Sample Trainer’s Guide Meal of Pinakbet for 5 People Objective # 1 1. At the end of the class, with a table presentation of all the vegetables and tools required for Pinakbet, the trainee will be able to accurately identify all the vegetables used in cooking Pinakbet (Piskurich, 2006).

Directions Students will need to identify vegetables set out on a table. Training manual contain job aids for identify the various vegetables and tools for preparing Pinakbet. Before students identify the vegetables and tools, trainer will point to the vegetables, name them and pass them around for the students to feel the texture and smell. Students will compare the vegetables with the pictures in their training manuals. Since the learners already know the tools, it is unnecessary for students to have sensory experiences. References Job Aid pictures of vegetables, spices and tools for preparation. Assessment When students have mastered the identification of the vegetables and spices, they will complete a Completion Format test to identify the names by filling in blanks next to pictures of each vegetable and each spice. In addition, they will express the name of each vegetable and spice, while describing its textures. Students must have 100% accuracy before proceeding to the next objective. In addition, the student will select the appropriate amounts of vegetables and spices for a Pinakbet meal for 5 people. OJT Training Checklist Can the trainee complete the following tasks? Identify the names accurately with no errors on the Completion Format Test. Express the name of each vegetable to the trainer with no errors. Describe the texture to the trainer Select 10 pieces of Green Round Egg Select 6 pieces of Bitter Gourd

Select 8 pieces of long string beans

Select one pound cut of squash 6 pieces of Okra 1 inch finger

4 cloves of

2 small red

Objective # 2 2. At the end of the training, in the kitchen with a knife and a cutting board, the trainee will be able to precisely demonstrate the appropriate cut of each of the vegetables and the spices used in Pinakbet (Piskurich, 2006).

Directions The trainer will demonstrate the various cuts of the vegetables for the 5 vegetables and the 3 spices included in this recipe of Pinakebet, which are the following: Round Green Egg Plant; Bitter Gourd; Long String Beans; Squash; Okra; Ginger; Red Onions; Garlic. Students will observe and practice on each vegetable immediately following the trainers cut of each vegetable and each spice. Demonstration The trainer will demonstrate each of the 5 cuts for the 5 vegetables and 3 spices. First the trainer demonstrates the cut of the Round Green Egg Plant and then lets the students practice until they cut all their Egg Plants for their recipe. This demonstration- practice continues for each vegetable and each spice. Practice Students will practice each cut of the vegetables and spices that they have prepared for their cooking lesson. References Job Aid pictures of each vegetable cut and how the cut vegetable will look when cut appropriately. Assessment The trainer will observe the students vegetable cuts. If the student demonstrates a wrong cut, the trainer will replace the incorrectly cut vegetables with new ones, so that the student makes the appropriate cut. OJT Training Checklist Can the trainee complete the following tasks? Cut the Round Green Egg Plant into quarters, so that it opens like a flower, but does not separate. Cut the bitter gourd in quarters, so that it opens like a flower, but does not separate. Cut the Long String Beans into two inch slices. Peel off the skin and cut squash into cubes. Cut each okra piece in half.

Smash the garlic with the flat part of the knife and remove the garlic from the skin. First remove the skin of the ginger and slice length way into 1/8 inch strips.

Objective # 3 3. At the end of the training, in the kitchen with a wok on a cooking range, the trainee will be able to accurately demonstrate the correct order and culinary techniques for cooking Pinakbet (Piskurich, 2006). Directions The trainer will demonstrate each step and the trainees will emulate each step. Demonstration The trainer demonstrates each step, allowing for clear observations from the students. Practice Immediately after the trainer demonstration and opportunities to taste the trainer’s Pinakbet, the students will practice what they learn through guidance and observation from the instructor. Each student will have their personal burner to practice each step until the final product. Students will compare the taste of their Pinakbet with the trainer. References The student manual will include the step- by-step procedures. Here are the step-by- procedures:  Put the wok over a low heat.  Put in 1 tablespoon of oil.  Heat up the oil for 1 minute  Place the ginger in the wok  After 10 seconds put in the onions  Put in the onions and 10 seconds later put in the garlic. Cook onions until they are brown.  Put in the egg plants first, then the bitter gourd, then the squash, then the long string beans, then the okra and finally pour in 1/8 cup of .  Cover and let simmer for 5 minutes and then add ¼ cup of water. Keep cooking until all the vegetables are tender. Move the wok forward and back occasionally during the cooking process, so that the vegetables mix. Do not use a spatula to mix, since it might cause the vegetables to break apart.  The Pinakbet should be ready for service and the taste test.

Assessment The trainer will observe the students to make sure they follow the step-by-step procedure. If the student makes a mistake, the trainer will provide feedback and help the student to make the appropriate corrections. Students will compare the taste of their Pinakbet with that of the trainer. OJT Training Checklist Can the trainee complete the following tasks? The student followed all the steps for cooking Pinakbet. The student’s Pinakbet tasted like the trainer’s Pinakbet.

Description of Job Aids for vegetables and Job Aid Image spices for pre-work and trainee manual (Students will use these job aids for their pre-work by finding them in a grocery store). Select 10 pieces of Green Round Select 6 pieces of Bitter Gourd crispy-bitter-gourd.html Select 8 pieces of long string beans detail/long-beans/ Select one pound cut of squash 6 pieces of Okra recipes/articles/805856/spicy-okra-muffins 1 inch ginger finger study-reports-ginger-effective-for-muscle-pain- relief/ 4 cloves of garlic articles/pet-health-toxins/Garlic-Toxicity-and- Pets.aspx 2 small red onions products/australian-small-red-salad-onions-1kg- bag-3-99-each/

Job Aid Description for Cutting Vegetables Images and Spices Cut the Round Green Egg Plant into quarters, Image required so that it opens like a flower, but does not separate.

Cut the bitter gourd in quarters, so that it opens like a flower, but does not separate. Cut the Long String Beans into two inch slices. gulay-vegetables-in-coconut.html Peel off the skin and cut squash into cubes.

Peeling squash squash-february-2013-post-produce wrapped-grilled.html Cut each okra piece in half. fry-okra-peppercorn-fry.html Smash the garlic with the flat part of the knife and remove the garlic from the skin. dijon-herb-roast-chicken-with-root-vegetables/ First remove the skin of the ginger and slice length way into 1/8 inch strips. First peel the skin of the red and then cut length way into 1/8 inch strips. basil-pasta.html

Job Aid for Procedural Steps for Cooking Description Pinakbet Step 1 Put the wok over a low heat. Step 2 Put in 1 tablespoon of oil. Step 3 Heat up the oil for 1 minute Step 4 Place the ginger in the wok Step 4 After 10 seconds put in the onions Step 5 Put in the onions and 10 seconds later put in the garlic. Cook onions until they are brown. Step 6 Put in the egg plants first, then the bitter gourd, then the squash, then the long string beans, then the okra and finally pour in 1/8 cup of Bagoong. Step 7 Cover and let simmer for 5 minutes and then add ¼ cup of water. Keep cooking until all the vegetables are tender. Move the wok forward and back occasionally during the cooking process, so that the vegetables mix. Do not use a spatula to mix, since it might cause the vegetables to break apart. Step 8 Ready for service and taste test.

Beta Test Review Checklist


 Did you know what you were going to learn? o Both people were able to identify what they were going to cook, which was Pinakbet.  Did you have enough materials to successfully complete the cooking of Pinakbet? o Yes, they had enough to learn how to cook Pinakbet with the job aid pictures, the handling of the vegetables and the actual cooking experience. It was important for the trainees to practice immediately after the demonstration of their trainer. This helped them to learn what they observed without forgetting the process. It also gave the trainer the opportunities to immediately assist the trainees to correct mistakes in cutting. Moreover, by observing the trainees, the instructional designer was able to identify the need for additional instruction on how to use a knife and how to use it safely.  Did the learning fit your learning style? o Yes, they got to do it and watch. One of the students even mentioned that watching and practice doing helped them learn. It helped them to retain the information and gave them enough time to practice cutting. Since cooking lacked the repeating of similar steps they were not able to practice in a similar fashion with the cutting. However, the step-by-step instructions gave them something they could refer back to if they forgot or needed.  Do you know what was expected of you? o The objectives were not clear. The trainer should have identified each objective before demonstrating the vegetable, how to cut each vegetable and how finally to cook Pinakbet. While the training received training from the instructional designer, there needs to be greater emphasis on stating the objectives before proceeding.  Could you identify the various vegetables that the instructor identified? o One of the trainees could easily identify all the vegetables, while the other required more practice to identify the vegetables. He said he need longer practice. Incorporating an identification game may provide a means of enjoyment, engagement and motivation that is age appropriate.  Were the demonstrations of how to cut the vegetables clear and easy to understand? If they were not, what was not easy to understand? o Both of them said that it was easy to identify the appropriate cuts of vegetables and the redundancy in practice helped them to learn. However, the proficiency of one of the trainees in how to use a knife was lacking and he needs more training. This will need to be added into the training program.  Did this sufficiently prepare you to cook a meal of Pinakbet? If no, why not? o They both said that it was enough for them to learn how to cook Pinakbet and one of the learners stated that this training was effective, because this is the way he learns by observing and practicing. Lesson

 Could you easily follow the directions of the instructor? o Yes, they could easily follow the instructions of the trainer, if they were not distracted by electronics. Performing this training while in the process of a major move is not recommended. Sufficient time and environmental resources are essential for a productive learning experience.  Did the environment help you to learn the material? If not, why? o No, because they were both distracted by the television and their Kindles. It is important for the learning environment to be in a place without any of the electronic distractions or where their siblings can watch while they train.  Did the pictures and touching the vegetables help you identify them? o Yes, they did. It helped them to be able to touch, feel and connect the pictures to the vegetables. An identification game can help solidify the retention.  Did what you learn in the classroom relate to what you needed to know to cook Pinakbet? o They both said that they would learn how to cook Pinakbet through this training.  Were you able to ask the trainer questions to get better clarification? o Yes, they were comfortable asking questions, because the trainer was their mother. The one trainee said that if it was not his mother, he would be too shy to ask questions. In these instances where the instructor is not their mother, the trainer may need to ask questions that tests the ability of the trainees to identify and implement the demonstrated task.  Did the training help you to cut and cook Pinakbet? o Yes the trainer helped them to cut and cook Pinakbet and gave a clear presentation. What was really beneficial was the immediacy of the practice. As soon as the trainer demonstrated the procedure, the trainees immediately performed the task.


 Were the (job aids) pictures and step-by-step instructions reinforce the learning and make it easier? o They said that it did reinforce their learning. The one in particularly said that the step- by-step instructions were also important to him.  Did the instruction, pictures and step-by-step instructions fit your ability to follow the material? Was the training appropriate for your age group? o Yes, the fit their learning style and their age group. However, for one of the learners, an identification game would have helped him retain and recognize the names of the vegetables better.  Did you participate enough to be able to learn how to cut and cook Pinakbet? o Yes, they did and felt that the practice helped them process the information and apply it to their task.

Comments: 1. One of the trainees compared the training he received and compared it to his Bahasa Indonesian class in school. He said this training met his particular learning style and helped him to learn the content, while according to this survey, he would answer “no” for his Bahasa Indonesian class.

2. A major difficulty in completing this training is that the environment was not conducive for learning. The trainer, trainees and the instructional designers just moved out of their house and moved into a friend’s house in Batam. While their previous house did not have any cable television, the television and their Kindles in their friend’s house distracted them from focusing on the training. All members of the beta test are in the process of moving to back to the United States, which will take them through Singapore and the Philippines before reaching the US on April 21. For the best training results, the instructional designer must ensure that he remove all hindrances in the instructional process.

3. It became apparent that one of the trainers needs instruction of how to use a knife for cutting vegetables. This could become a safety hazard. It is necessary to include this in the training.

4. There was insufficiency in the instruction. For both the bitter gourd and the okra the tips need to be cut off before cutting. This was not included in the training manual for the students or the manual for the trainer.

5. Since one of the trainees did not know what simmering was, it was good for him to observe the simmering process. To make it even more effective and easier to remember there should be a job aid of liquid simmering.