The Logic of Desire
Alexis Turner Indiana University 03.28.2013 Presented at the annual conference for the Western Political Science Association Draft. Please do not cite or distribute without permission The Logic of Desire In ancient Greek thought, which had not yet formally theorized a mathematical concept of zero, the idea of nothing or lack nonetheless held a prominent place, perhaps most fully articulated through eros: desire. Or, as we more gently tend to translate it in English, love. This is an unfortunate softening, for the Greeks understood all too well that to play with love is to play with fire. Such pyrotechnics do not require the abandonment of reason, contrary to most common readings – just as we can admire jaguars, canyons, Siren songs, and other beautiful things without being witless enough to throw ourselves headlong into them, so we can flirt with desire without being consumed. This paper explores the possibility that refusing nothing – refusing to live with desire – is the fundamental error that sits at the heart of The Republic. If I am not entirely mistaken, the Socratic notion of desire is a deeply logical one deployed as a response to, and critical of, question-begging elements inherent in positive declarations derived from a reasoning process based wholly essentialist either/or oppositions. If so, the problem shifts from one of authoritative, unidirectional truth to one of diplomacy, tactics, and strategy. Truth has not disappeared, but it becomes enmeshed in relations between people and depends on the exercise of judgment, restraint, and friendship. Starting with nothing brings us back to politics. Is the modern world really so disenchanted as we are continually being told? The claim resonates, and yet trends in modern photography indicate that things are practically fetishized, each object lovingly isolated and focused on in macro-miniature, each of its colors and curves fondled by the camera.
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