■KAS: » ‘•'í rs ||A|i|A F •¿i 111 ! *1 ' * > .' ‘ ‘v • « 77 ;7-’ ■ •» -■ ..-¿■■&I ONLY * 6c STAKBA PiRCOPY VOLUME 22, NUMBER 79 MEMPHIS, TENNESSEE, TUESDAY, JUNE 1, 1954 — , . t r* 1 Feud Counteract Two Officers ■' V I. -y «y.-- Court Ruling Cleared Of gK P? * • 1 On Segregation Beating Charge '5‘. i>. V By LOUIS LAUTIER "It Just didn't happen," declar­ WASHINGTON, D. C.-(NNPA) ed Police Chief Ed Reeves Saturday □ when he .cleared two’ officers who -A bitter fight over public hous­ Friday had been accused by two r ing is developing in the Senate white warehousemen of. beating a BoantüK^i with lhe colored vote in the con­ young Negro. The victim of the al­ gressional elections os the prize. leged seating denied that lie had oeen mistreated by the officers. The fight is a counteract of the Tile iiicldent came about when South to the action of the Su­ two white (vareliousemen Thomas UN Médiat^ preme Court in refusing to re­ L. Haney and S. E: Hickey told re­ view the decision of California porters- oil tlie local afternoon dai­ ■ -.7 life ,’t ly tliat they watched officers bent courts holding that racial segre­ a Negro in a squad’ car. They identi­ gation in low-rent public hous­ fied tlie police car as No. 1, but dif­ ing in San Francisco is unconsti­ fered on the’ alleged blows struck, Is Unanimdii^ MEMPHIAN WINS G. P. HAMIL­ see State University. This award tutional. , . Haney said he saw several blows TON AWARD — NASHVILLE — ■mes to the Memphis studeijt who truck while Hickey only saw one. BY PIERRE J. HUSS i Johnnie R. Bryant, daughter of Mr. Maintains the highest average in BANKING COMMITTEE!) The officers assigned to No. 1 UNITED NATIONS, N. Y. 'u-i • Thathemalics during the school year, and Mrs. John R. Bryant, 1600 Pat- Shortly after Senator Homer E. squad car. Officers Freeman and (INS) — Dr. Ralph Buncho.?a;,tcifc " ton Street.. Memphis. Is shown with A freshman, Miss .Bryant is major- Jones, denied striking the yoiitli Capehart, of Indiana, chairman of United-Nations affirlr.1 the G. P. Hamilton citation which ' ing in business education.—(Pluto tlie Senate Banking and Currency •and said the youth cried n little was given her last week at TenneS- by Clantoii III.) Committee, Friday reported the because tlieir Intense questioning of the world's foremost leaden, 1'954., housing.,bill, . Senator Burnet scared him. They explained -that the. was cleared unanimously FftéijfaS -, K Maybank, of South Carolina, tlis -youth was picked up us a suspect of any qniji charges by a Fed­ ranking Democratic member oi in a purse theft ring from tlie AA Lt Lee’s Speech Highlights Insurance Co., 268 -S. Main. eral Loyalty Board. ¡-V?':« that committee, offered an The six members of the Intè».’- amendment designed to kill public natlonal Organizations anploii;- housing. Loyalty Board, after two li-haut' 'Nelson For Bishop’ Dinner The Maybank amendment, 11 hearings this week of Dr. Bunchà ■ adopted, would strike out of the ■ said, they thjflffiiliilftr'-;~ "Only God can make a man,” President Eisenhower displayed rare bill a provision written into the conclusion that*^h5@W5Jq0thg‘i-: avowed Lt. George W. Lee (see courage—“thé true courage that God measure upon his motion, That | as to his loyalty to the U. S. cut); Memphis politician, as prin­ instills in all his chosen leaders’’-- provision w o u 1 d restore__ Hie j New Dr. Bunche is top-ranking -dl-’ when ills administration through a authorization in the Housing.. Act j-ector in the United Nations ' cipal speaker at the Nelson For of 1949 of 810,000 unies of' low-rent Bishop Club’s ‘Fellowship Dinner" brief filea by tre ü. S. Attorney General’s oifice to. the U. S. Su­ public housing to be built at the Friday evening in . the Clayborn rate, of 135,000 units a yedr. Temple Dining room. preme Court who was then consider­ Security i The announcement •tt.tSgf’! Alluding to the Rev. H. Mc­ ing the constitutionality of segre­ The Maybank amendment would "Two hundred1 thirty-three per­ talned in a terse statement rqadjiq. '■ Donald Nelson, pastor of St. James gation >n the public schools, de­ substitute for that provision a pro­ sons applied to the Memphis Field UN correspondents at a ! speclÆ' AME Church, who recently an­ clared mat "segregation in any form hibition against the Public Hous­ Office foi duplicate Social Secur­ summoned news conférence'by'tÈe nounced his candidacy for the AME is unconstitutional." ing Administration entering into ity account number cards last board chairman,- Pierce Geitety bishopry and who is - supported in This v.as done in spite of the fact, "any new agreements, contracts, oi week," Ji.e W. Eancs, manager, an­ The key paragraph stated: his candidacy by a group of Mem- he maintained .that 90 per cent of nounced today. “UNANIMOUS” CONCLUSION"^' other arrangements, preliminary oi "The full board had Its se^ro phiaps beth within and outside of the Negrces voted against him in­ otherwise, for any additional (pub. "The quickest way to obtain a du­ TOP BRASS ON THE CADET itie presidential election or despite and Mrs. E. M.: Taylor, 405 Fifth to follow airforce career upon grad­ meeting with Dr. Bunche yéàâSf f the AME churches who organized lie housing) projects or dwelling plicate - Social Security account LEVEL, NASHVILLE—Top AFRO- Ave., Bartow, Fla. Major Dudley M. uation wnicli Involves flying activi­ the “H. McDonald Nelson For the admonitions of “political ex­ units.” • number card is to contact- thé So­ TC Cadet Honors at Tennessee State day following which It uiuinlâaSfcd; perts” who advised that it was not Watson (center) professor of Air ties.' ’’ ' ■ . Bishop Club’ which sponsored the cial Security Office nearest your University this year went to Ca- Science at the University is hold- Taylor received the Republic Avi­ ly reached the conclusion ' flcAt' dinner. Mr. Lee declared ‘We didn’t expedient and would alienate the FOUR YEARS present address." there is no doubt as to the loyahs Senator Gapehart said Seriatoi det-2nd Lt. Daniel Wai-d (left), so­ ng the citations presented them on ation Award as the outstanding come to make a man; we came only vote of couthern voters who sup­ Many people feel that they must phomore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gus of Dr. Buriohe to the • United Maybank’s action would be coun­ (wards Day last week. senior of the corps, who during the to reveal hie hidden talents." ported him. apply to the Field Office from which Ward, 392 Pontotoc Ave., Memphis ..Lt L’e urged his listeners to tered by a substitute amendment Ward liceived the Convair Award year contributed most to the well “We need a Nelton in our church,’ their original card was issued. This Tenn., and Cadet-Major David A . ’This conclusion has bèem ïfor* ') undergo a "spiritual rebirth" and providing for President Elsenhow­ ■s .outstanding sophomore. He was being ¿nd. dally operation of the asserted the staunch Memphis Re- is not hue since all applications for. Taylor, (right) senior, son of Mr elected for advance and has agreed warded, to the Secretary'of- Bttlte'" 'get Jim Crow, out of your minds er’s program of 35,000 low-rent corpsAÇhoto by Clanton III). 1 -publiWtt;W»r*ie^ •tiecount number-cards are checked ■ -T .J—~~ ■ —«——-. .......—.—,—:— toy- transmittal, tov®VSeàSEtrSi and believe with all t>f your heart public housing’ units a year for a jri-the Administration's Central Ac­ Geneial-‘of.-ths...N^^t;7ti^efc|3X'-i‘-1 ed to region V of the Small Busi­ period bf four years. He said it had ness Administration. that you ,r.re equal.” counting Office in Baltimore. Md. time It has, been. JnfonnaJly.'trjüïSÏ«; Concluding, Mr. Lee stated, there hot been determined who would Each Field Office sends the appli­ Chaplain Robinsoh Moves Federal Jobs mltted to Dr. .Bunche.”- ?- v - Throughout the history of mankind Is a need for leaders who will offer the- amendment but definite­ cation which is received to this of­ Gerety , conferred with: U. JSC’. stand up and be counted" and ly it will be offered. fice for checking. Several, days are Ambassador to the • UN, • ’ .men haye_attempted to perpetuate A :- the myth of, a super race or super pointing to the Rev.- Mr. Nelsons —When the houslng util Is called-up- needed alter the application is—fil» Cabot-Lodge beforehand. Ger men “only to have God gently he declared “we have one here.” for. Senate floor action, most of the ed before a card can be issued. To Oteen, North Carolina Now Open declined to discuss the exact" admonish them that the creation "We are going to elect a bishop debate Is. expected to be ôn the Mr. Eanes pointed out that ap­ ture or number of charges-htj of man is within His providence from Memphis and that bishop will public housing issue and whether plications which are filled out in­ Reverend Dougins L. T, Robin­ Till’ Fifti U. S.' Civil Service re-, ISt- only," contended the speaker. be the Rev. H. McDonald Nelson," the refusal of the Supreme Court correctly' must be returned for cor­ son, Pmicslant Chaplain at Ken­ glon has announced an examtoation “to state whether perjury ■■ the speaker avowed. to review the San Francisco pub­ rection. This makes It important nedy Vcleiatis Hospital, is being would be taken agaJrist ;anyi While the Romans were "brag­ lic housing case means that racial for engineering aid positions pay­ ging” of the "glory, of Rome" and Lt. Lv was introduced by J: A.
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