All the Newt of BED BANK SECTION and Surrounding Towns Told Fearlessly and Without BIM RED BANK REGISTER ONE Inuod Wnklj, anttttd •• Blcond-CUni Matter at th« Po«t- offlco at E«d Hank, N. J.. under the Act of Match a, 1819, Subscription Price: On» Year 12.00, VOLUME LIX, NO. 10. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1936. Six Months, $1.00. Single copy* 4c. PAGES 1 TO 12, NEW POSTMASTER Register Bonus Three-Day Fair Of Ed. von Kattengell Awards Given Out St. Thomas's Church Betty V Wins Sweepstakes, Preparations are well under way for the annual fair of St. Thomas Friday Night chapel of Red Bank to bo held Wed- nesday, Thursday and Friday, Sep- Gets Position As tember 2, 3 and i in the parish hall, Successful Contestants in Eight under tho auspices of the Women'o Lowers Mark In Speed Trial; Weeks'^ Record-Breaking Sub- guild. Tho first night has been des- ignated aa opening night. On Thurs- Acting Postmaster scription ' Campaign Get day, September 3, harvest home din- Checks Touting $1,000. ners will be sold with fried squab chicken, vegetables and the usual Regatta Attracts Thousands "fixings" as featured dishes. It will ship several years ago. At that time The cash bonus subscription cam- be served from 6> to 10 o'clock. Fri- Appointed Yesterday and Riverside Gun club of Rod Bank was paign, which The Register has been day, September 4, will be "opportun- TO BUILD AT HOLMDEL. very active. The club is still in ex- conducting for the past eight weeks, ity night." A ton of coal, a large Old-Time Strict Vtelvin Crook Pilots 700- Will Take Charge of His istence, but it has hold no events for came to a close Friday night, and ham and 100 pounds of sugar will be New York Man Purchases Bennett number of yeara. At the time Mr. 14 local people were announced win- disposed of on the co-operative plan. Rules Adopted By Property on Route 34. Horsepower Hydroplane vonKattengell won tho championship ners of the cash awards for their Mra, Clara Dorsey is president of Duties Monday, Succeed- for the two-man, three-man, five-man Ten acres of land at Holmdel on extra effort. The first cash bonus of the Woman's guild. Her assistants Route 3-i, owned by Trevonian Ben- to Victory in Two Heats and six-man teams. In other words $100 was awarded to Mrs. Leo Hen- on the fair committee are Mrs. Ra- ing William A. Sweeney it held every state champion title ob- The Independents nett of Shrewsbury avonue, has been nessey of Fair Haven. The seconj ;hel Foolc, Mrs. Catherine Marshall, sold to Harry D. Ottermann of New of Speedboat Classic. tainable, which established a record .cash, bonus of $200 waa awarded to Mra. Julia Jones, Mrs. Ethel Nelson, lever equalled. In addition to hold- Red Bank Fire Company Puts York. Mr. Ottermann,, who in a build- Mrs. Harry Wiltshire of Red Bank, Mrs. Veda Miller, Mrs. Anna Ander- er by trade and for a number of ,ng the Individual championship, Mr. son, Mrs. Inez Ha'ndy, Mrs. Mary /onKattengell was a member of each who was a close second to Mrs. Hen- Ban on Gambling and Card years has been superintendent of the Senate Confirmation nessey In the last three weeks of Warner, Mrs. Irving Moore, Mra. Le- Waldorf-Astoria hotel at New York, hamplonBhlp team. ED vonKATTENGELL. tho contest. Miss Jean Stevens of roy Lane and Mrs. Nancy Biddle. Playing—Alcoholic Beverages plans to construct a six-room bunga- Class £ Inboard Ho Is an Elk and a member of Red Rumson waa awarded a cash bonus Are Alto Taboo. low with all improvements on the Is Expected Later Bank lodge of Masons. Among his of $100 for finishing in third place, property. chief hobbles are boating and other while the fourth cash bonU3 of $50 Record Also Set Here river sports. Ho thinks there Is no Contract Given History is repeating itself in the He plans to make this his per- 3ther place aa good ae Red Bank and Big Colt's Neck was awarded to Miss Vera Dirhan of manent residence. A pool will be Ed vonKattongell is Red Bank's Red Bank. Tho ten finishing next use of Independent fire houne on Me- regards tho accident which befell chanic street for social and recre- built near tho home. The property new postmaster. Ho received his him in hia youth as a fortunate one, In order to the main winners each Out For Channel was held at $1,500 and wns sold by Melvin Crook's Betty V, a big, 700- commission yesterday morning as Barn Destroyed received $25. They were Mrs. O. S. ational purposes. At a regular meet- orsepower hydroplane which haa for otherwise he probably would not ing of the fire company a few nights Ray Stillman of Eatontown. acting postmaster to take effect Im- Je a resident of this town, Incldent- Gilsey and Miss Kathryn Reamer of tot lost a race since she was built mediately and it la expected that he By Fire Sunday Red Bank, Mrs. Mae Baerman of At- At The Highlands ago a motion was adopted without n. 1931, won her third straight leg will take active charge of his new illy, ho takes no stock in the super- lantic Highlands, Mrs. Alida Van- a dissenting vote to prohibit gamb- n the National Sweepstakes trophy duties Monday. The commission was stition that Friday and thirteen are Ness of Red Bank Miss Madeleine ling and card playing of every sort Norman Thomas lunday and on Monday skimmed from William J. Howes, acting post- unlucky but on the contrary regards Building on James A. Barry's Dennett of Highlands, Mrs. M. Lin- The Hill Dredging Co. of Vent- in the building. Alcoholic beverages ver the waters of tho North Shrews- them as a combination of a lucky day ton, John E. Chamberlain, Calvin are also taboo, except with the per- >ury tu a new American mile speed master general. Mr. vonKattengell'a and a lucky date. Place Wiped Out With Most nor to Start Next Month on confirmation aa postmaster for a Carhart and Mrs. Samuel Harvey of mission of the house committtee. The At The Sylvan record for single engine boats, aa regular appointment Is generally an- Mr. vonKattengell la chairman of of Its Contents as Result of Red Bank and Mrs. Muriel Baker of the Ten-Months- Improv- motion stipulates that drinks are Red Bank's annual speedboat carni- ticipated to take place when the ;ha Rod Bank district committee of Matawan. never to be served on the second floor val closed with a flurry. More than .ho Federal Housing Administration. Being Hit by Lightning Bolt. ing the Shrewsbury River. and may be /served on the Hist floor Forum Sunday Senate reconvenes next winter. Tho plan adopted by The Rcgistci 0,000 spectators saw numerous rec- • Mr. vonKattengell had tho highest largely through the efforts of this only at social functions after appli- ird-breaking performances and keen* committee about $750,000 has been for this campaign, in addition to The War department has author- cation has been made for this pur- ocialist Candidate for President rating among the aspirants for the Fire caused by lightning destroyed being a liberal one, waa also a iy contested races. position and hia appointment was loaned for now construction at Red a large barn and most of MB contents ized a project for deepening and pose and approved by the house com- Bank and vicinity sinco the housing unique one. Every person entering widening the Shrewsbury river f^oro nittce, Since this action was taken Will be the Chief Speaker at Betty V, her huge 12-cyllndcr en- recommended In a petition signed by program wont into effect. on Jameg A. Earry'a farm on the the campaign was permitted to re- gine running under eased throttle, 14 members of the Democratic exe- Montrose road near Colt's Neck Sun- Sandy Hook bay along trie westerly ho card table which was in the soo- Meeting at Holmdel August 30 tain a liberal commission on each side of the river up to a point 600 ial loom of the fire house has been : added a second-heat victory to her cutive c'ommlttee of Bed Bank. At day night. A garage and tool ohed ubscription and then at the end of —Community Singing. trst place on Saturday and than a meeting of tho committee two were also destroyed. The loss, feet southerly of the railroad bridge locked up in a closet. Domino games ;he campaign tho H finishing with at Highlands, a distance of about 2.2 arc now among the chief diversions coasted around the third 15-mile spin weekB ago be was endorsed. He suc- Lefferson Farm amounting to $4,000, is partly covered he highest number of credits wero at cruising speed, protecting a safe ceeds William A. Sweeney, who held miles . The contract has been award- at the fire house. Arrangements are Hearing compJe- by insurance. awarded the caah bonuses totaling ion for the Socialist party meeting lead on points, while Mrs. Maudo the position 13 years. The salary Mr. Barry was home alone at the ed to the Hill Dredging corporation The company operated under sim- 1,000 In addition to the commissions o£ Ventnor, New Jersey. Work is ex- ilar house rules a number of years o be held Sunday ni^ht at Theron Rutherfurd of Sands Point, Long Is- Is $3,400 per year, At Colt's Neck time the hltizo hrnkc out and he was alroady retained: The Register is tho rlcCampbell's Sylvan forum at Holm- land, set a new Sweepstakes lap rec- In talking with a Register reporter nwakoned by tho crackling of the pected to start some time in Septem- ngn when iU fire house was on White first newspaper conducting a sub- ber, and it is anticipated it will take street, where the Aspdin paint store [el, with Norman Thomas, Socialist ird of 0D.OS9 miles an hour. yesterday Mr. vonKattcngoli stated flames. He led two horses out of the cription campaign to give the con andidate for President, as the prin that he would endeavor to maintain Has New Owner blazing building. Two trucks were about ten months to complete the now located. After the company Averages 85.511 M. P. H. estanta the full amount of the job. moved to larger quarters on Me- ipal speaker. His address will be the same high standard of postofflce also in tho barn and these were run bonuses without deducting the com- ircceded by a community fiingin After waiting seven hours for A efficiency that has been true under 'roperty of 83 Acres Purchased out by neighbors, Mr. Barry being The project provides for a channel chanic street a different policy was tiff west wind to subside, Crook missions already paid. 300 feet wide and 12 feet deep at adopted. At the meeting at which iour to begin shortly after dark, un- Mr. Sweeney. He saM he would wel- unablo to operate them. Two cows Instead of employing outside er tho auspices of the Young •sent the powerful mahogany craft come suggestions and constructive by Lawrence Herring of New owned by Mrs. Barry were beyond mean low water. In order to cover it was decided to return to the ojd- over the mile straightaway at a professional solicitors to work the unavoidable inaccuracies of the time regulations a majority of those People's Socialist leagues of Mon- criticism from every source and York from Harry Burkard and reach of the fire, they having been outlying districts for new subscrip- outh and Essex counties. The forum speed of 85.511 miles an hour. Hia would look for opportunities to Im- turned out to pasture. dredging processes, excavation will be who expressed themselves on the old record of 82.759 was made at John Ulmer. tions, The Register hit upon the paid for to a depth of two feet below matter said they believed it would hoir loft has accommodations for 200 prove and extend the service. He Tho firemen of Atlantic township, happy medium of arranging a friend' jprsons. Before the appearance of Washington, D. C, last year. said that In conducting his duties he Marlboro and Freehold were sent for, the project depth. prove advantageous for a number of Ir. Thomas a short address will be With his cousin, Bill Griffin, rid- ly competition among local residents, The War department states that reasons. Alvin Hartner is chairman regarded tho publlo na his omployor The former Joseph Licfferson farm but from the outset it was realized paying everyone taking part. Tho nadc by Mi«s Clara Handelman o ing with him and with almost per* and would work as earnestly to make that the barn was doomed, aa the this work may affect certain bridges, of the house committee. The other Newark on "Youth in This Election," foct conditions prevailing, Crook, near Colt'a Neck has been bought by cash bonuses were extra inducements docks, bulkheads, pipelines, cables, members of the committee aro Albert good BB ho would If he wero on tho Lawrence Herring, a New York real blaze was under too much headway for the contestants to work a bit n which ehe will explain the objects kept the accelerator to the floor- payroll of a private employer. to be controlled. The building was and or similar property now located Doremue, Joseph Coddingtnn, Wil- f the Young People's Soclalis board on both the eastward and estate operator, who will improve it harder. " ir. the waterway, and notice is given liam McGrath and Frank Calan- Mr. vonKattcngell's automobilo for his own occupancy. The prop- 40x00 feet. Seven tons of hay, a league. westward stretches. On the east- business at the corner of Monmouth A very substantial number of new for the information of the owners driello. erty la on tho wost side of the Horn- largo quantity of fertilizer, a variety An attempt is beinR made to hav ward run his time was 42 seconds*, street and Maple avenue Is now in of farm Implements and six chickens subscribers, as well aa almost as of such property in order that proper The company will be represented an average of 85.71-t, but on the turn Iny Hllla road, adjoining, the farm of measures may be taken to protect, re- by a team in the hoee laying con- George Kelson, Socialist candklat charge of his son, Eld vonKatten- leorge S. P. Hunt. It ia near tho were destroyed. Tho flames were many renewals, wag added to tho r hfo was blinded by tho sun and hll already large net paid circulation list move or alter same so that they may tests to be held at Island Heights or vice president, present to mak gell, Jr. Tho latter is also engaged In Eatontown-Freehold highway. Mr visible a long ways off and hundreds an address. However, it is uncer- speed waa one-fifth second slower or the lire and casualty insurance bus- of spectators viewed the fire. of The Register. The Register has not be destroyed or damaged by the on Labor day. 80.308 miles an hour. "~ ' ' " Herring purchased the property from operations contemplated by the tain whether he will be able to attend iness, with an office In the corner Harry Burkard and John Ulmer. Tho for many years enjoyed the reputa- tion of having the largest net paid United States. All such removals and Mr. Nelson was formerly speaker Engine Failure Prevents Hecord. building. He represents the Fire- Bale was made by Ray H. Stlllman he house of representatives of Wie men's Fund Insuranco company of circulation of any country weekly alterations must be made without ex- Mrs. Eutherfuixl, a small, frail of Eatontown. Tho asking price wns Fine Dwelling pense to tho government and no Firemen's Fair consin. The chairman of the meet- San Francisco. $12,000. newspaper in the United Statcg, and ing will be Rudolph Becker of Plain- young woman with iron-sineWed The new postmaster became a resl- now more than ever can lay claim claims can be made against the forearms, ran second to Crook In the The property waa for a number of United States on account of such Best Ever Held field, treasurer of the Socialist part dont of Rod Bank largoly as the. re- yeara owned by Joseph Lefferson and For Shrewsbury to this envious distinction. first two heats but went out In the The Register waa indeed fortunate expense or on account of damage New Jersey. The public has-been third determined to "pour the coal" sult of an accident. Ho was born since that tlmo it has had various nvlted to attend. Friday, February 13, 1885. When In meeting with such a splendid re- caused to such structures or to other Gross Receipts of Middletown to Jay Dce'a 600-horsepower ongine, owners. It comprises 83 acres on ] Contract Awarded to William P. property through the construction of Sunday afternoon, September 6, a he was a boy he was injured by a which ia a ten-room house with mod-1 sponse to tho announcement of th'o Township Fire Company No. and either break the lap and heat Scott for House 96 Feet Long this channel. neeting will be held at the Sylvan records or force Crook's more power- runaway horse, Hla mother, the lato ern improvements. Tho residence was subscription plan. More than 50 forum to discuss the property tax Mrs. Emmy •vonKattengoll, rented a on Sycamore Avenue residents in the towns and communi- The War department has also au- 1 of Headden's Corner ful craft to do it. She got a good recently Improved. It Is occupied by for thorized a project for deepening and robletn In New Jersey. Invitation house at Hod Bank for the summer, ieroy Hunt. The usual outbuildings George R. Decker. ties in the Red Bank trading area Amounted to $3,000. ave been sent to Governor Harold start, leading Ma-Ja, driven by her thinking that a change would bene- entered the contest. The success of widening the south or east branch of husband, John M. L. Rutherfurd, In- are on the farm. the Shrewsbury river from a point r. Hoffman and Former Governo fit the health of her son. The re- The new owner will have altera- he campaign waa assured right from The annual fair of Middletown Mward Stokes to participate. A num- to the first turn and the two quickly sults exceeded her greatest expecta- Construction will be started im- the start when such a largo number j 600 feet southerly of the railroad pulled away from the loafing Betty tion made to the house, and the bridge at Highlands to the Branch- township lire company No. 1 of er of real estate dealers an build- tions and she became a permanent mediately by William P. Scott, con- of representative people of thia sec- j ng and loan association officials will V. grounds will bo beautified. Contracts tractor, on another large home on port avenue bridge at Long Branch, Headden's Corner closed Saturday resident of this section, buying a have already been awarded for some tion interested themselves in the night and topped all records for at- in attendance. Lap after lap around the two and large house for her residence on tho Sycamore avenue, Shrewsbury. Mr. contest. Competition was exceeding- a distance of about 6.75 miles. Funds one-half mile oval Mrs. Rutherfurd of this work. A swimming pool and Scott recently begun construction of are available and this part of the tendance and receipts in the history river bank at River Plaza. This tennis courts will be made. ly keen and unusually close until tho of the organization. The gross re- kept her throttle foot down to the property Is now owned by her son. a residence on Sycamore avenue, last moment, several of the leaders work is expected to start in October floorboards and she went into the east of Broad street, for Mrs. Juanlta and may take 11 months to complete. ceipts amounted to $3,000, which ia For 22 years Mr. vonKattengell has being separated by but a few sub- almost double the amount taken in Curchin Again final whirl with the lap record tucked been engaged In tho automobilo busi- Hope of Loch Arbour. Ho now has a scriptions when the final audit had This channel will be 150 feet wide away and the heat record within her contract to build a fine residence on and nine feet deep at mean low at any other fair held by the com- ness at Red Bank. Ho Is one of the No WPA Funds For been completed. pany. At least 1,000 persons were Named Assessor grasp. But no sooner had she pioneer automobile dealers of this tho corner of Sycamore avenue and water,'"and during the excavation straightened out Jay Deo for the A complete audit of the campaign processes it Is quite likely work will on (he fair grounds Saturday night. section, being antedated only by Hopo road for George R. Decker, ecorda was made by three well- dash down the back stretch than her River Bulkhead "who lives on Sycamore avenue. Mr. be paid for to a depth of two feet Through the generosity of Peter Appointment Made Monday Qeorge Hancc Patterson, who retired known buBiness men of Red Bank, McClees, who donated the use of engine, over-heated after a water 1 below the project depth. from business a number of years ago. Decker ia connected with,the New- who wero not only efficient but NiRht by Fair Haven Mayor connection had broken, failed. ark ofllce of the New Jersey Tele- Any further Information regarding plot of land south of the fire house In the early days of automoblllng Petition for Improvement at Sea rapid in handling the final details, for public parking during the fair, and Council After Attorney Jay Dee's breakdown lifted Ma-Ja Mr. vonKattengell won considerable Bright Rejected Because Pro- phone company. They wero Albert W. Worden, Wal- the above projects can be secured through S. R. Hanmcr, flrat lieuten- the firemen were able to accommo- Declares Office Vacant. into first place and Mr. Rutherfurd fame as a speed driver, taking part The Decker home will bo colonial ton Cullington and Henry F. Hylin, finished a whole lap ahead of Betty posed Work is on Private in design, 00 feet long and 16 feet ant, corps of engineers, executive as- date more patrons and at tho same In races at Elkwood Park and other to whom The Register is grateful time keep the main highway cleir. V. Crook never opened up until he placcB. For several years ho had the Land—Tag Days for Firemen wide, with a 14-foot extension on the for their kindness. sistant, room 615, Army building, 39 The Fair Haven mayor and coun Whitehall street, New York. The three big prizes of the fair— hit the straightaway for the finish agency for distribution and exporta- rear. On the ilrst Moor will bo :ii appointed George Curchin asses line. So Crook took tho bron2e living room, dining room, kitchen, The Register wishes to thank all $50, a six-piece wicker set and a 100- tion of Harry Slutz cars In a terri- A.petition signed by 17 residents 1 those taking part in tho campaign _ -^-» m > pound pig, were disposed of on th ior fnr the second time at Monda statuette again with a total of 1,100 tory embracing six states and extend- of the Normandie Beach section of open porch, maid's room and lava- co-operative plan Saturday night. light's meeting. This action wa: points and Mr. Rutherfurd was sec- tory. Tho dining room will be dls- for their energy and loyalty whilo ing from Baltlmoro lo Maine. Show- Sea Bright, asking that WPA funds the campaign waa in progress and Charles Raynor, manager of the At- nken following receipt, of a lettel ond with 850. Mrs. Rutherfurd had rooms wcro maintained at Red Bank, bo Bpent to reconstruct the rivor- tlnctively colonial throughout, with Enright Property Iantlo & Pacific store on West Front rom John S. Applegate, borough at 600 for third. Her lap record In the knotty pine boards and a fireplace. t also extends congratulations to the Newark, Brooklyn and Now York. front bulkheads in that locality, waa 14 cash bonus winners. The Regis- street, won the money, and Charles ornoy, to the effect that the offlc Sweepstakes was one of flvo speed Mr. vonKattengell has been a con- rejocttd by tho WPA officials at The living, room will also have a Zelnskl of Headdcn's Corner was >f nsscssor has been declared va marks established Sunday. fireplace. Tho second floor will con- ter also extends In behalf of tho At Rumson Sold sistent Register reader and he states Asbury Park because tho streets workers thanks to those who aup- awarded the wicker sot. The \yin- nnt because the New Jersey Su that he regards tho money which ho leading to the river aro privately sist of three bedrooms and two bath- j ner of the pig disappeared in the ireme Court has ruled as unconst Sots Clnss E Record. rooms. A two-car garage will bo ported the contestants In their eight haa spent for business notices in this owned!' Investigators for the WPA weeks' endeavor. Raymond Baker of Jersey City j! crowd so quickly after receiving hi? utiomil the law extending the term Tho Hi-Ho If, the new speedy paper as among tho best investments informed tho olllcials that Federal attached to the house. The hou Has Bought the James Enright prize that the fair committee was it assessors from three to five year Clasn K inboard runabout of George will bo completed in December, and A complete tabulation of the cash ho has over made. "I eagerly await funds could not be expended on pri- bonus winners and tho final scores Home on Bingham Avenue— unable to get his name. Mr. Curchin was first appointed ove B. Ward, Jr., of Wilmington, Dela- every Thursday ufternoon for yout vate property. A report on the mat- will be occupied by Mr, and Mrs. a year ago following tho death ware, which has broken records BO Decker. are Mrs. Leo Hennessey 3,682,000, To Make Alterations. David Simpson was gcnrnii chair- paper," ho said. In talking with The ter was mado at last week's mooting Mrs. Harry Wiltshire 3,302,000, Mis:, man nf the fair. Hi:i a^iiitnnta wore iu- father, William Curchin, fir., wh fast thifj summer !ht> nflielnls have Register reporter, "and I know that of tho Soa Bright commissioners. Jean StcvenB, 2,918,000, Miss Vcra , Arthur Soden, Rudolph Rlskmnm icld the otllcc of assessor man had trouble keeping track of them, JIUMSON RESIDENT UKAD. ,-enrs. other folks in this section do the The council voted a donation of Dirhan 2,183,000, Mra. O, S. Gilsey The estate of Mary A. Enright. of i WaltPr pattorson, Charts Wiac and captured the world's mile speed rec- name. That's why It pays to ad- $100 to tho Sea Bright first aid squad 2,071,000, Miss Kathryn Reamer which Mrs. Arthur C. Swift of Red j Reginald Gibbons. Councilman Arthur B. Sickle ord for this ekis.'i boat Monday. in 'ilic Register, it has cir- Frank ,T. Naughton Passes Away Bank is executrix, has sold to Ray- .'hninnan of tho fire committee, n Ward, who W;IH accompanied by with which to purchase nn oxygen Suddenly of a Heart Attack. 1,071,000, Mrs. Mae Baerman 1,656,- culation and it has reader interest.' tank. Permission wns granted to 000, Mra. Alida VanNcsa 1,585,000, mond Baker of Jersey City tho prop- Htrted that the new American-Ijn Hiirvcy Smith, also of Wilmington, he added. the fire department lo hold tag days Frank J. Naughton, a life-long res- Mlsa Madclclno Dennett 1,500,000, erty known as the James Enright Marlboro Firemen's France pumper should arrive abou nvorascd M.iiSl mlks nn hour ovor For 2214 years Mr. vonKattcngoli September fi, G nnd 7. ident of Rnmson, died suddenly early home on Binghnm avenue, Rumson. -September 1. tin' mil,' coiii--;c. His tlmo on the Mrs. M. Linton 1,207,000, John E. The Ray Vanllorn ngency of Fair was agent for tho Issuance of li- E. W. Fary, borough clerk, report- Tuesday night at his homo on East Chamberlain 1,077,000, Calvin Cur- Supper, Carnival An Invitation was extended to II downsti'i-lch was 5:t.7ill nnd return- Haven was tho broker, r censes for motor vohlclea for Rod ed receipts of $299.82. Tho road River road of n heart attack. He had hart 1,028,000, Mrs. Samuel Harvey Kirough ollli.'lalM to attend tho 2.»0t ill!.; wan ;,:i fi','7. His old otllclal rec- The property, which Is well land- 1 Hank nnd vicinity. During all that committee was authorized to make been In poor health for some tlmo. 06(1,000 and Mrs. Muriel Baker 77()'- Th, annual supper and carnival of mniversnry celebration at Mataw;! ord \v:i;! fiL'.Tnii, which ho made at period not a complaint was mado repairs to tho sldo streets. Mr. Nnughton was 51 yenrs old 000. scaped, extends through from Illn^'- the Marlboro lire company will bo September 11, 12 and l'i. North Kast, Maryland in July. Re- against liCs management of tho of- ham avenue to Washington street. Councilman lCdwnrd A. Brown, J In was bornnt rtumson nnd wns the Tho campaign was managed by J. held Thursday nhtbt, September : Hills amounting to $1,3W).19 ai ctnlly he nwrnged 53.081) nt Havro da fice. mm of the .Into William and Ann On'it are an eight-room tiouso ntul nt the fire house. The ladies' nuxl (•'nice, Mm via ml. .Sunday he sot 4 president of tho council, provided In Lackey, a professional campaign gnrnge. Mr, Baker, who Is connected sidewalk and curb notc.-i anuuintin Mr. vonKnttcnicoll took n vory ac- tho absence of Mayor Wllllnm R. Swift Nnughton. Ho. is survived by l.iry will serve a hoi chicken mi] i JnOO.29 wcro paid. inpetitn'n record for n llVO-milo tive part In tho bank ro-oponlng cam- a daughter, Miss Mary Naughton, organizer, well known throughout tho with tho Ijiickawanna railroad, will Fowler, Sr. state by publishers, who ndded to hia use the property for his summer per, with the first table nt W.'i 'M of ;>o.:\ril miles an hour. paign )n tho aprlng of 1933. The and two song, William and John o'clock. The supper has always beer Naughton, all of Rumson; n sister, laurels by tho work done hero for home. Ho will maltc exten.'dvo alter- For Bnlo. team of which ho WHM captnln won in outstanding feature of the car Soda water, all Ihivors. CUcijuot Attempts nl Outboard Records I'nll. first place for turning in tho moot TOMCEMEN'B ANNUAL RM.L. Mliis Mary E. Niuighton, who lived Tho Regiatcr, ations to the residence. Tho broker reports that negotia- nival. Club, beverages, IClchlor's beer and With Win iniiourd craft out of the subscriptions. with him, and four brothers, County other brands; nlso distilled water and «iy Monday tho oiitboarda took over Treasurer John H. Nnughton nnd tions for this sale wore particularly There will be the nt'iliil booths an! Mr. vonKnttrngoll hou been very uc Event to IKI Held Haturday l>y Mlcl- A Coming Card 1'nrty. attractions at the carnival. In ehurgi VVhlto Hook. Benjamin II. Crnto. 1-1 ho com.-H! and ran a sorloji of trlali dli-toim OrgnnlHitlnn. Thmn.-i;! Nnughton, l>oth of Rumson, A card party for the benefit of tho Interesting due to the fact that heirs North Bridge aveiinn. Ked Hank tlvo on n Democratic party worker. to tho Enright estate wore living nt of Hie niTiiliKi-iiieiit.-i an- Kloyi mlil durknesti put a halt to their Ho la ft member of tho Hod Itanli and William and Martin Naughton Young Mcn'a Democratic club of Mld- phono US5.—Advertisement. Arrangements aro about complet- of New York. fnr distant points, it being necessary Wyckoff, 1.ester Horror and Rol'ii ful lie effoiU to lower existing rcc- Democratic club and ho wan formerly ed for the annual bull of the Police- dlctown township will be held Thurs- Preston. Mr;i. (Icoige Strickland 1 for one mile. Kor tho mo»t Tho funeral will be held tomorrow day evening, Soptembcr 3, In tho to obtain signature!! In one CJISO of l'etley'n For Typewriters. president of that organisation. Mr man'* Bonovnlcnt niiiinoliitlim of Mlci- two person.4 living In Puerto Klco. In charge of the supper. Guaranteed' machines at bargajn putt Iho oulbonrds wero running vonKattongell wait especially oner dlctown township, wlilcli lo to bo morning nt 1) o'clock nt bin Into ho clubhouao near Campbell's Junction. prices. Export repairing. Tetley'H. from two lo throo mlloti an hour be- gotlc In working for Democrat auc- held Haturday night nt Ixmlii'n reu- mid at 10 o'clock nt tho Holy Crosa There will bo prizes for tho winners Farm l.lHMnga Wanted. Ilrond street, ftoii lianlt.—Advci llsc- hind Iho ti'roid.'i, i\ clicum-iinnce that cenn during tho gubernatorial cam tnurant on Uouto 35, near Mlddlc- church, whore tho rector, Rev. John of tho games, a door prize and re- Clard of ThanliH. IIuvo demand for properties of mont. K. Murray, will celebrate a jfolemn My thanks goon to ouch nnd every- did not scorn to Jlbo ut all with their pnlgn of the Inlo Woodrow Wllnon lown village. The profits will bo iip- freahmenta. to 20 ncrca with or without building! •rd and ni'uc rccni'il pi'i-formancea high iiinns of romilciii. liurlnl, In one who co-operated with me in mnk- ulso larger farms. Send full particu- I'liol oil and In Mr, Wlliun'n two pri'slden'lnl pllod to tho wefuro fund of the miiiii- .; It possible for mn to receive tho to suit your burnei. best graded nnd In competition Haluidny and Sunday. ouniiialgiiH. I lo became eloflely at clatlon. charge of (ho Worden funornl home highest, award In the recent Rod lars to Allairo & fion Agency, Inc. will liii In Mount Olivet cemetery, llwl Hank Hunlnoi* IiiHtUuto. 19 Monmouth street Rod Bunk.—Ad (irlceii. t/iipjccellrd nervlnn. Kml IJ. Clinton Feigiiion of Witban, Mtnn< minlntod with Mr. Wll»on nnd place Itnrry Hknlr'n nrehnntrn will pro- Day claKHcn open Heptumlifir 1R, Hank Reglider iiuhurriptlon content. Wlkoff Co., Rod Hank, phono 652.— Mm, f,ro I'\ llennoHMcy. vcitlnomont. iiUHi'ibt, for iiiHtiinco, who broke. liln car nnd hlii BOIVICM nt tho <])•- vide tnunln for dancingng, and thorr nlKht fichool Hnptcmher 2$, Hoglntni- Advertisement. both Iho anmlciii Cln»» II and O Aid to I'onltrymen. tionn. Floronco O'Hhen, 12H Urniul Advertiiioinont. iwmal of Mr. Wllxon when tho lnllcr wilill ho nntortnlnmont t by guoiit nr- Money to competition niniltH Humtny, ooUldnot lldtn. A door nrfzo will he awarded. I whili to announce to tho poultry Btrftct, phono Itetl Hank 083. —Adver- .*» • <*^._ ... - on Unit mortgage on Improved prop For voill- leal dollolim.i «"ft club wont on hi" speaking tonra during (niiln Unil we enn help them meet tisement. Our Sincere TlmnliH (o You, •iiindwli-li -') i-cnl.'i. and «) cent din- get win,in iwo mili.1 mi hour of the l'« riimiuilKn for governor, llernrdar I^Jllla II. MepHo l« rhnlrnmn ortlc'i in good condition. Prompt ae f... , 111" conilllloim of low egg prlecii and Mr. and Mm. I'ulillc, for the nplcn- tlon. Alliilni Hi Sou Agency, Inc., 1 lioni, nbin » In ciillc; diincillg Hnllir- Chum (; mink null wnu nn equal ()(*» In tho Mold of ipnrt Mr. vimKiitten ot mo genernl tnlr committee mid IIIH high reed rniitn with our new !".„ Mortgngrfi. illd way In which you contributed lo Monmouth street. Red Hunk,—Ai dny night,' I!" I" Htulder'n Tavern, (unco behind ihcCluiM II Htnndard. nanlHtnntii nro Wllllnm Fix, J. Olio Kt'oiininnniiiy MatihMutih, which nelloo ffor I can plnca any nuirtgaKO Unit \a tho outidunding imcce;i!i of our fair. Red IHllll. AilvcilbienirilL Kfll won hla Rrrntcnt fnmo a« i verthieniont, Ditvlo 1'itllit In Ihr.'o Attempt*. mailminnn. Whim hn wnn 13 yenrn o Johnson. Jerry Unnerclll nml jCnrl N. f.'.M per 101) pounds nnd $47 per ton. Rood. Havo plenty of mortgago llnzlot Firo Company No. 1.. lloyer. Kied 1). WlluilT On., l''rod 1). Wllioff money on hand today. II. V. It. If, — Advertisement. l'itivootl (jntniftn on tiw .!(»)>, Htwlc I'I»IIIT», Haft Cr«l> l'lntturH Mont of ihi) Internal In thj uaU nRn ho won the junior chnmplonnhlp pmildnnt. Red Hank, phono B52. - Ad Stout, 2 Linden placo, phono lied Painter nnd paper hunger; tin nt Atlantic hotel, Fair lluvim, cm nf America In a match at Internlato Other committees mo m fnllnwn: lioitnl trliilB cimtcircd around th» «f- llt Hank 2H1.—AdvertlHcment. Suvo SOfl. rlasu. 'W ('Hilton place, plmno 10M Wcilnemlayn and Ilnturdayn.—Advnr- foils of Hud IMvIe of T«*«do Pw*, FmIt. I.OUK Inlnnd. with live pigeon* •IM.M. ll.r.r Krii«B.r, " Adverllfiement. on your automobile tiiiminneo; tiound New York, to hrtink th< intdfltfttlMMM »» faiKCfji. {-(hooting at 21 ynn\» h Dftrtr M»lvln l^ek, I^KIKI O. Wnllinjr Hlup nt thn Cmnnronilfl'nt Knton 10a n Day Urn* company, prompt BOI vice. Commer- Ati-hlbaM N•«• 3) Twrt RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27, 1936. Betty V Wins Sweepstakes and Sets New Mark In Speed Trial Melvin Crook Pilots Scenes and Winners At National Sweepstakes Regatta Holiday Spirit Prevails Hydroplane To Victory At Red Bank Regatta

New Class E Inboard Record Also Set in Speed Trial- Beautiful Yachts Line Race Course During Three Days Betty V Travels at Rate of 85.111 Miles Per of Racing—Public Dock Crowded With Spec- Hour—Boats Collide During Race. tators—Other Sweepstakes Sidelights.

(Continued from Page 1.) ipeed to an all-time high for tills Th* regatta, spirit prevailed B the CoMt Guard champion. Ho made three tries, get- >opular class. iroughout the entire borough, Flags, «( ™'v Patrol eet The boat, came from the Sar>- ting faster each time, but after hla Tho six boats remaining In the 225 banners, streamers and pennants ere displayed over stores and prl- ly Hook and Spermaceti Cove «ta- last run the moon had come up, ublc Inch class, after accidents had 1°- T,h».Coast Guards1 new co-foot lights wero blinking ashore, and It •educed the field; rapped through att> houses. The yacht clubs were no or lifeboat Invincible, which wis wo exciting heats In which Snail .ttractlvely decorated. The public itatloned down the river on Satur- was much too dark to go hurtling lock at the foot of Wharf avenuo, down the river at better than a mile X owned by George Cannon of New y C r U d UT o8lt here headquarters of tha committee «\ 'h » r8 J" Lund& °Pr » "» commit- a minute. ochelle and driven by Hugh Gin- ;raB of Rockledge, Florida, outspeed- lad been established, was a kaleldo- l.r sfm ?? ^ y ""I Comman- Hlo last up and down runs were icope of color and a beehive of actlv- er Simon R. Sands, after bolng pub- accomplished in an even 52 seconds d LaCucaracha, which had estab- cly introduced over the public a£ Ishcd a world record In winning the lre»s Bystem, boarded the barge. each way, giving him nn average rst heat on Saturday. speed of 80.231 miles an hour, a fig- Beautiful juclitn of racing enthual- The prizes, which were on dlspliy ure within av mile of the American The professional Class B racing as of high order Sunday. Freddy its were moored along the course on 'revious to tho regatta In the Xw record act by his teammate, Fred 30th Bides of the river. Among the windows of Reusflllle'a and Wilbur's Jacoby, Jr., at Worcester, Massa- acoby, Jr., of North Bergen, de- 0 wero nding Townsend high point medal :raft were boats of deep draught 7 "V' "" 'orrnally award! chusetts, two weeks ago, but far hich could not have come within a wlnnera ^ the com- hamplon, had to go all out to win 0 1 8 short of tho Frenchman's marl'. In straight heats from Phil Gore of mllB of the course before the dredg- ^^I " " , °n the pubnQ Davle'a cngino Is a specially built ownsend, Maryland, and Les Buck- ing of the channel was completed. The ceremonies wore bro«d- machine, a four cylinder, two-cyclo lan of Baldwin, Long Island. This " the public addre8s syB™ m. motor of 1,000 cubic centimeters pia- ictory was Jacoby's third in the re- Every boating organltatlon In this the first time that tho I ton displacement and developing be- atta, following triumphs in both the lection assisted In tho conduct of the tween 90 and 100-horsepower at a lass A and'C races In straight heats egatta and Its assoclatlate features, revolutions per minute range of from m Saturday. f. P. Hitchcock, commodore of the Fair Haven Yacht club, was chair- 6,000 to 6,800. The family outboard race attracted The police department, as In tha Spills and Cracks-Ups Mark Bcgatta. man of the committee In charge of >ast handled tho traffic In an efTM- large field of two passenger runa- the ball Saturday n|ght at the Molly ilent manner. Members of the de- Two contestants went to tho hos- outs. The winner was decided on to- pital and threo boats to the bottom Pitcher hotel. Mayor Augustus M. mrtment, under Chief Harry « sl elapsed time after Adrian Hab- Mlnton, president of the Monmouth y t0 n> ut ln oxtra Umo of the river Saturday as the result en of Paterson and Georgs H. Fink Boat club, was chairman of the re- , , £ ' and flvs of a crack-up ln tho 225 cublo inch Queens Village, Long Island, ception committee. Thomas Irving special officers augmented the force piston displacement hydroplane class, livlded first and second places In the Most of the men wero stationed Brown, president of the North Jong Front street and at other con- the final event on the day's card. A wo heats. Fink's tlmo was a shade Shrewsbury Ice Boat and Yacht club, spill on Sunday sent two men to r tested polnta near the river, and Lster than Habben's. as chairman of the publicity com- :rafllo was kept moving In an almost Rivervlcw hospital. Despite a tardy start, Crook took mittee and a member of several oth- nn-lntorrupted flow. The officers That tho casualty list was not. he lead in the first heat of the er committees. ere all courteous and tactful, and larger Saturday and the injured not iwecpstakes Saturday and stayed In many visitors to Red Bank returned more seriously hurt waa a miracle. ront throughout the six-lap Journey. Anything that floated was pressed to their hornet with pleaBant ree- Threo boats, pounding down the ie averaged 63.114 miles an hour, a Into service by persons who desired sllections of their visit to the North straightaway at a mllo a minute, ew heat record for the Sweepstakes to obtain a vantage point along the Shrewsbury river. Incidentally, no camo together a quarter of a mile nd ran one lap, the last, at 64.063 ourse. Tho fleet of yachts and plea- ickots were laBued for traffic vlols.- from tho start with a craah that s an hour, Just a shade slower mre boats was augmented by row- JonB, the men having been Instruct- sent drivers, mechanics and wreck- ;han tho lap mark he established* soats of varying type, canoes, dug- ed not to be too observant during age flying skyward through the lead- :wo summers ago. juts or what have you. Many por- the regatta. er's spray. The amateur racers, which attract- ona took advantage of the fine Miss Wcstchester III, driven by d unusually large and fast fields, eather to enjoy Bwlmmlng between Oeorge Rels, who drove El Lagarto the 65-year-old Larchmont, New provided two spectacular spills and races. Others took unexpected swims > two Sweepstakes victories, was York, veteran, E. W. (Pop) Ham- ome fine driving on Saturday. Clint when they fell from boats along the honorary starter of the first heat of mond, with young Billy Horenburger erguson won the Class A race with the Speopotakes race. Mayor Charles of. Mlddletown, Connecticut, riding as first place and a second after Gar R. EngllBh started the second heat his partner, and Miss Quebec, iVood, Jr., who appeared to have the The committee barge, moored at nd Pierre A. Proal started tho third. manned by jack Mclnnes and Bry- 'astont outfit, broke down while lcad- ho start and finish line, was occupied Bill Horn, 1932 Gold Cup champion, son Shields of Quebec, steered out ng the fleet in the first heat. by Judges, oRlclals, working incus, took over the flags for the 225 race' of their courses in the brisk wind, members of the press who didn't Saturday. The Class C race was marked by work, politicians, would-be politicians chop and heavy wash of the racerB .he comeback of the old Trojan, E, and collided. The Canadian boat and members of the fair sex, some- Ira Hand, secretary of the Ameri- A. (Pat) Patterson. The gray-haired thing that was not permitted during flew her full length Into the air and 'eteran from Troy drove a great :an Power Boat association, wa» came down directly In the path of the first years of the Sweepstakes re- among the well-known officials here, 'ace and received a big hand as he gatta. Badges of-all colors were In Tip Toe, owned by John Charles lammered over the finish line. Bud George C. Warron, head of the Fish Thomas, opera baritone, and driven evldenco and thero weu many per- ,nd Game commission, was Gover- avie spilled while In third place In sons who had no badges. "One-Eyed" by Walter Buskco of Dover, her he first heat and Johnny Gaul, one nor Hoffman's personal ropresenta- builder. Connolly would not have even tried tivo at the regatta. Dartmouth Intercollegiate cham- to "craah" this barge—It was so easy, Buskee, Mrs. Bailey Hurled Out. ilons, did the same thing when he Tip Toe piled into Miss Quebec •as running In first place in the sec- A number of small boats that per- and Misa Westchester amid a shower md heat. Jimmy Mullln of Prince- The ferry service between the sisted in encroaching upon the of flying planks, throwing Buskee ton and Richmond, Virginia, led Pat barge and Irwln's dock was excep- course Sunday afternoon kept the and his riding companion, Mrs. Leon- In the first heat, had engine trouble tionally good this year. A boat Coast Guard patrol*busy. Late In ard Bailey of Philadelphia, Into the n the Becond and then got going owned by the Irwln boat works, with the day when a crulaor headed down •water as she rodo over the other again but cut a buoy and wag dis- Philip-J. Longler as the aklpper, op- the river rolling seas across tho path two craft. Boats just astern of the qualified. iratod between tho two points all day of racing oraft, the Coaat Guard lost Saturday and Sunday. Copy which three-cornered crack-up swerved The race for the tiny midget out- patience, promptly corraled the of- sharply from their courses, narrowly the newsmen on the bargo turned fender and tied him up after deliv- fits attracted seven starters, but the out was taken ashore by Western Un- missing the wrecks and their crews Tyson sisters of Chestnut Hill, ering a lecture In motorboat courtesy. and went on with tho raco. ion and PoBtal Telegraph boys and 'ennsylvania, once more dominated sent over tho wires immediately from Patrol boats wero on the scene ln he field, Miss Mollio Tyson won the headquarters on the publlo dock. The The sailboat racoB which wero to a twinkling. The Canadians, the lrst heat, with Miss Irene Deflbaugh, New YoVk Times chartered a boat have been held Sunday morning will elderly Hammond and his youthful L 13-ycar-old Woodslde, Delaware, for its own\use. Instead bo held Saturday afternoon, mechanic were fished out unhurt, al- chool girl, second and Miss Ellse Btartlng at 2 p. m. though somewhat dazed. Buskeo and 'yson third. Mrs. Bailey, bleeding from cuts 'on It Is hard to estimate how many persons actually did eee the races Genial Congressman William H. the face and head, were taken ashore Eutphln was an interested spectator to the Fair Haven ambulance and The publlo dock was crowded to ca- pacity with thousands who stood for on Saturday. The congressman wit- thence to Rivorvlew hospital. Mra. nessed tho races from the barge, Bailey was treated for shock and a hours to catch a glimpse of the boats severe gash in her forehead. Buskee as they dashed around the course. making tho trip to and from the dock was discharged after a fractured lit- SWEEPSTAKES SUMMARIES Thousands lined the banks on both ln a patrol boat. He wno greeted all tle finger on his left hand was reset sldos of the river. Every boat along the line by boatmen and and ho had received treatment for moored along the course Beemed to friends. Congressman Sutphln ex- SATURDAY. '. W. Melvin Crook. Upper Montclalr, N. have a capacity crowd aboard. The udes good nature and evon those who concussions and cuts on the chest .; Jay Dee, Mrs. Miludu Kutherfurd, Port and left shoulder. Claaa A Amateur. float at the end of Irwln's dook was don't subscribe to his political phil- First heat, five miles—Won by Clinton Washington, L. I., aeroml; Mil J.i II, Jack so crowded that at times it was bo- ft. Ferguson, Waban, Mass.; Thomaa Ty- Rutherfurd. Port W:t>hinf:ton, L. I,, third; osophy have a high regard for hla What was left of Tip Toe was son, Chestnut HIM, second; Jock Von De- Misa PaBsaic. Satnucl Grnham. Clifton. N. low water and, as a consequence, personality. salvaged. Her entire port aide was man. Red Bank, N. J., third; Arthur Wul- I., fourth. Winner's time. H:15 1-5. Av- many persons received wet feet torn away and what looked like a lischleirer, I,arrhmont. N. Y., fourth; Frank rage speed. IleHy V, ti:i,lil ni. p, h.; Jay- J. Desmond. Sehuylerville. N. Y., fifth; Dee 62.5 m. p. h.: Mn-Jn II. 58.061 m. p. Lyle McGrath of Fair Haven won pleco of Hammond's boat was Douglai C. Fonda, Oraniie, N. J., sixth; h.: Mtsa Pnssnic, 4G.7r.;t m. p. h. Faalcat The spectators gathered at the foot tho sneakbox disposed of by the re- rammed under her fin. Early Satur- James \V. Wright, Ardmore, Pa., seventh; laps. Dotty V, iil.Of',3; Jay-Dee, 62.8; Mi- ll II, 60.402. of Washington street Saturday after- gatta committee on the co-operative day night Coast Guardsmen raised Vincent J. Fisher, Pecksklll, N. Y., eighth; noon were highly entertained be plan. The drawing took place Thurs- Miss Westchester, which was In Dan Wesson, Long Meadow, Mass., ninth; Class E Inhoard Runabouts. David Ulrlch, New Haven, Conn., tenth. First heat, live mili-s — Won by Hi-Ho II, tween races by tho antics of a smal day night at 8 o'clock on the stage fairly good condition considering Time. 1:03 1-5. Speed (2.533 ra. p. h. George B. Ward, Jr., Wilmington, Del.; fox terrier and a mother duck and of the Carlton theater. Albert S. what had happened to her. Miss Second hent—Won by Van Deman; Fer- Myne, E. T. Fox, Locu«t Viillcy. L. I. eec- her brood of five ducklings. The Miller bought the boat from the win- Quebec, was reduced to splinters. Al guson, Becond: Wright, third; .Tyson, md. Time. G:1K 3-:.. riiictMl, 17.0 13 m. p. h. fourth; Wullschlpger, fifth; Desmond, sixth. ducks, entirely oblivious of the ex- ner. that romained of her worth salvag Time. 8;03 1-5. Speed, 37.252 m. p. h. 225-Cubic-lnch Hydroplanes. citement on the river, swam out to a ing was her new motor and part of Final standing—Ferguson, 700 pointa ; First heat, the mile- — Won by La Cu- raft, where they huddled on one end aracha, Arno Alicl. Atlantic City: Snail The Ma-Ja II, picked by tho racing her hul. Vnn O.m.n, 625; Tyson, 169; Wrl8ht, 20G; and took a nap, watched over by Wullchiener, 2U6. I. Hugh C,inBni», IlnrkledKn, Fin., second; "expert" of Tho Reglstor to -win laet Daytona II, i-rank K;iM', Kiinhuist, L. I., C. Mulford Scull of Vcntnor, a vet Clasi A Professional. their mother. Upon awakening they year, when the boat was Big Duster, third; Apex II, Jimmy F..-kmini. Atlnntic took to the water again and enjoyed a did better this year, finishing second eran outboard driver, tried his hand First heat, five milej—Won by Fred City, fourth ; Ilahy Toot, li, Wnrrea Stcin- at tuning up J. T. Mllliken's 225 J»coby, Jr., North licraen. N. J.; C. Mul- bach, Milburn. K. J., lifth : '/.ippy Too, swim, giving an exhibition of line ln point standing. Jack Rutherfurd, cubic Inch hydroplane Apex II early ford Scull, Ventnor, N. J., second; Fred John H. Shade, Jr., 1'hiladi'lphia, sixth; swimming and drill formations which owner of the craft, feeling that the (i. Chaje, Northampton, Mass.. third; J. ZaUo. Dr. K. K. Wnll!, I llrirh< vill^, Ohio, fully equalled endeavors of human name Big Duster was an unlucky in the afternoon and capsized In the Lcjllc Barton. Newark, N. J.. fourth; Wll- nth, Time, ri.ll. S]itfd. .",T.8VV m. p middle of tho river. Scull and hia iiam Quicksell, Pottstown, Pa,, fifth; Carl h. (new world rei-ordl. swimmers under the same clrcum- one, changed It to Ma-Ja. The "Ma" companion, Jack Ne-sson of Patcrson I'annaci, Sea Bright, N. J., sixth; Ilobcrt Btancei. In the meantime the small part of the name Is taken from tho C. Filing, Worcester, Muss., seventh; Leo KUNIlAY. were picked up by a rescue boat C. Pelmiuln, Brockton. Mis.., tlghlh. Time, dog had become thirsty and went to first two letters of Mrs. Ituthorfurd'B taken ashore and then to the hos 8:03, Speed. 87.262 m. p. h. Class 11. Amateur. the edge of the water for a drink. given name, which la Maude, and the First hent, live mibs — W"i: by Paul 11 pltal. Second heat—Won by Jacoby; Barton. 1 Finding; the water not to hla liking, "Ja" portion Is likewise formed from ..-coiul; Chase, third; Punnaci, fourth. Time, Sawyer, Jr.. l'ocno I,;, ,.,.. !•„.; Arthur the first two letters of the owner'! Ferguson Clips Two Mnrkn. 8;14. Speed, 3fi.4;W m. p. h. Wullaehlcger.'climoiil. N'. Y ,»cra«l- he skirted tho shore line, trying th Uor Worn!, Jr., AlKuiuir, .Mh-li., Ihird; Vin- wator at every few feet to see If the name, Jack. After re-namlng the Clinton K. Ferguson, the youn| Final standing—Jacohy, 800; Ilarton, cent J. Fisher. I'eehsl.tll, N. Y fourth- 4611; Chase, 430; Scull, 300; I'annaci, 2G1. taste had changed. Eventually he boat, tho RuthorfurdB discovered that Taylor academy stroke oar wh ll"hert Itowlnnd. Smith Nnrf.,11. V». lifth - 'nrnja" Is a Spanish word for snike. turned from sallbont racing to motor Class C Amateur. Bedford Dnvie. Tiucilo Park, N. Y., M.Ulii came too close to the mothor duck boats five years ago, shattered tw First hent, live milm—Won liy James W. Jack Scnrbri.unfi. H;u-..vii'!i 1'itrl. Must., with her babies, and after a great Mullen, 3d Itlchmiind, Vn.; K. II. Patter- eventh; DOUKIUS C. 1'niuUi, OUUHM', N. J., squabbling of scolding quacks direct- world's records 111 Sunday's spectac son, Jr.. Troy, N, Y., second ; Paul P. Saw- iKhth; Lew 1 iniu-u, Nrw V<.ik ,ity, ninth'; One of the proudest young men ln ular outboard racing, lie won th yer. Jr., 1'ocono Lake, Pa., third; Alex linton K. Kernu^Hi, WHIKUI. Mns^., tfiitii ; ed at the terrier, she marshalled her Red Bank today Is Carmlno In- second heat of the amateur Clas Imcr, Ilrookville, Pa., fourth; John H. CeorKe Lewi^, New York city, elpvi'iith. family ln "quack" formation and grasslo of Woit Sunset avenue, who Oaul. Yonkera, N. Y., fifth; John II. Time, r,::'j I..,. Sin.f,!, u; 17ti *m, r. h. withdrew them from the scene. was taken for a spin in the Betty V B event at a speed of 47.096 mile Thacher, Bay Head, N. J.. sixth: Clinton Second hent - Won by Fercuwon: Snw- an hour and wiped out the mark os- It. Ferguson, Wnbiui, Mass., itventh. Time, r, second; Fisher, itiiid. I'oniln, fouittr by Melvin Crook after tho races. The GJ.'i 1-fi, Speed, I1.CI3 m. [i, b. Wood, fifth: Han.-,.. sixth; lli,wlai,d young man was introduced to Mr. tabllr.hed here a year ago by Lew enth; Levxi?, einhtii; (;, ritr,i, 7011 imintfl ; Irr- and Sol camo out to smile his appro- riding ln the winning boat He said close second to Paul Sawyer's mor 100; Thncber, 3'J(t; Ueemer, rt'Jl; Hnwyer, (SOII, -130; lisli(-r, ;i'.il; W(,od 3f," • bation upon tho scene below, Mr. Crook didn't lot tho boat out and powerful Clnss V combination In th 352. Wulljchleuer, 3311; Fonda. T:'!.i Rnwlaml' Clsaa C Professional. 11)8; Franco, 13:,. averaged only about 60 mlloa per flrjit hent. lawyer was junt short o First heat, five mllfi — Won by lr,-d Jfi- hour during the spin, 1 Class II OiilluiiuriX Piolisalonnl. The jinx that rode with Walte tho K record, tint Ferguson ! cohy. Jr., North Hi-rum, N. J. ; Sam CronW, Buskos at lied Bank a few yean spoed, 52.17.1 inllcfi an hour, over Itumson, N, J., aecond; Ilinper Chan First hent tlix,- iniii-o -- Won l,y 1-rrd Salem, N. J., third; ni, other fliiisiie Jacoby, Jr., Noilli li.-n-rn, ^;. ,!.; I'bihi, ago, when tho latter suffered several Th« patrol boats had llttlo difficul- whelmed tho Cl.isn C ntandnrd o Time, 7:21. Kpee!, Woodslde, Del,, aernml l''inal staiKlim: - .hirnl,., hlu) pointi- the Fair Haven First Aid mbulanci time. Hawycr, with a Unit and nor Mix Kllie Ty»on, Cheslmit HIM, I'm . third Iltiekman, 1,21,; (inn., 1::7; I i ,,<,!. a, 33>i: Mr. and Mrs llyron Itu«»»ll ,,l North I-on* Hnm^i, whi>»o Hd.tlo fluUhrtl necoml In th.) lUS^uhlc-lncJi which was. stationed at the dock publlo address sytUom. Ho finally ond plnco, captured top honors I Ml«» I'niiU Hyatt, lories! 11111M, I,. I. Chance, 2!IC; Wlnltiikei, ItiS. hvdr«,|.lan« clmn. <^ntw rlgliWHio TJBOII .l.trrn, Kllu and Molly, who llnhlimi flr»t and «(,<-ond Hntunlny changed hla coume, and passed the fniirlli; Hill WiiKht, Oraniie, N. J,, flflli Their Injuries consisted of severe hnrgo on tho Inside, fjlioiiUng some- Class I!. John J. llenkendorf, ll| Montrlalr, N Class 1 (lull |,, (),,,„. i Ui« inKlgfit mitbourd races. Illrrrtly nlK,vo-M,.lvln CJrook'. t«. Speed, 2fi.a7 1'lri.t 1M lit I lu <• null, W.,(i l,v J';l,il H Into 1.1,, waliT Suniliij- for Ui» nrcoml heat of the HwM-pnlAk«ii. In thlH picture can l>n »c,-u ,1. T. MlllikotVi thing to the official*; nn ho cruised by. Thn other records Mtinday wero ot in p. b. Sawyer, I'oeon,, l.iil,,., 1 •.. ; Clinton It. Kei^ Ho soon dlnnppeared dawn thn river. KU.oil, Wal,»n. M,,,,,. MT.,1,,1; (',,1, Waller, ^5-oi.l, hyilroplnnr, Apox II, wlilch cni^lncd lat«r .luring n trial oplii. (UeglBtor KlnlT photon.) Doatiwaln M. M. Hymor was tabllshod In tho Inboard classes llororol beat—Won by Ml». Kllsa Trsnn Freddy Hnhn of Philadelphia drovi hyraeuac ll.lrd; | reil J,,r,,|,y, Jr.. North Mlis Midlln Tyson, snconrl: Mlsa llelt ""*""• ",; •'•• '""lib: C. Mulfor.1 Ccull, his lively little Bnby Pup 4(l.7f>3 mile baimh. third; Miss Hyatt, fourth: Menktn (TurKuuin takfa flrat prim by f«st«r total dorf. nftli. Time, 7:1!. Hfeed, 27.17. m. p. h Vrnlnor, tl. J , firili: ll.r W. .Ir AKO^ ninth, HlrerlT. Tim.. B :2J 1-IS. Bp«««), 11.711 m. p. h. (N.w world Fin.I aUndlni—III-ho, BOD points: Mr in, «n hour In tho procr-nii of hntifilni ..«<•. Mich., BI,II,; i,,,,,,,;,,, ,.. |:.,, ,i; K . t'lai>s,.il ttnm titan Haw/ar.) m. [i. h. linal •tandliiK—Miss Mollla Tyson, 100 n ( )r a«cnn,|. J.y I),. ,11.1 not flul-ll. WllUl.r'a 100: M«o., 22". up a »tr/>l|.rlit-hfnt victory In tho 131 "IK", N, .1 v.nlli; ,lNlrie^ W Mnl I-'nmll}' Oiithoaiila, CUataa C and E. Ilnnl ataii.llnii—Fink, 700; llnblxn 1(10; tlin«, 1K:12. Av.i.u aiiarcl. Ma la II, Third htat—Won liy Baby Pspl RustUr. 2JB Oihlclncli HyilroplanB, Miss Elsie Tyson, fill; Miss Ilellbauiili Itlrlim,,,,,!. v»., ,.i,,hll, I.;,,,,,,,,,, y ill Ili-illimiKii. 4r.0-, Hlucum, 2«» ; Mnrrn,, 222. cublo Inch piston dlnplacoment hy ti2Tp. ; MI.2I in. li. h.; ll«tty V, BO.0M. KasUlt •teondi Woonfl. J fourth, Ilen- National Swtapstsikaa. I'lmil atanilliilni—Hetty V. 1,100 polnUl Final atatllllnv—Dahv Vtp, 1,200 point* I and; Daytona If, Frank Rlpp, Eltnhurit. !<. ago at Havre d« Omco by FIBRII ltuatla, Eljrron Ilussell, North I/>ng llrancb, tierond heal Won |,, IV,„„,„„. ,; IX M. Hliinnn, Vrr-nnrt. N. Y. | Kill, Jnhll Hpcond hf>t (16 mll«a)—Won by Hetty Ma.l« 11. «r,n; Jay |)«, ell«. nu«U«, 900i Vroodtn ifora*. A7n; uragon, I., third | Zippy Too, John II. Hliadi, Jr., owned by ffidlson HrdK"». N. J.. taeoml: WumLn lfora*. flirdni I.IUIn Furry, N. J. Tlinsj, 11:30 1-S. V, Melvin Crook, IJppur MonlrUIr, N. J.i 11», llydroplan.. ««»; I Hat, «2». Phllailalphla, fourth* Ilah* Toot. 11. War- Orma, Waahlmlnti, (lilrd; I. mt, I'orla Illirnl. It.PHI, ni. p. li. Jay I)... Mrs. Manila Iliillisrdinl, 1'ort atva C inhomxA Runabouta. ran Hlalnhuh, Milburn, tl. J . fifth: UUfi. Cawtar, ftuminn, N. J., fourth I Dragon, Ham WaahliimiMl. I,. I.. a»—Won for BrtT Rnnll OutsjMWdn l4i0mM»rach». lin-und li.Hl-Won by Fink, a.coliil, ]t.I>. M. I,. Unll,iTfur,l, l'ort VVaahlimliMi, 1,. I., IVp, FrnUrlck Habn Id. VhllailsilphUl htat-Won br Hl-ho II, ftaorata Dr. H. K. Wolff, Ulrlfhavllla, Ohio, ilxlh. Crooks, llurmr.ii, N. J., fifth. Tlltn, «i<6 tl. Wardt, Jr. Wllmlnjrton, Dal,i Mm.. Miss Tlma, r>i2i, Dpaid tf,.2lc ni, p. h Gsorgn Ward, Jr., with his Hl-lli <->. Bruit, H »»7 m p. h. Win thlnl. fourth, C. Weird thlnl. Wlmur'a tlrnl. I4|4O. Avnrana Hiistt*. llyron Husasll. Nortn 1,'inH llrancn. II, drove n •onarttlonM third heat At Ji.u.nlhil rr«ci,i>rt, L I.; tilth, Thora.a anoeil, llrlly V, SO.OH in. V. li ; Jay N. J., ,te.nn»; Wooilm ll"rs«. flardn«» Altna Kox, [.orusi YalUy, 1,. I., aaeondl Third h*at -Won by II: l,a Oics- 8wMf)tUk«i, Murmy, l)ov«r, I)«l.; slxlh, fllntumi Mitf, Martin Dnhrtn, Btat«n laland, third. faaha, attend i ?.lppy Too, third: !>•»•<•"• v n II.«, 6l).H02 m. u. h.l Mi>-Ja II, W,,,\,Vt in (lrn>, Washlaaton, H. C. thlnl; Iliaion, 110,351 milts an hour and hoisted th First hHt, flfu.n nllM—Won b, B«ttr swm, " «»th.. - O. Bh.nnnn, Audubon, N. i.\ p. h. Futtat lap, M*tly V, 61.JS1; Jay Bam Urnnka, Iluraon, N, J., fnurlhi ( Bat, Tim., (IDS l-«. Hpat tin iton o< Oils 8«n- guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Port Mocmouth from Larry Gen«rallL Sunday was a big day at Charles lOD.) Warren VanCllef. Charles Meyer* and Charles Llebhauter.) They made the trip in a bus. SUva's White House restaurant and The local council of the Daughters Mrs. Frank Levering was the win- grounds. A Newark club held a Considerable progress hai been Mrs. Anna Meyer and Dr. Hoose ner of a quilt which was disposed Performance of Untuual Char- made on the WPA sidewalk project of America held a card party Tues- of New York visited Mr. and Mrs. picnlo thero and seven buses were acter Presented at River Street day night with Mre. Alice Hald in of on tho co-operative plan by the used to hrinir tho excursionists to since the work got under way two Joseph Till Sunday. firemen last week. School by Combined Religious weeks ago. Work began by grading charge. Miss Nellie MacWay of Newark Port Monmouth. and filling on Union avenue and Mr. and Mrs, Harry Leonard of Tho Boy Scouts will hold their Affiliations. returned home Sunday after having first meeting of the season Friday along Front »tre»t. A nil on Newark have ended a visit with Mr. spent a week with Mrs. Amallo 'Soda Bottle Explodes. SJILVER night, September 4. Palestine In the auditorium of the meadowland held up the work of and Mrs. Joseph Obuchowlcz. Gross. Frank! Meyer and Mr. and John Cairns, 17, of Ocean Grove, River street school! pouring concrete until Wednesday of The Ladles' Aid society of Grace Mrs. John Gross visited Mrs. Ama- A government dredger and force was badly cut about the face and last week. After three days of this Methodist church met at the homo lle Gross Sunday. of employees began the work of arms Monday when a bottle of eoda Such Is the Impression given by deepening and widening the channel the scenery and settings, of the Bib-work 425 feet of sidewalk, live feet of Mrs. CharleB Behr Monday after- Mr. and Mrs. Eugcno Covert of exploded in his hands. Ho was treat- wide and four Inches thick, had been noon. Flans were discussed tor a Pleasant Plains were visitors at this of Raritnn bay Monday. Tho work ed at the Fitkin. hospital. SEBVICE lical pageant being presented there under the direction of Jay 'Welling- laid. The greatest number of feet trip to Coney Island before the close place Sunday. > ton of New York and Hollywood, laid In one day totaled 190. Due to of the season at that resort. restricted hours of the WPA work- The fair held by the firemen last F0R5IX The tremendous production Is being Misses Myrtle and Dorothy Sher- Thursday, Friday and Saturday was sponsored by the Men's club of the ers a five-day layoff was ordered. man of New York were week-end The borough council endeavored to successful, but It had a disappoint- Pipe ' Valves - Fittings Reformed church of Red Bank, of guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Shel- ing wind-up Saturday night because JtA which Rev. W. Carman Trembath l« have another gang of men carry on don. Tho"! lovy.j: the work during the layoff In order of a downpour of rain. MINER SUPPLY COMPANY pattern, first tima «ror offeree).; pastor. Moat of the churches and Miss Eleanor Homer Is home from Mrs. John Gillette, Jr., has re- to speed up the work but WPA of- .* - .- <* K \ religious affiliations are associated In a visit at Mohawk, New York. turned home from Rivervlew hos- l Front & Pearl Sts. Red Bank 3333 the undertaking and the result la a ficials said no additional men were Miss Ruth Walling Is at the Girls' a) Made by the world's largest manu.' performance of surpassing beauty. available. pital at Red Bank with her new- lecturer of silver (wo're not •!-> Friendly camp at Island Heights. born daughter. The auditorium has been decorated lowed to uie hli nemo). The ladles' auxiliary of the local MK" and Mrs. Benjamin Hayes of Mrs. Sadie McGrath of Jersey Conservatively S • f ican Wars held a card party Friday M. LaGlglla. her bungalow at this place. PREMIUM ..LIMITE D TIMI....IT O DON'ONTT WAITAIT! experienced by those attending the Mrs. James McKay, who has been | 4 night. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Chapman have • jCbme tn and see the set. iThen atlc'for «, pageant. A Hammond electric organ been visiting Mrs. John Roche of on the flick list, is Improving. has been Installed to provide the A bingo party will be held In the Sidney avenue. Edna Hellly, daughter of Mr. and ppurchas e card. When this card shows $$5.00 muBlcal setting and tho console Is borough hall Saturday night as a Mrs. Donald Rellly, celebrated her FUEL OIL in purchtiet,h thihs 26-pJecJ » *$t of branbdd n*wn*[ very ably presided over by Laurence The Union Gardens fire company silver is yours for 10 Flagstaff labelss an and benefit for the Holy Family church. ninth • birthday with a party Mon- Dllsner, who is director of music of will hold a card party tomorrow J2.I9 in ca.h. Edward Conroy has been named gen- day. 1 Monmouth Junior college at Long night In the company's fire house FRANK B. LAWES i - , chalrman of the affair. Assisting him OR Park avenue. John A. Coonoy 18 The Women's Republican club held .Cornish* of 6 kni vet" with ^ it a! nleis'stea'st l Branch, State Teachers' college at are Harry McCandless, Mrs. Gus Dlr- Montclalr and tho State Normal general chairman. • a successful luncheon last week at 47 SHREWSBURY AVE. fcladei; & Wge foriti; 6 ova] soup spoonsons;; 66JJ ner, MrB. A. Ross, Mrs. E. Mailer and the home of Mrs. Thomas Weathered. /teaspoons; _ I. butter. knife, and ^ I _ sugar] school at Montclalr. Mr. Dllsner Is Miss Nellie Trltchler. assisted In directing the music of the One of the quickest ways to find a A baseball game took place Sun Tel. 2875 Red Bank spoon.' -•:, pageant by Miss Gladys Shropshire, Mrs. Marie Farrell will have charge job la to advertise in The Regis- day between the Grasshoppers and [YOU MUST SEE THIS"IET TO*A-tMICIATE~nVyALUtl founder of the Thursday Morning of the card party sponsored by the ter's Want Department—Advertise- a team representing the flre com- PRICES ON APPLICATION, OM DISPLAY AT ALL U. S. S. STOKES - Choral at Red Bank. local lodge of Royal Neighbors to be ment pany of this place. The grasshop There are four»eplsodes of Biblical UNITED history presented and a cast of about 1G0 local people Is used In the presen- SERVICE tation. Tho first episode Is "Tho Na- tivity," and shows Joseph and Mary GROCERS on their way to Bethlehem in order to pay taxes. Thoy stop at the inn Prophylactic and are told by the Inn keeper, which character Is very ably portrayed by Rev. W. Carman Trembath, and his Tooth Brush wife, who 1B played by Mrs. Charles Imlay, that there 1B no room for them In the Inn, but that thoy may be ac- commodated In tho stable. Joseph is played by Thomas Cairns and Miss a 50o nathy. During this number Miss flagstaff Coffee Ethel Mount Mozar Interprets the JAD COLD AGAROL 89c Pond's »™ Forhan's "Adoration of Sacred Motherhood." CREAM Try It Iced! Miss Mozar's grace Is particularly ef- SALTS Esojlent Cl&ulng 500 1.00 Tooth Paste Cream—keept tha • Illllip O MAGNESIA fective against the setting of trees Condensed f kin son ana smooth. Slzo Cooling, Refreshing and and the scene of the Nativity, She 28c NUJOL 49c concludes the Interpretative number 29c Invigorating by an exit through the center of the 33c Pint 250 HAIR auditorium, carrying the message of Slzo TONIO Coffee lovers find keen de- adoration to the world. The three FITCH "Electric Double light in the vigorous kings of tho Qrient, accompanied by Sandwich strength and mellowness of their servants and body guards, bear- NJ-OT. ^ 35o 5(lo SVi^ BOfl Flagstaff Coffee. Its appeal- ing gifts to the Infant Jesus, are the Size Size Toasters Haskell's lodent ing aroma can be traced di- next to, appear. The episode Is Cascarets 15c Grills, Fries Alka finished' by Mlsa Abernathy. slng- J.80 rectly to the distinctive lng "How Beautiful Upon the Moun- Milk 16. .09 Slw Slim quality of the high-grade tain." Magnesir Lactogen 69c Petrolagar 77c 1 coffees used, in its blend. The second episode Is the story of DR. HALL'S 60a 56o HUDNCT'S "The Good Samaritan." A band of Size Slw Three Flower thieves, who realistically play their Borated BARBASOL 28c Pound can parts, set upon a traveler and beat BABY TALC and rob him. Edward Tutas, as the Found m mu*± traveler, gives a very fine perform- ance, while the Good Samaritan, act- Tin lyC ed by "William Wilson, Is likewise 3 for 50c POP. PATENTS BEAUTY AIDS BABY NEEDS convincing In his character. A priest, Edwards' 25c Phllllpi Milk of Mai. 14c25c MavU Talcum, 2 for.. 25c 50c Cocomalt, lb can 34c WITCH FLAGSTAFF played by Victor Hembllng, and a 75c Meads Dextri Maltose 47c Levlte, played by Charles H. Gray, Olive 7Sc Genuine Affarol 44c 35c Ponds Creami. Jar .... 18c HAZEL eBc Bliodol 39c 30c Tange* LI pi ti ok 24c 75c Dryco Baby Food 47c pass by the wounded traveler, but he l.OO Lactogen, lb. can .... 67c A. (toothing lotion foi lies writhing in the road until the Tablets 2Bc Eno S.It. _... 16c 75c Maybelllne for Eyc» .. 47c 1.20 S. M. A. Powder 79c irritated nkln, bruinej 28c Seldlltx Powders;) 10s. 9c 35c Manicure for the 50c Ovaltlno 24c elc. A delightful after Sliced Pineapple Good Samaritan appears. He Is then •having lotion. P. Davis Alopben Pilli .... 35c NaiU „ _ 21c 25c Pyrex Nursing taken to an Inn, where ho Is given In- Bottle. 15c Food scientists have discovered that canned Fine, 50c Vlck'e Nil! Drop. .... 34c SOc Quest Deodorant Pwd Z9i to the care of the lhn keeper, the 20c Mldol Tablet. -. 12c 50c Meads Pablum 34c apple provides more known health values than any role of which Is filled by W. H. Car- Dre«n Shampoo 49c Baby Q Tips 17c 10c Turn, (or Digestion .... 5c 1 pint 1)C hart, Sr. This episode closes with a 60c Merck . Milk Sugar .... 37c other fruit. Your family will heartily welcome 25c Anacln Tablet! 13c 60c Wildroot Hair Tonic .. 29c 30c Meads Cereal 17c Flagstaff pineapple with at least one meal eaoK solo, "The Lord Is My Shepherd," 25c Dr. Scholl's Foot Pad> Me 60c Rouga Incamat 34c 1.00 Fever Thermometers 47c sung by John C. Ebner, who also day I sang the prologue, "For Behold Dark- Will keep your liq- uids hot or cold. 8 DAY ness Shall Cover the Earth" from Handy for automo- GILLETTE "The Messiah," at tho beginning of ENO blla trips. the program. Regularly 79c KITCHEN RAZOR SALTS Thrift Sala Price Largest can J^ |C Episode threo concerns the "Res- And piiekngo of urrection." Tho door of tho tomb In WALL CLOC Which Christ's body was laid after the 67c <.ilIMteBlueBIndcs crucifixion was depicted and amid a -1.98 A Honl Bargain! huBhcd silence tho figure of Christ appears emerging from tho tomb. On Guaranteed MALTED Tuesday night just at this time the 49' MILK FLAGSTAFF heavy thunder storm broke and the crashes of thunder and flash of light- ning mado the Bcene ono to bo long Smokers' Specials Candy Values 49c remembered by those who witnessed APPLESAUCE It. After tho Christ disappears Mary, 5 mother of Jamoa, played by Miss White Owl l-lb. Sugar Coated -i Qc Haa lots of kinds of apples in it... but no kinds of for Marjorle Krlckson, and Salome, Filberts X5' work ... for you! Just like mother used to make played by Mlns Virginia Dougherty, Phillies 23c . . . from finest, hand-picked New York State Ap- vlilt the tomb and discover the dis- Bo* l-lb. Orange -i Cc ples. appearance of Jesus. While they are El Roi Tan 43c ' weeping they aro joined by Mary 50 Slices J.W Magdalene, played by Miss Gladys Shropshire, and lator by Simon Pe- La Provadora $2.25 ter and John, tho beloved disciple, l-lb. Chocolate s Eicclric cans whloh characters aro played by Rev. 19 2 TUg. Peppermint Patties Cot fee Frank Huff and Ray Conklln, Jesus CIGARETTES Peter'-':or appears to Mary Magdalene to hush All 5c Chewing Gum 1.00 her weeping, and tho divine promise CAMELS and Choc. Bars— Is given "Lo, I am with you always, CHESTERFIELDS even unto tho ond of tho world." 1.19 A vooal solo, "Homnnah," sty MIBS OLD GOLD , $1.13 £ FLAGSTAFF Abernathy, concludes this scone. LUCKY STRIKE _ Carton The fourth eplsodo Is called "Tho 3' 10 Healing Presence," and doplcts tho twelve apoitles after thoy have been CRAPE JUICE given the divine power to heal tho Carbona Shoe Roxbury halt, the maimed and tho blind. Ev- Polishing Kit Enticing flavor that arrests attention and ttimu- ery character In this episode Is very Fountain latcs remarks like "Perfectly dolicious"! Flagstaff ably handled and tho result Is a pro- Constating of Dau- Syringe Qrapo Juico is a wonderful drink . .. pressed from duction of Intense feeling until the ber, Liunb'a Wool l'ollahnr, Carbonn Elrclric finoat Concord Orapos. climax Is reached and the march of 2-Qt. Size triumph down ths center of the audi- Slino 1'olUh. Vibrator torium, with the cant singing the .1 Ar-hYntors hymn, "Onward, Christian Soldiers." 24' Oiiat«nleo

that the Helca product, like Ben Ab- HOPPING WM A Dr. Charles H. dou, ltd all the rest Woman • Exchange Secretly, the government subsidized Modernism, Well Handled, Open 8:S0 A. M. to tiOO P. M. REAL ESTATE the furnace and took all the pit; iron Chlldron'i tod infant* Clothing, • UmUn n Parker And The It could produce, which was taken knitted wear, uiortment ot neces- by pack mule, train and boat to Pitts- Insures A Comely Exterior sary and lovaly articles; also cakes, SUBAJfC burgh, where In ordnance foundarle* COtTOTBy HOMES It was used In fashioning the guns, cookie* and roll*. Old Swamp Angel Something for everybody. QEOROI 8. •CHANCK, M which come Into Import in this Btory « Mad.. PI Jt.d B bit later. Guns never equalled in IB LINDEN PLACE any war up to that time. An Article from The Zephyrhillt Down here in the Civil and Spanish New. About the Famous Bat- war veteran colony ot Zephyrhllls, I accidentally ran across a man who tery and Dr. Parker'i Part in gave me the final link to this fascin- From GREEN (Fields) to RED (School House) ating story. In conversation with Dr. Building Iti Foundation. H. Parker, aeed 62, now one of the three BurvlvinR Civil war veter- ans in this colony, commander and Dr. and Mrs. Charles H. Parker of sole aurvlvlng charter member of Zephyrhllls, Florida, who arrived at Qarfleld Post, No. 38, G. A. K., and Red Bunk curly In August with the tho department commander of the Intention or spending two weeks itate of Florida, whoso membership is now less than 75 members, he drop- here, like this place so well that they ped a statement which interested me have decided to prolong their stay at once. until September 20. From Red Bank From a personal written history of "A TOAST TO THE NEW they will go to 'Washington to at- hie Civil war experiences written to tend tho national convention of the commemorate his 93nd birthday, I Grand Array of tho Republic. Dr. got the last of "Swamp Angel bat- Parker la commander of the Florida tery" links. SUN ROOM FURNITURE" department of the G. A. R. He is When but a lad of 17'years, Dr. 01 years of age anil remarkably well Parker ran away from his home at You'll be proposing many a toast to preserved. He and his wife are stop- Little Silver, N. J., and by inducing yeoman to advance his ago two the marvelous values you get during Ing at the home of Mrs. Caroline years, he managed to join in New Bray of Wallace street. York City a New Jersey regiment, our MIDSUMMER FURNITURE SALE When 17 yenrs of age Dr. Parker consisting of ten companion of en- ran away from his home at Little gineers and two of light artillery, nnd —and "the unusual savings, combined he landed In Company "G" of the en- Silver and enlisted in the Union gineers. On December 1, 1801, the with our usual high standard quality, Army, serving in the engineers. Af- steamship Vonderbllt transported his Thoroughly modern, both In con- ter the war he wafl home about a outfit from Staten Island to Hilton guarantee permanent satisfaction! week and then he went to Easton, Island, S. C, adjacent to Charleston, struction and design, this house In- Pennsylvania, to take up dentistry. one of the few Islands in the hurtaor dicates plainly that the modern That was more than 70 years ago there then under Federal ilomnln. mode can be comely and well man- Buy Now! Only a Few More Days*Leftr and his present visit is the first ho When Morris Island was captured, it nered. took but a short time to tnke over The window arrangement la man- ... Is tho way Hie trnfflo goe* mighty soon! Well, has made to this section since then. Sullivan's Folly, Jamea, and other It'll be fun If you're oirtflttod nt Goldberg's. Every- He has been unable to find any rela- harbor islands. The Stone river aged in a way to please even those 1 whoso feelings usually are ruined by thing wo have- was chosen from YOUB viewpoint tives or friends whom he knew when ihannel flowing nearby Into tho 'r 3CM.t IN tEST' ... so you're sure to like them, nnd mother Is sure he lived in this section, but he has sound and ocean. he more aggressive examples of modern external composition. I 0 5 II a ID' to approve I > met a number of their descendants, The southwest portion of Morris ncluding Mrs. M. Henry Parker and Island was heavily fortified by tho The walls are of cinder concrete Ing oil furnace, gas water heater, R&B PenclJ boxes and writing jxuls free with every pur- her children of Little Silver. During Jonfederates with forts Sumter, blocks painted white and the semi- rango and electric refrigerator, cor- chase. WmM most of the time while he was away Wagnor.._„ , Grelg-... „., Johnson- ,. Moultrle circular hood above the door le a respond with the rest of the house RED BANK'S LEADING FURNITURE HOUSE Dr. Parker practised dentistry at Loa and other land const batteries. Mor- monolithic concrete slab—a pleasant In efllclont moderniam. > Angclea. ris Island was well protected by as well as useful conceit that adds Designed by Christian Rosborg, ar- Cinderella School Frocks 135-37 MONMOUTH ST. RED BAN IO means of wooden piling placed in the In the army Dr. Parker eaw serv- Interest to the entrance without mar- chitect, the house Is ono of a group Stone river, but by a surprise move- ring Its simplicity. of small residences chosen by "Tho Fine broadcloths—fast colors. ice in the siege ot CHarlestown, South ment one night, with the aid of n Sizes S to 16. 95c Carolina, and he helped to buildf the novel mechanical contraption, which The mechanical appliances, lnclud- Architectural Forum." fortifications for the famous "Swamp worked and sawed under water with- Angel" battery which played" such an out noise, a volunteer corpH, of which Junior Miss Dresses mportant part In capturing the city. Dr. Parker was amember, removed Truck Kills Boy Black Widow Spider Sizes 10 to 10. The following article by John M. .hese obstructions and permitted the 1.95 Union gunbonts to come in nnd cap- Very fine broadcloths nnd latest styles. iledhlll, editor of The Zephyrhllls ture a big portion of tho. Island and Day After Birthday Bite Proves Fatal News, appeared In a recent lsBue of the waters of1 tho harbor, and start Shirley Temple and Cold Cash that paper and It Is reproduced In the campaign for possession which Edward Hansen of New Brunswick, Gcorgo J. Comber, gardener on the the belief that it will be of Interest concluded in 1863. who celebrated his fourth birthday Oakhurfit estate of Mrs. Campbell Fleurettes Frocks to tho readers of The Register: Unofficially, the engineering- corps Saturday, was killed by a truck Sun- Clark, died In tho Fltkln hospital Sat- 1.95 FOR HOT WEATHER NEEDS .here found that the commanders of Sizes 3 to 13. It Is. rather strange how a writer the navy and other divisions had a day. The boy walked Into route 38 urday morning, a victim of the deadly n the course of years will pick up a big surprise movement on foot for jufit outside of Keansburg and was black widow spider. Mr. Comber was Boys'AH Wool Why go without a vacation or other sum- bit of information here and there, themselves and tho rebels In partic- hit by a truck said by police to have working In the garden the previous Kaynee and in due time is able to co-ordinate ular, and in due time it was sprung been driven by Elwood Matthews of Monday when a black insect, believed them with each other, so that they and led to great damage to Island, West Keansburg. The boy was the to have been a black widow spider, Shorts & Knickers mer needs simply because you're short of can be woven together and made the harbor and land batteries leading to basis of a romantic, interesting his- ion of Mr. and Mrs. Elner Hansen, bit him on the hand. The spider fell Sizes S to 10. Blouses & the surrender of Charleston. into the foliage of the garden and cash? We'll lend you any amount up to torical or fictional story. Upon orders the engineering, crews He was taken to the office of a phy- Such an experience.recently came and laborers, under the deadly fire of sician and died there from head in- could not bo found. Tho following -jj.OO $300 and like hundreds of other people, to the writer, and I proceed to relate the fort and land batteries put in a juries. Matthews was held under day the hand began to ewell and a Shirts the story which relates to an episode base and foundation and protection $2,000 bail. phyelclan was called. The swelling Tweederoy you'll find it easy to repay. Use this quick, occurring during the period of the for a big battery of guns. This was _ ^ continued In tho arm and specialists Sizes S to 14. war between, tho states. The first a long and tedious job. said Dr. Par- Knickers Item of the story was gathered dur- "TAHGET PRACTICE AT FORT. wore called In by the Clark family. convenient way to get the extra cash you ker, with many attendant hardships. Mr. Comber was taken to the hospital 49 ing my grammar school days and the The gun placements were located and need. Come in or telephone us today. laBt but a few days ago, the period constructed in the depths of the Student Soldlerg Try Out Eight-Inch Friday and physicians gave him but I' 75' between first and last, covering more swamp and the materials had to be Hallway fiuns Yesterday, a few hours to live. Charges are 2Vs% on unpaid monthly balatlc*. than a half century of time. dragged or carried into the location, Mr. Comber was 70 years old and Size* 6 to 10. Loans up to $300—15 months to repay In my Ohio school days I recall and many wens the clays when he Four weeks of training at the Cit- leaves a widow and six children. He Listen to WOR MOD. Wed., Frl., 6:45 P. M. that I studied from the old Electlo wheel-barrowed sand a distance of izens' Military Training Camp coaBt ,,-eography text book, and In the In- was a member of the Rumaon lodge Girls' Middy Skirts 4.00 to 1.95 many city blocks to bo used in tho artillery unit stationed at Fort Han- of Red Men and the Monmouth coun- Elictrlc Bld»., 001 Bsngi Avenue. Phone A. P. 7S95. Ucenia No. 670 dustrial section of which appeared work. All wool. Sizes 4 to 14. JL J. cock waa climaxed yesterday, when ty and Elberon horticultural societies. ROOM 1002 ASBURY PARK. N. J. on one of its pages a night scene of Under cover tho Federals unloaded student soldiers held target practice 01'EN FRIDAY EVENINGS the old Aetna blast furnace, then the the surprise, which was a conslgn- largest of Its kind in the country, with eight-inch railway guns. They Misses' Tuck-in Skirts mont of Dahlgren type seige cannon. fired eand-loaded sheila at a target which stood on the banks of the Yes, you are right, produced out of Per Capita Sales All wool. Sizes 10 to 10. 1.95 PERSONAL FINANCECO. Ohio river at Ironton. This Illustra- the Helca furnace pig iron, made In- towed by the United States mine tion made a deep Impression on my to steel and .fashioned into ordnance planter Ord 0,000 yard* off Sandy In Monmouth County mind, which I never forgot, as It like- at Pittsburgh, and now on the scene Hook. Lonsdale Jean Middy Blouses ly did on the minds of many pupils of to do deathly and costly damage Almost every day for the past three The department of commerce in a that period. So Ironton enters into to forts and shipping Interests, and weeks summer recrulta have prac- this narrative on several occasions, bring the selge of that famed fort special study Just released shows that s,ot2o 59 duly Introduced. ticed handling the guns' without ac- the per capita purchases In the re- protected harbor campaign to nn end. A large variety of School Shoes—Dr. Posner and Elliott's (Pardon me, let me Interlope from These guns formed tho "Swamp tual firing. Yesterday they handled tall trade for tho entire country In tho narrative to be related, to state Angel Battery." Tho first two guns ;he work alone, with those of several 1933 was $276 for every man, woman Blltoflt Scientific Shoes at moderate prices. - that the old Aetna furnace stood un- were fashioned to Bhoot a 300 pound seasons' experience acting as officers. and child. Red Bank's per capita used lor years, an eye soro to all projectile, but when fired tho muzzles The involved mathematics of range salos figure $342. Other county traffic by auto, rail and steamboat. could not stand the strain nnd burst, calculations were carried on by towns were Asbury Park $710, tho Durlnjf the recent world's war it waa much to the chagrin of all the en- •oups In plotting cars hidden In the highest In tho stato; Long Branch rehabilitated for operation at an ex- gineers. However, the 200 pound pro- $257, Freehold $165, Keyport $80, penso of a half million or more, only jectile shooters when mounted woods far behind the gun positions, not to turn a wheel, and for 15 years proved their worth, and after months just a3 they would be in actual oper- Bolmar $578 and Bradley Boach $281. it has again stood like a ghost from of bombardment caused tho walls of ation. A total crew of 17 was re- Other figures for Monmouth coun- INFANTS' £ CM D/t£W OUTFITTERS tho industrial past.) Sumter to dlaintegrato and one shot quired for each gun. ty showed 35,570 automobiles regis- In my father's library, and now in caused the powder magazine to ex- tered on July 1, 1031, or 255 for every Z4 BROAD ITJ J?ED BANK,M.J. mine at Warren, Ohio, Is to be found plode, and caused tho surrender of I pays to advertise In The Register. 1,000 population. a copy of Liessing's History of the historical old Sumter, and later the United States, and in the division other surrounding forts. reating on the events of the Civil Dr. Parker relates that there wan war there Is a wood cut illustration some lively cannonading In and if a battery that became famous in about the harbor in those days, when :hat conflict, which waa known as the guns from the forta, batteries and 'The Swamp Angel Battery," which shlpa go•t int' 'o action. . It was a tood on Morris Island in the center beautiful scen_ e at night when the f the waters of the bay and harbor bombs burst In tho air and tho flames at Charleston, S. C, within gun Bhot flashed from the cannon mouth and of Fort Sumtcr, where the opening illuminated the skies. Dr. Parker incident of the war occurred, and says he several times nearly lost his which lead to a war that cost billions lfe from Sumter shells. He Is of of dollars, thousands upon thousands the opinion that he Is the sole living of dead, besides the wounded, and survivor of the engineers who built much sorrow/ to carry on and com- the Swamp Angel fortification on plete. Keep this location in mind for Morris Island, as of late years ho has later references. been unable to locato any of his Un- In 1644 Mynheer Jacobus CJJ/O&- Buck in 1034, in Juno, I attended ion comrades. lished the first brewery and beer a session of the Grand Lodge of Ohio Dr. Parker was mustered out of garden in Manhattan at what Odd Fellows, the writer being a past service at Jacksonville in 1800, and grand master of that order. While while he had never viaited Charles- later became the corner of Pearl there I made the acquaintance of the ton, his one desire of his declining Street and Old Slip, Jacobut editor of the News, who Invited me days was to have opportunity to afterwards became the first to take an early morning ride over make such a visit, and again go over those Lawrence county hills, as he the grounds and events of the war. burgomaster and dispensed beer cared for his buHlness route matters, This wish was gratified in early July and justice with equal gravity which Is recalled as n most dellghtfu of this year, at the age of 02, anil and ever remembered trip by me, but he enjoyed it to the limit. City oiil- and impartiality to the good possibly forgotten by him. In par- ciala of Charleston nnd the military people of Now Amsterdam. ticular do I recall that pretty country men nnd newspapers all extended to club lake and fishing grounds where him tho greatest kindness and hospi- wo cniiKht a mess of bass for the tality, and Rave him column renturo noon day meal. write-ups. On thin trip I picked up my second Such is the story of tho Swamp lead of this stnry concerning tho Angel battery and incidents connect- aforementioned "Swamp Angel Bat ed With it. What hns become nf the tery." Outside the city of Ironton, Dahlgron gumi of that ^rent battery at the Intersection of two state high made out of Helca furnace Irnn mndo wnyn, one leading to Jackson, on f at Ironton in 1801-02? triangle of land, or at loast it did a that timo, stood it sky reaching brick stack, standing nlono in Its awfu' lonesomcnf'HH, but presaging a hi WANTED priced torlcal past, on which was pninted OLD STAMPS & COINS tho one word "TTrlca." OLD GOLD & SILVER I fiRknd my editor friend to relntc H1()» to make runy the rtump- 4.75-19 76c Ini; of Iron maklnir ingredient.') Into the fiirnufi', wlilrli after helm; rimnlr- 5.00-19 32c eil, nin out the millet on Ilio IilllBlde \25-18 90c guide lower down, 'J'hn 1 lelra wan nut. a large, cupaelty 5.50-17 99c furnace, either then CJI- now, In com- Olho- i!;«s In (lroportloi? |)ail;;i)M li> the pnwii! day mammulh Htach'i found jtl miMiein nleel manu- facturing, lint It did have thd repu- tation nnil a record or tiirnlm; out a niipiM'lui' I;IIH|(. of line pig Iron, which nrciiliii'i'il ,'itiM'l nf jiiiiro limn usual tnnnllo nlri'ii|:||i Frank VanSyckle The Civil war hail been In prnyreu more I Inn, u year, ami ll« nml »p- I"1' I ni'Wlieie In fll|;lil, mi Inter (1p- 151-153 West Front St., Red Baijk veJii|>ji)i'iif» IJJOVCII. Tim tfilernl orrt- In taproom, restaurant or hotel, it's easy to elmply niini'o IIIVIDIOIIJI were Imid proiuml OI'KN BVFNINUK for iti-riitiiiil iiiippiirn nnd especially heavy cnniioiiii to nlioot largo iiro- order "beer" . . . but discrimination had its Ji'dllen, and which wnn noonVil for Quick Road Service—Phone R. B. 1296. noljro nml fluid nnrvlnft. Hunting nrniiml over (ho country, securing rewards when you sayi "Make mine Eichler'i." sample* of lion from nil the BtnlW fiuiiacMiiml from abroad, laboratory tent* ware made, and result* llrt THI JOHN fi 1CHL6R IRIWINO COMPANY • NIW YORK CITY • Memb.r of th* Brewer.1 Board of Trad., In* TIED BANK REGISTER,'AUGUST 27. 1956. Paw Fivn vu filled with senator!, ward will be coEBtructed at a point about ,ead«r«, would-be leaden and *om« Boy Drowned 2.4 miles above the mouth of the Stole Potatoes who wer« really willing to act as fol- river and about one-half mile south lowers. I asked one of tha senators, In Swimming Pool or upstream of 1 the Btate highway From Freight Car Boilers»RadiatorS'Hot Air Heaters what was going on and he aaid, "It's bridge. William E, Kappell, eight-year-old Victor Howzbet of Trenton, on MINER SUPPLY COMPANY ilke this every day, they all want a The decision as to -whether or not lob for themselves or someone else." son of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Kappell parole from the Rahway reformatory, of Caldwell, was drowned in the tbls permit will be issued rests pri- was arrested by state police last week W. Front & Pearl SU. Red Bank 3333 had to stay until after five to meet marily on the effect or the proposed Governor James M. Curley. He gave North End bathing pool at Ocean on a charge'of stealing 111 bags of I Grove last Wednesday. Some of the work; on navigation. Any criticisms potatoes weighing 100 pounds each me his signature and was sorry he or protests regarding the plans from had been held up so late and -wished persons In the pool at the time salt from a freight car In Upper Freehold the standpoint of navigation should township laet week and^aullng them FHOJTE KIVER8IDE BRIVK, us a aafe journey. He had his sec-they saw the boy slide down a chute be submitted to the War department, etary glv» us one of his booklets, but did not notice what he did after to Newark In a truck, where he sold BED BANK 3767 BED BANK, N. t. room 615, Army buildlnglng, 38 White- them for $190. The potatoes were be- with his picture, the Btate House, that. The water is about seven fet ball street, New York, prior to Mon- tc, and wished to be remembered deep where the boy was drowned. ing shipped by Hugh Janaen, oper- day, when It Is proposed to act on ator of a farm, and were In custody MARTIN J. McGUIRE .o Gov, Hoffman and the good people Some swimmers In the pool found the application. if New Jersey. We camped that of Hendrlcks and Delatush, potato the body and members of the Ocean brokers. Howzbet was taken before Plumbing, Heating and Sheet Metal Work night on the banks of the Concord Grove first aid squad and two phy- Plans for the construction show River near Lowell and was visited the erection of an open timber pile Justice Fred Qulnn of Freehold, who sicians worked over him for more held him in $15,000 ball. Howzbet Have your heating system thoroughly n the evening by Harry Cranmer, than two hours without avail. wharf extending about 120 feet to- I J6 \tm tt SmkK *U New JmwCountry Editor head of the Harry M. Cranmer Paper ward the channel from an existing had loaded the potatoes on the truck examined at no cost to owner. tnvcl to cvay lt»t« In ttn Union. TheM letters »nd stone wall along the shore line. The th« trip will continue far « luit > ;ar. Follov the white Co., Inc., of Boston. Mr. Cranmer by himself. Heating systems and oil burners Installed any place In Una vceldjr. beginning at the nt at New Jener- was born in Ocean county and was NAVAL EXAMS. face of'the dock Is about 100 feet . -» • — mployed at the New Egypt Press of- shoreward of the government c*han- Monmouth County. nel. ' New IJons Club. fice more than thirty years ago. He Congressman Butphln Announces A Lions! club was organized at Eng- PLUMBING AND HEATING ON TIME PAYMENTS. "What I Found In MuuiouMtts" rive so much pleasure and profit from has twin, sons and one daughter, all Teats for Annapolis. The actual width of the dack will llshtown last week with 23 charter going through college. After passing through Rhode la- our coast waters. The only activity Congressman William H. Sutphln be eight feet, connecting with a menrVbers. W. E. Tracy was chosen land, we entered Massachusetts and along the entire Plymouth beach, was announced that open competitive ex- wharfage landing proper of 10x20 president, Walter H. Emmons secre- one speed boat which did a thriving All the farms on our route were had a delightful ride through the very small and stony. Farmers and aminations will be held at various feet tary and Norman Forman treasurer. It Pays to Advertise in The Register southern end of this great state, business all day long by giving flve- points in the Third District on Octo- mlnute ridea to eight or ten passen- business* men say things are better pused many large cranberry bogs, than they were a few years ago. Most ber 17, to establish a qualified list for crossed the two large Canal Bridges gers at 30o each, a appointment to vacancies at the Uni- of them feel that Landon will be on Ecutmmn at Sagamore and then followed the From Plymouth wo journeyed up elected. Father Coughlln and Dr. ted States Naval academy, for en- Shave With Safety.' East coast to Plymouth, the real his- the coast through Kingston, Han- Townsend both have plenty of follow- trance in July, 1937. K0MKFIUIS torical town of the New England over, Rockland, Weymouth, Qulncy ers In the cities. Bona fide residents of the Third and the great city of Boston. We Congressional district who are young ADMIRAL (tatea. Here, as along all of this One of the best Joba we have no- coast, we were greatly disappointed arrived in Boston shortly after noon men between 16 and 20 yean old on Laboratory-Tested ticed being done by the WPA work- April 1, 1937, are eligible for compo- in not teeing a single bathing beach. and stopped our "house on wheels' ers In any state, Is being done right We have not seen more than two at one of the many little parks and here In Massachusetts, and that ii . tlon. Those wishing an opportunity BLADES ate our lunch, after which we tried I to qualify should write Immediately dozen people In bathing suits since the building of sidewalks along the Pk|. S Pk|. 10|Pk(. 25 •we left Jersey. We arrived In Ply- to get directions to the State House, state highways. These foot paths, to Congressman Sutphln at 132 Main mouth Saturday evening and like all We thought we had them, but soon (as they are called here) are built street, Matawan, New Jersey, giving c c New England towns and cities, It Is found we were mistaken, when we of fine stone and road oil, are about their name, address and date of 15* 25 l49 UNtVEX found we were back where wo start- I birth, and stating the high or prepar- Normalize With clean and has many beautiful homes. four feet wide and In small towns, I atory school from which they will be FILMS TC The flrat thing we did of course was ed from, after driving several blocks, both curb and eldewalk are built. TRI-ALKA J graduates. REG. 1O. I • to visit the Plymouth Rock which Is Feeling rather disgusted, we asked Milea of these walks are built and EFFERVESCENT several men standing near a garage I Contestants must graduate from Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. housed In a beautiful stone structure being built by the WPA. It's the high school not later than June, 1937, SALTS at the beach of Capo Cod Bay and to give us the direction and a young most constructive move yet made by SOc UNIVEX man stepped out to the curb and and will be examined by the V. 8. lias but one decoration and that Is the New Deal and should be followed Civil Service commission In the fol- CAMERA the year 1620, cut deep Into tho rock. said, "Why, Mr. Moore, I can showby other states while the New Deal you better than I can tell you," and lowing subjects: Algebra, plane ge- The rock la surrounded by a beautiful lasts. ometry, English composition and lit- park of Just trees and grass to the he did that very thing. He wae none My next letter will be from Maine. erature, United States history, an- water edge. There are two boat other than John F. McCarthy, form cient history and physics. Applicants Welch's Pare erjy of Lakehurst and Lakewood, N. SNAPPY landings and the beautiful sheet of Patriots and Pirates. will be ordered to a physical exami- Tomato Juice water almost as calm as the Inland J. He married a young lady from nation at an authorized naval station, mm etKEM Toms River and a former stenog- The Monmouth County Hlalorlcal WANT lakes of New Jersey, Is we.ll covered which they must pass to be permit- 6MSSES •with flahlng and pleasure boats of all rapher in the office of tho late Judg. association will hear Katherlne Mayo ted to compete In the mental exam- Jeffrey, He recalled many men in talk on "Patriots and Pirates" at Phg. e/ leo sizes. We opont moet of the day, af- ination. Catalina Handle •• ter going to the morning services of Ocean, county, among them wen the association building In Freehold the First Methodist church, on the Judge Jayne, former Editor Flache: this afternoon. The address, which grass at tho beach, and only a very and Judge Jeffrey, Jim Allardlce, will be open to the public, will be- WANTS TO BCI&D A DOCK. few of these boats made a move Fred Bunnell, Harry Hagaman, thi gin at i o'clock. There will be a c 27c during the entire day. I asked If Ewart Boys, U. s. Grant and many small charge for non-members of the Peter DIGIovannl of Highlands Ap- association. _ plies to War Kept for a Permit, there were any fishing parties made others. STRAWBERRY I up from the visitors and was In- We arrived at the State House al DOLES The Red Bank Register travels Peter DIGiovanni of Highlands has iPRESERVES formed that there were occasionally, about 3 o'clock and*It looked mor over every street In town and every made application to the War depart- (Unswetientti) like a session of the New Jersey flea 1)S( ! This seemed so strange, when we road In the county. Let It carry your ment for a permit to construct a dock ferkint PINEAPPLE think of the hundreds of fishermen Legislature, when a number of ap message to those who live on these In the Shrewsbury river at that place thoroughfares.—Advertisement. 4-LB. f JUICE and visitors to our shores, who de-polntments are to be made. Th In front of his property. The dock £rfra Sit JAR H-0i. Can 49c

PITCH'* BATHING RUBBING SHAVING S>< S-ct. Bollh SEASALT |50cSav-Mor| ALCOHOL 10c Sit Slinl Roll lOcSMFiMt RELGAH ASPIRIN White Swan Mwrrao LILAC TABLETS| < TOILET BALANCED I F« Mil Sllrinj I TISSUES FOOT RATIO* Collie ^\ 2* A*Ai i \Nmi\ss DU5TING 3Oc VtCKS Af, $i Riwex «_ 1 VATROMOL #1 o PrM.ripUonlo. C | Wilk Drcpur t*\ Atlhm.. H>r Fmt, HIB POWDER CoUi. Cu. "*'* SI.00 BotiT* AM »1.00 CLAFL1N*S - ^^ BORATED EPHEDR1NE S |fl ESTIVIN Cl COMPOUND /lUr FOR BABIES r- RdM rf U I • t—•. nattlr f»r T^aJ ~ CANS 25c Hottia m « 35c MILLS n. FOR., t HHSTOL 1| PUla ., Wllh II' Epkadrlu ' " ' Kphnlrtxr fcT^ ^ 75c NAZAL flft 1 CAPSULES QQ ATOMIZER /Unf •OTI. Oil .'r -f JL KT" I

St NUR.MN6 BABY BOTTLES RUBBER 49t Gtnaint . 4orl0oz.size JI.M—t*t. Sol. $1 DJM- Kl*« PANTIES 75c Volo, DR. PITCHERS | VITALIS SACHET JEAIS MSTORIA Exqmsilelf (Rtpuk) Perfumed TALCUM: 19. 49. c-: 49c ICionl ffl 25c Genuine TEXTALC Tattamine j^^^ WHh G0« TOOTH 111— >,T£' K BRUSHESl Bf"lh With Bamboo Haniln mmnm FOCUSING

WITH 2 GUARANTEED ! 'Have you (rrer "counted the cost" of home laundering? Not ot^j W 25c Sanitary Bowl BATT;EXli;SJ- h deputed nerr*i and a tired tody, but aLo in dollar* and cent*-? Cott of Brush RINSO | in! M-Oi. GRANULATED . WORTH 49cVCUT TO, / •quipment, Interest on Snyettment, depreciation, repair*, ga», electric, supplies. Cm SOAP SANI- Boxtl Bill*, Dili*, Dills I And (till you do tlia -work ox Jure and juparvue a laundres*. 4-01- FLUSH 2 Fw All For Ov% NEW HOME SERVICE ellmtiiitei luirJ wXj «»Ve« money. Everything wanted? flatwon finianto, balance Uun-orlid (much, of it ready for uiejt juit t few piecet of 13 outer wearing apparel to fimah j-ouritlf. You get thu for only 5e a pound, first five pound's 50e. . Handkerchiefi and Joilici lc each extra. New Home Service tares r drum jour health, time and money. Take adVantage of it today. AOAJMf CATCHEROfV Peppermint: In^.,^-r__ KentockYColow BOOK I CHEWING CUM (Qthir ttrvicta at eorrtfpontiingly low prtcts.) ISifxhlTbi £e™:| TOBACCO BRIQQS " or Pfnocbl* ~ ~ ' ~ " Ua«Mr«lM MA3CMIS TOBACCO CARDS \TOBACCO 25. 2 V\M5t Dial Little Talla 4-0400 • Red Bank 9600 or Dial "Operator" and atlt fo» , /5c )%.<». nt. I POI»«tAR 5c Toll-Free Pkone WX-1000* BIG MITTl TOBACCOS SMOKING ('The toll churijc It nti!om«lically ravened to ut.) 5%UTAN LONG FILLER • 8HIB.TS • 11 ilia Btutfitty JTinwW, Fro»h and Porfcct' w »n*» -nit*, if if Tmt ,'IT*1 lie ««cA «* 4, OMta, , OMfloM* or LITTLBi FALLS ftU RED BANK Hi PKO. aw life Pamt Sir RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27, 1986. too. la tha last Ooogr*** they *uoo**d«d in havlnf a b* very likely to make a placi for bill pund appropriating funds for •roslon protection, him on its sales *taff, as baa been Wardell Avenue Auxiliary to Buy Dahlia Culture RED BANK REGISTER and it la poepibl* that this itate may obtain *om* aid done more than ontfe for star* of SSTABUSHED 18T8 from thla source. Let's hop* this spirit continues, not the football field where the race ques- Bath For Hospital Editorial Views tion did not enter. Gains Homes As GEORGE a HANCE. Editor only with regard to beach protection, but also In all The Red Bank auxiliary of Mon- Innovation Has other matters pertaining to the welfare of the people of Whether In view of all the clrcum- FBEDEBIO 8. HATES, JUMflBf stancea ths A. A. U, could not have mouth Memorial hospital dwldid our state*. Recovery Returns Thursday at a mntlop; at the bom* THOMAS mVINQ BROWN, (Tha oplnlom axpnotd Is tha Edltorlil expressed Its regrets to Sweden and Great Results A meeting was held recently at Sea Bright to lay a Vltwt haraundtr do not ntciuarily let it go at that without harshly dis- of Mrs. Persia Blakt on Pinckncy Publisher Md Business Manager foundation for a concerted drive* to obtain federal assist- tba (ndorHmant of Tit Rial't«r). clplnllng Owens will be delated Two Hotuea Recently Complet- road to buy a Curtis portable hydro- maasage whirlpool bath for th« hot- Archibald L. Miller Find* Rail- ' THE BED BANK BEOI8TEB ance for the construction of Jetties. Ths principal Bootleg Gambling Goe* On. wherever sportsmen meet. The unim- peachable fact remains that Jesse ed, One Under Way and An- pita] at a ooit of $M0. Mr*. H«l«n ing Them in Wired Enclosure 1B a member of speakers were Congressman Sutphln, who gave an out- Vice Chancellor Buchanan has very Slea ot New York and Spring Lak* THE ASSOCIATED PBESS line of the appropriation bill mentioned above, and properly refused to Interfere in tha Owens hae proved a credit to his other to be Started Soon— started th* whirlpool-bath fund with Hu Other Benefit! Betide* The Associated Press 1» exclusively entitled to the Thomas P. McKenna, "Long Branch attorney, who has country. a donation of $35. Th* bath is a n»- dog racing business at Long Branch, —The Christian Science Monitor. Building Prospects Bright. use for republicatlon of all «""» dispatches to It or not devoted much Um« In the Interests of our beaches and whore subterfuge betting has been csislty at the hospital and contribu- Protection AgaJnit IntecU. otherwise credited In this paper and also the local n«wi waterways. Mr. McKenna has attended conferences In closely guarded by county authori- tion* to tba fund will gladly be ae-' Picturesque Wardell avenue, att- copted by any member of the auxili- published therein, "Washington and elsewhere and has gained a wide ties. ending from tha Rumson road to the An Innovation (n floriculture-raising knowledge of beaches and waterways, as well as of po- The yic* Chancellor was openly ary. dahlia*) under fln* meshed wire, 1* Member National Editorial Association Block Canada's South Shrewsbury river and flanked litical bodies. He lays the only way to get results la to distrustfuul of the plan whereby by an estuary of that stream, is wall Th* auxiliary will hold a food sal* being carried on with such astonlBh- keep the subject constantly before the officials in Wash- "options" are sold on dogs. The sell- n the process of development a* a on Friday of nazt weak, starting at ing results by Archibald L, Miller of Member Ser Jersey Pitta Association ington. Mr. McKenna speaks with the conviction of a Ing of "options" is perfectly legal, Control Of hlgh-clam residential center of Rum- 10 o'clock In th* morning. Mrs. Nor- Buttonwood, Shrewsbury, that It will bijt when "options" are exorcised man Hoyt of Maple avenue will take PJobaWy be done by others next year. man who has been In the front line trenches, and It son borough. Amout half a mil* In orders for food and cakes until next Member Monmouth County Press Club would do well for the shore municipalities to pay heed only on dogs that finish first, second ength, the street was cut through the . Miller, who 1* a' former mayor American Soil Wednesday. of Had Bank and one of the leading to his advice. A united front and a "never say die" and third, the scheme does not smell Mlllward property eight years or so right. amateur horticulturist* of thlB sec- THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 19S8 spirit are necessary. ago and the land was put on the mar- The court refused to grant an in- The editorial page of the Septem- ket for home sites., The owners of tion, has dahlias growing In the open c-o-o-c-o-o junction restraining county authori- ber Issue of the Blade and Ledger he tract are Mis. Annie Woodward Activities Of aa well a* under wire, Dog Racing Killed ties from interfering with tho selling published at Chicago had the follow- and her sons, George, Roy and Harry Th* difference between the two Smaller Crops; Leu Work of "options." ng article from the pen of Francis Mlllward. American Legion kind* of flowers la amazing, Those by Public Opinion. and More Profits. All of which adds more chapters J. Cummlngs, which Is reprinted here In the enclosed upaca have blossoms to the ridiculous history of gambling for the interest of Register readers: A number of lots was sold within and atalka almost twice aa largo as Greyhound dog racing soon lost IU lure to attract Official statistics show a considerable increase In short time after the development large attendances when it became apparent that Sheriff in New Jersey. It is a well known The Canadian Treaty, dealing with Officers Chosen at Meeting of thosa In the open, despite tho fact national farm Income despite ths fact that In some sec- was plotted, and several houses were that the varieties are the jsame and George H. Roberts and Prosecutor T. Raymond Bailey tions there are practically so crops because of the fact that gambling is carried on in he St. Lawrence Power and Naviga- Red Bank Poit Monday Night pool rooms, gambling palaces and tion Project is scheduled to come up built. The depression temporarily all raoelved the *atno care and atten- were not fooling when they said they would not permit drought Probably no part of the nation escaped dam- stopped the growth of the settlement, —Boat Ride Tomorrow Night tion. Those In the open are very gambling at the track. Few people will pay good money back rooms of cigar stores. But for ratification by tho next session of age, but while thla spelled ruination for some tillers of people wishing to ga&hle may not but with, the advent of better times —Two New Member*. fine, hut they do not begin to com- to see a. bunch of dogs chase an artificial white rabbit longress. It was defeated before. It the; soil it invoked prosperity beyond anything known place a bet on a dog race In the open. must be defeated again, because this home building la again going on. Two part with those protected by wire. when wagering la not permitted, and the operators were in recent years for others in favored localities. It proved It Is only bootleg betting that can be treaty proposes turning control of fine residences have recently been The average dahlia blossom In ths virtually "starved out" As an aftermath they are being much more effective in curtailing food production and completed, another la in course of The officer* recommended by the protected area is fourteen inches in carried on In connection with racing. .ke Michigan and Its water shed nominating committee of Shrewsbury sued lor alleged unpaid debts. in boosting the price of vegetables, fruit and live stock Hundreds of thousands of persons over to the Canadian government and construction and plana are being diameter. Most of tho stalks are seven prepared for another. post ot tha American legion ot Red feet or more In height. The courts have ruled that betting on the races Is than the "plowing under" policies of the Hoover and play cards for stakes, day after day, Great Britain, and places the United Bank were eleoted unanimously Mon- Illegal, and the end of dog racing Is hailed as a vic- Roosevelt administrations. and night after night. That seems States in the position of extending The housed Just finished are now Mr. Miller won seventeen priiee to England the right to dictate what occupied by their owners, John J. day night. Their names war* in a with as many dahlia entries in the tory for law and order. In reality It was a victory for Among those In the favored class are the farmers of to go aa an accepted fact But oth- previous issue of Th* Register. John public opinion which was moulded to a much greater ex- era who want to do some betting of United States shall do with water of Knodell, formerly of TowerhlU ave- Rumson flower show laBt year end Monmouth county. They are not gathering bumper its Great Lakes. It is a senseless, r.ue, Red Bank, and Robert D. How- Pheltfenberger suooeeda Morris Mll- as his epecimenta were not as good tent by economic considerations than by any moral Issue. crops as they did last year when the markets wers their own kind are not permitted to or aa commander. do so. Why? Because there are still unjustifiable, and unwarranted "gift" ard, formerly of New York. Mr. as those of his present garden he is Previous experience with dog racing had built up strong glutted and oftentimes they did not receive enough to of valuable United States right to Howard Is banquet manager ot the Large Interest waa reported In the hopeful of making Rood record this opposition to Its continuance not so much because it was enough of the stralghtlaced antl- boat ride to b* htld by the Ladles' a pay commission and freight charges. Their crops are gambllng forces in the Legislature to Britain, A veritable mandate over Aetor hotol of New York. The house year. His object in planting the flow- wrong or because It was harmful to IU devotees as be- smaller and therefore they have less work to do, but In- American soil and American activi- under construction la for Harry F. auxiliary of th* post tomorrow night. en In a screened enclosure was to cause it diverted a huge Bum of money from the chan- deprive the people of their right to The trip will be made on tha steam- stead of selling their produce at a loss or letting It rot vote on a Constitutional amendment. ties that sets a precedent unheard of Thleameyer, who is a resident of War- protect them from Japanese beetles nels of buBlness. It was precisely the same situation or ,n our history! den avenue. Zimmerman & Codding- er Sandy Hook, which will leav* the and other insect foes. Ho had no on the ground for want of a market they, are finding That la a question that should be stale of public belief which led to the repeal of prohi- ready sales at a fair profit Their good fortune Is en- One glance at the map reveals that .on of Middletown village have the Central railroad pier at Atlantic Idea that any other benefit would settled by the people, not by the Highlands at 10 o'clock. A big ad- bition. Irely due to the vagaries of the weather man; and It Is Lake Michigan is fifty miles from the contract. Walter W. Zimmerman, the accrue, but he Is now convinced that members of the Legislature. Canadian border at its nearest point. senior member of this firm, built' vance sale of ticket* has been mads, the plan has other advantages, al- The court ruling was popular and because of this in uncomfortable thought that agricultural prosperity The anti-gambling provision was By making Lake Michigan a part of Th* outing will I)* In charge of • though he is not altogether certain fact the sheriff and the prosecutor had a comparatively for one section has to be purchased at the cost of dev- light of the nine houses on the street. adopted by the people 40 years ago, the International Boundary is It not He recently took In Wilbur Coddlng- committee of which Mrs. Phelffen- aa why this Is so. easy time enforcing the law. The result 1B another strik- astation and utter crop loss for another. That was at a time when clergymen reasonable to assumo that the strip on as a partner. berger is ohairman. The proflta will were preaching about an actual hell The efficacy of tho screens In keep- ing demonstration that laws which are backed by pub- Once again, this situation brings out with startling of territory between the Lake and be applied to th* welfare fund of the Ing off parasitlo enemies of vegeta- llo sentiment to a great extent enforce themselves by with flre and brimstone. Times have 'anadlan border automatically re- The house scheduled to be started vividness the fact that the old-fashioned notion that ioon will bo for James Kaplan of New P0Bt. tion La at once patent to tho mont their own momentum. Sometimes moral convictions, or bumper crops mean good times Is no longer true, how- changed. People no longer believe In verts to Canada? Does not tho wa- The annual report of Morgan B. casual observer who vielts Mr. Mil- that kind of a hell, ahd clergymen ter shed which includes the western York, president of State Film Deliv- disgust over rotten conditions are the chief motivating ever sound it once was. The trouble is not overproduc- ery Service. It will be of the Span- Kilert, chairman ot the house com- ler's suburban garden. The Japanese force, but In the present Instance it is an accurate ap- no longer preach that kind of a hell. half of the state of Michigan, north- mittee, was mad* and accepted, beetle* and other voracious eaters of tion but Inequitable distribution. Last year the farm- R»v. Lester Clee does not preach ern half of Illinois and Indiana, and ish type and Its owner and his fam- praisal to say that dog racing fell by the wayside be- ers with bounteous crops were unable to market -their ily will occupy It The plans have Daniel Bedford reported that the flowers have riddled the dahlias cause it was generally viewed as an ofSstacla to the re- that kind of a doctrine, yet he Is ono eastern half of Wisconsin also come Drum and Bugle corps had been de- grown In the open with large gaping goods, while millions In the cities on the verge of starva- of the leaders who refuse to submit under Canadian control? The or- cot been fully completed. turn of prosperity. How strongly this belief has become Mr. Thlcsmcyer's house Is being voting a large amount of time t« wounds, The only way to protect tion were forced to go without farm products because of the anti-gambling measure to the ganized propagandists behind this practicing for participation In the these exposed blossoms Is to place may be Judged from tha fact that advocates of horse being Jobless. This year Old Mother Nature has stepped people to see what they think of treaty do not mention this. They built on the west aide of the street, racing are among the chief opponents of dog racing be- parade to be held in connection with pieces of cheesecloth orer them and Into the picture with a record-breaking drought to help legalized, regulated gambling 40 dare not. t will have the latest features, in- this frequently does not prove effec- cause they fear that further public experience with IU lulling copper fixtures attached to the legion state convention at As- th« farmers of Monmouth and of some other fortunate years after the present measure was To all questions concerning Lake bury Park. The parade will take tive because winds blew the cloths bad economic consequences will engender Increased op- localities. passed. Michigan, and the Great States sur- he foundation to prevent termite in- away. estatlon. The house will be Insulat- place Saturday, September 12. position to their plans. That is why millions of dollars are rounding it, these propagandists re- Michele Ross and Arthur Maler This Is a spotty picture about which It Is Impossible ply with vague promises and assur- ed outside and inside. Mineral wool Beetles and most other Insects can- o-o-c-o-o-o '\ to become enthusiastic even In the spots which have gambled each year in bootleg gamb- were received as new members ot the ling, while horse racing, dog racing ances. They tell us it is "neceBaary" will be used for this purpose. A court not get through the screens. The been favorably affected by tha crop failures of other to give up something to get some- with a decorative fence two feet high post. enclosure has not kept out aphlda, Free Home Sites for and other »porta cannot be operated A letter was received from Mr*. areas. "Nevertheless, looking at the matter in another in the open.—Hudson Dltpatch. thing. But when it is shown that will bo In the front yard. Around tha but they havo not been very numer- Veterans in a Florida Town. way this break for the farmers of Monmouth is not Canada gives up nothing—not one 'ence will be a flag walk, and the Myrtle Daly expressing appreciation ous and- they are easily dealt with. single blade of grass or a drop of courtyard will be In the form of a of the kindness and sympathy shown Another obvious advantage of tha Red Bank has an Interesting visitor In Dr. Charles without an element of Justice. The "plowing under" Hot Dog*. by the post in her bereavement H. Parker, who ran away from his home at Little Sil- rules were so made that our county farmers received Canadian water, they counter with series ot wide steps with a flooring acreenod enclosure la that it protects The hot dog, German in its origin, the statement that Canada is jealous caused by the death of her husband, ver in 1861 to enlist In the Union army and who la back little or nothing by crop curtailment The chief bene- of broken flagstones. the blossoma against sun scald, Out has become aa much a part of tho of its sovereignty over Canadian soil. William Daly. In the open a number of the blooms at his old haunts for a month or »o after an absence of ficiaries were the agriculturists of the West and the American sceno as baseball, gas sta- 13 It not enough to give Canada the On the southeastern side of the John Fhelffenberger, who was In South. The roles, temporarily at least, have been re- dwelling will be a porch, 8x20 feet, are disfigured with brown, scared 70 years. Readers of The Register are familiar with tions, colored comics and rye whis- money to build their ditch? Why charge of the refreshment booth con- marks, but there arc no blemishes on the story of the return of this picturesque native. The versed not by man-made action but by forces beyond key. Its manufacture Is an import- must wo give them sovereignty over with a flooring of red cement and ducted by the post at the regatta last with the porch foundation edged with the ones In the enclosure. Tho net- observation that truth is stranger than fiction findB much human control. It Is not a pretty spectacle, but every- ant industry and its distribution re- part of America? Why Internation- week, stated that he would present a ting doeB not provldo much shade, supporting evidence in his unusual life story. one who knows what the farmers hereabouts have had quires the services of thousands— alize a zone to benefit Britain? Why material of the same color. Another detailed report at the next meeting. unusual feature will be a rear porch but apparently there Is Just enough Perhaps equally as Interesting Is the odd history of to contend with the past few years will agree that they butchers, truck drivers and clerks— open the way for Britain in the fu- He said that the sale* made Included to prevent tho eun from doing dam- ture to demand what you will do ixtending from the house to the gar- 300 pounds of frankfurters and more the little town of Zephyrhllls, Florida, where Dr. Par- are entitled to the happier times which have developed In addition to its penultimate hand- age. ler, tha griddle tender. with the waters of rivers running age. The porch will bo 8 feet wide than 4,200 bottle* of soft drinks. Let- ker makes his home. This community was founded for them. and 20 feet In length and it will have Mr. Miller also bollev*a that thin The number of frankfurter—frank- through your cities and past your ters of thanks were ordtred aent to shortly after the close of the Civil war'by veterans of farms? hrce ornamental arches. It will ex- James S. Parkea for having donated shade Is efficacious in promoting the both armies. Home sites were offered as gifts to ex- furt is a modern contraction—vend- end out from the house In the form growth of the flowers. Dahlias are ing stands on tha highways would Realizing that American statesmen material for building the booth and soldiers -who would build houses on the development. Prizea and Honors vs. of a deck. :o MrB. Fhelffenberger and Mrs. Wll- really autumn flowers, he says, nnd lead tho visiting foreigner to believo are dazzled by tho possibilities of they grow best under fall ellmatie The town is blessed with low taxeB and public-owned Education for Education's Sake. it la the staple food of the native power development In the St Law- The house will be of the colonial iam Chandler for having assisted at water and electricity sold at reasonable rates. type with wide shingle enclosures, the sales. The stand 1« portable. It conditions, He believes this is one Severe] weeks ago comment was mads In these motorist. And maybe it is. rence, that th8 Great Lakes cities' reason why tho plants protected by Zephyrhills Is continuing Its reputation as a veter- columns about action having been taken In several No outdoor gathering In America, fathers are bursting with pride at the and a colonial front entrance. An waa taken down yesterday and placed outside chimney will be on the south In storage, the us* of a truck for the netting are bigger and healthier ans' town by making the same kind O* an offer to vet- schools hereabouts to discontinue making awards to pu- no baseball game, picnic, amusement thought of their towns becoming than those In the open. He also has erans of the World war, Florida has a very progressive pils with perfect attendance records. The school author- park, parade, circus or summer re- ports of entry with the flags of all side. Three dormer windows will be thlB purpose being donated by Byron on the side of the house facing the Aepdln. gladioli, chrysanthemums and other tax system which exempts new homes from being as- ities took thta action on the- ground that pupils In poor sort boardwalk Is complete without nations flapping at mastheads of flowers under cover nnd they show small foraign craft, the crafty Brit- street and a bay window will be in The post voted to send unlnitruoted sessed over a term of years, and the action of the little health who should be at home receiving medical atten- at least one and sometimes a dozen the eame marked advantages ov*r or more hot dog stands. sh diplomat grants us these paltry the dining room. A large fireplace delegates to the legion state conven- town of Zephyrhills gives a veteran an opportunity to tion often attended school In ordtf to win the distinc- bolstering* of civic pride with a others of their kLnd without such pro- One of the best-known manufac- will be In the living room. The end tion to b» held at Asbury Park Wed- own a home of his very own with a minimum of danger tion of perfect attendance. grand gesture, while securing for of the room where the fireplace Is tection as Is true of the dahlias. Mr. turers in thlB part of the country neaday, Thursday, Friday and Satur- Miller belleveB that In addition to of confiscation. Since that time a number of educators of nation- Britain a seaway built In Canada to be located will have moulded edge day, September 9, 10, 11 and 13, The town has done this by buying all properties sold turns out 100,000 pounds a week. with United States money, power coolness and protection from insect wide prominence have challenged the whole theory of Since there are ten f rankfurts to the boards for the side wall. The house for unpaid taxes and giving them to veterans for home they badly need, and control of a will have two bathrooms with tiled and sun damago, moisture conserva- classroom competition and of giving prizes for high pound, this means 1,000,000 hot dogj tion 19 engendered by the netting en- sites. The only string attached to the gift is that a huge block of territory. At the same floors and eldewalls. The floor and ALLEGED SCHOOL PROGRAMS. scholastic standing. They reason that pupils should not a week, or £2,000,000 a year. time they seek to destroy the Gulf closure. Some of tho gladioli atolkfl house conforming to common sense restrictions must be be urged to outdo each other and to win awards' but walls of the kitchen will be of the Hundreds of millions are consumed to Great Lakes waterway lying en- same material. Hardwood floors will George White'* Thought* on t to- are five feet high. constructed within a specified length of time. This rather should be Induced'to apply themselves to educa- annually, boiled or grilled, but in- tirely within the United States, and dallied America. The wlred-ln apace Is 20x35 foot. marks a big difference from the practice In New Jersey tion for education's sake. They claim that such a meth- bo laid in tho other rooms. The win- variably tucked in a slit In a banana- whose benefits are now being en- dow frames used In the house will August 34, 19J9. In It is a,large electrlo bulb whloh Is of allowing tax Bale sharks to gobble up the propertlei od would not only prove more effective In instilling shaped roll, generously smeared with Joyed by farmers, fruit growers, lit when Mr. Miller workB in the gar- of delinquent taxpayers for a song and dispose of them be of a now typo without pockets, Editor Register: knowledge but also in moulding character. mustard and sauerkraut small towns, cities and business en- sash cords and weights. den nights. H* built the screen house at enormous profits. That the Zephyrhills plan la prac- Hardly a man, woman or grown terprises of many kinds in the 23 Mark Sullivan recently sounded a in sections during his spare time In The discussion over this subjecPVas caused very Mr. Howard's new house Is of an warning against a proposal to Inter- tical as well as altrulstlo Is attested by the way that largely as the result of a young college student having child in the country manages to get states of the Mississippi valley. est school teacher* In aa educational the winter, using zlntex wire cloth, ultra-modern type which Is an inno- whloh Is of very flna mesh. In it are community has grown and proflpered. won large honors from various colleges in an e»Bay con- through a year without eating at They make no pretense about their irogram for a socialized America. Immedlato intention of destroying vation for this section but very large* 60 dahlia plants representing 30 va- test It turned out that his reward had not been Justly least one, and for some the consump- *Ie noted the formation of a com- tion runs Into the hundreds, the peak the Gulf to Great Lakes project, now ly In vogue in new residential de- mission on social studlis which ha* rieties. Mr. Miller Is particularly earned, as he had stolen the literary property of another coming in summer time. virtually completed. They stipulate velopments elsewhere. It overlooks completed a special scheme for edu- pleased because one of the healthiest Susan B. Anthony and :he estuary of the South Shrewsbury man. This was not discovered until after he had gar- Withal this widespread popularity in this damnable treaty that no more cation In this country, and he haa of them Is of the Kathlyn Norria Her Unfinished Program. nered all the awards offered In this particular competi- Uian 1,500 cublo feet of water may river mentioned above. This stream aaked what will be the attltud* of variety. Previous to this year i» the hot dog remains an object of of water affords a fine harbor for deep the publlo when It learni tha truth. Last week three-cent stamps bearing the likeness of tion. Hendrlk Willem Vanl/oon, ths celebrated author, derision, a symbol of cheap food, Its bo diverted from Lake Michigan to had been unsuccessful in raising thai the Mississippi—not enough to float water yachts and cruiser*. Although Ha saya that taxpayers must laok Susan B. Anthony, pioneer crusader for women's rights, in a recent letter in the New York Herald Tribune, com- contents subject to grave suspicion. spirit and energy It they allow them- I dahlia. mented in part as follows on the matter: a tug boat! is upper reaches extend to within a Mr. Miller Is a number of tho Hor- were printed on the anniversary of tha adoption of tha Actually the worst that can be said 'ew yards of the Rumson road, few selves and their communities and the nineteenth, or equal suffrage amendment. Yesterday against a frankfurt mado by a repu- Do wo get anything? Sure! We country to be re-sh&pod according to ticultural society ot Monmouth coun- "He, of course, was a product of an educational ays- get the privilege of paying the bill people know of Its existence aside they were placed on sale for the first time at Washing- tern that preaches 'Get your own, my children! Get It table firm Is that It isn't the most the ldeaa of a small number of ty and at a meeting of that organ- for Canada's Beaway and power rom residents of Wardell avenue, teachers who rtt many cues do not ization last fall, before starting work ton and today they went on sale In the rest of the Uni- honestly If you can, but beat the other fellow and get digestible thing In the world. Aside Trees and shrubbery hide it from the from that, it Is pure and wholesome. units; about one fifth of the electric announce their purpose. Ha thinks on the screen eoctlons, he asked for ted States. your share of the plunder." I know that these are bitter power developed; the right to sail view of traveler* on the Rumson In the situation It Is the duty of local No less an authority than George newspapers to partorra a duty In ex- expressions of opinion an to how the Few women have been so honored. Susan B. An- words, but they are only a very mild expression of what our unarmed ships through this sca- road. plan would work. A wido range of thony holds a unique position, for alone among femin- thousands of us who are seriously trying to prepare our Rector, famed restaurateur, Include* wny—and that Is all! posing the new tendenoy, It among tho finer foods. He cat« William Romaine of New York Wa* prediction* was nindo. Everybody ists she has the distinction of having won such a place children for a more humane and decent world feel. The You who have fought for the pres- For many years high school schol- lots of 'em hlmsoif and thinks it Is :he contractor. The dwelling 1* en- ars have been taught that the less agreed that the netting would keep In the Hall of Fame through having led a great po- present system, which tends to turn the nursery and the ervation of American ldealB of jus- closed with steel and etucoo. It ha* out Insects, but some thought thnt time people stopped making sinister tlco and freedom, and you who cher- said about natural right* the better litical reform. She did not live to sec nation-wide equal schoolroom into a vast gladiatorial battlefield, Is the references as to what might be In live rooms and a large sun deck, the —such right* such text-book writers the plant* would grow tall and suffrage. She died fourteen years before the nineteenth most dlstastrous and unfortunate thing that could pos- ish affection for this country and its iatter overlooking the branch of the aa Sly and Wacker describe as de- spindly with not enough strength to them. flag—stand by your colors! Protect 1 amendment wan adopted, but at the time of her death sibly happen to tho cause of education." river. The house ie provided with pendent on the will of the majority. bear the blossoms they produced, What IB in them? In the standard America now by actively doing your Later It nas been the custom to Ig- a number of states had granted the right to women to frankfurts, beet and pork, that's all. every modern comfort and conven- Some, In addition to Mr. Miller, had Mr. VanLoon Is stronger in his expression than bit to keep Congress from ratifying ence and its attractive appearance nore any questions of such funda- vote. others of his school of thought who have commented on In koshor brandu, only beef, of a treaty bad for the United States! mental oharacter—to Ignore prin- faith In th* plan, but not even tba The whirligig of life brings about great changes, and course. Tho Gsrmans make a de- haa contributed materially to the en- ciples and streas the furnishing ot most optlrnlstlo expected such won- the subject. However, it is evident that sentiment In Fight this treaty! Ask your local hancement of tho neighborhood. this is well illustrated by tho career of Susan B. An- licious frankfurter entirely of loan newspaper to co-operate. Join hands Interesting but innocuous detail* of derful results. favor of putting less emphasis on competition and prize Mr. Knodell's- house la of the Cape modern economlo happenings. thony. On one occasion she was arrested and thrust in- giving Is growing. Methods of teaching have changed pork, It doesn't appeal much to the with me—by telling your friends and American palats, and besides Is ex- by sending me expressions of your 'od type and one of the most Impost I recently obtained a copy of a to Jail for attempting to vote. Then she was treated as greatly In the past 25 years, and H should occasion no ing residences on. the street. It is book ot 638 pages, furnished to ~ a disturber of the peace. Today she is rightly regarded pensive. opinion. Let'n voice a protest so loud Union Workers On surprise if tho trend towards education for education's every member of Congress will hear next to Mr, Howard's home. A large Monmouth county boy, th* ion of - as having been a heroine in the cauBe of rlghetousness. sake gains Impetus. Those who advocate the change do The caaing? Sheop or hog Intes- farmer, who had elicted to "major" tines. Skinless frankfutts were de- part of ths front enclosures are Penn- Outing Saturday However, mvich that she sought to accomplish re not belittle tho benefits of competition. They admit that sylvania ashler stones and there la In the (tudy of "economics" at Dart- mains to be done. In many ways women lack tho same veloped because many objected to mouth college. Th* author, Bumner It Is a very valuable attribute, but claim It li such a the toughness and Indlgestlblllty of ELKS' BIItTHDAY I'AIITY. a large outsldo chimney of the same H. SllohUr, professor of busln*** Employees of threo Hcd Bank fac- legal rights ns men; and the National Women's parly la natural thing that It needs no artificial stimulus. the skin. The skinless kind are en- material. economic* at Harvard,, spent more tories, members of Red Bank locals urging an amendment to the Constitution to end this cased In a' synthetio material, tough Hod Bank Lodge to Honor Momliers The kitchen, bathroom and lava- than ten year* In Its compilation of the Amalgamated Clothing Work- discrimination. Their cause Is strengthened by the ac- tory have floors and aldewalls of tile. and has fully demonstrated that if ers of America, attended an outing and transparent, not unllko the Bom In August at Session Tonight. there are natural laws whloh rnust tion taken In honoring Susan B. Anthony. It Is only Another Season at wrapping on clgaret packages. It la Oak floors are laid throughout the Saturday afternoon at Gus Ornborg'i Red Bank lodge of Ellin will hold other rooms. Tho cellar has been be reckoned with In the search for camp on Newman Springs road. logical thai it ihould result in greater support for the the Sylvan Forurri. pceltxi of! before cooking, the sur- L reception following a short busi- genaral prosperity he haa not at- prlnclploB for which she stood which have not yet been face of the meat retaining Its very attractively outfitted a* a rec- tempted to consider th«m. Bathing was enjoyed In Swimming ness session tonight for tho mem- reation and play room. Overlooking put Into practice-, To the other attractions of the good, old summer- molded jhape after tho skin's ro- At the high school In Long Branch river and games wore played. Re- bers born in August. Bpcclal inv!tn< the harbor or orock la a porch, 12x14 freshments were served. — ' —o-o-o-o-o-o — time In Monmonth county will soon be added the Sylvan moval.—Newark Sunday Call. tlonn to attend hnvo been sent to •o, or was, being used a wonderful forum season on Theron McCampbetl's Ramanessln feet. A breakfast nook with octagon text-book by lUxford G. Tugwell Mrs. Mary Badesarro won the fat Fred Bauor, Alfred Bennett, Georgo windows is al«o almost directly over Co-operation Needed for farm at Holmdel. It Is to open Sunday with an ad- Owens' Decision, Bonnott, Joseph Becker, Fred Brown, and Howard C. Hill. It IB nicely print- ladles' race. Bruno Bella, an organ- dress by Norman Thomas, Socialist candidate for Presi- tho stream. The front porch haa a ed, has numsrous Illustrations, and iier for the union, won tho fat men's Beach Erosion Protection. Jesse Owona and the A. A. U. are Thomas Irving Brown, William Co- floor of flagstone. Attached to the advises the youths who study It to dent. Probably Mr. Thomas will ho the only presiden- Kan, Edward Cole, Thomas H, Cook, race. James LoBlondo wan tho win- It is emy to criticize those In power. Just now as both acting within their technical house is a double garage with two realize that tha concept of Individ- tial candidate to «peak in Monmouth county during the rights. Ralph Colo, George Coudrlor, Wil- ual rights gives no clear basis for ner of the race opon to fitters, and election time grows nigh some Republicans are finding entrance. present campaign, but tho free use of the forum has liam J. Dowd, P. K. It., Jamen Dow- the division of Income; In order to William Parrono won tho boy's Back fault with the administration In Washington because The unconquored athloto from Ohio race. been offered to all parties and there will be a Iloosovclt Ion, William Egolf, Poter J. Klchele, make practical progress we must nothing has been dono In tlila part of tho stnte to pro- State University has stayed through resort to governmental social plan- Quests of honor were Congress- day and a lyinilon day. In addition there will be an to the end of the Olymplo contents P. D. D., Fred Fohrcr, Joseph Fix, NIGHT 1H-00M1NG CEREUfi. tect the ocean front from erosion. For the government Fred Frclbott, Dr. Frank Goff, Wnl- ning, and be guided by what hap- man William II. Nutphln and George Itnllan-Amerlcan festival, a Scotch and other and so fulfilled the purpose for which pen*. to spend money elsewhere for flood control and protec- he went. On the other hand, It i» tor Glblln, Harold A. aiblln, V. K. II., Friends of Mrs. Harriet Tunis Watch Roop, Democratic candidate for attractions. Tho forum has been enlarged and Improved. Victor Grosfllnger, John Ilanscn, ICuri Here surely Is a toclalliad America counollman. tion from (toll erowlon, nnd at tho namo time neglect tho the rule of the A. A. U. to suspend Flower Unfold, pleaded for, and Mark Bulllvan'a sug- any competitor who violates an agree- Hayer, Honry Ilylln, Albert Ivlnfl, The workers aro employees of th* North Jersey count, constitute good grounds for com- A number of the frlomln of Mrs. gestion that the publio and local plaint, but tho "Republicans can not denounce the Demo- ment. Howard I* Irwln, Rlchnnl Jemtnn. newspapers •llouM be concerned Frank Oar'ruto shop on Wonl stroot, Charles IC. Johnston, Hnlk Knvook- Harriot Tunis gathered at her home the Bolomon Oonopolnkl shop on crats on this score without leaving their own parly wide It Is unfortunato thnt Owens and on Hudiion nvonuo Friday evening to about the tendency receives local Jlan, Rov. Thoman F. Kirk, Joseph confirmation. Monmouth street and tho John Sav- open to critlolnm. his coach, after agreeing to nttend Lnngnn, Harry Lindsay, Howard wutch a bud blwifloni on a night need Th. program, carried on supplementary contests | Sweden, Qsorge White. age shop on White street, The D«mociat« con nak what was accomplished by n Mallon, Harry Madannky, Henry ccieus plant In her yard. The event Wayside, N. J. James LoBlondo was chnlrman of found It noceanary to withdraw. Dis- took place according to calculation! th» Republicans tn protect Iho Jeraey beaches when Mnu/er, Max I,. Mausner, I.oo Mrrulo, |M the commlltco in charge. Larry Dl- appointment in Sweden will be groat. Albert Morris, Frank W. Murphy, and the blossom wa« of unutual « tn*lr party was In power. Tim North Jersey coast felt It la possible that that country would Moving Bock to I^onardo. Flnre w«s ncrotary nnd Thomnn I,n- tha brunt of many »«v«rn storms when the Republicans I'lorre Proal, Richard Rant, Dr. and frngrancs. The Ruesta wer* Mrs, not have extended tho Invitation to Onorgo Holmes, the Misses Hendrlck- Mr, and Mr*. FrM W. Baden, Br. Prcstl wan troanurer. Others on tha war* In control; yet nothing wn» done to alltvlate con- James Rowland, I<«on Rueckhnua, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Baden, Jr. commltleo wore Anthony Bruno, the team If It had known the star Jonoph Ryan, Frank Huntnngolo, non, Mr. and Mrs. Walter MoDougall ditions. was not coming. and Mm. William True*. Letar Mr*. and son Howard of Long Branoa, Philip Mazzaroppl, Halvatoro LoPron- Ocnrgo D, Schenck, Jacob Hclillck, tl, Tony Luciano, Frank I.ucla, LUIRI Th* problem Is loo Important and loo vital to the Before passing too cevsre judgment William A. Hnyder, I/mitt Hobel, Tunis cut the blo*»om off th* plant formar summer rwld«nt» of Leon- welfare of the stat* to b« made a football of politics. on th« brilliant and sporUimanlike Maurice Button. Fred Tabor. William nnd took It to the home of her frl*nd, ardo, will return to* Leonardo n«xt DtChlcho, Jonoph Fontano, Annu Banators Harbour and Moors and Congressman llutphin Negro alhround track star, It should Taff, Louis Tompklno, Frank Thomp- Mm. Young, whore aha made a abort Monday to llva there th* y*ar round,' Qoronl, Alnnnln Burnnnlo, Itnffaftl hare shown splendid 00-operation and teamwork la b* remsmbertd that all the backslap- son, Alphnnsus Vnccamlln, Raymond call. Mrs. Young I* an Invalid and They hava had an addition built to Qambaro and Caemr Salerno, miaWn« the projtot as far as It has gon* tn Washln*- wmtmwmwmtmwmwmt plng and grandstand will not VanHorn, Trod VnnVllet, I', m. II., •he make* h«r home with h*r (laugh th«lr noun on Highland avtnu», and seful service. mak* a carter for him. No bond Max Welstnan. Robert Wolim, Ed- t«r, Mri. BUnUy Brown of Arthur a numbtr of tmprovwnrat*) hav* Moys _tan mak* extra.pooket mono; ftrokwaf* nous*, for Isatanoe. would ward White and Dr. William Wolftrt pUo* RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27, 1936. Page Seven fh«y went by way of thi Panama the oldest In that locality, bu been Anal. They will be gone three ild to WlllUm Deiher, who will ran- Here And There In lontbs. kle It and conduct an upholstery recks Car After Men'Selie It. iop. It was erected before the Revo- Jack Krueger of Newark, ran his lution and Is still In good shape. Monmouth County utomoblle into a parked machine raduatee from Elder's. " ow §f tru. t Bradley Beach Sunday night to Miss Ruth L. Orasberger of Free- oil two armed men who had gotten old graduated last week from th* * ito the machine and ordered Kreu- lorthand course at Rider's college cr to drive them out of the state, Pertonal Notei, Salei of Property, Building Operations, 'he mon escaped after the crash. t Trenton. She Is also a graduate >f the Trenton State Teachers' col- Lodge Doings, Births, Marriages, Death" larn Burned Near Freehold. ige. A barn on the James A. Barry Bailey—McGregor. and Other Not*« of Interest. 'arm four miles east of Freehold Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bailey ot Allen- as struck by lightning Sunday nm. have announced the marriage bury Park police department and In light and burned to the ground. A their daughter, Miss Beatrix Ball- The CharjM A. Wlmpfhelmer es-< arago and cow stable were also t»U at Long Brunch hu been sold charge of the department during the iy, to Alfred McGregor of Vlneland. Blschoft administration, was dU- estroyed. Two horses in the barn "'he ceremony took place last New to a. New Yorlf ayndlcate. The prop- 'ere saved with difficulty. erty hid been held at 1250,000. The mlised frdm service last week by earn at New York. AUTOMATIC home will be continued u a private Cttyi Manager Milford G. Farley o Deutsch—Belles. ild Fire Truck Discarded. dwelling but the easterly part of the charges of accepting bribes. Miss Beverly L. Deutsch, daugh- The oldest Ore engine at Long property will be cut up Into building Long Branch Postmaster Bace. or of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Deutsch ranch, owned by Phil Daly ho»e if Long Branch, was married Sun- loti., John Oulre, Albert Carthy and ompany, has completed 20 years of ay at the Scarboro hotel at that ervlce and has been discarded. It Pay» Ofl Old Debt. Blueford O. Coatea have been rec- lace to Leonard E. Relies of New- will be replaced by a more modern A man who owed Auguatua Jack- ommended by the civil service com- rk. Rabbi Arthur H. Hersbon of mglne. ion of Freehold a debt of $2 for 10 mission as eligible for appointment Red Bank performed tho ceremony, yeire paid off the debt last week. as postmaster at Long Branch. Uquor Penalty Beduoed. George Hathaway, an employee at •upervlsor of Child Welfare. The liquor license of Harry Shier of Mr. Jackson did not reveall the Mrs. Mary M. Johnson of Prlnce- man'i name but laid that ihortly af- the poetofflce, Is automatically qual he Squan hotel at Manasquan will Ifled. on lias been appointed supervisor of jo suspended for thirty days begln- ter contracting the debt he enlisted lilld welfare service In Monmouth lng October 1. He had faced revo- In the Navy and he did not return Freehold Wedding. ounty. Mrs. Johnson Is one of two tion for violating an ordinance to Freehold, elnca that time, Mrs. Minnie Muken and Cantor M. luch appointees to work In rural rohlblting Sunday selling. Woman Breaks Leg. Dorfan, both of Freehold, were mar- :ountles of the state, the other being ried in the synagogue at that place •signed to Warren county. Health Nurse Resign*. Mri. Raymond Kruser of Keyport Mrs. Royal VanSlse of West Free- fell and broke her left leg while play- Sunday of list week by Rabbi Solo- IJquor License Denied. mon. Cantor Dorfan Is a singer In old has resigned as public health Ing ball at a picnic given by the Sun- The Keyport borough council Mon- urse, a position she had held seven day-school of the Calvary Methodist the Freehold synagogue. day night refused the application of HERCULES OIL BURNERS ears. She has not been In good church at Rarltan beach last week. Married at New York. James Wallace for a retail consump- lealth for some time and resigned X-ray pictures revealed that the leg Announcement has been made o: tion license for his place at First n this account Compare with any Burner selling for $279 or more was broken In two places above the the marriage of Miss Elizabeth M, itreet and Myrtle avenue. Several ankle and the heel wa8 dislocated. Gardner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, csldenta In that locality objected to Invents Bicycle Light. Now . . . Hercules Oil Burner puts oil heat within ;ho license. Carl McDermott of Freehold has Wounded With Bazor. John Gardner of Freehold, to Stan- ley Bpicer ot that place. The wed Ocean Grove Couple Engaged. invented a generator to be used In reach of the average home . . . takes it out of the lux- Kathryn Curry, 29, an Anbury Park providing electric lights for blcyclea colored woman, was taken to the Flt- ding took place at New York on Announcement has been made 0! August 13. :he engagement of Miss Betty Lyon, without the use of dry cell batteries. ury class! It's easy to make the change to oil heat. kln hoBpltal suffering from razor Mr. McDermott has several inven- Keyport Man Dies In Hospital. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Ly No matter what kind of heating plant you have now, wounds on her face and abdomen. on of Ocean Grove, to Frank D. Pe- lons to his credit. More than SO stitches were taken to Horace Bannister of Keyport die ters of that place. Both are gradu- Hercules Automatic Oil Burner will operate it satis- close the wounds. Sha charged Theo- lait Thursday In the Allenwood hoe- ates of Neptune high school. Offered a Film Test. dore Garrett, alto colored, of attack- pltal where he had been a patlenl MIBS Dorothy Daniel of Bolmar, factorily. Economical ... burns low priced oil. Quiet Ing her. several months. He was a well known Dead ftt 87. who won the title ot "Miss Nep- Judgment Agalnit Policeman. musician, He formerly conducted a Robert S. Wilbur, a pioneer resi- tune" In a bathing beauty contest .. . has only one moving part. Healthful ... the Her- to select a "Miss Monmouth" has Justice Oeorge Bailey of Neptune muslo studio and played the piano In dent of Como, died at the home o: a Keyport theater. his daughter, Mrs. Jacob Geayer o: been offered a talent test by a mo- cules thermostat maintains just the right degree-of township last week awarded judg- tion picture production company. ment for $21 against Policeman No Bids for Imlay Mansion. Asbury Park, last Thursday. He wai warmth at all times. No more worry or furnace tend- Oeorge Jobea In favor of Hyman No bidders appeared at the auctio: 87 years old and was a retired paint- liabbl Dead at Belmar. ing. For reliable uniform heat, get the facts on Her- Goldstein, who claimed the patrol- sale of the Imlay mansion at Allen ng contractor. He also leaves a son, Rabbi Morris S. Margolles, found- man owed him $25 for playing the town scheduled for last Thursday Englishtown Girl Married. er and honorary president of the cules Oil Burner today! numbers. Justice Bailey demanded The Farmers' and Merchants' bank Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Aumack of Eng- Union of Orthodox JiUbbts of Amer- that action bo takon against Jobes. executor of the estate of Mary Emm; llahtown have announced the mar- ica and Canada, died in his hotel Sentenced to See "Death" Movie. Gordon, announces that the houe riage of their daughter, Miss Eleanoi room at Belmar Monday. He was 85 years old. BUILT TO ORDER INSTALLATION Carl Larson and Joseph C. Hayes will be sold at private sale, Louise, to Samuel B. Sneath, Jr., o: ot Long Branch and Leter Pecyno Hospital Being Repaired. Trenton. Tho marriage took place ai Edgar—Test of Red Bank were arrested at Long Repairs are being made to th Trenton on Wednesday; August 19. Miss Francos Edgar of Cassvllle Branch last week charged with Matawan hospital, which was badl; Dies on Visit. and Charles Test of West Freehold speeding. Magistrate E. L. Presley damaged by fire last March. Th Lieut. John J. Goode, a member ol were married August 15 at Adelphia .00 hospital Is operated by Miss Ann M the Jersey City police department by Rev. Robert Chllds. The groom sentenced them to attend the movie died from a heart attack, while din Completely Installed "And Sudden Death" and to submit Radl and she says It will be read; Is employed as a weaver In the Free- Ing In a restaurant at Anbury Part hold rug mllL with Zti-gal tank in writing a review of the picture to to receive patients In about tw< Friday night. He had spent the da; months. 229 him. at the seashore. Habitant Liquor Thief Jailed. Complaint Against Candidate. Wants, Power Increased. Edward Mulligan of Long Branch, No Down Payment! 3 Years to Pay. Lightning Kills Sparrows. Minor ICIng, Republican coundl- Lieutenant-Colonel William R who has a penchant for robbing li- We arrange everything for you. manlc candidate at Bprlng Lake, was Blair of Fort Monmouth, head of th. Lightning struck a tree In the yan quor stores, was sentenced to six sent to Jail last week In default of Monmouth county radio commission, of George Massey of Keyport a few months In the county Jail last week will apply to the federal radio com nights ago. The next morning 4" after he had been caught In the rear $10,000 bail on a charge of assault ot a saloon on Broadway. made by Miss Roberta Dumont. The mission to increase the power of th sparrows that had been moating" 1: the tree were found dead on thi Enjoy Oil Heat With alleged aaeault took plsce after a county station at Freehold from 10i Asbury Park Woman Dead. fight between King and Joseph Max- to 500 watts. ground. Junior College to Open. Mrs. Julia Garrison of Asbury Park well, Miss Dumont's companion. Married last June. died last Thursay following an illness SEARS ASTOUNDING Coal Economy Matawan Streets Improved. Announcement has been made o The Monmouth County Junior co! of several weeks. She was the wldo' Thirty-three WPA workmen today the marriage of Miss Martha C. Ca lcge at Long Branch will open oi of William R. Garrison and Is sur- completed grading and gravelling tor, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wl September 21. The college to now oi vived by a daughter and a son. seven streets at Matawan. Streets lard B. Carter of Keyport, to Edwan an Independent financial basis wit! Improved were First, Second, Third, J. Bllderback, also of Koyport. Th tuition feea set aUtllO payable twlc Must Have Pasteurizer. OIL BURNING Fourth, and Fifth streets, each 400 a year. Robert Pierce, a Long Branch milk marriage took place at Now Yor] man, has been given a week In whlc feet; Sixth street, 600 feet; all extend- on June 6, Suit for $31,000. ing from Atlantlo avenue to Lake William A. Cox, a clerk in the Frei to equip his plant with a pasteur- HERCULES BOILERS boulevard; and Lake boulevard from A Monasquan Wedding. hold postofflce, Is being sued for $31 izer, otherwise he will be denied thi First to Church street, 8,000 feet. Miss Elizabeth Stiller, daughter < 000 as the result of an nutomobl" privilege of selling milk In the city. Mrs. Elizabeth Halght of Manasqua] accident. The complainants ai Held on Serious Charge. was married Sunday of last week I Bonds for Sewer Plant Louis Josephs of Llndcneau is be- Charles end Hattle Paskow of Neft' The Ocean township committee hai Raymond W. Havlland of Asburj ark. New ing held In the Mercer county Jail Park. The ceremony was performei adopted an ordinance providing fo on a. charge of assaulting Marie In the Manasquan Methodist churc Married By Rocordor. an Issue of bonds In tho amount o: Heeves, 16, of Freehold, and taking by Rev. Charlea M. Hogate. Miss Ann T. Dieglccka of Unlo $118,000 for a new sewage plant am her to Maryland, where he forced the extension of the sewage system. Mill Company Expand). Beach and Andrew R. Bennett o her to marry him. Held with Jo- Keyport were married last Wednei sephs Is Qeorge Weaver of New Millhurst Mills, In order to tali Fire at Freehold. Indestructo day at Keyport by Recorder Thorn Brunswick, charged with abduction. care of growing business, has pu: Tho home, of Anthony Janulls o chased a 73-acre tract ot land ai aa L, Smith. Freehold was partially destroyed b> To Study Nursing. Spotswood, known as the Easter Big Yield of Wheat lire early Saturday morning. Th Miss Mary A. Qulggr, daughter of Shore poultry farms. All the build David Rooney of the Pcrrlncvill. loss Is estimated at $4,000. Firemen Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Qulgg of Free Ings on the farm will be used fo Clarksburg road had one of the fin say the fire started In the cellar. hold, will enter the Monmouth Me- storage purposes. Furnace eBt crops of wheat In the count; Three Held for Theft morial hospital's school of nursing On World Trip. Last fall he Bowed 60 bushels of seec next month. She graduated from on SO acres and he recently harvest Frank Zump, Joseph W. Mill* and the Freehold high school last Juno. Jack Kelly of Deal, a member c ed 1,400 bushels. Joseph Iovino, three Paterson youths, were held last week for questioning Policeman Discharged. the Princeton crew of 1936, left lai week with Tony Conway of Greei Old Colonial House Sold. in the robbery of Harry Hill's road- Alfred J. Giles, captain of the As- Village for a trip around the worli The Bowne house at Freehold, on stand at Keansburg.

HAUL A boiler designed exclusively for burning oil! Embodies brand new principles of design which achieve the astounding efficiency of over 80^fc. AT IOWEST COST IN Perfect by any measure of heat en- gineering known today and bring* ing coal economy to oil heat! Revo- lutionary in functional design—a new Down; method of fire travel, a new way to absorb heat, a new and positive Month water circulation, and water sections surrounding the combustion chamber —underneath as woll as above and CHEVROLET Grates can't burn out because they are mado of inde- at tho sides. Beautiful to look at, SEARS can furnish you any atructo metal that will not burn out. Wa back them too . . . compact In slzo and hand- type of heating or plumbing sys- somely styled. Silent in operation. with the BtrongcBt guarantee In furnace history. tem and "Save You Money." For deluxo heating at lowest cost, Hercules Oil Burning Boiler is with- Installation Arranged, Financed out equal! 20 YEARS OF SERVICE and Guaranteed. FREE ESTI- TRUCKS MATES! Phone or write this Solid extra heavy 2-plcce flro pot closely ribbed to store and our engineer will call .00 give more heating Borvlce. Body If! made of flpcdiil and give you estimate with no No Down r»yt locomotive flra box steel. Cms tight nnd lenk proof. obligations attached. 369 3 Tears to Fay. HESE big, sturdy Chevrolet tracks will haul futl- Tcapacity loads over short or long routes, over smooth or rough roads, without coaxing or coddling. Because they "Rinsink" Offers New. Convenience San Diego Double Drainboard Sink ham tho greatest pulling power of any trutk in the entire low- A Sears Full Sized price range. And they will haul these loads at savings whicli Sensation 54 Inches will surprise yon. Rccause Chevrolet h the most economical A ISrnnd Nnw truck in the world today for all-round duty! Chevrolet trucks III on have ovcry feature for bettor, more economical service, .95 including IKuh-ComprcBgion V-alve-in-Head Engine, New .50 Perfected Hydraulic Brakes, Full-Floating Rear Axlo on 54 1J4-ton models, and Mew Full-Trimmed Do Line Cab. Do 54 $S Down, wise... tconomim.. ..Haul at lowest coat icTQievrolet trucks! $li Down, »5 Month $5 Til until CHKVHOLKT MOTDU COMPANY, DETROIT. MICIIIOAIV Combines nlnk, An entirely now dlnli waahlnK nnd type of alnk. Morn TRANSPORTATION rlutlius washing beautiful, more rnmpnrtnumt and convenient, more tipncc-rnivlnK un- compact. One drrnlnk cabinet. piece, ncld-roHlnl- All atfol coated Inn all-ntoul Kink wllh a('lil-ro»l»t- nnd cabinet with Int; i> o r c fi I a 1 n now rlnnn attach- WMwk Wijs>ii—$670 « Flirt, JWfafc, —1—HfrMMri.i^iiHUiHMlo ment. OKNERAIi MOTORS lKaTAM.MX*T. PUIM-MOHTOUT PATMEim TO BUTT TfOUH PURSE Free Free Parking Sears, Roebuck and Co* Parking RED RANK MOTOR CO. in Rear in Rear MECHANIC STREET and GLOBE COURT RED BANK of Store of Store OPEN EVENINGS PHONE 3130 Monmouth St., REP BANK Red Bank 1290 Page Eight RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27.1986. ver*, heavy gold. The cameo m tress when she Oral met Misa An- to enable some of bar frlendi to view carry on to completion her "Cause' and made their Declaration of Ind*-1 carved in Italy, on Mis» Anthony"* thony, who waa known to all her as- a clay model ot "Aunt Susan" bofor* by. to* adoption of the Equal Rights pendence. Susan B. Anthony first trip abroad, and In lta little case, sociates as "Aunt Susan." Her asso- It was reproduced In marble. Wet Amendment to the Constitution of She called the International Coun- lined with pale blue fat man and wom- of the stamps was appropriately timed presented to her mother, according to to tell about "Aunt Susan." One of addressed a committee of every Con- en testify that.Cal-A-Mo reduces them with- with ceremonies which were attended •ecords. them is the double honor accorded to Another instance which Mrs. John- seems small today, but it should bo out exercise, without diet, without danger. Near the china, from which doubt- both Miss Anthony and the sculptress son saya was an Indication of her recorded to show the conditions in gress Bince 1860, and the New York Reducing experts BUT Cnl-A-Mo Is the SAF- by postofilce officials and a group less Susan drank many a cup of tea when the Metropolitan Museum in surprising acumen and powers of ob- which Mifia Anthony began her legislature scores of times. She waa EST way to reduce becauso It contains no from the National Woman's party. svhilo relaxing from her work for the New York accepted the bust of Miss servation, occurred while she was work. In 1893, she, as a paid mem- an officer of the National Suffrage as- dangerous internal drujrs. Tha group was headed by Mrs. Rob- "Cause," Is a' silver teakettle, upon Anthony, before her death. working on one of the models. ber of the New York State Teachers' sociation from 1862 on, and became ert Adamson of Middletown village, which her name is engraved. It is Mrs, Johnson explained that this Knowing that Miss Anthony wore association, of which women consti- It3 president In 1802. REDUCE OVERWKIOHT THIS SAM1 WAY chairman of the Susan B. Anthony in odd little teakettle, with a curved oeldom done, although loaned like- her hair in a coil low at the back of tuted one-third, asked the right to Just before she died on March 18, Just pour a package of Cnl-A-Mo Into your ipout and a black handle, and was nesses of living Individuals are often her head, the sculptress colled some be heard on a question In the con-1006, Miss Anthony said: bath at nlalil. Loll back luxuriously . . in. memorial committee of the National displayed, because "unfortunate in- hale the fragrance ol forest and flowern Woman's party. iresented to her by tho Political yarn for a model Intending to per- vention at Rochester. Her request "Just think of it! I have been and watch tho medicinal agents In Cal-A- Equality club of Rochester, New cidents" might arise after the muse- fect her work when Miss Anthony created aa much commotion as a striving for over 60 years for a little Mo nenotrate your pore, and float fat away I Yesterday the Susan B. Anthony fork. um's acceptance of a likeness which was actually sitting. bombshell would have done, says her bit of Justice no bigger than that Welsh yourself afterwards . . ami unless. etunpa were placed on Bale at Wash- Another sliver piece In the collec- might make Its desplay awkward and Susan took one look at the model Jlograpner. She won, after a debate, (measuring off a little apace on one your» absolutely r.ntl»fied your money will ington. Today they went on sale in lon is a loving cup presented by the embarrassing. and said: but the women were ashamed of her. finger), and yet I must die without be refunded. Money-back guurnntu print- other parts of the United States. Last Colorado Suffrage association on The scultress Is annoyed because "Adelaide, you have made me left- And they did not vote on the motion obtaining it Oh, It seema ao cruel!" ed on package. night the National Woman's party February IS, 1900. sometimes Miss Anthony was de- handed!" to hear her. Fourteen years after her death, her had a celebration at lta headquarters Another "perso.nal effect" is an age- scribed as being dowdy. The sculptress had twisted the coll It waa the Qrat time a woman's major objective, suffrage, was won. itatned leather wallet which Miss "That Is not true," she declared. in front of her, forgetting that the voice had been heard in a teachers' Thirty yoara after her death, the CAL-A-MO over the publication of the stamps. \nlhony used shortly before her 'Aunt Susan was one of the best- motion was reversed when Mlas An- convention—just 83 years ago. There- government which had solemnly The following, which appeared In leath. dressed women I knew. Her tasto :hony coiled her hair In back. after she used that voice to demand held her guilty of conspiring agalnat Specially Priced the last Issue of Equal Rights, an in- And there is the double Ink-stand was for delicate and elegant things, "Aunt Susan" always wore spec- equal opportunity and equal pay for Its peace and dignity 83 years ago dependent Feminist Weekly, is re- if colorless glass with a black wood- such as brocades when the occasion tacles, and thereby hangs a tale equal work for women teachers. honora her as It has honored no oth- produced In the belief that it will be m handle, which Miss Anthony used demanded. She wore especially nice which spelled artistic achievement "You who are younger cannot er for her work for women, and vhlle she was editor of the woman clothes, if for no other reason than ror the sculptress, and reveals why realize the intensity of the opposition commemorates tho 16th anniversary of Interest to readers of The Regis- luffrage publication, The Revolution. he "Cause." For she knew she vlrs. Johnson's busts of Miss An- we encountered," Miss Anthony once of tho establishment of that "little ter: The collection also Includes a por- should always look her best." hony are such excellent likenesses. said, In telling of the early battle to bit of Justice." A little reel shawl a mahogany tip- irait of Susan B. Anthony by Sarah As a girl, Mis. Johnson paid, Miss Naturally she did not put Bpec- obtain for women the right of free- table, some photographs, a gold foun- T. Eddy, representing her receiving Anthony's dress inclined to the tncles on her models, but the criti- dom of speech. One of the quickest ways to find a tain pen, and several other objects- :he thanks of the coming generation, Quaker style. cism of a friend, that "It would look Year aiter year, she fought for abo- It's a modest collection at the Smith- 'for the help she gave by her life of Job Is to advertise in The Regis- lonlan Institution which tells the She wore very little jewelry, but ust like Aunt Susan if you put the lition of slavery, not only against the ter's Want Department.—Advertise- •tory of the struggle for woman's ievotion." le of her favorite accessories was a spectacles on it," made her realize opposition to abolition, but against ment. suffrage and commemorates the Also there Is a printed copy'of the largo amethyst brooch which she of- hat tho expression was not quite the often violent opposition to a adoption of the constitutional amend- 'Declaration of Sentiments," used by ten wore. . No one knows where the correct. woman's speaking In a public place. ment which made it possible. :he originators of the women's suf- brooch is. now, although if it had-not She worked and worked, and final- In 1870, in Philadelphia, she de- 'rage movement in 1818; a beautiful- been for an unfortunate trick of fate, ly achieved just the right effect. And manded the right of women to join The collection was donated by the y illuminated copy of an address of Mrs. Johnson would have had it some she never heard any more remarks labor unions, from all of which they National American Woman Suffrage ongratulatlon to Miss Anthony from time. to tho effect that "it would look Just were then barred—and from some of Expert Repairing association and includes 46 speci- luflrage leaders In Great Britain and Miss Anthony, according to Mrs. ike Aunt Susan if—." which they are still barred. OF mens. To the late Helen H. Garden- Ireland, signed by 57 men and wom- ohnson, gave the amethyst pin to After the Civil war, when the er of Washington goes much of the :n: nnd 15 bound volumes of The her biographer, Ida Husted Harper, WATCHES, CLOCKS credit for assembling the collection, The following editorial appeared.In slaves had been freed, and the Four- which she started to do about 1920, Revolution, published by Mis3 An- with the understanding that eventu- teenth Amendment had been written and Its placement In the Smithson- thony. ally the sculptress would receive it. ast week's lseue of Equal Rights: Into the Constitution, Miss Anthony and JEWELRY ian Institution where hundreds of Two objects in the collection repre- In orde1r to assure its safe-keeping-, On noxt Wednesday, August 28, and her associates found that their lent the alpha and the omega, so to according to Mrs. Johnson, Mrs. Har- thousands upon thousands of letters old friends of the Abolitionist move- ~*»Z» visitors daily see it Accuracy, skill and experi- ipeak, of the entire women's suffrage per often kept the jewel pinned In will be mailed in Washington, D. C.,ment deserted them. They were told Here Is a lasting memorial to Su- novement—the mahogany tip-table her hat lining. But it proved to be to people all over the world, their that women should not ask the vote ence enable us to do the lian B. Anthony and other Feminist ind the gold fountain pen. a poor safety deposit valut, for one way paid by a postage stamp that is then, as it waa "the Negro's hour." most delicate repairing. We leaders whoso tireless efforts brought day she sent it to the milliner for •women the vote. It's a simple little The former was owned by Miss unique in the history of this country. She attempted to vote, anyhow, un- guarantee satisfaction. Our \nthony and on it was written the repairs—and that was the end of Pictured on this purole and white der the Fourteenth Amendment on collection, but it speaks volumes. 'Declaration of Sentiments," at Wa- the brooh. The milliner dented eyer prices will please you. With the exception of a mahogany having seen it. stamp—two colors associated with November 8, 1872. For her temerity, table which is valuable as an antique, irioo, N. Y., In July, 1848. suffrage through the National Wom- she was tried on a charge of "con- what gold there may be on the foun- From tha-.latter flowed the ink In Miss Anthony was a fine looking an's Party's purple, white and gold spiring against the peace and dig- Silverware Repaired tain pen, and some old china, the col- 'hlch Vice President Thomas R. woman, with blue eyes and hair that banners—will be the bust of Susan nity of these United States," on June lection's value lies in sentiment and larshall and Speaker of the House was graying and later became white B. Anthony, sculptured by a good 17, 1873, at Canandaigua, New York, and Replated Like New Its historic associations rather than 'red H. Gillette signed their names when Mrs. Johnson knew her. rlend and a staunch Feminist, Ade- and was fined $100. She refused to iD dollars and cents. > the Joint Resolution extending the "She waff a majestic person, both ;aido Johnson. . - . nay "one cent of this unjust sen- Center of tho exhibit Is the little Ighfc of suffrage to women in 1919. n life and appearance,'.' Mrs. Jobn- This commemorative stamp, the tence." Her defense of herself was REUSSILLES' red India shawl, of silk crepe, which Only one object which belongs to jon says. Her appearance and bear- first ever Issued by the United States dramatic. She considered the trial became identified with 'the suffrage te collection Is not there—and only ing exuded the "majesty of purpose" honoring a woman for what she did the most significant event of her 36 Broad St., Red Bank jcause space does not permit. which Mrs. Johnson saya is visible for women—and for other suppressed life. movement down through the years, In all great people. TeL 1831. because it warmed the shoulders of It is the desk chair which Susan and submerged people—will cele- That aroused militancy among the Susan B. Anthony for many a year. ised for 43 years, first in Coopers- "Her shoulders and bust were mag- brate the sixteenth anniversary ot women. They met on July 4, 1876, Most of the specimens are repre- own, New York, In 1863-64, as secre- liflcent, but she was never a person the Proclamation of Ratification of sentative of Miss Anthony. There is ary of the Women's National Loyal .f flesh," the sculptress said. he Woman Suffrage Amendment to a little enameled pin. In the form of ;afrue, which collected 400,000 names The personality of this great lady, he Constitution of the United States. an American flag, which the women :o the petition for emancipation of Mrs. Johnson says, touched the con- In some of those letters will be of Wyoming, first state to have wom- :he slaves, and then in her home In sciousness of all. An anecdote in- words of cheer and of challenge to an suffrage, gave to illss Anthony Rochester and used in her work for volving the famous little red shawl women in countries where women on the anniversary of her eightieth vomen's suffrage until her death in which "Aunt Susan" almost always are losing rights they had won, words birthday, in 1900. .906. wore illustrates that of encouragement to women who The inscription reads: It is In storage at the museum now, Miss Anthony appeared at a meet- have not yet won even the vote. and when space Is available, will be ing minus the little red shawl. News- Some of them will be letters to lit- "Miss Anthony—from the ladies included in the exhibit. papermen, seated In front of the of Wyoming who love and honor speakers' platform, noticed Its ab- tle girls, telling them something of you—many happy returns of the Today's generation knows Susan sence, and wrote a note to Miss An- the long and too often discouraging day—1820-1900." B. Anthony only as a historical per- thony, in which they said: struggle women went through to win The presentation was made at a sonage who was the leading figure "No red shawl—no reports." suffrage, the struggle they are now ceremony at the Lafayette Opera n the fight for woman's suffrage, but That Incident reveals how the going through to win equality. It House in Washington, D. C, on Feb- io the few surviving members of her charm of the Feminist leader and will be the hope of the senders of ruary 15. generation who knew her, the happy her personality made her the friend such letters that these little girls will Near this is a gold badge, in the memory of "Aunt Susan" Is still a of everyone whom she knew. save these mementos, with the hia- shape of a cross, which was present- torlc stamp, so that they can gee how very live one. Misa Anthony never did a thing un- hardly won were the rights they ed to Miss Anthony by the Citizens' While there are various > portraits less she did it right, according to the Suffrage association of Philadelphia ihd photographs of the Feminist sculptress. She tells a story which have, or can obtain courage to win in 1881. leader, her likeness ts probably best presents the thoroughness nnd force- further rights, if complete equality The most feminine object in the known as it was reproduced In mar- 'ulness of Miss Anthony, and also her is not their share. collection is a cameo brooch, carved ble by Adelaide Johnson of Washing- Interest in young persona who were Many of them will remind women with the profile of tho famous Fem- ton. D. C. "trying to get ahead." that tho Job to which Susan B. An- inist leader and bordered with se- thony devoted her life is not yet com- Mrs. JohnBon was a young sculp-. Mrs. Johnson had held a reception plete. These letters will be a call to GET GULWJBE- fti *Sfofypeeitfm acton'!

/ s^™\


HE automobile business says that a motor There's something in that. When people start GVLTLVW. MOTOR OR, like car is "hof' when it enjoys outstanding putting their dollars into Buicks instead of the A cheap, poo'lv rcline.1 motor Mostajcoils.liWethiiwrcstlcr, ihis wrestler, a stripped for ac- T oil it like an overdresied w«»- are »ti!l somewhat hampered. tion. Stripped of all uselesa public demand. On that basis, the 1936 line of lower priced cars — it's good proof that they're tier. Such an oil i^ hampered by Somt of the useless waste hai \ wane by tho Multi-sol process Buioks has started a heat wave all its own. getting more for their money. ujelen waste which should be hecu removed, but not all ot it. —die fineu 25c oil in America removed by further refining. No refiner of 25c oil* could —the only 23« oil equalling Such an oil, hk. tbt nmjressul afford in carry refining further > premium-priced eilil for belter \ Month by month sales have climbed. Buick not Better look into Buick. Especially this big, wrestler, can't do a good job! than this until Culfperfected the t lubtitaiion, cleaner motor, leu roomy Buick SPECIAL, Series 40 — beginning Multi-sol process. \: ci\ conmmption—net (iulflabt only tops all cars at or near its price in sales - at the Sign of ihe Orange D1«CJ gain — the whole price class in which Buick in price at $765, list at Flint, Mich. Let us know, sell* is farther ahead of last year than any other, and we'll be around with a demonstrator, *< K including the very lowest priced group!

$ $'945 ai* '^' Jh* pricn of th* "Buiehmt b'lint, MuH,y tubjtct to tkangi without titlia. Standard and initial accn- MOTOR on. mil* g'9up% en all modrlt at wtut tatt. All Buiik pritti Induitthtftty^lint thiattghoutat THE PREMIUM-QUALITY tUnJarJ Kfyfom/nt. Aik about tht Gtnttal


parade, which will (tart at 10 a. m.bers playing were Mr. and Mrs. WBBB PROGRAMS. Holmdel Home Saturday morning, announces tot Frank Bliss, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick age limit for entrants bu been raised Hessey and Mr. and Mra. George B. The program* art as follows: from six to seven years. The decision hritter. Mrs. Earle White was a (1210 Kilocycles) . About Completed HI made because of the urgent re- uest '. M. Friday, August 28. quest ot many children who were Mm. Frank BUM was hostess to SlIO—Muslcll*. Roy ETW* ExptjeU to Mora in just past the stx-year-age limit. Mrs. two tables of bridge Friday after- 4:00—Fads and Fashions. HUFipeHUFiNRldtN h McCurdy also wishes to announce noon. Miss G. M. Farry and Mrs. 4:80—fitelnbachs. that there Is a "fret for all" section K. B. Henderson received prlies for 4:11—Vole* ot Philosophy. VOGELS State Highway Next Week— 6:00—Women's Fcrum. which any one who Is not registered high and low scores, respectively. 6:80—Musical Gems. FURRIERS SINCE 1895 The Groundi Beautified. elsewhere may enter. Other guests were Mrs. J. K. Voor- 5146—Los Angeles Dince Band. 6 tOO—Front Page Drama. Mlsa Alice P. Oleason of Sohth hees, Mrs. W. W. Hobrough, MM. W. «:16—News Beview. 25 BROAD STREET RED BANK Ths new resldsnc* of Roy Kvins on Amboy, who received her practice Zuggalla, Mrs. C. A. Gesswein, »:»»—Whera to Go. Felgcnipsn. Zebler, 1T6 BROADWAY LONG BRANCH teaching at the Matawan high school, Mrs. Earle White and Mrs. Lillian Stelnbachs, Snjder, Sunnysidt th* Taylor farm on the state high- Casino. way south of Colt'* Neck U almost was graduated from Rider college, Hutchtnson. 7:00—American Family. completed and !U owner. expect* to Trenton, Wednesday. She was pres- Mayor and Mrs. Edward W. Currl* 7 118—Phil Lenle. Sports. FINAL DAYS OF ident of the Eta Uplsolon Gamma ind Mr. and Mrs. William M. Car- 7i»0—Smoke Shop. move ID It In *>bout a week. Mr. Evans's r:U—Rhythm Masters. borne U at Elisabeth and he la en- sorority and was the official Rider ney left Tuesday on a motor trip to 8:00—Carter. gaged In the real' estate and lneur- delegate of that sorority at the con-Maine. While In the New England 8:01—Homa Philosopher. anco business at Perth Amboy. Dur- vention held In St. Louis last month. state Mayor Currle will visit the - llS^Hovla Qosslp. She was also advertising manager of B180—Variety Hour. ing the greattr part of the summer milk control agencies In conntctlon 8(00—Amateur Hour. Sensational Values Mr. Evans hai bean occupying rooms Tho Shadow, Rider year book; secre- with hla duties as assistant attorney 0 IBO—Felgenspan. on the aeoond story of hla garage tary of the inter-sorority council and eneral of New Jersey and counsel Bill—Batanoourt's Marimba Band a member of the Commercial Teach- 0|00—Tho Radio Stax, on his property near Holmdel, These for the State Milk Control board. OtJO—Caaino Danca Music. quarters will baooma the hom* of ers' club. They will stop at Camp Coaquonock, llOO—Stelnbachs. Mlohssl Anderson of Llncrof t, who la ltOI—Htirltt at Rowland, Sketch. Miss Elizabeth Cartan m the North Belgrade, Maine, where Janet 1.J0—B.sums. operating Mr. Evana's farm. guest of Miss Clendora Vdssln of Currle has been spending the sum- I The new house has alx rooms, a Montroso, Pennsylvania, last week. mer. She will return home with M. Saturday, August 2». , 6iOO—Reading for Plaaaura. August Fur Sale: bathroom and modem Improvements. Miss Cartan and her hostess were them. 6:14—Felgsnspan. It la on a. knoll which command* a classmates at Penn hall, Chambers- Mn. P. J. Devlin and Mrs. M. Les- Sill—Love Storr Girl. 6,JO—WPA Musical. fine view of the surrounding country- burg, Pennsylvania. ..' ter Terry were Wednesday and MB—Whan to do, Zebley, Casino, tide, Mr. Evans «xpaota to remain Mrs. James E. Voorhees enter- Thursday guests of Mrs, J. C. Van- Stelnbaxha, Muilc Shop, Feif enspan. SAVE 15% to 35$ there until early In Seoembsr. He tained the Wednesday Fortnightly Kirke of Bradley Beach. 8:00—Bar Shora Trio, plans after this year to live there till—BmoVa Bhop. Dessert-Bridge club last week. Three Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jorgensen of Silt—Nam Baview. There's no necessity to go beyond your the year round. The land comprises tables were In play. Mrs. Charles A. Keyport and Mrs. Thora Thomnn (tiSO—Fslienspsfl. fifteen acres and It Is among the most Neldllnger received the prize for and two children visited their sister 6i»l—Junila Jim. >, means to get a good fur coat. You can be fertile In Monmouth county. The high score. Other members present at Salem, New York, over the week- 6:48—Halna Hllmtr, Sonars, as happy in kid caracul as in sable. If you grounds have b»en beautified with were Mrs. P. J. Devlin, Mrs. Chris- end. 1 (00—Resume. shrubbery and flowers and with two I. M. Monday, Aufuat 31, are thrifty, you will purchase your coat tian Heuser, Mrs. John Gordon, Mrj. Mrs. H. A. Eigard entertained IS 8:00—Morning Melodies. flight* of atone steps for usa In walk- Frank Bliss, Mrs. Car! A. QeBBweln, friends at a luncheon bridge last 8:18—Stelnbachs. from this distinctive collection of moder- Ing up or down the knoll. At tho bot- Mrs. F. Howard Lloyd; Mrs. W. A.Thursday afternoon. Four tables 0:15—Saortt Chamber of Inspiration. ton of each flight Is a circular atone CloBe, Mrs. A. B. Henderson, MrB. S. were In play, with prizes being 8:80—Morning davotlona. ately priced furs. The pelts were procured used at the hlitorlo Taylor mill for 10:00—You Ought to Know. B. Eggleston and Mrs. Lillian Hutch awarded for high scores to Mrs. Jo- .0:80—Shopping- Tour, F«lrenspan, Steln- before the present rise in the wholesale grinding grain. The mill was diag- lruon. seph Baler, Mrs. Edward Currle, Mrs. baohs, Muslo Shop, Csslno, Zebley. onally opposite Mr, Evans's house. Carter. market; the coats are new; there has been Time haa wiped out every vestige of Miss Jeanette Cosgrove has re-Donald Rlley and Mrs. W. Oliver 0:45—Morning News. the anol«nt building. turned from a week's vacation at Dlggln. Mrs. William H. Tlchenor re- 1:00—Resume. no sacrifice to quality in their making. They ceived a consolation prize. Other '. M. Brooklyn as tho guest of Mr. anil 7:00—Melody Lane. all boast the authentic style, the expert Mr. Evans bought his Holmdel Mrs. R. L. Wilson. _uests included Mrs. Frederick Hes- 7 :1E—Where to Go, Felgenspan, Zebley, property with the Intention of re- Misses Claire and Carol Conover scy, Mrs. August Muelhausen, Mrs. Stelnbachs, Casino, Sunnyslde, workmanship, the fine skins, which charac* mofiellnK the house which wae on the Nicholas Munnlng, Mrs. Gerard A. Muilo Shop. of Maplewood were week-end gueBts 1:41—Chlokay Whitney, sonss. terize VOGEL FUES. place. The dwelling was 1*5 years of their grandmother, Mrs. Carrie Devlin, Mrs. Franklin Dominlck, 8)00—Manhattan Concert Band, old. It was so Infested flth termites Conover. Mr, arid Mrs. Frank H. Mrs. Conover Burlew, Mrs, Robert 8:16—Sketch. and run down that Mr. Evana Malkamer, Mrs. Fred M. Burlew, 8:80—Smoke shop. changed hla plans and put up a new Conover were guests of tho latter'9 8:81—Casino Dance Muslo. eister, Miss J, Mabel Brown. Mrs. Elmore Kattner, all of Mata- 9:00—Resume. AT residence Instead. The ancient dwell- wan; MrB. Walter O. Walling of Key- ing was rated. Mrs. Frank Mason gave a 15-mln- M. Tuesday, September 1. uto lecture on cooking and baking port end Miss Clara Schumacher of 4:00—Varieties. 'hiladelphla, bouse guest of Mrs. 4:90—Musical Gems, over station WOR Wednesday after- 5:00—Stelnbaohs. • Take a friendly tip —don't noon of last week. . Muelhausen. 5:01—Tea Time Tunea. $ gamble on tireal A blow-out mty Matawan. Mr, and Mrs. J. Clarence Lewis Mrs. William Bedle, Sr., was hos- 6:80—Felgenspan, throw your car out of control- css to the Sewing Bee Wednesday 6:81—Interesting People In the'News. are entertaining their nleae, MISB 5:45—Federal Theater Proleot, may mean a serious, costly acci- (Th. Rtd Bsnk Batlatet aani U boughghtt Elizabeth Foster of Woodbury, Con- afternoon. 6:00—Whore to Go. Stetnbaehs. Casino, dent. Play safe. Get a act of In Matawan from M. J. O'Connel'Cl . 12124 Miss Frances Lloyd was the guest Miln str««t and 1. * J. TasslrJ.) necticut. ZeMey, Synder, Smoke Bhop. Goodrich Silvertown Tlrei.Then This week two quilts were disposed of friends at Montclalr 6n Tuesday. 6:16—News Review. BLACK OR BROWN LAPIN, SEALINE Mils May Monahan and Miss Kath- Mrs. Malcom MacMUUan has a 6 :S0—Felgempan. you'll have the protection of the of on the co-operative plan by SlrU4 »l»l—This and That. AND BLACK CARACUL. Life-Saver Golden Ply, a layer of erlne Coitello were recent guests oC chapter, Order of Eastern Star. They week's vacation from her position at 6:45—Pate, Singing Doorman. special rubber and full-floating Mr. and Mra. Joseph Meyer of Edge- were awarded to Mrs. Warren Doweil Newark. f:00—Baiume. water. Miss Janet Dominlck has returned \ M. Wednesday, September 2. cordi, scientifically treated to re- and Mrs. Ruth Magee. 5:00—Tea Time Tunes. sist the heat generated inside th« Mr«, Margaret MoDonald, Mrs. Le- Jack Shepherd Is spending this after visiting her? aunt, Mrs. William 5:15—Where) to Go, Casino, Zebler, tire by today's high speeds. roy Berger, Mrs. Raphael C. Devlin, week with relatives at Pluckemin. Allen of Red Bank. Stelnbaoht, Musle Shop, Fetgenspaa AT Reseau Hulsart and Daniel Bapolla Richard Corbett has returned to Snyder, By resisting this heat, ths Mrs. F. Howard Lloyd was hostess 5:46—American Family-. attended tbe Demooratio county com- to the Matawan Woman's Republi- his home on Valley drive after a Golden Ply keeps rubber and fab* trip to Providence, Rhode Island. 6)00—Babatte, Songs. rie from separating. It keeps blis- mittee meeting at Freehold Monday can club at her home Tuesday even- 6:16—News Review. evening. ing at 8 o'clock. Mrs. Thomas Jar- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson of 6:10—Carter. ters from forming. And when you By an odd coincidence the pageant Coral Gables, Florida, are visiting 6:«1—WPA Program Feature, prevent the blister you prevent dine of Red Bank was the principal «I4K—-Mrs. 0. Hllljar. talk. of Matawan In the 280th annivers- speaker. She discussed the Issues of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Webb. 7:00—Opportunity Hour, Falgcnspaa, the high speed blow-out. Silver- ary celebration will require 250 peo-the coming campaign. Mrs. Howel Mr. and Mrs. John Shea have re- Smoke Shop, towns cost much less than other turned home after visiting the lat-7:46—Dramatic Sketch. ple In ita presentation, one person Woolley of Long Branch, president A. M. Thuraday, September 3. Bu£er-quallty tires.Come in today. »ui each year. The pageant will be of the United Women's Republican ter's sister In Ohio. 0:00—Mornlne Serenade, BLACK KIDSKIN, NORTHERN presented the first two evenings of clubs of Monmouth county, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Longstreet 8:14—Stelnbachs. the three-day commemoration, Sep- and children are spending a month 8:16—Word Ideas. SEAL, IMPORTED LAPIN, BLACK Albert VanScholck of Red Bank also 8:30—Musical Gems, QUICK CREDIT tember 11 and 13. This large cast attended. at Cedar Beach, Port Monmouth. 9:45—The Secret Chamber of Inspiration. CARACUL. Includes all the well-known char- Robert Colver of Syracuse, New Miss Helen Walters, who la spend- 0:00—Felgenspan. TO EVERYONE! acters In the history of Matawan, York, Is the gueat of his cousin, Jlm- ing the summer at Mantoloklng, was 10:01—Edison Foundation Program. yes everyone can enjoy the safety such as Stephen Warne, John Held, mle Kennedy, for several weeks. tho week-end guest of Mra, P. J. Dev. 10:16—Shopping Tour, Zabley, Casino, Sny Philip Freneau, his mother, slaters, der, Music Shop, Stelnbachs, Ftlg of first-quality Goodrich tirei, Mrs. Garrett McKeen entertained lln. empan, AT tubes, batteries or radios. Just se- wife and children; "Corn King" Bur- Ross Hotallng is on a business trip 10:4B—Morning News. rowes and hla family of traglo re- the Ship Bottom luncheon-bridge lect what you need, show us your club Tuesday at bridge. The hostess to Michigan for the Hanson-Van- >. M. nown; Capt John Bowne, the JTor- Winkle-Munnlng company. 6:00—Whera to Go, Casino, Stelnbaehs, license identification and tell us was high, Mrs. Herman Thorsen, Zabley, Musle Shop, Felgenspan, mans, James Madison, Aaron Burr, R. 6. Jordan, president of the how you can pay. We install your who substituted, was second, and Snyder. "Light Hone Harry" Lee and the Mosaic Tile company, Zaresville, 6:30—Love Btory Girl. purchase at once. rest of Freneau's class at Princeton, Mrs. Edgar Pike, consolation. 5.-46—Betty Huhn. Pianist. Mrs. W. W. Hobrough was hostess Ohio, has been spending several days NO RED TAPE..NO DELAYS while later day shipping scenes will at the local plant. 6:00—Smoke 8hop. show William L. Terhune, Stafford to the Saturday evening bridge club. 6:01—WFA Program. As Mr. Hobrough was celebrating Mr. and Mrs. Howard ComBr and 6:16—Carter. Little and Peter Cooper, Mrs. John daughter Alma of Plalnfleld were 6:16—News. S. McCurdy, chairman of the baby his birthday a largo cake was the 6:80—Ruth Howard, Songs. MENDOZA, BEAVER, RACCOON, feature of tho refreshments. Mem- Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bel 6:46—Doris and Anna. Goodrich ford Franklin. 7:00—Resuma. BROWN OR TAN KIDSKIN, NORTHERN Miss Naomi Forman of New York A. M. Friday, SaptemWp 4. *gf SAFETY 8:00—Morning Melodies, f BUCK SEAL, OMBRE BEAVER, BLACK 1B spending the month of August at 9:16—Shopping Tour, Zabley, 8t«!nbachl, the Colonial Tea room. Mls» Gor- Casino, Snyder, Muiia Shop, MOIRE KIDSKIN. Silvertown man Is commuting daily to New Felgenapan. WITH LIFE-SAVER GOLDEN PlY York. 9:46—Secret Chamber of Inspiration, 0:00— Harry J. Kahn and Mrs. Rensselac tftU of Joseph Eilwnrd Humphreys, de- -t perconil drink—taken PABST TAPaCan j Cartan won prizes for high scores. KNOWN LOW CASH PRICES MEAN TRUE SAVINGS FOR HUNDREDS OF PEOPLE. ctftitd, notice to hereby given to the cred- from the brewery and Mrs. Donald Rlley substituted. itors of said deceased to exhibit to the • Brewery Goodness THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF FINE FURNITURE AND GORGEOUS •ohscrlher, executor on aforesaid, thei •ervtd to you, Just as Pabst Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Sampson and RUGS ARE ON DISPLAY. THERE ARE EXCEPTIONAL SAVINGS TO BE HAD IN debts and demands against the said estate Sealed Right In granddaughter, Anna Elizabeth Bax- under oath, within six months from th* made it. ter of Woodbury, spent the week- date of the aforesaid order, or they wil EVfiRY DEPARTMENT. CHOOSE FROM BRAND NEW STOCKS OF HIGH QUALITY he forever burred of their actions tharafo When you taste %ht beer • Protected Flavor ond with Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Cox. LIVABLE FURNITURE 1 against the sn!d subncrlher. produced by ninety-two Mr. and Mrs. William G. Bedle, Dated Freehold, N. J., July 28, 1B88 Sr., left Thursday to spend a few flEOnOE M. COHAN HUMPHREYS, yean of experience, the finest • Non-raflllable 70 Kntherlno Street, Fnlr Haven, N. J., days with their son-in-law am Executor. ingredient), careful labora- • Flat Top—It 8Ucks daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Qulnn, Pnrnons ft DorcmuB, Drummond, of Aspors, Pennsylvanis Red Bank. N. J. tory control—you will enjoy Proctors. • 8sves Half the Space Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Wilson am FOLLOWING A LONG ESTABLISHED CUSTOM WE HAVE ROUNDED UP FROM t rare treat in flavor. son Chester of Brooklyn were week Monmouth County Surrogate's Office. You 11 agree with millions • No Deposits to Pay VARIOUS DEPARTMENTS A NUMBER OF ITEMS WHICH WE OFFER EXTRA- In the mutter of tho estate of Ira D. end guests of Mr. and Mr«. W. P. Dalrd, deceased. of beer drinken—he who Cosgrove. Chester remained for sev- SPECIAL FOR THE CLOSING DAYS OF OUR MID-SUMMER SALE EVENT I • No Bottles to Return Notice to creditors to present cUlm drin\t Fdbtt drin\t ben—and eral days. agttmt estate. Carl G, Haelzer of Cleveland, Ohio Pursuant to the ordsr of Jonerh L. Don • Easy to Carry ahay. Surtogatt of the County of Mon call foryou r beer by name— in the guest of Charles Mandcvllli $189 10-Pc. Walnut Dining Room $| 9Q 9x12 Perfect Gold Seal Congoleum mouth, made on the twelfth day of Au r PabstTAPaCtn. (or a couple of weeks. Ho was th gust. 1086, on the application of l ldr«nc< • No Breakage ±OU R. Dalrd, sola executrix of the eatnte o guest of F. Howard Lloyd, Jr., foi Suites now Rugs now Ira t). Dnlrd, deceased, notice Is hereby ten days prior to visiting tho Mo-nde given to the rreilltors of aald dereanetl to $98 4-Pc. Friezette Living Room $1»Q $8.50 AH Cotton Mattresses— $C.9S exhibit to the subneriher, sole executrix vlllo home. Carl will return to hli as afnrennlil, their debts und domim «i homo In time to enter school In Sep- All Sizes now •* against the said estate, under oath, with tember. Suites now " In six months from th# data of the afora i*Jtl order, or Ihny wltl he forever bsrr«( PABST&HBEEB t'lnm Itnnke has returned t $4 Whitney Seat-Type Hampers— $2-95 $25 5-Pc. Porcelain Top Breakfast $4 A.78 at tlnlr nct\onn thfrefor otfulinit the salt bis duties at Schock's store, after sub H rrl be r. ItlVUT OOODNIII HALED MOHT IN :JUOM. Mr. itunko, tc- All Colors now Sets now ••••' Dated FreehoUI. N. J., AuKuifty tbe HiirnntaU of the County o Memorial hospital suffering from Mnnmnuth and reported (W •et.tlem«nt to the Otrhtns Cuuit of sabl County, on slight fracture of ths right Jaw n. Thursday, Ihe first Hay of Ortober, A, 1>. eclved .Saturday afternoon when hi 1936 1011, «t 10100 o'clock. *. m., at whlrti wm kicked by a horse on his eatatt tlm« ftgp..*ftt1on will h» mad* for ths sal- 1869 Iowane* of eommlsaftion* »ml counsel fc«a MONMOUTH TAVERN Mr, Nellson was standing near I hi horse when It reared up and kloked West Furniture Company J4^}; »•„ 70-72 Monmouth St. Phone 3946 His faca was out. llmt Ililiht. N. J. Hilbltltutlnnm y Ailmlntntrato Blootrla Cooling Syatem—40 to 50 raw* of eold boeri any kind, Wllli Will Annelid. y time. One of the quickest ways to find KEYPORT, N. J. John !* fjwtsnfir, K«<|.. Job Is to advertise In The lU •YtUnllo lll«hl.n.l». N J., LADJMI—W« >m a apeolal room tot roa. i«r'« Want Dspartment—Adve Proctor. nwnt RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27,1936.

anon cord Is a good hunirano* Food, of courte, must be well Chicken Pie against annoyano»-Ior your p«roo- SIDNEY* BNOW Will le glai I Hot Off the Griddle device.. ' 'rOn *r oSef «SS» to answer any questions seasoned to be worthy of One Piece on food Three Meals a Day its piquancy i J* ••">»>• Plow of egg ibell gets Banquet ESTHEB DONIAN Into the bowl when wparatlnr Uii Vol. 1. No. L copyright BY SIDNEY SNOW »» Edited by WILMA S. DBDTB use a large-piece to remove the smSi ***** olIowiriR Recipe, Topped With Lettuoe wrapped In waxed paper will keep delightfully crisp In the ice Pimentos will keep for two Italians Developed Modern Art PRIZE Rich Pastry Makes bos. without molding. If put i Thtee Delicious Versions Fine Dish orator* &tii k'Pt ln y0Ur Of Cookery—French Glorified It RECIPES Next time you make the cream aauoe for macaroni au gratin, add Of an Old-Fashioned Dainty A little touch here and there and two or three tablespoons of peanut To make Melba toast, cut the brttd a and behold, a simple dlBh u butter. There will be a new flavor In very thin slices and bake In a BY SIDNEY SNOW Mrs. E. Walewski of Bridgelon, urned Into a one-pleoa banquet. thrill. 0 (33BF-> UntU a d at New Jersey, a subscriber of the Now a chicken pie isn't an unusual brown ™" '"" * There is no denylns the feet that In an Italian peasant inn, I sat Brldgeton, New Jersoy, Evening IUh and people seldom exclaim over and talked with the landlord, sipped In boiling rice or macaroni, grease the French, through their chefs, News, has been awarded a rice Ball t But that Is a simple chicken pie. the Inside of the pot about three PEACH MOUSSE. have glorlfled the fine art of cook- white wine, ate some olives, some md a box of All Comet rice products 2 cups fresh llc«d peaches thin slices of salami and some crisp )ne made as follows and topped with Inches from the top. This prevents B 'or her recipe. i rich pastry Is something all togoth- boiling over, 2-3 cups sugar radishes, uphile his wife prepared a S or * drops almond extract simple but amazingly good dish BUTTERSCOTCH STICKS. ir different. l'/i cups brown sugar CHICKEN PIE. Meringue Is Improved by the ad- 2 cups "Whipped cream from some bits of veal. Peel and slices peaches; cover with The veal was fresh veal steak, cut ii cup butter 1 4 or 6-pound cooked chicken dition of a dash of salt. A little into bits about the size of a sliver 2 eggs 1 cup cooked diced potatoes grated lemon peel helps, too, andtho auKar and let stand one hour. 1 cup cooked diced carrots shredded cocoanut (plain or toasted) Mash ana rub through a sieve, Fold •which the French have developed to dollar and about twice as thick. \i cup nut meats n whipped cheam and almond flavor- These bits of veal were dropped Into 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 cup cooked peaB Is an excellent addition for the Tuch a hifrh point has its origin In meringue on top of cream ptea. 0 tray and tnttiu the homo cooking of Italy. As a mat- a stew pan in which a couple of 1 cup flour % cup flour •Sfr.uStay ter of fact, cooking history indicates tablespoons of olive oil had been 1 teaspoon vanilla tt teaspoon celery salt that long before French cooking was heated. When the veal was fried Melt sugar and butter together V, teaspoon salt After peeling onions, run the knife anything more than a mere tossing light brown, she added to the pan rell. Let cool. Add eggs, nut meats \i teaspoon peper through a raw potato. It Is the GRAPE WIN* together of this and that, the Italians half a cup of carrots, diced small, ,nd beat well. Sift together flour Cut the chicken Into small pleoes. quickest way to clean the knife. Mads from rip. silscttd JtTM? Grins three or four medium thick slices of nd baking powder. Add this to the Ldd the potatoes, carrots and peas, had already developed a definite bacon, also diced, and a teaspoon of *2.00 Gallon and Up. sense of direction In food Prepara- ther mixture. Add vanilla, beat itrain tho stock left from cooking At a mipper party It Is always well rought before her. lot water. • Fold in. floor ', and :lpal meat dish, Steak Red and Gold can kitchens. The manner of preparation of po- _ Combine sugar, flour, and salt ta Luncheons SOc & 60c 2 to 6 P. M. TSnilla. Turn into 15xl0-lnch pan top of dbublo boiler; add fruit Juice, B an interesting and Intriguing do- tatoes depends largely upon the which, has .been greased, lined with irture from "Just beef steak." Dinners 75c & $1.00 MANHATTAN _J0e likes and dislikes of her family and water, and egg, mixing thoroughly. Taper to within ick and decorate tho toothpick with once and stir carefully until all flour by a certain Southern cook who la . tiny pickled onion, a stuffed olive APPEAL TO DESSERTS hot water of the lower pan and beat de cabbage and put In a quart jar Is dampened. Then stir vigorously now cooking for the Hlllendale club r a pitted maraschino cherry. Cover ln the yolks of five eggs, stirring Serving You 16 Years With Milk Produced Solely of cut-up cucumbers and ten or 12 until mixture forms a soft dough and near Baltimore. He would never give well. Then Btir In one pound of biR onion cut up and four or five lth a moist napkin until ready to The combination of ice cream an< follows spoon around bowl. Turn up the secret Coaxing on the part lerve. good buttor, broken Into small bits, in Monmoulh County. green pepcrs. Don't let dis boil but out immediately on slightly floured of interested folks got him so wor- fresh fruit Is very Intriguing and adding a piece at a time. After the lot it cook easy for about five min- board and kneed 30 seconds. Roll ried that he got to talking In his most flattering to the eye. butter 1« melted the sauce will com- utes. Let get cold and you kin eatone-half inch thick and cut with FRANKFURTER TURNOVERS One .can.confidently go a step far* mend* to thicken. When thick as it right away. sleep. One warm afternoon, while Bed Bonk HM. Droad Street, Shrewsbury, M. J. floured blscut cutter. Bake on un-dozing in the shade, he started to ther by using a piece of cake. On mayonnaise, strain through a fine greased baking sheet In a hot oven mumble and this is what came forth: V& cupa flour more step calls for a fruit sauce. sieve and then stir in a teaspoonful When bakinpr potatoes bake a few 12 to 15 minutes. Spread lower half Take a pint ob milk and half a 1 cup minced frankfurters The combination when attractlvelj of meat extract and a little chopped extra and use them the next day towith butter and upper half with cup ob lard and half a cup ob but- 1 cup shortening combined is well known as a tarragon or parsley, with a dash of honey. Put halves together. Let % cup thick white sauee mixed PEACH MELBA. cayenne pepper. (Don't let thlB sauce dice and fry. They have a flavor all stand a minute and serve. ter and anudder full cup of sugar, Ihelr own. and a heapln' teaspoonful of salt and , with On each plate place a thin slice ol come to a boll ln the making, as that a coupla eggs and a cake ob yeast 1 tablespoon yellow mustard sponge cake, then a scoup of Ice will cause curdling. In fact, don't Heat the milk just nice and warm— Ice water cream, and then half a peach Invert- let the water under the sauce come not too warm and yet not too no' W teaspoon salt ed over the ice cream. Top with the to a boll. Let the wator be hot—but warm—put in that milk, melt de but- Blend pastry thoroughly. Roll thin following sauce: don't try to hurry this sauce. The ter and then put in the yeast cake md cut In squares. Combine frank- MELBA SAUCE. secret of success ln sauces of this which has been dissolved In a little furters with white sauce and place 1 cup canned raspberries nature Is to keep them from getting warm water and flour to make one tablcapoonful on each piece of Vi cup sugar too hot). thin batter. Let that rise. Then pastry. Fokl like a turnover, mois- Put raspberries through a sievi If you precedo this meat course add the flour to make a lump like a tening edges to hold them together, add the sugar and boll about te •with fruit cup and follow It with a bread douKh. Let it raise again. and bake In a hot oven for 15 min- minutes. Cool and keep In refrlgc good mixed salad and then a fresh Then roll out and cut Into shape for utes or until delicately browned. ator until needed. Serve cold. berry pie with a "gob" of lc» cream rolls and twist them Into shapa. Se for those who want It, your guests to rlso and bake in a hot oven. •will write you "bread and butter" letters that they really mean. DESSERT FOR TWO Menus for the Week BREAKFAST LUNCH DINNER NEW SUGGESTION FOR In many families where there ar Just two people, dcasort Is not often MONDAY SANDWICH INGREDIENT prepared because most recipes are for four or more. If such be thi Cantaloup* Toimted Cheeaa Rreaded Veal Cutlet The decoration of a house, the Shlrrud Eg-u Sandwich Fluffed nice case, unless thla small family ar« Toast Green Salnd nattered TleetH preparation of a meal or tho simple big eaters there Is bound to be waste. Manual ad § Hen-lei and Crcntn I'm It Gelatine arrangemont of flowers, If pleaBlng Here In a recipe that Is delicious nn Coffee AiiorUcl Cooktei Coffee ln appearance Is nearly always jUBt right, for two. Tea or Milk clashed under ono phrase. RICK DAINTY. TUESDAY This phraae la simple and yet *A cup cooked rice, fluffed FYM1. Pineapple Tomato and IIrolled Ham covers many pleasing things hut French Toa«t Cucumber Salad Iirowned Potatoes never anything unattractive. There- Vi cup finely diced pineapple Mapl« ByruD Tlrearf nml DutUr Corn on the Cob fore, a good Idea In writing a recipe % cup sugar Broiled Bacon Sandwiches Drenied lettuce would be to Include as an Ingred- % cup cream, whipped CotTe< Chocolate Pudding Watermelon Coffee or Bter ient, a dash of a woman's touch. Mix the rice, nugar and pineapple Ten or Milk This In enpeclnlly trim In thn making Fold In cream nnd serve ln sherbel WEDNESDAY of tiny party sandwiches on which or parfalt glasses with a maraschlm pWrla cherry on top. Cold Cut* Navarln of Lamb tho microns of many a party rents, Cream Mlxe•••••••» CoffM Krmon Fruit Balad Apple Pie of coloring to make a delicately Tea or Milk Coffee) colored sandwich. 8pr«m,d on one You can still get that perfectly de-e-lkious NO MEAL IS COMPLETE WITHOUT A GLASS OF FIUDAY slice nf thin white broad and press B!lc4(1 Peach* • with Assorted Randwlnhei Clnrn Oamerole a half walnut on top. Cream Potato Chip* Cola 6law with Boiled DATIB AND PECAN BANDWICH. Hot Coflfoti Onk* Vlrklei, oilvef. Oetery DriBMlng ' Coffet Ornnyre Ice Hot Rolle Bprend rounds of white bread with RUPPERT'S BEER AlflorUd CoolcUl Maokbarrr Cobbler dates, put through a food chopper. (JASTLES Iced Tea or Milk Coffee Press a row of pecan halves around the mine. It Aids Digestion 8ATUIIDAY If sandwiches run made ln advanca Tomato Julre Cream of Corn Hoiip (Huffed Steak thny can bn woll kept by keeping Scrambled Egi/« Ktw* ft In Kins Unshed llruwn I'o covered with n dnmp napkin. Butter«d Tout Aipnravui 'flim 1'eaa and Carrots CoffM Hlttttit Tomatoes Waldorf Ralail FRESH PEACH Pnach lea Cream Ilanana Bhortrakt H. G. DEGENRING Tea or Milk Coffe* BACON MUFFINS DISTRIBUTOR for RUPPERT'S BEER 2 mips flour BUPPTCIl 4 teaspoons baking powder ICE CREAM and Manufacturer of Club (kndwirnu rr.ih Fruit CnoVtall 14 pound bacon, frlond nrl»p and CrrMrfl J'lrVLi. OIIVM. Celery rrash Ktkad Him crumbled MttU Potato Chip* IUk.J Sw..t Potato.. % teaspoon (alt FNTIR THH iBAlTBST CONTHST Pineapple Whip ,l>lma B«an« CLUB ROYAL CARBONATED BEVERAGES ('OfTae or Tea Jalllad Carrot and 1 cup milk Plnaapp!* Halff 3 ««KB, well beaten $6000 In prim this Month Ratpbarrr Mouse* Rift (lour, salt and basking powder Rwur 18 Went Front St. PHONE 1051 Red Bank N. J. Into a bowl with the bacon, crisply Atk fmr CMIIH tt—Ur/kr <> ../rr Mnaj U U* In* br wtitlauj I* frland and crumbled. Mix w«lr and add milk and well-bnaton •««. Bake to 38 Hitratw In » fist flED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27, 1936.

-roperty on P*arl utroet to the New the town's Indebtedness up to $410,- Wolcott of Freehold were ma/rled at touring car driven by ^Frederick W. ork * Long Branch Railroad com- 122.12. the home of' John Ghllmartln of Fisher ot Philadelphia at the junc- Items of Yesteryears pany and planned to build a new Dorothy Dletz, daughter of Carl Freehold by Rev. C. J. Cartrlght of tion of the old Middletown and arehouse at the corner of Maple J. DleUt of West Front street, won Marlboro, a friend of the groom. Holmdel turnpikes at South Keyport. venue and Bergen place. The rail- first prize in the go-cart division of . Egbert Swackhamcr, while playing i From Register Files road company planned to run the baby parade at the Keansburg Wild West, was caught on his arm switches on Its new holdings. carnival. with a lasso and his arm was badly The borough council of Rumson Michael Henry Parker, a life long skinned.' Grasping passed an ordinance prohibiting au- resident of Little Silver, died at the Samuel Hardy of Scobeyvllle was Anniversary..' Happenings of 50 and 25 Year* Ago Culled From The tomobile* to use the cut-out motors age of 69 years.. Death was due to eadlng the farmers In (hat section n their cars. Rumson residents said stomach trouble, with which he had In the potato yield. His field was News and Editorial Column* for Entertainment hat automobiles used in the borough been sick since fall. yielding 110 barrels to tho acre. CQLEMAN were too noisy. The Customer's A series of tableaux were given in Frank Hanco was harvesting 105 bar- < of Today's Readers. William Dressier of WeeUJde Park, the Shrewsbury schoolhouse. The en- rels to tho acre and Jamis C. Slckle3 who was employed at the E. C. Haz- tertainment was for the benefit of and George Wilklns 75 barrels. COLLEGE Slity Yeara Ago. and home and native land" at Nave- ard factory at Shrewsbury, was on a the Junior auxiliary scholarship In Mrs. Jacob Stadtlc of Marlboro trip to Germany to visit relatives, The much talked ot race of the sink and after a. lot of bally-hoolng the Boone college, China, and {35 gave her husband a surprise party .. Point of View only 20 persons attended. Rev. Rob- here he planned to remain until af- was cleared. in celebration of his birthday. Guests Monmouth Wheelman for tho gold :er the holidays. Intensive modal given by Dr. George F. Mars- ert Emery addressed the assembly on The property of the late Henry were present from Long Island and' den took place. It was for 100 mlle3 tho effects ot liquor. Mrs. Emma Smith's double' house Clay Miner, known as "The Grange," New York. Our sincere effort is to see the other •ad Andy Cnleman did It Inside of John Allen ol Fair Haven and Tony n East Front street was sold by was sold to Edward A. MacDougal, O. E. Davis barn on Railroad ave- EXECUTIVE ten hour*. John B, Bergen was his Navarro ot the Rumson road collided Francis White to Joseph Dickopf for who was a summer tenant on the nue caught fire and burned down. It only competitor. Dr. Edwin Field In a baseball game at Rumson while K87S. Mr, Dickopf bought the place place. The property had a frontage was thought tho fire was started by person's sicle of all financial ques- «u starter and time keeper. Both base running and young Navarro wag as a speculation. of about ISO feet on the river and sparks from an engine. TRAINING men wore dressed In a racing cos- knocked unconscious. Leon Brower of Irving place re- about 1,000 feet on East Front street Carnival week was tho blKgest ooo tions. ' " , i ceived a broken arm while cranking tume, There" was considerable money The tannery at Eatontown was ad- and Grange avenue. event in the history ofr Keansburg bet on the event, which was esti- vertising that bides would be re- its automobile. Harry C. Burrowes, son of Joseph and-the Carnival association wan al- Business Administration mated to be several thousand dollars. ceived and tanned to a finish for Samuel P. Longstreet of Oceanic T. Burrowes of Red Bank, was mar- ready talking of next year's carnival. 'as appointed a special officer to reg- We shall be glad to discuss such DaVld Burdge Swan died at his either Ijarnees or shoo leather and ried to Miss Isabella E. Thorno of George Williams' restaurant at Accounting that sheep and lambskin would be ilate automobile traffic on the Sea Newark. The ceremony was per- Keansburg got afire when a gasoline home on Broad street In his 74th right drawbridge. yewi' For a number of years ho was tanned and dyed In fsney colors Tor formed at the bride's apartment in stove exploded and the damage Collegiate Secretarial questions with you. engaged in the boat business with garments. The Eatontown Hook & Ladder Newark by Rev. Robert MacKellar. amounted to $400. The guests at Borden's i>rospeet sompany cleared $500 at their annual Uzal H. McCarter, who had recent- Richard Brown and Charles Carr General Business his father. air held in Crescent hall. Miss William W. Ackerman, an aged and House had a hop, music being fur- ly bought for the Fidelity Trust com- entertained at the New Point Com- and nished by Allstrom's orchestra. Quite Hlnda Miller won a contest for a dla- wealthy farmer of Holmdel township, ond ring. pany of Newark the Presbyterian fort hotel the members of tho. Key- dle.d at his home on the Holmdel and a number of local persona Joined In church property at the corner of port fire department who took part Comptometry the festivities. - • George W. Hardy succeeded Clar- Keygbrt turnpike. Ho was about TO nce Wright as station agent at the Broad and Wallace streets, applied In the Keansburg carnival parade. ooo Personal Loan yearrold. Mr. and Mrs. a. A. Wldemeyer of to the commissioner of banking and The Keansburg merchants gave the Oceanic entertained a large group of Highlands. Mr, Hardy had been em- loyed as telegraph operator at tb< insurance for a charter for the Red firemen a fine supper. Day and Evening Th» Opeanlc Methodists cleared friends at a lawn party In honor of Bank Trust company. The body of Harvey Hopkins of I860 at their annual fair. A handsome their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. John tfew York Cotton exchange. ooo •Ilk quilt of 36 blocks was won by The frame structure on Valley ave- The first fair of the Red Bank Mo- Keyport was found in the ocean near Webber of Roundout, New York. tor Boat club netted the club over the Steeplechase pier at Coney In- Department ue, Highlands, adjoining Uncle Dick Miss Minnie Krohne. David Long- John Bulllnger, a track walker at RELIABLE PLACEMENT SERVICE street of Sea Bright won a gold Reed's boarding house, was adver- $800. This was to go toward paying land. He had disappeared while on Red Bank, was struck by a train arid ised to be sold at public auction. for the club's new property on Union an independent Democratic excur- watch and Grade Brill won a silver his right foot was badly mangled. bracelet. The building was owned by the bor- street. sion to Coney Island. Three of his toes and part of the foot ugh and was Used for many years Dr. Nathan Irwin and Margaret Academy and Halsey Sts. The Ladles' Sewing society of the were amputated by Dr. John S. Con- Richard Bates was making a num- as the public lock-up. ber of repairs to the Little Silver Hulsttart of Matawan were bruised Newark; N. J, ; Pair-'Haven Methodist Protestant over and Dr. Edwin Field. William I. Green was putting the and shaken up when the doctor's church cleared over $900 at their an- schoolhouse, A new sanitary drink- Telephone:'MAifcel]2-7907; A. The young son of Edward Harden- nishlng touches on a new ladder ing fountain was Installed by Charles Ford runabout was run into by a big The First National Bank nual fair. Mrs John H. Fielder, brook of Fair Haven was rescued ruck which he had built for the vll- Hobrough. president of tho society, was compli- from drowning by James Snyder age fire company at Shrewsbury. Biented upon,her untiring efforts. In when the lad fell Into the water and The fair held In the firemen's hall of Eatontown, New Jersey contest for a gentleman's watch, got beyond his depth. Valja Durnell, Glennlng Riddle and at Naveslnk for the new automobile Qutter > Conductor Pipe - Sheet Metal Robert D. Chandler was tho wlnnor, A festival at Liberty hall, Fair Ha- Fred Day of Oceanport were racing hose truck fund netted over $200. Other contestants were Nelson Little, ven, for the benefit of Flsk chapel n their bicycles when Durnell ran Tho fishermen of Belford and Port Walter. Little, W. C. Scott and Gil- of that place was attracting large Into three men. His wheel was badly Monmouth suffered heavy losses MINER SUPPLY COMPANY bert Hausmann. In the ballotting for crowds. In a voting contest for a damaged and he was cut and bruised. when tho high winds played havoc- Member Federal Reserve System the lady's watch, Miss Stella Bennett handsome cane, Jacob S. Lee was the The men were not hurt. with their pound nets. W. Front & Pearl Sts. Red Bank 3333 won. Other contestants were MrB. fortunate contestant. The work on Dr. Charles A. Pal- Tho Patrlotlo Sons of America John H. Fielder, Mrs. Augusta Mer- Cards were out for the coming mar- mer's new house on the Vanderburg lodge of Belford and Port Monmouth Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation Tit and Miss Delia Doughty. riage of Mrs. Kate Evans of Keyport oad in Holmdel was being pushed paraded at Keansburg and won a sil- MONEY LOANED iForman Smith's Little Spot outdis- to Arthur A. Patterson of Red Bank ind the dwelling was nearlng com- ver loving cup for having the largest VK PAY CASH FOB OLD GOLD AND SILVER eome engraved water pitcher. Tho Clayton and Thompson's distillery k commissioners. This made a Mlss,Beulah Walling, daughter of Federal Housing Administration prize nwnrded to tho Fern was a at Leedsvllle reopened for the season otal of $67,093.41 of notes in the Mrl and Mrs. Richard Walling of case containing a dozen gold lined Sea Bright property advanced 25 banks and It brought the total of Keyport, and Professor Joseph E. Broadway Loan Co. sliver spoons. per cent In consequence of the suc- s^l tax Broadway, (Opp. Jacob 3telnbach*8) JLong Branch Mr, and Mrs. George V. Snedcn and cessful season at that place. Miss Annie Sneden of Red Bank . The board of commissioners of went to the Catskllls to spend a few Keyport granted permission to Wil- weeks.. ,-• • - - liam H. Lee to construct a street Was Ella Bedle, a member of the railway at that place. class of 1885 of the Koyport graded W. H. Robinson of Long Branch school, wee engaged as teacher of the started for Dakota with 28 head of Spring; Valley school In Marlboro Jersey cattle. He proposed to rals HERE'S HOW LAST WINTER LOOKED township. blooded stock on a ranch In the West. Mrs. Elizabeth Worthley of Fair The Monmouth County Agricultural Haven wu the happy possessor of a Fair society advertised Its 83d annual (Ilk shawl which was brought to this attraction, at which $10,000 In cas! country, by. one of her ancestors long was to be awarded in premiums. before tho Revolutionary war. George V. Ward of Freehold was sec- Bathing hours at tho Bayslda : retary of the association. •Villon at Atlsntlc Highlands were TO THE WEATHE posted dally on the bulletin board at the poatofflce. . Twenty-Five Yean Ago. There was a "grand rally for God Fred D. Wlkoff sold hla warehouse There's safety It Can't in every drop!

(The highest the thermometer climbed between January 22 and February 4 was twenty-eight degrees. That's a test of economy for any heating system, and that's the sort of weather that proved to hundreds of Jersey home owners that gas is the most economical form of automatic heat under the new all-purpose gits rate! DONT On January 22 the mercury rose to forty-two degrees. [The next morning Jersey citizens shivered at a temper- ature of five degrees below zero. But users of gas house-heating didn't shiver! Automatic gas-heating equipment asked no attention, no regulation — it kept the temperature "right on the button," regardless of t a forty-seven degree temperature idrop in a few hours. Nobody ran out of fuel —j| nobody stayed up AGAIN i ... because Tydol Gasoline not only half the night to tend furnace — nobody shivered in a half-heated NO LUMP FUEL PAYMENTS drives your motor but prottt* It, too home! WITH GAS HEAT! Of course, old-fashioned flnno- 11 too 1 Every tingle drop contains During each of tin: ciglit llno will drive your modern mo- both a top-cylinder lubricant [To the weather man there were- month* of tho lirnling ft tor... but that's not'enough! and a carbon-solvmnt.With every three cold waves. To most of us you pay one eighth of tho TRY GAS HOME HEATING AT OUR RISK Thosoomnllcrcnftlnoparts work- turn of your motor all the upper cntimiilcd cost for the winter's ing at higher apeedt demand parts are oil-cooled and carbon- there was just one —— the whole gas heating. Next Juno wo . . . ;Wc'll prove it cost* no more! extra lubrication to keep down cleaned.You flet smoother, safer IIOUBC winter! But gas heating rompnro your nctual into with I.e.t in CNlinmto tlid rosl of IirntlnK your home wllli gn». I-rt "« ln»UII heat and friction... extra pro- engine action...and you S«t It a K«» liuimi'-lit-atliiR burner for a full winler'a Irlul licfiiro you decide In tection to keep down enrhon and nt the same price you now pay proved itself as the fuel of today tho cHtimtite and adjust any Imy it. (Wo chnruo a 825 drpooli wlileh wo will refuml nexl uprlng variation. If the ucluul healing cost is no! within 10% of our estimate). corrosion. for old-fashioned gasoline. and tomorrow—simple, sure, Uilrn la our nniozlnR clnlms nncl then prooffd In Jirnrn them In rour "Hint's wliyTrlple-ActlonTydol Insist on Trlplo-Actlon Tydol. clean, and trouble-free. luiiifn ut our rUlt. Sco what It'o llko lu lio cut free from Iho bond* o( Gasoline Is bulltnot only to drive Save your motor and your monty furnaeo drudgery! your motor but to of'and clean with this modern gasoline.

a PRODUCT or m TID« WATIM OIL OOMP»MV OwnMl MM MT.W.O.C. JERSEY CENTRAL POWER AND LIGHT COMPANY, Office Hniirni di.10 A. M. to II V. M. Telephone Itrd Hunk 1000; Kniergrncy Thone nftor office Uourn Keel Bank 1 Silver Wedding . . ,mh ntnmppfi and ndiirojijov] rnvr-loprfl to A. H. Williams, 1.10 Campbell avenue, f.39 SCOTCHES VW.'tt Havnn, Connecticut, by October •MOD* Vloor 10 with onn cent per cover nddltlonnl Black & White . . , f>n ft forwarding to.f. Omnmernor- 2-69 ivtlvcH on wrapprr appreciated. Haig & Haig 5 Star , PoliTshirta Ilnyn rnn rnakn extra pocket money C BLENDS selling Tho rtoRlnter.—AdvcrtHomon "™j »5 69 STEINBACH 'Wilken Family . . pl. ^0%c ECZEMA and Itching Piles Old Quaker . . . pt. # 51 en h. r.ll.v.,1 by ,„{„, EX-E-MmmnTTfa O J.KRIDEL —Red Bank— KRESGECO 1 1 , • ^ Asbury Park A FBUNBLY VISITOE Brinrini; Oood Now* Every Wwk tor B8 Yean to All the Family, SECTION In the Home* of B«d Book and Vicinity—About Local Kventa end Local People. » RED BANK REGISTER TWO Issued Weekly, entered «• Second-Clan Matter at tbi Post* Subscription Trice: VOLUME LIX, NO. 10. offic* at Red Dank. N. J.. und*r tha Act of March 8, 1810. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1936. One Year $2.00, £U Months, $1,00. Single copy, 4c. PAGES 1 TO 12. Senator Barbour Will Visit Food Red Bank Couple Elks' Auxiliary Pinckney Park Appointment Of Married 13 Years Raps Spending Stores In West Shrewsbury Boys Has Farewell Party Formal Opening Assessor Made Yesterday marked the 13th wed- Tho Ladles' auxiliary of the Rod Of The New Deal Indies Group ding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Bank Elks' lodge gavo a farewell Paul de la Reussllle and It was oc- uncheon yesterday in the ballroom Tuesday Noon At Little Silver casioned by two delightful surprises Fight For Lives ofr mthe Molly Pitchei'itchor hotel for Mrs. j _ ~ ~ Declare* in Speech, at Rumion Thomas E. Nicholl* of Atlantic for Mrs. Reussllle. Her husband, who Louise Hexter, who will move next | Uevelopers to be Host! to Large William J. T. Getty, Whose Of- Lait Night That ''Ship of State Highlands, Supervising Direc- Is a member of the Reusslllo jewelry Monday from Red Bank to West New ! llrm, returned home on that day Two Shrewsbury youths, Raymond. first aid squad ambulance. Both had York. The luncheon table was doc- Group of Officials, Profession- fice Became Vacant by Virtua b Well Denuded of Safety De- tor of U. S. G. Stores, on a from Mon'mouth Memorial hospital, Herden, son of Policeman and Mrs. fractured skulla and the Reynolds orated with flowers and' favors in a al and Business Men at Lunch- of Supreme Court Decision! and this was Mrs. Reusallie's biggest Otto Herden, and Edward Reynolds, boy also suffered a broken collar- purple and pink color scheme. vice* from Deficit*." Vacation. and best surprise. She had not ex- eon Meeting. Named by Mayor Fiedler. son of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Rey- bone. Mrs. Hexter received a silk night pected Mr. Reussllle home until Fri- gown as a parting gift. Short ad- nolds, both of White road, are In a The latter regained consciousness 'New Deal deficits mean that our Thomas E. Nlcholls of Atlantic day. He was injured several weeks Tuesday but is still in a serious con- dresses wero made by Mra. Helen A large group, including the of- Berlous condition at Riverview hos- William J. T. Getty was appointed children are going to start out on Highlands, supervising director of the ago when ho fell while riding his dition. The Herden b6y ig still In Baldwin, Mrs. Richard Steppanekl, ficials of the borough of Red Bank, assessor of Little Silver by Mayor life's journey In a Bhlp of state de- four hundred and fifty United Ser- horse. pital as the result of an accident a coma. Mrs. Jacob Landau and Mrs. Murray Red Bank Chamber of Commerce Edward C. Fiedler at Tuesday night's A. Cowan. Cards wero played after void of all life-saving devices," Unit- vice Grocers throughout New Jersey, The second surprise occurred last Monday night on. Newman Springs Shohet was arrested by Chief of executives, officers of the banks and meeting of the governing: body, and ed Btate Senator W. Warren Bar- Staten Island and Pennsylvania, la on road. Police Earl Hoyer of Mlddletown the luncheon. Those in charge were buildinbuildi g andd lloan s andd otheth r ldlendii n tho appointment was unanimouslly night at tho home of his parents on Mrs. Samuel Berk, Mrs. Walter B. bour last night told membor» of the a well-earned vacation to the West Broad street. This was In the The accident occurred In front of township and was arraigned before institutions and various business confirmed by the council. Mr. Get- Rumson Republican • club at Red Indies on tho S. 8. Franconla. the J. Stilwell Grover property on Recorder Louis H. Mcese of Belford. Connor, Mrs. Cowan and Mrs. Eugene leaders of Monmouth county will be j ty'.s original term as assessor hail form of a dinner party and It was Handy. Men's hall at that place. completely unexpected by both Mr. Newman Springs road, west of the Ho was held In bail of $2,000 to guests next Tuesday nl a luncheon expired but. he continued in office The meeting was attended by 300 Newman Springs bridge. The lads, await tho action of the grand Jury Others present were Mra. Michael meeting in the Molly Pitcher hotel and Mrs. Reussllle. The- couplp e re- under a new law extending tho terms persons. Other guest speakers be- ceived both riding on one bicycle, were hit on .charges of atrocious assault and Kane, Mrs. Walter Layton, Mrs. Wil- on Riverside avenue. The session w nf atise'-iaors from three to five years* sides Senator Barbour were Van R. number of fine gifts, by a car driven by Solomon Shohet battery with an automobile. Tho Mr. Ham Snyder, Mrs. C. J. Guincy, Mrs. | mark the formal opening of Pinck- Then the Now Jersey Supreme Court Halscy, who eucceeded Mr. Barbour party was arranged by of New Brunswick. According to Harry Qulnn, Mrs. Thomas Hackett, j ney Park, a new home community, Reussille's mother, Mrs, Leon de la At the hospital this morning, it was declared the law unconstitutional, as mayor of RumBon, and Neilson police .the boys had gone up New- stated that Raymond has shown Mrs. George Bainee, Mra. Winifred now being developed at Pinckney and as a result of this decision the Edwards, present mayor of the bor- Reussllle. Others present besides man Springs road looking for a cir- Williams, Mrs. James Gravani and road and Grant place, Red Bank. those mentioned were Leon de la some improvement, although he has ollicc of assessor was declared vifc* ough. All were Introduced by Shel- cus, which they thought would ar- not regained '• consciousness and IK Miss Katharine Applegate. I The development concern, which is cant, The same situation has prfr- don T. Coleman, president of the Rcussllle, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Turk- rive In town that evening. The next meeting of the auxiliary inRton, Leon Reusslllo, Robert Reus- still in a critical condition, Edward known as Pinckney Park, incorporat- vailed in many other municipaUtieft' club. The injured boys were taken to has gained consciousness and hi; will be next Wednesday night at the :ed, which will be host at the lunch- in the state and it ha*''been neces- illle and Misses Dorothy Turklngton Elks' club. "Every additional deficit resulting ind Peggy Averro. Riverview hospital in the Red Bank condition is fair. eon gathering, is headed by Colonel sary to appoint, an assessor. from Now Deal extravagance is the J. Lester Eisner of Red Bank. War- William A. Stevena, borough at- canting overboard of another life- ren H. Smock is vice president and torney, K^ve inatructiona at the meet- boat," Senator Barbour declared. treasurer and C. W. Gray-Lewis is ing to Fre-deriek L. Ayers, borough "We already have a ship of state Septuplets Born Newman Springs Two Start Suit Regatta Sail Boat secretary. Arrangements for the clerk, to notify the county cleric and pretty well denuded of all safety de- luncheon have been made through the county committee members of vices and unless a halt Is called, the Avenue Plot Sold Against Borough Races Postponed Roscoo Allen of Rid^ewood who, each party in the borough that va- next generation faces a future with- In Local Jail; with his brother, Ronald W. Alien, Icancies exist for the offices of mayor out means of rescue if emergency will direct the development and sales and assessor. Each party will ae- arises, Duck Looks On To Laundry Firm Of Sea Bright To Labor Day in Pinckney Park. lect its candidates for the offices and "Tho NW Deal has Increased our Tho developers have planned to !he names will appear on the ballot. national debt to a flguro greater than erect 58 modern cottages on the Little Falls Laundry Company Marjorie Hill and Father Suing Candidates may also file by petition. ever before. There are those who Trained Dog Gives Birth to Sev- Perpetual Good Sportsmanship tract. Five of these cottages are now Three bids wore opened for re- say that It has not as yet reached in tnc en Pups After Owner it Ar- Buys Large Holdings From for $20,000 as Result of Acci- Trophy to be Put Up for Ben- course of construction, three surfacing Silverside avenue, River* proportions dangerous to national i on Grant place and two on Pinckney view avenue and East View avenUB. credit. Whether or no ouch optim- rested — Newcomer* Hospit- Miss Kate Morford for Central dent in Which Miss Hill Was eht of Juvenile Owners and ,-oad. A Register representative The contract was awarded to Albert ism Is warranted, I look beyond the Distribution Plant. Hit by Police Motorcycle. Skippers. vislted the tract yesterday afternoon L. Randolph of Plainfleld, whose bid present state of affairs. ably Received. and had tho pleasure of being es- was $4,MS.40. Tho other bidders wera "We all know that depressions corted through the houses on Grant Charles J. Hesse of Belford, J4,694.8O, come in cycles. We all know that William J. Fitzgerald of Washing- The Little Falls Laundry Company, Papers have been ' served naming The Community Regatta associa- and Fred McDowell of Neptune, ion held an executive meeting last place, which are almost completed. the world Is In a turbulent state. We ton, who during his brief stay at Red which haa its main plant at Little the mayor and council of Sea Bright The houses are the last word in mod- $4,031.16. The borough has been al- would like to feel that never will Bank gave a.'- performance at the 'alls, with branch distributing plants and Police Chief Andrew Anderson night at the ofllce of Huberl M. Iotcd $1,500 by the county from tb.8 Farrow on .Monmouth street and ern construction, with all conven- this country suffer another economic THOMAS E. NICHOLLS, Strand theater and made an unsched- at Plainfleld, East Orange and Red of that borough as defendants in a state dirt road improvement fund for uled appearance at Red Bank police suit for $20,000 brought by Miss Mar- went over matters pertaining to the iences, even to a recreation room in collapse and that never again will Bank, will make Rod Bank Its prin- the basement. this job. she bo drawn Into armed conflict headquarters, Is headed home with cipal district for collection and dis- jorle Hill, and her father, Isaac Hill, closing of this year's regatta affairs. He leaves considerable activity In An audit is being made of the re- The tract is artistically laid out, The borough clerk read a copy ot with any other nation. UtmoBt can- the United Service Grocers' stores In happy thoughts of tho hospitality of tribution In the shore area. of Mlddletown township, near Red Red Bank officialdom. Bank, for injuries received by Miss ceipts and disbursements and there with sidewalks, curbs, lights and a resolution adopted by the Eaton- dor, however, makes It necessary tho form of a Good Will Silverware For some time the company ha« sewers already in. town mayor and council expressing that wo do not overlook the possi- Fitzgerald at the Strand exhibited had a small building on West Front Hill when she was hit by a motor- every indication that after all bills offer .which every store Is offering cycle operated by Chief Anderson, i There has been erected at the cor- sympathy on the death of Mayor bility that one or tho other misfor- for a limited time in conjunction a trained dog and a trained duck. He street, opposite West street, from are paid there will be a email bal- tune may overtake us. won first prize of $5. During the re- ance upon which to bulrd funds for ner of Pinckney road- and Grant Ellas S. Black. He ajso read a let- with Flagstaff food products which which deliveries, were made In this The accident occurred July 12 on place a temporary office for the de- ter Df thanks to the council from thn gatta ho insisted on exhibiting his district. This has been found inade- Ocean avenue, Sea Bright. Miss Hill next year's event. "Should that eventuate we might they distribute. • ' dog and duck to persons who were velopment and anyone interested in family of the late mayor. very well find that our national debt Consumers may procure a 20-piece quate for the firm's fast growing bus- and two girl friends were crossing The committee officially decided to more interested In viewing the boat the street after leaving the Surf hold the sailboat races which were the property, either for purchase or Clark P. Kemp, collector, notified has gone so near the limit of credit silver service with a minimum of ef- races. The police were Inclined to iness along this section of the Jer- inspection, will be welcomed. the council that a sale of properties that we would have no margin where- fort at a price far below tho set's sey shore. A short time ago the bathing pavilion when Miss Hill was to- have been part of the regatta com- pp believe that Fitzgerald was annoying struck by the machine and knocked mittee program on Monday morning, Among the invited guests to the for delinquent taxes would be held with to finance ourselves through an- actual value. tho spectators and warned tho young company purchased the Progress luncheon meeting are Charles R. not later than October 15. The salo other depression or to defend our- The plan, promoted by Mr. Nlcholls Laundry at Asbury Park and en- down. Trafiic on the street was September 7, Labor day, at 10 o'clock, "" " " t lt th Otb 15 Th l man to desist. Fitzgerald, however, blocked at the time, due to thi) and the prizes whicli were secured English, mayor of Red Bank; Harry will include all delinquent taxes from selves from some future aggressor in a few stores, proved «o successful believing that the "show must go on," deavored to handle much of its shore G. Degenring, Harold S. Allen, 1030 to 1035, inclusive, and all muni- whose attack we would havo to meet. business through its new acquisition. drawbridge, being open, and Chief by the regatta asociation for this that within two weeks it wn3 given regardless of police interference, con- Anderson was on his way to his post event will be put up at that time. Thomas M. Gopsill, J. Albert Van- cipal assessments an* extended pay- "Right now tho country's banks to the entire membership. This also was found not to be feas- Schoick, Joseph C. Irwin and Ken- ment agreements in default up to tinued to display the talents of his near the bridge to direct trafiic when The Junior Skippers' banquet, have their portfolios crammed with Mr. Nicholls plans to visit distrib- animal. There was nothing left for ible and the company decided to erect tho accident happened. He was neth Wyckoff, Red Bank council- the present time. government paper. Would they dare utors of Flagstaff food products in a suitable building for its local needs. which is being sponsored by the Red men; Ensley White, Red Bank build- Deputy Chief Harold Davlson and knocked off his motorcycle but waa Bank Standard, will be managed by Councilman Frank Dean reported to assume any more of the burden Bermuda, Trinidad, and other Islands Sergeant George Clayton to do but to Realizing Red Bank's central loca- not hurt. ing inspector; Stuart Cook, Red that the lowering of the catch basin if government financing? It is a tion and the opportunity to buy a committee composed of Mayor Bank plumbing inspector; Mrs. Rae of the West Indies group. Mrs. Nlch- take him to police headquarters. He Charles R. English honorary chair- on Willow drive, near Parker ave- question now largely academio but ollB accompanies her husband on the was charged with disorderly conduct. choice real estate at the right price Miss Hill suffered contusions and McCandlish, executive secretary of nue, had corrected the dralnaga perhaps later it will be as real as In this Immediate vicinity, the firm abrasions and from shock. After re- man, Mr. Farrow general chairman, the Red Bank Chamber of Com- trip. Tho trouper refused to be parted Harold S. Allen in charge of tro- problem at that point. anything we shall bo obliged to faco." with the rest of his troupe and the looked around for a suitable site in ceiving treatment at the Sea Bright merce; John Colt, president of the first aid headquarters she was taken phies, George W. Bray in charge of The lire committee waa authorized Former Mayor Halsoy «tressed the dog and duck were locked in a cell or near Red Bank. This was found Second National Bank & Trust com- to buy a stretcher for the fire com- home, where she was confined to tickets and other arrangements and pany; Kenneth McQueen, president need of strong local organizations, Church Campaign with him. for the company by G. Howard Lip- Joseph Irwin to arrange for speak- pany. ooth In civic and political affairs. "You'll be sorry for this," Fitzger- plncott, with the result that a sale her homo for two weeks before she p of the Merchants Trust company; was able to return to work in the ers. The affair will be held at the A discussion waa held on the ln- i Matters pertaining to local govern- Reaches $1,728 ald told his jailers. "Just you wait was consummated yesterday. Etlwin R. Conovcr, president, and tallation of a light at the intersec- ment can bo best administered by and sec." His Jailers did wait and The Little Falls Laundry Company Belle Tone Hosiery shop at Red Molly Pitcher hotel on Thursday Noel J. Lartaud, secretary of the Red Bank. Sho is asking $15,000 for her night, September 10, and will be in tion of Rumson road and Prospect local authorities, Mr. Halsey de- The campaign of the Sea Bright see,, and what they paw filled them has bought through Mr. Lippincott Bank Building* & Loan association; avenue. Another serious accident oc- clared, and ho cltod the efficient Methodist church Is progressing in with surprise and consternation. njurics, and her father $5,000 ,for honor of ail the younger owners on Frank McMahon, president, and A. from Miss Kata Morford a large plot medical expenses. They have re- curred at this spot the other night, manner in which unemployment re- „a ver.„.,y, satisfactoryj manner. While_ For right there In Red Bank's jail of land on the north side of New- our fiver. Alvln Whiting, secretary of the Citi- tained Edward W. Wise as counsel. There will be a suitable medal in and It was the opinion, of the council ilef has been handled In Rumson as thho goall of $5,00$0 0 has not bbeen I the doff, Quccnle by name, began man Springs road, about 25 feet west zens' Building & Loan association; that some kind of warning light kn example. Ho said that from a reached, the pastor, Rev. H. N, presenting: her master with a family. the form of a watch charm for the Fred D. Wikoff, president, and Har- of the large warehouse of Anderson bo3's and a brooch for the £irj<9*fo be should be installed Immediately. A political standpoint, If local organi- Amer, and workers are very optimis- Two of the septuplets wero born In Brothers, just within the borough old Hurley, secretary of the Main- motion by Councilman Frederick E. sations are strong the state and na- tic and hope to reach their objectlvo the cell, the other five came Into the presented on that occasion and there stay Building & Loan association; limits of Red Bank. Tho property will also bo provision made for a per- William T. Jones, president, and H. Hasler was adopted giving the light :lonal organizations will likewise be by Labor day. world in a barn back of the jail. has a frontage of 457 feet on New- Waterbury Sells committee authority to install a light •trongr. Mary, tho duck, quacked her de- petual trophy to be put u for good C. Gardner, treasurer of the Friends' At a meeting of the workers In the man Springe road and 471 feet on the sportsmanship. The trophy will be Building & Loan association; Thomas that will meet with, the approval of Mayor Edwards praised Mr. Bar- church Tuesday night reports light. Fitzgerald grinned with pleas- back line. It b 280 feet in depth Two Rumson Lots the State Motor Vehicle department. ure. Tho police frowned and scratched suitably engraved and the juvenile Irving Brown, publisher of The Red Dour and Mr, Halscy, doclarlng their showed that the total receipts in cash along the Anderson line and approx- owner or skiper who is voted the Bank Register; Sidney J. Wain, pub- Bills amounting to $301.38 wcra Idmlnistratlons in Rumson -were. and pledges to dato were $1,728.09. their collective heads. What to do? imately 300 feet in depth on the paid. There was nothing in the borough Rumson Road Property of Mrs. most popular person in the fleet will lisher of the Red Bank Standard; iplendld examples of good govcrn- The 26 workers present were en- westerly line. have his or her name inscribed on Richard DeWitt, publisher of the ment. thusod and renewed their pledgo to ordinances or the police regulations The company will have plans drawn Cora Simpson Bought by to cover a case liko this. same. Popularity in this case will Long Branch Daily Record; J. Lyle continue tho drive until the final Immediately for a largo building, Thomas Bruno of Little Silver depend entirely upon good sports- Kinmouth, publisher of the Asbury First Aid Squad's goal is reached. But Red Bank's finest, exercising which will be the central distributing —Fifteen Rentals. manship in every particular, which Park Evening Press; John W. Kemp- Fashion Show Tho campaign board In front of the the ingenuity that has helped to make point for tho laundry's shore busi- will include not only sailing and ob- Dance And Show church 1B creating- a grcut deal ot in- them an efficient department, soon ness. The company will also erect on a 1 Rolston Waterbury, Red tank serving mice and reputations but nl-{ °n. real estate. editor of the New- Well Attended terest. Tho vast throng of motorists found the way out. Queenle and her the premises a modern six-room The East KcansburR Firist Aid and persons- passing the church new family must be given all the at- realtor, recently sold two lots go courtesy and being a good loser ark Evening News; Albert H. Rob- house, which will be occupied by Rus- Rumson road, owned by Mrs. Cora bins president, and Ferd S. Salmon, squad will hold an amateur hour and More than 400 persons attended a watch tho progress with pleasure, tention necessary. And they were. eell Jackson, manager of the com- ae well. ,'ashlon ahow nnd curd party Meat and milk were purchased for Simpson, to Thomas Bruno of Little secretary of the Red Bank Land & I dance Saturday evening, September mrty held jCar 0 la bcmf, exercised by the com- pany's shore activities. Mortgage company; James E Ham- 15. Reservations may be made with yesterday afternoon at tho Mon Paris mitteo to give a full nnd fair account the dog and the duck was given Silver, made eix Red Bank rentals, •oom of the Monmouth County Coun- Miss Morford was represented In mond, Jr., sales manager for the de- I any of the members of tho committed of the campaign progress. whatever ducke eat. the transaction by Alston Beekman rented a River Plaza bungalow and Wayside Man Hit iry club by the Women's Democratic Tho pastor and workers nro grate- eight Little Silver houses, bungalowi vclopment; Emanuel London, ad- j which comprises John Mayer, Jamea The police finally decided that and the Little Falls Laundry .Com- vertisinp; agent; Mrs. George H. j and Robert Rcdlleld, Charles Ruh- •lub of Monmouth County. A special ful for the generosity of their many enough was enough and they released and apartments. )rizo of ?S was given as a door prize pany WBB represented by Thomas On Way To Circus Miles of the Stcinbach-Kresge com- ; man, Harold Cruse, Robert Veth, Wll- friends and hopo for a continuation Fitgernld with the warning to bo on Doremus. Goldman and Sanders have rented |am iy United States District Attorney of this spirit until tho church bell his way with his family. The latter, a furnished apartment on Drummond panj', George Ambrose, W. J. Moon, l McElwaln and Walter VanNort- John J. Qulnn and won by Mrs. Jo- rings out the glad news that tho last who had transported his trained an- ce i'rnm Manson & Son. Mrs. E. George Thorne Victim of Hit- 'Charles Lohman of the Passaic Na- wick. The amuteur .contest Is open. lop Porccll of Long Branch. Silver dollar has been raised, imals in a little express wagon, built Highlands Church Voightlander of Jersey City has rent- D ,-. . | r> i Honal bank. Max Neiiherger of the I to any resident of East Keansburg jervers wero awarded at each table Tho deficiency claims apalnst tho an addition to the vehicle, and set ed Mrs. Emma Walker's house at Run Driver—Long Branch United States Titlo & Mortgage and vicinity. Three cash prizes will b« tor prizes at cards. Man Held for Grand Jury on Guaranty company, George. E. Dugan I awarded. Those intending to enter church are being paid as fast as tho out for Washington—via Atlantic Benefit September 4 Bucna plnce. Joseph Serpico of Key- tno The fashion show was conducted Incoming funds will permit. The re- City. port had rented a store in tho Osch- Two Charges i°* American Insurance company, are asked to write to the squad or >y Miss Ann Relsner of the Bluebird George K. Allen, engineer; George j 1° be on hand on the night of tha pairs on the building will nlso ho "Red Bank Is n swell town," were Plans have ben completed for a wald building and a house on William Bpcclalty shop of Long Branch. The cared for in lino with their Import- cartl party and danco to be held on street, owned by Mrs. W. D. Farr; j Nordhnni, architect; George B. Un- entertainment by 7:30 o'clock. ateat In fall styles were shown. The his parting words, "and I hopo to George Thorne, 5S years old, of derwood, The squad wll hold the nffalr to ance and necessity but this work will come back here sometime." Friday evening-, September 4, at Con- M. L, Outwater of Plainfleld has rent- associate director; Uriah nodels included Mrs, Byron Wort- depend upon the prompt ness of cam- Green Grove road, Wayside, was • c j Jr., raise money to carry on its work. In "Don't ever do that!" responded ners's Cedar Grove hotel for the ed Mrs. James Cooper's house on Ar- chief valuator, and Ross nan, Mra. Philip Shaheen, Mrrs. Mau- paign receipts'. While the repairs are Struck Tuesday night by a hit-and- j icminta|n, Held representative of the the past it has depended upon con- tho police. Church of Our Lady of Perpetual thur place and Charles Lindsay of Mco Earle, Mrs. Edward Fearsall, very vital, the church does not desire run driver aa he was walking along iFHA|FHA. HuberHb t FarrowF , Roberb t M tributions, but these have not beon "Quack! Quack" echoed the duck. Help at Highlands. Cards and bunco Princeton has rented Mrs. Jennie Mac- )lrs. John Mycnborg and Miss. Ab- to contract for more bills than they will be played from 8:30 to 11 o'clock, Shrewsbury avenue, .Shrewsbury, on Donald, George W. Bray, James Cur- sulllcicnt and the tinuad members jle Pcarsall, all of Long Branch. MIOB Lonn.'.j housr on South street. hls way to (tic circus. Ifl^jva-i inlten , |,, rjolston Waterbury, Charles A. can see their way clear to pay. at which time the prizes, bottles of Raymond A. Hoye of New York V| havo had to make donations. Th* Wartina Healy of Red Bank was gen- to Riverview hospitap l in trip- Hed Hawkins, n. V. R. H. Stout, William squad has had a very busy summer, (ral chairman. New Zoning Board At choice wine, will be awarded tho has rented a bungalow on Hubbard winning players. There will nlso bo avenue, Hivfr Pin-"..'!, from Harry 0. Bank first aid squad ambulance. He H. llintelmann, George Schanck, Tho members have provided first aid Benefit Card Party Atlantic Highlands "dark horse'1, prizes. A cake do- Gardiner. Mr. Hoye Is employed by sustained possible friU'tureu of tile 'enry F. Hylin, Albert L. Ivins, treatment for many injured persons natod by tho Klotz bakery will be pelvis and right lo;;. Hi-; condition :J()h|1 'T jjnw)t,V| G. Howard Lippin- and the ambulance, has been largely Eatontown Pays the Rex Products, Inc., of New York. U serious. ' Held At Sea Bright Mayor Chauncey C. Phillips of At- disposed of on tho co-operatlvo plan. C. Vanderveer Ixivett lias rented a 'ott, 'Joseph G. MeCue, William T. u-srd In tran.spott -;iek people and per- Poultry Damages lantic Highlands appointed an cn- Dancing will complete the evening's, owned by Stewart A Stewart Ernest Sodi'n of Shrewsbury ave- Parker, C. Irvlnjr. Patterson, Ray IOIIM hurt in accidents to hospitals. A card party for tho benefit of liro new zoning board at Tuesday entertainment. Rev. John C. Far- on Silvertudi1 avenue, Little Sliver. nue faw tho aecldi'lit :iml followed VanHorn.*William H. Hancock, Paul A short meeting of the Eatontown tho Monmouth Memorial hospital of meeting of the governing rell la chairman of arrangements. Kcnnctii Radoie has rented a bun- Mm liH-and-nm i:id ] Revere, Milton Ilerk. Joseph P. body. street in Shri'wslniiy l>"ioni;ll, whin: jSchwartz, Ray H. Ktillman, diaries Fair Haven Schools aiayor and council waB held last Long Branch was held yesterday nt The members are John M. lialnw on Sycamore avenue, LlUln .Sil- 1 the Ship Ahoy club at Sea Hrlght. Knight, Jesse L. Sculthorp, Fred A. Snden forced his car to the ciu h. The ; I '., Sweeney, William Thompson, light whon three resolutions wero ap- ver, owned by the Cranlmry Hnildin^ ; Reopen September 9 proved by the council for tho pay- MIH. Butler Sheldon wnn hostess nnd White, Harry Lomor and James Mas- Shrewsbury School & Loan association, and Edwin J. driver was Samuel J. KUCM.HIII of l'Yank B. l.awos, Daniel II. Appl,. terson. Tho terms of all former ISrondway, Long Unincli, wlm was gate, Patrick Kennmly, Newton ment of damage done to poultry by Mrs. H. Norman Ifoyt wan chairman Webster of .Shrewsbury has rented an The public schools of Fnlr Haven IORS. Tho payment of $21 to Charlea of the committee, in charge. members had expired. To Open Sept. 14 npaitnient at Little Silver, owned by on hi.s wiiy home, from Keansliuig. I Doremus, Samuel 1). Walker, W. VV. Ono of tho first matters to be con- Stato iinlii'ii were i-:illi'd and I'illen- j ArniKtrong, Rumuel II. Calvert, l;'red will Dj'cn Wt'dnc.-iduy, Septonibor 0, D. Corllee, for poultry which wna A musical program was given by till! name association. Mlw Marlon at N:;K) a. m. No children under five .tilled approximately six years ago Mrs. Ralph Tllnoy Hheldon, soprano, sidered by tho board will bo tho ap- The Shrewsbury, grammar Jichool I), llogan of Stnten Island has rent- i wan arirsled nnd ai raluneil he- lleegle, Kobert Holmes, John I-.. plication of Reginald Martin and will open for the 11)115-37 achool year years will be admitted except those wna approved. Another bill of $24 lo who waa accompanied nt the piano ed Mra. Thoopjcllti J. Hursl'.i housn fore Hecorder lOlmcr <'. Waiuwri;;ht. Sweeney, Edward C. Fiodlor, mfiyor fifth birthday comes heforo by Caon Fraeborn of Atlantic HIRII Howard Sweet for tho establishment on Monday morning. Hoptnmorr H, He was examined liy I>r. If. Van- of Little Silver; George I!. White, Joseph Winning ami another of of a funernl homo In tho residential on I.lttlo Silver Point. Mrs, Arthur Septon'tiiT 20. New pupils should, fllft.M to Krnncln C. Dangler wero lands, and Mr. find Mrs. Freeman, at 8:45 o'clock accordtnK to an nn- Mnyhew of Hod Hank him rented Ihe Vorhi Warner and prniieunrcil drunk. Victor Satter, Kicilerk'k E. llislcr, register at tho principal's office In who sang three original comport ions. section of tho borough. nounccment made by Principal I«'rcd He wna held 'in -P.IKlO hail In await l-'nmk Di'an and Oliver (!. Kinko 1 linn approved. The latter two were Tho council awarded a contract to Irving Berk houso on Hrook avenur, tin Willow street school on Tuesday, j|ll» of ln»t year. A cake, donated by Mm. V. Marklle G England. I-lttln Silver. H. W. Por-;on of South action by Ihr i;rand jury nn charg I.lltle Sliver ooiinellnlen, and Henry September H, between 1 ami 2 o'clock Hie Cariiiio Construction company for Pre-school re#f(jtratlon will ha hold of diunken I.I aln •Ions as-jllagonnan and Roy 10. Hweney. A resolution wn» approved for pay- Schad of Mlddletown and disposed of resurfacing several streets with tnr- Orange has rented Mm. Hornlliy in tho afternoon. npnt of a $3,000 Konornl Improvement on tho co-operative plan, WHH won Friday morning, September 11, at Mlnton'fl houyo on lUvervlow avenue. suult with an auli mobile vln and slag. The hid was $7,216.90. 10:30 o'clock. Paronln ot children to Thn schools havo the name corps of jonil at the Flrflt National bank of by Mr«. Robert Llpplncott of Klvrr- Charles Hcano of Bolford bid $7,748 Little. Silver. Charles Koinar has touchers a.i last y^ar. ICatontown. Thin wiw tho luat of nix nldo Gardens. b» enrolled in thfl rnroptlnn rented Mra. Wilbur Kllleen'si holme and the Utility Construction com- iihould appear with their chlhlrm for Belford Fair To rnneiill Improvement bondli. In Hllvi'l-whlli- friuileiiM a/id Ili'niuin A inci'tlng for Townsencl club ini'iii. pany of New Krunswlrk $7,482.45, registration. Children for onrollt I.odjfn IIIIIIVO Tarty, Councilman Jnmra A. (llbbniui re- Koinar hail rt'llti'd Patsy /.aiiihranii'M hi'ia and uthi-r intem.ti'd i-iti/.ens Helmut ItrglHtratlmi Diiy. In tho reception Ktaritt l»> llvn Open Next Week 3oit<-il that lie expect* to erect ft liou.'ic on Brunch avenue. I.lltle HII- will 111! held W'l'dni'.-ula.v cvenllin, SI-|I- A bunco parly will bo held by Camp All pupllfi who plan tn milt'r Ilic Now I^glnlntlon Clinlrmnn. yparn of ngo or within a few v Helford parking lot behind Ihit /Iro liouno. time thin full (pxcnpt thcino nliondy at Iho corner of Shrewsbury uvi'iiuii Hed Hank In the organization's lodge* rcijlnlored and ini|iiln in the kinder- (lie Reil Hank Woman's club, has up. KiiKhii' company Nn. I and Independ- (illlfi amounting to Jl,0113.2(1 wero or- and Went Hrrgen lilui'i', lli'il Hank. ent lire rnmpnny will lie held next •mo in tho Clayton & Magco build- allen) are renuontrd lo jeglHtfr at pointed Mr.-i. A. 10. Hunnell chairman Htern <'"!»• Volo Tourney. TWO IWHINIOSS lo club yesterday !» tho Into, IllMUraiu-ii nnd ^enelnl employ- rvnil. Mm. Dudley Hhnffcr Is chair- An addition, 14x12 feel, IIIIN Imon tweon tho hiimn of l):;i(l u, in. nnil 12 of woman'ii elubn. Mra, Lealln D (i lic In ilivlffit lo allctitl. lllll-l-t. Itvlflllll. nonn, nnd 1:30 lo 4:30 p. m. ix:lnll»t. nntlc HlKhlnncU. It adjoins Iho dln- will meet with a full tlmo miiKnmi. partment. Mm. Albert Llndonntruth cmployeo at Ilii! lurky diet V >i bingo. John ng room nnil will bn lined nn n Ilv- ith a full WHS 7 to 3. In iimUiinr mutch tho hticoI. and will move tn Ihn laltcr Donald Wionri'y. an Any limits cleaned, olldd tad • TTw o »(!Bnlonl » each dny. IMipilii I n'n, 3!) Uruaa at monu mad« I and MlUerand Allen A ea 111* itml llnnk hftAduusrter*. xtlllliK Tho KcRlutoiv—Advortloeiueut, u lioot.-AdvortUomout, mont, Page Two RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27, 1936. Benjamin Bowman Mrs. Merryman Weddings. Eatontown Man Protest Against Fashion Show At REDUCED BUB 8EBVI0& AD Star! Game ^ 3f O. Wilson of Belford Say* Markus—McAllister. West End Monday Ordinance Ia Not Enforced. Celebrates 82nd Is Hostess To A pretty wedding was aolemnlzed Dies At Hospital New Relief System Next Wednesday Saturday afternoon In the Presby- Final plans bave been completed Belford, N. J. terian church at Belmar when Mlaa Harry W. Crane, Sr., Member of In Spite of This a Special Session by the Red Bank Ladles' Hebrew so- August 28, 1036, Birthday At Home Harmony Group ciety for a card party and fashion To the Editor of The Register: Monmouth and Ocean Cijunty Natalie Markus, daughter of Mr. and of the Legislature i» not Prob- Mrs. Charles J. Markua of Belmar, Board of Education, DIM from show to be held next Monday even- May I use your valuable columns Nine to Oppose Belmar Staves Former Red Bank Blacksmith Many Attend Card Party at Mer- became the bride of Blchard McAl- Ruptured Ulcer — Service* able—-Governor Favor* New Ing at the Colony Surf club at West to protest ajralnst the suspension of in First Game of Seriei BtrBal- lister, Jr., son of Mr. and Mra. Blch- Held Tuesday. Tax«*. End. The card games will start at bus service by the Hollo Bus com- Still Enjoys Good Health at ryman Gardens for Benefit of 8:30 o'clock and prizes will be pany between Keanaburs and Camp- m«r Park Under Floodlight*." ard McAllister of Fair Haven. The boll's Junction. International Sunshine Society ceremony waa performed by Rev. awarded at each table. There will Patterson Avenue Home— Harry W. Crane, Sr., a World war Trenton, Auguat 26 (AP)—The pro- Thl* line serves the most thickly Allen Nettleman, pastor of the Bel- .esta of municipalities againat the be a door prize. Proceeds will go populated section of our township, The first game of tho scheduled s«- Wife to be 80 Next Month. —Door Prizea Awarded. mar Baptist church. Mrs. John Cub- veteran, who in February waa elected into the charity fund of Congrega- and Is built up for almost all ot its loa between the Belmar Bravea and a member of the Eatontown board New Jersey lyatera of relief In- bon, accompanied by John Cubbon creased during the week but a special tion B'Noi Israel. length. If it la suapended It will tho Monmouth and Ocean County All at the organ, sang "Because." of education, died Saturday shortly Vogels of Long Branch and Red mean that 4,000 residents of tha bay- Stars, piloted by Johnny Calandrlello Benjamin B. Bowman of Patterson In spite of Cloudy weather, a suc- after noon at Monmouth Memorial ocision to consider a new financing program seemed remote today, si Bank will display fall costumes In shore section will be Inconvenienced. of Red Bank and Harry Todd of avenue, Shrewsbury, a resident of cessful card party was held on the The brldo was given in marriago hospital, where he had been a patient The townahjp committee ia entire- this' section for more than 14 years, lawn of "Mcrryman Gardens" on Port by her father. Sho wore a white legislators made no apparent effort sport, formal, semi-formal afternoon Toma River, which was to have been for more than eight weeks, Hla death and evening gowna, wraps and furs. ly responsible for the condition. It was honored by relatives and friends Monmouth road, Keansburg, Friday lace prlnceBB gown, with Juliet cap :o agree upon a relief plan. Is within the power of the township played last night, waa postponed be- resulted for a raptured stomach ul- A leading orchestra will furnish cause of wet grounds. The game will Thursday on his 82d birthday. He afternoon by Harmony chapter of tho and hip-length veil caught at the cer. He waa 41 years of age. Governor Hoffman has said he was officials to prevent this catastrophe. spent the day reading birthday greet- "International Sunshine society." Mrs. neck with gardenias. Her arm bou- willing to call a special session when music. Mrs. Samuel Oreenblatt la Ten years ago an ordinance of the be played ,ne^t Wednesday night, ings and openinjr {rifts. George K. Morryman was hostess and quet was of gardenias and lilies of Mr. Crane was born at Elizabeth, and If the legislators announce chairman. Miss Rheba Dentsch will township was passed whloh forblda weather permitting, at 9 o'clock on chairman iof the committee in charge. the valley. Her maid of honor, Mias where he resided until throe years be commentator. the picking up of bus pasaengers by Memorial field at Belmar. Mr. Bowan, who was born at Lake- ago when with his family ht moved agreement on a plan to produce ad- wood, a son of tho late James and Mrs. Amelia Moorfleld won $5, giv- Grace Kautzmann of Belmar, waa ditional relief funda. The models will Include Misses taxi drivers at bus stops. ThlB ordin- The All Star team waa picked af- gowned In duaky pink chiffon, with to Broad atreet, Eatontown. For a Rochelle Madansky, Dorothy Grand, ance requires the payment of a li- ter a nine formed of Monmouth coun- Mary Bowman, married the former en away on the co-operative plan number of years he waa employed Relief coats have been carried by cense fee by all tax drivers. Miss Eva Ervlngham of Bayview at and Mrs. Ruth Stutzner was the win- large matching horsehair hat, and Rhlta Trilling and Mrs. Sylvia ty players, piloted by Calandrlello, de- by the Public Service corporation In the state's municipalities since April Schwartz, all of Red Bank; Mlsa In spite of the amount spent for feated a tea m of Ocean county ball- .Toms River 56 years ago on New ner of a cake. Numerous door prizes carried a bouquet of pink roses, blue, Elizabeth. He had made hla residence 15, The Financial Asdstance cora- police by the township, no attempt Years eve. Following their marriage were awarded as well as prizes at delphinum and baby's breath. Harriet Oelt of North Long Branch, is made to enforce this ordinance. to«aers, managed by Todd. This game at Eatontown with his stepfather, rolaslon waj created shortly before Misses Carol Arlros and Mary Kra- waa played at Belmar laet Friday they moved to various places and ach table. Refreshments were William Daub, Jr., of Red Bank Me close of the regular legislative The result Is that taxi drivers are John Scorgie. Mr, Crane was an ltz of Long Branch, Misses Harriet taking passengers from the bus line The score was 3 to 0. "Red" finally settled in a housa constructed erved. The committee consisted of was best man, and John Cross of eleotrlclan by trade. He was a mem- aeaalon to lend an aid to the com- by Mr. Bowman, at Shrewsbury M Mrs. Amelia B. Moorfleld, Mrs, Han- Sager, Ethel Plermont and Doris right and left, Many of thtaa driv- Kerr of the Fair Haven Robins, pitch- Fair Haven and William Penn Strode ber of the Argonne pott of American munities In caring for the needy. Krockett, all of Deal; Mlsa M. Oron- years ago. nab Shannon, Mrs. Susan Fredericks, of Avon were ushers. ers are not even realdents of the Ing for the Monmouth nine, held the legion, the Elks, and the Republican The commission h»» been distribut- sky and Mlsa L. Oronaky of Bradley township but live In Keansburg and opposing team to 3 hits. . Mr. Bowman was a blacksmith by Mrs. William Jones, Mrs. Ernest Hill, Tho bride's mother wore an after- club, all of Elizabeth. He la a for- ing funds from a $6,000,000 alloca- pay no taxes here. Because they Mrs, C. H. Dowes, Mrs. Herbert J. Beach and Miss Rita Sellgson of Tommy Phipps, former mombor of trade and is well known in this vi- noon gown of May wine lace, with mer member of the Red Bank Elks tion made by the legislature from West End. have, a drag with township politicians cinity. For many yeai'o he operated Barker, Mrs. William Drummond and black accessories. Her corsage com- club and had recently joined the Dorrance Inheritance taxes. These no attempt ia made to stop their the Oliver Byrona of Long Blanch, a blacksmith ehop at tho corner of Mrs. Henry Ch&rlton. Those assist- prised gardenias. The bridegroom's Eatontown Republican club. funds have been allotted to munici- illegal practice and they go on vio- la expected to start In the box for Bridge avenuo and West Front street, ing Mrs. Merryman were Mrsr'Ruth mother was dressed In an afternoon lating the law, unmolested. tho Stars In next week's game. Bill Surviving besides his stepfather palities from a formula based upon Entertain For where the Sigmund Eisner factory is Scully, and Mieses Evelyn Hart, Ruth gown of chartreuse mouBsellne-de- the communities' ability to carry re- It looks as though we people In (Waskie Sweel will be on tho receiv- now located. Ho worked In black- Buntenback, Ann McCarthy and Elea- sole, and Leghorn picture hat. She and wife, Edith, la one eon, Harry Belford, Port Monmouth and East ing end. Johnny McGurk, Long W., Jr. The funeral was held Tues- lief but the system of distribution Prospective Brides Keanaburg are going to be deprived smith shops at Freehold and-' Long nor Oldenburg. had a corsage of garden flowers. The has drawn the criticism of many lo- Branch fireman, will be at first; Ned Branch. He retired from his black- church was decorated with summer day afternoon at the J. 8. Stlner of bus service lust because township McLaughlin, former Naveeink and The guests Included Mrs. Fannie funeral home at Elizabeth with Rev. cal relief officials. Mrs. Howard Taylor entertained at officials prefer to play a little politics .smith work about seven years ago Moore, Mrs. Lillian Hart, Mrs. Mar- flowers and ferns. luncheon yesterday in honor of Mrs. with their taxi driver friends. Rumson Inflelder, will be at second; after he was "kicked and knocked J. J. Urban, rector of St. James' Epla- The Newark city commission and Henry Kronenwetter ot Ocoan coun- aret Decker, Mrs. J. Crawford, Mrs. The groom's gift to the bride was 12 North Jersey municipalities joined Maurice Lothbrldge and Misses Hen- UnlOBa township officials stop play- around by the horsee," as ho ex- copal church, Eatontown, of which ing politics and enforce our taxi or- ty will be etatloned In shortfteld and C. H. Dowes, Mrs. Charles Vander- a sapphire bracelet. The brut man Mr. Crane attended, in charge. Bur- he group that haa requested Gov- rietta Page, Elaine B. Barry, Mary plained it. Tho injuries ho received Heide, Mrs. W. E. Drummond, Mrs. and ushers received modernistic cuff- Klmball Smith and Janet MacKay, dinance our property along the bay- Vltale of Long Branch will handle Included a crushed chest. Despite ial was made in Evergreen cemetery, ernor Hoffman to call a special legis- shore won't be worth anything. Next the hot corner. Tho outfield will be Florence Krononberger, Mrs. Kaye links. The bride's gift to her maid Elizabeth. Bearera from the Argonne lative seaalon. who will bo the attendants at the hie injuries Mr. Bowman is unusual- Sullivan, Mrs. Ellen V. Snellgrove, of honor was a silver pin. wedding of Mrs. Taylor's daughter, wlmer. when tho anow files, the taxi composed of Joe Maxson of Leonard, Legion post flrcd a salute. men will havo left for parts un- Vlnco Hammond of the Oliver Byrns ly agile for hia age. Sinse his re- Mrs. M. C. Mahcr, Mrs. H, Cooper, A reception followed at the Bel- In answer to the Newark request MISB Marjory Taylor, to Edward tirement ho has been doing odd Jobs the governor said he would call a known and we will all bo walking. and Mike Brlcese of Rumson. Mrs. Susan Worster, Mrs. B. Hughes, mar Yacht club, with over 100 guests Harrison Elsie, Saturday afternoon Got busy, Mr. Township Official, in the vicinity of his home. He cul- Mrs. F. Torre, Mrs. E. H. Wustl, Mrs. special session when he had secured at St. George's Episcopal church at Charlie Bergur, Belmar manager, tivates his own garden, He enjoys attending. The couple received in and stop playing politics. We can't William Patterson, Mrs. Charles Mc- an attractive setting of ferna anl Rebekah Lodge the assurance of Essex county legis- Rumson. The party was given at tho keep on paying taxes of $44 per will probably use Jack Clevcngor in walking and a ten-njile walk daily is Gulre, Mrs. Ella Whltehead, Mrs. lators that "they will be courageous thousand if you allow the value of our tho box. The regular Belmar team a common occurrence for him, A gladioli. Has Beach Party iomo of Miss Taylor's parents at Susan Fredericks, Mrs. A. B. Moor- The newlyweds are on a motor enough to provide funds for relief." kittle Silver Point. property to be destroyed. Don't kill will take tho field against the chal- walk from his home to Oceanport fleld, Mrs. H. M. Shannon, Mrs. G. Tho governor charged that the EBsex the goose that lays tho golden egg! lengers. _ ifi a mere Jaunt. trip for two weeks to Lake Placid. Miss Janet iJacKay entertained Vory truly yours, Stahlin, Mrs. G. Stephens, Mm. A. For traveling the bride was attired The Naveeink Rebekah lodge held group, the largest unit In the as- 'uesday for Miss Taylor and also for Mr. Bowman's mind is still keen. Oldenberg, Mrs Marjorle McCarthy, in a green ensomble, with tan acces- its third annual beach party Tuesday sembly, refused for two years to co- Miss. Phyllis MacKay. The latter will J. Q. WHaon. ARMY OFFICER TO SPEAK. " He can remember when Lakewooi Mrs. Mary Angerstein, Mrs. R. Gab- sories. Tho couple received many night at North Long Branch. More •perato with him. wed Jack Mount, oon of Mr. and le r, Mrs. E. Wichern, Mrs. E. Egger- "I have urged and fougnt for legis- Lieutenant: Colonel Blair of Fort was called BerRen Iron Works, later fine gifts. than 40 persona attended. Swimming Mrs. John Mount of Maple avenue, NEW SILO AND GRADER. Bricksburg and then Lakewood. He stadt, Mrs. Ellis Schank, Mrs. Wheat- The bride is a graduate of Asbury and games wero enjoyed and refresh- lation for nearly two years that could Red Bank, September 3, at St. John's Monmouth to Address Rotarlana. was seven years old when Lakewood ly, Mrs. Broeder, Mrs. A. Furberg, relieve the deplorable fiscal condition Park high school, class of 192T, and ments were served. Miss Annella chapel at Little Silver. Mrs. Edward Frederick Burghard Has Modern The speaker at today's meeting of was known as Bergen Iron Works. Mrs. Harold C. Stutiner, Mrs. Joseph Lamb and Mlos Bather Welnsteln of many of our municipalities and H. Elsele of;, Gooseneck Point, moth- H. Ellison, Mrs. Edna Foulks, Mrs. Panzer college, class of 1930. Dur- Equipment Placed on Hla farm. tho Red Bank Rotary club will bo Mrs. Bowman will celebrate her. 80th ing her attendance at Panzer she were co-chairmen of the committee in avert hunger to our elthtens," the er of the brldegroom-to-be, gave a A large silo encloaed with tile has Lieutenant Colonel W. B. Blair of birthday September 28. She has been Julius Young, Mrs. Jack Klnsella and charge. governor said. cocktail party last week for Miss Mrs. Wilber Manley. waa president of Delta Phi Kappa just been completed on Frederick Fort Monmouth. He comes woll rec- incapacitated by paralysis for about sorority for three years and majored Those present were Mr. and Mrs. "For nearly two years I have Taylor. Burghard's Big Brook Pheasant farm ommended to the local service club seven years. She is able to be about Also Mrs. William Doyl«. Mre. A. in athletics. Mr. McAllister is a Harry Amos, Mr. and Mrs. John Hoff- railed to receive the co-operation of the house and to do liRht house work. The Taylor-Elaele bridal party will at Vanderburg. It la 14 feet In diam- and a most interesting talk is antlo- C. Einbeck, Mrs. D. N. Hallam, Mrs. graduate of Red Bank high school man, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lyons, Mr. the legislative representatives of Es- be guests of Mrs. Wilson L. Smith eter. It was set up by Ezra Nafzlgor, lpated. A large birthday cake with the dee- Alice Byrnes, Mrs. James Bradley, and attended Adelphia college at and Mrs. Sidney Caddlck, Mr. andsex county who refused to support a of Little Silver Point at a dinner Q. L. Stoltafus and Harold Stoltzfus, The club last Thursday heard Jay oration, "Happy Birthday," was pre- Mrs. Mary Hall, Mrs. A. L. Hampson, Brooklyn; He is connected with tho Mrs. George Rose, Mr, and Mrs. Al-aales tax on tbe ground that It larty tomorrow evening. who are employed by the Crain Silo Wellington, noted entertainer, author Bented to Mr. Bowman on Thursday. Mrs. J. Healy, Mrs. E. Carroll, Mrs. Commercial National bank of New fred Herbert, Mr. and Mrs. Stephen aoaked the poor and who have re- company of Lancaster, Pennsylvania. and lecturer. Mr. Wellington put on Mr. and Mrs. Bowman had four chil- Frank Lowton, Mrs L. Grothusen, York. Stevens, Mrs. Carrie Patterson, Mrs. fused to support an Income Wno's Who Beach Party. The three men boarded at the home the Biblical pagoant at the River dren. Two children, Mrs. Van De- Mrs. W. F. Ford, Mrs. A. J. Archi- Georgia Lawaon, Mrs. Clara Mlndt, cauae It would soak the rich." of Daniel Hamernlck while the work street school this week. Buols of Oceanport, and Harry Bow- bald, Mrs. Carrie A, Jones, Mrs. W. Mausner—Davis. Mrs. Iona Cook, Hra. Jessie Gill, Mra. The governor has contended since The Who's Who club held a beach was under way. man, who-operates the Bowman auto party Sunday, at Eagl« Point. Swim- Using as a basis "Service Above E. Wortman, lira. Henry Charlton, The Scarboro hotel, Long Branch, Mamie Boyd, Mra. Myrna. Fox, Mrs,he took office that taxes must be Self" Mn Wellington delivered a most paint shop on Thomas avenue, Mrs. Maude L. Reybert, Mrs. J. E. ming, games and refreshments were Another Innovation at Big Brook was the scene of the wedding Sun- A. Ornberg, Mrs. Deborah Carter, enacted to provide relief fundi. When farm ia an electrical machine which unusual talk. Most of tho failures Shrewsbury, still survive. Martin, Mrs. William F. Minuse, Mrs. Mrs. Ella Klotiin, Mra. Elisabeth the sales tax was repealed last year enjoyed., Those attending were Mr. day afternoon of Miss Helen Maus- and Mrs. Ernest Harrison, Mr. and grades and cleans apples. It Is In we experience and most of the Thomas W. McCusker, Mrs, Frank C. ner, daughter of Max L. Mausner of Wood, Mrs. J. Davlson, MrB. Kathar- after four monthn, he predicted that troubles we may have in the last Cullody, Mil, Jack Scully, Mrs. E. Mrs. William MaoAdams, Mr. and the fruit packing shed on the farm. Speakers At^ Maplo avenue, and Dr. Albert Davis, lns Mersereau, Mrs. George Cook, his belief would be proven later. The farm Is operated by Chrinoy analysis can be traced back to self, Struck, Mm. G«orge Worth, Mrs. son of Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Davis Mrs. Gertrude Harrison, Mrs. Charles The Easex group which opposed Mrs. Robert Hawkins, Mr. and Mre. Overtoil, Mrs. Rene« Mullison, Mrs. William Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Conover. The grader is the only one was the trend of Mr. Wellington's Lions Club Session of Boston, Massachusetts. Rev. L. Grover, Misses Annella Lamb, Elsie the sales tax said that economies of its kind in this section and it has thought. If we correct the cause at Ellen E. VanNote, MrB. Edna Wheat- Joseph Welner of Newark and Rab- Mattson, Esther Welnstein, Norm* should precede new taxes and a legis- Do wen, Mrs. Laura Lamb and Misses ley, Mrs. A, E. Wilson, Mrs. Lawlor, Ruth MacAdamB, Etta Mae Hawkins, attracted many visitors, tho source by self analysis wo should bi Arthur H. Hershon of Red Bank Norman, Mildred Beck, Pauline Beck, lative deadlock ended several month! experience "smooth sailing." Members of the Red Bank Lions Mrs. Schllck, Mre. R. Healy, Mrs. officiated. Edmea Fazzone, Laura Faxxone, ago when both Hoffman's supporters Anella Lamb and Helen Dowen, Wil- club, at their regular weekly meeting Ernest Hill, Mrs. B. Munsell, Mrs. Ethel Cook, Jeanette Cook and Dor-and the Essex county delegation liam and George Smith and Charles The Rod Bank Register travels Tuesday night in the- Elks' club, Helen Davis, Mrs. Elsenrieth, Mrs. The bride, who was given In mar- HorsoB and mules In Oklahoma de- riage by her father, was attired in othy Klausman and Richard Klrby agreed to shift relief to municipal Dowen. over every street In town and everv creased by 2,000 between 1930 and heard brief talks by James H. Mat- Henry Mauror, Mrs. Mary Ehrmann, tnd William VanNote. ontrcl. road in the county. Let it carry your tenlee, R. V. R. H. Stout and Dr. Mrs. L. Ehrmann, Mrs. H. J. Barker, a white satin gown with a tulle Boys can make extra pocket money message to those who live on these 1935, according to a recent farm James H. VanNoBtrand on subjects Mrs. G. A. Jrtohllng, Mre. Jewel Beaty, veil and carried a bouquet of white The first fall meeting of the lodge At a meeting In Elizabeth during selling The Register.—Advertisement. thoroughfares.—Advertisement census. relating to their respective businesses Mrs. Ralph. O. Williams, Mrs. John roses. Mrs. Samuel Trubin of Rum- will be held Tuesday night, Septem- the week the governor >ald the relief and professions. Malley and Mrs. Addle McNamara. son, a sister of the bride, waa matron ber 1. program In the state was "near of honor, and wore a rose satin Mr. Mattenlee told of the growth chaos." He said "We cannot go on Also MIMCB Dorothy Cook, EBther gown with brown accessories and laying the financial burden on the of the automobile trade and declared carried a bouquet of pink roBes. Dr. "Craig's Wife" Latest that it is rapidly becoming the ma- I*. Martin, Joseph a Walder, Marie municipalities," and added that the Phone Martin, C, M. Peterson, and Frank Benjamin F. Bornstein of Milton, sales tax seemed to him the beat Free jor industry of.the United States. At Massachusetts, brother-in-law of Dr. WPA Theater Offering present, he said, the industry uses 25 Gallagher and E. F. Day. method of financing relief. OWLER 3334 Davis, waa bost man. Mrs. Joyce In answer to Governor Hoffman's per cent of the steel manufactured Wegman of Atlantic Highlands and Delivery and 28 per cent of the plate glass that The Federal theater will present request to call a special session If Linbarger—Moog New York sang, "I Love You Truly" "Craig's WIfo," a play . that has the legislators meant business. Sen- 3335 ia made. Captain Stout, who has and "At Dawning." MARKET been in the real estate and insurance caused considerable dlacuston In ate President Frank Durand of Mon- business here for 30 years, spoke par- Nuptials Tuesday Following the ceremony a recep- women's clubs of the country <"> mouth county said that while he be- S tion was held at the Rose Bar of Thursday, Friday and Saturday of F ticularly on fire Insurance, which, he lieved the New Jersey relief financ- said, dates back several hundred Miss Vivian Linbarger of River the Scarboro hotel and later a din- this week at tho Elks club. In the ing system was "haphazard" a spe- 1 Broad Street Red Bank years before Christ. He went into road, Fair Haven, who will wed ner was served at the hotel to the :ast aro Lillian Tucker, Jewel John- cial session to change It was unwar- detail regarding the present-day Frederick Moog, Jr., of Rumson, guests present from Boston and ion, Mildred Coburn, Lillian Young, ranted because of lack of agreement NOW IN SEASON . . . SWEET, TENDER, JUICY Bclentlflo method of establishing fire next Tuesday, was the guest of honor New York. Tho couplo later left Leona Hansen, Lee Case and Rob- on a revenue-producing program. for a tour of Canada and New Eng- insurance rates on different risks and, at a linen shower Tuesday night at ert Honry, He said he saw no reason for a in answer to a request made by a ho home of Miss Clara, Clark on land states, and upon their return Tha audience Is permitted to judge JERSEY will reside at Boston, where Dr. special session unless legislators ex- Lion, explained the 80 per cent co- Chestnut street. The rooms were Mrs. Craig, who Is charged with kill- pressed willingness to "approach this insurance clause. In conclusion he decorated in green and pink, with Davis will open an office. The ing the love and respect of her hus- Frying and Roasting bride's going away costume was a problem In a new frame of mind." gave praise to the members of,the the gifts arranged under an umbrel- band. According to the charge, the Assemblyman Harry J. Donahue of volunteer fire department and their la. Candy bridal bouquet were dis- black and gray sport ensemble of wife has ruthlessly and completely tunlo style with a silver fox scarf. llnton, a Republican, sent a tele- up-to-date apparatus. Dr. Van Nos- tributed as favors. —for her own personal comfort and gram to all assemblymen asking trand said dentistry originated 3,800 The guests included Mrs. A. M. Mrs. Davla 1B a graduate of the safety—dominated the affairs of her Red Bank high school and of Tren- them to meet soon to discuss pro- CHICKENS years bofore the coming of Christ. He rinbarger, Mrs. Walter Mlnton, Mrs. miablo spouse and hli relatives and poaala for relief financing. told of the finding of fillings in the Benjamin Solomon, Mrs. Janice Alt- ton SUte TeacherB' college. Dr. friends. to lbs.) teeth of mummies. At the present berg Mrs, Frederick Moog, Sr., Mrs.Davis 1> a graduate of Harvard The Workers' Alliance of New Jer- time, ho said, there aro 102 dentists M. F. Anderson, Mrs. Theodore Clark, university medical school, BoBton sey, the group -which organized the in Monmouth county and 2,883 in Sr., Mrs. Joseph Stout, Mrs. Dom-university and Massachusetts College Four Hurt In Crash encampment of unemployed In the SMOKED CALA HAMS New Jersey, and made the surpris- inic Zipora and Misses Katherlne of Pharmacy. aasembly chamber last spring, ing statement that an intensive sur- Golden, Elizabeth MIkulchick, Ann threatened a "state-wide hunger OCR REGULAR HIGHEST QUALITY At Little Silver march" on the state house If a spe- vey showed that approximately only Hall, Mao Mueggo and Ella, Clark. Hammond—Carnle. CHOICE STEER Fresh Jersey 20 per cent of the population of the cial session failed to develop. Tho wedding will take place at 8 Miss Marlon Carnie, daughter of Four persons were Injured early Chairman John Spain, Jr., said United States hns ever vlelted a den- Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Carnle of Leon- Sunday morning in a two-car crash SIRLOIN tist's oQlce. p. m. at the homo of Miss Linbarg- "tha Workers' Alliance will demand er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. M, Lln-ardo, and John Hammond, eon of at the corner of Rumson road and OB c Mrs. fivelyn Hammond of East a definite program of action on re- Fowl 25f Interesting unpublished details of bargcr, 503 River road. Rev. Alder- Prospect avenue?*' In one car were lief be presented by both political b Keansburg wore married Sunday, TOP ROUND Steak 33 bert Q. Wettsteln, pastor of tho Frank Holderclth of Caldwell, who (4-lb. average) the Sweepstakes regatta wero de- August 23, In tho Leonardo Baptist parties before the leglalatura meets lb tailed to tho Lions by Theodore D. Evangelical Reformed church of was the drlvor and John Hraaho of In order that the special session will Garden street, Hoboken.wlll officiate. church by the Rev. Ellwood Wolf, Newark. The former suffered & con- Moore, Lester R. Roes, George W. pastor of the church. The bride wore produce results and not poems, reci- SMOKED HAMS WHOLE (All Brands) Bray, Thomna S. Field, Jr., and G. MISB Linbarger will be attended by cussion of the brain and the latter tations or singing by the playboys of Miss Katherlno Golden of Colt's a white silk crepe gown with a pic- a broken leg. The occupanta of the Howard Lipplncott. One of tho most ture hat and she carried a bouquet the legislature." interesting facts was that, under the Neck, and Ray Lawrence of Jersey other car, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth W, City will bo bost man. of pink and white asters. Tho maid Anderson of East Orange, summer A financing plan which would re- leadership of Mr. Bray, the grow re- of honor was Mies Eliso Bills, who quire no new taxes and an estimate JERSEY VEAL SPECIAL! ceipts on the disposal of tho sill After a wedding trip to New Eng-wore a white crepe de chino gown residents of Portaupeck, were cut that 1038 relief would cost 12,000,000 boat wero $1,002, the net being nearly land tho couplo will live on River with a yellow Jacket and white hat. and bruised. All were taken to loss than the state anticipated was Rump Shoulder Cutlets 33* $800. Mention was also made of the road,' Rumson. Mlsa Linbarger Is a She carried a bouquet of orchid as- Rivervlew hospital by Chief of Police made by Samuel 8. Kenworthy, exe- t fact that nine new world'B records graduate of the Kod Bank high Fred Zlegler and Walter Morris. ters. The groom waa attended by Ed cutive secretary of the State League Leg . 24 lb Breast . were established. school and Is secretary to J. D. Tul- ward Brady of New York. of municipalities. He fixed the coat 141 Loin Chops 29^ Next Tuesday night Congressman ler of the Tullor Construction com- of relief from July 1 to Auguat 31 Willlnm II. Sutphin will bo the spe- pany. Mr. Moog is the son of Mr. Mr. Hammond Is a graduate of the Rescue Horse By Leonardo high school of the claea of at $8,489,663 as compared to the $10, cial guest and speaker and on Tues- and Mrs. Frederick Moog. Ho is 500,000 set by state officials, A Y day night, September 8, a muslca' employed by Harold S. Allon of Red 1932 and the bride is a graduate of Use Of Platform FRESH CHOPPED BEEF lbs. 25c program, In charge of Charles Gotts- Bnnk, electrical contractor. the same school of the class of 193S. Basing his estimate on question chalk, a member of the club, will bo After the reception the couplo left nalres answered by 183 New Jersey by automobile for a short wedding A homo, owned by Mra. George Mc- municipalities, Including all the large given. On •lthcr September 15 or 22, Queen of Shrewsbury, fell Into an ex- Albert Hermann, former secretary to trip. Upon their return they will re- cltlea, Kenworthy aald hla plan to Filet Haddock 19?,, | Weakfish 15s, | Salmon 25c lb Alfred Jordan To side In a bungalow near Campbell's cavation near an abandoned dam re-finance the coat Included use of the Governor Hoffman, will bo the speak- cently on the McQueen farm, The ox- er. Junction. $8,000,000 held by the Financial As- Wed Edith Harvey covatlon Is near the Central railroad sistance commission, $1,BOO,000 from VERY SPECIAL tracks and the horae'a plight was dls- Kraft Demonstration Shady Knoll Hotel Filled. the balance left by the defunct State I,E0NAUI)O IiniSMKN'S FAI1I. Mr. and Mr». Qcorgo A. Harvey of covored by a train crew, who notified Emergency Relief Administration Waterman avenue, Rumson, have an- Over tho past week-end over 50 Policeman Otto Herden of Shrews- and $086,868 from municipalities SALE POLE LIMAS 6 lbs 29c Annual Kvent of Community Com- nounced the engagement of their guests were registered at Shady bury. Mr. Herden notified the Mc- which have budgeted moro than a Miracle Whip pnny Closed Snturdny Night daughter Edith M. Harvey to Alfred Knoll hotel and cottages, Hanca Queen family and Harry Wiltshire of million dollars for 1036-19197 relief. WBIX FIIXED J. Jordan, Bon of Mr. and Mrs, John road, Fair Haven, several gucsta be Sunset avenue erected a wooden plat- Salad Dressing Criap Iceberg Sweet Tender Tho nnunl f.-ilr of Community flro State Relief Director Arthur Mudd lb •Torrtnn of Leonard street. Tho wed-Ing racing enthusiasts attracted by form and with the aid of this ar- disputed Kenworthy's figures that W pt. J40 pta. 24« qta. 390 company of Loonnrdo closed HaUn ding will tako place in October at tho Sweepstakes regatta. rangement and Mra. McQueen's sons LETTUCE 10c PEAS 2 « 19c dny nlf,'ht, when a number of article the coat would b« two million dollars Holy Cross church. Rumson. Among those registered wore Mr. Clarence and John, got the homo oul leis than the atata anticipate!. H< Solid Slicing; J?Vncy Hearts wero disposed of on the co-operativ with little difficulty. Large Rinso 17c plan, Mni. Kmimi Kiobu of Leonard Both aro graduates of Rod Bank and Mm. T. Sherman and Miss Jano said he would stick by his original m Celery 2 ior 19c WH!( the winner of a lu-ficll and U., hl|,ii school. Mr. Jordan in employed Sherman of New nochello, Mr. and eatlmate of $10,600,000 becauae Ken- Tomatoes 4 » 10c blanket nnd Mm. Mcdulro of Jersey an moat manager of tho Bindley Mra. C. Whiting of Baltlmoro, Mr. worthy allowed for an Increase In Sun-Ray Tomato City won it KHM'11 blanket. Mrs. Jlat- Brnoh branch of the American atorea nml Mrn. H. Janaon, MIBS Elaine SHOWKKED WITH GIFTS. the relief load but not In the caae for HEARTS-O-GOLD, Mui. Kruno nnd Mm. ilcrnard company and MIHH Harvey in em- Hniincn, Mr. and Mre. It. Ford and coat, wheraas Mudd pointed out the Juice 4 29c 10-Cjt. Hclnillz ORCII won thrco Hctii of nhert ployed at the (ioa Ilrlght Lawn Ten- Mr. and Mr». V. Stono of Brooklyn, I'lcasnnt Surprlao for Keanaburf Girl price of fu«l, food and clothing would Basket nis and Cricket club. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ball of Bellroao, At • Hed Hank Home. rlas In the winter months. MELONS 39c nnd pillow CIIFH'H. Educator long Island, Mr. nnd Mrs. O. Hen Othar wlnncm and tlmlr nwitnl, A surprise linen shower wa» y Wen Fancy Large ttOT Juice ' 1N.IUHEI) AT HOLMIHII,, nlngs of Montclalr, Mr. and Mra. T. Crax Mrs, MIMTI.1 .!» i of I.ponnvilo Monday ovenlng for Ml™, j ,»ry Hooker of Omnnc, Mrs. C. Fnlrchlld CAM) PABTY TOn HOSPITAL. Eggplant .••••. 15c Oranges bathroom «'-t. Mrn. Alfred Clrnvoa of of Now York, Minn O. Qelos of Jo Dubeaky of Keansburg at tho home Leonardo electric lamp, Mm. l'Mwnid Ttvo-Cur Collision Henda Three- IMlo- any City, MIKS J. LaBarbera of As- of Mrs. John Smith ot Mechanic Krasdale Red Salmon I.arifo White Freestone 2qts. Bryan Juicer, Mm. Hniipiul «lnctrlc vllln ItoaWltfnts to Hlvrrvlcw. toria, LonR Inland, Fred Wood of atraet, Red Hank, by Mrs. Smith and It Will U* Held Next Thursday m Tnll Can 25c Mrs. Charlea Hieuerwald's. Cauliflower 19c Peaches ...23c toaater, Minn Ktliel Krnxlor iHanmnil Throe reuldentn of Belleville wore Troy nnd Mr, and Mm. LaBlsh of MUa Peggy Dubesky. Crepe paper ring and Mm, .Jullun Hammrnmiir injured In a two-car collision Bntur- Pearl River, New York. In rainbow colora was ua«a for decor- JERSEY FREESTONE ti d A card parly for the benaflt ol enkf. dny night mi tho Hoimdel-IOyport atlona and g«naral sociability was an- RlvervHrw hospital, uponaored by the m t Joyed. Many RlfU wire mad* to the rtmd, nrar Holmtiel, when a car driv- at Wlddletown villa** auxiliary of the lti'xnll KiroiimllMi'd Trnln, en by Mnrk Cochran, Jr., of B«llo- brido-to-be. She will be married Sat- hoapltal, will be held Thuraday, Bep- PEACHES 89c is* The Itftxall ntn-ninllncil linln will vlllp, collided with that of Joseph Automobiles ownort and driven by urday at Bt. Ann'a church of Keana- tamber 8, at the home of Mra. Charlu b« on exhibition at Newnrlt next Colanlanlo of Newark. Peter Mahar, Jr., of Colt's Nock and burg to Anthony Weber of K»yport. WHITE or YELLOW $ J .29 16-Qt. , "\ Chrlatopher McVay of Brooklyn were flteuerwald of Mladletown village. II Mondny, Tii"B(1ny ami Wednwidsy Minn draco Wyr«\ u paaacngor In The gueaU at tht nhowtr were Mlaa •will b« directed by a committee con Thn linitri when It mny Im ln«pm:tcd damaged Hunday In a collision at Florence Johnaon. Mlaa Anna Fsrro thn Cor.liran vfhlcli*, wan thn mont Colt'a Neck. The drivers escaped in- slating of Mra. J. B. Woodcock, Mra JUST ARRiVED ™ • re from 10:110 «, m. to 12:15 p. m. Mra. Walter Aroae, Mn, Albert Os- L»»Ur Wllaon, Mm, K. D, Lentllohn Best Country Roll •erloualy Injured nnd l« In Rlvervlnw Jury, but Mian Kva flwanaon of Now wald, Mm. Joaeph Pryor, Mra. Thom- and film 2:30 p, m, \n 0 p. in. JOB Mra. Thomas Morforrt, Mlu Florenok ho»pltal with R. broken rl«;ht Inft., York, who was » passenger In Mr. a» Dubeaky, Jr., Mrs. Charles Robin- GREEN MOUNTAIN «ph Dillon, manBRfr of !h« TJjrgelt Dtvld IB. Mitchell at Hellavllle and M,V.,.. c(ri WM not >0 fortunttii Brand, Mra. K. M. dsnUr and Mra. drug «liio »t Heel Dunk, In dlatilfout son, Mra. John VanBrunt, Jr., Mlaa A. r. Llndaoatruth. R«fri.hmont« Cochran were treated »t th» hoepllal Rose DaCarlo, MU, Mary DtCarlo Ins ftdmlMlM tickets. for ouU and brulM*. It pay. will be served and there wilt be, taM« Butter 395, POTATOES 69c Aurttter. at* Ulsa ROM MelUtU. •n« turn prlsea, RED BANK REGISTER. AUGUST 27, 1936. Page Tjjrta Cecile AMUSEMENTS. of the man who "glorified the Amer- ASKS FOB RECEIVER. ican girl" from the time bs exploited Wed Ik October Strand Theater. Sandow, the strong man at the Belmar Man Brings Action Against Foils Japanese Beetles "Earthworm Tractors" with Jo« E. world's fslr In 1893, up to the time Toms River Paper. Grape Lovers Come Quick of bis death. ~'.,k suVprIseJ miscellaneous nhower irown la the main role will be shown Vice Chancellor Malcolm JSucbanan was given Mlea Ceclle Dlxon, daugh- it the last times today at the Strand Owing to the length of this attrae-. t Toms River announced Tuesday Xtt.ot Mr. and Mn. Edward J. Dlxon eater. tion, which runs for fully three hours, ie would hear argument on Eeptem- of Mpnmouth atreet, Tuesday night performances will be given at 2, 6 and ier 1 at Newark on an order dlrect- 9 p. m. promptly. ng official* of the Sun Publishing For Honey Sweet Grapes bV^Mrs," James Turnoek and Mtaa OMtdys Forrar at the latter'a home on company, publishers of the Ocean WalUce street Miss Dlxon will wed County Sun, a weekly, to show cause if'- George E. Delatush, son of Mr. and Pre-Nuptial Parties why a receiver should not be named Mra. George A. DoIatuBh of Conover to manage the firm's affairs. The Honey Bees Have Discovered That the Early Portland Grape It ltnc, in October at the Baptist For Agnes Kruse The order was Issued on the ap- church, plication of George Frommel of Bel- Ripe and Very Sweet, So the Crop of Portlands Will be The reception and dlnlnR rooms Agnes Kruse of Leroy place mar, owner of 125 shares of the 500 Gone in a Few Days wers decorated In apricot and Kreen was the guest of honor at a "pantry Issued shares of stock In the com- crepe paper, An umbrella was placed shelf shower Tuesday night at the pany. _ _ on a table with streamers running to home of Mrs. Edgar V. Denise at t number of useful Rifts concealed Knollwood. The table decorations Bonus Pays For Operations. il beneath a decorated table. Refresh- were yellow candles and cut flowers. Charlotte, Edward, Robert and Mr. McCampbell Urge* Grape Lovers to Try a Basket of the Port- A red and white sprinkling can hung s ments were served. ohn, Jr., children of Mr. and Mrs. ] r In the sun porch. '••• "•'-•!'•> \ ' f lands Before They Are Sold to Wine Maker*—The Others attending were Mrs. Edward ohn Koenlg of Atlantic township, J. Dlxon, Mra. Charles J. DeGavre, The guests were Mrs. Robert In- had their tonsils and adenoids re- ••«•»,,„ Purple Fredonia Grape is Also Ripe and Sweet Mrs. Malcolm Leonard, Mrs. Jack glls, Mrs. Mart P. Haviland, Mrs. Ru-moved at the Freehold hospital Tues- Cook, Mrs, Belle Klmbel, Mrs, Mel- dolph Malchow, Mrs. Herman Kmac, ay. The operations had been OPEN EVERY DAY TILL DARK AND ON SUNDAYS ville Stout, Mrs. Richard LaRos, Mrs. Mrs. Lena Heller, Mrs. William Sher- lanned two or three years but one •"'. •'• • V&.-fg$£f:i:U Albert T. Curtis, Mrs. Frank B. For- wood, Mrs. Larry Schilling, Mrs. R. ;hlng or another led to their post- rar and Misses Lois Delatush, Mar- Theodore Blxler, Mra. How.ard Sur- ponement. When the children's Mil Holmdel, Aug. 27—The quality of Holmdel Grape Farm will give Jelly; Jorte Worthley, Vivian Roseberry, beck, Mrs. Herbert Schaffer, Mrs. Ed- mother received a bonus check early the grapes grown at the Holmdel makers satisfaction as to charactsr ward McGee, Mrs. Stanley A. Havi Mildred Scheldt, Mildred Nolan, Mary the summer the operations were, rape Farm seem to have been Im- and ease of making not to b* ob- BIy, Dorothy Lan#, Anna Hall, Betty land, Mrs. Theodore Wlmmer, Mrs. immediately planned. Mrs. Koenlg Jersey zinfax wire cloth enclosure, In the form of a greenhouse, Stout and Alice Slmmonde. J. A. VanNostrand, Mrs. Edward was attached to the cable censors' used by Archibald L. Miller of Buttonn-ood Pnrlt, Shrewsbury, to proved by the hot, dry weather, but tained by using a single variety. Kruse, Mrs. Fred Adams, Miss Nan protect dahllns from dnmoge by insects. Story on Tage 6 of first the crop Js ripening some weeks ear- Then the grapes grown on the Holm* lureau during the war. section. Mahon, Miss Marjorlo Messier, Misa ier than usual. Hence lovers of eat- del Grape Farm are 100?J frw «* Virginia Chasey and Mlsa Marlon Eatontown. Barrett. tlng grapes can obtain their choice poor berries, due to care and cultural Shrewsbury. PHARMACIST'S NEW HOMK. TWO NEW CORPORATIONS. Mrs. Victor E, Grosslnger was hos- of grapes now by driving to the pack- The. jolly maker who tries the nbt* IThfl Red Bank Regliter can be bought ing house on top of the hlil on the Lovely JEAN MUIR'ts the en- ess at a miscellaneous shower and A son was born to Mrs. Stanley One In Town, the Other a Finan- ture will appreciate the savins in In Eatontown at thfl ator«s of William O. Nixon of Monroo avenue August 15 John Denzer Building Cape Cod Davll. O. Edward Smock and Yillen'l.) trancing heroine of "White Fang,''bridge luncheon Saturday for Miss House at Atlantic Highlands. cial One In Mbldletown Township. Holmdel Grape Farm. Open daily sugar and labor too. Kruae at the Maryland tea room. at Riverview hospital. The aon has and Sunday, Mrs. Arthur Floldner of Lewis Darryl F. Zttnuck Twentieth Those present were Mrs. Byron C. been named Kenneth Bradford Nlx- John Denzer, a pharmacist In the Vo new corporations In this vlcln- street has returned home from Haz- Century production of Jack Lon- Brlggs, Mrs. Robert H. JVIlller, Mrs in. Atlantic pharmacy at Atlantic High- it; filed their papers during the past In the Sylvan Forum ard's hoBpltal after being treated for The Honey Bees are robbing the George B. Miller, Mrs. Frank Lively, Miss Alma Sanborn, daughter of lands, is building a house of Cape wt 'k. The Copestako Construction Next Sunday evening the Sylvan an Injured back and left leg received don's sequel to "Call of the Wild." Mrs. Edgar V. Denise, Mra. Stanley Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sanborn of Cod design, 29x32 feot, on Grand ave- Company, Incorporated, with offices Portland vines, as this early white In a fall off her back porch last week. nue at that, place for hig own occu- Forum will be occupied by th« boat MICHAEL WHALEN is also Haviland, Mrs. Edward Kruse, Mrs. Sycamore avenue, Is enjoying a three at 3 East Front street, Red Bank, grape Is very sweet and juicy. So Her daughters, Sally, Jonsle and Mar- ~ Oaborno, Miss Irma Stack and weeks' vacation from her duties at pancy. It will have seven rooms and has been incorporated' with 1,000 of friends and admirers of Nonnstn Jorle, are vlBltlng with Mrs. Fleid- featured. 1PA those who fail to drive In for a bas- Miss Marjorle Meeeler. Monmouth Memorial Hospital School bathroom and will cost about shares at $50 per share. The Incor- Thomas, the brilliant lecturer on the ner's mother, Mrs. George Collard $6,000. Charles Wright Is the general ket of Portland Grapes within the Two features, "Murder on a Bridle Miss Kruse will wed Milton Heller, of Nursing. poratora are Mario Copestake, 18 political questions of the hour, and at Belleville. Path," with James Gleaaon, and Mrs. Anna O'Brien and son Jean contractor, with Ira Letts, Jr., doing next few days will miss a treat. The a member of the real estate and In- the mason work, George Koeppel & shares; William G. Copestake, one candidate for President on the So- . Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth VanBrunt Helen Broderlck,. and "The Mine surance firm of Grossinger & Heller of Belleville spent the week-end share, both of Fair Haven, and Wil-purple Fredonia Grape Is now prime of Corlles avenue and Miss Ann Er-With the Iron Door" with Richard with Mrs. Mary Metzger of Monroe Son, plumbing, and James Fallon, cialist ticket Those who cars to of Red Bank, tomorrow at New York. liam Klatsky of Red Bank, one share. for eating out of hand and a very rlckson and John Torrlne of Mata- Vrlcn and Cecelia Parker, will be avenue. They returned home Mon- excavating. come in the afternoon and bring bas- The Milirben Corporation Is located fine sweet grape, too. wan spent Sunday in New Tork ihown on Friday and Saturday of day night. on the Red Bank-Leedsvillo road In ket suppers will be welcome. Every where they attended a show and the his week. Harry Kates and family of Miami NINETY-ONE TEABS OLD. Sold Half-Acre Flot. Middletown township. The corpor- convenience awalt3 them and no fees New York Yankee-Boston Red Sox The feature attraction on Sunday, Beach, Florida, are visiting Florenz baseball game. The half-acre tract of land on Sy- ation is a financial one and has 300 Jelly Mixture of any kind. Honday and Tuesday of next week Former Bod Banker Celebrates Birth- Dean and family of Broad street. shares at no par value. Thelncor- Miss Janet Chasey, daughter of H. Carl Kalt of Sycamore avenue amore avenue, Shrewsbury, on The Jelly mixture of four varieties vlll bo "White Fang" with Jean Mulr day at Home of Daughter. which Mrs. Juanita Tichnor Hope of porators are Mae Frutkln of Brook- Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Chasey of ind Michael Whalen. left last week to attend the Centen- of purpla grapes originated by the Everybody Invited. Clinton street, has been confined to Mrs. Isabella Soden of Neptune nial exposition at Dallas, Texas. Loch Arbour is building a home, was lyn, five 6hares; Charles Goldberff of her home by illness. formerly of Red Bank, was 91 years sold through the Ray VanHorn agen- New York, five shares, and Joseph H Cariton Theater. Rev, and Mrs. Carroll M. Jurck of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lawrence of old Sunday and ahe celebrated the Sycamore avenue and hlB son-in-law, cy of Fair Haven. This is the third Kutner of Larchmont, New York, five Shrewd, careful buyers read The Register's Class- plot sold recently by the VanHorn shares. Ea»t Orange spent the week-end with "Little Miss Nobody," with Jane day by receiving members of the Herbert J. Smith of Little Silver, ified Advertisements. Here you (ind the seller who Mrs. Lawrence's mother, Mrs. Sarah Withers In the title role, will be family and other acquaintances who have returned home after spending agency to purchasers as sites for Bennett of South street. shown today and tomorrow at the remembered her with many birthday several days touring the New Eng-homes for their own occupancy. It pays to advertise In The Register. wants to sell and the buyer who wants to buy. The Ladles' Aid society of the Carlton theater. gifts. land states. They covered approxi- Methodist church will hold a silver Mrs. Soden Is the widow of Charles mately 1,000 miles. tea this afternoon at the home of Soden, who for many years was head George Silver, Jr., and family of Newark , "One of America's Mrs. Frank Kenna of Clinton street. shoemaker at the Jamesburg reform- Sycamore avenue, left today to spend New Jersey Great Stores" Assisting Mrs. Kenna as hostesses atory. She Is making her home with a week with Mayor and Mrs. George L. BAMBERGER & CO. will be Mrs. Thomas Zlngalo, and her youngest daughter, Mrs. Joseph Silver, Sr., at Rutland, Vermont. Misses Isabella Kenna and Allda Mount of Neptune. Miss Emma Holmes of Sycamore Zlngale. Before moving to Neptune she avenue has purchased a new Ford Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Rennle of made her home here with her daugb coach. Lewis street are expected to move to ter, the late Mrs. Robert Clay, moth Mrs. E. S. Pegram and family of Mrs. Edward Venablo's house on er of Mrs. Thomas Irving Brown of Sycamore avenue' returned home South street September 1. Broad street. Monday after spending two weeks at Mr. and Mrs. Louis A. Wagner of Mrs. Soden keepe right up to the Reno, Nevada. Lewis street entertained relatives times by plenty of reading which she Mrs. Agnes Barker of Riverdale over the week-end from Hartford greatly enjoys and an occasional auto avenue has purchased a new Chevro- Connecticut. ride is looked forward to with much let coach. Miss Cora Johnson of Long Brancn pleasure. With the exception of Mr. and Mrs. G. Harold Nevius and Is visiting her grandmother, Mrs slight Impairment in her hearing B Misses Mary and Nellie Borden of Florence Johnson of West street. Sycamore avenue left Friday to Oliver Dennis of Corlles avenue has is In exceptloanlly good physlclal con ditlon. spend a vacation at Metedeconk. taken a position with the American Misses Laura, Noel and Rosalie Stores company at Ocean Grove. He DBUNKEN COTJPLE JAILED. Neilson, daughters of Mr. and Mre. began his new duties Monday. C. Frederick Neilson of Sycamore The Eatontown grammar school avenue, have returned home after will open for the 1036-87 term Wed- Arthur Covert and Wife Caused Dis- turbance in Church. spending the week-end with Mr. and nesday, September 9. The next meet- Mrs. Cannon Runyon of Mantolok- ing of the board of education will be Arthur Covert and his wife of Pin ing. held Monday, September 7, when Brook were arrested last week o Mr. and Mrs. H. W. "Rube" Wil- final plans will be announced for th« charges of being drunk and disorder- liams of Sycamore avenue have re- school calendar. The school will be ly after they had created a disturb- turned home after spending a wesk operated this year on a double-ses- ance at a service which was being at the Dunes club, Narragansett Pier. sion plan. held at Zlon Methodist church ol A short sesslo'n of the Shrewsbury The Junior Order of American William Powell and Luise Rainer Pino Brook. Tlje eervlco was tem- board of education was held Monday Mechanics will meet tonight at Cres in "The Great Ziegfeld" porarily discontinued because of th night at the schoolhouse with Walter cent hall. Incident. Covert and his wife wer The feature for five days beginning C. Ouptll, presiding. It waa an- Rev. Leroy Y. Dilllner and family taken Into custody by a state trooper nounced that thB school year would of Barnegat were visitors in town Saturday will be "The Great Zieg- and haled before Recorder Elmer C. fold," starring William Powell, Myrna open Monday, September 14. Bills last week. Mr. Dlllner was forme- Walnwrlght, who committed them t amounting to more than $70 were or- pastor of the Presbyterian church. Loy and Lulse Rainer, and having In the county jail for 180 daya. The Sons and Daughters of-Llbet .the cast Virginia Bruce, Frank Mor- dered paid. ty will hold a birthday supper next gan, Fannie Brlce, Ray Bolger, Nat Monday at Crescent hall.j Bingo wil Pandleton, Harriet Hoctor, Reginald b« played following the Ajeetlng. Owen and Joseph Cawthorn. Harry Dennis of Corliea avenue Trie production, made by Metrc- BathroomFixtures and Accessories who formerly worked out of the Pru Goldiyyn-Mayer, Is one of tho most dential Life Insurance office at Long elaborate to come from Hollywood MINER SUPPLY COMPANY Branch, Is now working out of Re<* this year. It cntalns 12 song eucces- Bank. ses and a score of dance sequences. W. Front & Pearl Sts. Red Bank 3333 Miss Virginia Hathaway of Wes The story covers phases of the life Long Branch has been visiting with her grandparents,. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schlck of Lewis street. Miss Eleanor Noe of Lewis slxee has accepted a position In the offlci Make This Your Budget Week By Shopping Here at the of A. Lawrence Plager of Lon Branch. Mrs. Robert Aumack of Lewi street Is a patient at Fltkln hospital where she recontly underwent an ap pendlcltis operation. Molly Pitcher Food Market Mra. Charleu H. Schanck of thli place gave birth to a daughter Mon day at Monmouth Memorial hospital 18 MONMOUTH ST. The Best for Less PHONE RED BANK 3144. George VanKIrk of Lewis Btreo was admitted as a surgical patlen last weok at Rivcrvlew hospital. CREAMED FRESH MADE GENUINE SPRING Little Silver. Cottage Chopped 11*l bc Councilman and Mra. Frank Deal LEGS have returned from a motor trip ti New England. Cheese BEEF 15 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clapp moved from Jackaon Heights to their foi mer homo on Runwon road last Sa CHOICE CUTS BONELESS urday. On Monday they dopartcd o; Lamb a two weeks' trip to Capo Cod. 1 Mr. and Mm. Walter H. Wtllcy o SIRLOIN Hllvoruldo avonuc, and MTB. Willoy Veal J<% mother, Mrs, F, D. Baerman of A Ib lantlo Highlands, motored to former Governor Plnchot'o eotato at Mllford, Steak Pennsylvania, lost Sunday. Tho for- Roast mer governor and Mrs, Wllley's lath- ALL MEAT-NO BONES er, the late F. D. Baerman, wore Yali clasimatea. SWIFT'S BROOKFIELD The Little Silver public school wl PRIME reopen September D. Mr, and Mra. Robert Hi. Rothwo BEST CUTS have movod from Branch «.venuo Ib to their new homo on Llttlo Sllve CHUCK ]Q Point road. Ib Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ootty an Butter37 PRIME daughter Joan of Montclalr (One Found Bolls) •pending six weeks In the home Steaksw Mr. »nd Mrs. Lorenzo T. Getty, wh RIB Cfcwfee ot l*H *r Pedestal Buitet am on a tour of Kuropo. Frederick Moglll and John Slatter; FANCY SMALL BEST MADE A bem*if«l MtK Century dining room, with extra large pieces I Yon c«n havn moved from Red Bank Inti Graham Blcbl'n house on Wardol ROAST tee simply by looking at k that tJ»a suite is an niiudunlly nice design at avenue. Clarence E. Flaher him ruturnc Ib Bologna tlris price. The top drawers of t\w. Iniffetn hnvfi swell-front*; both tho from a busliH'Bfl trip to Detroit. Mr. and Mrn. Thomoo Brooltn Fowl 23 china,cloflet and txxr<* are full tl«l>th. There'a a pedestal table and m Engllshtown apent tho week-end wit & Franks Postmnnter nml Mrs. Augui attractive chair*. Yonr choice of mnhogamy or wnlnnt vcmoera and gum- Schweern. FANCllT HUNKIHT JUI«K Mra. Emma Davlo la spending FANCY No. 1 JEU8KY wood ... and a *akw that's on« of th« Handouts M out entire Half. week with rolallvon on Long Man Mr. and Mm. Harry KlnK»ley an ORANGES 21* POTATOES Yearly Pnrnitaw SaW on a two WMkn' motor trip to Maine '• Fifth Floor Cntnw White nan been laid FINK QUALITY BEEF With blnoil polaonlnK In his arm. 18 25 Mrs. John Kemp returned hom« 10 - 25° Monday from a May with her (laugh ON SALE TODAY THURSDAY ter, Mr*. Hue! Hype of Now Hrlglv Watch Our Windows for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Specials I Km. PtnsbyWftftt, Page Four RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27, 1986. than at present and wh«n there U night, obitruotlng traffic Jaraw Wil- Caroline Chadwick Keyport. Holmdel. no traffic no light will »how. liams, near whoie hom» th* trt» bad Noll will t Mr. and Mrs. Frank Murateky gave atood, removed the obstruction. ot tl» Brookside Inn To Wed at Rumson (The Red Bank !!*£!• t«r c«n b« bonlbl Mr. «nd Mtt. Henry Cave of Hart- a party one night recently in celebra- Miss Gladys Conover la vltltln? In Keycort from COBU Brotktri, tin, ford, Connecticut, have returned S. STBAC8S, Mgr. Florence Melee, Gui Senton and Mr». Clara tion of the eighteenth birthday of her grandfather, Wldntr Conover, at Whit* 7 Tho wedding of Miss Caroline SUBsman.) homo after a visit to Mr. and Mrs.their daughter, Ml« Agnte Muraf«hy. Wa*h!ng-ton, D. C. IVORY tha JJoro Home Cooking Daniel S. Ely. aravei. B Chadwick, daughter of Mrs. Prank The borough of Keyport has been The engagement of M'BB Murafsky Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Eckert and tlmit«d c State Highway, Chadwick of Foxwood Park, Little awarded $7,500 for etato road aid. A Sunday-school party waf held at to Charles Moulla of Freehold was children of Bayonne were vliltorg at cubic jtn Silver, and Alfred Ilch, Jr., Bon ofThe borough council lias appropriat- [ the chapel of the Baptist church yes- announced on this occasion. Danc- the McCloskey home Thursday. 8760 sal! Shrewsbury terday afternoon, under the direction SOAP read la p< Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ilch, Sr., of Bell- ed $750 additional as provided by law ing was one of the principal paa- Thomas McCue Is very 111 at his ell. Borov rhono 408 Eatontown. haven, Red Bank, will take place to get the state money. of Mrs. Flora Holmes and Mrs. Har- timea and It took place in a roadside home near here. old Bennett, superintendent and as- 50c FuUCourse Dinner 50c Monday evening, September 7, at 6 Announcement has been made of booth on the 'premises of the Muraf- Inez Conover has returned from & o'clock at the Rumson Presbyterian the marriage of Miss Martha Cath- sistant superintendent of tho Siin- sky home. Music wu provided by LAUNDRY PUns MENU. day-school. Games were played, prises visit with her uncle and aunt, Mr. bid for AppoUter. Clwlco CUm« on the church. Kev. Edward W. Miller, pas- orlne Carter, daughter of. Mr, and a Perth Amboy orchestra. and Mrs. Leslie Widner of Point Gtorv* Half Shell, Fruit Cup, Shrimp tor of the Red Bank Baptlet church, Mr . Willard V. Carter, to Edward J. were awarded and light refreshmcntd have be Cocktail. Tomnto Juice a Mr. and Mrs. Martin Mangor «.nd Pleasant. will officiate. Bllderback, son of Prof, and Mrs.were sarved. family have moved from Elwood, Blnier » Soups. Clioico Cflcry or Chicken William M. Ely and his son, Mount Services in the Baptist church •nd ma: Ettiliut Mrs. Judeon Plerson of East Or- Wil|is E. Bllderback at the Presby- Douplass'a homo on the state high- next Sunday will ba conducted by hours, Choico of Ilonst Turkey. ange and Lavalettc, a cousin of Miss terian church on Broadway, New Ely, left for their homo at Cleveland way to Asbury Park. blueprint Ono-Holf Filed Ko»>> today after a visit to Charles S. Ely. Rev, Llndcr, pastor of the First Bap- th. gpec Bool, Chicken o la Kins. !hadwick, will be matron of honor. York, on June 6. Mr. Bilderback has Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sullivan of tist church of Freehold. payment been a student of dental surgery. The Ladies' aid society of tho Re- ! Blue Wth. Small Steak Her bridesmaids will include Miss hlcugo aro spending a month with The Unknown Workers of Jersey BlrUn Potatoes. Vcirt'tnbles nnd Snlnn formed church will meet at the home poi&l U Plo or (Innnna Split Virginia Ilch, slater ol Mr. Ilch; Miss Miss Kathleen Eckhart has re- Mr. Sullivan's mother, Mrs. Daniel City, a branch of the King's Daugh- Carolyn Cox of Glcndale, Long Is- turned to her home after taking a of MrB. Robert R. Voorhecs Tuesday Sullivan. therein i Crackers and Chevse. Hills evening, September 8, at 7:45 o'clock. ters society of Hudson county, were mu»t bi Tea or ColTco land, and Miss Ruth Nary of Hum- summer course at Duke university. Mr. and Mrs. Chrlney Conover, ac- guests at a luncheon at the summer Dnlly nnd Sunday son. The flower girls will be Miss Carl Mount has a position as local Mr. and Mrs. Earl Meyer .-of At- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Harold home here of Mra. Etnll Greyer, a L » Betsy Bragg of Montclalr and Mies manager of the Perth Amboy Even- lanta, Georgia, are spending a week Ely of Red Bank, attended tho re-member, on Wednesday. Mrs. Oer- 50c Nancy Maxson of Boston. James Ilch ing News branch in Keyport with Mr. and Mra. Daniel S. Ely. cent trotting race meet at Goghon, trude Brown of Jersey City and Mrs. panled b of Bellhaven will be his brother's best Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dunham and No potatoes were shipped from this New York,. Dawson of East Orange, prealdent man. Herbert Cox of Glendale, Lonp daughter havo returned from a trip lection last week because weather able**to The Sewing club of the Reformed of the King's Daughters sooiety of tor. Island, Willis Rue of Foxwood Park, through the New England states. conditions were unfavorable for church will meet at the home of Mrs. New Jersey, gave Interesting Calks Christian Science Trenchard Wiley of Lociwt avenue, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert West and ra importation. Georgo Taylor of Freehold, formerly on its origin and work. Mrs. Ferrlns, and Francis Nary of Rumaon, will children returned this week from a A cake sale will be held Saturday of this place, this afternoon. also of East Orange, and prealder.t to the Reading Room vacation of several weeks at Point E da. be the uBhera. afternoon, September 5, in the chapui Pleasant. of the board of managers of the Old By Broad Street National Bank Bldg., Following the ceremony a reception of the Reformed church, under the Ladles' Home at Somervllle, spoke Borou A son was recently born to Mr. direction ofMlss Louise Schanck. ty. N. 14 Broad Street, nod Bank will be held at the Molly Pitcher ho- Marlboro. on the homo and its Inmates, relat- tel. The couple will reside in their and Mrs. WinflelJ Bailey. The first meeting of tho season of ing some amusing as well as touch- AUBUH «. lost. OPEN DAILY home now being constructed on the St. Mary's sur.^ier home on First tho Social Service organization will} ing incidents. Members of the Orig- GEORGE SILVER. 8S., river bank near Locust avenue. street has been closed for the season. be held at the township hall Tuesday Mr. and Mrs Charles McCloskey inal Society of King's Daughters of 11:30 A. M. to 4:30 P. M. Mr. and Mrs. George Smith have celebrated their tenth jvedding an- OltTRTOBC. VAWVUET. Ol.rlt. *"""' Both are graduates of Red Bank evening, September 15. Marlboro were invited to meet the Tuelday and Friday Evening!! been spending a vacation at Union •Sunday, August 30, and Sunday, niversary Sunday. i out-of-town guests, all of whom en- O uuancarChanc y a*lfl4 7:30 to 9:30. high school. Mr, Ilch also te a grad- Lake, Mlllvillc. _ SHERIFF'S SALE September 7, will be vacation Sun- Miss Dorothy Schenck has re- Joyed a very pleasant afternoon. SHER ate of Tale university and la era- E. Kenneth Hoose spent the week- turned to her home at Washington. By »lrlu. of a writ of fl fa, i Hare the Ulblc, the IVorti ot Mary loved by a Wall street firm at New days and no church services will be Baker Eddy, Discoverer nnd Founder nd with his brother-in-law and els-held. D. c, after a two weeks' visit her« The firemen will hold their annual York. tor, Mr. and Mrs. Karl White of of' Christian Scence. nnd all other Mrs. Harriet Tunis of Red Bank Is with relatives. ihlcken supper at the fire house next authorlied Chrlstl/in Science Lllera- ^nsdowne, Pa. Mrs. Ernest Voorhees and daugh week. tare may bo read, borrowed or pur- DINNER FOR OFFICIALS. isltlng Mre. Rhoda Holmes. Of SJ5PTBM- chased. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Conover ter Jean spent Monday at Coney Is-, and Mra. Mary Armstrong spent the Wilbur Hammond is on the sick 1st. • ' land. To Replace Casino. Reading Koora Maintained by t1 N 'ostmasters* Association to Honor week-end at Culver's Lake, N. J. Henry Maher has a new truck. Alfred Marcellus is having a va- The Allenhurat commlealonerj have FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST. Two Federal Officers. James Pappas of East Orange was SCIENTIST. Vincent Hammond is a new mem- cation from his duties at the Sim-Instructed the borough counsel to More than 400 reservations have the week-end guest ot Mr. and Mrs. plex company plant on Railroad ave- draw up an ordinance providing for y a decree ooff snlj court amountlna! to 209 BHOAD STHEE'1. BED DANK ber of the Trojan baseball team of approximatelitl y (4,822,00, "'"""nung to leen made for the dinner to be given F. Palmer Armstrong. Red Bank. nue. an appropriation of J30,000 for two The Public li Wtlcomo. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Merchant and AH the following tract of parcol of land inder the auaplcea of the Monmouth William Pitcher has finished the Lightning shattered a locust tree pavilions and a terrace to replace and premises hereinafter bounty Postmasters' association to daughter of Chatham have been vle- work of placing a new foundation un- along the Dutch lane road Sunday the present casino. jorlbed. situate, lying anf b, „, „ &1, the acting postmaster-general ot the ting Mr. and Mrs. Charles P. Baker. der the Cinderella tavern at Brade* United States, William W. Howes, Misjj Jewell Cahill, daughter of Mr, elt. Part of the foundation was nd the third assistant postmaster- and Mrs, Arthur J. Cahill, has enter- n'ashed away during a recent storm Every Woman f jeneral, Clinton B. Ellenberger, ed the training school for nurses and this threw tho building out of Throcktnorton and Morrii, 0. B., are which will be held next Monday "arked down and designated as Lots No n St. Peter's hospital at New Bruns- position. - and S and which lots are more particu- light at Ross Fcnton Farms at As- wick. Wants • Chrlney Holmes has a new Chry- S larly described as follows: Dury Park. Scores of postmasters Miss Doris Armstrong has resigned BEGINNING at . point In tha north.,-!/ iler sedan. to to look her best at nil times... Irom every part of the Btate, as well her position with H. L. Zobel at Red 1 PRATE'S MARKET . °.' f* "<°*™ "ml Lon* Branch Bou. to iee] at ease and perfectly 16 postofflce clerks and mail car- Bank. Mrs. LeRoy Sproul has taken Fred Alger's orchestra has been en- levard, diitant one hundred and «ty test poised. riers, have been Bending in their gaged to play three nights weekly at westerly from the, point of interstoUon ef her place. tho CUffwood Inn. 10 East Front St., RED BANK, N. J. the .aid northerly Una of th. Eitonto™ MIS-SIMPLICITY* -eservatlons. In addition to the pos- An invitation has been extended to «nd Long Branch Boulevard, from tha M officials and employees a large PHONE 1217. FREE DELIVERY. rood to Oceanport at Wolf Hill and from Created by Keyport parents to enter their chil- SANITONE .aid point runnln* (1) north fort, duress lumber of local as well as summer dren in the baby parade at Matawan Colt^Neck. And eix minutes weit alonff the w«i*j,rl» •esldenta of Monmouth county have n connection with that borough's ob- line of Lot No. 8. on. hundredI.M filrt,! Gossard ilgnlfled their intention of attending. You Are Always Sure of Getting tho Best for Legs at Our Market. DRY CLEANING four and flfty-nln. hundredth, feet t« Is tho answer. servance of its 250th anniversary. (The Red Bank Register can bo bought »nde formerly belonging to Haywud. t tbd atom ol Loula Plotkin.) thence (2) south flfty-two degree, mi The pull of the Miss Loretta Fallon of Rockvllle Phone Orders Promptly Attended To. Guaranteed By Center, L. I., has been visiting her The beach party held by Atlantic nln. ralnctes west alonn th. fald H.y. back strapa Good Housekeeping *ard line, one hundred and aright hun- flattens the ab- Leonardo. aunt, Mrs. Sarah Holmes. grange at Sea Girt last week was at- , domen, uplifts iss Pauline Ash has been visiting tended by about 75 persons and it Magtulna lot No. 8| t'henc. (S) south forty'diiiTeeB the < bust, and 1 friends at Watertown, N. Y. proved very delightful for all. Swim- Specials for August 27th, 28th and 29th Advertised There-ln. ind six minutes east alone th. esitarly Misses Mary and Florence Noll, ming, bathing, ball playing and a hot In. of lo' No. «, ona hundred and tnlrtr- controls the who have been" spending a vacation Mrs. Florence Crawford has been ilght and flfty-one hundrodths fett to the dog roast were enjoyed. 0 hips. f two months with their aunt, Mrs. visiting Mrs. Rose nf Trenton, White or Yellow 2-n.t.hskt. .lortherly line of the Batontonn and Lorn About 26 members and friends of No. 1 Jersoy fftfTk Branch Boulovard. thenc (4) alom this Let our expert Mary Reed of Naveslnk, returned to Mrs. William . Henderson has re- ;ame north forty-nine degrees and IMtr- fitters show their home at Paterson Tuesday. turned from a visit to Toronto, Can- the Sewing club of the Reformed POTATOES U«J PEACHES 28° four minutes east on. hundred fast to th. you what Mrs. Charles Meiele of Leonardo and ada. church attended the annual lawn par- point or place of Beginning Mis-Simplicity Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Farver and ty of the club last Thursday evening | 37-16. bskt. 70-76 WHITE ST. Belied as tho property ol John H. Ton- Mrs. Reed motored to Paterson with mun*'«TO ft' i"k«?,ln M.eutlon at th* can do. Misses Noll to spend Beveral days daughter and J. A. Storms of Mc- at Mrs. John H. Sutphln's home. The Fresh Pulled A AC Extra Fine Full Fotl •"It of Th. Prudential Insurance Company with them. From there they will Lean, Va., have been visiting Mr. and lawn was illuminated with electric of America, a corporation of New Jaraer, lights and games were played under White or Yellow aWtf Ib8> "nd to be sold by 3.50 to 10.00 ourney by automobile to Dover and Mrs. William M. Hitchcock. ioz Mr. and Mrs. Paul Lund and sonthe leadership of Mrs. Chester Davl- Lima Beans 215° RED BANK GEOROE H. ItOBERTS. Sheriff, iake Hoptacong, returning next Sweet Corn - Dated August 11, 1086. Monday. havo been enjoying a trip to Nova son of Freehold. A covered dish sup- Glenn K. Carver. Sol'r. per was served. (fl I-) I2E.I1 The topic of the Sunday morning Scotia. Large Sweet Juicy AP90 Cantaloupes •SILK Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Bedle have Mr. and Mra. Canton Conover of Tel. R. B. 2800 17 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. ermon at the Baptist church will S and 4 for Am IN CHANCERY OF NEW JER3EV. o "Keep Not Back." The Christian returned from a 'vacation at Lake Farmingdale are expected home Sat- Watermelons O £ To BLANCHE BENNETT, ANNA VAN- Winnepcsaukce, N. H^ urday from their honeymoon in Extra Large Sweet aUV HOUTEN, EMMA STILLWAGON, Endeavor society will meet Sunday CHARLES T, STTLLWAOON, fcir hv»- evening and the subject will bo "The Prof, and Mrs. Willis E. Bllder- Maine. Mr. Conover formerly lived band; EDNA GLOSTEN FAWOETT, al- back, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Bllderback here. His cousin, Arnold Conover Florida Lettuce MONMOUTH COUNTY ORPHANS' COURT so known as Edna Foriytht. »nd Will of God as Seen in Jesus." The Beets and Carrots NOTICE. and Mies Ruth Bllderback are en-of this place, was his best man at OE0R0E FAWCETT. alB0 known M Boctety will be In charge of the Sun- 3 bunches for JOc Nice Heads gc each Purauant to an order of tha Monmouth George Foray the, her husband t day evening church service. The Joying an auto tour through the New ;he wedding. County Orjiharu' Court, notice la hereby By virtue of an order of the Court ot principal speaker will be Miss Ellsa England states. The state highway commission has »lv«n that on SwUmblr 10th, 1986, nt Chancery of New Jerstjy, madt on tha day WHEN A WOMAN tho Court House. Freehold, at 10 o'clock of tha date hereof, in s cause wherein The Bills, who is In training for special Mr. and Mrs. Frank Colot have re- arranged to havo a new trip signal . We always carry a full line of the Best Quality Fruits nod In the forenoon. D. 8. T, application will Firemen's Relief Association of Red Bank, work at the Eastern Baptist theolog- turned from a trip to Florida. light placed at the intersection of the be mad« by the subscriber for an order N. J.. a body corporate, U eompUlnant. HAS THE cal seminary at Philadelphia. Miss state highway and the county road. Vegetables. Shop bore before buying. lor the fulflllmtnt of contraeta antared In- and Charles Woodward nnd othen are de- *» b,r Erne«t B. Younehans, deceaied, In fundanCs. you are required to appear and Bills is home on a vacation. A meet- The trips will be spaced farther apart hla lifetime, for tho iale of tha followlna nnnwer the bill of enld complainant, on ng of the deacons of the church will Middletown Village. described parcels of land, sttuato In Mid-or before the 20th daj of September, next be held Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock. dletown Township, in the County of Mon- or the said bill will be taken a» con/teied (The Red Bank Kesiiter can be bought mouth and Slate of New Jeney, to the Rlnit you. The mid-week prayer service will be i Midiiletown from 3, C. Knight and following named persons, to nlti held Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. William li. Woter«.) HOCHS OF A Lota No. 185 and No. 156 on Map of The aald bill li filed to forecloi* a cer- last word Mrs. Jacob Weiss and son Herbert BUSINESS: Department Port Monmouth Psrk, to DennU F. Daly! tntn m or turn tre given by Euphemla Wood- William T. Hendrickson of Florida Lota No. (3 and No. 14 on said map to ward and CharUi Woodward, her huiband, if New York visited Mrs. Welss's 9 A. M. to Store to The Firemen's Kolief Association of Bid sister, Mrs. Lillian Miles, on Sunday. is on his farm here for a few weeks William Daly; to supervise the harvesting of hla Jacob Sibinbach Lota No. 124 and No. 125 on aald mas Bank, N. J., n body corporate, dated Jan- 6 P. M. In the Mr. and Mrs. Clarence LaSalle and peach crop. The crop promises to bo to Mlchaal Leary; uary Oth, 1S9S, on lands In tha Townihlp amily of Ypsllante, Michigan, are Saturdays— Sams Lota No. 25 and No, 06 on said map to of Middletown, In the County of Mon- the largest and most profitable Mr. BROADWAY. LONG BRANCH Henry Itabscht mouth and State of New Jersey) and you, making a tour of the Eastern states Hendrickson has had In a number of 9 A. M. to Location Lota No. 115, No. lie and No. 117 on Blanche Bennett, are made defendant be* in their recently purchased trailer. years, to 9 F. M. said map to Charles and Mary Blschoff; cnuae you hnve an Interest In said lands) Drive Your Car In Our Free Parking Yard and Shop In Comfort .•ilncfl 18T3 Lota No. 1st and No. 187 on said map nnd you, Anna VanHouten, are made de- They visited many friends here over fendant because you have an interest In he week-end. Mr. LaSalle was form- Mr. and Mrs. Lester Wilson are to James and Clarn McDermott; traveling in Alaska. Lota No. 1211 and No. 121 on •«!<] map mid lands; end you, Emma fltllJwajmi, erly the agriculture teacher at the nro made defendant because you h&ve an Mr. and Mra. Charles Gibson Ben- to Peter Thleri Leonardo high school. He was de- Lota No. Ill and No. 112 on said map Interest In laid lands] and you, ChurlM T. nett have returned from their wed- to James L. MttGteavy; StJJ]wagon, are made defendant fceeaaa* lighted to see the many improve- ding trip and from a stay at Elmlra, you are the hoeband of Emms Stlllvragoa ments in the school and surround- Lota No. 118 and No. 114 on said map and you hnve an Inchoate right of eur- New York, with the parents of the LAST 2 DAYS! to Patrick Glbneyi teay In »aM J&ndtt and, you, Edna Oloi- ing buildings. Mr. LaSalle Is now a bride. The old Hartshorne house on Lota No. 1S7 and No. Hi Ineluilre on ten Fawcott. also known as Edna Tor* teacher in the Michigan State col- the King's Highway has been im- said map to Martin and Agnes Scanlon. Rythe, ar* made defendant becani* yon lege. EDGAR H. ItOSBDACH, have sn Interant In laid landef and you, proved and repaired for their occu- Administrator. Oeorsa Fawcett, alio known as George pancy. Fonythe, are made defendant beaaas* you Carl Phlllppl of New York spent The food sale Saturday for the ben- August Furniture Sale NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT are the husband of Edna Gtosten Fawcett, Estata of James Horace Hardlni, deceaied. also known an Edna Foraythe. and yog the week-end with his mother, Mrs. efit of the Reformed church was & Notice is hereby given that the accounts have an Inchoate right ot curtety In iata •Edith Phlllppl. bigger success than had been antici- of the subscriber!, trustees of the estate Ian (in. Mr. and Mrs. James Schweder of of said deceased, will be audited and stat- pated by those who directed It- About EXCEPTIONAL VALUES THROUGHOUT OUR ENTIRE ed by the Surrogate of tha County of Mon- Dated July 2S, IQSfl. Brooklyn were Sunday guests of Mrs. $40 was cleared. mouth and reported for settlement to the KLATSKY A KLATSKY. A. W. Phraner. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Franck are THIRD FLOOR—ONE OF WHICH IS THIS Orphans Court of aald County, on Thurs- SoKoftors of Complainant, day, the 8th day of October, A. D. 1089, 8 Eaat Front Street, Red Bank. N. f. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kochler of back from their wedding trip. They at 10 tOO o'clock a. m.. at vrnlch time ap- Plalnfteld have rented the Dr. Mayhave started housekeeping at Bloom- PETER SCHUYLER BEDROOM GROUP AT plication will be mads for the allowance cottage on Washington avenue for fleld. of commissions and counsel fees. MOD mouth County Surrofata'a OfAeefAee.. Sated August 21st, A. D. 19.10. In the matter of tthh » estate) of OfatrlOfatrlM a month. '"' Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Koetech and SEnslstonSlngUtonSlngUton, , dtceaMdtceaMddeceasedd. Mr. and Mrs. Flynn and daughter son and Mr. and Mrs. Georgo Spaf- CHAMPS B. HARDING, Noticti e tot cradltordit a to present el alma HENRY B. BUTLER, against eatate. have returned to Jersey City after ford and son spent Saturday at Irv- UNITED STATES TRUST COMPAtfT Pursuant to the order of Joiepfc Z* spending the summer here. ing, making the trip by automobile. OF NEW YORK, Donahay. aurrojratfSurrojratft of *••th•e ^-..«^County- *»#t Glenn Vof*t, infant non of Mr, and The regular luncheon and sewing By T. HI Wilson, Vice President, Monmouth, made on the twentysecona •112 45 Wall Street, New York, N. Y. tiny of August, 1B36, on the application meeting of the Needlework guild will Mrs. William Vogt, has returned Pitney, Hardln tt Skinner, of Agnea V. Singleton, executrix ot ta« home after having been n patient at be held Tuesday, September 1, at the 744 Brond Street, estate of Charles Singleton, deceased, no- the Long Branch hospital several home of Mrs. Lester Sherman of Newark, New Jertier, tice Is hereby given to the creditor* of Proctors, • « * ____ i A — . 1 li li •_ *t__ . a ^11—. months. Chapel Hill road. Jack Ohcrle of Jersey City spent The young people of the Reformed NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT EaU of Annie E. Obre. deceBRad, tho week-end with his mother, Mrs. church went to Farrington dam, Mill- s Notlc* I hereby given that the ac- nforenald order, or th«y ..... UH .u.. Louise Oherle. town, on Monday and enjoyed eounta of the subscriber, aubstltlonary ad- barred of thafr actions thtrtfor •<• Frank Desmond of Saratoga spent frankfurter roast. The choir of tho ministrator with will annexed of tha ei- tha a Rid «i)hscrlb»r. church wll! hold an ice cream, peach tata of aald deceased, will be audited and PaUd. Fr«ehold, K. X, Atmuit 11. 19li. • No matter what we aay uliout it tho week-end with Mr. and Mrs. statad by the Surrogate of tho County of AONES V. SINGLETON, Thomas Desmond. Frank Desmond nnd melon festival Monday evening Monmouth and reported for settlement to 00 VfcBt Rlvar Road, Rumson, H. J., the woman who buys a Mayt.ig alw-nj-s entcrotl tho Sweepstakes boat rac>i from B. (o 9 o'clock. Wednesday, Sep- the OrDhane Court of said County, on BxaoutrUt has the last word, Miiytag tan prove tember 9, the choir will havo a bunco Thursday, the first day ot Ck-toW. A. D. ,U)!c«ftt«, BUvertfl, Foster & R«tiisUlt, at Red Bank Saturday anil won fifth 1086, at IOIOO o'clock, B. m., at whlrh R«d Dank, K. J., its finer construction and prrform.ificc place. He left today for Washing- pnrty In the church rooms. Rofrcsh- Ume application will be made for the al- Troctort. by comparison nnd record, iiut what nicntH will bn served and prizes will lowance of commlssslons anil counsel fees. ton, where ho will competo In an- Dated Augu»t 10, A. I). 1089. Monmouth County SurrofaU'a Offtc*. the Maying uwnrr says to her neighbor other race. he awarded, Including a door prize The profits of this event and of the WILLIAM H. II. OBKE. In tho mattar of tha •Bt»t» of 6»mu«l Col- is the BreatritinfluenccinMaytugsales. 8 Core) View Terrace, (Stamford, Conn., linn, deaesaid. r.H. Mortimer Robertson anil festival will bo used>. to buy'choir Kotlca to oraditort to prasant elftlini '1 here arc more Mnyt/itfs in use than Substltutlonary Administrator daughter Susan and mother, Mrs. gowns. With Will Annexed. asalnst «st«U. any other washer, no ink your ncigMior Puriuant to ths order of Joi*t>h I-*. Dotl- Madison and grundBOn havo returned Howard fl. TIlRglnson, Esq., thfty, aurroBftU of th« Gountr of Mon- who owns « Maytag—then conic in nnd to their summer home here after" a Red Bank, N. J., Proctor. mouth, made on th« twanty-flttb d«r af 8ec the hunt one-piece, caht-uhimitmm trip to Europe. Aunuat. 1096. on tha appilcttlon of Smar- New Monmouth. ter Morris and Uly May Collins, antoutors tuh Maytag—with die original Gyratit- Mrs. Thomas Fllcc has returned to NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT of the estata ot Bnniucl Collins, dvciaiad, tor washintr action. Holler' Wnter her poaitlon at New York after (Thfl Rpd nank ItealBter can be bought Estate of 3- Bchanrk Herbert, deceased. notleo in fie rob y gfvtn to tha oraifltora ef In N"n llriidit from Morrl. Wcl.m.n and Notice) la hereby given that the account* laid decaitRad to exhibit to tha lubiorlb- Remover, tnlimcnt tr.ijj nml nunirron.1 niUInK a vacation of two weeks at Harry Werner.) of the subscriber, trustee ot the estate of cri, oxicutora aa aforasetld, thalr dibU and other advantages. Sjiread the tost this place. said daceaaad. will be audited and stutacl iltmamtn Rgaln*t th* m(d astht*. undtr Mm. Everett Oliver Bang a «olo by the Surrogate of the County of Mon- riath. within six monthi from th« Aktm «f over many weekly or monthly payments. Mr. nnd Mra. Clarence Momi have mouth and reported for settlement to tlie th* aforesaid ordar, or thav will ba for* nt tho JIaptlst church Sundaymotn- «vtr barred of their action* tliirafor Tht Nm Maying himir uill >tn hal] returned homo nftor spondlrtg the Orphans Court of said County, on Thurs- inj;. Hev. .Samuel Johnston, the day. th« flrst day of October. A. 1). 10S«.RBnlnitt ttie *M<\ •iibicrlb«n. yitur lim, W tjf,,,t, />/, Jimemlruliom. mmr In California. Thoy made the junior, cx('hnn;;n(l pulpits with Ilev. trjp by automobile. Mr. Moon Is a at IOIOO o'clock a. m., at which time ap- Unted Frsehold. N. J., Aimust 18. 1AM, r Wlllimn Campbell of Atlantic High- plication will he made for the allowance) BXLVESTEll UOItRIS. toucher at tho Leonardo lil|, li Hchool. lands ot aommlsalona and counsel fees. Mtddlatnwn, K, 3., Vox U< EWTON,IOWA The Mlfislon circle of tho Iinptlnt Dated Auttiat 14, A. I). 108«. , UMT MAY dOLfclNfl, hurcli will entertain tho World Unit Mr.Oonnty nnd family ofNcw TUB SECOND NATIONAL HANK - Mtddlitown, K. j., box If. York, formerly of thin plnco, apent AND TRUST COMPANY Bxtmtori. WIIIM j;ullil lit till) homo of Mrn. Itlc),. Combining quiet Early American dignity with a decided Dutch motif, OF HKI) HANK, Qtilnn. PRrson* A Dnremtts, nrd Campbell of Clmpol Hill tlili Kaliinlny nnd Kuiidny with Mr. and Red llnnk, U. 1., I(ed Itnnk. N. J.. Mm. John O'Ni'll. Veiling. this Cushman Creation stands out boldly as one of the most wanted Trustee. I'roctors. 1 !lnck widow lipldiH'ii urn reported Wamn R. Bmock, »«i|.. Bed Uank, N. J.. Frank T). I'osten, ii|;rlciiltiirnl to lio morn luunoinuti In thlH vlcln- groups of our entire display. It will soil regularly at $132. Monmouth County Svirroiata** Offlc*. Icaclii-r at tho Leonardo hlfjhncliool, Proctor. In tht innttsr of tna enttta of D»»td K« tfl MONMOUTII NT., HKI) HANK lly llmii ever hifmc. Various farm- BofTel, dectitiieil. lias returned home after upending More Opi'li Kvciy Nl|;1>l, era iiny llii.y imvo imcn tho liiBoctn NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT OF ACCOUNT Kottoe to creditors to present fitftlmsj lilii vacation In Wnahliiirtnti, l> {'.. Estate of William O'llrlen, dece»«ei-liii:unrdiiKnln«t sild deoe.i.d. will be audited and elated mnutlt, mud* on the twentr-ilihlh day of with friends. Upon her return jihi- l"dni: hill.,,, by Ih,, ,,,,1,1,.,-M. NIGHT TABLE $10.00 VANITY MIRROR $8.?0 hr the Surrogate, of the County of Mon- Jtily. lUSfl, on tha umillcullon of Oeorca IDS Monmmifti SI., H«i u,,ni,r N, .1. will renumn her iiottltlon us a tenchin- mouth and raported for settlement to the J. Hoiiet and Carnle V. HotTeh aiUitiutorB •lolni Kltzpntrick wn» n vlnllnr at Orphtna Oourt of aald County, on Thurj- of lh* asUta of David B. flolT«i. d#««at*i, 10-U-ti at thn I,i>onnrilo high nchool. Hrnnlilyn ((aliu-diiy nnd Htimlny. VANITY TABLE $12.00 dar. *• iwentr-fonrth ilay of September, A. notice 1* hereby #lvtn to the pri&llprm ol Mlsfi (innUdlna Petzold In enjoying VANITY BENCH .: $10.00 I) IBS* at lOtOO o'clock a. m., at whlc-h sitld <1»o«»«d to exhibit to the kUBMrlbtnv acMthlt u'ul, [lueliiii Mtttli-Sfotoi Tho rreciit. ntippnr for tho bonnDt time application will be made for the el- execnturs aa aforeold, thetr debts mud d#- n two mtokn' vocation at lier hnrtin nf !il, Miiiy'n ohiirrli nnlleil nlimmt lowone* of eommtitlona and counsel fees mauds asuliiBt tha skid siMti, nnimr omih. within *\* month* from the 4«U of tH > herfl, $110(1. II wan th,, ,„„„( nurct.jufui nf_ D Minn Mnrxory Mooro la mijoylnjf « fair of dm „,„( | ,,,„ ),(„(„,.„ USE OUIt DRFRIinRU PAYMKNT PLAN. T'^ Sett WTON'A'L HANK aforeiald order, or thay will be faravu n of (J0MPAMY l>nrr»J of their aclJon* therefor M«1RJ vacation of n weak. Ilin rhiin-li. Or BKD HANK th* *Rtrt subsnrlharii Mr». nun Petzold and ilniiglilpr Bed Bank. N. ).. Dated rreehold, N, J., Jylf ||, tOU li" loml to heltor mid MAYTAG Dorothy «ro (pending a fnw dny« IIUBI- -THinn FLOOR— R i li-ndn thrmiKliTlifl lt Apylegale. Btevens, Wmjn * Heoeelll*, ••UlUiuj (rleml* In New York. W Red Blnk. N. )., r,«he,^. Mw Froetor*. HED BANK REGISTER. AUGUST 27. 1936. Flv* Personals. River Plaza. Leonardo. Engagement Party Garden Club Has BACK TO HER SCHOOL DAYS. and at the reunion the found B00 ALSTON BBEBMAJN. persons present who had been or are OfflcM, Hr, +ei Mr*. Clarence Jonea Gray Mrs. Harold Young will riiumi htr Ur e»n bt bought At Little Silver Guest Speaker Mrs- William Ait at Reunion In now enrolled as pupils. The oldest Uotuio from T. X. KJIdnff. HiriT -Little, Old, Bed Schoolhouse." person preient was 85 years of age FissFtsr& of-IfliMcrningBldB flfive, New York, utiei a* a teacher next month alUr :ontfom«rr and Albert J«riniu.) QUDTN, PABSON8 # DOWMQfc •yha/f ft' Bfljiouncea the birth of a. daueh- leave of absence of two years, gha Announcement of the engagement Dewey Patten of Montclalr, a land- and the youngest was 5. Mrs. Ast had Mrs. William Ast of Leonardo on a glorious and happy day meeting ^tTNMEUOM T lAf ^f, EMncei! Elizabeth. The child ill teach at Belford. She was foiru- Glrard Hughes, who Is attending of Mill Judith Mary Avatl, daugh- scape architect, was guest speaker Saturday attended the 100th annlverB- Wfcltfoli mm born August IS at Gotham hoa- rly a member of the teaching corps binapolls naval acedemy, spent a few ter of Mrs. Onorato Avatl of Branch Monday afternoon at a regular meet- old friends and acquaintances and re- John J. Quins. Theodora ft ary reunion of the pupils of the little viving happy school day memories. TaoaM P. Denan* •hltal, ttew York. Mr. Gray Is a for- : this place. layi recently with his parents, Mr. avenue, Little Silver Point, to Rod- ing of the Neighborhood Garden club one-room schoolhouse at Pleasant nwr resident of Red Bank and a The 600 club will meet at the home d Mra. Harry Hughes, at their man Parsons Getty, eon of Mr. and which was held at the home of Miss Run, Hunterdon county. She attend- grindnbn of Mrs. Frank Gray of this f Mrs; Irving Rink Thursday after- ummer home here. Glrard Hughes, Mrs. William J. T. Getty of Littla Marlon Force of Llncroft. Mr. Pat- ed the school when she was a child, Boys can make extra pocket money DR. L. W. CARLBON lhW icon, September 8. short time ago returned on the flag- Silver Point, was announced at a ten spoke on planning small gardens selling The Register.—Advertisement, 8UBGEON CHIROPODIST 3,'lie Register has received souvenir Mr. and Mrs, Frank S. Curtis have ihlp Arkansas from a trip to Europe. tea-dance Saturday afternoon at theand drew diagrams to Illustrate his FOOT AILMENTS home of Mrs. Avati. The birthday points. cards (rom Mrs. Ambrose Matthews iturned home from a trip to th*i will spend his vacation of a O0w Haont Qsllr 10 •• a. to « «, a, and party of Red Bank, who are on 'hit* mountains. onth here beginning Saturday, Aug- of Miss Grace Getty was also ob- Final plans were made for the an- st 29. Glrard still has one year In served. nual (lower show to be held at the Oil Tanks » Septic Tanks Ennlai*! Tuodsy ud ThnMW, a trip through to tho coast. Cards Nancy Meeker, daughter of Mr. and for «»«linnwt phM* 1441. received recently wore from Los An- Irs. Charles Meeker, underwent an e navy before he graduates. - The guests were Misses Marjorle Red Bank Catholic high school audi- 60 geles and Mra. Matthews states they iperatlon for adenoids at the office Mrs. George Patterson has bought Taylor, Janet MacKay, Lois Wllkln- torium next Tuesday. MINER SUPPLY COMPANY BROAD ST. BED BANK. W. i. are having a wondorful time. They if Dr. William Matthews of Red Dodge sedan and traded in the car ion, Mary Klmball Smith, Jean Get- Those attending the meeting were were en route to Beverly Hills when Sank Monday. She is well on the hlch she has been using. ty, Jean Morrow, Virginia Tomp- Mra. John Warren, president, Mrs. W. Front & Pearl Sts. Red Bank 3333 JOHN E. DAY the card waa mailed. Dad to recovery, Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Baker have kins, Marjorio Fisher, Jane Ham- Henry L. Conover, Mrs. Walter Gos- Colonel Mark O. Klmberllng, h^ad Mr, and Mra. John Ashwell, who ixchanged their Buick for a Packard, mel, Esther Dodge and Helen Wyc- ling, Mrs. Henry H. Kohl, Jr., Mrs. Funeral Home of the New Jersey State police, spent loved here last spring from Cran- Mr. and Mrs. John Hughes of Bay- koff. Leon Conrow, Mrs. James H. Matten- mne and their daughter JuIIanne are Also Charles Fleming, Edward lee, Mre. J. M." Osborn, Mrs. Cornel- TIMOTHY R. HOUNIHAN the week-end with Captain an* Mrs. ird with the intention of spending ius Aller, Mrs. Richard Blcknell, PHONE 332. William O. Nlcol of Hubbard park. 18 summer here only, like River ilting Mr. Hughe's mother, Mrs. Elsele, Irving Hance, John Mount, irgaret Hughes, and sister, Mrs. B,William Hardlman, Dr. William Mrs. Samuel Hausman, Mrs. Hamil- Contractor and Builder Broad Bt, Bod Bank Miss Angle Grandlnettl of Maple laza so well that they have decided ton Battin, Mrs. Walter C. Guptll, avenue and Miss Helen Conk of live at this place the year round. \. Scanlon. While here Mr. Hughes Heatley, John T. Lovett, James Sut- I M,rs. Donald Laweg and Misses Sara White street spent the week-end with They occupy the Miller house at the urchased a new Dodge sedan from phen Knott, Dr. John C. Clark, Wil- SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING liam Greenwood, J. Palmer Hough- Armstrong and AbbJe Strickland. SCREEN AND 8TOBM ENCLOSURE? the latter'a aunt, Mra. John Miller orner of Weat Front street and Hub- eo Herbster. TEL. S265-M. iard avenue. Their son; Gilbert Ash- Mr. and Mrs. Irving W. Tceple ton, Peter Hayburn, William Hazel- t0 HUDSON AVE., BED BANK, N. t. of Bayrldge, Brooklyn. HER 81st BBRTHDAY. L. W. Lancaster Mrg. Herman Adler of Washington, vell, will enter University of Illinois lave started a deferred vacation of ton, James Cowan, J. Turnbull, Wil- oon for his junior term. wo weeks. They will spend the time liam Waterman, Lupton White, D. C, Is visiting her son-in-law and Party Held for Mrs. Barbara Koch of Civil Engineer and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Irving M. Mrs. Henry Faasch has returned motoring. James Avatl, Philip MacKay, Mrs. imt from Fltkln hospital, where she Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Mowen're- James French Baldwin, Mr. and Mrs. Betford Saturday. Surveyor Davidson of Bergen place. Rolston Waterbury, Dr. and Mrs.Mrs. Barbara Koch celebrated her CARBURETORS Mr. and Mrs. a. Clark Worthley inderwent an operation, She is much urned from their motor trip to the approved. aclflo coast this week. James Q. VanNostrand, Mr. and Mrs. 81st birthday Saturday with a party Surveys • Plans - Estimate* and children of Oak Park, Illinois, Samuel Beveridge, Lieutenant and Official, Stromberg, Carter and Zenith Service. Carburetors for Mrs. Joseph Hand and her two Miss Frances Brooke, an actress, at her home at Belford. The guests Engineering Constrnctloa formerly of Red Bank, are on an au- Mrs. Ralph H. Davey and Mr. and were Mies Elizabeth Koch and all cars. Big stock of New and Bo-bullt Carbureters. Gas mils- tomobile trip In this section. They laughters and son are sojourning in .nd her' niece, Carol Krone, are ts of Mr. and Mrs. Al W. Cross Mrs. William Hewson. Charles Koch of Hudson Heights; Mr. age checked by Zenith Factory Tester, arrived hore Saturday ana will spend the Adlrondacks after a stay with TOPOGRAPHIC MAPPING Mrs. Hand's father, Eb, Scott. .t their home. Miss Brooke Is the and Mrs. Rudolph Koch and Mr. and Estimates Gladly Gives sad All Work Guaranteed. several weeks with relatives and Mr8. Kohn of Grantwood; Miss Sue friends. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Calcogninl will lorrespondlng secretary of the Pro- Farmhand Dies of Hemorrhage, 20 Battin Road eturn to their home at New York essional Women's league of which Samuel Braham, colored, a farm- Zalch and Mr. Vauxen of Brooklyn; Thomas Packard, who lived in Charles Rauch of Newark; Charles DOUGLAS AUTO ELECTRIC CO. Red Bank eomo 50 years ago and who loon after having spent most of tho Mrs. Crosa k a life member. hand employed by Charles H. Buck Fair Haven, N. J. ummer here. Mrs. Cllndt of Vir- of Marlboro, died Tuesday of a lung Zuenger and Miss Dorothy Devove DOUGLAS A- JBROLMON now resides In Philadelphia and Bum- of Nova Scotia; Mr. and Mrs, Hay- mers In Atlantic. City, was In town ginia recently spent several days with hemorrhage. He was stricken In'the 18 MECHANIC ST, BED BANK, N. J. TEL. 128. Mrs. Calcognlnl, who Is her sister. Navesink. field and died before medical aid nle of Virginia and Miss Barbara Boys can make extra pocket money during tho regatta days. Mr. Packard Kraemer of Belford. called upon a number of his school- Shadow Lake has been fully re- reached him. He was sixty years old. selling The Register.—Advertisement. itored to Its former beauty and con- Mr. and Mrs, Charles Wray have day friends while here. returned from a month's trip to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Havlland our. For several days past water has >een spilling over the new dam. Be-Maine and Canada. nnd Charles Allaire of Buena place, Ira Letts, Jr., has a contract to lay Miss Nan Mahon of Fair Haven and lauso of the drought it required long- r for the lake to become filled with cement floor in the basement of William .Barrett and Miss Marlon Ml Saints rectory and to install a SHOP HERE Barrett of Maplo avonuo have re- ater than had been expected. leptlo tank on the property. JmftiwnnnnjwAjwiwiuin ^"********m*^jfWl turned from a ten-day vacation at After all bills had been paid by Wlndormere, Canada. They made a he NaveBink fire company the pro- trip to Callendcr, Canada, to see the Rumson. ;eeds from' the annual fair this year Dlonne quintuplets. The journey •ere $2,300. This Is the largest sum was mado by automobile. (The Red Bank RojIaUr e>n bi bought he company has ever cleared at Us Week-End Values m Our Quality Markets.' Mrs. Annlo C. Worden of East . Rumion from Herbert Knight, Harrr 'airs. | Front street and her niece, Mrs. Barkan, Fred FIr,n«rt> and Walter Torberl Edith Smith, and Mrs. Smith's daugh- and Mr. Geyer.) Mra. William W. Swan returned ter Jean spent Sunday at Lakewood, J. Lewis Hay, Sr., has as his guest lome last week from Rlvervlew hos- where they visited Mrs. Wordon's pital, where she was a surgical pa- bis daughter, Mrs. Albert N. Rook rent. 1 aunt, Mrs. Lydia Woolley, who lives 3f Newark. LEGS of LAMB with her daughter, Mrs. Louis Fra- Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. McCarter, Miss Florence Holmes, librarian at zee, formerly of Keansburg. he Naveslnk library, is spending a Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Rutgers and vacation in Maine. GENUINE Miss Mary Lambert of Little Silver Mr. and Mrs. George M. Bodman are has returned from a week's visit at Seal Harbor, Maine. Thomas Maxson Is still confined to Klvervlew hospital with injuries re- SPRING with relatives at New Haven, Con- Mrs. J. Ford Johnson, who with necticut. ceived when he was hit by a car. Mr. Johnson has been spending two His condition Is Improving dally and Mr. and Mrs. Ormond Mlnton and weeks at the Dunes club at Narra- family of McLaren street spmt last he may be able to return home with- ganBett Pier, is now visiting her in the next few days. weeic on a vacation trip In New mother, Mrs. Charles J. Flsk, at Your neighborhood American store/is "Headquarters" York state. The date for the drawing for the Woodstock, Vermont. $100 bill to be disposed of on the for Quality Foods for summer menus at money saving Mr. and Mrs. James H. Elkua of Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Balding have Plttsburg, formerly of Red Bank, re co-operative plan for the benefit of prices. Visit it today. returned from England, where they the Naveslnk library has now been turned Saturday from a cruiso to have been living since last spring. Bermuda. definitely set for Monday afternoon, ''Where Quality Counts anclyour Money Coes FutjtKest" Young Legs of Genuine Spring Limb that cook «p Mrs. Edgar Knapp, Mrs. Upshu August 31, at 4 o'clock, and all those tender and savory. A big value at this special week- Mrs. James John of Marlon street Moorhead and Edgar Knapp,, Jr. holding tickets are Invited to be pres- underwent a minor operation Mon- have returned from a week's stay ent at the library at that time. end price. Order yours to-day. day momlng at Rlvorvlow hospital. with Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Mor- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer E. Hodges of rell in the Catsklll mountains. Cut from trio Finest Corn-Fed Steer Beef Winchester, Virginia, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Bayard D. Stout an Sea Bright. Mrs. Hodgcs'a brother-in-law and sis- ^pending two weeks fishing in Can- ter, Mr. and Mre. Louis Mendel of ada. They are staying at the Lau- Blue fishing has slackened up Lake avenue. Miss Gladys E. Leon- EACHES RIB ROAST 25' rentian club. within tho past wek. A few fisher- ard, a sister of Mrs. Hodges and Mrs. Misses Helen and Marlon Filling men made good catches, but most of Choice California fruit packed in a rich sugar Mendel, who has been viiltinfr for aro visiting Mr. and Mrs. E. A. the hauls were light. Prices remained Luncheon Meat SPKXD several weeks In this vicinity, spend- O'Neill at the W&rdman Park ho- ' ing much of the time with her par- good. The fishermen using nets have Buy a dozen cans at this special price. tel at Washington, D. C. been more fortunate than tha hook syrup. ents, Mr. and Mrs. William J. Leon- Mrs. Richard J. Rogers, Sr., Mrs, Smoked Liverwurst * *> 9< ard of Leonardo, la on her way horro and line group. Douglas Edwards and Miss Evelyi The Sea Bright band, under the dl- • to Vermilion, South DakoU, by auto- Porter are spending a week at La largest- mobile. reotlon of Clarence Stovens, will play Boston Mackerel valette. at the harvest home dinner tonight Mr. and Mra. Howard E. Stamm of Erllng Monsen is having a vacatioi at the Oakhurflt Methodist church. size Wllmort Park, who recently returned from his duties as clerk in pollci The wives of members of the first Fresh Weakfish from a two weeks' vacation in Iowa, headquarters. aid squad will bold a card party Fri- cans are now on a trip to Niagara Fall Miss Helen Kerrigan, public healtl 1 day night, September 4, at the Surf Fresh Fruit & VegetubU Speck* and Canada. Mrs. Staram'e sister, nurse, who is on a two weks vaca- bathing pavilion. The proceeds will 25< Mrs. John H. McNally, Jr., of River- tion, will sail' for Bermuda next 17c be used to help pay for an oxygen DHL or SOUR slde Heights, is with them. Mr, week. tank for the ambulance. I qt jars Btamm, a Federal Credit Union in- Mrs. John Mackay and daughter Picknick Pickles vestigator, was formerly employed In Joseph Fary will leave Saturday for 2 Jean of Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, the Red Bank postomce. a month's vacation In Florida. He are spending a two weeks' vacation will make the trip by car. Broadcaster Hash 2 29 Miss Lucy J. Hartman of Drum- with Mrs. Leonard Marthens oi POTATOES Mrs. Sidney Elmer of Center street rnond avenue Is enjoying a tw Rumson and Mr. and Mrs. Herbert spending two weeks with her 8. S. No. 1 GRADE weeks' vacation from hor duties with VanNoto of Broad street, Shrews- daughter, Mrs. Ernest VanScholck of the Works Progress Administration bury. Farmingdale. Borden's CHATEAU Cheese **••*• 15 ^ FRESHLY DUG JERSEY In the administrating office at Anbury Miss Ethel Krauss and Miss June EC Park. Krauss are on a trip to the moun- David John Barry, son of Mr. ani Fair Haven. tains in New York state. Uneeda Biscuits * 3^13? Mrs. David Barry of Fair Havon, waa ^~* NBC baptized Sunday afternoon at St, (The Red Bank Reglater can b« bouchl Church Food Show. 1 in Fair Havaa from Uarry Kurtll and M 10-25 James church by Rov. Francis J, Klppe.) A manufacturers' food and house- RJfz Crackers . 23^21/ Dwyor. The sponsors were Mrs. Mary hold utility show will bo held under Watermelons Corcoran and Thomas Dolly. Mrs. Mary A. Hunter and daugh- -35/ ter, Mrs. Edna' Kerney of Now York, tho auspices of the Baptist church, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore D. Parsoni Maple avenue and Oakland street, Two Layer Cake ORAN«ICNO Cantaloupes of Branch avenue and Miss Bess! spent part of last week with friends here. Friday night, September 11. The Fresh MacQullton of Vleta place sailed Mon. doors will be open at 6 o'clock. Every Solid 5Hcin9 day on the steamship, Duchess ol Mrs. James Butler gave birth to Tomatoes 3 «»• 14< son last Friday at Rlvorview hospital person attending will receive 20 Puritan Marshmallows Atholl.-for a cruiso to Montreal, Que- standard-size products, contributed by bec and Saguenay. Fifty persons, attended a party Sun- Fresii Peas 2n».t9/ day at the home of Mr. and Mm 20 national food and household utll- Among the week-end guests of Miss Jty organizations. leef Betty Cotter of Broad street at the David Barry in observance of th« Rich Milk Bread °^^ family summer homo at Beach Ha- baptism of their infant son. Engagement Announced. Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. McClure o SCRATCH FEEDS ven were David Cashlon, Jr., an Mr. and Mrs. Harold Stout of Mad- 18c can Harold McGackin of Freehold. West Orange spent Sunday with M ison avenue announce the engage- Armour's Corned Beef Mrs. Floyd King of SunBet avenue and Mrs. Austin Harvey. ment of their daughter Helen to Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Egclnni life, bag 67^ 1001b. bag $2.45 Is a surgical patient at Fltkln hos- Leonard M. Marthens, son of Mr. and lad pital. and daughters Nina and Janice hnv Mrs. Leonard Marthens of Rumson. Best Pink Salmon , 10 Mr. and Mrs. Harold Adama o returned from a week's stay at thel asm Peanut Butter 2 P** i«« 29/ Carmol, Now York, have roturne camp at Tlnton Falls. homo after spending a few days wit Mrs. Roy Rosenberg spent the weok-end with relatives at Corona, Dole Pineapple Juice 2t;19.< Victor Coffee ">«»• n°" R°«<«Ifc. 18* Mrs. George RCIBS of Monmoutl itroet. Mrs. EOIBS'S son Joseph 1 Long Island. |MM n Roas|<>lon Mertz and Mrs. Burnett are enjoy Mr. and Mrs. Howard ffi. Morris o Choose from Golden Ginger Ale, Root Beer, Sarsaparilk, River and Hance roads were houm ing a two wockB' vacation from the Lemon Lime, Cream Soda, Pale Dry Ginger Ale, lime duties with the Standard OH compan guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jef LATEST CHOQUIGNOI.K ol Now Jor»oy. ferson over the weok-end at thel Rickey ami Sparkling Water. "Headquarters" for Canning N«eds bungalow on Lake Hopatcong. William E. Chamberlain of He PERMANENT bert street Is laid up with an Injurci Mason Jars •*.*»55/ «••<<<» hand wlilch was Inflicted a few day nffo while hn wna removing a pnn State Hospital. Pillsbury's Flour . CertO SUREJEU . » . boflk on the groundn nf the Oakland atroi Waves $3-50 schoolhniiafl^rho 1««h on the pain Mr. James Cody of tho 0. T. A UUAKANTEEI) Jelly Classes of his hjljBjki °° bndly torn that partment has resigned his position. Happy Baker Flour was unWHJB0 use clnmps to holi Dr. Morgan P. Collo, a formi Oomplotfl Jar Tops . . . • It together." 11 r. Clmmberlnln dentist here, has opened, his office a llilo Includes Haircut, nbout with tho Injured member I Red Hank. Shampoo and Set ''a linnclnK". Cards have boon received fro Crisco fc-«n19* 3»>.can 55* Jar Rubbers . . Mr. and Mrs. Hayden, who are v &KW Hiwlo Cooper of tho Worn Your CSloloe of .00 For All Baking 1 catlonlng at Greenwood Lakes. Genuine Parowax . • n'ir '')ii1> <"irt Minn Mnr«aret Allen any S5o I(«m for and Cooking N««ds ' thft'.,TJV(1i\I IJithnm, New York, lei Miss Helen Sheridan lm» r«turne< Best Pure Lard thln'raornlnK «n a cruise to Nov to hnr stenographic duties after ASCO Spices t . 2oi.PkB. 8/ Bcoil* find Caiindn. vacation. Tho WPA band gave a concert Phone R. B. 3475 Princess Margarine 2 25' ASCO Vinegar r*\\? romantic marrtaga of Flo Zlagfald Miss Betty Jones is a guest for >o Anns HA(d atnedbUrgr **"" the iDjury waa Ixmgo of Passalc. the remainder of the season of her BANK 2W«ld plana th» flrtt «how to Glorify ,' cousins, Misses Ruth and Rose Wil- Albert Morris, aged 95, Keans- STRAND ThaAmarlcanairl * son of South River. Clvll war vet- Zlegfald atarti Eddlg Cantor on road to Miss Adelaide Aspo is visiting her bla homo on LAST TIMES TODAY ! fama paternal grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. itni" W1" n"a"t b>0««"« Zlagfald head John J. Aapo of Freehold. JOE E. BROWN in rand 8talrcaia Spec- Miss .Mildred Newman his re- Mrs. May Rupp and Mrs. Nettle l0CiU Unlt of NaUonal ! turned to her home at this place Jones and daughter Doris art sBend-' f So*laI Just'Ce heW "EARTHWORM TRACTORS" (8ongi "A Pntly «/,; /, ukt a 4f.7»»y •] ; party Uondav ni ht following & two weeks' vacation Ing a vacation at Atlantic City S - i —WITH— S' n!i,Al*dr"y Dlni (Virginia Mrft- 1 spent with her coujin, Miss Eleanore The Geraldine Thompson Repub- A""! * B . MMoorfield, a sum-; utlful howglrl,tollbihave' me r GUY KIBBEE — JUNE TRAVIS t Rivell of Newark. licaican unit has electelected tthh e flfollowinl g ! '"'"en' t of Beacon Beach, has ! Mrs. Thomas Brajinigan and officers: own named program chairman of ROYAI, EMPRESS CHINA FREE TO THE LADIES 1 daughter Mary spent Friday at Perth Pr..ld«nt--Mrl. Edward VoOrt.M. the Essex county Republican -Worn- j moat biautlful boudoir VIM prMldent—Mn. p,n,7 Dtnnli en's club. m wlth Amboy. i Triunrc-Mn. Car. FUlph. FRIDAY and SATURDAY « Miss Jean VanBmnt has returned S.=r.t»rj-_M.-S. M.y Rupp. Thomas A. Gilmour is building an TWO THRDLIXNG FEATURES! Tha Zlagfald Fashion Parada to her home at New York following SeWi" '"* "crtt'rj—Mr'- Viol. En- addition to his home on Maple street, j (Songs "rw NtuirIMM&Bwu a three weeks' vacation spent with Mrs. Benjamin Johnson has re- The C. X A. group No. 1 of the her cousin, Miss Vivian Newman of turned from Monmouth Memorial Methodist church held a food sale on RICHARD ARLEN — CECILIA PARKER in Newman place. hospital at Long Branch, where she the church grounds Saturday after- iSongj!: "IW«7f On You, tliiW, -Qutm Mrs. John E. LuLz of Brooklyn Is was a patient. noon. 'The Mine With The Iron Door" >0/7»« Juntlt':•end -Uu Urn" a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Carrie Beck of Cincinnati Is Gua Balbach, the local boxer, has Nicholas Santa Lucia. visiting Mrs. Howell R. Rowlands. returned from a New York hospital JAMES GLEASON—HELEN BRODERICK in Mrs. Helen Taylor, formerly of this Miss Catherine Connolly was cut where he underwent an operation on place, but who has been living at on the Instep of her right foot while his left arm. "Murder On A Bridal Path" bathing on the beach last Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Boyce ot Long Beach, Long Island, for the EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT AT 9 P. M. past four months, has taken up her She was taken In the ambulance of Rockland Lake, N. Y., have been residence again In the Beasley house the First Aid squad to Keansburg, visiting Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Doran of RADIO AMATEUR CONTEST on Church street. where her injury was attended to by Center avenue Miss Marie Boylan of Jersey City Dr. Femen. A Monte Carlo party and flower SUNDAY — MONDAY — TUESDAY was a week-rind jjuest of her brother- show was held Tuesday afternoon at in-law and sister, Mr. and Mra. T. J. Receiver for Trocadcro the home of Mrs, Amelia B. Moor- FBEVIEW SAT. NIGHT AT 11:15. Franzen. Walter Fox of Asbury Park has field on Shore boulevard, Boecon been named as receiver for the Trco- RUTHLESS CONQUEROR Chorus'gtrl'a mlabahivlor oauaaa Anns' The West Keanshurg (lie company Beach. The affair wan given as a HaldtolaavaZlggla adero, swanky West End night club benefit for the Women's International has ended a successful contribution the proprietors of which filed a vol- OF THE YUKON! spactacular Sixty Club BaflatHotafAator drive (or funds in this locality. League for Peace. Mrs. Moorflcd is Zlagfald maata-propoaaa-andlaaccaptad state chairman of the Now Jersey EXQUISITE WOMAN by buutlful Blllla Burka (Myrna Loy) unit of the league. The flower dis- Anna Hald with braaklng haart tala at Ocean Grove. FROM "OUTSIDE"! phonaa Zlgola congratulatlona f Llona. tlgvra and Zlagftld baautlaa (n' Mlsa Orton of New York Is spnnd , amailng "Animal flallat" starring Ing her annual, three weeks' vacation Love called with the voice Harrltt Hootor , at the homo of her brother, William It Costs No More to Buy the Best at that makes mate know; mate I Tha world'a graitaat ahowman bankrupt' Orton, on Laurel avenue. Mr. Orton Zlggi* comti back with lour graatait showa on Broadway! RIO RITA, THRU has been confined to his home for MUSKETEERS, ROSALIE, KID BOOTS flomo tlmo with rheumatism. Tha curtain rlnga down on thafabuloua John Czerko has returned to his. ttory of THE OREAT ZKQFELO, tha nome at New York following a two mott atnaatlonal amirtalnmant avtr pra- weeks' stay at tho home of his aunt, tantad on 8taaa or 6cr«anl. Mrs. Katliorlne Dickey. Mias Vivian Newman of thin place find Miss T)orothy Benson of Key- MARKET ! port have returned to their positions with the 11. & T. Belt Manufacturing EST. 19O2 company on Creek rond. Mrs. Lucas Lenowich has accepted 123 WEST FRONT STREET a position at Keyport. Mr. and Mia. Fred Klepp attended PHONE: Red Bank 678. tho dinner-dnnco given by tho Metro- FUEE BELIVEKY. FREE PARKING IN REAR Off MARKET. politan Life Insurance- company at the Molly Pitcher hotel at Red Bank SPECIALS FOR THURS., FRI. & SAT.! last Saturday evening In honor of Salvatoro Cusumann, who completed : starring WILLIAM POWELL* MYRNA LOY* LUISE RAINER 20 years of service with tho com- Maxwell House Coffee pany. i ! IN A CAST OF 50 STARS! including Virginia Bruce, Frank Morgan, Minn TjtmluR Ilubor has returned | Dietz'g Special COFFEE ft. 19c 25 Fannie Brice, Ray Bolgor, Nat Pendloron, Harrier Hoctor, Ernest Cossart, to her dullcii us ntudent nursa at St. Michael'a honpltnl nt Newark follow- FRESH-MIXED Reginald Owen, Joseph Cawthoi'n, and 300 Gorgeous Girls ing a vacation npent with her moth- er, Mra. Kntherlne Hubcr. Mrs. Inna UtiTurn linn fully re PERFORMANCES PROMPTLY at 2:00, 6:00 and 9.00 P. M. Fancy Fowl Whit, F.n», covered from her rncent IllneHH. 27*lb % • mil ion Tho West Keansburg public school fFRYERS and BROILERS will reopen for thn 103(1-37 term on of B«k «nd 3 SHOWS DAILY! Tuesday, September 8. Tho same teachers will bo employed as lnst year. Mm. IKMIIB Denprcaux of Ited Spring Legs Lamb Pricet for Thii Attraction Only—Matinee and Evening. flunk 1* tho principal. Her n»als!- (AIX HISSES) JO ' »nt» are Mrs. Holen Grehuu Dough erty, Mls« Mary JVooley, both of Key- IR All Seats om 40c port, and Mra, Mary Mulhern of thin SLIM SUMNbtRVILLE place. Mr. Harder la the janitor. Large Jersey Eggs 45' ' CHARLES WIIWIINGER Loge 55c Ml»ae« Virginia Murray, Doris WHITE OK BBOWN Jt CF Murray, Victoria Lenowlcli, Helen WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY M»««nvlcli, Thelma, Walling, Alice Lambaracm »nd Beatrice Voorhees HUMPHREY BOGART—BEVERLY ROBERTS Children AIXTMES ...... 10C Will enter Koynort high school next Fresh Chopped BEEF month •* flrst-year students. Wil- The Talk of the Town "TWO AGAINST THE WORLD" liam Bohanck, Vrank Thorn* ana Emma Bchnnok will ent«r Ui*lr 1TREE CHINA TO THUS LAD1KH 1 Notice-No "Early Bird" Prices! ••»•»•»#>•«•••» RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27. 1936. Key port Man Killed JBelford. Sunday morning at 10 o'clock at St ware hare Sunday making prepara- Clement's church and there will be tions for the club's annual costume Lincroft. Headden's Corner. a flve-ralnute address. I By Auto Truck > 23- ager, Second United States Civil Ser- Mrs. D. K. Wentworth Is able to be avenue. , vice district, Federal building, Chris- about after a two-weeks' illness. Henry and George Zwipf and J. topher street, New York. Apply not Mr. and Mrs. Herbert C. Giles and Hahn of Jersey city, Arthur Lock- The Red Bank Register travels Milk Milk Loin loiter than Friday, September 4. over every street In town and every Fancy daughter Betty, Miss Helen Smith wood of Union City and Rudy road in the county. Let It carry your and E, L. Meeker motored to New Esehenburg of New York, members message to those who live on these Fed Fed Brunswick on Monday. 01 the Twlnllght club of Highlands, thoroughfares.—Advertisement. VEAL VEAL Hazlet. Miss Claire Lingo returned home ID Saturday after spending a two-weeks' IiEG Rump ib. 11 (Tho Red Binlt Reiflitir em b« bought vacation with relatives In Ohio. .a. In Haxlat 1mm Mr«. Edna M. W. Feuux.) Hubert Lingo bas been transferred VEAL VEAL 24 Cutlet from the Atlantlo and Paclflo gro- 21 Mrs. J. Frank Welgand of the 19 29 Holmdel turnpike entertained with a cery store at Campbell's Junction to ADMIRA BEAUTY SHOP Breast Veal 9c Neck Veal 9c ChopBib Veasl Chops 19o Shoulder Veal lie Silver-Seal luncheon and health lec- one In Keanshurs. ture at her home on Wednesday af- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stewart and son SPECIAL • ternoon. The guests were Mrs. Har- Wayne of Brooklyn spent th« week- ry Gould, Mrs. William McFarland, end as guests ot Mr. and Mrs. Peter Morreil's Hamsib 27-Eound or Sirloin Roast ib 27c Mrs. Charles A. Poole, Mrs, D. V. Carroll at their home here and at Sherman, Mrs. Lester Leach, Mrs. Asbury Park. PERMANENT WAVE (WHOLE) Olive Johnson, Mrs. Charles Straub Mr. and Mrs. James Bartholomew " and Mr. and Mrs. William Hugh Ry- spent Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Entire Head der. Mrs. Charles F. Straub was Coleman of Long Branch. CHUCK STEAK or ROAST ft. 17c CHASE & SANBORN COFFEE .... Ib. 24c awarded,a can of polish. Mrs. Wel- Mr. and Mn. Alton White spent No Extras gand was given a piece of Silver-Seal. the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Mon- LOIN SPRING LAMB CHOPS tb. 33c GRANULATED SUGAR ..10 tb«. 47c Joseph R. L. Jackson, represents roe Watson at their summer home in ' tlve of a metal corporation, served MUford. FANCY VEAL PADDIES ft. 29c LIBBY'S All Green ASPARAGUS ....2 cans 51c a luncheon at the home of Mrs. Leon Mr. and Mm. James Bartholomew , .oo Hardy on Tuesday afternoon. The visited Mr. and Mrs. Garrett Jones of j SMOKED SLICED HAM tb. 39c KIRKMAN'S LAUNDRY SOAP ... 7 for 25c guesta were Mrs. Emma T. Rudlger, Marlboro one day last week. Mrs. Robert T. Woolley, Mrs. George Mrs. Harold Tarnow and children, , 2 — BUTCHERS WANTED — LARGE RINSO pkg. 18c O'Reilly and Miss Ethel Jackson of Mrs. MUford VanBrunt and son and DAILY SPECIALS Woodbrldge. In a name contest a Mrs. Earl Yarnall and children spent BROOKFIELD ROLL BUTTER tb. 36c PIN MONEY MIXED PICKLES ...... qt. jar 29c can of polish was awarded to Miss last w«elc at Seaside Park. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursdays Ethel Jackson, The hostess was pre- Mrs. C. E. Kauftman of Baltomorc sented with a piece of Silver-Seal by Is visiting h»r brother, Frank Yar- YOUNG DAISY CHEESE tb. 29c GOOD HONEST COFFEE 3 lbs. 39c Mr. Jackaon. nall. 25c each item The Crescent club of St. John's Mrs. Barbara Koch celebrated her Methodist church held a hot dog TAXK full me Plus 81st birthday Sunday with a gather- Friday and Saturday pints A Deposit roast at tho home of Mrs, Walter Ing of friends, , Cloverdale DRY Ginger Ale Sparkling Water Smalo on Thursday evening. Miss Ethel Jackson has returned to Mrs. Starke and daughter of New York spent laat week with Mrs. Ella 35c each 3 for 90c her home at Woodbrldge after a vlg- Beech Miracle f It at the home of Mrs. Emma. T. Powell. Whip flW Peiseux. Ralph, Poling was visitor at Asbury MIBS Eva Doan has returned home Park last week. Nut 2 lbs from a visit with relatives on Long Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cook and ADMIRA BEAUTY SHOP Lima Canta- Salad Island. children were recant guests of Mr. 10 Broad Street, R d Bank, N. J. P. Otto Welgand visited relatives and Mrs. Powell of West Keanaburg. e Beasts 13 loupes 13 Coffee 55 DRESSING 37 Mr, and Mrs. Stanlsy Cook enter- at Anthony on Sunday. For Appointment Cajl Red Bank | 779 Fun poa Hearts ot Gold l'inlg 23o Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Welgand tained as dinner guests Saturday Mr. and Bons, Jack and Bob, left by au- and Mrs. Al Bell and children Jean 1 tomobile on Saturday on a trip and Dennis, Mrs. Frank Warnock and through tho Now England states. Mlts Theresa Soli of Jersey City, Mr. Large Fancy No. 1 Jersey Potatoes S! / 59c Mrs. Elmor A. Bahrenburg, who and Mrs. A. 15. Langford and daugh. undorwent (in operation for appendl- tcr Marlon and Daniel Slaver. cltlcs at Rlvorvlew hospital, Red Mr. and Mrs. Jamea Lowell and son -SEA FOOD- Bunk, returned homo on Tuesday. James of Rldgefleld spent Sunday Fruits and Vegetables Marjorte, Leonla and Edgar Mott with Mrs. Lowell's mother, Mrji. Eloi Notice To Our havo returned to their home at Grlmsrd. Extra Fancy YELLOW ONIONS ...5 tbs. lie JERSEY BLUEFISH Ib. 19c Brooklyn after a visit with friends In Mr. and Mrs. Gorman of -Asbury Hazlet. Park spent Baturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Smith, GUESTS And FRIENDS Fancy No. 1 SWEET POTATOES . .. .5 lbs. 13c BONITA MACKEREL tb. 9c Mrs, Stanley B, Cook give a sur- State Hospital. prlie miscellaneous shower for Mrs. Extra Large EGG PLANTS each 5c PRIME SOFT CRABS doz. $1.09 John Dillon, formerly Madollne. Dln- Mlns Ruth Bchrelber Is spending nen, on Baturday evening. Othora The Finest Water Carnival FANCY FRESH PLUMS ...2 tbs. 15c FRESH CRAB MEAT tb. 49c her vacation at Greenwood Lakes, present btilde* Mrs. Cook and Mrs. N. Y. Dillon were Mrs. Henry Knockle, Dr. Louis X. Kollplnakl was s New Mr>. Harry Langs, Mr. and Mra. of the season will take place Extra Large GREEN PEPPERS .... each lc FRESH LARGE SHRIMPS .... tb. 29c Havon visitor ovor tho week-end. David Bobnoor, Mr. and Mrs. Koeh- Miss Torana Oalovloh spent the ler, Mr. and Mm. Dlnmon, Mrs. A. K. FANCY SUMMER SQUASH 2 tbs. 5c JUMBO SOFT CRABS doz. $1.49 weekend at tho home of her parents Langford, Miss Eleanor Dlnmen, Minn Wed. Night, Sept. 2, 8:30 P. M. at Trenton. Marion Langford, Miss Verona Mis* Marjorle Travis has rrnlgned Sohnoor, Gordon Dlnn«n, Stanley B. Armour's Cloverbloom Selected EGGS doz. 39c STRICTLY FRESH EGGS .... doz. 49c nor position at the honpltal and will Cook, Mr. snd Mrs. Dillon warn at the Casino Beach and Pool on spend the summer nt Bea Bright, married In June and they expect to Mr. nml Mrs. Howard Borden havo go housekeeping In September on OCEAN AVENUE NORTH LONG BRANCH C returned from a trip through Massa- Long Island. Macaroni, Spaghetti or Noodles 3 tor 25 chusetts. Nl'ONSOKEl) AND 8UPKBVI8EI) I1Y Misses Katlierlno and Mary C««ro- Mrs. Elol Orlmard spent Frlilny •evlta spent the week-end at the and Baturday at Jonei, whern home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. •he took part In open air opera per- THE CASINO Martin C«erv»evlt» of Iloehllng. formance*. NEXT WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur 8. banning ar« Mrs. Prad Smith, Mrs. Btanlny Birnttnt Saturday and taught M fish, STAR PREMIUM DELITES tb. 37c LEAN STEWING LAMB ,..3 flu. lis *n T]ma orpfeMUft MI BM Bfc A Mnrlo* tor Many will ba h«ld Pace Eleht RED BANK REGISTEB, AUGUST 27, 1986. Barefoot Yacht Seeded Players Robins Bow To JLocal Kiders l ake Talkative Twirler -By Pap Spring Lake Honors Club Is Having Survive In Labor Riimson, 9 to 3 William Haviland of UtU* Bllv.r, Team Wins Title a member of the. WUl« Farm Biding A Busy Summer Day Tournament RunuoniUi Get Off to Early club, won the Good Hands oup Sat-Shrewsbury Bowlers Defeat Start, Netting 7 Runt in Seo urday In the Spring Lake bone show at tha7 summer stable of the. Mont. Aeerr. Bdkery to Win Red Boat Race* Held Every Friday Willard Rinehart Only Star ond Frtuno — Errors Prove clalr Riding club la Sea Oirt He B«nk Summer League Cham- Forced to Three Seta in Sec- EVERY'NOW Costly for Fair Haven. ' took a blue ribbon In which special pionship. , V, Morning by Red Bank Organi- horses wer» used, ond Round Matches Orer AND WEN HE STOPS zation Consisting of 23 Boy« TALKIKJS IONO The Rumson A. C. team had no Anna Louis* Campbell of Shrews- The Smoke Shop tavern on Tues- Week-End on VanVli«t Court* trouble in defeating the Fair Haven bury, also a member of th« Little day defeated the Acerro bakery team and One Girl. EMOUGM TO WIU A, Robins Bunday afternoon at Rum- Farm Riding club, who took the Good BALL SAME in 3 games to win the Red Bank eon, the final score being 9 to 3. Four Hands cup for riding side saddle In ••irnmer bowling league championship Hed Bank's latest Juvenile organ! The Judgment of the, tournament errors by Worden Grooms, Fair Ha- the Elberon horse show, took a third latlon l» the Barefoot Yacht club. committee was vindicated on the -jr 1038. The Swimming River ven shortstop, accounted for 2 of th»place In horsemanship for girls and country club and the Shrewsbury Ita meeting place, a large boathouse VanVllet courts during tho past Rumson runs. The others were made boys who as yet have not reached 14. In the rear of the residence of Mr. -week-end as the eight seeded play- ; dairy finished in a tie for third, 16 on 7 hits. "Red" Kerr, who started She la the daughter of Mr«. Margaret games behind the Bakers. '< and Mrs. Borden L. Hance on West era advanced to the quarter-final for the Robins, was replaced by Phil Rue Campbell of Sycamore avenue. Front street, has recently been re- round of the annual Labor day Kgeland during the last half of the Tho Dairymen defeated the Recre- painted, and prominently displayed Miss Quptll, daughter of Mr.ations In 3 games on Tuesday and singles' tournament second IU he had been touched for and Mrs. Walter C. Guptll of Shrews- j on the front of the building facing Only one of the favorites was car- 3 hits. Egeland held the Rumsonltes Leddy & Son won 2 out of 3 from the river la an attractive sign bear- bury, took a third place In the Good Swimming rlvor. ried to three seta in his second-round a hits during the, T Innings in Hands 'event and placed second In g rvor. Ing the name of the club and the.match. Willard Rinehart of Atlantic which he pitched. FINAL SSTANDINO OP TRAMS. likeness of two bare feet. Charles the pairs of saddle ponies, bareback h PA HS Highlands dropped the first set to Al- Rumson made the second their big horsemanship, and took a fourth Sraok. Shop Tavarn 86 88 054.87 1,078 K. Champlln is the aitlst and the Acorm Bakery 4 10 Bigs la a gift from Maurice Schwartz, bert Berlow of Red Bank and then inning, A double by Mike Brlceae, place in the class for horsemanship 8 075.18 1,007 put on the pressure to win by 4-6, Swlmralni„.. ...t . Illve*••'«»r ....1 iw0 .IU 80S.40 I.OIB father of Arnold Schwartz, one of singles by Truex and Rankln, two for glrla and boys between the agee 1.077 6-2, 6-4. John Hlgglns faltered In his of 14 and 18. Bhraw.bury Dairy .... 10 20 80R.41 the members. The members have passes to first and an error by Leddy a Son ..... n 2S 887.12 1,009 painted the building and built a float second let against William Blair, but Grooms netted 7 runs. The Robins Bid Bonk Recreatioo n 8 87 887.1887.18 08088 and dock. won In straight sets, 6-1, 7-5. made 3 In the sixth and Rumson add- Tuttle finished first in tho Individ, J. B. Rue extended Allaire Cornwall ual averages with DUlione a close Boat races are held every Friday ed 2 more in the seventh. The score: Mrs. Gar Wood to two rather close sets, Cornwell HUMSON. second, Louis Acorra was third. The morning arid meetings take place winning, 0-3, 6-4. Lyman Mlddledltch every Friday night The club has AB B H PO A s Here For Regatta final averages of the 10 loading bowl- won easily from Elmer Smith, 6-1, Tru«. cf ..-.. -. S 1 1 1 0 0 ers who participated In 20 or more 24 members, 23 boys and one girl, the 6-2. Nelson ROBO took the measure Cook, 3b 6 I 1 J 1 latter being Barbara Sayre. Most of MoLaughlln, 2b. ...- 5 0 > 1 Among the distinguished regatta games follow: of Lupton Whlto, 6-3, 6-1 and Harold Dane, c 4 2 i 4 0 AVE HS the members own sailboats of the 1 0 visitors was Mrs. Gar Wood of De- TutUa ...... 203.94 858 Potter overwhelmed Walter Rice, 6-1, Brittle, If. « a l llona tneakbox type and they participate 6-1, Paul Lefevre, defending cham- Itankin, aa. .... i o l 0 0 troit, Michigan, who came Bast to Dllllona 203.14 267 In Frank Dlckman's mosquito fleet Smith, lb. « o is < o see her son. Gar Wood, Jr., race In L. Acorra 200.2 2T.B pion, trounced Frank McKenna, 6-0, 0 0 Taylor 107.88 251 races as well as In the contests held TUB GIANTS CAN 3WK Tilton, rf. — 2 tho outboard events. •lorrli by their own club. The races will be 6-2. Dlet», rf - 2 0 0 1117.84 251 ON GOOD OLD FRAHK, Koneakl, p. 8 o o GueatB at the Molly Pitcher during .ieniEopana ion.ii 244 continued throughout the summer A very high brand of tennis Is ex- J. Acerra 1112.7 2HQ and part of the fall, and prizes which pected from the meetings of the seed- 98 0 7 37 102 01 the regatta Included Melvln Crook, a 8trykcr . 11)2.2 207 have not yet been selected will be ed stare in the quarter-final round of PAIB HAVEN. winner in the regatta, his father and "lerrill """ 100.}8 .287 awarded. the tournament on Sunday morning. THAT LINE PBIVE ABB EFOA I mothor, Mr. and Mra. Wilbur Crook, : Grooms, ia. 8 114 8 4 George C. Rels of Bolton Landing, The road to hotter and bigger busi- The club owes Its odd name to At 10 o'clock Potter will oppose Cap- HE STOPPEC? WITH SABL.EJ2. HAS IT ON Arnone. Sb. -. 4 0 10 10 tain Jack Merrltt of Fort Hancock. New York; George Cannon of New ness leads through Tho Register's ad- Charles E. Burd of Conover lane. HIS HEAD IN KANSAS PlZZV P6AW |M B. Eseland. lb. 4 0 0 B 0 0 vertising columns.—Advertisement. Last summer he directed a number Tennis fans will remember that "Cap- K«tt«l. 2b. 4 0 0 2 8 0 Rochelle, New York, L. H. Crafts of tain Jack" scored a major upset in CITY AUY EXPLAIN THArWE POPS OFF Bleu*, If 4 0 12 0 0 Wllliamsport, Pennsylvania, and J. J. of races for Juvenile boat owners, HIS BEHAVIOR-. Henry, of. 4 0 0 10 0 and at the end of the season he made last year's tournament by defeating IN POETKV AS A. Eecland, o. S 1 1 4 1 0 Mullln of Richmond, Virginia. the suggestion that the youths or- Rinehart. Also at 10 o'clock Rine- WE-LL AS LaBiondn, rf. 2 112 0 0 Among the newspapermen regis- hart will meet Cornwell, who is at- Maiiaroppl. rf. 10 0 0 0 0 tered at the Molly Pitcher were ganize under tho name of the Bare- FWO8S Kerr. P 0 0 0 0 1 0 foot club with the advent of the next tempting to regain his title honors of P. Iceland, P. 8 0 10 1 Frank S. True of the Now York Sun, boating season. The name is appro- past seasons. Everett B. Morris of the New York priate because of the fact that the At 11 o'clock Johnnie Hlggins, who 82 ( • >4 » 4 Horald-Trlbune and Clarence K, Seoro by Innlnsa: GOLF members frequently go about bare- held the Shrewsbury championship Alt Rtjhti Reached bj TO* Auoclllta h«W Fair Haven .. 00000800. 0—8 Lovojoy of the Now York Times, AT footed hot only while sailing their for several successive years, will en- Jlurnson 070OO0S0 x—8 boats but also in their other sportive counter lib old rival, Nelson Rose, la momenta. They have a fine bathing what Bhould be a spirited contest. At No Dog Racing OLI] ORCHARD beach on a property adjoining the the same hour Lefevre, 1035 cham- Eatontown Course Kance residence grounds. Field Club. In pion, will oppose Lyman Middleditcb. Record Is Broken At Long Branch CODNTHYCLUB The club Is a social as well as a The meeting of these two Atlantic Visitor* Walooma yachting organization. Feasts are Highlands players should also prove ROD AND GUN Lok Dully Fe«i Ten-Inning Tie The dog racing track at Long frequently held in the boathouse, and, a most Interesting match. Lee Fowler, an entertainer at Ross- ©EOHGE SULLIVAN, Pro.'^ In addition to sailboat racing, swim- The semi-final and final matches In Fenton farms, set a new amateur Branch remained closed Monday ming, bathing, horseshoe games, kite Fruit Industries Team, Their Op- night although no announcement had Motunouth Road—Rout* No. 4 both singles and doubles tournaments By NIBLICK. course record Saturday at Monmouth Btlwtin Wwtt tvng Branch and Eatontown flying and various other pastimes are will be played during the Labor day ponents Sunday, Had to Leave Humor from Manasquan has It that County Country club by scoring a 69 been made to the publlo that the enjoyed. Dues of ten cents a month track would not open. Myer Goldberg, week-end. The schedule of thes< Swimming River. to Catch Boat—Leonardo F. big-game fishing boats soon may over tho par 71 course. He cut 1 are charged and the money Is being matches will be announced In next carry a new Item of equipment It stroke off tho amateur record, held prealdent of tho Kennel club, now husbanded to buy a stove go that The first real golf cluba were made C. Next Sunday. seems that since a big tuna and some by Phil Perkins since 1031. faces a law suit by the city of Long meetings can be held in the boat- week's Register. about 250 years ago and resembled , Ellsworth The summaries: whits marlln have been landed at the Fowler, who got off to a bad start Branch to collect rent. The rental house during the winter. The club hockey sticks. The heads were made Manasquan River ports, somebody was to be $1,000 for each night the .members . anticipate transferring Labor day ilnglM, second round—Paul of beech, very long and narrow, In The Fruit Industries baseball nine on the first hole by taking a 6 on a LeFevra defeated Frank MoKaona, 6-0. and the Navesink Field club team has decided that big-game anglers par 4 bole, finished the out-going nine track was operated. Only one pay- their activities from sailboatlng to 6-2: Lymon Mlddlediteh defeated Elmer sets or five or six clubs, including ment of $1,500 has been. made. iceboating In cold weather. Some of played a 3 to 3 tie game at Atlantic should have a little more privacy holes with a 36, 1 over par. He came VINES Smith, 6-1, 6-2; Willard Rinehart defeat- the putter, which also had a beech when they are hooked into a flsh. back with a 34, 3 under par. He the members own iceboats and It is ed Albert Berlow, «.«, 6-2, 6-4; Allaire head. They were spliced, glued and Highlands Sunday afternoon. It WSB Vincent Richards expected that tho list will be en-Cornwell defeated J. B. Bu«. n-S, 6-4: John a pitcher's battle from the start and Fashion heretofore has dictated dropped 6 birdies and played nine Hizgini defeated William Blair, 6-1, 7-5boun; d on to hickory shafts. The par holes. WIND WRECKS CAMPS. George Lott larged by the time the river freezeB Nelson Rose defeated Lupton White, 6-8, Post for the home nine held the New that a boat hooked Into a big flsh cluba had various degrees of loft and Yorkers to five scattered hits, two should fly some kind of a flag, often up. 6-lj Harold Potttr defeated Walter Rice, were named "play club" for the driv- His card as comared with that of Soldiers on Maneuvers Have Exciting Berkeley Bell 6-1, 6-1; Captain Melritt defeated Benja- of which came in the very first inn- a towel or handkerchief, to warn other Several times this summer groups er, "long spoon" for the brassie, "mid par on each hole ia as follows: Time Tuesday Night min VanVliet, 6-0, 6-1. ing and acounted for a run. Five boats out of the Immediate vicinity Out of boys have made over night camp- spoon," "short spoon" and "baby PROFESSIONAL scoreless frames followed, but Post and to obviate danger of said boats Fowler 635 58S 884—it The heavy thunder storm Tuesday ing trips on an Island near Humson spoon" for approaching. and they expect to make more be- temporarily lost control In the unnlng over the line. Par 484 444 844—84 night wrought havoo to the etate TENNIS EXHIBITION Little's Team It is remarkablo how well aome of seventh inning and passed the first But the latest device recommend- Fowler - 858 484 485—84—' camp at Sea Girt and to the tempor- fore cold weather sets in. On these the old timers did with such crude Singles - Doubles outings the boys do their own cook- two batters. An Infield out advanced ed Is an aerial bomb, one to be ex-par 454 485 4SJ—S7—71 ary camps of soldiers engaged in war ing and other housekeeping. Wins Two Games equipment. Later came the lofter the men on bases and when Fred ploded when a big flsh is hooked, an- maneuvers near Farmlngdale. The CONVENTION HALL and cleek. They formed a very great Mohr went away out of his territory TENNIS VICTOBS. In the sailing tournament Ray- other to be exploded when said flsh heavy wind tore tents from their ASBURY PABK Bill Little's baseball team was vic- Improvement to the set. attempting to catch Booth's long fly, mond B. Lippincott, better known as is landed or lost. The bomb is to Invitation Ladles' Doubles Tourney utakes and carried them many feet. "Rod," owner of the Puffin, leads torious this week In two games when Cleek makers were famous in both runners scored when Mohr serve as a warning not only to other Parts of the camp at Sea Girt were Thursday night they traveled to those days. Of course they made droped the ball. Held at Eatontown. SATURDAY, AUG. 29th with 42 points. The runner up is Ed- fishing boat* but to ocean liners, submerged In water. Col. Lewis B. 8:30 p. m. wards Rullman, with 40 points with River Plaza and defeated the OrloleB, loiters and later nlbbllcks. About men-of-war or other unimportant An invitation ladles' tennis doubles' Ballantyne, In command of the 102d this time the famous Willie Park Navesink collected six hits off two his Oscar. Borden T*. Hance, Jr., Is8 to 2, and Monday night defeated visiting hurlers for their three runs, craft which may be cruising In thetournament was held at Monmouth cavalry ordrered that the maneuvers Tickets $1, few at $1.50 In third place with 37 points with his the Methodist church team on Mc-goose-neck putter came on the mar- vicinity, that a flsh Is hooked and County Country club over the week- b* continued. ,_ (plug tux) ket and it caused Quite a sensation two of which came in the third Inn- Tip Top. The other contestants, the Claskey'a field, 4 to 2. Joe Soverlo, Ing and they went scoreless for flva they should change their course to end with Mrs. Albert Willg«rodt of ALL SEATS BKSEBVED names of their boats and the points pitching for Red Bank against River In tho golfing world. Innings but knotted the count In theavoid any complications. the Shrewsbury Tennis club and Mljs Aphrodite Wins Itaoo. Phono 4040 or 6723 they have won are as follows: Plaza, struck out 11 opposing bat- Now let's see what has happened ninth when J. Tully singled to right, Mary Ann Selling of the Sycamore ters. Tomorrow night the Hed Bank to the progress of the golf club for Edward C. Fiedler's Imoekabout Wolon Hiuimmi, Polly Wore 12 stole second and came home on a English Challenge tor Louis. Tennis club being victors In a round Aphrodlta and his new 20-foot ecow- Arnold Bohwarts, Anything ...... 1] earn will play tho Highlands Amer- the last 60 years. close play at the plate when Ski robin contest with 56 points. Barbara Sayre, Pop Eye 10 ican Legion team on the Westside In 1897 Harry Vardon joined. A. G. Promoter Mike Jacobs at Now type boat, marconl rig, finished first Rolurt W. Mend. Snap 7 A. C. diamond. rolled weakly to second. The visi- York said he received a telegram last Mrs. tiaurote fl. Ylvlsaker of the and second, respectively, In Satur- Austietna 3chweers, Undertaker 5 Spaldlng and toured America giving tors protested the decision but it Shrewsbury Tennis club and Miss The box scores: exhibitions to promote the interest Thursday bidding for the services of day's race over the Rumson Country A number of other members have stood and after lengthly arguments Joe Louta, Negro heavyweight, for a June Mandevllle of the water Witch club course on the South Shrews- boats which they Intend to race la- KED DANK. of the game. He brought his clubs finally took their turn at bat in the Tennis club were second with 61 from England and Spalding made bout with Ben Foord, British Empire bury river. The morcont rig craft has ter in the season. The club takes ABIE tenth Inning and then had to hurry heavyweight champion, probably to points. _ _ _ pride in the fact that two of its mem- Bublin, c .-. « 11 copies of them and called them the to catch an early Sandy Hook boat two centerboards. It was sailed by P. Little 8 b. .... 4 1 1 "Vardon Flyer" coif clubs. bo held in London. Jacobs replied Richard Mueller. William B. Potts' bers won Central Jersey champion- O'Csllaghan, lb. .'_ .... 4 8 1 f the return to New York. The that Louis would be available for a Union Auto Baces. ships in a recent meet at Long W. Little, » 4 0 1 home players were deprived, there- Jazz was third and W. Dlnsmore guarantee of $100,000 or 42H per cent The battle for the A. A. A. Eastern Banks' Oriole fourth. Branch. Edwards Rullman holds Copperthwaite. 2b. ..._„._._.„. t The Keach boys and Curtlss, who fore, of a time at bat in the ten Soverlo, p m.^ . 4 of the gate. statea dirt track auto racing title will this title In the sneakbox class and Sohucker, If were with Spalding at that'time, got nning. again be reeumed at the Union speed- Thomas IJoyd has tho same distinc- Gibbons, rf ... 2 together and figured that these clubs Victor at Match TIay. J. Little, cf. - 8 The game was largely attended Scientists for years have been try- way Thursday night, September 3, In YOU RE THE JUDGE tion in the snipe* class. could be Improved upon. They and the Fruit Industries, Ltd, cham- Allan Huntington won the match In the horseshoo tournament Ing to locate the spawning places of he final floodlight meet of the season. TMIRE K 0.1Y ONE WAY TO JUDAS started out substituting dogwood for pions of the Distillers' league, striped bass, but have not had much The 15-mlle final will offer 36 chooi- play against par tourney Sunday at ,MUIE UNIN6-BY PCKfOtUUNCe Frank Hadley is leading. RIVER PLAZA. beech and installed a leather face. brought many visitors with them. success until recently, when men em- Swimming Rlvor Country club when AKO-THi KW IT KWORMi HNNM AB It H plonshlp points. Time trials otart at WON HOV IT « HAM WrlrCH IN 1UHM Th» oflicerB of the club are: Pig skin was substituted for sheep The game was sponsored by the Bea- ployed In biological survey work 5 p. m. with tho first event at 8:45he turned In a card of 1 down, Alox 0. Glanser. <*'• -.-.. 8 0 akin for the grip. This in turn gave vnm WNOUY UPON THE IKIU. Commodore—Edwards Rullman. Wllaon, p I 1 con Hill Golf club of Atlantic High- along the Hudson river discovered p. m. _ Wilde took second honors being 2 President—Sliruard Thompson. Petttt. an J 0 0 way to calf skin. Later persimmon lands. Next Sunday the Navesink striped bass flngerllngs 60 miles up ANP CMAMCTIR Of TNI MAKER.. Vlea praaldent—Thomm IJoyd. Colaiia, 8» 8 0 0 was used for hcad3 and has been down and Joseph Ghczzl. Charles Treasurer—Horden L. Hance, Jr. 1. Glas»«y. rf. . J 0 1 Field club and the Leonardo Field :rom the mouth of tho river. The Motorcvclo Meet at Union. Schneider and Joseph Menzzopane uncsTds tnu MAINTAINS TMJ LEAD used ever since. imall flsh were found Blightly north AS IK LAUifT MlJtE UMNO MAVU- Secretary—Hurry Davey. lockhlll, 2b SOI club will lock horns. The Trl-Clty Eagle and the Staple- were tied for third honors at 3 down. The club members, In addition to nllTen, lb. ._ .. - 8 0 1 Next the socket was used Instead of the salt water line in the brackish B MCTUtUR UNCI THE INCEPTION Of Mexnnder, If . 8 0 0 Sunday's box score: waters near Newburgh, N. Y., It was ton Stars will race In a motorcyclo AUTOMOBILE IRAKit. those mentioned, are Donald Asay, relmnn, o 110 if the spliced head and in 1000 the FBU1T INDUSTRIES. announced by the New York State meet at tho Tri-Clty stadium, Union, Boys can make extra pocket money YOU OVT BIATTH1MST-TWOI John L. Montgomery, Stewart Rog- Reach brothers, who were then in mr Vt IKE AND RECOMMIND- ers, Stewart VanVllet, Robert Davey, charge of SpaWlng's, brought out the AB 11 H PO AConservation department. Wednesday night, September X The selling The Roglster.—Advertisement. Nelnon, 2b. .. 8 i 0 S J meet Is expected to start at 8:45 John Arnold, Raymond Minard, RED BANK. Gold Medal clubs and fine clubs they Stcln, cf Because flngerling stripers were r'auner, p r'clock. Thomas Sohweern, Robert Davis, Dublin, c. — _ —. 8 10 were. But W. F. Reach was not found there, scientists assume that Thomas Mead, Jr., Walter Mead and 1'crry, p. DeChiccio, cf. _.... ! 1 1 satisfied. In the back of hla head wis Sncc-hl, rf the spawning grounds are close by. Frank Dlstelhurst. O'Callaffhan. lb. 111 an idea—to bring about a matching This discovery will enable conserva- Water Carnival. •. Little, »». 2 0 0 ^ronin, rf, TEL. S 1212 of size and shape and to have con- Hooth, aa. ... tionists to draft laws which will pro- A water carnival will be held Wed- 'omnlno, If, .-—....„...._—.._.... 2 0 0 Rawllnia. If. 2 11 secutive pitches In exnet gradation, Mfierry. r. tect that species of flsh, which l» re-nesday night, September 2, at 8:80 JONES' Local Athletes To rhucker, 2b. 1 0 O whereby there was a club lor every Wood, lb. ... garded as a top-notch prize among o'clock, in tho Casino pool on Ocean WESSON llbbona. rf _ 2 0 0 "iiiurino. 8b. Geront, p, . ..__..-. . 10 1 shot. The clubs wero matched in surf casters. avonue at North Long ranoh. In Day A Low FILLING STATION Report At Rutgers swinging weights, with a distinctive case of rain, the affair will b» held TAXI Ratal Maple Ave. & Bergen Fl., Bed Banki face marking. This marking was NAVESINK F.'7C. ' " " " Henry C. Wainwrlght of Manas- on the next clear night. MrrnooisT OHUBCH. suggested by the fact that a majority Two former Red BanV high ;chonl AB n AB It H PO A quan landed the biggest channel bass of players had the habit of address- 4 0 0 0 1 graduatca, Randall DodRc and Walter [naeoe, rf -... 8 0 taken in local waters last week when .tdcllo. c 8 0 ing the ball with the top lino of the H. Tully. 3b. "'.V..7.V.'.'.'.'™.'.'. 4 0 1 0 S Bruyere, are Included among 46 foot- Anderion, c ...... • 0 0 12 1 he caught one weighing 66 pounds Woodward, lb. > 0 blades for direction, a hooked ball ball candidates who have been Invited 1 Kurnu, cf 4 0 0 8 1 while fishing near Barnegat Inlet. Ho teronl. BI —— resulting. These clubs were two- Smith, 21i to report to Coach J. Wllilei Tusker 1 4 0 10 4 and three friends had planned a day's Jriullay' n — - . 1 0 0 colored, the lower half of this blade •r. Tully. lb. .-. 4 1 3 It 0 a\ Rutgers university for the opening Mohr. If. flshlnK but when the big baes wa« Scott. P '. '~.'. 1 0 0 being blackened and In a line paral- 8 1110 • of the pre-scason training period next Wymli". !b. . 10 0 , it "•".„;•• 4 1 1 « 0 caught early In the morning they Monmouth St. BANK leling the sole. Tho blackened half Tuesday. Both ure candidates for the :..:..:. ... 2b. 2 0 1 ro«t, r, 4 0 0 0 1 gave up fishing for tho rest of tho' biado so captured tho eyo that tho CONVBSNIENT1VV LOCATED BETWEEN RTUard position left vacant by the Frlr-k. If — » I 1 day and spent their time In dlsplay>- , cf. ~~ 2 1 1 club was automatically properly II I I II 15 THE NATIONAL GROCEBY AND TEM5FHONE CO.'S graduation o[ the veteran Hoctor 'It Ituluitrlo .1 | I I t 1 ! I I « | lng the catch. lined up, setting tho direction aa tho Niwoilnk r. C 0 02000001 —I 36 Gardner, crow files and suggesting the name Errom—Nelnon. Hooth, Mohr. Hlti off Both were outstanding linemen on Kro-Fllte. Kauatr 3 in 4 Innlniia, Parrr S In I In- last year's freshman loam and nro Evergreen Farms nlnaa. Throe-bana hit—IUwllnga. Btrlka- Mrs. Robinson Wins PRICES FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY expected to see plenty of action this Tho next thlnR was to have these utn—Poat 0. Parry 3. Daiaa on ballt— year. Tho Red Bunk nthletes, who 'out J. Slolsn bine—I. Tully. Hit bj At Jumping Broolc Wins Polo Trophy cluba registered. Blades, shafts and • itcher—Slmpnon, Mohr, Doubla play— did commondable work on the Red grips woro nil weighed nnil them Cronln to Wood. Laft on baiiaa—Fruit FANCY SMOKED Bank high school grid tenm, will bo fabricated so as to huvo them all Iiuluatrleu 5. Nnvenlnk «. Umplrai Draa- Mr». Alioe ltablnoon, an outstand- plenty of use In tho nutfiora line this The Evortfreen Farms polo team lil nnrtara ...William lUynnld CO for Iho bent round of the day Hark T. I.n>vr«iir« T. Mnllm helpful in golf becaimo It Is uniform The. lowont net score was made by eph Connor, Mrs. Drusllla Balrd, Mrs. Th» Monmouth County Country uvoryono starts equal, whernna In tin Jack Rohrcy, Mrs. Frank (loir Krore liy clinkkem* Mrs. A. U Felling of Creitmont, and FRESH SHOULDERS «lub pololBli eked out a 7-lo-fl victory KverKieena 1 1 1 t t 1—» cano of hickory, only a fnw got tli. 01-15—78. Two RvimBon participants, Mrs. Arthur Brenlln. Hi. Sunday over Ilin Albany polo club, Lone Htara 2 0 I 0 1 0- M)NO ISLAND Hi. (ionlir—Hveiuiffnm, Untarmayer, Com cream of nhaftn. Mm. Kennotli Heggormon and Mis who vliltixl tho Kalontown Held for 2, i'rnera B, Ltiwrenrn 2, liy hnnillrah 1. There itr« a number of thene oli Jnnet Douglas, shot a 08. IUMns Want G»m»». LAMB 15 the flr»t time. Monron Elnnor and Htnra—l''raiik, Mather t. Iteferate 19 cluba and Imlln in tli0 pro rihop, an, Mra. A. L. Fallliiit, Cr«»tmonil....»l.lB_i| hln son Ttobert Iril tho Kntontown Eilwin Ntawart and (ifiirsi Oliver, Jr. Tho Fair Haven Robins have 8 DUCKS you nro welcome to Innpiv-t nurno u Mra. O. I'. Ariiill.ii.. llaltiiarol....«5.1l—«o dates open for Hoptombor. They team with five nonln. Tho AHmny Tho Lone Htarfl triumphed over any time. Mra. Jnrno. Patton. Hilburhan....tO -8—111 quartet was K'von lw«> ^oiiln by Uiiniimn In a «pticlal nmlili Hundny M . J. It. Kouar«, IloltlUrol...... ti. 10— would like to book names with teams LOIN LAMB M Top & Bottom lb. HI. handicap. Tho llnn-iipn: liy a »rorn nf 12 to 7. The victors J. V. Iliulu, Montr.lalr 94 -8—1 lor games either on their grounds at M K(n!) ih Hum Monmouth C C. c. Alhnuy I' <• liml n NiiKnnl lrnndlcnp. I triul (IIOHO artlcli-n ,m (lie Iml Fair Haven or on their opponent*' nnd clubs hnvn lirrn IntcrciilliiK HI tri -g._. homo grounds. The datnn ar* Hop- Round Roast 35 Mlira 29 No. 1 M. I'hllllii. T. humnr. CHOPS Thtf line upu: Jnnet PIMIKIBI. Itutnaon 09 -g~, Inmbnr «, 1 and 13. Tho Robins thin Nn. » T. llraillar II. Evan! I.ont Stan. Rirmion "ima J. Y. 1,4*1,,, I'Uliiftalil »H.I|)_ Nn. 9 It. Manor T. II. Whoaler Jr Minn Jiiaaphlrra Merrill, Mont- Bunday will oppose the West Deal A Ilaok M. Klanar Unit. W. Clrc-ol Nn, I W. IlaW W. Kaynolili H«lr j a_ No. z «an. II. (I. Il «l>»r olruuUtlon LB. LB. Humaon . 0 2 1 • ft 1 > onlv i, ,',•''" ""Ki-ler h..-l« tho fealod th» Hed Bunk Y. M. C. A. Alkanr—Ivim '.'. Imndlrap 2. Wh»U Oaala—l.une Hl.i», 2, Ciiml. and Unit, Or»r. Ollv.r 8. hy harull,,,, «. Rumum, R.ynoMi U»ro Monday night In a match at Rffafaa—O, Oarr. I. Praaca. M.lh.r. Wllllama I. Refer. duo.™ . i" """""""» "' "Hint In th« "T" houaa on Branch avenue. Tlma of ehukkam—T Vi mloutai- Edwin Stewart. nucnmentu have t 1(8.29 Mrs. Gretchen J. Bording, Mr. and a college cooperative house- MACHINELESS Mokler 42 151.10 keeping group indicated each Football Practice P. Bruno ...- -. »« 164.' ' Mrs. Robert J. Noonan, Mr. and Mrs. WAVES R, J. DeBaun, Mr. and Mrs. D. Big- Individual consumed daily 1 (NEYYBlolo) pint of milk, hi egg, 1.4 Price Range From— In Double Session Although only 10 years of age and twirled during the spring inter- house, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Peyton, pitched to him to the center field Mr. and Mrs. Samuel C. Corse, Mr. ounces of butter and 5.2 Large Turnout At still a sophomore at Atlantic High- scholastlo schedule, 1B at present in fence. The above picture shows Bob ounces of meats or fish. The second pre-season football lands high school, Robert Kurau, the Brooklyn Dodgers' training and Mrs. J. C. Campbell, George He- $4.85 to $10.00 or. defense, playing first base, and gone, Robert Keller, George Watts, _-Uottase cheese Is the most meeting was held Tuesday night at Highlands Shoot son of Mr. and Mrs. William Kurau school at Ebbets field, where he Issliding into tho initial sack for a Dopular cheese in liuasia. the high school under supervision of of East avenue, Atlantic Highlands, taking instructions from Chick Mrs. G. H. Keller, Miss Helen Wlt- putout. Air borne bacteria which Coach Dick Guest when it was an- The Highlands Sportsmen's club Is already having a try-out in bigFrazer, head coach. Casey Stengel, manager of thetenhaur, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Good- For Appointments nounced that a double session foot- had the largest turnout ao far this league baseball. • rich, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mann, Mr. may cause spoilage In food The youth this past summer has Brooklyn Dodgers, and the Dodger and Mrs, Prank Marckstein, Mr. and Slants are killed by germl- Call Red Bank 646. ball practice would start next Mon- season at the weekly trapshootlng Bob, who Is a pitcher for the At-been playing Sunday baseball with scouts were impresed at the early day. The morning Bosslon will start Mrs. George Corey, Norman Brown, (.•idal rays of a new arc event Sunday on route 36. In thelantic Highlands high school base- the Navesink Field club In the po-allowing of the rookie and praised lamp. Free Parking In Hear of at 9 o'clock and for those who aro6O-blrd event five were tied at *8, they ball team nnd utility third baseman, Mr. and Mrs. Herman BplUe, Mr. and sitions at first base and outfield. Dur. the Atlantic Highlands lad for his»Irs. George Humphreys, Miss L. 'i^eso "food facts" are compiled Shop. working an evening workout will be being Dr. Whitmore of Morristown, and who had a. successful record, Ing batting practice at Ebbets field held starting at 0:45 o'clock. outstanding performances at the Townley, Charles Kelly, Mrs. F. by the Division of Consumer In- who won the Governor Hoffman tro- winning-a majority of the games he Tuesday Bob smacked the first ball training school. formation, Ne-w Jersey State De- phy last week at South Amboy; Oberman, Mrs. M. Brown, Mr. and Open Evenings by Appointment More than !>5 gridders turned out Mrs. John Cattanach, Julius Gilllg, partment of Agriculture. Tuesday night and wore given in- Charles Hower of Red Bank, E. Young of Dayton, B. Brodson of Mon- Miss Helen Herberg, Fred Brunner, structions to bring shorts for the Miss M. Ogravath, Harold Jones, opening practice. Shoes and Jersoya mouth Junction and O. Munday of Shrewsbury Squadron Airport Mechanic Everett Poultryman South Amlboy. Dr. Whitmore won the Mrs. H. Applegate and Mrs. Helen will be provided. The practice, ac- Happe. Mrs. Catherine Applegate cording to Coach Guest, will consist 25-blrd shoot-off, making a perfect Installs Officers Assembles Plane Has Freak Chicken score. won a chicken, Gordon Wright won of exercises and fundamentals. duck and a ham. Coach Guest will bo assisted by Other scores were E. Lumereon of A meeting of the Shrewsbury Kenneth Stone of Keyport, a for- John H. Snlffen of Everett, who Bill Sherwood and will open practice BernardavUle, state champion, and R. squadron of the Sons of the Amer- mer member of tho Royal Flying raises chickens on a small scale, has a black giant broiler-sized pullet, Tonight the auxiliary will hold a •with light workouts. Offensive play Rhodes of South River *"!, H. Lan-ican Legion was held Tuesday night corps and employed as a mechanic beach party and corn festival out- will be stressed three-quarters of thegendorf '-15, Nat Crawley and the rooms of tho Shrewsbury post at the Red Bank airport, had the as-which has tho use of only one leg. It came in a shipment vjith 200 other side the clubhouse. Mrs. Michael S. time, whilo tho art of defense will Rhodes *4, E. Adama 43, B. Thomp- on Broad street. Olilcera of thesignment of assembling a small Ger- Jacobs of Hance road will give a take up the remaining time. All Bon and William Furry 42, P. Han- man biplane at Lakehurst Friday. baby chicks and it Is thought that squadron were installed by Captain lbs leg was broken en route to thecard party Wednesday night, Sep- those wishing to make the squad are non and T. Harvey 40, C. Nelson, Dr. Robert H. Rogers, chairman of '*•-The plane came over on the German tember 2, for the benefit of the aux- urged to attond practice before the William Wlpf and Harry Rubley 39, dirigible Hlndenburg. Sniff en farm. All of the chickens ex- Legion committee and organizer cept nine are living and th« pullet iliary. Another bingo party will be opening of school. Fred Bedle 33, Leon Liming 31, J.the squadron. Tho officers are: Count Alexandru Popana, a Rou- held by the auxiliary Friday night, Widder, H. Merrltt and M. Perry 30 with one leg Is one of tho healthiest Captain—Clmrlcs D. Bedford. manian pilot, will fly the ship to Los of the lot. September 4. 60 BROAD STREET RED BANK and H. Vlckers and E. Warren 20. Firat lieutenant—Denedict L, LoCicero. Angeles, where he will compete In Second lieutenant—Uocco Ncaci. the acrobatic contests In connection Married Vs. Single Adjutant—Robert W. Adami. Fire House Opening Postponed. Phone 1444 Towniend Meeting. with the National air races over TRAVELING ADVERTISEMENT. Finance, officer—William Bedford. Due to a delay in the completion A meeting of the Townsend club of Historian—Kenneth Smith. Labor day week-end. William CaBey, Firemen In Series Sergcant-nt-arms—Albert J. FJeidner. a nephew of Manager Jack Casey of An Unusual Display In G. Howard of the Llncroft fire house, the open- Red Bank will be held Tuesday even- Chaplain—Charles LoCicero. ing and dedication which was sched- The married men and the single Ing at 8 o'clock at the town hall. A tho local airport, mado the trip to Lipplncott's Office. Morris' Miller, commander of theLakehurst with Mr. Stone. uled for Sunday, August 30, has been men of tha Little Silver lire company special effort Is being made to havo With a revolving roulette wheel as postponed indefinitely. will hold a thrco-game sorles for tho full attendance, as arrangements American Legion, made an addresB itii_ central figure, u an unsual ad- baseball supremacy of tho organiza- are to be made to send a bus load of of welcome. Three now members vertising sign in the real estate and are Robert W. Adams, Lelghton MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER. Wines & Liquors tion. Tha first game will be played members to a Towneend meeting to Insurance office of G. Howard Lip- tomorrow night at 6 o'clock on thebe held at Jamesburg. Thomas George and Robert D. pincott of Monmouth street, Red Branch avenuo Held. Vlto Parro will George. Refreshments were served Mrs. Carl Schwenker, Jr., Honored Bank. It is a traveling advertise- twirl for tho married men and Kan- after the mectlig. at Eosevelt Tea Room. ment of the United States Fidelity dolph Field will bo on the receiving Oceanport. A surprise miscellaneous shower and Guaranty company, which end. For tho bachelors Hudson Hur- was given Mrs. Carl Schwenker, Jr., reached Red Bank after having been ley will bo on the mound and George (Tht Red Bank JUtrlitn can t» bought TEHMIT GRANTED. Gold Cup WINE In Ooaanport at tba atora of Carlo Uana.) formerly Miss Agnes Parker, last displayed at Pittsburg and which af- Baatty will catch. ,-•..-> night by Mr. and Mrs. George Brown ter having been hero a week will go Port The second game le scheduled for Miss Janet Smith of Brldgewatcrs But JCugcno Adams Will Have io Op- of McLaren street at Rosevelt tea to Buffalo, It has been ehown in next Tuesday night and thB third has as her guest this week Miss Alice erate on a Betall Basis Only. room, Little Silver. Mrs. Schwen- Texas, New Mexico and various oth- ___^ Sherry fifth bottle game for Thursday night. Barry of Bayonne. Building Inspector Ensley M. ker'a wedding was recently an- er distant places. "A lossip tpta\s ill of nil. and all |«oiBa*| Tokay- 39* Mr. and Mrs. Everett Rudloff of Whita of Red Bank has granted the nounced. The decorations consisted Tho sign, is eight feet and four ' ifi of her.' Main street had as their guests re- application of Eugene Adams for a of green and white, and glfta were Inches long and four feet high. It AUGUST Muscatel Ellsworth Vines To cently Mr. and Mrs. Philip M. Wade permit to construct a building on hisconcealed in a miniature house. has two other revolving parts besides flQ—Eni of fivt-ity Atlimic Burgundy 3 bottles of New York. property on West Front street, near Those attending were Mr. and Mrs. the roulette wheel and it is lighted cyclone, 300 thlps disabled. $1.00 Play At Asbury Park The Ladles' aid society of theRector place, to manufacture cloth- Schwenker, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford by electricity. It emphasizes the bad Claret Oceanport Methodist church held a ing to be sold at retail on the prem- Kchs, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel LaBau, economic consequences resulting from Vines, lanky Callfornlan who head- food sale at the Monmouth market Mr. and Mrs. Howard Roaavclt, Dr. gambling, speculation, extravagance, 11 —G«muns ihoot down th«!r ed the nation's ranking list before his ises. The work of erecting the build- Ant Brltlih ilrpUnt. 1914. on Saturday. Mrs. Charles Guillau- Ing has been started. and Mrs. Robert Ticehurst, Mr. andadversity and sickness and urges in- retirement from amateur play, la the Mrs. George Brown, Mrs. Prank Par- Royal Club • t. Chancellor dcau and Mrs. E. A. Lopcr were In surance against such losses. 22—Amerlu «*u A« Sr« In- P main attraction at .the professional charge of the affair. Several weeks ago Mr. Adams ap- ker, and Misses Evelyn Wyckoff, Blend l-Yr.-Old tennis exhibition at tho Asbury Park plied for a permit to bufld a factory Madeline Russell, Katharine Goldln, teroitlonll yacht race. 100 Proof convention hall Saturday night. He The Colonial Inn building has been IIS I. All Whiskey rented and will soon reopen aB a res-, to make clothes to bo sold at whole- Frances Sherwood, May Jackson NOTED EDITOR HERE. will appear In a singles match with sale. Mr. Whlto did not grant the Caryl Sturges and Louise Parker Wolf Creek Vincent Richards of New York, for- taurant under new management. and Fred Pcchin. A n»«vy .inowfill hits MADEIRA Ogcpt A meeting of the Ocoanport Young permit and the board of adjustment Fred Gaisel Stopping nt Tho Molly western New York. 1890. l-Yr.-Old mer Davis cup star, and teamed with upheld his action. This ruling is still Pitcher Hotel For a Week's Rest; Richards will play doubles against Women's club was held on Wednes- Brandy George Lott of Chicago and Berkeley day evening at tho homo of Miss Dor- effective and It acts as a stay to pre- OLD vent wholesale sales. Part of the land Bazar and Bally. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Gaisel of New y^ 24—Two Ainiricatu end crow. GREEN Bell of Texas. othy West of South Pemberton ave- York are stopping for a week at the Atlantic trip in fourteen' . DRUM 98 nue. where the factory is located is zoned A bazar and spiritual rally will be Molly Pitcher hotel. Mr. Gaisel [B fool bolt 1881. RIVER 98 Dr. Charles A. Smith of Bridge- for Industrial purposes and part is held in Harmony hall on the state editor of The American Weekly, the ret Show Winner. zoned for business purposes. Under highway In Middletown township for 25—United Sutu proclaim waters and Bayonne has returned colored feature section distributed K«nus In aute of rebel- Royal Club 1.98 Golden .39 A dog, owned by Mario Reilly, the zoning ordinance tho only course tho benefit of Blossom Psychic church every Sunday with tho Hearst news pt. pt. from a two weeks' vacation at a camp of Keansburg Saturday afternoon at lion. 1856. 16-Yr.-Old Wedding Blend • daughter of MrB. James Reilly of at Moose Lake, Maine. left for Mr. White to follow was to papers in 17 key cities. The Weekly, Monmouth Beach, won two first grant the permit when Mr. Adams 2:30 p. m. and in the evening. The with Us combined distribution, has paator and assistant pastor will be 26—Chlctio'i («mom McVick. prizes and a second prize at the re- Boys can mak« extra Docket money changed his plans to operate on a re- tho largest circulation of any Sunday «m «t'a theltrt burnt. l»90. cent Brookdale farm pet show. telling The Register.—Advertisement. tall scalo only. '* in charge. periodical in tho world. Royal Province Straight Choose your Whiskey DOREMUS BROS 59c pt PLAIN SHADE CARPETING COMPLETE FOOD MARKET SINCE 1877 $1.09 ^t- 3 PHONES—1560 - 1561 - 1562 11 & 13 BROAD ST. -:- FREE DELIVERY Scots Piper Scotch »"*$2.19 froui^O SPECIALS—THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ! Vat 69 Scotch fifth $2.59 different shades! & FOUR SUPER SPECIALS Haig Haig Scotch««»$2*59 i Thtt1* the best guarantee that you will LEGS Flank Steak Lawson's Scotch '» $2.69 find the exact shade you need. It is so FRESH important that the color you choose GENUINE Chopped JERSEY should harmonize with the rest of the Ginger Ale Canned Beer room! Our wide tango of colors in- LAMB Lean Tender FOWL on cludes such lovely and delicate tones :ii Krueger's such M Ash Gray, Amethyst Taupe, Club Soda Pabst Burgundy, J»de Green, Henna, Rose, lb c lb 25-Oz. Buttle Beige, Mahogany, You will delight in 23 24 Ballantine's 10c ea. 3for25c a&oh the smooth, compact, lustrous texture. No deposit on bottli'M. (No seams, of courje).Pur quality Broad- NECKS, BREAST, FANCY JERSEY VEAL 16fb looms are all productaof Karagheusian, Martini Rossi 1.39 I VODKA 1.93fifth the makers of the famous Gulistan Rug. CHOICE SELECTED QUALITY Vermouth Prices as low as 3.50 sq. yd. Swansdown Flour 25c Pks- California Peas 2 *•• 19c Vanderveer Applejack 90c cnn 8 Any lire gladly cut to fit your needs. Premier Shrimp 2 29c Jersey Lima Beans SEAGRAM 1.19 .1 RON RICO lb Our representative will ,i;I;ully call Heinz Cucumber Pickles 3 »- 17c 5 Crown L '• RUM and estimate your nei\K head 19C I1" Cauliflower . 18c Canada Dry Gin ««•- $1.19 oz Sun-rayed Tomato Juice Green Ginger Root 5c - .25.. I WINDSOR Cl k SIBONEY 'lit. 3 »» 23c Jello . . 3P ««16c RUM Str. Whiskey 99'- )k tbot Chipso . . . 19c» «- Ammonia . 10c *J ' Sparklet Syphons *3M|9 42 MONMOUTH ST. "THE RUG STORE IMPORTED AND DOMESTIC WINES AND LIQUORS MWWUMMWMmtllWMWMIIHMIIIMIMHI Past Ten. .RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27, 1986. Obituary. Musical Program at Aaburjr Park. Legion Has New the relief fund of the Ladles' auxil- Fair Haven Young Aged Man, Hit The choir of tho First MeUiodlat iary of Shrewsbury Legion post No. Dog Race Operator church of Asbury Park will present 168 will be held on tha Sandy Hook BURDGE'S John H. Fease. Gounod's "Qallia" Sunday evening, County Commander •learner Friday night of next week. John H. Pease of Mlddletown vil- By Auto, Dies Fails to Show Up Man Killed By August 30, with Helen Harbourt ai Harry .Welaford of Asbury Park The steamer will leave Atlantlo .High- lage died at BJvsrvlsw hospital at guest soloist "Oallla" Is a motet lands for, a sail up the Hudson at 10 Rod Bank Friday. Pneumonia, com- wss elected county commander of John H. Hendrickaon, Negro, Hyer Goldberg, operator of for soprano solo and chorus and is the American Legion last night over o'clock. Mrs. John FnetTenbcrger Is Gun In His Home plicated with stomach trouble, was one of the most charming of this general chairman. the cause of death. Mr, Pease had Sucumbt to Heart Attack— the ocean front dog racing Morris Miller ot Red Bank by a track, failed to appear today to type of work by the great French vote of 26 to 22. The election waa Walter Applegate, 28, Collector been a patient at the hospital flve Wu Once Coachman for Late composer. days. answer a charge of running an held In the American Legion bonie of Firearms, Victim of Acci- Richard Croker. amusement without a mercan- i— I S» at Freehold. Frank Brlden of Bel- Mr. Pease was In his 63d year. He tile) license, and Recorder Eldon Tickets to Anywhere I Eepphard—Dolg. mar, Joaeph Kennedy of Freehold dental Shooting—Shot in was a native of Mlddletown village John Hancc Hendrlckson, 70 years O. Presley postponed the ar- and John Hoey of Long Branch were Free complete; travel service, Head, Die* Within MI Hour. and he bad lived there all hia life old, died laat night at the home of raignment until Saturday. Miss Louise Repphard, daughter of eleoted vice commanders without op- SKA - LAND • AIR Draperies, Slip CoVer*. His wife, who before her marriage his Bister, Mrs. Flora Brandon of St Mr. and Mr». Charles Repphard of SS Reservations - Cruises Charles Innser, New York, poaltlon and Halph ISmmona of K grade work done a,t to him was Miss Annla Elizabeth Mary's place, with whom he lived. Newman Springs road, and James Farmlngdale waa unanimously re- Ball Tours - Air Tickets William Applegato, aged 28 years. Wallace of Koyport, died February Death was due to a heart attack. He operator of a ref realunent stand Dolg of Hudson avenue, son of Mrs. reasonable cost Call for our of Fair Havon rood, Fair Haven, died at the trade, who faces a simi- elected treasurer. The new officers call - write • phone now fall samples and estima- 2, 1028. Four sons survive Mr. was Btruck Monday night by an au- A. N. Lucas of New Brunswick, were were Installed by State dommlttce- tion. Saturday nlRht In Kivervlew hoopltul Pease. They are Lester, Ralph and tomobile while crossing Broad street, lar charge, also failed to appear, married Sunday at Elkton, Maryland. from a bullet wound In hlo head, an but was reprsented by a nephew, man Thomas Eldrldge of Freohold. Melvtn PeaBe of Belford and Frank near Canal street, but his Injuries The witnesses were Mies Marjorle Appointive ofllccm will be named at Helen Lee Getty hour after he accidentally shot hlm- Peaso of Mlddletown village. He were, not aerlous. Irving Lanser. The nephew of- Hill and Peter Plngltore. E. ROLLE •elf while In hia bedroom. Hii moth- fered to purchase a license, but the next regular meeting of the TRAVEL SERVICE also leaves s. sister, Miss Cora M According to the police, Hendrlck- 18 Mechanic St., Bed Bank BO Monmouth St., Bed Bank «r, Mrs. Annlo Apptcirato, heard the Pcaso of Brooklyn. Presley refused to grant it and county organization. nhot and rushed lo hta room. Ho was Bon was crossing from the eaat to the Instead held the $15 fee orTcrrd French Porpoise Hunter Freed. Phono 1716 (Opp. City Hall) Mr. Pease was a son of thfi late west side of Broad street. The auto- AU ttckst* aold *t companlaa*' atlll conscious. Mrs. Applegate «um- Catherine E. and Cornelius Peaso. to Insure the appearance of the Maurice Chovel, arrested for Illegal Legion Moonlight Sail. pufalUh«d rate Phono 2376-W. moncd tho Fair Haven first aid squad mobile, driven by Joseph Barberlo of concessionaire on Saturday. Ho was a brothor of tho late Her- West Front afreet, was proceeding possession of firearms, gave the A moonlight call for the benefit of iind Mr. ApplcRate was rushed to tho bert L. Pease of Mlddletown village City Solicitor Leo J. Warwick judgo a new excuse. "I use the gun hospital in the Fair Haven nm- south on Broad street. Hcndrickson and the late Mrs. Ada McKenzIo of wag struck by tho right front fender said today suit would be filed only to shoot porpoises, your honor," bulance, but efforts to save his life Brooklyn. He was employed as a In the supreme court for the he said. He was released. wore fruitless. of tho car. His right leg was carpenter. bruised. $14,S00 the track owes tho elty Canadians make more phone calls IGGER and BETTER FOOD VALUES. Dr. Harvey W. Hartman, county The funeral was held at Mr. Mr. Hendrlclison at ono time was In rentals. than the people of any other nation. physician, at flrnt was of tho opinion Pease's late homo Monday afternoon, coachman for tho lute Richard Cro- In 1035 Ilia avurago was 213 calls for It wu suicide, but later changed hli with Rev. Elwood Wolf, pastor of kor, Tammany Hall chieftain. each person In the dominion, com- decision lo Hint of accidental shoot tho Baptist church of Leonardo, In Surviving, besides his sister, are a pared to 192 in the United States. inR owlnp; to tho lack of powdo charge. The interment was In Green son and daughter, Royce and Doris A number of churches annually ob- turns. Mr. ApplcRate was a collcctoi Grove cemetery at Koyport, under Hendrlckson of New York, and a sorve the fifth Sunday after Easter Boys can make extra pocket money of fire-arms and an expert shot. It tho direction of Harvey Bedlo. Tho brother, James Hendrlckson of Red as "Rural Life Sunday." selling The Register.—Advertisement. la believed he Had been examining tho bearers were James J. Butlor, An- Bank. gun when it dinchargod. Police Chlof drew- VunOpstll, Joseph Thorne, The funeral will be held tomorrow Joseph Hcrdcn and county detectives Thomas Tanscy, Adrian Knight and nftornoon at 2 o'clock at the funeral closed their Investigation after Dr. Irving Rpop. parlors of F. Leon Harris on Shrews- Hartman ascribed death from acci- bury avenue, with^lev. O. G. Good- 'What Do You Know About HMlth? dental causpa. Jacob H. Conover. win, paBtor of the African Methodist Besides hln mother, Mr. Applegato Jacob H. Conovor, a resident of Episcopal Zlon church, officiating. V la survived by two brothers, Sheriff Lincroft for the past 12 years, died Burial will bo In White Rldgo ceme- Walter H. Applegate of Ocean coun- late Friday night at his home. Ho tery, Eatontown. ty, and Elmer Applegnte of Asbury had boon In poor health since being Park, nnd a slater, Mrs. Helen De Injured In an automobile accldont FRUIT NOTES. Journey of Rome, Georgia. two years ago, but was able to get 77 BROAD STREET Thurs., Fri., Sat. Specials PHONE 1353 - 2613. Tho funoral was hold Tuesday af- about until laBt month. By Kllwood Douglass, Monmouth ternoon at tho houso, with Rov. Mr. Conover was 71 years old. Ho County Agricultural Agent. PRIME BEEF Henry P. Bowcn, paBtor of tho Pair was born In Middletown township Rolled XBIb Haven Mothodlst church, in charge. and was tho son .of tho late Joseph Tho best date to control peach SIRLOIN Burial in charge of tho Wordcn and Julia Hetfleld Conover. Ho was borer will rango from the middle of CORNED SIRLOIN funoral homo win In Riverside ceme- ongaged In farming for 40 years, re- September to October 1. The grow- STEAK tery at Toms River. tiring several years ago. Boforo mov- ers should bo prepared to use P. C. BEEF. ROAST I'endor and Juicy. The bearers wore Arthur B. Sickles, ing to Lincroft ho lived for 16 years benzine rather than the old method Varnon Little, Oscar Becker, Gcorsro at Llttla Sliver. of hand digging. OF,AIP> 5ICKNE55? Curchln, Roy Kin? and Robert Finest Quality Genuine Spring Young Lamb Sale I Mr. Conover's wife, Mrs. Roslna As a rule It la far belter to mark Amendt, all members of tho Fair Young Conovor, died In Docombor, Foreqiiorter Haven fire dopartmont nnd first aid 102T. Surviving him Is a daughter, those trees that for somo reason have BEST OUTS stopped growing and begun to die. BONELESS squad, of which organizations Mr. Mrs. R. Mlldrod Conover, who con- SHOULDER Applegate was a membor. ducts a general store at Lincroft. Dig them out this fall rather than doctor them. ^ Tho funoral was held Sunday after- ROLLED FORE noon at 2:30 o'clock at his late home, Lamb Chops Musical Service At with Rev. William H. CarharU Sr.. Sorne apple growers complain that of Little Silver, officiating. Tho during tho growing season they have Atlantic Highlands boarorn were Georgo C. Rlchdale, noticed weak trees. After the leaves Legs "'Lamb NECK Harry Walling, John Sutphln, Jo- mvo dropped It Is Impossible to lo- oph and Gcorg© Mauser and Wll- cate all or such trees. Therefore, a YOUNG BABY fl • III Genuine Spring A musical sorvlce will bo given at good practice Is to cither break the the Atlantlo Highlands Mothodlst lam VanBrunt. Burial In charge of ll|/b church Sunday evening, August 30, the Worden funeral homo of Re4 limbs while tho foliage Is still on at LAMB at 7:45 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bank was In Fair View cemotery. >lcklng tlmo, or to tie a string or B. Erler will be the guest soloists. •ag around trie trunk.. The service will open with an or- W. D, Hcndrlclison. DELICIOUS gan recital by William Leonard, Reports still como to the county church organist. Anthems by tho William D. Hondrlckson of Long ngents that something Is responsible choir will include "Oh, Worship the Branch died at his home last Thurs- for checking the growth of certain „[»*£ sailor to prevent scurvy. To- LAMB King" and "Over the Hush of Morn- day. He was one of the best known arlotlesof fruit and also responsible day tomato juice and the juices of ing Comes tho Song of Mystic Volc- railroad men In this section of the for a lack of uniformity In the fruit. state, being retired chlof dispatcher attributed to many cause*: sudden citrus fruits, oranges, limes. lemons, PATTIES eB." Rev, Harry 0. Hummer and The answer to this question Is that violent air "bmnpV motor and etc., are known as the sources of Mr. and Mrs. Erler will sing "Rest of the New York and Long Branch In addition to the sovore winters of railroad, with which ho had been con- propellor noise, mental attitude* etc. Vitamin C, a cure for scurvy. In the lord." Tho servlco will close tho past three years the extreme Sudden and unusual movements of 3. Winner of the Nobel prixc in Nice to Fill BONELESS with Mr. Leonard playing the pre- icctod 52 years. Although he had heat and lack of moisture during tho ane r iecn In falling health four months, he ' the 'p' • * generally accepted as Medicine in 1928; director of the lude to the cantata, "God'a Time Is present lunmtr Is taking a rathor first cause. , Pasteur Institute in Tunis. Ha dis- VEAL 1C; Veal Cubes Beat," by Bach. wu about on Wednesday, when he heavy toll. BREAST was stricken seriously ill. 2. On the old sailing ship*, a dailv covered that typhus fever is trans- l ration of lime juice wu given to each mitted by an insect. Mr. Hendrlckson was born at Mld- Another Interesting point which Is CHOPS & VEAL or Patties Elected to Office dletown 16 yeara ago and after grad- concerning some few growers has to uating from the Red Bank high do with the lack of what they con- In Democratic Club school became a clerk in one of tho alder normal wood erowth this vear local stores. Two year* later he en- with a light sot of fruit and tho FRESH FISH Mrs. Augustus Wulflng was elect- tered the employ of the Weetern usual application of plant food In ed president of MM Fair Havon Union telegraph company and learned the early spring of 103B. Some of YOUR HOME Fancy Boston Finest Summer Women'* Democratic club at a moot- tolography. He was employed by tho the points tied up with this problem ing Monday night at tho home of Now Jersey Southern railroad and aro soil type, lack of calcium and MACKEREL 8;,, SALAMI Mrs. J. Joseph Honnessoy on Fair the Lehlgh Valley railroad before go- maftneslum, drainage, organic matter In ricee Haven road. Plans were made for ing with tho New York and Long content In the coll. ft dinner for the members at Malson Branch railroad in 1878.- He retired FBESH CUT FINEST BEEF Fold's on Thursday, September 3. In 1030 when the chief dispatcher's office was moved to Camdon. Observation and study would in- FILLET Mrs. Wulflhgl gave a bridge party dicate tho value of broadcasting BOLOGNA last week for the bonoflt of tho club. He is survived by a widow and ono manure not only around those In- HADDOCK in a piece Aaslatlng her wero Mrs. Oeorga son. Thn funeral was hold Saturday dividual trees making alow growth many uses for this rubber utensil. Harm, Mrs. Wlnlfrod Williams, Mrs. afternoon and burial was made In but blocks that aro seriously affected Use level measurements. Always sift NEXT WEEK'S SPECIALS . . . MON., TUES., WED. Michael Jacobs, Mrs. John Chaunzy Woodbine cemotery at Oceanport. with thin top soil. flour before measuring and put it in and Mra. J. Joseph Hennessey. Mra. your cup with a spoon, being careful 1-tb. Genuine Lamb or NAVEL Embury McLfmn donated tho re- Mm. Sylvia Bouldln. LEAVE KSTATES TO WIVES. 1 M. not to pack it, then level with th« BEEF LIVER ALL FOR Corned. Beef freshments. Mrs. John Kelly won Mrs. Sylvia Bouldln, a resident of STEPHENSON edge of a knife.'' the door prize, n. Bowing chair. Atlantlo Township and Keyport 4. "Careful mixing" cannot b« Vz-Vb. pkg. Sliced Bacon PIATE Mlddletown township for about 00 Home SerTice >ars, died Friday afternoon at her Men's Wills rrobatfd. over stressed if you desire good re- I Director sults. Butter and sugar must be nme at Hillside. Sho was 82 yeara Janw.i Dugan of Atlantlo township Republicans Plan old. JtRSEr CENTRAL creamed well, yolks must be lie.itcn FRIDAY NIGHT SUPER SPECIALS—5 P. M. - 9 P. M. ONLY made hia will In 1933. All of his es- to light lemon color, and whites light Surviving are four sons, Charles tate was left to his wife, Catherine I Reception-Dance louldln of Wheeling, West Virginia, POWER h Licirr but not dry. Do not over beat cake Dugan. Ho appointed his son Frank i— Co. Assorted John Bouldin of Mlddletown, Rev. executor. after flour, baking powder and milk BROILERS The Affiliated Young Republicans Robert J. Bouldln, former paBtor of have been added. This we have dis- of Monmouth county will hold a re- St. Paul's Baptist church at Atlotitla Edgar F. Day of Keansburg also SIX STEPS TO covered is too often the case when Cookies ception and dance In honor of Unit- Highlands, and Thomas Bouldln of left all his estate to his wife, Nettle CAKE SUCCESS homemakers hare a new elcctria, ed States Sonator W. Warren Bar- New York; four daughtore, Mrs. Nora M. Day. He made his will in 1934 beater. They fail to remember the bour and Albert B. Hermann, ean- Foulke, of Drakes' Branch, Virginia, and appointed his wife executor. ID it ever occur to you that there number of revolutions it makes in a dldRto for congroaa from the third Mrs. Martha Shclton of Buffalo, Mrs. Mrs. Ella Pllctor of Union Beach D arc SIX steps to good cake very short time as compared tn tho district, Thursday nl^ht, September Mary Smock of Navealnk and Mrs. executed her will lust Juno. She left baking? : old muscle system. A much letter 10, at the Mon Paris room at tho Llllle Poys of Hillside; 26 grandchil- $400 to her daughter Ella, and $200 cake will be the result if you turn the Monmouth County Country club. dren and 12 great-grandchildren. each to her other daughters, Mary of 1. A reliable, tested rcci; motor to medium or low when ;;(Ki.ig GROCERY SPECIALS ENTIRE WEEK ! QUANTlfiES LIMITED 1 Union Beach, Mrs. Eva Brady of Jcr- 2. Good.ingredients flour and milk, and mix with only Jury Commissioner Chiirles Milter Tho funeral was held Monday af- ooy City and Mra. Julia Booth of 3. Accurate measuring enough beating to blend properly. of Eatontown la gcnoral chairman of ternoon at St. Paul's church with the Cllffwood. Sho appointed her daugh- 4. Careful mixing Over beating will make the iv.k,- dry. the commit too In charge. All Ro- paBtor, Rev. A. W. Hnmlln, officiating. ter Ella executrix. 5. Baking at rlie right temperature Maxwell Kellogg*s Pineapple publlrnn enmlklnte* and pronilnont Burlnl, In charge of F. Leon Harris Mrs. Anna E. Minyard of Asbury d. Proper care of the cake after 5. "Baking at the right t.:i' cra- Half Sliced leaders of tho pnrty In tho county of Hod Bank and Asbury Park, was Park executed her will a year ago taking. ture." Everything you have f.n -led House Coffee Corn Flakes and atato arc expoctod to lio pres- n Crystal Stream cemetory. last April. Sho left her husband, to make perfect may be ruined .-. this ent. William H. Minyard, such share of i. Each and every step is impor- point. There are many c:;:.,'.ent l-tfe. Large Largest Mr*. Ann» K. McVaugh. her estate as he would bo entitled to tant. "A reliable, tested recipe" recipes for cake that give accurate Pkg. Can means tested for measurements, length Can Mrs. Anna Elizabeth McVaugh, receive from his right of curtesy un- time and temperature for bakhi;;. If 6 15 Garden Show To der the laws of Now Jersey. AU the of cook-ing time, and temperature for you arc fortunate enough to h.tvc a wtfo uf Howard McVaugh, died Fri- baking. With all of her duties a control on your oven use it to the day night at the home of her daugh- rest of her catato was bequeathed to Be Held Tuesday her son, William H. Minyard, and ho homemaker has little time to lest and best advantage, and yon will never ter, Mia. W. W. Armstrong of Maple was appointed executor. retest revises. She may not appreci- need to make apologies for your 1U Red Devil Cleanser 4 ^ avenuo. ate the difference in her old uninsu- cakes. SELOX Finul pinna Tor tho llfth annual Mrs. McVaugh was born at Cler- Mrs. Christina Koerkel of Adelphla flower allow of tho NelKhluirhuml named her husband, Mlchaol Koer- lated oven and her new oven, with Norwegian Bfig* iiinntown, Pennsylvania, but had insulation and a heat control. The llotnomakers often say, "I couM Oiudon club, to lie hold Tuesday In kel, as aolo benetlclary in a will ahe bake a cake in half the time in my ckMl In ] Can boon a resldi-nt of Red Bank for old recipe is, no doiilit, excellent, livit Sardines Olivo Oil i tho auditorium of tho Hod Hunk executed last March. The will named old range." I can agree with them. the past lf> years. Sho is survived hor husband an executor. can she lie sure at what temperature Onlhotfr. lilgli aohool on Itrtmd street. only by her husband and daughter. she baked her cakes when it was It will take slightly longer due to llic TUNA Vx-V- hftvo boon eoinph-W'il. It l.i oxpoctotl different type of heat in the newer WHITE HOI. mo Tho funeral was held Sunday af- guess wurk. So be sure you have MEAT STYLE Can that tho entiion In this yeur'a ex- ternoon at 4 o'clock at tho Arm- temperature nnd time measurements, ovenj. Is it time to think about re- Tomato Catsup nottic hibit will exceed tho number In lust strong roaldenco, with Rev. Albort L. FOOD FACTS a» well as accurate measurements ot sults in the finished product, ami tiia yenr'fl BIIOYV, which wan mio of the texture and bulk are improved to a FBESir C Hiincr, pastor pf the Methodist very great extent by prolonging tho iiri f toRNKDij • moH puoci'H.sful i» tho chilt'ti hhitary. church, otllciatlng. In charge of R. Did You Know That: CTI onispy Box Only nnmtuuiii nuiy compete for 3. Oood ingredients you will agree time. This is also economical, for, Saltines 8 It Mount A: Son of East Front Kvnnoratrd milk shows vn'q Wilson s » Hasn prlzen and all llowota vxhlhltpd nniat rriMini-llne hociuiso tho 'lot are very necessary, lint how many j uni me less fuel which a me.\s::rccing certain of remits with- -•"—Two and one-half pounds lot economy. Cake flour is made from out everlasting watching. Horace M. Ilanlatrr. pwimn in the sljoll yield one winter wheat ami contains less Klutrn 6. "Proper care of the cake after GIBBS SOUPS Rurnson Next Week than bread Hour. Sugar when lumpy KREM1L KIPPERED Horaco M. Manlstor of Koyport pound .of meats. Inking. Have you formed »he habit Tomato, Vegetable, Bean, Celery, died Friday morning nl Allonwood Certain m-a-wceds nro uaod or coarse Ruined -will !,<• improved of using Twire cake racks? If y j 1'ieparntloiiH uio ulmont comploteil bjr sifting several times. 01 PUDDINGS Clam Ghowder, AsparajruB, SNACKS for tho annual fnlr of Orrnnlo hook hospital, where ho had been a pa- by th« Chinese In.tho prepa- have, you know just how im; irianfc tient slnco December. Ho wad B0 ration of Bonp nUx-ks. (-„ J. "Accurate measuring." Tlrij al- Iher arel.Krt only for eoolini; • oun Chooolntc, Vonlllo, Coremel, Onion. NOUWEOIAN FACE and uadder ooniiumy of Itumson. It Tho imrgy, a . luixnl, Jera*y will take plnro Thursday, Krl.lay nnd yeara old. ways maktj me jmile for some of the j cake to prevent steaming or swi.i'^g tjemon. Mr. Hanlster was born In Nowark ocnaUqrt) rMi, I'D .. knowniaa best cooks knew little or nothing; | but because of the ease with \vl>=cK c Saturday of next week on tho llro tho soup In 'Now^HJilS hou«« Kronnda on River rond. Danc- but hnd been n rtaldont of Koyport about standard mrasurcmcnls. in tender layers may be placed mi m for for many yenrs. Ho waa associated and :\s . tho . Fair fact, I remember when 1 iwas a chiM plate lor icing from a wire rack. ing «vnry night will lin mm of t)n< southern wnlorn. _ 3 10 asking an <>h| colored ctxdc in our 3 11 •Spongr and ansrl c.ikrj inferlcil' on Inntlllcn and thorn wl| l,e avvrr.\l with Dr. W. T. Walling In tho prac- 3 10 llco of dontlatry. Surviving 1« a sls- Thesi' "fund fuels" art! complied home, lnwr she made smiicming nnd the rack until cool, permitting a cir- ••Ma»a«««a»aaaafaj|a new aUraoUmia tht, ycar. by thi' Division of Consumorlln- t»r, MIBB KIBIO M. Banister of Key- what «1K- (mt in it. Slw .aid, 'Oh, I culation of air. arc alwayj urn 1)fr Patrick Bheohan in chnlrumn of the formation. New .liTK.-y MtateMto- port. pnts in all .nr conscience will let me cent better. When cake « rol.l s|i* Dairy Dept. fulr rommlttnr, John Knnny In mnv linrltnnit uf \\;x H illluie. and shuts my eyes and puts in a little Fruit Dept. rolnry mid Charlra MUI>KK» tri>n»- Tho ftincrnl was hold Saturday af- a spatnl.i or knife around sides lM,« tut more." A lot of help she wan to cake will come out <* the pan jaiily SEFOJLESS wrer. ternoon nt 1:30 o'clock at his late I.KMONS home with ltev. I). Roe Hanoy, pna- me when I struggled ei ilat have teui|>eratiire unt Over 30O POIBOHH nttendpa the bull It, Mount * Ron of Rod Hank tho ••i.unU of (ho aiihiarlbir. mlmlt.l.lrMrU of J'or the fancy c.iltrs Kill, (|,c ,(,.|j. lime Riven. With tin', cM*nY,>or ,h, ,,|,™! doing anything else, but we h»ve no 29B> put on a floor Dhow, Tim bull onm- Cheese H*a Hritut Man SUIrUm. rnnaikj .hout tl» diar*« »o nuk»j CARROTS BtUts* W«* oompoeed of Waller J. Hordtin White ef B«a Bright waa desire in tilt* day of enlightmrnt to< next *im«. Before you know it yo« Dat.J AUIUH 10. A. 1). l»a«. "• foeeonw a kitchen fixture. LARGE STALK Swwnay chairman, Jttmea Thoraen atrlcken with a heart attack laat KVA M. CAMMKl.t. win be .utvrued at «h« itnprovod re- ^y/u«t«tion is to boy two itsmf. #»or«lary and trmuurtr, Axel Fora- nlfht and waa r*mov«d to Monmouth B.a Btliht. N. J. •1*1 ct jronr own handy woi-V. NewNucoa Vkg! HI TABLE CELERY Mta, Jscntt Mlllir, Jr., John •'• Ulan, Mtmorlal hospital at Long Branch. i •_ - Aornlnlntrntrt*. (Write M •Twill MadMIt and Harry IM«r«on, ht OM BM Bright •ntalsnc*. AUaatU HlttWj, N, i Manx Mor« lUm« at Corresponding Low Price* RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27, 1936. Papn CLASSIFIED BANK REGISTER WANT ADS I

LfflT AND FOUND ARTICLES FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES , MISCELLANEOUS. HELP WANTED REAL tSTATE FOR RENT JREAL ESTATE FOR RENT REAL ESTATE FOR SALE FRANK VAIN ttlLfctUb., I>ua«« and Plj-1 BASKETS, all trpa.l linen, capsapt,, »apackini g IROL9TON WATEHHUItY announces the FAIR HAVEN home, furnished,. • x *°R W=NT or lea... large .tore wlli ,u SU1TAWX reward (or return o( rowboat g mouth automabilai, Oodg" - a Trucki, Good~ "- j MONEY TO LOAN on flnl bi removal of hli Kcul Estate ""»! Inau'i - i rooms, garage, rear bus, $60; alio six 0 FOR BALE, about four acres, plcnU raarkid R. 8,, phone Redjlank 60«/ forma, etc.; In •tock. At H.odrl" iiclcio"l n jtimt tiro nod trtst-o-UU batUrlw. 149- morUat:* on Improved n»X r om •f*" "' Broad strset, Eatontown. op. urove, woodland, near Rout* 86, Eaten- Supplly Co.C , Mlddl.townMlddl , phonh a Hi. Open IDS Wtit Fron! aU««t, R«d Bank, A? jinco office Kiid thn Monmoulh Employ- ! rooms, al! Improvements, 130; five ° "' E2_tJ_»o!j»nMi. Phone «1» Batontown. town. Cholc* parcel; want cash offer BWAltD "will be paid to »ny one who • to 22 West Front atrect. Ited ' all lmprovemenU. 122. Mrs. C. Smith, 1* l .v.nlngfc Bad Bank 1296 and ISO?. jt# nvB furnishes Information which will enable Krldsy. Phone ar.oo.* i Maple avenue. Fair Haven, phone K«d ™ .u » -;' roomi, 210 Mon- ELUl*L!WWt«1_D|ial, phon* S79-W-1. NNINQ TIME i. here—Our prices on " Hank. 2308, "ONMOUTH COUNTY ttirtnm, ««n a«i»i il to locate the body of our dote "Dane," WANTJJ.U. Flint can and any c«r with ney. Hed Bank. of ilMi rheLher living or dead. A description of Mason iars are low; we have ln stock Continent*! motor; also Mai-mon, and '{'•* .»U •»<* type*. Hour In- OK wai printed In last week's Ilei[l«ter In half pint up to half gallon In glass or Cadlllaci up to and including 1925. Arn- qqalrles will be glfsn personal Attention. the "Too Late to Clarify" eolnmn. Ther- rew tops. Canning riots from the four- old Hannen, It Now street, Bea Brjaht. _j» REAL ESTATE FOR SALE o. Howard Upplncott* II Wonmouth on McCamnbell, Holmdel. N.^." r site at BBc to aeven-jar canner with FOK SALE, 1936 Chevrolet town itdan, tr««»t. yhun» Red Bank til. ,ck for 91.26. Jelly glasses 30c per dos- FOR SALE, stx-room house with bath; all LOST, Kirtlii blue Bilk puma Monday, on deroonatratorj run ten than 600 milei, KAKM. near UncrofL 10» acres, uoelluit Jelly atraln.ra and In fact everything Improvements; one block from river soil, brook and woodlandi colonial Broad street about 5:30 p. m., contain- preserve with. .National Be. 10c and II Saie, 360 Broadway, Long; Branch, N. J.,FURNMUKE wanUdi old fuhfontd an- NINE-ROOM house, two baths, fireplace, store and bus line: »I«o near school; lot ing 17 In billa. Keward. AddresB Purse, :or., phon. 2680. . Fr.. d.Mvtry. phone B90-_ tique furniture* lo any condition | aUo encloied porch; rly.r privileges, srounds 67x146. Inquire 1 Clay strait. Fair Ha- wel»e-room residence, located well back boi 511, Bed Bant. elasiw&re. Writ* and I will call at once. cared for by owner; rent 170. Thompaon yen. rom road and shaded by num.rou. tr«... R SALE, De-foot cabin cruiser, 80 h.TRUCK, formerly a P_cka7d~7e~ven-paii- I par cashcaih. AddrAddreie si AntiquAntlque. a. IS Me-WHITE WOMAN uihlic. day's work to *rge barn, wason houaa. oov. .tall, p*ca> LOST, between Prospect avenue and Wharf p. ''Kermath motor; aleept four; large enger sedan; no repairs needed; cheap ld. N. J. do, or would do laundry, ln or out. Call AgencT^JiJEast Front street, phoneJ BUNGALOW, modern" impro^enU, ln«. ?ou"i all building. In Ho. oondlUon avenue, glasses. Finder please call Hed lallelleyyi excellent condition. Bargain. lo quit* buyer, Pino Brook Forma, Tln- chanlc atraet^ Freeho ... 276 Mechanla •treot, after 6:00 P. M..UEATTIE PARKRK. LocusLtt «v«nue and steam heat; open fireplara; ona-car ga- and land them.elve. ro.Jllj to an7 d.alred ht l nk S b i tttWd sixroom Bank 96 6. IUworoY hone_ned Bank 1040 or Eatontown 812. ton Falls, ,)hon. Eatonlowu 443.' WANTED, Dlnser aewini roachin«i. any l l°0«_i ^J?.? -A rl*: _ Shrewsbury river; attractive* six-room rsga; $4,600. Rolnlon Waterbury. 107 l rlc 1() condition) caab reflatera. typewriter. houseius«; bath, breakfast nook, eextension 1 \l\r. L°"S-a ' ' » .»0»i Knni Al. J1ROWN and white hull torrlor lost Sunday >NE DASH" on One SpofTflea Hlltr/solil DOD(tE coupe; excellent running order; VOUNG refined colored Blr"l wishes posi- ho Monmouth street, phone Red Bank BBOO. .,",*„ ?° A*.nc», Inc.. It Monmouth or Monday; eyesight Impaired. Finder adding machines, furniture, books and tlon as housekeeper for bachelor or bus-laundry with lav.tory. Bun porch, flre- •treet, Il,d Bank, nhone J4B0. by Paramount Pet Shop. Whclan's and quiet motor, new paint, new tlrei; price store fixtures. Friedman. 85 South Mai, oil hent. Frlltldalr.. t.nnl. court, LbfS^-$26O upi Buy'and" build noV. please call Humson 7M-J.- Iggett'a drug stores." J6ii. Can be seen at 32 John street, Red .tr..t. A.bur, P..V. phon. Asbur, Park I ««•• «»»•;. or J.«,», h°-e«orker. , Rental prices have started to rlee. Rol- FA M Hunk. t , Ab Pk h Ab P l ter rlvor privileges, screens, lawns cared (or " iv LOST, August 20th. a silver linked brace- PBAY with Astrlnsent or Coated Arsenate tfj by owner; five mlnutea' walk to station; ston Waterbury, 107 Monmouth streat. request rrmny hariralns. Hay H. Still. let; oblonff links; between Leroy place WE HAVE' the finest amort ment of used Sl<3. lied Dank. by PJ^dBlU8^^ ^^ ^^1 Ited Bank. Phone 8600.* man. but* Hl^way, Eutontown, N. J. and Mlddletown through Murde avenue. of Lead now to kill Japanese beetle. For HAVE you any old meerichaum or antique j ; 7 la at Ilendrlckion'i Supply Co., Mlddle- enra In tho county from |2E up; small pipes around the house ? I will buy WANTED, position n» clmuflem, by young D ESI RXBLE"house~"for rent! furnished; '"•,'•., K'tabllshed 21 years In th* Reward. SO Leroy place, lied Dank, phone wn, phone 869, down payment, balance to iult. No fi- thtm. Juit call Bed Bank 8614 and I will man, white, 2H, with 14 years' driving LOTS OF LOTS—We have a grand 100.M. nance chargharge onn unpaid balance uunder , , y iing garage opposite; attractive surround- i ORSES and pis* for sale; younir PUB, call. experiencei . AddresAdd s ChauffeurChff , bob x tillll. lnB«; best location. Flni home for coupe, ••lection of Tery deiiiabla ploti of FARM of aboirt~;ir~a"^Ii;~; y*«m LOST, lady's Wnlthnm sport wrist watch, Loot ou^ itnrk over before : B n An(l one work born and four aaddU SI lift. "mill '. SIM, Pnu-r t, VD1 UGIUIV JUU , ,,,:r7rli h r 1 1 s Ikd Bonk. Concession made If ownsr rttalni one land on which to build your own h h»i. n, outbulUllngs, 18,500 Initials C. D. P., on case. Lost between k h d f ddle horses. •William 3, Levine. 375 Broadway, i WANT to buy for e*ah any old postaBc .,.,..„..„...,„.,., Surf bathing pavilion nnd Applegote s at Iddlotown Stock Farm. Thomas S. Lonir Branch N. J * ' stamps. United States or foreign; on or l.OUSLKLLrtlC conn. room. References exchanged. Available home. Several Iota in Red Bank are "• WiHcon.ld.Vil laid, phone Ited Bank 861. , ofl env€jopeit Submit to me for Inspec- j valid or elderly pet nlon for nomi-ln- October. For information phona Red Bank mr, Nnvcnlnk, N. J. Sea Bright. Finder call Rumson 8G9. Re- 1028 phaeton, mcrhanlcall. attractively priced at % 1.000 despite ward. 3CKER SPANIEL puppies for sale, black tlon. R. V^IL H. Stout, 2 Unden place, I »•• box 611. Red Unnk. 3317-J.' perfect; ne< rubber, trood paint; must HOUSTON WATEHBURY announces the their •plendld location; easily worth In town: parti, (uml.Kd. males f 151 pedigreedt eight weeks old. bo aeen to be appreciated; 1200 to first - —rrf^;--— KEUADLE colored in of Tl yenre hout> -Jted ment Agency to 22 Went Front street, Red 1 A DOLLAR Hpent in time lavea nine. Buy Bnnk 1277." Hank, on Friday. Phone 3600.* $700. Near achool. bua, highway and and mlBseH knit- sports wear; twin NOTICE—Due to tnapectlon, Ford a recommended used car today and nave MORTGAGE money—We have money railroad. We will be glad to ihow li,, iweaters, coots, dreBses and suits; every Model A windshields, shatterproof, money on-repair hills, 1934-1935 -Chev- to loan on first tlond and mortgage RACTICAL mirsc-comiuinloii to convu- RIVER COTTAGE, five room«, hot wate <. W. Man- garment a bargain. 385 Second avenue, IcHcenlt t patientitt in refinef d hhome ; ChChrinl- |I hheat , open filfireplace, attachetthdd onscaone-car iri a thorn to you and explain how we enn eel Duk 13.60; plata slass $S| insUlled. Irv- rolets, Fords, Terraplanes. sedans and In amounts from 11,000 to $10,000 on near Dunhar avenue, Long Branch. coui-eb, 1032 Plymouthe, coaches and iti family; own nlry room, treated n» | BKe ; Frlgldalre ; hardwood floor* through- finance your new home with rent pay- ing Heiae, auto wreckers, Belford, N. Improved property In Red Bank and io of fnmlly. Writo P. N., box fill. out; $80. Rolston Waterbury, 107 Mon- Iort rul 1 k FOUR-PIECE wlTker set~(10, child's drop coupes, J185 up; 1081 Fordn, DeSotoa, menti. Milton Berk, 88 Broad atreet, tlra'ich - - '« . l'hone 1002 Long J,. phone Keansburs 180-J. Piercc-Ariow sedan, 1930 Bulcks, DodgeH, vicinity, Applications given Immedi- ntiiiK natary and when wiwilcd." mouth street, phone 8J»00/______^_ leaf dosk JH.fiO, throe Hteel wardrobes phone Red Bank 1616. HOUHE~aVKa $12 and $lti. two Kiite-leg tables 18 and Chryxlcra and Stucicbakem 1150 up. "Z'J ate attention. Hawkins Brothers, 10 ydUNd LADY, higli RCKOO! KraduHtV,"d«-' SEVEN-ROOM ~houiie, hot water heat, ntnivnfo • >ule: 11.000 or • 12, chest of drawers (4, In, 16 and 17: •EI.GIAN Oriental russ |1.39 each for tho DeSoto conch tl^t>, '29 Chevrolet Bcile J2.200J2.200., I,u' . ter. Ha-,1et, N J. »_ ,. M-, box 611. Ited Dank.' ROOMS FOR RENT nent and low taies. It Is Ideally situated 'arker avenue, Pair Haven. k.r Healty, Bolford. N. J.. phone 725-M, DOES YOUR roof leak ? It don't have to PRAYERS—New and used sprayers for GRANDMOTHER FIELDS' dinlnir room: ROOM AND GAR A'IK wanted by refined .otween Sandr Hook bay and th. Shraws- Keanaburg.* farm, estate, golf courie. and shade tree meals, week day 10c; Sunday, chicken ROOMS for rent furnlehcd, with or with- )ury river and Is .aslly accesslbl. via rall- CUENT ha. Just completed a fin. six. now; flve-Knllon can roof coating for young man; outskirts of Red Bank pre- out running water; garage If wanted; 11.10. Dealers sell this grade all over for raying. Call or write Hend ricks on Sup* dinner 50c. Also rooms and board. 73 'erred. In quiet necluded sector. State oad. bunses, Kood roada and several.boat FARM of 23 acres, elx roomB, bath, all y Company, Mlddletqwi., or phone 86P. on bus lino in town. Best residential Inea. Th. constantly Increaalna number room all-brick house In desirable kind, of outbuildings: facing concrete 32. Get several tins at this price. Cold Wallace Btreo^,_Red_Bank/ RI and full details. Address P. O. box Bection. R. H, Vnndervecr, 19 Branch location. Tile bathroom, large bed> water paint 75c gallon; porch an EBUILT eecond'faaod wtur pumps, 16, Red Bank." >f Newark and New York commutera la road, three-quarters mile to station! avenue, phono Rod Bnnk 1465. >artlcularly gratifying and we want t rooms, attached garage; large plot lo.rtOO, part cash t one ana* a half mile, to enamel SI.30 gallon. National 6c, 10c G. Hurst. Ufdrtletown, ohone Mlddletown ArANTED, any nmount up to eifiht tonB ifying and we ncourana this cla t l t ma bathing. Lukor'e _Ue»ltyi_B.lford. N. J.' and II Store. Freo delivery, phone Rod 6. REPAIRING and alterations. We buy and of hay, timothy and clover; good qun.1 LAHtJE airy front room, for rent;; suitabluitable lasa ot p.opla to mako Total cost of hous. and lot 9S,000, f t 51 I't l Bank 2688. OR SALE, lfl-foot sailboat, Marconi sell used KarmenLs. Munt be iti «ood ty and reasonable; for private uttible for for ono or two peonper . 51 I'ctcra place, Helford theiir hhome b y offerinftl g ththe fulleslllt Owner will sacrifice for 11.000 cash NEW HOME, ioc'atioii lin.! foT~sai. condition. West Red Bank "Cleaning shop, phonh o IteItd BanBkk 3D3D1-W. co-operation of this complete, reputable 14.600. {GOO ennh, 120.41 monthly pays WANT to trade Un-foot Old Town mo. knockabout, with complete equipment; laddie horses. Answer stating beHt pric If purchaser ivlll aasum. $8,000 first tor boat dinghy, In fine condition, for 100; in water. T. E. Vassar, Waterman 311 Shrewsbury nvenue. Red Bank. U. or CBBh to 0. H. E., box 511, Red Bank LARGE well fmnhhed front room, with •eal estate organisation. J. Crawford taxes. Interest} nothing to worr, abouti CarclllSHARPE, proprietorN lawn mower. s $1.00, repairing, lompton, 14 years' experience as a real mortgag.. Ma, consider lass cash. near depot. Lukor'e Kralty. Belford. eight-foot'dinghy of same make. V. P. venue, Sea Bright, N. J. WILL give away SV^-monthu-old police or without board; reasonable rate*. 42 sharpening caws and sciitsorii. Fit the tata developer and builder. Nj_J-1_phorie__Kcnnsl)ur(r_7 2r,-ft!.^ Wilkinson, Point rood. Little Silver, phone •'OR SALE, one and & half carat dlamon. key and fix tho lock. 115 Oakland street. imp to anyone who will call for It. Oak-Hudson avenue, Ited Bank, phone^R-^__ Hera Is ,our chance to own a nsw Red Bank 1766.' ring; will sacrifice. Addren Diamond land Greenhouses, Everett road, Lincroft, ROOM for rent In i/nir/;ivnte e familymy;; home IOUSE, duplex, reasonable; five rooms, house and sav. $1,000. Milton Jlerk, FOR SALE. Ocean avenue, Konnsburg, MV^ corner Bridso avenue. Red Bank.* tile bath, open fireplace, porchas. en-room bungalow, plot 7Cxl00l will d|. NEW MILFORD, N. J., lot 100x100, near [ting, P. O. box 611. Red Bank. N. J. comfortsfU . At 700 WlWallacl e streett, ReRd 88 Broad street. Bed Bank, rhona railroad station, river and highway; PAINTINGAINTING,, decoratingdecratig,, papapep r hangingg; ese - Bank; screens, hot water heat; garage; lawn 'Wo lot If desired. 37 V, feet, »1,600. ARDEN TRACTOBS, Planet Jr. and Biff titimatet s supp rrile ild on ttarg ge nm ll jobnjb . HOY'S BICYCLE wanted for boy 14 yearn cared for; five minutes to station, Fenn- Hit. What will you oiler? Luker's Realty, threo minutes from Hackensack; sewage Bolens, rebuilt. Conover Bros^ Balei & all jobn. ld reasonablebl ; must b e Ii n good con- recently Installed; exchango for seashore Allll work (tuarnntecdtd . R. CC. SternB, ChChestt - ATTRACTIVELY furnished two and three ylvnnia, C. R. R. Phone 89-M Mlddhv 0 n K 2 Service, Wlckatunk. K. J^ phone Holmdel nut atreet. Fair Havon, N. J." Jtlon. Dan Burnett, 31 West street. Bed rooma each with prlvato hath and glim FOUR-ROOM hous. at Bradevelt, two 5s!'°£t_P!L - *_- .' ° "^llHIrU' jyii! property and apply a» part payment. Vic- Bank.* pocporchh . AaAlaoo one ninglng o rroom. HH7.* Highland avenue, Atlantic Highlands, N luality ann d full six feet long. Brlnar ln formation given only by personal In- porch ; Raraae i rorncr lorntion : noar tiehool J., phone IS.' our roller" s (no need"to throw them HOUSS MOVER and raiser. Joseph C. privileges. Mrs. 3ray, Newman Springe SEVENTY-ACRE farm, brooks, abundant and transiiortdtlon ] price J2.700. Frank . rhlle this special Mount, 1115 Tenth avenue, Neptune, K. road. Rod Bank.* i terview in this office. Milton Berk, farm buildings, twelve-room house, all FOR SALE dining room suite, walnut,' ten. way). Do It today HELP WANTED mprovements ; 5,800-foot road frontage ; II. Lawoa, 47 Sh rowHbury avenue. Red pieces; Marsh kitchen cabinet, lawn ffTcT r existsit. NationaNtill 6c. lOc and $1J,, phone 2B99-W and fin50. TWO comfortably furnished bedrooms, 88 Iiroad street, Red Bank, phono nank._ phione _2S7fi. . (tore. Freo delivery. Phone 2980. WANTED, experienced «roora, white: must nlry in summer, well heated in winter Farmingdale. E. R. Mamon. owner, 62 inower and various household nrtlcleB CESSPOOLS cleaned, cellars dug. acoop- 1616. Cetera place. Red Bank. . I HAVE two" loU on Hnnro road, FnlrHii- reasonable. Phono Mlddlctown S7C-J.* JTTLBi WHITE HOUSE Antique Shop, inK n.nd grading; at reasonable rates. ba expert horseman, understand care of >n bus Hue nnd convenient to bun!ness dogs and poultry: aluo gardener: character enter nn7." _^ 'William Reece. Service Station, Ncptuni OR SALE, sod, top •oil. fill dirt, cinders GRANDMOTHER FIELDS' dinins room Must faav* A-l references. Address Gai- heat; attached garags, modern horse barn. FOR 'SAI.E,"lot""lrT* iCnnUwnml, "70VlB(K Jrllghway. Eatontown, phono 404. and gravel i price* reasonable. Claude mould, week day 4De; Sunday, chicken ONE OR TWO rooniH, furnished or unfur- Is offered for dale at S7.E00, with only Mrn. Ma Chnmbcrs, ll(i Harding toiil. denor, box 511. Red Bank.* nlnhed; center of town, two blocks from Rent fully furnished. Allaire & Son Agen- AUTUTO TRUNK. 37x16 IncheInches;; ggooo d make Wrlsht. Markham ' pUca. Little Silver. dinner 50c. Also rooms and board, 7f Inc, 10 Monmouth street. RcdBanlc. 10% cash down; house has six larg* Red Hank.* ' - phone Red Bank 1498-J. Wallace fltrcct. Hed Rank.* EXPERIENCED cook and general house- railroad ntatlon. Intiuiro at LA Chestnul J ^ In good conditioconditionn . Sell S80S8.000 . Phon< worker desired. ' Apply Mm. H. J. atrect, Red Bank.* iJELIUHTFUU pleasantly furnished rooms, til* bath, extra lavatory, play- M 'OR SALE, riding horse, registered thor- FIELD STONE—Native Held fltone for Stokes, 827 River road, Red Bank.* hoiifle, or unfurnlnlied if desired, for ran' room In cellar, steam heat; coppar COlToNIAI, nlnc-roorn hou«o, all improve- oughbred mare, twelve years, sound; Bale; $4.7ti per yard at location, $6.76 NICE comfortable furnished room; nil con- after Labor duy; cl«ht rooms and bath ments, hot water . hent: Inrgo shnde) GRAY onamel Arcola heater, gray enamc WAITRESS WANTED; experienced only. i in privati e hhome; rent plumblns, parquot floors, lot 75x100. Thatcher 3 combination gas and coal suitable for polo or road riding. Phone per load delivered, (!. It, Decker, Syca- W; private narage; In Fair Haven, near rlvc trees; seven ncrci fcrtllit noil: situated on Eatontown 146. En gel. re avenue, Shrewsbury, phono Heel Bnnk WritWi o t 5. MM . R , bb o Gil. Red Bank.* Al 81 South at House will bo decorated to suit pur- hill. I'rlro $l2.nilt>. Frank IJ. Lawos. 47 range; pinoles, heater; also lunmber. Can hono lied Runk_ 1 Ii 1! anlRgeRt size and count on all stationery eel lent wall paper service. Arthur E. FURNISHED apartment n( three furnished apartmenta ovorlookinar oettn, IS montha old, perfect markings: sired itore. Apply by latter giving full qual- heat, all Improvement*; two-car HB.ra.T6 i nrovements. 7ffxl50, five minutes to lot SOxlUO; n«nr rlvor, rallroart atavtlon^ by Champion Dusty'B Little Boss; regis- for the money. Get your supply now Boyce, painting contractor, phone Rum son 'fixations to Salesman, box 611, Red Bank. bath, ntcam heal, Friglrinlrc; near my office; $*0 per month, John T, railroad station; houao In perfect condi- tered. Will mako wonderful pet or stud, while our ntock Is complete. National 6c. 66S. ! ren 10c and |1 Store. GROGH^GRS (female), experienced dn Pi-..?- A J Liiwlcy, agent, Riverside drive, phono Re tion and a sacrifice at !7,RflO. Mr». Ctir^iflro tor t™?Oo! Tl»rms. Victor El! Phone Red Dank 3362-W after 6 In even- IF ITS MUSICAL we can supply It In infants' hand-made booteen, tacquea and FIVE rooms and bath, ail Improvementp s Rank 410. < . Smith. U Maplo avenue, Fnlr Haven, phono Hock. TIlRhlnn(U,_phorin_in reasonablbl e rent; a!n! o t d J Rod Bank 2308. il ONE nASH^iTOna Rp"oTfiea killer, sold •traction on any wind or string Inttru ihoulderetteshld . Writi e Charlehl s MMott , 1111 good JOCH FURNISHED cottano for rent, »18 pel BUMMAGE SALE, sacrificing cverythln by Paramount Pet Shop, Whelan's and ment Including accordion. Arrangement N. Sixth Btreat, PhlladeUihla. Fa tion. Will rent toKelhc or separately t( at buyer's price; Fada radio, coach car cao be made to purchase Instruments. Al- renponnlblo party. Apid month; Niivcslnk avenue, near Stont MODEHN bungalow of five rooma and 'JKKett'r. drug store*.* 193 Shrewsbury bath; plot 60x114; nice location In As- rlage, stroller, crib ami many useful ar- so repairing. Annese, 47 Wmh Inn-ton MAN. resident of Red Bank or vicinity for nvenue.Ited Ilank. rhurrh. Atlnntlc Hliihlands, phone local work; grocery store or delivery to tic Hl«hland« 103W bury Park: »3,«5O. terms. Thompson tides. At 17 LafayettB street, RumBon HUNTING? Antique lovers find It itreot. phone Red Bank 17 SI. FURNISHED three-room apartment over- N. J. Bale starts Friday/ homo experience preferred; light car de- FOR RENT October 1st, for person Hvln, Agency, 81 East Front stre.t, phono Red Interesting looking over our collec- ESTELLE PAINTING, decoratlns and pa- looking river; tile kitchen, bathroom Bank 700, FOR SALE, registered Redbon. hounds, sirable. Pay dlicunRCd at Interview. Write nlono or couiilo; well built model Capi tion. Call and Inspect our merchan- per hanging; save the surface and yoi age, experience. W. M. Flintier, Farm- anil hall; hot water mjppllcd. hent includ Cod bungalow In Stlllman Park. Eaton thre. months old; male tlo, female *K save all. If you still want the best glv< ed in rent after October 1. Tcicptiono He* Martin Jensen, Vanderburg-Marlboro road, dise. No obligation. We buy and inRdale, N. J. town; reception hall with coat closet, largi us a call and we will be glad to adv.n Hunk 677 for app'nntmcrit. livintr room with open fireplace, pine pan Marlboro, N. J. sell everything. Ruicll's Auction Gal- and make estimates, 10 Mount street, MAID wanted, experienced cook, general 219 RROAD utruei. furnished apartment. elled; one bedroom with mirrored dooi PAINT with Atlantic lead and line; th leries, 27 Eaat Front street. phone 2689, Red Bank. housework; three adults; must have three or four lame roomn; houNckef clonot; modern bath with shower; model best, 12.00 per gallon. Wall texture i good reference. Apply 4Z South street. Injr; lmprovemontn. Ken!. inrhirlOB r.l kitchen with Sellers cabinets; Magic Che! pound. Specials In wall paper. Atlantl Red Bank. ANTIQUE mahogany buffet, $25; store trlcty ami Karate. Phone Hud Unnk teas rango and Frlgldalra; inlaid Unolaurr Paint, 119 West Front atreet, phone Re BEDBUGS, roecbet, Uea», moths, et&. MAID wanted for general housework, Ad- 61-W.- In bath and kitchen; oak doors through clock IS. Vletrola, flrerlac* screen and permanently extennlnatcd Bank 22U. tools, two 9x12 rugs, studio couch. Staiu- dresn Maid, box KU, Red Bnnk. THKEE-RfJOM mm it ment with nil out; hot water heat. Insulated wall Fortunatus's Purse OUTBOARD boat 17% (eet, 6^-foo berry Thrift Shop. Wilson avenue. Port ued). Rats caught with forraU loot MIDDLE ACIED white woman wanted to onfible. rent. Chamhorlaln motnl weather atrlpplnir; • beam with Johnson heavy duty Sen Monmouth, near nr« house. poisoned). Phone 8848 Asbury. Jack caro for two small children and '.'. strcct. Iteil Hankk. most half acre plot; garatts, tennis cour Horse motor; will trrftie even lor a skiff, rent $37.50. Apply owner, IUy H. StlT Once upon a time, an tho good old fairy Ulo» tell UNUSUAL' bargain, four-piece decorated Keodrlck, exterminator, established household for hunlncnn couple; no cooking II amirtVnpii rr; enti or will tell for J85,, Can be seen at HI laundry. Phone Rcarh. Shrcwnhur; What became of that purne, no one known: but It gate, 17 Elm place. Red BanV. HOUSEMAN or experienced jflrl for home- furms, from three ncres ui*. Pk'Jifto _ TWO •'seven-section . 35-Inch Hlchardsoi be In good condition, L. Kerber, 201 , work in the country; references re'iulrcd, River Ak'cnry, phone IUd Hunk 7(1. waji never heard of after Fortunatus dlfd. Hut •team hollers; load caimclty 2,20 FRENCH mlrrora. Emrfie cheat, sottee. all Information. Havo cnili buyers wnit- HIX-UOOM houno and ftftrniia for rent; at hand-rarved Chinese teak wo ort arm Bbrewnbury *venu«. Red Bank- Phi Smnll family. Address J. W., box 511, inn. Aho houses nntl lots In Monmouth ]u*t think what a wonderful help thnt purao wrmld square foot each, excellent condition. Job: 4S8-W. Hed Bank.* improvements; hot water heat; nner M. Conney. Inc., 210 North 4th streel chair, cherry and spool beds, palntlngi, Co. The Saunders Awcucy, 1312 S[irim:- flrcidflrB. At 53 Churrh utreet. Fnlr fia< be ln these times! A purne that had a lot of monny OPERATORS wanted, ntnftle and double arrlson, N. old glass, Currier 4k Iven other antiques- OLD OOLI)— We pay cash Tor yoar oh wooil avenue, Anlury Pftrk. _ _ veil. Itviulr* at 'JS Fair Haven road."_ In It every time you oponcd It no mnltr-r how nften Buacll's Auction Galleries, 27 Eant Front gold iewalry. watches, teeth, cte. R«u» noedto rnachineH, on bathr<>hcs nnd pa- WANTED, nmall hrmao (<>r a coujdo in COMFOHTAHLY furnished homn or s SINGLE MULE, steady, all types farm stiles'. 8S Broad street. Red Bank. jaman; ntesdy work, good i*ay. Experi- you «pont all the money there wan In It! Tlmt work: will sacrifice, also 15 tons balei street. Ittii Hank ; nil Imt>rovtrncritrt nml K"- momi, bath, open ft re pi are. Karaite ; H enced o.ieratori only. Leyhro Mnnfnr-tur- rfltce. 17 03 Rlvor road, litlmar, phono would be nearly an flood an owning Alndrlln'n lrtrnp alfalfa hay. San Soucl Farm, Ireeholi GENERAL CONTRACTOR and ccupools Co., 240 Creek road, Kennnburtf, N. J. tlrnble .oration, near hl«h nrhon\: for th load. R. D. Eatontown^Jihone_5____ cleaned', carting and grading1, top toll, 7H2-W. in-led of iinfurnlihsd to reliable pnrty. A nnd the genie who wan Its slave! FARM PRODUCE. manure, fill dirt, cinders, gravel and eand. WAITRESS wanted t Open Doo Kat- WANTED, six or dsht-ronin IIMIM; f'.r ANTIQUES—Choice lot. eagle-tol . dro flre-» K. H. J-. 21 Hrown iilnr*. Kcd Dan! mahogany table, other tables, mlr Estimate! given, phone Hed Hank 2233. otitiiwn, phone B07. orciumiiry beforo Ortobcr 1 f,; prtftrah- AKontFi [Motflrtcd. _ FARMERS and track crawrt will find a Oscar Beckct. 47 Second street Fair ITn- • Inule ly onc-frmlly will. Karate; Mate location, Tor., several typos chairs; also a varlct ready market for their prodoc* by ad-ven, H. J. OPEUATOIIS wanted orTbathiohc AT IUJMSON," neatly fiirnl«h«-d fonr-r Tho man who would Kot ponntisiilon nf «vnn n. nnmll of Interesting old articles. Call at 96 ffertlsln* IF The R««lat«r't elasalfled rol- and double needlo machine^: unml itint and type nyatcrn. Addrctri nnd Imth htinKatowi near bun line roadway. Long Branch, or phon. Lon um n a. wnj,'e«. Apply 80 First avenue. Atlantic S. W., box Ml. ited Dank. tiathirttr (rr/mnflnj for rent of *t*ii*or Fortunatu« purne muiit glvo tn Ills iirftiont nraploy- SAVE MONEY on new and used parts, IllghUndrt, phon* OfiB, SMALL iittiiictlvi waritud \-y yountf ycHrly; lmmc«ll«to poma-n'don. Telephone mnnt the very bout that. In In him, nnrt Im munt nil Branch _ ~ '_ HORSES wanted to pasture or board. Tho oal heate uiatl rnr * nnd the*. Irving Home. HOUSEKEEPER wanted, renne'\ hcatlrtK fm-lliiifii and COVE-For rent, furnlsherl N°-_.lL.R«<.P»nk. KaanibilTK 780-J. month. Address H. P., box Ml. Red Dank, mult b. attached to chimney; price 111 fireplace and must ho In ni<llvl>lunl wlin wilt • Thon~- e Atlanti-.. .,c 1I1llghla| ' " n PtJLLETH for sal*. 1.000 IUrre (MM. occupy ()rt >ber 1- one day be advanced or who will drop nnt of tho complete. and New Hampshire!. April hate had, FARMER, to supcrvlne and work largo r rottace: sevrn room! and Imtli; op.n H0-W.' FUMifiATlNti, exteiriTliistinK of anta,~bed- Address b>all Utnm; h«x Ml. Kfd Hnnl-.. | raM. Thin will make n vnennry whirl. Ihn boat lean, well feathered, healthy birrfi. bu«d. roaclics, moths, fleaa, etc.; a guar- farm ; mint have proven' record : employ- FARM"wantH; couple, one rbiid, tn ict.i \ fiicplncca anil Kood plant. BlX-rO0T flat counter show ca»e. Empl Charles Weatervelt, Highway 13. Freehold, ment effertlv* October lit. RUto ter mi qunllflrd pnmon will fill, dot marly to 111! Ihnt J»h, New York cabinet plann, porch ac sntcrd couttcuus service; reasonably hoitne. «nn itfru r,f ground, (Jrtolirr !«'. • Hlver vlfiw and delightful surroun'i- N. J.. next lo driving £irV. pilred. Hacked by 30 ycoi»' exiiarieitce. fully, *xr>« Hence and marhlnery owned. bench, rock.r. arm rhalr: white wicker ae Kent mint, t,m- , IIIKM. Mniiernte rent. Addrenn Ilox and when you Rot It, nil It. htttnr than thai J'>h ItAilY CHICKS We, tested Darrad Rork*. Old method combined with the latest icl- Rail Of port unity fop prm-tlml farmer. tlculam. A'l'licxs K. M-, l»ox fill, ltd 1 ror-V.r, arm chair and table; fin. Vlrtro .'.Belted Hank- _ m ever Ailed heforn. Htmly thn Jnh from nil talking machine, good as new; IB cam Rhode Island Reda, English Leghorni: antlflc flndliiffi for rompiolo us.11Rfiction. Hank. ; | Abrrt, Inc., Monmomh Ucach 1420, or viewpoint"; look at It from every nnv.l«; road ra, candy tools. fe« odd chairs ai raltbltf, bunnlts. chlnchUlas and white. WANTEt*, otiTratorii on Imthrolti;*; ulnalo WANTKO .l(.r,t»er Ut. K flv?.ri«,w Ixiiicn- i ether lounge; reasonable. J. nelson, 4 Mueller, east side of Route 9B. on* mil* Orange ^JU'J. needle machine*. (iond [iay ; stesdy low ff-r two ii'lnlUi yrnr-aroiiml l«n- , A'lTHACriVH plara on State Hinhway No about It; talk tn penpln who Imve knowlfilfrn almiK oeust avenue.Iled Hank. north oT Red Bank_brld(e. lilK CIlOKiiKOADy, at Katontown, route work. Philip T. Jlannlne, lnr., 2-T-2T. Mc- nnt ; not over t'i'> I'tr rnonlti: niiyv.-lif 11-" | 3T,: IWn .mi, II f, feet frontage i .!«• the line of your wrrli; above all, THINK nbout It. eHOMEU furnace for «al«: chea TESTED" CHICKS, twi"thre«"7nd~four .If., south of traiiic IlKht. Full cuur.i lT ji: between Aoi.i.ry I'nrlt nm\ HlifhlnnrU. Ad- loom house, bathroom, laundry, inrKS at- tic and cellar; all improvement*: hot wa- Rteady thinking will do a irnndi di-nl lownnl nmklnir T. R. Compton, Wain street, B.liet week* old; 16c, 20c, 2Se Rarred RocVa, dinner B0r. Turkey Bn.l chicken dlnitsr*, WOMAN w«nt«d fo'r~ff«naral hfl'isc-wtTrk' eao A. H, <:., box 1.1 1, Ited Unnl.' ter heat, gas, .l.ctrlrlty, city water; ap- any Job ranlur to hamlle, nml nlrmdv thinking will Rhode Inland R«di. HuelUr. ••«t ald« Sumlnyii, 80r. (Jood service. Phon* Eat- .19 UjfayatU_atraat,Jtumian, N. J.* K- !•• _ _ .. Itfitito SB, one tnlle north of Red Psnk ontown T.l, l^itra Clark, msnaggment. ple orchard; numsrous fruit and "bans do a irood r!«a! toward mnklnir nviry p«r»on mor« BOY'S Oil (illtl/S bicycle »R.50. doubl bridge.* METAL WEAtHERHTRIPS for dttoriTand WHITK WOMAN wanted" for ecneriii REAL ESTATE FOR RENT trees. Tan be 11.ed commercially nr prl- rnpnhlc. ! flat top de.k 117.60. »lcker eotie windows; save ie% of fuel cost*, II. housework and rook in ir for two. ND valely. C l.ilrool, Mlddl.t'iwn. H. 1.. op- • 4.IA, living room suite. $4.9fi to 19 CORN on ear for sals\ II. B. fJulIck ft rmuklntr. flood he me for the party. 1'i.rlu former 100. It. I'. 1). Ho. 1. box K. Hendrlokion A Co- phone Red Osnk 1 HOUHK for rent,, nit rooma nml hut h, nil Town Kurnltnre Kschance, 35 Monmou Hon. Mlddls^own.JN^J., phone I«4.J.__ HOC 8a Newman Sprlnga road. IUd Apply It. H. VatKlvrvecr. i } ]liai>rh ave- irnprovfineriU; Kurnife; rent rally I'.- 174, K«.l Hank.' atrwt. H^d_llank. J;hotie 538.' nut. Tl*d lUnk, _ LIVE STOCK wanted; hlithent" rash "pries• B»nlt. _^_ cnted. hi'iuiui \* > MrKre, IS M'Uitn (>NK~HI'HE of a doubls ho""« 'or rent, HI GASOLINE range, foil burners, oren l«Ul for all kinds of llv« »tork, hi«f WANTED. "houMWorker. fond "ro<»v': "il«ti> itreet. i>honn Kcd llittik 22'J'I.' Linden place. !W« iriuim ami l.atli; all WliMi you f<-«l thnt you nrn HI for a bitter Job, (to In. no laundry, while. Mrs It, II. Horn- broiler; sell 115. J II. Fowler, 19 Ca rnttle, fat hoRS, ahotct, HltU plirs and AI n HALF of double houno for reM, *i\ r'.nrn* Ifoinovctnciits; |2Z.f>0 per inmitli. In'iuire aftrrr It. tlni oppoiliiiilMcn In th* Wnnt Do- 80HENSON A BAHR3. bulkheads and t""'. "'*? jCoj^rt, iihone_Itci| Unnk 1_H\O. gnUr er l'la.a^N. !£____ cRlven. Harry Wlltahlr*. 72 Btmstt are >ml bath; IRTKH yard and KJUHKT; nil hi „• !,:, IJoilfn |ilar>. IUd Tank. partmi-nt of Tlu> IlfKlMrr. If you ilnnt neo thnr* SMALL •*Hbo»t foi "aiie. 146. Calf Eat nutjjUd flank, phon* 2129-M, dock building contractor!. High- «tl«nt r'. n ill! ; aUo anotln-r *t I In |.«ir Iftwn tn .i. in ove- (Utth WANTED for «*n«ritl houM- •J WO I. i anythlnif which Juit fit" your IIMUIIKH, iiilvnrtl»« In n rn a 100 WHITK leghorn pullets, most of them land*, N. J, phon* Highlands 124B. nth. A. T. IWcnnia, 44 H«:'kU-^ nlice, rneniti Tilltnl. i'"'l Mon- °- .*°^ ''^•~ ~. - Thn n^Klati'r'n Wnnt nnpnrlniiMit vniirwlf. Tell now laying. Well develops birds t>r. fnnilllrjN who reml Thn I'.in:l"t"l' whrtl you Apply 18H Klvenlde averxit, Kcd IIOUHK "for ient."ln."»iniiiK vnn.tiT~Nt <>t I'KK'I" frontag. on liluliwiV, J^Oxli t«p: 112- Phone IllahlandsJIi bmK«r, Nutawamp roai], IUd Hank, phone U( KNSKIl PLUMUER—Phoni I317~lt«ii can il .pnt for lunch lent r.B- L. slant fe«t. ••* lt»rhe« hlvfh; ilrtil A> ant for Mut*t cttrburatot gtmptt from oar parking hnmi for ario'irio' t v*r atatlnn. Kotn'ot, Water .itiry, \I i'lnn* J, •. r r - •• i,l::1 nn rtaxon for tilUns; m*l#, «rt Itanlt. phun« IflHT-j •|IV TK llvn l,n r.\ • Ivtn •tatinr ttialtrTratlnri* anrl wagti xptcl- .!>> V, linn- MOM a ..rtlon if»f. Monmouth loaJ, Wtit Auiiciri^WABT«r5ir»ri.r. Vto- of n lull.. I., 1 h Z. n eo- Holmdfi (impa Farm.* ^_ __' fl ; 1Mn-i'n r il );.,.! Hank, ronlsln'inlr*'! !'.'.rim*, \n~ * Ktt "2 month and InUrnatlonal traek (ale. and ) r«#d#d f(*« of cbacbarr i*. Flion* i Vary ' He«dquart«rs. 1'hon. Red Dank \U<\ I link 1101-J1J . I'.uI'l RJU.uRJU . COUl r.%~>q7*"imall "family" wanl#dr*m> lior-'k'T'Uh if fI 'frmi^ifr.fron* HVf * Uttli1'. ffo'rril'hV'l '>>r ERTiHKJ^LXjilKe:,i-/m «ffeiln* for UH ?hll4r*nt vicinity IUd Hunk; itll-rttr furhUh«dIv . HoHoUtori .tont WWaifrhiuya lerh , |na hoi water fiaat, )wr».r,ar «.'r'...* attj'h^! f 1 DO each, flu«# built'!, l)iirl«|rl *nd poittlon; «xn«rUnrtd cook, hn..*»rnan, nod,* I'.lr., 111. Joi.fli O. Utl'i. A«.r>er. 1 your'tracktk, ihoiip«n^ih^» off fli torn* A*r drlvlnt and w«ahln . A'Mi«i* • l(.,m.on 44i. lo«<1i<) rta yo ronttae SAJM jSA^Mrrleai Urms (J. M MISCELLANEOUS. r illX-HOOM hrnii»~r«nv*rilsnl'~ln" •• h«t*»U !'•"•" «I«M tr««« a IInn «1rflt virletUt that would and rantT ol (own; sll Imi rovtrtn-n'*; eoit m» 13-on etrh at «hol*«ale UEAVINtt tor MUml,~Ytm\U. 0atur4a7or «n*-mT u*i*K9. Kent *V>, Many otheri. I* rfplftit. rTcleri now, take Utcr, 1^0 •treet. peon* U4I. WK HERD flrit Hft7r"hili>*"f'or poTHinna In tha h«tt houMholdaouhld . Apply att n lt..!«l/)n Wnle;hHry, |.hnne lion.* _^ ther T*rt*H#f, Site etch up. Kvtry treee TANK TRUClt"eor7lBT«T*ompI«t*" Monmlh ElEmploym«nt A nonlTi; ht t l thflKUiKl* ile r«rd. -Hh IO» isllon tanV, auliabl* tnt phont R1VKB FltOr*T bungalow.'"flv* rr>»mi, nt lew* thtR^frlKiUiKl* i"lre. ft* Ol>9n flr«liUr«; »|l irnttrnvumenti ; MS. j AlMrt Ke Mii. ittWntowttrif, U nuttery OMD*. f»*t elK •*«. Hane« Jira; inV (|u«inTltr7 at ImUyet M 101. Ui Rank. AWJlft(, w nUdj IloU-nn Watarbury, 107 Mon mouth sUMt, A. OLihoff. itauon, om Uolmdal HI, Writ* J. IL, U IU4 Bank, phone ISO0.* RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 27, 1986. Vera McKnight To James Kennedy To Eatontown Auction 404 OINTMENT Obituary. Church Notes. Is not » "Cure All," It relieve* Wed Fred Brunner Appear At Strand Proving: Successful 1 J. G. WILSON OVERHEAD GABMlE DOORS MlM S»rmh Wood Mulett. Hint Church of Christ, Scientist. "ATHLETE'S FOOT 1 Services in First Church of Christ, (llchlni faetvatn IH>) CHAS. C. CONOWjT iiMlM Sarah Wood Hulett, d*"**" " Scientist, at 209 Broad street, Red A miscellaneous shower waa given ^Jatnea Kennedy of Matawan, ac- A successful auction salt !• being »• 2Sc Bluefish 20c "> Wednesday of last week at Monmouth The Lesson-Sermon also Includes McKnlpht, Sr, Mr. and Mrs. Jack row. small price of (3. It Is the hopes of lb Memorial hospital at Long Branch, :he following paBsage from the t-'hrls- SparllnK/ Mi-, nnd Mia. Walter Con- tho company that the auction will be Butterfish 16c ft lan Science textbook, "Scienco and„ row, Mr. and Mrs. John Mack, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Johnson \Vhltn Home Building, EeU 25c was held Friday morning at 9 o'clock and Sons, Ralph and Walter. continued through Saturday night. at the John E. Day funeral home on Health with Key to the Scriptures nnd Mrs Winjam nathsmlth, Mr. -—Advert lacment. BONITA Crab Meat 6Sc * by Mary Baker Eddy: The Christ ,am,Mr s Frank 1>wlu Mr and Mr3 Leonardo, N. J. Broad street and at 10 o'clock at St. was the Spirit which Jesus lmpMed | , Hascall, MACKEREL James's church, where Rev. Thomas Jot m Cnttanchi Mrs AUcc Boys can make extra pocket money WEAKFISH . dM n his own statements: "I am the Mrs. Marp;iret Kstelle, Mra. Kmily idling The Register,—Advertisement Big Soft Crabs 1.25 - Ciirney, assistant rector, celebrated a way, the truth, and the life:' 'I and WANT ADVERTISEMENTS, high 'IhaBs of requiem. Davison, Ml.s. Connie Smith, Mrs. my Father are one.' This Christ, or Frank Rcilly and Misses Ann Wirth, The bearers were Fred McGinty. divinity of the man JCBUS, was his Too Late for Classification. Duske, Harriet Taylor, Mil- F5 U"~S~ALE7~DiT "Colon FnPh o rne~"o" n~S yen^ Joseph Prate, Leroy Snyder and Ja- dred and Catherine Keller, Catherine more avenue, about liOO (eet frontage, FUNERflL cob* Stler. Burial was In Mount nlmntcd him" (p. 26). Rellly, Vera, Muduline, Roberta and 61,-* acrcn, nine-room house, ftll Improve- Olivet cemetery. ments: hot wntpr hent; shnde, fniit ticca Your Future Depends Margaret McKnight and Jerry Drew, ami shrubbery, $12,500. Address Colonial HOME Methodist. William Burgher, Leroy Stout, Den- Home, box 5 11, lietl Hunk. s Mrs. Margaret J. Sanford. Rev. Ira S. Pimm, pastor of the nis Arnone, Fielder Cross, John FOUND. Scotch terrier! Owner nifty re- on Today's Decision Mrs. Margaret J. Sanford, widow Flmt Methodist church of Mllville, Brasch, Fred Brunner and Leroy deem name by Retting in touch with L. New Jersey will be the guest preach- Hodner. enre Klein, I\ O. Box OJ-A, Kat- o< Joseph Board Sanford, died Sun- and Thomas McKnight. ontown, N. J. Fall • By thoro"Sh. intonslvo training, RIDER COtXEOE day at her homo at Rumaon. She r at the First Methodist church, cf u s 1.0011 S. C, WHITE Leghorn pullets for T« m l 'P youns mon and young women for responsible , h»d been a resident of Rumson since Broad and Monmouth streets, Sunday sale from blood-tested stock; hlnh Krndo 1 erm lucrative business positions in a comparatively nho-t at tho 11 a. m. hour of service. Mr. HONORED BY FRIENDS. in every particular; 12-week a-old $1.00 rlod the death of her husband ten years each; nrown on new free rinipe. Albert Sept. 8 P° ' And tho opportunities for tho capable business ago. Mr. Sanford was a partner In Imm Is a former pastor of Grace Nelson. T. O. A.lontnwn. N. J., l-oultry mnn or woman will bo groat during tho next flvo years the contracting firm of Sanford Si Methodist church of Red Bank, this Four Women Given Party on Birth- fnrm ut Imlnytttmvn Station Nursery. CARRYING ON A , Courses In: j^-urs. ie!ng the first appointment given Mr. day nt Harrison Avenue Home. PRIVATE "sAI^E^Kntlquefl^recliiced U\ Accountancy, Journalism, Typing, Shorthand, Book- Brooks of Newark. price; September 7 to II, each day from Surviving Mrs. - Sanford are a "Imm. FAMILY TRADITION kocplnff, Stenotypy, Secretailal Scienco, Business At tho evening hour of worship at A birthday party was tendered Mrs. 9 to fi. At 74 Shrewsbury avenue. Cor- Administration, Advertising, Bnnklng and Commer- daughter, Mrs. Mary Sanford Shan- Harriet I.ayton, Mrs. Laura Lamb, iiell-Pencock school. Also unme low-priced ley, and a grandson, Joseph Sanford o'clock, Dr. James K. Shields of kitchen neeiK Invalid's wheel chnlr and ... of service beyond prejudice, cial Teaching. Newark will present a dramatic lec- Mre. Emily Croyden and Mrs. Allc? Imrk rest, etc. Slmnlcy of Rumson. MacAdams Tuesday night by friends If you aro willing to Btudy for success, cnll at tho oftlco or phono The funeral was held Tuesday ure on the life of John Wesley, the COCKER SPANIELS, one pnlr black and Harry and James Worden assist ounder of the Methodist church. Dr. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. William white, one red femnie; one mnlo nnd one Trenton 8111 for complete Information nnd interesting literature morning at Holy Cross church, Rum- MacAdams of Harrison avenue. Sing- female Roston terriers*. Selling out, Cull their father in his unselfish) pub- regarding tho benefits and advantnges oj Rider Training. son, with a high maaB of requiem. Shields Is an authority on the life of ing, dancing and games were enjoyed. Route 35 and Palmer nventie. KeariRburg, Interment was private. ohn Wesley and many are expected Shndy Knoll Kcn»cLs,* lic-spirited service to all in this ,o hear him. The service is open to A covered-dish eupper was served. SIX ACRES of soy beans ready to cut II. Those attending were Mr3. Harriet Phono Efltontown 4fi. community. Religious differ- i Albert CornweD. Layton, Mrs. Carrie Patterson, Mrs. HOUSEj.for rent, nix rooms and bath; nil RIDER COLLEGE.*—-; Church school will begin at 9:45 a. Improvementn, ncreens; newly renovat- Albert Comwell, aged 48 years, died n. under the direction of William Laura Lamb, Mrs. Emily Croyden, ed; new hot nlr furnnce; reaaonahle. ences have never played a part at his home at Keyport Saturday. He Bennett. Mrs. Cora Dowen, Mrs. Sarah Man- Thomas Green. 21 Worlhley Btreet, Red had been In poor health several son, Mrs. Alice MacAdams, Misses Bank. in Worden direction, never will. Mid-week service 1« held on Wed-Anclla. Lamb, Ruth MacAdams, Nor- TEN-HALLON rooa coin ken tor aalo at years. He Is survived by his wlfo and nesday at 8 p. m. with the pastor, fil> Lclshton avenue. Hell Bank. Our aim is to serve all by his daughter Marjorlc. The fun- Rev. Albert L. Baner, in charge. ma Norman, Winifred Phillip, and ei:al was held Tuesday afternoon at Helen Dowen, Harry nnd Charles people, at fair, reasonable hia late home, with Rev. D. Roc Dowen, Gus Colmorgen and William NOTICE. Presbjtcrlan. MacAdame. AN OnniNANCB AUTHOniZINO THE costs. Davidson Bros. Haney, pastor of Calvary Methodist Rev. Dwlght LL Parsons of Branch CONSTRUCTION OK FRENCH HRAINS church of Keyport, In charge. The avenue, who for 18 years was pastor •» * ^—. IN AND BITUMINOUS TREATMENT interment was in Green Grove ceme- OF SILVERSII1E. EASTVIEW AND f the Shrewsbury Presbyterian Beturned on tho Hlndenburg. KIVERVIEW AVENUE. IN THE HOK- tery, Keyport. church, will occupy the pulpit of the Frank L. Bailey and his niece, Miss OUCH OF LITTLE SILVER. WITH 45 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. Red Bank Presbyterian church next prances Ryder, of Atlantio Hiph- COUNTY AID. AND PROViniNG FOR J THE FINANCING - THEREOF. : Sergeant William Watson. Sunday morafng'atilo'clock. HTS "~- s, arrived last week on the dlrig- Introduced August 12. 1936. William Watson, a sergeant In the Bubject will be "Looking at the In- Hlndonburg from a tour of Eur- Tftssed AuKUSt 25. 1036. PHONES: 3262—3263 Harrison police department, died last vlslble." No service will be held In ope. They spent most of their time Approved August 25, 1936, the evening. The classes In the in Germany, and attended the Olym- EDWARD C. FIEDLER. Thursday at Rumson, where he had pic games. Attest: Mnvor. been staying for hU health. Death unlor and primary departments of FRED L. AYERS. Borough Clerk. •wag due to hemorrhages. Mr. Wat-the Sunday-school, which have been son waa 52 years old and Is survived meeting as usual the past month, will by Tils wife, Mrs. Margaret Watson. iot be held next Sunday nor the first The couple were living on Bay street. Sunday In September. LIQUOR SPECIALS The funeral was held at Harrison. Rev. Dr. Parsons is of old Now England stock and after a ministry of 34 years, 18 of which were as pas William Gesaler. tor at Shrewsbury, he retired 11 = William Gessler died last Friday at yearn ago, and has aince- resided on his home at Plattmount, near Atlan- Branch avenue. It has been his cus- DAVIDSON BROS. (lce Highlands. He Is survived by tom to worship at the Red Bank -GIN SPECIAL- his wife. Mr. Geseler was a former church and his services and wise 2 PHONES—NO WAITING PHONES; 3262 or 3263. resident of Newark and the funeral counsel aro always at the disposal of Was held in that city. tho church. FREE DELIVERY. LLOYD'S The order of service will bo as fol- i Mra. Charlotte Cnrmlohael. lows; GILBEY'S 00 Proof Onran IVelud* Our Motto—Quality, Price, Service, Always '•• Mrs. Charlotte Carmlchael of Pino Call to Worship—Doxoloy Brook died yesterday morning while Invocation—Lord's Prayar BURNETT'S fifth Th« Aroxtles' CrMd visiting friends at Aabury Park. She Hymn, "I L6Y6 Thy Kingdom, Lord.".... Waa 74 years old. Funeral arrange- Shlrlund 45 Broad Street, Red Bank, N. J. F. C. G. Importers ments, In charge of P. Leon Harrto of Quartet, "My Faith Looki Up to Th»«." Lochner Red Bank and Asbury Park, have not The Scripture yet been completed. Contralto nolo, "God Shall Wipe Away Friday, Saturday and Monday Specials All Team" - Pcery In, Thomm McCllntock Vermouth Special Sermon. "Looking at the Inviplble." Building & Loan; Text: II Corin.. 4:18 ....Rev. Dr. Parsons M.&R. Vermouth Prayer—Response WELCH'S 30 oz. Offering Pineapple Juice Tomato Juice Press Bureau to Move Odortory Quartet, "S«eh Ye the Lord.".. Roberta DOLE'S Unsweetened CINZANO Dedication GRAPE JUICE HURFF'S—UVz-oz. can The Friends Building & Loan as- Hymn, "Spirit of God, Descend Upon My 18-oz. nnc NOILLY PRAT isoclation and tho Red Bank bureau Heart" 3 of the Asbury Park Press, which Benediction—Silent Prayer C c 8 qt m C tharo an ofllco In the Whltflcld build- Oman FoBtlude c ,.. Amc 10-.)/. yfft " ' CAZALIS PRAT Ing at 1R Wallace street, will move Before a large congregation last Sunday morning Rev. Dr. Robert W. 18 35 5 - 25 this week to tho Doremus building lit 14 Mechanic Btroot. Tho Prosa bu- Mark, pastor of the First Prcsbytcr- reau is In chargo of H. Lawrence lon church at Allentown, preached French of Long Brnnch, formerly of from the text of John 3:16, tho sub- Chicken Noodle Dinner MARSALA .the Record, and MiaB Marguerite 4ect being "Tho Gospel." TUNA FISH KELLOGG'S Genuine Italian Regcnharil of Rumson, DERBY Brand—1-ft. Jars FANCICY WHITE NAMCNAMC0BO ' BRAN1 D OFFICERS INSTALLED. RKGREG. 22o Pep or Rice Krispies C Cream Sherry ' TO OPEN OFFICES HERE. Charter Presented to Sons of the Amraican J>glon Squadron. C C Graystone Wine Elsclc, King and Studdlford I-oaso Quartern In Carlton Building. The officers of the newly orKanizod 2 49 2 37 Port, Sherry, Sona of the American Legion squad- 2 - 19 ;; Eisclc, King and Studdiford, prom ron wore Installed Tuesday night at Unent members of the New York Tokay, Muscatel a largely attended meeting by Capt Qt. Stock exchange and associate mem- Robert H. Rogers, chairman of the BUTTER Marshmallows JELLO jbers of the New York Curb exchunge iK]uudron. The names of tha officers Peanut Butter with main olllces in Newark ami ' most DAVIDSON";' BKAIIDSLEY'S Fnncy Qunllty ICE CREAM MIX were printed In The Register rrccnt- PFIRE Vanilla, Chocolate, Strawberry, Bealieu Vineyards ibranclies in Trenton, New Brune ly. The charter wag presented to Ayrshire Roll CAMPFIRE—l-n>. 1-lb. Jars ;wick, Elizabeth and WoHt End, hav< Charles D. Bedford, the squadron Orange and Pineapple, WINE 'taken quarters In the Carlton tlicatci •C Tuttl Frutll. enptain, by Capt. Rogers. A talk Jar Over 5 Tears ;biil!(llnir on Monmnuth stroot u'hlcl was given by Moris Miller, past enm- 43!. 17° 15 they hope to occupy on or about Sep- nmnder of Shrewsbury post of the j tember lf>. American Legion. I 3 - 29° PORT & SHERRY ; The Red Hunk olllee will be undei APRICOT NECTAR NATIONAL BISCUIT CO. jthe mnnngenirnt (if Chentcr I,. Klilc, Refre.ihmentH and a social time j Grape-Nuts Muscatel, Tokay !a well known Kod Ranker, who hns wore enjoyed nt the close of the j JUICE SALT been with I'lineli', King anil studdl- meeting. SrEC ford for ,'U'vrnil vt'Mis. Adequate park- HEART DELIGHT DIAMOND CRYSTAL RITZ ling faiilitlpti will be provided at Cur- nitten on Ann by 1*^1 Dog. ley's parliin^ plat Inn directly opposite Ijcrny Cosby, 12 years old, son of am :thc Iliedter building. Mra. Amy Cosby of 31nTwnbury nve- 16 3 ° 29 boxes lh. pkg. : Thin linn is hiMdicl by Nathnntrl nuo, wiia bltlen on the left forearm 3 21 SCOTCH :'King, who M well known In New Jer- Tuesday nfl he was Riving hia two ;Key blinking nnd (Inanelfil circle!). ]lr pet \U>KS to the S. I'1. C. A. Cosbv TEACHER'S . has been a member of I lie Mode ex- WHS taken to Illvervlrw hospital fur BEECHNUT IVORY SOAP Special ' chfinKe (lim'e iliOo. treatment. The Cosby family me OVALTINE Johnnie Walker «•" : Tho Oaehwald Hoalty company, moving from Red Hank shortly and COFFEE While It Lasts ! owners of the Cnilton thenter bulld- were unable to t.ike Loroy's two VAT 69 } Ing, were represented In the trans- doga. AH ho waa untying one dog 4 Medium— : notion by llnlhton Wnlerhury. Klnrlc, to hand It over to the S. I*. C A. representative, the other dng hit him. 53 1 Large- BLACK & WHITE : King nnd Htuddlfnrd were reprwient- Small K[m Special ^; ed by A. .1.'pmnn, representative. SIlC 25*1b ALL FOR !; In charge of the IInil's branch nfllces. It pays to ndvertlso in Tho Register. WHITE HORSE by the Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Specials for Friday and Saturday Only HAIG & HAIG Case California FANCY CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA CALIFORNIA FANCY King George IV ORANGES CAMVOItNIA HQUKKZING LEMONS HKKDL1CMH I-nrifn Him Bartlett Pears ORANGES Medium Bl» GRAPES Bullock & Lade "0 n •> hnkt. $-1.95 Case 99, 6 - 25° 4 -10 J. li HoU,