I . I ' . ,.., . t,· I Spartan rackmen ·Down 78-53 By WILB'!B AGEE In the hl&h jUmp both Ivan ' run over takinl Ganahl ' the SPARTANS SPUT Coach Bud Winter and his Spar- Robinson and,f\lnior Morean alone final lap. Haynes' time WM.i:~.6 . MUSIC STUDENTS tan varsity track team m.ac1e It: With Stanford'~ Gaylord -Bryan MW'l'~ Coll1nl_ Rlclt~ third TWIN BILL WITH , three In a row over the Stanford: topped the ~ at 6 feet 2 Inches for the Spartans. WILL PRE5Btl Indians Saturday afternoon by a · for a three way le. Tom Bim)ing· Doa 8111alley aad Bob ~- 78-53 score. The Spartans cap- ham and Bob thrman made It one- j bam divided tbe llnt &aa leCODd SANTA BARBARA tured 10 first places and tied for two in the broadjump. Winning ....,_ ill both tile 100 eiiCI 210 VOCAL PROGRAM By TOM BOWEN one other While the best Stanford distance 22 feet 11 % inches. wttla Staaford'a Terry llaxweU Seven advaaced muelo , atudeata could do on its home field was four MEET HIGHLIGHT placlq tblrd lD both evea.. ~mal- wUI preeeat a vocal prop:am to- . San Jose State and Santa Bar· ttrats. HltrhUrht of tbe meet wu ley woa the oontury lD f.1 ~ee- bara State remain tied for second Woody Uan waa top man for Saa 1 Tbelno Know ' wiD ln the 880 onda and Blqham took tbe l!lla morrow eveniDC ~ the collep place in the CCAA baseball stand· o1e11t- •• be took ~tb the shotpnt over Stantor • Geor.-e Gl'lllleL 21.6. Uttle Tbeater at 1:15. Em.l1y ~ ings as the two teams split a and dlacue. Hl8 mark In the llllot Knowles, wlto pulled up at tbe Stanford as expected took the tllta, Both Ooualu, Oarl Dlmetf, double-header Saturday at Wash- Wb 48 feet 9% laabee and be start of the • yard nm. noaed 440 yard run by a , clean sweep, Bruce Stewart, Andy Holme, Dol­ ington Park· in Santa Clara. The heawed tbe platter 1'1 feet 8 In·' Grimes out lD ~ tiDal ~n y&rda took a first ln the pole vault, orea Erwin, aad DeneU Boad wW Gauchos won the first game 7-5, cbN. Bay Overho1111e and Graat: of the bait mile to pin bla vto- the high hurdles. and w.ft the offer a prorrun of varied lntereat. and the Spartans copped the seven Dt>nrnark made lt a clean aweep! tory attf>r ~g mo.t of the relay.• i3il) Larson, Stanford pole inning nightcap 4-3. In tbe dlacua placiJic lD that order. way. · vaulter, cleared the bar at 13 Miss Thompaon, director of the Ralph &mero WB.II tbe wlnniDJ' RHYNE, LIKENS WIN I Merle Knox poured on the steam feet while Hal Ov~house and P~ recital, fee,ls that each one of the pltcber tor San .Joae State u be Bill Rhyne, despite the fact . h~ in the early pllrt of the two mlle Lorsenzen divided the aecoDd and student artists who will appear (c; ~ - sat the Gaucho. down with aevea had a bad leg, walked off with run building up half a lap lead third places with two ,Stanford very able and talented bits. His double ln the alxth wblcb the 220 yard low hurdles in the and then ~n.aied to stay In front men at 12 feet 6 Inches. Ruth Cousins, soprano from drove In two rUilll won the &"UDe time of 24 seconds. Rh:s>ne finished the rest of the way to win by a PASIIICY SECOND C for the Spartan-. The Spartaaa a good yard ahead of Stanford's I good 125 yardl! over Stanford'a AJ In the high hurdles Snyder took ampbell, has been soloist on colected seven blta oft tbe com- AI Snyder. Lyons and Frank Ganahl. Knox's first place as predicted with Jack many occasions at the college and blned pltchlnr of CecU Neal and Bob Likens tossed the javelin time was 10:0f.8. Ray Rogers, San Passey garnering a second for in the community. According to Dale Scott. 193 feet 6 inches to win and El· Jose. finished fourth. San Jose. Time was 15 teeonda Miss Thompson, the talented slnger Bob Pefferini was in trouble wood Clark beat out Chuck Coker Gene Haynes captured a ftrat flat. In the tlna1 relay Stanford Will present four songs. of Stanford for aecond place. place. for the Spartans ln the mile won by a good five yards in 3!29.8. early in the first game when Les DerreU Bolld, tenor, a student Billinger hit a home run with two n (J ,.. A_ II - .. from Oaldaacl, . wu studytDJ' at ~e~~~nsc~~fl:~ ~ni~~ s ~~~~~ ,,~. ~ttl.t• f:tn_l•f• o· .I State before be eDtered the aerv- fourth and three in the ninth but lee .......trac tor .. the Marine the Gauchos scored two in the p . rl . ·. I )' Corpa. He lule doae maela atace eighth and two in the ninth. uul llcbt opera work. · Spartan ecorlna' lD the nltrh~p Andy Holme, baritone, is also <'onslsted of one In the flnt aad a veteran who was at State before three In the sixth. Saata Barbara FULL LEASI:D WilE I ER\'ICE OF UNIT!Ij! P;U$5 State scored two lD the flnt aad & the war. He haa· a fine high barl- oae In the fifth. VO!-, XXXV SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA. MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1947 Jllo. 113 tone voice, Miss Thompson saya, S~rn~oS~~w~~o~=~=====~~=========~==========~============ ~d~U~~ard~the··~~e fromtinue Caltheir Polyleague Saturday leadership to withcon· PAN AMERICAN· . _ ~A. - . " seven Wins and one defeat. The - Spartans and Gauchos each have ·nve - voctones artd t:hree--tleteats-: Thursday, San Joae State travela . to Berkeley to play Oallforn.la, aad Noted Speaker o Saturday they play the San Frao­ ct.co State there. April 23, the To Send Spartans wUI play COP lD a Address Assembly doable lleeder llill!re wbldt wUJ bfl TraiAiAg their next conference rune.. tn Motris Dailey- Three students will be delegates Col. H. W. Pet~non wlU speak this swnmer, to Camp Miniwanca, DANCE WILL BE today at the Pan American day leadership tralnlng camp on the B.llsembly at 11:20 ln the Mont. eastern shore of Lake Michigan. TEACHERS AND SOCIAL AFFAIRS DaUey auditorium. Hla topic wlll Women's camp wW be from be "One America." July 28 to August 10; Men's camp PLAY LEADERS MAIN Peterson. of Pan ACTIVITY from August 11 to 24. NEEDED IN L A. Social Affairs Committee Chair­ world airways, is an authority on The Student Council has appro- air transport in Latin America. A priated $21.50 for each of the three Several poaltlons for teacb.lntr man Dave Moore bas Issued a call veteran of twelve years With Pan student delegates, and further fi· and for summer recreational work for students, who are Interested American, Peterson was respon- nanctal help has been promised by now are open, accordlntr to MJaa .,. P.artlclpatlng on the committee, sible for making arrangements for William H. Danforth, president of Dorta Boblnaon, director of ·the to attend Its first Important the movement of strategic sup- the American Youth foundation. Placemeat omce. meeting ot the quarter tbls alter­ plies between the United States Designed to "~ach excellence In Those qualifying as elementary and Brazil. His outstanding work living based on Christian concepts, or kinderearten-primary teachers noon In tbe Rtudent Union at 4 :SO won him the Legion of Merit medal and to give. Instruction ln con- and who wish to work In the Los o'clock. from the U. S . War department structlve leadership applicable to Angeles area should apply in the •Among th(' important social and the National Order of the all of life's activities," the camp Placement office. If a sufficient functions to be dlscussed Is the Southern Cross. which Is the high. maintains a two-week period for num~r of candidates submit ap. Spardi Gras dance, May 23. More est military honor of the Brazilian young women and a similar period pllcatlons, examinations will be government. for men. held in San Francisco and Ber- students Will be needed on the Durtnc tbe United Natlona meet- Col. H. w. Peterson, Pan Amerl- Applicants, camp leaders state, keley. committee this quarter than In lng at San Franclaco, Col. Peter- can World Airways aale. ID,JUlaCer, must be between the ages of 17 Physical education maJqra have the past, because of the tremen­ eon bandied all tran.aportatton wbo will apeak 1n Morris Dalley ~d 22, with a demonstrated ca- opportunities for S1JJIUDeJ' work dous increase of student enroll­ rnatten for delecattons from all auditorium today. paclty for leadership. In tbe Loa Anreles area, ~ ment and the scheduling of added part. of the world. Be Ia now we.t- Students Interested are re- lor to Mlaa Boblnaon. Thoae .- events. ern retrtonal aalea manarer of Pan ------------- quested to Inquire at Dean Paul plylnr for posltlona of plaYI'J'OUDd American world airways at Los Pitman's office for fmthe1" lnfor- dlrecton moat be colle.-e cracJa· _ otb~[ offtcer-' on !be committee Anretea, bavl jurt8dlotton over Summar Sasslo~ mation. Final selection wW be atea wbo have apeelallad 1n reo- Include Dot Pederaen, wbo Is u ­ P AA salea otttoea ln tbe we.temmlt-··-s.lJQtmer-&!IOllon- ~~~~~i:~~~~:;;~~~~lLC2Yn~..!!tf;re~a~tl~o~n~~:-;;~phy~a~l~ca.l~~ed~uca=tl~· :oo!---1 slatant cbalrman, and Pat Oard­ atatea. not available yet, aooordlDJ' .;.. , ~,. _ .....~ . .;::_ .. ~,.~.!!.~.:._.:... th.....addltion to lhe~ auembly, a ~oe ~ -~ serlea of events has been Students who wish to apply PatO: ~Aito -colo uled for today, says Ed Loudon, Goes on Trial years of college.
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