简报 in February 2016 2016年2月 2016年2月 中国社会福利基金会免费午餐基金管理委员会主办
免费午餐基金 FREE LUNCH FOR CHILDREN BRIEFING简报 IN FEBRUARY 2016 2016年2月 2016年2月 中国社会福利基金会免费午餐基金管理委员会主办 www.mianfeiwucan.org 学校执行汇报 Reports of Registered Schools: 截止2016年2月底 累计开餐学校 517 所 现有开餐学校 437所 现项目受惠人数 143359人 现有用餐人数 104869人 分布于全国23个省市自治区 By the end of February 2016, Free Lunch has found its footprints in 517 schools (currently 437) across 23 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions with a total of 143,359 beneficiaries and 104,869 currently registered for free lunches. 学校执行详细情况 Details: 2月免费午餐新开餐学校3所, 其中湖南1所,新疆1所,河北1所。 Additional 3 schools are included in the Free Lunch campaign, including 1 in Hunan, 1 in Xinjiang and 1 in Hebei. 学校开餐名单(以拨款时间为准) List of Schools(Grant date prevails): 学校编号 学校名称 微博地址 School No. School Name Weibo Link 2016001 湖南省张家界市桑植县利福塔乡九天洞苗圃学校 http://weibo.com/u/5608665513 Miaopu School of Jiutiandong village, Lifuta Town, Sangzhi County,Zhangjiajie,Hunan Province 2016002 新疆维吾尔族自治区阿克苏地区拜城县赛里木镇英巴格村小学 http://weibo.com/u/5735367760 Primary School of Yingbage Village, Sailimu Town, Baicheng County, Aksu Prefecture, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region 2016003 河北省张家口市赤城县大海陀乡中心小学 http://weibo.com/5784417643 Central Primary School of Dahaituo Town, Chicheng County, Zhangjiakou, Hebei Province 更多学校信息请查看免费午餐官网学校公示页面 For more information about the schools, please view the school page at our official website http://www.mianfeiwucan.org/school/schoolinfo/ 财务数据公示 Financial Data: 2016年2月善款收入: 701万余元,善款支出: 499万余元 善款支出 499万 善款收入 701万 累计总收入 18829万 Donations received: RMB 7.01 million+; Expenditure: RMB 4.99 million+ As of the end of February 2016, Free Lunch for Children has a gross income of RMB 188.29 million. 您可进入免费午餐官网查询捐赠 You can check your donation at our official website: http://www.mianfeiwucan.org/donate/donation/ 项目优秀学校评选表彰名单 Outstanding Schools Name List: 寒假期间,我们对免费午餐的项目执行学校进行了评选表彰活动,感谢学校以辛勤的工作为孩子们带来 温暖安全的午餐。 During the winter holiday, we selected outstanding schools which implemented Free Lunch For Children Program, in recognition of hard work of school staff in providing students warm and safe lunches.
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