CRANFORD KENILWORTH in Answerr to -A Recent Letter Irk 'Charter As a Public Utility Corpora- House, Elizabeth, N
-••••r;;^:.K;.-.. ..: ;-, \ TUB CRANFQRD CITIZEN AND CHRONICLE, THURSDAY. JANUARY 14. 1M4 Garden Club at,her home. I "Backyard Gardening.'* Mrs. ju- ./ •• — SYNOPSIS or — Mrs. Thomai Fay wUI speak on lome JWdeo will assist the hostess. Water Company Charges Answered . MDIOTES OP ijtEEtlNO QP THE nf letter i is not a true statement of fact, and is Justified so long as you fail to UNION COUNTY BOAHD OF tM i^^tJhe"HiiiitteW.Union Water ™V *»*<ure ,to f""li8h -»"«a5««p Bf >Cdu»l F. water supply this year is solely "We wish to emphasize that this Company this week by the Inter- due to the neglect of your company committee* is primarily concerned field, advising of an accident to -Jiuniclpal Water Committee, com- to adopt a policy which would en- ... Adjourned meeting of the Union in seeing that the .communities his car when it hit a drain pipe inf poaad of" representatives of com- able it to live up to the obligations County Board • of ^Chosen Free- SAVE MONCT which it represents are provided Sanford Avenue in Plainfleld, and munities served by the company. placed on your company by its holders- was held at the Court with water for all purposes, which enclosing repair bill for $72.90, was G A R wo OD CRANFORD KENILWORTH in answerr to -a recent letter irk 'charter as a public utility corpora- House, Elizabeth, N. J.. on Thurs- is the responsibilltw.of your com- day. December 31, 1953, at tenreferred to Roads and Bridges which PUinfleld-Union charged tion In your opsUcation for a pany and not of the'municipalities thitt-wiUt delaying the ; increase,.-you refer to the thirty Hyth.
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