Y e s h i v a U n i v e r s i t y K (H מודה /W וופדע 1 «3CJ

Observer ל\ The Official Newspaper of

Evacuation of Brookdale Hall Proves T h e Guide Encounters Efficacy of University’s Emergency Plans Problems, Again Disgruntled Lacking Students Claim Communication was Miscommunications and Lack of By: Adina Levine required several minutes to fire alarm,” commented Jessica complete. In the meantime, Klein. “But at the moment it was Leadership Cause Difficulties '.:7 he World Trade Center without the fire alarm, the only just like how would we have By: Miriam Colton This year, the editors tragedy hit quite close to means to evacuate all students known?” Nevertheless, Klein ' were unable to hold to that sched- home as Brookdale Hall from the building was to have qualified, “I was very impressed T espite a late start, Part I of ule since they only began in residents were evacuated due security guards go door to door, with security in the end.” The Guide to the Perplexed, August. Soroka blames the late to a bomb scare in the Empire knocking and notifying students Liora Kasten, an SCW a handbook of life beginning on a miscommunication State Building on September to get out of the building. The junior residing on the tenth D in , is scheduled to between him and the Student 12. Though eventually discov- fire alarm was eventually rung, floor, mistook the fervent be collated this week and then to Council, which funds The Guide. , ered to be a false alarm the albeit after most students had screams to be a celebration of be distributed by the RA’s. Part II Last year, Soroka was also editor, scare forced the more than 500 already left the building. someone’s engagement or just of The Guide, the list of addresses and in fact initiated the early arrival SCW women who reside in However, many stu- immature stupidity and saw no and phone numbers, is to be pub- of The Guide. Brookdale to travel to the East dents questioned the efficiency cause for alarm. Five minutes lished in a few weeks, though the At the end of last semes- River and then to sit tight in of the system, claiming that later, Kasten looked out in the lack of notices before the holiday ter, Soroka claims that he informed Schottenstein and the school they had received no official hallway only to encounter dead break soliciting students’ personal building before finally being notice of the evacuation, either silence and had to put two and information may lead to delays. allowed to return to their dorms from security guards or two together to determine to get Immediately upon the after midnight. Resident Assistants, and only out of the building.”1 don’t know completion of Part I, Dani Weiss, “I saw all the people heard the screams of other stu- the SCW editor-in-chief of The running,” recalls Sara dents running down the stair- continued on page 7 Guide, resigned from her position, Silverstein, SCW junior. ‘The way as an indication to get out making a timely Completion of Part police were running also. I was of the building. This bedlam II uncertain. 'The repercussions of really terrified. My friend and I caused unnecessary panic, Part I and having to deal with stu- freaked out together.” they claimed, at having to run dent complaints are what I’m trying Notified at approxi- en masse without knowing the to avoid,” said Weiss. “I don’t have The Guide aids students in mately 10:00 p.m. by local reason, the time. My main concern is adjusting to life on Yeshiva police of the situation, security “I don’t think they com- school work.” Weiss says she will campuses personnel followed orders to municated well at all,” asserted possibly continue to help out unof- evacuate the building. Before Edah Rotman. ‘We just didn’t ficially as a favor to Avi Soroka, the incoming Student Council security could ring the fire know.what was going on.” YC editor-in-chief of The Guide. President Lou Shapp that while he alarm, however, they needed to “In retrospect, I under- One of the complaints that would help,out with the production ensure that the firemen would stand that there would have Weiss might be referring to is some of The Guide, Shapp would have to not respond, a process that been a panic had they rung the students’ vocal annoyance at this find a new editor. In the beginning year’s late arrival. Last year, Part I of August he received a call from was given out at Orientation, to the Shapp asking about the status of US News Ranks Yeshiva #41 satisfaction of many students. “If it The Guide. “I wasn’t going to leave was up to me, I would’ve had it out the school without The Guide," said By: Sari Moskowitz California at Irvine and the a long time ago,” said Elana continued on page 14 University of Califomia-Davis. Soleimani, SCWSC president. s cele- Along with YU, these schools brates record-breaking received an overall score of 67. Amid Criticism, Model U.N. Copes with Aundergraduate enroll- However, the overall score was ment and the opening of new the only category in which these buildings on both the YC and schools received the same Departure of Secretary General SCW campuses, its score. Although YU SCW Given Raw Deal as YC Takes Leadership Third Year in a Row ,®י - prestige has been duly recognized by the U.Sitews" received several ranking of YU among scores lower than its By: Caryn Litt Shai Barnea, one of the Under- the position. “It really is a big Secretary Generals, was responsibility, taking on a the top 50 universities kmmxi Best closest competitors, it promot- such s Yeshiva University s ed to the position. I never asked continued on page 14 for the sixth consecu- ^ moved up from its ’ “ largest recruitment them about the search tive year. In a US ges previous ranking of vehi- process r% , t wa News & World Report th Acle National Model United because I didn’ think it End of an Era 44 place. Indeed, survey published on w:1as Nations could be the perfect my place to ask,and I didn’t YU can boast that opportunity to showcase an want to dwell on the past,” September 10, 2001, £3 92% of its teachers st equal, symbiotic relationship Barnea claims. YU was ranked in 41 are full-time faculty between Stern College for Although rumors place, a marked improvement members, a percentage on par Women and Yeshiva College. It abound that there was no from past years, and by far YU’s with that of Princeton University, may come as a shock, therefore, SCW student competent highest rank until now. which received first place hon- t at for the thjrc| year jn a row the enough for the job, the truth is The survey ranked ors in this year’s US News sur- Secretary^ General hails from far less sensational. Because American universities on items vey. In stark contrast, YU Yeshiva College. the position of Secretary such as the university’s fresh- accepts 78% of applicants, It was not supposed to General demands a certain man retention rate, number of compared to Princeton, which be this way. SCW student Yael amount of previous experience students per class and the per- accepts a scant 12% of those Fischer was appointed last year and involvement with Model centage of full-time faculty who apply. ' to be Secretary General. U.N., the candidacy pool is lim- Rav Ahrort Soioveichik, members. YU’s prestigious Vice President However, her revelation toward ited to begin with. The only leader of Orthodox commu- rank in,41st place is shared with Academic Affairs Dr. Morton the end of August that she had female Under-Secretary nity and at several other universities, Lowengrub, who was informed transferred to Barnard left the General, Michelle Ross, was RIETS, was niftarat 84 including Georgia Institute of continued on page 13 position vacant, and• YC student certainly qualified, but declined Technology, the University of See Page Six

Honors Programs Reviewed and Compared

Page 11 Page 2 O b s e r v e r October 16, 2001 UPCOMING EVENTS T h e O b s e r v e r 245 Lexington Avenue, New York , .NY 10016 . י Tuesday, October 16 (212) 683-4943. Fax: (212) 340-7773. Metropolitan Experience Sign up [email protected]

Wednesday, October 17 The Observer is published monthly during the academic year by the Stern College for TAC club fair Women Student Council. The staff of the Observer retains the right to choose newspaper content and to determine the priority of stories. While unsigned editorials represent the Tuesday, October 23 views of the Observer’s editorial board, all opinions expressed in signed editorials, SCW Student Council Club Fair: Koch Auditorium MID 8 pm columns, letters and cartoons are the opinions of the writers or artists and do not necessar- ily reflect the opinions of the Observer, Stem College for Women, its student body, facul- ty or administration. Monday, October 29 Office of Placement and Career Services Career Fair: Belfer Hall 8-10 p.m. Adina Levine & Miriam Colton Wednesday, October 31 Editors-in-Chief SCW Board of Directors Annual Dinner

Sunday, November 11 Alexandra Beard SCW and SSSB Midtown Open House 9:30 am Executive Editor Wednesday, November 28 Dr. Marcia Robbins- Wilf Scholar in Residence Program Lecture: Dr. Maya Angelou, Schottenstein Cultural Center 8 pm Sari Moskowitz Caryn Litt Shira Frankel Sunday, December 2 News Editor Features Editor Copy Editor YU 77th Annual Hanukkah Dinner and Convocation: The Waldorf-Astoria 5:30 p.m. Kate Stubbe Vivi Stahl Webmaster Layout Editor The Observer Welcomes Ami Flatt & Sara Trappier Michal Leah Kanovsky Cultural Arts Editors Columnist All Comments Shifra Chana Rothstein Mimi Sternberg Photography Editor Business Editor 4943־683־(Please Call (212 or Email Us at Rivky Borg Meryl Sava Business Manager Distribution Manager Observer @ ymail.yu.edu

. .ן...... A l e x a n d r a B e a r d A couple of points must be made Therefore, I think that at least the day that regarding these understandable con- these events occurred should have been E x e c u t i v e E d i t o r cerns. First, I feel confident in saying that recognized by SCW and classes should as college-aged students, the overwhelm- not have taken place, While the rest I must have sat there all morn- ing majority of us make responsible deci- Then again, there are always two lew York City ing. We all sat there, reacting together, sj0ns regarding our own safety. And in a sides to a story. A non-Jewish colleague down on some crying, others like me in total shock, situation such as this, we are even more of my father’s said something that is 11, sometimes letting out a laugh of disbelief responsible for ourselves and for our capable of washing away my entire argu- we didn’t, at the sheer wonder of the possibility of friends. Sitting in a classroom with our ment expressed in this editorial. When has been such an execution, and of such a result. thoughts elsewhere didn’t accomplish told that my Jewish university was still Yet some of us had to ignore the trauma, much anyway, as many students testified, holding classes during the chaos in NY, or not SCW was justified in officially con- ignore the reality, and pick up and go to And for some of us, freaking out in our she replied, ‘That’s fantastic. It just goes tinuing classes during the “Attack on class. While the rest of our country was rooms and talking the day’s events over to show how important the Jews feel edu- America,” as CNN has coined the current trying to process what had just happened wjth our roommates helped the most. cation is, that not even a terrorist attack crisis in the United States. While some to not only NYC and Washington, but also To those who went out to give will stop them from teaching their chil- believe canceling classes might have to the seemingly rosy future of the United blood and volunteer at the Red Cross, dren.” I’m not quite sure what to do with been an impulsive reaction, and others States, we had to go to class. yasher koach. And to those that gathered that remark. Perhaps, SCW deserves a thought that it was simply an obvious We had to discuss St. Augustine, t0 say jehiilim and daven for protection yasher koach, as well? security precaution, all views on the issue as one girl exasperately said as she and safety, another well-deserved yasher must be seen as valid and carefully walked into the TV room after her litera- koach. But to say that we needed to be thought out. Nevertheless, from a stu- ture class. She was shocked at the irrel- contained in a classroom doesn’t give jus- dent’s perspective, I felt frustrated and, to evance, the triteness of everything that tice t0 the responsibility of Stern College tell the truth, angry, that Tuesday, paled in comparison to the atrocities of students, Wednesday and Thursday classes went the morning’s events. Why? Because Every university in Atlanta, my on as nothing in the world - not even ter- she was sensitive and she couldn’t think hometown, closed down that Tuesday rorist attacks on the Twin Towers as well about anything else. She wasn't of the (and the whole week, for that matter). All Join the Staff as the Pentagon - had happened. mindset to push her emotions to the back the malls, ancj a few 0f the major high- As were most students who did- burner. And most significantly, she real . - ways had shut down > t00. And here we n’t have morning classes Tuesday morn- ized that 5000 bodies were burning only a were in the heart of Manhattan - a few ing, I was woken up at 9:15 a.m. by a few blocks away, and she couldn’t indulge b!ocks from another obvious target, the Observer phone call - from my mother that yes, an in the leisure of discussing literature or Empire State Building - having class. We airplane had flown into the World Trade anything other than the fear and confu- even had class the day after Brookdale Recruitment Center. Half asleep and too disoriented to sion she and her fellow students were Hall was evacuated because of a bomb meeting be in disbelief, I threw on my slippers and feeling. scare at the Empire State Building, of all to While it is necessary and normal '.floor of placesיran up the TV room on the 18 * for college students to learn and to dis- jf || Schottenstein. s0 many other c0 eges across October 24th On the way to the television, I cuss literature, September 11th was not a the country closed down as a security Main 15ל happened to have looked out the window normal day. To make the transition from measure, why didn’t we? Raising another Room י shocking tragedy to everyday life to see billowing mountains of smoke norrrjal p0jnt, one facu|ty member said that as a Building backdropping the familiar neighborhood is something that our nation is still trying Jewish institution, we shouldn’t have been buildings of Lexington Avenue. Standing to do, and it is virtually impossible to have open on the day of a terrorist attack firmly, yet somewhat pathetically, on top expected students to feign normalcy that undoubtedly caused by Muslim, anti- of one of those buildings, with the char- Tuesday. Israel terrorists. Is that not another rea- coal swarms of smoke behind it, was an I’d like to think that this sensitivi- g0n t0 take security precautions? American flag. The image contained such ty, as displayed by this fellow SCW stu- Any aware, thjnking individual a paradox of emotions and symbols, from dent, is enough of a reason to calm any wb0 bas been watching the news over the American pride and the transitory nature fears that we might have been wandering paSf weeks, reading editorials and arti- Stop by at our booth at of our security, to the idealism of the the streets and putting ourselves in dan- Cles, and hearing what the experts have next Tuesday gerous situations. Word spread that it Club Fair American dream and what had become of t0 say> especially the President, must it. I walked by giving the view only 30 sec- was safer for us to be sitting in classes, realize what a serious and precarious sit- onds of my attention, and I joined the for then the school would know where we Uation we are facing. The ramifications of other 20 girls in front of the TV screen to were and we wouldn’t be running off to what happened that Tuesday, for the U.S, find out how this image had become a Ground Zero. We also wouldn’t be mop- |srael and the entire world, are unthink- reality. ing and freaking out in our rooms, overre- ab!e and frighteningly upredictable. acting to the situation. 29 Tishrei 5762 O b s e r v e r Page 3 M e s s a g e f r o m t h e E d i t o r s

A d i n a L e v i n e M i r i a m C o l t o n E d i t o r - i n - C h i e f E d i t o r - i n - C h i e f Three meals but the entire student body in present- That night we toyed Stern College. Ironically, I would have spaghetti, ham- ing a unified reaction. Troubled times with the idea of thought that with a capital campaign burgers and present the ultimate test for the worthi- putting out a joint labeled “Our Faith in the Future,” and with meatballs - must ness of the student leader to accept her special issue with all the bigwigs’ wives in attendance, be assigned to responsibility. our uptown coun- Yeshiva could have made a successful three different As the ground below the World terpart. The craggy point of marketing Stern College and diners Art, Trade Center shook, we as editors of city of New York women’s education. Brendon, and Clarise - on three differ- the newspaper sought to rise above cat- had come together It is true that our distant location ent days. The following conditions astrophe to best serve our school. In so so nicely; perhaps our own microcosm, does contribute to this benign neglect of apply... doing, we reached out to certain student Yeshiva, could also show unity in the face Stern. But then it’s the administration’s In the middle of my GREs, a leaders, from both midtown and uptown, of adversity. A joint issue would save responsibility to make a greater effort to muffled voice crackled over the loud- to join us in our attempt to guide the stu- manpower, money and most importantly, communicate with us. For example, speaker. I didn’t pay any attention to the dents in this time of crisis. Surprisingly, show solidarity as one university. But we Lamm spoke to the Stern student body all disturbance; after all, the test was timed our attempts met with failure. All pre- were soon to be disillusioned. of one time last year, and that was at and environmental distractions were not sumed to aid the students independent- When we finally got through to Orientation at nine in the morning. Since affordable. A minute later, a technician ly and saw a coalition of student leaders uptown in the wee hours of morning, it our campus doesn’t have access to or burst into the room, noisily apologizing as not only unfeasible, but as undesir- was no longer a logistical option and the even visibility of him on a daily basis, for the otherwise unnoticed announce- able. Observer was more than halfway to print. Rabbi Lamm should davka come down T. ment and hastily informed us that there There are times for indepen- But what bothered me was that in a tone and speak to us more often. And if not, had been a plane crash but we were in dence and there are times for unity. tinged with hubris, the boys mocked our then don’t hold accountable those of our no immediate danger and could contin- While individuals may act independent- suggestion of a joint special issue. In student body who barely know who he is ue the test. Consciously dispelling the ly during a crisis, student leaders are fact, they seemed slightly surprised and and who could easily go through three or question as to why disturb us merely to expected, if not required, to act as a uni- even insulted by such a preposterous four years at Stern never having seen him allow us to continue, I resumed contem- tied front. The World Trade Center idea. Their immediate question at the or heard him speak. plating the immediate problem of Art’s tragedy presented a test for the unity of suggestion of possible joint issues was Separate locations also does not dinner. But before I could successfully student leadership, and we failed. We what would the paper be called, the allow the Observer the luxury of stopping complete this dubiously enjoyable activ- failed because we were each so stuck CommenobserveT? And while they did by at administrators’ offices in Belfer or ity, a familiar voice spoke too close to on our own individual responsibilities graciously invite us to write for them, that Furst to find out what is going on. the microphone, rapidly ordering anoth- that we neglected to expand our activi- was the extent of their magnanimity. Therefore, we have to rely on the courtesy er series of incoherent commands. The ties to encompass each other. We dis- This sentiment expressed by the of the administrators returning our calls. interpreter was not long in coming, and appointed the students and we disap- male students bothered me, as it reflected While some, like Dean Himber, do return she barged in with the finality that pointed ourselves. a lack of university unity and a sometimes calls, most actually seem to go out of their not to way we can effec accompanied her dreaded words: Rosh Hashana and Yom indifferent attitude towards Stern that I’ve way . The only - *\ “Everyone must evacuate the building.” Kippur have since come and gone, and noticed since I came to Yeshiva, and in tively communicate with them is to travel Though my initial response the issue is not blame but a commit- particular to the Observer. While I’d uptown and ambush them outside their was annoyance at being forced to ment to the future. For all intents and rather not view the administration as con- offices. Even the midtown administration retake a test that I didn’t need in the first purposes, we should assume that each descending towards Stern, there is a cer- isn’t kept up to date on Yeshiva news, place, the somber pieces of news float- of us was equally responsible for the tain neglect of our college and students. leaving them in the lurch as well. Our ing from the voices of frantic New past lack of student leadership in our In halachic lingo, one can analogize that whole campus is in effect kept in the dark Yorkers provided some perspective. dedication to affect future change. We in the eyes of Yeshiva higher-ups, filtering at arm’s length. Something about the World Trade may initiate change individually but we down to its male students and even some On the day of the trade center Center. Not one plane but two. The must work together to make the change of its female students, YC is the ikar and terrorism, emergency communiques from words “terrorist” and “hijacked.” This successful. SCW the tofel. Public Relations went out to the various fragmented information overwhelmed It is the way of the world that As an example, at the end of last campuses. Not all of them made their me in the 15-minute walk to the dorm Art’s meal depends on Brendon, and semester, the capital campaign of $400 way downtown, and some of them long where my friends were just waking up. only by working together can both ever million was officially launched at a small after the time they were released. Every event - no matter how be satisfied. Although the goal certainly gala, with a video presentation featuring So at the end of the day it is each universal or minute - has both a global can’t be to always please everyone, at the different schools. While YC, along campus for itself. impact and personal ramifications. And least working together will create an with Einstein, took center stage in the the way a student reacts is less a reflec- attempt. video, inconspicuously glossed over was tion of the nature of the event than a representation of the personality of the student herself. Some students immedi- THURSDAY MAY 23 11 AM ately look for the personal aspect, trying to contact fathers who worked “some- where downtown,” while others prepare THE THEATER for a global catastrophe, stocking up at Gristedes in the event of a major war. MADISON SQUARE GARDEN As Stern College sat shocked in the wake of this unanticipated tragedy, the different reactions were merely individ- ual responses to a communal problem. People handle crisis differently and one response is not inherently better or worse than another. A classic story tells of a man who tried to change the world and failed, to change his country and failed, to change his city and failed, to change his family and failed. But then he changed himself, and in so doing, changed his family, his city, his country and his world. In the face of a national crisis, heroism begins with the individual. A student determines her contribution can be donating blood; whether she sue- ceeds or not is irrelevant, it is her com- mitment to individual action that is com- mendable. Another student decides that SENIORS, HAVE the only way for her to maintain sanity is to continue with her ordinary routine, YOU FILED FOR and whether that be watching a movie ? or attending class, that student is also GRADUATION commendable in successfully coping with tragedy. Individual responses are necessary, if not heroic, in the face of a IF NOT, PICK UP KIT global catastrophe. But individual responses are FROM THE OFFICE not enough for student leaders. In times OF THE REGISTRAR of chaos, confused students look for someone to turn to, and student leaders ON YOUR CAMPUS should be there to give direction. A stu- dent leader represents not only herself Page 4 O b s e r v e r October 16, 2001 Letters to the Editor

from hospital to hospital volunteering or sity. A Call to Students Insensitive donating blood. You were correct in stat- What about those 4500 victims Editorializing ing that there was a movie shown in the that are sitting in the rubble, their bod- Dear Students: Schottenstein lounge. However, you ies still too hard to find because the I am certain that each one of us failed to state that this was one of seven bodies may not even exist any- has replayed the events of the morning of Dear Editor: televisions in Stern, all the rest of which more?!?! Did you girls take the time to September 11th and tried to make sense Ms Dworetsky on . ’s thoughts were tuned to the news. Out of 900 stu- consider that you were being selfish in of what happened. To be sure, we feel the Sbarro bombing pause for criti beg - dents in SOW, some students felt they writing this special edition. I find it to overwhelming sadness at the tragic loss needed a small mental break from the be anything but special. of life. At the same time, we are angry with of Azrieli ) many us First Year ” “How of horrific events of that day. In the future, To quote a girl on the last page that those who would kill and maim so wan- have eaten lunch at Sbarro s? how ’ ... you might want to reconsider jumping to she was aggravated that a movie was tonly and, of course, we are fearful of many times have walked we past negative conclusions about your peers. shown instead of the news is horren- what lies ahead. When Dr. Kanarfogel Sbarro s to go to the kotel sure that ’ .. I’m We would like to work together this year, dous. If aggravation is what you girls spoke to the student body on Thursday everyone saw at some point themselves but we feel this should be a two way want, then go to Ground Zero and start before Rosh Hashanah, he stressed three or another eating in pizza store, or that effort. picking through the rubble to look for points: that we cannot claim to under at least walking by - ..” someone else’s loved ones! Then, stand why this tragedy occurred, that we The author needs some Thank you, when you find someone’s limb or, if must not despair, and that it is imperative lessons in life There are those yes, . - you are lucky, a whole body, go tell the for us to carry on and re establish normal- even from YU and commu - the Orthodox - scwsc TAC parents, wives, children, etc. of these cy. I believe his message is one that we nity who have never had the fortune to - Elana Soleimani Toby Goldfisher people that you have found their loved should consider seriously and take to touch the kotel or even set foot in Eretz President President one. Then you can write about aggra- heart. Yisroel Simply because we never had . vation when you see it on the faces of When terror struck New York on the hundreds of for airfare You dollars . Rachel Shtern Menucha Singer some of these people. And, if you want that day,I immediately thought of the daily might as well have asked Who hasn t “ ’ Treasurer Treasurer to watch the news, the radios have terror attacks facing the State of Israel. I shopped at Macy s or Bloomingdales? ’ ” been working just fine! was in Israel during the Gulf War some Apparently, Ms Dworetsky never had . Sharon Weiss Why don’t you girls look back at ten years ago, and more recently, during the daily struggle of putting food on the Vice President this national disaster and count your the suicide bombing of the Sbarro restau- table and a roof over her head No tele . - blessings. I have been counting mine rant in . On both those occa- phone, no bank account, etc , etc , etc . . . Yael Shmuel since Tuesday afternoon when I finally sions, I was struck by the enormous Such callous presumption is Recording Secretary heard news from my father’s Secretary courage of ordinary people facing a bru- ironic in an article mourning Israel s ’ that my father was not on the plane tal, callous, and hidden enemy. On tragedies Perhaps if we more . were that crashed in Pittsburgh. Up until September 11, as the news of the attack understanding and to each other, Editors’ Response: kinder Monday afternoon, he was booked on on the World Trade Center spread these atrocities would not befall us as a The events referred to above, that flight from Newark to Los Angeles. throughout the campus, I was struck once people. It is the sum total of such insen such as the administrative meetings, “ - I was the editor-in-chief of my high again by the responses of ordinary people sitivities” that cost us the Beis selichot and fund-raising for Hatzolah, school newspaper for two-and-a-half to extraordinarily terrifying events. Some Hamikdash and hinders its rebuilding took place after the publication of our . years. We were a very credible and of you went immediately to give blood, If Ms. Dworetsky is a sincere special issue Student Council did not . almost award winning newspaper others to assist at triage centers, others child of Israel and loves Hashem s inform us of any of these events during ’ (Columbia school of Journalism sat quietly listening to the news and whis- teaching, she will accept this criticism our telephone conversations. The securi - Award- Runner’s Up 1999). I would pering hushed prayers. The faculty stayed with part of growing wiser This was the ty meeting was vaguely mentioned min- . have never allowed this pure garbage with us throughout that day and the fol- greatness of Shlomo Hamelech utes before press, and, on our initiative, . to be written, let alone printed, in my lowing ones, meeting with their classes, announced in an update . newspaper, and I think you represent giving students structure, helping them Hindishe Lee The actions described as paral- yourselves and the YU community cope, and providing a semblance of nor- SCW 79 leling the rally uptown, such as blood very poorly with this selfishness! Next malcy. I am grateful and proud of every- donations and watching the news, were time, think before you print! one: students, faculty and staff, for the in fact individual student action not orga - strength of character that kept the college nized by student leaders. The event David Zelingher community from sinking into panic. Kudos on Special organized by student council, besides YC Student After Succoth, I plan to convene the Tehillim, which we did mention in the a group of student leaders and faculty to Issue special edition, still remains as a movie discuss ways to commemorate this To the Editors: night. tragedy and to identify improvement to Please accept my congratula - our on-campus emergency communica- tions for the speed and quality of the spe- The Observer welcomes your letters to tions It is my fervent hope that our Tefilot cial edition you published on the occasion . the editors. Email us at will be heard and that this will be a Shanat of the dastardly attacks on New York, Spoiled Brats @ . . Shalom for all mankind. Washington and elsewhere. observer ymail yu edu We reserve the right to edit for gram- Dear Editors of The Observer, Sincerely, Rabbi Dr. mar, length, and content. No unsigned I am utterly disgusted with some of Karen Bacon, Ph D President and Rosh HaYeshiva letters will be printed. . . the articles written in your Special Edition Dr. Monique Katz, Dean covering the WTC destruction and the Stern College for Women national tragedy. To write about lack of Friends, You organization by the yeshiva about giving blood, enragement of some students that Were Wrong class was not cancelled from the get-go, and the airing of a movie when a nation- To the Editors: al tragedy had just occurred is absolute- As student leaders of Stern ly despicable. College for Women, we feel the need to Firstly, it was very nice that everyone Kaplan express our frustration after reading the wanted to give blood. Here, at YC, where article entitled “Student Response” in the I am a student, guys were leaving on special issue of the Observer. The article their own will to the hospitals, ready to implied that the SCW response to the give what they have to these people in getsyou in. need Several left from tragedy was to hold “movie, night.” If you . ambulances had actually investigated before reporting here, carrying EMTs that were not even this story you would have found out about part of Haztolah. However, not one per- College Law School Business School the numerous events that had taken son even considered criticizing the place. We held Tehillim rallies that night amount of organization. True, we were Graduate School Medical School in all the dorms; Brookdale had both lob- not as close to the catastrophe as the bies filled to capacity. The next day we Stern campus was, but you must bear had a security meeting which 200 stu- with the school to get things organized to Classes Online Courses Books Software dents attended. We then held Selichot the best of their ability. * * * with Tehillim the next night which at least To write about the lack of 300 students came to. SCWSC/TAC also organization in the paper sends the Classes are filling fast, so call or held a speech given by Rabbi Kanarfogel wrong message. It says that you are not visit us online today to reserve your seat! with regards to the situation. This is not to concerned about the victims. You only mention the $1,500 raised for Hatzolah, care about yourselves and how you are the letter writing campaigns, and the taken care of and many people have now clothing/food drives that were held. noticed it. I did not see one reference in Although you mentioned YC the Commentator about lack of organiza- holding a rally, you forgot to mention that tion or classes being cancelled. they are miles away from lower So what if classes were not can- 1 - 800 - KAP - TEST Manhattan, and a rally would really be celled?!?! The university has a responsi- kaptest.com the only thing bility to teach the students that attend. they could do for the effort. Test Prep, Admissions and Guidance. For life. While that rally was being held, hundreds No one, at the time, knew what was of SCW students were actually going going on, and now, in the aftermath, you - - tt״' -have the audacity to criticize the univer 29 Tishrei 5762 O b s e r v e r Page 5 S Presidential Search Committee Letter Observe Me Dear Yeshiva Family Member, nearly 7,000 students, including those studying in the Y» i Dr. Norman Lamm has announced his State of Israel, AColumn of Opinions: retirement effective August 31, 2002 as President of Currently, Yeshiva University is in the first Yeshiva University and of its affiliate, Rabbi Isaac year of a five year, $400 million dollar capital cam- War is Fun Eichanan Theological Seminary. The Chairman of paign. The University has already received commit- Michal Leah Kanovsky the Board of Trustees of the University has appoint- ments for more than half of that goal, were a lot of fun ed a special committee to search for his successor. We are interested in receiving the names of I remember when I movies . This committee will make recommendations to the individuals you consider qualified for the position. We was in Israel studying in For the few days there after the misfortune, University's Board of Trustees for the selection of a also welcome any comments you wish to make con- seminary and was a SCW new president. cerning our search. The committee very much values war scare one night. In my students remained gathered The committee is beginning a wide-ranging your input into this process and I urge you to provide mind I can still hear the fran- together around the TV’s search for the best person to succeed Dr. Lamm. We us with any pertinent information that will aid us in tic phone calls home made watching and shrieking will be seeking an individual of high intellectual dis- this endeavor. The University has enlisted the exec- by hysterical girls. But they together when appropriate, tinction with proven qualities of leadership, a proven utive search firm of Kom/Ferry International to assist were the vast minority. Most We hugged each other. We devotion to excellence in education and research, a us. You may respond to: of us sat around discussing forgave each other. We dedication to the ideals, values and mission of this Ms. Ann Kern, Managing Director what we thought would hap- loved each other. There distinctive University, and the capacity to guide a Korn/Ferry International pen. When would gas was a common tragedy, a be out? Are fear, and com complex institution in the 21st century. 200 Park Avenue, 37th Floor masks handed common a - The University's mission expresses its con- New York, NY 10166 the buses still safe? A few mon enemy which made all fidence that the best of the heritage of contemporary Fax: 212 983 0124 girls offered stories that our trivialities seem so petty, civilization - in its scientific, humanistic, and artistic Email (preferred): anita.rosen@korn- elder siblings had told them We stood together and it manifestations - reflects the traditions of Jewish law, ferry.com from the Gulf War. There was nice to be together. It philosophy, and life that have sustained the Jewish Or, if you prefer, you may also email Dr. was the picture taken by was nice knowing that at people for more than 3500 years. Today, the Morton Lowengrub, Vice President for Academic someone’s brother of a scud this time nobody would be University and,its affiliates comprise some 17 under- Affairs, at [email protected]. Yeshiva and a patriot missile inter- holding grudges or starting graduate, graduate, and post graduate schools and University is an Equal Opportunity Employer. cepting in the air. There arguments. We would all be divisions, including the world-renowned Albert We look forward to hearing from you. was the time someone’s sis- one. It’s no fun to be alone, Einstein College of Medicine, the highly respected ter was in a building next to the togetherness was fun. Benjamin N. Cordozo School of Law and the out- Sincerely, a building that collapsed. AH We joined hands standing Rabbi Isaac Eichanan Theological Michael G. Jesselson these stories were told in holding our America flags Seminary. The University and its affiliates enroll Chairman good fun. and danced in the circle of I recall the night democracy. All over the city being rather euphoric as we people volunteered, pitched sat around bonding over the in, we all worked for one. shared excitement glazed Here at SCW there was a Reflections on American Jewish Response to Tragedy with trepidation. I could rush to find the hospitals imagine all of us decked out that would accept our blood, By: Ariela Dworetsky to please perform a nes and have an American tragedy, we’re show- in gas masks, spending We all wanted to help survivors walk out of the rubble. For ing our hakaras tov to this nation days together in a sealed together. At The Observer, I was talking with some of whatever reason, unknown to us, that has helped and sheltered us shelter. Classes would be we tried to put out a news- my friends in my room last week Hashem responded in the negative. and allowed us to serve HaKadosh cancelled, I’d be with my paper. It was a tragic situa- when we heard a series of sirens But unfortunately, Baruch Hu as we please. One hun- friends, and we’d cry togeth- tion that kept us up all night outside my window. Since the Ttzaaraynu, this tragedy was not dred percent, we do owe a lot to er and pray together, talk, working, but we still had a World Trade Center disaster, we’ve the first one that we had to suffer America. This country has been play cards and chess. That good time. Working against become accustomed to hearing this year. This year, many among good to us and we’re grateful to night a few of us made up a a clock, trying to get the lat- sirens day and night, but this was us became widows and orphans. Hashem that this galut has not four-part harmony to mark est information, attempting different. There were rows and Reading e-mail in the morning been one of physical pain as our the evening. One person to find one printing shop previous rows of fire trucks covered with became a depressing affair - day galuyot have been. sang, “Bombs are falling, open in the “city that never flowers. A fireman was about to be after day of shootings, bombings - But at the same time, we Bombs are failing,” as sleeps.” I’ll admit, it was buried. We looked at the number of of Jews like us, being slaughtered have to recognize that this “good another sang, “Missiles, fun. cars and we blinked back tears as as they performed the most inno- galut' has not exactly had a posi- missiles, missiles, missiles,” It was kind of like for the first time, it hit us how many cent of activities, such as driving to tive affect upon us spiritually. We and a third joined in with, the rallies I attended in the hundreds of people this one man work and eating pizza for lunch. have become so comfortable in “Patriot scuds. Patriot past year. Standing outside had affected. And how many more After a year like this, there America’s bountiful material wealth scuds,” while the fourth of an important building funerals there were going to be in is no other answer but a call for that the average American frum repeated, “Explosion,” over yelling at the tops of our the coming weeks. Then one of my teshuva. My friends will laugh when Jew admits that his driving desire is and over again. It was sick lungs. Raising flags and to Eretz Yisrael, as it friends remarked, “I can’t believe they read this but I have to quote not to return and morbid, but also unfor posters, singing Hatikva and my favorite essay, which unfortu should be. Many admit that their - it’s been two weeks since the world - gettable and fun. then the National Anthem in nately, Ive had to quote so many desire in life is not for Mashiach to came crashing down.” ’ When the World the next breath. These times this year. In Kol Dodi Dofek, come because they are comfort- As Jews, our world came Trade Center collapsed I things are not fun in the down, far before the Rav (Soloveitchik) tells us that able here and are reluctant to leave crashing sensed the same shocked sense that you go to have a he doesn t know the answer to this easy and wealthy lifestyle. September 11, 2001. Our disaster ’ exhilaration. No one was good time, but you do have began year before, Elul tzaddik v’ra lo, rasha v’tov 10 and Hakarat hatov to the malchut shel a whole in singing about missiles, but a good time. You feel a 5761 when Intifada 2 began. A year it’s a waste of time to contemplate chessed, yes. But for a frum Jew to there was an air of anticipa sense of countering moral ago when we opened our newspa answers because there are none. get on television and say, “America, - - tion and excitement. A sign injustice and being an active pers and heard about Rabbi Hillel However, he tells us that our only home”,I’m sorry but I think in an open tavern No terror member of the international Lieberman s brutal slaying, the we have to look at tzaarot and see that’s going too far. “ - ’ ist is going to shut this place Jewish community You feel destruction of Kever Yosef and the them as a message that it’s a time While we continue to give . down! expressed the solidarity with the people lynching of two of our soldiers. And to introspect and improve. And if tzedaka to those who, rachmana I’t- ” thrilling David over Golaith around you who are there much to our dismay, the violence we don’t come out of the zman zlan, need it here in the United in the air In the for the same reason. It sful did not abate. We spent a year in tzaar as better people and as a bet- States, let us also not forget our attitude . ’ - pain, in fear of the news we might ter Am, the tzaar was k’ilu, wasted. brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael SCW dorms, girls talked filling and exciting, and it’s wake up to in the morning and after To see the way that everyone react- who are defending our land with excitedly about the possibili- fun. a whole year of terror in Artzeinu ed to this tzaar was very inspiring their very presence. Who need ty of evacuation. When I guess you’re Hakdosha, we had to face the for me. When we were evacuated money so desperately so they can Brookdale was evacuated probably wondering why I greatest terror attack ever on from Brookdale, although girls were pay for Hatzala ambulances and girls ran to the river in paja- would be saying this. Does American soil. undoubtedly scared, small groups equipment, which are constantly mas and then came to it seem awful that fun can be On a personal level, my were formed where girls came getting damaged by rock throwing Schottenstein recounting seen from such catastro- father works close to the World together to say Tehillim. And when Palestinians. Who need money to with humor the bedlam that phe? You're probably wait- Trade Center and he was zoche to TAC organized times for Tehillim, support the families who have lost occurred on 34th street. It in9 for me t0 explain some have slept late that morning. But the room was always packed to their breadwinners- for children was a scary situation, but in ethical element these per- for all those who were not zoche to capacity. Yasher koach. whose parents were killed in drive it there were moments of ceptions lead me to. But be one of the lucky ones - we could In addition to that, I want by shootings and have no one left fun. there is no moral point here. not help but share their pain. It was to wish a yasher koach to all those to care for them. As we cry for the The city came This is just something that I not possible to hear the hope in the who have volunteered at hospitals victims in America, we must also together after the tragedy. see and notice, normal or voices of the families of the victims and the Red Cross and who have remember those whoare suffering Signs emerged all over with not, right or wrong. Take donated blood, or have tried to. The in Artzeinu Hakdosha. u ,l: war and then later, the despair. To see statements like, “Osama this as y wi is fun• May we be zoche to have ° wives and children break down in way that the Jewish community has bin-Ladin: Wanted dead or tears as they spoke about their reacted to this tragedy is truly a a year where we hear only besurot alive.” Our President swore Kiddush Hashem. tovot and may we be zoche to conversations, their last words. To to “...smoke them out of Many Rabbeim are calling return to our real home- see the Refuah Shlaima lists with their holes. In ways it was for a show of support for America Yerushalayim Ir HaKodesh with the ” the words, “missing” or “burned” like rounding up an old fash on our part. After all, America is the bi’at HaGoel, b mimhayra b’ya- - - next to names. We cried with them, ’ ioned posse. I ve always “malchut shel chessed’ this is the maynu ’ we davened for them, we whis- - thought that Western good galut’ and by identifying with pered Tehillim and begged Hashem “ • y •j , M0eea er״ioi.iu 0J v- • ׳ « • •׳. Page 6 O b s e r v e r October 16, 2001 R A Y A H R O N : L E A D E R O F W O R L D J E W R Y

R a b b i Y o s e f B l a u End of a Dynasty: Gadol Served M a s h g i a c h R u c h a n i YU for Decades R a b b i A h r o n

By: Adina Levine and Sari months after his wife He was a person of extraor- Soloveichik z t ” l : Moskowitz passed away. The funeral dinary integrity who on a was held in his yeshiva in personal level was the A n Appreciation fter years of dedicat- , in addition to two sweetest guy in the world, ed service to the funeral services — one by but was very rigid in political av Ahron Soloveichik zfI was a mentary on a biblical verse reflected a AJewish community matters.” giant who was an unusu- different understanding of a Talmudic and specifically Yeshiva Rav Soloveichik’s Ral blend of many qualities. He text, University, Rav Ahron influence was felt through- was completely loyal to mesorah, par- Rav Ahron rejected the Soloveichik, a world- out the world, as Jewish ticularly to the traditions of his illustri- accepted distinction between renowned Torah giant and people noticed his strong ous family, yet totally independent, and Aggada; from his perspective spiritual leader of thou- stance. Evan Torczyner of Mild mannered, careful not to speak ill everything was halakha. He took con- sands, passed away on Long Island recalls how of anyone, he had an iron will. His troversial stands on public policy show- October 5 at the age of Rav Soloveichik refused to moral and physical courage was extra- ing great compassion and love for all of allowing a debilitating and all of mankind In the י^ 84. Brother of the late Rav take money from Pepsi to ordinary not Israel . nine- Yosef Dov Soloveichik, the support his yeshiva at a stroke to prevent him from flying week- teen sixties he opposed the Vietnam late spiritual leader of the time when Pepsi was boy- ly between Chicago and New York and War on moral grounds. He supported Modern Orthodox move- cotting Israel. “He was a saying shiur immediately upon arrival the Eretz Yisrael Hashlema movement ment, Rav Ahron wonderful, warm human at Yeshiva. rejecting any transfer of territory from to Arab hands as Soloveichik came to YU Rav Ahron Soloveichik being,” comments Jewish prohibited. At when his brother was still Torczyner. “He was interest- The youngest child of Rav the same time he abhorred violence the Rosh Yeshiva. Rav the cargo area, another by ed very much in the welfare zt”l, Rav Ahron and denounced the assassination of Soloveichik began his the plane - held at Newark of people, a wonderful grew up with the challenge that his Yitzchak Rabin by a religious Jew. He shiur at YU almost airport. YU students and teacher who stuck to his older brother Rav Yosef Dov zfI was was concerned that any position that might forty years ago, and contin- rabbeim attended and principles.” already acclaimed as the heir to the he had taken have been miscon- ued it throughout the years spoke at both Newark Stories about the family Torah greatness. Possessing strued as justifying the act. despite suffering a debilitat- funeral services. greatness of Rav internal strength he developed in his ing stroke in 1983. He com- Coming from a dis- Soloveichik are still pouring learning and emerged as a Torah giant Rav Ahron arid his late wife and muted to and from Chicago tinguished rabbinical family out from all people who on his own. He studied with his father Ella were true partners they were weekly, and in fact, taught that began in Eastern came into contact with him. and received his Semikha from RIETS devoted to their children, including in- his class only three weeks Europe with Rav Chaim “As a young man, I had an as well as a bachelor’s degree from laws and grandchildren. His relation- ago. Brisker more than 200 esrog business in Chicago,” Yeshiva College. He also had a law ship with his students was close. He “He represented years ago, Rav Soloveichik recalls Rabbi Moshe degree and brought his secular educa- was loyal to them and they were loyal the continuation of a family was known for his strong Gottessman, Dean of a tion, when relevant, into his shiur. to him, many remaining his pupils for dynasty,” commented commitment to halacha, as yeshiva day school HANC decades. Rabbi Blau. “He was the well as his firm opposition on Long Island. “When Rav Rav Ahron said a shiur for end of that generation.” to the Oslo peace process. Soloveichik would walk in, over fifty years, teaching in Mesifta All great Torah figures are Rav Ahron “He was an ardent support- he would make sure I was Tifferes Yerushalayim, simultaneously similar and unique. Soloveichik, the Rosh er of Eretz Yisroel,” assert- happy. It was more impor- Rabbeinu Chaim Berlin, RIETS, Rav Ahron was a continuation of the Yeshiva of the Brisk ed Rabbi Blau. “He was a tant to him that I was happy Hebrew Theological College of Skokie Torah dynasty of Brisk and yet there is Yeshiva in Chicago and a tremendous humanist, very in the business than that he and Yeshivas Brisk. His classes com- no one to whom he can be compared, Rav at YC, was buried in concerned with Jews and as the customer was happy. bined the Brisker methodology and his May his memory be a blessing. Israel on Har Hazaytim non-Jews. He had very Everything with him was encyclopedic knowledge. On many (Mount of Olives), only two strong views on all matters. done with such kindness.” occasions he would show that a com-

The Offices of the University Dean of Students and Student Services would like to commend the entire student body for their demonstrations of compassion and countless acts of kindness during the aftermath of the recent terrorist attacks. You have set examples that we shall 29 Tishrei 5762 O b s e r v e r Page 7 P R E S I D E N T S ’ P A G E

Message from became an unfortunate norm, bags were being Message from from to the supermar- President checked everywhere airports SSSBSC President SCWSC th Eiana Soleimani ket, and tanks drive down 34 street. It’s almost Darya Gorelik surreal as if from a movie or some ones imagina- Hi everyone, .th is day tionחזm . September 11 This is the first time this ז no one will forget We have In the days and weeks that have followed B that . school year when I am able to a memorable piece the world watched, a mesmerized audience, and Ilived through address the student body. That is of history. Textbooks are being shared in the pain of America. Americans, espe- :: V why I would like to take this opportu- H written as we speak Imagine dally New Yorkers (yes we can be nice) “collective- . H re- . nity to describe some of the Student power that we have now To ly held their breaths” while the tragedy grew a the the . Council duties, or (in other words) change what our children, their death toll rose. Firefighters, policemen, Doctors, what we are here for. Sy Syms Student Council provides a wide children, and so on, will learn. countless volunteers and regular people, have been range of activities. Some of them are held to assist the students That Tuesday started off no different than working almost non-stop. Their tireless efforts only in their fields of study. For instance, we sponsor a variety of any other. Normal choices and decisions were prove that good can and will triumph over evil. business-oriented clubs and associations such as, the MIS club, made. Everyone of us has heard of the coincidence “Out of the smoke and rubble that was one American Marketing and Management Associations, Max story, why one person was saved because of some the world trade center rose patriotism, unity and a - Investment club, and the Accounting Society. You will be able to that seemed trivial at the time but took them determination to prove that freedom and democra- thing join them during the SSSB Reception rescheduled to take place out of their normal every day doing and caused cy can not be destroyed. President Bush has com- at the uptown campus at the end of October. All throughout the them to be in a different place at a different time mitted the United States to eliminate terrorism . year they will keep you busy with various events held on cam- Hindsight is always 20/20. On that morning people worldwide and hold responsible countries support- pus. Besides, this year we are forming an Academic Issues the world began their daily routines only to ing them by all manners available to him. Fear of all over Committee for Sy Syms students. This committee is created to be thrown into a nightmare by the horrific images of the unknown is difficult to deal with, but we will rise address all your academic problems and concerns directly to the the terrorism that was perpetuated on America, to the challenge and overcome.” Deans. freedom and democracy. As we have in the past as a nation, as a We also hope to hear your comments and advice more We as Jews are living in the greatest times people. Our history is filled with encouraging sto- often. We want you to become more involved in school. This ever seen In no other time or place have ries and fantastic tales. Now is our chance to bring we have . way we can become better in whatever we do for you. In addi- we been so accepted and protected. We have the that into our life, our time and our reality. tion, we (together with SCWSG and TAC) have some fun activ- right to vote, own land, have our own schools and We did not sit back idyll, we took action ities planned for you. We will keep you updated on all the synagogues. In addition our rights are always being and made a difference. From mass tehillim, to upcoming events, seminars, and lectures. Look out for the fly- by our government In most communities donating blood, and going to Chelsea piers, or to protected . ers! on holidays like Simchat Torah that just passed, NYU medical center; everything each and everyone We are also going to have a Fundraiser/Volunteering there are police out on the streets to make sure no of you did made a difference. I know, the commu- Drive to help the families of those who died due to the acts of violence are committed against us. Most of nity, and the world knows you can be counted on in September 11 attack. We think this will give us a chance to show us were born into it and do not even know how good times of need, and I trust we will keep doing every- ~\ our support to the country and the people who need our help. we have it, until an event like this brings everything thing in our power to help in anyway we can. We encourage you to participate in the Drive. There are so into disturbing perspective for us. Remember there are many ways to help and differ- crashing many ways we can help! Suddenly life has changed. The idyllic ent ways to be involved, find what works for you. I hope you will enjoy your new school year! peace that everyone enjoyed and took for granted Tizku L’Mitzvot. was shattered by the “evil doers”. Bomb scares E v a c u a t i o n a t B r o o k d a l e Message from tributed to 130 charities but he now continued from front page focuses on funding five organizations. State Building to ensure was not at the scene at the what they should have Although many are in awe of their safety. Many were not time. “I plan to have a dis- done,” commented Kasten. White, he doesn’t view his deed as even notified that Brookdale cussion with both campuses but almost anything would heroic or even noteworthy. “People “ was being evacuated, and to better put emergency have been better than what overemphasize what I’m doing. I get only discovered it when evacuation plans in place to On the first they did do. tremendous pleasure out of giving.” ” none of their Brookdale better establish a chain of days of sue- Some students Had White not- given his small fortune friends answered their command. coth, I sat who were notified by securi ” away, he would be worth $100 million - phones. Other students In fact, at the down to catch up on my reading of past ty were not happy either. today. He is now worth $8 million and were gathered into moment that Brookdale Hall editions of Newsweek and Time maga- Rachel Gross, an SCW over the next two years he will reduce Schottenstein s dining room was forced to evacuate, zine. I came across an article in the sophomore was lounging ’ his wealth to $2.5 million. to wait out the scare togeth- there were no administra- th around her room when a September 17 edition of Time. This One can learn many important er. The decision not to evac tive officials bn the scene, male security guard - short biography is part of a series called lessons from Tom White, including the uate Schottenstein was one excepting the Graduate knocked and, without wait “America’s Best” which recognizes peo- obvious need to give Tzedakah. We - of the police department Assistants who directed the ing for permission, entered. pie who exemplify the life of the mind, can take what Mr. White did even a step and not an administrative students to the East River. “I felt it was a violation of pri body and spirit. further. White used monetary assis- - decision, stressed Dean Rachel Kraut was the first vacy,” Gross remarked. It Tom White of Boston began tance to help those around him. “ Himber. Nevertheless, one to arrive and publicly was fine with me but my giving away his hard earned money However, money eventually runs out. some students in addressed the students roommate was wearing decades ago at a time when he didn’t One does not need to be a philan- Schottenstein believed that once they were safely back pajamas and didn’t want have a lot to give. Over the course of 55 thropist in order in effect and assist they were endangered. in Brookdale. Mrs. Zelda him to see her like that. years in his family business, Mr. White people. Time, love and the desire to ” They left us there to die, Braun, assistant dean of Further, Gross felt that the ‘ ” earned and donated over $50 million. help is all one really needs to change commented Aliza students, arrived shortly information that security What makes White worthy of the title what is wrong in the world. Weinstein, SCW senior. I thereafter and by the time provided was not sufficient “ “America’s Best” is not the amount he Over the past few weeks, I could see the Empire State Dean Karen Bacon and her to contain panic. ‘The scari gave away. Compared to Ted Turner’s have personally witnessed countless - building from my window. If husband were able to get in est part was that they $1 billion donation to the United women at Stern College not only giving it would have crashed, we from New Jersey, the stu- wouldn’t tell us was what Nations, White’s largest contribution is Tzedakah to many important causes would have all died.” dents were already in their going on,” stated Gross. nothing to speak of. What does make but also giving their free time to volun- On the other hand, rooms. Head of Public They said Don’t worry but White noteworthy is the way he teer and providing emotional support to “ ‘ some students applauded Relations, Peter Ferrara, walk as far as you can. donates. Most philanthropists do not the victims and their families which was ’” security procedures under also came to Brookdale, On the other hand, start to give away their small fortunes manifest through Tehilim groups and the circumstances. I and many of the administra- security officials claim that “ until they have made a significant card campaigns. I had never seen so believe that there was no tors stayed on campus into they didn’t have more infor amount and remain rich after they get much emotional energy in Stern - other way to handle it,” com the early hours of the morn- mation to provide the stu - publicity for their charitable deeds. College prior to this terrible tragedy. As - mented Yael Shmuel, SCW ing. dents. If security personnel White began to give away his money time goes on, students will' slowly go “ senior. ‘To say that security “The student ser- don’t know what to do yet, since he received his first paycheck. back to their usual routine and be was wrong to go around vices staff from the minute how can they tell people? Even as Mr. White’s donations involved in their everyday lives. ” knocking on doors to get us this attack happened, has questioned John Gorman of progressively increased, he never However, I want this energy and unity out as quickly as possible is been totally putting out for security. Further, Gorman sought attention or recognition for his that I saw to stay within the student ridiculous the students,” commented claimed that students were .” generosity. His countless donations body. Unfortunately, there are count- I think the school Braun. “I was proud to be only supposed to evacuate “ were unheard of until just a few years less people that rely on TAC for support handled it extremely well, part of SCW on that day. as far as Lexington Avenue; ” ” ago. In a footnote of a Harvard Medical financially and emotionally. Fortunately commented Yael Ariel, “The unfortunate the procession that forced school report, White was thanked for we have a student body who cares and SCW sophomore. part of all this was that I was students to the East River making a $3 million contribution which wants to give. Keep your newly opened Despite the asser more of a spectator than a was the additional precau - led to affordable treatment of tuberculo- eyes focused on what matters globally - tions of some students as to participant,” stated Dean tions of some students, not sis in Third World countries. and what we can do as Jewish women. the wonderful job performed Bacon, who traveled from security. White made his money which Come to the TAC club fair Wednesday by security, the administra- her home in New Jersey to Students in he dispensed as if it never belonged to night at 8:30 p.m. in Koch Auditorium tion maintains that the situa calm students after the Schottenstein were spared - him, from the J.J. White Contacting Co. and get involved in any way you can. tion could have been man event. To her surprise, how- the evacuation process, as - he inherited from his father in 1945. Each one of us has a special give to aged better. “I think it could ever, there was “nothing street have been handled better,” that I could call panic when I *יThe company became very successful give the world and the world needs all their location on 192 and built many large scale projects the love and help it can get. put them within sufficient remarked Dean Himber, including most of the Boston subway distance from the Empire Director of Students, who continued on page 14 system. Over the years, White has con- « - ? -•* ******^*************#******#**4#****#&4##*##*&&###46#,?. Page 8 O b s e r v e r October 16, 2001

TO FRIENDS FRESHMAN How MAKE T h e O u t o f T o w n e r YEAR: FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS, By: Dassie Wagner go home, I spent a considerable amount his article was supposed to be of time walking around the city and watch- NOT DUMMIES funny. I was supposed to vent my iog its people in the aftermath of the frustrations of being an “out-of- attacks. I saw strangers console and By: Ariella Goldstein remembering, to find something per- T embrace one another in the street. I saw towner” in Stern College. I was going to manent. Okay, says the overworked citizens volunteering at full force. I complain about how difficult moving in day ow is college?” question freshman brain, her eyes. Dina has inquired about giving blood, but was told is you do not live in the tri state Mom and Dad. “Great,” you brown eyes. Just as a precautionary when - area by an American Red Cross representative measure, the notes answer. Then they want to student also that and how minimal the school building’s that my blood was not needed. They had know “Did you make any new friends?” Dina has brown, straight hair. But then hours of operation are on days off and received more donors than they could You say, “ I’ll plead the fifth.” realization hits: “Wait a minute, weekends and how the cafeteria closes have ever imagined. I went to donate The freshman class of SCW is EVERYONE has brown eyes and early on Thursday nights. However, as I medical supplies with some friends, but larger than ever, mainly due to the brown hair! ” sat down to write this, I couldn’t complain, we were told that the collections were unprecedented number of students Maybe the answer is that It all just seemed so trivial. Because you stopping until the next day because they who refrained from attending seminary there are simply too many people, that see, as much as I am the first to say that had received so much money, bandages, in Israel. Acknowledging the impor- any attempt to make friends is futile. with our lives even an other supplies that they had to sort tance of making friends, first year col- Wrong, according to Melanie Winer, a we have to go on ^ though America’s currently in a war like that before they could even think about lege students want to be comfortable SCW freshman. “Making friends isn’t - any supplies At this point,I state, it is even more important for us to taking more . with their classmates in order to enjoy hard since there are a decent amount realized something: when push comes to appreciate what we have Rather than cri class. With the size of this year’s fresh- of freshmen,” Melanie explains. . - shove, and when it really matters, New man grade, however, cementing new “Whether I am in a class with someone tique Stern,I want to share with you how Yorkers do care about each other. friendships is not a simple task. and become friendly with them or I it felt to be an out-of-towner living in NYC Now, as I sit in my home in , ‘The size of our class can be meet someone through a mutual friend through this tragedy. Atlanta, Georgia, I cannot help but think Recently, I was walking down a disadvantage for girls who are used it’s been easy to meet people.” how other cities might have handled the to a smaller school, Michelle Sadoff, Miriam Gutman, another SCW Lexington Avenue to run some errands A ” . current crisis. Would they have handled it , trying to woman who seemed to be rushing to a an SCW freshman, warns. “I have freshman suggests make with the same poise and unity that New meeting or appointment bumped into me found it overwhelming and a bit more friends from the beginning without . York did? Would people have felt the delay early, She did not apologize or even seem challenging to make friends largely due . But some wonder: How same pride? Would they have cried for . exactly is beginning? If remorseful I was annoyed. All I could to the increased class size It is hard to , the students . those lost as New Yorkers did? We cannot think was how rude and inconsiderate she keep track of the names of all the peo- were too stressed making class sched- speculate how another city might have meet was being New Yorkers are so self pie you meet simply because you ules during orientation to really con- . - reacted. But what I can say, quite certain absorbed, I thought Mind you, it not - so very many people.” centrate on your social life, are they . was ly, is that New Yorkers are grieving and biggest deal that she bumped into me; The enlarged class size poses doomed forever? the mourning like we have never seen before. t worry, says however, it seemed so at the time. It was a challenge to students to remember- “Don’ ” Jennifer I cannot say that certain things about , freshman the principle of the matter, I said with con ing new acquaintances. Some students Levenfus a SCW . “Start with - being in New York do not still bother me , out viction This day happened to be try to remember different names, think- your roommates maybe help them . and I realize that New Yorkers will not September 10 just one day before ing, for example, “Dina” is wearing a with their schoolwork, and before you — remain in this placid state forever. They Although it, you have a ton of friends September 11, a day that will now forever blue shirt with little stripes. know ’ll .” will go back to pushing people to get live in infamy. A day when I watched New this is fine for encountering Dina later Relieved to hear this? You can through a crowd and honking their way Yorkers come together with an unselfish on that day in the cafeteria, it doesn’t finally answer your parents questions, through rush hour traffic. However, what is kindness. work when Dina obeys the dictates of cancel your psychiatrist appointment . overpowering and overwhelming right now . walk back to your dorm room, S Hcemy family does not l ve n basic hygiene and changes her shirt and feel to be connected to the M V . . f Subsequently, students are excited to find out just what your room- New York 'and I could not just pick up and N0w York forced to change their methods of mates have for homework. ^

Stay Tuned for •••

Club Fair- October 23rc 8:30pm Koch Get involved,get food* , win stuff

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Elections- Freshman Class Board & Junior Class Pres See DD Weberman for more info

Health Fair Chanukah Concert Bingo Murder Mystery Family Fued and much much more!!!! 29 Tishrei 5762 O b s e r v e r Page 9

Beit Midrash at SCW DEPARTMENT IN FOCUS: Hosts Leil Iyun By: Fruma Farkas Freundlich) Knoll. Her aloud: Is Teshuva internal PHILOSOPHY shiur, entitled “An or external? As a possible By: Caryn Litt n September 24, Encounter with the Divine,” conclusion, Jenny led all the Beit Midrash examined the often confus- present in a soulful rendi- commission held a ing emotions of Yom tion of Rav Shlomo oliege is the quintessential “The department consists of Dr. Shatz O Kippur. Are we to feel sim Carlebach s song Return. “ Mishmar program, With - ’ ” stage in one’s life for contem- and me,” says Dr. Levin. Although this cha or are we to try to fulfill Finally, the last the goal of bringing SCW plating life’s deepest mysteries is a slight exaggeration- there are two the commandment of speaker was Fruma women together for an and most intricate ideologies. For adjunct professors in addition to Dr. “v’initem et nafshoteikhem” Farkas. Her shiur, entitled the is evening of Torah learning those eager to take advantage of their Shatz and Dr. Levin - problem through the denial of physi- “What is a Big Shofar?,” new intellectual freedom, a philosophy very real Because students tend to before Yom Kippur and . cal needs and pleasures? explained the parallel Rav course at SCW is a good place to start, choose professors based on reputa- Succot, the students who The third lecturer was Kook draws between the The philosophy department tion, there are some philosophy participated expressed sat- Shayna Lerner who ere- three halakhic levels of per- prides itself on making philosophy majors who, for example, have only isfaction at the program’s atively introduced her topic forming the mitzva of t’kiat accessible to all students. A philoso- taken Dr. Shatz. The administration is success. Shiurim were of the haftorah of Yom shofar on Rosh phy course will rarely require a prereq- not wholly unaware of this phenome- scheduled for convenience, HaKippurim from Sefer HaShannah and the three uisite, and all of the classes are basi- non. “Students need to hear different but some women took the Yeshayahu with the famous potential levels of how the cally survey classes that will fulfill the voices,” Dean Orlian insists. “They optical illusion of the young ge ulah will be realized. . opportunity to learn inde- ’ paragraph B requirement. “There are should expose themselves to new woman and the old hag . . With,the exception -pro . . , two ways to structure a department,” teachers they haven’t taken previous ־'pendently. Both the - After a brief of the last speaker, all of- gram explains Dr. David Shatz, philosophy ly.” ’s coordinators - break, Sarah Davis the women who gave shi- Ariella Tanzer and Fruma professor and department head. “We For the vast majority of SCW explained the Avodah of urim are currently learning gear it to majors alone, or we students who are not majoring in phi Farkas fielded many posi can can - - - Yom HaKippurim, the in SCW’s Graduate bring philosophy to the student body at losophy, however, there are more than five remarks including Temple service on the holi- Program in Talmudic large. We opted for the second enough professors and courses requests for additional est day of.the year, accord- Studies. They ail did won- approach." offered. Every semester at least two learning programs. ing to Rav S.R. Hirsch. derful jobs and will hopeful- The motivation for this deci- courses are added, and they are only The first speaker After a short intermission ly agree to participate in - sion is, of course, the small ,of repeated every third or fourth semes was Lisa Seligsohn who number - Jenny Rosenfeld intro- more Beit Midrash pro- philosophy majors - there are usually ter. There’s always a certain fresh discussed Sefer Yonah “ - duced the remaining crowd grams, only two or three graduating each ness to the department, says Dean according to the G ra. Next ” ” to “A Bissel Chassideshe year However, for those who do Oriian. up was Dena (nee . Torah.” She wondered decide to major in philosophy, the fact Philosophy majors and non- that the department is not geared majors alike can certainly appreciate Torah Tour Travelers Experience toward them can be frustrating. “I the unique nature of philosophy class- would love to have more specific es, as well. Because the classes focus classes,” says philosophy major Meira on philosophical methods of thinking in Flight Delays But Encourage Weinstein, noting that SCW does not addition to philosophical content, a offer any in-depth courses on one spe- philosophy class can be a welcome Communities Nevertheless cific philosopher or on one narrow time change from the formal thinking and period. writing imposed by other classes. By: Observer Staff needs of the communities, with an aver- Aside from the course topics, “There are no research papers,” says age team comprised of three men and some philosophy majors also take Dr. Levin. “We let students exhibit their ore than sixty communities in the three women. Women give shiurim to issue with the level at which the class- own philosophical ideas.” Indeed, it is United States and Canada were women and men to the men. Participants es are taught. According to philosophy partly this freedom that attracts stu- Mserviced in the largest Torah Tours must always be “on,” never missing an professor Dr. Margarita Levin, the pro- dents to philosophy. “Everyone’s used project to date, with more than 300 pre- opportunity to shmooze and encourage fessors “make an effort not to assume to writing structured essays for English dominantly SCW and YC students assum- participation in the hakofot, the tefila and that anyone has taken philosophy classes .... With philosophy, there’s ing leadership roles throughout Shemeni the eating of the yom tov meals. before.” This essentially means that more creativity, more free thinking,” Atzeret- Simchat Torah. Run through the Students feel that by participating every course can be considered intro- says Weinstein, Max Stern Division Of Communal Service, in Torah Tours they are able to offer what ductory. “I think there should be class- While it may be obvious that Blanche Schreiber Torah they themselves have es for majors only,” suggests Tova the thought processes acquired from a Tours is headed by Ari experienced. One first time Warburg, a philosophy major. “Some philosophy course are useful for other Rockoff and assisted on k participant remarked, ‘This classes aren’t serious or focused areas, the philosophy itself can be the Midtown Campus by Iwas one of the most grati- enough.” On the plus side, because of valuable, as well. “Because philosophy student intern, Julie f tying experiences of my the small number of philosophy touches on issues that affect Jews, it Pianko. T h e education, that I was able majors, professors are often open to really aids my understanding of Jewish program began twenty to practice my abilities as a suggestions and will try to accommo- philosophy,” says Warburg, years ago with only male leader in the Jewish com- date requests. Although Jewish philosophy participants, but at the munity.” The course offerings are courses are distinguished from regular communities’ request, The feedback from the important to philosophy majors, as philosophy courses both by their cov- women were asked to communities was extreme- there is little beyond taking courses ering Jewish philosophers and their participate. The partici- ly positive, and the pro- that is required of them. Besides tak- heavy reliance on Jewish texts, phiios- pants must be role mod- gram can only continuer to ing ten philosophy classes, philosophy ophy majors are allowed to take up to els to the orthodox com- grow. Pianko remarked, .majors are expected to write a thesis two classes in Jewish philosophy י munities at large. ‘These # “The women of Stern before graduating. However, the Because there are so few phi- men and women offer College have showed process is relatively informal, with stu- losophy majors, there has been little education and a general feeling of ruach to tremendous dedication in their most out- dents choosing a topic and getting student-generated interest to start a their respective communities,” comments standing response to this program.” some minimal advisement from pro- philosophy club. However, the lack of Rockoff. Students who have not yet had the oppor- fessors. The English department, con- structured activities does not mean Students volunteer their Yom Tov tunity to participate in this vital program, versely, requires its majors to com- that philosophy is limited to the class- to participate in the program. After they are encouraged to sign up for upcoming plete Senior Seminar and Senior room. “I don’t need a formal environ- sign up, teams are arranged to service the projects involving kiruv and chinuch. Thesis, both of which are structured ment,” says Warburg. “I talk to friends and credited. . about philosophical issues.” Give Tzedekkah on a Thursday In addition to the shortage of ׳ courses, philosophy majors are also Night Date !if faced with a paucity of instructors. : By: Kim Davis to the Congress and go to pro-Israel ral- to effortlessly and practically channel only available to SCW and YC students lies, most are unable to donate money on funds to Eretz Yisrael,” says Shmidman. on Thursday nights. But the heads of the ine and Donate is a new program a typical college student’s salary. ‘Dine “So even though we may not be able to Israel Club hope to expand ‘Dine and sponsored by the Israel Club, that and Donate’ enables students to give sign away thousands of dollars, we can Donate’ to other nights and allow for non- Denables students to easily give tzedaka simply by dining out on Thursday each give a little amount, and together we YC and SCW people to participate. In tzedakah, charity, while dining at various nights, a night when many students are will combine to substantially generate return for donating 5% of the bill, restau- New York City restaurants. On Thursday already accustomed to eating out. funds for our fellow Jew9-in Eretz Yisrael.” rants will receive free publicity around nights, 5% of every bill at Dougie’s, Mr. The idea for “Dine and Donate” “I believe it’s programs like this Yeshiva campus by the Israel Club. Broadway, Village Crown (both meat and came from the co-presidents of the SCW one [Dine and Donate] that confirm that Highlights of future activities dairy restaurants), Levana, or Viva’s Israel Club, Rebecca Wimmer and Yael the Israel Club truly is the most active and include a shaliach aliyah available week- Natural Pizza will be donated to charity Zemelman. “I would hope that students important club on campus — even if we’re ly to offer advice on campus and a mis- when an SCW or YC ID is shown to the would be more inclined to eat at these not in Israel, we can still help out — and sion to Israel for January break, among waiter. The donated money will be sent to restaurants because it’s such an easy we must,” continues Shmidman. others. The heads of the Israel clubs urge Hatzolah Yehuda V’Shomron, an ambu- way to do chessed and give tzedaka,” Participating in the ‘Dine and everyone to participate— and to submit lance troop that services the West Bank says Wimmer, an SCW junior. “If they are Donate’ program will provide bulletproof their own ideas for future activities that and Gaza Strip (aka Yehuda and going to eat anyway, they .might as well ambulances and medical supplies for res- benefit our connection to Israel. To volun- Shomron/Yesha). get a mitzvah out of it.” idents of Yesha. During common violent teer or make suggestions for the Israel Although many SCW and YU Yehuda Shmidman, president of surges in these areas ambulances are Club, contact Yehuda Shmidman at students desperately want to help Israel, the YC Israel Club, is pleased to cospon- often attacked and essential medical sup- shmidman @ ymail.yu.edu. Rebecca they are often hindered by a lack of funds. sor ‘Dine and Donate’ with the SCW Israel plies are destroyed, Wimmer at mickey9111@ aol.com. or Yael While students are willing to write letters club. “ ‘Dine and Donate’ allows students Presently, ‘Dine and Donate’ is Zemelman at [email protected]. Dr. Kanarfogel’s Position How Ziomstic is Your Typical YU Expanded at SCW Student? By Alexandra Beard not only to teaching, but also Kanarfogel has already pub- Undergrads Discuss Aliyah to administration and lished 2 books and over 40 By Kim Davis this ideology? Or do they follow other rofessor Ephraim research benefiting the scholarly articles. poskim? There are basically three Kanarfogel, the E. Billi Jewish Studies department. “Dr. Kanarfogel nown worldwide for its Zionistic opinions in the Orthodox Jewish world Ivry Professor of In other words, additional over the years has become concerning the mitzvah of yishuv יP ideology, Yeshiva University’s Jewish History and the responsibilities will enhance an increasingly productive stance on Israel is readily Eretz Yisrael (Numbers 33:53). Chairman of the Rebecca his position. For example, and internationally K determinable. The majority of YU Upheld by such gedolim as the Ivry Department of Jewish starting this semester Dr. acclaimed scholar,” com- Roshei Yeshiva believe that living in Ramban, the Chazon Ish, and the Studies, will be expanding ments Dean Karen Bacon. Israel should be a goal for all Jews. Chafetz Chayim, the first opinion is , will more time his role as professor scholar “Now he have This past summer, Ezra Levine, a YC that living in Israel is a mitzvah chiyu- and rabbi at SCW. While his to teach and do research senior, posted a sign that hung on the vis (an obligatory mitzvah). The sec- titles remain the same, Dr. which will be a great benefit window in front of Time Out Pizza, ond opinion is that living in Israel is a Kanarfogel will have an to Stern College.” that pro- mitzvah kiyumis (a voluntary mitz- additional presence in the Dr. Kanarfogel c l a i m e d, vah), according to such as the research and agrees his academic, that position “We urge Rambam and Rav , administrational aspects of expansion will be effective the entire among others. Finally, the late Satmar the Jewish Studies depart- for SCW. “My academic J e w i s h Rebbe, among others, believes that of work is , ment SCW. going well and I Diaspora, the mitzvah of living in Israel is not I am honored and believe the time is ripe and “ particularly binding at all today, grateful to have the opportu- right which will only prove to t h e How do. YU students view nity to give my all to the Kanarfogel has added a be good for the University,” y o u n g e r the mitzvah of yishuv* Eretz Yisrael? University,” says Dr. third course to his traditional he explains. 'The more I generation, To find this out, 100 SCW and 100 YC the two semester know the they [ Kanarfogel. “ I salute -course per , more SCW to begin viewing Aliyah as a goal students were asked two questions. of Stern College schedule, and will continue students] know as a result of leadership rather than an option.” Affixed to this To the question of do you want to three And of course, “ for making this development teaching courses in my research. sign was a list of eight rabbayim. make aliyah?” 66 SCW students said happen.” the years to come. In addi- my goal is to first teach stu- Do YU students agree with yes, 18 This development, tion, he will be able to allot dents.” continued on page 16 which Dr. Kanarfogel more of his time and creative As a member of the explains as an “expansion, energy to do research, SCW faculty exclusively, Dr. not a change in title,” will attend international confer- Kanarfogel’s position expan- ARRAY OF OPPORTUNITIES enable Dr. Kanarfogel to ences and pursue other sion points to a select invest- devote more of his energies research opportunities. Dr. continued on page 14 ENHANCE CLUB FAIRS By Shira Frankel and they wanted to do something Bringing the Computer Into the about it. So they decided to head the re you interested in riding hors- Israel Club. “[Israel] is something we es? Experiencing Canadian care greatly about so we want every- Classroom: Students React to Aculture? Getting to know a local one to share it,” says Wimmer, SCW senior citizen? SCW has a wide array junior. Their plans for this year include Technology’s Role in Education of clubs to join. The Torah Activities speakers, a bulletin board posting cur- Council Club Fair on Wednesday, rent news, a fundraising concert, and October 17 and at the SCW Student a trip planned for January. Proceeds By Adina Levine email discussion five analysis of SCW ed Dean Karen Council club fair on Tuesday, October from the concert will probably go to groups and student relative to other col- Bacon. “Our empha- 23 give students the opportunity to Hatzolah Yehuda and Shomron. As f you were to reg- chat rooms. But you leges may show that sis has always been become involved in something that for the trip, although participants will ister for one wouldn’t find such a SCW significantly on classroom they’re interested in and probably not pay for it themselves, it will be cheap- A m e r i c a n course at SCW, differs in regard to its instruction not have the chance to do otherwise. er to go with the SCW/YC group. I Ellyn Mauner, SCW junior Since this is her last semes Literature class at where even class use of internet because we’re - Queens College, you registration must be resources. Whether behind the times but and president of the Equestrian Club, ter at SCW, Kim Davis, SCW senior, would have no trou- conducted in person this difference is an because we believe began riding horses two years ago intends to make this a very special ble fitting it into your as opposed to online indicator of lagging in it.” when she joined the equestrian club. semester for the Psychology Club. She’s been riding ever since, and She plans to have inspiring speakers. schedule, That’s registration that behind in technology Some stu- because the class is many colleges - is uncertain. Certain dents have second- now, as head of the club, encourages Rabbi Tovia Singer, a leading anti- an exclusively online including Queens, students and admin- ed Bacon’s approach others who like horses, beginners or missionary rabbi, will speak about course, conducted Columbia and istrators claim that to online education, experienced riders, to join. Members Christianity’s appeal to Jews, and why solely through inter- Barnard - offer. the move to online claiming that the of the club take riding lessons once a we lose hundreds of Jews each year week, and with enough funding, will to missionaries In addition, someone net communication, A compara- education is undesir- recent trend is an . able, and thus the undesirable substi- hopefully make a team to participate who conquered anorexia will discuss reason for SCW not tute for classroom in competitions. For now, participants her journey back to a normal life. will pay their own way, but in the The Jewish Political Views following this trend is instruction, The a conscious decision interaction of the future, the cost may be subsidized. club, headed by Beth Meshel and Sari of choice and not a classroom setting This semester, Mauner plans to ride at Strulowitz, aims to promote more stu- representation of combined with the Jamaica Bay Riding Academy. “They dent involvement on the political level. lack of technological participation of fellow have indoor and outdoor rings, and They have already organized voter capability. students makes the facilities are beautiful,” she says. registration, and they plan to bring in “I don’t think SCW students, for Rebecca Wimmer and Yael some speakers, including local politi- [online education] is the most part, prefer Zemelman felt that there was a lack of cians. Meshel and Strulowitz volun- a high priority at the live classes to the awareness within the SCW/YC com- teered for Mark Green’s campaign for moment,” comment- munity about what’s going on in Israel, mayor, and Meshel says that with continued on page 16 continued on page 14 CAMPUS BRIEFS A New Chair has been Endowed in an active or retired member of the faculty cle counted Dean Bacon among its lead- on attending are disappointed but under- Jewish History and Literature by Lauren or administration who has served YU on a ers for her role in developing Stern stand that some students were afraid to and J. Ezra Merkin. The chair is to be held full-time basis for no less than 25 consec- College, including the recent purchase of travel during this difficult time. by a faculty member who is a leading fig- utive years. The maximum amount to be the new dorm, Nevertheless, they are planning on hav- ure in Jewish academic scholarship, and .granted in any given year, without regard ing another special student tour to South Dr. , university profes- to the number of applicants, is $250,000. Heightened Security has Instituted a Africa during intersession. sor of Jewish history and literature at YU new system for ensuring I.D. check. and a distinguished Talmudist and histori- Dean Karen Bacon Students must now enter through desig- The average class size has grown this an, has been named first occupant. has been noticed in nated entrance staircases and exit semester, as an influx of freshmen per- the New York through a separate door. The new rule vade SCW. Classes of approximately forty A New Financial Scholarship Seeks to Resident top 100 promises to provide increased security, students, a size heretofore considered a provide grandchildren of past or current success stories, although it will require added inconve- huge class, has now become the norm. members of Yeshiva University faculty among such celebri- nience and confusion, has been established by the Board of ties as Mel Brooks Trustees, effective fall 2001. To be eljgi- and Michael Africa Kosher Safaris cancelled its ble, the student must be a grandchild of Bloomberg. The arti- sukkot trip. The 13 students who planned 29 Tishrei 5762

Honors Program off to a Late Start But Students Anticipate Exciting Year

By: Sari Moskowitz received as just another SCW Each Honors student is student.” required to take seven honors ver a month into the fall Shira Frankel, an SCW courses during her time at SCW. semester, participants in junior disagrees, about the Honors classes differ from stan- Othe S. Daniel Abraham speakers. “I don’t feel I’ve gained dard SCW courses because they Honors Program have begun to much from that experience,” are more advanced and they question why they have not yet Frankel says. However, like many demand additional analysis and received a schedule of the pro- other participants, Frankel adds synthesis, laboratory work, writ- Honors Students at midtown on a cultural walking tour gram’s fall events that they are that the “cultural events are really ing and research. Although any required to attend. This semester good and well planned,” and that student can apply to take an hon- there were no events before she enjoys the opportunity to par- ors course, teachers of honors The Honors Student: Succot vacation, as there have ticipate in events she would oth- courses reserve the right to erwise not attend. screen students and accept only Wachtell acknowledges those they believe will meet the Uptown vs. Downtown that these extracurricular activi- rigorous demands of an honors By: Michal Leah Kanovsky ate a community if there aren’t ties “help foster a community feel- course. community events.” ing within the Honors Program.” It “Honors courses are n Fall ’99, two programs The focus of the YC is this unity, she notes, that sepa- smaller and the material can be were started at Yeshiva program is not the honors com- rates the SCW Honors Program presented on a deeper level, so I University. One was the Jay munity, rather the classes that Jay and Jeanie understand the topic better and I from YC’s and Jeanie Schottenstein are given. In these classes pro- Schottenstein Honors Program. learn more,” observes Elisheva Honors Program at Yeshiva fessors are encouraged “to Although this semester’s Douglas, an SCW sophomore. College and the other was the invent interesting honors cours- program has not yet been “People are in the class because S. Daniel Abraham Honors es and rethink all their cours- released, Wachtell guarantees of these reasons and it makes for Program at Stern College. Both es.” Dr. Wachtell, Honors that spectacular programs have good class discussions, which, is are referred to as ‘The Honors “I’ve been in the pro- Program Director already been planned, such as a a plus. I’ll take as many [honors Program,” and that’s where the gram for 3 years and I’ve really speech by world-renowned courses] as I can handle.” similarities stop. They are run found it to be great,” says Zvi author Maya Angelou, a walking Additionally, participants by different directors (Dr. Rosen, a YC Senior. “My expe- been in past years. tour of Grand Central Terminal in the Honors Program are Cynthia Wachtell downtown rience of honors classes are Dr Cynthia Wachtell, and a leadership seminar about required to attend various cultural and Dr. William Lee uptown), superior to the equivalents for founder and director of the conflict resolution and communi- events, lectures and leadership have different requirements, quite a variety of reasons, Honors Program, attributes this cation skills. seminars that are offered each and have different goals. mainly because courses are start to Now in its third year, the semester. Of approximately nine year’s delayed an unusu- “I think that one of the taught at a more intense level, al holiday schedule that allowed Honors Program has approxi- events that are offered each most important ways in which Professors have more freedom for only one full week of school mately sixty-five participants, who semester, first year participants in we’re different is that we have a to go at it in the way they want before the Succot vacation. She were accepted based on their the Honors Program must attend rich extra-curricular calendar to.” adds that the delay was com- outstanding achievements in aca- at least six, and returning Honors and they don’t have that,” says At what level are the pounded by the World Trade demic and extracurricular students are required to be pre- Dr. Wachtell. One of the classes being taught? Certainly Center tragedy in September. “It spheres. According Dr. Cynthia sent at no less than five events. In requirements of the program higher than the regular YC but then what level is the־,the delay] is disappointing,” she Wachtell, the founder and director the past, such events have downtown is that members par- class] notes. ‘The World Trade Center of the Honors Program, the goal included speakers such as former ticipate in a number of sched- regular YC class at? “People tragedy slowed things consider- of the program is to have 25 new Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin uled events every semester. To often say YU isn’t a real college ably—it was hard to get a hold of students join each year, so that Netanyahu and lawyer/profes- Dr. Wachtell, these events are because it’s easier and there people.” from its fourth year and onward, sor/author Alan Dershowitz and an important part of the down- isn’t much reading, but honors While Wachtell regrets there will be close to 90 students trips to the New York City Ballet town program’s mission. Aside program classes are more chal- that unavoidable circumstances in the program each year. and the Historical Society. from exposing students to cul- lenging, which somehow lead to a delayed beginning, she tural institutions and role mod- seems that ifs more as if it’s a refuses to let the delay hamper els, they also help get members real college,” says Aryeh the eagerness and excitement felt of the honors program to know Hoenig, a YC junior in the pro- by this year’s Honors students. one another. ‘There’s a strong gram. He explains that the YC “It’s been an unusual year,” she sense of community for the pro- honors program brings educa- says, “but there will be a full cal- gram at Stem because we have tion up to the level of other col- endar of events with rich offer- events and dinners,” Wachtell leges, but these ‘college type’ ings.” says. classes would be impossible to Indeed, most partici- Although cultural implement wide-scale at YC.“It pants are sympathetic about the events and speakers are happens to be we have a lot of reasons for the delay, and contin- planned uptown, there are no class time and it’s not feasible ue to look forward to this year’s requirements that the men for us to have so much work events. ‘The speakers and activi- attend, and few do. The mis- and so much class time, but the ties run by the program are sion Statement for the uptown honors courses push the enve- enriching and thought provoking,” Honors Program asserts that lope a little bit and challenge comments Toby Josovitz, an they want “to enhance educa- you further,” Hoenig comments, SCW junior. “It’s an incredible cul- tion throughout Yeshiva “It’s a good program but not for tural experience I wouldn’t have Honors Students on Tour of Lower East Side College by providing an excep- everyone.” tionally broad, deep, rigorous This is exactly the education for our most talented problem with the Honors students.” Nowhere does it Program that Yehuda mention cultural enhancement Shmidman, a YC junior who is not as a target. not in the program, has. ‘The Ask One reason for the school should make more lack of extracurricular activities efforts in building the bulk of the what your school can do for you. on the uptown campus is that school and classes and the fac- the men at YC do not have the ulty there, they should focus m same time flexibility as the their efforts on programs for ו But can do women at SCW. They attend everyone,and they’re not ready Ya religious classes all morning for focusing on honors yet,” % 1% 1 and do not begin their secular Shmidman says. ‘Theoretically, B workload until the afternoon, there should be an honors pro- During the evening, when gram, but only when the rest of events downtown would be the school measures up.” It is a rr scheduled, many men uptown problem that the YC honors are still in classes. The reality of program brings those students I YC is that they cannot have the up to the work level of a ‘real’ same events in their Honors college, because where does Program as SCW, but their pro- that leave the rest of the stu- gram takes on a different flavor dent body? because of that lack. Dr. A regular student to Wachtell concludes, “One con- get into an honors course sequence is that it’s hard to ere- uptown requires the instructor s continued on page 16' * October 16, 2001

Dean Snow Holds Open Forum FLOUNDERING ECONOMY Success, but Lack of Student Participation PROMISES TO AFFECT ALL SCW By: Mimi Sternberg Having a hierarchy figure “ By: Mimi Sternberg are expected to seek about been spared a strong 1 the around...makes me more comfortable $5 billion. decrease in recent earn LiA beginning knowing that he realizes that Sy Syms - he tragic events of Included in all this ings. One retail consultant # 10 f midtown campus needs a figure that September 11th left a lost revenue, the city may talked about how the retail September, Sy will not be distant to the students,” said rippling effect on all lose about 115,000 jobs, business, especially retail I Syms held an Feig. T American citizens and The loss of jobs may have a clothing would be hit quite open forum with The open forum was a sue - almost every facet of every direct effect on SCW and hard, including such stores Dean Snow for cess in its coverage and enabled Snow day life. One of the most SSSB students, especially as the Gap, Abercrombie Syms students, to discuss his new ideas. One of his tangible things that was those who are graduating and Fitch, and Saks, but only six stu- plans is a new Office of Career affected was the economy, within the year and would be Although dents out of Services for Alumni, for those who Because the attacks hit so looking for future jobs that it may not be possible for all already graduated from Yeshiva״more than a total have close to home, New York are business related or of us to spend as much as of two hundred at University. With the economy doing City businesses are hurt. located near the trade cen- we’d like to, it is our duty as m i d t 0 w n , poorly, this idea may be beneficial to The downtown ter. It may thus be either American citizens to keep showed up The meeting was intended alumni who are currently employed as . area, where the attacks impossible to find a job or this economy going. Let us to enable students officially meet the well as for mothers who took off time occurred approximately two students will be obligated to not have our confidence new dean and discuss new ideas for from working and want to return to the miles from Stem College, settle for jobs that won t be debilitated. We must go school happenings. The bleak atten job market Snow would also like to ’ - . was the financial capital of as convenient to commute about our everyday lives dance may have been due to lack of implement into the curriculum a course the world and many busi to as the city, and show the terrorists of publicity or bad scheduling. But one of focusing on business activities relating - nesses are relocating. Since America was the world that they cannot the more popular and prevalent to Israel for those students planning on Losing businesses, espe- already heading toward a let our spirits falter. We owe assumptions was lack of interest within emigrating to Israel, dally big organizations such recession, “the attacks it to ourselves, but most of the student body of Sy Syms. In terms of student input at the as Morgan Stanley, would couldn t have come at a all we owe it to our brothers I felt uncomfortable when I forum, a major concern voiced by the ’ “ mean huge losses for the worse time, said one retail and sisters living in Israel walked into the room and no one was six students was regarding majors and ” city, but losing business is analyst, and basically no who have to deal with this there,” said Nava Feig SSSB Junior. the need for more courses. As Nava only half of our economic aspect of the economy has everyday, Those six students who did Feig said, I sometimes feel that as a “ problems as the damage attend benefited by the intimacy of the marketing major there aren t enough ’ that took place is expected meeting Those not in attendance course choices. Dean Snow acknowl- . . “ ” to take a huge toll on the city missed a privileged opportunity, but at edged that Sy Syms has concentrated and the government. CROSSWORD least it benefited us, said Chloe more on the accounting and finance ” Some experts say Berman, SSSB senior. A small group majors because when the school start “ - that it may cost $1 billion for atmosphere allowed for it to be more ed in 1987, they were the first majors ANSWERS the city to replace emer- one on one and made me feel more implemented. He jotted down the stu - gency vehicles, such as Crossword on page lcL fortunate to have attended. dents ideas for courses and agreed to ” ’ ambulances and fire Despite all , it seemed that look into it further. this engines that were destroyed Dean Snow enjoying sharing his ideas Students also questioned why as the twin towers were col with the students, and even scheduled there wasn t a Sy Syms dinner last - ’ lapsing. “The cleanup at another open forum for February, year. Snow responded that it was part- ground zero is expected to Snow’s goal for the meeting was to get ly due to lack of funds, but said he r cost about $5 billion, over to know the students and enable them hopes to fundraise so as to acquire - time for uniformed workers H to get involved in Sy Syms. sponsors for future dinners. is expected to be about $3 In contrast to Dean The attendees also men - billion, and approximately Nuremberg, the previous dean of Sy tioned to Snow that lack of publicity for $14 billion to rebuild the Syms, who rarely appeared at the mid events and communication within the - financial district of down town campus, Dean Snow splits his school contributes greatly to the lack of - town, says Reginald time between the campuses, with two participation within the school. Snow ” Patrick, a reporter for City days a week at each campus. This guaranteed that a new and improved Hall. Although Washington greatly helps the midtown students and way of soliciting student activism would has promised New York $20 allows them to be more confident be worked on. Perhaps then more stu - billion, the city expects the knowing that there is a higher authority dents will show up to the next forum in reconstruction to cost about available to them. February. $40 billion. Insurance com- pany obligations are pre- sumed to exceed $25 bil- N e w D o r m L i f e lion, and relatives of victims continued from back page everyone, which makes it feel from the other dorms is the fact the fact that there are no eleva- dorm. The fresh smell of paint and eat outside.” Some resi- small and homey. that all the students must use tors in the building. The resi- permeates throughout the build- dents mentioned that they like to In fact, not only is the communal bathrooms. For dents must walk up and down to ing, which offends some stu- read and relax in the garden in number of new dorm residents some, this is quite uncomfortable the fourth and fifth floors every dents. Until recently, local van their free time. There has even small but the size of each indi- while for others it is only a small day. For some, this is slightly service did not extend to the new been a sukkah built there •in vidual room is also relatively disadvantage. Each floor has a annoying while others have got- dorm, causing students to have respect for the holiday. Several small. “At first, it seemed like a bathroom containing four stalls ten used to it as part of daily liv- to walk from the school building residents have also been very matchbox,” SCW student Shira and four showers, but in order to ing, and one resident says she as late as one a.m. Finally, the impressed with the elegant and Sasson observed, “but it really get in the bathroom, the student enjoys the exercise. “I don’t mind laundry room in the new dorm spacious TV lounge in the lobby. has everything you need.” must use her room key. Most the steps, but I wish they offered has not yet been installed, and One last factor that Almost all of the students inter- students feel that using a key is services to carry suitcases up some students need to carry makes the new dorm unique is viewed said that they get used to an annoyance, espe- their dirty clothes to utilize its physical location. Unlike the small size and enjoy the lux- daily after having had the washing machines and Brookdale, which is located on ury of having everything they bathrooms attached to dryers in the Brookdale 34th Street, the new dorm is need in very close proximity. In their rooms in the past, basement. However, the located on a smaller street with addition, they enjoy the new and There seems to be no cleaners adjoining the new less traffic. “Here it’s more resi- clean atmosphere in the rooms, problem waiting for dorm has agreed to pro- dential, unlike 34th St. which is Each room has a bed, desk, shower use, with every- vide laundry services at a part of a business district,” Frank closet, dresser, sink, and full- one working on differ- discount to the 36th Street stated. ‘The overall feeling here length mirror. One major perk is ent schedules. residents. is different since it’s not on a that each bedroom has its own Although the idea of a The workout huge street.” Others commented digitally operated air conditioner, communal bathroom room, library (Beit on the enjoyable residential envi- which can be adjusted to an may sound old fash- Midrash), and computer ronment as well as the close exact temperature with the push ioned and unappealing to some, and down the steps,” comment- have not been set up yet, but proximity to the school building. of a button. The sink in each here on 36th Street it comes with ed Bomzer, although she later e building has its own high- But despite its inconve- room is handy, but clearly limited an advantage: daily cleaning stated that anytime she had a ^lights. The residents seem to niences, the general sentiment in size. ‘The sink in the room is service. Every day the bath- request, security took care of it really enjoy the splash of nature seems to be positive regarding perfect for negel vasser (ritual rooms are cleaned, and toilet immediately. In fact, moving day from the outdoor garden with the new dorm. As Shira Sasson washing of hands),” stated paper is provided. In addition, was reported to have gone access from the lobby. “I like the remarked, “When something is Faygie Bomzer, SCW student, garbage is collected daily when smoothly, as security facilitated garden,” resident Natania Wright new, how bad can it be?” “but not for anything else a resident places it outside her the process by providing suitcas- said. “Having plants and flowers besides washing your face.” room. es and other transport items. in the middle of Manhattan is my One accommodation Another potentially Other inconveniences favorite part [of the building]. I that differentiates 36th Street annoying factor in the dorm is characterize daily life in the new hope to go there more to study 29 Tishrei 5762 O b s e r v e r Page 13 Ethernet in the Dorms: Cell Phone, Dorm Phone or Excellent or Elusive? Both? By: Alexandra Beard had such luck in installing taken advantage of it yet. I By: Chava Hartman to family and friends back home. Ethernet in their rooms. “I still have to install my net- However, there are still those tudents in the have the same room this year work,” admits Alisa Rose. ue to major hassles that arose that remain loyal to Verizon and have Schottenstein and in Schottenstein as last year, “I think Ethernet is a great last year in installing Verizon signed up for phone service again this phone service, a number of year. My apartment does not have Brookdale dormitories and I still cannot get Ethernet idea and I am planning on D “ S students have opted to forgo a dorm Ethernet, so I need a phone line to go now have direct Ethernet access,” says Naomi using the system, but I just access to the Internet from Friedman, a SCW senior. “I haven’t bought a card yet,” phone and rely solely on their cell online,” says Marissa Varnai, an SCW their rooms, thanks to the called MIS to fix it last year, says Aviva Krombach, a phones. I got ripped off last year so junior. “It is also easier to make local University’s Residence Hall SCW senior. there really is no point in continuing calls from a regular phone, as well as Networking Project called “I am not using the with them” says Adina Lastoff, an to call people within the Stern build- Resnet, the residential por- Ethernet connection SCW junior. ings.” tion of the Yeshiva University because I do not have a Cell phones have the bonus Responding to the surplus of Manhattan campuses’ com- computer in my room,” of convenience. Students and par- cell phones on campus, Mrs. Gordon, puter network. The goal of explains Kim Davis, a SCW ents feel safer knowing they have a the computer lab instructor, has insti- the project is to provide junior. “I am aware of it, but way to get in touch at all times if nec- tuted a new rule in the computer lab. Internet connectivity for I don’t know how it works, essary. “When I go away people still Students are not allowed to use cell undergraduate students how to use it or it’s advan- have a way to contact me,” says llanit phones while in the computer lab housed in Y.U residence tages!” Newton, an SCW sophomore. because “it is disturbing, and the com- halls. and I’ve called them this year, Even though YU is In addition, students sign up puter room is not a lounge area - it is With Ethernet, students but they haven t done any- offering this benefit, it does for wireless service because the plans a work area and it disturbs people עד ’ can connect to the Internet thing about it yet.” not mean that all students often come with free long distance, who are working in the room.” from their p.c through an And the dormitory at should and must own a p.c. making it fairly inexpensive to speak internal connection line with- Windsor doesn’t offer According to the ResNet out tying up the phone. The Ethernet which makes some website,'The use of a pc in VTT o 1 P d 11n K Cf* Ur\ it A 11 י ^ advantages are obvious. “I students, such as Dani the residence halls is optional lJ ״ find that using the Ethernet in Weiss, feel out of the loop. “It and not a requirement of the continued from front page my much more con gets to be annoying for those University The University dorm is - . o f prospective undergraduates and venient than having to dialing of us who don t want to go provides access to comput- ’ YU s ranking several days before current YU students are unaware of up to a phone line, says through the bother of getting ers in a number of locations ’ ” the survey was published, attributes YU s prestigious rank, and they Chava Hartman, a SCW a landline because we have on campus. There are nearly ’ the change in YU s rank to the uni choose YU for its dual curriculum junior Using the system is cell phones. That means we 400 computers readily avail ’ - . “ - versity’s concerted efforts to keep and social advantages. easy as well can t get online from our able in various computer lab , .” ’ - class size down, hire more faculty Similarly, Liora Kasten, a Instructions as to how to dorms, Weiss, a SCW junior, oratories, classrooms, the ” members and improve the universi junior who transferred to SCW this install the program were pro explains. Even if we were Library and other locations at - - “ ty’s academics. “The Honors semester, admits that while she vided to students in a booklet offered the system, I have no the Midtown and Main cam- Programs at both YC and SCW doesn’t care much about YU’s rank upon move-in, are also idea how to use it and I am puses. and ” helped,” Lowengrub adds. among other universities, it helps available online I was able only aware of a few of its While both desktop and “ . “ However, he notes that while YU to know that YU is getting up there, it myself using the advantages laptops computers are appro to install .” - has definitely improved in many so maybe when I apply to graduate instructions given online. Some aren’t even fully priate for the system, stu- areas,“this [ranking] does not really school they will have heard about Besides the occasional aware that the network exists. dents are encouraged to uti - tell the whole story.” Lowengrub YU and the fact that it’s a pretty rebooting because it some- No, I m not using the lize laptops, as they save “ ’ admits that while “[YU’s] ranking good school.” doesn t connect proper Ethernet in the dorms, but it space in dorm rooms and are times ’ - helps attract students who might Still, Lowengrub stresses ly to my computer, the sounds vaguely familiar, mobile around campus. for ” have other choices,” its strong dual that as YU becomes a more com- most part the Ethernet works comments Ariella Goldstein For more information on . curriculum plays a greater role in petitive university, the administra- very well and is fast and effi- But for the most part, stu- ResNet and instructions, attracting undergraduate students. tion will work hard to continue offer- cient, comments Mindy dents are aware that the including minimum system ” One such student is ing excellent undergraduate oppor- Rothstein. A word of advice: Ethernet in the dorms is avail- requirements and connection “ Hadassa Koichiri, a freshman who tunities to its students. “We want to MIS suggested to purchase a able and offers speedy and details, go 0 came to SCW not because of its match our needs to our capacity,” COM network card which convenient Internet access. www.yu.edu/mis/resnet.htm ‘3 ’ academic ranking, but because she he says. “It is very important to offer 150 You can buy a I was really excited when I or email ANS Academic costs $ . “ was “looking for a place where I as much opportunity as possible to we have Ethernet Computing a no-namer for $40 and it works heard that could continue my Judaic education students who can handle a dual just the same. in Brookdale this year, but to resnet @ ymail.yu.edu ” . while getting a secular education at curriculum.” have not tell you the truth, I haven t Other students ’ the same time.” Indeed, many Stern Gear

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-a Page 14 O b s e r v e r October 16. 2001 M o d e l U . N . I s s u e s T h e G u i d e ’s Difficulties continued from front page because it was much smaller in the Admissions Office continued from front page Guide, rejected this proposition. great endeavor,” explained and did not appear to be such uptown. According to him, the Soroka, on why he agreed to the ‘There’s not a fair way to get paid,” Ross. a daunting task as it is now. work can be done anywhere, editorship for a second year. “We said Soroka, “And students To quickly recover “There were more capable and he can always be con- worked as we , a hard as could with shouldn’t do it to get paid.” The by people around to run a small- tacted by phone, from the time lost Fischer's lot of sleepless nights, and we Student Councils have also not sudden departure, the er event than a larger event,” In fact, Hyman weren’t able to come out by said Kranzler. insists that the utmost is done made any suggestions to this Admissions Office, which Orientation.” effect. runs Model U.N., had no Although Dean to ensure equality between When Soroka decided to Karen Bacon promptly dis- the two colleges and conve- Another difficulty is that it choice but to appoint Barnea work on The Guide in August he seems doubly hard to find SCW missed the charge that nience for Stern students, because he had been the asked his co-editor from last year students to join the staff It s hard- women do not take on leader- The fourteen to sixteen com- . “ ’ most involved in the prepara- to suggest a female counterpart. er to find a girl than a guy,” said tion process. ship roles as a generalization, mittee chairs each year are Weiss said she only agreed to do she did admit that the women allocated equally to the two Soroka. “I don’t know why.” This Administrators are The Guide because Soroka, a , to , lack enthusiasm and commit- colleges, and preparatory year’s guide according Soroka quick to acknowledge that the friend, was in a tight spot. “She did was clearly dominated by YC stu- situation is far from ideal. “We ment to Model U.N., perhaps meetings throughout the year me a big favor,” agreed Soroka. because of the weakness of alternate between the two dents. don’t want any gender to be These miscommunica- With Weiss resigning, The the political science depart campuses. “I don’t mind three years in a row,” said - tions between The Guide and the Guide is left without a female rep- ment. “Without that strong going out of my way,’ said Michael Kranzler, Director of Student Council as well as the diffi- resentative, and it is unclear faculty support," said Bacon, Hyman. “I want to go [to mid Admissions. “We tried to - culties in finding and retaining edi- whether a new SCW head will be “the women may feel insuffi- town] to help Stern out.” make every effort to get tors, is a common scenario in The appointed When questioned, ciently encouraged to take on There is hope that the . another woman. We're all Guide’s past. In the last years, Student Council said it had not the responsibility.” Admissions Office slated to upset about this.” three of the editors, one of them been informed of Weiss resigna Another, more politi officially open soon at the ’ - The leadership of - being Soroka, repeated their lead- tion and therefore had no plans for cally correct, obstacle for midtown campus will alleviate Model U.N. had successfully ership for a second year because a replacement. A female represen women is the fact that the some of the pressure. - alternated between SCW and of inability to attract new editors. tative is necessary as a contact on administrators in charge of Although it seems to YC until last year, when Prior to last year, both campus for The Guide, as well as a Model U N. are in the be Model U.N.’s largest issue Joshua Summers became . Parts I and II were given out after reflection of the cost that is split Admissions Office - on the right now, alienating women the second YC student in a Succos. Last year, while Part I equally between the two student uptown campus “It works is not the only injustice the row to run the conference. . came out during Orientation, Part II councils. [Soleimani] should be with the boys well, because conference is accused of. “ According to Kranzler, the only appeared around January. appointing a new editor,” said they’re there, uptown,” Ross Complaints have only qualified women either surfaced The Guide partially blamed this Soroka. I hope she is. s glitch “ ” graduated or declined the noted. “If there’ a or a recently that appointments to delay on lack of student input and Last-minute reorganiza- problem, [Barnea’s] right Model U. . staff position. the N reek of a small staff. tion for the distribution of Part I at This trend has some there.” Indeed, the job of favoritism. “Two years ago But some people question midtown might be necessary due Secretary when I got , worrying that the inability to General requires first involved there whether the staff is appointed in to Weiss’s resignation, since final enlist a woman for the role of hours of work each week, and was an application process, the most efficient manner possible. responsibility now may fall to the Secretary General may be might require a woman to be with an interview. This year SCW Student Council had little, if Student Council. The Guide was to uptown a significant amount there was nothing like that at any, role this year in the appoint- indicative of a greater prob- be delivered on September 111 *י .lem. Although unflattering, of time, said Ross. “It’s a fun-, all,” says SCW Senior ment of the female co-editor damental issue,” said Dean Susanne Goldstone, who will Additionally, in the past, a few stu- and then before Rosh Hashanah. there is the notion that SCW The delivery was delayed because Bacon. “Stern students don’t chair a committee this year, dents have claimed they wanted to students may be less likely to of the Twin Towers tragedy, and have immediate access to Many people believe work on The Guide but did not accept roles that demand a only arrived at Yeshiva the week of sources of information.” that, instead of an application know how to go about getting lot of responsibility. Kranzler Yom Kippur. Distribution at the Ryan Hyman from process open to everyone, involved, and were not contacted suggested that it was easier uptown campus began the day the Admissions Office claims, Model U.N. leaders simply when they expressed initial inter- in general to find students before Yom Kippur. Distribution at however, that it is not neces- chose people they knew to be est. willing to lead the conference midtown is slated for this week. sary for the work to be done committee chairs. , The tedious work on The in its beginning years, However The Guide this year, with continued on page 18 Guide requires students’ generous- ly donating time from their summer a theme of Harry Potter, features a vacation, to update and reorganize new calendar section, a planner with candle lighting and holiday ' the information in Part I, such as E v a c u a t i o n Koch auditori- tion did organize to have checking kosher restaurants and times. Additionally, Soroka hopes continued from page 7 urn. Rabbi Kanarfogel address the re-listing Broadway shows and to introduce a Part III, to appear in But the controversy student population during the got there.” clubs. After printing, the staff must January, as an address book for surrounding the Brookdale universal lunchbreak on Despite the sup- also collate the 2,000 plus copies, students returning to Yeshiva in the Hall evacuation did not end Thursday, posed calmness of the stu- which can take over a day. spring semester. Sign up for Part that night After a very tense In the weeks after dents after the event, a series . Some have suggested II of The Guide will only be avail- night, students were the evacuation, still of complications occurred in some SCW is paying The Guide staff, since their able online this year, at their web- enraged that classes were in reeling from the impact. Many site http://guide.yucs.org. the tumult of 34th street that work is grueling and needs to be session the next morning. “I out of town students did not done over summer break. necessitated the appearance couldn t believe that they had return on the in between ' ’ “ However, Soroka, speaking for The of a hatzalah ambulance class the next day,” comment- days” between Rosh sometime after midnight. One ed Sara Epstein, SCW Hashana and Yom Kippur in student sustained a cut on sophomore. “It was late... response to the terror in how are we supposed to Manhattan. On Tzom C l u b s a t S C W function for a 9 a.m. class? Gedaliah, the number of ” continued from page10 “I feel that the returning students, according school did not handle it well to a security check at noon, Green’s election, she would like to Several of the TAC clubs the next morning,” seconded was only 300 of the 500 get him to speak at SCW. Also, focus on reaching out to others in Shmuel. “The administration Brookdale residents. Classes Meshel says that they intend to the community. The Homeless was insensitive to make were conducted with a 60- bring in people from different par- Soup Kitchen Club organizes stu- people show up for class at 70% attendance record, a ties. “I might be a democrat, but I’d dents to spend some time helping 9 A.M. after having been number sufficiently normal invite community leaders/politicians those less fortunate that they are. kicked out of their rooms according to Dean Bacon, from any party, to hear all sides of Participating students visit to a until almost midnight.” However, it is unclear how issues,” she says. homeless soup kitchen where they Students noticed many of these students were Sara Brodsky, an SCW help feed the hungry. the disparity between the not planning on coming back junior, wants other students to know Jn the Adopt-a-Bubbie events of the preceding anyway and how many modi- that there is a country very close to Club, students get to know people night and those during the fied their plans in response to the United States. Therefore, she from a local senior citizen center. day. “It was wierd that so the World Trade Center decided to start the Canada Club, Once a week, they eat lunch togeth- er and in other events much happened at night and tragedy, which was actually started before, participate . life went on as usual during The administration but hasn’t been active in SCW in The students gain valuable experi- Brookdale Hall the day,” noted Masha Igel, plans to make some changes many years. She says that the club ences from spending time with the SCW sophomore. in emergency responses. is meant to be inclusive, embracing elderly, and the bubbies enjoy her foot, and another student In response to stu- Security intends to have students of all nationalities. It will spending time with the SCW stu- took off her high heeled dent complaints about the increased fire drills and allow participants to experience dents. shoes to run barefoot to the continuation of classes, Dean enforced emergency plans. Canadian culture, and mostly will be Go to the club fairs, sign up East River but remained Bacon maintains that the ‘The best thing we learned a way for all students, especially for activities that interest you, and unharmed. At least two stu- structure of a normal routine from this is that we have to Canadians, to get together, meet happy clubbing! dents and one security guard was of paramount importance train students,” asserted new people and have fun. Events experienced different degrees during a time of chaos. “I Gorman. Further, Dean planned for the club include movie of asthma attacks caused by don’t think it was at all nega- Bacon plans to assemble stu- nights and a hockey game. -tive to have classes,” com- dent leaders to form a com *י*inhaling the putrid air of 43 street; some of them were mented Dean Bacon. “It pro- mittee led by Dr. Perlman to his studies, exhibited both in the eventually brought to the hos- vided structure and a reality determine what changes the D r . Kanarfogel past and the present. “Dr. pital, but quickly treated and check that many students university needs to make, continued from page10 Kanarfogel is interested in devoting released, according to Dean needed. People were free not “Hopefully we will never expe- more time and mental attention to Himber. Nevertheless, or to attend and I don’t think fac- rience anything like this ment in SCW’s department of Jewish Studies. Dean Bacon sees students and research, and it [his maybe especially because of ulty in anyway penalized again,” asserted Himber. “In position expansion] will of course the situation, there was a those students who didn’t spite of this, we want better this development primarily as a result of Dr. Kanarfogel’s unswerv- prove to benefit the entire college large turnout for the 1 A.M. attend.” In addition, student plans in place for the future.” to stu ing dedication to his students and because he is so devoted his - selichos that took place in leaders and the administra- dents already.” 29 Tishrei 5762 O b s e Page 15


ffre ingredferiEi EJsedf to prepareouriflerai am aV miurat ami orgarticaity grown, * We use untofescfed toum ma mk fumed warn M nattm! sweetentrn. Mo preservatives. emuhklent, mocffiera. EorfBodeira,; or ctemfcafe of any kind. M/e USB ar?fy rerwmBess. hormone free cheeses. \י Page 16 O b s e r v e r October 16, 2001 YU S t u d e n t s a n d A l i y a h Honors Program Comparison continued from page 11 continued from page 10 , I SCW students said they didn’t Israel to be a prerequisite to and does not think that special permission. Downtown any Muller, an SCW senior mentions “ know, and 16 SCW students being a true member of Klal Jews have a chiyuv. “I am a student with good academic stand- wish they would offer honors classes ing may register for any honors for Sy Syms classes. By not doing, said no. By contrast, 59 YC Yisrael,” he states, rare breed here at Stern - I ” students said yes, 27 YC stu- “Additionally, there are so am not a Zionist and decid- class. “I never had a problem getting so a large part of the downtown com- into the honors class Dee Dee , munity is excluded despite academic dents said they didn’t know, many mitzvot that require liv- edly not pro-Israel or pro- .” Lax no ing Israel that any Jew aliyah, comments an SCW senior says, "I think it’s nice excellence and motivation. and 14 YC students said . in liv- ” , In response to the question ing in chutz laaretz is, in some Doughlas. The difference that they have it available to students The program is meant to small and close , in “do you think that Bnai Yisrael sense, only a half-Jew in is I care about the people on campus.” At what level are the remain -knit but has a chiyuv to make aliyah?” terms of kiyumei hamitzvot.” rather than the country. I honors classes at SCW, though? doing so it cuts off a lot of students 47 SCW students said yes, 25 Julie Pianko, a feel that people had and Dr. Wachtell explains that who would otherwise be eligible, the , SCW students said they didn’t senior at SCW, is planning on have no right to attempt the the honors courses are supposed to Many students have grades just know, and 28 SCW students making aliyah. “Many people formation of a state, particu- “draw upon students thinking and not the opportunity. They either do said no. Similarly, 50 YC stu- say that they can’t make larly a secular state, in analysis, library work and primary not know about the program when dents said yes, 19 YC stu- aliyah because they can’t Eretz Yisroel. While waiting materials.” Ruthie Ephron, an SCW applying to Stern or only become dents said they didn’t know, leave their parents, yet many for Moshiach, may be a senior, testifies that “the honors interested when in Stern. Why is the and 31 YC students said no. parents openly admit that if tedious task, it is the only classes are a lot more challenging, program only widely available to This random survey the majority of their children way we can expect a true you do gain more from them, and entering students? Dr. Wachtell indicates that the majority of would be in Eretz Yisrael, they return to our land. We’ve you put in more effort.” But that is not explains that having disciplined stu- YU students want to make would have no choice but to been waiting for thousands the only opinion. “A lot of these hon- dents at SCW raises the level of aliyah and think that Jews make aliyah also,” Pianko of years, and we can keep ors courses really.aren’t on as high a learning for everyone and benefits have a chiyuv to make aliyah. asserts. O n waiting.” level as they’re purported to be, the whole college “by improving the one Honors Program member com school s reputation. In order to “I know that Bnai Yisrael has a the other side of the spec- Many YU students - ’ you give them high chiyuv to make aliyah,” says trum, some YU students do were undecided about plained. “Supposedly everything is at attract students Ezra Levine, who is making not want to make aliyah and aliyah and if it were a mitz- a higher level, they make it like their aliyah this summer with do not think that Jews have a vah chiyuvis. Orly Elisha talking about more important issues or they assign one extra paper, but Kumah. “I would say simply chiyuv to live in Israel. “I feel falls into this category, say that anyone that prays it’s very important for Jews to Elisha, a senior at SCW, the caliber of the work wasn’t any three times a day with sinceri- make aliyah, but I don’t feel wants to make aliyah if G-d higher than my other classes.” And ty, anyone that says birkat it’s an obligation," says Aliza wants her to. “It is true that although some find the required hamazon after meals and lis- Blumenfeld, a sophomore at it is a mitzvah to live in Eretz events of the program to be reward- tens to the words he or she is SCW. “If it was an obligation, Yisrael yet it is only one out ing, many women complain that they are just time consuming and point- saying, anyone who listens to then people who don’t do it of 613,” says Elisha, the Torah portion we read would be doing something “Another one of the mitzvot less. each week - cannot help but wrong, and I don’t agree with is “veahavta et raecha.” We Any woman with a certain feel a spiritual urge and oblig- that at all. The only time it have a responsibility for our GPA can take honors classes, but ation to go where a Jew becomes an obligation and a fellow Jews, especially spir- they cannot participate in the pro- belongs. It is an imperative for truly kadosh thing to do is itually. The koilei in gram without filling out a lengthy academic scholarships and perks.” It Jews to go live in Israel - I when Mashiach comes.I think Yerushalem doesn’t need application. They are meant to enter is only a perk if it is not available to promise it is where God wants American support for the me as much as that little city SCW from high school in the pro- everyone, so the majority of students you to be.” country is just as important as in the middle of Colorado gram, which means that if they did must be excluded, Hillel Deutsch, YC moving there. I think Israel with 100,000 Jews and no not do well in high school they are For both uptown and down- senior, also thinks Bnai needs strong voices from shul. What every Jew needs automatically banned from the pro- town programs, Dr. Wachtell says is the behind both, Yisrael has a chiyuv to make here and there in order for it to to figure out is what gifts G- gram at Stern. Although there are a “the content same aliyah. The vast majority of become loud enough to be d gave them and where few slots open for current students to but they each have their own faculty overseeing, so in chachmei yisrael either write heard throughout the world.” they would be able to opti- transfer into the program, transfer- board essence explicitly that there is a mitz- Elisheva Douglas, a mize them the most to ring while at SCW is not the encour- they are the same but how they play vah to live in Israel, like the sophomore at SCW, also reach the goal. A G-d con- aged method for getting into the pro- out is different.” In most ways, the Ramban, or consider living in does not want to make aliyah scious world.” gram. Chani Schubert, former programs are completely different, SCWSC president says, “It isn’t fair but both suffer from the same criti- that the Honors Program is not open cism that in only focusing on enrich- O n l i n e E d u c a t i o n to all students. It should be open to ing the honors students, the school everyone neglects the rest of the student continued from page 10 and the requirements technology to enhance the class- Although not should be to maintain a certain GPA body’s basic educational needs, possibility of online education. “I room experience, and are often an official policy, some to be in the program.” Otherwise the Yehuda Shmidman put it best, “You the way they , like classes are ” regretful that it is not used more. individual teachers program becomes elitist and unfair, don’t make the icing when you don’t remarked Bruria Kaganoff, SCW “If you ask me whether I have registered their There is no honors program offered have a cake.” senior. “I like seeing my teach- think more teachers should use classes on black- for the students at Sy Syms. Aviva ers. If you have a question, you it, I would say yes because you board.com. Last can ask them to their face, and need to keep up,” commented semester, Finance the questions of other students Aviva Davis, SCW senior. “It’s 1001 was registered on also help you.” University officials plan be helpful for the teachers to tell chaval not to use what s, there. blackboard.com, Discreet ’ to eventually have the entire uni- students if class were canceled,” “Part of class is learning The internet can be a tremen- Structure is registered this versity registered under black- commented Kaganoff. from the teacher along with dous teaching tool if used prop- semester, and Professor Hatvary board.com. Not only would this Finally, the barest mini- learning from fellow students,” erly English .” registers all her classes provide a unified system for mum of technology that students agreed Tamar Ellman, SCW However, some stu- on the site. However, Hatvary junior. “If you wanted raw knowl- online course material, but it debate is whether a teacher’s dents disagree with the move to has expressed disappointment would afford additional advan syllabus should appear on edge, you could just read a further integrate technology in the advantages provided by - that tages that the teachers who reg- SCW’s webpage. Some students book.” the classroom, claiming that the blackboard com were not fully . ister individually don’t have do not see any need for an online Despite the fact that advantages would be negligible utilized by her students . access to. syllabus. “As long as they give it SCW has never offered - nor compared with the increased “I was surprised does it currently plan to offer - a In addition to registering out, we don’t need it online,” hassle - for the teachers to have because I thought they would a class online, a simpler form of Greenspan asserted. course online, some faculty to constantly update their web it , - use more ” commented an online accessory to a course On the other hand, members have taught online page, and for the students to Hatvary The this . reason for phe- includes email communication many students agree that an courses at other universities. For , have to constantly check the nomenon, she supposes was between the professors and the online syllabus could prove use- example, Dr. Cynthia Wachtell, webpage because I don t all them for additional assign- “ ’ think of students. Many professors ful in selecting a class and in director of the Honors Program, ments. don t see any reason to were all that savvy “I ’ computer . A advertise their email address on enforcing that teachers have a taught online courses at the New make it more online except that lot of them were uneasy around their syllabus and encourage stu syllabus. Apparently, some mea- School for Social Research, they d be giving us more work, - ’ ” computers.” dent communication. Hatvary sures have been taken to try to including Vietnam literature and commented Lea Greenspan, However, some stu - asserts that many of her students update the webpage, but none Secrets of the South, a course SCW sophomore, and we don t dents believe that the online site “ ’ are in contact through email completed. However, some that she taught at SCW last need that may it is .” be more trouble than communication asking for her teachers are hesitant to put their semester. “Online teaching can Finally, some students worth. Teachers will often post input on their assignment drafts. syllabi online, claiming that “I work,” asserted Wachtell. “It’s a believe that it would be beneficial the homework only on the online On the other hand, many stu- could see why some teachers different experience. You don’t to increase technological use in site, requiring students to check dents maintain that although hesitate to put it online,” com- see students face to face and the , but the the web before classroom initiative site completing teachers often ask for the email mented Wachtel. “Once it’s obviously there are benefits and should come from the teachers the assignment. I find it annoy- “ addresses of their students, they online, it’s accessible to anyone costs to that. I personally prefer and not the administration. ing that just to get my homework, don’t often utilize this informa- in the world and some teachers live, but it’s another way of learn- I think it s up to the I have to my line, “ ’ hook up phone tion. are uncomfortable with that.” ing.” teacher, observed Yael Ariel, sign on, and write it down any ” - “None of my classes The entire concept of Although the general SCW sophomore. Imparting way, asserted Davis. “ ” have an online component,” online education marks an inter- sentiment opposes online educa- knowledge is the teacher s On the other hand, ’ remarked Greenspan. “Even esting development in technolo- tion, teachers and students are responsibility but the method of Dean Bacon believes that the though the teachers ask for our gy’s affect on society, where hav- more divided regarding incorpo- education should be his choice. information available online I email addresses, no one really ing a computer was once a luxu- rating online elements into the don t think it s a good idea for the would also be available in the ’ ’ contacts me.” ry, it now is a necessity. And as classroom. These could include administration to push teachers classroom, and thus would avoid But despite the fact that more classes move to incorpo- recommending web research, to use more of the internet It potential . At the . this drawback “ email communication is not rate more online components encouraging email communica- would be a silly requirement for moment, we don t to have ’ intend always used to its fullest, stu into classroom instruction, the tion, and creating an online site the teachers that would end up that if you don t get material - ’ dents assert the desirability of social implications of the internet for the course. Some students taking away from our education online, you can t get it at , ’ all ” such communication. I think have only yet begun to be under- applaud, ,endeavor,to utilize “ this . in the end.” - - - statedBacon gveryoTife-na^'eiiisir ssirtvseia— stbod." t

29 Tishrei 5762 O b s e r v e r Page 17 S p o r t s Volleyball and Basketball C o r n e r Classes Rearranged

By: Alexandra Beard letters and emails, but we were be any conflict” comments able to find new instructors,” Rosenblatt. “Students are excit- Lady Macs Join n a scramble to hire new explains Dr. Richard Zerneck, ed to finally have a basketball instructors at the beginning Director of Athletics and course and seem to be enthusi- Basketball Conference I of the Fall 2001 semester, Physical Education. Toliver, the astic to have someone like me both volleyball and basketball former volleyball instructor, was to be their instructor.” By: Observer Staff eight teams that will play against classes did some switching quickly replaced by Viki Qui, the With the cancellation the Lady Macs during the year at around- in both scheduling and men’s assistant volleyball coach of the beginning and intermedi- he Lady Macs, SCW’s bas- least once. On February 9 and hiring teachers. Thursday atY.C. But finding an instructor ate basketball courses, a sec- ketball team, have joined 10, the Lady Macs will join their night’s volleyball class taught by to replace Ms. Zonis, the former ond volleyball class is being Tthe Hudson Valley Women’s fellow conference teams in a con- Madeline Toliver was cancelled, basketball teacher, was more of offered also on Monday nights. Athletic Conference starting the ference tournament. attributed to a conflict in duties a challenge. Finally, a 2001 Therefore, instead of the usual 2001-2002 school year. Until pre- ‘The advantage of the of the instructor. In addition, the SCW graduate, Chana two basketball classes and one sent, the Lady Macs have been Lady Macs joining the conference basketball class offered this Rosenblatt, was hired to teach volleyball class per semester, an independent team and have is that it gives team members semester was also cancelled at the advanced basketball class SCW has offered two volleyball not been a member of a confer- something to shoot for in terms of late notice. Nevertheless, SCW Monday nights, and one basketball class ence since the independent con- an opportunity for a championship managed to secure new instruc- “I’m really looking for- instead. ference they were members of in tournament with trophies and tors for both classes, and made ward to being the basketball “We know this has the past dissolved. In searching honors,” explains Dr. Richard some new additions to the instructor during this semester been last minute, but we have for a new conference, the Lady Zerneck. “It is positive for our physical education course line- and I think students realize that tried to be flexible in accommo- Macs applied for membership to team members to be involved, up to accommodate student’s although I’m friends with some dating to students’ schedules,” Hudson Valley last year and have and we expect the team to do well schedule changes. of them, there has to be some Zerneck explains. been accepted for the present and be competent in the confer- “There was a lot of difference in our relationship on school year. ence tournament.” aggravation, many phone calls, the court. I don’t expect there to The conference involves

Mr. Newman continues to shine Dougies Confusion Resolved Twist of Faith during this difficult juncture. continued from back page continued from page 19 Mr. Kunstler’s earthly voice and folk style melodies are According to Jacob Lieberman, Associate sion of Yeshiva Food Services in 1997, before pro- - pleasant companions to the seri- Director of Food Services, Any food event on which Yeshiva had an in-house Rav vides minimal transitions, Mr. “ ous subject matter, but the songs campus has to come through Food Hamachshir who oversaw numer Newman fulfills the complex task of - sung soley in Hebrew break the Services, to make sure the kashrus ous mashgichim on the various smoothly developing his character momentum, while the songs sung is okay However, David Himber, campuses. When Rabbi Phillip throughout a soul-searching .” both in Hebrew and English add to -eat Dean of Student Services, said that Reiss decided to retire, Yeshiva ordeal. Mr. Schapiro fails in this the energy This observation may not all events have to go through decided to switch over to the OU. aspect, though more as a result of . diminish the play_s emotional Food Services and that his office “Around the time for the script than of his own accord. aspect and stem from a religious often does not demand that student [Rabbi Reiss] to retire there was no The music is composed bias that the majority of the audi- leaders to submit their plans to Food one in the wings to replace him,’ and performed by Avi Kunstler on ence will not understand Hebrew, Services. said Jeffrey Rosengarten, Director of guitar. He solves the problem of which reverts to the fascinating and Dougie s switched its hashgacha in Supporting Services. The OU is well known describing the beauty of the ’ “ original question the show raises to May after its contract with the OU expired. “We and in consonance with the halachic ideology Sabbath, its bittersweet departure, Jewish theater goers, how does wanted to look for a different hashgacha, said of most of those at YU.” and the self-discovery of studying - ” one separate religion and an Douglas Soclof, owner of Dougie s. “it’s more in Jerusalem, by incorporating ’ appreciation of drama from the- flexible to expand under the OK.” these experiences through song. ater? Or better yet, does it need to The Orthodox Union began supervi- This highlights the difficulty of not having musically trained actors, but be separated?

Come to the T.A.C. Club Fair and get

involved! a: Wednesday, October 17th QVi @ 8:30pm ־׳

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TDUUTcT 1 October 16, 2001

HEALTH BULLETIN: Students Hurry to Sign up for Metropolitan Coping with Trauma Experience

By: Kayla Klatzkin 11. More than 200 slots are available guides to each event. “It’s a great way By: Ami Flatt n the evening of October 16, for Metropolitan Experience events, to get to know faculty that you might s the world reacts to terrorism on America’s Schottenstein’s first floor with one slot per student. From the not otherwise get to meet,” explains shores, each of us is affected both emotional- Olounge will be bustling with total of 12 events, the Broadway Solaimanzadeh. A ly and physically by the events of September students. Many will wait patiently in shows offered are Aida and The Much work goes into the 11. Shock, tension, anxiety, and stress are rampant, line for hours to get much coveted Music Man, both big hits, the opera planning of The Metropolitan particularly throughout the streets of Manhattan. tickets to Broadway shows. Others selections are Mikado and The Magic Experience events. A committee of Many feel a sense of lost innocence and wonder if will arrive closer to 7:00 PM, when the Flute, and the restaurants include Va five students met in May and careful- they will ever feel safe again. A SCW senior doors officially open, and settle for Bene along with two other fine dining ly selected each event and the faculty remarks, “I am scared to roam the streets, and I opera tickets, an elegant dining expe- experiences, members that are to participate. Beth shudder when I hear a plane overhead.” rience, or perhaps chamber music. Another unique element to Hiat, Coordinator of Student Services, “I think right now people are going to have This program, known as the The Metropolitan Experience is that it welcomes ideas for future a lot of fear, and that is normal,” anxiety expert Metropolitan Experience, is designed provides an opportunity to spend time Metropolitan Experience events, Jerilyn Ross, MA, tells WebMD. “Even people who to give students a taste of Manhattan with faculty members outside of the which may in turn be suggested to normally feel very strong and together may find culture. “It’s a nice thing because classroom setting. Faculty serves as future committees. themselves weepy or unable to sleep or concen- we’re given a great chance to expe- ” trate. They may also be terrified of things they nor- rience different things in the city, mally don’t think about, like sending their kids off on MOVIE REVIEW OF O the school bus or taking public transportation.” Ross is president of the Anxiety Disorders Association of America and author of the book Triumph over Fear. By: Ami Flatt delayed for release due to outbreaks Ross recommends making efforts to resume a nor- , of school violence. Miramax changed mal schedule as quickly as possible and says it is "Xs a modern day remake of the film’s release date as a social ’ “ ” .fehakespeare s Othello ן important to follow routine eating, sleeping, and exercise patterns. X Odin, played by Mekhi Phifer, Levy, an assistant clinical professor of psy- is a^black basketball star in an elite, chiatry at the University of California, San Francisco, Southern, all white prep school. leads the community outreach arm of the San Hugo, played by Josh Hartnett, isjeal- Francisco Psychoanalytic Institute. He says that ous of Odin and despises him. Hugo even as far away from the Pentagon and World tries to convince Odin that his girl- Trade Center as California people are exhibiting friend, Desi, played by Julia Stiles, is signs of acute stress. “I think millions of people are unfaithful to him. Through the manip- feeling this now, and it is important for us to know ulation and exploitation of their weak- that,” Levy says. Music Man is one of the nesses, Hugo incorporates his room- ( Levy emphasizes the importance of aware- Events featured in the mate Roger Elden HensonL his girl- ness. He relates, “If you are coming to a speed Metropolitan Experience friend Emily (Rain Phoenix), and bump in the road, you slow down. The more we Odin’s best friend Michael Cassio know about the abnormal responses we will have, (Andrew Keegan) into his plot. the more prepared we are and the less disruptive says Sahar Solaimanzadeh, SCW However, as the championship bas- ’ they are. People who won’t ever get PTSD (post- Senior and avid Metropolitan ketball game approaches, Hugo s traumatic stress disorder) but who break down cry- Experience participant. twisted scheme turns more destruc- responsibility in the wake of the ing and have waves of emotion feel they are losing Metropolitan Experience tive then planned and the evening Columbine High School shooting and it. It is important for people to hear that this is nor- events are free, and with perks like amounts to a true Shakespearean other high profile cases of the same mal. These are the predictable ways people have of great seats to Broadway shows, tragedy. nature. Because of the delay, produc- responding to traumatic events.” operas, and other performances, O accurately illustrates the ers claim that they were not able to Russell J. Kormann, Ph.D., associate the long lines are easily explained. themes of race, class, and gender capitalize on the popularity of its cast. director of the post-traumatic stress disorder pro- However, some feel that these lines that are woven into “Othello”. Odin is All in all, O was captivating, gram at Rutgers University’s Anxiety Disorders make the Metropolitan Experience black, Desi is white, and their interra- although I would not recommend it, Clinic stresses the fact that these emotions are nor- not worth attending. “The cial relationship angers Hugo. Class especially to the weak of heart. I mal reactions to terror. “My mantra has been to give Metropolitan experience is some- is emphasized in that Desi is the walked out of the theater feeling dis- , credit to the trauma,” he says. This is a horrific thing that I say I’d like to take daughter of the dean and comes from turbed because of the extreme event. We have to give it its just due. If you are feel- advantage of each year,” com- an upscale family, while Odin is from amount of violence. In essence, O ing full of distress, that makes some sense. Give ments Alana Sher, SCW Senior, a poor Southern family and attends was a fast paced powerful film. people permission- give yourself permission -to feel “but when it comes time to stand school on a full basketball scholar- Further, it reminded me of “Save the those feelings as sensible and not as an overreac- around in line, I never go through ship. Hugo is presented as being Last Dance” because Julia Stiles tion. And if you are having strong feelings, you are with it.” Sher, however, does admit aware of his social inferiority. Lastly, starred in both films and the interra- going to have to do what you may not want to do - that “it is worth it for those who have the issue of gender is powerful in the cial themes were similar. However, O talk about it with others.” Thus, it is crucial for us to the patience to wait.” final scenes with the attacks on Desi is successful in that it puts 1 acknowledge that our fears and anxieties are valid The Metropolitan and Emily. Shakespeare into a contemporary and normal. Experience events take place An interesting story lies perspective and makes it accessible between October 22 and December behind the film. O was repeatedly to the younger audience. 1 M o d e l U . N . ׳ continued from page 14 conference heads cited disorganization and lack of time, par- By: Kayla Klatzkin muscles every chance he gets), he is incredibly car- tially as a result of Fischer’s transferring, as the real reasons eauty and the Beast, first an animated Disney toonish. Brad Aspel, who plays Gaston’s dopey side- there was no application process. “It’s not exactly 'who you movie, became a Tony Award-winning hit kick Lefou, is very cartoonist) as well. He is thrown, know,’ but that, when pressed for time, we’re going to go back BBroadway show seven years ago, and shows kicked and flipped so much he seems to be made to the people we know have experience,” explained Ross. no sign of closing any time soon. People come to the entirely of rubber. These two, more than any other Committee chairs are usually chosen far in advance of Lunt-Fontanne Theater to see a live ver- characters, seemed to be ripped the actual conference, held in February, so that they can pre- sion of the film. The show is a carbon copy straight off the frames from the pare by familiarizing themselves with the rules and topics of of the film, from the opening to the finale, movie. debate. Although the fifteen committee chairs have already and just about everything in between. The score of the show by been selected, numerous other positions, such as assistant The actors and actresses gave a Alan Menken is a strong one, and chairs, rappateurs, and resource room workers, are still avail- splendid performance. Sarah Litzsinger accompanied with lyrics by Howard able. Criteria for staff include having both experience and the plays Belle very well. She gives Belle an Ashman and Tim Rice, makes for a ability to interact well with the hundreds of high school students inner strength you can really feel, and has very nice combination. The chore- from all over the country who attend the conference, a beautiful high-pitched voice. As the bit- ography, singing and acting are all Ross emphasized that Model U.N. should ideally be ter, brooding prince-turned-beast whose heart slowly impressive. Had the show dared to depart a little from open to everyone, and there are plans for a Model U.N. table to melts, Steve Blanchard captures the demeanor and the movie that would have been even more impres- be set up at Stem’s Club Fair. “It’s to everyone’s advantage for movements of a beast particularly well. Christopher sive, but the show is nonetheless well-done. My only all students to be included in the selection process,” says Sieber plays Gaston to perfection. Though he is the complaint is the finale; it is too sugary sweet. Being Kranzler. villain, and quite a nasty one (the audience actually that Beauty and the Beast is a Disney production, In any case, administrators are certainly concerned booed him when he took his bow - something I have however, that is to be expected. That is what the audi- with maintaining the popularity of its largestand most far-reach- never witnessed before), he is also quite funny. With ence wants anyway, as the finale in the movie is the ing recruitment vehicle. “Model U.N. really does a tremendous , his very exaggerated macho attitude, (he has an same. The bottom line is that if you enjoyed the amount for all of YU,” says Hyman. The more positive YU almost constant wide fake grin and he flexes his arm movie, you will enjoy the musical. looks at Model U.N., the better for Stern and Yeshiva College.” 29 Tishrei 5762

Pearls Arrive at the Museum of Natural History r By: Sara Trappier cent portraits and jewelry expose the long- 22 23 HHHp* 25 aragpspr established relationship between royalty _ new exhibit at New York’s American and pearls throughout history. ® “ ‘*‘“'"“* » 29 p" T |IJ|gi Museum of Natural history exam- The third section of the exhibit, Aines the natural history of pearls, “Marine Mollusks and Their Pearls,” show- r Hr combining art, literature, science, history cases different types of marine mollusks, 55 " * ~~ and beautiful jewelry into the story of its pearls, and the cultural objects made Hr Wsii pearl-forming mollusks, part of one of the from them. The next section, “Freshwater ־ — “ most diverse animal phyla on Earth. The Mollusks and Their Pearls,” focuses on : ־ /jplHp ־ Mpf ן exhibit, on display from October 13, 2001 individual freshwater species. A major 38 39 ' ' Imho 41 until April 14, 2002, has over 600 unique highlight is of a Scottish freshwater half- 42 wr ; 45 48 objects and 500,000 pearl necklace that belongs to the Duke of pearls, and com- Norfolk in England. This section also 47 49 bines many his- focuses on North American pearl mussels torically and cul- and the Mississippi watershed, an area ** turaliy significant containing the most diverse pearl mussels pieces of pearl in the world. E E IL jewelry and deco Getting Pearls, the fifth section, - “ ” ־ ,rative objects shows how pearls have been gathered ׳.. across . One of the farmed, and cultured. A video examines 1. The Keystone highlights of the exhibition will be the sec- the production process of modern pearls, 5. Spring event down tion on the decorative use of pearls, fea- and another display shows the many 9. John, in Scotland 1. Beer barrel turing beautiful objects, glamorous jewel- processes pearls go through before they 12. “Jane ” (Bronte) 2. Popeye’s gal Olive ry, fashions incorporating pearls, and reach the jewelry store. Grading sets from 13. Nevada gambling town 3. People who babble pearls worn by royalty and celebrities, a great variety of pearls are presented, 14. AFL’s partner 4. Upper House of Congress such as the prototype of the pearl neck- allowing visitors to 15. Quick look 5. Birch or yew lace worn by Audrey Hepburn in the film compare their own 17. Follows behind, as a detective 6. The boy Breakfast at Tiffany’s as well as the neck- pearls with those would 7. Tiny insect lace bought as a gift by Joe DiMaggio for on view. 19. Records 8. One who frets his bride, Marilyn Monroe. The rare , final section, 21. Washing - machine cycle 9. Betty Crocker topper This exhibit entitled “Pearls, acquired its objects and pearls Pearls in 22. Actress Garbo 10. Is sick ” “ through loan from public and private col- Human History,” 24. (to) 11. Rocket Stick ’s cone lections around the world, including concludes the exhibition with a remark- 26. Greater sum 16. Ledger examiner (abbr.) Russia, England, France, Monaco, able selection of historically and culturally 27. Item in the linen closet 18. That a Shame” (Fats Germany, Portugal, significant pieces of pearl jewelry and dec- 28. “The Sound Music” Domino) China, Japan, orative objects from around the world. 30. Overheard trains 20. Student Australia, the Here are pearls tracing back to 300 BCE, 31. Church singers 22. FBI agents (hyph.) Philippines , as well as a North American Indian civi- 32. Walter Scott 23. Stage part Tahiti, and the lization from 200 BCE. Pearls are fea- 33. Omaha’s locale (abbr.) 25. Viking explorer Ericson United States. tured from the Renaissance, the Kremlin 34. Author Virginia 27. Fired a gun Divided Armoury, and Empress Josephine of 35. Elbow bone 28. Pig’s sound into seven sec- France. It also highlights the shifting pop- tions, Pearls begins ularity of pearls starting from the time of 36 Main artery 29. Ravel . with a virtual undersea environment of Louis XVI in France until the natural pearl 31 Friendly 37. Serpentine . pearls where the harvest oysters lie. The market during the Gilded Age of the early 38. Used a crowbar 32. Equipped with louvers next section “Pearls Reveal Their 1900’s. As pearls reached the public mar- 40. Cut of beef 34. Tribulations Secrets’’- explores the natural beauty and ket, they became affordable to almost 42. TV Dog Star 35. Dangerous cultural meanings of pearls throughout the every citizen, and not only the wealthy and 44. Dame Christie of mysteries 36. Church’s walkway ages and across the world. Wall-size prestigious. 47. Peanut product 37. Hang loosely images and stunning historical and mod- This unusual and exciting exhibit 48. Declare emphatically 38. Walk wearily ern pearl objects reveal the physical, that creates a magical world out of a pre- 50. Dispute 39. the fridge chemical, and optical properties of pearls. viously viewed simple object, is organized 51. Ike’s inits. 41. Rowing tools It shows the process of how a mollusk pro- by the American Museum of Natural 52. Refracting glass 43. First woman duces a pearl, and features beautiful jew- History in New York, in collaboration with elry, such a dress ornament from the The Field Museum in Chicago. After 53. Fringe 45. Cuddle as court of Czarina Elizaveta Petrovna, Pearls leaves New York, it will travel to the 46. Lemon, lime or orange drink daughter of Peter the Great of Russia. Field Museum, where it will be displayed Answers on Page 12 49. 14th letter The central gallery introduces from June 28, 2002, through January j5“\ visitors to the wonders featured in the 2003. other sections. The museum’s giant The above information on the clam, which is the world’s largest mol- “Pearls” exhibit was obtained from the Accept Twist of Faith or Fate Will lusk specimen, is viewed alongside a American Museum of Natural History’s reproduction of the world’s largest web site. For more information go to known pearl from the Berlin Natural www.amnh.org/exhibitions/pearls/. Be With You History Museum. In addition, magnifi-

By: Chana Michels and by doing so, uncovers themes that Boro Park when his Porsche breaks (no pun intended!) common ground felt can be enjoyed by all audiences, down on a wintry Friday evening. He is by all people. he smell of wax burning from Supporting this innovative and new sub- befriended by Baruch (Matt Schapiro), a For the most part, Mr. Schapiro Shabbos candles and songs, of ject matter is incumbent on Jews who religious man, who introduces him to convincingly plays the part of a soft-spo- Tphrases from the Talmud is not love theater, and the thought-provoking, Judaism, the Sabbath, and the idea that ken and serious yeshiva student, but a what one expects to smell or hear when yet humor- there is more to life than mundane pur- trained eye can discern his slightly forced going to the theater. These details are Performed at: ous dia- suits. This “chance encounter” affects Hebrew is not fluent. The fact that he rampant in ‘Twist of Faith,” a three-man logue and both characters as they look to each sways before he picks up a prayerbook show currently playing Monday nights at | The Producer's Club s i n c e r e , other for advice and search for meaning and overly claps and jumps to show the Producer’s Club and make one won- 358 West 44th Street h e a r t f e l t in life. enthusiasm during Shalom aleichem, indi- der how to separate religion from theater Monday Nights at plot is Yiddish words are expected cates that true to his task, Mr. Schapiro is when a show takes on a religious theme. r e a s o n while Talmudic axioms and explanations just an actor playing a part. This is if the 8:00 PM Rarely does this dilemma sur- enough to about Jewish concepts are a refreshing bobby pins attached to his velvet face in the New York theater scene, or in 201-567-6664 evoke all anomaly. Judaism may be the forum, but yarmulke are not a dead give-away, theater in general, so ‘Twist of Faith” is a [email protected] t h e a t e r - the play intelligently emphasizes impor- Mr. Newman gives a strong per- welcome pioneer effort at uncovering a goers to tant aspects of belief and spirituality, uni- formance as the ever-cynical secular Jew new focus of stage drama. In a post- see ‘Twist versal themes that appeal to a diverse who is intimidated of Judaism. Whether Seinfeld era where shows like “Fiddler on of Faith.” crowd. The characters’ search for self he is attacking Judaism, or eventually the Roof and ‘Tale of the Allergist’s Wife” Sam (John Newman) is an awareness stirs an awakening amongst defending it, Mr. Newman creates the explore Jewish culture, 'Twist of Faith” assimilated Jew and successful commod- the audience and the frequent humor energy on stage. Even though the script centers around Judaism as a religion, ity trader forced to spend the night in woven throughout the play, is a catholic continued on page 17 m Page 20 O b s e r v e r October 16, 2001

PIONEERS OF NEW DORM ADJUST Change in Dougies Hashgacha SMOOTHLY DESPITE INCONVENIENCES Creates Questions on Campus By: Sara Jacobson different than the other SOW student Natania Reached to Maintain Dougies SCW dorms. “You don’t Wright said. “Everyone’s in Resolution fter a tumultuous feel like you’re in a huge their room doing their own Availability to Students past four months of dorm like in Brookdale,” thing. I wouldn’t recom- Anot knowing whether commented SCW student mend a first year student By: Miriam Colton Services, which is under the OU, so it’s the new dorm would open Sarah Frank. “You can living in a single room in our responsibility to make sure people in time for this semester, make your own noise. It general." n agreement has been reached are eating food certified by OU,” the final outcome arrived feels more relaxed, and Although the between the restaurant .Dougie’s, explained Steinberg. “On campus, peo- when the approximately 50 you can really have priva- dorm can get quiet, several Awhich recently switched it kashrus pie assume everything is OU.” SCW students moved into cy.” students commented on supervision from OU to OK, and the Off campus events don’t pose a the upper two floors of the The extreme pri- the warm and friendly Orthodox Union, that will continue to problem. In fact, Dougie’s catered the allow Dougie s to cater events at Yeshiva Orientation cruise at the beginning of the 36th Street dorm. vacy of the new dorm atmosphere found in a ’ they had already ׳ might also contribute to its smaller, less populated University. The uncertainty arose semester, after detriment, as some resi- dorm. Bethea Salem, the because Yeshiva University Food dents acknowledge that it dorm’s Resident Assistant Services is certified by the OU, which could get lonely. One stu- spoke very enthusiastically has a clear-cut policy that their own dent commented on the about the atmosphere of mashgiach is necessary for meat cater- convenience of requesting the dorm. “Everyone’s very ing. to be placed in a room friendly on my floor,” she Upon prodding from the across from a friend’s asserted. “People knock Observer, the two parties contacted room, enabling a resident [on each other’s doors], each other and reached an agreement to have her own room and leave their doors open, with no great financial loss to Dougie’s, a while living next to friends. Since there aren’t so many perennial favorite with Yeshiva students. But while this sharing a girls, we can have floor A mashgiach will only need to be hired floor with friends provides parties and birthday parties by Dougie’s for a large event obviously a wonderful opportunity, it often, and due to the size, related to Food Services, such as the can also create a draw- everyone participates annual Superbowl event. Dougie’s .” SCW students Enjoy Dougies back when students need Salem lives on the 5th floor agreed to absorb the expense of the Student in new dorm At Student Council Events room their floormates in order to while Celia Sporer, the extra mashgiach for these events. have a good time. For Graduate Assistant, occu- Smaller events, such as dorm floor par- ties or meetings, are not an issue, switched supervisions in May. When Although most of the 36th some this Privacy and pies two rooms on the 4th because such events would not be con questioned about this, Steinberg of the Street pioneers have “quiet” setting could possi- floor. Other students said - sidered part of Food Services. OU was caught off guard as he was ־ adjusted smoothly, a host bly be lonely or difficult. “I that since there are rela- - Before reaching this consen unaware of this event, yet promptly of inconveniences distin- think it would be hard to tively few students living in - sus, rumors spread among the student responded that it took place off campus.; guishes the new dorm life come here without friends the dorm, it’s easy to know body that Dougie s would not be allowed Steinberg was quick to explain from other SCW dormito- because it’s quieter here,” ’ continued on page 12 to cater any events YU will stop using that Dougie s poses a problem since it is ries . “ ’ . Dougie s for events, since Dougie s isn t a meat caterer. While OU does recog The most unique ’ ’ ’ - under OU and YU is, said one uptown nize various hashgachas for dairy prod factor that characterizes ” - resident advisor. “I know this because ucts, among them the OK, it will never the new dorm is the priva - as an RA, I wanted to get Dougie’s for a recognize another supervision for meat cy, according to several floor party, but I was told no by the head production. Questioned as to the reason residents. The mostly sin- dorm counselor. for this policy, Rabbi Genack, Rabbinic gle and few double rooms ” When the Observer originally Administrator of the OU s Kosher that occupy the two open ’ contacted Rabbi Steinberg, Rabbinic Division did not clarify. floors, accommodating Coordinator in the Kashrus Division of The indecision of the Orthodox approximately 50 students, the Orthodox Union, it was informed that Union about what is considered an offi- create an atmosphere very Dougie’s actually would be curtailed in cial Yeshiva event was found even New Dorm GA Celia Sporer Talks in Lounge its ability to serve on campus. “All cater- among Yeshiva administrators. with Students ing on campus goes through Food continued on page 17 First Ever Scholarship Donor Dinner FINANCIAL AID OFFICE OPENS By Michal Leah Kanovsky many families meeting with many stu- ON MIDTOWN CAMPUS dents.” The idea of having one single tudents, shine your shoes and event to introduce donors and benefi- By: Alisa Rose office” according to Farrior, but when and put on a smile, you’re going out to ciaries is not unique to YU, programs where are still unknown. Sdinner. This year, for the first like this have taken place at NYU and n a move that many SCW students con- Administrators claim that the time ever, scholarship students and other universities, proving successful sider long overdue the Yeshiva extended delay in opening a midtown finan- patrons will mingle together at one large for both the student and the donor. IUniversity Financial Aid Office has cial aid office was due to lack of space on event at the Midtown Campus. This Donors who have contributed opened an office on the SCW campus in the SCW campus. Original plans to open a floor of 715י dinner will be another step in the univer- more than $100,000 in endowments to room 215 of 215 Lexington. more spacious office on the 7 sity’s constant goal of showing appreci- the University will be invited. Students The office’s opening has been met Lexington proved impossible** because of ation and encouraging further financial will not officially be required to attend, by relief, joy, and surprise from the SCW computer wiring difficulties. support. rather encouraged to come if they are student body, which has been requesting a But most students are just relieved Many generous donors give selected. Foreman says “We hope, as midtown office for years. “Student council that the office has finally opened. Susan scholarship . money to Yeshiva a result of this program, the University meetings were vocal about needing a place Katzenstein, Assistant Director pf Financial University, which is then distributed to will be encouraging not only the families to call their own, and now we’re here,” says Aid, who works in the midtown office on worthy students. YU has often tried to to continue their involvement of both Lori Farrior, Associate Director of Student Thursdays said, “Quite a few students have instill a sense of Hakarat Hatov (being time and support of YU and SCW, but Accounts. “There was a need for it.” said Tm so glad you’re here.’ Students thankful for good) into the recipients of also that these luncheons serve to fur- Since its opening, the office has were so happy they didn’t have to travel these scholarships by having them write ther educate the students themselves, assisted approximately 20 to 25 students uptown.” letters to their benefactors. In recent so that one day, when many of these day, but staffers have pointed out that these Chanie Angster may have been years, the university has increased their students are successful, they will numbers are probably relatively low one of the students Katzenstein was dis- efforts by implementing a series of indi- remember this experience and give because many students are not yet aware cussing. The SCW junior said that although vidual meetings between donors and back to their school." So in addition to of the new office. The office, with a staff of she has not actually used the new office, students at luncheons or dinners. Both present fundraising, the University two, is currently opened on Mondays and she stopped by to say hello because she the students and the donors have found hopes to use this dinner to foster an atti- Thursdays from 9-1 and 2-5:30, but it will was so glad to seem them. “Last year I had these meetings to be positive and ben- tude of giving back in current students increase its hours if there is a need. The to take over an hour to go uptown to deal eficial. This year, the university wants for the future. Foreman concluded that office is adjacent to the new Office of with my financial aid package. Now if you ׳ to bring things to the next level, by this helps educate students that schol “ - Admissions, which has been used sporadi- have issues there’s a local office to talk to.” arranging just one large scholarship din- arship support doesn’t come out of this cally on a need basis, and will have it’s offi- SCW junior Mirat Strobel agrees, ner. air, but from people who care about cial opening when a fulltime receptionist is “Having a financialaid office down here is a Dan Forman, in charge of them.” hired, according to the Admissions office definite improvement. Dealing with financial organizing the scholarship dinner, Although the scholarship din- uptown. aid over the phone was OK but if I needed explains that ‘The university couldn’t ner is set to take place in early spring, a Although the office is a fraction of advice or help filling out forms, I would have afford to continue these programs [of final date has not yet been set. Much of the size of the uptown campus office, it can to go uptown which was annoying;” meetings] on an individual basis, rather the planning is still taking place, but perform all the same tasks as its counter- Angster succinctly expressed this program [the scholarship dinner] more details will be provided in the com- part. The office does have plans, however, many students’ sentiments, “It’s darn well brings together, on one single evening, ing months. to expand to a “full-service financial aid about time.”