1 Running Head: FINAL PROJECT

Final Project Cooking Pinakbet

Dirk Reichardt

Instructional Design III (EIDT - 4004 - 1)

Instructor Peterson

2 Running Head: FINAL PROJECT Final Project Cooking Pinakbet

Pre-Activities Trainer’s Manual Preparation for Course Instructor Introduction to the course Students will receive the instructor’s email address, so that they can open the attachment with the Pinakbet job aids and recipe electronically.

In addition, they will also receive a list of grocery stores in the area that sell the specific vegetables required for cooking Pinakbet. They must open the instructor’s email attachment to access this information.

Finally, the email will state the three learning objectives of learning how to cook Pinakbet. Pre-work Students will receive job aid pictures prior to the start of class. With the job aid pictures, students will go to the grocery store, identify, feel and select the various vegetables used in Pinakbet. Check and Purchase Students will put the vegetables they identified through their job aids in a basket and write the names down on a list. These selected vegetables the learners will have to show to a knowledgeable employee at the grocery store that the students have identified the vegetables correctly. On their list, this knowledgeable person will have to sign and verify that what the student selected was correct. Amounts to Purchase After identifying the vegetables and checking with a knowledgeable employee at the grocery store, students will purchase the following amounts:  10 pieces of Green Round  6 pieces of Bitter Gourd  8 pieces of long string beans  One squash  6 pieces of Okra  1 inch finger  1  2 small red The course will supply one bottle of bagoong, which should be enough for all students. In addition, they discover online what bagoong is 3 Running Head: FINAL PROJECT and bring their definitions to class.

Event Schedule Download job aids, schedule of events, Performed prior to class assignments to be accomplished prior to class and a list of grocery stores. Pre-activities: Performed prior to class  Pinakbet vegetable discovery at any of the referred to grocery stores.  Selection of the vegetables, checking with knowledgeable grocery employee and purchasing of the designated amount for each vegetable.  Bagoong discovery (online search) Icebreakers  Discussion of student’s Pinakbet 5 minutes shopping experience  Students define bagoong. 5 minutes  Students discuss the originations of 5 minutes Pinakbet Objective #1: At the end of the class, with a table presentation of all the vegetables and tools required for Pinakbet, the trainee will be able to accurately identify all the vegetables used in cooking

Instructor presentation and identification of 5 minutes vegetables, while students observe, touch and smell each presented vegetable for a sensory experience.

Student practice identifying the vegetables 5 minutes before the instructor Objective # 2: At the end of the training the trainee will be able to precisely demonstrate the appropriate cut of each of the vegetables and the spices used in Pinakbet , while maintaining safe knife practices

Supplemental safety operation of using a knife 5 minutes with practice and assessment.

Instruction and demonstration of how to cut the 1 hour vegetables for Pinakbet, while students immediately practice cutting each vegetable 4 Running Head: FINAL PROJECT after its demonstration. Objective # 3: At the end of the training, in the kitchen with a wok on a cooking range, the trainee will be able to accurately demonstrate the correct order and culinary techniques for cooking Pinakbet.

Instruction and demonstration of how to cook 25 minutes in sequential order the vegetables for Pinakbet, while students immediately practice cooking each ingredient after its demonstration in a wok over a burner. Final Outcome: Students will be able to cook a 1 hour meal of Pinakbet for a group of five people

Icebreaker Trainer’s Manual Preparation for Course Students will share their shopping experiences Students will share any funny or difficult experiences they had in finding and buying the vegetables they need for cooking Pinakbet and show the instructor what they purchased.

Bagoong Definition Students discuss what bagoong is.

Origination of Pinakbet Students will discover online the origination of Pinakbet and learn how it comes from the northern regions of the island of Isabela among the Ilokano people.

Sample Trainer’s Guide Meal of Pinakbet for 5 People Objective # 1 1. At the end of the class, with a table presentation of all the vegetables and tools required for Pinakbet, the trainee will be able to accurately identify all the vegetables used in cooking Pinakbet (Piskurich, 2006).

Directions Students will need to identify vegetables set out on a table.

Vegetables are as follows: a. Green Round Eggplant b. Bitter Gourd c. Long String Beans d. Squash 5 Running Head: FINAL PROJECT

e. Okra f. Ginger Finger g. Garlic Cloves

Training manual contain job aids for identify the various vegetables and tools for preparing Pinakbet. Before students identify the vegetables and tools, trainer will point to the vegetables, name them and pass them around for the students to feel the texture and smell. Students will compare the vegetables with the pictures in their training manuals. Since the learners already know the tools, it is unnecessary for students to have sensory experiences. Each student should have a cutting knife, cutting board and a wok, including a burner on which to cook.

Students must also have a bottle of bagoong. An explanation of bagoong is as follows:

Defintion: Bagoong is a partially fermented fish sauce used in cooking Pinakbet. They use various fish in the fermentation process, such as anchovies. References Job Aid pictures of vegetables, spices and tools for preparation. Assessment When students have mastered the identification of the vegetables and spices, they will complete a Completion Format test to identify the names by filling in blanks next to pictures of each vegetable and each spice. In addition, they will express the name of each vegetable and spice, while describing its textures. Students must have 100% accuracy before proceeding to the next objective. In addition, the student will select the appropriate amounts of vegetables and spices for a Pinakbet meal for 5 people. OJT Training Checklist Can the trainee complete the following tasks? Identify the names accurately with no errors on the Completion Format Test. Express the name of each vegetable to the trainer with no errors. Describe the texture to the trainer Select 10 pieces of Green Round

6 Running Head: FINAL PROJECT

Eggplant Select 6 pieces of Bitter Gourd

Select 8 pieces of long string beans

Select one pound cut of squash 6 pieces of Okra

1 inch ginger finger

4 cloves of garlic 2 small red onions

Objective # 2 2. At the end of the training the trainee will be able to precisely demonstrate the appropriate cut of each of the vegetables and the spices used in Pinakbet , while maintaining safe knife practices.

Supplemental Knife Safety Directions Before proceeding to cutting the various vegetables, it is important to instruct and demonstrate proper cutting procedures. They have a job aid of proper holding of the knife and the cutting movement. First, instruct them how to hold the knife and the appropriate cutting direction. While explaining the procedures, demonstrate how to do it. Next, have the learners practice what they just learned. They cannot move onto cutting the vegetables until they have mastered how to hold and use the correct cutting directions. After mastering the correct cutting skills, continue to observe the learner when cutting vegetables and ensure they continue to cut appropriately and make any necessary adjustments. Vegetable Cutting Directions The trainer will demonstrate the various cuts of the vegetables for the 5 vegetables and the 3 spices included in this recipe of Pinakebet, which are the following: Round Green Egg Plant; Bitter Gourd; Long String Beans; Squash; Okra; Ginger; Red Onions; Garlic. Students will observe and practice on each vegetable immediately following the trainers cut of each vegetable and each spice. Demonstration The trainer will demonstrate each of the 5 cuts for the 5 vegetables and 3 spices. First the trainer demonstrates the cut of the Round Green Egg Plant and then lets the students practice until they cut all their Egg Plants for their recipe. This demonstration- practice continues for each vegetable and each spice. Practice Students will practice each cut of the 7 Running Head: FINAL PROJECT

vegetables and spices that they have prepared for their cooking lesson. References Job Aid pictures of each vegetable cut and how the cut vegetable will look when cut appropriately. Assessment The trainer will observe the students vegetable cuts. If the student demonstrates a wrong cut, the trainer will replace the incorrectly cut vegetables with new ones, so that the student makes the appropriate cut. OJT Training Checklist Can the trainee complete the following tasks? Cut the Round Green Egg Plant into quarters, so that it opens like a flower, but does not separate. Cut the bitter gourd in quarters, so that it opens like a flower, but does not separate. Cut the Long String Beans into two inch slices. Peel off the skin and cut squash into cubes. Cut each okra piece in half.

Smash the garlic with the flat part of the knife and remove the garlic from the skin. First remove the skin of the ginger and slice length way into 1/8 inch strips.

Objective # 3 3. At the end of the training, in the kitchen with a wok on a cooking range, the trainee will be able to accurately demonstrate the correct order and culinary techniques for cooking Pinakbet (Piskurich, 2006). Directions The trainer will demonstrate each step and the trainees will emulate each step. Demonstration The trainer demonstrates each step, allowing for clear observations from the students.

Special Note: Instructor will demonstrate what simmering is and let students have a visual inspection. Students will describe in their words what simmering is after their visual inspection. Practice Immediately after the trainer demonstration and opportunities to taste the trainer’s Pinakbet, the students will practice what 8 Running Head: FINAL PROJECT

they learn through guidance and observation from the instructor. Each student will have their personal burner to practice each step until the final product. Students will compare the taste of their Pinakbet with the trainer. References The student manual will include the step- by-step procedures. Here are the step-by- procedures:  Put the wok over a low heat.  Put in 1 tablespoon of oil to begin the stir fry process.  Heat up the oil for 1 minute  Place the ginger in the wok to add a little bit of spiciness.  After 10 seconds put in the onions  Put in the onions and 10 seconds later put in the garlic. Cook onions until they are brown. These two ingredients supplement the flavor of bagoong, which is necessary for a stir fry meal. These are common garden vegetables found in the Philippines.  For a variety of flavor, put in the egg plants first, then the bitter gourd, then the squash, then the long string beans, then the okra and finally pour in 1/8 cup of Bagoong. Bitter gourd in particular adds a unique bitter taste enjoyed by the Ilokano people.  Cover and let simmer for 5 minutes and then add ¼ cup of water. Keep cooking until all the vegetables are tender. Move the wok forward and back occasionally during the cooking process, so that the vegetables mix. Do not use a spatula to mix, since it might cause the vegetables to break apart.  The Pinakbet should be ready for service and the taste test.

Assessment The trainer will observe the students to make sure they follow the step-by-step procedure. If the student makes a mistake, the trainer will provide feedback and help the student to make the appropriate corrections. Students will compare the taste of their Pinakbet with that of the trainer. OJT Training Checklist Can the trainee complete the following tasks? The student followed all the steps for 9 Running Head: FINAL PROJECT

cooking Pinakbet. The student’s Pinakbet tasted like the trainer’s Pinakbet.

10 Running Head: FINAL PROJECT Description of Job Aids for vegetables and Job Aid Image spices for pre-work and trainee manual (Students will use these job aids for their pre-work by finding them in a grocery store). Select 10 pieces of Green Round Eggplant

(Eat with Pills, Eggplant) Select 6 pieces of Bitter Gourd

(Rokiah, Bitter gourd) Select 8 pieces of long string beans

(Nature's Pride, Long beans) Select one pound cut of squash

(Lori, Buttercup squash) 6 pieces of Okra

(Ellis, Okra) 1 inch ginger finger

(IronMagLabs, Ginger) 11 Running Head: FINAL PROJECT 4 cloves of garlic

(Veterinary Pet Insurance, Garlic cloves) 2 small red onions

(Charlie's Fruit Market , Australian Small Red Onions) 1/8 cup of Bagoong

Job Aid Description for Cutting Vegetables Images and Spices Safety Knife OperationsMake sure to hold the vegetable correctly with one hand and hold the knife blade down as demonstrated in the picture. Cut from point A to B and repeat those steps until finished cutting.


12 Running Head: FINAL PROJECT Cut the Round Green Egg Plant into quarters, so that it opens like a flower, but does not separate.

Cut the bitter gourd in quarters, so that it opens like a flower, but does not separate.

Cut the Long String Beans into two inch slices.

(The Bubbly Wife, bunch of sitaw (long string beans), 3" cut) Peel off the skin and cut squash into cubes.

Peeling squash

(Gasteiger, Peeling Squash) 13 Running Head: FINAL PROJECT

(Denny, Peeling Squash) Cut each okra piece in half.

(Lakshmi Canteen, Okra Cut) Smash the garlic with the flat part of the knife and remove the garlic from the skin.

(Jen, Smashing garlic) First remove the skin of the ginger and slice length way into 1/8 inch strips.

(Malhotra, Ginger Julienne) First peel the skin of the red and then cut length way into 1/8 inch strips.

(Catherine, Red Onions)

14 Running Head: FINAL PROJECT

Pinakbet Recipe Description Step 1 Put the wok over a low heat. Step 2 Put in 1 tablespoon of oil. Step 3 Heat up the oil for 1 minute Step 4 Place the ginger in the wok Step 4 After 10 seconds put in the onions Step 5 Put in the onions and 10 seconds later put in the garlic. Cook onions until they are brown. Step 6 Put in the egg plants first, then the bitter gourd, then the squash, then the long string beans, then the okra and finally pour in 1/8 cup of Bagoong. Step 7 Cover and let simmer for 5 minutes and then add ¼ cup of water. Keep cooking until all the vegetables are tender. Move the wok forward and back occasionally during the cooking process, so that the vegetables mix. Do not use a spatula to mix, since it might cause the vegetables to break apart. Step 8 Ready for service and taste test.


Piskurich, G. M. (2006). Rapid instructional design: Learning ID fast and right (2nd ed.). San

Francisco, CA: Pfeiffer.

Eat with Pills. (Photographer). Eggplant [Print Photo]. Retrieved from


Rokiah. (Photographer). (2012, October 18). Bitter gourd [Print Photo]. Retrieved from


Nature's Pride. (Photographer). (2014). Long beans [Print Photo]. Retrieved from


Lori, A. (Photographer). (2005). Buttercup squash [Print Photo]. Retrieved from


Kori, E. (Photographer). (2014). Okra [Print Photo]. Retrieved from http://


IronMagLabs, E. (Photographer). (2010, September 10). Ginger [Print Photo]. Retrieved from



Veterinary Pet Insurance. (Photographer). (2013). Garlic cloves [Print Photo]. Retrieved from


and-Pets.aspx Charlie's Fruit Market (Photographer). (2014). Australian Small Red Onions [Print Photo].

Retrieved from http://www.petinsurance.com/healthzone/pet-articles/pet-health-


The Bubbly Wife. (Photographer). (2011, July 1). bunch of sitaw (long string beans), 3" cut

[Print Photo]. Retrieved from http://thebubblywife.blogspot.com/2011/07/ginataang-


Gasteiger, D. (Photographer). (2013, February 22). Peeling Squash [Print Photo]. Retrieved from



Denny, K. (Photographer). (2007, September 20). Cutting Squash in Cubes [Print Photo].

Retrieved from http://www.kalynskitchen.com/2007/09/recipe-for-foil-wrapped-


Lakshmi Canteen. (Photographer). (2005, July 5). Peeling Squash [Print Photo]. Retrieved from


Jen. (Photographer). (2012, December 11). Smashing garlic [Print Photo]. Retrieved from



Malhotra, A. (Photographer). (2013, February 26). Ginger Julienne [Print Photo]. Retrieved from


root-vegetables/ Catherine. (Photographer). (2009, May 29). Red Onions [Print Photo]. Retrieved from
