter Ashley to David Finson Rena & Mitchell Sutton on the marriage of their daughter, Eliana to Max Marcus Elana & Jonathan Aziza on the marriage of their son, Josh to Nilah Zeifman Tova & Michael Ripsman on the marriage of their grandson, Josh to Nilah Zeifman Asher & Annette Breatross and Mervyn & Joyce Fried on the marriage of their children Tzvi to Dali Balaban

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The Shul extends its deepest sympathy to…. Dr. Henry Jakubovic on the loss of his mother, Helen Jakubovic z”l Harold Medjuck on the loss of his brother, Frank Medjuck z”l Leonie Serman on the loss of her mother, Maureen Kaplan z’l Joanne Raphael on the loss of her mother, Frances Hoffman z”l Annette Robicsek on the loss of her father, Morris Gruda z”l Joyce Fried on the loss of her mother, Rachel bas Yosef HaCohen z”l Noreen, Gavin & Julian Lebowitz on the loss of their husband and father, David Yonah ben Yaakov z”l David Blustein on the loss of his mother, Renee Blustein z”l Arnold Heisler on the loss of his wife, Frances Heisler z”l Sydney Rabinowitz on the loss of his sister, Anita Rabinowitz z”l Jacob, Joshua and Leah Goldschmidt on the loss of their wife and mother, Tanya Goldschmidt z”l Sara Westreich on the loss of her father, HaRav Shmuel David ben HaRav Yosef Moshe HaLevi z”l Chiam Levy & Yehoshua Levy on the loss of their father, Gabriel Levy z”l Dr. Jack Lefkowitz on the loss of his mother, Helen Lefkowitz z”l Naomi Greenberg on the loss of her brother, Tzvi Small z”l Robin Berglas on the loss of her mother, Sheila Tover z”l Asher Breatross on the loss of his father, Yoseph Breatross z”l Meyer Feldman on the loss of his brother, Shaya Leib Feldman z”l Eva Galant on the loss of her brother, Tzvika Bar-Nir z”l Jaykee Romi-Babany on the loss of his mother, Freda bas Leib z”l Magda Freiman on the loss of her husband, Emil Freiman z”l Marvin Goldstein on the loss of his father, Sydney Goldstein z’l David Spiro on the loss of his mother, Susan Spiro z”l


BET EL FUND CHARITY FUND Rachel bas Yosef Hacohain z”l In Honour In Memoriam Elie & Sylvia Wolfson Zvi Woolf Morris Gruda z”l In Memoriam Joe Kislowicz David Lebowitz z”l Morris Gruda z”l Alfred Dukes z”l Renee Blustein z”l David Lebowitz z”l Martin & Gail Bergman Ephraim Leiderman Regina Goldreich z”l Harav Shmuel David ben Yoel Isenberg Harav Shmuel David ben Harav Harav Yosef Moshe HaLevi z”l Earl & Anita Glicksman Yosef Moshe HaLevi z”l Helen Lefkowitz z’l Albert Silverman Seymour Rubin z”l Shaya Leib Feldman z’l Gavriel Levy z”l Judy & Jerrold Howard Yuval Menachem Sokoloff z”l Yoseph Breatross z’l Gershon & Marjorie Green Sheila Tover z”l Sheila Tover z”l Saul & Naomi Greenberg Esther & Bob Libman Tzvi Small z”l Mina Lauterpacht z”l Einstein Medical School Helen Lefkowitz z’l Gil & Esperenza Evenstein Yoseph Breatross z’l Larry & Sue Zeifman Thomas & Gloria Lupas Michael Friedmann Morris Gruda z”l Rina Newman David Lebowitz z’l Chuck & Lydia English Brian & Terry Ginzburg Refuah Shlaimah LIBRARY FUND Morris Gruda z”l Toffy Kobrossi Renee Blustein z”l Leon & Patricia Rucker In Memoriam David Lebowitz z”l Dr. Michael Kirzner Frances Ittelman z”l Helen Lefkowitz z”l Gil & Esperenza Evenstein Leon & Elaine Genesove Tzvi Small z”l Yoseph Breatross z”l Sandor Deutsch Shaya Leib Feldman z”l Arthur & Joyce Eklove Robert & Esther Libman

25 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016 Our Synagogue Family Mishpacha


MIKVEH FUND Connie Cohen z”l Rachel bas Yosef HaCohain z”l In Memoriam David & Sandy Cohen Elie & Sylvia Wolfson Chaya Dabrusa z”l Harav Shmuel David ben Harav Yosef Falla Sura (Urovitz) Silver bas Yoseph & In Honour Moshe HaLevi z”l Rochel z”l Albert & Susan Silverman’s Anniversary Helen Lefkowitz z”l Shloima Yosef Silver ben Yitzchak Myer & The Silverman Children & grandchildren Saul & Naomi Greenberg Hinda z”l Sidney Max Zionce (Meir Zeisel ben Rosy Rosenzeig’s Birthday Leah bas Leib z”l Yechezkiel & Chaya Sura z”l Danny & Joy Zigelman Yossi Dukes Marcia Zionce, children and grandchildren Rabbi Korobkin Helen Lefkowitz z”l Temma Hinda Greenberg bas Yechiezkel & Sharona Beck & Michael Blumenfeld Tzvi Small z”l Chaya Sura Zionce z’l Judi & Jeremy Cohen Sidney z”l and Marica Zionce and Family CHUMASHIM YOUTH FUND Alex Gelberger z”l In Memoriam Andy & Elke Gelberger and family Frances Hoffman z”l & David Hoffman z”l In Memoriam Danny & Joy Zigelman Mina Lauterpacht z”l Monty & Doris Saffer z”l Gil & Esperenza Evenstein Mark & Linda Saffer and family Solomon Koral z”l Fanny Koral z”l Gabriel Levy z”l Maureen Kaplan z”l Shelley & Smadar Koral Shayna & Lazer Friedman Saul & Naomi Greenberg David Lebowitz z”l Mina Lauterpacht z”l Morris Gruda z”l Alan & Rosalie Steinfeld Saul & Naomi Greenberg & Family Alan & Rosalie Steinfeld Marty & Gail Bergman Liber & Taiba Bain z”l Frank Medjuck z”l Lilly Stoll Leora & Alan Jaff Shlomo ben Mordechai v’Rivka z”l Rachel Schwartz Tzvi Small z’l Stanley Hiltz z’l Fred & Susan Birnbaum Michael & Ellen Siegel David Lebowitz z”l Moishe & Nicole Posner Steve & Marcelle Goldenberg Morris Gruda z”l Bob & Esther Libman David Lebowitz z”l Gil & Esperenza Evenstein MACHZORIM Alex & Rise Glasenberg In Memoriam Larry & Grace Weltman & Family Helen Lefkowitz z”l David Lebowitz z”l Gaby & Susan Friedmann Seymour Rubin z”l Harav Shmuel David ben Harav Yosef David & Helen Spiegelman Joe Elmaleh & Family Moshe HaLevi z”l Shmuel & Marla Figdor Harav Shmuel David ben Harav Yosef Lazer & Shayna Friedman Moshe HaLevi z”l OUR TREE OF LIFE CONTINUES TO Moishe & Nicole Posner GROW Renee Blustein z”l In Honour Issy Aron Sydney Goldstein z”l Rosy Rosenzweig Alan & Rosalie Steinfeld Jerry & Anne Tollinsky Yoseph Breatross z”l David & Beverley Ogus Helena Lefkowitz z”l Helen Risman z”l Phillip & Debra Kates Brian Risman Peter & Deborah Feldman Noah & Shira Turk Rabbi Joseph & Ruth Kelman z”l In Honour Ilana & Jay Kelman and Family Ida Goldstein Maya Winkler’s Bat Mitzvah Rena & Alan Litwack Phillip & Debra Kates and Family Renee Blustein z”l Judi & Marshall Egelnik Bob & Esther Libman Rachell & Jeff Silver SIDDURIM Joe & Sarah Fisher

In Memoriam Sarah Katz z’l Sarah Ruch z”l Eliakim & Esther Katz We apologize for any errors or omissions in this bulletin. Please advise us so that we may make necessary corrections in our next bulletin.

26 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016 Bulletin Designed by Richard Yaffe | 27 | BAYT High Holy Days 5777 Fall 2016