Шіфішж Ахрмі¶ЖМ SCHEME of the CITY

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Шіфішж Ахрмі¶ЖМ SCHEME of the CITY ®€ð¦ˆªü”–¦¯ ••«áëïáõ‡•• "ARMENFILM" Cinema-Unit 41 25a ÐÛáõëÇë³ÛÇÝ ³íïáϳ۳ñ³Ý §Ð²Úèà궲¼²ð¸¦ Northern Bus-Station "ARMROSGAZPROM" è³¹ÇáϳÛÙ Radiomast 31/a 37 43 39 33 35 31 ´ÆÈÆêÚ²Ü Ë×áõÕÇ . ack b h 1 t b 4 - / 6 6 / 3 6 / 2 G 2 1 151 151 A 1 a V 6 A 2 K 2 1 ºðºì²Ü YEREVAN 5 R / / A S 151 126 ºðºì²Ü YEREVAN 151 1 . / µ ñ 124 y Ý 151 ¹ 1 1 -ñ / 6 15 122 Æ 149 ¶ ² ì 1 9 27 ² / ø²Ô²øÆ àõð첶ÆÌ SCHEME of the CITY Î 14 ð 147 t ² 7 . ree ck ê 14 t a 1 s b TBILISIAN highwa / 8 t th e 145 11 5- e 5 r G t 14 A s ARKAVAG V S 6 A N ria 11 RK A ² 139/1 I Ð.´»Ïݳ½³ñÛ³ÝÇ ³Ýí. 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