
Animal-pollinated Monocots Phylogeny of angiosperms Angiosperms “Basal angiosperms”

Parallel venation scattered vascular bundles 1 cotyledon Tricolpate pollen

ANITA grade •Ambor ella •Nymphaeaceae •Illicium •T rimenia vessels •Austr obaileya (Jansen et al. 2007) “Dicots” vs. Monocots

http://trc.ucdavis.edu/biosci10v/bis10v/week8/dicotmonocot.gif Herbaceous vs. Woody herbaceous = a with soft tissue produced by primary growth only, i.e. from terminal and axillary buds. annual = that lives for only one year. perennial = herbaceous plant that lives for three or more years.

woody = a plant with hard tissue produced by secondary growth, i.e. from a vascular cambium that increases the width of the stem by adding more xylem (lignified cells). shrub = woody plant with many branches/trunks and < 10 m tall. tree = woody plant with one main trunk and > 10 m tall. Primary root vs. Adventitious root


http://www.agry.purdue.edu/turf/weeds/violet/violet%20root.htm http://www.allposters.co.uk/-sp/Prop-Roots-of-Corn-Zea-Mays-Posters_i6012008_.htm annual or perennial?

http://plant-disease.ippc.orst.edu/plant_images/StrawberryRootLesion.JPG http://oregonstate.edu/dept/nursery-weeds/weedspeciespage/OXALIS/oxalis_taproot.jpg Phylogeny of angiosperms Angiosperms “Basal angiosperms”

Parallel venation scattered vascular bundles 1 cotyledon Tricolpate pollen

ANITA grade •Ambor ella •Nymphaeaceae •Illicium •T rimenia vessels •Austr obaileya (Jansen et al. 2007) Monocots

(The Angiosperm Phylogeny Group 2009) Commelinids: Cyperaceae commelinids Juncaceae Poaceae Typhaceae Arecaceae Bromeliaceae

wind animal Richard Old Jack Dykinga Araceae Orchidaceae Cyperaceae Typhaceae Liliaceae Bromeliaceae Juncaceae Arecaceae Iridaceae Poaceae Araceae (Arum family)

Yaowu Yuan Lysichiton americanus

Textbook DVD KRR Monstera deliciosa Araceae (Arum family)

Yaowu Yuan http://www.mimifroufrou.com/scentedsalamander/images/corpseflower.jpg Doug Ewing, greenhouse manager, Amorphophallus titanum holding an Amorphophallus plant Araceae (Arum family)

109 genera, 2830 Textbook DVD DLN (Philodendron, Zantedeschia) Textbook DVD DLN


Calcium oxalate crystals.

Leaves: Araceae (Arum family)

Textbook DVD KRR & DLN Inflorescence:


Sex of plant: Araceae (Arum family)

Fruit type: Liliaceae s.l. (Lily family)

“Liliaceae” s.l. (sensu lato: “in the broad sense”)

This family is treated in a very broad sense in this class, as in the Flora of the Pacific Northwest.

The “Liliaceae” s.l. taught in this class is not monophyletic.

It is apparent now that the family should be treated in a narrower sense and some of the members should form their own families. Judd et al. recognize 15+ families: Agavaceae, Alliaceae, Amarylidaceae, Asparagaceae, Asphodelaceae, Colchicaceae, Dracaenaceae (Nolinaceae), Hyacinthaceae, Liliaceae, , Ruscaceae, Smilacaceae, Themidaceae, Trilliaceae, Uvulariaceae and more!!! (see web reading “Consider the Lilies”) Liliaceae s.l. (Lily family)

Hannah Marx Hannah Marx Lilium columbianum Xerophyllum tenax

Ben Legler ovatum Liliaceae s.l. (Lily family)

288 genera, 4950 species (Lilium, Allium, Trillium, Tulipa)


Stems often modified as underground , corms, or bulbs.

http://www.freefoto.com/images/12/61/12_61_52---Tulip_web.jpg Tulipa gesneriana

Burrill Allium vineale Liliaceae s.l. (Lily family)

http://www.wolffsapplehouse.com/spring_onionR.jpg Allium cepa garden onion

http://wakawikiwiki.wikispaces.com/ Note: bulbs, adventitious roots, & Allium sativum sheathing leaves with parallel veins. garlic Liliaceae s.l. (Lily family)

Flower symmetry:

Perianth parts:

# of stamens:

# of pistils/flower: Ryan Miller

Textbook DVD # of carpels/pistil: KRR & DLN Yaowu Yuan

Ovary position: Liliaceae s.l. (Lily family)

Fruit type:

Textbook DVD JRA

Textbook DVD WSJ Iridaceae (Iris family)

Yaowu Yuan Sisyrinchium douglasii

Hannah Marx Iris pseudacorus Iridaceae (Iris family)

78 genera, 1750 species (Iris, Crocus, Gladiolus, Sisyrinchium)


Stems often modified as underground rhizomes, corms, or bulbs.


Textbook DVD KRR Iridaceae (Iris family)

Textbook DVD WSJ Flower symmetry:

Perianth parts:

# of stamens:

# of pistils/flower: # of carpels/pistil:

Ovary position:

Yaowu Yuan Yaowu Yuan Iridaceae (Iris family)

Fruit type:

Paul Slichter Orchidaceae (Orchid family)

G. D. Carr Ben Legler Calypso bulbosa Corallorhiza maculata Orchidaceae (Orchid family)

775 genera, 19500 species (Epidendrum, Goodyera, Habenaria, Listera, Oncidium, Platanthera, Spiranthes, Vanilla, etc.)


http://media-2.web.britannica.com/eb-media/50/5650-004-479D6282.jpg Orchidaceae (Orchid family)

Modifications for drought resistance (Epiphytic adaptations):

-Pseudobulbs, store water and nutrients.

-Thickened aerial roots strongly mycorrhizal (mutualism with fungi).

-Aerial roots often covered with a velamen that absorbs water from air. Textbook DVD DLN Velamen: a spongy multi-layered epidermis that covers the roots.

-Sunken stomata on leaves, allow CO2 in and O2 out, and little H2O out.

-Thick waxy cuticle (waxy surface covering plant to prevent water loss). Orchidaceae (Orchid family)

Flower symmetry:

Perianth parts:

# of stamens:

# of pistils/flower: http://weesc.com/LS_hybridisation.html # of carpels/pistil:

Ovary position:

Textbook DVD KRR & DLN Orchidaceae (Orchid family)

Fruit type: Bromeliaceae (Bromeliad family)

Patti Haskins

http://farm1.static.flickr.com/223/502362237_1c5661e66e_o.jpg Bromeliaceae (Bromeliad family)

Textbook DVD WSJ 51 genera, 1520 species (Ananas, Tillandsia)



Textbook DVD WSJ Bromeliaceae (Bromeliad family)

Flower symmetry:

Perianth parts:

# of stamens:

Textbook DVD KMN Textbook DVD KMN # of pistils/flower: # of carpels/pistil:

Ovary position:

www.botany.hawaii.edu/faculty/carr/bromeli.htm Bromeliaceae (Bromeliad family)

Fruit type:

Textbook DVD WSJ