Classification of Muscles Krystal Ong Classification of Muscles

Circular Muscle: a ring A A Multipennate Muscle: like band of muscle tendon will branch within B E E the muscle Convergent Muscle: muscle fibers F will converge to one common B Fusiform muscle: shape attachment site of a spindle with parallel fibers that narrow at the Parallel Muscle: fascicles run C F ends parallel to one another Bipennate Muscle: 2 rows C G of muscle fibers that are facing in opposite Unipennate Muscle: muscle directions (looks like a fibers are arranged on same G feather) side as tendon D D Musculature of Muscle Origin Insertion Action A: Frontal belly of Epicranial Raises eyebrows & Facial Expression occipitofrontalis aponeurosis wrinkles forehead D B: Occipital belly of Superior nuchal line of Epicranial Tenses & retracts A occipitofrontalis occipital aponeurosis scalp

C: Orbicularis oculi Frontal bone & maxilla Eyelid Closes eye on medial orbit C D: Levator Palpebrae Lesser wings of Superior Open eyes H Superioris sphenoid bone palpebrae

E E: Orbicularis oris Maxillae & mandible Skin of lips Closes and purses lips

F: Buccinator Alveolar process of Angle of mouth Compresses cheeks mandible & maxillae J

I G: Depressor anguli oris Body of mandible Angle of mouth Depresses angle of F mouth

B H: Risorius Masseter Angle of mouth Retracts angle of mouth

I: Zygomaticus major Zygomatic bone Angle of mouth Raises angle of mouth G J: Zygomaticus minor Zygomatic bone Upper lip Raises upper lip Musculature of Mastication C

Muscle Origin Insertion Action

A: Platysma over Mandible & skin Depresses deltoid of cheek mandible & muscles tenses skin of neck

B: Masseter Zygomatic Angle of Elevates arch mandible mandible

C: Temporalis Temporal Coronoid Elevates lines of process of Mandible parietal mandible bone B A Extrinsic Muscles of The Eye A F Muscle Origin Insertion Action

A: Superior rectus Optic canal of Sclera Elevates eye sphenoid bone

B: Inferior rectus Optic canal of Sclera Depresses eye sphenoid bone

C: Medial rectus Optic canal of Sclera Rotates eye medially B sphenoid bone D E

D: Lateral rectus Optic canal of Sclera Rotates eye laterally sphenoid bone

E: Inferior oblique Maxilla Sclera Elevates eye and rotates eye laterally

F: Superior oblique Optic canal of Sclera Depresses eye and C sphenoid bone rotates eye laterally Musculature of the Neck

A Muscle Origin Insertion Action

A:Sternocleid Manubrium and Mastoid 2 heads C omastoid sternal end of process of together: neck temporal bone flexion and superior 1 head: nuchal line rotation

B:Longus Anterior body of Anterior arch Neck flexion Colli T1-3, anterior of (C1) and rotation; of and bodies of limits transverse C2-4 hyperextensio processes of n B C3-7

C:Scalenes n/a n/a Neck flexion and rotation A Musculature of the

Muscle Origin Insertion Action

A: Erector Spinae group: n/a n/a Extends, B 1. group laterally flexes 2. group vertebral 3. group column

B: Multifidus Sacrum and Spinous process Extends and C transverse process of of vertebrae rotates vertebral vertebrae column

C: Quadratus lumborum Transverse process of Transverse Laterally flexes interior process of vertebral superior vertebra column D D: Transverse process of Transverse Laterally flexes inferior vertebra process of vertebral superior vertebra column

E: Interspinales Spinous process of Spinous process Extends inferior vertebra of superior vertebral E vertebra column Musculature of the B Muscle Origin Insertion Action

Inferior border of Superior border Elevates ribs A: External superior rib of inferior rib intercostals A

B: Internal Superior border Inferior border of Depresses ribs intercostals of inferior rib superior rib

C: Diaphragm n/a n/a Expands for C breathing and compresses abdominopelvic cavity Musculature of the Muscle Origin Insertion Action A: Rectus Pubic crest Xiphoid Compresses abdominis and pubic process of abdomen; symphysis depresses ribs, and costal and flexes cartilage of vertebral column ribs 5-7 A B: External n/a n/a Compresses oblique abdomen; B depresses ribs, C flexes and rotates vertebral column

C: Internal n/a n/a Compresses oblique abdomen; depresses ribs; flexes and rotates vertebral column

D: n/a n/a Compresses D Transversus abdomen abdominis Muscle Origin Insertion Action Muscles that move the

A: n/a Clavicle and Elevates the clavicle; Pectoral Girdle process elevates, depresses, and spine of and adducts (retracts) B the scapula C B: n/a Medial border of Adducts and rotates Rhomboid scapula at base of scapula downward minor spine

C: n/a Medial border of Adducts and rotates A Rhomboid scapula inferior to scapula downward major spine

D: Levator n/a Medial border of Elevates scapula scapulae scapula superior to spine

E: Pectoralis Ribs 2-4 Rotates scapula minor or 3-5 of scapula downward

F: Serratus Ribs 1-8, Medial border of Rotates scapula anterior 1-9 or 1- scapula upward 10 Muscles that move the Brachium

Muscle Origin Insertion Action

Pectoralis major Greater Flexes, adducts, medially rotates of the brachium

Latissimus dorsi Intertubercular Extends, adducts , medially rotates sulcus of humerus the brachium

Deltoid Clavicle, acromion Flexes,extends, abducts, medially process and spine of humerus and laterally rotates the brachium of scapula

Subscapularis Subscapular fossa of Stabilizer of (medially of scapula humerus rotates the brachium)

Supraspinatus Supraspinous Stabilizer of shoulder (abducts fossa of scapula of humerus and laterally rotates the brachium)

Infraspinatus Infraspinous fossa Greater tubercle Stabilizer of shoulder (laterally of scapula of humerus rotates the brachium)

Teres minor Lateral border of Greater tubercle Stabilizer of shoulder (laterally scapula of humerus rotates the brachium)

Teres major Inferior angle of Lesser tubercle extends , adducts, and medially scapula and rotates the brachium intertubercular sulcus of humerus

Coracobrachialis Coracoid process N/A Flexes and adducts the brachium of scapula