Journal of Southeast Asian Human Rights, Vol. 3 No. 2 December 2019 pp. 317 – 343 doi: 10.19184/jseahr.v%vi%i.13465 © University of Jember & Indonesian Consortium for Human Rights Lecturers The Long March in the New Era: Filling Implementation Gaps between Chinese Municipal Law and the International Human Rights Law on Non- Discrimination Qinxuan Peng Wuhan University Institute of International Law Email:
[email protected] Abstract China has entered a New Era with an aspiration to safeguard human rights through law. However, implementation gaps are found when comparing the current Chinese domestic laws on non-discrimination with the requirements set by international human rights treaties and international labour standards on eliminating discrimination in the labour market. This article illustrates how rural migrant workers are an underprivileged group in Chinese society, emphasizing the inferior treatment they experience due to their agricultural hukou residential status in urban areas. The study identifies several implementation gaps between the international standards and the Chinese domestic legal system on non-discrimination, serving as the very first step to eradicate de facto and de jure discrimination and to achieve Legal Protection of Human Rights in the New Era. Keywords: New Era, non-discrimination, implementation gaps, multiple discrimination, legal protection of human rights 1. INTRODUCTION In 2017, President Xi Jinping announced that China had entered a New Era,1 one marked by the inclusivity of legal protection of human rights (Renquan Fazhihua Baozhang). During many of his public speeches, President Xi Jinping mentioned that the Communist Party is resolved to promote “comprehensive development of human beings”, and it is necessary to “enhance legal protection of human rights and to secure people‟s right and freedom according to the law”.