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JO2005-V38-N02.Pdf p s " invites all lovers of Chazzanut to weekend of relaxation and enjoyment. See, hear, feel what chazzanut is meant to be - the ultimate spiritual experience. Fx, itilw (:/Ji!dren })rogra1ns & Scholar in-Residt'!ltt' ])resen!ations &f' f,c,'furcs on (71111/oria! and iis ..'\.Jc,tz,el Shahhos (;a/a Can/orlal l:o1ffc'TI & lvfel:n.Jcb L~vnan1ir rViJtn.c"n'.l 1-)roxranh C:!intoria! f:..'arao.k.r LUXURY GUEST ROOMS DELUXE SPA & FITNESS CENTER OLYlvlP!C~SlZF POOL AND RECREATION ONSITE 2005 J\t1ERRILL LYNCI-I CONFERENCE CENrfER PRINCET N, NE\V JERSEY Conve11ient91 located about an hour front Broo!dyn and about 45 n1inutes fron1 Philadelphia. FOR RESERVATION CALL (718) 851~ 2 6 or log onto www. CANTO RS"\IVO RJ_,D .com Catered by Prime Events Catering • Rabbinic Supervision by Rabbi Nesanel Sommer Cantors World ls an independent, non-profit organization under the 501{c)3 code, THE JEWISH IN THIS ISSUE ... ANTICIPATING THE SIYUM HASHAS OBSERVER 6 INTROOUCTlON 8 THE ESSEIKE ANO IMPORT OF TORAH SHEBA' Al PEH, THEJEWISH OBSERVER (ISSN) 0021-6615 IS PUllLISHED Rabbi Chaim Pinchas Scheinberg, N"v>7v, MONTHLY EXCEPT JULY & AUGUST 6Y THE AGUDATH lSRAf:l. OF AMERICA 4• BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NY !0004. translated and prepared for publication by PERIODICALS POSTAGE PAID IN NEW ¥ORK, NY. SUBSCRIJ'TION $25.00/Yf.AR: Rabbi Shlomo forst •YEARS, S48.00; 3 YEARS, $69.00. OUTSIDE OF THE UNITED STATES (US FUNDS DRAWN ON A US BANK ONl.Y) $15.00 SURCHARGF. PER YEAR. THE LEGACY OF RABBI MEIR SHAPIRO ZT ..L SINGlli COPY; OUTSJOE NY AREA FOREIGN 54.50. 17 THE DAF YOMI ANO ITS foUNOER, POSTMASTER: SEND ADORESS CHANGES TO: Rabbi Shimon Finkelman THE JEWISH OBSERVER 42 BROADWAY, NY. NY 10004 24 YESHIVAS CttACHMEr LUBLIN: Conceived in Glory, TE1. •u-191-9000. FAx 646-254-1600 PR1:-<TEI> JN THE USA Built With Majesty, Yisroel Friedman RAB81 NtssoN W01.PIN. Editor Editorial Board RA6Bl JOSEPH ELIAS, Chairman STRIVING FOR COMPREHENSION AND RETENTION RAnn1 AunA BRuDNY JOSEPH FR I EDE NSON 31 MAKING THE TALMUD ACCESSIBLE TO THE RABBI YISROEL ME•R KIFtZNF.R RABBINOHONSCHERMAN ENGLISH·REAO!NG·ANO-THINKING PUBLIC, PROF. AARON TWERSKI Rabbi Nesanel Kasnett founders DR. ERNST L 80DEN>IEIM€R Z"L 38 SHAS, ANYONE? Avrohom Jaffe RABBI MOSHE SHERE({ Z"L Management Board Avt f'1sH01~. 'JAf'TOU Hu?SCH lsAAC KmZNER. R.Allet SH1.0Mo GROWING WITH OAF YOMI, ONE DAY AT A TIME LESI!_,, NACHIJM STEIN 14 THE RHlECTJONS, THOUGHTS ANO RAMBUNGS OF A Managing fditor RABBI YOSEF C. GOL!)ING VERY TIRED PERSON, Danny Gross PlllU.!SHEO BY Acuo,'\TH IS RAEL of· AMt\RlCA 29 How OAF YoMr CHANGED Mv LIFE, Benny Cohen U.S. TRADE DISTRIR(JTOR 35 0Af YOMl - TRANSFORMING THE INDIVIDUAL ANO His fEl.DHIOIM PUBLISHERS 208 Airport Executive ftlrh Nonuet. NY 10.954 COMMUNITY, Dr.Joshua Gross 1 8HITISH REPRESf.:N'f'ATIVE FROM SEPTEMBER 11 " TO THE OAF YOMl, M.T. 816ELMAN Gro.~''e1Jor \l-'orhs Adam Melzer Mount /'/ea,ant Ifill l.ondon E:; .9NE. ENGLAND 42 OAF YoM1, WnHour M1ssmG ANY locAL STOPS, FRENCH REPRESENTATIVE RAB.Bf BAMBERGEft Yitzchok Nleir Klahr ~• Bou/ewird lbixha11s 57000 Metz. FRANCE 43 If You To1t.. ., Yisroel Rutman ISRA.EU REPRF.SF.NTA.TlVF. INTNl.. ~h; DJA PLACEMENT !'OB 71.?5 I .<Ii }l!Ui• Rood }cru:;o/t•m .9~J40. /Sl(Af;1. BELGIAN REPRESF,NTATIVE M R. E. APTER To OUR READERS /.a119e Kifi'il5/r. 29 As YOU l"UHN THE PA(.a·:s ()F 1'HlS ISSUE OF THE IE' WL"fl iw18 A11twerp. ll/:J.CIUM Onst::Rvf.:fi.. YOU Witt MOST LIKl:'.l,Y NOTE SOME CHANGES IN THE SOlJTH A FRICAN REPRESENTATIVE THF. JEWiSH OHSERVf:R DOES NOT ASSUME APPEANANCE~ ot-·rHE-: M AGAZINE. Wt-; TRUS l' Hi Ar l'HE NEW FORMAT MR. V. TABACK RF.SPONSC611..lTY FOR "fHF: f(A.SHRUS OF ANY PRODUCT, 1'0 /Jvx 515;)2. \VIU. ENHANCE YOUR Rl~ ADlNG F.XPtHlE NCE. THESE JMPUOVE­ PU6LICATlON. OH SERVICE-: r'\DV ERTJ~ Et) IN ITS PAGES Rm'.tlnrr.. Johonm~shflr9 MENTS WEOE SUGCE::STErl l\Y THE GOL.DM1\.HK GROUP. \\-'·110 JI A.Vt: 21u SOUJH Al'F?ICA flF.EN f:NTtHJSTED WITH THE l.AYOlJ'f AND IJEStGN OF JO FOH: CLOSE © COPYRIGHT 2005 AtJSTRAl.IA~ l~~:PRESENTAT IVE T O j O YEARS. THEY fNVE:'!i1'f::f) Ml/Cl-I THOUGHT AND E FFOtlT IN Mil. A. DINNF.N ! 77 Birrigu i?-Ood Cttf.ATING 1'H{:SE M00IFICAT10NS. .t\Nl) WE WISH TO L:'"" NW'"'-'·"'"~'<" FEBRUARY 2005 I VOLUME XXXVI!T / NO. 2 ACKNOV/l,EO(;E THf-~ IR CONTRt8UTION TO oon M:lSS JO N . ---- - --- · - ------- - ----------- FEBRUARY 2005 6 I INTRODUCTION 1! IMPACT BEYOND standably cause for unbridled joy. Scheinberg N"~. This is followed by ! ' EXPECTATIONS But in addition to the actual comple­ a description of the launching of Oaf tion of the Talmud itself, this mile­ Yomi by the Lubliner Rav, Reb Meir he eleventh cycle of the learn­ stone gives us cause to contemplate Shapiro ?"Yr, as well as an account of ing of Shas according to the the crucial role that Torah study plays another of his precedent-making TDaf Yomi schedule will soon in Klal Yisroel, as is apparent from undertakings, the founding of Yeshivas culminate, b'ezras Hashem. Jews numerous Torah sources. One of Chachmei Lublin. We then present an throughout the globe have been learn­ these is in Sefer Yehoshua, where (in insider's report on how the transla­ ing a specific page of Gemara each day Perek 5) we find Bnei Yisroel prepar­ tions and elucidations of the ArtScroll concurrently for the past seven and ing for the conquest of Eretz Yisroel. Shas are prepared. half years, with the formidable goal of At that time, Yehoshua encountered a In addition, this issue includes completing the entire Talmud this year, malach (angel) with a drawn sword. ideas for reinforcing one's learning, as shortly before Purim. At that time, a Yehoshua understood from this that well as a number of first person colossal, joyous celebration in honor he was being held accountable for reports on how individuals and their of the siyum is scheduled to take place two possible lapses - for neglecting families grew with their participation in two major locations in the New York to offer the korban tamid, due to his in Daf Yomi. area, with the participation of tens of being occupied with the imminent thousands others worldwide, thanks to battle at Yericho, and the people's modern technology. not engaging in Torah learning that ... DURING THIS ERA It is probably safe to say that the night. Because the malach used the geographic scope of this program has expression, "Now, I have come," Gedolei Yisroel have often com­ far surpassed the expectations of its Yehoshua understood that neglect of mented that our generation is experi­ founder, Rabbi Meir Shapiro, •:,..~r, Torah was considered the more seri­ encing the era of Ikvesa d'Meshicha when he introduced the concept of Daf ous of the two, for "now" - at the (the footsteps of Moshiach). In order to Yomi over eighty years ago. It is impos­ time of that late-night encounter - no be spared the harsh effects of chevlei sible to assess the tremendous impact sacrifice is offered; by contrast, Torah Moshiach (lit. birthpains of Moshiach), this project has had, and is continuing must be studied by day and by night. which Chazal foretold for this era, the to have, on Klal Yisroel. At any given In response, Yehoshua initiated a ses­ Gemara (Sanhedrin 98b) provides a moment, there are hundreds - perhaps sion of intensive Torah learning. The formula - "Ya'asok b'Torah u'begemil­ thousands - of individuals learning the Be'er Moshe explains that this inci­ las chassadim - One should occupy daily daf, a kollel member in Kiryat dent illustrates that despite justified himself with Torah study and acts of Sefer, a businessman in Buenos Aires, reasons for busying oneself with kindness." The Chafetz Chaim pointed a Rav in Antwerp, a Rosh Yeshiva in other concerns, one must nonethe­ out that the expression "ya'asok" indi­ Manchester, a pharmacist in Kiev, an less make time for Torah study, by cates occupying oneself with the dili­ engineer in Los Angeles, an account­ night as by day. gence associated with how one ant in Melbourne, a manufacturer in One important result of the upcom­ conducts a business venture; such Hong Kong. This system fosters not ing siyum of Daf Yomi is that it will must be the spirit with which commit­ only growth in Torah, but also a sense generate new, widespread interest, not ments of Torah and chessed are to be of unity among Jews from diverse only inspiring others to participate in undertaken in such turbulent times. backgrounds, in a wide variety of loca­ the new study cycle of Shas, but, in This surely applies to our times, as tions and settings. general, numerous people will be stim­ well, if not more so. ulated to increase their Torah study Daf Yomi is a major example of the commitments, and perhaps establish proliferation of worldwide institutions TORAH STUDY IS new ones - whether in Gemara, and programs that provide opportuni­ PARAMOUNT halacha, Tarzach, mussar or any other ties to learn Torah. Hopefully, these area of Torah. valiant efforts will help rectify the A monumental achievement in flaws that led to our present state of Torah study of such proportions as a exile, and temper the manifestations of worldwide Siyum HaShas is under- IN THESE PAGES ..
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    Shavuot 5780 Divrei Torah Sponsored by: Debbie and Orin Golubtchik in honor of: The yahrzeits of Orin's parents חביבה בת שמואל משה בן חיים ליב Barbara and Simcha Hochman & family in memory of: • Simcha’s father, Rabbi Jonas Hochman a"h and • Gedalya ben Avraham, Blima bat Yaakov, Eeta bat Noach and Chaya bat Gedalya, who were murdered upon arrival at Birkenau on the 2nd day Shavuot. Table of Contents Page 3 Forward by Rabbi Adler ”That which you can and cannot do on Yom Tov אכל נפש“ Page 5 Yaakov Blau “Shifting voices in the narrative of Tanach” Page 9 Leeber Cohen “The Importance of Teaching Torah to Grandchildren” Page 11 Elchanan Dulitz “Bezchus Rabbi Dr. Baruch Tzvi ben R. Reuven Nassan z”l Mai Chanukah” Page 15 Martin Fineberg “Shavuos 5780 D’var Torah” Page 19 Yehuda Halpert “Ruth and Orpah’s Wedding Album: Fake News or Biblical Commentary” Page 23 Terry Novetsky “The “Mitzva” of Shavuot” Page 31 Yitzchak Shulman “Parshat Behaalotcha “ Page 33 Bernard Stahl The Meaning of Humility Page 41 Murray Sragow “Jews and Booze—A look at Jewish responses to Prohibition” Page 49 Mark Teicher “Intertextuality/Numerology” Page 50 Mark Zitter ”קרבנות של חג השבועות“ 2 Forward by Rabbi Adler Chaveireinu HaYikarim, Every year on the first night of Shavuot many of us get together for the purpose of learning with one another. There are multiple shiurim and many hours of chavruta learning . Unfortunately, in today’s climate we cannot learn with one another but we can learn from one another. Enclosed are a variety of Torah articles on many different topics which you are invited to enjoy during the course of Zman Matan Torahteinu.
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