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r* 1 Feud Counteract Two Officers ■' V I. -y «y.-- Court Ruling gK Cleared Of P? * • 1 On Segregation Beating Charge '5‘. i>. V By LOUIS LAUTIER "It Just didn't happen," declar­ WASHINGTON, D. C.-(NNPA) ed Police Chief Ed Reeves Saturday □ when he .cleared two’ officers who -A bitter fight over public hous­ Friday had been accused by two r ing is developing in the Senate white warehousemen of. beating a BoantüK^i with lhe colored vote in the con­ young Negro. The victim of the al­ gressional elections os the prize. leged seating denied that lie had oeen mistreated by the officers. The fight is a counteract of the Tile iiicldent came about when South to the action of the Su­ two white (vareliousemen Thomas UN Médiat^ preme Court in refusing to re­ L. Haney and S. E: Hickey told re­ view the decision of California porters- oil tlie local afternoon dai­ ■ -.7 life ,’t ly tliat they watched officers bent courts holding that racial segre­ a Negro in a squad’ car. They identi­ gation in low-rent public hous­ fied tlie police car as No. 1, but dif­ ing in San Francisco is unconsti­ fered on the’ alleged blows struck, Is Unanimdii^ MEMPHIAN WINS G. P. HAMIL­ see State University. This award tutional. , . Haney said he saw several blows TON AWARD — NASHVILLE — ■mes to the Memphis studeijt who truck while Hickey only saw one. BY PIERRE J. HUSS i Johnnie R. Bryant, daughter of Mr. Maintains the highest average in BANKING COMMITTEE!) The officers assigned to No. 1 UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. 'u-i • Thathemalics during the school year, and Mrs. John R. Bryant, 1600 Pat- Shortly after Senator Homer E. squad car. Officers Freeman and (INS) — Dr. Ralph Buncho.?a;,tcifc " ton Street.. Memphis. Is shown with A freshman, Miss .Bryant is major- Jones, denied striking the yoiitli Capehart, of Indiana, chairman of United-Nations affirlr.1 the G. P. Hamilton citation which ' ing in business education.—(Pluto tlie Senate Banking and Currency •and said the youth cried n little was given her last week at TenneS- by Clantoii III.) Committee, Friday reported the because tlieir Intense questioning of the world's foremost leaden, 1'954., housing.,bill, . Senator Burnet scared him. They explained -that the. was cleared unanimously FftéijfaS -, K Maybank, of South Carolina, tlis -youth was picked up us a suspect of any qniji charges by a Fed­ ranking Democratic member oi in a purse theft ring from tlie AA Lt Lee’s Speech Highlights Insurance Co., 268 -S. Main. eral Loyalty Board. ¡-V?':« that committee, offered an The six members of the Intè».’- amendment designed to kill public natlonal Organizations anploii;- housing. Loyalty Board, after two li-haut' 'Nelson For Bishop’ Dinner The Maybank amendment, 11 hearings this week of Dr. Bunchà ■ adopted, would strike of the ■ said, they thjflffiiliilftr'-;~ "Only God can make a man,” President Eisenhower displayed rare bill a provision written into the conclusion that*^h5@W5Jq0thg‘i-: avowed Lt. George W. Lee (see courage—“thé true courage that God measure upon his motion, That | as to his loyalty to the U. S. cut); Memphis politician, as prin­ instills in all his chosen leaders’’-- provision w o u 1 d restore__ Hie j New Dr. Bunche is top-ranking -dl-’ when ills administration through a authorization in the Housing.. Act j-ector in the United Nations ' cipal speaker at the Nelson For of 1949 of 810,000 unies of' low-rent Bishop Club’s ‘Fellowship Dinner" brief filea by tre ü. S. Attorney General’s oifice to. the U. S. Su­ public housing to be built at the Friday evening in . the Clayborn rate, of 135,000 units a yedr. Temple Dining room. . preme Court who was then consider­ Security i The announcement •tt.tSgf’! Alluding to the Rev. H. Mc­ ing the constitutionality of segre­ The Maybank amendment would "Two hundred1 thirty-three per­ talned in a terse statement rqadjiq. '■ Donald Nelson, pastor of St. James gation >n the public schools, de­ substitute for that provision a pro­ sons applied to the Memphis Field UN correspondents at a ! speclÆ' AME Church, who recently an­ clared mat "segregation in any form hibition against the Public Hous­ Office foi duplicate Social Secur­ summoned news conférence'by'tÈe nounced his candidacy for the AME is unconstitutional." ing Administration entering into ity account number cards last board chairman,- Pierce Geitety bishopry and who is - supported in This v.as done in spite of the fact, "any new agreements, contracts, oi week," Ji.e W. Eancs, , an­ The key paragraph stated: his candidacy by a group of Mem- he maintained .that 90 per cent of nounced today. “UNANIMOUS” CONCLUSION"^' other arrangements, preliminary oi "The full board had Its se^ro phiaps beth within and outside of the Negrces voted against him in­ otherwise, for any additional (pub. "The quickest way to obtain a du­ TOP BRASS ON THE CADET itie presidential election or despite and Mrs. E. M.: Taylor, 405 Fifth to follow airforce career upon grad­ meeting with Dr. Bunche yéàâSf f the AME churches who organized lie housing) projects or dwelling plicate - Social Security account LEVEL, NASHVILLE—Top AFRO- Ave., Bartow, Fla. Major Dudley M. uation wnicli Involves flying activi­ the “H. McDonald Nelson For the admonitions of “political ex­ number card is to contact- thé So­ TC Cadet Honors at Tennessee State day following which It uiuinlâaSfcd; perts” who advised that it was not units.” • Watson (center) professor of Air ties.' ’’ ' ■ . . . Bishop Club’ which sponsored the cial Security Office nearest your University this year went to Ca- Science at the University is hold- Taylor received the Republic Avi­ ly reached the conclusion ' flcAt' dinner. Mr. Lee declared ‘We didn’t expedient and would alienate the FOUR YEARS present address." there is no doubt as to the loyahs Senator Gapehart said Seriatoi det-2nd Lt. Daniel Wai-d (left), so­ ng the citations presented them on ation Award as the outstanding come to make a man; we came only vote of couthern voters who sup­ Many people feel that they must phomore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus of Dr. Buriohe to the • United ported him. Maybank’s action would be coun­ (wards Day last week. senior of the corps, who during the to reveal hie hidden talents." apply to the Field Office from which Ward, 392 Pontotoc Ave., Memphis Ward liceived the Convair Award year contributed most to the well ..Lt L’e urged his listeners to tered by a substitute amendment their original card was issued. This . ’This conclusion has bèem ïfor* ') “We need a Nelton in our church,’ providing for President Elsenhow­ Tenn., and Cadet-Major David A ■s .outstanding sophomore. He was being ¿nd. dally operation of the undergo a "spiritual rebirth" and is not hue since all applications for. Taylor, (right) senior, son of Mr warded, to the Secretary'of- Bttlte'" asserted the staunch Memphis Re- 'get Jim Crow, out of your minds er’s program of 35,000 low-rent elected for advance and has agreed corpsAÇhoto by Clanton III). 1 -publiWtt;W»r*ie^ •tiecount number-cards are checked ■ -T .J—~~ ■ —«——-...... —.—,—:— toy- transmittal, tov®VSeàSEtrSi and believe with all t>f your heart public housing’ units a year for a jri-the Administration's Central Ac­ Geneial-‘of.-ths...N^^t;7ti^efc|3X'-i‘-1 ed to region V of the Small Busi­ period bf four years. He said it had ness Administration. that you ,r.re equal.” counting Office in Baltimore. Md. time It has, been. JnfonnaJly.'trjüïSÏ«; Concluding, Mr. Lee stated, there hot been determined who would Each Field Office sends the appli­ Chaplain Robinsoh Moves Federal Jobs mltted to Dr. .Bunche.”- ?- v - Throughout the history of mankind Is a need for leaders who will offer the- amendment but definite­ cation which is received to this of­ Gerety , conferred with: U. JSC’. stand up and be counted" and ly it will be offered. fice for checking. Several, days are Ambassador to the • UN, • ’ .men haye_attempted to perpetuate A :- the myth of, a super race or super pointing to the Rev.- Mr. Nelsons —When the houslng util Is called-up- needed alter the application is—fil» Cabot-Lodge beforehand. Ger men “only to have God gently he declared “we have one here.” for. Senate floor action, most of the ed before a card can be issued. To Oteen, North Carolina Now Open declined to discuss the exact" admonish them that the creation "We are going to elect a bishop debate Is. expected to be ôn the Mr. Eanes pointed out that ap­ ture or number of charges-htj of man is within His providence from Memphis and that bishop will public housing issue and whether plications which are filled out in­ Reverend Dougins L. T, Robin­ Till’ Fifti U. S.' Civil Service re-, ISt- only," contended the speaker. be the Rev. H. McDonald Nelson," the refusal of the Supreme Court correctly' must be returned for cor­ son, Pmicslant Chaplain at Ken­ glon has announced an examtoation “to state whether perjury ■■ to review the San Francisco pub­ While the Romans were "brag­ the speaker avowed. rection. This makes It important nedy Vcleiatis Hospital, is being for engineering aid positions pay­ would be taken agaJrist ;anyi lic housing case means that racial for each applicant to carefully fol; transferred to the Veterans Ad­ in connection with the ch ging” of the ", of Rome" and Lt. Lv was introduced by J: A. segregation cannot be maintained ing from $2950 to $4205 per annum. the greatness’ of being a Roman Beauchamp, executive director of low the instructions printed on each ministration Hospital, .Oteen, N. C.< Eligible lists will be established in BUNCHE SILENT • . .. in any public housing anywhere. application, in order to obtain the effective June 6. 1954. Dr.. Hugh L, the following options: aeronautical, Bunche preferred toÎYem&?;ÎÙ:;i Citizen God: “planted a seed in a the Chickasaw council of the SLUM CLEARANCE bumble woman in the town of Na- Seminole Division of Boy Scouts fastest possible service. Prather, Manager nt Kenedy, an­ civil .electrical, electronica, general If the .Maybank amendment to Any person who has lost his .So­ nounced Chaplain Robinson has and metliarilcnl.' ment,« tout Ernest '.zarene resulting in the birth of the who also served as master of cere­ strike the public housing provi­ world’s -greatest religious fieure- monies. Others appearing on the cial. Security card should apply im­ been serving the patients at Ken­ No written test is required! Appli­ counsel and formér sion from the bill is adopted, the mediately for a duplicate, and ev­ nedy since 1947 cants wi.l be rated on the basis of sentative to the Security Cbunrit Jgsus Christ,” Mr. Lee elaborated. nrogran were Miss Lanetha Col­ public housing program would be He also stated that Mahatma Gand­ ons, Ml.« Barbara J. Dowdy, the ery person should have a card to a rm'tew of their experience, educa- issued a statement describlnk^hs> dead. That action would make in­ show Ills employer when first re­ A veteran of World War II. Chap­ t:m and training. speedy board ’ decision as. hi and Abraham Lincoln, both Rev. E. Melvin Johnson, Miss Ge­ operative the slum clearance and lain Robinson has been with the “insignificant." beings, were chosen neva Cooper, and Jesse Clark, porting tor work. Applications for redevelopment program because original or duplicate Social Securi- Veterans Administration since 1946 Application forms, or information Gross added: , ' '^,1 and marked by Go

-SM»- Fi -i Hamed For ‘55 in sjionsibility in the campaign. “We will need the dedicated help Army private Quincy Johnson, the the Venson residence at 1509 8. of all lite people.of Memphis and nephew ot Mrs. R. Q. Venson,.wife Parkway -Er The blaze*was confined Shelby County in’ carrying forward of Dr R. Q. Venson, prominent to the inside of the house. tiie Red Feather' banner. It Is a dentist ,ar d guiding light in the heavy responsibility but it also is ’Spirit of Cotton Makers Jubilee” Dr . Venson was taken to Kennedy a real privilege to serve- with all promotion, who was spending the VA Hospital and treated for second the ■ line people associated in night in the Venson home was the arid third degree burns about the 1955 appeal.’ first to notice smoke and give tire head, shoulders and neck. At the . The new general chairman Alarm of a fire, believed started by World’s, press time he was reported been an automobile dealer for 35 lightning, which destroyed the in­ in "satisfactory" condition. • Mrs. years;, lie is district governor of terior of the Venson home Satur­ Venson’s ■ hair was singed, but she Rotary International District 264 day morning. required no treatment. Most of the (Shelby County and North Missis­ Fire Chief Klinck said the call Venson possessions were estimated sippi) and a past president of the was received about 6:45 a. jn., and as unsalvagable. The damage was Memphis Rotary Club. several trucks were dispatched to covered I® insurance.



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ft«s MEMPHIS WQRIP Juñe V19S4 Ijg La Rose Safety Council Feted What would schools, especially waiting for Mrs. Murphy. The b LaRose. be without the Safety tlful spirit and the lovely sin Council? '.Voids cannot be found in of those wlio .vyerp present ri books to describe them. Through all a very attractive picture. Sei the heat. rain, snow, hail and wind parents contributed, helpful su( of September. October. November, tlons to next year's work. A < December. January. February, nice talk was given by none d March, April and May. these de­ than our own, Prof. J. L. Brin pendable and noble boys stand on About tills time, -Mrs. Mui corners with flag and whistle in came. Hor remarks to the P-TA BY JEWEL GENTRY hand to protect children .of all the' 1954-55 official family were ages. brief but very forceful and Jns THE HONORABLE MAYOR Mrs. H. B. Craigen, president of Nothing we. nor anyone can say ing. Mrs. Murphy paid a' beaut FRANK TOBEY SPEAKS TO the club, conducted the business garmon, Jr.,, son of Mr. Russell fe- ' w or do win really express our sin­ tribute to our president, Mrs. ! OTTY TEACHERS AT BOOKER session which was followed by a ÌSugarmon Sr.,.’ prominent Mem- cere appreciation to them for the rle Adams, who once served as WASHINGTON HIGH SCHOOL beautiful buffet - dinner, - ' phis RealI Estate _man_and .Mrs. ft#?- í swell wo.k they are doing.now. and president of the Alonzo Lock P- tile swell work we know others will She of course, paid tribute to o SATURDAY Guests of the evening were Mrs. Sugarmon who live at 780 Walker T 'W Alberta Fowler, Mrs. Edward R. Avenue. ; ' ft do after them. However, the parents officers. Approximately 800 teachers gave Kirk and her house guest, Mrs. S. Miss De Costa is\now a honor- and teachers of LaRose School felt Lastly, Mrs. Murphy told us a standing oration’ to the .Honor­ H. Broome who made a talk on student aftr_ Wellsley__ College___ at. as a litlie token for their diligent wonderfully blessed we were to 1 able and much liked Mayor Ffrank her Missionary work in Cleveland. West, Mass.- Attorney Sugarmon. work, w; could entertain them out, as our head, a person like our p Tobey as he entered the audito­ Members present were Mrs. L. who was in Memphis two days last Instead of In our cafeteria, at our c.ipal. Prof. Brinkley, and she < rium of Booker Washington High R. Davis, Mrs. Mattie Bell, Mrs. week after finishing specialized expense at a place of their dreams; ed her message with' a beau School where he spoke out of Marie L. Adams, Mrs. E. W. Ir­ training in : the' Armed Force, will Finally, an idea came to someone— prayer. We thank Mrs. Murphy gratitude to the. teacher’s group-on vin, Mrs. R B Nicholson Mrs Mo­ go to Fort Lewis in Washington Why not the "Gay Hawk Drive-Inn taking time out to come to us Saturday morning at the closing just' out oi Seattle where• he is as- Restaurant?" Yes, the others glad­ SOFTBALL NOTES meeting: oi the school-year, in his ses Payne, Mrs. J. L. Saddler, Mrs Annie Bell Alleyne, Mrs. O. B. slgried to the. Sixth Army, He is ly and readily agreed, why not? So .Wednesday, May 26, the girls of . warm address, the mayor praised Braithwaite and Mrs. J. C. Mar- now in Boston”bn a leave. It was arranged that on Wednes­ met the girls of 8-4 in a very ■ teachers saying that they deserved . tin. . ■ day. May 26, they would meet im­ teresting softball game. •the respect and suport of the BACK FROM EUROPE i ft mediately after school and go to The winners, 8-2 with a scot? Plans were completed for mak­ i / 7 ' . - • thecGay Hawk for a lavish and ex­ general. public in’ that their posi­ ing a contribution arid giving .linen Glimpsed MRS. IDELA 5 to.3. tions required more physical, and NICKOLS over. the week end who quisite dinner plus . excellent table The players on 8-2 team were mental ■ strength than any • other to the LeBonheur Children's Hos­ services and delicious food. nestine Walker, Gloria Maj pital—A delegate was also elected has recently returned from a tour ft. group and that teachers are really of Europe m.idc with the United To accompany our boys we could Mamie McAfee, Edith Lloyd, ) servants of the people. He spoke (the president) to. represent the . I É think of no greater person than oui Tuggle, Attle R. McDowell, Ml Memphis chapter at the State Beauty School and Teachers As­ of teachers .as builders of citizens sociation and members of the Al­ Mesdames Jimmie McCulley and cu only ty family members and one their husbands. principal, Prof. J.L.Brinkley.Jr.. and da Harris, Estella Bowers, Ber Federation in Jackson In June. Lucille Taylor of this city, enter­ and stated that we must build ,****«- pha Chi Pi Omega Sorority, Along other guest. Mrs. Lillie Person also t our advisor. Mr. B. G. Currie, Sr. Nortliington and Cleo'Wright. ; tained their sister, Mrs. Florence of Chicago, Ill. Seated from left lo light. Mrs. Our wonderful principal gave, a Players on the 8-4 team were! better citizens and preserve Amer­ MRS. EVELYN CLARK TUCKER with Mrs. McNickols went Mrs. ican democracy thru the church Lillie Little of. tyfemphis. Anderson Watson of Chicago, III., The charming hostess ' presented Selma Rew Mays, the honoree, Mrs. short but helpful address to the en Brown, Ethel Baker, Marg WILL BE HOSTESS TO ZETAS Thursday night at their home. Mrs. their sister with a lovely corsage of Florence A. Watson, Mrs. Lillie Per­ point on safety and of course com­ Branch. Arletha Johnson, Gwei and the school. He then praised AT CLOSING MEETING highly Mrs’. Luille Rhine Woods, MR. BERKLEY EDDINS arti v- Watson was here visiting the 23rd pink carnal ions. A Very tasty menu son, Mrs. i-ucille Taylor. Standing, plimented the boys for their ex­ lyn Jones, Julia Marlon, Bettie 1 instructor and director of musical Alpha Eta Zeta Chapter of Zeta Gen'l CME Conference which conven consisting of barbecue and all- the Mrs. Mattie Mitchell, Mrs. Emma cellent services. ter, Jacquelyn Jones, and Shi Phi Beta Sorority will hold its ed homè from Valley Forge Army at Hamilton School and the Ham­ Hospital where he has been work.- ed st tile'Mt. Olive Cathedral. trimmings, was enjoyed by all at Exum, and Mrs. Jimmie McCulley. Later, each ‘patrolman was a- Porter. ilton High School Chorus. last ineetlng before adjourning for The elaborate affair was attend. the happy' . of sisters and —Photo by Blakely) warded a certificate of safety by the The Cupidlett Social Club the Summer vacation months at ing in Neuro-Psychiatric work for Our Honorable Mayor was pre­ a seven day -'leave" with his par­ advisor, Mr. G; B. Currie, Sr. sponsoring a semi-formal June ! the lovely home of Mrs. Evelyn P-TA L e M o y n e Gardens Auditor sented by Mr. E. C. Ball, our city Clark Tucker who will depart Im­ ents and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ Department of Agriculture, 322 ■ superintendent whose life of de­ liam Eddins. Si', and Miss Ramelle Federal Jobs Now Peachtree-Seventh Building, 50 The installation of officers by time 8 p. m. Helen Brown, presldi mediately after the meeting to Californians Mrs. Mnry Murphy, principal ot Catherine Bell, secretary; A( voted service- has added much to join her husband in Chicago. Edwins at 1176 Cannon. Mr. Eddins (Continued From rage One) Seventh Street,. Atlanta, Georgia, Memphis public school. is being transferred to Washing­ with whom applications niust be Alonzo Locke School for the La­ Toles, nei.surer. and Calvin Sy ------:—— ------4.4 »»».------A large attendance is exported Rose P-'lA was held. May zo, 1U04. -With. Alvin smith, sweetheafS according to Mrs. Bernice A. E. ton, D. Ç., to'” the Walter-Reed ceueatin opportunity- for senior stu- tiled not later than the close of Army Medical Center. He will be dents who are majoring in account­ business on July 14, 1954. See Strength A regulai meeting was held while. the:club. v),. MRS. C. M. ROULHAC. SR. Callaway who served as hostess last time giving out all of the admitted to candidacy upon the ing and persons with accounting HOSTESS TO THE PHYLLIS completion of his thesis for Hie training -or experience who are in­ WHEATLEY CLUB Southern courtesy and hospitality / In Court Rule —Mrs. Callaway ' served .a delect­ Ph. D. degree in Philosophy, at terested m career employment in Bishop Sanity the Internal Revenue Service. The ( Ladles .of the Phyllis Wheatley able menu after a cocktail. Michigan University at Ann-Arbor.. SAN FRANCISCO, California — Club were entertained at the regu- duties-of these positions include of­ Examination Set Expected highlights of the ­ fice audit of Income'tax returns or in lar monthly meeting in May by ning will be final reports of the ■ MRS. HOLLIS PRICE. SR. left Dennis J. Bishop, a 50-year-old public housing, -civil service and Mrs. C. M. Roulhac, Sr. at her last week for her home In New field investigations, examinations, Ellaibelle Davis Recital reports of and Audit of accounting books and . white mail of 1631 S. Parkway, E„ public schools in California and stately East McLemore home. As­ delegates to the South Central Re­ York where she Will visit her par­ Who Is under indictment for twice other west coast states was dealt a sisting Mrs. Roulhac in receiving ents until next week when she will records of Individuals, partnerships, gional meeting held iri Jackson, corporations, trusts, etc. attempting assault and battery on serious b’ow by the historic United her guests and members was her Miss., and reports on the recent go up to. Mound Herman’s School a young Negro girl and whose trial States Supreme Court decision of daughter, Mrs. Phil Booth. and much talked about ■ Spring for boys 111 Massachusetts .to see Full information may be obtain­ was scheduled to be heard yester- last Monday', Franklin H. Williams, her son graduate from Highschool ed from Mrs. Mildred Turner al the "Ball" given by local Z-eta women local post office. day, was transferred Friday in Cri­ NAACP secretary-counsel, declared —The ladies will also discuss pans and join Dr. Price. minal Court to Gallor Hospital this week. for next years project—According DR. AND MRS. WESTLEY The Board of U. S. Civil Service where he will undergo examinations . "We feel that the high court’s to reports. Alpha Eta Zeta Chap­ Groves arrived here the first of Examiners, U. S. Department ot to determine his sanity. declaration of the unconstitution- lastlweek from St- Louis where Agriculture. Atlanta, Georgia, an­ ter of the sorority is proud of its nounces an examination for ap­ ality of segregation/per. se, can be Tennessee Safety Council accomplishments during the past Dr Groves is finishing a resi­ applied to all forms of racial seg.- dency at Homer'Phillips -Hospital. pointment to positions of Meat In­ year under the excellent leader­ spector at various locations In the Detectives Try To regation practiced add imposed by I ship of Mrs. Helen N. Waterford -----The Groves are visiting Mrs. an agency or arm of the state. This Grove’s parents, MR. AND MRS. States-of Alabama. Florida. Georgia, as basileus. Identify Woman includes housing, authorities, school Mcmori.'t Day, traditional day of honor to U. S. war dead, is also openii THOMAS HAYES on South Parkl Mississippi, North Carolina, South boards, commissions and other de­ Carolina and Tennessee. At the World‘s press time homicide day for the “SLOW DOWN AND LIVE" program set for this summer in tl MEMORIAL STUDIO way East. ' partments of government and ad­ ATTY. RUSSELL SUGARMON, JR In slaughtering and meat pack­ detectives were still trying to identi­ ministration,’’ Williams contended. 21 Northeastern and Southern states, from Maine to Texas. The program, ENGAGED TO WELLSLEY fy the body of a young woman, whe be in effect from May 30 through the Labor Day weekend, is designed to red’d 889 UNION AVENUE ing establishments, Meat Inspectors Williams, himself admitted to STUDENT perform Inspection work in con­ Homicide Captain Pete Wiebenga practice before the U. S. Supreme traffic deaths by reducing speed on the highways. Total Abolition had been apparently, strangled to Designers, Builders & Erectors Ot OF WIDE-SPREAD SOCIAL IN- nection with the enforcement of the Court, cited the case of Banks vs Two sets of figures show why speed reduction—directly involved in auto a TÉREST-throughout the nation is death, found Saturday morning in The San Francisco Housing Author­ cldcnt fatalities—is necessary: . • ;- ______Monuments. Outstanding_ m a ny MeAgjinspectlon Act and related a ditch at the rear of 25 E. McLe­ years for courteous service and reas­ the engagement, of the prettyiMiss Of Segregation lawiand regulations. This involves ity, the May 5 ruling against school U. S. military deaths in Korea, over a period of three years: 25,604?--? Laurie De Costa, daughter of Dr. the ’inspection of animals and the more. segregation .in the Wilson School onable prices Capt. Wiebenga said the woman U. S. deaths from automobile accidents in one year alone (1953): 38,300. PHONES 8-5466 & 37-7862 Frank A. De Costa, Dean of South Sought In Miss. examination of carcasses and parts District, Maricopa County. Arizona, Carolina State College and Mrs. of slauglitered animals for evidence appeared to be between 25 and 35 and the. issue of segregation in the h Last year, ten people died in traffic accidents in Tennessee, over Memorial Ds DeCosta to Attorney Russell Su- JACKSON, Miss.—(SNS) .-To­ of -diwase or other abnormal' coni years, «eight about 125 and 5' 3" Lqs Angeles Fire Department and weekend. The Tennessee Safety Council urges you to help prevent that, th tal'abolition pX.,sagregation in pub­ riitkuyj They also Inspect the plants tall and had a string around her the school systems of Pasadena year, by observing the SLOW DOWN AND LIVE slogan. However you spet for «ariitary conditions and per­ neck .md had been dead for sev­ and' Ely Centro -as instances In Robert F. Jones lic schools was:the!Roal outlined by eral hours when found. your Memorial Day holiday—driving, swimming, boating, fishing, or swingif Comb Away Mississippi lea^cra who met here form? related work as assigned. I which mu Supreme Court’s decision in the backyard hammock—be careful. The person who can best prevent an 8 Sunday ai the, '*speclal emergency Applicarits will be required to ! "gives added strength and cause of ddent to you is YOU. Phone 9-0134 meeting- ot. thq, - - -action- -to—the—NAAGP\s-iJOSi tion?1— ence of the Nl*______The San Francisco Housing Au­ Imprinted Souvenirs—Badges Gray Hair president, Dr. E,.. J,.Stringer of Co­ learagj. thority's practice of so-called “neigh Sales Books—Business Forms lumbus. ’For complete information and In Friday's Paper borhood patterns”' of segregation Dr. Str'nger said his group would forms to file, see Examination An­ Nellie Peoples, the World’s pert was struck down by the California Post Cards - Labels — Tags not wait until .tjlis fall when the nouncement No. 5-83-2-1954 or the "Teen-Age Views" columnist, An­ State Supreme Couprt The author­ —Tape Tickets—Bulletin Boards Supreme Court will hear arguments Commission's Examiner-In-Ohaigp nounces tnat upon her being grad­ ity . then appealed this decision to LE MOYNE —Calendars. on the date segregation will be abol­ or sltliprinatlon Representative at uated from Booker T. Washington tn’e U.S. Supreme Court. The. west' ished and added that the meeting most.flrst and second-class post of- High, she will replace her column coast NAACP has sponsored this 322’/i BEALE was called to“Wdrk out means of fices; th;' U. S. Civil Service Re­ with a new one "Around Town with case from the court in the first in­ stance. The organization’s lawyers PALACE THEATRE BLDG. abolishing segregation in accord. gional Office nt Atlanta, Georgia, Nellie" commencing in the Fri­ with the recent. NAACP "Atlanta or the Executive Secretary, Board day’s edition of the World. Look for are firmly convinced that the U. S. Declaration of U. S Civil Service Examiners, her column Supreme Court will uphold the state courts in this case. r —-— JUNE 7 JULY 16 While actual litigation has not yet Bzked while begun in the Los Angeles Fire De­ partment issue, the NAACP is con­ For STUDENTS TEACHERS VETERANS You don’t need to tolerate gray fident. ihnt court action would re­ you steep faded« burnt hair any ibnger. Newly sult in the ending of racial segregi Improved JET BLACK COLORING tion of Negro firemen. According REGISTRATION POMADE does the trick with your to NAACP charges, Negro firemen comb and brush. Apply it as you arc confined to two fire stations out PRE-REGISTRATION, SATURDAY, JUNE 5-9 A. M.-I2 Noon would any Gloss Pomade then bpish of 87 scattered throughout the city. and comb away gray, bring new REGULAR REGISTRATION MONDAY, JUNE 7-9 A. M.-4 P. M. highlights and sheen. Make the hair look livelier, gleams. Makes CLASS WORK BEGINS . TUESDAY, JUNE 8 you look younger. It’s easy, so No Time For simple, a child can do it It's aa LAST DAY TO CHANGE CLASSES FRIDAY, JUNE,11 easy as one, two, three. You can*t| (Continued Prom Page One) . lose. Try IL Every cent back. If] all of us.” He you are not delighted. SEND NO! stressed : NO REGISTRATION ALLOWED AFTER JUNE 9 MONEY NOW. .On delivery pay "Tliis is no timeI for rash state­ only $1.50 plus postage. Just try it merits ur the proposal of i m pos­ (Laie fee charged after Juno 7) It win wash out but will not rub off. sible schemes.” Pretty up. Have lovely looking hair “ no final conclusion as to our SUMMER SESSION ENDS FRIDAY, JULY 16 the easy quick way. WRITE FOR course and the program we shall IT NOW TO follow is immediately necessary." ANOTHER FRESHMAN ENTRANCE EXAMINATION, FOR- THE Uinstead had been silent since Gold Medal Hair Products, Inc. the day of the decision, when he FALL SEMESTER, WILL BE GIVEN JUNE 12, 1954 STARTING AT Tavstee * Dept. B-3, Jrooklyn 23, N. Y. * ? said he was "terribly disappoint­ ed.” Name 9 A. M -BROWNLEE HALL LECTURE HALL ON THE LcMOYNE • ... ' < Address CAMPUS. ■ Y ;?1 1 ' ■ . ?'• « CHOIR ROBES TUITION FEES Will Visit Church And IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT Show Samples. No REGISTRATION FEE ...... $2.00 Obligation. (Non-refundablo) Hartley Garment Co. TUITION (Per Semester Hour) . . SI 0.00 CALL OR WRITE LATE REGISTRATION FEE .. $5.00 John Sadler SCIENCE LABORATORY FEE...... $5.00 1853 Foster Ph. 7-0918-J $3.00 SILVER SPRINGS Wherever youlook,you Useemoreand ART DEPARTMENT FEE MEMPHIS, TENN. (The Curriculum fee has been discontinued and students are FROM more Early Times being served all required to purchase textbooks.) The total of tuition and over town. That’s true all over the any applicable fees will be due at the time of registration. country, too. Early Times is now THE FOLLOWING COURSES WILL BE OFFERED: PABAPISE PARK America’s top selling straight whisky, A SPECIAL INVITATION IS EXTENDED TO CHURCHES, SOCIAL the first choice of discriminating Course ' Cr. Course Cr. AND. CIVIC GROUPS TO SPEND THE SWELTERING DAYS OF people who appreciate the superior SUMMER IN THE COOLING ATMOSPHERE OF RELAXATION —303 Economic Geography . . o '—350 t.du. Administratlon . 3 AND TRANQUILITY AT PARADISE PARK. uniform quality found in Early Times. Ask for Early Times today —421 Early C'hood Education 3 —200 Natural Se. Survey ..ft.. 4 •for buying when you FOR OTHER INFORMATION WRITE PARADISE“PARK American Tub. School . 3 —203 Cons, Nal. Resources. 4 . P. O. BOX 22, SILVER SPRINGS, FLORIDA I see the sunny striped Audio Visual Education 2 —100 Basic ------Mathematics , 4 package and label. BRING THE FAMILY American Teacher .... . 3 —101 Social Science Survey .. 4 c '■ Prin. of Economics 3 •102 Social School Survey V. Plato Lunches, Sandwiches and Drinks Available World Literature ...... «> ■302 Public School Music . y.. 3 Free Picnic Tables * Take a Jungle Cruise Ride Introduction Sociology Ï. 3 Visit the Reptile Institute 0 Egjoy a Refreshing Swim Music. Appreciation .... 3 —201 ■ ' ' ' -, . Health Education ...... 3 —230 Theory-Pract. Crg. Play 2 Vi?i FREE Admission to the Grounds and FREE Parking for Your Car. —330 School & Com. Health . 3 —302 Art for Teachers ...A;. .3 j ' FOLLOW THE SIGNS TO PARADISE PA^K ^decertified-fresh ■319 Speech and Drama ..... 2-—101 Comp, and Reading ... ,4*J OPEN THE YEAR ftOUNDi —420 Curriculum I’lann.-Tract 3 —102 Comp, and Reading .... 4 1 KENTUCKY STRAIGHT BOURBON WHISKY . 86 PROOF 7Miles East of Ocala) Florida —205 American Civilisation .. 4 —340 Bks. for Elem., Children'. 3 J EARLY TIMES DISTILLERY COMPANY, LOUISVILLE 1, KENTUCKY CAKES , L : S

-'-i-Jl-ioS - ... Uj MEM PHIS WORL6 Tuesday,’ June 1, J954 REVIEWING Fireside Chat MY WEEKLY BY MAYOR M. THORNTON THE NEWS SERMON REV. BLAIR T. HUNT, ; ■ a Entered In the Post Office st Memphis. Tenn., as second-class mail Court Decision Should BY WILLIAM GORDON PASTOR under the Act of Congress, March 1, 1879 Be Made A Reality Here MISSISSIPPI BLVD. CHRISTIAN Member of SCOTT NEWSPAPER SYNDICATE To The Editor of the World: . Managing Editor, Atlanta Daily World W. A. Scott, U, Founder; C. A. Scott, General Manager Tiie Supreme Court has unani­ CHURCH, MEMPHIS Mrs. Rosa Brown Bracy . t-Acu,5S Editor mously said that segregation should end in public schools, housing and The MEMPHIS WORLD is an independent newspaper—non-sectarlan governmental owned and. operated They Can Run But They Can't Hide A MESSAGE TO OUR Here at, Haran Terah could lay and non-partisan, printing news unblasedly and supporting those things projects. ciid institutions. It was It was refreshing to sit there and .listen to this educator go GRADUATES up a while. Here -he could buy ana It believes to be of interest to its readers and opposing those things against also intimated that segregation be­ back to the Colonial period and relate how group culture in those TEXT. “And Terah died in Ha- sell. Here he could have pleasure.' the Interest of its readers. ' - cause of lace should be ended pe­ ran.”—Gen. 11.31. Here he could remain on a side­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES: riod, and the Supreme Court did' days functioned to the benefit of all concerned. It is graduation season. track. But Terah lingered, and died Year $5.99 — 6 Months $3.00 — 3 Months $1.50 (In Advance) not say how far it will go in this It became most refreshing in light of ail of the noise newspa­ In one’s life there are three dig- in Haran. He failed to reach Can­ to end the segregation drive. By STAFF WRITER nified and formal occasions:, his aan. He never saw the goodly coun­ pers and politicians have been raising .over the recent Supreme “Mayo:" M. Thornton,, the ven­ ‘Again if we must tell the world, Court's decision on public school segregation- Rather than face graduation, his wedding, his fun­ try he set out to reach, , ■ Civilization Demands That Man how to be free we should be free erable sage of "Beale Street" who eral. This is the season of gradu­ To the'May and June graduates, our selves at home. Not theory but the issue, many out of stupidity and selfish pride are content to recently celebrated his 81st birth­ ates. For years the youth has strug­ don’t stop at Haram Don’t lay up Be Housed realism is what will pay off now. grope in the dark and bark up the "wrong way of fife." This feel­ day who replaced the loss of eye­ gled. For years the fond parent has awhile,at, Haran.,Listen not to the Every change that has been ing was.different even more tf|an three hundred years ago. sight with a more valuable and sacrificed that son or daughter may deceitful witchery of Haran. The Man is a housing creature. Primitive man lived in caves made in the world has had oppos- gratifying appreciation of the worth receive the coveted diploma. devil is a tireless “Haran builder." The early settlers of America were the first to learn that of his fellow man, came in for his and among huge rocks, none the less, these were houses to him. diitons and die hards and it is na­ The tragedy is. that so many To stop «at, Haran may be to die at tural that the Supreme Court de­ drifting apart into selfish Tactions was not the approach to-solving just share of Jiomage during the graduates will ' stop right here, to Haran. ' • Shelter after all is a form of housing whether under trees, in cision will be met likewise. I don’t acute domestic problems. They were also ther first to leàrn that gone but not forgotten Cotton Ma­ get lost in the crowd. So many will Remember who you are. Remem­ caverns or fox holes. think that the point of view given when the inevitable comes, as in the case of the Supreme Court s kers Jubilee. . be side-tracked. Rather, they will ber what you cost. And make it to.' by those who oppose the decision • A housing shortage, suggests that there are people crowded decision, you might run but you can't hide. In the opening parade the “Ma­ side-track themselves. Like Terah the city that hath foundations in tenements, slums and other places where shelter is sought re­ is representative of the general yor of Beale Street' rode in a of old, they, will die in Haran. Our whose Maker ¿md Builder is God. public of various states. The implications back of the Supreme Court's decision were convertible surrounded by vivacious gardless of condition or price. text, “Aral Terah died in Haran," Graduates, remember you are What the Supreme Court meant only a small segment of the forces provoking thought at the time. lassies from Hamilton .arid Melrose pictures the tragedy of a life and somebody. You are'living spirits1 The great housing awakening was late to come. In fact on a is more than meet the eye. It meant Although his talk was not a prepared speech, there was some­ High Schools and in the Friday’s chisels the .epitath'of a soul that with God’s image on your brow, the big scale, it emerged as a work project and served as one of that all men are presumed to be thing within it which carried Weight and meaning. It was so parade inc philosophical Mr. Thorn- did not airive. quest of truth in yo.ur heart; divihi--' > those avenues- of employment and wage earning. The nation equal and hence act like men. Un­ 1 ton, whose advice and comments Terah of the long ago had a call ty in your soul. Remember what you cle Tom with hat in hand, humble, meaningful in fact, that may of my thoughts resorted to pity rath­ has gained many lessons in its housing ventures. The chapters are offered Memphians through the from God to leave Ur of Chaldea cost in dollars and cents, ■ in the crawling or any other form of man er than hate for the prevailing leadership trying to force a region columns of the World "in his “Fire­ and seek "a city which hath foun­ prayers : nd heartaches of your pa­ in social conditions and human relations afford many hours of than a man should cease to oper­ away from social change. side Chat,” was dapper in a suit dations whose Builder, and Maker rents. Remember what you cost in interesting study. ate as he. has previously.. It was a Even the tone of voice carried meaning and force. It reveal­ donated by Julius ’ Lewi.4 Clothiers is God.” Terah set out aS a pilgrim the life biood of God’s only begot­ •time when that kind of man was and was surrounded by coeds of Le- Before the housing awakening got very far, there arose dis­ ed training and Understanding, a tribute that cannot be paid the from Ur to Canaan, but he never ten Son, Jesus the Christ! You are putes over racial barriers thrown up around the administration appreciated by a few and for a Moyne College as they rode in a car reached Canaan, Terah started but somebody, and you cost too much good reason. There is no necessity run-of-the-mill politician of the day and especially those who rant earmarked for the "Mayor's” use of housing facilities. In many cases the real purpose of housing he stopped . . . stopped on his way to tarry at Haran. Dop’t .be a .-.ze^>, or use that can be made of. that in the public square. by E. H. Crump. at Haran. with the’rim knock off/Beinember1? was obscured in questions relative to the color of the person or kind of man now and the quicker he There was even more meaning when he referred to the far Mr. Thornton is something of a Graduates, don’t stop. Keep on you are somebody. You are on' i' realizes !t the better it will be for penofisToTnhpbrtvttTese quarters^-We-heard-swh terms as_l?buffer. Fnst ntnur next door neighbors. Less than fifty years ago, the founder of- Henderson Business keeping on. Terah trudged on in his journey. ■ '..'i.'?,’,"' zones" residential boundaries and street restrictions. all concerned. : :------•------College in that he invited and per- pilgrimage from Ur. But it is many The crown is to him who epdures’; It is not logical that the educated peoples of Asia and Africa carried Tittle meaning fur us- Space- ~suaded Pi of. George Henderson to In the crying need for houses, no one can justly claim that Tv-mite from Ur to Canaan,------— tn the .-nd. Graduation is not arriv- Negro in business should cherish kept back customs, ideas and cultures. A voice crying for free­ settle in Memphis and start his Terah’s feet were blistered by the al. It is simply opportunity . ... a our efforts have not been hampered and many good objectives segregation as he does, because it dom in thé wilderness of China, Japan, India and Africa was sel­ business college here. point of departure. It is a way-" • • hot sand of the desert. His brain in the venture have been annihilated. x promotes l.is business. It would be dom heard. Consequently, those who advocated freedom for was nearly baked by the broiling station on the hiLhway of success, In spite of the many projects and privately owned houses, better and more noble if he would sun? He came to a place called Ha­ to the mountain peak of eternity? welcome this new freedom and meet the black people and other minorities, held little meaning. Two yre still face an alarming housing shortage. While buildi.ng.and ran. Here he would rest awhile. It Gradu ites, you have not finished. competition in open field and get world wars despite their destructive forces, have, narrowed the CAPITAL is very hard to keep up one’s orig­ You have only begun!! This Js your building material are at an all time high, there is no let-up on the business he is entitled to from' world today to radius of a television screen, the click of a button inal enthusiasm. The strain of con­ commencement . . . not ybur fin­ the construction of houses and housing projects. every race, color and creed possible. on a radio set and to the motor of jet plane traveling through tinuous plodding is terrific, . ish.’ You are just beginning! !. With the advent of more tolerant reallions» with the dispel of It is easy for us human beings to act in the most expedient way in a space faster than sound. The fact is, the voice in the wilderness SPOTLIGHT those nightmares of passion frustrations, we are bound to direct society that is why so many Uncle around the world today can be heard at each breakfast table. much of the energies wasted in fruitless corvorting, to the trend Toms have been developed, not on­ BY LOUIS LAUTIER Another fact is, that ideas can no longer be held in the dark For the NNPA News Service of more and better housing. ly in the Negro but also in the by barriers of bigotry and prejudice. That man was born to be , BUTCHER white race. “We stoop to conquer” Man was meant to be housed; his home — as James Otis free is more evident today than at any other time in the history of once said — "should be his castle.” whatever we want or what we need. In the near future, efficiency will the world. Shortly before noon reporters be­ It. is indeed unfortunate, more for himself than the housing replace all those attitudes which Those voices crying in the wilderness today are in unison with gan to gather in the press room HONORED BY PRESS CLUB interests, that Senator Maybank of South Carolina, would attempt were used in its place and those to millions of dark people the world over. Moreover, they are joined at the Supreme Court the Monday to truinp,'a desfcjn he helped to make, in revenge for the decision follow will quickly realize that the the decision banning racial« segrega­ WASHINGTON, D. C.—Thurgood tern here. by such forces of change as the United States Supreme Court's re­ Marshall, chief legal counsel .of the of the Supreme Court outlawing segregation. key not? to success is efficiency and tion in public schools was handed not race. cent decision on segregation, supported by an era of enlighten­ down. The wire service people were National Association for the Ad­ Presentation of the plaque to Dr. But, housing will, like time, keep marching on. One who always lived in the South already there. vancement Of Colored People, and. Butcher was made ' by Mrs. Con­ ment. Dr. Margaret Just Butcher, Howard stance E. H. Daniel, chairman of or one who has always lived in the Unlike the politician who still gropes in the dark and hides in Exactl.’ upon the hour of noon North will find it hard to appre­ the nine robed justices marched in­ professor and D. C. Board of Edu­ the club’s speakers bureau. Marshall Our Next Door Neighbor, Gov. Byrnes ciate or realize what the racial pat­ the alley of confusion, these voices have, become a part of mil­ to the court room and took their cation member, were honored Sat­ was unable to be present because of tern followed in either' section is. It lions of intelligent white peoples the world over who welcome the seats. For the first time in several urday evening as “Man and Woman special NAACP call-meeting in At­ While we have never been able to see eye to eye with South lanta. Attorney Charles Duncan de­ is also difficult to get what logic change. Fortunately, they reflect themselves in every segment of months. Justice Robert H. Jackson, of the Year." Carolina's Governor, James Byrnes, there seems to be a quiet or reasoning that there is behind who has been ill in a hospital from v, ceived the plaque for him from the' softening in that vigorous temperment that foreran the "private From a racial point of view what our society today. a heart adment, was present. Ceremonies took place at the Ho­ Capital Press Club President Alfred it. These people are not drunk with power. Instéad, they follow tel Continental during the tenth L. Sweeney. ‘ '"'Vi school"Jdea in the South, if and when the Supreme Court declared is a very. grave situation in the There were no swearing in cere­ a code of ethics linked only with decency and the true principles monies. Justice Tom C. Clark be­ anniversary dinner of the Capital segregation in the schools unconstitutional. South is unnoticed in the North. Press Club. Also the club awarded A scholarship award of $150 was Customs account for this for ex­ of democracy. They constitute that wave of enlightenment in gan to read the first opinion. presented to Miss Margaret Louise His statement following the outlawing of segregation in: Downstairs in the press room, Bert the "Newsman's Newsman trophy to ample: Children going to school to­ human society rapidly closing in on the isle of demagogëry. Those Miss Lois Taylorj city editor of the Biscoe, Cardozo high school senior the school, rose to the merit of being referred Io by President gether of many different races is Whittington, the court’s press of­ by Odis Van Blasingame, vice-presi­ natural by custom in the North, and who think otherwise are p.art of a group linked only with the past. ficer, passed out the opinions as Washington Afro-American . Col­ ’. ' Eisenhower in one of his comments on the decision. umnist brew Pearson nriade the pre­ dent of the club--.This is an annual. —------The -background.of-Gover.DOr_.B.yxne.s_i?._sJjig*Jy- .southern. The West and is not noticed. Even the As the wave closes in they may continue to run, but thqy can't they wet? read. Press C’ub'awarrl. . . ’ In one of the minor decisions the sentation. decision would involve all Ihat is against "the grange of his-tra- ’'various—top-off-icials-once said—he. -hide.—------was “.shocked” because "the—JSouth court he’'1 that a lower Federal Dinner speaker was Undersecre- Another feature of the dinner, dition’and heritage; still he implores, "I earnestly urge all of our was asked to follow the constitution court, aedne-on -request oLthq Na- tary-of -Labor Arthur—Larson, who. which was attended by more than vided against itself that house can­ barriers erected by legal restrictions tional Labor Relations Board, might ' people?’ white and colored, to exercise restraint and preserve like the rest of the country. He was or social customs calculated to.deny stressed the impotance of a sound 200 guests, was the presentation of----- order." shocked because the South had cus­ not stand. Can any man or any cancel a state court injunction a skit, "Your Life Is This,” star­ set of men whip the U. S. or force the Negro parity participation in banning secondary pi ketine of re­ social security program to protect This statement, in its sober exhortation and soothing femper­ tomarily violated the federal con­ our social heritage. We have there­ ring Lloyd Genus and Mrs. Lois K. stitution under' the guide of it to crush justice? Abraham Lin­ tail stores in the Los Angeles area individual human dignity, and Alexander. The skit punctuated the ment would more favorably and consistently become one who coln buried slavery, and segrega­ fore, developed some skills and have pooh-poohed claims that there, is “States Rights" without any inter­ become somewhat efficient with the bv a labor union. highlights of the past ten years by himself has served on the Supreme Court, as United States Senator ference. tion is an evil creature of slavery, In another action the court re­ any connection between American- giving slices of a huge’birthday cake and President Elsenhower is now techniques of protestations and fused to order a new trial of Gov­ style income insurance and social­ of a grea, southern state, assistant President under Roosevelt and I have talked with scores of peo­ group action. We Jiow need more to a member of outstanding local ple and read all that I could find preparing to bury it in the slavery ernment anti-trust charges under ism. ■ and national figures. ’ ' <■ Secretary of State. grave yard where all similar move­ than combative skills, we are des­ on the Supreme Court decision on perately in need of negotiative the Sherman Act against the Bor­ With his powerful personality and acknowledged influence, segregation in public schools and ments have and will be buried. den Company and other dairies "Income insurance in this coun­ c Among those receiving special he could have turned otherwise in This serious crisis, with telling The newspapers of the worill are imagination and initiative. Company and other dairies in the try,” Larson declared, "was and! is slices of cake were: Drew Pearson, there seems to be no public alarm. motivated by the conviction that effect, not only on South Carolina but the whole South. This option If the people will use the best pos­ spreading the cries of the U. S. There are many things that the Chicago area. The charges were dis-, Louis B. Toomer. register of the and the nations of the. earth are Supreme Court and the National missed b-’ Federal District Judge destitution, impoverished disability, Treasury; Perry Howard, James C. he did not take to his undying credit. sible judgment there will be no helpless unemployment, and depen­ need for alarm; -4-watching tor its fate. Association for the Advancement ol William j". Campbell in Chicago af­ Evans, civilian aide to the Secre­ Under this condition, it is apparent that at least South Caro­ The government has' begun to The war is on in the U. S. bet­ Colored People can do for local com­ ter the Government finished pre­ dent old. age cripple the human per­ tary of Defense; Mrs. Ruth Mueller lina, if not the whole South is minus one champion of what they take action and now it is the ween justice and injustice. Justice munities, but there are many things senting its evidence. The Justice sonality and affront the dignity of of the GOP National Committee; chose to call-----"our way of life." church's» tim,e to act. If the church is one qf God’s leading attributes, that must be done now that the Department appealed directly to the the human spirit." Miss Roberta Church of the Labor it always has and always will Association or the Supreme Court The Press Club’s "Man and Wo­ ■z We sincerely appreciate the fact that it seems that Governor doesn’t take a bold and courageous Supreme Court. Department, George Fleming of the stand on this issue of segregation, stand the test. .Pharroh, Nero, and can or should do. A well-defined In the third case the court man of the^Year” Awards were pre­ Progressive Life, Elmer Henderson Byrnes has also changed to help alleviate a critical time. He has it will not be morally worth asking Hitler and many of them tried to course of sustained community ac­ unanimously decided that the sented ir. recognition of Marshall’s of the American Council of.'Hqinari made a contribution — and all to his credit. the public to follow it. destroy justice in the highes gov­ tion should be agreed upon and fol­ United States might not. now re­ long and successful legal fight Rights and his bride ;. Scovel’ Rich­ CHARLES H. FISHER, ernments but met their tate. Lin- lowed relentlessly having for its cover indemnity from one of its em- against retention of the Negro in ardson, member of the National a ------burg and wife tried it here but objective the’ bringing together in a Dloyees for whose negligence the. second class citizenship status, and Board of Parole; Maxwell Rébb, top . Welcoming To The "Conquering Lion" All Persons Should Be they recently were just in the harmonious relationship, like-mind­ Government had been held liable Dr. Butcher’s work on the Board White House aide; and former.club electric chair. Let us pray that ed citizens of all race elements re­ for damages. of Education for equalization and presidents, Alfred E. Smith, Art i. The visit of Haile Selassie to this country to address congress Taught To Obey Law every man be meek and obedient siding in a given community as a The ease arose out of a 1948 au­ integration of the public school sys- Carter, L. Herbert Henegan, and Al­ regarding a loon for his Empire, brings to mind another critical and .be governed by the powers To the Editor: basis of developing a wholesome in­ tomobile collision in which an em­ fred L. Sweeney, present;" hea,d 'of period of history, when this prophet failed to awaken the world Hardly ever does, a court decision that be. tegrated society. It takes more ployee of the United States Coast the organization, ’ President Eisenhower is able brain, vision and inter-group un­ and Geodetic Survey and a private > of the great peril that so tragically awaited civilization, with the —or a law for that matter—satisfy and equipped to preserve the 'No Justification Under Sepretary Larson - brought all parties' But it is expected that, derstanding to propose than it does citizen were involved The citlzei) gathering of the clouds of world war number two. country. I Timothy 3. 4 one that to oppose. sued and won a $5.500'Judgment.. Mrs. Larson and Labor Solicitor The cohorts of "Benito the Bum" turned their eyes on this lit- once a court decision or a law is For Segregation' Stuart Rothman; Mrs. Rabb accom­ made, all parties will obey and rule well his own house. A few reporters were reading the tie. defenseless Empire to be met with, the crudest type of wars of Let everybody pray that love, last of these opinions. The others panied by her husband; and Rev. abide oy it. This, all law-abiding peace and Justice may ever abide Say Presbyterians A. F. Elmes of Pcoples Congrega-' \ all history. It was said that the repulsion came out to meet the citizens know; and our public and Were sitting around gossipping. in the U. S. God bless sweet At­ Whittington, after passing out the tlonal Church; who gave' thé-'invo­ J tanks', big guns and planes ôf the "Bum" with sticks, rocks, slings private schools teach our children lanta and sweet Georgia. The At­ MONTREAT. N. C. — (SNS) cation,' was “ accompanied - bjr'Mrs this lesson every minute of every AME Ministers last, opinion, pul. on his coat, very ,Y’ and iji ba refeet! While the latter smacks of derision or grim hum- lanta Daily World is one of-the slowly. I thought he was going to Racial segregation can never be Elmes. Queen of the dinner was school day: To obey the law. "justified before God,” the retiring Mrs. Flora Chase of Charm Club: ? or, nevertheless it will be remembered that these unpretentious If certain Southern governors and U. S.’s strong friends. say that the three opinions were all i^Tighters, fired with the zeal of a debt of patriotism they owed their BISHOP J. H. KENDRICK Resolution for the day and he was going to moderator of the Presbyterian and Ralph Wheeler of the Air Force leaders really mean to lead their Church, US (Southern), . told the Reservists was king of the’feast. constituents to circumvent or dis­ Atlanta lunch. Instead, he announced: • country, amounted to the warning as if sent from the prophets of "Reading, of the segregation de­ 49th General Assembly at its open­ Other .guests included: Mbhh'W. • g the great conflagration of World War II. obey the recent decision of the Su­ ing session here Thursday night. Mitchell, national'leader bf.iAgricul­ preme Court, shouldn’t their citizen­ Backs Ruling cisions is about, to begin in the court î ^s:-54’ ^Thè‘*Ethiopian Empire represents a small segment of the world Court Decision room. You will get the opinions up The Rev. Frank W. Price of Lex­ tural Extension Service;, John B. ship and right to leadership be ser­ ington. Va„ said in qn address be­ Duncan, Recorder .of Deeds; Dr. • ? : family»; . It was thought at the time it sent up cries for help, that iously questioned—even challenged? ATLANTA, Ga. — (SNS) — there.” Poses Leadership The AME Ministers’ Union made Immediately the press mom came fore the 460 commissioners, or dele­ Herbert Marshall, ■ former president it would hardly be profitable to Ethiopia. Arent’ they operating on the same gates .that discrimination based oni of the.Natlonal.Medical Association; ■ principle as that of bootleggers and public .yesterday resolutions lauding to life. Reporters scurried to tele.- But the nation and the world have traveled far down the I the rectjn*- U. S. Supreme Court de­ nhones to notify their offices that color "is certain to pass away as; Lyle Carter, of the Washington Ur­ y: road of bitter experience; gathering from the sad lesson óf a dark gangsters—to beat the law and de­ Responsibilities slavery nearly a century ago." ban League; Mrs. Jesse Mitchell, cency at all cost? cision outlawing segregation and the decisions, were coming down. past,.it has beén shown, that however small an agression against BY JESSE O. THOMAS deploring what was termed the."un- They followed Whittington down “No artificial, man-made class or■ Mrs. Ida Smith Taylor, Lt. Lawrence ’ G LEWIS CHANDLER caste can be justified before God,”’ Oxley, Mr. aqd ’ Mrs. . Samuel: B. freedom; it is important. The ultimate consequences and tactful position" 'taken' by Gov. the corridor-,’up the stairs, and into far reaching results ol the recent Talmadge in his efforts to keep se­ the side (loot of the corridor lead­ the Southern church leader said.. Danley, Mrs.7 Robert G. McGuire, ,y.. Little holes are sometimes the means of the bucket leaking Let Every Man Be historical decision of the United gregation alive in Georgia. ing to the poxes reserved for the “Let us Christians today see race: Mr. and-Mrs. Grayson McGuire, and out all the water. The country has learned that, and in this States Supreme Court in all of their The resolutions, which are sub­ press. ,> relations not as a painful problemi Miss Rosa Lee Ware, 1953 scholar- YY-grave peril, of advertising "pie-in-the-sky" by communistic fbrees, Loyal To Country ramifications impose new and ex­ Reporters piled ■ into vacant, seats and grievous burden, but as a God­■ ship wirmer. ’.; ject to the approval of Bishop Sher­ given opportunity, a chance to de­ g surely ho vital points of attack, regardless of nation-or cojor will Teethe Editor acting responsibilities upon all per­ man L. Greene, after submission, in the boxes. Others stood behind . The U. ST is the~leadlngcountry monstrate before a frightful and t be overlooked. . • sons “OCcupying“leadershiF--positiGns-|-were-wriUen-^iully within the reali- the boxes and' over'lowed into the of the world. It is going to turn ! in the Negro community. As a mat­ zation that we live ..under a de­ corridor behind ike boxes. . pagan world our high Christian faith --J March 6. 18^7?. Îighjèrs." open the doors of the church move at the orders of the govern­ munity where a sizeable Negro pop­ Remembering the first' AME Bi­ I could .hot help thinking how throughout the South to all per­ ment of the U. S. ulation has lived in all sections of shop. Richard Allen, ' who fought much (he scones had changed-since sons regardless of color. . Mark 3:25 an if a house be di-i the nation have-been-to remove the against segregation; the-ministers that, day. Then the court, had rul- On Decision' w ; ' ■ / A Self Assertive Confirmation resolved “that we do here and now, "tt Jer.ision had boon ronealed bv was vindicating the right of colored consider a resolution commending W pe’ets’end so dynamic in its repercussions, that there came a unqni- Constitution of the United States." ‘ho-Civil War. Lincoln had eman- people to full equality before the the United Stated Supreme. Court - : j:: mous decision from the Supreme Court. JOHNSONS PRINTERY The group further resolved “that stnated the slaves as a war meas- -“aw. decision outlawing segregation -in ” While there are three southerners On the bench, each reared we deplore, the tactless position tak- ’’ro. The nor (-civil war Amend­ public schools. . ; : en .by., the governor of our. great ments—the Thirteenth. Fourteenth Incidentally there are three This resolution .urges .Baptists? to in such an environment and atmosphere, there was not a single PRINTERS-LltHOGRAPHERS-BOOK BINDERS state.’Who would hand to thè coun- •»nd Fir*oonth : A’ceodments.-and ’toutbem'TsSm the court—Justice^: ;increase .opposition i-to jsegreggtfon ‘-dissenVon. this sweeping decision. * try and the world In• .this••_____ sad• hour■ r '.-»rnb(httorl/ sjaver” mode en1om<« Hugo L. Black, born in Clay Cqun?. In, such, areas as Housing, employ­ J’clspSi! jwill be rioted that there was no concurring opinions / - 220 HERNANDO STREET inf trial in the annals'of tpe las' neonio rit.tzoqg qf the United Ktofes y, Alaoama; Stanley F. Reed, bom ment, recreation arid church parti­ *4 |,free country on earth, jgueb thrift n Mason County, Kentucky and ¿^¿^ido*jfi^hie£iuMiei?ibi‘'hiiiAbility f3'fiisSe»s» cfttJhiS’ ■ ’i; - v PHONES 37-1S74-1» ■- -»WW- uu iniu •»«id had ’i>rt>n them- the right t” cipation,and .tojçojidenin r-rtaln ~ - ‘ ' Tom Ci.';G!ark born In Dallas, Texas. procedures itai; - ’ ’ C4*'’’, - '' • Y-'-'r '■ ’ ' 'Û J) ? V MEMPHIS WORLD • TuMday,Jun»1,1954 Southern Mothers Not Excited About High Court Ruling NAACP Asks City Mothers Appear Less f IKE GREETS 'TEACHER OF YEAR' AND HIS FAMILY Passage Of Concerned Than Those In Rural By WINIFRED WILKINSON ATLANTA—Southern mothers are divided in opinion, bu'. Travel Bill neither white nor Negro parents appear excited by the Supreme Court's decision to abolish racial segregation in public schools. WASHINGTON — Two repre- sentil.ives of the National Associa- A survey by International News Service shows: for the Advancement of Color- City mothers appear less con­ eoT Beople have urged the House cerned th in those In rural towns. Civ.nmerce Committee to report out Their attitude possibly is based on Rtvorably a bill to ban the segrega­ the theory advanced by s o m e Wright Returns tion of the races in Interstate trav­ school authorities that geographic el. Their testimony, on May 13. was separation of the races jn urban From6-WeeksTo backed up by an Air Force officer areas will keep Negro and white ■who had been arrested and con­ children in separate schools. victed in Florida because he defied Negro parents in the larger ci­ North Africa the Jim Crow law while en route ties apparently feel their children eventually will attend school with NEW YORK — VVialium Archei from Florida to Alabama in a bus. Wright. Jr., executive secretary of Testifying on behalf of the NA­ white boys and girls. They gene­ ACP were Clarence Mitchell, direc- rally express a philosophic “Waft- American Friends of the Middle and-see" attitude. East. has. just returned from a tor of the Association’s Washington week trip to Norin Africa and ! Bureau, and Robert L. Carter, as­ : Andi the white mothers, rather than exclaiming for radical ac- Middle East. First member of sistant special counsel. Lieutenant AFME staff to visit Ethiopia, Thomas Williams told of his exper­ tion, seen: content in both clty ience iast September. Following his and rural areas to leave the solu- was received in audience by arrest and conviction he was repri­ tion to their leaders, Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie ano In the hinterlands, however, met with a number of top-rank ini manded by his superior officer and ;ovcrnnient officials in Addis Aba­ later dropped from the service. Negro parents appear Just as con­ cerned as the “white folk" that ba. Mr Mitchell cited instances of any quick integration may produce The purpose of his visit to Ethio discrimination and dénia! of ac­ difficulty. jta, according to Mr. Wright, wa commodations for Negro passengers In Atlanta, however, one Negro o explore all possible means oi in reserved seat coaches on southern mother complained: .establishing a closer relationship trains. He also told the committee "It's so hard t.o have things »etween the people of this area an> members about the capricious treat­ that arc equal, but separate:-The the U.' S. Increased American sup port, he explained, had made it pos « fe.- 'O1 »O ' g 1 ment and intimidation of colored same mother. Mrs. Leroy Hender­ a® passengers by railroad conductors son, said: lible for AFME to expand its pro Wv ■ wO and bus drivers who at times resort "When we first get started, there ?mni to include new «areas in ths jftoliysical force to make travelers may be a little friction. But I Middle East which limited resource; had hitherto prevented. PRESIDENT DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER welcomes Willard Wlderberg, 34, "Teacher of the Year," as he arrive« Wmge scats. Military police and think it (the Supreme Court dc- at the White House with his wife, Dorothy, and their four children. The youngsters react quite differently local law emorccment—Offlcersi'lie ..clslon) .was the host thine that ’ Tangier.Tangier, Libya,Libva. Ecvnt.Egypt, and thi "SUdah arc among the other coun to the occasion. Thus, Gregory, 8, appears a bit shy as the President talks to him; Dawn, 7, strikes a proper said, are often called to arrest Ne­ could have happened. pose; Linda, 3, Is actually yawning and Willard, Jr., 11, scans his autograph book. Wlderberg isTsevehtli groes demanding their right to sit tries visited by Mr. Wright. H» Mothers do not seem to believe grade teacher in De Kalb, 111,, and a World War 11 Army veteran. __, (International Soundphoto) where they please in interstate tra­ that their children would lose found Libya and Ethiopia, -particu­ vel. Relatives of Negro servicemen prestige or class recognition in larly “slowly emerging from theii stationed in the South have been colonial era into a new era of de­ schools attended by whites. bors live and work, and thus it humiliated and discomfited by Jim ■ Mrs. Joseph Fielder, President velopment.” "Despite limited re­ Crow regulations and practices of sources, they are grimly determined NAACP Delegation Meets help to foster closer understand, of .the Parents-Teachers Assocla- ing between the nations in this southern carriers, he charged. EVERYONE’S VICTORY—Washingtonian SpbUswood Bolling, 15. tion of an Atlanta Negro High to succeed with the aid of Techni­ Mr. Carter expressed the Associa­ is happy but modest about llis role in history. Ono of five district cal Assistance programs sponsored hemisphere.” youngsters whose names were carried ns plaintiirs in tile ruling of School, commented:______t 11 tion’s view that segregation prac­ ! United Nations and the Conceived as a gesture of friend­ the U. S Supreme court voiding segregation In district publur schools, “I feel that If a child is going to With Police Commissioner ship toward the peoples of Latin tices In interstate transportation excel, he'll do it regardless of the States he renorteef. Nations; he said only: "It’s good and will help the future race." Spottswood leaders contacted were interested in America, the tour will give 14-16 “conflict with the obligations and is shown with his mother, Mrs. Sarah F. Bolling, reading courts de­ situation." , duties of the carrier under existing the opportunities offered by such CHICAGO, Ill. — A delegation teiiiiand” any such orders which year old youths a chance to visit cision In a newspaper. (Newspress Photo). None of the white mothers be­ representing the Chicago Branch Panama, Colombia, Ecuador, Pe­ law." Nevertheless,, he said, the grudge Negroes school facilities organizations as AFME for tellihp may have been issued .by officers NAACP is urging enactment of the their story to the United State.1 of the National Association for the at the project. ril, Bolivia, Chile and Argentina, equal to those available to their where they will be officially re­ • present bill to strengthen and clari­ children, but they want to keep “thereby laying the ground work Advancement of Colored People The NAACP delegation present­ fy constitutional guarantees in in­ for understanding on which gooc and the recently organized Citizens ed a a*.tailed and specific report ceived and entertained by young them separate. future relationships can be built.” Action Committee oh Trumbull people in their own age group. terstate travel. Mrs. I. C. Tucker of Greenville. to Commissioner O'Connor on the MRS. ROOSEVELT ASKS The last stop on Mr. Wright’s Park met with Timothy P. O’Con­ police treatment of the Negro fa­ Their program will be highlighted Citing the United States Supreme. S. C„ said: itinerary was Lebanon where he at­ nor, Chicago Commissioner of Po­ milies in the project, the failure of by sightseeing banquets, dances, . Court ruling in the Henderson case “I think the Negroes should have tended the Muslim-Christian Con­ lice on Thursday and presented to the police to follow through- on sports ac’lvltles, visits to private which banned discrimination against AID FOR SICK CHILDREN just as good jobs, houses and vocation held in Bhamdoun, Leba­ him the results of their. investiga­ their specific complaints, both homes, participation on r a d ,1 o Negro passengers in dining cars, Mr. education as the whites, but I non. The participants at the Con­ tions on police activity,, violence, written and verbal against police­ broadcasts and spectacular fights Carter said that "no regulation NEW YORK—Mrs. Franklin I). do can offer only custodial care, dont think they should be mixed." vocation — the first gathering of aerial bombings, tenant treatment men and others. Mr. Kng whose from city to city aboard Panagra's which restricts the use of facilities Roosevelt this week declared tha.t rather . than expert treatment. In Generally the women are content its kind ever held — without dis- and accommodations in the Trum­ family was among the first three four-motored pressurized planes. ■ in neglecting to provide proper some communities there are men­ The so-called “pay later plan,” or accommodations on the basis of to leave it up to others to "Do sentlng vote declared themselves a bull Park. area. J . moved into the ' Trumbull Park i race or color is valid because under treatment for mentally sick child­ tal health clinics, but these are' something” about___ retaining segre- Continuing Confmittee on Muslim- On the delegation conferring Homes gave a first hand ahd de- originated by Pan American. Air­ all such regulations there always ren, we are setting the stage fior few and scattered, and where they,■ gatlon. idke Mrs. G. R. Fowler, of Christian cooperation, Mr. Wright with O’Connor were Mrs, Cora I tailed report of his own experi­ ways to make long distance travel ;__exists the law. tragedy later on when these do exist, they generally have long’ Greenville, S. C. they say: said x .Patton, president of the Chicago ences. The Police Commissioner easier, would permit BChools,, pri^; ’ children become adults. . waiting lists. NAACP; Willoughby Abner, chair,I admitted that this was the first vrte concerns, chambers of- com­ Samarian Political In a statement calling for sup­ “In failing to provide facilities man of the Executive Committee II time he had heard of ■ many of merce, etc., to provide Hnanrial . port of the Mental Health Fund, for the treatment, of children with and the Special Trumbull Park those specific complaints and pro­ backing for a boy’s trip. Once Mrs. Roosevelt lauded the efforts mental and emotional disorders, Mrs. Roosevelt Becomes Action Committee of the NAACP; mised to take Immediate action. credit application is made, the boy ' Leader In London of the National Association for we are not only neglecting hun­ •Luchis Love, international repre­ Ho also stated that he wished he can expect to receive his round . Mental Health and its affiliates in dreds of thousands of helpless trip ticket and complete itinerary BY SAMUEL P. PERRY JR. sentative of the ‘ CIO Steelworkers had known of these complaints behalf of the mentally ill. young human beings, but we are and Herman, one of the Negro earlier. within two to seven days, depend- ? LONDON—

BY J. HENRY RANDALL Story of My Wife, with instru­ BY BILL LITTLE about, ¿he only other bout to FOR ANP •' SiC mental- touchings by the master Lightweight Wiley Johnson de­ interest /during the night’s* a£ TEN YiARS A BEST SELLER creator of romantic moods, Les Bax­ feated. oJe Holt in a action packed THE ¿RESULTS: One of our contemporaries in ter. his chorus and ork; and final­ bout to highlight the Abe Scharff i Flyweight -»Cecil Boyd wo the field of pop music who has ly. the Pete Rugu'lo instrumentation YMCA boxing show Saturday night. split decision over Cleveland By SAM BROWN year after, year been turning out on Where Were You .and Wish I Johnson outboxed his opponent tin. “best selling” discs, is celebrating Were Somebody Else. most of the way. Holt began to tire Paperweight - Gerald Mo his 10th anniversary by,way of a These .ire the signposts along the in the third .round as Johnson cisioned Robert Branch. found range on his . target with "Thé Memphis Red.Sox has taken on a new look for the 1954 12-inch I6-tune LP waxing which Cole way during the first decade— Featherweight - Walter Chil will launch his 11th year in the the ones you and I have not run smashing right hands. TKO’ed Joe Cooper in 1 season for at this time the team is atop of the Neqro American game with a big bang. across—but they were there and The show filled to be a contest and 30 seconds of the first r League standing, a new place for them, as it has been a long time That fellow, is Nat "King” Cole, it’s pleasant to retrace one’s steps betweep the boxing team of the 18th Bantamweight - Garfield slpçe the Bluff City entry could boast of thé league leadership. who for my money, has never let and pick up on those we have Street YMCA of Birmingham, Ala., and Brown McGhee exhibition. and pugilists of the Memphis ‘Y Although it may be a strange place for them as they have his public down when. it comes to missed. The other signposts,. the ones we know about are 41 in failed io materialize to that effect. been occupying a much lower place, even when there-were only choice of material. It was in 1943 DEFENSE FUNDS when Nat leaped to national pro­ number for single discs, and 10 for The mix up came about when the tttyr clubs in the league. Manager Buster Haywood admits he has a minence for his “Straighten Up albums. A great record hung up by Birmingham trainer only brought .The House Appropriations gpod.team, a potential pennant winner, and hopes to keep the and Fly Right” waxing, and It has a great artist (Capitol).- three ifighters-all heavyweights. ir.lttee has reported out a bill been a repeat performance with Two of these members of the Magit Ing tor the spending qi $28,68 hustling Sox up there, in spite of the fact they,dropped a double ELLINGTON UPTOWN iCty crew put on•Van’ exhibition for (îçaderto the.Clowns last Sunday. each discing and each year. How 500 for-the "new look” detense much higher can he go? I wouldn’t Another choice (Hi-Fi) 12-inch- the1 sparse crowd. They were James gram in the fiscal year sta Edwards and Napoleon Oldes, both i Since last Sunday, the Sox and be knowing, but one thing is sure*, er concerns the incomparable Duke on July 1 This is $1,206.348,5 four. Sam (Buddy) Woods, the Ellington and his fahious aggre­ 185 pounders. than had been requested by. thé' have' stellar right hander has .a world of with the formula he has been us­ ing. the heights Hitherto no.t gation. doing some concert ar­ Besides the Johnson Holt bout dent. Elsenhower and, If paed been engaged in a series with the stuff and one of the best. fast, balls rangements of familiar Ellington- mean , that the armed force wi Sox winning of five games. in the league. Charlie Davis, a .reached can be his. Charles Fisher’s split decision win The team as a whole has not. been It is my opinion that Cole will isms. The items selected are of over Albert WUliams was just $5,632,614,000 less than Con capable left hander who possesses varying degrees of vintage, Jat voted the min the 1954 fiscal fully1'‘accorded the support due à a good curve and good ■ control. become an institution like one other weaver of pop melodies^ each is as new and fresh as if it team of ’■.heir calibre; and as soon Fiank (Groundhog) Thompson who their heads held in their hands. A proposal that would add as they start •playing the brand of. Bing Crosby, and if you’ll take were a recent composition. Was bothered with a sore ann last ‘ What. Ellington has done, and it When they get excited, they press 000 persons in the armed se ball [at' home, , as they play on the season. Bill Crosson another ^ood stock of the many years that Der Bingle has been on the scene, with is a singular trait, is to revamp harder and harder and this, they to Federal Social Security road, local fans’ will be singing right handei rounds up a good said, may cause the teeth to go out. rage, has been presented to their .praises along with manager old and new discs, you can well some of his great ones, just about pitching staff. or before the orchestrations become qf proper alignment. gress. Ç^ywood. Fate Sims, and young Bill .Blake- understand what I mean. F,One thing can be said for Hay­ This new- collection represents 16 ¿sterile, tired and monotonous. It m.ore, a graduate of the Memphis is a fact, that if one played a cer­ wood as manager, he will not tole- sandlots are holding down the tunes waxed by the King at va­ «tfe-'a team that----won't hurtle rious times during the decade, .but tain item the same year day after -ratehing dpnartment According to -day- nnp would soon tire of it. Give Seven Alleged Top Reds Wfcile skipper of the Clowns one Haywood (he Sox'has what all wlilcli have never been released.— thing for . sure .the Clowns hustled One side reflects the earlier Cole, it a new coating, and what occurs managers like to boast about, a good —a revived interest that increases uqtil the--last man was out. The bench. He has very capable re­ when he was working exclusively fighting spirit and the ‘will to win' serves. The'Sox will be up there in with his trio—bass guitar, piano­ with each change. Arrested NeafNëw York that has always been a part of Hay­ the pennant race. vocal. These are a mixture of rhy­ Selected for this platter are Skin wood, Is being instilled in the Sox. thm, ballad .items with one instru­ Deep, a rouser featuring. Louis BY JACK LOTTO So, whether they win or lose the mental sandwiched in. Two of the Bellson on drums, and it’s Bëllson’s NEW YORK — (INS) — FBI agents Saturday arrested seve pennant the team as a whole will tunes are Nat’s own compositions. own composition; The Mooche, of parent heirs to the top communist party Echelon in the U 1929 vintage and the Ellington be out tjiere giving thir best. I’m An Errand Boy for Rhythm States in simultaneous raids in three East Coast cities. The team for-the most part is St. Louis Cards and._ But All I’ve Got Is Me. The brainchild: Take The A Train, the Buster Haywood, manager of league leading Memphis Red Sox Billy Strayhorn item, done in some Government men broke down a hearings on • Tuesday was composed ot young players who have instTiiTpental number is Peaohes, door to smash their way Into a sec­ Silverman 38,.. while Robert not as yst come into their full de­ a bongo’ Afro-Cuban pacer. The thing of a panoramic style with Betty Roche on vocal. A Tone ret- undergdound meeting in a New Ekins, 46 and Jacob Goldrin velopment. It seems that in each Tryout Camp At remainder are Dream A Little York City art studio of three suc­ were ordered held in $25,000 game they show improvement over Dream of' Me. There I’ve Said It Parallel to Harlem (The Harlem Memphis Red Sox Defeat Suite), another Ellington writing cessors to the 11 Jailed members each. ; their last appearance, so, by the Again. Lulubelle. The Love Nest ot the "American politburo:” HAD BEEN UNDERGROUND end of the season the Sox could be and I Can’t Be Bothered. which is musically descriptive ’of Crambling June 7 that neck of the woods in New Three ctrer Reds, arrested on Arnold Bauman chief of the indeed a great team. On the other side, there is a Detroit Stars, 14-8, 11-1 charges of conspiracy to teach and inai division in the IT. S. Atto The Sox boast of a good infield, change of style, reflecting Nat’s York City- known. as "Harem” and By OLLIE J. NICHOLSON -Perdido, " * the Juan Tizel (Duke advocate the violent overthrow of office in New York, describe steady, f.ist and showing a lot of shifting from the still fascinating thé government, were seized in New three as “long-time Communis GRAMELING ,La.— (Special) — vocal-instrumental styling of the tramniist) opus which has been MEMPHIS. TENN.— The Mem­ mates took advantage of Earl power at bat. At first base is the The St. Louis Cardinals will con­ phis Red Sox defeated the Detroit Floyd’s wildness. Floyd gave up Haven, Conn., while a seventh was conspired with the top lead flashy Gilbert Varona, his third trio to that of balladeering with served up. excellently by other the Communist party in the duct a baseball tryout camp at groups as well. * Stars in both games of their three singles, walked five batters takn into custody at West Hart­ season with the Sox. although he large orchestra support. In this ford, Conn. States,” and who had been Grambling College June 7-9 for group, he. does Too Soon, Sleeping The Roche vocal is an interest­ doubleheader Sunday at Martin and uncorked two wild pitches in was out of the lineup last season. young players with major league Stadium 14-8 and 11-1. the second lining, permitting the $40,000 BAIL EACH ground for a long time. He is une of the best fielding first Beauty, Lovelight. Mother Nature ing thing. Her voice has the quali­ The trio seized in New. York were Others seized for violation aspiration's and Father Time, With Nelson ty qf Nellie Lutcher and Sarah Don Whittington, Sox third base­ six six scores. basemen in the league. i man connected for three hits in­ Fate Sims was again the big gun ordered held in high bail by Federal Smith Act were Joseph Dima At second is Willie Sheelor. who The camp will be conducted by Riddle orfe- assist;...... Rough ...... Ridin—- ’ Vaughn. The brief and faint en- Alfred Leo Marder, 32, and Cardinal jeouts Quincy Troupe and with Dave Cavanaugh's group: The I semble work fits like a glove. cluding a bases loaded ' ot the Sox collecting three hits in­ Judge F. X. McGohey. the man teams with Willie Washington at Al Hollingsworth, both former ma­ and a double in the fifth of who prosecuted the case.against the Susmsmar Resnick, 32, all a eluding a double and driving in in New Haven, and James Sh short ,to form a formidable key­ jor league stars. the first game. Fate Sims, center­ five runs. 11 top-ranking Communists. stone combination. Both are good Expecced to lure over 100 players, fielder, also homered with two FIRST GAME: Ordered held in $40,000 ball for Tate, 43, arrested in West Har fielders and work well ' on the the camp will be conducted on the mates aboard in the seventh. Detroit 302 001 002 8 10 3: double play At third is Don Whit­ Gossip Of The Movie Lot school’s well-cropped baseball field. BY HARRY LEVETTE Lefty Charlie Davis of the Red Memphis 100 040 63x 14 16 tington who handles the hot corner Troupe said entrants are expect­ Sox helped his cause with four hits Robinson Gordon and White, like a veteran, although just 22 ed from Bastrop, Rayville, Delhi. in five times including , a double Davis, Jones and Haywood. Start Your Own Bank Account years old. He is one of the hardest Tallulah, Jonesville, Alexandria, and driving in five runsHe__ kept hitters on the team. - „ HOLLYWOOD, ,Calif. — nd Jones. and ffiFTSardesKhitter on the ïlub Ringgold. Minden, Jonesboro, take Never ~beTore-so much plain talk- -few~of the— sequences _,may_be_shoL holding downt^enier; Ray Haggins BE AN AGENT Providence Monroe. Farmerville, about sex, a score of years ago only there, if any of their w^de variety started hundreds of the fans the ing choruses, etc. Sol Siegal is pro­ *■ tn right field ^possesses a good Bernice, Acadia, Hodge and Rus­ discussed in whispers. of open-air. sets, such as "New York singcr=T7fnTrtst-dancer made here ducer, with Waiter Lang, director. . FOR THE throwing arm and led the club in ton. . Will this reading fad last? Street," “New Orleans French Quar home runs with 14 last season. Is wishing^shp,would return. Two years PREVIEWS OF THE WEEK: Looks like “Gossip of the Movie ter,” etc., are needed. 'Since the summer of 1952 have made . "Three Coins in the Fountain," one of the most consistent hitters Lots” will have to drop its 25-year- But it will not be made at Fox, on the team. Isiah Harris, a her more lovely, more beautifully at Grauman’s Chinese theatre, a 13 Negro Children old mask of modesty and call a Columbia or even RKO, all of which shaped-jnore beaming with pers’on- Fox music-filled film starring Clif­ has been holding down left field "spade a spade,” and tell what it have been reported as its locale by since Clay CartwTight left the club. ton Webb, Dorothy McGuire, Jean To Be Integrated always wanted to about Nordic and other reporters. Peters, Louis Jourdan, and Maggie A hard hitting fielder is expected Sepia Hollywood. Know things the The Carlyle company will pro­ Nowr”24/'-she’s two years better to join^the team in a few days, ac­ BY A. E. VILLIERS McNamara. Theme song "Three Sell Memphis' Leading Newspapei PANAMA CITY; RP—(ANP)—AU mags can’t get to. duce it with most of the filming with constant practice than she Coins in the Fountain’’ is very cording" Haygood. Everybody here still excited over taking, place on the RKO lot. Twen­ .vas when she w6ded ’em on Hamp’s The S.whas a good pitching US citizens on the Canal Zone, Ne­ catchy. the Supreme court decision on seg­ tieth Century-Fox, with its vast show at the Paramount. “Salt of the Earth,” a tense drama Send Application To: staff in Harris, who is also .one of gro or whitt, nave been assured that avenues of distribution and exploit­ the US rate or “white schools” are regated schools, and only a few “NO BUSINESS LIKE SHOW of the zinc mines in New Mexico, the hardest hitters on the club and "Uncle Toms" whose teacher rela­ ation, will release the completed THE MEMPHIS WORLD leads his mates with homers with open .for their children, according BUSINESS” TITLE FOR with a highly talented Mexican star, tives may be among the unemploy­ feature, which is certain to be one Rasaura Revueitas. Produced at a Circulation Department to an announcement made by the of the season’s best. NEW MUSICAL Canal Zone administátion last week. ed after jim crow schools end, are With the full title of "Irving Ber­ very low budget, and with, over, 164 Beale Avenue VOUCAN HAVE YOUR HAT* unhappy over America's first, demo­ And again, as I said weeks ago, two thirds,, of the players unpaid Memphis, Tennessee. Following the ruling of the US there has never been any intention lin Says: “There’s No Business Like 9ERFECTLY MATCHER Supreme Court, the Canal Zone im­ cratic gesture towards our race since Show Business,” a new musical was volunteers, it is very good enter­ I want to sell the Memphis World, Please start me as a salesm the Emancipation. of producing "Carmen Jones," with tainment, and expected Communis­ mediately fell in line and ordered an all-white cast. As soon as a girl started by 20th Century-Fox last integrati in of white/and colored in Good material for a motion pic­ week with a large starring cast of tic propaganda-ever if ever intend­ NAME ture; Why don’t you write one? is chosen for the coveted lead role, ed, has been kept out. * the formerly nil white schools. I will let you know, pronto. top .“names.” Included are Marilyn ADDRESS Only for a brief period during the Jay Jackson, famous cartoonist Monroe, Mitzi Gaynor, Ethel Mer- early construction period, between buried last week. Succumbed sud­ Ann Nichols’ beautiful picture ‘TV” TEETH? r vin, Johnny Ray, Donald O’Connor, * CITY STATE 1906-M17. was the re-integration in denly from a heart attack . Jim over the caption, "With Lionel Dan Dailey and others, with sepi------London - —Parents ------have b e e „D schools in the Canal Zone. Since Davis, Hollywood’s only registered Hampton," oh the front theatrical ans expected to be included in the warnnedby British dentists, against then Negroes and whites have at­ and long famous ’’stunt” man, swim page of a Chicago paper last week, supporting scores of dancers, singj a new child ailment: TV teeth The tended separate schools. mer, diver, wild anima! fighter, dentists report said children have Only about 13. US citizen Negro horseman, etc., in General hospital the habit of watching TV with children are of school age and suffering from enlarged liver it’s Crystal Clear ready for integration in white Majority of show folk pulling for schools. Thev spring mostly from Walter GordOnJo beat Gus Hawk- TWO-PRICE PLAN TRIED the Armed Forces.' ms for 62nd Assembly district prim­ The Eisenhower Administration The majority of Negro workers ary. race on June 8 James B. is turning to a once-repected "two on the Canal Zone are Panaman.- Lowe, white-haired former star of price” plan, as a device fo rsupport ians. largely of West Indian stock. the silent 1927 picture, “Uncle Tom’s EXTRA LIBERAL TERMS heavy crop surpluses The Agricul­ For them the oGvernment has pro­ Cabin,” leaving shortly to take up ture Department is now using this vided "Latin American'’. schools residence in Saskatchewan ...... plan in efforts to sell atf home and PACE BOV with a predominantly Spanish cur­ “Caricature” still going good at Arranged For You On Any 94.4 abroad more wheat, [lour, butter, riculum. School for whites and the Nick, and Emily Stewart's Ebony cheese, dried milk,, flaxseed and Thi» most useful halt piece Mendg few American Negroes will be con­ Showcase, with Tommie starred at Basis Your Credit Justifies cottonseed oil-"and some fruits head of fine cast .'*..... "Salt of fn with your own* hair and keep, ducted in English. Buy From lhe Only Exclusive Used Truck Dealer in Town. Corn, oats, rye, barley and grain the rough end, even. $3.00 The conversion of the Colored the Earth," whose producers deny sorghum soon may be added to this Schools In the Canal Zone from an Communistic affiliations, on regu­ Every Truck Reconditioned. Many With A Hoehn 30-Day English to a Spanish- curriculum, lar run following preview at Mar- Written Guarantee. was long predicted by Associated cal theatre last week. Negro Press as the Canal Zone ad­ “Hello Nature Boy,” said, Carmen PICKUP TRUCKS De-Lavallade to her former hus­ ministration’s answer to the out­ ’53 CHEVROLET...... $1099 lawing of racial segregation in pub­ band. Dr. N: E. A. Fearence, as he •52 CHEVROLET ...,$788 sat at ringside table last week at » ' ’/¿-Ton, DeLuxe Cab •li-Ton De Luxe Cab lic schools operated by Federal ’52 CHEVROLET...... $777 '49 CHEVROLET ...... $288 funds. the Florentine Gardens. The new ’/&-Ton, De Luxe Cab noted model, as the attraction of li:-Ton. Nice ’53 CHEVROLET...... $888 ’52 CHEVROLET the special show, displaying $200,000 la-Ton, Red Color worth of Parisian gowns, came to '/i-.Ton. Green Got Relief from, the table of her “ex” and his lovely ’51 CHEVROLET...... $588- ■51 INTERNATIONAL 5577 -Ton, 2-Tone 14-1001110 new bride and chatted pleasantly ’49 FORD...... ITCHING, STINGING, with them. Probably disappointed S444 '53 CHEVROLET ...... $1088 to promoter Libby Clark, the "Gar­ -Ton, Sound l-Tonèj4tSpeed Trans. BURNING OF TETTER den" was only a little over half full. The sides had buldged for NAACP. SIX SEDAN DELIVERIES tor your THE ALL-AROUND ROLL Phi Beta Sigma and other previous affairs. OTHER TYPE TRUCKS Nfulrolix*» ony cauitk Thi, attachment is a time and money , in your holt Instantly. PEARL BAILEY CAST AS • Gives a rich deep saver. Wear it and eliminate the nee "FRANKIE”, DOT DANDRIDGE CHEVROLET—*47-’52 Models. Price $395 to $795. These Trucks toldrio the hair. eafity for constantly curling your owa in Top Condition and Priced to Sell! • Helps eliminate stiffnet*. FAILS ALL TESTS FOR • Dissolves in water ham Thi, will give it time to grow. “CARMEN JONES” initontly. Economical OTHER TYPE TRUCKS and absolutely sate to »700 Said Otto Premminger, famous use. No skin fest needed tHE HALF GLAMOUR New York producer to me just be­ .. this is not a dye. fore I tossed this on the mail plane: ’51 GMC ...... $788j ’49 FORD .... $577 fasten, al the crown of the head and “I have cast Pearl Bailey for the 2-Ton. C & C 1-Ton C &-C hangs naturally down the back. < It i> part of Frankie in ‘Carmen Jones,’ ’50 GMC ...... $577 ’49 GMC . ... $388 15 to 20 inches'long). .fl^tlO.OO Harry Beiafonte as ‘Joe’, and set a ’/¿-Ton Panel -Ton Stake few others, but have not decided ’47 DODGE ...... $595 ’47 FORD ...... $388 Braid (18 inches) _ ■'M-Ton Vanette ’/¿-Ton V-8 on the girl for the leading role yet." ’51 CHEVROLET .... : Braid (24 inches) The pensive trustful, role of. "Cin­ .. $877 ’51 CHEVROLET ...... $588 Lillie Person %-Ton Stake Tractor Swoll Clvst.r of Cud, $3.50 dy” has been alloted, during the Dallas, Texas casting of Joyce Bryant, Elizabeth ’49 DODGE...... $588 Chignon,... ■ ...$3.^0 "I suffered with itchy, stinging dil5* Tractor—2-Speed Axle comfort when I had tetter. 1 tried Black and White Ointment. It sure 3; SEND NO MONEY helped relieve the itching, stinging, smarting. Can’t praise it enough for LARGEST SELECTION IN TOWN JksI taj tamplt e/ pur bair orrtau handy, helpful re­ lief.” Try it your­ It your atcr. Pa, Pvrfttffit on Ddrrrr, self. Today, get Black and White ST.JOSEPH Drugghl Ointment. : cannot suppl. So good-over. yep; writ. WE BUY JHoWoM ^ùlllWliaiTtALSPIglTSillSTlLLt^fMjl^llHj» WpOH'SailYGyjCp.,LTll^UljPt|(,l

.• X i '..J.'' ' * HjBI| SPORTS Sbù^^sterh 'OF THE' ♦ Grill -I I

BY PAT ROBINSON Tournament Juñe 24-27 j WO R L D JACKSONVILLE. Fla. — (SNS) - breaking number of entries thia The promoters of the Bill Annual year. Last year over 100 Golfers NEW YORK—(INS)— The U. S. Southeastern Open Golf., Tourna­ from every section of the country H By Marion E. Jackton Supreme Court must decide whet- ment announces that the annual participated. Entry blanks are now lier the International Boxing Club, Golf tournament will be held on being prepared to send to all Golf­ Inc., is a monopoly the Par 72. 18-hole Brentwood Mu­ ers. The mailing list contains over If the esteemed justices of the nicipal Golf Course on June 24-27. 300 Golfers who are expected to 1 ù court want to know what the score The United‘Strifes Supreme .Court decision opening up Golf Play will begin at 8 P. M. on play this year. The ’ local. Golf or­ is they should have up before them ganizations are making plans now courses to Negroes in Houston, Texas might .conceivably Tse the a hundred of the lads In the Thursday. June 24111 and this will fight serve as a qualifying round for the to sponsor several players in this stimulant that would transform the sport into on All-American racket. * • . year’s tournament. Should they take such unlikely amateurs. The Pros «ill be able to game. Out of an estimated ■ population of 160,000,000 in the play a practice round on this day. Among the outstanding Golfers of United States, only 3,250,000 persons played ten round of Golf action, they would quickly discov­ the nation who are expected to par­ er thatjthe IBC is certainly a com­ These scores will not count. There or more in 1953. This is relative a drop in the bucket of the sports will be three flights fur the amateurs ticipate In tills year's tournament bination In restraint of trade. ■ are; Stellar Pros. Bill Spiller, Los following millions in this country and emphasizes that either social i The IBC is a monopoly be­ with trophies being awarded the B three top winners in eacli flight. A Angeles. Calif.; George Bryant Pro or cultural snobbery has retarded the growth of the game. cause, as the racket is now run, total of nine trophies are to be from New Lincoln Golf Club, At- it has to be. It controls some awarded. ! lanta, Georgia; Charles Slfford, Many restrictions have been the full right to play. of the biggest arenas In the . Washington, D. C.; Richard Lewis, imposed upon golf. Some by the country. It has iron-clad con­ Curtis Taylor and William Shell- former Southeastern Champion from Professional Golfers Association As. the South rant and rave tracts for exclusive services man, promoters of this year’s event ¡Bartow, Florida; Herbert Dixon ai- with Its racist bylaws and others over recent rulings of tbe U. S. with champions. It moves hand- ure looking forward to a record i so a former Southeastern champion. of un-American origin as out­ High Court, it .would be well to in-hand with the Fight Man­ right denial of the right to play as examine between the swell of its agers Guild, which actually Imposed by "municipalities in the own indignation, how it has treat­ controls the IBC. South. ed the Negro in all phases of re­ How does the Managers’ Guild Physical Education Workshop creation. Denial of access to Golf control the IBC? Answer: Because Some clubs have hidden behind links is as flagrantly prejudiced It controls most of the fighters. the “for members only" subter­ as Its attitude towards the Negro Boxing commissions may decide SIAC GOLF CHAMPIONS - The Florida A. and M. Woles won medalist honors for the top individ­ fuge which actually means “for In education. until they are blue In the fact that At Ft. Valley State June 5-12 Caucasians Only” as put forth on such and such a fighter must give University golf team won top honors at the re­ ual score. Left to right, Craft; Clement Hall, tickets sold by the New Year’s What the South ignores is that a certain other fighter a chance. cently held Tuskegee Institute tournament which Jacksonville,\ Chorles Bright, Tallahassee, and FORT VALLEY — Fort Valley ditloning and training, T-Formatlon Day Sugar Bowl in New Orleans. It has not in good grace made a But they can’t get anywhere be­ is recognized as the Southern Intercdllegiate Smiley Austin, Jacksonville. — (Staff Photo by State Cohegc will sponsor it work­ and Split-T formations, women’s single concession to the Negro cause, even If through publicity Athletic conference meet. Jimmy Craft of Lake H. Jones, Jr.) shop in health and physical educa­ track and field, etc. These devices have had their ef­ without the prodding of the courts and other outside forces, a fight­ tion June 7-12 with some of the . There will be actual demonstra­ fect on the growth of Golf which or public opinion. The right to er must agree to fight, there is no biggest names In the coaching pro­ tions ih basketball, ^officiating and hasn’t enjoyed a peak of growth vote, outlawing of all-white prim­ reason to suppose that he will go fession c.n the staff. folk dancing. since post World War I. The sport aries, the fight against the Ku through with it if the Guild de-, The lineup of instructors include Richard Craig also plana has barely doubled Its participation Klux Klan, against violence and cides otherwise. W. J. Nicks, Prairie View; Leonidas helpful visual aids In all sports to gain since that lush postwar year intimidation, lynchings and other The fighter will become sud­ Epps, Clark College; Pete Griffin, e covered. of the Scottish hat and the knlck- sectional failings were prodded by denly ill, or he will have an Florida A&M; Dr. Frank L. Forbes, Five hours of college credits will ered pants. This is in contrast to Negro through the courts and the injured toe or hand. Or his Morehous? College; Mnjor Cleve be given all registrants. There will the wholesale gains of basketball, weight of national opinion and in­ wife is about to give birth to Abbott, Tuskegee Institute: Vernon be first class accommodations for baseball, tennis, swimming, bowling dignation. quadruplets. Excuses will al­ Colbert, top SIAC arbiter; B. T. men and women. Room and board etc. Harvey, Commissioner of the SIAC; for the week Ls $12.50. Tuition for • The South should extend the hand ways be found. The Guild set-up is a marvel of Chuck Mather, head couch, Univer­ Georgians is $15 and non-residents, It is difficult to understand this of fellowship to the Negro by aban- NEW YORK - (INS) - Pee Wee ed a double to Rldzlk, who scored -doning racial bars on Golf-and Ten- ingenuity. First, there is the__Ijv. Reese, Hodges, Mays on Willie Jones' triple in-tlie-thlrd sity of K't'nsas; Tom Porter, head $322.50. when one studies the facts and temational Guild. And who runs Reese popped’U streak-snapping coach, Larner High, Macon; Fete ExniDlts ot the newest and fin- realize that there are 750 munici­ nis Courts, Theatres, Municipal. Au­ And Dark Hit Homers; Richie Ashburn scored the Phil’s ditorium facilities,. Starlight Thea­ three astute gentlemen named two-run homer into the Polo final run In the eight on three sin­ Griffin, line coach, Florida A&M; est athletic gear will be on display pal Golf courses in the United Why, Grounds' right field stands in Jim Cowan, Mercer University; throughout the week. . States. A total of 52 new courses tres, etc. the International Guild. Erskine Beats Maglie gles. Adlai Stevenson in a talk at Charley. Johnson, Jack Kearns the ninth inning Saturday to win Lomax, Risley High; Sam Burke, Registration begins Monday, June opened In 1953, 109 are scheduled Thomaston High and Norman S. 7 from 9 to 12 a. m. in Jeane’s Hall. to open this year, and 226 are in Meridian, Mississippi believed .and Bill Daly. a carnival of round-trippers for Although he allowed three runs, much of the talk in the South Then there are the guilds of two in the eighth when Wayne Ter* YANKEES ROUT Coi-ey, S6al-O-San. Rickey Holden, Olga . Kulhltsky the planning stage. There is at Brooklyn from the New York Gi­ RED SOX, 10-2 Lecture, courses will be un folk, and Frank Kaltman will conduct in since the segregation rulings have the various states, subservient williger boomed a home run with least one city-owned course to, and contributing to, the ants, 4 to 2. dancing, basketball officiating, con- classes in folk dancing: every state in the Union. missed an important point. Ed Fitzgerald on base, southpaw j BOSTON — (INS) — While Harry He said: coffers of the International Morie Martin emerged as the win­ Texas, which was affected by the Reese s homer decided a tight Byrd and held Bos­ U. S. Court ruling has 53, followed “The South has been invited by Guild. Thus, for instance, there ner. lie îelieved Alex Kellner in ton to two hits, the New York Yan­ Is llie New York Fight Mana­ duel between the Dodgers’ Carl Ers­ the fifth. by IHIuuls with 52 and California the Supreme Court to share the bur­ kine and the Giants’ Sal Maglie, kees trimmed the Red Sox, 10 to 2, with 43. The breakdown shows New den of blue-printing machinery for gers Guild which is about aS Spec Shea, first, of lour nat hur- Saturdav rm 17 lilts. Including Yogi Independent as a kangaroo baby snapping a four-game . Brooklyn lers, dropped the décision. York 42, Minnesota 36 and region­ solving school problems of non-seg- losing streak and a.six-game New Bera’s grand-slam homer. ally the states of Ohio, Indiana, Illi­ regation,” Stevenson pointed out. In Its mother’s pouch. The Athletics announced the homered In the . The beauty of the set-up Is that York winning skein. optioning of pitcher Lee Wheat (Ù- nois, Mich'igan and Wisconsin with “In effect, the. South, a section Before Pee Wee’s payoff blow, Gil third inning—his eighth of the year a total of 171 courses. with great racial complexities, has the various state guilds kick back 2) to their Ottawa affiliate and the and sixth against Boston —' along to the International Guild’s treas­ Hodges of the Dodgers and the_ purchase of hurler Allen Romber- Only Atlanta and Savannah have been challenged to share In writing Giants’ and ,A1 Dark with a double and single drove in . filed suits in Georgia for the right the decree, share the burden along ury. ger from the International League two runs. Bena, who also singled ST. LOUIS, Mo —J—Immy Car­ pion, which began in May 1951, . Now look how simply and beau­ had homered. . The A’s also nsked ter, New York, -who has won 91 to play on municipal links. Gentle­ with the court,” he said. “The rest . Erskine allowed five hits in re­ i and knocked In six runs, blasted his Carter lost the title to Lauro Salas, man agreements have been in effect of the country should extend the tifully the whole thing works out. waivers on Carl Scheib and i bases-loadeci homer in the five-run fights, losing 17 and drawing 8, but In a rematch regained tha By a strange coincidence Johnston, cording his fifth victory, while’ Dick Rozer preparatory to grant­ will oppose Charley Riley who permitting Negroes to play on spe­ hand of fellowship, patience, un­ Maglie, taking his third loss against i eighth inning assault' on Hector crown In 1953, he defended his cial days in Brunswick, Macon and derstanding and assistance to the manager of light heavyweight ing’ them unconditional releases. Blown and Bill Werle.. boast 92 fights winning 63, losing title three times, winning all by , champion Archie Moore and Jack five wins, granted eight safeties. 28 and drawing l Wednesday night knockout. Rome. South in sharing this burden. The Giants threatened in the last Byrd, who went six for Georgia has 15 municipal Golf “It behooves us to harness resour­ Kearns, manager of challenger PIRATES SHADE the win, gave up both hits. One in a 10-roimd non-title lightweight Carter turned professional in ’46 Joey Maxim, arrange three fights of the ninth when Whitey Lockman PHILLIES 3 TO 2 courses with a great majority be­ ces of our government, our technical and Dor. Mueller singled, but Ers­ i was a 450-foot homerun by Ted Wll- bout in the St. Louis Arena after his discharged fom the Army ing in Atlanta. skills, great universities — in short between their gladiators. PITTSBURGH — (INS) — The j liams In the sixth. The other was The bout will open CBS’ summer where he served in the Phllllplnes kine fanned Mays for the final limited Pitts­ our brains and heart in both North As an executive of the Inter­ out. I a fourth-liming single by Sammy series of major boxing events and The 30 year old for­ Atlanta Mayor William B. Harts­ and South — and help work out national Guild, when there is burgh to four hits Saturday but, one : White, scoring Jackie Jensen who The opening contest was to have mer champion, who has scored 26 field has repeatedly pointed out the problem,” Stevenson added. a big fight in Chicago. San of them was a sixth-inning home had walked and stolen second. Sid been thé lightweight title bout be­ knockouts, claims that the bib ATHELTICS DOWN run by Frank Thomas which nipped tween champion Paddy DeMarco the spirit of goodwill existing be­ “Segregation is not a Southern Francisco or anywhere Daly na­ SENATORS 7 TO 5 Hudson, first of four Boston hur- break In his career aw In the Palbst tween the races in his great urban problem. It is a national, even as turally has to see how those the Phils, 3 to 2 Ters, was the loser. and Carter, from the Cow Palace, break in his career was In the Pabst city and hailed the progressive the Constitution governs us all, Guilds are working. It just so PHILADELPHIA — (INS) — Losing pitcher Steve Ridzik, Karl in San Francisco; However, cham­ Blue Ribbon Bout In which he beat-, spirit of the Negro citizens. not just one region.” happens that the time of his Rookie Jim. Finigan slammed a two- Drews :tndt Jim Konstanty pitched pion DeMarco was taken ill, and- the Percy Basset That was early Yet, the Negro cltlz.e'hS who have LAST MINUTE SPORTS — visits coincides with the time of ruli’ homer in the fifth inning that tight half-for the Phillies but the his hospitalization caused a post­ In 1951, three months before, he supported- him in two election Joe McCoy, star quarterback of a big fight. put Philadelphia ahead to stay as Pirates got off to a first-inning lead ponement of the title go Therchal (ought for, and won the title blds, were notified through the the Maroon Tigers, has been named' the Athletics downed the Washing­ that never was relinquished. Thom­ lenger, Carter, who had been in Carter will again have to be at his press that he would oppose a suit captain of the' 1954 Morehouse Col­ If the Supreme Court wants to ton Senators, 7 to 5 Saturday. as drove in the first run with a Three Pro Grid training for the championship tus­ best against the cagey veteran Ri­ to allow them the right to play on lege football team. He succeeds learn a few of the boxing facts of After Don Bollweg’s single and double. Bob Skinner, who had walk­ sle agreed to fight in St Louis and ley. Atlanta mutoclpally-owneil links. Jacksdn Slieftall -7-.--.Sal Maglier -life It should-call on Messrs. John­ Finlgam's blast, the A’s added three ed, tallied again on Sid Gordon’s Will meet the veteran slugger Chil­ The 29 year old Riley turned pro­ ace of the N. Y. Giants pitching ston, Kearns and Daly. more in the seventh on three walks sacrifice fly. lin’ Charley . fessional In 1944 and has fought It seems to me that Southern staff was 37, April 26. Under hot plus hits by Bill Renna and Vic Winning hurler George O’Don­ Carter, who defended his title lour dlffernet world champions. newspapers who cite instances of weather conditions can he win 20 Power. nell, who gave up nine hits, yield- successfully six times prior to los­ He won 12 straight. 11 by knockout goodwill and tolerance by majority games to keep the Giants’ in pen­ COMMENT ON ing It to DeMarco on the fifth of and was nicknamed Chilli' Charley towards Negroes Ignore these ob­ nant contention! 11 March, Is a highly exciting fighter. by the fans The aggressive hard vious failings of the New South. Look alikes: Junior Gilliam of the A polished workman in the ring. punching Riley has scored 34 of Simple justice towards tlie Negro in Dodgers and Henry Aaron of the Baseball HOULYWOOD — (ANP)—Right Carter1 Is now campaigning In nil knookouts in his career and a vic­ the South demands that he be given Braves ...... out of one picture into another go attempt to become the only man tory over Carter would be an im­ liy PETE FRITCHIE I three of the country's most famous to ever regain the lightweight title portant boost In Riley'S'atompt to WASHINGTON — The New York At The Ringside twice During his reign as cham- climb up the lightweight ladder. football stars, Harry Thompson, Yankees did a lot toward getting FLOYD PATTERSON SEEKS Martinez battle, Maxim’s manager, Tank Younger and Dan Towler. All back into their tradition&l position three being college men, are high­ ART FOWLER ¡Cards Trade of “team to beat" in the last part BIG TIME, TO FACE MAXIM r Doc Kearns, said his boxer is In JUNE 7 good shape and'could outbox Pat­ ly Intelligent. of May. The two key series taken Directors declare they have found by the Yankees were from the Tig­ How good is Floyd Patterson, sen­ terson because of experience and Robinson Dodgers Rip Simmons sational teen-age light heavyweight in the trio, more than merely their ers at Detroit and from the White ring savvy. He added, however, fine stature, and powerful ath­ WINS NO. 4 Wright For Sox at Chicago. who is undefeated aS a pro? That “but Patterson is in no danger of question will be answered Monday getting hurt." letic build. They arc great in earn­ CHICAGO — (INS) — Art Fow­ The champions spilt two at Cleve­ est, say the directors, because they ler, a JO year old rookie from At­ land in their western swing but night, Jude 7 when he faces forriier Patterson is getting a. break in Owls In Twinbill, 9-5And 5-3 175-pound champion Joesy Maxim want to make the extra off-sea­ lanta,, won his fourth straight game Bill Greason took five out of five from the Ben that department because Maxim son monty the screen pays them ATLANTA, Georgia — (SNS) Friday as the Cincinnati Redlegs gals (wlio led the league when the in an eight round bout in New York. just does not have a punch. He is a , Patterson first gained prominence great defensive fighter with no of- • an dtheir school training has made The Robinson Doagers maintained their sensational unbeaten beat the , 6 to 3, at ST. LOUIS — (INS) — The St. Yanks hit the Motor City) and the them obedient to orders and quick Wrighley Field. . . Louis Cardinals announced Friday Sox—who had handled the Yankees during the 1952 Olympics when he fense. The eight round distance record last weekend, by winning both games of a heated double­ was the world’s top amateur fighter. to learn the dialogue and action Frank Smith relieved Fowler In they have obtained righthanded roughly when they first took the also works in Patterson’s favor be- | required. header with the Simmons Owls, 9-5 and 5-3, at Hull Stadium in pitcher Bill Greason from their Co­ champs on in Yankee Stadium earli­ He turned pro and attainted atten­ cause he will not have to pace him­ the ninth inning when the Cubs tion with one-sided victories a nd self as ne would in a longer fight. ’ Dixie Hills, loaded the-bases with only one out. lumbus, Ohio, farm club. er this year.. All three just finished as guards For the ninth straight time this plate. Also sharing batting honors The Negro moundsman who has No doubt about it, the Yanks also because the state of New York To this ringsider, it looks close In 20th Century-Fox's "The Egyp­ Ernie Banks singled, off Smith and would not let him compete in bouts with a slight edge for Patterson . season, General Manager Judge W for the Dodgers were Emory Clark" knocked in two runs, but that was a 4-3 record this season in the were up for the Detroit and Sox tian." Towler and Thompson were Spearman told Skipper James John Calhoun, Emory Redding, American Association was obtained series The Tigers sent their finest longer than eight rounds because over an aging, but still cagey signed for supporting roles . in the extent of the damage done by he is not 20 years old Maxim in a bout that could easily Brqwn, Assistant Skipper and and Alvin Lowe. Ramsey paced the Cubs as Smith quelled the ral­ in a trade for Mel Wright who the to the mound. Gromek, Garver and "Jungle Gents," Leo Gorcey-iHuntz Coach Rozier Carmichael to give the Owls’ batting attack with two Red birds dropped Thursday. Grea- Hoeft—th“ latter had shut out the go the other way. - - | ly. Despites his impressive record, he Hall co-starrer now before cam­ the opposing team the “works­ hits in four trips. , ■ poses, and never will be a threat Yanks in New York on the Tigers'" is believed to be overrated. Knockers RATING THE RATINGS j eras at Allied Artists studio. Ed­ Ted Kkiszewski hit his 12th hom­ Ring magazine has come up with j and again the Dodgers rolled along er of the reason for the Redlegs to any of our sister republics?’ . first eastern trip. Each of the three point out that he has defeated only ward Bernds is directing the Bow­ to continue their current winning Today the Dodgers will Toriejlo said Guatemala was Detroit games was close. its monthly ratings once more, and j ery Boys comedy for producer Ben motor to Rome, Gtr., where they with a man on base in the first one man of stature, Wesbury Bas­ they are quite interesting. Greatest ! streak. inning. Wally Post clouted his 8th “forced to obtain military equip­ But the Yanks took them all, each com of St. Louis. Otherwise, his Schwallb. will cross bats with the powerful ment arid materials for her de­ by two runs. some­ changes have been made in the j Sunday, Manager George Mea- Lindale Dragons. This game may homer for Cincinnati In the 8th. victims have been slow-moving, middleweight division where almost j Other colored players started Jim Davis was the losing pitcher. fense,” because of threats of arm­ times used three top pitchers in a' hulking, open targets. daws and hls Owls took a punlsh- be the'toughest assignment of sea­ ed intervention against Guatemala game to check the Tigers, but he In Maxim, Floyd will be facing all the top names are new. last week include Curtis Hamilton, i Ing blow from Vic "Rachi" New- son for the rampaging Dodgers. and “increasing efforts” to inter­ finally s.owed them up. Then the for the Lrst time an elusive, fast­ Holly Mims moved up to the J De Forrest Covan, Elias English. nan irr the first game, and an on­ fere in its internal affairs. Yanks went to Chicago. They nos­ No. 2 challenger behind Rocky ’. Roland Jones, Daniel Meyers, Bish I slaught from Adolphus "Peanut” Mound duty will probably go to. Joe Fails To moving boxer who is hard to hit. Castellan! for Carl (Bobo) Olson’s' Toriello called “totally false” re­ ed out tlie White Sox in two tight Maxim is a fellow who makes the Glover, James Davis, Dock McGill Williams in the second contest Adolphus Williams, Vic Newman, ports that Guatemala had inter­ ball games, taking the last one other man look bad. He loves to crown. Mims deserves this rating 1 and Blshoo Kyle. or James North. Skipper Brown Show Up For fered in the banana strike in north from 3-2, after the ace make awkward sluggers look silly. because he fights them all and beats j WALKER, BURGES HOMER will also be counting on Roy Con­ ern Honduras. Sox lefty had held them scoreless Here in Chicago for the Davey- them all. Missing from the top arc — Marvin "Red" Walker rocked the ley, Marvin Walker, Alvin Lowe,’ ¡i Parking Rap for most of the game. the familiar Joey Giardello, Randy left-field fence with a homer lor Willie Gilstrap; Emory Redding, • There vere two big triumphs for Turpin ana Willie Troy. the Dodgers in the seventh and Al John Cahoun, Joe Carmichael, and NEW YORK—(INS)— Ex-heavy Among the heavies four of Dodgers Take Burges slapped Newman’s gopher many other talented performers. ( weight champion Joe Louis failed Haito Conquers the New Yorkers. They had de­ finitely cooled off two hot ball clubs. Jackson Halts Rocky Marciano’s top five challeng­ ball over the fence in left center to appear• in Manhattan Traffic In the fourth for the Owls. Frank W. Spearman, publicity . Court____ FricFriday to answer six alleg­ Dreaded Disease Cleveland, alone among the western ers are Negro-Ezzard Charles, Nino director of the club, urges all Dod­ three, nad not finished. And the In Valdez, Jimmy Slade and Tommy ed parking violations but apolog- WASHINGTON—(A N P)— The (Hurricane) Jackson. Don Cockrell Field Without Willie Gilstrap, Dodger catcher, ger fans io keep' well Informed _ ized for his non-appearance by dfans still led the American Lea­ about the team by reading the At­ dreaded tropical disease, Yaws gue as the Yanks came back to Norkus’ Streak rates No. 3. The heavyweight divi­ had a perfect day at bat, collect­ telephone from Chicago. which once threatened the national ing four hits In four trips to the lanta Dally World. • • Chief Magistrate John M. Mur-, Yankee stadium late in May. "Thus sion is not in such good shape. health of Haiti, has just about been tagh had- issued an arrest warrant the first ettnswerlpr...... Among light-heavies. it’s the Colored Player for Louis on the grounds he was' wiped out In that land. «the first western trip made it ob With TKO Win same old story with Harold Johnsen, a scofflaw for falling. to honor six —Some four years ago the disease vious tlie Yankees were still the Yolandc Pomp and Floyd Patterson NEW YORK — (ANP)— For the j affected about one-third of the ru­ team to beat in the American Lea­ in the ilrst five. So is Joey Maxim, ! first time in years, the Brooklyn parking ticket attached to his ral population of Haiti, but through NEW YORK - TINS) — Tommy automobile. A spokesman, for Louis gue. (Hurricane) Jackson, rookie hea­ A new challenger to champion Dodgers lccently took the field in a concentrated effort on the govern­ The team that beats the New Archie Moore is Gerhard Hecht of a regular season game without a telephoned Saul' J. Alien) traffic ment international agencies and vyweight from Rockaway, N. Y., Registered U. S. Patent Office. summons control bureau head at Yorkers, in "the annual clashes over ended Charley Norkus’ string ■ of Germany. single Negro player in the line-up.. thé usé. of penicillin, yaws has been thé long haul of the season, will New names have- . popped up ", *4 3 8 2 7 3 8 5 7 6 2 5 3 the time that Joe was -due to ap­ brought under control in Haiti. five straight victories Friday night among the welters seeking Kid Ga- Junior Gilliam, second baseman, pear-. - ' probably win the pennant. The with a. fifth round, technical knock was benched for weak stick work; c Y L R M o o P A N E A U The disease cripples and disfigures catch is that no club seems to be vilan’s crown. Veto and Freddie 5 ? 3 Ö 4 5 3 2 The .spokemasn told Allen that its victims. . out .over' the Bayonne, N. J), ex­ Jackie Robinson out with a bad i 8 7 3 8 5 the ex-champ was due' in New able to turn the trick. The White Marine. ■ Dawson is rate No. 4 and ctitie Del L, I R I A S B G S - L E s A Sox almost did it last year. Cleve­ Flanagan, No. 2. Johnny Saxton heal; Roy Campanella on the side- 1 York for five or six days- starting JUDGE RETIREMENT The 22-year-old Jackson, who line wit«', the bone chip operation i 3 5 7 3 6 4 5 3 8 4 7 3 June 11. He . said, during that time land has gotten off to a good start- spotted his opponent 1 1-2 pounds Is ranked third, and Ramon Fuetes, Á •s N B T c s D W -p H O O this season. The Indians probably fifth. Top challenger is Carmen on his hand progressing nicely; Joe’s attorney would arrange an ■ Under the terms of a proposed at 192 1-2, battled the 25-year-old Basilio; Don Newcombe has a bad shoulder 4 2 3 8 4 5 .3 7 6 8 3 5 appearance 'before Murtagh to an- won’t have another chance, if they Norkus on even terms through the and Joe Black apparently is in R p L R R E o K X E E s p constitutional amendment, passed don’t make it this year. Thanks to cx-champion Jimmy swer the charges. by- the Senate, all Federal judges •first two rounds at Madison Square Carter, the top challenger, light­ Manager Alston’s doghouse 3 8 4 5 3 7 6 8 à 2 5 4 6 s would be forced to retire when Gardpn. Then he began to smother weight champion Jimmy Carter has pitched fewer innings than A V L U V F G E E J L I I they reach the age of 75. Besides him with blows until he wore Nor­ a slate of new top-rated men. other relievers). 5 3 6 7 8 3 2 5 4 6 8 3 5 Dr. Bundle To the manndatory retirement provi­ Washington Nationals kus down to helplessness in a cor­ But, before the game was over,___ , A s F U N L- O R E T T Í Orlando Zulueta lias- moved up to I I sion, the proposal would fix the Down New York Yanks ner where the referee stopped it No. 2. Others are Ralph Dupas, Gilliam and Robinson were in the 3 6 5 2 3 k 4 6 5 i 7 é 8 Get'Honors In size of the Supreme Court at nine at 2:29 in the fifth. Eddie Chavez and Johnny Gon­ line-up-ih fact, hitless Gilliam was V . D T B E E F U Y s N E- D justices, thus, preventing future As Ike Watches Play j salves.. the guy who banked the single (his attempt to enlarge or eût the high- fii’st in a ,blue moon ’tis true.) that Puerto Rico WASHINGTON—(INS)— Presi- rising! the Nats parlayed five hits, ' Interim champ Percy Bassett is 1_TERE is a pleasant little game that will give you a message every es tribunal Since it may be years dent Eisenhower and 21,763 other an error, .Tom Gorman's wild pitch no longer champion Sandy Sad­ won the game But, that’s baseball UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. (I- before there is final action) presùm for you. day. It is a numerical puzzle^esigned to spell out your fortune. NS) — Nobel Prize Winner Dr. fans saw the Washington Senators and 's pass ball . to. dler’s top ohallenge for ; feather­ Count the letters in your first name. If the number ot letters is 6 or ably few, if any of the present Fed- collect .six unearned mns Thurs­ score-five runs. ■'•■"•) weight honors.. He has slipped io Ralph Buriche disclosed Friday deral judges, would be affected. more, subtract 4. if the number is less than 6, add 3. The result is . night he will leave .tor Puerto Rico day to defeat the New -York Yan- . .Chuck Stobbs scattered nine nits N^t 2 behind Baby Ortiz.. Lulu aspirants for the vacated bantam­ •your key number. ,§tart at the upper left-hand t‘>-. on Mopdaz.to acd,epj;2afl.b.9nor de­ »k66s?7 tó 3 in a Red Cross benefit to rack up his second win agaliht Parez the man who finished Willie weight throne. All I. know about Jangle and check"every one oit your key numbers. i ■ gree from', the,. rTsland-. Commbn- will be accompanied on the trip-bye s r - • . four losses. wab the Pep, rates third. the'flyweights Is the Yoshio Shlral if his-wife. . ' up-1 loser, , *. ' . Nate Brooks is ene of * five top of Japan, Is the ch'atnp." ") <•> - ' r«>d Xhnn.ui^e th»4etter»und«r lh4 chtck "" ...... ' " /’ .’ . ..X ■ ■ ■■■ ■ . . ■' •■ ••■•<. <

B ;iT;-MEMPHIS WORLD > îuêwlay, 4JH5 1^54 TIM TYLER

reason Tm »inurMS otner guest, a young man m a 'The amiy doing thfa Dr. 8tepben Can and a i ■ wile. clerical, collar, thé rector of the tonight," he answered the lifted Shelly, are on their way to a tundly eyes which questioned him, “1* that dumer party nonortng ■Jia_.venc.blie Episcopal Church. He, was a bach­ mother a birthday. Though oollfc to elor, newly come to town, and were ail together—and 1 don’t her always. Shelly well Knew that the think we will, be for another tew very social. Carrs had never really ac­ Shelly was. somewhat put to It to cepted - ner. She was a stranger to explain ms presence. Oi course, days—and, well, my orders are toe them md- to the little mid-west ?ity to balance the table, a man would a week, Monday^- so—■'* „ of ’ Norfolk, where the 2arra resided. .#;atght club singer of an<«rtair .oa.-k- be needed tor Eleanor, but the it was Eleanor who made the . ground whom the whole Carr family Carrs belonged to .he Methodist first sound. “Stevie!’’ she moaned. belleyed Stepnen nad married Impul­ sively. Aware of their ' subtle '«nubs. Church; by-rtar the largest and Stephen looked at hie rather, Shelly determines to Drove her metal. richest congregation in Norfolk. then down the table to his mother, As fine, and Stephen drive to the fashionable home of the senior Carrs. While .she was still saying ner ■I’ve decided to go Into the Army Shelly pities the itinerant workers who. birthday good wishes to Stephen’s tor a year of active duty,” He sat have-come here on new projects many mother, the Reverend Prewett of them living in pathetically squalid down, as U that were all there quarters. came across to Shelly, and said was to say. how nappy he was to be her din­ Ruth looked angry. E. J. watched ‘ CHAPTER THREE ner partner; She nodded. Of his rather to see how be would NOT BE lonely! Shelly said noth­ course! And Stephen had been al­ reel ’ and act. ing. /She gov out of the car, shook lotted to Eleanor. It did seem a little foolish, in a family group, to "You didn't have to—or If you FELIX THE CAT By Sullivan out ner sWrtfir -6?n ,ner hair and arrange things so formally, but,, did—1 mean If you were called up thought, swiftly of . Stephen's fam­ —1 could nave got you out. Your ily. Probably she had, done wrong in Norfolk, the Carrs set an ex­ ample ot formality, in every detail service to the plant . . .” in not .pointing out to him just “Yes, Father, out— 1 PL A/ how/’the Qarrs regarded the girl of daily living. Any dinner party above a potluck supper would “I suppose it’s this Korean he nad married. “Married impul­ thing. You consider It a war.” have. Its thick, white, gold-edged sively," they always said, even in "I'll bet the men being shot at her • presence. Well, he had done place cards—and even a single maid must be in à uniform proper think so, too." just , that, out the family made it “It’s not going well—whole thing eeem as if he nad . come to regret to the standards set by’ the Carrs. Ab she went in to dinner-, Shelly will apve to he abandoned-" that impulse. They made so many Arthur Prewett made a soft truthful things sound—odd. ' Even studied ner mother-in-law. Mrs. ' when Mrs Carr spoke oi Shelly as Carr would like to be the woman sound of protest, and E. J looked ' she looked — motherly; a little at nini In affront. "I'm ■orry." beautiful,, it was as if vivid beauty •It s just were .Httie^-well, a little ill-bred. dowdyiand kind. Had Everett cast said the young cleric, the mold into which this faded, that America has never lost a war Ostentatious. They'd peen shocked — 1 don’t think the project will at the. marriage of then younger plump woman had grown ? Or per­ haps Everett’s mother? be abandoned.” son ' to the lovely, golden-haired "Well, maybe not,” blustered girL . For eighteen months, they'd The pictures of Stephen’s grand­ continued to be shocked. And Shel- mother indicated the latter expla­ Everett, pushing ms tee cream understood why. nation. A rigidly handsome woman plate violently away from mm. ”1 nJe,;.CarrBz.were rich, and they in choker and high-bust corset. spoke without thought. This tool were conservative. Pillars of so­ -Aren’t you with us tonight. thing Stephen has tn mind!” Bacon Toast - Butter ciety, of church and of industry. Mrs. Carr?” asked the rector's "It seems to me. Dad," said Augusta s Coffee - Milk ----- U-wns « shock when Stephen mar- voice in her ear; there was a smile Stephen thoughtfully, “that you’re harbessing the horse backward. IT S®® M-Civil Rights Filibuster ned/a cafe singer. . . within the tone. LUNCH Glad chai she had changed her Shelly Jumped and colored. “I’m thia war--or whatever you want to Sausage Potato Cakes frock; Shelly now could enter the sorry,*’ she murmured. “These call it—is going badly. the need WeeklyMenu îifuce and Tomato Salad gracious nouse with no feeling of family parties are apt to set me for trained young doctora is much Crackers Apples being on the defensive. Perhaps to • exploring- among the branches greater than if we were sure of this’/tlme she could come into the of the tree.” / victory and a quick end to the TUESDAY, JUNE 1 DINNER rarriiiy circle, instead of settling “I’d think so!” he agreed heart­ matter." BREAKFAST Veal Chops BY WILLIAM KERWIN H on its Hm Uke a—like a barnacle! ily, “They are an interesting group, "But you were not called!" Orange Juice Green Peas - Squash WASHINGTON— (INS) — Thi fn the big drawing room a dozen aren’t they?" “No, sir. 1 asked tor active duty. Ready-to-eat Cereal Corn Bread Three months ago. I’ve known Toast Butter Mexico's Last possibility of an anti-civil right« well dressed people sat and stood Shelly looked around the big Bread Pudding with Sauce filibuster arose in the Senate Frlfe cr about.. This was a family party, table, with its tine appointments. when 1 would be leaving—oh. since Coffee - Milk Wednesday, wasn’t it, Shelly?” Coffee - Milk Frontier Is day as the Banking Commttee apB but there were always certain The interesting Carrs. Stephen sat proved a modified ■ version of Pre® tnends - included in such Intimate diagonally, across from Her, with Shelly nodded, and tried to smile. "And ail this time you didn’t LUNCH Joined The sldent Elsenhower’s new Housin® gatherings, Che honor nicely ro­ Eleanor to one side of him,'his Sign Editor "Soo- program. tated by the Carrs. Tonight it had sister lo the other. .» say a thing to me!” Everett was Wieners on Buns Slaw BY EARL J. MORRIS Sen. Burnett R. Maybank (DE been ■ accorded to the newspaper He had said he would tell them seething, and, watching nun, E. J. SUCHIATE, Chiapas — (ANP) — S. C... quickly introduced at» p u o i 1 s h at and bls wife.. The tonight, but he waited until the felt it was safe to glare, too. Mrs Apple* Sauce Cookies Hails Maturity Human Race' There are many things which to me aineiidilieut to kill .public houalnS Waishes were there, of course. The beautiful birthday cake was Carr began to weep, and Willard, were surprising about this town. One and it was expected a substantieB bank s president* was Everett's brought in. The cake was cut. and her son-in-law, put hia hand com is that some maps don’t even show number of Southern DamoeratS tortingly upon her shoulder. DINNER A young Negro surgeon tells how crony: m.s wife and May Anna Vernon took the plates around. he "Joined the human race" in the it, although it is,a very clean, pro­ would support the move. . Carr had been schoolmates., Elea­ Everett proposed a toast to ms “I knew you’d be upset,” Ste­ Hot Boiled Chicken Of Catholic Press gressive little city. Secondly,- Suc- phen was explaining. "And I Gravy lead article of the Saturday Even­ nor was like a child of the family. wife—but when everyone sat down ing Post for May 29. hiate. isn’t its ñame. The town’s Whether Southern Democrat® again, Stephen remained on his thought it best to keep still about Greens - Mashed Sweet Potatoes A beautiful girl, dark, exquisitely Corn Bread NEW YORK — "Catholic editosr He is Dr. Frank Perry of Me­ name was change from Suchiate to would obtain enough GOP backings groomed, beautifully dressed—al- feet. Shelly felt the skin prickle || it until the last possible moment" are doing r. much better job these Ciudad Hidalgo during the regime to put the amendment through rdfe 1 I To Be Continued/ Shipped Gelatin Dessert morial Center for Cancer and Al­ way*. Tonight, there was one on her forearms. days in fulfilling their role as an lied Diseases, New York City. Bom of Miguel Aleman. mair.ed in doubt, however. If pu® The railroad still issues tickets in lie housing remains in the. bin WEDNESDAY, JUNE 2 important channel for adult edu­ and reared in the South, he tells cation in the interracial field,” Den­ the old name and everyone calls it then Southern Senators may fllfl BREAKFAST of his spiritual growth in a new nis Howard, associate editor of The environment where fellow Ameri­ “Soo-chatay.” buster against the measure. g Apricots Sign, national Catholic magazine, cans treat him as an equal, or “tells Suchiate is last frontier for Mexi­ Senate Majority Leader WllIIaBg Ready-to-eat Cereal declared here last night. co, it is farther south than Tapa- F. Knowland ,(R) Calif., said H Bacon - Toast how he learned to live in the white world.” chula, another border point. Most filibuster was possible, but opt® Coffee - Milk In an address to the Catholic In­ motorists go across to Guatemala mistlcally expressed hope the rr.^ terracial Council of New York on Perry recalls when a white in-< at Tapachula. sure can be finished “in abto| LUNCH "The Catholic Press and Interracial coming resident physioian ap- Suchiate has. paved streets and three days” after debate operp;; Grapefruit Justice," Mr. Howard credited the proached him after they first ar- side walks and even a small por­ next Thursday. ‘ Deviled Egg Salad intensive public relations work of rived at the Center in 1952 “I was tale. It also has a lovely park and Crackers the council and the “burgeoning so totally unprepared for his can­ playground and a Marimba band, Maybank was formerly one cl social-mindedness of Catholic edi­ dor that I hardly managed to say with a couple of cornet players who the Senate’s staunchest'supporters DINNER tors” for the progress that has been’ I was from- Lake Charles, La., had make a few hot licks in the Louis public housing, along with mi® Chicken Salad (Leftover Chicken) ■ made in the last twenty years in gone to Xavier University, in New Armstrong' manner. other Southern Senators. Howey® in reporting interracial news. Orleans, and 'Meharry Medical Col-> Unlike most Mexican towns, this the Supreme Court recently ou® Tomato Cups lege, in Nashville, and had taken city has no twin towers of a 17th lawed racial segregation in pub® Pickled Peaches - Asparagus The “most significant” part of four years of surgery at Meharry’s century church. There is a church, housing units and Maytbank afl Hot Rolls this progress, Mr. Howard emphas­ Hubbard Hospital.” a wooden structure of one story some of his colleagues have n R<;ady-ta-eat Cereal at ’snecili lassembly exercises held that caused the explosion aboard scoring rampage in mauling the «J»’* MISSING PERSON the carrier Leyte in Boston last Bacon - Waffles. - Sirup at Wilkinson Junior High School, Newnan Rfed Caps. 23-6 and 16-6. ttHMI 1121 October in which 37 men were lost. Coffee .-. Milk Friday, May 21. 65< "FRANK" or "FRANKLIN" D. JACKSON, Height 5'8", Weight Testimony offered by the execu­ DINNER The presentation was made by Student To Sing ~ M>s - f"? .dS?ï"Plexic,rt’ Marks of Identification: Burn tive officer of the Bennington, Frl: id_ .Chickenr______DeLuxe Mrs..'!,.:,L. Bush, teacher’of the sevenths grade at Wilkinson Junior "9^* éYe and over left eye; also on knuckles on Cmdr. Howard M. Avery,' formed a Buttered Broccoli - Whipped Pota. pattern with the evidence’given ear­ toes high school who said in closing to In Voice Recital hands. Discharged from Marine Corps at Cherry Point, N. "WaA.—-————— I lier by the carrier’s, skipper, Capt. Lettuce with Cucumber Dressing' Joseph ; I uller, her student, "May BOSTON, -Mass. — ' (Special) — this medal ever serve as a beacon­ Nov. 5, 1953. Said to be living in or around Mem­ William F. Raborn, Jr. Southern Biscluts Corettauuitnn Scottown rxiug,King; svuuciibStudent at theme KONGOLENE STRAIGHTENER 1 Strawberry Shortcake ing light to encourage you and Nèw England Conservatory of Mu- ' phis;; . .If you-have any information on whereabouts Raborn Said the the starboard others to strive and look. upward BE SURE TO USE . 1 sic, .will sing in a voice recital bv P«E-CREME subject please contact: Capapuli. went out of commission SUPPER for higher things of life. KONOOliNl Mt-CHEMl 3'syi while jet fighter planes were being pupils of Mme. Marie Sundelius Sardines with Lemon Juice of the faculty. Thursday evening, KONOOLENl HACK »INS« 45 4 g LILLIE MAE BRYANT 'aunched as the carrier headed for Pickles - Olives The Charles Palmer tlavls award is current events to . encourage good June 3, to Recital Hall at the Quontepomt. As a result, the routine Crackers Conservatory. Ehe will sing Masse­ // your druggist cannot supply you Et 805 MILLER STREET training operation was transferred Iced Tea citizenship, c. T. Thomas, Jr., to the Dorr catapult. Fifteen.sec- principal of WHJdnson Junior High net’s 11 est doux, 11 est bon. from order direct Jrom US NEW BERN. N. C. I ends after loct let wa« whlPDed School presided at the presentation Herodlade. Ute only toKONGO CHEMICAL CO., INC1 MONDAY. exercises. ’ . Miss King Is the daughter of the into the air by thé catapult, he saw BREAKFAST as directed B101 Wilt Hath Str»»t NIW IOSK.N T»! smoke curong iriMs Rev. and Mrs. M. L. King Who J. P McGhee, reporter. «04 - ■.’r*l '-"r • . ••-.tj-.v 1