MILDNESS TEST YOURSELF and GET the Meeting, Which Will Consist Night, According to Rev
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' ^:i^^t^^!:W •'< Pair« S THE VILLANOVAN TuetcUy, April 17, 1951 Scott Men Talk At Marketing Club the Pennsylvania State Center in Now-Chartered Marketers Swarthmore, Pa. One of the pio- neer organizers of Scott's Co- Hear Scott Executives' Talk operative Advertising Program, and former distribution account- ant with the same company, he search Two top executives of Scott and development depart- is experienced in speaking on the ment- Paper Company outlined the es- phases of planning behind sal^s. sential elements of a sound mar- Speaking before a rainy night Villanova's Student Marketing keting program at last Thurs- audience of about sixty C&F stu- Association is one of the newer yiLLAN dents, the men took turns deliv- day's meeting of Villanova Col- student organizations on campus. ering a prepared speech, illus- VOL. 26—No. 19 VILLANOVA COLLEGE, lege Marketing Association. VILLANOVA, PA. Tuesday, April 24, 1951 trating the talk with Originally organized during last Also highlighting the meeting a huge vis- ual-aid chart, and explaining the school year, the group has drawn was presentation by Bert Sellier, topic as it pertained the president, of the recently organ- to Scott a large membership from the Campus Al EE Holds Contest Paper Company. ized Club's Associate Member- School of Commerce and Fi- Seminary Guild Sliow Brings ship Charter in the nation-wide Scientific Marketing: » Need nance. For Prize Paper In District American Marketing Associa- "Scientific marketing," declar- •".;••, ' '- :• - ;-.C'- S/:..''-: tion. : ed Mr. Pcouty in the course of his Stars To Campus The two Scott executives were portion of the discussion, "has Tiiursday 25 Schools to Attend Mr. D. A. Prouty, national retail been an imperative need in this 13 Days Left For sales manager; and Mr. William country ever since the United Scott Paper Co. executive. D. A. Prouty, right, talks to Prof. Hugh Johnson, Marketing Club faculty observer, Two-Day Meeting S. Ash, distribution analyst in States became a mass-production after meeting Rosemary Clooney Heads Headline Bill 1920." of the business school group last Thursday night. Stadiin RetitiK the company's distribution re- nation about Ifs Smart. ml At Field House Variety Benefit He and Mr. Ash went on to list Villanova College Branch of ager, advertising and sales pro- ed another prepared talk, entitled 5W7 and explain the following ele- To cooperate in pre> BOULEVARD the American Institute of Elec- Open Wad. A Fri. Ev«nino« Miss Rosemary Clooney, 22 ments of an effective and suc- motions, public relations, and "Salesmanship A Career" to venting accidentt. May 7 Date Set for trical Engineers will conduct the year old Columbia Record sing- JOHN 00U6USS CO. cessful scientific program of employee relations. many scholastic and business Obey cdl safety signs. Prize Paper Contest for the Mid- Stadium ing sensation will be the feature marketing: a planned objective, Drawing Formai Attire RentaU attraction at Mr. Prouty has been an expon- groups throughout the country. dle Eastern District of this the second annual TOaD W. Qvr«tt Road use of factors to estimate mar- PhiU. BttburbMi TVanspoctetion C* So- Augustinian Seminary Guild's (Theatre Bldge. Arcade) ket growth, selective distribu- ent of sales as a profession for a William Ash is currently PhiU. AWMtom IUUro««l Co. ciety on April 27 and 28. UPPER, DARBY, PA. Thirteen days from today, Variety Show in the college tion, duties of a retail sales man- number of years has deliver- teaching in marketing at and a course Twenty-five schools are in- Field House Thursday evening. May 7, has been set as the day cluded in this area and repre- Rev. John J. Coffey, O.S.A., for final returns in the Villanova sentatives from most of these Guild Ehrector, expects the an- LIKE THOUSANDS OF AMERICA'S STUDENTS- College Stadium Drive. Drawing nual show this schools are expected to attend year to be "even for prizes will take place that bigger and better than last MAKE THIS MILDNESS TEST YOURSELF AND GET the meeting, which will consist night, according to Rev. E. B. year's success." He said, that of series of a short talks given confident of this, he has lined McKee, O.S.A., director of the up on a competitive basis* concern- an array of talent consisting of student drive program. EVERY SMOKER some of the WANTS outstanding WHAT ing electrical engineering. per- VWe're hoping that this formers of Villanova's AIEE branch will thir- stage, radio and tele- teen will vision. be represented by Thomas W. be our lucky number, I«?;#;' Rosemary Clooney Two Radio. Shows Morling, who won the branch and students will use the next u.mmm On Campus Thursday Miss Clooney's latest Colum- IS contest with his paper titled: thirteen days to put forth an V bia Recording hit, "Beautiful w "The Responsibility of the En- extra final effort to help push Brown Eyes," has zoomed to the s*ss gineer in the Community." George Sommer the drive to success," Father number two spot on the Variety Dinner Listed :.-.%^K' McKee urged. T&T Will Give Mnsic IP "Sommertime" Poll. Added to this popularity As part of the program for the Students puller are her two new radio Make Success presentation will feature a series two day meeting a dinner is shows, "Sing It Again," and the ARA EGHIGIAN Asking for this extra coopera- MusicalRevue of original skits by student au- ^f "Camel Caravan." COLLEGE LEVIN thors. Among the "budding PARK DICK tion, he advised, "The success of Other star attractions in the VIRGINIA Hammersteins" are Bill Bren- 51 the stadium drive depends for "Pardon Expression" "Stars In Your Eyes" Guild pro- •53 ninghouse, Jack Gibbons, Bob ..^ the most part upon the work of duction are Ruth Daye, the Due Resnick, Steve Keiss, Jack Kel- May 17. 18, 19 charming "Heifetz of the Xylo- our students, and we're counting ly and John Gallen. phone," and Ken Barry, featured fcii:-ii;':=s on every one of them to make Dancers Needed »iA' An original musical review, star of the "Hi-Neighbor" tele- our plans a reality." "Pardon the E]xpression," will Dancing ensembles for the re- vision show. The present phase of the sta- mark the beginning of a new era view have been in rehearsal for Roecker to »i«i "MC for Villanova's over a month, but Whalen re- dium fund-raiser will be the only Turf and Tinsel Master of Ceremonies will be >- Club when it hits the Field ported that there are still sev- vv raffle-type program to be held the nationally famous baritone eral openings in this field. House stage May 17, 18 and 19. He Eddie Roecker ,who was the star during the entire drive. Next pointed For the first time since its re- out that a good number of "The Desert Song" on Broad- year the stadium campaign activation three of the dancing and singing years ago, the way. Roecker is returning for a ^^-. choruses are backers anticipate sporting college musical iH*oduction group Freshmen, but repeat performance after a very \ will veer away from the added that among the returning \ events, and a giant card party straight wartn reception aa "MC" at the musical comedy line, and present veterans are such familiar names and dance to raise additional first Guild show last year. as Art DeVittis, Mike an old-fashioned review. "Pardon Desantis, George Sommer and his Or- funds. Definite plans along this Jack Redmond, the Expression" will be under Al Hevey, Jim chestra, recently contracted by line will be announced later. the Brown and Bill Miller. direction of George Noake, a Temple University for its spring Rev. Joseph Donnellon, O.S.A., veteran T&T advisor, with the The publicity drive of Turf prom, will handle the musical music again being written by and Tinsel has already Thomas W. Morling is chairman of the committee di- gotten end of the production. Well Villanova's own Bob Whalen. under way. A familiar aspect of known on Eastern College Reaas AILi^ Paper recting the entire Stadium Fund cam- • ILD Ml _ _ Original SkltB • / IT », ' *-» ESS N the program again this year will puses, Sonuner will feature M , his scheduled for Friday evening at drive. Whalen stated that this year's (Continued on Page 7) (Continued on Page 7) AFTER-TASTE the Philadelphia Engineer's Club NO UNPIEASANT (1317 Spruce St., Phila.). At- ,' > ^^ f tending the dinner to act as of- Belle Air Portraits ficial host for Villanova will be OVn 1S00 PROMININT mifi Rev. F. X. McGuire, O.S.A., Set Fer May 7 to 25 president. Other prominent of- ^"Wi ficers of the AIEE, local TOIACCO GtOWIilS SAYi *%SS5 and na- tional, will be present at the Portraits for the Senior sec- test meeting and dinner. When I apply the standard tobacco growers' tion of the 1952 Belle Air will be Tour of Buildings taken on campus by Zamsky Stu- to cigarettes I find Chesterfield is the one that The Prize Paper Committee, dios Quiiii^ the three weeKS under the leadership of Thomas smells milder and smokes milder.^ from Monday, May 7, to Friday, J. Burke, has scheduled a com- ^y'25. Sittings will be in the LEADING SELLER plete program which will include A WILL-KNOWN INDUSTRIAL registration of the visitors, re- radio station from 9:00 a.m. to tlSIARCH ORGANIZATION RIPORTSt IN AMERICA'S cordings of the various talks, 3 p.m. •^ and possibly a tour of the elec- ti COLLEGES Juniors and Senior Ts can is only cigarette in which members trical engineering laboratories Chesterfield the ^ make an appointment H and new campus buildings.