^ ■{■% * ^*. .. ’ *f'. i‘ ', • r ■ ' r' 5 , .'*,: . : ■ • . •■ - 'f ' ', ' ; >;•■ , ■■ * •, ;< •* ------„ ■" r-( 1 - J •' -t .';. ■ '• ;.-* ■' i ' •*,• ,• " '”'■ ^ «' ‘ wm-. - '.V /.' 'V'^. »» : r., - •••' ;.• ■' ft. , /‘ «s r . • » ' ... i ; ■:'. ; ' . " . - i ^ * 5 . ’V . ; ^ . f V -.;. .-i . • , • • '1 I., r >’•. ,1. • 1 . - K, • - . 1 V . , ■ ' \ , 't - V*. ■ , ■ ■ ■■■ r j ,■^■ A -TUESDAY, AJNE 4,19B7 PAGE SIXTEEN ' Average Daily Net tress Run ' ' » ■ ‘ ^ MmxiyvAh lEtottlttQ IS^ralh .j For the W’eek Ended 71m Weather ---- --------------- \---- »— /; June 1, li57 •f U. S. Weather I r ^ouUi Deerfield, Msss., the Rev. Partly Woody, eool. a g a ^ •»- John H. Oogolakl of Union. Qty, ‘ 12,1584 Might. Dow areond M. ‘nuraday, AboiitTown 47 Confirmed Conn., the Rev.. Stanley Pod- 8th District j Russell Stover cloudy, ohaaee o f acatterad allow- gomy of .Lawrence, Mass., the Member e f the Addit era la afternoon or crventaif. High T b « monthly HMUnjr of t|>e, Rev. 'Valentine Grabek of Lynn. CANDIES Bureau of Circulatioa In mid 70s. BritUh American Club will be held The wedding of hysa Gwendolyn^ At St. John’s Mass.,, the Rev. Augustine KrauZe Sleeting Set Mancheiter-—‘A City of Village Charm tonitrU at 8 o’clock. The annual Margaret Glenney, Coventry,; of Hartford,, the Rev. Francis Ka- $ 1 . 3 5 Lb. Ajkl Up club OTting will b ' held June 30 at da;ughter. o f Mrs. Christopher: The Most Rfv. Joseph Soltyslsk. mlnsld of Ndrthamp-won, Mass., the The annual meeting of the the Garden Grove, Glenney and the late Mr. Glenney, Bishop of Manchester, N. H., con­ Rev. ^addeus Korieja of Lowell, Eighth Utilities District will be i yOL. LXXVI, NO. 209 (TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, C0NN„ WEDNESDAY, JUNE B, 1957 (Olaaalflad AdrartWag aa Page M ) firmed a class of 47 Sunday at St. Exclm ive in ?• PRICE PIVB CENTS and James. Parker Keller, son of| Mass.,' the 'Rey. Walter HysZko of held on June 22 at the Hollister ' Mlaa Joeephihe A. Handley, Capt. (retired) and Mrs. Walter; John’8 National Catholic (Jhurch, Fall River, Maas., the. Rey. Francis Itfunchester at daughter of Mr. and Mra, Joeeph S. Keller, U.SJf., (Coventry, waai making his first pastoral v im to Szczesny of New Bedford, Mass.; Street School according to Leon | L. Handley, 385 S. Main St., la a held at 4 o’clock Sati/rday after-, the local church. and the Rev. • Donald"-Kent of Thorp," president. ’Thorp h*s set no | candidate lor the aaaoclate in arts noon' In the South Methbdlat He was aa<iisted by the Ver.v | Thompsonvllle. Assembly Vote degree in the liberal arta curricu­ starting time for the meeting. QUINN'S Church, ^ e minister of the Rev. Josepl^ L. Zawistowskl. dean ' Among the guests from . nelgh- Thorp has said the proposed tax lum at Weatbrook Junior College, church, the ’Rev. Fred R,- Edgar,! of Chicopee, Mass., and the- Very boring states, friends of Father PHARMACY Portland, Maine. Degreea will be rate .is two and half mills for the Probe Started officiated, and Philip Treggor,' Rev. Anthony’ K. ' Wojtkowlak, Str)(je(vaki and the cqnfirmands, 873 MAIN STREET . Extends State .awarded at commencement' ester- dean of Ware, Mass. Celebrant of cofhing year. This la a result of minister of music, played tradl-, whs the Hon. Marian Cieplak. for. the'new revalued grand list, , ciaes Sunday. the Vesper Service was the Vety mer member of the Polish Senate, tional bridal music bn the organ f j j Thorp has requested, that all re- and accompanied the soloist, Bern­ Rev. Leopold Dabrowakl. dean of l and later an htUche of the Polish ' ports of district officers be de-l 6-Cent Gas Tax St. Jamea' Mothera Circle will Bridgeport, who was assisted hy Consulate in’ Chicago, who now ard Oimpagna. ■ livered to him by Juna,_14. These In Girard Case hold ita laat meeting of the aea* , The bride was presehted . In mhi'-i n N ow ich resides In Fall River, Mass. ! reports will be published' on June . Hartford, June S —Connecti­ Bon tomorrow night at 8 o’clock at riage ,by her brother. Dr. Christo, - Altar DecoraUo..s cut’s Republican-controlled Gen­ ' V,'' tha home of Mra. Apn Flack, 53 ■22. ■ ' . ■ jh er C.,Glenney. Mrs. Ronald. E. Wallingford; fe v . Louis KaeZorow- j Th, ^itara were decorated with , Fred's 'AVashington, June 5 (/F)— The U.S. decision to lelATapan eral Assembly voted yesterday to ■ a^gneaUr.^'Co-IWBteaa will be Mra.^ Edmonson, Coventry, cousin of t>>e' of s / Tohn’s *^rish^°wa«'^ m»«f or Carnations by Jocal florists. As I PACKA6E STORE t t y an American soldier on homicide charges brought on a rontiitiie the state gasoline tax at' Gloria Holbrook. bride, was matron of honor; rhomoJir, I the moment of conflrmaUon ap- 6 cents a gallon until July 1, 1959. Bridesmaid vcere Mrs. Francis R. Senate iiiveBtigation today along with promise of more to It waa due to drop to 4 cents July Membera of the -Town and Coun­ C^tallo, WolIas'tbn,-Masa„ college The ch^?ge to the Confirmation i ? o X m e d T to o rb e ? o rV l'il"y ,S , n' i come. Chairman Ervin (D-NC) summoned the Defense I, 1958. try Group of the Unlveraity of lass was given by the Rev. Albert I Bishop, j OPEN EVERYUY classmate; Misa I^m ela J. Glcn- .‘krka of Westfield, Mass, The j *’> sponsors. Henry i Dept. counsel^_ Robert-Dechert, be­ The measure passed the Senate Connecticut Extenalon Service are ney, Coventry, niece Of the bride; fore a closed fneeting Of an Armed ■only after it barely got through .purged to,, attend the meeting to­ ■conflrm4Ads were presentod to the" F*^*^,** ^ *^0*1** i DEVELOPING 8A.Mc9PJi. and Miss Prudence-A. Wood. Vern­ Bishop pastor ofaf St. John’s | * , ^Tayer. ai.St. jonnsJohn s acmorSenior | Services subcommittee to deter- the House of Representatives by a night at 8 o’clock at the home of on, cousin of the bride. ‘Flpwer mine “ If the fat-t.s justified the ac-1 vote of 99 to 96. Mrs. Shirley Nackowski. 206 Church, the'-eltev. Stephen S. 1 directed by Mra. Clara girls wepe Miss Kristine Gleniley, Sttyjcwskl. DuBali I Pl*nty of Cold Boor tion taken.” ' , 1 A fter the Senate pas.sed it unani-1 Ribicoff Upset Hackmatack St. The subject of Coventry, and Mias Janet Glenney, Pays Tribute to Pastor As the Diocesan spiritusl leader , AT ALL nME.S ' And Sen. Flanders (R-Vtk-; his ; mously and -without debate. Gov. the meeting will be program plan­ Detroit, Mich,, nieces of the bride. was led from the church by tlie I colleague on the 2-meipber sub-! Abraham A. Ribicoff, a Demo-! Bulganin Says Reds ning <or the coming year. In his sermon at the close of Cor. Bissell and Spruce St. committee, said that ‘,‘wb proposed I • id it into -law,. ______ ; W alter S. Keller Jr. of New thfi. confirmation- ceremonies.-the ‘he By House_km York C5ty, brother of the bride-^ j to find out wbo' Is'i^scponsible for | The "vote in the House was ! _ , ^ The D AV Auxiliary wjli hold .ar Prelate noted ISF-ldghllghts ^ ,.f a groom, was best man. Usherk were Father Stryjewski's nine years of ‘he rectory by this blunder.” precedented by a bitter attack by] I 4 i -s«x> a a* 1V I G 11 regular meeting tomorrow night Ensign Robert M. Keller of Coven­ Specialist 3.C. William C. Girard, the bill’s opponents-on the State ! -R- J, Jl C Cl a 111 S J L l l l l at 8 o’clock at the VFW Home. service a t'th e local chiircli. amd ®h«J‘6 0hjEut, daughter of Mr,and Highway Dept, and its oommis-, Set for Arms Accord try, brother of the bridegroom; praised the organiZations of StTi „r®- Walter Obzut, 16 Phelps \fUpAJ Snapakii A A kap of Ottowa-LaSaile, 111., faces a Robert Vlsny, Coventry; the Rev. sioner, Newman Argraves. The de- _ , , ir j Mary C. Keeney Tynt, No. 14, John's and (he parish as a whole - " ’h<* presented him witli a Japanese trial on a charge of kill­ partment favored continuing the o ta le LapitOl, rlartioru, Hldward White of New York City, ing a Japanese woman, Mrs. Naka DUVOW, will meet this evening at for their splendid cooperation with bouquet of red and white carna- | ^ e tn u fs w e a iqot tax. June 5 (4*>— The House, dis- and Seth Newt'on, 'also of New their pastor. Father Stryjewski in tions and - recited a suitable verse j Bakai, 46, last Jan. 30. Girard waa Geneva, Switzerland, June 5 (/P)— Soviet Premier'Nikolai 8 o’clock with Mrs. Maude Shearer, York a ty . DonaMson i.«ads .\ttack regarding the recommenda- 161 North Main St. turn voiced his appreciation, ‘ he n am e^f the Confirmation charged with ahooting her while Bulganin said today the Soviet Union is prepiarH to conclude ^ The bride was attired In a floor- thanking the Bishop and the'clergy Class. ■ | Uuinn’s attempting ■ to chase scavengers | J, ?;’ ‘I’' le.dar- “a general agreement on tlie whole problem of disarmament^*^'" length white sUk tissue taffeta Mrs. and Mrs. Charle.* Buckley for their presence, their devotion ' Mrs. Rosalie GrZyb and. Mrs. I away from an Array firing range. i contended the tax was unnecessary 1 ship, voted todaj b.\ the nar- i as well as on any of the sefmrate aspects of this prohlem. of Ridgewood, N. J„ formerly of gown, fashioned^wlth fitted bodice, and consideration. He also thanked Mary KaeZmareyk donated hand ; The decision to .let- Japanese because, they said, the Highway rowest possible margin to neckline edged/in heirloom lace Pharm aiy In an unprecedented personal message read on thQ opening this town were weekend .guests of the lay people for the time antf ef-1 made, articles for use during divine j eourls try, Sirsrd was announced j Dept.
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