1972 IS OUR GREATEST YEAR YET! Structed in 1962
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/"■' 95 Passengera PAGE TWENTY-FOim MONDAY, JULY 10, 1972 The Weather i®attrtjfjater lEtt^nfng On Commuter Bus Fair, ■Warm and humid to night, low In the 60a. Hot and Page 16 humid tomorrow with a chance 1-84 Lane Gose4 Vernon of rain, 90 to 95. School Issue Manchester— A City of Village Charm TTie lc.ner, high speed lane, Court Rejects Plea westbound on 1-84 in East Before Board Hartford at the east end of VOL. XCI, NO. 239 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, JULY 11, 1972 (Claaslfled Advertizing on Page IS) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS the Bulkeley Bridge, will be School yldditioi^s yTopic of Motions to close Lincoln School and distribute pupils closed from 9:30 a.m. tomor In Airport Massacre A public hearing on two pro ect; the redevelopment proj lection reiroactlve to June 80; Following the special me row through Thursday at tolizatlon to all employes; the among’ other elementary IX)D, Israel (AP) — The have registered the plea as in- posed ordinances, cBllini for ap ect; monthly status of 1-86 proj a request to extend paid hospl- ibout 4:30 p.m. the council will reconvene as schools, and adopt the J10,176,- Japanese terrorist who sur- nocent "Instead of going into propriations totaling $7.9 mil ect; monthly report of the Pub appointment o t Mrs. Betsy Lugg 000, budget for 1972-73 with Workmen will be working lion, will be held today at 7:80 lic Health Nursing Association; to the Grove Hill Cemetery the Sewer Authority to ratify iround the clock replacing vived the Tel Aviv airport mas- this whole complexity of partial assessments for three sewer possible modifications, are ex sacre pleaded guilty at the admission. Anyway, as it p.m. at the Middle School. Im the inspector of public eating Committee to complete the un- in 1800 pair telephone cor- projects. pected to highlight tonight's opening of his trial today, but stands, the court w ill still hear mediately fcllcwlng the hearing places and rest rooms and a explred term of the late Leb lult project. Board of Education meeting. the Israeli military court re- all ^e prosecution's wit- the Town Council will meet in status report on the Lebbeus beus Brissell and the ratifica It will be held at 8 on the Motorists are asked to use jected the plea. nesses.” special session. Blssell bequest for cemetery tion of the Town Clerk’s ap Albatross captured Roosavalt pointment ot Mrs. Josei^lne second floor of the Administra ilternate routes to avoid the It also postptmed final decl- At the proceedings, Kirtsman The hearing Involves requests restcratlcn. Raceway’s $91,000 Realliatton Humphrey Withdraws His Candidacy tion Annex, 45 SchTOl St. construction area during slon on a request by the de- he did not contend that (or approprlatlcns of $7,780,000 The two ordinances will be Butler as assistant registrar of Pace In world record time andi The board ■will be asked to oeak traffic hours. fense that the terrorist, Kozo okam oto was presently insane, (or an addition and alterations discussed smd If approved, the ■vital statistics. raised bis earnings to tWl.Uil. •request the Board of Directors Okamoto, 24, be given a mental "but he should have an exam- to Rockville High School and council will probably set a date to establish a washout account clerk, and representatives to the examinatitm. ination to determine if he was $238,800 for an addition to the for them to go to referendum. r ii for a 3780 grant under Title III vocational agriculture consult "I don't want an exam- sane at the time o t the commis- Talcottvllle School. The latter Under new business the couh- to be used to collate and bind McGovern Near Victory ing committee for the program inatlon," the defendant shouted, sion of the offense ... or wheth- amount will be reimbursed 100 cil will: Consider a request to 6,000 copies of the outdoor edu conducted at Rockville High "I don't want an examination." ^r he was under some Irrever- per cent. The only cost to the waive bids to buy a used MIAMI BB3ACH, Fla. (AP)— ference, dropped out of the al of candidacy only,” the Mln- cation teacher's manual. Work School. The court’s rejection of the slble Influence...or under the In- town will be a minimal amount demonstration bucket truck; Bolton Clips Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, his race a few hours after Sen. neseta senator said. " I t is not a will be done by the Sheltered plea means the prosecution will fluence of drugs." tor interest payments until the consider the salary contract for last hope of winning the Demo- George McGoverr. scored a withdrawal of spirit or of deter- Workshop. have to present its case. Kirtsman said he had no ma- addition is completed. school personnel, already ap cratlc presidential nomination striking triumph and reclaimed mination to continue the battle The five-volume guide was SNET To Test Okamoto is accused along terial yet to convince the court The high school project was proved by the Board of EMu- gone, stepped aside today and 151 contested California dele- I have waged all my public life prepared by the staff of the with two other Japanese in the Okamoto's mental state but put to a referendum vote last catlon and the Vernon Educa withdrew from the race. gates in a floor fight at the con- on behalf of those who )iad no Center for Environmental Edu florist 6. (jreenhouses Its Vehicles murder of 2« persona at Lod added that "in the clrcum- March and was turned down. tion Association and a request School Item Humphrey said he will not let vehtlcn. voice.” cation (form erly Project Out Alrport May 80. The two other stances and in the defendant's At that time the cost was set at for authorisation to pay the himself be nominated at the Humphrey did not say wheth- The Humjihrey statement doors), The volumes were For Pollution Japanese were also killed, and behavior since leaving his $8.6 million and the voters were purchase price of a microfilm Democratic National C on - er he would support McGovern, came after the Minnesota sena printed by the Bennet Junior 67 other persons wore wounded homeland for a faraway coun- not given any alternatives. machine for the office of the ventlon, and he released lUs an old friend, for the noml- tor’s press aide, Walter Wurfel, High School graphic arts NEW HAVEN (A P ) — South in the machine-gun attack. try, with which he had no con- When the $7.7 million project Town Clerk, at a cost of $4,- delegates to vote as they wish, nation. announced the withdrawal in an department under a state ern New England Telephone The three-man court said it nection, we see that the facts goes to referendum voters will 030. Humphrey, reading from a "My withdrawal from the off-handed manner to newsmen grant. Copies ■will be distrib said today it will test an antl- By 13 Votes would accept as proven "those speak for themselves." be able to vote (or the construc LAseisT aiTAiLaaowiM im suHCHuna brief statement at a news con- presidential race is a withdraw- awaiting the candidate’s state uted to state schools. The Council will also consider poIluUon deidce on a portion of facts which he admitted” in an- Under Iw a ell: 5tti graf lead tion of a core facility with the ment. The board will also act on six a request to transfer $6,264 By JUDY DONfmUE its motor vehicle fleet. swering chargees that he helped ^045)45. option to add a swimming pool C a l l Manclmtar 6 4 3 - 9 5 5 9 Humphrey's statement was professional appointments, one "We have a commitment to stage the airport maissacre from one account to cuiother to M l MASTroaP SOAP, MAHCHiSna _ (Herald Oorreipondent) His chief lawyer. Max Klrti- or gym facility or both. At any seen as a move to unify the pursue ways the telephone com May 30. rate the project would not ex pay $6,264 for the refuse col A proposed $613,500 cafeteria-auditorium addition to Democratic Party which had pany can respond to the envi man, said he did not contend Although Okamoto pleaded Q^m oto was now insane, ceed the $7.7 million. IBolton High School was defeated 348 to 335 yesterday been tom'’ by sometimes bitter ronmental crisis," said SNETT guilty he disputed some of the P IN E “ but he should have an exam The Board of Education and in a referendum vote, with approximately one-third of disputes between McCJovem President Alfred Van Slnderen. facts. Nixon ination to determine if he was school administrators will be those eligible casting ballots. What supporters and the backers of "W e hope this test will open up The tribunal then recessed to PHARMACY sane at the time of the commis present at tonight's hearing to School Ixiard chairman An- — ----------------------------------------- Humphrey and other candi one of. those avenues." weigh the plea and the defense dates. sion of the offense . or present the latest information drew Maneggia expressed his (the school board) and the "an Van Slnderen said some 42 request for an examination by and (acts pertaining to the re dluppolntment at the small Humphrey has said con whether he was imder some ir W e keep your nam e on record, tis” (the now defunct Bolton vehicles—autos and trucks— a panel of psychiatrists.