

SHABBAT SCHEDULE Hachnasat Sefer in our Bet WEEKLY SCHEDULE Mincha 5:55pm Hakenesset this Sunday February 10, SUNDAY Shir Hashirim: 6:10pm 2019. The Finishing of the last letters Shaharit: 7:30am Candle Lighting: 5:50pm will be in the house of our Dear Mr. & Minha 6:00pm Daf Yomi 8:00am Followed by Arvit & Shaharit: 8:30am Mrs. Arnaud & Esther Sitbon 66 Bal Teenager Program

Youth Minyan: 9:00am Bay Drive, Bal Harbor Village, at Zeman Keriat Shema 9:12am 3:30pm. Followed by the Procession of MONDAY TO FRIDAY nd 2 Zeman Keriat Shema 9:47am the Hachnasat Sefer Torah walking to Shiur 6:10am Shiur: 4:40pm Shaharit 6:30am Minha: 5:20pm our Bet Hakenesset with Music & Hodu Approx: 6:45am Followed by Seudat Shelishit & Hakafot with Minha & Arvit in our Minha 6:00pm Arvit Bet Hakenesset. Followed By Arbit Ends: 6:50pm Rabbenu Tam 7:22pm Anyone interested in the Zechut of filling the & Shiurim in English & Avot Ubanim 7:40pm last letters should please contact the Rabbi. Spanish.

We would like to remind our Kahal Kadosh to please Donate wholeheartedly towards our Beautiful Kehila. Anyone interested in donating for any occasion, Avot Ubanim $120, Kiddush $350, Seudat Shelishit $275, Weekly Bulle tin $150, Weekly Daf Yomi $180, Daf Yomi Masechet $2500, Yearly Daf Yomi $5000, Weekly Breakfast $150, Weekly Learning $500, Monthly Rent $3500, & Monthly Learning $2000, Please contact the Rabbi. Thanking you in advance for your generous support. Tizke Lemitzvot!

בס''ד Refuah Shelema List Men Women

• Yosef Zvi Ben Sara Yosefia, • Isaac Ben Mesoda, • Simja Bat Esther, • Sara Ledicia Bat Mesoda, • Aviv Ben Luba Miriam, • Haim Ben Marcelle, • Mesoda Bat Esther, • Alegria Simha Bat Esther, • Mordechai Ben Brucha • Yizhak Ben Simja • Rachel Bat Sarah, • Naomie Bat Rarel Adda, Malka Shmalo, • Reuben Ben Eta, • Nina Bat Rachel, • Malka Bat Joyce Simja, • Yizhak Abraham Ben Sheli, • Michael Ben Aliza, • Gitel Rina Bat Yael, • Sivan Simha Bat Yehudit, • Yosef Yizh ak Ben Sara Hana, • Eliel Moshe Ben • Miriam Bat Sofy, • Natalie Rachel Bat Nancy, • Mordechai Ben Miriam, Sarah • Rahma Bat Simha • Abigael Haya Bat Esther • Meir Raymo nd Ben Mathilde • Refael Ben Clara • Esther Bat Fortuna • Madeleine Bat Esther • Salomon Benarroch Ben Alia • Netanel Sayegh Ben • Malka Bat Dina • Nurit Jacqueline Bat Rahel • Mordechai Ben Mercedes Rosa • Camouna Bat Fortuna

Torah Teasers (AISH)

1. Which four letters spell out three different items found in the Tabernacle? 2. Which item in the Tabernacle has three half-measurements in its dimensions? 3. In what context are rings (taba'ot) mentioned? (4 items) 4. Which items, spelled with two letters, have only one unique letter in its name? (2 answers) 5. Aside from the cherubs (keruvim) mentioned in the context of the Tabernacle, where else in the Torah are cherubs mentioned? 6. What had hands (yadot) but no fingers? 7. In this parsha, in what context is the number 50 mentioned? (2 answers) 8. In this parsha, in what context does a man and his brother appear? 9. In this parsha, in what context does a woman and her sister appear? (2 answers) 10. Which 6 parts of the human body appear in the context of the Tabernacle?


1) The letters kaf, peh, raish and tav spell out three different items found in the Tabernacle: The kaporet, the covering of the Holy Ark (Exodus 25:17), the parochet, the partition separating the "Holy" from the "Holy of Holies" (26:31), and the kaftor, the round ball designs found on the Menorah (25:33). 2) The Holy Ark is two and a half cubits long, one and a half cubits high, and one and a half cubits wide (Exodus 25:10). 3) Rings (tabaot) are soldered onto (1) the Holy Ark (Exodus 25:12), (2) the golden table (25:26), (3) and the golden altar (27:6), in which poles were placed to carry each vessel. (4) In addition, the Tabernacle's beams haves rings through which a pole was s lid to support the structure (26:29). 4) (1) The words for vav (hook) (Exodus 27:10) (2) and shesh (flax) (25:4 with Rashi), each contain only one letter (doubled) in its name. 5) In parshat Bereshit, Hashem guards the path to the Tree of Life with two cherubs (keruvim) (Genesis 3:24). 6) Each of the Tabernacle's beams has two bottom protrusions called "yadot" (Exodus 26:17). 7) (1) There are 50 loops on each set of coverings of the Tabernacle. They are attached together with 50 curved hooks (Exodus 26:5- 6). (2) The courtyard of the Tabernacle is 50 cubits wide (27:12).

8) The Torah states that the cherubs must face each other as "a man to his brother" (Exodus 25:20).

9) 1) Each set of coverings of the Tabernacle are attached together as "a woman to her sister" (Exodus 25:3, 6). (2) The protrus ions on the bottom of each beam of the Tabernacle are parallel to each other, as "a woman to her sister" (26:17).

10) The following human body parts appear in the context of the Tabernacle: (1) A rib (tzela) refers to the sides of many of the objects found in the Tabernacle (Exodus 25:12, 26:20). (2) The face (panim) refers to the face of the cherubs (25:20), the "face" of the s how- bread (25:30), and other items as well. (3) Hands (yadot) refer to the protrusions on the bottom of the beams that locked into the sockets (26:17). (4) A head (rosh) refers to the tops of the beams (26:24). (5) A shoulder (katef) refers to the two shorter sides (of 15 cubits each) comprising the gate to the courtyard. (6) A thigh (yerech) refers to the base of the Menorah (25:31) and the ends of the

Tabernacle (26:22).

If anyone would like to contact the Rabbi, please feel free

to call or text 786-879-4951, or email [email protected].

בס''ד Community Announcements

(It is YOUR Community, make the most of it!)

Miscellaneous Announcements:

• This We ek’s Congregational Kiddush has been Generously Sponsored by our Dear friend Yaacov Attia

thanking Hashem for always showering us with all his Blessings & to continue forever Amen!

• The Kiddush Club Initiative. Anyone interested donating a Kiddush Please kindly contact the Rabbi. Tizke

Lemizv ot!

• This Week’s Congregational Seudat Shelishit is still available for Sponsorship!

• This Week’s Breakfast is still available for Sponsorship!

Anyone interested in sponsoring Breakfast for this week or on any day please contact the Rabbi.

• This Week ’s Daf Yomi is still available for Sponsorship!

• If anyone is interested in creating a weekly class in your house or an individual class with the Rabbi, please do not hesitate to

contact the Rabbi.

• We are tryi ng to update our Congregant’s contact information. We would like to start sending texts about different Events and

We would like to start a list of Nahalot/Azkarot/Yahrzeits. Shiurim. We would also like to start emailing the weekly bulletin.

We would also like to make a Refuah Shelema list. Please send your contact information to the Rabbi at [email protected]

• Please fee l free to contact any of the board members either in person, or via email with suggestions or comments. Our email

addresses are: board member’s first name @oroziel.com

Important Message!!!

Eruv Update: S urfs ide: The Eruv in Surfside now includes the walking paths along the beach. Pushing strollers and carrying is permitted on the paths, but not beyond the path or onto the beach.

Bal Harb our: The Eruv in Bal Harbour included the inner (western) walking path only. The pier at Haulover Cut is not included.

• Due to the recent reorganization of seats in the Bet Hakenesset, We are happy to announce the NEW possibility of purchasing seats in the Bet Hakenesset. For more information, please contact the Board.

• Before hanging up anything anywhere in the Bet Hakenesset, please seek authorization from the Rabbi. This includes flyers etc.

• Please be advised that prior to bringing any food or drinks for any occasion, you must first seek the authorization from the Rabbi.

Special Announ cements

• We are pleas ed to announce that Ness 26 is part of the Amazon Charity Program, which would allow our community to

collect 0.5% of all the orders made by any of you on Amazon.com. In order to register you need to log on

smile.amazon.com and select Ness 26, Inc as the Charitable Organization you want to support, and from then shop on

smile.ama zon.com instead of www.amazon.com. It won’t cost anything more, and is an easy way to contribute to our

budget nee ds.

• Anyone wishing to receive the Daily Halacha by the Rabbi please send a whatsapp message to Simon Chocron 786-351- 1573

Community Calendar:

• The prog ram for Teenaged Boys ages 13-18 Started again with Great Succes with Shiur by the Rabbi & Supper on Sund ay Evenings after Arvit at around at 6:00 pm With Supper. New Participants Welcome! Anyone

wishing to sponsor this Shiur Please contact the Rabbi. Tizke Lemitzvot!

• We have started the Mishmar Program Every other Thursday evening at 8:00 pm with Chulent, Beer, &

Snacks. Everyone is we lcome !

Avot Ubanim: This Mosae Shabbat at 7:40pm

Youth Minyan • We are proud to announce the inauguratio n of our YOUTH/TEEN MINYAN geared to train and teach our future generatio ns on the differe nt tefillot and parashiot.




We would like to Whole Heartedly Thank our Dear Friends, Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Cohen for generously Donating the TORAH LEARNING of Adar Alef 5779 Leiluy Nishmat his Dear Parents: Isaac Cohen & Raquel Corcias z”l We truly appreciate it. In this merit, may Hashem Bless you & your wonderful family with all the Berachot of the Torah. Amen.

Birthdays Happy Anniversary To

Happy Birthday To • Andre & Murial Zonana Feb. 12th • Mrs. Esther Benhayoun – Shab. Feb. 9th, • Eran Eliyahu & Rebecca Tobul Feb. 14th th • Andrea Refaela Zonana – Shab. Feb. 9 ,

• Shai Hanania Cohen – Mon. Feb. 11th, Nahalot • Mrs. Anais Becker – Tue. Feb. 12th, th • Mrs. Zari Werta – Thur. Feb. 14 ,

• Mrs. Sultana Aquinin – Thurs. Feb. 14th, • Daniel Yosef Perez – Thurs. Feb. 14th, Next Shabbat: • Clara Aquinin – Shab. Feb. 16th, • Yaniv Shlomo Cohen – Wed. Feb. 20th, • Perla Aquinin – Thur. Feb. 21st, • Mr. Arnaud Sitbon – Thur. Feb. 21st, • Channah Natalie Allouche – Fri. Feb. 22nd, • Mr. Mose Benmergui – Fri. Feb. 22nd, • Raphael Cohen – Shabb. Feb. 23rd, • Michael Gad – Shabb. Feb. 23rd, • Mrs. Perla Edderai – Wed. Feb. 27th.

בס''ד Community Shiurim

Weekday mornings:

• 6:10AM to 6:45AM: Laws of Nidah. New participants welcome!

• 7:30AM Shiur on Hok Leyisrael with Breakfast! Everyone Is Welcome to Join. • 7:45AM to 8:30AM: Daf Yomi Masechet Hulin. NEW DAF YOMI MASECHET! New participants are welcome! It is a great time to start learning the Daf and join thousands of Jews across the world in this incredible project.

• 9:00 AM to 10:00 AM: Mishna Berura Dirshu Cycle! New participants welcome!

Weekday afternoons:

• Before Minha o Monday through Thursday: Shiurim in Spanish on assorted topics.

• After Arvit: o Mondays & Wednesdays: Hoshen Mishpat – Business Halacha o Every Thursday evening after Arvit Hilchot Nida in Depth for Men. o Tuesday Assorted Topics

In Recess for the Summe r o Monday & Tuesday at 7:00pm Masechet Berachot in French o Every other Monday evening at 8:30pm Shalom Bayit Class to Women. o Every other Tuesday evening at 8:30pm Shalom Bayit Classes to Men.

• SHIUR for Ladies! The Rabbi’s Shiur on Halachot of Kashrut NEW SERIES ON Hilchot Basar Vechalav, (Laws pertaining to Meat & Milk) to Ladies, in the Bet Hakenesset, every Tuesday afternoon at 2:05 pm. New Participants are always Welcome! In Recess


• Shabbat night before Arvit: Short lecture on the Parasha of the week. • Shabbat Morning: Lecture on the Parashah of the week. • Shabbat Morning – Daf Yomi at 8:00am. • Shabbat Afternoon – Shiur at 4:30pm • Spanish Shiur – with Simon Chocron One hour before Minha • Seudat Shelishit: Short lecture on the Parasha of the week.

בס''ד WEEKLY INSPIRATION from me. And so, I am worth only the amount that I have given to charity.” The Fly in the Sugar Bag We don’t truly “own” our material possessions, because they are “ours” only (Rabbi Eli Mansour Daily Halacha) temporarily. They can be taken away from us Many commentators noted the unusual at any moment, and at best, we keep them phraseology used by G-d in commanding only until we leave this world, at which point Beneh Yisrael to donate materials to the we take with us only our Misvot. The only Mishkan: Ve’yikhu Li Teruma” – literally, money that accompanies us to the next world “They shall take for Me a donation.” A donor is the money we donated to charitable gives his gift, yet G-d tells Beneh Yisrael to causes. “take” a donation towards the construction of Some have compared our relationship to our the Mishkan. money to the situation of a fly trapped in a The Rabbis of the Mussar movement bag of sugar. Would we consider the fly explained that the word “take” is used in fortunate? On the one hand, it has free, reference to charitable donations to teach unrestrained access to more sugar than it that when we give, we are really taking. We can possibly eat. On the other hand, it can’t might suggest an analogy to somebody take it anywhere. making a cash deposit in the bank. After he We are that fly. We can enjoy our material hands the cash to the teller, the teller is not possessions, but we can’t take it with us. going to thank the person for the money. The Once we depart from this world, not a single teller receives the money, but the money is granule of “sugar” accompanies us. going into the customer’s account where it will accrue interest. The customer not giving The Gemara in Masechet Sota notes that at away anything; he is making a deposit that the time Beneh Yisrael left Egypt, the entire will yield more money. The same is true with nation was busy collecting the riches of charitable donations to the needy or to Egypt, except for one person – Moshe, who religious institutions. When we donate, we was instead involved in an important Misva. are actually receiving. Although technically He was retrieving Yosef’s coffin to bring it to we give money, we are actually depositing the Land of Israel, in fulfillment of the promise the funds into an “account” which will yield made to Yosef that his remains would be inestimable rewards. interred in his homeland. It is told that Baron Rothschild once met with We might ask, why did Moshe choose to a king, who asked him how much he was involve himself specifically in this Misva while worth. The Baron named an amount Beneh Yisrael collected the spoils of Egypt? drastically lower than his actual worth, and The answer, perhaps, is that Moshe wanted the king was stunned. to teach the people an important lesson. After “I am quite confident that you are worth far living as slaves for over two centuries, with more than that,” the king said. “Are you lying no property and no rights, they were now to me? Are you trying to pretend you’re not suddenly becoming not only free, but as wealthy as we all know you are?” fabulously wealthy. According to tradition, the poorest among Beneh Yisrael had dozens of “Certainly not,” the Baron replied. “You asked donkeys loaded with riches. Moshe wanted to how much I am worth, so I told you the draw the people’s attention to the remains of amount I have dispensed to charity – Yosef, who, like them, went from “rags to because that is all I am worth. Anything I riches” in an instant. After languishing in an currently own can be lost in an instant. It can Egyptian dungeon, he suddenly found himself be stolen, or the markets can crash, and it appointed to the position of second-in- will lose its value. But everything I’ve given is command, ruling Egypt alongside Pharaoh. mine forever and can never be taken away He then turned Egypt into the wealthiest

בס''ד kingdom on earth, as all the surrounding d’s Name,” as the donation has the effect of nations came to purchase grain from Egypt. spelling out the divine Name. Yosef became phenomenally wealthy – but There is, however, another, simpler, he took not a penny with him to the next explanation of Rashi’s comment, which can world. As the people elatedly collected their be understood in light of a story told of a riches, Moshe showed them the remains of certain Hassidic Rebbe who received a visit Yosef, who was one of the wealthiest people from a destitute man asking for charity. The in the world, but who ultimately, like all Rebbe promptly pulled out a gold coin from people, passed on and took no material his drawer and handed it to the pauper. The possessions with him. poor man was amazed at the Rebbe’s “Ve’yikhu Li Teruma” – the only possessions generosity and thought maybe he was we truly own are our good deeds. And thus, making a mistake and did not actually intend when we give money to charity, we are not to give him a gold coin. The Rebbe said he giving – we are taking. did not make a mistake, and so the poor man quickly thanked him and left, before the Rebbe had a chance to change his mind.

A few moments later, the Rebbe told his Sincere Charity assistant to run after the poor man and bring him back to his home. When the assistant (Rabbi Eli Mansour) caught up to the man, the man thought to Parashat Teruma begins with G-d’s himself, “I knew it was too good to be true. command to Beneh Yisrael that they should The Rebbe did not really mean to give me donate materials for the construction of the such a large donation!” Brokenhearted, the Mishkan: “Ve’yikhu Li Teruma.” Rashi, man returned to the Rebbe, who welcomed commenting to this verse, notes that G-d him and proceeded to pull out yet another here instructs the people to make a donation gold coin and give it to him. The man was in “Li,” or “for Me,” and Rashi explains this to utter disbelief. He once again thanked the mean “Li’Shmi” – “for My Name.” Beneh Rebbe effusively and left. Yisrael were commanded to not only give The assistant turned to the Rebbe and asked donations, but to do “for G-d’s Name.” for an explanation. Why did he first give one What exactly does this mean? How does one gold coin, and then call the man back to give give a charitable donation “Li’Shmi” – for G- him another? d’s Name? “When this fellow first came to me,” the One explanation is based on the Kabbalistic Rebbe explained, “I was immediately taken tradition that whenever one gives charity, he aback by his appearance. He looked so “constructs” the divine Name, as it were. The famished and helpless, that I took one look at coin or bill that a person gives corresponds to him, and my heart went out to him. I had to the letter Yod, and he holds it in his hand, give him a gold coin because I was overcome which has five fingers and thus corresponds by pity and compassion. But after he left, I to the letter Heh (which has the numerical decided I needed to give another donation value of 5). The donor then outstretches his purely for the sake of the Misva of Sedaka. arm, which is long and straight like the letter The first coin I gave him was out of pity; the Vav, and places the donation in the second was to fulfill the Misva.” recipient’s hand, which corresponds to the Certainly, one fulfills the Misva of charity letter Heh. Thus, by giving a charitable regardless of his motives. In fact, even if donation, one spells out the letters “Yod,” somebody accidentally drops some money “Heh,” “Vav” and “Heh,” thereby forming the and it is found by a needy person, he fulfills divine Name of Havaya. Rashi alludes to this the Misva. Nevertheless, as this story shows, deep concept when he comments that there is a higher level of giving charity donations should be given “Li’Shmi” – “for G-

בס''ד sincerely “Li’Shmi,” for G-d’s sake, to obey he should tilt his head during davening His command. It is worthy to be filled with toward the position where the Shulchan is compassion and a desire to help, but in placed — namely, North). So too, we are addition, one should also have in mind to give taught, the Aron [Ark], which has within it the purely for the sake of G-d, to fulfill the Misva. Luchot [Tablets of the Covenant], symbolizes the Torah scholar. The Aron is that which In our community, many Chinese auctions carries the Torah. Therefore, a person who is are held to raise funds for worthwhile causes. a Torah Scholar is compared to the Aron. These are certainly wonderful events, and a tribute to our community, and the organizers Rabbenu Sadya Gaon lived in Egypt. He was and participants undoubtedly fulfill a great asked to become the head of the Academy in Misva by raising money for charity. We Sura, Babylonia. But, like many Rashe should remember, however, that this is not Yeshiva, he had to begin with a building the highest level of Sedaka. When somebody campaign to raise money for the new Yeshiva purchases tickets at a Chinese auction, he building in Sura. He solicited money from a hopes in the back of his mind to win wealthy Jew in Egypt who gave him a great something. And thus, although he fulfills the sum of money. The donation was given with Misva of charity, he does not fulfill the Misva the condition that the Aron Kodesh in the on the level of “Li’Shmi” – purely for the sake Yeshiva in Sura be dedicated in the name of of G-d. I know some people who, when they the donor. participate in Chinese auctions, purchase one Rabbenu Sadya Gaon took the money and ticket for somebody else, in addition to the traveled to Sura. When he arrived, he other tickets, so that they will have made at discovered that there was already a plaque least one donation purely for the sake of the by the Aron Kodesh, indicating that someone Misva. This is certainly a praiseworthy else had already donated it. Rabbenu Sadya practice, as it ensures that one not only fulfills Gaon consoled his donor with the following the great Misva of Sedaka, but does so on insight: With Jews there are two — the highest level, the level of “Li’Shmi.” As the Oral Torah and the Written Torah. The laudable as charity always is, we should Written Torah’s place is in the Aron, but strive to reach the highest standards of this where is the place of the Oral Torah? Each Misva, and make sure that at least some of Yeshiva student who is sitting and learning is the donations we give are given purely and the Aron Kodesh of the Oral Torah. The chair sincerely, out of a genuine desire to serve our where the Rabbi sits and the lectern on which Creator. he leans are the equivalent of the Aron Kodesh for the Oral Law. Consequently, by giving a general donation to help people learn — the Aron Kodesh of the Oral Law would be Placing Plaques on dedicated in his honor. Shtenders and Benches (Rabbi Frand from Torah.org) An Idea Whose Time Has Come. There is The Reason for Rabban great symbolism to real life in the vessels that Gamliel’s Depression existed in the Mishkan [Tabenacle]. The Menorah, for example, symbolizes wisdom. (Rabbi Frand) (Therefore, a person who wants to become The analogy of the Ark symbolizing the Torah wise should tilt his head during davening Scholar must be carried one step further. The [prayers] toward the position where the verse tells us concerning the Aron, “And you Menorah was placed — namely, South). The shall cover it with pure gold — inside and Shulchan [Table] symbolizes one’s livelihood. outside” [Shemot 37:2]. The Talmud teaches (Therefore, if a person is seeking Parnassah, from this verse “Any Torah scholar who is not

בס''ד the same on the inside as on the outside, is The Gerrer Rebbe answers that the reason no Torah scholar” [ 72b]. The Ark was for Rabban Gamliel’s depression was that he sterling gold. It was gold on the inside and on saw that after the 600 new students (who he the outside. If a person wants to claim the had refused to let into the Bet Medrash lofty title of Talmid Chacham [Torah Scholar], because they were not worthy enough) came he must likewise be the same on the inside into the Yeshiva, they did develop sterling as on the outside. It must be a situation character — inside and outside. By spending where “what you see is what you get”. He the time in the Bet Medrash, learning and must have a sterling character through and working on themselves, they, in fact, became through. “tocham k’baram”. The Talmud tells us [Brachot 27b] of the That is what depressed Rabban Gamliel. In famous incident involving Rabban Gamliel retrospect, he saw the influence that a place and Rabbi Yehoshua which led to the of Torah and a place of holiness had on appointment of Rabbi as these students. He saw with his own eyes , leader of the Rabbinic community. what a place of Torah can accomplish. That Rabban Gamliel’s approach as Nasi had was behind Rabban Gamliel’s fear that “Chas been to put a guard at the door of the house v’Sholom I held back Torah from Israel”. of study. He said any Torah scholar whose The Power of a Place of Torah — Not Just inner commitment did not match his outer Whistling Dixie commitment should not enter the study hall. Not every “Tom, Dick, and Harry” who Recently I was in Georgia, as a Scholar in wanted to enter the Yeshiva was admitted! Residence for a Torah retreat sponsored by Rabban Gamliel’s approach was “I’d rather Beth Jacob Congregation of Atlanta. When have a Yeshiva with 200 quality students one comes as a Scholar in Residence, he than have a Yeshiva with 800 students, some thinks that he will pontificate and shower the of whom are less than 100%.” residents with his wisdom. He expects that he will do the influencing and the audience will When Rabbi Eleazar ben Azariah was be the ones influenced. However, it is usually appointed as the Nasi, he changed the policy, a two-way street. In Georgia, I hope I and admitted anyone who wanted to come influenced some others, but I know that I was into the Bet Medrash. There were no greatly influenced. I witnessed the affect that requirements, no tests, and no guards at the a place of holiness, a place of prayer, and a door. Everyone was welcome. place of learning can have on a community. The Gemara relates that on that day, many Rabbi Emanuel Feldman left Yeshivas Ner benches had to be added to the Yeshiva. Israel in 1952, as a 24-year-old Rabbi, and Rabban Gamliel, upon seeing this, became went to Atlanta where he did not have even a depressed and feared that his policy caused minyan of Shomrei Shabbos, of Sabbath- Torah to be withheld from Jews desirous of observing Jews. Thirty-seven years later — learning. 37 years of work and patience, honesty and The Gerrer Rebbe (Chidushe haRim) wonders authenticity later — there is a congregation about Rabban Gamliel’s reaction. After all, that on a regular Shabbos attracts between Rabban Gamliel must have known what was 350 and 400 worshippers. Of this number, going on. He must have had 600 applications over 80% are people who, to some degree, on his desk from students interested in have returned to religion (chozrim enrolling into his Yeshiva. He knew all along b’Teshuva). The influence of an authentic that he could have quadrupled the place of Torah can totally revolutionize a city. enrollment, but he wanted quality, not This is the power of a Bet Medrash and this is quantity. So why now, all of a sudden, should the power that Rabban Gamliel saw. We are Rabban Gamliel be depressed? not just talking about influencing the unaffiliated to become religious. The

בס''ד influence that a Bet Medrash can have on The Nesi'im misunderstood the purpose of _any_ community is amazing – as long as it the giving. There was no deficit to be made is sincere, honest, and authentic. As long as up. Hashem has no deficit. The giving was an it is the real thing, it can remake a person and opportunity for self-development, the remake a city. purifircation of one's soul through attachment to a holy undertaking. Approaching the This, the Chidushe haRim said, is what mitzah as if G-d needs our contributions was Rabban Gamliel underestimated. He thought ludicrous. that he could not take those who were not 100% pure into the Bet Medrash. But, when The Gemara (Baba Batra 10a) relates that the they opened the doors and people came in wicked Turnus Rufus once asked R' Akiva, "If and drank from the holiness of that Bet your G-d loves the poor so much, Why then Medrash, it influenced them and transformed doesn't He provide for them?" R' Akiva them into 100% pure students. Such is the responded that Hashem could easily provide power of a place of Torah. personally for the poor but he chose to give

us the merit of giving Tzedaka to save us from Gehinnom. For this reason, says the Midrash (Rut Supporting the Supporter Rabbah 5:9), the poor man does more for the rich man than the rich man does for the poor (Rabbi Zev Leff) man. When Naomi asked Ruth who had "Take for me an offering" (Shemot 25:2) provided Ruth with the food she brought home that day, Ruth answered, "The man I The donations requested of Bnei Yisrael for did for today was named Boaz." Boaz the construction of the Mishkan are described provided her with what Hashem could have as being taken rather than given. What does provided Himself but she provided him with a that mean? Moreover, Hashem is the Master mitzvah - a chance to be G-d-like by giving to of the Universe and all that it contains. Did another. He need contributions and materials from human beings to construct His Mishkan? In this light, we can understand the words of Rambam in his commentary to the The purpose of the contributions was to in Pirke Avot (3:19), "All is judged according enable Bnei Yisrael to participate in the to the number of deeds."Rambam explains construction of the Mishkan. Thus, the giving that it is better to give one dollar of charity was in fact a receiving - "Take for me an one hundred times, than one hundred dollars offering." one time. The more times a person acts in a The nesi'im, the heads of the tribes, way that is meritorious and G-d-like, the more responded to the call for contributions for the he conditions himself to the performance of Mishkan by declaring that they would donate mitzvot and purifies his neshama. Tzedaka is what was still needed after the rest of Bnei not performed for the poor person's sake, but Yisrael gave all that they could. In the end, all rather to enable the giver to emulate Hashem that was left to bring were the precious and merit Olam Haba. stones for the Ephodand the Choshen, the oil So, too, with respect to the support of Torah and the spices for the incense and the institutions, as the Chafetz Chaim explains Menorah. The nesi'im were censured for the verse in Mishle (3:18) "Etz chaim he conducting themselves in this manner and lamachazikim bah - It is a tree of life for those the yud was removed their title in Vayakhel who grasp it and its supporters are (32:27). Since they were prepared to praiseworthy." The word lehachazik means contribute whatever was necessary, no both to support and to cling or to grasp. matter how great and did in fact contribute Hashem could provide for the Torah valuable items to the Mishkan, the question institutions without any human help but He remains, however, why were they censured? chooses to funnel His support through human

בס''ד agents. Those agents must realize that their grow, and he was offered various rabbinical "support" for Torah is in fact support for positions, Reb Eliezer sought to relieve his themselves. When they recognize that, they father-in-law of this financial burden. He will cling to their support for Torah institutions asked his permission to accept a rabbinincal as one clings to a log in a raging river. For position and begin to support himself. Despite them, then, their support is a tree of life. difficult financial times, Reb Avraham Those who think that they are in fact Yitzchak refused to permit him to do so. supporting the Torah will also be rewarded - When Reb Avraham Yitzchak's wife asked as Hashem does not deny reward for any him how long he intended to support their good deed- but for them Torah is not a tree of daughter and son-in-law's family, he life. responded, "My dear wife, who knows who is supporting whom..." Finally, the prestigious The Chafetz Chaim himself was once rabbinical position in Eisheshok was offered approached by a wealthy benefactor who to Reb Eliezer, and his father-in-law could no offered to underwrite the entire operating longer detain him. The day after the Gordon expenses of his yeshiva in Radin. He politely family left for Eisheshok, Reb Avraham refused. "I cannot permit you to monopolize Yitzchak was niftar. It then became clear who the merit for supporting my yeshiva and had been supporting whom. thereby deprive others of an opportunity to do so," he told the man. Thebadim, the staves In this light, we can appreciate the with which the Aaron Kodesh was carried, significance of the deletion of the "yud" from represent the supporters of Torah. They are the title of the nesi'im. With a "yud", the word an intrinsic part of the Torah community, nesi'im denotes "those that carry". Without inseparable from the Torah scholars, just as the "yud", the vowels can be rearranged to the staves could not be removed from the read "nis'aim"- those that are carried. The Aaron. But those who carried the Aaron were "yud" was removed to instruct them that, miraculously lifted off the ground and literally though they viewed themselves as making up carried by the Aaron itself. Their apparent the shortfall, they were in reality being carried support was in reality that which supported by the merit of the mitzvah. them. tell us that we will be redeemed After his marriage, Rabbi Eliezer Gordon, the through the merit of tzedakah. May we founder of the Telshe Yeshiva, was recognize the great oppurtunity offered us supported by his father-in-law, Rabbi when we are called upon to support Torah Avraham Yitzchak Neviezer, so that he could institutuions and the poor, and thereby merit decote himself fully to Torah learning and redemption. develop into a gadol. As his family began to Reprinted with permission f rom Artscroll Mesorah Publications, ltd. This article is prov ided as part of Shema Yisrael Torah Network Permission is granted to redistribute electronically or on paper, prov ided that this notice is included intact. For information on subscriptions, archiv es, and other Shema Yisrael Classes, send mail to parsha@shemay israel.co.il

Social Media: Tips for Safe children navigate this ubiquitous technology can be daunting. But there is no putting this and Meaningful Use genie back in the bottle; it is how people Parents must teach their children how to communicate these days – especially young properly use this potentially dangerous people. technology. (By Professor Naomi Nechama Many children begin to use social media Klapper, LMHC, MA) when they are too immature to understand its Facebook. WhatsApp. Instagram. Twitter. potential pitfalls. It is therefore crucial to Snapchat. For parents who didn’t grow up in educate our children on its positive use and the social networking age, helping their

בס''ד redirect its negative use at the time when more in danger of viewing these carefully they are just starting to use this technology. crafted, but not quite true, presentations as According to the latest research, the average reality, since their emotions distort their ability user is on social media for an hour a day or to judge things accurately. Continually remind 30 quick visits a day. Anything above that your child of this misconception. In addition, level of use has been shown to correlate to continue to work with him or her to foster a increased anxiety and/or depression. positive sense of self that doesn’t require validation from an online world. Here are some tips so parents can help their tweens form healthy relationships with this 3. Have ongoing discussions about using technology from the start and avoid danger social media and create ground zones. rules. Parents should be involved in guiding their children when setting up an account and 1. Place limits on the amount of time your installing privacy restrictions. They should child is on social media. We routinely and also review their child’s online friends list and automatically compare ourselves to other make sure they are only connected to people people. Yet the continuous comparison to they know in real life. It is unfortunately all too other people’s lives – which social media common and all too easy for someone to encourages – only makes people feel badly pretend to be someone they are not online. about themselves. Surprisingly, even comparing ourselves online to those whose In addition, parents should talk with teens lives or choices seem worse than ours, when about what type of content is appropriate to done excessively, can increase negative post and what is not. Remind them that once feelings about our own lives. something is posted online, it lives there forever, and they no longer have control over Work with your child to establish a realistic who sees it. Any future employer, potential and healthy time frame for daily usage. If self- date, yeshiva, or graduate school can find monitoring is difficult (and it often is, since anything you have ever posted online. websites and apps are specifically designed so users lose track of time) installing apps But just telling children and tweens this can that limit time spent on the internet may be be too esoteric. Provide real-life examples of helpful. a public figure whose “digital footprint” came back to haunt them to really drive the point 2. Talk openly with your teen about social home. media and the feelings associated with its use. Social media presents a highly idealized 4. Help your children form a “purposeful representation of life. It is easy to forget that relationship” with social media. Social the images people post of themselves media can be a useful way to explore your partying with friends, shopping, and going on interests and passions and to stay connected vacation are often highly curated and don’t with friends and family both near and far. But represent a person’s day-to-day reality. And it is not a replacement for meaningful, real-life often the images that are posted are the best friendships. Children cannot learn the from many taken and photoshopped. No one necessary skills for social interaction from posts images of themselves bored on their their online friendships. Make sure your couch or arguing with their friends. This children keep up with friends as much in in misconception can leave one assuming real life as they do online. everyone else is living a better, more exciting, Also encourage your children to establish and more fun life. boundaries that are true to how they act in Adolescents are especially susceptible to this real life. Teach your children to ask fallacy because their self-esteem at this age themselves: “Would I say this in person?” If is usually more vulnerable. If your child is the answer is no – that it would be too rude or already experiencing anxiety, such as social risqué – it is not appropriate to say online. anxiety, research shows they are in even

בס''ד Remind your child that she doesn’t have to Learning How to Talk to conform to anyone else’s expectations of usage. Even if friends spend hours each day Your Spouse online, it doesn’t mean she needs to do so. Four communication skills essential for Similarly, if a friend sends pictures of success in marriage. (By Dr. Meir Wikler) themselves, your child needn’t feel the pressure to reciprocate. A number of years ago, a nationally syndicated cartoon ran the following comic Research demonstrates that children often strip. Two men are sitting at a bar drinking feel badly about themselves for the sinkhole beer. While his friend pays rapt attention, one of time they have spent online, or their lack of of the men shares a recent personal self-control when visiting sites and posting revelation. "If I had known what marriage was pictures. Having parental controls that block going to be like, I would have joined the inappropriate sites and apps that limit their debating team in high school." time can help them navigate their new freedoms with safe boundaries. Hopefully for most people, marriage is not one long debate. But there are times in every 5. Teach by example and be a marriage when spouses feel that they are not knowledgeable resource communicating effectively with each other. Children learn not by what we say, but by The most obvious example is when couples what we do. They will observe how are quarreling or fighting much too often. A dependent you are on social media and less obvious, but not less common, example model their own usage accordingly. So, limit of ineffective communication is when one or your own social media usage and both spouses feels misunderstood, demonstrate having purposeful relationships. unappreciated, disregarded or disrespected. Participate in offline activities that foster real- world relationships. When couples are not communicating effectively, when they are not getting most of Most importantly, maintain open their basic needs met in the marriage, I try to communication so your children will see you teach them one or more of the following four as a credible resource when they have communication skills, which I believe are concerns with their own social media usage essential to success in marriage. (i.e. someone they don’t know contacts them online and it feels scared uncomfortable, or a Being deficient in even one of these skills can classmate is cyberbullying them). By significantly limit what you and your spouse proactively discussing social media with can achieve in your relationship. Being them, you will be viewed as a knowledgeable deficient in more than one of these skills can and reliable resource, which makes it more put any marriage at risk. likely they will seek your guidance if anything 1. EXPRESSING NEGATIVE FEELINGS upsetting happens. CONSTRUCTIVELY We can use social media to stay connected "Negative feelings" refers to those feelings with those whose paths we have crossed in which we generally do not enjoy hearing from life. But nobody should confuse these online others. They include: bitterness, resentment, connections with having deep, meaningful disappointment and disapproval. social interactions. Telling everyone your happy news on social media is no Just as there can be no hot without cold and replacement for celebrating this same no up without down, so too there can be no occasion with a few very close friends. positive without negative. In order to have a Teaching our children, the life tools to safely successful marriage, therefore, it is navigate social media will allow them to gain necessary for you to know how to effectively all the benefits of this technology without express the inevitable negative feelings that succumbing to its disadvantages. you have towards your spouse. If, however, you express your negative feelings in an

בס''ד uncontrolled outburst of violent rage, the Rule #1: Don't exaggerate. Aaron was used consequences for the rest of your family can to using words such as "always" and "never," be devastating. But even if your negative which were clearly exaggerations. feelings are vented in a more controlled Exaggerating helped Aaron let of steam, for fashion, i.e. if you use sarcasm, ridicule or sure. Nevertheless, by exaggerating his verbal assaults, the communication will be complaints, Aaron only succeeded in causing anything but effective. Sarah to tune him out. "I don't always do Negative feelings have to be expressed in that," Sarah would think and sometimes say order for couples to be able to adapt and out loud, thereby convincing Aaron that he adjust to each other's needs. Holding in all was, indeed, not being heard. negative feelings will do more harm than Rule #2: Don't mindread. Nothing is more good, as tension builds up like an old- infuriating than to be told that someone else fashioned pressure cooker. knows better than you what you Aaron is a good example of someone who were really thinking. In spite of what you say never learned how to express negative to the contrary, someone is convinced that feelings without attacking. Whenever he was you had malicious motives or harmful upset about something his wife Sarah did or intentions. said, he would lash out at her with such Rule #3: Use more "I" statements and less venom in his voice and rage on his face that "You" statements. A criticism which begins she was terrified. The next day, he would sulk with, "You…" generally introduces a in shame and embarrassment, promising comment which is perceived as an attack. himself and his wife that such outbursts For example, "You don't show me enough would never be repeated. appreciation for all the housework that I do." One day, Aaron kept swallowing in every Sarah did not feel that she received enough comment which Sarah made to him which he appreciation from Aaron. And she was right. felt was disrespectful, derogatory or But by beginning her complaint with, "You…" demeaning. Then, as he was standing in the she was eliciting more defensiveness in kitchen, Sarah "stepped over his line" one Aaron than empathy. more time by criticizing him in a manner which he felt was unfair. It would have been more effective if Sarah expressed her hurt feelings of being Aaron could not control himself any longer. unappreciated with "I" statements, such as, "I He "calmly" walked over to the sink, took the wish you would acknowledge more often how bottle of dishwashing liquid and squeezed much work I do at home to take care of you some of it into the pot of spaghetti Sarah was and the children." cooking on the stove. Then he stormed out of the house. Rule #4: Don't generalize. Be specific and try to give examples. Aaron mistakenly thought he could maintain peace at home simply by restraining all of his Vague, broad generalizations may make you negative feelings. Many months after the feel that you have been all inclusive. It may soap-in-the-spaghetti episode, Aaron was still even reassure you that you haven't left trying to pick up the pieces of the shattered anything out. But while it may be very trust between him and Sarah. satisfying for the one venting his or her anger, it makes it difficult for your spouse to So, what did Aaron do wrong? What mistakes hear you. did he make? And how should he have communicated to Sarah what was bothering 2. LISTENING TO NEGATIVE FEELINGS him? NON-DEFENSILVELY Hopefully, you realize that you are not the only one with negative feelings. Just as there are things your spouse does which bother

בס''ד you, there are things that you do which drive "But I specifically asked you to keep an eye your spouse absolutely crazy. Whoops, I may on the chicken so it wouldn't burn. How could have just broken Rule #1, above. On the you let this happen?" other hand, in your particular case, it may not Yes, you made a mistake. But, no, it wasn't be an exaggeration at all! the end of the world. And, no, it wasn't worth In order to complete the communication loop getting all worked up about. But if your so that messages are properly sent and spouse is disappointed that the chicken was received, it is necessary for all spouses to cooked longer than expected, by your trying learn how to listen to negative feelings to defend yourself, you are downplaying your without becoming defensive. This is much spouse's feelings. Your spouse will get the harder than learning how to express negative impression that his or her feelings don't feelings effectively. Nevertheless, for a count, aren't important and, as far as you are marriage to succeed, both spouses must be concerned, are not worthy of consideration. able to hear each other's complaints without In short, defensiveness on your part only defensiveness. pours grease on the fires of your spouse's "I only meant to…," "Do you know why I said temper. It makes your spouse feel unheard that?" and "Well, you've done the same thing and disregarded. to me plenty of times," are all common Hold on there, you are thinking. If my spouse examples of defensiveness. is upset because of something I did or did not What's wrong with being defensive? Isn't it a do, then he or she needs to know the good thing to explain your actions and "set reasons for my actions immediately. Right? the record straight"? Wrong. In order to assign blame or to pass Being defensive signals to your spouse judgment on you, your spouse needs to take that you are only concerned with being all of the extenuating circumstances into vindicated and not concerned about your consideration. But if your spouse needs to spouse's feelings. vent hurt feelings of frustration or No, it's not a good thing. When you start disappointment, the extenuating listing all of the reasons why you shouldn't be circumstances are totally irrelevant. blamed for some misdeed, you signal to your 3. EXPRESSING POSITIVE FEELINGS spouse that you are only concerned with WITHOUT INHIBITION being vindicated and you are not at all The term "positive feelings" refers to such concerned about your spouse's feelings. emotions as: affection and warmth, Suppose you were put in charge of keeping appreciation and approval, admiration and an eye on some chicken in the broiler. And respect. They are called positive because you goofed. It got burned. Your spouse they usually generate positive reactions in comes into the kitchen sniffing the air and people who experience these feelings, as says, "I smell smoke. Is something burning?" well as in people to whom these feelings are You reply, calmly, "No, there's nothing directed. It is no wonder, then, that many of burning. The chicken just got a little too well the words to describe positive feelings begin done." with the letter "A." "Well done?" your spouse fumes, looking at Unfortunately, in western society, people are the crispy, black chicken in the broiler pan. much more experienced with negative "You call this well done? It's burnt." feelings than they are with positive feelings. In school, we were criticized much more often "Oh, come on, don't be so fussy," you say than we were praised. At home, we were trying to downplay your error. "It's just the punished or reprimanded more often than we spices on top that got a little black. There's were rewarded. And as we were growing up, nothing wrong with the chicken. I love it like we had many more opportunities to witness this."

בס''ד the adults around us venting their fury and Danielle and Avi had reached the boiling frustration than we had to witness them point in their marriage. For the first time in expressing affection and admiration. their 19 years of marriage, Avi had used the As a result of this imbalanced exposure to "D" word. Avi had always considered himself negative feelings, most people had many happily married and was even surprised to more opportunities to learn how to express hear himself utter it. Danielle was devastated. negative emotions than they did positive Significant, long standing in-law and ones. So, by the time they reach adulthood, parenting conflicts practically melted away in they have a greater fluency in the language the months that followed, as Avi and Danielle of negative feelings than they have in the learned how to speak and listen to each other language of positive feelings. more effectively. In order to succeed in marriage, both "This would be a good opportunity for you spouses must be able to freely express a both to practice expressing your positive wide range of positive feelings to each feelings to each other," I suggested. other. Avi was delighted. Danielle squirmed in her It is not surprising, therefore, that when these seat. I warned them both that it might require adults marry, they find it easier to tell their some practice and recommended they begin spouses what they do not like about them in my office. than what they do like. Consequently, an Avi volunteered that he always felt frustrated important lubricant in human relations is by Danielle's discomfort with praise. For that missing. reason, he jumped at the opportunity to be As I often tell the couples with whom I work, a the first speaker. relationship can be compared to a bank "I really admire how well you manage our account. If your deposits exceed your home and take care of the kids," Avi began withdrawals, your account remains active. If enthusiastically. "Whenever they go out, they your withdrawals exceed your deposits, your always look so neat and well dressed. Some checks will bounce, and your account will be kids you see on the street look poorly taken closed. care of, but I always feel proud of how our Similarly, if your compliments exceed your children look." complaints, your spouse will pay attention to Danielle's face was visibly flushed. She your grievances. But if your complaints started giggling nervously and then turned to exceed your compliments, your criticism will me. "He is only saying that now because you fall on deaf ears. told him to." In order to succeed in marriage, therefore, "Dr. Wikler may have instructed me to praise both spouses must be able to freely express you now," Avi countered, "but those are my a wide range of positive feelings to each true feelings." other. Turning to Danielle, I observed, "It seems 4. LISTENING TO POSITIVE FEELINGS that you are not comfortable hearing WITH AWKWARDNESS someone compliment you." Some people can never accept a Danielle then revealed that she grew up in a compliment. If someone tries to commend "European" home where children were never them, they change the subject, look away, praised directly. Her parents would blush, cough nervously or all of the above. occasionally praise Danielle and her siblings They find it easier to praise others and often to neighbors or other relatives. It was do. But when they are on the receiving end of considered "spoiling" children, however, to positive feelings, they openly display their offer them any direct approval. "If we did not discomfort. get punished or scolded," Danielle explained, "it meant we were well behaved."

בס''ד It took another few weeks of communication like that, most of us would do just about exercises, both at home and in my office, for anything. Danielle and Avi to achieve a relative comfort But we don’t have to. It turns out that all we level in expressing their own and listening to need to do is model gratitude ourselves each other's positive feelings. And when we (which will lead to the benefit of greater met for our termination, or wrap-up, session, personal happiness regardless of how it Danielle acknowledged how she felt about impacts our teens!). this aspect of the therapy. However, “all we have to do” may be more "When you first asked us to express positive difficult than it sounds. Many of us may not feelings here in your office, I thought you be in the habit of expressing gratitude. In fact, were out of your mind. And I thought to we may actually be in the habit of expressing myself, 'I'm never going to be able to do this.' frustration, complaints, and a sense of But, then, I thought a lot about what you said entitlement (where do you think our kids got it - that my being unable to accept compliments from?). hurts Avi - and I decided to trust your judgment. So of course, we are the ones that need to change first. We are the ones who need to "Now that we've been expressing positive make gratitude and appreciation a regular feelings to each other for the past few weeks, part of our lives. We are the ones who must I see how important this is. I see how you develop the “gratitude attitude.” were so right. This positive feelings business adds a dimension to our relationship that I It is not enough to think it or feel it. To make never thought possible… And, yes…, we are it real, even just for ourselves, we need to much closer, now." say it out loud. Likewise, if we want to model Excerpted with permission from, Ten Minutes a Day to a it for our children. Better Marriage: Getting Your Spouse to Understand You by “Thank you for making such a delicious Dr. Meir Wikler (Artscroll/Mesorah Publications, 2003) dinner tonight” (to the designated cook in the home). Gratitude Leads to “Thank you for going to the store for me.” “I really appreciate that you folded my Happiness laundry.” How to bring the gratitude attitude into “Thanks for taking us on that vacation. It was our homes and daily lives. really special.” (By Emuna Braverman) “Wow. What an awesome sunset the “It is not happy people who are thankful; it is Almighty made for us.” thankful people who are happy.” “We are so lucky to live in this house in this A friend of mine posted this anonymous neighborhood.” quote on Facebook the other day. It “It was really the Almighty’s kindness that dovetailed neatly with the recent Wall Street brought us to this community.” Journal piece “Raising Children with an Attitude of Gratitude” by Diana Kapp Etcetera, etcetera, etcetera (to quote one of (12/23/2013). my favorite musicals). Gratitude leads to happiness. According to a Yes, some of this sounds awkward. Some of study of teens that is cited in the article, it it sounds artificial. You need to find your own also leads to stronger GPA’s, less words. And it takes practice – lots of it. depression, less envy and a more positive Changing behavior isn’t easy. Enlist your outlook. To get our adolescents to behave family in the effort. Ask them to help identify

בס''ד what to be grateful for, who to thank, what to the Almighty’s help. He deserves the biggest notice and appreciate. It will impact all of you. thanks of all. And once we’re grateful to our Sometimes gratitude is difficult because we Creator, we will also be grateful to His don’t like to acknowledge our debts; we like creations. to feel we did it on our own. But we can’t do anything without the help of others (that proverbial “village”) and certainly not without


Halachot of Hachnasat Daf Yomi Masechet Hulin Sefer Torah (Daf Notes) (Morrocan Daily Halacha) Getting a Grip What are Some of the Customs of While the Torah delineates specific signs for Hachnasat Sefer Torah? determining the kashrus (suitability) of beasts Rabbi Ovadia Yosef (Teshuva in Yalkut (split hooves, cudchewing), no such identifying Yosef, Hilchot Nefilat Apaim, § 23) and Rabbi characteristics are mentioned explicitly in Betzalel Stern (Shu”t Betzel HaHochma, vol. relation to birds. (Instead, the Torah provides a 3, § 14) write that on the day of a Hachnasat detailed list of species considered unsuitable). Sefer Torah (inaugurating a new Torah While these details are not recorded in the scroll), Tahanun is not recited, and this is the Written Torah, they are covered by the Oral Moroccan custom as well. A new Sefer Torah Tradition; as we find in the Mishna: “The imbues a day with immense joy and therefore (kashrut) signs of domesticated and wild the supplication prayers are suspended. animals are stated in the (Written) Torah, Similarly, Rabbi Yehuda Ayash (Bet Yehuda, while the signs of fowl are not. However, the vol. 1, Yore De’a, § 23) writes that the Sages revealed them, and said: Any bird that “Sheheheyanu” blessing should be recited is dores is unfit... R’ Eliezer son of R’ Tzadok the first time a new Sefer Torah is taken out says: Any bird that ‘splits its toes’ is unfit.” and read, and this was also the custom in Exactly what constitutes “dores” is a subject Morocco. of discussion amongst the commentators; for Rabbi Haim Benvenisti (Sheyare Knesset our purposes, it seems to refer to the process HaGedola), Rabbi Haim Palagi (Kaf HaHaim) of securing prey (see Tiferet Yisrael 82). and Rabbi Davi Pardo (Michtam LeDavid) Regarding R’ Eliezer’s comment of “splitting write that in several Sephardic lands, toes,” the Gemara (Chullin 65a) explains this including Morocco, the sponsor of the new as referring to a certain posture the bird tends Torah scroll would host a feast in his home to adopt: that is, it places two toes in the front for seven days and this would culminate with and two in the back (as opposed to three in escorting the scroll to the synagogue. the front and one in the back). The Nowadays, such lavishness is less common, commentators add that this particular and the sponsors tend to host a festive meal arrangement is a sure sign that the bird is of on the day of the Hachnasat Sefer the “dores” type, and hence, unfit. Torahitself. Mishnat Chaim asks: What relationship do Summary: Tahanun is ommitted on the day “split toes” have with the action of “dores”? of Hachnasat Sefer Torah. “Sheheheyanu” is This appears to be a manifestation of the recited the first time a new Sefer Torah is marvelous plan and purpose evident in read. Hashem’s Creation. In a volume aptly named

בס''ד Sha’ar HaShamayim, the father of the Ralbag 1. How far was this desert from the north states that Hashem has fashioned every pole? creature to be maximally suited to provide for 2. Was Moshe running a major mining itself. Thus, we find that birds of prey possess operation? long, hooked beaks and sharp talons, perfect for tearing into flesh. One bird that sports the 3. Was there actually a Walmart in the “split toes” arrangement is the osprey (which Midbar? appears [at least according to the Chizkuni] Actually, Hashem made sure that somewhere to be the “ozniyah” listed in the parshah along the way each of the materials for the amongst the non-kosher birds [Vayikra 11:13]). Mishkan could be picked up. Take the gold, This bird is a master fisherman, living off the silver and precious vessels, for example. The fish it snatches from the water by diving feet night that Bne Yisrael left Mitzrayim, they first. The osprey hauls its catch back to a were commanded to collect their neighbors's perch, holding it all the while in its claws. valuables. In fact, the Egyptians forced the Normally, transporting fish in one’s toes is a Bne Yisrael to take their gold, silver and risky prospect, as the slimy prey could easily precious posessions. But that's not all! The fall out. The “twoin-front-two-in-back” posture "gold rush" continued at the Red Sea. When is thus remarkably utilitarian, as it serves to the Egyptian army drowned, their ornaments, secure an otherwise slippery meal. jewels and treasures washed up on shore While deniers may concoct all manner of far- and made them even richer! fetched theories of how such phenomena In the Midbar, the morning dew brought more came about, we have seen the approach of than the miracle of mann for the tzadikim. the righteous. In such instances, the “pious Every portion of mann was spackled with ones” see a clear manifestation of the Honor precious gems - precisely the ones needed of Hashem’s Kingship. for the Mishkan! Now, how about them shittim? Certainly cedar-like trees don't grow "like trees" in the Midbar. Right? Right!! Actually, Hashem - or more specifically Yaakov Avinu - "planted" the seed for shittim three hundred years KID’Z KORNER before. With his Ruach Hakodesh, he saw that his descendants would need shittim wood for the Mishkan, so he planted trees all InterestIng M Idrash over Mitzrayim. Before he died, Yaakov (from Torah Tots) commanded his children to take the shittim wood with them when they would leave Mishkan Shopping List Mitzrayim in the future. Imagine the sight - Since there were no Walmarts in the Midbar, the greatest tzadikim of Moshe's generation you've got to wonder where Hashem carrying shoulder full of shittim wood across expected the Bne Yisrael to come up with the the Yam Suf!! many materials needed to build the Mishkan. Then there's the 103-foot (72 amah) wooden After all, the shopping list included; gold, beam. Ever heard of "A Tree Grows In silver, copper, wool dyed purple and wool Brooklyn?" Well, here's "A Tree Grows In dyed blue, linen, goats' hair, seal skins, Be'er Sheva". Actually, that tree had an shittim wood, olive oil, spices, two shoham important cameo in Jewish history that goes gems and twelve additional precious gems. all the way back to Avrohom Avinu. He Since Hashem has a policy not to ask for the planted the original seed and, throughout his impossible, you've got to be wondering: years, prayed and served his guests beneath the shade of its towering trunk. As the Bne Yisrael crossed the Yam Suf, the Malachim

בס''ד chopped down the tree and dropped the giant "That is true. The entire complex belongs to trunk on the sea bed before them. The the king, with houses and gardens for his people understood that this huge relic was many servants and ministers. But this destined for greatness, so they took it along building is the inner palace where the king with them. Indeed, the giant tree trunk lives. His servants may only enter when they became the middle beam in the Mishkan. are called, and they must be dressed appropriately." Finally, there's the tachash, a one-horned animal with a multi-colored coat. This animal The Palace of the King never even made it onto the "endangered וְ ﬠָ שׂ וּ לִ י מִ קְ דָּ שׁ , וְ שָׁ ַכ נְ תִּ י בְּ ת וֹ ָכ ם species" list. That's because it was one-of-a- kind and 'tailor created' to appear in the "They shall build for Me a sanctuary, and Midbar just in time for the Mishkan-makers to I will dwell among them" (Ex. 25:8). make use of its beautiful coat of fur. No other tachash has been seen since... It says that "The entire universe is full of His glory," and "The Heavens are My throne, and Unless you prescribe to the opinion that a the earth is My footstool" (Isaiah 6:3, 66:1). If tachash is a common seal. In which case, G-d's Presence fills the entire universe, why there was at least one arctic animal that went does He need a Temple? way off course! The Maggid of Dubno explained using the above parable. True, the entire world belongs to G-d. But the Bet HaMikdash, the Holy Kid’z Korner (Revach) Temple, is G-d's inner palace. That is where the Divine Presence fully dwells. The Palace of the King Not everyone is allowed to enter the inner (Adapted from Meshalim Vegam Sipurim, p. 66) sanctuary. Only his special servants, the The Palace Visitor kohanim, may enter. And even they must wear appropriate clothing to serve Him. Jack was touring the capital city when he came across a beautiful complex of buildings. Rav Moshe Feinstein Doesn't Subscribe "What is this beautiful place?" he asked. The Steipler once sent a shaliach to Rav "This," a guard announced proudly, "is the Moshe Feinstein regarding an important king's palace!" issue which the Steipler wanted Rav Moshe Jack entered inside the palace gates, to become involved in. The shaliach accompanied by the palace guard. Among discussed the issue with R' Moshe and told the splendid paths and breathtaking gardens, him all the details. When he was finished, he he saw many houses and buildings. pulled out a Hamodia newspaper, explaining that this newspaper happens to have an "What are these houses?" article about the inyan. Rav Moshe declined "They belong to various ministers of the to take the newspaper, saying that he had king." already heard the details so there is no need for him to see the article. The shaliach Jack continued to walk until he arrived at an persisted, explaining that it was possible that exquisite structure, decorated with stunning he missed one or two important details. marble columns and ornate carvings. Rav Moshe responded, "I have not held a "And what is this building?" he asked. newspaper in my hands for seventy years. As "This is the king's palace!" soon as I read a newspaper, I will no longer be qualified to pasken because my mind will "Before you told me that the entire complex is not be one hundred percent Da'at Torah." the king's palace, and now you say that this building is the palace?"

בס''ד Rav Shlomo Zalman Auerbach - All I Can of Shas - the Vilna Shas which was a Do For You Is Cry beautiful Shas with a quality print, and another Shas printed in Poland which was of The family of Reb Shlomo Zalman Auerbach lesser quality with inferior print. Rav Chaim z'tl recounted a story that occurred one night explained that if one had these two Shasim, at a very late hour. A knock was heard on the he wouldn’t say the inferior Shas is not a door of their household in Shaarei Chessed. Shas –he would merely say it was not as A chatan and kalla entered, both of whom beautiful. Similarly, someone who knows were baale teshuvah, with a difficult question. Shas is someone who knows Shas, and Their wedding was a week away, and it had therefore it’s appropriate to treat him with the suddenly been revealed that the kalla was proper kavod. passul for marriage, and it was forbidden for them to marry.

They imploringly questioned Reb Shlomo Zalman, "What should we do?" The Posek Hador heard their question, and gestured POUR LES FRANCOPHONES with his hands that there was nothing he could do. Then he turned to the chatan and (Rav Itshak Nabet) kallah and said, "You're asking me what to do, and I know that there's nothing to be L'importance de la Pureté done; can I provide a heter for someone forbidden to marry? However, there is Cette semaine, dans la paracha Terouma, something in my power to do for you. I can nous commençons la description de la cry." construction du Michkan, le temple portatif. La Torah détaille chaque ustensile, chaque The Gaon took all his Torah which he vêtement, chaque partie de cet édifice. De learned his entire lifetime, all the kedushah of nombreuses explications ont été apportées his heart, and the taharah of his soul, and pour comprendre l'importance du Michkan. burst out in heart-rending weeping. Twenty- four hours had not yet passed, and the Le Ramban zal explique qu'Hachem voulait chatan and kallah returned to Reb Shlomo donner aux enfants d'Israël la possibilité de Zalman's house. They told him that a man voir en permanence la présence divine, had suddenly arrived from Argentina who comme ils la virent lors du don de la Torah. knew the kallah's family well. He testified that Ainsi ce temple devait-il être une sorte de the kallah is not forbidden to marry, and the témoignage que la Torah fut bel et bien information they had received previously was octroyée par Hachem Soi-même. C'est false. (Alenu Leshabeach) pourquoi nous trouvons de suite après le don

de la Torah, dans la paracha Yitro, l’ordre de Rav Chaim Volozhin, Shas Is Shas construire un autel en terre afin d'apporter In the time of Rav Chaim of Volozhin, there des sacrifices. Cependant, selon cette was a baal habayis who had completed the interprétation, nous devons comprendre entire Shas. Rav Chaim would stand up for pourquoi la Torah ne traita pas directement him when he would enter the room. The de la construction du Michkan après la talmidim of R’ Chaim felt that it was an affront paracha de Yitro. Pourquoi enseigna-t-elle to his kavod to stand up for a baal habayis. toutes ces lois de droit civil entre l'ordre de They protested to R’ Chaim, saying that construire cet autel et celui de prélever les although the baal habayis did learn Shas and biens pour sa réalisation ? spent a lot of time learning, he didn’t know Avant de répondre à cette question, the Shas in depth, so it was not respectful for intéressons-nous à un des enseignements de a great Gaon like himself to stand up for him. notre paracha. Parmi la liste des matériaux R’ Chaim answered that there are two types demandés par Hachem, nous trouvons des pierres précieuses, des peaux d'animaux et

בס''ד du bois de Chitim... Rachi zal s'interroge: où protégées. Yaacov avinou ne prit de simples les bné Israël trouvèrent-ils du bois dans le arbres pour le fabriquer. Il emporta avec lui les désert ? Et il répondit au nom du Midrach que arbres qu'Avraham avinou avait plantés près lorsqu'Yaacov avinou descendit en Egypte, il de sa tente afin de faire de l'ombre aux gens vit par prophétie la construction du temple. qu'il invitait. Afin que ce temple traverse le Alors il prit avec lui des arbres qu'il planta temps, il ne pouvait pas être construit avec en Egypte. Puis, lors de leur libération, du bois planté par des Egyptiens impurs. les bné Israël déracinèrent ces arbres et les C'est pourquoi il fit descendre ces arbres transportèrent pour fabriquer le Michkan. qu'Avraham avinou avait spécialement fait Cependant une question demeure: pourquoi pousser pour sanctifier le nom d'Hachem. Yaacov avinou eut- il besoin de se munir de Désormais, nous pouvons répondre à notre ce bois? N'y avait-t-il pas assez de forêts question initiale. Bien qu'il ait été plus logique en Egypte? de faire suivre directement la paracha Teruma La guémara, dans le traité Baba Metsia (85, après Yitro, Moché voulut leur transmettre un b), raconte que Rabbi Hiya, un des plus message important : avant de prélever vos importants sages du Talmud, trouva une dons pour le temple, assurez-vous que cet solution afin que la Torah ne soit pas oubliée argent soit propre de toute interdiction. Ainsi, des enfants d'Israël. Il partit acheter des il leur enseigna les lois concernant l'interdiction graines de lin et les planta. Quelques mois l'interdiction de voler, les emprunts, les plus tard, il prit ces gerbes de lin, les tissa réparations en cas de dégâts... Car si le puis fit des pièges de chasse. Ensuite, il temple avait été construit avec des matières plaça ses filets et attrapa quelques premières interdites, il aurait été voué à la animaux cachers. Il leur fit la Che’hita, puis destruction. De même, lorsque nous faisons travailla leur peau afin d'en faire des des dons, nous devons nous assurer que parchemins. Puis il écrivit la Torah et les six notre argent soit propre. Chez les juifs, parties de la Torah orale. Enfin, il commença l'argent à une odeur, il peut sentir bon ou à enseigner à des enfants tout ce qu'il y avait mauvais. Si nous désirons recevoir les écrit. En outre, la guémara témoigne que bénédictions promises par la Torah, il faut tout ce que ces enfants apprirent, jamais ils que nos actes de charité soient acceptés par ne l'oublièrent. Lorsque nous lisons cette Hachem. C'est pourquoi nous devons fuir les histoire, nous ne comprenons pas pourquoi fausses déclarations d'impôt ou d'assurance, Rabbi Hiya passa autant de temps pour nous devons payer nos employés comme fabriquer ce sefer Torah. Il lui avait fallu au convenu avec eux et nous devons rendre tout moins cinq ans pour faire ces livres: pourquoi l'argent qui ne nous revient pas selon les lois n'avait-il pas, dès lors, tout simplement de la Torah. En faisant ainsi, il est évident acheté un sefer Torah ? qu'Hachem nous récompensera et nos dons Nos sages expliquent qu'il avait souhaité porteront leurs fruits dans ce monde et le nous enseigner une leçon fondamentale : monde futur, amen ken yéhi ratson...

lorsqu'une chose est faite depuis le début dans la pureté, pour Hachem, alors cette chose perdure dans le temps. C'est pourquoi Rabbi Hiya passa des années afin que Donner de Nous-Même. chaque étape de la fabrication du sefer Torah Nous assistons, dans la paracha Térouma, ne le soit pas dans un but lucratif, mais au début de la construction du Michkan, le réellement, et exclusivement, pour Hachem. Temple portatif. Hachem demanda de Le Michkan, contrairement au Bet Amikdash, collecter les matières premières de cet ne fut jamais détruit. Il fut enterré par le roi édifice. C'est ainsi que Moché Rabénou Chlomo à l'endroit du Temple, à Jerusalem. ordonna de prélever de l'or, de l'argent, du Le Midrach enseigne par quel mérite ces cuivre, de l'azur, de la pourpre, de l'écarlate, planches traversèrent le temps et furent du lin et du duvet de chèvre, des peaux de

בס''ד bélier et de téhachim, du bois de Chittim, de qu'ils avaient fournis étaient légers face à l'huile, des encens, des pierres de choham et l'énergie déployée par certains juifs plus de milouim(pierres précieuses destinées à simples. orner l'habit du cohen gadol). C'est pourquoi chacun doit s'efforcer de Le Or aHaim akadoch s'interroge sur la place fournir tout ce qu'il peut pour effectuer la de ces bijoux dans cette liste. En effet, il volonté de notre créateur. Même lorsqu'il aurait été plus logique de les placer en tête éprouve des difficultés, même s'il sent qu'il puisqu'ils représentaient les biens les plus n'avance pas. Car nous devons savoir que ce chers. Alors pourquoi la Torah les désigne-t- n'est pas le résultat qui compte, mais elle en dernier? l'investissement. Il faut aussi être patient, car ce qui est dur aujourd'hui devient plus facile Ce rav répondit qu'il est enseigné dans la avec le temps. La vie est longue et chaque masseret Yoma (75, a) que ces objets de jour nous donne la possibilité de nous luxe avaient été offerts par Hachem en même améliorer. temps que la Manne (nourriture spirituelle). Ainsi, les princes des tribus qui avaient On raconte qu'une nuit le Rav Israël Salanter apporté ces pierres n'avaient pas subi de zrouto yagen alénou rentrait chez lui à une perte financière. C'est pour cela que leurs heure tardive. Soudain, il entendit des bruits offrandes se trouvaient diminuées. A provenant de la cordonnerie. Il s'approcha et l'inverse, les matières données par le peuple aperçut l'artisan travailler à la lumière d'une provenaient de leurs biens. Leurs dons bougie. "Tu ne vas pas dormir?" demanda représentaient un véritable sacrifice de leur le rav. "Vous savez, Monsieur le rabbin, tant part. Ainsi, la Torah cite en dernier les pierres qu'il y a de la flamme, on peut réparer." C'est précieuses pour nous dévoiler qu'elles ainsi que le Rav Israël Salanter se renforça étaient moins importantes aux yeux dans son étude de la Torah et dans d'Hachem que les autres matières. l'accomplissement des mitsvot et répétait De là, nous pouvons tirer un enseignement chaque jour:"tant qu'il y de la flamme, on peut réparer!" pour notre service divin. Hachem recherche avant tout notre investissement personnel, De même devons-nous prendre courage et nos efforts. Un juif n'est pas jugé sur ce qu'il conscience que, tant que nous sommes est, mais sur l'exploitation de son potentiel. vivants, nous pouvons nous améliorer, Par exemple, une personne qui a des faire Téchouva et grandir. Mais pour cela, il difficultés pour se lever et aller prier, mais qui faut être patient et ne pas Betser les bras se bat tous les matins contre son lit recevra devant les épreuves. Au contraire, nous une récompense plus grande qu'une autre devons garder à l'esprit l'enseignement de qui se lève tôt naturellement. Car, et c'est là notre paracha: plus on ressent de la difficulté, une règle, le salaire dépend de l'effort. plus notre sacrifice est important et plus l'offrande se trouve appréciée par notre C'est ainsi quele rav Moché Feinstein zrouto créateur. Alors, qu'Hachem nous donne les yagen alénou explique la guémara de Baba forces afin de profiter de chaque jour pour Batra (10, b). Un jour, Rav Yossef, fils de nous améliorer. Rav Yéochoua, tomba gravement malade et subit une mort clinique. A son réveil, son père lui demanda:"Qu'as-tu vu là- haut?" "J'ai vu un monde à l'envers, de grands rabbanim avaient des places moins importantes que REFLEXION SEMANAL des hommes simples. " Ce commentateur expliqua que ces grands (Rav Yonatan Gefen) sages avaient reçu des capacités intellectuelles importantes, une éducation El Balance Correcto dans la Torah… et finalement les efforts

בס''ד La Torá declara, respecto a las paredes del atención especial en que los hilos de su talit Tabernáculo: “La barra central debe pasar no golpeen a nadie. Otro caso es cuando se por el medio de las dos vigas, de un extremo saca el Séfer Torá, momento en que es muy al otro” (1). El Targum Yonatán escribe que la alabable besarlo, pero, si es muy probable barra central estaba hecha de madera que uno empuje a otro en el camino, proveniente de los árboles que Abraham entonces las autoridades escriben que la había plantado con el objetivo de hacer mitzvá de besar el Séfer Torá es dejada de bondad con los viajeros. ¿Por qué fue lado por el requisito de no dañar al prójimo (4). utilizada esta madera en particular para una Otro aspecto en el que es importante función tan prominente en el Tabernáculo? enfatizar nuestro Ben adam le-javeró, al igual Rav Zelig Pliskin explica que es para que el ben adam la-Makom (‘entre el hombre y recordarnos que, incluso cuando nos Di-s’), es en el área de las rigurosidades. El dedicamos a Di-s, nunca debemos olvidar Rambán explica, en el versículo al comienzo tener compasión por nuestro prójimo, quien (2) de la parashá , en donde la Torá fue creado a imagen de Di-s . nos instruye a “ser santos”, que no es Esta idea es acentuada en las enseñanzas suficiente con respetar las leyes básicas, de grandes eruditos de Torá. Una de las sino que debemos esforzarnos para alcanzar grandes contribuciones de Rav Israel niveles altos en nuestra relación con Di-s Salánter fue que, si bien es altamente más allá de la observancia técnica de las encomendable otorgar un gran cuidado a mitzvot. nuestra observancia en el ámbito de Ben Hay otra sección, en la que el Rambán hace adam la-Makom ‘entre el hombre y Di-s’, uno un comentario similar respecto a Ben adam debería cuidar mucho que esto no sea a le-javeró. La Torá dice: “Y harás lo que es expensas de los demás. recto y bueno a los ojos de Di-s”. Los rabinos Hay muchos ejemplos de cómo él puso esta dicen que este versículo nos enseña que enseñanza en práctica. Camino a obtener deberíamos ir más allá de la letra de la ley en agua para netilat yadáim (el lavado ritual de nuestros tratos con otras personas. El manos), un estudiante pasó por varias Rambán explica que no es suficiente con habitaciones en las que había personas sólo respetar las leyes básicas en el ámbito durmiendo. “Netilat yadáim es una mitzvá de Ben adam le-javeró, sino que debemos instituida por nuestros sabios”, comentó Rav saber que Di-s quiere que tratemos a los Israel, “pero robarle horas de sueño a los demás con una mayor sensibilidad. (3) demás está prohibido por la Torá” . En otra Puede que una persona tenga una tendencia ocasión, en un día caluroso, un estudiante a enfatizar las rigurosidades en mitzvot Ben comenzó a rezar una apasionada Shemoná adam la-Makom, como kashrut, algo que esré (la plegaria silenciosa) parado junto a una tiene una gran importancia si es aplicado ventana abierta. Rav Israel lo regañó por correctamente. embargo, el Imrei Emet bloquearle el aire a otras personas en la (el Rebe de la dinastía jasídica de Gur) entendió sinagoga. que las rigurosidades aplican tanto a nuestro Otro de los grandes maestros en el área de trato con los demás como a nuestra relación crecimiento personal, el Álter de Slobodka, con Di-s. Un jasid le preguntó en una ocasión también puso un gran énfasis en las mitzvot si podía tomar prestado un par de tefilín, ben adam le-javeró ‘entre el hombre y su dado que había perdido los suyos. El Rebe le prójimo’. prestó un par, pero no cualquier par, sino el Toda persona debe ser consciente, en el suyo, que había pertenecido a su padre, el contexto del cumplimiento de las mitzvot, de Sfat Emet. Cuando le preguntaron por qué le no causarle involuntariamente dolor o había dado al jasid su par más preciado, molestias a los demás. Por ejemplo, cuando respondió que “la Torá dice: ‘ze Kelí ve- una persona se pone el talit en la sinagoga anvehú’”, de lo que aprendemos que para las plegarias matutinas, debería poner debemos hacer una mitzvá de la más

בס''ד hermosa manera posible. Esta idea aplica hacer una donación al Mishkán. Su 'castigo' también a la bondad. Por eso le presté los fue que la iud de su nombre fuera omitida en valiosos tefilín (5). un punto en la Torá (2). La barra central del Tabernáculo quedó como Consecuentemente, el Or HaJaim explica un recordatorio eterno de que hay dos pilares que las piedras preciosas aparecen en el servicio a Di-s: ben adam la-Makom y mencionadas en último lugar porque su ben adam le-javeró, y que incluso en los donación involucró un error. A pesar de su momentos de la más alta devoción a Di-s, es alto valor material, el fracaso espiritual esencial recordar nuestras obligaciones para resultante de la donación de los nesiim hizo con nuestro prójimo. Que todos ameritemos que fueran inferiores a los otros materiales encontrar el balance correcto. de la lista.

Notas: (1) Trumá, 26:28. (2) Pliskin, “Growth Through Rav Jaim Shmulevitz pregunta por qué Di-s Torah”, parashá Trumá. (3) Zaitchik, “Sparks of Mussar”, se disgustó con los nesiim; el razonamiento pág. 21. (4) “Piskei Teshuvot”, 2da Parte, simán 148, para postergar la donación pareciera ser muy pág.209. (5) Kaplan, “Major Impact”, pp.161-162. entendible. ¿Por qué fueron castigados por este aparentemente inocente error de cálculo? Y responde citando la explicación ¿Cómo Vencer la Flojera? que Rashi da al castigo: "porque al principio fueron perezosos, perdieron una iud en su Al comienzo de la parashá de esta semana, nombre (3)". Di-s le ordena a Moshé lo siguiente: pídele a la gente que lleve la materia prima necesaria Rashi nos revela que la verdadera razón por para construir el Mishkán (Tabernáculo). "Esta la que los nesiim se demoraron en llevar los es la porción que deberás tomar de ellos: regalos fue por pereza. Debajo de todas sus oro, plata y cobre; lana turquesa, púrpura y explicaciones aparentemente válidas estaba el rasgo de la pereza. carmesí; lino y vellocino de cabra; pieles de carnero teñidas de rojo, pieles de tajash y El Mesilat Iesharim (La senda de los justos) madera de acacia; aceite para la luminaria, escribe extensamente sobre la forma en que especias para el aceite de la unción y para el la pereza puede evitar que una persona sahumerio de especias; piedras de ónix y cumpla con sus obligaciones como piedras de engaste para el Efod y para el corresponde. Escribe: "Podemos ver con Pectoral" (1). nuestros propios ojos muchos ejemplos en los que una persona está consciente de sus EL Or HaJaim señala que es difícil entender obligaciones y tiene claridad sobre lo que por qué los materiales son mencionados en necesita para el bien de su alma… pero sin ese orden, dado que las piedras de ónix y de embargo se debilita [en su avodá], no por engaste son los ítems más caros de la lista y, una falta de reconocimiento de sus por lo tanto, deberían ser mencionados obligaciones o por otra razón, sino por el primero, y responde con un Midrash, el cual hecho que se ve superado por la poderosa nos cuenta la historia de la donación de las pereza". piedras preciosas; las piedras fueron traídas por los nesiim (príncipes) después de que Continúa diciendo que lo que es tan todo lo demás ya había sido donado. peligroso sobre la pereza es que uno puede encontrar muchas fuentes para justificar su Los nesiim habían planeado esperar a que inacción. "El perezoso citará muchas frases todo el pueblo hiciera su contribución para el de los Sabios, versículos de los Profetas y Mishkán para luego donar lo que faltara. Sin argumentos ‘lógicos’, todos ellos para embargo, su plan les salió mal; el pueblo justificar ante su confundida mente la donó con entusiasmo todo lo necesario necesidad de aliviar su carga… pero no ve menos las piedras preciosas. Luego el que esos argumentos no vienen de su Midrash dice que Di-s estaba disgustado con pensamiento lógico, sino que emanan de su los nessiim por haberse demorado tanto en

בס''ד pereza, la cual supera a su pensamiento ignorar caminos que la podrían ayudar a racional" (4). mejorar su Servicio Divino, pero debe estar Consecuentemente, nos advierte que cuando sumamente atenta para asegurarse que su tengamos dos opciones frente a nosotros, motivación verdadera no sea la pereza. debemos ser muy cuidadosos al elegir la El Ietzer hará de la pereza es tan sagaz que opción más fácil, ya que es altamente puede disfrazarse de uno de los rasgos más probable que la razón de fondo por la cual admirables, como lo es el rasgo de la tomamos dicha decisión sea la pereza. humildad. Rav Moshé Feinstein escribe que El Mesilat Iesharim nos enseña que incluso las personas suelen subestimarse afirmando los argumentos más válidos pueden ser tan que tienen muchas limitaciones en sus sólo velos que esconden el verdadero deseo talentos y que nunca podrían alcanzar la grandeza. En su opinión, este tipo de humildad de la persona de no esforzarse para ir más emana en realidad del Ietzer hará (5). allá. Vemos un sorprendente ejemplo de esto en la introducción de la grandiosa obra sobre Esta actitud al parecer deriva en realidad de ética Jovot HaLevavot (Obligaciones de los la pereza, que es una manifestación del corazones). Allí, el autor escribe que después deseo de comodidad. No es fácil alcanzar la de planear escribir el libro cambió de opinión grandeza; se requiere de mucho esfuerzo y basado en una serie de razones: "Creí que fuerza de voluntad para enfrentar caídas e mis poderes eran demasiado limitados y que incluso fracasos. Y eso es sumamente difícil, mi mente era demasiado débil para entender por lo que resulta muy tentador descartarse a las ideas. Más aún, no tengo un estilo uno mismo, eximiéndose de esta forma elegante en árabe, que es el idioma en que incluso de intentarlo; esta es, con seguridad, sería escrito el libro… Temí estar asumiendo la opción más cómoda. una tarea que sólo expondría mis falencias… Una persona recibe, constantemente, la Por lo tanto, decidí abandonar mis planes y oportunidad de mejorarse a sí mismo y de revocar mi decisión". alcanzar una gran elevación en su Servicio a Sin embargo, él reconoció que sus motivos Di-s y en su influencia sobre los demás. quizás no eran completamente puros: Vemos de la lección de los nesiim que el "Comencé a sospechar que había elegido la factor más poderoso que evita que una opción cómoda, buscando paz y tranquilidad. persona materialice su potencial es el deseo Temí que lo que había motivado la de comodidad que emana de la pereza. Esto cancelación del proyecto hubiera sido el hace que una persona invente muchas deseo de auto gratificación, un deseo que me “razones” por las que no puede avanzar más había llevado a buscar lo fácil, a optar por la en algún camino que en realidad sí podría inactividad y quedarme quieto". recorrer. El Mesilat Iesharim nos enseña que deberíamos reconocer esas excusas que a Para beneficio eterno del pueblo judío, menudo se originan con el Ietzer hará y finalmente él decidió que sí escribiría el libro. descartarlas, para proceder en nuestros Las razones que citó inicialmente por las que esfuerzos de crecer y lograr cosas. no debía escribir el libro parecían justas y lógicas, pero él fue capaz de darse cuenta Espero que todos ameritemos superar este que, para su nivel, estaban manchadas por el poderoso Ietzer hará y que podamos tomar deseo de comodidad. las decisiones correctas, incluso si son difíciles. Si alguien tan grandioso como el autor de

Jovot HaLevavot casi fue víctima del Ietzer Notas: (1) Terumá 25:3-7. (2) Vaiakel 35:27. Ver Sijot Musar de hará (inclinación negativa) de la pereza, cuánto Rav Jaim Shmulevitz para una explicación de la importancia de perder una iud en su nombre (p. 214). (3) Rashi, Vaiakel 35:27. más estamos nosotros en riesgo de ser (4) Mesilat Iesharim, Final del Cap. 6. (5) Darash Moshé, Parashat Nitzavim. atrapados por este rasgo destructivo. Una persona generalmente tiene razones aparentemente válidas por las que elige

בס''ד This process of self-transformation means To Pray or Not To Pray that today I may no longer be the same The saying goes: "G-d giveth and G-d person who G-d said "no" to yesterday. taketh away." Is it all random? Or is there Sometimes we only appreciate something a deep message that we can tap into for when it's taken away. When we've had the flu personal growth and actualization? and then recover, we appreciate what it (By Rabbi Shraga Simmons) means to be healthy. But we shouldn't have Harold is walking down a darkened alley, to get sick in order to appreciate our health! when he's suddenly confronted by two Blessings are the Jewish version of "Stop masked men carrying guns. Fearing for his and smell the roses." The Sages say that one life, Harold throws his hands heavenward and way to guarantee good health is to begins to pray, "G-d, save me, please save say "Asher Yatzar" with sincerity. "Asher me! I'll do anything, G-d - I'll go to synagogue Yatzar" is the blessing that Jews says, every day, I'll take that long-overdue trip to believe it or not, after using the bathroom. We Israel, and I'll even give half my income to thank G-d for creating our bodies with a charity!" wondrously complex system of ducts and At that moment, a police car pulls into the tubes. And we acknowledge that if any one of alley, and the thugs flee. Harold looks them were improperly ruptured or blocked, heavenward and says, "Never mind, G-d, I we could no longer stay alive. Saying this took care of it myself!" blessing with sincerity affirms our gratitude for good health. ESSENCE OF PRAYER We can learn our lesson without the This week's parsha describes how offerings experience of having it taken away. brought to the were a primary means of connecting with G-d. Today APPRECIATE THE GIFTS however, our primary connection is through If prayer is solely for our benefit, then why the medium of prayer. (For example, the does Jewish prayer always begin with praise Shacharit and Mincha services correspond to of G-d? the morning and afternoon "Tamid"offerings.) Every Jew is his own miniature "Temple." No One purpose of this praise is to sensitize us intermediary necessary. to G-d's awesome capacity to help. We take the time to recognize and appreciate all that And while G-d answers all prayers, He does for us. sometimes the answer is "No." We may be asking for the wrong thing without realizing it. And He does so much! We know that our A good parent will not lend the car keys to a parents love us because of all they've given teenager who is not yet responsible enough us, yet G-d has given us gifts that are to handle it. All the begging in the world will infinitely more valuable. If a human being not get a good parent to change his mind. would restore your eyesight, imagine the gratitude you'd feel? Yet G-d has given us But prayer is our opportunity to move beyond eyes, ears, intelligence - life itself. This these limitations. The Hebrew word for knowledge that the Almighty can do anything prayer, "li-heet-pallel," comes from the is what ultimately gives us the strength and root "pallel," which means to inspect. The resolve to push beyond our limits. prefix "li-heet" is the reflexive form - denoting an action that one does to oneself. Li-heet- That's why when a Jew prays in the morning, pallel, therefore, is an act of personal he begins with blessings that acknowledge introspection. When we pray, we look inside our eyesight, mobility, consciousness and and ask, "What do I need to change about freedom. These awaken our appreciation for myself in order to get what I really want out of all the gifts G-d has bestowed upon us and life?" remind us of how much G-d loves us. When

בס''ד we appreciate what we have, G-d will want to Today, without our Holy Temple, we recite give us more. the thanksgiving blessing (Birkat HaGomel) in It's the same with a parent and child. If I give the synagogue during the Torah reading my daughter a new toy, and she grabs it service. without any appreciation, then I as a good Publicizing G-d's protection is us how we parent should not give her any more toys until strengthen our connection and belief. This is she appreciates what she already has! We the essence of Kiddush Hashem, the public can understand that the son of a billionaire sanctification of G-d's Name. After the would be spoiled if his parents gave him coming of the Messiah and the perfection of everything, he needed without having to work the world, there will be no further need for for it. offerings of atonement, because people will The same is true of our relationship with G-d. no longer sin. But there will always be Certainly, He can give us whatever we need; thanksgiving offerings, because the human G-d is infinitely richer and more powerful than need to express gratitude is eternal. the biggest billionaire. But since G-d has our TUNE OUT THE STATIC best interests at heart, He wants us to grow, If you want to build a relationship with G-d, to earn it - and to become great. you'll need a framework for the relationship. SO MUCH FOOD, SO LITTLE TIME Friday evening is a good time to reduce the This week's Parsha (Vayikra 7:11-15) outside static and get in touch with your inner discusses the Korbon Todah, the self. Don't watch any TV or listen to the radio. thanksgiving offering brought to Jerusalem by (And if you're really bold, unplug the phone.) anyone who survives a dangerous situation - You could invite some friends over, prepare a e.g. childbirth, recovering from a bad illness, nice meal, light the Shabbat candles, and arriving safely from an overseas journey. This enjoy the solitude. thanksgiving offering consists of 40 loaves of As for the prayer aspect: Any relationship is bread, which the person then eats as a built on communication, and communication festive meal in commemoration of having has to come from the heart. G-d yearns to been saved. give us the pleasure of connection. The The Talmud notes two unusual Talmud says that G-d made Sarah, Rivka characteristics of the thanksgiving offering and Rachel barren, so that they would turn to that distinguishes it from other, similar Him in prayer. You can pray in any language. offerings: (1) It involves an enormous quantity Aloud. of food - 40 loaves, and (2) All the loaves To help you start, here's an opening line, must be consumed within an exceptionally written by my cousin, Leibel Rudolph o.b.m.: short amount of time - less than 24 hours. Dear G-d, Obviously, the person who brings this Give me the courage to let go, thanksgiving offering could never eat that And let you in. much food in such a short time! So why I know you love me. would the Torah prescribe such parameters? And with your help, The answer is that the Torah wants to create I will find all the purpose, joy, and happiness< a situation whereby someone will not only You want me to have. appreciate his good fortune but will share that appreciation with others. With all this food to eat, he will be compelled to invite family and friends to share the story of how he was saved from danger.
