Y e s h i v a U n i v e r s i t y K (H מודה /W וופדע 1 «3CJ Observer ל\ The Official Newspaper of Stern College for Women Evacuation of Brookdale Hall Proves T h e Guide Encounters Efficacy of University’s Emergency Plans Problems, Again Disgruntled Lacking Students Claim Communication was Miscommunications and Lack of By: Adina Levine required several minutes to fire alarm,” commented Jessica complete. In the meantime, Klein. “But at the moment it was Leadership Cause Difficulties '.:7 he World Trade Center without the fire alarm, the only just like how would we have By: Miriam Colton This year, the editors tragedy hit quite close to means to evacuate all students known?” Nevertheless, Klein ' were unable to hold to that sched- home as Brookdale Hall from the building was to have qualified, “I was very impressed T espite a late start, Part I of ule since they only began in residents were evacuated due security guards go door to door, with security in the end.” The Guide to the Perplexed, August. Soroka blames the late to a bomb scare in the Empire knocking and notifying students Liora Kasten, an SCW a handbook of Yeshiva life beginning on a miscommunication State Building on September to get out of the building. The junior residing on the tenth D in New York City, is scheduled to between him and the Student 12. Though eventually discov- fire alarm was eventually rung, floor, mistook the fervent be collated this week and then to Council, which funds The Guide. , ered to be a false alarm the albeit after most students had screams to be a celebration of be distributed by the RA’s. Part II Last year, Soroka was also editor, scare forced the more than 500 already left the building. someone’s engagement or just of The Guide, the list of addresses and in fact initiated the early arrival SCW women who reside in However, many stu- immature stupidity and saw no and phone numbers, is to be pub- of The Guide. Brookdale to travel to the East dents questioned the efficiency cause for alarm. Five minutes lished in a few weeks, though the At the end of last semes- River and then to sit tight in of the system, claiming that later, Kasten looked out in the lack of notices before the holiday ter, Soroka claims that he informed Schottenstein and the school they had received no official hallway only to encounter dead break soliciting students’ personal building before finally being notice of the evacuation, either silence and had to put two and information may lead to delays. allowed to return to their dorms from security guards or two together to determine to get Immediately upon the after midnight. Resident Assistants, and only out of the building.”1 don’t know completion of Part I, Dani Weiss, “I saw all the people heard the screams of other stu- the SCW editor-in-chief of The running,” recalls Sara dents running down the stair- continued on page 7 Guide, resigned from her position, Silverstein, SCW junior. ‘The way as an indication to get out making a timely Completion of Part police were running also. I was of the building. This bedlam II uncertain. 'The repercussions of really terrified. My friend and I caused unnecessary panic, Part I and having to deal with stu- freaked out together.” they claimed, at having to run dent complaints are what I’m trying Notified at approxi- en masse without knowing the to avoid,” said Weiss. “I don’t have The Guide aids students in mately 10:00 p.m. by local reason, the time. My main concern is adjusting to life on Yeshiva police of the situation, security “I don’t think they com- school work.” Weiss says she will campuses personnel followed orders to municated well at all,” asserted possibly continue to help out unof- evacuate the building. Before Edah Rotman. ‘We just didn’t ficially as a favor to Avi Soroka, the incoming Student Council security could ring the fire know.what was going on.” YC editor-in-chief of The Guide. President Lou Shapp that while he alarm, however, they needed to “In retrospect, I under- One of the complaints that would help,out with the production ensure that the firemen would stand that there would have Weiss might be referring to is some of The Guide, Shapp would have to not respond, a process that been a panic had they rung the students’ vocal annoyance at this find a new editor. In the beginning year’s late arrival. Last year, Part I of August he received a call from was given out at Orientation, to the Shapp asking about the status of US News Ranks Yeshiva #41 satisfaction of many students. “If it The Guide. “I wasn’t going to leave was up to me, I would’ve had it out the school without The Guide," said By: Sari Moskowitz California at Irvine and the a long time ago,” said Elana continued on page 14 University of Califomia-Davis. Soleimani, SCWSC president. s Yeshiva University cele- Along with YU, these schools brates record-breaking received an overall score of 67. Amid Criticism, Model U.N. Copes with Aundergraduate enroll- However, the overall score was ment and the opening of new the only category in which these buildings on both the YC and schools received the same Departure of Secretary General SCW campuses, its score. Although YU SCW Given Raw Deal as YC Takes Leadership Third Year in a Row ,®י - prestige has been duly recognized by the U.Sitews" received several ranking of YU among scores lower than its By: Caryn Litt Shai Barnea, one of the Under- the position. “It really is a big Secretary Generals, was responsibility, taking on a the top 50 universities kmmxi Best closest competitors, it promot- such s Yeshiva University s ed to the position. I never asked continued on page 14 for the sixth consecu- ^ moved up from its ’ “ largest recruitment them about the search tive year. In a US ges previous ranking of vehi- process r% , t wa News & World Report th Acle National Model United because I didn’ think it End of an Era 44 place. Indeed, survey published on w:1as Nations could be the perfect my place to ask,and I didn’t YU can boast that opportunity to showcase an want to dwell on the past,” September 10, 2001, £3 92% of its teachers st equal, symbiotic relationship Barnea claims. YU was ranked in 41 are full-time faculty between Stern College for Although rumors place, a marked improvement members, a percentage on par Women and Yeshiva College. It abound that there was no from past years, and by far YU’s with that of Princeton University, may come as a shock, therefore, SCW student competent highest rank until now. which received first place hon- t at for the thjrc| year jn a row the enough for the job, the truth is The survey ranked ors in this year’s US News sur- Secretary^ General hails from far less sensational. Because American universities on items vey. In stark contrast, YU Yeshiva College. the position of Secretary such as the university’s fresh- accepts 78% of applicants, It was not supposed to General demands a certain man retention rate, number of compared to Princeton, which be this way. SCW student Yael amount of previous experience students per class and the per- accepts a scant 12% of those Fischer was appointed last year and involvement with Model centage of full-time faculty who apply. ' to be Secretary General. U.N., the candidacy pool is lim- Rav Ahrort Soioveichik, members. YU’s prestigious Vice President However, her revelation toward ited to begin with. The only leader of Orthodox commu- rank in,41st place is shared with Academic Affairs Dr. Morton the end of August that she had female Under-Secretary nity and Rosh Yeshiva at several other universities, Lowengrub, who was informed transferred to Barnard left the General, Michelle Ross, was RIETS, was niftarat 84 including Georgia Institute of continued on page 13 position vacant, and• YC student certainly qualified, but declined Technology, the University of See Page Six Honors Programs Reviewed and Compared Page 11 Page 2 O b s e r v e r October 16, 2001 UPCOMING EVENTS T h e O b s e r v e r 245 Lexington Avenue, New York , .NY 10016 . י Tuesday, October 16 (212) 683-4943. Fax: (212) 340-7773. Metropolitan Experience Sign up [email protected] Wednesday, October 17 The Observer is published monthly during the academic year by the Stern College for TAC club fair Women Student Council. The staff of the Observer retains the right to choose newspaper content and to determine the priority of stories. While unsigned editorials represent the Tuesday, October 23 views of the Observer’s editorial board, all opinions expressed in signed editorials, SCW Student Council Club Fair: Koch Auditorium MID 8 pm columns, letters and cartoons are the opinions of the writers or artists and do not necessar- ily reflect the opinions of the Observer, Stem College for Women, its student body, facul- ty or administration. Monday, October 29 Office of Placement and Career Services Career Fair: Belfer Hall 8-10 p.m. Adina Levine & Miriam Colton Wednesday, October 31 Editors-in-Chief SCW Board of Directors Annual Dinner Sunday, November 11 Alexandra Beard SCW and SSSB Midtown Open House 9:30 am Executive Editor Wednesday, November 28 Dr.
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