
EGU Journal Logos (RGB) Open Access Open Access Open Access Advances in Annales Nonlinear Processes Geosciences Geophysicae in Geophysics Open Access Open Access Natural Hazards Natural Hazards and Earth System and Earth System Sciences Sciences Discussions Open Access Open Access Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 5505–5522, 2013 Atmospheric Atmospheric www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/5505/2013/ doi:10.5194/acp-13-5505-2013 Chemistry Chemistry © Author(s) 2013. CC Attribution 3.0 License. and Physics and Physics Discussions Open Access Open Access Atmospheric Atmospheric Measurement Measurement Techniques Techniques Discussions Open Access Open Access

Biogeosciences Biogeosciences Impacts of aircraft emissions on the air quality near the ground Discussions

H. Lee1,2, S. C. Olsen1, D. J. Wuebbles1, and D. Youn3 Open Access Open Access 1Department of Atmospheric Sciences, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, USA Climate 2Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA Climate 3Department of Earth Science Education, Chungbuk National University, Cheongju, South Koreaof the Past of the Past Discussions Correspondence to: H. Lee ([email protected]) Open Access Open Access Received: 30 November 2012 – Published in Atmos. Chem. Phys. Discuss.: 8 January 2013 Earth System Revised: 17 April 2013 – Accepted: 30 April 2013 – Published: 6 June 2013 Earth System Dynamics Dynamics Discussions Abstract. The continuing increase in demand for commer- aviation induced increase near the ground is highly cial aviation raises questions about the effects of dependent on background ammonia concentrations whose Open Access resulting emissions on the environment. The purpose of this current range of uncertaintyGeoscientific is large. Geoscientific Open Access study is to investigate, using a global chemistry transport Instrumentation Instrumentation model, to what extent aviation emissions outside the bound- ary layer influence air quality in the boundary layer. The Methods and Methods and large-scale effects of current levels of aircraft emissions were 1 Introduction Data Systems Data Systems studied through comparison of multiple simulations allow- Discussions Open Access Open Access ing for the separated effects of aviation emissions occur- The United States Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) re- Geoscientific ring in the low, middle and upper troposphere. We show that cently forecasts an increaseGeoscientific in passenger aviation transport emissions near cruise altitudes (9–11 km in altitude) rather by 60 % over the next 20 years (FAA, 2012). This rapid in- Model Development Model Development than emissions during landing and take-off are responsible crease in demand for aviation traffic has brought further at- Discussions for most of the total odd-nitrogen (NOy), (O3) and tention to the effects of aviation emissions on climate, air aerosol perturbations near the ground with a noticeable sea- quality, and . Open Access Open Access sonal difference. Overall, the perturbations of these species Aviation activities contributeHydrology to climate and change through Hydrology and are smaller than 1 ppb even in winter when the perturbations emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), are greater than in summer. Based on the widely used air volatile organic compoundsEarth (VOC), System sulfur dioxide (SO2), Earth System quality standards and uncertainty of state-of-the-art models, water vapor (H2O), and otherSciences particles to the atmosphere Sciences we conclude that aviation-induced perturbations have a neg- (Brasseur et al., 1996; IPCC, 1999; Lee et al., 2010). Since Discussions Open Access ligible effect on air quality even in areas with heavy air traf- a large proportion of these emissions occurs nearOpen Access cruise al- fic. Aviation emissions lead to a less than 1 % aerosol en- titudes at roughly 9–11 km, many studies have focused on hancement in the boundary layer due to a slight increase in the resulting climate effects of aviation emissions in the up- Ocean Science Ocean Science ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) during cold seasons and a sta- per troposphere and lower stratosphere (e.g., Brasseur et al., Discussions tistically insignificant aerosol perturbation in summer. In ad- 1998; Hendricks et al., 2000, Morris et al., 2003, Lee et al., dition, statistical analysis using probability density functions, 2010). Open Access Hellinger distance, and p value indicate that aviation emis- Most studies of the potential effects of aviationOpen Access on local sions outside the boundary layer do not affect the occurrence air quality in the boundary layer have focused on emissions Solid Earth of extremely high aerosol concentrations in the boundary near major . PreviousSolid studies Earth have shown a strong layer. An additional sensitivity simulation assuming the dou- relationship between emissions during the landing and take- Discussions bling of surface ammonia emissions demonstrates that the off (LTO) cycle below 1000 m altitude and air quality near Open Access Open Access Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union. The Cryosphere The Cryosphere Discussions 5506 H. Lee et al.: Impacts of aircraft emissions on the air quality near the ground airports (Herndon et al., 2004; Schurmann et al., 2007; Hern- PM2.5 defined as the total mass mixing ratio of sulfate, don et al., 2008). ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3), organic carbon (OC), and Tarrason et al. (2004) found that the emission by aircraft black carbon (BC) particles. In this study, NOy is defined during climb/descent and during cruise, the so called non- as the sum of related gaseous reactive nitrogen contain- LTO emissions occurring above 1 km in altitude, can have a ing species, N + NO + NO2 + NO3 + HNO3 + HO2NO2 + 2 larger impact than LTO emissions on air quality in Europe ×N2O5 + CH3CO3NO2 (PAN) + CH3COCH2ONO2 (organic because of the relatively large amount of non-LTO emissions nitrate) + CH2CCH3CO3NO2 (MPAN, methacryloyl perox- compared to LTO emissions. A recent study (Barrett et al., ynitrate) + CH2CHCCH3OOCH2ONO2 (ISOPNO3, peroxy 2010) also raises an interesting issue, suggesting that cur- radical from NO3+ isoprene) + CH2CCH3CHONO2CH2OH rent non-LTO aviation emissions may adversely affect local (lumped isoprene nitrates). Nitrous oxide is not included in air quality throughout the world, particularly increasing the NOy because of its long atmospheric lifetime. amount of atmospheric , especially small parti- Our study goes beyond just evaluating previous findings cles less than 2.5 µm in diameter (PM2.5). Particulate matter using a different set of a model and emission database. First (PM) includes both liquid and solid particles whose compo- of all, we considered the seasonality of aviation effects on sition is highly variable. Cohen et al. (2005) has shown that both gases and rather than focusing on annual av- −3 higher concentrations of PM2.5 between 7.5 and 50 µg m erages. Collins et al. (1997) has shown that during winter- could result in more cardiopulmonary deaths. As a result, in time, in regions of high NOx, increased NOx emissions ac- their study of aviation emissions, Barrett et al. (2010) con- tually decrease O3 as there is more titration of O3 with NOx cluded that secondary aerosols such as sulfate-ammonium- than production of O3. We evaluate whether this holds for the nitrate formed by NOx and SOx emissions from aircraft can added NOx emissions from aviation. Secondly, we examine be critical to increasing levels of premature deaths, by about the role of free ammonia (NH3), an important gas in aerosol 8000 per year worldwide. formation, in aviation effects on air quality. Higher NH3 is The Barrett et al. (2010) study brings to light several im- a critical condition to produce more aerosols and the forma- portant points that deserve further investigation. For exam- tion of (NH4)2SO4 is always prioritized over formation of ple, the time scale of vertical mixing from cruise altitudes NH4NO3 (Seinfeld and Pandis, 2006). Although the equilib- to the boundary layer is longer than the lifetime of chemi- rium state and equilibrium constant to produce aerosols are cals affected by non-LTO emissions (Whitt et al., 2011). So also determined by the local temperature and relative humid- it is questionable that sinking motions in the mean general ity, the concentration of NH3 is the most important key fac- circulation of the atmosphere can effectively transport air- tor under similar meteorological conditions (Nowak et al., craft emissions down to the ground as suggested in Barrett 2010). Finally, we adopt a statistical tool that is useful to et al. (2010). In addition, it is the frequent occurrence of quantitatively scrutinize the differences between two prob- higher aerosol concentration than the regulation standards, ability density functions. The resulting analysis enables us e.g., 35 µg m−3 as a daily average in the US (EPA, 2006), to make meaningful conclusions on the localized effects of that most affects human health, rather than a slight increase aviation emissions impacts on occurrence of extremely high in background PM. For example, the World Health Organi- aerosol levels in regions with high air traffic. −3 zation provides 25 µg m of daily mean PM2.5 as an accept- The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. The able guideline for minimizing health effects. So the main data and model used in this study are described in Sect. 2. findings of Barrett et al. (2010), the mortality attributable Comparisons between the different model simulations and to the small increase of mean PM2.5 in places where back- analyses are presented in Sect. 3 followed by a summary of ground PM2.5 is lower than the guideline values, needs to be key findings in Sect. 4. further examined. The main objective of this study is to evaluate effects of emissions from aircraft on air quality by comparing mul- 2 Data and model tiple simulations from a chemistry transport model with and without aircraft emissions. We evaluated the aviation- The aviation emissions data used in this study were provided induced perturbations of gases and aerosols in the bound- by Steven Baughcum of the Boeing Company (Baughcum et ary layer. However, as discussed in Lin et al. (2008), al., 1998; Sutkus et al., 2001). This data is generated con- our model’s horizontal resolution is too coarse to simu- sidering scheduled air traffic, general aviation and charter late boundary layer ozone in some regions with large sub- flights for the year 1999 (Olsen et al., 2013) with vertical res- gridcell heterogeneity. In addition, impacts of aviation emis- olution of 1 km. In this study, NOx, CO, SO2, BC, and OC sions in sub-grid scale, such as highly concentrated ground emissions from aircraft were used. For simplicity, all black emissions near major airports, are averaged over the en- carbon and organic carbon aerosols from aircraft were as- grid cell area. Therefore, for this study we focused sumed to be hydrophilic. We will validate this assumption on the large-scale impacts of non-LTO aircraft emissions later. In addition, we used annual average emissions as input by analyzing ozone (O3), total odd-nitrogen (NOy) and to our simulations. The diurnal cycle and seasonal variation

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 5505–5522, 2013 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/5505/2013/ H. Lee et al.: Impacts of aircraft emissions on the air quality near the ground 5507

Table 1. The total annual emissions from aircraft used in this study. Unit of the emissions is Tg (teragram)/year. LTO emissions are defined as the emissions occurring at or below 1 km altitude and cruise altitude emissions are defined emissions at or above 9 km. Emissions between 1 km and 9 km are designated climb/descent emissions.

−1 units: [Tg yr ] NOx CO SO2 black carbon organic carbon (as NO) LTO emissions 0.126 0.624 0.0167 (10.3 %) 0.00134 (19.9 %) 0.000446 (9.5 %) (37.3 %) climb/descent emissions 0.489 0.732 0.0518 (32.0 %) 0.00296 (44.1 %) 0.000985 (36.9 %) (43.8 %) cruise altitude emissions 0.712 0.315 0.0931 (57.6 %) 0.00242 (36 %) 0.000805 (53.7 %) (18.8 %) total emissions 1.347 1.692 0.164 0.007 0.002

1/3 of the BC emission. Our analyses of PM2.5 exclude fine dust and sea salts assuming that impacts of aviation emis- sions on them are negligible. It should be noted that OC and BC perturbations are highly dependent on emission indices which have large uncertainties and dependence on flight alti- tudes (EPA, 2012). The total annual emissions from aircraft are shown in Ta- ble 1 and the relative proportion of emissions at each altitude is plotted in Fig. 1. Overall, most of the NOx emissions occur near cruise altitudes, whereas considerable amounts of CO and BC are emitted during the LTO cycle. In terms of the to- tal emissions, these emission data show very close agreement with the data used by Tarrason et al. (2004). The non-LTO fraction of aerosols in this study is about 80 % of the total emissions as in Tarrason et al. (2004). However, the non-LTO emissions of NOx and CO account for a higher proportion of the total emissions than those in Tarrason et al. (2004). Recently, Olsen et al. (2013) reported that the fuel burn from commercial aircraft increased by 71 % between 1992 1 and 2006. Considering the rapid increase in aviation emis- 2 3 Figure 1. A vertical profile of the total annual emissions of NOx (red solid), CO (orange sions during the past decade, we additionally evaluated the 4 Fig.solid), 1. SOA2 (purple vertical dashed) profile and black of thecarbon total (brown annual dashed) emissionsfrom aircraft emission of NO x (red aviation effect on PM . using aviation NO emissions data 5 solid),database COrepresenting (orange 1999. solid), The emission SO data(purple is provided dashed) by Boeing and company. black carbon 2 5 x 2 from the Federal Aviation Administration/Aviation Environ- (brown dashed) from aircraft emission database representing 1999. The emission data is provided by Boeing company. mental Design Tool (FAA/AEDT) for the year 2006 (Wilk- erson et al., 2010; Olsen et al., 2013). Overall the spatial dis- tribution of the FAA/AEDT emissions is similar to that of Boeing emissions for 1999 but the FAA/AEDT NOx emis- of aviation emissions are ignored in our approach. So any sions are about 30 % larger than the Boeing NOx emissions. difference shown in our results between different seasons is Model simulations using the chemistry version of global caused by seasonally varying dynamics and chemical envi- Community Atmosphere Model (CAM-chem) version 3.4.13

ronment. The emissions of SO2 and aerosols were estimated (Lamarque et al., 2005) were carried out to examine differ- using fuel burn rate and the emission indices are the same ences in O3, NOy and aerosols as a result of aircraft emis- as those used by the Aerosol Comparisons between Observa- sions. The model considers full chemistry of troposphere tions and Models (AeroCom) (Textor et al., 2006). The hy- and stratosphere and simulates aerosols using a bulk aerosol drophilic aerosol assumption was also applied in AeroCom. model. The same model was used to assess air quality is- Considering that BC is primarily emitted as a result of in- sues related to surface ozone and aerosols for the present and complete combustion mostly during landing and take-off, we future (Lei et al., 2012). Also, intercomparison of multiple used altitude dependent emission index (EI) for BC emis- global chemistry models shows that this model reasonably sions rather than fixed value (0.04 g per 1 kg of fuel) in Bar- reproduces the effects of aviation emissions on distributions rett et al. (2010). The emission of OC is simply assumed as of key tracers such as O3 and NOx (Weber, 2011). CAM-

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1 2 Figure 2. Differences in the boundary layer NOy volume mixing ratio between the Fig. 2. Differences3 baseline in the control boundary and layer the NO simulationy volume mixing with ratio aircraft between emissions the baseline (ALL control – andCTRL the simulation) in (a) January with aircraft emissions (ALL-CTRL)4 (left in (a) column)January (leftand column)(b) July and (right(b) July column). (right column). From top From to topbottom, to bottom, [top] [top] (ALL (ALL-CTRL: – CTRL the: the perturbations due to the total aviation emissions), (ALL-nonLTO: the perturbations due to emissions occurring at or below 1 km), (nonLTO-CRUISE: the perturbations5 dueperturbations to emissions occurringdue to the between total 2aviation and 8 km) emissions and [bottom]), (CRUISE-CTRL).(ALL – nonLTO: the perturbations due 6 to emissions occurring at or below 1 km), (nonLTO – CRUISE: the perturbations due to 7 emissions occurring between 2 and 8 km) and [bottom] (CRUISE – CTRL). chem has 26 vertical levels covering up to 3.5 hPa, with chem were prepared as follows. First of all, we ran CAM- the horizontal resolution of approximately a 2.5◦ (longitude) chem for six model years with interactive and ×2.0◦ (latitude). In CAM-chem, the modules controlling pro- chemistry. Then the meteorological fields from the 6th year duction of ammonium aerosols are based on Seinfeld and were extracted every six hours to drive CAM-chem in an of- Pandis (2006). The meteorological fields for running CAM- fline mode. Table 2 summarizes the six model simulations

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Table 2. List of simulations and aviation emission data used for each simulation. CTRL and CTRL 2xNH3 simulations do not include any aviation emissions. Other cases consider relevant parts of the aviation emissions to separate the effects of LTO and non-LTO emissions from the total emissions.

Case LTO emissions Climb/descent Cruise altitude (0–1 km) emissions emissions (2–8 km) (above 9 km) CTRL No No No ALL Yes Yes Yes nonLTO No Yes Yes CRUISE No No Yes CTRL 2×NH3 No No No (double NH3 flux) ALL 2×NH3 Yes Yes Yes (double NH3 flux) for investigating aircraft impacts from each altitude range emissions (CTRL) from the result with the full or partial air- and the model’s sensitivity to NH3 flux from the ground. craft emissions. Only statistically valid perturbations at 95 % Most of the ground emissions used in CAM-chem are from confidence level according to the student t-test for paired the Precursors of Ozone and their Effects in the Tropo- samples are shown. Figure 2 clearly shows that the small sphere (POET) database, but the NH3 emissions of EDGAR- decreases of NOy in the boundary layer in January, results 2 database are used for CAM-chem due to lack of NH3 mostly from non-LTO emissions when the effects of the total in POET (Lamarque et al., 2012). The first four runs con- aviation emissions are compared to those of LTO, ascend- sist of runs without aviation emissions (CTRL), with all air- ing/descending and cruise altitude emissions. LTO emissions craft emission (ALL), with aircraft emissions excluding LTO occurring below 1 km increase NOy by a small amount in emissions (nonLTO) and with only emissions at cruise al- January, whereas emissions at cruise altitudes decrease NOy titudes (CRUISE). Contributions from LTO phases are esti- near the surface. In July, the overall NOy perturbation is mated as difference between two runs (ALL – nonLTO). The smaller than in January and there are NOy increases due to last two simulations are the same as ALL and CTRL sim- the total aircraft emissions. The NOy increase in most mid- ulations except for the doubled NH3 flux assumption at the latitudes continental regions is less than 0.3 % due to the surface. higher background NOy, and the increase is smaller than that For comparison of the results, we focused on the monthly over the oceans. averaged fields made with daily averaged outputs in January It is interesting that the NOy on the US East Coast, Eu- and July as representative months of winter and summer, rope and East Asia decreases by up to 0.05 ppb in January. respectively. When building a probability density function These NOy decreases correspond to about 1–2 % of the total (PDF), daily mean data of each grid point in the entire tar- background NOy. It should be noted that these regions show- geted area were used. To represent the planetary boundary ing the negative NOy perturbations commonly have relatively layer, the fields at the lowest model level were used. The av- higher background NOy concentration during cold seasons. erage of the lowest three model levels (993, 971 and 930 hPa The relevant reactions are (Collins et al., 1997). in reference levels) does not show any significant difference relative to using only values at the lowest level of NO2 + O3→NO3 (R1) the model. NO3 + NO2→N2O5 (R2)

N O + H O→2HNO (R3) 3 Results 2 5 2 3 Above reactions are dominant at nighttime especially in win- 3.1 Changes in gases (NOy and O3) ter due to the short lifetime of NO3 under sunlight. The net reaction of (R1)–(R3) becomes High concentrations of NOy and O3 can result in adverse health effects. Especially the O3 level in summer is a ma- 2NO2 + O3 + H2O(s)→2HNO3 (R4) jor issue in . In order to examine the NOy and O3 perturbations in the boundary layer due to aviation emis- Clearly, (R4) can be a more efficient sink for NOx than O3 be- sions, we subtracted the baseline control run without aircraft cause of two NO2 molecules reacting with one O3 molecule. www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/5505/2013/ Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 5505–5522, 2013 5510 H. Lee et al.: Impacts of aircraft emissions on the air quality near the ground

1 2 Figure 3. Same as Figure 2 but for O3. Fig. 3. Same3 as Fig. 2 but for O3.

As shown later in Figs. 6 and 7, the perturbation of O3 due ground NOx is decreased, but HNO3 is increased by the O3 to aviation emissions is larger than that of NOx in the bound- perturbation propagating from the upper troposphere. How- ary layer. As a result, the increased O3 caused by non-LTO ever, this NOy decrease is ignorable in view of the air quality emissions consumes background NO2 via (R4), i.e., back- so it is beyond the scope of this study. In summer, rather than

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1 2 Figure 4. Latitude-altitude distribution of monthly averaged mass mixing ratios of PM ◦ Fig. 4. Latitude-altitude3 2.5. distribution PM 2.5 was of monthly averaged averaged over longitude mass mixing between ratios 0°E of and PM 290°E.5. PM in2 .(a)5 was January averaged (left) over and longitude between 0 E and 90 ◦ E in (a)4January (b) (left)July (right) and (b). July (right). 5

(R1)–(R3), relatively abundant hydroxyl radical (OH) leads Whereas previous studies (Tarrason et al., 2004; Barrett the removal process of NOx. et al., 2010) focused only on summer perturbations or an- In contrast to NOy, Fig. 3 shows consistent O3 increases nual averages, our analyses indicate that non-LTO emissions due to aircraft emissions. These results are for the short-term result in distinct differences in O3 and NOy perturbations be- O3, which overestimate the aircraft impacts since they do not tween summer and winter. As mentioned previously, the avi- take into account the longer-term O3 reduction tied to the ation emission data used in this study do not have seasonal aviation induced methane decrease that are not represented variations. There are some important factors likely causing in this study. Not surprisingly, the O3 increase in the North- the seasonal difference between January and July. One is ern Hemisphere is several factors higher than in the Southern the difference in solar radiation which determines the rates Hemisphere (not shown here), reflecting heavier air traffic of photo-dissociation and lifetimes of O3 and NOy. How- in the Northern Hemisphere. The perturbations of O3 are up ever, weaker shortwave radiation in winter cannot explain the to several ppb in January and 0.5 ppb in July. Both the total stronger perturbations of O3 and NOy in the boundary layer. and non-LTO aircraft emissions increase boundary layer O3 Another is a set of heterogeneous reactions occurring on the about three times more in January than in July. The largest surface of aerosols. O3 increases in January are shown in the Eastern US (more Figure 4 shows the monthly averaged mass mixing ra- than 2 ppb), East Asia (1.1 ppb) and Europe (1 ppb). How- tio of background PM2.5 from “CTRL”’ simulation for Jan- ever, considering the low background O3 concentration in uary and July. The PM2.5 was zonally averaged for a longi- winter relative to the EPA guideline (75 ppbv as daily 8 hours tude range of 0◦ E – 90◦ E to cover Europe. Since the life- maximum average concentration), these perturbations are not time of PM2.5 is short and most aerosols are emitted from important for local air quality. It should be kept in mind that the surface, aerosol mass mixing ratios decrease drastically the O3 in these three regions are limited by titration of high with altitude. In July (Fig. 4b), a thicker mixing layer and background NOx in January. Also, the impacts of non-LTO more frequent convection account for higher concentrations emissions (ascending/descending and cruise emissions) are of aerosols in the middle troposphere compared to January greater than LTO emissions for the O3 perturbation both in (Fig. 4a). Thus, in summer, reactions occurring on the sur- January and July. This result is consistent with that of Tarra- face of hydrophilic aerosols (sulfate, NH4NO3, hydrophilic son et al. (2004) for the summer O3 increase due to non-LTO carbon and secondary organic aerosols) might become more emissions.

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1 2 Figure 5. Latitude-altitude distribution of differences in NOx between the control and the Fig. 5. Latitude-altitude3 simulation distribution with of differencesnon-LTO aircraft in NOx betweenemissions the averaged control and over the longitude simulation 0°E with and non-LTO 90°E in aircraft (a emissions averaged ◦ ◦ over longitude 0 4E andand 90 c)E January in ( a and (lefta) column January) (leftand column)(b and d) and July (b (right and d) column July (right). (a) column). and (b) (a)areand the (b)volumeare the volume mixing ratio differences, (nonLTO-CTRL),5 mixing ratio and (c)differenceand (d)s,are (nonLTO percentage - CTRL), differences and (c) to the and background (d) are percentage NOx concentration, differences (nonLTO-CTRL)/(CTRL) to ×100 %. 6 the background NOx concentration, (nonLTO – CTRL)/(CTRL) *100 %. 7 8 important than in9 winter. CAM-chem includes the following To further examine the downward propagation of NOx and reactions. 10 O3 perturbations, we carried out two additional simulations. 11 We added cruise altitude emissions to the model run “CTRL” N O →2HNO (R5) 2 5 123 as forcing for 30 days from the beginning of January and the 13 NO3→HNO3 (R6) beginning of July. Figures 6 and 7 show the downward prop- 14 agation of NOx and O3 perturbations from cruise altitudes NO2→0.5 × (OH15 + NO + HNO3) (R7) 16 down to the planetary boundary layer. The analyses are zon- Under high aerosol concentrations, the heterogeneous reac- ally averaged between 0◦ E and 90◦ E. In Fig. 6, the signals tions listed above can effectively remove NO3 and N2O5 in NOx changes are noticeable only at cruise altitudes show- from the atmosphere even under low OH concentrations and ing higher than 10 pptv of increase. So the NOx perturba- low humidity. Therefore, this set of heterogeneous reactions tion in low troposphere shown in Fig. 5 is not due to vertical can be a key to explain the greater surface perturbations transport, also found in the analyses by Whitt et al. (2011). in January. With low background aerosol concentrations in Figure 7 shows that the O3 perturbation also weakens with the middle troposphere, non-LTO emissions maintain larger decreased altitude. However, compared to its peak perturba- NOx perturbations (Fig. 5) in Europe by limiting the hetero- tion at the mid-latitudes cruise altitude, O3 perturbation does geneous formation of HNO3 more in January compared to not weaken as much as NOx. When O3 is increased by NOx July. Aviation emissions are sources of PM2.5, but the PM2.5 emissions, small portion of the O3 perturbation is transported perturbation due to aviation emissions is three orders of mag- down to the surface. In the boundary layer, O3 perturbation nitude smaller than the background level of PM2.5 both in is between 0.1–0.5 ppbv after Day 20. This O3 perturbation January and July (see later in Fig. 9). So the effects of non- can also result in the small NOx or NOy perturbation in the LTO emissions on the boundary layer NOx and O3 strongly boundary layer by changing the NO-NO2-O3 photostation- depend on the seasonal variation of background aerosols. ary state. Seasonally, due to the difference in background

Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 5505–5522, 2013 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/5505/2013/ H. Lee et al.: Impacts of aircraft emissions on the air quality near the ground 5513

1 2 Figure 6. Propagation of NOx perturbation resulted from suddenly imposed cruise level Fig. 6. Propagation3 emissions of NOx forperturbation 30 days resultedon CTRL from outputs suddenly at imposedthe beginning cruise level of (a) emissions January for and 30 days (b) onJuly. CTRL outputs at the be- ginning of (a) January and (b) July. Perturbations are zonally averaged between longitude 0 ◦ E and 90 ◦ E. Solid lines indicate where the perturbations4 arePerturbations 0.05 ppbv. are zonally averaged between longitude 0°E and 90°E. Solid lines indicate 5 where the perturbations are 0.05 ppbv. 6 aerosols, the perturbations of O3 are slightly greater in the 3.2 Changes in aerosols lower troposphere in January than in July. However, the O3 enhancement of about 0.1 ppbv in January does not have a Figure 8 shows the effects of aircraft emissions on PM2.5 in substantial effect on air quality. the boundary layer. Only statistically significant signals with confidence levels higher than 95 % according to the student t-test for paired samples are color shaded. The perturbation of PM2.5 in July is less than 0.2 % of the background PM2.5 www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/5505/2013/ Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 5505–5522, 2013 5514 H. Lee et al.: Impacts of aircraft emissions on the air quality near the ground

1 2 Fig. 7. Propagation3 Figure of O 37.perturbation Propagation resulted of O from3 perturbation suddenly imposed resulted cruise from level suddenly emissions imposed for 30 days cruise on CTRL level outputs at the beginning of (a) January and (b) July. Only the perturbations larger than 0.1 ppbv are shaded. Perturbations are zonally averaged between longitude ◦ 4 ◦ emissions for 30 days on CTRL outputs at the beginning of (a) January and (b) July. Only 0 E and 905 E.the Solid perturbations lines indicate wherelarger the than perturbations 0.1 ppbv areare 0.5 shaded. and 1 ppbv. Perturbations are zonally averaged 6 between longitude 0°E and 90°E. Solid lines indicate where the perturbations are 0.5 and and quite7 limited 1 ppbv. near the subtropical Atlantic Ocean and the Barrett et al. (2010) for the low and nominal cases may be US west coast (not shown). On the other hand, in January, responsible for the difference. By comparing effects of the −3 PM2.5 increases by about 0.1 ppb (roughly 0.1 µg m ) in the total (Fig. 8a) and non-LTO emissions (Fig. 8b) on PM2.5, it

Midwest and East Coast of the US, in Europe, and in East is obvious that the change in PM2.5 is mainly from non-LTO Asia. This increase is smaller than that shown in Barrett et emissions similar to Barrett et al. (2010). LTO emissions in al. (2010), despite the similarity in the spatial distributions Fig. 8c are not important in terms of aerosol loading in the of PM2.5 perturbations. The larger NOx emissions used in planetary boundary layer both in summer and winter.

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1 2 Figure 8. Differences in the boundary layer PM 2.5 between the control and the Fig. 8. Differences3 simulations in the boundary with layeraircraft PM2 .emissions5 between the in control January. and the(a) simulations [ALL – CTRL with aircraft], (b) emissions[nonLTO in January.– CTRL(a)] [ALL-CTRL], (b) [nonLTO-CTRL]4 and (c) and [ALL(c) [ALL-nonLTO]. – nonLTO]. 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 1 20 2 Figure 9. Latitude-altitude distribution of differences in mass mixing ratio of PM 2.5 Fig. 9. Latitude-altitude3 between distribution CTRL of and differences nonLTO in simulation mass mixings averaged ratio of PMover2. 5longitudebetween between CTRL and 0°E non-LTO and 90°E simulations averaged over longitude between4 0 ◦ Ein and (a) 90January◦ E in and(a) (b)January July. and (b) July.

For a more detailed demonstration, we analyzed the PM2.5 NOx determines the effects of the non-LTO emissions on the ◦ ◦ perturbations zonally averaged between 0 E and 90 E boundary layer PM2.5, rather than directly emitted aerosols (Fig. 9). Near the cruise altitudes, PM2.5 perturbations are from aircraft. Therefore, it is the amount of NOx emissions greater in July than in January, whereas the boundary layer from aircraft that determine the PM2.5 perturbation at the PM increases much more in January than in July. Figure 10 ground. 2.5 shows that the overall PM increases in January are mostly In January, the sulfate production is strong near the cruise 2.5 due to the increased NH4NO3. This result is consistent with altitudes, decreases as altitude decreases and becomes almost Fig. 3 of Barrett et al. (2010). In the wintertime boundary zero near the ground. In contrast, for July, the sulfate aerosols layer, the increased HNO3 that has a longer lifetime than dominate the PM2.5 perturbation. However, the student t-test www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/5505/2013/ Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 5505–5522, 2013

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1 2 Figure 10. Latitude-altitude distribution of differences in [top] ammonium nitrate and Fig. 10. Latitude-altitude3 [bottom] distribution sulfate of between differences the in control [top] andammonium non_LTO nitrate simulation. and [bottom] The differences sulfate between were the control and non-LTO ◦ ◦ simulation. The differences4 averaged were overaveraged longitude over longitude 0°E and 0 90°EE and in (a)90 JanuaryE in (a) (letJanuary column) (let column)and (b) andJuly (b)(rightJuly (right column). 5 column). 6 −3 shows that the resulting7 PM2.5 perturbation, including the for background PM2.5 concentrations lower than 15 µg m . sum of ammonium8 nitrate and sulfate resulting from avia- Thus, it is not clear how these impacts may be applied to in- 9 tion emissions, is not statistically significant at the ground terpret the extremely small PM2.5 perturbations of at most 10 −3 level. The perturbations11 of BC and OC due to non-LTO emis- 0.1 µg m , as shown in Fig. 8. Additionally, a recent study, −3 sions are much12 smaller than NH4NO3 in affecting PM2.5 in Huang et al. (2012), found that an increase of 10 µg m for agreement with Barrett et al. (2010). Therefore, using differ- PM2.5 resulted in an increased risk of mortality of about ent emission indices for SO2 or BC do not affect our results, 0.2 % (in Xian, China where the annual average concen- −3 nor does the hydrophilic assumption for BC and OC. tration of PM2.5 is about 176.7 µg m ). This value is ∼7 The question remains: is this small change in PM2.5, times lower than the 1.5 % reported in Schwartz et al. (2002). mostly in NH4NO3 in winter, really statistically significant? Therefore, we currently concluded The overall impact of avi- Also does the change significantly increase mortality as ation emissions on surface PM2.5 is extremely small so that claimed in Barrett et al. (2010) or not? In regions with heavy mortality cannot be determined from small signal with any air traffic, such as the US and Europe, non-LTO emissions in- certainty. crease PM2.5 by about 0.5 %. Although the perturbations at Another important uncertainty to consider is the back- some grid points are statistically significant based on the stu- ground concentration of NH3. Despite the importance of dent’s t-test, it is hard to say that these aerosol changes that NH3 in evaluating air quality, aerosol formation and acid are smaller than 0.2 µg m−3 and represent 1 % of the back- deposition, there are relatively few reliable observations of ground PM2.5 are meaningful considering the uncertainty of NH3. In addition, most of the available observations were lo- PM2.5 in state-of-the-art models (e.g., uncertainty of PM2.5 cally made and cover only the boundary layer (e.g., Nowak −3 in CMAQ model is 5 µg m in Hogrefe et al., 2007). et al., 2007 and 2010). The retrieved NH3 distribution in Analyses of mortality due to PM2.5 in the previous stud- Clarisse et al. (2009) is the only reliable global map of ies have used different PM2.5 concentration-response func- column NH3, which is based on the Infrared Atmospheric tions, but commonly considered only large changes in PM Sounding Interferometer (IASI) onboard the tropospheric concentrations. For example, Schwartz et al. (2002) found emission spectrometer (TES). We, thus, compared the NH3 −3 −3 that 10 µg m and 20 µg m of PM2.5 concentration dif- column concentration from our simulations with that in ference is associated with 1.5 % death increase. However, in Clarisse et al. (2009) and conducted a sensitivity study to Schwartz et al. (2002), the death increase is not significant demonstrate the role of NH3 in the aviation effects on air

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1 2 Figure 11. Annual averaged NH3 columns in the control simulation. 3 Fig. 11. Annual averaged NH3 columns in the control simulation. 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 1 19 20 2 Figure 12.21 (a) Differences in the boundary layer PM 2.5 due to the doubled NH3 flux Fig. 12. (a) Differences in the boundary layer PM2.5 due to the doubled NH3 flux (ALL2×NH3-CTRL2×NH3-ALL + CTRL) in January. 3 (ALL_2×22 NH 3 - CTRL_2×NH3 – ALL + CTRL) in January. (b) The relative PM 2.5 (b) The relative PM2.5 perturbation23 (ALL2× NH3-CTRL2× NH3)/(ALL-CTRL) ×100 [%].The green contours indicate regions of higher 4 perturbation (ALL_2× NH3 - CTRL_2×NH3) / (ALL - CTRL) * 100 [%].The green than 100 % of PM2.5 differences.24 The green contours indicate regions of higher than 100 % of PM2.5 differences. 5 contours25 indicate regions of higher than 100% of PM 2.5 differences. The green contours 6 indicate regions26 of higher than 100% of PM 2.5 differences. 27 quality.7 The formation28 of sulfate aerosols is preferred over comes substantially larger on the East Coast of the US. In this NH4NO83 (Seinfeld and Pandis, 2006) in CAM-chem. In an region with heavy air traffic, doubled ground NH3 fluxes in- ammonia-poor9 atmosphere, all of the free ammonia is used crease the PM2.5 perturbation by more than 100 % relative to to produce10 sulfate aerosols. the perturbation with reference background NH3 (Fig. 12b). In Fig.11 11, the annual average total column NH3 used in This sensitivity study suggests that one must carefully con- our simulations12 is plotted. Compared to the observed NH3 sider the large uncertainties in background NH3 when evalu- distribution13 in Clarisse et al. (2009), there is overall good ating the aviation effects on surface aerosols. Currently there qualitative14 agreement in the spatial distribution of NH3 be- is no global NH3 observational dataset to validate model sim- tween CAM-chem and IASI. However, some differences are ulated background NH3. Given the imperfect NH3 database 15 found in multiple regions. The NH3 in CAM-chem is not and other uncertainties, such as the assumed emission indices as high as IASI on the West Coast of the US and Central for aerosols from aircraft, there remain substantial questions Asia. The peaks of IASI NH3 in Southern China and South regarding the meaning of the statistically significant signals America are not displayed as clearly as in Fig. 11. There- for the small changes of simulated NOx,O3 and NH4NO3 fore, it should be kept in mind that substantial uncertain- due to non-LTO emissions. ties remain in the background NH3 concentration included Until now, we used the student’s t-test for paired samples in CAM-chem. (as in Barrett et al., 2010) to determine statistical significance To determine whether more abundant NH3 makes a sig- of the monthly averaged perturbations at each grid point of nificant difference in the aviation impacts on PM2.5, the ad- model outputs. Because the student’s t-test only evaluates ditional enhancement of PM2.5 due to doubled NH3 flux is significance of the difference between two mean values, sta- plotted in Fig. 12. The mixing ratio differences of PM2.5 in tistical significance from the t-test does not have any impli- January (ALL 2×NH3–CTRL 2×NH3–ALL + CTRL in Ta- cations in the of extreme high values of PM2.5 that ble 2) on the left panel were divided by the PM2.5 perturba- are our major concern regarding public health. Therefore, a tion in Fig. 8a and plotted on the right panel (Fig. 12b). As more appropriate statistical tool to test the difference in PDFs shown earlier, the non-LTO emissions explain a large portion for a certain region of our interest is applied to determine of the changes in PM2.5; Fig. 12 can be interpreted as the im- significance of aviation emission impacts on occurrence of pacts of non-LTO emissions affected by higher background extreme events. In Fig. 13, the PDFs of daily PM2.5 over ◦ ◦ ◦ NH3. With doubled NH3, the enhancement of PM2.5 be- Europe (15 W–45 E, 35–65 N) and the entire Northern www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/5505/2013/ Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 5505–5522, 2013

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1 2 Figure 13. Probability density functions (PDFs) of the ground PM 2.5 for (a and c) ◦ ◦ Fig. 13. Probability3 densityEurope functions (15°W (PDFs)-45 °E) ofand the (b ground and d) PMthe2 entire.5 for (Northerna and c) EuropeHemisphere (15 W–45in JanuaryE) and[top] (b andand d) the entire Northern Hemisphere in January4 July [top] [bottom]. and July Red [bottom]. and blue Red lines and represent blue lines PDFs represent from runs PDFs with from non runs-LTO with emissions non-LTO and emissions and no aircraft emissions, respectively.5 no aircraft emissions respectively.

Table 3. Empirical p-values for the Hellinger distance to test similarity of PM2.5 PDF with non-LTO emissions and PDF without aircraft emissions as shown in Fig. 13. [Unit is %]. Higher p-values (close to 100) mean better agreement of two PDFs.

Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Europe 99 99.5 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 97.5 87 NH 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100

Hemisphere were compared between two simulations with a robust statistic to test the difference between PDFs. There- non-LTO emissions (red) and without any aviation emissions fore, we calculated p-values to quantitatively test the null hy- (blue). Qualitatively, the two PDFs in each panel of Fig. 13 pothesis, H0: two PDFs are from the same population, using are nearly identical. a bootstrap method (Faraway, 2005) with 1000 times of re- For a quantitative comparison between PDFs, the sampling. The p value is the probability that the calculated Hellinger distance (Tilmes et al., 2012; Lee et al., 2012) was H value occurs under the null hypothesis. When the p value calculated. The Hellinger distance between two probability is smaller than 5 %, the two PDFs are different at confidence density functions of a random variable x, f(x) and g(x), is level of 95 %. When p value is larger than 10 %, differences defined as between two PDFs are not statistically significant. Table 3 Z lists related p-values for similarity between two PDFs in ev- 1 p p 2 0.5 H = [ ( f (x) − g(x)) dx] (1) ery month of the year. With a high confidence level, the four 2 blue and red pairs of PDFs in Fig. 13 are identical to each When the two PDFs (f (x) and g(x) are identical, H is 0. other. Thus, aviation emissions do not cause statistically sig- For two PDFs with no overlap, H becomes 1. The smaller nificantly changes in the distribution of surface PM2.5 in ei- H values, the more similar two PDFs are. However, since H ther January or July. values depend on the interval of the PDF bins, H alone is not

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Table 4. Frequency of higher daily averaged PM2.5 than 10–50 ppbm in two simulations with and without FAA/AEDT aviation emissions. The numbers are from daily data over Europe (15◦ W–45◦ E, 35–65◦ N), contiguous US (120–60◦ W, 30–50◦ N) and East Asia (100–150◦ E, 20–45◦ N) in January.

PM2.5 [ppbm] (approximate Europe (400 grid points × 31 days) East Asia (294 grid points × 31 days) US (300 grid points × 31 days) concentration in µg m−3) with FAA/AEDT without aviation with FAA/AEDT without aviation with FAA/AEDT without aviation emissions emissions emissions emissions emissions emissions >10 5665 5660 3869 3858 2362 2350 (12) >20 3215 3209 1516 1513 409 406 (24) >30 1730 1729 467 464 5 5 (36) >40 788 786 140 138 0 0 (48) >50 319 320 43 39 0 0 (60)

We further examined aviation impacts on PM2.5 using fects of non-LTO emissions on NOx and O3 in the bound- the FAA/AEDT emissions dataset. Even with 30 % larger ary layer. The sensitivity of vertical propagation processes to NOx emissions, the PM2.5 perturbations in this simulation background aerosol concentrations has the potential to be- are only slightly larger than found with the 1999 emissions come a useful tool to compare and evaluate different chem- (not shown). Aviation emissions still do not make statistically istry models to be used to simulate aviation impacts on air ◦ significant changes to the PDF of PM2.5 in Europe (15 W- quality. 45◦ E, 35-65◦ N), contiguous US (120–60◦ W, 30–50◦ N) and Non-LTO aircraft emissions cause an overall global in- ◦ ◦ East Asia (100–150 E, 20–45 N). Table 4 compares the fre- crease in O3 both in January and July. However, the O3 per- quency of high PM2.5 occurrences over the three regions be- turbations are smaller in July so that the contribution of avi- tween the two runs with and without FAA/AEDT aviation ation emissions to summer time O3 near the ground can be emissions for January. Considering the total number of data negligible in terms of air pollution. In January, aircraft emis- used here (31 daily values from 400, 294 and 300 grid points sions lead to decreases in NOy by 1–2 % in the US East covering Europe, East Asia and the US, respectively), it is Coast, Europe and East Asia, whereas NOy is slightly in- clear that neither non-LTO nor LTO emissions result in more creased by aircraft emissions in July. Similar to O3, the sig- frequent PM2.5 concentrations higher than the EPA standard nal of the NOy perturbation in July is smaller than in January. −3 (35 µg m ) for 24 h average. Heterogeneous reactions and NO3 radical are important in removing the NOx perturbation in winter. Because NOx is a major source of O3 in the troposphere, the negative NOx 4 Conclusions perturbation limits the O3 perturbation in winter. Similar to Barrett et al. (2010), the secondary aerosol per- In this study, the effects of aircraft emissions on boundary turbations due to non-LTO aviation emissions were found to layer air quality have been examined by comparing and an- have statistically significant signals at some grid points in alyzing simulation results from the CAM-chem chemistry- the US, Europe and East Asia. HNO3 increases due to avi- transport model. The air quality impacts were evaluated from ation emissions lead to formation of NH4NO3 in the win- the differences of O3, NOy and PM2.5 concentrations be- tertime boundary layer. The low temperature and relatively tween a baseline control simulation without aviation emis- large NOy perturbation in January provides a favorable con- sions and the simulations with the total or partial aircraft dition to increase NH4NO3 aerosols. However, the NH4NO3 emissions. We separated effects of the total aviation emis- perturbations are too small to be meaningful relative to state- sions into LTO and non-LTO emissions and found that non- of-the-art models’ uncertainty. In addition, considering the LTO emissions do have a small effect on NOy,O3 and PM2.5 critical role of NH3 in the formation of NH4NO3, more de- concentrations in the boundary layer. However, these effects tailed global observations of NH3 are needed for evaluation are too small to meaningfully affect air quality. of models before one can make meaningful statements about The vertical propagation of perturbations due to non-LTO the PM2.5 change resulting from aviation emissions. emissions is influenced by heterogeneous reactions occurring Our quantitative comparison of the PM2.5 PDFs indi- on aerosols. This highlights the importance of having accu- cates that using either the Boeing 1999 or the FAA/AEDT rate vertical distributions of background aerosol to assess the 2006 aviation emissions do not make statistically signifi- air quality impacts of non-LTO emissions. Additionally in- cant changes in the overall simulated distributions of surface creased aerosols in the future could further weaken the ef- www.atmos-chem-phys.net/13/5505/2013/ Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13, 5505–5522, 2013 5520 H. Lee et al.: Impacts of aircraft emissions on the air quality near the ground

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