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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84453-6 - The Origins of Judaism: From Canaan to the Rise of Islam Robert Goldenberg Index More information Index Aaron, 15, 45, 227 allegory, Torah viewed as, 111, Abba (Rav, rabbi), 167, 217–218, 261 112–113, 134, 227–228 Abbahu (rabbi), 217 Alon, Gedaliahu, 138 Abbaye (rabbi), 218 altar, preexilic, in Arad, 16 Abram/Abraham, 10–11, 226, 227 Ambrose of Milan (bishop), 182 Adam and Eve, 9 Amenhotep IV (Akhenaton, Aelia Capitolina, 135 pharaoh), 38–39 afterlife. See resurrection and life Ammonites, 26–27, 33 after death Amora’im, 217–219 Agrippa I (Herodian king), 97, 126 Amorites, 26 Agrippa II (Herodian king), 126, Amos, 7 127, 128 Anathbethel (worshiped with Yahu Ahab (king of Israel), 24, 32 at Elephantine), 64 Akhenaton (Amenhotep IV, Andreas (Lukuas, North African pharaoh), 38–39 Jewish leaders), 134 Akhnai, oven of, 170–171 angels, 58, 248 Akiva ben Joseph (rabbi), 137, 190, Antigonus (Hasmonean prince), 215–216 120 Alcimus (high priest), 81, 89 Antioch, Diaspora in, 109 Alexander Jannaeus (Hasmonean Antioch-in-Jerusalem, 74–75 king), 86, 87, 88, 132 Antiochus III (Seleucid king), 70, Alexander the Great, 24, 61, 65, 228 68–69, 109 Antiochus IV (Seleucid king), 65, Alexandria, Jewish community of, 70–76, 81, 85, 89, 222, 228 227 Antiochus V (Seleucid king), 81 anti-Jewish riots of 38–41, 114–115 Antiochus VII (Seleucid king), 86 Claudian decree regarding, apocalyptic literature and belief, 115–117 78–79, 97–102, 231. See also creation of, 68, 109 Daniel Diaspora wars of 115–117 CE, 134 Apocrypha,
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