Resettlement Planning Report of Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

* Project by the Loan of the World Bank RP386 VOL. 1 Public Disclosure Authorized Resettlement Planning

Report Public Disclosure Authorized

of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project

the Peoples'Republic of Public Disclosure Authorized

The Foreign-loan Project Management Office of Henan

Public Disclosure Authorized Oct. 2005 *~~~~~ I Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project


Preface ...... 1 Definition of Special Terms ...... 3

1. Brief introduction on Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project ...... 5

1.1 General state of the Project ...... 5 1.1.1 Background ...... 5 1.1.2 The guiding ideology ...... 6 1.1.3 The overall objective ...... : .6 1.1.4 The basis of the Project ...... 6

2. General social and economic condition of affected areas ...... 21

2 E 1 Natural, climate and water resource conditions ...... 21

_ 2.1.1 Climate ...... 21 2.1.2 water resources & water system ...... 21 2.2. Social and economic situation of project areas ...... 22 2.2.1. General economic situation of Henan province ...... 22 Social economy ...... 23 Educational situation ...... 23 Sanitary course ...... 23 Population ...... 24 Expenditure of residents ...... 24 Endowment insurance and social security ...... 24 2.2.2. The social and economic situation of project areas ...... 25 2.3. Investigation on social economy of resettlement communities ...... 25 2.3.1. Contents of investigation ...... 26 2.3.2. The main economic indexes ...... 26 2.3.3. Methods of investigation ...... 27 2.3.4. Result of investigation ...... : ...... 29:.29 2.3.4. 1. Population ...... 29

2 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project Situation of receiving education ...... 29 Yearly per capita net income of sample families ...... 30 The minority families & the weak groups ...... 31 The choosing of taking compensation ...... 31 Attitude of migrants to water supply & sewage treatment project construction .... 31

3. The influence of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project and its indexes of the material objects ...... 33

3.1 The impact of land taken for Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project ..... 33 3.1.1. The land taken for the water supply project and the sewage treatment project .... 33 3.1.2 The impact of the land taken for the water supply project ...... 35 3.1.3 The impact of the land taken for the water-heads ...... 36 3.1.4. Impacts of land taken for the sewage treatment project ...... 38 3.1.5 The building and article on the land taken for Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project ...... 38 3.1.6 The pulling down and resettling of the displaced people' houses ...... 40

3.2 The impacts of the land occupied temporarily for the construction of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project ...... 41

3.2.1 Area of the temporary cultivated farmland taking and the demolished &.repaired road during laying of water supplying pipelines ...... 41. 3.2.2 The area of the temporary occupied farmland for laying the sewage pipelines and of the repaired roads during laying the sewage pipelines ...... 43

3.3 Cultural relics, minorities and weak groups ...... 44

3.4 The hot issues displaced people concern ...... : 44

3.5 The analysis of the Project impacts ...... 44

4. The relevant laws and the resettling policies ...... 48 4.1 The relevant laws, regulations and policies concerning the resettlement arrangement of projects in China ...... 48 4.1.1 The regulations of The Law of Land Management of the People's Republic of China, (August, 2004) prescribes: ...... 48 4.1.2. The Implementing Regulations of The Law of Land Management of the People's Republic of China (No.256 Decree of the State Council, 1999) prescribes: ...... 51

3 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

4.1.3. Methods of implementing The Law of Land Management by Henan Province 51 prescribe: ...... 4.1.4. Decisions on Further Reform and Strict Land Management by the State. Council (No.28, 2004): ...... 53 for use 4.1.5 Guidance Proposals on Perfecting the Compensation System of taking land 54 and Resettling by the Ministry of State Land Resources (Nov.3, 2004) ...... 57 4. 1.6. Forest law of the People's Republic of China ...... 58 4.2 The Operational Policies of the Involuntary Settlement by the World Bank ...... 58 4.2.1 The Goal of the Policies on the Resettlement Arrangement by the World Bank 58 4.2.2 The Measures of the Resettlement Arrangement by the World Bank ...... 58 4.3. The Goal and Principles of the Resettlement Arrangement ...... 4.3.1 The Goal of the Resettlement Arrangement .58 4.4 Compensating Standards .60 4.4.1 Compensating qualifications and rights .60 4.4.2 Compensating Principles .60 4.4.3 The Compensating Standards of the Resettlement Arrangement .61 The Standards of Compensating for the Land Taken Permanently and 62 Resettlement of the Water Supply Project ...... The standards of compensating for the young plants and crops growing on the 62 fields taken permanently and occupied temporarily for the Water Supply Project ...... The standards of compensating for buildings and articles affixed to the land taken 62 for the the Water Supply Project ...... for The Standards of Compensating for the Houses Pulled down on the Land 68 Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project ...... The Standards of Compensating for the Land Taken for the Sewage Treatment 68 Project and the Resettlement Arrangement ...... The Standards of Compensating for the Young Plants and Crops on the Fields 69 Taken Permanent and Occupied Temporarily for the Sewage Treatment Project ...... Land The Standards of Compensating for the buildings and Articles affixed to the 69 Taken for the Sewage Treatment Project ...... 70 . The standards of taxes imposed on the land taken for the Project ......

5W The budget for resettlement arranging in the Project of Water Supply & Sewage 71 Treatment in Towns of Henan Province ......

4 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

5.1 The compensation for the land taken for the Project of Water Supply & Sewage Treatment ...... 71 5.1. I The compensation for the land taken, resettlement arranging and the young plants and crops because of the construction of the Water Supply Project ...... 71 5.1.2. The compensation for the buildings and articles affixed to the land taken ...... 71 5.1.3. The compensation for the land taken, resettlement arranging and the young plants and crops because of the construction of the Sewage Treatment Project ...... 75 5.1.4. Compensation for the Articles and Plants affixed to the land taken for the Sewage Treatment Project ...... 76 5.2. Compensation for the Land Occupied Temporarily and the Houses Pulled down on the Land for the Water Supply ...... 77 5.2.1. Compensation for young plants and crops on the land occupied temporarily by the Water Supply project and for land re-using ...... 77 5.2.3. Compensation for houses pulled down and resettling because of land taken for Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project . 78 5.3. Compensation and payment for the land taken for Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project ...... 79 5.3.1. Compensation for the land taken for Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project ...... 79 5.3.2. Payment of the compensation for the land taken for Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project ...... 80 The objects compensated for ...... 80 Processes of appropriating compensation ...... 80 5.4 Costs of restoring the roads damaged temporarily by the water supply project ...... 81 5.5CI The total direct cost for the Project in all project counties (cities) ...... 82 5.6 Taxes on the land taken for water supply and sewage treatment project ...... 85 5.7 The budget of other kinds of costs ...... 88 5.8 The total budgetary estimate of the water-supply and sewage treatment project in Henan province ...... 91 5.9 The investment plan for the displaced people of the water-supply and sewage treatment project ...... 93 6. The Schedule of Resettlement Implementation ...... 95 6.1 The principles of making the resettlement implementation ...... 95 6.2 The schedule for displacing and resettlement ...... 95 5 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

7. The plan for resettlement and economy restoration ...... 97

7.1 The plan for resettlement ...... 97 7.1.1 The objects and tasks of the resettlement ...... 97 7.1.2. The principles of resettlement arranging ...... ,.97 7.1.3. The environment after the resettlement arranging ...... 98 7.1.4. The restoration of infrastructures ...... 99 7.1:5. The plan of arranging the resettlement's farming ...... 99 7.2. The protection of women and their rights ...... 103 8. Resettlement Agencies and Management ...... 104 8.1 The setup of resettlement agencies ...... 104 8.2 The responsibilities of the resettlement agencies at all levels ...... 104 8.2.1 The Managing Office of the Foreign-loan Project administrated by the Finance Department of Henan Province ...... 104 8.2.2. The responsibilities of the resettlement agencies of the responsible project agencies and the implementing agencies in all project countiesO] citiesEO ...... 105 8.2.3 Town governments ...... 105 8.2.4 The relevant government agencies ...... 106 8.2.5 The leading resettlement groups of the village committees ...... 106 8.2.6 The design entities of the Project (the Project-consulting Cooperation of Henan Province) ...... 106 8.2.7 The independent external monitoring and evaluating agencies ...... :...... 107 8.3 The manning and office facilities of resettlement agencies at all levels ...... 107 8.3.1 Manning ...... 107 8.3.2 Training of resettlement leaders ...... 07 8.3.3. The office facilities of resettlement agencies ...... 108 9. The public participating and information disclosure ...... 109 participatin'0 9.1 The public 9.1~~~~~~I mh ulcpriiaig...... log 9.1.1 The publicity of the resettlement information ...... 109 9.1.2 The process of public participation ...... 109 9.1.3 The distribution of the resettlement plan ...... 111 9.1.4 The plan for public participating ...... 111 10O] The Mechanism of complaints and grievance ...... 113 10.1. The Mechanism of complaints and grievance ...... 113

6 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

10.2 The Means of Grievance ...... 113 10.3 The Procedure of complaints and grievance ...... 1114 10.4 Procedures of Grievance ...... 114 10.5 The structure diagram of grievance procedure ...... 115 11 ] The monitoring & evaluating and the reporting system ...... 116 11.1. Preface ...... 116 11.1 E 1 The internal monitoring and evaluating ...... 116 11.1.1 1 1. The contents of internal monitoring ...... 116 The objects of intemal monitoring ...... 116 11.2 The independent external monitoring and evaluating ...... 117 11.2.1 Purposes ...... 117 11.2.2 The background investigation ...... 117 11.2.3. The external monitoring and evaluating .119 11.2.4. The organizing of monitoring and evaluating .121 11.2.5. Consideration of the special events .121 11.2.6. The monitoring report and the submitted agency .121

7 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project


lbnan Touns V%ter (Suppl y and Dai nage) Proj ect, one of t he I argest i nvest rnnt pr oj ect s of l-nan pr ovi nci al gover nnent, w t h t he I oans f r om t he VWr I d Bank avai I abl e, i s i nt ended t o enhance t he cur r ent si t uat i on of eat er suppl y and sevage t reat nent as uel I as to hel p perfect t he rel evant i nf ra st r uct ures of sorTe t omns. Lhdert aken by t he Fbf orrii ng and Davel opi ng Oxrittee and t he h nance Depart nnt of HI-nan P ovi nce, t he Pr oj ect covers an area of 38 counti es affi I i ated to 12 ci ti es i n terns of mater suppl y, as uel I as 6 count i es i ncl uded i n sevage t r eat nent . I t i s t he I ar gest - ever Wr I d Bnk I oani ng programof t hi s ki nd i n I inan Rovi nce as t o i t s range, part i ci pat i ng unitsandhuranforce, i nvolvi ngatotal of 40countiesaffi liatedto12cities, account i ng f or 35% of t he count i es and 80% t he dr ai nage ar ea. Ther-e ar e t uo naj or par t s i n t he const r uct i on of t he Pr oj ect, nanel y t he VAt er Sippl y Faci I i t i es and t he avuage Tr eat nent Faci I i t i es. The ai m of t he PVoj ect i s to sol ve i n the I ong run the probl emof tap mater suppl y for the r esi dent s and i ndust r i es i n t he t ar get ar eas, enhance t he under - devel oped si t uat i on of t he mat er suppl y and seuage di sposal f aci I i t i es, and r el i eve t he suppl y- derrnd i ssue, t hus pr ovi di ng subst ant i al support f or t he sust ai nabl e devel opnent of lenan R ovi nce on t he count y, ci t y and r egi onal I evel s. 1006. 24 rmu of I and i s occupi ed per nanent I y f or t he R oj ect of t he Tap Vdt er R ant const r uct i on, i n uhi ch t he const r uct i on si t e of t he pl ant occupi es 916. 44 rmu, Aat er - heads 89. 8 nu. 979. 44 nu of t he t ot al I and i s t aken f r om col I ect i ve- oned I and. For t he r est, 2 rn i s t he nat i on- ouned I and f r om X n X ang (bunt y; 12 nu t he sel f -ouned l and f rom X n Ye (bunt y; 25 rnu t he nat i on- ouned I and f r om Lu Shan Cbunt y. The pl urTbi ng of t he t ap \at er pl ant occupi es 934. 5 nmu of col I ect i ve- ouned I and f or t enpor ar y use. 240. 56 rmi of I and i s t aken per rranent I y f or t he const r uct i on of t he Seuage Tr eat nnt R ant, and pl urnbi ng occupi es 34 ru of col I ect i ve- ovned I and f or t enpor ar y use. The R oj ect reset t l es a popul at i on of 970 househol ds, t hat i's, 3995 i n nunrber. 947 househol ds, 3903 peopl e ar e r el ocat ed as a r esul t of t he per rranent t aki ng of I and f or t he Pr oj ect const r uct i on, r esul t i ng i n t he envi r onnent change of product i on. 23 househol ds, 92 peopl e are rel ocat ed as a resul t of I i vi ng envi r onnent changes (i . e. house denul i t i on). 710 househol ds, 3100 peopl e ar e af f ect ed by t he t enpor ary t aki ng of I and f or pi unrbi ng. A I t he aff ect ed peopl e are reset t I ed by of f er i ng t hem houses, and none of t hem are r eset t I ed i n ot her uays. Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

2 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Definition of Special Terms

Accor di ng t o t he r el evant I ams and r egul at i ons enact ed by t he FPopl e' s Republ i c of Chi na and Fenan pr ovi nce as uel I as t he \ocat i onal Pbl 4 cy CQ4. 12 and i t s Sippl enent ar y FPovi si ons concer ni ng i nvol unt ar y r eset t I ernnt nade by t he VWIr d Bank, t he pl an f or r el ocat i on of af f ect ed r esi dent s i s f or rml at ed. Ippi ng out t he pl an f or r el ocat i ng and r est or i ng t he af f ect ed r esi dent s of Ibnan Towis V\ter ( Supp y and Dai nage) R q ect of Towis i n bnan, t he I ayout obj ect s t o ensure t he af f ect ed r esi dent s t o benef i t f r omt he r oj ect and ,nake thei r I i vi ng standard not I oaer but even better. 1. Proj ect: The FPoj ect herei n (wthout speci al expl anati ons) refers to l-enan Touns VAt er (Sippl y and D ai nage) R oj ect of Towis i n Fbnan. 2. The affect ed popul at i on refers t o peopl e uhose wr ki ng and I i vi ng sur r oundi ngs ar e under t he adver se i npact ar i si ng f r omt he const r uct i on of t he R oj ect . I t consi st s of t he f ol I ow ng: a. The natural persons or I egal persons (al I the natural persons i n i nper sonal ent i t i es) \Aho have t he use r i ght or ovner shi p t o t he I and occupi ed by t he R oj ect ( i ncl udi ng t he t enpor ar i I y occupi ed I and) and t he ar t i cl es affixed to the land. b. The natural persons or I egal persons (al I the natural persons i n the i rrper sonal ent i t i es) uhose uor ki ng and I i vi ng sur r oundi ngs ar e unf avor abl y af f ect ed ar i si ng f r om t'he i rrpl eent at i on of t he R oj ect . c. The natural persons or I egal persons (al I the natural persons i n i nper sonal ent i t i es) \Ahose I i vi ng st andar d i s under t he adver se i npact r esul t i ng f r om t he i npl enent at i on of t he Pr oj ect . The popul at i on af f ect ed by t he i npl enrent at i on of t he R oj ect r ef er s t o al I t he peopl e uho are af f ect ed. The af f ect ed popul at i on r ef er s t o al I t he peopl e whose uor ki ng and I i vi ng sur r oundi ngs ar e af f ect ed adver sel y as t he r esul t of t he const r uct i on of t he Pr oj ect . The af f ect ed popul at i on i s not I i n t ed onl y t o t hose who t ake up nanuf act uri ng and operat i ng act i vi t i es or I i vi ng act i vi t i es i n t he di st ri cts af f ect ed and havi ng r egi st er ed, and not I ni t ed t o t hose Aho have t he owner shi p of t he af f ect ed t hi ngs. 3. The r el ocat i on obj ect s t o rrke t he af f ect ed r esi dent s keep t hei r pr evi ous I i vi ng st andar d or achi eve bet t er one. The af f ect ed r esi dent s shoul d be corpensat ed f or t hei r nat er i al I oss accor di ng t o t he pr i nci pl e of " pr evi ous f unct i on, pr evi ous st andar d, and pr evi ous scal e" . Accor di ng t o t he st andar d of r epl acenent cost conpensat i on st i pul at ed by t he Wr I d Bank, any docki ng or di scount i ng i s not per ni t t ed uhen t he eval uat i on of pr opert y occur s. To t hose whose I and or ot her proper t y are af f ect ed and cannot acconpl i sh econorn c i nt erest s, t hey shoul d obt ai n hel p and be conpensat ed f or. t hei r I ost pr oper t y and obj ect s. To t hose nat ur al per sons uho do not o\in pr oper t y or I i ve 3 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project t enpor ar i I y, t hei r pr oduct i on and oper at i ng act i vi t i es i n busi ness, i ndust r y or agr i cul t ure sect or rnust get t he sane rest orat i on and hel p as t he per rranent resi dent s, and t hey shoul d gai n t he sane conpensat i on f or t hei r propert y I oss as t he perrrnent resi dent s; To t hose nat ural persons af f ect ed by t he F oj ect Wio has t aken up i ndust r i al and busi ness act i vi t i es bef ore t hei r I egal r egi st r at i on, t hey shoul d al so gai n t he sane conpensat i on f or t hei r pr oper t y I oss. 4. Rest or at i on neans t hat t he pr oduct i on and I i vi ng st andar d of t hose af f ect ed r esi dent s shoul d be r est or ed t o t he pr evi ous st andar d or even bet t er than bef ore. 5. The r el ocat i on cover s r el ocat i ng t he acconredat i on quar t er s and I i vi ng facilities; rearrangi ng new uork for those vhose product ion and life are af f ect ed by t he const r uct i on of t he Pr oj ect; r est or i ng or conpensat i ng t he af f ect ed pr oduct i ve r esour ces such as I and, uor kpl ace and i nf r ast r uct ur e r esul t i ng f r om t he Pr oj ect const r uct i on. Ther ef or e, t he unf avor abl e i npact ori gi nati ng fromthe roj ect on the I i vi ng standard of the affected popul ati on w I1 be el i rnnated.

4 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

1. Brief introduction on Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project 1.1 General state of the Project 1.1.1 Background

Wt h t he devel opnent of t he soci et y and econony, qui ckeni ng ur bani zat i on of Fenan, const ant i rTpr ovi ng of ur bani zi ng st andar d and br oadeni ng of t he ci t y scal es, t he expl oi t at i on and ut i I i zat i on of mat er r esour ces has becone ror e and rmre urgent to neet t he need of ci ty suppl y. Accordi ng to t he pr edi ct i ons of F-nan (bver nnent, ur bani zat i on i n I-enan Pr ovi nce w I I be up t o about 35% i n 2010 and over 50% i n 2020. Wt h qui ckeni ng ur bani zat i on, t he const r uct i on of ci t i es and t ons and t he I i vi ng of resi dent s W I I need r re and nor e mat er, but t her e i s a gr eat shor t age of v\at er r esour ces t o neet t he need i n lbnan. (Gneral I y t he average gross mat er- resource i s 414 hundred n I I i on i n t he past years; 440 t ons i s f or per person and t hat i s 1/5 of t he nati onal I evel . Ibnan i s one of the provi nces i n great need of vater. The 36 ci t i es i n t he Pr oj ect ar e al I def i ci ent i n mat er. Armng t heM rmst ar e i n bad need of mat er, and sorne ar e f aci ng i ncr easi ngl y ser i ous I ack of mat er r esour ces, even uor se. And t he shor t age of mat er has af f ect ed t he devel opnent of econorry and soci et y and t he nor rml I i f e of resi dent s. There i s a cornmn probl emi n rnst ci t i es and t ovns of F-nan: Oi one hand, uAat er r esour ce and sour ces ar e i .nsuf f i ci ent, sur f ace mat er i n sone pl aces has been ser i ousl y pol I ut ed, \uhi I e gr ounduat er has t aken t. he shape of f unnel; on t he ot her, t he basi c condi t i on of mat er suppl y i s r at her ueak, t he present uater-suppl y scal e i s far fromsuffi ci ency, the i nfrastructure i s bare, the pi pes t o di st r i but e mat er ar e agi ng and t he I ayout i s not r easonabl e, so t he pr obl em of mat er dr oppi ng, I eaki ng and ot her mays of \ast i ng uat er resources are very seri ous: 23 out of the under-proj ect cities have a leaking rate of about 20% The i ncr easi ng pr obl emof suppl y & derrand has been condi t i oni ng t he devel opnent of t o\uns i n Fbnan Pr ovi nce. Thus, t o change, t o sore ext ent, passi ve condi t i on of i nsuf f i ci ent uat er suppl y, t o qui cken t he pr ocess of ur bani zat i on and t o neet t he ur gent need of econony and soci et y devel opnent, t he onl y \Aay i s t o per f ect uat er - suppl y equi prrnt and i nf r ast r uct ur e, t o bui I d Mat er r esour ce pr oj ect, uat er - di st r i but i ng pr oj ect, and v\at er pi pes pr oj ect . Fur t her nor e, because of i ncr easi ng of hurran act i vi t y, semage t reat nent has becone a bi g pr obl emand nany r i ver s or st r eans have been pol I ut ed t o di f f er ent degr ees. Pur i f i cat i on and pol I ut i on- f r ee di schar ge of se\age have becone a basi c pol i cy f or Chi na t o pr ot ect envi r onrnent . So, t he r oj ect of seuage- t r eat rrent - pl ant i s an i npor t ant neasur e t o cat er t o t he har rmni zed devel opnent bet ueen hurran bei ngs and nat ur e, and at t he sane t i ne i s t he ur gent need of econorny and soci et y devel opnent. 5 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Ther ef or e, w t h suf f i ci ent di scussi on and negot i at i on bet ueen t he Vbr d Bank and rel evant nat i onal ri ni st ri es and conmi ssi ons and under t he di rect I eader shi p of lenan r ovi nci al (bver nnnt, t he Cevel opi ng & Fbf or ni ng Oboni ssi on of Ibienan and t he Fi nance Dapart nrnt f WInan Provi rice put f or eword t o t he Pr oj ect of Vt er Supp y & Seuage Treat nent i n t ownsdoIbnan Provi nce armng 40 count i es/ ci t i es of 12 ci t i es under l-enan Provi nce by usi ng t he I oans of the VWrd Bank. 1.1.2 The guiding ideology Basi ng on t he over al I I ayout s of t he ci t i es i n t he PR oj ect di st r i ct, conbi ni ng t he pr esent si t uat i on of ci t y mat er - suppl y W t h mat er r esour ce condi t i on, W t h car ef ul consi der at i on of nedi um & I ong- t er m denand and ue shoul d, t aki ng t he advant age of t hi s proj ect, perf ect Mat er- suppl y and seuage- t r eat nent equi pnent and i nf r ast r uct ur es i n t o\Ans as soon as possi bl e and change t he pr esent passi ve condi t i on of i nsuf f i ci ent mat er suppl y, t o neet t he need of ci t y const r uct i on, pr oduct i on and I i vi ng, and t o i npr ove peopl e' s I i vi ng st andar d. Besi des, t hi s pr oj ect w I I al so bet t er t he sof t and har d i nvest nent envi r onnent, i npr ove ecol ogi cal condi t i on and r eal i ze sust ai nabl e devel opnent; f ur t her nmr e, t hi s pr oj ect w I I qui cken i ndust r i al i zat i on and ur bani zat i on, pr onot e t he har noni zed econoni c devel opnent bet ueen cent r al ci t i es and count i es and w I I I ay a good f oundat i on f or cent r al pl ai ns r i si ng and a thorough uel I of soci ety i n lbnan. 1.1.3 The overall objective Accor di ng t o t he ur ban devel opnent r ul es and t he over al I I ayout s of ci t i es i n each proj ect di st ri ct, t he overal I obj ect i veof t hi s proj ect i s toaccel erate t he const r uct i on of t he vat er- suppl y and seuage t reat nent prq ect i n t owis of Ibrian Province, to perfect water-supply &semage-treatnent equipnent and i nf rast ruct ure i n t ovns as soon as possi bl e, t o i nrprove t he condi t i on of wat er - suppl y & sewage t r eat mnt, t o rnake ef f ect i ve use of I i ni t ed uat er r esour ce t o sof t en t he shor t age of mat er r esour ces and t he pr obl embet \Aeen \Aat er suppl y and dermnd, t o change i nsuf f i ci ent uat er suppl y, t o i ncr ease uat er - suppl y popul ar i zat i on and sewage t r eat nent . I n t he I ong r un, t hi s pr oj ect w I I al so pr onot e t he i nf r ast r uct ur es i n t owns and i npr ove t he l evel of ur bani zat i on, w I I bet t er i nvest nent envi r onnent and br oaden f i nanci al channel s; w I I hel p t o r eal i ze sust ai nabl e devel opnrent and i ncr ease t he I evel of i ndust r i al i zat i on and w I I pr onrt e peopl e' s I i vi ng st andar d and hel p t o bui I d an overal I uel I -of f soci et y. 1.1.4 The basis of the Project 1. 3 Qjt I i ne of t he 10th Fi ve-Year R an for Nbti onal Econonic & Soci al Cevel oprrent of Ienan Pr ovi nce] 3 2. t he Nest er pl ans f or ever y ci t y i n t he R oj ect di st r i ct l 3. t he st udy r epor t of pr act i cabi I i t y, t he denenst r at i on r epor t of Mat er resources, and t he eval uat i on report of envi ronrent of each sub- pr oj ect 3 4. 3 l-bnan St at i st i cs Year BDok- 20033 E Chi na St at i st i cs R ess3i;

6 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

5. l Hbnanat y St at i st i cs Year EBok- 2003Z The soci al econony i nvest i gat i on t eam of Fbnan ci t i es]; 6. The qterat i onal Pol i ci es 4. 12 of t he I nvol unt ary Set t I ernent and t he appendix by the \WrId Bnk] 7. SDne other rel evant rateri al s3 8. The on- t he- spot i nvest i gat i on rat er i al s & dat a] 9. 3 The Land lknagernent Lavs of t he Peopl e' s Fepubl i c of Chi naO , Year 2004] 10. 1\kasures of i npl enent i ng The Land l\nagenent Laws of t he Feopl e' s Republ i c of Chi na i n l-bnan RFovi nce] Year 199931 11. 3 Deci si ons on Fur t her ef or m & St r i ct Land \kWnagenent by St at e Cepar t nent E 3 St at e par t nent O 20040 INb. 28] ] 12. S,ri r el evant I as, r egul at i ons, cr i t er i ons, et c. by our count r y or t r ades; 13. Fbgul at i ons on I and t aki ng i n t he count i es of t he Proj ect; 14. Fbgul at i on on pul l i ng down houses and r eset t I i ng i n pr oj ect count i es] 15. I nt ervi ew, sunmary of di scussi on and f ree t al k W t hi n t he R oj ect di st r i ct s] 16. I nt er vi ew & sunmr y of di scussi on Wt h t he r el evant per sons i n char ge of t he i npl enent i ng or gani zat i onsO 17. I nf or nal di scussi on, quest i onnai re, and surmary of t he di scussi on w t h t he vi l lage & t owo I eader s and t he r el evant vi l lager s] 18. The sanpJ e quest i onnai res t o t he rel evant resi dent s, f rom January t o UIrch, i n 2005] 19. The on-the-spot data & nateri al s of the investigation teanO 20. Sunnar y of t he speci al di scussi on on envi r onnent and reset t I enent ] 21. Sinrmmry of the special neeti ng on resettl enent probl em

1.2. The Ganeral rerarks on the Pr ect F-bnan Toms VWt er ( Sippl y and D ai nage) R oj ect i s a i nf r ast r uct ur e pr oj ect nai nl y based on ur ban w3t er suppl y & sewage t r eat nent . The mat er - suppl y pr oj ect i ncl udes 36 sub- proj ect s, w t h t he desi gned scal e of 10000- 35000 tfons per day and the total scal e of 958000 tons per day. A together, i n the Froj ect there ar e 33 \vat er - heads, 35 wat er - pur i f yi ng pl ant s, 38 di st r i but i ng pi pes and 38 shared not i ng equi pnent . The se\ age t r eat rent pr oj ect i ncl udes 6 sub- pr oj ect s. The sewage t r eat nent sub- proj ect i n I\kngj i n count y has a desi gned capaci t y of 25000 t ons per day and 20000 t ons per day i n Baof eng count y, t he ot her f our have a capaci t y of 30000 t ons of each. The seage t r eat rent pr oj ect hel ps t o i ncr ease t r eat nent capaci t y by 165000 t ons per day and 60225000 t ons each year. The total i nvest nent of t hi s proj ect i s 2490175800 ( 1R8), 2073554500 Yuan on the water supply proj ect and 416621300 Yuan i n the sewage treat nent pr oj ect . The t ot al i nvest nent i s f i nanced by:

7 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Ch t he %at er suppl y pr oj ect, t he I oans of t he Wr I d Bank 124912900 dol I ar s (equal s t o 1036777300 Yuan ME6), t he I oans of t he donest i c bank(s) 349500000 Yuan, t he f unds of st at e debt s 4000000 Yuan, t he rrt chi ng f unds of f i nance 292500000 Yuan and t he f unds r ai sed by cor por at i ons 390777200 Yuan. ai the sevage treatrnent project: the loans of the \Wrd Bnk 25097700 dol I ars (equal s to 208310700 Yuan RF\B), t he I oans of t he donest i c bank(s) 72500000Yuan, t he nat chi ng f unds of f i nance 61500000 Yuan and t he f unds r ai sed by cor por at ions 74310700 Yuan. VAen t he R oj ect f i ni shed, pr obl emof rnet aphase and I ong- t er mvat er suppl y & sev^age di schar ge i n under - pr oj ect ar ea w I I be sol ved, t he I ag condi t i on of uat er- suppl y &di scharge equi pnent w I I be i nproved, t he cont radi ct i on bet v&een dernnd and suppl y of vat er r esour ce i n rnst ci t i es/ count i es w I I be v\eakened, semage di scharge probl em i n under-proj ect count i es W I I be sol ved and t he sust ai nabl e devel opnent of econony i n each count y area w I I be f or cef ul I y guar ant eed. 1.2.1 The scale, narm and the undertakers of each sub-project The scale, nane and the undertakers of each sub-proj ect are'show, in TabI el- 2- 1Z Tablel - 2- 1 The VWt er Sevage Treat mrt Prq ect Scale (10 No. name thousand/ undertakers day) Water supply 1. city

1 1 Water-supply project in 3.5 The tap water company of

2 2 Water-supply project in 3.5 The waterworks of Tongxu county 3 3 Water-supply project in 3 The tap water company of

______Lankao county 4 4 Water-supply project in Qi 2.5 The tap water company of Qi county

4 4 Water-supply pipes 2.5 The tap water company of Kaifeng county ___ project in Kaifeng county 2 T a to n igu 2. city 6 1 Water-supply project in 2 The tap water company of Mengjin county Mengjin county seat 7 2 Water-supply project i 2.5 The tap water company of Yiyang county 7_ 2 Yiyang county area 2 T a to nf n u 8 3 Water-supply expand in 3 The tap water company of Song county area 3. city 9 1 Water-supply project in 1.5 The tap water company of Baofeng county seat Expanding project of 10 2 Water-supply in Jia 2 The tap water company of Jia county county area

8 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Water-supply project inl 11 3 W I The tap water company of Lushan county Lushan county 3 4. city Water supply project in 12 1 new county seat of 2 The tap water company of Xinxiang 13 2 Water supply project in 3 The water supply co. ltd of Yuanyang county. Yuanyang county seat 14 4 Water supply project in 2.5 The tap water company of _____ I Fenggiu county 5. city Water supply project of 15 1 No.2 waterworks in 2 The tap water company of Xiangcheng county Xiangcheng county 6. city 1 Water supply project of 16 1 No.3 waterworks in Shan 2 The tap water company of Shan county __ _ county 17 2 Water-supply pipes i 3.3 The tap water company of Yima city ___ Yima city 7. city Water supply project of 18 1 No.2 waterworks in Sui 2 The tap water company of Sui county ____ _ county proper Newly-built WaterNectWayis unty supply 3 The tap water company of 19 2 pro ect in Xiay count 20 3 Water supply project in 2 The tap water company of ____I I Zhecheng county proper I__ 8. Nanyang city

1- 2-1Tabl e f or vat er suppl y & sevage t reat nrnt prq ect [ cort inued[] scale( 10 No. name thousand/day) organizer Water supply in 21 1 southem 3 The tap water company of Dengzhou city district No.2 waterworks of 22 2 tap water 2 The building bureau of Xinye county I company 23 3 Water supply project in 2 The tap water company of Sheqi county 24 4 Water supply project in 2.5 The tap water company of Xichuan county proper 9. Zhu adian city Expanding project of 25 1 water supply in 1.5 The water-supply co. ltd. of . Queshan county proper l l IWater supply project inII 26 2 W s 2 The tap water company of Xincai county

9 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

27 3 Water supply project 'n 2 The waterworks of _ Xiping county Water supply project in 28 4 1.5 The tap water company of Zhengyang county proper Expanding project of 29 5 water supply in Suiping 3 The waterworks of I county 30 6 Water supply project in 3 The tap water company of Ru'nan county Ru'nan county proper 10. city 31 2 Water supply project in 2 The tap water company of 1 Shengiu county 32 3 Water supply project in 3 The tap water company of t Taikang county Water supply project in 33 4 new Xiangcheng 3 The waterworks of Xiangcheng county county 11. city

34 1 Water supply project in 1 The Huaiquan water-supply co. ltd of . Pinggiao district 35 2Water supply project in 2 The tap water comnpany of Xi county Xi county 36 3 Water supply project in 1.5 The water-supply comnpany of luoshan county 37 4New Yangshan city 5 The tap water comnpany of Xinyang city I proper 12. city Water supply project in 38 1 county 3 The water-supply co. ltd. of Mengzhou proper The total scale 95.8 Sewage treatment project Sewage treatment 1 1 project in Mengjin 2.5 The tap water comnpany of Mengjin county county 3 2 Sewage treatment 3 The tap water company of Song county 2 project in Song county Sewage treatmnent 3 3 project in Baofeng 2 The tap water company of Baofeng county county seat Sewage treatment 4 4 project in Yuanyang 3 The building bureau of Yuanyang county county Sewage treatment 5 5 project in Neixiang 3 The tap water company of county Sewage treatment 6 6 project in Huangchuan 3 The public utilities bureau of Icounty The total scale 16.5

10 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

1. 2. 2 The plan f or scr eeni ng t he si t es By t he caref ul feasi bi I i ty research and dermnst rat i on, t he si tes f or wat er wr ks and t he si t es f or sewage t r eat rent pl ant s t r y ever y neans t o r educe t he adver se i rrpact on di spl aced peopl e, t o pr ot ect t he envi r onnent and t o get mr e econorr c & soci al pr of i t s. The bet t er si t es ar e deci ded by car ef ul consi der at i on i n t he f ol I ow ng aspect s: Tr y t o t ake f ar n and as I east as possi bl e; t r y t o derml i sh houses as I east as possi bI eEO Tr y , i f possi bl e, t o keep aw3y f r om vi I I ages, busi ness, f i nance and ent ert ai nnent f aci I i t i esOl Per f ect const r uct i on pI an, shor t en and rrnage r easonabl y t he const r uct i on peri odOl Cat er i ng t o t he r equi r enent of di spl aced peopl e, t he si t e of - t he sewage t r eat nent pl ant i s t o I ocat e i n t he or i gi nal vi I I age vWhi ch has been nDved t o t he easy - access cent r al vi I I ageO The si t e of Tai kang mat er wr ks I ocat es on t he si t e of t he abandoned vi I I age- r un ent er pr i se, and t he abandoned houses mer e denel i shed t o neet t he r equi r erient s of t he vi I I ager s. I n accor dance w t h t he pr i nci pl es above, t he pl an f or scr eeni ng t he si t es is show\n Table 1-2-2-1El Tabl e 1-2-2-1 The pl an f or screeri ng t he si t es ol t he vudaterwrks uni t ] M area of County/city site Specific location the site (mu) Wishi V'.st gate of N,rther n si de of county seat, j unct i on of B nhe road & eihuan road, north of the Fbdio 18.9 count y Chengguan t oWm & Tv bui I di ng Tongxu east Shui w vi I I age Nbrt her n si de of count y seat, j unct i on of 18. 9 county of Chengguan t omn Beihuan road &Jiefang road Lankao Nx t her n st r eet of Wst of Hianghe r oadDEest er n si de of f or ner 30 county Chengguan t o\wn b. 2 vat erw\mr ks t county- Ceguan village of Wst of countyseat, insideof VWihuanroad 30 Chengguan t o\wn Kai f eng Chengguan t ovn Chengguan t avn pi pes const r uct i onEE and count ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~t aken Ktniji n lbn villI age, The f ar nti and i n t he nort heast er n count yn CFengguanv Ipl o\n anni ng area of t he count y (east sect i on of 24 county Chengguan toWn Hianghe road) Wst of count y pi anni ng ar ea, sout h of Li he Ycyang Cntang vil age, r oad, east of X huan r oad, 800 ret er s avay f r om 32 count y Chengguan t oun t he east of (Gnt ang vi I I age SDng Yaobei vi II age t he I ow I yi ng ar ea, nor t h of Ji ngsan r oad, 22.25 county vvest of ai yun road * of eng a vi I I age Nbr t hNst of count y seat, HFang\Aa vi I I age, top 17.59 count y an vl of Fenghuangiing hil op 7.5 Ji a Yuchi vi II age rbrt heast of count y seat, east of Donghuan r oad 18. 3

11 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project county in the east section of l\kishan nain road Lushan Besi de 7haopi ngtai Ch state-run bare hi ll, besi de Zhaopi ngtai 25 count y r eser voi r r eser voi r X nxi ang X ngni ng vi I I age, Nbr t heast er n cor ner of j unct i on of X nhe . r ai I may & B nhe r oad, about 200 rnet er s amay f r om 20 count y Chengguan tOlo X nhe r ai I iay, east of Feopl e' s M ct or y Tr ench Yuanyang Xuecun VWst of Nbnghang r oad, nor t h sect i on of count y 37.05 count y viilage, Chengguan proper, nort h of Bei huan road Fengqi u NItih stareet SDut hNest of j unct i on of cent ur y r oad & Fenghua count y t oun road

Table 1-2-2- 1 The pl an for screeri ng t he si tes of the vaterwrks[ catoi nuem uri t O nu area of the County/city site Specific location site (mu) Zhengnan hi ghvay (f r omZhengzhou to N angcheng . I\bnyang) i n t he uest, Lucj i e hi ghvay( f r om countgy Chengguan tavn Luoyang to Ji eshou, Hibei provi nce) i n 32. 1 count y ~~~~the nor t hBout her nbank of Bei r uhe ri ver, 2km t o t he count y seat

Sian count y Ganzhuang villI age, 100 neters avay fromrthe north of 20 .yingt,mn Li anhuo expr essmay

Y1 rr ci t y Chengguan taAn Reconst r uct i on of at er pi pes t aken

-Sui count y Chengguan tovn Sout hvest of j unct i on of anhu road( t he 305 Suiy count n ~~~~cent r al st r eet ) & Bei huan r oad305 nayi Luman vi I I age Luman vi I I age, Caoj i t own 30 count y______Zhecheng Shaoyuan vi I I age Siaoyuan vi I I age, Siaoyuan t cWn 34. 5 count y ______Dengzhou Siuth by east of county proper, vest of ci ty San i he r i ver Bei j i ng road & sout h of nanhuan road, 4km 71 Y______st r ai ght t o t he now uat er vor ks c nye Chengguan tavn Sout her n out ski r t s, ow- r un I and 12 count y.. Nbrthvest of county seat, southvsest of coeunty Chengguan t owi j unct i on of hongqi road & forner X huan 14. 7 county ~~~~~~road X chuan Nb. 1 group of S. zui Nbr t h of count y seat, nor t her n si de of count.I Ji ngxi hi ghuay, eastern si de of forrer 15.1 count y villI age, Siangj i t owi I\b. 2 vat erwxor ks Qieshan hengguan East er n si de of pr ovi nce- run cerment 21.98 count y factory, foot of Gian rnunt ai n X nca Dal i ang vi 11 age Sout h of Dal i ang vi I Iage, vest of count y 23.6 i count y v seat X ping X aot i an vi I I age, VWst of Nb. 107 nat i onal hi ghvay i n 20.1 count y adrni ni st rat i ve agency t he ust of X pi ng count yE X aot i an

12 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

of Bait i ng vi I I age i n Bai t i ng agency, east si de of *et er - gui di ng t r ench NxrthNest of j uncti on of uestern Nb. 2 Zhengyang Zoul ou vi I I age r i ng r oad & nor t her n Nb. 2 r i ng r oad, 30 count y Zoul ou vi I I age, Chengguan t oun Sui pi ng var WlouVWl ou vi I I age, 2km t o county 25.5 count y vilage pl anni ng area i n t he vest Besi de Kai yan hi ghvay, nor t h di st r i ct, cou nan Chuzhuang village sout h of O vi si on of Ti anzhong al cohol 30.6 count y f act ory Sout her n bank of Yi nghe r i ver, east si de S'henqi u Fengchanhe vi I I age, of Zhaof eng nai n road, Fengchanhe 18. 77 count y Iai di an t oun vi I I age, sout h si de of l\b. 2 hi gh school Wt hi n Cheng vi I I age, adj acent t o Tai gao Taikang Zengf en vi I i age, hi gh\ay, nor t h\est of county seat, the 20 count y Chengguan toun upper Xi nuo r i ver, 1km aAay f r omrb. 311 nat i onal hi ghuay. Xi angcheng X e vi I I age, Junct i on of Hibi n road & sout h r i ng road, 44 ci ty Chengj i ao t oun st at e- ovned I and R ngqi ao (3ngzhuang village VMst of t he pr esent uat er suppl y st at i on, 23.4 0 st ri ct sout hvest of Nb. 107 nat i onal hi gh\ay A count y Chengguan t cmi Chengguan t ovn 20 Luoshan No land Chengguan town Pipes perfection taken

Yangshan Chuwang village, Chuwang village pressure-increasing station & Duanwan neighborhood 30 district Yangshan village pressure-increasing station committee South street, Chengguan South of Technical SecondarySchool, 1.7km to Mengzhou 36.6 city town water reservoir The total 916.44

Tabl e 1- 2- 2- 2 The pl an f or screeni ng t he si t es of t he sevage t reat nert pl art s Ui It: nu County/city Name of village characteristic site (mu) Sout h of t he ci t y seat, f ar avay f r om ci t i zens &vi I I agers, t ransport at i on, t o t he ngj i n N ubuhe cent r al adni ni st r at i ve vi I I age, of Nb. 7 45 count y vi I I age vi I I ager s sol ved, conveni ent f or uast e di schar ge, sevage col I ect i on and dr ai nage of pur i f i ed i ndust r y uat er Nbrth of county seat, far amay from Sout h & nor t h ci t i zens & vi I I agers, consi der i ng Song count y st r eet , Chenggu i nvest nent benef i t s, conveni ent f or mast e 41 an t avn di schar ge, sevage col I ect i on and dr ai nage of * pur i f i ed i ndust r y eat er Yuanyang Nrt h Nxrt h of count y seat, f ar avay f r om 40

13 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

count y st reet, ci t i zens & vi I I ager s, consi der i ng Chengguan towi i nvest nent benef i t s, conveni ent for uast e di scharge, seuage col I ect i on and drai nage of pur i f i ed i ndust r y at er br t h of count y seat, f ar avay f r om Baof eng Da7zhangzhu ci t i zens & vi I I agers, consi deri ng count yean g viazhIangz i nvest nent benef i t s, conveni ent f or uast e 37.8 count y ang Vi I I age di schar ge, sevage cot I ect i on and dr ai nage of pur i f i ed i ndust r y at er southeast of county seat, far amay from .ixi' ang ci t i zens & vi I I ager s, consi der i ng countiyanengguap t ovn i nvest nent benef i t s, conveni ent f or mast e 35 di schar ge, sevage cot I ect i on and dr ai nage of pur i f i ed i ndust r y uat er Nxbrtheast of county seat, far avay from ci t i zens & vi I I ager s, consi der i ng Fiangchuan Xi anf eng i nvest nent benef i t s, conveni ent f or mast e 41.76 count y viiI I agedi schar ge, semage col I ect i on and dr ai nage of . pur i f i ed i ndust r y vat er

The t ot al I _I _ 240.56

1. 2. 3 The pl an for screeni ng t he si tes of veater-heads Accordi ng t o t he dernnst r at i on r epor t of mat er r esour ces and af t er consi der abl e conpar i son, t he si t es of uat er - heads shoul d be chosen on t he basi s of r educi ng adver se i rrpact on di spl aced peopl e, I ocat i ng on t he pl aces w t h vat er of hi gh qual i t y, uonder f ul envi r onnent, di st i nct i ve benef i t s, I ess- pol I ut ed ground & surf ace uat er. The pl an f or scr eeni ng t he si t es of uat er- heads i s shovn i n Tabl el- 2- 3- 1. Table 1- 2- 3-1 hoi ce of vat er resources and vat er-heads . Area of the No. project Sources type Location of sources land taken |(mu) 1. Kaifeng city I 1 Weishi Groundwater North of county seat, within an area of 3 square 4 county______- Groundwater__- km, 200 meters in the north of Brikanggou river Tongxu G dt North of county seat, within an area of 3 square 3 2___ -county Groundwater_ km. west of Wohe river Lankao Northwest of county seat, junction of Lanka6 4 county Groundwater arterial canal and Lanshang arterial canal

Tabl e 1- 2- 3-1 Tabl e f or Aat er resource & sources] cont i nuedE] Area of the No. project Sources type Location of sources land taken (mu) 4 Qi county Groundwater Plowland of Xiguan village, west of county seat 2 1Kaifeng Water supplied I Kcaoiufenty by Kaifeng Pipes networks construction 0 county 1city I______

14 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

2. Luoyang city | I 1 Mengjin Groundwater Southern bank of Taohuayu reservoir, north of 2 county county seat 2 Yiyang Surface water The dam, 800 meters in the north to Dingwan 0.3 county of Lu river village, Liuquan town 3 Song Underground Along the lower reaches of Yinhe bridge, left 0

1county ______bank of Luhun reservoir_____ 3. Pingdingshan city Baofeng Water of 1 Baoenty Longxingsi Northeast of Longxingsi reservoir 2 county Reservoir 2 Jia county Groundwater Water-head is Wangji village 1.5 Lushan Water of 3 coushn Shaopingtai Zhaopingtai reservoir 0 county reservoir 4. Xinxiang city Xinxiang Tap water Water-head is drinking water of Xinxiang city 0 county waterworks corporation Yunyang Northwest of county seat,west side of Yuanxin 2 uanyyg Groundwater highway & north of Wenyan trench, adjacent to 0 county water-purified factory 3 Fengqiu Groundwater Along Jiangzhuang village, southwest of county 18 county seat 5. Xuchang city . 1 Xiangcheng Groundwater Along Beiruhe river, southern side of county seat 1 county 6. Sanmenxia city 1 Shan Water-head is in first & second class land, north ____1_ county Groundwater of Guanzhuang village 4 2 Yirna city Pipes Pipes reconstruction 0 reconstruction 7. Shangqiu city Weidikou, Tangmiao, Chenlou, liuxiao and Groundwater ,.2.6 I Sui county Huangchengzhai villages, north of county seat 2 Xiayi Northeast of county seat 3 county . 3 Zhecheng Groundwater Along Xuyuan village, west of county seat 3 county ______8. Nanyang city 1 Dengzhou Danjiangkou Zhanggou village, northern bank of Danjiangkou I city reservoir reservoir 2 Xinye Groundwater Water-head is near the film company 2

3 Sheqi Groundwater Water-head is northern side of Chengying village 3 county l ~~~~~Xichuan Surface water 0 e4 Xichun Sfro river Northeast is only relied on water works 0 e ~~~~~~~~~countyfrom river

Table 1-2-3-1 Table for vater resource & sourcesO corti nued!_ _ [ I I I I i Area of the No. project Sources type Location of sources | land taken

_ _ _ l _ _ _ | ______I (m u) 9. city 1 w |iQueshan Water from Near the bank of Boshan reservoir . 2 county boshan

15 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

reservoir 2 Xincai Underground From Daliangzhuang village to Shilipu village, 3 county water south of Xiaohonghe river, west of county seat 3 Xiping Groundwater Along Xiaotianzhuang village, west of Xiping 1.6 county county seat 4 Zhengyang Groundwater Along Yanzhuang, Zoulou village, Shenshui town 2 county Suiping Groundwater Along Lianhuan Lake Farm, west of county seat

county ______6Ru'nan Groundwater From Dayangzhuang village to Liulou & 2 county Groundwater Gaozhuang village, northwest of county seat

10. Zhoukou city 2 Shenqiu Groundwater From Gaoying village to Yanzhai village, 4 county southeast of Shengiu county seat 3 Taikang Groundwater Water-head is in Cheng village, northwest of 2 county county seat 4 Xiangcheng Groundwater Along Zhoulou & Kongzhuang village, southwest 8.8 city of county proper 11. Xin ang city Minggang Water from 1 town hongshizui Southern bank of Hongshizui reservoir 4 reservoir 2_ Xi county Groundwater _ Outside of planning area, northeast of county seat 3 Luoshan Water from 3 Luoshan former pipes networks perfection county waterworks 0

4 iYangshan Water from Pressure-increasing station & pipes networks district waterworks perfection

12. Jiaozuo city _ Groundwater tMengzhou river The beach, northern bank of 0

bottomland The total 89.8

1. 3. The nunber of t he cli spl aced peopl e af f ect ed by t he I and t aken The I and t aken f or t he per nanent si t es of at er vor ks W I I af f ect 601 fanl i es (i . e. 2884 persons), and that of pernranent mater-heads WI I affect 87 f ani I i es ( i . e. 354 persons). A t oget her, t he I and t aken per nanent I y i nf I uences 788 f ari I i es ( i . e. 3238 per sons); t he I and occupi ed t enpor ar i I y f or pi pes i nf I uences 720 f ani I i es ( ( i . e. 2870 per sons) . The I and t aken f or t he per rrnent si t es of semage t r eatnmnt pl ant s w I I af f ect 195 f ani I i es ( i . e. 806 persons), of uhi ch 23 f ani I i es ( i .e. 92 persons) ar e t he di spl aced peopl e r el ocat ed, and 30 f ani I i es ( ( i . e. 126 per sons) ar e t he di spl aced peopl e af f ect ed by t he col I ect i ve I and occupi ed t errpor ar i I y f or pi pes. The I and t aken per nrnent I y f or t he uat er- suppl y and sevage t reat nent prq ect i nf I uences 983 f ani I i es ( i . e. 4044 persons), of Whi ch 23 f arn I i es ( i . e. 92 per sons) ar e t he di spl aced peopl e r el ocat ed, 960 f arn I i es ((i.. e. 3952

16 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

per sons) bei ng t he di spl aced peopl e af f ect ed by t he I and t aken, 760 f an, I i es ( ( i . e. 3101 per sons) bei ng t he di spl aced peopl e af f ect ed by t he col I ect i ve I and occupi ed teenporari I y f or pi pes. Cetai I s are shovn i n Tabl e 1-3 and Tab! e attached 1- 3-1. Table 1-3 The d spaced people affectedy thevater-stqply aridsetagetreatnert pr ecte permanent land temporary land occupation relocated occupation name families displaced people FaiisDisplaced Dipae people displaced displaced Families people people people Land taken for 701 2884 waterworks 788 3238 Land taken 78 323 for 87 354 water-heads Land occupied by 720 2975 temiporary pipes__ __ Land taken for sewage 195 806 195 806 23 92 treatrnent plant__ _ _ _ Land occupied by 30 126 30 126 temiporary

,pipes ______The total 983 4044 23 92 750 3101 And al so, sone ot her publ i c ser vi ce f aci I i t i es, i nf r ast r uct ur es and speci al f aci I i t i es w I I be i nf I uenced, such as t el egr aph pol es, povmer I i nes, t r ees, t orTbs, agr i cul t ur al i r r i gat i on appar at us and r oads; as f or t he peopl e, t hose vihose I and has been t aken and vho have t o r eset t I e w I I be i nf I uenced. There are 4 ki nds of I and f or t he const r uct i on of t he Proj ect: 1. Lhi t - o\Aned I and: The present mat erwor ks i s const r uct ed on t he uni t - o\Aned I and owmed by t he f or rnr mat erw\or ks i n char ge of t he i rrpl ernent at i on of t he Proj ect . That Aaterv\.orks has \Aorked for a I ong peri od, and t he conpensat i on f or t he I and has gi ven t o t he di spl aced peopl e M^hen t he I and Mas t aken. The ovner shi p of t he I and has been i n t he Aat er w\or ks and, so, t her e i s no pr obl em of conpensat i on and di spl aced peopl e. I The si t e of t he at erw\or ks i n A nye count y i s i n t he uni t - ovned I and. 2. St at e- owAned I and: The present at erv or ks i s const r uct ed on t he st at e- owAed I and, such as t he ^at er v\or ks and t he at er - head i n Lushan count y, t he \Aat er - heads i n Song count y, Yuanyang count y, X chuan and l\ngzhou; t r ansf or rrt i on and const r uct i on of t he pi pel i nes i n t he ci t i es and t owis di st r i ct of t he R oj ect i s al so per f or ned on t he st at e- owned I and.

17 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

3. The I and t aken recent I y: The I and t aken recent I y has been used, accor di ng to t he ci ty pl anni ng, for t he i nf rast ruct ure I and. The I and ori gi nal I y bel ongs t o t he col I ect i ve of t he resi dent s i n t he suburbs. Accordi ng t o t he regul at i ons of The Lawco Land l\nagenent of the Fbople' s Fbpublic of CiMnaE]" to reet t he needs of t he publ i c i nt erest s, t he I and can be t aken w t h conpensat i on" Pai d use of st at e - owned I and" , t he uni t s i n char ge of t he i rnpl enent at i on of t he R oj ect obt ai n t he r i ght t o use t he I and af t er t hey have pai d f or ki nds of conpensat i on and t axes. 4. The col I ect i ve- owned I and used t enpor ar i I y: The pi pel i nes of t he vat er-heads, sore of the vater-suppl y pi pel i nes, and the seAage pi pel i nes are I ai d on t he col I ect i ve-owved I and and occupy tenporari I y t he I and of t he far ner s. 1. 4 Soci al and econan c i npact s ao Ibnan Towis VMt er ( Sppl y and Dai nage) Pr c ect The v%at er - suppl y and sem^age t r eat nent pr oj ect w I I hel p t he adrn ni st r at i on t o nake speci f i c pol i ci es t o pr ovi de publ i c ent er pr i se and envi r onnent al servi ces, hel p t o i nt roduce conprehensi ve net hods of nanagi ng t he wat er- suppl y pi pel i nes, mater resources, and the control of m^ater pol I uti on. -y way of per f ect i ng mat er - suppl y f aci I i t i es and semage t r eat nent f aci I i t i es, t hi s pr oj ect w I I hel p t o i npr ove t he qual i t y of dr i nki ng mat er and t he heal t h of the pubi c, hel p to better mater qual i ty i n the di stri ct of the FPoj ect and i n i t s I ovter reaches3 hel p t o bet t er at er envi ronnent and t o reduce di sease caused by vat er, hel p t o bet t er t he I i vi ng envi ronnent of aquat i c I i vi ng- t hi ngs, hel p t o r est or e and bet t er t he ecol ogi cal envi r onnent s, hel p t o i npr ove t he I i vi ng st andar d of t he poor i n t he ci t i es, hel p t o guar ant ee t he qual i t y of dr i nki ng mat er and i npr ove t he nanagerent of mat er - suppl y and semage. Fur t her nor e, t hi s pr oj ect w I I accel er at e soci al and econoni c devel opnent of t he count i es or ci t i es i n t he Pr oj ect . The const r uct i on and i npl enent at i on of t he R oj ect w I I di r ect I y cr eat e enpl oynent chances t o t he I ocal s, i ncr ease t hei r econoni c i ncone, i npr ove I i vi ng st andar d t o st i mul at e t he devel opnent of busi ness i t he const r uct i on of t he i nf r ast r uct ur es w I I per f ect I ocal i nvest nent envi r onnent, hel p t o at t r act nor e f unds f r om out si de, hel p t o enhance t he I ocal i ndust r y , agr i cul t ur e and busi ness, hel p t o i ncr ease ernpl oynent chances of t he I ocal s and t hei r i ncone, and hel p t o enf or ce I ocal sci ence & t echnol ogy and i t s ent er pr i se nanagenent 3 t he out si de i nvest nent w I I cr eat e rnr e and rrmr e appr eci at e chances f or t he I ocal s whi I e t he wnderf ul i nf r ast r uct ur e and envi r onnent w I I at t r act and st i nrul at e t our i sM t oget her w t h conner ci al s and ser vi ces. The const r uct i on of t he R oj ect w I I di r ect I y i ncr ease t axes, and t he out si de i nvest nent, devel opnent of t our i sM busi ness pr osper i t y, devel opnent of t hi r d i ndust r y w I I al so i ncr ease t axes f or t he I ocal gover nnent . These t axes becone f i nance f oundat i on f or f ur t her econoni c devel opnent and soci al ser vi ces. The const r uct i on of t he Pr oj ect pr ormt es t he change of t he soci al i deol ogy. R of i t i ng f r om i npl enent at i on of " hunan bei ngs- cent er ed" thoughts, the

18 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project f r ont - end dernnst r at i on of t he Wr I d Bank Loans, t he Ft oj ect dermnst r at i on, pr oj ect i rpi erent at i on and i t s nanagermnt st yl e, t he soci al i deol ogy w I I be i rpr oved and changed. Li t t I e by I i t t I e, nanagi ng pat t er ns and rTanagi ng st andar d of t he VrI d Bank W I I ef f ect i vel y i nf I uence al I t he part i ci pant s unconsci ousl y. Thus, t hei r sci ent i f i c nanagenent sense and huran bei ngs- cent er ed sense, t hei r hunan- nat ur e har rmny sense, envi r onnent al pr ot ect i on, and t he senses of I aw and pol i cy of t he of f i ci al s at al I I evel s and of part i ci pant s, et c. w I I be r ei nf or ced t o, i n t ur n, be benef i ci al t o t he har noni zed devel oprent and stabi I i ty and uni tyO Because w\onen and i nf ant s W I I suf fer nrr e easi I y i n poor background and f I oodi ng per i od, t hey w I I benef i t nuch rmr e f r om t he R oj ect . To be br i ef, t he at er - suppl y pr oj ect' pr ovi di ng dr i nki ng wat er al I t he day r ound W I I bet t er t he qual i t y of dr i nki ng \at er; t he sewage t r eatrnt pr oj ect w I I i npr ove t he I evel of sewage t reat nent and vat er envi ronrent and WI I be benef i ci al t o t he heal t h of I ocal resi dent s and t he resi dent s i n t he I omer r*eaches and t o t he devel opnent of agri cul t ure and i ndust ry. The acconpi i shnent of t hi s pr oj ect w I I provi de new sevage t r eat rnt ser vi ce, and pr ovi de cheap, opt i onal uat er f or t he ent er pr i ses usi ng r ecycl ed vat er. 10 The d rect and iindi rect benefits o the vater supply prq ect 10lThe d rect benef i t Dr i ng t he const r uct i on, shor t - t er m enpl oynent and I ocal i ncone w I I go up3] D.jri ng the operati on, I ong-termenpl oynent and I ocal i ncone w II go up[] Local peopl e i ncl udi ng t he poor w I I i ncr ease t he under st andi ng of \vat er suppl y est abl i shnent, oper at i ng t echnol ogy and ranagi ng neasur es3] I ncr ease t he saf e and hi gh- qual i t y dr i nki ng \ at er, bet t er t he qual i t y and quant i t y of \at er provi ded f or resi dent s, i ndust ry and busi nessEl DCcrease t he danger s of wat er- caused di seases, reduce t he rat e of \wat er - r el evant di sease deat h r at e, r educe t he r el evant nedi cal f ees and t he loss caused by di sease, especi al I y reduce t he danger s t o t he poor ,the young, t he ol d and t he f enal eOl Sve t i ne spent on carryi ng Aat er. Fbduce t he t i n t o get dri nki ng vat er 37 23 The i nci rect benef i ts I ncr ease t he r el evant addi t i onal benef i t s of t he cor por at i ons, busi nesses, I ocal pur chasi ng and ser vi ce uni t sli ETpIl oynent chance w I I be i ncr eased because of I ocal r aw not er i al purchasi ngO Bet t er t he envi r onnent qual i t y t o at t r act rmr e donest i c and f or ei gn i nvest rnent and t o accel er at e t our i srrE Boost the devel opnent and val ue of real est atea3 By ay of st i rml at i ng over al I econoni c devel opnent t o al I evi at e t he pover t y pr obl em ar i si ng f r om " no pr oj ect s" 2. The c rect and i nci rect benefit of the semage treatn nt prq ect 3 1L The d rect benef i t s 19 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Dr i ng t he const r uct i on, shor t - t er m errpl oynent and I ocal i ncone w I I go up Dir i ng t he oper at i on, I ong- t er m errpl oynent and I ocal i ncone w I I go upoE Local peopl e i ncl udi ng t he poor w I I i ncrease t he underst andi ng of t he sewage t r eat nent est abl i shrnent, oper at i ng t echnol ogy and rmnagi ng reasur esE Better the vater quality of the Ioer reaches of the river receiving the recycl ed water and i ts bi ol ogi cal di versi tyOE I rrprove t he I i vi ng envi ronryent and I i vi ng qual i t y of I ocal peopl eL Dacr ease t he dangers of vat er - caused di seases, r educe t he rat e of vat er - r el evant di sease deat h r at e, r educe t he r el evant rnedi cal f ees and t he I oss caused by di sease, especi al I y r educe t he dangers t o t he poor, t he young, t he ol d and t he f enal eO Agr i cul t ur al i r r i gat i on pr obl em of t he I oaer r eaches w I I be sol ved, and t hen t he agr i cul t ur al out put and i ncone w I I be i ncr eased. O 20 The i rc rect benef i ts Bpl oynent chance w I I be i ncr eased because of I ocal raw rrt er i al s purchasi ng of t he sevage t reat nent proj ect El RorTte the local tourismand the appreciating value of vater body of ri versO Per f ect t he envi r onrnent qual i t y t o at t r act nur e donest i c and f or ei gn i nvest rnent ol I rrprove t he I i vi ng envi r onnent and I i vi ng qual i t y of I ocal peopl eEO By way of stimulating overall economic development to alleviate the poverty problem arising from "no projects"

20 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

2. General social and economic condition of affected areas

2E 1 Natural, climate and water resource conditions The Project covers thoroughly 12 cities, Henan province. Henan Province situates in the middle by east, middle & lower reaches of Yellow River, within geographically east longitudellO° 21' E 116° 39' and north latitude 310 23' 0 36° 22' . It abuts Hebei province, Shanxi province, Shanxi province, province, province and Shandong province, 580 km from east to west and 550 km from south to north. Covering an area of

167000 square km, Henan Province is 17th in area. Hypsography is high in the west and low in the east, physiognomy is different clearly. In the west, the mountains heave with a high altitude and in the east, hypsography is low and even. From west to east, the physiognomy changes from mid-height mountains to low-height hill, from knaps to plains with 2390.6-meter fall. 2.1.1 Climate With warm climate, rich sunshine, and sufficient rain, Henan province lies in Northern semitropical and warm temperate zone, which is good for agriculture, forestry, fishing and animal husbandry. Divided by Qin Mountain & , it is warm temperate zone with half-moist and half-dry characteristic in the northern side, covering 70% of the total area; it is semitropical zone with moist and half-moist characteristic in the south, covering 30% of the total area. The climate characterizes by transition. It is mild in Henan, the yearly average temperature is 12.8-15.50 with clear difference in different seasons. Rain is focused in summer, 45-60% of the yearly total. The non-proportion of rain will easily lead to flooding and drought. 2.1.2 water resources & water system Average possession of water resources is rather low in Henan province, the total superficial underground water is 20500 million tube meters, the plains and central basin taking 3/4, the mountain area taking 1/4. Throughout Henan province, water of cranny hill cave cranny immersion covers an area of 52310 square kms; water of cranny immersion in the plains covers 108794 square km, and deep confined water covers 84700 square km. At the same time, the flowing area is in short of water resources and pipes construction is in a low-level, short and waste of water resources exist simultaneously and recycling utilization of water in industry is in a low degree. Most rivers in Henan province originate from western mountain area, fanned out to the 21 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

east, the north or the south. Henan province has total runoff of 16570 million tube meter; It is rich in rivers in Henan Province, having493 rivers with flowing area of 100 square km, 61 rivers with flowing area of 100 square km and 16 rivers with flowing area of 1000 square km. All the rivers can be divided into four river systems, Haihe River system, Yellow River system, Huaihe River system and Yangtze River system from north to south Taking 5.1% of its total flowing area and 21.7% of provincial area, Yellow river flows 720 km within Henan province with a flowing area of 36000 square kmo originating from Tongbai mountains and out of Henan boundary in the east , taking 46.2% of its total flowing area and 52.8% of provincial area, Huaihe river flows 340 km within Henan province with a flowing area of 88300 square km; belonging to Yangtze river system, Tang river, Bai river and Danjiang river are branches of Han river, with a flowing area of 27400 square km, occupying 16.3% of total provincial area; originating from Taihang mountain and the main branch of Hai river, Weihe river has a flowing area of 15300 square km with over 400 km in Henan province, occupying 92.% of provincial area. In 2004, the total water resources is 40500 million tube meters, per capita 417 tube meter per capita, and the yearly average rain is 80, mm. In 2004, out of 83 surface water environmental quality monitoring cross-sections in the four river basins throughout Henan province, 45.8% cross- sections meet standard of national Class III of water quality, going up 7.2% than that of last year; water of 3.6% cross-sections belongs to Class IV, dropping 3.6%; 8.4% cross-sections is in Class V, achieving 1.2% increase; 42.2% cross-sections satisfy Class V, dropping 4.8%. Up to the end of 2004, Henan Province governs 17 provincially administered municipalities, one province-governing city, 21 county-level cities, 48 municipal districts, 89 counties, 2123 towns, 48000 villages. The provincially administered municipalities are: Zhengzhou, , , , , Kaifeng, Luoyang, Xinxiang, Jiazuo, Pingdingshan, Xuchang, Sanmenxia, Nanyang, Shangqiu, Xinyang, Zhoukou and Zhumadian, and the one province-governing city is . 2.2. Social and economic situation of project areas 2.2.1. General economic situation of Henan province The Project concerns 12 cities under the Henan Procincial Government except Zhengzhou, Anyang, Hebi, Jiyaun, Puyang, Luohe, including Kaifeng, Luoyang, Xinxiang, Jiaozuo, Pingdingshan, Xuchang, Sanmenxia, Nanyang, Shangqiu, Xinyang, Zhoukou, Zhumadian etc, whose social and economic developing condition is fundamentally on the same level, but some index marks are a little lower. According to National Economy & 22 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Social Development Statistics Bulletin in 2004 issued by Henan Province Statistics Department] Henan Province yearly gross product is 881509 million, among which, the primary industry achieves 164748 million increase, the secondary industry achieves 451535 million increase and the tertiary industry achieves 265226 million increase. Social economy Quality of economic operation improved greatly. All state-run corporations and all non- state-run enterprises with yearly sales income of over 5000 thousand RMB got benefits of 3765.2million RMB. In 2004, totally 55500 thousand persons were employed, achieving 150 thousand increase than last year. The town employments are 8500 thousand, increasing 100 thousand. The town unemployment rate is 3.4% at the end of the year. Totally, the food supplies output is 42600 thousand tons: summer grain crops are 25209.8 thousand tons, and autumn grain crops 17390.2 thousand tons. The total output of oil plants is 4087.5 thousand tons] cotton 666.7 thousand tons, tobacco leaf 257.5 thousand tonsOlvegetable 52375.2 thousand tons, meat 6430 thousand tonsOeggs 3474 thousand tons] milk 745 thousand tons and aquatic products 422 thousand tons. Educational situation All over Henan Province, the number of postgraduates enrolment is 5408 in 2004, 11853 are studying postgraduate courses and 2036 graduated; the number of college entrance enrolment is 257400 each year, 702800 are studying college courses and 134300 graduated; the number of adults education enrolment is 151000 each year, 337400 are studying adult courses and 86800 graduated; the number of secondary technical school and vocational schools enrolment is 439600, 1099500 are studying their courses and 292700 graduated; the number of senior schools enrolment is 613300, 1687500 are studying their senior schools courses and 424800 graduated; the number of secondary schools enrolment is 1963200, 5913500 are studying their courses and 1985200 graduated; the number of primary schools enrolment is 1624900, 10140600 are studying their courses and 2035400 graduated; the number of special education enrolment is 2700, 19100 are studying their courses; 1490200 infants are in nursery schools. 4817700 adults accept technical training in training schools, and 136700 young adults have been literate. Sanitary course Sanitary course persistently develops. At the end of the year, there are altogether 14119 sanitary agencies] including 3201 hospitals & public health centers, 166 health centers for

23 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

women & children, 37 special hospitals for diseases, 206800 sickbeds3 hospitals & public health centers have 196700 sickbedslLlthere are 288800 health personnelt3l 12400 practicing physicians and assistant practicing physicians3 and 78000 registered nurses; there are 182 Diseases Protection & Control Centers (health care stations) with 14100 health personnel working in, 33 sanitary inspection & verification agencies with 988 health personnel, 2065 hospitals in towns with 50900 sickbeds and 69200 health personnel. Population Natural growth rate. continuously drops. The total population is 9717000QO at the end of the year: 1130000 were born with birth rate of 11.67%o3 630000 were dead with death rate 6.47%o. 500000 increase with the natural growth rate of 5.2%o: There are 28090000 persons in towns, occupying 28.9% of the total. There are 69080000 farmers, occupying 71.1% of the total. There are 7190000 persons over 65 years old, about 7.4% of the total. Expenditure of residents The average governable income of the towns is 7704.9RMB, achieving 11.2% increase; average expenditure payout is 5294.2RMB, achieving 7.1% increase. the yearly net income of the farmers is 2553.15RMB, achieving 14.2% increase; the average individual consumption is 1664.09RMB, achieving 10.3% increase. The habitation condition is continuously being improved: 31152300 square meter housing areas have being completed in towns, and that in countryside are 91770000 square meters. The sale area of commercial housing is 10553700 square meter, achieving 22.3% increase. Endowment insurance and social security To the end of the year, 7796300 join in basic pension insurance, of which 5984300 are employers and 1812000 are the retired or the resigned. Increased by 20400 last year, 6816400 join unemployment insurance. 5900000 join in hospitalization insuranceDichieving 231500 increase, and 4533000 are employers and 1367900 are the retired or the resigned. The govemment distributed 910 million RMB of minimum standard of living pension to 1350000 persons in towns, 4.8% of population of all towns. Henan province government regulates: the rural residents having no labor ability and living source, at the same time, having no fostering responsibility, or those disabled, elder residents and minors although having fostering responsibility, if they live together, they can receive at least 1200 Yuan per year, but if they are separated, they can receive at least 1000 Yuan every year. The money is gained from extra tax of agriculture to mainly government finance investment. According to the statistics of the investigation, at present there are

24 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

492,600 families who enjoy the five guarantees, 517,600 people in the whole province, i.e. 6.7% of the whole population. As for the poor families in the countryside, the standard for social security is monthly average income 70 RMBI that is, 84ORMB per person per yearE. For those whose income is under the standard, the shortage will be balanced by the government. As for social welfare, the cares, with 63800 sickbeds, accept 47100 persons; 3155 community service establishment are built, including 349 community service centers. Social welfare fund raises 321million RMBEI all walks of life donate 18140000 yuan RMBv1 note]3 the gross product and added-value of industries in accordance with the present price, increment speed in accordance with comparable prices] . 2.2.2. The social and economic situation of project areas The social and economic situations of the 12 counties/cities are rather good throughout Henan Province, staying moderate level and a little better than average. During the course of affluent society construction and central plain's rising development, the Project zone will and can do its contribution. According to the statistic data in 2004, the 12 counties /cities cover an area of 115226 square km, 69% of Provincial area, with a population of 76920 000, 79.6% of that of the province. GDP of the 12 counties/cities goes up to 485100 million in 2003, 69% of the provincial gross economy and the budget income is15180 million, 44.9% of the provincial budget income total. See table 2-2-labout the basic situation of each county/city] see table 2-2-1 about the GDP( 10 thousand RMB) in 2004 of each county/city. 2.3. Investigation on social economy of resettlement communities The aim of investigation on planning in influenced area is to have an overall knowledge of the social economy of resettlement community and the influence on resettlement community. 1. Resettlement planning investigation program has been set down. The systematic, complete program tries every means to be strict in organization, reasonable, in construction, complete in content and system. Also, the questionnaire is in a limpid style and easily understood to be accepted by all walks of life and different professions. 2. After the first draft finished, holding panel discussion attended by relevant experts and participants to put heads together and to carefully survey the content of thie program in order to perfect the feasibility of the program.

25 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

2.3.1. Contents of investigation The main items for investigation to the influence area areO

- -population ] investigation and statistics to migrants structure; educational situation] -- social economy] investigation to social and economic development of the influenced area] -housing] may classified into living houses, adjunct tenements, and appurtenances considering its use. Housing may be classified into reinforced concrete and brick construction, wood and brick construction, wood and soil construction, plank wood construction. Square meter is the unit of the floor space when investigate -municipal-service facilities]Oincluding roads, bridges and culverts, water and drain establishment, electricity equipment, post and telegram installment, entertainment, medical care and educational amenity.] -land] may classified into state demesne and collective-owned according to the ownership. It may be classified into farmland, ground, forest land, homestead, industrial an mining enterprises land, transportation land and water area (rivers and streams, reservoir an poles), etc.] -production and living establishment] -- water conservancy & hydroelectric power installment] agriculture-pumping stations, agricultural-wells, penstocks, etc.. ] -transportation system] highway and express way, shortcut, etc.. electricity equipment] transformers, 10kv electric lines, 380v high voltage wires, etc.. - cultural relic & historic site] investigation on their names, locations, and scales, etc.. 2.3.2. The main economic indexes O .families-social economy indexes Characteristic of population-family style, family structure, ratio between male & female, ratio between adults & infants, educational situation, situation of body health] Economic situation-source & level of income, possession situation, profession, employment chances and income]

26 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Living environment-housing, sanitary, water supply, electricity, utilization & situation of infrastructure and public establishment

Social' environment - social impact of the general formal social organization, non-governmental organization and informal organization. Also, how these organizations show care to the old, the handicapped and their social impact, entertainment equipment, etc. E .resettlement villages-social economy indexes Population-population, ratio between male and female, ratio between adults and infants, career groups, agricultural & non-agricultural products and resettlement and moving of population3 Economy-natural resources, situation of agricultural production, agricultural outcome, crop farming and livestock breeding, situation of the secondary & tertiary industry El

Infrastructure and surroundings - situation of villages infrastructure, community facilities, agricultural establishment, water-heads, electricity and environment?l Social organization - social governmental organization, non-governmental organization, private association, women's association and the social & economic * networks7 2.3.3. Methods of investigation 1. Screening the sample families The land taken permanently for the Project affect 983 displaced families, i.e. 4044 displaced people. 170 sample families (689 people) are investigated, occupying 17.1% of the displaced people affected by land taken permanently. Screening sample families is important to guarantee the precision and accuracy of the investigation. There are 4 the principles of screening sample families: live; r- From regions, to consider the wideness of the regions where sample families L. From sociology, to consider the rationality of the sample families at all levels, to consider the difference between the social environment and the impacts of the Project and the preference of the social value, and to consider the participation of people with different benefits E.LFrom economics, to consider the typicality of economic development; From statistics consideration, the quantity of sample families should be considered. The investigations pay special attention to the scope of sample families. The screening * of the subjects of investigation is as follows:

27 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

a. The project counties (cities) and the relevant responsible entities to implement the Project are screened as samples b. The committees of the villages where land is taken for the Project is screened as sample villages. c. Among the 5 sample families, 1 family relatively rich, 1 family relatively poor, 3 families moderate. If there are especially poor old single people or one-parent families, I more family is chosen as sample, and the assistance from the local govemments or social groups is to be investigated carefully. d. Besides the above, investigations are made at random on the project counties (cities). The sample families investigated at random should cover various social classes and trades. We should pay attention to the different problems arising from different education, the different opinions of the relevant benefit groups and of different benefit groups, so as to make the sample families cover all social classes and benefit groups of the resettlement communities. 2. Methods of investigation In general, the planning investigation is to have free talks and interviews by way of "from upper class to lower class" and from "macroscopic view to microscopic view" First, we discuss with the relative branches of the local govenmment. The branches attending the discussion include the Water Conservancy Bureau, the City Construction Bureaus, the Health Bureaus, the Epidemic Prevention Stations, the Environmental Protection Bureaus, the Statistics Bureaus, the Civil Administration Bureau, the Land Bureaus, Chengguan Town and the Running Water Company. From the discussion, we can get to know, from micro level, the economic development level, environmental condition, medical cire level, the interrelationship between drinking water and health, the productive and living standard of the groups of the concerned social interests in the Project County, and various policies adopted by the govemments of each level about the construction of the Water Work and the displaced people. Second, according to the task of the social evaluation, the plan and outline of the investigation, different teams of experts have been sent to the inhabitants' committees of the city and the resettlement villages to carry out the interview, informal discussion and questionnaire investigation. Then they can get the information about the general situation of the inhabitants' committees, the economic development of the communitids, the social economy of the local counties, urban communities and families in quantitative statistics, the contents of the inner labor division and,income shifting of the sample families and the basic

28 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project understanding, opinions and suggestions of the inhabitants' committees, resettlement village' s committees and the interests concemed groups for the construction of the waterworks or sewage treatment plants. Three, conversazione and interview. The aim is to truly understand displaced peoples' situation of production and life, their attitudes on the Project, their requirement of compensation and the situation of land taken. Four, on- the- spot survey and measurement. The aim of survey & measurement is to know the real situation, to master true influence of land imposing on displaced villages, to check substantial index and its quantity & type of demolishment and engineering construction. To ensure accuracy of data, the investigation should note down detailed statistics and check with displaced people themselves. 2.3.4. Result of investigation Population The permanent land imposing in water-supply engineering concems 36 villages, 34425-mu land. With average farmland of 1.76 mu, the number of farmers is 19578. The permanent land imposing in sewage treatment engineering concerns 6 villages, 12517.9-mu land. With average farmland of 1.88 mu, the number of farmers is 6583. Villagers in villages of sites of water supply project and places of water-heads are permanent residents who are really natives. Among 689 persons, the male are 361 persons and the female are 328 persons; ratio between is 1:0.91. Each family has 4.05 persons on average. 18.72%, that is 129 persons are under 16 years old; 76.49%, that is 527 persons are 17 to 60 years old. 4.79%, that is 33 persons are over 60 years old. See Table 2-3-4-1. Table 2-3-4-1 Age framework of resettlement sampling families

Age Sample population percent7l % Cl Children LI D 16 years oldZ 129 18.72 From 17-60 years old 527 76.49 Over 60 years old 33 4.79 The total 689 100 Situation of receiving education Among 689 sample displaced people 10.01%, that is 69 persons received basically primary education and 19.74%, that is, 136 received primary education. Those mainly are

29 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiagey Project

children and the old. 68.07%, that is, 469 persons graduated from middle school or senior high school. In the countryside, nine-year obligatory education has been popularized, then the youth have chance to receive secondary or senior high school education; among the families, 2.18%, that is , 15 sons or daughters are receiving professional or college education. See Table 2-34-20D Table 2-3-4-2 condition on education of sampling families

Condition on education Sample population percentO %E Basic learning 69 10.01 Primary school 136 19.74 Middle/high school 469 68.07 Undergraduate O special 15 2.18 training course includedE The total 689 100 Yearly per capita net income of sample families Sample displaced families are 170 families, 689 persons, and yearly the per capita net income is 2299.2 RMB. 54.71% of the total, that is, 377 persons in 93 families have equal or less average net income among all sample families; 45.29%, that is, 312 persons in 77 families have more average net income. Thus, the average net income is olive-sized distributing, the discreteness of data is rather focused, and income of displaced people is nearly on average. 65.29%, that is, 550 persons in 111 families have net income of between 2000 and 3000RMB. The phenomena of inequality distribution are less seriou*s than that of the towns. Among the displaced families, the least yearly net income is 1500RMB, and the highest, 4 persons in one family, is 7000RMB, which is 4.67 times than the lowest. See Table 2-3-4-3. Table 2-3-4-3 yearly average net income profile of sample family Per capita income Number of families Number of population Percent 1500

30 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage), Project The minority families & the weak groups The residents affected by the Project are all Han people, without ethnic minorities. In the sample resettlement families investigated, there are no single-member families, no families below the poverty line, no families without a wife or a husband, a child or a heir. The choosing of taking compensation All the resettlement families investigated choose cash compensation. The loss of farmland is compensated for by the land owned by the village committees or the land is re-arranged among the village groups. The findings of the investigation show that: 35 families, taking 20.59% of all resettlement families, show their will to work in the sites when the Project begins; 15 families, taking 8.82% are willing to transport construction materials in the course of the Project construction. No displaced people will work in the waterworks or the sewage treatment plants because worker's wage in the factory is low and less than their income earned in other way. Attitude of migrants to water supply & sewage treatment project construction Of 689 persons in the investigation, 35.56% are for the Project construdtion, 57.33% are indifferent or saying nothing, and 7.11% are against the Project. When asked if they know something about the Project, 52.5% know the Project is to construct, 47.5% know nothing about the Project construction in their land. The ways payment of compensations:

Monitoring of the discipline inspection sections and of the audit sections

The project The land bureaus The committees o f the faiiesplaced implementing _ resettlement villages --_ uiti esn sections

Monitoring of the representatives of the displaced people

31 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage} Project

Table 2-3-4-6 Attitude of migrants to water supply & sewage treatment project construction Number of Condition on investigation sample Percent of all populationoL %El Attitude to population the Project agree 245 35.56 indifferent 395 57.33 disagree 49 7.11 Degree of Knowing 362 52.5 knowing the Project Not knowing 327 47.5

32 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Dralage) Project

3. The influence of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project and its indexes of the material objects The Project land taking can be divided into four kinds: first, to take the collectively-owned land forever for the Project construction; second, to take the collectively-owned land temporarily; third, to take state-owned land forever; fourth, to take the state-owned land temporarily. Influence of the Project to local residents may be classified into two categories: one is the influence of land taking; the other is the influence during the construction. 3.1 The impact of land taken for Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project Except the site of Xinye waterworks is on their self-owned land and that of Lushan waterworks is on the state-owned land, all the other sites of waterworks and sewage factories (37 factory sites and 3 pressurization stations) are all on the collectively-owned cultivated farmland. The water-heads of 29 waterworks are collectively-owned land; the land taking impact mainly refers to the impact on the land owners and users because of the Project construction. Impact of land taking mainly includes the impact on the living environment, the production surroundings and the ways of life and the production of the former land owners or contractors. Altogether, the water supply project permanently takes 1006.24mu , of which 2mu is state-owned land in Xinxiang County waterworks, 12 mu is self-owned land in Xinye waterworks, 25 mu is stated-owned land provided free in Lushan County waterworks, and 969.24 mu is newly taken; sewage treatment project permanently 2 takes 240.56 mu, all is newly taken. All in all, 3093 m of housing needs to be demolished in this project. Water supply project has an impact on 15 217 sapling, 111 big trees and 11 mu nursery; as for infrastructure, it affects 27 electric poles, 2 bridges, 4 culverts, 1 277 meter farming wells, 423.1 m2 temporarily-built farmland equipment and 124 tombs. Sewage treatment project has an impact on 860 saplings, 5 grown-up trees; as for infrastructure, it affects 8 electric poles, 130 farming wells, 91.85 square meter temporary establishment and I tomb. 3.1.1. The land taken for the water supply project and the sewage treatment project Altogether, water supply project permanently covers an area of 916.44mu (of which 2mu is state-owned land in Xinxiang County waterworks, 12mu is self-owned land in Xinye waterworks, 25mu is stated-owned land provided free in Lushan County waterworks), 879.44mu is for sites of water-supply project, 89.8mu is for sources, and 969.24mu is newly taken; pipelines and farm infrastructures temporarily covers 934.5mu. Details are shown in Table 3-1-la. Sewage treatment plant permanently covers 240.56mu, sewage pipelines temporarily covers 34mu. Details are shown in Table 3-1-lb.

33 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Table 3-1-1 a. The land occupied by the tap water project Waterworks Permanent Pipelines and County/city C MuL Water-heads C MuL E MuL wellsF] MuL

Weishi county 18.90 4.00 22.90 22.50 Tongxu county 18.90 3.00 21.90 15.00 Lankao county 30.00 4.00 34.00 15.00 Qixian county 30.00 2.00 32.00 7.50 Kaifeng county No land occupied Metgjin county 24.00 2.00 26.00 30.00 Yiyang county 32.00 0.30 32.30 7.50 Song county 22.25 state-owned 22.25 7.50 Baofeng county 17.59 2.00 19.59 60.00 Jia county 18.30 1.50 19.80 7.50 Lushan county state-owned land state-owned 58.00 Xinxiang county state-owned land Pipeline network 2.00 80.00 Yuanyang county 37.05 self-owned 37.05 7.50 Fengqiu county 36.00 18.00 54.00 7.50 Xiangcheng county 32.10 1.00 33.10 3.75 Shanxian county 20.00 4.00 24.00 15.00 Yima city No land occupied - Suixian county 30.50 2.6 33.1 7.50 Xiayi county 30.00 3.00 33.00 7.50 Zhecheng county 34.50 3.00 37.50 15.00 Dengzhou city 71.00 1.00 72.00 315.00 Xinye county self-owned land 2.00 2.00 7.50 Sheqi county 14.70 3.00 17.70 15.00 Xichuan county 15.10 state-owned 15.10 7.50 Queshan county 21.98 2.00 23.98 7.50 Xincai county 23.60 3.00 26.60 30.00 Xiping county 20.10 1.60 21.70 7.50 Zhengyang county 30.00 2.00 32.00 15.00 Suiping county 25.50 1.00 26.50 7.50 30.60 2.00 32.60 15.00 Shenqiu county 18.77 4.00 22.77 15.00 Taikang county 20.00 2.00 22.00 15.00 Xiangcheng county 44.00 8.80 52.80 15.00 Pingqiao district 23.40 4.00 27.40 0.00 Xixian county 20.00 3.00 23.00 7.50 Luoshan county No land occupied Yangshan district 30.00 0.00 30.00 7.50 Mengzhou city 36.60 state-owned 36.60 72.75 Total 879.44 89.8 969.24 934.5 Note: Xinxiang county waterworks occupies 2mu of state-owned land, the sites of Lushan county waterworks and Xinye county waterworks are 37mu of state-owned and self-owned land.

34 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Table 3-1-1 b. The land occupied by t e sewage treatment roject Village name of the Land occupied by the Land occupied by the County/city location a treatment PipelinesE MuOL

Mengjin county Niubuhe river 45 6

Song county South street & north street 41 8 Yuanyang county North street, Chengguan 40 2 town Baofeng county Dazhangzhuang village 37.8 7

Neixiang county Chengguan town 35 6

Huangchuan county Xianfeng village 41.76 5

Total 240.56 34

3.1.2 The impact of the land taken for the water supply project Sites of water supply project cover an area of 916.44mu; Xinye county has 12 mu self-owned land, Lushan county has 25 mu state-owned land, Xinxiang covnty, Kaifeng county, Yima city and Luoshan county are just pipelines perfection. Thus, in all the other 32 counties/cities, 876.22mu of land is taken for the waterworks sites (pressurization stations). In the 32 counties/cities, 35 145 mu cultivated farmland has been affected. Taking a village as a unit, before the land taking, the per capita farmland is 1.73mu, and after the land taking, the per capita farmland is 1.69mu, so per capita 0.04 mu has been lost, occupying 2.71%. Details are shown in Table 3-1-2. Table 3-1-2 The land taken for the sites of the Water-supply project and its impact The now Average Average County/city Waterworks farmland of Population of farmland of farmland of Average Percent of covering (mu) resettlement resettlement each before each after loss of each loss illages v i_llages taking taking Weishi county 18.9 1860 809 2.28 2.3 0.02 1.02% Tongxu County 18.9 1545 672 2.27 2.3 0.03 1.22% Lankao county 30 680 567 1.15 1.2 0.05 4.41% Qixian county 30 1800 1800 0.98 1.0 0.02 2.00% Kaifeng county No land taken Mengjin county 24 1780 1100 1.60 1.62 0.02 1.35% Yiyang county 32 1080 982 1.07 1.1 0.03 2.96% Songxiancounty 22.25 980 754 1.27 1.3 0.03 2.27% Baofeng county 17.59 1876 1251 1.49 1.5 0.01 0.94% Jiaxian county 18.3 1230 946 1.28 1.3 0.02 1.49% Lushan county state-owned land 25mu, no land taken Xinxiang county state-owned land 2mu Yuanyangcounty 37.05 1098 549 1.93 2 0.07 2.88% Fengqiu county 36 1850 1233 1.47 1.5 0.03 1.95%

35 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Table 3-1-2 The land taken for the sites of the Water-supply project and its impact

E continuedD

The now _ Average Average Cont/t Waterworks farmland of Population of farmland of farmland of Average Percent of County/city covering (mu) resettlement r agese each before each after loss of each loss

villages taking taking Xiangcheng 32.1 856 451 1.83 1.9 0.07 3.75% countyII Shanxian county 20 834 309 2.64 2.7 0.06 2.40% Yimna city no land taken Suixian county 30.5 1032 491 2.04 2.1 0.06 2.79% Xiayi county 30 1098 477 2.24 2.3 0.06 2.73% Zhecheng 34.5 976 390 2.41 2.5 0.09 3.53% countyI Dengzhou city 71 1873 1102 1.64 1.7 0.0.6 3.79% Xinye county self-owned land 12mu, no land taken Sheqi county 14.7 837 558 1.47 1.5 0.03 1.76% Xichuan county 15.1 678 424 1.56 1.6 0.04 2.23% Queshan county 21.98 967 604 1.56 1.6 0.04 2.27% Xincai county 23.6 1030 572 1.76 1.8 0.04 2.29% Xiping county 20.1 1065 444 2.35 2.4 0.05 1.89% Zhengyang 30 968 372 2.52 2.6 0.08 3.10% countyI Suiping county 25.5 856 408 2.04 2.1 0.06 2.98% Runan county 30.6 892 388 2.22 2.3 0.08 3.43% Shenqiu county 18.77 937 426 2.16 2.2 0.04 2.00% Taikang county 20 1032 543 1.86 1.9 0.04 1.94% 44 980 1089 0.86 0.9 0.04 4.49% Pingqiao district 23.4 765 956 0.78 0.8 0.02 3.06% Xixian county 20 895 358 2.44 2.5 0.06 2.23% Luoshan county no land taken Yangshan 30 450 750 0.56 . 0.6 0.04 6.67%

district ______Mengzhou city 36.6 865 577 1.43 1.5 0.07 5.00% Total 879.44 36145 27452 1.69 1.73 0.04 2.71%

3.1.3 The impact of the land taken for the water-heads Altogether 10 counties/cities don't need water-head land taking. They.are: Kaifeng county, Songxian county, Lushan county, Xinxiang county, Yuanyang county, Yima county, Xichuan county, Luoshan county, Yangshan district in Xinyang city and Mengzhou city. The reasons are: firstly, some counties only need pipeline perfection or pipeline construction, they are Kaifeng county, Yima county and Luoshan county; secondly, some counties just conduct the construction of pressurization stations or pipelines, no construction of waterworks or water-heads, and they are Xinxiang county and Yangshan district, Xinyang city; thirdly, water-heads are state-owned land, it is not necessary to take the

36 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project collectively-owned land, they are Songxian county (the water-head is reservoir area), Yuanyang county (the water-head is self-owned land), Xichuan county (the water-head is beach land ), Mengzhou city (the water-head is beach land ) and Lushan county (the water-head is reservoir area). Water-heads in 28 counties/cities cover an area of 89.9mu. Average land loss in water-heads is 0.004mu and loss rate of water-heads land is 0.29%. Concerning water-heads and sites of waterworks, the total permanent loss rate is 3.01%. Details are shown in Table 3-1-3. Table 3-1-3. The land taken for the water-heads and its impact

Present land i Per capita Per capita The total loss rate County/city Land taken of the village Population o Land after loss of loss rate of of permanent land (mu) °mu the village takng (mu) land a mu land taking Weishi county 4 1860 809 1856 0.00495 0.22% 1.23% Tongxu county 3 1545 672 1542 0.00447 0.19% 1.42% Lankao county 4 680 567 676 0.00706 0.59% 5.00% Qixian county 2 1800 1800 1798 0.00111 0.11% 2.11% Kaifeng county 0 Pipeline construction Mengjin county 2 780 600 775 0.00833 0.32% 0.65% Yiyang county 0.3 1080 982 1079.7 0.00031 0.03% 2.99% Song county 0 State-owned land 2.27% Baofeng county 2 1876 1251 1874 0.0016 0.11% 1.04% Jia county 1.5 1230 946 1228.5 0.00159 0.12% 1.61% Lushan county 0 State-owned land Xinxiang county 0 Pipeline construction Yuanyang county 0 State-owned land 2.88% Fengqiu county 18 1850 1233 1832 0.01459 0.97% 2.92% Xiangcheng 1 856 451 855 0.00222 0.12% 3.87% county Shan county 4 834 309 830 0.01295 0.48% 2.88% Yima city 0 Pipeline transfornation Suixian county 2.6, 1032 491 1030.31 0.00344 0.16% 2.95% Xiayi county 3 1098 477 1095 0.00628 0.27% 3.00% Zhecheng county 3 976 390 973 0.00768 0.31% 3.84% Dengzhou city 1 1873 1102 1872 0.00091 0.05% 3.84% Xinye county 2 860 453 858 0.00442 0.23% 0.23% Sheqi county 3 837 558 834 0.00538 0.36% 2.11% Xichuan county 0 State-owned land 2.23% Queshan county 2 967 604 965 0.00331 0.21% 2.48% Xincai county 3 1030 572 1027 0.00524 0.29% 2.58% Xiping county 1.6 1065 444 1063.4 0.00361 0.15% 2.04% Zhengyang county 2 968 372 966 0.00537 0.21% 3.31% Suiping county 1 856 408 855 0.00245 0.12% 3.10% Runan county 2 892 388 890 0.00516 0.22% 3.65% Shenqiu county 4 937 426 933 0.00939 0.43% 2.43% Taikang county 2 1032 543 1030 0.00368 0.19% 2.13% 37 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Xiangcheng city 8.8 980 | 1096 983 0.00274 0.30% 0.30% Pingqiao district 4 765 956 761 0.00418 0.52% 3.58% Xi county 3 895 358 892 0.00838 0.34% 2.57% Luoshan county 0 Pipeline transfornation Yangshan district 0 Pipeline transfornation 6.67% Mengzhou city 0 State-owned land 5.20% Total 89.8 31454 | 19258 31373.91 0.004772 0.29% 3.00%

3.1.4. Impacts of land taken for the sewage treatment project All in all, sewage treatment plants take farmland 240.56 mu. The per capita farmland of each villager before taking is 1.88 mu and 1.58 mu after taking. The per capita loss of farm land of each villager is 0.3 mu, and the loss rate is 1.92%. Details are shown in Table 3-1-43 Table 3-1-4. The impact of the land taken for the sewage treatment plant

Population o Land The per The per capita The per capita Land taken Population o Land The per capita land before land after Loss rate o County/city um resettlement before lanDd taken ingland in the 7 mu 13 vfllage muproEtaking taking tkn ilg Cgmu/personl] 1 mu/person vl

Mengjincounty 45 1080 ___1620.0 0.28 1.50 1.22 2.78%

county 41 980 1764.0 0.27 1.80 1.53 2.32% Yuanyang 40 1238 2847.4 0.32 2.30 1.98 1.40% county Baofeng 37.8 980 1764.0 0.26 1.80 1.54 2.14%

Neixiang 35 875 1662.5 0.33 1.90 1.57 2.11% county _ _ _ _ _ Huangchuan 41.76 1430 2860.0 0.35 2.00 1.65 1.46%

county __ __ Total 240.56 6583 12517.9 0.30 1.88 1.58 1.92%

3.1.5 The building and article on the land taken for Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project. Water supply engineering will affect 15 114 sapling, 111 big trees, 11 mu culvert; as for infrastructure, it affects 27 electric poles, 2 bridges, 4 culverts, 1 277meter agricultural wells, and 423.1 m2 temporary structure; still, it affects 93 tombs. Details are shown in Table 3-1-5a. Sewage treatment project will affect 860 saplings, 5 big trees; as for infrastructure, it affects 8 electric poles, 130 meter agricultural wells, and 91.85 m2 temporary structures; still, it affects 1 tomb. Details are shown in Table 3-1-Sb.

38 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Table 3-1-5a The building and article on the land occupied for waterworks, * water-heads and pipelines

Electric Big Nursery Depth of 'eoa farm County & city poe sa,pling tre zmL bridge culvert el() tomb infrastructures

Weishi county Tongxu county 3 100 30 2 69 Lankao county = Qixian county 12 115 19 Kaifeng county Mengjin county 59 Yiyang county Song county 75 Baofeng county Jiaxian county _ Lushan county _ = _ _ Xinxiang county ______6 Yuanyang county 2 400 1 7.5 Fengqiu county 900 = 10 Xiangcheng 3055 414 16 county Shanxian county 90 10, 41 Yirna city Sui county 2 90 Xiayi county 2 90 Zhecheng county _ Dengzhou city 3642 11 2 4 233 16 67 Xinye county ._. __ Sheqi county 30 Xichuan county 2 Queshan county 1 1 3 Xincai county Xiping county 3 21 Zhengyang county 85 = Suiping county 100 100 10 . Runan county . . 200 Shenqiu county . Taikang county 4692 500 Xiangcheng city 1628 19 Pingqiao district 5 Xi county Luoshan county Yangshan district 8.6 Mengzhou city 58 Total 27 15114 111 11 2 4 1277 93 423.1

39 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Table 3-1-5 b. The building and article on the land occupied for sewage treatment plant and pipelines Names of Adhesive materials within sewage treatment plants & pipelines occupation County/ city Name of village Electric Big Depth of Temporary farm pole sapling tree well(m) tomb infrastructures

Mengjtn Niubuhe village 15 30 counSothsteey Song county nouth street 2 32.65

Yuanyang North county street,Chengguan 3 300 5 60 59.2 Baofeng Dazhangzhuang 169 county village Neixiang Chengguan town 187 couty Huangchuan Xianfeng village .3 189 40 1 county Total 8 860 5 130 1 91.85

3.1.6 The pulling down and resettling of the displaced people' houses Altogether, the Project will demolish 2403 m2 of reinforced concrete and brick housing, 420 m2 of brick structure flats, and 268 m 2of log & earth housing. The total is 3093 m 2 Details are shown in Table 3-1-6-1]1 The property right of the removed houses of Taikang county waterworks belongs to the village collective. Originally the houses were the factory buildings of a village-run mill. Then because of bankruptcy, the houses were left unused. So this time the compensation for houses removed belongs to the village collectives. Only in Group 7 of Niubuhe village in Mengjin count, there are 23 families, 92 persons in all to be involved in the house displacement and resettlement. At the discussion meeting, the representatives of Group 7 put forward that the site of the waterworks should be built on the site of their village, and the villagers of Group 7 should be displaced to the central administrative village of Niubuhe village. There are 3 reasons for their displacement. First, the 7h group of the village is located at a remote hillside, and according to the village plan, the village will provide the fund for the 7 th group to move voluntarily to the easily accessible central administrative village if there is no construction of the Project. Second, the site of wastes of Mengjin coal-based power plant is located 500 meters away from the

7th group. Although the design and construction of the site of wastes conforms to The Law

40 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

th of Environment Protection, villagers of the 7t group often walk by the site so it affects their vision environment. Third, the site, originally planned, of the sewage treatment plant is only lkm away from the Niubuhe village. Although the screening and design of the site of wastes from the sewage treatment plant conforms to The Law of Environment Protection, the villagers of the 7th group don't want the Plant to be constructed on the originally planned site. They suggest that the sewage treatment plant should be built on the remote hillside after they displace to the central administrative village. So the cultivated farmland will not be occupied by the sewage treatment plant. That is to kill two birds with one stone. Table 3-1-6 The area of the houses pulled down of the displaced people reinforced concrete bnck structure flats lo & earth houses The County/city and brick houses srcu f g the M2) (m (n) total Taikang county 105 420 268 793 E waterworksE Mengjin county[] sewageE 2300 2300 Total 2405 420 268 3093

3.2 The impacts of the land occupied temporarily for the construction of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project Impact during the Project construction mainly refers to the temporary impact on agricultural product during laying of pipelines and impact on residents during laying of pipelines in town streets. 3.2.1 Area of the temporary cultivated farmland taking and the demolished & repaired road during laying of water supplying pipelines Area of the temporary cultivated farmland taking and the demolished & repaired road during laying of water supplying pipelines in the Project is 934.5mu, length of pipelines for distributed in farmland is 53 754.7 meters, and area of temporarily demolished road laying of pipelines is 752 887m2. Laying of pipelines may affect local traffic to an extent. For area of the temporary cultivated farmland taking and the demolished & repaired road during laying of water supplying pipelines, Details are shown in Table 3-2-1. Table 3-2-1 The Area of the temporary occupied farmland by tap water pipeline and of the repaired roads damaged during laying the water pipelines

taken for pipelines and Area of road damaged by2 Land pipelinesEl mi ) County/city Location wellsEl murl water-supply

Weishi West gate of Chengguan town 22.5 30000 4 1 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

county Tongxu East shuiwo village, Chengguan 15 29380 county town c-aunnktayo North street, Chengguan town 15 22510 Qixian Xiguan village, Chengguan town 7.5 30000 count Kaifeng Chengguan town 0 32000

count______Mengjty Ren village, Chengguan town 30 27760 county Yiyang Gantang village, Chengguan town 7.5 23910 cou nt ______county Yaobei village 7.5 13470

Baofeng Huangwa village 60 .5300 county______Jiaxian Yuchi village 7.5 12560 county Lushan Xigou village 58 32000 county county Chengguan town 80 9630

Yuanyang Xue village, Chengguan town 7.5 26515 county______Fengqiu North street village, Chengguan 7.5 8500 county town county Chengguan town 3.75 5620

county Weidikou village, Ruanlou town 15 15000 Yima city Chengguan town 0 16620 Suixian Chengguan town 7.5 12350

county ______Xiayi county Luwan village 7.5 36890 Zhecheng Shaoyuan village 15 12500 county Dengzhou Sanlihe village 315 40000 city______Xinye Chengguan town 7.5 12560 county cSohuenqtiy Chengguan town 15 12580

Xichuan No.1 group of Shizui village, 7.5 36250 county Shangji town Queshan Chengguan village 7.5 12560

Xmncai county Daliang village 30 12650 Xiping Xiaotianzhuang village, Baiting 7.5 21300 county office Zhengyang Zoulou village 15 10230 countyv ounpyng Wulou village 7.5 24285

42 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project countyg | village 15 36580 Shenqiu coSnty Fengchanhe village, Huaidian town 15 15200 Taikang Between Zengfen village & 15 14320 county Xiaoguo village, Chengguan town Xiangcheng village, Chengjiao town 15 12500 cit Pingqiao Yanzhuang village 0 11016 district Xi county Chengguan town 7.5 23945 Luoshan Chengguan town 0 6000 county Yangshan Chuwang village, Duanwan 7.5 *12500 district - neighborhood conmnittee city South street, Chengguan town 72.75 5896 Total 934.5 752887

3.2.2 The area of the temporary occupied farmland for laying the sewage pipelines and of the repaired roads during laying the sewage pipelines The area of the temporary cultivated farmland occupation and the demolished & repaired road during the sewage laying of pipelines is 34 mu, the length of pipelines laid in farmland is 1511.9 meters, and the area of temporarily demolished road for sewage laying of pipelines is 213 354m2. For the area of the temporary cultivated farmland occupation and the demolished & repaired road during laying of the sewage pipelines. Details are shown in Table 3-2-2-1. Table 3-2-2-1 The impacts of the land occupied by the sewage pipelines

Length of pipelines Area of the farmland Area of the road Length occupied by pipelines damaged by laying County/city Name of village 2 i i(muE sewage pipelines C m ) Mengjin Niubuhe River 266.8 6 45260 county Song county South street 355.7 8 . 70510 &north street Yuanyang North county street,Chengguan 88.9 2 24817 county town Baofeng Dzhangzhuang 311.3 7 15680 county village Neixiang Chengguan town 266.8 6 11587 county Huangchuan Xianfeng village 222.3 5 45500 co un y______Total I1 1511.9 134 1 213354

43 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

3.3 Cultural relics, minorities and weak groups Investigation shows that there is no cultural relic within the Project area; no impact has been found on cultural relic up to now. All the villagers in the affected area are Han people; there are no minorities. There is no poor population within the affected area in accordance with the standard of 1OOORMB/person/year issued by the provincial government this year.

3.4 The hot issues displaced people concern According to the investigation supervised by Resettlement Planning Committee, the hot issues concerned by groups affected by the Project are[E 1. The fair compensation in accordance with the county's relative compensation policy; 2. The timely and sufficient distribution of the compensation funds of all kinds; 3. Timely land enough land adjustment-- 4. Sufficient production support.

3.5 The analysis of the Project impacts The Project impacts on every village are basically the same, as shown in Table 3-5-1 and Table 3-5-2. As for water supply project, the average farmland of each person before resettlement is 1.76 mu, and 1.48 mu after. The per capita loss of farmland is 0.28 mu; as for the displaced people affected by the land taken for the water-heads, the per capita farmland before resettlement is 1.76 mu, and 1.50 mu after. The per capita loss of farmlapd is 0.26 mu; as for the displaced people affected by the land taken for the sewage treatment project, the average farmland of each person before resettlement is 1.88 u, and 1.58 mu after, the per capita loss of farmland is 0.3 mu. So the land taking for Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project has the following characteristics: 1. For each resettlement family, the loss of average farmland is small (0.26-0.31) considering sub-item sites and water-heads land taking. And the impact on agricultural production and agricultural income is low. 2. As shown in table 3-1-2, table 3-1-3 and table 3-1X, the imposing area is rather small comparing the sub-item sites and the land taking with the present cultivated farmland of displaced people, the loss rates of farmland in sites of the water-supply engineering and the permanent land taking of the water-heads is 2.71% and 0.29% respectively, and that of sites of sewage treatment project is 1.92%. So, the impact on agricultural production and agricultural income is less. The rate of farmland loss is much less than 10%, so the

44 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project impacts, of the land taken for the Project, on the agricultural production and income are minor. 3. The least land taken by water supply & sewage treatment project of resettlement family is O.Olmu, averaged 0.0025mu of each person, laid least, even no impact on agricultural products and agricultural income; and the most land taken by water supply & sewage treatment project of resettlement family is 3.5 mu, averaged 0.7mu of each person, laid impact on agricultural products and agricultural income to some extent. According to the Land Law and the Guiding Suggestion on Perfecting the Taking Compensation and Placement System, the compensation standard in the Project is 7-10 times of average agricultural outcome 3 years ago, so the agricultural loss of displaced people has been effectively compensated. Furthermore, all the resettlement villages have villagers' commissions to control their collectively-owned land which is contracted to villagers. These lands may be given to villagers who lose land during the Project when the 3-year contract ends. Table 3-5-1 The impact analysis of land taken permanently for the water supply project unit: O mu/person L loss Per capita Per capita Per capita Per capita Per capita on County fannland on the Per capita farmland farmland on farmnland on the loss ofPernla on /city sites before land ef the water-heads the sites after water-heads farmland on of farmland taking before land taking lntaig feradtaland taking theheses sites the water-heads ______taking ~ ______land takmng after Weishi 2.3 2.3 2.01 2.04 0.29 0.26 county Tongxu 2.3 2.3 2.01 2.05 0.29 0.25 county______Lankao 1.2 1.2 0.91 0.94 0.29 0.26 county Qixian 1 1 0.79 0.83 0.21 0.17 county Kaifeng county Mengjin 1.3 1.3 1.06 1.03 0.24 0.27 county Yiyang 1.1 1.1 0.81 1 0.29 0.1 county ______

Song county 1.3 1.3 1.01 1.3 0.29 0 Baofeng 1.5 1.5 1.21 1.24 0.29 0.26

Jiaxian 1.3 1.3 1.01 1.05 0.29 0.25 county Lushan county Xinxiang county ______Yuanyang 2 2 1.69 2 0.31 0 ______county______45 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Fengqiu 1.5 1.5 1.19 1.21 0.31 0.29 county Xiangcheng 1.9 1.9 1.59 1.71 0.31 0.19 county . . Shanxian 2.7 2.7 2.41 2.44 0.29 0.26 county ._. Yima city Suixian 2.1 2.1 1.78 1.88 0.32 0.22 county Xiayi county 2.3 2.3 1.98 2.09 0.32 0.21 Zhecheng 2.5 2.5 2.19 2.25 0.31 0.25 county______Dengzhou 1.7 1.7 1.39 1.47 0.31 0.23 city Xinye 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.64 0 0.26 county Sheqi county 1.5 1.5 1.14 1.23 0.36 0.27 Xichuan 1.6 1.6 1.24 1.6 0.36 0 county______Queshan 1.6 1.6 1.26 1.34 0.34 0.26 county Xincai 1.8 1.8 1.47 1.53 0.33 0.27 county Xiping 2.4 2.4 2.06 2.15 0.34 0.25 county - ._. Zhengyang 2.6 2.6 2.27 2.34 0.33 0.26 county Suiping 2.1 2.1 1.77 1.87 0.33 0.23 county Runan 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.04 0 0.26 county. Shenqiu 2.2 2.2 1.87 1.92 0.33 0.28 county Taikang 1.9 1.9 1.58 1.64 0.32 0.26 county I Xiangcheng 0.9 0.9 0.59 0.61 . 0.31 0.29 city Pingqiao 0.8 0.8 0.48 .0.52 0.32 0.28 district Xixian 2.5 2.5 2.18 2.23 0.32 0.27 county Luoshan county district 0.6 0.6 0.27 0.6 0.33 0 Mengzhou .5 .5 1.28 .5 0.22 0

Total 1.76 1.76 1.48 1.55 0.28 0.21

Table 3-5-2. The impact analysis of land taken permanently for the sewage treatment project unit: E2 mu/personE

46 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Per capita farmland Per capita farrmland after Per capita loss of farmland County/city before taking taking

Mengjin county 1.50 1.22 0.28

Songxian county 1.80 1.53 0.27

Yuanyang county 2.30 1.98 0.32

Baofeng county 1.80 1.54 0.26

Neixiang county 1.90 1.57 0.33

Huangchuan county 2.00 1.65 0.35

Average 1.88 1.58 0.30

47 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

4. The relevant laws and the resettling policies 4.1 The relevant laws, regulations and policies concerning the resettlement arrangement of projects in China The relevant laws, regulations and policies concerning the Project resettlement of Chinese government are as follows: * The Law of Land Management of the People's Republic of China, (August, 2004) * Decisions on Further Reform and Strict Land Management by the State Council (No.28, 2004) * Instructions on Improving the Compensation System of Taking over the Land for Use and Resettling (issued by the Ministry of State Land Management, No.238 2004) * The Basic Regulations of Protecting Farmland of Henan Province, October, 1994. * Methods of implementing The Law of Land Management by Henan Province * The Managing Regulations of House Pulling down and Resettling by the State Council * The Managing Regulations of House Pulling down and Resettling by Henan Province * The relevant laws, regulationsCI policies and compensation standards on compensation standards and The Circular on adjusting the Standards of Compensating for the Output Value of Land Taken over for the Construction of our Country are sketched as follows 4.1.1 The regulations of The Law of Land Management of the People's Republic of China, (August, 2004) prescribes:

Article 2: The pattern with the public sector, which is also known as ownership by the whole people and collective ownership, is carried out in the land management of the People's Republic of China... The state has the right to take land owned by the collective for public interests under the authority of law. The usufruct of the land owned by the state and collective can be transferred legally. Article 5: Land management departments of the State Council centralize the 48 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project administration of the land nationwide. The people's govemments at county level and above are in charge of the land management of its administrative divisions, .... The govenmments at town level are in charge of the land management of its administrative divisions. Article 8: agricultural cooperative or villager committee manages collective ownership land, which belongs to all villagers. That belonged to town's collective economic organization is held by all the town farmers. Article 11: law protects proprietary rights and usufruct of land. Article 12: The land of collective ownership, and state owned land held by units with ownership by the whole people and collective ownership can be fanned out to collective or individuals for the use of agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry and fishing. Article 23: When the state takes land for construction, the units whose land is taken should obey the requirement of the nation. Article 37: No empty land or wasted land is allowed. The land which has been approved to be used on non-agricultural construction, not being used within one year yet being available for farming, should be cultivated by the collective or individuals who held the land before or by the units that hold it; Units that own the taken land on which project is not started within one year should pay empty fee under the relevant regulation of the Province, Autonomous region or Municipality directly under the Central Govemment. The land that has no been put in to use for two years in a row should be repossessed by the govemment at county level or above without compensation after approved by the original approving department; the wasted land should be retumed to the collective farmers for farming who held it before.' The units that hold the land should repossess it if the contractors waste the land for two years in a row. Article 47 Compensation should be paid for the land according to the original use of the land while taken. The total compensation of the land taken includes compensation for land, resettlement, and buildings, articles, young crops affixed to the land taken. The land compensation should be six to ten times the average annual production value of the latest. three years. Resettlement compensation is paid according to the number of agricultural residence. The number of to-be-resettled agricultural residents is taken by the following calculation---the total volume of land taken divides by the average volume of land per capita. Resettlement compensation per capita is four to six times the average annual production value of the latest three years. However, the total resettlement compensation cannot be up to fifteen times the 49 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

average annual production value of the latest three years. The compensation standards of resettlement and other types of land taken are regulated referring to the standard of farmland by the provinces, the autonomous regions and the municipalities directly under the central government. The compensation standard of the buildings, articles and young plant affixed to the land taken is set by the Province, Autonomous region and Municipality directly under the central government. When taking vegetable plots, the units using the land should pay the developing fund for the new vegetable plot. In case that the resettled farmers can not remain their living condition after getting relevant compensation according to the second term of this article, compensation can be added but the total compensation must be less than 30 times of the average annual production value on the land for the latest three years. On the grounds of social and economic development level, the State Council can increase the compensation standard for taking farmland on special occasions.

Article 48: While the compensation plan iF determined, relevant local governments should proclaim it and hear the comments of the rural collective economic organizations and peasants whose land is taken. Article 49: The rural collective economic organization whose land is taken should publicize the income and expenses of the compensation fund to its members and accept surveillance. Article 63: The land usufruct of collective farmers cannot be remised, transferred or rented for non-agricultural construction except for the enterprise's land usufruct that is shifted due to bankruptcy or enterprise merger. Article 62: In the countryside, each family is only allowed to have one house site and the area of which must be less than the standard set by the Province, Autonomous region and Municipality directly under the central government. Villagers' establishing their dwelling house should conform the town's overall plan to land usage and try to make use of the original house site and empty land. The land occupation for villagers' dwelling house should be examined by town government and ratified by county government; farmland occupation should be examined and approved in accordance with the Article 44 of this law.

50 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

4.1.2. The Implementing Regulations of The Law of Land Management of the 0 People's Republic of China (No.256 Decree of the State Council, 1999) prescribes: Article 26: The rural collective economic organization possesses the land compensation. The compensation for adhesive buildings and young crops is possessed by their owners. The resettlement compensation for land taken must be used for its specified purpose. People who need resettlement must be arranged by the rural collective economic organization that is in charge of managing and using the resettlement compensation. If they need not unified resettlement, the compensation will be paid to individual resettlement or will be used to pick up the premium for insurance of displaced people. Govemments of city, county and town should strengthen the monitoring for the use of resettlement compensation. 4.1.3. Methods of implementing The Law of Land Management by Henan Province prescribe: Article 25: The land user who has been authorized to carry out non-agricultural construction projects on cultivated land should work out a plan and be responsible for opening up the wasteland that is equivalent to the original one in quantity and quality. Supposing the land to be opened up is insufficient in quantity and quality, relevant compensation must be.paid. If the land to be taken is within the civil construction limits of general land use program, the municipal and county govemment should be-in charge of opening up wasteland; If it is beyond the limits, the land user do so; If the land is taken for village and town construction, it is the rural collective economic organization or villagers' committee's obligation to open up wasteland. Article 33: Land taken for construction must conform to the general program of land use as well as yearly plan of land use. If the land to be taken is within the civil construction limits of general program of land use for performing city planning, the municipal and county government should seek unity in planning, collecting, developing and providing land for projects while taking land for construction. Article 34: Farmers must be compensated according to the following regulations if the collective land is to be taken.

C Land compensation If the land to be taken belongs to nearby suburbs with established districts, farmers will get compensation as many as 8 or 10 times average annual production value for the latest three years; If it belongs to other nearby suburbs, industrial district or town, farmers will get compensation as many as 7 or 9 times average annual production value for the latest three 51 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

years; If it belongs to the rest of above, farmers will get compensation as many as 6 or 8 times average annual production value for the latest three years. Farmers will get compensation as many as from 15% to 20% of annual production value of main product for by-product (except for vegetables) while taking the land. O Resettlement compensation If each farmer averagely possesses 667 meters square farmland, he will get compensation as many as 4 or 5 times average annual production value for the latest three years. If between 667 and 334 meters square, he will get compensation as miny as 6 or 9 times average annual production value for the latest three years. If 334 meters square or below, he will get compensation as many as 10 or 12 times average annual production value for the latest three years. In special cases, the highest compensation for per 667 meters square cannot be more than 15 times average annual production value for the latest three years. O Compensation for young plants and crops. Farmers will get compensation as many as quarterly production value O Compensation methods and standard for the buildings and articles affixed to the land must be executed on basis of the regulations of provincial government. There is no compensation for newly adhesive buildings since the announcement for land taking has been issued. Article 35: Land compensation will be paid to village collective economic organization or villagers' committee if the land to be taken is possessed by village collective economic organization or villagers' committee. Land compensation will be paid to villagers' group if the land to be taken is possessed by villagers' group. Land compensation will be paid to town collective economic organization if the land to be taken is possessed by town collective economic organization Payment and use of resettlement compensation and compensation for the buildings and articles and young plants and crops will be implemented according to Article 26: The Implementing Regulations of The Law of Land Management of the People's Republic of China. Article 37: If farmers' land has been returned to the country with approval for the purpose of construction, compensation for the young plants and crops and the buildings and articles will be paid to farmers. If the land has been. cultivated for no more than 5 years, farmers will get relevant resettlement compensation. If the land has been cultivated for more

52 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project than 5 years, farmers will get resettlement compensation as many as 4 or 5 times average annual production value for the latest three years. Article 38: In hereby measures, annual production value prescribes in land compensation and resettlement compensation should be taken by average annual production value for the latest three years and current average price of product regulated by the country. If there is no price regulated by the country, it is taken by local average price of market. 4.1.4. Decisions on Further Reform and Strict Land Management by the State Council (No.28, 2004): Article 1, Section 3: Compensation system of taking farmland should. be executed strictly. If the taken farmland has been approved for non-agricultural construction, the construction company should supplement the farmland, which is equivaient to the original one in quantity and quality. Article 3, Section 12: The compensation methods for land taken must be improved. The county govemment and above should take practical measures to maintain farmers' original living standard and ensure that land compensation, resettlement compensation and the compensation for buildings, articles, young plants and crops must be paid fully and promptly. If the land compensation and resettlement compensation fail to enable the farmers maintain their original living standard, the provincial govemments, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the central government should authorize the supplement of resettlement compensation. If the total of land compensation and resettlement compensation that fails to enable the farmers to maintain their original living standard has exceeded the legal limit, the govemment may supplement them with non-gratuitous income from the use of national land. Article 3, Section 13: The farmers whose land has been taken must be resettled properly. The county government and above should formulate concrete measures to ensure that farmers could make a long-term living. As for the Project with steady profit, the farmers may become a shareholder with their legal usufruct of land. Within urban planning area, the govemment should bring the landless farmers into civil employment system. Outside urban planning area, while taking the land shared by the collective, the govemment should provide them with an indispensable farmland or with an appropriate job. As regard to the landless farmers who cannot make a living, the govemment should resettle them in another area.

Article 3, Section 14: The procedures of taking the land should be improved. The govemment must defend the profit of collective ownership, and contractors while taking the 53 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project land. Before reporting to the authority for approval, the government should inform farmers with the use, location, compensation standard, displacement methods of the land to be taken. The investigating result of current situation of the land has to be confirmed by the rural collective economic organizations or households. The national land resources department should hold hearing ceremony by relevant regulations if necessary. The coordinating and judging system for resettlement compensation dispute should be set up and improved. The right of the farmers whose land is taken and of the land users should be protected. Article 3, Section 15: The monitoring over the process of taking the land should be strengthened. The taken land should not be put in use if land compensation has not been properly disposed. The provincial government, autonomous region or municipality directly under the central government should formulate methods to allocate the compensation within the collective economic organization according to the principle that the compensation should go to the farmers whose land is taken. The collective economic organization in countryside whose land is taken should publicize to its own members the compensation's balance sheet and its allocation, and accept their monitoring. Agricultural department and civil administration organ should strengthen the monitoring over the allocation and use of the compensation within the collective economic organization. Article 4, section 19: It is forbidden to set aside the land. If the farmland taken has not been put into use for other uses, this approved document will become invalid automatically if the land has not been taken within two years. If the land has been taken, while it has not been put to use within two years, then the quota of next year for their taking the land should be cut down relevantly, the qualified farmland should be returned to the original users or the local government for plantation. Those units wasting the land taken should be severely punished according to The Law of Land Management of People's Republic of China. 4.1.5 Guidance Proposals on Perfecting the Compensation System of taking land for use and Resettling by the Ministry of State Land Resources (Nov.3, 2004) Article 1: The standard of taking land 1. The formulation of the unified annual output standard. The Ministry of State Land Resources of the province, together with the relevant departments, is to formulate the lowest annual output standard of the respective county' land in the province, which will be carried out after receiving the government' approval. When formulating the standard, the Ministry should consider the type and the quality of the land, the farmers' investment to the land, the prices of the products, and the degree of the land and so on. 2. The determination of the unified annual output times. The annual output times of the

54 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project compensation for the land and the resettlement cost should be determined within the scope of the law on the principle ensuring that the farmers' living standard will not be lowered. If the cost of compensation for the land and the resettlement based on the legal annual output times can't maintain the farmer's former living standard and can't cover the social security of the farmers, the unified annual output times should be raised after receiving the govermment' approval. The cost of compensation and resettlement should be calculated 30 times, and if it can't maintain the farmer's former living standard, the local govemment should arrange overall and grant them subsidies from the income of the stated land. When taking over the cropland on approval, the compensation should be regulated according to the highest standard promulgated by the local government. 3. The formulation of the comprehensive price of the land in the area whose land is to be taken over. If the conditions permit, the Ministry of State Land Resources of the province, together with the relevant departments, is to formulate the comprehensive price of the land in the counties whose land is to be taken over, the compensation for taking land should be effected after receiving the province govemment's approval. When formulating the comprehensive price of land, the Ministry should consider the type of the land, the output, the position of the land, the degree of the land, the per capita cultivated land, the demand and supply of the land, the developing level of the local economy, the lowest living standard of citizens in the town and so on. 4. The distribution of the cost of compensation for taking over land. According to the principle that the compensation cost is to be given to the farmers whose land has been taken over, the cost should be distributed among the rural collective economy organization. The specific way is to be stipulated by the province govemment. If all the land is to be taken over and the rural collective economy organization is to be cancelled, the compensation cost should all be used to resettle the farmers whose land has been taken over.

Article 2: The way to resettle the farmers whose land has been taken 5. The arrangement of agricultural production. When taking over the farmers' collective land, it should be guaranteed that the farmers have necessary cultivated land and continue to take up the agricultural production by way of making use of the land kept in reserve, returned by farmers of their own accord, exchanged, added by cultivating and so on. 6. The settlement of re-choosing jobs. The farmers whose land has been taken over should be given the chances to be trained free qf charge. Under the equal conditions, they 55 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project should be employed by the section who uses the land. When taking over the farmers' collective land within the urban program, the farmers whose land has been taken over should be led to the urban employment system and social security system should be set up for them. 7. The arrangement of becoming the shareholder and sharing out bonus. As to the land project which has long stable income, after the said collective economy organization consulted with the section who use the land, out of their own accord , farmers can become the shareholder using the cost of compensation and resettlement or using the approved constructive land ownership. The rural collective economy organization and the farmers can earn the income in terms of the capital stock- preferred agreed on the contract. 8. The resettlement of displaced people. If the local area can't provide the said farmers with the basic living conditions, in the premium of agreement of the collective economy organization and farmers, the government can make the unified planning and resettle the displaced people in other areas.

Article 3. The procedure of taking land 9. Notifying the information of taking over land. Before the legal approval of taking over land, the local section of state land resources should inform in writing the rural collective economy organization and farmers of the land' use, position, the compensation standard, the ways to settlement and so on. After the notification, all the adhesions built on the land and the young crops planted on the land will not be compensated for when taking land. 10. Confirming the investigated results on the land taken over. The local section of state land resources should investigate the ownership, the type and the area of the said land and the adhesions' ownership, types and quantities. The result should be confirmed commonly by the rural collective economy organizations, farmers and the owners of the buildings, articles. 11. Organizing a sympathetic hearing on the land taken over. Before the legal approval of taking over land, the local section of state land resources should inform the rural collective economy organization and the farmers that they have right to apply for a sympathetic hearing on the compensation standard and the ways to resettlement. If the party concerned applies for a sympathetic hearing, they should demand organizing the sympathetic hearing according to the procedure stipulated in the Hearing Stipulations on State Land Resources.

56 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Article 4. The monitoring of taking land 12. Opening the approval items of the land taken over. The Ministry of State Land Resources and the province department of State Land Resources should open to the society the approval items of the land taken over through the media except the special situation concerning the country's secrets. The county department of State Land Resources should open the approval items of land taken over in the said village or group. 13. Compensating for the land and resettlement. After the approval of compensation plan by the county or the town govemment, the cost of compensation and resettlement should be appropriated to the said rural collective economy organization within the legally stipulated time. The local section of State Land Resources should work with the relevant agricultural section and civil administration to supervise the cost distribution among the said rural collective economy organization and the use information. 14. Supervising and checking the land after being taken over. The department of State Land Resources at different levels should supervise and check the implementation of land plan approved legally. If the said farmers' living standard does lower, the local section of State Land Resources should work with the relevant govemment' departments to take effective measures to solve the said farmers' living problem through various channels and uphold the social security. 4. 1.6. Forest law of the People's Republic of China Article 3:. The forest resources shall belong to the state, unless the law stipulates they belong to the collective. For the forests, trees and woodlands owned by the state and the collective and the trees and woodlands owned by private individuals, the people's government above the county level shall register and record them, issue certificates and confirm the ownership and the right to use. The legal rights and interests of the owners and the users of the forests, trees and woodlands shall be protected by laws, and no organizations and private individuals can infringe such rights and interests. Article 6 The State adopts the following protective measures on the forest resources: 1) To take a quota on forest cutting and encourage forest planting in order to expand the area of forest coverage; 2) To offer economic support or long-term loans to the collectives and private individuals who plant and cultivate forests according to relevant stipulations of the central i and local people's governments; Article 11 The competent forestry.authorities at various levels shall, according to the 57 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

stipulations of this law, exercise administration and monitoring over the protection, utilization and renewal of forests. 4.2 The Operational Policies of the Involuntary Settlement by the World Bank. 4.2.1 The Goal of the Policies on the Resettlement Arrangement by the World Bank The Overall Goal of the Policies of the Involuntary Settlement by the World Bank: Probe into all workable planning designs so as to avoid and decrease the involuntary displaced people as much as possible. If the resettlement is unavoidable, the emigrant action should be planned and effected as a plan of sustainable .development. The adequate funds should be provided and the displaced people can share the profit of the items. Consult with the displaced people carefully so as to let them participate in the resettlement plan and the fulfillment. Help the displaced people raise their living standard, and at least lei their living standard come to the former level. 4.2.2 The Measures of the Resettlement Arrangement by the World Bank The corresponding measures of the planning and policy of arranging the displaced people (a). Ensure the displaced people to be informed the optional rights and other rights on the resettlement. (b). Ensure the displaced people to understand the workable designs of technique and economy, to participate in the consultation and share the optional chances. (c). Ensure the displaced people to get rapid and effective compensation according to the settlement costs so as to offset the direct property loss caused by the item. (d) If affecting the moving, the resettlement plan and policy shoulct be adjusted accordingly so as to ensure the displaced people get help during the moving (e.g. the moving subsidy). (e). Get houses, house sites or agricultural production sites as requested. The production potential, position advantage and other comprehensive factors of the given agricultural production sites should be equivalent to the former. (f). According to the time for the displaced people to restore their former living standard, work out the transition period and ensure them get help during the period. 4.3. The Goal and Principles of the Resettlement Arrangement 4.3.1 The Goal of the Resettlement Arrangement The resettlement arrangement is based on the Chinese law, stipulations and the World Bank's policy. The goal of the resettlement arrangement is to restore the displaced people'

58 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Dralage) Project

income and living standard, reduce the economic and environmental effect on the displaced people' community as much as possible and especially pay attention to the poor displaced people resettlement and the need of weak people. 4.3.2 The Principles of the Resettlement Arrangement The principle of the resettlement arrangement reflects the needs in law and policy of Chinese govemment and Work Band. Table 4-3-2 sums up all the principles covering compensation, moving and restoring income, which are formulated according to the real situations of the said county or the city. First, according to Guidance Proposals on Perfecting the Compensation System of taking land for use, the unified annual output times .of the land compensation cost and resettlement subsidies should conform to the principle which ensures the emigrant's living standard not to lower. Second, the time and quantity of the land adjustment is to be determnined according to the opinions of more than two-thirds villagers and the specific situations Third, the distribution and use of the land compensation cost and resettlement subsidies should be determined according to the specific situations of the emigrant village and the * villagers' opinions. Fourth, the income restoring plan of the said county or city should be decided according to the real situations, permitting the different plans, but the goal of the resettlement arrangement is to ensure that all the displaced people can maintain the former living standard after moving, get adequate economic subsides and restore income and get the govemment's aid during the resettlement and economic restoring Details are shown in Table 4-3-2. Table 4-3-2. The summary of resettlement arrangement Principles

1 The affected people should get economic compensation, at least they can maintain the former living standard and developed. 2 All the people affected by the item should get economic compensation and resettlement aids

The economic compensation will ensure everyone to maintain the former living 3 standard after resettling

If the cost of compensation for the land and the resettlement based on the legal 4 annual output times can't maintain the farmer's former living standard and can't cover the social guarantee of the farmers, the unified annual output times should be raised after receiving the govemment' approval; the cost of compensation and resettlement 59 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

should be calculated 30 times, and if it still can't maintain the farmer's former living standard, the local government should overall arrange overall and grant them allowance from the income of the stated land. When taking over the cropland on approval, the compensation should be set according to the highest standard promulgated by the local government. The affected people should have a full understanding of the qualification, the 5 compensation mode and standard, the restoring plan of production income, and the item's progress and participate in the enforcement of resettlement arrangement. The current situation of making use of the land can't be changed before the 6 affected people are satisfied with the compensation and resettlement arrangement.

The fulfilling department of the item and the monitoring and evaluating 7 department of the item will supervise the resettlement and the distribution of the compensation cost. The weak group can enjoy the government's aiding policy so as to guarantee their 8 liying standard and political treatments.

9 The affected people should have the opportunity to get the profit from the item. 10 The resettlement arrangement should conform to the said county's overall design.

4.4 Compensating Standards 4.4.1 Compensating qualifications and rights All affected persons by the water supply project will compensate according to the laws and regulations and policy, the affected property is compensated according to the resetting value of the property. The affected person will get the free house materials while removing the houses. 4.4.2 Compensating Principles Confirm the compensation standard of all property according to the principle of resetting, Pay the compensation before property remove and land use Compensate for the house to be pulled down according to the principle of resetting Strengthen construction management, try one's best to shorten time limit for a project and reduce the adverse effect; Carry out the compensating standard of the taken-over land and the compensating standard of the resettlement arrangement according to "The Law of Land Management of the People's Republic of China " and "Management methods of the examination and approval of land for public infrastructures and of the compensation for houses demolishing" in every city of the Project.

60 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Compensate in full for the contractors or property right people for young crops and trees, etc. adhered to ground according to the policies and regulations. 4.4.3 The Compensating Standards of the Resettlement Arrangement The various kinds of compensation standards of taking land are as follows, according to the regulations of The Law of Land Management of the People's Republic of China, The Implementing Regulations of The Law of Land Management" of the State Council, The Implementation of The Law of Land Management by Henan Province, Decisions on Further Reform and Strict Land Management by the State Council, and Guidance Proposals on Perfecting the Compensation System of taking over the Land for use and Resettling by the Ministry of State Land Resources, and according to the principle of the grade of law effect: The junior law submitting to senior law, special law superior to general law, new law superior to old law and law text superior to lay explanation. 3 1] The compensation for Land Land compensation standard is set by 10 times of the average annual output of the past three years. (The average annual output of the past three years in every project county is shown in Table 4-4-3-1). 3-12 3 The compensation for the resettlement arrangement The compensation standard for the resettlement arrangement is set by 7-1 0 times of the average annual output of the past three years. (The average annual output of the past three years in every project county is shown in Table 4-4-3-2). The standard of compensation for resettlement is based on the regulations of The Land Law, mainly in the consideration of the amount of the per capita farmland before displacement and of the displaced people keeping the living standard prevailing prior to the beginning of project implementation after displacement. Multiples of compensation for resettlement in each county (city) varies from actual situation of each displacement. The principles of setting the multiples of compensation are to assure the displaced people to keep the living standard prevailing prior to the beginning of project implementation after displacement. Generally speaking, the highler the social economic levels of the displaced people, the more the multiples of compensation for resettlement and vice versa. In a word, the displaced people receive adequate economic compensation and restore the economic income after resettlement.. 3 33 The compensation for young plants and crops The compensation for young plants and crops is set according to collecting the output

61 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project value of one season of cultivated land 314] The compensation methods and standard of buildings articles, young plants and crops affixed to the ground Trees on the ground are compensated according to the market price; Farmland infrastructures and public infrastructures are compensated according to prices to buy the new ones. The houses pulled down are compensated according to prices to build new ones. The Standards of Compensating for the Land Taken Permanently and Resettlement of the Water Supply Project 13 The Standards of Compensating for the Land taken permanently for the Water Supply Project The Standards of Compensating for the Land taken permanently of the Water Supply Project is 10 times of the average yield per mu of the past three years. The compensation standard of the land taken in every project county (city) is shown in Table 4-4-3-la. 2. The Standards of Compensating for the displaced people because of the land taken for the Water Supply Project. The compensation standard is 7-10 times of average yield per mu of the past three years. The compensation standard of the displaced people in every project county (city) is shown in Table 4-4-3-lb The standards of compensating for the young plants and crops growing on the fields taken permanently and occupied temporarily for the Water Supply Project The compensation for the young plants and crops is set according to the field of a season. The cost of land re-planting is 6670 yuan each mu. The cost of repairing town roads occupied temporarily by water pipelines is compensated according to the price-of re-buying. Details are shown in Table 4-4-3-2. The standards of compensating for buildings and articles affixed to the land taken for the the Water Supply Project The standards of compensating for buildings and articles affixed to the land taken for the the Project is shown in Table 4-4-3-3. On the sites of waterworks in Dengzho city, Fengqiu county, xiangcheng county, there are tombs to displace, but the new land for tombs doesn't need to buy and is the land of the contractors. So the compensation for the tombs to be displaced is paid, in materials, for displacing the tombs and for the labors. The compensation for tombs to displace is

62 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

respectively 300 yuan/ a tomb or 200 yuan/ a tomb. In the other counties (cities), new land is needed to displace tombs and the compensation for tombs to displace is 600 - 1000 yuan The compensation for electric poles to displace is paid for the materials for displacing them and the labors. The compensation for the low voltage electric poles is 100 yuan each and for the high voltage electric poles 300 400 yuan each. The compensation for saplings is set by the breed, size and value of them. The compensation for common timber saplings is 10 yuan for each and for fruit saplings without fruit 21 45.3 yuan each. The compensation for common timber trees is set by the market price and the compensation for nurseries is set by the market price The compensation for roads, bridges, farm wells and farm infrastructures is set by the price of buying the new.

Table 4-4-3-la The Standards of Compensating for the Land taken permanently of the Water Supply Project The average land yield per mu d of multiples of compensation county( city) location the past 3 years Compensation standard (the yuan / mu) (yuan/mu) Weishi county west gate of chenguan town 1200 10 * 12000 east shuiwo village of chenguan 1200 10 12000 tongxu county town lankao county north street of chenguan town 1440 10 14400 . kaifeng county chenguan town 1600 10 16000 Mengjin county ren village ofchenguan town 1400 10 14000 yiyang county gantang village ofchenguan towne 1500 10 15000 song county yaobei village 1000 10 10000 baofeng county huangwa 1200 10 12000 jia county yuchi 1400 10 14000 Xinxiang county chenguan town 1500 10 15000 Yuanyang county xue village 1400 10 14000 Fengqiu county beijie village, chenguan town 1200 10 12000 Xiangcheng county chenguan town 1500 10 15000 Shanxian county weitikou village of ruanlou 1800 10 18000 Yirna city chenguan town Suixian county chenguan town 1550 10 15500 Xiayi county luwan village 1250 10 12500 Zhecheng county shao yuan village 1500 10 15000 Dengzhou city sanlihe 1000 10 10000 Xinye county (Private land) chenguan town Sheqi county chenguan town 1300 10 13000 Xichuan county one group of shizui village 1500 10 15000 Queshan county chenguan town 1800 10 18000 Xicai county daliang village 1800 10 18000

63 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Xiping county xiaotian village of baiting office 1500 10 15000 Zhengyang county zhoulou village 1500 10 15000 Suiping county wulou village 1500 10 15000 Runan county chu village 1600 10 16000 Shengqiu county fengchanhe village of huaidian 1536 10 15360 Taikang county betweenzengfen and xiaoguo 1400 10 14000 Xiangcheng county xie village 1500 10 15000 Pingqiao district gong village 1600 10 16000 Xixian county chenguan town 1500 10 15000 Luoshan county chenguan town yangshan district chuwang villageduanwan resident 1800 10 18000 committee mengzhou city south street, chenguan town 1400 10 14000 total

Table 4-4-3-lb The Standards of Compensating for the Displaced people on the Land occupied permanently by the Water Supply Project The average yield resettlement county citylocation per mu d of the past multiples of compensation county( city) location 3 years (the yuan / Compensation standard mu) (yuan/mu) Weishi county west gate of chenguan town 1200 10.0 12000 t east shuiwo village of chenguan 1200 tongxu cout tw12010.0 12000 lankao county north street of chenguan town 1440 10.0 14400 kaifeng county chenguan town 1600 8.0 12800 Mengj in county ren village ofchenguan town 1400 10.0 14000 yiyang county gantang village ofchenguan towne 1500 9.0 13500 song county yaobei village 1000 10.0 10000 baofeng county huangwa 1200 9.0 10800 jia county yuchi 1400 10.0 14000 xinxiang county chenguan town 1500 10.0 15000 yuanyang county xue village 1400 8.0 11200 fenggiu county beijie village, chenguan town 1200 10.0 12000 xiangcheng county chenguan town 1500 8.0 12000 shan county weitikou village of ruanlou 1800 9.0 16200 yima county chenguan town sui county chenguan town 1550 8.0 12400 xiayi county luwan village 1250 8.0 10000 zhecheng county shao yuan village 1500 9.0 13500 dengzhou county sanlihe 1000 9.0 9000 xinye county (Private land) chenguan town sheqi county chenguan town 1300 8.0 10400 xichuan county one group of shizui village 1500 7.0 10500 queshan county chenguan town 1800 7.0 12600 xincai county daliang village 1800 7.0 12600 xiping county xiaotian village of baiting office 1500 8.0 12000 zhengyang county zhoulou village 1500 8.0. 12000 suiping county wulou village 1500 8.0 12000 runan county chu village 1600 8.0 12800 shenggiu county fengchanhe village of huaidian 1536 7.0 10752 taikang county betweenzengfen and xiaoguo 1400 7.0 9800

64 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiagey Project xiangcheng county xie village 1500 10 15000 Pinggiao district gong village 1600 8.0 12800 xi county chenguan town 1500 7.0 10500 luoshan county chenguan town 0 0 yangshan district chuwang villageduanwan resident 1800 7.0 12600 mengzhou city south street, chenguan town 1400 10.0 14000 total I _ I

Table 4-4-3-2. The standards of compensating for the young plants and crops, for re-plowing farmland and for repairing roads on the land taken permanently and occupied temporarily for the Water Supply Project

V compensatio compensation for compens atio n for road county/city location plants and crops n for land re-pairing (yuan/mu) re-plowing (yuan/mu) (yuan/mu) Weishi county west gate of chenguan town 1000 6670 80 county east shuiwo village of chenguan 1000 6670 96 tongxutongxu ~town lankao county north street of chenguan town 1600 6670 1iO Qi county west gate of chenguan town 1500 6670 110 kaifeng county chenguan town 100 Mengj in county ren village ofchenguan town 1000 6670 100 yiyang county gantang village ofchenguan 1000 6670 96 song county yaobei village 1000 6670 120 baofeng county huangwa 1000 6670 110 jia county county yuchila 1000 6670 110 Lushang Xigou village 600 6670 110 xinxiang county chenguan town 1000 6670 110 yuanyang county xue village 1000 6670 120 fengqiu county beijie village, chenguan town 800 6670 110

county chenguan town 900 6670 110 shanxian county weitikou village of ruan5ou 1000 6670 120 yima county chenguan town 120 sui county chenguan town 800 6670 120 xiayi county luwan village 500 6670 50 zhecheng county shao yuan village 500 6670 80 dengzhou county 800 6670 100 xinye count,y 1000 6670 85 sheqi county 1000 6670 120 xichuan county 1000 6670 120 queshan county 1000 6670 120 xincai county daliang village 1000 6670 120 xiping county xiaotian village of baiting office 1000 6670 120 65 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

zhengyang zhoulou village 1200 6670 120 county suiping county wulou village 1000 6670 120 runan county chu village 1000 6670 120 shengqiu county fengchanhe village of huaidian 460 6670 120 taikang county betweenzengfen and xiaoguo 1000 6670 120 xiangcheng xie village 1500 6670 120

county ______Pingqiao district gong village 500 6670 100 xi county chenguan town 1000 6670 110 luoshan county chenguan town 120 yangshan district chuwang villageduanwan 1000 6670 120 ______resident commn-ittee1006712 mengzhou city south street, chenguan town 1000 6670 100

Table 4-4-3-3 The standard of compensation for the buildings and articles affixed to the land taken for the the Water Supply Project

The compensation standard of buildings and articles affixed to the ground for land of water works , water-heads and pipelines grown-up ~~~~~~~deeptombs. farmiland u well, County/city electric pole, young treesttre trees unit Nursery,.. unit Bridge,! unit Culvert.' unit ' unit infrustration unit price unit pnce r price price price unit price 3 yuan/one! yuan/one! 3 yuan/one! C yuan/one3 3 yuan/one! p yuan/m23

Weishi county ______tongxu 300 10 50 600 100 lankao county Qi county 10 kaifeng coufnty_ Mengjin 10 county _____ yiyang 300 county______song 250 county baofeng 100

jCiOnct3ounty00 10 600 100 county__ _ _ _ Lushang 30 200 xinxiang 45.3 30 200 county yuanyang 10 300 100 county ____ fengqiu county xiangcheng 300 10 66 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project


_ shan 300 10 county yima county 300 150 sui county 21 10218.18 15000 5000 120 xiayi county zhecheng 10 county dengzhou 400 county . 100 xinye 300 300 _ _ _ county ______sheqi count 100 xichuan 300 county queshan 10 county 1 xincai 200 50 1000 county xiping 100 _ _ _ _ county ______zhengyang 10 county suiping _ ~~~county runan 25 50 county shengqiu 25 1000 county taikang 10 county xiangcheng county Pingqiao district xi county 100 luoshan 10 county yangshan district ._. icitymengzhou Note: O.The compensation for displacing tombs is set by the cost of re-burying (including the cost of buying the land for the sites and of labors), and the price for tomb sites varies from the places. O.The compensation for saplings varies from the breeds and sizes.

67 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project The Standards of Compensating for the Houses Pulled down on the Land for Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project The Standards of Compensating for the Houses Pulled down on the Land are shown in Table 4-4-3-4 Table 4-4-3-4 The Standards of Compensating for the Houses pulled down on the Land

brick and concrete house unit brick 2 wood and earth county (city) price L yuan/ m] 2 house(yuan/m ) house(yuan/m2 ) Waterworks in taikang 216 158 134 county . sewage treatment plant 280 in mengjin county The Standards of Compensating for the Land Taken for the Sewage Treatment Project and the Resettlement Arrangement The Standards of Compensating for the Land taken for the Sewage Treatment Project and the Resettlement Arrangement are 10 times the average yield of the past three years. Details are shown in Table 4-4-3-5a. Table 4-4-3-5a The Standards of Compensating for the Land Taken for the Sewage Treatment Project

The average Site of waterworks yield per mu 1 Compensation County/city location e ofof the past 3 Compensation for land years Copnato yuan/mu7 Elyuan/muE Mengj Niubu river 45 1400 10 14000 county Songxian South and north 41 1000 10 10000 county street Yuanyang North street, 40 1400 10 14000 county chengguan town Baofeng dazhang village 37.8 1200 10 12000 county Neixiang chengguan town 35 1800 10 18000 county______Huanchuan xianfeng 41.76 1800 10 18000 county IIII total 240.56 The Standards of Compensating for the Resettlement of the Sewage Treatment Project are 6-10 times the average yield of the past three years. Details are shown in Table 4-4-3-5b. Table 4-4-3-5b The Standards of Compensating for the Resettlement Arrangement

Site of sewage Compensation multiples o Compensation County/city location treatment plants for land Compensation for resettlemet

68 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

.]mum C yuan/muC m yuan/muC

Mengj county Niubu river 45 1400 10.0 14000 Songxian county South and north street 41 1000 10.0 10000 Yuanyang county North street, chengguan town 40 1400 8.0 11200 Baofeng county dazhang village 37.8 1200 9.0 10800 Neixiang county chengguan town 35 1800 6.0 10800 Huanchuan county xianfeng 41.76 1800 8.0 14400 total 240.56 1 The Standards of Compensating for the Young Plants and Crops on the Fields Taken Permanent and Occupied Temporarily for the Sewage Treatment Project The Standards of Compensating for the Young Crops on the fields Taken Permanent and Occupied Temporarily for the Sewage Treatment Project are 1000 yuan per mu. Details are shown in Table4-4-3-6. Table 4-4-3-6 The Standards of Compensating for the Young Plants and Crops on the fields taken for the Sewage Treatment Project Lafid occupied by the The compensation standard Land occupied by the temporary pipelines for yong plants and crops countyE cityEC sewage plant] muC (mu) . yuan/mu]

Mengj county 45 6 1000 Songxian county 41 8 1000 Yuanyang county 40 2 1000 Baofeng county 37.8 7 1000 Neixiang county 35 6 1000 Huanchuan county 41.76 5 1000 Total (average) 240.56 34 1000 The Standards of Compensating for the buildings and Articles affixed to the Land Taken for the Sewage Treatment Project The Standards of Compensating for the Building and Articles affixed to the Land are shown in Table 4-4-3-7 Table 4-4-3-7 The Standards of Compensating for the Plants and Articles affixed to the Land

The Standards of Compensating for the Plants and Articles affixed to the Land occupied by the Sewage Treatment Project and pipelines countS iy farmland trees trees Deep well tomb infrustration c ]city electric pole, young 2 ] yuan/oneC yuan/one] 5 yuan/one] ] yuan/mE C yuan/one] 5 yuan/mi ] Mengj 10 50 county 1 Songxian 300 100 co un y_ _ _ _ _ Yuanyang 300 10 300 50 100

69 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project county Baofeng 10 county . Neixiang 10 county Huanchuan 300 10 50 600 county I I I

. The standards of taxes imposed on the land taken for the Project According to the relevant policies of the Department of National Resources and Tax Bureau of Henan, the tax of using the land taken for the Project is 30 yuan per square meter; the tax of farmland developing is imposed by one time the compensation for the land; the tax of laying the land useless is imposed by 2000 yuan; the tax of managing land taking is imposed by 1.5% of the total cost of land taken; and the tax of farmland occupying is imposed by 4.5 yuan per square meter.

70 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage} Project

* 5W5 The budget for resettlement arranging in the Project of Water Supply & Sewage Treatment in Towns of Henan Province 5.1 The compensation for the land taken for the Project of Water Supply & Sewage Treatment 5.1.1 The compensation for the land taken, resettlement arranging and the young plants and crops because of the construction of the Water Supply Project According to the Project planning and the agreement between the Managing Bureaus of the State-Run Land & Resource in each county/city and the relevant villagers' committees, the land taken permanently for the water-supply project is 1006.24 mu, for the sites of waterworks is 916.44 mu, of which 12 mu is self-owned land, 25 mu in Lushan county is state-owned land. So the land taken for the sites of waterworks is 879.44 mu, for water-heads 89.8 mu, total land taken is 969.24 mu (of which 2 mu is stated-owned but Xinxiang county has the right to use.). Of the total compensation 24039200 yuan for the site of the water supply project, the compensation for land is 12551800 yuan, for resettlement arranging is10690900 yuan, for the young plants and crops is795500 yuan. Details are shown in Table 5-1-1-la. Of the total compensation 2482100 yuan for the water-heads of the water supply project, the compensation for land is 1269300 yuan, for resettlement arranging is1127100 yuan, for the young plants and crops is 85600 yuan. Details are shown in Table 5-1-1-lb. 26521300 yuan is the total compensation for land, resettlement arranging, young plants and crops because of the construction of the sites and water-heads of the waterworks. 5.1.2. The compensation for the buildings and articles affixed to the land taken According to the on-the-spot investigations, the buildings and articles affixed to the land taken for the water supply project covers: electric poles, saplings, big trees, nurseries, farm bridges, farm culverts, farm wells, tombs and farm infrastructures. The compensation standards for the buildings and articles are: compensation for moving electric poles :4700yuan 1 compensation for saplings 411694yuanE] compensation for big trees 23000yuan] compensation for nursery of trees 112400yuani1 compensation demolishing farm bridges 30000yuanD compensation for demolishing culverts 20000yuan Z

71 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

compensation for farm wells 71880yuan3

compensation for moving tombs 40800yuan3

compensation for farm infrastructures 45,660 yuan3

The total compensation for the articles and plants affixed to land taken for the water-supply project is 783934 yuan. Details are shown in Table 5-1-2-1. Table 5-1-1-la Compensation for the land taken for the permanent site of the Water Supply Project Unit: 10,000 yuan

Landfr tken Compnsatin forCompensation for Compensation for countyO cityO waterworksL muO land taken arranging young plants and total displaced people crops

Weishi county 18.90 22.68 22.68 1.89 47.25 tongxu county 18.90 22.68 22.68 1.89 47.25 lankao county 30.00 43.20 43.20 4.80 91.20 Qi county 30.00 51.00 51.00 4.50 106.50 kaifeng county No taking Mengjin county 24.00 33.60 33.60 2.40 69.60 yiyang county 32.00 48.00 43.20 3.20 94.40 song county 22.25 22.25 22.25 2.23 46.73 baofeng county 17.59 21.11 19.00 1.76 41.86 jia county county 18.30 25.62 25.62 1.83 53.07 Lushang 25.00 state-owned xinxiang county 2.00 12.0 12.00 yuanyang county 37.05 36.49 29.2 1.85 67.64 fengqiu county 36.00 43.20 43.20 2.88 89.28 xiangcheng county 32.10 48.15 38.52 2.89 89.56 shan county 20.00 36.00 32.40 2.00 70.40 yima county No occupation sui county 30.5 47.28 37.82 1.53 86.63 xiayi county 30.00 37.50 30.00 1.50 69.00 zhecheng county 34.50 51.75 46.58 1.73 100.05 dengzhou county 71.00 71.00 63.90 5.68 140.58 xinye county 12.00 unit-owned sheqi county 14.70 19.11 15.29 1.47 35.87 xichuan county 15.10 22.65 15.86 1.51 40.02 queshan county 21.98 39.56 27.69 2.20 69.46 xincai county 23.60 42.48 29.74 2.36 74.58 xiping county 20.10 30.15 24.12 2.01 56.28 zhengyang county 30.00 45.00 36.00 3.60 84.60 suiping county 25.50 38.25 30.60 2.55 71.40 runan county 30.60 48.96 39.17 0.00 88.13

72 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiagey Project

shengqiu county 18.77 28.83 20.18 . 0.86 49.88 taikang county 20.00 28.00 19.60 2.00 49.60 xiangcheng county 44.00 66.00 66.00 6.60 138.60 Pingqiao district 23.40 37.44 29.95 1.17 68.56 xi county 20.00 30.00 21.00 2.00 53.00 luoshan county No occupied land yangshan district 30.00 54.00 37.80 3.00 94.80 mengzhou city 36.60 51.24 51.24 3.66 106.14 total 879.44 1255.18 1069.09 79.55 2403.92

Table 5-1-1-lb Compensation for the land taken for the headwaters and the sites of the Water Supply Project Unit: 10,000 yuan

Land taken for Compensation for Compensation for Totai compensation countyl city water-heads Compensation arranging displaced young plants and total for land taken for the Limull for land taken people crops water-supply project Weishi 4.00 4.80 4.80 0.40 10.00 57.25 county Tongxu 3.00 3.60 3.60 0.30 7.50 54.75 county Lankao 4.00 5.76 5.76 0.64 12.16 103.36 county _ Qixian 2.00 3.40 3.40 0.30 7.10 113.60 county Kaifeng county Mengjin 2.00 2.80 2.80 0.20 5.80 75.40 county Yiyang 0.30 0.45 0.41 0.03 0.89 95.29 county ______Songxian 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 46.73 county Baofeng 2.00 2.40 2.16 0.20 4.76 46.62 .county Jiaxian 1.50 2.10 2.10 0.15 4.35 57.42 county Lushan county Xinxiang 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.00 county Yuanyang 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 67.64 county Fengqiu 18.00 21.60 21.60 1.44 44.64 133.92 county _ Xiangcheng 1.00 1.50 1.20 0.09 2.79 92.35 county Shanxian 4.00 7.20 6.48 0.40 14.08 84.48 county I Yima city Suixian 2.6 4.03 3.22 0.13 7.38 94.01 county .

73 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Xiayi county 3.00 3.75 3.00 0.15 6.90 75.90 Zhecheng 3.00 4.50 4.05 0.15 8.70 108.75 county Dengzhou 1.00 1.00 0.90 0.08 1.98 142.56 county Xinye 2.00 2.00 2.00 0.20 4.20 4.20 county Sheqi county 3.00 3.90 3.12 0.30 7.32 43.19 Xichuan 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 40.02 county _ Queshan 2.00 3.60 2.52 0.20 6.32 75.78 county Xincai 3.00 5.40 3.78 0.30 9.48 84.06 county _ xiping 1.60 2.40 1.92 0.16 4.48 60.76 Zhengyang 2.00 3.00 2.40 0.24 5.64 90.24 county Suiping 1.00 1.50 1.20 0.10 2.80 74.20 county Ru'nan 2.00 3.20 2.56 0.20 5.96 94.09 county Shenqiu 4.00 6.14 4.30 0.18 10.63 60.50 county taikang 2.00 2.80 1.96 0.20 4.96 54.56 Xiangcheng 8.80 13.20 13.20 1.32 27.72 166.32 city Pingqiao 4.00 6.40 5.12 0.20 11.72 80.28 d istrict ______Xixian 3.00 4.50 3.15 0.30 7.95 60.95 county . Luoshan county I _ Yangshan 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 94.80 district _ Mengzhuo 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 * 106.14 total 89.8 126.93 112.71 8.56 248.21 2652.13

Table 5-1-2. Compensation for buildings and articles affixed to the land of the water-supply project Unit: 10,000 yuan county Electric Grown-up Farm Farm tta ctnb- polectric Saplings tees Nurseries Bridges Culverts Farm Tombs infrastructures total Weishi county = L _ _ tongxu 0.090 0.100 0.150 0.120 0.690 1.150 lankao 0.120 0.460 19 00 24 qixian 0.120 0.460 1.900 0.000 2.480 Kaifeng 0.059 _ _ _0.059 mengjm _n_ 0.059 0.5 yiyang .__ 74 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project songxian 0.075 0.075 baofeng X = __= jiaxian lushan xinxiang = = = 0.060 0.060 yuanyang 0.060 0.400 0.060 0.075 0.595 fengqiu 2.700 = 0.200 2.900 Xiangcheng 13.839 _ 1.242 0.320 15.401 shan 0.090 0.300 0.410 0.800 Yirna city = = _ suixian 0.060 0.090 0.150 xiayi 0.060 0.090 0.150 zhecheng . Dengzhou 7.648 11.240 3.000 2.000 2.796 0.480 1.005 28.169 xinye = = 0.030 sheqi _ 0.030 xichuan 0.080 0.080 queshan 0.030 0.030 0.060 xmncai xiping 0.090 0.210 0.300 zhengyang 0.085 0.085 suiping 2.000 0.500 1.000 3.500 Ru'nan 2.000 2.000 shenqiu _ = = _= taikang . 11.730 2.500 14.230 Xiangcheng 4.070 1.900 5.970

Pingqiao 0.005 0.005 _ district______xixian luoshan Yangshan 0.086 0.086 0_086_ 086 district _0 Mengzhuo Mengzhuo 0.058 . 0.058 total 0.590 41.529 2.330 11.240 3.000 2.000 7.188 5.980 4.536 78.393

5.1.3. The compensation for the land taken, resettlement arranging and the young plants and crops because of the construction of the Sewage Treatment Project The total land taken for the sewage treatment project is 240.56 mu. The compensation for the land is 3435300 yuan, for resettlement arranging 2875600 yuan, for young plant and crops 240600 yuan, and the total compensation is 6551400 yuan. Details are shown in Table 5-1-3. 75 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Table 5-1-3. The compensation for the land taken for the sites of the sewage treatment project. Unit: 10,000 yuan

compensation County K city. Land taken- muL Compensation Compensation for for young Total for the land resettlement plants and crops Mengjin county 45.00 63.00 63.00 4.50 130.50 Songxian county 41.00 41.00 41.00 4.10 86.10 Yuanyang county 40.00 56.00 44.80 4.00 104.80 Baofeng county 37.80 45.36 40.82 3.78 89.96 Neixiang county 35.00 63.00 37.80 3.50 104.30 Huangchuan county 41.76 75.17 60.13 4.18 139.48

Total 240.56 343.53 287.56 24.06 . 655.14 5.1.4. Compensation for the Articles and Plants affixed to the land taken for the Sewage Treatment Project According to the on-the-spot investigation of he Sewage Treatment Project, thee articles and plants affixed to the land taken for the Sewage Treatment Project are as follows 1l Electric poles, saplings, big trees, arm wells, tombs, farm infrastructures Compensation for articles and plants affixed to the land as follows El Compensation for moving electric poles 2400yuanE7 Compensation for saplings 8600yuanE Compensation for big trees 1500yuanE1 Compensation for farm wells 6500yuanE] Compensation for moving tombs 600yuanLl Compensation for farm infrastructures 9185yuanC] The total compensation for the articles and plants affixed to land taken for the sewage treatment project is 28,785 yuan. Details are shown in Table 5-1-4. Table 5-1-4 Compensation for the Articles and Plants affixed to the Land Taken for t he Sewage Treatment Project

CompensationG yuanG[ county/city electric Big Farm farm Total poles Saplings trees wells Tombs infrastructures G yuanG]

county 0 150 0 1500 0 0 1650

76 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Song county 600 0 0 0 0 3265 3865 Yuanyang 900 3000 1500 3000 0 5920 14320

Baofeng 0 1690 0 0 0 0 1690 county ___ Neixiang 0 1870 0 0 0 0 1870 county ______Huangchuan 900 1890 0 2000 600 0 5390 county Total 2400 8600 1500 6500 600 9185 28785

5.2. Compensation for the Land Occupied Temporarily and the Houses Pulled down on the Land for the Water Supply 5.2.1. Compensation for young plants and crops on the land occupied temporarily by the Water Supply project and for land re-using The total land occupied temporarily by the pipelines of the Water. Supply project is 934.50 mu, the compensation for young plants and crops 824300 yuan. The compensation for land re-using is 6233300 yuan, and the total compensation is 7057600 yuan. Details are shown in Table 5-2-1. Table 5-2-1 The compensation for young plants and crops on the land occupied temporarily by the pipelines of the Water Supply project and for land re-using Unit: 10,00OYuan count)E cityG Land occupied young plants and crops land re-usin total Weishi_____ temporarilyL muE ys Weishi 22.50 2.25 15.01 17.26 county tongxu 15.00 1.50 10.01 11.51 lankao 15.00 2.40 10.01 12.41 qixian 7.50 1.13 5.00 6.13 Kaifeng mengjin 30.00 3.00 20.01 23.01 yiyang 7.50 0.75 5.00 5.75 songxian 7.50 0.75 5.00 5.75 baofeng 60.00 6.00 40.02 46.02 jiaxian 7.50 0.75 5.00 5.75 lushan 58.00 3.48 38.69 42.17 xinxiang 80.00 8.00 53.36 61.36 yuanyang 7.50 0.75 5.00 5.75 fenggiu 7.50 0.60 5.00 5.60 Xiangcheng 3.75 0.34 2.50 2.84 shan 15.00 1.50 10.01 11.51 Yima city 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 suixian 7.50 0.38 5.00 5.38 xiayi 7.50 0.38 5.00 5.38 zhecheng 15.00 0.75 10.01 10.76 dengzhou 315.00 25.20 210.11 235.31

77 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project xinye 7.50 0.75 5.00 5.75 shegi 15.00 1.50 10.01 11.51 xichuan 7.50 0.75 5.00 5.75 queshan 7.50 0.75 5.00 5.75 xincai 30.00 3.00 20.01 23.01 xiping 7.50 0.75 5.00 5.75 zhengyang 15.00 1.80 10.01 11.81 suiping 7.50 0.75 5.00 5.75 Ru'nan 15.00 0.00 10.01 10.01 shengiu 15.00 0.69 10.01 10.70 taikang 15.00 1.50 10.01 11.51 Xiangcheng 15.00 1.50 10.01 11.51 city Pingqiao 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 district xixian - 7.50 0.75 5.00 5.75 luoshan 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Yangshan 7.50 0.75 5.00 5.75

Mengzhuo 72.75 7.28 48.52 55.80 city ______total 934.5 82.43 623.33 705.76

5.2.2 Compensation for young plants and crops on the land occupied temporarily by the Sewage Treatment Project t and for land re-using The total land occupied temporarily by the pipelines of the Sewage Treatmnent Project is 34 mu. The compensation for young plants and ,rops is 34000 yuan. The compensation for land re-using is 226800 yuan, and the total compensation is 260800 yuan. Details are shown in Table 5-2-2. Table 5-2-2. The compensation for young plants and crops on the land occupied temporarily by the pipelines of the Sewage Treatment Project and for land re-using Unit: 10,000yuan county/city Land occupied young plants and land re-using total temporarily[ muLl crops Mengjin county 6 0.6 4.00 4.60 Song county 8 0.8 5.34 6.14 Yuanyang county 2 0.2 1.33 1.53 Baofeng county 7 0.7 4.67 5.37 Neixiang county 6 0.6 4.00 4.60 Huangchuan county 5 0.5 3.34 3.84 Total 34 3.4 22.68 26.08

5.2.3. Compensation for houses pulled down and resettling because of land taken for Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project The total area of houses pulled down and resettling in this project is 1,023 square

78 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project rmeters] 335 square meters of which is houses of concrete and brick] 420 square meters of brick construction and 268 square meters of earth and wood structure. The compensation for concrete and brick houses pulled down and resettling is 87,080 yuan] for brick construction is 66,360 yuan] for earth and log structure is 35,912 yuan. The total compensation for houses pulled down and resettling is 768952 yuan. Table 5-2-3 Compensation for the Houses Pulled down and resettling county/city concrete and brick brick construction earth and wood 5 yuanE (yuan) structure (yuan) T Taikang county 22680 66360 35912 124952 L waterworks E Mengjin county 644000 0 0 644000 [i sewage C TotalL yuanE 666680 66360 35912 768952

5.3. Compensation and payment for the land taken for Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project 5.3.1. Compensation for the land taken for Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project The Water Supply Project: the total compensation for land taken, for young plants and crops, for displaced people arranging, for buildings and articles, for young plants and crops affixed to land occupied temporarily by pipelines, and for land re-using is 34362900 yuan, The sewage Treatment Project: the total compensation is 6841000 yuan. The compensation for houses pulled down and resettling on the land of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project is 768952 yuan. The total compensation for the land of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project and displaced people arranging is 41972900 yuan. The details are shown in Table 5-3-1.

Table 5-1-4 Compensation for the land, infrastructures and resettling Unit: 10 thousand

Land taken Young plants and crops item permanently, yoeng Articles and on land occupied Item permanently, young buildings temporarily . by Total crops and resettling pipelines, land re-using

Water-supply 2652.13 78.4 705.76 3436.29 Sewage treatment 655.14 2.88 26.08 684.1

79 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

House pulled down and resettling 76.9 Total 3307.27 81.28 |731.84 4197 29

5.3.2. Payment of the compensation for the land taken for Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project According to Implementing Regulations of The Law of Land Management of the People's Republic of ChinaF] the costs of taking land should be totally paid within three months from the date an which the compensation for land and resettling plan isapproved. The objects compensated for Compensation for articles and plants affixed to the land belongs to the owners of the land[] Compensation for houses pulled down and resettling belongs to the owners of the houses. Compensation for land belongs to rural collective organizations. The land taken in the Project is the land of the villagers committees; so the compensation for land should be distributed to villagers committeesEl Compensation for resettlement because of land taken should be spend under the principle of "special fund for special use", not permitting embezzlement. The villagers committees or villagers groups should resettle those who need resettling; The villagers committees or villagers groups should manage and use the compensation for resettlement carefullyS] The people's governments in cities, counties, and towns should reinforce monitoring of the use of the compensation for resettlement. Processes of appropriating compensation The following chart is about flowing and monitoring of compensating fund. Construction units pay taking and resettling fund to Bureau of State Land Resources of project county or city by committed bank; the Bureau of State Land Resources in project county or city distribute compensation to affected villagers' committees and relevant property-owned persons, and the villagers' committees distribute it to the persons who contract land. The town administration will supervise, evaluate, guide the fund use and try to avoid embezzlement by periodic inspection and audition

80 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

* The project implementing agencies

Bureaus of national Land | | village)

| Village committees upervise

F Affected families by the land

5.4 Costs of restoring the roads damaged temporarily by the water supply project The total of roads damaged temporarily by the water-supply project is 752887 square meters and the total cost of road restoration is 79240200 yuan. Details are shown in table 5-4-1. The total of roads damaged temporarily by the sewage treatment project is 213354 square meters and the total cost of road restoration is 25445700 yuan. Details are shown in table 5-4-2. The total cost of restoring roads damaged temporarily by laying the pipelines of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project is 104685900 yuan.. Table 5-4-1 Costs of restoring roads temporarily damaged by laying pipes of the water-supply project unitO 10,000 yuan

2 county3] cityz3 Area of the roads damagedOi m E Cost of restoring roads

Weishi county 30000 240.00 tongxu 29380 282.05 lankao 22510 247.61 qixian 30000 330.00 Kaifeng 32000 320.00 mengjin 27760 277.60 yiyang 23910 229.54 songxian 13470 161.64 baofeng 35300 388.30 jiaxian 12560 138.16 lushan 32000 352.00 xinxiang 9630 105.93 yuanyang 26515 318.18 fenggiu 8500 93.50, Xiangcheng 5620 61.82 shanxian 15000 180.00 Yima city 16620 199.44 ~~iixiai'~~~ 12350 l48.20 81 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

xiayi 36890 184.45 zhecheng 12500 100.00 dengzhou 40000 400.00 xinye 12560 106.76 shegi 12580 150.96. xichuan 36250 435.00 queshan 12560 150.72 xincai 12650 151.80 xiping 21300 255.60 zhengyang 10230 122.76 suiping 24285 291.42 Ru'nan 36580 438.96 shengiu 15200 182.40 taikang 14320 171.84 Xiangcheng 12500 150.00 Pinggiao 11016 110.16 xixian 23945 263.40 luoshan 6000 72.00 Yangshan 12500 150.00 Mengzhuo city 5896 58.96 total 752887 8215.44

Table 5-4-2 Costs of restoring roads temporarily damaged by laying pipes of the sewage treatment project unitO 10,000 yuan

county/city Area of the roads damagedE m2L Cost of restoring roads

Mengjin county 45260 543.12 Song county 70510 846.12 Baofeng county 24817 297.80 Yuanyang county 15680 172.48 Neixiang county 11587 139.04 Huangchuan county 45500 546.00 Total 213354 2544.57

5.50 The total direct cost for the Project in all project counties (cities) The compensation for the land taken for the water supply project is 26520200 yuan (including compensation for the land and resettling), for the buildings and articles 783934 yuan, for houses pulled down and resettling 131670 yuan, for the young plants and crops on the land occupied temporarily by pipelines and land re-using 7057600 yuan, the cost of repairing the roads in the town where pipes are laid 80211600 yuan. The total compensation for the water supply project (the direct cost) is 114706300 yuan. Details are shown in Table 5-5-1. 82 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

The compensation for the land taken for the sewage treatment project is 6551400 yuan (including compensation for the land and resettling), for the buildings and articles 28785 yuan, for houses pulled down and resettling 644000 yuan, for the young plants and crops on the land occupied temporarily by pipelines and land re-using 260800 yuan, the cost of repairing the roads in the town where pipes are laid 25445700 yuan. The total compensation for the water supply project (the direct cost) is 32930700 yuan. Details are shown in Table 5-5-2.. Table 5-5-1. The total direct cost for the water supply projects in the Project counties Unit: 10,000 yuan young plants and repairing builingsand houses cosnlad roads total direct county! city. land taken buildngs and ue occupied damagd by articles down temporarily by piensin ct pipelines and land pipelnesi re-using Weishi 57.25 0 17.26 240.00 314.51 county Tongxu 54.75 1.15 11.51 282.05 349.46 county 0 12.41 247.61 363.38 Lankao 103.36 _ _ county ______Qixian 113.60 2.48 6.13 330.00 452.21 county ______Kaifeng 0.00 0 0.00 320.00 320.00 county Mengjin 75.40 0.059 23.01 277.60 376.07 county Yiyang 95.29 0 5.75 229.54 330.58

Songxian 46.73 0.075 5.75 161.64 214.20 county Baofeng 46.62 0 46.02 388.30 480.94 county Jiaxian 57.42 0 5.75 138.16 201.33 county ______Lushan 0.00 0 42.17 352.00 394.17 _ _ coun ty ______Xinxiang 12.00 0.06 61.36 105.93 * 179.35 county ______Yuanyang 67.54 0.595 5.75 318.18 392.07 county Fengqiu 133.92 2.90 5.60 93.50 235.92 county 92.35 15.40 2.84 61.82 172.41 Xiangcheng ______cou n ty ______Shanxian 84.48 0.80 11.51 180.00 276.79 ______c ou nty ______

Table 5-5-1. The total direct cost for the water supply projects in the Project counties (continued) Unit: 10,000 yuan 83 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

young plants and .a. crops on land pairing countyD city_ land taken buildingis and phouses occupied damaged by tot articles down tepipelne and pipelines in cost down pipelinesand towns land re-using Yima city 0.00 0 0.00 199.44 199.44 Suixian 94.01 0.15 5.38 148.20 247.84 county Xiayi 75.90 0.15 5.38 184.45 265.88 county Zhecheng 108.75 0 10.76 100.00 219.51 county Dengzhou 142.56 28.169 235.31 400.00 806.04 city Xinye 4.20 0 5.75 106.76 116.71 county Sheqi 43.19 0.03 11.51 150.96 205.69 county Xichuan 40.02 0.08 5.75 435.00 480.85 county Queshan 75.78 0.06 5.75 150.72 232.31 county Xincai 84.06 0 23.01 151.80 258.87 county Xiping 60.76 0.30 5.75 255.60 322.41 county Zhengyang 90.24 0.085 11.81 122.76 224.90 county Suipng 74.2 3.5 5.75 291.42 374.87

county______Ru'nan 94.09 2.0 10.01 438.96 545.06 county Shenqiu 60.50 0 10.70 182.40 253.60 county Taikang 54.56 14.23 13.167 11.51 171.84 264.64 county Xiangcheng 166.32 5.97 11.51 150.00 333.80 city Pingqiao 80.28 0.005 0.00 110.16 190.45 district Xixian 60.95 0 5.75 263.40 330.10 county Luoshan 0.00 0 0.00 72.00 72.00 county Yangshan 94.80 0.086 5.75 150.00 250.64 district Mengzhuo 106.14 0.058 55.80 58.96 220.96

city_ _ _ _ total 2652.02 78.393 13.167 705.76 8021.16 11470.50

Table 5-5-2. The total direct cost for the sewage treatment projects in the Project

counties Unit: 10,000 yuan

land buildings I houses young plants and I repairing roads total direct |countyz cityCi |taken and articles pulled down crops on land damaged by cost

84 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

occupied temporarily pipelines in towns by pipelines and land re-using

Mengjin 130.50 0.165 64.40 4.60 543.12 742.79 county Song county 86.10 0.3865 0.00 6.14 846.12 938.75 Baofeng 104.80 1.432 0.00 1.53 297.80 405.56 county ______Yuanyang 89.96 0.169 0.00 5.37 172.48 267.98 county Neixiang 104.30 0.187 0.00 4.60 139.04 248.13 county Huangchuan 139.48 0.539 0.00 3.84 546.00 689.86 ______cou n ty ______Total 655.14 2.8785 64.40 26.08 2544.57 3293.07

5.6 Taxes on the land taken for water supply and sewage treatment project The total tax on the land taken for the site of the water-supply project is 34278300 yuan. Details are shown in Table5-6-la. The total tax on the land for water-heads of the water-supply project is 3659500 yuan. Details are shown in Table5-6-lb. The total taxes on the land taken for the sewage treatment project are 9634530 yuan. Details are shown in Table5-6-lc. The total tax on the water-supply and sewage treatment project is 47572330 yuan. 5-6-la Taxes on the land taken for the site of the water-supply project UnitD 10,000 yuan

Money for Money for Money for Tax on farm county/city using the land farmland Money for managing land land Total taken plowing land unused taking occupied

Weishi county 37.82 22.68 3.78 1.30 5.67 71.26 Tongxu county 37.82 22.68 3.78 1.30 5.67 71.26 Lankao county 60.03 43.20 6.00 2.29 9.01 120.52 Qixian county 60.03 43.20 6.00 2.29 9.01 120.52 Kaifeng county Mengjin county 18.00 10.6 3.8 2.3 1.09 35.79 Yiyang county 64.03 48.00 6.40 2.50 9.61 130.53 Songxian county 44.52 22.25 4.45 1.40 6.68 79.30 Baofeng county 35.20 21.11 3.52 1.21 5.28 66.32 Jiaxian county 36.62 25.62 3.66 1.37 5.49 72.76 Lushan county Xinxiang county Yuanyang county 62.23 46.24 8.32 2.89 10.49 130.17 Fengqiu county 72.04 43.20 7.20 2.49 10.81 135.73

Xicounty 64.23 48.15 6.42 2.50 9.64 130.94

85 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiagej Project

Shanxian county 40.02 36.00 4.00 1.74 6.00 87.76 Yima city Suixian county 57.57 44.59 5.75 2.29 8.64 118.38 Xiayi county 60.03 37.50 6.00 2.12 9.01 114.65 Zhecheng county 69.04 51.75 6.90 2.69 10.36 140.73 Dengzhou city 142.07 71.00 14.20 4.47 21.31 253.06 Xinye county Sheqi county 29.42 19.11 2.94 1.06 4.41 56.94 Xichuan county 30.22 22.65 3.02 1.18 4.53 61.60 Queshan county 43.98 39.56 4.40 1.91 6.60 96.45 Xincai county 47.22 42.48 4.72 2.05 7.08 103.56 Xiping county 40.22 30.15 4.02 1.57 6.03 81.99 Zhengyang county 60.03 45.00 6.00 2.34 9.01 122.38 Suiping county 51.03 38.25 5.10 1.99 7.65. 104.02 Ru'nan county 61.23 48.96 6.12 2.48 9.19 127.97 Shenqiu county 37.56 28.83 3.75 1.49 5.63 77.26 Taikang county 40.02 28.00 4.00 1.50 6.00 79.52 Xiangcheng city 88.04 66.00 8.80 3.43 13.21 179.48 Pingqiao district 46.82 37.44 4.68 1.90 7.02 97.86 Xixian county 40.02 30.00 4.00 1.56 6.00 81.58 Luoshan county Yangshan district 60.03 54.00 6.00 2.61 9.01 131.65 Mengzhuo city 73.24 51.24 7.32 2.75 10.99 145.54 total 1710.38 1219.44 175.05 66.97 256.13 3427.48

5-6-lb The total tax on the land for water-heads of the water-supply project unitLi 10,000 yuan

Money for Money for Money for Money for Tax bn county/city using the farmland land unused managing farm land Total land taken plowing land taking occupied Weishi county 8.00 4.80 0.80 0.28 1.20 15.08 Tongxu county 6.00 3.60 0.60 0.21 0.90 11.31 Lankao county 8.00 5.76 0.80 0.31 1.20 16.07 Qixian county 4.00 2.88 0.40 0.15 0.60 8.04 Kaifeng county . Mengjin county 10.01 7.00 1.00 0.38 1.50 19.88 Yiyang county 0.60 0.45 0.06 0.02 0.09 1.22 Songxian county Baofeng county 4.00 2.40 0.40 0.14 0.60 7.54 Jiaxian county 3.00 2.10 0.30 0.11 0.45 5.96 Lushan county Xinxiang county Yuanyang county

86 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiagel Project

Fengqiu county 36.02 21.60 3.60 1.24 5.40 67.86 Xiangcheng county 2.00 1.50 0.20 0.08 0.30 4.08 Shanxian county 8.00 7.20 0.80 0.35 1.20 17.55 Yima city Suixian county 3.38 2.62 0.34 0.13 0.51 6.98 Xiayi county 6.00 3.75 0.60 0.21 0.90 11.47 Zhecheng county 6.00 4.50 0.60 0.23 0.90 12.24 Dengzhou city 2.00 1.00 0.20 0.06 0.30 3.56 Xinye county 4.00 2.00 0.40 0.13 0.60 7.13 Sheqi county 6.00 3.90 0.60 0.22 0.90 11.62 Xichuan county Queshan county 4.00 3.60 0.40 0.17 0.60 8.78 Xincai county 6.00 5.40 0.60 0.26 0.90 13.17 Xiping.county 3.20 2.40 0.32 0.13 0.48 6.53 Zhengyang county 4.00 3.00 0.40 0.16 0.60 8.16 Suiping county 2.00 1.50 0.20 0.08 0.30 4.08 Ru'nan county 4.00 3.20 0.40 0.16 0.60 8.36 Shenqiu county 8.00 6.14 0.80 0.32 1.20 16.47 Taikang county 4.00 2.80 0.40 0.15 0.60 7.95 Xiangcheng city 17.61 13.20 1.76 0.69 2.64 35.90 Pingqiao district 8.00 6.40 0.80 0.32 1.2p 16.73 Xixian county 6.00 4.50 0.60 0.23 0.90 12.24 Luoshan county Yangshan district Mengzhuo city total 183.87 129.20 18.38 6.91 27.58 365.95

5-6-ic Taxes on the land taken for the sewage treatment project Unit[ 10,000 yuan

Money for Money for Money for Money for Tax on county/city using the farmland land managing farm land Total land taken plowing unused land taking occupied

Mengjin county 90.045 63.000 9.000 3.376 13.507 178.927 Song county 82.041 41.000 8.200 2.584 12.306 146.131 Yuanyang county 80.040 56.000 8.000 3.001 12.006 159.047 Baofeng county 75.638 45.360 7.560 2.609 11.346 142.512 Neixiang county 70.035 63.000 7.000 3.046 10.505 153.586 Huangchuan county 83.562 75.168 8.352 3.634 12.534 183.250 Total 481.361 343.528 48.112 18.248 72.204 963.453

87 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

5.7 The budget of other kinds of costs Budget of other costs (indirect costs) of the water supply project is as follows: 13W Reconnaissance and design cost 2% of direct project investment (including land taking, displaced people resettling, infrastructure and special-used structure), totally 2299100 yuan. 23 Monitoring and evaluation cost 2% of direct project investment (including land taking, displaced people resettling, infrastructure and special-used structure), totally 2299100 yuan. 33 Implementing management costs 3% of direct project investment (including land taking, displaced people resettling, infrastructure and special-used structure), totally 3446000 yuan. 40 Technology training is supposed to hold training class three times and each item costs 10000yuan, totally 380000 yuan3 5 3 Prepared money for substantial compensation takes 10% of displaced people' resettling costs] Totally 3410100 yuan] 63 Prepared money for price fluctuation takes 5% of displaced people' resettling costs] Total 1705200 yuan. Other cost (indirect costs) totally is 13541700 yuan. Details are shown in Table 5-7-1 Budget of other costs (indirect costs) of the water supply project is as follows: 1O Reconnaissance and design cost 2% of direct project investment (including land taking, displaced people resettling, infrastructure and special-used structure), totally 658600 yuan. 23 Monitoring and evaluation cost 2% of direct project investment (including land taking, displaced people resettling, infrastructure and special-used structure), totally 658600 yuan. 3 WImplementing management costs 3% of direct project investment (including land taking, displaced people resettling, infrastructure and special-used structure), totally 987900 yuan. 40 Technology training is supposed to hold training class three times and each item costs 10000yuan, totally 60000 yuan] 5 WPrepared money for substantial compensation takes 10% of displaced people resettling costs] Totally 748500 yuan]

88 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

6] Prepared money for price fluctuation takes 5% of displaced people resettling costs:] Total 374200 yuan. Other cost (indirect costs) totally is 3487900 yuan. Details are shown in Table 5-7-2 Table 5-7-1 Budget of the indirect costs of the water supply project Unit:10,000 yuan

Monitoring Reconnaissanceand Implementing Prepared Prepared money Reconnadssance evaluation management Technology compensation for price total County and design cost cost (2% cost (3% of training for articles fluctuation indirect of direct direct project cost G compensation G compensation cost /city (2% of direct 0 project cost) project cost) x 10 /%C x 5%G cost)

cWouinthyi 6.29 6.29 9.44 1.00 7.45 3.73 34.19

Tongxu 6.99 6.99 10.48 1.00 6.74 3.37 35.57 county ______Lankao 7.27 7.27 10.90 1.00 11.58 5.79 43.80 county ______Qixian 9.04 9.04 13.57 1.00 12.22 6.11 50.99 county ______Kaifeng 6.40 6.40 9.60 1.00 0.00 0.00 23.40

Mengjiln 7.52 7.52 11.28 1.00 4.92 2.46 34.70 county______Yiyang 6.61 6.61 9.92 1.00 10.10 5.05 39.30 county _____ 23.88 .Songxian 4.28 4.28 6.43 1.00 5.26 2.63 ______co unty ______48.56 Baofeng 9.62 9.62 14.43 1.00 9.26 4.63

Jiaxian 4.03 4.03 6.04 1.00 6.32 3.16 24.57

7.88 11.82 1.00 4.22 2.11 34.92 Lushan 7.88 _ county ______Xinxiang 3.59 5.39 3.59 1.00 6.14 3.07 22.76 _ _ _ _ c o u n t______42.88 Yuanyang 8.15 8.15 12.22 1.00 8.91 4.46

Fengqiu 4.72 4.72 7.08 1.00 14.24 7.12 38.88

Xiangcunty 3.45 3.45 5.17 1.00 11.06 5.53 29.66 cou nt ______Shanxian 5.54 5.54 8.30 1.00 9.68 4.84 34.89 count 14.96 Yima city 3.99 3.99 5.98 1.00 0.00 0.00 Suixian 5.10 5.10 7.66 1.00 10.70 5.35 34.91 co u n ty______

couanty 5.32 5.32 7.98 1.00 8.14 4.07 31.83 Zhecheng 4.39 4.39 6.59 1.00 11.95 5.98 34.29

89 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

county Dengzhou 16.12 16.12 24.18 1.00 40.60 20.30 118.33

Ximye 2.33 2.33 3.50 1.00 1.00 0.50 10.66 county Sheqi 4.11 4.11 6.17 1.00 5.47 2.74 23.61 county Xichuan 9.62 9.62 14.43 1.00 4.59 2.29 41.54 county Queshan 4.65 4.65 6.97 1.00 8.16 4.08 29.50

county ______Xincai 5.18 5.18 7.77 1.00 10.71 5.35 35.18

Xipig 6.45 6.45 9.67 1.00 6.68 3.34 33.59 county Zhengyang 4.50 4.50 6.75 1.00 10.21 5.11 32.06 county . Suipmg 7.55 7.55 11.33 1 8.35 4.17 39.95

county______Ru'nan 10.90 10.90 16.35 1.00 10.61 5.31 55.07 county Shenqiu 5.07 5.07 7.61 1.00 7.12 3.56 29.43 county Taikang 5.29 5.29 7.94 1.00 9.28 4.64 33.44 county Xiangcheng 6.68 e.68 10.01 1.00 18.38 9.19 51.94 city distnict 3.81 3.81 5.71 1.00 8.03 4.01 26.37 Xixian 6.60 6.60 9.90 1.00 6.67 3.34 34.11

Luoshan 1.44 1.44 2.16 1.00 0.00 0.00 6.04 county _ _ _ _ _ Yangshan 5.01 5.01 7.52 1.00 10.06 5.03 33.64 district______Mengzhuo 4.42 4.42 6.36 1.00 16.20 8.10 40.77

total 229.91 229.91 344.60 38.00 341.01 170.52 1347

Table 5-7-2. Budget of the indirect costs of the sewage treatment project Unit:10,000 yuan Monitoring Implementing Prepared Prepared money Reconnaissance and. management compensation for price total County and design cost evaluation cost (3% of Thl for articles fluctuation indirect /city (2% of direct cost (2% of direct proect training cost O compensation C compensation cost propect cost) direct cost) x 10%Z x 5%0

county 14.86 14.86 22.28 1.00 19.97 9.98 82.94 Song county 18.77 18.77 28.16 1.00 9.26 4.63 80.61 Yuanyang 8.11 8.11 12.17 1.00 10.78 5.39 45.55 county ______Baofeng 5.36 5.36 8.04 1.00 9.55 4.77 34.08


90 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Neixiang 4.96 4.96 7.44 1.00 10.91 5.45 34.73 ______county - ______Huangchuan 13.80 13.80 20.70 1.00 14.39 7.19 70.87

Total 65.86 65.86 98.79 6.00 74.85 37.42 348.79

5.8 The total budgetary estimate of the water-supply and sewage treatment project in Henan province Budgetary investment for house pulled down and resettling, infrastructure restoration and kinds of taxes totally is 212421700 yuan] among which 41973000 yuan is used for house pulled down and resetting and displaced people' resettling] 105657300 yuan is used for road restoration] 10774120 yuan is used for reconnaissance designation, monitoring evaluation, technology training and implementing management] 6295950 yuan is used as prepared money for articles and for the rising prices out of inflation and as prepared money for accidental substantial compensation] 47721330 yuan is used for taxes during the course of the land taken. Details are shown in Table 5-8-1,Table 5-8-2, Table 5-8-23. Table 5-8-1 The total budgetary estimate of the water-supply project Unit] 10,000 yuan

Total taxes on land taken countyO cityO Total direct cost Total indirect cost permanently total

Weishi county 314.51 34.19 86.34 435.04 Tongxu county 349.46 35.57 82.57 467.60 Lankao county 363.38 43.80 136.59 543.77 Qixian county 452.21 50.99 128.56 631.75 Kaifeng county 320.00 23.40 0.00 343.40 Mengjin county 376.07 34.70 35.79 . 446.56 Yiyang county 330.58 39.30 131.76 501.63 Songxian county 214.20 23.88 79.30 317.37 Baofeng county 480.94 48.56 73.86 603.36 Jiaxian county 201.33 24.57 78.73 304.63 Lushan county 394.17 34.92 0.00 429.08

Table 5-8-1 The total budgetary estimate of the water-supply project (continued) UnitO 10,000 yuan

county[] city] Total direct cost Total indirect Total taxes on land total cost taken permianently

91 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Xinxiang county 179.35 22.76 0.00 202.11 Yuanyang county 392.07 42.88 130.17 565.12 Fengqiu county 235.92 38.88 203.59 478.39 Xiangcheng county 172.41 29.66 135.02 337.09 Shanxian county 276.79 34.89 105.32 417.00 Yima city 199.44 14.96 0.00 214.40 Suixian county 247.84 34.91 125.82 408.57 Xiayi county 265.88 31.83 126.12 423.82 Zhecheng county 219.51 34.29 152.97 406.77 Dengzhou city 806.04 118.33 256.62 1180.99 Xinye county 116.71 10.66 7.13 134.50 Sheqi county 205.69 23.61 68.56 297.85 Xichuan county 480.85 41.54 61.60 583.98 Queshan county 232.31 29.50 105.23 367.04 Xincai county 258.87 35.18 116.73 410.78 Xiping county 322.41 33.59 88.52 444.52 Zhengyang county 224.90 32.06 130.53 387.49 Suiping county 374.87 39.95 108.10 522.92 Ru'nan county 545.06 55.07 136.34 736.47 Shenqiu county 253.60 29.43 93.73 376.76 Taikang county. 264.64 33.44 87.48 385.55

Xiangcheng city 333.80 51.94 215.38 . 601.12 Pingqiao district 190.45 26.37 114.59 331.41 Xixian county 330.10 -34.11 93.82 458.03 Luoshan county 72.00 6.04 0.00 78.04 Yangshan district 250.64 33.64 131.65 415.92 Mengzhuo city 220.96 46.13 178.93 470.37 total 11470.50 1359.53 3807.45 16637.48 Table 5-8-2 The total budgetary estimate of the resettlement of the sewage treatment project UnitLI 10,000 yuan

countyC cityE Total direct cost Total indirect cost taxes total

Mengjin county 742.79 82.94 178.93 1004.66 Song county 938.75 80.61 146.13 1165.48 Yuanyang county 405.56 45.55 159.05 610.16

Baofeng county 267.98 34.08 142.51 . 444.57 Neixiang county 248.13 34.73 153.59 436.44 Huangchuan county 689.86 70.87 183.25 943.98

92 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Total 3293.07 348.79 963.45 4605.32

Table 5-8-3 The total budgetary estimate of the resettlement of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project UnitE 10,000 yuan

of money No. item Names of cost Nmamount10,000 yuanO

1 Compensation for resettlement 4197.3 Direct costs _ 1 2 Restoration of roads 10565.73 Total _ 1+2 E 14763.03 1 Reconnaissance & design(2% of the direct costs) 295.261 2 monitoring & evaluation(2% of the direct costs) 295.261 3 Implementing & managing(3% of the direct costs) 442.891 Indirect _ 2 costs 4 Technological training 44.000 5 Prepared money for compensating substantial objects(item 1 419.730 x 10%) 6 Prepared money for price fluctuation 2'09.865 6 (item 1 x 5%) Total O 1+2+3+4+5+60 1707.007 Direct & indirect 16470.037 costs Kinds of 4772.133 taxes Total 21242.80 5.9 The investment plan for the displaced people of the water-supply and sewage treatment project According to the overall management of implementing schedule of land taking and resettlement resettling, each of the units in charge and implementing units of the Project

should complete confirmed proportion of the Project investment plan, respectively, 0.761%]

i.e. 1616300 yuan in 2005, 59.475%, i.e. 1263368301 yuan in 2006, 27.696%, i.e. 58831690

yuan in 2007]1 12.0692%, i.e. 25636800 yuan in 2008. Details are shown in Table 5-9 Table 5-9 The yearly plan of distributing the resettlement fund ( unit: 10 ,000 yuan)

Investment(10,000 Investment of each yearE 10,000 yuanE yuanO Year2005 Year2006 Year2007 Year2008

1 Land taking and resettlement 3542.527 3542.527 2 Restoration of infrastructures 9786.58 3914.632 3914.632 1957.316

93 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

3 Reconnaissance & design 266.582 133.291 133.291 4 monitoring & evaluation 266.582 88.861 88.861 88.860 5 Implementing & managing 399.873 133.291 133-291 133.291 6 Technological training 42.000 12.000 30.000 Prepared money for 7 compensating substantial 354.253 35.425 247.977 70.851 objects 8 Prepared money for price 177.126 35.425 106.276 35.425 fluctuation 9 Kinds of taxes 4839.192 4839.192 The total investment 19674.716 145.291 12752.645 4491.037 2285.743 proportion of yearly investment 0.73% 64.82% 22.83% 11.62%

94 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

6. The Schedule of Resettlement Implementation According to the schedule of the Project, the Project is to start in March, 2006. And the schedule of displacement arising from land taking is base on the schedule of the Project. The schedule of displacement must coincide with the schedule of the Project 6.1 The principles of making the resettlement implementation * According to the regulations of The Implementing Regulations of The Law of Land Management of the People's Republic of China, all the expenses of taking land should be paid within 3 moths before the approval of the plan of compensation and resettlement.

* . In Mengjin County, displaced people should finish building new houses 6 months before the starting of the Project. The compensation should be paid in time with the schedule of the displaced people's house building, and the old house will be pulled down after the completion of their new houses. The work of pulling down old houses should be completed 3 months before the construction of the Project n..

* In Taikang County, the houses to be pulled down are old houses with no people living in, so there is no displaced people but only pulling down the old houses. Therefore, the old house should be pulled down before the Project is put into operation begins.

* The scope of taking land will be (decided) based on the. blueprint of.(by the plan) the Project, and has to be completed before the measurement of the material objects begins. * Land taking should be completed before the construction of the Project. * The settling and distributing of the compensation will begin after the contract is signed (and) but before land taking or demolition. 6.2 The schedule for displacing and resettlement The process of land taking, demolition and the resettlement arranging of this project will be decided according to the (plan) process of preparation and implementation of land taking, demolition and the resettlement arranging (of the Project construction), Details are shown in Table 6-2. Table6-2 The process of resettling and arranging the resettlement order Item The implementation process of resettlement project 2005 2006 2007 2008 1 Land taking and

95 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

resettlement arranging

2 Restoration of infrastructure order Item The implementation process of resettlement project 2005 2006 2007 2008 1 Land surveying, reconnaissance and design 2 Training resettlement carders 3 Training displaced people to plant and raise 4 Plan of the resettlement site in Mengzhou, the basic construction conditions 5 Building the houses of resettlement in Mengzhou 6 Land taking and resettlement arrangement 7 Land re-using, restoration of infrastructures

96 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

7. The plan for resettlement and economy restoration 7.1 The plan for resettlement 7.1.1 The objects and tasks of the resettlement Because in the Project county (city), only little land was taken in counties where this project is carried out (by the Project) (see part three), (therefore,) the land taking has no effect on the social structure, ideology, customs and religions of the resettlement community, and has little effect on the social economic development (mainly on agricultural production and income). The taken land of this project mainly belong to cultivated land (except the land of water plant site in Xinye County and Lushan County), and the residents resettlement are all (the) farmers living around the county. In addition to make a living by cultivating land, they can have a job in industry and sideline when they are free. Therefore, the aim and task of resettlement arranging are as following: According to the relevant law, regulation and resettlement arranging rules. The resettlement is to be arranged in within the same village, the same group, and the compensation will be carried out in money. Try to make full use of the local natural resources economically with the principle of adaptation to local condition, bringing all positive factors into play to arrang resettlement properly; and try to decrease the effect of the Project on the resettlement, give the affected residents back the lost land and eliminate the bad effect on the resettlement agricultural production as soon as possible,, making their agricultural production ability and living standard equal to or beyond the original ones. Develop secondary industry and tertiary industry to transfer the rural labors properly and increase the income of the displaced people. Take measures actively to make sure that the per capita of the resettlement family could be recovered (as the original; Making sure) and that the resettled residents maintain the original living standard as well as advancing it step by step. 7.1.2. The principles of resettlement arranging According to the relevant laws, regulations and policies of the World Bank about the displaced people who are unwilling to move, the resettlement arranging of this project should be based on the following rules: The work of resettlement arranging should be done well, and the compensation policy should be carried out to develop or at least recover the production and living standard of the

97 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project affected citizens. The compensation should be given out according to Part Five. The construction size and standard of the resettlement arranging project should be restored with the regulation of recovering the original function, size and standard. The resettlement arrangement planning in the Project county (city) should be negotiated with the resettlement and the affected villagers, especially the readjusting of cultivated land, according to the land law, should be carried out with two thirds villagers' agreement. In the villages with mobile land, the readjusting land of resettlement should be readjusted with the mobile land. In Mengjin County, the sewage treatment project occupied the land of group 7 in Niuhebu Village;. the demolition of house should be negotiated with resettlement and planned according to the rules of "being favorable to production, being convenient to living". The resettlement arranging should be combined with the local city developing plan, resources development, economic development, environment protection. Based on fact, make feasible measures of recovering and developing the resettlement's production and living with the principle of adaptation to local condition, and create the necessary condition for the self-development of the displaced people. The concerned farmers of the resettlement in this project will be arranged in the way of arranging land. 7.1.3. The environment after the resettlement arranging (1) The geographic location and environmental condition In all counties (cities) where this project is conducted, the resettlement are resettled in the same village, thus there's no change in their social environment, production and living environment. All the displaced people still live, farm in the original village, so the whole social system remains the same. And due to the reasonable choice of the plant site, there's no change in the infrastructures such as water supply, electric supply and transport in the affected village, neither in the cultural and educational service. The resettlement community still remains the original social structure and system. Therefore, the Project construction has no effect on the geographic location and environmental condition of the resettlement community. They still remain the original condition and standard. (2) The living condition Only in Mengjin County, the sewage treatment project concerns the resettlement 98 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project arrangement of 23 families (92 persons). rules 62 ofD the Land Law of People's Republic of

China-] stipulates that In countryside, one family can only has one house site, and the area is no more than the standard set by the province, municipality and the municipality directly under the central government. So, group seven in Niubuling Village makes use of this project construction to realize their dream of moving to the central village because the committee has planned new house site for the resettlement, about 0.35 mu per family. And the site is in empty place or desert place in the village, with the agreement of the villagers. So the living condition of the resettlement will be developed; In the other project counties(cities), there's no such problem of pulling down the old houses and building new ones (in Taikang County, only the houses with no one living were pulled down, having nothing to do with the rebuilding), so there's no change in resettlement's living condition. 7.1.4. The restoration of infrastructures In order to ensure the normal use of the infrastructure affected by Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project, the wells, roads, and bridges in agriculture affected by the Project have to be rebuilt before the original infrastructure are pulled down. The rebuilding is responsible by property persons (natural persons or fictitious persons), the compensation should also be given to the property persons. After the pipes of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project are laid on the farms, earth should be returned to the ditches in the original order in order to keep organic earth in the cultivated layer to be good for agricultural production and harvest. The work of re-using the land taken temporarily for water-heads should be down in time. The quality of the re-used land should be the same as that of the land before it being taken so as to be good for agricultural production of the displaced people. In order to decreage the effect of water pipe pavement on the town transport, we should try to low the destroying of the road, and complete the Project as soon as possible. The road should be recovered according to the construction standard, tamping the backfill and trying to recover the original size, function and standard of the road. 7.1.5. The plan of arranging the resettlement's farming Because the Project construction has little effect on displaced people, so the affected displaced people are all arranged in the form of agriculture. Just as part three states, the permanent occupied land of the Project, will make the resettlement lose land of 0.26-0.31mu per person; after the water plant takes land, each person still has 1.45mu cultivated land; after the water-head project takes land, each person

99 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project has cultivated land of 1.50mu. After the sewage treatment plant takes land, each person has cultivated land of 1.58mu. As it is stated in part four, the income per mu is 1000-1800 Yuan three years before the land permanently occupied by the Project, actually the pure agricultural income per mu being only 500-800 Yuan (except the labor value and the manure). So after the land taken, the lost will be 130-248 Yuan per capita each year. Therefore, the Project construction has little effect on resettlement3l the pure income per capita in the sample family is 2299.2 Yuan, 1500 Yuan in the low income family, see part twoC] . For the resettlement who lose their land, the group make the compensation with the same sum of income per mu in the recent three years to meet the agricultural loss of taking the land before the land readjusting (the actual income is increased). After the land taken in Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project, agricultural farming in Yangshan District, Pingqiao District in Xinyang City and Xinxian,g County are greatly affected. Because they are located in the urban area and each person has less cultivated land. After the land are taken, each person has cultivated land of 0.27mu, 0.48mu or 0.52mu (see part three), so there's great lost in resettlement's land relatively (the absolute sum is the same with other county), which has great effect on agricultural farming and income. In all, the approach of arranging resettlement's farming should be practical and realistic with the principle of adaptation to local condition. Because the geographic location, natural resources, social resources, environment are different in different county (city), the way of arranging resettlement should also be carried out according to the different facts. It should take the following measures: Farming arrangement. For the village whose cultivated land are occupied by the Project, the cultivated land is to be increased by using the mobile land, the contracted land willingly retumed by the contracted family, the contracted land to be contracted in turn or exploiting land. These land will be given to the resettlement whose land are taken, with the same sum of their lose land, to make them continue farming. For those groups who don't have the above conditions (the cultivated land occupied by the Project are not the cultivated land of the group in village), according to the Land Law, there will be a meeting among all villagers to negotiate readjusting of the cultivated land in the same group, with the agreement of two thirds members, and the compensation will be given out by the group of the village.

100 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

In all project counties(cities), for those affected displaced people who have favorable 0 conditions for vegetable raising in countryside and family breeding, the constitute of carrying out the Project will cooperate with local agricultural technique service office to give the resettlement some training on vegetable raising and family breeding, and also retain some experts to give some instructions. The agencies implementing the Project in all project counties (cities) are to give some free training on work to the resettlement whose land are taken. According to the practical condition of all project counties (cities) and the normal need of the resettlement, all kinds of training courses will be held to give the resettlement some training on work skills. In the process of carrying out the water supply & sewage treatment project, under the same circumstances, the carrying out agency is planned to give favorable chance to resettlement to join the Project construction; in the bidding of carrying out the Project, the legal entity, if being the resettlement of this project, will have favorable chance to get the Project. The work of restoring land occupied temporarily by water-heads and water pipelines should be down by the displaced people affected by the Project, and the money for restoring land is paid to the persons conducting the work on a contracted basis. The money is used to increase the income of the displaced people and to make up for the loss of the agricultural production in the first year after land restoration. In the working process of water supply and sewage treatment project, only if the resettlement are willing to compete in getting the post of production and management, under the same circumstances, they will have favorable chance to get the production and management post of the enterprises, thus to improve their income For those who do business by making use of the compensation of adhesive material on the ground or compensation of arrangement, the management agency of all project counties(cities) will report to the higher-up administrative department in charge to reduce their sales tax relatively For the farmers whose land have been taken up in Yangshan District and Pingqiao District of Xinyang City, they live in the city village and have a little cultivated land per capita, so these two district government planned to bring them into the urban employment system, and set up social secure system as the same as that of other citizens. In Xinxiang County, there's little land per capita, so according to the resettlement's characteristic of being favorable to business, the management agency and carrying out agency of this county will exert the district advantage to provide the commercial 101 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project information for the resettlement, and help them in business to increase their income. The affected village's committee plan to use the compensation of land to build the infrastructure, cultural and educational service and construction of water conservancy works. The construction of these infrastructures will improve the transportation of this village, do good to the resettlement's transportation production, and increase their income in transportation; the construction of cultural and educational service will improve the teaching environment of school and the quality of teaching, give a good foundation for the displaced people' future; The construction of water conservancy works will increase the ability of fighting back the disaster, increasing the agricultural production and the agricultural .income The taken lands are near town, so job-hunting in towns, transport and going into business are the main means of their income. According to the social economic investigation, the main productive activities of the displaced people are to participate the secondary production and sideline, which is the main resources of income; the agricultural income only account for 10% of their total income per capita. the secondary and sideline production are mainly manual work, business managing, catering trade and transporting of building materials with agricultural truck in free time, etc, the income from which occupy 60%-70% of the whole income. The displaced people' dependence on land is decreasing year by year. Therefore, the Project carrying out agency and local government plan t6 provide the resettlement with proper commercial, economic and agricultural technique information, helping the resettlement broaden the space of production and business activity and increasing their income For the displaced people affected by the land occupied temporarily, the time for laying the pipelines should be shortened as less as possible, and the recovery of cultivated land should be confirmed by .the displaced people. They can farm after the land is recovered. The compensation for young plants and crops is enough to compensate for the economic loss of the displaced people. Because the compensation for land taken and resettlement is much higher than the actual income of the land, so the peasants without land used freely hope to re-distribute land. The compensation for land should be distributed according to the opinions of-the peasants, and the compensation for resettlement arranging is distributed equally. There's no business corporation and antique which need to be recovered in this project The above resettlement arranging measures can eliminate the impacts of project on resettlement's farming. Meanwhile, it can also improve the ability of farming and resisting economic risk, increasing their income, and improving their life standard.

102 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

7.2. The protection of women and their rights In the affected area, there's a balanced ratio of women to men. in the sample families, there is an average of 4.05 persons, with a ratiol :0.91 of men to women. In the resettlement whose land is taken, no family with the main single women labor who has lost their partner, divorced or abandoned is found. In the affected countryside community, women enjoy the same legal right as men, including contracting land, receiving education, family planning and participating in the vote of the community. In the interviewed women labors, most of them think they have the same fanning and managing right with men, being able to do manual work, do business and farm by themselves. Of course, in the affected village, due to the different physical condition of women and men, the couples play different part in the family, doing different jobs. In the resettlement of the Project, most women do farming, home breeding and home planting, only a little women(about 15% of women) go into trade of sideline product in the county(cities), and some(about 10% of women) open up stores to do business managing, but with the main task of housework, farming, home breeding and home planting. There is no obvious impact on women in the Project construction and taking. In the Project construction, the resettlement managing officials in the Project who carry out agencies of all project counties(cities) will have a symposia of women representatives in each village each year, have regular interviews to some families, collect women's suggestions and grievance. at any moment, and receive their consult. For women's grievance on arrangement compensation and economy recovery, the village's women committee will report to the head of the Project management agency within a week, and the Project management agency will send representatives to give response or solve the'problems within the next week.

103 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

8. Resettlement Agencies and Management 8.1 The setup of resettlement agencies In order to make sure of the smooth carrying out of the water supply & sewage treatment project, there are several agencies that are responsible for plan, management, carrying out and monitoring of the resettlement arrangement just as follows: The managing Office of the Foreign-loan Project administrated by the Finance Department of Henan Province. The managing agency of arranging resettlement in all project counties (cities). The resettlement arranging group of the town government in all project counties (cities). The relevant government agency. The resettlement arranging group of the village committee. The designing institute of the Project. The separated external monitoring and evaluating agencies. 8.2 The responsibilities of the resettlement agencies at all levels 8.2.1 The Managing Office of the Foreign-loan Project administrated by the Finance Department of Henan Province The Managing Office of the Foreign-loan Project administrated by the Finance Department of Henan Province will be responsible for, the harmony (coordination) ,organization and management of the whole project. See details as follows: Be responsible for writing (drafting/drawing up) the resettlement arranging plan of the Water Supply & Sewage Treatment Project in Towns of Henan Province, and supervising, inspecting, carrying out of the resettlement plan; Be responsible for supervising and harmonizing (coordinating) the work of taking and removing of the Project construction; Be responsible for inspecting, supervising and harmonizing (coordinating) the condition of full fund, fund transferring, and paying; Do well (make sure of) the work of training the officer of resettlement; Instruct, harmonizeO coordinate], inspect and supervise the work of resettlement management agency in all project counties (cities), and give instruction to the work; Be responsible for organizing and harmonizing (coordinating) the internal monitoring of the resettlement work; Be responsible for organizing the monitoring and evaluation during the process of 104 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project arranging resettlement and the social economic development after the resettlement arranging. 8.2.2. The responsibilities of the resettlement agencies of the responsible project agencies and the implementing agencies in all project countiesO citiesO In all project counties(cities), there are 3-4 persons in the resettlement arranging group, the group leader will be served by the head of the management agency of the Project counties(cities), some members are the head of the carrying out agency of the Project, their main responsibilities are: Carry out state law, policy about taking and removing land of the Project; Organize the investigation of target in kind in taking and removing and social economy; Apply for the permission of land using and planning, and the construction permission, Carry out El Resettlement Plan3 ; Be responsible for managing, transferring the resettlement's fund and supervise its use; Instruct, harmonize, and supervise the carrying out and the process of resettlement arranging; Deal with the contradiction and problems in the process of carrying out the Project properly; Organize the public participation, propaganda on resettlement arranging policy; Carry out, inspect, supervise and record all the resettlement arranging in this area; Supervise the taking of land, the pulling down of house and adhesive material; Deal with and solve the suggestions of the resettlement; Investigate the compensation standard of the adhesive materials of the ground; Instruct, harmonize and supervise the taking of land and the carrying out of the resettlement arranging; 8.2.3 Town governments The officials who are responsible for resettlement in all levels of town government are under the direct leadership of the town government. They are responsible for the organization, management and carrying out of the resettlement within the town. The officials of resettlement in towns are responsible for the readjusting of land, farming measures and improvement in living of the resettlement. They should take the resettlement's suggestions and command, help solve the practical problems in the resettlement's farming and living, to make the resettlement retain or even better than the standard before the

105 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project cultivated land are taken. 8.2.4 The relevant government agencies The relevant govemment agency mainly include: Construction Department, Water Conservancy Department, Land and Resources Department, Civil Administration Department, Environmental Protection Department, etc. The relevant govemment agency should give help for the carrying out project and resettlement arranging. The main responsibilities are: Participate (in)the social economic investigation; Participate (in)the investigation of target in kind in the resettlement plan; Participate (in)the making compensation standard of taking land and adhesive material; Handle the report and approval procedures of land taking Provide the resettlement with consultation; Provide the poor with help; Solve the difficulty and problem in project construction and in resettlemerit arranging. 8.2.5 The leading resettlement groups of the village committees The resettlement's leader group of the village's, committee is made up of village's committee, the group of affected villagers, the resettlement and villager representatives. The main responsibilities are: Participate in the investigation of social economy and the impact of project. Participate in the investigation of writing the resettlement plan. Organize the public negotiation, and propaganda of the policy about taking and removing. Give out the compensation of land; organize the activity of recovering farming and income. Report the resettlement's suggestions to the high-up department. Report the process of arranging resettlement. Provide the poor with help. 8.2.6 The design entities of the Project (the Project-consulting Cooperation of Henan Province) Its main responsibilities are: Decrease the impact of project by optimal design. Decide the influential area of taking. Help write the resettlement plan. Provide the technical consult on data investigation and data processing for the

106 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

provincial project office. 8.2.7 The independent external monitoring and evaluating agencies Its main.responsibilities are: Provide the technical consult on taking and resettlement arranging. As an independent monitoring and evaluation agency, it should supervise the carrying out of resettlement plan and experience and problems in the process, and provide the provincial project office and the World Bank with independent monitoring and evaluation report on resettlement's social economic development. 8.3 The manning and office facilities of resettlement agencies at all levels 8.3.1 Manning For the smooth (going of) resettlement arranging, all levels of government agency, project administrated government and project carrying out agency all have special workers to do the work of arranging resettlement, thus form the smooth information channel from lower to higher. The workers are made up of professional technical personnel and administrative personnel, having(with) the professional skill and quality of management in some degree, having (with)some working experience of taking and arranging resettlement. Table 8-3-1 The manning of the relevant agencies arranging resettlement The special Timetable of agencies arranging resettlement g workers manning work (person) The leader group of The Managing Office of the Foreign-loan Project 2 leaders of the relevant government From January of administrated by the Finance agencies 2005 Department of Henan Province The agency managing and The head of the Project managing From January of implementing the Projects in the 1-2 agency and carrying out agency 2005 Project counties (cities) The town governments 2 The head of town government From January of ______~~~ ~~~2005 The village comm-nittees 4 The relevant persons of the village's From January commnittee of 2005 The agencies designing the From January of Projects 5 The higher-grade engineer, engmeer 2005 The independent external From December monitoring and evaluating 5 Professor, associate professor of 2005 agencies

8.3.2 Training of resettlement leaders In order to improve the resettlement leaders' professional skill and idea of law and policy, to carry out the policy of World Bank's resettlement policy, to propagate the people oriented idea of Chinese government, it is necessary to train the resettlement leaders the

107 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project professional skills. The training timetable and content are as follows: In the spring of 2004, the training course of World Bank loan process was held by the World Bank and the Managing Office of the Foreign-loan Project of Henan Province in Zhengzhou city, and explains the policy of unwilling resettlement of World Bank to the main officials in the Project counties (cities). The participated persons in training course are mainly the Project managing agency and the administrative and professional leader in the Project carrying out agency. In the spring of 2005, the Managing Office of the Foreign-loan Project of Henan Province held the conference call and symposia of taking land and arranging resettlement, explained the taking and resettlement policy of the World Bank and the Chinese government, improve the resettlement leaders' professional skill and managing ability in the Project management agency and the Project carrying out agency in the Project counties (cities). The Managing Office of the Foreign-loan Project of Henan Province send out notice for many times to carry out the resettlement policy of the World Bank and the Chinese government, improve the resettlement leaders' recognized level of resettlement's work, improve their professional quality and the level of carrying out policy, thus improve their harmony ability and the ability of solving policy. The Project managing agency of the Project counties (cities) plan to give the affected town resettlement leaders training about resettlement policy from the end of the year 2005 to the beginning of 2006.

8.3.3. The office facilities of resettlement agencies The managing groups of the Project management and implementing agencies in the Project counties (cities) work (handle the official business) with other people in the same agency, which is favorable (to) the resettlement work and the efficient information communication of water supply& sewage treatment project, and meanwhile save the office budget. The resettlement managing group can also make use of the office installation and vehicles. Other office installation and vehicles are: computer, telephone, fax, printer, buses, etc.

108 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

9. The public participating and information disclosure 9.1 The public participating 9.1.1 The publicity of the resettlement information Basing on the policies of resettlement arranging and the resettlement right, the units to carry out the Project will make up a brochure or playbill (in Chinese) to publicize the resettlement arranging information, which will be distribute to the affected people before taking land to make them get some information about: the relevant laws and polices of taking land and resettling the number of the objects removed; the compensation standard for taking and resettling the amount of money of compensating for taking and resettling; the resettlement's legal rights; the plan of helping the resettlement to recover (resume) producing and.income after taking land. The process of complaining and grievance. The publicity sourcebooks or the posters will increase the transparency of land taking and resettlement activities. They inform the displaced people of the main points, schedule, affected areas, resettlement policies, compensation standard, grievance procedures, etc., of the Project. I n Aigust, 2005, t he pr oj ect count i es ( ci t i es) di scl osed and post ed post er s. Det ai I s ar e shoun i n A t ached Tabl e 9- 1 and Appendi x t o 9-2. 9.1.2 The process of public participation Since the early demonstrating work from March of 2004, the relevant social circles have joined in it. The work involved is as follows: In March, 2004, the relevant officials of the World Bank, the Deyeloping and Reforming Committee of Henan Province, the Managing Office of the Foreign-loan Project administrated by the Finance Department of Henan Province, and the domestic consulting experts all joined in the propaganda, explained the relevant loan-policies and loan procedures of the World Bank, propagate the practical importance of waterworks construction and sewage treatment, and solicit opinions and suggestions from the-relevant officials and domestic consulting experts. Basing on this, the officials of the World Bank have been to Zhengzhou and the Project counties (cities) to give instructions to the early demonstrating work, to collect suggestions

109 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

from all sides, and to communicate with the residents and displaced people by themselves to collect their ideas and suggestions. From April of 2004 to June of 2005, the officials of the Managing Office of the Foreign-loan Project administrated by the Finance Department of Henan Province held the forums and telephone conferences for many times, supervised the carrying out of the Projects and collected ideas and suggestions from the relevant officials and workers, and organized the domestic consulting experts to hold forums to collect their ideas and suggestions; and also studied and adopted their ideas and suggestions. From January to March in 2005, in the investigation for the social evaluation report, the experts and professors of NCWU (North China Water University), entrusted by The Managing Office of the Foreign-loan Project administrated by the Finance Department of Henan Province, organized the relevant officials of governments and the functional departments and the main technical personnel to hold the forums to collect their ideas and suggestions, to have some knowledge and reflection of the Project from all sides of the Project counties (cities) and the society. Those participating are: the important officials who are responsible of the Project in the Finance Department of the city, the mayor in charge in the counties (cities), the Water Bureau of the counties (cities), the Bureau of Statistics, Construction Bureau, Health Bureau, Sanitary Cordon, Environment Protection Bureau, Civil Administration, Finance Bureau, Public 3E 3 epidemic prevention station, Service Bureau, Land, Transportation Bureau, Education Bureau, Price Bureau, Design Bureau and the Political and Law Committee, Town Government, Residents' Committee, Village's Committee, Public Security Committee, Women United Nation, Public Opinion Poll Committee and the Religion managing Committee, Disabled Committee. The social evaluation report collected, reflected and adopted their ideas and suggestions. From January to March in 2005, the investigation group went to the families of the urban residents, the moving residents and the displaced people to make investigations and forums, in order to have some knowledge of their producing, farming, living, social economic development, ideology condition, education, hygiene condition, religion believes and their recognition and reflection of the Project, listen to their ideas and suggestions. From July in 2004 to May in 2005, the agencies organizing and designing the Projects decided on the scope of the land taken, investigated the kinds and amount of the displaced people affected by the land taken, asked for the opinions of displaced people, of the groups and villages where land is taken about policies of compensation and resettlement, about the plan for production arrangement and income restoration. And the opinions are embodied 110 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project into the plan in question. From March to May in 2005, some experts of the Project consulting corporation of Henan province and the Research Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power investigated some project counties (cities), listened to the ideas and suggestions from all walks of life, especially the displaced people on the factory's site choice, project size and environment protection,. 9.1.3 The distribution of the resettlement plan The plan for arranging the resettlement will be given to the affected villages, anybody who wants to know (something about) the plan can get the information very conveniently in the village. Several displaced people plans (in Chinese) will be given to the offices (in charge of) carrying out the Project, others (in English) will be given to the World Bank. 9.1.4 The plan for public participating The units managing and carrying out the Project in the Project counties (cities) organized the village governments, the village committees and all the walks of life affected to discuss carefully the resettlement plan and carrying out, paid special attention to the compensation to the resettlement, land adjusting, economic recovery, industrial and agricultural production and the development of the second and third industrial production. The public participation plans of the Project counties (cities) are as follows: Within thirty days after the land taking is granted, the news conferences and forums have to be held to listen to the ideas and suggestions from all walks of life affected, especially the displaced people, and have to reach an agreement on when to take land and when to give out the compensation (the compensation should be given out before the Project starts). To the Project county (Mengjin County) in which some houses are to be pulled down, the plan for screening sites to arrange the resettlement should be discussed and negotiated with the displaced people, and their ideas and suggestions should be adopted in the plan. In the course of displaced people constructing their houses, the resettlement forums should be held to know the difficulty of their building houses and help them to solve. After the house construction is completed, the Project carrying out agency of Mengjin County should help the resettlement remove. Meanwhile, the village's committee plan to help the resettlement in building house and removing. Before the water supply & sewage treatment project starts in the Project counties (cities), the forum and the meeting on the spot in'which all the affected walks of life, especially the resettlement will be held again to listen to the ideas and suggestions on land . ~~~111 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

measure, the number of adhesive material and compensation standard, to avoid the phenomenon of missing in kind. To the resettlement whose land are occupied by the pipe temperately, before the pipe construction starts, the forum and meeting on the spot of the temperately affected resettlement should also be held to listen to their ideas and suggestions on land measure, the number of adhesive material and compensation standard, to avoid the phenomenon of missing in kind. In the process of carrying out the Project, under the same circumstances, employ the resettlement to participate in the carrying out of the Project, collect their ideas and suggestions on the Project procedure, the impact of the Project. In the process of carrying out the Project, the Project carrying out agency set up the resettlement's suggestion box to listen to the resettlement's ideas and suggestions at any time. During the period of filling the earth back into the ditches for pipelines occupies temporarily, invite the resettlement to involve in the on-the-spot guidance Llor pay the money of construction to displaced people so as to ensure the quality of the earth and that of recovered land of resettlement as well. All levels of government should often listen to the resettlement's suggestions and command (requirements); the village's committee should organize the period (periodical) family visiting, listen to their ideas and solve their difficulty (problems) in time. Exert the organization of all levels of government and non-government group to know and reflect (listen to their opinions and problems) the resettlement's ideas and difficulty. To carry out the resettlement plan, the Project counties (cities) should often hold the resettlement meetings and allow them to give their suggestions. The village's committee should hold the forum of the resettlement with the farmers (of the village)in the same village, (to communicate with them) to know their feelings and (communicate more) (relation )with the villagers (in the same village). The independent monitoring and evaluation should listen to the resettlement's ideas (opinions) and suggestions to know their difficulty (problems) which needs the government to solve.

112 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

lOW] The Mechanism of complaints and grievance 10.1. The Mechanism of complaints and grievance Our government established a set of perfect secure system in law in order to guarantee the citizen's legal rights. There is detailed explanation in constitution and civil law of the People's Republic of China. For the grievance system, there are many offices dealing people's letters, procuratorates, and courts of all local agencies. In the villages and groups, there are civil composing committees and teams, if the displaced people are not satisfied with their resettling, they can solve it in some procedure. 10.2 The Means of Grievance Generally the resettlement's grievance is aroused by the dissatisfaction with the arrangement of the resettlement agency. Therefore, the public propaganda should be enforced in the process of arranging the resettlement, to give the resettlement some knowledge of the resettlement policy, standard and grievance procedure. All county governments set up the office which deals with the masses' visiting and the general grievance of this area. The Project managing agency of the Project counties (cities) has right to supervise the resettlement work by the Project carrying out agency, and deal with the grievance about the resettlement arranging. According to the law, the Municipal People's Congress and the Municipal Political Consultation Committee have the right to supervise whether the city or county administrative department in charge arranges the resettlement properly, and to deal with the resettlement's grievance. The People's Conference of the County and the Political Consultation Committee of the County have the right to supervise whether the municipal or county administrative department in charge arranges the resettlement properly, and to deal with the resettlement's grievance. From the national government to county government, there are administrative monitoring, audit, discipline inspection, judicial office and so on, which have right to deal with the behavior of irregularity. The independent monitoring and evaluation agency often go into the resettlement arranging area to supervise the carrying out of the resettlement arrangement, listen to their ideas and suggestions. They have duty to protect the resettlement's legal rights, and deal with their grievance and report to the high-up department. 113 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

10.3 The Procedure of complaints and grievance According to the state rules of resettlement arrangement, the approved resettlement arranging plan should be carried out by the county government or the higher-up government. If the grievance of the resettlement's legal rights concerns the local government and the relevant department, it should be dealt with according to the administrative litigation law. Regulations 37 prescribes that: " As for the administrative case in the scope of People's Court, the citizens, legal persons or other agencies or companies can apply for the resolving to the high-up department or the law-prescribed administrative department. Those who are not satisfied with the retrial can grievance to People's Court, and can also directly grievance to People's Court, as for the cases can not be solved by the administrative department can be passed to.the law enforcement organ. 10.4 Procedures of Grievance In order to ensure the profit and property of the involved corporation and resettlement, they have right to grievance with the following procedures: The first step, anybody or any corporation who are not satisfied with land taking and resettlement arrangement can submit the oral or written ideas to the village's committee. If not solved, they can submit the oral or written grievance materials to the town government. If there is no reasonable reply within three weeks, they can go on grievance to the administrative agency in charge of the Project. The second step, after the administrated agencies in charge of the Project receive the grievance materials, they should solve it within four weeks. If the grievance person is still not satisfied with the result, he can grievance to the county (city) Land Department for settlement. If he is still not satisfied, he can write to the county, municipal or provincial department for letters from and calls by the people, or take an administrative litigation to People's Court of the county. The third step, if the litigant (natural person or corporation) is not satisfied with the judicial decision of County People's Court, he can grievance to the municipal midlevel People's Court, whose decision is the final one and must be carried out. The fourth step, if the litigant is not satisfied with the final decision of the municipal midlevel People's Court, he can grievance to the Municipal People's Congress or the Provincial Higher People's Court, but in the process of grievance, the decision of the midlevel People's Court must be carried out forcibly. In the period of the whole project construction, the grievance procedure is valid, so the settlements can protect their legal rights through the legal way of grievance or taking a legal 114 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project action as soon as they have any complaints or opinions on compensation of land taking, resettlement arrangement, the restoration of infrastructural facilities and the local resettlement policy (include the opinions to the resettlement leaders). 10.5 The structure diagram of grievance procedure

Courts at county, Office of foreign-load Independent agencies city, or province projects of Henan l of monitoring and level . evaluating

Offices dealing The managing Land Bureaus in with letters and agencies in project project counties

Villages or towns governments

Village committees

|Affected natural persons | | and juristic persons l

Chart 10. The structure diagram of grievance procedure

115 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

113 The monitoring & evaluating and the reporting system 11.1. Preface The "principles of supervising the construction" issued by the Ministry of Construction of the People's Republic of China in 1995 require the monitoring of the construction of the Project. The intemational finance organizations such as the World Bank require the independent monitoring and evaluating of the Project's resettlement arranging. According to the above request, the monitoring and evaluating are carried out to the Resettlement Plan for the Water Supply & Sewage Treatment Project in the small and medium-sized cities of Henan Province. In order to guarantee land taking and resettlement plan can be totally implemented as requested, during project construction, the regular monitoring and evaluating on resettlement arranging should be carried out. The monitoring and evaluating is divided into "intemal monitoring" and "extemal monitoring". 11.10 1 The internal monitoring and evaluating It is the leading group of the Project, relevant functional departments and agencies in charge of the Project that are responsible for the intemal monitoring. The Project counties (cities) set up the intemal monitoring agency and the special person in charge to make the intemal monitoring, so as to ensure the timely land collecting and resettlement arranging according to the resettlement plan and protect the migrants' legal rights. 11.1.1] 1. The contents of internal monitoring * The payment of the compensation]

* The house pulling down/ rebuilding and removing of the affected people 3 * The handling of the grievance] * The plan of recovering the income and training] * Helping the weak group. The objects of internal monitoring * Inspect the performance in the taking] * Make sure that the communication and negotiation between the Project managing person and the affected person is set up and smooth] * Make sure the net cash and timely payment of the affected people's compensation] * Make sure to deal with the affected people's grievance within the fixed time]

116 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

0 Make sure to pay the land compensation and arranging compensation according to law and principle, prohibit the corruption. 11.2 Theindependent external monitoring and evaluating 11.2.1 Purposes According to the requests of the Word Bank and of the Operational Policies 4.12 of the Involuntary Settlement and the appendix, the Project has invited Hohai University as the external independent monitoring and evaluating agency. The purpose of the monitoring and evaluating is to evaluate whether the resettlement work goes on, and whether the aim of the resettlement arranging is realized as planned. In details, the monitoring and evaluating should be made on the affected groups as follows. a).The economic condition before the land is adjusted] b).The living quality and environment3 c).The social adapting adjustment of the resettlement] d).The relevant special matters with the weak group. The monitoring and evaluating include setting up the affected group's social economic material data before their land is adjusted, and within three years after that supervise their condition periodically. In addition, they also include the qualitative and quantitative evaluation on all kinds of works in the resettlement plan. Periodically, report the information to the resettlement office, help them improve the plan and implementation in the resettlement arranging. 11.2.2 The background investigation The background investigation is going on by designing the complete questionnaire and forum schedule. The purpose is to know the affected people's social economy before they are affected, which will be completed by organizing specific and formal questionnaire and informal conversation. And it must be completed before the Project starts. 1] The number of the sample families 10% of the migrants whose land is taken permanentlya] 97familiesLEL 20% of the migrants whose houses are pulled down, ( ) 5% of the migrants whose land is occupied by the pipe=3 73 families E The sample family should cover the groups of different incomes, different professions, different social groups (the old, young, disabled, women, etc.). The representatives of the resettlement should cover all the Project counties (cities). 20 The family---- social econoriic index 117 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

* Population characteristic----family style, structure, the ratio of men to women, the ratio of adults to children, education and health condition; * Economic condition----income sources and level. Property, profession, profession model, employment chance; * Living condition----house, hygiene, water supply, power supply, the chance of using the infrastructure and community facility, the chance and possibility of using market and market service; * Social environment----general social organization(family, work group), the habit of helping each other, looking after the old, social function, amenity and women's position. 3 D The resettlement village---social economic index * Population characteristic, the ratio of men to women, the model of adults going out and in, the proportion of children, professional groups, agricultural and non-agricultural production; * Economy----natural resources, farming system, productivity and model of using land, production of consuming by themselves and market production, the secondary and tertiary industry development, * Infrastructure and the environment----the infrastructure of the village, the chance and possibility of using community facility, the water and power source of the agricultural infrastructure and the environment; * Social organization----social group, work group, the relationship within the group, non-government organization, women organization and the social economic net system. 4CI The methods of investigation * Organized visit----investigate with the standard questionnaire by the investigators; * Qualitative evaluation---- the formal communication and organized discussion with the resettlement household, village's leaders, the resettlement leaders, non-government organization and weak group. 5[D Analysis and report Induct and style the materials collected from the background investigation. And then set up a set of the background materials data (background target) in files for each family. - After the analysis of the above materials, work out the background investigation report about the social economic situation of resettlement community.

118 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

11.2.3. The external monitoring and evaluating The monitoring and evaluating after the resettlement arranging include: a73 the process of carrying out all kinds of rights of the resettlement about the resettlement arranging I bE3 evaluate the resettlement's social economic condition comparing with the background material data before the land is adjusted. 1. Process monitoring. The sample family of process monitoring is as the same as that of the original local investigation. 2. The content of investigation. * The resettlement's rights-compensation, house, cultivated land, employment, allowance and aid, loan and other rights in the plan; * Farming-allocation and adjustment of the cultivated land, village's enterprises and private enterprises, employment chance; * Infrastructure and the attached facilities of the city-water supply, power supply, education and health measures, transport, telecommunication, farming and the facilities of other economic activity; * The investigation and fusion of social adjustment-living condition and the caring to the young people and other weak group, training, public participation, the function of the non-government organization, the resettlement's attitude and reflect, the complaints and grievance and the handling system, the preferential policy, women's position, social life and adapt adjust, etc. The monitoring will be carried out periodically, and the result of analyzing the investigation will be reported to the Managing Office of the Foreign-loan Project administrated by the Finance Department of Henan Province each year. The monitoring and evaluating agency will keep close touch with the performing agency, and when it is necessary, will give information feedback to them and offer consultation and suggestion. 3. The ways and methods of monitoring The total method of monitoring is to supervise on the Project performing and resettlement arranging, to evaluate the effect of the water supply project, and ensure the participation of the relevant people especially women and the weak group. There are qualitative methods and quantitative methods3 * Sample survey. According to the following investigation on the sample families in the background investigation, divide them into different types according to the economic

119 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Dralage) Project

income, sex and weak group to get the relevant information about the distribution of compensation, efficiency, validity, impact and continuity and other main target. * Forum. Hold the forum with the relevant affected parties participating (local government, local workers of arranging resettlement, non-government organization, community leaders and the affected group). * Interview. Interview the leaders of the resettlement village and the resettlement representatives, get the information about removing and arranging and the policy performing, and get their ideas and suggestions about the resettlement work. And communicate with the Project managing and performing agency about these ideas and suggestions to solve these problems immediately. * Public participation in the community. Hold the forum with the affected parties in the arranging site, discuss the information about removing and arranging] * live investigation. Make the spot investigation on the performing of the resettlement arranging, and interview the resettlement individual or group] * Informal investigation or interviewCI in the way of random samplingEl interview informally on the affected group, affected villages, workers, and the resettlement arranging workers of the government, the workers of the performing agency, to get all the information about the resettlement removing. 4. Evaluation on the social economy of the resettlement communities Corresponding to the target of the background investigation, follow the sample families to investigate, supervise and evaluate periodically on the resettlement communities' social economy. The report of the monitoring and evaluating will be reported to the Managing Office of the Foreign-.oan Project administrated by the Finance Department of Henan Province each year, the key points of the report are]El * The conclusion of monitoring and evaluating] * The existing and potential problems in the Project[] * Suggestions and solutions and some preventing measures. The monitoring and evaluating group will discuss with the Project managing agency about monitoring and investigation periodically and provide the necessary correcting measures. In addition, after the complete of the resettlement work, the all-around evaluation will be made on the resettlement work by the monitoring and evaluating agency, and give the evaluation report.

120 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

11.2.4. The organizing of monitoring and evaluating * Organize the superior experts to plan and perform management about the monitoring and evaluating of the resettlement work] * The evaluation work will be carried out by the experts group made up of the experienced resettlement experts, social experts, and economist and so on] * The live investigation work will be carried out by the relevant resettlement experts in the monitoring and evaluating agency and the leaders of the local resettlement management. 11.2.5. Consideration of the special events * Women's position and function. Closely supervise the change of women's position, function and condition. the monitoring and evaluating agency will provide the Project counties(cities) with suggestions and ideas about the problems of women] * Care for the weak group. Closely supervise the living condition of the old, disabled and other weak group after their removing, so as to ensure they do not encounter the difficulty] * Monitoring and evaluating will provide information about whether the resettlement arranging fund is used properly. 11.2.6. The monitoring report and the submitted agency 1 1 The contents of the report * The baseline of the investigation of the resettlement arranging3 * The process and degree of land taking, house removing and the recovery of the life and farming:] * The distribution and payment of the compensation] * The use of the land compensation and the compensation of the. resettlement arranging] * The use of the compensation of the collectivity] * The evaluation of the ability of the Project agency in the Project counties(cities)]i * The recovery of the weak group's farming and economy] * The problems of sex] * Participation and information disclosure] 40 Complaints and grievance]I * Problems and suggestions] 121 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

* The degree of satisfaction of the affected groupsEl * The conclusion of the monitoring and evaluatingE] * The mainly existing and potential problems including the following mnonitoring of the problems which have appeared before * Suggestion about relaxing or precautionary measures. 2] The submitted agencies * The Managing Office of the Foreign-loan Project administrated by the Finance Department of Henan Province I] * the World Bank(submitted by the Managing Office of Foreign-loan Project administrated by the Finance Department of Henan Province ).

Table 11-1. The outline of the monitoring and evaluating on the resettlement The monitong The type of The index of monitoring agency monitoring *Have the ability construction and the training course been completed according to the plan ? Plan of *Can the resettlement arranging be completed according to the resettlement decided performing plan? arranging *Have ther funds for the resettlement been given timely to the resettlement agency? *Has the land for the Project been taken and occupied? The legal Have the affected people got their rights? rights of *Have the affected people received the payment? The affected *Have the recovery of the income, farming and living been internal people performed according to the plan? monitoring *Have the negotiations been carried out according to the plan. and . . The resettlement handbook have been prepared and given out? evaluating Complanig, How many affected people know their legal rights? Have they grevance used their rights properly? and the Is there affected people using the grievance solving problems procedure? What about the resultEl ps there any contradiction] if there is , has the contradiction resolved? Ts there any change in the income and expenditure model monToring comparing with the present condition? motnitorng Is there any change in living expense? And can the affected of theeffect people's income catch these changes?

122 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

The site, family owner, nationality, house style ire o composition and structure, age, education level and the skill information level of the family members aff td *thepossessing and using model of land and otherresources aiiectes *the resource and level of income and the profession and families employment model. The recovery Have the affected people remained the onginal living level, of living and what about the recovery degree? level Has the compensation for the affected people been given fully? *Can the compensation meet up the lost propertyEl And of *Have the affected people been given the employing and The farmin earning chance? And whether these measures effective and external g continuous? monitoring .Is the recovery measures for the resettlement successful and and . effective? Have the resettlement's economic income level and evaluating living level recovered? *How much do the affected people know about the resettlement The degree arranging process, resettlement policy and rights? And the of displaced people know their rights? of the *How the affected people evaluated their living standard and farming recovery degree? affected *How much do the affected people know about the grievance people procedure and the steps of solving contradiction? *Have the affected people and their property been registered The validity properly? of the -Can the process and budget of the resettlement catch the aim and requ'est? resettlementresetleent *How do the performers who are managing the resettlement project deal with the unpredicted problems?

3. Reporting system O. Report of internal monitoring The form of internal monitoring is reported once a quarter, and its contents are shown in Table Il -1 and Table Il -2. The report of internal monitoring is submitted once half a year, which contents see the content and the aim to internal monitoring in this chapter. The form of the report of internal monitoring is presented to World Bank by the Managing Office of Foreign-loan Project administrated by the Finance Department of Henan Province). D O Report of independent external monitoring and evaluating Make a good basis investigation before resettlement arranging. Monitoring and evaluating on social and economic development of resettlement community is carried out once a year since the start of the Project. Each time it takes two months. The report is 123 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project presented to World Bank through Foreign loan office of Henan Province before January 31 every year. External monitoring goes on for three year in succession. The investigation can go on stage by stage according to the progress situation of each sub-project. After this project is completed, the final report is offered. The contents are shown in Table 11-1.

Table 11-2. The quarterly statements of the schedule of land taken and resettlement County (cityE Project name Date_

1 E Compensation for land Amount Standard of Sun of Date of payment taken compensation compensation of compensation 1. I Compensation for land 1.2 Compensation for resettlement 1.3 Compensation for young crops and plants 1.4 Compensation for buildings and articles affixed to land laken and occupied temporarily electric poles saplings grown-up trees nurseries bridges culverts wells tombs farm temporary infrastructures 2 l Compensation for land occupied temporarily 2.1 Compensation for young crops and plants total

124 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Attached Table 1-3-1. The number of displaced people affected by land taken in * water supply & drain project dsland takenpl te b isplaced people in land displaced people affected by land County(ity) waterworks of water-heads occupied temporarily by pipelines families people families people families people Weishi County 16 66 4 15 19 80 Tongxu County 16 66 3 12 13 55 Lankao County 25 103 4 15 13 55 Qi County 35 140 3 12 7 30 Pipe Kaifeng County network -14 4- : 3 laying _24 Mengjin County 2S 73 5 19 25 105 27 3 7 30 Yiyang ______C ounty______Song County 19 77 0 0 7 30 Baofeng County 15 62 2 8 50 205 Jia County 16 64 1 6 7 30 State-run Lushan County land 33 104

County State-run . 0 13 55 Xinxiang land-144 30 Yuanyang County 25 102 0 0 7 Fengqiu County 28 117 15 62 7 30 18 Xiangcheng County 25 104 1 5 4 Shan County 17 70 4 15 13 55 Pipe Yima City hetwork 0 0 laying 0 Sui County 22 91 2 8 7 30 Xiayi County 23 95 3 14 7 30 Zhecheng County 27 110 3 12 13 55 Dengzhou City 56 232 1 4 256 1055 Xinye County Private land 2 8 7 30 Sheqi County 10 41 3 11 13 55 Xichuan County 10 42 0 0- 7 30 Queshan County 16 65 2 8 7 30 Xincai County 17 71 3 11 25 105 Xiping County 14 59 2 6 7 30 55 Zhengyang County 22 92 2 8 13 Suiping County 19 77 1 4 7 30 Ru'nan County 31 126 2 8 13 55 Shenqiu County 14 58 3 14 13 55 Taikang County 15 62 2 8 13 55 Xiangcheng City 34 142 7 30 13 55 Pingqiao District 18 73 3 14 0 Xixian County 15 62 3 11 7 30 Pipe Luoshan County network 0 0 0 0 ______laying ______Yangshan District 22 91 0 0 7 30 Mengzhou City 34 141 0 0 60 248 Total 701 2884 87 351 720 2975 Mengjin 38 158 22 County(sewage) 3 5

125 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Song 72 County(sewage) 38 155 29 Yuanyang 30 125 2 9 County(sewage) Baofeng 35146 25 County(sewage) 35 144 Neixiang 25 105 22 County(sewage)251552 Huangchuan 29 I19 5 19 County(sewage) Total 195 806 30 126

Attached Table 2-2-1 The land area, population and employees in the Project counties (cities)FI 2004]0_ County The total The city Land population average Populato EmlyePiay ScnryTtay at the end population tinEpoeiPrnay Scndasry Trir area of the year of the density(pers s(10,OO;d i industry (Ins peop inid1ry0,000 ( (10,000 year(10,00 onlsq.kmn.) people) (I 0,000d) e) people) _. people) Opeople) . I.Kaifeng City Weishi 1298.74 85.79 85.62 660.53 49.95 36.29 7.28 6.38

C ounty ______Tongxu 767.9 59.59 59.36 776.08 35.99 28.86 1.31 5.83 C ounty ______Lankao 1107.92 75.60 75.33 682.36 45.69 33.21 6.43 6.04

County ______

County 1248.41 115.79 115.44 927.54 67.16 60.53 2.31 4.32 2.Luoyang City Mengjin County 733.33 45.27 45.27 617.28 27.95 16.39 6.84 4.73 Yiyang County 1669.44 67.40 67.19 403.70 40.82 24.63 7.44 8.75 Song County 3006.31 54.06 53.96 179.81 33.38 25.14 3.02 5.23

3.Pingdingshan City

Baofeng County 1731.16 148.21 148.06 1659.33 130.29 120.43 14.20 15.66 Jia County 1724.27 14.64 154.60 1202.15 1750.17 136.86 129.14 12.63 4.Xinxiang City Xinxiang County 540.97 43.28 43.17 799.98 24.58 10.97 8.83 | 4.79 Yuanyang County 1331.67 65.74 65.56 | 493.65 31.76 23.94 2.88 | 4.95 Fengqiu County 1213.19 54.72 58.16 | 451.08 35.29 |24.87 4.46 | 5.95 5.Xuchang City Xiangcheng County J916.88 | 80.77 80.56 880.961[ 53.31 140.801 4 I03| 8.48

6.Sanmenxia City

Shan County 11609.721 34.87 | 34.86 | 216.62 [ 19.71 1 12.30 ] 3.45 3.96 Yima City 13665.781 45 1 36.19 | 98.93 [ 19.14 1 13.75 1 1.56 | 3.83 7.Shangqiu City _ __ Sui County 920.71 79.56 79.35 864.13 50.35 ]34.91 7.80 7.64 Xiayi County 1485.7 112.53 112.23 757.43 63.51 140.98 8.09 | 14.44 Zhecheng County 1042.03 94.10 93.85 | 903.06 62.18 136.62 | 11.63 13.94 8.Nanyang City Dengzhou City 12369.65 153.24 | 152.85 | 646.68 | 87.84 |61.22 10.70 15.93

126 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Attached Table 2-2-1 The land area, population and employees in the Project counties (cities)0 20040 (continued) The total The population average Populatio Employ Primary Secondar County Land area in the end populatio n density ees industry y industry Tertiary city (sq. km.) of the year n of the (person/s (10,000d (1O,OOOd (lO,OOOd industry(pe,opl d (lO,OOOdpe year people) people) people) people) ople) ~ (I 0,000d ople) ~people) ______

1056.36 73.86 73.67 699.21 44.86 31.67 4.21 8.98 Xmnye _ County______Sheqi 1151.59 64.26 64.08 558.04 34.23 28.22 1.09 4.93 County ___ Xichuan 2818.12 73.37 73.21 260.34 36.77 26.85 3.20 6.72 County I ___ I I_ _ _ _ _ Neixiang 1213.19 54.72 58.16 451.08 35.29 24.87 4.46 5.95 ______C ounty ______9.Zhumadian City

Queshan County 2028.97 50.09 55.12 246.86 33.02 23.50 3.31 6.2

Xincai County 1441.75 102.40 102.35 710.22 65.03 45.96 9.76 .1I913

Xiping County 1098.12 84.76 84.50 771.91 57.03 21.06 16.19 19. Zhengyang 1903.46 75.03 74.73 394.20 45.48 32.26 4.05 9.1 County _____7 Suiping County 1213.19 54.72 58.16 451.08 35.29 24.87 4.46 5.9 7.0 Ru'nan County 1615.35 77.80 80.88 481.65 50.14 38.68 4.45 1

1O.Zhoukou City.

ShenqiuCounty 1081.4 122.36 122.01 1131.43 70.88 63.14 2.31 5.4

Taikang County 1760.7 136.31 135.95 774:12 83.45 78.22 1.21 4.0 _____ . ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ _____ ._____ Xiangcheng City 6 116.50 0.00 1079.66 67.87 56.00 6.43 3

l1.Xinyang City 1891.7 8.0 Pingqiao District 7 76.65 76.33 405.18 39.48 25.48 5.94 6

Huangchuan County 1638.0 79.11 78.89 482.93 46.21 30.73 5.91 975 ______~~~~4 _ _ _7 1888.4 13. Xi County 5 92.38 92.12 489.20 49.92 33.02 3.44 46

Luoshan County 28072.6 72.08 71.84 347.78 37.28 22.03 5.13 102

Yangshan District 108.5 69.78 70.15 155489 29.28 15.34 3.49 2.8

12.Jiaozuo City

Mengzhou City 541.64 35.00 35.00 15.48 20.10 11.05 6.05 3.0 0

127 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Attached Table 2-2-2 GDP in the Project counties (cities) in 2004 (10,OOOd yuan) County GDP(10,OOOd yuan Primary industry Secondary industry|#industry Tertiary industry Per capita GDP(yuan) city I.Kaifeng City Weishi County 518433.3 176718.1 238427.3 206527.8 110113.4 6118.2 Tongxu County 367581.9 160473.8 111138.3 90145.6 99898.1 6256.9 Lankao County 405197.2 122348.5 144184.4 118183.8 144876.4 5434.9 Kaifeng County 560256.8 185631.6 209228.6 163348.5 173305.1 4903.9 2.Luoyang City Xin'an County 508100.3 39865.8 353284.0 297998.4 125780.9 10411.5 Mengjin County 228630.2 47933.2 110677.0 82075.2 74109.0 5102.9 Yiyang County 206783.9 68468.5 66155.0 49807.6 75157.3 3109.7 Song County 198225.7 66299.3 63172.1 38978.8 71604.0 3712.3 3.Pingdingshan City Pingdingshan City proper 458964.43 62931.105 259627.105 235562.205 145596.555 9649.765 Baofeng County 399099.5 54722.7 225762.7 204836.7 126605.7 8391.1 Jia County 287667.8 79501.4 139727.0 117514.7 72866.4 5340.5 4.Xinxiang City Xinxiang County 477084.1 93234.8 256013.0 220584.0 136448.9 11167.6 Yuanyang County 264939.2 103428.6 98592.2 81111.8 66078.1 4083.0 Fengqiu County 304680.08 118942.89 113381.03 93278.57 75989.815 4695.45 5.Xuchang City Xiangcheng County [ 397994.3 132552.4 131399.0 | 109381.2 | 139754.2 | 4991.4 6.Sanmenxia City Shan County 303841.6 41882.6 [ 134984.9 | 98695.0 133304.0 8807.2 Yima City 138634.34 44571.815 [ 28416.385 14741.275 67814.58 3870.325 7.Shangqiu City Sui County 380924.6 178013.1 116352.2 88776.4 90185.9 4850.4 Xiayi County 455744.8 208267.2 157940.2 115243.0 93922.9 4103.4 Zhecheng County 300407.9 151302.0 57750.2 36666.1 94043.4 3234.8 8.Nanyang City Dengzhou City 876644.1 339658.8 284921.2 247693.1 262899.0 5795.3

Attached Table 2-2-2 GDP in the Project counties(cities) in 2004W 10,000d yuanCl W continued l |COunty(city) GDP(10,000d Primary Secondary #industry Tertiary Per capita county(city) yuan) industry industry #nu industry GDP(Yuan)

Xinye County 562702.4 184227.2 254296.7 223811.3 13190Q.0 7718.0

Sheqi County 250329.9 111963.0 63088.5 50132.8 77940.7 3946.5

Xichuan 392105.8 131068.0 188807.6 161208.3 77430.6 5412.1 County ______

Neixiang 376424 126048 164294 134228 86082 5973 County ______9.Zhumadian City

Queshan 260091.0 77889.5 122685.1 108597.0 63320.4 4767.4 County

128 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Xincai County 350099.4 144458.4 137626.1 114665.7 71849.7 3456.5

Xiping County 530777.8 169637.7 218251.5 181870.6 150474.9 6346.7 Zhengyang 282894.7 139416.3 72412.4 55316.6 73587.2 3824.9 County Suiping County 316419.1 99936.3 124364.2 101009.9 96725.1 5497.4

Ru'nan County 320956.9 130862.7 110764.2 92727.0 83010:3 4009.1

1O.Zhoukou City

Shenqiu County 393367.9 142212.6 166018.4 129746.0 90115.7 3257.5

Taikang County 507364.6 246691.3 169129.1 142407.5 95920.1 3770.3 Xiangcheng 812887.9 171021.7 466839.3 411261.7 189038.1 7068.7 city 11.Xinyang City Pingqiao 474129.0 97346.4 238442.4 187356.4 147069.0 6288.7 District Huangchuan 417235.8 163791.2 147553.1 102375.8 110886.8 5343.9 County _ Xi County 279575.8 116209.9 95052.8 70118.2 71446.1 3066.5

Luoshan 302232.8 99773.9 106342.8 56464.6 100441.0 4251.2 I__ _I______C ounty ______Yangshan 362679.4 119728.6 127611.3 67757.5 120529.2 5197.5 District __62679_4 _ _119728_6 12Jiaozuo City

Mengzhou City 223200.0 170000.0 31340.0 5400.0 16460.0 6377.2

Attached table 4-3-1-2. The educational level of the sample migrant families Under Under the thder Primary Middle. C level of county population level of Primary Middle College school/the school/the tota primaeo /mry (city) ~~~~~schoolschool Co tae total pophatio (city) ~~~~pnimary population population pouainthe total school population

Yuanyang 21 3 3 15 0 14.29% 71.43% 0.00% 14.29% County

CWoeunthy 22 2 . 8 11 1 36.36% 50.00% 4.55% 9.09%

Tongxu 21 4 6 11 0 28.57% 52.38% 0.0°6% 19.05% County

Lankao 20 0 8 12 0 40.00% 60.00% 0.00% 0.00% County Taikang 22 2 5 14 1 22.73% 63.64% 4.55% 9.09% County

Mengjin 20 1 8 11 0 40.00% 55.000/o 0.00% 5.00%

0.00% | w ~~~~~~Xin'an21 0 8 13 0 38.10% 61.90% 0.00% County

129 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Yiyang County 20 1 5 14 0 25.00% 70.00% 0.00% 5.00%

County 18 1 3 14 0 16.67% 77.78% 0.00% 5.56%

Coaunty19 3 2 14 0 10.53% 73.68% 0.00% 15.79%

Sui County 20 1 2 17 0 10.00% 85.000/o 0.00% 5.00%

CXounty 21 2 1 16 2 4.76% 76.19% 9.52% 9.52%

Zhecheng 22 4 1 16 1 4.55% 72.73% 4.55% 18.18% County

Choeunqtyu 20 0 2 17 1 10.00% 85.00% 5.00% 0.00%

Xiangcheng City

CXouintgy 20 2 2 16 0 10.00% 80.00% 0.00% 10.00%

Suiping 23 3 3 16 1 13.04% 69.57% 4.35% 13.04% County

Ru'nan County 21 1 4 16 0 19.05% 76.19% 0.00% 4.76%

Zhengyang 19 2 4 13 0 21.05% 68.42% 0.00% 10.53% County

County 20 3 6 11 0 30.00% 55.00% 0.00% 15.00%

Huangchuan 22 4 2 16 0 9.09% 72.73% 0.00% 18.18% County

Xi County 20 2 5 12 1 25.00% 60.00% 5.00% 10.00%

Luoshan Pipe network County transforming

Pingqiao 19 3 5 10 1 26.32% 52.63% 5.26% 15.79% DistrictI

Yangshan 18 1 1 16 0 5.56% 88.89% 0.00% 5.56% District

County Self-owned land Countyho Deng hou 23 3 6 14 0 26.09% 60.87% 0.00% 13.04%

Xichuan 22 2 3 16 1 13.64% 72.73% 4.55% 9.09% County

Sheqi 0 3 3 1 County 20 3 3 13 15.00% 65.00% 5.00% 15.00%

130 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Attached Table 4-3-1-2 The educational level of the sample migrant families D continued__ Under Primary Middle Under the level County Populat the level Primar Middle school school/ College! of primary (city)ion of y school College /total total total school!/ total (city)imaryschool school school populatio populatio population poolaton school n pouato Cia 21 3 5 13 0 23.81% 61.90% 0.00% 14.29% Xinxian g 21 3 4 14 0 19.05% 66.67% 0.00% 14.29% County Mengzh 19 2 4 13 0 21.05% 68.42% 0.00% 10.53% OU City Fengqiu 20 3 6 11 0 30.00% 55.00% 0.00% 15.00% County I__ Xiangch eng 18 1 2 13 2 11.11% 72.22% 11.11% 5.56% County ______Neixian g 20 2 5 12 1 25.00% 60.00% 5.00% 10.00% _ _ _ County______YiCta 17 2 3 12 0 17.65% 70.59% 0.00% 11.76%

Total 689 69 136 469 15 19.74% 68.07% 2.18% 10.01%

131 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Attachment 7-1 The resettlement measures in all project counties (cities) Land takerii] muF] count y \it er [otint [ Factory sourc RZset t I enent easur es r ci tyE] site souirce site si t e * The conpensat i on f or t he young crop and art i cl es aff i xed t o I and are al I gi ven t o t hei r ovners, and t he conpensat i on can reet t hei r I oss. The out put per nTu of t he I and occupi ed t enpor ar i I y, t he f i r st year af t er t he rest orat i on of t he I and cul t i.vat i on, W I I be decreased by about 50kg, but t he conpensat i on of 6670 Yuan per nu f or r est or i ng cul t i vat i on W I I nake up f or t he I oss caused by t he decr ease of t he f ar nt and qual i t y. The conpensat i on f or r est or i ng cul t i vat i on W I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and oner s t o rest ore cul t i vat i on. * I n t he whol e vi I I age, t her e i s f I exi bl e I and 40nu. I t i s expect ed t hat f ar rb and w I I be r ear r anged i n Q;t Ober of 2006 ( af t er t he aut urnn harvest ), and t he di spl aced peopl e can get I and equi val ent t o t he anrunt and qual i t y of t he I ost I and. 1. 0 500/oof t he I and corpensat i on.w I I be set asi de by t he vi I I age conni t t ee t o bui I d up t he i rr i gat i on and dr ai nage The west f aci I i t i es. 50/w1 II be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ur al pr oduct i on, nai nl y t o enl ar ge

Weishi pianti ng (esp. shed veget abl e) and poul t r y r ai si ng (esp. pi gs and chi cken). The net i ncone of pl anti ng and County poultry raising can increase by 20%01n this itemrthe per capita incone can increase by 200M.ani * 1200 Yuan per rm of t he di spl acenent al I ovance i s gi ven t o t he di spl aced f ani I i es ( t he average out put i n t he past t hr ee year s) n1 t he aver age pr oduct i on i s f ar hi gher t han t he net i ncone per rim, and t he noney i s enough t o nake up f or t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he di spl aced peopl e. The r est of t he di spl acenent al I omance w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s of t he whol e vi I I age i n or der t o devel op t r anspor t ser vi ce, bui I di ng i ndust r y, busi ness and cateri ng servi ce. * Thi s vi I I age i s near t he count y ( I i es i n t he nor t h- mest er n cor ner of t he count y). I n agr i cul t ur e, t hey under t ake poul t ry rai si ng and pl ant i ng besi deswheat and cor n pl ant i ng; i n i ndust ry and si del i ne pr oduct i on, t hey nai nl y undert ake t r ansport servi ce, bui I di ng i ndust ry t ransport, bui I di ng and servi ce t r ade. The conpensat i on and

132 ***

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

t he di spl acenent al I oavnce can i ncr ease t he product i on capi t al of t he vi I I agers and t he di spl aced peopl e, 0 and i ncr ease t hei r i ncone. I t i s expect ed t hat t he per capi t a i ncorne can i ncr ease by rmr e t han 2 0/oeach year). * The trai ni ng of the di spl aced peopl e i n sone producti on ski l ls vari es fromperson. And certai n aneunt of the t r ai ni ng cost w I I be r ei rdur sed. * The conpensat i on f or t he young crop and art i cl es af f i xed to I and are al I gi ven t o t hei r owiers, and t he conpensation can neet their loss. The output per ri of the land occupied tenporaril y, the first year after t he r est or at i on of t he I and cul t i vat i on, w I I be decr eased by about 50kg, but t he conpensat i on of 6670 Yuan per nu f or r est or i ng cul t i vat i on w I I nake up f or t he I oss caused by t he decr ease of t he f ar ni and qual i t y. The conpensat i on f or r est or i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and oner s t o r est or e cul t i vat i on. * I n t he hoI e vi I Iage, there i s f I exi bl e I and 87 nu. I t i s expect ed t hat f ar niand w 11 be rearranged i nQCtOber of 2006 ( af t er t he aut unm harvest ), and t he di spl aced peopi e can get I and equi val ent t o t he aneunt and qual i t y of t he I ost I and. 2. * AI t he I and conpensat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s of t he W,d e vi I I age i n or der t o devel op t he and Shuiwo agr i cul t ur al pr oduct i on, nrai nl y t o enl ar ge pl ant i ng and poul t r y r ai si ng. The net i ncone of pl ant i ng Village 18.9 3 poultry raising can increase by 20% (In this itemnthe per capita incoro can increase by 200YianFl her of * . Because t he aut urnn cr ops had been har vest ed i n Qt ober of 2005, t he'di spl aced peopl e have ear ned anot he vi I I ager s of Tongxu sumof conpensat i on f or young cr ops. SD t he di sp acenent al I ovonce WI I be di st r i but ed t o t ser vi ce. County t he whoI e vi I I age i n or der t o devel op t r anspor t ser vi ce, bui I di ng i ndust r y, busi ness and cat er i ng * Thi s vi I I age i s near t he count y. I n agr i cul t ure, t hey undert ake poul t ry rai si ng and pl ant i ng besi des wheat and cor n p ant i ng; i n i ndust ry and si del i ne product i on, t hey nrai nl y undert ake t r ansport servi ce, bui I di ng i ndust ry t r ansport, bui I di ng and servi ce t r ade. The conpensat i on and t he di spl acenent al I omance can i ncrease t he pr oduct i on capi t al of t he vi I I ager s and t he di spl aced peopl e, and i ncr ease t hei r i ncone. I t i s expect ed t hat t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncr ease by nor e t han 20°Moeach year). Thi s count y i s al rst t he sane as Weishi County. * The t r ai ni ng of t he di spl aced peopl e i n sone pr oduct i on ski I I s var i es f romperson. And cert ai n aneunt of t he t r ai ni ng cost w I I be rei nbDur sed. 133 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project


count y Land takeif muF Fl ci tyfl Rbset t I enent neasur es W't er Factory source site si t e

* The corpensat i on for t he young crop and art i cl es aff i xed t o I and are al I gi ven t o t hei r owners, and t he conpensat i on can neet t hei r I oss. The out put per nu of t he I and occupi ed t enpor ar i I y, t he f i r st year af t er t he r est or at i on of t he I and cul t i'vat. i on, w I I be decr eased by about 50kg, but t he conpensat i on of 6670 Yuan per nu f or restori ng cul t i vat i on w I I nake up f or t he I oss caused by t he decrease of t he f arni and qual i ty. The conpensat i on for rest ori ng cul t i vat i on WI I be di st ri buted to t he I and owners to rest ore cul t i vat i on. * I n t he Whol e vi I I age, t her e i s no f I exi bl e I and. I t i s expect ed t hat f ar ni and w I I be r ear r anged i n Q&t ober of 2006 (after the autunm harvest), and the vi l lagers WII get sane anount of I and. * A I t he I and conpensat i on WI I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ural product i on, nai rl y 3. i s to enl arge pl anti ng, poul try rai si ng and busi ness. Theforth * 1440 Yuan per nu of the displacenent allooance is given to the displaced fanilies (the average output in steetof 30 the past Lankao t hree years) o t he average product i on.i s f ar hi gher t han t he net i ncone per nm, and t he noney i s County enough t o nake up f or t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he di spl aced peopl e. The r est of t he di spl acernent al I mance w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I agers of t he whc e vi I I age i n or der t o devel op t ranspor t servi ce, bui I di ng i ndust ry, busi ness and cater i ng servi ce * Thi s vi I I age I i es i n t he count y area. I n agr i cul t ure, t hey undert ake poul t ry rai si ng and pl ant i ng besi des vheat and cor n pl ant i ng; i n i ndust ry and si del i ne pr oduct i on, t hey nai nl y undert ake t ransport servi ce, bui I di ng i ndust ry t ransport, bui I di ng and servi ce t rade. The corpensat i on and t he di spl acenent al I ovance can i ncr ease t he pr oduct i on capi t al of t he vi I I ager s and t he di spl aced peopl e, and i ncr ease t hei r i ncone. I t i s expected t hat t he per capi ta i ncone can i ncrease by nuwe t han 10%each year * The r eset t I enent w I I be t r ai ned sone ski I I s W t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t er ns of per sons i nvd ved and f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on w I I be r ei nbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' product ion ski II s. 4. * The conpensat i on for t he young crop and art i cl es aff i xed t o I and are al l gi ven to t hei r owiers, and the Xiguan 30 2 corpensat i on can neet t hei r I oss. The out put per mniof t he I and occupi ed t enpor ar i I y, t he f i r st year af t er Village of t he rest or at i on of t he I and cul t i vat i on, w I I be decreased by about 50kg, but t he conpensat i on of 6670 Qi County

134 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

by the decrease of the farnrand Yuan per nu for restoring cul tivation wIl nIake up for the loss caused t o t he I and oamer s t o r est or e qual i t y. The conpensat i on f or r est or i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed cul t i vat i on. ar ry and W I I be rear ranged i n June I n t he hol e vi I I age, t her e i s no f l exi bl e I and. I t i s expect ed t hat f of I and. of 2006 (after the autumn harvest), and the vi l lagers w 11 get sane anount t he i ndust r y and si del i ng pr oduct i on * A I t he I and conensat i on W I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s t o devel op y busi ness, cat er i ng servi ce, and agr i cul t ural product i on. The i ndust ry and si del i ng pr oduct i on i s rmi nl shed veget abl e) and poul t ry bui I di ng and t r ansport at i on. Agr i cul t ure i s rai nl y t o enl ar ge pl ant i ng (esp. ai si ng can i ncr ease by 20% n I n r ai si ng (esp. pi gs and chi cken). The net i ncorn of pl ant i ng and poul t r y r t hi s i t em t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncr ease by 200Yuan[l f ani I i es i n June, 2006 (t he aver age * 1000 Yuan per rm of t he di spl acenent al I oance i s gi ven t o t he di spl aced t he net i ncone per nr, and t he out put i n t he past t hr ee year s) n t he aver age pr oduct i on i s f ar hi gher t han e. The rest of t he di spl acenent rmney i s enough t o rrke up f or t he agr i cul t ural I oss of t he di spi aced peopl t o devel op t r anspor t servi ce, al I oance W I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s of t he hol e vi I I age i n or der bui I di ng i ndust r y, busi ness and cat er i ng ser vi ce. t ake poul t r y r ai si ng and pl ant i ng * Thi s vi I I age I i es i n t he %est ar ea of t he count y. I n agr i cul t ur e, t hey under rri nl y under t ake t r anspor t besi des Wheat and cor n pl ant i ng; i n i ndust r y and si del i ne pr oduct i on, t hey 10000 kiloneter service, buildingirndustrytransport, buildingandservicetrade. Inthisvillagethereare ng-workers. The busi ness houses busi ness houses for renting, 4j oi nt-stock building conpani esn 2000 bui I di wnun engagi ng i n busi ness and t he conpani es can neet t he need of t he enpl oynent of t he Wiol e vi I I age, t at i on. The conpensat i on and t he and cat er i ng ser vi ce, and nen rni nl y engagi ng i n bui I di ng and t r anspor di spl aced peopl e, and di spl acenent al I overnce can i ncr ease t he pr oduct i on capi t al of t he vi I I ager s and t he e t han 15%each year. i ncr ease t hei r i ncone. I t i s expect ed t hat t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncr ease by nor per son. And cer t ai n anount of * The t rai ni ng of t he di spl aced peopl e i n sone product i on ski I I s vari es f r orn r sed. ______the t r ai ni ng cost w I I be. ei nbur ______f r om I and t aki ng and t enpor ar y I and occupat i on. 5. R pel i ne r ef or rn ng; no di spl aced peopl e ar i se Chengguan No Town of land 0 Kaifeng taken County I

135 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project


count y count yCl Land takerLi mu,- Reset t I enent neasur es F] ci t yLI Factory VWt er site source site * The conpensat i on f or t he young crop and art i cl es aff i xed t o I and are al l. gi ven to t hei r ovners, and t he conpensat i on can neet t hei r I oss. The out put per rnu of t he I and occupi ed t enWor ar i I y, t he f i r st year af t er t he r est or at i on of t he I and cul t i vat i on, w I I be decr eased by about 50kg, but t he corrpensat i on of 6670 Yuan per nu f or r est or i ng cul t i vat i on W I I nake up f or t he I oss caused by t he decr ease of t he f arnt and qual i t y. The conpensat i on f or r est or i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and ower s t o r est or e cul t i vat i on. 6. 0 I n t he 'hoIe vi ll age, t her e i s no f l exi bl e l and. I t i s expect ed t hat f ar nt and W I I be r ear r anged i n June Renzhuang of 2006 ( af t er t he aut urm harvest ), and t he vi I I ager s W I I get sane anrunt of I and. I n t hi s vi I I age, t her e Village of i s s r are- ani nal f ar mw t h an i nvest nent of 1000 Yuan, bei ng t he vi I I age- co I ect i ve ent er pr i se of excl usi ve Chengguan 24 2 omner shi p. The f armcan rneet t he need of t he enpl oynent of t he whol e vi I I age. The ci r cus t r oupe t akes part Town in i n t he donest i c and i nt er nat i onal perf or nance. Mengjin * A I t he I and conpensat i on i s di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ural product i on, nai nl y County toenlargepoultryraising. (Thisvillageraisesrareanirnalstoperforrn). Thenet incoreof poultryraising can i ncr ease by 25%0l I n t hi s i t em t he per cap t a i ncone can i ncr ease by 250Yuani . * 1400 Yuan per nu of t he di spl acenent al I omance i s gi ven to t he di spl aced fanil i es i n 2006 (the average out put i n t he past t hr ee year s) n t he aver age pr oduct i on i s nwch hi gher t han t he net i ncone per nu, and t he nuiey i s enough t o nake up f or t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he di spl aced peopl e. The r est of t he di spi acenent al I ovance w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I agers of t he Wid e vi I I age i n order t o devel op poul t ry r ai si ng and ani nal t r ai ni ng.

136 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

* The training of the displaced people in sone production skills varies frornperson. And certain armunt of t he t rai ni ng cost W I I be r ei ntursed. \hi ch * The conpensat i on f or t he young crops and art i cl es aff i xed to I and are al I gi ven to t hei r owvers, can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enpor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per-ni w I I be decreased about 50kg, but the conpensat i on of 6670'Yan per-m w I I nake up f or t he I oss ( t he conpensat i on f or r ecover i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and owler s Who cul t i vat e I and) . af t er * In t he -hde vi I I age, t her e ar e f I exi bl e I and 50mi, Wui ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i n (at ober, 2006( t he aut urm harvest), and gi ve t he r eset t I enent I and W t h t he sane nuryer and qual i t y of t he I oss. i on and dr ai nage * 50/f t he I and conpensat i on W I I be set asi de by t he vi I I age corni t t ee t o bui I d up t he i r r i gat faci I i ti es, 50%WII be di stri buted to the vi I Iagers to devel op the agri cul tural producti on, nai nl y i s si ng can i ncrease by 7. t o enl ar ge pl ant i ng and poul t ry r ai si ng. The net i ncone of pl ant i ng and poul t ry r ai Gantang 20%]i i n t hi s i t em t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncr ease by 20Otian] . per-rm (the average Village of * The conpensation of arranging wIl be given to the resettlenent fanily 1500 Yuan per - nu, vhi ch can Chengguan 32 O.3 pr oduct i on i n t he past t hr ee year s)L1 t he corpensat i on i s f ar hi gher t han t he net i ncone di st r i but ed t o t he Yiyang make up f or t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I enent; O her conpensat i on w I I be and County vi I I ager s of t he hol e vi I I age, i n order t o devel op t r anspor t servi ce, bui I di ng i ndust r y, busi ness cat er i ng ser vi ce. wheat * Thi s vi I Iage i s near count y( l i es i n t he nor t h- east er n cor ner of t he count y) ri f or agr i cul t ur e, besi des and crop br eedi ng, t her e are poul t ry r ai si ng and pl ant r ai si ng; t he i ndust ry and si del i ne pr oduct i on i s uainl y t ransport, bui I di ng and servi ce, t he conDensat i on and al I omence can i ncrease t he vi I I ager s' and resettlerients' capital, increase their incone(the per capita incone can increase by nire than 10%each year). fix * The'resettlenent wIl be trained sone skills Wth suitable neasures in'terns of persons invod'ved and qual i t y of t ui t i on W II be r ei nrur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enert s' product i on ski l ls.

137 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project


count y Land takenii mul] FPsettl enent neasures E ci tyn Factory VWt er site source site * The corrensat i on f or t he young cr ops and ar t i cl es af f i xed t o I and ar e al I gi ven t o t hei r owner s, Whi ch can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enDor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per - nm wil be decreased about 50kg, but the conpensation of 667OYuan per-nu wIl nake up for the loss (the conpensat i on f or r ecover i ng cul t i vat i on W I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and oner s Who cul t i vat e I and). * I n t he Who e vi I I age, t here are f I exi bl e I and 30nu, vhi ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i n QOt ober, 2006( af t er t he autumn harvest), and give the resettlernnt land wth the sane nunker and quality of the loss. 0 * 50/oof t he I and conpensat i on W I I be set asi de by t he vi I I age conmit t ee t o bui I d up t he i r r i gat i on and dr ai nage 8. faci I ities, 50%wl I be di stri buted to the vi I Iagers to devel op the agricultural producti on, rri nl y is to Yaobei enl arge esp. shed veget abl e pl ant i ng and f i sh breedi ng. The net i ncone can i ncrease by 10%] i n t hi s i t em Village 22.25 0 the per capita incorn can increase by 1OOYuant].

County * The conpensat i on of ar rangi ng w I I be gi ven t o t he r eset t I enent f ani I y 1000 an per- n( t he aver age pr oduct i on i n t he past t hr ee year s) n t he conrDensat i on i s f ar hi gher t han t he net i ncore per - rm, Whi ch can nake up f or t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I enent; Q her conpensat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s of t he Wiol e vi I I age, i n or der t o devel op t r anspor t ser vi ce, bui I di ng i ndust r y, busi ness and cat er i ng servi ce. * Thi s vi I I age i s near count,y( I i es i n t he nor t h- east er n cor ner of t he count y) O near Luhun Cbnser vancy, i s a r esor t . For agr i cul t ur e, besi des wheat and crop breedi ng, t here are poul t ry r ai si ng( aqui cul t ure) and pl ant r ai si ng; t he i ndust ry and si del i ne product i on i s nai nl y passenger t ransport, bui I di ng and t our i srm) t he conpensat i on and al I ovance can i ncr ease t he vi I I ager s' and r eset t I enent s' capi t al, i ncr ease t hei r i ncor e(t he

138 .**

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

per capi t a i ncone can i ncrease by nure than 10%each year). i nvol ved and f i x qual i t y * The r eset t I enent W I I be t r ai ned sone ski I I s W t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t er m of per sons of t ui t i on w II be r ei ntDur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent ' product ion ski lI s. t hei r ovner s, vhi ch can * The conpensat i on f or t he young crops and art i cl es aff i xed t o I and ar e al I gi ven t o t he out put per -mn neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enpor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, for the loss (the WII be decreased about 50kg, but the conpensation of 6670M.ian per-mnu WI nake up cul t i vat e I and). conpensat i on f or recover i ng cul t i vat i on W I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and ovner s uho QOt ober, 2006( af t er t he * In t he W-d e vi I I age, t here ar e f I exi bl e I and 32nu, Whi ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i n autunm harvest), and give the resettlenent land Wth the sane nurnber and quality of the loss. i r r i gat i on and dr ai nage * 300/oof t he I and conpensat i on w 11 be set asi de by t he vi I Iage conmi t t ee t o bui I d up t he i on, rrai nl y i s t o f aci I i t i es, 70%w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ur al pr oduct ncr ease by 10%7 i n t hi s i t emt he per 9. enl ar ge esp. shed veget abl e pl ant i ng. The net i ncone of pl ant i ng can i . F] 17.59 2 capi t a i ncone can i ncrease by 100'iuan] . (t he aver age pr oduct i on * The conpensat i on of ar r angi ng W 11 be gi ven t o t he r eset t I enent f ani I y 1200 Aian per - nu ch can nake up for i n the past three years) Fthe conpensati on i s far hi gher than the net i ncone per-mi, Whi t he vi I I ager s of t he t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I enent; Q her conpensat i on W I I be di st r i but ed t o catering servi ce. whol e vi llage, i n order to develop transport service, bui I ding i ndustry, busi ness and i s pl ant rai si ng; the * Thi s vi l lage i s near countyO for agri cul ture, besi des wleat and crop breedi ng, there i on and al[ I oance i ndust ry and si del i ne pr oduct i on i s rai nl y t r anspor t, bui I di ng and servi ce, t he conpensat capi t a i ncone can can i ncr ease t he vi I I ager s' and r eset t I enent s' capi t al, i ncr ease t hei r i ncone(t he per i ncrease by nore than 20%each year). ved and f i x qual i t y * The r eset t I enent w I1 be t r ai ned sone ski 11 s W t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t erns of per sons i nvol of tuit i on WII be r eirnursed, to devel op the resettl enent' production ski l ls.

139 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project


Ccount yn Land taken i muF Feset Elci t yfl, t I enent neasur es VEt er Factory site si te * The conpensat i on f or t he young crops and art i cl es af f i xed t o I and are al I gi ven t o t hei r owler s, Wli ch can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enpor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per - ru w I I be decr eased about 50kg, but t he conpensat i on of 6670Mjan per - nm w I I nrake up f or t he I oss (t he conpensat i on f or recover i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and owuers Wlo cul t i vat e I and) . * IntheWxdevillage, thereareflexi bleland4Onu, ,hichisexpectedtoadjustin Ctober, 2006(after t he aut unrn harvest ), and gi ve t he reset t I enent I and w t h t he sane nunber and qual i t y of t he I oss. * 50%of thelandconpensationwl1 beset asidebythevillageconrintteetobuild uptheirrigationand drainagefacilities, 50%w01l be distributed tothe villagers to developtheagricultural production, 10. nuainly is toenlargeplantingand poultry raising. Thenet inconeof plantingand poultry raising can Yuchi 18.3 1. 5 i ncr ease by 20%]1 i n t hi s i t em t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncr ease by 200MjanFl . Village of JiaCounty * The cornensati on of arrangi ng wI I be gi ven to the resettl enent fanil y 1200 'than per-nm (the average pr oduct i on i n t he past t hr ee year s) O t he conpensat i on i s f ar hi gher t han t he net i ncone per - nm, whi ch can rrake up f or t he agr i cul t ural I oss of t he reset t I enent; Q her conpensat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s of t he d e vi I I age, i n or der t o devel op t r anspor t ser vi ce, bui I di ng i ndust r y, busi ness and catering service. * Thi s vi I I age i s near count y( l i as i n t he nor t h- wist er n cor ner of t he count y) El f or agr i cul t ur e, besi des Wheat and crop breeding, there are poul try raising and plant raising; the industry and sideline pr oduct i on i s rni nl y t r anspor t, bui I di ng and servi ce, t he conpensat i on and al I oance can i ncr ease t he vi II ager s' and reset t I enent s' capi t al, i ncr ease t hei r i ncone( t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncr ease by

140 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

nmre than 20%each year). ved and 0 The r eset t I enent w I I be t r ai ned sore ski I I s w t h sui t ab e neasur es i n t er ns of per sons i nvol f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on w I I be r ei nbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' product i on ski I I s.

I and are al I gi ven t o t hei r ovners, wui ch II. * The conpensat i on for t he young crops and art i cl es af f i xed t o t he out put can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enporar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, Govemrnment up f or t he I oss property 0 per -nu w I I be decr eased about 50kg, but t he conpensat i on of 6670Yuan per - n w IIInake t i vat e I and). 25 (t he conpensat i on f or r ecover i ng cul t i vat i on W I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and owner sWuo cul * The I and i s gover nnent pr oper t y, so t her e i s no expr opr i at ed r eset t I enent . t hei r ovners, wti ch 12. 0 The conpensat i on f or t he young crops and art i cl es af f i xed t o I and ar e al I gi ven t o i ng, t he out put Xingning can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enr ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat I oss Village of Government per - nm w I I be decr eased about 50kg, but t he conpersat i on of 6670Mian per - nu W I I nake up f or t he Chengguan property 0 ( t he conpensat i on f or r ecover i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and owner s Who cul t i vat e I and). Town in 2.0 * Nb expr opr i at ed r eset t I enent . Xinxiang Couty

141 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project


Ocount y Land takenEl munL Feset t I enent neasur es F] ci t yL Factory \Vt er site source site * The conjensat i on f or t he young crops and art i cl es af f i xed t o I and are al I gi ven t o t hei r owvers, Whi ch can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enpor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per-m w I I be decreased about 50kg, but the conpensati on of 6670Yuan per-rm w I I nake up for the I oss (t he cornensat i on f or recover i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and ower s mho cul t i vat e I and). * I n t he Wol e vi I I age, t here i s no f I exi bl e I and, t he I and i s expect ed t o adj ust i n Ckt ober, 2006(af t er t he aut unin harvest ) i n t he Wiol e group, and each person has I and of t he sane nunber. * The I and conpensat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ur al pr oduct i on, rrai nl y 13. i s t o enl arge t he esp. shed veget abl e pl ant i ng. The net i ncone of t he esp. shed veget abl e pl ant i ng can Xue increase by 20%] in thisi temrthe per capita incone can increase by 1OQYuan]]. Village of 37.05 O The conpensat i on of ar r angi ng w I I be gi ven t o t he r eset t I enent f ani I y 985Yan per - nm ( t he aver age pr oduct i on Yuanyang i n the past three years) O t he conpensat i on i s far hi gher than the net i ncone per-nm, whi ch can make up County f or t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I enent; O her conpensat i on WI I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi l ager s of t he Wdol e vi I I age, i n order t o devel op t ransport servi ce, bui I di ng i ndust ry, busi ness and cat er i ng servi ce. * Thi s vi I I age i s near count y( I i es i n t he sout h- est er n cor ner of t he count y) l f or agr i cul t ur e, besi des Wleat and crop br eedi ng, t her e i s esp. shed veget abl e pl ant i ng; t he i ndust r y and si del i ne pr oduct i on i s rnai nl y transport, building and service, the conpensation and allQMence can increase the villagers' and resettl enents' capi tal, i ncrease thei r i ncone(the per capi ta i ncone can i ncrease by nmre than 20%each year).

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Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

* The r eset t I enent v I I be t r ai ned sone ski I I s W t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t er ns of per sons i nvol ved and f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on w I I be r ei nbur sed, t o devel op t he reset t I enent ' product i on ski I I s. * The conpensation for the young crops and articles affixed to land are all given to their owners, W'iich can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enpor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per -n w I I be decr eased about 50kg, but the conpensat i on of 667OYuan per - nu w I I neke up f or t he I oss (t he conpensat i on f or recover i ng cul t i vat i on WI I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and avner s Who cul t i vat e I and). * I n t he \Ahx e vi I I age, t her e ar e f I exi bl e I and 80rii, vhi ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i n Clt ober, 2006( af t er t he aut unin har vest), and gi ve t he r eset t I enent I and w t h t he sane nunber and qual i t y of t he I oss. * 500/oof t he I and conpensat i on W I I be set asi de by t he vi I I age conit t ee t o bui I d up t he i r r i gat i on and dr ai nage pr oduct i on, rmi nl y i s 14. f aci I i t i es, 50%W I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ur al i ncr ease by Beijie t o enl ar ge pl ant i ng and poul t ry r ai si ng. The net i ncone of pl ant i ng and poul t r y r ai si ng can Village of 100%] i n t hi s i t em t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncr ease by 10OMianl . 1200 Yuan per- m (the average Chengguan 36 18 0 The conpensation of arranging wIl be given to the resettlenent fanily per- nm, Wii ch can Town in product i on i n t he past t hree years) n t he conpensat i on i s far hi gher t han t he net i ncone di st r i but ed t o t he Fengqiu rnke up f or t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I enent; Q her conpensat i on WI I be ry, busi ness and County. vi I I ager s of t he whd e vi I I age, i n order t o devel op t r ansport servi ce, bui I di ng i ndust cat er i ng ser vice. * This village lies in the county areanifor agriculture, besides Wieat and crop breeding, there are poultry rai si ng and pl ant r ai si ng; t he i ndust r y and si del i ne product i on i s nri nl y t r ansport, bui I di ng and servi ce, t he conpensat i on and al I ovance can i ncr ease t he vi I I ager s' and r eset t Jenent s' capi t al, i ncr ease t hei r i ncoe(t he per capi t a i ncone can i ricrease by rtire t han 20%each year). i x 0 The r eset t I enent w I I be t r ai ned sone ski I I s W t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t er ns of per sons i nvol ved and f qual i t y of t ui t i on w I I be r ei nbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' pr oduct i on ski I I s.

143 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project


county Land takern] muOLset t I erent neasures nLci tynl Factory \Mt er. site sour ce sit e * The conpensat i on f or t he young crops and art i cl es af f i xed t o I and are al I gi ven t o t hei r owner s, Wi ch can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enpor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per - nu w I I be decr eased about 50kg, but t he conpensat i on of 6670Mian per - nu w I I nake up f or t he I oss ( t he conpensat i on f or r ecover i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and owner s mho cul t i vat e I and). * I n t he Wid e vi I I age, t here are f I exi bl e I and 40nu, Whi ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i n QCt ober, 2006( af t er t he aut unr harvest ), and gi ve t he reset t I enent I and W t h t he sane nunber and qual i t y of t he I oss. 0 * 50/oof t he I and conDensat i on w I I be set asi de by t he vi I I age conm t t ee t o bui I d up t he i r r i gat i on and dr ai nage 15. f aci I i t i es, 50%W I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ur al pr oduct i on, rmi nly i s Chengguan t o enl ar ge pl ant i ng and poul t r y r ai si ng. The net i ncone of pl ant i ng and poul t r y r ai si ng can i ncr ease by Townof 32.1 1 Xiangcheng 10%] in this itemnthe per capita incone can increase by 1OOianLl. County 0 The conpensat i on of ar r angi ng w I I be gi ven t o t he reset t I enent f ani I y 1500 'tan per- nu ( t he average production in the past three years)Ol the conpensation is far higher than the net incone per-nm, whiich can nake up f or t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I enent; Q her conpensat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I agers of t he whol e vi I I age, i n order t o devel op t ransport servi ce, bui I di ng i ndust ry, busi ness and cateri ng servi ce. * This village is near countyrofor agriculture, besides Wveat and crop breeding, there are poultry raising and pl ant rai si ng; t he i ndust ry and si del i ne product i on i s nai nl y t ransport, bui I di ng and servi ce, t he conpensat i on and al I ovance can i ncr ease t he vi I I ager s' and r eset t I enent s' capi t al, i ncr ease t hei r 144 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

i ncone(t he per capi ta i ncone can i ncrease by nore t han 20%each year). ved and f i x * The r eset t I enent w I I be t r ai ned sone ski I I s W t h sui t ab e neasur es i n t er ns of per sons i nvol qual i t y of t ui t i on W I I be r ei rnbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' product ion ski II s. r aner s, Whi ch * The conpensat i on f or t he young cr ops and ar t i cl es af f i xed t o I and ar e al I gi ven t o t hei can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enpor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put f or t he I oss per - rm W I I be decr eased about 50kg, but t he conpensat i on of 6670Yuian per - rm w I I nake up and) . ( t he conpensat i on f or r ecover i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and ow-er s Wio cul t i vat e I 2006( af t er * n t he hol e vi I I age, t her e are f I exi b e I and 50nu, Whi ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i n (:t ober, loss. the autunm harvest), and give the resettlenent land wth the sane nunbDer and quality of the irrigation and * 50%of the land conpensation wlI be set aside by the village conittee to build up the e I and), drai nagefaci I ities (nai nl y i s tobui I d theagri cul tural vel I, and changethedry I and toi rrigabl pr oduct i on, nai nl y i s t o enl ar ge 16. 50%w1 II be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ur al t r y r ai si ng can i ncr ease by 10%]1 i n t hi s Guanzhuang pl ant i ng and poul t r y r ai si ng. The net i ncone of pl ant i ng and poul Villageof 20 4 itemrthe per capita incone can increase by 1OOYuann]. fanily 1800 Yuan per-nm (the average Daying * The cornpensation of arranging WII be given to the resettlenent ar hi gher t han t he net i ncone per - rmi, hi ch Town in pr oduct i on i n t he past t hr ee year s) n t he conpensat i on i s f conpensat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he Shan Couty can nake up f or t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I enent; Q her ness and vi I I ager s of t he whol e vi I I age, i n or der t o devel op t r anspor t ser vi ce, bui I di ng i ndust r y, busi cat er i ng ser vi ce. br eedi ng, * Thi s vi I I age i s near count y area and Sannenxi a C] t y arear] f or agr i cul t ure, besi des Wieat and crop t her e ar e poul t r y r ai si ng and pl ant r ai si ng; t he i ndust r y and si del i ne pr oduct i on i s nEi nl y t r anspor t, t I enent s' bui I di ng and ser vi ce, t he conpensat i on and al I ovonce can i ncr ease t he vi I I ager s' and r eset capi t al, i ncr ease t hei r i ncone(t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncr ease by nur e t han 20% each year). and f i x * The r eset t I enent W I I be t r ai ned sone ski I I s W t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t er ns of per sons i nvol ved qual i t y of t ui t i on W I I be r ei nbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' pr oduct ion ski II s.

145 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Squel count y Land taken[] mu n Reset t l enent rnasur es

Vdt er Factory site source site 17. *b r eset t I erent . Chengguan No. Toeggunof expropriated 0 TcMTrnaotf y land

146 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Dralage) Project

s, Whi ch * The conpensat i on f or t he young cr ops and ar t i cl es af f i xed t o I and ar e al I gi ven t o t hei r owier put can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enDor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out I oss per - niiw I I be decr eased about 50kg, but t he cornensat i on of 6670)uan per - rm w I I nake up f or t he . ( t he conpensat i on f or r ecover i ng cul t i vat i on W I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and amner s vho cul t i vat e I and) 2006( af t er * I n t he Whol e vi I I age, t here are f I exi bl e I and 60rm, \Ahi ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i n Ctt ober, oss. t he aut unin harvest ), and gi ve t he r eset t I enent I and W t h t he sarne nunber and qual i t y of t he I * 100, 000 Yuan of t he I and conpensat i on w I I be set asi de by t he vi I I age conui t t ee t o bui I d up school to develop and the irrigation and drainage facilities, others wil be distributed to the villagers t he agr i cul t ur al pr oduct i on, nai nl y i s t o enl ar ge pl ant i ng and poul t r y r ai si ng. and af t er aut unin har vest, t her e' s no I oss i n 18. . Because t he expr opr i at ed r eset t I enent s have r egai ned I i n aut unin of 2005, t hey have ear ned 30.5 2.6 t he expr opr i at i ng process, ( t he r eset t I enent s have got i n t he crops Chengguan the conjensation of arranging WII be Town of the conpensation of young crops of one season),therefore, i n Qat ober, 2005, i n or der t o devel op t r anspor t Sui County di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s of t he Whol e vi I I age servi ce, bui I di ng i ndust ry, busi ness and cater i ng servi ce. try rai si ng * Thi s vi II age i s near countyti for agri cul ture, besi des Wieat and crop breedi ng, there are poul ng and ser vi ce; and pl ant r ai si ng; t he i ndust ry and si del i ne pr oduct i on i s rni nl y t r ansport, bui I di ar e goi ng i nt o 200 people ar e goi ng i nt o t he agr i cul t ur al pr oduct i on i n t he \whd e vi I I age, 400 peopl e al I ouance bui I di ng and t r ansport, monen nai nl y go i nt o poul t ry rai si ng and servi ce; t he conpensat i on and t a i ncore can i ncr ease t he vi I I ager s' and r eset t I enent s' capi t al, i ncr ease t hei r i ncone( t he per capi can i ncr ease by nor e t han 10% each year ) . sons i nvol ved and * The r eset t I enent WI I be t r ai ned. sone ski I I s w t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t er ns of per i on ski l ls. f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on W II be r ei nbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' product

147 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

* The conpensat i on f or t he young cr ops and art i cl es aff i xed t o I and are al I gi ven t o t hei r owier s, Ahi ch can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t erWor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per - rn w I I be decr eased about 50kg, but t he conpensat i on of 6670tan per - rn w I I nake up f or t he I oss ( t he conpensat i on f or r ecover i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I andower s %Ahocul t i vat e I and) . * Land i s expect ed t o be adj ust ed i n t he whol e gr oup i n at ober, 2006( af t er har vest ), each per son has I and of t he sane nunber. * Al I t he I and cormensat i on w I I be di st-r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ural pr oduct i on, nai nl y i s t o enl ar ge pl ant i ng and poul t r y r ai si ng. The net i ncone of pl ant i ng and poul t r y r ai si ng can 19. i ncrease by 20%] i n t hi s i t emthe per capi t a i ncone can i ncrease by 200YlanF . Luwan * The conpensat i on of ar rangi ng W I I be gi ven t o t he r eset t I enent f ari I y 125OYuan per- rmi ( t he aver age Villageof 30 3 pr oduct i on i n t he past t hr ee year s) 1 t he conpensat i on i s f ar hi gher t han t he net i ncone per - m, whi ch

County can nake up f or t he agr i cul t ural I oss of t he reset t I erent; Q her conpensat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s of t he Wole vi I I age, i n or der t o devel op t r ansport servi ce, bui I di ng i ndust ry, busi ness and catering service. * Thisvillageis near countynifor agriculture, besides Wieat andcropbreeding, therearepoultry raising and pl ant rai si ng; t he i ndust ry and si del i ne product i on i s nai nl y t ransport, bui I di ng and ser vi ce, t he conpensat i on and al I ovence can i ncr ease t he vi I I ager s' and r eset t I enent s' capi t el, i ncr ease t hei r i ncore(the per capi ta i ncone can i ncrease by nmre than 20%each year). * The r eset t I ernent w I I be t r ai ned sone ski I I s w t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t er ns of per sons i nvol ved and f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on W I I be r ei nbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' product ion ski II s.

148 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project


ci t y Land takef] mu[C Feset t I enent neasur es Factory Wt er site source site * The conpensat i on f or t he young cr ops and ar t i cl es af f i xed t o I and ar e al I gi ven t o t hei r ouner s, uhi ch can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enpor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per - nm WII be decreased about 50kg, but the conpensation of 6670Yuan per-nm Wil nake up for the loss (the conpensat i on f or recover i ng cul t i vat i on w I1 be di st r i but ed t o t he I and owner s uho cul t i vat e I and). * I n t he uho e vi I I age, t her e ar ef I exi bl e I and 40niu, Wi ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i n Gt ober, 2006( af t er t he aut unin har vest ), and gi ve t he r eset t I enent I and w t h t he sane nunber and qual i t y of t he I oss. * 500/oof t he I and conpensat i on w 11 be set asi de by t he vi I Iage conmi t t ee t o bui I d up t he i r r i gat i on and dr ai nage f aci I i t i es, 50%w 11 be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I Iager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ur al pr oduct i on, rri nl y i s t o 20% 20. enl arge pl ant i ng and poul t ry r ai si ng. The net i ncone of pl ant i ng and poul t ry rai si ng can i ncr ease by Shaoyuan C i n thi s i temt he per capi t a i ncone can i ncrease by 200YuanC . Villageof 34.5 3 * The conpensation of arranging WII be given to the resettlenent fanily 1200 Yuan per-nu (the average Zhecheng pr oduct i on i n t he past t hree year s) C t he conpensat i on i s f ar hi gher t han t he net i ncone per -nu, whi ch can County nake up f or t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I enent; Q her cornpensat i on W I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s of t he hdol e vi I1age, i n or der t o devel op t r anspor t ser vi ce, bui I di ng i ndust r y, busi ness and cat er i ng ser vi ce. * Thi s vi l lage i s near count y( l i es i n t he nor t h- vest er n cor ner of t he count y) C f or agr i cul t ur e, besi des W-eat and crop breedi ng, there are poultry raising and plant raising; the industry and sideline producti on is nai nl y t r anspor t, bui I di ng and ser vi ce, t he conpensat i on and al I ovance can i ncr ease t he vi l lager s' and reset t I enent s' capi t al, i ncr ease t hei r i ncone( t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncr ease by nore t han 20%each year). * The r eset t I enent WI1 be t r ai ned sor ski 11 s w t h sui t abl eeasur es i n t erns of per sons i nvol ved and f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on w I1 be r ei nbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' product ion ski lI s.

149 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

* The conpensat i on f or t he young cr ops and ar t i cl es af f i xed t o I and ar e a I gi ven t o t hei r ouner s, ui ch can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enpor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per - nm Wi I be decreased about 50kg, but the conpensation of 6670XYuan per-nu il- nake up for the loss (the conpensat i on for recoveri ng cul t i vat i on w I1 be di stri but ed to the I and owiers Who cul t i vate I and). * There i s no f f exi bl e I and i n t he Whol e vi I I age, t he I and adj ust w I I be done w t hi n t he group, expect ed t o be i n Cbt ober, 2006 ( af t er har vest ), each per son has I and of t he sane nunber and qual i t y. * A I t he I and conpensat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ur al pr oduct i on, nai nl y i s t o enl ar ge pl ant i ng and poul t ry rai si ng. The net i ncone of pl ant i ng ( esp. shed veget abl es) and poul t r y 21. raising (raise pig and chicken) can increase by 15/l in this itemrthe per capita incone can increase by Sanlihe 10OYuanl] . Villageof 71 1 * The conpensation of arranging wIl be given to the resettlenent fanily 1000 Yuan per-nu (the average Dengzhou pr oduct i on i n t he past t hr ee year s) I t he conpensat i on i s f ar hi gher t han t he net i ncone per - nm, Wli ch can City nake up f or t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I enent; Q her conpensat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s of t he Wiol e vi I I age, i n or der t o devel op t r anspor t ser vi ce, bui I di ng i ndust r y, busi ness and cat er i ng ser vi ce. * Thi s vi I I age i s near ci t y ar eaL f or agr i cul t ure, besi des Wmeat and cr op br eedi ng, t her e ar e poul t r y r ai si ng and pl ant r ai si ng; t he t r anspor t at i on i s conveni ent and busi nessnen ar e cr oAded i n CErngzhou O t y, t he i ndust r y and si del i ne pr oduct i on i s nai nl y t r anspor t, bui I di ng and ser vi ce, t he conpensat i on and al I omance can i ncr ease t he vi I I ager s' and r eset t I enent s' capi t al, i ncr ease t hei r i ncone(t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncr ease by nore t han 10%each year ). * The r eset t I enent w I I be t r ai ned sone ski I I s W t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t er ns of per sons i nvd ved and f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on W I I be r ei nbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I erent s' product i on ski I I s.

150 Resettlement Planning Report .of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Dralage) Project


count y Land takenn muF Feset t I enent neasur es

Factory VWt er site source si te

* The conpensat i on f or t he young crops and art i cl es af f i xed t o I and are al I gi ven t o t hei r owners, \Ahi ch can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enpor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per - rm w I I be decr eased about 50kg, but the conpensat i on of 667OYtan per -mn w I I rrake up f or t he I oss (t he corpensat i on f or r ecover i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and aner s Who cul t i vat e I and). * I n t he Whd e vi I I age, t her e i s onl y 2 rm of I and t aken f or mat er sour ce si t e, and I and i s expect ed t o r ear r anged 22. Jnat.inttober of 2006( af t er t he aut urm har vest ) w t hi n t he gr oup, each per son w I I get I and of t he sane nunber . Chengguan Private * The I and conpmensat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ur al pr oduct i on, nai nl y Townof land 2 is to enl arge planting. Xinye 12mu County * The conpensation of arranging wIl be given to the resettlernent farbly 1000 Yuan per-rm (the average product i on i n t he past t hree year s) n t he conpensat i on i s f ar hi gher t han t he net i ncone per- rmn,\Whi ch can nake up f or t he agr i cul t-ur al I oss of t he r eset t I enent; Q her corpensat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s of t he hol e vi I I age, i n or der t o devel op i ndust r y and si del i ne pr oduct i on. * The r eset t I ennt w I I be t r ai ned sorre ski I I s w t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t er ns of per sons i nvol ved and f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on WI I be r ei nrbur sed, -t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' product i on ski I I s.

151 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

* The conpensat i on f or t he young crops and art i cl es af f i xed t o I and are al I gi ven t o t hei r owvers, %Ahich can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t eror ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per - nu WiII be decr eased about 50kg, but the conpensat i on of 6670MYan per - nu WII Irake up f or t he I oss ( t he conpensat i on f or recover i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and owuer s mho cul t i vat e I and) . * I n t he Wiole vi I I age, t here are f I exi bl e I and 50rm, Whi ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i n Oct ober of 2006( af t er t he aut unm harvest), and gi ve t he r eset t I ennt I and w t h t he sane nunber and qual i t y of t he I oss. * 50% of t he I and conpensat i on w I I be set asi de by t he vi I I age corni t t ee t o bui I d up t he i r r i gat i on and dr ai nage f aci I i t i es, 500/w I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ur al pr oduct i on, nai nl y i s t o enl arge pl ant i ng and poul t ry rai si ng. The net i ncorm of pl ant i ng and poul t ry rai si ng can i ncr ease by 20%] i n t hi s i temt he per capi ta i ncone can i ncrease by 200YtanF] . 23. * The conpensation of arranging wIl be given to the resettlernent fannrly 1200 Mian per-mi (the average Chengguan Town of 14.7 3 product i on i n t he past t hree year s)L] t he conpensat i on i s f ar hi gher t han t he net i ncone per - rm, Whi ch can Sheqi nake up f or t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I enent; Q her conmensat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he County villagers of the Wihd e vi I1age, i n order to develop transport service, buiI di ng industry, busi ness and cat er i ng ser vi ce. * Thi s vi I I age i s near count y( I i es i n t he nor t h- uest er n cor ner of t he count y) [ f or agr i cul t ur e, besi des wheat and cr op br eedi ng, t her e ar e poul t r y r ai si ng and pl ant r ai si ng; t he i ndust r y and si del i ne pr oduct i on i s rni nl y t ransport, bui I di ng and servi ce, t he conrensat i on and al I oance can i ncrease t he vi I I agers' and reset t I enent s' capi t al, i ncrease t hei r i ncone(t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncrease by nore t han 20%each year). * The r eset t I enent w I1 be t r ai ned sone ski l ls W t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t erns of per sons i nvol ved and f i x . qual i t y of t ui t i on WII be r ei nbur sed, to devel op t he reset t I enent s' product ion ski lI s.

152 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project


count y Land takein] muf Fesettl enent neasures

Factory Wt er site source sit e

* The corgensat i on f or t he young crops and art i cl es af f i xed t o I and are al I gi ven t o t hei r owier s, Wi ch can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enpor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per - nm w I I be decr eased about 50kg, but t he conpensat i on of 667OMian per - nu w I I nake up f or t he I oss (t he conpensat i on f or recover i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and ac er s ho cul t i vat e I and). * I n t he wvo e vi I I age, t her e are f I exi bl e I and 40m, uich i s expect ed t o adj ust i n Qlt ober of 2006( af t er t he aut unm har vest ), and gi ve t he r eset t I enent I and w t h t he sare nunlter and qual i t y of t he I oss. * 50%of t he I and conpensat i on w I I be set asi de by t he vi I I age conni t t ee t o bui I d up t he i r r i gat i on and dr ai nage f aci I i t i es, 50%w1 II be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ur al product i on, can 24. rni nl y i s t o enl ar ge pl ant i ng and poul t ry rai si ng. The net i ncone of pl ant i ng and poul t ry r ai si ng Group 1. i ncrease by 200/% i n t hi s i t emt he per capi ta i ncone can i ncrease by 200Ytanfl. (the average ShijvVillage * The conpensation of arranging wIl be given to the resettlerent faanily 1500 YAian per-mim ofShangji 15.1 0 pr oduct i on i n t he past t hr ee year s) 0 t he conpensat i on i s f ar hi gher t han t he net i ncore per - nu, Whi ch

Xichuan can rrake up f or t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I erent; Q her conpensat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he County vi I I ager s of t he hol e vi I I age, i n order t o devel op t ransport servi ce, bui I di ng i ndust ry, busi ness and cat er i ng ser vi ce. * Thi s vi I I age I i es i n t he count y ar ea] i s t he sour ce of sout h- nort h mat er t ransf er. I n t he recent year s, t he busi ness t rade and t ouri smdevel op very qui ckl y. For agr i cul t ure, besi des Wieat and crop breedi ng, t her e ar e poul t r y r ai si ng and pl ant r ai si ng; t he i ndust r y and si del i ne pr oduct i on i s nai nl y t r anspor t, bui I di ng and t our i snr t he conpensat i on and al I ownce can i ncr-ease t he- vi I I ager s' and r eset t I erent s' capital, increase their incone(the per capita incone can increase by nore than 20%each year). The r eset t I ernent W I I be t r ai ned sor ski I 1 s W t h sui t ab e neasur es i n t erns of per sons i hvol ved and f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on W I I be r ei nbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I erent s' product ion ski II s.

153 Resettlement Planning Report-of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

* The conpensat i on f or t he young cr ops and ar t i cl es af f i xed t o I and ar e al I gi ven t o t hei r aner s, whi ch can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enpor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per - nu WiI be decr eased about 50kg, but t he conpensat i on of 6670'4jan per - nu W I1 nake up f or t he I oss ( t he conpensat i on f or r ecover i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and oviner s Mho cul t i vat e I and) . * I n t he Wiol e vi I I age, t her e ar e f I exi bl e I and 60nm, uhi ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i nQt ober of 2006(af t er t he aut umn harvest ), and gi ve t he reset t I enent I and w t h t he sane nunber and qual i ty of t he I oss. * 50%of t he I and conpensat i on w I1 be set asi de by t he vi l lage conwitt t ee t o bui I d up t he i rri gat i on and drai nage f aci I i t i es, 50% WI I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I agers t o devel op t he agr i cul t ur al pr oduct i on, rai nl y i s t o enl ar ge pl ant i ng and poul t r y r ai si ng. The net i ncone of pl ant i ng and poul t r y r ai si ng can i ncr ease by 20%A7 i n t hi s i t em t he per capi t a i ncore can i ncr ease by 200YUanfl . 25. * The conpensation of arranging WII be given to the resettlenent fanily 1200 lIuan per-nm (the average Chengguan product i on i n t he past three years) V1 t he conpensat i on i s far hi gher t han t he net i ncone per-nm, uhi ch Town of 21.98 2 can nake up f or t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I enent; Q her conpensat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he Queshan vi l I ager s of t he hol e vi l lage, i n order t o devel op t ransport servi ce, bui I di ng i ndust ry, busi ness and cat er i ng ser vi ce. * Thi s vi I Iage i s near countyEl for agri cul ture, besi des Wueat and crop breedi ng, there are poul try rai si ng and pl ant rai si ng; t he i ndust ry and si del i ne product i on i s nai nl y t ransport, bui I di ng and servi ce, t he conpensat i on and al I ovance can i ncr ease t he vi I I ager s' and r eset t I enent s' capi t al, i ncr ease t hei r i ncone(t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncrease by nore t han 20%each year). * The r eset t I enent WII be t r ai ned sone ski l ls w t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t er ns of per sons i nvol ved and f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on w I1 be r ei nbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' product ion ski lI s.

154 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project


county Land takenEl muE Flset t I enent neasur es Fl ci t yv Factory Vdt er site source si t e * The conmensat i on f or t he young cr ops and ar t i cl es af f i xed t o I and ar e al I gi ven t o t hei r omner s, Wi ch can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per - nu w i I be decreased about 50kg, but the cornpensat i on of 667O0tan per- rw I I rrake up f or t he I oss ( t he corpensat i on f or r ecover i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and omners uho cul t i vat e I and). * i n t he \Ahl e vi I I age, t here are f I exi bl e I and 30nu, Whi ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i n C;t ober of 2006( af t er the autunmn harvest), and give the resettlenent land Wth the sane nunrber and quality of the loss. * 500/oof t he I and conpensat i on w I I be set asi de by t he vi I I age conri t t ee t o bui I d up t he i r r i gat i on and dr ai nage facilities, 50%w1oll bedistributedtothevillagerstodeveloptheagricultural production, rrinlyistoenlarge 26. planting and poultry raising. The net incormof planting and poultry raising can increase by 20° in this item Dacai the per capita incone can increase by 200YianL]. Village 23.6 3 * Theconpensationof arrangingw II begiventotheresettlenent fanilyl800MYanper-nu(theaverageproduction County i n t he past t hr ee year s) E t he conpensat i on i s f ar hi gher t han t he net i ncone per - rm, whi ch can make up f or t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of .t he r eset t I enrent; C her conpensat i on W I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s of t he whol e vi I I age, i n order t o devel op t r ansport servi ce, bui I di ng i ndust ry, busi ness and cat er i ng servi ce. * Thi s vi l lage is near countyEnfor agriculture, besides Mheat and crop breeding, there are poul try raisi ng and plant raising; the industry and sideline production is raiinly transport, building and service, the conpensat i on and al I ovance can i ncr ease t he vi I I ager s' and reset t I enent s' capi t al, i ncr ease t hei r i ncone( t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncr ease by nu e t han 200/oeach year). * The r eset t I enent w I I be t r ai ned sone ski I I s w t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t erns of per sons i nvol ved and f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on w I I be r ei nrbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' product i on ski I I s.

155 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

* The conpensat i on f or t he young crops and art i cl es af f i xed t o I and ar e al I gi ven t o t hei r owier s, Whi ch can neet t hei r I oss. The f i rst year af t er t he t enporary occupyi ng I and recover ed cul t i vat, i ng, t he out put per- ntu W I I be decreased about 50kg, but t he conpensat i on of 6670ban per - rm W I I nake up f or t he I oss (t he conpensat i on f or r ecover i ng cul t i vat i on W I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and oAer s Who cul t i vat e I and). * I n t he Wiol e vi I I age, t her e are f I exi bl e I and 40nu, vihi ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i n Cct ober of 2006( af t er t he aut umn harvest ), and gi ve t he reset t I enent I and w t h t he sarne nunber and qual i t y of t he I oss. * 500/oof t he I and conpensat i on W I I be set asi de by t he vi I I age cornm t t ee t o bui I d up t he i r r i gat i on and dr ai nage 27. facilities, 50%0/WI bedistributedtothevillagerstodeveloptheagricultural production, nrainlyistoenlarge Xiaotian planting and poultry raisi ng. The net incone of planting and poultry raising can increase by 20%] in this item Village t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncr ease by 200YuanF . of Paiting 20.1 1.6 * The conpensat i on of ar r angi ng w I I be gi ven t o t he r eset t I enent f ari I y 1500 uan per- rn (t he aver age pr oduct i on Xiping i n t he past t hr ee year s) a t he conpensat i on i s f ar hi gher t han t he net i ncone per - mi, Whi ch can rake up f or t he County agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I enent; Q her conpensat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s of t he Wiol e vi l lage, in order to devel op transport service, buiI di ng i ndustry, busi ness and cateri ng service. * Thi s vi II age I i es i n t he count y ar eaa f or agr i cul t ur e, besi des Wheat and cr op br eedi ng, t her e ar e poul t r y rai si ng and pl ant rai si ng; t he i ndust r y and si del i ne pr oduct i on i s nai nl y t ransport, bui I di ng and servi ce, t he conpensat i on and al I ovence can i ncrease t he vi I I agers' and reset t I ernent s' capi t al, i ncr ease t hei r i ncore(t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncrease by nore t han 200/oeach year). * The r eset t I enent w I1 be t r ai ned sone ski 11 s W t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t erns of per sons i nvol ved and f i x qual i t y of tuit ion w I be rei nDursed, to devel op the resettl enents' production ski ll s.

156 *

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Sequel count y Land takerf] muV Feset t I enent neasur es [7 ci t yfl Factory V\t er site source si t e * The conpensat i on f or t he young crops and art i cl es af f i xed t o I and are al I gi ven t o t hei r owler s, \hi ch can .neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per - rm WII be decreased about 50kg, but the conpensation of 6670Yuan per-nmu WII nake up for the loss (the conpensat i on f or r ecover i ng cul t i vat i on W I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and owers \Aho cul t i vat e I and). * I n t he uhd e vi I I age, t her e ar e f I exi bl e I and 50um, \Ahi ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i n at ober of 2006( af t er the auturm harvest), and give the resettlenent land Wth the sane nurner and quality of the loss. * 30 /aof t he I and conpiensat i on w 11 be set asi de by t he vi I Iage coni t t ee t o bui I d up t he i r r i gat i on and dr ai nage f aci I i t i es, 70%w 11 be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I Iager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ur al pr oduct i on, nrai nl y i s t o enl ar ge pl ant i ng and poul t r y r ai si ng. The net i ncone of pl ant i ng and poul t r y r ai si ng can i ncr ease by 15% 28. [ i n t hi s i t em t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncrease by 15OYuano . Zoulou 0 The conpensation of arranging WiI be given to the resettlerent fanily 1500 Yuan per- nu (the average Village of 30 2 pr oduct i on i n t he past t hr ee year s) [n t he conpensat i on i s f ar hi gher t han t he net i ncone per - nu, \hi ch can County gnake up f or t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I enent; Cl her conrpensat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s bf t he \hol e vi I I age, i n order t o devel op t r ansport servi ce, bui I di ng i ndust ry, busi ness and cat er i ng servi ce. * Thi s vi I I age i s near county( l i es i n t he %est er n cor ner of t he count y) O f or agr i cul t ur e, besi des Wleat and cr op br eedi ng, t her e ar e poul t r y r ai si ng and pl ant r ai si ng; t he i ndust r y and si del i ne pr oduct i on i s rri nl y t r anspor t, bui Ilding and service, the conpensation and allovwance can increase the villagers' and r eset t I enent s' capi t al, i ncr ease t hei r i ncone( t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncrease by nu e t han 10%each year). * The r eset t I enent w I1 be t r ai ned sore ski l ls W t h sui t abl e reasur es i n t er ns of per sons i nvol ved and f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on W I I be r ei nrbur sed, t o devel op' t he r eset t I enent s' product i on ski I I s.

157 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

* The corpensat i on f or t he young crops and art i cl es af f i xed t o I and ar e al I gi ven t o t hei r owner s, mhi ch can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enpor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per - rm wIl be decreased about 50kg, but the conpensation of 667OYtan per-rnm wIl rake up for the loss (the conpensat i on f or r ecover i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and owier s Who cul t i vat e I and). * I n t he vhd e vi I I age, t her e ar e f I exi bl e I and 50um, vhi ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i n Qt ober of 2006(af t er t he aut unin harvest ), and gi ve t he reset t I enent I and w t h t he sane nunler and qual i t y of t he I oss. * 300/of t he I and conpensat i on w I I be set asi de by t he vi I I age cornn t t ee t o bui I d up t he i r r i gat i on and dr ai nage 29. f aci I i t i es and i npr ove t he t eachi ng envi r onnent of t he pr i nar y school, 70% W I I be di st r i but ed t o t he Wulou vi I I ager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ur al pr oduct i on, rri nil y i s t o enl ar ge esp. shed veget abl e pl ant i ng. Villageof 25.5 1 * The conpensation of arranging wIl be given to the resettlenent faanily 1500 %Ajan per-rm (the average Suiping product i on i n t he past t hree years) Oi t he conpensat i on i s far hi gher t han t he net i ncone per- nm, whi ch can County nake up f or t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I erent; Q her conpensat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s of t he Wol e vi I I age, i n or der t o devel op t r anspor t and bui I di ng t r ade. * Thi s vi l lage i s near countyl for agri cul ture, besi des mheat and crop breedi ng, there are poul try rai si ng and pl ant r ai si ng; t he i ndust r y and si del i ne pr oduct i on i s rni nl y t r anspor t, bui I di ng and ser vi ce, t he conipensat i on and al I ovance can i ncr ease t he vi I I ager s' and r eset t I enent s' capi t al, i ncr ease t hei r i ncone(t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncr ease by nor e than 20% each year). * The r eset t I enent w I I be t r ai ned sone ski I I s w t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t er ns of per sons i nvd ved and f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on'w I I be r ei nbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' product ion ski II s.

158 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project


count y Land takent rnui Feset t I enent neasur es r ci t yF7 Factory \Et er site source site * The conrDensat i on f or t he young cr ops and ar t i cl es af f i xed t o I and ar e al I gi ven t o t hei r o^ner s, Ahi ch can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enpor ary occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per-nm WlI be decreased about 50kg, but the conpensation of 667OYuan per-nm wIl nI;Eke up for the Ioss (t he conpensat i on f or r ecover i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I andoaner sWho cul t i vat e I and). * I n t he Wol e vi I I age, t here are f I exi bl e I and 60nu, 'hich i s expect ed t o adj ust i n Q;t ober of 2006( af t er t he aut urm harvest ), and gi ve t he r eset t I enent I and W t h t he sane nunber and qual i t y of t he I oss. * 50% of t he I and conpensat i on w 11 be set asi de by t he vi I Iage comri t t ee t o bui I d up t he i r r i gat i on and dr ai nage f aci I i t i es, 50°/W 11 be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I Iager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ur al pr oduct i on, nai nl y i s t o enl ar ge pl ant i ng and poul t r y r ai si ng. The net i ncone of pl ant i ng and poul t r y r ai si ng can i ncr ease Chuzhu.ang by 20%]i1 i n t hi s i temthe per capi ta i ncone can i ncrease by 200YUani . per-nm (the average of Ru'nan 30.6 2 0 The conpensation of arranging wIl be given to the resettlenent farnily 1600 Mian rm, Whi ch can County pr oduct i on i n t he past t hr ee year s)[ t he conpensat i on i s f ar hi gher t han t he net i ncone per - nake up f or t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I enent; Q her conpensat i on W I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s of t he Wid e vi I I age, i n or der t o devel op t ransport servi ce, bui I di ng i ndust ry, busi ness and cat er i ng ser vi ce. * This vi II age is near countyr] for agri cul ture, besi des Wieat and crop breedi ng, there are poul try rai si ng and pl ant rai si ng; t he i ndust ry and si del i ne pr oduct i on i s nai nl y t r ansport, bui I di ng and servi ce, t he conpensati on and al I ovance can i ncrease the vi l lagers' and resettl enents' capi tal, i ncrease thei r incone(the per capita incone can increase by nrre than 10%each year). * The r eset t I enent W II be t r ai ned sone ski l ls W t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t er ns of per sons i nvol ved and f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on W II be r ei nbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' product i on ski l ls.

159 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

* The conpensat i on f or t he young cr ops and ar t i cl es af f i xed t o I and ar e al I gi ven t o t hei r owner s, Wui ch can reet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enpor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per-nm WII be decreased about 50kg, but the conpensati on of 6670Yuan per-nm w I1 rmke up for the I oss ( t he corrpensat i on f or recover i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I andoyner s uho cul t i vat e I and). * I n t he Whol e vi I I age, t her e are f I exi bl e I and 40nu, Wui ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i n Qt ober of 2006( af t er t he aut urn harvest ), and gi ve t he reset t I enent I and w t h t he sane nunber and qual i t y of t he I oss. * 30%of t he I and corpensat i on w I I be set asi de by t he vi I I age conii t t ee t o bui I d up t he i rr i gat i on and 31. dr ai nage f aci I i t i es, 700/ci be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I Iager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ur al pr oduct i on, rni nl y Fengchanhe i s t o enl ar ge pl ant i ng and poul t r y r ai si ng. The net i ncore of pl ant i ng and poul t r y r ai can i ncr ease Village of by 200% i n t hi s i tern the per capi t a i ncorn can i ncrease by 200YLian[ . Huaidian 18.77 4 0 The conpensat i on of ar rangi ng w I I be gi ven t o t he reset t I enent f arn I y 1536 Mian per- nm ( t he aver age Town in pr oduct i on i n t he past t hr ee year s) [I t he conpensat i on i s f ar hi gher t han t he net i ncone per - nm, whi ch can Shenqiu rrake up f or t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I enent; O her conpensat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he County vi l lagers of the hol e vi l lage, i n order to devel op transport servi ce, bui I di ng i ndustry, busi ness and cater i ng ser vice. * Thi s vi I I age i s near count y[I f or agr i cul t ur e, besi des Wieat and cr op br eedi ng, t her e ar e poul t r y r ai si ng and pl ant rai si ng; t he i ndust ry and si del i ne pr oduct i on i s nai nl y t r ansport, bui I di ng and servi ce, t he conpensat i on and el I ouence can i ncr ease t he vi I I ager s' and r eset t I erent s' capi t al, i ncr ease t hei r i ncone( t he per capi t a i ncore can i ncr ease by ror e t han 20% each year). * The r eset t I enent w I1 be t r ai ned sone ski l ls W t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t er ns of per sons i nvd ved and f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on W I I be r ei nbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' product ion ski II s.

160 Resettlement Planning Report.of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Sequel count y Land takerfln ur FReset t I enent neasur es fl ci tyr-i Factory VWt er site source sit e * The conpensat i on f or t he young cr ops and ar t i cl es af f i xed t o I and ar e al I gi ven t o t hei r oner s, Whi ch can neet thei r I oss. The f i rst year af t er t he t enpor ary occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per-nm w 11 be decreased about 50kg, but the conpensati on of 667OYuan per-mm WI nake up for the I oss ( t he conpensat i on f or r ecover i ng cul t i vat i on W I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and owler s Wlo cul t i vat e I and) . * I n t he Wol e vi I I age, t here are f I exi bl e I and 40nu, uhi ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i n at ober of 2006( af t er t he aut unin harvest ), and gi ve t he reset t I enent I and W t h t he sane nunker and qual i t y of t he I oss. * 50% of t he I and conpensat i on w I1 be set asi de by t he vi l lage cormi t t ee t o bui I d up t he i r r i gat i on and 32. dr ai nage f aci I i t i es, 50 0/oW Il be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ur al pr oduct i on, nai nl y Zengfen i s t o enl ar ge pl ant i ng and poul t r y r ai si ng. The net i ncone of pl ant i ng and poul t r y r ai si ng can i ncr ease Village of by 200%] i n t hi s i t em t he per capi t a i ncore can i ncr ease by 200YuianI . Chengguan 20 2 * The conpensation of arranging WII be given to the resettlenent farimly 1400 Mian per-mn (the average Town in pr oduct i on i n t he past t hr ee year s) o t he conpensat i on i s f ar hi gher t han t he net i ncone per - rm, W,i ch can Taikang rrake up f or t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I enent; Q her conpensat i on WI I be di st r i but ed t o t he County vi I I ager s of t he Whol e vi I I age, i n or der t o devel op t r anspor t ser vi ce, bui I di ng i ndust r y, busi ness and cat er i ng ser vi ce. * Thi s vi I I age i s near count yo f or agr i cul t ur e, besi des Wieat and crop br eedi ng, t her e ar e poul t ry r ai si ng and pl ant rai si ng; t he i ndust r y and si del i ne product i on i s nai nl y t ransport, bui I di ng and servi ce, t he conpensat i on and al I ouance can i ncr ease the vi II ager s' and r eset t I enent s' capi t al, i ncr ease t hei r i ncone(the per capita i ncone can increase by rnre than 10%each year). * The r eset t I enent w I1 be t r ai ned sone ski l ls W t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t er ns of per sons i nvd ved and f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on w I1 be r ei nbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' product ion ski lI s.

161 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

* The conpensat i on f or t he young crops and art i cl es aff i xed t o I and are al I gi ven t o t hei r owiers, vhi ch can neet t hei r I oss. The f i rst year aft er t he t enporary occupyi ng I and recovered cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per - rm w I I be decr eased about 50kg, but t he conpensat i on of 667OYuan per - nu w I I nake up f or t he I oss ( t he conpensat i on f or recover i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and owier sWio cul t i vat e I and). * I n t he hol e vi I I age, t here are f I exi bl e I and 80nu, Whi ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i n bt ober of 2006( af t er t he aut unn harvest ), and gi ve t ie reset t I enent l and w t h t he sane nunber and qual i ty of t he l oss. * 50% of t he I and conpensat i on WI I be set asi de by t he vi I I age corm t t ee t o bui I d up t he i r r i gat i on and 33. dr ai nage f aci I i t i es, 500/AcI I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ur al pr oduct i on, nai nl y Xiezhuang i s t o enl ar ge pl ant i ng and poul t r y r ai si ng. The net i ncone of pl ant i ng and poul t r y r ai si ng can i ncr ease of by 20A] in this i temrthe per capita incone can increase by 200YuanFi . Chengjiao 44 8. 8 0 The conpensat i on of ar rangi ng w I I be gi ven t o t he reset t I enent f ani I y 1200 "Ajan per- nm ( t he aver age Town in pr oduct i on i n t he past t hr ee year s) O t he conpensat i on i s f ar hi gher t han t he net i ncone per -rnu, Wi ch can Xiangcheng rake up f or t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I enent; O her conpensat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he City vi I I agers of t he Wid e vi I I age, i n or der t o devel op t r ansport servi ce, bui I di ng i ndust ry, busi ness and cat eri ng servi ce. * Thi s vi I I age i s near count yn f or agr i cul t ur e, besi des Wheat and cr op br eedi ng, t her e ar e poul t r y r ai si ng and pl ant r ai si ng; t he i ndust r y and si del i ne pr oduct i on i s nai nl y t r anspor t, bui I di ng and ser vi ce, t he conpensat i on and al I ow3nce can i ncr ease t he vi I I ager s' and reset t I enent s' capi t al, i ncr ease t hei r incone(the per capita incone can increase by rmre than 20%each year). * The r eset t I enent w I I be t r ai ned sone ski I I s w t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t er ns of per sons i nvol ved and f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on w I I be r ei nbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' product ion ski II s.

162 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Squel count y Land takerli: mul- Feset t I enrnt neasur es

F]Ici t y n _ _ _ _ _ Factory \dt er site source


* The conmensation for the young crops and articles affixed to land are all given to their ouners, \Ahich can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enpor ary occupyi ng I and recovered cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per-mi I I be decreased about 50kg, but the conpensat i on of 6670'Yuan per-mnu w I I nake up f or t he I oss (t he conDensat i on f or recover i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and ovner s Who cul t i vat e I and). * I n t he hole vi I I age, t her e ar e f I exi bl e I and 70nu, vhi ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i n Q:t ober of 2006( af t er t he aut unn harvest ), and gi ve t he r eset t I enent I and w t h t he sane nunber and qual i t y of t he I oss. * 20% of t he I and conpensat i on W I I be set asi de by t he vi I I age corriit t ee t o bui I d up t he i r r i gat i on and dr ai nage f aci I i t i es and i npr ove t he envi ronnent of t he pr i nary school, 70% w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he 34. Gong vi I I agers to devel op the agri cul tural producti on, nai nl y i s to enl arge pl anti ng(esp. shed vegetabl e). The i ncone can Village of 23.4 4 net i ncone of pl ant i ng and poul t r y r ai si ng can i ncr ease by 20%1 i n t hi s i t em t he per capi t a Pingqiao i ncrease by 10OYuanCl . vi ce, bui I di ng District * The corypensat i on of ar r angi ng has al I been gi ven t o t he r eset t I enent t o devel op t r anspor t ser i ndust r y, busi ness and cat er i ng ser vi ce. * Thi s vi I I age i s near t he ci t y ar ean f or agr i cul t ur e, besi des wheat and cr op br eedi ng, t her e are and pl ant raising(esp. shed vegetable);the industry and sideline production is nrainly transport, building and ser vi ce, t he corensat i on and al I omance can i ncr ease t he vi I I ager s' and reset t I enent s' capi t al, i ncr ease their i ncone(the per capita i ncone can increase by nere than 20%each year). * The r eset t I erent w I I be t r ai ned sone ski I I s W t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t er ns of per sons i nvol ved and f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on w I I be r ei nbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' product i on ski I I s.

163 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

* The conpensat i on f or t he young crops and art i cl es aff i xed t o I and are al I gi ven t o t hei r owner s, Whi ch can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enor ary occupyi ng I and recover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per-mr w I I be decreased about 50kg, but the conpensat i on of 6670ylan per- nu w I I nake up f or t he I oss ( t he conpensat i on f or recover i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and ouners Who cul t i vat e I and) . * I n t he uhd e vi I I age, t her e are f I exi bl e I and 40nv, Whi ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i n at ober of 2006( af t er t he aut urm har vest ), and gi ve t he r eset t I enent I and w t h t he sane nunber and qual i t y of t he I oss. * 50%of t he I and cornpensat i on w I I be set asi de by t he vi I I age connn t t ee t o bui I d up t he i r r i gat i on and 35. dr ai nage.f aci I i t i es, 500/oW I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ur al pr oduct i on, nai nl y Chengguan 20 3 i s t o enl arge pl ant i ng and poul t ry r ai si ng. The net i ncone of pl ant i ng and poul t ry rai si ng can i ncrease Town of Xi County by 20°/]1 i n t hi s i t em t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncr ease by 200YbanE] . * Thisvillageisnear county(liesinthenorth-uesterncorner of thecounty)0l]for agriculture, besidesuheat and crop breedi ng, t here are poul t ry rai si ng and pl ant rai si ng; t he i ndust ry and si del i ne product i on i s rmi nl y t ransport, bui I di ng and servi ce, t he conpensat i on and al I ance can i ncrease t he vi I I ager s' and r eset t I ertent s' capi t al, i ncr ease t hei r i ncorne(t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncrease by r re t han 20%each year). * The r eset t I enent w I I be t r ai ned sone ski I I s w t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t ern of per sons i nvol ved and f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on WI I be r ei nbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' product ion ski II s.

164 * 0

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Sequel neasur es county Land takenn mu | Peset t I enent H]ci t y[i Factory site VAt er source site 36. 0 Nb reset t I enent . Chengguan No Town of expropriated 0 Luoshan land County ven t o t hei r owaer s, Whi ch * The conWensat i on f or t he young cr ops and art i cl es aff i xed t o I and are al I gi t he out put can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enDor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, f or t he I oss per - rn w I I be decr eased about 50kg, but t he conpensat i on of 667OYian per - nu w I I rnuke up i vat e I and) . (t he conpensat i on f or r ecover i ng cul t i vat i on w 11 be di st r i but ed t o t he I and owier sWho cul t of 2006( af t er * I n t he Whd e vi I I age, t her e ar e f I exi bl e I and 40nu, Whi ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i n at ober of t he I oss. t he aut um har vest ), and gi ve t he r eset t I enent I and W t h t he sane nunber and qual i t y i on, nai nl y * The I and conpensat i on w I I be I gi ven t o t he vi I I ager s t o go on t he agr i cul t ur al pr oduct of pl ant i ng can i ncr ease by 20% i n t hi s 37 i s t o enl ar ge esp. shed veget abl e pl ant i ng. The net i ncone Chuwang itemthe per capita incone can increase by 200MjanLi. t I enent f arr I y 1800 Xian per - nu ( t he aver age Village of * The conpensat i on of ar rangi ng w I I be gi ven t o t he r eset t han t he net i ncor per - r, whi ch Duanwan 30 0 pr oduct i on i n t he past t hr ee year s) ] t he conpensat i on i s f ar hi gher Q her corpensat i on WI I be di st r i but ed t o of can rake up f or t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I ernt; t ser vi ce, bui I di ng i ndust r y, busi ness Yangshan t he vi l lager s of t he whd e vi I1age, i n or der t o devel op t r anspor and cat er i ng ser vi ce. District abl e * Thi s vi I I age I i es i n X nyang a t y ar ean t he agr i cul t ur al pr oduct i on i s rTi nl y t he esp. shed veget planting; there is 15,OOOkl rrketplace to rent, and the village enterprise Wth capital t he 5, OQO, OOOMan, t he i ndust r y and si del i ne product i,on i s nai nl y t r anspor t, bui I di ng and ser vi ce, conpensat i on and al I ovance can i ncr ease t he vi I I ager s' and r eset t I enent s' capi t al, i ncr ease t hei r incone(the per capita incone can increase by rmre than 15%each year). and * The r eset t I enent W I I be t r ai ned sone ski I I s W t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t erTrs of per sons i nvol ved fi x qual i t y of t ui t i on W II be r ei nbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' product ion ski lI s. 165 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

* The conensat i on f or t he young cr ops and ar t i cl es af f i xed t o I and ar e al I gi ven t o t hei r ovner s, hi ch can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enpor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per -nu w I I be decr eased about 50kg, but t he conpensat i on of 6670'dian per - rn W I I nake up f or t he I oss ( t he conpensat i on f or r ecover i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and o%ner s uho cul t i vat e I and) . * I n t he Wlol e vi I I age, t her e i s no f I exi bl e I and, t he I and i s expect ed t o adj ust i n a;t ober of 2006( af t er the auturm harvest), and give the resettlenent land wth the sane nunber and quality of the loss. * Thi s vi I I age I i es i n t he ci t y ar eaO havi ng 15000kl nar ket pl ace t o r ent, so t he conpensat i on of I and 38. ar e al I gi ven t o t he r eset t I enent t o go on t he agr i cul t ur al pr oduct i on, rni nl y t o enl ar ge t he pl ant i ng South and poul t ry rai si ng. Street of * The conpensat i on of arr angi ng w I I be gi ven t o t he r eset t I enent f ani I y 1400 uan per- nm ( t he aver age Thengguan 36.6 0 pr oduct i on i n t he past t hr ee year s)F] t he conpensat i on i s f ar hi gher t han t Town in he net i ncone per -m, vii ch Mengzhou can n;ke up f or t he agr i cul t ural I oss of t he reset t I enent; QO her corpensat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o City t he vi I I ager s of t he wld e vi I I age, i n or der t o devel op t r anspor t ser vi ce, bui I di ng i ndust r y, busi ness and catering service. * The agr i cul t ur e i ncl udes Wieat and cr op br eedi ng, and al so poul t r y r ai si ng and pl ant r ai si ng(veget abl e and nedi cal nat er i al s); t he i ndust ry and si del i ne product i on i s rai nl y t ransport, bui I di ng and servi ce, t he conpensat i on and al I avence can i ncr ease t he vi I I ager s' and reset t I enent s' capi t al, i ncr ease t hei r incone(t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncr ease by rnr e t han 20% each year). * The r eset t I enent w I I be t r ai ned sone ski I I s w t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t erns of per sons i nvol ved and f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on w I I be r ei nbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I ernt s' product ion ski II s.

166 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Sequel t he resett I enent pl arni ng of t he semage t reat nent pl ant

count y f ci tyf Land t he nane taken Feset t I enent neasur es of n mun vi I I age Whi ch can neet * The conpensat i on f or t he young crops and art i cl es af f i xed t o I and are al I gi ven t o t hei r oner s, W I I be t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enpor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per - rm i on f or decreased about 50kg, but the conpensat i on of 6670Yan per- nu W I I nake up f or t he I oss (t he conpensat r ecover i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and owner s mho cul t i vat e I and). ant i s rmi nl y * I n t he hol e vi I I age, t her e i s f I exi bl e I and 60nw; t he expr opr i at ed I and f or t he sevege t r eatnent pl at i ve t he reset t I enent s' houses. The r eset t I enent pl an has been conpl et ed, t he si t e I i es i n t he cent r al adni ni st r i on vi I I age of N ubuhe M I I age, usi ng t he enpt y pl ace, t he r eset t I erent ar r angi ng i s goi ng on W t h t he sat i sf act I I age t o of t he r eset t I enent s ( see t he t ext ), and t he r eset t I enent s ask t o nove f r om t he i nconveni ent nat ur al vi 39. t he conveni ent cent ral adrini st rat i ve vi I I age. Niubuhe * A I t he corpensat i ons of renovi ng house are gi ven t o i t s owier. i r r i gat i on and dr ai nage Village of 45 * 50%of t he I and conpensat i on W I I be set asi de by t he vi I I age conmi t t ee t o bui I d up t he nm ( can i ncrease 10004, Mengjin f aci I i t i es, changi ng t he dry I and t o i r r i gabl e I and, wMi ch can i nprove t he product i on per nai nl y i s t o enl ar ge pl ant i ng County' 50%w1 II be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ural pr oduct i on, t he per and poul t r y r ai si ng) . The net i ncone of pl ant i ng and poul t r y r ai si ng can i ncr ease by 20%! i n t hi s i t ern capi t a i ncone can i ncr ease by 200YuanF . product i on * The conpensat i on of arrangi ng W I I be gi ven t o t he reset t I enent f ani I y 1400 Yuan per- nu (t he average t he i n t he past t hr ee year s) n t he conpensat i on i s f ar hi gher t han- t he net i ncone per - nu, Whi ch can mike up f or I I age, agr i cul t ur al .I oss of t he r eset t I enent; Q her conpDensat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s of t he whol e vi i n or der t o devel op t r ansport servi ce, bui I di ng i ndust ry, busi ness ahd cat er i ng servi ce. si ng and pl ant * Thi s vi II age i s near county[n for agri cul ture, besi des wheat and crop breedi ng, there are poul try rai and r ai si ng; t he i ndust ry and si del i ne pr oduct i on i s nrai nl y t r anspor t, bui I di ng and servi ce, t he conpensat i on 167 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

al I ovance can i ncr ease t he vi I I agers' and r eset t I enent s' capi t al, i ncr ease t hei r i ncone( t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncrease by nore t han 20%each year). * The r eset t I erent WI I be t r ai ned sore ski I I s w t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t er ns of per sons i nvd ved and f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on WI I be' r ei nlur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' product ion ski II s. * The conpensat i on f or t he young crops and art i cl es af f i xed t o I and are al I gi ven t o t hei r oner s, Wui ch can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enporary occupyi ng I and r ecovered cul t i vat ing, t he out put per - rw I I be decreased about 50kg, but t he conpensat i on of 6670tan per-mrm w I I n;ake up f or t he I oss (t he conpensat i on f or r ecover i ng cul t i vat i on WI I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and uner s Who cul t i vat e I and). * I n t he Wuh e vi I I age, t her e ar e f I exi bl e I and 70nu, hi ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i n Oat oer of 2006( af t er t he aut uni harvest ), and gi ve t he reset t I enent I and w t h t he sane nunrber and qual i t y of t he I oss. * 50%of the land conpensation wIl be set aside by the village conrittee to build up the irrigation and drainage f aci I i t i es, hangi ng t he dry I and t o i r r i gabl e I and, whi ch can i npr ove t he pr oduct i on per mu (can i ncrease 10004, 40. 50% w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ur al pr oduct i on, rni nl y i s t o enl ar ge pl ant i ng Streetof and poul t r y r ai si ng) . The net i ncone of pl ant i ng and poul t r y r ai si ng can i ncr ease by 200/& i n t hi s i t em t he per Chengguan 41 capi ta i ncone can i ncrease by 200Mjani . Town in * The conpensat i on of ar rangi ng w I I be gi ven t o t he reset t I enent f ari I y 1000 Yuan per- nu ( t he average pr oduct i on Song i n t he past t hree years)L] t he corpensat i on i s f ar hi gher t han t he net i ncone per- mn, whi ch can rTke up f or t he County' agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I enent; Q her conpensat i on W I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s of t he whol e vi I I age, i n order t o devel op t ransport servi ce, bui I di ng i ndust ry, busi ness and cat er i ng servi ce. * Thi s vi I I age i s near count yL]f or agr i cul t ur e, besi des Wieat and cr op br eedi ng, t her e ar e poul t r y r ai si ng and pl ant i ng; t he i ndust r y and si del i ne pr oduct i on i s rmi nl y t r anspor t, bui I di ng and ser vi ce, t he conpensat i on and al I ovnce can i ncr ease t he vi I I ager s' and r eset t I enent s' capi t al, i ncr ease t hei r i ncone( t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncr ease by rmre than 20%each year). * The r eset t I enent w I I be t r ai ned sone ski I I s w t h sui t.abl e neasur es i n t er ns. of per sons i nvol ved and f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on WI I be rei nbursed, t o devel op t he reset t I enent s' product ion ski II s.

168 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Sequel the resettlement plan of the sewage treatment plant

county~ Land c ci tyV taken FLset t I ernt neasur es t he nane of n mun vi I I age ch can neet * The conpensat i on f or t he young crops and art i el es af f i xed t o I and are al I gi ven t o t hei r owners, Wui w I I be t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enpor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per - nu i on f or decr eased about 50kg, but t he conDensat i on of 6670Yuan per - nm WI I rrake up f or t he I oss (t he conpensat r ecover i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and omner s Who cul t i vat e I and). af t er t he * I n t he hol e vi I I age, t her e ar e f I exi bl e I and 70rnu, Whi ch i.s expect ed t o adj ust i n at ober of 2006( aut urm harvest ), and gi ve t he r eset t I enent I and i t h t he sane nunker and qual i t y of t he I oss. 0 school, 700/W I i be di st r i but ed -41 0* 2 0/cof t he I and conpensat i on WI I be set asi de by t he vi I I age conni t t ee t o r epai r t he i ng and poul t r y r ai si ng. The Nx.t'h t o t he vi I I ager s t o devel op t he agr i cul t ur al pr oduct i on, nai nl y i s t o enl ar ge pl ant capi t a i ncone can i ncr ease breetof net i ncone of pl ant i ng and poul t ry r ai si ng can i ncr ease by 10%] i n t hi s i t emt he per Chengguan 40 by 10Ouan]]. per- mu (t he aver age product i on Town i n 40 * The conpensat i on of ar r angi ng w I I be gi ven t o t he r eset t I enent f ani I y 1400 Yuan - rm, Wii ch can rrmke up f or t he Yuanyang i n t he past t hr ee year s) E t he conpensat i on i s f ar hi gher t han t he net i ncore per t he vi I I ager s of t he vWid e (bunt y agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I enent; Q her conpensat i on WI I be di st r i but ed t o vi I I age, i n order t o devel op t r ansport servi ce, bui I di ng i ndust ry, busi ness and cat er i ng ser vi ce. des vieat, * Thi s vi I I age i s near count y( I i es i n t he nor t h- east er n cor ner of t he count y) 0 f or agr i cul t ur e, besi i on i s r i se and crop breedi ng, t here are poul t ry r ai si ng and pl ant r ai si ng; t he i ndust ry and si del i ne pr oduct and rmaiinly transport, building and service, the conrpensation and allIoence can increase the villagers' year ) . r eset t I enent s' capi t al, . i ncr ease t hei r i ncone( t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncr ease by nvDr e t han 20%each and f i x qual i t y * The r eset t I enent w I I be t r ai ned sone ski I I s Wt h sui t abl e neasur es i n t er ns of per sons i nvol ved of t ui t i on w I I be r ei rbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' product i on ski I I s. 169 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

* The conpensat i on f or t he young cr ops and art i cl es aff i xed t o I and are al I gi ven t o t hei r owners, Whi ch can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enpor ar y occupyi ng I and r ecover ed cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per - nm wII be decr eased about 50kg, but t he conpensat i on of 6670Yuan per - nu W I I nake up f or t he I oss (t he conpensat i on f or r ecover i ng cul t i vat i on W I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and ovner s Who cul t i vat e I and). * In t he Whcl e vi I I age, t her e ar e f I exi bl e I and 80nm, Whi ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i n QOt ober of 2006( af t er t he aut urm har vest), and gi ve t he r eset t I enent I and w t h t he sane nunrer and qual i t y of t he I oss. * 50%of t he I and conpensat i on W I I be set asi de by t he vi I I age conni t t ee t o bui I d up t he i r r i gat i on and dr ai nage facilities, 50%/oWII bedistributedtothevillagerstodeveloptheagricultural production, nainlyistoenlarge 42. planting and poultry raising. The net incone of planting and poultry raising can increase by 20%] in this item Dazhang t he per capi ta i ncone can i ncrease by 200Yuanf . M I I age of 37.8 0 The conpensat i on of ar rangi ng w I I be gi ven t o t he reset t I enent f arn I y 1200 Yuan per- nm ( t he average product i on Baof eng i n t he past t hr ee year s)fl t he conpensat i on i s f ar hi gher t han t he net i ncone per - nu, whi ch can nake up f or t he Cbunt y agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I enent; C her cornpensat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s of t he wid e vi l lage, i n order t o devel op t'r ansport servi ce, bui I di ng i ndust ry, busi ness and cat er i ng servi ce. * Thi s vi I I age i s near count yn f or agr i cul t ur e, besi des wheat and cr op br eedi ng, t her e ar e poul t r y r ai si ng and pl ant rai si ng; Because Baof eng Cbunt y i s t he source of coal, t he i ndust ry and si del i ne product i on i s rai nl y t r ansport of coal, bui I di ng and servi ce, t he conrpensat i on and al I avence can i ncrease t he vi I I agers' and r eset t I enent s' capi t al, i ncrease t hei r i ncone( t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncr ease by nore t han 20%each year ). * The r eset t I enent w I1 be t r ai ned sone ski I Is w t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t erns of per sons i nvol ved and f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on w I1 be r ei rnur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' product ion ski lI s.

170 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Squel t he resett I enent pl an d t he semage t reat nent pl ant

cuty Land Fcit yr] taken FPset t I enent neasures t he nane of f mufl vi I I age

* The conpensat i on f or t he young cr ops and art i cl es af f i xed t o I and ar e al I gi ven t o t hei r owner s, uhi ch can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enpor ary occupyi ng I and r ecovered cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per - m W II be decreased about 50kg, but the conpensat i on of 667OYuan per-mu w I I rnke up f or t he I oss (t he conpensat i on f or r ecover i ng cul t i vat i on W I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and ovger s vMho cul t i vat e I and). * I n t he Ahol e vi I I age, t here are f I exi bl e I and 40nm, Whi ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i n at ober of 2006(af t er t he aut unm harvest ), and gi ve t he reset t I enent I and W t h t he sane nunber and qual i t y of t he I oss. Chengguan * 50%of t he I and conpensat i on w I I be set asi de by t he vi I I age connit t ee t o bui I d up t he i r r i gat i on and dr ai nage Chengguan faci I ities, 50%wl l be di stri buted tothevi I Iagers to develop theagricul tural production, nai nly i s to enl arge Toewn of 35 pl anti ng and poul try rai si ng. The net i ncone of pl anti ng and poul try rai si ng can i ncrease by 20°Y:1 i n thi s i tem Nbil xi ang Cbunt y the per capita incone can increase by 200Yiann . * Thi s vi l lage i s near count yn f or agr i cul t ur e, besi des wheat, r i se and cr op br eedi ng, t her e ar e poul t ry r ai si ng and pl ant rai si ng; t he i ndust r y and si del i ne pr oduct i on i s rrai nl y t r ansport, bui I di ng and servi ce, t he conpensat i on and al I ovance can i ncr ease t he vi I I ager s' and r eset t I ennt s' capi t al, i ncr ease t hei r i ncone( t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncrease by nore than 20%each year). * The r eset t I enent w I1 be t r ai ned sone ski l ls W t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t er ns of per sons i nvol ved and f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on w I I be r ei nbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' product ion ski II s.

171 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Dralage) Project

* The cornpensat i on f or t he young cr ops and art i cl es af f i xed t o I and are al I gi ven t o t hei r ovner s, Whi ch can neet t hei r I oss. The f i r st year af t er t he t enpor ary occupyi ng I and r ecovered cul t i vat i ng, t he out put per- rm WI I be decreased about 50kg, but the conpensat i on of 667OYuan per-m w I I nake up f or t he I oss (t he conpensat i on f or recover i ng cul t i vat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he I and auner s Wio cul t i vat e I and). * I n t he Wiol e vi I I age, t here are f I exi bl e I and 80rm, Wvi ch i s expect ed t o adj ust i nQ:t ober of 2006( af t er t he aut unin harvest ), and gi ve t he reset t I enent I and Wt h t he sane nunber and qual i t y of t he I oss. * 20%of t he I and conensat i on w I I be set asi de by t he vi I I age conmi t t ee t o i rr ove t he envi r onnent of t he pr i rar y school, 80%wlI be distributed to the villagers to develop the agricultural production, rminly is to enlarge 44. pl ant i ng and poul t ry rai si ng. The net i ncone of pl ant i ng and poul t ry rai si ng can i ncrease by 200] i n t hi s i t em Xianfnegof 41.76 the per capita incone can increase by 200Yuano . Huangchuan * The coniDensat i on of arrangi ng w I I be gi ven t o t he reset t I erent f ani1l y 1800 Yuan per- rm ( t he average product i on County i n t he past t hr ee year s) o t he conpensat i on i s f ar hi gher t han t he net i ncone per - nu, whi ch can nmke up f or t he agr i cul t ur al I oss of t he r eset t I errent; Q her conpensat i on w I I be di st r i but ed t o t he vi I I ager s of t he w-ol e vi I I age, in order to develop transport service, building industry, business and catering service. * Thi s vi I I age i s near count yo f or agr i cul t ure, besi des Wieat and cr op breedi ng, t here are poul t ry rai si ng and pl ant rai si ng; t he i ndust ry and si del i ne product i on i s nai nl y t ranspor t, bui I di ng and servi ce, t he conpensat i on and al IoAance can i ncr ease t he vi I I agers' and reset t I enent s' capi t el, i ncrease t hei r i ncone(t he per capi t a i ncone can i ncrease by nrue t han 20%each year ). * The r eset t I enent w I1 be t r ai ned sone ski l ls w t h sui t abl e neasur es i n t er ns of per sons i nvo ved and f i x qual i t y of t ui t i on w I1 be r ei nbur sed, t o devel op t he r eset t I enent s' product ion ski lI s.

172 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Sequel A t achiurt 9-1 p ul i c part i ci pat i on count y tiCe part i ci pant agreements E-Ici ty OYtnt f yIin AM of The head of the county * Survey of the Project, including the size and * Affirm the size and the location of the Waterworks January,8 in charge and the main location of Waterworks, the amount of the and the amount of the land taken -or occupied 2005 officials of land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. Development and * The consultative experts introduce the effect * Determine the compensation standard of young crops, Reform Commission, of project construction on the displaced land resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, Price Bureau, Finance people. restoration of farmland and town roads. Bureau, Water Resource * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the 0 Determine the range standard of deciding the material Bureau, Construction Involuntary Settlement and its annex. object targets affected by the Project.. Bureaus, Health * The relevant laws, regulations and policies on * Determine the procedures and supervision ways of Bureaus, Epidemic land taking. The compensation standard is set distributing compensation. Prevention Stations, be the actual situation. * Determine the resettlement measures and the rights of Environmental * The ways of deciding the material object the displaced people. Protection Bureaus, targets affected by the Project. * Determine the ways of public participation and Civil Administration * The procedure and supervision of distributing information disclosure. out the 1. Bureau, Public Service compensation. * Determine the ways and methods of carrying Weishi Bureau, Land Bureau, * The resettlement policies and measures. relevant resettlement policies of the World Bank and -County Traffic Bureaus, 0 The rights of the displaced people; the our government. Planning Bureaus, Town resettlement institutions and management. 0 Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and Government, Masses * Public participation, information publicity protection policies. Visiting Office, and appeal. Residents' Committee, 0 The rights and protection of the vulnerable Investigation groups. Committee, Religion Management Commissions and Disabled Federations. There are altogether 26 participants.

173 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

RP of Land Bureau, project * Survey of the Project, including the size and * Affirm the size and the location of the Waterworks January implementing location of Waterworks, the amount of the and the amount of the land taken or occupied 8,2005 institutions, Village land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. Commissions, Public * The opinions and suggestions about the * Believe that it is necessary to build the water plant; Security Commissions, affected people about land taking. mention the compensation for land taken, the Women Federations, the 0 The consultative experts introduce the effect of construction of farmland facilities and output per mu; representatives of project construction on the displaced people. resettlement allowance is used to help displaced residents and displaced 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the people to develop planting, breeding and raising and people. Altogether 18 Involuntary Settlement and its annex. business to increase their income. persons. * The idea and suggestions on compensation * By discussion, an agreement is reached on the standard. compensation standard of young crops, land, * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, deciding the material object targets affected restoration of farmland and roads. by the Project. 0 Determine the range standard of deciding the material * The opinions and suggestions about the object targets affected by the Project.. procedure and supervision of distributing * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of compensation. distributing compensation. * The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights of resettlement policies and measures. the displaced people. * Discussion on the rights of the displaced * Agree on the ways of public participation and people. information disclosure. * Ideas and suggestions about public * Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and participation, information disclosure and protection policies. . grievance. .. Discuss the ways of rearranging land. * Ideas and suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

174 **e

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(bunt y ti ne aCbnt ent s of synposi uris (ci t y) part ici pant agreements AM of The head of the county * Survey of the Project, including the size and * Affirm the size and the location of the Waterworks January in charge and the main location of Waterworks, the amount of the and the amount of the land taken or occupied 9, 2005 officials of land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. Development and * The consultative experts introduce the effect * Determine the compensation standard of young crops, Reform Commission, of project construction on the displaced land resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, Price Bureau, Finance people. restoration of farmland and town roads. Bureau, Water Resource * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the 0 Determine the range standard of deciding the material Bureau, Construction Involuntary Settlement and its annex. object targets affected by the Project.. Bureaus, Health * The relevant laws, regulations and policies on 0 Determine the procedures and supervision ways of Bureaus, Epidemic land taking. The compensation standard is set distributing compensation. Prevention Stations, be the actual situation. * Determine the resettlement measures and the rights of 2. Environmental 0 The ways of deciding the material object the displaced people. Tongxu Protection Bureaus, targets affected by the Project. 0 Determine the ways of public participation and Tongxu Civil Administration * The procedure and supervision of distributing information disclosure. County Bureau, Public Service compensation. * Determine the ways and methods of carrying out the

Bureau, Land Bureau, * The resettlement policies and measures. relevant resettlement policies of the World Bank and Traffic Bureaus, * The rights of the displaced people; the our government. Planning Bureaus, Town resettlement institutions and management. * Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and Government, Masses * Public participation, information disclosure protection policies. Visiting Office, and grievance. x Residents' Committee, * The rights and protection of the vulnerable Investigation groups. Committee, Religion Management Commissions and Disabled Federations.

175 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

R\A of Land Bureau, project * Survey of the Project, including the size and * Agree with the size of water plant, the project site, the January implementing location of Waterworks, the amount of the amount of the land taken or occupied temporarily. 9, 2005 institutions, Village land taken or occupied temporarily. * Believe that it is necessary to build the water plant; Commissions, Public * The opinions and suggestions about the mention the compensation for land taken, the Security Commissions, affected people about land taking. construction of farmland facilities and output per mu; Women Federations, the 0 The consultative experts introduce the effect resettlement allowance is used to help displaced representatives of of project construction on the displaced people to develop planting, breeding and raising and residents and displaced people. business to increase their income. people. Altogether 18 * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the * By discussion, an agreement is reached on the persons. Involuntary Settlement and its annex. compensation standard of young crops, land, * The idea and suggestions on compensation resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, standard. restoration of farmland and roads. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of * Agree on the standard of deciding the material object deciding the material object targets affected targets affected by the Project. by the Project. * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of * The opinions and suggestions about the distributing compensation. procedure and supervision of distributing * Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights of compensation. the displaced people. * 'The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the ways of public participation and resettlement policies and measures. information disclosure. * Discussion on the rights of the displaced * Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and people. protection policies. * Ideas and suggestions about public * Discuss the ways of rearranging land. participation,, information disclosure .and grievance. * Ideas and suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

176 * * 0

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

| unty tine participant agreements

(bpacirty) pantsi of syrnposi ures

177 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

AM of The head of the county * Survey of the Project, including the size and * Affirm the size and the location of the Waterworks January in charge and the main location of Waterworks, the amount of the and the amount of the land taken or occupied 10, 2005 officials of land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. Development and * The consultative experts introduce the effect * Determiine the compensation standard of young crops, Reform Commission, of project construction on the displaced land resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, Price Bureau, Finance people. restoration of farmland and town roads. Bureau, Water Resource * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the * Deternine the range standard of deciding the material Bureau, Construction Involuntary Settlement and its annex. object targets affected by the Project.. Bureaus, Health * The relevant laws, regulations and policies on * Determine the procedures and supervision ways of Bureaus, Epidemic land taking. The compensation standard is set distributing compensation. Prevention Stations, be the actual situation. * Determiine the resettlement measures and the rights of Environmental * The ways of deciding the mnaterial object the displaced people. Protection Bureaus, targets affected by the Project. 0 Determine the ways of public participation and L.anao Civil Administration 0 The procedure and supervision of distributing information disclosure. County Bureau, Public Service compensation. * Deternine the ways and methods of carrying out the Bureau, Land Bureau, 0 The resettlement policies and measures. relevant resettlement policies of the World Bank and Traffic Bureaus, 0 The rights of the displaced people; the our government. Planning Bureaus, Town resettlement institutions and management. * Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and Government, Masses * Public participation, information disclosure protection policies. Visiting Office, and grievance. S Residents' Committee, * The rights and protection of the vulnerable Investigation groups. Committee, Religion Management Commissions and Disabled Federations. persons are present.24

178 s ~~* 0

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

project site, the R4 of Land Bureau, project * Survey of the Project, including the size and * Agree with the size of water plant, the January implementing location of Waterworks, the amount of the amount of the land taken or occupied temporarily. water plant; 10, 2005 institutions, Village land taken or occupied temporarily. 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the Commissions, Public * The opinions and suggestions about the mention the compensation for land taken, the Security Commissions, affected people about land taking. construction of farmland facilities and output per mu; Women Federations, the * The consultative experts introduce the effect resettlement allowance is used to help displaced representatives of of project construction on the displaced people to develop planting, breeding and raising and residents and displaced people. business to increase their income. people. Altogether 18 * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the * By discussion, an agreement is reached on the persons. Involuntary Settlement and its annex. compensation standard of young crops, land, * The idea and suggestions on compensation resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, standard. restoration of farmland and roads. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of * Agree on the standard of deciding the material object deciding the material object targets affected targets affected by the Project. by the Project. * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of * The opinions and suggestions about the distributing compensation. procedure and supervision of distributing * Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights of compensation. the displaced people. * The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the ways of public participation and resettlement policies and measures. information disclosure. * Discussion on the rights of the displaced * Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and people. protection policies. * Ideas and suggestions about public * Discuss the ways of rearranging land. participation, information disclosure and grievance. * Ideas and' suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

179 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(bunt y t i ne r . (bnt ent s of synposi uns (ci t y) part c pant agreements AM of The head of the county 0 Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Affirm the size and the location of the January in charge and the main and location of Waterworks, the amount of Waterworks and the amount of the land taken or 11, 2005 officials of Development the land taken or occupied temporarily. occupied temporarily. and Reform 0 The consultative experts introduce the 0 Determine the compensation standard of young Commission, Price effect of project construction on the crops, land, resettlement allowance, articles affixed Bureau, Finance Bureau, displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland and town roads. Water Resource Bureau, * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the * Determine the range standard of deciding the Construction Bureaus, Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected by the Project.. Health Bureaus, * The relevant laws, regulations and policies * Determine the procedures and supervision ways of Epidemic Prevention on land taking. The compensation . distributing compensation. Stations, Environmental standard is set be the actual situation. * Determine the resettlement measures and the rights 4. Protection Bureaus, Civil 0 The ways of deciding the material object of the displaced people. Administration Bureau, targets affected by the Project. 0 Determine the ways of public participation and Couny.Public Service Bureau, * The procedure and supervision of information disclosure. County Land Bureau, Traffic distributing compensation. 0 Determine the ways and methods of carrying out

Bureaus, Planning 0 The resettlement policies and measures. the relevant resettlement policies of the World Bureaus, Town 0 The rights of the displaced people; the Bank and our government. Government, Masses resettlement institutions and management. * Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and Visiting Office, 0 Public participation, information protection policies. Residents' Committee, disclosure and grievance. Investigation Committee, * The rights and protection of the vulnerable Religion Management groups. Commissions and Disabled Federations. 26 persons are. present.

180 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

the project FM of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Agree with the size of water plant, January project and location of Waterworks, the amount of site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 11, 2005 implementing the land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. institutions, * The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of project construction on the per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of * The idea and suggestions on compensation compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 18 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. 0 Agree on the resettlement measures and the * The opinions and suggestions about the rights of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. 0 Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. * Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, information disclosure and * Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. * Ideas and suggestions about the fights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

181 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Cbunt y . t i r bnt ent s of synposi unsa (ci t y) participant agreements AM of The head of the county in charge and the main * Survey of the Project, including the size of * Affirm the size and the location January officials of Development and Reform pipe set and position of project. of the Waterworks and the 12, 2005 Commission, Price Bureau, Finance Bureau, * No displaced people. amount of the land taken or Water Resource Bureau, Construction Bureaus, occupied temporarily. Health Bureaus, Epidemic Prevention Stations, 0 Make sure of the compensation Environmental Protection Bureaus, Civil standard of the town road recovery. Administration Bureau, Public Service Bureau, * Carry out the rights of the Land Bureau, Traffic Bureaus, Planning Bureaus, vulnerable groups and protection Town Government Masses Visiting Office, policies. Residents' Committee, Investigation Committee, Religion Management Commissions and Disabled Federations. 26 persons are present. Kaifeng PM of Land Bureau, project implementing institutions, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size of * Agree with the size of pipe set County January Village Commissions, Public Security pipe set and position of project. and position of project. 12, 2005 Comnmissions, Women Federations, the * Ideas and suggestions about public * Believe that it is necessary to representatives of residents and displaced people. participation, infonnation disclosure and build the water supply pipe set. Altogether 18 persons. grievance. * Agree with the compensation . Ideas and suggestions about the rights and standard of town road recovery protection of the vulnerable groups. through discussion. * Agree on the ways of public participation and information disclosure. * Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and protection policies.

182 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Qunt y ti rnci nt ent s of synposi usments a (ci t y) part pant agreoments the size and the location of the AMof Theheadeofacounty (city)in * Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Affirm charge, the Development and the amount of the land taken or January Reform Commission, Price and location of Waterworks, the amount Waterworks and temporarily. 13, 2005 Bureau, Finance Bureau, of the land taken or occupied temporarily. occupied 13 05Water Resourc Bureau. of young Construction Bureaus, Health 0 The consultative experts introduce the 0 Determine the compensation standard Epidemic Bureaus, project construction on the crops, land resettlement allowance, articles affixed Prevention Stations, effect of roads. Environmental Protection displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland and town Civil Administration Bureaus, Policies 4.12 of the . Determine the range standard of deciding the Bureau, Public Service 6 The Operational Project.. Bureau, Land Bureau, Traffic Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected by the Bureaus, Planning Bureaus, and supervision ways of Town Government, Masses * The relevant laws, regulations and 0 Determine the procedures compensation. 6 Visiting Office, Resigation policies on land taking. The compensation distributing the rights Committee, Religion standard is set be the actual situation. 0 Determine the resettlement measures and Mengjin Management Commissions people. County and Disabled * The ways of deciding the material object of the displaced Federations. 30 targets affected by the Project. 0 Determine the ways of public participation and persons are * The procedure and supervision of information disclosure. present. distributing compensation. 0 Determine the ways and methods of carrying out * The resettlement policies and measures. the relevant resettlement policies of the World * The rights of the displaced people; the Bank and our government. resettlement institutions and management. 0 Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Public participation, information protection policies. disclosure and grievance.. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

183 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

FM of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size * Agree with the size of water plant, the project January project and location of Waterworks, the amount site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 13, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. institutions, 0 The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, * The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of project construction on the per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. * By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of * The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Especially discuss how many houses will restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 31 be removed and how much money will be * Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. compensated. object targets affected by the Project. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of 0 Agree on the procedures and supervision way of deciding the material object targets distributing compensation. affected by the Project. * Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights * The opinions and suggestions about the of the displaced people. procedure and supervision of distributing * Agree on the ways of public participation and compensation. information disclosure. * The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and resettlement policies and measures. protection policies. * Discussion on the rights of the displaced 0 Discuss the ways of rearranging land. people. * Ideas and suggestions about public participation, information disclosure and . grievance. * Ideas and suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups. 184 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(bunt y t i r p i Cbnt ent s of syryposi urme (ci t y) part C pant agreements and the location of the AM of The head of the county * Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Affirm the size in charge and the main amount of the land taken or January officials ofdDevelpment and location of Waterworks, the amount of Waterworks and the 14, 2005 and Reform the land taken or occupied temporarily. occupied temporarily. Commission, Price * The consultative experts introduce the 0 Determine the compensation standard of young Bureau, Finance Bureau, effect of project construction on the crops, land resettlement allowance, articles affixed Water Resource Bureau, and town roads. Construction Bureaus, displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland the Health Bureaus, * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the 0 Determine the range standard of deciding Epidemic Prevention Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected by the Project.. Stations, Environmental ways of Protection Bureaus, Civil * The relevant laws, regulations and 0 Determine the procedures and supervision Administration Bureau, policies on land taking. The compensation distributing compensation. 7. Public Service Bureau, standard is set be the actual situation. 0 Determine the resettlement measures and the rights Yiyunt Land Bureau, Traffning The ways of deciding the material object of the displaced people. County Bureaus, Town targets affected by the Project. 0 Determine the ways of public participation and Government, Masses * The procedure and supervision of information disclosure. Visiting Office, out Residents' Committee, distributing compensation. * Determine the ways and methods of carrying Investigation 0 The resettlement policies and measures. the relevant resettlement policies of the World Committee, Religion * The -rights of the displaced people; the Bank and our government. Management and resettlement institutions and management. 0 Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and

Disabled Federations. 29 0 Public participation, information protection policies. persons are present. disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the .______vulnerable groups.

185 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

PM of Land Bureau, * Survey of the Project, including the size * Agree with the size of water plant, the project site, January project and location of Waterworks, the amount of the amount of the land taken or occupied 14, 2005 implementing the land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. institutions, 0 The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of project construction on the per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. * By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of * The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 17 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. * Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights * The opinions and suggestions about the of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. 0 Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. * Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, information disclosure and 0 Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. * Ideas and suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

186 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(unty tin part i ci pant Oontents af s agreements (cit y) AM of The head of a county, * Survey of the Project, including the size and * Affirm the size and the location of the Waterworks and January the Development and location of Waterworks, the amount of the land the amount of the land taken or occupied temporarily. 15, 2005 Reform Commission, taken or occupied temporarily. 0 Determine the compensation standard of young crops, land Price Bureau, * The consultative experts introduce the effect of resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, restoration Finance Bureau, project construction on the displaced people. of farmland and town roads. Water Resource 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the Involuntary * Determine the range standard of deciding the material Bureau, Construction Settlement and its annex. object targets affected by the Project.. ways of Bureaus, . Health * The relevant laws, regulations and policies on * Determine the procedures and supervision Bureaus, Epidemic land taking. The compensation standard is set be distributing compensation. Prevention Stations, the actual situation. * Determine the resettlement measures and the rights of the Environmental * The ways of deciding the material object targets displaced people. Protection Bureaus, affected by the Project. , * Determine the ways of public participation and information Civil Administration * The procedure and supervision of distributing disclosure. out the 8. Bureau, Public compensation. * Determine the ways and methods of carrying and our Song Service Bureau, Land 0 The resettlement policies and measures. relevant resettlement policies of the World Bank County Bureau, Traffic * The rights of the displaced people; the government. Bureaus, Planning resettlement institutions and management. * Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and Bureaus, Town * Public participation, information disclosure and protection policies. Government, Masses grievance. Visiting Office, * The rights and protection *of the vulnerable Residents' groups. Committee, Investigation Committee, Religion Management Commissions and Disabled Federations. 28 persons are present.

187 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

PM of Land Bureau, project * Survey of the Project, including the size and * Agree with the size of water plant, the project site, the January implementing location of Waterworks, the amount of the land amount of the land taken or occupied temporarily. 15,2005 institutions, Village taken or occupied temporarily. 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water plant;

Commissions, Public * The opinions and suggestions about the affected mention the compensation for land taken, the Security people about land taking. construction of farmland facilities and output per mu; Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the effect of resettlement allowance is used to help displaced people to Women Federations, project construction on the displaced people. develop planting, breeding and raising and business to the representatives of * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the Involuntary increase their income. residents and Settlement and its annex. * By discussion, an agreement is reached on the displaced people. 0 The idea and suggestions on compensation compensation standard of young crops, land, resettlement Altogether 19 standard. allowance, articles affixed to land, restoration of persons. 0 Opinions and suggestions of the ways of farmland and roads. deciding the material object targets affected by * Agree on the standard of deciding the material object the Project. targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. 0 Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights of the * The opinions and suggestions about the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. * Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced people. information disclosure. * Ideas and suggestions about public participation, * Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and information disclosure and grievance. protection policies. * Ideas and suggestions abbut the rights and * Discuss the ways of rearrariging land. protection of the vulnerable groups.

188 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

agreements Cbunt y ti part i ci pant (ntents of synposi u (ci t y) of the Waterworks and PM of The head of the * Survey of the Project, including the size and * Affirm the size and the location temporarily. January county in charge and location of Waterworks, the amount of the land the amount of the land taken or occupied temporarily. * Determine the compensation standard of young crops, land 16, 2005 the main officials of taken or occupied restoration Development- and * The consultative experts introduce the effect of resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, Reform Commission, project construction on the displaced people. of farmland and town roads. the material Price Bureau, 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the Involuntary * Determine the range standard of deciding Finance Bureau, Settlement and its annex. object targets affected by the Project.. ways of Water Resource 0 The relevant laws, regulations and policies on * Determine the .procedures and supervision Bureau, Construction land taking. The compensation standard is set be distributing compensation. rights of the Bureaus, Health the actual situation. * Determine the resettlement measures and the Bureaus, Epidemic 0 The ways of deciding the material object targets displaced people. information Prevention Stations, affected by the Project. * Determine the ways of public participation and Environmental * The procedure and supervision of distributing disclosure. carrying out the Protection Bureaus, compensation. * Determine the ways and methods of of the World Bank and our 9. Civil Administration * The resettlement policies and measures. relevant resettlement policies Baofeng Bureau, Public 0 The rights of the displaced people; the govemment. of the vulnerable groups and County Service Bureau, Land resettlement institutions and management. * Carry out the rights Bureau, Traffic * Public participation, information disclosure and protection policies. Bureaus, Planning grievance. Bureaus, Town * The rights and protection of the vulnerable Govemment, Masses groups. Visiting Office, Residents' Committee, Investigation Committee, Religion Management Commissions and Disabled Federations. 30 persons are present. 189 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

P\l of Land Bureau, project * Survey of the Project, including the size and * Agree with the size of water plant, the project site, the January implementing location of Waterworks, the amount of the land amount of the land taken or occupied temporarily. 16,2005 institutions, Village taken or occupied temporarily. * Believe that it is necessary to build the water plant; Commissions, Public 0 The opinions and suggestions about the affected mention the compensation for land taken, the Security people about land taking. construction of farmland facilities and output per mu; Commrissions, * The consultative experts introduce the effect of resettlement allowance is used to help displaced people to Women Federations, project construction on the displaced people. develop planting, breeding and raising and business to the representatives of 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the Involuntary increase their income. residents and Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the displaced people. 0 The idea and suggestions on compensation compensation standard of young crops, land, resettlement Altogether 21 standard. allowance, articles affixed to land, restoration of persons. 0 Opinions and suggestions of the ways of farmland and roads. deciding the material object targets affected by * Agree on the standard of deciding the material object the Project. targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. * Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights of the * The opinions and suggestions about the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. * Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced people. information disclosure. * Ideas and suggestions about public participation, * Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and information disclosure and grievance. protection policies. * Ideas and suggestions about the rights and * Discuss the ways-of rearranging land. protection of the vulnerable groups.

190 ReseHtlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project bunt y tine parti nt ent s of syosi ur (city) ci pant agreesents the Waterworks and AM of The head of the 0 Survey of the Project, including the size and * Affirm the size and the location of of the land taken or occupied temporarily. January county in charge and location of Waterworks, the amount of the land the amount standard of young crops, land 17, 2005 the main officials of taken or occupied temporarily. 0 Determine the compensation Development -and 0 The consultative experts introduce the effect of resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, restoration Reform Commission, project construction on the displaced people. of farmland and town roads. Price Bureau, * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the Involuntary * Determine the range standard of deciding the material Finance Bureau, Settlement and its annex. object targets affected by the Project.. of Water Resource 0 The relevant laws, regulations and policies on * Determine the procedures and supervision ways Bureau, Construction land taking. The compensation standard is set be distributing compensation. of the Bureaus, Health the actual situation. * Determine the resettlement measures and the rights Bureaus, Epidemic * The ways of deciding the material object targets displaced people. information Prevention Stations, affected by the Proj.ect. * Determine the ways of public participation and Environmental * The procedure and supervision of distributing disclosure. Protection Bureaus, compensation. * Determine the ways and methods of carrying out the Bank and our 10. Civil Administration * The resettlement policies and measures. relevant resettlement policies of the World Jia Bureau, Public 0 The rights of the displaced people; the government. and County Service Bureau, Land resettlement institutions and management. * Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups Bureau, Traffic * Public participation, information disclosure and protection policies. Bureaus, Planning grievance. Bureaus, Town * The rights and protection of the vulnerable Government, Masses groups. Visiting Office, Residents' Committee, Investigation Committee, Religion Management Commissions and Disabled Federations. 26 persons are present. . 191 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

RF of Land Bureau, project * Survey of the Project, including the size and * Agree with the size of water plant, the project site, the January implementing location of Waterworks, the amount of the land amount of the land taken or occupied temporarily. 17,2005 institutions, Village taken or occupied temporarily. * Believe that it is necessary to build the water plant; Commissions, Public 0 The opinions and suggestions about the affected mention the compensation for land - taken, the Security people about land taking. construction of farmland facilities and output per mu; Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the effect of resettlement allowance is used to help displaced people to Women Federations, project construction on the displaced people. develop planting, breeding and raising and business to the representatives of * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the Involuntary increase their income. residents and Settlement and its annex. * By discussion, an agreement is reached on the displaced people. 0 The idea and suggestions on compensation compensation standard of young crops, land, resettlement Altogether 18 standard. allowance, articles affixed to land, restoration of persons. 0 Opinions and suggestions of the ways of farmland and roads. deciding the material object targets affected by 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material object the Project. targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. * Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights of the * The opinions and suggestions about the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. * Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the.rights of the displaced people. information disclosure. * Ideas and suggestions about public participation, 0 Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and information disclosure and grievance. protection policies. .0 Ideas and suggestidns about the rights and' * Discuss the ways of rearranging land. protection of the vulnerable groups.

192 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(bunt y ti ne p pCnt ent s of synosi urrss Cltet ofn sagreements (Cl(cty t y) par ti 0 Affirm the size and the location of the p of The head of the county in * Survey of the Project, including the size charge and the main officials and the amount of the land taken or January of Development and Reform and location of Waterworks, the amount of Waterworks Commission, Price Bureau, the land taken or occupied temporarily, occupied temporarily. 18, 2005 Finance Bureau, Water Resource Bureau, 0 The consultative experts introduce the 0 Determine the compensation standard of young Construction Bureaus, Health allowance, articles affixed Bureaus, Epidemic Prevention effect of project construction on the crops, land resettlement Stations, Environmental displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland and town roads. Protection Bureaus, Civil of deciding the Administration Bureau, 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the 0 Determine the range standard Public Service Bureau, Land Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected by the Project.. Bureau, Traffic Bureaus, and supervision ways of Planning Bureaus, Town * The relevant laws, regulations and * Determine the procedures distributing compensation. 11 Government, Masses Visiting policies on land taking. The compensation Investigation Committee, standard is set be the actual situation. * Determine the resettlement measures and the rights Religion Management 0 T w Lushan object of the displaced people. Commissions and Disabled * The ways of decidig the matenal of public participation and County Federations. 28 targets affected by the Project. 0 Determine the ways persons are 0 The procedure and supervision of information disclosure. out present. distributing compensation. 0 Determine the ways and methods of carrying * The resettlement policies and measures. the relevant resettlement policies of the World * The rights of the displaced people; the Bank and our government. resettlement institutions and management. 0 Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Public participation, information protection policies. disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

193 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Dralage) Project

PM of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Agree with the size of water plant, the project site, January project and location of Waterworks, the amount of the amount of the land taken or occupied 18, 2005 implementing the land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. institutions, 0 .The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant. Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the Public Security effect of project construction on the compensation standard of young crops, land, Commissions, displaced people. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, Women 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the restoration of farmland and roads. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material representatives of * The idea and suggestions on object targets affected by the Project. residents and compensation standard. 0 Agree on the procedures and supervision way of displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of distributing compensation. Altogether 20 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights persons. affected by the Project. of the displaced people. * The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Agree on the ways of public participation and procedure and supervision of distributing information disclosure. compensation. 0 Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * The opinions and suggestions about the protection policies. resettlement policies and measures. * Discussion on the rights of the displaced people. * Ideas and suggestions. about public participation, information disclosure and grievance. * Ideas and suggestions about the rights'and protection of the vulnerable groups.

194 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(bunty tine part i ci pant agreements (city) the size and the location of the AM of The head of the county in * Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Affirm charge and the main officials and the amount of the land taken or January of Development and Reform and location of Waterworks, the amount Waterworks Bureau, land taken or occupied temporarily. occupied temporarily. 19 2005 FCommission, Price of the standard of young Resource Bureau, 0 The consultative experts introduce the 0 Determine the compensation Contsruction Bureaus, articles affixed Epidemic effect of project construction on the crops, land resettlement allowance, Health Bureaus. town roads. Prevention Stations, displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland and Environmental Protection standard of deciding the Bureaus, Civil 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the 0 Determine the range affected by the Project.. AdminiStration Bureau, Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets Public Service Bureau, Land and supervision ways of Bureau, Traffic Bureaus, 0 The relevant laws, regulations and * Determine the procedures

Planrnint.Bueases, Tpolicies on land taking. The distributing compensation. Govemrnent, Masses the rights Visiting Office, Residents' compensation standard is set be the actual * Determine the resettlement measures and Xiixiang Committee, Investigation people. Committee, Religion situation. of the displaced public participation and MandDisabled Federafions 0 The ways of deciding the material object 0 Determine the ways of 26 persons are targets affected by the Project. information disclosure. out present. * The procedure and supervision of * Determine the ways and methods of carrying distributing compensation. the relevant resettlement policies of the World * The resettlement policies and measures. Bank and our government. * The rights of the displaced people; the * Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and resettlement institutions and management. protection policies. * Public participation, information disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups. .

195 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

PM of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Agree with the size of water plant, the project January project and location of Waterworks, the amount site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 19, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. institutions, 0 The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of project construction, on the per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of * The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 18 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. * Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights * The opinions and suggestions about the of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. * Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. 0 Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, .information disclosure and grievance. * Ideas and suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

196 **d

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(cbunt y tpart bnt ent s of synposi urr agreements ( ci t y) prtic atareet and the location of the AM of The hiead of the county In * Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Affirm the size charge and the main the amount of the land taken or January officials of Development and location of Waterworks, the amount Waterworks and 20a2005 Price Bureau, Finance of the land taken or occupied temporarily. occupied temporarily. of young Bureau, Water Resource * The consultative experts introduce the * Determine the compensation standard Bureau, Construction affixed Health Bureaus, effect of project construction on the crops, land resettlement allowance, articles Bureaus, roads. Epidemic Prevention displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland and town Stations, Environmentalpep.lad deciding the Protection Bureaus, Civil 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the 0 Determine the range standard of Administration Bureau, Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected by the Project.. Public Service Bureau. supervision ways of Land Bureau, Traffic * The relevant laws, regulations and * Determine the procedures and Bureaus, Planning Bureaus, policies on land taking. The distributing compensation. Town Government, Masses the rights Visiting Office, Residents' compensation standard is set be the actual * Determine the resettlement measures and 13. Committee, Investigation Committee, Religion situation. of the displaced people. 13.nyang the ways of public participation and Yuanyang Management Commissions 0 The ways of deciding the material object 0 Determine Project. information disclosure. Federations. 30 targets affected by the of carrying out Federations. ae * The procedure and supervision of * Determine the ways and methods present. distributing compensation. the relevant resettlement policies of the World * The resettlement policies and measures. Bank and our government. * The rights of the displaced people; the * Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and resettlement institutions and protection policies. management. * Public participation, information disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

197 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

R\ of Land Bureau, * Survey of the Project, including the size * Agree with the size of water plant, the project January project and location of Waterworks, the amount site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 20, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. institutions, 0 The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of project construction on the per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives 0 The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, of residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 28 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. 0 Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights * The opinions and suggestions about the of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. 0 Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. * Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, information disclosure and * Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. * Ideas and suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

198 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(bunt y ti ne pe(nnt ent s of sysposi uns (ci t y) part pant n of ae n the location of the of The head of the county in * Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Affirm the size and AM charge and the main officials the amount of the land taken or January of Development and Reform and location of Waterworks, the amount Waterworks and Commission, Price Bureau, of the land taken or occupied temporarily. occupied temporarily. 21, 2005 Finance Bureaus, Water Resource Bureau, 0 The consultative experts introduce the 0 Determine the compensation standard of young Construction Bureaus, Health articles affixed Bureaus, Epidemic effect of project construction on the crops, land resettlement allowance, Prevention Stations, displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland and town roads. Environmental Protection deciding the Bureaus, Civil * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the 0 Determine the range standard of Administration Bureau, Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected by the Project.. Puhlic Service Bureaul, Land ways of Bureau, Traffic Bureaus, 0 The relevant laws, regulations and * Determine the procedures and supervision compensation. 14. GoverPlanningBureaus, Tovn policies on land taking. The compensation distributing Office, Residents' standard is set be the actual situation. 0 Determine the resettlement measures and the rights Fengqiu Commiuee. Investigation.. displaced people. (feoiun Committee, Religion 0 The ways of deciding the material object of the and C-ounty Management Commissions targets affected by the Project. 0 Determine the ways of public participation and Disabledsuevio Federationls. 26 * The procedure and supervision of information disclosure. persons are distributing compensation. 0 Determine the ways and methods of carrying out present. * The resettlement policies and measures. the relevant resettlement policies of the World * The rights of the displaced people; the Bank and our government. resettlement institutions and management. 0 Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Public participation, information protection policies. disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

199 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

PM of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size * Agree with the size of water plant, the project site, January project and location of Waterworks, the amount the amount of the land taken or occupied 21, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. 2,2005 institutions, 0 The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of the project construction on per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people.. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of * The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 18 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. * Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights * The opinions and suggestions about the of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. 0 Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. * Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, information disclosure and * Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. * Ideas and suggestions abolit the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

200 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(bunt y ti ne i (bnt ent s of syrrposi urs parti| cl pant agreements (Cl(c.y t y) size and the location of the AM of The head of the county in * Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Affirm the charge and the main and the amount of the land taken or January officials of Development and location of Waterworks, the amount Waterworks and Reform Commission, of the land taken or occupied occupied temporarily. 22, 2005 Price Bureau, Finance of young Bureau. Water Resource temporarily. 0 Determine the compensation standard articles affixed HealthC Bureaus, The consultative experts introduce the crops, land resettlement allowance, Bureaus, town roads. Epidemic Prevention effect of the project construction on to land, restoration of farmland and Stations, Environmental of deciding the Bureaus, Civil displaced people.. * Determine the range standard Protection Project.. Administration BUreau * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the material object targets affected by the supervision ways of Land Bureau, Traffic Involuntary Settlement and its annex. * Determine the procedures and Bureaus, Planning * The relevant laws, regulations and distributing compensation. Bureaus, Town and the rights Govemment, Masses policies on land taking. The * Determine the resettlement measures Visiting Office, Residents' c s i s b t 15. Committee, Investigation compensation standard IS set be the of the displaced people. Determine the ways of public participation and Xiangcheng Committee, Religion actual situation. * County Management and * The ways of deciding the material object informationdisclosure. Commnissions aninomtodscsue of carrying out Disabled Federations. targets affected by the Project. * Determine the ways and methods 26 persons are * The procedure and supervision of the relevant resettlement policies of the World present. distributing compensation. Bank and our government. * The resettlement policies and measures. 0 Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and * The rights of the displaced people; the protection policies. resettlement institutions and management. * Public participation, information disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

201 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Dralage) Project

R\/ of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Agree with the size of water plant, the project January project and location of Waterworks, the amount site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 22, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily. institutions, temporarily. 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village 0 The opinions and suggestions about the plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, affected people about land taking. the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security 0 The consultative experts introduce the per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, effect of the project construction on displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women displaced people.. and raising and business to increase their Federations, the * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the income. representatives Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the of residents and * The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, displaced compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 18 deciding the material object targets * Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. 0 Agree on the resettlement measures and the * The opinions and suggestions about the rights of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. 0 Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. 0 Agree on the- rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, information disclosure and 0 Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. * Ideas and suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

202 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(bunt y tine i ci pant Opart(,nt ent s of synposi uns agreements (ci t y) PriC atareet the size and the location of the of The head of the county in * Survey of the Project, including the size * Affirm AM charge and the main officials and the amount of the land taken or January of Development and Reform and location of Waterworks, the amount Waterworks 23 2005 Commission, Pnce Bureau, of the land taken or occupied temporarily. occupied temporarily. compensation standard of young Resource Bureau, 0 The consultative experts introduce the * Determine the Constrction Bureaus, articles affixed Epidemic effect of project construction on the crops, land resettlement allowance, Health Bureaus, and town roads. Prevention Stations, displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland Environmental Protectionpep.lad of deciding the civil * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the 0 Determine the range standard Bureaus, by the Project.. Administration Bureau, Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected Public Service Bureau, Land and supervision ways of Bureau, Traffic Bureaus, 0 The relevant laws, regulations and * Determine the procedures Planning Bureaus, Town policies on land taking. The distributing compensation. Govemment, Masses Determine the resettlement measures and the rights 16. Visiting Office, Residents' compensation standard is set be the actual * Committee, Investigation of the displaced people. Shanxian Committee, Religion situation. the ways of public participation and County Management Commissions * The ways of deciding the material object * Determine

Federatos. 27 targets affected by the Project. information disclosure. carrying out persons are * The procedure and supervision of * Determine the ways and methods of the World present. distributing compensation. the relevant resettlement policies of . The resettlement polizies and measures. Bank and our government. * The rights of the displaced people; the * Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and resettlement institutions and management. protection policies. * Public participation, information disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

203 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

FR\ of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size * Agree with the size of water plant, the project January project and location of Waterworks, the amount site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 23, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. institutions, * The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of the project construction on per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people.. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of * The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 19 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. 0 Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights * The opinions and suggestions about the of the displaced people. . resettlement policies and measures. 0 Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. 0 Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, information disclosure and * Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. . 0 Ideas and suggeations about the rights afid protection of the vulnerable groups.

204 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(bunt y t i ne Aint ent s of synposi urm (ci t y) part i ci pant agreements and position of AM of The head of the county in * Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Make sure of the size of pipe set charge and the main officials January of Development and Reform of pipe set and position of project(no project. Commission, Ptice Bureau of town 24, 2005 CmFinanceBureau, Wru expropriated land, No displaced people). * Make sure of the compensation standard Resource Bureau, 0 Public participation, information road recovery through discussion. Consttmction Bureaus, Health Bureaus, Epidemic disclosure and grievance. 0 Determine the ways of public participation and disclosure. 1 Prevention Stations, The weak group's rights and protection. information rgt unF 'u n Environmental Protection and Bureaus, Civil . Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups 17. Administration Bureau, Public Service Bureau, Land protection policies. Yima Bureau, Traffic Bureaus, City Planning Bureaus, Town Govemment, Masses Visiting Office, Residents' Committee, Investigation Committee, Religion Management Commissions and Disabled Federations. 26 persons are present. .

205 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

PM of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Agree with the size of pipe set and position of January project of pipe set and position of project. project. 24, 2005 implementing 0 Ideas and suggestions about public * Believe that it is necessary to build the water institutions, participation, information disclosure and plant. Village grievance. * Agree with the compensation standard of town Commissions, 0 Ideas and suggestions about the rights and road recovery through discussion. Public Security protection of the vulnerable groups. 0 Agree on the ways of public participation and Commissions, information disclosure. Women 0 Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and Federations, the protection policies. representatives of residents and displaced people. Altogether 18 persons.

206 *

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(bunt y t ine p ant ent s of synposi uns agreements (cl(c.y t y) par ti ci pant of The head of the couLty in * Survey of the Project, including the size * Affirm the size and the location of the AM charge and the main officials January of Development and Reform and location of Waterworks, the amount Waterworks and the amount of the land taken or 25, 2005 Commission, Price Bureau, of the land taken or occupied temporarily. occupied temporarily. 2205Finance Bureau, Water Resource Bureau, 0 The consultative experts introduce the * Determine the compensation standard of young Construction Bureaus, Health Bureaus, Epidemic effect of project construction on the crops, land resettlement allowance, articles affixed Prevention Stations, displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland and town roads. Environmental Protection Bureaus, Civil 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the 0 Determine the range standard of deciding the Administration Bureau, Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected by the Project.. Public Service Bureau, Land Bureau, Traffic Bureaus, 0 The relevant laws, regulations and 0 Determine the procedures and supervision ways of Planning Bureaus, Town policies on land taking. The compensation distributing compensation. 18. ~~Government, Massesnlad Tedsrbtgcopsti. Visiting Office, Residents' standard is set be the actual situation. 0 Determine the resettlement measures and the rights Suixian Committee, Investigation T . Committee, Religion * The ways of decidig the matenal object of the displaced people. County Management targets affected bythe Project. 0 Determine the ways of public participation and Commrissions and b Prjc. pulcpricpto.n Disabled Federations. * The procedure and supervision of information disclosure. 28 persons are distributing compensation. * Determine the ways and methods of carrying out present. 0 The resettlement policies and measures. the relevant resettlement policies of the World * The rights of the displaced people; the Bank and our government. resettlement institutions and management. 0 Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Public participation, information protection policies. disclosure and grievance. * The rights . and protection of the vulnerable groups.

207 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

R\A of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Agree with the size of water plant, the project January project and location of Waterworks, the amount site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 25, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily, temporarily. institutions, 0 The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of the project construction on per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people.. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of * The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 28 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. * Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights * The opinions and suggestions about the of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. 0 Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. 0 Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, information disclosure and 0 Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. * Ideas and 'suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

208 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(bunt y t i rne participant (nt ent s of syriposi uns agreements (ci t y) par t_i_ci_pant_agreements m of The head of the county in * Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Affirm the size and the location of the charge and the main officials taken or January of Development and Reform and location of Waterworks, the amount of Waterworks and the amount of the land 26, 2005 Commission, Price Bureau, the land taken or occupied temporarily, occupied temporarily. Resource Bureau, * The consultative experts introduce the 0 Determine the compensation standard of young Construction Bureaus. Health Bureaus, Epidemic Prevention effect of project construction on the crops, land resettlement allowance, articles affixed Stations, Environmental displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland and town roads. Protection Bureaus, Civil Administration Bureau, 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the 0 Determine the range standard of deciding the Public Service Bureau, Land Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected by the Project.. Bureau. Traffic Bureaus, Planning Bureaus, Town 0 The relevant laws, regulations and * Determine the procedures and supervision ways of

19. Govemment, Masses Visiting policies on land taking. The compensation distributing compensation. Xiayi Investigation Commitee, standard is set be the actual situation. 0 Determine the resettlement measures and the rights Xiayi Religion Management of.dcidig.obect of.te peple Commissions and Disabled * The ways of decidig the material object of the displaced people. County Federations. [1 28 persons targets affected by the Project. 0 Determine the ways of public participation and are present. * The procedure and supervision of information disclosure. distributing compensation. * Determine the ways and methods of carrying out * The resettlement policies and measures. the relevant resettlement policies of the World * The rights of the displaced people; the Bank and our government. resettlement institutions and management. 0 Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Public participation, information protection policies. disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

209 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

PMv of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Agree with the size of water plant, the project site, January project and location of Waterworks, the amount of the amount of the land taken or occupied 26, 2005 implementing the land taken or occupied temporarily, temporarily. institutions, * The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for -land taken, Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of the project construction on per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people.. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. * By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of * The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 25 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. 0 Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights * The opinions and suggestions about the of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. 0 Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. 0 Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, information disclosure and * Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. * Ideas and suggestions about the tights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

210 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(bunt.~ny y tnt i rm partpaticAatOnt ici pant ent s of syriposi urmrseeet agreements (ci ty) t of the PM of The head of the county in * Survey of the Project, including the size * Affirm the size and the location charge and the main taken or January officials of Development and location of Waterworks, the amount Waterworks and the amount of the land 27, 2005 Pince Bureauf Finance of the land taken or occupied temporarily. occupied temporarily. Bureau, Water Resource 0 The consultative experts introduce the 0 Determine the compensation standard of young Bureau, Construction Bureaus, Health Bureaus, effect of project construction on the crops, land resettlement allowance, articles affixed Epidemic Prevention displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland and town roads. Stations, Environmental Protection Bureaus, Civil 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the 0 Determine the range standard of deciding the Administration Bureau, Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected by the Project.. Public Service Bureau, Land Bureau, Traffic * The relevant laws, regulations and * Determine the procedures and supervision ways of Go enausss policies on land taking. The distributing compensation. TownBureaus,Plnng Government, Masses Visiting Office, Residents' compensation standard is set be the actual * Determine the resettlement measures and the rights 20. Committee, Investigation Zhecheng Committee, Religion situation. of the displaced people. Zhecheng Management Commissions 0 The ways of deciding the material object 0 Determine the ways of public participation and County and Disabled2 targets affected by the Project. information disclosure. Fcderations. 26 persons are * The procedure and supervision of * Determine the ways and methods of carrying out present. distributing compensation. the relevant resettlement policies of the World The resettlement policies and measures. Bank and our government. * The rights of the displaced people; the * Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and resettlement institutions and protection policies. management. * Public participation, information disclosure and gnrevance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

211 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

PM of Land Bureau, * Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Agree with the size of water plant, the project January project and location of Waterworks, the amount site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 27, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. institutions, 0 The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of the project construction on per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people.. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of * The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 18 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. * Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights * The opinions and suggestions about the of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. * Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. * Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, information disclosure and * Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. * Ideas and suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

212 * *

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(bunt y ti r pant ent s of syrrosi urm par ti ci pant agreements (Cl(c.y t y) AM of Thie head of a city in * Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Affirm the size and the location of the charge, the Development the land taken or January and Reform Commission, and location of Waterworks, tne amount Waterworks and the amount of Price Bureau, Finance , 28, 2005 Bureau, Water Resource of the land taken or occupied temporarily, occupied temporarily. Bureau, Construction 0 The consultative experts introduce the * Determine the compensation standard of young Bureaus, Health Bureaus, Epidemic Prevention effect of project construction on the crops, land resettlement allowance, articles affixed Stations, Environmental displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland and town roads. Protection Bureaus, Civil Administration Bureau, * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the 0 Determine the range standard of deciding the Land Bureau, Traffc Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected by the Project.. Bureaus, Planning Bureaus, 0 The relevant laws, regulations and 0 Determine the procedures and supervision ways of Towvn Govemment, Mssidents'Masses policiespolcie on land taking. The distributing compensation. Visitingwn GOfieme, Office, Residenta' Committee, Investigation compensation standard is set be the actual * Determine the resettlement measures and the rights 21. Committce, Religion Dengzhou Management Commissions situation. of the displaced people. City and Disabled 0 The ways of.deciding the material object 0 Determine the ways of public participation and City Federations. 26. targets affected by the Project. information disclosure. persons are * The procedure and supervision of * Determine the ways and methods of carrying out present. distributing compensation. the relevant resettlement policies of the World * The resettlement policies and measures. Bank and our government. * The rights of the displaced people; the * Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and resettlement institutions and protection policies. management. * Public participation, information disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

213 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

FM of Land Bureau, * Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Agree with the size of water plant, the project January project and location of Waterworks, the amount site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 28, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily, temporarily. institutions, * The opinions and suggestions about the * Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, * The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of the project construction on per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people.. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives 0 The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, of residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 18 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. CJ affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. * Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights * The opinions and suggestions about the of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. * Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. 0 Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, information disclosure and * Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. *' Ideas and suggestiorifs about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

214 d * d

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(bunt y t i ne Cbnt ent s of synposi urns agreements (cl(c.y t y) par ti ci pant of the The head of the county in * Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Affirm the size and the location AM of charge and the main officials of the land taken or January of Development and Reform -and location of Waterworks, the amount of Waterworks and the amount 29 2005 Commission, Price Bureau, the land taken or occupied temporarily. occupied temporarily. Resource Bureau, 0 The consultative experts introduce the 0 Determine the compensation standard of young Construction Bureaus, Health Bureaus, Epidemic Prevention effect of project construction on the crops, land resettlement allowance, aiticles affixed Stations, Environmental displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland and town roads. Protection Bureaus, Civil Administration - Bureau, 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the 0 Determine the range standard of deciding the Public Service Bureau, Land Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected by the Project.. Bureau, Traffic Bureaus, Planning Bureaus, Town 0 The relevant laws, regulations and * Determine the procedures and supervision ways of Govemment, Masses Visiting policies on land taking. The compensation distributing compensation. Office, Residents' Committee, 22. Investigation Committee, standard is set be the actual situation. 0 Determine the resettlement measures and the rights Xinye CoRlissions and Disabledm The ways of deciding the material object of the displaced people.

Federations. 26 persons are targets affected by the Project. * Determine the ways of public participation and present. 0 The procedure and supervision of information disclosure. distributing compensation. 0 Determine the ways and methods of carrying out * The resettlement policies and measures. the relevant resettlement policies of the World * The rights of the displaced people; the Bank and our government. resettlement institutions and management. 0 Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Public participation, information protection policies. disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

215 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

PM of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Agree with the size of water plant, the project site, January project and location of Waterworks, the amount of the amount of the land taken or occupied 29, 2005 implementing the land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. institutions, * The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of the project construction on per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people.. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of * The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 18 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. * Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights * The opinions and suggestions about the of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. 0 Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. * Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, information disclosure and * Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. * Ideas and suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

216 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(Bunt y t i ne a pt ent s of syrTosi ur asnt (ci t y) part pant n of ant t location of the The head of the coun y i * Survey of the Project, including the size * Affirm the size and the )w of charge and the main officials and the amount of the land taken or January of Development and Reform and location of Waterworks, the amount of Waterworks Commission, Price Bureau, the land taken or occupied temporarily. occupied temporarily. 30, 2005 Finance Bureau,, Water of young Resource Bureau, * The consultative experts introduce the * Determine the compensation standard Construction Bureaus, Health Prevention effect of project construction on the crops, land resettlement allowance, articles affixed Bureaus, Epidemic and town roads. Stations, Envirmmental displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland Protection Bureaus, Civil of deciding the Bureau, 0 Operational Policies 4.12 of the 0 Determine the range standard Administration The by the Project.. Public Service Bureau, Land Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected Bureau, Traffic Bureaus, and supervision ways of Planning Bureaus, Town 0 The relevant laws, regulations and * Determine the procedures Government, Masses Visiting Committee, policies on land taking. The compensation distributing compensation. 23. Office, Residents' the rights Committee, standard is set be the actual situation. 0 Determine the resettlement measures and Investigation . Sheqi Religion Management d of the displaced people. County Commissions and Disabled * The ways of decidig the material object of public participation and Federations. 26 persons are targets affected by the Project. 0 Determine the ways present. 0 The procedure and supervision of information disclosure. distributing compensation. 0 Determine the ways and methods of carrying out * The resettlement policies and measures. the relevant resettlement policies of the World * The rights of the displaced people; the Bank and our government. resettlement institutions and management. * Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Public participation, information protection policies. disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

217 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

PM of Land Bureau, * Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Agree with the size of water plant, the project site, January project and location of Waterworks, the amount of the amount of the land taken or occupied 30, 2005 implementing the land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. institutions, 0 The opinions and suggestions about the * Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of the project construction on per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people.. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the - Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of * The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 18 deciding the material object targets * Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. 0 Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights * The opinions and suggestions about the of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. 0 Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. * Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, information' disclosure and * Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. * Ideas and suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

218 .**

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(Bunt y t i ne part i pant (nt ent s of synposi uns agreements (cl t y) gvl of The head of the county in * Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Affirmn the size and the location of the taken or January of Development and Reform and location of Waterworks, the amount Waterworks and the amount of the land 31, Commssin, PurieaBureau, of the land taken or occupied temporarily. occupied temporarily. 31, 2005 Finance Bureau, Water Resource Bureau, 0 The consultative experts introduce the 0 Determine the compensation standard of young Construction Bureaus, Health Bureaus, Epidemic effect of project construction on the crops, land resettlement allowance, articles affixed Prevention .tations, displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland and town roads. EnVironmental Protection Bureaus, civil * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the 0 Determine the range standard of deciding the Administration Bureau, Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected by the Project.. Public Service Bureau, Land Bureau, Traffic Bureaus, * The relevant laws, regulations and * Determine the procedures and supervision ways of 24. Planning Bureaus, Town policies on land taking. The compensation distributing compensation.

.ichuan Office, Residents' standard is set be the actual situation. * Determine the resettlement measures and the rights Xichuan Committee, Investigation of deciding object Committee, Religion 0 The ways of decidig the material object of the displaced people. County Management Comnmissions targets affected by the Project. 0 Deternine the ways of public participation and and Disabled Federations. 0 The procedure and supervision of information disclosure.

present. distributing compensation. 0 Determnine the ways and methods of carrying out * The resettlement policies and measures. the relevant resettlement policies of the World * The rights of the displaced people; the Bank and our government. resettlement institutions and management. 0 Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Public participation, information protection policies. disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

219 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

PM of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size * Agree with the size of water plant, the project January project and location of Waterworks, the amount site, the amount of.the land taken or occupied 31, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. institutions, 0 The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, * The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of the project construction on per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people.. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of 0 The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 18 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. 0 Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights * The opinions and suggestions about the of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. * Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. 0 Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, information disclosure and * Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. * Ideas and suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

220 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Dralage) Project

bunti rie y t (>~~~~Qntent s of synrposi urrs unty tine part i ci pant agreements (ci t y) AM The head of the county in 0 Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Affirm the size and the location of the of charge and the main officials Febr uar y of Development and Reform and location of Waterworks, the amount Waterworks and the amount of the land taken or Commission, Price Bureau, of the land taken or occupied temporarily. occupied temporarily. 1 8, 2005 Finance Bureau, Water Resource Bureau, 0 The consultative experts introduce the 0 Determine the compensation standard of young Construction Bureaus, Health Bureaus, Epidemic effect of project construction on the crops, land resettlement allowance, articles affixed Prevention Stations, displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland and town roads. Environmental Protechon Bureaus, Civil 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the * Determine the range standard of deciding the Administration Bureau, Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected by the Project.. Public Serice Bureau, Land Bureau, Traffic Bureaus, 0 The relevant laws, regulations and * Determine the procedures and supervision ways of

Govemment, Masses policies on land taking. The distributing compensation. Visiting Office, Residents' compensation standard is set be the * Determine the resettlement measures and the rights 25. Committee, Investigation Q snCommittee,Religion actual situation. of the displaced people. Queshan Management Commissions * The ways of deciding the material object * Determine the ways of public participation and County and Disabled targets affected by the Project. information disclosure. Federations. 2 and supervision of * Determine the ways and methods of carrying out persons are * The procedure present. distributing compensation. the relevant resettlement policies of the World . The resettlement policies and measures. Bank and our government. * The rights of the displaced people; the * Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and resettlement institutions and protection policies. management. * Public participation, information disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

221 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

PM of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size * Agree with the size of water plant, the project February project and location of Waterworks, the amount site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 18, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. institutions, 0. The opinions and suggestions about the * Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of the project construction on per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people.. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women. * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. * By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of * The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 18 deciding the material object targets * Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. * Agree on the resettlement measures and the * The opinions and suggestions about the rights of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. * Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. * Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, information disclosure and * Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. * Ideas and suggestions about 'the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

222 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(Bunt y ti r p . (Qntent s of synposi urn (ci ty) part I Ci pant agreements location of the of The head of the county in * Survey of the Project, including the size * Affirm the size and the AM charge and the main officials of the land taken or Febr uar y of Development and Reform and location of Waterworks, the amount Waterworks and the amount

19, 2005 Commission, Price Bureau, of the land taken or occupied temporarily. occupied temporarily. Resource Bureau, 0 The consultative experts introduce the 0 Determine the compensation standard of young Constuction Bureaus, Health Bureaus, Epidemic effect of project construction on the crops, land resettlement allowance, articles affixed roads. Prevention Staeions, displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland and town Environmental Protection of deciding the Bureaus, Civil * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the * Determine the range standard the Project.. PubAic Service Bureau, Land Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected by ways of Bureau, Truffic Bureaus, * The relevant laws, regulations and * Determine the procedures and supervision Planning Bureaus, Tiositn policies on land taking. The distributing compensation. Government, Masses Visiting the resettlement measures and the rights 26. Office, Residents' compensation standard is set be the actual 0 Determine Xincai Committee, Investigation situation. Xincai ~~~~~Commifttee,Religion the displaced people. ManagementComminee, eisions sltuatlon.of the ways of public participation and County Management Commissions * The ways of deciding the material object * Determine and Disabled Federations. E 26 persons are targets affected by the Project. information disclosure. present. 0 The procedure and supervision of 0 Determine the ways and methods of carrying out distributing compensation. the relevant resettlement policies of the World * The resettlement policies and measures. Bank and our government. * The rights of the displaced people; the 0 Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and resettlement institutions and management. protection policies. * Public participation, information disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

223 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

RFM of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Agree with the size of water plant, the project February project and location of Waterworks, the amount site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 19, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. institutions, 0 The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of the project construction on per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people.. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of * The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 18 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. * Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights * The opinions and suggestions about the of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. 0 Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. 0 Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, .information disclosure and 0 Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. * Ideas and suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

224 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Abunt y t i re .i Cbnt ent s of synposi urrs Cl pant agreements (Cl(. t yY) partiX of the M of The head of the county in * Survey of the Project, including the size * Affirm the size and the location charge and the main officials of the land taken or February of Development and Reform and location of Waterworks, the amount Waterworks and the amount

20, 2005 FComission, Prce Bureau, of the land taken or occupied temporarily. occupied temporarily. Resource Bureau, * The consultative experts introduce the * Determine the compensation standard of young Construction BureauLs, Health affixed Bureaus, Epidemic effect of project construction on the crops, land resettlement allowance, articles Prevention Stations, displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland and town roads. Environmental Protection the Bureaus, Civil * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the * Determine the range standard of deciding Administration Bureau, Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected by the Project.. Public Service Bureau, Land of Bureau, Traffic Bureaus, * The relevant laws, regulations and * Determine the procedures and supervision ways Planning Bureaus, Town policies on land taking. The distributing compensation. Government.t Masses Visitingon ldTh measures and the rights 27. Office, Residents' compensation standard is set be the actual * Determine the resettlement Committee, Investigation Xipinig Committee, Religion situation. of the displaced people. of public participation and County Management Commissions * The ways of deciding the material object 0 Determine the ways and Disabled Federations. 26 persons are present. targets affected by the Project. information disclosure. * The procedure and supervision of * Determine the ways and methods of carrying out distributing compensation. the relevant resettlement policies of the World * The resettlement policies and measures. Bank and our government. * The rights of the displaced people; the * Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and resettlement institutions and management. protection policies. * Public participation, information disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

225 Resettlement Planning Report-of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

FM of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size * Agree with the size of water plant, the project February project and location of Waterworks, the amount site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 20, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. institutions, 0 The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of the project construction on per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people.. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. * By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of * The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 18 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. * Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights * The opinions and suggestions about the of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. 0 Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. * Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, information disclosure and * Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. * Ideas and suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

226 **d

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(bunt y ti ne pbnt ent s of synposi urm t icipant agreements (cit y)(ciy)par AM of The head of the county in * Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Affirm the size and the location of the charge and the main taken or Febr uar y officials of Development and location of Waterworks, the amount Waterworks and the amount of the land and Reform Commission, o 21, 2005 Price Bureau, Finance of the land taken or occupied occupied temporanly Bureau, Water Resource temporarily. * Determine the compensation standard of young Bureau. Constmction Bureaus, Health Bureaus, The consultative experts introduce the crops, land resettlement allowance, articles affixed Epidemic Prevention effect of project construction on the to land, restoration of farmland and town roads. Stations, Environmental Protection Bureaus, Civil displaced people. * Determine the range standard of deciding the

PubAic Servioc Bureau 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the material object targets affected by the Project.. Land Bureau, Traffic Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 Determine the procedures and supervision ways of Bureats, Planning Bureass, * The relevant laws, regulations and - distributing compensation. Town Govemment, Masses dsTbtn opnain Visiting Office, Residents' policies on land taking. The 0 Determine the resettlement measures and the Committee, Investigation compensation standard is set be the rights of the displaced people. 28. Committee. Religion Zhengyang Management actual situation. 0 Determine the ways of public participation and County Commissions and * The ways of deciding the material object information disclosure. Disabled Federations. 26 persons are targets affected by the Project. 0 Deterrnine the ways and methods of carrying out present. * The procedure and supervision of the relevant resettlement policies of the World distributing compensation. Bank and our government. * The resettlement policies and measures. 0 Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and * The rights of the displaced people; the protection policies. resettlement institutions and management. * Public participation, information disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

227 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

PM of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Agree with the size of water plant, the project February project and location of Waterworks, the amount site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 21, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily. institutions, temporarily. 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village 0 The opinions and suggestions about the plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, affected people about land taking. the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security * The consultative experts introduce the per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, effect of the project construction on displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women displaced people.. and raising and business to increase their Federations, the * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the income. representatives Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the of residents and * The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, displaced people. compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, Altogether 20 * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. persons. deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing compensation. distributing compensation. * Agree on the resettlement measures and the * The opinions and suggestions about the rights of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. 0 Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. 0 Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, information disclosure and * Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. * Ideas and suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

228 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

C)unt y ti ne c pbnt ent s of agreements (ci ty) parti

AM of The head of the county in * Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Affimi the size and the location of the charge and the main officials Febr uar y of Development and Reform and location of Waterworks, the amount Waterworks and the amount of the land taken or 22,C2005 Fmianio PrceBureau, of the land taken or occupied temporarily. occupied temporarily. Resource Bureau, 0 The consultative experts introduce the 0 Determine the compensation standard of young Constrction Bureaus, Health Bureaus, Epidemic effect of project construiction on the crops, land resettlement allowance, articles affixed Prevention Stations, displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland and town roads. Environmental Protection Bureaus, Civil 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the * Determine the range standard of deciding the Administration Bureau, Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected by the Project.. Public Service Bureau, Land Bureau, Traffic Bureaus, * The. relevant laws, regulations and * Determine the procedures and supervision ways of Planning Bureaus, To.wn policies on land taking. The distributing compensation. Government, Masses Visiting tkn.dsrbtn opnain Office, Residents' compensation standard is set be the actual * Determine the resettlement measures and the rights 29. Committee, Investigation Suipi.g Committee, Religion situation. of the displaced people. Suiping Management Commissions * The ways of deciding the material object * Determine the ways of public participation and County and Disabled Federations. 29 persons are targets affected by the Project. information disclosure. present. 0 The procedure and supervision of 0 Determine the ways and methods of carrying out distributing compensation. the relevant resettlement policies of the World * The resettlement policies and measures. Bank and our govemment. * The rights of the displaced people; the * Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and resettlement institutions and protection policies. management. * Public participation, information disclosure and grievance. .* The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

229 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

R\I of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Agree with the size of water plant, the project February project and location of Waterworks, the amount site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 22, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. institutions, 0 The opinions and suggestions, about the 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of the project construction on per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people.. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of * The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 19 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. * Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights * The opinions and suggestions about the of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. 0 Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. 0 Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection poticies. participation, information disclosure and * Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. * Ideas and suggesti1ons about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

230 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(bunt y ti ne ci nt ent s of synposi urs (ci t y) parti tt of agreeients and the location of the AM of The head of the county in * Survey of the Project, including the size * Affirm the size charge and the main officials the amount of the land taken or Febr uar y of Development and Reform and location of Waterworks, the amount Waterworks and 23, 2005 Commission, Price Bureau, of the land taken or occupied temporarily. occupied temporarily. 23,2005 Finance Btireau. Water Resource Bureau., The consultative experts introduce the 0 Determine the compensation standard of young Construction Bureaus. Health articles affixed Bureaus. Epidemic effect of project construction on the crops, land resettlement allowance, Prevention Stations, displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland and town roads. Environmental Protection of deciding the Bureaus, Civil 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the 0 Determine the range standard Administration Bureau, Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected by the Project.. Public Service Bureau, Land ways of Bureau, Traffic Bureaus, 0 The relevant laws, regulations and 0 Determine the procedures and supervision Planning Bureaus, Town policies on land taking. The distributing compensation. Govemment, Masses Visiting resettlement measures and the rights 30. Office, Residents' compensation standard is set be the actual 0 Determine the Ru' nan Committee, Investigation stain Committee, Religion situation. of the displaced people. of public participation and County Management Commissions 0 The ways of deciding the material object 0 Determine the ways and Disabled Fcderations. 36 persons are present. targets affected by the Project. information disclosure. * The procedure and supervision of * Determine the ways and methods of carrying out distributing compensation. the relevant resettlement policies of the World * The resettlement policies and measures. Bank and our government. * The rights of the displaced people; the * Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and resettlement institutions and management. protection policies. * Public participation, information disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

231 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

FM of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Agree with the size of water plant, the project February project and location of Waterworks, the amount site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 23, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. institutions, 0 'The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of the project construction on per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people.. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women - 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of * The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 28 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. 0 Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights * The opinions and suggestions about the of the displaced people. - resettlement policies and measures. * Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. 0 Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, information disclosure and 0 Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. * Ideas and suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

232 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(bunty tine part i ci pant (bntents of synposiuns agreements (ci t y) Qtnso yps of the AM of The head of the county in * Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Affirm the size and the location charge and the main officials taken or Febr uar y of Development and Rcform and location of Waterworks, the amount Waterworks and the amount of the land Commission, Price Bureau, of the land taken or occupied temporarily. occupied temporarily. 24, 2005 Finance Bureau, Water Resource Bureau, 0 The consultative experts introduce the 0 Determine the compensation standard of young Construction Bureaus, Health Bureaus, Epidemic effect of project construction on the crops, land resettlement allowance, articles affixed Prevention Stations, displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland and town roads. Environmental Protection the Bureaus, - ocivil 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the * Determine the range standard of deciding Administration Bureau, Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected by the Project.. Public Service Bureau, Land Bureau, Traffic Bureaus, 0 The relevant laws, regulations and * Determine the procedures and supervision ways of Planning Bureaus, Town policies on land taking. The Government, Masses VisitingonGovcmment, M.asses VisitingldTh ~~~~distributing compensation. Office, Residents' compensation standard is set be the actual * Determine the resettlement measures and the rights 3 1. Committee, Investigation Committee, Religion situation. of the displaced people. and Shenqiqu Management Commissions 0 The ways of deciding the material object * Determine the ways of public participation County and Dpsabled Federations. targets affected by the Project. information disclosure. present. 0 The procedure and supervision of * Determine the ways and methods of carrying out present. distributing compensation. the relevant resettlement policies of the World * The resettlement policies and measures. Bank and our govemment. * The rights of the displaced people; the * Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and resettlement institutions and protection policies. management. * Public participation, information disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

233 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Dralage) Project

PM of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Agree with the size of water plant, the project Febr uary~ project and location of Waterworks, the amount site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 24, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily, temporarily. institutions, 0 The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of the project construction on per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people.. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of *0 The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 19 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. S Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights * The opinions and suggestions about the of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. S Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced informnation disclosure. people. S Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, information disclosure and S Discuss the ways of rearranging land. gnievance. * Ideas and 'suggestions about the 'rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

234 * * *

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(bunt y ti r pnt ent s of synposi urns t icipant agreements (ci t y)(ciy)par 0 Affirm the size and the location of the AM of The head of the county in Survey of the Project, including the size charge and the main officials the amount Waterworks and the amount of the land taken or Febr uar y of Development and Reform and location of Waterworks, temporarily. Commission, Price Bureau, of the land taken or occupied temporarily. occupied 25, 2005 Finance Bureau, Water the compensation standard of young Resource Bureau, 0 The consultative experts introduce the 0 Determine Construction Bureaus, allowance, articles affixed Epidemic effect of project construction on the crops, land resettlement Health Bureaus, farmland and town roads. Prevention Stations, displaced people. to land, restoration of Environmental Protection of deciding the Civil Operational Policies 4.12 of the 0 Determine the range standard Bureaus, The targets affected by the Project.. Administration Bureau, Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object Puhblic Servicc Bureau, Land the procedures and supervision ways of Bureau, Traffic Bureaus, 0 The relevant laws, regulations and 0 Determine

Masses Visiting policies on land taking. The distributing compensation. Govenment, the resettlement measures and the rights Office, Residents' compensation standard is set be the actual * Determine 32. Committee, Investigation Religion situation. of the displaced people. Committee, 0 Determine the ways of public participation and Taikang Management Commissions 0 The ways of deciding the material object County and Disabled Federationis. 28 persons are targets affected by the Project. information disclosure. carrying out .present. 0 The procedure and supervision of 0 Determine the ways and methods of distributing compensation. the relevant resettlement policies of the World * The resettlement policies and measures. Bank and our government. and * The rights of the displaced people; the * Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups resettlement institutions and protection policies. management. * Public participation, information disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

235 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

FPM of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Agree with the size of water plant, the project February project and location of Waterworks, the amount site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 25, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. institutions, * The opinions and suggestions about the * Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of the project construction on per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people.. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of * The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 18 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. * Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights * The opinions and suggestions about the of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. * Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. * Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, information disclosure and * Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. * Ideas aild suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

236 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(bunt y t i ne i ent s of synposi ures a tnt (Cl(city)t t y). P cl pant agreemeofntsosiun and the location of the AM of The head of a city in * Survey of the Project, including the size * Affirm the size charge, the Development and the amount of the land taken or Febr uar y and Reform Commission, and location of Waterworks, the amount Waterworks Price Bureau, Finance of the land taken or occupied occupied temporarily. 26, 2005 Bureau, Water Resource standard of young Bureau, Constuction temporarily. * Determine the compensation allowance, articles Epidemic Preventiun 0 The consultative experts introduce the crops, land resettlement Stations, Environmental effect of project construction on the affixed to land, restoration of farmland and town Protection Bureaus, Civil Administrarion Bureau, displaced people. roads. Public Service Bureau, 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the 0 Determine the range standard of deciding the Land Bureau, Traffic Bureaus, Planning Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected by the Project supervision ways Goveument, Masses * The relevant laws, regulations and * Determine the procedures and Visiting Office, Residents' policies on land taking. The of distributing compensation. and the Investigation compensation staniard Is set be the * Determine the resettlement measures 33. Committee, Religion sadr h displaced people. Xiangcheng Managemrent actual situation. rights of the ways of public participation and City Commissions and * The ways of deciding the material * Determine the Disabled .Federations. 30 persons are object targets affected by the Project. information disclosure. out present. 0 The procedure and supervision of * Determine the ways and methods of carrying distributing compensation. the relevant resettlement policies of the World * The resettlement policies and measures. Bank and our government. * The rights of the displaced people; the * Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups resettlement institutions and and protection policies. management. * Public participation, information disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

237 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

PM of Land Bureau, * Survey of the Project, including the size * Agree with the size of water plant, the project February project and location of Waterworks, the amount site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 26, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily. institutions, temporarily. * Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village 0 The opinions and suggestions about the plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, affected people about land taking. the construction of farmland facilities and Public Security 0 The consultative experts introduce the output per mu; resettlement allowance is used to Commissions, effect of the project construction on help displaced people to develop planting, Women displaced people.. breeding and raising and business to increase Federations, the 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the their income. representatives Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the of residents and * The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, displaced compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 20 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing compensation. distributing compensation. * Agree on the resettlement measures and the * The opinions and suggestions about the rights of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. 0 Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. 0 Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, information disclosure and * Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. * Ideas and suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

238 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(bunt y ti ne ent s of synposi ures tnt (ci t y) parti ci of sgreemenrs

The head of a district in * Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Affirm the size and the location of the AM of charge, the Developmsent O Febr uar y and ReformtCommission, and location of Waterworks, the amount Waterworks and the amount of the land taken or

27, 2005 BPice Bureau, Finance of the land taken or occupied occupied temporarily. Bureau, Construction temporarily. 0 Determine the compensation standard of young Bureaus, Health Bureaus,ladlowne afid Epidemic Prevention * The consultative experts introduce the crops, land resettlement allowance, articles affixed Stations, Environmental effect of project construction on the to land, restoration of farmland and town roads. Protection Bureaus, Civil Administration Bureau, displaced people. 0 Determine the range standard of deciding the Public Servce Bureau, Land Bureau, Traffic Bureaus, The Operational Policies 4.12 of the material object targets affected by the Project.. Planning Bureaus, Town Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 Determine the procedures and supervision ways of Vsiting Office, Residents' The relevant laws, regulations and distributing compensation. Committee, Investigation policies on land taking. The 0 Determine the resettlement measures and the rights 34. Management Commisslions compensation standard is set be the of the displaced people. and Pingqiao and Disabled Federations. actual situation. 0 Determine the ways of public participation District 26 persons are * The ways of deciding the material object information disclosure. present. targets affected by the Project. 0 Determine the ways and methods of carrying out * The procedure and supervision of the relevant resettlement policies of the World distributing compensation. Bank and our government. * The resettlement policies and measures. 0 Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and * The rights of the displaced people; the protection policies. resettlement institutions and management. * Public participation, information disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

239 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

PM of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size * Agree with the size of water plant, the project February project and location of Waterworks, the amount site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 27, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily. institutions, temporarily. * Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village 0 The opinions and suggestions about the plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, affected people about land taking. the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security 0 The consultative experts introduce the per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, effect of the project construction on displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women displaced people.. and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of Involuntary Settlement and its annex. compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and * The idea and suggestions on resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. compensation standard. restoration of farnland and roads. Altogether 18 0 Opinions and suggestions of the ways of * Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. deciding the material object targets object targets affected by the Project. affected by the Project. * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of * The opinions and suggestions about the distributing compensation. procedure and supervision of distributing * Agree on the resettlement measures and the compensation. rights of the displaced people. * The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Agree on the ways of public participation and resettlement policies and measures. information disclosure. * Discussion on the rights of the displaced * Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and people. protection policies. * Ideas and suggestions about public * Discuss the ways of rearranging land. participation, information disclosure and grievance. * Ideas and suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

240 * 0

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Cbunt y t i ne Abnt ent s of synposi unsa ci pant agreements (ci t y)(city)par ti location of the of The liead of the county in * Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Affirm the size and the v charge and the main officials amount of the land taken or February of Development and Reform and location of Waterworks, the amount Waterworks and the 25, 2005 Commission, Price Bureau, of the land taken or occupied temporarily, occupied temporarily. Resource Bureau, * The consultative experts introduce the * Determine the compensation standard of young Construction Bureaus, Health affixed Butraus, Epidemic effect of project construction on the crops, land resettlement allowance, articles Prevention Statons, displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland and town roads. Environmental Protection of deciding the Bureaus, Civil 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the * Determine the range standard Administration Bureau, Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected by the Project.. Public Service Bureau, Land ways of Bureau, Traffic Bureaus, 0 The relevant laws, regulations and 0 Determine the procedures and supervision Planning Bureaus, VTioiwn policies on land taking. The distributing compensation. Masses VisitingTh Government, measures and the rights 35. Office, Residents' compensation standard is set be the actual 0 Determine the resettlement Committee, Investigation people. Xixian Committee, Religion situation. of the displaced of public participation and County Management Commissions 0 The ways of deciding the material object 0 Determine the ways and Disabled Federatiois. 26 persons are present. targets affected by the Project. information disclosure. * The procedure and supervision of 0 Determine the ways and methods of carrying out distributing compensation. the relevant resettlement policies of the World * The resettlement policies and measures. Bank and our government. * The rights of the displaced people; the * Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and resettlement institutions and management. protection policies. * Public participation, information disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

241 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

PM of Land Bureau, * Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Agree with the size of water plant, the project February project and location of Waterworks, the amount site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 28, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. institutions, 0 The opinions and suggestions about the * Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the the construction of fanrland facilities and output Public Security effect of the project construction on per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people.. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of * The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 18 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. * Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights * The opinions and suggestions about the of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. * Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. 0 Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, -information disclosure and * Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. *' Ideas and suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

242 * * R

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(bunt y t i re participant bnt ent s of syosi ur (ci t y) pat t E ae AM of The head of the county in charge and * Survey of the Project, * Make sure of the size of pipe set and position of project. br ch the main officials of Development and including the size of pipe set * Make sure of the compensation standard of town road 1,2005 Refonn Commission, Price Bureau, and position of project. recovery through discussion. Finance Bureau, Water Resource * Public participation, 0 Determine the ways of public participation and Bureau, Construction Bureaus, Health information disclosure and information disclosure. Bureaus, Epidemic Prevention grievance. * Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and Stations, Environmental Protection * The weak group's rights and protection policies. Bureaus, Civil Administration protection. Bureau, Public Service Bureau, Land Bureau, Traffic Bureaus, Planning Bureaus, Town Government, Masses Visiting Office, Residents' 36. Committee, Investigation Committee, Luoshan Religion Management Comrissions County and Disabled Federations. 26 persons are present.26 L n FM of Land Bureau, project implementing * Survey of the Project, * Agree with the size of pipe set and position of project. Ur ch institutions, Village Commissions, including the size of pipe set * Believe that it is necessary to build the water plant. 1,2005 Public Security Commissions, Women and position of project. * Agree with the compensation standard of town road Federations, the representatives of * Ideas and suggestions about recovery through discussion. residents and displaced people. public participation, * Agree on the ways of public participation and Altogether 18 persons. information disclosure and information disclosure. grievance. * Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about protection policies. the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

243 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Abunt y ti ne p Cbnt ent s of synposi urn (ci t y) part Ci pant agreements AM of The head of a district in * Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Affirm charge, the Development and the size and the location of the UIbr ch Reform Commission, Price and location of Waterworks, the amount Waterworks and the amount of the land taken or 2,. 2005 Bureau. Finance Bureau, of the land taken or occupied temporarily. occupied temporarily. Constructon Bureaus, Health 0 The consultative experts introduce the 0 Determine the compensation standard of young Bureaus, Epidemic Prevention Stations, effect of project construction on the crops, land resettlement allowance, articles affixed Environmental Protection displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland and town roads. Bureaus, Civilpel.lad Administration Bureau, * The Operational Policies 4.12 of the 0 Determine the range standard of deciding the Public Service Bureau, Land Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected by the Project.. Bureau, Traffic Bureaus, Planning Bureaus, Town * The relevant laws, regulations and * Determine the procedures and supervision ways of Govcmment, MasseRs sVising policies on Office, Residents' land taking. The distributing compensation. Committee, Investigation compensation standard is set be the actual 0 Determine the resettlement measures and the rights - 37. Committee, Religion Yangshan Management Comniissions situation. of the displaced people. and Disabled Federations. 0 The ways of deciding the material object * Determine the ways of public participation and District 35 persons are targets affected by the Project. information disclosure. present. 0 The procedure and supervision of 0 Determine the ways and methods of carrying out distributing compensation. the relevant resettlement policies of the World * The resettlement policies and measures. Bank and our government. * The rights of the displaced people; the * Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and resettlement institutions and protection policies. management. * Public participation, information disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

244 * *4

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

R\A of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Agree with the size of water plant, the project I\r ch project and location of Waterworks, the amount site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 2, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. institutions, 0 The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, * The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of the project construction on per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people.. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of * The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 18 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. * Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights * The opinions and suggestions about the of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. 0 Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. * Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, information disclosure and * Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. * Ideas and suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

245 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

(bunt y t i rci ent s of sysposi urr agemtbnt (ci ty) parti pant agreofents The head of a city in chiarge, AM of the Development and * Survey of the Project, including the size * Affirm the size and the location of the U\r ch Reform Commission, Price and location of Waterworks, the amount Waterworks and the amount of the land taken or Bureau, Finance Bureau, of the land taken or occupied temporarily. occupied temporarily. 3,2005 Water ReSOUrCe Bureau, Construction Bureaus, 0 The consultative experts introduce the 0 Determine the compensation standard of young Health Bureaus, Epidemic Prevention Stations, effect of project construction on the crops, land resettlement allowance, articles affixed Environmental Protection displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland and town roads. Bureaus, Civil Administration Bureau, 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the 0 Determine the range standard of deciding the Public Service Bureau, Land Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected by the Project.. Bureau, Traffic Bureaus, Planning Bureaus, Town 0 The relevant laws, regulations and 0 Determine the procedures and supervision ways of GoVemnti f, Mssidents' Visiting Office, Residents' policies on land taking. The distributing compensation. Committee, Investigation compensation standard is set be the actual * Determine the resettlement measures and the rights 38. Committee, Religion Mengzhou Management Commissions situation. of the displaced people. and Disabled 0 The ways of deciding the material object 0 Determine the ways of public participation and City Federations. 24 targets affected by the Project. information disclosure. persons are * The procedure and supervision of 0 Determine the ways and methods of canrying out present. distributing compensation. the relevant resettlement policies of the World * The resettlement policies and measures. Bank and our government. * The rights of the displaced people; the * Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and resettlement institutions and protection policies. management. * Public participation, information disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

246 **

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

PMv of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Agree with the size of water plant, the project I\r ch project and location of Waterworks, the amount site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 3, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. institutions, 0 The opinions and suggestions about the * Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for land taken, Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of the project construction on per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people.. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of * The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. 0 Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 22 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. * Agree on the resettlement measures and the * The opinions and suggestions about the rights of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. * Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. 0 Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, information disclosure and 0 Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. * Ideas and suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerabie groups.

247 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Cbunt y ti ne .c . ant ent s of synposi ura e (ci t y) part cl pant agreements A M of The head of the county in * Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Affirm the size and the location of the charge and the main officials IUkr ch of Development and Reform and location of Waterworks, the amount Waterworks and the amount of the land taken or Commission, Price Bureau, of the land taken or occupied temporarily. occupied temporarily. 4, 2005 Finance Bureau, Water Resource Bureau, 0 The consultative experts introduce the * Determine the compensation standard of young Construction Bureaus, Health Bureaus, Epidemic effect of project construction on the crops, land resettlement allowance, articles affixed Prevention Stations, displaced people. to land, restoration of farmland and town roads. Environmental Protection Bureaus, Civil 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the 0 Determine the range standard of deciding the Administration Bureau, Involuntary Settlement and its annex. material object targets affected by the Project.. Pubhlic Service Bureau, Land Bureau, Traffic Bureaus, 0 The relevant laws, regulations and * Determine the procedures and supervision ways of Planning Bureaus, Town policies on land taking. The compensation distributing compensation. 39. Govemment, Masses Visiting tkn. cmesto Office, Residents' standard is set be the actual situation. 0 Determine the resettlement measures and the rights Neixiang ~~~Committee, Investigation Neixianig Committee, Religion 0 The ways of deciding the material object of the displaced people. County Management Commissions targets affected by the Project. 0 Determine the ways of public participation and and Disabled Federations. 36 The procedure and supervision of information disclosure. persons are distributing compensation. 0 Determine the ways and methods of carrying out present. 0 The resettlement policies and measures. the relevant resettlement policies of the World present. * The rights of the displaced people; the Bank and our government. resettlement institutions and management. 0 Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Public participation, information protection policies. disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

248 * * s

Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

P. M of Land Bureau, 0 Survey of the Project, including the size 0 Agree with the size of water plant, the project Ibr ch project and location of Waterworks, the amount site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 4, 2005 implementing of the land taken or occupied temporarily. temporarily. institutions, 0 The opinions and suggestions about the 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water Village affected people about land taking. plant; mention the compensation for -land taken, Commissions, 0 The consultative experts introduce the the construction of farmland facilities and output Public Security effect of the project construction on per mu; resettlement allowance is used to help Commissions, displaced people.. displaced people to develop planting, breeding Women 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the and raising and business to increase their income. Federations, the Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached on the representatives of * The idea and suggestions on compensation standard of young crops, land, residents and compensation standard. resettlement allowance, articles affixed to land, displaced people. * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of restoration of farmland and roads. Altogether 28 deciding the material object targets 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material persons. affected by the Project. object targets affected by the Project. * The opinions and suggestions about the * Agree on the procedures and supervision way of procedure and supervision of distributing distributing compensation. compensation. * Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights * The opinions and suggestions about the of the displaced people. resettlement policies and measures. 0 Agree on the ways of public participation and * Discussion on the rights of the displaced information disclosure. people. * Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and * Ideas and suggestions about public protection policies. participation, information disclosure and * Discuss the ways of rearranging land. grievance. * Ideas and suggestions about the rights and protection of the vulnerable groups.

249 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Dralage) Project

(bunt y tine (bnt ent s of synposi unrs ( ci t y)(city)part i ci pant agreements A M of Theheadofthecountyincharge * Survey of the Project, including the size * Affirm the size and the location of the U\r ch Developmmnt and Refoa and location of Waterworks, the amount Waterworks and the amount of the land taken or 2005 Finance Bureau, Water Resource of the land taken or occupied occupied temporarily. 5,W5Bureau, Construction Bureaus, Health Bureaus, Epidemic temporarily. * Determine the compensation standard of young Prevention Stations, Environmental Protecton 0 The consultative experts introduce the crops, land resettlement allowance, articles affixed Bureaus, Civil Admninistratio Bureau, PuCiclService Burea,o effect of project construction on the to land, restoration of farmland and town roads. Land BureauTraffic Bureaus, displaced people. 0 Determine the range standard of deciding the Government Masses Visiting 0 The Operational Policies 4.12 of the material object targets affected by the Project.. Office, Residents' Committee, Investigation Committee, Involuntary Settlement and its annex. 0 Determine the procedures and supervision ways of Religion Management Commissions and Disabled * The relevant laws, regulations and distributing compensation. Federations. 26 policies on land taking. The * Determine the resettlement measures and the 40. persons are compensation standard is set be the rights of the displaced people. H.angchuan present. actual situation. 0 Determine the ways of public participation and cbunt y 0 The ways of deciding the material object information disclosure. targets affected by the Project. 0 Determine the ways and methods of carrying out * The procedure and supervision of the relevant resettlement policies of the World distributing compensation. Bank and our govemnment. * The resettlement policies and measures. 0 Carry out the rights of the vulnerable groups and * The rights of the displaced people; the protection policies. resettlement institutions and management. * Public participation, information disclosure and grievance. * The rights and protection of the vulnerable groups. P. M of Land Bureau, * Survey of the Project, including the size and location * Agree with the size of water plant, the project . . ~~~~~~~ofWaterworks, the amount of the land taken or project site, the amount of the land taken or occupied 250 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

I\br ch implementing occupied temporarily. temporarily. 2005 institutions, 0 The opinions and suggestions about the affected 0 Believe that it is necessary to build the water 5, ~~~~~~~~~~peopleabout land taking. land taken, Village * The consultative experts introduce the effect of the plant; mention the compensation for output Commissions, project construction on displaced people.. the construction of farmland facilities and help Public Security Thee Operational Policies 4.12 of the Involuntary per mu; resettlement allowance is used to breeding Commissions, 0 The idea and suggestions on compensation standard. displaced people to develop planting, Women * Opinions and suggestions of the ways of deciding the and raising and business to increase their material object targets affected by the Project. Federations, the * The opinions and suggestions about the procedure and income. on the representatives of supervision of distributing compensation. 0 By discussion, an agreement is reached residents and * The opinions and suggestions about the resettlement compensation standard of young crops, land, policies and measures. affixed to land, displaced people. * Discussion on the rights of the displaced people. resettlement allowance, articles Altogether 18 0 Ideas and suggestions about public participation, restoration of farmland and roads. persons. information disclosure and grievance. 0 Agree on the standard of deciding the material * Ideas and suggestions about the rights object targets affected by the Project. and protection of the vulnerable groups. 0 Agree on the procedures and supervision way of distributing compensation. * Agree on the resettlement measures and the rights of the displaced people. * Agree on the ways of public participation and information disclosure. * Agree on the rights of the vulnerable groups and protection policies. * Discuss the ways of rearranging land.

251 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Appendix to 9-2. Open Information in the Project Counties (cities) Sample Handbook of Displaced people arranging

The Project counties (cities) have printed displaced people settlement handbook and put them up in public places and the regions affected by the Project. Displaced-people may have a reference and consultation to the implementation units. Television and radio projects have also been made use of to publicize the Projects so that all the concerned people may be well informed of. What follows are the samples of displaced people settlement handbook.

I. The outline of the Project Location of the Project The water supply plants or sewage treatment plant are to be built in village town, which is meters from the village, meters from the town with an

area of mu. The water-heads locates in village, _ town, which is meters from the water supply plants with an area of mu. Major construction contents The Project includes running water supply plant, water transportation pipes net, water supplying pipes net, facilities in the water-heads and pressure adding station (Sewage treatment plant project includes facilities for second level treatment, regenerated water treatment instrument, sewage-treatment pipes net in the outer of the plant and regenerated water transportation pipes.) The running water supply plant has a capacity of providing ten thousand tons per day, which ensures the water supply for the life of the people in the city or the town, the production of some enterprises so as to guarantee the quality of drinking water and People's health. The sewage-treatment- treatment plant treats sewage-treatment ten thousand tons per day, which can solve the sewage-treatment- treatment problem to guarantee the water quality in the city and its lower reaches.

The Project is to build water pipes net (sewage-treatment pipes net) _ km[] water supplying pipes kmLlwhich may cover temporarily an area of mu in village, town and the roads of km in the city.

II. Investment estimation and implementation procedures Investment estimation The estimated investment is 10,000 yuanCI which include fund asserts

252 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project investment 10,000 yuan and interest in the construction period 10,000 yuan. Sources of the fund The sources of the fund are loans from the World Bank ten thousand dollars( 10,000 yuan RMB)73 local auxiliary fund _ 10,000 yuan which includes loan from the home banks 10,000 yuan3 provincial financial subsidy 10,000 yuan]l national debt 10,000 yuan and independently raised funds 10,000 yuan by the local government and project units. General arrangement of the Project The social evaluation report is to be finished in June 2005, the research report, displaced people settlement plan and environmental impact evaluation report iu September 2005, the preliminary design and examination and approval of the Project in December, 2005. The Project will begin in 2006 and complete in 2008 according to the plan. The Schedule of Resettlement Arranging The work of collecting land and displaced people' settlement will begin in 2006 and finish in 2006.

III. Social economic benefits The Project will help the city make practical policies, provide service to the public causes and environment of the city as well as learn the comprehensive methods of water supply management, water sources sites management and control on water pollution. By improving the basic facilities for water supply and sewage treatment plant instrument, the Project will improve the quality of People's drinking water, public health, the surface and underground water quality in the places of the Project and its lower reaches so as to improve water environment quality, reduce the outbreak of diseases caused by water, improve the living environment for sea life, and renew and improve the ecological environment. Meanwhile, the Project will improve the living quality of the poor people in the city, guarantee the quality of drinking water and strengthen the management on water supply and sewage-treatment treatment. The Project will speed up the social economic development of the Project cities. The construction and implementation of the Project will provide the local people with employment chances, increase their economic income, raise the level of their material

253 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project consumption ahd their living, and promote the development of the trades. The construction of the infrastructures will improve the local investment condition so as to attract the foreign funds for the development of local agriculture, industry and trade to increase the employment chances and economic income of the local people, and raise the level of local science and technology development and enterprises management. The development of local sources by foreign investment will create employment chances from the extra value. The improved infrastructures and conditions will attract and activate development of local tourism to drive development of trade and services, and prosper social economy. The construction pf the Project will increase the revenue income of local government directly. The Project by foreign investment, the development of tourism, the prosperity of trade and the further development of service will increase the local revenue and financial income, which means the increase of financial input sources for further economic development and social service items.

IV. Types of loss caused by land taking In accordance with the preliminary design of the Project and field investigation, the following types of loss due to land taking, old buildings pulling down and displaced people are asserted: Loss of the cultivated land; Pulling down of the houses (for the Project of sewage-treatment treatment in Mengjin); Temporary occupation of land; Infrastructures; Other losses: the attachments to the land such as trees and young crops, etc.

V. Gathering of the items affected by the Project 1. Basic object index and impact of land taking

Land taken Land taken Permanent Temporary Damaged County Location for wakr for land occupied roads for (City) plant supply water-heads taking pipes and pipelines plant (mu) (mu) (mu) wells r mI l

Name of Name of the county (city) the village _

254 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

Names of the attachment on the land for water supply plants, water sources sites and pipes

County Nursery (City) Electric Young Grown- of Well Farm potylestrees Yo ung tro - young Bridges Culverts depth Tombs infrastructures plants (in) Li, m l______muLi Ai ______

Displaced people affected by Displaced people from Displaced people affected by County land occupied by the water water-heads land occupied temporanly by (City) supply plants pipelines Families Persons Families Persons Families Persons

2E Compensation Standards:

The cost The Averag pensaThCoin e ton cornpen standard costi' AverageAverage Corn product nn sation ofcot production Com Standar ion p stand standar per mu in es d of pr Corn ard of standar restonng d of County tion in ation d of fpthe land (City) tte previous i land displa repairin (yuanrmu ples s aonursy 3 peo crops ly rads lIpoles oung|uDyuan/musi years | (yuan! occupied road (yuan! e(yua mu) (yuan/mu (yuan! trees i re (unn/mu) m2)

| | Count | Unit prlce ompeni priceof mUtipl ce rleofny temoUaitU g thpie o

Compensation standard of the buildings and articles affixed to the land for water supply plants, water-heads and pipelines Unt Unit Price Unit County price of Unit price of Unit price of Unit Unit price of (Ct) price Ui (Ct) of each nursery of price Unito the price farm elcrcof grown young plants of price of t fof ifatrcue polesti on p F yuan/mull bridges cuvrswl ob 1yuan/mn E pls trees trees (yuan/rn)______

The tax standards of the taken land for Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project According to the policies made by Henan Provincial Land Resource Departmnent and Revenue Bureau, the land used in the Project will be paid 30 yuan per square meter, the

255 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project arable land cultivation fee will double the land compensation fee, spare land fee 2000 yuan per mu, management fee of the taken land will take up 1.5% of the total taken land fee, and revenue for occupied land will be 4.5 yuan per square meter. 3. Various compensation and revenue Unit: 10,000 yuan

County Taken land for water Land Settlement Compensation (City) supply plants compensation compensation for young Total ______Itc_ _ _ ro p s

Total Taken land for compensation County water-heads Land settlement Compensation Total for land taken (City) (mu) compensation compensation for young crops for the water ______supp ly project

Compensation standard of the buildings and articles affixed to the land for water supply plants, water-heads and pi elines Coun Total Cou c t nurserie Far compen (City electri young Grown- s of bridge culver m To infrastructure for poles trees up trees young s ts wel mbs buli plants Iss buindi Ut ______lf ______inrsrutr______forartic le s

Total Compensation for Cost of restoring Compensation County rg for land Total cost of road repairing (City) young crops (10,000 farmland (10,000 occupied (10,000 yuan) yuan) yuan) temporarily (10,000 yuan)

256 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

compensation Total cost for young cropsofrpin Totalg Total compensation affixed to land f repring Total for houses occupied the roads direct County compensation articles and for douse mporarily damaged by t (City) for land taken buildings pulled down temporarily by pipeline in cost ((i0 000 yuan) (yuan) and resettling pipelines and towns (10,000 (10,000yuan) (yuan) (yuan) for recovery of (10t000 yuan) farnland (1000 (10,000 yuan) yuan

costs for for prepared reconnai monitoring money for Prepared money Total ssance and Managemen compensating for price indirect County and evaluating(2 t costs (3% Technical for substantial fluctuation costs (City) designon % of direct of direct training cost objects (compensation (10,000 direct cost) c (compensation x 5%) yuan) cost) feex 10%)

Total County Total direct costs Total indirect costs Total tax on land taken budgetary (City) (10,000 yuan) (10,000 yuan) permanently (10,000 yuan) estimate (10,000 yuan

E . Rights of the displaced people In accordance with the stipulations of the Implementing Regulations of the administrative Law of Land of the People's Republic of China: all fees for land collecting should be completely paid in 3 months since the approval of the compensation and allocation plan of land collecting.

Requirements of Resettlement Principles

_ 1 The affected people get the economic compensation and their living standard _ ~~~~~should at least remain the original or be improved.

-~ ~~~5 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

2 All the people concerned should get economic compensation and allocation assistance. The economic compensation will assure every person can at least remain the original living standard after removing and allocation.

Land compensation fee, allocation subsidy, young crops compensation fee and compensation fee for the attachments on land should be fully paid. The compensation multiple should be raised with the approval of the provincial People's government if the pleasant whose lands are takenstill can not remain the original living siandard, and 4 cannot afford their social security fares after the above fees are delivered; If the land compensation and allocation subsidy multiplied by 30 times is still not enough for the peasants to remain their original living standard, the local People's government will give them extra subsidy from the payment of state-owned land usage. The affected people should be well informed of the qualification, ways and 5 standard of compensation, plans of production and income resuming, project schedule, and take part in the implementation of the settlement plans.

6 The present land situation cannot be changed without the satisfaction of the affected people with the compensation and settlement plans.

7 The implementing agencies and independent monitoring and evaluation agencies of the Project will be responsible for the settlement and delivery of the subsidies.

The underprivileged group should benefit from the relevant assistant policies of 8 the government to assure their living standard and political treatments. 9 The affected people should have the opportunity to benefits from the Project.

10 The displaced people settlement plan should be in line with the general plans of the Project county (city)

VII. The deadline The deadline for the determination of the compensation quality: before the illegal land taking is approved, the local stated-owned land resources department should inform in the written form the peasants and collective economy organizations in the countryside of the function, location, compensation standard and settlement approaches. Having been informed, they will not be compensated from the attachment and young crops which are

258 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project rush-planted or rush-built on the land.

VIII. The procedures of distributing the compensation 1. The procedures of distributing the compensation for land taken permanently and for the buildings and articles affixed to the land

Running water or sewage-treatment corporation in the Project counties (cities).

Bureaus, of state land and resources in the Project counties (cities)

Property right Village committees Influenced owners in the I pr oper ty ovner si enterprises

Land cont r act or

259 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

2. The procedures of distributing the compensation for land taken temporarily

Running water of sewage-treatment plant in the Project counties (cities)

State-owned Land Resources Department

Village committee

project companies of the

Land l municipal administration cont r act or

IX. Measures to recover economy The village which has mobile land makes adjustment in the land taken by the Project for the villagers right in the year the Project is implemented. The adjusted land should be the same in quality and quantity as the original taken land. The village without mobile land available holds meetings for the villagers and adjusts land with the agreement of two-thirds of the villagers. The compensation should be paid to the peasants whose land is taken at the end of the year before land adjustment. After the adjusting, the rest settlement subsidies should be divided averagely by all the. villagers whose land is adjusted. The village committee may use the land compensation to develop the second and third industry and transfer the employment of the labor force. Launch production technology training to improve the production techniques and qualities of the peasants. The employment opportunities offered by the implementation of the Project. The others.

260 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

X. Agencies * Displaced people management office of the Project management unit (The Water Conservancy Bureau or City-building Bureau in the county) Displaced people management office of the Project implementation unit (the running water or sewage-treatment treatment companies) The guiding group for displaced people settlement in the village committee The relevant functional departments in the govemment The outer independent monitoring and evaluation agencies

XI. Grievance procedure

I ndependent nrni t or i ng and Project management eval uat i on People's Court in the office in Henan agenci es province, city or county

Project management _ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~agenciesin the Ladbra People's Letters Project county (city) in the Project and Calls Office county (eity) in the province, T city or county Town govenmment t Village committee

Influenced natural person or corporation

261 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project


An Outline of Monitoring and Evaluating of Resettlement Of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Drainage) Project Down by Henan Province by means of Loans from the World Bank

I. Background The water supply & sewage treatment project in towns of Henan Province is a big one to utilize the loan from the World Bank, whose purpose is to improve the condition of water supply and sewage treatment and to perfect the infrastructure of water supply and sewage treatment in towns. This project is undertaken by the Development and Reform Committee of Henan Province and the Finance Bureau of Henan Province. The water supply project concerns 38 counties under 12 cities of the whole province, while the sewage treatment project concems six counties. Altogether, the water supply & sewage treatment project concerns 40 counties of twelve cities of the whole province, covering 35% counties of the whole province and 80% drainage area. This project covers the largest areas, with the biggest number of people and departments participated in recent years in Henan Province. The Project includes two aspects: water supply establishment and sewage treatment establishment. The implement of the Project will solve the water supply problem and ease up the contradiction of water supply and demand existing among the inhabitants and factories for a long time in the Project area. It will also raise the phases of water supply and sewage treatment establishment, which will provide an important guarantee for the persisting development of the regional economy of Henan province. In this project, lands are exploited as follows: the construction of water plant will permanently occupy 1006.24mu, including the site 916.44mu; water-head 89.8mu; the pipe laying of the water plant 969.24mu temperately; while the sewage treatment plant 240.56mu permanently, the pipe laying 34mu temperately. This project concerns 970 families (3995 persons) whose land is exploited permanently, among which 947 families (3903 persons) will resettle in different surroundings because of permanent land exploitation, and 23 families (92 persons) will have to change their living conditions because of the removed houses. 727 families (2995 persons) will be affected by the temporary pipe laying. Arranging new land does the resettlement for settlers.

262 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

The internal and external monitoring on the relevant taking and resettlement should be * made in the process of and after the Project in order to accord with the Principle of the Resettlement Plan, So it is the case. II. The basis of monitoring and evaluation The World Bank Unwilling ResettlementCl the Professional policy OP4 12 and the Attachmentl; n the Resettlement Planl; El the Land Law of the People's Republic of China C ,2004;

*] the City House Removing Managing Regulations of the People's Republic of China ] ,2001; E the Land Law of the People's Republic of China ]I performing measures of Henan province. 1999; E the Decision on Deepening the Reform, strict the land management of the State Department3 (state E 2004] No. 28); the relevant law, regulations, rules; the relevant regulations on taking of land in the Project counties(cities); the relevant regulations on house removing management in the Project counties(cities); III. The scope and requirement of monitoring and evaluation The scope of monitoring and evaluation on the resettlement's social economic development can be divided into three parts: the carrying out, paying and using of the compensation; the construction of the resettlement's living service, farming, public infrastructure; the social economic development of the resettlement community and the adjustment of the resettlement's social adaptability. 1. The carrying out, paying and using of the compensation It is mainly supervised how the compensation is carried out, when and how the compensation is paid, and how the displaced people use it and what profit they get. 2. The construction of the resettlement's living service, farming, public infrastructure. a. To supervise the way of distributing the resettlement's living land and the quantity, the progress of resettlement's removing, and the quantity, quality and progress of house construction. b. Supervise the quantity and quality of the resettlement's farming land, the way of farming, production and profit.

263 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

c. Supervise the restoration and construction of the infrastructure in the resettlement community including the highroad and the transmission line. 3. Supervise the social economic development in the resettlement community and the adjustment of the resettlement's social adaptability. a. Supervise the recovery of family income after the resettlement. b. Supervise the social economic development of community after the resettlement. c. Investigate, harmonize and propose to solve the problems that occur in the process of resettlement between the settlers and the resettlement-executing agency. d. Supervise the favorable policy to the weak group and the recovery of the production economy, the protection of the women and children's legal rights. e. Supervise the degree of settler's participation in democratic consultation in the resettlement, the extent of adopting the settler's suggestions and the settler's comments on resettlement. f. Supervise the settler's training of production skills, the propaganda of the resettlement policy and the result; g. Supervise the fulfillment of the resettlement's preferential policy. h. Supervise the adjustment degree of the resettlement's social adaptability as an individual and as a whole community. i. Supervise the working system and efficiency of the local resettlement office, and the training of the resettlement workers. j. Supervise the resettlement's complaints and grievance. k. Supervise the function of non-government organizations in the process of resettlement. IV. The methods of supervising and evaluation 1. The sampling principles of monitoring and evaluation In order to ensure that the monitoring and evaluation are comprehensive and systematic and that the sampling is representative, the monitoring and evaluation of the social economic development of the resettlement community in the water supply & sewage treatment project should comply with the following principles: a. The resettlement's income shall be properly evaluated; b. All the resettlement villages are the sample villages; c. The sample population is no lower than 10%; d. The sample families can generally represent the resettlement's ideas and voice;

264 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) project

e. The sample families can represent all levels of income (i.e., pure agricultural families, mainly agricultural families with other manifold income, and the non-agricultural families, etc.). 2. Monitoring methods The method of monitoring is mainly the data collection, following-up investigation, visiting and colloquia of the sociology, with the way of necessary economics and techniques. a. Data collection. There are three main purposes of data collection: description, explanation and forecasting. Therefore, the data can be divided into three kinds. The describing data is to answer "who", "when", "where", " what happened", which have nothing to do with "why" and "whether it is normal for something happened", while the last two questions need reasoning and explanation. Therefore, the data for the infrastructure before the resettlement and the construction progress of resettlement and also for the affected people's living and income after removal only record, not account for, the present condition and progress. Therefore, the data getting from the resettlement and the carrying out agency are mainly describing data, which are obtained from surveys and questionnaires. The explanative data and forecasting data can help the supervising and evaluating staff understand the phenomenon, process, time and why it happens or does not happen at this moment and the possible result. Generally, the staff need to reason. the relationship between cause and effect, which is usually give in the formn of qualitative data, reflects the displaced people' and the grassroots leaders' attitude and ideas on relevant events. The resettlement and the grassroots leaders do not participate in the long-term forecast of the resettlement result. Under the most circumstances, they only forecast some variable within a short time. In the investigation on the spot, they get the data by way of questioning, colloquia and other qualitative methods. In order to meet the need with collecting data, there should be different ways of investigation on the spot according to different quality and data. Mainly: .the way of investigation statistic table, supposed questionnaire, communication and questioning, colloquia and observation on the spot, etc. b. Following-up investigation. The following-up investigation is to ensure the continuity, integrality of data and events, the closing of the process. It is managed by doing long-term following-up investigation on the four sample resettlement villages decided beforehand so as to ensure the facilities, continuity and timeliness of the data.

265 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

c. Colloquia communication. In the colloquia, investigate the common problems of the resettlement, the participating people should be decided according to different colloquia content; the focus is to communicate some sensitive problems and hot problems with some representative resettlement. According to different investigating content, the communication can choose the random sampling or choose some representative resettlement. 3. Evaluation methods The purpose of the monitoring and evaluation on the resettlement's social economic development in water supply & sewage treatment project is not only to know the condition of each resettlement family and the resettling site but also to make a comprehensive and key evaluation on the resettlement's resettling condition, the result of which can be referred to by the owner, loan agency and the performing agency. In the evaluation, firstly filter, reason and order the problems in the resettlement arranging, make a reasonable analysis on the importance of the problems and then calculate in the way of qualification and quantification, generally as follows: The way of analyzing the data statistic. In the way of regression analysis and the analysis of Markov, calculate, reason the supervising date to get valuable result, to propose different policy according to different results. The way of judging by experience. After deal with the problems in the monitoring and the data, judge in the way of Delphic to find the regulation to forecast the future of the problems and propose the relative policy. The way of overall evaluation. The way of overall evaluation is a new way of forecasting the macro-problems in the recent years nationally. It is a new evaluating way formed by combining the analysis of data statistic and experience judging. Mainly there are the way of the gray theory judging and the fuzzy teaching judging. V. The procedures of monitoring and evaluation. The monitoring and evaluation of the resettlement's social economic development in water supply & sewage treatment can be divided into three stages: the preparing stage, the monitoring on the spot stage and the analyzing evaluation stage. 1.The preparing stage a. Supervise the outline of performing the evaluation and investigation table. b. The monitoring and evaluation experts study and communicate, and make reasonable division of the supervising task. c. Choose the subject of monitoring.

266 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

2. The process of the monitoring on the spot a. Fill in the monitoring investigation table. b. Investigate on the spot. c. Colloquia. d. Collect the materials. 3. The analysis of evaluation a. Decide the way of evaluation. b. Analyze the problems. c. Write the report. VI. The organizing of monitoring and evaluation 1. The establishing of the agencies The scientific and reasonable establishment of agencies is the basis to ensure timely and exact monitoring and evaluation. In accordance with the scopes, the monitoring and evaluation can be divided into three parts, each of which has its own responsibility. Corresponding agencies are established to deal with the following: the settlers'. living arrangements, the development of production and the adjustment of their social adaptability. * 2. Personnel It is composed of experts and technical personnel, whose professional characteristics are as follows: Resettlement planning Construction of towns Construction of agricultural water conservancy Second and third industry Economics Sociology Psychology 3. The organizing of monitoring and evaluation activities According to the demand of the unwilling resettlement D] the professional policy OP4. 12] of the World Bank, "monitoring is a continuous judge", " evaluation is stage judge on the urgent, performing, efficiency and the result of the purpose of the proposed project." In order to realize the scheduled purpose of the monitoring and evaluation, to realize the continuity and truth of the supervising process, the performing organizing can be divided into four stages:

267 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project

a. The plan stage. This stage is mainly to make preparation of the supervising work. Before the investigation on the spot, study the past data and materials, make sure of the important problems of the monitoring and evaluation, write the plan of the monitoring and evaluation, distribute the monitoring task to the experts and the technical personnel. b. The performing stage. It is the work of filling in the investigation table, colloquia and collecting materials on the spot according to the plan. c. The checking stage. Check the result of the investigation on the spot. Correct and make up the wrong information n the data and materials in the investigation on the spot, to make sure of the exact of the data information. d. Solving stage. Put in the data of the investigation on the spot into the computer to process, deal with the relevant information according to the demand of the monitoring and evaluation; write the report of the monitoring and evaluation, analyze the problems in resettling the resettlement and the social economic development in the resettlement community, propose warn and suggestions of the important problems; give remedy measures on poorness in this monitoring and evaluation especially the investigation on the spot, to perfect in the next monitoring and evaluation. VII. Writing the report of monitoring and evaluation 1. Requirements of writing the report The report is a demand of reflecting the result of monitoring and evaluation, but monitoring is a continuous evaluation. Therefore, the report needs to be written in order of time, events. The report can not only reflect the process and change of the subject of this monitoring and be relevant with the events from the time. 2. Contents of the report The content of the report is to be prepared according to the content of the monitoring and evaluation. The format is as follows: i. the page of responsibility ii. catalogue iii. text iv. important problems v. main suggestions and conclusions vi. attachment of the investigation data According to the Resettlement Plan, in the process of taking land permanently and house removing, the external independent resettlement monitoring and evaluation agency

268 Resettlement Planning Report of Henan Towns Water (Supply and Draiage) Project should provide the report of monitoring and evaluation to the World Bank and the Project Office of Henan Province. After the sub-project completes their resettlement completing report, the external independent resettlement monitoring and evaluation agency should provide the report of monitoring and evaluation of the year within the next two years. The report of monitoring and evaluation should be written in Chinese and English, and the English report should be given to the World Bank after the Project Office of the province review. The Project Office is responsible for providing the report of monitoring and evaluation agency with the process, condition and all the information of the taking and the resettlement's activity. VIII. The time and frequency of monitoring and evaluation The monitoring and evaluation agency works from 2006 to 2008, three years altogether. According to the Resettlement Plan, the monitoring and evaluation agency make an external monitoring and evaluation each year before permanent land taking and house removing, two months each time. The irivestigation can be going on according to the process of each sub-project.

269 f ! f~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~