SUNDAY, AUGUST 3, 2014 | YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER SINCE 1874 | $1.50 Lake City Reporter LAKECITYREPORTER.COM EEE discovery Tigers return Cedar River SUNDAY sparked by to practice ready for new EDITION abuse 6A field 1B locale 1C PINEMOUNT ELEMENTARY Parents: New district for us? Congressional District 3 could be redrawn before election. sional maps to benefit an incumbent or one Kids still political party over another. By SARAH LOFTUS Circuit Judge Terry Lewis ordered legisla- Lewis’ July 10 ruling sparked a legal battle in fear of
[email protected] tors to hold a special session to draw up a new over what to do since Florida’s primary elec- congressional map for the state by Aug. 15, the tion is scheduled for Aug. 26. teacher Columbia County voters have been on notice day before early voting is set to begin. Lewis The groups that challenged the current that congressional District 3 may get redrawn, ruled the old map illegal last month, saying it districts wanted Lewis to adopt a new map and Parents also angry but with a Tallahassee judge’s order on Friday, violated the state’s Fair Districts Amendments, that Mary Rachal it may happen sooner than anyone thought. which prohibit drawing legislative or congres- MAPS continued on 7A won’t face charges. By ROBERT BRIDGES
[email protected] Yoho, Parents of seven Rush Pinemount Elementary GOT YOUR GOAT School students who were allegedly struck, paddled to meet and pinched by a kinder- Learning to paint like Da Vinci garten teacher say the chil- at FGC dren now live in fear of the woman, who, according to parents, told the children forum not to tell and gave them To take questions gifts to keep silent.