Definitional Struggles, Field Assemblages, and Capital Flows: A

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Definitional Struggles, Field Assemblages, and Capital Flows: A 博士学位論文(東京外国語大学) Doctoral Thesis (Tokyo University of Foreign Studies) 氏 名 カリール ダフビー 学位の種類 博士(学術) 学位記番号 博甲第 301 号 学位授与の日付 2020 年 9 月 15 日 学位授与大学 東京外国語大学 博士学位論文題目 定義を巡る闘争、界群、および資本の流れ―独立後のモロッコとチュニ ジアの国家の比較社会生成分析― Name Dahbi, Khalil Name of Degree Doctor of Philosophy (Humanities) Degree Number Ko-no. 301 Date September 15, 2020 Grantor Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, JAPAN Title of Doctoral Definitional Struggles, Field Assemblages, and Capital Flows: Thesis A Comparative Sociogenesis of Post-Independence States in Morocco and Tunisia Definitional Struggles, Field Assemblages, and Capital Flows: A Comparative Sociogenesis of Post-Independence States in Morocco and Tunisia A DISSERTATION SUBMITTED IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Khalil Dahbi June 2020 Tokyo University of Foreign Studies © Khalil Dahbi All Right Reserved, 2020 Table of Contents Acknowledgments ............................................................. i Abstract ............................................................................ ii Note on Transliteration and Translation: ....................... iii Key Abbreviations: ......................................................... iv Part I: Introduction ............................................................... 1 1. Aims and Goals: ....................................................... 6 2. Literature Review: .................................................. 15 a) Approaches to the State and Authoritarianism…15 b) Bourdieusian Field Theory and the State………19 c) Geographies of State power and the Topological approach:…………………………………………....36 3. Theoretical Framework .......................................... 40 4. Methodology and Sources ...................................... 44 5. Outline of the Dissertation: .................................... 46 Part II: Emergence ............................................................. 50 Chapter 1: Morocco:....................................................... 51 1. Independence and Early Rivalries……………..52 2. Main Actors: Positions, Habitus, and Ressources…………………………………………55 3. Institutionalization Attempt: The new settlement and Politics under the 1962 Constitution .......................................................... 76 4. The death throes of the first institutionalization attempt ............................................................................................................ 104 Chapter 2: Tunisia: ....................................................... 117 1. The Autonomy Agreements and Early Independence Era ............................................................................................ 117 2. Constitutional Assembly and the Path to Institutionalized Hegemony ............................................................................ 134 Chapter 3: Analysis ...................................................... 149 1. Emergence of the Political Field .............................................................. 149 2. Beyond the political field: Interfield relations and definitional struggles ...................................................................................... 165 Part III: Transformations.................................................. 173 Chapter 4: The Era of Personalized Rule ..................... 174 1. Collapse and Personalization: The Shrinking Political Field .................................................................................................. 174 2. A limited reemergence of political capital? The 1966 Professional and Trade Chambers elections .......................................... 185 3. Reshaping the social space: Islamisation and Arabisation of the Educational system ........................................................... 192 4. The 1969 Communal Elections ................................................................ 195 5. The Constitutionalization of Personal rule: Two Constitutions, Two Failed Coups. .................................................................. 198 6. Increased Repression and the Sahara Patriotic Card ................................................................................................................. 215 7. Emergence of the “Radical” leftist movements: ...................................... 219 8. Continuing Monarchy-Koutlah negotiations: .......................................... 220 9. The Emergence of Islamist Actors:.......................................................... 229 10. The Electoral application of the 1972 Constitution: A controlled return of political competition ..................................................................................................... 241 11. Economic crisis, Liberal reforms and the Weakening of Political Consensus ................................................................. 263 Chapter 5: Settling the field: Processes of cooptation and “Alternance.” .................................................................... ..284 1. Increased Neoliberal reforms and Traditional revival (1985-1988) ........................................................................................ 284 2. Bouabid’s succession, the new Koutlah, and the 1992 Constitution............................................................................................ 302 3. Fluctuations towards the 1996 constitutional reform and the second alternance attempt ...................................................... 318 4. Liminal Developments on the left, the Islamist, and the social and associative fields ............................................................... 331 5. The campagne d’assainissement and its effects: ...................................... 340 6. From the Opposition to the Government: The Alternance and its effects ................................................................................ 346 7. Composition of the Alternance government: ........................................... 353 Chapter 6: Analysis ...................................................... 361 1. The Political field under the state of exception period (1965-1971) ......................................................................................... 361 2. The Attempted Coups of 1971 and 1972 and their consequences .................................................................................................. 375 3. Religious Field and Islamism................................................................... 380 4. The 1975 Truce ........................................................................................ 383 5. Leftist radical groups: .............................................................................. 387 6. The Neoliberal Turn and its Effects ......................................................... 389 Conclusions: ..................................................................... 396 Bibliography: ................................................................... 407 Acknowledgments First and foremost, I would like to thank all those who supported me through all the many years this endeavor required. Particular thanks and appreciation go to my supervisor, Professor Yasuyuki Matsunaga, for his constant support, encouragement, and guidance. I am also thankful to Professors Hidemitsu Kuroki, Professor Hiroyuki Aoyama, Masato Iizuka from TUFS, and Professor Keiko Sakai from Chiba University for being part of my committee; and to Ishida-san for her assistance with all the administrative aspects of my many years at TUFS, as well as to Umeda-san from the International Student office. I must also thank my parents for their unfaltering support and encouragement throughout my studies. Finally, I would be remiss if I did not express my gratitude to all of my friends for their camaraderie and support, especially Makiko Nambu, Milutin Rajkovic, and Olfa Ben Said. This dissertation might not have been possible without the above. Any shortcomings are, of course, entirely my own.. i Abstract This dissertation is an attempt at introducing a new approach to the study of the emergence and transformations of authoritarian states, and to provide a better account of the sociogenesis of the authoritarian State in Morocco and Tunisia. To do so, it analyzes the cases of post-independence Morocco and Tunisia, investigating them through a theoretical framework that builds principally upon Pierre Bourdieu’s insights on the State. Using the notion of political field as an analytical point of entry, this study attempts to analyze the emergence of the political and its development in each case, while also avoiding the reification pitfalls associated with the adoption of more politically loaded and emergent analytical categories. It also strives to include both the material and symbolic levels of analysis, along with their mutually-constitutive interplay, within the scope of its analysis and the explanatory account it produces. Therefore, instead of starting with an inferred category such as “an authoritarian political system” or a specific emergent regime type and investigating its ‘ingredients’ retrospectively, this dissertation tries to focus on the interplay of factors that ends up taking that specific form. This is pursued through a sociogenetic tracing of the processes which brought the State into existence and perpetuated it as this sort of holistic entity, as a bank of both physical and symbolic violence in the Bourdieusian sense. It also attempts to highlight the contingent and emergent nature of the object as a product resulting from the
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