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O^Vc/ I AST AC E N T R a ALBERTA VOLUME XXXVIII NO mm 'Ji'iiUiW1 o^vc/ I AST AC E N T R A ALBERTA VOLUME XXXVIII NO. 34 THS HANNA HERALD and EAST CENTRAL ALBERTA NEWS, THURSDAY, JULY 6.1950 provincial Library JOftw .aa-- Stars Here July 21-22 •••»»»••»»•»•»-seee-i-•>••••••• COVERED ARENA FUND NOW OYER Hospital Auxiliary Dance GOOSE LAKE UVESTOCK C0#-^P Wednesday, July 19th TWELVE THOUSAND DOLLARS WITH An error in the date of the an­ MEETING TOU) OF PROGRESS IN nouncement last week ef the Hanna x-\ Ladies' Hospital Auxiliary dance MOST OF BUSINESS CANVASS DONE gave the date as July 17th. This SHIPPING HANDLING, STOCK shonld have been Wednesday July 19. .—i m Cash Contributions and Substantial Hedges Included In Up- The Hospital Auxiliary has Informed IWBIII the Herald that proceeds from this Gross Value of livestock ia Excess of Fifteen Million To-Date Total—Not Sufficient to Make Start dance will be used to further their States Manager of Alberta Livestock Co-op.-— In Building Say Committee Members work at the hospital, such as refurn­ Representatives From Many Points ishing the sunporch, completion pf the kiddies' ward, etc. Tickets are Actual cash on hand amounting to 1*1 a m*\ IV a tr imnr ' The armual meeting of the Goose $9100 and pledges totalling $3,554 when now on sale by members of tbe aux. Lake Livestock Co-operative was held added Itogethe r ~give~ the Hanna Cover­ YOUNGSTER WES •iliary and a valuable door prize of in the Memorial Hall, Haana on Thure ed Arena Fund a total of $12,654 up an all wool blanket will be -riven at TAG DAY HERE day afternoon June 29th witb John to Wednesday of this week. Mr Robert the dance, to be held in the Mem- Corry as chairman and H. J. Wealphal Whyte. chairman of the Association AFTER INJURIES 01 lal HaU. The public is urged to as secretary. states that most of the business sec­ patronize this most worthy endeav­ IN SEPTEMBER Representatives were present from tion of the town has been canvassed or. Chinook Cereal, Hanna, Cando, Sunny­ although there are several places yet INFALLFROMSIO nook, Carolside and Scapa. to be contacted. Public acknowledge, FOR EDUCATION After considering the auditors re. ment will be issued when these dona­ D'Arcy Bronks To Buck port and other financial .statements Acadia Chapter I.0.D.-E. Calls tions are received. Accident a* Farm On Sunday At Calgary Stampede the meeting was favored by an address While the committee has contempla­ Takes Life of Eleven Halt to Meetings Until on livestock shipping by Oeo. Wlnke­ i ted a start in the construction of the It takes an. Irishman or two and laar, Calgary, manager of tbe Alberta rink, they feel that the money at hand Year-Old Girl some of his bronks to make a Stamp­ TT&Fall Uvestock Co-operative. is not quite sufficient, a£d are hop. The gross value of livestock handled ede and when tbe annual Calgary The last meeting prior to'tbe sum­ ing that by the end of this month suf­ Pearl Elinor Woelfc, eleven year old by the co-operative last year lb Oal­ Stampede takes place, usually two or mer recess for Acadia Chapter I..O ficient will be received to make a good daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eric Woelk gary alone was in excess of fifteen mil­ three weeks before hand cowboys gath. D.E. was held at the home of Mrs W start. The following are cash contri­ of Endiang passed away in the Hanna lion dollars. In numbers this was er at-the, DArcy Brothers ranch south O. TUmer recently, with Miss L. Kre- butions and pledges: hospital Monday morning as the re­ roughly 71,000 cattle, 14.000 sheep and of Hanna to cut out a few mean bronks mer as co-hostess. A large turnout of sult of critical Injuries sustained about 102,000 hogs. H. Hulhurd . 60.00 Once again Ibis year the DArcy string members was on hand. Ihe activities 530 o'clock on Sunday when she ac. Jenkins Qroc J ._ $100.00 will show their' wares at Calgary and of the chapter will be suspended until Tbe revenue derived rrom commis­ cldent ally fell from a silo on the farm F. MacLachlan . $50.00 of course their owners will be on hand September. A highlight of the business sions fer handling this livestock was ' of Henry Morlock. six miles north of H, Bartman 4100.00 to see how they "fire." Jim DArcy al­ session was discussion of % tag day, only a fraction more than half ef 1 per Byemoor, where the family were visit­ Argue & Wilkins . '-$300.00 most missed this year's show when he which it wet decided would be held cent of tbe gross vaue of the livestock ing for the day. Accompanied by ano­ Clarence Mohl _ $1100.00 was severely Injured when a bronk on September 9th. All proceeds from handled. Very few other businesses op­ ther seven year old girl the unfortu­ H Lund . $200.00 tramped on him a week or so ago. He the tag day will be used for educa­ erate on such a small ftwrfr* nate child ls reported to have climbed R.' WoUe $100.00 bas, however, discarded his crutches, tional purposes, ibe educational see-' He stated considerable progress bad a ladder ia the interior of the silo' and K&B Motors , $100 00 dusted off the old tern-gallOn and, is retary in her report gave wt account been made in introticing tbe auction losing her balance fell about 40 feet A. A. Button and Sons $300.00 off for. a good tin* at the Calgary of tbe work of tbe International Re. method of selling on the Calgary Live­ to the ground. She was immediately V N McKinnon $HW00 show. *. fugee organization. A library was pre. stock Exchange. He was quite hopeful Whyte's Funeral Home $309.00 rushed to the Hanna hospital but fail­ tbat further development could be sented to the PUT school on Priday, Hanna Red & White $60.00 ed to regain consciousness, having BUS. made. _ June 30th and eighteen memben at- Dave Fano $6.00 talned severe fractures to tbe bees* of He said there wee a demand for de. ber skull. She was the only daughter Odells Ltd _— $200.00 MUSK EXAMS, 1 the school In the social hour that foi- Connellys . $100.00 of Mr. and Mrs. woelk and besides her export buyers. The de-honred cattle lowed the presentation, the teacher Mr Kirby Cartage $300.00 parents Is survived by two brothers, feed better, look better, Mid bring a Adolph end Ms pupils presented a very Model Dairy $100.00 Alfred 9, and Jerry 4**years of age, al­ I RESULTS FORI considerably better price than those entertaining play, centering around Central Meat Mkt. $100.00 so her grandparents Mr. and Mrs. G. with horns. tbe TTlJlftillBn flag. 8ong8 and musical Oayland Shows .. $50.00 Glubrecht of Scapa. , Tbe Directors elected for the en­ numbers hy the pupils and a comedy French's Drug $300.00 I LOCi^PUPILS suing year are Messrs John Corry of Funeral services were held from St. skit were thoroughly enjoyed. Both, Bobby Whyte's Pop Stand $1.92 Garden Plain, H. J Westphal of Cereal Peter's Lutheran Church at ^ndiang tbe teacher and pupils ese to be high Hedges | Among the matt? stars ea the stage nlgbt. On Saturday evening there George Hanson of Carolside. Frank at a o'clock Wednesday afternoon with attraction at the Henna Celebcatlan i lll lll l Toronto Conservatory Issues ly commended for their excellent pro­ A. weich tf&Og *"•),•$* '''**'#B*^lllal! r* ' *Wj . Simpson of Hanna, and Lorne Proud. Rev. J. Lelnweber of Oalgary offlclat- Swfm 21.82 are *—• above troupes, gram. Following fhe program a deli Wta. Groas $6040 lee '' ••WNHhi**' yi't^.,s)ttWm n*-eir>r* w mm Results of Summer <* '•mens Kapler at «wT10e»»fiWAlbs^t» Dairy •V i-As-mm^^^^ R. a Moore _ $100.00 church- cemetery. Whyte's Funeral western Canada this state presenta­ Pool or from Hatton'* G-tngW. Spon­ Westphal as secretary. Home of Hanna was In charke of fun­ All pupils of Mrs. E. Benson, LR.SM. W. O Turner _ . $10040 tion ranks with the best la Canada, sored by the Hanna Kinsmen Ctab m Farm Women's Group John Carry and Lome Proudfoot eral arrangements. O. A Coughlin $100.00 and will be playing twice Friday the two-day celebration proceeds will WW — -*• once in the afternoon and once at be given to the Hanna Arena Fond. * exams here July 15-18 with Alexandra Meeting at CessfOrd I ^ <******%.•* delegates to tbe Mk- Ben Arneson _.. $30.00 Geen from Toronto as examiner, were 1 nuaminil meetinmms,tir,m g onef Hte___, AlbertllhArta Uvestoc1_ivactr-.trk Mather Bros. $25.00 Six Hundred People successful as follows: CESSFORD, JU)y 4—Ibe F.W.UJL. Co-operative to be held ia Edmonton Hanna Sales ... $100.00 At Sunnynook Sports Grade I, honors—Diana Smith, Can­ held tbeir June meeting et the home an July 6th esttf 7th. Hanna Auto Specialists $36.00 ora Bulmer, Karon Bentson, all of of Mrs. W. O. Griffith when plans K&B Motors , $100.00 SPRINKLER FIELD CHINOOK SCHOOL 4 SUNNYNOOK, July 4 — Much suc­ Hanna; Louise Kary, Delia. were made for the booth on the Sports Former Brakeman Here C. W. Stephens $1004)0 cess attended the Dominion Day Sports j Grade I. pass—Ronnie Moore, Han.
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