All the Newt of BED BANK SECTION and Surrounding Towns Told Fearlessly and Without BIM RED BANK REGISTER ONE Inuod Wnklj, anttttd •• Blcond-CUni Matter at th« Po«t- offlco at E«d Hank, N. J.. under the Act of Match a, 1819, Subscription Price: On» Year 12.00, VOLUME LIX, NO. 10. RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 27, 1936. Six Months, $1.00. Single copy* 4c. PAGES 1 TO 12, NEW POSTMASTER Register Bonus Three-Day Fair Of Ed. von Kattengell Awards Given Out St. Thomas's Church Betty V Wins Sweepstakes, Preparations are well under way for the annual fair of St. Thomas Friday Night chapel of Red Bank to bo held Wed- nesday, Thursday and Friday, Sep- Gets Position As tember 2, 3 and i in the parish hall, Successful Contestants in Eight under tho auspices of the Women'o Lowers Mark In Speed Trial; Weeks'^ Record-Breaking Sub- guild. Tho first night has been des- ignated aa opening night. On Thurs- Acting Postmaster scription ' Campaign Get day, September 3, harvest home din- Checks Touting $1,000. ners will be sold with fried squab chicken, vegetables and the usual Regatta Attracts Thousands "fixings" as featured dishes. It will ship several years ago. At that time The cash bonus subscription cam- be served from 6> to 10 o'clock. Fri- Appointed Yesterday and Riverside Gun club of Rod Bank was paign, which The Register has been day, September 4, will be "opportun- TO BUILD AT HOLMDEL. very active. The club is still in ex- conducting for the past eight weeks, ity night." A ton of coal, a large Old-Time Strict Vtelvin Crook Pilots 700- Will Take Charge of His istence, but it has hold no events for came to a close Friday night, and ham and 100 pounds of sugar will be New York Man Purchases Bennett number of yeara. At the time Mr. 14 local people were announced win- disposed of on the co-operative plan. Rules Adopted By Property on Route 34. Horsepower Hydroplane vonKattengell won tho championship ners of the cash awards for their Mra, Clara Dorsey is president of Duties Monday, Succeed- for the two-man, three-man, five-man Ten acres of land at Holmdel on extra effort. The first cash bonus of the Woman's guild. Her assistants Route 3-i, owned by Trevonian Ben- to Victory in Two Heats and six-man teams. In other words $100 was awarded to Mrs. Leo Hen- on the fair committee are Mrs. Ra- ing William A. Sweeney it held every state champion title ob- The Independents nett of Shrewsbury avonue, has been nessey of Fair Haven. The seconj ;hel Foolc, Mrs. Catherine Marshall, sold to Harry D. Ottermann of New of Speedboat Classic. tainable, which established a record .cash, bonus of $200 waa awarded to Mra. Julia Jones, Mrs. Ethel Nelson, lever equalled. In addition to hold- Red Bank Fire Company Puts York. Mr. Ottermann,, who in a build- Mrs. Harry Wiltshire of Red Bank, Mrs. Veda Miller, Mrs. Anna Ander- er by trade and for a number of ,ng the Individual championship, Mr. son, Mrs. Inez Ha'ndy, Mrs. Mary /onKattengell was a member of each who was a close second to Mrs. Hen- Ban on Gambling and Card years has been superintendent of the Senate Confirmation nessey In the last three weeks of Warner, Mrs. Irving Moore, Mra. Le- Waldorf-Astoria hotel at New York, hamplonBhlp team. ED vonKATTENGELL. tho contest. Miss Jean Stevens of roy Lane and Mrs. Nancy Biddle. Playing—Alcoholic Beverages plans to construct a six-room bunga- Class £ Inboard Ho Is an Elk and a member of Red Rumson waa awarded a cash bonus Are Alto Taboo. low with all improvements on the Is Expected Later Bank lodge of Masons. Among his of $100 for finishing in third place, property. chief hobbles are boating and other while the fourth cash bonU3 of $50 Record Also Set Here river sports. Ho thinks there Is no Contract Given History is repeating itself in the He plans to make this his per- 3ther place aa good ae Red Bank and Big Colt's Neck was awarded to Miss Vera Dirhan of manent residence. A pool will be Ed vonKattongell is Red Bank's Red Bank. Tho ten finishing next use of Independent fire houne on Me- regards tho accident which befell chanic street for social and recre- built near tho home. The property new postmaster. Ho received his him in hia youth as a fortunate one, In order to the main winners each Out For Channel was held at $1,500 and wns sold by Melvin Crook's Betty V, a big, 700- commission yesterday morning as Barn Destroyed received $25. They were Mrs. O. S. ational purposes. At a regular meet- orsepower hydroplane which haa for otherwise he probably would not ing of the fire company a few nights Ray Stillman of Eatontown. acting postmaster to take effect Im- Je a resident of this town, Incldent- Gilsey and Miss Kathryn Reamer of tot lost a race since she was built mediately and it la expected that he By Fire Sunday Red Bank, Mrs. Mae Baerman of At- At The Highlands ago a motion was adopted without n. 1931, won her third straight leg will take active charge of his new illy, ho takes no stock in the super- lantic Highlands, Mrs. Alida Van- a dissenting vote to prohibit gamb- n the National Sweepstakes trophy duties Monday. The commission was stition that Friday and thirteen are Ness of Red Bank Miss Madeleine ling and card playing of every sort Norman Thomas lunday and on Monday skimmed from William J. Howes, acting post- unlucky but on the contrary regards Building on James A. Barry's Dennett of Highlands, Mrs. M. Lin- The Hill Dredging Co. of Vent- in the building. Alcoholic beverages ver the waters of tho North Shrews- them as a combination of a lucky day ton, John E. Chamberlain, Calvin are also taboo, except with the per- >ury tu a new American mile speed master general. Mr. vonKattengell'a and a lucky date. Place Wiped Out With Most nor to Start Next Month on confirmation aa postmaster for a Carhart and Mrs. Samuel Harvey of mission of the house committtee. The At The Sylvan record for single engine boats, aa regular appointment Is generally an- Mr. vonKattengell la chairman of of Its Contents as Result of Red Bank and Mrs. Muriel Baker of the Ten-Months-Job Improv- motion stipulates that drinks are Red Bank's annual speedboat carni- ticipated to take place when the ;ha Rod Bank district committee of Matawan. never to be served on the second floor val closed with a flurry. More than .ho Federal Housing Administration. Being Hit by Lightning Bolt. ing the Shrewsbury River. and may be /served on the Hist floor Forum Sunday Senate reconvenes next winter. Tho plan adopted by The Rcgistci 0,000 spectators saw numerous rec- • Mr. vonKattengell had tho highest largely through the efforts of this only at social functions after appli- ird-breaking performances and keen* committee about $750,000 has been for this campaign, in addition to The War department has author- cation has been made for this pur- ocialist Candidate for President rating among the aspirants for the Fire caused by lightning destroyed being a liberal one, waa also a iy contested races. position and hia appointment was loaned for now construction at Red a large barn and most of MB contents ized a project for deepening and pose and approved by the house com- Bank and vicinity sinco the housing unique one. Every person entering widening the Shrewsbury river f^oro nittce, Since this action was taken Will be the Chief Speaker at Betty V, her huge 12-cyllndcr en- recommended In a petition signed by program wont into effect. on Jameg A. Earry'a farm on the the campaign was permitted to re- gine running under eased throttle, 14 members of the Democratic exe- Montrose road near Colt's Neck Sun- Sandy Hook bay along trie westerly ho card table which was in the soo- Meeting at Holmdel August 30 tain a liberal commission on each side of the river up to a point 600 ial loom of the fire house has been : added a second-heat victory to her cutive c'ommlttee of Bed Bank. At day night. A garage and tool ohed ubscription and then at the end of —Community Singing. trst place on Saturday and than a meeting of tho committee two were also destroyed. The loss, feet southerly of the railroad bridge locked up in a closet. Domino games ;he campaign tho H finishing with at Highlands, a distance of about 2.2 arc now among the chief diversions coasted around the third 15-mile spin weekB ago be was endorsed. He suc- Lefferson Farm amounting to $4,000, is partly covered he highest number of credits wero at cruising speed, protecting a safe ceeds William A. Sweeney, who held miles . The contract has been award- at the fire house. Arrangements are Hearing compJe- by insurance. awarded the caah bonuses totaling ion for the Socialist party meeting lead on points, while Mrs. Maudo the position 13 years. The salary Mr. Barry was home alone at the ed to the Hill Dredging corporation The company operated under sim- 1,000 In addition to the commissions o£ Ventnor, New Jersey. Work is ex- ilar house rules a number of years o be held Sunday ni^ht at Theron Rutherfurd of Sands Point, Long Is- Is $3,400 per year, At Colt's Neck time the hltizo hrnkc out and he was alroady retained: The Register is tho rlcCampbell's Sylvan forum at Holm- land, set a new Sweepstakes lap rec- In talking with a Register reporter nwakoned by tho crackling of the pected to start some time in Septem- ngn when iU fire house was on White first newspaper conducting a sub- ber, and it is anticipated it will take street, where the Aspdin paint store [el, with Norman Thomas, Socialist ird of 0D.OS9 miles an hour.
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