Ministry of Foreign Affairs State Protocol Department

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Ministry of Foreign Affairs State Protocol Department REPUBLIC OF AZERBAIJAN MINISTRY OF FOREIGN AFFAIRS STATE PROTOCOL DEPARTMENT DIPLOMATIC LIST BAKU, 2019 DIPLOMATIC LIST EMBASSIES CONTENTS ALPHABETICAL ORDER OF THE MISSIONS AFGHANISTAN ............................................................................................. 16 ALBANIA ........................................................................................................ 17 ALGERIA ........................................................................................................ 18 ANGOLA ......................................................................................................... 19 ARGENTINA .................................................................................................. 20 AUSTRALIA ................................................................................................... 21 AUSTRIA ......................................................................................................... 22 BAHRAIN ........................................................................................................ 23 BANGLADESH ............................................................................................... 24 BELARUS ........................................................................................................ 25 BELGIUM ....................................................................................................... 26 BENIN .............................................................................................................. 27 BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ................................................................. 28 BRAZIL ........................................................................................................... 29 BULGARIA ..................................................................................................... 30 BURKINA FASO ............................................................................................ 31 CAMEROON .................................................................................................. 32 CANADA ......................................................................................................... 33 CHAD ............................................................................................................... 34 CHILE .............................................................................................................. 35 CHINA ............................................................................................................. 36 COLOMBIA .................................................................................................... 38 DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO ......................................... 39 CONGO ........................................................................................................... 40 COTE D'IVOIRE ............................................................................................ 41 CROATIA ........................................................................................................ 42 CUBA ............................................................................................................... 43 CZECH REPUBLIC ....................................................................................... 44 DENMARK ..................................................................................................... 46 DJIBOUTI ....................................................................................................... 47 ECUADOR ...................................................................................................... 48 EGYPT ............................................................................................................. 49 EQUATORIAL GUINEA .............................................................................. 50 ERITREA ........................................................................................................ 51 ESTONIA ......................................................................................................... 52 ETHIOPIA ....................................................................................................... 53 FIJI ................................................................................................................... 54 FINLAND ........................................................................................................ 55 2 DIPLOMATIC LIST EMBASSIES FRANCE .......................................................................................................... 56 GEОRGIA ....................................................................................................... 58 GERMANY ..................................................................................................... 60 GHANA ............................................................................................................ 63 GREECE .......................................................................................................... 64 GUATEMALA ................................................................................................ 66 GUINEA........................................................................................................... 67 GUINEA BISSAU ........................................................................................... 68 GUYANA ......................................................................................................... 69 HOLY SEE ...................................................................................................... 70 HUNGARY ...................................................................................................... 71 ICELAND ........................................................................................................ 73 INDIA ............................................................................................................... 74 INDONESIA .................................................................................................... 76 IRAN ................................................................................................................ 77 IRAQ ................................................................................................................ 80 IRELAND ........................................................................................................ 82 ISRAEL ............................................................................................................ 83 ITALY .............................................................................................................. 84 JAPAN ............................................................................................................. 86 JORDAN .......................................................................................................... 88 KAZAKHSTAN .............................................................................................. 89 KENYA ............................................................................................................ 91 DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF KOREA ............................... 92 KOREA ............................................................................................................ 93 KUWAIT ......................................................................................................... 94 KYRGYZSTAN .............................................................................................. 95 LAOS ................................................................................................................ 96 LATVIA ........................................................................................................... 97 LEBANON ....................................................................................................... 98 LIBYA .............................................................................................................. 99 LITHUANIA ................................................................................................. 101 NORTH MACEDONIA................................................................................ 102 MADAGASCAR ........................................................................................... 103 MALAYSIA ................................................................................................... 104 MALDIVES ................................................................................................... 105 MALI .............................................................................................................. 106 MALTA .......................................................................................................... 107 MAURITANIA .............................................................................................. 108 MEXICO ........................................................................................................ 109 MOLDOVA ................................................................................................... 110 3 DIPLOMATIC LIST EMBASSIES MONGOLIA ................................................................................................. 111 MONTENEGRO ........................................................................................... 112 MOROCCO ................................................................................................... 113 MYANMAR ..................................................................................................
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