Minority Women and Feminist Spirituality the Politics of Pastoral

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Minority Women and Feminist Spirituality the Politics of Pastoral VOWME • 67 an ecumenical journal NUMBER • 2 THEof social concern publication. Minority Women and Feminist Spirituality and Pauli Murray reuse for The Politics of Pastoral Care William Stringtellow required Holistic Scripture: New Lectionaries Permission David Ross DFMS. / Church Episcopal the of Archives 2020. Copyright Letters sage of the Incarnation is disturbing, Dangerous Precedent Editorial High Point especially in the light of persecution and THE WITNESS rightly labeled the Your editorial, "Blessed Are the Peace- hate. Ask St. Paul after Damascus. Ask United States "the Herod of imperial- makers" (December WITNESS) was a gay Christians today. ism, cutting off new governments before high point in good writing, maintaining To be Christ-like, the church should they have had a chance to develop," in your "right on target" prophetic tradition. no longer tolerate the prosecution of its December editorial relating to Grenada. We need your voice. I'm enclosing gift any of its children. Like Jesus, who Much has been written about the events subscriptions for some of my friends never put labels on anyone for their leading to the killing of Prime Minister who will be grateful for that voice and sexuality, we need to nurture, feed, Maurice Bishop and the subsequent who will help to assure that it continues share and love all our brothers and military invasion of Grenada. to get a wider audience. publication. sisters. But the new element was the so-called James B. Guinan Roberta Nobleman and "invitation" by members of the Organi- Deerfield, Va. Dumont, N.J. zation of Eastern Caribbean States reuse (OECS) to the United States and other for non-members to participate in the inva- Jesus Not a Murderer Granada Address sion. This was in violation of the very In the November issue of THE WITNESS I am very much interested in obtaining the addresss of Dorothy Granada about required articles of the OECS itself, and of inter- there is a so-called poem by Jim Janda national law as well. titled, "Jesus Feeds the Multitudes." whom THE WITNESS wrote in Novem- ber ("38-Day Fast for Life Ends With This revised application of the Monroe While Janda is obviously trying to Communion"). She ran our St. Luke's Doctrine constitutes a dangerous prece- underline the attitude of many of our Hospital School of Nursing in Puerto Permission dent with serious implications for Latin church-going citizens, and I will admit Rico in the middle 1940's, and over the America as a whole and Central America that there are many of these Christians years we lost touch with each other. in particular. It allows members of a that feel great anathema insofar as DFMS. / Now that I have "found her again," I regional security organization, enjoined homosexuals and homosexuality are would like to say, "Que tal, como estas?" and convinced by the United States, to concerned, I feel that Janda's placing You publish an excellent magazine Church invade a third nation, regardless of the Our Lord Jesus in the role of a murderer and you have championed the cause of internal situation in the latter, and in is disgusting and even blasphemous. Hispanics under official persecution. violation of that nation's sovereignty Surely the editors of THE WITNESS For that we praise you. and international law. can provide their readers with articles, Episcopal The Rt. Rev. Francisco Reus-Froylan The action coincides with the revival poetry and the like, which have a real the Bishop of Puerto Rico and positive Christian basis, and not the of of the Central American Defense Com- Several readers have written requesting mittee (CONDECA), by Guatemala, El kind of tripe that calls Jesus a murderer. Dorothy Granada's address. She can be Salvador, and Honduras at the instiga- Charles D. Cor win reached through Fast for Life, 4848 E. Archives tion of the United States, to resolve the Colonial Beach, Va. 14th St., Oakland, CA 94601. — Eds. Central American crisis through the 2020. military. It is now possible for example, Frightening Parody that El Salvador might call upon its J. Janda's "Jesus Feeds the Multitudes" Fox Called 'Disloyal' allies in Central America and the United is unthinkable, offensive, shocking — I am flattered by the prominent play Copyright States to resolve its internal crisis mil- yes indeed. The poem is a horrifying, which THE WITNESS accorded me itarily, or for Honduras to invite the frightening kind of parody. and the message I wrote when I resigned United States, through CONDECA, to What if the prodigal son, returning my commission as Captain in the U.S. invade Nicaragua. I believe that it is Army Reserves. I am grateful to you for against these possibilities that public home to his father, found him waiting, whip in hand? What if Jesus made a helping me make the most of this one- opinion must analyze and judge the time podium to express my feelings on Grenada episode. scourge and turned it on the children, instead of the money changers? What if our country's outrageous behavior in The Rt. Rev. Antonio Ramos one substitutes the word "gay" for Central America. (See December National Council of Churches Samaritan? WITNESS.) New York, N.Y. The message of the Cross, the mes- Continued on page 22 en ecumenical journal of social concern THE WITNESS THE EDITOR Mary Lou Suhor SENIOR CONTRIBUTING EDITOR Robert L. DeWitt CONTRIBUTING EDITORS Richard W. Gillett Hugh C. White publication. and STAFF Ann Hunter reuse Bonnie Pierce-Spady for Susan Small Lisa Whelan Table of Contents required Minority Women and Feminist Spirituality PUBLISHER Pauli Murray Episcopal Church Publishing Company Holistic Scripture Permission 1O David F. Ross ECPC BOARD OF DIRECTORS The Politics of Pastoral Care DFMS. / CHAIR 12 William Stringfellow H. Coleman McGehee We Win the War, Lose Our Souls Church VICE-CHAIR Mattie Hopkins 16 Michael Parenti SECRETARY Walesa, Socialism & Christianity Gloria Brown Episcopal TREASURER 18 Jacques Ellul the of Carman St. J. Hunter In Celebration of Commitment ASSISTANT TREASURER 21 Robert Cromey Robert Eckereley Archives Otis Charles 2020. Steven Guerre Carter Heyward James Lewis v_>l CCJ1 lo Cover, Beth Seka, adapted from a design by Margaret Longdon; photo p. Copyright Joseph A. Pelham 5, © Janet Charles; graphic p. 7, Rachel Burger, CPF; graphic p. 11, Margaret Longdon; Robert Potter graphic p. 16, Julie Baxendell; graphics pp. 18-19, courtesy of Solidarity International, via Antonio Ramos Katallegete, CPO 2307, Berea, Ky. 40404; photo of Dr. McClintock p. 20, David Micklos, Kwasi Thomell Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; graphic p. 21, Margaret Longdon. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR THE WITNESS is published monthly. Editorial office: P.O. Box 359, Ambler, PA 19002. Phone Barbara C. Harris (215)643-7067. Subscription rates $ 12 per year. $ 1 per copy. THE WITNESS is indexed in the American Theological Library Association's Religion Index One: Periodicals. Copyright 1984 by the Episcopal Church Publishing Company. Printed in U.S.A. ISSN 0197-8896. Editorial The Judas Generation by Henry H. Rightor publication. and Guest writer for this month's editorial is the Rev. Henry H. Rightor, J.D., D.D., Professor Emeritus of Pastoral Care and Canon Law at reuse Virginia Theological Seminary, Alexandria. He practiced as an attor- for ney and served as a representative in the Arkansas State Legislature prior to ordination. required e in the Western religious tra- bol for us to apply it to our whole disposed to repent our stockpiling W dition have always made asso- generation. There is, however, of nuclear weapons, the Judas ciations with certain symbols taken precedent of a kind in Jesus' per- story tells us how not to repent and Permission from Scripture. When we have sonalizing a whole generation as to whom we should not give over behaved badly, Peter has often "wicked and adulterous," and then the profits from their manufacture. DFMS. / given us hope and an understand- contrasting them with the people For our basic betrayal has been of ing of ourselves; if a friend has had of Ninevah who heeded Jonah's the responsibility given us by God. Church doubts, Thomas has been useful to call to repentance. Therefore, our repentance should us; many of our well loved com- be to God, and whatever "silver" munities have been named Salem. Identifying our generation we might have (from our profits or with Judas could awaken us to the Episcopal the disposition of arms, the plants It would not come easily, how- iniquity implicit in arming for that manufacture nuclear arms, the ever, for people in the Christian nuclear warfare. God has made us of etc.) should be given to God's tradition to identify themselves or responsible for creation; and it needy children here and around the their generation with Judas — does not overstretch my imagina- world. Archives Judas who destroyed himself after tion to relate Judas' betrayal of our The alternative to such repent- he had betrayed our Lord for Lord to the steps we are taking ance and restoration is clear in the 2020. money, then repented, not to Jesus toward the betrayal of our respon- story of Judas, who went out and but to the chief priests who first sibility through the destruction of hanged himself. This is the first had bribed him, and then spurned God's people and God's world. Copyright generation that has had the means him and the silver he returned. Identification of our generation of destroying itself, along with its It would require considerable with Judas could awaken us in world. Pray God that we may "reorientation" of the Judas sym- another way. Should we become change our present path. • publication. and reuse for required Permission DFMS.
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