
A B C mv mv mv mu


Supplementary Figure 1 Red Glaucophytes Cryptophytes Cyanidiophytes A Katablepharids Picozoa Bangiophytes Palpitomonas Porphyridiophytes Centrohelids Floridiophytes Telonemids Trebouxiophytes Haptophytes Chlorophyceans Rappemonads Ulvophytes Viridiplantae Dinoflagellates Prasinophytes Syndiniales Mesostigma Alveolates Oxyrrhis Zygnemophyceans Perkinsus Charophyceans Bryophytes Land Plants Vitrella Tracheophytes Colpodellids Kinetoplastids Chromera Diplonemids Colponemids Euglenids Heteroloboseans Bicosoecids Jakobids Labyrinthulids Trimastix Excavates Thraustochytrids Oxymonads Blastocystis Parabasalids Actinophryids Retortamonads Oomycetes Bolidophytes Diplomonads Diatoms Malawimonas Stramenopiles Phaeophytes Collodictyon Dictyochophytes Ascomycetes Pelagophytes Basidiomycetes Eustigmatophytes Zygomycetes Fungi Pinguiophytes Chytrids Raphidophytes Microsporidia Chrysophytes Cryptomycota Synurophytes Fonticula Xanthophytes Nucleariids Opisthokonts Guttulinopsis Ichthyosporea Cercomonads Euglyphids Filasterea Choanoflagellates Cell phenotypes Haplosporidia Metazoa Holozoa Mikrocytos Breviata swimmers Apusomonads Ancyromonads Deformable crawlers Arcellinids Archamoebae Tubulinids (“amoeboid cells”) Myxogastria Leptomyxids Dictyostelia Vannellids Amoebozoa

Supplementary Figure 2 FOXJ2_HUMAN 0.987 MONBR-SRF FOXJ2_XENTR Choano agellate A 0.693 B sequences AQU-FOXJ2 PTSG_11095 NEMVFOXJ2


LGIGFOXJ3 0.509 FoxJ2/FoxJ3 HSA_SRF CGIGFOXJ3 0.985 clade 0.896 CTE-FOXJ3 XENLA_SRF 0.715 0.769 LANATFOXJ3

HSA-FOXJ3 DANRE_SRF Metazoan 1 AQU-FOXJ1 sequences SRF clade MBR-FOX1 1 NEMVE_SRF SRO-FOX1 0.759 0.951 FOXJ1_HUMAN Choano agellate DM_SRF FXJ1B_DANRE sequences 0.509 0.844 ACDIGFOXJ1 0.973 AMQ_SRF NV-FOXJ1 0.783 CGIG-FOXJ1 DROME_MEF2 BGA-FOXJ1 FoxJ1 clade 0.507 0.993 MEF2 clade Metazoan 0.866 APCALFOXJ1 0.931 HSA_MEF2 sequences 0.943 LGIG-FOXJ1

LAN-FOXJ1 0.855 SRO-MEF2 BFL-FOXJ1 Choano agellate

HSA_FOXK2 sequences 1 FoxK (outgroup) MONBR_MEF2 DM-FOXK

0.4 0.2

Supplementary Figure 3 Supplementary Table 1. Nature and taxonomic distribution of collar cells in Metazoa.

Phylum Nature of collar cells References Porifera Choanocytes (Saville-Kent, 1880) Ctenophora None reported Placozoa None reported Cnidaria Epidermal cells (putative (Lyons, 1973a, 1973b) mechanoreceptors) Gastrodermal cells (Kass-Simon and Hufnagel, 1992; Raikova, 1995) Xenacoelomorpha Epidermal cells (putative (Todt and Tyler, 2007) mechanoreceptors) Chordata Nephridial cells (Stach and Eisler, 1998) Foregut ectodermal cells (Milanesi, 1971) Echinodermata Epidermal cells (Nørrevang and Wingstrand, 1970) Coelomic epithelial cells (Nørrevang and Wingstrand, 1970) Enterocytes (Martinez et al., 1991) Primordial germ cells (Frick and Ruppert, 1996) Hemichordata Epidermal cells (Nørrevang, 1964) Arthropoda None reported Onychophora None reported Tardigrada None reported Nematoda None reported Nematomorpha None reported Priapulida Nephridial cells (Kümmel, 1964) Kinorhyncha Nephridial cells (Kristensen and Hay-Schmidt, 1989) Nemertea Epidermal cells (Cantell et al., 1982; Montalvo et al., 1996) Nephridial cells (Jespersen, 1987) Annelida Epidermal cells (Windoffer and Westheide, 1988)

Nephridial cells (Brandenburg and Kümmel, 1961) Mollusca Epidermal cells (Barber and Wright, 1969) Nephridial cells (Brandenburg, 1966) Ectoprocta Epidermal cells (Nielsen and Riisgård, 1998)

Entoprocta Epidermal cells (Sensenbaugh, 1987) Nephridial cells (Brandenburg, 1966; Kümmel, 1962) Phoronida Epidermal cells (Pardos et al., 1991) Nephridial cells (Hay-Schmidt, 1987) Brachiopoda Epidermal cells (Lüter, 1996) Platyhelmintha Epidermal cells (Bedini et al., 1975; Ehlers and Ehlers, 1977) Nephridial cells (Rohde, 1991) Gastrotricha Epidermal cells (Gagné, 1980) Nephridial cells (Kieneke et al., 2008) Gnathostomulida Epidermal cells (Rieger and Mainitz, 1977) Nephridial cells (Lammert, 1985) Rotifera Nephridial cells (Mattern and Daniel, 1966) Chaetognatha Epidermal cells (Bone and Pulsford, 1978; Eakin (mechanoreceptors) and Westfall, 1964)

Supplementary Table 1 – References

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