On Organ Donation Aspects of This Issue
time to read and comment upon my Tendler, as well as a committee of the votes are less than fifty percent of the Counterpoint article. He is a forceful, energetic Israeli Chief Rabbinate, do interpret total membership since approximately advocate for the encouragement of Rav Moshe’s pesakim as supporting half of the membership claims to have organ donation within the Orthodox BSD, but certainly none of us can dis- no informed opinion on the matter.) community, and HODS’ web site is a miss out of hand the contrary interpre- III. Views of other posekim: Brain-death treasure-trove of valuable information tation of Rav Auerbach, Rav Elyashiv criteria have been rejected by a whole on both the medical and halachic and Rav Soloveichik. For further eluci- spate of posekim including Rav Auerbach, On Organ Donation aspects of this issue. Indeed, I cited dation, I refer the reader to my earlier Rav Elyashiv, Rav Waldenberg, Rav this source several times in my article. article, “The Brain Death Controversy Yitzchok Weiss, Rav Nissan Karelitz, Rav I realize, as well, that he and his orga- in Jewish Law,” Jewish Action (spring Yitzchok Kolitz, Rav Shmuel Wozner, Rav nization are motivated solely out of 1992): 61 (available at the HODS web Ahron Soloveichik, Rav Hershel Schachter I commend Rabbi Breitowitz’s and documents from these rabbis may sides of the BSD debate, and therefore concern for those persons who desper- site) and especially the addendum in and Rabbi J. David Bleich. Some of these attempt to expound upon the complicat- be found at the web site of the we offer a unique organ donor card ately need organs to stay alive.
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