Music Recital Sunday Heading Press Publicity
. EMPLOYEES' SPARDI GRAS RED CROSS THE NOBLEST MOTIVE THE PUBLIC GOOD SCHEDULED QUOTA MET FOR MAY 26 Goal Surpassed by $ 1 3.1 5: Chairman Appoints Totals Reach $22 1 3. 1 5 Committee Heads College employees surpassed Committee heads for the annual their Red Cross goal by $13.15, Spardi Gras, to be held this year when the total contributions on May 26, have been chosen by reached $2,218.15 following dons- tons made yesterday, according Chairman Hugh Johnston and his to Chairman Mel Wright. assistants, Jeanne Wright and Milt Several more contributions are Levy. FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 1944 Number to be turned in VOL. XXXII SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA, 103 today, says Mr. Working directly under the Wright, bringing the total still three chairmen are the publicity farther above expectations. The student goal of $800 was heads . Phil Sykes, in charge exceeded by $89.24, making a total of posters; and Gerry Reynolds, of $3,102.39 raised by the college Music Recital Sunday heading press publicity. over the period of six days. Committees under Chairman FINE EFFORT Vright include Entertainment, "This fine effort was due in ENSEMBLE PROGRAM IN large part to the efforts of Jane with/1..eah Ilardcastle as chair- Ellen Curry student chairman, Allenian Book Drive man; Feed, under Jewel Davis; STARS and her commitees," says Mr. LITTLE THEATER Queen Election, Anna Mae DEMI; Wright. "Congratulations are def- Closes Today; Last and Costumes, Pat Cavanaugh. initely in order for such fine stu- WOMEN'S GLEE GROUP COMMITTEES dent spirit." , Working under Levy are Bar- The campus drive was officially musk to be presented-in the San Jose Chance to Donate The program of enilirnble bara Lee Rico and Bruce Duke, opened a week ago Wednesday State College Little Theater Sunday afternoon at 5 o'clock, will offer Today marks the end of the Al- Contests; Howard Riddle, Jack with an all-college assembly, at a variety of numbers from early American to obligatos by the string lenian hook drive which was con- Reiserer, and Jo Ann Sweeney, which Capt.
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